
— ——■ —— ~ ■ ■■ n J. .I-..■■iiiBgn- ■ ..- ......

T" 1 *' .. ... L * --..-....-.-.. Closing Hours WEEK DAYS — 10 A. M. SUNDAYS: 4P.M. Saturday

to C. c. Nelson. All of Bik. SIS. cont. 40 acres, out of Ban Bto. Irrig. Announcements Co’s Subd., 8h. 1, E. 8. at, Cd n. Real Estate Rentals W. T. Davis, et al. to Mary Alice KWWG Richardson. Lot 3, in and out of AUTOS FOR BALK AFABTimm. 'i. ra the -TO VOIC« Of TO BOIDOt- W. Portion of Bik. 142, Hgn. Ld. 33 1-3% Reduction in _ FOR SALE CHEAP—lim Bute* St W. Co’s Subd.. cm: $10 00 St c. COOL FURNISHED 3-rootn apart* sedan, good mechanical condition, ment. Settle Si arc k. Bobo, by Sub. Tr. light*, water, telephone, gar- new and tires. Phone 440. PI IF Price of Abstracts Radio Station to Oreat Southern Life Ins. Co. paint age. 120 00 Phone 9!I. P163 The Brownsville Herald On Of Bik. Hidalgo County Lands All the s. E. 1-2 of 246. LOST AND FOUND VALLEY VIEW fur* Edwards Abstract apartments cont. 80 acres, and all of the 8. W — Company, Inc. nlshed. Cool southeast spartment. 1-4 of Bik. 247, cont. 40 and LOST—In business section Satur- Edinburg, Texas acres, Apply at office. Palm Blvd. P1M Radio Features all of the N. E. 1-4 of Bik. 242. I TO day; brown leather letter file con- Pit Today’s corn. 40 acres, out of San Bto. Ld. _ taining State National check book, ACACIA APARTMENTS, complete- St W. Co’s Subd., Cd’n: $2,500.00. deposit book and other personal and furnished. Close Co. FOR SALE OR TRADE ly beautifully Wednesday Afternoon , Store, Covacevich Supply Farm Sc Home Savings 6c Loan papers. Name "A. A. Oxford” in Phone 1481. 0216 3:30-3:45—News Plashes Prom The 10:00-10:30— Recital by Organ Association to W. B WplleL Lot [results stamped on front. Reward. Phone WILL TRADE vacant ot lot clear Brownsville Herald With Jack Paul Konnard. Announcements in Bik. 3, 3. Taylor Addition, city He who doorbells for 8 or bring to Herald office. P202 debt In Alamo Heights Subdivision, PITCH APARTMENTS, lars* Rutledge De Luxe Cleaners, Brownsville rings looking of Harlingen. Cd'n: $2,850.00, San Antonio, Texas, price 11500.00. and small. Phone 858. P151 Music Court- Carter’s State Bank a Job, a room or any desired objec- 3:45-4:15—Spanish Printing Shop, Harlingen Orchards Co. to Val- for Valley property. Dr. N. H. «y Vivier Music Co. i Parlor, Cash Grocery tive follows a slow circuitous route FOR RENT—2-room furnished ap- Beauty City ley properties, Inc. W. 5 acres of Bowman. 214 Hidalgo County Bank 4:15-4:45—“Old Timers Club" 10:30-11:00—House Keepers Chat Employment art m*it. 125 00. 1206 13th St. Phone the W. 10 acres of Bik. 24. Briggs Indeed. Our Want-Ad columns not Bldg.. Mercedes, Tex. Ql 4:45-5:00—K. W. W. O. Birthday With Vivian. Sc Coleman Sur. 49, Cdn: 186 P198 Subd, only locate these prospects for you HELP Party 11:00-11:15—“Gus* The World's $1,810.00. WANTED” but also assure an tmmediae inter, FURNISHED 506 Wert 5:00—National Protective Ins. Co. Worst Pianist / Texas Title Sc Loan Co. to Har- apartment ▼lew with Rentals Elizabeth. Phone 429. 