
Lesson 2.1 The Age of Exploration: When explorers were paid by countries in to find new land, wealth, and spread the Christian religion to other parts of the during the 1400s and 1500s So why did this “Age of Exploration” begin? • In the 1400s the Eastern and Western Hemispheres collided . European explorers came into contact with the Native and eventually built settlements and colonies throughout the . • 3 major reasons: –The Crusades –The Renaissance –The

Lesson 2.1 The Crusades • 9 Crusades or “Holy Wars” that lasted for 200 years • Pope Urban II () wanted to get the Holy Land (Jerusalem) back from the Muslims – Holy Land = land where lived and taught • The Crusades were unsuccessful for the Catholics – The Muslims kept control of the Holy Land Effect: Put Europeans in contact with Muslim civilizations in the Middle East – Europeans got new goods (such as ) – Learned of advanced technologies (Navigation)

Lesson 2.1 The Renaissance (1350-1450) • “Rebirth” of learning – People studied the Ancient Greeks and Romans – Many advancements in art, science, technology

Spain, , Printing Press (Johann Gutenberg) France, and Great - Printer could produce large # of Britain rose to identical books in a short amount power in Europe of time

Lesson 2.1 The Reformation • Before 1500 most of Europe belonged to the Roman Catholic Church • 1517: A German monk, Martin Luther, demanded the church REFORM (change) – His followers were called PROTESTANTS because they protested the Catholic Church. Effects of the Protestant Reformation – Many different types of Christianity developed. – The followers of these new types of Christianity needed a place to live… Lesson 2.1 And so the Age of Exploration begins!

Lesson 2.1 Lesson 2.3: Who else explored the Western Hemisphere? Other European nations soon began to follow ’s lead! They also started to explore the western hemisphere!

The Spanish were not the only people to finance explorers! • France, Great Britain, Portugal, and the Netherlands (Dutch) also claimed land in the “” Lesson 2.3: Who else explored the Western Hemisphere? Colony: A settlement far away from the country that governs (rules) it

Unclaimed Land Who took the most land in Unclaimed Land ?

Who took the most land in ? and most of the are also part of

Who took the least land in

Unclaimed North America? Land

Why do you think countries did not claim the sections of “unclaimed land”? Date Explorer Nationality Achievement Around 1000 Leif Ericson Viking First European to reach North America 1271-1295 Marco Polo Italian Traveled to the Far East to 1394-1460 Prince Henry Portuguese Explored the western African coastline 1487-1488 Bartholomeu Dias Portuguese First to round the 1492-1504 Italian 4 voyages to / Caribbean Islands 1497-1503 Italian Sailed to West Indies and South America 1497-1498 Italian Explored and 1498 Portuguese First to travel to West Indies around 1513 Vasco de Balboa Spanish Found the Pacific Ocean 1513 Juan Ponce de Leon Spanish Explored Florida-tried to find 1520-1521 Portuguese Commanded first globe circling voyage 1519-1521 Hernando Cortez Spanish Conquered in 1523 Giovanni da Verranzano Italian Searched for a Northwest Passage 1523-1535 Spanish Conquered 1534-1542 French Traveled St. Lawrence River 1539-1541 Spanish Discovered the River 1540-1542 Francisco Coronado Spanish Explored American Southwest 1577-1580 Sir Frances Drake English First English to sail around the world 1603-1616 Samuel Champlain French Explored St. Lawrence River 1609-1611 Henry Hudson English Explored Hudson Bay and 1672 Marquette and Joliet French Explored 1682 Robert LaSalle French Claimed the Mississippi River for France

Lesson 2.4: How did the claim land in the name of Spain in the New World? : A Spanish soldier and explorer who claimed land in the New World in the name of Spain (And, spread Christianity to the Western Hemisphere) They were motivated by the 3 G’s GLORY GOD Lesson 2.4: How did the Conquistadors claim land in the name of Spain in the New World?

Spain and Portugal fought for land in Central and South America

France and Great Britain fought for land in North America Lesson 2.4: How did the Conquistadors claim land in the name of Spain in the New World? The Spanish Conquistadors were successful because: •The Spanish had advanced weapons and guns

•The Spanish rode horses, which frightened the natives

•The Spanish divided Native American tribes Lesson 2.4: How did the Conquistadors claim land in the name of Spain in the New World? The was conquered by Hernando Cortes in 1520 • The Aztecs thought Cortes and his men were gods, and the Aztec leader, Montezuma, gave him gold as a gift upon his arrival. • He thought the gold would convince Cortes to leave, but instead it convinced him to stay. Cortes captured Montezuma and claimed Mexico for Spain. • A year later, Cortes captured the city of , the capital of the Aztec empire, and destroyed it. In its place he built , the capital of New Spain Lesson 2.4: How did the Conquistadors claim land in the name of Spain in the New World? The was conquered by Francisco Pizarro in 1532 • Pizarro landed on the coast of Peru in 1531. • He searched for gold (unsuccessfully) for a year. • In September of 1532, he, and 170 soldiers, captured the ruler of the Incas, and executed him. • By November of 1533, Pizarro had killed most of the Incas and captured their capital city of Cuzco.

Review: What happened to the Mayan Empire? Lesson 2.5: What was life like in New Spain? •The Native Americans were forced into SLAVERY: the treatment of people as property People who are denied freedom •The Spanish enforced the system which forced Native Americans to work on large plantations PLANTATION: A large farm run by slaves

In the encomienda system, Conquistadors were given a group of natives to govern. The conquistadors could then tax the natives based on what they farmed or they could force them to be slaves As a result, the Native Americans were often taken advantage of Lesson 2.5: What was life like in New Spain? Missions: Religious settlements run by priests in New Spain • The Spanish set up Christian missions to convert the Native Americans to Christianity • These missions gave people a house to live in and food in exchange for their willingness to accept Christianity Lesson 2.5: What was life like in New Spain? The Spanish created a strict social class system in the New World

Peninsular: A person who was born in Spain, but now lived in the New World

Creole: A person who was born in the New World. Both his/her parents were born in Spain

: A person with one parent who was from Spain and one Native American parent : A person with one parent who was from Spain and one African American parent

MERCANTILISM The belief that the colonies existed to make the home country wealthy and powerful ALL European nations had this belief

Raw Materials • Gold • • Timber HOME/MOTHER COLONIES COUNTRY Can trade only Trades with other Manufactured with the home colonies and Goods country countries to gain • Clothing wealth • Furniture Lesson 2.6 Lesson 2.6

What have we talked about so far in our Exploration Unit? • Reasons why this “Age of Exploration” began – The Three G’s (Gold, Glory, God) – Crusades, Renaissance, Protestant Reformation (Need for more religious freedoms)

• Columbus makes the first “Encounter” – Christopher Columbus makes contact with the New World (1492) – Other explorers follow (Balboa, Cortes, Pizarro, Ponce de Leon) • They discover the Americas and the Pacific Ocean

• Spain sends conquistadors to explore this new land – Hernando Cortes conquers the Aztecs – Francisco Pizarro conquers the Incas – Spain sets up New Spain • New Spain has a strict social class system • Catholic priests set up missions to spread Christianity