
The THE 1960 University ASKLEPIEION of EDITORS: CECIL ROWE, Medicine Tennessee DALE McLAUGHLIN, Dentiltry BARRY RICHARDS, Ph•rm•cy Medical Units LYNDA OVERLY, Nuraing JAMES STOCKDALE. Advisor MEMPHIS 'O.• • ,.._ .,_.....C:• • copy. ,..,... ~ 1"9 "' n...... s,-..c;~,,. 1-c · 1r.d• M~l ...... ltd ...0.••"'9• .., .. .,,,...""'..,..... f ~DH­ ...... " 1

College of . - -- Medicine . ---"' n.. John Guton HOlpit•I prowid" St• beds wh.ic.t. ere el • .,..a.b&e f« ttud•nt i.n,trvcttoa.

libra.ry fac.ititiet •r• u.-d ert•Miwfy fot reteerch wott: eati • -p&.c• to shldy... TI.. stvdettt cloc:for provtdet compl.-t• mediul c•re for hit • • f•m.ity in hoth tf1• home eftcf c.t11fc..

The Colleqo of Medicine, since its establishment in Memphis in 1911, hos grown into one of the largest medieol· educotionol institutions in the notion, end hos become on inte9rol end functioning port of one of the lorgo.t medicol centers in the south. In the ocodemic year 1958· 1959, ii offi· ciolly ranked fourth in the notion in totol enrollment, ond second in the number of students groduoted. In that some yeor, 72% of the students entering tho College of Medicine were residents of the Stole of Tennessee. From its humble bo9innin9 in two.story Lindsley Holl, the College hos ex· panded mognificently into o physicol plont worth severol million do1'4rs. ond, in oddition, hos long-term 09reoments with most of the medico! units in the medicol ctnter, ell of which points to the obundonce of invaluoble clinicol experi· ence for the student. Among the institutions operolod directly by in close offilialion with the College of Medicine ore: John Goston Hospitol, Goilor Memoriol Hospitol. Tobey Memorial Children's Hospital. West Tennessee Tuberculosis Hospital, Kennedy Veterans Administration Hospjtol, Le8on· ~eur Children's Hospital, Memphis Speeeh & Heoring Center, West Tennessee Cancer Ct.nic, end Los Posses Center for Neuromuscular Oiseo•e; ond o welcome oddition in 191>4 will be the Stole of Tennessee Mentel Health Hospjtol. presently under construction.

..., (

• College of Dentistry

The University of Tennessee Coll19e of Denli>try is locotod in the heort of the Memphis Medico! Center, one of the bi9· 9est ond best medical cenle" in the world. The modern build· ing with its adequate facilities enables the excellent staff to give the student a dental education of unexcelled caliber. Each department and each division has its own lOparate Coo~r•t >ol'I btt•ttfl tti. cl•11t11t facilitie< for more efficient instruction of the student in his own .,.cl clet1••I ~.,9ie111rl CJ'ttfe1 ..lf.c.;•,.c.f porticular phase of dentistry. Each deportment, Oral Diagno­ sis. Oral Surgery, Periodontics, Operative, Pedodontics, and Bridge Prosthesis. Full Denture Prosthesis, ond Orthodontics contributes to the student's appreciation of the patient as a whole. The latest in materials and equipment is ovailoble to the student •o that he may learn modern, practical denli•lry ond, thus, be better qualified to correctly ond efficiently treat the ·-· ~ ever.growing number of prospective p.otients. The closeness of the college, both in proximity and cooper•· . to the Colleges of Medicine and Pharmacy, the School of Nursing, the numerous hospitals and other facilities such os the West Tennessee Cancer Clinic, Institute of Pathology. and Cancer Research lob make the Univenity of Tennessee College of Dentistry on ideal .chool for troinin9 in the \---..J profession of dentistry. /

Al , ..,, ..., •• t... tlt..tcl • .., P•cloclOflltlc.s i.' b.coMi&g MOr• •-"d more ;ntport•M in d'enfel • ' ,,.,.,j,i, cltd. • fM'•Cft

,.,~, i.w• •.,., 1Hec• c1 .. ~., • •"tt tn0••"'4 •b1• ,...•*•" •f N.;c. "'°'' ~..c. entt

C•rvi"t pt•c.fi.c.e in.t.f' e•tH m_.nuel dtrlerity • Ml ~ nowi.cl9e of cfeflftf tl'ltfoMy.


I ' '

TJ\e •rS"timentel 8ecterioJ1>9y L.b ts • ne• •ddition • to the Colteqe of' Ml• rmec.y. '

Offir:iel ptep,tretions •r• pr•p• ecc.ordil'l9 to U.S,P, • methods. College of Pharmacy

The Collec;e of Phon is tmited lo schools "'hich maintain tho hiq~ stolldords of in1trucli0<1 occepted by the e1sociotion. The Collec;e of Phormocy offe,. one of the mo11 erleMive .nd well.rounded pr09roms in phormoceuticol education in the enfoe '°"th. Students 9oin voluoble ••perienco by actual CO'T'poundin9 of prescriptioOJ es "•II 01 lfudyin9 the how1 ond whys of tho phormoctuticol world. This y.. r hos olso 1eon the •tort of o ichool publication, 'Tho Triturotions," which promises to brin9 the phormocy student body up lo dote on hoppenin91 in ond around the University of Tenneuoe. The school 0110 can bo proud of 100% membership of oil students in Student Stench of the A"'ericon Phormeceuticol A1socio~on .. School of Nursing UIET

Since the lirst sludenh 9roduoted from the Memphis City Hospitol Troining School for Nurses. the forerunner of the present progrom. the University of Tennessee School of Nur .. ing hos developed into o truly collegiote school. Leorning from I ,__ the cl:nicol oreos. in c;onjunclion with ~now'edge gained from science ond l'berol otls courses, prepores groduoles of the progrom to function os professionol personnel in beginning ""---::o-----..A positions of nursing. In 1957 the conlrod between the University ond the City of Memphis Hospitols wos omended "'ith the result tho! 1lu· dent nurses ore required to poy for their own mointenonce end ore releosed from oil nursing service obligotions. In addition the foculty is now responsible for student experience in the clinical areas. The sound progrom now in existence reOech continued efforts of the foculty. Eoch deportment in lhe .chool is directed by o professor with o moiler's degree in thol . Eoch instructor holds ol leosl o Bochelor of Science in Nursing. The quolily of the .tudenls ond lho progrom continues of o high level. Now students ore reody lo enroll in nursing progroms on o groduole level. Curren I emphasis is on 9rodu· oling o nurse who is fully quolilied lo perform •loff nursing in any medico! setting .

• •

• •·' ......

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I • • • 0 •:I o·•: . . ' • ' ..• 0 i • • ...: .. . . ' • , • • • •

J lt.otop;c h•c•r •11•ly•i1 be cOm•• • 1.1tom•tic with "•w eq111pme 1tl Phttlfttcolo9y 9r•duate students 11s• Gr••• Re<.ordtr for EEG tftd blood l ioc.hemi-1hy 1tudt11h in 9redue l• pto9rem ••I "P • vud by cli11icel phyt.iolo9y 9r•du•t• 1h1d•nft, • pressu-rt. • ~ icro· K i tldthl for nitro9en determintfioft.

ln\'e1fl9etlo" o·f <•rf•i11 •1pect1 of lipt.d m•ltbo1:1m 11 • med• by ph't'iolo9y grtduete 1tud•nh,

School of Biological Sciences

The School of Bioloqical Sciences wa> organited in 1928 aod eonsislt of the Divisions of Anatomy. Chemistry, Poth­ oloqy aod Miaobiology. Phanmocoloqy. and Physioloqy. It is in these divisions that aU studenlt of the Medical Unik receive I their basic science instruction. In addition eac.h of the divisions offers training to graduate • student. who ore expected to become candidates for the Mosler of Science or Doctor of Philosophy degre<>s. Governor



President Oil THOMAS P. NASH, Jlt DR. ANDREW D. HOLT o..- ., t11e Sc.hool of 1:.r9411 ;<-• I s.c:•• ••



The Honorable Joo M orqon Mr. W•vno Fi \kor

The Honorable W F. Moss M 1, E 8ovd Ge,,ott Or. A!'ldre-.o1 0. Holt Mr. Houv W leuQhli" Mr. fronl R Ahlqren Mr. Chor!o, 0 Loc \o li

Mr W 1 ''• "' E. M1llor M r W ouoll Rondolph Mr kt1 Ocuqleu Mr. loo111otd Jl:o u!•to"

Mr TOf'l'I E!om Mr, Jerome G Tovlor Mt Clvdo M Yo,\ OR. M. K. CALLISON OR. WILLIAM H. JOLLEY o._ o' 11M c.r1..- .t M• •f<-.,.• Act .. o. • ._ .... (:e,lt.,., .,, o.... ,...., Vice-President

The Univettity of Tenneuee Medical Units today offer good •re·ning in a• the branches of the hoeing eris. The pictorial Me of our sludenh is pklured in this, the third I edirion of the ASKLEPIEION. To tho

MISS RUTH NEIL MURRY OR. ~OLANO H. ALDEN Dee11 of the School of H 1111'i.q Au.ci..t. o•• "ef th• o,. d.,•t• J

P•thology and Microbiology Ph•rm•co'°'Jy Physiology OR. DOUGLAS H. S,RUNT OR. ROIERT A. WOOOIURY F. J MONTGOMERY MISS KATE A.. STANLEY Cll •f of th• Of•ltloA Oil. J. ' · OUIGLEY ; ,,, a..• f •• , ... o, ...: ..... c•;.t ., ,.,, o._...._ 0 -.t* tlf St.Mlfft Wttt, ......

Divisions of Instruction Administration

Medic:ine DR. I. FRANK TULLIS Chi•f of the Diwhtoi. I I I

(J I Obrlelrics •nd Gyneeoloqy Pediolrics General Dentistry OR. ,Hll" C. SCHREIER OR. F. THOMAS MITCHELL Oper•tiva Dentistry Clh•f of ,.,. o;.. ;.:o. c• ,, •' tk o; ...11 ... OR. HAROLD ' · THOMAS OR. JAMES T. ANDREWS Chlel of the Di•kioa Clill•f _, th• Olvl~~

I Preventive Mtdicine Periodontia, Oral Medicjne and Surgery OR. HENl Y 'ACKER Surgery Complete Denture Prosthesis Pharmocognosy Pharmacy OR. WILLIAM H. JOLLEY OR. FREDERIC C. CHANG ca...t .. "'• O•<'lM OR. HARWELL WILSON OR LUTON L. M

- Divisions of Instruction '

~ Crown, Bridge, and P•rlial Denture Prosthesis Nursing OR. THOM"-S R. MEADOWS MISS RUTH NEIL MUUY C•l•f of th• Divl-'oit Clll• f of II•• Of•lllOfl

19 Medical Laboratories; Clinicol Pathology Neurology DR. L. W , 0166S Gene.. I Practice Out. O.rm1tolo

Clinical Chemistry Orthopedic Sur9ery DR. HAROLD I. BOYD OR. O. I. MORRISON Ht•d of '"• Oir•clOf' o-1 th• Sectlo11 o,,_,,,"''"'

Clinical Physiolo9y Otology, laryngology, and OR. RICHARD R. OVERMAN Rhinology o:,,c,_ tot tht Stctlo11 OR. SAM H. SAN DERS. JR. Hood of '"' o , ,,,~.,

Psychiatry Urological Surgery OR. T. S. Hill Ht_. ti ,_. 0.P4.tfMt tl OR. SAMUEL L RAIN ES Ht H of rfo-t 0.!lMrimoMt " .

~_,.... ~ · ,- • _;•

Departments Radiology Clinie

21 • 20 ------Pharmoctutical And Mtdicinol Orel Medicine Orthodontics Pedodontics Phormaceuticol Administrolion Chemi•try Generol Nursing Medical and Surgical Nursing Op«1tiv1 Denli•lry DR. JAMES P. McKNIGHT DR. WILLIAM H. JOLLEY DR. ANDREW LASSLO OR. FAUSTIN N. WEIER WILLIAM 8. SWAFFORD MISS MARIE E. IUCKLEY MISS DOROTHY L HOCKER DA. JAM ES T. ANDREWS Act~ H•M ef ttie 0.P¥t'f'l'l•et Act•ll4 H•t4 .t ttl• o.,.,~ H•.td .t ,._. O.p•ttfttr.e11t ...... 0.Ht•-·• H• t4 of tlri• o... ,.,... . ,, Ac.ti.. Hffd of th Oepertm•M H•old .t th O.p•rhM•t H•ad .t t._ 0.Hrt._• t

't \ J I


J • Psychiatric Nursing Oral Surgery MRS. KATHERINE LUTES OR. C. D. CASH He•d of the Oepe,tme11t H•H •I '"-• Oep•1t111t•t ,. D TI RULES

Maternity Nursing Period ontology MI SS CONSTANCE A. LEMERANO OR. llLLY M. PENNEL H•H of tlie O•,..ft!M11t Kt.cl ...... o.,.,..• •,

e,_,_ -

NuNinq of Children Public Health Nursinq Departments Pharmacy MRS. DANA SUE PERCU M ISS MILDRED l. HOWARD Ht .td .. ,.,. 0.H"'-•Pt DR. MARTIN E. HAMNU '•"'"" .. ' I Head of ttl• De~rlrMflt

23 22 l

CLASSES The Coll1<3• of Med;cine operotes lor9ely on the leorning-by-doing principle. Although the student's pre-d;nicol quorters ore necessorily occup;ed by essentiol didoctic lecture moteriel end ••tensive '4borotory tro;n;ng, he beg;n, his contoct with hospitol pet;enh eoriy in his corffr, ond his junior ond senior years ore composed mainly of diagnostic ond leborotory studies end menegement ond treetment of hospitol ond out-petient deport· ment patients. An of these clinical activities ore supervised by the full. time university stoff ond voluntHr members of the medicol profession of the M;d.South. In oddition to his hospitol ond cl'nic troining, the student is off0uch, onumes respon,;bitty for eve

College of Medicine

Ma"y h•wu •t• •P• flt ,.,i~ •••r th• ifl hlc•t• al'!atom:c• I d•t•il, of th.t btalfl _


Fint l•-w:

IOHN 0. MclACHIN G,.tt.de M ·u. JOlLY "4 KENZIE G bertow". A• .,0 0 ROBERT B "4<"4AHAN o. R.-o. 1.,. .. ' C. HUNTER "4AlLORY M...,.pJ '· Te,.,..

S.coftid l ow: IA"4ES f. "41\RTIN Cflatt•"°°9•· '•"" Cl

Thir4 Jtow:

ANDREW P NELSON Sp.1rla, To""­ LESTER G. OLIN Mary•" •. To""· CHARLES W PARROTT Ma'"pti,,, T•'"' · Rnt •••; JOHN V PENDER. JI . Momph;,. fa,..n, JOE W HARt ,,.,;d•11t KnI "4 OOISON K>11qipor1, Ten11. Sll N J~ .., l'I c ,,, ltl'll'I JC....~ HAa\JPO\:£ We1otr)' le"'"' UUCE WA>NE HIO

S tt.. lltt,,. I IO!lt'C. ' II Mt""P" s Tenn. JOS!PH C •N Gt

RINE 0. LEDBETTU Utice, Mich.


Fint Row:

ROIEIT J, HALEY 111 Mo,,..pltis. To""'· HAROlD E. HA,,.ES Ch•tf•"OOCJ• , Tot1ft. JAMES J. HAMILTON H..,""bo:t, ToM.. WllllAM M. HICKS KftOIV o. Tonft.

Sec.OfMll low: JOHNW. HOWE Kftot..., o, TeM. ClAIENCE M. JOHNSON MtCOl'I. G • . JEUY I. KENNEDY p, 11'\0,,.... o, TOM. CllfFORO F. KERIY e.,.. Ky.

Thihl l ow:

Fittf ltow : CHAllES G XIRIY K"o.v 10. Tonn, ROBERT T. KNIGHT M1.1rf,.01boro, Tonn L C. SAMMONS. JR., ,,01,d•11t & Tre•111ttt Memphis. Tenn. SPENCER I. McClARY Etow•h. Toni'!, JOHN It. GUICE V <•·''••·d•11t Knorvi le, Tenn. THEODORE J. MACHlER o.. n:.ld Fl•. WILLIAM &ARTON $o(,., Ch•''"'•" Memphis. Tenn. JOHN T AltRITTON McOo.,old. fe.,n. f.owrlh Row: I Sec:ol'ld Row: THOMAS W. MERIWETHER Memph:s. Toftn. DAVID PAUL MITCHEll JoMs, O•le. JAMES AllEN Philodelptiio, Tenn. JIMMY 0. MOORE Oyoribur9, Tonn. JAMES RAY AMMONS Coyco. Ky. CHARlES II. RAPER Ctovelend, Tonn. J MAUIN R tAKER Kno1villo, Tenn. SIDNEY l. tlCKNEll Memphis, Tenn. Fifth aow: OMER C. RENNER, JR. Moh•••. Tonn, ROBERT l. RICHARDSON Spr.nqr.old, Tenl'I. HARRY V. tOIK CNtt•nG09e, Tet1n. THOMAS E Sl ..PKINS, JR. Nodwil'o, Tontt, WllllA" K llOWMAN JR. Memphis, Ten". IRVING T STALEY H1rrimtn To11n , SAMUH All£N UADFORD. JI, Kfl01v,Jlo, Ttnn. JA,,.ES C. UADSHllW Hert•'" •· Ttnn. Sht" Row:

~ R ew HEISHEl P. WAll ...,."'r~roo$boro, To""' JEIRE R. M•,,..pt..is.. Torin JOHN 11 ••OYUS 111 J~ntOft C.ty .tnn THOMAS R WHITE Wfot t-.ll. l•M. I CHAIO G IUINS Hen !f'l•n ''""· JA,,.ES H WIUIA"S ~•""pll;s, To""· JAC~ I CA"PIEll WAllACE E co .. 1s l..t.-ro M ''· lo• --"qton, Ky.

filt~ ..... GUY N CO'llANO JI Me~p1oi·..., Te!"l!t, SH llEY S COV1N'>TO'I ltMii , c. ty. TO!'lft. CHAllES w cox Utlioft C.ty Tt"'l'I.. V IGll H CIOWOEI JI u . ..tM:ebur9 To"" s...... ; I OMRO G FAIMEI MM1p.h.1- Tenn, GLN! M flUX Alv•. OHe. "llX FC'lll Oal R.d90. l•nn. ERN{ST A FOISTEN Dayto11. Tel'ln.

