

Special Program Arranged Programs of Exceptional Missionary Rescues People 4W .j t by Englewood Christian |>; ; Merit Are on Holiday From Famine, Teaches , Congregation. Radio Bill. ffcj Care of Animals. *"" IBr- A Christmas “Holy V I A Christmas message from Presi- Fji .Science Service pageant, 'ifi dent Night,” will be presented at 8 p. m. Hoover to the country will be WASHINGTON. Dec. 24—How KKPk &: fly *>s Sunday at the Englewood Christian included in the broadcast of the reindeer, mythical steeds of Santa annual ceremony church of which the Rev, O. A. attendant upon the the Claus to most dwellers in Trinkle is pastor. lighting of the giant Christmas , v" H88.%■, vSi®? in represented actual This annual Christmas pageant ! tree Washington. D. C., on salvation to native Alas- eve physical will be presented by a cast of ! Christmas at 4 o'clock over both kans told in a talk given the was radio seventy-five characters assisted by NBC and Columbia networks. today by Dr. W. B Bell of program here a large chorus choir. The The United States marine band and the bureau of biological survey, in the a large chorus the mu- will be presented community will supply * agri- '\y United States department of sical •‘ • hall on the large stage which has j background for the holiday -■ vV'N. culture. The talk was arranged by been completely rebuilt and deco- celebration. Science Service and sent over the rated for the pageant. nun network of the Columbia Broad- The background of the stage con- CHURCH OF THE MADELEINE casting system. sists of a large picture of Bethle- Jackson, Wise, The solemn rite of midnight mass at the To Sheldon early mis- with choir above St. Margaret’s Hospital Guild of the hospital committee, Helen 307 North State street. Church of the Madeleine in Paris. France, hem elevated accom- sionary to the people of Alaska. Dr. gives of played Santa Claus to patients at panied Santa Claus through the The guild distributed 700 pounds will be transmitted bv short wave and re- which effect music from laved over the Columbia network Christ- Bell gave the credit for the inspired over city. the city hospital this week when hospital. Santa was played by of candy in the hospital as well as mas Eve from 6 to 6:30 p. m. The period the will an opening vision and the practical sense to ‘ Holy Night” entirely they person a Teague. caring forty-five needy fam- include declaration with is new, hav- visited each with Dr. Frank for the trumpets: "Christ Is Born" played by foresee and to provide for the needs ing from press a few weeks gift of candy and a present. Mrs. Severin and Dr. Teague ilies and giving a party for iij- M. Renner, organist of the famous old come the church; "Gloria” bv Franck: "O people. ago. Mrs. O. Williams directs the Mrs. Frank Severin, chairman are woman’s prison. Cesar of these J. shown as they visited Miss mates at the Salutaris" bv LaFitte: and the Anal choral The Alaskans had lived a pre- pageant proper. W, T. di- offering of “Adeste Fidelis." The com- Quillin mentary. "Noel." also will be heard dur- carious and often pitiable existence rects the choir with Miss Grace | ing organ interludes. as hunters, depending for food and Creighton n n a at the piano. clothing upon the wild animals they A “White Gifts” service will be Additional Church Music Programs GERMAN BAND could take. The game supply was observed, the offering going to the j Gus Schmaltz will direct his Bavarian dwindling, and the migrations of cause of Christian benevolence. "Christ Is Born" Melvil, Edith Bridgewater. Mary Boone. Mamie Trio and German hand in a special pro- the native caribou never cer- The St. John’s Members—Soprano. Griffin. Marv Smithson, gram Saturday pastor’s morning theme will Choir Mesdames C. Brown. Bessie of Christmas music at 6:15 tain. All this made the securing (South Capitol Between Maryland Munch. G. Betzler. S. Donnellv. C. Graves; Miss Irene Crare: alto. Misses Bertha p. be “Where Is He That Is Born Misses C. Schuck. E. Williamson: Violet. Mrs. tenor. Frank m., over WE NR and NBC network. i Streets) alto. Sims. H. Lewis: Chicago prop- an always meager food supply King.” and Mrs. M. Carroll, Miss G. Sweanev; tenor. Garten. George Gibson. Fred Triplett; n n n When Mrs. Alice Hunter of died, she left half her of J. Harris; bassos, G. Betzler, E. Oberfell; bass. Miles Gart?n. Ben Garten. Martin erty to her adopted daughter and half to her dog Thus "Red.” ever more and more difficult. The Rev. Clement Bosler, pastor. organist. Kathrvn Budenz. Violet. The following guest artists will ’■CUCKOO" CHRISTMAS Veronica Nunn the Irish setter above, became half-owner of an apartment building, a Truth Center of Applied Christianity —Midnight Mass. 11:25 non assist the choir: Misses Starvation Was Faced (Lincoln and Virginia Williams, soprano; Mrs. The holiday spirit will be enacted on Hotel)—The Rev Edna F Mauzv, bass; Ray Knight, property held in trust for him and another pet. a cat, for the rest of leader. 