0249 5:00-5:15—Spanish Lesson By 11:15-11:16—Hancock Sc Tuggle lingen Orchards Co. W. 5 acres of an Interested prospect at Rafael Cowan the Well Known Inc. the W. 10 ac. of Bik. 24. Briggs 6c greatest saving of time and ef- HOUSES FOR RENT 5:15-6:00—Jap Magee In An All 11:16-11:30—Musical Brevities Coleman Subd., Sur. 48. Cd'n: fort. Old Line Insarance Company _APARTMENTS Request Program Of Popular 1:30—*31— Eureka Cleaners $10.00 St c. MODERN furnished house on opening Valley offices offers cesir- ALONSO APARTMENTS, well fur- pave- Melodies 11:31-11:45—Union Mutual Life Valley Properties, Inc. to Beatrice ment. Phone 981J. 0-80 I able contracts to limited number o» nished, newly decorated. Very desir- 8:00—Hancock^ Inc. Ins. Co. E. Calder. W. 5 Tuggle Calder. Harry M. For able. Corner 6th and 8:00-6:30—Base Ball Scores | responsible people. appoint- Levee, Phone FOR 11:45-11:50—World Book Man acres of the W. 10 ac. of Bik. 24. PHONE NO. 8 For An Adtaker 839. RENT—A modem 5-room 6:,'J0—Time Service tfe ment write P. O. Box 41, Browns- P23 Sign Off 11:50-12:00—Studio , Briggs Sc Coleman Subd., Sur. 49. house. Apply at 1231 East 13th St. Until 9:30 ville. Q10 Thursday Morning 12:00—Hme Service & Weather Cd’n: $6,000.00. NEBRASKA APARTMENTS—Fur~ J. M. Camera PI 16 Thursday Morning Forecast REAL ESTATE SALES nlshed, modem. Also cottages. 1351 FOR RENT—Furnished modem 9:30-10:00—Capitol Theatre Free 12:00-12:30—Jap Magee In Popu- Saturday June 28th, 1930 $57.453 00 SALESMEN-AGENTS Jefferson. Phone 1194. 0134 Ticket Request Program Announce- lar Melodies Of The 5-room house between 14th and Day Saturday June 27th, 1931 27,484 40 1 ments E. Manautou’s SALESMAN 15th on Grant St.. Victoria Heights. Department 12:30—Sign Off Until 3:30 p. m. WANTED EL AGUILA-Fumlahed 2 and 3- LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT room References required. Call Steiner, (Prepared be Brownsville Title Co.) « One who has had experience sell- apartments: lights, water, _ gas. 12, Port Isabel. PI30 Deeds Filed Jnne 29th. 1931. ing securities. Write, giving age and hot and cold bath. Phone 896-\v WEDNESDAY, JULY 1 Standard property situated in the city of Copies of said proposed zoning (Central Tine) The Barreda Corp. to James-Dick- experience. NEARLY NEW 5-room modem P. M, unless indicated. to inson Brownsville, to all owners of pro- plan, map and ordinance are open _M-287 Programs subject change by stations. F. M'tge. Co. All of Lot 50. and house on oak to the at the Crump Company MAY-DAY paving: floora, double (Bn The Associated Press) Chorister*—Also WADC Blk. 12. Barreda Gardens Subd., No. situated in the of Browns- inspection by public Furnished Apartments 8:00—Rhythm perty city Box 1168 garage, fine neighborhood. South WXYZ WBCM WDOD WREC WBRC office of the secretary in the city —Modem, cool, 454.3—WEAF (NBC)—«60 3. Cd’n: *2.755 00. ville who be absent from the clean, convenient, I WDSU WISN WTAQ WFBM WCCO may hall. Said h# Corpus ChrFti. Texas Best em Realty Co.. Phone 914. Qfc 5:00—To Bo Announced—WEAK The Barreda Corp. to James-Dick public hearing will location. Zeroxone, hot water, KSCJ KMOX KMBC WNAX WIBW to all other owners, lien F204 Mme, Aide—Aleo WTAM WSAI inson Co. All of Lot city, and continued from day to day until garage, 130 to $45. 