JOHN T FORSYTHE WllllAM CRAIG GRANT T\llso, OUo. IOI D HAU Alorno, Tenn. Jee.kt.On, Ttnn,

)I 30 September 1960 September 1960 MEDICAL GRADU ATES MEDICAL GRADUATES fint Row: JERRY R. JOHNSON Foi..nto•A City, Ttn.l'I. PHILIP H. JOHNSON Me'"ph;, Ttnl'I. ... PAUL G. KYKER Mocf>so.rwi e. Tel"11t --- JESSE LAWRENCE Mo-"'ph • Te11r.. PURY I McCALLEN Knorw, t Tenn. ~ DAN l. McCASL•N Oicbot1 Tt"n

T\:rd Row;

llLLIE S. McCULLOUGH Munford TtM. GEORGE A. MORRIS Sh.ofr.. ld. Alt RINGLAND SMITH MURRAY Chottoiiooqo, l•nn.

foytfh Row: THOMAS W. NICHOLS Memphis. Tenr1. Flnt Row: C. R08ERT SCHMIOT Gerold, Mo. EDWIN L. scon Memphis, Tonn. W. DAVIS FORT. Pre••der1t lump\,n, Go I PAUL A. THOMPSON. V1ce·Pre1ider1t Milon Tet1n. JOHN E ROBINSON, S.cretery. J reos"rer Memphis To1tn. Fihh Row:

DAVID H. SEXTON Fountoin Citv, Tonn. ELIERT F. SIMPSON Memphis, Tenn. WILLIAM R. STOBBE McKtntie, Tenn l A LYNN BEAVERS JR, Memphis, Tenn, • WALLACE P, BEGNEAUO. JR • lo(oyetto, L.o WILLIAM HUGH BELL. Ill Col1.1mb1,1s Miu. Si.th Row:

GEORGE G. TAYLOR JR. 8ells Tenn. Thir4 Row: 801BY G. THOMPSON T,.nton, Tenn. JERRY F. WATSON Mottin, Tonn. HEOERT IOCKIAN C0to Gobles. F o. TRAVIS L IOLTON Red Say. A a. OUANEC IUOO Joh11sor1 City. Ttt'n, Not '1ciwo.J:

WARREN ROSS OSIORNE ~. lowltrdt t. Ft• ... -- MT E. IUUISON 1-iofeo,,-.,, e Mo. M GENE CAlOW!U Wood •!'Id M s Te'"n JA.. ES 1 uuon T,.,.~°" r ...... ~ J~ _ .. F.ltlo R- R NEWElL FINCHUM Do... t.Ofl Tt"l". IOIEU E HAM ICAe av t, Tt"'"· JAMES C. HANCOCK JR Nesi..v t. Tef!l"I. Q

SWlo R-1

THO.. AS L HOLLIDAY Mem~is. Tt'ln. RICHARD E HOLMAN Mt"lphis, To1v1. M GAYNOR HOWELL JR Ctiottenooqo Tt'ln.. ~.. ~~

KENNEIH 0. HUNT Neshville, Ter1n. J, MARSHALL JOHNSON JR. !CJ Chettor10090, Tenn.



.. December 1960 December 1960 MEDICA L G RA D UATES ME D I C A L GRAD U ATE S

''"t l ow: WM STANLEY MYERS Mompbit T01""· ERNEST P PALMER. JR. t-.fompllis Ton.I'. JEUY C. PHILLIPS Mc. Kt"'t 0 To""·

S.CoMI Row: MONTE W. PHILLIPS C~ttenooqe. Tee!'!!. JOHN D. PIERSON Cotr99ede'•. Too!\. JOSEPH W. SC08EY Neslrtv. •· To,.n.

Tlo:,..j Row: J. T SNAPP S.Vierv: le, Terin. JAY H. STEIN Mttl'lpfi.:s. Te,.,n. R08ERT E. STEWART McMinrw; le, Tenn.

Fourth Row: A. LEE THOMAS HorfiMtn, Tenn. 'i" t Row: R08ERT T. TUCKER. JR. Alomo. Tann. RICHARD l. TANNEN, P

WllllAM D. CALHOUN C erlsv; o. T,,.,.., KENNETH I CA•PENTER Nesli,v1 e. Ttnl'I. JOHN I COOK. 111 Ai.st;,._ Teus

Fiftlri • • · : ROY l. 0.HAU Oe\ R~q•. Te"11. ELIA C DI Miil Joh""°" C;ty, T•ri"• EDMUND M fll'lGElAlD. JR. KflOrv• o, To"'"-

CHARLES I HARGROVE Mel'l'lp\;,, Tot111. WAUEN l Hill Oicl sol'I. Tonn, A PAT KELLY Fo11ntein City, Tt11111.

JOHN MONTGOMERY, Jl . L k ftO;rvillt, l tn.n, WM. HARWELL MUU EY t..w.sburq, Tenn, March 1961 June 1961 MED CAL CL A S S M E D C A L C L A S S fint l ow: JULIAN G. FLEMING. Pm;dt,t Sptillq Hill. Tot1n. SIDNEY C. RAY. V<.. Prts;d._t Hart 11qon. To••• NORMAN 0. ROCH ...AN. Troa1-Vtot ~.,-,pf.is. T•-11n ,~. ,~~ ~, ~~' ~ ROBERT J. HORNSBY s.c ..1 • .., lof;var. r.... ,.. S.C.oad l ow: IRUCE R ADKINS Cl ...twoocf . Va flOYO R. BARNHILL. JR. JOl'•iboto. All 1 OONAlD M. BURY Jonesboro. At\_ ~~~'~' ., WJUIAM K. BURKHART Hart•"'· Ky. TMd a-: 1,-:; ,,..._ J. WILLIAM CHEEK JAMES M COOPBt WllllAM F. CRADDOCK , -:a- "~ f , JOHN CRENSHAW .., f.ffrt.. l ow: Ftnt It.ow: JOHN M ova. JR. &9!•vi 1o, Ter!'I. ·-- JAMES a. . JR. Mo"'pJi:s. T•""· CECIL D. ROWE. r,.1,dt't "KnoJVil!e, leM. THOMAS E. HAYES Wa-...•tfy, To'l.ll. THOMAS I DRINNEN. Vico.Pre1·dent Knol'lilfe, T•nn. JAMES C. HUDGINS, JR. Lewr•~b1.ir9, Tenn. FRED C. ROBINSON, Stmltry N•1lwitle, T•nn. WILLIAM C. GREER, Tr••1wror Oak Ridge, Ten.n Fifttl ltow: Mompliiis. Tenn. Sec.011d It.ow: ROtERT G. HUTCHINS. JR. HEN«Y M. LAllCHE, JR. Memphis. Tenn. WARREN A. ALEXANDER Covington, Tann. JOHN 0. LAY Savann•h, Tonn. JERRY R. !ECKER Menc.he1ter, Tenn. JAMES 0. LINK Hu"hvillo, Ale. JAMES I BELL Greenoville, Tenn. Sltth Row: GEORGE N. CHRISTENSEN C!orldelo, Arit. KENNETH C. LYNCH Goin, Tonn. Thlrcf It.ow: JOE a. MOON Powell, Ttnn. RICHARD T. O'KElL Raytown, Mo. JACK C. CLARK Whitloyville, Tenn, LLOYD H. Pl.EMMONS A1h1vHlt. N .C. CHARLES J, COREA Roc\wood, Tenn. JOHN D. CRABTREE Geinesville. Ten.n. Sove11 th Row: ROIEU S. CREEKMORE Maryville, Tenn. JACK G. RICHMOND Aurore, Mo. Oe\ Rid90. Tonn Fo11rth It.ow: FREDERICK H ROY JAMES F. ROZELL Cflepel Hill. Te1tn. Nosh lie Tonn. BENNETT L CROWDER Roel 119 Sprinq,, Tenl\. GLYNDON B. SHAVER DAVID.L CUNNINGHAM Soil Spencer, Tenn. ALFRED L. FUGUSON El4hth ·-· WILLIAM C. FRANCIS Kin9ston. Tenn. WILLIAM A. SIMS K110,v· e, Tonn. Lef.ollette, Tenn. THOMAS DAVID SISK T,..ntelf' Ttt11t, F.11h ..... N. PATRICIA STOCKARD Mof"llpliis Tenn, MELLO'! A. FRY WlLllAM C. THACKER Gr"l'I..,, e. l•"-"~ Oal Ridqe. T.,,n. J. IASIL HADDAD Ni11th low: NORMAN l. HARRIS Sot.ioM o TOt"l'I. LAWRE'ICE I HAYNES Mof"llph's Tentt. DON l. TIELENS Mol"lpf- I To""­ J~l'l$0fl Cty. Tenn. CHARLES E. WALDROUP $evio1V • . Tol'I .... Si.rtlrt JAMES W. WHITE We•o,..ge Ol • a. ... LEO M. YATES She.,,.••· 0\ a JACK W. LINDSAY FRED • LOOru RocNooct Tonn. Mt"'Mn Not Pic:twecl: LO'I G. McCORMICK liv'OJqdo!'I. Te"o. ANTONY 0. CASPARIS Nos"" o ToM. IERGE1" F. OVER HOU Me"IC:"°1*or. Te""· JOHNNIE C. OEVl"E ~e-phi·s Tt"f'l­ Kt10:rvr o. fo,.n. RONALD E. EITH Detior-o IM

37 • September 1961 December 1961 M E D C A L C L A S S M E D C A L C L A S S fint l o• : JOHN S. FLEMING, p,..;dent MoMphis, T•n.a. DAVID H. HOLLOWAY. JR. V'ou-P..,1'

39 March 1962 June 1962 M E D C A L C L A S S M E D C A L C L A S S fint Row: M HASIKEll NEWMAN Pre1;del"t Shett1o1t~ Ol'•· ROIElT M OVERHOLT. Vic•P..sidenl KnoJV•l'e. Tel'l11.~ JOSEPH E. ROW Se<.. 1 • .., ci.rlfV'i e. Te""· BILL C. WEBBER T'"'"'e' Mett1ph·1 Tel'lt1 S.C.eM Row: MELTON C. AMBROSE Hu-"'bold• Tonft. JA..,ES R APPi.ETON JR T,.etoft.. Te"' lOIEtT 0. IATEMAN Lwbboc:\ To••• EOWIN R. CHAPMAN Hoel...,. NC. Tl\i1d l ....: THOMAS l. COOK R'dqley. TeM. AINSWORTH G. OUOLEY AM01i<11• Ge F;rrl l..,: JAMES E. EOWAROS CJ.ett•JllOOq• Te,.n. GEORGE W JENKINS. ,,., ch•I ._..,,,ph;,, T•"'"· MICHAEL A. HARRIS Notf..,, o. Tenn. ARTHUR FORT. V1hit, Tenl'I. SAM I. CARUTHERS Gronede. Miu. CURTIS C. SEXTON Modi1onville, Tenn, JACK I . CASKEY, JR. Mornph i1, Tenn. DANIEL H. STAMPER, JR, P.k .... ille, Ky. OAVIO C. CAWOOD J•ff•rton City, Tonn. HARRY 9. TATE Foitfet, Olle. Fo\lrlh Row: S•v•l'lfh Row: SAM U. CRAWFORD, JR, Coole"il!o, Tonn. CLAYTON A. TRAVLANO Port Afth\lr, T•••1 f. F JR. Mtmphi1. T•n.n, CURTIS W. VAN HOOSER l•wroncobvr9, Tenn. l lLL FOWLER Mitnbres. N.M. LISLE WAYNE Victorie, Tto.•• GLENN HEAO Wynno, Atl WILLIAM 9. WETHERINGTON L..lelend. Fie. NELSON HOUSTON S.lrner. Tenn. Eiqhth Row: fifth Rew: CHARLES E. WILEY Kin9lporl. Teftl'I HARRY OUlELL JOHNSON FREO M WOOO H1,1mbokft. Te'"" H•rt ""•"'· Ten11. LAUY H JOHNSON Scoth HiM, Te!'n. E. M JONES f.pto1111.. t le, Te11ft.. Me""M"' Not r K-tvred: NEil KA..,INSKY Mefl'lph;s, ftl'ln. GEORGE ALI.EN ....el'l'llpt..;, Tet111\, CHARLES KENNEDY K"Orv; e, Te.,n JAMES ASHM0R£ f.otost. Mitt,. EOGAl OAVIO IAKER O-,,ertb1o119, Te""· s 1th • • · : JURE S BATSON Oel Rid99. Te""· ROIERT C MULLINIKS JOHNNY lEE ILANTON S.ld K..0 A. OAVIO 'ATTERSON &.. .. te"Co~r9 Tet1n. M• MM'lplo.;s. Ttnft, CJ MISS MARY HELEN GOODMAN. S"°"'°' ~erripli.i s,. Te""'· -- S.cMCI Row: MERlE RICKLY Ttchl't;ca Oit«tor Me111pt.·, ToM. IETIY ANN IAGWEll. p..,;de•I Cleve&.Nf M lS. ~ VIVIAN FINLEY V•

fit, t Row: Fowrth Row: JAMES H. CHAPMAN ,1e1idtl\t Mtmph;1, Tenn. GOltOON G. NIDIFFER. V1ce.P,.1ident Johnt.on City, Ttnn, SHARON GASKILL Memphi1, Ttnl'I. CHARLES 0. PRITCHAltO. S..c.ret•rv·f,..e11i1rer Memph I, Ttnn. AMANDA HODGES Cunn;n9ham, To1111. llLLY J. ALLEN Chtlt•nooqe, Ttnn. GWEN PACE. P101ident Momph;1, Tonti. St concl Row: PHIL ANDRE Memphis, Tenn. ROBERT I BUCKINGHAM Memph;s, Tenn, Fifth Row: RALPH K CHATHAM M iu. Money, WAYNE ADKINS, Viee 0 President Union City, Ttnn, 81LLY T. CURTIS Stfmtr, Tenn. ANNE FORD. Socrotary Cofumbfo, Tenn, Thircl Row: LORRAINE ENGEl8ERG. T••••"•' Memphi1, Tenn, LAWRENCE l. DURISCH, JR. Kno11:ville, Tenn. JAMES 0. GORDON Memphis Tenn, 808 HASTINGS Covin9ton. Tenn. Sie'th Row: HAL S HENDERSON Memphi\. Tenn. JOAN FALCON Memphis. Tenrt. fo1i1rt h Row: WAYNE FRANCIS Rippon. Ky. HENRY G. JACKSON JR, Jec.l50n, Tenn. LOUISE THOMPSON Chott•"'009•. Tenn. CLEVE E JOHNSON Memplt,,, Tenn. DONALD R LANE RoqeNv "·· T•n11. RUSSELL LOONEY W• 1 ·1\9, Ttnl'I. fift.. Row: L RION I LYLE c.,'""bef'•"'C:I nifr•c.e. Te"'"'· L WINSTON MAUIN ~l'lto n C.ty. Toro11. CHMLES V MORION Jt E JAY MOUN<;Et M•ryv, •. To.rn. K110rv '-· Tort., s:. th Ro• ' H. IUN1E OU c~,.~ Te""". NA.,CY CAROL PHEVS f.o4,.11ta n City, T.,..n.. HOWAID S REITMAN N-11l-... o. Tr1t. JAMES tOY SMITH N•V.., o. lt!'11'1. S.'+'e•th l ow DAVID G STA"' EY JAMES E VA.,CE Ma,.,.., e. To""· JAMES T>'O.,.AS WALLU IC1'191~. ft111L N•sfl ... • ltl'IA. Ne·t r.c:twecl · IOI COSCIA Mtmp._., Ttnl\. JULIUS M CRUSE PATSY ERWIN Ne .. Alb.fly, M:u. t-Jem p)i ·1. TtMn. DONALD E HAMPSON JOHN w HAilos Memploi s. To""· Mtmph-1. Tonn JOHN A HOU5£HOLDU SAMMY JONES o.~ Ridge. Te-n.n. K1nq1po,-t, Tonn, THOMAS E LISTER Motti1town, Tenn. DAVID LEWIS -~ Chott•riooqo, Tonn. ":; HUIERI M MfR(DllH ..· , , ROBERT H. M URDOCK l(,,o .vil~. Tenn. ~· ' JOHN M OMOHUNDRO Memphi1, Tenn. . Oono!1on, Tenn. -- HORACE PULLEY RICHARD I RAINES Memph;1 Tonn. HARR IS ROTMAN Memph<1. Tenn, GENE W SCOTT Memphi1, Tonn. .. li't CHAUES VON CANON Memph.1. Ttnn loo\01i1t Mountoin, Tonri, 0 ,13 June 1960 PHYSICIAN' S OFFICE ATTENDANTS

Fiortt k...,:

MRS JO 8~0WN l"'1trvcl(lf SANORA EDMISTON p,.,

S•col'lcf kow: JENNIE BULLARO. Vice-Pr11idtl'll Iulo, Miu. MARGARET R. LASHBROOK. Stcr1!1ry·Trta1urer Memphis, Tenn,

Third Row: SANDRA SOYO M•mphit, T1l'ln, CAROLYN COOK Sovanno~. l•l'ln.

JUDY LYNN GORDON Me,..,ph.,, l•l'ln, MARY ANN PIERCE Memph 1. T•rin.

F.ft~ Row MMY RAY.. ONO MMiph '· Tel'll'L vERlENE SCRUGl>S T,"'1cm riqo, M u.

Sutil Jt.., MARGARET TAYLOR II is 9enerolly 09reed tho! o 9roduole of the University of Tennessee College of Denfalry is on operator of unexcelled obility ond technique. The position of relotive superiority which o 9roduote of the school ossumes is o result of severol different foctors. The excellent stoff of instructors is oidod in ih tosk of preporin9 the students for coreors in dentistry by o pt09ressive odministrotion which hos os its oim the 9roduotion of men who hove the obi4ty to combine correct dio9nosis with sound treotmont. Tho proper technique for reseorch ond the presentotion of the results of tho! resoorch is o bos;e perl of the eorly dentol educotion. Monuol dexterity is relined by courses in dental onotomy, dental moteriols, ond other courses in bosic teehnic.ol dentistry. The leboretory opplieetion of dental theor;es end techniques is continued throu9hout the second yoor of instrvetion. Orel pothok>9y. periodontics, exodontics, ond onesthosio ore studied extensively durin9 tho second. th;rd ond fourlh yeors. AH student. rec•••• instruction in pododonties ond orlhodontics, os well es wr9ery ond enesthosiol<>C}y. end greduote eounes in those speeiolitios ore ovoaeblo. Also, the opporlunity which tho school offers to wor< with o student dentol hy9ienist provides voluoble experience. The well or9onized inltr9rotion of the different phases of dentistry mekos • 9reduoto of tho University of Tonnosseo College of Dentistry o well quolified lo essume his professionol responsibility in the mointononce of tho hoolth of the geMrol public.

