
Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique Speleological Abstracts


46e année / 46th year

N° 53 2014 Speleological Abstracts Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique

Commission of Bibliography of the International Union of Commission de Bibliographie de l’Union Internationale de Spéléologie

Swiss Speleological Society

with the participation of / avec la participation de

Società Speleologica British Italiana Research Association Administration Commission de bibliographie de l’Union internationale de Spéléologie Patrick DERIAZ, Chemin des Invuettes 1, CH-1614 Granges E-Mail: [email protected]

Ce numéro contient les analyses des publications parues en 2014. Elles sont intégrées dans la base de données disponible depuis décembre 2020 sous wikicaves.org

Tirage : 20 exemplaires réservés aux centres de documentation de l’UIS

ISSN : ISSN 0253-8296

Grotte de la Crête de Vaas

Un grand merci aux collaborateurs de ce numéro 53 : Alessandro Pastorelli, Anamaria Häuselmann, Bernard Chirol, Bernard Lebreton, Carlos Benedetto, Christophe Bès, Christophe Lavorel, Christophe Prévot, Patrick Deriaz, Yvonne Droms, Eric de Valicourt, Xavier Foucrier, Gerhard Stein, Gina Moseley, Gregory Middleton, Joanne Dernie, Johannes Lundberg, Liz Price, Marcel Meyssonnier, Michele Sivelli, Mickael Laumanns, Natalie T. Uomini, Nathalie Goffioul, Christa Pfarr, Philipp Hauselmann, Philippe Drouin, Pino Guidi, Thomas Rathgeber, René Carlin, Jean Taisne, Torstein Finnesand, Cécile Vuilleumier 1.1 Karstology Holland and close to Amsterdam Schiphol Karstologie Airport, a series of false exposures 1.11 morphology and morphogenesis have been constructed as an amenity. Slabs of Morphologie et morphogenèse kars- Upper Palaeozoic, presumably Mississippian, tique are arrayed in 'beds' at the heads of AA (2014) : La 24e Rencontre d'octobre à artificial gullies radiating from the southwest Azé. Un grand cru corner of a . Less convincing are (rare) La Lettre du Spéléo-club de Paris, n°329 (no- vertical beds, drill holes and the flow of water vembre) : 1. from the lake into the gullies, not vice versa. Près de 80 participants se sont retrouvés à Azé A bridge, similar in appearance to a natural (Saône-et-Loire) pour ces Rencontres, avec bridge, spans a gully and has partly collapsed. des présentations de D. Cailhol, B. Lismonde, (Author, GM). J.-Y. Bigot, S. Jaillet, P. Bancel, L. Barriquand, 2014.0003 entre autres. (JT). 2014.0001 KNAPPE, Hartmut (2014) : Zur Entwicklung der Karststrukturen im Riffkalkstein von Iberg DE SWART, Herman (2014) : Over grotten en und Winterberg bei Bad Grund (Westharz). grotvorming (3/4): karstverschijnselen aan de Mitt. Verb. dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforsch., 60 opervlakte (3+4) : 80-90. Spelerpes, n° 2 : 46-51. In Dutch, photos. On the development of karst structures in the Article sur la formation des grottes, plus préci- western Harz/. (ML). sément les phénomènes karstiques de surface. 2014.0004 L'article donne un aperçu de ces phénomènes: lapiaz, sources, diaclases, limestone, dolines, RINGSET, Narve (2014) : Strandsone-karren poljes, les différents types de roches.. (NG). på Voksa, Sande, Sunnmøre 2014.0002 Norsk Grotteblad, no 63 (Desember 2014) : 18. Photos. DONOVAN, Stephen K (2014) : An unnatural At the island Voksa at Sunnmøre, a locality bridge within an artificial limestone environ- with littoral karren is found at a marble stripe ment in the Netherlands just above the littoral zone. The Kamenitzas or Cave and Karst Science, Vol. 41, no 3 (De- bowl karren are circular to elliptical bowls, ca. cember 2014) : 118-119. 10 cm deep with detailed forms. Or- The surface geology of the Netherlands is ganic mud is probably an important source of mainly Quaternary; it lacks surface rock acid, karstforming environment at this seawa- exposures except in the south and east. In the ter influenced shoreline. Where wave action is Haarlemmermeersebos, a public park in Noord more dominant, the bowls are eroded and the

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 3 karst forms are missing. (Author, TF). By placing water depth and re- 2014.0005 corders at Main Rising and Whirlpool Rising in Speedwell Cavern, Nigel Ball is starting 1.12 to produce a picture of the strange repeated Hydrologie pulsing of the water flow in this cave system. (Author, GM). AMAEL, Poulain; ROCHEZ, Gaëtan; HAL- 2014.0009 LET, Vincent; DEWAIDE, L. (2013) : La Lesse souterraine à Furfooz : résultats des BANCILLON, Jean (2014) : Hydrogéologie. premières études hydrogéologiques Spéléo Magazine, n° 87 (Septembre 2014) : 9. Plaquette – programme des Journées 2013 de Brève note hydrogéologique et des traçages Spéléologie Scientifique, 16 et 17 novembre sur la source de Burle dans le contexte des 2013 : 20. gorges du Tarn (Sainte-Enimie, Lozère). (Fx). Résumé de poster. Présentation des premiers 2014.0010 essais de traçage réalisés sur la Lesse souter- raine dans la région de Furfooz. (NG). CALANDRI, Gilberto (2014) : La sorgente di 2014.0006 Renara (Massa) caratteri chimico-fisici Bollettino del Gruppo Speleologico Imperiese AMAËL, Poulain; ROCHEZ, Gaëtan; HAL- CAI, n° 65, anno XLIII (gennaio dicembre LET, Vincent (2014) : Projet KARAG (Karst 2013) : 15-17. 1 cartina, 1 ril., 3 foto, 4 dis. Research by Geophysics) : résultats La sorgente di Renara, valle del Frigido (Alpi des premiers essais de traçage dans le karst de Apuane, MS) drena le acque del M. Altissimo, la Wamme-Lomme M. Pelato e M. Macina, vengono descritti i pa- Plaquette – programme des Journées 2014 de rametri chimico-fisici; bibliografia essenziale. Spéléologie Scientifique, 15 et 16 novembre (Author, AP). 2014 : 1 p. 2014.0011 Résumé de communication. Le projet Karag, lancé en 2013, a pour but d'améliorer notre D'ANTONI-NOBECOURT, Jean-Claude; connaissance des aquifères karstiques via une AUDRA, Philippe (2014) : Un -1000 dans les approche multidisciplinaire alliant la géophy- Alpes-de-Haute-Provence ? sique et l'hydrogéologie. (NG). Spelunca, n° 133, mars 2014 : 25-31. 11 pho- 2014.0007 tos, 2 figures. Après la présentation du massif qui abrite la BACKAERT, D.; ROCHEZ, Gaëtan; HAL- grotte des Chamois (12km) et un bref histo- LET, Vincent (2013) : Rôle de la formation de rique, les auteurs relatent l'organisation d'un Nismes sur l'hydrologie karstique de la vallée traçage souterrain destiné à connaître les de Lesve origines des eaux de la source du Coulomp. Ce Plaquette – programme des Journées 2013 de traçage a eu lieu en altitude dans la dépression Spéléologie Scientifique, 16 et 17 novembre du Lignin. La fluorescéine est bien ressortie 2013 : 18. quelques jours après à la source du Coulomp Résumé de communication. L'étude montre mettant en évidence une percée hydrogéolo- que dans le vallon de Lesve, la formation de gique de plus de 6 km de long et 1000m de Nismes joue son rôle de barrière hydrogéolo- dénivelé. (CB). gique séparant ainsi les deux systèmes kars- 2014.0012 tiques. (NG). 2014.0008 FRANCFORT, Stanislas (2014) : De l'utilité d'un conductimètre en campagne d'exploration BALL, Nigel (2014) : The Flooding Characte- Spelunca, n° 133, mars 2014 : 12-18. 19 pho- ristics of Speedwell Cavern tos, 3 figures, 4 tableaux. Speleology, No 19 : 38-39. L'auteur montre comment exploiter des me-

4 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) sures de conductivité peuvent apporter de an aquifer. NCGRT researchers have installed nombreux enseignements en exploration the world's largest collection of drip-water souterraine. Ces essais ont eu lieu en Crête lors measuring devices in Wellington . They de la campagne d'exploration “Karydi 2013”. will also use to estimate when Ils ont permis la découverte de nouveaux af- recharge has occurred. (GJM). fluents, confirmé des hypothèses de connexion 2014.0016 entre cavités et vers des résurgences connues et de révéler une source hydrothermale. (CB). POULAIN, Amael; ROCHEZ, Gaëtan; HAL- 2014.0013 LET, Vincent (2013) : Présentation du projet KARAG (Karst Aquifer Research by Geophy- GREIG, Iain (2014) : Smoo Cave Dye Testing sic). Approche géophysique : perspectives et Grampian Speleological Group Bulletin 5th objectifs de l'étude de l'épikarst de la grotte de Series, Vol. 1, no 2 : 17-18. 2 ill. Lorette et de la Lomme à Rochefort Determining the sinkpoints for water issues Plaquette – programme des Journées 2013 de within Smoo Cave. Dye traces were detected Spéléologie Scientifique, 16 et 17 novembre in both the static in the inner passage, 2013 : 13-14. and from a small stream flowing out of a Résumé de communication. Ce projet, étalé slope in the main chamber. (Author, sur 4 ans, tentera d'améliorer la connaissance GM). du stockage et des transferts des eaux dans 2014.0014 les systèmes épikarstiques et karstiques de la région de Rochefort. (NG). JUNGELS, Cécile (2014) : Visite aux grottes 2014.0017 de Rosée et Lyell Les Chercheurs de la Wallonie, n° 218 : 5-13. POWELL, Connor; VERMETTE, Stephen Photos. (2014) : The Powell and Vermette Equation: Compte rendu d'un prélèvement d'échantil- Calculating American Cave lons d'eau dans les grottes de Rosée et Lyell, NSS News, Vol. 72, no 3 (March 2014) : 18- par AQUALE en février 2014, afin de vérifier 19. 2 graphs. l'apport en sulfate dans le sol et les eaux sou- The authors independently developed a new terraines. (NG). equation for approximating cave temperatures 2014.0015 in vadose zones, which seems to give more accurate results than the 1978 Moore and NATIONAL CENTRE FOR GROUNDWA- Sullivan equation as as the 1990 Choppy TER RESEARCH AND TRAINING (2013) Equation. (YD). : Limestone caves provide measure of Austra- 2014.0018 lian groundwater phys.org online, 26 Nov. 2013. 2 photos. QUINIF, Yves (2013) : La grotte de la Vilaine http://phys.org/news/2013-11-limes- Source tone-caves-australian-groundwater.html Plaquette – programme des Journées 2013 de Prof. Andy Baker and his team have been Spéléologie Scientifique, 16 et 17 novembre using caves (particularly Cathedral Cave, 2013 : 17. Wellington) as 'underground rain gauges' to Résumé de communication. Brève description measure the amount of water passing through du système hydrologique de Lesve-Arbre et de them. Water flow is extremely uneven – at la résurgence de la Vilaine Source. (NG). times of prolonged rainfall, water can flow 2014.0019 very rapidly, but at other times it can be months or years before groundwater recharge VON FUMETTI, Stefanie (2014) : Naturnahe happens. The great thing about caves is you Quellen und ihre Lebensgemeinschaften - zehn can walk into them and observe how water in- Jahre Forschung im Röserental bei Liestal filtrates into the ground and some lead down to Regio basiliensis, 55/3 : 101-114.

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 5 Die Quellen im Röserental sind Karst- und (1915) and more recent studies by Branagan & Hangschuttquellen, die phyaikochemisch und Packham (1967), Uni. staff and stu- faunistisch untersucht werden. Die Ergebnisse dents in 1980s, former Manager, E. Holland, zeigen eine gewisse Dynamik, aber keine and others… (Author, GJM). Veränderung der Fauna. (PH). 2014.0023 2014.0020 CALANDRI, Gilberto (2014) : Strutture tipo XHAARD, Pol (2013) : Multitraçage à Olne ”graben” e carsificazione in Alta Val Nervia Plaquette – programme des Journées 2013 de (Provincia di Imperia) Spéléologie Scientifique, 16 et 17 novembre Bollettino del Gruppo Speleologico Imperiese 2013 : 16. CAI, n° 65, anno XLIII (gennaio dicembre Résumé de communication. Le but de ces nou- 2013) : 3-10. 7 dis., 1 ril., 17 foto. veaux traçage à Olne étaient de tracer à nou- Vengono descritte le strutture a graben del veau la liaison Nys et Linsmann et comparer Ponente Ligure. Cenni geografici e geologici, les résultats avec ceux de 1929. (NG). tettonica e carsificazione, il “graben” della 2014.0021 Grotta dei Rugli, l'area Monte Pietravecchia - Monte Corma, il settore Brighetta - Rugliazzo. XHAARD, Pol (2014) : Hydrogéologie à Bibliografia essenziale. (Author, AP). Vaux-sous-Olne: Multitraçage et circulation 2014.0024 d'eaux souterraines aboutissant à la Villa des Hirondelles DEDECHE, A.S.; PIERSON, Bernard J.; EcoKarst, n° 95 : 1-5. Photos, cartes, schémas. HUNTER, Aaron W. (2013) : Growth history Description d'un multitraçage réalisé à Olne et and facies evolution of the Subis Limestone - Vaux-sous-Olne en mai 2013, afin de vérifier A exposed onshore Borneo d'où provient l'alimentation en eau de l'étang Island, de la Villa des Hirondelles. (NG). 75th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorpo- 2014.0022 rating SPE EUROPEC 2013, 10 June 2013. (LP). 1.13 Geology; pedology 2014.0025 Géologie; pédologie DETAILLE, Jean (2014) : L'euclase BRANAGAN, David (2013) : The Jenolan AGAB Minibul, Vol. 47, n° 2 : 1-15. Photos, enigma: a century (plus) of attempts to unders- schémas. tand the regional geology Étude de l'euclase: analyse, description, cris- The science of : What do we tallographie, localisation en Belgique. (NG). know? Abstracts of presented papers : 15 p. 2014.0026 http://linneansocietynsw.org.au/symposia/Je- nolan%20Caves/Jenolan.html DETAILLE, Jean (2014) : Les minéraux de Despite the significance of Jenolan Caves as Quenast an Australian tourist icon geology of the area AGAB Minibul, Vol. 47, n° 4 : 1-17. Photos, has received little attention. Mapping of the schémas. cave system was commenced by early guides Présentation de la carrière de Quenast, son J. Wilson, F.J. Wilson and Wiburd, and particu- historique et les minéraux qui y ont été décou- larly by Oliver Trickett who became Superin- verts. (NG). tendent of Caves in 1897. This paper sets the 2014.0027 karst system within regional geology and looks at changing views, often contradictory, in the HANAFI, N.A.; HUNTER, Aaron W.; AB- perception of regional geology, from 1886 DUL, Rahman, A.H. (2013) : Sedimentology comments by Wilkinson, writings by David and biofacies analysis of the Oligocene-Mioce- (1890s), Curran (1898), Süssmilch & Stone ne transition of the Sukau area central

6 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) sub-basin, eastern Sabah, Malaysia PICKETT, John; PERCIVAL, Ian (2013) : Oral Presentation Abstract, The 3rd Internatio- Overview of the geology of the Jenolan Caves nal Conference on the Palaeontology of Sou- area th-East Asia (ICPSEA3) : 28. The science of Jenolan Caves: What do we Gomantong limestone. (LP). know? Abstracts of presented papers : 15 p. 2014.0028 http://linneansocietynsw.org.au/symposia/Je- nolan%20Caves/Jenolan.html MERLAK, Enrico (2014) : Una bibliografia Jenolan Caves are developed in Jenolan Caves selezionata delle bauxiti carsiche e terre rosse Limestone, one of many Upper Silurian carbo- (Carso Classico italiano, , Croazia, nate deposits in Lachlan Orogen. The age of paesi dell'ex Jugoslavia, Albania, Ungheria, JCL is middle Ludlow (Late Silurian), based ) on reasonably precise evidence from cono- Atti del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di donts. This is consistent with other better dated Trieste, 57 (2014) : 5-20. Upper Silurian limestones in central NSW. Selezione dei principali articoli scientifici Macrofossils such as tabulate and rugose redatta al fine di fornire uno strumento veloce , and sponge-like stromatoporoids that di ricerca. (PG). are found in the JCL suggest it accumulated 2014.0029 in a shallow water, well-circulated marine environment. Volcaniclastic rocks lying ca. 50 NOR, Syazwani Zainal Abidin; PIERSON, m above the limestone and apparently confor- Bernard J.; HUNTER, Aaron W. (2013) : mable within the succession are undated, but Diagenetic responses of - indicate proximity to a source of acid igneous carbonates to sea-level changes in the Celebes rock.. (Author, GJM). Sea, East Sabah, Malaysia 2014.0032 Oral Presentation Abstract, The 3rd Internatio- nal Conference on the Palaeontology of Sou- TESTAZ, Grégoire (2014) : Gypse, anhydrite th-East Asia (ICPSEA3) : 63-64. .. et vins : les autres ressources de la région de Limestones are particularly susceptible to Bex drastic early diagenetic modifications, main- Minaria Helvetica, 34 : 9-25. ly cementation and dissolution, either during http://www.sghb.ch/wp-content/ or shortly after deposition or during periods uploads/2015/10/Minaria-34.pdf of subaerial exposure. fluctuations La carrière du Montet, deuxième plus grande control the growth –or demise- of a and excavation artificielle du canton, les mines the volume of sediment produced by the reefs de sel, des formes de relief particulières, les and accumulated on a carbonate platform. sources « parfumées » au H2S, les rapports This research was conducted to study recent complexes entre halite, anhydrite et gypse, une sea level changes and their implications on the longue histoire scientifique, minière et indus- diagenetic features and processes of the limes- trielle font de la région de Bex un haut lieu tones in the Celebes Sea. (Author, LP). de la géologie alpine, à l'échelle nationale 2014.0030 et européenne. Un intéressant musée consa- cré à l'histoire de l'exploitation du gypse et la NOR, Syazwani Zainal Abidin; PIERSON, fabrication du plâtre à Bex peut être visité sur Bernard J.; HUNTER, Aaron W. (2013) : demande sur le site de l'usine Fixit de Bex. Le Diagenetic responses to sea level changes on « Sentier du Sel » reliant Plambuit à la saline Pleistocene- Holocene carbonates in the Ce- du Bévieux pourrait être complété par un « lebes Sea, East Sabah, Malaysia sentier du gypse » passant des blocs erratiques 75th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorpo- célèbres (Pierra Besse, Bloc Monstre) à la car- rating SPE EUROPEC 2013, 10 June 2013. rière, et traversant le vignoble « sur gypse » (LP). sur l'autre versant du Montet : un nouvel atout 2014.0031 touristique pour la région (CV). 2014.0033 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 7 WARIN, Roger (2014) : Alexandrite.. effet - WARIN, Roger (2014) : Sérandite alexandrite! : Part II AGAB Minibul, Vol. 47, n° 1 : 15-22. Photos, AGAB Minibul, Vol. 47, n° 3 : 11-20. Photos, schémas. schémas. Présentation du minerai de sérandite, étude sur Étude sur la variation de la coloration de sa composition et sa morphologie. (NG). l'alexandrite, minerais dédié au Tsar Alexandre 2014.0040 II, en fonction de la source de lumière. (NG). 2014.0034 WILLIAMS, Paul (2013) : Geological back- ground of karst in WARIN, Roger (2014) : Chrysobéryl.. et sa Cave and Karst Management in Australasia variété l'alexandrite! : Part I XX. Proc. 20th Australasian Conf. Cave & AGAB Minibul, Vol. 47, n° 3 : 1-10. Photos, Karst Management 2013. Waitomo Caves, NZ schémas. : 222. [abstract only]. Étude du chrysobéryl et de sa variante, Zealandia is a piece of Gondwana, about 1/3 l'alexandrite. Morphologie, macle, propriétés the size of , but most of its continen- physiques, cristallographie, structure et gise- tal crust is underwater as submarine plateaux. ments. (NG). The emergent part, New Zealand, covers about 2014.0035 the area of Victoria + Tasmania, and carbonate rocks occupy about 3% of its area. So karst is WARIN, Roger (2014) : Le phosphore scarce in NZ, making its conservation all the AGAB Minibul, Vol. 47, n° 6 : 13-23. Photos, more important. Traces the geological history schémas. of NZ. There are remnant patches of Oligo-, Présentation et description du phosphore: ori- Mio-, and Plio-cene limestones in many parts gine, minerai et composition. (NG). of the country, predominantly located on the 2014.0036 flanks of ranges but sometimes found to 1500 m. These carbonates range from a few 10s to WARIN, Roger (2014) : Les solides de Platon 700m in thickness. In some places, exhuma- et la cristallographie tion of the eroded has revealed more AGAB Minibul, Vol. 47, n° 6 : 1-12. Photos, ancient carbonates. (GJM). schémas. 2014.0041 Présentation de l'histoire de la cristallographie depuis Platon et ses Solides à la minéralogie 1.14 Climatology and biology of karst re- moderne jusqu'à l'avènement de la cristallogra- gions phie moderne. (NG). Climatologie et biologie des régions 2014.0037 karstiques

WARIN, Roger (2014) : Mineralientage BROTHER, Karst Max (2014) : Est-ce que les muenchen 2014 karstologues comprennent tout dans le karst ? AGAB Minibul, Vol. 47, n° 10 : 8-24. Photos, Spelunca, n° 133, mars 2014 : 19-24. 11 pho- schémas. tos. Présentation de la 1ère bourse européenne des L'auteur, qui ne semble pas avoir l'intégrité minéraux en Allemagne. (NG). de ses facultés mentales, tente de nous faire 2014.0038 comprendre par de nombreuses subtilités et comparaisons plus ou moins réalistes le fonc- WARIN, Roger (2014) : Sainte-Marie-aux- tionnement et la complexité du karst. est Mines 2014 de reconnaître qu'il y arrive fort bien et qu'il AGAB Minibul, Vol. 47, n° 8 : 1-16. Photos, nous fait espérer une suite rapide. (CB). schémas. 2014.0042 Présentation de la bourse 2014 aux minéraux de Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines. (NG). STÜNZI, Hans (2013) : Ein ausgeprägter 2014.0039 8 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) negativer Temperaturgradient in der Pome- th-East Asia (ICPSEA3) : 47. ranzenhöhle, Schweiz (LP). AGS-Info, 2/2013 : 27-35. Deutsch,. 2014.0046 Deutsche geänderte Übersetzung des am Int. Kongress Brno gehaltenen Vortrages. Die 1.21 Morphology and in car- Pomeranzenhöhle (SG) weist nahe der Ober- bonatic rocks fläche Gänge auf, die deutlich wärmer sind als Morphologie et spéléogenèse en roche die tieferliegenden Höhlenteile. Diskussion carbonatée und Interpretation der Ergebnisse. (PH). 2014.0043 BIGOT, Jean-Yves (2014) : Les lapiaz, pen- dants et chenaux de voûte 1.15 Fossil karst Spelunca, n° 134, juin 2014 : 28-29. 2 photos, Karst fossile 2 figures. Description et interprétation de ces formes BASHARDIN, Atilia; HUNTER, Aaron W.; pariétales si fréquentes mais pas toujours bien MILLER, C Giles (2013) : Conodont bios- interprétées. (CB). tratigraphic framework for Northern , 2014.0047 and Langkawi, Oral Presentation Abstract, The 3rd Internatio- CHECKLEY, Dave; FAULKNER, Trevor nal Conference on the Palaeontology of Sou- (2014) : Scallop measurement in a 10m-high th-East Asia (ICPSEA3) : 18. vadose canyon in Pool Sink, Ease Gill Cave Perlis & Kedah limestone. (LP). System, Yorkshire Dales, UK, and a hypo- 2014.0044 thetical post-deglacial canyon entrenchment timescale SILVESTRU, Emil (2011) : Paleokarst – An Cave and Karst Science, Vol. 41, no 2 (August alternative view 2014) : 76-83. Proc. 28th Biennial Conf. of ASF, Chillagoe Understanding the vadose entrenchment of 2011 : 15 p. 35 refs. cave passages and relating this to the evolu- The study of ancient has always been a tion of the external environment and climate challenge for the karst scientist, especially for has been little studied in the past. This report one approaching the topic without a solid geo- proposes a new technique to combine mea- logical (especially sedimentological) training. surements of the lengths of wall scallops and From terminology to mineralogy and from their adjacent passage widths to determine the sedimentology to geomorphology, interpreta- history of palaeo peak water velocity and volu- tions shifting and changing according to metric flow rate in a vadose canyon. The study the investigator's bias(es). This text provides site is at an active 10m high canyon in the Pool some clues to a better understanding of synde- Sink section of the Ease Gill Cave System in positional conditions and reviews some recent the Yorkshire Dales, UK. (Author, GM). discoveries of seafloor processes that could 2014.0048 generate paleokarst-like features. (GJM). 2014.0045 COOPER, Max P.; MYLROIE, John E. (2014) : Post-glacial speleogenesis: verifica- TSEGAB, Haylay; HUNTER, Aaron W.; tion of a hypothetical model, and the origins of CHOW, Weng Sum; PIERSON, Bernard J. maze caves in glaciated terrains (2013) : Conodonts from the Sungai Siput Cave and Karst Science, Vol. 41, no 2 (August limestone: its implication to establish a re- 2014) : 84-95. ference section for Paleozoic sequences and Models proposed by Ollier and Tratman dating of the rocks, , Malaysia (1969), Mylroie and Carew (1987) and Faulk- Oral Presentation Abstract, The 3rd Internatio- ner (2009a) variously hypothesize that a cave nal Conference on the Palaeontology of Sou- is post-glacial if it is controlled by glacially

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 9 deranged drainage and contains no pre-Ho- displays major phreatic passages at three locene signatures. Results of tests on these levels with only minor vadose modifications, models have rarely appeared in subsequent suggests that they have developed over two literature. Epigenetic maze caves are a type of or three deglaciation events. The small sizes cave that forms at applicable maximum rates, and rarity of on Elgfjell suggests allowing them to form post-glacially; however that they are all of Holocene age, and that any maze caves that form in the shallow subsurface older deposits were removed during deglacia- are prone to removal by glaciation. These two tion (TF). constraints indicate that many maze caves in 2014.0052 glaciated regions might have formed since the last glaciation. (Author, GM). FINNESAND, Torstein; BRATTLI, Tore 2014.0049 (2010) : Antall grotter i Kaledonidene Norsk Grotteblad, no 55 (Desember 2010) : DASHER, George (2014) : Corridor H Geolo- 15-22. Photo, figures, tables. gy: From East to West The number of caves in the Caledonides. The The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 4 (Au- article identifies the exponent for the lon- gust 2014) : 17-22. 4 photos, 1 map. gest caves in the Scandinavian Caledonides, The author provides a guide to the geology of UK, part of the Alps, USA and the . The an area of West Virginia (USA) that was just exponent is used to calculate the total num- recently made accessible by a new road. (YD). ber of caves longer than 100 m and 10 m in 2014.0050 different regions, using equations described by Rane Curl in 1986 and statistical methods like FAULKNER, Trevor (2008) : Tilbake til maximum likelihood estimation and Kolmogo- Bryggfjelldalen rov-Smirnov. The article discusses whether the Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 14-24 approach is legitimate. Article download: mu- 36-37. Photos, maps, surveys. nin.uit.no/handle/10037/4120. (Author, TF). The valley of Bryggfjelldal and its stream 2014.0053 Bjuråga drain an area northwest of Okstind in south . Caves have been found in the FINNESAND, Torstein (2010) : Doktorgrad four sub-areas of Ytterlia, Næverskard, Bjurå- om dannelse av labyrintgrotter i marmor ga and middle Røssåga. Most of the described Norsk Grotteblad, no 54 (Juni 2010) : 20. caves are formed in Low Angle Karst, with Photo. dips of foliation ≤30°. They commonly exhi- Rannveig Skoglund defended for the PhD bit sub-horizontal aquicludes of mica schist degree at the Univ. of Bergen in , with or amphibolite at roof and / or floor level the thesis: "Development of extreme karst that clearly guide passage morphology and porosity - maze cave in marble stripe karst". influenced cave inception and development. Maze caves in marble stripes display a reti- (Author, TF). culate network pattern since cave conduits in 2014.0051 metamorphic rock are dictated by fractures, faults and lithololgical interfaces. Maze caves FAULKNER, Trevor (2009) : Gjensyn med form flow nets as they evolve by simultaneous Elgfjellet dissolution of the most available fractures, Norsk Grotteblad, no 53 (Desember 2009) : which creates zones of extreme conduit po- 3-17, 32. Photos, maps, surveys, tables. rosity in the rock. The modeling experiments Elgfjell, in Grane kommune, contains the hi- show that the characteristic conduit pattern of ghest density of caves in south Nordland and is the surveyed caves evolved as a result of ice- significant in Norway. The article describes the contact, either in the outflow zone or parallel area, the explorations, a selection of the caves, with the ice:rock contact. (TF). deglaciation and cave developments. The com- 2014.0054 plexity of several of the Elgfjell caves, which

10 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) JAMES, Julia M. (2011) : The Enigma of LAURITZEN, Stein-Erik (2010) : Litt om Bellholes paragenese eller antigravitativ korrosjon; klas- Cave and Karst Management in Australasia sifikasjon av former XIX: Proc. 19th Aust'asian Conf. on Cave & Acta Spelæologica Norvegica, Vol. 1-2 (2009- Karst Mgt. Ulverstone, Tas. : 232-. 8 photos, 2010) : 94-104. 5 photos, 1 survey, 5 figs. 12 refs. The concepts of “paragenesis” and “antigra- Many caves in Gunung Mulu NP, , vitative corrosion” are reviewed. Paragenesis, Malaysia have outstanding displays of bell- the enlargement of the passage around sedi- holes. Prolific bellhole arrays are also found in ment fill – mostly above – is globally very the caves of the Neotropics and Madagascar. common, even bedding plane anastomoses The riddle lies in how these surprisingly sym- may be “paragenetic” in origin and it is also a metrical speleogens form. In Lagang Cave, common characteristic of (glacier) ice- contact beneath an exceptional display of bellholes, speleogenesis. Half tubes and pendants may ACKMA members held a brain-storming also be formed in the epi-phreatic zone wit- session focusing on their formation, resulting hout influence of any sediment fill. In order to in a wide range of theories. In recent speleo- keep track of evolutionary sequences in caves, logical literature, only two theories have been where overprinting is common, a system of put forward which have been substantiated by passage (speleogen) classification according to research: that bellholes are formed by harems superpositioned “order” is proposed. (TF). of bats, or are formed by condensation corro- 2014.0057 sion. These two hypotheses will be combined into one, that bellholes are initiated and deve- LAURITZEN, Stein-Erik (2011) : Grotterty- loped by condensation corrosion and modified per og definisjoner: en bestemmesenøkkel by bats.. (Author, GJM). Acta Spelæologica Norvegica, Vol. 3 (2011) : 2014.0055 107-112. 3 figs. The characteristics of underground voids and KIRKLAND, Richard J. (2013) : Karst sør for depressions of natural origin are discussed, Svartisen aiming at a consistent system of identification Norsk Grotteblad, no 60 (Juni 2013) : 8-29. and distinction. The “cave entrance” proble- Photos, surveys, figurs. matics, in relation to “” and “ove- A description, analysis and discussion of the rhang” is discussed from an ecological (photic mode of origin of the karst features south of zone), rather than exclusively a geologic and the Svartisen Ice-cap. It concludes that the geometric point of view. The diameter of the caves were formed sub-glacially under pseu- light opening is used to classify rock shelter, do-phreatic conditions, with brief periods of rock bridges, caves, dolines and shafts. vadose development proglacially and during A self-explaining flow chart is suggested. (TF). inter-glacial periods, and that the surface 2014.0058 features of the karst were formed by glacial . Pre-glacial or post-glacial cave forma- LAURITZEN, Stein-Erik (2013) : Paragenesis tion is discounted, although origin, as opposed the “Royal mark” of subglacial speleogenisis to development, may have taken place during Proceedings of the 16th International Congress Tertiary times. Post-glacial development has of Speleology, Vol 3 : 366-367. 2 figs. been limited to slight modification of essen- Paragenesis results in characteristic speleogens tially glacial features, initially under proglacial that are found in caves developed under most conditions, and then under periglacial, vadose climatic regimes. However, being as a result of conditions. (Author, TF). sediment excess in the karst conveyor system, 2014.0056 it is also a characteristic of the glacier ice- contact (i.e. subglacial) regime. In this case, paragenetic galleries and passage half-tubes may be regarded as a continuation of subgla-

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 11 cial esker systems. A unique feature of subgla- tic and mesogenetic diagenesis. (Author, GM). cial speleogenesis – and subglacial paragenesis 2014.0061 – is topographically reversed flow from en- glacial hydraulic gradients superimposed onto MATTHEWS, Ted (2011) : Structural control adjacent karst. (Author, TF). in limestone cave formation 2014.0059 Cave and Karst Management in Australasia XIX: Proc. 19th Aust'asian Conf. on Cave & LEWIS, Ian D. (2013) : Extending the geo- Karst Mgt. Ulverstone, Tas. : 209-231. 5 maps, logical framework for the development of 21 photos, 14 refs. the Jenolan Caves complex and the scientific Caves in the Eastern States of Australia, are contribution of 50 years of particulary interested by their formation within The science of Jenolan Caves: What do we Palaeozoic rock, which has been folded and know? Abstracts of presented papers : 15 p. metamorphosed over the past 350 Ma. Fluids http://linneansocietynsw.org.au/symposia/Je- such as water may penetrate via more porous nolan%20Caves/Jenolan.html inter-bedded structures. Additionally; joints, The Jenolan Caves Limestone is ~370MY old faults or porous fill may allow internal access. and has been subjected to multiple extensive A statement regarding the formation of these modification processes. These are so many and caves may include the following geological complex to unravel that considerable research concepts: ‘Limestone caves' result from the necessarily focuses upon internal cave mi- weathering and erosion of rock (for the most cro-processes. Providing a framework of the part, over considerable time) the less resistant history of JCL from its initial deposition phase materials in the rock are being, or have been, may detect the broad sequence of agent effects, removed; development of drainage allows a matchable by observations of features within lowering of the water table and so a previously and throughout the caves complex. Limes- submerged space may become air-filled.. (Au- tones are initially deposited as horizontal beds; thor, GJM). modifications by agents in this geological 2014.0062 phase leave a clear set of process signatures. An analysis of initial JCL bedding can provide QUINIF, Yves (2014) : La fantômisation, une a commencement point for a Jenolan develop- nouvelle manière de concevoir la formation ment framework. (Author, GJM). des cavernes 2014.0060 Regards, n° 79 : 42-72. Plan, photos, topos. Article sur la fantômisation, nouvelle notion LOWE, David J; WATERS, Colin N (2014) : pour expliquer la karstogenèse et plus parti- Geological influences on cave origin and deve- culièrement la formation des cavernes. Cette lopment in the Yorkshire Dales, UK notion repose sur l'altération chimique du Cave and Karst Science, Vol. 41, no 1 (April calcaire. Exemple des carrières de Soignies et 2014) : 13-35. de la grotte Quentin et du système karstique de The Inception Horizon Hypothesis of cave Han-sur-Lesse. (NG). origin encompasses geology-centred views of 2014.0063 when, why and how primitive permeability was imprinted within mainly karstic limestone QUINIF, Yves (2014) : La karstification par sequences. Potentially, the earliest processes fantômisation. Le karst belge. affect unconsolidated or partially consolidated Spéléo Magazine, n° 87 (Septembre 2014) : sediment during early diagenesis and are ine- 32-33. 2 plans, 1 carte (Han), 2 schémas, 1 vitably related to lithological contrasts. Such photo. contrasts eventually become recognizable Le fantôme de roche a été mis en évidence as specific horizons, to the extent that these par Yves Quinif dans les carrières de Soignies 'inception horizons' become an intrinsic part of et de Tournai en Hainaut, montrant la roche the preserved rock succession during syngene- dissoute remplacée par une altérite résiduelle

12 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) pouvant éventuellement être évidée. Deux 1.23 Subterranean deposits and fillings types de circulations karstiques se dégagent : Dépôts et remplissages souterrains recoupement de méandre (la Lesse à Han) et les chantoirs sur les plateaux, avec forte pente AA (2014) : La fait des siennes : l'hyp- (Noû Bleû). (Fx). pocampe ! 2014.0064 Spéléo Magazine, n° 88 (Décembre 2014) : 6-7. 1 photo. SCHOBER, Andreas; PLAN, Lukas; Photo d'une excentrique évoquant 2 hippo- SCHOLZ, Denis (2014) : Genese der Her- campes dans la grotte de la Toussaint (Gard). mannshöhle (Kirchberg/Wechsel, NÖ) (Fx). Die Höhle, 65. Jg., Heft 1-4 : 25-46. 2014.0067 Genesis of the Hermannshöhle in Lower . The data obtained show that the mid AA (2014) : La clé de sol altitude parts of the cave were dry 500 ka La Lettre du Spéléo-club de Paris, n°327 (sep- ago and that parts that are nowadays located tembre) : 2. at the level of or slightly beneath the nearby Rare concrétion qu'il est particulièrement Rams brook were dry since at least 125 ka difficile d'admirer sur place, car située dans un ago. Structural features indicate a NNW-SSE coin reculé de Mammoth Cave, la plus longue compression and a later phase of NE-SW grotte du monde (JT). compression. No evidence was found for a 2014.0068 link with the nearby sinstral Mur-Mürz-, neither within the cave nor in the surrounding AA (2014) : Les concrétions: joyaux du area. (Author, PF). monde souterrain 2014.0065 L'excentrique, n° 3 : 3. Source: Morin Patrick, 2004. Dans le secret des grottes, la spéléolo- , Oliver C. (2013) : Noen bemerknin- gie, l'Ecole des loisirs. ger om Larshullet og Lapphullet i Nord-Norge Brève explication sur les concrétions: stalac- Norsk Grotteblad, no 60 (Juni 2013) : 3-7. tites, stalagmites, colonnes, draperies et gours. Surveys. (NG). Notes by Oliver Wells on an expedition to 2014.0069 Reingardslivatn by Cambridge University Ca- ving Club in August-September 1956, promp- EXEL, Thomas (2014) : Tonmineralo- ted by the work of Gunnar Horn (1947) and gische Untersuchung von Höhlenlehmen Lewis Railton (1951). The seven members in- und Nachweis von Crandallit in der Hum- cluded R. J. Kirkland, author of another paper pleu-Höhle (Rumänien) in this issue. Larshullet, Lapphullet and Olavs- HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des grotta were visited. Explorations doubled the Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und extent of Horn's survey of Lapphullet, included Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 9/10 : 86-87. a descent of the 36 m pitch in Larshullet, and (PF). extended the Sørgang by digging in the . 2014.0070 Observations are made on the origin and deve- lopment of the caves and a 4 survey of FAIRCHILD, Ian J.; BAR-MATTHEWS, M.; Lapphullet shows its relationship to Larshullet. WYNN, P.M.; ORLAND, I. (2014) : Seasona- Originally published in CRG Trans. 5 (1), p. lity in speleothems 23-33, 1957. (RJK). (TF). PAGES Magazine, Vol. 22 : 14-15. 2014.0066 (GM). 2014.0071

FORTI, Paolo (2014) : Evoluzione delle piso- liti nella Cueva Los Bordos

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 13 Kur magazine La Venta, n. 21 (2014) : 31-32. Sous Terre, Vol. 24, no. 1 (Printemps 2014) : Foto, illustrazioni. 18-21. 4 photos; 1 ill. Morfologia e tipo di crescita dello speleotema. Courte description du vermiculations, les (MS). encroûtements calcitiques, le lait de lune, les 2014.0072 botryoïdes et les pipkrakes. (AH). 2014.0076 HARTLAND, A.; FAIRCHILD, Ian J.; MÜL- LER, W.; DOMÍNGUEZ-VILLAR, D. (2014) MEISSER, Nicolas (2014) : Les découvertes : Preservation of colloid-metal complexes in a historiques de cristaux de gypse dans la modern hyperalkaline stalagmite: implications mine du Coulat à Bex, en 1790 et 1817 for trace element geochemistry Minaria Helvetica, 34 : 54-61. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 128 : http://www.sghb.ch/wp-content/ 29-43. uploads/2015/10/Minaria-34.pdf (GM). A l'échelle mondiale, les grands cristaux 2014.0073 gemmes de gypse aux formes complexes sont particulièrement rares. En cela les récoltes de KNOBLOCH, Christian (2013) : Mineralo- 1790 et 1817 à Bex, gisches et surtout leur auprès des collection- Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für neurs et des musées de l'époque, ont contribué Höhlenkunde in Oberösterreich, Jg. 59, Ge- à une meilleure connaissance de cette espèce. samtfolge 119 : 35-36. Ainsi, certains cristaux sont des types mor- Coelestin, Gipskristalle und Excentriques im phologiques mondiaux pour le gypse. Cette Paralleluniversum im Schönberg-Höhlensys- indéniable valeur, historique et scientifique, tem. (PF). positionne les mines de Bex dans les impor- 2014.0074 tants sites minéralogiques tant à l'échelle nationale qu'internationale. Il est évident que KULLERUD, Kåre (2010) : Mysteriet om les profondes modifications subies par le dépôt tjorvomitten primaire de gypse lors de l'orogenèse alpine, Norsk Grotteblad, no 54 (Juni 2010) : 21-25. ont présidé à la formation de ces cristaux si Photos, figures. particuliers. (CV). Along some of the walls of the Tjoarvekrajgge 2014.0077 (Tjorve) in Norway, beautiful rosettes called tjorvomite can be observed. The tjorvomite MERLAK, Enrico (2014) : Paleosuoli carsici rosettes are built up of calcite crystals. Howe- presenti nella formazione calcareo-dolomitica ver, it is not straightforward to decide whether Albiano-Cenomaniana del Carso triestino the calcite crystals of the Tjorve cave system Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 52- formed near the surface, after the formation of 57. 8 foto, 1 mappa, 1 grafico. the cave system, or whether they formed deep Indagini precedenti, correlazioni cronostra- in the crust, long before cave formation. This tigrafiche e caratteristiche litologiche delle roc- article presents one possible model: The ro- ce descritte come “paleosuoli carsici”. (PG). settes crystallized from hydrothermal 2014.0078 along the walls of open fractures, at several kilometers depth approx 300 mill years ago. MERLAK, Enrico (2014) : Prime indagini It is emphasized, however, that the model has sulle bauxiti carsiche dell'Hekurave (Albania - to be reconsidered when new data becomes Spedizione CGEB 2013) available. (TF). Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 51. 2014.0075 1 foto, 1 grafico. Presenza di boehmite, ematite, tracce di caoli- LAURIOL, Bernard (2014) : Les cavernes de nite e magnetite. (PG). la Gatineau. 2014.0079

14 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) MEYER, Stefan (2014) : Neues zu den The science of Jenolan Caves: What do we Pool-Finger-Vorkommen im Herbstlaby- know? Abstracts of presented papers : 15 p. rinth-Adventhöhle-System, Hessen. http://linneansocietynsw.org.au/symposia/Je- Mitt. Verb. dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforsch., 60 (2) nolan%20Caves/Jenolan.html : 42-49. Geological and biological processes occurring On pool-fingers in the Herbstlabyrinth-Adven- in Jenolan Caves have formed a wide range thöhle-System, Hesse, Germany. (ML). of mineral species spanning several chemical 2014.0080 groups. So far 22 mineral species have been either confirmed or identified for the first time OSTERMANN, Jean-Michel (2014) : Spé- at Jenolan, and no doubt more remain to be léothèmes originaux du Khammouane, discovered. They incl.: carbonate; (calcite, (chapitre 3). Stalagmites creuses et bordures. aragonite, hydromagnesite, huntite, dolomite Spéléo Magazine, n° 86 (Juin 2014) : 32-33. 9 and ferroan dolomite, ankerite); sulfate, (gyp- photos, bibliographie. sum); phosphate, (ardealite, hydroxylapatite, Description et discussion sur la formations des taranakite, ?leucophosphite, variscite, crandal- stalagmites creuses et des bordures, fréquentes lite, montgomeryite); nitrate (niter); chloride, dans les cavités laotiennes, concrétions for- (sylvite); oxide, (quartz and poorly crystalline mées par l'ascension d'un flux. (Fx). silica, hematite, romanechite); hydroxide, 2014.0081 (goethite), and silicate: (illite, kaolinite, mont- morillonite clays) chemical groups.. (Author, OSTERMANN, Jean-Michel (2014) : Spéléo- GJM). thèmes originaux du Khammouane, Laos (cha- 2014.0084 pitre 4). Mondmilch, crêtes et anémolithes. Spéléo Magazine, n° 88 (Décembre 2014) : POLIKEIT, Uwe (2014) : Sinterblasen - 28-29. 10 photos, bibliographie. außergewöhnliche Speläotheme der Höhlen Mondmilch sous forme de meringue avec des Grünerbachtales bei Iserlohn-Letmathe, croûte grisâtre. Crêtes, spéolothème jusqu'alors Nordrhein-Westfalen. inédit, s'élèvent à partir du sol sous l'aspect de” Mitt. Verb. dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforsch., 60 (2) feuilles” de couleur noire ou verte. Enfin des : 50-55. anémolithes, des stalagmites oblongues et des On cave blisters in Hüttenbläserschachthöhle spéléothèmes coraliformes. (Fx). and B7-Höhle, Northrhine Westfalia, Germany. 2014.0082 Includes overview surveys of the caves. (ML). 2014.0085 OSTERMANN, Jean-Michel (2014) : Spé- léothèmes originaux du Khammouane, Laos POULAIN, Amaël; BONNIVER, Isabelle; (épisode 2). Phytokarst. ROCHEZ, Gaëtan; HALLET, Vincent (2014) Spéléo Magazine, n° 85 (Mars 2014) : 32-33. 7 : Les : outils d'étude du fonctionne- photos, Bibliographie. ment hydrogéologique de la zone non-saturée Le phytokarst se présente en champs de pi- du karst nacles à l'entrée des cavités tropicales. La litté- Plaquette – programme des Journées 2014 de rature sur sa formation évoque soit des formes Spéléologie Scientifique, 15 et 16 novembre érosives, soit des formes construites. L'expé- 2014 : 1 p. dition Khammouane 2013 a permis d'identifier Résumé de poster. Bref compte rendu de les 2 formes juxtaposées. (Fx). l'étude de la partie superficielle du karst, zone 2014.0083 épikarstique non saturée. (NG). 2014.0086 POGSON, R.E.; OSBORNE, R. Armstrong L.; COLCHESTER, D.M. (2013) : Minerals RICHTER, Detlev K.; HARDER, Martin; of Jenolan Caves: geological and biological NIEDERMAYR, Andrea; SCHOLZ, Denis interactions (2014) : Zopfsinter in der Zoolithenhöhle:

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 15 Erstfund kryogener Calcite in der Fränkischen peculiar “lobster” morphology shaped by wind Alb. and water formation patterns but very few stu- Mitt. Verb. dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforsch., 60 (2) dies have been done on the microbial commu- : 36-41. nity composition.. (Author, GJM). On kryogenetic calcites in Zoolithenhöhle, 2014.0090 Franconian Alb, Germany. (ML). 2014.0087 WARIN, Roger (2014) : Formes cristallines, notre monde.. RIECHELMANN, Sylvia; RICHTER, Detlev AGAB Minibul, Vol. 47, n° 9 : 2-21. Photos, K.; LYHS, Melanie; FIETZKE, Jan (2014) : schémas. Eine ungewöhnliche Sinterabfolge in der Hein- 2014 est l'année du centenaire de la cristal- richshöhle von Hemer (Nordrhein-Westfalen). lographie moderne et de l'utilisation des RX. Mitt. Verb. dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforsch., 60 Dans ce cadre, l'article offre une présentation (3+4) : 91-96. Schematic survey. des différents minéraux que comportent notre Describes calcite floors from Heinrichshöhle, sous-sol et leurs systèmes cristallins. (NG). a from Northrhine-Westphalia/Ger- 2014.0091 many. (ML). 2014.0088 WIENIN, Michel (2014) : De aureolen en banden van Liesegang : van uniek tot alledaags SPATE, Andy (2012) : Review: Speleothem fenomeen Science: From process to past environments by Spelerpes, n° 1 : 18-21. In Dutch, photos. Ian Fairchild & Andy Baker Description du phénomène des “bandes et au- Australasian Cave and Karst Management réoles de Liesegang”, observé un peu partout Assoc. Journal, No. 87 (June 2012) : 40-41. 4 dans le monde et notamment dans la grotte photos. Flandin en Ardèche. (NG). Very positive review; outlines the content of 2014.0092 12 chapters, appendix on archiving speleo- thems and related data and related website pro- WYNN, P.M.; FAIRCHILD, Ian J.; SPÖTL, viding figures and tables as Powerpoint slides C.; HARTLAND, A.; MATTEY, D.P.; for teaching purposes. Some parts heavy going FAYARD, B.; COTTE, M. (2014) : Synchro- but most in simple English. (GJM). tron X-ray distinction of seasonal hydrological 2014.0089 and temperature patterns in speleothem carbo- nate VARDEH, D.; BURNS, B.; NEILAN, B.A. Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 11 : 28-36. (2013) : Assessing the microbial composition (GM). of extant cave stromatolites from Nettle Cave, 2014.0093 Jenolan Caves The science of Jenolan Caves: What do we 1.24 Subterranean climatology know? Abstracts of presented papers : 15 p. Climatologie souterraine http://linneansocietynsw.org.au/symposia/Je- nolan%20Caves/Jenolan.html ALLAN, Mohammed; VERHEYDEN, Sophie Stromatolites are accreted laminary structures (2013) : Le plomb atmosphérique enregistré that host microbial communities exhibiting a dans les stalagmites de Han-sur-Lesse wide array of metabolitic activities on their Plaquette – programme des Journées 2013 de surface. Having been the dominant life forms Spéléologie Scientifique, 16 et 17 novembre on early Earth, living stromatolites can now 2013 : 8. only be found in few places around the wor- Résumé de communication. Les spéléothèmes ld, mostly in systems that exclude eucaryotic et en particulier les stalagmites sont bien competition due to unfavourable conditions. connus pour leur capacité à enregistrer les va- Cave stromatolites in Nettle Cave show a riations climatiques grâce à leur composition

16 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) et leur structure. (NG). cave process research. (Author, GM). 2014.0094 2014.0097

BAKER, Andrew (2013) : An overview of the GODISSART, Jean (2014) : Les échanges Jenolan environmental monitoring program gazeux entre le karst et l'atmosphère libre dans and summary of results to date la grotte-abîme de Comblain-au-Pont The science of Jenolan Caves: What do we Plaquette – programme des Journées 2014 de know? Abstracts of presented papers : 15 p. Spéléologie Scientifique, 15 et 16 novembre http://linneansocietynsw.org.au/symposia/Je- 2014 : 1 p. nolan%20Caves/Jenolan.html Résumé de communication. Bref compte rendu Summarises key findings from 4 yrs (2009-12) sur les dernières mesures de CO2 au puits de of monitoring cave atmosphere. Commercially la Merveilleuse en juin 2014. (NG). available equipment is installed at 7 locations 2014.0098 within the show caves and one external site; measures air temp. relative humidity, barome- HENDY, Chris; CROSS, Travis; MIEDEMA, tric and of CO2 every Natalie (2013) : Towards managing the carbon 6 minutes. Caves were characterised by stable dioxide in caves with both air temp. and relative humidity, with average anthropogenic and non-anthropogenic sources temps 12.5-15.5°C and high relative humidity. Cave and Karst Management in Australasia Concentration of CO2 changed significantly XX. Proc. 20th Australasian Conf. Cave & between seasons in all of caves except Temple Karst Management 2013. Waitomo Caves, NZ of Baal. These of CO2 pose : 226. [abstract only]. minimal risk to visitors and staff safety… (Au- Based on historic data operators of the Waito- thor, GJM). mo tourist caves (Glowworm, Ruakuri, - 2014.0095 nui) are required to maintain partial pressure of CO2 in the cave atmospheres to >2400 BURLET, C.; VERHEYDEN, Sophie; VAN- ppm(v). Ten minute monitoring since 1998 BRABANT, Y. (2014) : Le niphargus, déve- has shown most exceedances of this limit loppement d'un enregistreur autonome de tem- have come from visitor and have pérature basé sur un capteur monolithique à mostly been avoided in recent years by careful diode de silicium. Cas d'étude dans les grottes management of visitor numbers and passive de Han-sur-Lesse et Remouchamps ventilation. However 1-2 exceedances have Plaquette – programme des Journées 2014 de occurred each year when no visitors were pre- Spéléologie Scientifique, 15 et 16 novembre sent. Non-anthropogenic sources of high CO2 2014 : 1 p. partial were observed in glowworm Résumé de communication. Cet appareil, le cave following periods of intense rainfall with Niphargus, a pour but de surveiller l'évolution exhalation from both stream and drip waters… en température de milieux naturels tels que les (GJM). grottes. (NG). 2014.0099 2014.0096 MAGNE, Laurent; LECOQ, Nicolas; RODET, DREDGE, Jonathan; FAIRCHILD, Ian J.; Joël; CHÉDEVILLE, Stéphane (2014) : Etude HARRISON, Roy M; GUNN, John (2014) : climatique d'une grotte de la craie à une entrée. Processes affecting aerosol concentrations in Exemple de la grotte des Petites Dales (Nor- Gough's Cave, Cheddar Gorge, UK mandie, ) Cave and Karst Science, Vol. 41, no 1 (April Plaquette – programme des Journées 2014 de 2014) : 42-47. Spéléologie Scientifique, 15 et 16 novembre Results are presented from environmental mo- 2014 : 1 p. nitoring over seasonal timescales in Gough's Résumé de communication. Bref compte rendu Cave, Cheddar Gorge, UK as a component of d'une étude climatique de la grotte des Petites

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 17 Dales en Normandie dans le but de com- to the represented elapsed time and prevai- prendre les transferts d'énergie entre l'air et la ling weather or climatic conditions. Analysed roche. (NG). sub-samples may represent a month for ra- 2014.0100 pid growth speleothems or many years for slow speleothem growth. Speleothem growth MARIANI, Stefano (2014) : Monitoraggio may also be seasonally biased affecting the ambientale nella Grotta del III Portone o Abis- palaeo-climate record. To better understand so de Gasperi - Majella the temporal fine scale of speleothem growth Notiziario dello Speleo Club Chieti, vol. 6 patterns we have principally used CO2 (2014) : 27-39. concentration in cave air… (Author, GJM). Dati sul comportamento climatico della grotta. 2014.0103 Interpretazioni e descrizione dei dati. (MS). 2014.0101 1.26 Chronology of subterranean fillings Chronologie de remplissages souter- MATTEY, D.P.; FISHER, R.; ATKIN- rains SON, T.C.; LATIN, J.-P.; DURRELL, R.; AINSWORTH, M. (2014) : Methane in Un- BINI, Alfredo; FRIESEN, Achim; QUINIF, derground Air in Karst Yves; STRINI, Andra; UGGERI, Alessandro Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol. 374 : (2014) : Analisi e datazioni di alcuni travertini 71-84. lombardi (Italia) Little is known about gaseous methane in Sibrium. Centro di Studi Preistorici e Archeo- karst. We report levels and δ13C of methane in logici Varese, vol. 28 (2014) : 140-173. atmosphere, soil and cave air at St. Michaels (MS). Cave, Gibraltar. Soil values are lower than 2014.0104 the local atmospheric average of 1868 ppb and fall to 500 ppb. Abundance–δ13C rela- BRAUER, A.; HAJDAS, I.; BLOCKLEY, tionships suggest mixing of atmosphere with S.P.E.; BRONK RAMSEY, C.; CHRISTL, methane left after oxidation by bacteria. Cave M.; IVY-OCHS, S.; MOSELEY, Gina E.; air levels are also below local atmosphere but NOWACZYK, N.N.; RASMUSSEN, S.O.; show strong seasonality related to ventilation, ROBERTS, H.M. (2014) : The importance of being lowest in the CO2-rich air that flows independent chronology in integrating records out from the cave in winter. A strong inverse of past climate change for the 60-9 ka intimate relationship between CH4 abundance and time interval δ13C indicates methanotrophy within the cave. Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 106 : 47-66. Dynamically ventilated caves may act as a net (GM). sink for atmospheric methane. (GM). 2014.0105 2014.0102 CAROLIN, Stacy A; COBB, Kim M; WARING, Chris L.; HANKIN, STUART I. ADKINS, Jess F; CLARK, Brian; CONROY, (2013) : How weather and climate drives Chif- Jessica L; LEJAU, Syria; MALANG, Jenny; ley Cave speleothem growth TUEN, Andrew A. (2013) : Varied response of The science of Jenolan Caves: What do we western Pacific hydrology to climate forcings know? Abstracts of presented papers : 15 p. over the last glacial period http://linneansocietynsw.org.au/symposia/Je- Science 2013, 6 June 2013. nolan%20Caves/Jenolan.html Climate change shown through speleothems Speleothem growth band variations in chemi- from Gunung Mulu and Buda caves. (LP). cal and isotopic composition are used to infer 2014.0106 palaeo-climatic conditions. Interpretation of speleothem palaeo-climatic records may be CLEMENZÓ, Jorge (2006) : Patrimonio espe- improved by matching analysed sub-samples leológico y estudios de cambios climáticos

18 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) , N° 16 (Diciembre coupled climate between central Europe and 2006) : 6. 1 photo. Greenland during Marine Isotope Stage 3 The beginning of paleoclimate studies in Las Geology, Vol. 42 : 1043-1046. Open access. Brujas limestone cave. (BO). (GM). 2014.0107 2014.0110

FINNÉ, Martin (2014) : MURPHY, Phillip J.; BROOK, David B.; Climate in the eastern Mediterranean during HOFFMANN, Dirk L.; RICHARDS, David A. the Holocene and beyond, A Peloponnesian (2014) : Scientific note: A U-Th age from the perspective : 52 p. Ph.D. Thesis. Roof Tunnel, West Kingsdale System, North http//urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn%3Anb- Yorkshire, UK n%3Ase%3Asu%3Adiva-108046 Cave and Karst Science, Vol. 41, no 3 (De- This thesis contributes increased knowledge cember 2014) : 138. about climate variability during the late Qua- (GM). ternary in the eastern Mediterranean utilizing 2014.0111 and carbon stable isotope data from one stalagmite from Kapsia Cave and two OSBORNE, R. Armstrong L. (2013) : Un- stalagmites from Glyfada Cave on the archaeo- derstanding the origin and evolution of Jenolan logically rich Peloponnese Peninsula. (JL). Caves: the next steps 2014.0108 The science of Jenolan Caves: What do we know? Abstracts of presented papers : 15 p. JAMES, Julia M.; COX, Guy C. (2013) : http://linneansocietynsw.org.au/symposia/Je- Paleoclimate studies on stromatolitic stalag- nolan%20Caves/Jenolan.html mites The dating of cave and surficial sediments by The science of Jenolan Caves: What do we Osborne et al (2006) provided first absolute know? Abstracts of presented papers : 15 p. dates of ancient materials at Jenolan Caves. http://linneansocietynsw.org.au/symposia/Je- These suggested that some sections of ac- nolan%20Caves/Jenolan.html cessible caves were likely to have formed in The multidisciplinary study of stromatolitic Early Carboniferous, before the deposition of stalagmites in Nettle Cave, Jenolan Caves, volcaniclastic and mass-flow sediments dated commenced in 1989 and involved a number at 340Ma. The growth of secondary fine illite, of investigators. Amino acids were used to dated at 258Ma & 240Ma was taken to be evi- prove that cyanobacteria have been colonizing dence for burial of the caves under the Sydney stalagmites in the cave throughout their entire Basin. These dates meant that a new chro- depositional history. Other experiments de- nology for cave development at Jenolan was monstrated that they could be implicated in the required to supersede that of Osborne (1996). processes that lead to their shape, and depo- Construction of this new chronology has raised sition and morphology of their calcite layers. more questions than answers.. (Author, GJM). The stalagmite composition allowed the past 2014.0112 climate of Jenolan Caves to be assessed from the calcite and amino acids. The sticky surface PARTIN, J.W.; COBB, Kim M; ADKINS, Jess generated by the cyanobacteria trapped aeolian F; CLARK, Brian (2013) : Trace metal and material such as dust, pollen and flying . carbon isotopic variations in cave dripwater (Author, GJM). and stalagmite geochemistry from northern 2014.0109 Borneo Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Vol. MOSELEY, Gina E.; SPÖTL, C.; SVENS- 14, no 9 (5 September 2013) : 3567-3585. 12 SON, A.; CHENG, Hai; BRANDSTÄTTER, fig. 7 tab.). . S.; LAWRENCE EDWARDS, R. (2014) We investigate stalagmite trace metal ratios : Multi-speleothem record reveals tightly and carbon isotopic composition (13C) as po-

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 19 tential paleoclimate proxies by comparing cave relevance to our near future… (Author, GJM). dripwaters, stalagmites, and bedrock compo- 2014.0116 sition from Gunung Mulu and Gunung Buda National Parks in northern Borneo, a tropical 1.3 Special karsts rainforest karst site. (Author, LP). Karsts spéciaux 2014.0113 DE SWART, Herman (2014) : Grotten, maar SJÖBERG, Rabbe (2014) : Tsunamispår i en geen karst. Over grotten en grotvorming (2/4) kustgrotta på NV Sumatra Spelerpes, n° 1 : 43-47. In Dutch, photos. Grottan, Vol. 49, no 1 (March 2014) : 44. In Etude sur la formation de phénomènes ka- Swedish. rstiques et de cavités dans des roches non A short review and comment to a BBC News calcaires: dolomite, évaporite, conglomérat, story about the findings of traces from tsuna- travertin, tuf, granite, quartzite, lave,.. Liste mis in a marine cave in Sumatra. The research des plus grandes de ces grottes dans le monde. is led by Dr Jessica Pilarczyk. (JL). (NG). 2014.0114 2014.0117

SPÖTL, Christoph; MOSELEY, Gina E. SCHMITT, Pascale; REMACLE, Laurence; (2014) : Neue Datierungen an Höhlensinter MICHEL, Georges (2014) : Poudingue de aus dem Gebiet der Hundsalm, Angerberg Malmedy : karstification au coeur du massif Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen, Jg. 52, Folge ardennais 66, Vereinsjahr 2013 : 4-7. EcoKarst, n° 97 : 1-5. Photos. Älteste Tropfsteine aus Hundsalm Eis- und Brève étude sur le phénomène de karstification Tropfsteinhöhle und aus Grete-Ruth-Schacht dans le poudingue de Malmedy dans les Ar- mindestens 700 ka. (PF). dennes. Ce conglomérat présente une diversité 2014.0115 de phénomènes karstiques notamment le Trou Ozer. (NG). WILLIAMS, Paul (2013) : What Waitomo 2014.0118 speleothems tell us about environmental change 1.4 Parakarst in evaporites Cave and Karst Management in Australasia Parakarst en roches évaporitiques XX. Proc. 20th Australasian Conf. Cave & Karst Management 2013. Waitomo Caves, NZ ELSENSOHN, Reinhard (2013) : Gips-Kris- : 224. [abstract only]. tallhöhlen The most important information that speleo- Neuigkeiten aus Karst und Höhlen, Heft 124 : thems can reveal is about climate. There is 14-16. concern about climate change and what may Ein Beitrag über außergewöhnliche Kristallbil- happen, but most evidence is derived from the dungen. (Author, PF). Northern Hemisphere and it is not clear if pre- 2014.0119 dictions apply in SH. We need to determine if known NH climate events are found in SH. If 1.5 Parakarst in siliceous rocks this can be confirmed, it increases the likeliho- Parakarst en roches silicieuses od that climate predictions will apply to both hemispheres – even if there are leads or lags in BRICK, Greg (2014) : Carver's Cave, Foun- events. Thus we need well dated high resolu- tain Cave, and Speleogenesis tion data from the SH that can be compared to NSS News, Vol. 72, no 9 (September 2014) : data of similar quality from the NH. The best 8-10. 4 photos, 1 map. interval to examine is the last 2000 years, be- The author describes the speleogenesis of cause that's when the NH has its most accurate these two Minnesota (USA) caves and dis- historical data and it's also the period of most cusses the differing interpretations and histori-

20 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) cal perceptions over the years. (YD). Proc. 28th Biennial Conf. of ASF, Chillagoe 2014.0120 2011. [notes, poster]. Many karst-like features in laterites; good DUNKLEY, John R. (2011) : A typology of analogies with syngenetic karsts (u/g erosion, sandstone caves in NSW [with particular refe- disrupted drainage, dolines, karren); paraka- rence to the Blue Mountains, NSW] rst: solution & physical erosion; pseudokarst: Proc. 28th Biennial Conf. of ASF, Chillagoe physical processes dominate. Laterite karst: 2011. [PP Presentation]. karst-like features in deep weathering profiles Wide variety of karst-like landforms: towers, (ferricrete, silcrete, bauxite, etc), duricrust grikes, bedrock arches, solution basins (kame- capping, deeply weathered material (to >100 nitza), underground rivers, caves & some silica m). Process: chemical weathering (inc. so- or (rarely) carbonate speleothems; “pagodas” lution) + physical erosion. Most common in or pedestals” analogous to small karst towers; tropics. Describes typical profiles, locations in gnammas analogous to Kamenitsa; Deep Australia, features: pans, dolines, mega-karren, kluftkarren or crevasses (). Sandstone caves, pinnacles, pipes, walls, solution tube- caves often described erroneously as wind-ero- lets. (GJM). ded and/or pseudo-karst. Most sandstone caves 2014.0123 initiate or develop at least partly by processes of dissolution, and are now regarded as karst WHITE, Susan (2014) : Laterite karst features. Presence of salt accelerates silica Caves Australia, No. 196 (March 2014) : 19. disaggregation - a major factor in cavernous Photo; 3 refs. weathering especially near the sea. Insoluble Pseudokarst is a term for features that re- residue usually greater than from limestone. semble karst, but have not formed by enhanced (GJM). solution; such features tend to form in rocks 2014.0121 less soluble than limestone. Laterite karst is a special type of silicate karst that in turn is the GRIMES, Ken (2011) : Caves & Ruiniform type of parakarst (solution of non-carbonate features in of Northern Australia rocks). The chemical and physical processes Proc. 28th Biennial Conf. of ASF, Chillagoe involved in the formation of laterites, and deep 2011. [notes, poster]. weathering profiles in general, are quite com- Sandstones in WA, NT & NW Qld are Prote- plex. Laterite karst can be compared to synge- rozoic, flat-lying, well- jointed, hard quartzites. netic karst in soft porous calcarenites – both Ruiniform Features: structurally controlled have simultaneous solution and cementation weathering and erosion (grikefields, stone and show the influence of caprocks (duri- cities, stone forests & pinnacles, associated crusts) on cave development. (GJM). caves, villas, arches, etc); Karst-like Features: 2014.0124 dolines, blind valleys & streamsinks, caves, karren, pillars, speleothems etc. Arenisa- 1.7 Ice hypokarst; permafrost- and ther- tion: solution along grain boundaries creates mokarst a packed sand that is easily eroded. Joints Hypokarst en glace; permafrost et ther- may guide water flow and focus solution to mokarst make “phantom” grikes and caves - parakarst. INGLESE, Mauro; TOGNINI, Paola; FERRA- Ruiniform Relief results from strong structu- RIO, Andrea; TESTA, Paolo (2014) : Dentro i ral control ; development and excavation of ghiacciai "phantom" structures. Describes a number of Montagne 360. Rivista del Club Alpino Italia- caves. (GJM). no, Giugno 2014 : 24-29. Foto. 2014.0122 Storia della speleologia glaciale. La speleo- logia glaciale come contributo allo studio dei GRIMES, Ken; SPATE, Andy (2011) : Late- cambiamenti climatici. (MS). rite Karst 2014.0125

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 21 LUETSCHER, Marc (2014) : Sur la trace des before the iron cover was opened; glacières disparus. Calcite cryogéniques: une this was followed by a visit to Wiri Cave – 290 archive pour la reconstruction du permafrost? m long and the most spectacular tube in , Vol. 64, no 2 : 39-45. In Deutsch/ NZ. Also visited Landscape Road Cave and français; 6 photos; 2 ill. entrance to Kitenui Cave plus Kermies Cave, L`étude systématique du calcite cryogéniques ‘ACKMA Cave', Kermode Cave, Southern and du région Sanetsch associée à une période Middle caves on Rangitoto Island. (GJM). temperée du Moyen Age. Description et re- 2014.0128 commendations du reconaitre la calcite cryo- géniques sur le terrain. (AH). FAVRE, Gérald (2014) : Volcanospéléologie à 2014.0126 : un pseudokarst très exotique. Stalactite, Vol. 64, no 2 : 14-25. In Deutsch/ ROMEO, Alessio; COUTE, Alain; MOREAU, français; 4 plans, 14 photos. Luc; GHERARDI, Hervé; AVIOTTE, Serge Compte rendu de l`explorations de la Société (2014) : Exploration spéléologique et re- Spéléologique Genevoise entre 1981-2013 cherche scientifique: sur les traces de l'explora- (deuxième partie), documentation et topogra- teur polaire Paul-Emile Victor hie du Mauna Ulu Crater, Wood Valley Pit Spelunca, n° 135, septembre 2014 : 10-19. 16 Crater (Kau Dessert) et fractures tectoniques photos, 7 figures. dans le “Big Creek”. Avec petit apercu avec Depuis 2007, l'association Spélé'Ice mène des les techniques utilisées pour descendre dans campagnes d'explorations de moulins gla- les cratères volcaniques et les pit cratères en ciaires sur la côte ouest du Groenland. Simul- Hawaii, Islande, Ethiopie et Vanuatu. (AH). tanément, des recherches scientifiques dans les 2014.0129 domaines de la biologie et de la glaciologie sont aussi menées ainsi que la réalisation de FAVRE, Gérald (2014) : Volcanospéléologie à films documentaires pour la télévision. Le Hawaii: un pseudokarst très exotique. moulin principal exploré (Maïa) est profond de Stalactite, Vol. 64, no 1 : 4-18. In Deutsch/ 105m. (CB). français; 1 plan, 21 photos. 2014.0127 Compte rendu de l`explorations de la Société Spéléologique Genevoise entre 1981-2013 1.8 Hypo- and pseudokarst in volcanic (première partie), documentation du les tubes rocks de lave ou de lave, John Martin lava Hypo- et pseudokarst en roche volca- tube, Greg`s cave et topograhie du Ke`amoku nique (Big Island). (AH). 2014.0130 BRUSH, John (2013) : The ACKMA 2013 post conference field trip sub-urban investiga- MILLS, Kirsty (2014) : More in Para- tions in Auckland dise Australasian Cave and Karst Management Grampian Speleological Group Bulletin 5th Assoc. Journal, No. 91 (June 2013) : 35-37. 10 Series, Vol. 1, no 2 : 27-32. 8 ill. photos. Report on attending the international sympo- Auckland is built around 50 volcanoes, some sium on Vulcanospeleology, which was held in of which had lava flows that formed tubes. the Galapagos Islands in March 2014. Various Many of the lava tubes that have survived lava tubes were explored and described, along the 30,000 years since their formation have with details on travel, booking and costs. been destroyed by quarrying and roadworks. (Author, GM). Only in recent times have any of the caves 2014.0131 had any protection, largely due to local caver Peter Crossley, our guide. At Rumley Cave the group received a traditional Maori welcome

22 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 2.0 General; World Laichinger Höhlenfreund (Laichingen), Vol. 49 Généralités; Globe (2014) : 72-73. In Germ.; 1 fig., 1 photo. (THR). 2014.0134 AUCT. VAR. (2014) : Overseas News & Reviews 2.11 Western and Central Europe Speleology, No 19 : 37. Europe occidentale et centrale News from around the world and reviews of caving publications. (Author, GM). Albania / Albanie 2014.0132 BIRCHEN, Pierre (2014) : L'aventure Alba- COMMISSION CREI DE LA FFS (2014) : naise! Compte rendu d'activités de la CREI, n° 22 L'excentrique, n° 5 : 7. (2013) : 98 p. 23 photos. Bref compte rendu de l'expédition interclub Éditorial de Florence Guillot. Activités inter- 2014 en Albanie. Les jeunes spéléos ont pu nationales de la FFS en 2013. Comptes rendus explorer ce karst encore méconnu pour eux. d'activité des correspondants pays, concerne (NG). : Afrique subsaharienne et Haïti, Bolivie, 2014.0135 Bosnie, Brésil, -Etats-Unis-Indonésie, Chine, Croatie, Costa Rica, , Europe du RIAVINI, Dario (2014) : Albania 2013 Nord-Mongolie, Géorgie, Laos, Macédoine, Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 43- Maroc, Madagascar, , Papouasie, 44. 4 foto. Pérou, Thaïlande, -Russie. Compte Cenni sulla spedizione italo-slovena in Ni- rendu d'activité des délégations. Les actions kaj-Merturi. (PG). internationales, Initiateur fédéral, stages SSF 2014.0136 au Liban, Tchéquie et Brésil, Calendrier des manifestations spéléologiques en France et à / Belgique / België l'étranger en 2013-2014. Liste, bilan et résu- més des 21 expéditions françaises à l'étranger en 2013. Activités administratives de l'année, General / Généralités / Algemeenheid compte rendu financier. Annuaire CREI. (RC). 2014.0133 AA (2014) : Past infos du fond GOLDSCHEIDER, Nico; ZHAO, Chen Regards, n° 78 : 42. Plan. (2014) : Weltkarte der Karstgrundwasserleiter Historique sur différents événements et dé- - Das WOKAM-Projekt. couvertes en spéléologie: exploration du Trou

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 23 Bernard en 1948, exploration de la Grotte ristiques. Bibliographie spéléologique belge, de Hotton en 1958, expédition au Gouffre de imprimée et numérique : site internet. (Fx). Piagga Bella en 1968, découverte d'un moins 2014.0141 mille, le Schneeloch en 1978, découverte de deux moins milles au Mexique en 1988 par MATTLET, Jean-Marc (2014) : Dossier le GSAB, les Sistema Ocotempa et Akemati. spécial “Belle-gique souterraine”. 30 ans pour (NG). l'Union Belge de Spéléologie. 2014.0137 Spéléo Magazine, n° 87 (Septembre 2014) : 12-45. 1 photo. FANUEL, Gérald (2014) : Les activités de 11 auteurs coordonnés par Jean-Marc Matt- 2013 let présentent un panorama de la spéléologie Bul. Soc. Spéléo Namur, 2014 : 9-18. Photos. belge, historique et explorations tant en Bel- Compte rendu d'activité des membres de la gique qu'à l'étranger. Le karst belge (Wallon), Société Spéléologique de Namur en 2013 en la fantômatisation. Une grande découverte Belgique et à l'étranger. (NG). actuelle : Noû Bleû. La protection des sites. 2014.0138 De nombreux encadrés relatent des anecdotes, précisent des sites. Les grandes cavités belges, GREBEUDE, Richard (2014) : Etroitures les grandes premières depuis 10 ans. Remer- Sacrées, Sacrées Etroitures ciements. (Fx). Regards, n° 78 : 30-31. Photos. 2014.0142 Quelques considérations et réflexions concer- nant les étroitures “classiques”. L'auteur pro- MATTLET, Jean-Marc (2014) : La Belgique pose de lister ces étroitures afin de les préser- souterraine pour les non belges (mais pas ver de tout élargissement inutile. Ces étroitures que…). Entrée en matière. étant la propriété des découvreurs, il est néces- Spéléo Magazine, n° 87 (Septembre 2014) : saire de leur en faire la demande. (NG). 12-13. 2 photos. 2014.0139 Historique de la réalisation du dossier “Spécial Belgique” de Spéléo Magazine, et présentation LESSIRE, Pol; FANUEL, Gérald; MEYER, de la spéléologie belge. (Fx). Frédéric (2014) : Entre autres activités.. spé- 2014.0143 léo ! Bul. Soc. Spéléo Namur, 2014 : 20-24. Photos, MATTLET, Jean-Marc (2014) : Retour sur les topo. 30 ans de l'UBS à Palogne Compte rendu d'activité spéléo en 2013: Spéléo Info, n° 7 : 8. formation topo UBS, camp à Millau et Cho- Petit compte rendu de la soirée anniversaire ranche, trou des Nutons et du Chien Crevé, des 30 ans de l'Union Belge de Spéléologie. 60ème anniversaire de la découverte de la salle (NG). de la Verna, Brevet niveau 2 à Villers-Le-Gam- 2014.0144 bon, Camp fédéral dans le Vercors, trou Wé- ron. (NG). THYS, Georges; MICHEL, Georges (2014) 2014.0140 : Atlas du Karst Wallon. Outil pour la gestion des régions calcaires. MATTLET, Jean-Marc (2014) : Conclusion. Spéléo Magazine, n° 87 (Septembre 2014) : Spéléo Magazine, n° 87 (Septembre 2014) : 34. 2 photos. 44-45. 2 photos,, 1 planche dessin, bibliogra- La commission Wallonne d'Études et de Pro- phie. tection des Sites Souterrains (CWEPSS) publie Conclusion du dossier spécial Belgique de des monographies karstiques, outil de gestion Spéléo Magazine : les 10 plus profondes et de compréhension de ces paysages et de ce cavités de Wallonie. Code de déontologie du patrimoine. Présentation de l'inventaire de la spéléologue sous forme de 15 dessins humo- Basse-Lesse. Site internet. (Fx). 2014.0145 24 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Résumé de communication. Compte rendu de Belgium / Belgique / België la découverte d'une nouvelle grotte à Chanxhe : contexte d'une découverte, inventaire faunis- tique, exploration, géologie, morphologie et Liège / Luik / Luttich visite virtuelle de la grotte. (NG). 2014.0149

AA (2014) : La grotte du Noû Bleû BRIFFOZ, Albert; ROBA, Gauthier (2014) : La Lettre du Spéléo-club de Paris, n°325 (mai) Noû Bleû. Contexte de la découverte. : 1. Spéléo Magazine, n° 87 (Septembre 2014) : Cette grotte, mise au jour par un tir à l'explosif 22. 1 photo, bibliogr. dans une carrière de la province de Liège, se Historique des travaux et explorations sur le développe sur près de 3 kilomètres, ce qui la synclinal karstique de Sprimont, et du fran- classe parmi les dix plus longues cavités de chissement fin 2012 de la vasque du Noû Bleû Belgique (JT). livrant le collecteur. L'intervention du bourg- 2014.0146 mestre de Chanxhe pour signer une convention avec les exploitants de la carrière menaçant la ABYSS; GRSC; KEMPEN; TECHNICO cavité. (Fx). (2014) : La grotte-mine de Vaux-Sous-Olne 2014.0150 Regards, n° 78 : 9-24. Topos, photos, plans. Résumé des travaux menés par les découvreurs COLLECTIF NOÛ BLEÛ (2014) : Le réseau depuis 2002 jusqu'à 2008 ainsi qu'une des- du Noû Bleû à Chanxhe, Sprimont cription avec topographies des deux cavités : Regards, n° 79 : 82-87. Photos. Grotte-Mine de Vaux-Sous-Olne et grotte de Découverte en 2014 d'une nouvelle cavité l'Etang de la Villa des Hirondelles. On trouve dans la carrière de Sprimont par le CRSOA. également une synthèse des 4 plongées siphon De grandes salles (20 X 10 x 10 m) richement de 2005 à 2012. (NG). concrétionnées ont été balisées. Une conven- 2014.0147 tion a été établie avec la commune et les carriers. (NG). BRIFFOZ, Albert (2014) : Het réseau du Noû 2014.0151 Bleû in Chanxhe (Sprimont) : ontdekking uit de duizend DUBOIS, Albert (2014) : Grotte Âs-Eyis Spelerpes, n° 1 : 4-9. In Dutch, photos. Regards, n° 79 : 93. Photos, topo. Article spécial sur cette nouvelle découverte Description de la grotte As-Eyis à Comblain- belge à Sprimont, la grotte du Noû Bleû. La au-Pont: situation, découverte, topo.. (NG). cavité découverte est un réseau aux dimen- 2014.0152 sions inédites, un site exceptionnel de par sa richesse mais aussi un site fragilisé par l'ex- DUBOIS, Albert (2014) : Trou de la Fosse ploitation de la carrière. Cette cavité est en Gamette cours de convention et l'accès est fermé aux Regards, n° 79 : 88-92. Photos, topo. spéléologues. (NG). Description du trou de la Fosse Gamette à 2014.0148 Comblain-au-Pont: situation, découverte, topo, biospéléologie, traçage.. (NG). BRIFFOZ, Albert; DUBOIS, Albert; LON- 2014.0153 DON, Jean-Claude; WILLEMS, Luc; GER- BER, Vincent (2014) : La grotte du Noû Bleû GRATTE, Lucien (2014) : Échos des profon- à Chanxhe-Sprimont deurs - Europe - Belgique Plaquette – programme des Journées 2014 de Spelunca, n° 134, juin 2014 : 5. Spéléologie Scientifique, 15 et 16 novembre Annonce de la découverte d'une importante 2014 : 4 p. cavité (+ de 3 kmp de dév.) sur la commune de

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 25 Sprimont. (CB). Trompettes. Le réseau du Triton développe 78 2014.0154 mètres. (NG). 2014.0158 LONDON, Jean-Claude (2014) : Chanxhe, Liège, Belgique. Le Noû Bleû / Le Trou Bleu. BENEDETTI, Gian-Pietro (2014) : Témoi- Spéléo Magazine, n° 87 (Septembre 2014) : gnage.. A propos de la grotte de On et du puits 18-20. 3 photos, plan coupe et 3D. aux Lampes Récit et description d'une nouvelle cavité belge, qui a permis l'accès au collecteur de Bul. Soc. Spéléo Namur, 2014 : 43-44. Photos, Sprimont. Richement concrétionnée, elle s'im- topo. pose en 2012-13 comme une cavité majeure Témoignage par Gian-Pietro Benedetti sur de Belgique mais menacée par l'activité d'une la grotte de On et du Puits aux Lampes avec carrière. (Fx). référence à l'ouvrage “Description de la grotte 2014.0155 de la Wamme”. (NG). 2014.0159 REMACLE, Laurence; GERBER, Vincent (2014) : Grotte du Noû Bleû à Chanxhe BOULVAIN, Frédéric (2014) : Esquisse géo- EcoKarst, n° 96 : 4-8. Photos, cartes, schémas. logique du bassin de la Basse Lesse Deux spéléologues découvrent fin 2012 dans Atlas du Karst Wallon : bassin de la Basse une carrière toujours en exploitation, l'accès à Lesse. Inventaire cartographique et descriptif un tronçon de la rivière souterraine du vallon des sites karstiques et des circulations d'eau de Sprimont : un collecteur qu'ils cherchent souterraine : 23-28 . Photos, carte. depuis 50 ans. La cavité découverte est un Présentation générale de la géologie de la réseau aux dimensions inédites, un site excep- basse Lesse. Les formations karstiques y sont tionnel de par sa richesse mais aussi un site référencées telle que la formation du Pont fragilisé par l'exploitation de la carrière. Une d'Arcole. (NG). convention est établie afin de protéger cette 2014.0160 grotte. (NG). 2014.0156 CARLIER, Kris (2014) : Nouveau rebondisse- ment dans l'exploration de la Fosse aux Ours: ROBA, Gauthier (2014) : L'exploration suba- Pas une.. mais deux rivières souterraines! quatique du Noû Bleû. Regards, n° 78 : 32-34. Photos. Spéléo Magazine, n° 87 (Septembre 2014) : Historique de la découverte d'un second siphon 21. 1 photo, 1 coup, 1 plan. amont dans la Grotte de la Fosse aux Ours, Récit des plongées dans les siphons amonts menant à la découverte d'une nouvelle salle. du Noû Bleû, mais qui se révèlent infranchis- Cette cavité possède ainsi deux rivières souter- sables. (Fx). raines. Perspective de traçage et d'exploration 2014.0157 de cette nouvelle salle. Le système Fosse aux Ours - Trou du Muret dépasse les 2000 mètres Belgium / Belgique / België de développement pour une profondeur de 80 mètres. (NG). 2014.0161 Namur / Namem DE BRABANDERE, Noëlle (2014) : Le contrat de rivière Lesse et Lomme AA (2014) : Réseau du Triton - Trou d'Haquin Atlas du Karst Wallon : bassin de la Basse Regards, n° 78 : 41. Photos. Lesse. Inventaire cartographique et descriptif Bref compte rendu de la nouvelle entrée du des sites karstiques et des circulations d'eau Trou d'Haquin, la grotte du Triton en 2011. souterraine : 19-22. Photos. La jonction est réalisée avec le réseau des Présentation du Contrat de Rivière Lesse et

26 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Lomme. Ce Contrat de Rivière met en place DEWAIDE, L.; CAPETTE, L.; REKK, S.; des directives et des plans d'action nécessaire HALLET, Vincent (2014) : Région de la à une gestion globale et intégrée des bassins Basse Lesse : cadre hydrogéologique de la Lesse et de la Lomme, en ce compris la Atlas du Karst Wallon : bassin de la Basse gestion des cours d'eau souterraine et du karst. Lesse. Inventaire cartographique et descriptif (NG). des sites karstiques et des circulations d'eau 2014.0162 souterraine : 33-36. Photos, carte. Présentation du contexte hydrogéologique gé- DEWAIDE, L.; ROCHEZ, Gaëtan; POU- néral, l'exploitation des eaux souterraines, les LAIN, Amaël; HALLET, Vincent (2014) : bilans hydrogéologiques et l'aspect qualitatif Caractérisation hydrogéologique par essais de de diverses études menées dans la basse Lesse. traçage du double recoupement des méandres (NG). de la Lesse à Furfooz 2014.0166 Atlas du Karst Wallon : bassin de la Basse Lesse. Inventaire cartographique et descriptif FANUEL, Gérald (2014) : Le Puits de l'Agole des sites karstiques et des circulations d'eau : histoire d'un chantier de désobstruction tita- souterraine : 37-39. Photos, carte. nesque sur le du Gerny Présentation du phénomène karstique remar- EcoKarst, n° 97 : 7-9. Photos. quable du double recoupement de méandres de Description de l'Abîme de l'Agole à Jemelle. la Lesse à Furfooz. L'objectif de cette nou- L'Agole est un modèle de désobstruction telle velle étude de traçage était d'effectuer un essai que les clubs pouvaient en mener dans les sur l'ensemble du système souterrain afin de années 1950-1960 avec des moyens gigan- dégager les caractéristiques d'écoulement et de tesques. (NG). transport propres au milieu. (NG). 2014.0167 2014.0163 FANUEL, Gérald (2014) : Lustin, Profonde- DEWAIDE, L.; POULAIN, Amaël; HALLET, ville, Belgique. Réseau de Frênes. Vincent (2014) : Karstfenomenen in de streek Spéléo Magazine, n° 87 (Septembre 2014) : van Furfooz 26-31. 4 photos, bibliographie + TGT (très Spelerpes, n° 2 : 15-19. In Dutch, photos. grande topo) en hors texte. Article reprenant une étude de 2012 sur la ré- Historique des explorations et description de gion de Furfooz et ses phénomènes karstiques: la cavité : à l'origine 2 entrées dans un tunnel hydrogéologie, traçage au Trou de la Loutre, du chemin de fer dont l'une est franchie en Galerie des Sources, Puits des Vaux, Trou qui plongée en 1962 par Lucienne Golenvaux. La Fume et Trou des Nutons. (NG). fermeture par des travaux oblige le percement 2014.0164 de nouvelles entrées jonctionnées. Présence de 2 rivières souterraines. (Fx). DEWAIDE, L.; BAELE, JM.; HALLET, 2014.0168 Vincent (2014) : Les phénomènes karstiques de la formation de Waulsort : un cas particulier FANUEL, Gérald (2014) : Prospection spéléo- Atlas du Karst Wallon : bassin de la Basse logique entre Jemelle et Forrieres Lesse. Inventaire cartographique et descriptif des sites karstiques et des circulations d'eau Bul. Soc. Spéléo Namur, 2014 : 47-54. Photos, souterraine : 29-32. Photos, carte. topo. La formation de Waulsort est un cas particulier Description du site de l'ancienne carrière de au vu d'une très forte densité du karst avec en Huilerie à Forrières et de ses phénomènes grande partie de la calcite remplacée par de la karstiques : trou des Nutons. Description de dolomite: la dolomitisation du calcaire. (NG). l'ancienne carrière de Lamsoul à Jemelle et du 2014.0165 trou de la Galène. (NG). 2014.0169

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 27 GAILLOT, Édith (2014) : Visite au trou du Muret.. (NG). d'Haquin 2014.0173 Le P'tit Usania, n° 192 (Août 2014) : 1-2. Photo. LEGROS, Marc; ADRIAENSEN, Willy http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- (2014) : Les dolines du Thiers des Falizes ticle1451 Regards, n° 79 : 31-41. Plan. Photos, topos. Compte rendu de visite au trou d'Haquin (As- Description des phénomènes karstiques des sesse). (CP). dolines du Thiers des Falizes à Rochefort et 2014.0170 des travaux menés par le spéléo club les “Fis- tuleuses” de 1993 à aujourd'hui. Description GARIGLIANY, Jean-Christophe (2014) : Le des quatre dolines: trou Challes, Fosse aux trou qui Igne, un beau phénomène de la Basse Ours, doline Heylens, doline triple. Les résul- Lesse. Son histoire et sa découverte tats des travaux dans les sites avoisinants sont Atlas du Karst Wallon : bassin de la Basse décrits. (NG). Lesse. Inventaire cartographique et descriptif 2014.0174 des sites karstiques et des circulations d'eau souterraine : 79-82. Photos, topographies. MICHEL, Georges; SCHRAM, Jean-Benoît Présentation du phénomène karstique du Trou (2013) : Etrange source gazeuse en amont des qui Fume dans le parc naturel de Furfooz: jardins d'Annevoie.. découverte, historique, travaux, exploration et Plaquette – programme des Journées 2013 de préservation. (NG). Spéléologie Scientifique, 16 et 17 novembre 2014.0171 2013 : 10. Résumé de communication. Analyse d'une LACROIX, Philippe; HOSSELET, Joël source gazeuse intermittente près des Jardins (2014) : Un joyau à préserver d'Annevoie. (NG). Atlas du Karst Wallon : bassin de la Basse 2014.0175 Lesse. Inventaire cartographique et descriptif des sites karstiques et des circulations d'eau MICHEL, Georges; THYS, Georges (2014) : souterraine : 83-84. Photos, topographies. Atlas du Karst Wallon : bassin de la Basse Présentation d'un phénomène karstique re- Lesse. Inventaire cartographique et descriptif marquable dans la vallée de la Basse Lesse. des sites karstiques et des circulations d'eau L'emplacement de ce site et son nom sont souterraine : 399 p. Photos. préservés afin d'éviter toute fouille ou tentation Inventaire cartographique décrivant 406 sites de recherches sauvages. En effet, le site pos- karstiques situés en Basse Lesse et répartis sur sède un grand intérêt scientifique au vu de ses 15 extraits de cartes au 1/10.000. On retrouve nombreux vestiges paléontologiques. (NG). des articles détaillant le contexte géologique, 2014.0172 hydrologique et spéléologique du bassin, une présentation des enjeux liés à la conservation LEGROS, Marc; WILLY, Adriaensen (2014) de cet ensemble naturel remarquable et son : De exploraties van SC Les Fistuleuses sinds patrimoine archéologique unique en Belgique. 1993. De dolines van de Thiers des Falizes Il est une aide à la gestion de ces régions parti- Spelerpes, n° 2 : 7-14. In Dutch, photos. culières, notamment en termes d'aménagement Article sur le secteur des dolines du Thiers des du territoire. (NG). Falizes à Rochefort et les travaux que le Spé- 2014.0176 léo Club Les Fistuleuses y a menés de 1993 à ce jour. Ces travaux ont abouti à la décou- MICHEL, Georges (2014) : Atlas du karst verte de 5 nouvelles grottes et environ 750 m wallon, outil pour la gestion des régions cal- de nouveau développement: trou de l'Hôtel, caires trou Challes, Fosse aux ours, doline Heylens, L'Echo des Rhinos: La feuille de contact Ple- doline triple, trou du Flair, trou de l'Egout, trou cotus, n° 85 : 10. Photos.

28 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Présentation du nouvel ouvrage de la voulu percer les secrets du parcours souterrain CWEPSS reprenant les différents phénomènes de la Lesse. Présentation des sites souterrains karstiques de la Basse Lesse. (NG). de la région et historique des fouilles et tra- 2014.0177 vaux. On trouve également le contexte des études, les pionniers de la souter- MICHEL, Georges; SCHRAM, Jean-Benoît raine à Furfooz et la découverte d'un système (2014) : Crue du Sébia. Quand les flux d'eau hydrogéologique original à Furfooz. (NG). décapent jusqu'au karst 2014.0181 EcoKarst, n° 98 : 8-10. Photos. Fin 2014, de violents orages ont provoqué une SIMUS, Jacques (2014) : Ouverture d'un crue exceptionnelle dans la région de Furfooz shunt dans la Résurgence Lucienne au Réseau inondant toute la région du Sébia. Ces crues de Frênes ont permis de découvrir une nouvelle entrée de Regards, n° 78 : 40. Photos. grotte, la grotte du Sébia. (NG). Ouverture d'un shunt dans la résurgence Lu- 2014.0178 cienne au Réseau de Frênes en 2013. (NG). 2014.0182 RODET, Joël; CHÉDEVILLE, Stéphane; LAI- GNEL, Benoît (2013) : Contraintes hydro-ka- VANNESTE, Julien; ROCHEZ, Gaëtan; BON- rstiques et dynamique sédimentaire associée NIVER, Isabelle; HALLET, Vincent (2014) Plaquette – programme des Journées 2013 de : Ecoulements et transport au sein du système Spéléologie Scientifique, 16 et 17 novembre karstique du synclinal de Celles-Condroz 2013 : 11, 22. (Belgique) Résumé de communication. Questions sur Atlas du Karst Wallon : bassin de la Basse l'origine et le mode de dépôt des remplissages Lesse. Inventaire cartographique et descriptif sédimentaires karstiques. (NG). des sites karstiques et des circulations d'eau 2014.0179 souterraine : 40-42. Photos, carte. Essai de traçage au sein du synclinal de Celles SCHRAM, Jean-Benoît (2014) : Cavités bala- afin de caractériser les paramètres d'écoule- deuses! ment et de transport régissant ce système kars- EcoKarst, n° 96 : 10-12. Photos. tique au niveau de la résurgence de la Fontaine C'est lors de la réalisation de l'inventaire Saint-Hadelin. (NG). karstique de la Basse Lesse, qu'a été rencontré 2014.0183 le phénomène des “cavités baladeuses”. Ces cavités, qui changent de noms au fil des années Belgium / Belgique / België ou qui ont plusieurs synonymes, sont parfois difficilement localisables où même confondues avec d'autres cavités proches. (NG). Anvers, Bruxelles, Brabant, Hainaut, Lim- 2014.0180 bourg, , Flandre / Antwerpen, Brussel, Brabant, Henegouwen, Limburg, SCHRAM, Jean-Benoît (2014) : Spéléologie Luxemburg, Vlaanderen en Basse Lesse: quelques étapes concernant la recherche souterraine, son état des lieux et les potentialités d'une des régions les plus riches CARLIER, Kris (2014) : Blokkenstort zonder en sites karstiques de Wallonie einde: chantoir de Morville is diepste grot van Atlas du Karst Wallon : bassin de la Basse Luxemburg Lesse. Inventaire cartographique et descriptif Spelerpes, n° 2 : 4-6. In Dutch, photos. des sites karstiques et des circulations d'eau Article sur le Chantoir de Morville. Descrip- souterraine : 68-78. Photos, topographies. tion de cette cavité la plus profonde de la La Basse Lesse a très tôt fasciné les scienti- province du Luxembourg. (NG). fiques, chercheurs ou spéléologues qui ont 2014.0184

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 29 DUPONT, N.; LICOUR, L.; ROVIVE, A. (2014) : Géothermie en Hainaut. Du gradient / République Tchèque géothermique à la géothermie profonde EcoKarst, n° 98 : 6-8. Photos. Moravia, Silesia / Moravie, Silésie Présentation et étude du réservoir géother- mique du Hainaut constitué de formations calcaires du carbonifère inférieur. La présence MCKINNON, Janine (2013) : Caving in d'eau chaude dans le sous-sol du Hainaut est Europe 2013 – Part 3: International Union of signalée depuis plusieurs siècles. Contexte Speleology (IUS) 16th International Congress géologique et exploitation de la géothermie. of Speleology, pre-conference caving trip – (NG). Moravian Karst, Czech Republic 15-21 July 2014.0185 2013 Speleo Spiel, No. 397 (Jul-Aug. 2013) : 11-14. Bosnia-Herzegovina / Bosnie-Herzégo- 5 photos. vine There were ~50 participants, based at a holi- day camp. There were 14 trips on offer over 5 GRAZIOLI, Francesco (2014) : Nel buio dei days caving, with some being only a few hours Balcani long and two trips being possible in one day. Montagne 360. Rivista del Club Alpino Italia- Some were vertical, most horizontal, although no : 34-37. Foto. climbing fixed iron ladders counted as hori- Breve storia delle esplorazioni e delle ricerche zontal caving. Visited Macocha Abyss (140 scientifiche in corso nella grotta Govjestica, al m abseil), Skienene (Glassy) Dom, both in più lunga del paese bosniaco con 9682 metri di Punkva system, Rudicke Propadani (abseiling sviluppo. (MS). in waterfalls), Popadani Lopace and Vintocke 2014.0186 Caves, Nova Amaterska (New Amateur) Cave (longest in Czech Republic, 17 km). (GJM). / Croatie 2014.0190

JURISEVIC, Erika (2013) : Pre-spedizione Deutschland / Germany speleo-archeologica “Vrgorac 2012” (Croazia) Tuttocat, Numero Unico, dicembre 2012 : 22- Baden-Württemberg 23. 4 foto. Sopralluogo in una zona carsica alle pendici del Biokovo. (PG). AA (2013) : 100 Jahre Landeswasserversor- 2014.0187 gung. Laichinger Höhlenfreund (Laichingen), Vol. 48 MIKOLIC, Umberto (2014) : Aggiornamenti (2013) : 79-80. In Germ.; 1 fig. catastali in Croazia (THR). Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 33- 2014.0191 37. 2 foto, 7 ril. Presentati i dati di alcune grotte rilevate in ARBEITSGEMEINSCHAFT BLAUKARST Istria. (PG). (2014) : 2014.0188 Expedition Hessenhau. Vorstoß in die Höhle ohne Ende : 50 p. viele Abb. STICOTTI, Marco Cavia (2014) : Lukina Beschreibung und Erforschung der Hessen- Jama 2013 hauhöhle bei Blaubeuren, Schwäbische Alb Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 38- (GST). 40. 2 foto, 1 ril. 2014.0192 Cronaca di una discesa a supporto dei sub nell'abisso del Velebit. (PG). 2014.0189 30 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) BOHG, Lars (2013) : Aktivitäten im Stee- (GST). bschacht 2012. 2014.0198 Höhlenkundliche Veröffentlichungen des Höhlenvereins Blaubeuren (Blaubeuren), Vol. DAUER, Tom (2014) : Expedition ins Blaue. 5 (“Karst Report 2013“) : 66-77. In Germ.; 13 Tief im Blautopf, Deutschlands malerischster photos. Quelle, beginnt eine Welt wie im Märchen : 7524/120 Steebschacht. (THR). ein unterirdisches Labyrinth voller unentdeck- 2014.0193 ter Gänge, Gefahren und Geheimnisse National Geographic Deutschland (Hamburg), BOHNERT, Jürgen (2014) : Aktuelle For- Vol. 2014, No. „April“ : 38-65. In Germ.; 19 schungsarbeiten der Arge Blaukarst in der photos, 1 plan, 1 map. 7524/117 Hessenhauhöhle. 7524/30 Blauhöhlensystem. (THR). Laichinger Höhlenfreund (Laichingen), Vol. 49 2014.0199 (2014) : 81-82. In Germ.; 1 photo. (THR). DAUER, Tom (2014) : Im Bann der Tiefe 2014.0194 National Geographic, April 2014 : 10. 2 Abb. Vorbericht zu einem Artikel über die Blau- BOLDT, Markus (2013) : Der neue Ein- höhle im gleichen Heft (GST). gangsschacht (Schacht III) in die Vetterhöhle. 2014.0200 Höhlenkundliche Veröffentlichungen des Höhlenvereins Blaubeuren (Blaubeuren), Vol. FILOMENA, Claudio M.; SCHOLZ, De- 5 (“Karst Report 2013“) : 6-13. In Germ.; 11 nis (2013) : Neue Hinweise auf Alter photos. und Entstehungsphasen der Vetterhöhle: 7524/30a Vetterhöhle. (THR). Th/U-Datierungen an Sinterproben aus der 2014.0195 „Umgehung“. Höhlenkundliche Veröffentlichungen des BOLDT, Petra (2013) : Aktivitäten in der Höhlenvereins Blaubeuren (Blaubeuren), Vol. Vetterhöhle 2012. 5 (“Karst Report 2013“) : 15-20. In Germ.; 3 Höhlenkundliche Veröffentlichungen des fig., 3 photos, 1 tab. Höhlenvereins Blaubeuren (Blaubeuren), Vol. 7524/30a Vetterhöhle. (THR). 5 (“Karst Report 2013“) : 52-55. In Germ.; 4 2014.0201 photos, 1 plan. 7524/30a Vetterhöhle. (THR). FODOR, Jürgen (2013) : Das Höhlenklima 2014.0196 der Charlottenhöhle (7526/03). Laichinger Höhlenfreund (Laichingen), Vol. 48 BOLDT, Petra (2013) : Kleinode unserer (2013) : 69-78. In Germ.; 10 fig. Höhlen. (THR). Höhlenkundliche Veröffentlichungen des 2014.0202 Höhlenvereins Blaubeuren (Blaubeuren), Vol. 5 (“Karst Report 2013“) : 30-51. In Germ.; 5 FRANK, Richard; STROHM, Liane (2014) fig., 78 photos. : Der Biesegang - eine Neuentdeckung in der Photos of 7524/30a Vetterhöhle and 7623/6 Laichinger Tiefenhöhle. Bärentalhöhle. (THR). Laichinger Höhlenfreund (Laichingen), Vol. 49 2014.0197 (2014) : 39-44. In Germ.; 10 fig. and photos. 7524/1 Laichinger Tiefenhöhle. (THR). DAUER, Tom (2014) : Expedition ins Blaue 2014.0203 National Geographic, April 2014 : 38-65. 19 Abb., 1 Karte, 1 Höhlenplan. FRANZ, Matthias; UFRECHT, Wolfgang Ausführlicher Beitrag über die Erforschung (2014) : Neue Erkenntnisse zur stratigra- der Blauhöhle. Mit Fotos von Andreas Kücha phischen Einstufung der Laichinger Tiefen-

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 31 höhle (7524/01), Schwäbische Alb. Investigations of previously unknown hydrau- Laichinger Höhlenfreund (Laichingen), Vol. 49 lic connections and underground flow in the (2014) : 51-56. In Germ.; 2 photos, 1 tab. Blue Cave System (7524/30 Blauhöhlensys- 7524/1 Laichinger Tiefenhöhle. (THR). tem). (THR). 2014.0204 2014.0209

HANOLD, Winfried (2013) : Beobachtungen LUZ, Hans Martin (2013) : Die Lost-Bicy- zur Verkarstung von Zementmergeln. cle-Höhle (7623/046) bei Schelklingen-Gun- Höhlenkundliche Veröffentlichungen des dershofen. Höhlenvereins Blaubeuren (Blaubeuren), Vol. Höhlenkundliche Veröffentlichungen des 5 (“Karst Report 2013“) : 22-29. In Germ.; 4 Höhlenvereins Blaubeuren (Blaubeuren), Vol. photos, 1 tab. 5 (“Karst Report 2013“) : 60-65. In Germ.; 2 (THR). fig., 6 photos, 1 plan. 2014.0205 (THR). 2014.0210 HEROLD, Katrin (2013) : Ein aufregender Ausflug in die Todtsburger Höhle. LUZ, Hans Martin (2013) : Die Lost-Bicy- Höhlenkundliche Veröffentlichungen des cle-Höhle (7623/46) bei Schelklingen-Gun- Höhlenvereins Blaubeuren (Blaubeuren), Vol. dershofen. 5 (“Karst Report 2013“) : 114-115. In Germ.; Unterwelten-Info (Stuttgart), No. 29 : 6-7. In 3 photos. Germ.; 2 photos. 7423/11 Todtsburger Höhle. (THR). (THR). 2014.0206 2014.0211

KARGER, Christoph (2013) : Die Striebel- MÜLLER, Thilo; SCHNEIDER, Hansjörg höhle. (2013) : Neue Forschungen auf der Ostalb: Höhlenkundliche Veröffentlichungen des Schneiderhöhle und Kocherquelle. Höhlenvereins Blaubeuren (Blaubeuren), Vol. Grabenstetter höhlenkundliche Hefte (Gra- 5 (“Karst Report 2013“) : 116-117. In Germ.; benstetten), No. 23 (Jahr 2012) : 25-34. In 4 photos. Germ.; 14 fig. and photos. 7524/6 Striebelhöhle. (THR). 7226/60 Schneiderhöhle. (THR). 2014.0207 2014.0212

LÄNGE, Andreas (2013) : Bericht über den MÜLLER, Thilo (2014) : Fahrtenchronik Aufenthalt in der Falkensteiner Höhle. 2013 der Arge Grabenstetten. Grabenstetter höhlenkundliche Hefte (Gra- Grabenstetter höhlenkundliche Hefte (Gra- benstetten), No. 23 (Jahr 2012) : 65-67. In benstetten), No. 23 (Jahr 2012) : 100-102. In Germ. Germ. (THR). (THR). 2014.0208 2014.0213

LAUBER, Ute; GOLDSCHEIDER, Nico; PACOLLI, Butrint (2013) : Sirgensteindoline UFRECHT, Wolfgang (2013) : Bericht zur Erlebnisbericht. Markierung von Ur-Blau und Nord-Blau - Höhlenkundliche Veröffentlichungen des Neue Ergebnisse zur Karsthydrogeologie Höhlenvereins Blaubeuren (Blaubeuren), Vol. und Karsthydrographie im Einzugsgebiet des 5 (“Karst Report 2013“) : 121. In Germ.; 2 Blautopfs (Mittlere Schwäbische Alb). photos. Laichinger Höhlenfreund (Laichingen), Vol. (THR). 48 (2013) : 3-38. In Germ.; 29 fig. and photos, 2014.0214 3 tab.

32 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) SCHETTER, Harald (2014) : Der Schwarze UHLMANN, Eckart; GROSS, Jörn (2014) : Brunnen (7720/62) - Das Portal in den Zol- Der Hohle Stein bei Buchen-Eberstadt lerngraben. Mitteilungen der Höhlenforschergruppe Karls- Laichinger Höhlenfreund (Laichingen), Vol. 49 ruhe, Heft 24: 50 Jahre Höhlenforschergruppe (2014) : 15-28. In Germ.; 19 fig. and photos, 1 Karlsruhe : 59-60. 3 Abb. plan. Bericht über eine Vermessungstour in die (THR). Höhle “Hohler Stein” (GST). 2014.0215 2014.0221

SCHWABE, Otto (2013) : Arbeiten in der WAHL, Andreas (2013) : Grabungstour in Bärentalhöhle im Jahr 2012. die Bärentalhöhle - auf der Suche nach dem Höhlenkundliche Veröffentlichungen des Durchbruch. Höhlenvereins Blaubeuren (Blaubeuren), Vol. Höhlenkundliche Veröffentlichungen des 5 (“Karst Report 2013“) : 56-59. In Germ.; 6 Höhlenvereins Blaubeuren (Blaubeuren), Vol. photos. 5 (“Karst Report 2013“) : 78-79. In Germ.; 3 7623/6 Bärentalhöhle. (THR). photos. 2014.0216 7623/6 Bärentalhöhle. (THR). 2014.0222 STROHM, Liane; UFRECHT, Christian (2013) : Jahresbericht des Höhlen- und Heima- Deutschland / Germany tvereins 2012. Laichinger Höhlenfreund (Laichingen), Vol. 48 Bayern (2013) : 90-92. In Germ.; 2 photos. (THR). 2014.0217 AUER, Markus (2014) : Mitteilungen der Vereinsleitung STROHM, Liane; UFRECHT, Christian Der Schlaz, Nr. 120, Januar 2014 : 3-5. (2014) : Jahresbericht des Höhlen- und Heima- (GST). tvereins 2013. 2014.0223 Laichinger Höhlenfreund (Laichingen), Vol. 49 (2014) : 90-91. In Germ. BEILNER, Thomas (2014) : Höhlenfor- (THR). schungstour im östlichen Estergebirge 2013 2014.0218 Der Schlaz, Nr. 120, Januar 2014 : 6-10. 9 Abb., 1 Höhlenplan. THEDT, Klaus (2014) : Besuch des Ross- Beschreibung einer Kleinhöhle und eines Erd- gallschachtes in Grabenstetten. falls (GST). Grabenstetter höhlenkundliche Hefte (Gra- 2014.0224 benstetten), No. 23 (Jahr 2012) : 63-68. In Germ.; 14 photos. BITTNER, Walter (2014) : Der Höhlenunfall 7422/14 Rossgallhöhle. (THR). im Riesending - ein Pressespiegel 2014.0219 Atlantis Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Salzburg, Jg. 36, Heft 1-4 : UFRECHT, Christian (2014) : Einjährige 18-21. Messung von Temperatur, Luftdruck und CO2 (PF). in der Laichinger Tiefenhöhle mittels Datenlo- 2014.0225 gger. Laichinger Höhlenfreund (Laichingen), Vol. 49 DORN, Conny (2013) : Pfingstwanderung (2014) : 45-50. In Germ.; 7 fig. and photos. 2013 zur Schönsteinhöhle in der Fränkischen 7524/1 Laichinger Tiefenhöhle. (THR). Schweiz. 2014.0220 Höhlenforscher, der Zeitschrift für Freunde der

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 33 Speläologie (Dresden), Vol. 45, No. 3 : 72-76. MÜLLER, Toni (2014) : Allgemeines zum In Germ.; 2 photos. Kataster. Einige Informationen zum Inhalt und (THR). dem Wesen der Höhlenunterlagen 2014.0226 Der Schlaz, Nr. 120, Januar 2014 : 30-33. Übersicht zum Höhlenkataster Bayerische GLASER, Stefan (2013) : Hypogene Höhlen- Alpen und zum Urheberrecht der Katasterun- genese: Aufsteigendes Grundwasser und terlagen (GST). Erdwärme als Antrieb der Entstehung labyrin- 2014.0232 thischer Höhlen in der Nördlichen Frankenalb und in anderen Teilen Bayerns. MÜLLER, Toni (2014) : Erste Schlepptour Laichinger Höhlenfreund (Laichingen), Vol. 48 zum “Unsünnigen Winkl” (2013) : 39-68. In Germ.; 45 fig. and photos, 2 Der Schlaz, Nr. 120, Januar 2014 : 34-35. 1 tab. Abb. (THR). Materialtransport zum Biwak des Vereins für 2014.0227 Höhlenkunde in München im Steinernen Meer (GST). GRÜNEIS, Verena (2014) : Bat coder 2014.0233 Der Schlaz, Nr. 121, September 2014 : 28. 1 Abb. MÜLLER, Toni (2014) : Spurensuche im Untersuchung zur Nutzung von Sommerquar- Hochkarst (März 2014) (…vom Steinernen tieren der Kleinen Hufeisennase (GST). Meer) 2014.0228 Der Schlaz, Nr. 121, September 2014 : 14-24. 15 Abb. GRÜNEIS, Verena (2014) : Gleissental 10. Beitrag mit Gedanken zur Gebirgshebung, Mai 2014 Kreideüberdeckung und dem Dolomitsockel Der Schlaz, Nr. 121, September 2014 : 24-25. im Steinernen Meer (GST). 1 Abb. 2014.0234 Bericht über das Treffen des Verein für Höhlenkunde in München im Gleissental MÜLLER, Toni (2014) : Steinernes Meer (GST). 2013 am Leiterkopf 2014.0229 Der Schlaz, Nr. 120, Januar 2014 : 44-48. 5 Abb. HARNISCH, Roland (2014) : Schwarzbläser Bericht über die Forschungswoche des Vereins Der Schlaz, Nr. 120, Januar 2014 : 11-14. 6 für Höhlenkunde in München am Leiterkopf Abb. im Steinernen Meer (GST). Bericht über die Erforschung der Höhle 2014.0235 Schwarzbläser im Steiernen Meer (GST). 2014.0230 MÜLLER, Toni (2014) : Steinernes Meer 2013. “Traditionelle Pfingsttour” zur Wasse- MEYER, Ulrich (2014) : Auf der Suche nach ralm - geplatzt! dem Karstwasserspiegel Der Schlaz, Nr. 120, Januar 2014 : 34. Atlantis Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für (GST). Höhlenkunde in Salzburg, Jg. 36, Heft 1-4 : 2014.0236 72-75. Forschungstour im Riesending im Nov. 2013, MÜLLER, Toni (2014) : Steinernes Meer weiter 310 m vermessen, Riesending hat 2013. Forschungswoche des VHM im “Unsün- 19.320 m Länge und 1.148 m Tiefe und ist nigen Winkl” / Kuhscheib tiefste Höhle im Untersberg. (Author, PF). Der Schlaz, Nr. 120, Januar 2014 : 48-54. 11 2014.0231 Abb. Bericht über die Forschungswoche des Vereins

34 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) für Höhlenkunde in München im Unsünnigen RONGE, Georg (2014) : Grüß Gott liebe Winkl im Steinernen Meer (GST). Höhlenforscherinnen und Höhlenforscher des 2014.0237 VHM. Grüß Gott Ihr Freunde des VHM Der Schlaz, Nr. 121, September 2014 : 3-5. NACHBAR, Sebastion (2014) : Ber- Mitteilungen des neuen Vereinsvorsitzenden gwacht-Zeit ist Familienzeit (u.a. zu Querelen in der Vergangenheit) (GST). Panorama. Das Magazin des Deutschen Alpen- 2014.0243 vereins, 66. Jg., Nr. 5/2014 : S, 16. 3 Abb. Portrait des Bergretters Ralf Langer, der RONGE, Georg (2014) : Kleine For- auch bei der Rettungsaktion in der Riesen- schungswoche, im Wendelsteingebiet ding-Höhle am Untersberg 2014 im Einsatz Der Schlaz, Nr. 121, September 2014 : 12. war (mit Kurzbericht über diesen Einsatz) Bericht zu einer geplanten Höhlenfor- (GST). schungswoche im Sommer 2014 am Wendels- 2014.0238 tein (GST). 2014.0244 PAUL, Johannes (2014) : Bericht von der Forschungswoche im Steinernen Meer vom 5. RONGE, Georg (2014) : Zensur im Schlaz? bis 20. August 2013. Der Schlaz, Nr. 121, September 2014 : 13. Höhlenforscher, der Zeitschrift für Freunde der Rückblick zu Querelen im Verein für Speläologie (Dresden), Vol. 46, No. 1 : 4-15. Höhlenkunde in München und Aufforderung In Germ.; 5 photos. im Heft “Der Schlaz” keine diffamierenden (THR). Artikel mehr zu veröffentlichen (GST). 2014.0239 2014.0245

PEINELT, Dirk (2014) : Steinernes Meer SCHOELER, Ezard (2014) : Höhlenforschen 2013 Mitteilungen der Höhlenforschergruppe Karls- Der Schlaz, Nr. 120, Januar 2014 : 23-29. ruhe, Heft 24: 50 Jahre Höhlenforschergruppe Bericht über das Forschungslager des Vereins Karlsruhe : 7-9. 5 Abb. für Höhlenkunde in München im Steinernen Bericht über de Teilnahme an einem Pfadfin- Meer (Bereich Leiterkopf - Blaue Lacke derlager in der Fränkischen Alb im Juli 1966 - Lange Gasse) mit Beschreibung der erfor- und die Befahrung der Schönsteinhöhle bei schten Objekte (GST). Oberfellendorf (GST). 2014.0240 2014.0246

REINER, Harald (2014) : Tätigkeitsbericht SCHOELER, Ezard (2014) : Wunderwelt in Fachbeirat Kataster geheimnisvoller Dunkelheit Der Schlaz, Nr. 121, September 2014 : 33-34. Mitteilungen der Höhlenforschergruppe Karls- Tätigkeitsbericht des Höhlenkatasters “West” ruhe, Heft 24: 50 Jahre Höhlenforschergruppe (bayerische Alpen incl. Vorland westlich des Karlsruhe : 4-7. 10 Abb. Inns) (GST). Bericht über eine Befahrung der Schönstein- 2014.0241 höhle bei Oberfellendorf in der Fränkischen Alb in den 1960er Jahren (GST). RONGE, Georg (2014) : Forschungen am 2014.0247 Achensee Der Schlaz, Nr. 121, September 2014 : 6-7. 2 SCHRAML, Walter; KURZ, Heidi (2014) : Abb. Die geheime Höhlendruckerei in der Anton Bericht über die Entdeckung einer Kleinhöhle Völkel-Grotte bei Königstein, Fränkische Alb. (GST). Mitt. Verb. dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforsch., 60 (1) : 2014.0242 4-7. Survey. Describes a secret printing facility of the

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 35 German resistance in the 3rd Reich from An- Bergwinkel-Bote. Heimatkalender, 64. Jg., ton-Völkel-Grotte. (ML). 2013 : 74-77. 1 Abb. 2014.0248 Erforschungsgeschichte der Teufelshöhle bei Steinau an der Straße. Erwähnt Färbeversuche STAJGR VOKAC, Jiri; VYCITALOVA, des Ulmbaches aus dem Jahr 1890. Das Was- Alena (2014) : Riesending - die tiefste Höhle ser kam nach 58 Std. im Entenborn wieder Deutschlands zum Vorschein. (GST). Verbandsnachrichten, Jg. 65, Nr. 2-3 : 41-43. 2014.0253 (PF). 2014.0249 KOLLMANN, Karl (2012) : Frau Holle und das Meißnerland. Einem Deutschland / Germany Mythos auf der Spur. ISBN 978-3939848325 : 204 p. 2. erweiterte Auflage 2012, zahlr. Abb. Hessen Beschreibt mehrere Höhlen und Karster- scheinungen im Werra-Meißner-Kreis (Nord- hessen), die im Zusammenhang mit der Sage GEWERBE UND VERKEHRSVEREIN um Frau Holle stehen. Ausführlich werden die STEINAU AN DER STRAßE (2013) : Kammerbacher Höhle (Hohlstein) (S. 111- Kleinodien in der Teufelshöhle bei Steinau an 143), die Kitzkammer und das Mühlstein-Abri der Straße (Main-Kinzig-Kreis). Ein Bilder- beschrieben. (GST). buch der schönsten Objekte in Hessens kleins- 2014.0254 ter Tropfstein- und Schauhöhle : 54 p. zahlr. Abb. KRAUS, Dieter (2014) : Neuland im Herbst- Bilder aus der Teufelshöhle bei Steinau labyrinth - die Erfolgsserie hält an (Höhlenkataster Hessen) mit Beschreibungen. Der Schlaz, Nr. 120, Januar 2014 : 15-19. (GST). Bericht über die Entdeckung des Erdbachtun- 2014.0250 nels im Herbstlabyrinth-Adventhöhlesystems bei Breitscheid, Westerwald. Die Gesamtlänge HESSISCHES LANDESAMT FÜR des Höhlensystems beträgt nach diesen Ent- UMWELT UND GEOLOGIE (2014) : deckungen mehr als 8000 m. (GST). Hessischer Geotop des Jahres 2015. Die 2014.0255 Kleine Steinkammer im Nationalen GEO- PARK Westerwald-Lahn-Taunus : 6 p. KRAUS, Dieter (2014) : Vermessung im Erd- Faltblatt, 4 Abb., 1 Karte, 1 Höhlenplan. bachtunnel Faltblat zum Hessischen Geotop des Jahres Der Schlaz, Nr. 120, Januar 2014 : 20-22. 2015 - der Höhle “Kleine Steinkammer” bei Bericht über die Vermessung des Erdbachtun- Breitscheid-Erdbach (GST). nels im Herbstlabyrinth-Adventhöhlesystems 2014.0251 bei Breitscheid, Westerwald (GST). 2014.0256 KNOBELOCH, Hans-Joachim (2013) : Das Teufelsloch. Geschichte der Tropfstein- PAUL, Josef (2011) : Zum Alter der Korba- höhle in Steinau an der Straße : 50 p. zahlr. cher Spalte und dem Klima des Zechsteins Abb. (Hessen, Werra-Formation) Erforschungsgeschichte der Teufelshöhle bei Geologisches Jahrbuch Hessen, Band 137 : Steinau (Höhlenkataster Hessen) mit vielen 103-110. 6 Abb. historischen Abbildungen (GST). Überlegungen zum Alter der Korbacher Spalte 2014.0252 in Hessen (GST). 2014.0257 KNOBELOCH, Hans-Joachim (2013) : Das Teufelsloch. Gefangen im Höhlendunkel SCHRAFT, Adalbert; KÜTTNER-BAHR,

36 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Susanne (2011) : Faltblatt, 6 Abb. GeoMuseen in Hessen. Sehenswertes zu Geo- Die Erdbachschwinde bei Erbach wurde logie und Bergbau : 299 p. sehr viele Abb.u. Geotop des Jahres 2014 des Geo-Naturparks Karten, 1 Übersichtskarte als Beilage. Bergstraße-Odenwald (GST). Erwähnt und beschreibt auch verschiede- 2014.0262 ne Höhlen (u.a. Herbstlabyrinth, Kubacher Kristallhöhle), Schaubergwerke und Karster- Deutschland / Germany scheinungen in Hessen und den angrenzenden Gebieten (GST). Rheinland-Pfalz; Saarland 2014.0258

SMITH, Garry K. (2013) : Wendelstein Hohle AA (2014) : Anfänge (Cave), Bavaria, Germany Mitteilungen der Höhlenforschergruppe Karls- Australasian Cave and Karst Management As- ruhe, Heft 24: 50 Jahre Höhlenforschergruppe soc. Journal, No. 92 (September 2013) : 29-32. Karlsruhe : 2-3. 5 Abb. Map, 4 photos. Zur Gründung der Höhlenforschergruppe Wendelstein Höhle, literally ‘spiral stone cave', Karlsruhe. Erwähnt Höhlenbefahrungen in is located within an 1838 m high peak of the der Fränkischen Alb, u.a. Abb. eines Plans der same name at the eastern end of the Bavarian Schönsteinhöhle bei Oberfellendorf (GST). Alps. The entrance is at 1711 m making it the 2014.0263 highest show cave in Germany. Tours are self- guided. Explains how to get to the cave and BARTZ, Thomas; GAUDA, Manfred; KLO- describes a personal visit. Warnings of the cold SE, Hans (2014) : Felsenkeller, Brunnen und wet conditions would have been appreciated Quellenwasserleitung der Burg Neidenfels and interpretation was lacking. General infor- Mitteilungen der Höhlenforschergruppe mation, geology and history. (GJM). Karlsruhe, Heft 25: Burg- und Dorfbrunnen 2014.0259 zwischen Nahe und Queich : 40-63. 36 Abb. (GST). TRÄNKLE, Tobias (2014) : Tolle Tage im 2014.0264 Westerwald - unsere Vereinsausfahrt nach Breitscheid. BARZ, Dieter; BRASELMANN, Jochen; Grabenstetter höhlenkundliche Hefte (Gra- GAUDA, Manfred; JEBLICK, Klaus; JE- benstetten), No. 23 (Jahr 2012) : 91-96. In BLICK, Wolfgang; KLOSE, Hans; ÜBEL, Germ.; 10 photos. Rolf (2014) : Der Felsenkeller der Ramburg (THR). und ihre Wasserversorgung 2014.0260 Mitteilungen der Höhlenforschergruppe Karlsruhe, Heft 25: Burg- und Dorfbrunnen WEBER, Jutta; BÜHN, Susanne (2013) : zwischen Nahe und Queich : 67-91. 33 Abb. Zwischen Granit und Sandstein. Eine Reise in (GST). die Erdgeschichte des Geo-Naturparks : 44 p. 2014.0265 4. Auflage 2013, zahlr. Abb. Übersicht über die Geologie des Geo-Natur- BAYER, Antje (2014) : parks Bergstraße-Odenwald, mit Fotos der Mystische Pfade am Rhein : 146 p. viele Abb. Eberstadter Tropfsteinhöhle und einem Kapitel 35 geheimnisvolle Wanderungen am Ober- und über den Altbergbau im Odenwald (GST). Unterrhein, u.a. Beschreibung des “Höhlen- 2014.0261 und Schluchtensteigs Kell” (Rheinland Pfalz) (GST). WEBER, Jutta (2014) : 2014.0266 Geotop 2014. Die Erdbachschwinde. Höhlensystem mitten im Odenwald : 6 p.

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 37 BICKEL, Wolfgang; KLOSE, Hans (2014) Bericht über die Sanierung der Einbauten des : Die Wasserversorgung der Niederungsburg Besucherbergwerks Weiße Grube bei Imsbach Iben (GST). Mitteilungen der Höhlenforschergruppe 2014.0272 Karlsruhe, Heft 25: Burg- und Dorfbrunnen zwischen Nahe und Queich : 5-11. 6 Abb. KLOSE, Hans (2014) : Der “Judenborn” in (GST). Deidesheim vor dem Weingut Buhl 2014.0267 Mitteilungen der Höhlenforschergruppe Karlsruhe, Heft 25: Burg- und Dorfbrunnen GAUDA, Manfred; JEBLICK, Klaus; JE- zwischen Nahe und Queich : 38-39. 4 Abb. BLICK, Wolfgang; KLOSE, Hans (2014) : (GST). Der Marienbrunnen mit Wasserstollen und 2014.0273 weitere Brunnen in Herxheim am Berg Mitteilungen der Höhlenforschergruppe KLOSE, Hans (2014) : Einleitung Karlsruhe, Heft 25: Burg- und Dorfbrunnen Mitteilungen der Höhlenforschergruppe zwischen Nahe und Queich : 12-29. 30 Abb. Karlsruhe, Heft 25: Burg- und Dorfbrunnen (GST). zwischen Nahe und Queich : 1-4. 1 Karte. 2014.0268 Einleitung zu einem Heft über Burg- und Dor- fbrunnen zwischen Nahe und Queich (Rhein- GAUDA, Manfred; KLOSE, Hans (2014) : land-Pfalz) (GST). Die Wasserversorgung der Burg Neuscharfe- 2014.0274 neck Mitteilungen der Höhlenforschergruppe KLOSE, Hans (2014) : Platten-Brunnen Karlsruhe, Heft 25: Burg- und Dorfbrunnen Mitteilungen der Höhlenforschergruppe zwischen Nahe und Queich : 93-102. 13 Abb. Karlsruhe, Heft 25: Burg- und Dorfbrunnen (GST). zwischen Nahe und Queich : 103-107. 6 Abb. 2014.0269 (GST). 2014.0275 GAUDA, Manfred; KLOSE, Hans (2014) : Zweibrücker-Str.34-Brunnen in Martinshöhe KNUST, Erich (2014) : Mardellen in der süd- Mitteilungen der Höhlenforschergruppe westlichen Pfalz Karlsruhe, Heft 25: Burg- und Dorfbrunnen Mitteilungen der Höhlenforschergruppe Karls- zwischen Nahe und Queich : 64-66. 8 Abb. ruhe, Heft 24: 50 Jahre Höhlenforschergruppe (GST). Karlsruhe : 90-96. 18 Abb. 2014.0270 Mardellen sind flache abflusslose Mulden im Unteren Muschelkalk. Ihre Entstehung wird JEBLICK, Klaus; JEBLICK, Wolfgang; KLO- auf Laugungsvorgänge im Untergrund zurück SE, Hans (2014) : Kloster-Seebach-Brunnen geführt. Im Gebiet des Höhlenkatasters Rhein- (Bad Dürkheim) land-Pfalz / Saarland wurden über 400 Mar- Mitteilungen der Höhlenforschergruppe dellen erfasst. (GST). Karlsruhe, Heft 25: Burg- und Dorfbrunnen 2014.0276 zwischen Nahe und Queich : 30-37. 11 Abb. (GST). LINDENMAYR, Franz (2014) : Speläo-Süd- 2014.0271 west Niederschlettenbach 2008 Mitteilungen der Höhlenforschergruppe Karls- KAUT, Ralf (2014) : Moderne Arbeiten in ruhe, Heft 24: 50 Jahre Höhlenforschergruppe einem alten Stollen Karlsruhe : 83-86. 8 Abb. Mitteilungen der Höhlenforschergruppe Karls- Bericht über die Tagung der südwestdeutschen ruhe, Heft 24: 50 Jahre Höhlenforschergruppe Höhlenforscher im Jahr 2008 (GST). Karlsruhe : 40-46. 20 Abb. 2014.0277

38 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) UHLMANN, Eckart (2014) : Studer- WINKELHÖFER, Roland H. (2013) : bildschacht Jahrestätigkeitsbericht 2012 der Höhlenfor- Mitteilungen der Höhlenforschergruppe Karls- schergruppe Dresden. ruhe, Heft 24: 50 Jahre Höhlenforschergruppe Höhlenforscher, der Zeitschrift für Freunde der Karlsruhe : 47-58. 12 Abb. Speläologie (Dresden), Vol. 45, No. 1 : 12-13. Erforschungsgeschichte des Studer- In Germ. bildschachtes, einer extrem engen Spalte im (THR). Buntsandstein (GST). 2014.0283 2014.0278 WINKELHÖFER, Roland H. (2014) : Höhlen Deutschland / Germany in den Felsen der Breiten Heide (Sächsische Schweiz; Kat.-gebiet LB). Sachsen Höhlenforscher, der Zeitschrift für Freunde der Speläologie (Dresden), Vol. 46, No. 2 : 40-57. In Germ., 3 fig., 2 plans. ARNOLD, Andreas (2013) : Die Stollenhöhle (THR). Blauenthal - Blauenthalhöhle (EG-39) bei Aue. 2014.0284 Höhlenforscher, der Zeitschrift für Freunde der Speläologie (Dresden), Vol. 45, No. 3 : 85. In WINKELHÖFER, Roland H. (2014) : Germ. Jahrestätigkeitsbericht 2013 der Höhlenfor- (THR). schergruppe Dresden. 2014.0279 Höhlenforscher, der Zeitschrift für Freunde der Speläologie (Dresden), Vol. 46, No. 1 : 23-24. BOCKHACKER, Jan (2014) : Zugehört, sel- In Germ. bst besucht und eingeschätzt - eine Höhlentour (THR). im Sandsteinkarst. 2014.0285 Höhlenforscher, der Zeitschrift für Freunde der Speläologie (Dresden), Vol. 46, No. 1 : 19-21. Deutschland / Germany In Germ.; 2 photos. (THR). Thüringen 2014.0280

WINKELHÖFER, Roland H. (2013) : Die BARANOWSKI, Frank (2014) : Heimkehle Beckhöhle (PW-16) im Großen Bärenstein und Barbarossahöhle in den Fängen der Rüs- (Sächsische Schweiz). tungsindustrie. Höhlenforscher, der Zeitschrift für Freunde der Karst und Höhle, 2011-2014 : 113-122. Speläologie (Dresden), Vol. 45, No. 2 : 52-54. (ML). In Germ.; 1 plan. 2014.0286 (THR). 2014.0281 BAUER, Sven (2014) : Karbonatkarst im Saxothuringikum Südostdeutschlands - ein WINKELHÖFER, Roland H. (2013) : Große regionaler und speläogenetischer Überblick. Doline im Sandsteinkarst des Bielatals gefun- Karst und Höhle, 2011-2014 : 355-366. den. (ML). Höhlenforscher, der Zeitschrift für Freunde der 2014.0287 Speläologie (Dresden), Vol. 45, No. 1 : 18-19. In Germ. BERNAST, Michael (2014) : Die Döbritzer (THR). Höhlen und ihre archäologische Erforschung - 2014.0282 ein Überblick. Karst und Höhle, 2011-2014 : 172-180.

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 39 (ML). 2014.0288 GÖBEL, Eckart (2014) : Höhlen, Bachschwinden und Karstquellen im Salinar- ELLRICH, Bertram (2014) : Die Trie- röt Ostthüringens. bisch-Höhlen T-1 und T-3. Karst und Höhle, 2011-2014 : 164-171. Karst und Höhle, 2011-2014 : 281-292. (ML). (ML). 2014.0296 2014.0289 HARZER, Henning (2014) : Das Höhlenka- ELLRICH, Bertram (2014) : Tauchaktivitäten taster Thüringen. in der Bleßberghöhle während der For- Karst und Höhle, 2011-2014 : 46-49. schungswoche im Januar 2009. (ML). Karst und Höhle, 2011-2014 : 315-316. 2014.0297 (ML). 2014.0290 HIEKEL, Walter (2014) : Karstgewässer in Thüringen. FEHN, Wolfgang (2014) : Die Zinselhöhle. Karst und Höhle, 2011-2014 : 59-95. Karst und Höhle, 2011-2014 : 249-255. Mit (ML). einem Beitrag von Jens SEIDLER. 2014.0298 (ML). 2014.0291 HUBRICH, Hans-Peter (2014) : Lagerungs- verhältnisse und Tektonik des Südharzer FOHLERT, Rainer (2014) : Die Altensteiner Zechsteins - Ein Zwischenbericht. Höhle - Aspekte zur Geschichte und Zukunft Karst und Höhle, 2011-2014 : 106-107. der ältesten Schauhöhle Thüringens. (ML). Karst und Höhle, 2011-2014 : 181-200. Sche- 2014.0299 matic survey. In-depth description of the afore-mentioned HUBRICH, Hans-Peter (2014) : Mühlgräben cave. (ML). und “falsche Uffe” im Karst bei Klettenberg. 2014.0292 Karst und Höhle, 2011-2014 : 108-112. (ML). FOHLERT, Rainer (2014) : Die Beleuchtung- 2014.0300 sanlagen in der Altensteiner Höhle. Karst und Höhle, 2011-2014 : 201-211. KNOLLE, Friedhart (2014) : Zum Schutz der (ML). Karstlandschaft am Südharz und der En- 2014.0293 twicklung des einzigen Biosphärenreservats der Welt im Sulfatkarst. FOHLERT, Rainer (2014) : Die Vermessung Karst und Höhle, 2011-2014 : 96-105. der Bleßberghöhlen. On the protection of the only Biosphere reser- Karst und Höhle, 2011-2014 : 310-314. vate on Earth in Sulphate karst (southern Harz/ (ML). Germany). (ML). 2014.0294 2014.0301

GÖBEL, Eckart; FOHLERT, Rainer (2014) KUPETZ, Manfred (2014) : Sulfatkarst am : Historischer Abriss der Höhlenforschung Kyffhäuser und die Genese der Barbaros- Thüringens. sahöhle. Karst und Höhle, 2011-2014 : 25-45. Karst und Höhle, 2011-2014 : 158-163. History of cave exploration in Thuringia/Ger- (ML). many. (ML). 2014.0302 2014.0295

40 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) LEONHARDT, Jens (2014) : Der Bleß- : Geoelektrische Messungen an der Bleß- berg-Tracerversuch vom Januar 2009. berghöhle. Karst und Höhle, 2011-2014 : 317-321. Karst und Höhle, 2011-2014 : 322-325. (ML). (ML). 2014.0303 2014.0310

LEONHARDT, Jens (2014) : Die Bleß- SCHMIDT, Sven; WUNDERLICH, Jürgen berghöhle - eine Einführung. (2014) : Die Erfassung von Erdfällen und Karst und Höhle, 2011-2014 : 293-298. -senken als Aufgabenfeld des Fachbereichs (ML). Ingenieurgeologie der Thüringer Landesanstalt 2014.0304 für Umwelt- und Geologie (TLUG). Karst und Höhle, 2011-2014 : 50-58. LEONHARDT, Jens (2014) : Die Registry of karst dolines and depressions in Schachthöhle St.Bernhard - Bericht zum Stand Thuringia/Germany. (ML). der Forschungsarbeiten. 2014.0311 Karst und Höhle, 2011-2014 : 249-255. (ML). SEIDLER, Jens (2014) : Januar 2009: Die 2014.0305 Entdeckung der neuen Teile im Westast der Bleßberghöhle. MALCHER, Gunter (2014) : Karstlandschaft Karst und Höhle, 2011-2014 : 307-309. Thüringen - Morphologie, Hydrogeology, Ka- (ML). rst und Mensch. 2014.0312 Karst und Höhle, 2011-2014 : 9-24. Geosettings of the karst landscapes in Thurin- VÖLKER, Christel; VÖLKER, Reinhard gia/Germany. (ML). (2014) : Höhlen und Karsterscheinungen im 2014.0306 Sulfatkarst des Thüringer Eichsfelds. Karst und Höhle, 2011-2014 : 123-137. MALCHER, Gunter (2014) : Zeitzeugenbe- (ML). richt Bleßberghöhle 1.-3. April 2008. 2014.0313 Karst und Höhle, 2011-2014 : 304-306. (ML). VÖLKER, Christel; VÖLKER, Reinhard 2014.0307 (2014) : Nach der großen Entdeckung: Das Verschwinden der Numburghöhle im Ka- MALCHER, Gunter; FOHLERT, Rainer rstwasser und das Vergessen der Ereignisse im (2014) : Zur Hydrogeologie der Altensteiner Strudel von 1989. Höhle und des Altenstein-Liebensteiner Ka- Karst und Höhle, 2011-2014 : 144-157. rstgebiets. Description of Numburghöhle, Thuringia/Ger- Karst und Höhle, 2011-2014 : 212-229. many. (ML). (ML). 2014.0314 2014.0308 WEISS, Dieter; NOWAK, Michael (2014) : MALCHER, Gunter (2014) : Zur morpholo- Die Entdeckung der Bleßberghöhle 2008. gischen Entwicklung des Umfelds der Bleß- Karst und Höhle, 2011-2014 : 299-303. berghöhle im Neogen und Quartär. (ML). Karst und Höhle, 2011-2014 : 326-354. 2014.0315 (ML). 2014.0309 WEISS, Dieter (2014) : Die Rauensteiner Höhle. MÖLLER, Marcus; WELLER, Andreas; Karst und Höhle, 2011-2014 : 256-280. WEISS, Dieter; RICHTER, Thomas (2014) (ML). 2014.0316 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 41 WUNDERLICH, Jürgen (2014) : Zur Geolo- Rapports d'expédition CREI (Commission des gie des Kyffhäusers. relations et expéditions internationales de la Karst und Höhle, 2011-2014 : 138-143. FFS), 2014-19 : 32 p. 48 photos, 4 cartes, 1 (ML). tab., 13 topographies. 2014.0317 Expédition spéléologique du 19 au 26 juillet 2014 dans le massif Picos de Europa. Prospec- España / tion et exploration de nouvelles cavités, malgré un enneigement exceptionnel qui a contrarié Cantabria les plans prévus. 18 nouveaux départs ont été (Santander) repérés et explorés. Réalisation d'un travail de localisation des gouffres connus à l'aide du GPS. (RC). CORRIN, JUAN (2014) : Matienzo 2011 2014.0321 Speleology, No 19 : 54-60. Online Only. Juan Corrin summarises exploration in Ma- España / Spain tienzo in 2011. (Author, GM). 2014.0318 Castilla la Nueva / La Mancha; Madrid (Ciudad Real; Toledo; Guadalajara; Cuenca; CORRIN, Juan (2014) : Matienzo 2012 Madrid) Speleology, No 19 : 9-12. Juan Corrin summarises exploration in Ma- tienzo in 2012. (Author, GM). DEMARIA, Danilo (2014) : In Spagna tra 2014.0319 grotte e minas di lapis specularis Sottoterra. Rivista del GSB-USB, n. 138 (gen- DEGOUVE, Patrick (2014) : Porracolina naio-giugno 2014) : 48-56. Foto, illustrazioni. 2013 Alla ricerca delle grotte in gesso e delle mi- Rapports d'expédition CREI (Commission des niere di Lapis Specularis. La formazione del relations et expéditions internationales de la gesso speculare che è, particolarmente colti- FFS), 2013-10 : 71 p. 47 photos, 1 carte, 25 vato nella zona di Carrascosa nella “Mina El topographies. Ranal”. (MS). Les découvertes représentent un développe- 2014.0322 ment de 9 km. Vers la Cayuela, la découverte de la cueva de la Carrera a révélé d'anciens / Finlande drains fossiles. Aux portes de Ramales, la désobstruction de l'étroit boyau de la cueva de KARGER, Arndt (2013) : Die Befahrung der Carcabon a ouvert l'accès à un réseau poten- längsten Kalksteinhöhle Finnlands. tiellement important. Réseau de la Gandara, Höhlenkundliche Veröffentlichungen des les recherches piétinent. Dans la torca de las Höhlenvereins Blaubeuren (Blaubeuren), Vol. Colinas de Tramasquera une trémie a anéanti 5 (“Karst Report 2013“) : 126-129. In Germ.; tous nos espoirs. Dans la torca Aitken les pos- 5 photos. sibilités de prolongement vers l'aval semblent Cave „Torhola“ in the National Park „Karka- épuisés. Il reste encore quelques galeries li“. (THR). intermédiaires à explorer pour espérer faire 2014.0323 la jonction avec le réseau de l'alto de Tejuelo. Découverte de la torca del Rebecco (arrêt à -70 France m sur puits). (RC). 2014.0320 Bourgogne (Côte-d´Or; Nièvre; Saône-et-Loire; Yonne) HIVERT, Bernard; SANCHEZ, Javier (2014) : Picos Padiorna 2014

42 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) BROCHIN, Benoît (2014) : Plongée à la (JT). source de la Douix : cette fois-ci c'est la bonne 2014.0327 … ou pas ! Le P'tit Usania, n° 190 (Juin 2014) : 1-2. Plan, ASSOCIATION PAÏOLIVE (2014) : Païolive photo. souterrain. A paraître en septembre 2014. http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- Spéléo Magazine, n° 86 (Juin 2014) : 4. 1 ticle1441 photo. Compte rendu de visite en plongée souterraine Présentation et souscription de ce livre par à la source de la Douix (Chatillon-sur-Seine). Michel Chabaud et Maurice Lhomme. Adresse (CP). et bon de commande. (Fx). 2014.0324 2014.0328

DECHAMPS, Sylvain; BOULVAIN, Frédé- BECKER, Jürgen (2014) : Kurzbericht über ric; BARRIQUAND, Lionel; KAUFMANN, die “Balmes de Montbrun” Olivier; DECEUSTER, John; MARTIN, Johan Der Schlaz, Nr. 121, September 2014 : 29-30. (2014) : 1 Abb. Les grottes d'Azé, contexte géologique et (GST). encaissant calcaire jurassique. ISBN 978-2- 2014.0329 9520355-6-9 : 80 p. cartes, fig. Recensement des données géologiques pu- BESSON, Robert (2014) : Compte-rendu bliées sur le site des grottes d'Azé (Saône- d'activité spéléo et-Loire), les régions avoisinantes, et jusqu'à Spéléo 01, N° 26 (Juin 2014) : 151-158. 1 l'échelle du Bassin de Paris, afin de reposi- photo. tionner précisément ce site dans son cadre Activités de désobstruction et prospection dans géologique. Présentation des résultats d'études le Bas-Bugey de l' (BC). plus récentes autour des grottes (cartographie 2014.0330 géologique, tomographie par résistivité élec- trique, étude sédimentologique de l'encaissant BESSON, Robert; GEOFFRAY, Michel carbonaté). (Author, MM). (2014) : Doline au Poyset 2014.0325 Spéléo 01, N° 26 (Juin 2014) : 131-132. Topo- graphie, 7 photos. France Topo en plan et coupe (dév. 23 m) (BC). 2014.0331 Rhône-Alpes (Ain; Ardèche; Drôme; Isère; Loire; Rhône; BESSON, Robert (2014) : Gouffre de Combe Savoie; Haute-Savoie) Charjon Spéléo 01, N° 26 (Juin 2014) : 134-136. 9 pho- tos, topographie en plan et coupe. AA (2014) : Ardèche : Goule de la Tannerie. Désobstruction avec petites découvertes Spéléo Magazine, n° 87 (Septembre 2014) : 4. archéologiques pour ce gouffre de - 16,5 m à Plongée de Xavier Méniscus à -240 m, et à (BC). plus de 1500 m de l'entrée. (Fx). 2014.0332 2014.0326 BESSON, Robert (2014) : Gouffre de la AA (2014) : Topos de la Dent de Crolles Borne (Chartreuse) Spéléo 01, N° 26 (Juin 2014) : 139-140. 4 La Lettre du Spéléo-club de Paris, n°328 (oc- photos et topo en p. et c. tobre) : 2. Désobstruction de cette petite cavité (- 15 m) Le Spéléo-Secours de l'Isère a décidé de pu- d' (BC). blier des topos à jour des itinéraires majeurs. 2014.0333

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 43 BESSON, Robert (2014) : Gouffre du P8 Spéléalpes, N° 25 (2014) : 103-106. Topogra- Spéléo 01, N° 26 (Juin 2014) : 133. 4 photos, phies. topographie en plan et coupe. Gouffre des Portes de l'Enfer (PM1)(Topo), Nouvelle cavité désobstruée de - 8 m (BC). Gouffre PM3 (Topo), Tanne à Guicheuse 2014.0334 (Topo) (CL). 2014.0340 BESSON, Robert (2014) : Grotte de la Plaine Spéléo 01, N° 26 (Juin 2014) : 137-138. 2 pho- BOIBESSOT, Dominique (2014) : Le Gouffre tos, topographie en plan et coupe. du Retour (Bargy) Désobstruction de cette petite grotte de Spéléalpes, N° 25 (2014) : 111. Topographie. (BC). (CL). 2014.0335 2014.0341

BESSON, Robert (2014) : Grotte sous le BONNEFOIS, Laura (2013) : Grotte de Saint Château Aupre. Saint-Aupre, Isère, massif de la Char- Spéléo 01, N° 26 (Juin 2014) : 130. 3 photos et treuse topographie. Désobstructions de petites cavités du Rever- Mémoire original présenté à l'examen final du mont (Ain) notamment à Corveissiat (BC). Brevet d'Etat d'Educateur sportif, 1er degré, 2014.0336 option spéléologie. Session 2013 CREPS de Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, Ardèche : 65 p. Présenta- BESSON, Robert (2014) : The Berott's Team tion sous classeur, 81 fig. et photos. Activities ! Présentation géographique, géologique et Spéléo 01, N° 26 (Juin 2014) : 141-150. 10 hydrogéologique du massif de la Chartreuse, photos, 9 topographies en plan et coupe. principalement le chaînon du Ratz, et le sec- Activités de désobstruction et prospection teur de Saint-Aupre. Description et topogra- autour de dans l'Ain (BC). phie partielle de la cavité (traversée possible) 2014.0337 sur 250 m de développement pour +25 m de dénivelé, avec historique des explorations BIENFAIT, Patrick (2014) : (topographie du SC Savoie), observations géo- Hydrogéologie du plateau de , morphologiques - remplissages - climatologie, Haut Bugey, Ain. ISBN 978-2-954913-80-3 : biospéologie. Le développement de la cavité 97 p. Bibliogr., cartographie. est de 1070 m avec arrêt sur un 6ème siphon. Etude des différents aquifères : bilan et cycle En annexe topographie de la grotte du Tourni- hydrologique, débits aux différents éxutoires, quet de Pierre Chave (1970). (MM). étude hydrochimique, calcul de la dissolution 2014.0342 spécifique). Organisation du drainage, calcul des ressources en eau. (MM). BOUGNOL, Aymeric (2014) : Réseau Cha- 2014.0338 vanu-Verrat Massif des Bauges-Montagne de Margeriaz BOIBESSOT, Dominique (2014) : Explora- Spelunca, n° 135, septembre 2014 : 41-48. 14 tion au Gouffre des Pigeons (Bargy) photos, 3 figures. Spéléalpes, N° 25 (2014) : 111-114. Topogra- Débutée en 1971, l'exploration de ce réseau a phie. rebondi en 1999 après le franchissement d'une (CL). trémie. L'historique montre la somme d'ab- 2014.0339 négation nécessaire à la découverte dans ces gouffres très étroits. En 2003, la tanne Verrat et BOIBESSOT, Dominique; DEGOUVE, Pa- la tanne à la Tongue sont reliées puis un siphon trick (2014) : Explorations sur la Pointe du franchi à Chavanu en 2009 et les trois gouffres Midi (Bargy) jonctionnées en 2010 et en 2011 la première

44 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) traversée effective est réalisée. Ce réseau déve- CANTALUPI, David; SPÉLÉO-CLUB DU loppe 9406m pour 662m de profondeur. (CB). MONT-BLANC (2014) : Réseau Michel 2014.0343 Bugnet Spéléalpes, N° 25 (2014) : 165. Topographie. BOURGEOIS, Denys; NANT, Jacques (2014) (CL). : Nouvelle traversée Psylos-Cavale - Montagne 2014.0347 du Revard Spelunca, n° 135, septembre 2014 : 49-52. 6 CHIROL, Bernard (2014) : Classement des photos, 1 figure. cavités de l'Ain Historique et description de cette cavité de Spéléo 01, N° 26 (Juin 2014) : 8-10. 544m de développement qui devient la qua- Classement des grandes cavités de l'Ain (30 à trième entrée du réseau du Garde qui déve- partir de 100 m de dén. et 61 à partir de 500 m loppe désormais 48176m. (CB). de dév.) (BC). 2014.0344 2014.0348

BRETON, Théo (2013) : Etude de cavité - CHIROL, Bernard (2014) : Le gouffre de la Scialet Libet, La-Chapelle-en-Vercors - Drôme Morgne à (Ain) Mémoire original présenté à l'examen final du Spéléo 01, N° 26 (Juin 2014) : 107-112. Brevet d'Etat d'Educateur sportif, 1er degré, Point historique sur l'exploration du Gouffre option spéléologie. Session 2013 CREPS de de la Morgne, revu et complété avec 6 photos Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, Ardèche : 63 p. 27 fig., anciennes. (BC). cartes et tab.; 38 photos. 2014.0349 Présentation du Vercors, contextes géogra- phique, climatique, environnemental, géolo- CHIROL, Bernard (2014) : Quelques observa- gique et hydrologique. Historique, topographie tions sur la grotte de l'Arche (Chaley, Ain) et description géomorphologique du scialet Spéléo 01, N° 26 (Juin 2014) : 117-120. 8 Libet découvert par le SC Vercors, Edmond photos. Bellier, dans les années cinquante. Alt. 982 m. A la suite des nouvelles découvertes, visite Topographie GS Valentinois en 1970. Coupe et d'observations diverses (faune, remplis- plan de 2013 (Dév.: 87m; dén.: -43 m). (MM). sages…) dans ce réseau fermé par sécurité. 2014.0345 (BC). 2014.0350 BRIGANT, Anthony (2013) : Grotte Favot, Rencurel, Isère, Vercors CHIROL, Bernard (2014) : Spéléomorpholo- Mémoire original présenté à l'examen final du gie des grottes de Brevet d'Etat d'Educateur sportif, 1er degré, Spéléo 01, N° 26 (Juin 2014) : 113-116. 3 option spéléologie. Session 2013 CREPS de photos, 2 coupes. Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, Ardèche : 59 p. présenta- Interprétation de formes et couleurs sur paroi tion sous classeur, 28 fig. et 27 photos. au pied d'un P9 vers la Cathédrale (BC). Présentation géographique, géologique, géo- 2014.0351 morphologique et hydrologique du Vercors, et du synclinal d'Autrans-Méaudre. Descrip- CLARY, Cédric (2013) : Etude de cavité. tion historique, topographie documentée de la Vercors, le Purgatoire, Les Erges, le scialet du grotte Favot, cavité "reine" des gorges de la Playnet Bourne. Alt. 880 m. Spéléogenèse, climatolo- Mémoire original présenté à l'examen final du gie, biospéologie, archéologie. 26 réf. bibliogr. Brevet d'Etat d'Educateur sportif, 1er degré, Coupe et plan levés en mars - juin 2013 par option spéléologie. Session 2013 CREPS de P.-Y. Belette, M. Manisor, L. Bonnefois, A. Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, Ardèche : 123 p. 94 fig. et Brigant (Dév.: 850m; dén.: -118 m). (MM). photos. 2014.0346 Présentation du cadre géologique, litho-stra-

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 45 tigraphique, fracturation et plissements, ka- métrique des dépôts sableux. 17 réf. bibliogr. rstologique. Descriptif de cavités voisines, (MM). grotte de la Combe Chabonnière (Saint-An- 2014.0355 déol), le scialet Zakapouët, le scialet Colla- vet (Saint-Andéol), le scialet de l'Antre des DEGEORGES, Thomas (2013) : La grotte du Damnés et Myotis (Corrençon-en-Vercors). Pissoir, (Ain), Bas-Bugey, massif du Descriptif et topographie collective ASV 2012, Jura du scialet du Playnet (Saint-Andéol, dév.: 800 Mémoire original présenté à l'examen final du m; dén.: -339 m). Plan géomorphologique, Brevet d'Etat d'Educateur sportif, 1er degré, topographie GS Coulmes de 1984. Bilan des option spéléologie. Session 2013 CREPS de traçages du secteur (2009), rattachant le scialet Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, Ardèche : 50 p. 14 fig. et Zakapouët au réseau de la source de l'Adouin, 18 photos. en rapport avec la grotte des Ramats (Saint- Présentation du contexte général, géographie, Martin-en-Vercors). Climatologie avec étude géologie, hydrologie du massif de Dorvan des courants d'air sur le Planet. (MM). en bas duquel s'ouvre la grotte du Pissoir, en 2014.0352 liaison hydrologique avec la grotte du Crochet. Historique, accès et description, avec données COLLIN, André (2014) : Le réseau de la biospéologique, archéologique et paléontolo- Thuile à Beaumont (Salève) gique (appelation ancienne: grotte de l'Ours). Spéléalpes, N° 25 (2014) : 159-164. Topogra- Hypothèse de spéléogenèse. Topographie par- phie. tielle, avec plan format A3 de la cavité (dév. (CL). total: 1550m, dont le réseau 2005, topographie 2014.0353 GS Vulcain, dév.: 400 m). 19 réf. bibliogr. (MM). COSSEMYNS, Roger (2014) : Plongées (en 2014.0356 France) en 2014 DEGOUVE, Patrick; CAF ALBERTVILLE Bul. Soc. Spéléo Namur, 2014 : 35-36. Photos, (2014) : Le gouffre de la Douche Froide topo. Spéléalpes, N° 25 (2014) : 9-12. Topographie. Compte rendu de plongées en 2014 en France Montagne du Semnoz (Massif des Bauges, : trou de Jalleu, gouffre de Cabouy, le Cunhac, Haute-Savoie) (CL). gouffre de Saint-Georges, puits de Ressel, 2014.0357 source du Lison.. (NG). 2014.0354 DEGOUVE, Patrick; BOIBESSOT, Domi- nique (2014) : Le Gouffre des Grenouilles COUTOURIEUX, Martin (2013) : Etude de (Bargy) cavité, grotte de la Fenètre 4 (Villard-de-Lans, Spéléalpes, N° 25 (2014) : 107-110. Topogra- Isère) phie. Mémoire original présenté à l'examen final du Historique, CR de Sorties, Topo (Coupe) (CL). Brevet d'Etat d'Educateur sportif, 1er degré, 2014.0358 option spéléologie. Session 2013 CREPS de Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, Ardèche : 59 p. 39 fig. et 11 DUBOUCHET, Gilles; GROUPE SPÉLÉO photos. DE GAILLARD (2014) : Roc des Tours, Tra- Situation géographique, géologique, cli- vaux de 2008 à 2011 matique du Vercors. Historique de la cavité Spéléalpes, N° 25 (2014) : 93-102. Topogra- située 40 m au-dessus de la grotte Roche avec phies. laquelle elle communique. Topographie origi- (Haute-Savoie): Zone1 : RDT1, RDT2, RDT3, nale de 2013 (Plan en format A3, dév.: 331 m; RDT4, RDT5 (ex CAF103), RDT6 (ex f24n?) dén.: + 16 m). Observations de phénomènes et RDT8, RDT7, RDT9 géomorphologiques, coupe et étude granulo- Zone 2 : RDT10, RDT11, RDT12, RDT13,

46 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) RDT14, RDT15 (RenéRDT1?), RDT16, ver une entrée supérieure à la célèbre grotte de RDT17, RDT18, RDT19 (CAF10), RDT21, Gournier dans le Vercors. Les scialets Garidon RDT22/22B, RDT23, RDT24, RDT25 (CL). et du Clos de la Bosse sont vidés de leurs 2014.0359 cailloux au cours de travaux pharaoniques à l'aide de matériels sophistiqués (grues, bacs, DUBREUIL, Pascal; AUCT. VAR. (2014) : treuils). Le scialet Garidon est vidé sur plus Autres travaux du GSHL de 50m de profondeur (la profondeur totale Spéléo 01, N° 26 (Juin 2014) : 72-103. 29 explorée atteignant 83m) après 136! séances et photos, 4 topographies en plan. 350 mètres cubes vidés et le Clos de la Bosse Inventaires des prospections, sauvetages de sur 20 m de profondeur après 67 sorties et 100 chiens, travaux patrimoniaux et désobstruc- mètres cubes. Un travail exceptionnel dans tions de petites cavités de l'Ain, essentielle- cette région. La jonction reste à faire… et les ment sur le Haut-Bugey (BC). travaux continuent. (CB). 2014.0360 2014.0364

DULLIN, Michel; MARCHAND, Hervé GARNIER, Clément (2014) : Échos des pro- (2014) : Gouffre Henri Bolliet fondeurs - Isère - Le scialet Candy (-552/3 km) Spéléo 01, N° 26 (Juin 2014) : 159-163. 6 Spelunca, n° 133, mars 2014 : 2-4. 3 photos, 1 photos et topographies fournies dans article de figure. 2 pages d'Eric David et Stephane Kleinmann Historique et description d'une nouvelle grande (ASAR). cavité du Vercors sur la commune de Villard- Poursuite des explorations dans cette cavité de-Lans, explorée depuis 2013 par les spéléos sensible (crues) des gorges du Rhône à Nat- du SGCAF. (CB). tages. Dév. 400 m env. pour - 40 m. (BC). 2014.0365 2014.0361 GEOFFRAY, Michel (2014) : A propos d'alti- ENGLEBIN, Laurent; LEBRUN, Delphine tude (2014) : Vercors Spéléo 01, N° 26 (Juin 2014) : 124-128. nbrses Sous Terre (Groupe Spéléologique de Charle- ill. roi), Janvier-Février : 3-8. Photos. Le point de vue du géomètre appliqué à la http://www.gsc-asbl.be/joomla/mensuels.html Fontaine Noire de Cize (BC). Compte rendu du camp d'expé “Toussaint 2014.0366 2014” dans le Vercors. Visite du Scialet Ro- bin, Via Ferrata de Chironne, réseau Christian GEOFFRAY, Michel (2014) : A propos d'alti- Gathier, grotte de la Luire. (NG). tude … suite 2014.0362 Spéléo 01, N° 26 (Juin 2014) : 129. (BC). FONTENELLE, Morgane (2014) : Le Ver- 2014.0367 cors, les grottes et moi.. L'excentrique, n° 5 : 7. GILBERT, Dominique (2014) : Traversée de Bref compte rendu du camp 2014 dans le Ver- la Dents de Crolles cors avec la descente du gouffre Berger. (NG). Le P'tit Usania, n° 188 (Avril 2014) : 4. Pho- 2014.0363 tos. http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- GARCIN, Pierre (2014) : La désobstruction? ticle1430 Un passe-temps qui peut durer! Compte rendu de sortie spéléologique dans le Spelunca, n° 134, juin 2014 : 17-22. 7 photos, massif de la Dent de Crolles pour la traversée 3 figures. trou du Glaz - Guiers Mort. (CP). C'est une véritable aventure spéléologique que 2014.0368 nous conte l'auteur. Aventure destinée à trou-

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 47 GRANDCOLAS, Jean-Philippe; CLAN DES HUGON, Bruno (2014) : Grotte de l'Arche à TRITONS (2014) : Trou des Suisses Chaley (Ain) Spéléalpes, N° 25 (2014) : 115-124. Topogra- Spéléo 01, N° 26 (Juin 2014) : 35-46. 14 pho- phie. tos, 3 topographies. Description, historique, topo, bibliographie, Après désobstruction, découverte de la suite de fiche d'équipement (CL). la cavité qui passe de 75 m à 573 m. (BC). 2014.0369 2014.0375

GROUPE SPÉLÉO DES TROGLODYTES HUGON, Bruno (2014) : Grotte de Pré Tavant DE NOVEL; GIRARDOT, André; CHAPPE- Spéléo 01, N° 26 (Juin 2014) : 64-66. 1 photo, LET, Pascal; TEXIER, Robert (2014) : PA326 une topographie en plan. - Gouffre des Echos Suite importante pour cette source en falaise Spéléalpes, N° 25 (2014) : 59-66. Topogra- n'ayant fonctionné qu'en 1990 accusant main- phie. tenant 300 m de dév. pour - 36 m (BC). (CL). 2014.0376 2014.0370 HUGON, Bruno (2014) : Grotte des Aiguilles GUÉDU, Pierre; SPÉLÉO-CLUB DES MÉ- Spéléo 01, N° 26 (Juin 2014) : 59-63. 6 photos MISES (2014) : La Falaise aux Ecritures et topographies. d'Ubine Nouvelle cavité de 96 m pour - 19 m (BC). Spéléalpes, N° 25 (2014) : 154. . 2014.0377 (CL). 2014.0371 HUGON, Bruno; PHILIPPE, Michel (2014) : La Grotte de Monitieu, à (Bugey, Ain) et HAUSER, Bertrand; SPÉLÉO-CLUB D'AN- son gisement paléontologique NEMASSE (2014) : Le Puits des Trois Spéléo 01, N° 26 (Juin 2014) : 47-58. 18 pho- Souches tos, 4 plans (une topographie A3) et cartes. Spéléalpes, N° 25 (2014) : 73-82. Topogra- Nouvelle étude de la grotte et de quelques ves- phie. tiges paléontologiques quaternaires (Bovidé, Champ-Laitier (CL). mammouth, cerf) (BC). 2014.0372 2014.0378

HAUSER, Bertrand; SPÉLÉO-CLUB D'AN- HUGON, Bruno (2014) : Le Gouffre de la NEMASSE (2014) : Le Trou des Jeunes Rochance Spéléalpes, N° 25 (2014) : 83-93. Topogra- Spéléo 01, N° 26 (Juin 2014) : 26-34. 9 photos phie. et 1 topographie en coupe. Plateau de Sous Dine (Haute-Savoie) (CL). Une nouvelle entrée pour le réseau record de 2014.0373 l'Ain (La Falconette) exploration 2010 à 2012 (BC). HUBERT, Christian; PÉTROT, Frédéric 2014.0379 (2014) : Vercors : Premières à la Moucherolle. Spéléo Magazine, n° 87 (Septembre 2014) : 5. HUGON, Bruno (2014) : Réseau de Préoux - 1 photo. la galerie des Culs Nus Scialet des Gougniafiers -220 m. Scialet des Spéléo 01, N° 26 (Juin 2014) : 67-70. 1 photo, derniers Dinosaures -410 m explo en cours. 1 topographie en plan. Scialet du Tétra-lyre -235 m explo en cours Désobstructions dans des diverticules proche et bien placé pour une jonction avec le scialet de l'actif (BC). Moussu. (Fx). 2014.0380 2014.0374 LACHAT, Cédric (2013) : Grotte FJS. Com-

48 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) mune de Novarey, Isère, Vercors. UTM zone photos dont 10 situées sur report topo en plan N31. X: 703492, Y: 5012449, Z: 1418 m. sur carte. Mémoire original présenté à l'examen final du Découvertes importantes au Mont Tournier Brevet d'Etat d'Educateur sportif, 1er degré, derrière désobstructions avec 3200 m atteints ! option spéléologie. Session 2013 CREPS de (BC). Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, Ardèche : 51 p. 32 fig. et 2014.0385 photos; plan et coupe au format A3 en annexe. Contextes géographique, géologique et géo- MARCHAND, Hervé (2014) : Grotte à Man- morphologique du massif du Vercors. Hydro- drin (Savoie) logie, aérologie (mesures de courant d'air), Spéléo 01, N° 26 (Juin 2014) : 170-174. 8 pho- étude des remplissages karstiques (mondmilch, tos et un report en plan sur carte. argile, gravier), et données biospéologiques Découvertes importantes au Mont Tournier, de la grotte FJS (initiales des Furets Jaunes de derrière désobstructions, avec 2000 m atteints Seyssins); un traçage ancien n'a pas donné de ! (BC). résultat (bassin d'alimentation de Goule Noire 2014.0386 ?). Historique de la découverte, des explo- rations avec descriptif global, perspective et MARCHAND, Hervé (2014) : Reportage fiche d'équipement de la cavité qui développe photo: la Mine de Saint-Champ 4070 m topographié (dén.: -167 m; + 130 m); Spéléo 01, N° 26 (Juin 2014) : 17-18. 1 topo- plans et coupe avec mention du scialet de la graphie. Quoi (-59 m), et de la grotte Bojana (- 5m), Avec 5 photos situées sur une topo en plan. scialet des skieurs, également sur la commune (BC). de Noyarey. (MM). 2014.0387 2014.0381 MEAUXSOONE, Arthur (2013) : Mémoire LANET, Olivier (2014) : Analyse hydrogéolo- de cavité. La grotte des Areniers. gique du réseau de Bange Mémoire original présenté à l'examen final du Spéléalpes, N° 25 (2014) : 13-18. . Brevet d'Etat d'Educateur sportif, 1er degré, Montagne du Semnoz (Massif des Bauges, option spéléologie. Session 2013 CREPS de Haute-Savoie) (CL). Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, Ardèche : 30 p. 17 fig., 7 p. 2014.0382 en annexe, coupe et plan originaux. Une des trois résurgences du Méaudret, avec LAVOREL, Christophe; SPÉLÉO-CLUB la résurgence des Gours et la grotte de l'Ours, D'ANNEMASSE (2014) : État des lieux et proche de ce cours d'eau sur la commune de travaux du SCASSE sur le secteur Plaine-Joux Méaudre (Vercors, Isère). Présentation du Spéléalpes, N° 25 (2014) : 125-142. Topogra- massif karstique du Vercors, du vallon d'Au- phies. trans-Méaudre et des gorges du Méaudret. Fait (CL). partie du réseau des écoulements du vallon, 2014.0383 avec les pertes du Trisoux (grotte de Goule Noire, cf. BOURGIN, 1952). Genèse de la LECRINIER, Xavier (2014) : Passage de cavité, étude de cupules et hypothèses sur le relais à La Tournette fonctionnement hydrogéologique passé et Spéléalpes, N° 25 (2014) : 19-22. . présent (3 orifices; dév.: 274 m, hors siphon; (Massif des Bornes, Haute-Savoie) (CL). dén.: +6 m; - 4m). Présentation détaillée des 2014.0384 espèces cavernicoles présentes dans la cavité au printemps 2013; description historique des MARCHAND, Hervé (2014) : Arcanière, explorations. 12 réf. bibliogr. (MM). de la résurgence à la découverte de la Grotte 2014.0388 (Savoie) Spéléo 01, N° 26 (Juin 2014) : 164-169. 20 MULLET, Fabien (2013) : Grotte de l'En-