10 30 a m.. subject. The Organ Recital—" Holy Night.” McAdoo, alto; Walter Hams, "Station KUKU" tfhen di- Su- Honor of Virgin Lottie Slaughter, guest organist. rector Cuckoo program, broadcasts money Frequently, villages of men, preme Gift.;" Wednesday night Missa in Blessed St. Francis de Sales Mrs. Veffterine of the their lives. On their deaths the is to be divided between animal whole theme. Be Marv J. Elsenneimer Mrs. Marv C. Porter, organist: Ferd B. over an NBC network. Saturday at 6:30 Ve All Thankful.” Dr. N. (Avondale St.) shelter and charity. women, and to face Offertory "Laetentur Coeli" Wlegand at Twenty-second Triplett, director. P. m. Stations are KYW. WSM. WSB. activities children had and miser- Communio—"Adeste Fideles” Novello Rev. Sheridan, Pastor. n it n tt n tt privation, many perished Memorial Baptist—The Rev. George G. The Bernard Kiimey, pastor. Choir Members—Sopranos. Mrs. John T ably from slow starvation or disease Morning. Christmas carols Scherer; —Midnight Program— BENEDICTINE MONKS heard Saturday at 11:30 p. m., over WTAM folk song, and "Dance of the Mirilitons" by Brennan. Miss Frances alto, Miss Koch’s Con- the Intermediate choir arid sermon on Laura Stake; John St. and an NBC network. The Doric Quartet, from Tschaikowskv’s "The Nutcracker induced by the lack of food. 'Gifts;" tenor, Merl; baritone, Christmas Carols. An international program of unusual night, a pageant, "The Star- Fcssler; organist J. F. Missa (3600 S. Meridian St.) western vocal ensemble, and Suite.” will complete this melodious re- lighted Pathway,” by Baptismal Robert Bickel. "Regina interest will come noted male were steadily growing worse. followed Offertory—"Laetentur Pietra Yon Monastery from- the Benedictine an orchestra will play music of, light cital. ditions services. A. M.— Coeli" .W. H Rcss Pastor. of Beuron in the South Danube classical and popular music. n a a —Mass 9 Glory to God" The Rev. Peter Pfeiffer. Valley of Germany. Saturday, at 6:30 Then the white men invaded the Night." Recessional—" "Silent Sisters of St. Joseph —Midnight Mass, 11:45 p. m.. over WENR and NBC network. CATHOLIC EDITOR land and with their improved wea- River Avenue Baptist—The Rev. George "Rejoice.” The program will consist of the ringing D BUleisen. pastor Morning theme. "The "While Shepherds Watched." —8 A. M.— "Silent Nieht, Holv Night" Gruber of the centuries-old abbev bells, a brief The Rev. James M. Gillis, editor of pons they further depleted the Christmas Thetne;" night. "Is "Angels We Have Heard on High” " Christ's "Bethlehem." in English World, will be heard during Christmas hymns by the children's choir. Melody address bv the arch-abbot. CHRISTMAS DAY Catholic the available game supply. Blood Effective' 1 Ihe twelfth sermon on "Adeste Fideles," Old French Rapel Walzer. and an ancient liturgical Catholic hour Sunday at 5 p. m., over "The Book of Hebrews." "Emmanuel the Mighty.” —lO A. M.— "Gesu Bambino" Yon Christmas chant by the Benedictine WENR and an NBO network. Dr. Bell said: "Sheldon Jackson Introitus—“Dominus Dixit Ad Me" Monks. The following members of the orchestra ! Same as midn;ght mass. A. Edmonds Tozer FIRST GREETINGS a tt a saw and understood. Combining Lynrlhtirst Mc- nan Baptist—The Rev. C. H will accompany the choir: Margaret of the Choir—Soprano, Kvrie, Gloria. "Missa Euchcaristica” will first Morning Moy. Members Miss Station WTAM in be the OPERA Christian charity with practical Brhelck. pastor. theme, "Art Namara. Anna Rose McNamara. Cath- Elizabeth Bowles, Mrs. Elmer Andrew Steffen CAROLS OF THE NATIONS present STAR He?'; night, pageant, erine Connor, Helen Connor Josephine John Bucker, Graduale—"Tecum Principium" to its Christmas greetings to NBC- foresaw only hope Thou "Where the Misses Anna Curry, Margaret Sunday. vocal and or- Tokatyan, Metropolitan sense, he that the Young Lay." Moore, Fenneran, Mary Cesilla, Con- .Marie Denk, A. Edmonds Tozer WEAF listeners A Armand Opera Child Mary Elsie Desch, Mrs. Adam Heck, Misses Jacaues Frav and Mario Braggiottt. chestral program will be heard from this Company tenor, will for deprived and peo- ley Helen. Allison and Jane Connor. Credo—"Missa Eucharistica" two-piano team of fame, present a half-hour the destitute Margaret Kennedy, Mary J. Kennedy, Elmer Andrew Steffen nation-wide will station at 5:09. radio recital on Christmas evening ac- Christian Science Christian tt tt tt Marks, Margaret Marks, make their contribution to the Yuletide a a tt ple of Alaska was a more depend- Service—" Elizabeth Offertorv—"Adeste Fideles”... .Traditional spirit with novel of companied by a special orchestra with Bc!ence" is the subject of the lesson- Messrs. Carl Mueller, John Nelan, Edith Preface—"Four Part Responses".. Swertz a rendition Christmas Miguel Sandoval at the piano, over WENR able source of food and clothing. sermon In all Proctor, Misses Up- carols of manv nations during their re- CHURCH OF THE AIR and an churches of Christ, Scientist, Holy Trinity Helen Uphaus, Lillian "Sanctus. Benedictus. Agnus Dei, Missa to be heard over the chain NBC network at 5:45 p. m Tokat- on Sunday. haus; alto, Messrs. John Denk, William Regina Pacis” Yon cital Columbia yan has singing leading roles “He thought of the reindeer. Peo- psc Splendoribus" on Christmas eve. from 7 to 7:15. The Columbia Church of the Air's ob- been with (2612 YV. St. Clair St.) P, t.', ,^isses Ernestin Fuss. Laura Fuss, Communion—“In servance of Christmas day, Sunday, will the Metropolitan lor ten years. ple of northern Norway, Sweden, Mr. William Goory, Misses Lucille Orphev, A. Edmonds Tozer n n n St. Matthew Lutheran The Rev. C 0.M.C., Glory to God”...J. E. Birch include an Episcopal service and a Catho- a a tt other E pastor. L. The Rev. Ardas. Marie Gumbel, Ruth Patterson. Dorothy Recessional—“ lic period, each to be bv a Finland, Russia, Siberia and Fackler, Morning theme, "The Pastor. Wolf, Mrs. Chancy “THE MESSIAH" conducted Afterglow of Christmas.” Richardson. Miss Rose Choir Members—Sopranos, Mary Brown, Bishop and broadcast over the coast-to- NEGRO CHOIR Arctic and sub-Arctic lands long —Midnight Marv Woerdeman; Clarence Ga- Mrs. Andrew Fromhold. Mrs. Cassie Broad- Mass—- tenos. Weber; altos, “The Messiah." Handel’s world-famous coast facilities of the Columbia * Paul Orphey, Robert Patterson, Hurrle. Ellen Weber. Sylvia casting System. Episcopal period in The Eva Jessye choir, a Negro had been raising animals in a "Holv Night,” F. Gruber brielr oratorio in which the “Hallelujah Chorus" The choral these East Park M. E.