Sopkin to Lead '49 Drive; UJA Caravan Train Here
----- ·empl e Bt: th- EL. Broad & Gl cnh~m St$. Only An51lo-Jewi1h Serving 30,000 Newspaper in This State in Rhode Island VOL. XXXIV, NO. 5 FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1949 PROVIDENCE. R. I . TWENTY-FOUR PAGES 7 CENTS THE COPY Sopkin to Lead '49 Drive; UJA Caravan Train Here Li'I Abner Creator, Miss America Here Sun. Speakers ·Stress Capacity Crowd Need of U. S. Aid Attends Rally The a ppointment of Alvin A. j know that you will not refuse. Sopkin as chairman of the 1949 ; ' "We have it within our power fund-ra ising campa ign of the I to make "Homecoming-1949" the General J ewish Committee of realization of our dreams and Providence was announced Tues hopes of the past decade." day during the visit of the "Cara- I Economy In Danger van of Hope" train to this city. The need of United States aid This will m ark the fifth straight i to Israel and the DP's was the year that Sopkin has headed the keynote of the addresses delivered GJC's annual drive, which will by the speakers at Tuesday even start on Labor Day. ing's rally. Max Lerner, noted In his acceptance address, made columnist , author and lecturer, Tuesd ay evening at the Rhode told the packed throng that the Island School of Design auditor DP camps of Europe must be ium, where the "Caravan of Hope" e m p t i e d this year. Terming program was held before a capa Europe a cemetery, Lerner asserted city audience, Sopkin urged all , that if we fail to get the DP's contributors to the 1948 campaign f out of the camps, "their blood to pay their pledges at once, in I ALVIN A.
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