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 49 tonnoir. Massif de Sous-Dine, Haute-Savoie logie. Contexte géologique du Val d'Au- - Thorens-Glières. trans-Méaudre. Accès et historique de l'Antre Mémoire original présenté à l'examen final du de Vénus située dans le bois de Chabaud, Brevet d'Etat d'Educateur sportif, 1er degré, sur le territoire de la commune de Méaudre. option spéléologie. Session 2013 CREPS de Historique de la cavité, balade au fil de de la Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, Ardèche : 78 p. 62 fig. et 9 topographie et des phénomènes géomorpholo- plans et fig. en annexe. giques. Spéléologie et karstogenèse, Biospéo- Présentation générale et contexte géologique logie. 11 réf. bibliogr. (MM). des Préalpes du Nord et du massif des Bornes. 2014.0391 Présentation de la cavité, et du plateau de Champ Laitier, avec étude hydrogéologique SAUTIER, Sylvain (2014) : Grotte de la Féli- (traçages; le Nant des Brassets souterrain cité (Chatillon-en-Michaille, Ain) ressort à la résurgence du Pont de Pierre), Spéléo 01, N° 26 (Juin 2014) : 179-185. 6 étude des remplissages, biospéologie et spé- photos, 1 plan de situation. léogenèse; cavités proches: tanne à la Graille, Dernières explorations dans cette classique du puits des Trois Souches, trou des Jeunes; 7 réf. Haut-Bugey, sujette aux crues (BC). bibliogr. (MM). 2014.0392 2014.0389 SORDEL, Vincent (2013) : POSBIKIAN, Eric (2013) : Mémoire de cavi- L'exploration de la Perte de Dorvan 2010-2012 té. Verdus 2 (Le Coiron, Ardèche). : 49 p. topographies. Bibliogr. Mémoire original présenté à l'examen final du Voir également : La perte de Dorvan / F. Mar- Brevet d'Etat d'Educateur sportif, 1er degré, tin, Y. Robin disponible sur le site des Troglo- option spéléologie. Session 2013 CREPS de dytes http://www.troglos.fr/dorvan.htm (MM). Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, Ardèche : 110 p. dont 10 2014.0393 p. en annexe. Nbses ill. 173 photos, 53 fig. et cartes. SPÉLÉO-CLUB D'ANNECY (2014) : MT520 L'exurgence de Verdus 2, située sur le territoire - Tanne des Gaulois de la commune de Privas (Ardèche) fait partie Spéléalpes, N° 25 (2014) : 47-56. Topogra- du réseau de Verdus (communes de Freyssenet phie. et Privas), avec la perte de Verdus, la Pertouze, Mont Téret (Haute-Savoie) (CL). les résurgences (captage) n° 1 et 2 de Verdus. 2014.0394 Présentation et histoire géologique du massif volcanique du Coiron. Description et topogra- SPÉLÉO-CLUB D'ANNECY (2014) : MT523 phie du réseau de Verdus. Présentation géo- - Tanne de l'Alpagiste logique et observation biospéologique; histo- Spéléalpes, N° 25 (2014) : 57-58. Topogra- rique des explorations. 20 réf. bibliogr. (MM). phie. 2014.0390 Mont Téret (Haute-Savoie) (CL). 2014.0395 REY, Anna (2013) : L'Antre de Vénus, mé- moire de cavité. Massif du Vercors - Méaudre SPÉLÉO-CLUB D'ANNECY (2014) : MT556 - Isère. - Tanne à Bocboc-Gégé Mémoire original présenté à l'examen final du Spéléalpes, N° 25 (2014) : 43-46. Topogra- Brevet d'Etat d'Educateur sportif, 1er degré, phie. option spéléologie. Session 2013 CREPS de Mont Téret (Haute-Savoie) (CL). Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, Ardèche : 42 p. format à 2014.0396 l'italienne, 33 fig., 50 photos dont 3 p. en an- nexe. Topographie ADC. SPÉLÉO-CLUB D'ANNECY; VERDET, Jean- Présentation du massif du Vercors, géogra- Marc; BOUVIER, Angèle; GESLIN, Domi- phie, formation, stratigraphie, hydrogéo- nique; LANGLET, Dominique; LEGRAND,

50 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Gérald; LEPOUTRE, Eric; VERDET, Chris- (CL). tophe; VERDET, Lucas (2014) : Prospections 2014.0402 de 2009 à 2012 sur le Mont Téret Spéléalpes, N° 25 (2014) : 23-40. Topogra- STROHM, Liane (2014) : Vereinsausfahrt phies. 2013 in das Vercors-Karstgebiet bei Grenoble. (Haute-Savoie) (CL). Laichinger Höhlenfreund (Laichingen), Vol. 49 2014.0397 (2014) : 92-93. In Germ.; 2 photos. (THR). SPÉLÉO-CLUB D'ANNECY (2014) : Tanne 2014.0403 à Micky - GP67, Tanne de L'Anneau - GP69 Spéléalpes, N° 25 (2014) : 41-42. Topogra- TESSANNE, Emmanuel (2014) : Prérouge : phie. l'explo au bout du parcours. (CL). Spéléo Magazine, n° 86 (Juin 2014) : 12-13. 2 2014.0398 photos, 2 plans, 1 coupe. Description des siphons et de l'affluent de SPÉLÉO-CLUB D'ANNEMASSE; l'Espoir qui démarre juste avant le S1 dans le WOURMS, Norbert; HAUSER, Bertrand; système Banges-Prépoulain (Arith, Savoie). LAVOREL, Christophe; POTDEVIN, Jean- (Fx). Pierre (2014) : Compte rendu de l'activité 2014.0404 du SCASSE depuis la parution du Spéléalpes n°24 TESSANNE, Manu (2014) : Savoie : grotte Spéléalpes, N° 25 (2014) : 67-72. Topogra- de Prérouge. Au bout du rêve. phie. Spéléo Magazine, n° 86 (Juin 2014) : 8-11. 3 Vie du club, Secteur Sous-Dine (Topo : Tanne photos, 2 plans. à La Graille), Secteur Plaine-Joux, Secteurs Récit des plongées dans les siphons de la ri- Bauges-Aravis-Parmelan (Topo : Antre du vière de Prépoulain depuis 1998. En 2008 arrêt Bouc Noir), Secteur Salève (CL). dans le S11 (70 m -40 m) sans sortir. Juste 2014.0399 avant, l'affluent de l'Espoir repris en 2012- 13. La jonction Prérouge - Benoîte donne au SPÉLÉO-CLUB DES MÉMISES; URIEN, système de Banges-Prépoulain -857 m (dév. 53 Frédéric; PHILIPPE, Thomas; LURET, Ma- km). (Fx). thieu (2014) : Grotte du Charbon (Darbon) 2014.0405 Spéléalpes, N° 25 (2014) : 149-150. Topogra- phie. TUAL, Yann (2013) : Etude de cavité. MS 9. (CL). Montagne de la Sambuy, commune de Seythe- 2014.0400 nex, massif des Bauges, Haute-Savoie (74) Mémoire original présenté à l'examen final du SPÉLÉO-CLUB DES MÉMISES; URIEN, Brevet d'Etat d'Educateur sportif, 1er degré, Frédéric; GUÉDU, Pierre (2014) : Mine de option spéléologie. Session 2013 CREPS de Charbon (Darbon-Centfontaine) (PA 11-4) Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, Ardèche : 72 p. 30 fig., 57 Spéléalpes, N° 25 (2014) : 152-153. Topogra- photos, 13 annexes dont documents inédits, 1 phie. carte et 1 topographie format A3. (CL). Présentation géographique du massif des 2014.0401 Bauges et de la Montagne de la Sambuy; cadre géologique. Description de la cavité explorée SPÉLÉO-CLUB DES MÉMISES; GUÉDU, par la section spéléologique du CAF d'Alber- Pierre; PHILIPPE, Thomas; URIEN, Frédéric; tville; observations sur la structure, mesures NEVIÈRE, Christian (2014) : Quoi de neuf physiques et observations de glace. Compte depuis la dernière fois ? rendu du traçage 2012, avec restitution aux Spéléalpes, N° 25 (2014) : 143-146. . sources du Biel, ou des Romains, à Faverges

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 51 (plan et coupe). 16 réf. bibliogr.; topogra- Orgnac? phie originale faite en 2013 du gouffre MS Spelerpes, n° 1 : 12-17. In Dutch, photos. 9. Compte rendu des résultats d'analyse d'un Description de l'Aven Flandin et de la Four- dépôt (filaments bactériens) de la grotte de chette en Ardèche : historique, topo, première, Faverges. Rapport hydrogéologique sur le pé- exploration,.. (NG). rimètre de protection du captage de la Fontaine 2014.0411 à Faverges. (MM). 2014.0406 VIALARON, Claude (2014) : Mines de plomb en Haute-Loire. ISBN 978- URIEN, Frédéric; SPÉLÉO-CLUB DES MÉ- 2-951417-43-4 : 152 p. 220 photos, + de 100 MISES (2014) : B1 - Trou de la Petite Souris plans, cartes, dessins, documents anciens. Spéléalpes, N° 25 (2014) : 147-148. Topogra- Fiches descriptives de cavités. (MM). phie. 2014.0412 (CL). 2014.0407 WRIGHT, Mark; SHONE, Robbie (2014) : Gouffre Berger - L'Esprit d'Equipe. ISBN 978- URIEN, Frédéric; SPÉLÉO-CLUB DES 1-910240-12-0 : 256 p. Hardbound, more than MÉMISES (2014) : Grotte des Maquisards 100 photos full color. (Grotte aux Fées) This book provides past visitors with an ex- Spéléalpes, N° 25 (2014) : 151. Topographie. cellent showcase of its most significant fea- (CL). tures and will hopefully inspire future visits 2014.0408 to this magnificent cave system. It provides a history of the cave's exploration together with URIEN, Frédéric; SPÉLÉO-CLUB DES MÉ- valuable information for those planning a visit. MISES (2014) : Le gouffre du Mont Baron (GM). Spéléalpes, N° 25 (2014) : 155. Topographie. 2014.0413 (CL). 2014.0409 France

VALLA, Benjamin (2013) : Mémoire de Provence-Côte d´Azur / Corse cavité. Grotte de la Croix de Jaume, Lans-en- (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence; Hautes-Alpes; Vercors, massif du Vercors - Isère. Alpes-Maritimes; Bouches-du-Rhône; Var; Mémoire original présenté à l'examen final du Vaucluse; Corse) Brevet d'Etat d'Educateur sportif, 1er degré, option spéléologie. Session 2013 CREPS de Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, Ardèche : 47 p. 27 fig., 53 AA (2014) : Dévoluy. -910 m pour la Tune photos. des Renards. Situation géographique, climatologique, géolo- Spéléo Magazine, n° 88 (Décembre 2014) : 5. gique, géomorphologique et hydrologique du 1 photo. massif du Vercors; le rôle des glaciers. Histo- Reprise de la Tune des Renards en 2007, après rique, description et topographie originale de de nombreuses désobstructions la cote -910 m la cavité (Dév.: 95 m; dén.: 28 m). Etude des est atteinte en 2014. (Fx). remplissages et observations géologiques. Spé- 2014.0414 léogenèse. Biospéologie. Mention d'ossements de bouquetins. 5 réf. bibliogr. (MM). AA (2014) : Le fortin de Restefond 2014.0410 La Lettre du Spéléo-club de Paris, n° 321 (jan- vier 2014) : 1. VAN DEN BROECK, Erik (2014) : Grotte- Dans les Alpes du Sud, près du col de la Aven Flandin-Fourchette : een stukje dich- Bonette, le plus haut d'Europe, cet ouvrage ter bij de ontsluiering van het systeem van souterrain, datant de 1937, est dans un état de

52 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) conservation exceptionnel. (JT). Brevet d'Etat d'Educateur sportif, 1er degré, 2014.0415 option spéléologie. Session 2013 CREPS de Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, Ardèche : n.p. (35 p.) . 3 ACQUAVIVA, Gérard; DOUCHET, Marc; fig., 3 photos. MICHEL, Loic (2013) : Présentation personnalisée du plateau d'Al- Cassis, les rivières mystérieuses. Cassis - La bion, plateau de Saint-Christol, montrant rivière mystérieuse. ISBN 978-2-954425-40-5 son grand intérêt spéléologique et karstique; : 93 p. géographie, géologie, données sur les traçages Sommaire : Histoire des rivières de Cassis réalisés (Bassin d'alimentation de la fontaine (Bouches-du-Rhone) - Le syndicat de Port- de Vaucluse, schéma représentatif de l'écou- Miou et les barrages - Explorations et missions lement des eaux souterraines dans la zone de subaquatiques - Spéléologie, géomorphologie Saint-Christol). "Etat civil", et focus sur l'aven - Karst, hydrogéologie, géologie (MM). Joly (du Joly), pointé sur la carte IGN et noté 2014.0416 par Martel. Mention de l'aven Autran, l'aven Aubert et l'aven de l'Aze en rive gauche des CHAPUT, Alexandre (2014) : Dévoluy : vallons. Des prélèvements réalisés dans l'aven Chourum de la Fille. en mai 2013 aux cotes - 100, - 250 et - 440 m, Spéléo Magazine, n° 87 (Septembre 2014) : 5. ont conduit à des analyses chimiques des eaux Importante cavité qui avait été obstruée parce en laboratoire (N. Mazzilli). (MM). que située sur les pistes de ski, a été réouverte 2014.0420 à la fin de la saison d'hiver. (Fx). 2014.0417 MCKINNON, Janine (2011) : Ric and Janine go Caving in Europe 2011 – Part 2 ENGLEBIN, Laurent; LEBRUN, Delphine Speleo Spiel, No. 386 (Sep-Oct. 2011) : 7-8. 3 (2013) : Alpes-Maritimes photos. Sous Terre (Groupe Spéléologique de Charle- In France, caved in Salamandrum, near Nice roi), Mai-Juin : 2-3. Photos. and in “Sleep Patterns Experiment cave” used http://www.gsc-asbl.be/joomla/mensuels.html by Michel Siffre for his light-deprivation expe- Compte rendu d'un camp de Pâques 2013 dans riments in the 1960s. (GJM). les Alpes-Maritimes avec la visite de l'Aven 2014.0421 Cappuccino et canyoning. (NG). 2014.0418 PAGES, Romain (2013) : Etude de cavité. Réseau des Estrangers - aven Autran 84390 FERNANDES, Gilbert; MADELAINE, Eric Saint-Christol. (2014) : Cipières, Alpes-Maritimes (06). Em- Mémoire original présenté à l'examen final du but de la Pinée (N° 41 - F2). A la recherche de Brevet d'Etat d'Educateur sportif, 1er degré, la rivière perdue. option spéléologie. Session 2013 CREPS de Spéléo Magazine, n° 85 (Mars 2014) : 20 -24. Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, Ardèche : 51 p. 29 fig. et 5 photos + TGT (très grande topo) en hors 19 photos. texte. Présentation géographique et géologique du Historique des désobstructions entreprises plateau d'Albion (Vaucluse) et du système pour ouvrir la cavité entre 1998 et 2004, son karstique du Mont Ventoux à la fontaine de exploration et sa description. Fiche noire. Site Vaucluse. Principe de spéléogenèse épigène. internet. (Fx). L'aven Autran est une des cavités les plus im- 2014.0419 portantes du plateau d'Albion; accès, descrip- tif, topographie (plan et coupe); fiche d'équipe- GUILLAMOT, Isadora (2013) : Un mémoire ment, historique très détaillé des explorations. de cavité. Tas de cailloux (concerne l'aven du La zone étudiée est le réseau des Estrangers: Joly, massif du plateau d'Albion, Vaucluse). historique, topographie détaillée, description Mémoire original présenté à l'examen final du et observations géomorphologiques (fractura-

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 53 tions); 9 réf. bibliogr. . (MM). WIELANDER, Barbara; AUDRA, Philippe 2014.0422 (2014) : Neues aus der Grotte des Chamois / Südfrankreich SENNEPIN, Antoine (2013) : Mémoire dé- Verbandsnachrichten, Jg. 65, Nr. 2-3 : 49-51. voluard. Le puits des Bans. Saint-Disdier, Le (PF). Dévoluy, Hautes-Alpes. 2014.0425 Mémoire original présenté à l'examen final du Brevet d'Etat d'Educateur sportif, 1er degré, France option spéléologie. Session 2013 CREPS de Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, Ardèche : 52 p. format à Languedoc-Roussillon l'italienne, dont annexe 7 p., 11 fig. et cartes, (Aude; Gard; Hérault; Lozère; Pyrénées-Orien- 25 photos. tales) Géographie, géologie et hydrogéologie du massif du Dévoluy. Le puits des Bans (réf. fichier CDS 05-138-001) se situe dans les ANDRÉ, Daniel (2014) : Karstologie. gorges de la Souloise, résurgence temporaire Spéléo Magazine, n° 87 (Septembre 2014) : 8. après mise en charge du réseau. Légende et Brève note karstologique sur la source de historique des explorations. Topographie de Burle dans le contexte des gorges du Tarn Ph. BERTOCHIO (SCA de Gap, 2008). Géo- (Sainte-Enimie, Lozère). (Fx). morphologie, biospéologie. Spéléogenèse et 2014.0426 enquête sur la disparition du collecteur dévo- luard (Les Gillardes, Pellafol, Isère). 16. réf. BARBIER, Thibault (2013) : Réseau du bibliogr. Article: dossier Le Dévoluy et nous, Grand Duc ou Duganelle, commune de n° 36, et fiche de traçages, avec historique des Sainte-Enimie, Lozère, Causse Méjean. colorations. (MM). Mémoire original présenté à l'examen final du 2014.0423 Brevet d'Etat d'Educateur sportif, 1er degré, option spéléologie. Session 2013 CREPS de VIALE, Romuald (2013) : Etude de cavité. Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, Ardèche : 63 p. 30 p. en Grand Draïoun - Parc national des Calanques. annexe & 2 plans et coupes grand format A 0, Mémoire original présenté à l'examen final du en h.t., 24 fig., 89 photos. Brevet d'Etat d'Educateur sportif, 1er degré, Présentation géographique et géologique option spéléologie. Session 2013 CREPS de de la région du Causse Méjean et descriptif Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, Ardèche : 62 p. 40 fig., 72 de la grotte de la Duganelle, historique des photos, dont 5 p. d'annexes, carte du Parc et explorations (E.-A. MARTEL, R. de JOLY); topographie format A3. elle s'ouvre à proximité du Tarn, versant nord Contexte et environnement des Calanques du causse, avec 2023 m de développement (formation, préhistoire …) et précisions sur pour +24, -2 m de profondeur (topographie la partie Est du massif dont le Cap Canaille: partielle). Compte rendu du traçage de l'aven géologie, géomorphologie, hydrologie. Don- des Fumades (Le Buffre, Lozère), avec sor- nées sur la grotte Cosquer. La cavité du Grand tie du traceur à la résurgence de la Cénarète Draïoun se situe dans le Parc Naturel des (St-Chély-du-Tarn), en avril-mai 2013. 50 réf. Calanques créé en 2012. Situation, historique bibliogr. En annexe, compte rendu des obser- de la cavité découverte en 1983, chronologie vations hydrospéléologiques réalisées au cours et récits des premières explorations. Descrip- du pompage effectué dans le réseau souterrain tion, spéléogenèse, données climatologiques, Cenarette-Duganelle, Commune de St-Chély- biospéologie; traçage de l'Embut Sud-Ouest du-Tarn, Lozère (13 - 31 août 1978). (MM). de Cuges-les-Pins; compte rendu d'un barnum 2014.0427 SSF/ spéléo-secours-français dans la cavité. 12 réf. bibliogr. (MM). BIGOT, Jean-Yves (2014) : Complément d'en- 2014.0424 quête aux Mounios

54 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Spelunca, n° 136, décembre 2014 : 7-12. 13 CHABAUD, Michel; LAHONDES, Marcel; photos, 4 figures. MARTINEZ, Yvon (2014) : Tharaux, Gard : La grotte des Mounios (Le Cros, Hérault) est Aperçu du patrimoine souterrain de la Cèze. une ancienne grotte citerne qui a livré de nom- Spéléo Magazine, n° 85 (Mars 2014) : 26-31. 5 breux vestiges préhistoriques. Un examen plus photos, 2 plans, 1 carte. Bibliographie. poussé a également permis de constater des Description des cavités sur le cours de la aménagements anthropiques anciens beaucoup Claysse (affluent de la Cèze) explorées dès le plus discrets liés à d'anciens cultes chtoniens. XIXe siècle par Malbos et Mazauric. Aven du Ces aménagements consistent à des remanie- Pantin et grotte de Tharaux ou Hasard-Cime- ments de sols et de concrétions. (CB). tière. Extrait des notes de Jules de Malbos sur 2014.0428 l'exploration de cette grotte en 1870. (Fx). 2014.0433 BIRCHEN, Pierre (2014) : Résumé du camp de Pâques 2014 COSSEMYNS, Roger (2014) : Entre autres L'Echo lorrain des cavernes (revue de l'union activités.. de plongée souterraine lorraine de spéléologie), n° 42 : 2 p. Plans. Bul. Soc. Spéléo Namur, 2014 : 19. Photos. Compte rendu d'un camp organisé par l'Union Compte rendu d'activité: exploration à Bou- lorraine de Spéléologie dans le Causse de lidou de Poussaarou dans l'Hérault. (NG). Larzac. (NG). 2014.0434 2014.0429 COSSEMYNS, Roger (2014) : Le boulidou BOUCKAERT, Vincent (2014) : Raid éclair de Poussarou près de Saint-Chinian (Herault, sur le Boulidou de Poussarou Fr) Regards, n° 79 : 76-81. Photos. Bul. Soc. Spéléo Namur, 2014 : 32-34. Photos, Compte rendu d'une expé belge en plongée au topo. Boulidou de Poussarou dans l'Hérault en 2013: Brève description du Boulidou de Poussarou historique des plongées, situation et accès. dans l'Hérault: situation, accès, historique, (NG). description, topo et géologie. (NG). 2014.0430 2014.0435

CABROL, Patrick; MATARIN, Denis; RAY- GAUBERT, Adrien (2013) : Mémoire de NAUD, Claude (2014) : Courniou, Hérault cavité. Aven des Pèbres, commune de Tharaux (34). Grotte de Roquebleue. - Gard. Plateau de Méjannes-le-Clap. Spéléo Magazine, n° 86 (Juin 2014) : 20-29. Mémoire original présenté à l'examen final du 13 photos, 1 coupe stratigraphique + TGT (très Brevet d'Etat d'Educateur sportif, 1er degré, grand topo) en hors texte. option spéléologie. Session 2013 CREPS de Description et historique de la découverte de Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, Ardèche : 55 p. 56 illust. cette cavité dans le marbre bleu, le contexte Contexte général, géographie, climatologie, géologique et hydrogéologique, la richesse du préhistoire, approche géologique, hydrogéo- concrétionnement. La protection, le balisage et logique du département du Gard et du plateau la réglementation des visites. (Fx). de Méjannes-le-Clap. Historique, description 2014.0431 sommaire et observations, spéléogenèse, biospéologie de l'aven des Pèbres qui consti- CAUMONT, Daniel (2014) : Karstologie tue avec d'autres cavités proches le complexe Spéléo Magazine, n° 88 (Décembre 2014) : 13. du Serre de Brus. Plan et coupe développée Brève note sur la karstologie de l'exsurgence d'après les relevés du SCSP de 1983, et 2013 de l'Avencas (Brissac, Hérault) qui peut réuti- (Dén.: -88 m). 9 réf. bibliogr. (MM). liser l'amont d'un ancien réseau dont le drain 2014.0436 est peut-être accessible au-delà du terminus actuel. (Fx). 2014.0432 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 55 LEQUEMENER, Hendrick (2013) : Mémoire nexe 11 p., tab., 17 ill. et 18 photos. de cavité "L'aven du Sot Malnet", massif de Situation géographique, géologique, géomor- l'Escandorgue (Hérault). phologique, hydrogéologique des Cévennes, Mémoire original présenté à l'examen final du Grands Causses, Causse de Sauveterre et Brevet d'Etat d'Educateur sportif, 1er degré, Gorges du Tarn. La grotte de Prades, ou option spéléologie. Session 2013 CREPS exsurgence du château de Prades est située de Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, Ardèche : 53 p. Nbes sur le territoire de la commune de Sainte-Eni- illust., 20 fig., 84 photos, 1 p. en annexe. mie: historique, topographie (de J. Boutin); Présentation géographique et géologique du description avec étude des fracturations, du département de l'Hérault, avec données sur le creusement, des remplissages. Spéléogenèse et volcanisme qui a affecté le massif de l'Escan- biospéologie. 14 réf. bibliogr. (MM). dorgue; historique (cavité découverte en 1936 2014.0440 et très peu documentée), localisation (altitude 662 m), descriptif et topographie, plan et SCHOBER, Andreas (2014) : Unterwegs in coupe, de mai 2012 (Dév.: 90 m; dén.: - 62 der Grotte de Malaval und Grotte de St. Mar- m) de l'aven Sot Malnet, qui se développe au cel im Süden Frankreichs. nord-est du hameau de Bernagues, adossée au Grabenstetter höhlenkundliche Hefte (Gra- plateau du Larzac, avec observations sur la benstetten), No. 23 (Jahr 2012) : 74-82. In spéléogenèse (creusement en limite basalte / Germ.; 12 photos. calcaire), les remplissages; données biospéo- http://www.arge-grabenstetten.de/www2/publi- logiques. (MM). kationen/grabenstetter-hohlenkundliche-hefte/ 2014.0437 jahresheft-2013/ (THR). NORE, Stéphane (2014) : Concours perma- 2014.0441 nent photo. Spéléo Magazine, n° 85 (Mars 2014) : IIIe de SOCIÉTÉ CÉVÉNOLE DE SPÉLÉOLOGIE couverture. 1 photo. ET DE PRÉHISTOIRE (2014) : Gard : Plon- Dans la grotte de la Briquette (Mende, Lo- gées dans l'Aven de l'Agas. zère). (Fx). Spéléo Magazine, n° 87 (Septembre 2014) : 4. 2014.0438 950 m de première, arrêt sur S14. Au total plus de 4000 m en moins d'un an. (Fx). PARMENTELOT, Laurent; MOTTA, Virginie 2014.0442 (2014) : Échos des profondeurs - Hérault Spelunca, n° 136, décembre 2014 : 2-3. 1 SOMVILLE, Pascale (2014) : Expé club en figure. Lozère Signalement de deux découvertes importantes Sous Terre (Groupe Spéléologique de Charle- effectuées par le Spéléo-club de Saint-Pons-de- roi), Juillet-Août : 3-4. Photos. Thomières. La grotte de la Douch (Courniou) http://www.gsc-asbl.be/joomla/mensuels.html qui développe plus de 4 km et la grotte des Compte rendu du camp d'expé “Pâques 2014” Sagnoles (Saint-Pons-de-Thomières) de 2,8 en Lozère. Visite de l'Aven de Trouchiols, km dans laquelle des restes de faune ancienne Valat Nègre et Malaval. (NG). ont été mis à jour. (CB). 2014.0443 2014.0439 SOMVILLE, Pascale (2014) : Expé club en ROULET, Sandra (2013) : Mémoire de cavité. Lozère La grotte de Prades (Lozère). Sous Terre (Groupe Spéléologique de Charle- Mémoire original présenté à l'examen final du roi), Septembre-Octobre : 3. Photos. Brevet d'Etat d'Educateur sportif, 1er degré, http://www.gsc-asbl.be/joomla/mensuels.html option spéléologie. Session 2013 CREPS de Compte rendu du camp d'expé “Pâques 2014” Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, Ardèche : 81 p. avec an- en Lozère. Traversée de Malaval et les Tucs.

56 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) (NG). Spelunca, n° 135, septembre 2014 : 4-5. 3 2014.0444 photos. La rivière souterraine de laval de Nize (Lunas) VASSEUR, Frank (2014) : Commune de voit son S3 prolongé de 100m (890m au total) Sainte-Enimie, Lozère : Source de Burle. pour un développement de l'ordre de 1500m. Spéléo Magazine, n° 87 (Septembre 2014) : Dans la source de Lamalaouzie (Lunas), 8m 6-9. 6 photos, 1 coupe, 1 plan. sont ajoutés seulement dans des conditions Historique des plongées et description de cette difficiles. La grotte-exurgence de l'Avencas émergence au bord du Tarn. (Fx). (Brissac) développe plus de 700m dans des 2014.0445 conduits étroits dont le S2 de 386m de long pour -46m. Après plusieurs plongées, le siphon VASSEUR, Frank (2014) : Communes de de la grotte du Rautély (Olargues) atteint 406m Brissac, Hérault. Grotte de l'Avencas. de longueur pour 60m de profondeur. (CB). Spéléo Magazine, n° 88 (Décembre 2014) : 2014.0450 8-13. 4 photos, 1 coup, 1 plan, 1 carte, biblio- graphie. VASSEUR, Frank; DIGHOUTH, Mehdi; Historique des explorations et des plongées de VERLAGUET, Frédéric (2014) : Échos des l'exsurgence de l'Avencas depuis Lombard en profondeurs - Lozère 1950 à Frank Vasseur en 2012 (arrêt dans le Spelunca, n° 136, décembre 2014 : 3-4. 2 S2 à 231 m du départ -46 m). Description de la photos. cavité, observations géomorphologiques. (Fx). Présentation des résultats de plongées dans 2014.0446 plusieurs cavités lozériennes. Quelques mètres sont difficilement gagnés dans la Font d'Annie. VASSEUR, Frank (2014) : Concours perma- Dans la grotte du Coutal, plusieurs plongées nent photo. ont permis de prolonger le siphon 3 amont Spéléo Magazine, n° 87 (Septembre 2014) : de 400m. Ce siphon développe actuellement 41. 1 photo. 622m pour une profondeur maximale de -70m. Dans le puits d'entrée noyé de Burle (Lozère). La source de Burle (Saint-Enimie) est prolon- (Fx). gée jusqu'à 458m pour une profondeur de 39m. 2014.0447 (CB). 2014.0451 VASSEUR, Frank (2014) : Concours perma- nent photo. VASSEUR, Frank; DIGHOUTH, Mehdi; Spéléo Magazine, n° 87 (Septembre 2014) : VERLAGUET, Frédéric (2014) : Échos des 41. 1 photo. profondeurs - Pyrénées-Atlantiques Dans le puits d'entrée noyé de Burles (Lo- Spelunca, n° 136, décembre 2014 : 4. 1 photo. zères). (Fx). La résurgence du système Saint-Georges, le 2014.0448 Laminako Ziloa (Sainte-Engrâce) a été prolon- gé jusqu'à -142m en 2012. (CB). VASSEUR, Frank (2014) : Échos des profon- 2014.0452 deurs - Gard Spelunca, n° 135, septembre 2014 : 3-4. 1 France photo. Dans l'Event de la Tuilède (Madières), le S9 Midi / Pyrénées est prolongé jusqu'à 580m du départ avec un (Ariège; Aveyron; Haute-Garonne; Gers; Lot; point bas à -50m. (CB). Hautes-Pyrénées; Tarn; Tarn-et-Garonne) 2014.0449

VASSEUR, Frank (2014) : Échos des profon- BOF, Michel (2014) : Échos des profondeurs - deurs - Hérault Hautes-Pyrénées - Tute Titouanouk

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 57 Spelunca, n° 134, juin 2014 : 3-4. 3 photos, 1 FLORIOT, Thomas (2013) : Perte des figure. Combles d'Ali. Causse d'Anglars, commune de Découverte de cette nouvelle cavité du massif Penne, Tarn des Baronnies qui développe 850m. (CB). Mémoire original présenté à l'examen final du 2014.0453 Brevet d'Etat d'Educateur sportif, 1er degré, option spéléologie. Session 2013 CREPS de BOUTONNET, Sylvain; ROZIER, Fabrice; Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, Ardèche : 25 p. 8 fig. et 25 NESPOULOUS, Christian (2014) : Penne, photos, 6 p. en annexe. Tarn (81). Perte des Combles d'Ali. Contexte géographique, géologique, géomor- Spéléo Magazine, n° 88 (Décembre 2014) : phologique, hydrologique du Causse d'An- 20-27. 7 photos, 1 croquis, 1 coupe, 1 carte + glars. Historique, topographie et description TGT (très grande topo) en hors texte. géomorphologique de la perte (alt.: 292 m); Historique des explorations de cette perte du spéléogenèse, climatologie, biospéologie, Causse d'Anglars depuis 1985 mais présence archéologie et positionnement par rapport importante de CO2. Reprise en 2010 avec aux traçages effectués sur le secteur (source la pratique de la méthode de ventilation. Le Amiel). Topographie collective de 2012, et ex- problème du CO2 en cavités et l'utilisation de trait de la revue SpéléOc, n° 135, 2012, p. 8-13 ventilateurs pour les aérer. (Fx). relatant les premières explorations. (MM). 2014.0454 2014.0458

CALVET, Jean-Paul; PETRONIO, Jean- MOURIES, Jean-Pierre (2013) : Etude de Charles (Ed.); SOCIÉTÉ DE RECHERCHES cavité. Grotte de Sabart (Tarascon-sur-Arège - SPÉLÉOLOGIQUES ET ARCHÉOLO- 09). GIQUES DU SORÉZOIS ET DU REVEL- Mémoire original présenté à l'examen final du LOIS (2013) : Brevet d'Etat d'Educateur sportif, 1er degré, Inventaire spéléologique du Tarn. Tome 1, Les option spéléologie. Session 2013 CREPS de Monts du Sorézois. ISBN 979-1-09-294900-1 : Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, Ardèche : 64 p. Nbses ill. 222 p. Topographies. 107 photos, 10 pl. topos, 30 fig. et cartes: 4 p. Réédition actualisée et enrichie de l'inventaire en annexe, plan format A3, pl. photo. de 1988. (MM). Géographie générale, géomorphologie, hy- 2014.0455 drologie et géologie du secteur du massif du Cap de la Lesse, avec les grottes de Niaux et CDS 46 (2012) : de Lombrives proches. Historique des explo- Spéléoguide du Lot. ISBN 978-2-950926-05-0 rations; description de la cavité (5 entrées, : 177 p. Topographies, bibliogr. Sabart, Carrières et gouffre du Petit Pousail); http://www.cds46.fr/speleoguide-du-lot/ synthèse géomorphologique, et données cli- Contexte historique de la spéléo lotoise, matologiques et biospéologiques. Importants contexte hydrogéologique, Lot et CO2. 31 travaux topographiques, avec relevé original cavités décrites, secteur : Braunhie, Causse du de l'auteur en 2013 (plan et coupe), et mise à Gramat Nord, Gramat Sud, Limogne, Martel, jour du plan levé en 1947; pointage précis de Saint-Chels. (MM). surface au tachéomètre; 15 réf. bibliogr. (MM). 2014.0456 2014.0459

DELPECH, Thomas (2014) : Thomas raconte. RIVIERE, Guillaume (2013) : Mémoire de Spéléo Magazine, n° 86 (Juin 2014) : 37. 1 cavité. La Cabane de St-Paul-des-Fonts - St- photo. Paul des Fonts - Aveyron. Récit de la plongée dans le siphon terminal de Mémoire original présenté à l'examen final du la source Bleue, ou exsurgence du Bial (Espa- Brevet d'Etat d'Educateur sportif, 1er degré, gnac-Sainte-Eulalie, Lot) en 2012-13. (Fx). option spéléologie. Session 2013 CREPS de 2014.0457 Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, Ardèche : 45 p. dont 7 p. en

58 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) annexe, 29 fig., 29 photos. La grotte de l'Annou (Marnhagues et Latour) Historique et étude de cette exurgence (alti- atteint plus d'un km après 6 siphons. (CB). tude 650 m), utilisée comme cave d'affinage, 2014.0463 à quelques kilomètres de Roquefort, une des rares cavités des Grands Causses permettant France une traversée (Dév.: 1500m; dén.: + 55,5 m), avec la grotte du Pas d'Estrech et le trou du Aquitaine Sautet. Situation, géographie, géologie, géo- (Dordogne; Gironde; Landes; Lot-et-Garonne; morphologie et hydrogéologie (traçages) du Pyrénées-Atlantiques) massif du Larzac et de la cavité. Biospéologie: colonie de chauves-souris (zone Natura 2000). Risque de pollution de la source de la Cabane BRESSAN, Alain; DOUAT, Michel (2014) et du captage d'Aiguebelle qui alimente le : Gouffre des Quinquas (C2-C104) et Sima village du Viala et de Saint-Paul (station de Grande de Llano Carreras (C226) traitement des eaux du Viala du Pas de Jaux). Spelunca, n° 136, décembre 2014 : 13-22. 17 (MM). photos, 5 figures. 2014.0460 Article complet décrivant le cadre des re- cherches dans le massif de la Pierre Saint-Mar- TAISNE, Jean (2013) : tin, l'historique de ces trois nouvelles entrées Bibliographie spéléologique du Lot : 1 CD- du système (13 entrées au total à ce jour) et Rom (395 p.). Nouvelle édition revue et aug- des descriptions agrémentées de topographies mentée. de qualité. Ces explorations rajoutent près de Concerne plus de 2500 cavités. Liste des 5 km de développement au système PSM/Par- cavités classées par ordre alphabétique. Liste tages qui dépasse les 83 km. (CB). des cavités classées par commune. Liste des 2014.0464 articles et ouvrages cités classés par auteur. (MM). DE BIE, Paul (2014) : Afzien in het systeem 2014.0461 Félix Trombe Spelerpes, n° 2 : 24-28. In Dutch, photos, topo. TAISNE, Jean (2014) : Compte rendu du camp d'été de Spéléo Neder- Contribution à un inventaire spéléologique du land dans les Pyrénées avec la visite de plu- département du Lot - Additif à l'édition 2006 : sieurs classiques : gouffre du Pont de Gerbaut, 136 p. Pène Blanque et Henne Morte. (NG). Coordonnées et situations de 300 cavités sup- 2014.0465 plémentaires qui s'ajoutent aux quelques 1300 cavités de la dernière édition (2006), avec 38 DE BIE, Paul (2014) : De resultaten van de nouveaux plans de situations et 47 anciens Anialarra expedities 2014. Zomer vol succes plans complétés. (Author, JT). Spelerpes, n° 2 : 20-23. In Dutch, photos, topo. 2014.0462 Résultats de l'expédition Anialarra 2014 du Speleo Club Avalon. Exploration des cavités VASSEUR, Frank (2014) : Échos des profon- du massif et topo. (NG). deurs - Aveyron 2014.0466 Spelunca, n° 135, septembre 2014 : 2-3. 3 photos. MCDONNELL, Geoffrey (2013) : Tourist Présentation des résultats de plongées dans caving in the Dordoyne [Dordogne], France plusieurs cavités. Le Tindoul de la Vayssière Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, (Salles-la-Source) est prolongé d'une quaran- Vol. 57, No. 7 : 202-204. 9 photos. taine de mètres dans des conditions difficiles. Visits to a number of show caves near Ber- La grotte des Aygues (Verrières) se voit ajouter gerac: Gouffre de Proumeysac (option of plus de 400m de conduits et dépasse les 4km. being lowered in a basket; light & sound

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 59 show); Grotte de Bora-Bahau (some bear VANARA, Nathalie (2013) : Lire les paysages scratch marks); Grottes de Maxange (found calcaires, l'exemple d'un massif pyrénéen: les by quarrying, good helictites); Cave Arbailles II (reproduction of original art cave; impres- Plaquette – programme des Journées 2013 de sive); Grotte de Rouffignac (tour by train, Spéléologie Scientifique, 16 et 17 novembre incl. ancient paintings); Grotte du Grande Roc 2013 : 5-6. (photography allowed; triangular crystals); La Conférence. Le massif des Arbailles, d'une su- Grotte de Villars (found by local cavers, well perficie de 165 km2, forme le bastion calcaire decorated). (GJM). le mieux individualisé de toute la zone nord 2014.0467 Pyrénées.. (NG). 2014.0471 OSTERMANN, Jean-Michel (2014) : Concours permanent photo. France Spéléo Magazine, n° 88 (Décembre 2014) : III de couverture. 1 photo. Bretagne / Poitou-Charentes / Pays-de-la-Loire Une coupole festonnée et suggestive dans (Charente; Charente-Maritime; Côtes-d’Ar- le gouffre de la Plaine de Thomas (Campa- mor; Finistère, Ille-et-Vilaine; Loire-Atlan- gnac-les-Quercy, Dordogne). (Fx). tique; Maine-et-Loire; Mayenne, Morbihan; 2014.0468 Sarthe; Deux-Sèvres; Vendée; Vienne)

PINAT, Cédric (2013) : Etude de cavité. Ga- lerie Aranzadi. Commune de Sainte-Engrâce BEAU, Dominique; PAUL, Aurélia; PAUL, dans le département des Pyrénées-Atlantiques. Bruno; ROUY, Jean-Luc; CDS VIENNE Massif de la Pierre-Saint-Martin. (2010) : Mémoire original présenté à l'examen final du Antres Vus Sous La Vienne., n° 3 : 68 p. Brevet d'Etat d'Educateur sportif, 1er degré, Éditorial. C. R. des activités du CDS 86 en option spéléologie. Session 2013 CREPS de 2009-10. C. R. des activités de la Commission Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, Ardèche : 71 p. dont 5 p. en Secours du CDS 86. Week-end technique de annexe, 28 fig., 75 photos. Remerle 2010 : atelier de remise à jour (ou à Présentation de la région, du Pays basque, niveau) des connaissances de progression sur géographie, géologie, géomorphologie, hydro- corde. Du côté des clubs : activités 2009-10 géologie. Description de la galerie Aranzadi, des clubs spéléo de la Vienne. Fichier des cavi- qui s'ouvre dans les plafonds de la salle de tés de la Vienne (Troisième Partie) : les cavités la Verna, réseau aval du gouffre de la Pierre- du canton de Saint-Savin. (Fx). Saint-Martin: spéléogenèse avec les hypo- 2014.0472 thèses de formation de la salle de la Verna et de la galerie, biospéologie. (MM). CDS VIENNE (2010) : Fichier des Cavités de 2014.0469 la Vienne (Troisième Partie). Antres Vus Sous La Vienne., n° 3 : 19-67. SETCHFIELD, Matthew (2014) : Gouffre Inventaire des cavités du canton de Pierre St. Martin, , France (and a little Saint-Savin, comprenant les communes bit of Spain!) d'Angles-sur-l'Anglin, de la Bussière, de NSS News, Vol. 72, no 9 (September 2014) : Saint-Pierre-de-Maillé dont le secteur de Pu- 4-7. 11 photos, 1 map. ygirault-Guignoterie, et de Villemort. Descrip- The author describes in detail his 7.7km tion, plan ou coupe des cavités de plus de 20 traverse of Pierre Saint Martin from the Tête m de développement et de -5 m de profondeur, Sauvage entrance to the Salle de la Verna in listing des autres cavités du canton. (Fx). the summer of 2013. (YD). 2014.0473 2014.0470

60 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) France 2014.0475

Normandie France (Calvados; Eure; Manche; Orne; Seine-Mari- time) Lorraine (Meurthe-et-Moselle; Meuse; Moselle; Vos- ges) LE BECQ, Philippe (2013) : Etude de cavité. Grotte de la Jacqueline, Caumont - Eure - Haute-Normandie. GOUTORBE, Jean-Marie; GERSM (2014) : Mémoire original présenté à l'examen final du Nouveautés meusiennes Brevet d'Etat d'Educateur sportif, 1er degré, Spéléo L, N° 23 (Mars 2014) : 25-28. Plans, option spéléologie. Session 2013 CREPS de photos. Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, Ardèche : 38 p. 44 fig. Description de deux nouvelles cavités meu- En première partie, contexte géographique, siennes (OTSI à Beurey-sur-Saulx et Fontaine géologique, hydrologique du Bassin parisien, aux Charmes à Mussey). (CP). et de la Normandie. Présentation de la carrière 2014.0476 et du réseau de la Jacqueline (anciennement dénommée grotte de la Ronce). Historique des GRADOT, Olivier (2014) : La spéléo c'est carrières souterraines de craie de Caumont, et l'Avenir de l'exploration des réseaux karstiques. Le ré- Le P'tit Usania, n° 195 (Novembre 2014) : 4-6. seau hydrogéologique de Caumont développe Photo. plus de 4500 m de conduits souterrains dans la http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- craie blanche du Sénonien. Description avec ticle1473 plan général du réseau de la Jacqueline; don- Compte rendu de visite du gouffre de l'Ave- nées sur les dépôts (coupes sédimentaires) et la nir et de la carrière souterraine de Savon- biospéologie; 24 réf. bibliogr. (MM). nières-en-Perthois. (CP). 2014.0474 2014.0477

France GUYOT, Jean-Michel (2014) : 60 ans à -60 au Spéléodrome Nord / Ardennes / Picardie Le P'tit Usania, n° 191 (Juillet 2014) : 5-6. (Aisne; Ardennes; Aube; Marne; Haute-Marne; Photos. Nord; Oise; Pas-de-Calais; Somme) http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- ticle1449 Compte rendu de visite au Spéléodrome de ARMANINI, Jean-Luc (2014) : Échos des Nancy à l'occasion d'un anniversaire. (CP). profondeurs - Meuse 2014.0478 Spelunca, n° 133, mars 2014 : 4-8. 5 photos, 9 figures. GUYOT, Jean-Michel (2014) : École de Description des nouvelles découvertes spé- chimie, inspection à deux balles léologiques réalisées de 1968 à 2013 sur le Le P'tit Usania, n° 188 (Avril 2014) : 5-6. territoire de Lisle-en-Rigault. Citation de http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- nombreuses cavités situées dans le bois com- ticle1432 munal de Lisle-en-Rigault, les Vieux Hoyers Compte rendu d'inspection d'un souterrain et les Etocs. On retiendra le gouffre des Cas- ancien sous l'école de Chimie de Nancy dé- cades (-53m), le gouffre du Toboggan (-45m), couvert en 2013 (voir LPU n° 184) et de mise le gouffre des Parsons (-47m), le réseau du en place d'un système simple de détection des Crâne (900m) et le ruisseau souterrain de Jean- points d'alimentation en eaux. (CP). d'Heurs(1350m). (CB). 2014.0479

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 61

GUYOT, Jean-Michel (2014) : L'abbé va au NUS, François (2014) : À ta santé, Grim… siphon Eau ! Le P'tit Usania, n° 191 (Juillet 2014) : 1-3. Le P'tit Usania, n° 190 (Juin 2014) : 5-6. Photos. http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- ticle1444 ticle1447 Compte rendu de visite du gouffre de la Grimo Compte rendu de visite du gouffre de la Béva Santé (Martincourt) et nettoyage des abords. (Trois-Fontaines). (CP). (CP). 2014.0480 2014.0485

GUYOT, Jean-Michel (2014) : La Besace à NUS, François (2014) : La trappe mystérieuse Savonnières du Spéléodrome Le P'tit Usania, n° 189 (Mai 2014) : 1-2. Pho- Le P'tit Usania, n° 188 (Avril 2014) : 5. Pho- tos. tos. http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- ticle1434 ticle1431 Compte rendu de visite du gouffre de la Be- Compte rendu de désobstruction d'une trappe sace (Savonnières-en-Perthois). (CP). d'accès au Spéléodrome de Nancy. (CP). 2014.0481 2014.0486

GUYOT, Jean-Michel (2014) : Sortie extrême NUS, François (2014) : Nouvelle fermeture à à l'Avenir la Haute-Borne Le P'tit Usania, n° 189 (Mai 2014) : 4-5. Pho- Le P'tit Usania, n° 189 (Mai 2014) : 4. Photo. tos. http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- ticle1436 ticle1437 Compte rendu de travaux sur la trappe d'accès Compte rendu de visite au gouffre de l'Avenir au puits de la Haute-Borne (Spéléodrome de (Savonnières-en-Perthois). (CP). Nancy). (CP). 2014.0482 2014.0487

GUYOT, Jean-Michel (2014) : Un tour à la PEREZ, Jean-Baptiste (2014) : Restauration Grimo Santé rapide à Savonnières, spécialité œufs au plat Le P'tit Usania, n° 190 (Juin 2014) : 3-4. Le P'tit Usania, n° 189 (Mai 2014) : 4-5. Pho- http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- tos. ticle1443 http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- Compte rendu de visite du gouffre de la Grimo ticle1438 Santé (Martincourt) et nettoyage des abords. Compte rendu de visite dans la carrière souter- (CP). raine de Savonnières-en-Perthois. (CP). 2014.0483 2014.0488

GUYOT, Jean-Michel (2014) : Une première RÉVOL, Pierre (2014) : Diaclase de la Sainte aux 7 Salles Famille Le P'tit Usania, n° 192 (Août 2014) : 5. Pho- Le P'tit Usania, n° 186 (Février 2014) : 1-2. tos. Photos. http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- ticle1453 ticle1421 Compte rendu de visite à la grotte des Sept- Compte rendu d'exploration et description Salles (Pierre-la-Treiche). (CP). d'une nouvelle diaclase à Vandœuvre-lès-Nan- 2014.0484 cy. (CP). 2014.0489 62 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) USBL SPÉLÉO (2014) : Contribution à l'in- tos, 2 topographies en plan et coupe). ventaire des phénomènes karstiques de la Forêt Description d'une cavité anciennement connue de Woëvre septentrionale (à Chancia) et de deux nouvelles (à Montcusel Spéléo L, N° 23 (Mars 2014) : 29-44. Plans, et Les Bouchoux) au Sud du Jura (39) (BC). photos. 2014.0493 Contexte géomorphologique et historique des explorations de la Woëvre septentrionale puis COMITÉ DÉPARTEMENTAL DE SPÉLÉO- inventaire des cavités et description de quatre LOGIE DU DOUBS (2014) : nouvelles cavités (grotte du Siphon, gouffre Mes premiers petits pas sous terre dans le de la Culée des Égyptiens, gouffres n° 1 et 2 Doubs : 35 p. topographies. des Six Cents Arpents à Juvigny-sur-Loison). Topo-guide destiné à l'initiation des enfants (CP). et des familles, 20 cavités horizontales sans 2014.0490 danger présentées avec plan d'accès et de nom- breuses photos couleur. (MM). France 2014.0494

Franche-Comté / Alsace DE GENERET, Louis Henry (2013) : Doubs (Doubs; Jura; Bas-Rhin; Haut-Rhin; Haute- Sous Terre (Groupe Spéléologique de Charle- Saône; Belfort) roi), Juillet-Août : 3-7. Photos. http://www.gsc-asbl.be/joomla/mensuels.html Compte rendu d'un camp 2013 dans le Doubs BIRCHEN, Pierre (2014) : Camp de Toussaint avec la visite de la grotte du Crotot du gouffre à Villers-sur-Saulnot de Montaigu et de Pourpevelle. (NG). L'Echo lorrain des cavernes (revue de l'union 2014.0495 lorraine de spéléologie), n° 44 : 2 p. Plans. Compte rendu d'un camp organisé par l'Union FAUDOT, Cédric (2013) : Mémoire de cavité. lorraine de Spéléologie en Franche-Comté Baume des Antreys, massif du Jura - Migno- avec la visite du réseau Pourpelui et le gouffre villard (39) de Bournois ou Gouffre de la Malatière. (NG). Mémoire original présenté à l'examen final du 2014.0491 Brevet d'Etat d'Educateur sportif, 1er degré, option spéléologie. Session 2013 CREPS de CHAMPIN, Jennifer; PRÉVÔT, Daniel (Ed.) Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, Ardèche : 43 p. 29 fig. et (2014) : 38 photos. Étude et inventaire du patrimoine des carrières Présentation géographique, géologique, géo- souterraines de Savonnières-en-Perthois dans morphologique, hydrogéologique du massif le département de la Meuse (55) : 2 vol. (72, du Jura, et du plateau de Nozeroy, chaîne de 82 p.). Mémoire de Master 1e année : Géogra- la Haute Joux. Historique de la cavité, topo- phie. Paysage, Patrimoine et environnement : graphie, description, remplissages, spéléoge- Nancy II : 2014. - Bibliogr. Glossaire. nèse; données biospéologiques, archéologie, Volume 1 : texte, volume 2 : illustrations. paléontologie; description par E. Fournier en Karst, Thitonien, Biocénose, Usine militaire, 1923. Topographie SC Dijon (1992), revue par Champignonnières, Carrières calcaires, Pa- l'auteur en 2013 (Dév.: 145 m; dén.: - 24 m). trimoine, Risques, Prévention, Sauvegarde En annexe, lexique; 13 réf. bibliogr. (MM). (Author, MM). 2014.0496 2014.0492 GOY, Arnaud; VILLEGAS, Jean-Pierre; MO- CHAVANEL, Frédéric (2014) : Nos dernières RICE, Olivier (2014) : La perte de la Barre à découvertes à Chancia (39) et aux Bouchoux mine (Bartherans, Doubs) (39) Spelunca, n° 134, juin 2014 : 23-27. 6 photos, Spéléo 01, N° 26 (Juin 2014) : 194-196. 4 pho- 4 figures.

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 63 Découverte en 2012 par le Groupe Spéléolo- Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für gique du Doubs (GSD), cette perte développe Höhlenkunde in Oberösterreich, Jg. 60, 404m pour 61m de dénivelé. Elle a fait l'objet laufende Nr.120 : 56-58. d'un travail complet concernant la géologie Besuch des “Franche-Comté Regional locale et la réalisation d'un traçage montrant Congress of Speleology 2014” in Doubs, la restitution du colorant à la Fontaine aux Vortrag über “Spelix” (österr. Online-Höhlen- Dames ainsi qu'à la source du Confluent sur la datenbank), Höhlentour Gouffre de Pourpe- Loue. La distance de 8km entre les deux points velle. (PF). a été rapidement parcourue, laissant augurer un 2014.0502 beau réseau à découvrir. (CB). 2014.0497 / Grèce

MEHNER, Tewje (2014) : Eine Zwergenaus- fahrt ins französische Jura. General / Généralités Grabenstetter höhlenkundliche Hefte (Gra- benstetten), No. 23 (Jahr 2012) : 83-89. In Germ.; 6 photos. MIDDLETON, Greg (2013) : ISCA tours (THR). Greece and – November 2012 2014.0498 Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, Vol. 57, No. 12 : 341-348. 2 maps, 13 photos, UHLMANN, Eckart; GROSS, Jörn (2014) 6 refs. : Ausbildungsfahrten in den franzö- International Show Caves Association began sisch-schweizerischen Jura this conference at Perama Cave, Ioannina, Mitteilungen der Höhlenforschergruppe Karls- Greece, moving on to the towers and monas- ruhe, Heft 24: 50 Jahre Höhlenforschergruppe teries of and , then to Karlsruhe : 12-13. 4 Abb. Vergina archaeological site and Alistrati and Kurze Übersicht über die Ausbildungsfahrten Aggitis caves. In Turkey the conference resu- der Höhlenforschergruppe Karlsruhe in den med at Antalya, visiting Dim Cave, Cüceler französischen und schweizer Jura (GST). (Dwarfs) Cave, Sapadere Canyon, Damlataṣ 2014.0499 Cave, Alanya , Side, Aspendos Gre- co-Roman theatre and Zeytintaṣi Cave. (GJM). VÉJUX-MARTIN, Sabine (2014) : Sortie spé- 2014.0503 léo du 22-23 février à Montrond-le-Château Le P'tit Usania, n° 188 (Avril 2014) : 3-4. SCHEUERLE, Sibylle (2013) : Griechenland http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- - oder die Suche nach Höhlen. ticle1429 Grabenstetter höhlenkundliche Hefte (Gra- Compte rendu de sortie spéléologique au benstetten), No. 23 (Jahr 2012) : 95-99. In gouffre de Vauvougier (Malbrans). (CP). Germ.; 5 photos. 2014.0500 (THR). 2014.0504 WINKLER, Robert (2013) : Eine Woche bei St. Hippolyte - die Ausfahrt in den franzö- Greece / Grèce sischen Jura 2013. Grabenstetter höhlenkundliche Hefte (Gra- Sterea Ellas; Peloponnisos; Thessalia; Ipiros benstetten), No. 23 (Jahr 2012) : 77-94. In Germ.; 26 photos. (THR). WIRTH, Josef (2014) : Eine relativ neue 2014.0501 Schauhöhle in Griechenland: die Theope- tra-Höhle mit einer außerordentlichen archälo- ZEITLHOFER, Harald (2014) : Frankreich logischen Bedeutung 2014 64 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des Ireland; Eire / Irlande Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 1/2 : 14-17. COMMINS, Bernie (2014) : Some Place on (PF). Earth 2014.0505 Descent, No 236 (Feb/Mar 2014) : 34-36. SUICRO 2013 Symposium in Co. Clare, Ire- Greece / Grèce land (GM). 2014.0509 Makedhonia; Thraki MCANULTY, Sean (2014) : Students in the Village of Widows ZHALOV, Alexey (2014) : Novità dal Sacro Descent, No 239 (Aug/Sept 2014) : 9. Monte Agios Athos Report on the 2014 Irish Student Caving Fo- Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica rum in Kiltyclogher, Co. Leitrim (GM). Italiana, n. 71 (dicembre 2014) : 10. 2014.0510 Spedizione bulgara che ha catastato e docu- mentato numerose cavità naturali e artificiliali PODESTA, Jacob (2014) : Cave Notes: nella penisola calcidica. (MS). County Mayo, Ireland 2014.0506 UBSS Proceedings, Vol. 26, no 2 : 185-200. http://www.ubss.org.uk/search_litera- / Hongrie ture_browse.php?ArticleId=2808&Ar- ticleName=Secretaries+Report%2C+- MCKINNON, Janine (2013) : Caving in March+2013+-+March+2014 Europe 2013 – Part 4: IUS 16th International Following the 2012 visit, when wet condi- Congress of Speleology, post-conference ca- tions rendered many of the caves inaccessible ving trip – Aggtelek Karst, Hungary 29 Jul.-1 or dangerous (Hadfield, 2013), a UBSS team Aug. 2013 visited Co. Mayo again, focusing mainly on Speleo Spiel, No. 398 (Sep-Oct. 2013) : 6-8. 2 the area in and around Cong. The caves visited photos. are described, and new surveys are presented. Trip visited Vass Imre Cave, (Author, NTU). (show cave and beyond), Szabo-pallagi Shaft 2014.0511 Cave, Almasi Shaft Cave and Radoczi Cave in Hungary. (GJM). Italia / 2014.0507 Abruzzo e Molise Iceland / Islande (Aquila; Chieti; Pescara; Teramo; Campobas- so) JAGOU, Stéphanie (2014) : Profondeurs islandaises. Spéléologie en ascenseur. Spéléo Magazine, n° 88 (Décembre 2014) : AGOSTINI, Silvano (2014) : Aspetti geologi- 30-31. 4 photos, 1 coupe. ci della Grotta di Santo Spirito in Maiella Présentation et récit d'une descente dans Thri- Notiziario dello Speleo Club Chieti, vol. 6 hnukagigur, une chambre magmatique de -190 (2014) : 75-85. Foto. ill. m ouverte au tourisme où l'on descend dans Sedimenti, tettonica, struttura. (MS). une plateforme nacelle. Interview de Arni B. 2014.0512 Stefansson. Site internet. (Fx). 2014.0508 BERTINELLI, Angela (2014) : Studio stra- tigrafico-sedimentologico analisi dei campioni della Grotta del III Portone o Abisso De Gas- peri - Majella

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 65 Notiziario dello Speleo Club Chieti, vol. 6 (2014) : 43-53. Foto, ill., rilievo. Italia / Italy Studio dei litofacies presenti nella grotta. (MS). Calabria 2014.0513 (Catanzaro; Cosenza; Reggio di Calabria)

BURRI, Ezio (2014) : Eravamo quattro amici al bar… SELLERI, Gianluca; MARTIMUCCI, Vincen- Notiziario dello Speleo Club Chieti, vol. 6 zo (2014) : Abisso del Bifurto, nel sud profon- (2014) : 111-112. do dell'Italia sotterranea Rievocazione delle prime attività dello Speleo Montagne 360. Rivista del Club Alpino Italia- Club Chieti nei ricordi di uno dei protagonisti no, Luglio 2014 : 50-54. Foto. fondatori. (MS). Cronaca del superamento del sifone terminale 2014.0514 della grotta a - 683 m, la cavità prosegue in ambienti aerei da esplorare. (MS). CASTAGNOLI PIETRUNTI, Carmen Silva (a 2014.0519 cura di); MANCINI, Massimo (2014) : Atlante tematico delle acque del Molise. ISBN Italia / Italy 978-88-98248-26-1 : 204 p. Foto, mappe. Con capitolo dedicato alle acque carsiche. Campania (MS). (Avellino; Benevento; Caserta; Napoli; Saler- 2014.0515 no)

DI PRIMIO, Fabrizio (2014) : Dall'archivio dello Speleo Club Chieti curato da Adriano ALOIA, Aniello (2014) : Antonucci 3 grotte, 3 fiumi. Castelvicita, Pertosa-Aulet- Notiziario dello Speleo Club Chieti, vol. 6 ta, Morigerati - Calore, Tanagro, Bussento. (2014) : 113-126. Illustrazioni, foto. ISBN 978-88-907281-1-2 : 50 p. Foto, english, Storia dello Speleo Club Chieti fondato nel deutsch. 1963, con carrellata di immagini storiche. Opuscolo turistico che descrive le tre grotte (MS). sorgente. (MS). 2014.0516 2014.0520

GHERLIZZA, Franco (2013) : Campo DE NITTO, Laura; BUONGIORNO, Vito di ricerca speleologica “Voltinium 2012” (2014) : Immersione alla Grotta del Falco - (Abruzzo) Monti Alburni (SA) Tuttocat, Numero Unico, dicembre 2012 : 20- Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica 21. 4 foto, 2 ril. Italiana, n. 70 (giugno 2014) : 10. Foto. Si è svolto dal 23 al 28 luglio 2012. (PG). Superato il sifone terminale. La grotta 2014.0517 prosegue con una grande galleria esplorata per oltre 500 metri di sviluppo. (MS). VANNELLA, Stefano; DI GIOVANNI, Loren- 2014.0521 zo; GIURA, Alessandro; CASSSANO, Gian- luca (2014) : Roccamorice Grotta di Fosso MUSCIO, Giuseppe; ROMANIN, Rosa; SEL- Capanna LO, Umberto (2014) : Nuove indagini idrolo- Notiziario dello Speleo Club Chieti, vol. 6 giche nel bacino del Bussento (2014) : 57-71. Foto, rilievo. Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologi- Scoperta e storia delle esplorazioni della ca- ca Italiana, n. 70 (giugno 2014) : 48-49. Foto, vità, lunga circa 200 metri. (MS). rilievo. 2014.0518 Tracciamento delle acque della grotta di Rio-

66 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) torto (Sanza), che risultano emergere nei pressi ERCOLANI, Massimo; EVILIO, Roberto; del Ponte dei Farnitani. (MS). LUCCI, Piero (2014) : Gli speleologi per il 2014.0522 Parco Regionale della Vena del Gesso Roma- gnola Italia / Italy Speleologia Emiliana. Rivista della Fede- razione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia Emilia-Romagna Romagna, Serie V, n. 5 (2014) : 154-160. Foto. (Bologna; Ferrara; Forlì; Modena; Parma; (MS). Piacenza; Ravenna; Reggio-Emilia) 2014.0527

ERCOLANI, Massimo; LUCCI, Piero (2014) AA (2014) : La campagna FSRER per il pro- : I Progetti della Federazione Speleologica getto “Gessi e Solfi” della Romagna Orientale Regionale dell'Emilia-Romagna Sottoterra. Rivista del GSB-USB, n. 138 (gen- Speleologia Emiliana. Rivista della Fede- naio-giugno 2014) : 14-19. Foto. razione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia Esplorazioni, documentazione e rilievi di varie Romagna, Serie V, n. 5 (2014) : 162-181. cavità e miniere aprentesi nelle rocce evapori- (MS). tiche situate al confine marchigiano. Zona di 2014.0528 Rio Strazzano, miniere di Perticara e Sapigno. Gessi di Monte Jottone. (MS). ERCOLANI, Massimo; LUCCI, Piero (2014) 2014.0523 : Struttura e composizione della FSRER nel tempo: i Gruppi BADINI, Giulio (2014) : 1959, a casa Berto- Speleologia Emiliana. Rivista della Fede- lani - Le premesse per la nascita della Federa- razione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia zione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia-Ro- Romagna, Serie V, n. 5 (2014) : 71-72. magna (MS). Speleologia Emiliana. Rivista della Fede- 2014.0529 razione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia Romagna, Serie V, n. 5 (2014) : 52-55. Foto. ERCOLANI, Massimo (a cura di); LUCCI, I presupposti e le motivazioni che portarono Piero (a cura di) (2014) : alla fondazione. (MS). Grotte e speleologi in Emilia-Romagna. ISBN 2014.0524 978-88975-5038-9 : 84 p. Foto, rilievi. Organizzazione delle associazioni e caratteris- CORTELLI, Roberto (2014) : Nuove indagini tiche del fenomeno carsico epigeo ed ipogeo al Pozzo dei Modenesi-Grotta del Partigiano della regione. (MS). (BO) 2014.0530 Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica Italiana, n. 71 (dicembre 2014) : 8. Foto. FORMELLA, William; CENDRON, Federico Il forzamento di uno stretto meandro ha per- (2014) : Il Catasto regionale e la sua gestione messo il collegamento fra le due grotte. (MS). domani 2014.0525 Speleologia Emiliana. Rivista della Fede- razione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia DEMARIA, Danilo; GRAZIOLI, Francesco Romagna, Serie V, n. 5 (2014) : 103-108. (2014) : Le grotte nelle ofioliti dell'Appennino Informatizzazione e software gestionale del bolognese catasto grotte dell'Emilia Romagna. (MS). Sottoterra. Rivista del GSB-USB, n. 138 (gen- 2014.0531 naio-giugno 2014) : 32-47. Foto, rilievi. Modeste cavità situate nella valle del Sillaro. FORMELLA, William (2014) : La formazione Formazione, descrizione e fauna. (MS). del Catasto regionale 2014.0526 Speleologia Emiliana. Rivista della Fede-

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 67 razione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia 2014.0537 Romagna, Serie V, n. 5 (2014) : 80-92. Delle grotte dell'Emilia Romagna, storia ed GRIMANDI, Paolo (2014) : Dal '50 al '74: evoluzione. (MS). dalla rinascita dei Gruppi speleologici alla 2014.0532 Commissione Catastale e alla FSRER Speleologia Emiliana. Rivista della Fede- FORMELLA, William (2014) : Le pubblica- razione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia zioni del Catasto, dal "Libro verde" ai "volumi Romagna, Serie V, n. 5 (2014) : 31-51. Foto. blu" (MS). Speleologia Emiliana. Rivista della Fede- 2014.0538 razione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia Romagna, Serie V, n. 5 (2014) : 97-102. GRIMANDI, Paolo (2014) : Gli speleologi e Seconda generazione delle monografie pro- i Gruppi speleologici nell'Emilia-Romagna dai dotte dalla FSRER dedicate alle grotte della primi del '900 alla fine degli anni Trenta regione e schede catastali. (MS). Speleologia Emiliana. Rivista della Fede- 2014.0533 razione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia Romagna, Serie V, n. 5 (2014) : 10-30. FORTI, Paolo (2014) : La Federazione Spe- Nascita e sviluppo della speleologia in regione. leologica Regionale e l'Università (MS). Speleologia Emiliana. Rivista della Fede- 2014.0539 razione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia Romagna, Serie V, n. 5 (2014) : 218-221. GRIMANDI, Paolo (2014) : Gli speleologi Collaborazioni fra istituzioni in Emilia Roma- per il Parco Regionale dei Gessi Bolognesi gna. (MS). Speleologia Emiliana. Rivista della Fede- 2014.0534 razione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia Romagna, Serie V, n. 5 (2014) : 145-153. GAUDIELLO, Flavio (2014) : Lo Statuto del- (MS). la FSRER nel 1974 - Connotati ed evoluzione 2014.0540 Speleologia Emiliana. Rivista della Fede- razione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia GRIMANDI, Paolo (2014) : I precursori e i Romagna, Serie V, n. 5 (2014) : 56-61. pionieri della speleologia in Emilia Romagna (MS). Speleologia Emiliana. Rivista della Fede- 2014.0535 razione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia Romagna, Serie V, n. 5 (2014) : 6-9. Foto. GOLDONI, Massimo (2014) : E Casola Fra i nomi più illustri: Ulisse Aldrovandi, Lui- Valsenio divenne Speleopolis gi Ferdinando Marsili, Lazzaro Spallanzani, Speleologia Emiliana. Rivista della Fede- Serafino Calindri, Giovanni Capellini. (MS). razione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia 2014.0541 Romagna, Serie V, n. 5 (2014) : 211-213. (MS). GRIMANDI, Paolo (2014) : Le prime pubbli- 2014.0536 cazioni della Commissione Catastale Speleologia Emiliana. Rivista della Fede- GRIMANDI, Paolo (2014) : Convegni, razione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia Congressi e Symposia Romagna, Serie V, n. 5 (2014) : 93-96. Speleologia Emiliana. Rivista della Fede- Monografie prodotte dalla FSRER dedicate al razione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia catasto grotte della regione. (MS). Romagna, Serie V, n. 5 (2014) : 62-66. 2014.0542 I vari incontri di speleologia organizzati nella regione Emillia - Romagna. Il primo fu nel GRIMANDI, Paolo (2014) : Speleologia Emi- 1956. (MS). liana, la Rivista della FSRER

68 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Speleologia Emiliana. Rivista della Fede- 1 dis. razione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia Amare riflessioni di un grottista giunto alla Romagna, Serie V, n. 5 (2014) : 193-197. fine della carriera. (PG). (MS). 2014.0548 2014.0543 BOSCO, Fabrizio (2013) : La Grotta di San MARTINI, Alberto (2014) : La collaborazione Giovanni d'Antro. Una storia d'acqua di roccia tra la FSRER e il Servizio Geologico, Sismico e di uomini e dei Suoli della Regione Emilia Romagna Gruppo Speleologico Valli del Natisone, San Speleologia Emiliana. Rivista della Fede- Pietro al Natisone : 192 p. Varie ill. razione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia Storia della grotta, sue esplorazioni e rilievi, Romagna, Serie V, n. 5 (2014) : 230-231. elenco delle altre grotte che si aprono nei pres- (MS). si, cenni di botanica. (PG). 2014.0544 2014.0549

MICHELINI, Stefano (2014) : La FSRER e il BRUN, Clarissa (2013) : Abisso Skerk … va Servizio Statistica e Informazione geografica gustato fresco e a piccole dosi della Regione Emilia-Romagna Tuttocat, Numero Unico, dicembre 2012 : 11- Speleologia Emiliana. Rivista della Federa- 12. 3 foto. zione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia Ro- Esplorata una cavità che si apre in una cantina. magna, Serie V, n. 5 (2014) : 232-235. Tabelle. (PG). (MS). 2014.0550 2014.0545 BRUN, Clarissa (2013) : Monte Canin, campo OLIVUCCI, Stefano (2014) : 20 anni di in- speleo 2012 contri di Speleologia a Casola Valsenio Tuttocat, Numero Unico, dicembre 2012 : 14- Speleologia Emiliana. Rivista della Fede- 15. 4 foto. razione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia Relazione su quanto fatto nella spedizione Romagna, Serie V, n. 5 (2014) : 214-216. estiva del CAT. (PG). (MS). 2014.0551 2014.0546 COBOL, Duilio (2014) : Canin. Grotta sopra Italia / Italy Le Moelis Tuttocat, Numero unico 2013 (2014) : 27-28. Friuli-Venezia Giulia 6 foto. (Gorizia; Pordenone; Trieste; Udine) Cronaca di una spedizione speleosub non por- tata a termine. (PG). 2014.0552 BONE, Bosco Natale (2014) : Campagna di scavi alla 87 VG alias Grotta presso il casello GHERLIZZA, Franco (2013) : Attività del ferroviario di Fernetti Club Alpinistico Triestino nel 2012 Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : Tuttocat, Numero Unico, dicembre 2012 : 2-6. 18-19. Varie foto. Un anno di lavoro ha permesso di procedere di Buona parte della relazione è dedicata al Grup- qualche metro verso il Timavo ipogeo. (PG). po Grotte. (PG). 2014.0547 2014.0553

BONE, Bosco Natale (2014) : Un addio al GHERLIZZA, Franco (2013) : Il contributo Carso e alle sue grotte? del CAT alla targhettatura delle grotte del Friu- Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 5-7. li Venezia Giulia (2011-2012)

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 69 Tuttocat, Numero Unico, dicembre 2012 : 10. rilievo. 2 foto. Storia delle esplorazioni e descrizione della Marcate 30 grotte sul Carso e 19 sul Canin. grotta, profonda 720 metri con un pozzo inter- (PG). no di 495 metri. (MS). 2014.0554 2014.0560

GHERLIZZA, Franco (2013) : Pre-campo GUIDI, Pino (2014) : Svelato l'arcano del speleo 2012 in Canin Fontanon di Timau Tuttocat, Numero Unico, dicembre 2012 : 13. Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 3 foto. 104-105. Gli uomini del CAT hanno preparato il campo Recensito il libro “Il Fontanon di Timau, il estivo. (PG). misterioso viaggio dell'acqua” di A. Mocchiut- 2014.0555 ti e G. Muscio. (PG). 2014.0561 GHERLIZZA, Franco (2014) : Attività del Club Alpinistico Triestino nel 2013 GUIDI, Pino (2014) : Un libro per le Grotte Tuttocat, Numero unico 2013 (2014) : 2-6. della Vecchia Diga Varie foto. Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : La parte relativa al Gruppo Grotte occupa 107. parecchie pagine. (PG). Recensione del libro edito dall'U.S.P. “Le 2014.0556 acque del Cellina e la Grotta della Vecchia Diga”. (PG). GRASSI, Roberto (2007) : Relazione del 2014.0562 Gruppo Speleologico Flondar Atti del 26° Triangolo dell'Amicizia, Villaggio MARINI DE CANEDOLO, Dario (2007) : del Pescatore 9-10-11 giugno 2006 : 9-11. 5 Editoriale foto. Atti del 26° Triangolo dell'Amicizia, Villaggio Nota sull'organizzazione dell'incontro. (PG). del Pescatore 9-10-11 giugno 2006 : 7-8. 4 2014.0557 foto. Presentazione del volumetto contenente gli atti GRILLO, Barbara (2014) : Novità esplorate in presentati durante l'incontro. (PG). Cansiglio 2014.0563 Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 20- 21. 1 foto. ONOFRIO, Federico (2007) : Relazione del Esplorazioni al Bus de la Lum, alla Genziana e Gruppo Seppenhofer all'Abisso a SE di Casera Palantina. (PG). Atti del 26° Triangolo dell'Amicizia, Villaggio 2014.0558 del Pescatore 9-10-11 giugno 2006 : 12-13. 2 foto. GRÜNEIS, Verena (2014) : Ostern 2014. Nota sulla partecipazione del Gruppo all'in- Camping Sistiana bei Triest mit den contro. (PG). Chiemgauer Höhlenbären 2014.0564 Der Schlaz, Nr. 121, September 2014 : 27. 1 Abb. POLLI, Elio (2014) : Il territorio situato a Höhlenbefahrungen bei Triest (GST). Sud-Est di Bristie 2014.0559 Alpinismo triestino, a. 25, n. 142 : 8-9. 8 foto, 1 mappa. GUARNIERO, Stefano; POTLECA, Michele Descrizione della zona con particolare atten- (2014) : Abisso Firn, scoperta ed esplorazioni zione alle doline e grotte presenti. (PG). Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologi- 2014.0565 ca Italiana, n. 70 (giugno 2014) : 12-17. Foto,

70 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) POLLI, Elio (2014) : L'Antro fra Gabrovizza 1 foto. e Sgonico Iniziato, nella risorgiva, uno scavo per bypas- Alpinismo triestino, a. 25, n. 143 : 12-13. 9 sare il sifone. (PG). foto, 1 mappa. 2014.0572 Descrizione dell'antro, 1273 VG, e delle parti- colarità circostanti. (PG). TORELLI, Louis (2014) : Commissione 2014.0566 Grotte “Eugenio Boegan” Alpi Giulie, anno 108, n. 1/2014 : 8-14. POLLI, Elio (2014) : Storia e natura del Carso Ampia disamina delle attività della Commis- triestino sione: Canin e Kronio, Albania, Slovenia, Alpinismo triestino, a. 25, n. 141 : 12-13. 5 Croazia, Cile. E quindi speleobotanica, Grotta foto, 1 mappa. Gigante, pubblicazioni, congressi. (PG). Informazioni varie - piante, grotte censite, 2014.0573 campi solcati - su una piccola zona a NE di Borgo Grotta Gigante. (PG). VIEZZOLI, Fabrizio (2014) : Gruppo Grotte 2014.0567 Alpinismo triestino, a. 25, n. 142 : 11-12. 3 foto. PUGLIESE, Anna (2014) : Grotta del Poligo- Ampia disamina dell'attività del Gruppo nel no militare 2013. (PG). Tuttocat, Numero unico 2013 (2014) : 26. 4 2014.0574 foto. Esplorazione e botolatura di una grotta apertasi Italia / Italy in un prato dopo il passaggio di un trattore. (PG). Lazio 2014.0568 (Frosinone; Latina; Rieti; Roma; Viterbo)

ROMANO, Rocco (2014) : Buona la Terza! Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 23- BATTISTI, Vincenzo (2014) : 40 anni di 24. 1 foto, 1 pianta. attività. Quattro decadi di attività speleologi- Tre diverse puntate all'Abisso Rolo, sul Ca- ca, escursionistica e archeologica di Vincenzo nin, alla ricerca di un nuovo ingresso alto Battisti dell'Abisso Gortani. (PG). Speleologia del Lazio. Rivista della Federa- 2014.0569 zione Speleologica del Lazio, n. 7 (novembre 2014) : 46-51. SEDRAN, Sandro (2013) : La nostra prima Ricordi autobiografici di esplorazioni condotte grotta in Canin prevalentemente sui Monti Lepini. (MS). Tuttocat, Numero Unico, dicembre 2012 : 16- 2014.0575 17. 7 foto. Cronaca di un giro alla Dobra Picka. (PG). BRIGANTI, Quirino (2014) : Carpineto città 2014.0570 della speleologia. Il fenomeno carsico a Carpi- neto nel cuore dei Monti Lepini SLAMA, Lorenzo (2014) : Abisso Rolo news Speleologia del Lazio. Rivista della Federa- Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 89. zione Speleologica del Lazio, n. 7 (novembre 2 foto. 2014) : 42-43. Foto. Due puntate a -330 m nel nuovo abisso del Presentazione del convegno dal titolo omo- Canin. (PG). nimo, tenutosi il 6 ottobre 2012 a Carpineto 2014.0571 Romano. (MS). 2014.0576 SLAMA, Lorenzo (2014) : Tamaroz news Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 90. BULLI, Cristian; MANCINI, Barbara (2014)

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 71 : Ouso della Rava Bianca: un'altra via per il 1980) fondo? Speleologia del Lazio. Rivista della Federa- Speleologia del Lazio. Rivista della Federa- zione Speleologica del Lazio, n. 7 (novembre zione Speleologica del Lazio, n. 7 (novembre 2014) : 52-59. Foto. 2014) : 72-78. Foto, rilievi. Storia delle esplorazioni speleologiche sui Storia delle esplorazioni dell'abisso, situato sui Monti Lepini. (MS). Monti Lepini. (MS). 2014.0581 2014.0577 MECCHIA, Gianni (2014) : Dalle polemiche DALMIGLIO, Paolo (2014) : Geografia sot- alla FSL terranea dei Monti Lepini. Attraverso il catasto Speleologia del Lazio. Rivista della Federa- delle grotte del Lazio zione Speleologica del Lazio, n. 7 (novembre Speleologia del Lazio. Rivista della Federa- 2014) : 4-11. Foto. zione Speleologica del Lazio, n. 7 (novembre Storia della nascita e dello sviluppo della Fe- 2014) : 24-41. Foto, mappe, tabelle. derazione Speleologica del Lazio. (MS). Storia delle esplorazioni speleologiche sul 2014.0582 massiccio. Analisi e statistiche sul numero e sulla distribuzione delle grotte. (MS). ZAMBARDINO, Aldo (2014) : Progetto Eco. 2014.0578 L'Occhio della Farfalla Speleologia del Lazio. Rivista della Federa- FORTI, Luca; GALLI, Simone; LOBBA, zione Speleologica del Lazio, n. 7 (novembre Maria Grazia (2014) : I Monti Aurunci. Una 2014) : 60-63. Foto. nuova stagione esplorativa Storia della scoperta e delle esplorazioni della Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologi- grotta, situata nel comune di Carpineto Roma- ca Italiana, n. 70 (giugno 2014) : 18-26. Foto, no. (MS). rilievi. 2014.0583 Descrizione del fenomeno carsico dell'area e delle nuove cavità esplorate: Grotta della Fa- Italia / Italy lange Armata, Pozzo dal Nulla, Grotta Pandora e Pozzo Innominato. (MS). Liguria 2014.0579 (Genova; Imperia; Savona; La Spezia)

LOBBA, Maria Grazia (2014) : L'importanza della speleologia per la conoscenza del territo- CALANDRI, Gilberto; REVETRIA, Giovan- rio ni; GOBIS, Diana (2014) : Speleologia del Lazio. Rivista della Federa- Nuove grotte delle valli di Albenga (SV) Elen- zione Speleologica del Lazio, n. 7 (novembre co del catasto Speleologico Ligure dal n.1651 2014) : 12-17. Foto. al n. 1710 Li/SV. : 34 p. 67 foto, 50 rilievi. La caratteristica multidisciplinare della speleo- Elenco catastale dal numero 1651 al 1710 Li/ logia concorre alla conoscenza del territorio SV delle grotte esplorate negli ultimi anni nel- e quindi alla sua protezione, come nel caso la zona dell'albenganese, provincia di Savona. dell'area carsica del comune di Esperia. Le Sono riportati i dati essenziali e quasi tutti i ricerche carso-speleologiche svolte sul massic- rilievi delle grotte. (AP). cio dei monti Ausoni-Aurunci hanno consen- 2014.0584 tito l'individuazioni di specificità ambientali, speleofaunistiche e paleontologiche. (MS). CHIESA, Roberto (2014) : Operazione Carpe- 2014.0580 Neam. Complesso carsico Pollera-Buio - Fi- nale Ligure (SV) MECCHIA, Gianni (2014) : Carpineto Roma- Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica no la sezione dello Speleo Club Roma (1971- Italiana, n. 70 (giugno 2014) : 5. Foto.

72 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Progetto della Delegazione Speleologica Li- Italia / Italy gure per uno studio multidisciplinare delle due cavità. (MS). Lombardia 2014.0585 (Bergamo; Brescia; Como; Cremona; Lecco; Mantova; Milano; Pavia; Sondrio; Varese) DELFINI, Maurizio (2014) : Immersione nel 4° sifone della Grotta dei Rugli ù Cimunassu Bollettino della Sezione CAI di AIMAR, Luana; PREMAZZI, Antonio; MA- Sanremo, n.114 anno XXIV (gennaio-aprile CONI, Antonio (2014) : Due anni di ricerche 2014) : 14. 1 foto. in Grigna! Resoconto dell'immersione effettuata nel quar- Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica to sifone della Grotta dei Rugli (Pigna, IM). Italiana, n. 71 (dicembre 2014) : 6-7. Foto. (AP). Proseguono le esplorazioni sul massiccio delle 2014.0586 Grigne. Scopero Inferno di Ghiaccio, dicias- settesimo ingresso del Complesso del Releccio PASTORELLI, Alessandro (2014) : La Grotta (o del Grignone). Humphrey Bogaz altra cavità del Rio dei Grugni che scende a - 110 m. (MS). ù Cimunassu Bollettino della Sezione CAI di 2014.0590 Sanremo, n.114 anno XXIV (gennaio-aprile 2014) : 11-13. 1 ril., 2 foto. ASSOCIAZIONE AMICI GROTTA REME- La Grotta del Rio dei Grugni, situata nell'omo- RON (2014) : nimo rio nel comune di Pigna (IM), itinerario, Luci nel buio. 100 anni di esplorazioni e turis- descrizione, note faunistiche e bibliografia. mo. 1914-2014 Grotta Remeron : 71 p. Foto. (AP). Libro dedicato alla storia delle esplorazioni 2014.0587 della grotta e alle sue caratteristiche. (MS). 2014.0591 PASTORELLI, Alessandro (2014) : Monte Nero tra leggenda e realtà CANNAROZZO, Cristina (2014) : In Valcere- ù Cimunassu Bollettino della Sezione CAI di sio tra antri, grotte e doline Sanremo, n.115 anno XXIV (maggio-agosto Varesefocus. Periodico dell'Unione Industriali 2014) : 24-27. 3 foto, 1 dis., 1 ril. provincia di Varese, n. 5 (settembre 2014) : Monte Nero, situato nell'estremo ponente 35-37. Foto. ligure (IM), descrizione del Buco 1 dei Ciotti Particolarità carsiche e speleologiche della Fumosi, e considerazioni sulla circolazione valle. L'orrido di Cunardo. L'importanza delle d'aria nelle fratture dell'area. Cenni sulla fauna risorse idropotabili di origine carsica. (MS). ipogea. (AP). 2014.0592 2014.0588 DE BLASI, Mario (2014) : Gruppo speleolo- PASTORELLI, Alessandro (2014) : Nuove gico [attività 2014] esplorazioni alla Tana dei Rugli Annuario della Sezione CAI di Varese, 2014 : Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica 57-59. Foto. Italiana, n. 71 (dicembre 2014) : 8. Foto. Attività dell'anno attorno al Campo dei Fiori e Svuotato il quarto sifone della grotta, situata aree limitrofe. (MS). sul Monte Toraggio. 250 metri di nuove galle- 2014.0593 rie fino ad un ennesimo sifone. (MS). 2014.0589 MASSERINI, Stefano (2014) : 5 in Condotta - Val Seriana (BG) Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica Italiana, n. 70 (giugno 2014) : 6. Foto, rilievo. Esplorata nuova cavità situata sulla parete

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 73 della Corna Piana. Sviluppo oltre 1700 metri e Useria e Orsa, sono formati rocce carbona- dislivello di 180 metri. (MS). tiche. Descrizione delle caratteristiche idrogeo- 2014.0594 logiche del bacino. (MS). 2014.0599 POZZO, Massimo (2014) : Progetto Sebino: aggiornamenti 2014 Italia / Italy Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica Italiana, n. 71 (dicembre 2014) : 5. Foto. Nuovi rami esplorati nel complesso Bueno (; Ascoli Piceno; Macerata; Pesaro) Fonteno, la cavità sviluppa oltre 30 km ed è profonda - 651 metri. Nuove cavità reperite in zona tra cui Piastra Magique (- 70 m). (MS). BETTI, Michele; VENTURINI, Filippo 2014.0595 (2014) : Itinerari speleologici. Forre e grotte del Monte ROTA, Roberto; MERISIO, Giovanni (2014) Nerone [manifesto]. Foto, mappe. : Abisso Leten 22 e 23 giugno 2013 Guida escursionistica che illustra percorsi Le Alpi Orobiche. Notiziario della Sezione ipogei nelle grotte: Tassare, Tila, Fondarca, CAI di Bergamo, Luglio 2014 : 22-23. Foto. Borghetto, Cinque Laghi. Accessi e descri- Cronaca delle esplorazioni nella grotta, situata zione. (MS). sul monte omonimo. (MS). 2014.0600 2014.0596 Italia / Italy TOGNINI, Paola (2014) : Test di tracciamento al Pian del Tivano Piemonte e Val d´Aosta Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologi- (Alessandria; Asti; Cuneo; Novara; Torino; ca Italiana, n. 70 (giugno 2014) : 40-42. Foto, Vercelli; Aosta) mappa. Accertati i collegamenti tra Buco del Latte e Sorgente Tuf e tra Ingresso Fornitori e AA (2014) : Mantra Sorgente Falchi della Rupe. (MS). Grotte. Bollettino interno del Gruppo Speleo- 2014.0597 logico Piemontese, n. 161 (gennaio-giugno 2014) : 44. TOMASI, Giorgio (2014) : Cinque in Condot- Un abisso in zona Biecai di - 146 metri che ta probabilmente fa parte del Sistema dell'Ellero Annuario della Sezione CAI di Bergamo, 2014 (Marguareis settentrionale). (MS). : 118-121. Foto. 2014.0601 Raggiunto un grande ingresso alla base delle pareti della Corna Piana, Cima di Valmora in BANZATO, Cinzia; FILONZI, Sara; LOVE- Valcanale (BG), è stata esplorata una grotta RA, Ube (2014) : Il Biecai che ha con raggiunto i 3 km di sviluppo e un Grotte. Bollettino interno del Gruppo Speleo- dislivello complessivo di 202 metri. (MS). logico Piemontese, n. 161 (gennaio-giugno 2014.0598 2014) : 20-29. Foto, mappe. Punto della situazione sulle conoscenze spe- UGGERI, Alessandro (2014) : Le radici (car- leologiche della zona carsica settentrionale siche) del Fiume Olona del Marguareis che drena le acque nella valle Annuario della Sezione CAI di Varese, 2014 : dell'Ellero. Inquadramento geologico e panora- 88-95. Ill., foto. mica sulle grotte note e zone di alimentazione. I rilievi montuosi che compongono il bacino (MS). del corso idrico, costituiti da Campo dei Fiori, 2014.0602 Monte Chiusella, Monte Monarco, Minisferro,

74 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) BIONDI, Tommaso; MAROVINO, Marco logico Piemontese, n. 161 (gennaio-giugno (2013) : Gli enigmi delle regioni Nord Ovest 2014) : 30-38. Foto, rilievo. [Piaggia Bella] Storia delle esplorazioni e completa descri- Grotte. Bollettino interno del Gruppo Speleo- zione della grotta che fa parte del sistema logico Piemontese, n. 160 (luglio-dicembre dell'Ellero (Marguareis). Sviluppo attuale di 2013) : 23-29. Rilievo. 4,5 km e - 282 metri di profondità. Prospettive Cronaca delle esplorazioni, in risalita, di un sulle future esplorazioni. (MS). ramo scoperto nel complesso di Piaggia Bella 2014.0607 in zona Gallerie Popongo e di un'altro ramo denominato Diapason. (MS). DENEGRI, Paolo (2014) : Mini-Campo chiu- 2014.0603 setta: 7-8 luglio 2013 (Alpi Liguri) Bollettino del Gruppo Speleologico Imperiese BRUNO, Enzo; BARALE, Manuel; CHESTA, CAI, n° 65, anno XLIII (gennaio dicembre Michelengelo (2014) : Grotta Beppe Bessone 2013) : 18-22. 6 photo. un exploit esplorativo piemontese! Resoconto su un mini campo svolto nella Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica Gola della Chiusetta (Massiccio del Margua- Italiana, n. 71 (dicembre 2014) : 16-22. Foto, reis, Alpi Liguri, CN), svolto nell'estate 2013. rilievo. L'intento è quello di trovare la giunzione tra Storia delle esplorazioni e descrizione. Svilup- la Grotta di Piaggia Bella e quella di Labassa. po 10624 metri, dislivello 123 metri. (MS). (Author, AP). 2014.0604 2014.0608

CALANDRI, Gilberto (2014) : Congiunzione GELMINI, Massimo (2013) : Marguareis, un Piaggiabella-Labassa cenni tettonico-speleolo- ambiente magico! gici Grotte. Bollettino interno del Gruppo Speleo- Bollettino del Gruppo Speleologico Imperiese logico Piemontese, n. 160 (luglio-dicembre CAI, n° 65, anno XLIII (gennaio dicembre 2013) : 32-34. Foto. 2013) : 23-25. 4 foto, 2 dis.,1 ril. Diario di campo effettuato nell'agosto 2013 in Brevi cenni sulla circolazione sotterranea tra zona Piaggia Bella. (MS). la Grotta di Piaggiabella e quella di Labassa 2014.0609 (Massiccio del Marguareis, Alpi Liguri, CN), la tettonica molto complessa determina la GREGORETTI, Federico (2013) : Piaggiabel- grande difficoltà nel trovare la giunzione tra la è una severa maestra questi due complessi carsici. (Author, AP). Grotte. Bollettino interno del Gruppo Speleo- 2014.0605 logico Piemontese, n. 160 (luglio-dicembre 2013) : 30-31. Foto. CALCAGNO, Diego (2014) : Lo scrigno Cronaca scanzonata di una gita sociale in Piag- magico: le Masche gia Bella. (MS). Grotte. Bollettino interno del Gruppo Speleo- 2014.0610 logico Piemontese, n. 161 (gennaio-giugno 2014) : 55-59. Foto. GREGORETTI, Federico (2014) : I promessi Posizione, descrizione e panoramica esplorati- abissi [Biecai] va dell'area carsica situata nella zona Nord Est Grotte. Bollettino interno del Gruppo Speleo- del Marguareis, oggetto di periodiche esplora- logico Piemontese, n. 161 (gennaio-giugno zioni da parte del GSP. (MS). 2014) : 46-51. Rilievi, foto. 2014.0606 Panoramica sulla conoscenza delle cavità mi- nori in zona Biecai (Marguareis settentrionale), CICONNETTI, Igor (2014) : Dal Pas al Bie- facenti parte del sistema dell'Ellero. (MS). cai [Abisso Sardu (Pippi Calzelughe)] 2014.0611 Grotte. Bollettino interno del Gruppo Speleo-

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 75 GRUPPO SPELEOLOGICO PIEMONTESE L'abisso, il più alto del Complesso di Piaggia (2014) : Sessant'anni memorabili Bella (Marguareis) posside più rami con una Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica diffluenza interna, una che alimenta a nord il Italiana, n. 71 (dicembre 2014) : 62. Foto. Pis dell'Ellero, e uno che si dirige a sud verso Celebrato l'anniversario della fondazione del la risorgente de la Fus. E' ipotizzata la ripresa Gruppo Speleologico Piemontese. (MS). delle esplorazioni del Ramo dei Fiorentini, che 2014.0612 potrebbero spostare verso settentrione lo svi- luppo del Complesso di Piaggia Bella. (MS). LOVERA, Ube; MAROVINO, Marco (2013) 2014.0617 : 50 alla Chiusetta Grotte. Bollettino interno del Gruppo Speleo- LOVERA, Ube (2014) : Gonnos logico Piemontese, n. 160 (luglio-dicembre Grotte. Bollettino interno del Gruppo Speleo- 2013) : 11-17. Foto. logico Piemontese, n. 161 (gennaio-giugno Punto della situazione sulle esplorazioni nei 2014) : 39-40. Rilievo. rami più vicini alla giunzione tra il Complesso La grotta scoperta nel 1993 è profonda - 190 di Piaggia Bella e Labassa. Esiti delle prove metri e potrebbe far parte del sistema carsico con i traccianti. (MS). dell'Ellero e collegarsi all'Abisso Sardu (Mar- 2014.0613 guareis). Descrizione e caratteristiche della cavità. (MS). LOVERA, Ube (2014) : Alfa 16 2014.0618 Grotte. Bollettino interno del Gruppo Speleo- logico Piemontese, n. 161 (gennaio-giugno LOVERA, Ube (2014) : Il Pis dell'Ellero 2014) : 42. Grotte. Bollettino interno del Gruppo Speleo- Cavità di 80 metri di profondità, in zona Biecai logico Piemontese, n. 161 (gennaio-giugno (Marguareis settentrionale). (MS). 2014) : 60. Rilievo. 2014.0614 La Grotta sorgente settentrionale del Margua- reis settentrionale, la cui area di alimentazione LOVERA, Ube; PASQUINI, Thomas (2014) : non è ancora ben definita. (MS). Alfa B19 2014.0619 Grotte. Bollettino interno del Gruppo Speleo- logico Piemontese, n. 161 (gennaio-giugno LOVERA, Ube (2014) : Il Pozzo della Casca- 2014) : 43. Foto, rilievo. tella Un abisso, in zona Biecai, di - 153 metri che Grotte. Bollettino interno del Gruppo Speleo- fa parte del sistema dell'Ellero (Marguareis logico Piemontese, n. 161 (gennaio-giugno settentrionale). (MS). 2014) : 40. Rilievo. 2014.0615 Descrizione della cavità (-60 m) situata sul Balaur (Marguareis). (MS). LOVERA, Ube (2014) : Ca' di Palanchi 2014.0620 Grotte. Bollettino interno del Gruppo Speleo- logico Piemontese, n. 161 (gennaio-giugno LOVERA, Ube (2014) : Le Masche [Saline - 2014) : 61. Lo Sgarro - Prima Osteria - Ocarina] Piccola cavità che è probabilmente un paleo Grotte. Bollettino interno del Gruppo Speleo- livello del Pis dell'Ellero (Marguareis). Da logico Piemontese, n. 161 (gennaio-giugno rivedere. (MS). 2014) : 52-54. Foto, rilievi. 2014.0616 Zona carsica a Nord-Est del Marguareis che si pone, da un punto di vista idrogeologico, a LOVERA, Ube (2014) : Gaché cavallo del sistema dell'Ellero e quello della Grotte. Bollettino interno del Gruppo Speleo- Fus. Descrizione e potenzialità di alcune grotte logico Piemontese, n. 161 (gennaio-giugno scoperte: Sgarro -135 m, Prima Osteria -72 m 2014) : 41-42. e Ocarina, cavità in parete. (MS). 2014.0621 76 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) LOVERA, Ube (2014) : Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica Grotte. Bollettino interno del Gruppo Speleo- Italiana, n. 70 (giugno 2014) : 44-47. Foto. logico Piemontese, n. 161 (gennaio-giugno Colorate le acque delle grotte Lovettecannas 2014) : 45-46. Rilievo. e Murgulavò, posizionati captori nelle grotte Cavità, prevalentemente tettonica, di - 100 me- e nelle grotte sorgente di: Su Palu, Bue Mari- tri in zona Biecai (Marguareis settentrionale). no, Beltorrente e nella sorgente di Cala Luna. (MS). Dopo 35 giorni è stato accertato il collegamen- 2014.0622 to idrico fra Lovettecannas e Su Palu. (MS). 2014.0626 PACIOCCO, Fabrizio (2013) : Il sifone che non c'era [Garb dell'Omo] Italia / Italy Grotte. Bollettino interno del Gruppo Speleo- logico Piemontese, n. 160 (luglio-dicembre Sicilia 2013) : 35-36. Foto. (Agrigento; Caltanissetta; Catania; Enna; Mes- Immersione nel sifone terminale della cavità sina; Palermo; Ragusa; Siracusa; Trapani) senza particolari risultati. (MS). 2014.0623 BADINO, Giovanni (2014) : Le grotte oscure Italia / Italy di Cozzo Disi Kur magazine La Venta, n. 21 (2014) : 52-55. Puglia Foto. (Bari; Brindisi; Foggia; Lecce; Taranto) Ricerca delle cavità naturali (garbere) inter- cettate dalle miniere abbandonate di zolfo di Cozzo Disi (Casteltermini) dove si presume DE NITTO, Laura; BUONGIORNO, Vito possano trovarsi cristalli di dimensioni eccen- (2014) : Grave Rotolo a -324 m - Monopoli zionali, paragonabili a quelli di Naica. Cronaca (BA) delle prime indagini. (MS). Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica 2014.0627 Italiana, n. 70 (giugno 2014) : 10. Foto. Immersione al sifone terminale. (MS). BONGIORNO, Corrado; CASTORINA, 2014.0624 Roberta; NIGRO, Marco (2014) : Abisso del Vento: una nuova alba esplorativa? MARTIMUCCI, Vincenzo; SELLERI, Gianlu- Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica ca; AQUICCIARINI, Angelo (2014) : Fa- Italiana, n. 71 (dicembre 2014) : 8-9. Foto. raualla, un abisso sull'Alta Murgia (BA) Trecento metri di nuove diramazioni esplorate Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica nella grotta situata a Isnello (PA). (MS). Italiana, n. 70 (giugno 2014) : 9. Rilievo. 2014.0628 Scoperto un nuovo ramo al fondo della cavità a - 235 metri. (MS). FORTI, Paolo (2014) : Santa Ninfa '86: Il 2014.0625 primo Campo speleologico della FSRER Speleologia Emiliana. Rivista della Fede- Italia / Italy razione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia Romagna, Serie V, n. 5 (2014) : 67-70. Foto. Sardegna La prima spedizione dei Gruppi dell'Emilia (Cagliari; Nuoro; Oristano; Sassari) Romagna, svolta nei gessi siciliani. (MS). 2014.0629

ARRICA, Silvia; MELIS, Gianluca; LORU, GUIDI, Pino; PRELLI, Roberto; TORELLI, Roberto; RINALDI, Andrea (2014) : Colora- Louis (2014) : Le Stufe di San Calogero zioni nel Supramonte Orientale Montagne 360. Rivista del Club Alpino Italia-

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 77 no, Febbraio 2014 : 56-59. Foto. e paleoantropologia. (MS). Nuove indagini scientifiche nella grotta vapo- 2014.0634 rosa di Sciacca. Storia delle esplorazioni e note tecniche. (MS). GOLDONI, Massimo (2014) : Toscana Ipo- 2014.0630 gea, congresso e laboratorio Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica VATTANO, Marco (2014) : Il 5° Congresso Italiana, n. 71 (dicembre 2014) : 62. Foto. regionale di speleologia siciliana Consuntivo dell'ottavo convegno speleologico Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica toscano, tenutosi a Campigna Marittima nel Italiana, n. 70 (giugno 2014) : 70. Foto. settembre 2014. (MS). Rapporto sul raduno tenutosi a Santa Ninfa 2014.0635 (TP) nel novembre 2013. (MS). 2014.0631 PANICHI, Siria (2014) : La Buca delle Rave Lunghe [Monte Freddone] VATTANO, Marco; MADONIA, Giuliana Sottoterra. Rivista del GSB-USB, n. 138 (2014) : Il Sistema carsico di Monte Conca (gennaio-giugno 2014) : 20-23. Foto, rilievo Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica allegato. Italiana, n. 71 (dicembre 2014) : 23-29. Foto, Esplorazione di una stretta cavità delle Alpi rilievo. Apuane profonda -250 metri. (MS). Speleomorfologie e descrizione del complesso 2014.0636 evaporitico situato nel comune di Campofran- co (CL), sviluppo 2250 metri, dislivello - 132 Italia / Italy m. (MS). 2014.0632 Veneto (Belluno; Padova; Rovigo; Treviso; Venezia; Italia / Italy Verona; Vicenza)

Toscana (Arezzo; Firenze; Grosseto; Livorno; Lucca; MCKINNON, Janine (2010) : Caving Italian Massa; Pisa; Pistoia; Siena) Style. Part 1: Spluga Della Preta, Veneto, Nor- thern Italy 29 June 2010 Speleo Spiel, No. 380 (Sep-Oct. 2010) : 4-5. 2 BOLLINI, Fabio; PICCINI, Leonardo (2014) photos. : Il risveglio dei Dragi - Alpi Apuane (LU) Describes trip to cave and descent of (only) Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica top 3 pitches of Spluga Della Preta. (GJM). Italiana, n. 70 (giugno 2014) : 8-9. Foto, ill. 2014.0637 Scoperte alcune diramazioni sul fondo della grotta profonda 900 metri esplorata nei primi MCKINNON, Janine (2010) : Caving: Italian anni ‘80 e situata sul Monte Sumbra. (MS). Style. Part 2: Paradiso (Cave), Veneto, Nor- 2014.0633 thern Italy 4 July 2010 Speleo Spiel, No. 380 (Sep-Oct. 2010) : 5-6. 2 COMMISSIONE SPELEOLOGICA I CA- photos. VERNICOLI CAI SIENA (2014) : Le grotte A s l o w trip following trainee cavers part-way della Montagnola Senese down Paradiso Cave. Time away from car: Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologi- 5 hrs; 1.5 hrs underground; 20 min. actually ca Italiana, n. 70 (giugno 2014) : 27-29. Foto, moving underground. (GJM). rilievi. 2014.0638 Descrizione del fenomeno carsico dell'area e delle nuove cavità esplorate: Buca Chioma di MCKINNON, Janine (2013) : Caving in Eu- Berenice, Buca del Chiostraccio. Paleontologia rope 2013 – Part 1: Buso della Rana, Vicenza,

78 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Italy 15 June 2013 topographies. Speleo Spiel, No. 397 (Jul-Aug. 2013) : 7-8. Deux semaines d'expédition dans le Massif de Reports a visit to Buso della Rana, Vicenza, a Prokletije, au Monténégro, en collaboration 40 km long cave, still being explored. Explo- avec l'ASAK de Belgrade et les spéléologues sives were being used to enlarge a squeeze and polonais du WKTJ Poznan. Poursuite des underground camping was employed for long explorations dans les gouffres Babuna Sisa et exploration trips. (GJM). Frizider. Découverte et exploration de nou- 2014.0639 velles cavités. Compte rendu biospéléologie par Michel Perreau. (RC). MIKOLIC, Umberto (2014) : Continuano le 2014.0643 esplorazioni a Cortina d'Ampezzo. Volpera Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 25- GRANDCOLAS, Jean-Philippe (2014) : 27. 1 foto, 5 ril. Monténégro 2013 “Triturus alpestis à Crna Esplorate e rilevate cinque nuove grotte. (PG). Gora” 2014.0640 Rapports d'expédition CREI (Commission des relations et expéditions internationales de la SAURO, Francesco (2014) : Mille e una Notte FFS), 2013-15 : 72 p. 40 photos, 13 cartes, 1 ai Piani Eterni - Feltre (BL) topographie. Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica Expédition au Monténégro du 3 au 17 août Italiana, n. 70 (giugno 2014) : 7. Foto. 2013 d'abord dans le massif de Dumitor puis Nuove esplorazioni portano il Complesso dei dans le massif de Prokletije. Inventaire des Piani Eterni a oltre 36 km di sviluppo e 1054 gouffres les plus profonds du Monténégro et metri di profondità. (MS). inventaire des grottes. Historique de la spéléo- 2014.0641 logie dans le pays. Suivi par un compte rendu d'un périple en Albanie. Résumé en anglais. Italia / Italy (RC). 2014.0644 Trentino-Alto Adige (Bolzano; Trento) SIMS, Mark (2014) : Jungle is Massive Descent, No 238 (June/July 2014) : 30-33. York University CPC expedition to Durmitor, MIKOLIC, Umberto (2014) : Una nuova zona Montenegro, and exploration of Bunda jama, speleologica nel Gruppo Sella. Altipiano delle with surveys (GM). Mesules 2014.0645 Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 28- 32. 2 foto, 9 ril. Norway / Norvège Rilevate sull'altopiano una decina di piccole grotte a quota 2800 m slm. (PG). 2014.0642 AARSTAD, Hans Øivind (2008) : Burfjellet 2008 Montenegro Norsk Grotteblad, no 51 (Desember 2008) : 10-17. Photos, survey. Montenegro Between the 2nd and 9th of August 2008 SSF and NGF arranged a joint meeting for cavers in Burfjellet, situated north of , CARLIN, René; PERREAU, Michel (2014) : two hours hike from the car. Surveying for Prokletije 2012 caves has been done in the area for several Rapports d'expédition CREI (Commission des years. Main caves: Edvardheimgrotta (EHG), relations et expéditions internationales de la Brattligrotta (BLG) and Storligrotta (SLG). FFS), 2012-06 : 37 p. 27 photos, 5 cartes, 8 A connection between EHG and BLG was

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 79 established (total length is 2730 m). We also Bradford Pothole Club surveyed the cave in resurveyed SLG to 2237 m. Totally 55 persons 1965. (Author, TF). from 5 nations; , Italy, Norway, 2014.0649 and Sweden, age 3-77, stayed on the moun- tain. At the AGM of NGF David St. Pierre was AARSTAD, Hans Øivind (2010) : Burfjellet appointed as an honorary member. David has 2010 done tremendous work with Norwegian caves Norsk Grotteblad, no 55 (Desember 2010) : since the first time he went to in 1963. 12. Photos. (TF). This year's expedition to Burfjellet area in 2014.0646 Norway included four cavers, from Sweden and Norway. They surveyed side passages AARSTAD, Hans Øivind (2008) : Gildrehulen in Brattligrotta. One passage, a fairly large Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 6. Pho- vadose canyon, ended in a sump. About 300 m tos. were surveyed. And there are more. (Author, This karstic cave is situated at Varaldsøy in TF). Hardangerfjorden. Follow the ferry to the 2014.0650 island, and follow the road to Gju-vsland. The cave sink is at the bottom of a doline, at the BJERKLI, Harry; GRUNDSTRØM, Svein left hand side of the road. The entrance part (2008) : Fiskegrotta is wet and low. It widens up downstream to a Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 29. Pho- small hall. A sump is in the other end of the tos, survey. hall. There are several other small caves on the Fiskegrotta is situated near the farm Still- island. (Author, TF). vasstrand in Plurdalen. Please contact the 2014.0647 owner for parking. The cave has a small entrance under a cliff. After passing a hall with AARSTAD, Hans Øivind (2008) : Liseterbek- boulders, one enters the active passages. The kgrotta rest of the trip is in water from knee- to waist- Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 25. Pho- high. is recommended. The cave has tos, survey. some side passages. (Author, TF). Liseterbekkgrotta is a stream cave in clean, 2014.0651 white marble, situated at Røssvoll in Rana. Park by gravel pit at left hand after 500 m BJERKLI, Harry; GRUNDSTRØM, Svein on Hauanveien, by bridge on E6, south of (2008) : Jordbrugrotta Røssvoll. Follow dirt road leading uphill 100 Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 30. m, take left 200 m in the forest to the resur- Photos. gence. The sink is another 800 m up the dirt The cave passes under the road to Kalvatnet road, at right hand side. English cave divers in Plurdalen and has several entrances. After has done a thru sumps trip. (Author, TF). the building of the power plant in the 60's the 2014.0648 water flow is very reduced. Until today the water has been back on only one occasion, but AARSTAD, Hans Øivind (2008) : Trollkyrkja it is possible that it happens again. In that case Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 7-8. there will be a in the cave without any Photos, survey. warning. The main entrance lies in a doline This karstic cave is situated at Sandnestindan south of Sprutforsen. A through trip requires by Fræneidet, Fræna community, north of SRT and wetsuit is recommended. To go by Molde, by road RV64. Park by the info sign. the cliff at Sprutforsen, a 30 m rope is needed. 1,5 hours walk by easy footpath. Nice, high Be aware of lose trees when belying. The en- waterfalls and clean blue/white marble. About trance named Hatcham hole is found between 3000 visitors every summer. Do not forget to the main entrance and Sprutforsen, a little to sign the visitor's book, by the lowest entrance. the west. The passage is a narrow meander.

80 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) (Author, TF). ta now has four entrances and nearby caves 2014.0652 may be connected. As of 1 December 2013 the cave is the 6th longest in Norway with 3714 BRATTLI, Tore (2007) : Fjellelvsprekka - nytt m, the longest north of Tjoarvekrájgge and pe- lovende grottefunn i rhaps also the longest this far north. Surveying Norsk Grotteblad, no 49 (Des 2007) : 8-9. continues and the cave is likely to exceed 5 Photos. km. Included is the geology and history of the Fjellelvsprekka – an interesting cave disco- area, a preliminary cave map and a tour guide. very in Troms, Norway. Fjellelvsprekka is a (TF). recently discovered cave in the Cazajávri area 2014.0655 between Skibotndalen and Signaldalen in Stor- fjord kommune, Troms. The cave has unusual DAHL, Tom Ording; FINNESAND, Torstein many entrances (15-20) and is estimated to be (2005) : Geitågrottene - høyest i Norden? at least 1000 m in length. From sink to out- Norsk Grotteblad, no 44 (Mai 2005) : 27-31. let the distance is 1050 m with three parallel Photos, survey. passages most of the so far explored part. The Some years ago the farmers Erling Dagsgard expedition members, Tore Brattli, Jan Thomas and Eldar Eggen discovered caves high up Schwenke, Are Mellem and Harald Bohne in Jotunheimen, South Norway. A long, nar- are planning to survey the cave in April 2008. row limestone vein, visible on the surface for (Author, TF). 9-10 km, is located at 1400-1700 m a.s.l. Six 2014.0653 holes in the area can be defined as caves, with lengths 8-50 m. The highest is at 1542 m a.s.l. BRATTLI, Tore (2008) : Grotter i Tromsdalen The river Geitåa flows in all caves but one. ved Tromsø There are traces of collapse dolines. The caves Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 52-53. may have been formed in connection with the Photos, map, survey. melting down of the last ice age, but they may There are several caves in Tromsdalen, just be older. A total of 158 m was mapped by Tom a few km from Tromsø city. Also ahead into Ording Dahl and Torstein Finnesand in 2004. Djupdalen and Troms-dalstinden there are As far as we know this is the highest docu- karst areas and several smaller caves. Access: mented cave site in Norway. (TF). From Turistvegen is it 4 km and 370 m altitude 2014.0656 to Øvre Svarthammergrotte. Follow the forest road 2,5 km to the junction Dalheimskrys- DAHL, Tom Ording; RIAN, Trond (2012) : set, and so on straight uphill to the bend on a Grotter i Lybekkdalen power line. Due to heavy snow, it is recom- Norsk Grotteblad, no 59 (Desember 2012) : mended to wait until July for a visit. (TF). 13-20. Photos, maps, surveys, table. 2014.0654 During a few, intense days of caving in summer 2012, Lybekkdalen in Røyrvik, BRATTLI, Tore; SCHWENKE, Jan Thomas; Nord-Trøndelag were surveyed. The marble JOHANSEN, Bjørn Egil (2013) : Markusgrot- stripe running through this valley stretches ta i Storfjord from Landbrua, which lie under the road in Norsk Grotteblad, no 61 (Desember 2013) : Vallerdalen, crossing the it continues to 18-32. Photos, map, surveys, table. Korallgrottan, Sweden's longest cave. There is Markusgrotta was discovered in August 2009 no water draining at the surface, and the under- by Tromsø cavers. The cave is nearly 1000 m ground river has still not been found. Only at a.s.l in a remote area of Troms, far north of the one place the deep sound is heard. The longest Arctic Circle. The area 4 km² contains many cave so far is Vallerdalsgrotta, 577m. Earlier karst features The most promising caves were work is summarized, and a list of 28 karst explored first. From 2011, surveying started objects (including 16 entered/measured caves) and three of the caves connected. Markusgrot- is presented. (TF). 2014.0657 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 81 DAHL, Tom ording; RIAN, Trond (2012) : a connection between Bjørndalssjakta and Kleggtjønngrotta på Steinfjellet Bjørndalshola, which had been left alone since Norsk Grotteblad, no 59 (Desember 2012) : 2001. They dug through the flood debris in 21-23. Photos, map, table. Bjørndalssjakta to the previous limit, a wet Kleggtjønngrotta at Steinfjellet in Namdalen, crawl. This was passed to find a of loose was discovered in 1985. The cave was ex- stones, which was removed to lower the water plored in 1986 and 2012. The measured length level. After removing a further blockage and is 135m, potentially longer. (TF). descending a few short climbs, the connec- 2014.0658 tion to the main streamway in Bjørndalshola was established in an obscure corner that had DAVIDSEN, Knut (2008) : Kvithola not been observed previously. The use of Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 43. Pho- North Sea survival suits greatly increased the to, surveys. comfort of the explorers. (TF). This sporty cave is situated close to the famous 2014.0661 Svarthammerhola, SE of . Follow the road to Sulitjelma, intersection of E6 at Fin- DAVIDSEN, Knut; GRUNDSTRØM, Svein neid, just south of Fauske. Park by the first (2011) : Innmåling av grotteåpninger i Plur- road tunnel, and follow a footpath uphill, that dalen, på. Burfjellet og i Bjørndalen leads to Svarthammarhola. Follow the path just Norsk Grotteblad, no 57 (Desember 2011) : 100 m, and take right before the path crosses a 3-6. Photos, table. stream. Go on for 10minutes and turn right for Fixed points was set out in Plurdalen (marked a prominent mountain ridge. The entrance is NGF 1 - 10 and in Burfjellet (NGF 11 to 16). by the foot of a steep mountainside. Ice covers In addition, cave openings in the valley Bjørn- the entrance in winter and . The cave in dalen was positioned. The technique used was clean, white marble, especially the entrance RTK-GPS (Real Time Kinematic). (TF). series is beautiful. (TF). 2014.0662 2014.0659 DAY, Anthony (2010) : Første gjennomgangs- DAVIDSEN, Knut (2008) : Svarthammargrot- tur mellom Bjørndalshola og Bjørndalssjakta ta Norsk Grotteblad, no 55 (Desember 2010) : Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 44. 5-7. Photos. Photos. The first through trip between Bjørndalshola This cave is situated close to Kvitgrotta, SE of and Bjørndalssjakta in Norway. Shortly after Fauske. The entrance is easy to see from the the connection between the caves was establi- parking site. Follow the way to Kvitgrotta and shed, a through trip was arranged. A team of go on upwards for another 5 minutes. The en- five went from Bjørndalshola to Bjørndalssjak- trance is on a mountain shelf; take care for the ta whilst four made the trip in the opposite steep mountainside! A hand line may be used. direction, both parties completing the through After a very roomy entrance hall, the cave trip in about four hours. On the way out of seems to close down, but just look for the way Bjørndalssjakta some of the rubbish that has on! You might find another way out. (TF). unfortunately been deposited there was remo- 2014.0660 ved. Future parties are encouraged to contri- bute to the clean-up work. (Author, TF). DAVIDSEN, Knut; WESTLUND, Anders 2014.0663 (2010) : Gjennombrudd i Bjørndalssjakta Norsk Grotteblad, no 55 (Desember 2010) : DOJ, Torbjørn (2005) : Rapport fra Steinaks- 3-4. Photos, survey. lagrotten Breakthrough in Bjørndalshola in Norway. Norsk Grotteblad, no 44 (Mai 2005) : 22-24. In Autumn 2010, Anders Westlund and Knut Photos, in Swedish. Davidsen made a renewed attempt to find Steinakslagrotten is situated on the east side

82 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) of Bonnådalen, in Nordland county. The cave line was laid, and another 100m explored wi- was discovered in 1999 by Lundberg and Doj. thout leaving line. A substantial airspace was Entry is at 325 a.s.l. A faint path leads to the encountered some 150m from the spring. This entry, bypassing Klokkhola.Total now is 1822 is believed to be part of Johanneshola. Another m, with depth 191 m. (TF). “Troglodytt” trip is planned. (TF). 2014.0664 2014.0667

DOUGHERTY, Mark (2008) : Engelsk stil da EIDISSEN, Lars (2011) : Grotteklubb Greftsprekka ble dykket og “Caving in Nordland” Norsk Grotteblad, no 51 (Desember 2008) : Norsk Grotteblad, no 56 (Juni 2011) : 12-13. 3-5, 32. Photos, survey. Photos. The dive in Greftsprekka sump was carried For several years, Bodø og Omegns Turistfore- out with relatively "heavyweight" equipment. ning (BOT) has organized activities for adults A drysuit and 2x7 liter sidemounted cylinders and children, both under- and overground. were used. The main way is around the corner However, caving trips has been limited to a of the sump pool at the southern end. Here an couple each year. So cavers have arranged obvious rift descends. It gets gradually nar- private trips. Through the closed Facebook rower until 17 m deep. At this point there is group “Caving in Nordland”, many cavers a distinctive ledge and the rift below is extre- established contact. Eventually they decided mely small. It is possible that further progress to organize their activities in a local club. The could be made by working sideways along club was established in April 2011, and has so the rift to the north. However, visibility was far 33 members. The club can be contacted at already very poor as air bubbles dislodged Facebook - Salten Grotteklubb (SGK). (TF). large amounts of silt from the walls of the rift. 2014.0668 If another attempt is made a stemple belay would be very useful. (Author, TF). EIKELAND, Roar (2008) : Beinhola and 2014.0665 Navnløsgrotta Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 49. DYRSTAD, Morten (2011) : Trollkjerka og Photos. Kjerringhola sine kilder Beinhola is 1 km further to the southwest Acta Spelæologica Norvegica, Vol. 3 (2011) : along the path. Its main features are a wide 139-146. 5 photos, 5 maps. opening and a boulder-strewn hall. Navnløs- This report describes explorations and diving grotta is a pleasure to any caver and easy too. attempts in the resurgences of Trollkjerka and It has a total length of some 400 m of which Kjerringhola in Lavangsmarka, Nordland. 300 m is a broad main passage. There are signs (TF). of bears' resting places in a side passage 40 2014.0666 m from the entrance. The entrance is found immediately below a cliff 100 m from the path. DYRSTAD, Morten (2011) : Videre utfors- (TF). king av Sagelva-systemet i Troms 2014.0669 Acta Spelæologica Norvegica, Vol. 3 (2011) : 139-146. 6 photos, 4 maps. FAGERMOEN, Roy B. (2006) : Prosjekt Sagelva, a relatively large river in southern Jordbekkgrotta 2003-2005 Troms, has an underground course reported Norsk Grotteblad, no 46 (Mai 2006) : 3-37. by Helland in 1899. There are reports, since Photos, suvey. 1950 of the exploration of dry caves, and of Jordbekken, which leads from Jordbekkvatnet, diving attempts around 2000. The author first sinks into a huge swallow hole. It emerges visited the area in 2011 and arranged a small after 750 m (as the crow flies), at an altitude expedition of four cave divers to continue the of 485 m a.s.l. This spring is now called exploration. In Store Sagelvgrotta, 430m of “Utløpet”. The first year the exploration was

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 83 motivated by literature and survey of the cave FAULKNER, Trevor (2006) : Cave Inception system. The first fieldtrip brought to light a and Development in Caledonide Metacarbo- huge potential for great discoveries. During the nate Rocks Summer 2003 the motivation increased, and Norsk Grotteblad, no 47 (Desember 2006) : we decided the project to go further on. Totally 10-11. Photos. 1308 m of diving line is laid out after 2005, of Information about the stripe karst and non- which 1005 m is in one length from Utløpet stripe karst outcrops in central Scandinavia to the end of the discovered area. In addition and their contained caves was assembled into to this, the huge air cambers are not surveyed. computer based databases, enabling rela- (TF). tionships between the internal attributes of the 2014.0670 caves and their external geological and geo- morphological environments to be analysed. FAGERMOEN, Roy B.; WINTERSETH, Karst hydrological system distances are inva- Hallvard (2011) : Kristoffergrotta riably shorter than 3.5km, and cave passages Norsk Grotteblad, no 56 (Juni 2011) : 4-5. are positioned randomly in a vertical dimen- Photos, survey. sion, whilst commonly remaining within 50m In July 2001, a group of 8 cave divers wanted of the overlying surface. Five new inter-related to visit Kristoffergrotta in Stillelvdalen, Rana. conceptual models are constructed to explain Caving veteran Per Gunnar Hjorthen guided cave development in metacarbonate rocks in the team to the cave. Before they reached the the various Caledonide terranes. (TF). entrance of the 600 m long cave, they found 2014.0673 a new entrance. Having free dived the sumps, they returned a few days later and dived FAULKNER, Trevor (2007) : Hvor mange through the sumps once more, connecting the grotter finnes det i søndre Nordland two entrances. The cave system is complex, Norsk Grotteblad, no 48 (Mai 2007) : 22-24. with several levels and galleries. (TF). Photos, table. 2014.0671 How many caves are there in South Nordland? The typical cave in south Nordland consists of FAULKNER, Trevor (2005) : Nordlysgrotta a single passage that is less than 100 m long og Marimyntgrotta and less than 10 m deep. Because all cave Norsk Grotteblad, no 45 (Desember 2005) : passages remain within 50m of the overlying 23-28. Map, surveys, photos. surface (except Ytterlihullet, at c. 93 m), they Two significant caves, in , Nordland can be described as epigean. However, caves county, and their hydrology were related to the over a kilometre in length and over 100m in local 1:5000 map by the author in 2000, and vertical range also occur in the area, and these finally surveyed using rapid BCRA Grade 3 can display extremely complex arrangements techniques by a small team in 2004. Nordlys- of inter-linked passages at several levels. The grotta is 423 m long and 33 m deep, and estimates presented in the article show that Marimyntgrotta is 611 m long and 36 m deep. there should still be many thousands of caves Both caves could be extended further, and new to find in south Nordland, with total passage entrances could be found. They could also lengths of several hundred kilometres. (TF). perhaps be connected, because they are only 2014.0674 about 14 m apart at one point. It is likely that the same stream flows from a dry Doline on FAULKNER, Trevor; HUNT, Chris (2009) the surface into The Meanders of Nordlysgrot- : Holocene deposits from Neptune's Cave, ta, before reappearing at the Marimyntgrotta Nordland, Norway: an enviromental interpre- streamway. The system is remarkable because tation and relation to the deglacial and emer- of the extent of tectonic influence. (TF). gence history of the Velfjord-Tosenfjord area 2014.0672 BOREAS, Vol 38, issue 4 : 691-704. Photos, maps, surveys, tables.

84 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) This discusses attached barnacles and loose Langskjellighatten, Brønnøy shells about 100 m a.s.l. in a Norwegian cave Norsk Grotteblad, no 58 (Juni 2012) : 11-22. and postulates that the barnacles died in fresh Photos, maps, surveys, figure. water as a result of a jokulhlaup, when an ice Langfjorden is the innermost branch of dammed lake collapsed. (TF). Velfjorden, Brønnøy. Several caves are found 2014.0675 in marble stipes running along the fjord and southwards. The caves at lowest altitude, at FAULKNER, Trevor (2009) : The general Aunhatten, have large entrances, enlarged model of cave development in the metalimes- by marine erosion and sedimented during tones of the Caledonide terranes post-glacial rebound. Their interior, phrea- Proceedings of the 15th International Congress tic passages were developed earlier, during of Speleology, Vol 2 : 863-870. Photos, tables. deglaciation. The caves at higher altitude, at A four-stage cave development model ap- Langskjellighatten, were developed during plied in the non-arctic metamorphic Cale- cycles of glacial melt. The lowermost was just donide terranes in Scandinavia, USA and below sea level at deglaciation, and had some the during their similar glacial marine erosion. The uppermost were not in- cycles. Rankings of cave dimensions, LGM fluenced by vawe action, and represent normal, ice thicknesses, Holocene uplifts, and valley interglacial phreatic speleogenesis. (TF). depths are commonly in the same order. The 2014.0678 main karstification control was the thickness of the Pleistocene icesheets. Greater karstification FAULKNER, Trevor (2013) : A methodolo- in N. Scandinavia arose partly because thicker gy to establish the age of caves in northern icesheets and higher mountains caused greater latitudes, using Toerfjellhola in Norway as an deglacial seismic activity. This produced lon- example ger and deeper inception fractures and deeper Proceedings of the 16th International Congress deglacial ice-dammed , which enabled of Speleology, Vol 3 : 342-348. 3 photos, 1 underlying caves to be enlarged by phreatic survey, 1 table. dissolution for longer periods. (Author, TF). Minimum ages of cave passages are often 2014.0676 reported by dating their deposits. Few studies attempt to provide timescales for the evo- FAULKNER, Trevor (2011) : Gjensyn med lution of caves without deposits. This issue Jordbruelva is addressed for complex caves formed in Norsk Grotteblad, no 56 (Juni 2011) : 16-28. glaciated regions. Toerfjellhola in Norway is Photos, map, surveys. used to illustrate a methodology by which its Jordbruelva drains the SE part of Loms- development history can be deduced by consi- dal-Visten National Park, Grane, Nordland. dering probable entrenchment and dissolution The exploration of caves around and below rates and local geomorphological changes, Jordbruelvfossen is reviewed. Some passages whilst working backwards in time and upwar- can only be made at very low water levels, and ds in elevation. It suggests that Toerfjellhola submerged passages have been dived. These initially developed at the transition of MIS12 caves lie within a narrow band of Vertical to MIS11c. The two caves probably became Stripe Karst, in one connected, 3 km long connected by a common flow route during the hydrologic system. A scenario for the develop- Eemian Interglacial at MIS5e. (TF). ment stages for the system is presented, inclu- 2014.0679 ding neotectonic movements, deglacial history and sedimentation. (TF). FINNESAND, Torstein (2005) : Status Tjoar- 2014.0677 vekrajgge 2004 Norsk Grotteblad, no 44 (Mai 2005) : 32. FAULKNER, Trevor (2012) : Marin A total of 1,095 m was mapped in 2004. Total påvirkning og grottene ved Aunhatten og cave length is now 17,813 m. In the autumn of

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 85 2004 Tjorve was no. 222 in length in the wor- 2006 ld. All the mapping schemas of Tjorve are now Norsk Grotteblad, no 48 (Mai 2007) : 10-11. scanned with 300 dpi and stored in .Jpg-for- Photos. mat. The more than 350 scanned schemas need Tjorve 2006. Exact length of Tjorve at the end 282 Mb of storing space. of 2006 is 20.162 m, according to the Excel (TF). spreadsheet. The length was reported to caver- 2014.0680 Bob 16.8.06. For first time Tjorve is amongst the 200 longest caves in the world, according FINNESAND, Torstein; GRUNDSTRØM, to caverBob. At the end of 2006 Tjorve was Svein; DOJ, Torbjørn (2006) : Tjorve 2005 number 196. Thanks to Polish cavers, the cave Norsk Grotteblad, no 47 (Desember 2006) : Stoppenålen is now 496 m long and 195 m 26-27. Photos. deep. The vertical distance to Tjorve is still The Tjorve week, August 5-12. Eleven Poles long, approximately 74 m according to Sur- visited, one from UK, one from Sweden, and vex. The polish surveyed the cave Blåsehul- 11 Norwegians. The limestone layer between let as well. The length is 92 m. The survey and Horndalsvatnet was inspected. sketches have been scanned. The first 300 m of GPS-points for 20 objects were registered, of Stoppenålen have been drawn using Therion. which two vadose caves, 20 and 14 m. A big (TF). job was done in Steinakslagrotta, by now 2.9 2014.0683 km long. Two Poles tried to reach the bottom of Stoppenålen, hoping to connect to Tjorve. FINNESAND, Torstein (2008) : Marmorstri- The attempt was unsuccessful. Stoppenålen is per på Burfjellet a separate cave, length by now 469 m. Disco- Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 71. Map. very of “Trang fødsel” in Tjorve brought the The caves in Burfjellet have been described number of entrances to 5. Based on mapping in several NGBs, and the discoveries made in in October official length of Tjorve at the end the summer of 2007 indicate that there is more of 2005 is 19,016 m. (TF). to come. There are good geological maps of 2014.0681 the area, i.e. 1927-I, Mo i Rana (1:50.000). It's recommended to purchase it from www.ngu.no FINNESAND, Torstein; DAVIDSEN, Knut; if you want to take part in the Swedish-Norwe- GRUNDSTRØM, Svein; JOHANSEN, Bjørn gian meeting in 2008 or participate in the Egil; LUNDBERG, Johannes; SOLBAKK, exploration of the area in the years to come. Roy (2007) : Tjoarvekrajgge 1993 - 2007 (Author, TF). Norsk Grotteblad, no 49 (Des 2007) : 28-68, 2014.0684 71. Photos, maps, surveys, tables, figures. Tjoarvekrájgge (Tjorve), with a mapped len- FINNESAND, Torstein; DAVIDSEN, Knut; gth of 20,586 m and a depth of c. 497 m the GRUNDSTRØM, Svein; JOHANSEN, Bjørn longest cave of Scandinavia, was discovered Egil; SOLBAKK, Roy (2008) : Status Tjorve by Torbjörn Doj and Johannes Lundberg July 2008 29, 1993. Since then, some 70 cavers from Norsk Grotteblad, no 51 (Desember 2008) : Norway, Sweden, Poland, , UK 8-9. Photos, survey. and France, have participated in its explora- During the period from Thursday the 3rd of tion. Their work over the fifteen years since its July to Wednesday the 9th of July 2008 we discovery is summarized in this paper. (Au- carried out 8 surveying trips in Tjoarvekrajgge. thor, TF). The result was many survey legs and many 2014.0682 meters, at the same time passing into two blank areas on the map. The total length of the FINNESAND, Torstein; GRUNDSTRØM, cave is now 21.814 m. We also did some sur- Svein; JOHANSEN, Bjørn Egil; LUNDBERG, veying in the Øvre Navnløsgrotta and Eiters- Johannes; SOLBAKK, Roy (2007) : Tjorve prekka caves. Some of the old ropes in Tjorve

86 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) have been removed and replaced. (TF). Norsk Grotteblad, no 55 (Desember 2010) : 2014.0685 8-11. Photos, surveys, table. This year's expedition to Tjoarvekrajgge in FINNESAND, torstein; CURL, rane (2009) Norway took place from Friday 30th of July : Morphology of Tjoarvekrajgge, the longest to Wednesday 4th of August 2010, with 15 cave of Scandinavia participants. All in all they surveyed 1802 m, Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of which 1377 m are new passages. The total of Speleology, Vol 2 : 878-883. Surveys, table, length of the cave is now 23885 m. A fairly big figures. new passage was discovered, which continues Tjoarvekrájgge (Tjorve), a two-dimensio- above some boulders. (Author, TF). nal labyrinth system with a surveyed length 2014.0688 of 21,814 m, is found in a marble band in Norway. Morphometric parameters yield a FINNESAND, Torstein (2011) : Kalibrering passage density of 47.5 km/km2 and a cave av DistoX avdekket ødelagt sensor porosity of 0.8 %, intermediate between the Norsk Grotteblad, no 56 (Juni 2011) : 6-8. values of confined and unconfined settings, Photos, table, figure. and an areal coverage of 21.8 %, close to A DistoX showed "strange" values when used the values for confined settings. The Linked in caves and overground. Suspicion arose Modular Element (LME) method (Curl 1986: that there might be something wrong with the http://tinyurl.com/6o53kd) is applied to de- instrument(s). TF informed Beat Heeb, who termine the distribution of cave passage sizes. suspected a malfunctional chip. The instrument The distribution of LME sizes fit a power-law was sent to BH, who checked, confirmed that function from 1.8 to 5.9 m and exhibits a frac- the chips was damaged, and replaced them. tal dimension of 2.929 (s.d. 0.068), similar to Since then the DistoX has (probably) worked Little Brush Creek Cave, Utah (2.79). (Author, well. This episode shows that the DistoX is not TF). always reliable, and needs to be calibrated and 2014.0686 tested regularly, not only when batteries are replaced. (TF). FINNESAND, Torstein; GRUNDSTRØM, 2014.0689 Svein (2009) : Status Tjorve 2009 Norsk Grotteblad, no 53 (Desember 2009) : FINNESAND, Torstein; JANSEN, Einar 20-22. Photos. (2011) : Røverhula på Løvøya ved Horten This year's expedition to Tjoarvekrajgge took Norsk Grotteblad, no 57 (Desember 2011) : place from Friday 3rd of July to Wednesday 12-15. Photos, map, surveys. 9th of July 2009. The number of cavers was There are not many caves in the Vestfold very good, and with 7 new participants. All county. Røverhula (Robber's Cave) is located in all we surveyed 992 m (194 stretches), in Veggefjell on Løvøya in the Fjord. The of which 794 m are new passages. The total cave length is 16 m. It is located 60-68 m a.s.l length of the cave is now 22 565 m. A fairly and is, more or less, a sea cave. Calculations big new passage was discovered. In addition to using formulas to Påsse (2005) showed that the surveying of new passages, some digging it is 8250 years ago sea since the level was at in Eitersprekka was done. The use of DistoX Røverhula (60 m) and 9000 years ago at 68 m. instead of traditional surveying instruments The shoreline raised about 0,9 m/century at the proved to be effective, but it also uncovered time when Røverhula was created. (TF). some side-effects that one should be aware of. 2014.0690 (TF). 2014.0687 FINNESAND, Torstein; AARSTAD, Hans Øivind (2011) : Slammerbekkgrottene FINNESAND, Torstein; DAVIDSEN, Knut; Norsk Grotteblad, no 57 (Desember 2011) : SOLBAKK, Roy (2010) : Tjorve 2010 16-24. Photos, map, surveys, tables.

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 87 In connection with the Norway meeting in FORSBERG, Andreas (2014) : Vadveriehp- Burfjellet 2008 Il Gruppo Grotte Brescia pidalen: Vadvevagges siste grottejomfruelige (GGB) from Italy surveyed three caves in the (eller?) valley Slammerbekkdalen. The article do- Norsk Grotteblad, no 62 (Juni 2014) : 17-23. cuments what they did. They mapped three Photos, map, surveys. caves, with a combined length of 1690 m. The Climate changes and global heating has made longest is Antares with 793 m. In autumn 2008 new areas accessible, as melted ice and snow GGB registered the data in Compass and made reveals undiscovered caves. Since 2005, Swe- 3 plan maps and 3 vertical maps. NGF v/Hans dish speleologists have been exploring several Øivind Aarstad received a copy of the maps, caves in Vadveriehppi Valley at the border sketches and several photos from the days between Sweden and Norway. The two ma- they spent in Burfjellet. Thanks to the GGB jor caves are called Vadveriehppigrottan and because they sent a copy of the material to Golfbanan, the first being more than 2 km long Norway. (TF). and 200 m deep, while the latter is a 450 m 2014.0691 labyrinth system. Both caves are vulnerable, and visitors are asked to show attention and FINNESAND, Torstein; GRUNDSTRØM, care. The Swedish Speleological Association Svein; JOHANSEN, Bjørn Egil; SOLBAKK, is arranging their annual meeting Fjällmötet in Roy (2011) : Status Tjorve 2011 this area from the 10th of August and a week Norsk Grotteblad, no 57 (Desember 2011) : on. Some of the entrances require SRT. (TF). 7-9. Photos, table. 2014.0695 597 m (109 legs) was surveyed in 2011. The length of Tjorve is now 24.440 m. (TF). GRAAE, Christopher (2005) : Fjällmötet 2014.0692 2004 i Norska Plurdalen Norsk Grotteblad, no 44 (Mai 2005) : 18-21. FINNESAND, Torstein (2012) : Mikaelshula Photos. In Swedish. Norsk Grotteblad, no 58 (Juni 2012) : 28-42. The author is a rookie caver who gives glimp- Photos, maps, survey, figures. ses from his 3-week summer caving vacation. Mikaelshula is a vawe-eroded cave which The first week was spent in and around the has been developed in a weathered zone in Swedish caves Sotbäcksgrottan and Labyrint- granite-gneiss. It is situated in a steep cliff at grottan. Kayaks were brought along for won- Norsjø in Skien municipality, where sea level derful mountain lake paddling. Next, to Plur- was at this altitude appr. 9000 years ago. It is dalen in Rana. Guiding in Jordbrugrotta, visit named after the archangel St. Michael and has to Øvre Jordbrugrotta, Steinugleflåget – largest been used for religious purposes. The article Nordic doline ? -, Olafsholet with descent into gives information on source material, a bi- the 46 m shaft. Finally, the Swedish-Norwe- bliography of older literature and pictures and gian rescue exercise in Jordbrugrotta. (TF). maps of the cave and the terrain. (TF). 2014.0696 2014.0693 GRAHAM, Nigel (2011) : Foreigners on the FINNESAND, Torstein (2013) : CUCCs ut- lawn forskninger på 1950-tallet Wessex Cave Club Journal, 31 no. 322 : 85-87. Norsk Grotteblad, no 60 (Juni 2013) : 30-32. Photo, survey. Figures. A personal account of the 2010 international The article provides an overview of foreign Expedition in Dr. Trevor Faulkner's studies of expeditions to Rana in the 1950s. It was do- the caves of South Nordland (Mid-Norway). minated by the Cambridge University Caving Survey Stormogrotta, Grane, Club, and their reports have now been trans- L. 252m. VR 31m. (TF). lated into Norwegian and published with maps 2014.0697 and photos in the caving magazine. (TF). 2014.0694 88 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) GRAHAM, Nigel (2012) : Foreigners on the Fasettgrotta is situated near Famnvatn in Hat- lawn tfjelldal. Two Swedish made the first known Wessex Cave Club Journal, 31 no. 324 : 8-11. visit to the cave in August 2004, and it was Photos, survey. surveyed by the Grundstrøm-family in Sep- A personal account of the 2010 international tember the same year. It is an active cave with Expedition in Dr. Trevor Faulkner's studies of a lot of scallops and is well worth a visit. The the caves of South Nordland (Mid-Norway). cave ends in sumps both up- and downstream. Part II. Survey Kinnforsen, , L. 363m (Author, TF). VR 34m. (TF). 2014.0701 2014.0698 GRUNDSTRØM, Svein (2008) : Grønligrotta GRAHAM, Nigel (2013) : Stop the cab to Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 27. Pho- Norway: Foreigners on the lawn once more. to, survey. Wessex Cave Club Journal, 33 no. 329 : 112- The most well known cave in Rana throughout 119. 4 photos, 3 surveys. time. The cave is situated near the Grønli farm Descriptive (nostalgic) narrative of the “last” in Røvassdalen. In tourist season there is gui- South Nordland Expedition organized by Tre- ding. The outer parts have permanent ladders, vor Faulkner in 2011. Surveys of short caves bridges and electric lights. At Avgrunnen and including Kappfjellhullet -46m with “the Ny-juvet ladders are needed. The pitches are deepest fully underground (27m) wet pitch in 12 and 8 m. Grønligrotta is the largest tourist Central Norway.” (TF). cave in Norway with approximately 13 000 2014.0699 visitors per year. (Author, TF). 2014.0702 GRØNLIE, Arne (2006) : Doktorgradsavhan- dling: anmeldelse GRUNDSTRØM, Svein (2008) : Olafshølet Norsk Grotteblad, no 47 (Desember 2006) : Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 28. Pho- 12-13. Photos. tos, survey. On the basis of field studies, carried out in Olafshølet is a short sporty cave in Plurdalen central Scandinavia, Faulkner has illumi- in Rana. It has an entrance pitch of 45 m. It nated all aspects relevant to the formation was explored and surveyed in 1965 by Nor- and development of caves in marble. His very thern Speleological Group (NSG). At the bot- comprehensive knowledge has been built up tom of the shaft is a short dry passage leading over many years. With his characteristically east. If you follow the bedding plane north you systematic approach Faulkner has constructed can slide down into the main part of the cave. an impressive database, comprising a wealth of In the main chamber the river Storbekken runs, measurable cave attributes from vadose, relict, and you can follow it for some meters up- and and combination caves in close to 20 geomor- downstream. Upstream to the left there is a phologic zones. small camber with very cold water. Olafshølet Very rarely one reads a thesis where the author is a phreatic segment where the water has been is supported by such a thorough fieldwork, flowing upwards, and with its 54 m it is one of such comprehensive data analysis, and such the larger in Norway. (Author, TF). an overview of the vast subject of karst studies 2014.0703 as documented by Faulkner in this glittering work. HJORTHEN, Per Gunnar (2008) : Setergrotta (TF). Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 26. Pho- 2014.0700 to, survey. Setergrotta is one of Ranas largest caves, sur- GRUNDSTRØM, Svein (2008) : Fasettgrotta veyed to 4000 m. The cave is suitable for ca- Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 11. Pho- tos, survey.

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 89 vers with short experience and there is almost A new long cave, named Reinvikgrotta, was no climbing. It is dominated by huge block- discovered and partly explored by Jan Harald filled chambers, but has also tight passages and Olsen and Tomas Husdal on October 5th 2013. an active stream. The entrance is located at 110 More than 10 explorers have taken part in the m a.s.l, in a sump divers have been down to 19 survey so far. The cave has five entrances, but m. Setergrotta is also a tourist cave (June-Au- there are many other entrances in the area that gust), and in this period it is necessary to make may be connected to the main cave system. an appointment with the people who organizes The potential is great, so much work remains. trips to avoid conflicts. In wet periods part of So far the cave is more than 7 km long and the cave can be flooded in few hours. (TF). approx. 250 m deep. (TF). 2014.0704 2014.0707

HJORTHEN, Per Gunnar (2011) : Stokkvik- JENKINS, David A. (2010) : Rapport fra grottene i Rana Cambridge University Caving Clubs eks- Norsk Grotteblad, no 57 (Desember 2011) : pedisjon til Svartisen, 1958 [Report on the 10-11. Survey, figure. Cambridge University Caving Club Expedition The caving club Mo Speleologers Selskap to Svartisen. Norway 1958] surveyed Stokkvikgrotta in 1966. In 1968, they Norsk Grotteblad, no 54 (Juni 2010) : 3-19. surveyed further in the cave until it was about Photos, map, figures, surveys. Translation of 350 m and a nearby cave, named Bjørneskalle- the report published in BSA Cave Science Vol. grotta, to approx. 300 m. It is not possible to 4 No. 29, July 1959, p. 206-228. continue in the bottom of the two caves. There Report on the Cambridge University Caving is water and it is cramped, and also muddy. Club Expedition to Svartisen. Norway 1958. In (TF). the five weeks spent there, the general explo- 2014.0705 ring, surveying and photographing of the caves of this region, carried out by the two preceding HORN, Gunnar (2011) : Karsthuler i expeditions in 1956 and 1957, was continued. Nordland In 1958, however, instead of combining a Acta Spelæologica Norvegica, Vol. 3 (2011) : study of several caving areas, glaciology and 21-62. 47 photos, 2 maps, 7 figs. mountaineering, work was limited to one Reprint of Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse narrow band of limestone, - Pikhaugan. The No. 165 Oslo 1947. The limestone caves three main caves are: Pikhauggrottene system, described in this paper are all situated in Fosshølet-Glomdalsvatnet and Storbekk- the county (fylke) of Nordland between the grotten. (TF). Ranfjord and Glomfjord and about 40km from 2014.0708 the outer coast. The cave passages are most- ly tunnel shaped, usually with a circular or JOHANSEN, June (2010) : Noen av årets elliptical section. These passages were for- aktiviteter og flotte naturopplevelser – 2010 med when they were completely water-filled. Norsk Grotteblad, no 55 (Desember 2010) : Underground streams have later made cuts into 23. Photo. the floor of some of the passages. The view The article described caving activities done presented as to the origin of the caves may be by June Johansen and Viggo F. Bruksås from termed the subglacial theory of cave excava- Rana in Norway. They attended an SRT course tion. (Author, TF). and did a lot of caving in 2010, mostly in 2014.0706 Rana. (TF). 2014.0709 HUSDAL, Thomas; OLSEN, Jan Harald (2014) : Reinvikgrotta JOHANSEN, June (2011) : Gjenoppstandelse Norsk Grotteblad, no 63 (Desember 2014) : av Rana Grotteklubb 8-15. Photos, Survey. Norsk Grotteblad, no 56 (Juni 2011) : 10-11.

90 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Photos. Norsk Grotteblad, no 62 (Juni 2014) : 24-28. Over the years, there have been several caving Photos, survey. clubs in Rana, but they have been shortlived. The cave Golfbanan was found by members In March 2011 a new club was born - Rana of SSF in 2007. In the following years, 2008- Grotteklubb. At the Annual Meeting, a statute 2013, more than ten speleologists from SSF was adopted and Viggo Frorath Bruksås was have been surveying and mapping this and elected leader. The club's goal is to create a other caves in the valley, connecting one after social environment, enjoying the great diver- the other to the major cave systen of Vadve- sity of interests, knowledge and experiences. riehppi. The system consists of both fossil and Today the club has 23 members, growing, and vadose passages, huge halls, narrow crawls a lot of activity. (TF). and pitches which require SRT. There are se- 2014.0710 veral others caves in the valley, some of them may be connected to the main system. This JOHANSEN, June (2012) : Rana Grotteklubb year, 2014, a greater range of SSF members 2011 - turer og prosjekt Jordbrugrotta and others are invited to the area to continue Norsk Grotteblad, no 58 (Juni 2012) : 23-27. the work of mapping and exploration. (TF). Photos, survey, table. 2014.0713 One year has passed since Rana Grotteklubb was restarted in 2011. The trip to Øyfjellgrot- KRISTIANSEN, Tim Patrick (2013) : Ekspe- ta in 2011 was the beginning of a very active disjon til Trollkjerka i Plurdalen i Rana year of caving exploration. In autumn 2011, Norsk Grotteblad, no 61 (Desember 2013) : members participated in trips to several less 7-9. Photos. known caves. The club held a seminar on cave Trollkjerka has had an ice plug in the bottom mapping techniques, and started a project for many years. It melted in 2013. On the 10th of re-mapping Jordbrugrotta. In June 2011 of November two pitches were discovered. they had 2 visitors from Finland, followed by One more pitch was descended and a sump, several cave trips. Rana Grotteklubb had 26 part of the Plura river, found. (TF). members in 2011 and has 17 in 2012. The sea- 2014.0714 son this year contains trips to local caves and a trip to Sweden, together with a local club. LAUKSLETT, Bjørn (2008) : Stormdalshullet (TF). Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 33-34. 2014.0711 Photos, survey. This is an active stream cave, also situated in KARLSEN, Åge (2008) : Russågrotta Gråtådalen. David St. Pierre and members of Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 38. Southwest Essex Technical College Caving Photos. Club surveyed the cave in 1963. Stop on a Russågrotta is a beautiful cave, formed in 100 parking site on the left hand side, after 2 km % white marble. On the map it is easy to see on the road into the valley. Walk another 150 where the Russåga river goes underground. m on the road, and take right by a white house. The entrance is on the northern side of a dry Then walk uphill this road for 20 minutes, and riverbed, at the bottom of the bluff. A small take right at a small gravel pit on the left hand rope is an advantage at the entrance and so are side. Hike thru the forest down to the river, rubber boots inside the cave. The cave should and follow it upstream. First you find the lower not be visited during or shortly afterwards wet cave. Take the way on to left for it and you're periods. (TF). there. Warning! The stream rises quickly with 2014.0712 heavy rain. (TF). 2014.0715 KONSTENIUS, Niklas (2014) : Utforsknin- gen av grottene i Vadveriehppi-dalen 2008- LAURITZEN, Stein-Erik (2009) : Carbonate 2013 dissolution in cold water: In situ experiments

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 91 and the consequences for subglacial karstifica- The Glomdal speleological in Northern tion Norway project began in 1975. Exploration Proceedings of the 15th International Congress and survey 1976-1986 continued sporadically. of Speleology, Vol 3 : 1581. Many caves have been documented, but little Can caves be formed from “scratch” by ice- published. The aim of ”reviving” it is to com- contact underneath or along glaciers or is plete a survey of all important caves to provide this process more intensive under non-glacial a basis for the final morphological and tectonic conditions, so that ice-contact water can only analysis. Of special interest is the possibility widen pre-existing conduits? Apart from the for paleocurrrent analysis, from scallops and initial aperture and length of the percolation cave morphology, to investigate phreatic and paths through the rock mass, two factors are other flow under (glacier) ice-contact condi- important: The concentration of glacial rock tions. The longest, incompletely explored flour and its ability to interfere with the car- underground system, the Jordbekken was bonate chemistry. A series of thermostated “punctured” by the discovery of Trudehola in dissolution experiments using marble and 1979 and continued in 2010 when the Fosshul- various additions of authentic glacier silt and let sump was dived and mapped. (TF). crushed metamorphic rocks demonstrate and 2014.0718 support theoretical considerations that subgla- cial speleogenesis in low CO2 waters is slower LAURITZEN, Stein-Erik; WINSRYGG, Geir than first anticipated. (TF). Loe (2010) : Grotter og karst i Lauar-området 2014.0716 på Skrim – statusrapport Acta Spelæologica Norvegica, Vol. 1-2 (2009- LAURITZEN, Stein-Erik (2009) : 2010) : 145-148. 2 maps, 1 geol. map. control of caves in marble: Earthquake me- The Lauar area in Southern Norway consists diated? Examples from Scandinavia of a complete succession of middle Ordovi- Proceedings of the 15th International Congress cian to middle Silurian sedimentary strata, of Speleology, Vol 3 : 1582. most of them are limestones of variable purity Endokarst development in marble is entirely which were subject to contact metamorphism dependent of fracturing after the metamor- during the Oslo-rift episodes in the Carboni- phosis of limestone to marble. The goal was ferous-Permian when large amounts of lava to test whether marble endokarst distribution and magma penetrated the region. So far 29 and intensity can be related to historic and springs and sinks, 15 caves and cave entrances, pre-historic earthquake events. The Norwegian as well as 95 dolines, fissures and other karst cave database was combined with a carbonate phenomena have been located. Surveying and database and tested against a quality-screened excavation of these “new” objects has com- set of all recorded earthquakes in the region. menced together with registration by GPS Earthquake epicenters and cave locations are location. Hopefully this approach will test not correlated. However, cave concentration whether certain strata is more susceptible for and depth correlate better with the amount of karstification than others. (TF). Neogene uplift, suggesting that the guiding 2014.0719 fractures originated pre-glacially and that cave inception commenced sometime after that. LAURITZEN, Stein-Erik (2010) : Om ”Nogle (TF). norske Huler” av Hans Reusch 2014.0717 Acta Spelæologica Norvegica, Vol. 1-2 (2009- 2010) : 39-40. 1 photo, 1 fig. LAURITZEN, Stein-Erik (2010) : Glomdals- Acta Spelæologica-Norvegica will reprint a prosjektet, 1975-2010 og framover series of “classical” works in Norwegian spe- Acta Spelæologica Norvegica, Vol. 1-2 (2009- leology. Many of these have influenced later 2010) : 105-118. 10 photos, 2 maps, 2 surveys, ideas, and reading them will put the subject 2 figs. into a wider historical perspective. The first

92 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) articles to be reproduced, are three papers by sented. Slammerbekkdalen, Kirkland (1958), Hans Reusch from 1877, describing a number is part of the Glomdal catchment and an of coastal abrasion caves in north-western important site for testing the hypotheses on ice Norway. The papers are distinguished through dynamics and ice-contact speleogenesis. Work Reusch's artistically talented sketches, accurate in the “effluent labyrinths” continued. (TF). cave maps and his explanation of the speleoge- 2014.0722 nesis. They have influenced later geologists and archaeologists who continued the stratigra- LAURITZEN, Stein-Erik (2011) : Gunnar phic excavations that were initiated by Reusch. Horn (1894-1946): speleolog, oljegeolog og (TF). polarhelt 2014.0720 Acta Spelæologica Norvegica, Vol. 3 (2011) : 7-20. 13 photos, 1 map, 2 figs. LAURITZEN, Stein-Erik (2010) : Svarttjerns- Gunnar Horn (1894-1946) was Norway's first grottene ved Krokstadelva og nærliggende and most prominent professional speleolo- grotter gist, a “polar” explorer, and its first petroleum Acta Spelæologica Norvegica, Vol. 1-2 (2009- engineer. He led the “Bratvaag” expedition in 2010) : 69-93. 1 map, 2 geol. maps, 11 photos, 1930 discovering the remains of the balloo- 5 surveys, 6 figs. nist Andrée who disappeared in 1897. After Two major caves occur in a small karst area by WW2 leading an expedition to Spitsbergen Svarttjern (Black tarn) near Krokstadelva in to rebuild lighthouses and navigation aids, he Nedre Eiker, Southern Norway. “Hovedhulen” died there in July 1946. His cave studies are and “Svartebekkgrotta” are connected to the seen as the emergence of modern speleology subterranean Svarttjern brook. Earliest descrip- in Scandinavia; his radical hypothesis of sub- tions date back over one hundred years. The glacial speleogenesis still offers a valid expla- caves, developed in a metamorphic calcareni- nation. “Karsthuler in Nordland” interested tem display phreatic and paragenic morpho- French and British cavers and his speleolo- logy and modern vadose incision. The contact gical works inspired several generations of meta-morphosis occurred during permo-carbo- Norwegians. (TF). niferous vulcanism. Karstification, in principle 2014.0723 may be traced back in time to the Permian and Silurian. The cave fills suggests a high age LAURITZEN, Stein-Erik; NIELSEN, Jan Od- with parts of the paragenesis occurring when var; STAV, Birgit Annie (2011) : Kartlegging i the Scandinavian ice was in the Drammen Torghatten, Brønnøy kommune: Torghatthullet valley. (TF). og Svarthulen 2014.0721 Acta Spelæologica Norvegica, Vol. 3 (2011) : 77-96. 30 photos, 3 maps, 3 surveys, 2 figs. LAURITZEN, Stein-Erik (2011) : Glomdal Torghatthullet (198m long) and Svartholene 2011 1 & 2 (165m and 225m length) were investi- Acta Spelæologica Norvegica, Vol. 3 (2011) : gated by accurate surveying, and morpholo- 153-170. 16 photos, 2 maps, 6 surveys,1 fig. gical and mineralogical documentation. They The Glomdal Speleological Project continued have block-covered floors around 115m a.s.l. 2010-2011 nearly finishing the Pikhåggrotta and ceilings reaching 140m a.s.l. Morphology and Pikhågvassgrotta surveys, with total len- is dominated by frost action and breakdown gths exceeding 50 and 100% of those reported. with the largest blocks near the entrances Exploration of Fossholet-Trudehola had a ma- where rounded weathering forms, like tafoni jor breakthrough from the upstream end during also occur. The deepest parts of Svarthole- the diving in 2010. With 100 m of unknown ne display polished rock surfaces, similar to exploration between them the system could P-forms, indicating wave action. Sediment become the longest in Rana, exceeding 5 km. mineralogy indicates advanced, probably A speleogenetic model for Trudehola is pre- pre-glacial deep weathering as a primary spe-

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 93 leogenetic process, later exploited by erosion in Norway: a biocenic intermediate in deep at a former high seastand. (TF). weathering 2014.0724 Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Speleology, Vol 3 : 459-460. 2 photos, 1 LAURITZEN, Stein-Erik (2011) : Mef- map, 1 fig. jell-prosjekter-undersøkelse av store kars- The first occurrence of allothane as a spe- tarealer leothem-forming cave mineral in Norway is Acta Spelæologica Norvegica, Vol. 3 (2011) : reported. It occurs in a fissure cave developed 173-176. 3 maps. in a granitic gneiss and appears to be formed Most karst of the Caledonides is of the “stripe” by CO2 degassing (or microbiological action) type where allogenic effects are at their maxi- from acidic seepage water originating from mum. Large karst areas are rarer and appear humic ponds on the surface above the cave. not to have the same amount of phenomena in (Author, TF). proportion to their areas. “Mefjellet project” 2014.0727 compiles the occurrence of carbonate rocks and karst landforms within one of the largest LAURITZEN, Stein-Erik; SKOGLUND, Norwegian karst areas. About 40 km2 with Rannveig Øvrevik (2013) : Glacier ice-contact about 60% carbonate rocks it is relatively speleogenesis well explored with many large cave systems. Proceedings of the 16th International Congress However it is not yet adequately described to of Speleology, Vol 3 : 368-369. 2 figs. provide a quantitative test on cave and karst Horn's (1935) classic hypothesis of subglacial landforms relative to carbonate-non carbonate speleogenesis as an explanation of the rela- boundaries. This is an attempt to compile the tively small diameter cave conduits in Scandi- existing data as a status quo for a systematic navian marble stripe karst is reviewed. Recent study. (TF). work challenges the old theory. Scandinavia 2014.0725 has relatively small caves that often have surprisingly high ages, going beyond the limit LAURITZEN, Stein-Erik; STAV, Birgit Annie of Th/U dating. The high ages are apparently (2011) : Steinbrua i Tryterudelva ved compensated by correspondingly slow wall re- Acta Spelæologica Norvegica, Vol. 3 (2011) : treat rates in the ice-contact regime, and longer 97-106. 10 photos, 2 maps, 1 survey, 3 figs. periods when the caves were inactive. Ice- A granite rock-bridge, “Steinbru” or “Trollbrua contact speleogenesis varies in time and space, “ north-east of lake Eikeren in south Norway, in pace with waxing and waning of wet-based known in the literature since 1784, consists of ice. Maze or labyrinth morphology appears “Steinbru”, “Gråsteinbru” and a closed, rift- as a characteristic feature of caves ascribed to shaped depression “Steinsmala”. The occur- these processes. (TF). rence of saprolite along fracture zones, contai- 2014.0728 ning possibly preglacial, weathering products, suggests a straight-forward evolution sequence LINGE, Henriette; LAURITZEN, Stein-Erik; in a place protected from glacial erosion. ANDERSSON, Carin; HANSEN, Jon Kris- The portal only escaped destruction from the tian; SKOGLUND, Rannveig Øvrevik; SUN- intense surface denudation (stream cutting) as DQVIST, Hanna S. (2009) : Stable isotope it is in the side of the major stream course. It records for the last 10 000 years from Okshola is conceivable the features might have evolved cave (Fauske, ) and regional through a time-span reaching well into and comparisons perhaps beyond the last glaciation. (TF). Climate of the Past, Vol 5 : 667-682. Map, 2014.0726 surveys, tables, figures. http://www.clim-past.net/5/667/2009 LAURITZEN, Stein-Erik (2013) : Allo- Stalagmite formation in the Okshola cave near phane moonmilk from a granite-gneiss cave Fauske (northern Norway) began at about 10.4

94 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) ka, soon after the valley was deglaciated. Data Storligrotta were explored and extended. New from Okshola shows that the Holocene was entrances were found for two of the caves characterized by high-variability climate in (i.e. Brattligrotta and Storligrotta), extensive the early part, low-variability climate in the mapping and remapping were done in Edvard- middle part, and high-variability climate and heimgrotta and Brattligrotta, and, last but far shifts between two distinct modes in the late from least, significant discoveries were made part. A total of nine Scandinavian stalagmite in Brattligrotta and Edvardheimgrotta. (Au- stable oxygen isotope records of comparable thor, TF). dating precision are now available for parts or 2014.0731 most of the Holocene. None of them show a clear Holocene thermal optimum, suggesting LYCKANDER, Inge (2013) : Kosetur i Stei- that they are influenced by annual mean tem- nakselgrotta under grottesamlingen i Bonå- perature (cave temperature) rather than seaso- dalen i 2013 nal temperature. (TF). Norsk Grotteblad, no 61 (Desember 2013) : 2014.0729 10-11. Photos. A tour to the upper part of Steinakselgrotta LØDØEN, Trond Klungseth (2010) : Hulema- on the eastern side of Bonådalen is described. lerier i Nord-Trøndelag og Nordland (TF). Acta Spelæologica Norvegica, Vol. 1-2 (2009- 2014.0732 2010) : 25-38. 10 photos, 1 map, 1 survey, 1 fig. MJELLE, Kenneth (2007) : Jomfruland og There are many karst caves in Northern Himmelstigen ser nye besøk Norway whose potential archaeological Norsk Grotteblad, no 49 (Des 2007) : 10-13. sources have not been systematically explored. Photos. This contrasts with a number of caves along Jomfruland and Himmelstigen in Greft, the coast of Nordland and Nord-Trøndelag, Norway, revisited. The Greft caves Greftsprek- where a number of sites have been docu- ka and Greftkjelen are the favourite caves of mented with cave paintings and artefacts. The the author Kenneth Mjelle. Their lengths are question is, can the equivalent be discovered in re-spectively 5 and 7 km, and still not inter- the limestone caves. A field of future research connected, even the distance between the en- and also for the Norwegian Management for trances is just 100 m. Much of the passages are Cultural Heritage would be to explore karst vertical, more than 1000 m of rig pitches just caves as potential archaeological sites. In- in Greftsprekka. Since May 07 Kenneth and creasing pressure from visitors with no res- Arnt-Helge Tjugen have been working in the trictions due to Norwegian legislation adds to caves 10-15 times. They have surveyed 350 m, the reduction of potential sources for a better included 70 m rig pitches. understanding of past practice. (TF). (TF). 2014.0730 2014.0733

LUNDBERG, Johannes (2007) : Burfjellet MØLLER, Jakob Johan; FRDRIKSEN, Per 2007 Tore (2008) : Hullet gjennom Torghatten Norsk Grotteblad, no 49 (Des 2007) : 3-7. Norsk Grotteblad, no 51 (Desember 2008) : Photos. 26-28. Photos, maps, surveys. Burfjellet 2007, Norway. The author tries to The hole through the mountain Torghatten in convey his experiences during twelve eventful the Northern part of Norway is a unique natu- days at Burfjellet near Mo i Rana in August ral phenomenon which is visited by thousands 2007. Together with eight cavers from Po- of tourist every year. They wonder how the land, and Hans Øivind Aarstad, all three larger hole has been made and ask for a natural histo- cave systems at Burfjellet, Edvardheimgrot- ry based explanation. Heavy storm waves has ta, Brattligrotta ("Rolling Stones Cave") and been the most common theory. But is that the

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 95 whole truth? In 2006 an expedition to the area Beiarn community, a valley with more than tried to find more answers. (Author, TF). 70 surveyed caves! This cave was surveyed 2014.0734 in 1966 by David St. Pierre and members of Cave Research Group. Drive to Storjord in NILSEN, Raymond (2011) : Prosjekt Beiarn and follow the signs for Løvstad Gård. Fosshølet 2010. Dagbok fra dykkerteamet The cave is famous for its 2 lakes, which can Acta Spelæologica Norvegica, Vol. 3 (2011) : be visited by boats. Ask for guiding or renting 171-172. the boats at the farm. (TF). The Fosshølet Project. Diary from the cave 2014.0738 . (TF). 2014.0735 PAAKKARINEN, Sami (2013) : Pluras un- derjordiske løp nedstrøms Steinugleflåget er NOGUES, Xavier (2005) : Nedløpet til Læi- dykket gasvatn Norsk Grotteblad, no 61 (Desember 2013) : Norsk Grotteblad, no 45 (Desember 2005) : 3-6. Photos, survey. 31-33. Photos, surveys. Plura, the deepest underwater cave in N. Eu- The Læigasvatn cave was first mentioned by rope. 1980-2012 -99m reached in Steinugle- Corbel (1957), who described it as a "majestic flåget. Plura rises at Kalvatn. Dammed 1960's, on which navigation is even flow of 20,000 m3/min dropped to diveable possible". This cave is indeed majestic but 1,000 m3/min. Sump 1 -34m and 450m long. fortunately good boots are more suited than Sump 2 is -135m, 1.4km in. Distance and any kind of boat for its exploration! The cave temperature of 3-6 °C overcome by DPVs, is located in North Nordland, 2 km from the insulation and a habitat towed 500m in ena- limit with Troms (UTM 06 13 200; 76 10 350; bling dry . Dives upto 510min. WGS84). Mainly, the Læigasvatn lies on mica- In Steinugleflåget 600m of line had been laid and quartz-schist, but also on grey calcite with two lines at -90-100m. Connection to marble (Bargel et al., 1995) dating from cam- the downstream line made September 2013 at brian or cambro-silurian (Gustavson, 1973) for -130m, 2036m distance between entrances. A its eastern part (TF). 4hr traverse on the last day involved 400m dis- 2014.0736 tance below -100m. Max. depth -131m. (TF). 2014.0739 , Jon-Egil (2008) : Jordbekkgrotta Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 31. Pho- PEDERSEN, Kjell Asbjørn (2009) : to, survey. Flukts-hula i Rogndalen The cave is partly submerged, and it have been Norsk Grotteblad, no 52 (Juni 2009) : 22. dived and surveyed for more than 1 km. An Photo. English team surveyed the dry part in the six- In Bogen area there is a natural cave that was ties. The cave is situated in Virvassdalen, east close to become part of the village's history of Krokstrand. Drive 4 km into the valley; take during WW2. When refugees from right just after passing Tomasstranda. Cross showed up during the German evacuation the river and go south uphill for one kilometre of the population in 1944, they told terrible until you find the resurgence of Jordbekken. stories about the terror of the Germans. There- Then another kilometre SE uphill to the main fore, two families from Bogen builded a secret entrance. (TF). shelter in this rather huge and less known cave 2014.0737 in Rogndalen. They camouflaged the cave en- trance and brought in lots of equipment to be ØSTVIK, Gry (2008) : Løvstadgrotta able to survive in the cave during wintertime. Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 32. Pho- Fortunately, peace came before the place was to, survey. used. It is difficult to find, but you can still see The cave is situated in the valley Gråtådalen, crumbled remnants of the efforts to turn it into

96 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) a shelter from the German occupation troops. were interpreted to be due to wave erosion (TF). along these fissures, where the rock was more 2014.0740 vulnerable to abrasion. The timing would be at the end of the ice age, when the sea level was PFARR, Christa (2014) : Tödlicher Unfall so high that the caves positions were reached beim Höhlentauchen in Norwegen by the impact of stormy wave action. (TF). HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des 2014.0744 Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 9/10 : 88. RIAN, Trond (2008) : Jutulstuggu Plura-Höhlensystem. (PF). Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 8. Photo. 2014.0741 Jutulstuggu is a rather special cave near the farm Hellem in Levanger. The mountain has POTT, Erik (2012) : Rapport från kartering i elements of limestone with con-glomeration Hatcham Hole but its origin is not based on the work of water. Norsk Grotteblad, no 59 (Desember 2012) : 6. The entrance lies halfway up the rather steep Photos. hillside, and it is turned towards east. The Two alternative entrances to Hatcham Hole cave is some sort of “crack-cave”, but forms a (Jordbrugrotta, Rana) were surveyed in 2012. rather complex structure with partly rather big Both passages have pitches and are connected dimensions. Two steeps demands ropes before to the main passage of Hatcham Hole. (TF). you can enter the bottom level. (TF). 2014.0742 2014.0745

RAVATSBAKK, Rune (2008) : Øyfjellgrotta RIAN, Trond (2008) : Nedre Ramsåsgrotta Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 12-13. Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 9. Pho- Photos, survey. tos, survey. The cave is situated in Øydalen, commu- Nedre Ramsåsgrotta is a cave in limestone nity. Drive ca 2,5 km heading the airport, from near the cottage Ramsåsvollen in Verdal. The Øybrua. Turn right by gravel pit, follow dirt cave has a total length of ca 250 m, and two road 1 km, to its end. Private road, take care! entrances. A little steep (“Avgrunnen”) de- Then walk 30 minutes on a steep footpath. mands some easy rope climbing. A limestone Keep right when the path divides. The entrance pillar offers a spot for belaying. Beware of is partly covered by ice to end of June. Thru some narrow passages after the steep. The first trip is possible. Mid way is it a huge hall, used half of the cave is a dry trip; the last follows for concerts. (TF). the (little) stream. This cave trip takes no more 2014.0743 than an hour. (TF). 2014.0746 REUSCH, Hans H. (2010) : Nogle norske Huler I-III RIAN, Trond (2008) : Store Gaulstadgrotta Acta Spelæologica Norvegica, Vol. 1-2 (2009- Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 10. Pho- 2010) : 41-62. 1 map, 7 surveys, 13 figs. tos, survey. Reprint from 1877. Store Gaulstadgrotta in Steinkjer is one of the Several caves at Sunnmøre were investigated most spectacular limestone caves in Trøndelag. and described, among them Dollsteinholet and The entrance is nearby a waterfall just 50 m Sjonghelleren. In Sjonghelleren, an archaeo- from the road. The cave is formed by the river logical excavation were performed, and signs Kvennhuselva. The cave should not be visited of human settlement were found. A common when the water flow is high – preferably at low feature for these caves is their development level. After a dry passage in the start you must along major fissures in steep, sea-facing cliffs. wade trough a little ”lake” where the roof gets Such pre-existing fissures is certainly a result low. At that point there is passage coming in of earthquakes. The formation of the caves from right filled with water from another cave/

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 97 stream. Your journey ends in a rather big room (Author, TF). (up to 25 m for roof level) from the roof there 2014.0750 is a 17 m waterfall. This hits a little lake, 4-5 m deep. High up in the wall there are several SCHRØDER, Iain (2014) : Ingeniørgrotta other cave entrances, mostly dry ones. (TF). 2007 2014.0747 Norsk Grotteblad, no 62 (Juni 2014) : 3-6. Photos, map. RIAN, Trond; DAHL, Tom Ording; NYTRØ, What was later named "Ingeniørgrotta" in Øystein (2014) : Grotter nordvest av Bonådalen in Nordland, the Northern part of , Røyrvik kommune Norway, was discovered in 1996 by Pål Henrik Norsk Grotteblad, no 63 (Desember 2014) : Gulbrandsen, and temporarily explored by Iain 3-5. Photos. Schrøder and Jan Erik Johansen. In the years In the summer of 2013, Tom Ording Dahl, 1997-2007, except 1999, annual expeditions Trond Rian and Øystein Nytrø visited the area with various participants - whom are only northwest of Namsvatnet and found several mentioned by their first names - have explored caves, with lengths between 10 and 200+ m. the Ingeniørgrotta and other caves connec- There may be more caves in the area. Some ted with it. The entrance is in the wall some water-filled caves nearby have been explored meters above the bottom of a 25 m deep sink, by cave divers from "Trønderbataljonen". some 440 m a.s.l., leading through narrow and (TF). muddy crawls to a series of ten pits. The sys- 2014.0748 tem is far from fully explored, and many side passages and possible connections from the RINGSET, Narve (2009) : Ekspedisjon til surface remain. (TF). Limurshola 2014.0751 Norsk Grotteblad, no 52 (Juni 2009) : 23-24. Photos. SCHWENKE, Jan Thomas (2008) : Inntrykk The target was to check the Limurshola sink fra årets kartleggingssamling i Tjorve 430 m.a.s.l. in Stordal community, and start Norsk Grotteblad, no 51 (Desember 2008) : surveying the known part of the Limursho- 6-7. Photos. la. The sink is situated in a doline, its size is In this article, the author describes his first 15x20 m. It has a roaring waterfall. Unfor- visit to Tjoarvekrajgge. Once a year several tunately, 5 m down there is a sump, size 2x4 cavers meet to continue the surveying of this m. Too much water to do any progress here enormous system. For a whole week they sur- this time. After 25 m into the Limurshola, veyed several passages, gaining impressions of surveying stopped. It was too narrow and wet. the beauty and the challenges of Scandinavia's (TF). longest cave. The article also mentions the 2014.0749 culture of cooking among some of the Norwe- gian cavers. (TF). SCHRADER, Sven-Jøran (2009) : Team 2014.0752 Newcastle i Tjorve Norsk Grotteblad, no 53 (Desember 2009) : SKOGLUND, Rannveig Øvrevik; LAU- 18-19. Photos, survey. RITZEN, Stein-Erik (2011) : Nonshauggrotta Three cavers with a connection to the Univer- i Gildeskål sity of Newcastle Caving Club participated in Acta Spelæologica Norvegica, Vol. 3 (2011) : the 2009 expedition in Norway's longest cave, 63-76. 9 photos, 2 maps, 1 survey, 4 figs. the Tjoarvekrajgge. After some indoor training Nonshauggrotta a low-dipping labyrinth at the Bonådalen school on Saturday, using (maze) cave, in a small ridge at the coast of first old-fashioned surveying techniques and Gildeskål, Nordland, Northern Norway, was then being introduced to the use of DistoX, resurveyed in 2004 as part of a research pro- they were given the task to survey in the cave. ject concerning development of labyrinth cave

98 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) and extreme karst porosity. Previous work and Cave Index and Bibliography since 1974. An results from the study are reviewed The cave annotated bibliography of first Marmorgrotten is situated in a hanging position in a glacial- and then the nearby underground course of the ly sculptured landscape. The cave passages Ømmertjernbekk is appended. Marmorgrotten show evidence of widening under water-filled was surveyed by the NTHRLGK (the Cave (phreatic) conditions, with slow and ascending Research Group of the Norwegian Technical flow. Accordingly the cave had an effluent flow University's Rover Scouts) in 1974. The main during the last stages of solutional widening. entrance is about 60 m east of the lowest resur- The direction of water flow corresponds to a gence of Ømmertjernbekken. Altitude 192 m topographically directed glacier flow during a.s.l. Length 210 m. (TF). the deglaciation. (TF). 2014.0756 2014.0753 ST. PIERRE, David (2006) : Nedløpet til SLÅTTKJÆR, Hans-Martin (2008) : Ville Læigasvatn hesten Norsk Grotteblad, no 47 (Desember 2006) : Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 35. 14-17. Photos, map, survey. Survey. Stimulated by the article by Noguès in NGB This is an active stream cave, situated in Tro- no. 45, p. 31-33, David St. Pierre has provi- lia, on the west side of Beiardalen. Follow the ded an annotated bibliography to record other main road to Trones, to Beiarn Turistsenter. descriptions and visits to The Læigasvatn sink. Here you can rent a key for access to the road In all, 13 items are listed. They span from towards the cave. Park by Heståga Dam, and Helland 1907 to personal communication from follow a tractor path for 200 m, until a foot- Brattli, the latter describing a visit in March path leads on to the left hand side. The en- 2006. (TF). trance is on the left hand side after 5-600 m. A 2014.0757 thru trip is possible to be made. Warning! The stream rises quickly with heavy rain! (TF). ST. PIERRE, David; AARSTAD, Hans Øivind 2014.0754 (2007) : Norge 2006 (Møre og Romsdal) Norsk Grotteblad, no 48 (Mai 2007) : 29-32. SLÅTTKJÆR, Hans-Martin (2012) : Hva Photos. skjer i Beiarn Grotteklubb Norway 2006 (Møre og Romsdal). A report Norsk Grotteblad, no 58 (Juni 2012) : 6. Fi- of a short visit to Møre og Romsdal, by Da- gure. vid St. Pierre and Hans Øivind Aarstad in Beiarn Grotteklubb has been rather silent August 2006. Photographic trips were made for a while, but is still alive. Their activities in the marble caves Trollkyrkja in Fræna, and go on, they have built up a Caving Park at Limurshulen in Stordal and to a number of Rønnåhøle. For a couple of years their autumn coastal caves in other rock types. (TF). expeditions have been at Staupåmoen, the next 2014.0758 one in Gråtådalen. Terje Solbakk has written 2 hearing records on hydroelectric dam plans in ST. PIERRE, David (2007) : Trollkyrkja, Litj-Gråttåga and Breivikelva, and their in- Møre og Romsdal fluence on cave development. (TF). Norsk Grotteblad, no 48 (Mai 2007) : 33-38. 2014.0755 Photos, map, surveys. Trollkyrkja, Møre & Romsdal, Norway – an ST. PIERRE, David (2006) : Marmorgrotten annotated bibliography with a previously og Ømmertjernbekkgrottene unpub-lished 1964/65 survey by Pete Live- Norsk Grotteblad, no 47 (Desember 2006) : sey & Bradford Pothole Club. The annotated 18-20. Photos, map, survey. bibliography of Trollkyrkja, surveyed length The following report and survey have lan- 550 m, a well known limestone cave in Møre guished in the “archives” of the Norwegian & Romsdal, western Norway has been abs-

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 99 tracted from a Norwegian Cave Index and ST. PIERRE, David (2012) : Karstgrotter i Karst Bibliography started by the compiler and Vallerdalen, Røyrvik kommune Shirley St. Pierre in 1963. The bibliography in- Norsk Grotteblad, no 59 (Desember 2012) : cludes details of the 1964/1965 explorations & 24-26. Surveys, figures. survey by Pete Livesey and other members of Vallerdalen is the area east of Røyrvik, towar- Bradford Pothole Club, which have not been ds the Swedish border. Data about the caves published previously. (TF). here has been gathered and filed in “Norwe- 2014.0759 gian Cave Index and Bibliography.” The main caves, Landbrua and Marmorgrotta, are shown ST. PIERRE, David (2008) : Torghatten at maps. Most of the other caves have not been kunnskapsbasert tursti surveyed. A reference list is presented. (TF). Norsk Grotteblad, no 51 (Desember 2008) : 2014.0763 28. Photo. Jakob Johan Møller & Per Tore Fredriksen are ST. PIERRE, David (2012) : St. Sunni- the authors of this little booklet (Torghatten va-hulen knowledge-based trail) and attribute its forma- Norsk Grotteblad, no 59 (Desember 2012) : tion to the sculpturing action of plastic ice and 28. Photo. large scale drainage of meltwater flowing from St. Sunniva Cave is found above the ruins the east towards the coast. The illustrations of the Benedictine Monastery at Selja in show the various ice abrasion and meltwater Nordfjord. A reference list from “the Norwe- features along the path to the cave and within gian Cave Index and Bibliography” is pre- the cave itself. (Author, TF). sented. (TF). 2014.0760 2014.0764

ST. PIERRE, David (2012) : Grotter i Norge ST. PIERRE, David; FINNESAND, Torstein Norsk Grotteblad, no 58 (Juni 2012) : 4-5. (2013) : Utgravningene i Sunnivahulen i 1868 Tables. Norsk Grotteblad, no 61 (Desember 2013) : The Norwegian Cave Index and Bibliography 43-45. Photo, survey. was initiated in 1963 by David and Shirley St On the island of Selje, in Nordfjord, Sogn and Pierre. Appr. 1551 karst caves and 525 caves Fjordane, the ruins of at least four churches are in non-calcareous rocks have been recorded found. St Mikaels Church with the Sunniva in a card index, and they are summarized in 2 Cave is the oldest. Part of the descriptions by tables. Appr. 1851 references to karst and 507 Carl Otto Krefting and V. Koren of their exca- references to non-karst caves are recorded in vations 1866-1868 are published here together the bibliography. These numbers are growing, with a plan and profile. A bibliography of St and copies of many are held in the compiler's Sunniva Cave was published in Norsk Grotte- library. Please send any contributions to David blad no.59, 2012. ”The Princess Sunniva fled StPierre, Tennant House, High Bentham, Lan- to Norway about 1000 a.d to avoid a forced caster, LA2 7AH UK. (TF). marriage and lived in the cave which later 2014.0761 became a church .” (TF). 2014.0765 ST. PIERRE, David (2012) : Huler i Telemark Norsk Grotteblad, no 59 (Desember 2012) : ST. PIERRE, David (2014) : Huler ved Leka, 26. Survey. Nord-Trøndelag Data about caves in Telemark, has been, and Norsk Grotteblad, no 62 (Juni 2014) : 12-16. still is being gathered and filed in “Norwegian Photos, map, surveys, figures. Cave Index and Bibliography.” So far 5 karst Twelve caves are listed in Leka kommune occurrences and 32 non-karst caves are filed. A (population c. 550), on the west coast of cen- reference list is presented. (TF). tral Norway 65° north, close to the boundary 2014.0762 with Nordland Fylke.

