NOTICE Day :- 7Th & 8'H Luly,2O2o

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NOTICE Day :- 7Th & 8'H Luly,2O2o Kamaljeet Singh, lrs S"TATE LEVEL IINVIRON M ENT Member Secretary IMPACT ASSESSMFINT SEIAA. Bihar AUTHORITY, BIHAR I-etter No.- t 46 Patna, Dated- oa lozl 2Dpo NOTICE A meeting of SIItrAA shall be held on Tuesday & Wednesday, T'n & 8'n July, 2020. All the }{onourable h4erntrers are requested to make it convenient to attend the meeting at the venue & time mentioned below: Day :- Tuesday & Wednesday Date :- 7th & 8'h luly,2o2o Time :- l1:30 AM onward" Venue :- Chairman's Chamber 2"o Floor, Beltron Bharvan, Shastri Nagar, Patna-23 Agenala + l. Sand Mining Prcrject on Son River at Bojhpur Son 72 Ghat, of District- Bhojpur, Area - 68 Ha (File No. - SIA/1(a)/1021/2020), Online Proposal No":- SIA/BR/MIN/S179612020)" ) Sgrrtl lt4initrgl Prttjet:t on Son River at BojhpLrr Son 73 Chat" of District- BhojpLrr. Arca - tj9.30 Ha (!'ile No. - SIA/I (al/lll22l2()20), Online Proposal No";- SIA./BR/Mil{/5180Q/2020). a J, Sand Minirrg Pro.iect ott Son Rivel at Boihpur Sun 54 Ghat, of District- Blroipur, Area - 6"5.10 l{a (File No. - SIA/1(a\fl4ffi/2020), Online Proposal No.:- SIA/BR/MIN/51847/2A2Aj" ,t .+." Sattcl lvlirtirrg lirtrjeut orr Sorr ltiver at lJo.;lrpur Son b5 Lrhat, of lJrstrrct- Bliolpur, Area - 56.2U t{a (File No. - SIA/1(a)/101912020), Online Proposal No.:- SIA/BR/MIN/518 44/2020). 5. Sand Mining Project on Son River at Bojhpur Son l7 Ghat, of District- Bhojpur, Area - 47"20 lJa (Fife No. - SIA/1(a)/l0B/2A20), Online Proposal No":- SIA/BRA4IN/S179912020)" 6" Sand Mining Project on Son River at Bojhpur Son 43 Chat, of District- Bhojpur, Area - 32.20 Ha (Filc No" - SIA/1(a)11004/2020), Online Proposal No":- SIA/BRA4IN/52999/2020)" 7" Sand Mining Project on Son River at Bojhpur Son 68 Ghat, of District- Bhojpur, Area - 100 Ha (File No. - SIA/1(a)/1020/202V, Online Proposal No.:- SIA/BR/MIN/5263412020)" Offlce:- 2no Floor, Teleplione No:- 06 1 2-2281255 Beltron Bhawan, E-mai l:- Slrastri Nagar, P atna-23 Kamalieet Singh, Irs STA'I'E [-EVEL ENVIRONM TJNT Member Secretary IMPACT ASSESSMENT SElA.4., Bihar AT]THORI'IY" BIHAR 8. Sand N4ining Project on Son River at Arwal Son 26 Ghat, of Distriet- Arwai, Area - 42"0 Ha (Fife No. - SIAI1(a)/1031/2020), Online Proposal No":- SIA/BR/MIN/S158612024\" 9" Sand lr,4ining Project on Son River at Arwal Son 36 Ghat, of District- Arwal, Area - 56.0 Ha (Fife No" - SIA/I(a)il033/2020), Online Proposal No":- SIA/BRI1\4IN/51590/2024)" 10" Sand Mining Project on Son River at Arwal Son 24 Ghat, of Distriet- Arwal, Area - 323A Ha (Fife No" - SIA/1(a)/1030/2020), Online Proposal No":- SIA/BR/MIN/S1634/242q" I l. Sand Mining Project on Son River at Arwal Son 29 Chat, of District- ,Arwal, Area - 56"2A Ha (File No. - SIA/1(a)/997nA2U, Online Froposal No.:- SIA/BRA{IN/S1636/2AZA\" 11 Sand Mining Project on Son River