139 KFII KFJF KRLD KTSA and coaat F. M’tge 53. _§ Washing- FOR RENT—8-room modern house holders, lease holders and other u5laT 8:30—To Be Announced—WABC Chain Blk 12. Barreda Gardens Subd., No. all parties interested have been ton. Phone 714. to accommodate two WTO—Gene Austin, what- SITUATION WANTED arranged Songs—WEAF 8:45— Bon. Bone—A Do WADC WXTZ Cd’n: *1.858 00. persons having any interest full* heard. WAS—Back of the Newe — Also WSAI 3, small families. Southern Realty Co., WBCM WDOD WDSU WISN WTAQ soever in or on property situated The notice is SWEENY 5COA KECA WOC WENH WDAF KSD WFBM The Barreda Corp. to James-Dlck- foregoing given Apartments., Southeast Phone 914. Q® WCCO KSCJ KMBC WIBW in the of Brownsville, that WANTED—Work. Have fifteen 0:00—Bobby Jones—Also WTAM WWJ KFH KFJF KRLD KTSA WACO inson F. M'tge. Co. All of Lot 52. city by order of the city commission I downstairs apartment, of WSAI WIBO KSD WOC WOW years' experience as collector and plenty WIOD 8:00—Will Osborn* Orchestra — Ala* Blk. 12. Marreda Gardens No. might be affected by said ordin- passed at its session windows. Private FOR RENT—Six-room house 805 WHAS WSM Subd., regular held I adjuster in furniture store. Also entrance and WMC WSB WJDX WXYZ WBCM WSPD WDOD WLAC ance and said and WOAI 3. Cd’n: *1.640 50. zoning plan map In the city hall of the city of porch, electrical St. Francis. Apply A. Chapa. 743 St. WFAA KOA KSI, WOT WTMJ WDSU WISN WFBM ten years in loan offices. refrigeration, gar- WTAQ WCCO of the of Brownsville, to be experience some KSTP WEBC WDAY KFYR WSMB KSCJ KMOX WIBW The Barreda Corp. to James-Dick city Brownsville on June 12th, A. D. age. maid service. Charles. P78 WDAF KFJF KRLD Speak Spanish. Best references. W. E.erythmg KTHS WHY and coast KTSA inson F. M'tge. Co. All of Lot 51. and appear before the city com- 1931. furnished or Close 4:15—Mas D. L., 227 Floyd Ave., San Antonio. partially. in. 1st Questel, _ Impersonator—Also 9:15 Pryor's Band — WBCM Blk. 12. Barreda Gardens Subd No. mission at said in and Adams 8t. FURNISHED Se unfurnished houses WHAM WSAI Only public hearing R. B RENTFRO Texas. PH7 WSD WOW WDAF WLAP WDOD WREC WLAC WBRC Q3 Room Arcade WDAY WHAS 3. Cd’n: *2.755 00 the city hall beginning on July and apartments. 3, WSM WMC WSB WDSU WISN WTAQ WOWO WFBM Mayor WJDX WOAI KSL J. B. Jones to Itla D. Hamill. A. D. at 7:30 and APARTMENT FOR RENT—Phone Building. F31 and coast WMAQ WCCO KSCJ WMT KMOX Lot; 14th, 1931, p. m. H VAN HORN A-l TYPI8T. permanent, part time j 4:30—Shllkret Ochestra — Also WSAI 1354. KMBC KLRA WNAX KOIL WIBW 5. Blk. 411, El Jardln Re-Subd 8h to show cause. If any there might i or home work. Hi P114 KSD WOW WTAM City Secretary Phone 960, Room FOR RENT—8-room stucco bun- KOA KVOO WFAA 1 ! KFJF WRR KTRH KTSA WACO KOH 31. E. 8. Gt.. Cdn: *10.00. etc. be, why said zoning or- -“—— WOAI WKY KSL WGY WEBC WDAF KMJ proposed 6-17-24-1-31-4084 Q2 I with 8-acre farm on KFBK and coast James-Dickinson F. M’tge Co. to dinance THE VAN galow highway WOC WWJ KSTP WTMJ WDAY 9:30—The and zoning plan should SICLEN—Coolest, best KFYR KYW Quarter.Hour—Only WREC D. Ott and Anna C. Ott. N. W. No. 12. four miles from town. WLAC WNOX WBRC WDSU WISN Clay not be adopted by the City of SERVICES OFFERED I ventilated. 