
the saloon would ruin them world Bunionists Face without end. Semi-Annual Prescription He Wrote Radio Featues Prohibition is an Issue today in Day TWi election. We Today’s the coming presidential —-— features on the aih find at least one candidate who is Of Hoosiers Will ** 37-Mile 1892 Wednesday. M *J Journey; in is the World’s an of the saloon. That 1 open champian ITortiltri;cTf*rti wjzkokJTkW man is Al Smith. Listen at this: In • :I0—Sylvinii Program — WEAF WRC WOT WGR Be AT Troubadours, 'Smilebm Has Lead Held 30 HARLINGEN 7;00-lMna wRHM WOC WHO WOW WDAF Payne talking to a reporter of the New May WWJ Most Laxative WTAM wJJM vVMC^8B k—A York Times, he is reported by that (Special to The Herald) yVocali Ensemble*. Symphony Orchestra— May _ SAN VM— FKRC WCHP WMAQ WO WO KMOX KMBC comparatively short jaunt of 37 miles paper in its issue of March 9. 1923, to BENITO. May 23.—Former ^rr^AKMWAlU to Middletown, N. Y., was the task of Hoosiers and their friends will hold When 1 started to medi- 1 n v c KOIL. WOR have ooldly said: *‘I would be glad to practice t a t i orchestra and Quartet-WEAF WRC WOT foot their semi-annual Wednes- needs for a Repre*e 7:J»—<;oodrich Hour. C. C. Pyle’a transcontinental gathering cine, hack in 1875, the Orcn*^. N KSO WCCO WOC WHO WOW WDAF down and to put over this racers on their eighty-first lap today. go help day of next week, May 30, according not as aa ther KPRC WOAI WHAS WSM WMC WgB laxative great Talk*; Kerrville four more of run- bill beer bill introduced a sen- to S. L. Williams of this Feature—WOR WaDC WAIO WKRC With only days (a by city, presi- are todav. lived normal, l>%.°°f.^rHotirKHour. *•«»«*Musica; dent of the People «:<»-Columbia ox KMBC. KOIL ning Andy Payne of Claremore. ator front New i if that will Valley Indiana society. WOHP WMAU wu Jersey lives, ate plain, wholesome Letter Read WRC WOR WTAM a more than The is to he held at the quiet «,| Xrovatare**—WEaF Okla.. still held lead of gathering fre*h air wow KVOO WHAS WSB KPRC WWJ get us where we can put a foot on food, and of ,:5#_.Vc'TJ«n WOT WHO 15 hours over his nearest rival. John Valley Fair grounds at Harlingen, got plenty WHO But even that Special to The Herald 1 Music—WEAF Sale of Passaic. N. J. Salo finished the rail again and blow off the and will be an all day affair. and sunshine. early J • »_£f«ei salt froth.” “We had more than 500 former res- there were tablet* and IARLINGEN, May 23.—Since both valley radio second in yesterday’s 59.1-mile lap pills, to cut- Can we uphold a man like this for idents of Indiana at the last waters for the relief of constipa- \ Lions club and the Rotary club from Deposit, N. Y.. Liberty, meeting WEDNESDAY ting another half hour from Payne’s the highest office in the United of the organisation," Mr. Williams tion, and artificial remedies made M Harlingen have presented wild Let us vote for Radio Station advantage. Salo’a time was 10 hours. States? No! prin- said, “and we expect to have an even from coal tar, which I did not be- to RWWG-—Valley Amal* the zoo, the him an for the man regardless of pol- attendance this time." Harlingen 57 minutes, 35 seconds, giving ciple, larger lieve were good for human beings f ^•nis Brownsville itics. Before came the He announced that G. C. Richardson club took the matter up at elapsed time of 564:09:11 for the prohibition to into their system. So I in out of four put « (1080 ke—277.8 meters) '3289.4 miles from Los Angeles. cause of poverty three of Brownsville is to be the principal meeting here Tuesday, ai.d is wrote a prescription for a laxative Payne took fourth place yesterday families was drunkenness, of either speaker at the meeting. Mr. Richard- •naidering the made bv m.— Weather forecast and market news service. to to my patient*. suggestion 12 (in 11:31:45. His time was one or both parents. A count recent- son is manager of the Brownsville prescribe ostmaster J. p. elapsed for Rodgers .republi- 4 m.—Weather forecast; market news service; reports of musing was made as to the cause of Chamber of Commerce. The constipation »n» p. 1 548:23:36. ly pov- Arrangements prescription as to the kind of animal. from used in mv men; news dispatches The Associated Press and The — erty in one thousand families receiv- are being made now to secure musical that I early practice, Postmaster Rogers suggested that Rrownsville Herald. ing Christmas assistance during the entertainment for the visitors, and and which I in drug stores in he club put capture a live democrat. last and the count features of the are name of Dr. Cald- *'d 12 m. Featured Coathangers’ program. holidays, only other program be- 1892 under the present him to the Marling-n showed one of every ten caused by ing arranged. well’s is a 9°‘ He also T. Syrup Pepsin, liquid suggested that A. Writer Pleads drunkenness. causes The Hoosiers will bring basket never h HMC—Harlingen Music Co. Bootleg liquor remedy, and I have fooks be a of vegetable appointed committee poverty, misery and crime. But so lunches, and a picnic will be enjoyed it. I intended he to • Harlingen I had reason to change look into getting the demo- did whiskey sold in the saloon. And at the Fair grounds. kc—236.1 it for women, children and elderly for the ioo. (1270 meters) Prohibition there is not so much of it crat For nearly and need such a T. _ 4MK* Garrison was in charge of 7:nfl g oo a m.—Cal with The Edinburg Review. as when we had the saloon. The more people, they just bowel stimulant lF» program for the day. and t*»r 3.00 11:00—Specialties. To the Herald: whiskey and beer the less prosperity. Valley Invited To mild, safe, gentle mtertainnient * as features included 1 p. m.