

With WHOI's research vessel Atlantis anchored in Discovery Bay off Jamaica, a team of WHOI scientists is towed on a small boat to a in shallower waters. They use long pipes to core into sediments that settled to the bottom of the blue hole. The sediments contain forensic clues that the scientists use to reveal past patterns of hurricane and ocean , which can help us predict and prepare for hurricane activity in the future. Richard Sullivan, WHOI

44 Oceanus Magazine Vol. 52, No. 2, Spring 2017 | www.whoi.edu/oceanus blue hole in the ocean is a striking sight. Fly over That’s where blue holes come in. As deep, relatively remote areas of the Caribbean Sea and you’ll narrow pits, they form perfect natural sediment traps, see shallow turquoise water stretching for miles, Donnelly said—whatever falls in generally doesn’t come interrupted only by occasional bars and back out. In these placid bodies of water, sediments can reefs. In a few rare spots, though, the ocean floor settle and remain undisturbed for millennia. They add up suddenly falls away hundreds of feet into a round, to a potential gold mine of information, revealing pat- gaping,A steep-walled maw big enough to swallow a terns of past hurricane activity and clues to predict how small ship. The dark blue color of the deeper waters in frequent and intense hurricanes may be in the future. these submerged caverns contrasts dramatically with the “The trillion-dollar question is, ‘what are the climate sapphire hues of shallower waters nearby. phenomena that come together to give us intervals of These , framed by , formed on dry hurricane activity?’” Donnelly said. land during the last ice age, when much of the Earth’s water was frozen in massive ice sheets on land and sea X marks the spots levels were almost 400 feet lower than today. Limestone Finding blue holes is a challenge in itself. Many are is easily erodible, and groundwater trickling through uncharted, or they exist only on 19th-century British it carved away huge underground caverns. Their roofs navigation charts. To locate coring sites, Donnelly and his eventually caved in, leaving deep shafts open in the team began combing through satellite images, looking for Earth. When the ice age ended and sea levels rose again, telltale dark spots in the otherwise crystal-blue Caribbean. these holes flooded, creating deep vertical caverns in “Jeff is the master of the big picture,” said Stephanie what is now the seafloor. Madsen, who until recently worked as Donnelly’s re- Although these features are geological marvels, search assistant. “He gets on Google Earth and searches that’s not the main reason Jeff Donnelly, a geologist at all over the world to figure out where hurricanes would Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, studies them. possibly track, where there’s a great location that would Blue holes also hold preserve that hurricane in sediments, and where we evidence of hurricanes would have access to these sediments to core.” that swept over the Donnelly and his team weeded out the blue holes Atlantic in the past. that seemed both most promising and most accessible Donnelly has been to investigate. Lab members did basic reconnaissance on working on recon- about 25 potential sites, and Madsen began to spearhead structing a history of the logistics of getting a team of scientists, students, and storms going back equipment down to . thousands of years. Collecting equipment for a coring mission like this, As a hurricane passes she notes, is no small task: “There’s no website for geo- over the coast, high logic research where you can order everything needed for winds and waves push coring,” she said. “It’s basically MacGyver-style make- huge amounts of sand shift equipment. We had to go to plumbing shops, floral Nicole D'Entremont, WHOI and other debris into supply shops for core foam, irrigation supply shops for or off of coastal barri- tubing, concrete supply stores for shafts and vibrating er beaches and shoreline ponds. Layers of that hurricane motors—and then piece it all together.” debris are buried over time. Once the equipment arrived, the researchers had to But Donnelly and his colleagues can uncover it by get it out to the coring sites at sea. Through grants from taking samples of sediments near the coast. They push the Dalio Foundation and the Dalio Ocean Initiative, long metal and plastic tubes into the muck—like an which supports marine exploration, the team had access apple corer into an apple—and pull out a plug of intact to Alucia, a 185-foot research vessel outfitted with two sediments. In this way, they can reveal distinct layers of submersibles. During Donnelly’s research cruise in April sand and debris swept in by storms centuries ago, giving 2016, a film crew documented his team’s work, even- them a virtual timeline of extreme weather. The deeper tually developing a show that aired in November 2016 the layer, the further back in time they go. as part of the National Geographic Channel’s “Years of Over the last 15 years, Donnelly and colleagues Living Dangerously” series. have found valuable clues to ancient storms that hit “TheAlucia gave us access to remote sites where a the eastern coast of the United States. Still, he said, larger ship typically can't get in and would have been that tells them little about hurricanes that passed exceedingly difficult to get to otherwise,” Donnelly said. throughout wider regions of the North Atlantic Ocean “In even tighter places, we craned our 20-foot-long cor- during that time. ing boat, Arenaria, into the water to reach coring sites.” Anatomy of a Blue Hole Illustration by Eric S. Taylor, WHOI Graphic Services

