
Milligan vs Sat. Nov. 18 Teachers THE ALO RANGE Published by the Alumni Association 2:30 P. M.


Shall We Boost An Endowed Milligan ? Miss Johnston Elected A Grand Team Oueen of Home Coming In the la!'5t issue of the Buffalo cure twelve members who will In this issue we are carrying a RangE we carried in its columns give $1 per month for twelve ' few of the pictures of 1939 Buff- a letter from the president of the monthR, which sum is to be paid A visitor on the campus of aloes. Coach Lacey has develobed Milligan College Alumni AAsoci- by May 25. 1940. Milligan College on Saturday, the best team that has ever rep- ation. Mr. Lew Taylor expressed The Rani?;e will carry in its Oct. 28, would probably have resented Milligan College. For his view that sueh an organiza- columns ea('h month the progress been quite astounded at the sight the first time in history the Buff- of a lovely girl passing a football aloes met and defeated the tion ought to have a worthy oh- of thiR drive. Elsewhere in thi::; I jective other than an annual r€- issue you wilJ note that $108 have with three of the school's young Scotties of Maryville College. For union. been pledged, $10 of which have men . A student would have morP- than twenty years Milligan been able to inform him, howev- has been battling for this victory President Taylor is confident been paid. Should any member er. that it was Miss Mary Louisa and at last it has been attained. that out of more than five hun- of the Alumni Association, who Johnston, practicing for her role With no less vigor they wP-nt dred graduates it will be an easy has not received the letter and that night as the Homecoming against the Carson - N ewmen task to raise $1 ,000 within the pledge card, read this notice· and Queen. Eagles and although they came present year, to be presented to would like to contribute to the Miss Johnston, charming Sen- out on the short end of the score, the Endowment Committee at endowment fund, the president ior from Winter Park, Florida 7 - 6, the strength of the team commencement time. Each mem- of the association will greatly ap. was elected by the student body was evident. We are sorry that at ber of the executive committee preciate it. has been given a quota of $144 If, however, you do not feel of the college to reign over the the Home Coming game W<.' with the suggestion that he se- ( Continued on page 6) homecomi~g game with Emory went down in defeat to Emory (Continued on page 6) (Continued on page 6) PAGE TWO THF BUFFALO RANGE Visitors From Out SUBSCRIBERS On The Range To The Buffalo Range Pledges For The Endowment Fund

ChestN The following is a list of the We have received the fo llowing pledges as a result of Kennoth Xod ~ul>srribers to thP Buffalo Range the (•ampaign iuit.iated by presil Talleut · 12. Mr. nnd 1\1 rs. Burl Poe Mary .J. Hendrickson Dr. J. H. Hagy 12. D. A. Mullins Emory G. J ohmmn A. W. Gray 12. Joy Gillenwater Marvin Gilliam This makes a total of$ 108. Payments on the pledge · Lilla.rd Clayton Mrs. J . P. McConnel are a:s follows : Douglas Padgett James A. Tate W. H. Bowman H. P. Hyder Naney Cantrell $1 Jess Boatman R. B. Lappin Lew Taylor 6 Walter Whitt Lew Taylor Bernal Lappin 3 Canwron Duggins Anderson Payne Send us your pledge and let us roll on toward the $1,000 ! Mrs. Pearl Kirkpatrick Mrs. Leslie L. Lumsden Earl Ritchie W.M Andy Whitt Ivor Jones Mrs. Donal Shearer J. P. Shepherd Nelle Hannah Tom Kegley J. C. Range Clarence W. Thomas Harry Easterly Blanche Cl'awford 1\1r. and Mrs.Clarm1ce Fair A. J. Bunts Dorothy Haeberlin Mabel Lac'l°ly V. Velma Smith Tom Lacey Cecil Jones Virginia Read Henry M. Johnson - Christian Education, Hope of World· ------W. H. Bowman Phil Shelley . Don'ts For Church Joy Gillenwater L. C. McCormick Members Joe McCormick , , , ,,.11 I'.,, Eugenia Adamson l t\ \ , t}u{;;/t f, / , V. Velma Smith Do not substitute radio Somewhere in the dim dark ' way to the new freshman class. some similar service for the Mrs. Nell McDonald ages of antiquity (more literally The alumni of Milligan College regular church service. Cecil James around 1912) there arose at Mil- who have taken part in thetie Do not live to please other E. E. Hodges ligan CoJlege a powerful organ- historic ceremonies with great people or the minister, but