— Weather forecast and market news service. Is prohibition a failure* Every voter ought to fight any Syrup Pepsin. that under •eading by Miss Mamie Anglin, and 6:00—Baseball results and radio dealers Let us investigate. Many men. tnan who has a wet plank in his plat- Live Oak Road Meet 1 am gratified to aay without Dr. Caldwell** * 3:00 program. Syrup Pep- *ong, with we if had successful ukeldee accompani- <5 00 7:00 Brownsville Herald program. when had saloons, they form. Let us vote for prohibition management my pres*'rip- sin, and I belie\e if you will ones ment by Miss Ellen Waldron. cents in their pockets, would which alone can us SAN BENITO. May 23.—Valley lion has its worth and is 7:0« 10:30—Specialties. | fifty bring prosperity, proven start using it you will also always P* H. came a are to attend ,. Mammon, local spend it in the first saloon they better homes and greater nation. residents being invited now the selling laxa rep,-«*s"nta largest liquid have a bottle handy for emergen- t've of the Rio Grande C.a* to. when at the same time their fam- The man who casts a vote for A! the road meeting to he held at that Valley ; five in the world. The fact cies. «t"t ilies needed it. These same men to- votes these and in Live Oak company, spoke at the meeting, ; Smith against all George West, county, millions of bottles are used a year ,n*r that the gas company »« rr< lawyers do day have bank accounts, own the»r takes a long step backward toward Tuesday. May 29. when the matter of It to poorly proves that it ha* won the confi- is particularly pleasing me pared to give gas service to Harlirt * own hdlnes. have automobiles. We the of the past. We can not a direct road through that county jungles dence of who needed it to to know that the most of it is gen. have thousands of men today who own afford to go backward -we must and on to San Antonio will be taken people See Bumper Crop PARIS.—Enough lawyers were can- go bilious- mothers for themsehet -la'*, their own before a get relief from headaches, bought by A the Kerrville j didates at the recent homes, yet prohibi- forward, and dr>; vote is a forward *up again. * is election to fill ness. flatulence, loss of and the children, though Syrup Per* being sponsored by the tion came spent thtdr money in the vote. Let every man vote the dry The last meeting on this subject indigestion, the 612 seats in the French and bad breath, sin is just es valuable for urlingtn el up, was receive J. in Of Watermelons chamber, saloon. Today their children are ticket regardless of party. was attended by several Valley resi- appetite dys- elderly hut sleep, All only 141 were elected.. are rosd would cut colds and fevers. people. hare the wnirh members of that club expres* Fortv-six better dressed and being edu- J. F. Steele, dents. The proposed pepsia, drugstores professors. 4« farmers and R2 Saloons were a curse to them Brownsville. miles off the distance from Millions of families are now never bottles. Id the belief that a crowd will May -3.—A pub- cated. Texas, several generous big RAYMONDVILLE. licists won seats. >e present at the of watermelons will Le and their families. The return of May 23. 192«. the Valley to San Antonio. charter presenla- jumper crop .-.-.— ion this sea- ceremonies on May 28, at which produced in Willacy county everal that the — local Kiwanians will be «on. growers reporting THE GUMPS It’» a Hard Smith week have as- World —Sidney treient. Itavy rains of last At the meeting B. M. Holland nn- sured a yield that will smash a5| tounced that Dr. Paul Fontaine »s previous records. The drouth d'ir- // VV< Y.N'TTV.^ NNKV1 — V*\ VS X o retarded growth S YvfvY You Y7VKE M=YRR YOUR GOOt> deliver a lecture here Wednesday ng the early spring *U*\ YfcOTVA VKi U^R^t>\T^X V*i*=\Ai^>i^- for will start later than f v* wy RP>AP**^PR YOUR PR\PHO-\ •vening the benefit of the Roy snd shipping '<60^ T*K'TVV>NfC< XVi V^ \NVVH yaotva^r prmer. for. \f- You / scout fund in the and Rw. usual with the first carlot move- f Valley, fe^CKFVl GLK'SS / TkKE fc^ER YUKT OV.0 GOOSEHEC.VEO / A$ $00** A^. 'SOO OPAR>* 'To VJAV.K- H. O. Kwing announced that a scout nent during the first week in June. K\J^Y / feVfc'TVVti/VX YOU Pnyuer of yours ] eadership school has been A recent survey by buyers indi- V*MjE YJVV_X, fet Tv\r / youva. envy every VIA. PACK OP openvd / ORPVXMA ( VOORTiUfc*- fcvW n the Christian church, under the cates apprpximataly 4.500 acres of MO*e POOR YOU EVER YAEEY- i A lirection of Tom Murrav, scout c*» watermelons in the Raymondville. YV\E VAVY4UYE \ NOYltE YOU'RE \ ^OO COMPASS AMb OPT XOO J f \*"o? \ Kutive. Lyford and Yturria sections. fn MOMTH^X^// REG'NKUNG Yo RUA- V_00v< V\KE Rov* AWA* p-rova v*o*a^ - ^'m. G. Greenslade. San Benito i hie Yturria section over 2.000 acres \ \^ / I VU. YA^vE YOUR FJMtE UPTEU EO VM6R Kiwanian, was a visitor, and oth'-r were planted to Tom Watson m«l- \ ~~. Your v\»cr 1 1 fuexts, not were F. T. • ns. and a is indicat 'd, ■ vovyx Kiwawnians. large yield \ C ■*~S I -Mto \ fTTt -__ ^ '•Ilia of the and been made to ! ^.''V Silver Box factor.*, srrangements having C.0VER # \ S'X'm^y'MWi « •eorge M. Rogers, both of fi.-rlin- ihip oi.er 200 cars from that point. en. Tha that attendance prize offered It is estimated Willacy county # y R. W. Nelson was won by W. O. sill ship between 500 and 600 cars, .lint of the local J. C. Penny Co. I he melons being among the earliest •tore. I reduced in Texas this year.

