

Stephanie Schwabe* and James L. Carew** *Rob Palmer Blue Holes Foundation, 5 Longitude Lane, Charleston South Carolina, 29401 **Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences, College of Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina, 29424

ABSTRACT nature of the calcarenites exposed along the frac- ture, the walls of the fractures seem to have col- By 1725, mariners from England had de- lapsed more extensively in localized areas to cre- scribed submarine entrances in the Bahamas ate separate small to large openings. These cave as “blue holes,” and in 1843, the term “” openings, although isolated from each other on first appears on sea charts from the Bahamas. As the surface, are hydrologically connected. the term suggests, what sailors saw from the sur- Whilst the term blue hole has been in the face was a dark blue colour that is in sharp con- literature for nearly three centuries, it is not being trast to the white/aqua blue waters of the shallow suggested that it be eliminated from the general banks. The term, “blue hole”, signified safe an- literature, just from scientific discussion of these chorage for visiting ships, and was not intended to features that have been explored, and for be a scientific description of what lies beneath the which the mode of origin can be identified. water surface. The first visual description of these flooded caves was given in 1950 using SCUBA. INTRODUCTION During the late 20th century numerous attempts were made to impose scientific meaning to the Historically, caves in the Bahamas, both term “blue hole”, without taking into account the above and below , were already described varied morphologies and biogeochemistry of these in literature dating as far back as 1725 by an Eng- features. This has resulted in an inappropriate lish naturalist, Mark Catesby (Shaw, 1993). The definition for these caves. It is suggested here underwater marine caves, “blue holes”, were first that caves in the Bahamas should be classified by recorded on sea charts at about 1843. Early on, the nature of their development as follows (1) water-filled cave openings on land were simply horizontal caves, (2) fracture-guided caves, and referred to as “caves” however, during the late (3) vertical caves. Horizontal caves include the 20th century the term, “blue holes” began to be currently subaerial flank margin caves and banana applied broadly to many water-filled holes in the holes formed during past sea-level high stands, Bahamas. and horizontally extensive caves currently below For many years, ideas about the origin of sea level. Pit caves, and black holes fall within blue holes have been mixed with local superstition the vertical cave category. Black holes are and myth. Blue holes are sometimes referred to flooded vertical caves with no known lateral pas- by native Bahamians as “blowing” or “boiling” sages that support a massive bacterial population holes, a phenomenon supposedly created by a giving them their black colour. Black holes form mythical creature called “Lusca”; a belief still only in the interior stable regions of the larger Ba- shared by many Bahamians today. The “blowing” hamian islands, which allows for the development and “sucking” phenomena are largely caused by of distinct geochemical environments enhanced differences in water surface elevation across Ba- by microbial activity. Fracture-guided caves de- hamian platforms generated by , local wave velop along fractures that are sub-parallel to the action, and ocean currents (Whitaker and Smart, bank-margins. Because of the non homogenous 1997).