In ice ages, more of Earth’s water was frozen The caverns' roofs eventually caved in, creat- When the ice age ended, sea levels rose— in ice sheets, lowering sea levels. Groundwa- ing deep holes. submerging the land and creating blue holes ter eroded underground caverns in limestone. in what is now the seafloor.

Smoking guns on the seafloor In addition, tiny shells of dead marine life also fall into blue The next several weeks proved to be a whirlwind of activity, holes and are preserved as fossils. The shells offer another trove from filming documentary segments to lowering 15-meter (50- of crucial information, said Pete van Hengstum of Texas A&M foot) metal coring tubes into deep blue holes from Arenaria. University at Galveston, who is collaborating on the research. “Usually we arrived at the site at seven in the morning and The chemistry of the shells changes as ocean water temperatures stayed until sundown. But we’d maybe only get two to three change, he said, so by dating and analyzing the shells, scientists cores out of the day,” said Lizzie Wallace, a graduate student in can reveal a timeline of past ocean temperatures. the MIT-WHOI Joint Program in . Lowering “We effectively have a history going back 1,600 years of cores into a deep blue hole, she said, could sometimes take an hurricanes that were intense enough and close enough to a blue hour and a half—and getting something back wasn’t always hole to leave a record,” Donnelly said. By repeating this coring guaranteed. “Some of the time, when we were bringing it up, in multiple locations, he noted, it’s possible to slowly build a the from pulling the tube out of the mud or bedrock picture of ancient weather and ocean temperatures—and, by would shear the aluminum core in half. It would just come up extension, ancient climate—along the western Atlantic. as an empty tube. But we’re used to that—it’s not atypical of what happens in the field,” she said. Uncovering long-buried trends Despite these setbacks, the team amassed dozens of cores In August 2016, Donnelly and his team collected more throughout the Caribbean, in some cases reaching more than blue-hole cores from Jamaica aboard WHOI’s research vessel 60 feet into the sediments at the bottom of blue holes, collect- Atlantis, providing even more evidence for ancient storms. ing sediment that was laid down more than 1,600 years ago. Some surprising patterns, he said, have emerged within the “Most of that sediment is very fine-grained,” said Donnelly. blue hole sediments. “Whatever the tidal currents and waves generate makes its way Almost every site Donnelly has sampled throughout the At- into that basin and falls to the bottom. But when a hurricane lantic region shows a record of extremely active storms through- strikes, it starts moving large particles into the hole, and you get an out the first millennium A.D. “Then things shut down,” he ‘event bed’ of very coarse material”—a layer indicating a hurricane. said, with an abrupt drop in hurricane frequency around the “Not only is there sediment falling down, there's also man- year 1400. That coincided with the beginning of a cooling peri- grove leaves and twigs and other organic debris embedded in od in Earth’s climate history known as the Little Ice Age, which each layer that we can use to carbon-date them,” Donnelly said. lowered Atlantic Ocean water temperatures and likely reduced the energy to fuel storms. WHOI geologist Jeff Donnelly peers out of the glass sphere of a But this pattern doesn’t hold for the hurricanes Donnelly submersible descending into a blue hole in the Caribbean Sea. has reconstructed for the U.S. Eastern Seaboard. “Historically, we’ve seen only a handful of them in the entire four-hun- dred-year written history of New England,” he said. “But in the sixteenth century there's an interval where there’s a really intense hurricane strike in New England roughly every fifteen to twenty years.” The blue-hole cores indicate a similar pattern in the Bahamas. In one particular core near the island of Andros, only two hurri- canes, both Category-3 storms, appeared in the past 150 years. Yet farther down the core, in the 1500s, major storm events make landfall once per decade, nearly ten times more often. “There’s this regionality to it that’s really intriguing,” he said. “It’s not as simple as ‘turn up the knob, and everyone through- out the western Atlantic region gets more hurricanes.’ ” Changing ocean temperatures, he added, may have played a major role in this uptick in East Coast hurricanes. Although natgeotv.com most areas of the Atlantic seem to have cooled by the 1400s, the