College of Dentistry

46 March 1960 June 1960 DENTAL GRADUATES D E N T A L GRADUATES fird Row: ROIERT A HARDEN f>tflident Clo... 1. NM ALIEltT L EVATI. JR .. Vlce·P,.s;dent Chetranooqe, Tenn PORTLAND C. WHITEHEAD. J lt., Treeslol,., M~~-~ Tent1, GEOO: G-F M CONE. Soe;el ciwi·r"'a"' °''"'• ,..,, S.c.oncf Row: GARY PAINWATER Represeftt•• ...e We ,...,t R -d9• A" CHAllES 8 SAKER Kennet! Mo. ""'!'llEY &ASSt-fAM S. ,..., re,,,, 8 YA SHEW le• ·Aqton le11A

ThM-'4 Row 80881 D. BENNETT C eve a..d fef'lft. GWENDOlYN HOlDER 80YD Ne.port. Te"rt. JOE G. BREWER C.rd.-• Mo. JESSE T. BULLARD Nesh.-. e, Ter1l'I. Fowrth Row: LEWIS A. CHAMl.ESS Gfffl'l•ood M si Fint Row: GEORGE M IMS CLARK Ne... po1t. Tefl!'I. GEORGE E DUNLAP Swfft•at•' Tenl'I, W C MARTIN Prei,dent He11eqar. A••. JAM ES R EASTBURN Hot Spri11q.., Arl R_ A. GOODLOE. Vice Prei>dent N•shvi le, Tet1n. JOHN l. LLOYD. Tt••'\l'e' Uni<>n C.t.,., T•""· Fif-th Row: LUMPKIN S.c,et•rr Nicholson, Miu. e. e. EDWIN E. FRYAR. JR. Kno•'"'• e. T..inn. WAYNE H. HUGHES Po!lvil e. Miu WILllAM l. KITCHENS S..col'lcf Mempfus. T•""· Row: JERE I. LOWE South F lttiA. Tetl'll'I J. R. FIELDS. A.0.A ltepreientat1v• Memphis, Tenn. D. P. AUSTIN Sc.0th Hill Tenn. Sirth Row: JOE H. BROGDON Chottonooqa, Tenn. A. B LUCKETT. JR. Milon leAn. RICHARD A. CARPENTER 8Hbe, Atl. GORDON L MllLER Oovton Tonn. JOHN S. MOORE. JR. San D;e9·., Calif, LOUIS J. MORALES 8oton Rouqe le Thircf Row: Sev•nth Row: LA. CHAMBLESS G1ee,..wood. Min. - ROBERT E MO RRIS Pod <•" t:: v. R. L. CLARDY Cl•rhvi e, Tenn. JOSEPH E. PACE. JR. M .. ru1v. Ky. W . W CLOUD New T•rwell. Tenn. OMER K. PETTY Arby1d ~~. H D. DORRIS Ch•tlanooq• Tenn. ~ LARRY J PUCKEll Sporto Te11n El,9hth Row: fovrth Row· CHARLIE G. RAY JR. M•"'Ph $, Tenn. JAM ES E SIMONS S.1tib...r9 SC. C S f-O O USH Bristol. Tenn. AUE RT J SM ITH 8ris•ot r.,.,. W. D. H AITHCOCK L•..-ton, 0'-•• BENT<.. N F SPANGLER Meryv e l•n" ERNEST MINGES locl~t M°""'• n Tenn. J. T M OORE N.~ .. , •. Tetir1. N.11tt1 Row: RICHARD H. TILSON Meont~ i l•ntt. TH()YAS A VICKElfS K"°''"' • Te"n f ,fth ltew : nQNAlO W VOGT &.-thr e 01 t ""NS POllES C •rhd• e M "· M•inb•n Not ,,<.f¥t•cf : R P ROGERS Gte.,.da ..,_;u., H ANIEl CROC

S 1-th Row :


49 4B September 1960 December 1960 DENTAL GRADUATE S DENTAL GRADUATES fird Row:

IRANOT L. SAKER. Pttlldent Su"I'!'" f M 1 H MAC W DORRIS Y·c.e·Pre1 dt,,t Gretl'tbr •r T•"rt. ROIERT E. MARKS Se

Sec.ofld Row~ AIRY J AOAUS Ne:.hw e Ttl'tfli , EDWARD ANDERSON Kfli(JY Ttrf'I. VITUS S BMRE JR. l ... • ~ otl A•• Jo'~NNfTH R CARRUTH Me., Ter.ft.


.~.. , .· .


50 March 1961 June 1961 D E N T A L c l A s s D E N T A l c l A s s - firtt Row: )('EITH S HAR~ISON Pr•t. aer' Gr""'" • Tenll. JAMES M ... ENC>ERS0\11.l Vic.. Pre- d~,., Orlf'w M'"'- ~E LY DREW Al(XAN0£~ JR S.Cre•ary-Tr••t..,rer H o"'de•. M tt JO.,. 0 WR hMJ A.0.>o R•P'eMI"·•~ w• V n •a 0 • •

S.c:oN Row: -.,, C ' N NeV.w • 1•'"' ~./! •\/vvv 'r !PQ.. -..N JR. Cieve oNJ M it. JM l)RA

EDWARD l. BORAH West Se 'em Ill, Fourth Row: ROBERT G. Maryv le. Tenn, R• 'BfRT C. LINEeERGER Nes~v . e. Tenn VElPO B. BROWN Pocahontas. A,r_ W.L.IAM f LUCKMAN Jeclt-:in. Tenn. GERAlD 8. COLE Wtynesboto, M

Fo..rtfl Row:

81 l Y R HARRIS Bdoracfo Iv-~ .RNEST D I OLMAN l,..,·l'lqi'Cn Tee11~ HARC >LO AO RUSSELL Horp•rv, • M,,, V<•LON l HUGHES M"ze. M s.s. R.JB, o• P SMITH Mo•O"'l"O. An V'BIY ' Aempl-lrl. T•"" Filth Row

CHAI: ~ I LANNING ....re1Kebi..r; l9ftl'l. HM' ~ Y •.LONG Perions. r._ .. R CHARD L Al PERT S..m•e• SC WWAV" NEVANS T s OAVANT Cok.,,..b • SC l "ACJt·~ Te"tt. J('"•"' ~ PUlUN Mempti.·s, fe,.n. w B RA\JlSTO"I f; ieoet"'>R l•nllll 0 l SHEA K"Orv :0 f•t1A " .TON GARY .VA•DROP Gref!odo V t.t.. Su-th Row: .~,._,. \ ONARO ~GE SAMAHA Ca~.me M·u. JAY~ W , WAYNE Coti.ntft. M·ss. STANL.EY E WIUIAVS Oe\ lfd9e Je .. .,, -

Membtors Not ,-tthu.d: JAMES B BRYANT Ne..- A b.ny Min. MERLON C. COHlN Mtrflpk s Tern ~RED DIETRICH Co""d•ll.. Atk, fR!O M. HANNAN Morri,town Teru'l. ULRIC HENEGAR Nesti ... > e. Te11n, ,~ WINSTON llAVITI Cl-lattanooqe Tenn, - W. TOM MARTIN SunRowe1 M u. DAVID H. OWEN - Hiel.o" F-a. CALVtN 0. RICE Harrisb1o1rq Art FRANCIS THOMPSON Princeton. Ind. ~

S3 52 September 1961 December 1961 DENTA L C L A s s D E N T A L C L A S S

VANCE It SHARP Pres de .. ~ L•fo •'te Te " HARRY E lAYLOR ~ e-Pre-i der-• fort W rf!ri T.-.es 8 LL C CR SVwELL S.Cret•rv O.,ert.b.rq Te n GP BLYEU ~•IM&. T•"

S.co~ ttow:

11¥£S BUFF N~TON N~·porl A I E DC CH TTiN N .. l•te•• l• FRED 8 FAU • N!R s. ,,.. c .• CARLOS W OALB•EATH Oy.nh.rca T•

Th.rel Row : GEO•GE GllllAN COft••y. A•j (RRY G GUFFEY Johnl()fl Ct\' lenn F1nt Row: ROBER' W. HEWITT M•mph s Tenn JAC • \'. HOELSCHER Memph 1 Te n ALEC E IROWN p,., d~t $.il"Jl•tr. S.C. CHARLES E. NAVf Vice p,e, de"t S.,,.erv1 e, Tenn. DOUGLAS ""'OORE Secr•1••1 Mtl'l'lph·s, Tenn. Four'fil Row: JIM P ILANICENSHIP, Tree1.irer Bruceton. Ten". FRED A JABALEY Ccpper Tenn RALPH T LAWSON 5,,,od.. ei T•t1t1 Second Row: L NZA M M ~CHELL Je"'eit w"I le11n. ~RANP:: I ~.AORGAN Ool R dq• lenn W T. MALONE, Stud•"' A.0.A.. Reprt\enteti ...e Cookevi le, Tenn. CHARLES T...... es Holly Sprinqs, Miss. CRAIG BEARD MemDhis, Tenn. Fihh Row: J. H. CHILDRESS l•Fol ette. Tenn. MMY l. SHANEYFELT Ot.(eola At), ii P SHERMAN JR Me mph 1 Tel"lr. Third Ro... : ,AO W SPEARS C~ott•nooqo, Tenn. EN 1y STRINGFE~LOW El Dorodo Ar~ PAT 0. COX Wilbu1ton, Olle. JAMES R. HARDISON Col1.iMS M•""Ph s Ten" JAMES S. LONG Soo11ev• e. Miss. ROllRT l MARTIN Me,..r;>Ji"s. Tef'!n, W II. MITCHELL Mel'l'!pltit, Ten". Se•e11th Row: TROY McDONALD Mentpt\;s. Te11". MtAY 1.. YANCEY .A--dtll'I'" 4 Te II t-t FRANf' YO N.., Fort M SC F.ffh . ...,

MARSH/Ill PAI K(I )(,.,o...... Terl'I Memben Not ,,ct.,red: MR<(I POWEll G'""" • Miss.. lllY H. RIOGE Ch•~•ef!OOqe. '•"""· E -N r.. v. !EA TfY 11 T pt " • Te 11 llN C SPAULDING W ~f.fl•9f. TeM. JAMES W G EAVES Je , Ten11 CAIL"C•• t• o·.~ .raSpe' ""e S

JO,._. W WIClr'HAM Me""pl\.;s, Terift.

Membets Not ' i

JACK 0 COX K·nqspott, Tel'ln. EDWARD R CUlLIS JR Clo.ettet10090, Tenn, JAMES l. GEORGE Til'ftothy, Tenn. "'AX L. GURLEY Me""p ·, Tenn, HUNTER SHEPHERD M•t;•t'lno. Art - CLIFFORD TURK Jackso'\, Mill. CLAUDE R. WOOD. JR. Kn oavil e. Tenn,

- 55 March 1962 June 1962 D E N T A L c L A s s D E N T A L c L A s s First Row: 19 ll LAN·S.FO~D Pl'fl dent Nashv e T•"" JOH~ T WRAY V • PrHde~• L•1• Cr.,. r. ft. HAl>OLO N W LlMUTH S.Cre•ary S•••wbe"'° A••

SKOftd Row

AV.£S A JC NG lrN".t~· /\,II •#Id M '' lOUIS W AVO!El' l(ft(I I • '•fl ... REUBEN E CHAP.,A>; T 4r A•

Tli.itd Row DONAlO 0 COBB l ut. I • A•• Font Row DON FLOYD So , •• c .• A._.ES G LUTCN p, .. de11t Col.. "l'lbia S.C. CHARlES T HERBEP' C.~ G re•d\'!ou M 0CNAt.0 £. H"MltAi \I • Pte .de"'t . S.n•Ht Mo . litALP11 M COX S.Cr•••rv Col.,.l"lb•. S.C. Foutth Row ~ Mil IN l AOAMS Colt,1M'lboa. s.c. •Oftodo, Ar~ lftitd Row:

EDWARD J CARDOSI Memphi5. lenl'I. 8AolEY M CROCKAREll Do..,ef. Tent'I, PAVl D. DARBY Noo&petef Miu. C: ENN 1 BATTEN J•r l·;on l•nn B!NNIE f llS Mor9en C;ty. Miu. !(AYMOND L CHAMBERS C l'l!Oft Tenn PAUL C CHARBONNEAU H•H •~b t9 M1~ Foutlft Row J-'MlS K. CLARK Morr s.o" lel'ln HUGH fREE K riq~port • W Y FORBES Wh fehe,.,.ri Tert'I. JOHN HAWK NS 1(11 ·~ e '•""Terin C A ..... ,, R HALL 81 111-iev e Ark. J-'C' T HERD Spad Nev LOUIS 0 HAll Gredy. "'l. CLIFF HODGES AMOry M $' ED S. HEAlAN CNtte1100c;a fe,.,n. REICHERT N JOHNSON f- t?qeto:.d Go JOE 'IDS ER Ca.•l•l'IOOQ• TelUl. R CHARO OLIVER N.,hY le '• W ll!A" A HOllAND Te"'-1'1. JOHNS PEARSCN l•• "9ton Tenft. JAMES L HUTCHISON Mlft'lpJi'p ··- ,.,... DIC<'. ROGERS KltC• • Tettn •ENN£1H 0 JAC. JOE "'EE~S Memph.j\ Tenn HAROLD V LANE K 9 .... Te"'-1L

~-.tti Row: HENRY G LAI • E•~ • .,. S.C. JAV(S t MAIH[NlY Clwi~t•IPIOOq• lel'l11. Ol N 0 "OORE JR H•mlltOnd lo RIC><.00 J OGLESBY JR M•"'Pft $, Te"ln.

E M!R I P£1>RSON ,t l!Ub.'l'I'" te!'l.I\. WILLIJ'M f PIERCE 11 Trml;>e Tenn ROS-RT A R~SH'CN ..i'"'P" $ Tet111. FLOYD 1 SEllE RS !Mpu Pe Q, ,,,

Eiqhtlot Row 1 J'1A[S E S!XICN K~ ..... o Tet1n. NUIEP:T I> SM1'H 8<>0t1•v• e MS.$. J ~~~-At E ~t'lOW Pr• 8 uff Ark.

$7 December 1962 September 1962 D E N T A L c L A s s D E N T A L c L A s s First Row Jo • !efo Co ""~• SC c.' C •~ole M

~ c.o "Cf l ow, JOSEPH HOIAR• Al< NS fe pie A i RCNN E HORACE Cl.RRY lhe AA Jl\,,.{S EOWAR D

lfi: uJ Ito• ; HERMAN BENl,(Y ELLIS V; ,, ' .... HENRY LEW S FR SBY E t od .... R CHARO GE•.. lO Hl\MMETT JR E1obet,. To ·~~Al~ . B•entwood TO F r•I l ciw

j • W•st Me!'l"p~ s Aro fo..,rth Row: V•P•d•t c •rv • r.,,., WIL AM CECI, HOPPER St l•w s M Port o,,d lel'ln NORM.. NO HUOON S• Peter b rq fio ICE •YLE ¥ LGORE R;c.hord C tv r. " Stcond Row, •E "' LANOICE LINDSEY lei nq,on enn A 8 (V NS A: chord Cily Ttnn. \\A 'ER I RC>l Od H (~ r y l•nn Fifth Row: N C'Oh.rwood N.C. NAN RIGNEY PEAKE JC'hnson c.t.,.. l•ru1 f REE MA" lebonon Tenn. ARCNER Wo i•n O\ o. Siith Row: Fo1.1rfh Row: N IAM·N MORGAN PRIDEMORE JR. Na•tv e le"" MMY GIBB ROEBUCK Go1o1 d .-.,i C ARK 8 HA l Pod11coloi Ky. 10M GR1FHS SALMON JR M•mph' leftn R Ct AR 1- HARi l< l"I n· '9 len" w LIAM JHU-MAN SHIPLEY Coclov o '•"" A' s T 0 ·~STC~ M•n1p'i' Te,.f'I.

Se ...nth Row: J <:_ 0 WH SISTARE JR, L•""

fiqh~" l ow: N t l !t • toe • Ar-. lll ~pkis. Te~ n M N DAV 0 V.. L8AN


~ . ~'... .. "'~- . ~~



- .. ,, March 1960 March 1961 DENTAL HYGIENE GRADUATES DENTAL HYGIENE CLASS Font Row: HE l '< M N C>iOlS Pet d

S...... R_, ~NE C B SHOP C"- I Y J BOL ><~ER RACE ClA.. M1',_A C..AYION R


F1nt Row: Ft>wtth Row SARAH [ Hill 01rtctor BEC• Y J HENSLEY Heen.e ..... TRAVIS KING. Pre• O.t1t 8r.~tol, Tonn, GLORIA C> HOL ANO J •• • Tel'ln JEAN WOl f.f:. V • Pret d•nl Memphis, Ttnn, JERRIE R HOLL ~GSwOR't< Mtmpli '• n 8AR8ARA POWELL Stcrtter., JnhnM'ln City, Tenn. E-IAI YN A

Fifth Row:

ANN JENK NS l"pl !'I C fy Tel'lf! 8£ TY 8U RlfSON T, ..,~ir•r M lltqan Col!oqe. Ttnn, Wo•ib rq Teflfl JANE BOWMAN Coli.mb o. Tenn, •"• t M M PElfRS MRS DAWNE MANLEY MOORE Memph Tenn BARBARA ANN CLARK JQ""~ City, 'lonn, JU l'H M NOLAN AN1•A COKE MeMp-h1s. Tenn, Me"•' •

Ci-1th Row : SANO•A C. RCBtRIS Te11n LOY CORRELL Te,,..pa. fia. BARBAR" C RUSSELL i. MARY RUlH CROC(ER J•Cl'IO"I, M ''­ Y.NORA K SH!•ROO h CARROLL DUNHAM M'o""- Ro. PHYL S K SHER NOOO T• • MAR LYN GORDCN l1.1h. fie. S.•e11th Ro• : LeRUE K SM H Fo.rih · · ­ V RG NA H STEWAtl AN'IE!lE LollANC E. •;:1t le. j lilN AD s JOE ANN MASCN To~ Ao. "AR ERE! A. SV.EA' SARAH M l.,,(R Neih... ,. Teea. ECN" NOWELL MM1pl:s, Te~a. E q"°t'- kow: R 0 AN'

L LL .AN OlDHA" )(l'IO.-..- • ff.tit\,, JO A'-N RODHU Iris Tenn. LORRA NE SCRUGGS N,,,h Lltte Rott; A,t. MRS PAlSY 'ENNYSO'I < n~por-t Tern. ! s 1th . ....

PR SC L'.A W lSON Th.om.son Go, HERIHl C IUTJS. D D.S Soorw - - ~ \ 61 ..- 60 ~ \ /' ~ \





'I ---~~~~__;~~.Jlli..&.cl1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.....:.-L-~~~~~~~~~~~ The phormocy •tudent who emerge• from the University of Tenne.,ee College of Phormocy is mor.t quolified to beqin work in ony oreo of phormocy. Students ore trained in mony fields ond coune·wor~ is varied to fit the students' needs. The first yeor of pro­ fessional tro·nin9 it more or ess introductory inc.lud;ng courses in off~iol preparations. or9ot"1ic chemistry, quontitot:ve chem 'stry. bacteriology. phormocognosy ond other courses. The second yeor f.nds the student beq-n,,inq to actual y f; I prescr"ptions ~n ju("lior d;spen•inq. A110 bock9round courses •n b'ochemislty. physicol phormocy, medi6nol p

1,,,tr.,,.ct:o,.. '" or9•l'l;C c.l'l•"'i\tr1 ptovicf•, • '-'•lt.1•bl• b•c.l9routu:I for l•t• r co11rs.ewo1l ,


f,,d Row: JOE E. BROOKS J011e,boro Ar• VANCE L. IROYlES J("(>•V• • fel'll\ LESTER L CALDWELL S..r~o ri1v tie Te11t1

S.coM Ro• : CHARLES W CHADWELL E· 119 Ve ROIEU C. DARNELL Ne15..,. • Tt"'l'I.. EDWIN J DEAN K- t1q 1poc'• Tet1 t1.

JAMES E. EIDSON M•"'Ph l Te""· WILLIAM J ELLIOTT Cher , He, '•"'"· MAXIE G FARMER C«-l.., ., '•"I\.