at Arwal Son 16 Chat, of District- Arwal, Area - 48"0 Ha (File No" - SIA/1(a)/995/2020), Online Proposal No.:- SIA/BRA4INI5180l12020)" 13" Sand Mining Project on Son River at Arwal Son22 Ghat, of District- Arwal, Area - 4,1.50 Ha (Fife No. - SIA/1(a)/99612020). Online Pnoposal No.:- SIA/BR/MIN/S1856/2020)" 14, Sand Mining Project on Son River at Arwal Son 30 Ghat, of Distiict- Patna, Area - 40 Fla (F ile No. - S IAl1 (a) I 1032 12A20). On I ine F roposa l No. : - S IA/BR/MIN/525 62 120 tg). 15. Sand Mining Project on Son River at Patna Son 06 Balu Ghat. of District- Parna, Area - 37"10 FIa (File No" - SIA/1(a)/1A01D020), Online Proposal No.:- SIA/BRA{IN/S171112020)" 15" Sand Mining Project on Son River at Patna Son 03 Balu Ghat, of District- Patna, Area - 56.0 Ha (File No. - SIA/1(a)/1008/2020), Online Proposal No":- SIA/BRA{IN/S1749n020)" lt Sand Mtnrng Prolecf nn Snn Rrver at Patna Hnn {}4 Halrr (ihat of l)rstrrcl- Patna, Area - 4'l9ll Hn (Fifc Nrr. - SIA/1(t)11025DA?0), C)nlinc Propnsal Nn":- SIA/RR/I\{IN/51777120?tl)" 18. Sand Mining Project on Son River at Patna Son 0l Balu Ghat, of District- Patna, Area - 40.30 F{a (File No" - SIA/I (a)1100512020). Online Proposal No":- SIA/BR/MIN/S171512020)" 19" Sand Mining Project on Son River at Patna Son 02 Balu Chat, of District- Patna, Area - 54.20 Ha (F'ile No. - SIA/1@)fi0A6D020), Online Proposal No":- SIA/BRA,{IN/5172912020)" 20" Sand Mining Project on Punpun River at Patna Punpun 0l Unit Balu Ghat, of District- Patna, Area - 96"32 Ha (File No" - SIA/1(a)|102612020). Online Proposal No.:- s rAIBR/MIN I 52687 I 2020) " 2r" Sand Mining Pro^iect on Kiul River atJamui Kiul l4 Balu Ghat, of District- Jamui, Area - 34"0 Ha (File No" - SIA/1(a)1101312020), Online Proposal No":- SIA/BR/MIN/S139612024)" 22" Sand Mining Project on Kiul River at Jamui Kiul l0 Balu Ghat, of District- Jamui, Area - 32.0 Ha (File No" - SIA/1(a)1100212020), Online Proposal No.:- SIA/BR/MIN/S1155/2020)" Office:- 2nd Floor, feiephone No:- 06 1 2-228 125 5 Beltron Bhawan, E-mai I :- seiaa" Shastri Nagar, P atna-2 3 Kamaljeet Singh, tRs STATE I,EVE[- ENVTRONM ENl' Member Secretary Ift,{PACX' ASSESSMENT' SEIAA, Bihan AUTTIORITY" BTHAR rt i){rJ:t -4il 23" Sand Mining Project on Kiul River atJamui Kiul 07 Balu Gha[, q-rf District- Jamui, Area - 29.0 Ha (File No. - SIA/1(a)/1011/2020), Online Proposal No.:- SIA/BR/IVIIN/5136512020j" 24" Sand Mining Project on Kiul River at Jamui KiLrl t6 Balu Ghat, r.lf District- Jamui, Area - 30.70 Fla (File No" - SIAiI(a)11015i2020), Online Froposal No.:- SIA/tsR/MIN/S1383/2020). 