Rresiiits • :1S—Mm*
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Phone 8 Closing Hours WEEK DAYS —- 10 A. M. For Quickest Results SUNDAYS: — 4 P, M. Saturday LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT Today’s Radio Features ance with the precisions of the Employment city zoning law and the city charter HELP WANTED Classified Business Directory WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17 (Central Standard Time) and of said order of the city com- SOLICITOR, and no- P. M. unless Indicate'). Programs subject to chans-' by stations. mission, to all citizens of Browns- city vicinity, (By The Associated Press) to sell, commission None WNAX KFH KFJF KRLD KTFJH ville, to all non-resident owners of thing only. OFFICE FCRMTI RK OFFICE FITEMTI RK 4M.3—WEAF (NBC)—660 KTSA KOH KFPY KDYL but high class man with good re- — in the of — property situated city 1:00—Science Speak*—WEAK 0:20 Sam Lamn'i Orchestra AV ferences need apply. Give address W AD1’ W1IK WKRC WXTZ WSP1 to all owners of pro- rRESIIITS • :1S—Mm*. Alda—Alan WTAM WOT Brownsville, and phone number in first letter. • 30—Gene WR K' WLAC* WDSU WISN WOWO situated in the ol Browns- Au*tm, Songs—WEAK perty city PI BETTER COMPLETE Back Of WFBM W'M'j WCCO KSCJ WMT Write 12 Herald. P112 the Nrv*i-Also WSAI ville who may be absent from the Our Want-Ad Service is like 'KOA WOC WEXR WDAF KSD and KMO\ KMIiC KOIL KFJF KRLE OFFICE KTSA WACO KM t and roast and to all other owners, lien TV ATI ON stock coast city, a Switch Board. 81 WANTED w / C:45 — The Bon Bon* — Al«n community •«»— Bobby Jonea — Alan WTAM WBCM holders, lease holders and other FURNITURE W OOD WREC WISN WWJ WSAI WIBO KSD WOC WOW WDSU WTAC interest what- POSITION WANTED fteno- I WFBM KSCJ WMT KMBC WNAX persons having any You transmit your desires to by Motte Co>**ert*i Op WHAS WSM WMC WSB In and WXCIX* WF.VA WOAI KOA I KFJF KRLD KTRH KTSA soever in or on property situated '►rarher experienced legal To Settve You KSL WGY a J — Herald Ad-Taker, that ad Box jRVl KSTP WEHC W 1 >AY KFYR 9:00—Don Bigelow Orchestra Alsr in the city of Brownsville, that sanking work Address P. O. wbcm wspd wood wrec wdsi; I WfflvlB WDAF KTHS \\ KY and cnjtrt might be affected by said ordin- j57. Brownsville. PR4 Questel — Aim WTAM ! WISN WTAU WFBM WCCO KSCJ forms the connection be- w§AI KSD WOW WMT KMOX KOIL KFJF ance and said zoning and map WSM WMC WSB i WNAX plan WANTED-Carpenter work, paint- W’OAI KKL and enast KRLD KTRH KTSA WACO KOH of the city of Brownsville, to be tween you and a special • :SO—Shilkret Orch — Alan WSAI KSD KFPV KFRO KDVL KLZ ing cr anything in building line. and before the com- — — appear city WOW WTAM KOA KVOO WKAA 9:15 Pryor’s Band Only WBCM group of interested Will give estimate or work by day Call WOAI mission at said in parties. WKY KSI* WGY WGM WE PC WLAP WDOD WRFO WLAC WBRC public hearing O. E. Taylor. 437 Tenth St. Phone 'Phone\ WDAF WHO WWJ KSTP WTMJ WDSI’ WISN WOWO WFBM on the and most WTAQ the city hall beginning July quickest direct 1472. Pi03 Us . WDAY kfyk W M A WCCO KSCJ WMT KMOX Q D at 7 30 m. and — 14th, A 1931, p. 7;0&—Old Counsellor Alan WGY I KMBC KLRA WNAX KOIL WIBW contrct with results. KOA KSI* WSAI KSD WOC WOW KFJF WRR KTRH KTSA WACO and to shojw cause, if any there might SALESMEN-AGENTS Today/ WWJ WSMB KPRI WOAI WTAB I roast be. why said proposed zoning or- KSTP KYW WHAS WSM WMC W.V. 9:30—The Quarter-Hour—Only WDOD IS a world satisfaction dinance and zoning THERE of WTAM and coast WRE ; WLAC plan should WN’OX WBRO WDSU and an old 7:30—Oliva Palmet—Al*n WGY WSAI WISN WCCO KSCJ KMOX KLRA not b“ adopted by the City of advantage Tepresentlng SWEEPING COMPOl’ND SWEEPING COHPOrvn WON KSD WOC WOW \\ SMli line reserve Texas company. WTMJ I WNAX KOIL WIBW KF7F Will’. Brownsville as a (July and legally leagl HTP WHAS WSM WMC WD\F KTRH KTSA WACO KOI. KVI KFPV Wanted /. vreacntative m Browns- WHO WSP WOAI constituted plan and ordinance. At KOA KSL WTAM KOIN KFRC KHJ KDVL KLZ WFBM ville. district KVOO WKAA < < Instructions, leads, an-1 avt — all in- E ’such Ihe Classified persons UOU Will Osborne Orchestra Also public hearing •:3fr—Sport* Interviews—Alan WSAI Write