3 and 5 7:00—Old Counselor—Also WOT KOA rooms, large Phone 24. Q4 WFBM WCCO KSCJ WMT KLRA 7.60 acres of Lot 4. Blk 10. Barreda Brownsville a KSL KSD WOC WOW WWJ WSMB as duly and legally closets, tile baths. Frigidatrcs, WNAX KOIL WIBW KFJF WRR Gardens Subd.. No. 2. Cd n: *5.320 00. Announcements KPRC WOAI WTMJ KSTP KYW constituted and ordinance. At GET YONR laundry work done at screened FURNISHED KTRH KTSA WACO and coaat plan porches, private entrance. ROOMS. WHA3 WSM WSB WTAM Port Isabel to Carl S Shaw. the WMC — Co., such ail in- home laundry. Work guaran- Rents 9:45 Bert Lown Orchestra — Also i public hearing persons reasonable. Phone 65 or 51H- WJAX KVOO am coast Lot 11-A. Blk. 64. Townsite of Point WADC WXTZ WBCM WSPD WDOD terested will be full and com- teed. Price reasonable. Lace cur- W- COOL sleeping rooms, close in. 7:30—Olive Palmer—Also WGY WSAI i given WREC WLAC WBRC WDSU WISN Isabel Cdn: *750.00. Travel Bureau tains a 15th & Roose- WGN KSD WOC WOW WSMB WTMJ plete opportunity to make protest, Valley specialty. ___N-173 $2 50 and up. One and two beds. All WTAQ WFBM KSCJ KMOX KMBC ! Port Isabel Co. to D. W. Shaw. KSTP WHAS WSM WMC WDAF all Points velt. Phone 949-W. P177 JUNCO APARTMENTS — outside rooms. 912 Levee. Phone WNAX WIBW KFJF KRLD remonstrance, or objection of any Cars and Passengers to Beauts WSB WOAI KOA KTSA Lot in Block 64. of Port ' KSL WWJ WTAM KVI KFPY 12, City On Share Basis fully furnished. Modern in every 1226-J. P197 and coast KFRC KDYL KLZ kind and character whatsoever Expense — Isabel. Cd’n: *1.000 00. INSTRUCTION 10:00 Gardena Orchestra — Also respect, with gas. water, 4:30—Sports interview — Also WSAI against either the proposed zoning lights. WADC WKBN WBT WXTZ WBCM William Kusch. et al to Ray L. Office: 1121 W. Harrison COOL BEDROOM, southern expos- WOC WEBC WKY KYW KSD KSTP plan or against the Harlingen Frigldaire. Reasonable rent. Phone WSPD WDOD WREC WLAC proposed zoning — WIOD WSM WSMB KPRC WOAI KOA WBRC Carden. 79.32 acres, being all of Phone 405 Mrs. W. W. Houser,Mgr. WANTED Me®, women 18-50. HO. 1149 E. ure, private entrance. Oarage if WDSU WISN WFBM ordinance or or 3. Washington. 0210 WFAA KSL WJDX WDAF WHAS WTAQ KSCJ Blk. 345. and all of Blk. 346. 8 Bto. any part portion Commence $1260 desired. See Peterson at Merchants KMBC WNAX KOIL WIBW $1440. Steady. WTAM WOW WMC WSB WWJ WAPl KFH thereof; and all parties interested McAllen office: McAllen Hotel Bldg. KFJF KTSA KFPY KFRC KDYL KLZ Irrtg. Co’s. Subd No. 1. Cd’n: *10.00, Government wants Pile Clerks. 