Fowrth Row; ROBERT F. FLOYD Kn-oavolle. Tet1ft. F-int Row: MAURICE N. FOSTER Nestwil t. Tenn. WILLIAM 8 SWAFFORD Spo'w Memphis, Tenn. LARRY N GALLAHER Old Hiclory. Tenn. .. OMAR E 8ACON JR p,., dent Chettenoo9e, Tenn, CHARLES C. MORREll V•o·P••••d•nl St stol. Tenn. fifth Row; GENE E. GIL BOW Heyti, Mo. JAMES M. GORDON Memph;s, Tenn. ELIZA8E, H A. PENNINGTON S

Third Row: CHARLES W ANDREWS Fulron, Ky. NELLC IACON M -Ke111.e. Tt"n JAMES R MGGEIT C ..,. end. Tt11n

Fo...th Row

DAVID D MYSE Don~. Te11t\. WAYN~ W . IU.M Ct<.•Ho,..ooqo lel'lri. eu•N CE F. liLllNGS.!Y Coc\e.. • Tenn. ~

fifth Row; 'I ~~ CHARlES W I NFORD fvtl)ft. Te,..n. - JAC( EL ILAC


67 66 June 1960 June 1960 PHARM ACY GRADUAT ES PHARMACY GRADUATES F:ttt Row:

ELA ,;,ER GGS E 1ebet111ic:1t Ten1t. LEE R SHIR

S.c~d Ro-

OON ...LD H STAN• LL ,....,.,,. v ••• lf.y OOROlHY A sTrNARJ Mt"'ph i. Tt"" OON-'.•D L TE'<'

HORACE L TERRY Coo• ..... • Tenn. CHARLES H. Ve11Cl£AVE U"ao" C fy lel\n HELEN T WEU John.sea c ty r.,,,.

f ou.rth Row;

BILLY R. WILKERSON Meryv1 • Tenn, f iu t Row: THOMAS W WOOD Be'd Knob Ar~ HAWES H HEARD. Ill Arledelphie. Art W DONALD WRIGHT Cort1triv1 e Tet1t1 WILLIAM H HESTER lev;nie, Tenn. - JAMES R HURT Hohenwe!d, Ten11. Memben Nof Pictured : WENDEi PARDUE

JON C HUTCHINSON liptonviUe, Ten'!. ROY M. lEDBETTER S.•venneh, Tenn. PAUL B LUNCEFORD S.erd 1, Mlu.

Third Row:

CARI N MARCLM )Ct1q1port le~n. "'-""19[i.. H MARTjN Dyer. Ten'! MlNDh E MEHR Se s. Te""-

Fourth Row :

PAUL R M[•lON Ce-de" Te'l"I. SARAH , M LLER H•rrJl'l•"I 1.f\f! LLOYD L MYERS lC: w"l"'fld 1.1'\~

f ,ff1' Row -~ J ~VY' L 'ARRISH s.~.. Te·"' l[N R RE,..,.S - Morr s• . .. Te'"" JAvoS I RICHllROS o.. ~.c lel"1t.


69 68 June 1961 June 1961 PHARMACY C L A S S PHARMACY C L A S S Fini Row: LAUY NEIL HOLCOMB Piqqott Iv\. EARL HYDE 8 yt~... e ,..,. ROIE'f G. HYLTON C1 "'"'"*· Ve

S..cOflld Row: VAL '"E JEAN JOHNSO'I Cre>ib-, M nn JERRY XEllEY lei r1qt°" Te11n 0'1N ANDERSON KINARD Moryv e Tv,.,.

JA"'4ES l .::1 RKENDOL Ki"O•V e, Te,..,. CHARlES THOMAS LANGFORD. JR CloiottO"l0090 l•nl\. THOMAS E. LOWE Kl'\Oiv· e Te,..,,.

Finl Row: Fovrth Row: Wll IAM 9. SWAFF-OlO, Sl>Oftltl' Mel'flph s. l•nrt_ GERALD T. LUSK Un.on City. Tenfl... KEITH MITCHELL Ptel de"t S.na~h. Mo. CONNIE MESHOnO Murfree•boro. Te11l'I, CARl MORRISON HYLTON V,c• Pr•i, dent C .ntwood Vo. EUGENE R MOORE. JR. P•r l. T•ntt.

Second Row: Fifth Row: • Ji::EN NEAL JR Tr•••,,.rer Sp.aria, T•nn, JERE NEVILLE Brodfotd, Tefln. WILLIAM J. AINLEY Memph.,, Tenn. BILL OLDHAM Herhvillo, Tet1n. FRANK Y 8AKER. JR. Nadwill•. Tenn. SAMUEL T. POWELL Veldts•, N.C.

Third Row: S!-.th Row: ELOISE M. S. BARTH Memphil. Tenn. A1,19u\tt, Ga. WILLIAM LEE CARL Per;,, Tenn. ROBERT L RABURN Kno~vil o, Tenn. CHARLES M CARR Trenton, Tenn, CARROLL R REAGAN DUANE ROACH Meml)h;s, Tenn. Fowrth Row: s.., •.,th Row: 8088Y J CLARK S.ld Knob. A

DONALD W ELLIS •••fd •"'d Te-.as Tho+. Not Pichued: ..OEM EMPSON A1f\ o""

ROIE" A CATES AleMO. Ten11. , -·-----~-~ DAVID COMER K,. ,.,.., i e, Tenn. THOMAS E CRAWFORD Memph·l. Tenn, r~ ANITA M CROSS Otie do Tenl\.. r :? RICHARD CRUMLEY 8 v!f City, Tenn. CARL DAVIS Memph·l. Tenn, PHILLIP 0.WIRE I LARRY DUNCAN Nod1vi e, Tenn. K1nq1port. Ttrin. JIMMIE R. GARRISON HOMER R. HAMBY D~herd Tenn. JONES W HEDGE DoytOfl, Tet1n. JAMES H. HILL Memphis, Tenn. Columbio, Tenn. EVAN H LANCASTER McMinnville, Tenn.

70 June 1962 PHARMACY C L A S S

M en Tenn N,,hv .. T'""­ o.,,,,,., Mrs.s

NtJw e f 9fltt Co·•..,. e Te111n. Ntihv • T'""

Cb.H•ft009• T'"" W1Y t Art l•-b,bi.atq y,

OR SHOON 0 FEURI Cm s... ,,,, M•mpk-s Te ti. Nos)i..,. •· l•""· OR CHARLES t-i s.... 11H c..o spoftl(l" M•l'l'lpl-i s. Tern. Rod T•nl'I. E"!MUNO E ZE~ARSKE p,., del'lt Ro9env1 I•. r,.,,,, Kl\t•Y• •. Ttl'lft,

• CHARLES M DUNCAN VtCe·Pte••de,,t Lew1sburq. Tenn. Mttid tn. Mou MELINDA l, McCAP.JY, Setretory lo Follette. Terin, Hop\i"ivil •· Ky. BENJAMIN E MITCHELL V1ct-Pttl>dtnl Peroq~ld, Art , Ne,hville. Ttnn...... _ Third Row: -

CECIL AKIN. JR. Moflticefio. Ar\:. W,I in. Ar~. EDWARD RUSH BARREil JR. Jo,,esboro. At\. EdwotdiY•l't, Po KENT I. BEADLES Meyf.eld Ky. Neihvotlt r,,.rt.

fo\lrih Row:

JA"4ES E BRADY Proctor. Arl Cl1t1tol'I, M,u. P~·CiNStf W. IROWN JA:. Eo~t Pre-,;,, Mo. S'

Frfth Row:

C 'Y' r BURGESS M91'\~-, Te .. ., -""· H Buu s De.-.ot1 Sofl!

SANORA COURTNEY Mlf~'t.-,boto, ltl'!tt JA"'ES G CRCNE M~p'l s 1,... ,.. JOE CUMMINS ~iOl'I Ky,

PHILLIPS 0 BARBlR Die •so., fe,.n. JIRRY L Bill Hof..,,,., d Ttfln. RONALD "4 BLEDSOE Mtmph s Tt11n. CHARLES M BERRY 0°"' H W DURANT Spt nql.t'd Tenn.

72 June 1962 PHARMA CY C L A S S

Fint Row:

P E. MORRIS IC~rv Ol'e, Tel'ltt. l YNN MUNSEY New T•t••·• I. Tenn. JERRY OGlE s.v;ervil!e, Tenn.

MARY OGLE IC M>:.v;Me, Terin. R. W. PARKER Poro901.1ld, Ar\. FOREST PARMlEY lr•cv City. Terin.

Third Row: J. MIKE RAY8URN Murrov. Ky. ROBERT E. RICHESIN Loudon, Tenn. WILllAM C. ROGERS Hicl 1on, Tenn.

Fourth Row:

WILllAM S. SLAUGHTER Wed Memphi1. Ark. PAUL DOUGLASS SMITH Rvt!ed9e Te11n. ROBERT WAYNE SMITH Orver Spt;l'lq1. Tel'!n. ..• Fifth Row: BE CAREFUL Of THE WOlF ( WHICH ONE71 .JI JAMES SNYDER J°"eshoro. Ten,._ J "'MY STALLCUP '•'•90..1d. Atl F. l'ARLEN STRINGER Coe\...,; 1e Ten,.. St.1-th Row : ' NANCY I. THOMAS Mc!Certie. Te"""· VIRGIL THOMAS Jesper, le"ln. WILLIAM DALE THOMAS KlllQ..v, e. Te"""·

St\'ffttlt Row:

WAYNt WILSON L.fe~tte, Te""· LO IS S. YUJA S.tt P.d'°'"''•. Hond1o1res. CA

HARTWELL M STRAIN Mempf\is, Tenn. AND IN THIS CORNER JOHN f. TAYLOR Ne1hv l1e, Tenn. NATHANIEL THE TERRIBLE WILLIAM D. TROUT C int•ood. Ve. Gll!ERT C. WAGGONER Johnton City, Tenn. CHARLES E. WAHS He1el"le. Ar\. MELVIN W WILSON Burnt, lenl\. RICHARD H. WILSON Newport, Tenr.. HORACE D. WRENN Die.lion, Tenn.

,, The first yeor of the current pr09rom is spent on o generol college compus where students complete the necessory pre-nursing freshman courses. At the beqinn;ng of the sophomore year, students then enter tho University of Tennessee el Memphis. Al this time the study of nur,;ng 1ubjecls is begun occomponied by cour>es in orqonic ond biochemistry, onotomy ond phy>ioloqy. end microbiology. Eoch subject is supplemented by lobotolory e•perience. Liberol orts couring spe<:iolilies. One quorler eoch is spent in the study of motemity nur,;ng end ped"olric nur>ing. Psychiolric offiliolion is goined through the foci&ties of Goilor Psychiotric Hospitol while public heolth nur>ing consists of field proclice in the Shelby County Heolth Deportment. Throughout l+.e curriculum ore plonned foeld tr;ps for odditionol leorning. The finol quorler is devoted lo senior rololion nursing e•per;ence ;n the City of Memphis Hospitols with empho,;s on pest leorn;ng.

• School of Nursing

76 March 1960 June 1960 N URSING GRADUATES NURSING GRADUATES fi"t Row:

MISS PATRICIA JOHNSON, SpoolO< Le~letld, Re GENE DOUGHERTY p,.,·d,,• Col,,,""b·e M;,.._

~ S.cMCI Row: .... JANE LEWIS. V.ce-Preide,.,t Spei.d•t Ten,,., • N NA SULLIVAN Secretory S.vt"""•'- y,,,, ~ ..... n,;,.j Row: - 1111... GAIL CO):ER. r, ....._,.., C ·"tOI". T•ei11. .. A ~ FlAN SAYLORS. Stvd•l"t Co ... 1'1Cil Re~sel"faf ;v• SJNrt• T•""·

Fovrf .. Row: MARYWHITIAKER. Histor:•n Pul'lle Gotd•. fl•. MARY ABSOTT Per +•m•nterion Trentort, T•nf'.

Fifth Row: First Row: - NANCY LANGFORD, Socio Cho:rmon Humboldt, Tenn. • MRS. MARY CAMPBELL, Soo•'<>r M•mphit. Tenn, BRENDA BOWDEN Correspof'd;nq Secretory Proct0t, T•nn . OR. ROBERT FISCHER, Honorery Spons0t ~ ~ ~ Memphis, Tenn. ~,,, .... DAPHN E TERA VICK, Prt1·dtol Memphis. Tenn. ~ ...... ~ .. ~ ~ Se.cond Row: MMGUERITE ROYAL SIMPKINS, Vico-Pre1idoot Memphis, Tenn. VELMA LOYD LOTT, S"'ot•rv Grtttodo, Min. VIRGINIA KNOX BURKE. Treo11,1rtr No. Aquslo, S.C.

Third Row: ~ IARIARA FAYE RAMSEY, COl.ll\i:• Reoresentef,..,e Bristol. Terin. MARY SELLE HOLMAN Ho'"' Co\lnc1f Rep, M•,f.eld Ky. HEl[N ARMSTRONG ALLEY s.v·ervl e Ten11...... ,. Fowrth Row: ......

REBECCA ANN BUNCH l•• l'lq•on. T•"n. KAY HARDY kNOX Ne. A O."'l'V. M ss NANCY HUEY LADO ht: •"' Tt"rt

f;fth Ro•: JOAN CAROL llDIETIU \)t C•. Miclor ~~"'S'° PATRICIA MANGES OLIN Meryv e. Te"" .....,.. VIVIAN WRIGHT STRICKLAND Ob on ltM. _,, r ")~ ~~ ...... ~ -...... •

79 78 June 1961 June 1962 N U R S N G C L A S S N G L A s s N u R s c Ftnt Row:

MRS LOUISE RAPP Spo•w M•""P>i-s. TetL,,. MISS DOlltOTHY HOC;(Ett Spo"'1or M•"'pfiii., Ter11 MARGARET ANN NEWt-.AAN Pr.s'der• Mel"!'pfi·s Ten .... ' i:'.4- SecoM Row: A JANIS OAMRO"°' Vi

MARYLOU POLLARD. Ho..se Co..nc Represer•et ve Done IOft Te""· OAVA HEl\OOEN St...dent Co..ncil Repce1ento'•"• Tr.mble, Ten11. JANE TEl\GUE. Po\t Vi~e·Pres deri+ L;tt!e Roel. A•l

Fir1t Row: Fourth Row: JOYCE ANN McGlitUOEI: Pre1 dt"' He"' ti , Mo. CHARLENE WILEY Pelt S.Cre!ory Ve~den, M;n. F Oftl"ICf, A 0 CYNTHIA.GREEN V.ce-Pre1-1oer1~ JOAN SIMMONS. Polt Treosurer McMinnvi e, Tenn. Mefflph"s, lt!".n. MARY BETt• PERKINS. Secrtterv CHARLENE BOYD. Poit Ho1.11e Cot.iM:il Repre1entot;ve Bo11:ter, Tenn. MARY ANNE INSKEEP, Ttttl1.1f•r Co(ntli, ~•. fu, \ Ftfth Ro w: Second Row: ALICIA DACUS Peil Sl1.1deni Council Represenlolive Tupolo, Min Memph;l, Tenl'I. ROSEMARY ARNOlO MARY ANN BARBEE Memphis, Tenn. West Helena, Ark. lAURA BINGER PAT BRIMER Fountoin City, Tenn. BARBARA BURKHARDT Kno.vil t, Tenn. FARRIS JEAN CARR Horhvil e, Te""·

Third Row: ROENEllA GOOLSBY Coo~evo le. Te11n. lOIS MARIE JAHN loo~owt Mow"it n Te,.n. DORIS ANN JENKINS Me1T

Fowrth Row: AN CE A"IE JONES Meyl"ect K'r lY"IOAA"IN OVE RLY Mt'Y" t T•~n WZAIETH "' CARTY RH!"' Ht tne A.'1 IET"' SA'IGER M tt!"pk;s. T, .. ~.

Ftfth low: ROS MARY S'IOW W SOI\. Al'l llOBIY JANE USSERY JtC•SO"I lean. Jl'l"l'E WllEY NoleiY; e. Va, REBECCA Wlll1AMS Hert men Ttf!n. - s;.th Row: BETTY J. WOLFENBARGER Kl'I01v1 t, Ttin. MARGARET WOODS A1h Ol"d, Ky. JUDY WRAPE Pere9ould. Ar\

Membtn Not Pictwrtd: OHAL KAY RICHARDSON \ / I-

81 80 June 1962 N U R S N G C L A S S



/ - fiut Row: ISA8El EMBREY Hernaitdo, Mis.s.. JANEANE GOAD M•mphis, Tenn. • KnoJ.Vill•, Tenn. SARAH lOU HAll -

Stcond Row: PAT HASTE Cooleville, Tenn. CAROl INMAN Gr•tn\iriood, Miss. SARAH lEE IRVIN Memphis, Tenn,

Third Row: MARJORIE McCOllUM Fowttes, Tenn. UNOA McMlllAN Memphis, Tenn. SUSAN SCOTT Memploiis, Teflon.

F-ourth Row: FREIDA SMITH Clttlt'-ti ~ •. Te:orn. MARTHA SPAIN Meri. Ttt'\11. COlEEN TURMAN S... el'l"ttt. Ttti"I..

Mth l ow:

AUREllA SUE WEH Koo" • Tt~1'- SANORA WlllMARTH K rw;stoa. Ttr::t.. -



82 I S;nco tho orqon;zotion of the School of Bioloqicol Sciences in 1928, qroduote instruc­ t;on leodin9 to the Mo1ter of Science deqree ond the deqree of Doctor of Philosophy ho1 been offered ot tho University of TenneS1ee Medicol Units. Such work is pcesently offe

Th.e identificetiot1 of Of"9•";c compOMf\dt it •ccomplishtd by tho use of the c.hem.idry depertment'1 infrerod 1ptctophotomtttr,

• Graduate School-Medical Sciences

reper •&.ttrophore1<1 of N"'°91iobi.- ~ti0ti1 it ttprt.-•t•t:vo of th.. tM"J r••••rch PfOi•

8~ pro11ure k roconf.d by phermecolotr trechMtt 1tlitdt1d• Writ S..nbort1 Recorder •

-• 84 ' .. -

I Ii I \I .\ SK

'I''" j

,. . f.