—The Rev. Ralph A. Schmidt, A. J. Woerdeman, Leo Margaret Braun, Mrs. Merle Egan: tenors. 7 p. m. morning, from 9 to 9:30 a. m.. will organization, will be heard in a program Morning theme, "Mass in F" J. Concone Wolf; bass, George Thompson, Leo occurs, will be broadcast at over the of state of semi-domestication and had Ulrev. pastor. Follow- Raymond Becker. Abie Car- Rolfson. Norval an NBC Saturday, direct from be conducted bv the Most Rev. James de special Christmas music. Sunday at ing the night, Offertory—"Tut sunt coeli”.. Ignaz Hladnik I ter, Stier; bass. John Braun; accompanist. network p. found of Star," Christmas pageant Hymns Robert Denk. Charles Fort, Raymond Cleveland through station WTAM. The Wolf Perrv. D. D.. Bishop of Rhode Island 6 m., over WLS and an NBC them a source physical the Sunday school. Slovenian Christmas J. Sicherl Fuss, Fred Roseann Davey; director. Joseph B. Brand. Bishop Episcopal network. bv Preludes and marches. Gladen. Edward Hannigan, program, sung by vocal arts chorus, and presiding of the tt Huter, the Dawes, Catho- a a salvation. Hamilton S. Gordon. J. L. Battmann Charles Carl Mueller, Robert —7:30 A. M.— will be directed by Charles D. church in the United States. The Reiley. well-known conductor of the Cleveland lic half-hour, to be broadcast from 12:30 CONTRALTO FEATURED "The caribou had found suitable Madison Avenue M. E. The Rev. E P. Christmas hymns by the choir. p. bv the Jewett, pastor Morning theme, —High Mass, 10 A. M.— tt it ft Orpheus chorus. Statious will be WMAQ to 1 m.. will be conducted "A Christ- Right Rev. Turner. D. D.. Bishop Barbara Maurel. contralto, will be fea- food in the native forage of Alaska, mas Message." Solemn high mass followed bv bene- 10:50 A. M.— and WTAM. William tured —Mass. n a tt of Buffalo. with the New World symphony or- and Jackson reasoned correctly that , , diction. St. Mary’s children. a a a chestra. conducted bv Howard Barlow, "O Salutaris” V. Hammfrel Music bv the school singing a group of the closely related reindeer also Second Evangelical The Rev. F C. "Tantum Ergo” V. Hammfrel (317 N. Jersey SI.) GYPSY ENSEMBLE selections suitable to Wacknltz, >'ew nun STRING TRIO the holiday season during the concert to pastor. Morning theme, "The Mrs. Mary would thrive there, if introduced New Born King;" night. Christmas pro- Choir Members—Sopianos. The Alexander Haas and his Budapest Gypsy be broadcast on Christmas dav. Sunday Urainar. Misses Mary Luzar, Julia Cesnik; Rev. John H. Scheefers, Pastor. exponents The trio in B-flat major. Opus from 6:15 to 6:30 p. gram. Holy Angels ensemble. America's foremost Schubert Comptnsky m.. over the Co- and properly cared for. Miss Victoria Zore. Miss Marv Turk. Hungarian Gypsy music, 99. will be plaved in full bv the lumbia altos. Joseph Lam- —11:50 P. M.— of authentic and family group of network. Miss Marv Banicc; tenors. (Twenty-eighth Street and Northwestern) be the first a of trio, noted chamber mu- "Silent Night.” will heard in of series artists, during the broadcast over the a a a Brought from Siberia Carrollton Avenue Reformed -The Rev bert. Joseph Toth: basses. Frank Radaeez. weekly recitals over WFBM and the Co- sic E. Martin Dugan. John Skoda. Oragnist, Mixed Choir The Rev. James Coulter. Columbia network, Sunday from 9:30 to 10 O. Homrighnusen. pastor. Morning Prayer and Orchestra. Pastor. lumbia network. Saturday from 7:30 to BRADY ON AIR "What Does Christmas Mean?"; Frank Urajnar; director. Frank P.adez. at the Crib. drawn from a. m. “It required prophetic vision for theme. —Midnight Mass—- 8 p. m. Subsequent programs, tt n tt night, Christmas program by the chrfir. nan —High Mass, 12:00 folk music of Hungary. Gypsy Melo- William A. Brady Sr., dean of of bringing the be stage and leading the him to conceive this plan "Silent Night" Boy's Treble Voices dies, and Viennese compositions, will “AROUND CHRISTMAS TREE” American a actor be- Mass in Honor of St. Lawrence Schehl same hour. fore he became a foremost producer of reindeer across from Siberia to First Friends The Our Lady of Lourdes Offertory—Laetentur Mass of the Nativity Drees heard each week at the trio, Rev. David M Ed- Coeli. Offertory—"Adeste The Morin Sisters, new sensational plavs. will make his first dramatic appear- vards, pastor; JO a. m., United service of Fideles.” n tt a microphone transform the native people of (.->317 Washington St.) Communion—Adeste Fideles. Long program ance before the when he plavs Bible school and church. E. The First Noel. Recessional—" Live the Pope”.. and an orchestra will present a part Men's Voices the of General Sam Houston in "The Alaska from huntsmen to animal Rev. Michael W. Lyons, Pastor. Orchestra. ROMANY CHRISTMAS of songs appropriate to the day in their Battle of San Jacinto" during th’ broad- ... Asa Centenary R. Choir Pensonnel —Boys’ treble voices, Joe broadcast cast. of Great Moments in History Sunday, husbandmen result of all Christian The Rev. T. —Low Mass, 8 A. M.