Western SMITHS OIL RED FLOOR WBCM WSPD WDOD WREC WDSU and com- ofiice cooperation. WOC WF.BC WKY KYW KKD terested will be given full W.IAX WISN WFBM K8C.T WMT Reserve Branch office, Harlingen SWEEPING COMPOUND KSTP WIOD WSM WSM B WTAQ plete opportunity to make protest, PHONE No. 8 -For An Ad-Taker KPRO WNAX KFJF KRLD KTRH KTSA 1'exas. P100 WOAI Ko\ WKAA KSI. WJDX ¥ Kf 'll KFRC KDYL KLZ remonstrance, or objection of any WDAF WHAS WTAM WOW WMC ria.JI ants and 10:00 — Orchestra — Alsn kind whatsoever I ranches cannot atav where if 1* WSB WWJ WAl'l WGY WTMJ Hollywrod and character SERVICES OFFERED irro* WBCM WSPD WDOD WREC WDSU SPEC IAL PRICES ON LARGE ORDERS WJAR WRAP and emr: against either the proposed zoning t:00—Nellie Rewell—Air. KSD WOC WISN WTAQ WFBM KSCJ WMT * plan or against the proposed zoning j DRESSMAKING—First class fancy WIISH WOT WIBO WIOD K 'll'.' WNAX KOIL KFH KFJF or LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT in mens 100 Lb*.$1.75 •:«—Vincent Lope* Orchestra—Alan KTRH KTSA ordinance or any part portion and plain. Alterations WOC KSD WGY W.IAX WTAM 10:3ft—Ann Leaf at the Organ — Vt* thereof; and all parties interested ! Announcements clothes Josephine Farias 1225 Jei- WOW WBCM WSPI* WDOD WDSU WISN Cameron Texas, described Phone 233 or address WE.VR WWJ WDAF in or council County, lerson St PI 10:00—Continental*—Alan WT AO WFBM WCCO K'i’1 WM' may appear person by WGY WEN'R ax follows, to-wit: (L1D£ SMITH EDINBI'Rc; » TEX WOW WNAX KOH, kfh KFJF KTRH K077 or by agent. AS South 23.37 #eres of lot No. 4. 10:30—Funk'* Orchitra—Alan WTAM KDVL KI.Z KTS V Copies of said proposed zoning KSI* WOW B i -7 a par' I 29 Es] 394.5—WJZ (NBC)—760 mao and ordinance are open Travel Eureau Miscellaneous plan, itu Santo Grant. Cameron County. Valley 348.6—WABC (CBS)—860 5:00 — Amo* 'n' Andy — Also KL'KA to inspection by the public at the ; ABSTRAC TS Te as as shown on map of El Jar- _ 8:00— Kate Smith—Also Wnc\T WOOD \\ l,\V WIOP UI’KY office of the secretary in the ci v Cars and Passengers to all Points ARTICLES FOR SALE Rea] Estate WREC WI.'S'1 WTAQ \V<TO KSCJ 5:15—Caravan—\l»o KSTP <i..i Re-Subdivision of parts of hall. Said will hr On Share Expense Basis WMT KOIL KFH KF.1F KRLD KTSA 5:30 — Phil Cook—Also WERC W1PX public hearing Shares 23. 29. 30 und 31 Expiritu FOR SALE: Calcium Arsenate, very KOH KPYL KLZ WSMB W.Wr \VOAI WTMJ KSTP continued from day to day until Grant, and levied upon ax the pro- FOR SALE OR Orp.nd.ble 8:15—Dennis Harlingen Office: 1121 W. Harrison C. P. Barreda. 0236 TRADE Prompt King—\1>« WADC WSPD KTHS WSP WKK.N WHY KWK KOA all parties interested have been ol W J. t'hlers et al and that cheap. Thone KMOX KMBC KOIL *nd r>:hers KSI, WOAR Kl'KA Y.l.W WIOP perty Phone 406 Mrs. W. W. Houser .Mgr. 353 fully heard. OWNLti will trade in 16-aerr 8:30—Eva rgelir.s Ad,’ms—A iso WAPC WEAA WAP! W1IVS KPRC WENR on the fin. Tuesday In July. 1931. FOR SALE -Almost new L. C equity WHK WKHC coast The foregoing notice is given the 7th of thirl idea! iruu and farm with WAIU WXYZ WSPP WPAY WH VI, K F\ R Kr AB and t.ie same being day McAllen office: McAllen Hotel Bldg Smith typewriter at a bargain. poultry wnon wrec wt.ac wbrc wdsit 5:45—Robert — Also KDKA ! smell for Brownsville Title L, Ripley by order of the city commission month, at the Court House door Phone 363 Mr. J. \V. Eut'.er, Mgr at 235 Wash- house, residence or clear wtsn Wi'jl wrnv wblm wcco of] Phone 621 or inquire WLW passed at its regular session held Cameron in the of lots. Cal! Peterson. Phone 499, U KMOX KMBC KOIL KF IF *WRR 8:00—Moments rf Adventure -WJZ County, City P15 ington. P<5 information. P7I Company KTRH of — in th-' city hall of the ci v oS Brownsville. Texas, between the 6.00—in the Time Rose* Only ; I 8:45—The Quarter-Hour—Also WAPC WGAR WLS WENR WREN Brownsville on June 12th, A. D hours of 19 a in and 4 p m bv vir- FOR SALE—One new 3 1-2 H. P Opposite Court House WHK WKRC W I FOR SALE OR UTAH WKRN WNC 6:30—Lew White, Organist —WJZ 1931. tue of nd levy and said Ord°r of Johnson outboard motor and one TRADE- My 160 Brownsville f WBT WTOC WQAM WOBo WDAE 7:00—The First Nighter—Al?o WLS T ravel | acre farm in east cemral S.