Day Date :- 18Th and Tr9th April, 2019

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Day Date :- 18Th and Tr9th April, 2019 Surendra Singh,IFS STATE LEVEL ENVIRONT\,I ENT Member Seeretary IMPACT ASSESSMENT SELd.A, Bihar AUTIIORITY" BIHAR ( r;aiz r-ri LetterNo.- 90 Patna, Dated- Ll. 04 'L9 I{OTICE andr A meeting of SEIAA shall be held on 13th 19th April, 2019" All the Honaurable Members are requested to make it convenient to attend the meeting at the venue & time mentioned below: Day :- Thursday amd Friday Date :- 18th and tr9th April, 2019 Time :- lSth April (4:00 PM onward) and 19th April (1 1:00 AM onward) Venue :- Chairman's Chamber 2no Floor, Beltron Bhawan, Shastri Nagar, Patna-23 Agenda o I" Proposed Expansion of Induction Furnace & Rolling Unit (from 1,09,100 TPA to 1"66,320 TPA) Located at Sabalpur, Deedarganj, Patna , Bihar by N,4/s Neelkamal Steels Pvt" Ltd., (tISPL), (Proposal No" - SIA/3(a)/6A3ft9)" Online Proposal,No":- SIA/BR/IND/30735/20X8)" o 2" Garsanda Sand Ghat on Kiul River of District- Jamui, Area - 24 Ha (File No. SIA/1 (a)/55811 8). O nline Proposal No. : - SIA/BR/MIN/3096 1/2 0 I 9). 3. Kendua Balu Ghat on Barnar River of District- Jamui, Area - 23 Ha (File No. SIA/1 (a)/559/1 : 8). On line Proposal No" - SIA./BR/MIN/3 09 68 /2019) " 4" Sono Balu Ghat on Barnar River of District- Jamui, Area - 2I Ha (File No. - SIAI1(a)/561/1S). : Online Proposal No" - SIA,/BR/MIN/3 I 0 27 /2019\ " 5" Smarak Sand Ghat on Kiul River of District- Jamui, Area - 22 Ha (File No" - SIA/1(a)/563/1S). O nline Proposal : 0 I No. - SIA/BR/MIN/3 I 25 2019) " 6" Badibag Sand Chat t-rrr Kiul River of Disti'ict- Janrui, Area - 24 Ha (Fite Nu" - SIA/1(a)i564l18). () n li rre : U 2 Pnr pmal No " - SIA/BR/IVIIN/.1 I 4' l'2U 19 ). Office:- 2n" Floor, Telephone No :- 06 I 2-228125 5 Beltron Bhawan, E-mail:- [email protected] Shastri Nagar, P atna-23 Surendra Singh, IFS STATE LEVEL ENVIRON M IINT Member Secretary IMPACT ,A.SSESSMITNT SEIAA, Bihar AUTHORIT'Y. BIHAR / ,pyfi=g :nr- n Judgi Balu Ghat on Bamar River of Jamui district, Area - 23"5 Ha (File No" - SIAiI(a)/569/18). O n line Proposal No. : - SIA/BRIMIN/309 98 120 1.9) " o o" Charghara and Amba Sand Ghat on Ulai River of Jamui district, Area - 23.5 Ha (File No. - SIA/1 (a)/570/1 8)" O n line Froposal No" : - SIA./BRA4IN/309 59 /2019) " 9. Ghanshyamthan Koluha Balu Ghat on Barnar River of Jamui district, Area - 24 Ha (F'ile No. - SIA/1 (a)/575/1 8)" O n line P roposal No. : - SIA/BRflVIIN/309 7 2 120 19) " 10. Katauna Sand Ghat on Kiul River of Jamui distriet, Area - 225 Ha (File No. SIA/1 (a)/576l1 8)" On line Proposal No. : - SIA/BRA{IN/309 63 /2019) " 11. Dumri Sand Ghat on Barnar River of Jamui distriet, Area - 24Ha (File No. - SIAI1(a)/577/18). Onli ne Proposal No. : - SIA/BR/MINI3 09 43 120 19) " 12" Gausala Sand Ghat on Ulai River of Jamui district, Area - 24 Ha (File No. - SIAIl(a)/578/18)" O n I ine Proposal No. : - SIA/BR/MIN/309 66 12019). 