— Alexander Kiriloff and his orchestra "Around th* Christmas Tree” Gwyn. pastor. Moritlng theme. "The Christmas Program Cahill. Harry Doerflinger, Bernard Lang- typical of the at 6:30 p. m., over WLW and an NBC net- earnest he Stehle Loucks, will present a program Sunday, at 9:30 a. m.. over an NBC net- this work, realized his Meaning of Christmas." Kvrie Children's Choir. cnbacker, Leonard Jack Loucks among the Gypsies on work. Gloria Gruber "Hark! What Holy Robert Jackson. Jackson, Christmas season stations WENR and a a a vision. The animals were brought Mean Those Voices.” Charles Saturday at 7:30 p. m.. over KYW and an work and through Credo Turton "O Come. Little Children." Thomas Ma'.ir, Marvin Nichols, James in 1891; flowney Avenue Christian—The Rev. R. Sanctus, Agnus Del... .Gruber Gehric, NBC network. WLW. CANTOR ON RESOLUTIONS over from eastern Siberia Benedictus. "Adeste Fideles.” O'Connor; men's voices. Edward tt tt a R Johnson, pastor. Morning theme, "The Offertorv "Adeste-Fideles." "Silent Night.” Hafr.v Gehric. Robert O'Connor, Williapi in 1892, 171 more. By 1902 a total Birthday of the King;" night, program by (Arranged by Vincent Novello) "Lovely Infant. Dearest Charles Wertz; Eddie Cantor will be one week ahead of the three C. C. Saviour.’’ Rabenstein. Wiiliam Serge. SALT LAKE CHOIR of 1,280 reindeer had been landed societies of the church. Communion. . . _ "What Lovely Infant?" organist, Alberta Faulstick; choirmaster, CHRISTMAS EVE. HIGHLIGHTS the world and will make his New Year’s Night.” (Arranged by J. A. Solos—"Silent A. M.— Edward La Shelle. CBS Net- Hymns and carols commemorative of resolutions during the Christmas broad- successfully on Alaskan shores. West Morris Street Christian—The Rev. Pg —10:30 4:O9—NBC (WEAF' and by Program nan the "Christmas season will be featured urogram of Garry L. Cook, pastor. 10:30 a. m. Margaret Cordon same as midnight. works—Community Christmas choir during the cast of the heard at 7 u. m., “Then came - the task training theme. East"—(Duet the Salt Lake tabernacle Keeping Christ,vas in the Hearth;" 7:30 "Star of the bv Kennedy) —3 P. M.— Washington, D. C. network, Sun- over WLW and native, Martha Wilberdtng Tree in broadcast over the Columbia NBC network. The the people of Alaska to care p. m., Christmas play by the young people. Marv Feenev, Little Flower Among ...". Emma Klotz Vespers day. from 11 to 11:30 a. m. the comedian's appropriate number will be for the properly and "Adoration" and Benediction. (WJZ)—Lee Sims and or- by the choir oi rgindeer to Ave.) S:4S—NBC selections to be featured “Merry Olive Branch Christian—The Eph- Eleanor Dollman Choir—Soprano, (14th St. and Bosart McFarlane s Christmas, Happy New Year,” Ru- utilize the Rev. By Maurice Telma Mixed Misses Alvina chestra. more than 300 voices will be animals in providing rlam D. Lowe, pastor. Morning theme. Sellmeyer. Hazel Chung, Mesdames Emma The Duffey, Pastor Far Away From Judea’s Plains, binoff will preset a special Christmas over- The Christ 4 p. m . baptismal Largo (Hande) . .Emma Klotz Rev. Charles 6:oo—Columbia—Midnight from “Far. with food clothing. Child;” Lauber, Louis Feldman, Bertha Schepherd; Mass "King Glory,” “Worthy of beginning themselves and service; 8 p m., by Eleanor Dollman alto, Koers; Park's of and ture with “Oh, Come All Ye Christmas cantata the Miss Clara tenor, —11:45 P. M.— Cathedral of Dame, Lamb,” by Patiently and persistently, choir. (Violin solos) ber; bass, Frank Lau- Notre tWe Handel. Faithful” and ending with “Jingle Bells.” Jackson Messrs. George E Schmitt, Organ Recital. Paris. and those Choir Members—Sopranos. Mary Feeney. Frank Krachenfelz; organist, tt tt tt tt tt he had interested had Marie Mrs. George "Silent Night" Traditional tt St. Paul’s Reformed—The Rev. William Marv Harrigan. Margaret Cordon, E. Schmitt; director, George E. (WEAF) to Paetz; Schmitt. "Hark! What Mean Those Voices." 6:3O—NBC Benedictine train the people away from H Knierim. pastor. Morning. German Murohv. Alice Becht.le. Florence Academy Orchestra—Misses Krein- ROXY SYMPHONY PONSELLE RETURNS their theme 8:45, Wilberding. Day. Alma Anna "O Holy Night” Adam Monastery choir from Berlin. precarious reliance upon wild at "The Christmas Message;" iltos, Martha Ruth baum, Uhldine Wilkins. Bernice Wilson, Traditional game. 945 a. m„ English "Receiving Dav. Catherine O'Connor: tenors. Claude Clara Mootz, ‘Gloria” The initial Roxv Mammoth Symphony Rosa Ponselle. celebrated dramatic so- they got theme. Frances Gross, Frances Wil- Choristers. 8:00—NBC (WEAF)—Erno Rapee a senes of prano. For teachers some men to Christ Joyfully." Holy Communion both Stifferlcn. Norbert O'Connor. James Kin- son, Louise Margaret Slinger, Rose from Radio City, the first of will inaugurate the resumption of at Thompson. Thompson, Ewell. Mythical Tour In Music the stage come services. Night. Christmas program by nevey. Mark Rav Davis, Margaret Finkheiner, Rosemary —Midnight Mass— Sunday programs to be given on the Sunday circle concerts, featuring fa- over from Lapland. the Woemnner. E. S. Meyer. under mous stars of Sunday school. ft L. Cullen. “Bethlehem.” of the new Radio City Music Hall the Metropolitan Opera “The found lush Margaret Fox. organist. nun This mass will be broadcast over station the persona! direction of S L. (Roxy) Company and other great singers, Sunday reindeer the Trinity Reformed—The Rev. William H nun WFBM. 9:OO—NBC (WEAF)—Walter O’Keefe. Rothafel. will be heard over an NBC- at 8 p. m., over WENR and an NBC net- browse and other vegetation of Knierim, pastor. 