46 Oceanus Magazine Vol. 52, No. 2, Spring 2017 | www.whoi.edu/oceanus Mangrove wetlands Sand content ( %) Core Log 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

4.5% Event Threshold Wind and waves transport leaves and sticks into the ocean core depth (cm) Hurricane winds create bigger Hurricane Blue Hole Events Beach waves, sending larger particles into blue hole limestone Hurricanes erode sediment Sand and gravel into blue hole

Coarse Coarse debris, grains settle Scientists analyze all shells of dead quickly these clues in core marine life, and samples to reconstruct leaves—all of it the timing of past falls into blue hurricanes and ocean holes and settles Shells of dead marine life temperatures and to in sedimentary and leaves and sticks settle understand the factors layers at the into blue hole sediments that will determine future bottom. and become buried hurricane activity.

Pete van Hengstum Texas A&M University Core

region along the eastern U.S. became relatively warmer. Don- limitations of the models themselves. Simulating complex oscil- nelly says that might explain the string of intense hurricanes lations in air currents is a tall order mathematically and may be that show up in blue holes and New England in the 1500s. outside the realm of what computer models can handle. This East Coast ocean warming trend 500 years ago echoes Yet data from blue holes is still helping to improve existing a similar warming trend today. Sea surface temperatures along models by giving real-world benchmarks. Ultimately, these will the Eastern Seaboard now have already passed the level they help check the models’ accuracy and provide a better read on reached in the 1500s, however, and most global climate models what the East Coast can expect from future storms. suggest that they’ll continue to climb. “Jeff’s work and the work of his colleagues provides a great “That poses the question of whether we should expect more and interesting challenge to modelers and theoreticians,” Eman- intense hurricane strikes as climate warms today,” Donnelly uel said. “I hope we’re good enough to step up to the plate and said. “We’re just beginning to explore those relationships.” meet that challenge.” In the meantime, Donnelly and his team continue to pull Ancient hurricane forensics more and more details about ancient storms out of cores Sea-surface isn’t the only factor involved in taken in blue holes. They’re helping to build a database of past major storms, Donnelly said—atmospheric conditions play a storms, and slowly educating residents of coastal regions about major role in both hurricane formation and intensity. The gra- changing climate patterns along the eastern U.S. But the most dient of temperature between the sea surface and the air miles exciting part of the job, Donnelly said, is the feeling of discov- above it is what really gives a hurricane its deadly energy and ery he gets while cutting open a core for the first time. can determine whether a weak storm will grow into a monster. “We’re really sort of time travelers” he said enthusiastical- If high-altitude air stays cool while the ocean surface warms, the ly. “We’re penetrating sediments that go right through the temperature gradient increases, and a hurricane can become far time when Columbus is reaching North America, and into more powerful as a result. this prehistory that there was no knowledge of until we took That’s a point that Kerry Emanuel, a climate scientist at the these cores. You can go out and sample this accumulation of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, echoed: “We’d actually sediment that tells a story—a climate experiment that the Earth expect global warming to result in fewer hurricanes overall, but has already run, and that we can start to tease apart. When you more frequent high-intensity storms. And we are beginning to look into the unknown past, it’s pretty exciting business.” see that in the data,” he said. Emanuel, who has worked closely with Donnelly, notes that This research was supported by the Dalio Explore Fund, the National existing models don’t yet reflect the sorts of prehistoric varia- Science Foundation, and WHOI Sea Grant. tions that appear in blue-hole cores. That may be because of the

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