BOBBY ­ FLAY'S PICK- -­ ME-UP BRUNCH INGRID HOFFMAN N'S DELICIOUS CHIPOTLE :TAMALEPIE FRESH ATISFYING FALL SOUPS FLAVORS ..,,,,,,.._, Heels lus! - llrussels Sprout.< NADIAG /lutternut Sq11<1.<h Cl,i/,· Peppers VS AARON Collard (;,n·11s MCCARGO JR. - ( .'ranberries , •. ' - IJw1gc11css<:n1h YOUBE •. , 1-';_i,!S TH E JUDGE! - 1':<1/e - ,\/<1plc ,'I. BOURC:E U\ITEi""LINK MEDIA PU□LICAT I ON - l'm11Q,:,rmwtcs : Pu111pki116 l'11111pki11Seed., - Uutahagw• Aaron Mccargo Jr.'s - Sweet l'otatocs Horseradish -Crusted Filet Mignon - '/i1n1ips With Braised Portobello Mushrooms and \\'i/d i\lushrooms. 20U ANNUAL· DISPLAY UNTIL ll/8/2011 Cheesy Potatoes With Bacon and Oregano you know that more than 2,500 varieties of apples are grown in the The Experts Un ited States? Perhaps just as amazingly, Chris Mitte lstae dt. the CEO and about 20 oft hose varict ies arc widely founder of The FruitGuys (www. available in supermarke ts n:11ionwidc, fruitguys.com) in San Francisco. is according to the U .. Apple Associatio n akin to a sommelier when it co mes (www.usapplc.org). '!he rest- includ ing to apples: He can tell you the variety plenty of delicious regional favorites ­ of an app le in a blind taste test. His can be fou nd al far mers' markets, company works with farms across the rccnmarkcts and orchards all across the count ry. country to provide fr esh. seasonal. local "i\ lost apples arc grown in large qua ntities in Washington stale produce-including all kinds of apples­ nd shipped from there; those will often be what people find fir st in to businesses na tionwide. from small mom -and-pop shops to tores;' says "Farmer Bob" Helmer , the owner and manager of Alida 's huge companies such as Yahoo!. Wells Fargo and Yahama. The ruits in Palisade, Colorado. "M any, many regions around the FruitGuys also ship produce to homes and to schools. ountry g row all kinds of apples. Here in Co lorado , for instance, we row almost every variety of apple, although many are on a limited Michae l Smolak 1s theowner and ,asis. Popular Colorado varieties include Fuji, Red and Golden COO of 300-year-old Smolak Farms )clicious and Jonathan." (www .smolakfarms.com) in North We asked Farmer Bob and two other experts to share their picks Andover. Massachusetts. about 45 or fabulous fall app les with us. Most of these varieties arc great for minutes north of Boston. where the •ating as snacks or for making into juice or apple sauce. But we've fall-season offerings include apples. ilso rounded up a nice assortment of recipes that fea ture apples pumpkins. squash and Christmas ,rominc ntly, so you can have some fun playing with the se different trees. You can pick you r own apples ,easonal varieties. there in September and Octobe r or buy ready -picked fr uit from a farm Chris's Pick: and best served cold to stand. Michae l also has crea ted an Antique App le Orchard on ~rkansas Black main tain a cri sp snap. the property to preserve varieties that are no longer grown for .\VA ILABLE: Late October commercial harvest. including Chenango Strawberry, Sops o f lhrough November on the West Michael's Pick: Cortland Wine. Cox Orange Pippen. Sheepnose. Smokehouse. Rhode ls­ Coast. AVAILABLE: Mid -September land Greening , Fameuse Snow. Golden Russet. Winter Banana . through October. Spitzenberg. Seek No Further. Red Slayman. Yellow Newton. BACKGROUND : "lh c Cor tland Lady. Pink Pearl. James Grieve. Baldwin and Wolf River. apple was developed in Geneva, New York, in 1915. It is a cross Bob Helm er is a lifelong fruit of Macinto sh and Ben Davis farmer . "Farmer Bob" and apples. It's grown in the his wife. Alida. have spent No rth ern ew E ngland region almost 25 years tending the but can now be found anywhe re orchards-and concocting a in the U.S. variety of canned and dried products from their bounty- at Alida's Fruits (www.alidasfruits. BACKGROU ND: 'l11isapple com) in Palisade. Colorado. originates from the late 1800s The coup le not o nly ships fresh and is now grown in mu lti ple fruit in season but also offers regions of the U.S. It is tho ught several kinds of applesauce. dried apples (naked or dipped in 10 be from the seedling of a caramel and chocolate) and a prize-winning Smoked Apple Winesap. Butter that gets a kick from Jalapeno. FLAVOR: The skin has a cherry-like taste that gives this apple a distinctive flavor. the best apple for a salad. Great fruit in August on the Eas t TEXTURE / FLESH : It has dark FLAVOR: h