11 a. m. theme. "Christ's St. Patrick’s Kyrie (A flat) Dubois Columbia—Dickens “A Christ- WLW network on Christmas day at 11:15 work. For her Christmas night concert. well Final Advent,” followed by Holy Com- Gloria ” London Christmas oratorio PILOT J Turner Choristers—James Aull, William "Music That Satisfies” Saturday at 8 in Paris, Berlin and ' holiday SERVES OnTaKE ard Weaver and Miss Eilene Hensler; 11 Dietrich 1 Benedictus Bauer. celebrations special feature of the network's i Turner John Bindner, Charles Callahan, Earl Cal- p. m., over WFBM and the CBS chain. relayed by short wave from Lon- program Sunday a. m. theme, "May Jesus Be Praised." Offertory "Adeste Fideles" Novello "Agnus Dei” Turner will be from 9:30 to 10 p. m.. and Agnus Dei. i lahan, Cletus Concannon. Richard Dugan, tttttt of over. and a of BOAT FOR Sanctus, Benedictus Communion—"Adeste Fideles". .Traditional English, Delmar Fos- don. England, to the listeners-in the Co- WABC nation-wide chain 60 YEARS Riverside Pilgrim The from Gruber 1 Harold Davis. John Columbia stations. He will be assisted bv Third Holiness "Jubilee Mass” Members of Choir—Sopranos. Miss Julia sati, Robert Fox, James Fox. Neil lumbia chain on Christmas day. Sunday, Arnold, Rev. H. Maddox. pastor. 9:30 a. Sun- Communion—Christmas medley arranged Griffin. NEGRO ENTERTAINMENT Mildred Rose, soprano; Rhoda m.. organ. Colbert.. Mrs. J. J. Schattner: alto. Miss Charles Gar’/ey. George Goepfert. Richard 12 noon. The program will nezzo-soprano: Barbara day school Christmas program; 10:30 for two v*olins and Irma Dux, from 11:30 to Matirel. contralto; Captain Tows 100,000 p Kattau: tenors. Joseph Leo Haffner, Harvey Hagelskamp, Richard A special Negro show of dialog and song, Crane Vessels In His a m. and 7:30 m. bv the pastor and Recessional—"Laetentur Coeli" Rees Kenned": bassos; Raymond rie Julio. Ray- including favorite, "Sing. Chillun, include musical and descrip- Calder. bass, and Theo Karlc, tenor, his assistant, the Rev. L. N. Trotter. Hammond. Robert Harmon. Jean Kcster- the old nine-minute as soloists; the Cathedral choir and the —Shepherds Mass, 7:30 A. M.— mond Bruce. Lerov Madden. Organist, Ludwig. McCurdy, Sing" and depicting a typical Negro European city. Long Service. Helen son, Gerald Francis tive intervals from each Columbia symphony orchestra. songs sung high school girls. Colbert. Francis Patrick McLin, Jack Christmas entertainment, will be broad- Rethanv Lutheran The Rev. J. L. Seng Christmas bv n n McConahav. tt tt tt By United Prenx pastor. Murray. James Mannix. Charles Morlock. cast over an NBC network. Saturday at Morning — theme. "God's Gift:" —Children’s Mass, 9:15 A. M, Thomas 8 p. m„ stations will be KYW, WJZ. night, entertainment in song and scrip- William Manniil John Nash. CATHEDRAL HOUR MILWAUKEE, Dec. 24.—Captain ture. Songs for Christmas day St. Rita’s Quinn, William Parks, John Pritchard. from Zittel's tttttt Haydn, Gone, but Forgotten William Gnewuch, hymnal by the seventh eight Ralph Rasico, Harold Shoemaker, Earl Selections from the works of Not 77, veteran Mil- and (Nineteenth and Ave.) John John Sliding, Joseph composers of Missionary Tabernacle -The Rev. Otto grade girls. Arsenal Suess. Schmidt. MUSIC OF BETHLEHEM Gounod and other famous waukee harbor pilot, Thaman. Herman Tierney, Joseph Ward, music will be heard during the looked back pastor. Morning — Joseph religious H. Nater. theme. "Belle —Solemn High Mass, 10:30 A. M. The Rev. Brvan, Pastor. Frank take his on Automobiles reported to on three score years of service of Bethlehem;" 2 30 p. m. Rev. John F Robert Wolf: violins. Miss Louise Harsh- Black will listeners Christmas day broadcast of the Cathedral police as stolen on the Program of midnight repeated. —Midnight Mass—- mann and Mr. Kenneth Alger: organist. a mythical musical tour of Bethlehem on hour from 12 to 12:39 p. m.. Sunday over belong to: Michigan, during Hlgenhothnm speeks on "Practical Christ- Christmas Lake which he ianity;" ‘O Salutaris" Griesbacher Night” Mrs. Charles P Hanrahan; director. Rev. eve at 8 p. m.. over an NBC network. Under the direc- night, the Rev. William G. Nel- "Silent Gruber network. Stations are WMAQ, WTAM, the Columbia Laura J. Woodruff. 719 North Delaware than son speaks. "Tantum Ergo” Verdussen Choir. Raymond Marchino. tion of Channon Collinge, the musical street, sedan, 50-462, in towed more 100,000 vessels into WGY. proces- Elcar from garage Recessional—"A Christmas Carol." Solo—"O Holv Night.” service will open with the Croft rear of 719 North Delaware port here when he retired this —Other Masses— tttttt God Our Help in Ages Past, street. Edwin Rav M. E. The Rev. William A mixed chorus of thirty-six voices, "Little Babe of Bethlehem." , sional. “O winter. Talbott Jones, Choir. Morning Masses; 6, 7:30, 9:00. 