100 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) They are brenningsgrotter formed by the Shirley St Pierre who died, far too early, 20 sea when the land was depressed. Granitic years ago the report is republished with the rocks occupy the greatest area. Several of the necessary permissions. (TF). caves are of archaeological importance (See 2014.0768 Sognes, 1983) containing cave paintings by hunter-gatherers or agrarians of the Stone Age, STURE, Cato (2006) : Grotter i Konnerud which are illustrated. Fingalshula and Sol- Norsk Grotteblad, no 47 (Desember 2006) : semhula can only be visited with a guide. (TF). 22-24. Photos, map, survey. 2014.0766 Between Oslo and Kongsberg the Drammen area appears to be the most interesting. Several ST. PIERRE, David (2014) : Tur til Sunnmøre known and less well-known limestone caves og Trøndelag juni 2014 can be found. Norsk Grotteblad, no 63 (Desember 2014) : Svarterudbekkgrotte no. 1 is a small marble ri- 19-22. Photos. ver cave. Caves no. 2, 3 and 4, and some other St Sunnivahulen, Selje, a church from 1000 small caves are less impressive. (TF). AD [NGB 59/61] and Dollsteinhola, Sandøen, 2014.0769 [Reusch,1877], were surveyed. Marine bowl-karren seen at Voksa. Kannesteinen, Op- STURE, Cato (2008) : Bånntjernhula pedal, 3m high, was sculpted by the sea from Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 4. Pho- potholes. tos, survey. Mandhullet, Ådalen [NGB 61]found; 1870 Easiest approach is to walk Ankerveien from & 1905 descriptions. Gluggegrotta & Kirke- Songsvann, until you arrive at Bånntjern. porten were visited. Øvre Ramsåsgrotta, 300m, There are two small karstic caves, the first one tight and sinuous is Verdal's longest. Jarlshola, at the NE bank of the lake. The second cave is Melhus, is a 15m long through-cave where the 60 m away, in a doline up at the plateau. The hill has slipped; Håkon Sigurdsson slept here, caves are horizontal and narrow. Warning: 995 AD. before he was murdered. Gudrun- Risk of flooded passages at heavy rain hola, Flå, is named after a girl who vanished (Author, TF). in 1907. A psychic said she had been hidden 2014.0770 there. Folk congregated and excavated it. She was found dead in Oslo. (Author, TF). STURE, Cato (2008) : Svarttjerngrottene: 2014.0767 Hovedhulen Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 5. Pho- ST. PIERRE, Shirley (2007) : Grottestudier i tos. Nordland, Norge The cave is situated above the village Kroksta- Norsk Grotteblad, no 49 (Des 2007) : 14-19. delva, north of the city Drammen. Follow the Photos, tables, figures, map. sign to Hovjordet. Park on right hand side, and Cave studies in Nordland, Norway. Theories go on for 100 m, then take right uphill a fenced of various workers on the origins of the caves road. Pass Inntaksdammen and Borgetjern. and the factors which have influenced their The footpath leading to the caves might be development are considered. The occurrence tricky to find. You may just go on to Svarttjern, of calcium carbonate and other deposits in the and then follow the stream to the sink. There caves is mentioned and the small amounts of are several other small, low and narrow caves fauna, flora and skeletal remains are described. in the area. Warning! The stream is drinking A table of physical measurements and a list water for the village, so no pollution! of cave systems are included. The paper was (Author, TF). first published by Shirley St Pierre in Stu- 2014.0771 dies in Speleology, Vol. 1, Part 5, Dec. 1967, page 275-284. Because it is 40 years since the STURE, Cato (2014) : Sunnivahulen og article was published, and in the memory of Dollsteinhola

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 101 Norsk Grotteblad, no 63 (Desember 2014) : to approx. 200 m. "Grotte 2" is east of "Grotte 16-17. Photos, map. 1" and is a much smaller cave. The entrance is The article describes a tour to some caves in located under a small cliff and is relatively nar- Sunnmøre, Norway. The first one was Sun- row. "Grotte 3" is further east from the "Grotte nivahulen on Selja, which has been used 2", and is just over 30 m long. (TF). for religious purposes. The second one was 2014.0775 Dollsteinhola on Sandsøya, which is a large sea cave. Three small sea caves on the same VOKAC, Marek (2014) : Sommerens store Island, Lisjegjøtten, Sandgjøtten and Store- opplevelse - 2000 eller ”Schrøders gjørme- gjøtten, was also visited. (TF). grotte” 2014.0772 Norsk Grotteblad, no 62 (Juni 2014) : 6-11. Photos, maps, surveys. THORSEN, Rolf (2008) : Kvitforsgrotta This article is conncted with the previous Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 50. Pho- one, describing the expedition in year 2000 to tos, survey. "Ingeniørgrotta". Marek Vokac and Christian The cave is situated at the south side of Ofot- Rushfeldt were determined to go even deeper fjorden, where the river Kjeldelva makes a 30 into the cave. Having tried several entrances, m high waterfall, Kvitforsen. The cave en- they eventually (after 8 hours!) found the right trance is behind the waterfall. It is a 30 mi- one, rigging each pit with permanent bolts and nutes walk from the car park to the waterfall. ropes. They describe the passage as extremely The entrance is totally covered with massive narrow, wet, cold, slippery and steep, the start ice during winter and spring. (TF). of each pitch being a challenge. They returned 2014.0773 the same way out. (TF). 2014.0776 THORSEN, Rolf (2008) : Mariminehullet Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 6. WESTLUND, Anders (2005) : Gauphøle - for The cave's name is a transcription of the word 27 år siden og i dag Mermaid. The German geologist Hans R. Norsk Grotteblad, no 44 (Mai 2005) : 25-26. Reusch penetrated in May 1874 20 m into this Photos, survey. narrow, tilted fissure. By the entrance is a me- 27 years ago Svein Grundstrøm, with his morial sign for Niels Klim's travel to the world father and several others, had pursued a lynx below. (TF). which had ravaged the reindeer in the area. 2014.0774 The Lynx escaped into a cave near Sprutforsen in Plurdalen, Nordland county. With knife and VINJE, Pål (2013) : Grotting i skolen. Tre shotgun Svein and his father followed. The grotter i Ørnflåget/Storgranheia i kom- lynx was shot in a very narrow passage. Svein mune – ferdsel, muligheter og faglig tilnær- made a hook on a steel wire and was able to ming pull the lynx out. With this background we Norsk Grotteblad, no 60 (Juni 2013) : 33-36. entered the cave. In the largest room we found Photos, map, surveys. a special item: The steel thread which Svein If one chooses to bring school classes for out- had used 27 years ago. Conventionally, foreign door activities with a certain element of risk, bodies are to be removed from a cave, but we it is important to establish good practices in agreed to let the steel wire remain. The cave relation to the planning, implementation and was mapped. Total length 67 m. (TF). evaluation of the tours. The article presents 2014.0777 a model for how to think about preparedness and in turn draw up a plan for a trip. Three WESTLUND, Anders (2006) : Røverhuler i caves in Ørnflåget have been used. "Grotte 1" Nordmarka is the longest and the most exciting cave that Norsk Grotteblad, no 47 (Desember 2006) : has been mapped so far. The cave is mapped 25.

102 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) The author describes the location of two small WESTLUND, Anders (2008) : Svarthamme- caves situated in the forests north of Oslo. The rhola caves are said to have been the haunts of two Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 46-47. Norwegian master thieves of the . Photo, survey. True or false? (TF). Svarthammarhola is an easy cave for begin- 2014.0778 ners and it is also suitable for children. The cave has some of the greatest mountain halls WESTLUND, Anders (2007) : Grottehensyn in Norway. Svarthammarhola is the only cave ivaretatt i plan for ny nasjonalpark in Norway with a glacier. Scientific research is Norsk Grotteblad, no 49 (Des 2007) : 23. going on in Svarthammarhola, don't touch the A new national park has been established in instruments. (Author, TF). Norway, and thereby protecting the caves 2014.0783 inside the park. (TF). 2014.0779 WESTLUND, Anders (2008) : Vikgrotta Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 39. WESTLUND, Anders (2008) : Kvanndalshola Photos. Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 40-41. Vikgrotta is a fun and sporty cave near Rognan Photos, survey. in . Because of the river inside the cave, Kvanndalshola is a sporty and challenging the cave shouldn't be visited when it's flooded. cave in Bodø, near the border to Saltdal. To At places there are small climbs in the cave reach the sump in the bottom of the cave, a wet where a helping hand, slings and/or a small suit and lots of ropes is needed. In the winter rope might be useful. (Author, TF). melted snow might freeze to a layer of ice on 2014.0784 the rope in the entrance shaft, be prepared. (Author, TF). WESTLUND, Anders (2010) : Grotter på 2014.0780 havets bunn Norsk Grotteblad, no 55 (Desember 2010) : WESTLUND, Anders (2008) : Nedre Kvann- 29. Photo, map. dalshola At approx. 2100 m below sea level in the Nor- Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 42. Pho- th sea, the Mareano project has found caves tos, survey. with openings of 30-40 cm in diameter. It is Nedre Kvanndalshola is a fun and sporty cave not clear whether the caves are created by bio- in the east of Bodø with many potholes of logical or geological processes. (Author, TF). different sizes. The cave can't be visited when 2014.0785 the river is flooded or in the winter when the entrance can be blocked by ice. The entrance is WESTLUND, Anders (2010) : Grottevern very narrow. (Author, TF). i vernebestemmelser for nasjonalparker og 2014.0781 naturreservat Norsk Grotteblad, no 55 (Desember 2010) : WESTLUND, Anders (2008) : Singelhola 25-26. Map. Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 48. Pho- Cave protection as the aim of conservation tos, survey. areas in Norway. In the national parks Bre- Singelhola is an easy cave, recommended for heimen, Børgefjell, Lomsdal-Visten, Saltfjel- children and newbie's. The entrance is a 10-m let-Svartisen and Sjunkhatten, in the nature shaft on the plateau just south of the doline reserves Krona, Sandågjelet and Sandågrotta where the stream sinks. At the end of the cave and in the proposed protected areas Rohkun- there is a small opening where it is possible borri and Sundsfjordfjellet, the protection to exit, but it is more fun to return through the of caves and karst is a part of the aim of the cave. (Author, TF). conservation and/or a part of other regulations 2014.0782 for the areas. (Author, TF). 2014.0786 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 103 WESTLUND, Anders (2010) : Huleboerne i of Styrkesnes river power plant in Sørfold Mu- Finnmark nicipality in Nordland. Småkraft committed Norsk Grotteblad, no 55 (Desember 2010) : NGF to examine whether there is or may be 24-25. Photo. caves or other The winter 1944/45 several thousand people karst objects in the concession area for the in Finnmark in Norway lived in hiding in no envisioned plant, including an inspection. Site man's land between the advancing Soviet army visit was conducted 4.8.11. The conclusion for and the retreating Germans. These people were the inspection and other studies is that there called cave people. They lived in caves, in huts is nothing to suggest that there are any karst made of driftwood and/or turf, under boats objects in the area affected by the planes. The turned upside down etc. The risk of being report was submitted Småkraft 17.8.11. (TF). discovered by patrolling German boats was a 2014.0790 constant threat during the months waiting for liberation. (Author, TF). WESTLUND, Anders; BRATTLI, Tore (2011) 2014.0787 : Konsesjonssøknader, Ullsfjord Norsk Grotteblad, no 57 (Desember 2011) : WESTLUND, Anders (2011) : En liten tur 28-29. Photos. med mange små In the autumn of 2010 there was a hearing Norsk Grotteblad, no 56 (Juni 2011) : 15. of license applications for the regulation and Photos. development of a small river power plant in Wednesday 18th of May 2011, Barnas Turlag Skognesdalen in Ullsfjord in Troms. There are (Children´s Hiking Club) arranged a trip for a lot of marble and many small and large caves the youngest ones to the 2WW German under- in the area, ground in Rønvika, Bodø. As many as including a subterranean river in the entire 38 persons, including parents, showed up, so nearly 1000 m long pipeline area. 4.11.11 went the guide decided to divide them in 2 teams. representatives from NGF and Troms Kraft to Then they all went underground, exploring the the area to identify karst objects in the area. dark tunnels of the first bunker. The second The conclusion must be that there is no gentle one, though, was disappointing, because the route for entrance was blocked. However, everybody the pipeline through this area. Neither the returned happy and satisfied. (TF). surface or beside the caves (which apparently 2014.0788 is relatively shallow) will be a good idea since blasting and other construction work can da- WESTLUND, Anders (2011) : Grotter brukt i mage speleotems. (TF). religiøs sammenheng 2014.0791 Norsk Grotteblad, no 57 (Desember 2011) : 25. Photos, map. WESTLUND, Anders (2012) : Grottekurs i Prof. Dr. Luiz Eduardo Panisset Travassos BOBTOG are starting a project of creating a database of Norsk Grotteblad, no 58 (Juni 2012) : 5. Photo. caves used for religious purposes. They ask for BOBTOG, the alpine sport group in Bodø, our help in order to collect as much informa- arranged a caving course in September 2011. tion as possible. (TF). The 5 participants were taught about basic 2014.0789 rules and equipment, safe caving, ethics, care- ful caving and cave protection, geology and WESTLUND, Anders (2011) : cave formation and cave maps and documenta- Konsesjonssøknad, Styrkesneselva tion of caves before they were taken on 2 cave Norsk Grotteblad, no 57 (Desember 2011) : tours, to Singelhola and to Boristua. (TF). 26-27. Photos. 2014.0792 In the winter of 2011 Nord-Norsk Småkraft AS applied for the concession for the construction WESTLUND, Anders (2012) :

104 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Konsesjonssøknad om vindkraftverk på Sjonf- WESTLUND, Anders (2013) : Huleboer på jellet 850 meters dyp Norsk Grotteblad, no 58 (Juni 2012) : 8-10. Norsk Grotteblad, no 61 (Desember 2013) : Map. 12. Photo. 2 companies have applied for permission to www.mareano.no maps depth and topography, build wind turbines at Sjonfjellet in Nordland. sediment composition, contaminants, biotopes NGF gave statements on these applications, and habitats in Norwegian waters. Several stating that no caves were known in the area, small caves have been found (10 cm in diame- but warning about the possibility of unknown ter), dug by the small crustacean Neohela caves. monstrosa. (TF). Later, several caves were found at Sjonfjellet. 2014.0796 NGF gave a new statement, informing about the discovery and asked for further investi- WESTLUND, Anders (2013) : Råggejávrre gation of the area with documentation of the Norsk Grotteblad, no 61 (Desember 2013) : caves before permission to build a wind power 17. plant was given. May 25., Rana Blad wrote These are excerpts about the lake Råggejávrre about NGFs submissions, quoting them. The from an article written by Johan A. Kalstad article was good advertising for cave protec- who in the 1960s ran reindeer in its waters. tion. (TF). (TF). 2014.0793 2014.0797

WESTLUND, Anders (2012) : Søppelrydding WESTLUND, Anders (2014) : Samlingen i i Bjørndalssjakta Rana 2014 Norsk Grotteblad, no 59 (Desember 2012) : 8. Norsk Grotteblad, no 63 (Desember 2014) : Photos. 23. Photos. In 2001, a load of garbage was dumped in A cave named Racewaygrotta, which has nice Bjørndalssjakta at Setså. During the cave scallops, was explored, followed by a trip to gathering, a day was used for cleaning the the well known Hammarnesgrotta. Later many cave. Rope arrangements were set up, and cavers joined the rescue practice in Setergrot- more than 1 ton of rubbish was hoisted up. ta. In between cavers surveyed new parts of With the assistance of locals, the rubbish was Jordbrugrotta. (TF). transported to the road, where the waste dispo- 2014.0798 sal company could take care of it. (TF). 2014.0794 WETTERSTAD, Lars; AARSTAD, Hans Øi- vind; STURE, Cato (2012) : Damgrotta WESTLUND, Anders (2012) : Vikgrotta i Norsk Grotteblad, no 59 (Desember 2012) : fare? 28-29. Photos. Norsk Grotteblad, no 59 (Desember 2012) : During the search for an exit of a brook disap- 12. Photo. pearing underground, the land owner tipped A consulting company handles a possible about a round cave opening in a cliff. The licence application for hydroelectric develop- phreatic passage was found, but it was soon ment of the Storåga river in Saltdal, Nordland. blocked by sediments. The digging was ini- This river runs past and partially through the tiated, and is to be continued (TF). famous and characteristic Vikgrotta, and the 2014.0799 positioning of tunnels may influence the cave and its karst system. NGF has sent a response, WINSRYGG, Geir Loe (2010) : ”Paradis” – where a close survey is recommended, and our et nytt, lovende karstområde i Øvre Eiker og view on protection is emphasized. (TF). Modum 2014.0795 Acta Spelæologica Norvegica, Vol. 1-2 (2009- 2010) : 119-124. 8 photos, 1 geol. map.

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 105 In the geological continuation from Svartt- rald (2014) : Österreichische Höhlenrettung jernsgrottene in Southern Norway, a new and Riesending und die Folgen quite promising karst area was found in 2007. Verbandsnachrichten, Jg. 65, Nr. 4 : 73-75. After careful evaluation of topographical and Ein subjektiver Erfahrungsbericht über den geological maps, an area of potential was internationalen Rettungseinsatz in der Riesen- targeted and has so far yielded a great number ding-Höhle in Bayern. (PF). of cave entrances, explored caves, springs and 2014.0805 water-filled caves. Further exploration and mapping is in progress by members of “Tro- KNOLLE, Friedhart (2014) : Walter Biese, glodytt”. (Author, TF). die deutsch-österreichische Höhlenforschung 2014.0800 und die Stillwasserfacetten Die Höhle, 65. Jg., Heft 1-4 : 56-62. Österreich / Austria / Autriche Walter Biese, German-Austrian speleology and the solution facets. (PF). 2014.0806 Allgemeines; General; Généralités MALARD, Arnauld; SERGENTET, Thomas; RUHRLINGER, Franz (2014) : Totes Gebirge AA (2013) : Liste der tiefsten und längsten 2013 Siphons Österreichs Rapports d'expédition CREI (Commission des Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für relations et expéditions internationales de la Höhlenkunde in Oberösterreich, Jg. 59, Ge- FFS), 2013-12 : 25 p. 15 photos, 2 cartes, 4 samtfolge 119 : 56-57. topographies. (PF). Compte rendu d'expédition spéléologique 2014.0801 en Autriche faisant suite à plusieurs années d'exploration sur le massif des Totes Gebirge. AUCT. VAR. (2014) : Jahresberichte 2013 der Du 15 au 25 août 2013, l'équipe a exploré et höhlenkundlichen Organisationen Österreichs topographié entre 500 et 600m dans le système Die Höhle, 65. Jg., Heft 1-4 : 127-145. F6-F7-Plattenhohle et 200 à 300m dans les Annual reports 2013 of Austria's speleological autres cavités. Les bonnes relations avec les organisations. (PF). équipes autrichiennes ont permis de poursuivre 2014.0802 les explorations dans de bonnes conditions. (RC). BERGHOLD-MARKOM, Christian (2014) : 2014.0807 VÖH-Naturhöhlenführerkurs Verbandsnachrichten, Jg. 65, Nr. 5-6 : 92-94. PFARR, Theo; SEEBACHER, Robert; PLAN, Bericht zum Naturhöhlenführerkurs des Ver- Lukas (2014) : Die längsten und tiefsten bands Österreichischer Höhlenforscher 2014. Höhlen Österreichs (PF). Die Höhle, 65. Jg., Heft 1-4 : 146-150. 2014.0803 Lists of Austria's longest and deepest caves. (PF). EXEL, Thomas (2014) : Berücksichtigung der 2014.0808 Nadelabweichung bei Höhlenvermessungen HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des SULZBACHER, Dieter (2014) : Historische Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und Höhlendias Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 11/12 : 104-106. HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des (PF). Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und 2014.0804 Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 3/4 : 38-39. (PF). KNOBLOCH, Christian; KNOBLOCH, Ge- 2014.0809

106 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Grabenstetter höhlenkundliche Hefte (Gra- TAUBER, Albin (2014) : Schauhöhlen benstetten), No. 23 (Jahr 2012) : 35-50. In Verbandsnachrichten, Jg. 65, Nr. 2-3 : 51-55. Germ.; 18 fig. and photos, 1 tab. Aktuelle Daten der 29 Schauhöhlen Öster- (THR). reichs (PF). 2014.0815 2014.0810 Österreich / Austria / Autriche WEICHENBERGER, Josef (2013) : Künst- liche Höhlen und Erdstallforschung 2012 Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für Kärnten; Tirol; Vorarlberg Höhlenkunde in Oberösterreich, Jg. 59, Ge- samtfolge 119 : 14-18. (PF). BÜCHEL, Emil; KLAMPFER, Alexander 2014.0811 (2013) : Tätigkeitsbericht des Karst- und Höhlenkundlichen Ausschuss des VLMV für WIELANDER, Barbara (2014) : Stell dir vor, das Jahr 2012 es geht das Licht aus! Neuigkeiten aus Karst und Höhlen, Heft 124 : Verbandsnachrichten, Jg. 65, Nr. 5-6 : 97-99. 2-3. Wie kann man aus gut bekannten Höhlen ohne (PF). Licht wieder hinaus finden, an 3 Beispielen: 1. 2014.0816 einfach am Führungsweg der Dachstein-Mam- muthöhle (1547/9), 2. schwierig - Trockenes BÜCHEL, Emil (2013) : Wildes Loch (Kat. Loch (1836/34) Weg vom Wintergangsiphon Nr. 1211/8) zum Höhleneingang, 3. unmöglich - Geldloch Neuigkeiten aus Karst und Höhlen, Heft 124 : (1816/6) Hauptgang vom Biwak zum Höhle- 7-14. neingang. 1. und 2. wurden geschafft, 3. Forschungen im Jahr 1961 durch Dr. Wal- musste abgebrochen werden. Fazit: es reicht ter Krieg, Hansruedi Maurer und Schweizer meist sehr wenig Licht, um sich einigermaßen Höhlentaucher. (PF). zu orientieren, aber funktionierende Lampen 2014.0817 sind unerlässlich. (PF). 2014.0812 BÜCHEL, Emil (2014) : Gauerblickhöhle: Bergung der Höhlenbärenknochen WIELANDER, Barbara (2014) : Vom Unfug Neuigkeiten aus Karst und Höhlen, Heft 125 : exzessiven Einbaus in Höhlen 5-8. HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des (PF). Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und 2014.0818 Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 5/6 : 59-60. (PF). BÜCHEL, Emil (2014) : Kleinhöhlen am 2014.0813 Arlberg in der Umgebung von Zürs Neuigkeiten aus Karst und Höhlen, Heft 125 : WINKLER, Robert (2013) : 20 Jahre Totes 8-10. Gebirge - ein Schleifsack voller Erlebnisse. Höhle Nr. 1213/16, Zürserseekopfhöhle Grabenstetter höhlenkundliche Hefte (Gra- 1213/1, Zürserseehöhle/Taurins Höhle benstetten), No. 23 (Jahr 2012) : 51-60. In 1213/17, Höhle Nr. 1213/4. (PF). Germ.; 18 fig. and photos. 2014.0819 (THR). 2014.0814 BÜCHEL, Emil; KLAMPFER, Alexander (2014) : Tätigkeitsbericht des Karst- und WINKLER, Robert (2013) : Totes Gebirge Höhlenkundlichen Ausschuss des VLMV für 2012. das Jahr 2013

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 107 Neuigkeiten aus Karst und Höhlen, Heft 125 : 6. 2-5. (PF). (PF). 2014.0826 2014.0820 KLAMPFER, Alexander (2013) : Schnecken- BÜCHEL, Emil (2014) : Zwei neue Höhlen loch im Gebiet des Hohen Freschen Neuigkeiten aus Karst und Höhlen, Heft 124 : Neuigkeiten aus Karst und Höhlen, Heft 125 : 3-4. 10-12. (PF). Große und Kleine Kellakopfhöhle 1115/9 und 2014.0827 10. (PF). 2014.0821 KLAMPFER, Alexander (2014) : Aktuelles von der Höhlenforschung an der Drusenfluh ELSENSOHN, Reinhard (2014) : Drachen (Rätikon, Vorarlberg) und Venediger an der Blasenka bei Buchboden Verbandsnachrichten, Jg. 65, Nr. 4 : 71-72. Neuigkeiten aus Karst und Höhlen, Heft 125 : Gelbeck 2114/112-114; Höhle im Verborgenen 12-16. Kar 2213/97 (PF). Ein Bergkamm zerbricht und gleitet allmählich 2014.0828 ins Tal. (Author, PF). 2014.0822 KLAMPFER, Alexander (2014) : Neues von der Höhle im Verborgenen Kar (2113/97), HERRMANN, Eckart (2014) : Ausgedehntes Drusenfluh, Rätikon (Vorarlberg) Neuland in der Obstanser Eishöhle 3811/1 HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des (Osttirol) Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 1/2 : 10-13. Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und Plan, fotos. Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 9/10 : 93. Höhlenbeschreibung und Liste längste und (PF). tiefste Höhlen des Rätikons. (PF). 2014.0823 2014.0829

KLAMPFER, Alexander (2013) : MAMMEL, Fritz (2013) : Neue Entdeckun- Giblaschacht 1128/38 gen im Kellerloch (1127/39) auf dem Hochi- Neuigkeiten aus Karst und Höhlen, Heft 124 : fen-Gottesackerplateau. 7. Grabenstetter höhlenkundliche Hefte (Gra- (PF). benstetten), No. 23 (Jahr 2012) : 61-64. In 2014.0824 Germ.; 5 fig. and photos. (THR). KLAMPFER, Alexander (2013) : Rätikon 2014.0830 Neuigkeiten aus Karst und Höhlen, Heft 124 : 4-5. RONGE, Georg (2014) : Forschungen am Verbindung von Mäanderhöhle zum WP- “Hexenloch”, Hinteres Sonnwendjoch Schacht-93, dadurch entstand das Weißplat- Der Schlaz, Nr. 121, September 2014 : 7-10. 3 ten-Höhlensystem (Länge 2335m, Tiefe Abb. -518m); Neuforschungen im Weißplatten-Ba- Bericht über die Entdeckung einer 60 m langen sistunnel. (PF). aktiven Wasserhöhle in Tirol (GST). 2014.0825 2014.0831

KLAMPFER, Alexander (2013) : Schacht an RONGE, Georg (2014) : Forschungen an der der Niederlenke (Kanisfluh) 1117/8 “Rosenhöhle” am Hinteren Sonnwendjoch Neuigkeiten aus Karst und Höhlen, Heft 124 : Der Schlaz, Nr. 121, September 2014 : 10-11.

108 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 1 Abb. TREYER, Andreas (2014) : Höhlen in der Bericht über die Entdeckung einer kleinen Umgebung der Neuen Reichenberger Hütte aktiven Wasserhöhle in Tirol (GST). (Osttirol) 2014.0832 Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen, Jg. 52, Folge 66, Vereinsjahr 2013 : 37-38. Fotos. SCHIFFMANN, Alexander (2014) : For- (PF). schungstour zur Wechselspitzhöhle 2014.0839 Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen, Jg. 52, Folge 66, Vereinsjahr 2013 : 39-42. Fotos, pläne. TREYER, Andreas (2014) : Höhlensuche Wechselspitzhöhlen I-III 2514/1-3 (PF). im Winkler- und Erschbaumertal (Karnische 2014.0833 Alpen, Osttirol) Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen, Jg. 52, Folge SCHIFFMANN, Alexander (2014) : Grabung- 66, Vereinsjahr 2013 : 32-36. Fotos. sarbeiten in der Höhle beim Spannagelhaus, (PF). Kat.Nr. 2515/1 2014.0840 Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen, Jg. 52, Folge 66, Vereinsjahr 2013 : 43-44. Fotos. TREYER, Andreas (2014) : Neue Gänge und (PF). Hallen in der Obstanser Eishöhle 2014.0834 Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen, Jg. 52, Folge 66, Vereinsjahr 2013 : 30-31. Fotos. SPÖTL, Christoph (2014) : Der Lamsen- oder (PF). Brudertunnel, eine oft begangene Durch- 2014.0841 gangshöhle im Karwendel Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen, Jg. 52, Folge WINKLMAIR, Caroline; WINKLMAIR, 66, Vereinsjahr 2013 : 15-18. Plan, Foto. Christian; WALCH, Andreas (2014) : Viel- (PF). versprechende Höhlen und Höhlensysteme im 2014.0835 mittleren Lechtal, Außerfern, Tirol Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen, Jg. 52, Folge SPÖTL, Christoph (2014) : Ein altes 66, Vereinsjahr 2013 : 27-29. Fotos. Höhlenplakat aus Tirol (PF). Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen, Jg. 52, Folge 2014.0842 66, Vereinsjahr 2013 : 11-14. (PF). Österreich / Austria / Autriche 2014.0836

SPÖTL, Christoph; SCHIFFMANN, Alexan- Niederösterreich der (2014) : Neuforschungen in der Griesberg Höhle (Kat.Nr. 2515/17) Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen, Jg. 52, Folge FISCHER, Walter (2014) : Der 66, Vereinsjahr 2013 : 23-26. Plan, Foto. Dachsbergschluf (1838/33) bei Plankenstein (PF). HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des 2014.0837 Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 11/12 : 98. SPÖTL, Christoph; SCHIFFMANN, Alexan- (PF). der (2014) : Zwei aktive Kleinhöhlen in der 2014.0843 Klamm des Tuxbaches in Finkenberg Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen, Jg. 52, Folge FISCHER, Walter (2014) : Die Heuweglucke 66, Vereinsjahr 2013 : 19-22. Plan, Foto. am Hochkar (1814/107) Goldbründl 2516/12, Grabungshöhle 2516/13. HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des (PF). Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und 2014.0838 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 109 Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 1/2 : 8. berges (2861) (PF). HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des 2014.0844 Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 7/8 : 71-75. FISCHER, Walter (2014) : Großes und Pläne, fotos. Kleines am Dürrenstein (Teilgruppe 1815) Katasternummern 2861/191-198. (PF). HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des 2014.0850 Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 1/2 : 5-7. HARTMANN, Wilhelm (2014) : Die Hal- Katasternummern 1815/398-405. (PF). terlucke (1854/54) am Hinterberg westlich 2014.0845 Sieding HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des FISCHER, Walter (2014) : Höhlen zwischen Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und Kogelsbach und Göstling an der Ybbs (Teilgr. Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 1/2 : 4-5. 1823) (PF). HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des 2014.0851 Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 5/6 : 46-48. HERRMANN, Eckart (2014) : Falk- Plan. enstein-Revisio Trübenbachkogelkluft 1823/62, Trübenbach- HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des höhle 1823/63. (PF). Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und 2014.0846 Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 7/8 : 69-71. Fotos. FISCHER, Walter (2014) : Zwei neue Klein- Katasternummern 1865/13-16. (PF). höhlen beim Steingrabenkreuz (Teilgruppe 2014.0852 1824) HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des HERRMANN, Eckart (2014) : Im Zentrum Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und der Sonnenuhr Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 1/2 : 8-9. HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des Ziffernschluf 1824/87, Ziffernkluft 1824/88. Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und (PF). Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 9/10 : 91-92. 2014.0847 Zentrale Sonnenuhrwandhöhle 1863/259. (PF). 2014.0853 FRITSCH, Erhard (2014) : Der in Reibers, Gem. Dobersberg, NÖ HERRMANN, Eckart (2014) : Katasterarbeit Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für im Bereich Scheuchenstein - Waldegg, Teil- Höhlenkunde in Oberösterreich, Jg. 60, gruppe 1863, Hohe Wand laufende Nr.120 : 13-21. Plan, fotos. HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des (PF). Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und 2014.0848 Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 9/10 : 90-91. Katasternummern 1863/91, 191, 257, 258. GUGGENBERGER, Elisabeth (2014) : Neues (PF). vom Dürrenstein in NiederösterreichII: Bericht 2014.0854 aus der Feuersteinmauerhöhle Verbandsnachrichten, Jg. 65, Nr. 1 : 18. HERRMANN, Eckart (2014) : Neu ent- (PF). deckte Höhlen zwischen Sonnenuhrwand und 2014.0849 Mautstraße auf der Hohen Wand HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des GUGGENBERGER, Elisabeth (2014) : Neun Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und neue Höhlen im westlichen Teil des Kalten- Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 5/6 : 49-50.

110 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Franz-Gößnitzer-Steig-Höhle 1863/251, HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des Römerweglucke 1863/252, Schäferlucke Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und 1863/253. (PF). Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 5/6 : 45-46. 2014.0855 Plan. (PF). HERRMANN, Eckart (2014) : Neue Höhlen 2014.0861 im Übeltal, Raxalpe HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des PLAN, Lukas (2014) : Neue Höhlen auf der Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und Schneealpe Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 9/10 : 88-90. HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des Übeltalmauerhöhlen I-III 1853/310-312, Übel- Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und talrinnenhöhle 1853/313. (PF). Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 5/6 : 48-49. 2014.0856 Plan. Bakkalauereusponor 1851/226, Vogelhäusel HERRMANN, Eckart (2014) : Neues vom 1851/228, Wacholderhöhlchen 1851/229. (PF). Dürrenstein in NiederösterreichI: Ritzlkes- 2014.0862 selhöhle 1815/400 - zweitgrößter bekannter Höhlenraum in Niederösterreich VOLKMANN, Friedrich (2014) : Das Hansel- Verbandsnachrichten, Jg. 65, Nr. 1 : 18. versteck (1863/256) auf der Hohen Wand (PF). HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des 2014.0857 Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 7/8 : 75-76. HERRMANN, Eckart (2014) : Zwischen Plan. Skywalk und Totenköpfl. Weitere Höhlenneui- (PF). gkeiten von der Hohen Wand 2014.0863 HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und VOLKMANN, Friedrich (2014) : Der Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 5/6 : 50-51. Spießwandschluf (2861/189) bei Breitenstein Totenköpfl-Ostwandhöhle 1863/254, Hamme- HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des rhöhle 1863/255. (PF). Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und 2014.0858 Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 3/4 : 37-38. (PF). KECK, Erich (2014) : Höhlenreinigung 2013: 2014.0864 Rauberhöhle 6845/108 in Willendorf in der Wachau VOLKMANN, Friedrich (2014) : Der Hannibal Nachrichten, Nr. 1 : 5. Steinplatte-Durchschlupf bei Mannersdorf (PF). (2911/81) 2014.0859 HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und MORGENBESSER, Wilhelm (2014) : Eine Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 5/6 : 53. Karstquelle und zwei Höhlen im Preintal bei (PF). Schwarzau im Gebirge 2014.0865 HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und VOLKMANN, Friedrich (2014) : Die Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 7/8 : 68-69. Drachensteinspalte (6845/214a,b) nördlich St. Mistelhofhöhle I und II 1842/11 und 12. (PF). Oswald 2014.0860 HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und PLAN, Lukas (2014) : Die Lenzhöhle am Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 3/4 : 38. Königsberg (1822/25) (PF). 2014.0866 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 111 VOLKMANN, Friedrich (2014) : Die VOLKMANN, Friedrich (2014) : Neue Freyensteinhöhle (1874/6a-c) im Strudengau Höhlen im Bezirk Zwettl HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 5/6 : 51. Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 5/6 : 54-55. (PF). Plan. 2014.0867 Knollenberghöhle 6845/215, Kleine Was- serhöhle 6845/216, Goldenes-Herz-Kluft VOLKMANN, Friedrich (2014) : Die Pinken- 6845/217. (PF). höhle IV (2861/188a,b) bei Semmering 2014.0873 HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und VOLKMANN, Friedrich (2014) : Weitere Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 3/4 : 37. Plan. Höhlen am Türkensturz (PF). HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des 2014.0868 Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 5/6 : 52-53. VOLKMANN, Friedrich (2014) : Die Südliche Türkensturzhöhle 2872/87, Türkens- Römerbrückenhöhle (6845/223) bei Schön- turzschacht I und II 2872/88 und 89. (PF). bach im Waldviertel 2014.0874 HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und VOLKMANN, Friedrich (2014) : Wiederent- Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 9/10 : 94. Plan. deckung (?) einer Höhle bei Scheiblingkirchen (PF). HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des 2014.0869 Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 7/8 : 78-79. VOLKMANN, Friedrich (2014) : Höhlen in Plan. der Erlaufschlucht (NÖ) Hirschzungenfuge 2872/90 (PF). Hannibal Nachrichten, Nr. 2 : 3-7. 2014.0875 Art und Verteilung der Höhlen, Entstehung von Uferhöhlen. (PF). VOLKMANN, Friedrich (2014) : Zwei neue 2014.0870 Höhlen bei Schottwien HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des VOLKMANN, Friedrich (2014) : Höhlen Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und nördlich Roßbeck südlich Kleinzell (NÖ) Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 5/6 : 51-52. HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des Plan. Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und Obere und Untere Friedhofshalbhöhle 2862/98 Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 9/10 : 93. und 99. (PF). Roßbeck-Halbhöhle 18167/195, Jo- 2014.0876 chart-Kriechgang 1867/196. (PF). 2014.0871 WIELANDER, Barbara (2014) : Geldloch: Neue Welt unter Wasser VOLKMANN, Friedrich (2014) : Mehr Verbandsnachrichten, Jg. 65, Nr. 5-6 : 96. Höhlen im Kremszwickel (PF). HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des 2014.0877 Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 7/8 : 76-78. WIELANDER, Barbara (2014) : Neuigkeiten Plan. aus dem Ötscher: von seltsamen Tierchen, Katasternummern 6845/218-222. (PF). unheilvollen Hallen und der verlorenen Ehre 2014.0872 einer Höhlenforscherin Verbandsnachrichten, Jg. 65, Nr. 2-3 : 39-41.

112 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) (PF). MATTES, Johannes (2013) : Forschungen des 2014.0878 Vereins für Höhlenkunde Ebensee 2012 Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für Österreich / Austria / Autriche Höhlenkunde in Oberösterreich, Jg. 59, Ge- samtfolge 119 : 58-66. Plan, fotos. Sanierungsarbeiten und Forschungen Gas- Oberösterreich sel-Tropfsteinhöhle 1618/3. (PF). 2014.0885

AUCT. VAR. (2014) : Höhlenrettung MATTES, Johannes (2014) : Forschungs- und Jahresmitteilungen Ebensee, Jg. 4 : 15-16. Fahrtenbericht des Vereins für Höhlenkunde (PF). Ebensee 2013 2014.0879 Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Oberösterreich, Jg. 60, AUCT. VAR. (2014) : Schutzhütte Schau- laufende Nr.120 : 25-34. höhle Gassel-Tropfsteinhöhle Sanierungsarbeiten an der Gasselhütte und am Jahresmitteilungen Ebensee, Jg. 4 : 4-7. Zugangsweg (Wanderweg), Forschungstätig- (PF). keit in der Gassel-Tropfsteinhöhle (1618/3) 2014.0880 und im Traunseeloch (1618/36). (PF). 2014.0886 FRITSCH, Erhard (2014) : Die Rötelseehöhle am Traunsee - Die Geschichte ihrer Erfor- MATTES, Johannes (2014) : Forschungsfahrt schung und wissenschaftlichen Auswertung in die Gassel-Tropfsteinhöhle bei Ebensee Die Höhle, 65. Jg., Heft 1-4 : 73-95. Verbandsnachrichten, Jg. 65, Nr. 4 : 68-70. The cave Rötelseehöhle at lake Traunsee - (PF). history of its exploration and scientific exami- 2014.0887 nation. (PF). 2014.0881 MATTES, Johannes (2014) : Neuforschungen in der Gassel-Tropfsteinhöhle KOLLER, Iris; ZEITLHOFER, Harald (2014) Jahresmitteilungen Ebensee, Jg. 4 : 7-10. : Forschungswoche Schönberg-Höhlensystem (PF). 2014 2014.0888 Verbandsnachrichten, Jg. 65, Nr. 4 : 70. (PF). MEYBERG, Michael (2014) : Wasserstands- 2014.0882 messungen im westlichen Entwässerungssys- tem der Hirlatzhöhle (1546/7) KOLLERSBERGER, Peter (2014) : Erfol- Die Höhle, 65.Jg., Heft 1-4 : 3-17. greiche Durchquerung der “Quetsche” in der Water-level measurements in the western drai- Gassel-Tropfsteinhöhle (27.-29.12.2013) nage system of Hirlatz Cave (PF). Verbandsnachrichten, Jg. 65, Nr. 1 : 14-15. 2014.0889 (PF). 2014.0883 PÜRMAYR, Ludwig (2013) : Berichte über Forschungsfahrten 2012 und 2013 im Schön- KOLLERSBERGER, Peter (2014) : Erfor- berg-Höhlensystem (Kat.Nr.1626/300) schung der Da-Vinci-Höhle am Höherstein bei Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für Bad Ischl Höhlenkunde in Oberösterreich, Jg. 59, Ge- Jahresmitteilungen Ebensee, Jg. 4 : 14-15. samtfolge 119 : 20-28. (PF). Erforschung und Vermessung neuer 2014.0884 Gangstrecken in verschiedenen Höhlenabsch- nitten. (PF). 2014.0890 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 113 PÜRMAYR, Ludwig (2014) : Berichte Tropfsteine und tiefe Schächte auf. 75 Höhlen über Forschungsfahrten 2014 im Schön- wurden bearbeitet, vermessen und dokumen- berg-Höhlensystem tiert. Derzeit längste und tiefste Höhle ist Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für die 1,8 km lange Fridolin-Schilcher-Höhle Höhlenkunde in Oberösterreich, Jg. 60, (1616/269). Es wurden auch die Skelette laufende Nr.120 : 39-45. zweier Elche gefunden. (Author, PF). Reststreckenvermessung Windgang 2014.0895 und Irrgang, Galerie-Distonix Laby- rinth, Faschingshalle - Ego-Trip, Böh- WIELANDER, Barbara; MATTES, Johannes; mischer-Windschacht, östl. Seitengänge südl. KOLLERSBERGER, Peter (2014) : Ent- vom Fegefeuer und nördl. von Windhalle. deckung großer Vorkommen an Unterwas- (PF). ser-Versinterungen - Forschungsfahrt in die 2014.0891 Gassel-Tropfsteinhöhle bei Ebensee (7.-9. März 2014) STIEGLBAUER, Hans (2014) : 1. Franzö- Verbandsnachrichten, Jg. 65, Nr. 2-3 : 36-39. sisch-österreichische Grießkar-Expedition vom (PF). 12.-24. August 2013 2014.0896 Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Oberösterreich, Jg. 60, WIELANDER, Barbara (2014) : Neujahrstour laufende Nr.120 : 22. in die Hirlatzhöhle (1546/7) Elferkogelschacht 1627/7, Plattenhöhle Verbandsnachrichten, Jg. 65, Nr. 1 : 19. 1627/12, Alter Weg Höhle (F7) 1627/neu. (PF). (PF). 2014.0897 2014.0892 WIELANDER, Barbara (2014) : STIEGLBAUER, Hans (2014) : 2. Franzö- Schachthöhlenforschung im Höllengebirge sisch-österreichische Grießkar-Expedition vom Jahresmitteilungen Ebensee, Jg. 4 : 11-13. 16.-23. August 2014 Stützpunkt Feuerkogelhaus; Steinko- Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für gelschacht, Regenschacht. (PF). Höhlenkunde in Oberösterreich, Jg. 60, 2014.0898 laufende Nr.120 : 23-24. Grießkar-Höhlensystem durch die Plattenhöhle WIMMER, Gerhard (2013) : Pießling Urs- (1627/126). (PF). prung 2014.0893 Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Oberösterreich, Jg. 59, Ge- TENREITER, Clemens (2013) : Die Schwar- samtfolge 119 : 53-55. Plan, fotos. zenberghöhle (1626/329a,b) Tauchgang im tiefsten und längsten Siphon Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für Österreichs, -87 m Wassertiefe, 405 m Länge. Höhlenkunde in Oberösterreich, Jg. 59, Ge- (PF). samtfolge 119 : 48-52. Plan, fotos. 2014.0899 Neue Großhöhle 300 Meter neben der Ischle- rhütte. (PF). WIMMER, Gerhard (2014) : Tauchaktivitäten 2014.0894 2014 Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für TENREITER, Clemens (2014) : Die Höhlen Höhlenkunde in Oberösterreich, Jg. 60, südlich des Ramaikögerls in der Hohen Schrott laufende Nr.120 : 64-67. (1616, OÖ) Wassermannloch 1741/6, Radaubach-Ursprung Die Höhle, 65.Jg., Heft 1-4 : 63-72. 1566/7, T-Höhle (1616/8) im Rettenbachtal, Das Gebiet der Hohen Schrott (westl. Totes Rettungsübung in der Rötelseehöhle 1618/1. Gebirge) weist eine große Höhlendichte, (PF). 2014.0900 114 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) WIMMER, Maximilian (2013) : RKH - For- Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für schungswoche 2013. Forschungstouren in Höhlenkunde in Oberösterreich, Jg. 60, Verbindung mit Höhleneis und Aufarbeitung laufende Nr.120 : 35-38. von Fragezeichen im Irrgang Forschungen im Bereich Canyonland des Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für Schönberg-Höhlensystem 1626/300. (PF). Höhlenkunde in Oberösterreich, Jg. 59, Ge- 2014.0906 samtfolge 119 : 39-43. RKH=Raucherkarhöhle (jetzt 1626/300, früher ZEITLHOFER, Harald; WIMMER, Gerhard 1626/55). Vereisungsphase im Bereich des (2014) : Tauchexpedition in die Koppenbrülle- Kleinen Rundgangs, Gr. Eissaal, Eingang rhöhle Gigantenkluft (1626/55), Eisprofilmessungen, Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für Entdeckung von North Carolina. (PF). Höhlenkunde in Oberösterreich, Jg. 60, 2014.0901 laufende Nr.120 : 59-62. Dritter Siphon wurde durchtaucht. (PF). WURZINGER, Robert (2013) : Bericht For- 2014.0907 scherwoche 2013 Raucherkar Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für Österreich / Austria / Autriche Höhlenkunde in Oberösterreich, Jg. 59, Ge- samtfolge 119 : 18-19. (PF). Steiermark 2014.0902

ZEITLHOFER, Harald (2013) : Canyonland ECKSTEIN, Erik (2014) : Rund um die Häu- (Schönberg-Höhlensystem) selalm (Hochschwab) Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für Verbandsnachrichten, Jg. 65, Nr. 5-6 : 95-96. Höhlenkunde in Oberösterreich, Jg. 59, Ge- (PF). samtfolge 119 : 36-38. 2014.0908 (PF). 2014.0903 GUGGENBERGER, Elisabeth (2014) : Das Gamsstein-Schneeloch (1821/44) ZEITLHOFER, Harald (2013) : Paralleluni- HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des versum Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 1/2 : 9-10. Plan. Höhlenkunde in Oberösterreich, Jg. 59, Ge- (PF). samtfolge 119 : 30-34. 2014.0909 Entdeckung der Schwarzenberghöhle, Pa- ralleluniversum - 1,5 km Neuland im Schön- GUGGENBERGER, Elisabeth (2014) : Der berg-Höhlensystem. (PF). Molchschacht bei Hinterwildalpen (1741/55) 2014.0904 HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und ZEITLHOFER, Harald (2013) : Wegebau im Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 1/2 : 9. Plan. Schönberg Höhlensystem (PF). Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für 2014.0910 Höhlenkunde in Oberösterreich, Jg. 59, Ge- samtfolge 119 : 29. HERRMANN, Eckart (2014) : Neues aus dem (PF). Gesäuse 2014.0905 Verbandsnachrichten, Jg. 65, Nr. 5-6 : 94-95. Speleo Alpin Gesäuse 2014; 600 m Ganglänge ZEITLHOFER, Harald (2014) : Canyonland wurden in 21 Höhlen neu kartiert. (PF). 2014 2014.0911

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 115 MCKINNON, Janine (2013) : Caving in Österreich / Austria / Autriche Europe 2013 – Part 2: Frauenmauer-Langstein cave system, Eisenerz, Styria, Austria 6 July 2013 Salzburg Speleo Spiel, No. 397 (Jul-Aug. 2013) : 9-11. 3 photos. Report of a visit to Frauenmauer-Langstein BICHLER, Benni (2014) : Wintertour 2013/1 Cave high in the alps. The entrance is grand ins Gamslöcher-Kolowrat Höhlensystem (~50 x 50 m), with ice formations. They (1339/1) reached the first camp (of 5) after 3 hrs under- Atlantis Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für ground. A short survey was carried out. Condi- Höhlenkunde in Salzburg, Jg. 36, Heft 1-4 : tions were particularly wet. (GJM). 39-40. 2014.0912 (PF). 2014.0916 PLAN, Lukas; OBERENDER, Pauline; FUNK, Barbara; GUGGENBERGER, Elisa- BITTNER, Sabine (2014) : Betafelungs-Tour beth; KOPPENSTEINER, Stefanie (2014) : im Hagengebirge 2011 bis 2013 bearbeitete Höhlen auf der Kar- Atlantis Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für lalpe (1745) und den Aflenzer Staritzen (1746) Höhlenkunde in Salzburg, Jg. 36, Heft 1-4 : HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des 62-64. Plan, fotos. Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und Höllriegelalm, Fillingalm, In den Ackern, Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 3/4 : 30-37. Beergraben und Hochwandl. (PF). Katasternummern 1745/66-70; 1746/4, 8, 9, 2014.0917 19, 24, 34-48. (PF). 2014.0913 GADERMAYR, Wolfgang (2014) : Ret- tungseinsatz in der Jack Daniels Höhle vom SPÖTL, Christoph; BOCH, Ronny; MOSE- 14.-17.08.2014 LEY, Gina; BRANDSTÄTTER, Susanne; ED- Atlantis Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für WARDS, R. Lawrence; CHENG, Hai; MAN- Höhlenkunde in Salzburg, Jg. 36, Heft 1-4 : GINI, Augusto; PLAN, Lukas (2014) : Wann 8-16. entstanden die Tropfsteine in der Kraushöhle Erfolgreicher Rettungseinsatz im Tennenge- bei Gams (Steiermark)? birge. (PF). Die Höhle, 65. Jg., Heft 1-4 : 18-24. 2014.0918 When did the speleothems in Kraushöhle near Gams (Styria, Austria) form? (PF). GIZKOWSKI, Marek (2014) : Grüße von 2014.0914 Kosmos Atlantis Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für STUMMER, Günter (2014) : Die Arz- Höhlenkunde in Salzburg, Jg. 36, Heft 1-4 : berghöhle - eine neue Schauhöhle stellt sich 17. vor Persönlicher Dank des verunfallten Polen aus Verbandsnachrichten, Jg. 65, Nr. 4 : 73. der Jack Daniels Höhle. (Author, PF). (PF). 2014.0919 2014.0915 GRÜNEIS, Verena (2014) : Höhlentour in den Eiskeller am Untersberg am 12. April 2014 Der Schlaz, Nr. 121, September 2014 : 25-26. 1 Abb. Bericht über die Befahrung der Höhle “Eiskel- ler” am Untersberg (GST). 2014.0920

116 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) KLAPPACHER, Walter (2014) : Sagenhöhlen WIERZBOWSKI, Marek; DRYJANSKI, und Höhlensagen in Salzburg Milosch (2014) : Expeditionsbericht Hagen- Die Höhle, 65. Jg., Heft 1-4 : 96-110. gebirge 2013: Überblick Mythic caves and cave sagas in Salzburg. (PF). Atlantis Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für 2014.0921 Höhlenkunde in Salzburg, Jg. 36, Heft 1-4 : 41-61. Plan, fotos. MAUCH, Felix; BRENNER, Manfred (2014) Neuentdeckungen in der Interssanten Höhle : Erforschung des Horrer-Schachts 1339/366 1335/495 und im Kitzgrabenwasserschacht und die Vermessung des Hirschen-Eiskellers 1335/501. (PF). 1339/184 im Untersberg 2014.0926 Atlantis Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Salzburg, Jg. 36, Heft 1-4 : ZAGLER, Georg (2014) : Übersicht der geo- 88-94. Plan, fotos. logischen und hydrogeologischen Forschungen Knochenfund eines vor 80Jahren am Untersberg bei Salzburg (Katastergebiet verunglückten Skifahrers im Horrerschacht. 1339) (PF). Atlantis Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für 2014.0922 Höhlenkunde in Salzburg, Jg. 36, Heft 1-4 : 28-33. MÜLLER, Toni (2014) : Steinernes Meer Messungen mit Datenloggern, Schüttungs- 2013. Forschungen der Frankfurter am messungen, geologische und mineralogische Hundsschädel (HU) Untersuchungen, Untersuchung der stabilen Der Schlaz, Nr. 120, Januar 2014 : 35-43. 15 Isotope von Wasserproben, Altersdatierungen Abb. von Fledermausfunden, Höhlenkartierung. Bericht über die Forschungswoche der (PF). Höhlenforschergruppe Rhein-Main am 2014.0927 Hundsschädel im Steinernen Meer. In der Höhle “Streikloch” wurde eine Tiefe von 214 ZEHENTNER, Gerhard (2014) : Kommentar m erreicht. Die Länge beträgt mehr als 2,5 km zu den Höhlenrettungen Riesending und Jack (GST). Daniels Höhle 2014.0923 Atlantis Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Salzburg, Jg. 36, Heft 1-4 : SCHLÖFFEL, Frank (2014) : Neue 2-7. Großhöhle im Tennengebirge - die Fels- (PF). brückenhöhle 1511/930 2014.0928 Verbandsnachrichten, Jg. 65, Nr. 1 : 16-18. Plan. ZEILINGER, Phillip (2014) : Säuberungsak- (PF). tion in der Torrener Bärenhöhle (1335/1) 2014.0924 Atlantis Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Salzburg, Jg. 36, Heft 1-4 : STRASSER, Wolfgang (2014) : Neues von 82. der Quellhöhle Fürstenbrunn 1339/10 (PF). Atlantis Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für 2014.0929 Höhlenkunde in Salzburg, Jg. 36, Heft 1-4 : 34-38. Plan, fotos. ZIMMEREBNER, Sabine; ZAGLER, Georg Bisher nicht vermessene Gangstrecken der (2014) : GZSZ - Gute Zeiten - Schlechte Fürstenbrunner Quellhöhle im Untersberg Zeiten wurden erforscht und im Höhlenplan vervolls- Atlantis Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für tändigt. Aktuell liegt damit die Gesamtlänge Höhlenkunde in Salzburg, Jg. 36, Heft 1-4 : der Höhle bei knapp 3 km. (Author, PF). 65-71. Plan, fotos. 2014.0925 Forschungswoche 2013 im Untersberg: Veit-

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 117 lbruch Höhle 1339/175, Unterer Winzling Jahresbericht, Tourenbeschrieben, Rückblick 1339/219, Pegelschächte 1339/197 und 364, Vereinsgeschichte, Osterlager Doubs (F), E-nix 1339/340. (Author, PF). Forschungsgebiet Olten (mit Höhlen Is- 2014.0930 chlag-Höhle 1-2). (PH). 2014.0934 ZIMMEREBNER, Sabine (2014) : Orthank ist gefallen! AUCT.VAR. (2014) : AGS-Info Atlantis Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für AGS-Info, 2/2014 : 35 p. Höhlenkunde in Salzburg, Jg. 36, Heft 1-4 : Mitteilungsblatt der AGS Regensdorf, mit 76-81. Berichten Forschungsgebiet Gamsalp (Höhlen Erlebnisbericht einer 10-tägigen For- T13, T33, T22, U15, U20, U29, U30, O101), schungstour in das Gamslöcher-Ko- Exkursionsbericht , Info zur Stratigra- lowrat-Höhlensystem (1339/1). (Author, PF). phie, Vereinsaktivitäten. (PH). 2014.0931 2014.0935

ZIMMEREBNER, Sabine (2014) : “Zahlen, AUCT.VAR. (2014) : Forschungsberichte nichts als Zahlen!” 2013/2014 Atlantis Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für Arbeitsgemeinschaft Höllochforschung, Höhlenkunde in Salzburg, Jg. 36, Heft 1-4 : 2013/2014. 83-87. Forrschungsberichte der Forschungsgruppen Forschungstour in das Gamslöcher-Ko- der AGH in- und ausserhalb des Hölloches lowrat-Salzburgerschacht-Höhlensystem (Muotathal, SZ). (PH). 1339/1, bei der 815 m neu vermessen wurden, 2014.0936 neue Gesamtlänge 40,5 km. (Author, PF). 2014.0932 AUCT.VAR. (2014) : Höhlenkurier Höhlenkurier, 2014/2 : 16 p. Switzerland / Schweiz / Suisse Mitteilungsblatt des Höhlenclubs Alpstein, mit Nachtrag Säntishöhle, Fläscherloch Urnäsch, Niederschlagsmessung Zwinglipass, Verbün- Deutsche Schweiz : detenhöhle Zwinglipass. (PH). Aargau; Appenzell; Basel; Bern; Glarus; 2014.0937 Graubünden, Luzern; Unterwalden; St. Gallen; Schaffhausen; Schwyz; Solothurn; Thurgau; AUCT.VAR. (2014) : Jahresbericht Sektion Zug; Zürich Bern SGH Jahresbericht Sekt. Bern SGH, 2014 : 116 p. Jahresbericht der SGH Bern, mit AUCT.VAR. (2011) : Jahresbericht Sektion Tourenbeschrieben, Fotos (vor allem Sieben- Bern SGH hengste-Hohgant), Vereinsprotokollen, Pläne Jahresbericht Sekt. Bern SGH, 2011 : 113 p. und Beschreibungen diverser Kleinhöhlen Jahresbericht der SGH Bern, mit auf den Siebenhengsten, Plan Hti Ngut Shaft Tourenbeschrieben, Fotos (vor allem Sie- (), Bericht der Rettung im Riesen- benhengste-Hohgant), Vereinsprotokollen, ding (D). (PH). Pläne und Beschreibungen Bachdurchgang, 2014.0938 Kehrichthöhle (Siebenhengste), Birenhöhle I Ost. (PH). DICKERT, Andreas (2014) : Chilchhöhle 2014.0933 Höhlenpost, 145 : 7-15. Plan. Beschreibung, Fotos und Pläne der Chilch- AUCT.VAR. (2014) : AGS-Info höhle in der Sulzfluh (GR). Die subhorizontale AGS-Info, 1/2014 : 50 p. phreatische Höhle bildet einen Teil der be- Mitteilungsblatt der AGS Regensdorf, mit kannten Sulzfluhhöhlen. (PH). 2014.0939 118 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) DICKERT, Andreas (2014) : Herrenhöhle / HAPKA, Roman; GROSSENBACHER, Yvan Kleinkirche (2014) : Schrattenfluh - camp d'été 2014 Höhlenpost, 145 : 16-24. Plan. Cavernes, 58 : 34-40. Beschreibung, Fotos und Pläne der Herrehöhle http://www.cavernes.ch/images/pdf/ca- in der Sulzfluh (GR). Die subhorizontale vernes2014.pdf phreatische Höhle bildet einen Teil der be- Récit de camp (SCMN et SCPF) (CV). kannten Sulzfluhhöhlen. (PH). 2014.0946 2014.0940 HÄUSELMANN, Philipp; OGH (2014) : Les FISCHER, Martin (2014) : R5/070 Kleine Höllgrotten près de Baar (ZG): un exemple Horizontalhöhle ob Häderen unique en Suisse de grottes primaires. Höhlenkurier, 2014/1 : 18-19. Deutsch, Fotos. Stalactite, Vol. 64, no 1 : 19-24. In Deutsch/ Zugang, Plan, Seitenriss und Beschreibung français; 1 plan, 4 photos. einer kleinen Höhle ob Häderen, Bezirk Rüte, Découverte et explorations des grottes près de AI. (PH). Baar, grottes qui se forment en meme temps 2014.0941 que la roche qui les entoure. (AH). 2014.0947 FLEURY, Fredy; FURTER, Markus (2014) : Verbündetenhöhle HUBER, Lothar (2014) : ISAAK - Internaio- Höhlenpost, 145 : 25-27. Plan. nale Speläologische Arbeitsgruppe Alpiner Beschreibung, Fotos und Pläne der Verbünde- Karst tenhöhle in Rüte (AI), einer Schachthöhle von Mitteilungen der Höhlenforschergruppe Karls- 38 m Tiefe. (PH). ruhe, Heft 24: 50 Jahre Höhlenforschergruppe 2014.0942 Karlsruhe : 69-78. 24 Abb. Übersicht über die Forschungen der ISAAK FLEURY, Frédy (2014) : Schönbüelhöhle (F6) im Berner Oberland (Schweiz) (GST). Höhlenpost, 144 : 2-4. 2014.0948 Beschreibung und Plan der Schönbüelhöhle F6 am Zwinglipass (SG). (PH). KNAB, Oliver (2014) : Grauspaltloch / 2014.0943 Grauspaltquelle Höhlenpost, 144 : 22-27. GRAF, Richard (2014) : Wunsch oder Rea- Beschreibung und Plan zweier Kleinlöcher in lität: Z7-F10? Amden (SG). (PH). Höhlenpost, 145 : 30-31. 2014.0949 Kurzinfo einer möglichen Verbindung zwischen zwei Höhlen im Zwinglipass (SG). KNAB, Oliver (2014) : Guggerstollen / Höhle (PH). bei der Festung 2014.0944 Höhlenpost, 145 : 38-40. Beschreibung und Plan zweier Kleinstlöcher in HAPKA, Roman (2014) : Contribution à l'in- Glarus Nord (GL). (PH). ventaire spéléologique du massif de la Schrat- 2014.0950 tenfluh Cavernes, 58 : 41-43. KNAB, Oliver (2014) : Stollen Tschengels http://www.cavernes.ch/images/pdf/ca- Höhlenpost, 145 : 32-37. vernes2014.pdf Beschreibung und Plan eines Stollens am Fels- Situation, description et topographie de trois berger Calanda (GR). (PH). gouffres topographiés en 2014 (20Y1, 23Z1 et 2014.0951 Ghackloch) (CV). 2014.0945 MEYBERG, Michael (2014) : Mären/SZ Höhlenpost, 144 : 8-11.

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 119 Ortsbeschreibung und Tourenberichte zu For- SORG, Rolf (2014) : Zwillingsschacht (F7) schungen im Karstgebiet der Mären (Muota- Höhlenpost, 144 : 7. thal, SZ). In den letzten Jahren wurden einige Beschreibung und Plan des Zwillingsschachts Touren ins Gebiet unternommen, das aber F7 am Zwinglipass (SG). (PH). noch lange nicht fertig erforscht ist. (PH). 2014.0958 2014.0952 STÜNZI, Hans; WIDMER, Mirjam; ZUR- ROMEO, Alessio (2014) : Progetto “Dentro i BUCHEN, Lukas; GOGOS, Alexander; ITA, ghiacciai” Hans (2013) : Stand der Gamsalp-Forschung, Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica Sommerlager, Bericht Italiana, n. 71 (dicembre 2014) : 10. Foto. AGS-Info, 2/2013 : 7-26. Deutsch, Pläne, Campo internazionale sul Ghiacciaio del Photos. Gorner con esplorazioni di mulinelli e ricerche Übersicht über den Forschungsstand in der scientifiche varie. (MS). Gamsalp (SG); Beschreibung und Pläne der 2014.0953 Höhlen U9, U10, U24-28; Bericht über das Sommerlager Gamsalp 2013. (PH). SCHEFER, Hansueli; AA (2013) : Eishöhlen 2014.0959 im Alpstein Höhlenkurier, 2013/2 : 6-23. Deutsch, Fotos, WEIDMANN, Yvo; WILDBERGER, Andreas; rudimentärer Plan/Seitenriss. MEYER, Ulrich; MEYERS, Karlin (2014) : Allgemeines zu Eishöhlen im Alpstein; his- Claridenhöhle : une perte alpine dans le canton torischer Text einer Befahrung der Oehrli-Ei- Glarus. shöhle 1954; Beschreibung, Fotos und Plan Stalactite, Vol. 64, no 1 : 46-57. In Deutsch/ der Eishöhle am Öhrli (R1/015). (PH). français; 1 plan,15 photos, 3 ill. 2014.0954 Historique d`explorations, conditions géolo- giques et hydrologiques (mises en évidence SCHILTER, Thomas (2014) : Chli Mälchtal- par tracage) de la Claridenhöhle, (AH). höhle : Le chainon manquant entre les Rö- 2014.0960 seaux? Stalactite, Vol. 64, no 1 : 30-45. In Deutsch/ Switzerland / Schweiz / Suisse français; 1 plan, 7 photos, 1 ill. Historique d`explorations 2009-2011, topogra- phie, géologie et speleogènese du Chli Mälch- Suisse romande / Svizzera italiana talhöhle (Silberen, Muotatal). (AH). Fribourg; Genève; Jura; Neuchâtel; Valais; 2014.0955 Vaud; Ticino

SCHÖNENBERGER, Johnny (2014) : R2/006 Säntishöhle: 60 Jahre Forschung BALLENEGGER, Florian; DEMIERRE, (Teilpublikation) Jacques; DEMIERRE, Michel; HAU- Höhlenkurier, 2014/1 : 11-16. Deutsch, Fotos. SER, Anne-Cécile; HOTTINGER, Jérôme; Zugang und Beschreibung der Säntishöhle, GUGLIELMETTI, Luca; PELLAUD, Pierre; geschichtliche Informationen. Eine weitere HUGUENIN, Pascal; ROSSELET, Gilles Publikation ist in Aussicht. (PH). (2014) : Le réseau du Dragon 2014.0956 Cavernes, 58 : 18-25. http://www.cavernes.ch/images/pdf/ca- SORG, Rolf (2014) : Chrabelhöhle F12 / vernes2014.pdf Schacht F13 Depuis plusieurs années, les spéléologues de Höhlenpost, 145 : 28-29. Plan. l'Association des Beschreibung von zwei Kleinhöhlen in Folliu-Bornés (AFB) explorent les grottes des Wildhaus (SG). (PH). massifs du Folliu et du 2014.0957 120 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Vanil des Artses, dans la vallée de l'Intyamon : Un été mouvementé du coté de Derborence. en Gruyère. Une cavité, Stalactite, Vol. 64, no 2 : 4-13. In Deutsch/ la grotte du Dragon attire notre attention de- français; 3 plans, 10 photos, 1 ill. puis plusieurs années. En Description du explorations dans la région été 2013, nous avons trouvé la sortie supé- du Mont-à-Cavouère entre 2011-2013, de la rieure du Réseau du Dragon, Gouffre des Polonais, Trou Trisex, Grotte au près du sommet du Vanil des Artses. Le déve- Snogoude et Trou du Dernier Souffle. (AH). loppement total des galeries 2014.0965 est de 733 m pour une dénivellation de +228 m. L'entrée inférieure de la / Slovaquie grotte se situe à une altitude 1739 m sur le flanc SE de la montagne. BRUSH, John (2013) : IUS Congress field Seulement une centaine de mètres linéaires trip: Karst, caves and caving in Slovenia [sic, séparent le sommet du Vanil Slovakia] des Artses (1993 m) de l'entrée supérieure Australasian Cave and Karst Management As- (1958 m). (CV). soc. Journal, No. 93 (December 2013) : 25-30. 2014.0961 17 photos. Field trip for cavers to visit all types of Karst BIRCHEN, Pierre; LALLEMAND, Tom in central Europe; a week tramping over and (2014) : Résumé du camp de Toussaint through examples of high mountain, plateau, L'Echo lorrain des cavernes (revue de l'union valley and crypto karsts in central and southern lorraine de spéléologie), n° 41. Plans. Slovakia, beginning with a memorable train Compte rendu d'une activité de spéléologie journey. Slovak Caves Administration ope- organisée du 29 octobre au 2 novembre dans le rates 12 show caves and has licensed private Jura Suisse, par l'Union Lorraine de Spéléolo- operators to develop several for public access gie. (NG). and permitted caving clubs to gate and control 2014.0962 access to wild caves. Visited: Demanovska cave system (total 40 km) - & Cave CALANDRA, Pierre-Marie; GROSSENBA- of Liberty, , Ochtinska Aragonite CHER, Yvan; SAUTEREL, Laurent; BOIL- Cave, Mala Stanisovska Cave, Dead Bats Cave LAT, Marc (2014) : Les 50 ans du SCVND and Krasnahorska Cave plus 5 wild caves. Cavernes, 58 : 4-12. (GJM). http://www.cavernes.ch/images/pdf/ca- 2014.0966 vernes2014.pdf Historique du Spéléo-Club du Vignoble Neu- GAZIK, Peter (2011) : An overview of caves châtelois - Diaclase à l'occasion de son 50e and caving in Slovakia anniversaire (CV). Cave and Karst Management in Australasia 2014.0963 XIX: Proc. 19th Aust'asian Conf. on Cave & Karst Mgt. Ulverstone, Tas. : 298. [abstract OPPLIGER, Nancy; BOILLAT, Marc; CHÉ- only]. DEL, Eve; FARINE, Jacques (2014) : Activi- The tradition of professional and organized tés des sections caving in Slovakia will be presented, including Cavernes, 58 : 58-59. the history of the Slovak Caves Administra- http://www.cavernes.ch/images/pdf/ca- tion and its changes over time. The legislative vernes2014.pdf background and consequent tools for cave pre- Activités 2014 des sections SCI, SCVN-D, servation will be mentioned. Also an overview SVT et GS Troglolog. (CV). of the types of karst and caves, approach to 2014.0964 cave management and operation of show caves in Central European conditions will be descri- STÄHELIN, Louis; FRÈSARD, Matej (2014) bed. The practices in protection of both wild

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 121 and show caves will be introduced. Ways of ril. computer handling of different issues connec- Esplorato un ramo laterale, a -900, del BC4. ted with caves will also be mentioned. (GJM). (PG). 2014.0967 2014.0971

Slovenia / Slovénie MCKINNON, Janine (2011) : Ric and Janine go Caving in Europe 2011 BRUSH, John (2013) : A boat trip into Krizna Speleo Spiel, No. 385 (Jul-Aug. 2011) : 15-21. Jama 16 photos. Australasian Cave and Karst Management As- Visited caves in Slovenia: Lenčkova jama, soc. Journal, No. 93 (December 2013) : 33-35. Postojnska Jama (off the tourist paths), Pivka 8 photos, 2 refs. Jama, Javorniško brezno; Austria: Oetsche- Križna Jama (Cross Cave), a spectacular rhoehler (Geldloch) and Gasselhoehle. (GJM). stream cave in Slovenia, is best known for its 2014.0972 brimstone barriers that beak the waterway into a string of about 50 lakes. In July 2013 a 4 hr TORELLI, Louis (2014) : Sub alla Davorjevo adventure visit by inflatable boat was made Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 90. to the cave. The trip, about 1500 m into the 1 foto. cave, is described. At places clients alight and Percorsi cento metri nel sifone. (PG). are carefully directed where they may walk, 2014.0973 sometimes on carpet! to minimise impacts. Thoroughly recommended. (GJM). WIECZOREK, Udo (2013) : Kanin - Mala 2014.0968 Boka/BC4-Durchquerung und wie alles ganz anders kam. BUNTON, Stephen (2011) : Bunton's World Grabenstetter höhlenkundliche Hefte (Gra- of Karst – Sightskiing in Europe benstetten), No. 23 (Jahr 2012) : 69-76. In Speleo Spiel, No. 383 (Mar-Apr. 2011) : 15- Germ.; 7 photos. 18. 6 photos. (THR). Noted dolines from the air, flying over Bos- 2014.0974 nia-Herzegovina, buildings, monuments and fountains in Rome fashioned from travertine Sweden / Suède and marble on which occurring. Vi- sited Postojnska Jama and its train ride: “This BARTH, Stefan; JOHANSSON, Andreas was one cave experience not to be missed”; (2014) : Dyksektionens förehavanden under noted a caterpillar digger in use in the cave!; fjällmötet 2013 delighted by Proteus in the Vivarium and the Grottan, Vol. 49, no 1 (March 2014) : 39-42. In geological cross-section showing infill and de- Swedish; plan, photos, map. posits containing Neanderthals and cave bears. During the fell-meet 2013 cave divers explored Also visited the Dolomites in Italy. (GJM). some caves in Bjurälven karst area, including a 2014.0969 new entrance to the D3-cave now surveyed to a length of 110m. A new cave, Kallsupen, was DAL MASO, Alberto (2014) : Il Kanin oltre dived to a length of about 20-25m. (JL). per oltre 2014.0975 Alpinismo triestino, a. 25, n. 142 : 16. 3 foto. Cronaca di una traversata BC4-Boka. (PG). BESKOW, Hans (2014) : Några grottor på 2014.0970 Nya Zeeland Grottan, Vol. 49, no 4 (December 2014) : 16- DAL MASO, Alberto (2014) : Un assaggio di 25. In Swedish; plan, photos. esplorazione in profondità Two Swedish cavers made a trip to New Zea- Alpinismo triestino, a. 25, n. 143 : 6. 3 foto, 1 land where they met Phill Round and visited

122 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) several caves, both show caves and wild caves. 38. In Swedish; photos. In Auckland Mortimers Cave was visited; Two new divers were introduced to Swedish several more lava caves were visited on Ran- cave diving during the 2014 annual Lum- gitoto Island. In the Waitomo area the authors melunda Cave week in Gotland. (JL). visited the Hollow Hill Cave with its glow- 2014.0980 worms. (JL). 2014.0976 GRÖNVIK, Kalle (2014) : Senkommen rap- port från Övre Ältsvattnet ENGH, Rolf (2014) : Lite mer från Lettafjället Grottan, Vol. 49, no 3 (September 2014) : 21- Grottan, Vol. 49, no 3 (September 2014) : 34- 29. In Swedish; plan, photos. 35. In Swedish; photos. Two new caves in the Övre Ältsvattnet karst Lettafjället is a mountain area in Västerbotten, area, northwestern Sweden, were surveyed in northwestern Sweden, with a small and only 2009. Blomgrottan is 160m long, and Övre partly explored karst area. A new cave en- Rödinggrottan 97m long. (JL). trance, Södra Lettafjällsgrottan, was discove- 2014.0981 red but not explored. (JL). 2014.0977 JOHANSSON, Andreas (2014) : Expedition Bjurälven ur nya ögon FORSBERG, Andreas (2014) : Fjällmötet Grottan, Vol. 49, no 2 (June 2014) : 13. In 2014 Swedish. Grottan, Vol. 49, no 4 (December 2014) : 6-13. A new member to the (almost) yearly cave di- In Swedish; photos. ving winter expeditions to the Bjurälven karst The 2014 Mountain meet was held in the Vad- area shares his experience in this short article. veriehppi Valley area in Norway near the bor- (JL). der to northernmost Sweden. The longest cave, 2014.0982 Vadveriehppigrottan, is now 2.2km long and 151m deep, but several other smaller caves KONSTENIUS, Niklas (2014) : Urforsknin- where explored during the meeting. Water tra- gen av grottorna i Vadveriehppi-dalen 2008- cing with Uranine proved that the resurgence 2013 to most caves in the valley is Gränsgrottan Grottan, Vol. 49, no 1 (March 2014) : 18-29. In about 1.1km away. Gränsgrottan was dived, Swedish; plan, photos, map. and there is a tight but possible lead. (JL). The exploration of the newly discovered karst 2014.0978 area in the Vadveriehppi Valley in northern Norway on the border to Sweden is described. FORSBERG, Andreas (2014) : Vadveriehppi- The area was discovered in 2008, and is still dalen, kanske Vadvevagges sista grott-jung- under exploration. Caves in the area includes fruliga utpost ? Vadveriehppigrottan (2km long, 150m deep). Grottan, Vol. 49, no 1 (March 2014) : 10-17. In (JL). Swedish; plan, photos, map. 2014.0983 A newly discovered karst area in the Vad- veriehppi Valley in northern Norway on the , Anders (2014) : Årsmöteshelgen border to Sweden is described. The two lon- 2014 gest caves so far are Vadveriehppigrottan (2km Grottan, Vol. 49, no 3 (September 2014) : 6-9. long, 150m deep) and Golfbanan (430m long, In Swedish; photos. 50m deep). (JL). Several fissure and boulder caves in central 2014.0979 Jämtland were visited during the Swedish Spe- leological Society's annual meeting 2014. (JL). GABRIELSSON, Stina (2014) : Lummelun- 2014.0984 daveckan 2014, Dyksektionen Grottan, Vol. 49, no 3 (September 2014) : 36- LAVAS, Anders (2014) : Klackgrottan,

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 123 nyfynd väster om Siljan unsurveyed ecosystem. The genesis of the cave Grottan, Vol. 49, no 4 (December 2014) : 14- system is discussed. (JL). 15. In Swedish; plan, photos. 2014.0988 Södra Klacken is a mountain west of Lake Siljan in Dalarna. A new boulder cave, the PALMQVIST, Marcus (2014) : Expedition 15m long Klackgrottan, is described from this Bjurälven 2014, Övre Bjurälvsgrottan mountain. (JL). Grottan, Vol. 49, no 2 (June 2014) : 14-17. In 2014.0985 Swedish; photos. During the 2014 late winter expedition to LINDBLOM, Anna; CRAMLING, Jan; Bjurälven karst area, where diving normally is BROSTRÖM, Roger (2014) : Grottupptäckter in focus, also the relatively dry Bjurälvsgrottan i Överkalix kommun was visited for the third time since the cave Grottan, Vol. 49, no 3 (September 2014) : 30- was discovered in 1978. No survey was done, 33. In Swedish; photos. but the lenght of the cave was approximated to Jockfall is a salmon fishing area just north of about 300-400m. (JL). the Arctic Polar Circle. A mountain, Laxfors- 2014.0989 berget, in this area has a large boulder slope with several small boulder/fissure caves. The SJÖBERG, Rabbe (2014) : Grottor i Sverige longest cave is 16m. (JL). över 200 m längd i maj 2014 2014.0986 Grottan, Vol. 49, no 3 (September 2014) : 46- 47. In Swedish. LINDÉN, Anders H. (2014) : Tidiga grottfors- In May 2014, there were 47 caves in Sweden kare with a length of 200m or more. 15 of these Grottan, Vol. 49, no 2 (June 2014) : 41. In caves are non-karstic caves (boulder or fissure Swedish. caves). The three longest caves are Korallgrot- Brattforsklevorna are abrasion caves in tan (6.3km), Lummelundagrottan (4km) and Kinnekulle, Southern Sweden. One of the Labyrintgrottan (2.8km). The three longest caves was first mentioned 1787, and later des- non-karstic caves are Bodagrottorna (2.6km), cribed by P.E. Lindskog in 1813. (JL). Hölickgrottan (1.3km) and Almekärrgrytet 2014.0987 (610m). (JL). 2014.0990 LUNDBERG, Johannes; SCHEUERER, Ma- nuela; SJÖBERG, Rabbe; SROMOVA, Ljuba; SJÖBERG, Rabbe (2014) : Rövarklippan vid BLOMQVIST, Peter (2014) : Expedition Mjösjö, Nordingrå Gobhologrottan 2012-2014 Grottan, Vol. 49, no 4 (December 2014) : 31- Grottan, Vol. 49, no 2 (June 2014) : 24-31. In 35. In Swedish; photos. Swedish; plan, photos. Rövarklippan is a 76m long neotectonic cave Report from two expeditions (2012, 2014) to in the High Coast area in NE Sweden. The Gobholo Cave in Swaziland. This cave, lo- cave was formed by a post-glacial earthquake cated near the capital Mbabane, is a complex dated to less than 3000 years ago. The cave is and long granite cave so far explored to a mentioned already 1705, and it is said that rob- length of 1.1km. Parts of the cave was sur- bers used the cave as shelter in the early 17C. veyed using DistoX, but also temperature and In recent time the cave has been subject to radon loggers were placed in the cave. Pottery several studies, including dating using Schmidt and other artefacts were photodocumented and Test-hammers. (JL). have later been preliminary dated to various 2014.0991 prehistoric cultures; a stone axe may be from the acheulean culture (0.5 to 1.5 Myr old). The SJÖBERG, Rabbe (2014) : Skämmapakte- cave is an important bat roosting locality, with blocket three species of bats, but has a rich and so far Grottan, Vol. 49, no 4 (December 2014) : 28-

124 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 30. In Swedish; photos. 40-43. Photos. Along the hiking trail Kungsleden in NW The conference took place in the village of Sweden, between Aktse and Sitojaure, a large Churchill in Mendip. Field trips in Mendip boulder (estimated dimensions 50x50x50m) Hills were arranged prior to the conference. has been observed from a distance of c 8km. The author took part together with David It is said that there is a cave under the boulder, St. Pierre. Another well-known participant: but this has not been confirmed. (JL). Trevor Faulkner. Comfortable accommoda- 2014.0992 tion was provided in the club house of Wessex Cave Club. The conference was housed in the URSINUS, Edelgard (2013) : Eine Befahrung Churchill Community School. 1600 persons der Korallengrotte in Schweden. visited during the two days. Following the Höhlenforscher, der Zeitschrift für Freunde der conference the author was the guest of David Speläologie (Dresden), Vol. 45, No. 3 : 77-80. St. Pierre in the Yorkshire Dales. Trips were In Germ. made to Alum Pot, a real pothole with an entry (THR). pitch of 50 m (TF). 2014.0993 2014.0997

WIKSTRÖM, Andreas (2014) : Uppdaterad AUCT. VAR. (2014) : karta över Börsås hål Newsletter, No 190 (Ja- Grottan, Vol. 49, no 4 (December 2014) : 26- nuary 2014) : 18. p. 27. In Swedish; plan, photos. CDG AGM and Dinner; CDG AGM Propo- Updated survey of the c 70m long boulder sals; Cnoc Nam Uamh; Loch More Upper cave Börsås hål in Halland (SW Sweden). Rising; Loch More Rising No 2; Loch More (JL). Rising No 3;Loch More Sink No 2; Loch More 2014.0994 Sink No 3c; Waterfall Rising; Boreham Cave; Malham Cove Rising; Mammary Pot; Old Ing ; Grande-Bretagne Cave; Preacher's Cave; River Pot; Southers- cales Pot; Knotlow Cavern; Cheddar Risings; Gough's Cave; Resurgencesa of the Bay of General / Généralités Kotor; Fou De Bor; Torca la Vaca; Tourist and Training Dives (GM). 2014.0998 AA (2014) : BCRA Special Interest Groups Speleology, No 19 : 40-41. AUCT. VAR. (2014) : Abstracts: 25th Briti- Reports from Cave Radio, Surveying and sh Cave Research Association Cave Science Archaeology Groups, and a suggestion of a Symposium possible revival of the Hydrology Group. (Au- Cave and Karst Science, Vol. 41, no 3 (De- thor, GM). cember 2014) : 139-144. 2014.0995 (GM). 2014.0999 AA (2014) : Regional News Speleology, No 19 : 13. AUCT. VAR. (2014) : BCRA Meetings Re- Three Counties Connections and Large Pot ports Extensions, News from Wales, Contact De- Speleology, No 19 : 70-71. Online Only. tails. (Author, GM). 2011 Field Meeting to Litton and Bradwell 2014.0996 Dale area, 2012 Cave Science Symposium. (Author, GM). AARSTAD, Hans Øivind (2005) : Hidden 2014.1000 Earth 2005 Norsk Grotteblad, no 45 (Desember 2005) : BEDFORD, Mike (2014) : 2012 Cave Tech-

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 125 nology Symposium (June 2014) : 19. Speleology, No 19 : 22-24. Subscription Rates, BCA/BCRA Party The 4th annual BCRA Cave Technology Weekend, Letters? Symposium was held in the Mendips in 2012. (JVD). Topics ranged from the latest developments in 2014.1006 cave radio to rope testing, from 3D models of cave chambers to techniques for counting cave HOWES, Chris (2014) : Expedition Top-ups visitors. Mike Bedford summarises the presen- Descent, No 236 (Feb/Mar 2014) : 6. tations. (Author, GM). British expedition funding 2013/14 (GM). 2014.1001 2014.1007

BEDFORD, Mike (2014) : CREG Field Mee- NICHOLSON, John; LE BLANC, Luc; GILL, ting: Autumn 2014 Rob (2014) : Letters and Notes Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 88 Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 87 (December 2014) : 22 - 24. (September 2014) : 19. A CREG field meeting in the Yorkshire Dales Diary Dates, Cavemite, Battery Case, Field featured a wide range of activities and de- Meeting. (JVD). monstrations. Mike Bedford reports. (JVD). 2014.1008 2014.1002 SELF, Charlie (2014) : Cave and Karst BROOKE, Hellie (2014) : Adventure out of Science Explained Chaos Speleology, No 19 : 64-69. Online Only. Descent, No 236 (Feb/Mar 2014) : 16-17. Charlie Self gives layman's summaries of Cave CHECC 2013 event in Castleton (GM). and Karst Science 38(2) to 38(3), published in 2014.1003 2011; and 39(1) to 39(3), the issues published in 2012. (Author, GM). FAULKNER, Trevor; AUCT. VAR. (2014) : 2014.1009 BCRA Meetings Reports Speleology, No 19 : 29-31. SMITH, Christopher (2014) : Cave Archaeo- 2013 Cave Science Symposium, Lincolnshire logy and Karst Geomorphology in North-West Limestone, Nottingham Show Caves, Por- England cellanous Bed and Cave Formation in the Speleology, No 19 : 14-15. Yorkshire Dales. Includes 'List of Recent Christopher Smith reports on a joint field mee- BCRA Field Meetings' compiled by Trevor ting with the Quaternary Research Association. Faulkner. (Author, GM). (Author, GM). 2014.1004 2014.1010

GIBSON, David (2014) : Comment, News in WEARE, Damian (2014) : Brief British Caving Association Members' Speleology, No 19 : 4-5. Handbook : 52 p. Editorial, A message from the BCA Chairman Membership & Public-Liability Insurance Andy Eavis, Sits. Vac., Writing for Speleolo- Summary; Important Dates 2013-16; Contac- gy, Open Access to Cave and Karst Science ting BCA; Committees; Other BCA Functions; Online, BCRA/Hidden Earth Cave Science Constituent Bodies; Regional Caving Councils Bursaries, Hidden Earth Grants, The BCA Fo- (RCCs); Policies & Statements; Index (GM). rum Scanner, Diary Dates. (Author, GM). 2014.1011 2014.1005

GILL, Rob (2014) : Letter and Notes Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 86

126 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) A walk in the Howgills; Search for Headquar- United Kingdom; Grande-Bretagne ters; New Zealand 2011; The New GG Gantry; Pierre St Martin 2013; Tête Sauvage to La Verna; Impressions from the Tête Sauvage – England E.D.F. Tunnel Traverse; Any cave in spring (Southern England (Devonshire, Somer- time; Kalymnos 2009; Weekend Ramble No setshire, Kent, Cornwall, etc.), Middle En- 28 - Seana Bhraigh; Clapham Bottoms Pot gland (Derbyshire, Essex, Lincolnshire, etc.), entrance restoration; Gaping Gill floor; Fol- Northern England (Lancashire, Yorkshire, lowing the Whin Sill; Gandara to Bustalviente Westmoreland, Cumberland, etc.), Isle of Man through trip – Spain; Gouffre Pierre St. Martin and Channels islands) Aug2013; The Pennine Way; Radio Location of Preacher's Cave; Re-surveying Gaping Gill; Obituaries: Allan Gill 1931-2010; Vera Wright AARSTAD, Hans Øivind (2009) : Til England (nee Darling 1933-2012); Bob Leakey 1914- i november 2008 2013; Alf Hurworth; Dr Farrer; Brian Smith Norsk Grotteblad, no 52 (Juni 2009) : 13. (GM). Photos. 2014.1015 Norwegians participated in David St Pierre's 70 years currently the November 10th in En- AUCT. VAR. (2014) : gland, and learned to know David's extensive Craven Pothole Club Record, No 113 : 43 p. archive Norwegian Cave Index and Bibliogra- (GM). phy. Together with some English cavers, three 2014.1016 of the Norwegians and David did the Swinsto hole as well, - the pull through trip to Kings- AUCT. VAR. (2014) : dale Master Cave. (Author, TF). Craven Pothole Club Record, No 114 : 35 p. 2014.1012 (GM). 2014.1017 ALLEN, Tim (2014) : The Longest Cave Descent, No 240 (Oct/Nov 2014) : 36. AUCT. VAR. (2014) : Update on the Dec 2011 edition of Descent Craven Pothole Club Record, No 115 : 35 p. with an analysis of the length of the Three (GM). Counties System, now reassessed and shorte- 2014.1018 ned though remaining the UK's longest cave (GM). AUCT. VAR. (2014) : 2014.1013 Craven Pothole Club Record, No 116 : 38 p. (GM). ALLEN, Tim; PEARSON, Keith (2014) : The 2014.1019 Mohole Descent, No 241 (Dec/Jan 2014/15) : 28-33. AUCT. VAR. (2014) : Breakthrough in a dig at the bottom of The The Belfry Bulletin, Vol. 59, no 5 (April 2014) Mohole, Yorkshire Dales (GM). : 28 p. 2014.1014 Editorial; Caving History: Memories are made of this; Digging: Reservoir Hole 15th update AUCT. VAR. (2014) : and Other Digs;Socialising: Trailwalkers; Pic- Bradford Pothole Club Bulletin, Vol. 7, no 5 ture Parade and mini quiz; (December 2014) : 78 p. Antiquity; Caving History: Chard School http://www.bpc-cave.org.uk/BPC/Bulletin%20 Hawks; Committee Member Profile (GM). Vol%207%20No%205%20Final%20Version. 2014.1020 pdf Editorial; Brown Hill Pot entrance restoration; AUCT. VAR. (2014) :

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 127 The Belfry Bulletin, Vol. 59, no 4 (January (March 2014) : 36 p. 2014) : 24 p. (GM). Editorial; Socialising: Bath Roman Tunnel 2014.1027 Tour; Socialising: Mexican Firework Party and Home Meet; Local History: Starfish 73a CAFFERTY, Luke (2014) : Boom! Blacdown; Travel: 'Caving' in New Zealand; Descent, No 239 (Aug/Sept 2014) : 34-35. Digging: Reservoir Hole 14th update; Ca- Extension to Peak Cavern when a dig passed ving ‘History': St. Alactite, the patron saint of Watershed Aven to discover Boom (GM). cavers; Exploration/Expedition: Taking on the 2014.1028 Mother of all Sumps—the 2013 Huautla Ex- pedition; Digging: Toothache, the next phase EAVIS, Rob (2014) : Peak Expedition 2012: (GM). Discovering Doom 2014.1021 Speleology, No 19 : 6-7. In the summer of 2012 cave explorers of AUCT. VAR. (2014) : Derbyshire joined again for the two- The Belfry Bulletin, Vol. 59, no 6 (August week Peak Expedition. Rob Eavis describes 2014) : 28 p. the result of the onslaught of digging projects. Editorial; Letters; Archaeology; Digging; Cave (Author, GM). Rescue; Caving; Archaeology; Vale (GM). 2014.1029 2014.1022 EAVIS, Rob (2014) : Peak's Holy Grail AUCT. VAR. (2014) : Descent, No 240 (Oct/Nov 2014) : 32-33. The Belfry Bulletin, Vol. 60, no 1 (November Extension to Oxlow Caverns into a blank area 2014) : 28 p. of limestone heading for Giant's Hole, Peak Editorial; Letters; Cave Diving Hessenhau- District (GM). hohle; Vale; Digging; Caving: Down in the 2014.1030 USA; Digging—Silo to a Conclusion; Expedi- tion Report—Crete (GM). EWLES, Matt (2014) : A Game of Rocks 2014.1023 Descent, No 237 (April/May 2014) : 25-27. Discovery and exploration of Jenga Pot, North AUCT. VAR. (2014) : York Moors, with survey (GM). White Rose Pothole Club, Vol. 33, no 4 (De- 2014.1031 cember 2014) : 19 p. (GM). GLANVILL, Peter (2014) : The Discovery 2014.1024 and Exploration of The Frozen Deep, Mendip Hills, UK AUCT. VAR. (2014) : NSS News, Vol. 72, no 3 (March 2014) : 4-14. White Rose Pothole Club, Vol. 33, no 3 (Sep- 1 back-cover photo, 24 photos, 3 maps. tember 2014) : 29 p. Detailed account of the exploration of this new (GM). discovery in Reservoir Hole. Frozen Deep is 2014.1025 an extraordinary find for Britain: it is the lar- gest chamber found in Britain to date. Explora- AUCT. VAR. (2014) : tion was difficult, and caused various incidents White Rose Pothole Club, Vol. 33, no 2 (June due to very unstable rocks. Exploration is still 2014) : 16 p. ongoing. (YD). (GM). 2014.1032 2014.1026 HADFIELD, Simon; WILSON, Linda (2014) AUCT. VAR. (2014) : : UBSS Secretaries Report and Museum Re- White Rose Pothole Club, Vol. 33, no 1 port

128 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) UBSS Proceedings, Vol. 26, no 2 : 113-116. RYALL, Dave (2014) : Delving Under Nateby http://www.ubss.org.uk/search_litera- Descent, No 239 (Aug/Sept 2014) : 19. ture_browse.php?ArticleId=2808&Ar- Discovery of Blind Gill Hole and Fells End ticleName=Secretaries+Report%2C+- Pot, Mallerstang, Cumbria (GM). March+2013+-+March+2014 2014.1040 Secretaries's report, March 2013 - March 2014. Museum report, 2014 (NTU). WOLSTENHOLME, Phil (2014) : Into the 2014.1033 West Cartgate Descent, No 241 (Dec/Jan 2014/15) : 8. HUNTER, Chris (2014) : Reopening Mam- Extension to James Hall's Over Engine Mine, mary Pot Peak District (GM). Descent, No 236 (Feb/Mar 2014) : 7. 2014.1041 Reopening and diving Mammary Pot, White- barrow, Cumbria (GM). United Kingdom; Grande-Bretagne 2014.1034

JONES, Duncan (2014) : Feeling Positive at Wales the Negative Dig (Anglesey, etc). Descent, No 236 (Feb/Mar 2014) : 9. Negative Dig breakthrough in Lancaster Hole, Cumbria (GM). SELF, Charlie (2014) : Science in Ogof Drae- 2014.1035 nen Speleology, No 19 : 16-18. NORTH, Geroge; WADE, Jeff (2014) : Clim- Cave and Karst Science 38(1) was a special bing in the Eastern Front issue devoted to Ogof Draenen. In his regular Descent, No 238 (June/July 2014) : 18-19. reviews, Charlie Self gives layman's summa- Continuing exploration and aven climbing in ries of this issue. (Author, GM). the Eastern Front, Large Pot (GM). 2014.1042 2014.1036 United Kingdom; Grande-Bretagne PACEY, Neil (2014) : Mud on the Eastern Front Descent, No 236 (Feb/Mar 2014) : 19-22. Scotland Eastern Front discovery in the Rift Pot-Large (Berwick, Perth, Sutherland, etc.) Pot system, Marble Steps, with survey (GM). 2014.1037 BARTON, Tamlin (2014) : From Glen Creran RICHARDSON, Mark (2014) : Poetry in to Glen Dochart Motion Grampian Speleological Group Bulletin 5th Descent, No 238 (June/July 2014) : 34-36. Series, Vol. 1, no 1 : 34-38. 8 ill. Dig, breakthrough and extension to Rowter Summary of investigations into various shafts Hole, Derbyshire (pt 1) (GM). and caves found in the Appin district of Argyll, 2014.1038 one of which might be the source of a 1964 ex- ploration by defunct Glasgow Spelaeological RICHARDSON, Mark (2014) : Reaping the Society, which had been lost. Includes tourist Benefits trips to seldom visited caves in Glen Dochart. Descent, No 239 (Aug/Sept 2014) : 20-23. (Author, GM). Continuing exploration of the extension in 2014.1043 Rowter Hole, Derbyshire, with survey (pt 2) (GM). COVENTRY, Colin (2014) : Cave of the Kyle 2014.1039 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 129 Grampian Speleological Group Bulletin 5th Assynt, N.W. Sutherland. Series, Vol. 1, no 2 : 33-34. 2 ill., survey. (Author, GM). A new cave on the Kyle of Durness, N.W. 2014.1048 Scotland, is described, having been revealed by shifting sand. The cave contains some large SIMPSON, Ritchie (2014) : Breaking Apple- formations. (Author, GM). cross 2014.1044 Grampian Speleological Group Bulletin 5th Series, Vol. 1, no 1 : 17-23. 5 ill. JEFFREYS, Alan L. (2014) : Note: Sea Cave Description of digs in the Applecross region at Eshaness, Shetland of Ross-shire, UK, with work at Flake Pot and Grampian Speleological Group Bulletin 5th Uamh nam Fior Iogantais rising. Work in the Series, Vol. 1, no 2 : 12. surface streambed may pay off in the future. Geologist Jonathan Swale reports finding a sea (Author, GM). cave in Shetland, which is probably the largest 2014.1049 cavern in the UK, with a sea covered floor area of 5,600 square metres. This is by far the TAVINER, Rob (2014) : More Sinks at Meall biggest such void recorded so far in the UK. a'Bhraghaid (Author, GM). Grampian Speleological Group Bulletin 5th 2014.1045 Series, Vol. 1, no 2 : 21-22. 4 ill. Re-visit to a hill south of Breabag, in Assynt, LATTA, Alex (2014) : New Discoveries on N.W. Sutherland, where a collection of spa- Skye cious shakeholes was found and briefly dug. Grampian Speleological Group Bulletin 5th None opened into enterable cave, but were Series, Vol. 1, no 2 : 38-42. 4 ill., 2 surveys. thought worth further investigation. (Author, New holes were discovered near the Broadford GM). to Torrin road on the Isle of Skye in April 2014.1050 2014. Most proved to be very small voids, but one, named Skyehigh Cave, led 2.12 Eastern Europe after a 3 metre shaft, into 35 metres of passage, Europe orientale with potential for extension. (Author, GM). 2014.1046 Russian Federation / Fédération de Russie LINDSAY, S. (2014) : Mendip Migration 2014, UNCABAC and Smoo Autonomous republics; Autonomous regions : Grampian Speleological Group Bulletin 5th European (Russian Plain, Volga Basin; Series, Vol. 1, no 2 : 13-16. 3 ill., survey. Pinega- Kuloy; Preduralje; South and Central A regular springtime holiday in Assynt is Ural; Baskhiria); Russian described, with digging work at various sites, including Campbell's Cave, Smoo Cave and UNCABAC, a very small bedding VALLON, Jean-Michel (2014) : Sudak- Cri- plane void in the Allt nan Uamh streambed. mée- Formation Secours- Septembre 2013 (Author, GM). Spéléo 01, N° 26 (Juin 2014) : 186-193. 20 2014.1047 photos, 1carte. Expédition interclubs avec rencontre des spé- MORRISON, David (2014) : North West léos russes, surtout axée secours plongée (BC). Caving Report 2014.1051 Grampian Speleological Group Bulletin 5th Series, Vol. 1, no 1 : 28-29. 2.2 America Examination of new and small digs Amérique in the Heaste area of Skye, Applecross and

130 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 2.21 North America influenced, constrained and/or promoted karst Amérique du Nord development in this region. Research include detailed field work and mapping at a number Canada of selected representative karst areas on Van- couver I., collecting information on bedrock British Columbia / Colombie Britannique geology, geologic structures, surface karst features, glacial materials/cover and hydrolo- gy. (GJM). SILVESTRU, Emil (2011) : Karst on Vancou- 2014.1053 ver Island – an icy history Proc. 28th Biennial Conf. of ASF, Chillagoe of America 2011 : 24 p. 29 refs. Vancouver I. has highest density of caves in General Canada though karstic rocks represent a small part of its geology. While all karst areas in Canada were covered by ice during last glacia- HOLDER, Thomas (2014) : New York - zwei tion, VI karst had peculiar glacial conditions ARGE-Höfos im Exil. during Fraser Glaciation which have allowed a Grabenstetter höhlenkundliche Hefte (Gra- better understanding of karst processes be- benstetten), No. 23 (Jahr 2012) : 53-62. In neath Cordilleran Ice Sheet. Many caves, even Germ.; 13 photos. at high elevation, have preserved very coarse (THR). rounded allochthonous sediments, incl. blocks 2014.1054 >1 m in size, which are clear indication of paroxystic subglacial aquatic transportation. MIDDLETON, Greg (2013) : Cave-hopping So subglacial karst was repeatedly submitted across the USA July-August 2011 Part 1: Flo- to high pressure, chemically aggressive water rida to Kentucky flooding followed by flushing which signi- Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, ficantly enlarged the caves and established Vol. 57, No. 5 : 125-133. 2 maps, 24 photos, 4 today's karst drainage. (Author, GJM). refs. 2014.1052 Visits a number of show caves, making general observations, some criticisms. Went to Florida STOKES, Tim; RAMSEY, Carol; GRIF- Caverns, De Soto Caverns, Cathedral Caverns, FITHS, Paul (2013) : Constraints for Karst Russell Cave (archaeological site), Racoon Landscape Evolution on Vancouver Island, Mountain Caverns, Ruby Falls Cave (most British Columbia, Canada: Concepts, Research signposted), Lost Sea, Lost River Cave, Dia- Plans and Outcomes mond Caverns, Hidden River Cave, Cub Run Cave and Karst Management in Australasia Cave and Natural Bridge (Kentucky). (GJM). XX. Proc. 20th Australasian Conf. Cave & 2014.1055 Karst Management 2013. Waitomo Caves, NZ : 192-208. 12 figs, 36 refs. MIDDLETON, Greg (2013) : Cave-hopping A research project has been initiated to bet- across the USA July-August 2011 Part 2: Ken- ter understand the geologic, geomorphologic tucky to Montana and hydrologic processes that have led to the Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, evolution of karst landscapes on Vancouver Vol. 57, No. 6 : 155-166. 2 maps, 31 photos, 4 I. – a mountainous region with a long glacial refs. history and an active tectonic setting. This Describes second part of a tour of show caves research aims to explain how bedrock geology, plus attendance at the NSS Convention at geological structures, recent and past tecto- Glenwood Springs, Colorado. Caves ins- nic uplift, glacial and inter-glacial events, sea pected: Marengo Caves, Wyandotte Caves level change and isostatic rebound may have (closed), Meramec Caverns, Onondaga Cave,

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 131 Fantastic Caverns, Glenwood Caverns, lava United States of America caves in Craters of the Moon NM, Frank Church Natural Bridge, Minnetonka Cave, Hawaii Idaho Mammoth Cave, Shoshone Ice Cave, Lewis & Clarke Caverns, Pictograph Cave State Park caves. (GJM). WHITE, Susan; WHITE, Nicholas (2011) : 2014.1056 Lava caves of Hawai'i: Cave Conservancy of Hawai'i Field Season 2011 WESTLUND, Anders (2006) : Avløp fra Proc. 28th Biennial Conf. of ASF, Chillagoe landbruk forurenser grunnvannet i Mammoth 2011. [PP presentation]. Cave Cave Conservancy of Hawai'i non-profit Norsk Grotteblad, no 47 (Desember 2006) : 9. corporation which aims to acquire & manage Survey. caves for scientific study, educate individuals The content of chemicals from agriculture has interested in speleology and conserve cave been frequently measured in the groundwater resources on the islands of Hawai`i. Illustrates in the Mammoth Cave, which has been shown features, incl. bacterial colonies and to be heavily polluted. (TF). mats on the cave walls in variety of colours 2014.1057 and shapes, in collaboration with Dr Diana Northup (Uni. of New ). World wide United States of America collaboration involving , Hawai'i, Undara, Western Victoria, Azores et al…. Exa- Alabama mples: blue-green deposits, Maelstrom Cave - a hydrated copper silicate with an interesting microbial commu- AA (2014) : Convention Area Caving, 2014 nity, Pointillistic deposits, Eppersons Cave. NSS News, Vol. 72, no 11 (November 2014) : (GJM). 22-23. 14 photos. 2014.1060 Various photos representative of caving in the TAG (Tennessee, Alabama, ) area du- United States of America ring the 2014 National Speleological Society Convention in Huntsville, Alabama, USA. Montana (YD). 2014.1058 BALLENSKY, Jason (2014) : Tears of the CHAREST, Rouana (2014) : Frogs in TAG Turtle Cave: A New Depth Record NSS News, Vol. 72, no 11 (November 2014) : NSS News, Vol. 72, no 12 (December 2014) : 20-21. 5 photos. 8-11. 7 photos, 1 map. Quebecois cavers go caving in the TAG area Wrap-up of the results of various expeditions during the 2014 National Speleological So- over 15 years to the Turtlehead Mountain in ciety Convention in Huntsville, Alabama, the Bob Marshall Wilderness, which led to a USA. The author describes the trips and com- depth record in Tears of the Turtle Cave. At pares conditions with those in Quebec. (YD). -1629 ft deep, it is the deepest limestone cave 2014.1059 in the USA. (YD). 2014.1061

CUMMINS, James (2014) : Double Date Cave, Aka: Pagoda Mountain Cave NSS News, Vol. 72, no 12 (December 2014) : 2, 12-18. 1 front-cover photo, 11 photos, 4 maps.

132 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Report on 3 expeditions (2012, 2013, 2014) to BRUSH, John (2012) : A meander through se- continue exploration in this cave, located in a veral show caves in Pennsylvania and Virginia, remote area of the Bob Marshall Wilderness USA Area. Double Date Cave is now 7741 ft long Australasian Cave and Karst Management and 582 ft deep, and still has leads. (YD). Assoc. Journal, No. 87 (June 2012) : 32-35. 12 2014.1062 photos. Critical observations from visits to Penns Cave JOHNSON, Peter (2014) : Tears in Montana: (visit by boat but problems with outboard Deep Caving in the Bob Marshall Wilderness motor fumes), Lincoln Caverns (special tours NSS News, Vol. 72, no 12 (December 2014) : at Halloween), Natural Bridge of Virginia (and 2, 4-9. 11 photos, 2 maps. Natural Bridge Caverns - extensive lampen- Report on the exploration of Tear of the Turtle, flora gardens due to continuous lighting) and near Turtlehead Mountain, 21 miles from the Luray Caverns, Virginia (tour group of 50-60 trail head, during a 9-day expedition in August far too large, “stalacpipe” organ employing 2014. The cave, which has been explored for ground stalactites). (GJM). 15 years, and whose exploration is made very 2014.1066 difficult due to tight passages, water, and 39 degrees F temperatures, was explored to -1629 United States of America ft, breaking the depth record for limestone caves in the USA. (YD). Tennessee 2014.1063

STAHLEY, Ken (2014) : A History of the Ex- RYKWALDER, Philip (2014) : Climbing in ploration and Survey of Little Ice Cave in the the Dark: Adventures in Swift River Cave Pryor Mountains of Montana NSS News, Vol. 72, no 2 (February 2014) : NSS News, Vol. 72, no 7 (July 2014) : 4-9. 8 4-7. 8 photos. photos, 2 maps. The author recounts a terrifying aid climb on History of exploration of this long-known but an unstable wall in a remote area of this diffi- barely mapped cave, and of its survey in 2012- cult cave. When no rock could be found to bolt 1013. (YD). to, a crowbar was used as a piton in the mud. 2014.1064 (YD). 2014.1067 United States of America United States of America North / South Carolina Virginia / West Virginia

HOLLER, Cato (2014) : Hollow Hills Cavern: North Carolina's Newest Cave AA (2014) : Pond Cave NSS News, Vol. 72, no 2 (February 2014) : The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 3 (June 8-11. 15 photos, 1 map. 2014) : 4-5. 1 map. Detailed description of how the author turned Map and short description of the mapping of his basement into a cavern. (YD). this Greenbrier County, West Virginia cave. 2014.1065 (YD). 2014.1068 United States of America ALDERSON, Bob (2014) : Hellhole: Ecstasy Pennsylvania Dome, el Numero Dos The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 1 (Fe- bruary 2014) : 13-14.

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 133 Report of continuing the Ecstasy Dome climb various digs and low aispaces, the surveying in this Pendleton County, West Virginia cave team ran out of leads, they were all too grim to during a 3-day camp trip. After squeezing pursue. (YD). upwards into a tight fissure at the top of the 2014.1073 dome, a new 80-foot-tall dome was found. (YD). DASHER, George (2014) : Fork Lick Springs 2014.1069 The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 5 (Octo- ber 2014) : 7. 1 photo, 1 map. ANDERSON, Bob (2014) : Early Exploration Description of an outcrop in the middle of the in Hellhole Elk River in Webster County, West Virginia, The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 2 (April which is directly over the axis of the Webster 2014) : 15-18. 1 sketch; Originally printed in Springs . (YD). the Journal of Spelean History, V18n3&4 p 2014.1074 84 to 89, then reprinted from the 1984 Speleo Digest, pages 277 to 280. DASHER, George (2014) : Jackson Hole Detailed early history of this significant Pen- The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 6 (De- dleton County, West Virginia cave and of the cember 2014) : 5. 1 map. first descent of its entrance pit, starting in This Monroe county, West Virginia cave was 1929, using steel cable and a windlass. In- surveyed back in the 1970s but a final map had cludes the names of the early explorers of the never been drawn up until now. (YD). cave, and some of the accidents sustained in 2014.1075 the attempts to descend the pit. (YD). 2014.1070 DASHER, George (2014) : Seldon Cave The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 5 (Octo- BILEZIKIAN, Tim; LAMBERT, Rick (2014) ber 2014) : 4-5. 1 photo, 1 map. : Jerry Warner Cave--Germany Valley, Pendle- Account of mapping a short cave in Hardy ton County County, West Virginia. It has a significant The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 2 (April spring (443 gallon per minute) that forms the 2014) : 4-5. 1 map. head of the Upper Cove Run. (YD). Report on the exploration of this West Virginia 2014.1076 cave. An in-cave dig led to another pit, which was explored and surveyed. (YD). DASHER, George (2014) : Spring 2014 2014.1071 WVASS Meeting The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 4 (Au- BYRD, Adam (2014) : Dry Cave Bolt Climb gust 2014) : 6-9. The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 4 (Au- Officer reports and individual reports of survey gust 2014) : 14-15. activities by county for the Spring meeting of Report of a bolt climb in this Greenbrier the West Virginia Speleological Survey, held in County, West Virginia cave. There was no May 2014 in West Virginia, USA. (YD). continuation at the top. (YD). 2014.1077 2014.1072 DASHER, George (2014) : WVACS Activities BYRD, Adam (2014) : Hellhole: Continuing The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 2 (April the Survey of Singing Stream 2014) : 6-8. The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 3 (June Individual reports of caving activities of the 2014) : 3. West Virginia Association for Cave Studies Account of a difficult trip to continue explo- between October and December of 2013. ration of this passage in Hellhole, Pendleton (YD). County, West Virginia, which has good poten- 2014.1078 tial to connect to Memorial Day Cave. After

134 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) DASHER, George (2014) : WVACS Activities FOX, Nikki (2014) : Maxwelton Sink Cave The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 3 (June The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 1 (Fe- 2014) : 8-9. bruary 2014) : 22-23. Individual reports of caving activities of the Account of surveying in this Greenbrier West Virginia Association for Cave Studies County, West Virginia cave. One survey turned between December of 2013 and February into a resurvey of a previously surveyed 2014. (YD). passage. A dig led to some virgin passage that 2014.1079 reconnected. (YD). 2014.1085 DASHER, George (2014) : WVACS Activities The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 4 (Au- FRIES, Bruce (2014) : Back in Business at gust 2014) : 4-5. Burntwood Cave Individual reports of caving activities of the The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 1 (Fe- West Virginia Association for Cave Studies bruary 2014) : 4-9. between March and May 2014. (YD). Report on exploration and survey in this 2014.1080 Greenbrier County, West Virginia cave. De- tailed description of the cave and its DASHER, George (2014) : WVACS Activities geology, and history of its exploration. There The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 5 (Octo- is excellent potential for it to become a major ber 2014) : 10. 1 photo. cave. It is now 4200 feet long and 200 feet Individual reports of caving activities of the deep. (YD). West Virginia Association for Cave Studies 2014.1086 between May and August 2014. (YD). 2014.1081 FRIES, Bruce (2014) : Digging and Rigging in Savannah Cave's B Survey DASHER, George (2014) : WVACS Activities The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 1 (Fe- The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 6 (De- bruary 2014) : 3-4. cember 2014) : 7-8. Report on continuing exploration and survey Individual reports of caving activities of the in this Greenbrier County, West Virginia cave. West Virginia Association for Cave Studies (YD). between Aug. and Sept. 2014. (YD). 2014.1087 2014.1082 FRIES, Bruce (2014) : First Camping Trip to DASHER, George (2014) : WVASS Ka- Burntwood Cave rst-Features Report (16 May 2014) The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 1 (Fe- The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 4 (Au- bruary 2014) : 17-20. gust 2014) : 16. 1 table. Account of continuing exploration and sur- Table showing the number of caves and karst vey in this Greenbrier County, West Virginia features by county for the state of West Virgi- cave, during a 3-day camp trip. Over 2000 feet nia. They total 4985 karst features. (YD). of survey was done and many leads remain. 2014.1083 (YD). 2014.1088 FOX, Nikki (2014) : Dry Cave Trip Report: The Promise of Virgin Booty FULCHER, Ron (2014) : The Acme Quarry The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 4 (Au- Project, West Virginia gust 2014) : 12. NSS News, Vol. 72, no 8 (August 2014) : 14- Account of surveying in this Greenbrier 18. 8 photos, 6 maps, 1 fig. County, West Virginia cave in May 2014. Project history, geology, and paleontology (YD). of the 5 Acme Quarry Caves in Greenbrier 2014.1084 County. They include over 16km of passage

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 135 surveyed since 1959. Doodle Cave contains The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 4 (Au- what is suspected to be the oldest human re- gust 2014) : 15. mains from a West Virginia cave. (YD). Report on digging open a new cave in Green- 2014.1089 brier County, West Virginia and surveying 939 feet. More leads await. (YD). GARTON, Ray (2014) : New Pendleton 2014.1094 County Monograph The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 4 (Au- HODGE, Mark (2014) : Warner Noisy Blower gust 2014) : 5. Cave Announcement of the publication of a new The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 3 (June monograph, Geology of Some Caves in Pen- 2014) : 5. dleton County, West Virginia (USA), which Report on exploration in this Pendleton describes the geology of five caves—Trout, County, West Virginia cave. Four digs were New Trout, Hamilton, Cave Mountain, and pursued at the bottom of the Cowgirl Pit. One Sinnett-Thorn. (YD). lead reconnected to known passage, providing 2014.1090 an excellent shortcut. Two of the remaining leads are ongoing. (YD). HARMAN, John (2014) : Hellhole Sump 2014.1095 Dive Report The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 1 (Fe- JOHNSON, Peter (2014) : Hellhole: Perseve- bruary 2014) : 12-13. 4 cover photos, 1 photo. rance Dome Report of an exploration dive in this Pendleton The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 1 (Fe- County, West Virginia cave, during a 2-day bruary 2014) : 16. camp trip. The dive was 240 feet long and 59 Report of a bolt climb in this Pendleton feet deep, and ended in a constriction with County, West Virginia cave, during a four-day visible passage ahead. (YD). camp. The dome was bolt-climbed to a level 2014.1091 of about 400 feet, and it continues above for approx. 50 feet. (YD). HARMAN, John (2014) : Memorial Day 2014.1096 Cave: Zee Lake Sump Dive The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 1 (Fe- JOHNSON, Peter; MINTON, Mark (2014) : bruary 2014) : 11-12. 4 front-cover photos. The Ascent of Perseverance Dome, Hellhole, Report of a 2-day camp trip to this Pendleton WV County, West Virginia cave, in order to do an NSS News, Vol. 72, no 12 (December 2014) exploration dive in a lake. Only a too-tight : 19-23, 27. 1 back-cover photo, 8 photos, 1 lead was found at the bottom of the lake. (YD). map. 2014.1092 Account of the difficult ascent by bolt-clim- bing of this 526-foot-high dome deep in Hell- HARTLEY, Ralph (2014) : Warner Noisy hole, in West Virginia's Germany Valley, over Blower: August 9th, 2014 a period of three years. (YD). The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 6 (De- 2014.1097 cember 2014) : 4. Report on continuing exploration in this Ger- MASNEY, Brian (2014) : Hellhole: Conti- many Valley, Pendleton County, West Virginia nuing the Singing Stream Survey cave. The team explored in the Rose Garden The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 2 (April (where unusual formations called stone roses 2014) : 3-4. were found). (YD). Report on a trip to this Pendleton County, West 2014.1093 Virginia cave to continue exploration in the Singing Stream passage. Digging through a HEAGY, James (2014) : Williamsburg Booty very tight, wet crawl, the team found walking

136 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) passage ahead, and surveyed 538 feet of pas- MINTON, Mark (2014) : Warner Noisy sage continuing in the direction of Memorial Blower Cave: Cowboy Rides Again Day Cave. (YD). The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 1 (Fe- 2014.1098 bruary 2014) : 9. 1 photo. Account of continuing exploration in this MINTON, Mark (2014) : Cass Cave: Pit at Pendleton County, West Virginia cave. A dome C115 and Dig at C138 was climbed, and a continuation was found at The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 5 (Octo- the bottom of a pit. (YD). ber 2014) : 5-6. 2014.1103 Account of digging in this Pocahontas County, West Virginia cave. One pit was opened up, MINTON, Mark (2014) : Warner Noisy but had no continuation, and another dig still Blower Report: 11 October 2014 continues. (YD). The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 6 (De- 2014.1099 cember 2014) : 9-10. 2 photos. Report on continuing exploration in this Ger- MINTON, Mark (2014) : Hellhole Trip Re- many Valley, Pendleton County, West Virginia port: Ecstasy Avenue Climbs cave. Two new but very muddy leads were The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 1 (Fe- enlarged and explored, bringing the team to a bruary 2014) : 14-15. new depth in the cave. (YD). Report on two bolt climbs in this Pendleton 2014.1104 County, West Virginia cave during a 3-day camp trip. One team squeezed upwards MOSLEY, Cassandra; BRITCHER, Gabe through a narrow fissure at the top of Ecstasy (2014) : 2013 WVUSG Trip Reports Dome and discovered another dome 80 feet The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 2 (April tall. The other team's 50-foot climb ended in a 2014) : 8-11. 1 front-cover photo. boulder choke. (YD). Various reports of caving activities by the West 2014.1100 Virginia University Student between January and September 2013. (YD). MINTON, Mark (2014) : Hellhole: Ecstasy 2014.1105 Dome 2 and the TARDIS Dig The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 1 (Fe- PENCZER, Peter (2014) : Frozen Wonder bruary 2014) : 21-22. Cave Report of continuing exploration in this Pen- The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 2 (April dleton County, West Virginia cave, during a 2014) : 13-15. 1 map. 4-day camp trip. A dome was bolt-climbed History of the exploration in this Pendleton for another 80 feet, and a dig opened up into County, West Virginia cave, which has huge another large domepit. (YD). potential to connect to Memorial Day Cave, 2014.1101 creating a new entrance that would eliminate about 5 hours of travel. Despite a number of MINTON, Mark (2014) : The Train Wreck: A digging trips, no connection was made, and Breakout of Sorts in Warner Noisy Blower there are no good leads left in the cave. (YD). The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 5 (Octo- 2014.1106 ber 2014) : 11. Report of a long exploration trip into War- SOCKY, Dave (2014) : Dry Cave: Photo or ner Noisy Blower Cave in Germany Valley, Survey trip? Pendleton County, West Virginia. The trip The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 4 (Au- added 660 feet of length and 150 feet of depth, gust 2014) : 9-10. and leads remain. So far, the team has ex- Report on a 13-hour survey and photo trip into plored more than 200 feet vertically through this Greenbrier County, West Virginia cave in breakdown. (YD). May 2014. About 1100 feet of passage was 2014.1102 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 137 surveyed. (YD). SPRINGER, Greg (2014) : Fishing in Dry 2014.1107 Cave The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 3 (June SOCKY, Dave (2014) : Maxwelton Sink Cave 2014) : 6-7. 3 front-cover photos, 1 photo. The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 3 (June Account of exploration in The Rift, about 1.5 2014) : 6. miles into this Greenbrier County, West Virgi- Account of surveying in this Greenbrier nia cave, during a March trip. The cave is very County, West Virginia cave. An unexpected cold and wet, making it difficult to map in win- connection was made to known passage. (YD). ter. The team surveyed over 1000 feet, putting 2014.1108 Dry Cave over the 5-mile mark. (YD). 2014.1113 SOCKY, Nick (2014) : Maxwelton—A Trip to the other “Bitter End” SPRINGER, Greg (2014) : Nine Lives in Dry The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 6 (De- Cave cember 2014) : 3-4. 1 photo. The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 4 (Au- Report on a trip to go resurvey the bitter end of gust 2014) : 3-4. Maxwelton Cave, in Greenbrier County, West Account of continuing the survey of this Virginia. The team mapped 1101 feet in Gaso- Greenbrier County, West Virginia cave during line Alley, which ends in a deep sump. (YD). a May trip. Another 1087 feet of survey was 2014.1109 added, which brings Dry Cave to 5.33 miles. (YD). SPRINGER, Greg (2014) : A Trip to The 2014.1114 Bitter End The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 4 (Au- SPRINGER, Greg (2014) : Robbins Run gust 2014) : 13-14. 3 photos. Cave: The Prequel Report of surveying in the northernmost point The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 2 (April of Dry Cave, about 2 miles from the entrance. 2014) : 12-13. 1 map. Dry cave is in Greenbrier County, West Virgi- This cave, located in Greenbrier County, nia. The 12-hour-long trip eliminated ten leads West Virginia, has the potential to connect to and added 292 feet to the survey. (YD). Friar's Hole Cave. A new generation of cavers 2014.1110 is continuing the digging attempts to find a connection. In preparation for that, Robbins SPRINGER, Greg (2014) : Dry Cave and a Run cave was remapped. (YD). Room With a View 2014.1115 The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 3 (June 2014) : 18-19. 4 photos. SPRINGER, Greg (2014) : Who Forgot the Account of a 13-hour trip to this Greenbrier Survey Tape? County, West Virginia cave in April 2014, in The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 5 (Octo- order to continue survey in The Rift. (YD). ber 2014) : 8-9. 2014.1111 Account of surveying in Dry Cave, in Green- brier County, West Virginia. The survey tape SPRINGER, Greg (2014) : Dry Cave: Tom- was forgotten, so one team member went to my's Trap retrieve it, a long way out. Eventually 442 feet The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 5 (Octo- of survey was mapped. (YD). ber 2014) : 3. 2014.1116 Survey continues in this Greenbrier County, West Virginia cave. 564 ft was surveyed, brin- ging the total length of the cave to 5.44 miles. (YD). 2014.1112

138 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 2.22 Central and South America Otilia Amérique centrale et du Sud Argentina Subterranea, N° 16 (Diciembre 2006) : 5-6. 1 photo. Argentina / Argentine A visit to Doña Otilia basaltic cave with students of Argentinian School of Speleology. BENEDETTO, Carlos; REDONTE, Gabriel (BO). (2008) : De las distintas agrupaciones argenti- 2014.1122 nas Argentina Subterranea, N° 19 (Junio 2008) : CLEMENZÓ, Jorge (2006) : Espeleólogos 15. de Tandil y Argonautas del Plata en Cerro La GEA and GEMA groups explored caves in Juanita San Juan (cavernas de Rodeo) and Mendoza Argentina Subterranea, N° 14 (Abril 2006) : 5. provinces. (BO). Discovery of some little caves en Buenos Aires 2014.1117 Province. (BO). 2014.1123 BENEDETTO, Carlos (2008) : FAdE en el campo CLEMENZÓ, Jorge (2006) : Expedición Ar- Argentina Subterranea, N° 20 (Octubre 2008) gentino.-Británica en Malargüe : 16-17. Argentina Subterranea, N° 14 (Abril 2006) : 5. Not successful exploration in pahoehoe forma- Discovery of some gypsum caves en Malargüe tions in Malargüe. (BO). with English colleagues. (BO). 2014.1118 2014.1124

BENEDETTO, Carlos (2009) : Campaña de CLEMENZÓ, Jorge (2006) : Jujuy, explora- reencuentro en Poti Malal ciones en el cañón del Río Las Burras Argentina Subterranea, N° 21 (Febrero 2009) Argentina Subterranea, N° 15 (Agosto 2006) : : 7-11. 14. 1 photo. FAdE and CERMA together in expedition to Discovering of new little caves in Jujuy Pro- Poti Malal gypsum caves. Biologists report. vince. (BO). (BO). 2014.1125 2014.1119 CLEMENZÓ, Jorge (2006) : Novedades del BENEDETTO, Carlos (2009) : Exploraciones Catastro en El Sosneado y Portezuelo del Viento Argentina Subterranea, N° 15 (Agosto 2006) : Argentina Subterranea, N° 21 (Febrero 2009) 11. : 23. Updated information about national inventory New explorations in little caves in Cout Men- of caves. (BO). doza province. (BO). 2014.1126 2014.1120 CLEMENZÓ, Jorge (2006) : Nuevas cavi- BENEDETTO, Carlos (2009) : Programa dades descubiertas en Tandilia / Barker Provincial de Espeleología Argentina Subterranea, N° 15 (Agosto 2006) : Argentina Subterranea, N° 21 (Febrero 2009) 12. 4 photos. : 12. New cuarcitic caves discovered in Buenos Environmental authorities of Menza asked to Aires province. (BO). FAdE to propose a program to develop speleo- 2014.1127 logy. (BO). 2014.1121 CLEMENZÓ, Jorge (2007) : Expedición FADE 2007 : Miembros de INAE y GEA ex- CLEMENZÓ, Jorge (2006) : Cueva Doña ploran en sur Malargüino

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 139 Argentina Subterranea, N° 17 (April 2007) : 6-10. 5-6. 5 photos. Speleological explorations in protected área New clay caves discovered in South Mendoza. Cuchillo Cura Caves. (BO). (BO). 2014.1133 2014.1128 Bahamas CLEMENZÓ, Jorge (2007) : Noticias Espeleo Turks and Caicos, Andros, Eleuthera Federales Argentina Subterranea, N° 17 (April 2007) : MIDDLETON, Greg (2013) : Caves and 9-11. 6 photos. - a karst course in GEA and CMT visited quarcitic caves in Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, Buenos Aires (Caverna Oscura and Gruta de Vol. 57, No. 1 : 3-11. 7 figs, 26 photos, 6 refs. Oro) and Jujuy provinces (Inca Cueva, Iturbe). Account of participation in a karst course Campo del INAE in Mendoza (new basaltique conducted by Prof. John and Joan Mylroie on cave discovered in Pampa de Palauco). (BO). Bahamian island of San Salvador. Involves 2014.1129 inspection of caves in aeolianite: Big Well, Ink Well, Church , Dripping Rock Cave, FEDERACION ARGENTINA DE ESPELEO- Pink Grotto, Alter Cave, Owls Hole, Triple LOGIA (2006) : Sitios espeleológicos en el Shaft Cave, Fire Drill Cave, Airplane Cave, paraje el Pichanal sur y Costa del Rio Colara- Watlings Blue Hole, Lighthouse Cave, Crab do, Malargüe, Mendoza Cay Cave, Reckley caves, Garden Cave, Secret Argentina Subterranea, N° 16 (Diciembre Cave and Crescent Top Cave. (GJM). 2006) : 9-11. 2014.1134 Explorations in new clay and gypsum caves near Rio Tinto mining in extrema south Men- MIDDLETON, Greg (2013) : Stopover on doza border. (BO). New Providence, Bahamas 2014.1130 Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, Vol. 57, No. 3 : 65-67. Map, 5 photos, 2 refs. REDONTE, Gabriel (2006) : El catastro espe- A brief search for Bahamas West Cave (unsuc- leológico, un reflejo de nuestra espeleologia cessful); description of Harry Oakes Cave, a Argentina Subterranea, N° 16 (Diciembre large flank margin cave in thick scrub. (GJM). 2006) : 7-9. 5 photos. 2014.1135 The increase of national inventory shows more speleological explorations in Argentina. (BO). / Chili 2014.1131 AA (2014) : Ultima Patagonia 2014 REDONTE, Gabriel (2006) : El catastro na- La Lettre du Spéléo-club de Paris, n° 323 cional continua creciendo (mars 2014) : 1. Argentina Subterranea, N° 14 (Abril 2006) : Dans l'île de Diego de Almagro (Chili). - 3-5. cipales explorations : Cueva del Pacifico Updated information about national inventory (-196m), Cueva Erba (dév. 1500m), Cueava of caves. (BO). Augusta (peintures préhistoriques). Accident 2014.1132 de P. Ortoli. (JT). 2014.1136 REDONTE, Gabriel; VAZQUEZ, Mariela; BENEDETTO, Carlos (2006) : Resumen de CENTRE TERRE (2014) : Chili : les marbres trabajos espeleológicos realizados en el sis- patagons de Diego de Almagro. Centre Terre tema cavernario de Cuchillo cura previos a la dans l'enfer paradisiaque. creación del area protegida Spéléo Magazine, n° 85 (Mars 2014) : 14-17. 7 Argentina Subterranea, N° 15 (Agosto 2006) : photos, 1 carte.

140 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Portfolio de l'expédition 2014 de Centre Terre léo-Club des Préalpes Fribourgeoises dans le sur l'île de Diego de Almagro, plus de 7 km de massif karstique d`El Penon, avec topografie développement, 3 cavités avec vestiges d'oc- de Cueva del Atun, Hoyo de la Neblina, Cueva cupation dont une avec peinture rupestre. Les del Hipocampo et Hoyo de los Ocelotes. (AH). participants et les partenaires. Site internet. 2014.1142 (Fx). 2014.1137 Cuba

JAILLET, Stéphane (2014) : Centre Terre : GRANDCOLAS, Jean-Philippe; CANTALU- Ultima Patagonia 2014. Combray, du côté de PI, David (2014) : Proyector Bellamar 2012 la Patagonie. Cuba Spéléo Magazine, n° 85 (Mars 2014) : 18-19. Rapports d'expédition CREI (Commission des 3 photos. relations et expéditions internationales de la Récit et souvenirs au retour de l'expédition FFS), 2012-5 : 82 p. 68 photos, 4 cartes, 2 tab., Ultima Patagonia 2014. (Fx). 2 topographies, 3fig. 2014.1138 Expédition internationale à Cuba du 30 janvier au 19 mars 2012. L'expédition s'est déroulée MARINI, Lorenzo (2014) : Viaggio ai confi- sur 4 zones : Matanzas (Santa Catalina, Nofra- ni del mondo. Esplorazioni speleologiche nel gio et Garibaldi). Vinales (Gran caverna de deserto cileno dell'Atacama Santo Tomas). Cienfuego (Martin Infierno). Montagne 360. Rivista del Club Alpino Italia- Bolondron (region des ). Environ 5 no, Ottobre 2014 : 54-59. Foto. km de galeries sont topographiés. Les travaux (MS). sont axés sur les réseaux suivants : Nofragio, 2014.1139 Garibaldi et Martin Infierno. Article de Didier Cailhol : Les mogotes de la Sierra de los Or- PADOVAN, Elio (2014) : Cile 2013 ganos et les cavités hypogènes de la région de Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 41. Matanzas. En annexe, un article en espagnol : 1 foto. Portal Grandes Cavernas de Cuba et un CR de Spedizione svolta in dicembre, esplorati e rile- Christophe Tscherter : Expédition Italo-Fran- vati 6500 metri di grotte nel sale del deserto di co-Suisso-Cubaine "Proyecto Bellamar-La Atacama. (PG). Salle Team" 2011. (RC). 2014.1140 2014.1143

STICOTTI, Marco Cavia (2014) : Atacama Ecuador 2013 Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 41- PLOWMAN, Cathie; ADDISON, Aaron 43. 5 foto. (2014) : Galapagos Islands Caving, March Cronaca di una campagna di ricerca nelle 2014 grotte di sale. (PG). NSS News, Vol. 72, no 9 (September 2014) : 2014.1141 2-3, 20-25. 32 photos. Report on a caving expedition during the 16th International Volcanospeleology Symposium to systematically document the caves on the HAPKA, Roman; BOCHUZ, Martin; JU- islands of Santa Cruz and Isabela. Cueva del TZET, Jean-Marc; FERNANDEZ, Jesus Cascajo was surveyed to 2590m and Cueva La (2014) : Spéléo-Colombia - premières décou- Llegada to 2066m. (YD). verts d`un futur Eldorado? 2014.1144 Stalactite, Vol. 64, no 2 : 26-38. In Deutsch/ français; 5 plans, 12 photos. Compte rendu de l`explorations du Spé-

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 141 Haiti LACE, Mike (2014) : The Cultural Signifi- cance of the Caves of Haiti DESPAIN, Joel (2014) : Cave Reconnaissance NSS News, Vol. 72, no 1 (January 2014) : 18- in Grand-Anse, Haiti 19. 14 photos. NSS News, Vol. 72, no 1 (January 2014) : 15- This article illustrates the emerging complexity 17. 7 photos. of cultural resources documented in the ka- Report on a 2013 trip to return to Haiti's Gand- rst of Haiti. It discusses ritual cave uses in Anse area to assess how much potential for Haiti and how caves have shaped the cultural cave development there is in the area. Many sequence on Hispaniola and the Caribbean promising caves were found and a return trip region. (YD). to explore them is planned for 2014. (YD). 2014.1149 2014.1145 LALAUDE-LABAYLE, Pierre-Marie; TES- DEVILLERS, Carole (2014) : The Caves of TA, Olivier; ORCHAMPT, Matthieu; JAGOU, Haiti – A Heritage Worth Preserving Stéphanie; FABRIOL, Jean-François (2014) NSS News, Vol. 72, no 1 (January 2014) : 20- : Haïti : expédition Anba Macaya. V comme 23. 14 photos. verticales à gogo. Caves are an important element of Haitian Spéléo Magazine, n° 85 (Mars 2014) : 12-13. culture. Taïno Indians and runaway slaves 3 photos. used them. The discovery of Bellony Cave and Récit anecdotique sous la forme d'un abécé- other degraded caves prompted the author to daire d'une expédition de reconnaissance à launch a program of exploration and conser- Haïti, lauréate 2013 des Bourses Expé et Aven- vation, as well as photo documentation and tures Labalette. Site internet. (Fx). survey. (YD). 2014.1150 2014.1146 OAKES, Brian (2014) : A Speleological Intro- JAGOU, Stéphanie (2014) : Cinq ans d'explo- duction to Haiti rations en Haïti NSS News, Vol. 72, no 1 (January 2014) : 4-5. Spelunca, n° 136, décembre 2014 : 23-27. 3 5 photos, 1 map. photos. An initial exploration trip to this cave by Cet article dresse le bilan de cinq années de US cavers in 2007 led to increased visits to recherches menées par le Spéléo-groupe de la the caves of Haiti. Grotte Marie-Jeanne was Tronche (Isère) dans les karsts tropicaux de ce explored to over 5km length and became a key pays. En plus de l'exploration, ces expéditions . The Recensement Spéléolo- oeuvrent pour la protection et la mise en valeur gique d'Haiti (Haitian Speleological Survey) des richesses souterraines de ce pays. (CB). was then established to inventory, assess, sur- 2014.1147 vey and preserve the caves of Haiti. (YD). 2014.1151 KAMBESIS, Pat (2014) : Grotte Ma- rie-Jeanne: An initiation to Haitian caving México / Mexique NSS News, Vol. 72, no 1 (January 2014) : 6-14. 1 front-cover photo, 2 back-cover pho- tos, 22 photos, 3 maps. General / Généralités Report on the exploration and survey of Haiti's largest cave, Grotte Marie-Jeanne between 2007 and 2009 by a Haitian-American team. GOTTLIED, Sylvia (2013) : Zum Tauchen in The cave is 4.8km long, has 6 entrances and a Cenoten Mexikos. vertical extent of 102m. (YD). Höhlenforscher, der Zeitschrift für Freunde der 2014.1148 Speläologie (Dresden), Vol. 45, No. 3 : 81-84. In Germ.

142 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) (THR). México / Mexique 2014.1152

THOMAS, Christian (2014) : Yuk 2012 Oaxaca Mexique Rapports d'expédition CREI (Commission des relations et expéditions internationales de la AKERS, Simon (2014) : My Trip up the FFS), 2012-12 : 99 p. 36 photos, 17 cartes, 23 Mountains, 1/15/14—1/25/14 topographies, 9 schémas. NSS News, Vol. 72, no 8 (August 2014) : 22- Synthèse de 3 expéditions de spéléologie dans 23. 6 photos, 1 table. la péninsule du Yucatán en 2011, 2012 et 2013. Report on the caves documented during the Les explorations portaient sur 4 régions du Jan 2014 Proyecto Sierra Mazateca expedi- Yucatán, l'île de , les régions de San tions in Oaxaca. The author is 11 years old and Rita, de Tekax, la zone sud de . Explora- actively participates in the exploration, docu- tion en plongée de la grotte Crocodilo topogra- mentation and protection of the caves in this phiée sur 2500 m, du Bambu, de Tres area. (YD). Potrillos et de Aerolito. Découverte de 800 m 2014.1156 de galeries dans Chu Ha. Découvertes archéo- logiques et travail d'hydrogéologie. Recherche JEWELL, Chris (2014) : 2013 Huautla Expe- sur les concrétions afin de dater les variations dition, San Agustin, Mexico de niveau marin. (RC). NSS News, Vol. 72, no 6 (June 2014) : 13-19. 2014.1153 1 back-cover photo, 20 photos, 2 maps. Detailed account of the 2013 international VAN DEN BERG, Patrick (2014) : Dromen Huautla expedition, which pushed beyond van de diepste grot ter wereld Sump 9 in Sótano de San Agustín and Spelerpes, n° 1 : 27-36. In Dutch, photos. extended the depth of the system to -1545m. Compte rendu de l'expédition 2013 au Siste- 1774m of dry passage and 440m of sump was ma J2 au Mexique avec la participation d'un surveyed. Sistema Huautla is now again the membre de Speleo Nederland. Exploration de deepest cave system in the Western Hemis- la cueva Cheve et Sistema J2. (NG). phere (having surpassed Cheve). (YD). 2014.1154 2014.1157

México / Mexique JEWELL, Chris (2014) : Once More Beyond the Deep Descent, No 238 (June/July 2014) : 38-41. Chiapas Part 1 of coverage of a cave diving expedition to push San Agustin, Sistema Huautla, Mexico (GM). RUSSO, Natalino (2014) : Chiapas Messico 2014.1158 [Selva El Ocote] Kur magazine La Venta, n. 21 (2014) : 26-30. JEWELL, Chris (2014) : The Onslaught on Foto. Sump 9 Breve resoconto dei risultati della spedizione Descent, No 239 (Aug/Sept 2014) : 30-33. effettuata nel 2014. Grotta di - 200 metri Part 2 of coverage of a cave diving expedition presso Monte Bonito. Risorgenza di Pajalanà, to San Agustin, Mexico, adding 2,733m of Cueva del Chute Redondo. (MS). passage to the system (GM). 2014.1155 2014.1159

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 143 México / Mexique Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 11/12 : 99-104. Cenoten in Yucatan. (PF). Puebla 2014.1163

Paraguay GREBEUDE, Richard (2014) : Jalapenos 2012 et Chilpotles 2013: les deux dernières BENEDETTO, Carlos (2008) : Expedicion al expés GSAB au Mexique Paraguay Regards, n° 78 : 4-8. Topos, photos. Argentina Subterranea, N° 19 (Junio 2008) : Compte rendu des deux dernières expédi- 10-11. tions du GSAB au Mexique : Jalapenos 2012 A new exploration into Vallemí caves, Para- et Chilpotles 2013. Les résultats de ces deux guay. (BO). expéditions sont présentés par secteurs : pla- 2014.1164 teau d'Ocotepetl, cuvette d'Evalhuastl, sistema Tepetzala, Cosavicotla-Pepexcapa. Accompa- gné de deux topographies : Sistema tepetzala, Cueva C03. (NG). BIGOT, Jean-Yves (2014) : Alto Mayo 2013 2014.1160 Rapports d'expédition CREI (Commission des relations et expéditions internationales de la GREBEUDE, Richard (2014) : Poblanos FFS), 2013-17 : 104 p. 178 photos, 11 cartes, 6 2014: expédition GSAB Mexique, Municipio topographies. de Zoquitlan, Sierra Negra, Tehuacan, Puebla Expédition spéléologique franco-péruvienne Regards, n° 79 : 94-96. Photos. dans le nord du Pérou, du 28 août au 14 sep- Compte rendu de l'expé 2014 du GSAB à tembre 2013 dans les régions d'Amazonas et Puebla au Mexique: exploration des réseaux de San Martin. 11 cavités explorées pour un OZ40 (cueva Clandestina), OZ 20 et Tepetzala. total de 1988 m de développement dont 1620 (NG). m de galeries topographiées. Les cavités se 2014.1161 situent le long de la bordure NE des karsts de l'Alto Mayo, à proximité immédiate de la OLIVIER, Serge (2014) : Mexpé 2013 - Haut plaine de Rioja. (RC). plateau de Tequixtepec. 2014.1165 Sous Terre, Vol. 24, no. 1 (Printemps 2014) : 5-11. 1 plan, 8 photos. BIGOT, Jean-Yves; GUYOT, Jean-Loup; FA- Compte-rendu de l`expedition du 23 mars au BRE, Olivier (2014) : Échos des profondeurs 9 avril 2013 dans les montagnes de la Sierra - Pérou Negra. Prospection du Le Lapiaz, topo de la Spelunca, n° 133, mars 2014 : 9-11. 11 photos, Grotte Chupa Pierna et Mosca Busca Pez. 2 figures, 1 tableau. (AH). Résultats de l'expédition Alto Mayo 2013 au 2014.1162 Pérou par le GSBM et un club local. Un travail scientifique s'ajoute aux explorations dont les México / Mexique principaux résultats sont le prolongement de la Grotte de Palestine qui gagne 700m et atteint 3011m de dév., ce qui en fait la seconde plus Yucátan longue caverne du Pérou. Près de 2km de nou- velles galeries sont explorés et 1620m topogra- phiés. (CB). WIELANDER, Barbara; WYSS, Brigitte 2014.1166 (2014) : Xibalba - In die Unterwelt der Maya HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des GUYOT, Jean-Loup; APAESTEGUI, James;

144 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) BERMUDEZ, Sonia; BIGOT, Jean-Yves nelle grotte Okoimo Yeuta, Sima del Corazon (2014) : Un nouveau point sur la spéléologie e Ymawarì Yeuta, sull'altopiano Auyantepui. au Pérou (MS). Spelunca, n° 133, mars 2014 : 32-36. 7 photos, 2014.1170 5 figures, 2 tableaux. Les auteurs dressent un tableau de la recherche LA VENTA (2014) : Auyan Tepui 2014 spéléologique au Pérou, ils montrent une Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica accélération des découvertes depuis 2003. Le Italiana, n. 70 (giugno 2014) : 11. Foto. Pérou compte actuellement 16 cavités de plus Cronaca delle scoperta e delle prime esplora- de 1km de dév. et 46 qui dépassent les 100m zioni della grotta. (MS). de dénivelé. La plus profonde cavité, la Sima 2014.1171 Pumacocha atteint -638m. La plus longue est le Tragadero de Parujgsha Alto avec 4070m. PICCINI, Leonardo (2014) : Storie a due (CB). dimensioni 2014.1167 Kur magazine La Venta, n. 21 (2014) : 13-14. Foto. MCKENZIE, Andy (2013) : Peru caving 2012 Esperienza esplorativa vissuta all'interno della Caves Australia, No. 194 (September 2013) : Cueva Imawarì, dove gli ambienti uniforme- 8-14. 10 photos, ref. mente bassi e larghissimi danno una perce- Followed on from 2001-04 Yauyos expedi- zione dello spazio estremamente particolare. tions, planning 3 weeks in Cajamarca area and (MS). 3 weeks in Yauyos district. Tragedero swallet 2014.1172 pushed in former but largely horizontal. De- parted when locals mistook cavers for miners SAURO, Francesco; DE VIVO, Antonio; PIC- and got nasty. Near Cajabamba explored El CINI, Leonardo; VERGARA, Freddy (2014) : Chorro for 700m to a sump. 8 other caves La casa degli dei. Le grotte dell'Auyan Tepui found but not pushed. In Yauyos went to Puyo Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica Valley and pushed many 100 m pits and going Italiana, n. 71 (dicembre 2014) : 40-48. Foto, leads left in 2004 but frost shatter blocked rilievi. many shafts. 106 caves and features were Rapporto sulla spedizione condotta dal team explored in high camp area. The highest cave La Venta sul massiccio quarzitico. Esplora- list was modified, 3 areas were checked out; a zione del sistema Imawarì Yeuta (20159 metri) return to La Canete valley is planned. (GJM). e di Okoimo Yeuta (2215 metri). Speleogenesi 2014.1168 e protocollo di protezione ambientale dei tepui. (MS). SULZBACHER, Dieter (2014) : Verunglück- 2014.1173 ter Höhlenforscher gerettet HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des 2.3 Asia Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und Asie Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 11/12 : 98. Spanischer Höhlenforscher verunglückte in der Inti Machai Höhle in Peru. (PF). 2014.1169 TSURIKHIN, Evgenii A; BREITENBACH, Venezuela Sebastian F M; LOGINOV, Vadim L; VO- TINTSEVA, Antonina A (2014) : The Dark DE VIVO, Antonio (2014) : Auyan 2014 Star of Baisun-tau: a history of cave explora- Kur magazine La Venta, n. 21 (2014) : 8-12. tion in southern , 1990–2013 Foto. Cave and Karst Science, Vol. 41, no 1 (April Cronaca di alcune fasi delle esplorazioni 2014 2014) : 36-41.

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 145 Very little is known about the karst and caves / Chine in southern Uzbekistan, where some of the deepest caves in Asia have been discovered. In particular, the limestone plateau of the General; Islands Baisun-tau mountain range has a tremendous potential for exploration. This region is also important for palaeoclimate studies, as it is si- BARTON, Hazel A.; FUTTRELL, Mike; tuated in the transition zone between the Wes- FUTTRELL, Andrea; SHONE, Robbie (2014) terlies and the Indian Summer Monsoon. For : Many Tongzi Discoveries more than 15 years Festival'naya Cave, now Descent, No 236 (Feb/Mar 2014) : 27-31. the Festival'naya-Ledopadnaya cave system, Discoveries in March 2013 in the Tongzi was the main focus of cavers' attention. Then, Project, China, with Showcase photographic in 2011 the great potential of Dark Star Cave coverage (GM). was revealed, after extensive new discoveries 2014.1177 were made. (Author, GM). 2014.1174 FUNK, M. (2014) : Empire of Rock. Explo- ring China's Caves United Arab Emirates / Emirats arabes National Geographic, Vol. 226, no 1 : 114-137. unis 11 illus. Documents work by the British China Caves MIDDLETON, Greg (2013) : Abu Dhabi sto- expeditions in Guizhou and Guangxi and the pover – Jebel Hafeet – March 2012 use of 3d scanning to portray some of the huge Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, chambers discovered. (GM). Vol. 57, No. 10 : 283-285. Map, 7 photos, 4 2014.1178 refs. Investigations revealed that there are caves in China / Chine Jebel Hafeet near Al Ain, United Arab Emi- rates but some have been closed by a water- Provinces and Municipalities park and the major one, Magharet Qasir Hafee (Anhui; Beijing; Guangdong; Guangxi; (or Hafit) by construction of a ‘palace'. Des- Guizhou; Hebei; Heilongjiang; Henan; Hubei; cribes a visit to the mountain, how it has been Hunan; Jangsu; Liaoning; Ningxia; Shandong; degraded by the building of a massive road Shanxi; Shaanxi; Szechuan; Yunnan; Zheijang) and the karst scenery still visible. (GJM). 2014.1175 AA (2014) : Spedizione bulgara sul monte / Arménie Gaoligoshan (Yunnan) Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica CHAVDARIAN, Chuck (2014) : The Caves Italiana, n. 71 (dicembre 2014) : 13. Rilievo. Of Armenia, The South Caucasus – Part 2 Documentate 14 nuove cavità per un totale di NSS News, Vol. 72, no 6 (June 2014) : 4-12. 2 2303 metri di sviluppo, esplorata Xian Ren back-cover photos, 26 photos. Dong di 1864 metri. (MS). Detailed report on the accomplishments during 2014.1179 3 expeditions (2010, 2011, 2013) to Armenian caves. The goals were to explore and pho- BOTTAZZI, Jean; CONNES, Gilles; FAVER- to-document caves, as well as to assess their JON, Marc; TAVERNITI, Marco; ZAMBEL- potential as show caves. (YD). LI, Marco (2014) : FENGSHAN 2012 Explo- 2014.1176 rations spéléologiques en Chine Rapports d'expédition CREI (Commission des relations et expéditions internationales de la FFS), 2012-09 : 72 p. 80 photos, 4 cartes, 2

146 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) tableaux, 47 topographies. Spéléo 01, N° 26 (Juin 2014) : 104-106. 15 Expédition franco-italo-chinoise dans le photos. district de Fengshan durant le mois de février Expédition Shanglu150 : exploration de la 2012. Explorations et topographies dans les grotte de Shuanglu qui atteint 150 km cette régions de Zhongthing et de Jinya. Étude année (province de Guizhou) (BC). hydrologique du système de Poyue. Tableaux 2014.1184 récapitulatifs des cavités de Zhongthing et de Jinya. (RC). HUGON, Bruno (2014) : La Galerat (petit 2014.1180 compte-rendu humoristique) Spéléo 01, N° 26 (Juin 2014) : 71. 1 photo. DUVERNEUIL, Christophe (2014) : Guizhou Concerne la grotte de Longtanzi (Chine) (BC). printanier 2014.1185 Spelunca, n° 135, septembre 2014 : 6-9. 10 photos, 2 figures. OTRZONSEK, Katrin A. (2014) : Das Ge- Une équipe de six spéléologues français et heimnis der Wolken-Höhle deux chinois ont investi cette région de Chine tv14, Nr. 25 : 22-23. 1 Abb., 1 Karte. pour des visites de cavités connues, des des- Vorbericht zu einer Fernsehsendung über die centes de canyons et l'exploration d'une ving- “Er Wang Dong”-Höhle in der Region Wu- taine de cavités dont 12,5km ont été topogra- long, China (GST). phiés. (CB). 2014.1186 2014.1181 RYKWALDER, Philip (2014) : Heading to FABRIOL, Jean-François (2014) : Chine 2014 the Wujiang : second volume souterrain : salle des Miaos. NSS News, Vol. 72, no 9 (September 2014) : Guizhou printanier. 11-19. 1 front-cover photo, 3 back-cover pho- Spéléo Magazine, n° 86 (Juin 2014) : 14-15. 2 tos, 26 photos, 2 maps. photos, 1 plan. Report on an international (US, UK, and Récit de l'expédition : 12 km topographiés Canada) expedition to map Shijiagou Cave dans 22 cavités, photographie de la salle des in the Wulong Karst area (Fuling District, Miaos. Les participants. (Fx). Chongquing). A through trip was made when 2014.1182 the cave connected with another entrance. Shi- jiagou is 8.23km long and 423m deep. (YD). FAVERJON, Marc; MARIANNELLI, Giam- 2014.1187 paolo; TAVERNITI, Marco; BOTTAZZI, Jean (2014) : Viaggio nella Terra senz'ombra China / Chine Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologi- ca Italiana, n. 70 (giugno 2014) : 30-39. Foto, Marginal Autonomous Countries rilievi. (Inner (Nei Menggu Zizhiqu), Tibet Cronaca della spedizione italio-francese “Sou- (Xizang, Nei Zizhiqu), Sinkiang -Uighur (Xin- ka 2012” nella Regione di Guangxi (distretti jiang Weiwuer Zizhiqu)) di Zhongting e Jinya). Una trentina di cavità esplorate e rilevate per uno sviluppo comples- sivo di oltre 20 km. Le maggiori grotte sono: BREITENBACH, Sebastian F M; CAI, Shaowandong (6809 m), Duidong (2356 m), Yanjun; KWIECIEN, Ola; OSINZEV, Alexan- Suduitudong (1195 m). Descrizione della zona der V; TAN, Liangcheng; ZHANG, Haiwei carsica e della situazione idrogeologica. (MS). (2014) : A high-altitude cave as an example 2014.1183 of active karstification in the eastern Tibetan Plateau HUGON, Bruno (2014) : Expédition en Chine Cave and Karst Science, Vol. 41, no 3 (De- 2013 cember 2014) : 132-137.