f F"w 11 ■ ■ . Eat light foods now * * ♦ Keep healthy these mild days by avoiding the heavy foods of winter. Make your ETTA KETT — They Got Y’ou That Time! —Paul Robinson \ breakfasts light, easily di- Wrong -|§b gested, but nourishing by DAO MOSTA GOT ib^UE HJU I 1 serving Shredded Wheat. _It has the mineral salts, in- eluding iron, which are needed this time of year, plenty of bran to insure regular habit, and vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates as well. In fact Shredded I Wheat has all the natural elements of whole wheat made pleasant to eat and easy to digest by shredding ana baking all the way through. Order a box of twelve big full-size biscuits today. HIGH PRESSURE PETE — Some Doctor .v* .M*—Swan

C*(~*OM OP To OuT> VOO uONT Gt' ENOOOH HO«J TO A HoRSC-'-, T»OC — A*tf Pi BoNC-5 I # VOdUCr r^M-vooue. DO LOT Of HOfTsE-BACX ffWNCj- t t.v/ VOHftT VoO NES.O \ % *■ —, VLEHTV oe HOQ.S«--BAO< 'RtOiNO! t!♦*!*•'• W *TV'' VOfV'W, Wm*t* Voo*%^>0*ir*CS*r $* Mads by Hie Shredded Wheat Company Kt—

Jr * / 5 /♦■ li; When in San Antonio '> V-#, if make your home ar rbe ) blue Bonnet Hotel

the. to GOOFEY —Neher Comfort MOVIES_

of LEjAQlv TWE kjbxt MOONJINJQ UUE J=iNJO Travelers” MiMNJIE MUMPS A-r MEG. OESlC. C^CHjMDlMG >'JCAV MEQ.QJLV AT UBC 1 TVPeuUCiTEO,.T ; S sudcemuv «s -4 I i^yresaccPTriio--

I t 220 outside rooms, each with bath, ceiling fan I- iced water. t and circulating Located "right down ^

sufficiently removed to avoid 1 p £ town"_yet dis- • I1‘Dedicated rate* of $2 50 and turbing noises. Unchanging ; WAS MIAJKJIE -j. HIGHER. J $3.00 per day-NO BEEVJ Q089SO# OF TWE VALUASLB I SINGLETON. FLOYD Presides FOOMUL.A POE I HOWARD F. HIGBY, Manager MAICIKJQ 9ANAKJA * :r PEELS, * MOJ-SWO^ j Hotels also in Kerrville and Sweetwater J| £j0t Bonnet ^ 0IQ SOQPQiSe I* TOMOftEOWJ'! 1, | , A tfe'jifi: \