10:30, sung by the entire Cathedral ensemble. Walter Worrell, R. R. 11, Chevrolet pastor. Morning theme. under the direction of Professor F. J. D'ANNA’S BAND coach. from parking space Ver- "The Basis of Good Will Among Men;” Mass ln honor of Our Ladv of Loretta. Children's 9 a. m, Christmas it a tt 117-805. Hoerger, organist, will sing at the two Offertory—"Adeste Fideles." Mass. mont and New Jersey streets. When he retired his command as night, Christinas cantata by the choir, iiigh masses. hymns, organ and orchestra accompani- Rubinstein’s "Kamenoi-Ostrow.’’ Tschai- n n n Choir Members Soprano. Mesdames ment. Director, Sr. M. Antonella. kovsky's "Waltz of the Flowers," and To- MODERN CAROL Justen Cork. 528 North Senate avenue. master of the tug Conrad Starke, Southport Presbyterian—The Rev. Luther hani's "Around the Christmas Tree" will Ford sedan, 62-187, from 528 North Senate Captain Gnewuch was the E pastor. Morning, preaching by be the classical offerings of Edward d’Anna A dramatic skit of an up-to-date Christ- apenue. oldest Marktn. and his fifty-piece Sunday at 12:30 pilot the pastor. St. Ann’s band during their pro- mas carol will be heard Dillman. Mt. Comfort. Chev- | on the lake in point of gram p. an James Ind., (Mars Hill) over the Columbia network from 8:30 m., over WLW and NBC network. coupe, 41-227, from 254 to 9 p. m.. Saturday. rolet North Belle service. Grace M. E.—The Rev. B. Brooks Shake, tt a tt Vieu place. pastor. Morning "The First Christ- brought theme, The Rev. John F. Patterson, Pastor. Radio Dial Twisters nun He his tug to aid in the mas Service;" night. Christmas program “SMILING ED” rescue of more 300 wrecks and by the Senior Epworth League. —Midnight Mass, 11:45 SCROOGE ON AIR than 9:ls—Worthless Christmas in the spirit of days gone BACK HOME AGAIN stranded ships and figured promin- Christmas hymns. WFBM (1200) Indianapolis talks. A special dramatized version of University Park Christian—The Rev. Lee "While Shepherds Watched." 9:3o—Dance orchestra. bv will be portrayed by “Smiling Ed” Mc- ently in Sadler, pastor. Morning subject. Keeping (Indianapolis Power and Light Company) 10:00—WKBF barn the rescife in the single sur- "O Holy Night." dance. Charles Dickens’ famous "Christmas ! Connell, in monolog and song, in his vivor Christmas." Night." 11:00—Dance orchestra. ' by police of the waterworks crib "Silent SATURDAY Byrd at the Circle Carol” will be presented over WJZ, broadcast Christmas day, Sunday, over the Stolen automobiles recovered disaster Mass in Honor of St. Ignatius Gruber F M. 11:30—Dessa organ. ; belong to: in which fifteen men drowned. Rroisdwav Evangelical -The Rev. Llovd - 12:00—Sign off. KDKA, KYW and an NBC network Sat- 1:15 p. m. Saturday Offertory—'Adeste Fideles." s:3o—Skippy (CBS'. Columbia network, from 1 to J. 1455 North New Jersey E Smith, pastor. night at 11:45 urday, at 8:30 p. m., by i J. Killgallon, o’clock, midnight worship with the pastor Choir Members—Mrs. Paul Volker, Mrs. s:4s—Marimba Band. Tom Terriss, “Hark the Herald Angels Sing.” “That (street. D-' Soto sedan, found 410 East 6:oo—Midnight mass, preaching on The Holv Nativity." Sun- Henrv Blaschke. Miss Emma Blaschke. from Church of the WLW (700) whose performance as “Scrooge" gained Sweet Story of Old,” “Holy City” and I Thirteenth street. day morning at Sunday George Jesse Vest, Henry J. Madeleine. Paris. him j A. 1619 North New Jersey street. NOT QUITE 9:30. children of Wittemeier. 6:ls—Earl Gordon pianologue. such fame in England that he was “Silent Night” be among the vocal Jordan. Temple SATISFIED school will give a program. Blaschke; organist, Mrs. Anna R. Ma- SATURDAY | will Chevrolet roadster, found at * honey. 6:3o—Santa Claus. P M. honored with a command performance contributions in "Smi.'irg Ed’s” combined avenue and Walker street. n n n 6:4s—Deutsches Liederstuendchen. before Officials Speedway Boulevard M. E. -The Rev. (CBS'. 4:oo—Santa Claus. the king and quern. message to young folks and grown-ups of Mental Hospitals Bring Oliver K Black, pastor. Morning 7:ls—Magic Voice (NBC). tt a theme. Girl. 4:ls—Hotel Sherman orchestra • The Spirit of Christmas." 7:3o—Cheer-up 4:3o—Parent-Teacher forum. on the significance of the day, in Jig-Saw Puzzles. St. Anthony’s 7:4s—Budapest Gypsy Ensemble (CBS). SOVIETS PLAN FLIGHTS 4:4s—Beachcombers. COLUMBIA'S CAROL tt tt tt By Beville Avenue Evangelical—Thf (379 YVarman Ave.) B:oo—Music that Satisfies (CBSI. s:oo—"Law for the Layman.” Reuben United Pren Rev. N. (CBS'. A radio of Ambrose Aegerier. pastor. Morning theme. B:ls—Edwin C. Hill Horchow. dramatization Charles MYSTERY TENOR Be HARRISBURG, Pa., Dec. 24 Christmas Without Christ;" can- The Rev. A. H. Busald, Pastor. B:3o—"Peace" a Christmas Play. 5:15—01d Man Sunshine (Ford Dickens’ immortal storv, "A Christmas Round-the World Record May —Th night, Carol—Charles Rush'. Carol. ’ will be for tata, "Lord of All," by the choir. 9:OO—A Christmas Dickens 5:30—80b Newhall. broadcast the fourth The Mystery tenor will present a pro- | jig-saw puzzle craze has entered the —Midnight Mass— 'CBS'. consecutive Christmas eve over WFBM gram of Christmas Sought, Moscow Indicates. s:4s—University of Cincinnati. the and well-loved melodies state mental hospital and has found Park M. Rev. Robert "Silent Night." 10:00—Christmas dance 'CBS). 6:oo—Saturday Night Columbia network Saturday from 9 including "O. Holy Night,” "Dear Land S Riverside E.—Thf I Frolic. to 10 p. m. "Birthday King.” B'l Prrgg \ patients. pastor. 9:30 a. m Mass in honor of the Little Flower . 11:00—Carol Service iCBS'. 