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 147 Karstification and cave development on the eastern Tibetan Plateau are generally signifi- Hong Kong (Chine) cantly decelerated or interrupted because of low temperatures and relatively dry conditions. GERRISH, Rich (2014) : The Ghost of Ma Speleothems deposited in the late Pleistocene On Shan and the last thousand years imply active karsti- Descent, No 237 (April/May 2014) : 34-35. fication in Tibet during warm and wet intergla- Caving and in the vicinity of cials. However, few caves have been surveyed Hong Kong (GM). on the eastern Tibetan Plateau, hindering the 2014.1192 assessment of the processes influencing, and the degree of, cave and karst development in / Inde the region. Here, we present a truncated cave from the eastern Tibetan Plateau that initially ARBENZ, Thomas (2014) : Caving in the developed under phreatic, and was further en- Abode of the Clouds 2014- To New Horizons larged under vadose conditions. (Author, GM). Grampian Speleological Group Bulletin 5th 2014.1188 Series, Vol. 1, no 2 : 43-47. 6 ill. Report on the 2014 expedition to Meghalaya, Georgia / Géorgie N.E. India, centred on the Pala Range. 12.8 km of new cave were explored, including Krem BOLLINI, Fabio (2014) : Krubera Expedition Lakhon at 2.5 km and archaeological finds in “Alla fine del Mondo” Krem Hartali. (Author, GM). Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica 2014.1193 Italiana, n. 71 (dicembre 2014) : 11-12. Foto. Partecipazione italiana a una spedizione BAR-NESS, Yoav (2013) : The Cave of Ce- internazionale per l'appoggio all'esplorazione ment: Adventuring in Underground Meghalaya dei sifoni Yantarni e Big Junction che, uniti, Australasian Cave and Karst Management As- formano un tratto allagato di 155 metri di svi- soc. Journal, No. 92 (September 2013) : 24-28. luppo per 20 metri di profondità. (MS). 10 photos. 2014.1189 A visit to Cherrapunjee Cave, guided by a young member of Meghalaya Adventurers BOLLINI, Fabio (2014) : Krubera, appunti Society. Entry was gained near a huge ce- dalla più profonda del mondo ment factory to a well-decorated stream cave Montagne 360. Rivista del Club Alpino Italia- but festooned with garbage from upstream no, Dicembre 2014 : 52-55. Foto. villages. Exit was via a steep on the Cronaca di una discensa la fondo della cavità edge of a vast limestone quarry which the e delle ultime (2014) esplorazioni in corso. Society is trying to prevent engulfing the cave. (MS). (GJM). 2014.1190 2014.1194

KLIMCHOUK, Aleksander; KASJAN, Yury; CALANDRI, Gilberto (2014) : Appunti SOLOVJEV, Nikolaj (2006) : Krubera cave i chimico-fisici su alcune sorgenti del Ladakh Arabikamassivet, vestre Kaukasus: Den første (India) 2000 m dype grotte på jorden Bollettino del Gruppo Speleologico Imperiese Norsk Grotteblad, no 47 (Desember 2006) : 3. CAI, n° 65, anno XLIII (gennaio dicembre In 1980 Ukrainianspeleologists started their 2013) : 11-14. 1 cartina, 1 ril., 6 foto, 4 dis. explorations in the Arabika Massif. A series Ladackh, cenni geografici, geomorfologici of expeditions, in some of which cavers from e carsici, descrizioni e posizionamento delle France, Russia and Spain took part, established sorgenti esaminate, caratteri chimici e conside- Krubera as the world's deepest cave in January razioni. (Author, AP). 2001. (TF). 2014.1195 2014.1191 148 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) DIKSTRA, Marcel; BURGERS, Jos (2014) : logici, note su carsismo e speleologia, descri- In het huis van de wolken : expeditie Megha- zione delle seguenti grotte: Gua Santa Maria, laya 2014 brengt 13 km grotten in kaart Cavernette di Camplong, Grotte di Oahala. Spelerpes, n° 1 : 37-40. In Dutch, photos. (Author, AP). Compte rendu de l'expédition Meghalaya 2014.1200 2014 dans le Nord-Ouest de l'Inde. Au total 31 grottes ont été localisées et visitées avec 13 km SMITH, Garry K. (2012) : Water fun park and de topographie. (NG). tourist caves, amidst tropical tower karst 2014.1196 Australasian Cave and Karst Management Assoc. Journal, No. 86 (March 2012) : 33-37. NARAYANA, A.C.; YADAVA, M.G.; FA- 9 photos. ROOQ, A.; RAMESH, R. (2014) : The Spec- Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park, tacular Belum and Borra Caves of Eastern Maros regency, Pangkajene district, South India. Sulawesi, , offers a diverse range of Landscapes and Landforms of India. ISBN karst landscape and amazing flora and fauna 978-94-017-8029-2, Part 3 : 189-194. — a magic place of tower karst, rainforests, In-depth description of the afore-mentioned tufa waterfalls and caves. Describes Gua . (ML). (Stone Cave) - no infrastructure but a guide 2014.1197 with poor light, Istona Toakloa Cave - large cave without infrastructure and Gua Mimpi PROKOP, Pavel (2014) : The Meghalaya Pla- (Dream Cave) - former wooden walkways now teau: Landscapes in the Abode of the Clouds. collapsed and electric lighting has been remo- Landscapes and Landforms of India. ISBN ved. (GJM). 978-94-017-8029-2, Part 3 : 173-180. 2014.1201 Describes the morphology and geosettings of the landscape with the richest types of karst phenomena in India. (ML). 2014.1198 AA (2014) : Progetto “Application of speleo- logy study in regonization of karst features” in Indonesia / Indonésie Iran Tuttocat, Numero unico 2013 (2014) : 1. 2 ANGRAINI, Sonya (2013) : Cahyo Alkanta- foto. na's Indonesian playground beneath the Earth Incontro fra il funzionario iraniano A. Afrasia- Forbes Asia, 04 March 2013. 2 photos. bian e il CAT in vista di una spedizione in Iran. Jomblang Cave is one of 400 caves in the Gu- (PG). nung Kidul area near Yogyakarta, Indonesia. 2014.1202 It was discovered by Cahyo Alkantana, a film maker and adventurer. The cave is 75 m deep. FAHIMI, Mohammad (2014) : Saluti dall'Iran Cahyo takes specialised tours into the cave. Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica (LP). Italiana, n. 71 (dicembre 2014) : 11. Foto. 2014.1199 Nota di una esplorazione iraniana che ha rag- giunto i -568 metri di profondità in una grotta CALANDRI, Gilberto (2014) : Timor Ovest nella zona di Kuh-e-Paru. (MS). (Indonesia): appunti sul carsismo 2014.1203 Bollettino del Gruppo Speleologico Imperiese CAI, n° 65, anno XLIII (gennaio dicembre ROY, Adam (2013) : Giant cave discovered in 2013) : 26-29. 1 cartina, 10 foto. Iran Timor è l'isola maggiore delle isole orientali Outsideonline, 4 April 2013. della Sonda, la parte occidentale è territorio Comparison with Sarawak Chamber in Mulu. indonesiano, cenni geografici, climatici e geo- (LP). 2014.1204 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 149 WIELANDER, Barbara; FAHIMI, Moham- nal Symposium on Vulcanospeleology – Jor- mad (2014) : Iran: Tiefenvorstoß auf -568 m dan, March 2012 Verbandsnachrichten, Jg. 65, Nr. 5-6 : 97. Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, (PF). Vol. 57, No. 7 : 187-195. 35 photos, 7 refs. 2014.1205 Report on Symposium held at Hashemite University at Zarka, Amman, . Summa- / Japon rises presentations and describes field trips: Yarmouk-Decapolis aqueduct (2000 year old), HASEGAWA, Wataru; SAWAGAKI, Takano- ancient ruins of Al-Hallabat, Azzam Cave, Ba- bu; HIRAKAWA, Kazuomi; WATANABE, Yu- dia Cave, Jawa (Bronze Age ruined city) and miko; TAGAMI, Takahiro (2014) : Descrip- Al-Fahda Cave (longest on Arabian Plate, 924 tion and environmental monitoring of Hokkai m), Kempe Kite and Kempe Cave, Qasr Burqu Cave in northern Japan ruin, Hashemite University Cave, Haleem Cave and Karst Science, Vol. 41, no 1 (April Cave. Subsequently visited Petra, Wadi Rum, 2014) : 3-12. the Dead Sea and Lots Cave. (GJM). Hokkai Cave was discovered in 2006 in sou- 2014.1208 th-western Hokkaido, northern Japan, and has been conserved in its natural condition. This Laos paper reports the results of a basic speleologi- cal study of the cave's environment conducted FAVERJON, Marc; VARIN, Michele (2014) : during 2006 to 2009, including a geomorpho- Spedizione Khammouane 2014 logical survey, monitoring of cave air tempera- Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica ture, airflow and groundwater currents, and an Italiana, n. 71 (dicembre 2014) : 14-15. Foto, initial interpretation of the cave's speleogene- rilievi. sis. (Author, GM). Indagini nel Distretto di Boulapha dove sono 2014.1206 state documentate ed esplorate diverse cavità fra cui Tham Nakham di 1328 m di sviluppo e Jordan / Jordanie Tham Lod di 953 metri. (MS). 2014.1209 BRUSH, John (2012) : 15th International Symposium on Vulcanospeleology, Amman, GHOMMIDH, Charles (2014) : Échos des Jordan profondeurs - Laos Australasian Cave and Karst Management Spelunca, n° 136, décembre 2014 : 5-6. 4 Assoc. Journal, No. 87 (June 2012) : 36-39. 12 photos. photos. Résultats de l'expédition Khammouane 2014. Report on vulcanospeleology symposium in 15,5km de topographies relevés dont 7,5km en Jordan: presentations at Hashemite University, première. Le système Khoun Dôn-Houay Saï Zarqa, over 3 days; visit to Yarmouk-Deca- développe 37,5km ce qui le place en tête des polis tunnel system; field visits to 6 lava cave plus longues cavités du pays. (CB). systems, noted large, part sediment-filled 2014.1210 tubes/pyroducts, hyena dens and accumu- lations of camel bones and gypsum/calcite PISTOLE, Nancy (2014) : River Caves and encrustations. Visited ruined bronze-age city, Through-trips in Northern Laos most easterly Roman fort and a desert ‘kite' NSS News, Vol. 72, no 2 (February 2014) : 12- (converging lines of piled stones thought to 17. 14 photos, 3 maps. have been used to herd gazelle). Later visited Report on an expedition to map caves, mainly Petra and Wadi Rum. (GJM). large river passages, in various areas of nor- 2014.1207 thern Laos. Over 14 km was surveyed in 37 caves. (YD). MIDDLETON, Greg (2013) : 15th Internatio- 2014.1211

150 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) VANDERMEULEN, Marc (2014) : Expédi- AA (2013) : Paradise found in Perak tion internationale Northern Laos 2014 Expatriate Lifestyle, January 2013 : 53-58 . Regards, n° 79 : 4-30. Plan, photos, topos, photos. tableau. Gua Tempurung and Kandu, also Compte rendu de l'expédition internationale (LP). “Northern Laos 2014” centrée sur la région de 2014.1217 Xam Neua avec l'exploration de 52 grottes et avec 1.300m topographiés. Notes et tableau AA (2013) : Pengkalan Hulu. Gua Gendang. sur la faune découverte dans le cadre de l' Gua Khalid European Cave Project 2014. Tableau synthèse Perak Tourism News, Vol. 24 : 1-2. photos. des 52 grottes explorées. (NG). These caves are near Pengklalan Hulu in nor- 2014.1212 thern Perak. Gua Gendang is a river cave used for adventure tourism. Gua Khalid or Commu- / Liban nist Cave has Mandarin writings on the walls. (LP). NEHME, Carole; DELANNOY, Jean- 2014.1218 Jacques; GÉRARD-ADJIZIAN, Jocelyne; HELLSTORM, John (2014) : Contribution of AA (2013) : Perak yours to discover. Gua Kanaan, Kassarat and Jeita cave systems study Tempurung Gopeng in the morphogenesis reconstitution of valleys, Perak Tourism News, Vol. 20 : 3. photos. Mt -Lebanon : case study of Kalb and Antelias Gua Tempurung is a show cave in Perak. (LP). valleys 2014.1219

Plaquette – programme des Journées 2014 de ABADILLA, Emmie (2013) : Miri Christmas Spéléologie Scientifique, 15 et 16 novembre Malaysia: Caving in Niah, cradle of the East 2014 : 1 p. (Part 2) Résumé de poster. Résultats d'études récentes Manilla Bulletin, 22 December 2013. photos. sur le karst du Liban et la grotte Jeïta. (NG). (LP). 2014.1213 2014.1220

Malaysia / Malaya / Malaisie BENJAMIN, Serena (2010) : ACKMA AGM – Mulu AA (2012) : Chasing bats deep in Mulu caves Speleo Spiel, No. 379 (Jul-Aug. 2010) : 18-20. The Brunei Times, 15 January 2012. 5 photos. (LP). Visit to Niah Cave; impressed by birdnesters' 2014.1214 abilities to climb rickety structures. Mulu is about sweat and water – and caves: tours of AA (2013) : June 1-2 Gua Kanthan & Gua Deer and Langs caves + viewing bat exodus, Kelawar caving trip Racer Cave (named for its snakes but with Pencinta Alam, May 2013 : 9. lots of fauna), Sarawak Chamber attempt #1 Adventure caving trip to two caves in Perak. abandoned due to high water, Lagangs and Gua Kanthan is home to the trapdoor spider, Stonehorse caves, fun visit to Sarawak Cham- Liphistius kanthan. (LP). ber on attempt #2, Moonmilk Cave, Clearwa- 2014.1215 ter Connection, Fruit Bat Cave (spectacular passages); also visited The Pinnacles. (GJM). AA (2013) : June 2013. Gua Kanthan & Gua 2014.1221 Kelawar caving trip Pencinta Alam, June 2013 : 5. BOWDEN, David (2013) : 20 hot things to Adventure caving trip to two caves in Perak. see and do in Malaysia (LP). The Expat Getaways Guide 2013 : 8-13. pho- 2014.1216 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 151 tos. thwest Peninsular Malaysia Batu Caves and Mulu. (LP). Oral Presentation Abstract, The 3rd Internatio- 2014.1222 nal Conference on the Palaeontology of Sou- th-East Asia (ICPSEA3) : 17. FAEDZUL, Rahman B. Rosman (2013) : The Perlis limestone. (LP). wonders of Tioman Island 2014.1229 Malaysian Naturalist, Vol 66, no 4 (June 2013) : 66-71. photos. MUNIRA, Mhd Rashid; MASTURA, Jaafar; Non limestone sea caves and swiftlet nests. NORZIANI, Dahalan (2013) : Tourism and (LP). SME businesses opportunity in Lenggong Val- 2014.1223 ley world archaeological heritage site Malaysia Proceedings of International Conference on GEORGIA INST TECHNOLOGY (2013) : Tourism Development: Building the future of Stalagmites provide new view of abrupt cli- tourism. 4-5 Feb, . : 150-163. mate events over 100,000 years Lenngong Valley in Perak contains many caves Science Daily (online), 6 June 2013. of archaeological importance. (LP). Climate change shown through speleothems 2014.1230 from Gunung Mulu and Buda caves. (LP). 2014.1224 PEARSON, Keith (2014) : The Restless Ad- venturers GUYTON, Justine (2013) : When you are Descent, No 241 (Dec/Jan 2014/15) : 34-39. new to KL Coverage of the 2013 British expedition to Expatriate Lifestyle, April 2013 : 143. Mulu, Malaysia, with overview survey of all Dark cave tour, Batu Caves. (LP). caves in the mountains of Api, Benarat and 2014.1225 Buda (GM). 2014.1231 LAW, Andrew Drummond (2013) : : Gateway to nature and heritage PIERCE, Miles (2013) : Dark Cave, Batu Expatriate Lifestyle, September 2013 : 55-64. Caves, , Malaysia photos. Australasian Cave and Karst Management As- Gomantong Cave. (LP). soc. Journal, No. 93 (December 2013) : 31-32. 2014.1226 4 photos, ref. Diverted from the stairway to the Hindu LENA (2013) : Lenggong Valley revisited Temple Cave at Batu to access Dark Cave, Ipoh Echo, No 171 (1-15 August 2013) : 6. playing RM35 for the Educational Tour. photos. During the 45 min. tour the guide carefully (LP). explained the ecology of the cave, based on 2014.1227 bats. There are threats from adjacent urbanisa- tion and nearby limestone extraction. The cave MAAN, Manveen (2013) : When nature calls is well operated by Caves Management Group The Expat, February 2013 : 26-27 . photos. Sdn Bhd under the auspices of the Malaysian Niah and Mulu. (LP). Nature Society and also runs a 3 hr adventure 2014.1228 tour. Also visited the large open Temple Cave. (GJM). MEOR, H. Amir Hassan; AYE-KO, AUNG; 2014.1232 BECKER, R.T.; NOOR, Atirah Abdul Rah- man; NG, Tham Fatt; AZMAN, A. Ghani; PRICE, Liz (2013) : MUSTAFFA, Kamal Shuib; MUHAMMAD, Malaysian cave bibliography (up to 2012), Arif Farhan Zulkarnain (2013) : A review of May 2013 : 246 p. the Devonian-Permian stratigraphy in Nor- This bibliography covers the whole of Malay-

152 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) sia, i.e. Peninsula, Sabah and Sarawak, and 2014.1237 contains about 4800 references to Malaysian caves and karst, dating from the 1700s to SOO, Kim (2013) : World's largest cave opens 2012. In addition there is an extensive newspa- for public tours per biblio covering 1953 – 2012. Other pages Travel News, 19 September 2013. provide an introduction to Malaysian caves Comparison to , Mulu. (LP). and history, and there is a map and glossary. 2014.1238 (Author, LP). 2014.1233 Mongolia / Mongolie

PRICE, Liz (2013) : Caving into adventure IVE, Roberto (2014) : Mongolia - Viaggio alla Time Out Malaysia for visitors 2013/2014 : Caverna Magica 40-44. photos. Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 45- General article on caving in Malaysia with a 50. 3 foto, 1 mappa. focus on some of the best adventure caving Alla scoperta di una caverna sacra - Dayan places. (LP). Deershiin Agui - ubicata nell'estremo nord 2014.1234 della Mongolia. (PG). 2014.1239 PRICE, Liz (2014) : Caves and Karst of Pe- ninsular Malaysia. A register Myanmar Berliner Höhlenkundliche Berichte, 54 : 143 p. (Burma / Birmanie) The only and most comprehensive cave re- gistry of the mainland part of Malaysia with DREYBRODT, Jeorg; DEL VECCHIO, Um- hundreds of caves described in the form of a berto (2014) : Il sistema di Mamun Spring table. Includes a geographical, geological as Cave well as biospeleo-logical chapter. In-depth Kur magazine La Venta, n. 21 (2014) : 46-51. bibliography and indexes. This is a much Foto, rilievo. enhanced 2nd edition of the previous booklet Esito della spedizione condotta nel 2014 produced in 2001 by Gua Publications (Liz nella zona di Pinlaung. Riprese le esplorazio- Price) presenting the results of the most re- ni nell'inghiottitoio di Te Taung dove cent international and Malaysian expeditions. dopo poco viene raggiunto uno pseudo sifone. (ML). Esplorata e rilevata la risorgente (Namung) di 2014.1235 2,6 km di sviluppo. Esplorato parzialmente il traforo fossile War Lee Kwey; esplorata anche SHAHARUDDIN, Sudin (2013) : Misi men- la grotta Hti Ngut fino a - 157 m che rimane jelajah Gua Merapoh ancora con notevole potenziale esplorativo, Santai travel magazine, May 2013 : 106-109 . aprendosi a 1636 m slm. (MS). In Malay; photos. 2014.1240 Article on this new caving area in Merapoh, . (LP). Nepal / Népal 2014.1236 AA (2014) : Le Mustang troglodytique SITI, Zaleha Mat Diah; SALMAH, Karman; La Lettre du Spéléo-club de Paris, n° 321 (jan- ILLE, C. Gebeshuber (2013) : Ekspedisi vier 2014) : 1. ke Taman Negara Sungai Relau. Merapoh. Des habitations troglodytiques incroyables, Pahang creusées il y a plus d'un millier d'années, dans Pencinta Alam, May 2013 : 1-2. In Malay; cet ancien royaume du Népal. (JT). photos. 2014.1241 Report on a small scientific expedition to Me- rapoh. (LP). COVINGTON, Matt; CULLEY, Jason;

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 153 OCHEL, David (2013) : expedi- MENTENS, Marc (2014) : Gezocht: speleo- tions 2012 in Nepal and Svalbard logen voor expeditie in de Filippijnen Proceedings of the 16th International Congress Spelerpes, n° 1 : 41-42. In Dutch, photos. of Speleology, Vol 2 : 59-61. 4 photos. Présentation d'un projet d'expédition aux Phi- This report combines a brief introduction to lippines. Un appel est lancé aux spéléologues glacier caves and their relevance to glaciology souhaitant participer. (NG). with summaries of recent expeditions in the 2014.1246 Arctic (Svalbard - Jaskinie Plaziego Mozdka) and the Himalayas (Nepal-Ngozuma glacier). A number of caves were explored and mapped. The main objective was to collect data to bet- OSBORNE, R. Armstrong L. (2011) : Cave ter understand the formation of such caves and science in Sri Lanka [PP presentation] how they relate to the glacial system. (TF). Proc. 28th Biennial Conf. of ASF, Chillagoe 2014.1242 2011. Caves and karst-like features in Sri Lanka: Oman carbonate karst in Jafna limestone, caves in carbonate tufa, surface karst in Proterozoic KAST, Günter (2014) : granite gneiss, “solution” caves in granite Into the Light. Stefan Glowacz. Chris Sharma : gneiss & meta-carbonates, tectonic and bolder 168 p. viele Abb. caves in granite gneiss, caves in iron ore, soil Bild- und Textband über eine Extremkletter- piping caves. No local caving groups but brief route aus der Höhle Majlis al Jin im Sultanat visits by European cavers, some commercial Oman (13 Überhängende Seillängen). Viele adventure caving, some colonial science, some Fotos aus der Höhle (GST). local science in 1960s. Project commenced 2014.1243 2008, aims to introduce cave science, deve- lop local expertise, establish karst database, Philippines develop postgrad Cave Science course but research and funding required. Gneiss caves DE VIVO, Antonio; FORTI, Paolo (2014) abundant in central highlands, many modified : Puerto Princesa Underground River 2015. as temples, contain important archaeological Un nnuovo salto di qualità delle attività di La sites, significant bat populations, unusual mi- Venta nerals and cave sediments. (GJM). Kur magazine La Venta, n. 21 (2014) : 42-45. 2014.1247 Foto, mappa allegata, tabelle. Presentazione del progetto e complessità Thailand / Thaïlande delle ricerche speleologiche portate avanti dal gruppo La Venta nel famoso traforo idrogeo- DUNKLEY, John R. (2011) : Tham Din logico di Palawan (PPUR). Attività che hanno Phieng, Thailand: An unusual maze cave in contribuito al conferimento di World Heritage sandstone Site dell'UNESCO. Carta allegata con i punti Proc. 28th Biennial Conf. of ASF, Chillagoe d'interesse della grotta, rilievo batimetrico del 2011. [PP presentation]. fiume, dati idrochimici e termici. (MS). Entrance to Tham Din Phieng is in massive 2014.1244 sandstone of Phu Phan Formation, Khorat Group, overlying a bed of quartz conglomerate LEOCRIS, S.; BATUCAN, Jnr.; NUÑEZA, which may form a confined aquifer. Cave has Olga Macas (2013) : Ant species richness in formed in a very hard bed of quartz conglome- caves of Siargao Island Protected Landscape rate sandstone, confined beneath a much more and Seascape, Philippines resistant & impervious massive sandstone, ap- ELBA Bioflux, Vol 5, Issue 2. parently with a small amount of calcite in the (LP). matrix, solution of which served to loosen less 2014.1245 154 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) soluble material. Cave is electrically lit and Uzbekistan attracts mostly local Thai tourists, proceeds going to associated temple. Fauna includes DE VIVO, Antonio; SPITALERI, Giuseppe glowworm-like invertebrate. (GJM). (2014) : Bai Sun Tau. Infinita storia di Dark 2014.1248 Star Kur magazine La Venta, n. 21 (2014) : 36-41. DUNKLEY, John R. (2014) : The Thailand Foto. Project: 25 years of progress: a personal retros- Storia delle esplorazioni nella catena di Bai pective Sun Tau e nell'Hodja Gur Gur Ata. Rapporto Caves Australia, No. 197 (June 2014) : 20-23. sull'ultima esplorazione nel sistema omonimo Map, 6 photos. che supera i novecento metri di profondità. Brief overview of 25 yrs of caving in Thai- (MS). land; there were 8 major expeditions and 18 2014.1252 small ones, all led from Australia. Early trips concentrated on Mae Hong Son province, then GIRA, Aldo; GURRIERI, Giovanni; RINAL- to Kanchanaburi, Phangnga and Phitsanuloke DI, Alessandro; SPITALERI, Giuseppe (2014) where Thailand's longest cave was surveyed. : Dark Star (Baysun Tau) There was also a diversion to Myanmar. On Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica early trips over 50 km of new caves were Italiana, n. 71 (dicembre 2014) : 12-13. Foto. surveyed incl. the deepest, 10 of the 17 longest Spedizione internazionale in varie grotte della and the tallest column in the world (61.5 m). catena di Baysun Tau, la grotta Dark Star rag- Publications included 7 books, 22 research giunge i - 900 metri di profondità e 13 km di papers, 30 articles and six management re- sviluppo. (MS). ports. Considerable assistance was received 2014.1253 from John Spies of Cave Lodge. Thailand's first workshop on cave and karst management Vietnam was run in 1995. Outlines opportunities for expedition caving in the region. (GJM). JACKSON, Alan (2014) : Vietnam 2014 2014.1249 Caves Australia, No. 199 (Dec. 2014) : 8-16. 19 photos, ref. THOMA, Alex (2014) : Höhlen in Thailand Joined a BCRA expedition led by Howard Höhlenpost, 144 : 12-21. and Deb Limbert. Aims were to continue the Allgemeine Beschreibung der Höhlenge- exploration of the massive limestone lands- biete Thailands, ihrer Bedeutung und Beson- cape between the coast and the Laos border. derheiten sowie der Höhlenfauna. Beschrei- The main impediments to exploration are poor bung und Pläne zweier vermessener Höhlen: tracks, insanely steep terrain, lack of water and Tham Phrom Sawat und Tham Chao Phoo the local bureaucracy. Checked out Hang Bang Khin Lae. (PH). but it didn't go far; in Xuong Valley area pu- 2014.1250 shed a stream sink for 100 m and Hang Nô for 200 m, Hang Mây descended for 200 m and TOURNIER, Thierry (2014) : Tham Ki Mi surveyed 1100 m of passage; Thach Sinh Linh Spéléo 01, N° 26 (Juin 2014) : 175-178. 8 Ðông had 400 m circumference 60 m deep photos, 2 cartes et une topo en plan. entrance but only went ~200 m either way; Le point sur cette cavité de Thaïlande offrant investigated a 120 m shaft (KM17 Shaft) to a 1913 m de développement sous la commune massive horizontal passage with a deep lake de Muan Kong (Réserve Naturelle). (BC). disappearing out of sight.. (GJM). 2014.1251 2014.1254

LAUMANNS, Michael (2014) : Karst and Caves of Ninh Binh Province (northern Viet-

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 155 nam). terwoche auf Teneriffa. Berliner Höhlenkundliche Berichte, 55 : 108 p. Höhlenforscher, der Zeitschrift für Freunde der Presents the “dry Ha Long” of northern Viet- Speläologie (Dresden), Vol. 45, No. 1 : 4-11. nam - the beautiful tower karst of Ninh Binh In Germ.; 3 photos, 1 photo on front-cover. province, which became the 3rd Vietnamese (THR). UNESCO World Heritage site due to its fantas- 2014.1258 tic landscape as well as its natural and cultural heritage. Ninety-nine caves with a total pas- Madagascar sage length of 13.6 km are described in detail in this standard compilation. Also includes DELATY, Jean-Nicolas; SIBERT, Eric; MO- caves in the Cuc Phuong National Park. (ML). RENAS, Alain; COLNEY, Florent (2014) : 2014.1255 Spéléologie sous les Tsingy de Namoroka – Document n°6 : Malagasy 2012 LAUMANNS, Michael (2014) : Karst and Rapports d'expédition CREI (Commission Caves of South Vietnam. Part 2: Provinces of des relations et expéditions internationales de Dong Nai, Lam Dong and Quang Tri la FFS), 2012-18 : 32 p. 8 photos, 3 cartes, 4 Berliner Höhlenkundliche Berichte, 56 : 49 p. topographies. The famous volcanic caves of Dong Nai pro- Expédition du 23 juillet au 12 août 2012 à Ma- vince are presented in this volume in detail, dagascar dans le massif de Namoraka au Nord- including the new longest mapped ouest de l'île. Cette expédition fait suite à cinq cave in Southeast Asia. The 35 caves descri- précédentes sur le secteur. En 2012, 15712 bed have high biospeleological relevance. Fur- mètres de galeries ont été topographiées, ame- thermore five caves formed in granite boulder nant le “réseau MAROSAKABE” déjà le plus from the neighbouring Lam Dong province long d'Afrique à 69100 m. (RC). are included as well as a short note on caves in 2014.1259 Quang Tri province. (ML). 2014.1256 DOBRILLA, Jean-Claude; MARTIN, Laurent; CLAUZURE, Marie-Agnès; CLAUZURE, 2.4 Africa Didier (2014) : Tsingy 2012 Afrique Rapports d'expédition CREI (Commission des relations et expéditions internationales de la FFS), 2012-5 : 82 p. 9 photos, 3 cartes, 16 Canarias / Canaries topographies. Expédition du 22 septembre au 27 novembre (Las Palmas; Santa Cruz de Tenerife) 2012 au nord-ouest de Madagascar sur diffé- rents sites calcaires, Nosy Hara, l'Ankarana et Andrafiamena. 5683 m de nouvelles galeries VARCOUNIG, Tiziana (2014) : “Alla ricerca ont été explorées et topographiées. Il faut ajou- delle Esperidi”. Spedizione speleo-archeologi- ter la topographie de la rivière souterraine de ca alle Canarie Mahory. Les zones entrevues en fin de séjour Tuttocat, Numero unico 2013 (2014) : 30-33. laissent espérer de nouvelles découvertes. 9 foto. (RC). Cronaca di una mini spedizione. (PG). 2014.1260 2014.1257 DOBRILLA, Jean-Claude (2014) : Tsingy Canarias (Islas) 2013 Rapports d'expédition CREI (Commission des WINKELHÖFER, Ulrike (2013) : Eine Win- relations et expéditions internationales de la FFS), 2013-21 : 34 p. 6 photos, 2 cartes, 14 topographies.

156 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Expédition à Madagascar du 4 octobre au 17 REZ-FERNANDEZ, E.; BLACKWELL, décembre 2013 dans différents massifs cal- B.; HALLET-DESGUEZ, E.; JACOBS, Z.; caires. L'Ankarana, l'Andrafiamena et la mon- GOLDBERG, P.; MORALA, A.; MEYER, tagne des Français sur la côte nord-ouest et le M.C.; OLZEWSKI, D.I. (2012) : New ex- plateau Mahafaly au sud de l'île. 9690 m de cavations at the site of Contrebandiers Cave, galeries nouvelles ont été explorées et topogra- phiées. (RC). PaleoAnthropology : 145-201. 2014.1261 (LP). 2014.1265 DOBRILLA, Jean-Claude; MARTIN, Laurent (2014) : Tsingy 2014 KENNEDY, Sasa (2013) : Gouffre du Frioua- Rapports d'expédition CREI (Commission des to, Morocco relations et expéditions internationales de la Australasian Cave and Karst Management As- FFS), 2014-11 : 21p. 10 photos, 2 cartes, 10 soc. Journal, No. 93 (December 2013) : 21-24. topographies. 7 photos. Expédition à Madagascar du 28 mars au 25 Gouffre du Friouato is the largest known cave juin 2014 dans les massifs d'Iharana, Analame- system in northern Africa, discovered by ra et Ankarana. 6657 m de nouvelles galeries Norbert Casteret in 1930 and since pushed to explorées et topographiées. Le développement -272 m. Communication is difficult; tours are de la cavité Antsarahaso a été porté à 11879 m. available with or without guide, infrastructure (RC). is minimal, entry doline is impressive, parts of 2014.1262 cave well decorated; more an adventure tour than a show cave. (GJM). MIDDLETON, Greg (2013) : Madagascar 2014.1266 2012 – Beanka – the far north Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, / Namibie Vol. 57, No. 8 : 217-226. 5 maps, 17 photos, 4 refs. FILECCIA, Alessio; LE ROUX, Johan (2014) The main objective of this trip was to recon- : I laghi sotterranei della Namibia settentrio- noitre the most northerly part of the Beanka nale (karst) Reserve in Western Madagascar. On Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica the way we checked out the ‘cold geysers' Italiana, n. 71 (dicembre 2014) : 37-39. Foto, of Amparaky. A spring and two slot network rilievi. caves were recorded near Anahindrano in the Nuovi dati sul lago Aikab. (MS). far north of the reserve. A small cave used as 2014.1267 a fossa lair, found on the Bokarano River, has palaeontological potential. (GJM). / Afrique du Sud 2014.1263 Cape Province; Orange Free State; Transvaal; Morocco / Maroc Natal

BÖLZLE, Thilo (2014) : Höhlen in Marokko oder Wasserspiele in der Wüste. CRAVEN, Stephen A. (2014) : The 1980 visit Grabenstetter höhlenkundliche Hefte (Gra- of Tony Jarratt to southern Africa benstetten), No. 23 (Jahr 2012) : 41-52. In Cave and Karst Science, Vol. 41, no 3 (De- Germ.; 16 fig. and photos, 1 plan. cember 2014) : 110-113. (THR). This report records the visit of an experienced 2014.1264 English speleologist to southern Africa, and his comments on the caves and rock shelters DIBBLE, H.L.; ALDEAS, V.; ALVA- that he visited. (Author, GM). 2014.1268 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 157 Swaziland Tunisia / Tunisie

BAUER, Harald; OBERENDER, Pauline HAPKA, Roman (2014) : Expédition suis- (2014) : Expedition zur Gobholo-Höhle in so-tunisienne en Tunisie 2014 Swasiland Cavernes, 58 : 44-57. HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des http://www.cavernes.ch/images/pdf/ca- Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und vernes2014.pdf Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 5/6 : 55-59. Récit d'un voyage de 10 jours dans le Nord de (PF). la Tunisie (SCPF, ASB, SCT et ASEZ). Grottes 2014.1269 visitées, topographiées ou explorées: Grottes Khanguet Kef Tout, Elhaouia, Boutouil, de BAUER, Harald; EXEL, Thomas; OBEREN- Rhar Kriz, de la Mine, de l'Oued Elgalb et DER, Pauline (2014) : Expedition zur Gobho- fissure du Ras el Gassâa. (CV). lo-Höhle in Swasiland 2014.1273 Verbandsnachrichten, Jg. 65, Nr. 2-3 : 44-48. (PF). 2.5 Australasia; Oceania 2014.1270 Australasie; Océanie

LENANDER, Bo (2014) : Expedition Bjuräl- ven 2014, Elektromagnetisk spårning av Australia / Australie dykare och referenspunkter i grottan Grottan, Vol. 49, no 2 (June 2014) : 18-20. In Swedish; photos. General / Généralités During the Expedition Bjurälven 2011, 2013 Canberra; Islands (Lord Howe etc.) and 2014 different systems of radiolocation were used to obtain the depth and position of reference points in Bjurälvsgrottan during the SPATE, Andy (2012) : Book reviews: Shaping exploration. The cave is mostly submerged, a Nation / A Karst Atlas of and during the 2014 expedition the cave divers Australasian Cave and Karst Management As- were also equipped with a smaller track trans- soc. Journal, No. 89 (December 2012) : 39-40. mitter. The refence point transmitter can also Shaping a Nation: a Geology of Australia – ex- be used for transmitting simple emergency ploring the geology, resources and landscapes messages simply by turning the antenna seve- of Australia, this book reveals how these have ral times. (JL). helped to shape the nation's society, environ- 2014.1271 ment and wealth. It summarises geological history, the fossil record and evolution of life LINDÉN, Anders H. (2014) : Fjällmötet 2013 across the continent and its mineral and ener- Grottan, Vol. 49, no 1 (March 2014) : 30-38. In gy reserves, revealing the significance of its Swedish; plan, photos, map. coastal and groundwater systems. The word The fell-meet 2013 was held near the lon- ‘karst' only appears once, in relation to the 345 gest cave in Sweden, Korallgrottan. During million-year-old Jenolan Caves. [The karst the meeting, an inventory of all known cave atlas is not reviewed] (GJM). entrances and dolins in the area was made, and 2014.1274 is presented in the article including coordinates to all objects. The classic karst area Bjurälvs- SPATE, Andy (2013) : What is special about dalen nearby was also visited and an inventory Australian caves and karst ? was made also for this area. (JL). Cave and Karst Management in Australasia 2014.1272 XX. Proc. 20th Australasian Conf. Cave & Karst Management 2013. Waitomo Caves, NZ : 6-17. 10 figs, 4 refs.

158 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Australia has 19 World Heritage properties CHAD, Chris (2010) : The Chad-vine – many with karst-associated values. There Speleo Spiel, No. 376 (Jan-Feb. 2010) : 27. 3 was a UNESCO Global Geopark until it was photos. torpedoed by political ideologies. Australia Visited Cathedral Cave, Wellington NSW, recognises significant ‘national' landscapes supposedly having the biggest stalagmite in including many with karst values. There are the Southern Hemisphere and also famous other areas such as Nullarbor limestone karst for yielding bones of extinct megafauna. Also and sandstone karst and karst-like landscapes visited Junee Cave resurgence a in Tasmania. of northern Australia which are worthy of Wor- (GJM). ld Heritage but this is prevented by Australia's 2014.1278 political and cultural systems. Paper reviews karst areas of Australia in regard to their inter- CHAD, Chris (2011) : Coonabarabran Caving national and national significance. Comment is Speleo Spiel, No. 383 (Mar-Apr. 2011) : 14-5. made on what Australia's karst resources offer 4 photos. the nation. (Author, GJM). Visited a sandstone cave, Salt Cave, reputed to 2014.1275 have contained stalactites of salt which early settlers had collected to cure meat, etc. in the Australia / Australie Pilliga Scrub. Also visited the “Sandstone Caves” off the Newell Highway, these contain New South Wales / Nouvelle-Galles du Sud evidence of Aboriginal occupation so have been gated. (GJM). 2014.1279 BOURNE, Steve (2012) : Wee Jasper (and Yarrangobilly) ACKMA AGM weekend CURTIS, Chris (2013) : A terrific trip to Tu- Australasian Cave and Karst Management glow 3-4 May 2013 Assoc. Journal, No. 87 (June 2012) : 5-7. 8 Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, photos. Vol. 57, No. 10 : 290-292. 14 photos. Reports on Annual General Meeting of ACK- Visit to Tuglow Cave T1, both downstream MA held at Wee Jasper, 5 May 2012; tours of and part-way upstream. (GJM). Careys Cave; fossil site tours; visit to Yarran- 2014.1280 gobilly Caves. (GJM). 2014.1276 CURTIS, Ian (2014) : in dan- ger CARDEN, Deborah (2012) : Notes from Na- Caves Australia, No. 198 (Sep. 2014) : 10-15. racoorte Caves 6 photos. Australasian Cave and Karst Management As- Cliefden Caves, world-renowned Fossil Hill, soc. Journal, No. 89 (December 2012) : 29-30. tufa , hot spring, and cultural sites are in 5 photos. danger of being flooded. The NSW govern- Thermal image monitoring of Southern Bent- ment is proposing to build another dam on the wing Bats at Naracoorte Bat Cave has recom- Belubula River at The Needles. The history menced; a new fence further from the cave of dams on this river is summarised and the entrance should benefit the bats as they fly arguments against the dam are presented. Most low for a distance after leaving the cave; the of the major caves are below or dangerously optimum position of lighting for evening bat close to the proposed 421 m full storage level. tours is being determined; a master plan for the A Save Cliefden Caves Committee has been coming decade is being prepared; the res- set up with a website and support is invited. ponsible department has been restructured as (GJM). Department of Environment, Water and Natu- 2014.1281 ral Resources. (GJM). 2014.1277 CURTIS, Ian (2014) : Cliefden struggle conti-

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 159 nues Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, Caves Australia, No. 199 (Dec. 2014) : 17. Vol. 57, No. 11 : 329-331. 6 photo, 15 refs. The Save Cliefden Caves Committee has split Reports on what appears to be a cavity exca- into a local group (OSS, NSWSC and ASF) vated by convicts beside the Great Western and a Sydney group working with the Nature Highway, perhaps as a store. It is no lon- Conservation Council. A Save Cliefden Caves ger suitable for this as it frequently . Appeal has been launched through the ASF Discusses other similar holes in the region. Karst Conservation Fund. Major caves are (GJM). being remapped; a Zeebedee 3D laser has also 2014.1285 been employed. An official report shows the importance of the caves. Outlines other action ELLIS, Ross (2013) : A visit to Palona Cave, underway. (GJM). Royal National Park, NSW 2014.1282 Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, Vol. 57, No. 4 : 98-106. Map, 27 photos. 43 DUNKLEY, John R. (2013) : refs. Caves, People and Land: Sandstone caves of A visit to resurvey this unusually-richly spe- the Blue Mountains & Sydney region. ISBN. leothem decorated sandstone cave on Palona 9780980806045 : 112 p. Numerous maps and Brook, Royal National Park. The cave is about photographs, 101 refs. 60 m long and 20 m deep, reaching up to 10 Describes and discusses the sandstone caves m high; cave described in detail. Reprints a of the Wollondilly Cave Area, part of the Blue number of earlier reports on the cave, from Mountains Karst Region of NSW. Considers 1905. (GJM). the people involved in recording and using the 2014.1286 caves, the geology and geomorphology of the region (including the processes by which the ELLIS, Ross; HALBERT, Erik (2013) : Dents caves form) and lists 957 caves with brief des- Creek Natural Stone Bridge and some more criptions + a number of other sandstone caves information about Scotts Bridge in the Sydney Basin. (GJM). Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, 2014.1283 Vol. 57, No. 3 : 71-77. Map, 17 photos, 8 refs. Describes a visit to Dents Creek Natural Stone DYKES, Peter (2011) : Bridge, Gymea, Sydney, 14 m long, 1-2 m A Karst Atlas of New South Wales: The docu- wide, 1-1.5 m thick, 1-1.5 m high with creek mentation system. ISBN 9780980806014 : 90 beneath. Also gives information on similar p. + CD. 15 maps, biblio. bridge, Scotts Bridge, in the Kangaroo Valley. Presents a framework for cave and karst (GJM). documentation in New South Wales based 2014.1287 on catchment boundaries. A brief history of cave documentation in NSW is followed by ELLIS, Ross (2013) : London Bridge didn't a summary of cave and karst numbering as fall down. It's still standing in the Berowra a discussion of Aboriginal cultural heritage Valley Regional Park issues. Fourteen new karst regions are descri- Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, bed and mapped and their included cave areas Vol. 57, No. 8 : 227-230. Map, 18 photos, ref. are listed. An appendix lists the state's cave Describes access to ‘London Bridge' sandstone areas and their prefix codes. A CD contains the arch and other features in its vicinity. (GJM). digital GIS layers used to produce the maps in 2014.1288 ESRI formats. (GJM). 2014.1284 ELLIS, Ross; HALBERT, Erik (2013) : Some Sydney sandstone shelters seen & surveyed ELLIS, Ross (2013) : A visit to Convicts Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, Cave, Bulls Camp, Woodford, NSW Vol. 57, No. 1 : 15-21. 19 photos, 4 refs.

160 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) In Boronia Park, Hunters Hill, located, ex- Brief description of large sandstone cave in plored and surveyed Chimney Cave, Alter Greater Blue Mountains National Park. It is Cave and Boronia Cave, in sandstone. (GJM). more than 80 m wide, at least 30 m high and 2 2014.1289 m deep. (GJM). 2014.1293 ELLIS, Ross; HALBERT, Erik (2013) : Some Sydney sandstone shelters seen & surveyed. FOX, Brian (2013) : Death Trap Cave, Or- Part 2 13 February 2009 chestra and Music Bowl Cave Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, Vol. 57, No. 2 : 49-53. Map, 10 photos, 2 refs. Vol. 57, No. 8 : 236. 4 photos, ref. A visit to explore and survey Henry Lawson Visits three large sandstone caves in Wollemi Cave, Bicentennial Reserve, Willoughby, National Park, Death Trap Cave (47 m wide, which commemorates its use by one of Austra- 19.2 m deep and 23 m high); Orchestra Pit lia's best-known poets. Report includes many Cave (31 m wide, 25.5 m deep and up to 12 m quotes from accounts of the cave or activities high) and Music Bowl Cave (20.6 m wide, 9 in it, especially poetry readings. (GJM). m, deep and 9 m high). (GJM). 2014.1290 2014.1294

ELLIS, Ross; NURSE, Ben (2013) : The Syd- FOX, Brian (2013) : The Arch, Wollemi Na- ney Speleological Society Year Book 2012-13 tional Park [Year Book No. 51] Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, Vol. 57, No. 1 : 23. 3 photos. Vol. 57, No. 9 : 245-281. The Arch, parallel to Arch Creek, is 30 m, 59th Annual Report of the Society, including high, spans 15 m, is 1.5 m wide and the span reports from President (Nurse: summarises is 2.5 m thick. It was formed by rock collapse history and achievements), Treasurer (G. Wy- rather than erosion. (GJM). lie: income $14.1k, exp. $14.6k, bal. $30.8k), 2014.1295 Editor (Ellis: Vol. 56 of The Journal comprised 350 p. List of 570 books recommended for FOX, Brian (2013) : Whitewash Cave reading), Cave Map Recorder (Ellis: 38 new Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, maps recorded), Membership Secretary (81 Vol. 57, No. 7 : 206. 3 photos. members), Librarian, Trip Recorder, Historical Describes a cave in sandstone near Cullen & Research Officer, Trip Secretary, Webmas- Bullen from which locals used to remove ter. Membership list. (GJM). “whitewash” to apply to their houses. (GJM). 2014.1291 2014.1296

FOX, Brian; KEATS, Michael (2013) : Cathe- GROSVENOR, W.H. (2013) : Abercrombie dral Cave, Newnes Plateau Caves. A great tourist attraction of the West. Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, Part II. Eastern side Vol. 57, No. 8 : 235. 3 photos. Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, Cathedral Cave is a stupendous sandstone Vol. 57, No. 5 : 138-139. Reprinted from cavern of near perfect proportions, 36 m wide, Queanbeyan Age, 27 Jan., 1911, p. 3. 27 m high and 35 m deep on Newnes Plateau. A detailed description of the main cave at (GJM). Abercrombie, as experienced in 1911. (GJM). 2014.1292 2014.1297

FOX, Brian (2013) : Celestial Chamber Cave, HALBERT, Erik (2013) : Cathedral Cave, Henry Creek, NSW Blackheath Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, Vol. 57, No. 3 : 81. 3 photos. Vol. 57, No. 11 : 321-323. 7 photos, 3 refs.

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 161 Cathedral Cave is located on the route into the HALBERT, Erik (2013) : The Grand Canyon Grand Canyon; it was reported in a newspaper via Point Pilcher Track article in 1909. The locations of a series of Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, postcards from early 1900s were determined Vol. 57, No. 10 : 287-289. 15 photos, ref. and modern photos taken which are compared Walk into Grand Canyon revealed Rim Cave to the originals. (GJM). and a number of other overhang caves which 2014.1298 were very difficult to access; Final Cave was located at the bottom. Deep water prevented HALBERT, Erik; ELLIS, Ross (2013) : Fern access to Cathedral Cave. (GJM). Cave according to Kerry and Russell 2014.1303 Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, Vol. 57, No. 6 : 167-170. 6 photos, 12 refs. HALLINAN, Mark (2013) : Some detective work, employing a Kerry pho- Jenolan Caves: The Complete Guide. ISBN to from ~1880, ties down a location of Fern 9780987588906 : 268-viii p. Profusely illus- Cave which appears to differ from previous trated, 129 endnotes, index. understandings. Text from a rare book (Russell In this book we will explore and discover 1882) gives more information on the access Jenolan Caves. Using the latest research, we track and local attractions at Mount Victoria. will investigate how the caves formed, star- (GJM). ting with the origins of the very rocks and the 2014.1299 surrounding landscape. We will then delve into the European history of the caves, regret- HALBERT, Erik (2013) : Into the gullies once fully acknowledging that we know so little more of the much longer Aboriginal history which Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, preceded it. The show caves and some of the Vol. 57, No. 3 : 79-80. 8 photos, 2 refs. surrounding bushwalks are explored in some A search in Blackheath Glen for Taralta Cave detail, before taking attempts at selected local and Evelines Bower yielded Troublesome plates and wildlife. Appendices deal with Cave and the Trial Pit. (GJM). Gundungurra dreamtime story, cave chemistry 2014.1300 and dating the caves. Review by Spate: Caves Australia, 199: 21. (Author, GJM). HALBERT, Erik (2013) : Jacktrackers Cave, 2014.1304 Flagstaff Hill Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, HENDERSON, Kent; SPATE, Andy (2012) : Vol. 57, No. 7 : 196-198. Map, 10 photos, ref. Thunderbolt(s) Cave(s): New South Wales Located, photographed and surveyed Jacktrac- Australasian Cave and Karst Management kers Cave, near Bell, Blue Mountains of NSW. Assoc. Journal, No. 86 (March 2012) : 29-32. Located further caves at base of Flagstaff Hill. 8 photos, 8 refs. (GJM). Describes access to a 10 m deep basalt (lava) 2014.1301 cave near Armidale, rumoured to have been associated with the renowned bushranger, HALBERT, Erik (2013) : Square Cave Frederick Ward, alias Captain Thunderbolt – Blackheath, New South Wales (1835-70). Also reports a Thunderbolts Cave Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, in granite north of Tenterfield and another at Vol. 57, No. 7 : 199-200. 7 photos, 5 refs. Mt Kaputar. Details Ward's bushranging activi- Describes a small sandstone ‘cave' near An- ties. (GJM). vil Rock, Blackheath. There is evidence and 2014.1305 historical record indicating the cave has been enlarged by human agency. (GJM). KENNEDY, Sasa (2013) : Jenolan Caves 2014.1302 flood damage Australasian Cave and Karst Management

162 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Assoc. Journal, No. 90 (March 2013) : 33. 2 Cave with Geoff Kell photos. Australasian Cave and Karst Management On 23 February 2013 Jenolan Caves was hit Assoc. Journal, No. 87 (June 2012) : 8-9. 4 by 124 mm of rain, causing flash flooding photos. throughout the reserve; this was the most A special guided tour of Careys Cave where powerful flood in the last 20 years. There was visitors can sit and contemplate the cave for as damage to the Devils Coachhouse infrastruc- long as they like or explore it, have the guide ture, causing the Nettle Cave self-guided tour take their photo or have a wedding. (GJM). to be suspended pending repairs. The Imperial 2014.1310 stream way Rovers to the height of the 14th stair, closing the caves for four days. The rapid RAWSON, George H.; WELCH, Bruce (Ed) drop in water level suggests that sumps lower (2013) : in the system may have been cleared. Exten- Guide to and description of the Fish River sive cleanups were required. (GJM). Caves. ISBN 9780987195517 : 94 p. Repro- 2014.1306 duction of a manuscript dating from about 1882 with copies of some original handwritten MCDONNELL, Geoffrey (2013) : Caving at pages and additional illustrations. Jenolan Caves A firsthand account of a 22 year-old's visit to Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, Jenolan Caves in 1882, including transporta- Vol. 57, No. 1 : 21-22. 3 photos, 2 maps. tion, accommodation, discovery, the principal Visited Casteret Cave J51 and Foz Hole J49 caves (Grand Arch, Devils Coachhouse, Nettle - described; Mammoth and Serpentine caves Cave, Arch Caves, Elder Caves, Lucas Caves, entered; J105, J252 and J253 located. (GJM). Imperial Caves). 2014.1307 Review: Ross Ellis, J. Syd. Speleol. Soc., 57(10): 299-300. (GJM). MCDONNELL, Geoffrey (2013) : SSS Yar- 2014.1311 rangobilly visit, November 2012 Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, SCORSE, Robert (2013) : A terrific trip to Vol. 57, No. 8 : 231-234. 3 maps, 8 photos. Wyanbene 19-20 April 2013 Visits to Flea Cave Y62, River Cave Y27, Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, Tricketts Cave Y13, “A” Cave Y383 (tagged, Vol. 57, No. 12 : 351-356. 8 photos, 14 refs. surveyed), checked out Y83, tagged, surveyed Detailed description of a visit to Wyanbene Y384 and 385; visited Restoration Cave Y50 (Main) Cave WY1-2, including the 112 m high and Red Cliff Cave Y60 (surveyed). (GJM). Gunbarrel Aven (”one of the great karst fea- 2014.1308 tures of NSW”, predicted to break through to the surface sometime) but not reaching Frus- MCDONNELL, Geoffrey (2013) : Sydney tration Lake. Mode of development of cave Speleological Society visits Yarrangobilly outlined. (GJM). Caves - Easter 2013 2014.1312 Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, Vol. 57, No. 10 : 295-298. 4 maps, 3 photos. SCORSE, Robert (2013) : Abercrombie Caves Search in Yarrangobilly karst for new caves: revisited Y386 Creaned Cave, Y387 . Retag- Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, ged Y45; visited Jillabenan Y22, Janus Cave Vol. 57, No. 5 : 134-137. 8 photos, 7 refs. Y58, Y53, Y388 & Y389 (tagged, surveyed); Caves visited: Abercrombie [Grand] Arch A1, Y50 and Y59 retagged; Upper East Deep Koh-i-noor Cave A5, Bushrangers Cave A6- Creek Cave visited. (GJM). 25-71, King Solomons Temple A2-71, Grove 2014.1309 Cave A9, Shaft Cave A13-14, Stable Cave A26-27. (GJM). PLOWMAN, Cathie (2012) : A trip to Careys 2014.1313

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 163 TRAYES, Mary (2012) : Punchbowl Cave, WEBSTER, Megan (2013) : A new caver's Wee Jasper perspective on, like, rocks and things Australasian Cave and Karst Management Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, Assoc. Journal, No. 87 (June 2012) : 10-11. 3 Vol. 57, No. 4 : 93-97. 16 photos. photos. The adventures of an inexperienced caver in Canberra Speleological Society set up a Tunnel and Arch caves, Borenore and Mam- tyrolean traverse in Punchbowl Cave to save moth, Hennings, Serpentine and Aladdin ACKMA visitors descending and ascending a caves, Jenolan. (GJM). pit; some did anyway. (GJM). 2014.1318 2014.1314 WELLS, Allan; FOX, Geoff; FOX, Brian VAUGHAN-TAYLOR, Keir (2013) : Below (2013) : Twin Arch Cave, Gardens of Stone the ringing plains of windswept Cooleman National Park, NSW Caves Australia, No. 195 (December 2013) : Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, 9-19. 3 maps, 11 photos. Vol. 57, No. 12 : 349-350. 7 photos, 2 refs. Summarises numerous SUSS Cooleman trip Discovery and recording of Twin Arch Cave reports 2007-12 and Jan. 2013. New passages – a divides an overhang in two. have been explored and hundreds of metres of (GJM). new underwater and streamway passages were 2014.1319 surveyed each trip. Hydrology is interesting and diving may have shown it to be the most WILKINSON, Justin; WELLINGS, Peter significant cave site in NSW. (GJM). (2013) : Memorable Yarrangobilly 2014.1315 Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, Vol. 57, No. 4 : 107-110. 10 photos. VAUGHAN-TAYLOR, Keir (2013) : Jeno- Visits to Coppermine Cave Y12, Old InnCave lan Caves: Imperial Streamway to Discovery Y10; unsuccessful search for 2000 tag; vi- Aven. Three trips 2012 sited Eagles Nest Cave Y1-2, communications Caves Australia, No. 193 (June 2013) : 18-19. equipment tested; visited North Deep Creek A condensed account of a persistent investiga- Cave Y7; Y305 investigated; visited River tion of an aven noticed in the roof of Jenolan's Cave Y27. (GJM). Imperial Cave streamway. Scaling pole had to 2014.1320 be transported by divers through a sump. First attempt led to a blind end. Second attempt led WYLIE, John (2013) : A beaut day at Ben- to a higher aven, requiring the pole to be raised dethera - 11 November 2012 to a higher level. On third attempt a high Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, muddy tunnel was accessed but it terminated. Vol. 57, No. 12 : 357-360. 13 photos, 3 refs. (GJM). Visited Main Cave BD1, a former show cave, 2014.1316 opened 1889. Also located BD2, 5, 6 and im- pressive tufa dams. (GJM). VAUGHAN-TAYLOR, Keir (2013) : Jenolan 2014.1321 update 2: Barralong and the Missing Link Caves Australia, No. 194 (September 2013) : WYLIE, John (2013) : All types of caving and 18-21. 2 photos, map. a roast spit, at Wombeyan Explains the main underground water courses Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, at Jenolan - Jenolan Underground River and Vol. 57, No. 6 : 171-173. 11 photos, ref. /Lethe rivers - and narrates their progres- Describes visits to McDonald Cave W383, sive exploration, especially from the back of Desperation Point Cave W232, Missed Rift Barralong Cave towards , a connec- Cave W512, Velcro Cave W478, Nova Cave tion yet to be made. (GJM). W339 and Grant Cave W137. (GJM). 2014.1317 2014.1322

164 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) BANNINK, Peter; SWAIN, Bruce (2013) : WYLIE, John (2013) : Discovery of a new Farewell TESS karst area within the Kanangra-Boyd National Caves Australia, No. 192 (March 2013) : 5-8. Park, NSW 11 photos. Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, Top End Speleological Society, formed 1983 Vol. 57, No. 2 : 33-46. 25 photos, 38 refs. in the Northern Territory, was formally dis- The karst within the Kanangra-Boyd National banded in 2010. Initial activity occurred in Park of the Greater Blue Mountains World Cutta Cutta Cave Reserve, carrying on from Heritage Area has developed on the eastern Darwin Speleological Group formed in 1960s. slopes of the Great Dividing Range. The main Recounts activities in Katherine area, Kim- karst areas being those at Church Creek, Billys berleys, Ningbing, Whalemouth, Sulawesi in Creek, Colong, Moonshine Creek, Murruin Indonesia, problems with Guy Cave develop- Creek, Murruin, Murruin/ Limestone Creek ment; 1991 expedition to Fergusson River, and Limeburners Flats. A new karst area has Katherine, Gregory NP and Ningbing Ranges been found to contain three caves: Werriberrie, - led to major discovery in Gregory karst, Bul- Mollengully and Goondel caves, plus a large lita. TESS records have been moved to Chilla- collapsed doline, Ahremoy Doline. Documen- goe, Qld and copied to ASF. (GJM). tation will continue. (GJM). 2014.1326 2014.1323 POULTER, Norman (2014) : Unusual caves WYLIE, John (2013) : Some NSW wande- of Australia – 1 The ‘Big Hole', Tablelands rings with the Northern Caverneers Highway, Northern Territory Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, Caves Australia, No. 196 (March 2014) : 17- Vol. 57, No. 10 : 293-294. 5 photos. 18. 3 photos. Wandered around the Wombeyan karst, vi- Big Hole is 100 m W of the Tablelands siting Guineacour Cave W121, Broom Cave Highway, marked by blackened oil drums and W500, Wildmans Cave W456, Bullio Cave surrounded by a barbed-wire fence. Formed in W3, 65, Tinted Cave W11, Basin Cave W4, ironstone or laterite; takes a lot of water in wet Nice Cave W92-425, Glass Cave W9, 50th season. Descended 10 m drop to floor. Eliptical Anniversary Cave W506; then to Billys Creek: shape ~19 x 21 m; rubbish on floor; mud swal- BC5, BC2, BC3, BC1; could not access BC10. low nests on walls. A footnote in Australian (GJM). Caver, 197: 6 reported that this cave may have 2014.1324 opened up suddenly in a road in 1979; the road was subsequently diverted around it. A second WYLIE, John (2013) : Wombeyan Karst mee- footnote in Australian Caver, 198: 22 states the ting and joint caving with MSS & OSS hole opened in 1982; shows a photo by Lloyd Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, Robinson. (GJM). Vol. 57, No. 3 : 78. 2 refs. 2014.1327 Meeting to discuss projects at Wombeyan. Vi- sits to Hotpants Cave W386, Moonmilk Cave POULTER, Norman (2014) : Unusual caves W357, 50th Anniversary Cave W506, Yulefest of Australia — 2: Cave at Edith Falls, Nitmi- Cave W469 (squeeze pushed), tried to enter luk National Park, Northern Territory Scorpion Cave W338, Butterfly Cave W371 Caves Australia, No. 197 (June 2014) : 18-19. and Shaft Cave W313. (GJM). 2 photos. 2014.1325 While visiting Nitmiluk NP, came across a large sandstone cave on Edith River above Australia / Australie ‘Upper Pool', estimated to be 8-10 m long with 3 entrances, passage width up to 3 m. (GJM). Northern Territory / Territoire du Nord 2014.1328

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 165 WHITE, Nicholas; WHITE, Susan (2011) : Australia / Australie Karst in Mid-Proterozoic dolomite, Pungali- na Station, Northern Territory, Australia – its Queensland significance and management Cave and Karst Management in Australasia XIX: Proc. 19th Aust'asian Conf. on Cave & BUNTON, Stephen (2011) : Chillicon Capers Karst Mgt. Ulverstone, Tas. : 86-92. Map, 5 – The 28th Biennial Conference of ASF. Chil- photos, 3 refs. lagoe, Queensland 17-22 April 2011 Extensive karst is reported from several places Speleo Spiel, No. 384 (May-Jun. 2011) : 20- in Northern Australia in particular Punga- 26. 15 photos. lina Station in the Northern Territory. This Report of 28th ASF Conference at Chilla- previously little known dolomite karst area goe: social activities, presentations, business contains significant karst, which has been (new safety guidelines adopted) and caving explored and documented by the Victorian (Queenslander Cave CH55; parts of some Speleological Association Inc., since 2005. caves flooded from recent rains allowed swim- Since the purchase of the property by the ming; caves rich in fauna; Royal Arch Cave, Australian Wildlife Conservancy in 2008, VSA extensive phytokarst; Trezkinn Cave; Carpen- has continued this work and provides karst taria Cave; Disney Cave) plus Speleosports. knowledge and management advice to AWC. Also visited Undara's Barker Cave (impressive (Author, GJM). bat flight). (GJM). 2014.1329 2014.1331

WHITE, Susan; WHITE, Nicholas (2011) : LITTLE, Lana (2013) : Chillagoe Caves news Karst in Mid-Proterozoic dolomite, Pungalina Australasian Cave and Karst Management Station, NT, Australia [PP presentation] Assoc. Journal, No. 90 (March 2013) : 37. Proc. 28th Biennial Conf. of ASF, Chillagoe A long-awaited lighting upgrade for the Donna 2011. 4 maps. Cave at Chillagoe-Mungana Caves NP is now Pungalina karst is in dolostone; provides underway. The cave was first lit in 1980; the opportunities for speleothem-related climate climate is not kind to wiring and some fittings studies in tropical Australia and has interes- have been submerged during floods. Pathway ting biology. Outlines geology, biology; Karns infrastructure has been improved by rangers. dolostone is 100-200 m thick; ~1.6 billion yrs The new lighting plan was designed by ACK- old, contains many fossil stromatolites. Area MA Fellow Neil Kell. (GJM). explored from 1970s; 2005-10 expeditions by 2014.1332 VSA. Pungalina Station small cattle property converted to safari park operation, then pur- PEARSON, Les (2011) : A brief history of chased by Australian Wildlife Conservancy Chillagoe caving in 2008. Caves are recorded under PUN or Proc. 28th Biennial Conf. of ASF, Chillagoe SEL numbers; over 50 known; many vertical 2011 : 10 p. 8 photos, 2 figs. entrances, some collapse dolines, phreatic Aborigines arrived at Chillagoe >20k yrs ago; networks, modified by roof collapse, intermit- large ash and bone deposits in cave entrances tent lakes, some speleothems. Lots of possibi- and overhangs; many paintings, some burials. lities. (GJM). Chillagoe Station established 1888; caves 2014.1330 reported by cattlemen and prospectors. First caves reserved 1891; tourists started to arrive; caves under shire control; report by Baldwin, guide from Jenolan 1912; Shephard careta- ker/guide 1916-40; new caves discovered at Mungana in 1927; by-laws published 1928 and movie film produced; national parks gazetted

166 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 1940 and honorary rangers appointed by vember 2011. It has generated great interest Forestry Dept. Vince Kinnear appointed 1963 from cavers, palaeontologists and researchers ; major development of paths started. Manage- and should be added to the World Heritage ment plan 1977 and Donna Cave electrically area in future. An inventory of the cave's va- lit; fees introduced 1989. (GJM). lues is to be undertaken. (GJM). 2014.1333 2014.1336

ZANKER, Larry (2013) : An eclipse and BURNETT, Shannon; WEBB, J.A.; WHITE, Chillagoe Susan (2011) : Karst features and remnant Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, dune systems on the Nullarbor Plain, Australia Vol. 57, No. 3 : 68-70. 11 photos. Proc. 28th Biennial Conf. of ASF, Chillagoe Visit to Chillagoe, entering caves: CH123, 100 2011 : 17 p. 2 figs, 5 tbls, 29 refs. & 58, then CH1, 3, 81, 18; inspected marble Nullarbor Plain covers ~200,000 km², which quarry and visited Vince Kinnear's grave. makes it Australia's largest, and one of the (GJM). world's great, karst areas. This semi-arid 2014.1334 environment is famous for its low relief, lack of vegetation and lack of surface water. The Australia / Australie landscape is often considered featureless, but many karst landforms can be found including / Australie Méridionale dolines, blowholes, dongas, relict river courses and caves (containing a variety of speleo- thems). Karst features (blowholes, dolines, ANDERSON, Ross; BOURNE, Steve (2013) shallow and deep caves) are concentrated in 2 : Ramsar listing for Piccaninnie Ponds, South bands running roughly parallel to cliffed coast Australia and Hampton scarp (coastal scarp). A ~20km Australasian Cave and Karst Management wide coastal band of features is seen only Assoc. Journal, No. 90 (March 2013) : 38. 2 when all karst features are plotted on one map. photos. (GJM). Piccaninnie Ponds Conservation Park was de- 2014.1337 signated as a Ramsar site (i.e. a wetland of in- ternational importance) on 21 December 2012. MCKINNON, Janine (2012) : A Bit of Cave The Ponds are one of Australia's best examples Diving at Mt Gambier July-Aug. 2012 of rising limestone springs; they are a valuable Speleo Spiel, No. 391 (Jul-Aug. 2012) : 7-9. community asset and unique visitor destina- Photo. tion. The wetlands are surface expressions of Dived in , east arm, with a a much larger underground cave system which tourist audience, twice; two dives in The Shaft has made the site one of Australia's premier (swam down 40 m in perfectly clear water, cave diving destinations. (GJM). could see another 20 m to bottom). (GJM). 2014.1335 2014.1338

BOURNE, Steve (2012) : Sand Cave, Nara- REED, Liz; BOURNE, Steve (2013) : ‘Old' coorte, South Australia Cave, news stories: the interpretive evolution Australasian Cave and Karst Management of , Naracoorte, South Australia Assoc. Journal, No. 88 (September 2012) : 18. Australasian Cave and Karst Management 2 photos. Assoc. Journal, No. 90 (March 2013) : 11-28. The Department of Environment and Natural 26 images, 46 refs. Resources Habitat Recovery Team and the Outlines the history of Blanche Cave from Cave Exploration Group of South Australia 1845. Official tours began in 1886 following have cleaned rubbish from Sand Cave which the appointment of a caretaker. William Red- was added to Naracoorte Caves NP in No- dan, the second caretaker, became famous

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 167 for his lively and entertaining tours; he later to Bone Pit; found a cave with date 27/11/01, installed pathways, handrails, and tables, tagged it JF-487; found JF-206 and JF-207 making access easier. In 1917 the reserve was Voltera; descended 207 but soon reached gazetted a Public Pleasure Resort and placed end; adjacent sink, reported ‘unenterable' was under the control of the Tourist Bureau. Also entered and pushed ‘quite a distance' to a point covers heritage listing, vertebrate fossils, where digging is required, but would be ‘easy' a new era of fossil research from 2001, the - dubbed Voltera II. Discusses other ‘missing' involvement of science in the interpretation of caves in this vicinity. (GJM). Naracoorte Caves, linking research and com- 2014.1343 munication and stories from the strata. (GJM). 2014.1339 BUNTON, Stephen (2010) : Cave Hill pro- gress 14 June 2010 Australia / Australie Speleo Spiel, No. 379 (Jul-Aug. 2010) : 5-7, 24-25. 4 maps, photo. Tasmania / Tasmanie Photographed JF-383 and checked connec- tion to JF-203 Bone Pit; JF-488 Platypus Pot checked - not thought to be the missing JF- BLAND, Simon (2013) : Wild flower 204. Tagged JF-513 and surveyed, also JF-514 weekend in the Vale of Belvoir and 515. Investigated JF-206; found, tagged, Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, sketched JF-516 The Impaler; investigated, Vol. 57, No. 7 : 201. 2 photos. resurveyed JF-208. (GJM). New signs acknowledge funds donated to 2014.1344 enable the purchase of the Vale of Belvoir in northern Tasmania for protection and the BUNTON, Stephen (2010) : Dwarrowdelf contribution of the late Simon Blanden and his abort surface bash 6 Nov. 2010 work on the caves. Tours were conducted of Speleo Spiel, No. 381 (Nov-Dec. 2010) : 16. the karst and other features. (GJM). After aborting the trip to the bottom of Dwar- 2014.1340 rowdelf, went looking, yet again, for JF15 Hairygoat Hole. Found only JF-494, JF-9 and BRENNAN, Nat (2013) : JF-463 Constitution probably JF-Z6. (GJM). Hole – August Blitzkrieg Trip 3 11 Aug. 2013 2014.1345 Speleo Spiel, No. 398 (Sep-Oct. 2013) : 12. Further exploration and surveying in JF-463 BUNTON, Stephen (2010) : Ida Bay Constitution Hole; 200 m added. (GJM). Nonsense 19 June 2010 2014.1341 Speleo Spiel, No. 379 (Jul-Aug. 2010) : 7-8. Photo. BUNTON, Stephen (2010) : Anxiety in the This trip was to explore, tag and fully docu- Breganti – JF-198, JF-199 and JF-300 8 Sep. ment Bread Bag Cave (Vogelshaft) which has 2010 been a loose end to tie up for 14 yrs. It didn't Speleo Spiel, No. 380 (Sep-Oct. 2010) : 9-10, happen! Found caves, GPSed the, named them 23, 24, 26. 3 maps, photo. Fungus Cave, Hyphae Cave and Crown Cave Unsuccessful searching for caves in Breganti but could not tag. Relocated IB-41, IB-42, IB- area of Junee-Florentine. Completed survey of 70, IB-71 and IB-69. (GJM). JF-300; surveyed JF-199 and JF-198. (GJM). 2014.1346 2014.1342 BUNTON, Stephen (2010) : JF-203/383 Bone BUNTON, Stephen (2010) : Australia Daze – Pit and JF-487/488 Platypus Pot 30 Jan. 2010 JF-207 Voltera Swallet et al. 26 Jan. 2010 Speleo Spiel, No. 376 (Jan-Feb. 2010) : 18-19. Speleo Spiel, No. 376 (Jan-Feb. 2010) : 17-18. Photo. Successfully located JF203 and 383, entrances Relocated Bone Pit JF-203 and JF-383; even-

168 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) tually made connection by rolling a rock from nues – More Florentine Fun 15 June 2011 383 to an aven in 203. Satisfied that JF-487 Speleo Spiel, No. 384 (May-Jun. 2011) : 16- had been recorded as JF-Z21, then connected 17, 27, 28. 2 photos, ref. it to JF-488 and named the cave Platypus Pot Found, tagged, surveyed JF-196 (there are after a skull found on the floor. (GJM). six other entrances very close by). Tagged a 2014.1347 fourth entrance to Cashion Creek Cave JF-603. Tagged an impressive flow-through cave with BUNTON, Stephen (2010) : JF-206 – A three entrance pillars JF-578 (called it Cricket Consolation Prize 10 Jan. 2010 Cave), former JF-X143, JF-579 and another Speleo Spiel, No. 376 (Jan-Feb. 2010) : 11-13. entrance JF580; new cave found, tagged JF- 3 photos. 581, named New Pool Cave and surveyed; for- Searching for JF-207 Voltera Swallet, found mer JF-X144 tagged JF582, surveyed. (GJM). a hole which could be JF-X16 and JF-206 2014.1352 (which was found to be better than records indicate). There were problems with the GPS BUNTON, Stephen (2011) : Veteran's Misfor- datum. (GJM). tune and Cashion Creek Carry On 21June 2011 2014.1348 Speleo Spiel, No. 384 (May-Jun. 2011) : 15- 16. 3 refs. BUNTON, Stephen (2010) : JF-236 Bunyips Another entrance to Beginners Luck Cave Lair, JF-238 Casamassima et al. 17 Jan. 2010 [Tiata Mara Kominya] JF79-80-81-82 was Speleo Spiel, No. 376 (Jan-Feb. 2010) : 13-15, tagged JF-576; another cave relocated thought 20-21. 4 maps, 2 photos. to be JF-196. Located Cashion Creek Cave Fluorescein dye was placed in JF-236, hoping and tagged its main entrance JF-6; collected it would be seen by others in Niggly Cave a and 2 ; another JF237. Bunyips Lair found to be much shorter entrance was tagged JF-600 and others JF601 than previously due to rock movement, but and 602. A new cave was tagged JF-577. A resurveyed. New caves were tagged JF-484, search for JF-X143 and 144 yielded two caves JF-485 and JF486 and sketched. Other new which were later identified as these. Other entrances were recorded. (GJM). caves were found in the area. (GJM). 2014.1349 2014.1353

BUNTON, Stephen (2010) : JF-341 5 Sep. BUNTON, Stephen (2012) : An old dog, a 2010 new bee, a dead horse and a bobcat – JF-32, Speleo Spiel, No. 381 (Nov-Dec. 2010) : 4-5. Dead Horse Cave (JF- 33), Chuck–key Cave A descent to the bottom of Threefortyone, in- (JF-453), BK2 (JF- 585), BK1 (JF-460), cluding a couple of squeezes and some tricky Bobcat (JF-586), JF- 461 and JF-462. 10 Nov. climbing. (Last visit by author 27 yrs before). 2012 (GJM). Speleo Spiel, No. 393 (Nov-Dec. 2012) : 7-8, 2014.1350 23, 26. 5 maps, 2 photos. Investigated JF-32 and JF-33 Dead Horse BUNTON, Stephen (2011) : JF-7 Cave (found by others) surveyed both; located Frankcombes Cave – A Bugs Bunton Blitz 25 Index Pot JF-441, Ping Cave JF-442 and Chu- Sep. 2011 ck-key Cave JF-453 (sketched); located BK2, Speleo Spiel, No. 386 (Sep-Oct. 2011) : 3. tagged JF-585 and BK1 (aka Rudeland Cave), Invertebrates noted in JF-7 Frankcombes tagged JF-460; found Bobcat, tagged it JF- Cave; pseudoscorpion collected. GPS'd JF603 586; tagged a cold draughting hole JF-461 and and visited JF578. (GJM). a waterfall cave JF-462. (GJM). 2014.1351 2014.1354

BUNTON, Stephen (2011) : The Curse Conti- BUNTON, Stephen (2012) : Cave Hill – Sort

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 169 of an Anticlimax 3 March 2012 BUNTON, Stephen (2012) : JF-36 (The Cave Speleo Spiel, No. 389 (Mar-Apr. 2012) : 9-10. Formerly Known as) Growling Swallet – Not a 2 photos. Club Trip 18 Feb. 2012 Failed to refind previously visited JF-494; Speleo Spiel, No. 389 (Mar-Apr. 2012) : 5-7. 3 relocated JF-67 Deefour [Pot] and BK-2 but photos. failed to relocate Bobcat. Found new caves: Concern at the building of a gate on a road Chuck-Key Cave and Log-waster Cave. giving access to Growling Swallet leads to (GJM). the Minister for Tourism being invited to visit 2014.1355 the cave. Group went as far as the Glowworm Chamber. Also visited Junee Cave. (GJM). BUNTON, Stephen (2012) : East Side of 2014.1359 Cave Hill - Not JF-67 but JF- 68, 217, 218, 441, 442, 443 and more! 29 December 2011 BUNTON, Stephen; HOSKING, Ken; BEN- Speleo Spiel, No. 388 (Jan-Feb. 2012) : 5-6. 2 JAMIN, Serena; JACKSON, Alan (2012) : photos. Miscellaneous surveys JF-218 explored, surveyed and recorded; Speleo Spiel, No. 391 (Jul-Aug. 2012) : 21-27. recorded JF-68; called a new find Bobcat and 10 maps. surveyed it (decided it was not JF-67); relo- Maps from surveys of IB-252 Crown Cave, cated JF-217 and JF-218, JF-441 Index Pot, IB-253 Tiara Cave, IB-257 Hyphae Hole, IB- JF-442 Ping Cave and JF-443 Pong Cave. 258 Fungus Cave, IB-259, JF-457 Notit Cave, Could not find JF-219 and JF-220. (GJM). JF-592 Voodewe Cave, JF-593 Un-Enterable, 2014.1356 JF-208 Ikenc, JF-10 Splash Pot. (GJM). 2014.1360 BUNTON, Stephen (2012) : Eugenana and Mole Creek 17 Dec. 2012 BUNTON, Stephen (2012) : Where Warhol Speleo Spiel, No. 393 (Nov-Dec. 2012) : 12. was and Wherretts Swallets are now 7 April Visited Eugenana arboretum to search for 2012 silverfish and Mole Creek Karst NP to check Speleo Spiel, No. 389 (Mar-Apr. 2012) : 14- Wet Cave campsite where there is a new infor- 15, 29-31. 4 maps, 2 photos, 2 refs. mation/registration booth. Honeycomb Cave Job was to contour around the contact to entrance taped off due to sinkholes. Newly-for- Warhol and GPS it and anything we found med sinkholes near Wet Cave being taped off. in between or beyond. Found a streamsink; Trees planted to regenerate acquired property tagged JF-588, surveyed, named Resonance. linking Honeycomb to Cow Cave block. A Relocated JF-395 Sunny Cave Hole and JF- flood blocked an entrance to Westmorland 394, but not JF-392 Warhol. Found JF-589 Cave from which farmers get water (plug Conglomerate Cave and JF-590, surveyed thought to be 20-30 m thick). (GJM). both. Relocated JF-386 Wherretts Swallet 2014.1357 Two, sketched. (GJM). 2014.1361 BUNTON, Stephen (2012) : Head of the Val- ley GPS'ing 8 April 2012 BUNTON, Stephen (2013) : Mole Creek 9-10 Speleo Spiel, No. 389 (Mar-Apr. 2012) : 15- Mar. 2013 16, 31. Map. Speleo Spiel, No. 395 (Mar-Apr. 2013) : 13. Located JF-293 Whistler, JF-294, JF-295, Visited Wet Cave MC-203, Honeycomb Cave JF-348 Benson Pot, JF-349, JF-350, JF-351, MC-84, Marakoopa 1 & 2 and Croesus Cave. JF-352 (Benson & Hedges series), JF-296 (GJM). Scrubwren Swallet, JF-355, JF-377, JF-358, 2014.1362 JF-357, JF-356 Grunge Pot, JF-374, JF-373, JF-382, JF-381, JF-591 (tagged, sketched), JF- BUNTON, Stephen (2013) : Ross Walker 591. (GJM). Cave JF-63 / 64E / 65E 2014.1358 170 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Speleo Spiel, No. 396 (May-Jun. 2013) : 3, 31. the linked Rift Cave JF34). (GJM). Map. 2014.1366 Notes the rediscovery of a map of Ross Walker Cave, drawn in Nov. 1946 and thus one of the CHAD, Chris (2010) : Breganti and Stan first by TCC; reproduced, p. 31. (GJM). Murray Areas 15 Aug. 2010 2014.1363 Speleo Spiel, No. 379 (Jul-Aug. 2010) : 15-16, 24, 28. 3 maps, 3 refs. BUNTON, Stephen (2013) : South Bruny Checked out JF-168 Ultimate, surveyed; failed Island Dolerite Sea Caves 23 Dec. 2012 to find JF-7 Frankcombe Cave; returned to Speleo Spiel, No. 394 (Jan-Feb. 2013) : 4. 2 JF-527, explored, surveyed, named Distressed photos. Dog Swallet; checked out JF-518. (GJM). Reports on some amazing dolerite sea caves 2014.1367 on the SE coast of Bruny Island. Jimmys Cave was named because he swam through CHAD, Chris (2010) : Halfway and Half- it and Keyhole Cave has that shape. Most of Arsed – JF-3 to JF-14 6 Nov. 2010 the caves are where faults have fractured the Speleo Spiel, No. 381 (Nov-Dec. 2010) : 15- already jointed dolerite allowing deep weathe- 16, 24. Map, 7 refs. ring as well as wave action to do their thing. After a half-descent of JF-14 Dwarrowdelf, lo- These caves can be viewed from commercial cated JF-233 Troll Hole (draughting well) and boat tours. (GJM). found a new cave, tagged JF-547, surveyed; 2014.1364 located JF-41, 42, 3. (GJM). 2014.1368 BUNTON, Stephen (2013) : That Was Lucky! 16 Mar. 2013 / JF-36 Growling Swallet 17 CHAD, Chris (2010) : JF-103 A lengthy look Mar. 2013 at Quick Visit Cave 3 Aug. 2010 Speleo Spiel, No. 395 (Mar-Apr. 2013) : 17- Speleo Spiel, No. 379 (Jul-Aug. 2010) : 13-14, 18. 23, 27. 2 maps, 2 photos, 4 refs. Failed to locate Midnight Hole IB-11 on Visit to JF-103 Quick Visit Cave, surveyed; Marble Hill so visited from bottom (Mystery tagged JF-526, surveyed; tagged JF-527 Creek Cave) but failed to get thru Matchbox (already known); failed to find JF-340 and JF- Squeeze. Probably lucky they didn't go down 107. (GJM). IB-11. No problems visiting Growling Swallet. 2014.1369 (GJM). 2014.1365 CHAD, Chris (2010) : JF-34 Rift Cave – Sil- ver Lining Extension 9 Oct. 2010 BUTT, Jeff (2013) : The exploration of Three- Speleo Spiel, No. 380 (Sep-Oct. 2010) : 15-16. fortyone Visit to Silver Lining Extension of JF-34 Rift Southern Caver, No. 67, (December 2013) : Cave. Assistance was installed at one point in 1-58. 12 photos, numerous sketch maps, 17 the form of 10 mm rods (which subsequently refs. bent). (GJM). Presents the original material contained in the 2014.1370 late Jeff Butt's unpublished trip reports relating to the exploration of cave JF341, known only CHAD, Chris (2010) : JF-34 Rift Cave and as Threefortyone, in the Junee-Florentine karst friends. 19 Sep. 2010 area of Tasmania. JF 341 was discovered in Speleo Spiel, No. 380 (Sep-Oct. 2010) : 13-15, 1979 and partially explored; Jeff commenced 32-33. 2 maps, 4 refs. his explorations on 13 March 1988 and conti- Checked out JF-129 Washout Cave; located nued until January 2002, just two years before Johns Blast Hole, surveyed and tagged it JF- he died of cancer. Jeff and his associates had 540, Hole 42 Spittin Flouride Chips, surveyed pushed the length of the cave to 8.1 km (incl. and tagged it JF-541. Because of volume of

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 171 water going into JF-129, descended JF-34 Rift 23. Photo, ref. Cave by the Railway Tunnel. (GJM). Earlier story of this apparent subjacent karst 2014.1371 hole 40 m in diameter raised interest. A visit has shown it is a hole full of water ‘and of CHAD, Chris (2010) : JF-510, 511, 512 – Not little interest as a cave'. (GJM). Quite the Serendipity Valley 23 May 2010 2014.1376 Speleo Spiel, No. 378 (May-Jun. 2010) : 7-8, 28. 3 maps, photo. CHAD, Chris (2011) : Between Rift Cave and Located JF-367 The , then Hole 9, The Chairman 10 Apr. 2011 tagged JF-510; Hole 8, tagged JF-511; Hole 7, Speleo Spiel, No. 383 (Mar-Apr. 2011) : 12- tagged JF-512; each was surveyed. (GJM). 14, 24, 25, 30. 5 photos. 2014.1372 Investigated JF544 Chain of Krabs; surveyed to -20 m. Tagged and surveyed JF564 (was CHAD, Chris (2010) : JF-558 thru JF-561 – JF-Z71); checked JF126 swallet but didn't Quarries and Crushed Nurries 20 Nov. 2010 go; found JF125, 124 (surveyed), 123 Deep Speleo Spiel, No. 381 (Nov-Dec. 2010) : 19- Throat, JF565 (tagged, surveyed); visited 20, 24-26. 4 maps, refs. JF341 and JF34 Rift Cave. (GJM). Relocated HOL2, investigated, tagged JF-558, 2014.1377 surveyed; HOLE39, inv'd, tagged JF-559, sur- veyed; found hole, tagged it JF560, surveyed. CHAD, Chris (2011) : Eeewwwgenana Relocated a hole, tagged it JF561, inv'd - 55 Speleo Spiel, No. 382 (Jan-Feb. 2011) : 12-13. m deep, could connect to Rift Cave, named Photo. Cheap Vasectomy, surveyed. (GJM). A visit to Eugenana karst, arboretum and 2014.1373 quarry. Some lame caves were observed choked with the red soil of the area. There are CHAD, Chris (2010) : KD Thing useful interpretive signs. The quarry is wa- Speleo Spiel, No. 380 (Sep-Oct. 2010) : 19. ter-filled. (GJM). Photo. 2014.1378 The "THING" appears to be a gaping hole in the ground well above the contact in the CHAD, Chris (2011) : I Hate Ferns … and vicinity of Khazad-Dûm. It's depth is hard to Other Stories 8 May 2011 assess from Google Earth. Cavers have tried to Speleo Spiel, No. 384 (May-Jun. 2011) : 11- reach it but were repelled by extremely thick 12. growth. (GJM). Solo trip to Junee-Florentine, seeking JF104 2014.1374 to 107. Found a small new cave, temporarily designated WY Gemini. Located JF107- conti- CHAD, Chris (2010) : Stan Murray Area 10 nues further than had been reported; collected July 2010 a pseudoscorpion, noted other invertebrates. Speleo Spiel, No. 379 (Jul-Aug. 2010) : 10-11, Located a spring, near JF104, then JF104 itself 26. 2 maps, 3 refs. (sketched). (GJM). Searching for known caves (JF-103 and 107), 2014.1379 found an apparently new one; started sur- veying but lost/broke pencils, also too tight CHAD, Chris (2011) : JF-10 Splash Pot – and has resident wombat; explored ~50 m. Ouch! 30 Jan. 2011 Tagged two new holes JF-517 and 518; sur- Speleo Spiel, No. 382 (Jan-Feb. 2011) : 10. veyed them. (GJM). Splash Pot descended to Harrow the Mar- 2014.1375 row; minor difficulties in Close to the Bone Squeeze. (GJM). CHAD, Chris (2010) : The Thing returns 2014.1380 Speleo Spiel, No. 381 (Nov-Dec. 2010) : 22-

172 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) CHAD, Chris (2011) : JF-128 Deep Pot, CHAN, Chris (2011) : Pseudo Caving in JF- Schmeep Pot 4 Dec. 2010 107 15 May 2011 Speleo Spiel, No. 383 (Mar-Apr. 2011) : 4, 26. Speleo Spiel, No. 384 (May-Jun. 2011) : 12- 2 maps. 13, 32. 2 maps, 3 photos. Descended Deep Pot but disappointed that, at Located WY Gemini, tagged JF566, surveyed; just 30 m deep, it doesn't live up to its name; relocated JF107 and collected bugs, surveyed surveyed and replaced tag. Also visited and at 180 m; found a resurgence, tagged it JF567 surveyed JF146 (7 m free-climable) and JF148 and surveyed; relocated JF104 but could not but left when it proved to be unstable. (GJM). find 105 and 106. The pseudoscorpion found 2014.1381 earlier is the same as one collected in JF79 Beginners Luck. (GJM). CHAD, Chris (2011) : JF-228/JF-402 – The 2014.1386 Trouble With Burning Down the House. 27 Dec. 2010 CLARKE, Arthur (2011) : Lost in Tasmania's Speleo Spiel, No. 382 (Jan-Feb. 2011) : 7-8. wilderness karst A search for JF228 Trouble Pot and JF402 Cave and Karst Management in Australasia Burning Down the House revealed another, XIX: Proc. 19th Aust'asian Conf. on Cave & untagged entrance which “sumped after the Karst Mgt. Ulverstone, Tas. : 295-296. [abs- first slippery downclimb”. The sump of BDTH tract only]. was checked to see if diving was feasible but it Between 1962 & 1995, four young men di- was decided against. (GJM). sappeared without trace after traversing parts 2014.1382 of Tasmania's southern wilderness karst. To this day, the disappearance of 15-yr-old Guy CHAD, Chris (2011) : JF-39 3 Jan. 2011 Bardenhagen near Mount Picton in Jan. 1962 Speleo Spiel, No. 382 (Jan-Feb. 2011) : 9. remains a mystery. In Oct. 1969, John Boyle Found JF39 to be still choked; couldn't find the became lost when separated from three other tag. (GJM). cavers in sub-alpine dolomite karst on NE 2014.1383 ridge of Mount Anne. A 26-yr-old man, Robert Ferguson, disappeared in or near the Ida Bay CHAD, Chris (2011) : JF-566 WY Gemini karst at Easter, 1984. On 2 July 1990, a stu- nomenclature dent teacher and two young high school pupils Speleo Spiel, No. 385 (Jul-Aug. 2011) : 14. drowned in Mystery Creek Cave in the far An explanation of the name assigned to JF566 south of Tasmania. In Nov. 1995, Wade Butler on 8 May 2011 – it relates to a possible double disappeared during a solo walk to Precipitous star which the author had been unsuccessful- Bluff on Tasmania's south coast. (Author, ly observing being occluded by the moon. In GJM). one catalogue the star was named WY Gemi- 2014.1387 ni (~580th catalogued star in Gemini). Like star atlases, he imagines cave recording will CLARKE, Arthur (2012) : Rediscovering change in future centuries. (GJM). ‘Lost' Caves at Ida Bay, (and some unrecorded 2014.1384 exploration history) Speleo Spiel, No. 390 (May-Jun. 2012) : 15- CHAD, Chris (2012) : Trowutta Arch 10 April 21. 13 photos, 6 refs. 2012 Suggests some projects: relocating 7 caves Speleo Spiel, No. 392 (Sep-Oct. 2012) : 3. 2 found by Croatians in 2003, checking 3 gated photos. side entrances to Exit: Slip-In IB-86, Drop-In Visit to the impressive Trowutta Arch and lake. IB-87 & Bobs Hole IB-161; gives details of (GJM). the use of these entrances and their gating. 2014.1385 Summarises the activities of the Croatians un- der Marlon Zivkovic ; they tagged caves 191

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 173 to 196. Reports discovery of IB-X71 Flat Top Speleo Spiel, No. 379 (Jul-Aug. 2010) : 14-15. Roots in March 2003 (now = IB-251).Gates on Photo. IB-86 and IB-161 found to have seized locks; The aims for the day were to continue the sur- only gate on IB-87 found to the openable. IB- vey in Hammer Passage and if possible sketch 191 subsequently located and cave, streamway the passages surveyed on the last trip into this explored, later surveyed in the; IB-86 also area of Exit Cave. Temp. recorded as 7.4°C. relocated but Salvation Cave (1947) may be Aims achieved. (GJM). IB-191 - proposes it be given its Croation 2014.1393 name, Jama Porec. (GJM). 2014.1388 CRACKNELL, Matt (2010) : IB-14 Exit Cave 27-28 Feb. 2010 COXSON, Chris (2013) : JF-463 Constitution Speleo Spiel, No. 377 (Mar-Apr. 2010) : 7. 2 Hole – August Blitzkrieg Trip 3 11 Aug. 2013 photos. Speleo Spiel, No. 398 (Sep-Oct. 2013) : 12-14. Continuation of (re)surveying in outer sections 5 photos. of Exit Cave. (GJM). Further exploration and surveying in JF-463 2014.1394 Constitution Hole; 70 m added. (GJM). 2014.1389 CRACKNELL, Matt (2010) : IB-14 Exit Cave 27-28 March 2010 CRACKNELL, Matt (2010) : H-1 Newdegate Speleo Spiel, No. 377 (Mar-Apr. 2010) : 9-10. Cave 12 Sep. 2010 Further surveying by two groups in Exit Cave. Speleo Spiel, No. 381 (Nov-Dec. 2010) : 5. Found old jumper from which dye is leaching; A start made on resurvey of Newdegate Cave returned to clean it up but will require gear to (last survey late 1940s). Comments on the remove dye and small fragments; set up string form and age of some passages, comparing lines to guide cavers to the Ballroom turnoff. with those in Wolf Hole. (GJM). (GJM). 2014.1390 2014.1395

CRACKNELL, Matt (2010) : IB-120 Valley CRACKNELL, Matt (2011) : IB-14 Exit Cave Entrance bounce trip 11 April 2010 – Hammer time … Doo Do Do Do … Do Do Speleo Spiel, No. 379 (Jul-Aug. 2010) : 4. … can't touch this. 9 Jan. 2011 A surveying trip to Exit Cave via Valley Speleo Spiel, No. 382 (Jan-Feb. 2011) : 10. Entrance IB-120 during which the lock was Aim was to continue the survey of Hammer replaced. Geomorphological observations Passage in Exit Cave, which was achieved. are recorded and some problems with earlier Observations on large sediment bank - could surveys were sorted. The ascent to IB-120 was hold hundreds of thousands of years of climate not as difficult as had been expected. (GJM). records. (GJM). 2014.1391 2014.1396

CRACKNELL, Matt (2010) : IB-14 Exit Cave CRACKNELL, Matt (2012) : H-1 – Newde- – Hammer Passage 1 19 June 2010 gate Cave: 21st Century Surveying Speleo Spiel, No. 379 (Jul-Aug. 2010) : 7. Speleo Spiel, No. 391 (Jul-Aug. 2012) : 11-19. Map. Map, 16 photos. Survey trip in Hammer Passage of Exit Cave, History of surveying of H-1 Newdegate Cave only roughly surveyed many years ago. from Tasmanian Caverneering Club's first ef- (GJM). fort in 1947, start of resurvey in 2002 to major 2014.1392 resurvey beginning 2010. Detailed record of 9 trips over 18 months to complete the survey, CRACKNELL, Matt (2010) : IB-14 Exit Cave with geological observations. Surveyed length – Hammer Passage 2 8 Aug. 2010 ~3.2 km. (GJM). 2014.1397 174 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) CRACKNELL, Matt (2012) : Hastings – A cave has formed in dolomite directly beneath Few Surveys and a Surprise 15 Sep. 2012 Permian mudstone. Abseiled into H-215, a Speleo Spiel, No. 393 (Nov-Dec. 2012) : 4-6, subjacent karst feature in mudstone. (Survey in 19-22. 3 maps, 6 photos, ref. SS, 397: 15). (GJM). Locating entrances with GPS: King George 2014.1401 V, H-9 swallet (surveyed), H-3 Lyrebird Lair tagged (geo observations, surveyed); tried to CRACKNELL, Matt (2013) : H-216 Bell enter H-2 Vanderstaays Vault but insufficient Chamber – Type II Fun 29 June 2013 rope; found H-10, tagged, surveyed; discove- Speleo Spiel, No. 397 (Jul-Aug. 2013) : 8-9. red new cave, explored, surveyed, tagged H7, Some surveying was carried out in Bell Cham- named Surprise Swallet; found H-6 Pretty in ber H-216; the organic sludge at the bottom Pink obscured by recent treefall. (GJM). was hideous. (GJM). 2014.1398 2014.1402

CRACKNELL, Matt (2012) : JF-341 23 June CRACKNELL, Matt (2013) : MC-29 and 2012 MC-1 Kubla Khan – Kubla Cave Leaders Ac- Speleo Spiel, No. 390 (May-Jun. 2012) : 13- creditation Trip 12 July 2013 14. 4 photos. Speleo Spiel, No. 397 (Jul-Aug. 2013) : 11. Records a visit to JF-341; provides rigging A trip thru Kubla Khan to accredit new leaders notes for the 4 pitches. (GJM). for this cave; areas to visit - and not - were 2014.1399 indicated, boot washing stations demonstrated. # new leaders accredited. (GJM). CRACKNELL, Matt; EBERHARD, Rolan 2014.1403 (2013) : A New Karst Area Near Lake Picton Speleo Spiel, No. 399 (Nov-Dec. 2013) : 10- EBERHARD, Rolan (2010) : JF-455 16. 5 maps, 6 photos. March 2010 Hitherto unrecognised Gordon Group limes- Speleo Spiel, No. 378 (May-Jun. 2010) : 5, 15. tone and karst features including dolines, Ref. streamsinks and caves having been reported Cave found 2005, named for local bushman, in State Forest near Lake Picton on the wes- caver; tagged JF-455, surveyed. (GJM). tern side of the Picton River valley, Forestry 2014.1404 Tasmania engaged the authors to assess the area. The karst features are situated 2 km EBERHARD, Rolan (2010) : Length of Black downstream of the lake on an unnamed water- Supergiant pitch, Niggly Cave course receiving its outflow. Explored, map- Speleo Spiel, No. 380 (Sep-Oct. 2010) : 18-19. ped and photographed 4 known caves, none Originally measured at 190.6 m, this pitch of which proved to be more than ~50 m long was remeasured at 191.4 m, but possibly to or 25 m deep: Cave 1 LP-X1, Cave 2 LP-X2, a slightly higher point. Though not the route Cave 3 LP-X3, Cave 4 LP-X4, Main Sink used to survey to the lowest point, this revised LP-X5 (sink of stream draining Lake Picton; measure should help improve accuracy of the unenterable). Entrances have not been tagged cave's depth. (GJM). and need not be. (GJM). 2014.1405 2014.1400 EBERHARD, Rolan (2011) : First Record of CRACKNELL, Matt (2013) : H-2 Vanders- Dolomite Karst at Pieman Head taays Vault – Daddy Day Out 19 May 2013 Speleo Spiel, No. 384 (May-Jun. 2011) : 18. 2 Speleo Spiel, No. 396 (May-Jun. 2013) : 15- photos. 16. 3 photos. Karst is reported, associated with a minor Surveying in Vanderstaays Vault H-2; made occurrence of dolomite 1.5 km north of Pie- unpleasant by presence of dead echidna; man Head, on the west coast of Tasmania.

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 175 The dolomite comprises a fine-grained, light in assessing the condition of the caves and grey rock with frequent siliceous veins. Dolo- managing them. (GJM). mite has not previously been recorded at this 2014.1409 location, which occurs within an area map- ped geologically as the Precambrian Rupert EUSTON, Mark (2012) : JF-36 & JF-37 – Beds – interbedded quartzite, siltstone and Growling Swallet and Pendant Pot 7-10 Dec. conglomerate. Karst development is confined 2012 to numerous small runnels and pits with sharp Speleo Spiel, No. 393 (Nov-Dec. 2012) : 9-11. intervening crests. (GJM). 5 photos. 2014.1406 Attempt to connect Pendant Pot and Growling Swallet not successful but useful survey in EBERHARD, Rolan (2011) : New Cave Nu- Pendant; also surveyed Frownland in Growling mbers: Florentine Valley and Risbys Basin Swallet and surface between JF-37 and JF-337. Speleo Spiel, No. 386 (Sep-Oct. 2011) : 6-7. 4 (GJM). photos ref. 2014.1410 Brief descriptions of recently-discovered caves: JF-456 What-You-Callit Cave, JF-457 EUSTON, Mark (2012) : Mainland Invasion Notit Cave, JF-458 Tonsil Cave, JF-459 Name- 28 Sep.–7 Oct. 2012 less Spring, RB-8 Purgatory Pot. (GJM). Speleo Spiel, No. 392 (Sep-Oct. 2012) : 9-13, 2014.1407 17. Map, 13 photos. Trips down The Chairman, Pendant Pot; sur- EBERHARD, Rolan (2011) : Validating Sur- face searching found a couple of small holes; vey Accuracy – JF-237 Niggly Cave 2010-11 Pendent Pot again; pushed JF-590 (JF-Z66) Speleo Spiel, No. 385 (Jul-Aug. 2011) : 14-15. but stopped after 4 m drop, surveyed; looked 4 refs. at other sinks; descended Tassie Pot and Kha- Errors in cave surveying are discussed. A zad-Dum; surface bashing in Wherretts area, survey in Niggly Cave, Tasmania, provided an investigated a swallet (think there is a cave opportunity to quantify the order of accuracy there). (GJM). of the survey method and to compare this with 2014.1411 the original 1990s survey. The misclosure in the survey is ~2 m (0.6%) horizontally and 0.3 GILBERT, Sarah; VENESS, Tony (2014) : m (0.08%) vertically. These results provide Exitravaganza 2013 and 2014 some confidence in the methodology which Caves Australia, No. 198 (Sep. 2014) : 16-18. underpins the Niggly survey. (GJM). 6 photos, 2 refs. 2014.1408 During the summers of 2013 and 2014, week- long expeditions were run once again as part EBERHARD, Rolan (2013) : Three Cave Sur- of the ongoing Exit Cave Mapping Project at veys: Bradley Chesterman Cave, Loons Cave, Ida Bay in Southern Tasmania. Summarises Folly Cave the surveying undertaken; some work remains Speleo Spiel, No. 396 (May-Jun. 2013) : 27- to be done. (GJM). 30. 3 maps. 2014.1412 Presents three cave surveys completed by Alan Jackson on behalf of Resource Management & GOEDE, A. (2013) : Trip Report - Mersey Conservation Division, DPIPWE. The caves Hill Cave 28 Dec. 1959 are located at Lune Sugarloaf, within the Ida Speleo Spiel, No. 398 (Sep-Oct. 2013) : 21. Bay karst area of Southern Tasmania. Each of Reports a visit to Mersey Hill Cave. Men- the caves is a significant landform and habi- tions ancient fill which has become almost tat for cave biota. Two of the caves, Bradley a conglomerate and has been cut into by the Chesterman and Loons, are especially popular creek. The creek would appear to be the same amongst outdoor groups. The maps will assist one which also flows through the Den Cave;

176 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) if it is there is half a mile of currently inacces- After a century the rockfall in Wet Cave was sible cave between. (GJM). breached. (GJM). 2014.1413 2014.1415

HAYGARTH, Nic (2011) : ‘It is an alluvial HOSKING, Ken (2010) : A Perfect Day in the soil, and capable of being drained': the perilous Florentine 6 Feb. 2010 integrity of Dismal Speleo Spiel, No. 377 (Mar-Apr. 2010) : 5-6. 2 Cave and Karst Management in Australasia photos. XIX: Proc. 19th Aust'asian Conf. on Cave & Descended a new cave with a ‘perfectly Karst Mgt. Ulverstone, Tas. : 245-257. 5 maps, formed oval [pitch] with smooth reflective 4 photos, 50 footnotes. sides' for 29.5 m; named it Perfect Pitch Pot, Surveyor J.H. Wedge clambered knee-deep tagged JF-489. Other new-found caves were through while searching for grazing tagged JF-490, JF-491, JF-491 (tight but with land in Circular Head region in 1828. Dismal draught). (GJM). Swamp, one of a few intact poljes in Tasmania 2014.1416 today, formed part of the swamp area on his map which he believed could be profitably HOSKING, Ken (2010) : IB-46 Bottleneck drained. Like nearby Mowbray, Montagu, and Friends 28 Feb. 2010 Welcome and Brittons swamps, Dismal was a Speleo Spiel, No. 377 (Mar-Apr. 2010) : 8. favourite habitat of blackwood (Acacia me- Investigated Mudraker IB-42[?] but could lanoxylon) — a staple of the Circular Head not connect to IB-41 Leech Pot or IB-163. sawmilling industry for more than a centu- Likewise, IB-163 not found to connect to IB- ry. When logging began in Circular Head, 41. Bottleneck – IB-48 [report incorrectly uses swamps were synonymous with disease, 46] – was investigated and resurveyed. (GJM). degradation and fear of the primeval. Clearing 2014.1417 them represented not just financial profit but social justice.. (Author, GJM). HOSKING, Ken (2010) : JF-207 Voltera et al. 2014.1414 3 April 2010 Speleo Spiel, No. 377 (Mar-Apr. 2010) : 12- HAYGARTH, Nic (2011) : The search for the 13. Mole Creek master cave [PP presentation + Investigation of a narrow passage bypassing a video] stream led to an impassable bend which would Proc. 28th Biennial Conf. of ASF, Chillagoe need rock removal to be made navigable. JF- 2011. 208 was investigated but not pushed because Compared searches for master caves between of fear of damage. (GJM). Mole Creek, Ida Bay and Junee-Florentine; 2014.1418 connection between Growling Swallet and Junee Cave recognised in 1970s; at Ida Bay, HOSKING, Ken (2010) : JF-558 thru JF-561 Mystery Creek Cave presumed to have an – Been there, done that, won't be going back outlet - shown to be Exit Cave in 1968. At there again 20 Nov. 2010 Mole Creek, Wet Cave was early recognised Speleo Spiel, No. 381 (Nov-Dec. 2010) : 20- as a significant cave and exaggerated claims 21. Photo. were made for connections. SCS was formed Tagged HOL2 JF-558; investigated Hole 39, in 1965 primarily to look for the MC master sketched, tagged JF-559; tagged another JF- cave. There were various theories about hydro- 560; could not find JF-46; found another, inv'd, logy at MC; in 1959 Joe Jennings established surveyed, tagged JF-561, named Cheap Va- that MC system breached a hydrological di- sectomy after a slip. Visited JF-34 Rift Cave. vide, that Westmorland Ck had been captured (GJM). underground by Mole Ck. SCS made a link 2014.1419 in 1965 between Shish Kebab and Wet Cave.

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 177 HOSKING, Ken (2011) : JF-208 Once More 6 photos, 6 refs. Nov. 2011 Northern Tasmania's wet conditions of the Speleo Spiel, No. 387 (Nov-Dec. 2011) : 4. 2 2010-11 summer commenced in spring, photos. following drought. Caves of Mole/Lobster JF-208 is described; cave resurveyed, hopeful- drainage sub-system experienced a series of ly more accurately. (GJM). floods. Saturated conditions were maintained 2014.1420 in the catchment until 5 mass movements occurred concurrently on 14 Jan., and a further HOSKING, Ken (2012) : Day Trippers in the 4 in the following days. Included was a 2.5 km Hollow Hills (JF-436, JF-354 & JF-380) 7 debris flow that has changed the hydrology April 2012 and precipitated some amusing local media co- Speleo Spiel, No. 389 (Mar-Apr. 2012) : 13- verage. The discussion includes a briefing on 14. local fluviokarst hydrogeology and a destroyed Plan was to check out JF-436 and any or all of convict built water scheme. Implications for the Benson and Hedges series to evaluate these the farming community and the popular wild for digging potential. Only pushed 436 a short caves of the sub-system are considered in the distance before it became too tight. Found context of climate change. (Author, GJM). JF-354 but too wet and probably too deep to 2014.1424 descend. Tried rigging JF-380; difficult with short rope but made it to the bottom where JACKSON, Alan (2010) : A day out west of a tight section stopped progress; named it A Cave Hill 14 Nov. 2010 Cave. (GJM). Speleo Spiel, No. 381 (Nov-Dec. 2010) : 16- 2014.1421 19. 3 photos. Investigated JF-Z76 - sinking upstream of HOSKING, Ken; BUNTON, S. (2012) : Sur- where it was. Located, checked out JF-252, veys sketched; located JF-253, JF-230; found and Speleo Spiel, No. 388 (Jan-Feb. 2012) : 13-14. investigated a taped entrance, tagged it JF-548, 3 maps. named Hume Hole; found, tagged JF-459, JF- Survey maps of JF-68, JF-217 and JF-218. 550, JF-551. Relocated CV5, tagged JF-552; (GJM). CV4, tagged JF-553; located JF254. Relocated 2014.1422 CV3, tagged JF-554; CV2, JF-555; CV6, JF- 556; a new swallet tagged JF-557 (GJM). HOSKING, Ken (2013) : Trials Bike Cave – 2014.1425 Jericho 3 Feb. 2013 Speleo Spiel, No. 394 (Jan-Feb. 2013) : 21. JACKSON, Alan (2010) : Between Tachy and Describes a cave in sandstone near Jericho Cave Hill – kind of. 11 Sep. 2010 which was accessed by trial bike; it was 12 m Speleo Spiel, No. 380 (Sep-Oct. 2010) : 11-13, across the opening, had a depth of ~4 m and 24, 31, 32. 3 maps. a side passage almost achieving a dark zone Relocated a cave complex identified as C10- (with carcasses of dead sheep). The cave was 12, tagged it JF-536; C9 tagged JF-537 and a ridden through on trial bikes. (GJM). new cave, JF-538, jointly surveyed; found and 2014.1423 tagged JF539, sketched. Another cave found but since tags had run out, was designated HUNTER, Deborah (2011) : Recent changes CV1, sketched and taped; others were desi- in the local hydrology, Lobster Rivulet catch- gnated CV2, CV3; located JF-254; found CV4, ment, Mole Creek karst: The landslides of sketched; found CV5 and CV6 (swallet and January 2011 small cave, had been found yrs ago); sketched Cave and Karst Management in Australasia JF-274 Suck it and See Swallet; a new ~5 m XIX: Proc. 19th Aust'asian Conf. on Cave shaft was designated CV7; a large opening & Karst Mgt. Ulverstone, Tas. : 79-85. fig, 4 with rotting timber, CV8. The CV caves will

178 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) be tagged and surveyed later. (GJM). A4, A5 Fossils Hole, Hole 25 and A6 - tagged 2014.1426 JF-495, 496, 497 Butt Hole & 498 Complex respectively. Found JF-262 Musk Hollow 1 JACKSON, Alan (2010) : Biospeleology for and JF-264 Musk Hollow 2, JF-476; located Beginners – Part 1 JF-79 Beginners Luck & JF-X93 Crowbar Pot and tagged it JF-499, JF-208 9 Oct. 2010 JF-X92/Z10 tagging it JF-479 and naming it Speleo Spiel, No. 380 (Sep-Oct. 2010) : 16-17. Coitus Interruptus. Refound Hole 12/JF-21 3 photos. and A7 - tagged it JF-500. Discovered JF-501 To JF-80 Beginners Luck to look for pseudos- subsequently named Clipjoint. (GJM). corpions; also JF-81; found probable new cave 2014.1430 between; replaced missing JF-80 tag; coll. 2 troglobitic p/scorpions and 3 epigean. Found JACKSON, Alan (2010) : JF-215 Zulu Pot 28 another entrance to Beginners Luck - taped. Dec. 2009 Searched in JF-208 (successfully); checked JF- Speleo Spiel, No. 376 (Jan-Feb. 2010) : 8. 207 Voltera and JF-516 The Impaler. (GJM). Bolts placed in Zulu Pot. Located JF-68 and 2014.1427 then JF-214 Pygmy Cave and a new small hole 7 m from it. (GJM). JACKSON, Alan (2010) : Bolt testing and IB- 2014.1431 135 Beetlemania 19 June 2010 Speleo Spiel, No. 379 (Jul-Aug. 2010) : 8-10, JACKSON, Alan (2010) : JF-221 Owl Pot 18 29. Map, 5 photos. July 2010 Tested an 8 mm Hilti expansion bolt by drop- Speleo Spiel, No. 379 (Jul-Aug. 2010) : 11, 26. ping a 60 kg rock attached to it, 3 times. It had Map. no evident effect on the bolt or surrounding Descended JF-221 Owl Pot to terminal sump. rock. Not a scientific test but gave reassurance Relocated a known hole, explored and tagged that these bolts are adequate. Surveyed Beet- it JF-519, surveyed. (GJM). lemania IB-135. Found a new cave above IB- 2014.1432 243, upper entrance to Mystery Creek Cave. (GJM). JACKSON, Alan (2010) : JF-237 Niggly 2014.1428 Cave 17 Jan. 2010 Speleo Spiel, No. 376 (Jan-Feb. 2010) : 15-16. JACKSON, Alan (2010) : Extra-Hairy Goa- 3 photos. ting 22 Aug. 2010 Descent of Niggly Cave JF-237 but no fluores- Speleo Spiel, No. 380 (Sep-Oct. 2010) : 6-7, cein sighted initially in main stream or tributa- 28-30. 4 maps, photo. ry waterfalls [see Bunton JF-236, same date]. JF-502 and JF-501 surveyed into surface Later came across green water: “It would network; Hole 27 tagged JF-528, surveyed; appear that Bunyip water feeds into the middle visited JF-474 Conspiracy; located Hole 28, of the rockfall via some obscured horizontal tagged JF-529, surveyed; relocated JF-18 passage.” 9-10 hr trip. (GJM). (could not find tag); visited JF-483, 481, 482; 2014.1433 relocated Hole 31, tagged JF-530 and Hole 30, tagged JF-531, both surveyed (GJM). JACKSON, Alan (2010) : JF-237 Niggly 2014.1429 Cave 20 Dec. 2009 Speleo Spiel, No. 376 (Jan-Feb. 2010) : 7. JACKSON, Alan (2010) : Hairygoating 27 Ageing bolts were replaced with stainless steel March 2010 glue-ins on the major pitches during a 9 hr trip. Speleo Spiel, No. 377 (Mar-Apr. 2010) : 10- 6 more bolts will be required. (GJM). 11. Photo. 2014.1434 Located JF-9 and surveyed it; also hole iden- tified as A3 – tagged it JF-494; also found JACKSON, Alan (2010) : JF-237 Niggly

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 179 Cave 30 Dec. 2009 / 8 Jan. 2010 11. Ref. Speleo Spiel, No. 376 (Jan-Feb. 2010) : 9-10- Detailed description of the descent of The 11. 3 photos. Chairman, then the horizontal downstream Tested recent bolts on descent, inserted new route, mainly in a dry overflow channel; cave bolts; 10 hr trip. Second trip to test rigging on extends ~150 m beyond what's mapped. 8 hrs the bottom pitch, the 190 m Black Supergiant. underground. There are leads that should be Descended it in 10 mins. Looked around at followed-up. (GJM). bottom but failed to find streamway. (GJM). 2014.1440 2014.1435 JACKSON, Alan (2010) : Lots of caves in the JACKSON, Alan (2010) : JF-337 Slaughte- Junee Ridge area – some new, some old. 31 rhouse Pot – JF-36 Growling Swallet through Oct. 2010 trip 17 April 2010 Speleo Spiel, No. 381 (Nov-Dec. 2010) : 11- Speleo Spiel, No. 377 (Mar-Apr. 2010) : 14. 13. This vertical caving trip was aborted when a Checked out JF-129 Washout Cave: small, wet walker was found on the access track with a and crawling with life; tag reattached. Visited broken leg. A stretcher was improvised and JF-34 Rift Cave; located JF-128, JF-147, she was carried back to the road and driven to JF-142, JF-146; checked out JF-148; found, hospital in Hobart. (GJM). explored, tagged JF-543 Gimme Shelter and 2014.1436 JF-544 Chain of Krabs; located JF-255; found, explored, tagged JF-545 named French Pensio- JACKSON, Alan (2010) : JF-344 Serendipity ner (because it was ‘on strike', though actually 8 May 2010/15 May 2010 ‘on dip'), also JF-546, named Two Straws Left Speleo Spiel, No. 378 (May-Jun. 2010) : 6. Cave. (GJM). Photo. 2014.1441 Reports of two trips to Serendipity, descending to the bottom on second trip. An aven which JACKSON, Alan (2010) : MC-18 Soda Creek ‘looks climable' was noted. (GJM). Cave 20 Feb. 2010 2014.1437 Speleo Spiel, No. 377 (Mar-Apr. 2010) : 6. Continuation of surveying in Soda Creek JACKSON, Alan (2010) : JF-436 17 Oct. Cave; completed several hundred metres to a 2010 sump but a further higher tight section was left Speleo Spiel, No. 381 (Nov-Dec. 2010) : 5-6. for a later occasion. (GJM). Further digging at the second dig in JF-436 2014.1442 opened access to another pitch (not des- cended). (GJM). JACKSON, Alan (2010) : MC-64 Tailender 2014.1438 23 May 2010 Speleo Spiel, No. 378 (May-Jun. 2010) : 7. 3 JACKSON, Alan (2010) : JF-492 & JF-542 photos. 23 Oct. 2010 After a meeting of the Tas. State Liaison Speleo Spiel, No. 381 (Nov-Dec. 2010) : 9-10. Council, cleaning was carried out in Tailen- Digging continued in JF-492; made progress der Cave, a boot wash station and signs were but rock removal will be required for further installed. (GJM). progress. Found a second, easier, clean en- 2014.1443 trance, tagged JF-542. (GJM). 2014.1439 JACKSON, Alan (2010) : More Hairygoating 10 April 2010 JACKSON, Alan (2010) : JF-99 The Chair- Speleo Spiel, No. 377 (Mar-Apr. 2010) : 13- man 30 Oct. 2010 14. Photo. Speleo Spiel, No. 381 (Nov-Dec. 2010) : 10- A cave was refound marked with a piece of

180 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) raincoat, tagged JF-502 and named Raincoat The aim for the day was to start ticking off the Cave; refound Hole 16, tagged it JF-503; Hole numerous climbing leads in the far reaches of 14, tagged it JF-504 and called it Bark Canoe MEAD, above Harrow to the Marrow. Ex- Cave; Hole 13, tagged it JF-505; Holes 21 & plored about 100+ metres of new ascending 21A, tagged them JF-506 & 507; Holes 19 and and quite large horizontal passage; left rigged 20 were tagged JF-508 & 509; refound A1 & for a survey trip. Looked into two other possi- A2 (Hole 8) and JF-5. (GJM). bilities. Replaced some bolts. (GJM). 2014.1444 2014.1448

JACKSON, Alan (2010) : Tagging more of JACKSON, Alan (2011) : JF-10 Splash Pot 27 Jeff Butt's JF-X caves. 24 July 2010 Feb. 2011 Speleo Spiel, No. 379 (Jul-Aug. 2010) : 11-13, Speleo Spiel, No. 383 (Mar-Apr. 2011) : 4-5. 27. Map, 3 photos. Exploration in Splash Pot yielded 115 m of Starting from Dwarrowdelf, followed old new passage; surveyed; took surveyed length survey data to Hole 3 Oxhole, f or p. tagged to 3088 m and took cave 33.5 m closer to the JF-520, Hole 4 Stonefish tagged JF-521, Hole KD entrance series. (GJM). 5 tagged JF-522, Hole 5a Left Nostril tagged 2014.1449 JF-523, JF-13 photo-tagged, Hole 6 Peanut Paste tagged JF-524, located JF-12 Log-feed JACKSON, Alan (2011) : JF-10 Splash Pot 27 retagged, Hole 7 Bethin JF-525 - linked to Mar. 2011 JF-5 Khazad-Dûm Cave which increased the Speleo Spiel, No. 383 (Mar-Apr. 2011) : 9-10. depth of KD by 1.2 m. (GJM). Surveying new leads in Splash Pot. Added 200 2014.1445 m to survey; now 3286 m long. (GJM). 2014.1450 JACKSON, Alan (2011) : Cave Hill Calamity 20 Oct. 2011 JACKSON, Alan (2011) : JF-201 Rescue Pot Speleo Spiel, No. 386 (Sep-Oct. 2011) : 3-4. – Continuing the Survey 20 Nov. 2011 Came across a new cave, explored, named Vil- Speleo Spiel, No. 387 (Nov-Dec. 2011) : 5. lage Idiot (no tagging gear). Searched for Res- Continued survey of JF-201 Rescue Pot; added cue Pot JF201, but found JF364 Tarn Ck Swal- 242 m of passage; determined main sump at let; started excavating a hole nearby. Found -127 m. (GJM). and briefly explored Rescue Pot. (GJM). 2014.1451 2014.1446 JACKSON, Alan; MCKINNON, Janine JACKSON, Alan (2011) : IB-2/IB-3 Loons (2011) : JF-221 Owl Pot & JF-223 Tassy Pot Cave Surveying 2011 23 July 2011 Speleo Spiel, No. 385 (Jul-Aug. 2011) : 21-23. Speleo Spiel, No. 385 (Jul-Aug. 2011) : 5-6. 11 photos. Photo. Loons is a extensive horizontal system that Rapid descents/ascents of Owl Pot and Tas- drains an area on northern flanks of Lune sy Pot to practice prisiking for an up-coming Sugarloaf. It is renowned for its extreme levels China trip. (GJM). of pestilence and mud and is habitat of a rare 2014.1452 hydrobid snail. Cave was (re)surveyed in April & July 2011; total: ~1108 m, vertical range JACKSON, Alan (2011) : JF-382 Dissidence ~30 m. (GJM). 20 Aug. 2011 2014.1447 Speleo Spiel, No. 385 (Jul-Aug. 2011) : 11-13. Map. JACKSON, Alan (2011) : JF-10 Splash Pot – Fluorescein placed into sink above JF-381. Back So Soon? 6 Feb. 2011 Reluctant survey team pushed leads need limit Speleo Spiel, No. 382 (Jan-Feb. 2011) : 11-12. of cave; eventually turning around at a point

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 181 beyond which most members could reach; Index presented in a spreadsheet of every surveyed back. Dye noted on return but not ‘useful' reference to Junee-Florentine caves where expected; interpreted as making undes- published in Speleo Spiel and Southern Caver cended pitches more attractive prospects. 205 since the mid-60s. (GJM). m of new survey added and to within 2 m of 2014.1457 deepest known point. Lists further work to be done. (GJM). JACKSON, Alan (2011) : Smorgasbord Tidy 2014.1453 Up 21 May 2011 Speleo Spiel, No. 384 (May-Jun. 2011) : 13- JACKSON, Alan (2011) : JF-382 Dissidence 14, 28, 29, 30, 32. Photo. 31 July 2011 Tidying up documentation in the Tachycardia Speleo Spiel, No. 385 (Jul-Aug. 2011) : 6-7. area; JF-Z76 tagged JF-568 and found to have Photo. changed somewhat due to a fallen tree; a small A descent of Dissidence to the deepest point cave previously identified as CV8 was really where the author noticed wider passage found and tagged JF-569; former CV7 was beyond a constriction and is the current end tagged JF-570; a small cave found nearby was (but which could be enlarged) and, nearby, a tagged JF-571; former C7 was tagged JF-572; climb which had never been tackled but led to located JF-269 (survey p. 28); former CV1 a medium-sized chamber with a stream run- tagged JF-573; relocated and sketched JF-279; ning into an accessible stream passage. Explo- visited JF-280 (survey p. 29); C25 tagged ration had to be aborted at that point due to the JF-574, surveyed (p. 32); found JF-270 Tachy- absence of the rest of the team and the hour cardia to have become blocked by boulders too being late. (GJM). large to move; sketched JF-273; new cave ex- 2014.1454 plored, tagged JF-575; located JF 276 (survey p. 29); JF-275 sketched. (GJM). JACKSON, Alan (2011) : JF-4, JF-40, JF-562 2014.1458 & JF-563 2 April 2011 Speleo Spiel, No. 383 (Mar-Apr. 2011) : 10- JACKSON, Alan (2011) : Surveys 11, 29. 2 maps, 2 photos. Speleo Spiel, No. 382 (Jan-Feb. 2011) : 17-25. Checking for leads in Khazad-Dum, then in 17 maps. JF40 (retagged) - goes close to Splash Pot. Surveys of JF230, JF252, JF253, JF255, JF296 Tagged ‘Hole A1' (aka X74) JF562 and sur- Scrubwren Swallet, JF543 Gimme Shelter, veyed to -9 m; tagged A2 (aka Z9 and X72) JF545 French Pensioner, JF548 Hume Hole, JF563, surveyed -6 m. Did surface survey JF549, JF550, JF551, JF552, JF553, JF554 between the newly-tagged entrances. (GJM). Nasty, JF555, JF556 & 557, JF546 Two Straws 2014.1455 Left Cave. (GJM). 2014.1459 JACKSON, Alan (2011) : JF-583, JF-201 and JF-213? 30 Oct.2011 JACKSON, Alan (2011) : Surveys Speleo Spiel, No. 386 (Sep-Oct. 2011) : 4-5. Speleo Spiel, No. 387 (Nov-Dec. 2011) : 20- Photo. 27. 10 maps. Tagged Village Idiot JF-583 and Rescue Pot Survey maps of JF-284 Carpark Cave III, JF-201; partially surveyed JF201; probably JF-285, JF-286 Crystal Meth, JF-288, JF-291, relocated JF213. (GJM). JF-583 Village Idiot, JF-382 Dissidence, IB2/ 2014.1456 IB-3 Loons Cave, IB-4/IB-5/IB-6 Bradley Chesterman Cave. (GJM). JACKSON, Alan (2011) : Junee-Florentine 2014.1460 Caves – Alan's “Useful” References Index Speleo Spiel, No. 387 (Nov-Dec. 2011) : 6-18. JACKSON, Alan (2011) : Surveys – Old and 2 refs. new

182 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Speleo Spiel, No. 386 (Sep-Oct. 2011) : 10-16. JACKSON, Alan (2012) : JF-201 Rescue Pot 14 maps. 20 May 2012 Surveys of small Junee-Florentine caves from Speleo Spiel, No. 390 (May-Jun. 2012) : 9, 22. May 2011 + JF-277 (June 2005): JF-273, JF- Map. 275, JF-279, JF-404, JF-405, JF-406, JF-568 Continued surveying JF-201 Rescue Pot; JF- Chrisps Creek Swallet, JF-569, JF-570, JF- 202 Tyenna Tomo checked out. Rescue Pot 571, JF-572, JF-573, JF-575. (GJM). found to be 540 m long; max. depth ~127 m. 2014.1461 (GJM). 2014.1466 JACKSON, Alan (2012) : Easter 2012 – JF- 382 Dissidence ‘Expedition' (the bits Alan did) JACKSON, Alan (2012) : JF-22, JF-482 and 5-9 April 2012 JF-597 – Frozen Goats 30 Sep. 2012 Speleo Spiel, No. 389 (Mar-Apr. 2012) : 11- Speleo Spiel, No. 392 (Sep-Oct. 2012) : 8-9, 13. 2 photos. 17. Map. Extended visit to JF-382 only gathered ~320 Confirmed earlier rediscovery of JF-22 Stuck m of new survey data, a number of possible Hole; investigated JF482 Knee Deep, broke leads were checked out and only a couple of through to 8 m and 4 m drops to blocked shaft, new ones found. Total Dissidence length is surveyed; two holes found in JF-16 area; new now ~2900 m. Some useful surface work was hole found, tagged JF-597, surveyed, named conducted. Theories about how water flowed Fan Out. (GJM). through the cave were shown to be wrong. 2014.1467 (GJM). 2014.1462 JACKSON, Alan (2012) : JF-337 Slaughte- rhouse Pot – JF-36 Growling Swallet 13 Feb. JACKSON, Alan (2012) : IB-10 Mystery 2012 Creek Cave & IB-259 30 June 2012 Speleo Spiel, No. 388 (Jan-Feb. 2012) : 11. Speleo Spiel, No. 391 (Jul-Aug. 2012) : 5-6, Visited JF-337 Slaughterhouse Pot – JF- 24. Map, 4 photos. 36 Growling Swallet. Relocated JF-39 and Visit to IB-10 Mystery Creek Cave, to JF-343; concludes JF-Z64 is JF-377. Notes Matchbox Squeeze; tagged and surveyed IB- increase in rubbish around Growling entrance. 259. (GJM). (GJM). 2014.1463 2014.1468

JACKSON, Alan (2012) : IB-11 Midnight JACKSON, Alan (2012) : JF-364, JF-461, JF- Hole 12 Aug. 2012 462 Tarn Creek Swallet 2 Dec. 2012 Speleo Spiel, No. 391 (Jul-Aug. 2012) : 10. 3 Speleo Spiel, No. 393 (Nov-Dec. 2012) : 9, 27. photos. Map, photo. Descent by SRT of the six pitches in IB-11 Dug in JF-461, without success; also unable Midnight Hole with a 6-yr old in the party to get far into JF-364 and only a bit further (who did 2 pitches solo). (GJM). into JF-462 (which actually takes the water). 2014.1464 (GJM). 2014.1469 JACKSON, Alan (2012) : IB-110 Arthurs Folly 9 May 2011 JACKSON, Alan (2012) : JF-99 The Chair- Speleo Spiel, No. 390 (May-Jun. 2012) : 8-9. man and JF-598 28 Sep. 2012 Photo. Speleo Spiel, No. 392 (Sep-Oct. 2012) : 6. Survey carried out for Parks & Wildlife. A log A trip down The Chairman by mainland visi- book installed ‘several years earlier' had no tors. Nearby hole tagged JF-598 - a digging entries! It was removed. (GJM). prospect. (GJM). 2014.1465 2014.1470

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 183 JACKSON, Alan (2012) : JF-Z Cave Situation 2014.1474 Speleo Spiel, No. 388 (Jan-Feb. 2012) : 12. Lists 26 temporary cave numbers in the JACKSON, Alan (2013) : Australia Day Long Junee-Florentine (Z numbers) now located and Weekend – Mole Creek 26-28 Jan. 2013 given proper tags, with names and references Speleo Spiel, No. 394 (Jan-Feb. 2013) : 14-18. to where the identifications were recorded. 5 photos. (GJM). Traces past history of surveys of MC-75 2014.1471 Mersey Hill Cave from 1957. Project was to survey beyond point reached in 2009 and JACKSON, Alan (2012) : Perfidy, Frownland include 1990s discoveries. Three teams wor- and Pendant Pot Surveying ked simultaneously. 767 m surveyed on day 1; Speleo Spiel, No. 393 (Nov-Dec. 2012) : 13- a further 350 m on day 2; cave total now 1585 19. 6 maps. m; at least 500 m to go. The next day was Musings on what the survey data collected spent canyoning. (GJM). over 7-10 December 2012 in JF-36 Growling 2014.1475 Swallet reveals when combined with older sur- vey data from this and adjacent caves. (GJM). JACKSON, Alan (2013) : IB-11 Midnight 2014.1472 Hole 1 Dec. 2013 Speleo Spiel, No. 399 (Nov-Dec. 2013) : 6. JACKSON, Alan (2012) : Settlement Area 23 Photo. June 2012 A beginners' trip, abseiling into Midnight Speleo Spiel, No. 390 (May-Jun. 2012) : 11- Hole, traversing Matchbox Squeeze, photogra- 13. 4 refs. phing glowworms and exiting Mystery Creek Settlement Area is an isolated piece of freehold Cave. (GJM). owned by Norske-Skög and containing a small 2014.1476 piece of Junee-Florentine karst. Small hole investigated, tagged JF-592, named Voodewe JACKSON, Alan (2013) : JF-382 Dissidence: Cave; checked JF-458 Tonsil Cave; pushed an The cave that on giving ‘un-enterable' hole for a few metres, tagged Caves Australia, No. 195 (December 2013) : JF-593 and named Un-Enterable; surveyed JF- 7-8. Map. 457 Notit Cave; sketched JF-594 Arachnopho- Reports further exploration results in Dissi- bia (pub. Speleo Spiel, 392: 18). Notes other dence JF382; 490 m of new passage explored caves recently recorded: Radiata Cave, Budget and surveyed, bringing it to 3,455 m long. Cave, untagged. (GJM). More discoveries are expected. (GJM). 2014.1473 2014.1477

JACKSON, Alan (2012) : Sheep Go To JACKSON, Alan (2013) : JF-4 Khazad-Dum Heaven, Goats Go To Hell 1 Sep. 2012 – righting some wrongs 14 Dec. 2013 Speleo Spiel, No. 392 (Sep-Oct. 2012) : 4-5, Speleo Spiel, No. 399 (Nov-Dec. 2013) : 6-9. 15, 16, 18, 19. 5 maps, 2 photos. 6 photos, 3 refs. Tidying up the Hairy Goat Hole area: located A descent of Khazad-Dûm, replacing some JF4-5, 69, 40 and 562; investigated potential bolts and improving the rigging on some of the for digging JF-563 (none); JF-595 tagged, 11 pitches; further improvements are proposed. surveyed, named Bald Pig; Hole 26 (JF-X95) (GJM). located, tagged JF-596, surveyed; checked 2014.1478 JF-19, 20 and 475, surveyed; retagged JF-18, surveyed; unable to get beyond 5 m in Knee JACKSON, Alan (2013) : JF-463 23 Mar. Deep; small hole found, bottomed and tagged, 2013 presuming it was Hole 15 Stuck Hole [later Speleo Spiel, No. 395 (Mar-Apr. 2013) : 18- retagged JF-22]. (GJM). 19. Photo.

184 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Exploration of JF-463 revealed a 20 m pitch Constitution Hole and to progressively tick leading to a ~50 m vadose meandering passage off the remaining leads. 191.5 m was added to followed by a 14 m pitch (5 monotreme skele- survey, now 2.35 km in total. (GJM). tons at bottom) leading to larger, decorated(!) 2014.1483 passage and large decorated chamber followed by third pitch of 27 m and another ~40 m. JACKSON, Alan (2013) : JF-463, JF-599, JF- Lack of rope stopped progress. Cave follows 464 and a few others 23 Feb. 2013 usual NW-SE strike; 224.5 m of survey, depth Speleo Spiel, No. 395 (Mar-Apr. 2013) : 9-10. ~100 m (200 m max. at this location). (GJM). 3 photos. 2014.1479 Discovered new cave; tagged JF-463; another entrance was cleared of dolerite boulders, then JACKSON, Alan (2013) : JF-463 Constitution descended ~12 m to too narrow rift; tagged JF- Hole – August Blitzkrieg Trip 1 3 Aug. 2013 599; another small cave tagged JF-464 (pro- Speleo Spiel, No. 398 (Sep-Oct. 2013) : 8-10. bably a Z cave); JF-463 was pushed ~50 m to 3 photos. a ~10 m pitch (will be revisited). (GJM). The trip's principal aims were getting the cave 2014.1484 rigged/optimised for a big push the following weekend, and to get some good photos. Ex- JACKSON, Alan (2013) : JF-615 Twenty ploration was a lower priority. ~185 m was Pinecones 25 Aug. 2013 surveyed. (GJM). Speleo Spiel, No. 398 (Sep-Oct. 2013) : 16, 2014.1480 35-36. Map, 2 photos. JF-615 Twenty Pinecones surveyed; ~230 m of JACKSON, Alan; GAUTHIEZ-PUTALLAZ, data collected; reaches a max. depth of 17 m. Laure (2013) : JF-463 Constitution Hole – (GJM). August Blitzkrieg Trip 2 10 Aug. 2013 2014.1485 Speleo Spiel, No. 398 (Sep-Oct. 2013) : 10-12. Photo. JACKSON, Alan; EUSTON, Mark (2013) : Surveying continued in Constitution Hole; one Junee-Florentine Mini-Expedition 18-26 May group did 410 m, others a total of 230 m. The 2013 upper, fossil passages of this cave are much Speleo Spiel, No. 396 (May-Jun. 2013) larger than the lower active streamway pas- : 10-15. 2 maps, 2 photos. sages. (GJM). Expedition to Dissidence JF-382 to tidy up, 2014.1481 exploring/surveying of many leads. Surveying continued in JF-463, now named Constitution JACKSON, Alan (2013) : JF-463 Constitution Hole; it was left with ~20 encouraging leads. Hole – Clean Up Crew 22 Sep. 2013 Many leads remain in Dissidence. Nearby Speleo Spiel, No. 398 (Sep-Oct. 2013) : 16-17. holes are to be investigated JF-380, JF-381. A Resurveying in JF-463 Constitution Hole and group also visited Kubla Khan at Mole Creek. tidying up a number of survey loops; also (GJM). some surface survey. 380 m of underground 2014.1486 survey was completed. The system is just over 2.16 km long so far and resembles an upturned JACKSON, Alan (2013) : MC-130, 131, 132 bowl of spaghetti in plan view. (GJM). Devils Pot and Devils Anastomosis surveying 2014.1482 26-28 April 2013 Speleo Spiel, No. 396 (May-Jun. 2013) : 7-8. JACKSON, Alan (2013) : JF-463 Constitution Surveying the Devils Pot system (MC- Hole 26 Oct. 2013 130/131) from both ends simultaneously. Speleo Spiel, No. 399 (Nov-Dec. 2013) : 4. 3 Replaced tag on MC-130. One ~15 m pitch refs. in Devils Pot not descended. About 90% of Trip to continue to tidy up the survey of system surveyed; 978 m completed + 231 m

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 185 on surface. (GJM). was pushed at a connection found to JF-382 2014.1487 Dissidence at the far upstream point reached in May 2013. Warhol was increased from 130 JACKSON, Alan (2013) : Mole Creek Love m deep to 216 and from 168 m long to 514 m. In – Surveying, Kubla Management and Ham- The combined system is now 3970 m long. mer Drills 16–18 Nov. 2013 (GJM). Speleo Spiel, No. 399 (Nov-Dec. 2013) : 4-5. 2014.1491 Photo. An inter-club trip practicing cave surveying, KIERNAN, K.; MCKINNON, Janine; JACK- discussing management of Kubla Khan Cave SON, Alan (2013) : Surveys and installing and testing bolts in that cave. Speleo Spiel, No. 398 (Sep-Oct. 2013) : 21, (GJM). 35, 36. 3 maps. 2014.1488 Maps of MC-75 Mersey Hill Cave from 1984, IB-14 Exit Cave D'Entrecasteaux Sumps and JACKSON, Alan (2013) : More Work for JF-382 Dissidence. (GJM). Rolan 2014.1492 Speleo Spiel, No. 394 (Jan-Feb. 2013) : 22-23. Map. KLEINHENZ, Peter (2011) : JF-345 Ice Tube Recently Growling Swallet (JF-36) has been and JF-36 Growling Swallet 20 Mar. 2011 deregistered as an official name, presumably as Speleo Spiel, No. 383 (Mar-Apr. 2011) : 6-8. 5 a first step in removing it from official maps. photos. A number of JF caves have been found to be Descended JF345 Ice Tube - difficult for some shown (mostly inaccurately) on base maps and JF36 Growling Swallet. Another small provided on a Garmin GPS unit and many are hole was also descended. (GJM). shown (one inaccurately) on current TasMap 2014.1493 1:100,000 maps. 1:25,000 maps only show the most well-known caves. There can be adverse MCKENZIE, Andy (2011) : JF-382 Dissi- conservation outcomes from providing the dence 6 Aug. 2011 location of ungated caves. (GJM). Speleo Spiel, No. 385 (Jul-Aug. 2011) : 7-10. 2014.1489 6 photos. This cave truly must be recognised as one JACKSON, Alan (2013) : Settlement Area of Australia's, and indeed the world's, most with Norske Skog 28 July 2013 superb, classic exploratory speleo sagas. It has Speleo Spiel, No. 398 (Sep-Oct. 2013) : 4-6, given a lucky few so much: a dig, an explo- 25-32. 17 maps, 6 photos, 2 refs. sive entrance, a classic spiral entrance series, Norske Skog, owner of Settlement Area pine ridiculously large cross joint passages, pitches plantation, invited investigation by STC of 29 worthy of names such as Vertical Euphoria, potentially enterable caves on the property. even a series which justified its being named Holes were sketched and tagged JF-465, 466, after a three part epic track by Pink Floyd. 467, 468, 469, 604 Tibetan Prayer Flag Cave, The extension at the bottom found by Jackson 605, 606 All In, 607, 608 Pine Barren, 609, was pushed. It led through a series of often 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615 Twenty Pine- tight passages – to a sump. Total cave length cones. (GJM). approaching 3 km with lots more to survey; 2014.1490 depth 321 m (5th deepest in Australia). (GJM). 2014.1494 JACKSON, Alan (2014) : JF-382 Dissidence yields again MCKINNON, Janine (2010) : IB-14 Exit Caves Australia, No. 196 (March 2014) : 23. Cave 27 March 2010/28 March 2010 Photo. Speleo Spiel, No. 377 (Mar-Apr. 2010) : 12. JF-392 Warhol, a cave known since the 1980s, Two trips to continue the resurveying of the

186 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) outer sections of Exit Cave. (GJM). 2014.1500 2014.1495 MCKINNON, Janine (2010) : MC-4 Execu- MCKINNON, Janine (2010) : JF-14 Dwar- tion Pot 22 Oct. 201-80 rowdelf – Geriatrics Day Out 6 Nov. 2010 Speleo Spiel, No. 381 (Nov-Dec. 2010) : 7. 2 Speleo Spiel, No. 381 (Nov-Dec. 2010) : 13- photos. 15. A descent of Execution Pot to check state of Descended Dwarrowdelf to celebrate a the bolts on its 2 pitches. Noted final waterfall member's 60th birthday; enjoyed cake at the just above sump at end of cave. Rigging notes bottom! (Wine later) (GJM). provided. (GJM). 2014.1496 2014.1501

MCKINNON, Janine (2010) : JF-237 Niggly MCKINNON, Janine (2011) : IB-11 Midnight Cave 23 Jan. 2010 Hole 22 July 2011 Speleo Spiel, No. 376 (Jan-Feb. 2010) : 16-17. Speleo Spiel, No. 385 (Jul-Aug. 2011) : 4. 2 A trip to bottom of Australia's second deepest photos. cave to see the ‘awesome, not to be missed The classic Midnight Hole through trip for a streamway', involving Black Supergiant pitch, French visitor, exiting through Mystery Creek measured at 192 m, with 185 freehanging - Cave, the water levels in which were merciful- then to the seriously big, >1 km stream pas- ly low for winter. (GJM). sage. 10.5 hr trip. (GJM). 2014.1502 2014.1497 MCKINNON, Janine; TUNNEY, Ric (2011) : MCKINNON, Janine (2010) : JF-37 Pendant IB-14 Exit Cave (Western Passage) Pot 24 Dec. 2009 Speleo Spiel, No. 383 (Mar-Apr. 2011) : 31. Speleo Spiel, No. 376 (Jan-Feb. 2010) : 7-8. Map. A successful training trip to Pendent Pot. Plan of Western Passage, Exit Cave. (GJM). (GJM). 2014.1503 2014.1498 MCKINNON, Janine; BAUDIER, Nicolas MCKINNON, Janine (2010) : JF-8 Junee (2011) : JF-10 Splash Pot 1 May 2011 Cave Sump 1 (Dive 1) or How I finally gave Speleo Spiel, No. 384 (May-Jun. 2011) : 9-10. up on someone else who dives joining the club Trip to upper parts of JF-10 Splash Pot to and just got on with it. 20 March 2010 retrieve ropes from previous trip - two reports. Speleo Spiel, No. 377 (Mar-Apr. 2010) : 9. (GJM). First dived Junee Cave Sump 1 in the 1980s. 2014.1504 Without a dive buddy have not returned but decided to dive alone if there was no one else MCKINNON, Janine (2011) : JF-10 Splash in the region. On this occasion air ran too low Pot 24 Apr. 2011 before reaching For Your Eyes Only chamber; Speleo Spiel, No. 384 (May-Jun. 2011) : 8-9. 2 called dive. Plans to return. (GJM). photos. 2014.1499 Descended Splash Pot, including the 112 m bottom pitch, Harrow to the Marrow - which, MCKINNON, Janine (2010) : MC-1/MC-29 after the first 10 m, is under a waterfall. Kubla Khan thru trip 23 Oct. 2010 (GJM). Speleo Spiel, No. 381 (Nov-Dec. 2010) : 8-9. 2014.1505 Photo. A standard through trip from the upper en- MCKINNON, Janine (2011) : JF-337 Slaugh- trance to Kubla Khan to the lower. Fancy new terhouse Pot 29 July 2011 gate noted on upper MC-29 entrance. (GJM). Speleo Spiel, No. 385 (Jul-Aug. 2011) : 6.

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 187 Was to have been a Slaughterhouse Pot- tion of original entrance - before the landslip. Growling Swallet through trip but it rained (GJM). and been warm for the preceding few days, so 2014.1510 significant amounts of snow on the Mt Field plateau were melting. Entrance to Growling MCKINNON, Janine (2012) : IB-1 Revelation was a churning maelstrom of fury. So a bounce Cave 27 Dec. 2011 trip through Slaughterhouse Pot was substi- Speleo Spiel, No. 388 (Jan-Feb. 2012) : 4. tuted. (GJM). Photo. 2014.1506 Resurvey of most of Revelation Cave IB-1. (GJM). MCKINNON, Janine (2011) : JF-337/JF-36 2014.1511 Slaughterhouse Pot-Growling Swallet through trip 3 Jan. 2011 MCKINNON, Janine (2012) : IB-166 Oh Speleo Spiel, No. 382 (Jan-Feb. 2011) : 9. Yeah [Yeh] 30 June 2012 Photo. Speleo Spiel, No. 391 (Jul-Aug. 2012) : 4-5. A through trip of Slaughterhouse Pot and Photo. Growling Swallet for a visiting Brazillian ca- A visit to IB-166 Oh Yeh after 11 years; new ver who found it difficult. (GJM). ‘thrubolts' were installed above the two pitches 2014.1507 (14 and 24 m). (GJM). 2014.1512 MCKINNON, Janine; CRACKNELL, Matt; JACKSON, Alan (2011) : MW-1 Arrakis, Mt MCKINNON, Janine (2012) : JF-14 Dwar- Weld weekend 11-12 Dec. 2010 rowdelf – Rigging Trip 28 Feb. 2012 Speleo Spiel, No. 382 (Jan-Feb. 2011) : 4-7. 4 Speleo Spiel, No. 389 (Mar-Apr. 2012) : 7. photos. A visit to rig JF-14 (57 and 67 m pitches) and Camped in the Arrakis doline; abseiled into visit the lower chamber in preparation for a the cave and followed stream passage up planned dive of the sump. (GJM). and down, without much grovelling. Surface 2014.1513 exploration was carried out, guided by a Li- DAR-generated contour map. New caves were MCKINNON, Janine (2012) : JF-223 Tassy designated MW10, 11, 12, 13 (entrance doline Pot Rigging Guide ~25 m in diameter), 14, 15 (GPSed and taped Speleo Spiel, No. 392 (Sep-Oct. 2012) : 14. but not tagged). Located Crystal Cave and new Rigging guide for four pitches in Tassy Pot JF- cave nearby. Rigging notes provided. (GJM). 223. (GJM). 2014.1508 2014.1514

MCKINNON, Janine (2012) : Diving Law- MCKINNON, Janine (2012) : JF-37 Pendant rence Rivulet Rising 16 June 2012 Pot 29 Sep. 2012 Speleo Spiel, No. 390 (May-Jun. 2012) : 10- Speleo Spiel, No. 392 (Sep-Oct. 2012) : 7-8. 11. Photo. JF-37 Pendant Pot rigged ready for a planned Dived about 50 m into Lawrence Creek Rising dive later. Rigging notes provided for the 6 JF23-24. Water temp. 6°C. (GJM). pitches. (GJM). 2014.1509 2014.1515

MCKINNON, Janine (2012) : IB-1 Revelation MCKINNON, Janine (2012) : JF-8 Junee Cave 21 Jan. 2012 Cave – Sump 1 Dive 13 Jan. 2011 Speleo Spiel, No. 388 (Jan-Feb. 2012) : 6. Speleo Spiel, No. 389 (Mar-Apr. 2012) : 4-5. Completed survey of IB-1 Revelation Cave; Reports on third dive into the Junee Cave member of the party had a nasty fall 2 m onto outer sump; again reached For Your Eyes Only rocks but was able to continue. Clarified loca- chamber; didn't feel like going to Sump 2.

188 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) (GJM). MCKINNON, Janine (2013) : IB-14 Exit 2014.1516 Cave – D'Entrecasteaux River Sump: Dive 2 3 Mar. 2013 MCKINNON, Janine (2012) : JF-8 Junee Speleo Spiel, No. 395 (Mar-Apr. 2013) : 12- Cave – Sump 1 Dive 29 Dec. 2011 13. Speleo Spiel, No. 389 (Mar-Apr. 2012) : 3-4. 2 Second attempt at diving the inside sump of photos. the D'Entrecasteaux in Exit Cave successful Reports on her second dive into the Junee after the way on (Sanguine Expectation, ~75 Cave outer sump; reached For Your Eyes Only m) was located below the middle of the pool chamber. Lists equipment used. (GJM). at the rising. This led to dry passage beyond 2014.1517 (Never Say Die). (GJM). 2014.1522 MCKINNON, Janine (2012) : JF-8 Junee Cave 1 March 2012 MCKINNON, Janine; JACKSON, Alan Speleo Spiel, No. 389 (Mar-Apr. 2012) : 7-8. (2013) : IB-14 Exit Cave – D'Entrecasteaux Two divers swam Sump 1 to For Your Eyes River Sump: Dive 3 10 Mar. 2013 Only chamber; noticed water flowing into Speleo Spiel, No. 395 (Mar-Apr. 2013) : 14- sump much less than emerges; walk upstream 16. to Sump 2. (GJM). Survey of main downstream passage, Sign 2014.1518 of the Times was completed from the IB-232 sink to the rockpile terminus. Never Say Die MCKINNON, Janine (2012) : KD Sump Push passage was found to sump at upstream end 3 March 2012 (sump II). This was dived to surface in more Speleo Spiel, No. 389 (Mar-Apr. 2012) : 8-9. “dry” passage, explored ~20 m upstream and Descended JF-17 to Depths of with di- ~50 m d/s. No connection was found between ving gear to access the sump but found visiting SOTT and NSD. (GJM). diver was unable to fit through a squeeze on 2014.1523 the way; dive aborted. (GJM). 2014.1519 MCKINNON, Janine (2013) : IB-14 Exit Cave – D'Entrecasteaux River Sump: Dive 4 MCKINNON, Janine (2012) : Marble Hill 14 Mar. 2013 Meandering 16 May 2011 Speleo Spiel, No. 395 (Mar-Apr. 2013) : 17. Speleo Spiel, No. 390 (May-Jun. 2012) : 9. Further checking for side passages in Sanguine Cliff collapse noted at D'Entrecasteaux River Expectations passage; investigated Sump II Third Sink IB-232; development of a dam and found Sump III, ending at a rockpile; noted at D'Entrecasteaux River First Sink IB- surveyed thru Sump III. No connection found 227. (GJM). under water to IB-232; tied sump survey to 2014.1520 Exit survey. The gap between Exit passages and IB-232 has been reduced from 250 m to MCKINNON, Janine (2013) : IB-14 Exit 50 m. (GJM). Cave – D'Entrecasteaux River Sump: Dive 1 2014.1524 22 Feb. 2013 Speleo Spiel, No. 395 (Mar-Apr. 2013) : 8--9. MCKINNON, Janine (2013) : IB-231 D'En- Ref. trecasteaux River Second Resurgence and Dived D'Entrecasteaux sump from inside Exit IB-232 D'Entrecasteaux River Third Sink 26 Cave - one prior attempt in 1994. Low water Feb. 2013 level, little flow and lots of silt made diving Speleo Spiel, No. 395 (Mar-Apr. 2013) : 10- difficult. No continuing passage was located. 12. 3 photos. (GJM). Entered IB-232 walking in water and swim- 2014.1521 ming; water level was lower than ever before

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 189 reported - it is normally a sump; pushed to MCKINNON, Janine (2013) : JF-4 KD Sump rockfall blockages - unable to get through to II Dive (trip 2) 12 Jan. 2013 Exit, where water flows to. Found an untagged Speleo Spiel, No. 394 (Jan-Feb. 2013) : 9-11. karst window (near IB-231?) leading 100 m of The descent to the sump took 2.5 hrs, one passage ~5 m wide, ~4 m high, terminated by caver returned because he couldn't fit through rockpile. (GJM). a squeeze. A line from a 2006 dive was still in 2014.1525 place; it was followed to its end when visibi- lity reduced to nil at depth of 17 m. Second MCKINNON, Janine; TUNNEY, Ric (2013) : dive gained an extra 5+ m; passage rising JF-2 Cauldron Pot – SRT Training Trip 11 Apr. again but becoming smaller. Lists gear used. 2013 / Rigging guide / De-rig 16 Apr. 2013 (GJM). Speleo Spiel, No. 396 (May-Jun. 2013) : 4-5. 2 2014.1530 photos. SRT practice on 41 m entry pitch of Caldron MCKINNON, Janine (2013) : JF-4 KD Sump Pot plus guide to rigging the cave's 9 pitches. II Dive (trip 3) 19 Jan. 2013 The cave was later de-rigged. (GJM). Speleo Spiel, No. 394 (Jan-Feb. 2013) : 11-13. 2014.1526 2 photos. Flow in sump a little greater than previous MCKINNON, Janine (2013) : JF-2 Cauldron week, visibility was reduced due to heavy rain. Pot 9 Feb. 2012 Past previous point height reduced to 20-30 Speleo Spiel, No. 395 (Mar-Apr. 2013) : 4-5. 2 cm and width to ~50 cm – too small to conti- photos. nue. Returned to entry pool and carried out Descended Cauldron Pot JF-2 - first trip since systematic search of walls for any passage; 2005. Some old rigging points removed (by found a rift but it was blind. Underwater dig- grinding). Proceeded downstream, under ging would be required to enlarge the passage. threatening boulders, over 8 m waterfall pitch (Cave was de-rigged 2 Feb. - see SS, 394:21). to boulder blockage in streamway (reached by (GJM). TCC in ‘80s). Upper levels may be investi- 2014.1531 gated. (GJM). 2014.1527 MCKINNON, Janine (2013) : JF-584 Tigers Eye 6 February 2013 MCKINNON, Janine (2013) : JF-23 Law- Speleo Spiel, No. 394 (Jan-Feb. 2013) : 21-22. rence Rivulet Rising 9 Jan. 2013 Tigers Eye pond has been known in Tasma- Speleo Spiel, No. 394 (Jan-Feb. 2013) : 9. nian caving circles for many years, however it An attempt to dive into the cave beyond the was not dived until a mainland group of cave entrance passage was foiled when it was found divers happened across it a few years ago and that the ‘permanent line' through the passage have made several assaults on it. They have was broken. It is planned that it be replaced. pushed exploration to the limit. This January a (GJM). small group (led by Grant Pearce) returned to 2014.1528 survey the cave. Cave dived to -35 m (bot- tom believed at -45 m). JF-584 tag installed. MCKINNON, Janine (2013) : JF-4 KD Sump (GJM). II Dive (trip 1) 6 Jan. 2013 2014.1532 Speleo Spiel, No. 394 (Jan-Feb. 2013) : 8-9. The first trip was to rig JF-14 Dwarrowdelf to MCKINNON, Janine (2013) : JF-8 Junee the top of the bottom pitch, in preparation for Cave 16-17 Feb. 2013 later trips to dive the sump at the bottom of Speleo Spiel, No. 395 (Mar-Apr. 2013) : 6-7. 3 JF4-14. (GJM). photos. 2014.1529 Dive thru sump to For Your Eyes Only cham- ber; observed and photographed very good

190 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) speleothem displays; exploration to the right in sage narrowing further. Further progress not sump led to 20 m side passage. Broken gui- considered possible. (GJM). deline ended explorations; line repaired and 2014.1535 all returned safely. Further checking of sides of sump passage found nothing noteworthy. MCKINNON, Janine (2014) : Permanent line (GJM). replacement in Junee Resurgence (JF 8) first 2014.1533 sump Caves Australia, No. 198 (Sep. 2014) : 19-20. MCKINNON, Janine (2014) : Exit Cave, Tas- 2 photos. mania: D'Entrecasteaux River sumps explora- The permanent line that ran through the first tion 2013 sump of JF8 was laid by TCC in 1981-82; it Caves Australia, No. 196 (March 2014) : 20- reached the end of its useful life in the summer 21. Map, photo, ref. of 2013 when a section broke. The sump is Exit Cave is a large, multi-entrance system in 230 m long so ~400 m of replacement line was S. Tasmania. Currently STC is undertaking obtained. It required 4 dives to lay and secure a multi-year mapping project. An anabranch the new 7 mm line and remove the old one. of D'Entrecasteaux River sinks and resurges (GJM). twice before sinking a third time to reappear in 2014.1536 Exit Cave. An attempt to dive the connection in 1995 was unsuccessful. A new attempt to MIDDLETON, Greg (2013) : Crystal Ball dive the sump was initiated in February 2013. Cave and other sandstone features, vicinity of A 70 m dive led to discovery of new passage, Arve River, Southern Tasmania ‘Never Say Die', followed by two further Speleo Spiel, No. 396 (May-Jun. 2013) : 18- sumps; these led to further sections of dry 23. 4 maps, 15 photos, 3 refs. passage but each were blocked by breakdown. Records the discovery and documentation of a Low water levels enabled access to D'Entre- group of sandstone caves on a of the casteaux River Third Sink IB-232 but this also Arve River in Southern Tasmania: Crystal Ball terminated in rockfall. The new discoveries Cave TM-1, Yellow Lichen Cave TM-2, Arve were surveyed; the gap between the sink and Cave TM-3, Arve Valley Arch TM-4. (GJM). Exit Cave had been reduced from 250 to 50 m. 2014.1537 (GJM). 2014.1534 MIDDLETON, Greg (2013) : Two Northern Non-Limestone Caves 24 Jan. 2012 MCKINNON, Janine (2014) : Khazad-Dum Speleo Spiel, No. 397 (Jul-Aug. 2013) : 4-7. 2 (JF-4/5) Sump II: Pushing the ‘deepest' sump maps, 6 photos, 4 refs. in Australia Reports on Bullocks Cave, a sandstone cave Caves Australia, No. 197 (June 2014) : 16-17. near Jackys Marsh, 7 m wide and 5.5 m high; Photo. surveyed; and Liffey Falls Cave in Liffey Falls Khazad-Dum is a multi-pitch cave which ter- State Reserve, a cave in pebbly mudstone, 28 minates in a series of 3 sumps, which connect, m wide, 2-3.8 m high and 12 m deep; sur- at a depth of 293 m. It is the 8th-deepest cave veyed. (GJM). in Australia. Dwarrowdelf JF-14 is a nearby 2014.1538 vertical cave which joins KD in a large cham- ber at the end of the vertical series, at the start MORRIS, Dickon (2013) : JF-463 Consti- of the horizontal crawlway section, called The tution Hole – August Blitzkrieg Trips 5 & 6 Depths of Moria, that bypasses Sump I and 17-18 Aug. 2013 leads to Sumps II & III. Water reappears in Speleo Spiel, No. 398 (Sep-Oct. 2013) : 14-15. Cauldron Pot ~100 m away but the connection Further exploration and surveying in JF-463 has never been dived despite two attempts. 3 Constitution Hole; all of the passages leading dives in 2013 pushed a further 5-8 m but pas- from Hang Glider Pitch closed down; efforts

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 191 moved to Happy Ending and a ‘big lead'; issues-driven, focussing on areas such as the ascending passages got to within 10 m of the karst of the Lower Gordon and Franklin Rivers surface; difficult leads remain; 300 m added; when, and because, they were under threat cave now approaches 2 km. (GJM). from development proposals.. (Author, GJM). 2014.1539 2014.1543

POULTER, Norman (2012) : L-4-6 Mostyn SHARPLES, Chris (2011) : The Plains Karsts Hardy Cave & MC-14 Lynds Cave Feb. 2012 of the Smithton Basin Speleo Spiel, No. 390 (May-Jun. 2012) : 5. Cave and Karst Management in Australasia Visits to L-4-6 Mostyn Hardy Cave (fauna XIX: Proc. 19th Aust'asian Conf. on Cave & includes Tas. cave spider, glowworms) and Karst Mgt. Ulverstone, Tas. : 301. [abstract MC-14 Lynds Cave ( cleaning under- only]. taken) described. (GJM). The Togari Group of younger Precambrian 2014.1540 rocks in the Smithton Basin of far NW Tas- mania includes two thick horizons of karstic ROBERTSON, Amy (2010) : IB-41 Leech Pot dolomite, separated by volcanics and clastic 10 Jan. 2010 sediments. These were folded into a broad N-S Speleo Spiel, No. 376 (Jan-Feb. 2010) : 12, oriented synclinorium, and reduced to a broad 29-30. Map. coastal plain by a long period of continuous To Leech Pot to tidy up a survey of recent sub-aerial erosion lasting over 400 mill. yrs. extension. Located Vogels Shaft/Bread Bag Lateral karstic corrosion at the water table Cave but still not tagged or descended. (GJM). has created very broad, flat and swampy karst 2014.1541 plains on the Smithton Dolomite in the Duck and Montagu River valleys. This plain is one ROBERTSON, Amy (2011) : Wild caving – 2 of the largest distinctively karstic landscapes in year-old style 23 Apr. 2011 Tasmania. Mound springs are a notable feature Speleo Spiel, No. 384 (May-Jun. 2011) : 8. 2 but high water tables and flat relief mean that photos. only a few caves have developed on isolated Visited Genghis Khan Cave at Mole Creek and residual outcrops of dolomite.. (GJM). then Honeycomb Cave, with 2-yr old daughter. 2014.1544 (GJM). 2014.1542 SHARPLES, Chris (2013) : MC-29 – MC-1 Kubla Khan through trip 27 April 2013 SHARPLES, Chris (2011) : Tasmanian wil- Speleo Spiel, No. 396 (May-Jun. 2013) : 8. derness karst for the armchair explorer Bottom entrance MC1 rigged before descen- Cave and Karst Management in Australasia ding top entrance MC29. Key scenic vantage XIX: Proc. 19th Aust'asian Conf. on Cave & points visited: Forbidden City, Khans Army, Karst Mgt. Ulverstone, Tas. : 15-45. 15 maps, Opium Den, Silk Shop, Watergate, ‘Khan' sta- 8 photos, 39 refs. lagmite and the incomparable Pleasure Dome. A significant portion of the Tasmanian Wil- Wash-down stations, track marking and por- derness WHA is underlain by karstic bedrock table soft steps in critical spots reduce likeliho- in terrain having high relief and high rainfall. od of future trogging impacts. Cave noticeably With such ideal conditions for the develop- dry. (GJM). ment of extensive caves and other karst fea- 2014.1545 tures, it is no surprise that the limited explora- tion of the karsts of the Tasmanian wilderness SKINNER, A.D. (2012) : Mass recreation at to date have yielded discoveries of impressive Ida Bay, the development of Exit Cave [Pt. 1] cave systems and other features. It is also Southern Caver, No. 66, Pt. 1 (August 2012) : notable that with a few exceptions, most ex- 1-53. 114 photos, 9 appendices, bibliography. ploration of wilderness karst to date has been A thesis prepared in 1973 by the late Andrew

192 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Skinner as part of studies at the Tasmanian Cave and Karst Management in Australasia College of Advanced Education. Appropriate XIX: Proc. 19th Aust'asian Conf. on Cave & tourism development was seen as a practical Karst Mgt. Ulverstone, Tas. : 46-62. 5 maps, 4 way of conserving caves and providing econo- photos, 39 refs. mic benefit in depressed areas. Outlines history In 1963 Jennings stated to the Australian He- of Ida Bay area, mystique of Exit Cave, pro- ritage Commission that: “Australia as a whole posals for zoning, surface facilities and access, is not well off for karst caves… The Mole cave illumination, interpretation, management Creek area ranks amongst the most valuable.” and environmental impact studies. Summarises It was listed on the Register of the National speleological investigations of the cave sys- Estate in 1983; Marakoopa section of the Mole tem, knowledge of its biospeleology, geolo- Creek Karst NP was added to the Tasmanian gy geomorphology and hydrology. Includes Wilderness WHA in 1989. It is thus one of descriptions of 24 caves in the Bay Area, other 7 Australian WH properties (out of 19) with cave development plans and an extensive pho- internationally recognised karst values. The tographic record. (GJM). Mole Creek karst is also home to a significant 2014.1546 population of farmers, foresters and people developing tourism businesses – one of the SKINNER, A.D. (2012) : Mass recreation at few parts of Australia where a dynamic karst Ida Bay, the development of Exit Cave [Pt. 2] landscape provides the background to the well- Southern Caver, No. 66, Pt. 2 (August 2012) : being of the local community.. (Author, GJM). 57-126. 80 photos, 20 maps. 2014.1550 Continues appendices to Skinner's Ida Bay thesis from Part 1. Photographic record of Ida TUNNEY, Ric (2010) : Deepest Cave List Bay Cave and existing interpretation and pre- (>=150 m) - Tasmania sentation facilities at caves. Reprints a series Speleo Spiel, No. 377 (Mar-Apr. 2010) : 22. of cave brochures and magazines and press Lists the 35 deepest surveyed caves in Tasma- clippings about Exit Cave and cave tourism nia. Deepest is Tachycardia at 375.2 m, 2nd generally; reprints 10 local cave sketch maps Anne-A-Kananda 373 m, 3rd Niggly Cave and a large map of Exit Cave. (GJM). 372.4 m, 4th Growling Swallet 360 m. 22 of 2014.1547 the 35 are in the Junee-Florentine area; 8 are at Ida Bay. (GJM). SMEJKAL, Petr (2012) : JF-221 Owl Pot 22 2014.1551 July 2012 Speleo Spiel, No. 391 (Jul-Aug. 2012) : 6-7. TUNNEY, Ric (2012) : MC-1 Kubla Khan 3 Photo. Dec. 2011 Descent of JF-221 Owl Pot; photographed Speleo Spiel, No. 388 (Jan-Feb. 2012) : 4. waterfall at bottom. (GJM). Photographic trip to MC-1 Kubla Khan with 2014.1548 Hills Speleos member. Bypass to bottom gate blocked. (GJM). SMEJKAL, Petr (2013) : JF-337 Slaughte- 2014.1552 rhouse Pot – JF-36 Growling Swallet Through Trip 23–24 Nov. 2013 VENESS, Tony (2010) : A Grand Day Out Speleo Spiel, No. 399 (Nov-Dec. 2013) : 5-6. – surface exploration SW of Marble Hill, Ida 2 photos. Bay 30 May 2010 The thru trip JF-337 Slaughterhouse Pot – JF- Speleo Spiel, No. 378 (May-Jun. 2010) : 9-10. 36 Growling Swallet accomplished. (GJM). Map, 4 photos. 2014.1549 Visited IB-18 Western Creek Swallet and IB-189; discovered, explored, tagged IB-254; SPATE, Andy; HOUSHOLD, Ian (2011) : An descended IB-121, checked IB-19; retagged overview of the Mole Creek Karst IB-121; discovered, tagged IB-255 and IB-

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 193 256, named Sixteensquared. (GJM). 1954. Part of the cave (with gypsum needles) 2014.1553 is known as Edies Treasure; it has now been suggested that the site of the (cleaned up) jum- WANLESS, J. (2013) : Tasmanian Cavernee- per be named Edies Trash. (GJM). ring Club: Private Trip Report (ex letter 2014.1558 1/8/1958) Speleo Spiel, No. 398 (Sep-Oct. 2013) : 20. WISE, Geoff (2011) : Exitravaganza 20-26 A previously unpublished report of trips to Feb. 2011 Mersey Hill Cave in 1957. The cave is descri- Speleo Spiel, No. 384 (May-Jun. 2011) : 4-7. bed in detail. It was surveyed. (GJM). 10 photos. 2014.1554 Records the annual Exit Cave surveying push; group camped near entrance to cave IB14. WHITESIDE, Katherine (2010) : Kath and Surveying completed as a two-part process; Sarah's Misadventure Trip 29 Aug. 2010 first was to survey the section of cave or record Speleo Spiel, No. 380 (Sep-Oct. 2010) : 7-8. missing passage dimensions for old stations. Relocated JF-532 and tagged; relocated JF- That line plot was drawn onto 1:500 sketch's 300, partially surveyed. (GJM). sheets after the day's caving and passage detail 2014.1555 was then added to this sheet on the next trip to that area. A great deal more was achieved WHITESIDE, Katherine (2010) : Mini Fun- than could have been done in seven day trips. Size Caves 9 Sep. 2010 (GJM). Speleo Spiel, No. 380 (Sep-Oct. 2010) : 10-11, 2014.1559 23. Map, photo. Visited JF-198, JF-300 and JF-199 as part of WISE, Geoff; JACKSON, Alan; TUNNEY, a course study. Relocated JF-197, sketched; a Ric; MIDDLETON, Greg; CLARKE, Arthur; new cave was tagged JF-535 (but could be JF- PULFORD, Jane (2012) : 2011 Annual Re- 169), part explored; got GPS location for JF-7 ports [Southern Tasmanian Caverneers] Frankcombe Cave. (GJM). Speleo Spiel, No. 389 (Mar-Apr. 2012) : 21- 2014.1556 28. Exitravaganza 2012 was another surveying WHITESIDE, Katherine (2010) : Su- success in Exit Cave; exploration of Dissi- per-Soaked Saturday 4 Sep. 2010 dence continues; JF-Z caves are being properly Speleo Spiel, No. 380 (Sep-Oct. 2010) : 8-9, documented. Six issues of Speleo Spiel were 30, 31. 2 maps. produced; after 8 yrs new editor needed. Elec- Relocated JF-199, JF-198, JF-300; new cave tronic archive and survey records grow. A 2TB tagged JF-533, surveyed, has possibilities; new was acquired for digital storage for the library. cave tagged JF-534, surveyed. (GJM). Members have engaged in scientific research. 2014.1557 S&R had an active year. Membership fell to 52; income $5549, expenditure $5151. (GJM). WISE, Geoff (2010) : Edie Smith outed as 2014.1560 a cave litterbug after 50 years – Exit Cave history WOOLS-COBB, David (2011) : Gunns Plains Speleo Spiel, No. 378 (May-Jun. 2010) : 11. Cave: Caver's contributions Photo. Cave and Karst Management in Australasia During the resurvey of Exit Cave a blue wool XIX: Proc. 19th Aust'asian Conf. on Cave & jumper was found in a rarely-visited side Karst Mgt. Ulverstone, Tas. : 271-277. 7 pho- passage on 27 March 2010. Subsequently, a tos, 5 refs. long-standing member of STC, Albert Goede, Gunns Plains Cave is a developed tourist cave revealed that the jumper had been left in the located 30 minutes drive south of Ulverstone. cave by founding member Edie Smith in Jan. The author coordinates an environmental

194 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) group called Karstcare: cavers looking after sage in the ‘south-west pool' (downstream) of caves. This paper outlines the work this group Olwolgin Cave 6N1951, Roe Plains, from 6 has achieved, both within the tourist section October 2011. Over 1,400 m of diving passage and in the ‘wild' section of this particularly explored and surveyed in first 3 days. A further beautiful cave. (Author, GJM). 600 m added on 2nd dive and 700 m on 3rd, 2014.1561 Easter 2012. Importance of conserving bacte- rial colonies stressed; underwater track-mar- Australia / Australie king instigated. (GJM). 2014.1564 Victoria HOSIE, Paul (2014) : Roe Plains, WA: Olwol- gin Cave revisited (Part 2) FREEMAN, Peter (2013) : Discovery and Caves Australia, No. 196 (March 2014) : 13- exploration of DD31 Swain Cave, Drik Drik, 16. 3 maps, 2 photos, ref. Victoria The second part takes the story of the explora- Caves Australia, No. 193 (June 2013) : 5-9. 7 tion of the mainly underwater Olwolgin Cave photos. to Nov. 2013. At 9,900 m it has become one of Farmer reported opening of a new cave Australia's longest underwater cave systems. (DD31) while group exploring Jones Ridge The survey has involved over 900 stations and Cave DD4. Swain Cave explored over a series 33 pinger points. (GJM). of 9 subsequent trips and surveyed. More cave 2014.1565 is expected to be found. (GJM). 2014.1562 MCKINNON, Janine (2012) : Diving Under the Nullarbor – Easter 2012 April 2012 Australia / Australie Speleo Spiel, No. 390 (May-Jun. 2012) : 5-8. 5 photos. Western Australia / Australie Occidentale Diving trip into Cocklebiddy Cave (through and ; water samples coll.), Murra-el-elevyn Cave (u/w photogra- ANDERSON, Ross (2013) : All in a day's phy, temp. loggers installed, micro-fauna caving coll.). (GJM). Caves Australia, No. 195 (December 2013) : 2014.1566 26-27. Photo. Planned trip to Tight Entrance and Kudjal Yol- POULTER, Norman (2014) : Unusual caves gah cave was not permitted so Arumvale Pipe of Australia – 3: Cave at Cave Creek, Cane Cave was substituted. This is slightly deeper River Conservation Park, Western Australia so the ladder was not going to be long enough Caves Australia, No. 198 (Sep. 2014) : 21-22. and some SRT would be required, though not 2 photos. all members were SRT proficient. Movement This cave, with three entrances, is on Cave of the party is described in detail; a problem Creek adjacent to the NW Coastal Highway developed when one member tired. How the near Coral Bay. It has formed in very tortured problem was overcome is described along with and tightly folded shale; the main passage is lessons learned. (GJM). 5.5 m wide and 4.5 m high; birds nest in the 2014.1563 cave. (GJM). 2014.1567 HOSIE, Paul (2013) : Roe Plains, WA: Olwol- gin Cave revisited (Part 1) PRYKE, Alan (2014) : Windjana 2014 Caves Australia, No. 194 (September 2013) : Caves Australia, No. 199 (Dec. 2014) : 5-7. 15-17. 2 maps, 3 photos. Map, 4 photos. Recounts the progressive discovery of pas- With a permit from WA National Parks,

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 195 searched for new caves away from establi- BRUSH, John (2013) : By slow bus from shed areas; found Abrupt Cave, Blunder Cave, Waitomo to Auckland: the ACKMA post Curiosity Cave, Arch-Enemy Cave, Disap- conference field trip pointment Cave, Expectation Cave, Fanac- Australasian Cave and Karst Management kapan Cave (surveyed 100 m of passage, soon Assoc. Journal, No. 91 (June 2013) : 33-34. 6 extended to 2850 m and connected to KN269). photos. (GJM). Rain, thundering waterfalls, a disappearing 2014.1568 like that hadn't, showers, a breakfast cruise around beautiful Raglan Harbour, drizzle, a New Zealand / Nouvelle-Zélande wet and windy walk to deserted black sand beach and an evening visit to a 1 km stream BAIRD, Jane (2012) : Rawhiti Cave, Golden cave (Nikau Cave) – the first two days of the Bay, New Zealand field trip. (GJM). Australasian Cave and Karst Management As- 2014.1572 soc. Journal, No. 88 (September 2012) : 28. A new path, steps and viewing platform have BRUSH, John (2013) : Wild caving: Manga- been installed in Rawhiti Cave by the Depart- pohgue Cave ment of Conservation in an effort to limit with Australasian Cave and Karst Management As- visitors go and reduce vandalism. (GJM). soc. Journal, No. 91 (June 2013) : 29. Photo. 2014.1569 A visit to Mangapohue Cave is described, courtesy of the landowner. The stream cave BARTH, Nicolas (2014) : The first full des- featured glowworms, moa bones and forests of cent of Gloomy Gorge, New Zealand stalactites. (GJM). NSS News, Vol. 72, no 10 (October 2014) : 2014.1573 12-15. 8 photos. Detailed account of the first full descent of BRUSH, John (2013) : Wild caving: Ru- New Zealand's biggest canyon, in the Matuki- mbling Gut Cave tuki Valley, in March 2013. The very difficult Australasian Cave and Karst Management and demanding through trip took 20 hours. Assoc. Journal, No. 91 (June 2013) : 32. 2 (YD). photos. 2014.1570 Trip promoted as ‘mostly walk-through, good decoration, nice stream and basically a dry BRUSH, John (2013) : Adventure Caving in cave' – no mention of the traverse across a Waitomo deep plunge pool on a wobbly chain or the Australasian Cave and Karst Management tricky climes for those with short legs or Assoc. Journal, No. 91 (June 2013) : 22-25. 7 the Last Minute Squeeze (where 3 members photos. turned back). (GJM). Waitomo is famous for adventure caving 2014.1574 activities and these were a feature of the 2013 ACKMA conference, being offered by 4 com- CULBERG, Tony (2013) : ACKMA 2013 mercial operators. Describes (1) a 4-hr Black Conference Waitomo New Zealand pre-confe- Abyss trip, involving abseiling, water-leaping, rence tour tubing and waterfall-climbing, (2) a Black Australasian Cave and Karst Management Odyssey trip in Ruajkuri Cave involving ledge Assoc. Journal, No. 91 (June 2013) : 26-28. 8 traverses, via ferrata, abseiling, 3 zip-line photos. rides, a rope swing and 2 ladder crossings and Describes this tour, led by Greg Martin and ta- (3) a 100 m abseil into Lost World and return king in a forest interpretation walk at Pureora, scramble to the surface. The trips were very a geothermal area at Orakei Korako, a geother- safe, enjoyable and of a high standard. (GJM). mal power station and area with geothermal 2014.1571 features including impressive sulphur crystals,

196 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) a visit to Mt Tongariro and its ash deposits, Footwhistle Tour site of a 1953 rail disaster where a train was Australasian Cave and Karst Management blown off a bridge by a lahar, a nature walk at Assoc. Journal, No. 91 (June 2013) : 30. Whakapapa including ‘Silica Rapids', Huka Footwhistle Cave is not highly decorated Falls - a spectacular cascade on the Waikato but has a stream flowing through it, with River and the Craters of the Moon geothermal glowworms overhead. The return is still area. (GJM). narrow canyon which also has an impressive 2014.1575 glowworm display, best seen at dusk. (GJM). 2014.1579 FARR, Martyn (2014) : Return to Spittal Springs KENNEDY, Sasa (2013) : Caving with Waito- Descent, No 240 (Oct/Nov 2014) : 20-22. mo Adventures: St Benedicts Cavern Extensions and cave diving exploration of Australasian Cave and Karst Management caves in the Spittal Springs area of New Zea- Assoc. Journal, No. 91 (June 2013) : 30. land (GM). A four-hour tour in a dry, highly decorated 2014.1576 cave, involving abseiling and zip-lining through a stunningly beautiful chamber. FRANKHAM, James (2013) : What lies Highly recommended. (GJM). beneath 2014.1580 New Zealand Geographic, No. 120 (Mar-Apr. 2013) : 34-63. 2 maps, 18 photos. KENNEDY, Sasa (2013) : Wild Caving: A well-illustrated update of what is happening Zweihohlen Cave in New Zealand's cave mecca, the marble Australasian Cave and Karst Management Arthur Ranges west of Nelson, at the top of Assoc. Journal, No. 91 (June 2013) : 31. 2 the . Kieran Mackay has been photos. involved in the exploration of Bulmer Cavern, The name Zweihohlen refers to the cave's the Ellis Basin system and . two entrances. It is an adventure cave used by Modern deep caving in NZ is pretty much his schools, Scouts and similar groups; a range of story. A cave on the west side of Mt Arthur, management techniques are used to minimise Stormy Pot, has been pushed to 700 m depth, mud trampling, control erosion and protect 14 km length and is approaching Nettlebed the cave. There are two boot wash stations, Cave. (Review: Bunton, S. Speleo Spiel, 396: sandbagging and galvanised handrails in some 24). (GJM). places and good areas of speleothems. Exit is 2014.1577 through an active stream passage. (GJM). 2014.1581 JACKSON, Alan (2011) : Bulmer Cavern Ex- pedition 2010-11, Mt Owen, New Zealand LIPYEAT, Moira (2011) : Canterbury Earth- Speleo Spiel, No. 382 (Jan-Feb. 2011) : 13-16. quake causes damage to local caves 10 photos. Cave and Karst Management in Australasia Joined a New Zealand expedition to Bulmer XIX: Proc. 19th Aust'asian Conf. on Cave & Cavern, Mt Owen. Impressed by the Mt Owen Karst Mgt. Ulverstone, Tas. : 201-208. 2 maps; massif; walked up the Owen River valley 6 figs. and Bulmer Creek; camped by Lake Bulmer. Living at Redcliffs, 12 km from the centre of Brief descriptions of visits to Bulmer Cavern, Christchurch, I have been associated in many checking possible leads. Cave is described ways with the appreciation of local caves. My as truly awesome – 66 km Long, 750 m deep book, Delving Deeper: The first 50 years of three-dimensional maze. (GJM). Caving in New Zealand was even launched 2014.1578 in one and I have taken many groups to visit them. Von Haast in 1872 excavated Moa Bone KENNEDY, Sasa (2013) : Caveworld Tours: Point Cave and it can be noted from his work

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 197 that caves were very important gauges of geo- BREATHNACH, Seamus (2013) : Irish Ca- logy and climate changes as well as of Maori ving Expedition to Dec. occupation. On 4 Sept., 2010 at 4.38 am, a 2011-Jan. 2012 7.1 magnitude earthquake altered forever the Caves Australia, No. 192 (March 2013) : 9-18. landscape around Christchurch that had been 19 photos, 6 maps, 3 refs. forming for aeons. (Author, GJM). Account of an reconnaissance expedition to Mt 2014.1582 Bosavi - Fogomai'yu village area in Southern Highlands. Explored and documented Walo- LIPYEAT, Moira (2012) : Unusual karst at fani Ulabu, Weini Ulabu, Sayamelegi Ulabu, Wairere Boulders Mefon Keresine, Natila Ulabu and Pokabi Australasian Cave and Karst Management As- Cave; explored over 25 caves, surveyed over soc. Journal, No. 87 (June 2012) : 25. Photo. 6 km of passage. Area has great potential. The Wairere Boulders are basalt, yet with ka- (GJM). rren-like erosion surfaces. The area is open to 2014.1587 visitors and includes Dragons Cave. (GJM). 2014.1583 FOURGOUS, Barnabé (2014) : La jungle des Nakanaï. Du vignoble à l'Augmentin. RAVENS, Jonatham (2014) : Stormy to Nett- Spéléo Magazine, n° 87 (Septembre 2014) : lebed 48-49. 3 photos. Descent, No 237 (April/May 2014) : 18-24. Récit anecdotique et ambiance de l'expédition Connection of Stormy Pot to the Nettlebed Iowa 2014 sur le massif des Nakanaï : plus de System, New Zealand, producing a 1,162m 30 cavités totalisent 6 km, dont Pato cave -580 deep through-trip, with table of world's dee- m. Les participants. (Fx). pest through-trips (GM). 2014.1588 2014.1584 GUILLOT, Florence (2014) : Échos des pro- WOOLS-COBB, David (2013) : Wild caving: fondeurs - Océanie - Papouasie-Nouvelle-Gui- Rangitawa Cave née Australasian Cave and Karst Management As- Spelunca, n° 134, juin 2014 : 5-6. 3 photos. soc. Journal, No. 91 (June 2013) : 38. Photo. Compte-rendu d'une expédition de reconnais- Abseiled 85 m into Rangitawa Cave, followed sance sur les monts Nakanaï. Les résultats by a short float and a few prusiks (some wet) sont prometteurs avec l'exploration de deux to get out. (GJM). gouffres dépassant les -300m, un de -516m et 2014.1585 un dernier de -596m. (CB). 2014.1589 Papua New Guinea / Papouasie Nou- velle-Guinée SOUNIER, Jean-Paul (2014) : Expédition Hole Bilong Stone. Une zone vierge des mon- BENCE, Philippe (2014) : Iowa 2014 - massif tagnes Baining. des Nakanaï. Spéléo Magazine, n° 88 (Décembre 2014) : Spéléo Magazine, n° 85 (Mars 2014) : 5. 1 14-19. 7 photos, 1 plan, 1 coupe, 1 carte de photo. situation. Premiers résultats de l'expédition Iowa 2014 Récit de l'expédition lauréate des Bourses sur un secteur encore non prospecté des Na- Expé sur Baining : secteur de l'île de Nouvelle kanaï (Nouvelle Bretagne). Deux cavités pro- Bretagne qui n'avait été brièvement reconnu metteuses sont découvertes dont Philip Pato qu'en 1975. Mais aucune cavité majeure n'a été cave : -600 m, arrêt sur siphon. Site internet. découverte. Grotte de Miriyam -115 m. (Fx). (Fx). 2014.1590 2014.1586

198 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 2.6 Cosmos Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica Italiana, n. 70 (giugno 2014) : 62-66. Foto. Da indagini satellitari accertata la presenza di DE BERARDINIS, Pierluigi; SAURO, enormi grotte di origine lavica su Marte. (MS). Francesco (2014) : Speleologia marziana: 2014.1591 oltre la fantascienza

3.1 Systematics BISHOP, Renée E.; HUMPHREYS, William Systématique F.; LONGLEY, Glenn (2014) : Epigean and hypogean Palaemonetes sp. (Decapoda, Palae- 3.11 Crustacea monidae) from Edwards Aquifer: An examina- Crustacés tion of trophic structure and . Subterranean Biology, 14 : 79-102. ALEXIOU, Sotiris; SFENTHOURAKIS, Spy- http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/subtbiol.14.8202 ros (2013) : The terrestrial Isopods (Isopoda: Palaemonetes antrorum (stygobitic) and Palae- Oniscidea) of Greece. monetes kadiakensis (epigean). (BL). Parnassiana Archives, 1 : 3-50. 2014.1595 http://www.wildgreeceeditions.com/parnassia- na.html BOXSHALL, Geoff A.; ZYLINSKI, Sa- (BL). rah; JAUME, Damià; ILIFFE, Thomas M.; 2014.1592 SUÁREZ-MORALES, Eduardo (2014) : A new genus of speleophriid copepod (Copepo- ÁLVAREZ, Fernando; ILIFFE, Thomas M.; da: Misophrioida) from a cenote in the Yuca- VILLALOBOS, José Luis (2014) : A new tan, Mexico with a phylogenetic analysis at the species of the alpheid shrimp genus Triacan- species level. thoneus Anker, 2010 (Crustacea: Alpheidae) Zootaxa, 3821 (3, June 23) : 321-336. from . http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3821.3.2 Zootaxa, 3768 (1, February 24) : 88-94. Mexicophria cenoticola gen. et sp. nov. (BL). http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3768.1.6 2014.1596 Triacanthoneus chapelianus sp. nov., Marine cave off Caye Chapel. (BL). CAMACHO, Ana I.; DORDA, Beatriz A.; 2014.1593 REY, Isabel (2014) : Iberian Peninsula and balearic Island Bathynellacea (Crustacea, Syn- ASMYHR, Maria Gulbrandsen; HOSE, Grant carida) database. C.; GRAHAM, Peter; STOW, Adam J. (2014) ZooKeys, 386 (March 6) : 1-20. : Fine-scale genetics of subterranean syncarids. http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.386.6296 Freshwater Biology, 59 (1, January) : 1-11. (BL). http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/fwb.12239 2014.1597 Crustacean Parabathynellidae (Bathynellacea, Syncarida), across a section of the Macquarie CAMPOS-FILHO, Ivanklin Soares; ARAU- River alluvium, New South Wales, Australia. JO, Paula Beatriz; BICHUETTE, Maria Elina; (BL). TRAJANO, Eleonora; TAITI, Stefano (2014) 2014.1594 : Terrestrial isopods (Crustacea: Isopoda: Onis-

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 199 cidea) from Brazilian caves. GONGALSKY, Konstantin B.; TAITI, Ste- Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 172 fano (2014) : A new cavernicolous species : 360-425, 40 fig. of Typhloligidium Verhoeff, 1918 (Isopoda: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/zoj.12172 Oniscidea: Ligiidae) from the Caucasus. (BL). Arthropoda Selecta, 23 (1) : 51-56. 2014.1598 http://kmkjournals.com/journals/AS/AS_In- dex_Volumes/AS_23/AS_23_1_051_056_ CARDOSO, Giovanna Monticelli; ARAUJO, Gongalsky_Taiti Paula Beatriz; BUENO, Alessandra Angélica Typhloligidium kovali sp. n. (Ligiidae): Cave de Pádua; FERREIRA, Rodrigo Lopes (2014) Omega-15, central Caucasus, Republic of : Two new subterranean species of Hyalella Kabardino-Balkaria, canyon in upper course of Smith, 1874 (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Hyalelli- Nalchik River. (BL). dae) from . 2014.1602 Zootaxa, 3814 (3, June 10) : 353-368. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3814.3.3 HAMON, Bernard (2014) : L'amphipode Ni- Hyalella veredae Cardoso & Bueno sp. n., Mi- phargus aquilex, Schiödte (1855) en Lorraine : nas Gerais state, Presidente Olegário munici- le point sur les connaissances acquises pality, Vereda da Palha Cave. Hyalella formosa Spéléo L, N° 23 (Mars 2014) : 5-12. Plans. Cardoso & Araujo sp. n., Paraná state, Ponta Présentation de l'espèce et de sa répartition Grossa municipality, Andorinhas Cave. (BL). européenne puis historique et description des 2014.1599 10 stations lorraines connues. (CP). 2014.1603 FENOLIO, Danté B.; NIEMILLER, Mat- thew Lance; MARTINEZ, Benjamin (2014) HAMON, Bernard (2014) : La station Niphar- : Observations of reproduction in captivity by gus virei (Chevreux, 1896) de Villers-lès-Nan- the Dougherty Plain Cave Crayfish, Cambarus cy cryptodytes, (Decapoda: Astacoidea: Camba- Le P'tit Usania, n° 188 (Avril 2014) : 1-3. Plan, ridae). photo. Speleobiology Notes, 6 : 14-26. http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- http://www.nsm.buffalo.edu/Research/SPE- ticle1428 LEOBIOLOGY_NOTES/index.php/Speleo/ Description de la station de Niphargus virei article/view/57 du Spéléodrome de Nancy (biorépartition, (BL). alimentation, reproduction, quantification de la 2014.1600 population). (CP). 2014.1604 FLOT, Jean-François; BAUERMEISTER, Jan; BRAD, Traian; HILLEBRAND-VOICULES- HAMON, Bernard (2014) : Les crustacé sty- CU, Alexandra Maria; SARBU, Serban M.; gobies du réseau de l'Avenir (2e partie) DATTAGUPTA, Sharmishtha (2014) : Ni- Le P'tit Usania, n° 196 (Décembre 2014) : 3-4. phargus-Thiothrix associations may be wides- Photos. pread in sulphidic groundwater ecosystems: http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- evidence from southeastern Romania. ticle1476 Molecular Ecology, 23 (6, March, Special État des connaissances et liste des sources Issue: Nature's Microbiome) : 1405-1417. décrivant la présence de Cæcosphæroma http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/mec.12461 burgundum dans le réseau de l'Avenir (Savon- Sulphidic Frasassi caves (Italy) and Southern nières-en-Perthois). (CP). Dobrogea region of Romania (springs, wells 2014.1605 and Movile Cave). (BL). 2014.1601 HAMON, Bernard (2014) : Les crustacés sty- gobies du réseau de l'Avenir (1re partie)

200 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Le P'tit Usania, n° 193 (Septembre 2014) : 1-3. Philippines. Plan, photos. Zootaxa, 3815 (4, June 17) : 565-574. http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3815.4.6 ticle1458 Sundathelphusa danae sp. nov., Sundathelphu- Présentation générale du réseau de l'Avenir sa vienae sp. nov. (BL). (Savonnières-en-Perthois) et de sa faune sty- 2014.1610 gobie (Cæcosphæroma burgundum, Proasel- lus cavaticus (?) et Niphargus schellenbergi). KARAMAN, Gordan S. (2014) : Further stu- (CP). dies of genus Niphargus Schiödte, 1849 (Fam. 2014.1606 Niphargidae) from western Balkan peninsula (Contribution to the Knowledge of the Amphi- HAMON, Bernard (2014) : Vie des stations poda 274). mosellanes du genre Niphargus Agriculture and Forestry, 60 (1) : 203-220. Le P'tit Usania, n° 185 (Janvier 2014) : 4-5. http://www.agricultforest.ac.me/journal_de- http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- tails.php?id=181 ticle1415 Niphargus borkanus S. Karaman, 1960: Bilan des connaissances actuelles sur les sta- springs in Boračko jezero Lake (Borke, Bosnia tions de Niphargus dans le département de la and Herzegovina), spring of torrent Pješčar, Moselle. (CP). NW from Konjic (). 2014.1607 Niphargus salonitanus S. Karaman, 1950, Vi- lina pećina Cave near source of Ombla River HOLSINGER, John R.; ANSELL, Lynnette by Dubrovnik, Croatia. Niphargus abavus G. (2014) : A new species of the subterranean Karaman, 2011, Boka Kotorska, Crna Gora amphipod genus Stygobromus (Amphipoda: (Montenegro). Niphargus valachicus Dobreanu Crangonyctidae) from two caves and a spring & Manolache, 1933, Bosnia and Herzegovina. in western Maryland, USA with additional (BL). records of undescribed species from ground- 2014.1611 water habitats in central Maryland. Zootaxa, 3768 (3, February 26) : 386-394. KARAMAN, Gordan S. (2014) : New data http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3768.3.6 on Niphargus boskovici S. Karaman, 1952 Appalachian Plateau in Garrett County in wes- and some other Gammaridean amphipods tern Maryland, USA. (BL). from the western Balkans (Contribution to the 2014.1608 knowledge of the Amphipoda 279). Biologia Serbica, 36 (1/2) : 31-42. HUDEC, Igor; MOCK, Andrej (2014) : Ni- http://ojs.pmf.uns.ac.rs/index.php/dbe_serbica/ phargus plurispinosus sp. n. (Crustacea, Am- article/view/2427 phipoda), a stygophile and hypotelminorheic Niphargus boskovici S. Karaman, 1952: new representative from Central Europe. localities of the Metković region (Croatia). Subterranean Biology, 13 : 65-87. Niphargus salonitanus S. Karaman, 1950: http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/subtbiol.13.6531 Korčula Island (Adriatic Sea, Croatia). Typhlo- Zemplínske vrchy mountains in the East gammarus mrazeki Schäferna, 1906: near Slovakian Lowland (NE part of Pannonian Dubrovnik in the cave Špilja za Gromačkom Lowland). (BL). vlakom. (BL). 2014.1609 2014.1612

HUSANA, Daniel Edison M.; YAMAMU- KARAMAN, Gordan S. (2014) : New RO, Masumi; NG, Peter K. L. (2014) : Two member of the family Niphargidae from Croa- new species of freshwater crabs of the genus tia, Niphargus radzai, sp. n. (Contribution to Sundathelphusa Bott, 1969 (Decapoda: Bra- the Knowledge of the Amphipoda 273). chyura: Gecarcinucidae) from caves in Luzon, Zootaxa, 3811 (4, June 5) : 585-598.