13. Parsa Sand Ghat on Kiul River of Jamui district, Area - 24 Ha (File No. - SIA/1(a)/579/18). On line Proposal No. : - SIA/BR/MIN/3 1 0 2 4 12019). 14" Sair and Pandeydih Sand Ghat on Ulai River of Jamui distriet, Area - 24 Ha (File No. - SIA/1 (a)/580/1 8). Online Proposal No. : - SL4,/BR[VIIN/309 9 5 120 X9). 15. Kendih Sand Ghat on Kiul River of Jamui district, Area - 23Flra (File No. - SIA/1(a)/581/18). O n line Proposal No" : - SIA/BR[VIII{/309 65 /2019). 16" Nariyana Chacho Sand Ghat on Kiul River of Jamui district, Area - 21"5 Ha (File No. - SIA/1 (a)/58 2 I 18) " Online P roposal No. : - SIA/BR/MXN/3 09 45 120 79) " 17" Balio Sand Ghat on Ulai River of Jamui district, Area - 23 Ha (File No. - SIAIl(a)1583118)" : O nline Proposal No. - SIAIBRA4IN/3O9 49 /2019) " 18. Panbarwa Balu Ghat on Kiul River of Jamui district, Area - 22Ha (File No. - SLd/1(a)/584/18). On I ine Proposal No. : - SIA/BR/MINI3 1 0 2X 12019) " 19" Bihari Sand Ghat on Kiul River of Jamui district, Area - 20"5 Ha (File No" - SIAIl(a)/585/18)" Onlinc Proposal No" : - SIA/BRII4INI309 50 12019) " 2,0" Satgama Sand Uhat on Kiul Kiver of Jamui dlstrlcL Area - 23.5 Ha (Flle Nu. SIA/1 (a)/586/1 8)" O n line Froposal No. : - SIA/BR/MIN/309 99 12019) " Office:- 2"o Floor, Telephone No:- 06 I 2-228125 5 Beltrnn Bhawan" E-mail :- seiaa""com Shastri Nagar, Patna-23 Surendra Simgh,IFS STATE LEVEL ENVIRONMENT N{ember Secretary IMPACT ASSESSMENT SEIAA, Bihar AUTHORITY, BIHAR ( 2I" Auria Sand Ghat on Bannar R.iver of Jamui district, Area - 24 Ha (File No" - SIAIX(a)/5SS/1S)" Online Proposal No. : - SIAIBR/MINI309 60 /201 9\. 22" Balthar and Hanjro Sand Ghat on Bannar River of Jamui district, Area - 22"5 Ha (File No. - SIA/1 (a)/58 9 I 18) " 0 n lin e P ro posal No" : - SIA/BRA,IIN/309 7 S / 20 I9). 23" Pakri Sand Ghat on Kiul River of Jamui district, Area - 24Ha (File No. - SIA/1(a)lsglllg). O n I ine Pro posal No. : - 0 2 6 / SIA/BR/MIN/3 I 2019) " 24" Bhour Sand Ghat on Kiul River of Jarnui district, Area - 23.5 Ha (File No" - SIA/1(a)/Sg2/15). O n line Proposal No. : - SI.4/BR/LIN/309 62 / 2019). 25" Jaljoga Sand Ghat on Kiul River of Jamui district, Area - 23 Ha (File No" - SIA/1(a)/593/1S). O n line Proposal No" : - S IA/BR/MIN/30 9 83 / 2019). 26" Lotun and Ratanpur Sand Ghat on Kiul River of Jamui district, Area - 24 Ha (File No. - SIA/1 (a)/595/1 8). Online Proposal No. : - 7 SIA/BR/MIN/309 I t2019) " 27. Sati and Garhi Sand Ghat on Ulai River of Jamui district, Area - 22 Ha (File No" - SIA/1 (a)/59 7 / l8). Online Proposal No. : 0 - SIA/BRTMIN/3 I t9 /2019) " 28. Maliya Sand Ghat on Kiul River of Lakhisarai district" Area - 24.5 Ha (Fite No. - SIA/1 (a)/5a5l1 8). Onlin e Proposal No. : - SIA/BR/MIN/309 SS /2A$). 