Bihar. Area - 30.50 Ha (File No

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Bihar. Area - 30.50 Ha (File No Kamaljeet Singh, tns STATE LDVEL ENVIRONMI'NT Nlember Secretary IMPACT ASSESSMEN'I SEIAA" Bihar AUTHORITY, BIHAR LetterNo.- 299 Fatna,Dated- tsitoltg NOTICE A meeting of SEIAA shall be held on Wednesday & Thursday, l6th &. l7th October, 2019" All the F{onourable Members are requested to make it eonvenient to attend the meeting at the venue & time mentioned below: Day :- Wednesday & Thursday Date :- I6th & l7'h octob er,2ol9 Time :- 4:00 PM onward. Venue :- Chairman's Chamber 2nd Floor, Beltron Bhawan, Shastri Nagar, patna-23 Agenda t6-10-2019 (Wednesdav) o the followings:- 1. Sand Mining Project on Falgu river at Alipur Glrat of District- Gaya, State- Bihar, Area - 30.05 Ha (File No" - SIA/1(a)1323/16), Online propos:rl No.: -SAVBRIVIIN/I790212016). 2" Sand Mining Project on Shanti Nagar Ghat (Stretch2 of Block -l l) of District:- Gaya, State:- Bihar. Area - 30.50 Ha (File No. - SIA/l(a) l44l/17), Online Proposal No. : - s rA/B RA{IN I t7 9 2s I 20 | 6',). 3. Sand Mining Project on Bajitpur Ghat (Stretch 4, Block - 2) of District:- Gaya, State:- Bihar, Area - 30 Ha (File No. - SIA/l(a)/439117),, Online proposal No.:- SIA/BR/MIN/I7918/2016)" o 4" SHRI RAM JANAKI MEDICAL COLLEGE AND HOSPITAL, Village:- Narghoghi, Tehsil:- Sarairanian, District:- Samastipur, Bihar Total Plot Area:- 85,652 m2. Total Build-up Area:- 1,74,?titi ? l4 n1' (illl+ No. - slA/t(u)/b9J/l!r)" untino propooal No"r SIA,rBRiTvtISi I I 5 I riSiltf I e)" 5. Sand Mining Project on river Kiul at Kishanpur Sand Ghat of Lakhisarai rdistrict, Area - 23 Ha (Proposal No. - SIA/1(a)/sa3/ft). Online Proposal No.:- SIA/BR4VIIN/3O930/20t9\" Office:- 2nd Floor, Telephone No:- 06 I 2-228125 5 Beltron Bhawan, E-maiI:- [email protected] S hastri Nagar, P atna-23 Kamaljeet Singh, trs STATE LEVEL Mernber Secretary ENVTRONIT NT SEIAA, Bihar IMPACT ASSESSMENT AUTHOR.ITY, BIHAR 'n*rizr -n-r'i. 5' Maliya Sand Ghat on Kiul River of t,akhisarai district, Area - 24"5 SrA/1(a)1545/l8)' Ha (File No. - online ProposaI No.:- SrA/BR/ {rN/309 3il/2arc). 7" sand Mining Project on river Kiul at Ghoshi Kundi sand Ghat of Lakhisarai district, Area-22 Ha (File No' - SIAI1 (a)/5a6/ft)" Online Proposat No.:- SIA/BR/I{INi309 z8/201g). fl' Sand Mining Project on river Kiul at Garhi Bisanpur Sand Ghat of Lakhisarai district, Ha (File No' - SIA/I(a)/5as/18). Area- 24 online Proposat No.:- sIA/BRA,TIN/309 22t2a9). 9' sand Mining Project on river Kiul at Rampur Sand Ghat of Lakhisarai district, Area (File No' - SIA/I(a)/550/18). - 23.5 IIa online Proposat No.:- SIA1BR4yITN/399 37/2019). 