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 201 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3811.4.9 (2014) : [Finding of a new species of subter- Niphargus radzai sp. n. Subterranean waters ranean crustacean – amphipod of the genus (springs) above Ravno Vrdovo in Dinara Synurella (Crustacea: Amphipoda, Crangonyc- Mountain, Croatia. (BL). tidae) from water flooded of Odessa 2014.1613 (Ukraine)]. Marine Ecological Journal, 13 (2) : 70. Rus- KARAMAN, Gordan S. (2014) : Niphargus sian. cerjanensis sp. n. and N. karamani Schell. (BL). 1935 from the subterranean waters of western 2014.1617 Balkan (Contribution to the Knowledge of the Amphipoda 277). MARIN, Ivan N.; SOKOLOVA, Agniya Agriculture and Forestry, 60 (3) : 223-256. (2014) : Redescription of the stygobitic shrimp http://www.agricultforest.ac.me/paper. Troglocaris (Xiphocaridinella) jusbaschjani php?id=2322 Birštein, 1948 (Decapoda: Caridea: Atyidae) Niphargus cerjanensis, sp. n.: Cerjanska Jama from Agura River, Sochi, Russia, with remarks Cave in Croatia (Klenovnik, Ravna Gora, on other representatives of the genus from Varaždin reg.). Niphargus stygius karamani Caucasus. Schellenberg, 1935: Slovenian-Croatian border Zootaxa, 3754 (3, January 15) : 277-298. region. (BL). http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3754.3.3 2014.1614 (BL). 2014.1618 KARAMAN, Gordan S. (2014) : On some Gammaridean amphipods from western Balk- MARRÓN-BECERRA, Aurora; HERMO- an Peninsula (Contribution to the Knowledge SO-SALAZAR, Margarita; SOLÍS-WEISS, of the Amphipoda 275). Vivianne (2014) : Hyalella cenotensis, a new Agriculture and Forestry, 60 (2) : 207-232. species of Hyalellidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) http://www.agricultforest.ac.me/paper. from the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico. php?id=2296 Zootaxa, 3811 (2, June 3) : 262-270. Niphargus navotinus, sp. n.: Navotinska pećina http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3811.2.7 Cave near Berane, Montenegro. Niphargus Cenote, Quintana Roo. (BL). jurinaci S. Karaman, 1950: Croatia. Typhlo- 2014.1619 gammarus mrazeki (Schäferna, 1906): Croatia, Herzegovina and Montenegro. (BL). MCINERNEY, Caitríona E.; MAURICE, 2014.1615 Louise; ROBERTSON, Anne L; KNIGHT, Lee R. F. D.; ARNSCHEIDT, Jörg; VENDITTI, KARAMAN, Gordan S. (2014) : Two poor- Chris; DOOLEY, James S. G.; MATHERS, ly known species of the subterranean family Thomas; MATTHIJS, Severine; ERIKKSON, Niphargidae (Gammaridea) from Slovenia and Karin (2014) : The Ancient Britons: Ground- Croatia (Contribution to the Knowledge of the water fauna survived extreme climate changes Amphipoda 276). over tens of millions of years across NW Natura Montenegrina, 13 (1) : 281-308. Europe. http://natura.pmcg.co.me/Natura_Montenegri- Molecular Ecology, 23 (5, March) : 1153- na.html 1166. Niphargus kenki, wells in Miljana (Croatia), http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/mec.12664 Jama pri Polju and Buče (Slovenia); Niphargus Niphargus (BL). brachytelson, Lukova Jama Cave (Slovenia). 2014.1620 (BL). 2014.1616 MELEG, Ioana-Nicoleta; NĂPĂRUŞ, Mag- dalena; FIERS, Frank; MELEG, Ionuţ Horea; KOVTUN, Oleg A.; SIDOROV, Dmitry A. VLAICU, Marius; MOLDOVAN, Oana Teo-

202 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) dora (2014) : The relationships between land Malaysia (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: cover, climate and cave copepod spatial distri- Gecarcinucidae). bution and suitability along the Carpathians. Zootaxa, 3774 (1, March 4) : 90-96. Environmental Conservation, 41 (2, June) : http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3774.1.7 206-216. Stygothelphusa antu n. sp.: limestone forma- http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0376892913000465 tions in Temurang, Sarawak, Malaysia. (BL). Geographical information system (GIS). Caves 2014.1625 of the Romanian Carpathians. (BL). 2014.1621 POR, Francis D. (2014) : Sulfide Shrimp? Observations on the concealed life history of MICHEL, Georges (2014) : Troglobie de l'an- the Thermosbaenacea (Crustacea) née : Porasellus cavaticus Subterranean Biology, 14 : 63-77. EcoKarst, n° 96 : 1-4. Photos, cartes, schémas. http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/subtbiol.14.7927 La Fédération allemande de Spéléologie érige Tethysbaena ophelicola Wagner: subterranean chaque année une espèce cavernicole au rang karstic sulfide pool of Ayyalon (Israel) (BL). d' “espèce souterraine de l'année”. Pour 2014 2014.1626 c'est Porasellus cavaticus , isopode aquatique, qui a cet honneur. Plaquette de présentation de PRAPROTNIK, Eva (2014) : Ocena velikosti cette espèce cavernicole. (NG). populacije jamske kozice Troglocaris anophth- 2014.1622 lamus sontica (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) v Vipavski jami [Population size estimate for NG, Peter K. L. (2013) : Stygothelphusa cran- cave shrimps Troglocaris antophthalmus sonti- brooki, a new species of cave crab from Gua ca (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) in Vipavska Sireh, Sarawak, Malaysia (Crustacea: Decapo- jama]. da: Brachyura: Gecarcinucidae) Graduation thesis, Koper : 30 p. Slovenian. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement No. (BL). 29 (30 November 2013) : 91-97. 6 fig. 2014.1627 (LP). 2014.1623 RANGA REDDY, Yenumula; SHABUD- DIN, Shaik; TOTAKURA, Venkateswara Rao NG, Peter K. L.; GUINOT, Danièle (2014) : A (2014) : Habrobathynella borraensis n. sp. new cavernicolous species of crab of the genus (Syncarida, Bathynellacea; Parabathynellidae) Balssiathelphusa Bott, 1969 (Crustacea, Bra- from the Borra Caves of southeastern India, chyura, Gecarcinucidae) from eastern Borneo with a note on the taxonomic significance of [Une nouvelle espèce cavernicole de crabe du paragnath morphology. genre Balssiathelphusa Bott, 1969 (Crustacea, Journal of Crustacean Biology, 34 (1) : 90-106. Brachyura, Gecarcinucidae) originaire de l'est http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/1937240X-00002210 de Bornéo]. (BL). Zoosystema, 36 (3, September) : 623-629. 2014.1628 http://dx.doi.org/10.5252/z2014n3a4 Balssiathelphusa phasma n. sp.: Indonesia, Ex- RASTORGUEFF, Pierre-Alexandre; CHE- pédition Spéléologique à Bornéo, main gallery VALDONNÉ, Pierre; ARSLAN, Defne; of Gua Kambing, Mount Batu, Mangkalihat VERNA, Caroline; LEJEUSNE, Christophe Peninsula, east Kalimantan (Josiane LIPS (2014) : Cryptic habitats and cryptic diversity: coll.). (BL). unexpected patterns of connectivity and phylo- 2014.1624 geographic breaks in a Mediterranean endemic marine cave mysid. NG, Peter K. L.; GRINANG, Jongkar (2014) : Molecular Ecology, 23 (11, June) : 2825-2843. A new species of troglobitic crab of the ge- http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/mec.12776 nus Stygothelphusa Ng, 1989, from Sarawak, Hemimysis margalefi. (BL). 2014.1629 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 203 RODRIGUES, Stella Gomes; BUENO, Ales- TOTAKURA, Venkateswara Rao; RANGA sandra Angélica de Pádua; FERREIRA, Rodri- REDDY, Yenumula; SHAIK, Shabuddin go Lopes (2014) : A new troglobiotic species (2014) : Three new species of Parastenocari- of Hyalella (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Hyalel- didae (Crustacea, Copepoda, Harpacticoida) lidae) with a taxonomic key for the Brazilian from India. species. Zootaxa, 3821 (5, June 25) : 501-537. Zootaxa, 3815 (2, June 13) : 200-214. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3821.5.1 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3815.2.2 Parastenocaris edakkal n. sp., Proserpinicaris Hyalella epikarstica n. sp.: Brazil, São Paulo corgosinhoi n. sp.: Edakkal Cave, Kerala State state: Areias de Cima cave, São Paulo state, of southwestern India. (BL). Iporanga municipality, Areias stream (Betary 2014.1634 river basin). (BL). 2014.1630 VITTORI, Miloš; ŠTRUS, Jasna (2014) : The integument in troglobitic and epigean woodlice SENNA, André Resende de; ANDRADE, Luiz (Isopoda: Oniscidea): a comparative ultrastruc- F.; CASTELO-BRANCO, Lucas P.; FERREI- tural study. RA, Rodrigo Lopes (2014) : Spelaeogam- Zoomorphology, 133 (4) : 391-403. marus titan, a new troglobitic amphipod from http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00435-014-0232-9 Brazil (Amphipoda: Bogidielloidea: Artesii- (BL). dae). 2014.1635 Zootaxa, 3887 (1, November 21) : 55-67. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3887.1.3 VON REUMONT, Björn Marcus; CAM- Cave PEA-445, municipality of Santa Maria PBELL, Lahcen I.; JENNER, Ronald A. da Vitória, Bahia state, Brazil. (BL). (2014) : Quo Vadis Venomics? A Roadmap to 2014.1631 Neglected Venomous Invertebrates. Toxins, 6 : 3488-3551. SIDOROV, Dmitry A. (2014) : Towards the http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/toxins6123488 systematics of the subterranean amphipod Speleonectes tulumensis. (BL). genus Niphargus (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Ni- 2014.1636 phargidae) of Transcaucasia: new record of N. inermis and N. iniochus in . VON REUMONT, Björn Marcus; BLANKE, Arthropoda Selecta, 23 (4) : 363-377. Alexander; RICHTER, Sandy; ÁLVAREZ, Abkhazia, Mountain Range, Arabika Fernando; BLEIDORN, Christoph; JENNER, massif, speleological district "Treugol'nik", Ronald A. (2014) : The First Venomous Crus- Troika cave (cave 003). Abkhazia, Gulripshi tacean Revealed by Transcriptomics and Func- district, near Tsebelda (Tsabal), Nizhne-Shaku- tional Morphology: Remipede Venom Glands ranskaya cave. (BL). Express a Unique Toxin Cocktail Dominated 2014.1632 by Enzymes and a Neurotoxin. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 31 (1, Ja- STASOLLA, Gianluca; INNOCENTI, Gianna nuary) : 48-58. (2014) : A new species of cavernicolous crab http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/molbev/mst199 from Coron Island, Palawan, the Philippines Speleonectes tulumensis. (BL). (Decapoda: Brachyura: Varunidae). 2014.1637 Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 62 (August 8) : 591-599. 3.12 Hexapoda http://lkcnhm.nus.edu.sg/nus/index.php/62 Hexapodes Orcovita angulata Ng, Guinot & Iliffe, 1996; Orcovita holthuisi Ng & Ng, 2009; Orcovita AA (2014) : Collembole profond tabiacoud n. sp.: Pukaway Cave. (BL). La Lettre du Spéléo-club de Paris, n°324 2014.1633 (avril) : 2.

204 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) En 2010, des biologistes ibériques ont décou- described ice crawler species from the Pacific vert un collembole, à la profondeur de -980m, Northwest - Grylloblatta "olympica" and G. dans le gouffre de Krubera (Voronja), le plus "vancouverensis", species incognitus (Insecta, profond du monde (-2197m), en Abkhazie Notoptera, Grylloblattidae). (Géorgie). (JT). Bulletin of the Oregon Entomological Society, 2014.1638 2013 (4, Winter/Spring 2014) : 1-13. http://odonata.bogfoot.net/oes/ ALEXIOU, Sotiris; DI RUSSO, Claudio; (BL). RAMPINI, Mauro (2013) : The family Rha- 2014.1643 phidophoridae (Orthoptera) in Greece. Parnassiana Archives, 1 : 51-58. BYUN, Bong-Kyu; SHIN, Sat-Byul; BAE, http://www.wildgreeceeditions.com/parnassia- Yang-Seop; KIM, Do Sung; CHOI, Yong Geun na.html (2014) : First discovery of a cave-dwelling (BL). Tineid moth (Lepidoptera, Tineidae) from East 2014.1639 Asia. Journal of Forestry Research, 25 (3, Sep- ALLEGRUCCI, Giuliana; RAMPINI, Mau- tember) : 647-651. ro; DI RUSSO, Claudio; LANA, Enrico; http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11676-014-0503-9 COCCHI, Sara; SBORDONI, Valerio (2014) Monopis crocicapitella (Clemens, 1859) (Ti- : Phylogeography and systematic of the wes- neidae), bat guano, cave in the southern region ternmost Italian Dolichopoda species (Orthop- of Korea. (BL). tera, Rhaphidophoridae). 2014.1644 ZooKeys, 437 : 1-23. http://dx.doi.org./10.3897/zookeys.437.7917 CASTRO TOVAR, Alejandro (2014) : Una (BL). nueva especie de Blaps Fabricius, 1775 del 2014.1640 sureste de España (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) [A new species of Blaps Fabricius, 1775 from BARJADZE, Shalva; DJANASHVILI, Revaz southeastern Spain (Coleoptera, Tenebrioni- A. (2014) : Redescription of Plutomurus kela- dae)]. suricus Martynova, 1969 (Collembola: Tomo- Arquivos Entomolóxicos, 12 : 237-243. Espa- ceridae) from Georgian caves. gnol. Zoology in the Middle East, 60 (3, July 3) : http://www.aegaweb.com/arquivos_entomo- 251-254. loxicos/vol_12_2014.htm http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09397140.2014.939 Blaps barrancoi sp. nov., cuevas del sureste de 812 España (Murcia y Almería). (BL). (BL). 2014.1645 2014.1641 CIESLAK, Alexandra; FRESNEDA, Javier; BENÁ, Daniela de Cassia; VANIN, Sergio RIBERA, Ignacio (2014) : Developmental Antonio (2014) : A new troglobitic species constraints in cave . of Coarazuphium Gnaspini, Vanin & Godoy Biology Letters, 10 (10, October):20140712 : (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Zuphiini) from a cave 3 p. in Paraná State, Southern Brazil. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2014.0712 Zootaxa, 3779 (2, March 14) : 288-296. Leptodirini. (BL). http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3779.2.9 2014.1646 C. ricardoi n. sp. "Gruta do Varzeão" cave, in Paraná State. (BL). CIESLAK, Alexandra; FRESNEDA, Javier; 2014.1642 RIBERA, Ignacio (2014) : Life-history spe- cialization was not an evolutionary dead-end BERGDAHL, James C. (2014) : Two lost un- in Pyrenean cave beetles.

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 205 Proceedings of the Royal Entomological provided useful population counts, but a less Society of London, Series B, Taxonomy, 281 labour-intensive method with better resolution (February 26)20132978, : 8 p. data was required to gain a proper understan- http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2013.2978 ding of glowworm population and biological Leptodirini. (BL). cycles… (Author, GJM). 2014.1647 2014.1649

CLARKE, Arthur; MERRITT, David (2011) : ĆURČIĆ, Srećko B.; VRBICA, Maja D.; AN- Bioluminescence in cave glow-worms: do cave TIĆ, Dragan Ž. ; ĆURČIĆ, Božidar Petar M.; tours have an effect? VESOVIĆ, Nikola (2014) : Duvalius (Paradu- Cave and Karst Management in Australasia valius) petrovici sp. n. and D. (P.) sotirovi sp. XIX: Proc. 19th Aust'asian Conf. on Cave & n. (Carabidae: : Trechini): Two new Karst Mgt. Ulverstone, Tas. : 297. [abstract troglobitic ground beetles from eastern and only]. southeastern . We show that cave glowworms synchro- Archives of Biological Sciences, 66 (2) : 889- nise their bioluminescence by detecting and 900. matching each others' glows. Studies in wild http://dx.doi.org/10.2298/ABS1402889C caves at Ida Bay, show that where A. tasma- Resavska Pećina Cave, village of Jelovac, near niensis are located in the cave mouth, expe- Despotovac, Kučajske Planine Mts and Ogore- riencing cycles of daylight and darkness, they lička Pećina Cave, village of Sićevo, near Niš, still possess an underlying rhythmic tendency Svrljiške Planine Mts respectively. (BL). to glow most brightly during the day, like their 2014.1650 counterparts deeper in the cave. When cave mouth larvae are placed in constant darkness ĆURČIĆ, Srećko B.; VRBICA, Maja D.; in the laboratory, they show a free-running en- VESOVIĆ, Nikola; MULAOMEROVIĆ, dogenous rhythm with a peak occurring during Jasminko; ĆURČIĆ, Božidar Petar M. (2014) daylight hours. We conclude that this under- : Pholeuonopsis (Pholeuonopsis) perucensis lying rhythmicity is modulated by exposure sp. n., a new troglobitic leiodid (Coleop- to natural light, inhibiting the glowing during tera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae: Leptodirini) from daylight hours.. (Author, GJM). Bosnia and Herzegovina. 2014.1648 Ecologica Montenegrina, 1 (3, November 10) : 176-183. CROSS, Travis; MERRITT, David (2013) : http://ecol-mne.com/?p=642 Glowworm Photomonitoring in the Waitomo Cave in Eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina. Glowworm Caves, New Zealand (BL). Cave and Karst Management in Australasia 2014.1651 XX. Proc. 20th Australasian Conf. Cave & Karst Management 2013. Waitomo Caves, NZ ĆURČIĆ, Srećko B.; RAĐA, Tonći; MU- : 163-172. 12 figs, 4 refs. LAOMEROVIĆ, Jasminko; VRBICA, Maja Waitomo Glowworm Caves have the most D.; ANTIĆ, Dragan Ž.; ĆURČIĆ, Božidar visited glowworm display in the world. Prior Petar M.; RAĐA, Biljana; VESOVIĆ, Niko- to 2009, glowworm monitoring was based la (2014) : Three new cave-dwelling leiodid on intermittent quadrat counts at 2 sites. A beetles (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae: characteristic of the quality of the display is Leptodirini) from Bosnia and Herzegovina. extent of colony's coverage of the cave ceiling Archives of Biological Sciences, 66 (2) : 919- and walls so monitoring should encompass as 933. large a proportion of the colony as possible. http://dx.doi.org/10.2298/ABS1402919C Experimental long-exposure photomonito- Leonhardia jajcensis sp. n., Kapnica Cave, ring was developed. Data from the ensuing village of Božikovac, near Jajce, Mt. Dnolučka 2 yrs showed that monthly photomonitoring Planina. Katobatizon apfelbecki sp. n., Jama

206 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Ispod Puta, village of Božikovac, and the Sn- DI RUSSO, Claudio; RAMPINI, Mauro; CO- ježara Pits, village of Brvanci, near Jajce, Mt. BOLLI, Marina (2014) : The cave crickets of Dnolučka Planina. Protobracharthron dusinae Greece: a contribution to the study of Southern sp. n., Dusina Cave, village of Dusina, near Balkan Rhaphidophoridae diversity (Orthop- Fojnica, Mt. Pogorelica. (BL). tera), with the description of a new species of 2014.1652 Troglophilus Krauss, 1879. Biodiversity Journal, 5 (3) : 397-420. ĆURČIĆ, Srećko B.; VRBICA, Maja D.; AN- http://www.biodiversityjournal.com/ TIĆ, Dragan Ž.; MARKOVIĆ, Đ.; PETKO- contents2014_3.html VIĆ, M.; ĆURČIĆ, Božidar Petar M. (2014) 28 species of Dolichopoda Bolívar, 1880; 5 : Three new cave-dwelling trechine ground species of Troglophilus Krauss, 1879; colonize beetles from eastern and southeastern Serbia Greek caves. Troglophilus zoiai n. sp., in cave (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae). on the western slope of Mount Parnassos (cen- Archives of Biological Sciences, 66 (1) : 415- tral Greece). (BL). 427. 2014.1656 http://dx.doi.org/10.2298/ABS1401415C Duvalius (Paraduvalius) bogovinae sp. n., DISNEY, Henry L.; PÉREZ FERNÁNDEZ, Bogovinska Pećina Cave, village of Bogovina, Antonio (2014) : Nuevos registros de fóridos Kučajske Planine Mts., near Boljevac, eastern (Diptera, Phoridae) en cuevas de Jaén (Anda- Serbia. D. (P.) milutini sp. n., Samar cave sys- lucía, España) y datos adicionales. tem, village of Kopajkošara, Mt. Kalafat, near Monografías Bioespeleológicas, 8 : 17-19. Svrljig, southeastern Serbia. D. (P.) beljanicae Espagnol. sp. n., Velika Atula Cave, village of Strmosten, http://sites.google.com/site/espeleovillacarril- Mt. Beljanica, near Despotovac, eastern Ser- lo/home/monografias-bioespeleologicas/mono- bia. (BL). grafias-bioespeleologicas-no-8 2014.1653 (BL). 2014.1657 DASHAN, Meysam; SADEGHI, Saber; BA- KHSHI, Yaser; MALEK HOSSEINI, Moham- DJANASHVILI, Revaz A.; BARJADZE, mad-Javad (2014) : First record and redescrip- Shalva; JORDANA, Rafael; BURKHARDT, tion of Niptus hololeucus (Faldermann, 1835) Ulrich (2014) : Redefinition of the genus from Kangohar Cave (Coleoptera: Ptinidae). Argonychiurus Bagnall, 1949 (Collembola, Iranian Journal of Biosystematics Onychiuridae) with description of a new spe- (IJAB), 10 (2) : 81-85. cies from Georgia. http://ijab.um.ac.ir/index.php/biosys/article/ Zootaxa, 3835 (3, July 11) : 381-391. view/33595 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3835.3.8 Fars Province, southern Iran. (BL). Argonychiurus multiocellatus sp. nov., Geor- 2014.1654 gia, Tsageri district, Khvamli mountainous massif, Tvishi cave. (BL). DI RUSSO, Claudio; RAMPINI, Mauro; LA- 2014.1658 TELLA, Leonardo; COBOLLI, Marina (2014) : Measurements of the diet in two species of DÖRGE, Dorian D.; ZAENKER, Stefan; Troglophilus Krauss, 1879 cave crickets from KLUSSMANN-KOLB, Annette; WEIGAND, Italian subterranean habitats (Orthoptera, Rha- Alexander M. (2014) : Traversing worlds - phidophoridae). Dispersal potential and ecological classifica- Subterranean Biology, 13 : 45-54. tion of Speolepta leptogaster (Winnertz, 1863) http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/subtbiol.13.6719 (Diptera, Mycetophilidae). Troglophilus cavicola (Veneto, northern Italy). Subterranean Biology, 13 : 1-16. Troglophilus andreinii (Apulia, southern Italy). http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/subtbiol.13.6460 (BL). Hesse (Central German Uplands). (BL). 2014.1655 2014.1659 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 207 DRIESSEN, Michael (2011) : What turns GOROCHOV, Andrey Vasil'evich (2014) : glow-worms on? Baseline monitoring of the Classification of the Phalangopsinae subfa- Tasmanian glow-worm and other cave fauna in mily group, and new taxa from the subfamilies Exit and Mystery Creek caves Phalangopsinae and Phaloriinae (Orthoptera: Cave and Karst Management in Australasia Gryllidae). XIX: Proc. 19th Aust'asian Conf. on Cave & Zoosystematica Rossica, 23 (1, June 25) : Karst Mgt. Ulverstone, Tas. : 296. [abstract 7-88. only]. http://www.zin.ru/journals/zsr/content.as- Exit Cave and Mystery Creek Cave in Ida p?year=2014 Bay karst in SE Tasmania contain a diverse Cf p. 31, Modestozara troglophila sp. nov.: and significant cave fauna. The most superla- Los Tayos, "on wall of main cave at bottom of tive faunal feature of these caves is the light second shaft", Ecuador. (BL). displays by Tasmanian Glowworm Arachno- 2014.1663 campa tasmaniensis. These displays have been recognised as a world heritage value under GRAENING, Gary Orval; SHCHER- criterion relating to outstanding natural pheno- BANYUK, Yana; ARGHANDIWAL, Maryam mena. Remarkably, there has been no previous (2014) : Annotated of the Diplura study on the ecology of Tasmanian glowworm. (Hexapoda: Entognatha) of California. Glowworms and other cave fauna were mo- Zootaxa, 3780 (2, March 21) : 297-322. nitored monthly for 24 months to obtain http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3780.2.5 information on their ecology and to establish (BL). baseline population data. A strong seasonal 2014.1664 pattern was found for glowworms, with pupae and adults most common in spring and sum- GUÉORGUIEV, Borislav V. (2014) : Eustra mer. (Author, GJM). petrovi sp. nov. - first record of a troglobitic 2014.1660 Ozaenini from China (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Paussinae). ESPINASA, Luis; ESPINASA, Monika; Journal of Biodiversity, 2 (10) : 1-9. FENOLIO, Dante B.; SLAY, Michael E.; http://dx.doi.org/10.12976/jib/2014.2.10 NIEMILLER, Matthew Lance (2014) : Distri- Cave Xianren Dong near to village Datianba, bution and conservation status of Speleonycta Longling County, Baoshan City, China, Yun- ozarkensis (Insecta, Zygentoma, Nicoletiidae) nan Province. (BL). from caves of the Ozark Highlands of Arkan- 2014.1665 sas and Oklahoma, USA. Subterranean Biology, 14 : 51-62. HAMON, Bernard (2014) : Aperçu sur les http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/subtbiol.14.8275 trichoptères des cavités (BL). Le P'tit Usania, n° 194 (Octobre 2014) : 3-5. 2014.1661 Photo, graphique. http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- FAILLE, Arnaud; ANDÚJAR, Carmelo; FA- ticle1465 DRIQUE, Floren; RIBERA, Ignacio (2014) : Présentation de l'ordre des trichoptères et de Late Miocene origin of an Ibero-Maghrebian quelques stations souterraines mosellanes où clade of ground beetles with multiple colonisa- certains ont été observés. (CP). tions of the subterranean environment. 2014.1666 Journal of Biogeography, 41 (10, October) : 1979-1990. HARBACH, Ralph E.; TAAI, Kritsana (2014) http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jbi.12349 : Nyctomyia biunguiculata, a new cavernico- Trechus fulvus group (T. lallemantii). Antoi- lous species of tribe Aedini (Diptera: Culici- nella. (BL). dae) from southern Thailand. 2014.1662 Zootaxa, 3895 (3, December 16) : 427-432.

208 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3895.3.7 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3821.5.8 Wat Sumano cave, Phatthalung Province of Reinholdina deelemanorum, Golubnjača cave, southern Thailand. (BL). village Čatrnja, Grmeč planina, Federation of 2014.1667 Bosnia and Herzegovina. (BL). 2014.1671 HLAVÁČ, Peter; NAKLÁDAL, Oto; JALŽIĆ, Branko (2014) : Endogean and cavernicolous LI, J.; ORHANT, G. E. R. J.; ZHANG, X.; Coleoptera of the Balkans. 14. Melledobythus LIN, L.; GAO, M. (2014) : Découverte de Tri- bilandzijae, new genus and species of caverni- phosa dubitata amblychiles Prout, 1937 dans colous Bythinini (Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae) une grotte calcaire dans la région de Dandong from the Island Mljet, Croatia. en Chine (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). Zootaxa, 3835 (4, July 14) : 564-572. Bulletin de la Société entomologique de Mul- http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3835.4.7 house, 70 : 9-11. Français. (BL). http://soc.als.entomo.free.fr/SommaireBull- 2014.1668 Sem.html (BL). HOCH, Hannelore; BOURGOIN, Thierry; 2014.1672 STELBRINK, Björn; WESSEL, Andreas (2014) : Small giants from Madagascan caves: LIENHARD, Charles; FERREIRA, Rodrigo autapomorphic giantism in the new cave-dwel- Lopes (2014) : New species of Psyllipsocus ling planthopper Tsingya clarkei gen. nov., sp. from Brazilian caves (Psocodea: "Psocoptera": nov. (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Meenoplidae). Psyllipsocidae). Journal of Natural History, 48 (15/16) : 919- Revue suisse de Zoologie, 121 (2, Juin) : 211- 935. 246. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00222933.2013.840 http://www.ville-ge.ch/mhng/publica- 399 tion03_01.php Tsingy de Bemaraha National Park in western 12 new species are described from 42 caves in Madagascar. (BL). 10 Brazilian states: Psyllipsocus angustipennis 2014.1669 Lienhard n. sp., P. clunioventralis Lienhard n. sp., P. didymus Lienhard n. sp., P. falcifer JANTARIT, Sopark; SATASOOK, Chutamas; Lienhard n. sp., P. fuscistigma Lienhard n. DEHARVENG, Louis (2014) : Cyphoderus sp., P. marconii Lienhard n. sp., P. proximus (Cyphoderidae) as a major component of col- Lienhard n. sp., P. punctulatus Lienhard n. sp., lembolan cave fauna in Thailand, with descrip- P. radiopictus Lienhard n. sp., P. spinifer Lien- tion of two new species. hard n. sp., P. subtilis Lienhard n. sp., P. thaidis ZooKeys, 368 (January 7) : 1-21. Lienhard n. sp. (BL). http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.368.6393 2014.1673 Cyphoderus songkhlaensis sp. n., Songkhla Province, Rattaphum District, Tham Khao LIN, Wei; TIAN, Mingyi (2014) : Supplemen- Nui. C. khaochakanus sp. n., Sa Kaeo Pro- tal notes on the genus Libotrechus Uéno, with vince, Khao Chakan District, Tham Meud description of a new species from Guangxi, (Dark Cave). (BL). southern China (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Tre- 2014.1670 chinae). The Coleopterists Bulletin, 68 (3) : 1-5. LAKOTA, Ján; HLAVÁČ, Peter; LOHAJ, http://dx.doi.org/10.1649/072.068.0314 Roman; ČEPLÍK, Dávid (2014) : Synonymy Cave Shuiyuan Dong (Du'an: Longfu: of Reinholdina deelemanorum Giachino & Shangme). (BL). Moravec, 2009 (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Chole- 2014.1674 vinae: Leptodirini). Zootaxa, 3821 (5, June 25) : 597-599. MAG-USARA, Vanessa Rona Pendang;

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 209 NUÑEZA, Olga Macas (2014) : Diversity rest-adapted species in Australia and relative abundance of in cave Cave and Karst Management in Australasia habitats of Siargao Island, Surigao del Norte, XX. Proc. 20th Australasian Conf. Cave & Philippines. Karst Management 2013. Waitomo Caves, NZ ELBA Bioflux, 6 (2, December 15) : 72-79. : 156-162. 4 figs, 9 refs. http://www.elba.bioflux.com.ro/home/el- Glowworms emit light to attract prey into ba-bioflux-6-2-2014/ their webs. In wild caves of Tasmania and Polyzosteria limbata. (BL). New Zealand, glowworm populations (Ara- 2014.1675 chnocampa tasmaniensis and Arachnocampa luminosa, respectively) maintain synchronised MARTÍNEZ FERNÁNDEZ, Juan Carlos; rhythmic light output, waxing and waning to- SOLDATI, Fabien (2014) : Contribución a gether in a 24 hr cycle. I show how Tasmanian la revisión del subgénero Alphasida Escale- species is capable of synchronizing the biolu- ra, 1905 (s. str.) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae): minescence cycle. In laboratory we exposed a el grupo de Alphasida lorcana (Pérez Arcas, larva to 3 others that were on a different cycle. 1865) [Contribution to the revision of the The single larva shifted its time of glowing subgenus Alphasida (s. str.) Escalera, 1905 to match the others over about 8 days. This (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae): the Alphasida synchronisation capability probably allows lorcana (Pérez Arcas, 1865) phyletic group]. the glowworm colonies in caves to glow Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragone- most brightly all at the same time, attracting sa, 54 (30/06/2014) : 35-50. Espagnol. more flying insects into their webs… (Author, http://www.sea-entomologia.org/Publica- GJM). ciones/Boletines/boletinSEA.htm 2014.1678 Alphasida (Alphasida) calmonti: La Mulería, Rambla de Canalejas, Cuevas de Almanzora, MOLERO BALTANÁS, Rafael; GAJU RI- Almería (Spain). (BL). CART, Miquel; LÓPEZ DOS SANTOS, 2014.1676 Néstor; OROMÍ, Pedro; BACH DE ROCA, Carmen (2014) : The family Nicoletiidae in MEDEROS, Jorge L.; CHANDLER, Peter J. the Canary Islands, with description of new (2014) : A constellation of fungus gnats (Dip- taxa (Insecta: Zygentoma). tera: Keroplatidae and Mycetophilidae) from European Journal of Entomology, 111 (2) : caves of the Parc Natural dels Ports, Tarrago- 267-274. na, Western [Una constelación de http://dx.doi.org/10.14411/eje.2014.032 moscas de los hongos (Diptera: Keroplatidae Canariletia holosterna gen. n. et sp. n.: Mina y Mycetophilidae) de cuevas del Parc Natural de los Llanetes (Valsequillo), Gran Canaria. dels Ports, Tarragona, Cataluña Occidental] Coletinia majorensis sp. n.: Cueva del Llano, [Una constellació de mosques dels fongs (Dip- Villaverde, Fuerteventura. (BL). tera: Keroplatidae i Mycetophilidae) de coves 2014.1679 del Parc Natural dels Ports (Terra Alta, Baix Ebre, Montsià), Catalunya Occidental]. MONSERRAT, Víctor J.; ACEVEDO, Fernan- Arxius de Miscellània Zoològica, 12 : 163- do; PANTALEONI, Roberto A. (2014) : Nue- 173. vos datos sobre algunas especies de crisópidos http://amz.museucienciesjournals.cat/volum- de la Península Ibérica, islas Baleares e islas 12-2014-amz/ Canarias (Insecta, Neuroptera, Chrysopidae) 11 species from ten prospected caves. Exe- [New data on some Iberian, Balearic and Ca- chiopsis coremura (Edwards). (BL). narian green lacewing species (Insecta, Neu- 2014.1677 roptera, Chrysopidae)]. Graellsia, 70 (1, Enero/Junio):e002 : 38 p. MERRITT, David (2013) : Glowworms are Espagnol. more diverse than we thought: cave and fo- http://dx.doi.org/10.3989/graellsia.2014.

210 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) v70.100 PAVIĆEVIĆ, Dragan; NJUNJIĆ, Iva; Cuevas. (BL). PLEĆAŠ, Milan (2013) : Seracamaurops 2014.1680 (Seracamaurops) perovici n. sp. (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae, Amauropini) from NOVISES, Irhene; NUÑEZA, Olga Macas the Northwest Montenegro. (2014) : Species richness and abundance of Fauna Balkana, 2 : 281-287. cave-dwelling crickets on Siargao Island, Suri- Caves and pits of wider surroundings of Golija gao Del Norte, Philippines. Mt., Northwest Montenegro. (BL). ELBA Bioflux, 6 (1, June 30) : 10-21. 2014.1685 http://www.elba.bioflux.com.ro/home/vo- lume-6-1-2014/ PELLEGRINI, Thaís Giovannini; FERREI- Ceuthophilus sp., Pteronemobius sp., Gryllo- RA, Rodrigo Lopes (2014) : Ultrastructural talpa sp. (BL). analysis and polymorphisms in Coarazuphium 2014.1681 caatinga (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Zuphiini), a new Brazilian troglobitic beetle. PANG, Jianmei; TIAN, Mingyi (2014) : A Zootaxa, 3765 (6, February 21) : 526-540. remarkably modified species of the tribe Platy- http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3765.6.2 nini (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from a limestone Limestone caves located in Campo Formoso cave in Jiangxi Province, eastern China. municipality, in the Brazilian Caatinga (Bahia, ZooKeys, 382 (February 19) : 1-12. Brazil). (BL). http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.382.6740 2014.1686 Morimotoidius zhushandong sp. n.: limestone cave of Zhushan Dong II in Wanzhai Xian PÉREZ FERNÁNDEZ, Antonio; LÓ- (=County) of western Jiangxi Province, eastern PEZ-COLÓN, José Ignacio; BAHILLO DE China. (BL). LA PUEBLA, Pablo (2014) : Carcinops (Car- 2014.1682 cinops) pumilio (Erichson, 1834) (Coleoptera, Histeridae) capturado en el Sistema Republica- PASQUALI, Vittorio; SBORDONI, Valerio no-Cabito, de Villaluenga del Rosario (Cádiz, (2014) : High variability in the expression of Andalucía). circadian rhythms in a cave beetle population. Monografías Bioespeleológicas, 8 : 13-15. Biological Rhythm Research, 45 (6, November Espagnol. 2) : 925-939. http://sites.google.com/site/espeleovillacarril- http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09291016.2014.934 lo/home/monografias-bioespeleologicas/mono- 077 grafias-bioespeleologicas-no-8 Laemostenus latialis. (BL). Cave of Villaluenga del Roisario, in the Spani- 2014.1683 sh province of Cadix (Andalusia). (BL). 2014.1687 PAVIĆEVIĆ, Dragan; OZIMEC, Roman (2013) : Seracamaurops (Seracamaurops) PÉREZ FERNÁNDEZ, Antonio (2014) : cadmei n. sp. (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Comentarios sobre los fóridos (Diptera, Phori- Pselaphinae: Amauropini) from Mt. Sniježnica dae) de cavidades de Sierra Nevada (Granada, (Konavle): first representative of the genus in España) [Comments about phorids (Diptera, Croatia. Phoridae) of the Sierra Nevada caves (Grana- Biologia Serbica, 35 (1/2) : 62-67. da, Spain)]. http://ojs.pmf.uns.ac.rs/index.php/dbe_serbica/ Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomo- article/view/1621 logía, 38 (1/2) : 185-186. Espagnol. Caves Jezero (altitude 920 m) and Glogova http://www.entomologica.es/index.php?d=pu- jama (altitude 950 m), both located on Mt. blicaciones&num=63&w=1564 Sniježnica in the Konavle region (southeast of (BL). Dubrovnik) in Croatia. (BL). 2014.1688 2014.1684 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 211 PÉREZ FERNÁNDEZ, Antonio (2014) : http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/JHR.41.8606 Insectos colectados en cuevas de la Colección Spain, Jaén Province: Cerro de Hornos, Sis- de Artrópodos de la Estación Experimental de tema de la Murcielaguina; Jaén Province, La Zonas Áridas (C. S. I. C.) de Almería (España) Hoya de Herrera, Sima de La Colada. (BL). [Insects collected in caves from the Collection 2014.1692 of of the Experimental Station of Arid Zones (C. S. I. C) of Almería (Spain)]. PLOWMAN, Cathie; MERRITT, David Arquivos Entomolóxicos, 12 : 229-236. Espa- (2013) : gnol. Living Lights: the glowworms of Australia and http://www.aegaweb.com/arquivos_entomo- New Zealand. Cathie Plowman, Deviot, Tas- loxicos/vol_12_2014.htm mania. ISBN 9780646913353 : 44 p. Nume- (BL). rous illus., 12 refs. 2014.1689 Well-presented book covers why glowworms are different from other terrestrial biolumines- PÉREZ FERNÁNDEZ, Antonio (2014) : cent ; similarities and differences Nuevo registro de Leptinus vaulogeri Jeannel, between Australian and NZ glowworms; 1922 para la Península Ibérica (Coleoptera, evolution, habitat needs, life-cycle and prey Leiodidae, Platypsyllinae). species; how glowworms produce light; Monografías Bioespeleológicas, 8 : 7-8. Espa- differences in light biorhythms in glowworms gnol. in rainforest and caves; vignettes of Aola M. http://sites.google.com/site/espeleovillacarril- Richards and Marcello Malpighi; biographies lo/home/monografias-bioespeleologicas/mono- of those working on glowworms in Australia grafias-bioespeleologicas-no-8 and NZ; list of places where visitors can see Fuente del Tejo, en el término municipal de glowworms. Reviews: Spate, Australasian Villacarrillo, provincia de Jaén. (BL). Cave and Karst Management Assoc. J., 93: 36, 2014.1690 Brush, Caves Australia, 196: 22. (GJM). 2014.1693 PÉREZ HIDALGO, Nicolás; PÉREZ FERNÁNDEZ, Antonio (2014) : Primeras REBOLEIRA, Ana Sofia Pereira Serrenho; citas de Rhopalosiphoninus latysiphon (David- ORTUÑO, Vicente M. (2014) : A new spe- son, 1912) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) en cuevas cies of Duvalius from world's deepest cave naturales del sur de la Península Ibérica [First (Coleoptera: Carabidae). records of Rhopalosiphoninus latysiphon (Da- Zootaxa, 3784 (3, March 28) : 267-274. vidson, 1912) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) living in http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3784.3.6 natural caves in Southern Iberian Peninsula]. Duvalius abyssimus n. sp.: Krubera-Voronja Arquivos Entomolóxicos, 12 : 123-128. Espa- Cave (Arabika massif, , gnol. Abhkazia). (BL). http://www.aegaweb.com/arquivos_entomo- 2014.1694 loxicos/vol_12_2014.htm (BL). ROHÁČEK, Jindřich (2014) : First Caver- 2014.1691 nicolous Population of Crumomyia parentela (Séguy, 1963) and a Review of Cave-Dwel- PERIS-FELIPO, Francisco Javier; BELO- ling Fauna of Sphaeroceridae (Diptera) in the KOBYLSKIJ, Sergey A.; ACHTERBERG, Czech Republic. Cornelis van; PÉREZ-FERNÁNDEZ, Antonio Acta Musei Silesiae, Scientiae Naturales, 63 (2014) : Dinotrema cavernicola sp. n. (Hyme- (2, November) : 67-109. noptera, Braconidae, Alysiinae), a new species http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/cszma-2014-0011 of the genus Dinotrema Foerster from caves of Cave Cyrilka in the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Spain. Mts. (BL). Journal of Hymenoptera Research, 41 : 47-56. 2014.1695

212 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) RUIZ-RUANO, Francisco J.; CAMACHO, tralian Caves - 35 years on! Juan Pedro M.; CABRERO, Josefa; LÓ- Proc. 28th Biennial Conf. of ASF, Chillagoe PEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, Manuel J.; TIERNO DE 2011 : 6 p. 4 photos, 10 refs. FIGUEROA, José Manuel (2014) : Peripatric Silverfish from all 3 families present in Aus- origin of the only cave-restricted stonefly spe- tralia have been collected in caves but only cies known (Insecta: Plecoptera). Nicoletiidae are considered cave-dwelling. Systematics & Phylogeny, 72 (1) : They are preadapted for life in caves, having 3-10. no eyes or pigment and being detritus feeders. http://www.senckenberg.de/root/index.php?- 41 species of cave-dwelling Nicoletiids/Protri- page_id=14518&PHPSESSID=i72nvsgc69t- nemurids have been described since I last pre- vheceq0lfmf7p96#ASP73-2 sented a paper of the same name in 1976, 5 of Protonemura gevi Tierno de Figueroa & Ló- these from Australian caves. Recent extensive pez-Rodríguez, 2010: Cueva de Siles (source sampling of rock deposits in Australia prior to of Arroyo de San Blas), Sierra de Segura, SE mining is revealing an extensive and diverse Spain. (BL). Nicoletiid fauna inhabiting the mesocaverns 2014.1696 suggesting that the cave fauna may just be an extension of the mesocavern fauna. Molecular SADEGHI, Saber; DASHAN, Meysam; biology is being used to supplement the mor- BAKHSHI, Yaser (2014) : First record of the phological taxonomy of this primitive insect genus Aglenus (Coleoptera: Salpingidae) as a group. (GJM). from Iran (Tadovan Cave) 2014.1699 Cave and Karst Science, Vol. 41, no 3 (De- cember 2014) : 129-131. SOUZA-DIAS, Pedro G. B. de; BOLFARINI, The family Salpingidae, or narrow-waisted Márcio P.; NIHEI, Silvio S.; DE MELLO, bark beetles, is a low-dispersion group that Francisco de A. G. (2014) : Endecous apterus: is distributed mostly in the world's tempe- A new species of cave cricket from northeast rate zones; to date most records have been Brazil, with comments on the use of subter- from Australia. Adult Aglenus brunneus from ranean habitats by Luzarinae crickets (Orthop- Tadovan Cave in Fars Province is redescribed tera: Grylloidea: Phalangopsidae: Luzarinae). here as the first record of the family in Iran, Zootaxa, 3784 (2, March 27) : 120-130. and the insect is characterized as a troglophile http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3784.2.2 species. Brief descriptions of the beetle and of Bahia State, Ituaçu, Cave “Cavidade 3”. (BL). its male genitalia are provided. (Author, GM). 2014.1700 2014.1697 STEVENS, Lori; MONROY, M. Carlota; RO- SALGADO, Simone S.; MOTTA, Paulo DAS, Antonieta Guadalupe; DORN, Patricia Cesar; SOUZA AGUIAR, Ludmilla M. de; L. (2014) : Hunting, Swimming, and Worshi- NARDOTO, Gabriela B. (2014) : Tracking ping: Human Cultural Practices Illuminate the dietary habits of cave arthropods associated Blood Meal Sources of Cave Dwelling Chagas with deposits of hematophagous bat guano: A Vectors (Triatoma dimidiata) in Guatemala and study from a neotropical savanna. Belize. Austral Ecology, 39 (5, August 1st) : 560-566. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 8 (9, Sep- http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/aec.12116 tember):e3047 : 7 p. Desmodus rotundus: Gruta Labirinto da Lama, http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pntd.0003047 located within an environmentally protected (BL). zone (APA – Cafuringa), Brasília, DF, Brazil. 2014.1701 (BL). 2014.1698 STRITIH, Nataša (2014) : Signaling by Protrusive Scent Glands in Cave Crickets, SMITH, Graeme B. (2011) : Silverfish in Aus- Troglophilus neglectus Krauss (Orthoptera:

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 213 Rhaphidophoridae), is Primarily Involved in TIAN, Mingyi; HUANG, Sunbin (2014) : Yu- Male-male Agonism. notrechus diannanensis n. gen., n. sp., the first Journal of Insect Behavior, 27 (3, May) : 317- troglobitic trechine (Coleoptera: Carabidae) 332. from a tropical area of China [Yunotrechus http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10905-013-9429-x diannanensis n. gen., n. sp., le premier trechine (BL). troglobiote de la partie tropicale de la Chine 2014.1702 (Coleoptera : Carabidae)]. Annales de la Société entomologique de TIAN, Mingyi (2014) : A new species of France, nouvelle série,, 50 (3/4, October 2) : the subterranean genus Oodinotrechus Uéno, 295-300. 1998, from northern Guangxi, China, with http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00379271.2014.984 additions to the generic diagnosis (Coleoptera: 958 Carabidae: Trechinae). Yunotrechus diannanensis n. gen., n. sp.: two Journal of Natural History, 48 (33/34, Sep- limestone caves which are close to each other tember 10) : 2097-2104. in Wenshan and Maguan counties of southern http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00222933.2014.908 Yunnan Province, southwestern China. (BL). 967 2014.1706 Oodinotrechus liyoubangi n. sp.: Caves in Mulun National Nature Reserve of northern WEINER, Wanda Maria; KAPRUS, Igor J. Guangxi, southern China. (BL). (2014) : Revision of Palearctic species of the 2014.1703 genus Dimorphaphorura (Collembola: Ony- chiuridae: Onychiurinae: Oligaphorurini) with TIAN, Mingyi; YIN, Haomin; HUANG, Sun- description of new species. bin (2014) : Du'an Karst of Guangxi: a king- Journal of Insect Science, 14 (1, 74, May) : 30 dom of the cavernicolous genus Dongodytes p. Deuve (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae). http://dx.doi.org/10.1673%2F031.014.74. ZooKeys, 454 (November 14) : 69-107. http://www.insectscience.org/14.74 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.454.7269 Dimorphaphorura chatyrdagi (Kaprus', Wei- China: Dongodytes (s. str.) elongatus sp. n.; ner & Pomorski, 2002) comb. n.: Bezdonka Dongodytes (s. str.) troglodytes sp. n.; Don- Cave, Gigerdzhii cave (Crimean Mts, Chatyr- godytes (s. str.) lani sp. n.; Dongodytes (Don- Dag Mt., Ukraine). Dimorphaphorura hackeri godytodes) brevipenis sp. n.; Dongodytes (Christian, 1986) comb. n.: Kranichberghöhle (Dongodytodes) jinzhuensis sp. n.; Dongo- (Gloggnitz, Niederösterreich). (BL). dytes (Dongodytodes) inexpectatus sp. n.; 2014.1707 Dongodytes (Dongodytodes) yaophilus sp. n.; Dongodytes (s. str.) baxian Tian, 2011; Dongo- WINKELHÖFER, Roland H. (2013) : dytes (Dongodytodes) deharvengi Tian, 2011. Höhlenschrecke Troglophilus neglectus Kraus Libotrechus Uéno, 1998. (BL). 1879 erstmals in Königsteiner Höhlen beo- 2014.1704 bachtet. Höhlenforscher, der Zeitschrift für Freunde der TIAN, Mingyi (2014) : New records and Speläologie (Dresden), Vol. 45, No. 1 : 17. In a new species of the cavernicolous genus Germ.; 1 fig. Guiodytes Tian, 2013 from Guangxi, China (THR). (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Scaritinae). 2014.1708 Zootaxa, 3861 (4, September 16) : 355-362. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3861.4.5 YOSHIZAWA, Kazunori; FERREIRA, Ro- Guiodytes deharvengi n. sp.: Shuiku Dong drigo Lopes; KAMIMURA, Yoshitaka; LIEN- Cave (Huanjiang County of northernmost HARD, Charles (2014) : Female penis, male Guangxi, southern China). (BL). vagina, and their correlated evolution in a cave 2014.1705 Insect.

214 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Current Biology, 24 (9, May 5) : 1006-1010. Paronellidae, Cyphoderinae) from a Brazilian http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2014.03.022 iron cave. Neotrogla (Psocodea: Prionoglarididae): Brazi- Subterranean Biology, 14 : 1-13. lian caves. (BL). http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/subtbiol.14.7355 2014.1709 Troglobius ferroicus sp. n.: Cave VL29/30 (Minas Gerais, Itabirito, Várzea do Lopes). YU, Daoyuan; ZHANG, Feng; DEHAR- (BL). VENG, Louis (2014) : A peculiar cave species 2014.1713 of Tomocerus (Collembola, Tomoceridae, Tomocerinae) from Vietnam, with a discussion ZHANG, Feng; DONG, Rui-Rui (2014) : of the postantennal organ and prelabral chaetae Three new species of Coecobrya (Collembola: in Tomocerinae. Entomobryidae) from southern and northwest ZooKeys, 408 (May 12) : 61-70. China. http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.408.7030 Zootaxa, 3760 (2, January 31) : 260-274. Tomocerus postantennalis sp. n.: in cave http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3760.2.6 (Tuyen Quang Province: Na Hang, Khuoi Coecobrya draconis sp. nov.: Guangxi cave Sung, Hang Khuoi Sung). (BL). (Guangxi: Huanjiang: Dacai town: Shenglong- 2014.1710 gong, in cave). (BL). 2014.1714 YU, Daoyuan; DEHARVENG, Louis; ZHANG, Feng (2014) : New species of 3.13 Arachnida, Myriapoda Monodontocerus (Collembola: Tomoceridae) Arachnides, Myriapodes from southern China with diagnostic notes on the genus and introduction of new taxonomic ANTIĆ, Dragan Ž.; TOMIĆ, Vladimir T.; characters. ĆURČIĆ, Božidar Petar M.; ĆURČIĆ, Srećko Zootaxa, 3768 (5, February 28) : 557-575. B.; STAMENKOVIĆ, Srboljub P.; LUČIĆ, http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3768.5.3 Luka R.; MAKAROV, Slobodan E. (2014) : Monodontocerus absens sp. nov., Monodon- Genus Belbogosoma Ćurčić & Makarov, 2008, tocerus mulunensis sp. nov., Monodontocerus with descriptions of new troglobitic species trigrandis sp. nov. Caves. (BL). from east Serbia, Balkan peninsula (Diplopo- 2014.1711 da: Chordeumatida: Anthroleucosomatidae). Archives of Biological Sciences, 66 (2) : 907- ZEFA, Edison; REDÜ, Darlan Rutz; COSTA, 918. Maria Kátia Matiotti da; FONTANETTI, Car- http://dx.doi.org/10.2298/ABS1402907A mem Silvia; GOTTSCHALK, Marco Silva; B. stribogi n. sp. (BL). PADILHA, Giovanna Boff; SILVA, Anelise 2014.1715 Fernandes e; MARTINS, Luciano de Pinho (2014) : A new species of Endecous Saussure, ANTIĆ, Dragan Ž.; REIP, Hans S.; DRAŽI- 1878 (Orthoptera, Gryllidae) from northeast NA, Tvrtko; RAĐA, Tonći; MAKAROV, Brazil with the first X1X20 chromosomal sex Slobodan E. (2014) : Three new monotypic system in Gryllidae. genera of Trichopolydesmidae from Croatia, Zootaxa, 3847 (1, August 6) : 125-132. Balkan Peninsula (Diplopoda, Polydesmida). http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3847.1.7 Zootaxa, 3884 (2, November 13) : 101-121. Endecous ubajarensis n. sp.: Cave "Gruta de http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3884.2.1 Ubajara" (state of Ceará). (BL). Balkanodesmus biokovensis gen. n., sp. n., 2014.1712 Solentanodesmus insularis gen. n., sp. n. and Velebitodesmus cavernicolus gen. n., sp. n. ZEPPELINI, Douglas; DA SILVA, Diego (BL). Dias; PALACIOS-VARGAS, José G. (2014) 2014.1716 : A new species of Troglobius (Collembola,

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 215 ÁZARA, Ludson Neves de; FERREIRA, RION, Alberto T; RASALAN, Joseph B Rodrigo Lopes (2014) : Cryptops (Cryptops) (2014) : A new cave-dwelling Mygalomorph spelaeoraptor n. sp. a remarkable troglobitic spider of the genus Phlogiellus Pocock, 1897 species (Chilopoda: Scolopendromorpha) from (Araneae: Theraphosidae: Selenocosmiinae) Brazil. from Burdeos, Polillo Island, Quezon pro- Zootaxa, 3826 (1, June 27) : 291-300. vince, Philippines. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3826.1.10 Philippine Journal of Systematic Biology, 8 Toca do Gonçalo cave, Bahia state, Brazil. (June) : 15 p. (BL). http://www.philjol.info/philjol/index.php/ 2014.1717 PJSB/article/view/3326 P. kwebaburdeos n. sp. Puting Bato Cave 3-4 ÁZARA, Ludson Neves de; FERREIRA, in Burdeos, Polilio Island, Quezon Province, Rodrigo Lopes (2014) : Two new troglobitic Philippines. (BL). Newportia (Newportia) from Brazil (Chilopo- 2014.1721 da: Scolopendromorpha). Zootaxa, 3881 (3, November 5) : 267-278. BERNARDI, Leopoldo Ferreira de Olivei- http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3881.3.5 ra; KLOMPEN, Hans; FERREIRA, Rodrigo Newportia (Newportia) spelaea n. sp. and Lopes (2014) : Neoacarus caipora, A new mite Newportia (N.) potiguar n. sp., Bahia and Rio species (Parasitiformes: Opilioacarida: Opi- Grande do Norte State, respectively. (BL). lioacaridae) from brazilian amazon caves. 2014.1718 Acarologia, 54 (1) : 47-56. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/acarologia/20142113 BARRANCO, Pablo; MAYORAL, Jaime G. (BL). (2014) : New palpigrades (Arachnida, Eukoe- 2014.1722 neniidae) from the Iberian Peninsula. Zootaxa, 3826 (3, July 1) : 544-562. BLOOM, Trevor; BINFORD, Greta J.; ES- http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3826.3.6 POSITO, Lauren A.; ALAYÓN GARCÍA, Eukoenenia valencianus sp. nov., Eukoenenia Giraldo; PETERSON, Ian; NISHIDA, Alex; montagudi sp. nov., Eukoenenia sendrai sp. LOUBET-SENEAR, Katy; AGNARSSON, nov. and Eukoenenia patrizii iberica ssp. nov. Ingi (2014) : Discovery of two new species Provinces of Castellon and Valencia in eastern of eyeless spiders within a single Hispaniola Spain. (BL). cave. 2014.1719 Journal of Arachnology, 42 (2, August) : 148- 154. BARRANCO, Pablo; MAYORAL, Jaime G.; http://dx.doi.org/10.1636/K13-84.1 ÁLVAREZ GARCÍA, Genaro (2014) : Primer Ciba seibo n. gen., n. sp. (Ctenidae), Tricho- registro de esquizómidos en la península ibé- pelma maddeni n. sp. (Barychelidae), Cueva rica (Arachnida, Schizomida) [First record of Seibo, ; Ciba calzada the order Schizomida in the Iberian Peninsula (Alayón, 1985) n. comb., cave in Cuba. (BL). (Arachnida, Schizomida)]. 2014.1723 Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomo- logía 38(3/4), 295-301. Espagnol. BOSMANS, Robert; GASPARO, Fulvio http://www.entomologica.es/index.php?d=pu- (2014) : A new cave-dwelling Centromerus blicaciones&num=64&w=1588 from Sardinia (Araneae: Linyphiidae). Stenochrus portoricensis Chamberlin, 1922. Fragmenta entomologica, 46 (1/2) : 113-116. Galería de un acueducto romano en la provin- http://dx.doi.org/10.4081/fe.2014.73 cia de Sevilla. (BL). Centromerus marciai sp. n., Province of Nuo- 2014.1720 ro, Italy. (BL). 2014.1724 BARRION-DUPO, Aimee Lynn A.; BAR-

216 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) BOTERO-TRUJILLO, Ricardo; FLÓREZ http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3764.3.7 D., Eduardo (2014) : A new species of Tityus Tengella kalebi n. sp. Río Hondo Cave (lat (Scorpiones, Buthidae) from El Edén Cave, 17.11454°, lon 92.86448°; 1642 m), Municipio Colombia. Jitotol. (BL). Zootaxa, 3796 (1, May 16) : 108-120. 2014.1729 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3796.1.5 Tityus (Tityus) grottoedensis sp. nov., Tolima CHRISTIAN, Erhard (2014) : A new Eukoe- department. (BL). nenia species from the Caucasus bridges a 2014.1725 gap in the known distribution of palpigrades (Arachnida: Palpigradi). BRYSON, Robert W. Jr; PRENDINI, Loren- Biologia, 69 (12) : 1701-1706. zo; SAVARY, Warren E.; PEARMAN, Peter http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/s11756-014-0478-1 B. (2014) : Caves as microrefugia: Pleistoce- Eukoenenia vargovitshi sp. n. Nizhnyaya ne phylogeography of the troglophilic North Shakuranskaya Cave, Abkhazia, Western Cau- American scorpion Pseudouroctonus reddelli. casus. (BL). BMC Evolutionary Biology, 2014, 14:9 : 16 p. 2014.1730 http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1471-2148-14-9 Southern edge of the Edwards Plateau, mul- CHRISTIAN, Erhard; ISAIA, Marco; tiple refugia along the Balcones Escarpment. PASCHETTA, Mauro; BRUCKNER, Alexan- (BL). der (2014) : Differentiation among cave 2014.1726 populations of the Eukoenenia spelaea spe- cies-complex (Arachnida: Palpigradi) in the BUNTON, Stephen (2010) : Biospeleology southwestern Alps. for Beginners – Part 2: JF-34 Rift Cave & JF-6 Zootaxa, 3794 (1, May 5) : 52-86. Cashions Creek Cave 10 Oct. 2010 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3794.1.2 Speleo Spiel, No. 380 (Sep-Oct. 2010) : 17-18. (BL). Further collecting of Pseudotyrranochtho- 2014.1731 nius (local genus of pseudoscorpion) in Rift Cave - found only one; then to Cashions Creek CRUZ-LÓPEZ, Jesús Alberto (2013) : Guer- Cave where only epigean species were found. robunus franckei, a new species of troglobitic (GJM). harvestman from Mexico (Opiliones: Lania- 2014.1727 tores: Phalangodidae) [Guerrobunus franckei, una nueva especie de opilión troglobio de CABILI, Michael Henry D.; NUÑEZA, México (Opiliones: Laniatores: Phalangodi- Olga Macas (2014) : Species diversity of dae)]. cave-dwelling spiders on Siargao Island, Phi- Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad, 84 (4, lippines. Diciembre) : 1137-1141. International Journal of Plant, Animal and http://dx.doi.org/10.7550/rmb.36746 Environmental Sciences, 4 (2, April/June) : (BL). 392-399. 2014.1732 http://www.ijpaes.com/archive.php?issueid=36 (BL). ĆURČIĆ, Božidar Petar M.; SARBU, Serban 2014.1728 M.; DIMITRIJEVIĆ, R. N.; ĆURČIĆ, Srećko B. (2014) : A new cave Pseudoscorpion from CANDIA-RAMÍREZ, Daniela T.; VAL- the region of Mangalia (Romania): Chthonius DEZ-MONDRAGÓN, Alejandro (2014) : (Ephippiochthonius) borissketi n. sp. (Chtho- A new troglobitic species of the spider genus niidae, Pseudoscorpiones). Tengella Dahl (Araneae, Tengellidae) from Archives of Biological Sciences, 66 (2) : 955- Chiapas, Mexico. 961. Zootaxa, 3764 (3, February 11) : 377-386. http://dx.doi.org.10.2298/ABS1402955C

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 217 Movile Cave, Mangalia, Romania. (BL). http://dx.doi.org/10.2298/ABS1401377C 2014.1733 Roncus tribunus n. sp., R. argyrunti n. sp. (BL). ĆURČIĆ, Božidar Petar M.; RAĐA, T.; 2014.1737 DIMITRIJEVIĆ, R. N.; ĆURČIĆ, Srećko B.; MAKAROV, Slobadan E.; ANTIĆ, Dragan Ž.; DELTSHEV, Christo C.; ĆURČIĆ, Božidar ILIĆ, B. S. (2014) : A new Pseudoscorpion Petar M.; WANG, Chunxia; YAO, Zniyuan; from Bosnia: Roncus bosniensis n. sp. (Neobi- ANTIĆ, D.; ĆURČIĆ, Srećko B.; RAĐA, T. siidae, Pseudoscorpiones). (2014) : New data on the spiders (araneae) in Archives of Biological Sciences, 66 (1) : 363- the caves of Balkan peninsula. 368. Archives of Biological Sciences, 66 (2) : 465- http://dx.doi.org/10.2298/ABS1401363C 471. Jama Pored Puta Pit, nr. Jajce, Bosnia and http://dx.doi.org/10.2298/ABS1402465D Herzegovina. (BL). Sulcia oculata Kratochvil, 1938; Thyphlonesti- 2014.1734 cus absoloni (Kratochvil, 1934); Centromerus serbicus Deltshev, 2003; Palliduphantes ĆURČIĆ, Božidar Petar M.; RAĐA, T.; spelaeorum (Kulczyński, 1914); Porrhomma RAĐA, Biljana; DIMITRIJEVIĆ, R. N.; convexum (Westring, 1851). Caves of Bosnia, ĆURČIĆ, Srećko B.; ĆURČIĆ, Nina B.; ILIĆ, Montenegro and Serbia. (BL). B. S. (2014) : Chthonius (Globochthonius) 2014.1738 daorsoni n. sp. (Chthoniidae, Pseudoscor- piones): A new cave false scorpion from Bos- DJURSVOLL, Per; GOLOVATCH, Sergei nia and Herzegovina. I.; PÉREZ FERNÁNDEZ, Antonio (2014) : Archives of Biological Sciences, 66 (2) : 901- Nueva localidad de Schizomeritus andalusius 906. Djursvoll, 2008 (Diplopoda: Polydesmidae) en http://dx.doi.org/10.2298/ABS1402901C cuevas de Andalucía. Jama Pit nr. Daorson, Stolac, Southeastern Monografías Bioespeleológicas, 8 : 9-10. Bosnia and Herzegovina. (BL). Espagnol. 2014.1735 http://sites.google.com/site/espeleovillacarril- lo/home/monografias-bioespeleologicas/mono- ĆURČIĆ, Božidar Petar M.; DIMITRIJE- grafias-bioespeleologicas-no-8 VIĆ, R. N.; RAĐA, T.; ĆURČIĆ, Srećko B.; (BL). ĆURČIĆ, Nina B.; MAKAROV, S. E.; ILIĆ, 2014.1739 B. S. (2014) : Microchthonius kasteli n. sp. (Chthoniidae, Pseudoscorpiones): A new cave ENGHOFF, Henrik; REBOLEIRA, Ana Sofia false scorpion from Croatia (Dalmatia). Pereira Serrenho (2014) : Redescription of Archives of Biological Sciences, 66 (1) : 437- Iberoiulus cavernicola Ceuca, 1967, and the 443. relationships of the genus Iberoiulus Mauriès, http://dx.doi.org/10.2298/ABS1401437C 1985 (Diplopoda, Julida, Blaniulidae). Mićoletova Jama Pit, Rudine, nr. Kaštel. (BL). Zootaxa, 3869 (2, September 30) : 153-158. 2014.1736 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3869.2.4 Cave in Villaluenga del Rosario, Cádiz, Spain. ĆURČIĆ, Božidar Petar M.; RAĐA, T., (BL). DIMITRIJEVIĆ, R. N.; ĆURČIĆ, Srećko B.; 2014.1740 ĆURČIĆ, Nina B.; MAKAROV, S. E. (2014) : On two new cave species of ENRIQUEZ, Cara M. D.; NUÑEZA, Olga (Neobisiidae, Pseudoscorpiones) from Herze- Macas (2014) : Cave spiders in Mindanao, govina and Dalmatia. Philippines. Archives of Biological Sciences, 66 (1) : 377- ELBA Bioflux, 6 (1) : 46-55. 384. http://www.elba.bioflux.com.ro/home/vo-

218 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) lume-6-1-2014/ dex_Volumes/REJ_23/REJ_23_2_091_105_ Caves in Tarragona, Davao Oriental; caves in Golovatch_Geoffroy Quezon, Bukidnon. Species: Diaea varians and Glenniea blanca sp. n.: Cave Lou Fang Dong Damon medius. (BL). (= Grotte de la Maison), Sichuan Prov., Tong 2014.1741 Jian County. Glenniea lagredae sp. n.: Cave Yuan Dong (= La grotte du Rocher), Sichuan FET, Victor; SOLEGLAD, Michael E.; PAR- Prov., Beichuan County; Cave Zhang Jia Yan MAKELIS, Aristeidis; KOTSAKIOZI, Pa- Kou Keng, Sichuan Prov., Hua Jiao Ling nayiota; STATHI, Iasmi (2014) : Two new County. Pacidesmus trifidus sp. n.: Cave Hen- species of Euscorpius from Euboea Island, gli Xin Dong near Fengshan (Fengshan Xian), Greece (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae). Guangxi Prov. Epanerchodus varius (Geoffroy Arthropoda Selecta, 23 (2) : 111-126. et Golovatch, 2004). Epanerchodus lipsae sp. Euscorpius birulai sp. n. (Agia Triada Cave, n. (BL). Euboea Island, Greece). (BL). 2014.1745 2014.1742 GOLOVATCH, Sergei I. (2014) : Review of GARCÍA RUIZ, Andrés (2014) : Contribución the millipede genus Epanerchodus Attems, al conocimiento de Lithobius erytrocephalus 1901 in continental China, with descriptions of cavernícolas de la provincia de Jaén. new species (Diplopoda: Polydesmidae). Monografías Bioespeleológicas, 8 : 11-13. Zootaxa, 3760 (2, January 31) : 275-288. Espagnol. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3760.2.7 http://sites.google.com/site/espeleovillacarril- Epanerchodus draco Geoffroy & Golovatch, lo/home/monografias-bioespeleologicas/mono- 2004, from a cave in Yunnan. Epanerchodus grafias-bioespeleologicas-no-8 frater Geoffroy & Golovatch, 2004, from a few (BL). caves in Yunnan, occurring sympatrically with 2014.1743 Epanerchodus soror. Epanerchodus orientalis Attems, 1901, from a cave in Guangxi, sou- GARCÍA RUIZ, Andrés; BAENA, Manuel thern China. Epanerchodus soror Geoffroy & (2014) : Descripción de una nueva subespecie Golovatch, 2004, from a few caves in Yunnan. de Lithobius (Monotarsobius) crassipes L. Epanerchodus stylotarseus Chen & Zhang, Koch, 1862 de la Península Ibérica (Lithobio- 1990, from a few caves in Guizhou Province. morpha, Lithobiidae) [Description of a new Epanerchodus varius (Geoffroy & Golovatch, subspecies of Lithobius (Monotarsobius) cras- 2004), from several caves in Hubei and Si- sipes L. Koch, 1862 from the Iberian Peninsula chuan provinces. (BL). (Lithobiomorpha, Lithobiidae)]. 2014.1746 Zoologica baetica, 25 : 55-63. Espagnol. http://www.ugr.es/~zool_bae/ HAJER, Jaromír; CZERNEKOVÁ, Michaela; Lithobius (Monotarsobius) crassipes morenoi ŘEHÁKOVÁ, Dana (2014) : Silk-producing ssp. n., in 2 caves of the mountains of the Sub- organs of the troglobitic spider species Rhode betic region of Córdoba. (BL). aspinifera (Nicolic, 1963) (Araneae: Dysderi- 2014.1744 dae). North-Western Journal of Zoology, 10 (1, GOLOVATCH, Sergei I.; GEOFFROY, June) : 133-137. Jean-Jacques (2014) : On some new or poor- http://biozoojournals.ro/nwjz/content/v10n1. ly-known species of the millipede family html Polydesmidae from southern China (Diplopo- (BL). da: Polydesmida). 2014.1747 Russian Entomological Journal, 23 (2) : 91- 105. HARVEY, Mark Stephen; DU PREEZ, Ge- http://kmkjournals.com/journals/REJ/REJ_In- rhard (2014) : A new troglobitic ideoroncid

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 219 pseudoscorpion (Pseudoscorpiones: Ideoronci- http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3716.1.6 dae) from southern Africa. Pseudonannolene gogo sp. n., Pseudonannole- Journal of Arachnology, 42 (1, April) : 105- ne rolamossa sp. n., Brazilian iron ore caves, 110. Minas Gerais state. (BL). http://dx.doi.org/10.1636/K13-55.1 2014.1752 Botswanoncus ellisi. Diviners Cave, Gcwihaba region, Northwestern . (BL). INIESTA, Luiz Felipe Moretti; FERREIRA, 2014.1748 Rodrigo Lopes (2013) : Two new species of Pseudonannolene Silvestri, 1895 from Brazi- HARVEY, Mark Stephen; WYNNE, Jut Jud- lian limestone caves (Spirostreptida: Pseudo- son (2014) : Troglomorphic pseudoscorpions nannolenidae): synotopy of a troglophilic and (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) of northern a troglobiotic species. Arizona, with the description of two new Zootaxa, 3702 (4, August 28) : 357-369. short-range endemic species. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3702.4.3 Journal of Arachnology, 42 (3, November) : Pseudonannolene ambuatinga n. sp., Pseudo- 205-219. nannolene saguassu n. sp. Limestone caves http://dx.doi.org/10.1636/K14-34.1 in the municipality of Pains, Minas Gerais, Hesperochernes bradybaughi sp. nov., Tubero- Brazil. (BL). chernes cohni sp. nov. (Chernetidae). (BL). 2014.1753 2014.1749 INIESTA, Luiz Felipe Moretti; FERREIRA, HORNOK, Sándor; KONTSCHÁN, Jenő; Rodrigo Lopes (2014) : New species of Pseu- KOVÁTS, Dávid; KOVÁCS, Richárd; donannolene Silvestri, 1895 from Brazilian ANGYAL, Dorottya; GÖRFÖL, Tamás; PO- limestone caves with comments on the poten- LACSEK, Zsolt; KALMÁR, Zsuzsa; MIHAL- tial distribution of the genus in South America CA, Andrei D. (2014) : Bat ticks revisited: (Spirostreptida: Pseudonannolenidae). Ixodes ariadnae sp. nov. and allopatric geno- Zootaxa, 3846 (3, August 4) : 361-397. types of I. vespertilionis in caves of Hungary. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3846.3.3 Parasites & Vectors, 7:202 : 9 p. Pseudonannolene taboa n. sp., P. leopoldoi n. http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1756-3305-7-202 sp., P. robsoni n. sp., P. rosineii n. sp., P. mar- (BL). conii n. sp., P. xavieri n. sp., P. caatinga n. sp., 2014.1750 P. erikae n. sp., P. longissima n. sp., P. fonta- nettiae n. sp. (BL). INIESTA, Luiz Felipe Moretti; FERREIRA, 2014.1754 Rodrigo Lopes (2013) : The first troglobi- tic Pseudonannolene from Brazilian iron ore LI, Fengyuan; LI, Shuqiang; JÄGER, Peter caves (Spirostreptida: Pseudonannolenidae). (2014) : Six new species of the spider family Zootaxa, 3669 (1, June 5) : 85-95. Ochyroceratidae Fage, 1912 (Arachnida: http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3669.1.9 Araneae) from Southeast Asia. Pseudonannolene spelaea n. sp.: GEM-1770 Zootaxa, 3768 (2, February 25) : 119-138. cave, GEM-1744 cave, GEM-1712 cave (Pa- http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3768.2.2 rauapebas/PA). (BL). Althepus reduncus spec. nov.: Myanmar, Sou- 2014.1751 thern Shan State, Pinlaung, Tupaia Cave. (BL). 2014.1755 INIESTA, Luiz Felipe Moretti; FERREIRA, Rodrigo Lopes (2013) : Two new species of LIKHITRAKARN, Natdanai; GOLOVATCH, Pseudonannolene Silvestri, 1895 from Brazi- Sergei I.; PANHA, Somsak (2014) : A lian iron ore caves. (Spirostreptida: Pseudo- checklist of the millipedes (Diplopoda) of nannolenidae). Laos. Zootaxa, 3716 (1, September 20) : 75-80. Zootaxa, 3754 (4, January 16) : 473-482.

220 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3754.4.8 Vachon from caves in Vietnam (Scorpiones, Caves. (BL). Euscorpiidae, Scorpiopinae) Cave Euscorpiops 2014.1756 scorpion from Vietnam. Comptes Rendus Biologies, 337 (9, Sep- LIM, T.W.; YUSSOF, D.T. (2013) : Trapdoor tember) : 535-544. spiders of the old Gombak road http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.crvi.2014.07.006 Malaysian Naturalist, Vol. 66, no 4 (June Euscorpiops dakrong sp. n.: Dakrong Nature 2013) : 64-65. photo. Reserve cave system, Dakrong District, Quang These spiders are compared to Liphistius ba- Tri Province, Vietnam. (BL). tuensis in Batu Caves. (LP). 2014.1761 2014.1757 LOURENÇO, Wilson R.; PHAM, Dinh-Sac LIN, Yucheng; LI, Shuqiang; JÄGER, Peter (2014) : The genus Chaerilus Simon, 1877 in (2014) : Four new spider species of the family Vietnam (Scorpiones; Chaerilidae): A possible Theridiosomatidae (Arachnida, Araneae) from case of a vicariant species. caves in Laos. Comptes Rendus Biologies, 337 (5, May) : ZooKeys, 391 (March 20) : 75-102. 360-364. http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.391.7161 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.crvi.2014.04.001 Alaria cavernicola sp. n., A. navicularis sp. n., Chaerilus pathom: cave in Dien Bien District, A. bicornis sp. n., Chthonopes thakekensis sp. West of Dien Bien Phu city in northern Viet- n. (BL). nam. (BL). 2014.1758 2014.1762

LIN, Yucheng; LI, Shuqiang (2014) : New MAHNERT, Volker; GARDINI, Giulio (2014) cave-dwelling armored spiders (Araneae, Te- : Cave-inhabiting pseudoscorpion species of trablemmidae) from Southwest China. the genus Roncus (Pseudoscorpiones: Neo- ZooKeys, 388 (March 13) : 35-67. bisiidae) from western Greece, including the http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.388.5735 Ionian Islands. Sinammaoxycera gen. & sp. n., Singaporemma Arachnologische Mitteilungen, 48 (Dezember) banxiaoensis sp. n., Singaporemma wulongen- : 28-37. sis sp. n., Tetrablemma ziyaoensis sp. n., Tetra- http://dx.doi.org/10.5431/aramit4806 blemma menglaensis sp. n. (BL). Roncus gasparoi n. sp., Roncus pieperi n. sp., 2014.1759 Roncus giachinoi n. sp. (BL). 2014.1763 LIU, Weixin; GOLOVATCH, Sergei I.; TIAN, Mingyi (2014) : A review of the dragon mil- MARUSIK, Yuri M.; NADIMI, Ahmad; lipede genus Desmoxytes Chamberlin, 1923 in OMELKO, Mikhail M.; KOPONEN, Seppo China, with descriptions of four new species (2014) : First data about cave spiders (Arach- (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Paradoxosomati- nida: Araneae) from Iran. dae). Zoology in the Middle East, 60 (3, July 3) : ZooKeys, 448 : 9-26. 255-266. http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.448.8081 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09397140.2014.943 Desmoxytes nodulosa sp. n. (Guangxi Zhuang 465 Autonomous Region). Desmoxytes getuhensis Metellina merianae (Scopoli, 1763); Tegenaria sp. n. (Guizhou Province). Seem to be troglo- zamanii Marusik & Omelko, sp. n.; Segestria bites. (BL). mirshamsii Marusik & Omelko, sp. n.; Lep- 2014.1760 thyphantes iranicus Saaristo & Tanasevitch, 1996; Metellina merianae; Octonoba yesoensis LOURENÇO, Wilson R.; PHAM, Dinh-Sac (Saito, 1934); Pholcus sp.; Uloborus georgicus (2014) : A second species of Euscorpiops Mcheidze, 1997: Shirabad Cave located in the

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 221 western part of Golestan Province. (BL). NAKAMURA, Kazunori; NAKAMURA, 2014.1764 Yoshi-Nori; FUJIKAWA, Tokuko (2014) : Oribatid fauna (Acari, Oribatida) from a cave MAURIÈS, Jean-Paul; GOLOVATCH, Sergei in south Nippon (Japan), with a description of I.; PÉREZ FERNÁNDEZ, Antonio (2014) a new species. : Nuevas localidades de Archipolydesmus Acarologia, 54 (3) : 249-269. giennensis Mauriès, 2014 en la provincia http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/acarologia/20142131 de Jaén (Andalucía, España) (Diplopoda: Fissicepheus, Humerobates, Peloribates, Pro- Polydesmidae). toribates, Scheloribates, Spatiodamaeus n. sp., Monografías Bioespeleológicas, 8 : 15-16. Kumaso cave. (BL). Espagnol. 2014.1769 http://sites.google.com/site/espeleovillacarril- lo/home/monografias-bioespeleologicas/mono- NGUYEN DUY-JACQUEMIN, Monique grafias-bioespeleologicas-no-8 (2014) : Two new species of Lophoturus Endemic to the Sierra de las Villas Natural (Diplopoda, Penicillata, Lophoproctidae) from Park, Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas. (BL). caves in Christmas Island, Australia, including 2014.1765 the second troglomorph in Penicillata [Deux nouvelles espèces de Lophoturus (Diplopoda, MAURIÈS, Jean-Paul (2014) : Quatre espèces Penicillata, Lophoproctidae) de Christmas Is- nouvelles de diplopodes cavernicoles d'Anda- land, Australie, dont la seconde espèce présu- lousie (Espagne) (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: mée troglomorphe chez les Pénicillates]. Polydesmidae: Chordeumatida: Opisthocheiri- Zoosystema, 36 (1, Mars) : 29-39. dae). http://dx.doi.org/10.5252/z2014n1a2 Arthropoda Selecta, 23 (1) : 33-50. Français. Lophoturus speophilus n. sp.: Jedda Cave and Archipolydesmus giennensis sp. n., Origmato- Jane up Cave. Lophoturus humphreysi n. sp.: gona toniperezi sp. n., Ceratosphys flammeola 19th Hole cave. (BL). sp. n., Ceratosphys fernandoi sp. n. (BL). 2014.1770 2014.1766 NOVAK, Tone; KOZEL, Peter (2014) : Had- MICHALIK, Peter; RAMÍREZ, Martín J.; zinia ferrani, sp. n. (Opiliones: Nemastomati- WIRKNER, Christian S.; LIPKE, Elisabeth dae), a highly specialized troglobiotic harvest- (2014) : Morphological evidence for limited man from Slovenia. sperm production in the enigmatic Tasmanian Zootaxa, 3841 (1, July 24) : 135-145. cave spider Hickmania troglodytes (Austro- http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3841.1.8 chilidae, Araneae). Ferranova buža cave in the karst of Mt. Ulovka Invertebrate Biology, 133 (2, June) : 180-187. in central Slovenia. (BL). http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/ivb.12046 2014.1771 (BL). 2014.1767 NOVÁK, János; KUTASI, Csaba (2014) : New data on the Pseudoscorpion fauna of the MURVANIDZE, Maka (2014) : Oribatid caves of the Bakony Mountains, Hungary. mites of Georgian (Caucasus) caves including Opuscula Zoologica, 45 (2) : 189-194. the description of a new species of Ghilarovus http://opuscula.elte.hu/opuscula45_2.htm Krivolutsky, 1966. Chthonius ressli Beier, 1956; Neobisium car- International Journal of Acarology, 40 (6) : cinoides (Hermann, 1804). (BL). 463-472. 2014.1772 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01647954.2014.950 604 NOVÁK, János (2014) : Notes on two spe- Ghilarovus kvavadzei sp. nov.: Tsakhi cave. cies of the cavernicolous subgenus Neobisium (BL). (Blothrus) Schiödte, 1847 (Arachnida: Pseu- 2014.1768 222 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) doscorpiones) from Transylvania (Romania), REBOLEIRA, Ana Sofia Pereira Serrenho; with a key to the species of the Carpathian ENGHOFF, Henrik (2014) : Insular species Mountains. swarm goes underground: two new troglobiont Zootaxa, 3796 (2, May 19) : 394-400. Cylindroiulus millipedes from Madeira (Diplo- http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3796.2.11 poda: Julidae). Neobisium (Blothrus) minutum (Tömösváry, Zootaxa, 3785 (3, April 4) : 481-489. 1882); Neobisium (Blothrus) brevipes (Fri- http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3785.3.9 valdszky, 1865). (BL). Cylindroiulus julesvernei: Cardal lava tube 2014.1773 (Portugal, Madeira, São Vicente). Cylindroiu- lus oromii: Landeiros lava tube (Portugal, PEDROSO, Denis Rafael; BAPTISTA, Renner Madeira, Machico). (BL). Luiz Cerqueira (2014) : A new troglomorphic 2014.1777 species of Harmonicon (Araneae, Mygalomor- phae, Dipluridae) from Pará, Brazil, with notes REBOLEIRA, Ana Sofia Pereira Serrenho; on the genus. ENGHOFF, Henrik (2014) : Sireuma, a new ZooKeys, 389 (March 14) : 77-88. genus of subterranean millipedes from the http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.389.6693 Iberian Peninsula (Diplopoda, Chordeumatida, Harmonicon cerberus sp. n.: near the entrance Opisthocheiridae). of Pequiá cave, medium-sized lateritic cave in Zootaxa, 3785 (1, April 2) : 79-86. Parauapebas, Pará, Brazil. (BL). http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3785.1.6 2014.1774 Sireuma nobile n. sp.: Algar de Santo António (Alentejo province, Alandroal, Portugal). (BL). PEŠIĆ , Vladimir M.; GERECKE, Reinhard 2014.1778 (2014) : Water mites from caves of the Ha Giang province, northern Vietnam (Acari: RIBERA, Carles Mert; ELVERICI, Kadir; Hydrachnidia). KUNT, Boğaç; ÖZKÜTÜK, Recep Sulhi Zootaxa, 3774 (4, March 7) : 367-380. (2014) : Typhlonesticus gocmeni sp. n., a new http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3774.4.5 cave-dwelling blind spider species from the Torrenticola anophthalma n. sp., Stygotorren- Aegean region of Turkey (Araneae, Nestici- ticola coniseta n. g., n. sp., Raptorhydracarus dae). tomasini n. g., n. sp., Africasia vietnamitica n. ZooKeys, 419 (June 24) : 87-102. sp.: collected in 2010 during an Italian speleo- http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.419.5739 logical expedition to caves of the Ha Giang Keloğlan Cave (Denizli Province, Dodurgalar region in northern Vietnam. (BL). Town). (BL). 2014.1775 2014.1779

POSTAWA, Tomasz; SZUBERT-KRUS- SANTIBÁÑEZ-LÓPEZ, Carlos Eduardo; ZYŃSKA, Agnieszka; FERENC, Hanna FRANCKE, Oscar F.; PRENDINI, Lorenzo (2014) : Differences between populations of (2014) : Shining a light into the world's dee- Spinturnix myoti (Acari: Mesostigmata) in pest caves: phylogenetic systematics of the breeding and non-breeding colonies of Myo- troglobiotic scorpion genus Alacran Francke, tis myotis (Chiroptera) in central Europe: the 1982 (Typhlochactidae: Alacraninae). effect of roost type. Invertebrate Systematics, 28 (6) : 643-664. Folia Parasitologica, 61 (6, December 4) : 581- http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/IS14035 588. Alacran triquimera, sp. nov.: Cueva las Tres http://dx.doi.org/10.14411/fp.2014.060 Quimeras (Municipio de Tlacotepec de Díaz, Wieluń Upland, Poland: Studnisko cave. Ro- Mexico). (BL). mania: Pestera Liliecilor din Rarău (Rarău). 2014.1780 (BL). 2014.1776 SCHIMONSKY, Diego Monteiro von; BI-

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 223 CHUETTE, Maria Elina; MAHNERT, Volker phiid spiders (Araneae, Linyphiidae) from (2014) : First record of the family Pseudochi- caves of Morocco. ridiidae (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones) from Revue suisse de Zoologie, 121 (2, Juin) : 277- continental South America - a Pseudochiri- 290. dium from a Brazilian cave. http://www.ville-ge.ch/mhng/publica- Zootaxa, 3889 (3, December 2) : 442-446. tion03_01.php http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3889.3.6 Diplocephalus inanis sp. n.: "Ifri Tselet" Cave, Pseudochiridium aff. insulae Hoff, 1964: Lapa Middle Atlas Mts, south west of Taza, Châra, da Manga cave, in the city of São Desidério near AinTeslit. Lepthyphantes s. lat. longipe- (Bahia, northeastern Brazil). (BL). dis sp. n.: Middle Atlas Mts, Beni Mellal, Jbel 2014.1781 ighnayene, near Ouaouizaght village, pothole Ji 11. Lepthyphantes s. lat. taza sp. n.: Middle SCHWENDINGER, Peter J. (2013) : A Atlas Mts, "Ifri Tselet" Cave near Ain Teslit, taxonomic revision of the spider genus Pera- Châra region south-west of Taza. Megalep- nia Thorell, 1890 (Araneae: Tetrablemmidae: thyphantes brignolii sp. n.: Middle Atlas Mts, Pacullinae) with the descriptions of eight new Bab bou idir, region of Taza, Ras Chiker Cave. species (BL). Revue Suisse de Zoologie, Vol 120, no 4 (Dec 2014.1785 2013) : 585-663. 37 fig. Perania species from Gua Kanthan and Gua TAYLOR, Christopher K.; PROBERT, Anna Tempurung. (LP). (2014) : Two new species of harvestmen (Opi- 2014.1782 liones, Eupnoi, Neopilionidae) from Waitomo, New Zealand. SOUZA-SILVA, Marconi; FERREIRA, Ro- ZooKeys, 434 (August 14) : 37-45. drigo Lopes (2014) : Loxosceles spiders http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.434.7486 (Araneae Sicariidae) preying on invertebrates Forsteropsalis bona sp. n.: Lucky Strike Cave, in Brazilian caves. Te Kuiti; Weir Cave, Stubbs Farm, Waitomo. Speleobiology Notes, 6 : 27-32. Forsteropsalis photophaga sp. n.: Waitomo, http://www.nsm.buffalo.edu/Research/SPE- Gardners Gut Cave System; Giants Cavern, LEOBIOLOGY_NOTES/index.php/Speleo/ Hollow Hill Cave, Te Kuiti, in "Crows Nest". article/view/46 (BL). (BL). 2014.1786 2014.1783 TOPÇU, Aydın; TÜRKEŞ, Tuncay; SEYYAR, TAJOVSKÝ, Karel; MOCK, Andrej; PAPÁČ, Osman; DEMIRCAN, Nurcan; KARABU- Vladimír (2014) : The genus Hylebainosoma LUT, Hayriye (2014) : A New Species of Verhoeff, 1899 (Diplopoda, Chordeumatida, Troglohyphantes (Araneae: Linyphiidae) from Haaseidae): Redescription of Hylebainosoma a Turkish Cave. tatranum, description of a new troglobiont Open Journal of Animal Sciences, 4 (2, April) species and notes to the Hylebainosoma-Ro- : 85-91. manosoma species group. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/ojas.2014.42012 Zootaxa, 3764 (5, February 13) : 501-523. Troglohyphantes turcicus sp. n.: Buzluk cave. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3764.5.1 (BL). Hylebainosoma gulickai n. sp.: Kostolík Cave, 2014.1787 Jaskyňa netopierov Cave, Michňová Cave, Rysie hniezdo Cave, Teplica Cave (Slovakia, WEI, Xiao; XU, Xiang (2014) : Two new spe- Muránska planina Mts., Tisovec Karst). (BL). cies of the genus Khorata (Araneae: Pholcidae) 2014.1784 from China. Zootaxa, 3774 (2, March 5) : 183-192. TANASEVITCH, Andrei V. (2014) : Liny- http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3774.2.5

224 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Khorata ningyuan sp. nov., Khorata sancai sp. CHUGA PUÑAL, Jaime (2014) : Presencia nov.: Hunan, Guangxi. (BL). de Dolichorhabditis tipulae (Lam & Webster, 2014.1788 1971) Andrássy, 2005 (Nematoda, Rhabditida) en el Sistema de la Murcielaguina (Provincia WHITTEN, Tony; CLEMENTS, R.; PRICE, de Jaén, España). Liz (2013) : Liphistius kanthan Gota a gota, 5 : 1-5. IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened http://sites.google.com/site/espeleovillacarril- Species., Version 2013.1. lo/home/gota-a-gota-no-5-2014 The trapdoor spider from Gua Kanthan in Pe- (BL). rak is now on the IUCN Red List. (LP). 2014.1793 2014.1789 ACHURRA, Ainara; RODRIGUEZ, Pilar; ZHANG, Yuanyuan; LI, Shuqiang (2014) : A REYNOLDSON, Trefor B. (2014) : Is the spider species complex revealed high cryptic Cantabrian region of northern Spain a bio- diversity in South China caves. diversity hotspot for obligate groundwater Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 79 fauna? The case of oligochaetes (Annelida, (October) : 353-358. Clitellata). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2014.05.017 Hydrobiologia, 745 (1, February) : 151-166. Telema cucurbitina. (BL). http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10750-014-2101-4 2014.1790 (BL). 2014.1794 ZONSTEIN, Sergei L.; MARUSIK, Yuri M. (2014) : A redescription of Damarchus caver- DUMNICKA, Elzbieta (2014) : Stygobitic nicola Abraham, 1924, with notes on Damar- oligochaetes (Annelida, Clitellata) in Poland chus Thorell, 1891 and Atmetochilus Simon, with remarks on their distribution in Central 1887 (Aranei: Nemesiidae). Europe Arthropoda Selecta, 23 (3) : 273-278. Subterranean Biology, 14 : 15-24. http://kmkjournals.com/journals/AS/AS_In- http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/subtbiol.14.7700 dex_Volumes/AS_23/AS_23_3_273_278_ 11 stygobitic species in Poland. In Central Eu- Zonstein_Marusik rope: Lumbriculidae (10 species), Enchytraei- Batu Caves, Malaysia. (BL). dae (7), Naididae (3), Dorydrilidae (1), Lum- 2014.1791 bricidae (1). (BL). 2014.1795 3.14 Mollusca, Vermes, other invertebrata Mollusques; Vers; autres invertébrés EFFENDI, Mohammad bin Marzuki; CLE- MENTS, Gopalasamy Reuben (2013) : A ABOLAFIA COBALEDA, Joaquín; CLÁU- new species of Cyclophorid snail (Mollusca: DIA SILVA, Ana; ALBERTO-SILVA, Anna Prosobranchia) from , Peninsular Carla (2014) : Dos especies raras de nemato- Malaysia dos de los géneros Aulolaimus de Man, 1880 y Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Vol 61, no 1 (28 Aprudites Scognamiglio, Talame' and s'Jacob, February 2013) : 21–24. 1970 en la provincia de Jaén, España. Non cave but has references to karst. (LP). Monografías Bioespeleológicas, 8 : 1-6. 2014.1796 http://sites.google.com/site/espeleovillacarril- lo/home/monografias-bioespeleologicas/mono- JOCHUM, Adrienne; SLAPNIK, Rajko; grafias-bioespeleologicas-no-8 KAMPSCHULTE, Marian; MARTELS, Gun- (BL). hild; HENEKA, Markus; PÁLL-GERGELY, 2014.1792 Barna (2014) : A review of the microgastro- pod genus Systenostoma Bavay & Dautzen- ABOLAFIA COBALEDA, Joaquín; LE- berg, 1908 and a new subterranean species

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 225 from China (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Hypse- Grabenstetter höhlenkundliche Hefte (Gra- lostomatidae). benstetten), No. 23 (Jahr 2012) : 17-24. In ZooKeys, 410 (May 20) : 23-40. Germ.; 8 fig. and photos. http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.410.7488 7524/117 Hessenhauhöhle. (THR). Angustopila huoyani sp. n., Feihu Dong 2014.1801 ("Cave of the Wind Tiger"). (BL). 2014.1797 NOVAK, Tone; CSUZDI, Csaba; JANŽE- KOVIČ, Franc; PIPAN, Tanja; DEVETAK, JØRGENSEN, Aslak; BOESGAARD, Tom M. Dušan; LIPOVŠEK, Saša (2014) : Survival ; MØBJERG, Nadja; KRISTENSEN, Rein- of the epigean Dendrodrilus rubidus tenuis hardt Møbjerg (2014) : The tardigrade fauna (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) in a subterranean of Australian marine caves: With descriptions environment [Preživetje površinskega deževni- of nine new species of Arthrotardigrada. ka Dendrodrilus rubidus tenuis (Oligochaeta: Zootaxa, 3802 (4, May 28) : 401-443. Lumbricidae) v podzemeljskem okolju]. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3802.4.1 Acta Carsologica, 43 (2/3) : 331-338. Batillipes solitarius nov. sp., Dipodarctus aus- http://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/carsologica/article/ traliensis nov. sp., Dipodarctus susannae nov. view/586 sp., Raiarctus jesperi nov. sp., Raiarctus katri- Huda luknja pri Doliču cave (Slovenia). (BL). nae nov. sp., Tanarctus hirsutospinosus nov. 2014.1802 sp., Tholoarctus oleseni nov. sp., Wingstran- darctus stinae nov. sp., Wingstrandarctus PULJAS, Sanja; PEHARDA, Melita; MOR- unsculptus nov. sp. (BL). TON, Brian; ŠTAMBUK GILJANOVIĆ, 2014.1798 Nives; JURIĆ, Ivana (2014) : Growth and Longevity of the "Living fossil" Congeria kus- KEBAPÇI, Ümit (2013) : Cave and subter- ceri (Bivalvia: Dreissenidae) from the Subter- ranean snails of Turkey [Melcii de peşteră şi ranean Dinaric Karst of Croatia. subterani din Turcia]. Malacologia, 57 (2, November) : 353-364. Oltenia. Studii şi comunicări. Ştiinţele Naturii, http://dx.doi.org/10.4002/040.057.0208 29 (2, December) : 127-130. (BL). http://www.olteniastudii.3x.ro/v29_2.html 2014.1803 (BL). 2014.1799 RÍOS JIMÉNEZ, Félix (2014) : Nueva cita de dispersión de Vitrea contracta (Westerlund, LEAL-ZANCHET, Ana Maria; SOUZA, Stella 1871) en la provincia de Málaga (Gastropoda: Teles de; FERREIRA, Rodrigo Lopes (2014) : Pristilomatidae). A new genus and species for the first recorded Monografías Bioespeleológicas, 8 : 19-20. cave-dwelling Cavernicola (Platyhelminthes) Espagnol. from South America. http://sites.google.com/site/espeleovillacarril- ZooKeys, 442 : 1-15. lo/home/monografias-bioespeleologicas/mono- http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.442.8199 grafias-bioespeleologicas-no-8 Hausera hauseri Leal-Zanchet & Souza, sp. Cueva La Pileta T. M. Benaoján, Málaga. n.: Crotes cave, a limestone outcrop located in (BL). Felipe Guerra, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. 2014.1804 (BL). 2014.1800 SCHILTHUIZEN, Menno; LIEW, Thor-Seng; LIEW, Thor-Hui; BERLIN, Patricia; KING, MEHNER, Tewje (2014) : Morphologische Jaqueline; LAKIM, Maklarin (2013) : Species und taphonomische Merkmale der Süßwasser- diversity patterns in insular land snail commu- gastropoden der Gattung Bythiospeum aus der nities of Borneo Hessenhauhöhle. Journal of the Geological Society, Vol 170, no

226 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 6 (Nov 2013) : 539-545. On Speolepta leptogaster and Proasellus cava- Island biogeography, the study of distribution, ticus. (ML). richness and dynamics of species on isolated 2014.1808 patches of habitat, is central to our understan- ding of what determines species diversity on 3.15 Vertebrata Earth. Land snails are organisms particularly Vertébrés suited for answering questions pertaining to the factors that determine island species–area AA (2014) : Australie. Trop de chaleur pour relationships, because of their dependence on les chauves-souris. edaphic conditions, low migration rates and Spéléo Magazine, n° 85 (Mars 2014) : 4. 1 high speciation rates. In this study, we analyse photo. the land snail fauna on 13 islands of diverse La canicule de l'été austral a tué 50 000 geological origin off the coast of Sabah, as chauves-souris, une quinzaine de bébés well as one mainland site. (Author, LP). chauves-souris recueillie. (Fx). 2014.1805 2014.1809

VINARSKI, Maxim V.; PALATOV, Dmitry AA (2014) : L'absence d'horloge interne des M.; GLÖER, Peter (2014) : Revision of "Ho- poissons cavernicoles les aiderait à assurer leur ratia" snails (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Hydro- survie. biidae sensu lato) from South Caucasus with La Lettre du Spéléo-club de Paris, n°329 (no- description of two new genera. vembre) : 2. Journal of Natural History, 48 (37/38, October) C'est ce qu'ont constaté des chercheurs suédois : 2237-2253. en menant des expériences sur des tétras mexi- http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00222933.2014.917 cains, petits poissons cavernicoles, et des tétras 210 de surface. (JT). Horatia borutzkii Shadin, 1932; Horatia 2014.1810 birsteini Starobogatov, 1962; Horatia ljovush- kini Starobogatov, 1962; Horatia sokolovi ALJANČIČ, Gregor; GORIČKI, Špela; Starobogatov, 1962: Caucasian caves. Ponto- NĂPĂRUS-ALJANČIČ, Magdalena; STAN- horatia birsteini, Pontohoratia smyri sp. nov., KOVIĆ, David; KUNTNE, Matjaž (2014) : Motsametia borutzkii comb. nov. (BL). Endangered Proteus: combining DNA and GIS 2014.1806 analyses for its conservation:71-75. In: SACKL (P.), DURST (R.), KOTROŠAN WEIGAND, Alexander M. (2014) : Next (D.) & STUMBERGER (B.), Dinaric Karst Stop: Underground. Variable degrees and va- Poljes - Floods for Life. EuroNatur, Radolf- riety of reasons for cave penetration in terres- zell. ISBN: 978-3-00-045287-1. SACKL (P.), trial gastropods [Naslednja postaja: podzemlje. DURST (R.), KOTROŠAN (D.) & STUM- Različne stopnje in različni razlogi prodiranja BERGER (B.), eds. kopenskih polžev v jame]. http://www.euronatur.org/ Acta Carsologica, 43 (1) : 175-183. (BL). http://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/carsologica/issue/ 2014.1811 view/80/showToc (BL). AMMAN, Brian R.; NYAKARAHUKA, 2014.1807 Luke; MCELROY, Anita K.; DODD, Kim- berly A.; SEALY, Tara K.; SCHUH, Amy J.; ZAENKER, Stefan (2014) : Höhlenpilzmücke SHOEMAKER, Trevor R.; BALINANDI, und Höhlenwasserassel - Die Höhlentiere 2013 Stephen; ATIMNEDI, Patrick; KABOYO, und 2014 im Kurzporträt. Winyi (2014) : Marburgvirus Resurgence in Mitt. Verb. dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforsch., 60 (1) Kitaka Mine Bat Population after Extermina- : 8-9. tion Attempts, .

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 227 Emerging Infectious Diseases, 20 (10, Octo- Caves. (BL). ber) : 1761-1764. 2014.1817 http://dx.doi.org/10.3201/eid2010.140696 (BL). BELLEZA, Bryan George D.; NUÑEZA, Olga 2014.1812 Macas (2014) : Herpetofauna Diversity and Endemism in Selected Caves of Sarangani ANGIN, Baptiste (2014) : Bat predation by Province and Lanao del Sur, Philippines. the Dominica Boa (Boa nebulosa). Advances in Environmental Biology, 8 (21, Caribbean Herpetology, 51 (October 2) : 1-2. October) : 411-418. http://www.caribbeanherpetology.org/ http://www.aensiweb.com/old/aeb_Octo- (BL). ber-_2014.html 2014.1813 Caves of Glan, Sarangani Province and Wao, Lanao del Sur. (BL). ATUO, Fidelis Akunke; IVANDE, Samuel T. 2014.1818 ; WALA, Zingfa; O'CONNELL, Timothy J. (2014) : Effects of hunting camps on breeding BENEDETTO, Carlos (2008) : Dia Mundial grey-necked picathartes Picathartes oreas in de la Rabia 2008 south-east . Argentina Subterranea, N° 20 (Octubre 2008) Oryx, 48 (3, July) : 460-464. : 14-15. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0030605313000719 Mexican biologist proclam World Day against Caves, Sub-Saharan Africa. Cross River in hidrophobia. (BO). south-east Nigeria. (BL). 2014.1819 2014.1814 BENEDETTO, Carlos (2008) : Red multidis- AUL, Bandana (2014) : Record of Tylony- ciplinaria iberoamericana para la prevencion y cteris pachypus (Lesser Bamboo Bat) from el control de la rabia transmitida por murciéla- Andaman Islands. gos Ambient Science, 1 (1, April) : 44-46. Argentina Subterranea, N° 19 (Junio 2008) : http://www.caves.res.in/journal/d2014.htm 14. Cave roosting bats. (BL). Mexican biologist proclaim against illnesses 2014.1815 because of bats. (BO). 2014.1820 BALOGOVÁ, Monika; UHRIN, Marcel (2014) : Patterns of wintering of fire salaman- BENEDETTO, Carlos (2009) : Quirópteros en ders (Salamandra salamandra) in an artificial cavernas de Mendoza underground roost. Argentina Subterranea, N° 21 (Febrero 2009) North-Western Journal of Zoology, 10 (1, : 3-5. June) : 128-132. Chiroptera discovered in lava tubes of Mendo- http://biozoojournals.ro/nwjz/content/v10n1. za. (BO). html 2014.1821 Artificial gallery near the village of Ticha Voda (eastern Slovakia) (BL). BISWAS, Jayant (2014) : Occurrence and 2014.1816 Distribution of Cave Dwelling Frogs of Penin- sular India. BAYAT, Sara; GEISER, Fritz; KRIS- Ambient Science, 1 (2, October) : 17-25. TIANSEN, Paul; WILSON, Susan C. (2014) : http://www.caves.res.in/journal/d2014.htm Organic contaminants in bats: Trends and new Western Ghats. (BL). issues. 2014.1822 Environment International, 63 : 40-52. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2013.10.009 BLANT, Michel; OPPLIGER, Julien; MUEL-

228 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) LER, Werner (2014) : Les ossements d'ours de Philippines (ASBP), at the University of San la grotte aux Amblytèles Carlos (USC), Talamban, Cebu City, 1-4 April Cavernes, 58 : 13-17. 2014, Abstracts, 79 p. http://www.cavernes.ch/images/pdf/ca- http://philippinebiodiversitysymposium. vernes2014.pdf wordpress.com/ La grotte aux Amblytèles située sur les hau- Rhinolophus subrufus, Hipposideros ater, Mi- teurs de la commune de Val-de-Ruz (ancien- niopterus schreibersi and Miniopterus austra- nement commune de Dombresson) a livré, à la lis. (BL). suite de plusieurs fouilles entreprises par des 2014.1825 membres du SCMN entre 1957 et 1959, des ossements d'ours brun et de quelques autres BRITZKE, Eric R.; GUMBERT, Mark W.; vertébrés. Etudiés par Jean-Pierre Jéquier, ces HOHMANN, Matthew G. (2014) : Beha- vestiges ont fait l'objet d'un court article dans vioral response of bats to passive integrated Cavernes en 1961. transponder tag reader arrays placed at cave En 2012, René von Kaenel, membre du groupe entrances. qui a découvert ce gisement, a fait don à la col- Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management, 5 lection SpéléOs des restes osseux et dentaires (1, June) : 146-150. de jeunes ours brun, qu'il avait jusqu'à présent http://dx.doi.org/10.3996/082012-JFWM-065 précieusement conservés. Ces pièces paléon- 3 cave entrances near Bloomington, Indiana. tologiques partiellement étudiées par Jéquier (BL). (1961) font l'objet dans le présent article d'une 2014.1826 description plus détaillée. Elle est omplétée par la présentation d'un ourson relativement bien BURNS, Lynne E. (2014) : Dynamics of conservé qui n'avait pas été répertorié par J.-P. autumn swarming and population structure of Jéquier lors de la première étude. (CV). Little Brown and Northern Myotis Bats (Myo- 2014.1823 tis Lucifugus and M. Septentrionalis). Submitted in partial fulfilment of the require- BOLDT, Petra (2013) : Gottfried, der Sie- ments for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy benschläfer - eine wahre Geschichte. at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Höhlenkundliche Veröffentlichungen des July 2014. Höhlenvereins Blaubeuren (Blaubeuren), Vol. (BL). 5 (“Karst Report 2013“) : 123-124. In Germ.; 2014.1827 4 photos. An Edible Dormouse (Glis glis) lived in the BURNS, Lynne E.; FRASIER, Timothy 7623/6 Bärentalhöhle more than 2 years. R.; BRODERS, Hugh G. (2014) : Genetic (THR). connectivity among swarming sites in the wide 2014.1824 ranging and recently declining little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus). BORRES, Gerald May; DELA CALZADA, Ecology and Evolution, 4 (21, November) : Bradley Bob V.; WARGUEZ, Dennis A. 4130-4149. (2014) : Diversity, Abundance and Roosting http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ece3.1266 Preferences of Bats in the Caves of Barangay (BL). Lower Itil, Balabagan, Lanao del Sur, Philip- 2014.1828 pines:52. In: 23rd Annual Philippine Biodiversity Sym- BUSWELL, Clare (2014) : Chasing bat calls posium, Theme: Forging Partnerships for on the Nullarbor Understanding and Conserving Philippine Bio- Caves Australia, No. 196 (March 2014) : 9-12. diversity, organized by the Wildlife Conser- 3 photos, 6 figs, 6 refs. vation Society of the Philippines (WCSP) and Insectivorous bat occurrence data from the the Association of Systematic Biologists of the Nullarbor bioregion are scant and largely

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 229 based on capture records or observations in (BL). caves. Eight species have been recorded. The 2014.1832 use of bat detectors to remotely record and identify calls from bats in flight has greatly CEĽUCH, Martin (2014) : Return of Miniop- enhanced bat survey efficiency and prompted terus schreibersii to the northern edge of its the recording of bat calls from cave entrances historical distribution in Slovakia. and nearby habitats. The project took place Vespertilio, 17 : 59-63. over 2011-12, the period covered being divi- http://www.ceson.org/publikace.php?p=17 ded into two sections corresponding to diffe- Aksamitka cave. (BL). rent ecosystems. The results are presented. The 2014.1833 majority of identified calls were from Chalino- lobus morio and C. gouldii. There is a need to CHAKRABARTY, Prosanta; PREJEAN, establish consistent population data at least for Jacques A.; NIEMILLER, Matthew Lance known maternity sites, Weebubbie and Webbs (2014) : The Hoosier cavefish, a new and en- caves. (GJM). dangered species (Amblyopsidae, Amblyopsis) 2014.1829 from the caves of southern Indiana. ZooKeys, 412 (May 29) : 41-57. CAMP, Carlos D.; WOOTEN, Jessica A.; http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.412.7245 JENSEN, John B.; BARTEK, Dale F. (2014) Amblyopsis hoosieri sp. n. (BL). : Role of temperature in determining relative 2014.1834 abundance in cave twilight zones by two spe- cies of lungless salamander (family Plethodon- CHANTLER, P.; BOESMAN, P. (2014) : tidae). Cave Swiftlet (Collocalia linchi). Canadian Journal of Zoology, 92 (2) : 119-127. In: DEL HOYO (J.), ELLIOTT (A.), SARGA- http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/cjz-2013-0178 TAL (J.), CHRISTIE (D. A.) & DE JUANA Eurycea lucifuga Rafinesque, 1822; Plethodon (E.), Handbook of the Birds of the World glutinosus (Green, 1818). Nord-ouest de la Alive. Lynx Edicions, , DEL HOYO Géorgie (États-Unis). (BL). (J.), ELLIOTT (A.), SARGATAL (J.), CHRIS- 2014.1830 TIE (D. A.) & DE JUANA (E.), eds. (retrieved from http://www.hbw.com/node/55265 on 3 CARLSON, Brian M.; ONUSKO, Samuel W.; June 2015). GROSS, Joshua B. (2014) : A High-Density http://www.hbw.com/ Linkage Map for Astyanax mexicanus Using (BL). Genotyping-by-Sequencing Technology. 2014.1835 Genes Genomes Genetics, 5 (2, February) : 241-251. CHRISTIDIS, Les; GOODMAN, Steven M.; http://dx.doi.org/10.1534/g3.114.015438 NAUGHTON, Kate; APPLETON, Belinda (BL). (2014) : Insights into the Evolution of a Cryp- 2014.1831 tic Radiation of Bats: Dispersal and Ecological Radiation of Malagasy Miniopterus (Chiropte- CARPENTER, Ela-Sita; GOMEZ, Rai; WAL- ra: Miniopteridae). DIEN, David L.; SHERWIN, Richard E. PLoS ONE, 9 (3, March), e92440 : 10 p. (2014) : Photographic estimation of roosting http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal. density of Geoffroy's Rousette Fruit Bat Rou- pone.0092440 settus amplexicaudatus (Chiroptera: Pteropodi- Cave entrances. (BL). dae) at Monfort Bat Cave, Philippines. 2014.1836 Journal of Threatened Taxa, 6 (6, June 26) : 5838-5844. COGHILL, Lyndon M.; HULSEY, C. Darrin; http://dx.doi.org/10.11609/JoTT.o3522.5838- CHAVES-CAMPOS, Johel; GARCÍA DE 44 LEON, Francisco J.; JOHNSON, Steven G.

230 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) (2014) : Next generation phylogeography of Missouri, USA. These fish are state-threatened cave and surface Astyanax mexicanus. and were recently listed as federally endange- Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 79 red under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). (October) : 368-374. (BL). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2014.06.029 2014.1841 Sabinos and Río Subterráneo caves. (BL). 2014.1837 DAY, Katie M.; TOMASI, Thomas E. (2014) : Winter Energetics of Female Indiana Bats CONRARDY, Christina; TAO, Ying; KUZ- Myotis sodalis. MIN, Ivan V.; NIEZGODA, Michael; Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 87 (1, AGWANDA, Bernard; BREIMAN, Robert F.; January/February) : 56-64. ANDERSON, Larry J.; RUPPRECHT, Charles http://dx.doi.org/10.1086/671563 E.; TONG, Suxiang (2014) : Molecular De- Cave temperatures in winter hibernacula. (BL). tection of Adenoviruses, Rhabdoviruses, and 2014.1842 Paramyxoviruses in Bats from . American Journal of Tropical Medicine and DE THOISY, Benoît; PAVAN, Ana Carolina; Hygiene, 91 (2, August) : 258-266. DELAVAL, ; LAVERGNE, Anne; http://dx.doi.org/10.4269/ajtmh.13-0664 LUGLIA, Thomas; PINEAU, Kevin; RUEDI, (BL). Manuel; RUFRAY, Vincent; CATZEFLIS, 2014.1838 François (2014) : Cryptic Diversity in Com- mon Mustached Bats Pteronotus cf. parnellii CRIMMINS, Shawn M.; MCKANN, Patrick (Mormoopidae) in French Guiana and Brazi- C.; SZYMANSKI, Jennifer A.; THOGMAR- lian Amapa. TIN, Wayne E. (2014) : Effects of Cave Ga- Acta Chiropterologica, 16 (1, June) : 1-13. ting on Population Trends at Individual Hiber- http://dx.doi.org/10.3161/150811014X683228 nacula of the Indiana Bat (Myotis sodalis). (BL). Acta Chiropterologica, 16 (1, June) : 129-137. 2014.1843 http://dx.doi.org/10.3161/150811014X683345 (BL). DECHAINE, Jennifer M.; JOHNSON, James 2014.1839 E. (2014) : No Bats in the Belfry: The Ori- gin of White-Nose Syndrome in Little Brown CRYAN, Paul M.; GORRESEN, P. Marcos Bats. (2014) : Watching the Dark. New surveillance : 5 p. cameras are changing bat research. http://sciencecases.lib.buffalo.edu/cs/collec- Bats, 32 (1, Spring) : 2-4. tion/detail.asp?case_id=718&id=718 http://www.batcon.org/resources/media-educa- (BL). tion/bats-magazine/batmags?year=2014 2014.1844 (BL). 2014.1840 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, Austra- lian Government (2014) : White Nose Syn- DAY, Julie Lynne; STARKEY, David E.; drome in bats. ADAMS, Ginny L.; BRUMMETT, Shawn; Caves Australia, 197 (June) : 8-9. KEENEY, Devon (2014) : Population gene- http://cavesaustralia.com/back-issues/ tics of grotto sculpin (Cottus specus), a new (BL). cave-adapted fish species. 2014.1845 Environmental Biology of Fishes, 97 (12, De- cember) : 1305-1315. DIETZ, Christian; KIEFER, Andreas (2014) : http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10641-013-0216-5 Die Fledermäuse Europas. Kennen, bestim- Troglomorphic fish endemic to cave systems. men, schützen : 400 p. 695 Fotos und 52 Bois Brule drainage in Perry County, southeast Abbildungen, 44 Verbreitungskarten.

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 231 Umfassendes Werk über Fledermäuse und Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 37 (1) deren Schutz. Inkl. Hinweise zu Höhlen und : 13-21. Höhlenverschlüssen (GST). http://www.raco.cat/index.php/ABC/article/ 2014.1846 view/278387 13 genera and five species. Rotifera had the DODELIN, Christian (2014) : Quelques révé- highest number of genera (4) and species (4), lations du monde mystérieux des chauves-sou- followed by Arthropoda (3), Ochrophyta (3), ris. Myzozoa (2), Charophyta (2), Chlorophyta (2), Patrimòni, 51 (Juillet/Août) : 3-9. Français. Ciliophora (1) and Cryptophyta (1). The domi- (BL). nant species of phytoplankton and zooplankton 2014.1847 were Achnanthidium sp., Lecane sp. (BL). 2014.1850 DODELIN, Christian; NANT, Jacques; SOUS- BIE, Olivier (2014) : Savoie : grotte de Mort FARASHI, Azita; KABOLI, Mohammad; RE- Ru : comptage chauves-souris. Une autre façon ZAEI, Hamid Reza; NAGHAVI, Mohammad d'observer la caverne. Reza; RAHIMIAN, Hassan; COAD, Brian W. Spéléo Magazine, n° 88 (Décembre 2014) : (2014) : Reassessment of the taxonomic posi- 32-33. 2 photos, 1 plan. tion of Iranocypris typhlops Bruun & Kaiser, Les campagnes annuelles du comptage des 1944 (Actinopterygii, Cyprinidae). chauves-souris dans Mort Ru permet de suivre ZooKeys, 374 (January 29) : 69-77. l'évolution des populations hibernantes, et l'oc- http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.374.6617 cupation de la cavité en fonction de la thermo Zagros Mountains, western Iran. This spe- préférence : relation entre les températures cies is "Vulnerable" according to the IUCN des parois et celles internes propres à chaque Red List and is one of the top four threatened espèces de chiroptères. Historique des obser- freshwater fish species in Iran. Garra rufa vations, et brève note sur Mort Ru. (Fx). (Heckel, 1843) and Garra barreimiae (Fowler 2014.1848 & Steinitz, 1956). (BL). 2014.1851 ESPINASA, Luis; CENTONE, Danielle M.; GROSS, Joshua B. (2014) : A contemporary FENOLIO, Danté B.; NIEMILLER, Matthew analysis of a loss-of-function of the oculocu- Lance; BONETT, Ronald M.; GRAENING, taneous albinism type II (Oca2) allele within Gary Orval; COLLIER, Bret A.; STOUT, Jim the Micos Astyanax cave fish population. F. (2014) : Life history, demography, and the Speleobiology Notes, 6 : 48-54. Influence of caveroosting Bats on a population http://www.nsm.buffalo.edu/Research/SPE- of the Grotto Salamander (Eurycea spelaea) LEOBIOLOGY_NOTES/index.php/Speleo/ from the Ozark of Oklahoma (Cauda- article/view/61 ta: Plethodontidae). Río Subterráneo, Micos, Sierra de , Herpetological Conservation and Biology, 9 Sierra de Guatemala. (BL). (2) : 394-405. 2014.1849 http://www.herpconbio.org/contents_vol9_is- sue2.html FARASHI, Azita; KABOLI, Mohammad; RE- (BL). ZAEI, Hamid Reza; NAGHAVI, Mohammad 2014.1852 Reza; RAHIMIAN, Hassan (2014) : Plankton composition and environmental parameters FRANK, Craig L.; MICHALSKI, Andrew; in the habitat of the Iranian cave barb (Irano- MCDONOUGH, Anne A.; RAHIMIAN, cypris typhlops) in Iran [La composición Marjon; RUDD, Robert J.; HERZOG, Carl planctónica y los parámetros ambientales en el (2014) : The Resistance of a North American hábitat del barbo cavernícola iraní Iranocypris Bat Species (Eptesicus fuscus) to White-Nose typhlops]. Syndrome (WNS).

232 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) PLoS ONE, 9 (12, December 1st)e113958, : threatened karst region in Pahang, Peninsular 14 p. Malaysia http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal. Zootaxa, 3746 (3) : 463–472. 3 fig. 2 tables. pone.0113958 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3746.3.5 (BL). A new gecko is described from the limestone 2014.1853 hills Gua Gunting and Gua Goyang at Me- rapoh. (LP). GILLIES, Katie E.; MURPHY, Peter J.; 2014.1857 MATOCQ, Marjorie D. (2014) : Hibernacula Characteristics of Townsend's Big-eared Bats GRISMER, Larry Lee; QUAH, Evan S. H.; in Southeastern Idaho. SHAHRUL ANUAR, M. S; MUIN, Mohd Ab- Natural Areas Journal, 34 (1, January) : 24-30. dul; WOOD, Perry L. Jr; SITI AZIZAH, Mohd http://dx.doi.org/10.3375/043.034.0104 Nor (2014) : A diminutive new species of Corynorhinus townsendii. Lava-tube caves. cave-dwelling Wolf Snake (Colubridae: Lyco- (BL). don Boie, 1826) from Peninsular Malaysia. 2014.1854 Zootaxa, 3815 (1, June 12) : 51-67. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3815.1.3 GOODMAN, Steven M.; RASOANORO, Lycodon cavernicolus sp. nov. Perak, Gua Mercia; RALISATA, Mahefatiana; RAMA- Wang Burma, Perlis State Park, Perlis. (BL). SINDRAZANA, Beza (2014) : The bats of the 2014.1858 Kianjavato-Vatovavy region, lowland eastern central Madagascar. GROUPE CHIROPTÈRES RHÔNE-ALPES Malagasy Nature, 8 : 89-102. (2014) : http://www.vahatra.mg/volume8fr.html Les chauves-souris de Rhône-Alpes. ISBN Grotte près d'Andoharano, Grotte d'Ankazo- 978-2-951183-82-7 : 480 p. Photos, cartes, tokana, Grotte d'Ampatsakana, Grotte de graph. Sangasanga, unnamed cave in close proximity Synthèse de plus de 60 000 données collectées to Grotte de Sangasanga, unnamed cave near entre 1890 et fin 2012. Présentation et identi- Mavogisy, unnamed cave near Tsitola, unna- fication des 30 espèces de chauves-souris de med cave near Seranantsara. (BL). Rhône-Alpes, analyse des données de baguage, 2014.1855 présentation de l'histoire de la chiroptérologie rhônalpine, état des lieux sur la protection des GRAZIOLI, Francesco; MAGAGNOLI, Sere- gîtes. L'ouvrage s'adresse aussi bien aux chi- na (2014) : Un anno di attività chirotterologi- roptérologues, qu'au personnel travaillant dans ca in grotta. Monitoraggi e nuove tecnologie l'environnement ou encore au grand public. Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica (Author, MM). Italiana, n. 70 (giugno 2014) : 50-51. Foto, tab. 2014.1859 64000 immagini all'infrarosso hanno control- lato il passaggio di pipistrelli in una grotta dei GUIMARÃES, Maricélio de Medeiros (2014) gessi bolognesi. Oltre alle specie censite si è : Morcegos cavernícolas do Brasil: composi- constatato che il picco massimo dei transiti ção, distribuição e serviços ambientais. Lavras, avviene fra settembre e ottobre. (MS). Universidade Federal de Lavras, MG, 2014, 2014.1856 130 p., il. . Portugais. GRISMER, Larry Lee; WOOD, Perry L. Jr; (BL). MAKETAB, Mohamed; CHAN, Kin Onn; 2014.1860 HEINZ, Heather M; SUMARLI, Alex S-I; JACOB, Chan A.; LOREDO, Ariel I. (2013) GUIMARÃES, Maricélio de Medeiros; FER- : A new species of karst-adapted Cnemaspis REIRA, Rodrigo Lopes (2014) : Morcegos ca- Strauch, 1887 (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from a vernícolas do Brasil: novos registros e desafios

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 233 para conservação [Cave Bats in Brazil: new distances to feed. Sampling of cave-dwelling records and conservation challenges]. bats in and around the SNP, together with Revista Brasileira de Espeleologia, 4 (2) : serological screening of other wildlife samples 1-33. Portugais. from the SNP, would be a logical next step to http://www.icmbio.gov.br/revistaeletronica/ investigating potential reservoirs. (BL). index.php/RBEsp/article/view/430 2014.1865 (BL). 2014.1861 IGNACZAK, Maurycy; KMIECIK, Anna; KMIECIK, Paweł; NOWAK, Jakub; POS- HARGREAVES, Daniel (2014) : Trinibats TAWA, Tomasz (2014) : Nowe, duże zi- Field Survey March 2014. mowisko nocka orzęsionego Myotis emargina- Field Survey Report March 2014. tus na Wyżynie Częstochowskiej [A new, large http://www.trinibats.com/links.html hibernaculum of Geoffroy's bat Myotis emargi- (BL). natus in the Częstochowa Upland]. 2014.1862 Chrońmy Przyrodę Ojczystą, 70 (1, Styczeń/ Luty) : 92-96. Polonais. HASHEMZADEH SEGHERLOO, Iraj (2014) http://www.iop.krakow.pl/spisy_tresci_1_149. : The Iranian activities in conservation of sub- html terranean fishes. Myotis emarginatus. Józefa Cave, Rysia Saving Freshwater Fishes and Habitats, 2014 Cave, Spełnionych Marzeń Cave, Racławic- (7) : 24-25. ka Cave, Nietoperzowa Cave, Oblica Cave. http://www.iucnffsg.org/resources/ffsg-news- Kraków-Częstochowa Upland. (BL). letter/ 2014.1866 (BL). 2014.1863 KFFÖ (2014) : Nymphenfledermaus in der Hermannshöhle - ein nicht alltäglicher Fang HOFFMANN, Dieter (2013) : Fleder- Verbandsnachrichten, Jg. 65, Nr. 5-6 : 100. mauszählung in der Vetterhöhle im Winter (PF). 2012/2013. 2014.1867 Höhlenkundliche Veröffentlichungen des Höhlenvereins Blaubeuren (Blaubeuren), Vol. KUGELSCHAFTER, Karl; SCHÄFFLER, 5 (“Karst Report 2013“) : 100-101. In Germ.; Manfred; SCHMID, Markus; SCHMID, Wolf- 1 tab. gang (2014) : Fledermäuse im Hessenloch bei 7524/30a Vetterhöhle. (THR). Königsbronn. 2014.1864 Laichinger Höhlenfreund (Laichingen), Vol. 49 (2014) : 57-71. In Germ.; 12 fig. and photos. HORTON, Daniel L.; BANYARD, Ashley C.; 7226/3 Hessenloch. (THR). MARSTON, Denise A.; WISE, Emma; SEL- 2014.1868 DEN, David; NUNEZ, Alejandro; HICKS, Daniel; LEMBO, Tiziana; CLEAVELAND, KURTA, Allen; SMITH, Steven M. (2014) : Sarah; PEEL, Alison J. (2014) : Antigenic and Hibernating Bats and Abandoned Mines in the genetic characterization of a divergent African Upper Peninsula of Michigan. virus, Ikoma lyssavirus. Northeastern Naturalist, 21 (4, December) : Journal of General Virology, 95 : 1025-1032. 587-605. http://dx.doi.org/10.1099/vir.0.061952-0 http://dx.doi.org/10.1656/045.021.0407 Miniopterus spp. bat sera from Kenya were Perimyotis subflavus (Eastern Pipistrelle), negative for IKOV antibodies, but there are at Eptesicus fuscus (Big Brown Bat), Myotis least 12 species of Miniopterus bats described lucifugus (Little Brown Bat), Myotis septen- in Africa (IUCN, 2013), and some species trionalis (Northern Bat). (BL). roost mainly in caves and can travel long 2014.1869

234 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) In: SALVADOR (A.) & LUQUE-LARENA LEAR, Kristen (2012) : An American in (J. J.), Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebra- Australia: Monitoring the maternity colony of dos Españoles. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Southern Bent-wing bats (Miniopterus schrei- Naturales, Madrid, SALVADOR (A.) & bersii bassanii) at Naracoorte Caves National LUQUE-LARENA (J. J.), Eds. Espagnol. Park, South Australia http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/ Australasian Cave and Karst Management (BL). Assoc. Journal, No. 86 (March 2012) : 15-18. 2014.1873 5 photos, 6 refs. The Southern Bent-wing Bat is an obligate LITTLE, Lana (2011) : Bats and swiftlets in cave-dwelling bat with a restricted distribu- the Chillagoe Caves tion, occurring only in SE South Australia and Proc. 28th Biennial Conf. of ASF, Chillagoe SW Victoria. It is listed as critically endange- 2011. [PP presentation]. red due to a severe population decline from Discusses variety of habitats for roosting and over 100,000 in the 1960s to 30,000 in 2009. foraging. Interior – bats actively select roosts The species is dependent on just two mater- to meet their preferences, which vary sea- nity caves. Project was to accurately estimate sonally. Exterior – vine thickets, woodlands population numbers and trends at Bat Cave and built-up areas all offer foraging potential. site to help guide management strategies and Bats have morphological features to assist aid in the recovery of the species. Community them to locate and access their preferred food. outreach projects will bring awareness and Different foraging techniques often reflected understanding of bats to the public. (Author, in wing shape and flight characteristics. Diffe- GJM). rent prey will require different echolocation 2014.1870 skills and hunting techniques. All these result in ‘field characteristics', some of which are suf- LI, Jie; LI, Xin-Hui; MAYDEN, Richard ficient for identification.. (Author, GJM). L. (2014) : Sinocyclocheilus brevifinus (Te- 2014.1874 leostei: Cyprinidae), a new species of cavefish from Guangxi, China. LUNGHI, Enrico; MANENTI, Raoul; MAN- Zootaxa, 3873 (1, October 14) : 37-48. CA, Salvatore; MULARGIA, Manuela; PEN- http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3873.1.3 NATI, Roberta; FICETOLA, Gentile Frances- Subterranean river at Maohedong Village, co (2014) : Nesting of cave salamanders Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Sou- (Hydromantes flavus and H. italicus) in natural thern China. (BL). environments. 2014.1871 Salamandra, 50 (2, June 30) : 105-109. http://www.salamandra-journal.com/index. LI, Jie; LI, Xin-Hui (2014) : Sinocyclocheilus php?option=com_docman&Itemid=76 gracilis, a new species of hypogean fish from Hydromantes italicus: "Canale della Radice" Guangxi, South China (Teleostei: Cyprini- Valley in the Apuan Alps (Tuscany), in this formes: Cyprinidae). area, five cave-like structures (mostly aban- Ichthylogical Exploration of Freshwaters, 24 doned mines). Hydromantes flavus: Gana 'e (3, March) : 249-256, 5 fig., 3 tab. Gortoe cave (Mount Albo, Sardinia). (BL). http://www.pfeil-verlag.de/04biol/e9902d24. 2014.1875 php Cave at Yantou Village, Huangyao Town, LUZ, Hans Martin (2013) : Abgestürzte Fle- Zhaoping County, Guangxi, China. (BL). dermaus erholt sich rasch. 2014.1872 Höhlenkundliche Veröffentlichungen des Höhlenvereins Blaubeuren (Blaubeuren), Vol. LISÓN, Fulgencio (2014) : Murciélago de 5 (“Karst Report 2013“) : 123-125. In Germ.; cueva - Miniopterus schreibersii. 1 fig.

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 235 7621/1 Erpfinger Bärenhöhle. (THR). (2014) : Protection of the white-nest swiftlet 2014.1876 Aerodramus fuciphagus in the Andaman Is- lands, India: an assessment. LUZ, Hans Martin (2013) : Fledermäuse Oryx, 48 (2, April) : 213-217. im Département Ardèche/Frankreich Winter http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0030605311000603 2012/2013. Nicobar Islands. 28 protected caves on Cha- Höhlenkundliche Veröffentlichungen des lis-ek; 1 on Interview Island. 168 unprotected Höhlenvereins Blaubeuren (Blaubeuren), Vol. caves on Baratang and Interview Islands. (BL). 5 (“Karst Report 2013“) : 87-90. In Germ.; 3 2014.1880 fig., 2 photos, 3 tab. Grotte de la Cotepatière, Grotte des Miracles, MARROQUÍN, Jorge Iván Mendoza (2014) Grotte de la Pascaloune. (THR). : Taxonomic revision of Hemirrhagus Simon, 2014.1877 1903 (Araneae: Theraphosidae, Theraphosi- nae), with description of five new species from LUZ, Hans Martin (2013) : „Steckbriefe“ Mexico. für die Fledermäuse der Bärentalhöhle, der Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 170 Vetterhöhle und der Höhlen an der südlichen (4, April) : 634-689. Ardèche. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/zoj.12112 Höhlenkundliche Veröffentlichungen des Troglobitic species. (BL). Höhlenvereins Blaubeuren (Blaubeuren), Vol. 2014.1881 5 (“Karst Report 2013“) : 91-99. In Germ.; 1 fig., 22 photos. MARTÍNEZ-CORONEL, Matías; CER- (THR). VANTES, Fernando A.; HORTELANO-MON- 2014.1878 CADA, Yolanda (2014) : Crecimiento postna- tal y desarrollo del vuelo en el murciélago MACA-ALANG, Johaimen M.; DELA CAL- Leptonycteris yerbabuenae en Chiapas, Méxi- ZADA, Bradley Bob V.; WARGUEZ, Dennis co [Postnatal growth and flight development of A.; POLESTICO, Daisy Lou L. (2014) : the lesser long-nosed bat Leptonycteris yerba- Diversity and diurnal roosting preferences of buenae in Chiapas, Mexico]. cave-dwelling bats in Barangay Plazan and Therya, 5 (1, Abril) : 303-322. Espagnol. Lower Itil, Balabagan, Lanao del Sur, Philip- http://dx.doi.org/10.12933/therya-14-173 pines:26. Leptonycteris yerbabuenae: "The Laguitos" In: 23rd Annual Philippine Biodiversity Sym- Cave, State of Chiapas, México. (BL). posium, Theme: Forging Partnerships for 2014.1882 Understanding and Conserving Philippine Bio- diversity, organized by the Wildlife Conser- MCCAFFERY, Sean; COLLINS, Emily; vation Society of the Philippines (WCSP) and ESPINASA, Luis (2014) : Eye histology of the Association of Systematic Biologists of the the Tytoona Cave Sculpin: Eye loss evolves Philippines (ASBP), at the University of San slower than enhancement of mandibular pores Carlos (USC), Talamban, Cebu City, 1-4 April in cavefish? 2014, Abstracts, 79 p. Speleobiology Notes, 6 : 1-7. http://philippinebiodiversitysymposium. http://www.nsm.buffalo.edu/Research/SPE- wordpress.com/ LEOBIOLOGY_NOTES/index.php/Speleo/ Eonycteris spelaea, Rousettus amplexicau- article/view/59 datus, Miniopterus schreibersii, Miniopterus Cottus bairdi, Cottus cognatus. (BL). australis, Hipposideros diadema, Rhinolophus 2014.1883 arcuatus-s. (BL). 2014.1879 MCGAUGH, Suzanne E.; GROSS, Joshua B.; AKEN, Bronwen; BLIN, Maryline; BO- MANCHI, Shirish S.; SANKARAN, Ravi ROWSKY, Richard; CHALOPIN, Domitille;

236 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) HINAUX, Hélène; JEFFERY, William R.; Leucistic individual of Artibeus amplus: Cueva KEENE, Alex; AUCT. VAR (2014) : The del Parque Las Escaleras, Pregonero, Tachira cavefish genome reveals candidate genes for State, Venezuela. (BL). eye loss. 2014.1888 Nature Communications, 5:5307 : 10 p. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ncomms6307 MURPHY, Michael J. (2014) : Roost caves Astyanax mexicanus. (BL). of the eastern horseshoe bat Rhinolophus 2014.1884 megaphyllus Gray, 1834 (Chiroptera: Rhinolo- phidae) in the Pilliga forest in northern inland MESCHEDE, Angelika (2014) : Syndrome du New South Wales, Australia. museau blanc - mise à jour. Australian Zoologist, 37 (1) : 117-126. Sous Terre, Vol. 24, no. 1 (Printemps 2014) : http://rzsnsw.metapress.com/content/ 22-23. 1 photo. l8177v181337/?sortorder=asc&p_o=10 Description du phönomène. Résultats d`étude 7 sandstone caves. (BL). “Immunological differences between North 2014.1889 American and European bats relevant for White-Nose Syndrome” concernant la relation NASSAR, Jafet M.; SIMAL, Fernando (2014) avec l`hibernation et les reactionnes immuno- : Studying Bats & Cultivating Conservation on logiques des chauves-souris sont en cours du . publication. (AH). Bats, 32 (1, Spring) : 10-12. 2014.1885 http://www.batcon.org/resources/media-educa- tion/bats-magazine/batmags?year=2014 MILLÁN, Javier; LÓPEZ-ROIG, Marc; Aruba is a Dutch Caribbean island, located CABEZÓN, Oscar; SERRA-COBO, Jordi off the coast of Venezuela, part of the Lesser (2014) : Absence of Leishmania infantum in Antilles. (BL). cave bats in an endemic area in Spain. 2014.1890 Parasitology Research, 113 (5, May) : 1993- 1995. NORQUAY, K. J. O.; WILLIS, Craig K. R. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00436-014-3855-3 (2014) : Hibernation phenology of Myotis Miniopterus schreibersii. (BL). lucifugus. 2014.1886 Journal of Zoology, 294 (2, October) : 85-92. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jzo.12155 MORAN, Damian; SOFTLEY, Rowan; WAR- (BL). RANT, Eric J. (2014) : Eyeless Mexican 2014.1891 Cavefish Save Energy by Eliminating the Circadian Rhythm in Metabolism. OWENS, Keely; HOKE, Bob (2014) : 2014 PLoS ONE, 9 (9, September):e107877 : 8 p. Trout Rock Bat Counts http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal. The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 3 (June pone.0107877 2014) : 10-11. 1 table, 1 graph. Astyanax mexicanus. (BL). Results of the bat counts at three NSS-owned 2014.1887 caves (Hamilton, Trout, and New Trout) on the John Guilday Cave Preserve in West Virginia, MUÑOZ-ROMO, Mariana; RUIZ-RAMONI, USA. (YD). Damián; RAMONI-PERAZZI, Paolo (2014) : 2014.1892 First record of leucism in the giant fruit-eating bat, Artibeus amplus (Chiroptera: Phyllostomi- PATTHEY, Patrick; MAEDER, Arnaud dae). (2014) : Identification des cavités souterraines Chiroptera Neotropical, 20 (2) : 1301-1304. d'importance patrimoniale majeure pour les http://chiropteraneotropical.net/index.php/cn/ chauves-souris dans le Jura vaudois article/view/276 Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 237 Naturelles, Vol. 94, no 1 : 3-24. giques de l'intensite du rassemblement autom- http://www.e-periodica.ch/digbib/ nal de chauves-souris. view?pid=bsv-002:2014:94#9 En comparaison avec d'autres sites européens, L'importance patrimoniale chiroptérologique avec au minimum une moyenne quotidienne de septante-deux cavités souterraines du Jura de 700-1100 visites de chauves-souris durant vaudois (Suisse) a été déterminée à partir de le mois d'août, ce gouffre est un site d'impor- captures réalisées durant la période du rassem- tance patrimoniale majeure pour les rassemble- blement automnal entre 2002 et 2010. ments automnaux et sa fonctionnalité doit, en Dix-huit cavites d'importance patrimoniale conséquence, être garantie à long terme. majeure ont pu être identifiées et ce travail Le rassemblement automnal débute à la fin préconise qu'elles soient protégées en priorité. juillet, son intensité est maximale entre le 15 Ce sont: onze grands sites de rassemblement août et le 10 septembre. Pendant les rassem- automnal, situés dans le Haut-Jura et formant blements, les chauves-souris sont les plus le plus grand réseau européen connu; six cavi- actives entre 4 et 7 heures après le coucher du tés du pied du Jura entre Vallorbe et Baulmes soleil. L'intensité de l'activité est étroitement visitées par les espèces les plus rares et mena- liée aux températures élevées, à l'absence de cées en Europe (petit rhinolophe Rhinolophus précipitation et à un vent faible. Une forte acti- hipossideros, minioptere de Schreibers Mi- vité est également observée au début du niopterus schreibersii et barbastelle d'Europe printemps alors que les chauves-souris sont Barbastella barbastellus) et une cavité avec un quasiment absentes durant la période estivale. nombre important de captures. D'autre part, La description de la phénologie annuelle et onze cavités sont d'importance patrimoniale journalière couplée au modèle prédictif d'ac- élevée, vingt-sept cavités sont d'importance tivité basé sur les conditions météorologiques moyenne et seize cavités sont d'importance seront notamment utiles aux chiroptérologues mineure (absence de capture). pour optimiser leurs opérations de captures ou Parmi les quatorze espèces de chauves-souris de suivis acoustiques. (PH). rencontrées, l'oreillard brun Plecotus auri- 2014.1894 tus est l'espèce la plus abondante et la plus largement répartie. La distribution et l'abon- PAUWELS, Olivier S. G.; SUMONTHA, dance relative d'espèces peu connues comme Montri; PANITVONG, Nonn; VARAGUT- le murin de Bechstein Myotis bechsteinii ou TANONDA, Varawut (2014) : Cyrtodactylus le murin de Natterer Myotis nattereri ont pu khelangensis, a new cave-dwelling Bent-toed être mieux cernées. Enfin, le petit rhinolophe Gecko (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from Lam- Rhinolophus hipposideros, considéré comme pang Province, northern Thailand. disparu du canton depuis 35 ans, a été redé- Zootaxa, 3755 (6, January 28) : 584-594. couvert. (CV). http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3755.6.5 2014.1893 Limestone cave in Pratu Pha, Mae Mo District, Lampang Province, northern Thailand. (BL). PATTHEY, Patrick (2014) : Phénologie et dé- 2014.1895 terminants de l'activité d'un important site de rassemblement automnal de chauves-souris: le PAUWELS, Olivier S. G.; SUMONTHA, gouffre de la Cascade (Jura vaudois, Suisse) Montri; KEERATIKIAT, Kaweesak; PHA- Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences NAMPHON, Eakarit (2014) : Cyrtodacty- Naturelles, Vol. 94, no 1 : 25-38. lus kunyai (Squamata: Gekkonidae), a new http://www.e-periodica.ch/digbib/view2?var=tr cave-dwelling Bent-toed Gecko from Loei ue&pid=bsv-002:2014:94::31#31 Province, northeastern Thailand. Un enregistreur automatique d'ultrasons a Zootaxa, 3821 (2, June 20) : 253-264. ete installé de 2010 à 2012 au gouffre de la http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3821.2.5 Cascade (Jura vaudois, Suisse) pour décrire Suan Hin Pha Ngam, Nong Hin District, Loei la phénologie et les déterminants météorolo- Province, northeastern Thailand. (BL). 2014.1896 238 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) POKHREL, Santosh; BUDHA, Prem B. PUECHMAILLE, Sébastien J.; ALLEGRINI, (2014) : Key to Identify Insects from Drop- Benjamin; BENDA, Petr; GÜRÜN, Kanat; pings of Some Insectivorous Bats of Nepal. ŠRÁMEK, Jan; IBAÑEZ, Carlos; JUSTE, Ja- Journal of Institute of Science and Technology, vier; BILGIN, Rasit (2014) : A new species of 19 (1) : 129-136. the Miniopterus schreibersii species complex Mahendra cave, Pokhara cave, Nagarjun cave (Chiroptera: Miniopteridae) from the Maghreb (Kathmandu). (BL). Region, North Africa. 2014.1897 Zootaxa, 3794 (1, May 5) : 108-124. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3794.1.4 POMPEU, Paulo Santos; SAMPAIO, Fran- Miniopterus maghrebensis sp. n.: Kef Azigza cisco Alexandre Costa; FERREIRA, Rodrigo Cave (or Tazzouguert Cave), Ksar Tazougart, Lopes (2014) : Stygichthys typhlops (Te- Morocco. (BL). leostei: Characiformes), phreatobic fish from 2014.1901 eastern Brazil: Comments on SAMPAIO & al., 2012: A response. RACEY, Paul A.; FUREY, Neil M. (2014) : Speleobiology Notes, 6 : 42-47. Are bats karst-dependent? http://www.nsm.buffalo.edu/Research/SPE- Vespertilio, 17 : 157-159. LEOBIOLOGY_NOTES/index.php/Speleo/ http://www.ceson.org/publikace.php?p=17 article/view/47 (BL). (BL). 2014.1902 2014.1898 RACKOW, Wolfgang (2014) : Positiver Trend POSTAWA, Tomasz; FURMAN, Andrzej des Fledermaus-Winterbestands in der Ein- (2014) : Abundance Patterns of Ectoparasites hornhöhle bei Scharzfeld, Landkreis Osterode Infesting Different Populations of Miniopterus am Harz. Species in Their Contact Zone in Asia Minor. Mitt. Verb. dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforsch., 60 (1) Acta Chiropterologica, 16 (2) : 387-395. : 10-12. http://dx.doi.org/10.3161/150811014X687341 On the numbers of hibernating bats in the Ein- Anatolia (Miniopterus schreibersii: Zindan hornhöhle (Harz Mountains) since 1987. (ML). cave, Çatdere cave, Obruk cave; Miniopterus 2014.1903 pallidus: Armutludelik cave, Epçik cave, De- likli cave). Levant (Miniopterus schreibersii: RAMASINDRAZANA, Beza; WILKINSON, Karanlık cave). Bat flies: Nycteribia schmidlii, David A.; BERAL, Marina; DIETRICH, Mu- Penicilidia conspicua, Penicilidia dufourii. riel (2014) : An albino molossid bat from the Wing mite: Spinturnix myoti, Spinturnix psi. southwestern Indian Ocean region. (BL). Malagasy Nature, 8 : 103-104. 2014.1899 http://www.vahatra.mg/volume8fr.html Mormopterus francoismoutoui: In a cave in PRICE, Liz (2013) : Observations on cave the Trois Bassins ravine (Western portion of racers, Orthriophis taeniurus (COPE) in South La Réunion). (BL). East Asia 2014.1904 Old world ratsnakes. A collection of papers. SCHULZ, Klaus-Dieter (ed). : 343-352 . pho- RAMONI-PERAZZI, Paolo; RUIZ-RAMONI, tos. Damián; MUÑOZ-ROMO, Mariana; THIE- The cave racer snake is sometimes seen in LEN ENGELBERTZ, Dirk Rafael; SOTO caves in Malaysia and this paper describes WERSCHITZ, Irma Alejandra (2014) : Some observations on the lifestyle of the snakes. considerations on the conservation status of (Author, LP). the giant fruit-eating bat, Artibeus amplus 2014.1900 (Phyllostomidae: Stenodermatinae). Interciencia, 39 (5, May) : 354-356.