29" Sand Mining Project on river Kiul at Ghoshi Kundi Sand Ghat of Lakhisarai district" Area - 22 Ha (File No. - SIA/1(a)/5a6fi8)" Online Proposal No.:- SI^A/BR/MIN/30928/20L9). 30. Sand Mining Project on riverKiul at Gurdih Sand Ghat of Lakhisarai distriet, Area - 18.5 Ha (File No. - SIA/1(a)/547/18)" Online Proposal No.:- SIA/BR/NIIN/30927/2019)" 31. Sand Mining Project on river Kiul at Garhi Bisanpur Sand Ghat of Lakhisarai district, Area - 24 Ha (File No. - StrA/1(a)/5a8/18)" Online Proposal No.:- StrA/BR/NIIN/30922/2019). 32" Sand Mining Project on river Kiui at Nagardar Sand Ghat of Lakhisarai district, Area - 23"5 tpa (File No" - SrA/1(a)/549/18). online Proposal No.:- SIA,/BRAdINi309$/2aw\. JJ" Sand Mining Project on river Kiul at Rampur Sand Ghat of Lakhisarai district, Area - 23"5 Ha (File No. - SIA/1(a)/550/18)" Online Proposal No":- SIA/BR/S{IN/30937/2019\. 34" Sand Mining Projsct on river Kirrl at Rirdnhnn Snnd Ghnt nf T akhisarai districr, Area "- 18 Ha (Ftle No.:- srA/r(a)/566/r8)" Online Proposal No.:- slA/BR/MlN/J09|3/urr|). 35. Sand Mining Project on river Kiul at Tetarhat Sand Ghat of Lakhisarai district, Area - 2tr.5 Ha (File No" : - SIA/1 (a)/60 I / 19\ OnN,ine Froposal No" : - SIA/BR/MIN/3O'!I il nS W\ Office:- 2"d Floor. Teteptuone No:- 06 I 2-228125 5 Beltron Bhawan E-mnail:-"com Shastri Nagar, P atna-23 Surendra Singh, tFS STATE LEVEL ENVI I{ONM TIN'I' Member Secretary IMPACT ,4.SSESSMEN'T SE{AA" Bihar AUTHOR.ITY, BTHAR / \ 36" Sand Mining Project on Son River at Modahi Ghat, of District- Fatna, Area - 24 Ha (File No" - : 1 SIA/1 (a)/62 4 / 19). 0 n line Froposal No. - SIA/BR/MINI3 0 41 /2019) " 37" Sand Mining Project on Son River at Amnabad Ghat l, of District- Patna, Area - 24"8 F{a (File 8 7 No. - SIA/1 (a) / 625 I l9). O nline Proposal No" : - SXA.TBR/MIN/30 2 1201.9J " 38" Sand Mining Project on Son River at Mustafapur Ghat, of Distriet: Fatna, Area - 23.5 Ha (File No. - SIA/1 (a) I 626 I l9). O nline Proposal No. : - SIA,/BR/]IIN/3 1 5 17 nAXg) " 39" Sand Mining Project on Ganga River at Rupas Ghat, of District- Patna, Area - 14"8 Ha (File No. (a)/ n : 5 43 I 20 19) - SIA/1 627 / 19) " O line Proposal No" - SIA/BR/MINi3 I " 40" Sand Mining Project on Ganga River at Gosai Tola Ghat, of District- Patna, Area - l8 Ha (File No" - SIA/1 (a) / 628 / l9). O nli ne P roposal No. : - SIA/BR/MINi3 1 5 5 4 /2419) " 4I" Sand Mining Project on Ganga River at Mekra Ghat, of District- Patna, .drea - 22 Ha (File No.
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