PH/ DE 114 (ff/ 1~. ·~ 1£1111: TY Alpha Kappa Kappa had its bt9•nnin9 •• o.,,'l"IOvih M.a,,.1 Sthool '" H•l\OYtf, Nt.. Hampthirt, on S.pttmber 29, 1888. Omt9• becamt • C~•P'•r of AICIC on Mere" 24. 190), wfortr'J U.T. wa.s lout•d in N1.shvil!e. In 1911 whe,.. U.T. moYed to Mt,,,pl-.'1. f.ve ''''"'' I OFFICERS of Omega arid five act:ves of Phi clotapter m"9roted w th t"'• wniv-9'1 ty, me~·nq AICK tfle odMt mecfcal fraternity on the U.T. Ctl'l'p..it. Ott January 5. 1959. the AKK's tr10-..d -,,to tt..1·, ,., .. '"'•P'•' ho"'' at 747 Cct1o1•t A"Ve HERSHEL P. WALL p,.,;de•t ofter mony years of pfol'l.,;'n9 Of! tfoie; pott of e(ioves e1d • v~ni. Th's·, ti-. F;rst c.!sp· I ter of Aipflo Kappa Kappe ever to bw-1d • "' .. (k.p•ef houie •"d for , .. s •• ••• tn,;~ WILLIAM M. HICKS Vic•Pres;d•fl't pro1.1d. ' Th• pod y.er wos cert• l'lfy • b'q Of'!• for AK~. of t~e h1h iq~ts ••• t~• lSth JOHN M OYER ltMrottt o ... ln•entot:cmo' Convenfio11 of Al(K •••ch ess.e..-bled ,,. A1,1911s~ ... th Ort1~• Ctiep••t e c•-11q IENNITT L. C•OWDEl. 11 •econ! "I Sec'y. •s host. F.etured spe•l•r• et tfri·s •vent ...,. bro•'i••• Weter C AAer•r M.0. Oriterf'•· fo"• Ty lr.owl'I iri••r""st; floted M.,...,pk"s ped etr~·•I\. F. Ttletfles M ti::M M.0 rec•e• '/ l'la""ed Te"'~•n••• 0oct0f of t.._e Y.. r . •"d Ho!'IO'"ery Gral'ld V.c•-Pr.. 'ld•"' ~( Ak.K 1,. ••,,,.t o"a' c )'cf• v. c,°'.. M.O .. o ,., c.t o.p .... •y of°'"' o-" O..~a Chap••·· AJthou9h •• •t•n"t • b...l'\CI\ of bool..ot"l'l'IS. A KI( ioes I.cl the t&•.. ftl'la40t "'•cl"c.a1 fre tern·t·n 1.el,otastica :Y for th. past Y••'- 01o1r SJ>O("ts rit(.Ofd attest• to t~e fa

• First Row: Clyde V. Croswell, M.D., Hon. Grond Vice-Presi· dent AKK lnternotionol, District Deputy: How or d 8. Hosen, M.D., Primorius: Chorles E. Pock, M.D .. Sponsor; He,.hel P. Woll, President; Williom M. Hicks. Vice·President; John M. Oyer, Treosurer: Sennett L. Crowder, II, Recording Secretory.

Second Row: R. Newell Finchum. Corre.ponding Secretary· Joe B. Cooper Historian: Thomas R. White, Mor>holl· Bruce E. Walk­ er Warden: M. A. Fty, Chop­ loin; John T. Albritton. Robert 8. Avery. AKK

Third Row: H. H. Boclion. Horry V. Bork, Jack B. Campbell, Thomas l. Cook, William F. Craddock, John E. Do rm on, 4 Ernest A. Forsten \ . 11 19 88 I I '

Oe th. UlftftY s~t Oont te&:---eet Alpha Kappa Kappa

D;rly jol•

First Row: W. C. Gront, Jomes J. Homilton, Jomos C. Hudgins, Oovid M. Hurst. H. 0. Johnson. 0I • ... Oovid /\. Jones. I\. P. Kelly. Charles 0. Kennedy.

Second Row: Cr.lford F. Kerby. R. W Mortin. Charles R. Moore. Robert M. 0-.etholt, Ernest P. J Palmer. John 0. Parlinson. Joe E. Perrish, Monty W. pi,; ps.

Svol Third Row: l\le• Rhoton. Eorl F. Rich. Jomes P Richord1, Fred C. Robinson, C. J. Smith, G. R. Summers. Jomes l. Williams.

M•mb•n "ot pi,tvr•d: Jem•s S. Ger· fl•'· E. Eerl Mtt '>-... O•""Y J. R·d· d"'


90 De to Siqmo Delta Freter"lty ••1 f0f.lt1ded et ttie Un·ver11ty of M ch:qe1"11 01t Novel'!'lber IS IS82. by ten ouhto"d.,,q younq me" who were t'!'ltt'!'lbe•1 dwtol\q '"'• r.r1t 1chool yeer of t"'• ••· ,rence of Oelto Siqmo De ta and are cens der.O Hie cl\er•tr Mtmben. I I OFFICERS Ttie preserit c!oiopter at ti.it Un vt"''Y e r,,,, chap•er ;n th• Sout~. Ttle fO\>l'ld.nq of KepP9 Kep1)41 Clo.ept•r ••\ ,,..,. teble s t\Ce tfle Ve"M:Jerbi t Ul'l"versity Co! •CJ• of Oetit;stry c.lo-lu'• -•• follc ••d by the O~I'!· nq cf tio,e Coif~• SJ'M t-t HAlt01S0"'4 WorO•" ~•s•er of 0.nt ~hy ot r'\41 Un·..,.,,_·ty of Ten.,es~ ,. Me"'pt\ s. 1 ' ~ Ell Y OREW AllXANOER Sc• bo !t d ...·th qreo• pr de •tiet ••of 0. •• St9""'• 0. '• 1oc- et the pel reco1d of ti!. s fre'9'" ''I· Sc:hoJor"n·p "'•' el••Y' p •'led en ""'Po'te·o Ptitt 11 1"'4 '• cf tl\"s qrowp •• ce"I be •••n b1 MElil:llN COHlN Tr•es-..rer .,."' no•io.n of tl-e spec'°"'' frcphy c.e\oe. Mel!ly cf tt-• bto•h•11 <•fll b. f~Nf occ ..p'I l'q offk•s n t~• sr ... d•I'!.• orqo .. ·ut ons e"C:J ot.,ers of eq~ ,.,.., t. ' TNi pos• '!'••" Iotas brouqlo.• •bo..• •L*ensl'Y'9 t•l'IOV•'!OftS n tM houM e"ld 9rCMtl'ldt, ·Mk.d 11q tef ... rb·,1t; .. 9 of ""'• C()l'l'lp ete r.rs• •.ocr. Modern·:ato0n of tke Wiem•ftt fee t •t 'or eet•rt'• fl• m•nt pote .. • o'it-es of ;f...e freteu\oty he, be.n eccOl"pf, t.ed P •"'• ••• ft.OW "*' • •t '°' out "•"' fre'eu1·ty J..ouse •o b. loco•ed 01'1 ffo,e Ut1 ftt'll!y e;f Ter: eu.e s pt'Opot.ed fre+•rn.ty re... TJi's ~·t yNr sow .i.,. p:ed9'nq of. rt'!. q'°"'p of yovt19 "'•" .,.,d .... of o••• s 9""'• o••• '•• Oh. •• 9ov• the1e helt 1-0 Jiyefyl i"'ot t+..• ""' "9 year • mOl'e t~•"' ••'-eed °"'' ••PO<••t Of'IS Gr.d ...ef• m•mbers of fh-, 're•ert'I ty ••• ftOw oc.c1i1py t'ICJ t~ mef0f1ty of ti!.• 0.p.et•"'ent H.. ds a• tfoie Un verl-ay of fe,.,neuM Col•q• c' O.ri! 1t"V, •record of -hich 0.ke S ther r.~ el'-lmrrus s the pre,-derrt tif th• M•'"oh 1 D•P1tel Assoc et o,n llie f..,t.,.1e of O•lto Si9rrie Delta is · t1deed prom 1<11q •"d we '"' t~t b 9'1•' eri.d better ·~·1191 Delta Sigma Delta ore 'let to come.

Fint Row: Bill Crouch, Grand Mo•ter: Som H. Ho rd i 'on, Worthy Mo•ter· Kelly Drew ((':d Alexonder, Scribe· Merlin Co· hen, Tr e o' u re r· George L. - Somoho. Junior Poge· Ke:th Harrison, Tiler· Milton l. Ado ms.

See<>nd Row: C•o· e• '. ""'"' ,Cd Joel Ber n Joe G. B•ewe• Tom ' - ·1 I _,, Brody Ve oo B•oN• B. Chor es _. .. .. ' ~ --.-?'" Bruce Robe.., A. B.rch. -

Third Row: leonord Chedwe I. J. H. Ch,1dress George M. Clerk. Jeck N. Denton. Free D i e i r i c h, Hugh D. Dorri1, George E. Dunlop.

9J 92 Delta Sigma Delta

Finl Row: Robert H. Dunn, Dil­ lord Dycus, J. Woody Forbes. Ernest Fryor. Louis 8. Gilhom. Rober! A. Goodloe.

Second Row: Donold H. Good· mon. Jerry Gent Guffey. L. D. Ho • Joe< T. Herd, Don HiU. Joe> W Hotkcher.

--... Third Row: W oyne Hughes, Fred A. Jobeley, Jerry Johnston. ~~:~, Chor'•> 8. Jones, Corlton M. Long. John Lloyd.

95 --- r

- '

Delta Sigma Delta

First Row: Jere B. Lowe. Robert L. Mortin, Horold Mitchell, Williom R. Posey. Horold Leo Russell. Richard M. Sasnett.

Second Row: Jomes E. Se.ton. Robert P. Sm'•n. Char•• 8. Staples. Jimmy St'mson. Wil· liom M. Thomos. HerO.rt M. Vorn. Ill.

Third Row: Joe L. Woswn. Thomos W. Wiclhom, lro E. w: ioms, Henry Franklin Youn9. M•l'ftberl not P'civr..d: Herry l. lon9 R09er Abe Al•c E. 8ro-wn Reymond L Chombers. Le ... is A Cioiombl.u Poul C. Cherbonreeu Jecl D. Cos Horold Denitl Crocler .... G\ly H. Do.,,;s. Huqh Free. Jemes !'>.' Hair. Rob.rt C. L;neber9er, Joe L. Mos•er. Elmer Tyler Peorson. AMtl Clarence Petersot1, W; om 8. Roul· - 1tot1, Roy, .H. Ridge. Richard 0. R0o9en, Ptull1p Sherman_ David Sheo lo~on Benjy Strin9fellow. Jim Turner, M1hon Gory Waldrop, Cloude R. Wood, Don Ye.erwood.

96 97 l~• ftrst pharmecy fraternity of the profess•onel freterriitie1, Kepp.t Pd. we1 l~t1dtd •t Rus~ll Military Academy, New Heven, Ccnnect;cut, on Mey 30. 1879. Si1tce thet tt'l\e K•ppo Psi has dead:ly proqreued to its pt.-ient strel'lqlh of forty.ei9ht ect;ve collf9i•te chapten o,,d tweiity·.._.o octive 9raduete chtpters •ith tnore tliet1 50.000 membt". OFFICERS Psi ch.,pter ..,.,, Of9a,,Ued in Memphis il'I l•ll. After • 1le-* but tlMdy increese in tntfl"t-raNl'laq fratern;ty on tlo.e U.T. c•mr.s in Mtl'l'lphis. AIM), Pit chepter ttke1 WILLIAM M. OLDHAM p,..:dont f)'ide ;!I uyinrg tl-at ·• ;,.if,attd l'l'IOft members t ti'\ eny ot,...r Kepp. Ps: ch.pter ;,. tfrt e 11at;Of'I for t~e Yff' 19S9-60 eicept o"• other c~p+er. JIM PARRISH V"~Presid•l'lt k.ppo Psi tal., pride in its fre~rn:ty lotow5e •"''ch ;, oak el"ld pit'it pe,.eled tlitCX1g"-o..t. JEUY KELLY S.C•et•ry TN tee•,,•y r•-iode'ed b."q11•t room is t._• envy ef t~ t11t;,• c•"'pus •"d Is tti• ,·+• or tf

Wo joiMd lho Ptl'1 First Row: Seldon D. Fourt, Doon, College of Phormoey: l. E. Q , Bingenheimor, Grond Council Deputy; Kori J. Goldner, Spon sor; Williom Swofford, Sponsor: Williom M. Oldhom, President; Jim Porris h, Viee·Presidonl; Jerry Kelly, Secretory.

Seeond Row: Bird Clorl, Tr•••· urer; Corroll Reogon Choploin; Bi Elliot, S.r9eonl-ol-Arms Bil: Ainley. Jo

Third Row: Jomes 8 o 9 9 e 11, Aad tfiten I tolc:I ..,. if ~ Burnice Bi1 .n9sley, Chorles Bin· fO<"d, Joelie Blodord, Buddy Bronson, Vone• Broyles. Leder Coldwell.

Fourth Row: Chorles Corr, Wil liom Cole, Pol Cook, W oylond Cothron, Jomes G. Crone, Jo• seph Cummins, lorry Depriest.

98 I •


I Don't I lool el~:.011

Kappa Psi

Thii slvff hos been a9t d fot 99 yeen

First Row: Don Ellis, Jomes Er­ ronton, Joe Evans, Cliff Exum, Jomes Ferguson, Robert Floyd, Nick Fosler, Moxie Former, Al· • fred Donald Fuson, Lorry Gollo­ her.

Second Row: Gumbo Gordon. J. Joe Hockett, Corl J. Hole, Howes Heard, Lorry Holcomb, Jim Hurt, E. Allen Hyde, Corl Hylton, John Kinard, Tom Kirk· endol.

Third Row; Jim Lowe, Jim J. Lutson, Keith Mitcheli, Chorles Morrel'. Lynn W. Munsey. L. Lloyd Myers, Ken Neol, Jere Ne­ vi le, Forrest Ponmley, Sam Powell.

Founn Row: Bennie Reams. Mike Royburn, Bob E. Richesin, Leoro Robison, Lewis Shores, W oyne Shroder Jim Stollcup. Don Mr. ' r•sid••t Stontll, L Hess Tooms, Bill Wilkerson.

Fi~h Row: E.W. Wilson, Thomos WooiJ.

Memben not pich1red : Chucl Berry, Jomes Brody, Jock Cempb.11, Preston Cot•s, Dovid Comer, Tom Crowford, Wayne Durrett, Jim Eol in, Petrlcl Eromo, Oou9los Fisher, Jim Gerriwn, Gone How\s, Jomes T. Hill, Lynn Holt, Evon Lancoster, Luis Yuio. Jim Mor· sot, Jerry McKinney, Bennie Mitch.II, Gene Moore, Ed Mouis, Joseph Nor· ris, Ron.old Porltt, Bob Roinwoter, Bill Slouqhtor, Chorlie Smith, Von Swo:m. Jomes Toylor, Williom Trout, Tom WiU;ams, Diel: Wilson. The Phi Cl-' M•d'col Frefefn-ty ••' fo1.1,.ded et t~e U"iver11ty ~, Vermont Of\ M•rt.h )I, 11&'9. It has qrc•n fo becOl'I"• tl-e lorqest ni.d C• fretern ty '" the ... orld •th 51 chepteN spreed o-w.r tho wofl

First Row: Pot E. Burlison. Prosi· dont: Bill Young, Vico.Prosidonl: George Morris, Ill. Secretory: Russell L. Browning , Treosuror: John Crobtree, House Mgr. : Williom M. Adoms. Tony J. Al;n. Joe G. Al i<0n, Jomes R. Ammons Jom•• Roy Appleton,

Second Row: Jomes M Aust;n, Robert Bo,,ey. Mortin R. Boler, Gordon S. Bol ou, J. H. Borler, Sam T. Borne>. Hol S. B

Third Row: Wolloce P. Beg· neoud. Donold M . Be•ry, S. Lone B'tkne • o·c< B nger. Ben J. B•rdweB. Trovis L. Bolt~n. S.."'uel A. Btodfo

Fifth Row: Wolloce E. Combs, Nelson Copelond. Charles W. Cox. Dovid Co•, Robert S. Creelmore, Joh n Crenshow, Cloy H. Crowder, Virgil H. Crowder. Roy DeHorl, Wolter Derryberry. 103 Phi Chi My • tml You've got my • rml

First Row: Elia C. Dimitri, Tom 8. Drinnen, Ainsworth Dudley. Jim Edwards, Ronold Eith, Clyde Ellzey. Dennis Elrod, Chorlos Emerson, Richord G. Farmer. Alfred l. Ferguson.

Second Row: Edmund M. Filt· gerald, John Fleming, John For· syihe, Davi• Fort, Colin Fox. Edgar Fran~lin, Edward Franh, Wa lace D. Gri.. om, Wooley Guice a.,,;1 Haddad.

Third Row: Robert J. Haley, Robert E. Ham. Jim Hancocl:, Joe W. Harb. Larry Heynos, Darold Hender10n, Bruce W. Herndon. Worrer, Herron. James M. High. Jim Holland.

Fourth Row: Tom Holliday, Wil­ liam 8. Hopson Jerry Hornsby. Nelson Houston. John Howe, John Howser, Ken Hunt, Law· rence Jocl(son. Jerry Johnson, J. M. Johnson.

Fifth Row: Mock Johnson, Pud Johnston, Jerry Kennedy, Jorry Kinder Elton A. King, Charles Kirby, George Knapp, Paul Kyker, James Lawson, Rene Ledbetter. Phi Chi Oh, l aw cfy J•1wsl

First Row: Perry 8. McCollen, Don L. McC.slin. Lon McCor· mick, John D. McEochin, Jolly McKenzie. Ted Mochler, Tom Morks. Chorles Molhis. Thomos W. Meriwether, Dovid P. Mil· ch ell.

Second Row: John Mont9omery. Jimmy Moore. Smith Murroy. William H. . Andrew Nelson, Hoel Newmon. Tom Nichols, Jock 0 d om, Tom Odom Leder 0 •n.

Third Row: Geoe Overho.t, Bob Owen Britt Owens. K" Potroc<. -r Roqer Peele. Jerry Phi f>$, Lloyd H. Pemmom. Wo om Potter, Gory Pr m, Lorry Roul· ston. Fourth Row: Cloy Renfro, 0. C Renner, Robert L. Rich· oodson. Chorlts D. Roberson. John E. Robinson. C..:il Rowe, Hompton Roy. Gene Rutlond, Chorles Sofie'. L. C. Sommons.

Fifth Row: Heymore Schettler, Bob Schmidt, Fenton Scru99" Finley Seo9le. Roy Seol" Som Shomiyeh, Tom Simpkins, Sill Sims, Jock Snopp. Dovid Sisk.

107 I '

Cold bod P•• I Phi Chi

First Row: Irving Stoley. Doniel Stomper. Joy Stein, Bob Stew· orl. Lloyd Story, Horold Sutton. Joe Tolley. Diel Tonnen, George Toylor, Poul Thompson.

Second Row: Cloyton Trov· lond Robert Tucker, Joe Tyson, Curtis Von Hooser, Jock Vought. Roy Vermill'on, John Voollos. Jomes Wolkor, Phil V. Woler•. 8~1 Wotkins.

Third Row: L; o W oyne. Jomes Weob. Ben Wetherington. Don Wheeler. James White. Don Wilson. Chor es Wender Fred Wood. Worren Wright: Bob Young.

Fourth Row: lorry L Durisch. J r., R. C. Hosfogs. Hol Hender· son. Chor'e• D. Prikhord. Elbert f. Simpson, Wilf.om Tucler, Rondy Turner. Jim Vonce.


