Taking Relations Well Beyond Business Beyond Well Relations Taking Zhang Qian P

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Taking Relations Well Beyond Business Beyond Well Relations Taking Zhang Qian P Monday 28 September 2015 B GERMANY Taking relations well beyond business Zhang Qian eter Rothen has been deeply impressed by the positive energy and optimism in Shanghai since The very-well developed Pstarting his new job and life in Shanghai last year. relations between China and “Shanghai is very much like its traffic on the streets. It never seems to stop and Germany — from business always finds a way forward,” Rothen says. to cultural exchange and “The speed of change within the city is dazzling and — sometimes for a Euro- academic cooperation — are pean — breathtaking.” a big advantage for us. Starting his career as a diplomat in 1980, Rothen has worked in many dif- Peter Rothen ferent countries including the United Kingdom, South Africa, the Czech Repub- Consul general of Germany in Shanghai lic, Switzerland, and the United States. He has been the consul general at the German Consulate in Shanghai since September 2014. bilateral cooperation in various academic bring people together, help them under- Though he admits he had to adjust to fields, in particular in engineering, natu- stand one another and create friendship Shanghai’s astonishing speed, the German ral and economic sciences. between the two countries in a concrete consul general says exchanging ideas with As one of the largest projects in the edu- sense.” China on a number of issues has been cation field between China and Germany, Though hoping to get more German straight-forward due to the very open and the Sino-German University (CDH) at students to China for the same reason, positive attitude among people in Shang- Tongji University has been developed into the consul still finds the language barrier hai and the Yangtze River Delta region in an important platform for linking educa- a big obstacle. general. He says Sino-German relations tion, research, and business in the two “Yet still, I believe that things are devel- are extremely strong and have deepened countries in the past more than 15 years. oping in the right direction,” Rothen says. as well as broadened over the years. More Chinese students are studying In August, KMK president Brunhild “The very-well developed relations in Germany than ever before. About Kurth and Chinese Vice Education Min- between China and Germany — from 28,000 Chinese students were studying ister Hao Ping signed a joint statement business to cultural exchange and aca- in Germany last year, the largest group of on educational cooperation including demic cooperation — are a big advantage international students in the country. promoting Mandarin-German language- for us,” Rothen says. “I would say that “Chinese students are known for their study among primary and middle school the people of the two countries take a determination to seek high quality educa- students in Germany. strong interest in each other and there is tion, and we are proud so many Chinese “The solid Sino-German relationship did a willingness to cooperate.” students are choosing Germany as their help pave the way for much of our work, German businesspeople, of course, are destination,” Rothen says. yet also posed a great challenge — how do among those keen to work in China. There Most of the Chinese students studying you improve the relation further from the were more than 3,500 German companies in Germany are in scientific fields since already high-level?” Rothen says. “An area operating in the Yangtze River Delta the country has a strong tradition of that I think may allow much more cooper- Region in 2014, up 6 percent annually. providing good education and research, ation to occur lies in cultural exchanges.” According to a report released by Ernst he says. Interestingly, the presence of Already, cultural exchanges between & Young in June 2014, Germany has hard-working Chinese students in Ger- the two countries continue to grow. become one of Chinese investors’ favorite man universities has proven beneficial to The Cologne Symphony Orchestra target countries. Chinese enterprises have locals by pushing them to do better. will come in October, followed by directly invested in 68 projects in Germa- “It is a win-win situation for students in Staatskapelle Dresden in November. And ny in 2013, a rise from 46 in 2012. China both countries,” Rothen says. “And more German jazz musicians will participate in is now the third largest investor in Ger- importantly, it will also benefit the rela- the annual JZ Festival in October. many following the US and Switzerland. tionship between the two countries in the “Shanghai, in my view, is such a big The long history of fruitful exchanges long run. I believe that nothing creates place with so many well-educated, cul- of scientists and students between part- so much good will between two people turally interested people. I believe more ner universities in Germany and China is than to live, work or study for a while