
Dag Røen*1, Larisa Garkava-­‐Gustavsson2, Ibrahim Tahir2, Saila Karhu3 and Hilde Nybom2

1 Graminor AS -­‐ Norway, 2 Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences – Sweden, 3 MTT Hor�culture -­‐ Finland Public Private Partnership on pre-­‐breeding

The Nordic Council of Ministers (NMR) has decided to set up a Public Private Partnership (PPP) for Pre-­‐breeding in 2011. The purpose of the PPP is to support the development of Nordic plant breeding, sa�sfying the long-­‐term needs of the agricultural and hor�cultural industries, specifically regarding adapta�on to climate change; targets for environmental policies; and demands from consumers, markets, etc.

Three projects funded 2012–2013: barley, rye-­‐grass and

Apple project, three partners: SLU, Graminor and MTT

Budget: 1.692.151 DKr from NMR, and the same from the three partners together (SLU 1.172.151, Graminor 400.000, MTT 120.000)

New website: h�p://ppp-­‐.nordgen.org http://ppp-­‐apples.nordgen.org Project partners 1. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden Department of Plant Breeding and Biotechnology – Balsgård 2. Graminor AS, Norway – Njøs 3. MTT Agrifood Research Plant Produc�on Research, Hor�culture -­‐ Piikkiö Project work packages WP1. Nordic pla�orm for fruit and berry breeding WP2. Informa�on retrieval and networking WP3. Phenotyping of apple canker suscep�bility in apple cul�vars WP4. Phenotyping of storage rot suscep�bility in apple cul�vars WP5. DNA-­‐based analysis WP6. Informa�on dissemina�on Project work packages WP1. Nordic pla�orm for fruit and berry breeding WP2. Informa�on retrieval and networking WP3. Phenotyping of apple canker suscep�bility in apple cul�vars WP4. Phenotyping of storage rot suscep�bility in apple cul�vars WP5. DNA-­‐based analysis WP6. Informa�on dissemina�on Apple canker (Neonectria di�ssima)

 Apple canker caused by the fungus Neonectria di�ssima (syn. Nectria galligena) is a severe problem in apple orchards in Northern Europe.  Apple cul�vars show a con�nous varia�on for par�al resistance to the disease. Informa�on on inheritance is limited, but two QTL have been iden�fied. Complete resistance is not known in apple.  Iden�fica�on of genotypes with high levels of resistance is an important step towards breeding of resistant cul�vars.  Several methods for ar�ficial inocula�on developed to quan�fy resistance to apple canker:  Inocula�on on leaf scars on trees  Wound inocula�ons on trees  Wound inocula�ons on cut shoots Apple canker (Neonectria di�ssima) trials

Material and methods

— Wound inocula�on on cut shoots, 1000 macroconidia per wound (100.000 per ml) — 20 cul�vars at SLU Alnarp, 30 cul�vars at SLU Balsgård and 30 cul�vars at Graminor Njøs — 3 inocula�on points per shoot Sweden, 1 inocula�on point per shoot Norway — 6 replicates inoculated Neonectria, 2 replicates inoculated water, 2 replicates unwounded Apple canker (Neonectria di�ssima) trials Apple canker (Neonectria di�ssima ) trials



35 Aroma


Elise 25

20 Katja

15 Santana

Williams Pride 10


0 Time1 Time2 Time3 Time4 Time5

Development of average lesion length on cut shoots wound inoculated with macrospores Neonectria of di�ssima, recorded at 5 �me points a�er inocula�on. Three inocula�on points per shoot, 6 replicates (shoots) per cul�var. Results from experiment SLU Balsgård, Sweden 2013. Apple canker (Neonectria di�ssima ) trials

45 Aroma Discovery Elise 40 Frösåker 35 Gyllenkroks Astrakan Heta Hornö 30 Ingrid Marie Jonatan Katja 25 Konsta Liberty Linda 20 Prairefire Risäter Rubinola 15 Red Gravensteiner Rödluvan Rö� kaneläpple Development of average lesion length on cut 10 Santana Snövit shoots wound inoculated with macrospores of Spässerud Neonectria di�ssima, recorded at 5 �me points Sävstaholm 5 a�er inocula�on. Three inocula�on points per Val� Williams Pride shoot, 6 replicates (shoots) per cul�var. Results 0 Voukko from experiment SLU Balsgård, Sweden 2013. 1 2 3 4 5 Åkerö Apple canker (Neonectria di�ssima ) trials



50 Aroma


40 Elise Karin Schneider

Katja 30 Liberty

Santana 20 William's Pride


0 Time1 Time Time3 Time4 Time5

Development of average lesion length on cut shoots wound inoculated with macrospores Neonectria of di�ssima, recorded at 5 �me points (20, 27, 34, 41 and 48 days a�er inocula�on). One inocula�on point per shoot, 6 replicates (shoots) per cul�var. Results from experiment Graminor Njøs, Norway 2013.

