

Plalay-English E Vocabulary E

Containing over 7000 Malay Words or Phrases with their English equivalents, together with


Of Household, Nautical and Medical Terms etc.



Missionary of the Methodist Episcopal Church " " Author of A Practical Malav Grammer etc.

Second Edition, Rcvise'd and Enlarged. Price $2.OO.



Tliis vocabulary has been prepared for use in connection with my *" Practical Malay Grammar." It was originally intended to incorpor- ate with the Grammar an English-Malay and a Malay-English Voca- bulary, each containing some three or four thousand words, but in view of the fact that most people require a vocabulary containing as large a number of words as possible and are subjected to much dis- appointment and annoyance when they find that their vocabulary does not contain just the very word which they require, it has been thought better to publish the vocabularies separately and to make them an complete as is consistent with the low price at which such works are expected to sell. The list of words which is here offered to the public contains over six thousand words and phrases. In such a list it is of course impos- sible to include all the Malay words which may be met with in even a very limited range of Malay reading, and the student will no doubt meet with some expressions in conversation with Malays which will not be found in this vocabulary. Great care, however, has been taken in the selection of the words, and it is hoped that very few which are jn common use or are likely to be needed by the student in the first two or three years of his study of the language have been omitted. " In this vocabulary, as in the Practical Malay Grammar," the Malay words are printed in roman letters only. Comparatively few Europeans make any serious attempt to learn the Arabic character, and those who do will no doubt require a dictionary rather than a voca- bulary. The omission of the Arabic characters has enabled the -printers to put out this work in a very compact form and at a cost considerably below what it would otherwise have been. The great defect of Malay vocabularies printed in the Roman character has always been the difficulty of finding many of the words owing to variations of spelling. This has been particularly the case in regard to the romanization of the short vowel sound, which even in the same work has been represented by different letters in different words, according to the derivation of the word or the fancy of the author, so that in many cases the student has had to hunt for a word in two or three different places before he has been able to find it. This difficulty has been obviated in this work by the adoption of the same system of romanization which has been used in my Grammar and in all the oilier Malay publications of the Methodist Publishing House. v PKEFACE.

Its peculiar feature is the entire omission of the short vowel. This, makes- it just a.< easy to find a word containing the short vowel as it i in a Malay dictionary printed in the Arabic character, for instead of having to look up such a word as nschaya or psaka under two or three- differe*nt vowels, the student will be able to find it at once from the sound. It is believed that this will be found to be a very great ad- vantage. The introduction should be carefully studied by those who dc.-iiv to make an intelligent use of this vocabulary. Part of the introduc- tion has been reproduced from the Grammar, but there will also be- found a large amount of entirely new matter explaining the use of prefixes and suffixes, the accentuation of Malay words, and the u st- and pronunciation of foreign words, etc. The student should not fail to make the fullest use of the Grammar, not only on account of tin- importance of thoroughly understanding the grammatical construction of the language, but also because he will otherwise be unable to pro- fit by the frequent references made in the vocabulary to the numbers of the paragraphs in the Grammar, where fuller information will be- found in regard to the use of certain words than could be given in a vocabulary. Derived words will only be found under their roots. Owing to the immense number and variety of the derived forms in the Malay language, this is the only arrangement which is at all satisfactory, and' has been adopted in all dictionaries and in one or two vocabularies. At first the student will no doubt have some difficulty in finding out what is the root of some of the derivatives, and it will be necessary for him to make himself thoroughly acquainted with the use of pre- fixes and affixes; this, however, will be found to be a blessing in di>- guise, for it is impossible to read or speak the Malay language intelli- gently without a thorough understanding of the derived forms. An appendix containing lists of English words with their Malar equivalents has been added. The vocabulary itself contains many similar lists; for instance a list of the different classes of workmen will be found under tuTcaiy, a list of the classifiers or numeral coefficients tmder-s-, cloths under Tcain, stones under batu, etc. The lists of nauti- cal terms and diseases should be of special use to sailors and doctors- respectively, and housekeepers will find a very complete list of foods and household terms. In the preparation of this vocabulary I am particularly indebted; to Favre's Malay-French Dictionary and to Klinkert's Malay-Dutch Pocket Dictionary. When in doubt as to the precise meaning of M I word have occasionally referred to Wilkinson's Dictionary, Part I y but as the second part has not yet been published this work has only been referred to in regard to such words as come in the first half of the Malay alphabet. My list of words has been compared with other vocabularies in order to ensure that no important word has been omitted. Several alterations and additions have been made at the- PREFACE. v suggestion of Dr. Luering, and my thanks are due to him for the valuable assistance which he has rendered me by reading and criticis- ing the manuscript previous to publication. W. G. SHELLABEAR.