1 The 12th Symposium on the Geology of the Bahamas and other Carbonate Regions

It is interesting that dry caves on land in subsurface environments not just as “blue holes,” the Bahamas have been described in recent litera- but with the same detail as has been applied to the ture in great detail and given descriptive names caves currently above sea-level. such as “flank margin caves”, “pit caves”, and “banana holes”. Yet, today, the non-cave-diving CLASSIFICATION OF CAVES scientists studying Bahamian carbonate platforms still refer to all the openings of caves that are Many of the flooded cave openings found flooded or below sea level as “blue holes.” Few on the Bahamian platforms are entrances to some researchers have attempted to define the caves by of the world’s most spectacular underwater cave width, depth, or passage morphology, because few systems. Their openings can be found on dry have ventured into these subsurface terrains. land, and among the shallow creeks, inland , This practice of calling all water-filled and the shallow banks of the Bahamas. The cave entrances, and caves currently below sea caves, which have developed within the Bahamian level, “blue holes” is the equivalent of calling all carbonate platforms, can be laterally and verti- the currently dry caves on land “air holes”. The cally very extensive. Lateral cave passages can reaction to calling dry caves “airholes” would extend to several kilometres, and may range in fetch a smile for its absurdity. It would also be a depth from ten metres to thousands of metres, par- fair assumption that sailors from three hundred ticularly the fracture caves. Mylroie and Carew years ago would have had the same response to (1995, p. 60) stated that, “caves on carbonate plat- the suggestion that the water-filled cave openings forms fall into three main categories: vadose, on land should be labelled “blue holes”. Although phreatic, and fracture caves.” Here we suggest labelling land-based openings of flooded caves as that Bahamian caves can be broadly classified into “blue holes” is inappropriate, the idea that such three general types: (1) horizontal caves, (2) frac- caves have something in common with the off- ture-guided caves, and (3) vertical caves. Hori- shore caves is not wrong. zontal caves mostly begin as voids developed in More than 120 years ago, Agassiz (1884) the phreatic zone, especially in association with described how marine blue holes might have the fresh-water/salt-water mixing zone, and the formed. He assumed that the conditions for cave water table surface. Vertical caves, generally re- development in the aeolian strata were the same ferred to as pit caves (Mylroie and Carew, 1995), processes that formed potholes, boiling holes, ba- are developed primarily in the vadose zone, be- nana holes, caverns, caves, sinks and other such cause of dissolutional processes associated with openings on the shores of islands. He speculated meteoric water descending to the water table. that these features were formed by the action of Over time, features formed by these processes rain percolating through the aeolian rocks and be- may come to intersect one another to produce coming charged with carbonic acid. He believed composite, or hybrid, cave morphologies. Cate- that ocean holes formed under very much the gorization of such composite caves into one of the same conditions when the submerged bank was three proposed end-member cases may be diffi- above the high water mark. cult, but many caves are identifiable as predomi- Today, after about twenty plus years of nantly one type or the other. exploration and scientific study of these water- filled cave environments, results and observations Horizontal Caves appear to support, for the most part, Agassiz’s hy- pothesis that cave development in the Bahamian Horizontal caves, such as the subaerially environment, is similar for both dry and flooded exposed flank margin caves and banana holes caves. The purpose of this paper is to bring to- (Mylroie and Carew, 1990), are minimally devel- gether the science and observations generated oped horizontal caves. The currently flooded, from below the water level together with those predominantly horizontal caves initially formed as made in dry caves, and properly describe these flank margin caves in association with the

2 The 12th Symposium on the Geology of the Bahamas and other Carbonate Regions

Figure 1. In the large diagram of Andros Island, on the east side of the island, it is possible to see that the cave openings(Paleoreef symbol) follow the fracture, as the fracture appears onshore and offshore. The smaller diagram in the lower left-hand corner is marked to generally show the direc- tion of the fractures on Andros, Grand Bahama Island, and New Providence Island (arrow). . boundaries between two water masses. How- Fracture-Guided Caves ever, they have been subsequently modified by additional dissolution during episodes of subae- Fracture-guided caves have formed rial (vadose) exposure and renewed submer- within fractures that are aligned sub-parallel to gence in the phreatic environment. steep bank margins adjacent to very deep water, such as the Tongue of the Ocean (Fig.1), or The geological nature of the wall rock, (i.e., Agassiz Canyon located immediately offshore eolianites, coral deposits, and cement) also in- of the north side of New Providence Island. fluences the form of passage development, the Two other islands besides New Providence are rate of passage development, and may also in- known to have fracture-guided caves. Grand fluence the sites at which the caves breach to the Bahama has a fracture that runs the length of the surface. island from east to west just inland of the south shore. Andros Island has a north-south 150 km- long fracture along the eastern margin.