5-ROOM upstairs apartment, mod- Bank P203 WOY WTMJ KTAR KVOO and roast may appear in person or council Phone 363 Mr. J. W. Butler, Mgr. 10:30—Ann Leaf at the — etc. by all 4:00— Nellie Revell—Also KSD YVOC Organ Also Experience unnecessary. Browns- emly furnished, conveniences. WCAO WADC WKBN or agent. P15 room on WC.Y WIBO WIOD WXYZ WBCM A, M. Cole to 8. S. Surface Lots by ville examinations about August 1. Shapiro Apts. Phone 198 or 897W. FOR RENT—Cool front WSPD WDOD WREC WLAC WRRC 4:15—Vincent Orchestra — 13 and 14. Blk San Bto. Ld. & W. second floor, with Lopez Also WDSU WISN 3. Particulars free. Write today. phis sleeping porch. WOC KSD WGY WTAM WTAQ WFBM WCCO WOW WEXR KSCJ Cos Subd., Cd n: *3.010.00. NOTICE—We will wash and grease RUSH. Franklin Institute. Faces lake. Phone 24. Q8 WWJ WDAF WNAX KOIL WIBW KFH Dept. KFJF KTSA KDYL al. to Hen- now and run- — KLZ John Glover, et Troy car. 1589 L. N. Y. P156 3 AND 4:15 Stsbblns — Onle WTAM your beginning Rochester, 4-room unfurnished apart- Boys for FOR RENT—One or two cool well WWJ WSAI KSD WOC WOW WMC 394.5—WJ7. (NBC)—760 derson. Lot 11, Block 7. Landrum ning through July and August, ments, also 2 and 3-room furnished WSB WSMB WBAP Aditdion No. 1. Townsite of San or 75c furnished rooms for gentlemen, in 5:00— Amos ’n' Andy—Also KDKA $1.50. Washing greasing. apartments, all modern, summer — WAITING 10:00—The Continentste home. Good Also WOY WLW WIOD WCKY Benito. Cd’n: *410 00. All work guaranteed. Call for an(f rates. Southern private neighborhood. WEXR WOW KOA Financial Realty Co.. Phone Phone# 5:15—Entertainers—Also KSTP Gertrude to John Aman Reece Service Station. 233 St. Charles Street, Funk's — McIntyre deliver. A. O. 10:30—Larry Orchestra Also 5:30— Phil Cook—Also WEBC WJDX Q7 1307-W and 1308. Q9 WTAM KSD WOW WEXR and Anna Aman. All of Lots 1 and 155 Elizabeth, phone 197. P193 f.SMB WMC WOA! WTMJ KSTP PARM LOANS—Five year straight KTH8 WSB WREN WKY KWK KOA 2. Blk. 16. Third Addition, City of COLONIAL APARTMENTS. 348.6—WABC (CBS)—860 loans on Improved Irrigated farms f’Mir- ROOM AND BOARD KHL WGAR KDKA WLW WJAX 8an Benito. Cd’n: *10.00. etc. CARDS Ol~THANKS room apartment with breakfast 8:00— Kate Smith—Also WADC WBCM WIOD W FA A WAPI WHAS KPRC in cultivation in Hidalgo and Cam- Real Estate Sales nook. The kind you will like, and ROOM AND BOARD In WDOD WREC WLAC WBRC WDSU WENR WDAY WBAL KFYR KFAB WE WISH to thank our friends for eron Counties. Refinance vendors prtvato and coaat. Monday. June 30th, 1930 *23,476 00 at a reasonable rental. Also a WTAQ WCCO KSCJ KFH KFJF of our sister. lien. Ae Phone home for gentleman. Ill St. Char- 5:46—Robert L. 1931 attending the funeral Watts. 23, smaller XRLD KTSA KDYL KLZ Ripley—Also KDKA Monday, June 19th. *19.537.50 apartment. Call 868-J. P7 552. — for the les, phone Qft — Texas. 4:15 Dennis King Also WADC 4 LW Josephina C. dc Rivera, and Donna. P141 WKRC WSPI) WBBM 6:00—In the Tim* of Rose*—Only also thank WCCO WMT HOW HE “LIBS’' IT beautiful flowers. We KMOX KMBC KOIL WGAR WLS WENR WREN KRLD Garza Mortuary for the sp endid 4:K—Evangeline Adams—Also WADC 6:30—Melody Moment*—AVJZ Rastus. on his first ocean voy- 7:00—The First rendered. Cortinas family. WHK WKRC WAIU WXYZ WSPD Niphter—Also WLS age. was the of sea- service KDKA WGAR WREN feeling pangs Miscellaneous WEOD WREC WLAC WBRC WDSU KWK Qll 7:30—Goldman Band Concert—WJ7 s ckness. WISN WOL WFBM WBBM WCCO _ Classified Business 8:30—Clara, Lu and Em—Also WJR "Ho. ho!" tsunted his compan- Directory KMOX KMBC KOIL KFJF WRR WREN KDKA ARTICLES FOR SALE KTRH WUAR KWK WON ions. "You are a land lubbah !