10' Kalai & Durga Mandir Sand Ghat on Jamui' {Jlai River of District- Area - 24 Ha (Proposal No. sIA/l(a)/555/1g). - online proposal No.:- s rAlB R/M IN / 3 0 9 47 / 20 tgt. l1' Kalyanpur Sand Ghat on Kiul River of District- Jamui, Area - 21.5 Lla(proposal No. - srA/t (a)/55 7 / rB). o n ri ne proposar No. : - sIA/BRA,{rN/J09 s8 /20rgr. 12. Garsanda Sand Ghat on Kiul River District- of Jamui, Area - 24 Ha (File No. SIA/l(a)/55S/18)" Ontine Proposal No.:- SIA/BR/MIN/30g61/201g (otd) SIA/BRA,IIN / 4 133 4 / 20 I 9 (n erv)) " 13" Kendua Balu Ghat on Barnar River District- of Jamui, Area - 23 Ha (File No. SIA/1 (a)/559/1 S). 0 nli n e Pro posa I : No" - S IAIBRA,IIN/JO9 6g /20 lg). 14. sono Baf u Ghat on Barnar River of District- Jamui, Area - 2l Fla{(File No" - srA/l (a)/561/lg), online Proposat No.:- SIA/BRA4IN/3r0 27/2019 (otd) sIA/BRA4IN/412 70/201g(new)). 15. Smarak Sand Ghat on Kiul River of District- Jamui, Area - 22 Ha(File No" - slA/r(a)/563/lg)" Onfine Proposal No.:- SIA/BR/MIN/3f 0 2il/20tg\. t6. Sand Mining Project on river Kiul at Birdaban Sand Ghat of takhisarai district. (Filu Nu.:- sIA/r1a)/:06/ru)" Area - lg Ha onrine l,roposar No.:- sIA/BR/MrN/309 13/20rg). 17. Judgi Balu Ghat on Bamar River of Jamui districr, Area 23.5 Ha(File No. - SIA/I(a)/S O n - 6g/tg). lin e Proposa I No. : - SIA/BR/VIINI309 g g /20 tgl" Office:- 2no Floor, Beltron Bhawan, Telephone No:- 06 I 2-2 2gI25S Shastri Nagar, patna-23 E-mail :- seiaa""com ( Kamaljeet Singh. lrs STATE LEVEL ENVIRONM T]NT Member Secretary IMPACT ASSESSMENT SEIAA, Bihar AUTHORITY, BIHAR latiia:tsll 18" Charghara and Amba Sand Ghat on Ulai River of Jamui district, Area- 23"5 Ila {(File No. - Sldl(a)/570/18), C)nline Proposal No":- SIA/BR/MIN/30959/2019 (otd) SIA/BR {IN/41 |4312019 (new)}" 19. Ghanshyamthan Koluha Balu Ghat on Barnar River of .lamui district, Area - 24 Ha (File No. - sIA/l (a)15 7511 8). o n lin e Pro posat No. : s r - I{BR/MINi30 97 z 20 l9j " 20" Katauna Sand Ghat on Kiul River of Jamui district, Area 22"5 Ha (File No. sIA/1(a)/576/18). online Proposal No. :- sIA/BR/MIN/309 63 /2019\" 2I. Dumri Sand Ghat on Bamar River of Jamui district, Area - 24 Ha (File No. - SIAII(a)/S77118). O nline Proposa I No" : - SIA/BR/MIN/3O9 43 /2019). 22. Gausala Sand Ghat on Ulai River of Jamui district, Area - 24Ha {(File No. - SIA/1(a)/578118), Online Proposal No.:- SIA/BR4VIIN/3O9 6612019 (old) SIA/BR/MIN/41 127 12019 (new)|" 23. Parsa Sand Ghat on Kiul River of Jamui district, Area - 24Ha (File No. - SIA/1(a)/57gltB). Online Proposal No.:- SIA/BRA{IN/31024/2019 (old) SIA/BR/MIN/4107612019 (new)}. 24. Sair and Pandeydih Sand Ghat on Ulai River of Jamui district, Area - 24 Ha (File No" - SIA/I(a)/580/18), Online Propnsal No.:- SIA/BRA{IN/30995/2019 (otd) / 4 SIA/BRA,IIN ll89 /20 I 9 (new)) " 25" Kendih Sand Ghat on Kiul River of Jamui district, Area - 23 Ha (File No. - SIA/1(a)i5Sll1S). O n I in e Proposa I No. : - SIA/B R/MIN/309 65 / 20 t9\. 