
Player Email: [email protected] Name: "The Cape of Scales"

Species: ! (-sized lizard creatures.) ​

Kobolds can live for well over a hundred years, however most rarely survive past their 30s, and those that do survive into old age (50+) suffer from such slow metabolisms that they must spend all day basking on hot rocks and moving very little in order to conserve energy.

Kobold hide is tough, scaly, and fire-resistant and dependent upon the geneology of the there is a chance they may be able to spit a powerful acid (powerful enough to shine diamonds instead of cutting them) or a sticky, flamable, tar-like substance that burns to the touch and catches light easily.

Kobolds come in many shapes, sizes, and colours, some with horns, some with fins, some with frills, some with none. Different tribes have different genealogies. This wide disparity in geneologies come from a Kobold’s naturally unstable biology, and their rapid rate of reproduction. A Kobold will grow to physical maturity in five to six years and be ready to rear a clutch of eggs, normally between four or five eggs, by that time. They can birth one clutch of eggs a year and deep within their warrens the Kobold Clutchmothers spend their entire lives being bred and raising their multitudinous offspring.

Colour: LaRoja Yellow (cccc00)


Kobolds rarely know their parents which is fine because most don’t care. They are bred deep in the warren from clutchmothers birthing four to five eggs per year. The only they need to know is they will have a chance to mate with the Clutchmothers if they prove their worth as warriors. Naturally this leads to the occasional bout of incest but it’s nothing a little unnatural selection can’t fix.

Besides being Kobolds only two things matter. Their Clan, and their caste. Anything not from their clan is an enemy and is probably plotting something. Their Caste tells them what they’ll be spending their lives doing. Mining, farming, guarding, serving the elders and preaching the faith, mothering the clutch, thinking and counting, hunting, fighting, or killed at birth for deformities.


The Cape of Scales is not a nation, rather it is a large area of land in a hot (and preferably though not necessarily humid) climate that is just packed FULL of Kobolds. Kobolds coming out the ears! In the caves, between the rocks, BENEATH the rocks. These motherfuckers live in clans and those clans are broken into castes and they will build their warrens anywhere and everywhere because all of the good places for warrens already have warrens there because JESUS CHRIST THERE ARE SO MANY KOBOLDS!

So, naturally this is a governmental nightmare. The Kobolds do not get along. The Clans are led by the elderly who are lizards and as such spend most of their waking lives lying down on hot rocks sunning themselves and being attended to by beautiful Kobold girls and boys (Kobolds are very equal opportunity like that) and the only time they descend from their hot rocks are when their attendants who do all of the busy work come to them with a problem wherein they will peel themselves off of said rocks, sit in a circle, and either all come to a consensus in less than a minute so they can get back to their rocks, or argue for hours until they come to a consensus so they can get back to their rocks.

Because of this Kobold society is governed with the oldest of grudges held by people with memories so poor they're not even sure why these grudges are held anymore, but that hardly matters anymore because they're clearly the ones in the right and their anger has been posthumously justified by all of their underlings that were slain in the noble pursuit of recompense for... whatever it was that they're fighting for. Naturally, Kobold society barely functions as a result. Thankfully the Kobolds are very genetically diverse and are split into specific castes with various bred physical skills meaning the vacuum left by adequate government is filled by predestination. You don't need to fear worker revolts if the workers dream only of working.

Kobold Military:

The phrase ‘Kobold Military’ is a misnomer because Kobolds have barely anything resembling a military. Most of their metal weapons are either crudely made from the reanimated forges of ancient ruins in the desert, or purchased from other cultures, or (most likely) stolen or looted from corpses and passed down throughout the generations.

Those without metal weapons make do with their own natural tools, such as the acid they spit that allows them to mine through most stones without needing proper equipment, or their claws and teeth. A not inconsiderable number of hunters are capable of using bows and , or taming the local wildlife to fight for them, and for the rest simple hide armour and shields with flint spears.

In spite of their primitive nature history tells that these little creatures are surprisingly horrifying creatures to fight, as though their tools may be few, their brethren are many, and nothing unites Kobold tribes quite like the transgressions, especially attacks, of outsiders.