


ANNUAL 2011 1-'\1.1. G, 73  Canada, in 1798. It's grown in yellow nesh. also keeps very well. the Northern New En gland USES: It's super versatile. By region but can now be found the early 1900s, thou sands of Bob's Pick: Jonathan anywhere in th e U.S. orchards were AVAILABLE : Septemb er and FLAVOR/ TEXTURE : It has a estab lished, and the app le had Oc tober. dist inct, perfu me-like aro ma. become the heart of a FLAVOR: Delicious, sweet/tart, 111e nesh is firm, juicy and industry in Sonoma County, as with a bit of a tang. white. dryers , canners, app le and TEXTURE : Crisp, firm , with USES : It is an a ll-purpose apple, apple brand y producer s took white, tender nesh. great for eating fresh, cooking, advantage of its suitab ility for cider or juice. processing. During World War l irginia in the I 960s. Possib le II, Ameri can t roop s were ,arents are the Golden Chris 's Pick: Gravenstein provided with applesa uce and )elicious and the Aldemarle AVAILABLE: Lale Augus t dri ed apples from Sebastopol 'ippin. thro ugh Oc tober. Grave nsteins, and thi s made the LAVOR, TEXTURE : Highly BACKGROUND : It orig inated in apple into an icon for the town . avored, sweet and mildl y tart, lith soft yellow skin and Bob's and Chris 's ream-colored nesh. Pick: SES : Best eaten fresh. AVAILABLE : September and October. USES : It combines well with nichael's Pick : BACKGROUND : 1l1is hybrid of other apples, fruit and mixed nacintosh the Macoun and the Ho neygold greens, so it's excellent for VAILABLE : Mid-September was developed in the I 970s at salads. It also can be very good ,ro ugh October. the Univer sity of Minneso ta. It for cookin g and baking, ACKGROUND : ·n1e Macintosh thrive s in the ho t summer s and especially . pple was developed in Ontario, cold winte rs of the Midwest. Italy in the early 1600s and was FLAVOR: Chris says it has a Chris's Pick : Gold Rush introduced lo the U.S. in the super-sweet, round apple navor AVAILABLE : Oc tober through late 1700s. It thrive s in Sonoma with a p unch of tartness. Bob ovember in the Midwest. Co unty, California; in t he adds that its un ique navor is BACKGROUND : It's a Purdu e, 1970s, Sonoma Co unty wa s Rutgers, Illinois Co-Op hybrid th e Gravens tein capital of the with a Go lden Delicious world. heritage created in the early FLAVOR/TEXTURE : Crisp a nd 1990s. juicy with a nice tart bite to it. FLAVOR: A nice honey-sweet 1l1e skin is yellowish-o range navor with a mild ta rt ness, with red striations and pale