Apple canker (Neonectria di�ssima) trials

Development of average lesion length on cut shoots wound inoculated with macrospores of Neonectria di�ssima, recorded at 5 �me points (7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days a�er inocula�on). One inocula�on point per shoot, 6 replicates (shoots) per cul�var. Results from experiment Graminor Njøs, Norway 2013.

Fungal decay in apple

 Fruit rots cause large losses during storage and marke�ng of apples .  A large number of fungi causes fruit rots, the most important in Nordic apple produc�on being Pezicula malicor�cis and Pezicula alba (bull’s eye rot), Glomerella acutata (bi�er rot), Penicillium expansum ( blue mould ), Botry�s cinerea ( grey mould) and Monilinia fruc�gena (monilia rot).  Penicillium expansum is of special concern as it may produce the toxin patulin. Blue mould (Penicillium expansum) trials

Material and methods – 2012 trials

— 45 cul�vars at SLU Balsgård and 45 cul�vars at Graminor Njøs — Wound inocula�on on apples harvested starch at value 4-­‐5 (iodine test) — 2 inocula�on points per apple (sun and shade side) — 15 apples per replicate, 3 replicates inoculated Penicillium, 1 replicate inoculated water, 1 replicate unwounded — Measurement of lesion diameter direc�ons (2 ) a�er 6 weeks (early apples) or 12 weeks (later apples ) in cold store — Fruit firmness measured on 10 apples per cul�var by inocula�on and by end of storage period (2 measurements per apple) Blue mould (Penicillium expansum) trials Blue mould (Penicillium expansum) trials





40 Leasion area 30





Average lesion diameter of fruits inoculated with P. expansum; symptoms for early-­‐ and late-­‐maturing cul�vars. Early cul�vars (stored for 6 weeks) with yellow colour and late cul�vars (stored for 12 weeks) with blue colour (Mean±SD, n=15). Cul�vars are arranged according to ripening period. Results from experiment SLU Balsgård, Sweden, 2012. Blue mould (Penicillium expansum) trials



10 -­‐2


6 Firmness , kg.cm Firmness



0 Raja Elise Alka Vara Luke Olga Atlas Katja Juuso Juuso Sylvia Bersis Arona Arona Björke Björke Kavlås Rörvik Rörvik Oraine Aroma Aroma Breaky Sariola Sariola Ausma Snadra Konsta Konsta Kestrel Gloster Gloster Tönnes Tönnes Ontario Ontario Huvitus Santana Jedzenu Jedzenu Nyckelby Apelsinoe Apelsinoe Discovery Discovery Pipen Sch Pipen Barchatnoje Barchatnoje Ingrid Marie Birgit Bonnier Birgit Sinap orlovski orlovski Sinap Severnij Sinap Rigasrozabele Rigasrozabele Kolenowskaya Kolenowskaya William´s Pride William´s Sörmlandsäpple Sörmlandsäpple Salva Petersburg Salva Göteborgs Flickäp Göteborgs

Average fruit firmness at harvest (Mean±SD, n=15). Cul�vars are arranged according to ripening period. Results from experiment SLU Balsgård, Sweden, 2012.

Blue mould (Penicillium expansum) trials






6 Firmness , kg.cm Firmness 4


0 Raja Elise Alka Vara Olga Luke Atlas Katja Juuso Juuso Sylvia Bersis Arona Arona Björke Björke Kavlås Rörvik Rörvik Aroma Aroma Oraine Breaky Sariola Sariola Ausma Snadra Konsta Konsta Kestrel Gloster Gloster Tönnes Tönnes Ontario Ontario Huvitus Santana Jedzenu Jedzenu Nyckelby Apelsinoe Apelsinoe Discovery Discovery Pipen Sch Pipen Barchatnoje Barchatnoje Gravenstein Ingrid Marie Birgit Bonnier Birgit Sinap orlovski orlovski Sinap Severnij Sinap Rigasrozabele Rigasrozabele Kolenowskaya Kolenowskaya William´s Pride William´s Sörmlandsäpple Sörmlandsäpple Salva Petersburg Salva Göteborgs Flickäp Göteborgs Cultivars

Average fruit firmness a�er cold storage. Early cul�vars (stored for 6 weeks) with yellow colour and late cul�vars (stored for 12 weeks) with blue colour (Mean±SD, n=15). Cul�vars are arranged according to ripening period. Results from experiment SLU Balsgård, Sweden, 2012.

