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LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT Today’s Radio Features HOOVER GETS sent the same to me within the crease the amount of government Use Brownsville Herald Merchandise ~] WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20 (Central Standard Time) time prescribed by law.. bonds pledged as security as funds My residence and poet office ad- on hand Increase, in an amount - P. M. unless Indicated. Programs and station lists subject to change. 9 Cafes and Hotels Classified Ads 54 For Sale Mined. dress are Port Isabel, Cameron ample to secure said depository !-----—..... ft (By Tht Aatociatrd Preaat kvor kayl ki* wmbg 9.13—Dr. Bundewn—Also win wowo County, Texas. funds at all times. CEDAR POSTS for aala 454.3—WE AF-NBC—660 BUDDY POPPY Nothin* better than to Get Results eheefK wcco Manhattan VAN wbbm kmbe; GEO. F. CAIL, Temporary Ad- H. HORN, GRISHAM'S Inquire E. J. Lewi* farm, old PL Simmons — Also wfiw wdod wrec ICE CREAM. 4:16—Robert Serenadera—Only ministrator of the Estate of 'W- E. City Secretary. Isabel Road. ZUO wrmaq wow wdaf wnox wbre wafa wdau; Swiss Yodalara , We serve It. Deceased. 4-11 to 21 lnc.-10t-4335 Classified rates are: 4:35—Alice Joy—Also wtam wwj wdaf —Only kacj w*iax kfjf krld ktrh ktaa Pres. Herbert Hoover officially Brown, j PORT-WAY DRUG STORE 4:46—Goldberg#— Alto wtam wwj wenr 9:50— Norman Brokenshlra—Alao wgat launched the eleventh annual dis- 3-30-6-13-20—4t—4330. Victoria 60 Seeds, Plants, Flowers wfbm wbbm wcco Heights 20 words or lass, on# Insertion, ,40c