Apple Tips l !- SELECTION : Choo se apples that feel firm, smell good and don't have any breaks in the skin or bruise s. very pleasing to the palate with !- STORAGE: "Keep app les in the coldes t part of the refrigera ­ the combination of sweetness tor;· says "Farmer Bob " Helmer. Wh ile we've seen numerous and tart ness/tanginess. referen ces to freezing apples, Bob cautions against it: "You TE XTURE : Its skin is red mottled canno t freeze apples; they turn brown and collapse whe n they on a light-green background , thaw'.' Applesauce, on the ot her hand , freezes well. and its flesh is very firm with a -. TO PREVENT BROWNING : The U.S. Apple Association says to grea t snap to it. It 's juicy, with slight ly acidic. coat sliced or diced apple s with Vitami n C- fort ified app le juice white to yellowish nesh that's TEXTURE / FLESH: The skin is or with a mixture of one part lemo n juice and th ree pa rts water. very creamy. a light greenish-yellow with !- BAKING : "Combina tions of apple types will br ing out each USES: Excellent for snac king , in white nesh. It is a very firm and other's navo rs for baking ;' according to Michael Smolak. salads and sliced with almond cru nchy pomme fruit, with a butter, accordi ng to Chris. It nice creamv. smoo l h text11rr  : Great fo r snac king, pies Delicious. FLAVOR/ TEXTURE : Sweet, high rnd ju ice. FLAVOR: Lovely sweet, honeyed flavor, uni que, tempting. Peo ple flavor. take one b ite and imm ediately Chris and Michael's USES : Great for snacking. want an other. Crisp, firm. Pick: Macoun Slightly dr y, creamy white flesh. AVAILABLE : Startin g mid ­ Bob's Pick: Pink Lady USES : Goes great with oth er September and on throu gh AVAILABLE : October fruits, including strawberries, Decembe r in some regions. mangos a nd pineap ples. Often BACKGROUND : It originated in used for coo kin g and b aking. Geneva, New York, as a cross Michael's Pick: Rogers Red Macintosh sweet and juicy at the height of AVAILABLE : Mid -Septemb er its flavor. throu gh Oc tober. USES : An all-purp ose app le, FLAVOR/ TEXTURE: A variety o f great for eating fresh, cooki ng, the Macintosh apple, the Roge rs cider o r juice. It mak es great Red Mac intosh h as a more applesauce with a beaut iful pink blush flesh. It is firm and very color.

between th e Maci ntosh and the . FLAVOR/TEXTURE: It's highly aromatic, sweet and has ahin t of berry flavor. ll1e dar k red skin has a purpli sh blush, and it has snow-w hite flesh. USES: Tastes great fresh oul of ha nd- in fact, while it's an excellent all-purpose app le, Michael says it's best eaten fresh.

Michael's Pick : /Crispin AVAILABLE : Mid-September through October.

Pairing Apples & Cheese the swee t-tart Pin k Lady. Home entertaining expe rt Domenica Marchetti -~ Chao urce or an ot her rich triple-creme cheese (www.domenicacoo ks.com) . auth or of Big Night with a light ly flavored sweet apple such as Go lde n In an d The Glorious Pas ta of Italy. sugges ts th ese Delicious or . delicious ap ple-and-cheese pa irings: -~ For a quick. easy and elegant ap petizer. -~ A robust. creamy -cr umbly aged c heddar such Domen ica recom mends that yo u top very thin as Fisca lini bandage d cheddar pa ired with a crisp, slices of impo rted Prosc iutto di Parma w ith swee t-tart apple. such as Honeycr isp. pape r-thin slices of unpee led app le such as a BACKGROUND : Known as -~ A gorgeous blue cheese such as Achelse sweet. crisp Fuji or a swee t-tart variety like Mutsu in its native Japan, Blauwe from Belgium (or spicy Mount ain or Pink Lady. Then scatte r shavings of Parmigiano­ Cris pin l ooks like a large Gorgonzola from Italy) with a ta rt apple such as Regg iano c heese over the app le, a few drops of Golde n Delicio us, and indeed or or perhaps walnut oil and fres hly gro und black pepper . one of its pa rents is Go lden

