'Buy or Sell Quickly by Using Herald Classified Ads BUSINESS , OPPORTUNITIES WANTED REAL ESTATE LOTS FOR SALE FURNISHED ROOMS AUTOMOTIVEAUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE for cash best payi g WANTED—To hear from owner NICE, COOL bedroom la private Radio Features flour, feed and seed business in the having farm in Texas, for sale suit- home for Today’s gentleman. m st. Valley. Established 21 years. Own- able for general farming. Write Splendid Apartment Charles. Phone 552. JUNE 22 D-I24 SUNDAY, MAKE er old, wants to retire. Stock, fix- me full description and price. John House Site (Bv The Associated Press) tures r d building about $90)0. D. Baker, First National Bank Bldg., M. otherwise indicated. ROOM i BOARD in Central Standard lima. P. unless Write T. H Poag, Mercedes, Texas. Texas. D-177 Procram* Dallas, Here's about as good an Invest- D-89 454.3—WEAF New York—660 (NBC Chain) ment to be found to Browns- HOLLINGSWORTH Hotel — Now WWJ WANTED TO BUY—A few choice |.«L_v,inr RnTt'AK* Theater Family. Louise Bave. Soprano—Also WGY FOR ville. On boulevard, two blocks located at 1308 Adams. Room and WOAI WSMB KSTP WIBO WEBC YOUR VACATION SALE—Indiana cafe; located well located 5 to 20 acres and more, WSAI KSD WFJC WHAS WTAM school. One board, WJDX WKT KTHS at highway intersection in Harlin- citrus soil. Also have from city block, family style table. D-48 WIOD W MC WSB .. *- W8M WDAF exchanges. will sell Time • SO—Choral Orchestra with Gitla Erstmn—Also WGY WFJC WWJ WSAI gen; good lease; cheap rent; good Realtor, P. O. Box 211, Lincoln. part. payments WSB WSMB WKY KTHS can be KSD TOD WHAS WEBC WMC reasons for selling. at cafe. Nebr. arranged. Bee WJDX WTAM KSTP WIBO WFAA WOC Apply D-170 KPRC WOAI WTMJ _ JESSE DENNETT. Owner. KSD WHAS W’KY WSAI WFJC W’SB WMC WHILE ■D-176 7:00—Our Government—Also WORTH 1222 Classified WTUJ WOW VOAIWWJ WSMB WJDX WIOD KVOO WOC WEBC WANTED—Citrus lind improved or Washington, Business KSTP 7:15—Half Hour Concert— A!so WGY WTAM WWJ WSAI KSD WOW upimproved. Address D162, care Brownsville. WSM WMC WFAA KPRC Partner Wanted KOA KSL KFI KGW KOMO KPO KHQ Herald. D162 A129 Directory WSMB WHAS WGN WSB WOC For WOAI WKY __ A GOOD Used Car. one of the finest and most KSL KPO KGW WGY 7:45—In the Time of Roses—Women’* Octet—KQA Buy remunerative WSMB businesses in Ameri- REAL ESTATE WWJ WSAI KSD WOW WTMJ KSTP WE§1C WOC WHAS HOUSES FOR SALE WTMJ WEBC ca. The man I • :15—Champions Orch.—Also WGY WTAM WWJ WGX KSTP Those Priceless Vacation want must be full BUILDERS—CONTRACTORS KOA KGO KGW KOMO KFI KHQ WOW WDAF KSD WOC Enjoy fledged business man, honest, and WOW WKY WW.l 9:45—Sundav at S*th Parker's—Also W’HAS WFJC WJAX to .... Get Out Where You Can willing work. The proposition INVESTIGATE HEARTSEASE WGY KOA KGO WIOD WMC WSB WEBC KGW KY’W WSM WTAM Days WOC WTMJ requires $5000.00 which will be KSrP KSD WDAF WSMB KPRC WAPI KOMO KHQ Winter and summer home to one. PROCTER, DUDLEY & »:15—Russian Choir—Also WGY KSTP WEBC KOA WOW WTAM WWJ Have the BEST and Swing- handled by the investor. This is Fishing Magic Valley, Lower Rio Qrande. FERGUSON WKY _ worth while your investigation. 