\r 8:45—Poems—Also KDKA WREN * 5:45—The Quarter-Hour—Also WADC sho.” 9:00—Slumber Music—WJZ FOR SALE—Farmall tractor. New OFFICE FlRN,TlRE omci FIRNITI RE WHK WKRi’ WXYZ WSPIT WOL 9:00— Amos 'n' I said Rastus weak- CLASSIFIED — KMBi* Andy—Onlv WMAQ "Right, boys." i last October, been used very little. A WMAQ WENR WJR WGAR KVk WREN — — ly. "And Is finding out how 4:00 Pryor’a Band Also WADC AVDAF KFAB WTMJ KSTP jes* bargain. Inquire P206 Herald. P206 WEBC A car be of at a and Rules WHK WKRC WXYZ WSPD WXOX WHAS WSM AVMC AVSB WJDX much I really lubs lt ’—The Humor- you'll proud Rates 4:00 — Rudolph. Pratt, and Sherman— AVSMB KTHS WRAP KPRC AVOAI ist. surprisingly low price. Like a Advertisement* will be scceptsd Only WMAQ WCCO WKY KOA KSL#r.d coaet. new car. Will perform like one. — from (boss having 4:15 Barbershop Quartet — Also 9:15—Topic* in o\er tbs phone Livestock & Brief—Onlv% WGAR bu- Other WADC WHK WKRC WXYZ WSPD AVENR KWK WHEN KSTP WEBC expects 500 drum and regular charge accounts. Poultry must be ac- PURISMT WTSX WFBM WMAQ WCCO KMOX WDAY KFYR gle corps and bands to attend the 1930 Plymouth Sedan classified advertising I I cash KMBC KOIL 9:30—Songs of the Homeland—Also national American conven- companied by MILK FED fryers for sale. Joachim — Legion 1927 Buick Sedan on an 8:30 Interlude — Onlv KDKA No advertising accepted Symphonic tion there next Poultry Farm. WXYZ WBCM WDOD WBRC WDSU 10:00—Tsl Henry Orch.—Also WQAR September. 1928 Ford 'until forbid" order A specified WTAQ WFBM WMAQ WCCO KSCJ WREN KWK KPRC Touring number of insertions must be given KMOX WNAX KOIL KFJF KRLD 10:30—Ben Pollack's Orchestra—Also LEGAL AD/ElfriSEMENT 1928 Chevrolet Touring Tho Herald res»rves the rtgbi tc WACO WJR WREN WGAR AVMC KPRC place all advertisements under the Business — — KOA 1926 Sedan 8:45 Gloom Chasers Also WADC WAPI WENR KWK WSB NOTICE OF ZONING REGULA- Oakland proper classification and reject an- Opportunities WHK WAIU WXYZ WSPD WDSU TELEVISION TIONS AND ZONING ORDINANCE 1928 Pontiac dean or objectionable cony WFBM WBBM WCCO KMOX Coupe Obituaries, resolutions and ~srd» Browns- KMBC W9XAP—2800ke (WMAQ—«70kc) GOOD paying established 7:00— Fast WADC WHK WHEREAS, the City Planning 1928 of thank* tn classified section will Freight—Also 4:45—Silent Pontiac Coach ville business for sale. Owner call- WKRC WXYZ WSPD WREC WLAC Variety and Commission of i be taken at the regular classified S:30—Sound and Zoning the city ed north bv other interests. Write WOWO WFBM WCCO KSCJ Sirht (15m.) 1929 Essex Coach rata, in other part of paper reader WMAQ 7:30—Silent of Brownsville having presented Its WMT KMOX KMBC KOIL KFH Variety (30m.) rates apply P186 Herald. P166 final