ANNUAL2011 I FIi.i. I ~ I 75  the dough so that it forms a rant. "This is a great salad circle about 1/s-inch thick and for the tall;' Walter says. " It 10 to 11 nchesi in diameter. utilizes several local Virginia Carefully transfer it to a products that really captu re baking sheet. Fold in the outer the flavor of the season. The edge to form a ½- inch rim and apples are from Virginia 's use the tines of a fork to press Shenandoah Valley: the ham the rim into place. Prick the is a salt/sugar -cured ham tart in several places. from Jim Kite in Wolftown , 4 I Drain the apples and Virginia; and the peanuts are set them on a tea towel to an extra-fancy peanut from absorb excess water. Arrange Hubbard Peanut Company cinnamon the apple slices in a circle, ("Hubs") , located in Sedley, Jordan's 3 tab lespoons currant overlapping t hem slightly near Virginia. The honey is from GRAVENSTEIN jelly . apricot jam or the outer rim of the dough . Singers Glen, and we add a hot red pepper jam or Continue adding apples in twist to it by smoking it, which APPLE TART jelly , warmed concentr ic circles that overlap creates a rich, autumn al ta~te. YIELDS 6-8 SERVINGS each other until you reach the All the components work well After 12 years as an award­ 1 I To make the crust: Put center of th e tart. together . The slightly salty but winning chef, Michele Anna the flour and ½ teaspoo n of 5 I Melt the butter . Use a sweet ham, the characteristi­ Jordan (www.micheleannajor ­ the salt in a medium -size bowl. pastry brush to coat the cally crun chy peanuts, the dan.com) shifted her focus to add the butter and use your app les and the rim of dough crisp fall apples, the unique her first love: writing. She has fingers (or a pastry cutter) to with all of the melted butter . smoked sweet honey and the now authored 18 books and work the butter into the flour 6 I In a small bowl, combine slightly bitter frisee lettuces has served as a restaurant to form an evenly crumbly the sugar. cinnamon and are a magical combination. critic for numerous publi­ mixtu re: work quickly to remaining 1/steaspoon salt They truly showcase some of cations. including the San keep the butter co ld. Add 3 and sprinkle the mixture over the finest Virginia products Francisco Chronicle. Michele tablespoo ns of the ice water the apples. that are availab le in the fall :' also writes a blog called "Eat and mix togethe r quickly with 7 I Bake the tart until the This Now" (www.pantry.blogs. yo ur finger s or a for k. Do not apples are tender and the 2 large slices Kite 's pressdemocrat.com). This overwork the doug h: spr inkle crust is golden brown. about Count ry Ham easy and visually appea ling with th e remaining ice water 40 to 45 minutes. Carefully head frise e lettu ce tart recipe is adapted from if it seems too dry . Gather the transfer to a rack and coo l for Shenandoah Vall ey her book The New Cook's Tour dough into a ba ll, wrap it in 5 minutes. Set the ta rt on a apple, cut into of Sonoma. plastic wrap and refr igerate serving plate. brush the top mat chst icks for an hour. of it with the warmed je lly, tablespoon chives, cup all -purpose flour , 2 I Meanwhile. half-fi ll a cut into wedges and serve di ced cro sswise into plus more for rolling medium -size bowl wit h col d immediate ly. tiny roun ds out dough water and the lemon ju ice. White Ba lsamic ½ teaspoon , plus Peel the app les, cut them in Walter Bundy 's Vina igrette (see recipe) 1/steaspoon salt quarters through their cores HAM AND Salt and whit e pepper, ½ cup (1 stick) unsalted and use a sharp knife to SHENANDOAH to taste butter, cut into pieces remove the cores and ends. APPLE SALAD 1-2 t ablespoon s Smoked and chilled Drop the peeled apple Virginia Honey , to taste YIELDS2 SERVINGS 4 tablespoons ice water , quarters into the acidulated (see Ingredient and plus more co ld water water so that they do not Chef Walter Bundy worked Technique Ti ps) for app les brown. Cut eac h quarter apple at The French Laundry in ¼ cup Hub 's Virginia Juice of 1 lemon into very thin (no thicker t han Yountville , California, before Peanuts , for ga rnish 3 to 4 apples, preferably 1/si nch: ½sis be tt er) lengt h­ moving to Virginia to reopen ounce micro aru gula Gravensteins wise slices and retu rn to the Lemaire at the Jefferson Hotel Amaranth m icrogreens. 3 tablespoo ns unsalted water . (www.jeffer sonhotel.com) in fo r garni sh (opt ional) butter , melted 3 I To assemble the tart : Richmond in 2009-which 3 table spoons sugar Preheat the oven to 375°F. Esquire magazine promptly 1 I Place the thin ly sliced ½ te aspoon ground Flour a countertop and roll out dubbed a Best New Restau- ham on a plate .