108 T"'- Phi Delta Chi fro•orn;ty .,,..., founded on Novemb.r 2, lllJ. et the Un1votiity of Mich gen. E oven ~en '*tro 9othor.d koto to eff.ct tn or9on1 1ot 01'1 to odvol'I<• tho 5C •"Ct of pharmecy ond to foster •"d promo1o o fro1eu10 ~p:r t omonq 1h momb.rt.. Ftt>tn thi, h.q;ron ""J· ti-to frotorr:ity has

o ... ~. Clot.tpter fotas sJ,o..n ,,, ob· ,ty to ~.. d n thot ltc.•hrtr Fro'"\ ..,., ..,, ol~ttd 0 , CAltl N MARCUM Pte1"dant V.co-Prfi>do.-• o' •loio S•...dent ~"" Oil•or "'''"btir' of tti.. Chop•or o to hold of;;cos " ,,.,. StuO.~t e,o~ch of'"'• AJl'loiA al'ld Rho Ch.I. Nat OM HOl'Otary P'tlar,,.aca..,t<:a Soc.. ty. ROIEltl H. MARTIN Yi<.•Pr~d•"' °'1r tKee• y •«•ed oF..c.•n ro q .. de th• fratetl'l!iy rhrouq:h rl\e com."9 .,.. , ar• a•'°"'" PHILLIP l. DEWIRE Secretary !owl: G.ra4 l..nt P1e-s>defl• Pat• Ma901.1"". v., •. p,.,KJ.,.t; ~•Ni• l-,~h, S..Cr•t•ty: Joli.ft Ho­ st t.,+a for t" i tra., "9· It'' tlo.e "'qrais tooh of o"r tota a~cOl""'pl •hMent. fflod,vid1.1al dlap­ t•'1 a"

~ RNI Row: Dr. M. E. Homnor, Spon$0r: Dr. C. H. Smith, Spon­ r ~ -=-' sor: Corl N. Morcum, President: • Robert H. Mortin. Vice· Presi­ dent: Phillip L. DoWiro. SKro­ -- tory: W Oonold Wright, Troos· uror: Gerold T. lusl, Hou5" Monogor

Soc:ond Row: Frool S..•or, Oovid D. S.yse. Woyno W. Boom. Joe E. Br1., R1>Detl C•t••· Ch•rle• W Chadwell, Edw.n J. Deao. So wh•t do •• do witli the l>uih 1 mnx

Third Row: L•rry Dvncon, J•m•• Eid on Joe M Empion, Phill;p B. Enl omo, Jerry C. Grove•. Geno Gilbow, Borton M, Hoyos.

111 no Phi Delta Chi

Fi"I Row: Jon C. Hutchinson, C. Thomas Langford, Jr.. Roy M. Ledbetter. Poul B. Lunceford, E. Mendel Mehr. Poul R. Melton, J. Alfred Morgon, J. Barry Rich· ords.

Second Row: Donald L. Tenny· son Char.es H. VonCleove, Char es D. Whalod. Cecil W. M•a .,,;h t'-• *•"' A\"n, George D. Deal, Ch.,fes M. Duncan, Billy M. H0

N•• w•y to itwdyl7 Third Row: Herbert W. Keath. ley. Kendal M. Lynch. Galo B. Me

M•mb•u not pfchued: Edwotd R. 8.errett Jerry l. Bel:, Cher!ei L. Con. le_y, Jome\ R. Deberry, lrvin(J J K·rJCh, Williorn 8. Hornor. Poul o: Renfro, John R. Sieqfried, Gilbed C . Woqqonet.

113 y ' t A Phi Rho Sigmo is on inlernotionol medico! frolernity founded ol North­ tl ::- ~ a~ western University in 1890. As o professionol frolernity. it l>mits its member· ~ ship to the field of medicine. It does not odmit members of other medico! , froternilies (excepting honor societies} but moy inaiote members of the 1 ~ ~ generol sociol or lilerory frolernities. Phi Rho Sigmo is o member of the t ! i Professionol lnterfrolernity Conference ond the Medico! lnterfroternity ' - Conference. Phi Rho Sigmo hos choplers in opproved medico! schools in the ~ . . l l!l Jb OFFICERS - United Stoles ond Con.do. tonging from Novo Scolio lo Colifornio. It moinloins o permonenl Control Office in Pittsburgh, Po . Phi Rho Sigmo hos twenty-six un

O•c•n First Row: Bill W ilborn, Prosi· dent; R. B. McMohon, Vice. t President; Julion G. Fleming, ~ Treosurer; C. W. Moslet5on, Secretory; Jo mos M. Cooper, Don R. Tielens, ChorlH E. Wiley. I Ill, Normon L. Horris. Second Row: George R. Looney. J. 8. Moon, J.C. Knight, 8. G. Goss. Williom J. El•ins. Jome Milom, Fronk Wilson. R. T. Knight.

To ••ch Jin own Third Row: Richord E. Go lowoy, w· "om F Gob., R. W. Seotoo. J, t • Eoson J.M. Dobson R. M. Greenb.tum, Me Gro!1, Joe< G. Richmond. T.-si time

Fourth Row: Fred 8. Looper, C. W. Bryon! H T. Griuord. S. 8. McClory, F. R. Bornhill, Jr., John 0. Loy, E. J. Jorboe. E. E. Perry.

115 114 Phi Rho Sigma

Fir.t Row: Chorlos B. Hor9rovo, H. M. Wodsworth, S. C. Roy. T. E. Hoyos. Robort G. Hutchins. G. B. Shover, H. P. Hoover, C. C. Se.ton.

Second Ro•t: W . C. Thoele<, J F. Roze le. A. l. Wh;te Jr T. G. Hood. J. B. Green. N. G. low­ yer, H. M. lAbiche, W A. Pot fer.

Hot 11umber

Third Row: C. M. Alderson, M. A. Horris, G. W. Jen\ins, J. M. Wesborry. E. M. Jones. John C. Neole. II, l. E. Yotes. W. R. B

Fourth Row: C. W, Porroll Jr.. J. T. Horgrove, 0. l. Cunning· hom, W. C. Froncis.

M•mbers "ot pichu•d: R. T. 8erntt, J. C. Boels, Ill, W, G. Burrow, J. F. Herd, J. M . lvit, 0. G. Kinq, F. M. Mon•v. David Mtytr, J, V. Pender.

117 Psi Gamma Chapter of Psi Omego Froternay, locoted ot I 2H Union Avenue. is the largest dentol frolernity on the Universlty of Tenneuee Medi· col Units compos. Psi Gommo Chopter wos founded in 1926 ond ot the OFFlCERS

present boasts • membership of one hundred thirty.,even members. RAY GRAVES Pf*tident The scholorship award hos been presented to Psi Omego for three out of tho JOHN LEWIS Yte•Prt1'

First Row: Roy Groves, Presi· dent; John Lewis. Vice-Prosi dent; Norwood V. Srown, Jr.. Secretory: Son Ussory. Treas­ ~>. urer; Jomes Eastburn, Po1f Prosi· ~ I dent; Thomos H. Viclers. Po1t Vice-President· Joseph E. Poco. Jr.. Po1f Treasurer: Albert K. Abide, Horry J, Adoms. Jr,

Second Row: Joe F. Arnold. Louis W. Avriett. Chorles Dovid Boin. Srondt L. Soler, Chorles B. Boker, Vitus S. Borr6, Oovid R. Souhom, Johnny M. Sotos. Eorl Croig Beord.

How abovt aaotlter c.horu, of ..l ol out th. Mrr.r1

Third Row: s· y A . Belew, Percy A Bennett. Jr. Edword L. Boroh, Roberl G. Brown, Edword J. Cardosi, Richord A Corpentor, Edd C. Chitt.. m, Gerold B. Colo, W illis 0. Cowon.

Fourlh Row: Pot 0. Cox, Rolph M. Cox, Richord H. Dixon, Moc W. Dorris. Leo R. Dyer, Albert L. Evott. Jr.. Fred 8. Foullner, Bennie D. Fitts, Arthur 0. Floyd.

119 118 I lJ Psi Omega .... ••·:..-·· I ' Would •"yi>ocfy c•r• for• cfNnk?

Rnt Row: M rris L. Fron~. Jr., Melvin 0. Go lihon, W11liom D Hoilhcod Charles R Holl, Jr, Chorles M. Hannon. F. Poyne Hordison, Edword S. Heolon, Jomes M, Henderson, Charles T. Herbert, Jr., Charles 0. Hoque.

Second Row: Walter 8 Jen n q <" n A. Johnso~ Her

mon Gen o,IV W am T Ke ey, Jomes A. K "9 W. om L. Kitchens Horold M lane Charles W l.ar19f0

Third Row: Robert H. Lee Ar •f.ur • L ndsey Jr Ar19c!o B. .Q. luclet+ Jr., W1 om E lucl ..., mon, Ernest E lump•n, Jr, Jomes G. Luton W 1lliom T. Mo· lone. Robert E. Mor's, W . C. Ml\rti" W i 'aim T. Mortin.

Fourth Row: James R. Me· theney, Kirby G. McGrow, Gor­ don l. M.ller. Wi lfiom A. Mil· chell, Jr.. Douglos S. Moore. John S. Moore, J. Tuder Moore, Olin D. Moore, Jr.. Robert E. Morris, Poul E. Normon, Jr.


120 Psi Omega

Fil'1t Row: Thomos A. Normon, Jool M. Odom. Richord J. Oglesby, Jr., John E. O'Nool, Williom Morsholl Porker. John G. Porrish, Omer L. Petty. Wil· liom F. Pierce, John S. Polios, Mobrin Porker Powell.

Second Row: U.rry J. Puckett, Alvo G. Roinwotor. Jock Ron· dolph, Chorlie G. Roy, Jr., Herbert S. Reed, R. P. Rogol'1. Jr., Williom W. Rose, John Poul Rushing, Emery A. Russell, Jr., Floyd T. Sellers.

Third Row: Jimmy l Shoneyfelt, Hunhlr L. Shepherd Chorlio R. Sincloir. Albert J. Smith. Horry R. Smith. Jimmy E. Snow, Clor· ence l. Stonford, Richord H. Sullivon. Jr.. G. John Touliolos, Pow• B. Trotter. Fourth Row: Donold Worren Vogl, Robert L. Wo<.er. Phillip c. Webb. Ronold D. Wells, Portlond C. Whiteheod, Jr• Horry E. Wickes. Jr., Stonley E. Willioms, John T. Wroy, Joe D. Wright.

M•mh•n not pkhtttd: l . L Alptri, G. T. Betten. J. B Bryent. K. R. Cet· Nth. J.C. Emtns. J, W_ GIHvts. B.. R. H1rrit, U. S. HtMqtt, R W, Htt1111tt, C. R. Manhell. F. H. Morqtrt, R. W, Olivtt, J, $, Pterton, W. L. Pop•: J. T. Putltn, A. A. Reqister, C. 0. R1ct, T. A. R~ch, S. L Swindle, F. E. Thomson, C. P. Twr\, J, A. Tvson, J. 8. Wetl•. J. 8, Wiltctler.

l23 122 Xi Psi Phi Fraternity wos founded ol the University of Mich'9on on 1889, ond now hos o total member.hip of well over 20,000. Al present there ore thirly· three Active Chapters and forty-nine Alumni Chapters.

Alpha Omicron Chapter, located ol 871 Union Avenue. wo• or9enized ot the University of TeMesset College of O.nli•lfy in 1921 end the Chopter wos OFACERS readivotecl in 1947. GLENN S. GALLIEN Presideif'lt The Xi Psi Phi Frotem"ty i• o brotherhood of men chosen from tho.e wllo JIM f DRAKE v;~p,_;o...,, hove decided upon o career in the profession of O.nti\try. It"""' O«Jonized for CHARLES E. NAVE S.c.re+ery tho purpose of providing o better, more subdonliol fo..ndolion upon which to JOHN H. GAUIEN Tteasut.,. build• successful professional r.le: of creoli119 o desire for a deoner, health" er, ond more wholeoome atmosphere in which lo live: of developin9 on opprecio· tion of the quoliti" of friendship ond hospitolity; end of dimulotin9 o de>ire to include these quoliti" in the chorocler of its members. Xi Psi Phi ' A11otf~•r- Zip pre1tntation of 011hterricfin9 senior ew•rd to Clardy & Mtfdt. First Row: Glenn S. Gallien, President; J. F. Droke, Vice· President; C. E. Nave, Secre· tory; J. H. GoIii en, Treosurer, J, R. Minish, Philemon, Jim P. Blankenship, Editor.

Second Row: D. E. Jeffery. Co­ Ru•h Chairman; J.M. Goss, Co­ Ru•h Chairman; 8. C . Spouldin9. Co-Ru•h Choirmon· L. J. Good· 9ame. Co-Ru\h Choirman: H. E. Anderson. Intramural Mon· 09er: Gerry N. Allin•.

Taliag •dwaatag• of• commerciel Guh1119 tfte ..... ,••• •t.o • .

Third Row: H. 0. Ben•on, Som M. Bin9hom, Gwen H. Boyd, - ·,; Honorary Member; Jomes G. 8ullin9ton. J. T. Bullard. Richard ~ L. C lardy.

125 .... • - I Xi Psi Phi All thot.• Zips do il lt.ve b.nqueh fOf their se"ionl

R,.t Row: D. D. Cobb. George M. Cone, W. C. Criswell, Boiley M. Crodorell, Poul D. Dorby, Poul D. fitzgerold, Kenneth F. Freels, Corlos W. Golbreoth.

Second Row: George E. Gillion, A. H. Holliburton, Jr.. Don E. Homro, R. A. Horden, W. A. Hollond, J. L Hutchison, Rolph T. Lawson, Jomes S. LOllCJ.

Third Row: K. D. Mclaughlin, L M. Mitchell, C. E. Moore, J. W. Pyron. W. R. Roberson, J. W. Spears, W. M. Stanley, Horry E. Toylor, J. R. Tenpenny.

Memb•n not pietur.d: B. 0. S.nnttt. G. P. e;tyeu, Mt• W. 8fown, Jomu k. Oerl. Ed ....erd R. Cull's. T. J. O•vent Jol'T'les l. Georqe. M. J. H•~tv. Johl"I J. Ha•lins. M. C. Hodqes. E. 0. Hofman. V, E. Hughes K. 0. Jackson. J. W, John10n, R. J. Kenn.mur, J. W. luvitt, Troy McOonokl, Jr., Richard A McKMhan, l. J, MOfot.s Wil· liom E. Neovons,. Vance R. Sherp, Jomes E. Simons, H. R. Smith, A1h~S· tasio Ts.ol onas. Horry A.. Walofield. Jemes W. Woyne, Jr.. R•gol A. Yoden, J. L Yeneey.

127 126 - Lambdo Koppo Sigmo, lnlernolionol Phormoceulicol Sorority, wos founded ol Mossochusetts College of Phormocy on October I~. I'113. Sine• then Lambdo Koppo Sigmo hos continued lo grow ond is now th• oldest ond lorgesl pharmo· OFFICERS ceuticol sorority with H active chapters in the United Stoles ond Conada ond IS groduote chapters. Our besic sorority operolion provides for the troining, NELL C. IACON Preiidel"t of young womonhood culturally, socially, educolionolly and professiono"y. SA""H JANE MILLO Vic•Prn:dt11t The ··Mortor ond Pestle Club" wos formed al the University of Tenn01me o reolity when on Moy 18. 1'151, the group wu inslol'ed ELAINE lttGGS -•porter os Alpha Epsilon Chopter with eight chorler members. Since thol lime member­ ANITA c•oss H"dotiari ship hos increased lo forty-three with two honorory members. I Every yeor l.ambdo Koppo Sigmo becomes more ond m0te oclive on the n.. &.n.,;,,.. r ;ii ttollon UT compus. As we continue to grow. our primory purpose is uppermost in our ~ minds, thot of seeking to furlher the position of women in the profession of phormocy. Lambda Kappa Sigma

First Row: William 8. Swofford, Sponsor: Nell C. Bacon, Presi­ dent: Soroh J one Miller, Vice­ President: Connie M. Meshotto, Secretory: Helen Webb, Treas­ urer: Elaine Riggs, Reporter.

Second Row: An"to Cross. His­ torian: Eloise Borth. Sonda S. Courtney. Amelio E. Hood, Valerie Johnson. Melinda Mc­ Corty.

Third Row: Mory A. Ogle, Ann Pennington, Jo Beth Rettig. Dorothy A. Stewart, Nancy I. Thomas, Shirley L. Browning.


129 128 INTRAMURAL STANDINGS Athletics Phi Rho Sigma 855 Delto Sigma Delta sos Phi Chi 840 Xi Psi Phi 470 Koppa Psi 565 Phi Delta Chi 310 In the closMI lroternily intromural ra~ in year>, decidtd Alpha Koppa Koppa 520 Independents 260 by the last game in the last of nineteen events, Phi Rho Sigma's finishing kid caught Phi Chi at the finish lo win the Psi Omega 520 Phi Delta Epsilon 30 1959-60 Grand Intramural Championship by fifteen points. Koppa Psi finished third. c~rt Seaton and Bill Wilbo-rn receive Gttftd lntr•m1.1ral Champioiuhip tr-opMes for Phi Rho Phi Rho Sigma won the volleyball. softball and bowling Si9m•. tournaments and finished first in the basketball league. Phi Chi won the swimming meet and the golf tournament. Eight frolernities placed fir>t one or more limes in the nineteen· event pr09rom. The intramural manager> named co-winners for both the K. R. Von Hom awards, Dillard Dycus and Jod Spears we.­ chosen best athlete and Bob Burch ond Roy Minish bMt I sportsmen for 1959. W INNERS OF 1959-6'! EVENTS Tennis, Singles: George Morris, Phi Chi Tennis. Doubles: George Morris and Fred Wood, Phi Chi Hor>eshoes: Eddie Andor>on end Roy Minish, Xi Psi Phi Swimming: Phi Chi Pool: Bill Wiley, Keppo Psi Golf: Phi Chi Snooker. Singles: Bill Wiley, Koppa Psi Snooker, Doubles: Ted Mechler and Roy Ammons, Phi Chi YI Volleyball: Phi Rho Sigmo Ping Pong, Singles: Phil Robinson. Phi Delta Epsilon . . Ping Pong, DoublM: John Forsythe and Tom Corey. Pho Cho • Handball, Singles: Rondy McCloy, Independents Handball, Doubles: Rondy McCloy and Richard RoinM. Independents Basketball: Phi Rho Sigma Bridge: Phi Chi Badminton, Singles: Ston Williams, Psi Omega Badminton, Doubles: Bill Thomas and Gory W oldrop. DeUo Sigma Delto Bowling: Phi Rho Sigmo Softboll: Phi Rho Sigmo

l1tdiwidual c.hampio111 dlipl.y frophiet-Aa..cly McCloy, lt&ndb•I; Sta1t Wi'.IJi•.tnt. tMdMitd•": 6eor9• MoniJ. teMk. In oddition to the lroternity othletic evenh, 280 men on twenty-five teams porlicipot.d in the •ummer don •oltbo progrom won by the Medico! Clou of December '59. Jim Wiley won the '59 ' Open" 9011 tournoment, S\ippy Wills won the ·59 'Open" tennis tournoment, ond Phil Rol>nson ond W''ls f.nished f.rst in the doubles. The nurses won the 59 women's vol eybol leo9ue and olso f.nished first in t~e 'llJ women's soltbo league. In women's bosketboD the nurses from U-T won the llJ Cotton Stoles Invitational Nurse• Tournoment ond were tht 1959-60 Memphis Nurses Chompions. The dentol hyg'en sh ond phormocy girls f.eld.d teoms in loco! Memphis leogues.

'1 I I

'•!ii Nomi•• •fief Al At,:de co119,•tvl.to ••dnii"toft b:rd 9t_-h ..,;Oflowt i• f\,..I lf'l.ltc.h of Nu:rwt on wey to fi"t.rouncl Cotto" Stetet wil'I e9e:111t U.W•. GHtqe Motrit e"41 FrM Wood for w;M:f19 doublet tour"•"'•"'· of Md.tiuippt tho t•""'.' d011\>J.1 towffl.el'fte'lt.

