
Bjarni Herjolfsson Lief Ericsson Thorfin Karlsefini

Commercial Factors Prince Henry 1096 Prester John Venice & Genoa Bartholomeau Diaz Marco Polo Vasco da Gama Intellectual Advances Cristobal Colon (Columbus) Renaissance Caravels Political Factors Pedro Cabal Bourgeoisie House of Veese Ferdinand & Isabella Tudor Dynasty Louis XI Nationalism Religious Factors Reformation Martin Luther

John Cabot John Hawkins & Francis Drake Giovanni Verrazano Humphrey Gilbert Jacques Cartier Walter Raleigh Vasco Nunez Balboa CROATOAN Ponce de Leon Francisco Coronado Hernando Cortez & Francisco Pizarro BLACK LEGEND (Bartholomeau de las Casas)

VIRGINIA 1607 NORTH CAROLINA Jamestown Tobacco John Smith Fundamental Constitution of Starving Time Carolina John Rolfe SOUTH CAROLINA 1619 Charleston William Berkeley Rice & Indigo Bacon's Rebellion GEORGIA MARYLAND James Oglethorpe Cecilius Calvert Savannah Toleration Act of 1649

PURITANS Predestination Pilgrims Separatists Mayflower Plymouth Rock Mayflower Compact Squanto William Bradford General Court

PURITANS Roger Williams Predestination "Unregenerated Souls" Pilgrims Anne Hutchinson Separatists Incorporation of Providence Mayflower Plantation Plymouth Rock Mayflower Compact CONNECTICUT Squanto Pequot War William Bradford New Haven General Court Fundamental Orders New Hampshire MASSACHUSETTS BAY COLONY Nonconformists New England Confederation Cambridge Agreement John Winthrop "a city upon a hill" Great Migration Freemen General Court

Netherlands Duke of York Henry Hudson NEW YORK West India Company Peter Minuit New Netherland NEW JERSEY New Amsterdam George Carteret & John Patroonship Berkeley

Sweden PENNSYLVANIA Fort Christina Quakers (Society of Friends) New Sweden William Penn Peter Minuit Philadelphia Peter Stuyvesant DELAWARE

Verrazano & Cartier Marquis Duquesne Samuel Champlain George Washington New France Albany Congress Louis Joliet & Pierre Marquette Benjamin Franklin Robert de la Salle Edward Braddock War of Austrian Succession William Pitt King George's War Jeffrey Amherst War of Jenkins Ear James Wolfe Seven Year's War Marquis Montcalm French & Indian War War of the League of Quebec Augsuburg Plains of Abraham King Williams's War Peace of Paris War of the Spanish Pontiac Succession Royal Proclamation of 1763 Queen Anne's War Asiento

Indentured Servants Race-Based Slavery Slavery Bartholomeo de Las Casas Dowry Asiento Elizabeth Lucas Pinckney Slave Trade Triangle Triangular Trade Coffels Deism Middle Passage Enlightenment Slave Resistance Great Awakening Stono Rebellion Jonathan Edwards Negro Act of 1740 George Whitfield Conspiracy of 1741

Mercantilism Stamp Act Congress Old Colonial System Sons of Liberty Navigation Acts Declaratory Act Molasses Act Townshend Tea Tax Triangular Trade Lord North George Grenville Boston Massacre Sugar Act Crispus Attucks Colonial Currency Act British East India Company Quartering Act Boston Tea Party John Locke Coercive Acts Two Treatises on Civil Intolerable Acts Government First Continental Congress virtual representation Continental Association "Minute Men" John Burgoyne Thomas Gage Horatio Gates Paul Revere & William Dawes Saratoga Lexington & Concord Brandywine Creek & "Shots Heard Around the Germantown World" Valley Forge 2nd Continental Congress Baron von Stueben George Washington Thaddeus Kosciusko Ethan Allen & Benedict Arnold Marquis Lafayette Bunker Hill Count Pulaski William Howe Henry Clinton Hessians Charleston Canada (Montgomery & Charles Lord Cornwallis Arnold) Cowpens Thomas Paine Common Sense Benedict Arnold (West Point) Thomas Jefferson Admiral Francois Paul de Declaration of Independence Grasse Loyalists Comte de Rochambeau New York Campaign Yorktown Trenton & Princeton Treaty of Paris