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The circular cave openings (Paleoreef symbol) seen along the Andros fracture are the result of the non-homogenous nature of the rock exposed along the fracture. Because of the in- homogeneties the fracture has collapsed more extensively in localized areas to create separate small to large openings, which appear to be in- dividual caves. At the surface these caves do not appear to connect, however, in some cases, where the passage is not blocked by boulders it is possible for a cave diver to enter in one open- ing and come out of another. Hydrologically, all the caves along the entire length of the frac- ture are connected. Fracture cave openings can be located just offshore on the flooded platform, as well as B high in the eolian ridges on dry land. The reason B this occurs is that the fracture is not straight, and some segments occur offshore (Fig.2) and oth- ers are located on land (Fig.3). This makes these caves unusual in that these cave systems along the fracture link the terrestrial environ- A ment and the marine environment. Flow rates of marine water through the Figure 2. The lines marked as ‘B’ are outlining land-based parts of the fracture are low, and the the Andros fracture walls beneath the water. maximum tidal range can be measured via the The arrow marked ‘A’ is indicating the way into elevation change of the water surface. In con- the cave. The whirlpool in the middle indicates trast, in marine sections of the fracture, water that water is being drawn into the cave. moves very rapidly and whirlpools (Fig.2) or domes of water are produced by tidal flood and Vertical Caves ebb currents respectively. , indicating air-filled condi- Vertical caves penetrate more or less tions, have been found as deep as –80 metres; vertically into the subsurface and have no however, in some fracture-guided caves it is a known lateral passages. These Bahamian caves fair assumption that throughout their history the are different from traditional in that they fracture caves have always had water in them. do not form by stopping upward from a previ- The reason for this is the extreme depth some of ously existing void that was formed at greater these fracture systems can reach. This is differ- depth below the surface. Vertical caves in the ent from the horizontal caves and many of the Bahamas have been dubbed pit caves (Pace et vertical caves, in that once sea level drops be- al., 1993; Mylroie and Carew, 1995). Their low their passages, these caves are entirely in genesis in the host rock can be a result of frac- the vadose zone. turing, preferred vadose flow routes, mechanical Because of the extreme depth of the and chemical weathering downward via the fractures, the sections of the fractures that are on roots of vegetation, and by enhanced dissolution dry-land, always have at least a minor fresh- resulting from organics that accumulate in sur- water lens even at the lowest glacio-eustatic sea face depressions (Smart and Whittaker, 1988). levels. Because the surfaces of the Bahamian Islands

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Figure 3. An on-land section of the same fracture as seen in Figure 2. Note the individual (arrow) standing on the left wall next to the tree trunk for scale. are not flat, the slightly acidic rainwater collects bert, 2004). Most of these vertical caves have in the depressions and any water that does not formed in the central to western side of South evaporate eventually migrates downward fol- Andros Island. Another has been identified on lowing root paths, or other inhomogeneties. As the northern transitional shore of Grand Bahama the water descends toward the water table, it Island. These particular caves, known as black dissolves the host rock along the way. holes, are flooded at sea level. The de- A unique class of vertical caves has also scriptive term black hole is used here because formed in the interior stable regions of the larger they appear black in colour due to the presence Bahamian Islands. They are found where the of a 1-metre-thick microbial layer located at the transitional environment between submerged boundary between the oxic low-salinity upper and dry land, is nearly flat (Schwabe and Her- water mass, and the denser anoxic saline water

