Includes XGTE, MTOF, VGTM, and SCAG) – ‘RAW’ Version
Abjure Enemy (Oath of Vengeance), 88 chases, 252-255 cleric, 45, 56-63, XG 17-20, SC 125-126 Conquering Presence (Oath of Conquest), XG 38 Chauntea (Forgotten Realms deity), SC:21,27,117 divine domains, 59, XG 18-20, SC 125-126 Control Undead (Oathbreaker), 97 cheating (dice rolling; Running the Game), 235 Arcana, SC 125-126 Dreadful Aspect (Oathbreaker), 97 cheating (gaming set), XG 81 Death domain, 97 Emissary of Peace (Oath of Redemption), XG 39 check. See ability check Forge, XG 18-19 Guided Strike (Oath of Conquest), XG 38 chess (Dragonchess set), 154 Grave, XG 19-20 Nature’s Wrath (Oath of the Ancients), 87 chimera (creature), 39 Knowledge, 59-60 Rebuke the Violent (Oath of Redemption), XG 39 chocolate, Life, 60 Sacred Weapon (Oath of Devotion), 86 Chocolate confections are enjoyed throughout the Light, 60-61 Turn the Faithless (Oath of the Ancients), 87 Realms. The monks of the Great Mother’s House (a Nature, 61-62 Turn the Unholy (Oath of Devotion), 86 monastery) in Berdusk make their famous chocolate Order, Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica Vow of Enmity (Oath of Vengeance), 88 fudge from sugar and cocoa imported from Maztica Tempest, 62 chaotic evil (alignment), 122 (Christopher Perkins) Trickery, 62-63 chaotic good (alignment), 122 choker (creature), ToF 123 War, 63 chaotic neutral (alignment), 122 choking (suffocating), 183 quick build, 57 character, 5, 11-15, 45, XG 7, 61-73 Chondathan (human ethnicity), 30 spell list, 207-208, XG 147 ability scores. See specific entry Chosen of the Gods, 17-18 Channel Divinity options, see Channel Divinity advancement, 15 chromatic dragons, 86-103 Destroy Undead, 59 age.
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