Edwin G. Crouch ization knon as the'' Power House grief, no doubt, hear of the strive to please God. • HavP. you sent your rnbscrip- Do not look at the faults of Gang", whose main purpose was destruction of the old power other people without first look~ tion? the chasti8Nnent of freshman house. On, Wednesday, Sept 27, ing at your own. W e always boys who strayed from the path the death knell of that famous find what we are looking for -Character Building First of All- of rieht. Their methods were as building was sounded With a in life. dark and devious and aR shroud- resounding crash the last standing Do not criticise other mem- The man who is satisfied ed in secrecy as in the origin of bit was ruthlessly brought down. hers for not being sociable; that with himself is not very well is a sure sign that you are the acquainted with himself. the gang. Many were the rites The power house is no more! one at fault. A sociable pen, .. ,n performed . in and behind that In years to come, however, the is never in want of friends. structure which gave them their "Power Home Gang" will prob- Do not be a knocker or a The things we do are our name - the power house. ably, although its emblf~m has parasite. If you cannot be a loud speakers. booster stay on the side track. ______Down through the years the been destroyPd, continue to organization has flourished; each flourish and produce rncceeding Do not wear you feelings on We can all be heroes in our your sleeve; if you do some virtues, in our homes, in our freshman class has been set in generations of a'muni, who will one will surely hurt them. lives. the paths wherein their feet gaze back upon its practices Do not criticize the leaders should tread and has the next with fond memories and a few unless you are sure you can do When a man admits he is a year taken its place with the ad- nostalgic tears. better yourself. crank, he isn't. ministrators of right to show the I THE BUFFALO RANGE PAGE THREI:

There has recently come to Who They Are Where They Are our desk a copy of the TRID- ENT published by th~ Downing- What They Are Doing Schofner School of Brewton 1 Ala. In reading its pages we find the Florence Hood Potter, member I reads thiR nutice can inform us Another Alumnus following article about onP of of the class of 1939, ir1 now loeat- of the whereabouts of any of the alumni members of Milligan Col- ed at New Albttny, MisPissippi, following people WP shall gr,~ atly Makes Good lege -- Miss Ruth Emerson. w hPre she is instructor in High a·lpreciate the favor. ThP- last Miss Emerson graduat,:d from Sr·hool English and College speech known addre~s is that which fol- We are glad to report pro- Milligan College in 1926 and has at Northwei::t Junior College, Sen- lows the name. gress in any activity in which been a very suc :•e.:;sful teacher atobia: Missis~ippi; she is also Mr. James W. Giles Nash- foi-mer Milligan students are since that time. private Rpeech teacher; she at- ville, Tennessee participating. We have recently We quote from the TRIDE~T tenct('d Northwestern University Mr. William P . Cousins securrd the following informa- as follows : in the summe1 of 1936. Norfolk, Virginia tion regarding Nancy Cantrell Anyone desiring to see l\fo-s Mr. ,John P. Givens Rich- who is now doing graduate work Ruth Emerson during her leismre A. J . Bunts Pntered Milligan mond, Virginia at Northwestern. momPnts (and they are truly College in 189:3 and graduated in Mrs. Lula Leatitia Lacey Nancy Cantrell, Milligan Col- leisure " moments", beeause rare- 1897; resides in Munday, Texas; St. Loui~, Missouri lege representative, has been ly does one find her idle) may attPnded UnivPrsity of Chicago Mr. Edgar C. Lacey St. cast in a leading role in Archi- generally find her working enth- from 1901 to 1906; received his Louis, Missouri bald MacLeish's anti-war play, usiastically in her science labor- Ph. n. degree; i~ now engaged in Mrs. Mar_y Lidia Isaacks Air Raid, which will be staged at atory or cultivating her flowers farminµ; and ,·anching; is teacher Forney, Texas No!'thwestern University The- both of which are her major of Bible class in the M. E. Mr. Richard Maury Leake atre on November 1 and 2. With hobbies. church of Munday, Texas; ser- Memphis, Tennessee two other one-act dramas, Air A graduate of Milligan College ved as superintendPnt of schools Mr. Frank M . Broyles Raid comprises the first, bill of in Tennessee, Miss Emerson for a p·•riod of five years. Knoxville: Tennessee the 1939-40 season to be pre- came to Downing - Shofner from Mr. Bunts enelosed one dollar Mr. William Lee Cook Jel- sented by the Northwestern Stu- Tennesbee in 1934, and since that for a years subscription to the lico, Tennessee dio Theatre. time has made her services su 11.