l’autographe Genève l’autographe L’autographe S.A. 24 rue du Cendrier, CH - 1201 Genève +41 22 510 50 59 (mobile) +41 22 523 58 88 (bureau) web: www.lautographe.com mail:
[email protected] All autographs are offered subject to prior sale. Prices are quoted in EURO and do not include postage. All overseas shipments will be sent by air. Orders above € 1000 benefts of free shipping. We accept payments via bank transfer, Paypal and all major credit cards. We do not accept bank checks. Postfnance CCP 61-374302-1 3, rue du Vieux-Collège CH-1204, Genève IBAN: CH 94 0900 0000 9175 1379 1 SWIFT/BIC: POFICHBEXXX paypal.me/lautographe The costs of shipping and insurance are additional. Domestic orders are customarily shipped via La Poste. Foreign orders are shipped via Federal Express on request. Music and theatre p. 4 Miscellaneous p. 38 Signed Pennants p. 98 Music and theatre 1. Julia Bartet (Paris, 1854 - Parigi, 1941) Comédie-Française Autograph letter signed, dated 11 Avril 1901 by the French actress. Bartet comments on a book a gentleman sent her: “...la lecture que je viens de faire ne me laisse qu’un regret, c’est que nous ne possédions pas, pour le Grand Siècle, quelque Traité pareil au vôtre. Nous saurions ainsi comment les gens de goût “les honnêtes gens” prononçaient au juste, la belle langue qu’ils ont créée...”. 2 pp. In fine condition. € 70 2. Philippe Chaperon (Paris, 1823 - Lagny-sur-Marne, 1906) Paris Opera Autograph letter signed, dated Chambéry, le 26 Décembre 1864 by the French scenic designer at the Paris Opera.