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 239 Las Escaleras Cave near Pregonero, Tachira eds. State, Venezuelan Andes. (BL). http://www.euronatur.org/ 2014.1905 Voir: ALJANČIČ (G.), GORIČKI (Š.), NĂPĂRUŞ (M.), STANKOVIĆ (D.) & REYNOLDS, Hannah T.; BARTON, Hazel A. KUNTNER (M), Endangered Proteus: com- (2014) : Comparison of the White-Nose Syn- bining DNA and GIS analyses for its conserva- drome Agent Pseudogymnoascus destructans tion:71-75. (BL). to Cave-Dwelling Relatives Suggests Reduced 2014.1910 Saprotrophic Enzyme Activity. PLoS One, 9 (1, January):e86437 : 11 p. SNOW, Michael; PRING, Allan; ALLEN, Ni- http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal. cole (2014) : Minerals of the Wooltana Cave, pone.0086437 Flinders Ranges, South Australia. (BL). Transactions of the Royal Society of South 2014.1906 Australia, 138 (2, November) : 214-230. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/rssa/ RIVALTA, Giuseppe (2014) : Nota su alcuni trssa/2014/00000138/00000002/art00004 chirotteri incontrati in Nubia Macroderma gigas. (BL). Sottoterra. Rivista del GSB-USB, n. 138 (gen- 2014.1911 naio-giugno 2014) : 24-28. Foto. (MS). SOARES, Daphne; NIEMILLER, Matthew 2014.1907 Lance; HIGGS, Dennis (2014) : Hearing and Acoustic Communication in Cavefishes. RIZZATO, Pedro Pereira; BICHUETTE, Ambient Science, 1 (1, April) : 1-6. Maria Elina (2014) : Ituglanis boticario, a new http://www.caves.res.in/journal/d2014.htm troglomorphic catfish (Teleostei: Siluriformes: Astyanax mexicanus, Typhlichthys subter- Trichomycteridae) from Mambaí karst area, raneus, Amblyopsis spelaea. (BL). central Brazil. 2014.1912 Zoologia, 31 (6, December) : 577-598. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1984- TANALGO, Krizler C.; TABORA, John Aries 46702014000600006 G. (2014) : Bat Cave Prioritization Index Brazil: Goiás state, Mambaí municipality, Ta- (BCPI): a scheme in prioritizing bat cave for rimba cave system; Mambaí karst area, upper conservation in the Philippines Tocantins River Basin. (BL). In: 23rd Annual Philippine Biodiversity Sym- 2014.1908 posium, Theme: Forging Partnerships for Understanding and Conserving Philippine Bio- ROBINSON, Mark; AMEMIYA, Chris T. diversity, organized by the Wildlife Conser- (2014) : Coelacanths. vation Society of the Philippines (WCSP) and Current Biology, 24 (2, January 20) : R62-R63. the Association of Systematic Biologists of the http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2013.10.027 Philippines (ASBP), at the University of San African coelacanth (Latimeria chalumnae) and Carlos (USC), Talamban, Cebu City, 1-4 April Indonesian coelacanth (Latimeria menadoen- 2014, Abstracts, 79 p. : 73. sis). (BL). http://philippinebiodiversitysymposium. 2014.1909 wordpress.com/ Identification of key habitat types for wildlife SACKL, P.; DURST, R.; KOTROŠAN, D.; is an essential step to plan and promote strate- STUMBERGER, B. (2014) : Dinaric Karst gies for long-term conservation. In the Philip- Poljes - Floods for Life. pines, caves is one of the habitats that harbour EuroNatur, Radolfzell. ISBN: 978-3-00- numbers of ecologically important species that 045287-1. SACKL (P.), DURST (R.), needs a serious attention for protection. Caves KOTROŠAN (D.) & STUMBERGER (B.), are important habitat for bats, it is estimated

240 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) that there are about 78 species of bats in the pines-outreach archipelago and over 30 of them depends (BL). on caves for their life history and survival. 2014.1915 The Bat Cave Prioritization Index attempts to create a standard index for evaluating bat TANGALIN, Mark Louie M.; FERENAL, caves for conservation based on two limita- Chervil L.; WARGUEZ, Dennis A.; POLES- tions, the biological and geophysical potential TICO, Daisy Lou L. (2014) : Distribution, of caves. (BL). Abundance and Microhabitat Preferences of 2014.1913 Swiftlets in Selected Caves of Northwestern Mindanao, Philippines:58. TANALGO, Krizler C.; ACHONDO, Marion In: 23rd Annual Philippine Biodiversity Sym- John Michael M.; TABORA, John Aries G. posium, Theme: Forging Partnerships for (2014) : Cave bats of Pisan, Kabacan, Cotaba- Understanding and Conserving Philippine Bio- to, Philippines with notes on the local threats diversity, organized by the Wildlife Conser- and disturbance and its implication to conser- vation Society of the Philippines (WCSP) and vation the Association of Systematic Biologists of the In: 23rd Annual Philippine Biodiversity Sym- Philippines (ASBP), at the University of San posium, Theme: Forging Partnerships for Carlos (USC), Talamban, Cebu City, 1-4 April Understanding and Conserving Philippine Bio- 2014, Abstracts, 79 p. diversity, organized by the Wildlife Conser- http://philippinebiodiversitysymposium. vation Society of the Philippines (WCSP) and wordpress.com/ the Association of Systematic Biologists of the Collocalia esculenta: Balabagan, Lanao Del Philippines (ASBP), at the University of San Sur and Bacolod, Lanao del Norte. Collocalia Carlos (USC), Talamban, Cebu City, 1-4 April troglodytes: caves of Balabagon, Lanao del 2014, Abstracts, 79 p. : 47. Sur and Guipos Resort cave in Zamboanga del http://philippinebiodiversitysymposium. Sur. Collocalia vanikorensis: Tubigan cave in wordpress.com/ Initao, Misamis Oriental. (BL). In the province of North Cotabato, the village 2014.1916 of Pisan is known for the presence of karst caves, nutrient mining and hunting. Studies in TARBURTON, Mike (2011) : Predatory De- 2006, 2009, 2010 and 2013 have to assess the fence Mechanisms in Cave-nesting Swiftlets or presence and diversity of cave bats. 16 species How Swiftlets Survive and Thrive in the Caves of bats identified namely Cynopterus brachyo- of the South Pacific tis, Emballonura alecto, Eonycteris spelaea, Proc. 28th Biennial Conf. of ASF, Chillagoe Haplonycteris fischeri, Hipposideros c. f. ater, 2011 : 6 p. 17 refs. H. diadema, H. c. f. pygmeus, Macroglossus Cave-nesting swiftlets in South Pacific vary minimus, Megaerops wetmorei, Miniopterus breeding behaviour to resist different preda- australis, M. tristis, Myotis horsfieldii, Pippis- tory offensives. When possible, swiftlets nest trellus javanicus, Ptenochirus jagori, Rhino- in totally dark parts of caves. This prevents lophus arcuatus (s), and Rousettus amplexi- most predation on eggs, young and incubating caudatus. Unconfirmed occurrence species : adults. Most swiftlet species can echolocate so Eonycteris robusta, Hipposideros cervinus, nesting in dark caves is not a problem. Howe- Rhinolophus rufus (BL). ver, a few predators are able to either reach 2014.1914 the nests or prey on birds flying to and from nests. In response, swiftlets have developed TANALGO, Krizler C.; TABORA, John Aries anti-predatory behaviour. To reduce predation G. (2014) : Cave-dwelling Bats of Pisan of adults flying into and through the cave: the Caves, Kabacan, South Central Mindanao. birds enter and exit caves in groups, increase Poster. flight speed at the entrance, and feed their http://www.seabcru.org/outreach/philip- young less frequently than comparable species

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 241 that do not nest in caves. (Author, GJM). WELLER, Theodore J.; THOMAS, Shawn 2014.1917 C.; BALDWIN, James A. (2014) : Use of Long-Term Opportunistic Surveys to Esti- TENNYSON, Alan J.D.; SCOFIELD, R. Paul mate Trends in Abundance of Hibernating (2013) : Holocene fossil bird remains from Townsend's Big-Eared Bats. subantarctic Macquarie Island Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management, 5 Paleornithological Research 2013 Proceed. 8th (1, June) : 59-69. Internat. Meeting Society of Avian Paleontolo- http://dx.doi.org/10.3996/022014-JFWM-012 gy and Evolution : 239-251. Map, 74 refs. Corynorhinus townsendii. (BL). Holocene fossil bird bones recovered from 2014.1921 several sites on subantarctic Macquarie Island (Australia), SW of New Zealand, provide a WOOD, Perry L. Jr; QUAH, Evan S. H; novel source of information about the island's SHAHRUL, Anuar M. S.; MOHD, Abdul history. There has been heavy modification Muin (2013) : A new species of lowland karst through human activities, including the intro- dwelling Cnemaspis Strauch 1887 (Squamata: duction of foreign mammals and a predatory Gekkonidae) from northwestern Peninsular flightless bird, the Weka. Describes material Malaysia collected from Aurora Cave (incl. ‘remains of Zootaxa, 3691, no 5 : 538–558. seabirds eaten by past human occupants of this This gecko is found in the karst areas of Perlis. cave'), Brothers Point Caves (bones collected (LP). indicate a full investigation is needed), Ea- 2014.1922 gle Cave (rail cranium coll.) and Langdon Pt Caves (significant natural deposit of bones). WYNNE, Jut Judson (2014) : Reign of the (GJM). Red Queen: the future of bats hangs in the 2014.1918 balance. The Explorers Journal, 92 : 40-45. THORBURN, Craig Carpenter (2014) : The Pseudogymnoascus destructans. (BL). Edible Birds' Nest Boom in Indonesia and 2014.1923 South-east Asia: A Nested Political Ecology. Food, Culture and Society: An International YOSHIZAWA, Masato; JEFFERY, William R.; Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 17 (4, VAN NETTEN, Sietse; MCHENRY, Matthew December) : 535-553. (2014) : The sensitivity of lateral line receptors http://dx.doi.org/10.2752/17517441 and their role in the behavior of Mexican blind 4X14006746101439 cavefish (Astyanax mexicanus). Aerodramus spp., Apodidae: Collocaliini. Journal of Experimental Biology, 217 : 886- (BL). 895. 2014.1919 http://dx.doi.org/10.1242/jeb.094599 (BL). TRAJANO, Eleonora; MOREIRA, Cristiano 2014.1924 Rangel (2014) : Stygichthys typhlops (Te- leostei: Characiformes), phreatobic fish from ZUKAL, Jan; ŠAFÁŘ, Jiří; BERKOVÁ, eastern Brazil: Comments on SAMPAIO & al., Hana; KOVAŘÍK, Miroslav; KOUDELKA, 2012. Martin; WAGNER, Josef (2014) : Rhinolo- Speleobiology Notes, 6 : 33-41. phus ferrumequinum in Moravia – an irregular http://www.nsm.buffalo.edu/Research/SPE- migrant in the Czech bat fauna. LEOBIOLOGY_NOTES/index.php/Speleo/ Vespertilio, 17 : 223-229. article/view/47 http://www.ceson.org/publikace.php?p=17 São Francisco basin. (BL). Javoříčské caves and their surroundings. (BL). 2014.1920 2014.1925

242 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 3.16 Microbiology soil, air, water anthracis, B. lentus, B. sphaericus, B. circulans Microbiologie sol, air, eau and Actinomycetes. Sahastradhara caves in Siwalik Himalayas. (BL). BAIRAGYA, Haraprasad (2014) : Envi- 2014.1929 ronmental conditions of Borra Cave, Vi- sakhapattanam, India. DATTAGUPTA, Sharmishtha (2014) : Intro- International Journal of Environment, 3 (2, duction to the Special Issue "Biogeochemistry March/May) : 150-166. and Microbial Ecology of Cave Systems". http://dx.doi.org/10.3126/ije.v3i2.10526 Geomicrobiology Journal, 31 (3, Special Issue: Virus, bacteria. (BL). Biogeochemistry and Microbial Ecology of 2014.1926 Cave Systems) : 173-174. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01490451.2014.864 BARTON, Hazel A.; GIARRIZZO, Juan G.; 875 SUAREZ, Paula; ROBERTSON, Charles E.; (BL). BROERING, Mark J.; BANKS, Eric D.; VAI- 2014.1930 SHAMPAYAN, Parag A.; VENKATESWAR- AN, Kasthisuri (2014) : Microbial diversity in GAN, Huan You; GAN, Han Ming; TA- a Venezuelan orthoquartzite cave is dominated RASCO, Alexander Mario; BUSAIRI, Nur- by the Chloroflexi (Class Ktedonobacterales) fatini Idayu; BARTON, Hazel A.; HUDSON, and Thaumarchaeota Group I.1c. André O.; SAVKA, Michael A. (2014) : Frontiers in Microbiology, 5:615 (November) Whole-genome sequences of five oligotrophic : 14 p. bacteria isolated from deep within Lechuguilla http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2014.00615 Cave, New Mexico. Actinomycetales, Alphaproteobacteria, Kte- Genome Announcements, 2 (6, November/De- donobacterales. Roraima Sur Cave (RSC), an cember)e01133-14 : 2 p. orthoquartzite (SiO4) cave within Roraima http://dx.doi.org/10.1128/genomeA.01133-14 Tepui, Venezuela. (BL). (BL). 2014.1927 2014.1931

BASKAR, Sushmitha; BASKAR, Ramanathan GANZERT, Lars; SCHIRMACK, Janosch; (2014) : A Summary of Some Microbes Iden- ALAWI, Mashal; MANGELSDORF, Kai; tified from Different Indian Caves and Their SAND, Wolfgang; HILLEBRAND-VOI- Possible Role in Mineral Formations. CULESCU, Alexandra Maria; WAGNER, Ambient Science, 1 (2, October) : 9-16. Dirk (2014) : Methanosarcina spelaei sp. nov., http://www.caves.res.in/journal/d2014.htm a methanogenic archaeon isolated from a floa- Moonmilk. Sahastradhara caves (Dehradun; ting biofilm of a subsurface sulphurous lake in Borra Cave (Andhra Pradesh; Krem Phyllut, the Movile Cave, Romania. Krem Mawsmai, Krem Mawmluh and Rongai International Journal of Systematic and Evo- Dobhakol (Meghalaya). (BL). lutionary Microbiology, 64 (10, October) : 2014.1928 3478-3484. http://dx.doi.org/10.1099/ijs.0.064956-0 BASKAR, Sushmitha; BASKAR, Ramana- (BL). than; ROUTH, Joyanto (2014) : Speleothems 2014.1932 from Sahastradhara Caves in Siwalik Hima- laya, India: Possible Biogenic Inputs. GARCIA-ANTON, Elena; CUEZVA, Soledad; Geomicrobiology Journal, 31 (8, September JURADO, Valme; PORCA, Estefanía; MIL- 14) : 664-681. LER, Ana Zélia; FERNÁNDEZ-CORTÉS, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01490451.2013.871 Angel; SÁIZ-JIMÉNEZ, Cesareo; SÁN- 087 CHEZ-MORAL, Sergio (2014) : Combining Moonmilk. Bacillus pumilis, B. cereus, B. stable isotope (δ13C) of trace gases and aero-

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 243 biological data to monitor the entry and disper- lar properties to battery acid. There could be sion of microorganisms in caves. similar life on Mars. (GJM). Environmental Science and Pollution Re- 2014.1936 search, 21 (1, January) : 473-484. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11356-013-1915-3 HEMLEY, Cath (2014) : Snottites. Altamira Cave (north of Spain). (BL). Caves Australia, 197 (June) : 2. 2014.1933 http://cavesaustralia.com/back-issues/ (BL). GHERMAN, Vasile Daniel; BOBOESCU, 2014.1937 Iulian Zoltan; PAP, Bernadett; KONDOROSI, Éva; GHERMAN, Gabriela; MARÓTI, Ger- JONES, Aaron A.; BENNETT, Philip C. gely (2014) : An Acidophilic Bacterial-Ar- (2014) : Mineral Microniches Control the Di- chaeal-Fungal Ecosystem Linked to Formation versity of Subsurface Microbial Populations. of Ferruginous Crusts and Stalactites. Geomicrobiology Journal, 31 (3, Special Issue: Geomicrobiology Journal, 31 (5, May 28) : Biogeochemistry and Microbial Ecology of 407-418. Cave Systems) : 246-261. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01490451.2013.836 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01490451.2013.809 580 174 (BL). Thiothrix unzii. (BL). 2014.1934 2014.1938

GRIFFIN, Dale W.; GRAY, Michael A.; JONES, Daniel S.; SCHAPERDOTH, Irene; LYLES, Mark B.; NORTHUP, Diana E. MACALADY, Jennifer L. (2014) : Metageno- (2014) : The Transport of Nonindigenous Mi- mic Evidence for Sulfide Oxidation in Extre- croorganisms Into Caves by Human Visitation: mely Acidic Cave Biofilms. A Case Study at Carlsbad Caverns National Geomicrobiology Journal, 31 (3, Special Issue: Park. Biogeochemistry and Microbial Ecology of Geomicrobiology Journal, 31 (3, Special Issue: Cave Systems) : 194-204. Biogeochemistry and Microbial Ecology of http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01490451.2013.834 Cave Systems) : 175-185. 008 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01490451.2013.815 Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans, Ferroplasma 294 sp., Acidimicrobium: sulfidic Frasassi and Staphylococcus spp., Knoellia spp., Penicil- Acquasanta cave systems, Italy. (BL). lium, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Alternaria. 2014.1939 (BL). 2014.1935 KARKUN, Arunima; PATLE, Kalpana; VER- MA, Seema (2014) : Bacterial diversity of HEMLEY, Cath (2014) : Snottites Mandeepkhol cave, Rajnandgaon district of C. Caves Australia, No. 197 (June 2014) : 2. G., India. Photo, ref. International Journal of Innovative Science, Snottites are colonies of single-celled extre- Engineering & Technology (IJISET), 1 (5) : mophilic bacteria which hang from the walls 491-499. and ceilings of caves and are similar to small http://ijiset.com/articlesv1s5.html stalactites, but have the consistency of snot, a Brevundimonas diminuta, Bacillus thurin- slang word for nasal mucus. They derive their giensis, Bacillus cereus. Guano deposits (20 energy from chemosynthesis of sulfur com- species) followed by leaf litter deposits (19 pounds including H2S and warm water solu- species) and log and twig deposits (14 spe- tion dripping from above, producing sulphuric cies). (BL). acid. Because of this, their waste products are 2014.1940 highly acidic (approaching pH=0), with simi-

244 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) KARKUN, Arunima; VERMA, Seema; http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01490451.2012.752 PATLE, Kalpana (2014) : Study of Pectino- 424 lytic Bacteria residing in Mandeepkhol cave, Nitrosospira, Klebsiella pneumoniae. (BL). Rajnandgaon district of C. G. India. 2014.1944 International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 3 (8, August) : 547-552. MILLER, Ana Zélia; PEREIRA, Manuel F. http://www.ijcmas.com/Archives-21.php C.; CALAFORRA, José M.; FORTI, Paolo; 32 bacterial species. Brevundimonas diminuta, DIONÍSIO, Amélia; SÁIZ-JIMÉNEZ, Cesareo Bacillus thuringiensis, Bacillus cereus… (BL). (2014) : Siliceous Speleothems and Associated 2014.1941 Microbe-Mineral Interactions from Ana Heva Lava Tube in Easter Island (Chile). KUMARESAN, Deepak; WISCHER, Daniela; Geomicrobiology Journal, 31 (3, Special Issue: STEPHENSON, Jason; HILLEBRAND-VOI- Biogeochemistry and Microbial Ecology of CULESCU, Alexandra; MURRELL, J. Colin Cave Systems) : 236-245. (2014) : Microbiology of Movile Cave - A http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01490451.2013.827 Chemolithoautotrophic Ecosystem. 762 Geomicrobiology Journal, 31 (3, Special Issue: (BL). Biogeochemistry and Microbial Ecology of 2014.1945 Cave Systems) : 186-193. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01490451.2013.839 PELLETIER, Guillaume (2014) : Quelques 764 notions de microbiologie cavernicole à l`inten- (BL). tion du non-initié. 2014.1942 Sous Terre, Vol. 24, no. 1 (Printemps 2014) : 14-17. 3 photos. MARSHALL HATHAWAY, Jennifer Jane; Traduction de la première partie du article pu- GARCIA, Matthew G.; BALASCH, Monica blié par Hazel Barton dans le Journal of Cave Moya; SPILDE, Michael N.; STONE, FRED and Karst Studies, qui presente l`histoire de D., DAPKEVICIUS; MARIA DE LURDES N. la microbiologie, ses origines et micro-orga- E., AMORIM, Isabel R.; GABRIEL, Rosalina; nismes cavernicoles. (AH). BORGES, Paulo A. V.; NORTHUP, Diana E. 2014.1946 (2014) : Comparison of Bacterial Diversity in Azorean and Hawai'ian Lava Cave Microbial SCHIRMACK, Janosch; MANGELSDORF, Mats. Kai; GANZERT, Lars; SAND, Wolfgang; Geomicrobiology Journal, 31 (3, Special Issue: HILLEBRAND-VOICULESCU, Alexandra; Biogeochemistry and Microbial Ecology of WAGNER, Dirk (2014) : Methanobacte- Cave Systems) : 205-220. rium movilense sp. nov., a hydrogenotrophic, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01490451.2013.777 secondary alcohol utilizing methanogen from 491 the anoxic sediment of the subsurface lake in (BL). Movile Cave, Romania. 2014.1943 International Journal of Systematic and Evolu- tionary Microbiology, 64 (2) : 522-527. MARSHALL HATHAWAY, Jennifer Jane; http://dx.doi.org/10.1099/ijs.0.057224-0 SINSABAUGH, Robert L.; DAPKEVICIUS, (BL). Maria de Lurdes N. E.; NORTHUP, Diana 2014.1947 E. (2014) : Diversity of Ammonia Oxidation (amoA) and Nitrogen Fixation (nifH) Genes in SEMAN, Milan; GAÁLOVÁ, Barbora; Lava Caves of Terceira, Azores, Portugal. CÍCHOVÁ, Marianna; PROKŠOVÁ, Milos- Geomicrobiology Journal, 31 (3, Special Issue: lava; HAVIAROVÁ, Dagmar; FĽAKOVÁ, Biogeochemistry and Microbial Ecology of Renáta (2014) : The occurrence of coliform Cave Systems) : 221-235. bacteria in the cave waters of Slovak Karst,

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 245 Slovakia. accompagnatori delle grotte turistiche : 28-29. Folia Microbiologica, 60 (3, May) : 269-278. 1 tav. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12223-014-0362-y Cenni generali sulla vita vegetale nelle grotte. Domica Cave, Gombasecká Cave, Milada (PG). Cave, Krásnohorská Cave. Escherichia coli, 2014.1951 Serratia spp., Enterobacter spp. (BL). 2014.1948 CASTELLO, Miris (2014) : Species diver- sity of Bryophytes and ferns of lampenflora in 3.17 Hypogean flora, fungi, algae Grotta Gigante (NE Italy) [Vrstna raznolikost Flore hypogée, champignons, algues mahov in praproti lampenflore v Veliki jami v Briščikih (SV Italija)]. AUSTRALIAN DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Acta Carsologica, 43 (1) : 185-193. (2014) : White Nose Syndrome in bats http://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/carsologica/issue/ Caves Australia, No. 197 (June 2014) : 8-9. view/80/showToc Notes the detection of WNS on bats in New Aerophytic cyanobacteria and algae, bryo- York State in 2007 and subsequent spread to phytes and ferns. Mosses: Eucladium verti- 22 US states and 5 Canadian provinces, having cillatum, Fissidens bryoides, Oxyrrhynchium devastating effects on bat populations (with up schleicheri, Rhynchostegiella tenella. Fern: to 90% dying). Spread of the disease is be- Asplenium trichomanes. (BL). lieved to occur mainly by bat movements but 2014.1952 it might also be carried by people, hence the importance of decontamination of equipment FOOTE, Jennifer (2014) : 2013-2014 White used in caves overseas before it was brought Nose Syndrome Update to Australia. It is also vital that any sightings NSS News, Vol. 72, no 4 (April 2014) : 16. 1 of bats which may be infected be immedia- map. tely reported to Wildlife Health Australia or The map shows White Nose Syndrome (a Emergency Animal Disease Watch. Advisers bat-killing disease) occurrence by County/Dis- also provided in relation to histoplasmosis and trict in the USA from 2006-2014. The author is lyssavirus. (GJM). now the new liaison, replacing Peter Younbaer. 2014.1949 (YD). 2014.1953 BORDERIE, Fabien; TÊTE, Nicolas; CAIL- HOL, Didier; ALAOUI-SEHMER, Laurence; HONG, Xin; WANG, Ou-Wen; ZHOU, Shou- BOUSTA, Faisl; RIEFFEL, Dominique; Biao; WEN, Fang (2014) : Primulina argentea ALEYA, Lotfi; ALAOUI-SOSSÉ, Badr (Gesneriaceae), a new species endemic to a (2014) : Factors driving epilithic algal colo- karst cave in N Guangdong, S China. nization in show caves and new insights into Willdenowia, 44 (3, December) : 377-383. combating biofilm development with UV-C http://dx.doi.org/10.3372/wi.44.44307 treatments. (BL). Science of The Total Environment, 484 (June 2014.1954 15) : 43-52. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sci- HUGONNOT, Vincent; PÉPIN, Florine totenv.2014.03.043 (2014) : Perrier site (Puy-de-Dôme, Auvergne, Moidons Cave, France. (BL). France) and the conservation of troglodytic 2014.1950 bryophytes. Field Bryology, 112 (November). CASTELLO, Miris; POLLI, Elio (2014) : http://rbg-web2.rbge.org.uk/bbs/Activities/ Brevi note relative agli aspetti speleobotanici bulletin.htm del Carso triestino (BL). Grotta Gigante. Scriptum formazione degli 2014.1955

246 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) LAMPRINOU, Vasilik; SKARAKI, K.; KO- OGÓREK, Rafał; LEJMAN, Agnieszka; TOULAS, G.; ANAGNOSTIDIS, K.; ECO- MATKOWSKI, Krzysztof (2014) : Influence NOMOU-AMILLI, Athena; PANTAZIDOU, of the External Environment on Airborne Fun- Adriani (2013) : A new species of Phormi- gi Isolated from a Cave. dium (Cyanobacteria, Oscillatoriales) from Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 23 Greek Caves - morphological and molecular (2) : 435-440. evaluation. http://www.pjoes.com/abstracts/2014/Vol23/ Fundamental and Applied Limnology/Archiv No02/18.html für Hydrobiologie, 182 (2, February) : 109- Cladosporium herbarum, Rhizopus stolonifer: 116. Niedźwiedzia Cave (Lower Silesia, Poland). http://dx.doi.org/10.1127/1863- (BL). 9135/2013/0323 2014.1960 Phormidium melanochroun Lamprinou & Pan- tazidou sp. nov. (BL). POLLI, Elio (2013) : Interessanti aspetti stori- 2014.1956 co-naturalistici Alpinismo triestino, a. 24, n. 140 : 12-13. 6 LAMPRINOU, Vasilik; HERNÁNDEZ-MA- foto, 1 mappa. RINÉ, Mariona; PACHIADAKI, Maria Descrizione di una zona a NE di Aurisina; cen- G.; KORMAS, Konstantinos A.; ECONO- ni alle grotte che vi si trovano. (PG). MOU-AMILLI, Athena; PANTAZIDOU, 2014.1961 Adriani (2013) : New findings on the true- branched monotypic genus Iphinoe (Cyano- POLLI, Elio (2013) : Tre pittoresche caverne bacteria) from geographically isolated caves fra Racizze (Racice), Pogliane (Poljane pri (Greece). podgradu) e Castelnuovo d'Istria (Podgrad) Fottea, 13 (1) : 15-23. nella Valsecca (Matarsko Podolje, Slovenije) http://dx.doi.org/10.5507/fot.2013.002 Tuttocat, Numero Unico, dicembre 2012 : 32- Iphinoe cf. spelaeobios from the cave "Dik- 36. 6 foto, 1 ril., 1 mappa. taion Andron" (Crete island), Caves "Kastria" Indicazioni sulla vegetazione presente agli and "Koutouki" (Peloponnese, Attica). (BL). ingressi di tre grotte. (PG). 2014.1957 2014.1962

LI, Jian; HONG, Xin; WEN, Fang; YAN, POLLI, Elio (2014) : Indice delle piante citate Li-Jiao (2014) : Primulina pseudoroseoalba Progressione, N° 60, n. 1 (gen.-giu. 2013) : (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from a Karst 121-141. Cave in Guangxi, China. Dopo un'ampia premessa, elencate le 476 Annales Botanici Fennici, 51 (1, April) : 86- entità botaniche menzionate nei fascicoli di 89. Progressione dal n. 40 al n. 59. (PG). http://dx.doi.org/10.5735/085.051.0112 2014.1963 (BL). 2014.1958 POLLI, Elio (2014) : Veronica Urticifolia Jacq. nella Grotta dell'Arco Naturale di Ocizla/ NOR, Ezzawanis A.T. (2013) : In the spotlight Occisla (Miskotova jama v Lohak, 723 S/168 Antrophyum parvulum Blume VG, Slovenia) Flora of Peninsular Malaysia Online, Tropical Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 57- Forest Biodiversity Centre, Vol. 131, no 5. 65. 6 foto, 1 dis. photo. Cenni sulla distribuzione della pianta, suoi A fern that grows on limestone in Kedah and caratteri morfologici ed ecologici. Bibliografia. at Gunung Senyum in Pahang. (LP). (PG). 2014.1959 2014.1964

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 247 RAFIDAH, Abdul Rahman; SYAHIDA, Emi- WEST, Dave (2014) : Another WNS Forest za Suhaimi (2013) : In the spotlight - Jacque- Service Letter montia paniculata (Burm.f. ) Hallier.f The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 3 (June Flora of Peninsular Malaysia Online, Tropical 2014) : 17. Forest Biodiversity Centre, Vol. 129, no 3. The West Virginia Speleological Survey photo. (USA), with support from the Cave Research Convolvulaceae herb found on limestone in Foundation, is working to establish means to Perlis & Langkawi. (LP). locate, survey, and monitor caves in the Mo- 2014.1965 nongahela National Forest. Cavers are asked to understand and support the Forest Service cave STIHLER, Craig (2014) : West Virginia closures, to help avoid the spread of White White-Nose Syndrome Update--March 2014 Nose Syndrome. (YD). The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 3 (June 2014.1969 2014) : 16-17. 1 table. Report by the West Virginia Department of WEST, Dave (2014) : Tri-Colored Bats Natural Resources on the current status of The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 3 (June White Nose Syndrome, a disease caused by 2014) : 8. fungus that infects bats. WNS first appeared in The Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) the USA in 2006, and reached West Virginia in is seeking a Federal listing of the tri-colored 2009. By 2012 it was present throughout the (eastern pipistrelle) bat as threatened or endan- major karst regions of the state. (YD). gered, due to White Nose Syndrome. If this 2014.1966 happens, caves in eastern USA may be gated to protect the bats. Cavers are asked to report TAYLOR, Erika Linzi Silva; FERREIRA, the most affected caves, both on private and on Rodrigo Lopes; CARDOSO, Patrícia Gomes; public lands. (YD). RESENDE STOIANOFF, Maria Aparecida 2014.1970 de (2014) : Cave Entrance dependent Spore Dispersion of Filamentous Fungi Isolated from WHITE, Nicholas (2013) : Prospects for sur- Various Sediments of Iron Ore Cave in Brazil: vival of the Mt Etna Ghost Bat population a colloquy on human threats while caving. Caves Australia, No. 195 (December 2013) : Ambient Science, 1 (1, April) : 16-28. 5-6. Photo, 8 refs. http://www.caves.res.in/journal/d2014.htm An innovative project supported by the ASF 4,549 filamentous fungi that included 34 spe- Karst Conservation Fund has been trying to cies of 12 genera: Acremonium, Aspergillus, estimate the population of ghost bats (Macro- Cladosporium, Fusarium, Geotrichum, Paeci- derma gigas) in the Mt Etna population using lomyces, Purpureocillium, Penicillium, Torula, GPS technology to determine their foraging Trichoderma, Mucor and Rhizopus. (BL). range and collect tissue samples. 35 bats were 2014.1967 caught, marked and sampled during 2011-13; flight data has been retrieved from only one URSAVAŞ, Serhat; ÇETIN, Barbaros (2014) bat. Study of DNA has given a population es- : Cinclidotus asumaniae Ursavaş & Çetin timate of 30. Further protective measures and (Bryopsida, Pottiaceae), sp. nov., a new spe- studies are anticipated. (GJM). cies to the hygrophytic moss flora of Southern 2014.1971 Turkey. Nova Hedwigia, 98 (3/4) : 467-472. WHITE, Nicholas (2014) : White Nose Syn- http://dx.doi.org/10.1127/0029- drome in bats: Recent information from the 5035/2013/0167 Australian Chief Veterinary Officer to ASF Pınargözü Cave, Kızıldağ National Park, Ispar- Caves Australia, No. 197 (June 2014) : 7. ta province, Turkey. (BL). Photo. 2014.1968 Chief Veterinary Officer has appealed to the

248 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Australian speleological community to be cria grupo de especialistas em invertebrados de aware of the debilitating fungal ‘White Nose cavernas. Syndrome' in bats. Currently neither the syn- SBE Notícias, Ano 9, 297 (01/07/2014) : 1. drome nor the fungus has been identified in http://www.sbe.com.br/sbenoticias.asp. http:// Australia. However if WNS were to occur here www.iucn.org/fr/?14818/Industry-must-act- it could have similarly devastating effects on now-to-safeguard-biodiversity-threatened-by- Australian bats as those in the US and Canada. limestone-quarrying Cavers and cave managers travelling interna- (BL). tionally should avoid bringing in equipment 2014.1976 used overseas, especially from areas where WNS is known. Caving gear should be cleaned CULVER, David C.; PIPAN, Tanja (2014) : between trips. Cavers should also be alert to Shallow Subterranean Habitats: Ecology, Evo- the occurrence of chest infections and pneu- lution, and Conservation. Oxford University monia which may indicate Histoplasmosis. Press, ISBN: 0199646171, 9780199646173 (GJM). : 288 p. 2014.1972 http://books.google.fr/books?id=Oy- znAwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontco- ZHANG, Li-Bing; SUN, Qing-Wen; HE, Hai ver&hl=fr#v=onepage&q&f=false (2014) : Selaginella wangpeishanii (Selagi- (BL). nellaceae), a new lycophyte from a limestone 2014.1977 cave in Guizhou, China. Phytotaxa, 164 (3, April 8) : 195-199. FIŠER, Cene; PIPAN, Tanja; CULVER, David http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.164.3.5 C. (2014) : The Vertical Extent of Groundwa- Guizhou Province: Libo Co., Jiarong Zhen, ter Metazoans: An Ecological and Evolutiona- close to Henggu Cun, on weathered crust of ry Perspective. limestone rocks at the opening of a limestone BioScience, 64 (11, November) : 971-979. cave. (BL). http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/biosci/biu148 2014.1973 (BL). 2014.1978 3.2 General biology Biologie générale FRIM (2013) : FRIM explores Merapoh hills, discovers interesting plants AA (2014) : Le milieu de vie souterrain et ses FRIM online, 26 June 203. photos. habitants FRIM botanists made many exciting discove- L'excentrique, n° 4 : 3. Source: Morin Patrick, ries on the limestone hills of Merapoh, Pahang. 2004. Dans le secret des grottes, la spéléolo- The main hill studied was Gua Gunting. (LP). gie, l'Ecole des loisirs. 2014.1979 Brève explication sur la vie animale dans le monde souterrain: les trogloxènes, les troglo- GALASSI, Diana Maria Paola; LOMBARDO, philes et les troglobies. (NG). Paola; FIASCA, Barbara; DI CIOCCIO, Ales- 2014.1974 sia; DI LORENZO, Tiziana; PETITTA, Mar- co; DI CARLO, Piero (2014) : Earthquakes AIMAR, Luana (2014) : La vita poco visibile trigger the loss of groundwater biodiversity. Montagne 360. Rivista del Club Alpino Italia- Scientific Reports, 4 : 6273 : 8 p. no, Marzo 2014 : 54-57. Foto. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/srep06273 Diffusione, caratteristiche e valore della fauna (BL). sotterranea. (MS). 2014.1980 2014.1975 GRUPO DE ESPELEOLOGÍA DE VILLA- BICHUETTE, Maria Elina (2014) : IUCN CARRILLO (G. E. V.) (2014) : Fotografías

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 249 participantes en el IV Concurso Internacional organisms distribution. de Fotografía de Flora y Fauna Cavernícolas. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hun- Gota a gota, 4 : 1-12. Espagnol. garicae, 60 (3) : 257-270. http://sites.google.com/site/espeleovillacarril- http://actazool.nhmus.hu/60/3/ac60_3.html lo/home/gota-a-gota-no-4-2014 Karstic valley of north-western Italy. Niphar- (BL). gus ambulator Karaman, 1975. Dendrocoelum 2014.1981 sp. n. Salamandra. (BL). 2014.1986 GUTJAHR, Simon; SCHMIDT, Susanne; HAHN, Hans Jurgen (2014) : A proposal for NAVARRO-BARRANCO, Carlos; GUER- a groundwater habitat classification at local RA-GARCÍA, José Manuel; SÁNCHEZ-TO- scale. CINO, Luis; GARCÍA-GÓMEZ, José Carlos Subterranean Biology, 14 : 25-49. (2014) : Mobile epifaunal community in ma- http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/subtbiol.14.5429 rine caves: does it differ from open habitats? (BL). Aquatic Biology, 20 (2) : 101-109. 2014.1982 http://dx.doi.org/10.3354/ab00551 Shallow marine caves from Southern Spain. HALSE, Stuart Anthony; PEARSON, Grant Colonies of Eudendrium sp. (a marine hy- B. (2014) : Troglofauna in the vadose zone: droid). Crustaceans (Amphipoda). (BL). comparison of scraping and trapping results 2014.1987 and sampling adequacy. Subterranean Biology, 13 : 17-34. SENDRA, Alberto; REBOLEIRA, Ana Sofia http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/subtbiol.13.6991 Pereira Serrenho (2014) : La extensión y los Pilbara region of Western Australia. (BL). límites de la fauna en los habitats subterráneos 2014.1983 [The extension and limits of the fauna in the subterranean habitats]. LUNGHI, Enrico; MANENTI, Raoul; FICE- Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomo- TOLA, Gentile Francesco (2014) : Do cave logía, 38 (3/4) : 203-224. Espagnol. features affect underground habitat exploita- http://www.entomologica.es/index.php?d=pu- tion by non-troglobite species? blicaciones&num=64&w=1590 Acta Oecologica, 55 (February) : 29-35. (BL). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actao.2013.11.003 2014.1988 Analyse of the community of non-strict cave-dwelling organisms in 33 caves. Chilos- VAILATI, Dante (2014) : Biospeleologia o toma planospira, Dolichopoda letitiae, Hydro- biologia sotterranea? L'ambiente sotterraneo mantes italicus, Meta, Oxychilus draparnaudi, spiegato a mia nonna Rana italica. (BL). Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica 2014.1984 Italiana, n. 70 (giugno 2014) : 57-61. Foto. Attraverso un'intervista immaginaria si spie- LUNGHI, Enrico; BACCI, Francesco (2014) gano i motivi per cui è più corretto usare il : Grotta dolce Grotta: l'utilizzo delle grotte termine “biologia sotterranea” anzichè quello come sito riproduttivo. di “biospeleologia”. (MS). TALP, 48 (Giugno) : 48-55. Italien. 2014.1989 http://www.speleotoscana.it (BL). WATSON, Tony; HARDING, J.; FENWICK, 2014.1985 G. (2013) : The structure of aquatic macro-in- vertebrate communities within cave streams MANENTI, Raoul (2014) : Role of cave fea- Cave and Karst Management in Australasia tures for aquatic troglobiont fauna occurrence: XX. Proc. 20th Australasian Conf. Cave & effects on "accidentals" and troglomorphic Karst Management 2013. Waitomo Caves, NZ

250 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) : 225. [abstract only]. vités ludiques et pédagogiques et combinent http://hdl.handle.net/10092/6513 ces visites avec des actions de protection des Cave aquatic macroinvertebrate communities chauves-souris. (NG). are structured by a host of abiotic and biotic 2014.1992 factors unique to their environment resulting in variations between cave and surface aquatic Belgium / Belgique / België communities. Cave stream invertebrate com- munities are resource limited with a depen- dence upon surface-derived energy resources, Namur / Namem such as FPOM and CPOM. This dependence was assessed down a longitudinal gradient within a cave stream using stable isotopes of SMITS, Quentin (2014) : Intérêt biologique et carbon and nitrogen, pre-conditioned replicate régimes de protection dans la basse vallée de algal tiles and leaf packs. Also investigated la Lesse was potential for cave aquatic communities to Atlas du Karst Wallon : bassin de la Basse subsidise subterranean terrestrial communi- Lesse. Inventaire cartographique et descriptif ties… (Author, GJM). des sites karstiques et des circulations d'eau 2014.1990 souterraine : 58-63. Photos, carte. L'intérêt biologique de la vallée de la Basse 3.3 Regional biospeleology Lesse est reconnu depuis de nombreuses an- Biospéléologie régionale nées avec le Parc naturel de Furfooz et Natura 2000. Les sites sont notamment préservés pour 3.31 Europe leur population de chauves-souris et d'autres Europe espèces animales : la salamandre tachetée, l'araignée des grottes, le niphargus,.. (NG). Abkhazia / Abkhazie 2014.1993

SENDRA, Alberto; REBOLEIRA, Ana Sofia / Bulgarie Pereira Serrenho (2014) : La comunidad sub- terranean mas profunda del mundo, la cueva PETROV, Boyan P.; ALEXANDROVA, Iliana; Krubera-Voronya (Caucaso Ocidental). KARADAKOV, Vladimir; GEORGIEVA, Lapiaz, 32 : 4-18. Espagnol. Teodora; TOSHKOVA, Niya; ZHELYAZ- (BL). KOVA, Violeta (2014) : Bats (Mammalia: 2014.1991 Chiroptera) in Ponor Special Protection Area (Natura 2000), Western Bulgaria: Species Di- Belgium / Belgique / België versity and Distribution. Acta Zoologica bulgarica, Supplementum 5 : 117-128. Liège / Luik / Luttich http://www.acta-zoologica-bulgarica.eu/azb_ en.php?q=Supplementum%205 (BL). KLINGER, Nicolas (2014) : Comment combi- 2014.1994 ner tourisme, visites scolaires et protection des chauves-souris. Une belle réussite aux grottes STOEV, Pavel; DELTSHEV, Christo C.; de l'Abîme de Comblain-au-Pont, Belgique BACHVAROVA, Darina; DOICHINOV, Plaquette – programme des Journées 2014 de Alexandar (2014) : Cave Invertebrates in Spéléologie Scientifique, 15 et 16 novembre Ponor Special Protection Area (Natura 2000), 2014 : 1 p. Western Bulgaria: Faunistic Diversity and Résumé de communication. L'asbl “Les dé- Conservation Significance. couvertes de Comblain” organisent des acti- Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, Supplementum 5 :

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 251 75-83. brunneus Gyllenhal, 1813. http://www.acta-zoologica-bulgarica.eu/azb_ Monografías Bioespeleológicas, 8 : 21. Espa- en.php?q=Supplementum%205 gnol. Cave Dushinka (near of Iskrets), cave Vodnata http://sites.google.com/site/espeleovillacarril- Peshtera (near the Tserovo), Dinevata cave, lo/home/monografias-bioespeleologicas/mono- Svetata Voda cave, Krivata Pesht caves (near grafias-bioespeleologicas-no-8 the Gintsi). Endemic cave-dwellers Typhloiu- (BL). lus bureschi, Paranemastoma bureschi, Phe- 2014.1998 ggomisetes globiceps, Plusiocampa bureschi, Niphargus bureschi, Bureschia bulgarica. RODRÍGUEZ ROJAS, Fernando (2014) (BL). : Contribución al área de distribución de 2014.1995 Araneae (Arachnida) en la Península Ibérica. Gota a gota, 6 : 37-40. Espagnol. Croatia / Croatie http://sites.google.com/site/espeleovillacarril- lo/home/gota-a-gota-no-6-2014 ČUKOVIĆ, Tamara; JALŽIĆ, Branko; BE- (BL). DEK, Jana; KOMERIČKI, Ana; BILANDŽI- 2014.1999 JA, A.; DRAŽINA, Tvrtko; PAVLEK, Martina; LUKIĆ, Marko; MICULINIĆ, K.; España / Spain OZIMEC, Roman (2014) : Biospeleološka istraživanja na ekspediciji Lukina jama - sifon Andalucia 2013. (Almería; Cádiz; Córdoba; Granada; Huelva; Subterranea croatica, 16 : 13-15. Jaén; Málaga; Sevilla) (BL). 2014.1996 PÉREZ FERNÁNDEZ, Antonio; AGUILE- Deutschland / Germany RA, José Manuel (2014) : Adenda al artículo "Aproximación al estudio de los invertebrados Rheinland-Pfalz; Saarland de la (Benaoján, Málaga, España)". Gota a gota, 3 (2013/2014) : 69-70. Espagnol. WEBER, Dieter (2014) : 35 Jahre bios- http://sites.google.com/site/espeleovillacarril- peläologische Forschung in der Höhlenfor- lo/home/gota-a-gota-no-3-2013-2014 schergruppe Karlsruhe (BL). Mitteilungen der Höhlenforschergruppe Karls- 2014.2000 ruhe, Heft 24: 50 Jahre Höhlenforschergruppe Karlsruhe : 38-39. 4 Abb. PÉREZ FERNÁNDEZ, Antonio; PÉREZ Geschichte der biospeläologischen Erfor- RUIZ, Antonio (2014) : Catálogo provisio- schung in Rheinlad-Pfalz und dem Saarland nal de los invertebrados del Sistema Sima (GST). GESM-Sima de la Luz (Tolox, Málaga). 2014.1997 Gota a gota, 4 : 74-78. Espagnol. http://sites.google.com/site/espeleovillacarril- España / Spain lo/home/gota-a-gota-no-4-2014 Provisional and updated listing of the inverte- Generalidades / General brates in the deepest cave of Andalusia with a total of 24 species. (BL). 2014.2001 GRUPO DE ESPELEOLOGÍA DE VILLA- CARRILLO (G. E. V.) (2014) : Invertebrado PÉREZ FERNÁNDEZ, Antonio (2014) : cavernícola jiennense del año 2014: Aglenus Contribución al conocimiento de la biología

252 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) subterránea de Andalucía (Sur de España) III: espeleologia/articulos-de-consulta/ el abate Henri BREUIL. Sea caves, Biospeleology. (BL). Gota a gota, 6 : 21-36. Espagnol. 2014.2005 http://sites.google.com/site/espeleovillacarril- lo/home/gota-a-gota-no-6-2014 GALÁN, Carlos Alberto; RIVAS, José M.; (BL). NIETO, Marian (2014) : Cuevas, simas, túne- 2014.2002 les y minas en caliza y esquistos Paleozoicos: Cuenca de Artikutza [Caves, abyss, tunnels PÉREZ FERNÁNDEZ, Antonio (2014) : Lis- and mines in Palaeozoic limestone and shales: tado de invertebrados de cuevas de la provin- Artikutza basin]. cia de Jaén (Andalucía, España) (Checklist). Laboratorio de Bioespeleología. Sociedad de Revisado y Actualizado: 17/10/2014 : 56 p. Ciencias Aranzadi. Alto de Zorroaga. E-20014 Espagnol. San Sebastián, Spain, Agosto 2014 : 38 p. (BL). Espagnol. 2014.2003 http://www.aranzadi-zientziak.org/category/ espeleologia/articulos-de-consulta/ Canarias (Islas) Caves, Underground Biology, mines, tunnels, hypogean fauna, speleothems. (BL). , M.; MORENO, Á. C.; MARTÍN, 2014.2006 S. (2014) : ¿Dónde buscar troglobiontes? En- sayo de una cartografía predictiva con MaxEnt GALÁN, Carlos Alberto; RIVAS, José M.; en Gran Canaria (islas Canarias) [Where NIETO, Marian; HERRAIZ, Iñigo (2014) : should we search for troglobionts? A study of El karst del Monte Aitzbeltz (Andoain, Gipuz- predictive cartography using MaxEnt in Gran koa): nuevas cavidades y notas hidrogeoló- Canaria (Canary Islands, Spain)] [On buscar gicas [The karst of the Aitzbeltz Mountain troglobis? Assaig d'una cartografia predictiva (Andoain, Gipuzkoa): new caves and hydro- amb MaxEnt a Gran Canària (illes Canàries)]. geological notes]. Arxius de Miscellània Zoològica, 12 : 83-92. Laboratorio de Bioespeleología. Sociedad de Espagnol. Ciencias Aranzadi. Alto de Zorroaga. E-20014 http://amz.museucienciesjournals.cat/volum- San Sebastián, Spain, Junio 2014 : 42 p. Espa- 12-2014-amz/ gnol. 160 terrestrial troglobiont species are known to http://www.aranzadi-zientziak.org/category/ date in the Canary Islands. (BL). espeleologia/articulos-de-consulta/ 2014.2004 Underground Biology, caves, environmental conservation. (BL). España / Spain 2014.2007

Vascongadas / Euskadi GALÁN, Carlos Alberto; RIVAS, José M.; (Alava; Guipuzcoa; Vizcaya) NIETO, Marian (2014) : Minas y cuevas de Elama (Artikutza): Hidrogeología, fauna y evolución [Mines and caves of Elama (Artikut- GALÁN, Carlos Alberto; ARRIETA za): Hydrogeology, fauna and evolution]. ETXABE, David (2014) : Cuevas marinas en Laboratorio de Bioespeleología. Sociedad de el flysch de Igueldo (País Vasco) [Sea caves in Ciencias Aranzadi. Alto de Zorroaga. E-20014 the flysch of Igueldo (Basque Country)]. San Sebastián, Spain, Julio 2014 : 62 p. Espa- Laboratorio de Bioespeleología. Sociedad de gnol. Ciencias Aranzadi. Alto de Zorroaga. E-20014 http://www.aranzadi-zientziak.org/category/ San Sebastián, Spain, Enero 2014 : 30 p. Espa- espeleologia/articulos-de-consulta/ gnol. Underground Biology, speleothems, caves, http://www.aranzadi-zientziak.org/category/ mines, hypogean fauna, Evolution. (BL). 2014.2008 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 253 GALÁN, Carlos Alberto; DI BARTO- (LPO 74); GROUPE CHIROPTÈRES RHÔ- LOMEO, Piero; NIETO, Marian (2014) : NE-ALPES (GCRA 73) (2014) : Formation Notas sobre un grupo de dolinas y simas en et comptage Chiroptère, 25 et 26 janvier 2014 rocas de arenisca (Jaizkibel Oeste, Pasaia, País (CDS74 - CDS73 - LPO74 - GCRA73). Vasco) [Notes about a cluster of sinkholes and : 4 p. Français. abysses in sandstone rocks (Jaizkibel west, (BL). Pasaia, Basque Country)]. 2014.2011 Laboratorio de Bioespeleología. Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi. Alto de Zorroaga. E-20014 France San Sebastián, Spain, Febrero 2014 : 16 p. Espagnol. Provence-Côte d´Azur / Corse http://www.aranzadi-zientziak.org/category/ (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence; Hautes-Alpes; espeleologia/articulos-de-consulta/ Alpes-Maritimes; Bouches-du-Rhône; Var; Caves, Underground Biology. (BL). Vaucluse; Corse) 2014.2009

France CONSERVATOIRE D'ESPACES NATURELS PROVENCE-ALPES-CÔTE D'AZUR (CEN Ile-de-France PACA) (2014) : Aidez-nous à protéger les (Seine; Seine-et-Marne; Yvelines; Essonne; chauves-souris de la Baume-Granet. Hauts-de-Seine; Val-de-Marne; Val-d´Oise) , Publié le 11 juillet 2014, Action verte. Fran- çais. http://www.cen-paca.org/index.php?rub=6&- MARMET, Julie; JULIEN, Jean-François; pag=article&pag2=500 DRUESNE, Roxane; BIRARD, Julie; LOIS, (BL). Grégoire; GALAND, Nicolas; PELLISSIER, 2014.2012 Vincent; KERBIRIOU, Christian (2014) : Dé- poussiérage des anciens registres de baguage: LEMAIRE, Jean-Michel; RAFFALDI, Jean le cas de l'Île-de-France [Current trends in (2014) : La biospéléologie et l'IBG. French bats population highlighted by ancient Insectes, 172 (1er trimestre) : 29-33. Français. banding data]. http://www7.inra.fr/opie-insectes/i-sommai. Symbioses, nouvelle série,, 32 (Mars) : 77-82. htm#68 Français. Inventaire biologique généralisé (IBG), Parc http://samnel.museum.pagesperso-orange.fr/ National du Mercantour, Aven de Granréon Symbioses.htm (commune de Roubion), Aven Primard ou des (BL). Tempêtes (commune de Saorge). (BL). 2014.2010 2014.2013

France LIGUE DE SPÉLÉOLOGIE PROVENCE ALPES MÉDITERRANÉE (LIPAM); CO- Rhône-Alpes MITÉ SPÉLÉOLOGIQUE RÉGIONAL (Ain; Ardèche; Drôme; Isère; Loire; Rhône; "D" (COMMISSION ENVIRONNEMENT) Savoie; Haute-Savoie) (2014) : Stage - Table ronde: Chiroptérologie et spéléologues. 11 et 12 octobre 2014, Annot, Alpes de Haute-Provence. COMITÉ DÉPARTEMENTAL DE SPÉLÉO- : 10 p. Français. LOGIE DE HAUTE-SAVOIE (CDS 74); (BL). COMITÉ DÉPARTEMENTAL DE SPÉ- 2014.2014 LÉOLOGIE DE SAVOIE (CDS 73); LIGUE POUR LES OISEAUX DE HAUTE-SAVOIE MOTTA, Leslie (2014) : Chauves-souris: où

254 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) dormez-vous? France Garrigues, 56 (Octobre) : 9. Français. http://www.cen-paca.org/index.php?rub=5&- Bretagne / Poitou-Charentes / Pays-de-la-Loire pag=5_02_1garrigues (Charente; Charente-Maritime; Côtes-d’Ar- Minioptères de Schreibers, Baume-Granet mor; Finistère, Ille-et-Vilaine; Loire-Atlan- (Roquefort-les-Pins, 06) et autre grotte sur la tique; Maine-et-Loire; Mayenne, Morbihan; commune de Malaussène. (BL). Sarthe; Deux-Sèvres; Vendée; Vienne) 2014.2015

RENET, Julien (2014) : Une stratégie pour BANASIAK, Marek; COUTARD, Clément préserver le Spélerpès de Strinati. (2014) : Bilan du suivi des populations de Garrigues, 56 (Octobre) : 7. Français. chauve souris hivernantes en Sarthe pendant http://www.cen-paca.org/index.php?rub=5&- l'hiver 2013-2014. pag=5_02_1garrigues La Gazette des Chiros, 12 (Juin) : 8-10. (BL). http://www.chauvesouris-pdl.org/publica- 2014.2016 tions-regionales/122-la-gazette-des-chiros (BL). France 2014.2019

Languedoc-Roussillon BELLION, Pascal (2014) : Résultats des sui- (Aude; Gard; Hérault; Lozère; Pyrénées-Orien- vis de l'hiver 2013-2014 en Loire-Atlantique. tales) La Gazette des Chiros, 12 (Juin) : 4-5. http://www.chauvesouris-pdl.org/publica- tions-regionales/122-la-gazette-des-chiros BOU, Claude (2014) : Biospéologie. (BL). Spéléo Magazine, n° 88 (Décembre 2014) : 10. 2014.2020 2 photos. Brève note sur la biospéologie de l'exsurgence BRANDY, Julie (2014) : Visite de la Grotte de de l'Avencas (Brissac, Hérault), caractéristique Grosbot lors d'une sortie scolaire. des stygobies du Languedoc, outre le Niphar- Lettre mensuelle de Charente Nature, mai gus, les isopodes Cirolanides Sphaeromides 2014 : 8-9 (sans pagination). raymondi et Faucheria faucheri. (Fx). http://www.charente-nature.org/Lettre-men- 2014.2017 suelle-de-Charente,618.html Chauves-souris. (BL). France 2014.2021

Aquitaine CHATAGNON, Claire; LHOYER, Kevin (Dordogne; Gironde; Landes; Lot-et-Garonne; (2014) : La saison printemps-été 2014 en Pyrénées-Atlantiques) Mayenne. La Gazette des Chiros, 12 (Juin) : 30-31. Fran- çais. RUYS, Thomas; BERNARD, Yannig (2014) http://www.chauvesouris-pdl.org/publica- : Atlas des Mammifères sauvages d'Aquitaine. tions-regionales/122-la-gazette-des-chiros 4. Les Chiroptères. (BL). Cistude Nature & LPO Aquitaine. Édition 2014.2022 Cistude Nature : 256 p. (BL). CHATAGNON, Claire (2014) : Lancement de 2014.2018 l'étude du swarming aux grottes de Saulges. La Gazette des Chiros, 13 (Novembre) : 16. Français.

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 255 http://www.chauvesouris-pdl.org/publica- LHOYER, Kevin (2014) : Résultats des suivis tions-regionales/122-la-gazette-des-chiros de l'hiver 2013-2014 en Mayenne. (BL). La Gazette des Chiros, 12 (Juin) : 7-8. Fran- 2014.2023 çais. http://www.chauvesouris-pdl.org/publica- CHATAGNON, Claire (2014) : Les nuits de la tions-regionales/122-la-gazette-des-chiros chauve-souris en Mayenne. Canyon de Saulges, 22 cavités naturelles La Gazette des Chiros, 13 (Novembre) : 17. ("tortueuses, qui présentent souvent des por- Français. tions techniquement inaccessibles à l'observa- http://www.chauvesouris-pdl.org/publica- teur, voire qui impliquent d'entrée de jeu des tions-regionales/122-la-gazette-des-chiros compétences spéléologiques"). Grotte du Rey. Grottes de Saulges. (BL). Grand et Petit Rhinolophe, Grand Murin et 2014.2024 Murin à oreilles échancrées. (BL). 2014.2028 CHENAVAL, Nicolas; LELANT, Vanessa (2014) : Lancement du programme de réouver- MAISONNEUVE, Jean-Luc (2014) : Travaux ture de bâtiments favorables et mise en place à la cavité du Petit Vioreau à Joué-sur-Erdre. de grilles de protection pour les Chiroptères en La Gazette des Chiros, 12 (Juin) : 17-18. Fran- Loire-Atlantique. çais. La Gazette des Chiros, 12 (Juin) : 20-23. Fran- http://www.chauvesouris-pdl.org/publica- çais. tions-regionales/122-la-gazette-des-chiros http://www.chauvesouris-pdl.org/publica- Site d'hivernage pour Grand Murin, Grand et tions-regionales/122-la-gazette-des-chiros Petit Rhinolophe (Loire-Atlantique). NATURA (BL). 2000. (BL). 2014.2025 2014.2029

CONSERVATOIRE RÉGIONAL D'ESPACES NOËL, Franck; CHAUT, Jean-Jacques; PI- NATURELS DE POITOU-CHARENTES GEAUD, Romain (2014) : Découverte d'une (2014) : Cavités à Chiroptères (Charente-Ma- thanatocénose à Myotis bechsteini (Kuhl, ritime). 1818) intermedius, Rybá, 1976 dans la grotte La Lettre du Conservatoire, Mars 2014 : 4 p. Mayenne-Sciences (Thorigné-en-Charnie, Français. Mayenne, France). http://www.cren-poitou-charentes.org/2014- Sciences etc, 2 : 83-92. Français. mars-Cavites-a-Chiropteres.html http://laval.fr/musees/test/revue-sciences-etc/ (BL). (BL). 2014.2026 2014.2030

LEROY, Michael (2014) : Petit bilan des ROCHARD, Nicolas (2014) : 2014… Le Mi- comptages hivernaux 2013-2014 du départe- nioptère de Schreibers enfin en Anjou. ment de Maine-et-Loire. La Gazette des Chiros, 13 (Novembre) : 34-35. La Gazette des Chiros, 12 (Juin) : 6-7. Fran- Français. çais. http://www.chauvesouris-pdl.org/publica- http://www.chauvesouris-pdl.org/publica- tions-regionales/122-la-gazette-des-chiros tions-regionales/122-la-gazette-des-chiros (BL). Chiroptères. 87 cavités jugées d'importances 2014.2031 majeures en Maine-et-Loire dont la plus im- portante du département, la cave Billard (en TOUZALIN, Frédéric; MONTFORT, Didier; partie propriété de la LPO Anjou). (BL). RADIGOIS, Thomas (2014) : Automne 2014: 2014.2027 nouvelles des Grands Murins de Pontchâteau en Loire-Atlantique.

256 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) La Gazette des Chiros, 13 (Novembre) : 35-39. France Français. http://www.chauvesouris-pdl.org/publica- Franche-Comté / Alsace tions-regionales/122-la-gazette-des-chiros (Doubs; Jura; Bas-Rhin; Haut-Rhin; Haute- Cavité de Grénébo. (BL). Saône; Belfort) 2014.2032

France PEUCELLE, Sarah (2014) : Inventaire des colonies de parturition de chiroptères et des Auvergne / Limousin corridors écologiques associés aux principaux (Allier; Cantal; Corrèze; Creuse, Haute-Loire; gîtes dans le site Natura 2000 Petite Montagne Puy-de-Dôme; Haute-Vienne) du Jura. : 66 p. Français. http://petitemontagnedujura-n2000.fr/ CHEVALIER, Tony (2014) : Mise en place (BL). d'un Indicateur Chiroptères pour la région Au- 2014.2035 vergne. Quels enjeux pour les chauves-souris en Auvergne? Master E2F: Expertise Faune, Greece / Grèce Flore, Inventaire et Indicateur de la Biodiversi- té. Mémoire de stage, année 2013/2014, réalisé du 15 février au 15 août 2014, sous la direction General / Généralités de: Lilian GIRARD. : 39 p. Français. Myotis myotis, Rhinolophus hipposideros, ALEXIOU, Sotiris; BAKOLITSAS, Konstan- Rhinolophus ferrumequinum. (BL). tinos; DI RUSSO, Claudio; LATELLA, Leo- 2014.2033 nardo; RAMPINI, Mauro; ZACHARIAS, Stelios (2014) : Biospeleological notes on the France caves of The Parnassos, Giona and Vardousia Mountains (Central Greece). Centre Parnassiana Archives, 2 : 71-81. (Cher; Eure-et-Loir; Indre; Indre-et-Loire, http://www.wildgreeceeditions.com/parnassia- Loir-et-Cher; Loiret) na.html (BL). 2014.2036 GAGER, Yann (2014) : Socialité chez les chauves-souris: zoom sur les groupes de mâles Italia / Italy avec des nouvelles données en France [Bat so- ciality: a focus on male groups with new data Emilia-Romagna from France]. (Bologna; Ferrara; Forlì; Modena; Parma; Le Vespère, 4 (Octobre) : 277-281. Français. Piacenza; Ravenna; Reggio-Emilia) http://le-vespere.org/journal/#vespere4 ± 50 individus de Rhinolophus ferrumequi- num vus, dans une cavité d'Indre-et-Loire, par DEMARIA, Danilo; GRAZIOLI, Francesco Étienne SARAZIN (LPO Touraine). (BL). (2014) : Le grotte nelle ofioliti dell'Appennino 2014.2034 Bolognese. SottoTerra, Anno 53, 138 (Gennaio/Giugno) : 32-47. Italien. Speleomantes italicus. (BL). 2014.2037

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 257 GRAZIOLI, Francesco; MAGAGNOLI, Se- Luxembourg rena (2014) : Indagini biologiche nelle cavità regionali WEBER, Dieter (2014) : La faune cavernicole Speleologia Emiliana. Rivista della Fede- du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg razione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia Plaquette – programme des Journées 2014 de Romagna, Serie V, n. 5 (2014) : 182-185. Foto. Spéléologie Scientifique, 15 et 16 novembre (MS). 2014 : 1 p. 2014.2038 Résumé de communication. Bref compte rendu d'une étude menée entre 2007 et 2014 sur la Italia / Italy faune cavernicole dans les cavités naturelles et artificielles du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. Friuli-Venezia Giulia (NG). (Gorizia; Pordenone; Trieste; Udine) 2014.2042

Norway / Norvège GASPARO, Fulvio (2014) : Indice della fauna Progressione, N° 60, n. 1 (gen.-giu. 2013) : 116-120. WESTLUND, Anders (2010) : White-Nose Elenco dei taxa menzionati sui numeri dal 40 Syndrome (WNS) i Europa? al 59 di Progressione. (PG). Norsk Grotteblad, no 55 (Desember 2010) : 2014.2039 28-29. Photo. Because no information and recommenda- Italia / Italy tions concerning the WNS in Europe were spread among European cavers, the FSE WNS Piemonte e Val d´Aosta workgroup created a fact sheet on WNS. This (Alessandria; Asti; Cuneo; Novara; Torino; document has been translated into Norwegian Vercelli; Aosta) and published in this journal. The goal is to avoid the spread of WNS in Europe and also to gather more information on this syndrome LANA, Enrico; CASALE, Achille; GIACHI- in Europe. If you are visiting caves in Norway, NO, Pier Mauro (2013) : Attività biospeleolo- please ensure that equipment is thoroughly gica 2012-2013 cleaned and disinfected prior to use. (Author, Grotte. Bollettino interno del Gruppo Speleo- TF). logico Piemontese, n. 160 (luglio-dicembre 2014.2043 2013) : 41-64. Foto. Rapporto, con citazione delle specie repe- Portugal rite, sulle ricerche effettuate prevalentemente in provincia di Cuneo, ma anche sulle Alpi INSTITUTO DA CONSERVAÇÃO DA Orientali, in Sardegna (Supramonte), in Grecia NATUREZA E DAS FLORESTAS (ICNF) e nelle Baleari. (MS). (2014) : Análise dos dados do Programa de 2014.2040 Monitorização de Abrigos Subterrâneos de Im- portância Nacional de Morcegos (1988-2012). LANA, Enrico (2014) : L'elenco faunistico Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das del sistema sotterraneo di Bossea supera le 100 Florestas., Relatório não publicado : 113 p. specie Portugais. Grotte. Bollettino interno del Gruppo Speleo- http://www.icnf.pt/portal/naturaclas/patrinatur/ logico Piemontese, n. 161 (gennaio-giugno especies/mam/morc 2014) : 4-5. (BL). (MS). 2014.2044 2014.2041

258 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) RODRIGUES, P.; ROBALO, P.; PINHEIRO, (BL). R.; REBOLEIRA, Ana Sofia Pereira Serrenho 2014.2048 (2014) : Gruta da Contenda (Maciço Calcário Estremenho, Portugal) [Contenda cave (Estre- Brazil / Brésil menho karst massif, Portugal)]. Trogle, 6 : 20-31. Portugais. CORDEIRO, Lívia Medeiros; BORGHEZAN, Trechus lunai, Proasellus lusitanicus, Nesti- Rodrigo; TRAJANO, Eleonora (2014) : Sub- cus lusitanicus, Trichoniscoides meridionalis, terranean biodiversity in the Serra da Bodo- Podocampa cf. fragiloides, Bordea berlandi, quena karst area, Paraguay River basin, Mato Pholcus phalangioides, Meta bourneti, Litho- Grosso do Sul, Southwestern Brazil [Biodiver- bius pilicornis, Haplobainosoma lusitanum. sidade subterrânea na área cárstica da Serra da (BL). Bodoquena, bacia do Rio Paraguai, Estado do 2014.2045 Mato Grosso do Sul, Sudoeste do Brasil]. Biota Neotropica, 14 (3) : 1-28. Slovakia / Slovaquie http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1676- 06032014011414 KOVÁČ, ĽUbomír; ELHOTTOVÁ, Dana; (BL). MOCK, Andrej; NOVÁKOVÁ, Alena; 2014.2049 KRIŠTŮFEK, Václav; CHROŇÁKOVÁ, Alica; LUKEŠOVÁ, Alena; MULEC, Janez; ROCHA-SILVA, Fabiana; FIGUEIREDO, KOŠEL, Vladimír; PAPÁČ, Vladimír (2014) Sônia M.; SILVEIRA, Thamara T. S.; ASSUN- : The cave biota of Slovakia. State Nature ÇÃO, Claudia B.; CAMPOLINA, Sabrina S.; Conservancy of the Slovak Republic, Slovak PENA-BARBOSA, João P. P.; ROTONDO, Caves Administration, Liptovský Mikuláš. Alexandre; CALIGIORNE, Rachel B. (2014) Speleologia Slovaca, 5 : 191 p. : Histoplasmosis outbreak in Tamboril cave - (BL). Minas Gerais state, Brazil. 2014.2046 Medical Mycology Case Reports, 4 (April/ June) : 1-4. 3.32 America http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mmcr.2013.12.002 Amérique (BL). 2014.2050 Argentina / Argentine SIMÕES, Matheus Henrique; SOUZA-SILVA, BENEDETTO, Carlos (2008) : Descubrimien- Marconi; FERREIRA, Rodrigo Lopes (2014) to de fauna cavernícola cerca de Las Brujas : Cave invertebrates in northwestern Minas Argentina Subterranea, N° 19 (Junio 2008) : Gerais State Brazil: endemism, threats and 15. conservation priorities [Jamski nevretenčarji v Discovering of cave fauna near Las Brujas severozahodnem predelu Minas Gerais, Brazi- cave. (BO). lija: endemizem, ogroženost in vidiki varovan- 2014.2047 ja]. Acta Carsologica, 43 (1) : 159-174. Belize http://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/carsologica/issue/ view/80/showToc RÜTZLER, Klaus; PIANTONI, Carla; VAN (BL). SOEST, Rob W. M.; DÍAZ, M. Cristina 2014.2051 (2014) : Diversity of sponges (Porifera) from cryptic habitats on the near Carrie Bow Cay. Zootaxa, 3805 (1, May 29) : 129 p. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3805.1.1

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 259 Canada Kur magazine La Venta, n. 21 (2014) : 16-21. Foto. Ricerche sulla presenza e sullo sviluppo di General / Généralités cianobatteri nei ghiacciai dell'isola. Misurazio- ni della perdita di massa dei ghiacciai. Esplo- razioni speleologiche nei mulinelli glaciali. RANDALL, Jennifer H.; BRODERS, Hugh G. Collaborazioni scientifiche fra La Venta e l' (2014) : Identification and Characterization of Associazione francese Spélè Ice. (MS). Swarming Sites used by Bats in Nova Scotia, 2014.2055 Canada. Acta Chiropterologica, 16 (1, June) : 109-116. México / Mexique http://dx.doi.org/10.3161/150811014X683327 Caves. Abandoned mines. (BL). 2014.2052 General / Généralités

Chile / Chili ELLIOTT, William R. (2014) : Sótano de RODRÍGUEZ-SAN PEDRO, Annia; Yerbaniz. ALLENDES, Juan Luis; CARRASCO-LA- AMCS Activities Newsletter, 37 (May) : 125- GOS, Patricia; MORENO, Rodrigo A. (2014) 130. : Murciélagos de la Región Metropolitana de http://www.amcs-pubs.org/nl/37.htm Santiago, Chile. Astyanax. (BL). Seremi del Medio Ambiente Región Metropo- 2014.2056 litana de Santiago, Universidad Santo Tomás y Programa para la Conservación de los Mur- ESPINASA, Luis; BARTOLO, Nicole D.; ciélagos de Chile (PCMCh). ISBN: 978-956- NEWKIRK, Catherine E. (2014) : DNA 7204-49-6. 51 p. sequences of troglobitic nicoletiid insects (BL). support Sierra de El Abra and the Sierra de 2014.2053 Guatemala as a single biogeographical area: Implications for Astyanax. WYNNE, Jut Judson; BERNARD, Ernest C.; Subterranean Biology, 13 : 35-44. HOWARTH, Francis G.; SOMMER, Stefan; http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/subtbiol.13.7256 SOTO-ADAMES, Felipe N.; TAITI, Stefa- Anelpistina quinterensis, Neonicoletia, Cu- no; MOCKFORD, Edward L.; HORROCKS, bacubaninae, Nicoletiidae, Zygentoma, Insec- Mark; PAKARATI, Lázaro; PAKARATI-HO- ta, Thysanura, Silverfish, Astyanax, blind tetra, TUS, Victoria (2014) : Disturbance Relicts Characidae. (BL). in a Rapidly Changing World: The Rapa Nui 2014.2057 (Easter Island) Factor. BioScience, 64 (8, August) : 711-718. ESPINASA, Luis; ESPINASA-PEREÑA, http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/biosci/biu090 Ramon (2014) : Sistema Huautla: Deep cave Malacostraca: Isopoda (Philosciidae, Stylonis- exploration and the opportunity for new mole- cidae); Collembola: Entomobryomorpha (En- cular studies of its fauna. tomobryidae, Paronellidae); Insecta: Psocopte- Speleobiology Notes, 6 : 62-67. ra (Lepidopsocidae). Caves. Chile. (BL). http://www.nsm.buffalo.edu/Research/SPE- 2014.2054 LEOBIOLOGY_NOTES/index.php/Speleo/ article/view/67 Groenland / Greenland Anelpistina specusprofundi, Anelpistina asymmetrica, Cubacubana, Cubacubaninae, ROMEO, Alessio (2014) : Progetto GRAAL Nicoletiidae, Zygentoma, Insecta, Thysanura, (Greenland Research Animal and Algae) Silverfish, scorpion Alacran tartarus, troglo-

260 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) bite, Huautla, Sótano de San Agustín, Oaxaca, Western North American Naturalist, 74 (1, México. (BL). June) : 1-17. 2014.2058 http://dx.doi.org/10.3398/064.074.0102 7 caves. 52 morphospecies (44 arthropods, 4 United States of America bats, 4 other vertebrates). (BL). 2014.2062 General 3.33 Asia Asie KEENAN, Sarah W.; NIEMILLER, Matthew Lance; WILLIAMS, Bronwyn W. (2014) : Malaysia / Malaya / Malaisie Observations of an ectosymbiotic association between Cambarus bartonii cavatus (Deca- AA (2013) : Ongoing research projects by the poda: Cambaridae) and branchiobdellidans museum: Identifying the insect diversity of (Annelida: Clitellata) in Cruze Cave, Knox Gua Kanthan and the surrounding areas; and County, Tennessee, USA. fossil hunting inside Gua Kanthan and other Speleobiology Notes, 6 : 55-61. smaller caves http://www.nsm.buffalo.edu/Research/SPE- Bulletin of the Museum of Zoology, Vol. 1, no LEOBIOLOGY_NOTES/index.php/Speleo/ 4 (Oct 2013) : 1. article/view/65 (LP). (BL). 2014.2063 2014.2059 DIMITROVA, Tanya (2013) : Rare animal NIEMILLER, Matthew Lance; REEVES, Wil- species and Buddhist monks in danger of lo- liam C. (2014) : Predation by the stygophilic sing their home to cement quarry crayfish Cambarus tenebrosus on the salaman- Mongabay.com, 22 July 2013. der Pseudotriton ruber within a cave in Cannon Gunung Kanthan in Perak is being quarried County, Tennessee, USA. by Lafarge Cement. Gua Kanthan is an impor- Speleobiology Notes, 6 : 8-13. tant cave in the hill, home to a variety of cave http://www.nsm.buffalo.edu/Research/SPE- fauna including the trapdoor spider Liphistius LEOBIOLOGY_NOTES/index.php/Speleo/ kanthan. There is a Buddhist monastery lo- article/view/62 cated in another cave in the hill. (LP). (BL). 2014.2064 2014.2060 KIEW, Ruth; TAN, Joanne Pei-Chih; SALEH, PAPE, Robert B.; OCONNOR, Barry Kamarudin; YONG, Kien-Thai; KAMIN, Imin M. (2014) : Diversity and ecology of the (2014) : An uncertain future for the plants of macro-invertebrate fauna (Nemata and Arthro- Gunung Kanthan, Perak, Malaysia poda) of Kartchner Caverns, Cochise County, Cave and Karst Science, Vol. 41, no 3 (De- Arizona, United States of America. cember 2014) : 120-128. Check List, 10 (4) : 761-794. Gunung Kanthan, an isolated tower karst, http://dx.doi.org/10.15560/10.4.761 was identified in 1991 as one of the four most 98 species, including 16 species new to important karsts in Perak for conservation. science, seven of which are troglobites. (BL). Currently the southern part is under threat 2014.2061 from quarrying. The plant checklist records 223 species representing about 34% of mosses WYNNE, Jut Judson; VOYLES, Kyle D. and 16.2% of vascular plants that grow on (2014) : Cave-Dwelling Arthropods and limestone in Peninsular Malaysia. Of these, 32 Vertebrates of North Rim Grand Canyon, with species (14%) are of conservation importance Notes on Ecology and Management. either because they are endemic (19 species,

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 261 of which 3 species are endemic to Gunung sessed. (Author, GM). Kanthan), endangered (12 species) or rare (11 2014.2068 species). (Author, GM). 2014.2065 MOSELEY, Max (2014) : History of biolo- gical investigations at Batu caves, Malaysia, LIM, Lee-Sim; MOHD-ADNAN, Adura; and consequences for the progress of tropical ZUBAID, Akbar; STRUEBIG, Matthew J.; speleobiology: Part 1 - the 19th century ROSSITER, Stephen J. (2014) : Diversity Cave and Karst Science, Vol. 41, no 2 (August of Malaysian insectivorous bat assemblages 2014) : 52-56. revisited. Until the 1970s speleobiologists mistakenly Journal of Tropical Ecology, 30 : 111-121. believed that troglobionts - highly adapted http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0266467413000874 obligate subterranean animals - were rare or 6 cave-roosting species from the families absent in tropical regions. This error probably Rhinolophidae and Hipposideridae, while ano- held back the development of tropical cave ther 16 species were consistently rare. (BL). biology for several decades. It is argued here 2014.2066 that the mistake originated in the late 1890s during an investigation of Batu caves by the MOHAMAD, Fizl Sidq Ramji; LIM, Chan prestigious British Association for the Ad- Koon; MUSTAFA, Abdul Rahman (2013) : vancement of Science. Part 1 of this paper Roosting and nest-building behaviour of the describes these events in the context of the white-nest swiftlet Aerodramus fuciphagus development of speleobiology during the 19th (Thunberg) (Aves: Apodidae) in farmed colo- century. (GM). nies 2014.2069 Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement No. 29 (30 November 2013) : 225-235. MOULDS, Timothy; ANDERSON, Jay; AN- The farmed swiftlets are compared to cave DERSON, Ross; NYKIEL, Patrick (2013) : A colonies. (LP). preliminary survey of the invertebrate fauna of 2014.2067 the Gunung Mulu World Heritage karst area, Sarawak, Malaysia MOSELEY, Max (2014) : History of biolo- Cave and Karst Management in Australasia gical investigations at Batu caves, Malaysia, XX. Proc. 20th Australasian Conf. Cave & and consequences for the progress of tropical Karst Management 2013. Waitomo Caves, NZ speleobiology: Part 2 - early 20th century to : 84-155. 2 maps, numerous photos, 3 tbls, 43 Present. refs. Cave and Karst Science, Vol. 41, no 3 (De- http://www.researchgate.net/publica- cember 2014) : 105-109. tion/269338570 The history of zoological investigations at the The Gunung Mulu World Heritage Area Batu caves and elsewhere in Southeast Asia (Mulu) is situated in the north eastern corner from the early 20th century to the present is of Sarawak , Malaysia on the Island of Borneo, reviewed. Although there were major surveys adjacent to the South China Sea. The area was and Dark Cave at Batu became the most in- prescribed as a national Park in 1974. The tensively biologically investigated cave in the current preliminary survey aims to provide a region, until the 1970s there was little change basis for future biological surveys in Mulu by in the prevailing view that tropical caves had building upon the only other substantial bios- little of speleobiological importance. Key ad- peleological survey undertaken in the area by vances in speleobiology in the last half century Chapman (1982). The current preliminary sur- that have changed this perception and drawn vey aims to provide an initial overview of the attention to tropical cave biology are briefly invertebrate fauna in the cave systems near the discussed, and their possible significance for Park Headquarters and predominately in those the research potential of the Batu caves as- used as tourist caves and adventure caves. The

262 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) survey was undertaken between the 29th April they're even found – 12th May 2012. (Author, GJM). The Ecologist, 25 February 2013. photo. 2014.2070 Asia's karst landscapes are yielding new biological discoveries at an astonishing rate, MOULDS, Timothy; ANDERSON, Jay; yet the majority of species found here remain ANDERSON, Ross (2013) : So what lives at unknown (and unloved) by the wider world. Mulu? Preliminary survey of cave fauna in the With limestone quarrying threatening these Gunung Mulu World Heritage Area, Sarawak, fragile ecosystems, is there anything we can Malaysia do to stem the of unnoticed extinctions ? Australasian Cave and Karst Management (Author, LP). Assoc. Journal, No. 90 (March 2013) : 6-10. 8 2014.2073 photos, 2 maps, 9 refs. In April-May 2012, 12 speleologists from Aus- Maldives islands tralia visited Mulu to undertake a preliminary subterranean biology survey in selected caves. SANDULLI, Roberto; SEMPRUCCI, Fede- The survey will provide a basis for future rica; BALSAMO, Maria (2014) : Taxono- biological surveys and build upon the only mic and functional biodiversity variations of other survey done in 1980. The 8 caves chosen meiobenthic and nematode assemblages across where a mix of tourist, adventure and wild an extreme environment: a study case in a caves. Results will be given in a later report. Blue Hole cave. (GJM). Italian Journal of Zoology, 81 (4, October 2) : 2014.2071 508-516. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/11250003.2014.952 MOULDS, Timothy; ANDERSON, Jay; 356 ANDERSON, Ross (2013) : So what lives at Blue Hole of the Maldivian Archipelago: Ne- Mulu? Preliminary survey of cave fauna in the matode assemblage was mainly represented by Gunung Mulu World Heritage Area, Sarawak, Xyalidae, Desmodoridae, Comesomatidae and Malaysia. Part 2 – The results Linhomoeidae. (BL). Australasian Cave and Karst Management As- 2014.2074 soc. Journal, No. 93 (December 2013) : 15-20. 2 figs, 7 photos, 2 refs. Philippines The survey recorded >19,000 specimens using a combination of collection and observation ABANTAS, Aslea D.; NUÑEZA, Olga Ma- of species abundance that presently repre- cas (2014) : Species diversity of terrestrial sents 93 morpho-species, from 25 orders and vertebrates in mighty cave, tagoloan, lanao del 8 classes. The spider Heteropoda sp. was the norte, Philippines most widespread sp. found in all caves sam- Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental pled, followed by a millipede, Lepidoptera Sciences, 5 (6, December) : 122-132. and Araneae, recorded in 6 of 7 caves. The http://www.innspub.net/volume-5-number-6- majority of species 44.6% were recorded from december-2014-jbes/ a single cave, with very few spp. recorded Five species of mammals, one species of birds, from 5 or more. The most diverse order was and two species of herpetofauna. Two Philip- Coleoptera with 13 spp, followed by Araneae pine endemic species, Rhinolophus inops and 10, Isopoda 10, Diptera & Hemiptera 9 and Cyrtodactylus annulatus. (BL). Diplopoda 8. 11 orders were represented by a 2014.2075 single sp. (GJM). 2014.2072 CABAUATAN, Jane G.; RAMOS, Myrna T.; TAGGUEG, Jouel B.; CALLUENG, Arsen WHITTEN, Tony (2013) : Blink and you'll M.; TUMALIUAN, Sharon S. (2014) : As- miss it: how species are being lost before sessment of faunal diversity on selected caves

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 263 of the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park bats in a karst landscape in the central Philip- (NSMNP), Northern Cagayan Valley, Philip- pines. pines. Acta Chiropterologica, 16 (1, June) : 197-211. International Journal of Agricultural Technolo- http://dx.doi.org/10.3161/150811014X683390 gy, 10 (3) : 631-649. (BL). http://www.ijat-aatsea.com/Past_v10_n3.html 2014.2080 Platymantis spp. 25 species of bats (Order Chi- roptera), 2 species of cave birds (Class Aves), SOBREPEÑA, Jade Marie M.; NUÑEZA, 6 species of reptiles (Class Reptilia), 5 species Olga Macas (2014) : Cave macro-inverte- amphibians (Class Amphibia) and 28 species brates of Wao, Lanao del sur, Philippines. of macroinvertebrates. (BL). Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental 2014.2076 Sciences, 5 (6, December) : 107-121. http://www.innspub.net/volume-5-number-6- ENCINARES, John Mark A.; LIT, Ireneo L. Jr december-2014-jbes/ (2014) : Evaluation of leaf litter Baits for sam- Macropathus sp., Heteropoda sp.1. (BL). pling insects in Bulalon Cave, Burdeos, Polillo 2014.2081 Island, Quezon Province, Philippines. The Philippine Entomologist, 28 (1, April) : Turkey / Turquie 76-89. http://journals.uplb.edu.ph/index.php/TPE/ar- KÜLKÖYLÜOĞLU, Okan; YAVUZAT- ticle/view/1195 MACA, Mehmet; KARACAOĞLU, Didem; (BL). TELLI, Murat (2014) : The aquatic diversity 2014.2077 of ostracoda, phytoplankton and zooplankton from freshwater cave habitats in Turkey MACUD, Amina M.; NUÑEZA, Olga Macas Cave and Karst Science, Vol. 41, no 3 (De- (2014) : Diversity of cave macro-invertebrates cember 2014) : 99-104. in mighty cave, tagoloan, lanao del norte, During this study, a total of 13 ostracod, 2 zoo- Philippines. plankton and 43 phytoplankton taxa were re- Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental corded from 22 aqueous caves visited between Sciences, 5 (3, September) : 376-386. 2010 and 2013 in Turkey. (GM). http://www.innspub.net/volume-5-number-3- 2014.2082 september-2014-jbes/ Coleoptera: Pachyrrhynchus sp., Aceraius sp. Vietnam Orthoptera: Macropathus sp. (BL). 2014.2078 JANION, Charlene; DEHARVENG, Louis; WEINER, Wanda Maria (2013) : Syno- NUÑEZA, Olga Macas; GALORIO, Al Har- nymy of Spicatella Thibaud, 2002 with De- vey N. (2014) : Cave bat fauna of Siargao lamarephorura Weiner & Najt, 1999, and Island protected landscape and seascape, description of two new species (Collembola: Philippines. Tullbergiidae) AES Bioflux, 6 (3, December 30) : 243-255. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Vol 61, no 2 : http://www.aes.bioflux.com.ro/home/aes- 657–663. bioflux-6-3-2014/ (LP). Conservation status of bats in 10 caves on 2014.2083 Siargao Island (Guano Cave). (BL). 2014.2079 MOULDS, Timothy (2011) : Preliminary sur- vey of cave fauna in the Phong Nha-Ke Bang SEDLOCK, Jodi L.; JOSE, Reizl P.; VOGT, World Heritage Site, Vietnam Jessica M.; PAGUNTALAN, Lisa Marie J.; Cave and Karst Management in Australasia CARIÑO, Apolinario B. (2014) : A survey of XIX: Proc. 19th Aust'asian Conf. on Cave &

264 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Karst Mgt. Ulverstone, Tas. : 145-. 11 photos, pèces de chiroptères (Mammalia, Chiroptera) 2 maps, 39 refs. du Maroc. The PNKBNP is situated in Quang Binh pro- Le Vespère, 3 (2012/2014, Mars 2014) : 209- vince of north central Vietnam. It was inscri- 229. Français. bed on UNESCO World Heritage list in 2003 http://www.le-vespere.org/vesper_journal.htm for its outstanding geomorphological features. Cf p. 211, Grotte de Win-Timdouine (Maroc); The central park area is approximately 860 Talmat, Grotte aux Chauves-souris; Grotte lit- km2 and contains over 300 known caves, torale de Tiguert située au nord d'Agadir. (BL). although to date no investigation of the fauna 2014.2087 has occurred, despite the high likelihood of a significant endemic cavernicolous fauna. The current survey was undertaken in May 2010 / and provides an initial overview of inverte- RIVALTA, Giuseppe (2014) : Nota su alcuni brate fauna in Phong Nha River Cave, Bi Ki Chirotteri incontrati in Nubia. Grotto, Fairy and Royal and Tien Son SottoTerra, Anno 53, 138 (Gennaio/Giugno) : Cave + Dark Cave. The study collected 248 24-28. Italien. individual specimens, representing at least 41 Grotta di El Barcal, Cave di Meroe. (BL). species from the caves examined. (Author, 2014.2088 GJM). 2014.2084 3.35 Australasia; Oceania Australasie; Océanie 3.34 Africa Afrique Australia / Australie

Gabon General / Généralités MOULAERT, Guillaume (2014) : Au fond de Canberra; Islands (Lord Howe etc.) la grotte, des crocos mutants. La Libre Belgique, jeudi 27 mars 2014 : 24-25. Français. EBERHARD, Stefan M.; SMITH, Graeme Gabon. (BL). B.; GIBIAN, Michael M.; SMITH, Helen M.; 2014.2085 GRAY, Michael R. (2014) : Invertebrate cave fauna of Jenolan. Madagascar Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 136 : 35-67. ROBERT, Vincent; RAMASINDRAZANA, http://openjournals.library.usyd.edu.au/index. Beza; GOODMAN, Steven M. (2014) : The php/LIN/article/view/7635 species composition and distribution of hema- (BL). tophagous insects collected by light-traps in 2014.2089 and near cave systems of Madagascar. Malagasy Nature, 8 : 54-66. HALSE, Stuart Anthony; SCANLON, M. http://www.vahatra.mg/volume8fr.html D.; COCKING, J. S.; BARRON, H. J.; RI- (BL). CHARDSON, J. B.; EBERHARD, Stefan M. 2014.2086 (2014) : Pilbara stygofauna: deep groundwater of an arid landscape contains globally signifi- Morocco / Maroc cant radiation of biodiversity. Records of the Western , DISCA, Thierry; ALLEGRINI, Benjamin; Supplement 78 (Part B) : 443-483. PRIÉ, Vincent (2014) : Caractéristiques http://museum.wa.gov.au/research/re- acoustiques des cris d'écholocation de 16 es- cords-supplements/supplements/supple-

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 265 ment-78 The Jenolan Karst Conservation Reserve is (BL). home to many vertebrate animals, vulnerable 2014.2090 or endangered species such as brush-tailed rock-wallaby, spotted-tailed quoll and Sooty HUMPHREYS, William F. (2014) : Subter- Owl. However, until recently there have been ranean fauna of Christmas Island: habitats and few studies to quantify vertebrate species and salient features. identify gaps in our knowledge. On-site obser- Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement 30 : vations and recent targeted faunal surveys are 29-44. helping to greatly expand our understanding. http://lkcnhm.nus.edu.sg/nus/index.php/12-re- Many ‘hot spots' have been identified, inclu- search/research-publications/320-rbzsupple- ding the highly trafficked Grand Arch, which ment30 is home to brush-tailed rock-wallabies, quolls, (BL). bats and rock warblers. (Author, GJM). 2014.2091 2014.2093

Australia / Australie Australia / Australie

New South Wales / Nouvelle-Galles du Sud Northern Territory / Territoire du Nord

EBERHARD, Stefan M.; SMITH, Graeme MOULDS, Timothy; BANNINK, Peter B.; GIBIAN, Michael M.; GRAY, Michael R.; (2011) : The Biology of the Bullita Karst SMITH, Helen M. (2013) : Invertebrate fauna Proc. 28th Biennial Conf. of ASF, Chillagoe of Jenolan Caves 2011. [PP presentation]. The science of Jenolan Caves: What do we Outlines ecological zones of Bullita caves; know? Abstracts of presented papers : 15 p. adaptations to living in dark (animals with http://linneansocietynsw.org.au/symposia/Je- morphological adaptations called Troglo- nolan%20Caves/Jenolan.html bionts); history of collecting since 1990s; The invertebrate fauna known from within the methods used; environment (temp. 16-24°C, caves at Jenolan is summarised. At least 128 RH 45-90%). Collected: 7 classes, 18 orders, individual taxa have been identified although 42 families, 53 spp.; most near entrances and less than half are assigned to described spe- not troglomorphic. Six potential troglobiontic cies. Many of the taxa recorded are accidental and stygobiontic spp: hydrobid snail, scor- visitors to the caves and such adventitious pion (3rd troglobiont scorpion from mainland species form an important energy source for Australia), polydesmid millipede, platyarthrid the true cave inhabitant species. Further work isopod, amphipod, and meenoplid planthopper. by taxonomic specialists is required for the The diversity of subterranean fauna in Bullita remaining taxa to be completely identified and is significant; future systematic collecting will for many new taxa to be described. Key groups no doubt reveal more. (Author, GJM). for further field work are identified and some 2014.2094 recommendations given for the conservation of cave-dwelling species. (Author, GJM). Australia / Australie 2014.2092 Queensland MUSSER, Anne M. (2013) : Vertebrate fauna of Jenolan Karst Conservation Reserve The science of Jenolan Caves: What do we SYDNEY, Joe; SMITH, Graeme B.; ROTHE- know? Abstracts of presented papers : 15 p. RY, David (2013) : In search of Undara's http://linneansocietynsw.org.au/symposia/Je- troglobitic underworld nolan%20Caves/Jenolan.html Caves Australia, No. 192 (March 2013) : 19-

266 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 23. 2 maps, 8 photos, 5 refs. nominated as a Threatened Ecological Com- Three members of Highland Caving Group ex- munity (status critically endangered). Ground- plored Undara lava tubes for troglobites. Gives water levels in Lake Cave have been declining background to the volcanic origins of the area since 2005 causing a noticeable reduction in and its lava caves. Collected in Pinwill Cave the size of the lake, reducing its visual appeal U17, Bayliss Cave U30, Barkers Cave U34, and endangering the stygofauna community. Wind Tunnel U42; Nasty Cave U46 found to Without intervention, at the current rate of de- have collapsed [?]. (GJM). cline the lake will be dry in 2-3 yrs.. (Author, 2014.2095 GJM). 2014.2097 Australia / Australie

Tasmania / Tasmanie

BUNTON, Stephen (2012) : Whatever Happe- ned to the JF-107 Bugs? Speleo Spiel, No. 389 (Mar-Apr. 2012) : 16- 17. 4 refs. Summarises the results of our invertebrate hunting in JF-107 on 21 May 2011: pseudos- corpion from JF-107 a known sp.; pseudos- corpions from JF-208 is closely related to species from Chile and does NOT group with other species from Australia. Millipedes from JF-107 a known sp.; centipedes, mites, spiders and hemipterans identified. (GJM). 2014.2096

Australia / Australie

Western Australia / Australie Occidentale

DAVIES, Sarah; HATCHER, Jayme; EBE- RHARD, Stefan M. (2011) : Managing climate change impacts in karst — The Lake Cave Eco-Hydrology Recovery Project Cave and Karst Management in Australasia XIX: Proc. 19th Aust'asian Conf. on Cave & Karst Mgt. Ulverstone, Tas. : 300. [abstract only]. Lake Cave, Margaret River, Western Australia is renowned for its spectacular . The cave has been visited by tourists for more than 100 yrs and attracts >44,000 visitors annually. Besides its tourism values, the cave harbours a Subterranean Groundwater De- pendent Ecosystem comprising aquatic sub- terranean invertebrates (stygofauna) recently

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 267 268 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) SCANLON, Annette Therese; PETIT, Sophie; BOTTROFF, Guy (2014) : The conservation 4.11 Europe status of bats in Fiji. Europe Oryx, 48 (3, June) : 451-459. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0030605312001664 Belgium / Belgique / België (BL). 2014.2098 General / Généralités / Algemeenheid 4.1 Archaeology; Prehistorical and histori- cal cultures Archéologie; Cultures préhistoriques et REMACLE, Laurence (2014) : In de voetspo- historiques ren van Edouard Dupont : 150 jaar gelegen be- gon modern onderzoek naar Waalse prehistorie 4.10 General Spelerpes, n° 1 : 10-11. In Dutch, photos. Généralités Article sur Edouard Dupont, dans le cadre d'une exposition sur la préhistoire en Haute- AA (2014) : La Préhistoire racontée par … le Meuse. Présentation de l'archéologue, de ses sexe dans les mains. travaux et de l'exposition. (NG). Spéléo Magazine, n° 85 (Mars 2014) : 3. 1 2014.2101 photo. Selon une étude de Dean Snow (Université Belgium / Belgique / België de Pennsylvanie) les trois-quarts des mains peintes dans les grottes ornées appartiennent à des femmes, ce qui interroge sur le rôle de la Namur / Namem femme dans l'art des cavernes préhistoriques. (Fx). 2014.2099 FANUEL, Gérald (2014) : Visite au musée de la Haute-Meuse préhistorique AA (2014) : Les grottes préhistoriques L'excentrique, n° 5 : 3. Source: Morin Patrick, Bul. Soc. Spéléo Namur, 2014 : 45-46. Photos. 2004. Dans le secret des grottes, la spéléolo- Description des deux expositions qui ont eu gie, l'Ecole des loisirs. lieu au musée de la Haute-Meuse préhistorique Brève explication sur les grottes préhistoriques en 2013: “Défunts et sépultures préhisto- avec comme exemple, Lascaux, Cosquer et riques” et en 2014: “Dans les pas du Dinantais Chauvet. (NG). Edouard Dupont”. (NG). 2014.2100 2014.2102

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 269 MICHEL, Georges (2014) : Monographie sur Deutschland / Germany EcoKarst, n° 98 : 1-3. Photos. Baden-Württemberg Parution d'un nouvel ouvrage sur la grotte de Scladina. Celui-ci est un état des lieux des dé- couvertes et un historique complet des fouilles AA (2013) : Vogelherdhöhle: Kopf für Elfen- et travaux. (NG). beinfigur gefunden. 2014.2103 Laichinger Höhlenfreund (Laichingen), Vol. 48 (2013) : 83. In Germ.; 2 photos. POLET, Caroline; WARMENBOL, Eugène 7427/1 Vogelherdhöhle. (THR). (2014) : Les ossements humains du néolithique 2014.2107 récent de la grotte du Père Noël à Han-sur- Lesse, Belgique AA (2013) : Weitere Ausgrabungen im Hohlen Plaquette – programme des Journées 2014 de Fels bei Schelklingen - Grabungsergebnisse Spéléologie Scientifique, 15 et 16 novembre 2013. 2014 : 1 p. Laichinger Höhlenfreund (Laichingen), Vol. 48 Résumé de communication. Brève note sur des (2013) : 81-82. In Germ. ossements découverts à Han-sur-Lesse en 1965 7624/8 Hohler Fels. (THR). et 1966 par Jean Deflandre et Georges Stroo- 2014.2108 bants. (NG). 2014.2104 BEUTELSPACHER, Thomas; EBIN- GER-RIST, Nicole; KIND, Claus-Joachim; TOUSSAINT, Michel (2014) : La préhistoire WEHRBERGER, Kurt; WOLF, Sibylle dans la basse vallée de la Lesse, historique, (2014) : Die Rückkehr des Löwenmenschen intérêt et fragilité des sites Archäologie in Deutschland, Nr. 2, 2014 (April Atlas du Karst Wallon : bassin de la Basse - Mai) : 8-13. 11 Abb. Lesse. Inventaire cartographique et descriptif Bei neuen Ausgrabungen in der Stadel-Höhle des sites karstiques et des circulations d'eau im Lonetal wurden weitere Teile des 1939 ge- souterraine : 43-57. Photos, carte. fundenen altsteinzeitlichen “Löwenmenschen” La basse vallée de la Lesse présente une geborgen. Die aus Mammutelfenbein beste- concentration particulièrement élevée de sites hende Figur wurde neu restauriert und die paléolithiques. Les grottes de la vallée de la gefunden Fragmente konnten an die Figur Lesse ont joué un rôle de premier plan dans angefügt werden. (GST). le développement de la préhistoire belge. 2014.2109 L'article contient un historique des recherches archéologiques et une présentation des princi- GRONENBORN, Detlef (2014) : Letzte Jäger paux sites. (NG). und erste Bauern - das Spätmesolithikum in 2014.2105 Süddeutschland Archäologie in Deutschland, Sonderheft Bosnia-Herzegovina / Bosnie-Herzégo- 05/2014, Vom Jäger und Sammler zum Bauern vine : 25-29. 5 Abb. u.a. kurze Beschreibung der mesolithischen JURISEVIC, Erika (2014) : Report “Explo- Schädelfunde aus der Ofnet-Höhle und dem ring Visoko 2013” Hohlestein-Stadel (GST). Tuttocat, Numero unico 2013 (2014) : 34-36. 2014.2110 7 foto. Resoconto critico della spedizione in Bosnia: KIND, Claus-Joachim (2014) : Der la situazione archeologica trovata è ritenuta Löwenmensch aus der Stadel-Höhle im una delle peggiori, mentre i materiali raccolti Hohlenstein bei Asselfingen (Alb-Donau- sono in fase di studio. (PG). Kreis). 2014.2106 270 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Laichinger Höhlenfreund (Laichingen), Vol. 49 Deutschland / Germany (2014) : 3-14. In Germ.; 7 fig. and photos. (THR). Nordrhein-Westfalen 2014.2111

SPOHN, Julian (2014) : Von den Höhlen der ZEILER, M. (2014) : Kulturelles Erbe unter- Alb bis in die Südsee - Enn Museum für For- tage in Gefahr scher und Besucher Archäologie in Deutschland, Nr. 3, 2014 (Juni Archäologie in Deutschland, Nr. 3, 2014 (Juni - Juli) : 72. 1 Abb. - Juli) : 64-65. 3 Abb. Kurzbericht über die archäologische Untersu- Vorstellung des Museums der Universität Tü- chung der Grube Victoria bei Kreuztal (Sieger- bingen (Alte Kuluren) in dem auch Funde aus land) (GST). den Höhlen der Schwäbischen Alb ausgestellt 2014.2115 sind. Kurze Beschreibung von Höhlenfunden (GST). Deutschland / Germany 2014.2112 Rheinland-Pfalz; Saarland Deutschland / Germany

Bayern AA (2014) : Archäologische Grabung im Römerstollen Saarbrücken Kat.-Nr. 6708/53 Mitteilungen der Höhlenforschergruppe Karls- FALKENSTEIN, Frank; SEREGÉLY, Timo ruhe, Heft 24: 50 Jahre Höhlenforschergruppe (2014) : Opferstätten in Höhlen und auf Fels- Karlsruhe : 87-89. 9 Abb. türmen (GST). Archäologie in Deutschland, Nr. 2, 2014 (April 2014.2116 - Mai) : 26-29. 7 Abb. Übersicht über bronzezeitliche Kulthöhlen España / Spain und Felsturmopferplätze im fränkischen Jura (GST). Generalidades / General 2014.2113

Deutschland / Germany REMACLE, Laurence (2014) : Neandertal, artiste à Gibraltar Niedersachsen; Sachsen - Anhalt EcoKarst, n° 97 : 6-7. Photos. Découverte dans la grotte de Gorham à Gibral- tar d'une gravure qui pourrait être le premier FLINDT, Stefan; HUMMEL, Susanne (2014) motif d'art pariétal réalisé par un Néanderta- : lien, il y a plus de 38500 ans. (NG). Die Lichtensteinhöhle. Bestattungsplatz einer 2014.2117 Großfamilie aus der Bronzezeit : 144 p. 216 Abb. France Erforschungsgeschichte, Funde und Befunde aus der Lichtensteinhöhle im Harz (GST). Ile-de-France 2014.2114 (Seine; Seine-et-Marne; Yvelines; Essonne; Hauts-de-Seine; Val-de-Marne; Val-d´Oise)

AA (2014) : Le Spéléo-club de Paris tente de sauver la carrière de Port-Mahon

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 271 La Lettre du Spéléo-club de Paris, n°324 de la Grotte du Pic à Songieu (avec nouvelle (avril) : 1. topo p. 23). (BC). Le “Collectif d'associations pour la préser- 2014.2121 vation de la carrière de Port-Mahon et de la Ferme de Montsouris”, que soutient le Spé- CLOTTES, Jean (2013) : léo-club de Paris, a pour but la sauvegarde La grotte Chauvet-Pont d'Arc : sanctuaire de l'unique carrière souterraine médiévale de préhistorique. ISBN 978-2-8110-0038-7 : 51 p. Paris et de la dernière ferme parisienne intra Collection (Les patrimoines). muros, qui s'était implantée en surface, en par- Ardèche (MM). ticulier contre un promoteur qui, depuis 1983, 2014.2122 s'acharne à vouloir construire sur la carrière, pourtant classée monument historique depuis DROUIN, Philippe (2010) : Des premiers 1994… (JT). paysans à la conquète de la Gaule néolithique 2014.2118 et protohistorique dans l'Ain par Jean-Michel Treffort France Le Bugey, N° 97 (2010) : p. 287-288. Ouvrage publié en 2008 par l'Union des as- Rhône-Alpes sociations pour la sauvegarde et la culture du (Ain; Ardèche; Drôme; Isère; Loire; Rhône; patrimoine des Pays de l'Ain, s'articulant en 3 Savoie; Haute-Savoie) parties. 1) le Néolithique (grotte du Gardon, Ambérieu-en-Bugey) 2) la Protohistoire (de l'âge du Bronze au second âge du Fer), 3) les AA (2014) : La grotte Chauvet classée par sites remarquables : grottes, abris ou stations l'UNESCO au patrimoine mondial de l'huma- de plein-air. (PD). nité ? 2014.2123 La Lettre du Spéléo-club de Paris, n° 322 (fé- vrier 2014) : 2. VAN DEN BROECK, Erik (2014) : De “36000 ans - 36000 signatures” d'ici l'été 2014 ontdekking van de grotte Chauvet en aang- : objectif du Comité de soutien à la candida- renzende grotten : een heiligdom van tien- ture de la “grotte de Pont d'Arc” (aucun site du duizenden jaren oud patrimoine de l'Unesco ne doit porter le nom Spelerpes, n° 2 : 29-31. In Dutch, photos, topo. d'une personne !). (JT). Article sur la découverte de la grotte Chauvet à 2014.2119 l'occasion de la sortie de l'ouvrage “La décou- verte de la grotte Chauvet-Pont d'Arc” pour les BRUNEL DESCHAMPS, Eliette; CHAUVET, 20 ans de découverte de la grotte. (NG). Jean-Marie; HILLAIRE, Christian (2014) : 2014.2124 La découverte de la grotte de Chauvet-Pont d'Arc : premières images, premières émotions, France les inventeurs racontent. ISBN 978-2-84135- 864-9 : 71 p. Aquitaine Ardèche (MM). (Dordogne; Gironde; Landes; Lot-et-Garonne; 2014.2120 Pyrénées-Atlantiques)

CARTONNET, Marc (2014) : Une commis- sion Archéologie/Paléontologie au CDS de AA (2014) : Une autre cavité ornée existerait l'Ain à côté de la grotte de Lascaux Spéléo 01, N° 26 (Juin 2014) : 19-25. 1 topo- La Lettre du Spéléo-club de Paris, n° 322 (fé- graphie. vrier 2014) : 2. Mise en place d'une commission archéologique … mais elle aurait été rebouchée, c'est ce qu'a et établissement de fiches-types avec exemple affirmé, en août 2013, une septuagénaire au

272 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) maire de Montignac (Dordogne) ! (JT). Italia / Italy 2014.2125 Friuli-Venezia Giulia REMACLE, Laurence (2014) : Exposition (Gorizia; Pordenone; Trieste; Udine) Lascaux. La Chapelle Sixtine de la préhistoire EcoKarst, n° 98 : 3-5. Photos. Présentation de la nouvelle exposition sur la BOSCHIAN, Giovanni (2007) : I primi abi- grotte de Lascaux. Un “morceau” de Lascaux tanti del Carso est proposé au public avec la reproduction Atti del 26° Triangolo dell'Amicizia, Villaggio des panneaux de la nef et du puits grâce à des del Pescatore 9-10-11 giugno 2006 : 15-20. 6 techniques de reproduction et d'analyse des dis. œuvres. (NG). Carellata sulla preistoria del Carso. (PG). 2014.2126 2014.2129

France BOSCHIAN, Giovanni (2014) : I primi abi- tanti del Carso e il loro ambiente Lorraine Atti del Convegno “Esplorare le molteplicità (Meurthe-et-Moselle; Meuse; Moselle; Vos- del Carso”, Bagnoli della Rosandra 17-18 ges) maggio 2014, Alpi Giulie, supplemento al n. 2 (2014) : 25-30. 1 fig. Indicazioni sulle ricerche archeologiche in GAFFIOT, Jean-Jacques (2014) : Prospections corso. (PG). archéologiques souterraines à Grand (Vosges) 2014.2130 Spéléo L, N° 23 (Mars 2014) : 17-24. Plans, photos. MONTAGNARI KOKELJ, Manuela (2014) : Compte rendu des fouilles archéologiques sou- L'uomo e la grotta terraines menées à Grand en juillet 2013 dans Grotta Gigante. Scriptum formazione degli le cadre d'un projet collectif de recherches sur accompagnatori delle grotte turistiche : 31. le chapitre de l'hydraulique de la ville antique Indicazioni, ad uso delle guide turistiche, sulla (historique, bibliographie, travaux d'explora- presenza umana nelle cavità. (PG). tion réalisés autour de l'exploitation du karst 2014.2131 local). (CP). 2014.2127 Italia / Italy

Italia / Italy Lombardia (Bergamo; Brescia; Como; Cremona; Lecco; Calabria Mantova; Milano; Pavia; Sondrio; Varese) (Catanzaro; Cosenza; Reggio di Calabria)

BANCHIERI, Daria Giuseppina (2014) : La LAROCCA, Felice; BREGLIA, Francesco grotta Fontana degli Ammalati e la Valganna (2014) : L'alta Valle dell'Esaro e le sue miniere nella preistoria preistoriche Sibrium. Centro di Studi Preistorici e Archeo- Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica logici Varese, vol. 28 (2014) : 83-115. Italiana, n. 71 (dicembre 2014) : 30-36. Foto, (MS). rilievo. 2014.2132 Dati archeologici e storici sugli scavi effettuati alla Grotta della Monaca e in quella del Tesau- / Malte ro. (MS). 2014.2128 HENDERSON, Kent (2013) : Cave and karst

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 273 management in Malta Australasian Cave and Karst Management As- United Kingdom; Grande-Bretagne soc. Journal, No. 92 (September 2013) : 5-12. 2 maps, 15 photos. Provides a geological and historical back- England ground to the largely soluble islands of Malta. (Southern England (Devonshire, Somer- There are 7 caves open to the public, some setshire, Kent, Cornwall, etc.), Middle En- of which are show caves; there are many sea gland (Derbyshire, Essex, Lincolnshire, etc.), caves. Describes Ghar Dalam (significant Northern England (Lancashire, Yorkshire, prehistory site, covering 130k yrs), St Pauls Westmoreland, Cumberland, etc.), Isle of Man Cave (and catacombs), Ghar Hasan (provided and Channels islands) refuge for Hasan, no management), Calypso Cave (where Calypso supposedly imprisoned Odysseus for 7 yrs), Xerris Grotto (guided, DINNIS, Rob; BELLO, Silvia M; CHAM- poorly), Ghar Ninu (self-guided, well deco- BERLAIN, Andrew T; COLEMAN, Charley; rated), Blue Grotto (visit by boat, a highlight STRINGER, Chris (2014) : A cut-marked of a Malta visit), (natural arch human tooth from Ash Tree Shelter, on Gozo, disintegrating) and so-called cart ruts Derbyshire which may be solution features. (GJM). Cave and Karst Science, Vol. 41, no 3 (De- 2014.2133 cember 2014) : 114-117. Here we report the recovery of a human tooth, Österreich / Austria / Autriche radiocarbon dated to the Neolithic period, from Ash Tree Shelter, near Whitwell in Derbyshire, United Kingdom. (Author, GM). Kärnten; Tirol; Vorarlberg 2014.2136

LEACH, Stephany (2014) : SPÖTL, Christoph (2014) : Ein bronzezeitli- Going Underground: An anthropological and cher Knochenfund aus der Spannagelhöhle taphonomic study of human skeletal remains Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen, Jg. 52, Folge from caves and rock shelters in Yorkshire : 426 66, Vereinsjahr 2013 : 8-10. p. 2 vols; Appendices CD, Fully illustrated. (PF). (GM). 2014.2134 2014.2137

United Kingdom; Grande-Bretagne MOODY, A.A.D.; MULLAN, G.J. (2014) : An account and survey of Great Oone's Hole, Cheddar Gorge, Somerset General / Généralités UBSS Proceedings, Vol. 26, no 2 : 117-130. http://www.ubss.org.uk/search_litera- ture_browse.php?ArticleId=2808&Ar- HOWARD, John (2014) : BCRA's Cave Ar- ticleName=Secretaries+Report%2C+- chaeology Group March+2013+-+March+2014 Speleology, No 19 : 41-43. The history and archaeology of Great Oone's John Howard describes the origins of BCRA's Hole, in Cheddar Gorge are described, and a newest Special Interest Group for Cave Ar- new survey is presented. The results of a pre- chaeology, and the work being done by cave viously unpublished investigation carried out archaeologists. (Author, GM). in 1976-7 are discussed. It is concluded that 2014.2135 the deposits have been too badly disturbed pre- viously to merit further investigation. (Author, NTU). 2014.2138 274 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) SIMMONDS, Vince (2014) : facts from the mid-Devensian to Late Glacial An overview of the archaeology of Mendip and Holocene. (Author, NTU). caves and karst : 67 p. 2014.2140 The Mendip Hills are a dominant topographic feature comprising a high steep-sided plateau COOPER, John (2014) : Digging a Gower that stretches from north-west to south-east Resurgence diagonally across much of the northern region Descent, No 238 (June/July 2014) : 42. of Somerset. This overview puts forwards Archaeological dig at the resurgence pool at some suggested reasons why caves might have Parkmill, Gower, South Wales (GM). been utilised, what occurred during this usage 2014.2141 for a range of activities and a description of the evidence that has been found to support 4.12 America this is given. It draws on data from a number Amérique of sources including written works, online databases and other electronic media to build Argentina / Argentine a timeline of the human use of Mendip caves, the information is presented in text and tables. BARBERENA, Ramiro; PORR, Martin (GM). (2014) : Die früheste Besiedlung Amerikas - 2014.2139 von Süden gesehen Archäologie in Deutschland, Nr. 6, 2014 United Kingdom; Grande-Bretagne (Dezember - Januar) : 12-17. 12 Abb. Erwähnt auch Höhlenfunde, Abbildung der Cueva Huenul 1 (GST). Wales 2014.2142 (Anglesey, etc). Chile / Chili

CASE, David; INGREM, Claire; JONES, MOYA, Francisca; ARMSTRONG, Felipe; Jennifer R.; MOURNE, Richard; WALKER, BASILE, Mara; NASH, George H.; TRON- Elizabeth A. (2014) : Excavations at Cathole COSO, Andres; VERGARA, Francisco (2014) Cave, Gower, Swansea : On-site and post-site analysis of pictographs UBSS Proceedings, Vol. 26, no 2 : 131-169. within the San Piedro Viejo de Pichasca Rock http://www.ubss.org.uk/search_litera- Shelter, Limari Valley North-Central Chile ture_browse.php?ArticleId=2808&Ar- UBSS Proceedings, Vol. 26, no 2 : 171-184. ticleName=Secretaries+Report%2C+- http://www.ubss.org.uk/search_litera- March+2013+-+March+2014 ture_browse.php?ArticleId=2808&Ar- In 2012 excavations took place in two areas ticleName=Secretaries+Report%2C+- of the cave ahead of the grilling to protect the March+2013+-+March+2014 engravings. Trench A : a faunal occupation The rock shelter, 70 km east of Ovalle, is one dating to MIS 3, between 50,000 and 30,000 of Chile's most important prehistoric sites, BP. Two flint blades of Upper Palaeolithic with human occupation dating to 9000 BCE. appearance were discovered along with a Many archaeological excavations from 1960 to faunal assemblage across the line of the grille. 1970 and surveys revealed many paintings on The earlier excavations in the cave by Col. the walls. In July 2013 a team further explored E.R. Wood were extensive and he excavated to the walls and ceilings and experimented with bedrock. The standing section (Area B) which different photogrammetric recording tech- he left exposed further along the main cave niques, including microscopy and post-site passage was also cleaned, recorded and sam- digital analysis. This paper summarises the pled. The deposits contain a faunal assemblage long archaeological history of the site, obser- dominated by microfauna, but no cultural arte- vations and analysis of selected painted panels.

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 275 (Author, NTU). China / Chine 2014.2143

United States of America General; Islands

General TAÇON, Paul S. C.; AUBERT, M.; LI, G.; YANG, D.; LIU, H.; MAY, S.K.; FALLON, SIMEK, Jan; CRESSLER, Alan; DOUGLAS, S.; JI, X.; CURNOE, D.; HERRIES, A.I.R. Joseph; HOLLIDAY, Cory (2014) : A New (2012) : Uranium-series age estimates for rock Early Date for Prehistoric Cave Use in the art in southwest China Eastern Woodlands Journal of Archaeological Science, Vol. 39 : NSS News, Vol. 72, no 8 (August 2014) : 4-10. 492-499. 12 photos, 2 maps, 1 table. We report the first uranium-series age esti- History of archaeological work in these mates for rock art in China. Calcite bracketing Tennessee (USA) caves. A radio-carbon age a paint layer was used to constrain the age of a determination shows prehistoric cave use over naturalistic outline hunter-gatherer painting in 6000 years ago, or more than 800 years earlier the Jinsha River area of northwest Yunnan Pro- than previous evidence. (YD). vince (southwest China). The rock paintings 2014.2144 in this region are unique in style and content compared with other bodies of rock art in Chi- 4.13 Asia na, which are dominated by Neolithic subject Asie matter. The minimum and maximum ages were determined using isochron techniques on multiple samples of calcite from above and / beneath the paint layer. A large painted deer TAN, Noel Hidalgo; TACON, Paul S. C. head was dated to between 5738 and 2050 (2013) : Rock art and the sacred landscapes of years. (LP). mainland Southeast Asia 2014.2146 Rock Art and Sacred Landscapes. One World Archaeology, Vol. 8, Chapter 5 : 67-84. Malaysia / Malaya / Malaisie Across mainland Southeast Asia, rock art sites often coexist with sacred shrines and temples AA (2013) : The Niah Caves, the ‘human of Buddhism and Hinduism. We examine the revolution', and foraging/farming transitions in coexistence of rock art with religious shrines island Southeast Asia in Myanmar, Thailand, , and Laos. McDonald Institute monograph, Chapter 9, in The rock art of Southeast Asia is thought to be Vol 1. : 341-366. from the prehistoric period. The introduction (LP). of Buddhism and Hinduism in the early Chris- 2014.2147 tian Era reconfigured these painted landscapes for their own use, where they are still in use to- BARKER, Graeme; DALY, Patrick; COLE, day, either in harmony or as indifference to the Franca; LLOYD-SMITH, Lindsay; PIPER, earlier rock art. Is this coexistence confluence Philip; RABETT, Ryan J.; SZABO, Katherine or coincidence ? (Author, LP). (2013) : Archaeological investigations in the 2014.2145 Niah Caves, 1954–2004 McDonald Institute monograph, Chapter 2 in Vol. 1. : 29-70. (LP). 2014.2148

276 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) BARKER, Graeme; RICHARDS, Martin B. Lenggong Valley in Perak has many caves of (2013) : Foraging-farming transitions in island archaeological importance. (LP). South-east Asia 2014.2154 Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, Vol 20, no 2 : 256-280. LLOYD-SMITH, Lindsay; BARKER, Grae- Niah Cave (LP). me; BARTON, Huw; CAMERON, Judith; 2014.2149 COLE, Franca; DOHERTY, Chris; HUNT, Chris; KRIGBAUM, John; LEWIS, Helen; BARKER, Graeme (2013) : Rainforest fora- MANSER, Jessica (2013) : ‘Neolithic' so- ging and farming in island Southeast Asia: the cieties c. 4000–2000 years ago: Austronesian archaeology of the Niah Caves, Sarawak farmers? McDonald Institute monograph, Vol. 1 : 464 p. McDonald Institute monograph, Chapter 7 in 185 figs, 60 tab. Vol. 1. : 255-298. (LP). (LP). 2014.2150 2014.2155

BARKER, Graeme (2013) : The Niah Caves MOKHTAR, Saidin; TACON, Paul S. C. and the prehistory of island Southeast Asia: (2011) : The recent rock drawings of the Leng- Research themes gong Valley, Perak, Malaysia McDonald Institute monograph, Chapter 1 in Antiquity, Vol. 85, no 328 (1 June 2011) : Vol. 1. : 1-28. 459–475. (LP). (LP). 2014.2151 2014.2156

BARTON, Huw; BARKER, Graeme; GIL- PETRAGLIA, Michael (2013) : Book review BERTSON, David; HUNT, Chris; KEALHO- of RABETT, R. (2012) Human adaptation in FER, Lisa; LEWIS, Helen; PAZ, Victor; PI- the Asian Palaeolithic: hominin dispersal and PER, Philip; RABETT, Ryan J.; REYNOLDS, behaviour during the Late Quaternary Tim (2013) : Late Pleistocene foragers, c. Antiquity, Vol. 87, no 337 September 2013 : 35,000 - 11,500 years ago 923-924. McDonald Institute monograph, Chapter 5 in Niah Caves, Gua Sagu, Gua Tenggek (and Vol. 1. : 173-216. Hang Boi Cave, Vietnam). (LP). (LP). 2014.2157 2014.2152 PRICE, Liz (2013) : Looking around Leng- GILBERTSON, David; MCLAREN, Sue; gong STEPHENS, Mark; HUNT, Chris; ROSE, Star Lifestyle, 7 September 2013 : 18-19. James; DYKES, Alan; GRATTAN, John; Lenggong is a World Heritage site and has BIRD, Michael; LEWIS, Helen; KEALHO- many caves of archaeological importance. FER, Lisa (2013) : The cave entrance se- (LP). quences and environmental change 2014.2158 McDonald Institute monograph, Chapter 3 in Vol. 1. : 71-134. RABETT, Ryan J. (2012) : (LP). Human adaptation in the Asian Palaeolithic: 2014.2153 hominin dispersal and behaviour during the Late Quaternary : 1 vol. (xii-372 p.). 73 ill., 10 JEYARAJ, A. (2013) : Lenggong Valley cele- tables. brates 1st anniversary as World Heritage Site This book examines the first human coloni- Ipoh Echo, No 174 (16-30 September 2013) : zation of Asia and particularly the tropical 11. environments of Southeast Asia during the Up-

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 277 per Pleistocene. Niah Caves, Gua Sagu, Gua Vietnam Tenggek (and Hang Boi Cave, Vietnam). (LP). 2014.2159 AA (2013) : Vietnam's Hoa Binh's cave reco- gnised as national relic site RABETT, Ryan J.; BARKER, Graeme; BAR- Malay Mail, 18 November 2013. TON, Huw; HUNT, Chris; LLOYD-SMITH, (LP). Lindsay; PAZ, Victor; PIPER, Philip; PRE- 2014.2164 MITHILAKE, Rasmathiri; RUSHWORTH, Garry; STEPHENS, Mark (2013) : Lands- RABETT, Ryan J.; APPLEBY, J.; BLYTH, A.; cape transformations and human responses, c. FARR, Lucy; GALLOU, A.; GRIFFITHS, T.; 11,500–c. 4500 years ago HAWKES, J.; MARCUS, D.; MARLOW, L.; McDonald Institute monograph, Chapter 6 in MORLEY, M. (2011) : Inland shell midden Vol. 1. : 217-254. site-formation: Investigation into a late Pleis- (LP). tocene to early Holocene midden from Tràng 2014.2160 An, Northern Vietnam Quaternary International, Vol. 239, no 1-2 : REYNOLDS, Tim; BARKER, Graeme; BAR- 153-169. TON, Huw; CRANBROOK, Gathorne; FARR, The data presented comes from ongoing ar- Lucy; HUNT, Chris; KEALHOFER, Lisa; chaeological excavations at Hang Boi, a cave PAZ, Victor; PIKE, Alistair; PIPER, Philip located in the sub-coastal karstic uplands of (2013) : The first modern humans at Niah, c. Tràng An park, in the Vietnamese Province 50,000 - 35,000 years ago of Ninh Bình. Research in this field also McDonald Institute monograph, Chapter 4 in continues to focus on coastal shell middens; Vol. 1. : 135-172. comparatively little attention has been paid to (LP). middens containing freshwater and especially 2014.2161 terrestrial molluscs from hinterland locations. (LP). SHUIB, Taib (2013) : Into the valley of Perak 2014.2165 Man New Straits Times, 19 September 2013. pho- 4.15 Australasia; Oceania tos. Australasie; Océanie One of the earliest civilisations in southeast Asia is found in the Lenggong Valley in Perak. Australia / Australie There are many caves of archaeological inte- rest. (LP). Northern Territory / Territoire du Nord 2014.2162

SZABO, Katherine; COLE, Franca; LLOYD- DAVID, Bruno; GENESTE, Jean-Michel; SMITH, Lindsay; BARKER, Graeme; HUNT, WHEAR, Ray L.; DELANNOY, Jean-Jacques; Chris; PIPER, Philip; DOHERTY, Chris KATHERINE, Margaret; GUNN, R.G.; (2013) : The 'Metal Age' at the Niah Caves: c. AUCT. VAR. (2011) : Nawarla Gabarnmang, 2000 - 500 years ago a 45,180±910 cal BP Site in Jawoyn Country, McDonald Institute monograph, Chapter 8 in Southwest Arnhem Land Plateau Vol. 1. : 299-340. Australian Archaeology, Vol. 73 (December (LP). 2011) : 73-77. 3 figs, 16 refs. 2014.2163 Recent excavations at Nawarla Gabarnmang in Jawoyn country, southwest Arnhem Land have produced a long sequence of AMS radiocarbon determinations on individual pieces of char- coal reliably associated with stone artefacts

278 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) dating back to 45,180±910 cal BP. It represents Australia / Australie one of the earliest radiocarbon-dated archaeo- logical sites in Australia. This report on initial Tasmania / Tasmanie results. (Author, GJM). 2014.2166 BOWDLER, Sandra (2010) : The empty GUNN, R.G.; WHEAR, Ray L.; DOUGLAS, coast: Conditions for human occupation in L.C. (2012) : Dating the present at Nawarla southeast Australia during the late Pleistocene Gabarnmang: Time and function in the art of a Terra Australis, #32: Altered ecologies. : 177- major Jawoyn rock art and occupation site in 185. 48 refs. western Arnhem Land http://press.anu.edu.au/wp-content/ Australian Archaeology, Vol. 75 (December uploads/2011/02/ch109.pdf 2012) : 55-65. Discusses Rhys Jones' work at Rocky Cape in Nawarla Gabarnmang is a major rock art and 1960s and the then lack of evidence of human occupation rockshelter in Jawoyn lands of W. occupation in Tasmania during the Pleistocene. Arnhem Land. On basis of 1) dating beeswax The oldest then being at Rocky Cape South underlying pigment art, 2) presence of a pro- Cave, dated to around 8000 BP. The author's bable contact motif, and 3) traditional owner work on Hunter Island showed occupation at comments, it appears that the most clearly Cave Bay Cave to 22,000 BP and Kutikina visible art in the rockshelter was produced Cave on the Franklin River in the early 1980s within the past 600 yrs, with most recent AD opened a new window on Pleistocene Tasma- 1845-1940. Studies of motif superimpositio- nia. Mannalargenna Cave on Prime Seal I., off ning also suggest that at least three functional- the W coast of Flinders, was occupied from ly distinct phases have occurred in the recent ~22k-8k BP Human remains were found in period rock art. Spatial mapping of major Cliff Cave on W side of King I., dated to ~14k art styles indicates latest styles are restricted yrs ago. (GJM). to central and largest panels, affording them 2014.2169 visual prominence with the highest dramatic impact. (Author, GJM). 4.2 History of speleology 2014.2167 Histoire de la spéléologie

MCGUIRK, Rod (2012) : Archaeologist finds oldest rock art in Australia AA (2014) : In Höhlen gibt es nicht nur Aben- phys.org online, 18 June 2012. 2 photos. teuer http://phys.org/news/2012-06-archaeologist-ol- Mitteilungen der Höhlenforschergruppe Karls- dest-art-australia.html#nRlv ruhe, Heft 24: 50 Jahre Höhlenforschergruppe Prof. Bryce Barker, University of Southern Karlsruhe : 11. Queensland archaeologist, has found the oldest Abdruck eines Zeitungsartikels über die seit piece of rock art in Australia and one of the 5 Jahren bestehende Höhlenfoschergruppe oldest in the world: an Aboriginal work created Karlsruhe aus den “Badische Neueste Na- 28,000 years ago in a Northern Territory rock chrichten” aus dem Jahr 1968 (GST). shelter known as Nawarla Gabarnmang. There 2014.2170 is evidence that the cave had been occupied for 45,000 years. (GJM). AIGNER, Gabriel; KOLLERSBERGER, 2014.2168 Peter (2014) : Auf den Spuren einer Verband- sexpedition von 1925 - Forschungsfahrt in die Gassel-Tropfsteinhöhle bei Ebensee (20.- 22.12.2013) Verbandsnachrichten, Jg. 65, Nr. 1 : 13. (PF). 2014.2171 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 279 CAMPION, Ged; HARRISON, Tony (2014) : of NSW, and in a visitor guide by Foster. A short history of the China Caves Project From then until 1919 the Annual Report of the Cave and Karst Science, Vol. 41, no 2 (August Department of Mines chronicled the limited 2014) : 57-75. research and observational studies undertaken The China Caves Project was initiated in 1985 at the time… (Author, GJM). by British cavers Andy Eavis and Tony Wal- 2014.2174 tham in co-operation with scientists from the Institute of Karst Geology in Guilin and the GREBEUDE, Richard (2014) : Ardèche, Guizhou Normal University. The object was Pierre Saint-Martin, Suisse, Autriche, to explore and record the geomorphology and Mexique… Explorations et expéditions… bio-diversity of the vast karst regions of China, Belges. in particular by the exploration of its caves, Spéléo Magazine, n° 87 (Septembre 2014) : most of which were virtually untouched by 24. 1 photo. man at the start of the Project. (Author, GM). Rapide présentation de la dynamique des spé- 2014.2172 léologues belges sous tous les karsts du monde : d'abord en France avec Max Cosyns à Heyle DICKER, Dave (2013) : puis à la PSM. La Cigalère et Foussoubie. En A history of ISS, PDF : 28 p. 14 photos, 21 1978 en Autriche le Schneeloch premier -1000 refs. hors de France. Au Mexique : Akemati, Akema http://iss.caves.org.au/Download%20files/ bis et Ocotempa, etc. (Fx). ISS_history_50th_with_photos.pdf 2014.2175 Traces the history of the Illawarra Speleologi- cal Society from early caving trips by a small GUIDI, Pino; FORNASIER, Gianpaolo; PA- group in 1944/4 to the formation of the Wol- GOTTO, Chiara (2014) : Dalla candela ai Led longong Speleological Society in the early 50s Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica and the Wollongong Speleological and Expedi- Italiana, n. 70 (giugno 2014) : 69. Foto. tionary Society in 1956. This group discovered Una mostra sulla storia della speleologia, and descended Bottle Cave at Bungonia (since tenutasi a Pordenone in occasione degli eventi lost). ISS was established on 13 Feb. 1963. celebrativi dei 150 anni del CAI. (MS). Gives major events in the subsequent history 2014.2176 of the society, involving The Diprotodon, Ben- dethera, SouthWest WA, Wyanbene, The Kim- GUIDI, Pino (2014) : Mostra 150 anni di spe- berley, remote location camera, The Nullarbor, leologia nel CAI Judbarra-Gregory NP and Ningbing. (GJM). Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 72- 2014.2173 73. 2 foto. Allestita a Pordenone (set.-dic. 2013). (PG). DUNKLEY, John R. (2013) : Feast and fa- 2014.2177 mine: history of cave science at Jenolan The science of Jenolan Caves: What do we HUBART, Jean-Marie; MATTLET, Jean-Marc know? Abstracts of presented papers : 15 p. (2014) : Débuts de l'exploration des grottes http://linneansocietynsw.org.au/symposia/Je- belges. Des vocations naissent. nolan%20Caves/Jenolan.html Spéléo Magazine, n° 87 (Septembre 2014) : Fish River Caves were reserved in 1866 and a 14-15. 2 photos, 1 coupe. Keeper appointed the following year. The first Histoire de la spéléologie en Belgique depuis scientific descriptions emanated from the go- le XIXe siècle : Kick et Quetelet au Han, vernment surveyors, who had some training in les fouilles de Schmerling, Martel, Van Den geology, and the occasional peripatetic visitor. Broeck et Rahir. Doudou et les Chercheurs de The first was probably Lamont Young, FGS, la Wallonie. Une coupe du Trou Bernard. (Fx). whose observations ca. 1878/79 were aug- 2014.2178 mented and reproduced in the Railway Guide

280 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) JEFFREYS, Alan L (2014) : Who Found caves in NSW government publications 1870- What in Assynt? 1919 Grampian Speleological Group Bulletin 5th Sydney Speleological Society Reprint Series, Series, Vol. 1, no 1 : 8-14. 4 ill., Bibliogr. No. 2 : 401 p. [CD]. An historical survey of first entry to caves in Reprints as PDFs: Wellington Caves (Corres- Assynt district, N.W. Sutherland, UK, with pondence Relative to Exploration of) 1870, photographs of early explorers from the 1950s. Exploration of the Caves and Rivers of N.S.W. References give source for each exploration. (1870, 1882), Annual Report of the Depart- (Author, GM). ment of Mines, N.S.W. 1875 to 1919, Records 2014.2179 of the Geological Survey of N.S.W. 1892 to 1904; The Fish River or Binda Caves, by C.S. KNOBELOCH, Hans-Joachim (2012) : Wilkinson. Appendix to The Railway Guide of Einhundert Jahre Affenschädelfund in der New South Wales. (Second Edition 1884, pp. Teufelshöhle bei Steinau an der Strasse 137-145). (GJM). Bergwinkel-Bote. Heimatkalender, 63. Jg., 2014.2183 2012 : 61-68. 4 Abb. 1911 wurde ein auf “alt” getrimmter Af- MÜLLER, Thilo; RAHNEFELD, Michael fenschädel in der Teufelshöhle versteckt und (2013) : 40 Jahre Arbeitsgemeinschaft Höhle bei offiziellen Ausgrabungen gefunden und für und Karst Grabenstetten. einen Vormenschenschädel gehalten (GST). Grabenstetter höhlenkundliche Hefte (Gra- 2014.2180 benstetten), No. 23 (Jahr 2012) : 9-24. In Germ.; 14 fig. and photos. MATTLET, Jean-Marc (2014) : La plongée (THR). souterraine en Belgique. Une discipline exi- 2014.2184 geante. Spéléo Magazine, n° 87 (Septembre 2014) : RAHNEFELD, Michael; MÜLLER, Thilo 40. 2 photos, 1 coupe. (2013) : 40 Jahre Arbeitsgemeinschaft Höhle Les spéléo-plongeurs belges ont été parmi les und Karst Grabenstetten. pionniers de la discipline : Marc Jasinsky et Laichinger Höhlenfreund (Laichingen), Vol. 48 Robert Sténuit dès les années 50. En France (2013) : 82-83. In Germ. la jonction Goule et Évent de Foussoubie par (THR). Lucienne Golenvaux. Le siphon typique en 2014.2185 Belge : étroit et sans visibilité. Les livres de Jean-François Manil. (Fx). STUMMER, Günter (2014) : 65 Jahre VÖH 2014.2181 Verbandsnachrichten, Jg. 65, Nr. 5-6 : 89-92. Einige Gedanken und Daten zu 65 Jahre Ver- MATTLET, Jean-Marc (2014) : La spéléolo- band Österreichischer Höhlenforscher. (Au- gie moderne de 1950 à nos jours. Une labo- thor, PF). rieuse construction fédérale ! 2014.2186 Spéléo Magazine, n° 87 (Septembre 2014) : 16-17. 2 photos. UFRECHT, Wolfgang (2014) : Gründung des L'histoire de la spéléologie en Belgique depuis Schwäbischen Höhlenvereins vor 125 Jahren. la Fédération Spéléologique de Belgique en Laichinger Höhlenfreund (Laichingen), Vol. 49 1952 à l'Union Belge de Spéléologie en 1984, (2014) : 78-79. In Germ. et à la Fédération Belge de Spéléologie. Le (THR). prix Doemen décerné bisannuellement par 2014.2187 l'UBS. (Fx). 2014.2182 WINKELHÖFER, Roland H. (2013) : Ein gescheiterter Versuch: Die Gründung des MIDDLETON, Greg (2013) : References to (Landes-)verbandes Sächsischer Speläologen

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 281 1990. Karlsruhe : S. 1. Höhlenforscher, der Zeitschrift für Freunde der Einleitung zum Heft “50 Jahre Höhlenfor- Speläologie (Dresden), Vol. 45, No. 2 : 55-57. schergruppe Karlsruhe” (GST). In Germ. 2014.2192 (THR). 2014.2188 AA (2014) : Annick Menier La Lettre du Spéléo-club de Paris, n° 321 (jan- WYLIE, John; WYLIE, Glenda (2013) : vier 2014) : 2. Guides of Wombeyan Caves 1864-2012 Décès, à 47 ans, de cette spéléologue périgour- Sydney Speleological Society Occasional Pa- dine, ancienne vice-présidente et membre très per, No. 16 : 86 p. 14 maps, numerous photo- active de la FFS. (JT). graphs, numerous refs. 2014.2193 Opens with what is known of the original custodians of Wombeyan, the Aboriginal group AA (2014) : Ces amis qui nous ont quittés known as the Gundungurra; briefly overviews La Lettre du Spéléo-club de Paris, n°325 (mai) the European exploration period, early artistic : 2. representations of the caves, what is know of - Hubert Trimmel, né en 1924, décédé le the European discovery of the caves, the crea- 15/12/2013 : le plus célèbre des spéléologues tion and development of the caves reserve. The et karstologues d'Autriche. major part of the monograph is a chronological - Jean-Pierre Besson, né en 1940, décédé en listing of 96 guides who have taken visitors mai 2014 : Membre très actif de la Société de thru the caves at Wombeyan, a summary of spéléologie et de préhistoire des Pyrénées-Oc- what is known about then and a photograph, cidentales, spécialiste de biospéologie. (JT). where available. Some of the recent guides 2014.2194 have written about their own experiences. (GJM). AA (2014) : Corrado De Monte “Icaro” 2014.2189 Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 110. 4.3 Personalia Presentazione dei necrologi dello speleologo (1960-2013). (PG). 2014.2195 AA (2013) : Dr.-Benno-Wolf-Preis für Ralph Müller. AA (2014) : Kiss Peter - Peti Laichinger Höhlenfreund (Laichingen), Vol. 48 Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : (2013) : 86-87. In Germ.; 2 photos. 121. 1 foto. (THR). Ricordo dello speleologo ungherese (1986- 2014.2190 2013), morto in Nepal. (PG). 2014.2196 AA (2013) : Uwe Krüger Preisträger beim Archäologie-Film-Kunst-Festival CI- AA (2014) : Le Berger perd un de ses pre- NARCHEA@Archäomediale. miers explorateurs Laichinger Höhlenfreund (Laichingen), Vol. 48 La Lettre du Spéléo-club de Paris, n°329 (no- (2013) : 84. In Germ.; 2 photos. vembre) : 2. (THR). Georges Garby, un des piliers de l'exploration 2014.2191 du gouffre Berger en 1956, est décédé le 13 juillet dernier. (JT). AA (2014) : 50 Jahre Höhlenforschergruppe 2014.2197 Karlsruhe Mitteilungen der Höhlenforschergruppe Karls- AA (2014) : Prof. Dr. Hubert Trimmel ruhe, Heft 24: 50 Jahre Höhlenforschergruppe Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) :

282 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 118-121. 1 foto. fig. Biografia, onorificenze, premi, qualificazioni Cenni biografici. (PG). professionali e titoli dello scomparso. (PG). 2014.2203 2014.2198 BENEDETTO, Carlos (2007) : Adios el Ami- AA (2014) : Ugo Stocker 1943-2013 go [André Slagmolen 1920-2007) Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : Argentina Subterranea, N° 17 (April 2007) : 126. 1 foto. 12. 1 photo. Cenni biografici dello speleo monfalconese. About the death of André Slagmolen, who (PG). came twice in Argentina. (BO). 2014.2199 2014.2204

AA (2014) : Verstorbene Mitglieder BENEDETTO, Carlos (2008) : CERMA (Luis Mitteilungen der Höhlenforschergruppe Karls- Carabelli) ruhe, Heft 24: 50 Jahre Höhlenforschergruppe Argentina Subterranea, N° 20 (Octubre 2008) Karlsruhe : 9-10. 3 Abb. : 15. Liste der verstorbenen Mitglieder der Höhlen- CERMA rescue group is going to enter in Fade forschergruppe Karlsruhe (mit Fotos von Karl organisation. (BO). Lahn, Walter Schäfer und Siegfried Walter) 2014.2205 (GST). 2014.2200 BERNABEI, Tullio; TODINI, Gianni (2014) : Lucas Ruiz, il ragazzo di El Ocote ALAMICHEL, François (2014) : Galerie de Kur magazine La Venta, n. 21 (2014) : 6-7. la mémoire - Hommage à Louis Gabriel Heily Foto. (1924-2013) Ricordo dell'amico scomparso. (MS). Spelunca, n° 134, juin 2014 : 64. 1 photo. 2014.2206 Hommage à ce biologiste, fondateur du Spé- léo-club poitevin. (CB). BESSI, Fabio (2014) : 4 matrimoni 2014.2201 Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 88. 2 foto. AMIS DU VIEUX SAINT-CLAUDE; AS- Nel 2013 si sono sposati quattro soci della SOCIATION POUR LA PROMOTION DE Boegan. (PG). L'ARCHÉOLOGIE DANS LE HAUT-JURA 2014.2207 (2014) : Jura patrimoine : les passions de Robert Le BLAND, Simon (2013) : Harold Coleman – a Pennec. ISBN 978-2-950145-56-7 : 262 p. great caver Bibliogr. des travaux de R. Le Pennec. Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, http://www.jurapatrimoine.fr/ Vol. 57, No. 3 : 83. 2 photos. Photographie, spéléologie, géologie, archéolo- Sydney Speleological Society has lost a long gie, pierres et marbres, archéozoologie, his- time member in Harry Coleman, died in toire et patrimoine religieux, patrimoine bâti et Northern Tasmania, 13 Feb. 2013. His caving industriel du Haut-Jura. (MM). included the Franklin River, The Kimberleys 2014.2202 and Palawan in the Philippines. (GJM). 2014.2208 BASEZZI, Nevio; DELL'OLIO, Luca (2007) : Johann Weichard Valvasor speleologo ante BONE, Bosco Natale (2014) : A Pradis per litteram di origine bergamasca nel diciassette- ricordare il “Maestro” simo secolo Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 21- Atti del 26° Triangolo dell'Amicizia, Villaggio 23. 2 fig. del Pescatore 9-10-11 giugno 2006 : 24-26. 3 A trent'anni dalla morte, ricordato presso la

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 283 Grotta di La Val, Carlo Finocchiaro. (PG). Spéléo 01, N° 26 (Juin 2014) : 121-123. 3 2014.2209 photos. Biographie et bibliographie de ce microbiolo- BOUCHER, Nelly (2014) : Portrait de femme giste méconnu (BC). - Nelly Boucher, Instructrice plongée souter- 2014.2213 raine Spelunca, n° 133, mars 2014 : 53-54. 4 photos. CHIROL, Bernard; MEIGNIN, Frédéric Personnalité très impliquée dans la plongée (2014) : Mémoires et le secourisme, Nelly oeuvre beaucoup dans Spéléo 01, N° 26 (Juin 2014) : 6-7. l'enseignement et la pédagogie de la discipline. Michel Letrône (1933-2014) et Jocelyne Le- Elle présente sa vie et ses activités avec beau- jeune (1956-2013) par BC et Georges Razurel coup de dynamisme. (CB). (1949-2013) par FM (BC). 2014.2210 2014.2214

BOURNE, Steve (2012) : Middleton plaqued! CLEMENZÓ, Jorge (2006) : Carlos Vera, Australasian Cave and Karst Management As- lamentable perdida para la espeleo argentina soc. Journal, No. 89 (December 2012) : 13-14. Argentina Subterranea, N° 15 (Agosto 2006) : 4 photos. 11. Greg Middleton has been involved with Argentinian caver dead in an accident. (BO). the development of Grande Caverne on the 2014.2215 Mauritian island of Rodrigues, planning and overseeing pathways and installing lighting. A COLEMAN, Cynthia; ELLIS, Ross (2013) : plaque has now (5 Oct. 2012) been installed in Eulogy: Harold Coleman the main entrance, commemorating the efforts Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, of those involved in opening and presenting Vol. 57, No. 6 : 176-178. 4 photos. the cave to visitors; text is reproduced, along An overview of the achievements of Harold with report in local newspaper. (GJM). Coleman 1931-2013. Worked for PMG-Te- 2014.2211 lecom and enjoyed caving on mainland Aus- tralia, in Tasmania and in the Philippines. BOURNE, Steve (2013) : Tony Culberg OAM Includes a list of his caving reports and photo- Australasian Cave and Karst Management As- graphs. (GJM). soc. Journal, No. 91 (June 2013) : 8. 2 photos. 2014.2216 In the 2013 Queen's Birthday Honours list, Tony Culberg was awarded an Order of Aus- COURBON, Paul (2014) : Galerie de la mé- tralia Medal “for service to the community of moire Michel Letrône (1933-2014) Tasmania” – this includes to Australian caving. Spelunca, n° 133, mars 2014 : 64. 1 photo. Tony organised a “cave-in” at Church Creek Évocation au travers de quelques souvenirs Caves, NSW, as a conservation protest in personnels de la vie de Michel Letrône, un 1969 and subsequently joined UNSWSS and grand spéléologue français (CB). ASF. In 1973 he became secretary of ASF and 2014.2217 moved to Tasmania in 1974. For a time he ma- naged the ASF Newsletter and helped organise CROCHET, Philippe; GUIRAUD, Annie the second conference on cave management (2014) : Chris Howes, a British cave photo- in Tasmania. In the 1990s he ran Exit Cave grapher Adventure Tours and is still involved in caving Spelunca, n° 134, juin 2014 : 30-33. 9 photos. at an administrative level. (GJM). Présentation de Chris Howes, photographe 2014.2212 professionnel britannique. Il explique son tra- vail et présente une série de ses photographies CHIROL, Bernard (2014) : Biographie : Vic- souterraines. (CB). tor Caumartin 2014.2218

284 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) D'URSO, Michele (2014) : Il fascino discreto The Earl of Cranbrook has been active in the degli abissi fields of mammalogy and zooarchaeology iMagazine 53, a. IX, n. 6 (nov.-dic. 2014). 2 since 1956 and has written numerous papers foto. relating to Malaysian caves. (LP). Presentazione dello speleologo di Monfalcone, 2014.2224 Sergio Soban. (PG). 2014.2219 DE ROOVER, Pierre (2014) : Bravo Jean! Spéléo Info, n° 4 : 6. Photos. DALL'ACQUA, Riccardo (2014) : Ged Cam- Remise du prix de la Bourgmestre, lors de la pion nuovo presidente FSE cérémonie de remise du mérite sportif, à Jean Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica Depasse, fondateur et président de l'ASAG. Italiana, n. 70 (giugno 2014) : 71. Foto. (NG). (MS). 2014.2225 2014.2220 DECROUEZ, Danielle; CHAROLLAIS, Jean DAMKAER, David M. (2014) : Harry Clay (2014) : Albert Carozzi (1925-2014) YEATMAN (1916-2013), beloved naturalist. Archives des Sciences, 67 : 179-182. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 34 (3) : 402- Nécrologie de ce géologu, qui fut aussi pré- 406. sident de la société Suisse de Spéléologie (Dz). http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/1937240X-00002226 2014.2226 (BL). 2014.2221 DETHIER, Michel (2014) : A la mémoire de Jean-Pierre Discry DASHER, George (2014) : West Virginia Les Chercheurs de la Wallonie, n°220 : 1-5. Cavers Membership List Photos. The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 6 (De- Texte en la mémoire de Jean-Pierre Discry, cember 2014) : 11-20. présentant ses différents domaines de travail 7 photos et passions: spéléologie, astronomie, pataphy- List of members belonging to the many Grot- sique, philosophie,.. (NG). tos who receive the West Virginia Caver publi- 2014.2227 cation. (YD). 2014.2222 DETRAUX, Vincent (2014) : Jacques Simus Spéléo Info, n° 5 : 3. Photos. DAVISON, G. W. H.; YONG, H.S.; WELLS, Hommage au spéléologue décédé, Jacques D.R. (2013) : Cranbrook at eighty: His contri- Simus. (NG). butions so far. Ornithologist, mammalogist, 2014.2228 zooarchaeologist, chartered biologist and naturalist DI MAIO, Marziano (2014) : Ricordando Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement No. Cesare Re e la Valdinferno 29 (30 November 2013) : 1-7. Grotte. Bollettino interno del Gruppo Speleo- The Earl of Cranbrook has written numerous logico Piemontese, n. 161 (gennaio-giugno papers relating to Malaysian caves. (LP). 2014) : 6-7. Foto. 2014.2223 Ricordo di un anziano socio del GSP. (MS). 2014.2229 DAVISON, G. W. H.; WELLS, D.R.; YONG, H.S. (eds) (2013) : Special volume in honour DUNKLEY, John R. (2013) : Ross Ellis OAM of the 80th birthday Gathorne Gathorne-Hardy Caves Australia, No. 195 (December 2013) : 2. 5th Earl of Cranbrook The 2013 Queen's Birthday Honours included Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement No. an Order of Australia Medal for Ross Andrew 29 (30 November 2013). Ellis “for service to speleology as an author

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 285 and editor”. Ross has been a member of Syd- Grabenstetter höhlenkundliche Hefte (Gra- ney Speleological Society for over 51 years, benstetten), No. 23 (Jahr 2012) : 7-8. In a Life Member and editor of the Journal of Germ.; 1 photo. the Sydney Speleological Society since 1965. (THR). He has a large postcard collection, a vast cave 2014.2235 library and wide caving experience. He was awarded ASF's Certificate of Merit in 1983. GOBETTI, Andrea (2014) : Il ricordo di Icaro (GJM). [Corrado Demonte] 2014.2230 Grotte. Bollettino interno del Gruppo Speleo- logico Piemontese, n. 161 (gennaio-giugno DURAND, Robert (2014) : Le Spéléo-club de 2014) : 8-10. Foto. Savoie Ricordo dell'amico speleologo e alpinista tries- Spelunca, n° 136, décembre 2014 : 34-39. 14 tino recentemente scomparso. (MS). photos, 1 figure. 2014.2236 Présentation d'un des clubs français les plus actifs en exploration. Créé au début des années GOLENVAUX, Lucienne (2014) : Histoire de 60, le SCS a contribué à l'exploration de plus ne pas perdre l'info.. de 400km de réseaux essentiellement dans les Spéléo Info, n° 4 : 3. Photos. Alpes françaises. (CB). Article en hommage à Bob Destreille, décédé 2014.2231 le 22 août 2013. (NG). 2014.2237 FABBRICATORE, Alessio (2014) : Hubert Trimmel, Erinnerungen - Ricordi GONZÁLEZ SILVESTRE, Josep Vicent; Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : RÍOS JIMÉNEZ, Félix (2014) : Miquel 117-118. 2 foto. BECH. In Memorian. L'Aautore ha avuto rapporti di collaborazione Gota a gota, 4 : 88-99. Espagnol. e amicizia con il grande speleologo viennese. http://sites.google.com/site/espeleovillacarril- (PG). lo/home/gota-a-gota-no-4-2014 2014.2232 (BL). 2014.2238 FINNESAND, Torstein (2013) : David St. Pierre er 75 år og hans NCIB er 50 år! GREBEUDE, Richard (2014) : Jean-Pierre Norsk Grotteblad, no 61 (Desember 2013) : Van Den Abeele: interview dialogue par Ri- 33. Photos. chard Grebeude The Norwegian Speleological Society Regards, n° 79 : 94-96. Photos. congratulates David St. Pierre on his 75th Interview de Jean-Pierre Van Den Abeele, spé- birthday this fall and the 50th anniversary of léologue belge. (NG). the Norwegian Cave Index & Bibliography 2014.2239 (NCIB). The article proves that both are equal- ly proactive. (TF). GREBEUDE, Richard (2014) : Personnalités 2014.2233 de la spéléologie Belge. Les pointures souter- raines. FORTI, Fabio (2014) : Trimmel Hubert Spéléo Magazine, n° 87 (Septembre 2014) : Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 43. 1 photo. 115-16. 3 foto. Un tour d'horizon des grandes figures de la Ricordo dello speleologo austriaco. (PG). spéléo belge : les organisateurs des structures 2014.2234 fédérales (Anciaux de Faveaux, Doemen, Martynoff), les explorateurs (Bernard Magos : GEBHARD, Klaus (2013) : Manni Schwaiger le Trou Bernard, la Cigalère), les spéléo-plon- (2.9.1942-29.12.2012). geurs (Lucienne Golenvaux, Michel Pauwels)

286 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) et bien d'autres. (Fx). 2014.2240 GUNN, John (2014) : Vale: Paul Roger Dea- kin FRPS, 1944-2014 GRIMANDI, Paolo (2014) : Bozzetti anni ‘60 Cave and Karst Science, Vol. 41, no 3 (De- Speleologia Emiliana. Rivista della Fede- cember 2014) : 98. razione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia (GM). Romagna, Serie V, n. 5 (2014) : 73-78. 2014.2247 Ricordo degli speleologi emiliano-romagno- li: Mario Bertolani, Antonio Rossi, Rodolfo HAMILTON, Kerry; KAVANAGH, Clive; Regnoli, Luciano Bentini. (MS). , Noel; DUNKLEY, John R. (2012) : 2014.2241 Peter Berrill, The Caves, Central Queensland Australasian Cave and Karst Management As- GRIMANDI, Paolo; RIVALTA, Giuseppe; soc. Journal, No. 88 (September 2012) : 35-36. FERRARESI, Carla; ZUFFA, Giancarlo 3 photos. (2014) : Edoardo Altara One of Australia's leading cave conservatio- Sottoterra. Rivista del GSB-USB, n. 138 (gen- nists and stewardship managers, Peter Berrill, naio-giugno 2014) : 66-71. Foto. died on his 59th birthday in Feb. 2012 after se- Ricordo del socio del GSB-USB. (MS). veral years battling cancer. He was a member 2014.2242 of Central Queensland Speleological Society for 36 years and for 30 years its the president; GRUNER, Christoph (2014) : Karl Guß- he was a life member of the Australian Spe- mann als Pfarrer, Höhlenforscher, Pomologe, leological Federation and for over 5 yrs its Schriftsteller - eine Ausstellung im Schlössle president. He was the driving force behind the Oberlenningen. campaign to stop quarrying Mount Etna and Laichinger Höhlenfreund (Laichingen), Vol. 49 have the caves declared a national park. Ulti- (2014) : 73-78. In Germ.; 3 fig. and photos. mately successful, this campaign from 1962 to (THR). 1999 was the longest environmental campaign 2014.2243 in Australian history. (GJM). 2014.2248 GUIDI, Pino (2014) : Guido Timeus, pioniere triestino dell'idrospeleologia HANCOCK, Gene (2014) : Spelean Spotlight: Atti del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di An Interview with Charlie Larson Trieste, 57 (2014) : 183-190. NSS News, Vol. 72, no 6 (June 2014) : 22. 1 Biografia del chimico (Trieste 1869 - Buenos photo. Aires 1953) seguita da cenni sul suo contributo Charlie Larson has written many of the pionee- alle ricerche di idrologia carsica. (PG). ring caving books of the Pacific Northwest, 2014.2244 and participated in countless first explorations of lava caves in the northwest of the USA. GUIDI, Pino (2014) : Mario Bussani (YD). Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 2014.2249 122-125. 1 foto. Biografia ed elenco degli scritti speleo del HAYGARTH, Nic (2011) : Dan Pickett: vecchio grottista triestino (1937-2013). (PG). Pioneer cave guide 2014.2245 Cave and Karst Management in Australasia XIX: Proc. 19th Aust'asian Conf. on Cave & GUIDI, Pino (2014) : Vincenzo Obersnel Karst Mgt. Ulverstone, Tas. : 63-78. 3 maps, 9 Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : photos, 54 footnotes. 109. Dan Pickett, the house-breaking son of a Biografia dello speleologo (1931-2013). (PG). Berkshire ‘strumpet' may have been Australia's 2014.2246 first professional cave guide. In his adopted

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 287 home, Tasmania (Van Diemen's Land), the ex- JUDSON, David; GILL, David; WOOL- convict host of the Chudleigh Inn cultivated a DRIDGE, Jerry; WOOLDRIDGE, Julie; reputation as a vice-regal guide to Wet Cave, WESTLAKE, Clive (2014) : Deakin: The probably in order to reinvent himself. Separa- All-Rounder ting fact from fantasy in Pickett's career is not Descent, No 241 (Dec/Jan 2014/15) : 23-27. easy. In the tradition of cave gurus elsewhere, Obituary of Paul Deakin, cave surveyor and he took on an heroic status as underground photographer (GM). explorer. Despite his age and being the subject 2014.2254 of legend, however, Pickett did not achieve immortality. He is buried in an unmarked JUDSON, David; LEVETT, Fred (2014) : The grave, anonymous in death as he was at birth. Lady Behind the Scenes (Author, GJM). Descent, No 236 (Feb/Mar 2014) : 24-25. 2014.2250 Obituary, Elsie Little of South Wales CC (GM). HERAN, Nathalie (2014) : Portrait de femme 2014.2255 - Emilie Héran initiatrice canyon Spelunca, n° 134, juin 2014 : 50-51. 4 photos. KASPRUK, Michel (2014) : Galerie de la Dans le cadre de la féminisation de la FFS, mémoire - Yves Langbour (1951-2014) Spelunca ouvre ses colonnes à une femme Spelunca, n° 136, décembre 2014 : 64. qui se présente et parle de sa pratique. Emilie Figure de la spéléologie normande, Yves Lang- Héran pratique assidûment le canyon au sein bour a beaucoup oeuvré sur Caumont et dans du club Aterkania. Elle décrit son activités, ses d'autres régions françaises. (CB). attentes, sa vision de l'activité et son analyse 2014.2256 de la place des femmes dans ce sport (CB). 2014.2251 KENNEDY, Sasa; COVE, Daniel (2013) : John Callaghan HUGHES, Dave; SCHINDEL, Geary (2014) Australasian Cave and Karst Management As- : NSS “Luminary Series” at the 2014 NSS soc. Journal, No. 93 (December 2013) : 38-39. Convention 5 photos. NSS News, Vol. 72, no 6 (June 2014) : 26-27. Long-term Jenolan Caves guide John Calla- 3 photos. ghan, died 14 Sept. 2013. His career at Jenolan John W. Cole, John Holsinger, and Doug and spanned four decades from the 1960s during Hazel Medville will be featured as Lumina- which he held positions from guide to visitor ries during the 2014 National Speleological services manager. He developed Tantanoo- Convention (USA). The Luminary Series la Cave, S. Australia as the country's first features pioneering cave explorers, karst scien- wheelchair accessible cave. Outlines his many tists, and other NSS luminaries. (YD). contributions, particularly to Jenolan where he 2014.2252 will be deeply missed. (GJM). 2014.2257 JEFFREYS, Alan L (2014) : Vale: Dick Grin- dley KERSHAW, Bob; LAKE, Mike (2013) : Edie Grampian Speleological Group Bulletin 5th Smith Award to Mike Lake Series, Vol. 1, no 2 : 2-4. 1 ill. Caves Australia, No. 194 (September 2013) : Obituary of Dick Grindley, who was a member 22. 2 photos. of the Group from 1971. His contributions to Traces Mike Lake's history as a caver from Celtic language translations and world travels joining SUSS in 1977, including cave disco- were listed in a veries, rescue squad involvement and setting bibliography of his articles up ASF's web-based Karst Index Database. (Author, GM). (GJM). 2014.2253 2014.2258

288 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) KERSHAW, Bob (2014) : Vale Lloyd Robin- Ehrennadel des LNV an Ralph Müller. son 1927-2013 Unterwelten-Info (Stuttgart), No. 29 : 10-12. Caves Australia, No. 196 (March 2014) : 5-6. In Germ.; 3 photos. Photo, 2 refs. (THR). Traces the history of Lloyd's involvement 2014.2263 with caving from 1956; he was a foundation member of Illawarra Speleological Society in MALARD, Florian; HENRY, Jean-Paul; 1963 and became a Life Member, held offices DOUADY, Christophe J. (2014) : The scien- in ASF from 1966 and was president 1986-93, tific contribution of Guy MAGNIEZ (1935- received Certificate of Merit in 1982 for explo- 2014). ration and documentation of caves in Western Subterranean Biology, 13 : 55-64. Australia and became a Fellow of ASF in http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/subtbiol.13.7412 1995. He participated in his last expedition (BL). to Bullita in 2012. He died of cancer 20 Nov. 2014.2264 2013. (GJM). 2014.2259 MANCINI, Massimo (2014) : Incontri e storie di (stra)ordinaria speleologia KLAPPACHER, Walter (2014) : Alexander Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica Mörk von Mörkenstein - eine kurze Zusam- Italiana, n. 71 (dicembre 2014) : 56-58. Foto. menfassung Riscoperte le origini della speleologia moli- Atlantis Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für sana che risalgono all'inizio degli anni ‘30, Höhlenkunde in Salzburg, Jg. 36, Heft 1-4 : raccontate da Michele Pallotta, uno dei prota- 103-105. gonisti di allora. (MS). (PF). 2014.2265 2014.2260 MATTES, Johannes (2014) : Nachruf an Dr. LAGACHE-GROSSOEUVRE, Claire (2014) Hubert Trimmel (1924-2013) : Portrait de femme - Claire Lagache-Gros- Verbandsnachrichten, Jg. 65, Nr. 1 : 6-7. soeuvre Conseillère technique nationale (PF). Spelunca, n° 135, septembre 2014 : 57-58. 4 2014.2266 photos. Première femme DTN de la fédération fran- MRKOS, Heinrich (2014) : Univ. Prof. Dr. çaise de spéléologie, Claire présente sa pra- Hubert Trimmel zum Gedenken tique, la place des femmes dans les sports de HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des nature et ses fonctions au sein de la fédération. Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und (CB). Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 3/4 : 23-24. 2014.2261 (PF). 2014.2267 LIPS, Bernard; ROBERT, Xavier (2014) : Galerie de la mémoire - Philippe Sénécal (dit MRKOS, Heinrich (2014) : Zum Gedenken an Philou) (1971-2014) Heinz Ilming Spelunca, n° 136, décembre 2014 : 64. 1 pho- HKM Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen des to. Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Wien und Évocation de la vie de ce membre du Groupe Niederösterreich, Jg. 70, Heft 3/4 : 24. Spéléologique Vulcain de Lyon qui a continué (PF). à pratiquer, même en expédition à l'étranger, 2014.2268 malgré une très grave maladie. (CB). 2014.2262 MÜLLER, Ewald; WEIGOLD, Heinz (2014) : Ein Kämpfer für den Fledermausschutz - LUZ, Hans Martin (2013) : Verleihung der Zum Tod von Prof. Dr. Erwin Kulzer.