- Buffalo Range. We have heard Mrs Mary Frances Franks On leave of absence from Mil- dispensable that it would be hard from all mnnbers of the class of Washing-ton, D . C. liµ;an, Miss Cantrell is carrying a to imagine the school without 1897 with the exception of Isaac heavy program of dramatic work "Miss Emmie". With quiet ease, Briggs whrn;;e last known address at Northwestern thiR semester. she skillfully dispoRes of her du- was Atoka, Oklahoma, Laura Frank A. Taylor, Jr., In addition to her work in the ties a:s Head of the Hume Econ- Bell Clarke of Appalachia: Vir- class of 1938, is in the grad- MacLeish play, she is on the omics and Science Departments, ginia. and ltobert Elmore of uate school of Clark Uni- production staff of Aladdin, a I and as Dietition of the school. , Arizona. anyone can If 1 versity where he received 1 production of the Evanston With limitless patience she aids inform us of the present addres- an ':l ssistantship in Econom- Children's Theatre. . . I the girls in their problems of Res of these alumni we shall ics. He is teaching a fresh- Miss Cantrell_ was act~v~ m dress, and style, and always is greatly appreciate the favor. man course which is prere- th:atre work _while at M1lhga_n, I willing and ready to help them quisite for any of the other domg her actmg und~r the d1r- , solve their problems of personal Preston Bell Hall, 1071 Edge- cour:;es in Economics and ecti?n. of Mrs. Dimple Hart \ nature. Beside the abilities al- wood Avenue, Jacksonville, Flor- Sociology. Frank likes his Christ1an. Among the roles she ready mentioned she numbers ida; enrolled in Milligan College work and is enjoying his portrayed were Stasia, in Pass- I among her varied talents those in the fall of 1882 and graduated study at Clark University. in_g of . the T~ird .Floor Back, I of musical nature - both vocal in the spring of 1885; he attend- Bianca m Tammg of the Shrew, and instrumental - and of dram- ed the Tazewell, Virginia High Columbine in . The Wonder Hat, l a tic skill. School and the Snowville Semin- David Lyon, 123 Richmon Av- and the fcol m Two Slatterns Small in stature, she recalls to ary; he is now a retired minister enue, Asheville, North Ca~o~ina, I and a King. our minds that old sa: ing which and occasionally teaches a class class of . 1892 ;attended M1lhgan ------is so often quoted, "the sweetest ld f lk in the Florida Christ- College m the Preparatory School 0 f 0 0 James C. Johnson, 619 Cabdl I things come in small packages." ian Home; he taught in the Vir- m· 1882 or t he year m. w h'ic h t h e Avenue, Charlottesville, Va. ; With dimples on display and a · · Christian College and the college was chartered; attended graduated with the class of 1897 ; vivacious smile, Miss Emerson gAit~ia t s minary· he writes re- Milligan College in 1895-'96 and an a e , . . attended University of Virginia has won the admiration and love ing a catalog containing all Drake Umvers1ty 1898-1900, re- ques t . . h . . . h Ph from 1904 to 1909 receiving his of the student bodyon the double names of alumni from the begin- ceivmg at t at mstitution t _e • • M. A. degree in 19(6 and his Ph. ba8is of teacher and friend. · . h is 81 years of age and D . degree; present occupation 1s nmg' e f Ch · · D . degree from that institution t'll maintains an interest in the that of E:Jvange 11· st o ristian in 1909; at present he is superin- s \1 ge Church; is interested and active W e are seldom sorry for the co e . ______m. pro h'b1 1tion;' . served as pastor tendent of public schools of Char- bitter letter we did not write. lottesville, Virginia; he is a mem- We have written to a number of churches at Florenee, Colora- ber of the same class as Annie f t.h lumni on various occas- do; McPherson, Kansas; Marce- 0 ea 1· M ' . H T Lee Lucas Kennedy of Roanoke, ions and eaeh time the letter has me, issouri; . ouston, exas; Kickers don't pull and pul- Virginia. lers don't kick. been returned. If anyone who , and Temple, Anzona. PAGE FOUR THF; BlTFFALO RANGE


