

Hydrolyzate Tuna ( Sp.) Viscera As An Alternative Material For (Clarias Gariepinus) Feed Formula

Galih Ardi Nugroho, Arning Wilujeng Ekawati, Hartati Kartikaningsih

Abstract: The purposes of this research were to determine the best dosage of the hydrolysate protein tuna viscera powder substitution based on its survival rate, specific growth rate, the conversion ratio and protein efficiency ratio of Catfish (C. gariepinus) feed. The fish feed test formula contained 30% of raw protein. The tested fish feed consisted of fish powder mixed with substitution powder from hydrolysate protein tuna viscera. Th e substitution in fish feed A=(0%), B=(30%), C=(60%), and D=(90%). The number of Catfish (C. gariepinus) thrown into 50x30x30 cm aquarium was 35 fish with average weight 1,35-1,46 g. Fish feeding frequency was 4% two times a day at 08:00and 16:00, for 30 days. The results showed that with the added hydrolysate protein tuna viscera protein powder substitution dosage until 50% of the fish feed, the survival rate improved reaching 92,38%, the best specific growth rate was at 2,71 BB/day at 1,91 and the protein efficiency ratio 2,87.

Index Terms: Catfish (Clarias gariepinus), Viscera Protein , Tuna (Thunnus sp.). ——————————  ——————————

1. INTRODUCTION as feed formulation material in Catfish (C. gariepinus). The Catfish (C. gariepinus) is a that has purpose of this study is to obtain the bes feed formulation that advantages such as faster growth, economic price, high can provide a response to survival, specific growth rate, feed nutritional content, good taste, type of consumption fish that conversion ratio, protein efficiency ratio in Catfish (C. has promising prospects because it has a high level of market gariepinus). absorption [1]. Statistical data from the marine and (KKP) showed the production of catfish (C. gariepinus) di 2 MATERIAL AND METHOD Indonesia amounted to 242.811 tons and experienced an The research was conducted in Januari- June 2019 at faculty increase of 679.379 tons in 2014 [2]. An important factor in of fisheries and marine sciences, Brawijaya University, East the succes of catfish (C. gariepinus) is feed, feed java, Indonesia. costs can reach around 60-70% of the total production costs of catfish (C. gariepinus), this is due the availability of fish meal Fish Rearing as the raw material still imported from abroad, so that Catfish (C. gariepinus), which were tested biologically, were marketing costs also increase [3]. Therefore, to reduce the acclimatized in an experimental container for 7 days on the cost of feed ingredients need to be found at lower prices and environment and feed. Then the day before the fish study was have high nutrient content, especially in accordance with the fastesd and weighed to find out the initial weight. Fish stocked needs of catfish (C. gariepinus)[4]. Alternative material that with an initial weight of an average of 1.35-1.46 grams with a can be used as a source of protein is tina innards waste density of 35 fish per aquarium. Test feed is given as much as (Thunnus sp.) this waste is vey potential to be utilized, 4% of the weight of biomass, frequency 2 times a day in the because it has a high protein and unsaturated content [5]. morning at 08.00 and the afternoon at 16.00. Nutrient content contained in tuna (Thunnus sp.) waste such as protein 18,94%, fat 6,03%, ash content 3,58% and Formulated Fish Subtitusion water content 72,77% [6]. So that it can be used as one of the The feed formulation consists of the main ingredients that ingredients for making fish hydrolyzate . Protein have been proximate analyzed as shown in Table 1. Namely hydrolyzate is a product obtained after protein hydrolysis fish meal, protein hydrolisate flour, corn flour and soy flour, usingacids, alkalis, enzymes, fermentation with a composition while supplementary formulas in the manufacture of feed used of nutrients, amino acids and good antioxidant activity [7]. are tapioca flour, CMC, Cr2O3, and minerals. The Previous research shows that the results of Persian composition of the main formula and the supplementary (Acipenser persicus), (Sepia officinalis) and Sardina formula of the feed are mixed to become feed according to the (Sardina pilchardus) hydrosylic fish can be used as nutritional needs of the Catfish seeds (C. gariepinus) [1], with feed ingredients or fish [8]. Therefore, research is needed to isoprotein 30% and 261,20 kcal/kg isoenergy for Catfish (C. further study the use of Tuna (Thunnus sp.) waste as a raw gariepinus) size of an average of 1,67-1,87 grams. material for making protein hydrosylate wich will then be used Comparison of vegerable and animal protein contributions is ———————————————— 60:40 (Table 2).  Galih Rdi Nugroho is a student at Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, University of Brawijaya, east java Malang, Indonesia. Table 1. Proximate Analysis of Feed Material (% Dry Weight)  Arning Wilujeng Ekawati and Hartati Kartikaningsih as a lecture at Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, University of Brawijaya. As Crude Type of Protein Fat BETN DE  Corresponding Author : Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, h fiber Inggridients (%) (%) (%) (kcal/g) University of Brawijaya, Indonesia. (%) (%) Email: [email protected] Fish meal 58,22 5,73 22,75 3,50 9,80 2,75 Soy meal 33,63 16,02 10,00 10,83 3,25 3,06


Hydrolyzed 56,04 3,67 6,80 1,24 1,02 3,47 meal Corn meal 10,56 4,93 2,09 2,85 79,58 2,76 Bran meal 10,01 11,01 7,71 8,89 62,92 2,82 Tapioca 0,14 0,04 0,05 0,80 98,96 2,48 Information: DE: Digestible energy 1 gr protein = 3.5 kcal DE, 1 g fat = 8.1 kcal DE, 1 g = 2.5 kcal DE [9] BETN (Extraction Material Without Nitrogen): 100-Protein-Fat- Ash-crude Fiber.