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 289 Laichinger Höhlenfreund (Laichingen), Vol. 49 Niah Cave. (LP). (2014) : 88-89. In Germ.; 1 photo. 2014.2275 (THR). 2014.2269 PLOWMAN, Cathie (2012) : Vale Stephen Blanden NASH, Graham (2013) : Landesehrennadel an Australasian Cave and Karst Management As- Wolfgang Morlock verliehen. soc. Journal, No. 88 (September 2012) : 37-38. Laichinger Höhlenfreund (Laichingen), Vol. 48 2 photos. (2013) : 87-88. In Germ. ACKMA member, Stephen Blanden, of Gunns (THR). Plains in Tasmania, died recently, aged 54. He 2014.2270 systematically explored and documented caves at Gunns Plains, Mt Cripps, Moina, Loongana, NASH, Graham (2013) : Wolfgang Morlock Wilmot River, the Vale of Belvoir and espe- wurde die Landesehrennadel verliehen. cially Mole Creek. His publications include Unterwelten-Info (Stuttgart), No. 29 : 9-10. In a souvenir book on Gunns Plains, Caves of Germ.; 2 photos. Gunns Plains and many records, maps and trip (THR). reports. He was a member of Savage River 2014.2271 Caving Club, Northern Caverneers and NSS; he was awarded ASF's Certificate of Merit in NOBLE, Mark; WHITEHOUSE, Bill; JOULE, 2005. (GJM). Jenny (2014) : My Dad, the Troglodyte 2014.2276 Descent, No 240 (Oct/Nov 2014) : 24. Obituary for Keith Joule, a Peak District caver POLROT, Francis (2014) : Histoire de ne pas (GM). perdre l'info.. 2014.2272 Spéléo Info, n° 6 : 3. Photos. Article en hommage à Jean-Pierre Discry. PAVANELLO, Aurelio (2014) : Loredana (NG). Strazzari 2014.2277 Sottoterra. Rivista del GSB-USB, n. 138 (gen- naio-giugno 2014) : 72. Foto. PRÉVOT, Christophe (2014) : Daniel Prévot, Ricordo della socia del GSB-USB. (MS). membre d'honneur de la F.F.S. 2014.2273 Le P'tit Usania, n° 191 (Juillet 2014) : 3-5. Photos. PIÈCE, Pierre-Yves; WEIDMANN, Marc http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- (2014) : Albert Ginsberg (1782-1837), mineur, ticle1448 ingénieur des mines et géologue Vie spéléologique de Daniel Prévot, suite à sa Minaria Helvetica, 34 : 26-53. nomination comme membre d'honneur de la http://www.sghb.ch/wp-content/ F.F.S. (CP). uploads/2015/10/Minaria-34.pdf 2014.2278 Biographie d'Albert Ginsberg, géomètre sou- terrain des mines de sel de Bex (VD) (CV). RADTKE, Gudrun (2014) : Nachruf Hans-Jü- 2014.2274 rgen Anderle Geologisches Jahrbuch Hessen, Band 138 : PIPER, Philip; RABETT, Ryan J.; BARKER, 109-115. 1 Abb. Graeme (2013) : A zoologist with a taste for Der Geologe Hans-Jürgen Anderle war Vor- the past: The Earl of Cranbrook's contributions sitzender des Nassauischen Vereins für Na- to zooarchaeological research in Southeast turkunde und beschäftigte sich auch mit der Asia Verkarstung (z.B. bei der Bearbeitung des Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement No. Blattes 5714 Kettenbach der geologischen 29 (30 November 2013) : 121-132. 3 fig. Karte 1:25000 von Hessen). Dem Nachruf

290 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) ist das Verzeichnis seiner Veröffentlichungen SC EPIA (2014) : Le Spéléo-club EPIA: un angefügt. (GST). club de la balle atomique 2014.2279 Spelunca, n° 133, mars 2014 : 41-44. 7 photos, 1 figure. RAHNEFELD, Michael (2014) : Nachruf Autoportrait de ce club de la Haute-Garonne, Siegfried Hönig. créé en 1967 et qui travaille essentiellement Grabenstetter höhlenkundliche Hefte (Gra- sur le massif de l'Estélas y découvrant de benstetten), No. 23 (Jahr 2012) : 7-9. In belles cavités comme le système Belle-Cassa- Germ.; 2 photos. gnous de 600m de dénivelé et 10 km de déve- (THR). loppement. On peut le retrouver à Salège où 2014.2280 il tient régulièrement des assemblées dans son refuge ouvert à tous les spéléos. (CB). RAHNEFELD, Michael (2014) : Nachruf 2014.2286 Siegfried Hönig. Laichinger Höhlenfreund (Laichingen), Vol. 49 SCHLÖSSER-KLUGER, Inga (2014) : Na- (2014) : 85-86. In Germ.; 1 photo. chruf Witigo Stengel-Rutkowski (THR). Geologisches Jahrbuch Hessen, Band 138 : 2014.2281 139-142. 1 Abb. Der Geologe Witigi Stengel-Rutkowski RAMOUSSE, Raymond (2014) : Hommage beschäftigte sich seit den 1960er Jahren mit de la Société linnéenne de Lyon à M. le profes- karstkundlichen Themen. Er führte u.a. die seur René GINET (1928-2014). ersten modernen Färbeversuche im Erd- . bach-Breitscheider Karstgebiet (Westerwald) http://www.linneenne-lyon.org durch. Dem Nachruf ist das Verzeichnis seiner (BL). Veröffentlichungen angefügt. (GST). 2014.2282 2014.2287

ŘEHÁK, Zdeněk; ZUKAL, Jan (2014) : SHREWSBURY, Carolina (2014) : Spelean Professor Jiří GAISLER, 3 July 1934 – 17 July Spotlight: An Interview with Pat Seiser 2014. NSS News, Vol. 72, no 5 (May 2014) : 7-9. 4 Vespertilio, 17 : 5-14. photos. http://www.ceson.org/publikace.php?p=17 Pat Seiser is passionate about caving and the (BL). need for protection and conservation of caves. 2014.2283 She did her doctoral work on the idea of Cave Wilderness. She is interested in art and pho- RIEK, Rolf; UFRECHT, Wolfgang (2013) : tography, and regularly caves in Lechuguilla Nachruf auf unser Ehrenmitglied Hans Hiller. Cave, Arizona, USA. (YD). Laichinger Höhlenfreund (Laichingen), Vol. 48 2014.2288 (2013) : 92. In Germ.; 1 photo. (THR). SJÖBERG, Rabbe (2014) : Hubert Trimmel 2014.2284 1924-2013 Grottan, Vol. 49, no 1 (March 2014) : 45. In SABEL, Karl-Josef (2011) : Nachruf Arno Swedish. Semmel Obituary over Hubert Trimmel (1924-2013). Geologisches Jahrbuch Hessen, Band 137 : (JL). 119-120. 1 Abb. 2014.2289 Der Geologe und Bodenkundler Arno Semmel arbeitete auch über karstkundliche Themen SJÖBERG, Rabbe; ENGH, Rolf; ENGH, Leif (GST). (2014) : Yngve och Ebbe, Speleologförbun- 2014.2285 dets nya hdersmedlemmar

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 291 Grottan, Vol. 49, no 3 (September 2014) : 19- papers, numerous book chapters and consul- 20. In Swedish; photos. tancy reports. She has mentored and supported Yngve Freij and Ebbe Johansson, who recently many aspiring karst managers. (GJM). where elected as Members of Honour of the 2014.2292 Swedish Speleological Society, are presented. They were involved in the founding of the SPÉLÉO MAGAZINE (2014) : Michel Le- society, and discovered many of the now clas- trône (1933 - 2014) Explorateur. sic cave areas in northern Sweden, including Spéléo Magazine, n° 85 (Mars 2014) : 4. 1 Labyrintgrottan and Sotsbäcksgrottan. In par- photo. ticular Yngve has continued being active and Brève notice nécrologique de Michel Letrône. discovered and explored many other high-lati- (Fx). tude karst areas in Sweden. (JL). 2014.2293 2014.2290 SPÖTL, Christoph (2014) : Hubert Trimmel SPATE, Andy (2013) : John Dunkley AM (1924-2013) Ehrenmitglied des Landesvereins Australasian Cave and Karst Management für Höhlenkunde in Tirol Assoc. Journal, No. 90 (March 2013) : 32. 3 Höhlenkundliche Mitteilungen, Jg. 52, Folge photos. 66, Vereinsjahr 2013 : 64-66. Fotos. John Dunkley, a prominent figure in Australian Nachruf. (PF). speleology for more than five decades, has 2014.2294 been made a Member of the Order of Austra- lia for “significant service to the exploration ST. PIERRE, David (2012) : Trevors 70 års science and conservation of caves”. He was a lag leading light in early cave tourism conferences Norsk Grotteblad, no 58 (Juni 2012) : 10. and force behind expeditions in Australia and Photos. Asia to explore and document caves. He was This was a special event this year, to celebrate ASF's delegate to the International Union a Big Birthday and to commemorate the com- of Speleology between 1969 and 1993 and pletion of the Final South Nordland Expedition has held president and other senior positions in 2011. After 26 expeditions and the discove- in ASF, SUSS, CSS and JCH&PS. Such an ry of 100s of caves with over 50 km of cave award also shows the importance of caves in passage, the cavers ran out of easy targets and Australian society. (GJM). can now concentrate on their memoirs. 80 2014.2291 guests attended Trevor's party, which was a great success despite the weather. (TF). SPATE, Andy; MEEHAN, Stephan (2013) 2014.2295 : Nomination of Julia James as a Fellow of ACKMA ST. PIERRE, David (2013) : Dr. Oliver C. Australasian Cave and Karst Management Wells Assoc. Journal, No. 92 (September 2013) : 39. Norsk Grotteblad, no 60 (Juni 2013) : 42-43. 2 photos; 10 consultancy reports. Photos. Dr James has a long and distinguished career Oliver Craig Wells was born in London, En- as a caver, cave scientist and more recently gland. He attended Cambridge University to in karst management through membership of study mathematics and electrical engineering. Jenolan Caves Scientific and Environmental Oliver took a leading part in the cave diving Adv. Com., NSW Karst Management Adv. expeditions in Swildon's Hole and Wookey Com. & Greater Blue Mountains WHA Adv. Hole on Mendip, southern England in the Com. She was Senior VP (1989-97) of IUS 1950's. He modified P-Party and Pres. (1997-2001), the only woman to fill Sets (semi-closed circuit ) for these positions; she has been an editor of He- cave diving. In 1956 he visited South Svar- lictite. She has authored some 200 published tisen, Nordland, Norway with the Cambridge

292 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) University Caving Club Expedition making a Gli amici di Corrado De Monte (Icaro), guida study and survey of the Larshullet/Lapphullet alpina e speleologica morta in un incidente di system (TF). montagna, hanno organizzato una serata in sua 2014.2296 memoria. (PG). 2014.2300 ST. PIERRE, David (2013) : Richard J. Kirkland TODOROV, Milcho; PILARSKA, Daniela; Norsk Grotteblad, no 60 (Juni 2013) : 43. GEORGIEV, Boyko B. (2014) : 80th Anniver- Photo. sary of Professor Vassil GOLEMANSKY. Dick Kirkland was born in 1936 at Mar- Acta zoologica bulgarica, 66 (1) : 141-144. tham in Norfolk. He was a student member http://www.acta-zoologica-bulgarica.eu/azb_ of Cambridge University Caving Club from en.php?q=66%20(1) 1955-1958, visiting South Svartisen in 1956 (BL). and 1957 on two expeditions. He returned in 2014.2301 1964 with David St Pierre and Shirley Drakes (St Pierre), and again in 1966 with John TORELLI, Louis (2014) : Franco Tiralongo. Theakstone, revisiting Reingardslivatn, Øs- La Mostra fotografica terdalsisen and Glaamvatn. After three years Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 79- research in geomorphology at Durham Univer- 81. 1 foto, poster. sity, where he also did some caving in County Si è tenuta a Prosecco (TS) nel luglio 2013. Durham and Westmorland, he worked for the (PG). Ministry of Defence for 40 years. Dick now 2014.2302 lives in Norfolk with his wife Hilary, a retired school teacher, who has recently completed an TORELLI, Louis (2014) : Icaro MA degree in English Language and Litera- Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : ture. (TF). 110-113. 3 foto. 2014.2297 Commossa rievocazione della guida alpina e speleologica (1960-2013) morta in un inci- STUMMER, Günter (2014) : Zwei Große der dente di montagna. (PG). österreichischen Höhlenforschung sind nicht 2014.2303 mehr - Nachrufe auf Hubert Trimmel und Heinz Ilming UFRECHT, Wolfgang (2014) : Nachruf Prof. Die Höhle, 65. Jg., Heft 1-4 : 118-126. Dr. Winfried Reiff (1930 bis 2014). Two prominent Austrian speleologists passed Laichinger Höhlenfreund (Laichingen), Vol. 49 away - obituaries on Hubert Trimmel and (2014) : 87. In Germ.; 1 photo. Heinz Ilming. (PF). (THR). 2014.2298 2014.2304

TAVAGNUTTI, Maurizio (2014) : Ugo Stoker UFRECHT, Wolfgang (2014) : Werner Käss (29.11.1943 - 24.12.2013) 90 Jahre alt. Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica Laichinger Höhlenfreund (Laichingen), Vol. 49 Italiana, n. 70 (giugno 2014) : 86. Foto. (2014) : 83-84. In Germ.; 1 photo. Ricordo dello speleologo friulano recente- (THR). mente scomparso. (MS). 2014.2305 2014.2299 UNION SPORTIVE FONTENAYSIENNE DE TIZIANEL, Antonella (2014) : Una serata per SPELEOLOGIE (2014) : Galerie de la mé- Icaro moire - Jean-Louis Hury (1924-2013) Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : Spelunca, n° 134, juin 2014 : 64. 1 photo. 113-114. 2 foto, 1 dis. Hommage à cette figure de l'USF. (CB). 2014.2306 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 293 VATTANO, Marco (a cura di) (2014) : Höhlenforscher, der Zeitschrift für Freunde der Francesco (Cesco) Sauro vince il Rolex Awar- Speläologie (Dresden), Vol. 46, No. 1 : 16-18. ds for Interprise 2014 In Germ., 1 fig. Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica Deals with Johannes Ruscher, Dresden. Italiana, n. 71 (dicembre 2014) : 59. Foto. (THR). (MS). 2014.2312 2014.2307 4.4 Varia WHITE, Susan (2013) : Tony Culberg OAM Caves Australia, No. 194 (September 2013) : 2. BEDFORD, Mike; HIGGINS, Adrian (2014) : An Order of Australia Medal has been awarded The Adventures of GREG to Tony Culberg “for service to the community Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 88 of Tasmania” including service to Australian (December 2014) : 24. speleology. Originally a member of University Illustrations by Adrian Higgins with words by of NSW Speleological Society, he became Mike Bedford (JVD). Secretary of ASF in 1973, moving to Tasmania 2014.2313 in 1974. Ran adventure tours at Exit Caves in 1990s. Member of STC, ACKMA and a direc- BRUCKER, Roger (2014) : Cave Writing tor of ASF Karst Conservation Fund. (GJM). Workshop at NSS Convention 2014.2308 NSS News, Vol. 72, no 5 (May 2014) : 17. 4 photos. WIELANDER, Barbara (2014) : Nachruf an Info on this workshop that will be held at the Heinz Ilming 1932-2014 National Speleological Society's 2014 Conven- Verbandsnachrichten, Jg. 65, Nr. 1 : 7-8. tion (USA). (YD). (PF). 2014.2314 2014.2309 BRUCKER, Roger (2014) : My Experience WINKELHÖFER, Roland H. (2013) : Ge- Judging Art at the NSS 2013 Convention rhard Korn (*30.3.1939; †12.2.2013). NSS News, Vol. 72, no 5 (May 2014) : 6. 1 Höhlenforscher, der Zeitschrift für Freunde der photo. Speläologie (Dresden), Vol. 45, No. 2 : 62. In The author shares his thoughts on this subject. Germ. (YD). (THR). 2014.2315 2014.2310 BUNTON, Stephen (2013) : The Australian WINKELHÖFER, Roland H. (2013) : Vor 50 caving exam Jahren starb der österreichische Höhlenfor- Caves Australia, No. 193 (June 2013) : 22-23. scher Georg Lahner (*21.1.1873; †17.5.1963) A tongue-in-cheek set of questions about Aus- - ein Brief an Johannes Ruscher aus 1924. tralian caving with multiple-choice “answers”. Höhlenforscher, der Zeitschrift für Freunde der (GJM). Speläologie (Dresden), Vol. 45, No. 3 : 86-88. 2014.2316 In Germ.; 1 fig. (THR). DE VIVO, Antonio (2014) : Il fantasma dai 2014.2311 proiettili d'oro Kur magazine La Venta, n. 21 (2014) : 24-25. WINKELHÖFER, Roland H. (2014) : Ein Disegni. „deutscher“ Naturschutzausweis: Schriftstück Su di un racconto ambientato in grotta, nella an die Höhere Naturschutzbehörde zum Um- serie a fumetti Blueberry. (MS). gang mit dem Reichsnaturschutzgesetz 1938. 2014.2317

294 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) DEJARDIN, Robert (2013) : La prospection leggendari. Il mito del pipistrello nel mondo du monde souterrain par l'analyse cartophi- (primo contributo) lique Tuttocat, Numero Unico, dicembre 2012 : 25- Plaquette – programme des Journées 2013 de 31. Varie ill. Spéléologie Scientifique, 16 et 17 novembre Analisi della simbologia legata al pipistrello 2013 : 21. seguita da varie leggende. (PG). Résumé de poster. Etude et prospection de 2014.2323 différentes cavités grâce à l'analyse et l'étude d'anciennes cartes postales. (NG). GHERLIZZA, Franco (2014) : Chirotteri 2014.2318 leggendari. Il mito del pipistrello nel mondo (secondo contributo) DEJARDIN, Robert (2014) : Recherches spé- Tuttocat, Numero unico 2013 (2014) : 37-41. léologiques, aléas et ténacités Ill. varie. Plaquette – programme des Journées 2014 de Presentati alcune favole (Esopo, La Fontaine) Spéléologie Scientifique, 15 et 16 novembre che hanno per protagonista il pipistrello e una 2014 : 1 p. serie di indovinelli, proverbi, curiosità sullo Résumé de poster. Evocation de résurgence stesso animale. (PG). karstique (Lurbach en Autriche) au travers 2014.2324 de collections de cartes postales et d'anciens documents. (NG). GRATTÉ, Lucien (2014) : Dépôt rapide de 2014.2319 carbonate de calcium. L'art des fontaines pétri- fiantes. DONAT, Dario (2013) : Granpampel. Cantade Spéléo Magazine, n° 86 (Juin 2014) : 38. 7 de grota photos. Alpinismo triestino, a. 24, n. 140 : 11 ; 15. 1 Présentation des objets décoratifs des fontaines foto, 2 fig. pétrifiantes, comme celle de Saint-Alyre (Puy- Presentazione del libro contenente canzoni di de Dôme). (Fx). grotta. Recensione del libro. (PG). 2014.2325 2014.2320 GREBENART, Danilo (2014) : Peinture et FORTI, Paolo (2014) : Le stampe antiche del grottes Centro di Documentazione Anelli migrano sul Spelunca, n° 134, juin 2014 : 52-55. 12 repro- Web ductions. Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica Cet artiste présente son travail à travers une Italiana, n. 71 (dicembre 2014) : 63. Immagini. douzaine d'oeuvres et le replace dans l'histoire Scannerizzata la collezione di incisioni antiche en citant quelques peintres qui se sont intéres- posseduta dalla Biblioteca SSI di Bologna. sés au milieu souterrain. (CB). (MS). 2014.2326 2014.2321 GUIRAUD, Annie; CROCHET, Philippe GHERLIZZA, Franco (2007) : Esseri leggen- (2014) : Dave BUNNEL dari nelle grotte del Friuli Venezia Giulia Spelunca, n° 135, septembre 2014 : 30-33. 10 Atti del 26° Triangolo dell'Amicizia, Villaggio photos. del Pescatore 9-10-11 giugno 2006 : 27-41. Présentation du travail de Dave Bunnel, pho- Varie ill. tographe américain de renom qui excelle dans Indicate le figure di maggior spicco del folk- les photos d'action et le nu souterrain. (CB). lore ipogeo regionale. (PG). 2014.2327 2014.2322 HIGGINS, Adrian; BEDFORD, Mike (2014) : GHERLIZZA, Franco (2013) : Chirotteri The Adventures of GREG

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 295 Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 86 Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, (June 2014) : 24. Vol. 57, No. 2 : 47. 6 photos, ref. Illustrations by Adrian Higgins with words by Studio Anna pottery in Sydney produced a Mike Bedford. (JVD). number of ceramics decorated with Abori- 2014.2328 ginal cave and bark paintings through 1950s and 60s. Cave scenes included Cathedral at HOULEZ, Jean-Paul (2012) : Wellington Caves, The Minaret, River Cave, Trauca-Bartas : recueil de récits spéléolo- Jenolan and The Broken Column, Lucas Cave, giques. ISBN 978-2-954042-61-9 : 224 p. En Jenolan. The ceramics are of lower quality Occitan, avec un dictionnaire français. than Shelley ware. (GJM). Région de Montpellier (Hérault) (MM). 2014.2334 2014.2329 O'DELL, Gary; BOGOSIAN, Gregg (2014) : JACKSON, Alan (2010) : 2009 STC Awards “Seckatary Hawkins” and Cliff(ton) Cave: The Speleo Spiel, No. 376 (Jan-Feb. 2010) : 24-25. subterranean adventures of Robert F. Schulkers A set of (fictitious) awards to members of NSS News, Vol. 72, no 7 (July 2014) : 10-20. Southern Tasmanian Caverneers poking fun at 10 ill., 4 photos, 1 map. their foibles - and strengths. (GJM). Robert F. Schulkers was a writer of fictional 2014.2330 adventure stories and comic books for young readers, which appeared in the Cincinnati JEFFREYS, Alan L. (2014) : All Our Yester- Enquirer in the 1930s. The stories often used days well-described subterranean settings. (YD). Descent, No 240 (Oct/Nov 2014) : 30-31. 2014.2335 Empassioned plea to help preserve old, disap- pearing for posterity (GM). PELZEL, Johannes (2014) : Betrachtungen 2014.2331 zum Begriff Höhle Mitteilungen der Höhlenforschergruppe Karls- KALLIATAKIS, Gérard (2014) : Légende ruhe, Heft 24: 50 Jahre Höhlenforschergruppe Gasconne. 1893 : La Maladetta. Karlsruhe : 97. Spéléo Magazine, n° 85 (Mars 2014) : 38. 2 (GST). photos. 2014.2336 Présentation de l'affiche d'un ballet donné en 1893 “La Maladetta”. L'affiche du ballet est -il PELZEL, Johannes (2014) : Höhlen sind Kör- lustrée dans un registre supérieur d'un paysage peröffnungen pyrénéen, et dans le registre inférieur d'une Mitteilungen der Höhlenforschergruppe Karls- cavité. (Fx). ruhe, Heft 24: 50 Jahre Höhlenforschergruppe 2014.2332 Karlsruhe : 98-99. (GST). KEMPE, Stephan (2014) : Warum Höhlen- 2014.2337 forschung? Ein Rückblick auf den Unfall im Riesending. PETTERSSON, Ulla (2014) : Grottor - gudar- Mitt. Verb. dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforsch., 60 nas boning (3+4) : 68-69. Grottan, Vol. 49, no 3 (September 2014) : 49. Reflects about speleological exploration on In Swedish. the background of the operation in The three volumes of the fantasy novel serie Riesending/Germany. (ML). Dreamers by David and Leigh Edding are 2014.2333 presented. Caves play a significant role in the novels. (JL). MCDONNELL, Geoffrey (2013) : Studio 2014.2338 Anna pottery and NSW cave scenes

296 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) PIZETTE-CAILLET, Marc (2014) : Sans titre. SERRANO, Vincent (2014) : Méjeannes-le- Spéléo Magazine, n° 85 (Mars 2014) : 4. 1 Clap, Gard : Slackline à la Salamandre. dessin. Spéléo Magazine, n° 87 (Septembre 2014) : Un dessin spéléo humoristique. (Fx). 10-11. 1 photo. 2014.2339 Funambulisme souterrain avec une ligne ten- due dans l'aven de la Salamandre, historique PIZETTE-CAILLET, Marc (2014) : Sans titre. du projet “Deep and Slackline Tour”. (Fx). Spéléo Magazine, n° 86 (Juin 2014) : 4. 1 2014.2346 dessin. Un dessin spéléo humoristique. (Fx). SHREWSBURY, Carolina (2014) : 2013 2014.2340 Convention SpeleoArt Workshop NSS News, Vol. 72, no 5 (May 2014) : 16. 4 PIZETTE-CAILLET, Marc (2014) : Sans titre. photos. Spéléo Magazine, n° 87 (Septembre 2014) : 4. Information on this new event that will be held 1 dessin. at the National Speleological Society's 2014 Un dessin spéléo humoristique. (Fx). Convention (USA). (YD). 2014.2341 2014.2347

REINBOTH, Fritz (2014) : Historische SHREWSBURY, Carolina (2014) : Go Postal Vereinsabzeichen der Höhlenforscher in With SpeleoArt! Featuring Bill Greenwald Deutschland und Österreich NSS News, Vol. 72, no 5 (May 2014) : 10-11. Die Höhle, 65. Jg., Heft 1-4 : 111-117. 11 photos. Historic lapel pins of speleologists in Germany Bill Greenwald teaches sketching techniques and Austria (PF). during the yearly Convention of the National 2014.2342 Speleological Society (USA). (YD). 2014.2348 RUBRECK, Ergor (2014) : Ergor Answers Some Cave Questions SHREWSBURY, Carolina (2014) : The New NSS News, Vol. 72, no 5 (May 2014) : 13. 1 Salon Pins and Awards drawing. NSS News, Vol. 72, no 5 (May 2014) : 15. 4 The author answers questions about caves and photos. bats in a humorous and outlandish way. (YD). Info on the new awards and new judging 2014.2343 formula and categorization for speleo art at the National Speleological Society's 2014 Conven- RUBRECK, Ergor (2014) : Ergor Rubreck's tion (USA). (YD). Caving Awards 2014.2349 NSS News, Vol. 72, no 5 (May 2014) : 5-6. 1 photo. SOYEAUX, Renald (2014) : Gustave Courbet Amusing, tongue-in-cheek fictional story. und die Höhlenforscher - Französischer Jura (YD). auf Gemälden und aus heutiger Sicht 2014.2344 Mitteilungen der Höhlenforschergruppe Karls- ruhe, Heft 24: 50 Jahre Höhlenforschergruppe SAHLBERG, Olle (2014) : Om Grottan i Karlsruhe : 14-37. 26 Abb. Grottan Der Maler Gustave Courbet - mit Abbildungen Grottan, Vol. 49, no 3 (September 2014) : 39. zahlreicher seiner Gemälde aus dem Franzö- In Swedish; photo. sischen Jura und Gegenüberstellung mit heuti- The author to a newly published novel, Grot- gen Fotos (GST). tan (The Cave), give us the story behind the 2014.2350 book. The author used to be an active caver, and some real cavers figure in the novel. (JL). SPINOY, Francis (2014) : Le dilemne 2014.2345 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 297 Regards, n° 79 : 73-75. Photos. Récit fantastique. Jörg, au jour de son juge- ment dernier, demande une réincarnation un peu particulière qui lui permettrait de dé- couvrir son réseau karstique préféré dans les moindres recoins. (NG). 2014.2351

TOURNAYRE, Frédéric (2014) : La mécanique du destin. ISBN 978-2-332- 67424-1 : 331 p. Sous la montagne, Lou et une équipe d'aven- turiers courent après un record du monde de profondeur dans le gouffre du Chacal. Ils courent après un rêve, celui d'être les premiers êtres humains à franchir la mythique barrière des moins 2000 mètres de profondeur.. (Au- thor, MM). 2014.2352

UHLMANN, Eckart (2014) : Erforschung eines neu gefundenen Schachtes Mitteilungen der Höhlenforschergruppe Karls- ruhe, Heft 24: 50 Jahre Höhlenforschergruppe Karlsruhe : 99. Satirische Überlegungen zu übertreibenden Erzählungen bei Neuentdeckungen (GST). 2014.2353

WINKELHÖFER, Roland H. (2014) : Kalender 2015, 21. Jg. : 26 p. zahlr. Abb. Kalender der Höhlenforschergruppe Dresden. Mit Texten und Höhlenfotos und Abbildun- gen von höhlenkundlichen Sammelobjekten (GST). 2014.2354

298 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 5.1 Fossil and subfossil faunas and floras phological Ahorn Valley and Ailsbach River Faunes et flores fossiles et subfossiles terrace evolution - and its importance for the cave use possibilities by cave bears, top pre- 5.10 General dators (hyenas, wolves and lions) and humans Généralités (Neanderthals, Late Palaeolitics) in the Fran- conian Karst. Case studies in the Sopie's Cave AIMAR, Luana; CASTELNUOVO, Nicola; near Kirchahorn, Bavaria. PREMAZZI, Antonio (2014) : Gli archivi del E & G (Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart), Quater- nostro passato nary Science Journal (Hannover), Vol. 62, No. Natura e civiltà. Semestrale del Gruppo natura- 2 : 162-174. In Engl.; 5 fig. listico della Brianza, n. 2 (2014) : 30-43. Foto. http://dx.doi.org/10.3285/eg.62.2.07 Le grotte come archivi privilegiati dei resti KW : Bavaria, Ice Age, cave, Ahorn Valley, fossili antropici. Breve rassegna dell'evolu- Alsbach River, terrace evolution, bears, hu- zione umana raccontata attraverso i più im- mans, Neanderthals, Late Palaeolithics (Au- portanti reperti paleontologici rinvenuti nelle thor, THR). grotte nel mondo. (MS). 2014.2357 2014.2355 DIEDRICH, Cajus (2014) : Holotype skulls, 5.11 Europe stratigraphy, bone taphonomy and excavation Europe history in the Zoolithen Cave and new theory about Esper's “great deluge” Deutschland / Germany E & G (Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart), Quater- nary Science Journal (Hannover), Vol. 63, No. Bayern 1 : 78-98. In Engl.; ill. http://dx.doi.org/10.3285/eg.63.1.05 (THR). BÖTTCHER, Ronald (2014) : Fische, Amphi- 2014.2358 bien und Reptilien aus dem Jungpleistozän der Sesselfelsgrotte (Neuessing, Niederbayern). FREUND, Gisela (ed.); REISCH, Ludwig Sesselfelsgrotte VI: Naturwissenschaftliche (ed.) (2014) : Untersuchungen - Wirbeltierfauna 1 (Stuttgart) Sesselfelsgrotte VI: Naturwissenschaft- : 141-195. In Germ.; 111 fig., 2 tab. liche Untersuchungen - Wirbeltierfauna 1 (THR). (Stuttgart). Forschungsprojekt „Das Paläo- 2014.2356 lithikum und Mesolithikum des Unteren Altmühltals II“ Teil VI. : 195 p. In Germ./in DIEDRICH, Cajus (2013) : Ice Age geomor- Engl.; pl. fig., pl. tab.

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 299 The five contributions of this volume are listed Untersuchungen - Wirbeltierfauna 1 (Stuttgart) in detail. (THR). : 27-117. In Engl., 36 fig., 43 tab. 2014.2359 (THR). 2014.2364 GÜMBEL, Frank (2014) : I. Paläontologische Fundstellen im Biosphärenreservat Rhön. (Teil Deutschland / Germany IX) Die Doline Oberleichtersbach und ihre Fossilien - ein tertiäres Zeitfenster am Ende Hessen des Oligozän Mitteilungen aus dem Biosphärenreservat Rhön, Heft 19 : 7-14. 8 Abb. HEMMER, Helmut; KELLER, Thomas In einem Steinbruch bei Bad Brückenau (Un- (2011) : Die Löwin von Rockenberg (Wet- terfranken, Bayern) wurde die tertiäre Füllung terau, Hessen) im Kontext von 200 Jahren einer Doline aufgeschlossen. Die Fossilien Forschungen am Höhlenlöwen, Panthera leo dieser Füllung werden beschrieben. (GST). spelaea (Goldfuß, 1810) 2014.2360 Geologisches Jahrbuch Hessen, Band 137 : 55- 64. 6 Abb., 1 Tab. MAUL, Lutz Christian (2014) : Leporid Übersicht über die Erforschungsgeschichte remains of the Sesselfelsgrotte (Neuessing, des Höhlenlöwen und Vorstellung eines neuen Lower Bavaria). Fundes von Rockenberg (GST). Sesselfelsgrotte VI: Naturwissenschaftliche 2014.2365 Untersuchungen - Wirbeltierfauna 1 (Stuttgart) : 119-139. In Engl., 8 fig., 12 tab. Deutschland / Germany (THR). 2014.2361 Thüringen

RATHGEBER, Thomas (2014) : Zur tech- nischen Aufbereitung des Faunenmaterials und BRAUNER, Sven; FOHLERT, Kerstin (2014) Übersicht über die jungpleistozänen Großsäu- : Die Altensteiner Höhle als paläontologisches gerfaunen der Sesselfelsgrotte (Neuessing, Forschungsobjekt. Niederbayern). Karst und Höhle, 2011-2014 : 230-248. Sesselfelsgrotte VI: Naturwissenschaftliche (ML). Untersuchungen - Wirbeltierfauna 1 (Stuttgart) 2014.2366 : 13-25. In Germ.; 4 fig., 3 tab. (THR). France 2014.2362 Rhône-Alpes REISCH, Ludwig (2014) : Einige Vorbe- (Ain; Ardèche; Drôme; Isère; Loire; Rhône; merkungen zum Stand der Forschung. Savoie; Haute-Savoie) Sesselfelsgrotte VI: Naturwissenschaftliche Untersuchungen - Wirbeltierfauna 1 (Stuttgart) : 11-12. In Germ. LACOMBAT, Frédéric; MOL, Dick; BOR- (THR). GET, Jean-Noel; MAGNE, Emmanuel (2010) 2014.2363 : Haute-Loire : des volcans, des mammouths VAN KOLFSCHOTEN, Thijs (2014) : The et des hommes [The Haute-Loire : volcanoes, smaller mammals from the Late Pleistocene mammoths & men]. ISBN 978-2-911794-96-4 sequence of the Sesselfelsgrotte (Neuessing, : 112 p. Lower Bavaria). (MM). Sesselfelsgrotte VI: Naturwissenschaftliche 2014.2367

300 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) MOL, Dick; LACOMBAT, Frédéric; MUSÉE d'ours des cavernes, de lion des cavernes, CROZATIER (2010) : d'ours brun, molaire de rhinocéros laineux, Mammouths & mastodontes de Haute-Loire dents de Hyène, mâchoire humaine du Chalco- [Mammoths & mastodons of Haute-Loire]. lithique, navettes en os). (EV). ISBN 978-2-911794-97-1 : 271 p. 2014.2371 (MM). 2014.2368 DURANTHON, Francis; AUCT. VAR. (2013) : France Ours des cavernes : animaux emblématiques de la Préhistoire, autour de la grotte ossifère Midi / Pyrénées de I'Herm (Les Cahiers de la Girafe) : 128 p. 2 (Ariège; Aveyron; Haute-Garonne; Gers; Lot; cartes, 1 plan topo, 8 fig., 51 photos. Bibliogr. Hautes-Pyrénées; Tarn; Tarn-et-Garonne) (118 réf.). 6 articles et un fac-similé sur les ours des cavernes, en hommage aux fouilles du XIX° AA (2013) : Pratique muséologique : remon- siècle dans la grotte de l'Herm (Ariège) et tage ostéologique d'un Ours des cavernes du premier montage anatomique de cet ours, Ours des cavernes : animaux emblématiques présenté à l'exposition universelle de Paris en de la Préhistoire, autour de la grotte ossifère de 1867. Avant-propos de Francis Duranthon, I'Herm (Les Cahiers de la Girafe) : 101-117. présentation des auteurs. (EV). 20 photos. 2014.2372 Benoit Gransac et Marie-Françoise Carillo, préparateurs au Muséum, montrent les tech- DURANTHON, Francis; FOSSE, Philippe niques pour remonter en position verticale un (2013) : Le contexte paléontologique et envi- squelette d'Ours des cavernes. (EV). ronnemental de la grotte de I'Herm 2014.2369 Ours des cavernes : animaux emblématiques de la Préhistoire, autour de la grotte ossifère ARMAND, Dominique (2013) : Hommes et de I'Herm (Les Cahiers de la Girafe) : 33-46. 1 ours à l'époque préhistorique plan topographique, 6 fig. Ours des cavernes : animaux emblématiques Historique des fouilles de 1848 à 1894 et des de la Préhistoire, autour de la grotte ossifère recherches récentes (1992). Querelles entre de I'Herm (Les Cahiers de la Girafe) : 23-32. 2 partisans et adversaires de l'existence de photos, 2 fig. l'homme fossile au XIXe siècle. Description Les relations entre hommes et ours dans les des espèces surtout carnivores présentes au grottes : A partir de plusieurs exemples, l'ours Pléistocène moyen et supérieur (soit durant ne semble pas avoir une place symbolique par- 200000 ans environ). (EV). ticulière (pas de culte de l'ours). Par contre, il a 2014.2373 bien été chassé ou charogné mais son rôle dans l'alimentation semble rester mineur. (EV). FOSSE, Philippe (2013) : Les ours dans les 2014.2370 Pyrénées : paléontologie et écologie Ours des cavernes : animaux emblématiques DALOUS, Pierre (2013) : Quelques spéci- de la Préhistoire, autour de la grotte ossifère mens identitaires de la grotte de I'Herm de I'Herm (Les Cahiers de la Girafe) : 9-22. 2 Ours des cavernes : animaux emblématiques cartes, 3 photos. de la Préhistoire, autour de la grotte ossifère de Présentation d'Ursus spelaeus, avec sa répar- I'Herm (Les Cahiers de la Girafe) : 79-100. 16 tition en Europe, quelques datations et des photos. traces de son passage sur le sol et les parois Présentation photographique rapide de des grottes (bioglyphes). (EV). quelques objets trouvés durant les fouilles du 2014.2374 XIXe siècle dans la grotte de l'Herm (crânes

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 301 RAMES, J.-B. (2013) : Encore un mot sur Ia Österreich / Austria / Autriche caverne de Lherm Ours des cavernes : animaux emblématiques de la Préhistoire, autour de la grotte ossifère de Steiermark I'Herm (Les Cahiers de la Girafe) : 65-78. Fac-similé d'une plaquette de 12 pages, pu- bliée en 1863 à Paris chez F. Savy et à Aurillac FRISCHAUF, Christine; LIEDL, Pia Maria; chez Ferary Frères, en intitulée “Réponse à la RABEDER, Gernot (2014) : Revision der fos- note de M. l'abbé Pouech sur la grotte ossifère silen Bären der Drachenhöhle (Mixnitz, Stmk) de l'Herm - Encore un mot sur la Caverne de Die Höhle, 65. Jg., Heft 1-4 : 47-55. l'Herm” (EV). Revision of fossil bears from Drachenhöhle. 2014.2375 The question of the taxonomic affiliation of the cave bears could be solved using metrical SAN JUAN-FOUCHER, Cristina (2013) : and morphological data: all cave bear remains Ours antédiluviens : les origines préhistoriques from Drachenhöhle belong to the species Ur- d'un mythe pyrénéen sus ingressus. (Author, PF). Ours des cavernes : animaux emblématiques 2014.2378 de la Préhistoire, autour de la grotte ossifère de I'Herm (Les Cahiers de la Girafe) : 47-64. 9 United Kingdom; Grande-Bretagne photos, 1 fig. A partir des représentations graphiques de l'ours et de l'utilisation de ses ossements ou England de ses dents, l'auteur essaye d'expliquer les (Southern England (Devonshire, Somer- interprétations des relations entre les hommes setshire, Kent, Cornwall, etc.), Middle En- préhistoriques et les ours des cavernes, durant gland (Derbyshire, Essex, Lincolnshire, etc.), le XIXe et le XXe siècle. (EV). Northern England (Lancashire, Yorkshire, 2014.2376 Westmoreland, Cumberland, etc.), Isle of Man and Channels islands) Italia / Italy

Sicilia MURPHY, Phillip J. (2014) : Additions to a (Agrigento; Caltanissetta; Catania; Enna; Mes- gazeteer of vertebrate remains from caves in sina; Palermo; Ragusa; Siracusa; Trapani) the Yorkshire Dales referenced in caving club journals and allied literature: Supplement 2014 UBSS Proceedings, Vol. 26, no 2 : 201-206. CERESIA, Giuseppe (2014) : Gli elefanti nani http://www.ubss.org.uk/search_litera- siciliani. Il contributo delle grotte alle teorie ture_browse.php?ArticleId=2808&Ar- sull'evoluzione ticleName=Secretaries+Report%2C+- Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica March+2013+-+March+2014 Italiana, n. 71 (dicembre 2014) : 51-54. Foto. The following notes are intended as an addi- Studi paleontologici su reperti ossei di Ele- tion to the gazetteer published in 2011 (Mur- phas falconeri rinvenuti in alcune grotte della phy, 2011), an update on the original version Sicilia. (MS). published in the now defunct online journal 2014.2377 CAPRA (Murphy, 2002) and the supplement published in 2013 (Murphy, 2013). There are eight new entries and four updates. Reviews of the cave palaeontology (O'Connor and Lord, 2013) and cave archaeology (Lord and Howard, 2013) of the region have been publi- shed since the last supplement. (Author, NTU). 2014.2379 302 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) United Kingdom; Grande-Bretagne glong; HARRISON, Terry; QIN, Dagong; PAN, Wenshi; ZHANG, Yingqi; ZHU, Min; YAN, Yaling (2014) : Chronological sequence Scotland of the early Pleistocene Gigantopithecus (Berwick, Perth, Sutherland, etc.) faunas from caves in the Chongzuo, Zuojiang River area, South China. Quaternary International, Vol. 354 : 4-14. In LAWSON, T.J.; YOUNG, I.R.; KITCHENER, Engl., 7 fig. A.C.; BIRCH, S. (2014) : Middle and Late Five new cave sites with fossil mammals have Devensian Radiocarbon Dates from the Uamh been discovered. (THR). an Claonaite Cave System in Assynt, NW 2014.2382 Sutherland. Quaternary Newsletter, Vol. 133 : 4-10. Malaysia / Malaya / Malaisie Discussion of radiocarbon dates for animal bones (horse, reindeer and brown bear) from LEH, Charles M.U.; IPOI, Datan (2013) : Scotland's longest cave system. (GM). Zooarchaeology in Sarawak in the 21st century 2014.2380 Bulletin of the Museum of Zoology, Supple- ment No. 29 (30 November 2013) : 133-138. 5.12 America Niah and other Sarawak caves. (LP). Amérique 2014.2383

United States of America LIM, Tze Tshen (2013) : Lost mammal fossils from Peninsular Malaysia, the Hooijer collec- Virginia / West Virginia tion Bulletin of the Museum of Zoology, Vol. 1, no 2 (April 2013) : 2-3. photos. GARTON, Ray (2014) : Organ Cave Mammal fossils have been found in various Spine Malaysian caves, but now many of the collec- The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 5 (Octo- tions are missing. (LP). ber 2014) : 11-12. 2 photos. 2014.2384 A shark spine found in Organ Cave, Greenbrier County, West Virginia (USA) was identified as LIM, Tze Tshen (2013) : Quaternary Elephas the dorsal head spine from the extinct genus of fossils from Peninsular Malaysia: Historical shark known as Orthacanthus that grew up to overview and new material 12 feet long. Organ Cave is developed in the Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement No. Greenbrier Group limestones, which are upper 29 (30 November 2013) : 139-153. 5 fig. 3 tab. Mississippian and about 330 million years old. Various caves. (LP). (YD). 2014.2385 2014.2381 STIMPSON, Christopher, M. (2013) : A 5.13 Asia 48,000 year record of swiftlets (Aves: Apo- Asie didae) in North-western Borneo: Morphome- tric identifications and palaeo-environmental China / Chine implications Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Pa- laeo-ecology, 374 (15 March 2013) : 132-143. General; Islands 9 fig. 7 tab. An analysis of 508 sub-fossil carpometacarpi of swiftlets (Aves: Apodidae) recovered during JIN, Changzhu; WANG, Yuan; DENG, Chen- archaeological excavations of the Great Cave

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 303 of Niah in Sarawak, North-western Borneo. 5.15 Australasia; Oceania The bones date from 48 ky BP (ky BP: 103 Australasie; Océanie calibrated years before present [1950]) to 0.35 ky BP and provide a means to consider popula- Australia / Australie tions of birds (of which one species is a signi- ficant commercial interest) in the context of New South Wales / Nouvelle-Galles du Sud environmental and climatic change in the past, and their responses to recent anthropogenic landscape changes in the present. (LP). MUSSER, Anne M. (2012) : Off the track 2014.2386 with bones and stones: Bringing Jenolan Caves' past to life YASAMIN, Kh. Ibrahim; LEE, Chai Peng; Australasian Cave and Karst Management As- CRANBROOK, Earl of; LIM, Tze Tshen soc. Journal, No. 89 (December 2012) : 10-12. (2012) : Preliminary report on vertebrate 5 photos. fossils from Cistern and Swamp Caves at Batu Jenolan Caves are some of the most specta- Caves near Kuala Lumpur cular anywhere and home to many species of Bulletin Geological Soc. Malaysia, Vol. 58 rare or endangered animals and plants; they (December 2012) : 1-8. 8 fig. 3 tab. are also the oldest open, dated caves known. Many mammalian fossil teeth and bone frag- Author it is conducting surveys of caves for ments have been recovered from remnants of vertebrate fossils and identifying previously calcite cemented sediments attached to the known specimens. Lists those identified to walls and floors of two small caves, named as date. Proposes a palaeontology-themed tour Cistern Cave and Swamp Cave, at the foot of highlighting fossils; suggests sites. (GJM). Bukit Batu, Batu Caves near Kuala Lumpur. 2014.2389 Most of the material are disarticulated and found in isolated groups within the sediments. MUSSER, Anne M. (2013) : Vertebrate Pa- No complete skeletons have been found. They laeontology at Jenolan Caves [poster] appeared to have been washed in by streams The science of Jenolan Caves: What do we after disarticulation by decay or scattered by know? Abstracts of presented papers : 15 p. scavengers. (Author, LP). http://linneansocietynsw.org.au/symposia/Je- 2014.2387 nolan%20Caves/Jenolan.html Jenolan Caves has not previously been reco- YASAMIN, Kh. Ibrahim; LIM, Tze Tshen; gnised for its palaeontological history; it has KIRA, Westaway; CRANBROOK, Earl of; been overlooked in part because of the focus HUMPHREY, Louise; ROS, Fatihah Mu- on megafauna of Wellington Caves. A recent hammad; JIAN-XIN, Zhaof; LEE, Chai Peng study of vertebrate remains at was the excava- (2013) : First discovery of Pleistocene orangu- tion of owl pellet sub-fossil remains in Nettle tan (Pongo sp.) fossils in Peninsular Malaysia: Cave dating from Pleistocene to present sug- Biogeographic and paleoenvironmental impli- gesting Jenolan had a much more diverse small cations mammal fauna prior to arrival of Europeans. Journal of Human Evolution, Vol 65, no 6 : However, Jenolan has preserved the bones 770-797. of numerous animals from the past. A recent Batu Caves and Badak C at Lenggong, Perak. study dating cave sediments suggests Jenolan (LP). caves are some of the oldest known, further 2014.2388 implying that Jenolan should contain a rich and varied assemblage of vertebrate remains. (Author, GJM). 2014.2390

304 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Australia / Australie Australia / Australie

Queensland South Australia / Australie Méridionale

CRAMB, Jonathan; PRICE, Gilbert J.; REED, Liz (2012) : Of mice and megafauna: HOCKNULL, Scott (2011) : Fossils from the New insights into Naracoorte's fossil deposits Chillagoe caves: a historical review Australasian Cave and Karst Management Proc. 28th Biennial Conf. of ASF, Chillagoe Assoc. Journal, No. 86 (March 2012) : 7-14. 5 2011. 22 refs. photos, 2 figs, 27 refs. Caves are ideal environments for the preser- Tenison Woods found mammal bones in vation of fossil bones and the numerous caves Blanche Cave, in 1857; megafauna bones in the Chillagoe and Mitchell-Palmer areas of were first discovered in late 19thC; the very north Queensland have produced several im- significant Victoria (Fossil) Cave deposit was portant discoveries. This paper aims to present found in 1969 and subsequent work led to a historical overview of fossil vertebrate finds World Heritage listing in 1994. Naracoorte from these caves (from ~1908). It builds on is now known to have multiple, contempo- the work of Robinson (1983), but substantially raneous deposits, enabling comparisons to be expands it by including previously unpubli- made between sites. Young sites have become shed material from the Queensland Museum's a focus of recent research. Cave structure can collection. The QM collection contains several profoundly effect the nature of any accumu- samples not documented here due to a lack lated fossil assemblage. Small mammals, of information regarding their source locality, often collected by owls, provide an excellent collector or date of collection. (GJM). resource for assessing faunal change over 2014.2391 time. Describes on-going research at Blanche and other caves and its importance for future PRICE, Gilbert J. (2011) : Caves and fossils: management. (GJM). Chillagoe's ancient window into Australia's 2014.2393 prehistoric past Proc. 28th Biennial Conf. of ASF, Chillagoe Australia / Australie 2011. [PP presentation]. Fossils mainly corals, brachiopods, bivalves in Tasmania / Tasmanie Devonian limestones (~400 mill. yrs) + Qua- ternary deposits in caves (last 2.6 mill. yrs). Traces history of extinctions; identification of WYLIE, John (2013) : Scotchtown Cave, driving factors; development of conservation North-west Tasmania: The discovery of strategies; goal: predicting future. Value of Tasmania's first cave with an assemblage of fossil record. Chillagoe's Quat. crocodilians megafauna unique (Land Quinkana fortiros- Caves Australia, No. 195 (December 2013) : trum)+ giant carnivorous rat kangaroo Pro- 20-25. 16 photos, 57 refs. pleopus chillagoensis. Palaeo. research now Within the extensive Smithton dolomite de- targeting new records and dating deposits. Tea posits of north-western Tasmania a small area Tree Cave marsupial ‘tapir', collected 1977, of limestone exists at Scotchtown, some 4.8 rediscovered and dated 2009; new sites at Flo- km south of Smithton. Through quarrying in raville, Broken River. (GJM). March 1942, an infilled cave was exposed that 2014.2392 provided the first assemblage of Pleistocene megafauna from a cave in Tasmania. The fea- ture became known as Scotchtown Cave. It re- cently re-emerged as a site of interest because of the discovery of the same type of giant kan-

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 305 garoo remains at Mount Cripps between 2000 and 2005 by members of the Savage River Caving Club. (Author, GJM). 2014.2394

306 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 6.1 Environment and hygiene 2014.2397 Environnement et hygiène BAKER, Cody Ann (2014) : Manifesto: Cal- ling for a Coalition of Canyoneers and Cavers AA (2014) : Ardèche. Cocalière touristique. NSS News, Vol. 72, no 10 (October 2014) : Spéléo Magazine, n° 86 (Juin 2014) : 4. 16-17. 7 photos. Suite à la pollution dans le cours souterrain The purpose of this article is to open some de la Claysse, la direction de la grotte de la much needed dialogue between cavers and Cocalière précise que cet accident n'affecte pas canyoneers to learn from each other, i.e., la partie aménagée du réseau. (Fx). issues such as data sharing, secrecy, discretion, 2014.2395 in order to protect the resources and curb van- dalism. Images show cavers removing graffiti AA (2014) : Les déchets “ultimes” d'une mine that had resulted in the canyon being closed. alsacienne (YD). La Lettre du Spéléo-club de Paris, n° 323 mars 2014.2398 2014) : 2. Dans l'ancienne mine de potasse de Jo- BAKER, Gretchen; ROBERTS, Ben (2014) : seph-Else (Wittelsheim, Haut-Rhin) ont été Volunteers Help Restore Lehman Cave entreposées, à 550m de profondeur, 44.000 NSS News, Vol. 72, no 8 (August 2014) : 12- tonnes de déchets industriels, non recyclables 13. 7 photos. et hautement toxiques… (JT). Report on clean-up activities in this Neva- 2014.2396 da (USA) commercial cave, to help remove lint and sand brought in by visitors. These AHMAD, Cahyadi; EFRINDA, Ari lint-removal and cave-restoration camps occur Ayuningtyas; BAYU, Argadyanto Prabawa annually. (YD). (2013) : Urgensi pengelolaan sanitasi dalam 2014.2399 upaya konservasi sumberdaya air di kawasan karst . Gunung Sewu kabupaten Gunung Kidul BARTHOLEYNS, Jean-Pierre (2014) : Pollu- Indonesian Journal of Conservation, Vol. 2, no tion à Herve : état déplorable de l'Agolina de 1 (June 2013) : 23-32. Xhendelesse The karst area in Gunung Kidul Regency has EcoKarst, n° 97 : 10-12. Photos. unique hydrological conditions. The ground- Etat des lieux de la pollution à l'Agolina de water system in this region is dominated by Xhendelesse. Cet aquifère, ayant une liaison dissolution cracks which caused drier condi- directe avec une venue d'eau dans la Villa des tions at the surface. Now harmful bacteria such Hirondelles à Vaux-sous-Olne, sert de dépotoir as E. Coli are getting into the water. (LP). aux eaux usées. (NG). 2014.2400 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 307 BENEDETTO, Carlos (2009) : Cavernas situés sur les pistes skiables, face à l'argent brasileñas en peligro que représente les sports d'hiver il y a peu de Argentina Subterranea, N° 21 (Febrero 2009) : considération du paysage karstique de la com- 13-15. mission sénatoriale du développement durable. Brazilian caves in danger. Documento of brazi- (Fx). lian cavers. (BO). 2014.2405 2014.2401 COPELAND, Bill (2014) : Mammoth Cave BOURGEOIS, Maryse; BOURGEOIS, Roger; Restoration Project Report for 2013 ROUTTIER, Jean-Pierre (2014) : Ardèche : le NSS News, Vol. 72, no 4 (April 2014) : 14. 3 réseau de la Cocalière souillé. Pollution dans photos. la Claysse souterraine. This project has been partnering with the Spéléo Magazine, n° 85 (Mars 2014) : 8-9. 4 Mammoth Cave National Park (USA) for 25 photos, 1 plan, 1 carte. years. There are 4 yearly camps, when vo- Description du réseau de la Claysse souter- lunteers help clean up or restore Mammoth raine, à l'automne 2013 une pollution dans une Cave. (YD). partie du réseau, dont l'origine n'est pas encore 2014.2406 déterminée, une plainte a été déposée. Photo- copies de la plainte et du constat. (Fx). CURTIS, Ian (2014) : Cliefden doline restora- 2014.2402 tion Caves Australia, No. 199 (Dec. 2014) : 18-20. BROWN, Tony (2014) : 2 maps, 3 photos. with CNCC and Natural England A cleanout of Rubbish Pit Cave CL-95 (do- Speleology, No 19 : 19-21. line 30 m x 10 m full of rubbish) took several Volunteers from the Council of Northern years; it had taken several generations to fill it. Caving Clubs (CNCC), working with Natu- (GJM). ral England under Andrew Hinde, have been 2014.2407 cleaning up in the Dales. Tony Brown reports. (Author, GM). DASHER, George (2014) : Atlantic Coast 2014.2403 Pipeline The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 6 (De- BUNTON, Stephen (2010) : More unsubstan- cember 2014) : 6. tiated anti-forestry sentiment A proposed 42-inch-wide natural gas pipe- Speleo Spiel, No. 376 (Jan-Feb. 2010) : 23. 2 line is slated to cross 5 West Virginia and 15 photos. Virginia counties (USA), passing through karst Draws attention to the failure of loggers in areas, and potentially impacting caves. (YD). the Florentine Valley, Tasmania, to comply 2014.2408 with the requirements for streamside reserves. These are ecologically important but particu- EDWARDS, Amy; KOUTS, Tevis; MEOLA, larly so to cavers when the streams flowing John; HUDSON, Chris; BURROLA, Marxus to caves. Clearing stream sides can result in (2014) : Flint River Grotto Endeavors to excessive siltation of caves downstream. As Thwart SW Georgia Cave Passage. Infilling many as 200 caves in the Florentine may have From Anthropogenic Land Use Changes been affected by recent forestry operations. NSS News, Vol. 72, no 4 (April 2014) : 8-10. 8 (GJM). photos. 2014.2404 Report on this group's efforts to keep passages traversable in Climax and Old Blowing Hole, CAILLAULT, Serge (2014) : Edito. two ecologically and historically significant Spéléo Magazine, n° 85 (Mars 2014) : 3. caves in the Pelham Escarpment of SW Geor- L'éditorialiste évoque le problème des karts gia, USA. (YD). 2014.2409 308 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) ENGEL, Larry (2014) : Il ghiacciaio sporco, NSS News, Vol. 72, no 4 (April 2014) : 15. 1 o il giorno che ho capito che certe cose non photo, 1 table. scompaiono Pat Jablonsky will retire as coordinator of the Kur magazine La Venta, n. 21 (2014) : 22-23. Lint Camps at Carlsbad Caverns National Park Foto. (USA), after 28 years. Contains list of lint-re- Sull'importanza di riportare a valle ogni tipo di moval activities at the park from 1988 to 2013. rifiuto, una volta terminata le spedizioni, feci (YD). comprese. (MS). 2014.2415 2014.2410 JUD, Needa (2014) : Composting Toilets at FINNESAND, Torstein (2014) : Etablering av Great Saltpetre Cave Preserve 8 småkraftverk i Rana kommune NSS News, Vol. 72, no 4 (April 2014) : 18-21. Norsk Grotteblad, no 63 (Desember 2014) : 7. 2 photos, 2 sketches. Table. This preserve is owned by Rockcastle Karst Impact studies on plans for power plants in Conservancy, in Kentucky, USA. As visitation Rana have been made, some of them in marble increased, and special events started being and even with caves. The Norwegian Speleolo- held there annually, better toilet facilities, with gical Society wrote in their statement that one long-term sustainable features, became ne- (Raudsandaksla) should not get a permit and cessary. This article reports on the installation that two others (Blakkåga and Farmannåga) of composting toilets; it includes selection, should be studied further in the field before fund-raising, construction, maintenance, and any conclusions could be made. (Author, TF). lessons learned. (YD). 2014.2411 2014.2416

GOFFIN, Christophe (2014) : Le parc de KIEW, Ruth; TAN, Joanne Pei Chih; VER- Furfooz MEULEN, J. J. (2013) : Conservation mana- Atlas du Karst Wallon : bassin de la Basse gement of limestone hills in Perak – Gunung Lesse. Inventaire cartographique et descriptif Kanthan des sites karstiques et des circulations d'eau Malaysian Naturalist, Vol. 67, no 1 : 52-57. souterraine : 64-67. Photos. photos. Présentation du parc de Furfooz: informa- Gunung Kanthan is ranked as one of the most tions générales sur la réserve, intérêts du parc important hills in the Kinta Valley in terms of (botanique et faunistique), gestion, menaces et caves, geology and flora and fauna. (LP). perspectives d'avenir. (NG). 2014.2417 2014.2412 KROHN, Horst (2014) : Der “Widder” im HAESEN, Loran; MICHEL, Georges (2014) : Leidingshofer Tal Débardage au Gouffre Belvaux Die Fränkische Schweiz, 3/2014 : 12-14. 2 EcoKarst, n° 95 : 6-8. Photos. Abb. Compte rendu du nettoyage du Gouffre de Beschreibung des hydraulischen Widders Belvaux en octobre 2013. (NG). (ein von der Wasserkraft angetriebener hy- 2014.2413 draulischer Stoßheber), der von 1875 - 1975 das auf der Karsthochfläche liegende Dorf HAESEN, Loran (2014) : Opération nettoyage Leidingshof mit Wasser aus einer Karstquelle Regards, n° 78 : 35-39. Photos. versorgte. (GST). Compte rendu du nettoyage du Gouffre de 2014.2418 Belvaux en octobre 2013. (NG). 2014.2414 LAFARGE (2013) : Quarry's response to complaints JABLONSKY, Pat (2014) : The End is Near Ipoh Echo, No 172 (16-31 August 2013) : 7.

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 309 photo. (NG). There have been many complaints about La- 2014.2424 farge quarrying Gunung Kanthan in Perak, as they are likely to destroy an important cave, NIK, Naiza Husin (2013) : Merapoh ‘cave Gua Kanthan. (LP). paradise' under threat 2014.2419 The Star, 12 June 2013. photos. There are at least 85 caves as well as dozens of LAI, Isabelle (2013) : ‘Mountain must be rare species of flora and fauna that are under quarried first' threat from quarrying. (LP). The Star, 14 September 2013. photos. 2014.2425 Lafarge's response to the protests about the quarrying of Gunung Kanthan that is home to PERCIVAL, Robert (2013) : ‘Quarry's res- endemic species of flora and fauna and has a ponse to complaints' spectacular cave, Gua Kanthan. (LP). Ipoh Echo, No 173 (1-15 September 2013) : 2014.2420 10. Letter re Lafarge's Gunung Kanthan quarry. LAVOIE, Kathleen (2014) : Conservation (LP). Division Announces Group and Grotto Awards 2014.2426 NSS News, Vol. 72, no 4 (April 2014) : 13. 4 photos. PORTER, Chuck (2014) : Gregorys Cave Annual awards recognizing conservation Entrance Restored efforts of groups and grottos of the National NSS News, Vol. 72, no 4 (April 2014) : 7-8. 7 Speleological Society (USA). (YD). photos. 2014.2421 Report on the Northeastern Cave Conservan- cy's efforts to reopen the original entrance to LEIDENFROST, Klaus (2014) : Goodwin this cave, located in Albany County, New York Sinkhole and Cave Clean-up Project 2012 State, USA. (YD). NSS News, Vol. 72, no 4 (April 2014) : 10-11. 2014.2427 7 photos. Report on the clean-up efforts in this Central POULTER, Norman (2012) : Protecting Missouri (USA) pit, which has been used as an Caves From People III illegal dump for decades. (YD). Speleo Spiel, No. 389 (Mar-Apr. 2012) : 17- 2014.2422 21. Fig., 12 refs. Traces development of a method of in-cave MICHEL, Georges; POLROT, Francis (2014) marking initially utilising recycled reflective : Agolina de Xhendelesse. Suivi et évolution road signs and unique PVC ‘sticks' that were d'un cas de “pollution exemplaire” called TrackTags. Development began during EcoKarst, n° 98 : 10-11. Photos. the early 1980s and came to fruition in the Suivi d'un cas de pollution importante à l'Ago- early 1990s. Discusses types of marking, when lina de Xhandelesse. Une micro station devrait to route mark, when to track mark and when mettre fin au déversement des égouts et à la to barricade, appropriate materials, signs, tags. pollution au mazout dans l'Agolina. (NG). Offers made up items for sale. (GJM). 2014.2423 2014.2428

MICHEL, Georges (2014) : Dépollution à PRÉVOT, Daniel (2014) : Nettoyage 2013 des Montfat carrières souterraines de Savonnières-en-Per- EcoKarst, n° 96 : 8-10. Photos. thois Compte rendu d'une opération de nettoyage LISPEL-Info, N° 1-2014 (Janvier 2014) : 4-6. et d'entretien du site et de la grotte Montfat à Photos. Dinant avec bilan et résultats de la dépollution. http://csr-l.ffspeleo.fr/lispelinfo/LISPELIN-

310 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) FO_2014-1.pdf passage in Malongulli Cave initially above Compte rendu du week-end de nettoyage dans the watertable and then submerged in a pool la carrière souterraine de Savonnières-en-Per- of calcite-saturated water for a long time. thois. (CP). Eventually calcite crystals covered this and 2014.2429 nearby stalactites and the walls of the passage. In 2005 the Donkey Tail was found to have PRICE, Liz (2013) : Liphistius Kanthan needs been broken; the repair, involving a stainless to be saved steel bolt and rock bolting glue, carried out in Ipoh Echo, No 170 (16-31 July 2013) : 7. January 2013 is described in detail. (GJM). photos. 2014.2435 Liphistius kanthan is a trapdoor spider in Gua Kanthan, Perak. The hill is being quarried by SOULE, Gary (2014) : Tornado Devastates Lafarge Cement. (LP). Wisconsin Cave Park 2014.2430 NSS News, Vol. 72, no 4 (April 2014) : 17. 3 photos. PRICE, Liz (2013) : QUARRYING: Gua The Wisconsin Speleological Society (USA) Kanthan spider endangered helped with cleanup efforts in this park after a New Straits Times, 4 July 2013. tornato devastated it. Maribel New Hope Cave Letter about the endangered trapdoor spider is a popular show cave. (YD). that inhabits Gua Kanthan in Perak. The hill is 2014.2436 being quarried by Lafarge Cement. (LP). 2014.2431 SOULE, Gary (2014) : Wisconsin's Horseshoe Bay Cave Saved from Surrounding Develop- PRICE, Liz (2013) : Save the Kanthan spider ment now NSS News, Vol. 72, no 4 (April 2014) : 11. 1 The Sun, 4 July. photo. Letter about the endangered trapdoor spider This cave in NE Wisconsin (USA) was saved that inhabits Gua Kanthan in Perak. The hill is from being destroyed by a 14-home develop- being quarried by Lafarge Cement. (LP). ment project. The property was bought by 2014.2432 Door County with a $230,000 grant, and a management plan was worked out. (YD). SEDDON, Arthur (2013) : Historical limes- 2014.2437 tone gone forever Ipoh Echo, No 173 (1-15 September 2013) : TAN, Cheng Li (2013) : Caving in to develop- 10. ment Letter about Ipoh's limestone quarries. (LP). The Star, 16 July 2013 : 2-3. photos. 2014.2433 The caves in the Merapoh area of Pahang are in danger of being quarried away. (LP). SEKAR, Kaliannan (2013) : Lafarge Malaysia 2014.2438 Berhad – Kanthan quarry development Ipoh Echo, No 176 (16-31 October 2013) : 11. THORSEN, Rolf (2008) : Grotteetikk Report from Lafarge on their quarry which Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 56-57. may destroy Kanthan Cave. (LP). Take only pictures, leave only carefully placed 2014.2434 footprints, kill nothing but time. This has been the essence of caving ethics for SMITH, Garry K. (2014) : Cliefden Caves: a long time. To protect caves for future gene- Repair of the Donkey Tail rations is essential. The perspective is unveiled Caves Australia, No. 198 (Sep. 2014) : 5-7. with the help of the Danish philosopher and Map, 4 photos, 2 refs. theologian K.E. Løgstrup. His ethical demand The Donkey Tail is a stalactite formed in a to caving would probably sound like this: The

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 311 cave delivers itself unto you; you hold its very dell'Abisso di Padriciano existence in your hands, boots and the course Tuttocat, Numero unico 2013 (2014) : 20-21. fabric of your clothes. The responsibility is 11 foto. dual: to take care of the cave with minimal im- La grotta, profonda 140 metri, è stata ripulita pact caving and to take care of fellow cavers. (4 metri cubi di rifiuti). (PG). Caving ethics will always be an environmental 2014.2442 ethics. (TF). 2014.2439 VIGNA, Bartolomeo (2014) : L'inquinamento delle acque nascoste THORSEN, Rolf (2009) : Gabriel Scott og Montagne 360. Rivista del Club Alpino Italia- naturetikk no, Maggio 2014 : 16-20. Foto. Norsk Grotteblad, no 52 (Juni 2009) : 12. Dinamica della circolazione idrica nei territori In his book "Alkejegeren" from 1933, the carsici. Importanza delle acque sotterranee e famous Norwegian author Gabriel Scott des- necessità di una loro salvaguardia. (MS). cribes a cave on the island Flekkerøi. In the 2014.2443 past the cave was used by local fishermen as a shelter for overnight stays. The cave consists WESTLUND, Anders; FINNESAND, Torstein of two chambers, devided by a rock half-wall. (2008) : Hvorfor er grotter verneverdige? You could stand in both chambers; though the Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 57-59. "living room" was reckoned as the cosiest one, Map. while "the kitchen" had a fireplace. "Alkejege- Caves contain esthetic and scientific values. ren" is a book about nature and culture. Scott These values can be destroyed by construc- was very engaged in this topic. The book was tion works, souvenir hunters, vandalism and/ the first to discuss nature ethics in Norway. or pure carelessness. There are several reasons Scott describes how the caves were used by for conserving Norwegian caves: natives and destroyed by mining and thought- 1. Caves contain many unique geological less use. A tragic sign that has met many caves formations. in our time. (Author, TF). 2. Caves contain unique information 2014.2440 about the development of climate, flora, fauna, glaciers etc. through the ages, in-formation THORSEN, Rolf (2009) : Grafittifjerning i that can't be found anywhere else. Trollkjerka 3. Caves, with complete darkness and Norsk Grotteblad, no 53 (Desember 2009) : low supply of food and energy, can host very 28. Photos. specialized ecosystems. Some time ago the author and some others 4. Some caves contain rare archaeological decided to walk through the Trollkjerka findings. cave. When they arrived at the entrance, they 5. The pure existence of caves, their site found the cave filled with people, having a and extent, can tell a lot about the climate in Pre-Christmas party. Deeper into the cave they previous ages. (Author, TF). discovered some tagging - the initials of recent 2014.2444 visitors to the cave. They knew it wasn't done by the party they had met, because they we- WESTLUND, Anders (2009) : Grottevern på ren't yet being that deep into the cave. Having dagsorden i EU-parlamentet received some good advice from S. E. Lau- Norsk Grotteblad, no 52 (Juni 2009) : 19. ritzen, they returned some days later to remove In 2008, the European Cave Protection Com- the tagging. Using ace-tone, brushes and wa- mission (ECPC) put cave protection and ter, the painting easily disappeared. (TF). conservation on the agenda of the European 2014.2441 Parliament. A declaration about cave protec- tion was presented to the Parliament. The goal VIANELLO, Sergio (2014) : Pulizia was to get a majority of the 785 Members

312 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) of the Parliament to sign the declaration, but ALBERTONI, Claudio (a cura di) (2014) : unfortunately only 140 did. November 11th Miniere e minerali del Vergante e Val and 12th the ECPC were campaigning in front d'Agogna : 511 p. Foto, disegni, mappe. of the Parliament to gain signatures for the (MS). Declaration, this campaign included a press 2014.2450 conference November 11th. (TF). 2014.2445 AREZZO, Clorinda; SCERRA, Saverio (2013) : Una ricognizione tra le catacombe e WESTLUND, Anders (2013) : Musken kraft- gli ipogei del ragusano verk Atti VIII Convegno nazionale di speleologia in Norsk Grotteblad, no 61 (Desember 2013) : cavità artificiali, Ragusa settembre 2012. Spe- 14-17. Photo, map. leologia Iblea, Vol. 15 (2011/2013) : 111-119. An impact study on plans for a power plant English summary, foto, rilievi. at Musken in has been made. A (MS). transmission tunnel through the mountains at 2014.2451 Råggejávrrerájgge, Northern Europe's deepest cave, is proposed. NGF has given a statement BABIST, Jochen; RIETDORF, Jochen (2014) to the hearing. (TF). : Ausflugsipp: Der Geopark-Pfad “Bergbau- 2014.2446 landschaft Reichelsheim” und die Bergbauab- teilung des Regionalmuseums Reichelsheim 6.2 Mines; Engineering Bergbau und Kulturlandschaft. Schriftenreihe Mines; génie der AG Altbergbau Odenwald und des Vereins Altbergbau Bergstraße-Odenwald, Band 1, Bergbaurelikte im Odenwald - Elemente einer AA (2014) : Sécurité et protection des grottes Kulturlandschaft : 66-73. 10 Abb., 2 Karten. L'excentrique, n° 5 : 3. Source: Morin Patrick, Beschreibung eines Wanderweges zu den noch 2004. Dans le secret des grottes, la spéléolo- heute sichtbaren Spuren des Bergbaus bei gie, l'Ecole des loisirs. Reichelsheim im Odenwald (GST). Bref article sur la protection des cavités et la 2014.2452 sécurité en spéléo. (NG). 2014.2447 BABIST, Jochen; SELIGER, Udo (2014) : Bergbaurelikte im Geo-Naturpark Bergstraße- AA (2014) : The Hidden World of the Great Odenwald - Elemente einer Kulturlandschaft War Bergbau und Kulturlandschaft. Schriftenreihe National Geographic, Vol 226, no. 2 : 116-129. der AG Altbergbau Odenwald und des Vereins 15 illus, map. Altbergbau Bergstraße-Odenwald, Band 1, Account of tunnels under the French front line Bergbaurelikte im Odenwald - Elemente einer at Chemin des Dames, France. (GM). Kulturlandschaft : 11-65. zahlr. Abb. 2014.2448 Überblick über die noch heute sichtbaren Spu- ren des Bergbaus im Odenwald (GST). ABBATE, Rosario; MIDILI, Rosa; SCOGLIO, 2014.2453 Guglielmo (2013) : L'attuale stato delle conos- cenze sugli ipogei artificiali del Colle dell'Im- BAGLIO, Giuseppe; BAJO, Alessandro; macolata di Monforte San Giorgio (Messina) LAUDANI, Augusto; SANTI, Giancarlo Atti VIII Convegno nazionale di speleologia in (2013) : La grotta del ritrovamento di Mompi- cavità artificiali, Ragusa settembre 2012. Spe- lieri leologia Iblea, Vol. 15 (2011/2013) : 227-224. Atti VIII Convegno nazionale di speleologia in English summary, foto, rilievi. cavità artificiali, Ragusa settembre 2012. Spe- (MS). leologia Iblea, Vol. 15 (2011/2013) : 197-203. 2014.2449 English summary, foto, rilievi.

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 313 (MS). (MS). 2014.2454 2014.2459

BELVEDERI, Giovenni; GARBERI, Maria CASALE, Paolo; DE MARTIN, Martina; Luisa (2014) : L'esplorazione delle miniere di GERMANI, Carlo (2013) : Il progetto Ipoda- zolfo della Romagna orientale ta: stazioni sismiche in siti ipogei Speleologia Emiliana. Rivista della Fede- Atti VIII Convegno nazionale di speleologia in razione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia cavità artificiali, Ragusa settembre 2012. Spe- Romagna, Serie V, n. 5 (2014) : 186-189. Foto. leologia Iblea, Vol. 15 (2011/2013) : 205-217. (MS). English summary, foto, rilievi, tabelle. 2014.2455 (MS). 2014.2460 BINNI, Antonello (2014) : Grotta dell'Acqua del Carpino CHAMPIN, Jennifer (2014) : Speleologia del Lazio. Rivista della Federa- Étude et inventaire du patrimoine des carrières zione Speleologica del Lazio, n. 7 (novembre souterraines de Savonnières-en-Perthois dans 2014) : 64-71. Foto. le département de la Meuse (55), 2 vol. : 154 Complesso ipogeo artificiale a scopo potabile, p. Plans, photos. esplorazioni e descrizione. (MS). http://csr-l.ffspeleo.fr/?view=scientifique.php 2014.2456 Synthèse des connaissances actuelles sur la carrière souterraine de Savonnières-en-Per- BIXIO, Roberto; SAJ, Stefano; TRAVERSO, thois (patrimoine historique, culturel et faunis- Mauro (2013) : Rifugi antiaerei della seconda tique) et diagnostic environnemental, réalisé guerra mondiale a Genova: il bunker della dans le cadre d'un mémoire de 1re année de Prefettura master en géographie spécialité “Paysage, Atti VIII Convegno nazionale di speleologia in patrimoine et environnement”. (CP). cavità artificiali, Ragusa settembre 2012. Spe- 2014.2461 leologia Iblea, Vol. 15 (2011/2013) : 171-177. English summary, foto, rilievi. CIMINO, Antonio; ABBATE, Rosario; OIENI, (MS). Antonino (2013) : Un'esperienza esplorativa 2014.2457 su cavità artificiali in un'area a rischio archeo- logico della Sicilia occidentale BORDONE, Gaetano; GIOMPAPA, Maria; Atti VIII Convegno nazionale di speleologia in ARENA, Luciano (2013) : Carta dei percor- cavità artificiali, Ragusa settembre 2012. Spe- si sotterranei ed ipogei in Ortigia (Siracusa): leologia Iblea, Vol. 15 (2011/2013) : 161-169. poster con planimetria in scala 1:2.000 English summary, foto, rilievi. Atti VIII Convegno nazionale di speleologia in (MS). cavità artificiali, Ragusa settembre 2012. Spe- 2014.2462 leologia Iblea, Vol. 15 (2011/2013) : 219-225. English summary, foto, rilievi. DE MENNA, Marida (2014) : Il sistema (MS). idrico-viario della Teate romana e la galleria 2014.2458 ipogea della via Tecta Notiziario dello Speleo Club Chieti, vol. 6 BURRI, Ezio; DEL BON, Andrea; HASSA- (2014) : 7-20. Foto, rilievi. NI, Behrooz; FERRARI, Angelo; KARAMI, Descrizione e caratteristiche architettoniche. Hossein G.; RAGNI, Pietro (2014) : La tutela (MS). e la valorizzazione dei qanat della provincia di 2014.2463 Shahrood (Iran) Notiziario dello Speleo Club Chieti, vol. 6 DEMARIA, Danilo (2013) : Le vecchie cave (2014) : 99-108. Foto. di arenaria della provincia di Bologna

314 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Atti VIII Convegno nazionale di speleologia ERCOLANI, Massimo; LUCCI, Piero; EVI- in cavità artificiali, Ragusa settembre 2012. LIO, Roberto (2014) : I rischi ambientali e gli Speleologia Iblea, Vol. 15 (2011/2013) : 79-85. interventi della FSRER e dei Gruppi Federati English summary, foto, rilievi. nella Vena del Gesso romagnola (MS). Speleologia Emiliana. Rivista della Fede- 2014.2464 razione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia Romagna, Serie V, n. 5 (2014) : 138-144. Foto. DICKSON, Carol (2014) : (MS). in the Drying Green, 23 Marchmont Road, 2014.2468 Edinburgh Grampian Speleological Group Bulletin 5th GALEAZZI, Carla; GERMANI, Carlo; Series, Vol. 1, no 1 : 33. 2 ill. GALEAZZI, Sandro; CASCIOTTI, Luigi; Account of the discovery and subsequent ex- BERSANI, Pio; CALOI, Vittoria; DOBOTZ, ploration of a collapsed air raid Tullio (2013) : Gli ipogei di cisterna di Latina shelter in the back garden area of tenements in (Lazio): indagini speleologiche, analisi geolo- Edinburgh. Most of the building giche, progetto preliminare di adattamento alla was impenetrable due to concrete roof subsi- fruizione turistica delle Grotte Caetani dence. (Author, GM). Atti VIII Convegno nazionale di speleologia in 2014.2465 cavità artificiali, Ragusa settembre 2012. Spe- leologia Iblea, Vol. 15 (2011/2013) : 179-195. DURAND, Robert (2014) : Des cartons et des English summary, foto, rilievi. hommes: la carrière des Guillermins (Monta- (MS). gnole, Savoie) 2014.2469 Spelunca, n° 134, juin 2014 : 9-16. 20 photos, 4 figures. GERMANÀ BOZZA, Giancarlo (2013) : L'article relate toutes les péripéties pour re- Santuari in grotta e sedi oracolari nella Sicilia trouver les entrées de ces anciennes carrières sud-orientale in età greca souterraines, recherches justifiées pour la Atti VIII Convegno nazionale di speleologia in sécurité de futurs lotissements d'habitations. cavità artificiali, Ragusa settembre 2012. Spe- Les premières explorations commencent ainsi leologia Iblea, Vol. 15 (2011/2013) : 131-141. que les topographies qui devront s'adapter à English summary, foto, rilievi. ce milieu particulier. En effet, il y a pas moins (MS). de … 506 carrefours matérialisés par autant de 2014.2470 cartons. Avec 9 km de galeries, 150 000 mètres cubes et 330 000 tonnes extraites, cette car- GIURA, Alessandro; REPETTO, Marco rière était la plus grande de la région. (CB). (2014) : Viaggio nella cultura dell'umanità 2014.2466 Notiziario dello Speleo Club Chieti, vol. 6 (2014) : 89-95. Foto. DUVERLIE, Nathalie (2014) : Rhône : son Attraverso i paesi del Medio Oriente alla patrimoine inconnu. Souterrains de Lyon. ricerca delle antiche civiltà rupestri e dei loro Spéléo Magazine, n° 86 (Juin 2014) : 16-19. 6 insediamenti ipogei. (MS). photos, 1 plan, bibliogr. 2014.2471 Le glissement de terrain de la colline de Four- vière en 1930 met en évidence la nécessité du GUYOT, Jean-Michel (2014) : Mine autour drainage souterrain des eaux pluviales sous de Nancy Fourvière et la Croix Rousse. Le creusement, Le P'tit Usania, n° 187 (Mars 2014) : 4. Pho- et la redécouverte d'un réseau de galeries tota- tos. lisant une cinquantaine de km. (Fx). http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- 2014.2467 ticle1425 Compte rendu de sortie spéléologique dans des

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 315 mines autour de Nancy. (CP). Berwickshire has frequently been visited by 2014.2472 the Group. A survey grade 3-4, made in 1965, illustrates this short note. (Author, GM). HENRY, Blaise (2014) : Gruppo Cavità Arti- 2014.2477 ficiali Alpi Giulie, anno 108, n. 1/2014 : 28-29. LOMBARDI, Leo; GERMANI, Carlo (2013) Attività nel 2013 nelle trincee e grotte di guer- : L'acquedotto Vergine a Roma: analisi degli ra sul M. Ermada. (PG). interventi rinascimentali sotto la collina del 2014.2473 Pincio Atti VIII Convegno nazionale di speleologia IEMMOLO, Angelo; ZACCARIA, Francesco; in cavità artificiali, Ragusa settembre 2012. VITALE, Francesca; COLOMBO, Giorgio Speleologia Iblea, Vol. 15 (2011/2013) : 11-19. (2013) : I sotterranei di Palazzo S. Anna English summary, foto, rilievi. Atti VIII Convegno nazionale di speleologia (MS). in cavità artificiali, Ragusa settembre 2012. 2014.2478 Speleologia Iblea, Vol. 15 (2011/2013) : 21-23. English summary, foto, rilievi. LOMBARDO, Giuseppe; VECCHIO, Eugenio (MS). (2013) : Note descrittive sulle cavità artificia- 2014.2474 li presenti nell'area del Teatro Pirandello di Agrigento JEFFREYS, Alan L (2014) : Airybank Limes- Atti VIII Convegno nazionale di speleologia tone Mine, Midlothian in cavità artificiali, Ragusa settembre 2012. Grampian Speleological Group Bulletin 5th Speleologia Iblea, Vol. 15 (2011/2013) : 43-51. Series, Vol. 1, no 1 : 38. 6 ill. English summary, foto, rilievi. A limestone mine frequently explored by the (MS). Group in the early 1960s and thought lost, has 2014.2479 been re-entered via a different entrance and extensive workings explored. It is clear that MARZIANO, Corrado; LA ROSA, Augusto; three large mines were eventually connected; SACCA', Tonino; MARINO, Sebastiano; FAZ- the original area had long since been quarried ZINO, Salvatore (2013) : La fontana di Monte away. (Author, GM). Pancali nei pressi di Carlentini (Siracusa) 2014.2475 Atti VIII Convegno nazionale di speleologia in cavità artificiali, Ragusa settembre 2012. JEFFREYS, Alan L (2014) : Meet Note: In- Speleologia Iblea, Vol. 15 (2011/2013) : 35-42. chindown Naval Fuel Oil Bunker, Invergordon English summary, foto, rilievi. Grampian Speleological Group Bulletin 5th (MS). Series, Vol. 1, no 2 : 32. 2 ill. 2014.2480 In June members of the Group obtained keys for this underground facility which contains MASCIARELLI, Giovanni (2014) : Attività six concrete-lined chambers of astonishing di rilievo. Cisterna via Gizzi - gallerie ipogee size, once used to store fuel oil. One chamber Palazzo De' Mayo is said to hold the world record for the longest Notiziario dello Speleo Club Chieti, vol. 6 echo (112 seconds). (Author, GM). (2014) : 21-23. 2014.2476 (MS). 2014.2481 JEFFREYS, Alan L (2014) : Meet Note: Tun- nel at Pease Bay, Berwickshire MCKINNON, Janine (2010) : Tunnels of the Grampian Speleological Group Bulletin 5th Italian Dolomites Series, Vol. 1, no 1 : 40. survey. Speleo Spiel, No. 380 (Sep-Oct. 2010) : 19-22. A well-cut tunnel at sea level on the coast in 7 photos.

316 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Describes some “Via Ferrata” in the Italian carrières souterraines dans les calcaires karsti- Dolomites, particularly Misurina, emphasising fiés lutétiens de haute Normandie the tunnels, and Passo Falzego: Lagazuoi Tun- Plaquette – programme des Journées 2014 de nels. Exploring tunnels and defensive positions Spéléologie Scientifique, 15 et 16 novembre dug into the mountains by Italians in WWI. 2014 : 1 p. (GJM). Résumé de communication. Observations sur 2014.2482 les carrières de calcaire dans le secteur de Chambray (Eure). (NG). MILLS, C.; AUCT. VAR. (2014) : The lead 2014.2487 legacy: the relationship between historical mi- ning, pollution and the post-mining landscape RUGGIERI, Rosario; GUZZARDI, Loren- Landscape History, Vol. 25, no 1 : 47-72. zo; ORSINI, Riccardo; SAMMITO, Giorgio; Discussion of landscape pollution from mi- TROVATO, Tonino; AGOSTA, Gianmarco; ning, with particular reference to the lead CRISCIONE, Francesco; GALLETTI, Iolan- mines at Tyndrum, Argyll. (GM). da; INGALLIERA, Antonello; GIANNINO- 2014.2483 TO, Gianni (2013) : Gli acquedotti antichi dell'area archeologica di Akrai (Palazzolo MUSÉE DES MINES DE L'ARGEN- Acreide, Siracusa) TIÈRE-LA BESSÉE; ANCEL, Bruno (Ed.); Atti VIII Convegno nazionale di speleologia PY, Vanessa; MARCONNET, Christophe; in cavità artificiali, Ragusa settembre 2012. KAMMENTHALER, Eric (2013) : Speleologia Iblea, Vol. 15 (2011/2013) : 25-33. La mine d'argent du Fournel : des origines English summary, foto, rilievi. médiévales de l'Argentière-La Bessée à sa (MS). première industrie au XIXe siècle. ISBN 978- 2014.2488 2-912265-20-3 : 168 p. Hautes-Alpes (MM). RUGGIERI, Rosario; GULLI, Domenica; 2014.2484 ORSINI, Riccardo; MESSINA PANFALONE, Davide; BUSCAGLIA, Tano; BUSCAGLIA, NASTASI, Corrado; BELFIORE, Vincenzo; Giovanni; IEMMOLO, Angelo; CASTORI- DI BENEDETTO, Tiziana (2013) : Censimen- NA, Roberta; LEONE, Francesco (2013) : Il to degli insediamenti rupestri del bacino del complesso "Grotte Inferno": una miniera di età fiume Cassibile (Sicilia Sud Orientale) romana di lapis specularis (Cattolica Eraclea, Atti VIII Convegno nazionale di speleologia in Ag) cavità artificiali, Ragusa settembre 2012. Spe- Atti VIII Convegno nazionale di speleologia in leologia Iblea, Vol. 15 (2011/2013) : 143-159. cavità artificiali, Ragusa settembre 2012. Spe- English summary, foto, rilievi. leologia Iblea, Vol. 15 (2011/2013) : 105-109. (MS). English summary, foto, rilievi. 2014.2485 (MS). 2014.2489 POLITANO, Franco (2013) : Le cave di Ghia- ra nel sottosuolo di Catania RUGGIERI, Rosario (a cura di) (2013) : Atti VIII Convegno nazionale di speleologia Atti VIII Convegno nazionale di speleologia in cavità artificiali, Ragusa settembre 2012. in cavità artificiali, Ragusa settembre 2012. Speleologia Iblea, Vol. 15 (2011/2013) : 87-95. Speleologia Iblea. Rivista del Centro Ibleo English summary, foto, rilievi. di Ricerche Speleo-idrogeologiche, Vol. 15 (MS). (2011/2013) : 236 p. English summary, ill., ril., 2014.2486 foto. Raccolta dei lavori presentati durante il conve- RODET, Joël; CHÉDEVILLE, Stéphane; gno, tenutosi a Ragusa dal 7 al 9 settembre STAIGRE, Jean-Claude (2014) : De curieuses 2012. (MS). 2014.2490 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 317 RUSSIAN, Pierpaolo (2007) : Adattamento historique, moyens techniques d'exploitation.. ad uso militare di grotte e caverne durante il (NG). primo conflitto mondiale 2014.2495 Atti del 26° Triangolo dell'Amicizia, Villaggio del Pescatore 9-10-11 giugno 2006 : 21-23. 2 WÉBER, Alain (2014) : Recherches et ex- foto. ploitations de sel gemme en Lorraine à partir Cenni su struttura e tipologia dei lavori di du XVIIIe siècle : implications politiques et adattamento. (PG). financières et apports dans la connaissance de 2014.2491 la géologie et la recherche minière, puis dans les voies de communication et la chimie TAYLOR, John Craft (2014) : The Saltpeter Spéléo L, N° 23 (Mars 2014) : 45-114. Plans, Caverns and Averall's Raids, 1863 to 1864 photos, graphiques. The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 3 (June 3e partie (chapitre 11) concernant les tech- 2014) : 20-22. Reprinted from the Janua- niques d'exploitation du XIXe siècle et leurs ry-March 1977 Journal of Spelean History apports pour l'exploitation moderne. Sommaire (V10n1p9). global des 11 chapitres. (CP). Detailed history of how saltpeter was mined 2014.2496 from caves in West Virginia for nitrate during the Civil War (USA), and the dangers the WEICHENBERGER, Josef; FRITSCH, Confederate saltpeter miners faced from the Erhard (2014) : Erdstallforschung und andere threat of the Federal army. (YD). künstliche Höhlen 2013 2014.2492 Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für Höhlenkunde in Oberösterreich, Jg. 60, TODINI, Maurizio (2013) : Raccolta e distri- laufende Nr.120 : 46-55. buzione delle acque nell'isola di Ventotene (PF). Atti VIII Convegno nazionale di speleologia 2014.2497 in cavità artificiali, Ragusa settembre 2012. Speleologia Iblea, Vol. 15 (2011/2013) : 53-65. YOUNG, Ivan (2014) : Elphin's Secret Bun- English summary, foto, rilievi. ker (MS). Grampian Speleological Group Bulletin 5th 2014.2493 Series, Vol. 1, no 2 : 36-37. 4 ill. Elphin village, N.W. Sutherland, contains a VATTANO, Marco; BONAMINI, Marco; small bunker, once used by the Royal Observer PARISE, Mario; LOLLINO, Piernicola; DI Corps during the cold war. Access was gained MAGGIO, Cipriano; MADONIA, Giuliana down a short shaft and the contents of the (2013) : Le cave sotterranee di Marsala (Sicilia bunker found to be well preserved, with docu- orientale) ments and some furniture still in situ. (Author, Atti VIII Convegno nazionale di speleologia in GM). cavità artificiali, Ragusa settembre 2012. Spe- 2014.2498 leologia Iblea, Vol. 15 (2011/2013) : 97-103. English summary, foto, rilievi. ZOCCO, Michele (2013) : Interazioni tra (MS). cavità artificiali ed impianti produttivi nell'area 2014.2494 petrolifero-mineraria di Ragusa Atti VIII Convegno nazionale di speleologia WARIN, Roger (2014) : L'or de Kilo-Moto in cavità artificiali, Ragusa settembre 2012. AGAB Minibul, Vol. 47, n° 6 : 1-15. Photos, Speleologia Iblea, Vol. 15 (2011/2013) : 67-77. schémas. English summary, foto, rilievi. Présentation des mines de Kilo-Moto en (MS). République Démocratique du Congo et tou- 2014.2499 jours en exploitation : situation géographique,

318 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 6.3 Law; Protection determinato dalla mancata cura del territorio. Droit; Protection (PG). 2014.2504

AA (2013) : Limestone hills and caves: Dead ATZ, Aaron (2014) : What YOU Can Do to or alive ? Punish Cave and Prevent Future Van- The Star, 31 August 2013. photos. dalism Are the limestone hills around Ipoh in Perak NSS News, Vol. 72, no 4 (April 2014) : 5-6. 3 worth more intact or torn down? Many are photos. being quarried, in particular Gunung Kanthan Suggestions by the Chairman of the National which houses Gua Kanthan that is home to an Speleological Society (USA) Cave Vandalism endemic tradpoor spider. (LP). Deterrence Reward Commission. (YD). 2014.2500 2014.2505

AA (2014) : Arrêté fixant le plan de circula- BENEDETTO, Carlos (2008) : Espeleología tion spéléo dans la réserve naturelle du Haut en Neuquén Jura Argentina Subterranea, N° 20 (Octubre 2008) Spéléo 01, N° 26 (Juin 2014) : 11-16. : 10. Textes officiels et cartes réglementant la circu- Neuquen cavers had a new meeting to protest lation sur les Monts Jura de l'Ain où se trouve against authorities because of prohibitions. le sommet du Jura ainsi que son plus profond (BO). gouffre (- 577 m). (BC). 2014.2506 2014.2501 BENEDETTO, Carlos (2008) : La espeleolo- AA (2014) : Immagini dal LIFE. Un Progetto gía en Neuquén europeo per la tutela e la riqualificazione delle Argentina Subterranea, N° 19 (Junio 2008) : aree gessose dell'Emilia-Romagna realizzato 6-7. con i Parchi carsici regionali A new claim to Neuquen authorities because Speleologia Emiliana. Rivista della Fede- prohibition to explore. (BO). razione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia 2014.2507 Romagna, Serie V, n. 5 (2014) : 224-225. (MS). BIANCO, David (2014) : 20 anni di collabo- 2014.2502 razione con il Parco dei Gessi Bolognesi Speleologia Emiliana. Rivista della Fede- ALLEN, Tim (2014) : Cave access - Out in razione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia the Open Romagna, Serie V, n. 5 (2014) : 222-223. Descent, No 237 (April/May 2014) : 30-32. (MS). Examination of the Countryside and Rights of 2014.2508 Way Act 2000, with arguments why it should apply to open access for caving (GM). BROOKS, Simon; HOWES, Chris (2014) : 2014.2503 Cavers Enjoy a Party! / The CRoW Dilemma Descent, No 239 (Aug/Sept 2014) : 36. ALTOBELLI, Alfredo (2014) : Problematiche The 2nd British Caving Association party volte alla conoscenza della biodiversità: tutela weekend coverage, with discussion of the e difesa delle aree naturali carsiche AGM and decisions taken over challenging Atti del Convegno “Esplorare le molteplicità legal restrictions on caving access (GM). del Carso”, Bagnoli della Rosandra 17-18 2014.2509 maggio 2014, Alpi Giulie, supplemento al n. 2 (2014) : 41-46. 6 foto. CLEMENZÓ, Jorge (2006) : Nuevas depreda- Cenni sul degrado del patrimonio forestale ciones en la caverna del Tigre

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 319 Argentina Subterranea, N° 14 (Abril 2006) : Réflexion sur la protection des cavités, sur l'in- 7-8. 2 photos. terdiction ou la limitation des entrées. Difficile Basaltic cave in Malargüe with pollution, wit- équilibre entre l'encadrement pour la sécurité hout government protection. (BO). des visiteurs et le respect d'un patrimoine sou- 2014.2510 terrain fragile à préserver. (Fx). 2014.2515 COSTA, Massimiliano (2014) : Parco della Vena del Gesso Romagnola e Federazione FINOCCHIARO, Furio; CUCCHI, Franco Speleologica Regionale: storia di una sinergia (2014) : Geodiversità e conservazione della efficace natura sul Carso triestino Speleologia Emiliana. Rivista della Fede- Atti del Convegno “Esplorare le molteplicità razione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia del Carso”, Bagnoli della Rosandra 17-18 Romagna, Serie V, n. 5 (2014) : 226-229. maggio 2014, Alpi Giulie, supplemento al n. 2 (MS). (2014) : 9-16. 6 fig. 2014.2511 Elenco dei geositi da tutelare e valorizzare. (PG). DI DONATO, Filippo (2014) : Fascino e ruolo 2014.2516 degli ambienti nascosti Montagne 360. Rivista del Club Alpino Italia- GASPARO, Dario; RAVALLI, Riccardo no, Agosto 2014 : 52-55. Foto. (2014) : Esplorare le molteplicità del Carso Importanza degli ambienti carsici e necessiatà strumento di conoscenza e tutela di una loro protezione. L'impegno del Club Alpinismo triestino, a. 25, n. 144 : 5. 5 foto. Alpino Italiano e della Società Spelologica Relazione sullo svolgimento dell'incontro. Italiana. Leggi europee in materia. (MS). (PG). 2014.2512 2014.2517

ERCOLANI, Massimo; LUCCI, Piero; SAN- GASPARO, Dario (2014) : Le aree naturali SAVINI, Baldo (2014) : La cava di Monte del Carso triestino ed isontino e le relative Tondo nella Vena del Gesso romagnola norme di tutela Speleologia Emiliana. Rivista della Fede- Atti del Convegno “Esplorare le molteplicità razione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia del Carso”, Bagnoli della Rosandra 17-18 Romagna, Serie V, n. 5 (2014) : 120-128. Foto. maggio 2014, Alpi Giulie, supplemento al n. 2 L'impegno e le battaglie dei Gruppi speleologi- (2014) : 47-53. 7 foto. ci in favore della protezione delle grotte della Carrellata sulle forme di tutela nel mondo e Vena del gesso romagnola. (MS). cenni sulle aree protette in Italia. (PG). 2014.2513 2014.2518

ERCOLANI, Massimo; LUCCI, Piero (2014) GOUGH, James (2013) : Ipoh limestone, an : Le Leggi Regionali sulla Speleologia environmental management challenge Speleologia Emiliana. Rivista della Fede- Ipoh Echo, No 172 (16-31 August 2013) : 1-2. razione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia photos. Romagna, Serie V, n. 5 (2014) : 190-192. Describes the quarry industry around the li- In Emilia Romagna. (MS). mestone hills of Ipoh, Perak. (LP). 2014.2514 2014.2519

FANUEL, Gérald; MATTLET, Jean-Marc GRIMANDI, Paolo (2014) : Le attività estrat- (2014) : La protection et l'accès aux grottes. tive del gesso nell'area bolognese Des clés pour le sous-sol. Speleologia Emiliana. Rivista della Fede- Spéléo Magazine, n° 87 (Septembre 2014) : razione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia 36-37. 3 photos, 1 plan. Romagna, Serie V, n. 5 (2014) : 110-119. Foto.

320 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) L'impegno e le battaglie dei Gruppi speleo- pitching greater cave access against conserva- logici in favore della protezione delle grotte tion concerns (GM). bolognesi. (MS). 2014.2525 2014.2520 PARKER, Diana (2013) : Cement producers GRIMANDI, Paolo (2014) : Le realizzazioni hunting for limestone could threaten Borneo dei Gruppi Speleologici Federati per la prote- caves zione dei fenomeni carsici nell'area bolognese Mongabay.com, 30 Apr 2013. photos. Speleologia Emiliana. Rivista della Fede- East Kalimantan, Mangkalihat - Sangkulirang razione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia area. (LP). Romagna, Serie V, n. 5 (2014) : 129-137. 2014.2526 (MS). 2014.2521 POTTS, Jenny (2014) : CRoW and Caves Descent, No 238 (June/July 2014) : 45-46. HERRMANN, Eckart (2014) : Protezione del- Update on proposals to challenge the interpre- la natura e dell'ambiente nelle grotte turistiche tation of the Countryside and Rights of Way Grotta Gigante. Scriptum formazione degli Act 2000 (GM). accompagnatori delle grotte turistiche : 47-50. 2014.2527 Indicazioni, per le guide e per i gestori di grotte turistiche, atte a limitare al massimo RAVALLI, Riccardo; GASPARO, Dario l'impatto ambientale. (PG). (2014) : Introduzione 2014.2522 Atti del Convegno “Esplorare le molteplicità del Carso”, Bagnoli della Rosandra 17-18 HILDRETH-WERKER, Val; WERKER, maggio 2014, Alpi Giulie, supplemento al n. 2 Jim (2014) : Cave Conservation Advocacy – (2014) : 7-8. Pathway to Access and Protection Presentazione del convegno dedicato alla co- NSS News, Vol. 72, no 4 (April 2014) : 4. 1 noscenza e tutela del Carso. (PG). photo. 2014.2528 The National Speleological Society (USA) Cave Conservation and Management Section REMACLE, Laurence (2014) : Réflexion et was replaced by the Conservation Division. mise en oeuvre de mesures de protection. This report includes the vision and mission of Spéléo Magazine, n° 87 (Septembre 2014) : this new Division. (YD). 23. 1 photo, bibliographie. 2014.2523 L'exploration du Noû Bleû (Chanxhe) impose la mise en place d'un protocole de protection KNOLLE, Friedhart (2014) : Das Muni- strict car la suite amont se fait à travers une tionswerk “Kiefer” am Pfingstanger in Herz- zone magnifiquement concrétionnée. C'est berg am Harz - eine Rüstungsaltlast in der aussi un bel exemple de relation entre les Südharzer Karstlandschaft. spéléologues, les exploitants de la carrière et la Mitt. Verb. dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforsch., 60 (1) municipalité. (Fx). : 13-17. 2014.2529 A karst-water pollutant industrial remain from the spouthern Harz Mountains, German SPÉLÉO MAGAZINE (2014) : Ardèche : la (ML). caverne du Pont-d'Arc pour une restitution. La 2014.2524 grotte Chauvet débaptisée ! Spéléo Magazine, n° 85 (Mars 2014) : 6. 1 MEHEW, Bob (2014) : The CRoW Legacy photo. Descent, No 240 (Oct/Nov 2014) : 26-28. Bataille juridique des trois inventeurs de la The pros and cons of challenging the Country- grotte Chauvet pour que la cavité conserve son side and Rights of Way Act 2000, specifically nom, à la fois pour sa reconstitution en fac-si-

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 321 milé et pour le site lui-même en vu de son tobre) : 2. classement à l'UNESCO. (Fx). A quelque 15km à l'ouest du col du Lauta- 2014.2530 ret, une via ferrata (la plus longue de France, mêlant spéléo, découverte et histoire, suit, sur TORELLI, Louis (2014) : “Trieste on Sight” - 775m de dénivelé, le filon d'exploitation d'une esperienze di cittadinanza ancienne mine de plomb. (JT). Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 80- 2014.2536 81. 2 foto. Iniziative per sensibilizzare i giovani al rispet- AA (2014) : Les grottes de la Bâtie d'Urfé to del Carso. (PG). (Loire) 2014.2531 La Lettre du Spéléo-club de Paris, n°326 (juin) : 1. YOUNG, Ivan (2014) : Taping Uamh an Le château de la Bâtie d'Urfé recèle une remar- Claonaite quable grotte de rocaille, dite des Fraîcheurs, Grampian Speleological Group Bulletin 5th sans doute la plus ancienne grotte artificielle Series, Vol. 1, no 1 : 24-25. 3 ill. de France, car elle date du XVIe siècle. On Discussion of methods of taping off forma- peut y admirer aussi une tapisserie de Bruges, tions and mud floors in Uamh an Claonaite, des environs de 1640, sur laquelle on voit l'en- Scotland's longest cave system. Use of BCRA trée d'une grotte, ce qui, à notre connaissance recommended materials described. (Author, est exceptionnel, voire unique (?)… (JT). GM). 2014.2537 2014.2532 AA (2014) : Visita di grotte turistiche 6.4 Recreation; Tourism; Geosystem Grotta Gigante. Scriptum formazione degli Récréation; Tourisme; Géosystème accompagnatori delle grotte turistiche : 36. Indicazioni sulla tipologia di grotte attrezzate in cui si può svolgere l'attività di guida turisti- AA (2013) : Biosphären-Informationszentrum ca. (PG). an der Schertelshöhle bei Westerheim. 2014.2538 Laichinger Höhlenfreund (Laichingen), Vol. 48 (2013) : 81. In Germ.; 2 photos. AUSTEN, Peter; COVE, Daniel; WEBB, R. 7423/6 Schertelshöhle. (THR). (Ed.); WEBB, S. (Ed.) (2011) : The New Ball 2014.2533 Game? Changing social attitudes to leisure and recreation and the implications for show cave AA (2013) : Tiefenhöhle ist erste CO2-neutral tourism. beleuchtete Schauhöhle Deutschlands. Cave and Karst Management in Australasia Laichinger Höhlenfreund (Laichingen), Vol. 48 XIX: Proc. 19th Aust'asian Conf. on Cave & (2013) : 80. In Germ.; 1 photo. Karst Mgt. Ulverstone, Tas. : 140-144. 2 figs, 7524/1 Laichinger Tiefenhöhle. (THR). 4 refs. 2014.2534 The past decade has seen a series of events which have presented serious challenges for AA (2014) : Aspetti legali the tourism industry. At the same time the Grotta Gigante. Scriptum formazione degli retail sector and DIY business have emerged accompagnatori delle grotte turistiche : 2-3. as direct competitors to tourism as alternate re- Informazioni sulle responsabilità delle Guide creational pursuits. Emerging patterns suggest nelle grotte turistiche. (PG). links between some of these factors previously 2014.2535 considered independent, patterns that suggest we may be experiencing a broader social shift AA (2014) : La mine du Grand Clot in attitudes towards leisure time and the tradi- La Lettre du Spéléo-club de Paris, n°328 (oc- tional concept of the place of tourism within

322 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) the broader recreational framework. These restry, lifestyle blocks, quarries and reserves. changes present a serious challenge to the tou- Planning in this karst area has taken a broad rism industry. Operators of show caves must compliance approach that poses challenges confront this challenge.. (Author, GJM). for developers and Local Government officers 2014.2539 seeking to assess potential impacts. Meander Valley Council has initiated an innovative ap- BOLDT, Petra (2014) : Eröffnung eines proach to land use planning in a karst context. Informationszentrums des Biospärengebiets Science, through risk matrices, provides a Schwäbische Alb am 18. Mai 2013 an der robust guide for collaborative assessment Schertelshöhle bei Westerheim. between Council and specialists in the Tas. Unterwelten-Info (Stuttgart), No. 30 : 3-4. In Government.. (Author, GJM). Germ.; 2 photos. 2014.2543 (THR). 2014.2540 BRUMBY, Ian (2011) : Dismal Swamp - a modern tourism venture set in an ancient karst BOURNE, Steve (2012) : New interpretation sinkhole at Tantanoola Caves Conservation Park Cave and Karst Management in Australasia Australasian Cave and Karst Management XIX: Proc. 19th Aust'asian Conf. on Cave & Assoc. Journal, No. 87 (June 2012) : 42-43. 3 Karst Mgt. Ulverstone, Tas. : 258-264. Map, 7 photos. photos. Tantanoola Cave is a small show cave near Dismal Swamp is a polje at Togari in far NW Mt Gambier, South Australia. In the face of Tasmania. It was a source of blackwood timber dropping visitor numbers (40k-13k in 27 yrs) for generations but was reserved in 1970s to interpretation was given a major overhaul. prevent it from being converted to pasture. New display panels give visitors an introduc- Dismal Swamp has been developed by Fo- tion to what they will see in the cave. Presen- restry Tasmania into a tourism attraction inclu- tation has moved to a hosted style rather than a ding a visitor centre, the option to descend to structured tour. (GJM). sinkhole floor via a 110 m slide ride, a maze 2014.2541 of paths and the installation of artistic pieces. Since opening in 2004, the site has had suc- BRATINA, Raffaele (2014) : Gruppo Corsa in cesses and challenges as a tourism destination. Montagna In late 2010, Forestry Tasmania leased the Alpi Giulie, anno 108, n. 1/2014 : 26-27. business, now known as Tarkine Forest Adven- Fra le varie iniziative l'undicesima edizione tures, to private operators. (Author, GJM). della “Cronotraversata del Maestro” nella 2014.2544 Grotta Gigante. (PG). 2014.2542 BUNTON, Stephen (2011) : Exit Com- monsense Management: A discussion of strate- BROWNLEA, Stuart (2011) : Planning in a gies for the management on Exit Cave with land use mosaic – Innovative approaches on Rolan Eberhard 18/5/2011 the Mole Creek Karst Speleo Spiel, No. 384 (May-Jun. 2011) : 18- Cave and Karst Management in Australasia 20. Ref. XIX: Proc. 19th Aust'asian Conf. on Cave & A record of discussions regarding the future Karst Mgt. Ulverstone, Tas. : 120-130. 5 maps, management of Exit Cave, Incl.: impacts of 2 photos, 15 refs. cavers, need for internal zoning, accrediting Mole Creek karst system in N. Tasmania is leaders, standardisation of routes and no-go extensive, complex and contains unique values zones, cavers now have more awareness of requiring consideration in planning. Imposed minimal impact caving, deterioration could be on the natural system is a mosaic of land uses, documented photographically, basic rights to incl. a variety of agricultural enterprises, fo- visit public lands, objections to access restric-

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 323 tions, ASF membership may not be enough to proval ensure future right of access, need for mana- Australasian Cave and Karst Management gers to be better trained in speleology, likeli- Assoc. Journal, No. 86 (March 2012) : 42-43. hood of cavers doing most of the on-ground 2 photos. work. (GJM). New interpretive panels at Cocklebiddy Cave, 2014.2545 Western Australia, have been acclaimed by visitors. The cave is arguably Nullarbor's most CARDEN, Deborah (2013) : Beyond the famous – it has been the object of numerous Master Plan: Naracoorte Caves World Heritage expeditions and the world's longest cave di- Area 2013 ving penetration 6.24 km in 1983, extended to Cave and Karst Management in Australasia 6.38 in 2008. The panels help visitors unders- XX. Proc. 20th Australasian Conf. Cave & tand the diversity of natural and cultural values Karst Management 2013. Waitomo Caves, NZ and promote minimal impact and safe beha- : 18-32. 3 maps, 15 photos. viour. (GJM). Naracoorte Caves NP is a renowned fossil 2014.2548 mammal site, co-listed with Riversleigh, N. Qld as a World Heritage Area. Located in SE CHRAPKO, Alexander; SALAMON, Gabor South Australia it is one of 4 commercial sites (2013) : LED technologies and lamp flora: operated by the Dept. of Environment, Wa- Pros & cons ter & Natural Resources. These sites operate Australasian Cave and Karst Management within distinctive natural settings and Master Assoc. Journal, No. 90 (March 2013) : 29-31. Planning is being conducted at each location, 6 photos. the recommendations of which will direct Cave Lighting™ LED lighting was installed future investment. In 2009 master planning be- in Cathedral Chamber of Grotte de Remou- gan at Naracoorte; it will be completed in 2013 champs, Belgium, and after 2 1/2 years there and then implemented. (Author, GJM). has been no part failure, energy consumption 2014.2546 has been reduced 40-fold and there has been significant (90%) reduction in lampenflora. CHANDLER, Libby; CHANDLER, Peter J. Lamp flora where a negative side-effect of (2012) : Spellbound glowworm and cave tours electric lighting. Discusses means of reducing Australasian Cave and Karst Management As- growth of lamp flora; most have their own side soc. Journal, No. 88 (September 2012) : 8-11. effects. Well designed use of LEDs can help 8 photos. reduce lamp flora but it is not a magic bullet. A fact file gives details of the Spellbound (GJM). operation – a staff of six operates a 3 1/4 hour 2014.2549 tour; has been judged Waitomo's top attrac- tion for six years, hosted CIGNA, Arrigo A. (2011) : State of show cave filming Life in the Undergrowth and Planet management in the World Earth. Tours of Mangawhitikau Glowworm Cave and Karst Management in Australasia Cave and Masons Dry Cave (Te Ana o te Atua XIX: Proc. 19th Aust'asian Conf. on Cave & = Cave of the Spirit) began in 1994 and were Karst Mgt. Ulverstone, Tas. : 7-14. 6 refs. taken over by the authors in 1998. Redevelop- Human interest in caves started in prehistory ments allow visitors to travel by raft through for very practical reasons. Later this interest the glowworm cave; the water level can be arose from other reasons; e.g. in Roman times, controlled by a dam which can be opened at people were attracted by the description of the times of flood. The full tour costs in NZD73. "Dog's Cave" near Naples, Italy, because of (GJM). the peculiar release of carbon dioxide close 2014.2547 to the floor which killed small animals, while people were not affected. In the Middle Age, in CHARLTON, Lorna (2012) : Stamp of ap- Postojna Cave, Slovenia, visitors left their si-

324 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) gnatures in a passage now known as “Passage kiosk… (Author, GJM). of Ancient Names”. If a show cave is defined 2014.2552 as a cave where a fee is paid to visit it, then the oldest is Vilenica Cave in Slovenia. Now much COVE, Daniel (2012) : Jenolan gets the gold! attention is paid to avoiding damage to cave Australasian Cave and Karst Management environments.. (Author, GJM). Assoc. Journal, No. 86 (March 2012) : 40. 2 2014.2550 photos. Jenolan Caves and Jewel Cave at Margaret CIGNA, Arrigo A. (2011) : Use of chemi- River contended for the title of Australia's best cal methods for the control of lampenflora: tourist attraction at the 2011 Qantas Australian Sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide tourism awards. Jenolan was the only tourist Cave and Karst Management in Australasia attraction to win two gold awards: Best Tourist XIX: Proc. 19th Aust'asian Conf. on Cave & Attraction and Cultural/heritage Tourism. Suc- Karst Mgt. Ulverstone, Tas. : 286-288. 6 refs. cess was largely due to the hard work of staff. To avoid development of lampenflora the A new self-guided audio tour of Nettle Cave first action is proper control of lighting. But will focus on Aboriginal cultural heritage; sur- if lampenflora develops notwithstanding a face walks are being transformed. (GJM). good lighting system it is necessary to take 2014.2553 action to stop its growth. Chemical methods, which have the best risks/benefits ratio, utilise COVE, DANIEL (2013) : Collaboration, com- sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide. munication and conservation: the importance Here the advantages and problems of both of ongoing research to cave and karst manage- compounds are discussed. Other biocides may ment and effective public education seriously endanger cave fauna and therefore The science of Jenolan Caves: What do we must be avoided. (Author, GJM). know? Abstracts of presented papers : 15 p. 2014.2551 http://linneansocietynsw.org.au/symposia/Je- nolan%20Caves/Jenolan.html CLARKE, Arthur (2013) : Dong Thien Dường Scientific understanding is essential to gui- (aka Paradise Cave), a new world class show ding effective management decisions in cave in north-central Vietnam sensitive environmental areas such as cave Cave and Karst Management in Australasia systems. Collaboration between management XX. Proc. 20th Australasian Conf. Cave & and staff at Jenolan Caves, NSW, has led to Karst Management 2013. Waitomo Caves, NZ development of best practice approaches in : 224. [abstract only]. cave redevelopment, monitoring, cleaning and Led by Howard Limbert, the exploration of the restoration. An effective relationship between Hang Vom system commenced in 1990; the researchers, management and staff is also length now exceeds 35km. The Dong Thien required to develop training and standards Dường (Paradise Cave) entrance to the Hang for on-site interpretive guides. A well infor- Vom system was discovered in 2005. The med and professionally delivered program entrance chamber is 150m wide and 100m of interpretative activities is the single most high with some of the massive stalagmite efficacious means of guaranteeing long term formations extending almost to the rooftop. public awareness and support for conservation Paradise Cave was opened for tourism on 3 of the natural environment at Jenolan Caves… Sep. 2010; with reportedly multi-million dollar (Author, GJM). expenditure, the site was sensitively developed 2014.2554 in a very short period. From the vehicle park, tourists are taken by battery-operated golf car COVE, Daniel (2013) : Exploring cultural buggies 1.6km to the gathering place where heritage values of karst: the development of a gently graded wheelchair pathway or steps indigenous interpretation Jenolan Caves climb 100m to the cave mouth reception and Cave and Karst Management in Australasia

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 325 XX. Proc. 20th Australasian Conf. Cave & Artificial caves serve a variety of purposes: Karst Management 2013. Waitomo Caves, NZ tourism/recreation/education, landscape/aes- : 223. [abstract only]. thetic, conservation, spiritual/religious, perso- Cave and karst areas have been important nal/professional. Generic-type artificial caves cultural sites throughout human history and are contrasted with facsimile-type which pre- prehistory. The interpretation of cultural values sent greater challenges. Lascaux II in France of karst has often been seen as secondary to and Altamira II in Spain are rare examples of geological or other scientific values. At Je- the latter, replicating iconic prehistoric art sites nolan Caves there was traditionally limited closed because of damage to the art. Outlines interpretation and little or no available in- history of Lascaux from discovery in 1940; formation regarding the long association of discovery of ‘la maladie verte' in 1963 lead to Aboriginal tribal groups with the local area. closure and building of the replica opened in The past 18 months has seen the development 1983. The art is powerful and reproductions of a collaboration between the Jenolan Caves are convincing. A nearby museum houses re- Reserve Trust and the Gundungurra Tribal productions of the remaining 75% of decorated Council which has led to the development of panels.. (GJM). a self-guided cave tour and surface walk both 2014.2558 available as smart-phone apps. (GJM). 2014.2555 EBERHARD, Rolan (2012) : The saga of the Pink Terraces: a case study of cave improooo- CROSS, Travis (2012) : Waitomo Glowworm vement! and Aranui Caves Australasian Cave and Karst Management As- Australasian Cave and Karst Management As- soc. Journal, No. 87 (June 2012) : 26-31. Map, soc. Journal, No. 88 (September 2012) : 12-14. 10 photos, 6 refs. 5 photos. The Pink Terraces is a series of large rimstone Fact File shows a staff of 45 run a restaurant dams that created an impressive sequence of and conduct tours through these two caves at tiered ponds several metres wide and tens of NZD48 and 46/head. A new $14.5 mill. res- metres in length in Marakoopa Cave. Years taurant and administrative facility built 2010. ago the rimstone barriers were chopped to Glowworm light output is now monitored at release the water. In 1980s the breaches were 30 min. intervals, together with humidity and refilled with concrete to restore the pools. temperature. Refurbishment of walkways and Despite this the pools were seen to dry out in lighting is underway in Aranui Cave; moni- summer; to maintain them water was diverted toring has revealed high CO2 occurrences at and stored to enable the pools to be kept full. times, requiring management response. (GJM). Unfortunately this water introduced sediment 2014.2556 which discoloured the flowstone. Limestone tablets placed along the watercourse for 12 DOMMEL, Michael (2014) : Landschaft in months showed erosion was occurring. As a Bewegung. Ein Streifzug durch das Bios- result the diversion of water was discontinued phärenreservat Südharz and the holding tank removed (GJM). Naturschutz heute, Nr. 1/2014 : 22-23. 4 Abb. 2014.2559 Kurzbeschreibung des Biospärenreservats Karstlandschaft Südharz (GST). FABBRICATORE, Alessio (2014) : Grotta 2014.2557 Gigante Alpi Giulie, anno 108, n. 1/2014 : 14-20. EBERHARD, Rolan (2012) : In praise of arti- Relazione sull'andamento della grotta turisti- ficial caves: Impressions of Lascaux II ca nel 2013 e sulla varie iniziative collegate. Australasian Cave and Karst Management (PG). Assoc. Journal, No. 89 (December 2012) : 7-9. 2014.2560 3 photos.

326 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) FABBRICATORE, Alessio (2014) : Modello tors and protecting it. In the case of the cave's Grotta Gigante (MGG) microclimatic environment, it aims, firstly, to Atti del Convegno “Esplorare le molteplicità control rise in (CO2) levels above a threshold, del Carso”, Bagnoli della Rosandra 17-18 and secondly, to keep evaporation rates low maggio 2014, Alpi Giulie, supplemento al n. 2 so that cave drying is minimised. Reduced (2014) : 17-24. ventilation combined with CO2 from visitor Cenni sulle varie ricerche scientifiche condotte respiration can lead to elevated CO2 levels in nella cavità. (PG). the cave. The CO2 combines with moisture in 2014.2561 the cave to form carbonic acid that corrodes calcite features. This damage is essentially FABBRICATORE, Alessio (2014) : Prefa- irreversible. High ventilation rates during cool zione external conditions can lead to cave drying… Grotta Gigante. Scriptum formazione degli (GJM). accompagnatori delle grotte turistiche : 1. 2014.2565 Presentazione del manuale dedicato alla prepa- razione del personale. (PG). GREBEUDE, Richard (2014) : De la vraie 2014.2562 fausse spéléo. D'une caisse en bois à une grande église. FORTI, Fabio (2014) : Il terroir dei vitigni sul Spéléo Magazine, n° 87 (Septembre 2014) : Carso triestino 35. 1 photo. Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica Quelques façons atypiques mais ludiques de Italiana, n. 71 (dicembre 2014) : 55. Foto. faire de la spéléo en Belgique. (Fx). La differenza dei suoli carsici influisce sullo 2014.2566 sviluppo dei vitigni coltivati sui medesimi e quindi sul tipo di prodotto ottenuto. (MS). GREBEUDE, Richard (2014) : Les grottes 2014.2563 touristiques. Une tradition ancienne. Spéléo Magazine, n° 87 (Septembre 2014) : GAMSJAGER, Alexandra; MERTIN, Bar- 42. 1 photo. bara; HERRMANN, Eckart; PFARR, Christa Un tour de visite des grottes aménagées de (2014) : Metodologie per svolgere una visita Belgique. La grotte de Han avec un tourisme guidata in grotta amorcé dès avant 1814. La Merveilleuse à Di- Grotta Gigante. Scriptum formazione degli nant, les grottes de Rochefort, Remouchamps, accompagnatori delle grotte turistiche : 39-47. Hotton, etc. Site internet des cavités touris- Indicazioni pratiche per le guide turistiche (co- tiques belges. (Fx). municazione, espressione linguistica, tecniche 2014.2567 di presentazione, visite in gruppo, pedagogia). (PG). GRIMANDI, Paolo (2014) : Festa dei parchi 2014.2564 2014: gli interventi del GSB-USB Sottoterra. Rivista del GSB-USB, n. 138 (gen- GILLIES, M.J.; DE FREITAS, C.R. (2013) : naio-giugno 2014) : 29-31. Foto. Environmental Management of the Waitomo Attività di recupero ambientale nell'area del Glowworm Cave: Effects of Visitors and Ven- Parco dei Gessi bolognesi. (MS). tilation on Carbon Dioxide Concentrations 2014.2568 Cave and Karst Management in Australasia XX. Proc. 20th Australasian Conf. Cave & HAYGARTH, Nic (2011) : ‘A cup of tea with Karst Management 2013. Waitomo Caves, NZ your cave, madam?': Cave tourism as a cottage : 173-191. 15 figs, 6 refs. industry at Mole Creek, Tasmania 1894-28 Environmental management of the Waitomo Cave and Karst Management in Australasia Glowworm Cave aims to mitigate the potential XIX: Proc. 19th Aust'asian Conf. on Cave & conflict between presenting the cave to visi- Karst Mgt. Ulverstone, Tas. : 93-111. Map, 18

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 327 photos, 59 footnotes. 2014.2571 From late 1800s, farmers at Mole Creek, Tasmania conducted nature tourism from their HEIL, Oliver; OGH (2014) : Les Höllegrotten homes. Families such as the Parsonses, Scotts, (Baar,ZG) - un modèle à l`échelle européenne Martins and Byards offered cave tourism de réaménagement d`une grotte touristique. experiences as a cottage industry, otherwise Stalactite, Vol. 64, no 1 : 25-29. In Deutsch/ engaging in farming and other forms of work. français; 8 photos, 1 ill. While not operated by a Mole Creek farmer, Réhabilitation de la grotte touristique Höll- King Solomons Cave was a similar example grotten. (AH). of family-based private cave entrepreneurship. 2014.2572 King Solomons, Marakoopa, Baldocks and Scotts caves offered rustic, idiosyncratic HERRMANN, Eckart (2014) : Una visita experiences with home-style hospitality. All ipogea rispettosa dell'ambiente four were lit by acetylene gas. Ultimately, Grotta Gigante. Scriptum formazione degli the family cave trade was unsustainable. The accompagnatori delle grotte turistiche : 36-38. government's purchase of King Solomons and Cosa fare e non fare in una grotta turistica. Marakoopa in 1920 and 1921 respectively and (PG). the introduction of electric light brought the 2014.2573 era to a close. (Author, GJM). 2014.2569 HUNTER, Deborah (2011) : Wild Cave Tours, the journey: strange, exciting and rewarding HAYGARTH, Nic (2012) : The original Gor- (but sometimes political) don-below-Franklin dispute: Beattie, BHP and Cave and Karst Management in Australasia the Marble Cliffs XIX: Proc. 19th Aust'asian Conf. on Cave & Australasian Cave and Karst Management Karst Mgt. Ulverstone, Tas. : 112-119. 4 pho- Assoc. Journal, No. 86 (March 2012) : 22-28. tos, 8 refs. 2 maps, 9 photos, 52 refs. Wild Cave Tours, operating at Mole Creek, In 1914, ~70 years before Tasmania's Gor- Tasmania, was created in 1989 as a cave tour don-below-Franklin Dam blockade, people business catering to the tourism and special power stopped development of the lower Gor- interest group markets. It maintains part time don River. The focus of the proposed develop- operation, mainly in summer. Over the years, ment was karst — a limestone deposit known the business has led by example in minimal as the Marble Cliffs. Its principal defender impact caving and safety standards in the was Hobart photographer and conservationist, unforgiving environment of wild Tasmanian John Watt Beattie, who wanted a Gordon River caves. The incapacity of Tasmania's tourism National Park. He was the most important marketing machine to fully embrace boutique figure in 19th and early 20th century Tasma- and regional tourism products, as well as nian tourism and an early champion of its karst political conflict in the local community over and caves. This was recognised in 1918 when conservation issues, have caused difficulties. Beattie campaigned for protection of Hastings The limited commercial success of the bu- Caves and he was appointed to a Caves Advi- siness is primarily due to difficulties inherent sory Board to assist the government take over in its regional location and Tasmania's tourism the King Solomons and Marakoopa tourist marketing structure and culture.. (Author, caves. (GJM). GJM). 2014.2570 2014.2574

HEIL, Oliver (2014) : LED-Leuchten in zwei JAMES, Julia M.; KENNEDY, Sasa; österreichischen Schauhöhlen installiert BARNES, Craig (2013) : "Ecotourism" in two Verbandsnachrichten, Jg. 65, Nr. 4 : 72. karst areas in Madagascar Lamprechtsofen, Lurgrotte Semriach (PF). Cave and Karst Management in Australasia

328 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) XX. Proc. 20th Australasian Conf. Cave & adventure tours added in the 1980s; in 2004 Karst Management 2013. Waitomo Caves, NZ guide Ted Matthews, developed our first child : 33-38. 2 maps, 2 photos, 7 refs. focused activity - ‘Stones ‘n' Bones', a paleon- Two internationally renowned karst areas of tological and geological treasure hunt for kids. Madagascar, Tsingy de Bemaraha and Ankara- The popularity of this tour alerted us to visi- na, are both plateau massifs in Jurassic limes- tor interest in activities specifically aimed at tone and have the weathered landscape of pin- children. A range of tours were developed and nacle karst. The parks' magnificent landscapes trialled with varying success; activities were together with their caves and exceptional bio- modified and more added to the school holiday diversity are ideal for ecotourism. The move program. In 2010 activities aimed specifical- to ecotourism in Madagascar in 1990s was ly at the youth market were developed and made as the only real solution to managing and were an instant hit with high school students. protecting threatened natural areas. Ecotourism This paper looks at the philosophy behind the trails were developed in both parks. Innova- children's and youth program at Jenolan and tive infrastructure design and the use of local charts the evolution of those activities. (Au- materials allows them to blend into the lands- thor, GJM). cape. The trails allow the spectrum of tourists 2014.2578 to view landscapes and flora and fauna with minimal damage. (Author, GJM). KENNEDY, Sasa (2011) : Why train adven- 2014.2575 ture cave guides? Cave and Karst Management in Australasia JAYME, Ronald G. (2013) : Sailing the ma- XIX: Proc. 19th Aust'asian Conf. on Cave jestic Halong Bay & Karst Mgt. Ulverstone, Tas. : 265-270. 2 Manilla Bulletin, 29 December 2013. photos. photos. (LP). In 2000 the first nationally recognised training 2014.2576 course for adventure cave guides was deve- loped as a skill set within the Certificate III in KELL, Geoff (2012) : Upgrade to power sup- Outdoor Recreation as part of the Australian ply at Careys Cave Qualification Framework. The set of training Australasian Cave and Karst Management modules has since been extended and modified Assoc. Journal, No. 88 (September 2012) : 15. on two occasions. It is used by both TAFEs 2 photos. and non-government Registered Training Careys Cave was originally developed in 1968 Organisations to deliver competency-based utilising 110V power supply with the final pole training to adventure cave guides. This paper and transform near the entrance. Recent work discusses the need for standardised training, has seen the final pole moved to the reserve continues with an overview of the current boundary with 240V underground supply to a training modules and then briefly details the ground level transformer at the entrance. Next training options and how they can be tailored job is to replace the cave lighting. (GJM). to meet the needs of different organisations. 2014.2577 (Author, GJM). 2014.2579 KENNEDY, Sasa (2011) : Children's and youth activities at Jenolan – an (R)Evolutiona- KENNEDY, Sasa (2013) : The memory kee- ry tale pers Cave and Karst Management in Australasia Australasian Cave and Karst Management XIX: Proc. 19th Aust'asian Conf. on Cave Assoc. Journal, No. 93 (December 2013) : 37. & Karst Mgt. Ulverstone, Tas. : 131-139. 5 2 photos. photos. Cave interpretive guides need to find new Cave tours have been running officially at ways to keep their presentations fresh. One Jenolan Caves in NSW since 1867, with way to do this is to talk to the local ‘memory

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 329 keeper ‘– the guide or other staff member who fauna and vegetation communities, the Vale is has been around for the longest time. They are significant as one of Australia's few subalpine not just a wealth of information on the history karstlands. The property was purchased in of the site and often embraces the state ethos 2010 by the Tasmanian Land Conservancy, fol- and know how subtle differences have deve- lowing on from a 150-year history of summer loped over time. Tourists come to cave sites cattle grazing. The TLC is now managing the for authentic and site-specific experiences; land for its conservation values, and is under- if guides don't deliver they may not return. taking practical on-ground work in partnership (GJM). with the community to research and conserve 2014.2580 these values into the future. (Author, GJM). 2014.2582 KENNEDY, Sasa (2013) : The show caves of Southern Spain: a comparative study of the LOBO, H.A.S.; TRAVASSOS, L.E.P. (2013) applications and outcomes of three different : Cave tourism in Brazil: General aspects and approaches to the triple bottom line trends from the beginning of the 21st century Australasian Cave and Karst Management Australasian Cave and Karst Management As- Assoc. Journal, No. 92 (September 2013) : 13- soc. Journal, No. 93 (December 2013) : 7-14. 23. 13 photos, 4 tables, 7 refs. also in Webb, 32 photos, 17 refs. R. & S. (Eds) Cave and Karst Management in Brazil has extensive and significant karst areas Australasia XX. Proc. 20th Australasian Conf. in carbonates and quartzites and more than Cave & Karst Management 2013. Waitomo 10,000 caves formally registered; lists notable Caves, NZ. pp. 39-70 (28 photos). caves (Toca da Boa Vista is longest at 107 km; Examines the management and presentation of Casa de Pedra has a 215 m high entrance). In three show caves: Cueva de Pileta, Gruta de 2008 there were ~175 show caves in Brazil. las Maravillas and Cueva de Nerja; and how Paper presents a brief discussion of tourist use the managements' varying foci on the triple of caves in Brazil considering the environmen- bottom line affect both the caves and the visi- tal, spatial and legal aspects. (GJM). tor experience. Maravillas is a source of local 2014.2583 pride, employment opportunities and a signifi- cant tourist attraction; Pileta is a listed national LUZ, Hans Martin (2013) : Drittes LHK-Se- monument for its superb prehistoric cave art minar für Schauhöhlenführer am 23. Februar but remains a family concern – fortunately the 2013 im Höhlenhaus in Laichingen. family is dedicated to the preservation of the Unterwelten-Info (Stuttgart), No. 29 : 3. In cave; Nerja is also famous for its cultural wor- Germ.; 2 photos. th as a prehistoric site but the profit focus is (THR). detrimental to the natural features of the cave 2014.2584 and impacts on the visitor experience. (Author, GJM). MARTIN, Greg (2011) : Waitomo Glowworm 2014.2581 Caves Visitor Centre – rises from the ashes: The development of cultural elements to en- KINGDOM, Denna (2011) : History and long- hance the visitor experience term conservation management of karst at the Cave and Karst Management in Australasia Vale of Belvoir, North-West Tasmania XIX: Proc. 19th Aust'asian Conf. on Cave & Cave and Karst Management in Australasia Karst Mgt. Ulverstone, Tas. : 170-200. Map, XIX: Proc. 19th Aust'asian Conf. on Cave & 36 photos. Karst Mgt. Ulverstone, Tas. : 242-244. Photo. The facilities buildings at Waitomo Glowworm The Vale of Belvoir supports a unique mosaic Caves were completely razed to the ground of biological and geomorphological values, by fire on 14 Dec. 2005. The loss of the in- layered with a rich historical background. In frastructure coincided with renewal of the addition to its extensive list of threatened flora, Licence to operate the Cave Guiding business

330 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) which was held by one of New Zealand's their fossil faunas by promoting scientific largest tourism companies, Tourism Holdings research and showcasing the results in inter- Limited. The Company remained committed pretive centres and publications. This provides to re-establishing the facilities in a way that visitors with new excitement, education and was befitting the status of Glowworm Caves a deeper understanding of the caves' history.. as a New Zealand tourism icon. Design ideas (Author, GJM). are discussed. Having invested in a major new 2014.2587 visitor centre, THL has recognised the need to enhance and provide for a quality visitor NGO, Edmund (2013) : Proposed geopark experience to meet the expectations of visitors. will affect quarry operations, says trade asso- (Author, GJM). ciation 2014.2585 The Star, 24 June 2013. photos. The setting up of the proposed Kinta Valley MELTON, Scott (2013) : Digital media: a Geopark will affect all the limestone quarry modern conundrum in an ancient landscape iperators in the area, around Ipoh in Perak. Australasian Cave and Karst Management (LP). Assoc. Journal, No. 92 (September 2013) : 2014.2588 33-36. 8 photos. Also in Webb, R. & S. (Eds) Cave and Karst Management in Australasia NSW NATIONAL PARKS AND WILDLIFE XX. Proc. 20th Australasian Conf. Cave & SERVICE (2013) : Karst Management 2013. Waitomo Caves, NZ. Draft Plan of Management: Jenolan Karst p. 218-221. Conservation Reserve : 102 p. 13 maps, 62 Recent years have seen an increase in the use refs. of digital devices to record images. Explores Draft plan deals with location, gazettal and the impact this increase in image generation regional setting, statement of significance, capability has had on the conduct of guided legislative and policy framework, management show cave tours. Also explores ways of mi- purposes and principles, specific management tigating impacts in order to strike a balance directions, geology landscape and hydrology between visitor satisfaction and profitable tour values, native plants and animals, Aboriginal operations – drawn from personal experiences heritage, historic heritage, visitor use, informa- guiding the Lucas Cave tour at Jenolan Caves. tion education and research; pests, fire, climate (Author, GJM). change, management facilities and operations, 2014.2586 non-PWS uses/operations; implementation. Lists developed, semi-developed and adven- MUSSER, Anne M. (2011) : Palaeontology ture caves. Public submissions invited. (GJM). and cave tourism: Opportunities for engage- 2014.2589 ment Cave and Karst Management in Australasia PEARSE, Rod (2011) : The Mole Creek Karst XIX: Proc. 19th Aust'asian Conf. on Cave & Forest Program Karst Mgt. Ulverstone, Tas. : 298. [abstract Cave and Karst Management in Australasia only]. XIX: Proc. 19th Aust'asian Conf. on Cave & Fossil bones are often found in caves, where a Karst Mgt. Ulverstone, Tas. : 297. [abstract constant environment and undisturbed sedi- only]. ments can result in exceptional preservation. Mole Creek Karst Forest Program was funded Most cave fossils are of Pleistocene age since by Commonwealth Govt as a component of bones older than this usually disintegrate. the Tasmanian Forest Conservation Fund. Ob- Extinct animals first known from caves include ject of the program was to provide landowners the massive marsupial Diprotodon, the marsu- in Mole Ck area with native forest overlying pial ‘lion' Thylacoleo, and the northern Cave karst the opportunity to either sell the land Bear. Some tourist caves have capitalized on to the Tas. Govt so it could be added to the

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 331 public reserve system or to be remunerated for and presence of visitors leading to changes placing a conservation covenant on the land. in temp., humidity, CO2. Changes to caves to The Tas. Land Conservancy was contracted aid access can adversely effect internal micro- by Dept of Environment Water Heritage & the climates and change environment affecting Arts to implement the program. A technical decorations, cave art and cave fauna. Cave panel identified and allocated a priority to karst temps are neither static nor constant. Degree areas; a guidance group assisted with imple- of variation depends largely on structure and menting the program. The program added 376 physical characteristics of cave.. (GJM). ha of karst to the reserve system and protected 2014.2592 a further 201 ha with conservation covenants. (Author, GJM). SHABNAM, Hadjikhani; NIK, Hassan Shu- 2014.2590 haimi Nik Abd (2013) : Mulu and Niah as eco-tourism sites PIERCE, Miles; SPATE, Andy (2013) : Scru- Jurnal Arkeologi Malaysia, Vol 26 : 162-173. bby Creek and purchase of the property by the (LP). Rimstone Cooperative Ltd 2014.2593 Australasian Cave and Karst Management Assoc. Journal, No. 91 (June 2013) : 6-7. Map, SMITH, Garry K. (2012) : Eisriesenwelt - Ice 2 photos. Cave Describes the geological context involving the Australasian Cave and Karst Management As- Buchan limestone and the Buchan and Mur- soc. Journal, No. 87 (June 2012) : 16-20. Map, rindal rivers. Scrubby Creek Cave is a peren- 10 photos, 4 refs. nial outflow cave that resurges from a small Located in Tennen Gebirge Mtns near Werfen limestone bluff and enters the lower section of in Salzburg Province, Austria, Eisriesenwelt Scrubby Creek. Due to supersaturation there is the most significant cave in the alps and are extensive tufa terraces in the creek. In 2011 probably the largest ice cave [limestone cave cavers were given the opportunity to purchase containing ice all year round] in the world. the freehold property containing the cave. Describes the trip to the cave, incl. cable car Nicholas White, a director of Rimstone Coope- and the tour through it, lit by carbide lamps rative, spearheaded the plan to acquire the land and magnesium ribbon burnt by the guide. to secure its important karst values. Numerous Suggests burning magnesium is not environ- donations and loans, mainly by cavers, have mentally friendly, carbide lamps pose a danger made purchase of the 42 ha property possible. to visitors and there are problems of icy han- It will be managed as a cave and karst conser- drails unless gloves are worn. Gives historical vancy. (GJM). overview. (GJM). 2014.2591 2014.2594

RUSSELL, Mick J.; MACLEAN, Victoria L. SPATE, Andy (2012) : Yarrangobilly Caves (2008) : Management issues in a Tasmanian House tourist cave: Potential microclimatic impacts Australasian Cave and Karst Management of cave modifications Assoc. Journal, No. 89 (December 2012) : 31. Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 2 photos. 87, No. 3 : 474-483. After being closed for nearly 50 years, the Caves often require physical modification to single story section of Yarrangobilly Caves allow visitor access. May have effects such as House was restored and reopened by the NSW introduction of structures; transport of mud, National Parks and Wildlife Service in 2007. dust, nutrients; installation of lights and ex- The two-story section of Caves House has now halation of water vapour and carbon dioxide. been refurbished and will reopen in 2013. The Indirect effects include alteration of micro- facility will accommodate 42 guests. (GJM). climate through modifications to ventilation 2014.2595

332 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) SPATE, Andy; SPATE, Jess (2013) : Wor- 2 photos. ld-wide show cave visitor numbers over the ISCA draws members from 34 countries on six recent past: A preliminary survey continents. Apart from being concerned about Cave and Karst Management in Australasia conservation of caves, members' efforts at cave XX. Proc. 20th Australasian Conf. Cave & presentation need to be financially viable to Karst Management 2013. Waitomo Caves, NZ be a success. Once a cave is discovered it is : 71-83. Map, 14 graphs, 2 refs. susceptible to damage by vandals and even by Provides a very preliminary investigation of cavers and scientists; its proper development the changes in visitor numbers in show caves and use as a show cave can be highly protec- world-wide over the last decade with some tive. However perhaps the worst thing that can longer datasets available. There were problems happen then is for the show cave operation to in the way in which data was sought and in fail, which could leave the cave open to uncon- the way in which very many generous people trolled abuse. A well-managed show cave is provided data. Thus the data we discuss here the most effective way of educating the pu- is limited geographically and temporarily. It is blic as to the importance of conserving caves. intended to make this a first step in developing (GJM). a far better understanding of show cave visita- 2014.2598 tion world-wide. (Author, GJM). 2014.2596 SUMMERS, David (2013) : The business of operating a show cave STEFÁNSSON, Árni B. (2011) : The Vatn- Australasian Cave and Karst Management As- shellir Project — a First for Iceland soc. Journal, No. 92 (September 2013) : 37-38. Cave and Karst Management in Australasia 2 photos. XIX: Proc. 19th Aust'asian Conf. on Cave & Stresses the need for show cave management Karst Mgt. Ulverstone, Tas. : 298-299. [abs- to pay attention to the visitor, the environment tract only]. and effective economic management. A show Vatnshellir (‘Water Cave') in Snæfellsnes, cave is the business and must be successful Iceland, is a 205 m long lava cave/tube on and must be able to withstand a period of not three levels. The lower part is on two levels being successful. If a show cave operation fails and in a surprisingly good condition. It is the cave may become degraded and even van- accessible through a skylight in the downfall dalised. Inflation can have a serious impact on basin of Vatnshellir. This part of the cave has the economics of show cave operation. Admis- been named Undirheimar (Underworld). The sion prices should not remain unchanged for middle level is 12-20 m under the surface and more than two years. (GJM). about 100 m long. In Dec. 2009 a platform 2014.2599 was built over the entrance funnel leading into Undirheimar. In May 2010 an 8 m high spiral SUTHERLAND, Jackie (2014) : The Worst staircase was put up, leading into the 100 m Show Cave in the World? long middle floor, opened to the public one Grampian Speleological Group Bulletin 5th month later, as ‘the first 20 vertical m of the Series, Vol. 1, no 1 : 15-16. 4 ill. . route to the centre of the earth' (Jules Verne Visit to Grand Canyon Caverns, Arizona placed the start of the journey in this vicinity described and critiqued, with observations on in his 1864 novel, Journey to the Centre of the presentation and appeal. (Author, GM). Earth). (Author, GJM). 2014.2600 2014.2597 URBIS PTY LTD (2010) : SUMMERS, David (2012) : A very important Jenolan Karst Conservation Reserve: Draft word Conservation Management Plan: Vol. 1 Report Australasian Cave and Karst Management As- : 140 p. 26 maps, 42 figs, 28 tbls, 6 appen- soc. Journal, No. 89 (December 2012) : 32-33. dices, 64 refs.

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 333 The Jenolan Karst Conservation Reserve is The other driver of scientific work is the located in local government area of Oberon in preparation of development applications for the Blue Mountains, NSW. It has an area of works at Jenolan. An example is geotechnical 2422 ha, which includes a complex system of studies carried out in 1991 by Coffey Partners limestone caves, natural landscape and various International Pty Ltd as part of a development elements of built heritage. The Reserve is proposal. What is revealed in the various plans significant as the first public reserve set aside of management, consultants' reports and the in NSW for the protection of a natural re- like is that scientific knowledge of Jenolan is source (the caves). Using absolute techniques still very limited. (GJM). of measurement, Jenolan has been found to 2014.2604 be the oldest cave system in the world, and it is the most visited cave system in Australia. WESTLUND, Anders (2005) : Geoturisme The Reserve is part of the National and World Nordland Heritage Listing for the Greater Blue Moun- Norsk Grotteblad, no 45 (Desember 2005) : tains. This CMP has two volumes: Vol. 2 is the 44-46. Photos. heritage Inventory Forms. (GJM). The county of Nordland wishes to start a 2014.2601 project based on geological phenomena and environment seen in relation to culture and/or URBIS PTY LTD (2010) : the travel industry. A pilot report has been re- Jenolan Karst Conservation Reserve: Draft leased. The present article contains the chapter Conservation Management Plan: Vol. 2 Inven- on caves and caving in the pilot report, as well tory Forms : 970 p. Many maps, figs, photos. as the comments on this chapter submitted by Historic Heritage Inventory Forms for Jenolan the Norwegian Speleological Society (NGF). Karst Conservation Reserve, detailing every The pilot report suggests the possibility of building and structure on the reserve, including making caving a main tourist attraction - not its uses and significance. (GJM). something to be only part of a more general 2014.2602 tourism product. NGF, however, expresses doubts as to the economic viability of projects WEBER, Benjamin (2014) : Bruits de fond - with caving as the only attraction. (TF). Le sentier karstique d'Aspet (Haute-Garonne) 2014.2605 Spelunca, n° 134, juin 2014 : 59. 3 photos. Présentation de cette réalisation du Comité WESTLUND, Anders (2005) : Guiding av régional de spéléologie Midi-Pyrénées et du nybegynnere CDS 31 dans le cadre de l'opération Réseau Norsk Grotteblad, no 45 (Desember 2005) : Midi-Pyrénéen de sentiers karstiques. (CB). 28-30. Photos. 2014.2603 In any caving expedition two considerations are uppermost: Personal safety and respect for WELCH, Bruce (2013) : Conservation Issues the cave. But as a guide for beginners it is your and Science at Jenolan duty to give them a fine ramble and an exqui- The science of Jenolan Caves: What do we site experience. Those setting out on their first know? Abstracts of presented papers : 15 p. cave trip may have different motivations. As a http://linneansocietynsw.org.au/symposia/Je- guide you should have some idea of what each nolan%20Caves/Jenolan.html participant expects. When planning, account Conservation issues at Jenolan have driven should of course also be taken of age, physi- scientific work in two ways. Firstly challen- cal form, outdoor experience and personality. ging poor management and inappropriate de- Caves are vulnerable, and a bunch of eager velopment led to preparation of the 1988 Plan beginners may not be as aware of the necessity of Management. This included some scientific of considerate traffic as an experienced guide. research during the preparation of the PoM and (TF). setting up of a Scientific Advisory Committee. 2014.2606

334 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) WESTLUND, Anders (2010) : Europeisk Rimstone Cooperative Ltd is a Community charter for grottebeskyttelse Advancement Society and cannot make or Norsk Grotteblad, no 55 (Desember 2010) : distribute profits to its members. (GJM). 27. 2014.2609 The general assembly of the European Spe- leological Federation has agreed to the charter WHITE, Nicholas (2014) : Conversation on “10 principles for cave and karst protection conservation: Messy politics in Europe” elaborated by The European Cave Caves Australia, No. 199 (Dec. 2014) : 22-23. Protection Commission. The charter has been Laments the attitudes of the Australian fede- translated into Norwegian. (Author, TF). ral government to conservation: it wants to 2014.2607 hand environmental controls back to the states whose track records are variable. The Environ- WHITE, Nicholas (2012) : Scrubby Creek mental Protection and Biodiversity Act 1999 Cave property and purchased by Rimstone is a very valuable piece of federal legislation Cooperative though unfortunately only relating to biologi- Australasian Cave and Karst Management cal conservation. An attempt to give powers Assoc. Journal, No. 86 (March 2012) : 38-39. under this Act back to the states was defeated Map, 3 photos, ref. by the Senate in Oct. 2014. Cavers need to Gives examples of private cave conservation decide what is nationally important in relation by acquisition in USA. Describes Scrubby to karst and to have such sites federally reco- Creek Cave at Buchan, Victoria, and traces gnised. There is a karst area in Qld on Cape history of exploration from 1960. The sur- York Peninsula where cave bats are threatened rounding 105 ac property is now for sale and by proposed limestone mine but the federal go- is proposed to be purchased by Rimstone vernment will not act. Cavers need to be alert Cooperative Ltd, supported by the ASF Karst to threats to karst. (GJM). Conservation Fund. Individuals have given 2014.2610 personal loans but donations are needed to finalise the purchase. (GJM). WHITE, Susan (2013) : Cave science: sam- 2014.2608 pling for science in caves Cave and Karst Management in Australasia WHITE, Nicholas; CARR, Daryl (2013) : XX. Proc. 20th Australasian Conf. Cave & Scrubby Creek Cave Acquisition, Murrindal, Karst Management 2013. Waitomo Caves, NZ Victoria : 226. [abstract only]. Cave and Karst Management in Australasia Calcite speleothems have become a signifi- XX. Proc. 20th Australasian Conf. Cave & cant component of research into past environ- Karst Management 2013. Waitomo Caves, NZ ments, especially climate research. A particular : 209-217. 7 figs, 4 refs. strength of speleothems is their unique ability Scrubby Creek Cave was not entered until to be accurately dated over a long period by 1961 by bypassing the resurgence. The cave either U/Th or U/Pb dating techniques. Stalag- continues along the stream for more than a mites are also useful as they contain a range kilometre and has excited cavers for the last 50 of climatic and environmental proxies such as years. There are a number of related caves on oxygen and carbon isotopes, trace cations and Scrubby Creek Property and the neighbouring organic compounds. How can such scientific properties. The caving community has worked sampling be managed and what restraints need with the owners to control access because of to be placed? Do we want or need the science? the caving difficulties and in doing so deve- Speleologists and cave managers cannot ignore loped a very strong conservation ethic for what the pressures for samples and need to unders- is a very beautiful and complex cave. Cavers tand the valid requirements of the science learned that the property was for sale in 2011 whilst balancing the need for good cave mana- and quick action was needed to acquire it. gement… (GJM). 2014.2611 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 335 WINKELHÖFER, Roland H. (2013) : 85 6.6 Research management Jahre Drachenhöhle Syrau (EG-09) - ihre Recherche fortschrittliche Entwicklung als Schauhöhle und das Befassen mit historischem Material. Höhlenforscher, der Zeitschrift für Freunde der FABBRICATORE, Alessio (2012) : Inter- Speläologie (Dresden), Vol. 45, No. 2 : 36-51. national Congress on Scientific Research in In Germ.; 1 fig. Show Caves (THR). Australasian Cave and Karst Management As- 2014.2612 soc. Journal, No. 89 (December 2012) : 35-38. 6 photos. WOOD, Anne; WOOD, Peter (2011) : Mana- The 1st Int. Congress on Scientific Research in ging access to caves in the digital age Show Caves was a cooperative effort of Grotta Cave and Karst Management in Australasia Gigante and Univ. of Trieste, Italy, and Park XIX: Proc. 19th Aust'asian Conf. on Cave & Škocjanske jame and Karst Research Institute, Karst Mgt. Ulverstone, Tas. : 278-285. 2 pho- Slovenia. Participants visited Grotta Gigante, tos, fig, 4 refs. Škocjanske jame and Postojnska jama. Papers After an explosion of caving in SW of WA presented are summarised. A new English/Ger- in the 1960s-1980s controls have been put man version of the Grotte Gigante guidebook in place. WA speleological groups initiated a was given to participants. (GJM). Caves Access Committee to manage access to 2014.2615 more vulnerable sites. This entailed restriction of group size and trip frequency as well as GRILLO, Barbara; TONIELLO, Vladimiro; gating select sites. Later government initia- FAVERO, Paola; FABBRI, Andrea (2014) : tives included a Caves Management Advisory Riserva naturale ipogea Bus de la Genziana : Committee, a Cave and Abseil Permit System, 39 p. Foto. removal of restricted access caves from maps Libretto che illustra le attività scientifiche in and introduction of a Cave Leader Course. corso nella grotta situata sull'Altopiano del These initiatives have seen reductions in cave Cansiglio (TV), e divenuta dimora di un labo- rescues, in non-show cave visits and in visitor ratorio ipogeo sperimentale. Biologia sotter- impacts. Developments in recent years have ranea, idrogeologia, ricerca sulla dissoluzione potential to reverse much of the progress... dei calcari. (MS). (Author, GJM). 2014.2616 2014.2613 SISKA (2013) : ISSKA : rapport annuel = WOOLS-COBB, David (2012) : Nice Cave SISKA : Jahresbericht (WJ135) Wee Jasper, NSW: management Jahresbericht 2013 : 13 p. report Zusammenfassung mit der grossen und Australasian Cave and Karst Management kleinen wissenschafliche Projecte (e.g. Pro- Assoc. Journal, No. 87 (June 2012) : 12-15. 8 ject Swisskarst, KarstALEA), erstellung der photos. “Karst-indikatoren Karte” für Kartsschutz, Detailed comments on the management of Höhlenreinigungen und Paläontologie-Osteo- this private cave; suggests replacement and logie (Knochen in Bonabé Höhle, Grotte aux additions to string-lining of route, or reflective Fées in Vallorbe), Exkursionen und SPE- disks, and some no-go areas, together with LAION Ausstellung. (AH). other techniques to restrict tracking of mud. 2014.2617 Bat-friendly gate recommended for entrance; replacement of inner gate. Trips will only be SISKA (2014) : ISSKA : rapport annuel = allowed under approved leaders in future. SISKA : Jahresbericht (GJM). Jahresbericht 2014 : 13 p. 2014.2614 Zusammenfassung mit der grossen und

336 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) kleinen wissenschafliche Projecte (e.g. Project BRANDHUBER, Peter (2014) : Felsbil- Swisskarst, organische Verschmutzung), die darchäologie in Gondershausen Schweizerische Biodiversitätsstrategie und der Terra-Report. Informationen der Themen- Lebensraum Höhle, Reinigung von Karstob- gruppe Erd- und Frühgeschichte, Nr. 7, jecten (Freibergen), Bären un Lynxknochen- Dezember 2014 : 13-14. 7 Abb. funde Höhle von Chefano, Exkursionen Le Vorstellung einer neuentdeckten Felszeichnung Locle. (AH). im Hunsrück (Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland) 2014.2618 und den dazu erschienenen personalisierten Briefmarken (GST). TREBLE, Pauline; BAKER, Andrew; MAR- 2014.2621 KOWSKA, Monika; JEX, Cath; DREDGE, Jon; HOBLEY, Nellie; ROACH, Regina; BRANDHUBER, Peter (2014) : Neues aus HELLSTORM, John; WOODHEAD, Jon; aller Welt - HÖHLENMALEREI FAIRCHILD, Ian J. (2012) : Summary of Terra-Report. Informationen der Themen- scientific research projects at Yarrangobilly gruppe Erd- und Frühgeschichte, Nr. 6, Juni Caves, New South Wales 2014 : 16-21. 23 Abb. Australasian Cave and Karst Management Vorstellung neuer Briefmarken mit Abbildun- Assoc. Journal, No. 86 (March 2012) : 19-21. gen von Höhlenmalereien (GST). 4 photos, fig. 2014.2622 Yarrangobilly is a key site for understan- ding paleoenvironmental signals preserved BRANDHUBER, Peter (2014) : Neues aus in speleothems as well as a site for testing aller Welt - HÖHLENMALEREI new methods such as biomarkers and aerosol Terra-Report. Informationen der Themen- transport. As well as filling knowledge gaps in gruppe Erd- und Frühgeschichte, Nr. 7, interpreting past environmental change from Dezember 2014 : 11-12. 12 Abb. the speleothem scientific record, it will provide Vorstellung neuer Briefmarken mit Abbildun- new information such as improved understan- gen von Höhlenmalereien (GST). ding of hydrogeological characteristics of karst 2014.2623 systems, aerosol transport and soil carbon cycling in cool climate regions. Ultimately, BUNNELL, Dave (2014) : The Art of Vintage the speleothem scientific record will be used Postcards to create a history of climate change, soil and NSS News, Vol. 72, no 5 (May 2014) : 17, 20- vegetation changes and forest fire events for 21. 1 back-cover photo, 16 photos. the region extending tens or possibly hundreds The author presents some of his postcards of thousands of years (GJM). from the early 1900s to late 1940s, from his 2014.2619 collection of vintage color postcards of sea caves and sea arches. (YD). 6.7 Varia 2014.2624

DEJARDIN, Robert (2014) : BRANDHUBER, Peter (2014) : Die Shani- Collections, n° 74 : 40 p. ill. coul. dar-Höhle - Neandertaler im Norden Kurdis- Evocations stéréoscopiques (p. 3-4). Livres tans anciens (5-12). BD anciennes (p.13-16). Terra-Report. Informationen der Themen- Télécartes : Chine, (p.17-48). Philatélie : gruppe Erd- und Frühgeschichte, Nr. 7, Allemagne, France, Italie, , Libéria.. Dezember 2014 : 15-17. 14 Abb. (p. 19-22). Ethylabellophilie, numismatique Die Shanidar-Höhle im Irak und der Neander- (p. 23-28). Divers: calendriers, badges auto- taler auf Briefmarken (GST). collants, CD, marque-page, pin's, philuménie, 2014.2620 ticket de visite, cervalobélophilie, badges brodés, chromos Liebig. (NG). 2014.2625 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 337 DEJARDIN, Robert (2014) : DROUIN, Philippe (2014) : Les grottes en Collections, n° 75 : 40 p. ill. coul. images : les carnets de cartes postales Les grottes de Rochefort : cartes postales an- Le Balmolan. Bulletin municipal de La- ciennes (p. 2-8). Historique d'un logo SCAM- Balme-les-Grottes, 2014 : p. 42-43. 8 photos. GERSM par Jean-Marie Goutourbe (p.9-1). De nombreux carnets de cartes postales ont Regards, une revue qui a de l'âge par Jean-Ma- été consacrés aux Grottes de la Balme (Isère), rie Goutourbe (p.10). Les grottes de Rochefort caractéristiques matérielles de 8 d'entres eux, dans la littérature ancienne (p. 11-14). BD édités de 1910 à 1965. (PD). anciennes et neuves (p. 15-18). Télécartes : 2014.2629 Fidji, Israël, Koweit, Espagne, Russie (p.19- 20). Philatélie : Allemagne, Bolivie, Iles Sa- ELLIS, Ross (2013) : Picture postcards re- lomon, Angleterre, Canada, Suisse, Espagne.. ceived (p. 21-24). Ethylabellophilie, numismatique Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, (p. 25-29). Divers: badges autocollants, pin's, Vol. 57, No. 7 : 208. 4 photos. marque-page, ticket de visite, jeu de carte, Cards feature Postojnska Jama (10 fold out badges brodés, chromos Liebig. (NG). photos); The Green Bridge, Pembrokeshire, 2014.2626 UK; Sea Arch, in County Donegal, Ireland; Grotte de Han, Belgium; Rainbow Crater vol- DEJARDIN, Robert (2014) : canic cave, NE of Taupo, NZ; Margaret River Collections, n° 76 : 40 p. ill. coul. caves, Western Australia; Mole Creek caves; Lurloch et sauvetage: cartes postales anciennes La Porte de Mycenes and La Grotte de Trabuc, (p. 2-6). Lurloch et ses quelques particularités France. (GJM). (numismatique, philatélie, érinnophilie (p.7-8). 2014.2630 Cartes postales de la Meuse (55) par Jean-Ma- rie Goutourbe (p.9). Les grottes de Rochefort ELLIS, Ross; MIDDLETON, Greg (2013) : dans la littérature ancienne (p. 10). Une opé- Unique postcards - make us Appy ration de secours dans une grotte marine par Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, Philippe Drouin (p. 11-13). Les emmurés du Vol. 57, No. 11 : 326-327. 5 photos. Nou Maulin (p. 14). BD anciennes (p. 15-16). Reports receipt of 3 postcards from Greece, BD Neuves (p. 17-18). Télécartes : Espagne, Turkey and , sent by the second author Canada, Thaïlande, Chine, Japon (p.19-20). from his own photos using an “App” provided Philatélie :Autriche, Barbade, Canada.. (p. 21- free by Australia Post. Gives details about 24). Numismatique (p. 25-28). Divers: badges obtaining and using the App for an iPhone. autocollants, pin's, marque-page, ticket de (GJM). visite, sous-bock, figurines célèbres, chromos 2014.2631 Liebig. (NG). 2014.2627 FRIEDRICH, Wolf-Peter; STEPHANEK, Jana (2014) : Charles Darwin und die Fledermäuse DROUIN, Philippe (2013) : Les grottes en Junge Sammler. Zeitschrift für junge Briefmar- images : de la photographie aux cartes postales kenfreunde, 3/2014 : 16-19. 9 Abb. Le Balmolan. Bulletin municipal de La- Briefmarken zu Charles Darwin die auch Fled- Balme-les-Grottes, 2013 : p. 38-39. 4 photos. dermausmotive zeigen (GST). Présentation de 4 photographies anciennes 2014.2632 prises devant le porche de la grotte de la Balme (Isère). 3 portraits de groupes, le plus FRIEDRICH, Wolf-Peter; STEPHANEK, Jana ancien datant de 1896 et 1 vue stéréoscopique (2014) : Kinderbuchmarken aus unseren Alben réalisée entre 1864 et 1870 sur papier albumi- Junge Sammler. Zeitschrift für junge Briefmar- né. (PD). kenfreunde, 2/2014 : 34-37. 12 Abb. 2014.2628 Briefmarken mit Motiven aus Kinderbüchern, die auch Fledermäuse abbilden (GST). 2014.2633 338 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) FRIEDRICH, Wolf-Peter (2014) : Neues aus the various scenes and styles of china known. aller Welt - FLEDERTIERE The scenes are based on postcards. 13 different Terra-Report. Informationen der Themen- types of souvenirs were made, in 70 different gruppe Erd- und Frühgeschichte, Nr. 6, Juni shapes. There is also a scene in Buchan Caves. 2014 : 78-83. 10 Abb. (GJM). Vorstellung neuer Briefmarken mit Abbildun- 2014.2639 gen von Fledermäusen (GST). 2014.2634 MILLS, Martin (2014) : Scottish Cave Ephe- mera (4) FRIEDRICH, Wolf-Peter (2014) : Neues aus Grampian Speleological Group Bulletin 5th aller Welt - FLEDERTIERE Series, Vol. 1, no 2 : 18-20. 4 ill. Terra-Report. Informationen der Themen- A survey of three CDs containing music gruppe Erd- und Frühgeschichte, Nr. 7, connected with caves, and discussion of Dezember 2014 : 26-34. 20 Abb. playing a carnyx (Celtic horn) in Smoo Cave. Vorstellung neuer Briefmarken mit Abbildun- (Author, GM). gen von Fledertieren (GST). 2014.2640 2014.2635 RADACICH, Maurizio (2007) : Le cartoline a GREENWALD, Bill (2014) : Postal Speleoart soggetto speleologico at Convention 2014 Atti del 26° Triangolo dell'Amicizia, Villaggio NSS News, Vol. 72, no 5 (May 2014) : 14. 3 del Pescatore 9-10-11 giugno 2006 : 42-49. photos. Ill., fig. Rules and information about submitting Postal Proposta di suddivisione in periodi nella cata- Speleoart by mail for the Fine Arts Salon at the logazione delle cartoline. (PG). National Speleological Society's 2014 Conven- 2014.2641 tion (USA). (YD). 2014.2636 RADACICH, Maurizio (2013) : Le cartoline a soggetto speleologico. Jama / Antro di Bagnoli HOWES, Chris (2014) : The Birthday Party Tuttocat, Numero Unico, dicembre 2012 : 37- Descent, No 236 (Feb/Mar 2014) : 18. 39. 6 foto. Identifying people from South Wales in old Descrizione di alcune cartoline raffiguranti la photo circa 1954 (GM). grotta. (PG). 2014.2637 2014.2642

KÖCHER, Walter (2014) : Das Archiv der RADACICH, Maurizio (2014) : Le cartoline Päpste. Bannbullen, Wunder, Hexenprozesse a soggetto speleologico. La Grotta murata di DBZ. Deutsche Briefmarken-Zeitung, Nr. 13, Crni Kal 13. Juni 2014 : 14-18. 20 Abb. Tuttocat, Numero unico 2013 (2014) : 42-44. Mit einem Abschnitt über die Marienerschei- 8 ill. nung in der Grotte von Lourdes und der Abbil- Storia della cavità e presentazione di una dung von Briefmarken der Grotte (GST). cartolina viaggiata illustrante il castello e la 2014.2638 grotta. (PG). 2014.2643 MCDONNELL, Geoffrey; COOK, David (2013) : Jenolan Caves Shelley Bone China SOULE, Gary (2014) : Cloth Patches Part 29: Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, Cave Associations, Conservancies, and Sur- Vol. 57, No. 11 : 311-317. 27 photos, 3 refs. veys Provides some background history of Jenolan NSS News, Vol. 72, no 3 (March 2014) : 15. Caves. Shelley china depicting scenes from 16 photos. the caves first produced after 1918; describes Photos of cloth patches from the author's ar-

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 339 chival collection. (YD). 2014.2644

STEIN, Gerhard (2014) : Neues aus aller Welt - SPELÄOLOGIE Terra-Report. Informationen der Themen- gruppe Erd- und Frühgeschichte, Nr. 6, Juni 2014 : 69-77. 33 Abb. Vorstellung neuer Briefmarken mit Abbildun- gen von Höhlen (GST). 2014.2645

STEIN, Gerhard (2014) : Neues aus aller Welt - SPELÄOLOGIE Terra-Report. Informationen der Themen- gruppe Erd- und Frühgeschichte, Nr. 7, Dezember 2014 : 18-25. 43 Abb. Vorstellung neuer Briefmarken mit Abbildun- gen von Höhlen (GST). 2014.2646

340 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 7.1 Exploration techniques and materials (December 2014) : 10 - 12. Technique et matériel d'exploration Using an Avnet Wi-Go wireless data acqui- sition system, Andy Lillington conducted further detection trials in Iceland. An Android BATEMAN, Conrad (2014) : El Speleo Ni- smartphone was used to record data. Despite chia 1000 a well-developed methodology, results were Descent, No 241 (Dec/Jan 2014/15) : 22. mixed and further investigation and develop- Gear review of new Croatian-built LED caving ment may be necessary. (JVD). light (GM). 2014.2650 2014.2647 BEDFORD, Mike (2014) : Power Supplies for BÄTZ, Bele (2014) : Bloß keine Wolle! - ‘Off-Grid' Operation Kleidung unter Tage Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 88 Mitteilungen der Höhlenforschergruppe Karls- (December 2014) : 15 - 18. ruhe, Heft 24: 50 Jahre Höhlenforschergruppe Mike Bedford reviews several power sources Karlsruhe : 61-68. 17 Abb. that are able to provide power for caving Entwicklung der Höhlenausrüstung seit der lamps, smartphones, tablets, laptops, cave Gründung der Höhlenforschergruppe Karlsru- radios, and other electronic equipment when he vor 50 Jahren (GST). there is no access to mains power. (JVD). 2014.2648 2014.2651

BEDFORD, Mike; RABSON, John (2014) : BEDFORD, Mike (2014) : State-of-the-Art Introducing NMR Geophysics Overview of Caving Lamps - Part 2 Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 87 Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 85 (September 2014) : 20 - 22. (March 2014) : 13 - 15. Mike Bedford and John Rabson describe the Mike Bedford concludes his round-up of principles behind a geophysical technique that today's caving and mining lamps and summa- involves nuclear magnetic resonance. The rises his findings with a tabular comparison of method has potential for finding water-filled the lamps included in both parts of this article. caves, as an exercise in southern France confir- (JVD). med. (JVD). 2014.2652 2014.2649 BEDFORD, Mike (2014) : The Strange Tale BEDFORD, Mike (2014) : Lava Tube Detec- of James Rogers' Underground Antenna tion Using a Wireless Magnetometer Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 86 Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 88 (June 2014) : 12 - 13.