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layer directly beneath. The microbial mass in The appearance of these submerged caves seems the largest of these caves is estimated to be as to provide documentation that Agassiz’s (1884) much as 5 tons dry (Schwabe and Her- conclusion that the same processes that pro- bert, 2004). duced the caves on land also formed those caves currently flooded with marine-water out on the platform, was correct. DISCUSSION With the knowledge that we currently have concerning the history of sea-level fluctua- When the term ‘blue hole’ was applied nearly tions, and the vertical and horizontal extent of 300 years ago to the deep blue coloured holes flooded Bahamian caves (Table 1), it is no on the carbonate banks of the Bahamas, where longer reasonable to apply scientific meaning to ships often dropped their anchors, it can be said the term ‘blue hole’. Yet, all currently flooded with certainty that that term was not intended to caves within the Bahamian carbonate platforms, describe what may or may not have existed at which are generally inaccessible to most scien- depth beyond the entrance. At that time, diving tists, continue to be referred to only as blue into these subsurface worlds to study and better holes. understand them was not an option. It made perfect sense to identify them according to the Table 1. Flooded Caves (Blue Holes) dark blue colour that can be observed from the Cave Name and Location Cave type surface. Stargate Blue Hole; South Andros Fracture- In 1950 however, Dr. George Benjamin guided Watlings Blue Hole; San Salvador Vertical and his son George Jr. donned SCUBA, made Lucayan Caverns; Grand Bahama Horizontal waterproof housings for their cameras and Black Hole; South Andros Vertical lights, and descended into these flooded karst Aussie’s Black Hole; South Andros Vertical features. They were the first to bring back im- School House Blue Hole; South Andros Fracture- ages of what lies beyond the blue entrances guided (Benjamin, 1970). From their images (Fig. 4), Zodiac Caverns; Grand Bahama Horizontal Lothlorein Blue Hole; Grand Bahama Fracture- one could easily see that these caves had a like- guided ness to caves that had been explored on land. Mermaid’s Lair and Owl’s Hole; Horizontal Grand Bahama Evelyn Greens Blue Hole; South An- Fracture- dros guided Luska’s Blue Hole; South Andros Fracture- guided Eduardo Blue Hole; South Andros Fracture- guided Elvenholme Blue Hole; South Andros Fracture- guided Atlantis Blue Hole; South Andros Fracture- guided

According to Mylroie et al. (1995 Figure 4. One of George Benjamin’s first photos p.225), in a paper titled “Blue Holes: Definition taken from inside a cave that Cousteau later and Genesis”, the initial description given for named, Benjamin’s Cave. This cave is part of blue holes is that they are “…vertical openings the Andros fracture system in South Bight. in the carbonate rock that exhibit complex mor- (Photo provided by George Benjamin) phologies, ecologies, and water chemistries.” They further state that their deep blue colour, which they explain is why they were given their

6 The 12th Symposium on the Geology of the Bahamas and other Carbonate Regions name, is the result of their great depth, and they may lead to cave systems below sea level. CONCLUSION This description of “blue holes” is inap- propriate for several reasons. First, cave open- So, the question is, ‘what is a blue hole’? ings on land that contain water are rarely dark The answer to that question is that it still is what blue in colour. Their colour as seen from the air it originally was meant to be: a depression or ranges from light green/aqua to black, and the hole on the flooded that is flooded cave entrances that lead steeply down to darker blue in colour because of the depth of the great depth tend to appear black, not blue. water, and where ships or boats can safely an- Secondly, many caves whose openings chor. According to some Bahamians, blue holes are below water are not vertical and do not are also the home of the mythical Lusca. “Blue penetrate to great depth. If being vertical or hole” is not a term that is useful for describing deep is a requirement for being labelled a “blue flooded karst features. Instead, a scientific de- hole”, then many features commonly called blue scription of caves found in the Bahamas should holes do not qualify. In addition many flooded be based on the nature of caves whose openings are directly below the water surface, can have light blue entrances that Land open on the sides of submerged eolianites. Sea These flooded caves are morphologically simi- lar to the subaerial horizontal caves known as flank margin caves. Examples of currently submerged horizontal caves are Mermaid’s Lair and Lucayan Caverns on Grand Bahama Island, which have the afore-mentioned type of open- ings. Thirdly, the entrance waters of caves in the marine environment do not harbour complex ecologies and water chemistries. On the other hand, land-based flooded-cave openings such as Lucayan Caverns do. Figure 5. The arrows are pointing to the frac- Mylroie et al. (1995, p.225) also stated ture that in this picture crosses two environ- that inland blue holes are isolated by present ments: the sea to the lower left corner and land topography from surface marine conditions. on the upper right hand corner of this photo. This statement comes into direct conflict with current knowledge of fracture-guided caves. their development. We suggest that Bahamian The fracture-guided cave system of Andros and caves should be divided into three categories: Grand Bahama extends from the sea onto land (1) horizontal (phreatic) caves, (2) fracture- and is connected at the surface and at depth guided caves, and (3) vertical (vadose) caves. (Fig. 5). Mylroie et al. (1995) further suggested Horizontal caves form in the interior of a lime- that the caves with their openings on land stone mass when the surface above is above sea should be separately categorised as blue holes, level and exposed to air. This is crucial in that it whereas those with openings on the submerged allows meteoric waters that harbour bacteria and platform, should be referred to as ocean holes. organic matter to migrate to depth and settle on Again, using the fracture-guided system as an the denser sea-water that also carries organic example (Fig. 5), this is not possible. It is one and inorganic particles that support micro-and system that exists both on land and in the ma- macro-faunal populations. The dissolution rine environment at the same time. front, which is concentrated at the water table