6:ls—Gene and Glenn. of Home" and of the United warm adherents among the M Sellex. Pageant of the Flowet ana Sunday 1 p. m., over WLW and an NBC 24,—At church 30 p. _ Thoyan 11:45—Mass. Church Little 6:3O—R. F. and.. with Boss at feast two by the school: 7 m., Christ- Offertory—"Adeste M. Johnson. network. de Balet” MOSCOW, Dec. The report of the Warren State mas cantata by the choirs. Fideles. A. 6:45—T0 be announced. "Air by Richard Czer- I:3o—Sign off. 7:oo—Over the Rhine, LUCKY STRIKE HOUR wonky, be played by the ensemble big flights of Soviet airplanes hospital to the department of wel- 9 A. M.— German band. will Reformed—The —Mass. 7:ls—Tony Cabooch. Evelyn and under the direction of the composer. of possibly for a fare of Immanuel Rev. Herbert "The Herbert Robert Hallidav abroad, one them here told the establish- F Werkmueller. pastor. 630 a m Candle Christmas Bells." —SUNDAY— 7:3o—Los Amigos. will be heard in a delightful Christmas "While Shepherds Watched." A M. B:oo—Ernie Palmquist’s eve program record, will be un- ment of a puzzle “library” with a light service: 7:30 a. m . Christmas break- dance orchestra. when the Lucky Strike Hour round-the-world fast served at the church; 10 a m. "Angels We Have Heard.’’ 8 00—Junior Bugle (CBS'. B:3o—The Crosley Follies. is broadcast Saturday at 9 over a NBC CHRISTMAS DAY HIGHLIGHTS by Soviet authorities circulating reserve of 100 ” theme, puzzles, •Adeste Fideles." 9:oo—Entertainers. 9:oo—Thelma Kessler and network. The dertaken the "The Star of Bethlehem orchestra. music of Vincent Lopez A. M. acording to "Silent Night." 9:3o—Christian Men Builders. 9:ls—"The Whole Talking.” and his from Congress next summer, Jacob and of manufacture of many jig- 'Amor Town's orchestra the Preabylerian Mi. ’o:3o—Silent to noon. 9:3o—Jan Garber's dance orchestra hotel in Chicago and the tunes of Jack of the All- saw devices in the occupational Irvimton Dr. John P hour (CBS'. 10:00—Doodlesockers with Sid Denny 11:90—Columbia, Salt Lake Tabernacle Anvelt. vice-chairman Ferguson, pastor. Morning, Christmas Orchestra Members Violins, Marv 12:00—Cathedral Ten Eyck. and his instrumentalists plaving of Civil Aviation. therapy classes. Fisher, Josephine Mildred P. M. 10:30—Larry Funk's dance orchestra. from the Waldorf-Astoria in New York choir. Union Board message by the pastor. Dillon. Cum- —Cathedral hour (CBS'. 11:00—Greystone Ballroom also be mings. Dorothy Sellmever; saxophone. 12:00 orchestra. will heard. Stations are WLS., 11:15—NBC-(WLW), Roxy Symphony. Josephine organ. 12:30—Records. 11:30—Vincent Lopez orchestra (NBC WTAM, WLW. WDAF. First Evangelical—The Rev. R H. Muel- Davis: Gertrude Whelan, 12 Midnight—Larry Dorothy 2:00 Philharmonic-Symphony Concert 00 Funk's orchestra. tttttt 11:30—Columbia, Paris, Berlin, Lon- ler. pastor Morning theme. Room for Brosnan. (CBS'. A. M. Jesus;" night, Christmas nlav, "Holy ana 4:oo—Wheeler City Mission. 12:30—Jan Garger's TRINITY CHURCH CHIMES don programs. Night." by the Sunday orchestra. school. 4 30—Foreign Legion 'CBS'. I:oo—Doodlesockers. old Trinity church, I:3o—Sign The chimes of P. M. Flowers Indoors s:oo—Second Presbyterian off. standing in grave Memorial M. St. Bridget’s church. its quiet yard at the Victwr E.— The Rev. Wil- s:3o—Round Towners (CBS'. head of Wall New York New H Lee (807 street in the 2:oo—Columbia, York Phil- in the liam Spratt. pastor Morning N. West St.) 6 00—Dr. Julius Klein 'CBS*. SUNDAY financial center, will ring in Christmas Have you been successful with growing plants indoors theme. "The Spirit of Christmas in (CBS'. A. day over harmonic Symphony, The Rev. John F. McShane, 6:ls—Barbara Maurel M. WJZ. WEAF. WTAM and com- Does your neighbor’s indoor window box Message and Song," night, cantata, "The Pastor. 6:3o—Memories of Melody B:oo—Children's hour (NBC'. bined at 10:55 p. m., Sat- fall and winter months? King." iCBSt. NBC networks 4:00 NBC (W E N R). Koestner’s yours and Do you Christmas —11:30 P. M 6:4s—Hale MacKeen. 9:oo—Church Forum. urday. The mellow sound of the old bells always have blooming plants, while wither die? 7:oo—Kostelanetz Presents (CBS'. 9:3o—Fiddlers Three (NBC'. will be picked up by microphones and Ensemble “H an se 1 and attention to house in cold Church, Episcopal The Meditation on Christmas Themes. Continetal country know the secrets Ojf care and plants the Christ Rev. E. Organ and violin. 7:3o—Roxv Ensemble (CBS*. 9:45—M00d iNBC' carried over the as it reverberates Gretel.” Ainger Powell, rector. Christmas eve. 8 00—Bath Club (CBS'. 10:00—Morning Musicale (NBC'. between the huge skyscrapers of lower months? Candle-light Carol sp. m —11:15 P. 8 30—Prodoliers. 11:00—Organ program. Broadway, In Christmas tunes. 7:OO—NBC (WLW), Eddie Cantor. Service. Mid- M.~ 11:15—Roxy familiar Our Washington Bureau has ready for you a comprehensive night Choral Eucharist. 11:30 p. m. Christ- Night of B:4s—Earl Gordon pianologue. symphonv concert. tttttt dav: Hour Kindergarten. His Birth." 12 Noon—Ace Bridode orchestra, 8:00—NBC (WENR), Rosa Ponselle. It tell you what, mas Church 10:45 ’ Sweet Thy Peace." 9.oo—Jack Bcnnv with Ted Weems or- bulletin on how to grow plants indoors. why and a. m. Choral Eucharist. 10:45 a. m P. M RHYTHMIS SHADOWS chestra (CBS'. Organ. 