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 341 In the early days of the radio age, one pioneer gency Lamp, LORAN to Return to the USA?, claimed that burying the antenna in the ground New Inertial Navigation Development, - could improve performance compared to hois- teur VLF Spans Atlantic, Introducing Smart- ting it in the air. Mike Bedford investigates. Mic, Low-cost Laser Scanners Make their (JVD). Appearance. (JVD). 2014.2653 2014.2657

BEDFORD, Mike (2014) : Upgrading Caving BEDFORD, Mike (2014) : We Hear Lamps the Easy Way Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 88 Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 87 (December 2014) : 9. (September 2014) : 16 - 18. News and events - Mike Bedford brings us Several products on the market make it pos- the latest to impact the world of cave radio sible for you to upgrade your old caving lamp and electronics, including Mesh Network for without having to design the electronics or Search and Rescue, The Electric Caving Suit, engineer a cave-proof housing yourself. Mike Charging Gets Faster, Desktop Carving Ma- Bedford provides a roundup of LED modules chine. (JVD). that can replace filament bulbs and lithium-ion 2014.2658 battery packs to substitute for lead-acid batte- ries. (JVD). CAILLAULT, Serge (2014) : Edito. 2014.2654 Spéléo Magazine, n° 87 (Septembre 2014) : 3. Suite à l'été pluvieux, la météo un peu dé- BEDFORD, Mike (2014) : VLF and Down: bordée et les cavités en crue, l'éditorialiste the Bottom End of Radio Spectrum suggère de commencer l'explo à 4 h. du matin Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 85 comme les alpinistes pour éviter les orages de (March 2014) : 3-4. fin d'après-midi. (Fx). In this issue we have several articles concer- 2014.2659 ning radio operating in the VLF portion of the spectrum and below. Here Mike Bedford CAZES, Gérard; FULCRAND, Serge (2014) : introduces this topic and provides some back- L'Artivire: un dispositif pour adapter un site de ground material. (JVD). pratique artificiel 2014.2655 Spelunca, n° 134, juin 2014 : 45-46. 5 photos. Pour permettre l'apprentissage des techniques BEDFORD, Mike (2014) : We Hear de corde en milieu urbain ou péri-urbain, la Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 85 Direction Technique Nationale (DTN) a imagi- (March 2014) : 16. né et réalisé l'Artivire, une structure artificielle News and events - Mike Bedford brings us mobile installable en gymnase ou sur des murs the latest to impact the world of cave radio d'escalade. Un nouvel outil au service des and electronics, including African Show Cave clubs et des enseignants de la spéléologie et du Comms, LORAN Returns in USA?, Fabric canyon. (CB). Batteries, Spider Fuel Cell, Biomimetic Un- 2014.2660 dersea Robot (JVD). CHAD, Chris (2010) : Gear Review – Alumi- 2014.2656 nium Half Round Maillon Speleo Spiel, No. 380 (Sep-Oct. 2010) : 18. BEDFORD, Mike (2014) : We Hear Photo. Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 87 On some SRT kits aluminium half round (September 2014) : 6, 18. maillons are used for the central attachment News and events - Mike Bedford brings us point. Grit found its way into the thread on one the latest to impact the world of cave radio and caused deformation, causing it to seize and electronics, including The Ultimate Emer- up. These are not recommended for cave use,

342 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) despite the saving. (GJM). Stop as a descender for use in caves. 2014.2661 (GJM). 2014.2667 CHAPMAN, Andy (2014) : Bon Gamese Socks CURTIS, Chris (2013) : Techniques, training Descent, No 238 (June/July 2014) : 41. and gear reviews: Rappel racks Gear review of caving socks made by Meander Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, (GM). Vol. 57, No. 6 : 175. 5 photos. 2014.2662 Racks are commonly-used descending devices. Discusses advantages and disadvantages. CURTIS, Chris (2013) : Techniques, training (GJM). & gear reviews: belay devices 2014.2668 Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, Vol. 57, No. 7 : 2076. 4 photos. CURTIS, Chris (2013) : Techniques, training Describes use of the ATC (air traffic controller) and reviews [ropes] for belaying; advantages and disadvantages. Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, (GJM). Vol. 57, No. 1 : 24. 3 photos. 2014.2663 Describes the structure and properties of kernmantle rope of various sizes; knots and CURTIS, Chris (2013) : Techniques, training moisture reduce the strengths of ropes. Ropes & gear reviews: GriGri2 belay device should be dried, stored out of sunlight and Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, replaced after ~10 yrs. (GJM). Vol. 57, No. 8 : 237. 4 photos. 2014.2669 Discusses the GriGri2 by Petzl; advantages and disadvantages. (GJM). DE BIE, Paul (2014) : De kleinste speleover- 2014.2664 lichting: stoots Evomax Spelerpes, n° 2 : 44-46. In Dutch, photos. CURTIS, Chris (2013) : Techniques, training Article sur un nouvel éclairage, le plus petit & reviews: NSW Cave Rescue Squad gear éclairage spéléo “Stoots Evomax”. Conception Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, de la lampe, utilisation, avantage, expérience. Vol. 57, No. 3 : 82. 12 photos. (NG). Lists gear contained in rescue packs, of which 2014.2670 10; describes various stretchers available and further equipment. (GJM). DENNISON, Mike (2014) : Experimenting 2014.2665 with VLF - Some Practical Guidance Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 85 CURTIS, Chris (2013) : Techniques, training (March 2014) : 5 - 6. & reviews: Rope coiling and packing Radio amateurs in several countries are now Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, permitted to work at VLF with potential spin- Vol. 57, No. 2 : 56. 16 photos. offs for cave radio. Mike Dennison provides Notes on how to pack ropes in packs, how some guidance for those wanting to experi- to daisy chain ropes and how to coil them. ment in this part of the radio spectrum. (JVD). (GJM). 2014.2671 2014.2666 DIQUAL, Augusto (2014) : Un insolito meto- CURTIS, Chris (2013) : Techniques, training do d'indagine speleologica and gear reviews: Petzl Stop Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 66- Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, 70. 3 grafici. Vol. 57, No. 5 : 144. 4 photos. L'utilizzo del sistema “Aria forzata” (un Discusses advantages and disadvantages of ventilatore posto all'ingresso di una grotta,

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 343 opportunamente sigillato) permette di scoprire Double figure of eight (on the bight), the eventuali prosecuzioni. (PG). Alpine butterfly, the Italian hitch/munter hitch/ 2014.2672 HMS, and the Prusik. The article describes three ways of descending pitches in caves: DIXON, Kevin (2014) : DistoX2 With a ladder, with ladder and rappelling Descent, No 236 (Feb/Mar 2014) : 26. equipment, and with single rope technique. Gear review and coverage of new releases of Eventually, the whistle signals are explained. cave surveying instruments (GM). (Author, TF). 2014.2673 2014.2677

DOUGHERTY, Mark; HEMGREN DOU- FRANCE, Stuart (2014) : Caver Counting - GHERTY, Sofi (2014) : Physical training for Why and How caving Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 86 Grottan, Vol. 49, no 2 (June 2014) : 34-40. In (June 2014) : 7 - 11. English; photos. Stuart France presents reasons for monitoring A training program to improve the fitness, caver activity and explains how to construct strength and agility needed for caving trips is and deploy caver counter equipment. (JVD). presented. The progam includes basic exer- 2014.2678 cises using only body weight, and more ad- vanced exercises using kettle bells. (JL). GIBSON, David (2014) : Correspondence: 2014.2674 Using dispersion to measure electrical ground conductivity ECOLE FRANÇAISE DE SPELEOLOGIE; Cave and Karst Science, Vol. 41, no 3 (De- CAZES, Gérard; CAZOT, Emmanuel; CLE- cember 2014) : 138-139. MENT, Nicolas; FULCRAND, Serge; LI- (GM). MAGNE, Rémy (2013) : 2014.2679 Manuel technique de spéléologie. ISBN 978-2- 900894-25-5 : 256 p. GIBSON, David (2014) : How Earth-Current 2e édition mise à jour du manuel de l'EFS. Une Antennas Really Work édition anglaise est parue la même année sous Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 88 le titre : Caving technical guide (ISBN 978-2- (December 2014) : 13 - 14. 900894-26-2) (MM). With cave radio equipment, there has been 2014.2675 a trend away from the use of induction loop antennas to the use of so-called earth-current FANUEL, Gérald (2014) : La grande tyro- antennas, i.e. long wires grounded at both lienne de Millau ends. Both the HeyPhone and Nicola system Bul. Soc. Spéléo Namur, 2014 : 25-27. Photos. use this type of antenna. However, the popular Article technique d'une tyrolienne de 2205 explanation for how this antenna works is fal- mètres de longueur réalisée dans le cadre du lacious. The fact that the popular explanation congrès des 50 ans de la Fédération Française is wrong is important because, if we do not de Spéléologie. (NG). understand how the antenna works, it is dif- 2014.2676 ficult to know the best way to use it, nor how to design a better one. David Gibson outlines FINNESAND, Torstein (2008) : Om knuter, a more useful model - that of the Grounded stup og lydsignaler Horizontal Electric Dipole (Also see CREG Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 62-65. forum). (JVD). Photos, table. 2014.2680 The article describes the knots, which normal- ly are used in caving, namely the Figure of GIBSON, David (2014) : Using Dispersion to eight, the Tape/Water knot, the Rabbit knot/ Measure Ground Conductivity

344 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 85 HOWES, Chris (2014) : MacWet Gloves (March 2014) : 7 - 8, 19. Descent, No 240 (Oct/Nov 2014) : 23. Several methods of remotely measuring Gear review of micromesh gloves (GM). ground conductivity are known, which depend 2014.2685 on measuring the amplitude and phase of a received signal, relative to its transmitter. All HUNTER, Chris (2014) : A Data Logging of these methods require the separate transmis- Draught Detector sion of a phase reference signal, with attendant Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 88 difficulties. David Gibson proposes that by (December 2014) : 19 - 21. transmitting a suitably constructed signal, a The presence of a caver is liable to affect phase measurement may be made without the measurements made with sensitive draught need for a separate reference. This is achieved detectors. Chris Hunter has coupled a ther- by making use of the phenomenon of disper- mistor-based detector to a data logger to allow sion, in which the phase velocity of a wave monitoring in the absence of a caver. Lon- depends on its frequency. A related technique ger-term monitoring is able to capture draughts that makes relative measurements of signal that are dependent on changing environmental amplitude is also described. (JVD). conditions. (JVD). 2014.2681 2014.2686

GLANVILL, Peter (2014) : The Earthworm HUNTER, Chris (2014) : Low-Power, Low- Descent, No 237 (April/May 2014) : 32. Cost Data Logger and Rain Gague Gear review of new LED caving light (GM). Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 87 2014.2682 (September 2014) : 3 - 5. Having experienced rapidly increasing wa- HEEB, Beat (2014) : The Next Generation of ter flow in conditions of only light rain, the DistoX Cave Surveying Instrument Chris Hunter decided to develop an ATme- Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 88 ga328-based data logger and rain gauge to (December 2014) : 5 - 8. enable more detailed study. (JVD). The DistoX2 is a new version of the popular 2014.2687 DistoX cave surveying device. Like the origi- nal, it includes a laser distance meter, a 3-axis HUNTER, Chris (2014) : Ultrasonic Distance electronic compass/clinometer, and a wireless Measurement Investigations Bluetooth connection. As before, its construc- Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 85 tion is based on a commercially available (March 2014) : 21 - 24. laser distance meter. However, the integration Chris Hunter describes the development of of the extension board is quite different. As cost-effective distance measuring equipment in Beat Heeb describes, the new board replaces which the ultrasonic transmitter and receiver part of the Disto hardware and allows use of a are separated and linked by radio. (JVD). rechargeable LiPo battery to improve compass 2014.2688 precision. (JVD). 2014.2683 KLAPPACHER, Walter (2014) : Die Nach- kriegszeit als Geburtsstunde der modernen HEY, John; PEASE, Brian (2014) : Letters Höhlenforschung und ihrer technischen Hilfs- and Notes mittel am Beispiel Salzburgs Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 85 Atlantis Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für (March 2014) : 19. Höhlenkunde in Salzburg, Jg. 36, Heft 1-4 : Bat Detector Loudspeaker, Radiolocation Kits. 22-27. (JVD). Materialentwicklung in der Höhlenforschung 2014.2684 nach 1945. (PF). 2014.2689

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 345 LE BLANC, Luc (2014) : Letters Further unusual links from Peter Ludwig, as he Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 88 probes the Internet for interesting snippets… (December 2014) : 8. (JVD). Radiolocation Depth Calculator. (JVD). 2014.2695 2014.2690 LUDWIG, Peter (2014) : Web Watch LILLINGTON, Andy (2014) : Detecting Lava Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 88 Tubes with a Smartphone? (December 2014) : 8. Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 86 Just a few links from Peter Ludwig this time (June 2014) : 14 - 19. around. (JVD). Smartphones often include a sensitive magne- 2014.2696 tometer. Andy Lillington explores their use for detecting magnetic anomalies associated with MARINICOLA, Fabrizio (2014) : GSM Un- lava tubes. He also compares the smartphone derground magnetometer with a sensitive standalone unit. Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 87 (JVD). (September 2014) : 23 - 24. 2014.2691 Fabrizio Marincola has been using a leaky fee- der system to provide cave to surface commu- LILLINGTON, Andy (2014) : The ooLiTE: nications for some time. He describes how he Thermoelectric Lighting for Cavers? has added the ability to extend GSM telephone Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 87 connectivity into the cave, employing the same (September 2014) : 10 - 15. leaky feeder cables. (JVD). Andy Lillington describes the construction 2014.2697 of a low-cost thermoelectric generator using a bismuth telluride Seebeck Effect module. MCCREA, Scott (2014) : Every step you take It is able to power a high-output LED from a NSS News, Vol. 72, no 7 (July 2014) : 31. 1 modest heat source and produce hot water as a photo. side benefit. He also considers the possibility The author compares the of different of powering a light directly from human body caving boots, and explains how cutting your heat. (JVD). shoe weight can increase endurance and help 2014.2692 avoid injury. (YD). 2014.2698 LUDWIG, Peter (2014) : Web Watch Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 85 MCCREA, Scott (2014) : Worms Put the “Q” (March 2014) : 19. in QAS Further unusual links from Peter Ludwig, as he NSS News, Vol. 72, no 6 (June 2014) : 31. 3 probes the Internet for interesting snippets… photos. (JVD). Worms are small pieces of rope attached to 2014.2693 the harness. They create a convenient place to hang a Quick Attachment Safety. (YD). LUDWIG, Peter (2014) : Web Watch 2014.2699 Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 86 (June 2014) : 19. MERVITZ, Sean (2014) : South African Show Some illuminating and highly charged links to Cave Communication System explore from Peter Ludwig. (JVD). Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 87 2014.2694 (September 2014) : 7 - 9. A wireless communication system has recently LUDWIG, Peter (2014) : Web Watch been installed in , a major tourist Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 87 attraction in South Africa. Sean Mervitz of (September 2014) : 9. Global Communications describes the system

346 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) and the benefits on offer to management and Présentation et test de la lampe Omni v4 de guides. (JVD). CustomDuo et comparaison du coût du lumen 2014.2700 avec d'autres modèles du commerce. (CP). 2014.2705 MIDDEN, Lothar (2014) : Höhlenforschung und Funkamateure PRÉVOT, Christophe (2014) : Rajeunir un Mitteilungen der Höhlenforschergruppe Karls- éclairage Duo : suite et fin ruhe, Heft 24: 50 Jahre Höhlenforschergruppe Le P'tit Usania, n° 190 (Juin 2014) : 2-3. Karlsruhe : 79-82. http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- (GST). ticle1442 2014.2701 Suite des tests de la lampe Omni v4 de Cus- tomDuo (voir LPU n° 189) et comparaison du MJELLE, Kenneth (2010) : Hjemmelagde coût du lumen avec de nouveaux modèles du LED-baserte hodelykter commerce. (CP). Norsk Grotteblad, no 55 (Desember 2010) : 2014.2706 13-14, 32. Photos, figure. Home made LED based headlamps. The article RABSON, John (2014) : Amateur Experi- describes the building process, from a solid ments at VLF aluminum rod and electrical components to the Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 85 finished headlamp. (TF). (March 2014) : 4. 2014.2702 Further to Mike Dennison's guide to expe- rimenting in this part of the spectrum (Den- NAYLOR, Graham (2014) : Capaci- nison, 2014), John Rabson provides some tively-Coupled Wire Antennas for Cave Radios information on recent tests and results. (JVD). Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 88 2014.2707 (December 2014) : 3 - 4. Capacitively-coupled wire antennas have seve- RABSON, John (2014) : Digital Voice in ral advantages over grounded dipoles, asserts Cave Radio Graham Naylor. Here he outlines the principle Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 85 and describes the benefits on offer. (JVD). (March 2014) : 20. 2014.2703 There is increasing interest amongst radio amateurs in using digital voice systems over PELLETIER, Guillaume (2014) : Mis à jour radio. John Rabson provides some information sur l`emploi des longes en spéléologie verti- on current techniques that may be useful below cale. ground. (JVD). Sous Terre, Vol. 24, no. 1 (Printemps 2014) : 2014.2708 13. 2 photos. Recommandation du l`utilisation constante des ROPER, Mike (2014) : Advances in ULF deux longes lors des déplacements sur main Through-the-rock Technology courante, lors de l`installation du descendeur Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 85 et lors de la mise en suspension sur le descen- (March 2014) : 9 - 12. deur. (AH). Mike Roper, CTO at Vital Alert Communica- 2014.2704 tion Inc. describes the unique challenges posed by mine communication and introduces the PRÉVOT, Christophe (2014) : Rajeunir un Canary ULF radio that was designed to meet éclairage Duo these challenges. (JVD). Le P'tit Usania, n° 189 (Mai 2014) : 2-3. Pho- 2014.2709 tos. http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- SPENCER, J. Michael (2014) : Review of ticle1435 Fenix HP01

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 347 NSS News, Vol. 72, no 5 (May 2014) : 25. 1 in Huntsville, Alabama (USA). (YD). photo. 2014.2714 Review of this 210-lumen LED head lamp. (YD). 7.2 Diving 2014.2710 Plongée

SQUIRE, James C.; SULLIVAN, Gerald A.; BAKER, Elizabeth W. (2014) : Seismic BROOKS, Simon (2014) : Dive Report: Trali- Through-Rock Communication - an Alterna- gill Rising tive to Electrical Methods Grampian Speleological Group Bulletin 5th Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 86 Series, Vol. 1, no 2 : 35-36. (June 2014) : 3 - 6. Account of a dive in Traligill Rising, N.W. James C. Squire, Gerald A. Sullivan and Eli- Sutherland, which reached into sump 2 before zabeth W. Baker describe their development lack of air dictated a retreat. The cave and its of a method of sub-surface communication extensions were surveyed on a subsequent employing seismic waves. Signals have been dive. (Author, GM). received from a depth of 271m in a coal mine. 2014.2715 (JVD). 2014.2711 BUNTON, Stephen (2011) : Review: Raising the Dead – an Australian Story of Death and TODD, Ian (2014) : Calculating Trigonomic Survival by Phillip Finch Functions on a Simple Microprocessor Speleo Spiel, No. 382 (Jan-Feb. 2011) : 16. Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 85 Photo. (March 2014) : 17 - 18. The story of cave diver David Shaw who As an alternative to look-up tables, Ian Todd drowned trying to recover the body of ano- describes the CORDIC method of accurately ther cave diver who drowned in Boesmansgat calculating trigonometric functions on simple (Bushman's Hole) in South Africa in 2005. microprocessors (JVD). Raising the Dead in some ways gives an up-to- 2014.2712 date account of the sport of cave diving, which has now expanded into the technology of WILLIAMS, Emily (2014) : Handheld Laser re-breathers. It also gives a well-chronicled ac- Scanning: a Radically New Approach to Cave count of Shaw's life as one of the main players Surveying in pushing the boundaries of this technology. Cave Radio and Electronics Group, Vol. 86 His cave diving career is inexorably linked to (June 2014) : 21 - 24. his career as a commercial pilot instructor and Previously, laser scanners have been used in the lives of other cave divers, particularly his caving only to scan large chambers. Now, good friend Don Shirley. It is well researched, thanks to a newly developed handheld laser well written and action packed to the last. scanner, it's possible to produce a full 3D (GJM). survey of a complete cave system. The process 2014.2716 is quick and simple, as 3D Laser Mapping's Emily Williams reports. (JVD). BUZZACOTT, Peter (2012) : Cave diving in 2014.2713 Florida: different regulatory approaches Australasian Cave and Karst Management As- WISEMAN, Dean (2014) : Update: The NSS soc. Journal, No. 88 (September 2012) : 23-25. Convention is something SPECIAL! 3 photos, 3 refs. NSS News, Vol. 72, no 6 (June 2014) : 24-25. Presented an analysis of cave diving risk 1 photo. management at the NSS Cave Diving Sec- Details on vendors and sponsors for the 2014 tion annual workshop near Live Oak, Flori- National Speleological Convention, to be held da. Outlines range of access requirements at

348 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) various caves in Florida: Little River Spring MOKHTAR, Saidin; NORDIANA, M.M.; (rules not policed, dangerous, dozens of divers TEH, Saufia A.H.A. (2013) : The gravity data have drowned in past 40 yrs), Wes Skiles response towards granitic and sedimentary Peacock Springs ( and ‘scooters' bedrock - Bukit Bunuh study for meteorite not allowed; on average a diver dies here every impact year), Cow Spring (maze owned by NSS-CDS; EJGE, Vol. 18 : 1757-1765 . 5 fig. divers must be members, indemnity must be The gravity method involves measuring the signed), Ginnie Springs Park (includes Devils Earth's gravitational field at specific locations System, famous dive; certification levels are on Earth's surface to determine the location of checked), Indian Spring (first cave to collapse subsurface density variations. The gravity me- while divers inside; numerous requirements), thod works when buried objects have different Eagles Nest (No requirements). (GJM). masses, which are caused by the object having 2014.2717 a greater or lesser density than the surroun- ding material. Generally, granitic rocks have COBOL, Duilio (2014) : Fontanone di Rio higher density compared to sedimentary rocks. Neri (Friuli) Gravity survey was conducted in two different Tuttocat, Numero unico 2013 (2014) : 29. 3 geological settings which are Lenggong, Perak foto. (Granite) and Kaki Bukit, Perlis (Sedimentary) Cronaca della visita dei due primi sifoni della to study the difference of Bouguer anomaly. grotta. (PG). (Author, LP). 2014.2718 2014.2722

COSSEMYNS, Roger (2014) : La société spé- 7.4 Accidents and rescue léologique de Namur et la plongée, tentative Accidents et sauvetage d'historique! Bul. Soc. Spéléo Namur, 2014 : 7-8. Photos. Article sur la création et l'historique de la So- AA (2014) : L'intervento CNSAS in Baviera ciété Spéléologique de Namur. Historique des Grotte. Bollettino interno del Gruppo Speleo- différentes plongées du club de 1961 à 2013. logico Piemontese, n. 161 (gennaio-giugno (NG). 2014) : 11-12. 2014.2719 Breve cronaca dell'incidente avvenuto nel giugno 2014 nella Riesending-Schachthohle. VASSEUR, Frank (2014) : (MS). Manuel technique de plongée souterraine. 2014.2723 ISBN 978-2-84138-603-1 : 215 p. 160 ill. (MM). AA (2014) : Un'intervista a Roberto Corti. 2014.2720 Responsabile del Corpo Nazionale di Soccorso Alpino e Speleologico 7.3 Prospecting Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica Prospection Italiana, n. 71 (dicembre 2014) : 69. Foto. Viene commentata la situazione del soccor- so speleologico in Italia alla luce dell'ultimo AA (2014) : Le château de Selles-sur-Cher. intervento occorso alla Riesending-Schach- Exploration des souterrains thohle. (MS). La Lettre du Spéléo-club de Paris, n°330 dé- 2014.2724 cembre) : 2. De l'usage des drones en spéléologie. (JT). AARSTAD, Hans Øivind (2005) : Leder- 2014.2721 konferanse for den samvirkende redningstje- neste NOER, El Hidayah Ismail; ROSLI, Saad; Norsk Grotteblad, no 44 (Mai 2005) : 26.

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 349 The annual leader's conference took place small caving clubs can utilise in-house. Co- at Sola on January 11, 2005. The Forum for vers variety of considerations specific to cave rescue activities of voluntary organizations rescue: environment, minimal impact rescue, (FORF) was invited. The author represented self rescue, Incident Command System, logis- NGRT (the Norwegian cave rescue service). tics of cave rescue, documentation, commu- Minister of Justice Dørum welcomed the nications, search & rescue, initial response, assembly to what he termed a meeting of the equipment, medical considerations, “extended family” of rescuers. Police chief , psychological considerations, Sønderland emphasized that the entire appara- bad air, types of hazardous atmospheres, trip tus depends on the activities of the volunteers and expedition planning for contingencies. and: “… it is not during operations that one (Author, GJM). trains and lays plans. This must be done in 2014.2727 between. In the daily efforts the basis is laid for increased individual and cooperative com- ARNESEN, Ronny (2006) : Grottedyk- petence, making the community better equip- kerulykken i Pluras underjordiske løp ped to meet extraordinary challenges.” (TF). Norsk Grotteblad, no 47 (Desember 2006) : 2014.2725 34-35. Photos. Report from The Plura Recovery Operation, by AARSTAD, Hans Øivind (2007) : Statusrap- the cave diver located at the police headquar- port om NGRTs HeyPhones ter. Lots of organizing: Logistics and transport, Norsk Grotteblad, no 48 (Mai 2007) : 42. Equipment, Gas supplies, Information about Photo. the cave system, Compiling detailed informa- Building Heyphones to Norwegian Cave Res- tion about the accident, Support personnel, cue Service. Hans Øivind Aarstad met John for the diving, Emergency plans, Hey, the constructor of the unit, at Hidden Forensic aspects, Formalisation of the request Earth and he brought with him our 18 boards. for help through Interpol and the British Cave Later in the autumn the work started with Rescue council, Insurance, Communication collecting all the more than 2500 components. systems, Weather, Financial recompense, and The PCB's are now assembled and the three Backup divers. It took 5 days to plan the ope- cards are connected together. Testing and ca- ration, a day to travel up to Plura, four days to libration is done with success. All the housing carry out and debrief the operation and another parts are now made, thanks to access to the day to travel home. The site was very well facilities in the Workshop at the Airplane mu- organized. (TF). seum at Sola, Stavanger. The next step now is 2014.2728 the final assembling of the units. In the end of spring the units will be solid tested in a huge ASK, Ingegerd (2007) : Grottræddning i mine complex. (TF). Norge og Sverige - hur ær den organiserad 2014.2726 Norsk Grotteblad, no 48 (Mai 2007) : 43-45. Photos, in Swedish. ANDERSON, Ross; COLLETTE, Ian (2010) Cave Rescue – how is it organized in Norway : and Sweden. The article describes similarities “Cavers as rescuers”: Cave rescue orientation and contrasts between Norwegian and Swedish program : 26 p. cave rescue services. Primarily intended for use by cavers and (TF). contains a large bias toward remote areas and 2014.2729 small party self-rescue techniques. It does not present vertical rescue. This CROP represents BAKER, Andrew; FRASER, Michael; WAR- the first nationwide steps towards an easily ILD, Alan (2013) : Jenolan 2012: Extraction accessible, easily presented, low priced and from Central River flexible set of rescue training materials that Caves Australia, No. 194 (September 2013) :

350 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 5-7. 4 photos, map. BUZZACOTT, Peter (2014) : Spéléo Secours NSW Cave Rescue Squad, with Jenolan Caves Français Reserve Trust and Ambulance Service of Caves Australia, No. 197 (June 2014) : 13-15. NSW, conducted a rescue training exercise in Map, 6 photos. Mammoth Cave at Jenolan 10-11 November Twice a year the six north-westernmost clubs 2012. (GJM). of Federation Française de Speleologie hold 2014.2730 weekend cave-rescue exercises. Places are limited by logistics so members of each club BAKER, Andrew; FRASER, Michael (2014) : who apply are selected to attend. In November Rescue of trapped cavers at Bungonia 2013 an Australian was privileged to be ac- Caves Australia, No. 198 (Sep. 2014) : 8-9. cepted. Describes the procedures followed in Map. a practice cave rescue at Grotte du Rey near St On Monday 17 February 2014 three missing Georges sur Erve. (GJM). cavers were rescued from a flooded passage 2014.2736 in the Fossil Cave-Hogans Hole cave system at Bungonia Caves. The rescue is described in CARDEN, Deborah (2012) : Cave rescue detail and lessons learned outlined. (GJM). (Moira's heroic walk) 2014.2731 Australasian Cave and Karst Management As- soc. Journal, No. 89 (December 2012) : 15-16. BALDRACCO, Pier Giorgio (2014) : Edito- 2 photos. riale An 83-year-old sole cave explorer was unable Il Soccorso Alpino - SpeleoSoccorso, a. XX, n. to climb up an 8 m pitch in Kubla Khan Cave, 2 (58), luglio 2014 : 1-128. Paparoa NP, NZ, due to excess mud clogging Presentazione del numero della Rivista, dedi- his ascending gear. His 82-year-old wife had to cato interamente all'aggiornamento della nor- walk 7 km to raise the alarm. He was rescued mativa (leggi, regolamenti, decreti) in materia after an overnight stay and was treated for di soccorso. (PG). mild hypothermia. He was lucky the weather 2014.2732 was kind and rescuers were at hand. (GJM). 2014.2737 BALDRACCO, Pier Giorgio (2014) : Edito- riale CURTI, Roberto (2014) : Moby Dick Il Soccorso Alpino - SpeleoSoccorso, a. XX, n. Il Soccorso Alpino - SpeleoSoccorso, a. XX, n. 3 (59), novembre 2014 : 1-3. 1 foto. 3 (59), novembre 2014 : 10-11. 2 foto. Ampio intervento sul tema del rimborso spese Cronaca dell'intervento alla Riesending - spettante ai Tecnici del Soccorso. (PG). Schachthohle. (PG). 2014.2733 2014.2738

BCRC (2014) : The Rescues of 2013 DAVIDSEN, Knut; FINNESAND, Torstein Descent, No 238 (June/July 2014) : 43-45. (2011) : Redningsøvelse i Bjørndalshola British cave rescue statistics and incident sum- Norsk Grotteblad, no 57 (Desember 2011) : maries for 2013 (GM). 35-37. Photos, figure. 2014.2734 11 members of the Norwegian Cave Rescue Service practiced in Bjørndalshola , Fauske BERNABEI, Tullio (2014) : Venerdì Santo municipality in 2011. It has several useful Kur magazine La Venta, n. 21 (2014) : 33-35. elements we can practice on, Foto. including small passages, potential squeezes Tecniche di recupero osseo senza necessità and a 10-11 m pit which is wet in the lower di ingessature da parte di un “curandero” part due to a waterfall. It's about 300 m from chapaneco su uno speleologo infortunato. the entrance to the pit. (MS). Often we do it without even thinking about 2014.2735 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 351 it. But in small passages there is danger that Après 3 secours en 10 mois dans la Dent de even a small stream or a small water pond Crolles (Isère) à cause d'erreurs d'itinéraires, will make the personnel cold in no time in a le 3SI a décidé de publier sur internet les topos rescue operation. It is therefore considerably du réseau. Site internet. (Fx). more passages in Norway than we might think 2014.2742 where there is an advantage for the personnel to wear a . (TF). DOBRILLA, Jean-Claude; MATTLET, Jean- 2014.2739 Marc (2014) : Comment trouver une méthode de dégagement ? DAVIDSEN, Knut; FINNESAND, Torstein; Spéléo Magazine, n° 87 (Septembre 2014) : GRUNDSTRØM, Svein (2014) : Uthenting av 25. 1 photo. de to omkomne grottedykkerne fra Steinugle- Après la mort sur corde de Félix Ruiz de Ar- flåget i Plurdalen caute au Lonné Peyret en 1971, Jean-Claude Norsk Grotteblad, no 62 (Juni 2014) : 29-41. Dobrilla s'interroge sur le moyen de dégage- Photos, maps, surveys, table. ment d'un spéléo par un équipier avec le seul 6.12.2014 two Finnish cave divers died in a matériel dont il dispose. Invité par le CRS deep sump in “Pluras underjordiske løp” in (Centre Routier Spéléo) au premier stage aide Northern Norway. Three other divers rescued moniteur belge, Dobrilla met au point une themselves out of the cave. The official recove- méthode avec Joël Martin. (Fx). ry operation attempt from the Steinugleflåget 2014.2743 sump upstream was done by three experienced cave divers from BCRA. They could not free DODELIN, Christian (2014) : Attività 2009- the first victim from a restriction at -110 m. 2012 della Commission Spéléo Secours de In March, 17 Finnish cave divers and cavers l'UIS succeeded to get the first victim free working Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 78- from downstream. The downstream passage is 79. 1 foto. about 1.5 km and has a depth of -131 m. They Presentata la partecipazione a vari incontri, le brought the victims up to the Steinugleflåget nuove tecnologie, l'attività formativa e i pro- sump and informed the Police. The Norwegian getti per il prossimo quadriennio. (PG). Cave Rescue Service brought the victims out 2014.2744 of the cave. (TF). 2014.2740 DOUGHERTY, Mark (2006) : Opphenting- saksjonen i Plura - synspunkter fra dykkelder DAY, Anthony; FINNESAND, Torstein; PAU- fra dypdykkerne LIN, Francis (2013) : Søk i molybdengruven Norsk Grotteblad, no 47 (Desember 2006) : ved Skapertjern 28.5.2013 36-37. Photos. Norsk Grotteblad, no 60 (Juni 2013) : 39-40. Report from The Plura Recovery Operation, Photos, maps, figure. by the surface , Mark Dougherty. Because an abandoned backpack and a helmet Richard Staunton and Jason Mallinson des- was found at the lake Skapertjern close to a cended to 67 m, completed a short checklist of small mine east of Drammen, the Police asked forensic data and brought the body back to the the Norwegian Cave Rescue team (NGRT) decompression stops. Several divers moved to search through the mine. No people were the body through the air chamber and then the found. (TF). support divers would bring the body through 2014.2741 the first siphon. When the body was brought to the surface, the whole team was still for a mi- DE FELIX, François (2014) : Dent de Crolles. nute. It was a peaceful and quite moving mo- J'ai ma Dent qui bouge. ment. All of Ståle's gear had to be documented Spéléo Magazine, n° 87 (Septembre 2014) : 4. and photographed, to make sure that no clues 1 photo. about what went wrong were missed. A final

352 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) dive was made to recover the decompression 3 (59), novembre 2014 : 15-17. 1 foto. habitat and cylinders (TF). Dettagliata cronaca, con spunti critici, dell'in- 2014.2745 tervento di soccorso al Risendering. (PG). 2014.2751 DROMS, Yvonne (2014) : Notes on Belaying a Bolt Climb FINNESAND, Torstein (2006) : Rapport fra The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 6 (De- grottedykkerulykken i Pluras underjordiske løp cember 2014) : 10. Norsk Grotteblad, no 47 (Desember 2006) : Thoughts on the multiple tasks required to be- 28-33. Photos, tables. lay a partner safely during a bolt climb. (YD). Report from The Plura Recovery Operation, by 2014.2746 the Norwegian Cave Rescue Service, NGRT. A cave diver was last seen at 75 m depth and FABBRICATORE, Alessio (2014) : EuroSpe- was clearly in serious difficulties. He did not leo Cave Rescue Symposium - FSE return from the deep part of the sump and there Il Soccorso Alpino - SpeleoSoccorso, a. XX, n. were no known air surfaces beyond that point. 3 (59), novembre 2014 : 52-53. 2 foto. Having determined that the situation was a re- Si è svolto a Baile Herculane in Romania un covery, rather than a rescue, there was clearly incontro sul Soccorso Speleo europeo. (PG). no need to rush into action. NGRT asked Mark 2014.2747 Dougherty to prepare a plan which relied on calling in some divers from Britain, with Mark FABBRICATORE, Alessio (2014) : Riesen- acting as surface dive leader and with support ding - Schachthohle divers provided from Norway. The British Il Soccorso Alpino - SpeleoSoccorso, a. XX, n. cave divers managed to recover the body. (TF). 3 (59), novembre 2014 : 9. 1 fig., 1 foto. 2014.2752 Presentazione dei vari servizi sull'intervento di soccorso nella grotta. (PG). FINNESAND, Torstein; AARSTAD, Hans 2014.2748 Øivind (2006) : Redningsøvelse: Den ville hesten FANUEL, Gérald (2014) : Dans les Bauges Norsk Grotteblad, no 47 (Desember 2006) : avec le Spéléo-Secours 6-8. Photos, survey. Bul. Soc. Spéléo Namur, 2014 : 29-31. Photos. Rescue exercise in Ville hesten, Trolia, Beiarn Compte rendu de la préparation et de l'exercice in Norway. The searchers and first aid team de sauvetage au réseau Garde-Cavale organi- entered cave at 12.15. Stretcher and patient sé par la Spéléo-Secours Français en Savoie. were out at 14.03 and Red Cross took over. (NG). Stretcher transport took 56 min over the 310 m 2014.2749 distance. (TF). 2014.2753 FANUEL, Gérald (2014) : Les origines du Spéléo-Secours. Une histoire belge ! FINNESAND, Torstein (2007) : Bolting og Spéléo Magazine, n° 87 (Septembre 2014) : båreheising i Ingeniørgrotta 38-39. 5 photos, bibliographie. Norsk Grotteblad, no 48 (Mai 2007) : 39-41. Historique de la mise en place d'une structure Photos, figure. en Belgique dès 1952, par Alexis de Mar- Bolting and stretcher practice in Ingeniørgrot- tynoff, qui allait aboutir à l'organisation du ta. 6 Petzl longlife was inserted in Ingeniør- premier Spéléo-Secours. (Fx). grotta in September 2006. Afterwards NGRT 2014.2750 had a vertical rescue practice in the upper part of the cave. (TF). FELICI, Filippo (2014) : Riesendering: im- 2014.2754 pressioni di un soccorritore del CNSAS Il Soccorso Alpino - SpeleoSoccorso, a. XX, n. FINNESAND, Torstein (2007) : Red-

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 353 ningsøvelse i Jorbekkgrotta A rescue practice was held in the +40 m shaft Norsk Grotteblad, no 49 (Des 2007) : 24-25. in the Olafshølet entrance because of the in- Photos. creasing number of members in the Response Cave rescue practice in Jordbekkgrotta, Team, which is a vital part of the Norwegian Norway. The primary objective of the exercise Cave Rescue. On request, a rescue practice was to practice vertical stretcher transport in was held in the guided cave Setergrotta. (Au- a cave that was unfamiliar to the participants thor, TF). and where they were dependent on informa- 2014.2758 tion from extern sources and cave maps. In addition they tested their Heyphones and took FORMICOLA, William (2014) : Accordo di professional photographs of the cave rescue. collaborazione tra: Comando regionale CFS e (TF). Servizio regionale Puglia CNSAS 2014.2755 Il Soccorso Alpino - SpeleoSoccorso, a. XX, n. 3 (59), novembre 2014 : 49-50. 2 foto. FINNESAND, Torstein; GRUNDSTRØM, La collaborazione prevede anche l'uso dei Svein; NILSEN, Harry Vegard (2009) : mezzi della Forestale (fuoristrada, elicotteri) in Heyphone i Camp David caso di interventi di soccorso. (PG). Norsk Grotteblad, no 53 (Desember 2009) : 2014.2759 24-25. NGRT (The Norwegian Cave Rescue Team) FORMICOLA, William (2014) : Intervento di was in spring of 2009 invited to meet with soccorso speleologico rescue personnel from the 330- and 337-squa- Il Soccorso Alpino - SpeleoSoccorso, a. XX, n. drons according to their yearly "challenge 3 (59), novembre 2014 : 46-48. 3 foto. week" - among other things in Slaraffenland in Relazione sulle operazioni di soccorso in una the Greftkjelen cave. We took the opportunity profonda grotta presso Monopoli. (PG). to test the HeyPhone equipment system from 2014.2760 the Greft entrance to Camp David, and to sti- pulate possible problems with the transport of FORMICOLA, William; NATRELLA, Loren- a stretcher from Camp David to Slaraffenland. zo (2014) : Servizio Regionale Puglia We were able to prove that we during a rescue Il Soccorso Alpino - SpeleoSoccorso, a. XX, n. operation can establish contact between the en- 3 (59), novembre 2014 : 44-45. 3 foto. trance and Camp David. The distance between Storia e situazione del Soccorso Alpino e Spe- the two Heyphones was 450 m. (Author, TF). leologico in Puglia. (PG). 2014.2756 2014.2761

FINNESAND, Torstein (2010) : Red- GRUNDSTRØM, Svein (2007) : 11. inter- ningsøvelse i Skuterud gruver nasjonale grotteredningskonfernse i Ungarn Norsk Grotteblad, no 54 (Juni 2010) : 26-29. Norsk Grotteblad, no 49 (Des 2007) : 20-22. Photos, figures. Photos. The Norwegian Cave Rescue Team (NGRT) 11th International Cave Rescue Conference in practiced a vertical rescue in the Skuterud Hungary 2007. After a decision in the board mines in the South of Norway, March 2010. of NGF, Svein Grundstrøm went to the 11th (TF). International Cave Rescue Conference in Hun- 2014.2757 gary from the 15th to the 18th of May 2007. The conference was arranged of the Hungarian FINNESAND, Torstein (2014) : Responstea- Cave Rescue Service on behalf of the Cave mopptak i Olafshølet og redningsøvelse i Rescue Commission of UIS, and delegates Setergrotta august 2014 from 24 countries participated. The article is Norsk Grotteblad, no 63 (Desember 2014) : an essence of the report that was given to the 25. Photo. board after the journey. The article summarises

354 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) some interesting headlines from some of the down from the cave ceiling, and is now located lectures that were given during the conference. on top of the ice. It could be risky to walk (Author, TF). under the ice. (TF). 2014.2762 2014.2766

GRUNDSTRØM, Svein; FINNESAND, HERMANN, Joachim (2014) : Il Ministro Torstein (2009) : 2009 møtet i Justis og i dell'Interno Bavarese dell'Edilizia e Trasporti FORF Il Soccorso Alpino - SpeleoSoccorso, a. XX, n. Norsk Grotteblad, no 52 (Juni 2009) : 19. 3 (59), novembre 2014 : 14. The article is a short summary of two annually Lettera di ringraziamento al Soccorso Speleo meetings at national level about rescue. The italiano per l'intervento all Riesendering. (PG). first meeting is with the Ministry of Justice and 2014.2767 the Police about funds for 2009. The National Cave Rescue Service received 85.000 NOK HOENRAET, Etienne (2014) : Le trauma- this year from the authorities. The other mee- tisme de suspension ting was the annually meeting in FORF – a Spéléo Info, n° 7 : 4-5. Photos. forum concerning the cooperation between the Compte rendu d'études réalisées en 2013 sur voluntary rescue organizations. (Author, TF). le cas du traumatisme de suspension dans le 2014.2763 cadre d'une activité professionnelle de travaux sur cordes. (NG). GRUNDSTRØM, Svein (2009) : Faglig? 2014.2768 foredrag redningssamling juni 2005 Norsk Grotteblad, no 52 (Juni 2009) : 16-18. JEFFREYS, Alan L (2014) : SCRO Call-Out. Photo, figures. Scotland Street Railway Tunnel This is a humorous story about a rather confu- Grampian Speleological Group Bulletin 5th sing theme related to cave rescue. It includes a Series, Vol. 1, no 2 : 47. report from a sheep rescue in 2004, held in the A mid-week call-out to search an abandoned same style, and even a small poem. The article railway tunnel in Edinburgh in case children as such is hard to translate due to several plays were inside, before access was prevented by with words. For example is the sheep owner's locking a steel gate. (Author, GM). name “the wool”. (Author, TF). 2014.2769 2014.2764 JUDSON, Philip (2014) : When to Bellow! GRUNDSTRØM, Svein (2009) : Hey Phone Descent, No 236 (Feb/Mar 2014) : 38. Norsk Grotteblad, no 53 (Desember 2009) : Incident involving a ladder in Meregill Hole, 25. Yorkshire (GM). Mel: Hey Jude 2014.2770 Hey Phone, don't make me sad. Take a bad wave and make it better. KLEPAKER, Thor-Martin (2005) : Tverrfa- Remember to let me into your scart, glige redningssamlinger Then you can start to make it better. (Author, Norsk Grotteblad, no 44 (Mai 2005) : 33. TF). In November 2004 the Main rescue centre 2014.2765 for southern Norway organized a seminar at Sola. More than 100 participants came from a HANSEN, Kjell; SOLBAKK, Roy (2014) : number of administrations and services. The Raset i Svarthammerhola emphasis was on clarifying tasks and responsi- Norsk Grotteblad, no 63 (Desember 2014) : bilities of participants in search and rescue 28. Photos. operations. Organizations – and Norwegian In the Autumn of 2014 a rock slide occurred health undertakings in particular – are going in Svarthammarhola. Several tons of stone fell through substantial changes. Better planning

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 355 and coordination is needed. (TF). Bechtesgaden 2014.2771 Hessisches Ärzteblatt, 75. Jg., 2014, Nr. 8, August 2014 : 436-437. 1 Abb. LAUKSLETT, Bjørn (2007) : Redningsaksjon Interview mit Michael Petermeyer, dem Satisfaction Cave 23.6.05 medizinischen Leiter der Rettungsaktion in Norsk Grotteblad, no 48 (Mai 2007) : 17. der Riesending-Schachthöhle am Untersberg Rescue in Satisfaction Cave 23.6.05. Hanne (Berchtesgadener Alpen) (gst). Høyås guided two people from Holland in 2014.2775 Satisfaction Cave (tourist guiding on behalf of Beiarn municipality). The goal was to start MONTRASIO, Damiano (2014) : Insieme per at the upper entrance and to depart trough the “Grotte Sicure” lower. One of the participants could not get Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica out of the lower entrance, due to a feeling of Italiana, n. 71 (dicembre 2014) : 49-50. Foto, claustrophobia. Because of stress and energy tabelle. loss on their way up again, he was not able Realizzato un sistema computerizzato per to climb up a pitch that is about four m high. l'allertamento dei tecnici del Soccorso Speleo- Hanne went of the cave to get help. With the logico del CNSAS della regione Lombardia. use of local resources, they got him out of the (MS). cave. The cooperation with police was good. 2014.2776 (TF). 2014.2772 NATRELLA, Lorenzo (2014) : Dal protocollo operativo agli interventi reali LIMAGNE, Rémy (2014) : Jura : gouffre de Il Soccorso Alpino - SpeleoSoccorso, a. XX, n. la Balme d'Epy. Quand un exercice secours 3 (59), novembre 2014 : 50-51. 2 foto. contribue au libre-accès. Intervento del CNSAS, su richiesta della Fo- Spéléo Magazine, n° 86 (Juin 2014) : 6-7. 4 restale, per la ricerca di persone travolte dalla photos, 1 plan. piena di un torrente. (PG). Bref historique des spéléo-secours ayant 2014.2777 conduit à l'article 54 de la loi 2002 où la com- mune fait payer la victime. Suite au secours ØRNES, Aksel (2006) : Redningsøvelse i 2003 à la Balme d'Epy la cavité était inter- Olafshullet 16.-18.9.05 dite, mais en 2014 le SSF-Jura y organise un Norsk Grotteblad, no 47 (Desember 2006) : exercice secours ce qui permet sa réouverture. 21. (Fx). Report from a rescue exercise in Olafshullet, 2014.2773 Rana, Norway. The purpose was to train in rigging a pitch for lifting and lowering and MOHRHERR, Britta (2014) : Spek- practice operation of the rig. Exercise locality takulärer Einsatz. Rettung aus der Riesending was Olafshullet, a 42 m deep fossil shaft. (TF). Schachthöhle in Berchtesgaden 2014.2778 Mundi news, Ausgabe 81, November 2014 : 52-53. 2 Abb. PAULIN, Francis (2011) : SSF Red- Interview mit Michael Petermeyer über ningsøvelse i Korallgrotten,. 2011-08-27 Höhlenforschung und seinen Einsatz bei der Norsk Grotteblad, no 57 (Desember 2011) : Rettungsaktion im Riesending (GST). 32-34. Photos. 2014.2774 An SSF rescue drill was held in Korallgrot- tan located in northern Jämtland in Sweden MÖHRLE, Katja (2014) : “Johann, wir holen 27.8.11. The main focus was the organizational dich hier raus”. Der wiesbadener Neurochirurg part and to get the stretcher out of the cave. Dr. med. Michael Petermeyer war medi- People from the SSF, the Swedish police, zinischer Leiter der Höhlenrettungsaktion in fjällräddningen and the Alpine fjällräddningen

356 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) participated. The main conclusion is that the sh divers died and 3 others were treated for exercise largely went much better than the in Feb 2014, and of the clandestine exercise two years ago in Sotbäcksgrottan. expedition to recover their bodies. (YD). Stretcher transport went very smoothly, it was 2014.2784 very good radio discipline and key people had a good view of the situation. It's very ins- ROSSETTI, Stefano (2014) : Il Soccorso spe- tructive to be part of a team that transports a leologico in Emilia-Romagna stretcher for a long time. (TF). Speleologia Emiliana. Rivista della Fede- 2014.2779 razione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia Romagna, Serie V, n. 5 (2014) : 208-210. PAVANELLO, Aurelio (2014) : Interventi del (MS). Soccorso Speleologico nel 2013 2014.2785 Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica Italiana, n. 70 (giugno 2014) : 67-68. RUSHFELDT, Christian (2007) : Anmeldelse Statistica degli incidenti speleologici avvenuti av boken "Redningsdykking" in Italia nel 2013. Breve rapporto di ogni recu- Norsk Grotteblad, no 48 (Mai 2007) : 25. pero. (MS). Photo. 2014.2780 Review of the book “Redningsdykking”. This book, written by Ronny Arnesen, consists of PFARR, Theo (2014) : Every Caver's Night- 260 pages divided into 17 chapters concerning mare aspects of rescue diving (not in caves), and one Descent, No 239 (Aug/Sept 2014) : 26-27. chapter about surface rescue in lakes/rivers Timeline and report on an accident in Ger- with ice. The book is for rescue divers. But, in many's deepest cave, the Riesending-Schach- addition to facts about technicalities, he deals a thohle, with the successful long-term extrac- lot with principles that also can be used by any tion of the casualty (GM). rescue service, like NGRT or Red Cross. Since 2014.2781 Ronny is a professional , he has described a lot of self-experienced rescue sto- PORCU FOIS, Dolores (2014) : Commissione ries. These stories are interesting and exciting comunicazione e documentazione CNSAS to read for nearly everybody. (TF). Il Soccorso Alpino - SpeleoSoccorso, a. XX, n. 2014.2786 3 (59), novembre 2014 : 15. Nota sull'operatività della Commissione du- SANTINI, Antonella (2014) : Intervento nella rante l'intervento al Riesendering. (PG). grotta Riesendering - Schachthohle: gestione 2014.2782 di un coordinamento medico a mille chilometri di distanza PORCU FOIS, Dolores (a cura di) (2014) : Il Soccorso Alpino - SpeleoSoccorso, a. XX, n. Riesending-Schachthohle: cronaca di un soc- 3 (59), novembre 2014 : 12-13. 2 foto. corso Relazione sull'organizzazione della squadra Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica medica italiana intervenuta in Baviera. (PG). Italiana, n. 71 (dicembre 2014) : 66-68. Foto. 2014.2787 Diario delle operazioni di recupero. (MS). 2014.2783 SIGVARDSSON, Leif (2014) : Räddad från 1000 meters djup i Riesending-Schachthöhle PRUITT JR., Buford; ADSIT, John; MOE, Grottan, Vol. 49, no 3 (September 2014) : 40- Størker (2014) : Fatal Cave Diving Incident at 45. In Swedish; plan, photos. Plura Cave System, Norway The cave rescue operation following the June NSS News, Vol. 72, no 6 (June 2014) : 19-20. 2014 accident in Riesending-Schachthöhle is 1 map. described and evaluated. (JL). Account of this incident, in which 2 Finni- 2014.2788

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 357 SOLBAKK, Roy (2013) : Fjernet to rustne and most visited caves. (TF). karabiner ved P6 i Kristhola 2014.2793 Norsk Grotteblad, no 60 (Juni 2013) : 44. Photo. THORSEN, Rolf (2009) : Responsteam- Two old and rusty were removed samling i Edvardheim-Brattligrottasystemet from the 6 m pitch in the river passage of Kris- Norsk Grotteblad, no 52 (Juni 2009) : 20-22. thola 14.4.2013. (TF). Photos, surveys. 2014.2789 In 2008 a huge and complex vertical cave system was discovered behind two extremely SPÉLÉO-SECOURS SUISSE (2014) : Infor- narrow passages in Burfjellet. The cave will mations administratives probably draw attention in the coming years secours souterrains info = Höhlenrettungs-in- and may be visited by foreign cavers. The sys- fo, N° 20 01-2014 : 1-8. tem requires advanced skills and knowledge. A In Memoriam Silvio Baumgartner, Jean-Pierre rescue operation will take several days. Monod. The new system lies between Brattligrotta Comptes rendus de séance : Rencontre de la and Edvardheimgrotta. In October 2008 the colonne des médecins. Response Team (from the National Cave Formation. Prévention. (Dz). Rescue Service) entered the cave to prepare 2014.2790 themselves in case of an accident. They took photographs and made maps of possible SPÉLÉO-SECOURS SUISSE (2014) : Infor- belaying points and narrow passages that mations administratives may be extended. They also tested the use of secours souterrains info = Höhlenrettungs-in- Heyphones. The night was spent in Storligrot- fo, N° 21 10-2014 : 1-8. ta. (TF). Appel à candidature. Qui fait quoi dans le 2014.2794 bureau du spéléo-secours. (Dz). 2014.2791 THORSEN, Rolf (2011) : Avblåst redning- saksjon i Trollkjerka STEINMASSL, Heli (2014) : Höhlenret- Norsk Grotteblad, no 56 (Juni 2011) : 14. tungseinsatz im Riesending Photo. Bergundsteigen, Nr. 3/2014 : 42-53. 18 Abb. In January 2011, 3 persons did a caving trip to Ausführlicher Bericht über den Unfall in der Trollkjerka cave in Nordland. Deep into the Höhle “Riesending” am Untersberg und die cave, 2 persons continued while the third was folgende Höhlenrettungsaktion (GST). waiting. As they didn´t return at the agreed 2014.2792 time, he got scared, went out of the cave and called the police. The Norwegian Cave Rescue THORSEN, Rolf (2009) : Redningsøvelsen i Team was called, and a massive rescue opera- Sotbäcksgrottan tion was organized, involving experienced ca- Norsk Grotteblad, no 53 (Desember 2009) : vers as well as professionals from Red Cross, 26-27. Photos, survey, figure. BARG, HRS and the Police. The cave is a In 2007, The Swedish Speleological Society, vast, complex system, containing dangerous The Mountain Rescue Service and the Po- places. Meanwhile, the missing persons had lice were gathered in Abisko to exercise cave come out, luckily unharmed, and the operation rescuing in three different caves. NGF was was cancelled. (TF). there observing, and three instructors from 2014.2795 Wales had been brought in. At the same occa- sion formal cooperation with the Norwegian THORSEN, Rolf (2012) : Grotteredning- Cave Rescue Team was agreed. The rest of saksjon i Verdal this article describes a rescue practice in the Norsk Grotteblad, no 58 (Juni 2012) : 7. Pho- Sotbäcksgrottan, one of Sweden's best known tos.

358 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 8. May, 2012: Emergency call to the Police dination Centre for northern Norway was offi- - a 60 year old woman is stuck in a cave in cially opened in Bodø on June 1, 2006. (TF). Tromsdalen, Verdal. Rescue teams from the 2014.2799 fire department, Red Cross and ambulance service are striving to get the woman loose. WESTLUND, Anders (2007) : Et lite fall i The passage is very narrow, and the woman is Beiarn getting cold. The Norwegian Caving Rescue Norsk Grotteblad, no 48 (Mai 2007) : 9. Photo. Organization is contacted, and 3 local cavers A little fall in Beiarn. Never trust rock in prepare to step in. At 16:50 they get the mes- Beiarn. In Beiarn the rock is loose. When An- sage: the woman had come free. The episode ders Westlund should pass a wet place in Øvre shows that self rescuing, rescuing by own team Stormdal-shullet, he placed his foot on a faulty and precautions against hypothermia is essen- rock. The rock broke, and he fell downward. It tial. (TF). was not more than half a meter down! Unfor- 2014.2796 tunately, he landed with his foot on a rock with his entire body weight. Painful! The X-ray THORSEN, Rolf (2012) : Ny redningsbåre showed two broken places – a bone called Norsk Grotteblad, no 58 (Juni 2012) : 7. Photo. metatarsus - in the right foot. After 7 weeks he Early in the 1990's, The Norwegian Caving removed the plaster. (TF). Rescue Organization bought a stretcher from 2014.2800 New Zealand, which has been regularly and successfully used. But after some mending WESTLUND, Anders (2007) : Referat fra which made it more bulky, NGRT wanted to IKAR-ettermøte 17.11.06 buy another Norsk Grotteblad, no 48 (Mai 2007) : 26-28. React stretcher from England, because they IKAR post meeting 17.11.06. The 2006 mee- have one already, and are well satisfied with ting in IKAR was in Kranjskagora in Slovenia the model. The chosen stretcher was delivered 12.-14.10. The article reports from the post by Jopling Access And Rescue Equipment. meeting in Nor-way, based on reports from the (TF). Norwegian participants. (TF). 2014.2797 2014.2801

VOKAC, Marek (2005) : Redning av Pluto WESTLUND, Anders (2008) : Sikker ferdsel Norsk Grotteblad, no 44 (Mai 2005) : 13-17. i grotter Photos. Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 54-56. A dog (named Pluto) was said to have fastened To enter a cave can always be risky. Even well in a fissure on the Kjerag plateau (at Lysefjor- experienced cavers can suddenly find themsel- den near Stavanger). No sound was heard ves in a dangerous situation. NGF has worked from Pluto. The climbing started at the place out a set of recommendations for preparations where she was said to have fallen. The fissure and precautions, to make the trip safer and thus was 80 cm at the top, quickly narrowing to 50 more pleasant. The article also gives advices cm. Pluto was discovered at 50 m depth. The of behavior at the site if an accident happens, ascent took 1 hour 20 minutes, bypassing the as well as the content of the first aid kit. (Au- most difficult belay points the climbers had thor, TF). ever been exposed to. (TF). 2014.2802 2014.2798 WESTLUND, Anders (2012) : Grottered- WESTLUND, Anders (2006) : Åpning av nytt ningsøvelse på Setså 29. juli 2012 bygg for HRS Nord-Norge Norsk Grotteblad, no 59 (Desember 2012) : Norsk Grotteblad, no 47 (Desember 2006) : 9-10. Photos. 25. Photo. During the gathering at Setså, a cave rescue The new building for The Joint Rescue Coor- practice was held in and around Boristua at

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 359 Setså. 15 people participated inside the cave. die de Lyme (TF). Spelunca, n° 136, décembre 2014 : 40-41. 1 2014.2803 photo, 1 figure. Présentation de cette maladie transmise par les WINTERSETH, Hallvard; FAGERMOEN, tiques. Symptômes, traitements et précautions Roy B. (2006) : Erfaringer ved bruk av à prendre sont exposés. (CB). HeyPhone 2014.2807 Norsk Grotteblad, no 47 (Desember 2006) : 38-39. Photos. MÜLLER, Thilo (2014) : Fuchsbandwurm - The authors were requested to assist in war da was? Connection with the fatal Plura accident. One Grabenstetter höhlenkundliche Hefte (Gra- of their tasks was to handle a new commu- benstetten), No. 23 (Jahr 2012) : 39-40. In nication device brought over by the English Germ. cave divers.A HeyPhone was set up in the air (THR). chamber in Plura. The device was placed in a 2014.2808 watertight tube and the antennae stretched out about 5 m and placed in the water. Another sta- PONTI, Elisa (2014) : Diversamente Speleo. tion was set up at the outlet about 600 m away, La solidarità rende possibile a tutti l'esperienza but with no difference in height. Quality was del mondo sotterraneo good. A third station was placed on the surface Montagne 360. Rivista del Club Alpino Italia- straight above the air chamber. It connected no, Settembre 2014 : 56-59. Foto. poorly with the outlet station, but with the Volontariato speleologico in favore di persone station in the air chamber the connection was svantaggiate attraverso facili escursioni ipo- crystal clear. (TF). gee. (MS). 2014.2804 2014.2809

WOLFRAM, Gottfried (2014) : Intervento di RYKWALDER, Philip (2014) : Cave Chro- Primo soccorso. Soccorso speleologico orga- nicles: How do you explain why you cave to nizzato noncavers? Grotta Gigante. Scriptum formazione degli NSS News, Vol. 72, no 7 (July 2014) : 26-27. accompagnatori delle grotte turistiche : 50-51. Readers of the NSS News respond to this Indicazioni su cosa deve sapere e cosa deve question. (YD). fare in quest'ambito la guida turistica. Cenni 2014.2810 sull'organizzazione del Soccorso speleo in Italia. (PG). RYKWALDER, Philip (2014) : Cave Chro- 2014.2805 nicles: What are the dumbest questions about caves you've heard? 7.5 Medicine NSS News, Vol. 72, no 12 (December 2014) : Médecine 24-26. Cavers respond to this theme with amusing stories. (YD). BAUMAN, Lisa (2014) : Launch of the Wo- 2014.2811 man Cavers Poll NSS News, Vol. 72, no 3 (March 2014) : 20. 1 RYKWALDER, Philip (2014) : Cave chro- map. nicles: What is the craziest thing you have The poll consists of 13 questions directed at seen someone do in a cave? women cavers in the USA. (YD). NSS News, Vol. 72, no 9 (September 2014) : 2014.2806 30-31. 4 photos. NSS News (USA) readers respond to this GASTEREGUY, Christine (2014) : La mala- question. (YD).

360 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 2014.2812 AA (2014) : Bourses Expé 2014. Hole Bilong Stone. RYKWALDER, Philip (2014) : Cave Chro- Spéléo Magazine, n° 86 (Juin 2014) : 4. nicles: What's the best food you've had under- Projet spéléo lauréat 2014 : l'objectif est un ground? karst non encore prospecté de Nouvelle Bre- NSS News, Vol. 72, no 3 (March 2014) : 24- tagne. Site internet. (Fx). 26. 6 photos. 2014.2817 NSS News (USA) readers respond to this question. (YD). AA (2014) : Brevi note relative alla fauna 2014.2813 delle grotte Grotta Gigante. Scriptum formazione degli SCATOLINI, Andrea (2014) : Diversamente accompagnatori delle grotte turistiche : 30. speleo, l'emozione di vivere Informazioni di massima, per le guide turis- Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica tiche, sulla fauna sotterranea. (PG). Italiana, n. 71 (dicembre 2014) : 64-65. Foto. 2014.2818 L'impegno degli speleologi in favore dei disabili per fargli vivere alcune emozioni ed AA (2014) : France - Haïti - Exposition. Entre esperienze di tipo speleologico. (MS). imaginaires et réalités. 2014.2814 Spéléo Magazine, n° 88 (Décembre 2014) : 4-5. 1 photo. THAYAPARAN, Siva; ROBERTSON, Ian; Exposition sur les grottes d'Haïti, à la Maison AMRAAN, Fairuz; SU'UT, Lela; ABDUL- de l'Unesco à Paris en janvier 2015. (Fx). LAH, Mohd Tajuddin (2013) : Serological 2014.2819 prevalence of Leptospiral infection in wildlife in Sarawak, Malaysia. A short communication AA (2014) : Speleologia pratica Borneo Journal of Resource Science and Tech- Grotta Gigante. Scriptum formazione degli nology, Vol. 2, no 2 (February 2013) : 79-82. 1 accompagnatori delle grotte turistiche : 32-35. table. Cenni, per le guide turistiche, sulla speleolo- Wind & Fairy Cave, Bau. (LP). gia in Italia e nella regione del Friuli Venezia 2014.2815 Giulia. (PG). 2014.2820 7.6 Education Enseignement ADMANT, Pascal (2014) : “La main à la pâte” au Spéléodrome Le P'tit Usania, n° 187 (Mars 2014) : 1-3. AA (2012) : Caves Guides Conference: Bu- Photos. chan, Victoria http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- Australasian Cave and Karst Management As- ticle1424 soc. Journal, No. 88 (September 2012) : 29-34. Bilan de la sortie de découverte du Spéléo- 13 photos. drome de Nancy avec les représentants des This biennial cave guides' meeting was held at centres pilotes “La main à la pâte” lors de leurs Buchan in September 2012. Papers were deli- XIe rencontres annuelles à Nancy. (CP). vered on Victorian caves and karst, potential of 2014.2821 speleothem palaeoclimate records, evolution of cave lighting and presentations on each cave ADMANT, Pascal; PRÉVOT, Christophe area represented. Tours were run to Lilly Pilly, (2014) : Le Spéléodrome de Nancy : un espace Murrindal, Shades of Death, Fairy, Royal and pédagogique de première importance Federal caves. (GJM). LISPEL-Info, N° 1-2014 (Janvier 2014) : 2-4. 2014.2816 http://csr-l.ffspeleo.fr/lispelinfo/LISPELIN- FO_2014-1.pdf

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 361 Présentation exhaustive des possibilités péda- (PF). gogiques du Spéléodrome de Nancy, de l'école 2014.2828 à l'enseignement supérieur et liste des sujets de mémoires d'études depuis 2006. (CP). BOLDT, Petra (2013) : Tätigkeiten der 2014.2822 Höhlen-AG 2012. Höhlenkundliche Veröffentlichungen des ALEXIS, Eric (2014) : Bruits de fond : Bilan Höhlenvereins Blaubeuren (Blaubeuren), Vol. des douzièmes journées nationales de la spé- 5 (“Karst Report 2013“) : 112-113 + 118-119. léologie et du canyon 2013 In Germ.; 10 photos, 1 tab. Spelunca, n° 133, mars 2014 : 60. (THR). Bilan de ces journées qui ont accueilli 5591 2014.2829 personnes sur 110 manifestations et apporté 120 nouvelles adhésions. (CB). BOUQUET, Christophe (2014) : L'ANECAT 2014.2823 s'implique. Spéléo Magazine, n° 86 (Juin 2014) : 31. BENEDETTO, Carlos (2006) : Actividades de Brève note expliquant les motivations de la Escuela Argentina de Espeleologia l'Association Nationale des Exploitants de Argentina Subterranea, N° 15 (Agosto 2006) : Cavernes Aménagées pour le Tourisme (ANE- 3. 2 photos. CAT) dans une journée d'action envers les First annual course of speleology continues in enfants atteints de xeroderma pigmentosum : Malargüe. (BO). les Enfants de la Lune. (Fx). 2014.2824 2014.2830

BENEDETTO, Carlos (2008) : Escuela Ar- CAILLAULT, Serge (2014) : Edito. gentina de Espeleologia Spéléo Magazine, n° 88 (Décembre 2014) : 3. Argentina Subterranea, N° 19 (Junio 2008) : L'éditorialiste réfléchit à l'esprit d'exploration 8-9. aujourd'hui ? Il existe encore dans deux do- Argentinian-spanish agreement in order to maines : l'espace et sous Terre, avec un fort teach cave rescue to argentinian cavers. (BO). esprit d'équipe. (Fx). 2014.2825 2014.2831

BENEDETTO, Carlos (2008) : Escuela Ar- CATTABRIGA, Stefano (2014) : Qualche gentina de Espeleologia dato sulle scuole di speleologia in Emilia Ro- Argentina Subterranea, N° 20 (Octubre 2008) magna : 3-6. Speleologia Emiliana. Rivista della Fede- Spanish instructors in activities in Argentina. razione Speleologica Regionale dell'Emilia Cave rescue workshop. (BO). Romagna, Serie V, n. 5 (2014) : 198-207. 2014.2826 (MS). 2014.2832 BENEDETTO, Carlos (2009) : Escuela Ar- gentina de Espeleología CLEMENZÓ, Jorge (2006) : Actividades pa- Argentina Subterranea, N° 21 (Febrero 2009) : ralelas a la EAE (Escuela Argentina de Espe- 16-17. leologia) Argentinian School of Speleology also refor- Argentina Subterranea, N° 16 (Diciembre med. (BO). 2006) : 3. 3 photos. 2014.2827 Explorations in limestones caves near Las Bru- jas cave during Argentinian School of Speleo- BERGHOLD-MARKOM, Christian (2014) : logy. (BO). VÖH Speleotraining Technik I und II 2014.2833 Verbandsnachrichten, Jg. 65, Nr. 4 : 66-67.

362 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) CLEMENZÓ, Jorge (2006) : Argentina/Para- DI MAIO, Marziano (2013) : Corsi: dai liberi guay 2006 istruttori ai titolati d'obbligo Argentina Subterranea, N° 15 (Agosto 2006) : Grotte. Bollettino interno del Gruppo Speleo- 4-5. 4 photos. logico Piemontese, n. 160 (luglio-dicembre Argentinian school of Speleology in Paraguay. 2013) : 37-39. (BO). Storia della nascita e dell'evoluzione delle 2014.2834 scuole di speleologia in Italia. (MS). 2014.2840 CLEMENZÓ, Jorge (2006) : Escuela Argenti- na de Espeleologia DOUAT, Michel (2014) : Bruits de fond “60 Argentina Subterranea, N° 16 (Diciembre bougies pour la Verna”: opération réussie! 2006) : 4-5. 3 photos. Spelunca, n° 133, mars 2014 : 62-63. 6 photos. More information about activities of Argenti- Récit des manifestations organisées pour fêter nian School in Paraguay. (BO). les 60 ans de la découverte de la salle de la 2014.2835 Verna. (CB). 2014.2841 CLEMENZÓ, Jorge (2006) : Se inició el cur- so de formación 2006 de la Escuela Argentina ENGLEBIN, Laurent (2013) : Brevet A de Espeleología Sous Terre (Groupe Spéléologique de Charle- Argentina Subterranea, N° 14 (Abril 2006) : roi), Novembre-Décembre : 3-7. Photos. 6-7. 5 photos. http://www.gsc-asbl.be/joomla/mensuels.html The beggining of Argentine School of Speleo- Compte rendu du brevet A 2013. (NG). logy. (BO). 2014.2842 2014.2836 FEDERACION ARGENTINA DE ESPELEO- CLEMENZÓ, Jorge (2007) : Escuela Argenti- LOGIA (2007) : Decálogo ético espeleológico na de Espeleologia Argentina Subterranea, N° 17 (April 2007) : 4. Argentina Subterranea, N° 18 (Agosto 2007) : Ethics Code for argentinian cavers. (BO). 3. 1 photo. 2014.2843 Visit and topography two cavities in Malargüe Province during Mai 2007 formation of Argen- FELDER, Andreas (2013) : JuHöFoLa 2012. tina School. (BO). Höhlenkundliche Veröffentlichungen des 2014.2837 Höhlenvereins Blaubeuren (Blaubeuren), Vol. 5 (“Karst Report 2013“) : 104-105. In Germ.; CUCCHI, Franco (2014) : Brevi note di spe- 2 photos. leologia scientifica e carsismo (THR). Grotta Gigante. Scriptum formazione degli 2014.2844 accompagnatori delle grotte turistiche : 4-27. Varie ill. FELDER, Andreas; BOGUTA, Mariana Informazioni di carattere generale, rivolte alle (2013) : Zwei Berichte von Teilnehmern am guide turistiche, sul carsismo, i meccanismi Internationalen Jugend-Höhlenforscherlager speleogenetici, le morfologie carsiche, gli 2012 in Seißen bei Blaubeuren. speleotemi. (PG). Unterwelten-Info (Stuttgart), No. 29 : 4-6. In 2014.2838 Germ./in Engl.; 4 photos. (THR). DEMARCHI, Thomas; FORTI, Fulvio (2014) 2014.2845 : 2013. Grotta Gigante e turismo scolastico Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 71. FINNESAND, Torstein (2008) : Gradering av Potenziate nella grotta le attività didattiche. grotteturer (PG). Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 45. 2014.2839 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 363 A two-dimensional classification scale is Compte rendu de stage dans l'Aveyron par un suggested, the first can be climbing techniques participant avec visite de quatre cavités (Do- based on rising levels of technical skills: 1. lines, Gabrielou, Portalerie, Trois-Gorges). No climbing technique required. 2. Must be (CP). able to hold on to a rope and free climb steep 2014.2849 passages (2-20 m long) secured by a rope. 3. Must be able to climb a ladder, down and up GHERLIZZA, Franco (2013) : VI Campo (secured by a rope). 4. Must manage normal scuola di speleologia. Caramanico Terme (Pes- rappelling. 5. Must be able to normal ascent/ cara) - 16-22 luglio 2012 descent on the rope (if the pitch is too high (> Tuttocat, Numero Unico, dicembre 2012 : 18- 10-12 m) or too complex to use a ladder). 6. 19. 5 foto. Must be comfortable with normal rope ascent/ Brevi commenti dei vari partecipanti al Corso. descent technique and be able to pass a rebelay (PG). in a pitch. The second dimension can be the 2014.2850 length of the trip (in the cave), classified by letters. (Author, TF). GHERLIZZA, Franco (2014) : 7° Campo 2014.2846 Scuola di Speleologia Caramanico Terme (Pes- cara - Abruzzo) FROMENTO, Bruno (2014) : Bruits de fond Tuttocat, Numero unico 2013 (2014) : 24-25. - Exploration à la Pierre Saint-Martin. Stage 4 foto. “jeunes Languedoc-Roussillon” sur le karst de Vari commenti di alcuni partecipanti. (PG). la Pierre Saint-Martin. Un stage pas si ordi- 2014.2851 naire que ça! Spelunca, n° 136, décembre 2014 : 60-63. 12 GHERLIZZA, Franco (2014) : Progetto photos, 1 figure. “Orizzonti Ipogei”. Esperienze didattico-am- Compte-rendu d'un stage original destiné à bientali nel mondo delle grotte donner le goût de l'exploration à des jeunes Tuttocat, Numero unico 2013 (2014) : 22-23. spéléos sur un massif d'envergure. Apports 1 foto. techniques, découverte de nouvelles cavités Elenco delle uscite didattiche (scuole elemen- vierges et traversée Tête Sauvage/La Verna tari, medie e superiori). (PG). étaient au programme de ce stage ambitieux. 2014.2852 (CB). 2014.2847 GRANIER, Rémi; CHAABI, Wafa (2014) : Journée nationale pour les Enfants de la Lune. GAFFIOT, Jean-Jacques (2014) : Week-end L'ANECAT se mobilise. initiation de la LISPEL Spéléo Magazine, n° 86 (Juin 2014) : 30-31. 6 LISPEL-Info, N° 2-2014 (Mai 2014) : 5-6. photos. http://csr-l.ffspeleo.fr/lispelinfo/LISPELIN- L'ANECAT a lancé la 1ère journée nationale FO_2014-2.pdf des grottes touristiques qui s'est impliquée Compte rendu de stage dans le Doubs par un dans une journée envers les enfants atteints de participant avec visite de deux cavités (Ca- xeroderma pigmentosum, elle s'est déroulée vottes et Ouzène) et visite aérienne des cours aux grottes de Moidons (Jura). Tandis que le d'eau (Creux billard, Lison, Sarrazine). (CP). GS Valence organisait sa 12e journée des En- 2014.2848 fants de la Lune. Présentation du livre “la face cachée des Enfants de la Lune”. (Fx). GAILLOT, Édith (2014) : Stage perfectionne- 2014.2853 ment du 1er au 8 mars 2014 (1ère partie) LISPEL-Info, N° 3-2014 (Octobre 2014) : 3-6. GUYOT, Jean-Michel (2014) : J.S.P.T. 2013 http://csr-l.ffspeleo.fr/lispelinfo/LISPELIN- vue par Jean-Michel FO_2014-3.pdf Le P'tit Usania, n° 185 (Janvier 2014) : 3.

364 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- ADEPS moniteur sportif initiateur, le brevet ticle1413 pédagogique ADEPS moniteur sportif éduca- Récit d'un spéléo sur l'organisation de la Jour- teur et le brevet pédagogique ADEPS moniteur née “Spéléo Pour Tous” de 2013 par l'USAN sportif entraîneur. (NG). dans le cadre des Journées nationales de la 2014.2858 spéléologie et du canyonisme. (CP). 2014.2854 LAVOREL, Christophe (2014) : Un cursus de formation pour la détermination des chirop- GUYOT, Jean-Michel (2014) : Journée de la tères sécurité intérieure 2014 Spelunca, n° 135, septembre 2014 : 53-56. 2 Le P'tit Usania, n° 196 (Décembre 2014) : 1-2. photos, 2 figures. Photos. Le CDS de Haute-Savoie a mis en place une http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- formation pour la connaissance des chirop- ticle1475 tères. Plusieurs cavités ont été inventoriées et Compte rendu du salon Grand Public des de nombreuses espèces ont été trouvées dont acteurs de la sécurité intérieure en Meur- la Barbastelle d'Europe qui fait l'objet d'une the-et-Moselle avec participation du Spé- étude particulière. (CB). léo-secours 54. (CP). 2014.2859 2014.2855 LIMAGNE, Rémy (2014) : Bruits de fond ILLIC, Uros; VIDIC, Bor; PLANINC, Rok; - Offrons-leur la Lune! Parce qu'ils le valent VRHOVNIK, Den; BOGUTA, Mariana; JU- bien… RISEVIC, Erika; CESAREC, Marko (2013) : Spelunca, n° 134, juin 2014 : 61. 2 photos. JuHöFoLa 2012. Récit d'une balade dans la Borne aux Cassots Höhlenkundliche Veröffentlichungen des dans le Jura au profit des enfants de la Lune, Höhlenvereins Blaubeuren (Blaubeuren), Vol. association qui s'occupe de ces enfants grave- 5 (“Karst Report 2013“) : 106-111. In Engl./ ment menacés par les UV. (CB). Ital.; 11 photos. 2014.2860 The authors give 6 different reports, 5 in Engli- sh, 1 in Italian. (THR). LIMAGNE, Rémy (2014) : France - Stage 2014.2856 Fédéral. Se former, pourquoi pas ? Spéléo Magazine, n° 88 (Décembre 2014) : 5. JURISEVIC, Erika (2013) : Campo speleo- Stage national de l'EFS sur le Causse de logico di esercitazione per giovani speleolo- Sauveterre du 28 février au 7 mars 2015. Site gi nelle Alpi di Svevia, Città di Blaubeuren internet. (Fx). (Germania) 2014.2861 Tuttocat, Numero Unico, dicembre 2012 : 24. 2 foto. MASSON, François (2014) : La spéléologie Due speleo del CAT hanno partecipato al cam- et le canyonisme comme bases d'un enseigne- po (27 luglio - 11 agosto 2012). (PG). ment scientifique 2014.2857 Spelunca, n° 136, décembre 2014 : 42-45. 6 photos, 4 figures. LA COMMISSION FORMATION (2014) : Ce projet mené en 2013/2014 par un ensei- Brevets: infos utiles gnant du lycée de Céret (Pyrénées-Orientales) Spéléo Info, n° 4 : 4-5. Photos. s'inscrit dans le cadre de l'enseignement de Nouvelle réforme de Bologne au niveau de MPS (méthodes et pratiques scientifiques). l'obtention des brevets afin de devenir moni- Soutenu et aidé par la FFS et le comité régio- teur sportif, en spéléologie. Y sont présentés nal de spéléologie, il a permis à des élèves de ainsi chaque brevet: Les brevets techniques seconde de travailler sur le milieu aquatique fédéraux A, B, et C, le brevet pédagogique des canyons et de découvrir le milieu souter-

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 365 rain. Ce projet sera poursuivi en 2014/2015 par PEPEK, Philippe (2014) : Week-end Jeunes un volet spéléologique. (CB). LISPEL de novembre 2013 2014.2862 LISPEL-Info, N° 2-2014 (Mai 2014) : 3-4. Photo. MILLS, Martin (2014) : Subterranean Games http://csr-l.ffspeleo.fr/lispelinfo/LISPELIN- Descent, No 237 (April/May 2014) : 38. FO_2014-2.pdf Grampian SG games played in caves (GM). Compte rendu de stage dans le Doubs par un 2014.2863 participant avec visite de deux cavités (Ca- vottes et Ouzène) et visite aérienne des cours PACOLLI, Butrint (2013) : JuHöFoLa 2012. d'eau (Creux billard, Lison, Sarrazine). (CP). Höhlenkundliche Veröffentlichungen des 2014.2868 Höhlenvereins Blaubeuren (Blaubeuren), Vol. 5 (“Karst Report 2013“) : 102-103. In Germ.; PRÉHARPRÉ, Christophe; FONTENELLE, 2 photos. Joël; SAUVAGE, Didier; DILLEMBOURG, (THR). Marc (2014) : Info du Fond. Retour sur les 2014.2864 activités 2014 Spéléo Info, n° 6 : 8. Photos. PAREJA, Erwan (2014) : Stage perfectionne- Retour sur les activités 2014: Barchon, ment à Fondamente Senzeille, Villers-le-Gambon, Roton. (NG). LISPEL-Info, N° 3-2014 (Octobre 2014) : 1-2. 2014.2869 Photos. http://csr-l.ffspeleo.fr/lispelinfo/LISPELIN- PRÉVOT, Christophe (2014) : Le conseil FO_2014-3.pdf municipal de Villers au Spéléodrome Compte rendu de stage dans l'Aveyron par un Le P'tit Usania, n° 196 (Décembre 2014) : 2. participant avec visite de six cavités (Bau- Photo. melle, Gabrielou, Lutèce, Mas Raynal, Sot-de- http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- merle et Trois-Gorges). (CP). ticle1476 2014.2865 Compte rendu de visite du Spéléodrome de Nancy par des élus de la commune de Vil- PEPEK, Olivier (2014) : Mon premier week- lers-lès-Nancy. (CP). end Jeunes régional 2014.2870 LISPEL-Info, N° 2-2014 (Mai 2014) : 6. http://csr-l.ffspeleo.fr/lispelinfo/LISPELIN- PRÉVOT, Christophe (2014) : Sortie pédago- FO_2014-2.pdf gique au Spéléodrome Compte rendu de stage dans le Doubs par un Le P'tit Usania, n° 185 (Janvier 2014) : 1-2. jeune participant de 10 ans avec visite de deux Photos. cavités (Cavottes et Ouzène) et visite aérienne http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- des cours d'eau (Creux billard, Lison, Sarra- ticle1412 zine). (CP). Description des activités réalisées avec des 2014.2866 élèves de 5e lors d'une sortie pédagogique au Spéléodrome de Nancy en lien avec l'enseigne- PEPEK, Philippe (2014) : Recyclage C.P.T. ment des sciences de la vie et de la Terre. (CP). avec le S.S.F. 68 2014.2871 LISPEL-Info, N° 3-2014 (Octobre 2014) : 2-3. Photo. PRÉVOT, Daniel (2014) : Associations en http://csr-l.ffspeleo.fr/lispelinfo/LISPELIN- fête, édition 2014 FO_2014-3.pdf Le P'tit Usania, n° 194 (Octobre 2014) : 5. Compte rendu de stage de recyclage du Certifi- Photos. cat de préposé au tir en Alsace. (CP). http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- 2014.2867 ticle1467

366 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Compte rendu du salon Grand Public des as- (2007) : Escuela Argentina de Espeleologia sociations sportives de la communauté urbaine Argentina Subterranea, N° 17 (April 2007) : de Nancy. (CP). 7-8. 2014.2872 Beginning of activities of Argentinian School of Speleology. Calendar learning sessions PRÉVOT, Daniel (2014) : J.N.S.C. 2014 (BO). Le P'tit Usania, n° 195 (Novembre 2014) : 1-3. 2014.2877 Photos. http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- STENUIT, Michel (2014) : Les JNS 2014 ticle1472 Spéléo Info, n° 6 : 4-5. Photos. Compte rendu de la manifestation Grand Pu- Annonce des JNS 2014, matériel et démarche blic “Spéléo Pour Tous” réalisée dans le cadre des clubs. (NG). des Journées nationales de la spéléologie et 2014.2878 du canyonisme dans les grottes de Pierre-la- Treiche. (CP). STÜNZI, Hans (2013) : Paragenese = An- 2014.2873 tischwerkraft-Höhlenbildung AGS-Info, 2/2013 : 42-43. Deutsch. PRÉVOT, Daniel (2014) : Journée du patri- Zusammenfassung über die Paragenese und moine souterrain, édition 2014 ihre Erkennung in Höhlen. (PH). Le P'tit Usania, n° 194 (Octobre 2014) : 2. 2014.2879 Photo, graphique. http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- TOUSSAINT, Jean-Marie (2014) : Stage per- ticle1464 fectionnement 2013 sur le causse Noir Compte rendu de la manifestation Grand Pu- LISPEL-Info, N° 2-2014 (Mai 2014) : 1-2. blic de découverte du Spéléodrome de Nancy Photo. et statistique comparative avec les 12 éditions http://csr-l.ffspeleo.fr/lispelinfo/LISPELIN- précédentes. (CP). FO_2014-2.pdf 2014.2874 Compte rendu de stage sur le causse Noir par un participant avec visite de cinq avens PRÉVOT, Daniel (2014) : Opération “Faîtes (Baume Rousse, Dargilan, Goussoune, Patates du sport” 2014 et Tabourel). (CP). Le P'tit Usania, n° 194 (Octobre 2014) : 1. 2014.2880 Photo. http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- WHITE, Susan (2013) : Hungarian cave ticle1463 exam. Answers to Part 3 – Geology Compte rendu de la manifestation Grand Pu- Caves Australia, No. 193 (June 2013) : 20-22. blic avec ateliers de montée/descente sur corde Answers to the final part of an exam paper au centre commercial Saint-Sébastien (Nancy). used by Pizolit Speleologist Sports Club, Bu- (CP). dapest, covering geology (continued from CA, 2014.2875 #191: 22-23). (GJM). 2014.2881 RATHGEBER, Thomas (2014) : Ein GeoKof- fer als „multimediales Bildungspaket“ beim 7.7 Activities LHK ausleihbar. Activités Unterwelten-Info (Stuttgart), No. 30 : 9-10. In Germ.; 2 photos. (THR). AA (2006) : Styrets årsberetning for 2005- 2014.2876 2006 Norsk Grotteblad, no 47 (Desember 2006) : REDONTE, Gabriel; BENEDETTO, Carlos 4-5.

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 367 Excerpts from annual report to the Norwegian (Author, GM). Speleological Organisation: During the 2005 2014.2887 Tjorve week two lower jaw skeleton remains were found, probably from an adult and a AA (2014) : Hidden Earth 2013 Competition young bear. These have been dated to 65 BC – Results 120 AD and to 230-325 AD respectively. The Speleology, No 19 : 32-33. jaws will probably end up in Rana Museum. A complete list of the competition winners, (TF). their prizes, and photographs of all the win- 2014.2882 ning entries in the Photo Salon. (Author, GM). 2014.2888 AA (2014) : 2014 NSS Convention Update NSS News, Vol. 72, no 5 (May 2014) : 22-23. AA (2014) : Hidden Earth 2013 Report 5 photos. Speleology, No 19 : 25,28. Update on the preparations for the 2014 Natio- BCRA's Arthur Butcher Award, GPF's Trat- nal Speleological Society Convention, which man Award, Giles Barker Award, Surveying will be held in Huntsville, Alabama, USA. Competitions, Photo Salon Important Notice. (YD). Sponsors for 2012 and/or 2013, Conference 2014.2883 Team Credits. (Author, GM). 2014.2889 AA (2014) : 60th Anniversary of the Canberra Speleological Society AA (2014) : Jahrestagung 2014 des Verbandes Caves Australia, No. 197 (June 2014) : 19. Österreichischer Höhlenforscher CSS plans a lunch and a weekend at Yarran- Verbandsnachrichten, Jg. 65, Nr. 4 : 64-66. gobilly Caves to celebrate its 60th birthday. (PF). (GJM). 2014.2890 2014.2884 AA (2014) : Letters AA (2014) : Condividere i dati Speleology, No 19 : 47. Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica Responses from the Hidden Earth team to Italiana, n. 71 (dicembre 2014) : 60-61. Foto. comments made on the HE 2013 questionnaire Presentazione dei programmi del XXII forms. (Author, GM). Congresso nazionale di speleologia che si 2014.2891 svolgerà a Pertosa a fine maggio 2015. (MS). 2014.2885 AA (2014) : Partecipazione ad eventi vari Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 75- AA (2014) : France - Alpes-Maritimes. 52e 76. 2 foto. Congrès National de la FFS. Membri della Boegan hanno presenziato a Spéléo Magazine, n° 88 (Décembre 2014) : 4. Speleonotte e al V Convegno Speleologico 2 photos. Siciliano. (PG). Le 52e Congrès de la FFS se déroulera du 23 2014.2892 au 25 mai 2015 à Saint-Vallier-de-Thiey, dans les Préalpes Grassoises. Le programme, site AARSTAD, Hans Øivind (2005) : Norges- internet. (Fx). samlingen 2005 2014.2886 Norsk Grotteblad, no 45 (Desember 2005) : 34-39. Photos. AA (2014) : Hidden Earth 2013 - Lecture The 2005 Tjorve Week was combined with Summaries the 2005 Norway Meeting. Excellent accom- Speleology, No 19 : 61-63. Online Only. modation was provided at Leirfjorden School Summaries of the presentations at HE 2013 as in Bonådalen. Eight Polish cavers took part. they appeared in the conference programme. David St. Pierre came from England - his

368 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 26th visit! Together with the author he spent 4 Speleological Society Convention, held in weeks in the North. The author describes, for Huntsville, Alabama, USA. (YD). each of the 7 days, the activities of 3-5 groups, 2014.2897 variously constituted. The 25-year jubilee din- ner of the NGF was celebrated at the school on BADESCU, Bogdan (2014) : Roumanie. 9e August 6. Earlier in the summer trigonometric EuroSpeleo Forum. reference points had been established at the Spéléo Magazine, n° 86 (Juin 2014) : 5. 1 openings of Tjorve, now 18516 m. (TF). photo. 2014.2893 Le 9e EuroSpeleo Forum se tiendra à Baile Herculane, il comprendra l'European Expedi- ARNESEN, Ragnhild (2011) : Referat fra tion Symposium, le 3e EuroSpeleo Protection årsmøtet i Norsk Grotteforbund. 31.7.2011 Symposium-Patrimoine Spéléologique, le Norsk Grotteblad, no 57 (Desember 2011) : Speoarta et l'EuroSpeleo Image'In Film Fes- 30-31. Photo, figure. tival, le 1e Eurospeleo Cave Rescue Sympo- 23 people participated at the AGM. The main sium, etc. Site internet. (Fx). issue this year was that the board should inves- 2014.2898 tigate the possibility of increased cooperation between the caving organizations in Norway. BELSETH, Elen (2006) : Referat fra årsmøtet (TF). 2006 2014.2894 Norsk Grotteblad, no 47 (Desember 2006) : 4. Photo. AUCT. VAR. (2014) : 2014 NSS Art & Music The meeting was held on August 12 in Beiarn Salons Entry Info with 29 members attending. Annual report and NSS News, Vol. 72, no 2 (February 2014) : accounts were approved. Svein Grundstrøm 25-26. 1 photo. and Anders Westlund were re-elected as leader Announcement of requirements and deadlines and vice-leader. (TF). to participate in the Art & Music Salons of the 2014.2899 2014 National Speleological Society Conven- tion, to be held in Huntsville, Alabama, USA. BENEDETTO, Carlos (2006) : Espeleoforum (YD). de Sevilla 2014.2895 Argentina Subterranea, N° 16 (Diciembre 2006) : 13. 1 photo. AUCT. VAR. (2014) : 2014 NSS Salons Argentinian and latinamerican participation in NSS News, Vol. 72, no 11 (November 2014) : a forum of Spanish Federation of Speleology 12-17. 1 front-cover photo, 3 back-cover pho- FEE. (BO). tos, mult. photos. 2014.2900 Results of the awards in the categories of Pho- to, Print, Cartography, Video, and other Fine BENEDETTO, Carlos (2006) : [Noticias Arts during the 2014 National Speleological Internacionales] Society Convention, held in Huntsville, Alaba- Argentina Subterranea, N° 14 (Abril 2006) : ma, USA. (YD). 9-10. 2014.2896 Reunión del buró de la UIS y simposio de espeleología en Beirut 2006, MESS2, the BACKE, Mike (2014) : 2014 NSS Awards Middle-East Speleology Symposium. (BO). NSS News, Vol. 72, no 11 (November 2014) : 2014.2901 8-11. 13 photos. Presentation of members who were recognized BENEDETTO, Carlos (2008) : Asamblea, De- for their contributions to the exploration, sarrollo Estratégico y Renovación. RESC-AR scientific study, artistic expression, and conser- Argentina Subterranea, N° 20 (Octubre 2008) vation of caves, during the 2014 National : 7-9.

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 369 A new extraordinary assembly of FAdE to BENEDETTO, Carlos (2009) : Legislación reorganize itself. (BO). Espeleológica y ambiental en Argentina y 2014.2902 Paraguay Argentina Subterranea, N° 21 (Febrero 2009) : BENEDETTO, Carlos (2008) : III congreso 18-19. argentino de espeleología (III-CON.A.E.) Argentinian and paraguayan cavers protest Argentina Subterranea, N° 19 (Junio 2008) : together against legislation. (BO). 3-5. 2014.2909 Brief report about III Argentinian Congress, February 2008. (BO). BENEDETTO, Carlos (2009) : Noticias de la 2014.2903 FEALC Argentina Subterranea, N° 21 (Febrero 2009) BENEDETTO, Carlos (2008) : Noticias de la : 21. FEALC Mexico and FEALC are organizing new Argentina Subterranea, N° 20 (Octubre 2008) congresses. (BO). : 12-13. 2014.2910 New document of FEALC about brazilian legislation. (BO). BENEDETTO, Carlos (2009) : Workshop 2014.2904 Internacional sobre Cuevas de Hielo Argentina Subterranea, N° 21 (Febrero 2009) : BENEDETTO, Carlos (2008) : Noticias de la 20-21. FEALC y la UIS. Declaracion de Aguadilla, A member of FAdE participated in a work VIII Asamblea General de la FEALC. shop in Austria. (BO). Argentina Subterranea, N° 19 (Junio 2008) : 2014.2911 17-18. FEALC Declaration of Aguadilla, 2007. (BO). BOLDT, Petra (2013) : 85 Jahre Drachen- 2014.2905 höhle in Syrau im Vogtland. Unterwelten-Info (Stuttgart), No. 29 : 8. In BENEDETTO, Carlos (2008) : Noticias de la Germ.; 2 photos. UIS (THR). Argentina Subterranea, N° 20 (Octubre 2008) 2014.2912 : 11. A new meeting of UIS Bureau in Jeju. (BO). BOLDT, Petra (2013) : Das Vereinsgeschehen 2014.2906 2012 [Tourenberichte und „Veranstaltungen und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit“]. BENEDETTO, Carlos (2008) : Reunión del Höhlenkundliche Veröffentlichungen des comité ejecutivo de la FEALC. Hidrogeologia Höhlenvereins Blaubeuren (Blaubeuren), Vol. karstica y espeleogenesis 5 (“Karst Report 2013“) : 130-139. In Germ.; Argentina Subterranea, N° 19 (Junio 2008) : 8 photos, 4 tab. 12-13. (THR). Bureau of FEALC had a meeting in Vallemí, 2014.2913 Paraguay. (BO). 2014.2907 BOLDT, Petra (2014) : Bericht der LHK-Vor- sitzenden bei der Hauptversammlung des BENEDETTO, Carlos (2009) : Instituto del Verbands der deutschen Höhlen- und Karstfor- Karst - Brasil scher am 1. Juni 2013 in Hürben. Argentina Subterranea, N° 21 (Febrero 2009) Unterwelten-Info (Stuttgart), No. 30 : 4-6. In : 22. Germ.; 1 fig., 2 photos. Explanation about Institute of Karst in Brazil. (THR). (BO). 2014.2914 2014.2908 370 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) BOLDT, Petra (2014) : Grußwort der Report on a visit to this event, held in Millau, LHK-Vorsitzenden bem Festabend im Rahmen France, in the summer of 2013, and description der Höhlenverbandstagung am 1. Juni 2013 in of the activities there. (YD). Hürben. 2014.2919 Unterwelten-Info (Stuttgart), No. 30 : 7-8. In Germ.; 1 fig. CAILLAULT, Serge (2014) : Edito. (THR). Spéléo Magazine, n° 86 (Juin 2014) : 3. 2014.2915 L'éditorialiste s'interroge sur la nouvelle organisation territoriale française en grandes BOURNE, Steve (2013) : Waitomo 2013: régions qui risque de modifier, voir de suppri- “Sweet As!” mer, des CDS ? (Fx). Australasian Cave and Karst Management 2014.2920 Assoc. Journal, No. 91 (June 2013) : 10-21. 48 photos. CLEMENZÓ, Jorge (2006) : III Congreso A report on the 20th Australasian Conference Argentino de Espeleología on Caves and Karst Management, held at Wai- Argentina Subterranea, N° 16 (Diciembre tomo Caves, NZ in May 2013. Every aspect of 2006) : 12-13. the meeting, pre-conference caving and tour, First circular of III Argentinian Congress 2008. presentations, meals, accommodation, trans- (BO). port, caves and post-conference tours were 2014.2921 outstanding. The event and papers presented are described in detail. (GJM). CLEMENZÓ, Jorge (2007) : III Congreso 2014.2916 Argentino de Espeleología Argentina Subterranea, N° 18 (Agosto 2007) : BROWN, Julie Schenck (2014) : 2014 NSS 5-6. Convention: Our House Party New announcement of Argentinian congress NSS News, Vol. 72, no 11 (November 2014) : 2008. (BO). 4-8. 18 photos. 2014.2922 Wrap-up of the preparations that led to the 2014 National Speleological Society Conven- CLEMENZÓ, Jorge (2007) : V congreso tion, held in Huntsville, Alabama, USA, and FEALC of the activities during this Convention. For Argentina Subterranea, N° 18 (Agosto 2007) : the first time, the Convention was held on a 7-9. property owned by the Society. (YD). Congress of FEALC in Puerto Rico 2007 and 2014.2917 Declaration of Aguadilla relativa al patrimonio espeleológico. (BO). BROWNING, Jeremy (2014) : Fall 2014 2014.2923 VAR: October 10th to 12th, 2014 The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 4 (Au- CLEMENZÓ, Jorge (2007) : XXIX Congreso gust 2014) : 5. Brasileño de Espeleología Announcement of this Virginia Area event, Argentina Subterranea, N° 18 (Agosto 2007) : which will take place in Elkins, West Virginia, 4. 1 photo. USA in October 2014. (YD). Argentinian participation during brazilian 2014.2918 congress SBE (Ouro Preto - Minas Gerais, Brasil). (BO). BUZZACOTT, Peter (2014) : La Fédération 2014.2924 Française de Spéléologie 50th Anniversary Bash COVE, Daniel (2012) : International Show NSS News, Vol. 72, no 3 (March 2014) : 21- Caves Conference 2012 22. 7 photos. Australasian Cave and Karst Management

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 371 Assoc. Journal, No. 89 (December 2012) : 34. on insurance introduced 2002 until the buffer Photo. reduces to 15% of the most recent premium, The 2012 ISCA conference was cohosted by which would enable a $20 reduction in the fee. Perama Cave, Greece and Dim Cave, Turkey. (GJM). 50 delegates visited 6 show caves in 6 days, 2014.2928 observing different approaches to lighting, infrastructure and interpretation. Tragically, DASHER, George (2014) : Fall 2014 West the Greek host from Perama Cave, Giannis Virginia Speleological Survey Meeting Zalavras, was killed by a deranged intruder a The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 5 (Octo- week after the conclusion of the conference. ber 2014) : 13-15. The next conference will be held in Australia Officer reports and individual reports of sur- in 2014. (GJM). vey activities by county for the Fall WVASS 2014.2925 meeting, held in August 2014 in West Virginia, USA. (YD). CRACKNELL, Matt; GILBERT, Sarah 2014.2929 (2010) : Annual Office Bearer's Reports 2009 [Southern Tasmanian Caverneers] DAVIDSEN, Knut (2010) : Årsmøtet i NGF Speleo Spiel, No. 377 (Mar-Apr. 2010) : 15- 2010 19. Norsk Grotteblad, no 55 (Desember 2010) : STC is at the forefront of caving exploration 27. and research in Australia. Exit Cave survey Summary of the 2010 annual meeting of the project has been initiated, several members Norwegian Speleological Society. (TF). have caved overseas, members have restored 2014.2930 Caves Australia; exploration continues in Junee-Florentine, the re-bolting of Niggly DUXBURY, Joe (2014) : A Lacklustre Affair was a success and important discoveries were Descent, No 240 (Oct/Nov 2014) : 34. made in Wolf Hole. Membership increased 77 Report on the EuroSpeleo Forum held in Au- to 79. Income was $4583, expenditure $4555. gust 2014 in Romania (GM). Lengthy Science Officer report, S&R Officer, 2014.2931 Electronic Archivist. (GJM). 2014.2926 EAVIS, Andy (2013) : The International Union of Speleology CUDDINGTON, Bill; CUDDINGTON, Mi- Cave and Karst Management in Australasia riam (2014) : The 2014 Climbing Contest XX. Proc. 20th Australasian Conf. Cave & NSS News, Vol. 72, no 11 (November 2014) : Karst Management 2013. Waitomo Caves, NZ 18. 2 photos. : 224. [abstract only]. Results of the rope-climbing contests du- The International Union of Speleology has ring the 2014 National Speleological Society been in existence for over 60 years. The first Convention, held in Huntsville, Alabama, International Congress of Speleology was in USA. (YD). France in 1953. Since then there has been an 2014.2927 ICS every 4 years, in 14 different countries. The next Congress is in Brno, Czech Republic CULBERG, Tony (2014) : Insurance and in July 2013. The Union has a Management other ASF expenses Bureau of 13 people. There are also a number Caves Australia, No. 196 (March 2014) : 6-7. of Commissions with such titles as volcanic Graph. caves, hydrogeology and speleogenesis. There There has been concern at the cost of ASF is currently ~30 commissions, some are more membership, especially for younger cavers. active than others. Associated organisations are Two cost savings are identified: provide Caves ISCA which is also associated with ACKMA. Australia digitally and suspend the 15% levy More recently regional bodies have been for-

372 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) med in Central America and Europe. (GJM). 23. 2014.2932 Summary from the Norwegian Speleological Society's annual meeting (Author, TF). FABBRICATORE, Alessio (2014) : 16th ICS 2014.2938 International Congress of Speleology: where history meets future FINNESAND, Torstein (2014) : Referat fra Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 76- årsmøtet i NGF 2014 77. 3 foto. Norsk Grotteblad, no 63 (Desember 2014) : Relazione sul Congresso (Brno, luglio 2013). 24. Photos. (PG). The 34th annual Meeting of the Norwegian 2014.2933 Speleological Society was held August 2th 2014 in Rana. 16 members gathered for the FFS (2014) : Bruits de fond - Vie fédérale - meeting. (Author, TF). Extrait du procès-verbal du conseil d'adminis- 2014.2939 tration des 15 et 16 mars 2014 Spelunca, n° 134, juin 2014 : 57-58. FJORDEN, Reidar (2012) : Årsmøtet i NGF Compte-rendu de cette réunion du bureau 2012 fédéral. (CB). Norsk Grotteblad, no 59 (Desember 2012) : 2014.2934 11. The Annual Meeting of Norsk Grotteforbund FFS (2014) : Bruits de fond - Vie fédérale 2013 was arranged at the camp of the gathe- - Procès-verbal de l'assemblée générale ordi- ring at Setså. 21 members were present. Svein naire du dimanche 8 juin 2014 à l'Isle-sur-le- Grundstrøm was reelected as chairman. (TF). Doubs 2014.2940 Spelunca, n° 136, décembre 2014 : 48-55. Rapport complet de cette assemblée générale FRÖJDENLUND, Mats (2014) : 16th Interna- comprenant de nombreux points à l'ordre du tional Congress of Speleology, UIS har något jour dont les différents rapports d'activités, för alla grottkrypare financier, de fonctionnement des pôles et du Grottan, Vol. 49, no 2 (June 2014) : 22-23. In rapport d'orientation 2014. (CB). Swedish. 2014.2935 Some of the commissions under the Interna- tional Union of Speleology UIS are briefly FFS (2014) : Bruits de fond - Vie fédérale - presented. (JL). Relevé de conclusions du conseil d'administra- 2014.2941 tion des 13 et 14 septembre 2014 à Lyon Spelunca, n° 136, décembre 2014 : 56-57. GEYER, Ernest (2014) : 1st international Compte-rendu de cette réunion du bureau Geosciences Congress 2014 - Iran fédéral. (CB). Verbandsnachrichten, Jg. 65, Nr. 2-3 : 44. 2014.2936 (PF). 2014.2942 FFS (2014) : Bruits de fond Vie fédérale Spelunca, n° 133, mars 2014 : 57-59. GEYER, Ernest (2014) : 20-jähriges Jubiläum Extrait du procès verbal du conseil d'adminis- der Romanian Federation of Speleology, 9th tration des 30 novembre et 1 décembre 2013. EuroSpeleo Forum in Baile Herculane (CB). Verbandsnachrichten, Jg. 65, Nr. 4 : 67-68. 2014.2937 (PF). 2014.2943 FINNESAND, Torstein (2009) : Årsmøtet 2009 GOLDONI, Massimo (2014) : SSI un mondo Norsk Grotteblad, no 53 (Desember 2009) : di relazioni

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 373 Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica HOWES, Chris (2014) : The Great Indoors Italiana, n. 70 (giugno 2014) : 72. Foto. Descent, No 241 (Dec/Jan 2014/15) : 40-44. Manifestazioni del 2013 in cui la SSI è stata Report on Hidden Earth 2014, the annual Briti- coinvolta a vari livelli. (MS). sh caving conference (GM). 2014.2944 2014.2949

GRUNDSTRØM, Annelise; GRUNDSTRØM, KERSHAW, Bob (2013) : TROGalong 2013 Bodil; BUSCH, Siv Carina; GRUNDSTRØM, Caves Australia, No. 193 (June 2013) : 15-17. Svein (2013) : 16. internasjonale speleologi- 9 photos. kongress, Brno, Tsjekkia, 21. – 28. juli 2013 Report on 29th ASF Biennial Conference, Norsk Grotteblad, no 61 (Desember 2013) : held at St Clement's Retreat, Galong, NSW. 45-48. Photos. 88 attended the dinner. Post-conference trips The authors visited the 16th international were run to Wyanbene, Cliefden and Jenolan. congress of speleology in Brno in July. There (GJM). were 12 participants from Norway. The article 2014.2950 contains extracts from some of the presen- tations; a list contains several Scandinavian LISPEL (2014) : elements. The GAM is summarized. (TF). Assemblée générale LISPEL, 2014 : 64 p. 2014.2945 Photos. Document d'AG de la LISPEL retraçant l'an- GRUNDSTRØM, Svein (2007) : UIS- née 2014. (CP). kongressen i Athen 2005 2014.2951 Norsk Grotteblad, no 48 (Mai 2007) : 18-21. Photos. LUNDBERG, Johannes (2007) : Norges- UIS Congress in Athens 2005. The main samlingen 2006 conclusion from Athens is that the value of Norsk Grotteblad, no 48 (Mai 2007) : 3-8. being there is not as high as supposed. At least Photos, in Swedish. it requires that the organization is much better. Norway meeting 2006. The police asked (TF). Johannes Lundberg and Svein Grundstrøm for 2014.2946 assistance to rescue a dog that had fallen into a crevasse at Okstindbreen. They got the dog GRUNDSTRØM, Svein (2013) : Rapport fra up safe and sound. The Norway meeting began Hidden Earth, Burnley 2012 with surveying in Tjoarvekrajgge. Two acci- Norsk Grotteblad, no 60 (Juni 2013) : 37-38. dents happened. The first one was a fall down Photos. a canyon wall. The caver was able to walk out The article is a report from the Hidden Earth by herself. The second incident was a caver conference in Burnley 21.-23.9.2012, visited who fell about 4 m. The rope was belayed by the author. On the opening Andy Eavis and around a boulder, which loosened. She became David Chechly welcomed approximately 400 wounded, also internal wounds, but together participants. According to the conference ma- with the other cavers she managed to get out nager, Les Williams, 600-700 came by during of the cave. An ambulance transported her to the weekend. Several interesting lectures are the hospital in Bodø. The meeting continued in mentioned in the report. (TF). Beiarn municipality. (TF). 2014.2947 2014.2952

HOWES, Chris (2014) : Caves of Kras MAMMEL, Fritz (2013) : Das Vereinsjahr Descent, No 238 (June/July 2014) : 20-29. 2012 (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Höhle und Karst Report on the Second International Meeting of Grabenstetten). Cave Photographers based on the Italian/Slo- Grabenstetter höhlenkundliche Hefte (Gra- vene border (GM). benstetten), No. 23 (Jahr 2012) : 5. In Germ. 2014.2948 374 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) (THR). leology 2014.2953 Speleology, No 19 : 34-36. The 16th International Congress of Speleolo- MAMMEL, Fritz (2014) : Das Vereinsjahr gy was held between 21 and 28 July in Brno, 2013 (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Höhle und Karst in the Czech Republic. Over 1200 delegates Grabenstetten). attended from over 50 countries for a week Grabenstetter höhlenkundliche Hefte (Gra- of events, including pre- and post-congress benstetten), No. 23 (Jahr 2012) : 5-6. In excursions. Gina Moseley and Dave Checkley Germ.; 2 photos. give a summary of events; Boyd Potts and Da- (THR). vid St. Pierre describe some of the excursions. 2014.2954 (Author, GM). 2014.2958 MARSH, Denis (2014) : 17th International Congress of Speleology (ICS) Down Under in NYTRØ, Øystein (2007) : Årsmøtet i NGF 2017 2007 med nye vedtekter Caves Australia, No. 197 (June 2014) : 3-4. Norsk Grotteblad, no 49 (Des 2007) : 26-27. In July 2013 in the Czech Republic delegates Norwegian meeting 2007. 18 people partici- at the General Assembly of the International pated at the AGM. The main issue this year Union of Speleology, accepted a proposal from was a proposal to alter the rule of law. Several ASF to hold the next International Congress of minor alterations were adopted. NGF thanks Speleology in Australia in July 2017. A Com- Geir Balseth for his long duty as auditor for mission has been set up within ASF, known as the society. The meeting continued with sur- the Speleo 2017 ICS Organising Commission, veying in Tjoarvekrájgge and caving in Rana to organise and conduct the ICS on behalf of municipality. (Burfjellet 2007) (TF). the UIS and ASF. Australian cavers are invited 2014.2959 to assist. (GJM). 2014.2955 NYTRØ, Øystein (2013) : Årsmøtet i NGF 2013 MCDONNELL, Geoffrey (2013) : Hidden Norsk Grotteblad, no 61 (Desember 2013) : Earth. The annual British caving conference, 12. Burnley, Lancashire. Sep. 22-23, 2012 The annual Meeting of the Norwegian Speleo- Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, logical Society was held August 9th 2013 in Vol. 57, No. 6 : 174. Ref. Fauske. 13 members gathered. (TF). Report of attendance at Hidden Earth. Atten- 2014.2960 dance 600. Visited Stump Cross Caverns and Mother Shiptons Cave. (GJM). OLIVUCCI, Stefano (2014) : Il programma di 2014.2956 Casola 2013? Un grande indice Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica MERLAK, Enrico (2014) : Casola 2013 - Italiana, n. 70 (giugno 2014) : 71. Foto. Underground. 30 ottobre - 3 novembre. Una Rapporto consuntivo della manifestazione. incetta di pubblicazioni (MS). Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 73- 2014.2961 74. 3 foto. All'annuale manifestazione speleologica italia- PRÉVOT, Daniel (2014) : Compte-rendu de na; lo stand della Boegan è stato molto visita- l'assemblée générale du samedi 18 janvier to. (PG). 2014 2014.2957 Le P'tit Usania, n° 186 (Février 2014) : 2-5. Photos. MOSELEY, Gina E.; CHECKLEY, Dave http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- (2014) : 16th International Congress of Spe- ticle1422

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 375 Compte rendu de l'AG 2014 de l'USAN. (CP). he could heat his cold feet and dry his wet 2014.2962 gear. The gathering was a success, he got many new friends, and promises to return to PRÉVOT, Daniel (2014) : Réunion 2014 du Norway. (TF). Grand Nord-Est 2014.2967 Le P'tit Usania, n° 187 (Mars 2014) : 5-6. Plan. http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- TORELLI, Louis (2014) : Casola 2013 ticle1426 Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 73. Compte rendu de la réunion fédérale Grand Cenni sulla partecipazione della ‘Boegan' alla Nord-Est par un participant. (CP). manifestazione. (PG). 2014.2963 2014.2968

SCHENCK BROWN, Julie; VAUGHN, Mi- TUDEK, John (2014) : Fall VAR: October chelle (2014) : 2014 NSS Convention Update: 10th to 12th, 2014 The Countdown Begins The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 5 (Octo- NSS News, Vol. 72, no 1 (January 2014) : 24- ber 2014) : 12-13. 26. 5 photos, 1 registration form. More information about this Virginia Area Update on the preparations for the 2014 Natio- event, which will take place in Elkins, West nal Speleological Society Convention, which Virginia, USA in October 2014. (YD). will be held in Huntsville, Alabama, USA. 2014.2969 (YD). 2014.2964 USAN (2014) : Usania 2014, n° 17 (Janvier 2014) : 94 p. SOUKUP, Cady (2014) : NSS Convention Photos. Arts and Music Salons http://usan.ffspeleo.fr/spip203/spip.php?ar- NSS News, Vol. 72, no 5 (May 2014) : 12-13. ticle1420 1 photo. Document d'AG de l'USAN retraçant l'année Description and information about these 2013. (CP). Salons of the National Speleological Society's 2014.2970 2014 Convention (USA). (YD). 2014.2965 VALE, Abel (2006) : Congreso FEALC2007 Argentina Subterranea, N° 16 (Diciembre SPÖTL, Christoph; STUMMER, Günter; 2006) : 14. WIELANDER, Barbara (2014) : Bericht zur First announcement of latinoamerican congress Jahrestagung 2014 des Verbands Österrei- in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico, 2007. (BO). chischer Höhlenforscher 2014.2971 Verbandsnachrichten, Jg. 65, Nr. 5-6 : 86-88. Fand in Gams bei Hieflau statt. (PF). VINEYARD, Roland (2014) : Open Mic & 2014.2966 Cave Ballad Salon 2014 NSS News, Vol. 72, no 3 (March 2014) : 22. SUOMALAINEN, Kimmo (2012) : Norges- Description of the improvements made to this samlingen og Fjellmøtet på Fauske 2012 event in order to attract more participation and Norsk Grotteblad, no 59 (Desember 2012) : 3. to bring in new talent to this Salon during the Photos. 2014 National Speleological Society Conven- Kimmo from the Finnish Caving Society tion, which will be held in Huntsville, Alaba- writes about his daily experiences at the Setså ma, USA. (YD). gathering. About his participation at several 2014.2972 common cave trips, the rescue practice, the garbage removal and his private trips. And WESTLUND, Anders (2007) : Grotteseminar about the life in the camp - the bonfire where Norsk Grotteblad, no 48 (Mai 2007) : 46-47.

376 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Photos. Bearers' Reports [Southern Caving Society, Cave seminar. The workshop was a part of Tasmania] the project Geoturisme Nordland (see article Speleo Spiel, No. 383 (Mar-Apr. 2011) : 19- in NGB 45). The objective was to assess the 23. possibilities for development of cave tourism Major projects have been Exit Cave mapping in Nordland County, but also inform about the at Ida Bay and exploration at Junee-Florentine. need for knowledge about caves and a sustai- Membership fell slightly: 77 to 71; income nable management of this part of nature. (TF). $5715; expenditure $5426. Detailed Science 2014.2973 Officer report included new cave-dwelling species identified. The electronic archive now WESTLUND, Anders (2012) : Grottesamling includes 11 GB of data including scans of på Setså sommeren 2012 many large maps. (GJM). Norsk Grotteblad, no 58 (Juni 2012) : 3. Photo, 2014.2978 map. NGF's Cave Gathering will be at Setså in Salt- WISE, Geoff; TUNNEY, Ric (2013) : Office dal Jul. 28-Aug. 1. This area is rich in caves, Bearers' Annual Reports - 2012 [Southern Tas- and there will be many organized and unor- manian Caverneers] ganized/spontaneous tours and activities. The Speleo Spiel, No. 395 (Mar-Apr. 2013) : 20-. Swedish Fjällmöte will be arranged together Reports of President, Secretary, Treasurer, with the Norwegian annual meeting. The An- S&R Officer, Editor, etc. Electronic archive is nual Meeting of NGF will be Jul. 29. (TF). now over 16 GB of data. Membership in- 2014.2974 creased 52 to 61. Income $7215; expenditure $6620. (GJM). WESTLUND, Anders (2012) : Turreferater 2014.2979 fra grottesamlingen Norsk Grotteblad, no 59 (Desember 2012) : 7. WISEMAN, Dean (2014) : NSS 2014 Photos. Convention Update: The Road Home 30 people from 5 countries participated in the NSS News, Vol. 72, no 3 (March 2014) : 23. 4 cave gathering at Setså. Several cave trips in photos. the district were arranged, and summaries from Update on the preparations for the 2014 Natio- some of these are presented. (TF). nal Speleological Society Convention, which 2014.2975 will be held in Huntsville, Alabama, USA. (YD). WIDMER, Mirjam (2013) : 16. Internatio- 2014.2980 naler Kongress für Speläologie, 21.-28. Juli 2013 in Brünn (Brno) ZELLNER, Andy (2014) : Caving at the 2014 AGS-Info, 2/2013 : 36-40. Deutsch. NSS Convention Bericht einer Teilnehmerin über den Int. NSS News, Vol. 72, no 2 (February 2014) : 18- Kongress 2013 in Brno. (PH). 19. 7 photos. 2014.2976 Info on caves that can be visited during the 2014 National Speleological Society Conven- WIELANDER, Barbara; MATTES, Johannes tion in Huntsville, Alabama, USA, as well as (2014) : Protokoll der Generalversammlung tourist info. (YD). 2014 2014.2981 Verbandsnachrichten, Jg. 65, Nr. 5-6 : 83-86. Verband Österreichischer Höhlenforscher (PF). 2014.2977

WISE, Geoff; GILBERT, Sarah; CLARKE, Arthur; TUNNEY, Ric (2011) : 2010 Office

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 377 378 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 8.1 Topography BOSSE, Michael; ZLOT, Robert (2013) : Ef- Topographie ficient mobile mapping of Jenolan Caves using a handheld 3D LiDAR System The science of Jenolan Caves: What do we AARSTAD, Hans Øivind (2009) : Disto A3 know? Abstracts of presented papers : 15 p. omskapt til DistoX http://linneansocietynsw.org.au/symposia/Je- Norsk Grotteblad, no 52 (Juni 2009) : 3. nolan%20Caves/Jenolan.html With the use of a Disto A3 and a printed circuit Technological advances have enabled an board bought from Beat Heeb in Switzerland, increase in both the quantity and quality of Hans Øivind Aarstad from the Norwegian acquired data for cave surveying ; but have Speleological Society had assembled the new come with a significant increase in equipment instrument for cave-surveying, called DistoX. cost, and have not addressed the efficiency of The main problem was how to accomplish the surveying process. We introduce a hand- such small-scale engineering, but with steady held mobile mapping solution called Zebe- hands and a strong magnifying glass in the dee, which is capable of efficiently producing right eye, he managed to create it (he is very high-resolution, large-scale 3D maps of caves good at it!). The instrument can be bought in the time it takes to walk, climb or crawl through NGF, each one provided with a serial through them. Due to its light weight, small number, starting with NGF1. DistoX gives size and ease of use, Zebedee can be carried cavers possibilities to create cave maps with for extended periods in nearly any environ- a much higher degree of accuracy, than with ment its operator can reach. System consists normal, handheld instruments. (Author, TF). of a 2D LiDAR scanner and inertial sensor 2014.2982 mounted on a spring… (Author, GJM). 2014.2984 AARSTAD, Hans Øivind (2011) : Avmagneti- sering av batterier i DistoX COOPER, Ian; MAYNARD, Philip (2013) : Norsk Grotteblad, no 56 (Juni 2011) : 9. Pho- Systematic cave survey as an exploration tool, tos. and as a baseline for scientific studies May demagnetizing the batteries of DistoX The science of Jenolan Caves: What do we prevent some of the difficulties with the instru- know? Abstracts of presented papers : 15 p. ment's compass? The author describes his ex- http://linneansocietynsw.org.au/symposia/Je- periences on trying to solve this problem. He nolan%20Caves/Jenolan.html partly succeeded, but still recommend regular- Survey and mapping of the cave systems has ly calibration of DistoX. Links to websites on co-evolved with the exploration of the caves: this issue. (TF). exploration has led to the survey and map- 2014.2983 ping of caves, and survey and mapping has

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 379 driven exploration. This paper will provide each station, this is probably the best cave sur- a historical context and modern examples of veying software today. (Author, TF). survey efforts at Jenolan providing a resource 2014.2987 for research into the physical processes, and for research into anthropogenic modification DAY, Anthony (2012) : UIS grader for grotte- of those processes. The co-evolution of ex- kartlegging ploration and survey is exemplified by mul- Norsk Grotteblad, no 58 (Juni 2012) : 43-45. tiple episodes of discovery at Jenolan Caves. Tables. A recent example within Wiburds Lake cave At the 15th International Congress of Speleo- will be detailed. Cave survey is essential as an logy, the Survey and Mapping Working Group input to and check of geology and speleogene- of the International Union of Speleology (UIS) sis studies. (Author, GJM). Informatics Commission discussed the sys- 2014.2985 tem of UIS survey grades. A system of grades for describing the expected accuracy of cave CRACKNELL, Matt (2010) : Exit Cave Map- maps is desirable. The systems of British Cave ping Project Scoping Study review 2010 Research Association (BCRA) and Australian Speleo Spiel, No. 377 (Mar-Apr. 2010) : 19- Speleological Federation (ASF) were eva- 20. luated, and it was decided that the ASF grades Members of STC have been working with the were most suitable as the basis for a UIS Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service to es- grading system. The final version of the UIS tablish the Exit Cave Mapping Project. Pro- grades was ratified in August 2010. This article ject's aims are to: produce a suitably detailed presents a Norwegian translation of the UIS map of Exit Cave system; record and docu- grades together with some comments on their ment important cave features and establish use. (TF). in-cave tracks for navigation and protection 2014.2988 of sensitive areas. A grant has been obtained from Wildcare for the purchase of surveying FINNESAND, Torstein; AARSTAD, Hans gear, stationery and track marking equipment Øivind (2013) : DistoX: Fra A3 til X310 totalling $1600. Also, a document outlining Norsk Grotteblad, no 60 (Juni 2013) : 41. standards and methodologies for mapping and Figure. surveying, and a list of priority areas and tasks We experience that DistoXen measure an error is currently being drafted. (GJM). in certain compass directions. Based on exten- 2014.2986 sive testing of three DistoX's in 2010-2012, we found that the maximum error and compass DAVIDSEN, Knut (2009) : Grottekartlegging heading at maximum error changed over time med TDS Recon og Pocket Topo (more or less no difference right after a calibra- Norsk Grotteblad, no 52 (Juni 2009) : 9-11, 27. tion). The error was methodical. We developed Figure. formulas that corrected it. We don't know why The article takes a closer look on which PDA we have this error. One theory is that Norway and software is suitable for cave surveying in is too close to the North Pole. We will now test combination with DistoX. The choice of PDA the new prototype Beat Heeb. It is based on depends on which operative system you want the Disto X310, which is more shock resistant to use, which again depends on which cave than Disto A3. (TF). survey software you want to use. The chosen 2014.2989 equipment which is tested in the cave, is the Recon TDS and PocketTopo. The rugged Re- FINNESAND, Torstein (2013) : Test av proto- con with a good battery solution is well suited typen til DistoX2 for use in caves. PocketTopo is easy to use, Norsk Grotteblad, no 61 (Desember 2013) : and with the opportunity to do drawings on the 13. Tables. screen and measure unlimited side shots from A prototype of the card Beat Heeb wants to

380 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) have installed in the X310 was tested in the some specifications for future cave surveying summer and autumn 2013. We found a com- laser units. (Author, TF). pass error, as we also did in our DISTOX's, 2014.2993 but the error seems to be more systematic. The error de-pends on both the compass direction KERSHAW, Bob (2014) : Are map cross-sec- and roll. It is assumes that Norway's close tions a thing of the past? location to the magnetic pole is the main error Caves Australia, No. 197 (June 2014) : 11-12. source. (TF). 3 figs, photo. 2014.2990 Traditionally cave maps have been supple- mented with cross-sections to indicate the FINNESAND, Torstein; AARSTAD, Hans shapes of passages and chambers. It is now Øivind (2014) : Kjøp og montering av 12 stk possible, using digital cameras, to take pho- DistoX2 tographs recording cross-sections and place Norsk Grotteblad, no 63 (Desember 2014) : 6. these on published maps. Even old maps can Figure. be upgraded by including suitable photo- In January 2014, the Norwegian Speleological graphs. (GJM). Society bought cards from David Heeb, Disto 2014.2994 X310's, LiPo batteries and USB ports and mounted 12 DistoX2, for cavers in Norway MCFARLANE, D.A.; BUCHROITHNER, M.; and Sweden. It's important to check the com- LUNDBERG, Johannes; PETTERS, C.; RO- pass readings before and after a survey trip. BERTS, W.; VAN RENTERGEN, G. (2013) (Author, TF). : Integrated three-dimensional laser scanning 2014.2991 and autonomous drone surface-photogramme- try at Gomantong Caves, Sabah, Malaysia GERBER, Vincent (2014) : Handboek voor Karst and Cave Survey, Mapping and Data een virtueel grotbezoek : google street view Processing – poster, in Proc. 16th Int. Cong. onder de grond Speleology, No 2 : 317-319. 2 fig. 1 tab. Spelerpes, n° 2 : 38-43. In Dutch, photos, (LP). carte. 2014.2995 Guide sur la réalisation d'une visite virtuelle 180° avec comme exemple la nouvelle grotte MIDDLETON, Greg (2013) : Disto™s get du Noû Bleû à Sprimont en province de Liège. better, tougher – and cheaper Description de la méthode, de la technique et Speleo Spiel, No. 395 (Mar-Apr. 2013) : 27. du logiciel utilisé. (NG). Photo. 2014.2992 Review of the Leica Disto™ X310 distance and inclination measuring device, particularly GRUNDSTRØM, Svein (2009) : Grottekartle- comparing it to the A3 model. Major impro- gging med og uten DistoX vements are ability to measure full 360° in Norsk Grotteblad, no 52 (Juni 2009) : 3-8. vertical plane, a keypad lock and improved Photos, figures, tables. robustness + reduced price. (GJM). This article is the Norwegian version of the 2014.2996 authors speech at the BCRA Cave Technology Symposium 2009 in Wales with the title “Cave NOZZOLI, Sergio (2014) : Inclinometro surveying with and without DistoX”. After a rozzo ma funzionale InCroFu short introduction, covering the analogue way Speleologia del Lazio. Rivista della Federa- of cave surveying, including a modification zione Speleologica del Lazio, n. 7 (novembre for compasses, the main issue arrives: 2014) : 18-23. Foto. The DistoX from Beat Heeb and the possibili- Suggerimenti per la realizzazione di un cli- ties it has in combination with cave surveying nometro artigianale con adeguati standard di programs on PDA's. The author also proposes precisione. (MS). 2014.2997 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 381 PICCINI, Leonardo (2014) : Sullo sviluppo et logiciels utilisés y sont décrits. (NG). spaziale delle grotte 2014.3001 Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologi- ca Italiana, n. 70 (giugno 2014) : 52-56. Foto, WARILD, Alan (2013) : 3D models as a better disegni. way understand complex cave systems Mentre l'effettiva profondità di una grotta The science of Jenolan Caves: What do we può essere misurata con una certa precisione, know? Abstracts of presented papers : 15 p. quella del suo sviluppo spaziale è molto più http://linneansocietynsw.org.au/symposia/Je- incerta. Motivi delle approssimazioni e sugge- nolan%20Caves/Jenolan.html rimenti per contenerle. (MS). Presentation will discuss survey data required 2014.2998 to prepare a 3D model. It uses available data taken for a traditional map. Only for large POLOK, Mariusz (2012) : The can-do Pole: caverns was more detailed data taken in order Cave Sniper to preserve the resolution of the map. Software Norsk Grotteblad, no 58 (Juni 2012) : 46-47. used to prepare final 3D maps will be briefly Photos, table. discussed. A 3D model of Jenolan Cave Sys- The Cave Sniper system is Leica Disto A6 tem will be used to illustrate that they can be distance meter and the Cave Sniper. Cave viewed from any angle to clearly see rela- Sniper has an electronic compass and a clino- tionships between passages, flipped to a profile meter. The distance readings are constantly view to see levels or flipped the other way be- transferred to Cave Sniper via Bluetooth. The cause some large cavern is obscuring smaller other readings are also saved in Cave Sniper's passage. The cave can be presented in context memory. Cave Sniper is calibrated when it is with surface above it, and inside the block of manufactured and does not require any further limestone within which it is formed.. (GJM). calibration. Cave Sniper measures the azimuth 2014.3002 accurately in any position (upside down as well). The Cave Sniper provides tilt accuracy 8.2 Terminology; Toponymy of approx. ± 1 degree and compass accuracy Terminologie; Toponymie of ± 1,5 with the tilt in the ± 60 degrees range. When the inclination is higher, the error mar- gin increases slightly. (TF). BELLAMY, Kath; BARNES, Craig; JAMES, 2014.2999 Julia M. (2013) : Jenolan show caves: origin of cave and feature names SCHOPPER, Michael (2014) : Höhlenver- The science of Jenolan Caves: What do we messung - Technik im Wandel der Zeit. know? Abstracts of presented papers : 15 p. Laichinger Höhlenfreund (Laichingen), Vol. 49 http://linneansocietynsw.org.au/symposia/Je- (2014) : 29-38. In Germ.; 16 fig. and photos. nolan%20Caves/Jenolan.html (THR). Jenolan Caves Historical & Preservation So- 2014.3000 ciety researchers and surveyors worked to- gether to place names on maps being produced VAN RENTERGEM, Guy (2014) : Goman- by Jenolan Caves Survey Project. Sources tong grotten opgemeten met 3D scanner : for cave and feature names were guidebooks, grotten scannen op Borneo newspaper articles, tourist publications, post- Spelerpes, n° 2 : 33-37. In Dutch, photos, topo, cards and photographs. Contributions also carte. from oral history supplied by guiding staff. Compte rendu de deux expéditions 2012 et From 1838 to present, guides have striven to 2014 à Borneo, dans la grotte archéologique de acquaint visitors with the 'exotic' cave environ- Gomantong. Le but de ces expéditions est de ment, resulting in a tradition of giving features topographier la cavité en 3D, projet mené par familiar names. To the informed, names of la National Geographic Society. Les méthodes caves and formations can take on a hierogly-

382 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) phic character that can guide you through the history of the caves.. (Author, GJM). GRIMES, Ken (2011) : The terminology of 2014.3003 karst, pseudokarst and ruiniform landscapes Proc. 28th Biennial Conf. of ASF, Chillagoe BUNTON, Stephen (2013) : Cave words: 2011. [PP Presentation]. Prusik Tabulates use of karst, parakarst, hypokarst Caves Australia, No. 194 (September 2013) : and pseudokarst by 6 authors since 1972. Para- 23. karst in Australia is silicate karst (laterite karst, Discusses how brand names can be adopted quartz sandstone karst), granite karren, "vol- into English. In the case of Dr Karl Prusik, a canokarst", … Involves chemical weathering sliding knot he devised to ascend ropes was (more than just solution) = tafoni, granite, … given his name and the activity became ‘to Pseudokarst: Hypokarst (lava caves and other prusik'. The past tense is ‘prusiked' and the volcanic cavities), Glacier caves and abla- present participle is ‘prusiking'. (GJM). tion of snow, thermokarst. Sea caves, Piping, 2014.3004 Wind erosion, Mass movement (& tectonic movement), Biogenic (burrowing & mining), BUNTON, Steve (2013) : Cave words: Aven Constructional caves. Caves Australia, No. 193 (June 2013) : 19. Polygenic: Boulder caves (solution, weathe- In Australia and UK an aven is a shaft rising ring, mass movement, piping, …), Tafoni vertically from a cave passage, not breaking (solution, chemical weathering, wind, gravity). through to the surface. In its original French it Ruiniform Terrain is not “karst-like”. (GJM). means an entrance shaft or abyss. (GJM). 2014.3009 2014.3005 MOOSDORF, Reinhard W. (2014) : Zur DE BLOCK, Guy (2014) : Contribution à Namensgebung der Sophienhöhle und ihrer l'étymologie du nom donné aux cavités natu- Höhlenteile nahe Waischenfeld, Fränkische relles de Wallonie (4° partie : S-Z) Alb. Regards, n° 78 : 25-29. Photos. Mitt. Verb. dt. Höhlen- u. Karstforsch., 60 Informations sur l'origine et la signification du (3+4) : 70-79. nom donné aux cavités de Wallonie. (NG). On historic names of Sophienhöhle, Franco- 2014.3006 nian Alb. (ML). 2014.3010 FAIRCHILD, Ian J.; FRISIA, S. (2014) : De- finition of the Anthropocene: a view from the 8.3 Bibliography underworld. Bibliographie A Stratigraphical Basis for the Anthropocene. Geological Society Special Publication, 395 : 239-254. AA (2014) : A (s')offrir. (GM). Spéléo Magazine, n° 88 (Décembre 2014) : 38. 2014.3007 3 photos. Présentation de 3 livres : “France souterraine, FORTI, Fabio (2014) : Problemi carsico-spe- insolite & extraordinaire” d'Arnaud Goumand. leologici “Chauvet-Pont d'Arc, Le premier chef- Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : d'oeuvre de l'humanité révélé par la 3D” de 105-107. Pedro Lima. “Le réseau d'Ardengost, à la dé- Nel recensire l'articolo di G. Cancian “Disso- couverte du sous-sol pyrénéen” d'Yves André. luzione, erosione e altri temi” (Cronache ipo- Editeurs, prix et site internet pour commande. gee 1/2014) l'A. interviene sulla terminologia (Fx). carsica. (PG). 2014.3011 2014.3008

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 383 AA (2014) : Notre histoire à l'honneur. non. (MS). Spéléo Magazine, n° 85 (Mars 2014) : 25. 4 2014.3016 photos. Présentation du “Manuel technique de Plongée AUCT. VAR. (2014) : Viaggio in biblioteca Souterraine” par Frank Vasseur. Réédition de Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica la biographie de Martel par Casteret. DVD sur Italiana, n. 71 (dicembre 2014) : 70-71. Foto. Casteret réalisé par Guy Fournié, et réalisation Rassegna di alcune pubblicazioni speleolo- d'un buste de Martel. Adresse ou site internet giche periodiche uscite nel 2013 in Italia. pour commande. (Fx). (MS). 2014.3012 2014.3017

AA (2014) : Que du bon. BECKER, Jürgen (2014) : Erfreuliches: un- Spéléo Magazine, n° 87 (Septembre 2014) : sere Homepage 50. 4 photos. Der Schlaz, Nr. 121, September 2014 : 30-32. Présentation de 4 livres : “l'histoire des grottes Neue Homepage des Vereins für Höhlenkunde d'Haïti racontée par la petite goutte d'eau” par in München (GST). Carole Devillers. “aventures souterraines dans 2014.3018 les îles” biographie de Jean-Paul Sounier. “les traversées du réseau de la Pierre Saint Martin” BENEDET, Michele; GUIDI, Pino (2014) : ARSIP Info hors série. “les belles du Doubs” Novità editoriali topo guide tome 1. (Fx). Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 91- 2014.3013 94. 4 fig. Presentate 16 pubblicazioni regionali. (PG). AA (2014) : Viaggio in biblioteca - Recensio- 2014.3019 ni Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica CUCCHI, Franco (2014) : Editoriale Italiana, n. 70 (giugno 2014) : 77-85. Foto. Progressione, N° 60, n. 1 (gen.-giu. 2013) : 1. Rassegna delle pubblicazioni periodiche uscite Presentazione del volume dedicato agli “Indi- in Italia nel 2013. (MS). ci” dei precedenti venti numeri. (PG). 2014.3014 2014.3020

ANDRE, Daniel; DROUIN, Philippe (2014) : DALL'ACQUA, Riccardo (2014) : Editoria Le coin des livres Web Spelunca, n° 133, mars 2014 : 55-56. Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica L'aven aux merveilles, Alain Marc; La Italiana, n. 70 (giugno 2014) : 74-76. Tabelle. chauve-souris, Dreaming Green, Lim Ji-Yeon; Evoluzione dell'editoria periodica speleolo- Les premiers hommes du Sud-Ouest, Marc gica in Italia in 110 anni. Il picco massimo Large; Le Roc-aux-Sorciers, Jacques Buis- di testate attive è stato negli anni ‘80. Forte son-Catil, Jérôme Primault; Rio Vero, Pierre riduzione negli anni 2000. (MS). Minvielle; Garonne, source d'histoires, Hen- 2014.3021 ri Salvayre; La préhistoire à très petits pas, Colette Swinnen, Claire Laurens; Les hommes DE WAELE, Jo (2014) : Speleoscienza in des cavernes, Fiona Watts. (CB). Italia 2014.3015 Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica Italiana, n. 71 (dicembre 2014) : 72-73. Map- AUCT. VAR. (2014) : Recensioni pa. Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica Rassegna commentata di tutti gli articoli Italiana, n. 71 (dicembre 2014) : 74-78. Foto. scientifici scritti in inglese sull'Italia nel 2013 Rassegna di alcune pubblicazioni speleolo- e pubblicati in riviste con Impact factor. I dati giche monografiche uscite nel 2013 in Italia e bibliografici completi sono visibili su SiR il

384 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) sito online della rivista Speleologia. (MS). GUIDI, Pino; SCRIGNA, Gianni (2014) : 2014.3022 L'aggiornamento del nostro archivio multime- diale DROUIN, Philippe; GAUCHON, Christophe Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 87. (2014) : Le coin des livres Nel 2013 l'archivio ha raccolto ulteriori 1909 Spelunca, n° 134, juin 2014 : 56. foto, custodite in 28 album. (PG). Parcours souterrain en Vercors: grotte Roche, 2014.3027 grotte de la fenêtre 4, Baudouin Lismonde, Serge Caillault; Bulletin du GERSAM n°11, GUIDI, Pino (2014) : Progressione 40-59. GERSAM; Petzl, la promesse des profondeurs, Indici analitici (1999-2002) Sophie Cuénot, Hervé Bodeau. (CB). Progressione, N° 60, n. 1 (gen.-giu. 2013) : 2014.3023 3-115. Indici organizzati per fascicolo, autore, argo- DROUIN, Philippe; GAUCHON, Christophe mento (21 voci), elenco alfabetico delle ca- (2014) : Le coin des livres vità citate (divise per nazione), elenco rilievi Spelunca, n° 135, septembre 2014 : 59-60. pubblicati. (PG). Caves of the Democratic Republic of the 2014.3028 Congo: exploration, science and history, Jean G. Shaw; La grotte préhistorique de Pair-non- JACKSON, Alan (2014) : Caves Australia Pair, Michel Lenoir; Les belles du Doubs, online CDS Doubs; Les catacombes de Paris, Gilles Caves Australia, No. 198 (Sep. 2014) : 2. Thomas; L'Odyssée des bannis, Gilbert Saby; A website has been set up to demonstrate the La parole de Lascaux, Jean-Louis Rougié; La new digital version of Caves Australia: www. face cachée des enfants de la Lune, Groupe cavesaustralia.com This will compliment Spéléologique Valentinois; Caline sentiers, and should eventually replace the hard copy Yves Ray. (CB). version. Feedback from readers is welcomed. 2014.3024 (GJM). 2014.3029 FINNESAND, Torstein (2009) : Skanning av Norwegian Cave Index and Bibliopraphy JACKSON, Alan (2014) : Electronic Caves Norsk Grotteblad, no 52 (Juni 2009) : 14-15, Australia 28. Photo, figures. Caves Australia, No. 196 (March 2014) : 7-8. The goal was set: “Two persons should go to 2 tbls, ref. David St. Pierre and scan at least half of the re- ASF's Publications Commission proposes to gistration cards in the Norwegian Cave Index introduce option of an electronic subscription and Bibliography (NCIB)”. Svein Grundstrøm to Caves Australia, which would provide a and Torstein Finnesand from the Norwegian significant cost saving. Sets out costs under Speleological Society went over to David and 3 scenarios, depending on proportion still Marie in England on April 14th - 17th and printed. Invites comments. (GJM). scanned more than 2000 cards. (Author, TF). 2014.3030 2014.3025 MERLAK, Enrico (2014) : Biblioteca GOBESSI, Massimo (2013) : Recensioni. Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 94- Muli de Grota 104. 4 fig. Tuttocat, Numero Unico, dicembre 2012 : 40. Recensiti gli articoli di una dozzina di riviste. 2 foto. (PG). Presentazione del libro omonimo di Franco 2014.3031 Gherlizza. (PG). 2014.3026 MILLS, Martin (2014) : Another Curious Early Scottish Cave Book?

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 385 Grampian Speleological Group Bulletin 5th SEDRAN, Sandro (2007) : Speleo per tutti Series, Vol. 1, no 2 : 2-4. 2 ill. Atti del 26° Triangolo dell'Amicizia, Villaggio An 1886 book ‘Aberdrothok Illustrated', by del Pescatore 9-10-11 giugno 2006 : 14. 1 foto. John Adams, is described. Having found a Presentazione del libro omonimo. (PG). copy in Dundee public library, the author 2014.3037 draws attention to descriptions of sea caves near Abroath, which are illustrated by wood- ST. PIERRE, David (2005) : A preliminary cuts. (Author, GM). annotated bibliography of the caves, karst and 2014.3032 cryokarst of Svalbard Norsk Grotteblad, no 45 (Desember 2005) : MILLS, Martin (2014) : Cave Illustrations of 3-22. Photos, map, surveys. In English. Scotland (6) An annotated bibliography of the caves, karst, Grampian Speleological Group Bulletin 5th thermokarst and cryokarst of the Svalbard Series, Vol. 1, no 1 : 29-30. 6 ill. archipelago, which includes Spitsbergen and Continuing series on old woodcuts and Bjørnøya (Bear Island), is presented using the etchings, this article deals with the Rob Roy same classification as Current Titles in Speleo- Cave on the side of Loch Lomond, showing logy. References to karst, non-karstic and gla- several 19th Century depictions of this Boul- cier caves are included. The entries have been der-formed cavity. (Author, GM). abstracted from the Norwegian Cave Index 2014.3033 and Bibliography which was started by Shirley and David St Pierre in 1963. A request is made MILLS, Martin (2014) : Cave Illustrations of for offprints or details of relevant publications Scotland (7) so that the bibliography can be kept complete Grampian Speleological Group Bulletin 5th and up to date. (Author, TF). Series, Vol. 1, no 2 : 48. 1 ill. 2014.3038 Another in this occasional series features one of the East Wemyss caves in Fife. An oil-on- ST. PIERRE, David (2005) : A preliminary canvas illustration of, probably, Court Caves, bibliography of marble caves in Southern is shown. (Author, GM). Nordland, Norway 2014.3034 Norsk Grotteblad, no 44 (Mai 2005) : 3-12. Photos, map. In English. POGGIA, Fred; DROUIN, Philippe (2014) : The bibliography of marble caves in southern Le coin des livres Nordland has been abstracted from the Norwe- Spelunca, n° 136, décembre 2014 : 46. gian Cave Index and Bibliography which was Et je te donnerai les trésors des ténèbres, Jean started by David & Shirley St. Pierre in 1963. Bertolino; Le réseau d'Ardengost, Yves André; For the purposes of this bibliography southern Les grottes du sud-est d'Haïti, Carole Devil- Nordland is taken to include all those kom- lers; Aventures souterraines dans les îles, Jean- muner south of Rana. That is Sør : Paul Sounier. (CB). the coastal kommuner of , Vega, 2014.3035 Brønnøy, Sømna and , and , Herøy, Dønna and and the inland PRODEAU, Laurent (2014) : A (s')offrir. kommuner of Grane, Vefsn, , and Spéléo Magazine, n° 88 (Décembre 2014) : 38. . The classifications 1-15 are those that 1 photo. were used by Ray Mansfield in Current Titles Présentation du livre “Gouffre Berger, l'esprit in Speleology. (Author, TF). d'équipe” par Mark Wright, Robbie Shone & 2014.3039 al. édité par Vertebrate publishing, bilingue français - anglais. Site internet pour com- ST. PIERRE, David (2008) : Norges lengste, mande. (Fx). dypeste og høyeste grotter 2014.3036 Norsk Grotteblad, no 51 (Desember 2008) :

386 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 18-25. Photos, tables, surveys. man who hid his valuables there. A dog ente- Lists of Norway's longest and deepest caves. ring the cave is said to have emerged at Hun- The lists are compiled from recent correspon- den in Overhalden, 20 miles away. The other dence and data abstracted from the compiler's a short daylight resurgence cave is illustrated. Norwegian Cave Index and Bibliography The area was visited in1970 and 1979 by Da- which was started in 1963 with the aim of vid St Pierre and in 2013 with Trond Rian and cataloguing as many Norwegian caves and as Øystein Nytrø. (TF). much related literature as possible. Copies of 2014.3042 most of the publications listed in the references are held by the compiler. This time a new list ST. PIERRE, David (2013) : Huler nær Stokk- has been incorporated for Norway's highest sund i Åfjord, Sør-Trøndelag caves particularly those over 1000 m.a.sl. Norsk Grotteblad, no 61 (Desember 2013) : (Author, TF). 40-43. Photos, map, survey. 2014.3040 References to 11 former sea caves or tectonic features in granite and gneiss in the Stokk- ST. PIERRE, David (2013) : Huler i Lille sund area have been extracted from the NCIB. Gaulstad området, Nord-Trøndelag “Best known” is Harbakhulen, 97 moh, l c. Norsk Grotteblad, no 61 (Desember 2013) : 200m. Earliest reference quoted is Krefting, 38-39. Photos, map, surveys. Survey published 1865. His plan of ”Horbak-hulen” is repro- in Norsk Grotteblad no. 50, 2008. duced. A comparison is made between his Kraft mentions underground course near drawing of the entrance and a recent photo by “Gulstad” Farm in 1835. Helland, 1909 and Trond Rian who illustrates several of the other Corbel 1957 have a little detail. Øystein caves. (TF). Nytrø, Trond Rian and David St Pierre visited 2014.3043 Jettegrytegrotter, l 500m. June 2013. Reported Almli 1996; closed for conservation. Guide ST. PIERRE, David (2013) : Status Norwe- necessary. David was in the area in 1972 when gian Cave Index & Bibliography Øvre & Nedre Gaulstadgrotta, and a resur- Norsk Grotteblad, no 61 (Desember 2013) : gence cave and sink at the base of a waterfall 34. Tables. on a tributary stream [Jensbekken] were noted, The totals recorded by May 2013 are 1922 ka- and again in July 1992 when the 16m shaft in rst caves and 641 non-calcareous caves, 2365 Øvre Gaulstadgrotta was descended. Doj made references to karst caves and 592 references to a 567m. through trip in August under lower caves in non-calcareous rock. (TF). water conditions. Øystein and Trond plan to 2014.3044 return. Report proposed. (TF). 2014.3041 TORELLI, Louis (2014) : Piccole divagazioni sulle profondità ST. PIERRE, David (2013) : Huler i Snåsa, Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : Nord-Trøndelag 107-108. 1 fig. Norsk Grotteblad, no 61 (Desember 2013) : Recensione dell'omonimo libro di N. Russo. 35-37. Photo. . (PG). Compiled from the NCIB and a recent visit. 2014.3045 Schøning described a cave near Undershaug,in his diaries in the 1770's. The 11m long cave, VANNELLA, Stefano (2014) : Il buio delle 200m asl, is also known as Musegrotta after a cavità s'illumina anche leggendo… i nostri priest who hid in the cave in 1718 during Swe- libri: speleoteca dish war. Other caves, in Ådalen, are known as Notiziario dello Speleo Club Chieti, vol. 6 Mannhø(o)let. One, not found, has references (2014) : 129-142. dating from 1845. There are descriptions of a Breve descrizione del patrimonio librario della 40m resurgent stream cave named after an old biblioteca dello Speleo Club Chieti ed elenco

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 387 delle pubblicazioni possedute. (MS). Speleologia. Rivista della Società Speleologica 2014.3046 Italiana, n. 70 (giugno 2014) : 43. Foto. Realizzato dal Team La Salle un poster 9x2 WESTLUND, Anders (2007) : Grotte Casteret metri con l'unione di 300 fotografie che descri- Norsk Grotteblad, no 49 (Des 2007) : 23. vono l'ambiente carsico epigeo e ipogeo. (MS). Photo. 2014.3051 Grotte Casteret. The BCRA Cave Studies Se- ries number 17 contains an impressive biblio- AUCT. VAR. (2014) : Outside back cover graphy of the cave Grotte Casteret, compiled Speleology, No 19 : 52. by David St. Pierre. Grotte Casteret is situated Some photos from the BCRA Photo Salon at at 2.500 m a.s.l in The Spanish Pyrenees. In Hidden Earth 2013. (Author, GM). the main hall there's a huge ice column and a 2014.3052 square of more than 2.000 m2 covered with ice. (TF). BAYLEY, Nicky (2014) : Portfolio 2014.3047 Speleology, No 19 : 27. Nicky Bayley won the British Newcomer WESTLUND, Anders; ST. PIERRE, David Award in the Photo Salon at Hidden Earth (2007) : Grotteinformasjon 2012. (Author, GM). Norsk Grotteblad, no 48 (Mai 2007) : 28. 2014.3053 Photo. Cave information. David St. Pierre has col- BOUTHORS, Michel; CROCHET, Philippe lected information about caves in Norway (2014) : Une galerie “critique photo” for many decades. His archive is impressive Spelunca, n° 136, décembre 2014 : 28-29. 2 and comprehensive. Still, David continues to photos. maintain and bring up to date his archive about Analyse “critique” de deux photos proposées Norwegian caves and articles about Norwegian par Jean-François Fabriol et Christophe Bès. caves. He will be grateful for any information (CB). he can get. His email is david.stpierre@home- 2014.3054 call.co.uk. (TF). 2014.3048 BUNNELL, Dave (2014) : Canyon Photogra- phy ZAGLER, Werner (2014) : Neu in der Ve- NSS News, Vol. 72, no 10 (October 2014) : reinsbücherei (September 2013 - Januar 2014) 28-29. 11 photos. Der Schlaz, Nr. 120, Januar 2014 : 56-60. The author, a cave photographer, describes Neuzugänge in der Bibliothek des Vereins für how to best overcome the challenges of taking Höhlenkunde in München (GST). photographs in canyons. (YD). 2014.3049 2014.3055

8.4 Photo and film CAILLAULT, Serge (2014) : La photographie Photo et film souterraine aux leds: retour d'expérience 8.41 Photographic methods and materials Spelunca, n° 135, septembre 2014 : 27. 2 Méthodes et matériel photographiques photos. Serge Caillault utilise fréquemment des éclai- AA (2014) : BCRA Photo Salon 2013 rages leds particuliers spécialement fabriqués Speleology, No 19 : 26. pour cet usage. Il nous parle de son expérience Monochrome Print Winners. (Author, GM). en ce domaine. (CB). 2014.3050 2014.3056

ARRICA, Silvia (2014) : Speleorama. Trecen- CROCHET, Philippe (2014) : La maîtrise de to immagini per un manifesto sulla speleologia l'éclairage en photographie souterraine (2/4)

388 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Spelunca, n° 133, mars 2014 : 45-52. 9 photos, lysés par des spécialistes qui prodiguent des 5 tableaux. conseils pour progresser dans le domaine de la Ce deuxième volet consacré à la photographie photographie souterraine. (CB). souterraine présente les flashs. Présentation 2014.3060 des différents types de flashs et du fonctionne- ment des flashs électroniques. Les différentes DANIELI, Antonio; CARNEVALI, Alessandra méthodes de déclenchements des flashs sont (2014) : Secondo incontro internazionale dei aussi exposées ainsi que les méthodes de fotografi del mondo sotterraneo calcul de l'exposition. L'article aborde aus- Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 82- si la constitution d'abaques, la correction à 86. 11 foto. apporter en fonction de la position du flash, la Sul Carso italiano e sloveno, dal 28 luglio al 4 durée de l'éclair, la température de couleur, les agosto 2013, i partecipanti alla manifestazione ampoules magnésiques et le modelage de la hanno fotografoto varie grotte. 54 gli speleolo- lumière (snoot) sont aussi présentés de façon gi provenienti da 14 nazioni. (PG). très didactique et complète. (CB). 2014.3061 2014.3057 DE GRAAUW, Lisette (2014) : Fotogeniek CROCHET, Philippe (2014) : La maîtrise de Ardèche l'éclairage en photographie souterraine (3/4) Spelerpes, n° 1 : 23-26. In Dutch, photos. Spelunca, n° 134, juin 2014 : 36-44. 21 photos, Compte rendu de sortie d'un club spéléo en 2 figures. Ardèche. Le but de cette sortie était de réaliser Ce troisième volet consacré à l'éclairage dans des photographies souterraines. (NG). la photographie souterraine aborde le posi- 2014.3062 tionnement des éclairages. A travers quelques exemples très pédagogiques on apprend com- DELHOM, Jean-François (2014) : Technique ment placer les éclairages et les combiner afin de photographie en canyon de traiter une photographie de concrétions et Cavernes, 58 : 26-33. une galerie de taille moyenne. (CB). http://www.cavernes.ch/images/pdf/ca- 2014.3058 vernes2014.pdf Conseils techniques pour la photographie en CROCHET, Philippe (2014) : La maîtrise de canyon (installation, réglages, matériel) et l'éclairage en photographie souterraine (4/4) portfolio. (CV). Spelunca, n° 135, septembre 2014 : 20-26. 14 2014.3063 photos. Cette dernière et quatrième partie aborde les DUVERLIE, Nathalie (2014) : Concours per- types de lumière (lumière du jour, leds et manent photo. HDR). La lumière artificielle continue (réalisé Spéléo Magazine, n° 86 (Juin 2014) : III de avec les éclairages des spéléologues) bénéficie couverture. 1 photo. d'un traitement complet ainsi que la photogra- Photo de charme dans un souterrain. (Fx). phie HDR. (CB). 2014.3064 2014.3059 GUIRAUD, Annie; CROCHET, Philippe CROCHET, Philippe; AUBE, Thierry; (2014) : Max WISSHAK CAZES, Gérard (2014) : Une galerie “critique Spelunca, n° 136, décembre 2014 : 30-33. 4 photo” photos. Spelunca, n° 134, juin 2014 : 34-35. 3 photos. Présentation d'un photographe allemand et de Cette nouvelle rubrique de Spelunca présente son approche de la photographie souterraine. trois clichés réalisés par Philippe Kerneis (CB). et Delphine Molas, par Matthieu Thomas et 2014.3065 Jean-François Balacey. Ces clichés sont ana-

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 389 HIGGINS, Chris (2014) : Photographer Spot- audiovisuelles nationales qui se sont tenues à light: Photography by Chris Higgins Courthézon (84) le 23 novembre 2013. (CB). NSS News, Vol. 72, no 7 (July 2014) : 22-23. 2014.3071 1 front-cover photo, 8 photos. The author's photography is spotlighted. Chris MCGREGOR, Brent (2014) : Photographer Higgins lives in Tennessee, USA. (YD). Spotlight: Photos of Brent McGregor 2014.3066 NSS News, Vol. 72, no 8 (August 2014) : 2, 20-21. 1 front-cover photo, 2 back-cover pho- HOF, Bernard; CROCHET, Philippe (2014) : tos, 7 photos. Une galerie “critique photo” The photos of this cave photographer from Spelunca, n° 135, septembre 2014 : 28-29. 2 Oregon, USA are spotlighted. (YD). photos. 2014.3072 Analyse critique de deux clichés proposés par Jean-Michel Machefert et Stéphane Jaillet. RUGGIERO, Beth (2014) : Photographer (CB). Spotlight: Beth Ruggiero 2014.3067 NSS News, Vol. 72, no 10 (October 2014) : 11. 3 photos. HORN, Melissa (2014) : Photographer Spot- The author photographs bats as they swoop in light: Melissa Horn for a drink from a pond, in southern Arizona NSS News, Vol. 72, no 4 (April 2014) : 24-25. (USA), and describes her method. (YD). 1 front-cover photo, 1 back-cover photo, 13 2014.3073 photos. The author specializes in macro photography. SCHÖLL, Oliver (2014) : Filmaufnahmen mit The photos were taken in Canada and in the einem Multikopter im Blauhöhlensystem - ein USA. (YD). Erfahrungsbericht. 2014.3068 Laichinger Höhlenfreund (Laichingen), Vol. 49 (2014) : 79-81. In Germ.; 4 photos. KIRCHNER, Pete (2014) : Worley Cave: Pho- 7524/30 Blauhöhlensystem. (THR). tographer Spotlight 2014.3074 NSS News, Vol. 72, no 11 (November 2014) : 24-25, 31. 4 photos. SMITH, Garry K. (2013) : Photographic com- The author describes the basics and best prac- petition: 29th ASF Biennial Conference tices for taking photos in caves. Worley Cave Caves Australia, No. 193 (June 2013) : 10-14. in Tennessee (USA) is used as an example. 18 photos. (YD). 18 photographers entered a total of 145 entries 2014.3069 in digital and print sections. Selection of win- ners was by a poll of those viewing the exhibi- KIRK, Jake (2014) : Photographer Spotlight: tion. Winning entries are listed and illustrated. Dark Exposures- One man's journey into the (GJM). world of cave photography 2014.3075 NSS News, Vol. 72, no 2 (February 2014) : 20- 22. 1 cover photo, 10 photos. TINTI, Elisa (2014) : Lucerna the short mo- Recollections and tribulations by the author on vie. Facciamo un corto! how he became a cave photographer. (YD). Sottoterra. Rivista del GSB-USB, n. 138 (gen- 2014.3070 naio-giugno 2014) : 57-62. Foto. L'esperienza di un set cinematografico sulla LUQUET, Michel (2014) : Bruits de fond realizzazione di un documentario, in costumi Septième “Spélimages 84” d'epoca, sull'estrazione del Lapis Specularis. Spelunca, n° 133, mars 2014 : 63-64. 4 photos. Corto che ha poi ricevuto menzioni speciali in Compte rendu des quatrièmes rencontres varie rassegne cinematografiche. (MS). 2014.3076 390 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) WEISS, Matthew (2014) : Photographer Spot- ESCHLBÖCK, Rainer (2013) : Terra X Fil- light: Bright Light Photography maufnahmen am Schönberg NSS News, Vol. 72, no 3 (March 2014) : 16- Mitteilungen des Landesvereins für 17. 1 back-cover photo, 6 photos. Höhlenkunde in Oberösterreich, Jg. 59, Ge- Description of some photographs taken in samtfolge 119 : 47. Worley's cave and in Lynx Cave (USA), and ZDF Doku über Forschungen der letzten 20 how the pictures were taken with a point- Jahre. (PF). and-shoot camera and some very bright lights 2014.3081 engineered by the author. (YD). 2014.3077 GRAZIOLI, Francesco (2014) : Una sfida… illuminata WILHELM, Ingo (2014) : Bis die Linse glüht Sottoterra. Rivista del GSB-USB, n. 138 (gen- 4-Seasons, Frühjahr 2014 : 8-22. 13 Abb. naio-giugno 2014) : 63-64. Foto. Bericht über den Fotografen Carsten Peter, der Progetto e allestimento del set del filmato La- auch an Höhlenexpeditionen teilnimmt. Mit pis Specularis, dedicato al gesso quale mine- (Höhlen-) Fotos von Carsten Peter aus Viet- rale usato in antichità come vetro. (MS). nam, Grönland (GST). 2014.3082 2014.3078 JEFFREYS, Alan L (2014) : For the Rain It Raineth Every Day 8.42 Films and audio-visual devices Grampian Speleological Group Bulletin 5th Films et moyens audio-visuels Series, Vol. 1, no 1 : 32. A report on Pioneer Television, making a film AA (2013) : Filmovi. Hrvatska speleološka series on UK's extreme weather, which in- ekspedicija u Maleziji, Films. Croatian caving cluded research work on palaeoclimates from expedition in Malaysia) stalactites in the Cnoc nan Uamh cave system, Zbornik sazetaka, Skup Speleologa Hrvatske : N.W. Sutherland. (Author, GM). 80. In Croatian & English, photo. 2014.3083 Documentary film of the Croatian caving expedition to Mulu & Merapoh, Pahang, Sept. MCKINNON, Janine (2011) : Sanctum – the 2012. (LP). movie: review of the diving bits 2014.3079 Speleo Spiel, No. 383 (Mar-Apr. 2011) : 19. Notes many broken cave-diving rules in this BUNTON, Stephen (2013) : TV Review – Ca- caving disaster movie, especially the failure to talyst – Thursday 22nd February 2013 lay any line. A number of currently active, top Speleo Spiel, No. 395 (Mar-Apr. 2013) : 19. line of Australian cave divers were involved – Episode of “Catalyst” looking at caves of as stunt doubles. Much of the diving gear was Nullarbor Plain. Ian Lewis discussed cave good but the dry caving lights were inadequate geomorphology, mainly why the passages are and lights would never be worn inside a full so huge and the similarity to the genesis of face mask. (GJM). the Mt Gambier caves. Peter Buzzacott was 2014.3084 shown placing and retrieving temperature data loggers. Stefan Eberhard discussed cave PRICE, Annette (2014) : Portfolio biota with great authority and enthusiasm. The Speleology, No 19 : 2. footage of the cave dives was spectacular and Photos of Dinas Rock Silica Mine from the did justice to the beauty of the caves and their BCRA Photo Salon at Hidden Earth 2013. flooded passages. Mainly shot in Weebubbie (Author, GM). Cave. (GJM). 2014.3085 2014.3080 TORELLI, Louis (2014) : Alpi Giulie Cinema

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 391 Progressione, N° 61, n. 2 (lug.-dic. 2013) : 74- capes, development of caves, caving as a 75. 2 fig. hobby and a profession are described - both Cronaca della manifestazione video-cinemato- from a scientific and a more personal point of grafica. (PG). view. The scientific facts are supplemented 2014.3086 with photos and other illustrations, making this impressive book a "must have" for cave ex- 8.5 General works plorers. The review is positive, although some Ouvrages généraux critisisms on the presentation style. (TF). 2014.3091

AA (2014) : Book Reviews PFLITSCH, Andreas; STEINHÖFEL, Dirk Speleology, No 19 : 48-49. (2014) : The Story of Banwell Caves, The Hermit of Irgendwo in der Tiefe gibt es ein Licht. Eine Dumpton Cave, The Enigma of the Margate Erzählung über das Geheimnis der Höhlen : 50 Shell Grotto, Palaeolithic Cave Art at Creswell p. zahlr. Abb. Crags in European Context, Derbyshire Cave- Wunderschön gestaltetes Kinder- und Jugend- men. (Author, GM). buch über Höhlen. Erklärt viele Teilbereiche 2014.3087 der Höhlenkunde (GST). 2014.3092 FARR, Martyn (2014) : Book Review Speleology, No 19 : 45. WEBB, Samantha; WEBB, Rauleigh (2011) : Classic Darksite Diving. (Author, GM). The ACKMA Conference paper template 2014.3088 Cave and Karst Management in Australasia XIX: Proc. 19th Aust'asian Conf. on Cave & HANSCH, Susanne (2011) : Unterirdisch. Karst Mgt. Ulverstone, Tas. : 289-294. 5 refs. Verborgene Welten ACKMA holds conferences every 2 years and Benny Blu. Kinderleicht Wissen : 34 p. zahlr. produces electronic proceedings from each. Abb. The work required to produce the proceedings Kinderbilderbuch über “alles” unterirdische, is considerable. In order to reduce this in the inkl. Höhlen (GST). future, a template has been designed to allow 2014.3089 the editor to easily complete the proceedings, as well as the required HTML file for the MARINI DE CANEDOLO, Dario; DEGRAS- Proceedings CD-ROM. Using the template, the SI, Valentina; SATTOLO, Alice (2014) : addition of each paper to the Proceedings takes Il Carso del villaggio San Marco : 160 p. Varie ~10 minutes and the HTML document ~2 ill. mins. This is achieved by using word macros Descrizione storico geografica del territorio del that perform 90%+ of the work to generate villaggio, sito presso le foci del Timavo, con each of these documents. This paper describes ampi cenni al fenomeno carsico e alle grotte the use of the template and how it will greatly che vi si trovano. (PG). reduce the time spent editing proceedings in 2014.3090 the future. (Author, GJM). 2014.3093 NYTRØ, Øystein (2011) : Bokanmeldelse: GROTTER. Norges ukjente underverden WYLIE, John; WYLIE, Glenda (2013) : Norsk Grotteblad, no 56 (Juni 2011) : 3. Fi- GOW book launch gure. Journal of the Sydney Speleological Society, Professor Stein-Erik Lauritzen (University of Vol. 57, No. 5 : 140-143. 11 photos, 3 refs. Bergen), has written a delicate book on caves, The book “Guides of Wombeyan 1864-2012” caving and underground activities, focused was published by Sydney Speleological So- on Norway. Topics as cave types, karst lands- ciety and launched at Taralga on 9 Feb., 2013.

392 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Outlines background to production of a book Laments the loss of recorded cave names. on the guides over 10 years. (GJM). Cites the case of Frog Pot JF-X36, found and 2014.3094 named in 1967. The location was lost but the cave was refound in 1986 and named Pitfall 8.6 Inventories; Surveys; Maps Pot (and in 2009 tagged JF-447). New caves Inventaires; Cadastres; Cartes should be thoroughly researched before being tagged and named. (GJM). 2014.3099 AA (2008) : Registrering av grotter og karst Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 51. Tem- BUNTON, Stephen (2013) : My Electronic plate. Guidebook The purpose of the registration is to gather Speleo Spiel, No. 394 (Jan-Feb. 2013) : 23-24. information about cave and karst objects in 3 refs. Norway. Registration will ensure that the In 1984 a guidebook to Tasmania's vertical findings will be taken care of and be given caves (mainly in the Junee-Florentine area) recognition. (TF). was published but soon became out of date as 2014.3095 caves were extended and new ones discovered. Digital developments facilitated conversion to AA (2014) : New Germany Valley Geological a system of updatable files, maps are scanned Map and added and, more recently, GPS locations. The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 2 (April There are now 725 caves in the JF area, of 2014) : 11. which only 6% have been fully documented – Germany Valley, in Pendleton County, West the electronic guidebook is a work in progress. Virginia, is underlain by a sequence of Ordo- (GJM). vician carbonates that contain several major 2014.3100 caves, including Hellhole, the 7th longest cave in the USA. This new geological map of CDS 88 (2014) : Contribution à l'inventaire the valley will be displayed as a poster at the spéléologique des Vosges Geological Society of America conference Spéléo L, N° 23 (Mars 2014) : 13-16. Photo. in Blacksburg, Virginia, USA in April 2014. Inventaire des cavités souterraines du départe- (YD). ment des Vosges. (CP). 2014.3096 2014.3101

ATKINSON, Andrew; TODD, Julian (2014) : DAVIDSEN, Knut; MØLLER, Idar; WOLLE- A Data Set for the North BÆK, Inger Helene (2007) : GrotteGIS Descent, No 236 (Feb/Mar 2014) : 32-33. Norsk Grotteblad, no 48 (Mai 2007) : 12-16, The Northern England Cave Survey Project 51. Photo, figures, maps. and Cave Registry Data Archive (GM). GrotteGIS. The project, in cooperation with 2014.3097 NGF, takes a close look at ArcGIS from ESRI concerning gathering, storing, analysis, mana- ATKINSON, Andrew (2014) : The Conserva- ging and presentation of cave related data. The tion of Cave Data project includes a multi user database based Speleology, No 19 : 8. on ArcSDE and sql-server, and web solutions Andrew Atkinson describes how the Cave Re- based on ArcGIS Server and ArcIMS. The pro- gistry Data Archive works. (Author, GM). ject builds the database based on the Norwe- 2014.3098 gian SOSI-Standard. Wide ranges of cave data both from digital and analogue formats BUNTON, Stephen (2010) : Vale Brontosau- are imported, and a 3D terrain model is made, rus and the Frogs including caves covering Bonådalen. Due to Speleo Spiel, No. 376 (Jan-Feb. 2010) : 23-24. high software license costs a permanent public

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 393 web solution is not made, although there may be a solution in the future with the help of GULDEN, Bob (2014) : Long Caves of the Norges geologiske undersøkelse. (TF). World 2014.3102 The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 3 (June 2014) : 14. FINNESAND, Torstein; GRUNDSTRØM, List of the 50 longest caves of the world. In- Svein (2008) : Hva er UTM og nord cludes length and depth in meters and feet and Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 59-61. location. (YD). Norway lies in the zones 31-36, but it is 2014.3107 recommended to use only 32 (from south to the border of Nordland), 33 (Nordland and LAWSON, Becka (2014) : The Northern En- Troms) and 35 (Finnmark). The compass we gland Cave Survey Project use to survey caves gives a bearing relative Speleology, No 19 : 44-45. to magnetic north, (i.e. the direction of the (Author, GM). magnetic north pole). Norwegian maps in the 2014.3108 1:50 000 series shows north as grid north. And last but not least we have true north, which MIDDLETON, Greg (2010) : TCC Woz (also) is the direction to the North Pole. True north Ere (again) – Precipitous Bluff and grid north is invariable, whereas magnetic Speleo Spiel, No. 376 (Jan-Feb. 2010) : 25. 2 north changes from place to place and varies in photos. time. The question that arises is whether, and Photos showing early cave tagging by painting if so, how to calibrate the compass readings. numbers and dates by Tasmanian Caverneering (Author, TF). Club at Precipitous Bluff in 1960-61. (GJM). 2014.3103 2014.3109

FINNESAND, Torstein (2008) : Reviderte 9 Non spéléo BCRA grader No Caving Norsk Grotteblad, no 50 (Juni 2008) : 61-62. Translation of 2002 edition of BCRA gradings into Norwegian. (Author, TF). MEYER, Jean-François (2014) : Belgian 2014.3104 Peak, 6195 mètres en randonnée/Trekking

GRATTÉ, Lucien (2014) : Art pariétal Bul. Soc. Spéléo Namur, 2014 : 37-41. Photos. post-glaciaire. Compte rendu de la randonnée au Népal en Spéléo Magazine, n° 85 (Mars 2014) : 6. 1 2014 avec le passage du Belgian Peak à 6185 photo. m. (NG). Notice de l'auteur qui réactualise sur le net son 2014.3110 ouvrage “Survivance de l'art pariétal” (publié en 1985) et qui invite à lui faire part d'informa- 9.1 Non spéléo : canyon tions. Site internet. (Fx). No Caving : canyoning 2014.3105 9.1 Canyoning GULDEN, Bob (2014) : Deep Caves of the Canyon World The West Virginia Caver, Vol. 32, no. 3 (June ARMSTRONG, Andy (2014) : To Become a 2014) : 15. Canyon Caver List of the 46 deepest caves of the world. In- NSS News, Vol. 72, no 10 (October 2014) : cludes length and depth in meters and feet, and 20-26. 16 photos. location. (YD). Report on canyoneering in Neon Canyon. 2014.3106 Description of various canyoneering regions in

394 Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) Utah, USA: Zion, Escalante, north Wash, Lake Powell, Cedar Mesa, Robber's Roost, and the San Rafael . (YD). 2014.3111

BARTH, Nicolas (2014) : Beware of Canyo- ning! A PSA to cavers NSS News, Vol. 72, no 10 (October 2014) : 2, 4-10. 1 front-cover photo, 3 back-cover pho- tos, 24 photos, 1 map. Background info and history of canyoning. Locations of best canyoning in the world. Des- cription of techniques and gear. (YD). 2014.3112

DELMOTTE, Jacques (2014) : La Commis- sion Canyon de l'UBS Spéléo Info, n° 7 : 6. Photos. Présentation de la nouvelle commission canyon de l'UBS, de ses projets et futures for- mations. (NG). 2014.3113

RYKWALDER, Philip (2014) : Caving Wit- hout a Roof NSS News, Vol. 72, no 10 (October 2014) : 18-19. 9 photos. Account of descending canyons in the Rob- ber's Roost area of southeastern Utah, USA. (YD). 2014.3114

Speleological Abstracts / Bulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique N° 53 (2014) 395