
Gallery of the Gods 15



Odin is known as the “All‐Father” or of the Æsir gods. He is also a battle‐god as he determines the outcomes of earthly battles through the help of the , his immortal ‐ maidens. From his high throne he can see down into all of the Nine Worlds. Two ravens, Hugin and Munin, bring him news from these worlds. He rides an eight‐legged steed named . He is the husband of and the father of many of the gods. Odin learned the secret of (mystical symbols) by spending three days hanging from a tree with a spear in his side. Then he passed this knowledge onto men. Wednesday (Odin or Woden’s day) is named for him.


Frigga is the stately wife of Odin and the queen of the Æsir. She spends her day sitting at her magical spinning wheel, spinning out the clouds of the sky. She is also the mother of , who is also her favorite son. Friday (Frigga day) is possibly named after her or the goddess .

BALDER, THE MOST BELOVED OF THE GODS Balder (also called “the Shining One”) is the favorite son of both Odin and Frigga. He is the kindest, most gracious, most handsome of the gods and has no enemies among them. He is literally the “golden child” of . Balder has a twin brother named Hodur, who was born blind. Apart from Odin, Balder is the wisest of the gods.

THOR, GOD OF THUNDER is brave, strong, and true, but not necessarily the smartest of the gods. His sworn enemies are the . Thor wears a magical girdle that doubles his strength and wields a ‐crafted hammer called that returns each time he throws it (a symbolic reference to the thunderbolt). Thor is married to , a household goddess with golden hair. Thursday (Thor’s day) is named for him.

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FREYA, GODDESS OF BEAUTY AND FERTILITY A goddess from the tribe of the (another race of immortals), Freya comes to live in Asgard with the Æsir after a deadly war between their peoples. She is described as being so beautiful that only Odin could stand to look directly at her. She is often the object of attraction for many gods, giants, and other creatures. She wears a dwarf‐crafted necklace called Brisingamen. Her brother is Frey, a valiant , also from the Vanir tribe. Friday (Freya’s day) is possibly named for her. , GOD OF BATTLE

A valiant swordsman and a brave warrior, Tyr shares the title of God of Battle with Odin. Along with many other of the gods, he is the son of Odin. Tuesday (Tyr’s day) is named for him.


Sporting a pair of solid‐gold teeth, is a god with super‐senses. He can hear grass growing and spot things from miles away. These talents made him the perfect choice to guard Bifrost, the Rainbow Bridge that connects Asgard to (the human world). Heimdall carries a horn that can be heard through all Nine Worlds.


A half‐, half‐god outcast, possesses shape‐changing abilities. He was adopted into the Æsir tribe of immortals, although not all the gods agree with this decision. He becomes the favorite companion to Odin and Thor when they go adventuring in Midgard or Jotunheim, the land of the giants, because of his cunning abilities. He is referred to as “The Doer of Good, and the Doer of Evil.”


The frost giants or “jotuns” are the arch‐enemies of the gods and are constantly plotting to overthrow them. Some are extremely large, violent, and grotesque, while others appear human‐sized, wise, and fair. In some stories, gods and giants even intermarry. The dwarves are a race of underground blacksmiths who can create amazing treasures. The elves are a mysterious race of wise beings, who rarely leave their world of Alfheim. The valkyries are Odin’s supernatural shield‐maidens, who carry warriors who die valiantly in battle to Valhalla, his mighty ‐hall in Asgard.

Zachary Hamby © 2019 www.creativeenglishteacher.com