17-10-2019{Tlursdav) 26" Nariyana Chacho Sand Ghat on Kiul River of Jamui district, Area - 21.5 Ha (File No. - SIA/1 (a)/58 2 / 18) O n li P : " ne roposal No. - S IA/BR/MINI3O9 4 S /20 19\ " 27" Bihari Sand Chaton Kiul Riverof Jamui district, Area -20"5 Ha(File No. - SIA/1(a)i585/1S). Online Proposal No":- SIA/BR/M lN/30950i201 0)" 28. Satgama Sand Ghat on Kiul River of Jamui district" Area - 2j.5 Ha ffiile Nn. SIA/1 (a)1586/1 8). O nli ne P roposal No. : - SIA/BR/MIN/309 99 /20 19\. 29" Auria Sand Ghat on Bannar River of Jamui district, Area - 24 Ha (File No. - SIA/1(a)/5S8/IS)" Online Proposal No.:- SIA/BRA4IN/30960/2019 (old) SIA/BR/MIN/41235/2019 (new)). Office:- 2nd Floor, Telephone No:- 06 l2-2281255 Beltron Bhawan, E-mai l:- seiaa"[email protected] Shastri Nagar, P atna-23 Kamaljeet Singh, trs STAT'E LEVEL ENVIRON]\( N] Member Secretary IMPACT ASSESSMENT SEIAA, Bihar AUTHORITY" BIHAR 30. Balthar and Hanjro Sand Ghat on Bannar River of Jamui district, Area - 22.5 Ha (Iile No" - S IA/1 (a)/589/1 O n li posa No" : 7 8). ne Pro I - SIA/BR/MIN/309 5 n0rc) " 31. Pakri Sand Ghat on Kiul River of Jamui district, Area - 24 Ha (File No" - SIA/1(a)/591/18). On I ine Proposal No" : - SIA/BRA{IN/3 I 0 26 I 2019). 32. Bhour Sand Ghat on Kiul River of Jamui district, Area - 23"5 Ha (File No. - SIA/1(a,)/592118)" n I in : 0 e Proposa I No. - SIA/BR/MIN/309 62 /2019) " 33. Jaljoga Sand Ghat on Kiul River of Jamui district, Area - 23 Ha (File No. - SIA/1(a)1593/18)" Online Proposal No.:- SIA/BR/MIN/30983/2019 (old) SIA/BR/MINI41216/2019 (new)). 34" l-otun and Ratanpur Sand Ghat on Kiul River of Jamui district, Area - 24 Ha (File No. - SIA/1(a)/595/18). Online Proposal No.:- SIA/BR/MIN/3097812019 (old) SIA/BR/MIN/4 I 398/20 I 9 (new)). 35. Sati and Garhi Sand Ghat on Ulai River of Jamui district, Area - 22 Ha (File No. - SIA/1(a)/597118). Online Proposal No.:- SIA/BRiMIN/31019/2019 (old) I 41164 /20 (new)) SIA/BR/MIN 19 " 36" Sand Mining Project on river Kiul at Tetarhat Sand Ghat of I-akhisarai district, Area - 21"5 Ha (File No.:- SIA/1(a)/608/19). Online Proposal No":- SIA/BR/MINI3092Il20l9). j7 " Giddheshwar Sand Ghat on Kiul River of Jamui district, Area - 23.5 Ha (File No. - SIA/1 (a)/60 9 / 19) " O n I ine P roposal No. : - S IA/BR[VIIN/309 1 4 I 20 19). 38. Mandhata Sand Ghat on Barnar River of Jamui district, Area - 23"5 Ha (File No. S IA/1 (a)16 1 1 I 19). O n li ne Pro posal No" : - SIA/BRIMIN/3 I 0 28 /2019). 39" Jogidiha Numar Sand Ghat on Anjana River of Jamui district, Area - 22.5 Ha (File No" - SIA/1 (a)/6 1 2 / l9). O n li n e Pro posa I No. : - SIA/BR/MIN/3 0 9 9 6 120 l9).
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