9:45—Sam Herman-Also WWJ WOW WFJC KOA W’EBC WOC-WHO Beautiful two-story brick, 7-rooms .... See NEW .... Write for appointment. Box D-181 SUMMIT PLACE New York—860 Chain) ing Country and bath. Natural gas. double gar- 348.6—WABC (CBS Herald. D-181 General Contractors WADC WKP.C WGHP WFBM KMOX KOIL THEN INVEST servant s Corner lot 8:45—Dr. Julius Klein-Also Breathe the Air of the age, quarters. 528 Washington St. Phone (BT WISN WCCO W1BW WMT WFIW WDOD KLRA KbJF KLZ Invigorating KMBC In Brownsville’s new business and 100x120. 12 stately palms. Heart of KDYL KHJ KFRC KVI KFPY WNAX W DAY FCR SALE—McAllen Brownsville, Texas __ tourist park. Brownsville. V WGHP WKBN WFBM REAL Outdoors. sub-division, located Owner going on ex- 9:00—Maybew Lake s Band-Alao WADC * Retiring from business. No trade. residential KOIL KMBC WISN WCC09WSI UW.MT WBRC W FIW \\ DOD one tended journey. Reasonable price. KMu\ Mrs. A A. Cornell, owner, McAllen. on 13th and 14th streets, KLRA KFJF KLZ KHJ KVI KFPY WNAX WDA Y One of Our Guaranteed Used Cars Write Box 1217, Brownsvile, Tex- WOWO__ Texas. D163 mile from Gateway Bridge, oo Floor Tile Tile 9:30—11 V. Kaltenborn Edits the News—Also WADC WKRO WMAQ as. D155 Mantels KMOX KOIL KMBC W’CCO WSPD the main thoroughfare leading WOWO WFBM Will Furnish 6:45—Chi li Sale—Also WADC W HK WKRC WGHP WTAItT Dependable Transporta- FOR SALE—Ladies to the proposed ship channel Wall Tile Tile W WSPD WMT WGST WBRC WFIW ready-to-wear Drain Boards WBBM KMOX KOIL KMBC ISN rich .... shop. In one of the best towns in municipal airport, farming WDOD WREO WDSU W’RR KFJF KTSA KTRII KOL tion Anywhere You Want to Go Estimate.' given cheerfully. W’HK WKRC W’GHP the Stock El Jardm. and Boca YOUR HOME m 7:00—Theater of the Air. Variety Program—Also WADC Valley. Is new and clean. district of Wm. M WOWO Wl mi WBBM KMOX KOIL KMBC WISN WCCO WMBW’ KFH And When You Get Back You'll Have Good reasons for selling. Address Chics Beach Easy terms. Ten Cameron Sc Co., Inc. WSPD WBRC WOOD WREC WLAC WDSU KRLD KLRA KFJF Attractive .new modern tile D147, care Brownsvile Herald. D147 cent down, balance 5 year* to Harlingen 490 W KT>A KLZ KOVL, KHJ KFRC KOIN KVI KFPY per stucco: built for comfort; spa- Phone WOWO WBBM KMOX the Satisfaction that Comes from 427. 9:00—Will Rogers—.m WADC W’HK WKRC WGHP pay. Jesse Dennett, phone cious porches; southeast expos- KOIL WCCO WSPD WBRC WLAC KRLD KLZ KDYL KHJ KMBC Brownsville. Texas. ure. See it today. Call 985 CHIROPRACTORS KFRC KOIN KFPY KTRH KOL Carefree Rest.... And You Will Still W, «:S0—Around the Samovar—Also WADC W’HK WKRC WKBN WSPD WDOD Rooming House R. R. Ragan, builder. D-169 8:30—Motor Club—Only to WOWO WBBM KMOX KOIL KSCJ KMBC W’CCO Have a Car Good for Thousand Good paying business twenty beds W’lBW WMT KRLD KLRA KFJF WNAX Many and modern fur- want be DR. W. S. HAMEL 