I MILLIGAN COLLEGE FOOTBALL SQUAD '39 1 No. Name Position Year Height Weight Age Home Address I 62 AlexandPr End Soph. 6 160 19 Lebanon, Va. 21 Davis 5 11 160 21 Townsend, Tenn. " " I 27 Bireley " " 5 11 170 19 Morristown, Tenn. COACH STEVE LACEY 69 Arnold " " 5 10 180 19 Max Meadows, Va. MILLIGAN BUFFALOES 2:3 Dagata Fresh. 6 176 M aynard Mass. " 19 1 33 Stallard " " 6 3 180 20 Coeburn, Va. 38 Kilgore " " 5 11 180 20 Coeburn, Va. I 76 Blessing " " 6 1 180 19 Kingsport, Tenn. 34 Rice Tackle Junior 6 1 175 20 Erwin, Tenn. 46 Koskinen " " 5 11 197 21 Maynard, Ma.ss. :39 Bright Soph. 6 2 190 21 Norton, Va. I " ,50 Cure " " 6 3 185 18 Radford, Va. 67 Spraker " Fresh. 5 11 200 21 Wytheville, Va. Cockrell " " 6 212 19 Knoxville, Tenn. I Slusher " " 6 3 178 17 Radford, Va. 44 Riggs Guard Junior 5 10 170 22 Ea~t Stone Gap, Va. I -i2 DelJenger " " 5 10 170 22 Johnson City, Tenn. 78 Fox " ", 5 10 165 22 Seymour, Ind. .1 Childers . 11 Jenkins, Ky . I 80 " 5 173 21 WOOD, ASST. COACH 53 Mason " Senior 5 11 160 23 Greeneville, Tenn. 70 Jett ,," Soph. 5 10 193 18 Elizabethton, Tenn. 56 Wagner Fresh. 5 11 175 19 Johnson City, Tenn. 79 Presnell " " 5 7 165 18 Elizabethton. Tenn. 66 Clippard " " 6 205 18 Wytheville, Va. Williams " " 5 9 145 20 Townsend, Tenn. 65 J . Headon " " 5 11 160 18 Williamson, W. Va. C. Headon " " 5 10 150 19 Williamson, W. Va. 40 O'Donndl Center Senior 6 175 21 Maynard, Mass. 24 Stone " Soph. 5 11 170 19 Wytheville, Va. 73 Large " Fresh. 5 10 165 18 Elizabethton, Tenn. 55 Laws " " 5 11 155 20 F,lizabethton, Tenn. 25 Pike Back Senior 5 10 155 23 Efo:abethton, Tenn 43 Peace " " 6 185 23 Etowah, Tenn. 'TOAR' REED, MANAGER 41 Webb " " 5 10 160 23 Piney Flats, Tenn. I 32 Roberts " " 5 10 140 21 Soddy, Tenn. 49 Lawson " " 5 11 180 23 Appalachia, Va. 37 Howington " " 5 11 180 23 Jen kins, Ky. 20 Easterling ",, Junior 6 170 20 Wise, Va. 29 Burton " 5 10 145 23 Johnson City, Tenn. 26 Blackwell " " 6 165 21 Tryon, N . C. I 30 Brummett " Soph. 5 11 160 18 Erwin, Tenn. 68 Williams " " 5 9 155 18 Appalachia, Va. 48 Showalter " Fresh. 6 190 19 Radford, Va. I 54 Hale " " 5 10 140 19 Elizabethton, Tenn. 71 Kennedy " " 5 8 155 18 Wise, Va. Kyle 5 9 150 20 Johnson City, Tenn. CO-CAPTAINS " " Kyle 5 10 150 17 Rural Retreat, Va. PIKE and O'DONNELL " "





MILLIGAN vs TEACHERS Roosevelt Stadium, Johnson City, Saturday 2:30 P.M. -Nov. 1-8, 1939 PAGE SIX THE BUFFALO RANGE I We have the following commu- The Buffalo Range Pres . and Mrs. Derthick LETTERS nication from Elmer E. Hodges Published Monthly 92 George Street, Tenafly, New by the Alumni Association Away To Parts From Our Alumni Jersey. Lew Taylor, President Dear Mr. Long: Unknown Rudolph Dralle is now located J. Goff Long, Secretary-Treas. at 2115 Highlalld St., Nashville, I am enclosing my dollar for a $1.00 Subscription, per year. OBSERVE FORTY-SECOND Tenne~see; entered Vanderbilt year's subscription to the Buffa- ANNIVERSARY Medical College September 28, lo Range. I hope that more alum- MISS JOHNSTON 1939. ni will respond to your appeal Following the custom for the this year, so that the Range may ( Continued from page 1) Mr. Dralle writes: past forty-two years President Dear Professor Long; continue. Living at this distance and Mrs. Derthick will quietly I beg your pardon for not an- I had lost contact with Milligan and Henry Coll ege at Roosevelt slip away to parts unknown to swering at once a~ you requested. but reading the Range makes me Stadium. Miss Reable Griffith, observe their forty-second an- I am deeply interested in my feel closer to the school. Junior from Jenkins, Kentucky, nual honeymoon. No student work, here, at Vanderbilt Med- I am in favor of building up an and Miss Jean Chambers, Fresh- knows nor attempts to discover ical School, and I find it very ab- active alumni association at Mil- man from Elizabethton, Tennes- their whereabouts during this ~orbing. ligan. lt has long been needed. I see, were elected as attendants week. Thank you for the first copy, think it is a good proj1~rt for the to the queen. We trust that the