25" Sand Mining Project on Kiul River atJamui Kiul 08 Balu Ghat, of District-.lamui, Area - 27.0 lla (File No. - SIA/1(a)11001/2020), Online Fnoposal No.:* SIA/IIR/MIN/5113412020)" 26" Sand Mining Projecton Kiul RiveratJamui Kiul l3 Balu Ghat, of Distriet-Jamui, Area- 40.0 Ha (File No" - SIA/1(a)1101212020), Online Proposal No":- SIA/BR/MIN/51368/2020)" 27" Sand Mining Project on Kiul River at Jamui Kiul l9 Balu Ghat" of District- Jamui,,Area - 30.0 Ha (File No. - SIA/1(a)110L612020), Online Proposal No.:- SIA/BRJMIN/52709/2420)" 28" Sand Mining Project on Kiul R.iver at Jamui Kiut l5 Balu Ghat, of l)istrict- Jamui, Area - 32.0 Ha (File No. - SIA/1(a)l1014/2020), Online Proposal No":- SIA/BR/MIN/5272112020)" 29" Sand Mining Project on Kiul River at Jarnui Kiul 20 Balu Ghat, of District- Jamui, Area - -30.0 Ita (File No. - SIAiI(a)/l0I712024), Online Proposal No.:- SIA/tsR/MIN/527L5/2020). 30. Sand Mining Project on Morhar River at Gaya Morhar [9 Balu Ghat, of District- Caya, Area - 53.0 Ha (File No" - SIA/1(a)/104112A20), Online Proposal No.:- SIA/BWMIN/S1622/2020). 3 1 . Sand Mining Project on Falgu River at Gaya Falgu 0l Balu Ghat, of District- Gaya, Area - 92.0 Ha (File No. - SIA/1(a)11034/2020), Online Proposal No.:- SIA/BR/MIN/S142912020)" 32" Sand Mining Proicct on Morhar Rivcr at Gat'a Morhar 34 Balu Chat, of District- Gaya, Arca - 47 .40 I la (File No, - SIA/1(a)/1051/2020), Online Proposal No";- SI A/RR/MIN/5140:l/20?0). 33. Sand Mining Project on Falgu River at Gaya Falgu 03 Balu Chat, of District- Gaya, Area - 99.0 Hn (Filc No. SItVl(n)/1015/?0?0), Onlinc Propornl No,: SrA/RR/I,{IN/5I374i20?0). 34. Sand Mining Prcrject on Morhar River at Gaya Morhar 35 Balu Ghat, of District- Gaya, Area - 4l "90 Ha (File No" - SIAI1 (a)/1052/2020), Online Proposal No":- SIAIBRi MIN/51412/2420). 35. Sand Mining Project on Morhar River at Gaya Morhar 39 Balu Ghat, of'District- Gaya, Area - 99.0 Ha (File No" - SIA/I(a)/1054/2020), Online Proposal No.:- SIA/BR/IUIN/51439/2020)" 36. Sand Mining Project on Morhar River at Gaya Morhar 32 Balu Ghat, of District- Gaya, Area - 99" l0 Ha (File No. - SIA/1(a)/fi4912020), Online Proposal No.:- sr.uBR/cMrN/s 133 7/2020). 37 " Sand Mining Project on Falgu River at Caya Falgu 06 Balu Ghat, of District- Gaya, Area ^ 99.0 Ha (File No" - SIA/I(a)flA3612A20), Online Proposal No.:- SIA/BR/MIN/51352/2020)" Offioe:- Znd Floor, Tel ephone$ o- 05 12-228 125 5 Beltron Bhawan, E-rnail:- sei ns"[email protected] Shastri Nagar, P atna-23 V Kamaljeet Singh, lns STATE LEVEI, ENVIRON M[]N'I Member Secnetary TMI'ACT ASSESSME]N'T SEIAA, Bihar AUTHORTI-Y" BIHAR r{Frr+d sTA 38" Sand Mining Project on Falgu River at Gaya Faigu l3 Balu Ghat, of District- Cjaya, Area - 99.0 Ha (File No. - SIA/I(a)1103912020), Online Proposal No":- SIA/BRJMIN/S1335/2020)" 39" Sand Mining Project on Falgu River at Gaya Falgu l0 Balu Ghat, of District- Gaya, Area - 61.V0 Ha (File No. - SIA/I(a)/1A37n020), Online Proposal No.:- SIA/BR/MIN/S131812020). 40. Sand Mining Project on Morhar River at Gaya Morhar 27 Balu Ghat, of Distriet- (iaya, Area - 99.10 tla (File No. - SIAIl(a)/104712020), Online Proposal No":- SIA/BR/MIN/S156912020).
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