in German cultural groups will find good the basis for a broad and comprehensive the other country. It is a wonderful way to partners here,” says Rothen. B2 GERMANY Monday 28 September 2015 Shanghai Daily German firms praise city’s business environment Ji Xiang first permanent representative office Free Trade Zone, established in 2013. in China in the city, marking a major LANXESS has already registered in the ver recent decades, many of milestone in the company’s engage- zone, which is offering various ad- the world’s largest multina- ment with China. ministrative and financial benefits for tional businesses have set But for Siemens, Shanghai’s unique- foreign multi-nationals. Oup operations in Shanghai. ness goes beyond its economic “We appreciate the efforts Shanghai Central among this group are those strength. Shanghai has has made to continue driving the coun- from Germany. According to statements from developed into try’s economic growth. LANXESS has Indeed, German companies began Siemens China, Shanghai’s favorable confidence in the Chinese market and establishing themselves in Shanghai investment and policy environment, as a cosmopolitan is committed to further investment as early as the late 19th century. Now, well as its abundance of domestic and city, with efficient here,” said Chien. 37 years after the start of China’s overseas talent, have contributed much LANXESS has its China headquarters reform and opening up era, many of to the city’s economic development. infrastructure, a in Shanghai and operates a number Germany’s largest and most successful Shanghai is a key market for Siemens dynamic business of plants in the area, including an companies have set up regional offices in China. The company’s east China inorganic pigments plant in Jinshan in the city. regional headquarters is located in environment, highly District. In the past, Shanghai’s geographic the city. What’s more, Shanghai plays professional support In the automotive industry, tire- location was the main attraction for host to more than 20 of the company’s maker Continental is also attracted Feature3 goes here please for one line xxx x foreign enterprises that sought to ex- business units as well as multiple R&D from the government, to the advantages Shanghai is able to pand their business activities in China. centers. offer. The company established its first Located at a tributary of the Yangtze Meanwhile, German specialty and a large joint venture some 20 years ago in River, Shanghai is a convenient staging chemical company LANXESS believes international business the Chinese mainland with Shanghai point for both inland and outbound the city’s openness and relatively free Automotive Brake Systems Co. transport. business environment have done much community. “Shanghai is a large metropolis and Electronics and heavy-equipment to lure investors from Germany. one of the most historically significant conglomerate Siemens was among the “Shanghai has developed into a Ming Cheng Chien cities in China. Continental chose to earliest German companies to set up cosmopolitan city, with efficient CEO of LANXESS China set up its regional headquarters here shop in Shanghai. Its positive experi- infrastructure, a dynamic business because of its innovative spirit, high- ence here reflects on the city’s unique environment, highly professional efficiency government, easy access to character. The company’s first order support from the government, and a talent, convenient transport and high in China came in 1879, when the local large international business commu- city attracts a large talent pool of local quality-of-life,” according to state- government purchased a ten-horse- nity,” said Ming Cheng Chien, CEO of employment candidates as well as ments from the company. power steam engine with a generator LANXESS China. great talent from around the world.” Continental has its regional head- to light the port of Shanghai. “In addition, with its openness and Shanghai’s development is further quarters on Dalian Road, near several In 1904, Siemens established its acceptance of different cultures, the backed by the China (Shanghai) Pilot other multinational businesses. Fissler Academy blends art and cooking Jiang Xinhua Fissler, one of the world’s leading brands for high-quality cookware, unveiled its sixth cooking studio in China recently in Qingdao, a port city From left: Paul Pairet, chef of in Shandong Province. The Fissler Ultraviolet and Mr & Mrs Bund; Academy hopes to create the joy of Markus H. Kepka, CEO and cooking and adds art to the life of managing director of Fissler Chinese families. GmbH; Lebenslauf Harald “With a 170-year history, the compa- Wüsthof, managing director ny entered the China market in 2004. and CEO of Wüsthof; Jacky We focus much on creative marketing Yu, famous Hong Kong chef; methods such as cooking events and and Loo Tun Seng, managing educational programs,” says Markus H. director of Fissler China Ltd Kepka, CEO and managing director of pose for a group photo before Fissler GmbH.
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