

Monday July 25, 2016

Alto de Ibañeta Burgui

Roncesvalles, Chapter house Morning – Alto de Ibañeta – B urguete – oncesvalles Pamplona – Pass of Ibañeta – Burguete –

Departure from Pamplona. Visit to Alto de Ibañeta, a well - known place not only b ecause of its historical relevance but also for offering a wonderful panoramic view of the landscape.

We will continue to Burguete, a typical village on the Pilgrim's Way, with emblazoned houses recalling the memory of past privileges its habitants had.

The trip will conclude with a visit to Roncesv alles, home of Collegiate Church of Roncesvalles (St. Mary’s Church ), built in the 13 th century to provide both physical and spiritual assistance to those pilgrims who crossed the via Roncesvalles following the Pilgrim’s Way to Santiago de Compo stela. At the church’s high altar we will see a beautiful silver - covered image of the Virgin Mary (St. Mary of Roncesvalles, 13 th century). In the chapter house (14 th century), we will find the Tomb of King Sancho the Strong. Close to the Collegiate it ca n also be found the Church of Santiago (13 th century) and the Chapel of the Holy Spirit (12 th century), a former burial site.

Lunch at Roncesvalles area and return to Pamplona.

Tuesday July 26, 2016

Monastery of Leyre Sangüesa

Castle of Javier Morning : Monasterio de L eyre – S angüesa – Castillo de Javier – Sangüesa – Castle of Javier

Departure from Pamplona to the Monastery of Leyre. This monastery was Seat and Court of the Pyrenean Lordship and royal mausoleum of the ancient monarchs of Navarre. Favored by King Sancho the Great, the Monastery collected a large number of properties. It became the spiritual, political and cultural center of Navarre and controlled the Pyrenean routes of the Pilgrim’s Way. Its main areas were built during the 11 th and the 12 th centuries, including the 11 th century crypt and t he Porta Speciosa (12 th century).

The trip will continue to Sangüesa, situated on the banks of the Aragón River. Its closeness to the border between Navarre and Aragón and its role as a post on the Pilgrim’s Way are the main historical causes of this town’s development. One of its most important monuments is the Church of Santa Maria la Real, whose construction began in the 12 th century and whose facade is one of the most important exponents of peninsular . Another monument is t he Palace of the Prince of Viana, residence of the monarchs of Navarre, built during the 12 th and the 13th century.

After visiting Sangüesa we will continue to the Castle of Javier, the birthplace of St in 1506. Originally built around a 1 1 th century signal tower, the castle dates from the end of the 15 th century. Situated near the border with the Kingdom of Aragón, it became one of the most emblematic buildings of Navarre. Attacked in 1516, most of its defensive elements were destroyed, an d the castle remained in quite spartan conditions until its reconstruction at the end of the 19th century.

Lunch at Javier area and return to Pamplona.

Thursday July 28, 2016

Eunate ’ s Church E stella

Puente La Reina Morning : Iglesia de Santa María de Eunate – Puente La Reina – Estella Church of St.Mary of E unate – Puente La Reina – Estella

Departure from Pamplona to visit The Church o f St. Mary of Eunate, an architectural site on the Pilgrim’s Way to , standing in solitude on an open and beautiful landscape. This small church in Eunate combines geographical and artistic merits to become one of the most interesting examples of the Navarre’s Romanesque architecture.

We will then travel to Puente La Reina, crossroads where the Navarre and the Aragonese routes of the Pilgrim’s Way converge. Puente La Reina houses to important churches, the Church of the Crucifix (a 12 th century church of Templar origin) and the Church of Santiago el Mayor with Romanesque doorway, Baroque tower and Gothic sculptures inside the church. The main Street (Calle Mayor) is a classic example of architecture influenced by the pilgrims , with emblazoned noble houses ending at a medi eval bridge built in the 11 th century to make easier for the pilgrims to travel through the town.

Finally, we will travel to Estella, a city grateful to King Sancho the Great (1004 - 1035), responsible for having the Pilgrim’s Way cross this part of the co untry. The old quarter of the concentrates most of the monuments of Estella. Close to San Martin Square, one can find the former Town Hall (17 th century), the Palace of the Kings of Navarre (12 th century) and the Church of San Pedro de la Rúa, wit h a 12 th century cloister. Other architectural religious landmarks in the town are the Church of San Miguel Arcángel (12 th - 16 th century) and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre (13 th century).

Lunch at Estella a rea and return to Pamplona