GENERAL INFORMATION Date of establishment: 2011 Territory: The GAL VALLE TENZANO covers the South of Boyacá department (Colombia), which includes 14 municipalities of the provinces East and Neira. The territory has an extension of 1,877 km2, with a population of 73.572 inhabitants. It is characterized by the diversity of its plateaus landscapes, slopes and foothills of the Oriental Cordillera, hosting a wide variety of climates, lifestyles and human communities and, for this reason, constituting a great potential in terms of ecological and water richness. The presence of La Esmeralda (or ) dam stands. The economy is predominantly rural, with horticultural products (blackberries, pineapples, tree tomatoes, passion fruits, herbs, tomatoes, beans, etc.), and cocoa; moreover, the production of handcrafts, implemented using ancient techniques, has national recognition.

Members: Public Sector (7): Corpochivor, Alcaldías de , Guayata, , , Campohermoso, y Boyaca; Private and civil sector (11): Cannor, Coopvallede Tenza, Artefibras, Dcscubrir ONG, Sendero Verde, Corposunuba, Chinguaya, Corpoturismo, Asoprovita, Junta communal Sochaquira, Corpdesa); Institutional Sector (2): Unad, Incubar Main objectives: General Objectives: To improve employment and income; to develop and consolidate an articulated and diversified production structure, based on innovation and value creation, moving towards the development and the improvement of the rural economy.

Specific Objectives: • promoting sustainable comprehensive territorial development; • promoting the participation of the population; • coordinating local development initiatives, raised by the different public administrations and local actors; • encouraging, guiding, supporting, and accompanying the efforts of entrepreneurs and local economic actors.

IMPACTS Economic Impact The GAL has strengthened the value chains of tourism, crafts, and special coffee. It has generated 30 direct and 120 indirect jobs. Strategic Impact The GAL has developed and contributes to the implementation of Valle de Tenza regional development plan, which has served as input for the elaboration of the municipal development and management plan of CORPOCHIVOR region. The LEDA has developed the tourism plan, which has served as input for the structuring a public policy on departmental sustainable tourism.

Environmental Impact The GAL, working in coordination with the Environmental Authority of the CORPOCHIVOR region, has generated sustainable projects in the sectors of coffee, crafts and tourism. Social Impact The GAL has sustained the creation of 5 producer organizations and supported the strengthening of 15 producer organizations on business management and social cohesion. It works together with savings groups, formed by women heads of household. Financial Impact The GAL has provided technical assistance to 12 groups in establishing a local credit union, as a strategy of social-cultural cohesion for self-savings, aimed at generating productive projects. The LAG has realised a market and performance assessment of the financial sector in the region. National Impact The GAL, through Red ADELCO, carries on advocacy initiatives on national policies. Institutional Impact In 2012, the GAL led the creation of the Stations Network in Tenza Valley. It also led the “Tourism and Crafts” round table, and participated actively in the coffee round table, led by CORPOCHIVOR.

OTHER Projects The GAL has executed projects, worth about 450,000 USD, aimed at strengthening the artisanal, trade, agriculture, ecotourism sectors, and the citizen participation in local development processes. Networking It is part of the National LEDAs Network – Red ADELCO, and of ILS LEDA International Network.

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