Blue mould (Penicillium expansum) trials

Factors Early ripening Late ripening Harvest date -­‐0,13 -­‐0,17 Firmness -­‐0,4352 -­‐0,0275 So�ening 0,1103 0,5616

Associa�on of harvest date, fruit firmness by harvest and so�ening with level of fruit tolerance to P. expansum in early and late cul�vars, represented as Pearson correla�on. Results from experiment SLU Balsgård, Sweden, 2012.

Blue mould (Penicillium expansum) trials









Average lesion diameter of fruits inoculated with P. expansum. Early cul�vars (stored for 6 weeks) are marked with yellow colour and late cul�vars (stored for 12 weeks) are marked with blue colour. Cul�vars are arranged according to harvest date. Results from experiment Graminor Njøs, Norway, 2012. Blue mould (Penicillium expansum) trials









Average lesion diameter of fruits inoculated with P. expansum. Early cul�vars (stored for 6 weeks) are marked with yellow colour and late cul�vars (stored for 12 weeks) are marked with blue colour. Cul�vars are arranged according to harvest date. Results from experiment Graminor Njøs, Norway, 2012. Blue mould (Penicillium expansum) trials Blue mould (Penicillium expansum) trials Blue mould (Penicillium expansum) trials

Cul�var Lesion diameter Duncan grouping William's Pride 48,55 a COOP 12 43,78 ab Discovery 40,99 abc Sunrise 39,85 abc K 2-­‐24 39,67 abc Delprim 36,44 bcd Idunn 34,50 bcde Zonga 32,38 cdef Katja 28,11 defg ARX 49-­‐15 25,44 efgh Pris�ne 23,73 fghi Pink Pearl 22,37 fghi Gravenstein 19,06 ghij Delcorf 17,81 ghijk Average lesion diameter of fruits inoculated Earligold 15,65 hijkl with P. expansum; symptoms for early cul�vars Leiknes 13,99 ijkl (stored for 6 weeks). ANOVA of 3 replicates – Burgundy 11,49 jkl 15 apples per replicate, mean diameter of 2 10,60 jklm lesions per apple (2 measurements per lesion), Auksis 8,44 klm mean separa�on by Duncan test. Results from Re�na 6,28 lm experiment Graminor Njøs, Norway, 2012. Fu Shuai 0,60 m Mean 24,70 Blue mould (Penicillium expansum) trials

Cul�var Lesion diameter Duncan grouping Tohoku 2 56,70 a Santana 54,83 ab Vetle 53,83 ab ARX 49-­‐18 53,50 ab Rubin 52,46 abc Lotos 50,27 bcd Belmac 48,09 cde Rubinstep 45,75 def Ecole�e 45,01 ef Jarka 44,33 ef 43,98 ef Elise 43,30 ef Aroma Ylvisåker 43,05 f Angold 41,30 f Liberty 36,44 g Dayton 32,88 gh Average lesion diameter of fruits inoculated NA 15-­‐65 30,33 hi with P. expansum; symptoms for later cul�vars Karin Schneider 29,18 hi (stored for 12 weeks). ANOVA of 3 replicates 28,02 ij with 15 apples per replicate, mean diameter of Sampion 26,56 ij Elshof 24,42 jk 2 lesions per apple (2 measurements per lesion), Must 21,79 k mean separa�on by Duncan test. Results from Pilot 20,02 kl experiment Graminor Njøs, Norway, 2012. Gloster 16,83 l Mean 39,42 Thank you to

— Jasna Sehic – SLU Balsgård, Sweden — Masoud Ahmadi Afzadi – SLU Balsgård, Sweden — Marjan Ghasemkhani – SLU Alnarp/Balsgård, Sweden — Zborowska – SLU Alnarp, Sweden — Kurab Røen – Njøs næringsutvikling AS, Norway Thank you for your a�en�on!