is less sweet than for cooking. Coast, sometim es as early as purple flesh with a white other varieties. July in California, and it's interior. USES: Its snow-w hite flesh Chris's Pick: Ginger Gold available through September. USES: h's best eaten out of hand brow ns very slowly, making it AVAILABLE: It begins bearing BACKGROUND : h originated in ANNUAL 2011 1-'\1.1. G, 73 Canada, in 1798. It's grown in yellow nesh. also keeps very well. the Northern New En gland USES: It's super versatile. By region but can now be found the early 1900s, thou sands of Bob's Pick: Jonathan anywhere in th e U.S. Gravenstein orchards were AVAILABLE : Septemb er and FLAVOR/ TEXTURE : It has a estab lished, and the app le had Oc tober. dist inct, perfu me-like aro ma. become the heart of a major FLAVOR: Delicious, sweet/tart, 111e nesh is firm, juicy and industry in Sonoma County, as with a bit of a tang. white. dryers , canners, app le cider and TEXTURE : Crisp, firm , with USES : It is an a ll-purpose apple, apple brand y producer s took white, tender nesh. great for eating fresh, cooking, advantage of its suitab ility for cider or juice. processing. During World War l irginia in the I 960s. Possib le II, Ameri can t roop s were ,arents are the Golden Chris 's Pick: Gravenstein provided with applesa uce and )elicious and the Aldemarle AVAILABLE: Lale Augus t dri ed apples from Sebastopol 'ippin. thro ugh Oc tober. Grave nsteins, and thi s made the LAVOR, TEXTURE : Highly BACKGROUND : It orig inated in apple into an icon for the town . avored, sweet and mildl y tart, lith soft yellow skin and Bob's and Chris 's ream-colored nesh. Pick: Honeycrisp SES : Best eaten fresh. AVAILABLE : September and October. USES : It combines well with nichael's Pick : BACKGROUND : 1l1is hybrid of other apples, fruit and mixed nacintosh the Macoun and the Ho neygold greens, so it's excellent for salads. It also can be very good VAILABLE : Mid-September was developed in the I 970s at cookin g and baking, ,ro ugh October. the Univer sity of Minneso ta. It for specially apple pie. ACKGROUND : ·n1e Macintosh thrive s in the ho t summer s and e pple was developed in Ontario, cold winte rs of the Midwest. Italy in the early 1600s and was FLAVOR: Chris says it has a Chris's Pick : Gold Rush introduced lo the U.S. in the super-sweet, round apple navor AVAILABLE : Oc tober through late 1700s. It thrive s in Sonoma with a p unch of tartness. Bob ovember in the Midwest. Co unty, California; in t he adds that its un ique navor is BACKGROUND : It's a Purdu e, 1970s, Sonoma Co unty wa s Rutgers, Illinois Co-Op hybrid th e Gravens tein capital of the with a Go lden Delicious world. heritage created in the early FLAVOR/TEXTURE : Crisp a nd 1990s. juicy with a nice tart bite to it. FLAVOR: A nice honey-sweet 1l1e skin is yellowish-o range navor with a mild ta rt ness, with red striations and pale l Apple Tips !- SELECTION : Choo se apples that feel firm, smell good and don't have any breaks in the skin or bruise s. very pleasing to the palate with !- STORAGE: "Keep app les in the coldes t part of the refrigera ­ the combination of sweetness tor;· says "Farmer Bob " Helmer. Wh ile we've seen numerous and tart ness/tanginess. referen ces to freezing apples, Bob cautions against it: "You TE XTURE : Its skin is red mottled canno t freeze apples; they turn brown and collapse whe n they on a light -green background , thaw'.' Applesauce, on the ot her hand , freezes well. and its flesh is very firm with a -. TO PREVENT BROWNING : The U.S. Apple Association says to grea t snap to it. It 's juicy, with slight ly acidic. coat sliced or diced apple s with Vitami n C- fort ified app le juice white to yellowish nesh that's TEXTURE / FLESH: The skin is or with a mixture of one part lemo n juice and th ree pa rts water. very creamy. a light greenish-yellow with !- BAKING : "Combina tions of apple types will br ing out each USES: Excellent for snac king , in white nesh. It is a very firm and other's navo rs for baking ;' according to Michael Smolak. salads and sliced with almond cru nchy pomme fruit, with a butter, accordi ng to Chris. It nice creamv. smoo l h text11rr : Great fo r snac king, pies Delicious. FLAVOR/ TEXTURE : Sweet, high rnd ju ice. FLAVOR: Lovely sweet, honeyed flavor, uni que, tempting. Peo ple flavor. take one b ite and imm ediately Chris and Michael's USES : Great for snacking.
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