Indonesia's Economy Since Independence
INDEX A ASEAN (Association of Southeast Abdurrachman Wahid, 35, 122, 187 Asian Nations), 72–73, 103, 175, ADB (Asian Development Bank), 271, 286–87, 291–92 162–63 ASEAN-4, 159, 286 “administrators”, 44–45 ASEAN-5, 273 affirmative policy, see Benteng ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement, programme 134 Agency for Technology Assessment ASEAN Free Trade Agreement and Application, see BPPT (AFTA), 263, 291 Agency for the Revitalization of the Asian Development Bank, see ADB Forest Industry, see BRIK Asian economic crisis, 3, 24, 69, Agreement on Textile and Clothing, 103–04, 122, 126–27, 129, see MFA 132, 156, 163, 169, 175, 179, “Ali-Baba” enterprise, 16, 32 187–88, 192, 194–98, 208, 212, Ali Sastroamidjojo, 33, 43 214–15, 248, 257, 273, 282–84, Ali Wardhana, 78 287, 289, 291 “anti-export bias”, 72–73, 102, 151, aftermath, and, 74–77, 260–63 155–56, 168–69, 177, 187, 252, auto-parts industry, impact on, 255 280–81 APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic developments after, 84–87 Cooperation), 103 industrial development overview, Arab-Israeli War, 91 176–83 Army Staff and Command School, see manufacturing sector after, 163–67 SESKOAD “Asian Tigers”, 159, 176 Army Strategic Reserve Command, see Assaat Movement (Gerakan Assaat), Kostrad 19, 21 A.R. Soehoed, 100, 149, 152–54, 276 Australia and Argentina: on Parallel Asahan aluminium smelter, 100 Paths, book, 134 15 Indonesia_Economy.indd 297 4/12/12 3:41:23 PM 298 Index authoritarianism, 83 BIN (Bank Industri Negara), 12, 42 automotive industry, 282–83 B.J. Habibie, 35, 81–82, 100, 122, auto-parts firms, number
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