Table 2. Composition of Treatment Materials

TREATMENT Figure 1. Graph of survival rate of Catfish (C. gariepinus)

Ingredients A B C D Spesific Growth Rate (SGR) Fish meal 30,92 21,64 12,37 3,09 The growth of Catfish (C.gariepinus) every 10 days has Hydrolyzed meal 0,00 9,64 19,27 28,91 Soy meal 32,11 32,11 32,11 32,11 increased Figure 2. In treatment C with A substitution of 60% Bran meal 5,99 5,99 5,99 5,99 gave the best results in the amount of 2.61%/BW/day. Corn meal 5,68 5,68 5,68 5,68 Followed by treatment B (2.44 BB/day), D (2.21 BB/day) and Tapioca meal 9,39 7,76 6,13 4,50 the lowest is treatment A 4,00 4,00 4,00 4,00 (2.11 BB/day). Cr2O3 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 CMC 11,41 12,68 13,94 15,21 total ingredients (g) 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 PROTEIN % 30,01 30,01 30,01 30,01 FAT (%) 9,91 9,73 9,52 9,34 Crude fiber(%) 4,53 4,32 4,10 3,89 BETN (%) 30,35 30,93 31,51 32,10 DE (Kcal/g) 261,20 261,20 261,20 261,20 GE (Kcal/g) 406,24 406,05 405,86 405,67 Energy Balance 8,71 8,71 8,71 8,71 Figure 2. Graph of of Catfish (C.gariepinus) growth rate Information: DE: Digestible energy 1 g protein = 3.5 kcal DE, 1 g fat = 8.1 Note: kcal DE, 1 g carbohydrate = 2.5 kcal DE [9]. A : Subtitusi 0% B: Subtitusi 30% BETN (Extraction Material Without Nitrogen): 100-Protein-Fat- C: Subtitusi 60% D: Subtitusi 90 Ash-crude Fiber. The treatments detailed as follows: The best treatment on substitution protein of Tuna viscera 1. Fish feed A= 0% substitution, fish powder protein source at protein hydrolyzate on fish meal protein was 50.25% with a 100% . specific growth rate value of 2.60%/BB/Day. However, the 2. Fish feed B= 30% substitution, fish powder protein source at specific growth rate will decrease when given the substitution 70%. of the protein hydrolysate of fermented Tuna Viscera by 0% 3. Fish feed C= 60% substitution, fish powder protein source and 90% with yield of 2.11/BB/Day and 2.21/BB/Day at 40%. respectively (Figure 3). Protein hydrolyzate can increase fish 4. Fish feed D= 90% substitution, fish powder protein source growth and feed utilization because the content of free amino at 10%. acids and low molecular weight compounds released during the hydrolysis process can act as attractants, increase feed Parameter and Data Analysis intake and gain weight [11]. The main parameters observed included survival rate, specific growth rate, feed conversion ratio, and protein efficiency ratio. Data analysis was performed by analysis of variance ANOVA .


Survival Rate Data on the survival of Catfish (C. gariepinus) in each treatment can be seen in figure 1. From the research results it can be seen that the survival of Catfish (C.gariepinus) is still relatively good. That the survival rate (SR) ≥ 50% is classified as good, the survival rate of 30-50% is moderate and less than 30% is not good [10]. Figure 3. Graph of the use of Tuna viscera protein hydrolyzate against the average specific growth rate of catfish (C.



Feed Conversesion Ratio (FCR) The best treatment was obtained in the substitution of protein of tuna viscera protein hydrolyzate flour to fish mal protein by 58.5% with a feed conversion ratio value of 1.17 (Figure 4). however, FCR will be high when given protein subtitution of fermented tuna viscera protein by 0% and 90% with yields of 1.50 and 144 respectively. Low feed conversion ratio indicates high feed efficiency and feed quality to increase fish growth [12]. The low value of feed conversion ratio (FCR) with the addition of fermented tuna viscosity protein hydrolyzate subtitotion showed that Catfish (C.gariepinus) had a good ability to utilize feed compared to control treatment. Figure 5. Graph of the average efficiency ratio of Catfish (C.gariepinus) protein during the study

4. CONCLUSION It can be concluded from the results of the study showing that the use of tuna viscous protein hydrolyzate flour in Catfish (C.gariepinus) feed does not provied support for survival but opposes protein subtitution of tuna viscous protein hydrolyzate protein against fish flour with the best dose in the formulation of Catfish (C.gariepinus).

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