9:00— Bark Hnme Hour. Rev. Churchill—Also WGHP WKBN WFBM WCCO living apartment THINGS you don’t may SACRIFICE: Well located 4-room KLZ KVI KFPY Miles More. nished complete. Nice house and to some one else. List WISN WSPD WMT W’FIW WDOD KLRA KFJF of value house with large sleeping porch, 10)00—Choral Islanders; Midnight Melodies—WADC W’GHP WKBN W’FBM long lease. Good reasons for selling. them in these classified columns to- Chiropractor WIBW WMT WGST WBRC large double garage with concrete PALMER GRADUATE KOIL KMBC WISN WCCO KFH WSPD | The L'sed Cars We Are Are 1109 Dunlap Ave., Mission, Texas. day and have the cash tomorrow. WDOD WREC KFJF KLZ KDYL KVI KFPY WNAX WDAY (KRLD Offering floor, cement tidewalk; on paving 15 Years Experience with East front 394.5—WJZ New York—760 (NBC Chain) .... pavement paid; lot, Arcade Bldg. Phone MS 1 Your Own HERALD Classified ads -re bargain 8:30—Koestner** Orchestra—Also WJR W’GN KW’K KOA KSL WT.W WREN Exceptional Bargains all for only $2500.00. S. C. Graham of Brownsville. Texas 6:00— Melodies bv Mixed Quartet—Also WKY WJR KW’K WREN W’FAA Suburban counter* for thousands Valley & Co., Phone 179. Brownsville, Tex- KOA Will Tell YomSo When Chicago KPRC WOAI WHAS WSM WTMJ KSTP KDKA WJAX WMC Judgement people every day. as. D144 KYW WEBC WIOD KTHS WSMB KPO KOMO KFI KGW’ KSL WJDX OWNER MOVING to Valley will DRAY—TRANSFER You Them .... in or KHQ WCKY WSB W’API KFAB KFSD KTAR See Come Today accept Valley property in exchange «:15—Spanish Melodies—Also KDKA KOA KPO KGW RENTAL for his $30,000.00 Oak 6:30—Goldman Band—Also KDKA KOA KPO KGW KOMO KHQ WJR KSL This equity in Mason Transfer & 7:15— Gather Ye Rosebuds”—Also KDKA WJR KYW WKY WREN Evening. Park, Illinois, business 8 property, FOR RENT OR LEASE—Modern store 7:45—Shakespearean Hour—"Twelfth Night"—Also KDKA miles west of ONE-ACRE Chicago loop in cen- on Elizabeth street. Fixtures can be Grain Co. 8:45—South Sea Islanders. Native Orchestra—Also KDKA WREN WJR THESE WONT LAST LONG String ter of suburban area of at a 9:15—Nocturne, Instrumental Trio—Also WREN trading 250,- bought bargain. Plenty of parking 000 Good location. 9:30—Reminlscenses by Male Quartet (30m.)—Also WREN KWK KDKA 1928 Hudson Sedan population. A. L. Thomas, 113 N. space. WaUter-Craig BONDED WAREHOUSE B241 Oak Park Avenue, Oak Park, Illi- Company. SEEDS OP ALL KINDS CENTRAL CLEAR CHANNEL STATIONS nois. HOMESITES 1928 Pontiac Sedan D157 THE SOUTHERN Realty Company Light and Heavy Hauling 293 9—KYW Chicago—1020 Cincinnati—700 WE MOVE ANY-MNO 428.3—WL)^ LIVESTOCK AND can rent furnished and unfurnish- 5:00—Orchestra; Feature *:3n—Orch : Feat.; Orchestra 1928 Sedan POULTRY Modern conveniences: planted 1105 Adams. Dodge Victory ed houses and apartments TO Phone lit 8:00—Same as WJZ (1»4 hra.) »:1.WWLW Concert Hour to the finest of citrus trees; ad- you 7:45—Hour of Orchestras 9:15—Variety Programs (214 hra.) REDUCED PRICES CERTIFIED and FOR you.
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