repc.i to the commission 1930 Six 7:40—Arabesque— Also WXYZ WBCM W9XAO—2000kc (WIBO—660kc) city Dodge Coupe Tha publishers art not respon- WEKJD WREC WDSU WTAQ WFBM 5:00—Audiovision (15m 7 consisting of a proposed zoning 1925 Ford Coupe sible for copy omissions, typo- WANTED TO BUY WMAQ WCCO KMOX WXAX KOIL 6:30—Cartooning (30m.) ordinance and the proposed zoning graphical error or any unintention- WIBW KFJF KRLD KTSA and coast 7:30—Pantomime Hour 1927 Ford Ton $75 al error that may occur, farther boundaries as shown upon & zoning Truck, TILING 1927 Ford Ton than to correct In tbe aest laeue plan and map of the city of Browns-1 after U la brought to their atten- Real Estate _ABSTRACTS ville, in conformity with the provi. j Truck.$100 tion. All advertising orders are ac- sions of the city law cepted on this basis only. Floor Til* Tile Mantels zoning passed 1930 Pontiac Coach No 8 and dictate the Telephone your Dependable Prompt by Fortieth Legislature at Its advertisement to on experienced Wall Real Estate Transfers 1929 Tile Tile Drain Boards Phone 353 regular session and being known Dodge Truck iasslfled writer. btunates Given as Chapter 283 of the Oeneral To Insure publication same day Cheerful!! — and 1930 Truck [ Dodge should be not later I Special Laws of the Fortieth copy presented For Subdivision Wm. Cameron A Inc. Brownsville Title Leg- than 10 a. m Copy for Sunday Co., E. Wentz. Lot 18, Blk. 6. Los Ebencs lslature on page 424: and. issues should be in not later than 160 Acres Harlingen Phone 480 Addition, City of Brownsville Cd’n. WHEREAS, the city commission, 4:00 p. m. Saturdays to Insure Company classification. $1,820.52. in proper PROFESSIONALS Court Homo conformity with said city zoning 1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Opposite Brownsville The Barreda Corp to James-Dick- law has called a public hearing to RATES Located 4 mocks from the high 20 words or less one insertion 40c school and closer tc Browns- inson P. M’tge. Co., All of Lot be held on said final 37, repo begin- j Over 20 words, one insertion ville than the exclusive Lot FRED KOWALSKI Abstracts of Title word Blk. 10. containing 11.46 acres. Bar- nine on July 14th at 7:30 p. m. per 2c Ebanos Subdivision Subsequent Insertions run eon- Winding Title Insurance reda Gardena ATTORNEY Subd., No. 2, Cd’n: $1,- and has ordered notice to be given secutl vely. per worn..1 V*e resaca runnine through prop- 729 00. Minimum .. natural lake front of the time and place of such hear- 10 words erty offering COURTHOUSE Complete abstracts of title The Barreda Corp. to Jamcs-Dick- By month, per word .. .Sfte sites for subdivision rhls prop- ing by publishing said notice for No classified Office Phone: 121.1 to all in Cameron inson F. M’tge. Co., All of Lot 26. W. A. BOSS, Manager advertisement ac- erty ts for sale oy owners and land*; fifteen (15) days in a newspaper cepted for teas than.40c Blk. “A”( cont. 8 87 can be at a at- Residence Phone: till Texas acres. Barreda of Jesse LOCAL READER RATES bought very County, Gardens general circulation in the city Dennett, Inc. Subd No. 6. Cd n: $1,340.50. Readers, per word 4c tractive price. Also tract oi 300 ——1* of Brownsville, THEREFORE: ——— The Barreda to USED CAR MARKET Readers, per inch .81 Jt acres within Limits, adjacent Corp. James-Dick- Notice city is hereby given, in accord- ! Second and tbtrd days. per inson F. M’tge. Co. All of Lot 1. 