9:3o—Columbia, Christ- coupon below for it. Special Christmas Music by Men and Bcv Midnight—- (CBS 12:30—Threesome and Rhvthmic Shadows, a program present- Saint-Saens how. Fill the and send ... :12 9:3o—Christmas oratorio . choir fifty voices. ln F I:oo—Mystery tenor (NBC'. ing an by Polak dis- mas oratorio. of - Const. Sieg. 10:00—Gauchos 'CBS'. 115— College Music orcristra led Emil in Offertorv Adeste Fidelis" . .V Novello 10:15—The Columnist. of recital. tinctive arrangements of light classical " CLIP The Sutherland Players have selected Recessional—"Chrlstus Natus Est 10:30—Bohemians. I:3o—Dance orchestra (NBC. and classical numbers, will be broadcast COUPON HERE as their Christmas plav "Peace 2:00—Carillion Chimfs. on Saturday at 11:05 p. m. over WTAM annual I M. A. Melvil 11:00—Atop the Indiana Roof. 2:ls—Franklin Benz end String Give Unto You” by Dorothy Clarke Wil- 11:30—Lvric Ballroom orchestra. trio. and an NBC network. DUTCH PIANIST aon. —8 A. M.— 2:3O—J. Alfred Scheie, organist. Dept. 207. Washington Bureau Indianapolis Times, Christmas 11:45—Hal Bailey's orchestra. 3:oo—Radio League of the Little Flower tttttt Egon Petri, distinguished Dutch pianist, It will given at the special Christ- Hvmns bv Children's Choir. 12:00—Sign off. 1322 New York Washington, D. mas be O lttle Town of —Rev. Charles Coughlin. MASS FROM ST. PETERS will appear as soloist, with the New avenue, C. serviee at the Sutherland Presbyterian V, Bethlehem." Ed York Philharmonic-Svmphonv Twenty-eighth and O Hasten Dear Children." 4:oo—Smilin’ McConnell. Midnight historic St. orchestra Church. Guilford O Lovely Infant Jesus." 4:3o—Dramatization of Love Stories mass from the for the second time during the broadcast I want a copy of the bulletin HOUSE PLANTS, and inclose here- avenue at 7 o’clock Sunday evening With Hearts Truly WKBF (1400) Indianapolis iNBC'. Peter's Cathedral in Cincinnati will be final under the The Grateful." broadcast Christmas eve by WLW begin- of the concert baton of with 5 or postage play is especially timely since all "Dear Little One." (Indianapolis Broadcasting. Inc.) s:oo—Ace Brigode's Orchestra. Dobrowen, Sunday, from 2 to 4 cents in coin, loose, uncanceled United States the nationa discussing war and peace ning at 11 p. m. and continuing to 12.15 Issav over a are —lO A. M.— SATURDAY s:3o—P.oamios. The mass will pontifical high p. m.. WABC and nation-wide Co- stamps, cover return postage and handling costs: for the locale of the play Is a peasant's P. M. 6 00—Three Cheers Trio. a. m. be a lumbia network. hut )ust a mile the enemy's Choir Members—O. J. Sulli- and mass and will be celebrated by the Most from line Hammerle. 4 15—Jimmy Bover. 6:ls—Alice Remsen Orchestra. nag which is advancing on Christmas Eve A van.H. Donee. N. Emmermeer. J. J. Brod- 4 45—News flashes. 6:30 —Great Moments in History (NBC). Rev. Joseph H. Albers, auxiliary bishop of son of tha Is fighting on erick. Marv Davis. Clara Sullivan, Mar- 7:oo—Eddie Cantor Cincinnati. family each side. garet Davis s:oo—Santa Claus. 'NBC' GLAD TIDINGS Tha well-known scripture ' Glory to God and Helen Reinhardt. s:lo—Lost and found bv The Indianapolis 7:3o—Curtain Calls. tttttt NAME- in the nigheat and on earth peace, good- n n n Times. B:oo—Ernie Palmcuist's orchestra. Dr. Poling speak & NEW’ ENGLISH SINGERS Daniel A. will of - will ' takes significance (NBC' Tidings—Great Jov” during * the toward man on new s:ls—Dinner melodies. B:ls—Trade Mark The New English Siegers, under the "Glad and meaning as the play ends The play St. s:3o—Aunt Dessa and Uncle Connie. B:3o—Orchestra (NBCj direction of National Youth Conference program Sun- is the Flayer'* aor.unl Christmas pro- Catherine’s 6:oo—Dinner dances. B:4s—Leonard Watson, 'cellist. Cuthbert Kelly will be fea- day at 3:30 p. m. over WENR and an open the (1109 Tabor Denny (re- Kessler tured with Channon Collinge and a group network. will be under the STREET AND NO duction :o puollc. SO 6 30—Jack and his orchestra 9:oo—Thelma and orchestra during special NBC Music Thoee taking part cordings*. 9:15—01d Singing Master (NBC> of Columbia soloists a direction, cf George Shackley. are Fannie K. Fort. The Rev. James Downey. Pastor. 6 43—Spprtlight 9 30—Back Home With presentation of Christmas carols over Lorin Woodward. Edward Green. Rilev Frank Luther and and the network, tttttt Ficdderjohn. James play 7 Od—Jerry and Norm. his orchestra. WFBM Columbia Satur- McDaniels. The —Midnight Maa—- day from 11 to 12 midnight. it directed by Norman Green. 7:ls—Harrv Bason. 9:4s—Southern Singers. HANSEL AND GRETEL'' CITY STATE "Silent Nichl" Gruber 7:3o—Jennie Moore. 10:00—Tales of Terror. tttttt Kyrl Glon*' —"Second Mass Indigo. Fountain Street M p'. Credo; tn 7:45—M00d 10:30—Vox Humana. Selections from Humperdinck's "Han- R.—The Rer. Charles B(oo—Orabestra. DORIC QUARTET ’ McCullough, paster. Mortuaj 11:00—Wm. Stoess and his Flying Dutch- sel and Gretel will open the Christmas a Indianapolis Times. (Code No.) A. theme. Offertorv Adeste''Fideies”!!!.’!!!,NoveUo 8 15—Master's music room. men. ‘‘Oh, Ya Ya," a program centering program I am reader of The “■The Power of Prayer," night. SancMv Agnus of Josef kjCoestner’s ensemble Chnstmus Bened'ctus. Dei—’ 3ec- B:4s—Memories 11:30—Jan Garber's dance orchestra, around an old German professor Sunday p. m. over an cantata by the choir. oad Mass in JF”,... 9:oo—Jerry who at 4 WENR and -1 Marzo and Charlie* I.oo—Moon River. plays the par; of Santa Claus, will be NSC network. "Holy Night," a popular

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