Alumni Professor. Naturally I am inter- Alumni Association tu try to in- members who read this notice crease Milligan's endowment The queen and her attendants e~ted iu anything that is Milligan , will write them a congratulatory fund. I will be willing to contrib- with bands from Johnson City and I will be glad to take the me~sage and wish them many, ute to the Endowment Fund Pro- and Erwin and a procession of Buffal oe Range; the dollar I will many more such occasions, The ject. Milligan girls dressed in black remit a little later. student body takPs a great deal We have a ten months school. and white, participated in a par- With regards, of pride and joy that they can This has made it impos~ible for ade through Johnson City before Yours, thus enjoy this annual obser- me to attend any Alumni f unc- the game. Rudolph Dralle vance. tions in the past. I hope it will be The game officially got under The Buffalo Rang?. takes this Dear Mr.Long: possible for me to attend rnme of way when Mis8 Johnson, after means of congratul ating them I am enclosing check for these meetings in the future. the teams were in position on the upon another milestone in their 1.00 to cover renewal of my sub- I send greetings to all my , presented the ball to the married life. scription to the Buffalo Range. friends at Milligan. captain of the Emory and Henry I like to receive the copies Sincerely yours, team. of the publication and look for- Elmer E . Hodges Endowment Fund ward to receiving them during ______C_ Ia_s_s_l_9_2_4 ___ Between halved, after a bril- ( Continued from page 1) the coming year. I had a little hammer once liant demonstration by the that you can make this contribu- With best regards,! am, With which I used to strike; Erwin band Miss Johnson was tion, I should be glad to have Very sincernely yours, And I went knocking everywhere officially crowned ''Queen of the you send in a dollar in to Edwin G. Crouch At folks I didn't like. Homecoming" by Mr. Chester help support the Buffalo Range. I knocked most everybody Brown, alumnuR of Milligan Col- The endowment fund and the -Character Bulldlng First of All- And found it didn't pay; lege. After the coronation the Buffalo Range have no connec- studets and alumni of the college For when folks saw me coming, tion other than interest in our The Lord is good, a strong- joined iu singing the Alma Mat- They all went the other way. Alma Mater and none of the hold in the day of trouble; and I've thrown away the hammer er. funds given toward the endow- he knoweth them that trust in As far as I can shoot The queen and her attendants ment can go to the publication of him. Hahum 1:7. the Buffalo Range. ______And taken up a booster's horn were then whisked away to the And you should hear it toot. broadcasting booth, where Miss In the atmosphere of the I'm glad I'm with the boosters; Johnston Wal:! prP.sented to the - Christian Education, Hope of World· church you will become less I like the way they do. radio audience by the announcer critical. less pessimistic and And if you lay your hammer down Dick Attman. In a brief speech certainly more happy. I'll get a horn for you. she expressed appreciation for A Grand Team ( Continued from page 1) the honor that had been bestow- and Henry and I think that all ed upon her and won wild ac- sport writers and followers of the claim from Milligan r - - -;U;;R-;;TIO-; B-;:N;- 7 Buffaloes believe they were just by her declaration: "We haven't off form. To J. Goff Lo·ng, Secretary Alumni Association lost yet, the game is only half 1 I Teachers Colleges remains yet on Milligan College, Tennessee. over!" I! the schedule to be played Nov- Enclosed is my check for $1.00 for which please I All three girls won wide admir- ember 18, at 2:30 P. M. at the enter my name for one year's subscription to the ation from the spectators by Roosevelt Stadium. I Buffalo Range. I their graciousness and charm and Let us all come out and see the t Name ...... , , , , , , , , , ... , • , , , , , , I certainly justified the student's Buffaloes close the season and choice of them for the parts they show them we are supportfng a Address ...... , , , • • • • • · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · I played in the homecoming game. grand team! L ------.....-.--.J