1222 St. a*fcc to Missouri Pacific Lines on ance with the of the Washington word; fourth, fifth and sixth days ROOM A BOARD Bik. 10. cont. 11.05 acres, Barreda provisions the south. Henson-Lcmax A law USED CAR LOT Jc per word; T consecutive days The Herald Gardens Subd.. No. Cd n: city zoning and the city charter Houston and Brownsville De- Try 2., $1,667.50 Across from Herald IMrC per word. HOLLINGSWORTH HOTEL. Room and of said order of the com- Building 080 The Barreda Corp. to James- city Legal notices le per word each in- velopment G& and board. Meals reasonable. BROWNSVILLE. TEXAS sertion. • Classified Ads Dickinson F. Co. All of Lot mission, to all citizens of Browns- M'tge. • ji Family style. 1308 Adams. Phono ville, to all non-resident owners 4. Blk. 11. cont. 16 52 acres. Barreda of i 1414. N-33 Gardens Subd. No. Cdn: 2.. $2,- FI MANCHU—The 485.00. Fighting Minionary—The Two Green Eyes AN EXCLUSIVE BROWNSVILLE HERALD FEATURE B, SAX ROHMER. J. C. Fernandez to Matt Sepich. Lot 3. in 'lock 59. of the City of O Brownsville.. Cdn: f mi By TW B»ll »h*mi^ W $13,250.00. j *• »«CI__L- I_aa I l-A m(>r “A* tkt window!" ah* Real Estate Sales j*** •••• onty i iipww, 0* i o»"> chofcod. "TH*y '' M UU« Rtf, ■ 111 CL A mI mm Ua J1 rlrJLj mo Friday. June 27th, 1930 $35,085.00 ’I WWM CTrTf#rn. wMnv Will KHXi CMI nynr. loolod up of from fkt akapa *© fkt tfewn. Tl_-?J -• -i-* -l-lJ--»-L._I-1 I_ Friday, June 26. 1931, 1931 $117,341.70 wHi’Ciuf; «I''|gp Two Mit* Efthem et ful iiw '5''" '"yyi wpv"wvj groon *y**T ley -1 t- -*-I I I-Am «nrl <,,rir|^tllf nil, m the #f*o i WnpwO nor to iTono* ™iih a Prepared by the Brownsville Title length by French win- iht inn. • • • Co. dows. which closed t®rrof| (jrdspod my Deeds Filed June 27th. 1931 end bolted. McLeod-Hood Co. to P. W. Baker. "Get my beg," I celed All of Blk. 85. cont, 5 acres, Mc- to Smith. Leod-Hood Properties No. 1, Cd’n: '’Oh, whet hes $6.000 00. hep. pened to her, Dr. Petrie?" McLeod-Hood Co. to J. H* V c r i e d the > Martin anr^ FTUth M Martin E girf s frentie feiher. 1-2 of Blk. 64. cont. 4.96 acres. Mc- J Leod-Hood Properties No. 1. Cdn: $6,894 40. McLeod-Hood Co. to Fred B Elliot. E. 5 acres of the W. 1-2 of Blk. 73. McLeod-Hood Properties No. 1. Cd’n: $5,000.00. Frederick Krell. Sr„ et al. to Jacob Foster. All of the N. 16 *9 acr«« of Lot 7. Blk. *1. Caoisa/o ^>T fj At tha woman's District Subd., Cdn: $10.00 A c. sera am—and Mr. B» (Ira Peterson, et al. by Sub. Tr. tham’s cry, "It's Grabat”—Nayiand Smith, to C C Nelson. Lot 39. El Jaixlln Mr. Btham, Danby and I al dashad paftmafl Subd.. Sh. E. S. Cd’n: 32, Grant, from tha and into tha room $1 500.00. Bbrary drawing whanca cama tha starting cal... Myron S Jones .et al by Sub. Tr.