BlD Wifoy 01.cvtes difficult shot in pool fiMlt wh:1o "'l'l~•~P Jed Spoot1 watch••·



No, 1( Vol. V Anril 1), lq6o ''" S"'STE!i RE"":RT-:NDUI' C'" AP'UL 2fl--Students will have the c>pnortunity to ratify c-r re,1ect the proposed constitution foran hcnors•rstem for the University <'f Tennessee Medical Uni.ts as nart of the reneral election on Thursrlay, April ?8, Stuc!ents by now have received a letter from the President of the Sturlent Cc-un~il concernine an honc-r system which has been endorsed by the Faculty of Biological Sciences and the Student Council, A three-fourths ma .1<'rit:v of st1l'lents vc-ting will be necessary to ratify the constitution, Copies of the proposed constitution are available in roan 112 at the University Center, U-T S'rui:ENT COUN.!IL llOMT':ATIO'IS <;LCSE ~'.Cll ~Y; ELECTI0N n1 '!WO WEl!l absence of Pt-esirlent Davis Fort. (2) The new faculty aclv1scr, Dr. Barton L. P.cGhe~, was introduced. (3) It was announced that the constitution chanpinr the All Sturients' Club C<>uncil to Student Council has been apnroved by the Faculty Council. (L) The election nrocedure for officer s of the student borlv and for the honor svstem referendum was explained. The election will be held on Anril 2fl, closinr date for nomina­ tions is April lA . (5) ~la~s presidents who have not vet t urned in vearbook pictures were asked to ORGANIZATIONS do.. so by. April 11• . It was announced that copies C\f the vearbook may still be purchase cl for llJ, ,('(I, a · l,C'C' increase in !"rice. (6) The COJn1T1ittee on the Honor S•rstem Jnllrle arranpemcnts for the nN>sentation c-f the hC'nor systeM in each schoc>l to be

CO!!•'EREN ri GE''ERAL '>ENTISTRY J. Adams and Seminar Groun) will 501 c-f the t\'!ntal B11ilning. Pau·.__,, Speed Cu~ tinr Procedures on the ~'!ttlL-~ "Clral ~:ani:'esta•ions c-f Leukenia, 11

JR . DEl:r'AL AUXILIARY 'L'mTS ·~T 'fi!ESl)\y The U-T 'fii'esday April lO, at 7i?C' ~ at t'ie -. Junior Dental Ai·xiliarv meetinp will be held next ' University Center, Alpha Omega Alpha Dean's Society

. ~ - - ~... ~ L) • f~ "' .._ f - fi (' ~~j.... lii'411l.:.. Fint Ro.,..: JomM R. F.eldl. Pres.dent; Ric herd L. C'erdy V ce-Prtl dtflll' 11 ftrst Row: C~or es J. Oee1e 8.S M.S. M 0 .• Ph.0. Ft l~y J\dv · LO\lis J. Moro'-•· $.c:retory_. Alb.rt L. ~eH. Jr. Trte•1i1•er• 9 y A. k '"' 11 11 He S. Toclett, 8.S , M.0., Sec1etery-Ttea•11rer: W1 iem V G, <11 H•storion: Ph- ·p W. R"eff S.n)een•·•f·A.m'ls: Ed• E Fry•' p,..._d•"t 11 JN P1e1"dent Cher ti G. l(,rby V.ce-Pre1 det1t· Jemes P. Ab4r,,et v- G 11Y rt E'~t: Thome' H. Vicl•rs. Vice-Ptes'dent E ect· F.,.tof\ P•r • H•rd IOft. Co~ ond Jt., R"c)lard l Q, erd. Seco"d Row: lvno d M, Orele. /\ bt S.rgeent-af·Affns E ect_ Second Row: Dorie d P. A~~'" Ctl•• •• 8. Bel•'· S. Ger'•"· Jr. w. ''" C Gre,.t • b4-rt J. He ey, Ill C G~·d f K •bt Ed ... erd lff Bore~. V•'po 8. Bro•" 8. Clo!erl•1 Br <• k•"' ,. .. R Ca•rw.th Jo. C. K11 9i--t Co"••y H, Me lory Jr Third Row : Mer9tr•* H Jr\A"u ""' G.or9e M. Co,.e G er1n S. Ge •"'· J°"'" H. G• •"' Th rd Row: )..4eh->Jt \.Y e-. G, M .. ,.,, Af'dro.,.. P Ne lo" Se"" e I 0••"'· fre,.l l. S..991· 0. G· ·,1,el"I Wey"'• H. Hugl-i.s Ver°" E Hl-a~ (- • · A. Joi-"'°"" 11 lh0te f M. Sw dt. Rob.rt E. Meris. Dal• Mct..i.igf.. -.. Pel,!' E. Nor,..•"· . · ol'i E. Pe~• Jr .. Jeue W. Pyro1'. Fourth Row: A ... G. Re t1••'•r. P:.c•e•d M s.,.,.•t Cfierln R. s·ricie·r Jofi" L ~PIO" Jr Oo"ed W 'loqt Joe L Wet'°"· HerfY E. Wicl61 Jr Rob.rt 01o1"'" Me"'b., Not ricMH: OFFICERS w •"" Cto"d O FFICERS ~AMES I F ELOS Pr•sideet RICHARD l CLARDY V",c •. p,eos:o.~t Pre..:de•t The Deons Sociely wos founded ot the Univef1ity of WllllAM V G.NN JR. Tenneuee on December/,, 1948. It is on honorory society for lOUIS J MORALES S.c,..t•'Y Yi


136 - Omicron Kappa Upsilon Rho Chi

~ ~~· ~J (

fiNt Row: H. Vtrl'IOI\ Retd. 0.0.S. Pfts•dtnl; Jernts P, Mc.Kni9f.it, Benon L. McGhM, D.M.D., FA.C.D •• ThcH. 0. N•ch, J•. D.D.S.: I Y M. 8.S. 0.0.S. P1e.-dtt1t E~t: WI·•"' H. Jo ty. 0.0.S. F.A.C.D ... Vice­ Ptnn•I. 0.0.S .. M.S.: Ro-be rt l. Perr.sh. 0.0.S.: Jo-h" C. Rul'flb e, 8.S., Pttt dtl'lt He1~ d P. TJ\omt1 0.0.S f.,A...C 0 .. S.cretery-lt'9t1u,.r; 0.0.S. M.S.· Welter C. Sendwsly, 0.0.S.· F.A.C.0.: Gr"'lv• le SheN'l"tn. Je!f\91 T. A" Row: Robo•t F. l•ylo<. C."l'IO" 0.0 S · Pett J. Ct••~. A a.· 0 D.S. Stcol"ld low: Jal"'ltl G. B.S .. D.O.S.. M.S.O.; W. J Tomp otoo D.D.S. F.A.C.D · h••' • N Ctierry, 00.S: J.,d.o" J. fte. IA 0.0.S.· 1~''"'' E. Nettr, 0.0.S.: Web.r. 0.0.S M.S .. F.A.C.0. New Memb•"I Hw•' M Cw brtet!\. 0 0.S.: Mt•rOl'I l. F1i1I ~. 0 D S S d,..r S. ff,ed"'•"' Sr. 0 0 S. - F.l.C.O.: s-d ..ey Trecy J. Mos•r. 0.0.S_ Wr '"'A. 8erry. 0 0 S; W. K""'bt~h 1ort; S. Fr..d"''" J,,. 0.0 S A. Ne~'t. He lo«f 0 D.S.: Po.ey G. H.d9n Jr.. D.D.S.: i...o... d W. G . D.D.S. G'1 M•y. Jr.• e.s D.D.S.· ,._ • DDS· G W Ho

139 1JB

- • Student Council Student A. D. A.

ltft to RivM: CNra.1 R. Mt,.hetl. S.cretery: OilS.rd ~· OycVl, _Ytt e• , ,.,:dent: Dr. T. H. Sh:pmon. Sport1or; Glenn S. Gell1en. ,,.,,cfe11t; Ktl'll'ltfh Oe'9 Mclt"9hli11, lr•••wrer. OFFICERS

,,.,;dtl'lt GLENN S. GAlliEN


W, DAVIS FORT Prfliide,.,t The Un;versay of Tennessee Chopter of t"e Student JOEL WASSON Yiu·Preside"lt American Dental Association was or9an;zed in N?ve-m~r. NINA L SULLIVAN 1955, ol the reque



The Student Branch of the American Pharmaceutical A"o ciation wa< established in 1948 at the Univer


• Nu rs es' Student Counci I


LIL OLOHA"4 ,,~.!

"'SC LlA WILSON ~I( •. ,,.. d•ft.! SA~H M LU- *'···.., ED NA NOWElL Tr.. wrw

T~e Tennessee Stude11! Chopl•r of !he Amer~n Dental Hy9 en·1i.: AssocialiOt\ on or9011ization compo..d of tho ~entol hy9,ene stude11ts of the Un'ver~ty of Tennesiee, hos os '.ts purpose the fulf. men! of three cb'ect,ve•. Partic'potion ...... --~..-~' -~------· 'n the organization he P' to orient the •tudent in her cho.en -----' ----- profe•~on; incr~o1es her inter••! in ond knowledge of orgon· LIL OLOHAM l'RISCILLA WILSON •zed denlol hyg,ene: ond ocquoints her with tho importonce SAllAH MILLER EONA HOWEt.L of octiv~ membe,.hip in the Am•rican Dental Hygieni1h' A'',"C'atoon ofter 9raduofio11. All membe,., honorary and ochve. wor~ toqether in the intere•I of dentol hygiene with the p~omotoon of pr.oc;iress and higher ideols in their prolenion re.ult1~g .from their elforh. Throu9h its members end ii• orgon11.ot1on, dentol hygiene ho• become 0 greatly re1pected profession.

fint Row; No"CY l•do. p,.,;dent Betsy Woodi. first Vice.Prt~dtnt: No,,

NANCY LADO (MRS.I Pre1'dt"t BETSY WOODS F.ut Y <•-Pre,'dt"t NANCY LANGFORD S.co11d V't

The Student Council of the University of Tenne!'ee School of Nursing is composed of student body ollicert ond o repre· sentotive from each doss w:thin the 1ehool. Thi• group <1rv8' under o studenl-construded conditution ond och u o med;of· ing body between the foculty ond the students. During the past year the council has succeeded in revising the constitu· lion ond dormitory rules and originating o new budget and fononciol pion. With this in mind the 1tudent body wo• oble to undertoke such oclions os sending two representatives to !he Notional Student Nurses' Convention in Miomi, Florido. ond holding the onnuol •pring lormol. The members of the council ore elected by the nursing 1tudonh ond ""'e o term of one yeor; two foculty members ocl os advisors ond help guide the group in its various activities. Student A. D. H. A. "' 144 OFFICERS Junior Dental Auxiliary BOBBIE CALDWELL IM". Geo• Coldw•I) p,0,;cfo,i ANITA DRINNEN (Mtt. Thcm•1 Or.nn•"} First Yic:e.Pfes;Ot,.t TERRY HIGH !Mrs. Jemes H1qh) S.cond Yice·Pres'derot JO ANNA CREEKMORE (M"I. Sh•rm•" Crff\..,.ore) S.ctt~•ry BECKY HANCOCK (Mrs Jem•• Htl"lc0<\) TrMs ... ~ LIZ JONES (M•s- Ge• Jon••) C4..•<•I M..,.bo, REBA Mc:GINNIS (Mrs. Ce,roh MtG'"""} C.0...""ci1 M"'°ber

In 1939 • qroc..p of yCMil!'lq WOft'lel'I • .._,,,"9 tH COWlmol\ bofld of be.--""q ""•cfa' s~udertti· .., _,,.,, '0tmed • s""• soc• ckib et tff'. rs-. pwrpot.e of ttte A1.-• ..ry. it , ..d wei to promcte ft '"'d~ p el'ld better fellows~-p omonq •L• • ves., , h1da Lt~ C.t•mo-1ty wtth (for•9tov~) J .M,A.'1 ClvidtM• pr...a11h fot c.hiWt• ft ift Joh• Galto11 Holpital As tJ..• O«Jo•• z.ot on 9r•w so d d °'' _.,.., ef'l.Cf ~ojects. To \eep pee• .., th *ho e,1pol'l.l°Oft, the by.Jews •ete revi..cl i" ltSS. The Ai.• try's oh:ecis no ... ere dffc:tibed '' thtfffold: ·To '"'cowroqe frlel'ldsfli·p tl'ld 9ood fel ows~·p •. , to pre~te fOf th• fwlwt• rolt es phy1icie11s' ..,· .... oNf to .."'' ttie c:ommwriity end the med;t•' school"' Th• AuJ;l ery now is bi9 bus;"'en_ Tti• Con1titut~ri erid BY"le'#'S ...,.,,. revis.ed il'l 1958 end ifi oct·~ ,.,,,mbtrsh·p tot•ls neer ISO. lht A"'.._; i· ory'• re9u1or •ctivit es include wtlfer• wot\ with tht children'• wtrd of the col!eqo's teechin9 hosp;tel end • Uriiversity... icfo 800\.£.che"ge for the t•••'• of t•atbools. One• ••ch quetftt th• members tniov • lul'lch.on, ond th• E•ocutive 8ootd ..,,...,, os hosteu et en Afternoon Te•. Perh~ps JMA's 9reotest service was tho esteblishinq of • loen fund for J. medic.el students in Jonuory I9S8. At th;s time wo 9eve $2.000 to th• University Loon hind. F•brvory 1959 brouqht o doRotion of $1.700 iRIO th·s Fund. March 1959 s.ew us in1tolled os e Chept•r to the WoM•n's A111iliory to the Student American Medicel As1ocietion, ond wt "'ill ~ enjoy bein9 one of the ler9e1t ond most ective chopters. _ I The Memphis Chaplet. Student Amoricon M•dicol Auociotiol'I. for· merly the Junior Medicol AwAiliory, is o vitel or

The Junior Oentol Aux; ory is composed of Oen!ol Studenl • ,.;ve<. The purpose of tho J1.n;or Denlol Au•mory ;, to pro­ mote friendship and good ,.·g omong ih member> end •ervo os a medium for broodening ther ~nterest. The proiect for the Auxirory ;s to supply tf,e P01•e• loo!h Orphanage with toothpos!e, ond lo prov'de '.'onsportot"" for the children to ond from the r dental oppo ntmonh. We hod on additionol project th;, yoor on !hot we su~pl'ed the J children a! ihe Memphis Neighborhood HO

141 146 Junior Pharmacy Auxiliary Nux Club




WENDELL PARDUE *r•~•ry.Trtti..r•'

The N~x Clu~. h~norory society of the Univenity of Tennes· ~ Mecf.col Units " compo..d of Senion who ore repre

S..ted. ltft to riqht: Mrs. Wtf\. Co't. ~rs . Mt"dt Mef..r, Mrt. P\ p ltrb.r M Mt w'n Rwdd Mri. Jt~ff S.'i9tt•. M.,, Rc-tt. + Mtrt 11 OFFICERS M,, G•"• G bow. SecOl'd Row: M~ C..,e,.e-s Chtcf•• M" "*" Hiett Mrs. Pett Mtq()l.;tt. M'l. Ct-it'" ~th. >.''1. C.c I 1'\.n Mrt ,,., dtt1i R.cNrd l< tr, Mrs. Wm. H•l'!l••'f· Mn. 8 Heltet M~ C. M SIR th MRS. ROBERT H. MARTIN IS-wl Tlwd Row' M"- Ci,,le C."'pbe "'" G be.i W19900., MRS. GENE GILBOW V.c.•·''"'det1t t.A:'t. P•11I "•"fro ,,,,,,.... Rober-+ R.-11.••er, ,,,,!1.. J.,\ s;'.m1 "'°'"' Q..tf.es C.~r. M"'- G• • Me•.. M.,. ·~'"'"Y Gte~. S.Cre+ery MRS. MENDEL MEHR I MRS. ROBERT RAINWATER MRS. CECIL AK'N P'wb ..c tr Che ""•ft MRS. Bill HESTER 0..-otiot!• C.,tltl!!t"

The Junior Phormocy ,.,uxiliery wos orqenized in lhe yeor S.•tH. l•ft to riqlwt: M"l- t.A•""- M•ti.r. S.U.tery .._," Gt~ G 1'151 es e means to promote lriendship end fellow.hip omon9 Vl(•p,.. ~u,t t.An. Robert V•rt ~ Pres dent Mrs C.C .41. l'I Pwblic ty c~. ""•"· St•l'>Cf;119 M"l. c~.~., H ~th. Spontot M"'l. R bert the wives of the Phormecy students of the University of ~. r •••• , r,.•• ,.J'., Tennessee. The members shore beoutiful memories os they loo\ ~ over the post years et the senior dinners, parties, ond pic_nics. btit, the most satisfying memories ore of the u1eful pro1ech corried on during the yeor. The present projects of ihe ou•'.11· ory ere donating food, , end money too needy fom1ly ol Chrislmos ond sponsoring two lovely teenoge 9irls from the Episcopal girls home.

149 148 Wesley Foundation


TO,..MY CRAWFORD P•et di•' EDDIE WILLIAMS E" ••f'lllt"t VtCe-Pfetdfo

ROENELLA G0<>LS9Y Soc t V t· P"ftl0.flf

FRAN~ SCARVEY 0.votoOflt Voe• P~.s oe .. • MARY ANN ,NSKEEP S.c•t'•"Y

BERNIE ORR Mt1ll0ft. CJ.e ~•·

Christianity involves commiftment which is both unioue ond di,t>nclive. The Bapli•I Student Center i1 'I medium iht0ugh which an adherent lo the Chri1tian faith m•y continue lo increose in wisdom ond •loture ond in fovor wah Goel and man." The oclivitie" without e>eeplion. ore plonned with • singleness of purpo•-lhot being that our will1 will be syn· chronized with Hi• will. The •ludent director is Rev. Ruueh E. Bridges. Students. personnel ond foculty of the University use the focilili8' the following hours: Monday-Friday 'I A.M.· JO P.M. Saturday 'I A.M.-11 P.M. Sundoy 2·5 P.M. ond '1-1 I P.M.

The We•ley Foundolion is the compu1 min"stry of The Methodist Church. The place and function of the Foundoti<>n here el the Univer1ily·Medicol Cenl~r i1 lo bing m•~"'.n9 and reelity to the very reel connechon between Cl>r 1t1on foith end the hee!"ng eris. Th's oltempl is being mad• t.hrou9li o !heologicol dialogue.• critical e•ominotion of II-• Ser pf\ir.., expressions of the faith through the orts. o review cf the Ue end miuion of the Church in our lime. ond on •ndeulor.d n9 of the self in the light of revelation ond reoion. The Wesley Foundation office is n the Campus Re ·g·.,.,, life Office on the third floor of the University Center. ood is open Monday through Friday 'I lo 5. The Rev. Beroeley L Poole is the diredor. The Foundation owns two lots on Court Avenue on which o student center w:ll be built There are two regular wee~ly evenh: Wednesday Evening Mid-Week Breok and Sundoy Evening Forum .

