Haus am Horn
Top View
- Henry Van De Velde Year in Germany and Belgium: Part Two
- Cultural Heritage on Mobile Devices a Comparison of Apps Dealing With
- Reaching for UNESCO World Heritage Site Status: a Study of Three German Sites, on Three Stages, in Three Acts
- Weltkulturerbe Und Europäisches Kulturerbe-Siegel in Deutschland
- Denkmalpflege in Westfalen Im Auftrag Des Landschaftsverbandes Westfalen-Lippe
- Syllabus Is Subject to Change and Adjustment Given the Current Pandemic
- Anders Denken, Neu Handeln … Über 100 Teilnehmer*Innen Bei Der Ersten September Academy S
- Rathauskurier Das Amtsblatt Der Stadt Weimar Kulturstadt Europas
- REVOLT, THEY SAID. 1 a Project by Andrea Geyer
- Capturing Modernity Jazz, Film, and Moholy- Nagy’S Light Prop for an Electric Stage
- Ernst May and the New Frankfurt Initiative, 1926-1931
- Bauhaus Beginnings Reexamines the Founding Principles of This Landmark Institution
- Excursions to the Sites of the Bauhaus and Modernism
- 90 Marcel Breuer. Woman's Room, Haus Am Horn, 1923. Bauhaus
- Mobile Media & Urban Spaces
- Influence of “Urban Reagents.” German and Russian Case Studies
- Beyond Bauhaus
- Conservation and Preservation of the Bauhaus Building in Dessau