7 The 12th Symposium on the Geology of the Bahamas and other Carbonate Regions density interface and the mixing zone, dissolves ACKNOWLEDGMENTS the to form primarily horizontal voids that are associated with sea level. Glacio- We thank Dr. Donald T. Gerace, Chief eustatic changes in sea level over the past few Executive Officer, and Vincent Voegeli, Execu- million years has continuously moved these tive Director of the Gerace Research Centre, density boundaries up or down more than a San Salvador, Bahamas, for logistical and per- hundred metres. sonal support. Also, a great deal of thanks to Fracture-guided caves form on the edges those who have donated funds to support the of some islands that are closely situated next to ongoing research projects of the Rob Palmer very deep water. Three islands are known to Blue Holes Foundation. have these types of caves. They are Andros, Grand Bahama, and New Providence. The frac- REFERENCES tures form when the buoyant support of the wa- ter is gone during intervals of low sea level, and Agassiz, A., 1884, A reconnaissance of the where the rock has been weakened by deep- Bahamas and of the elevated reefs of water currents undercutting the edge of the plat- Cuba: Harvard University Museum of forms. These caves have been modified by the Comparative Zoology Bulletin, v. 26, p. same dissolutional processes as all other caves. 1-203. Vertical caves form from dissolution from de- scending meteoric water primarily in the vadose Benjamin, G. J., 1970, Diving into the blue zone. They tend to develop from the surface holes of the Bahamas: National geo- downward. They may intersect with phreatic graphic Magazine, v 138, p. 347-363. horizontal caves. There is no scientifically useful division Mylroie, J. E., and Carew, J. L., 1990, The flank of caves based on whether they are currently dry margin model for dissolution cave de- or flooded, or whether their openings are found velopment in carbonate platforms: Earth on dry land or on the flooded carbonate plat- Surface Processes and Landforms, v 15, form. Cave development in the Bahamas, p. 413-424. whether these caves are currently above sea level or below, require the same ingredients. Mylroie, J. E., and Carew J. L., 1995, Karst de- All the caves result from the interplay of acidic velopment on carbonate islands, in fresh-water, marine-water, and microbial activ- Budd, Saller, and Harris, eds., Uncon- ity. What we see today in the Bahamas are the formities in Carbonate Strata- Their variabilities of the same recipe and “cooking Recognition and the Significance of As- time” if you will. Some caves are relatively sociated Porosity: A.A.P.G. Memoir 63, young, and have experienced only one phase of p. 55-76. development. Others are much older and posi- tioned deeper, and they have experienced sev- Mylroie, J. E., Carew, J. L., and Moore, A. I., eral episodes of development as sea level has 1995, Blue holes: Definition and gene- oscillated up and down during the Pleistocene sis: Carbonates and Evaporites, v. 10, and Holocene. The sites of cave development no. 2, p. 225-233. have changed, not the ingredients nature pro- vides to make caves in carbonate platforms. Pace, M. C., Mylroie J. E., and Carew, J. L. 1993, Petrographic Analysis of Vertical dissolution Features on San Salvador is- land, Bahamas, in White, B., ed., Pro- th ceedings of the 6 Symposium on the

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