.. ...c.r -

Union 151


The 1960 Asklepieion The .tall of the ASKLEPIEION is composed of students representing the Colleges of Medicine. Dentistry: Ph•"";~~·

and the School of Nursing. Over a penod of n•n• mo .1 these students, with the ossistonce of Jim StockdaleE~:b~ the pictures and other materials from which the ASKL emerges. d' . f h' L- L can re• ily By glancing through the poges o t IS .,..,o •. one • see that students at the Medical Units find that th•,;- ard days of fun ond goiely os woll os those of difficult stu Y on long hours. h We of the staff hope thot the 1'160 ASKLEPIEION •: . f .d currances 0 captured on poper some glimpses o every •Y OC tly the University of Tennessee ond has depicted them correc ·

152 Directory of Graduates Directory of Graduates PALMER Erned P. 1409 lePelome, ~errp}.'s. Te~n. DENTISTRY-JUNE 1960 1 MEDICINE-MARCH 1960 KIRBY. Cher es G. )~?9 G el":£• d Or kf'll:r... e lMll. PHllLIPS. Jt'ry C. 8¢,, 127. Mc:Ke- :.·e. Te•ft. ~N GHI Robert T. 1106 Eeit Me'n. Murfreeiboro. Te""' Pl-41lLIPS. ~onte W. 1629 Ed9ehill, Cf.tetfel'looq• Te,,fl. IA~ER Ch• I )I) W ft S Jr::•ft.. tt M) ))16 Fe'rmOllt Or,. Nesfo.-w. e. Te-n. S.""-' lea..'l 1414 Pe"'Ml'!\ A.. N•i)iv • T•"'l'I.. MACHLER Theodc•e J. Boo: 265 o.. rr. d Stech fe PIERSON Jo~• D. IASS!iettel'IOOC)e. l•"" Jore1 Ole STEIN. Jey H. MOORE. Je.,,tt 0. 905 St. Joh" Oyersb1i1rq Te""'· STEWART, Robod E. 209 Surset. McMinnv"''•· T•11n. IREWEl. Je• G. Cetd .. e .,_,.°' CLENDENIN RoboOf'· Te111t DOBSON John M. 'IOI 81rch St., IC!nqipott, Tenn, RICHARDSON Robe1.•e I. P in lit M 1 JOll Cep•rs ,._.,,. N,,._.,. e. Te"l'I. MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY-MARCH 1960 H(ltNOON 8·u(• Wey"'•· Jr MEDICINE-SEPTEMBER 1960 KITCHENS. w, '"" L 3610 ~etf•~ St ..,•"'P ' Tefte JAPllOE Ed·••d J. 7Je, 0><' "'°,. Me!'l'lp!ii •. Tt"'"'· LOWE Je'• I •~SW. S••te L11e S f 1•"" .:EE 'c:1*_. C. IM• S"'edc• ••I\ Mempl'l s Ttf'l_"I • BAGWEll. Betty Ano lOS S• '""'•t• Or. Cte~'a"d. ~·"· Ao· • 2~) H·91o, e.,d. Ne ... A be"'v ,,_, t. 214 VtCtc.-;e A..,.. C • ..,. t"ld . ._..,._ lUCK•h.. Ky BOLTON Tre ... • BOK 321 Se, A ' Cw,.~·l*ICJ'°'a,... Ten.!'\. ..ou S Robe.t E lEOIEITER Q•"'• !ro•rt. Jr. ..S4)t )( 11q\ • ..,IM, °'" Ut • M ( .. lit~ HODGES Amondo J. 104 N 12th. ..- tt•t Kr 8UOD. 01ot"• C c/o 8.. dd C -"·c, JoMso!'! C ty Ttl"lll Sl49 Notth C'iovtt Or. t..f•l"'Ph·s Te,. ... PACE. J ...pli ( M (ACHIN Jo1'1" 01ob.rd ICCS l "• St Gttil'lede M;u. Mc:CREAOY Sorbera J. A•b"" M ~ G· btrti: ...... Ao BuqusoN P•• E Boe 27 Horl'ltttv e. M:>.­ PETTY. Om•' ):' M ~ENZIE Joi v PUCKETT. lA"Y J. Sperle T•M M,MAHAN Rrbert 8 o. a.o. Ttl'ln. CAL.DWELL M•""•"' G K•nton. T•"'"· MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY- SEPTEMBER 1960 We '"Ut R.d9e Ar\ _.415 Ge ... ood Rd Mt..., pl\;, Ten11. ElLIOTT. Jeme' I Rt. 2, Trenton. Ttl"ill, RAINW/\TER A'"• G. MAL.LORY H1.1nt•r Jr. RAY. Ctitr e G. 162S Cerr Ave ...•"'P~I. THfl. MAA:1'1N Jo,,,es F. )211 15tfi Avt. ChettO""OOqt Tenn, FINCHUM, Rob•rt N It I Ea1t Mar1h0i St.. Fo Is Church. Ve, Rt. l . Uriion City, Tenn. ..teib\lrq SC 1 Lvmp\ n. Ge ADKINS, Jom•s W . SH-40NS Je"'•• £. MASTERSON C._•,t•r W. 1)41 Vinion. Memp~:s , l•nn, FORT, w; \inio,.. 0. 947 N Mcleon. Motl"lph;1, Tenn. 820 Alebe'l"le St It 11ol, Te11n S40S Porkcfeil• Rd. Kno11v·11e. Te11n. ENGELBERG. lorroine SMITH. Albeit J MATHIS. Chor!es H. Gainesboro l•rin, HAM. Robert E 3126 Cn1mp Ave., Memphis, Tenn. SPANGLER Benion F. W dwood Rd N.,,, I. Meryv1 •. Tenl'I MUNN Witl om G. Mtndtnholl, M.u. HANCOCK. J•me1 C. Box SOl. Rip!•y. Tet1n. FAlCON. Jeon M. (M,..) 145 E. Frei'\\ Memptl t, Tt"" 13$4 Horbert, Memphis, Tent1, Rt. I, Colurnb;o, Tenn. TILSON, lticherd H. NELSON, Al'\drew P. Spedo Tenn. HOLLIDAY. Thome• l. FORD, Anne C. Sll6 Me,on Rd, Mel"lph 1. Te""· 4-4-47 Tutwi'er, Memphis. Tenn, Flippin. Ky. TURNER Jeme• E. OllN leiler Grel>om 31) HO\l,•ot1 St Meryv1 e, Tenn. HOl... iAN Rktiard E. FRANCIS, Woyne G. VICKERS T•omu H. 4821 D•enbtoc k Rd tC"c •..,, e. Tet111.. PARROTT Ct-erles W .. Jr. bS) Jeffer«in, Mtmplii1, Tenn, HOWELL. Mo,.ho I G. <4bl0 8riltmore Av•·· Chattonoogo Tenn, PACE. Gwen C. l)S N. Weldton. No.), Melflphis. Tenn. lllb E. N(>b'• A..,. G1.thr e. Ole 1112 Shelton Ave. Neshv; '• Tent\, 111) Riche rd Av•., Chettal'loot, l•11ft PEELE li!:ootr P.O. B' • IOS6. C•e ..I H NC. JOHNSON Jeuy R. Oo\. Lone, Kno1v; e. Tenn, P(NO(R Jct.,, V Jr. +419 p, !\Ceto" Rd Me"'p'-is. Tenn. JOHNSON J~loi"' ~ . )20 Hi9h St. Chottanooq• Te1111, REYNOLDS R..i,.,1 N. bOO E rebt•!\ S' c1,.,to., S.C. JOHNSON, ,_ p H. ))21 Si:>etts•ood. Memph;s Tt""· PHYSICIAN'S OFFICE ATIENDANTS-JUNE 1960 DENTISTRY-SEPTEMBER 1960 eetweter Te!!I\. A:U,.LANO E "•"'e O.. Jr. 8t7 Meple Or ~emp~ I Te""'· (Y(ER P•ul G s.. 11 SEATON lt6bf,t W. 9<45 N Gr•l-$1'1'1 Me""P~·, Ten.- IOYO. S..11dre J. 618 Woodle.-" St Mel""pi.;, l• "· Me'YY •· Te,..._ LAWRENCE J•n• A Rt 4 1.. \0 M;,n. Al DE '°'b K 1001 hA '"pp. 1'. G N4 M n SEEGlR h·I I J .. I 560 G m•' AW9 M :;o"'~~•'V A e. McCALL£,.. P•rry 8 92S Neo•ff Av• Kfte'"' e Te,.~ 8ULLAR.0. Je,.,n<• F. &AIN Che,t. D 2 W ~• le o·c:\so11 Te~A. Rt .• Box 226 s...... ,.1., f•!UL. )19"'°"' • St Ga l•"I\. !ALLEY J0>eo!> S Rt 1 H•ridt'»f'\ Te"l11. McCASllN De" l COOK. Rulh C. BATES Joi,My"' Et1•.,... e•.a. M.... t~rd Te~"' ln."'s.. :c:.Jt T•M. \\.OOOALL Ma.-t.., A. 2J Up•~ He a)r.tom•1 W. PIERCE. Mo'Y A 177 w. ft!'.'" BURCH Robe•t A. oseo~NE. w.,,.,,., R 10'26 S.E. I Ith Cr .. Ft. la.. derde •· f-• R f 0. I t4eber'lke""' TeM RAYMOND. Mory E. 1617 H•ywood A"•· M•M?>-fl. Te~"· CHAOWEll. lea..,d ALBRITTON Joh• T ROB'NSON, John(. '2840 Cher'•• Br,an Rd Mernpf,'1 le""· Rt. I. 102 Tiskom nqo. Miu. DUNN Rebe.t H llOS W 29t"- ""•I .. 4' Al• Rt 2 M Dorie d T•nn. Gero'd Mo. SCRUGGS. S.tfio V. to• At.LEN Je...,es l. SCHMIOT, Cherle1 R, 527 Heyne1 St .. Memp)i's. T•nl'I, DYCUS. D ••d C. Ge "41.boto '-"" E"' Stre•t P~ ede'ph • T•nn, 2032 Oliv•t. Memp~;,, Te"ll- TAYlOR. Morqoret l. ltoufe S Fie ~ " T•"" AMMONS. Je"'•1 R. SCOTT Ed •. n L. FRANK ~ "'' L. Ceyc•. Ky. 1614 E. Kesterwood Or. >Cno1v1l:e. Tenn. 110 Henl\iitq• l•.,• Merf "• l•M 8Alll:ER Mort n R. 6S N A SEXTON. Dovid H. GALLIEN Gu• S. e.e Or ..... _ Knr•v• e, Ten!'I. 214 S. 8-elvedere Memphi' Tel'ln. 120 Henn nq1 l•,. Mert fl let111 8ARTON W, em H. , 2117 Evely". Memphis. Tenn, SIMPSON E be•t F. DENTISTRY-MARCH 1960 GALLIEN Joh H STOBBE. w,11; • ., R. Mc:Ke,.tlt. Ttl'ln. GOODMAN Oo•>'d H. 4SOO Jocelyn Holl,,... Ne•ll" e. Te"" BICKNELL S• F COV ~GTON S , -. S. 711 W 11~ A¥t l•"' :t C *y le~"I FORBUSH. Ch••I., S. 2600 S.n~ re Wer 01~~• Citr Oli:.e AYDELOTT Zed JS2' Tnmbe ltd Ne~... • T•~ COX Ct-e-\t• \V ''" S Heme St Unie., C "i Te .... GOODLOE. Robo.t A. l NOSEY ""' 'l 601 c.d.t c,.,t Dr l hone Tr.A CROWDER V ,, H BARRE H• S. 1006 South 6"•"1 s· L.a...+ott 0'. MARSHALL. C•erie1 I 2b4 , e • l••'•"Ctb.fO fe .. ,. HAITHCOCK. Wil ·o,,, 0 Jr. ~ LAUGt-4L N l!'~oe•h 0. 210 Wi1loa, Mt'YY e le "" FA•MER Rich•·• G 6EATUS !e• L lJ00.8 Flux ,.,..,, l!>IO N rr.1• oc-d ""'•""t!oi 1 Te"'~ lLOYD. John L. ·~ft .-.ve ,,,..~ph_;_s. r.~ MN SH J.M.. R. lOb Pe·• A.,. At"'-"' Te 4 BlAZIER Joh"!(., N'~ t-Au. We ,...th: Tff" l N 'Ae d••"' >-'l't!'!Ph 1 Tt"'"l LUMPiCIN. & ..st E. NORMA.N Pe ( FO'IER Mao 921 N p.,;,q ey P ttsb1.vq Pe BROWNING R '" L A:.•_ 2 H•"'99•· /\ • C. ,. C'Y "',. FO~STE.N Ert1.-i* A. MARTIN Wi ;, Coy NO•M1'N ThofN, " Oey•on Te1"11 CALHOUN W •"' D. <406 E. l"CI,.. Rd Lool out M• T•M. llOO s... n,., Ne.hv • l•M FORSYTHE Joho T. CAitPENTER l(en•tth 8. MINGES. Ern•st POPE. Willi"'"' l. 2119 Eeit S.eo11ci St T.. Je 0\ a 16) Oe ••'f Or Nosl.i.., • Te,.,l'I PYRC.N J.,.. W Ma""'• • Ttt! GRA~t \,\. '""' C. COOK. John I MOORE, J•st• Tuc\er. Jr. 1510 We..de A-re Ne hiw • le A •~o. Tern DeHART Roy L 6'20 D•Soto St. C'e·\i.d4 I•. ROACH T"-o• A. GUICE Jo!-n R 8 • 4IS H•t1dtr•Ol'l¥1 N.c: >-A~' fot•1t Mu e POllES John S. G,.,.,0 do Miu. RUSHING Joh• P HALI 8,bby D. DIMITR'. El.• C. 7<10 llai- CaluMb • Rt, 6 Je(hon Ter'ln ROGERS. J• .. Robe•! P. SASNETT R ~ • .a M St SC HALEY Robe•t J. 9 DWYER. w· i+om K 7119 Roc\:n9h.em Drive. Kno1v• • f•l"n. 2 l b t0 Av• Te•n 3 5 N Gre~e"' No 16 Memph"s l•nn. FITZGERALD. Edmund M. RUE-FF, Philip Williom. Jr. Tt-t0MAS W •"" M Me~ CheHt~• HAMES. Horold E. 4lOl Ttl'\n•H•• Aw. C"etlenooqe. Tenn. 2807 Tyn• 61vd Ne1fw·lla 1'2 . f•~n. g , 3°'4 H""t "90'"· Tt"'ft HAMILTON Jo..,,e1 J, HARGROVE. Ch••IH B. SEIDEMAN, M•• r •• o l t•ndon, Miss. WAlKEJt Robert~ I ?07 N 22nd Av•. H111"'bold1, Tenn'. WASSON Jw l. IQ' t61 re•, Te111'1, HICKS. Wi l1em M. Hill. Watton T, SINCLAIR. Cho•o F MURREY. W ''"' H. Ctlr'1•rne1 Ill d9•. S.ree, Ky: MYERS. Wi i•m S. 155

1S4 Directory of Graduates

DENTISTRY-OECEMBER 1960 ELLIOTT, Wi ·•m J. R.01,1te 2 Cti•rlotte, Tet1t1, FARMER ...... -. G. Ro1o1le 2. lol 26), Coo~ ev>lle. Te,..n, FLOYD. Robert F. Ro1i1te 18. K1101..-,llt. Ttf\I!. ADAMS He""I J 524 ll'l•tM>d Or. Ne1~v. e Te,,n. 1"9 Mep t•ood Ot (l'o-.'V e Tt"'"· FOSTER. Me.irice N. 906 Eed Towtt Piece, Neshv1lte, Tt11ft. ANDEASON Ho, e E. GALLAHER Lotty 1500 S.rry St.. Old Hicloty. Te'"' 8AI(£•. ,,."Id• l. Suf'Tl!"l'lf M·n 5610 • I( S• .. L.t• e ltoc\ At~ GILBOW. Ge.. E. He'tt" Mo. tA•RE V '"' S GORDON. Ja,.,.es. M 566 Shi.nee. MeMpt.·, TeJ!J\. CARR:UTH ~•""'•-~ R. M '•., Te"n R R. I 6-.-"•'" w HESTER. •em H. Rt. I, 0·16. Lev n·e To"" GILHAM lo..1 t 900 ~ rq St Co ... ~b • S.C. w· GllllHAN ... e ..... D. M1o1,.f0fd Tt""· HURT. Ja~fl R. Ho"4n••'d T.,.." HUTCHISON Joo C. T pto~ e Te11!'!:. GOOOGAME. leo•e..! J. 8o, r )2 Ab.rd.. " M .H UDSETTER. Roy M S02 W, Col~· S.••n"eh lel"!'I.. HOGUE Oe~O. tlS N S •"'"'°"' MO'l't.c:e ~. Atl LUNCEFORD. Pe• 8. S.rd·s. triA u HO• ~INS ~tl'IM*I\ P. 2461 Melotte. Mt!'!'\p., • Tel'll'l. "ARCUM. C.tl N. 116• G•rle"'CI St. Kin9,por• leM JE~!l.i NGS We •tr I H 'lv e. Ve MARTlN Rebert H. 126 MO"lr >4' Oyer. Te1111. J()t;NSO'I Joh• W 114 N SttMt c ..... t"4 M SS. J<>t;NSTON Je""t l H09e"' St ... MOf'tHe. At\. "EHR. Ed· et At1"' 5905 k•n"•tk. Temf)6 Flo I MILlER S.•eh '241 Xe"rieih Or .. Ne1i, .. ;1 e. Tenn. ALLEY Helen A. {M ... I Sevio,..,1lle ltf'lf!. NOWELL. Ed'< R,,_ 606 Hiq"pa nt T•r,oce. Me,,,phls. Te11r1 8UNCH, Rebecce At1t1 201 8te>•d St. l••·l'l9to11. Te11n OlOHAM l .,. Rt 14 W')l;ftfcwtr Or .. Kno1ville Tonn. )215 P•t~ Ave Memph:i. l•""- BURKE. v.. q·•·• K. {""·) 1 POWELL 9e•b.re A,. ?r •;.te' Herr's R.oed Jch,..sof'I City. Tenn HOLMAN. M•ry Belle 407 Ful er St. Meyf.e d IC'.)' KNOX. K•y H. {""·) New Albefly. Mu. LADO. Neocy H. t Mn I )22 Teyler St "'.•" lol'lfl. PHARMACY-JUNE 1960 LEOBETIER Joe,, C•rol 4541• Kl;,,q\tmmer Or. U•·c• M ch lS• Gov•t'\ G,. .. od• M '' 1 lOTI, Vo..,. l. ALLEY. Ja-•1 M 404 eo,.,., Spt n9f" • 0 Tenn. OLIN. Petr;c;e t..'. tMri.) 1404 A"Cltrs 11'1 Ave. Me,.,... • lt"'"' ANDREWS. c-..,., W 302 Je-•~ Fu~°"'- Ky. RA)ISEY Berber• F. J04 Tey\or St li1tol To!IUI t/ICO'I Ne C. IM"-I ))I ,,_.•1P'IOI a Mcken:• Ter- .. STRICKLIN V;,;e" W fM.,) ()b"o" len1t t/ICO'I O•w E l'C-4 H.c\)l'y Ve ey Rd Cfoo'to~o Tofl" V CK O•p,,,,..e T ))26 Weit R~ ,·;, C1rc 1• .,_.empl\·1 le"" t/IGGETT. Je..,., R Cf.er ~'.of!. lot'"\. tAYSE Devid D F-~q.i• Rood Oo!\a M>!t. r ... ~ IEA~ We,,-.e W 600 T,....or, S• Clrrl•tte~o T•"n. NURSING-JUNE 1960 I Lll,,.."GSLEY I e • f R• 2 l