Singapore, July, 1902.


The demand for a new edition of this vocabulary has enabled me to correct a few errors which crept into the first edition, and to add a number of words which, though not in frequent use, are liable to be met with by the student. An attempt has also been made in this edition to indicate words- " which are peculiar to the Malay spoken by the Babas," or Straits- born Chinese, and some of their differences of pronunciation. The difference between Baba Malay, and the language as it is spoken by the Malays themselves, consists, however, not merely in such variations as can be shown in a vocabulary. There is a radical difference in the structure of the sentences. For the most part the same words are used r but the idiom is different, and would require a more thorough elucida- tion than could be given in the introduction to a vocabulary. It is that the hoped, however, Baba Malay words here given, marked (B.) r will help to explain some of the peculiarities of pronunciation met with in the Settlements, where Chinese influence predominates.

W. G. S. Singapore, July, 1912. INTRODUCTION.

The Vowels.

The five vowels have the continental sounds : as in father. o as in hole. e as the ey in they. u as in rude. i as in ravine. In open syllables these vowel sounds have always a greater degree of intensity than in closed syllables. In addition to the above there is in Malay, as in nearly all Orien- tal languages, another simple vowel sound which is often called the short vowel sound. In the different systems of romanizing, this short vowel sound has been variously represented by a, a, e, e, i, i, u. u; but all these different methods of representing this vowel sound are open to the great objection that they mislead Europeans and even natives into giving it an incorrect pronunciation, and in a dictionary they have the additional disadvantage of giving rise to so much divers- ity and uncertainty in the spelling of words containing the short vowel that prolonged search is often necessary before it can be dis- covered which of these vowels has been used by the lexicographer to represent the short vowel in the particular word which is being sought for. Experience has shown that the best way to spell words contain- ing the short vowel with a view to helping the student to a correct pronunciation, is to omit the vowel altogether, and it is believed that the omission of the vowel will obviate the difficulty of finding such words in the vocabulary. The exact sound of the short vowel should be learnt if from a it is almost identical with the possible Malay; " " half-vowel sound in the first of such words as machine and " syllable balloon." When two vowels come together, both must be sounded, but the first must be run into the second; thus au has very nearly the sound of ow in "cow," as pisau, man; and oi has almost the sound of the English i in "ice," as, sunjai, pakai. Consonants. The consonants in Malay are pronounced as in English, except that the r should always be sounded much more clearly and with more of a riig than in English. The consonant ry represents a single sound " in and should be like the in never as "Malay, pronounced ng singer," in single ;" the latter sound is represented in Malay by njg; thus the two sounds are found in the words: si-nja and sirg-gah. The letter k in Malay when it occurs at the end of a word is not sounded like the INTRODUCTION. vii

in it occur? be English ~k, but the syllable which must pronounced very short indeed, and the breath drawn in so as to produce the shortening of the sound. The apostrophe at the end of a syllable indicates a similar abrupt sound. Final h has also the effect of shortening the last syllable, but not more than half as much as final Jc. In the transliteration of the purely Arabic letters no distinction

has been made between and * and -r and o or o ; ^ ^> ; ; ^

and i> The other Arabic letters have been transliterated as fol-

lows: ^ th. kh, j dh, j z, JL sh, ^ dl, ii tl, .gh, >_* f.

The nasal letter 'am c. which changes its sound according to the

vmvel written with it, is represented by a rough breathing (*) placed before the vowel. The purely Aiabic letters given above are very generally mispronounced by Malays, dh being pronounced as z, th as >. and sometimes f as p, and z as j. Such words are given in the vocabulary under both letters in order to make it easy for the student to find them; thus idhin will also be found under izin, and thalatha, under salasa.

Orthographic Signs. As already stated, the inverted comma represents the Arabic nasal letter 'qin. It is placed before the vowel which has the nasal sound, as in the words 'ahini, 'Um,u, m'alim, do'a. The apostrophe represents the Arabic sign -hantzah, both at the end of a word as described above and also in the middle of a word between two vowels, where it indicates that the vowels must be pro- nounced separately ; this is also the case where the short vowel sound is followed by another vowel, as in the words s'isi, k'atas, t'akan, the hanizah being used in such cases in the Malay character. The apos- trophe is further used to indicate an initial short vowel before the consonants m and n, as in the words ', 'ntah, 'njgan, etc. The hyphen is used in this Vocabulary to show the division of the words into syllables, except where the division is marked by an ' apostrophe or an inverted comma or by the mark which shows where the accent falls, as described below. In ordinary writing the hyphen should only be used where a word is reduplicated, or to separate from the words to which they are attached those prefixes, suffixes and other particles which do not foum an integral part of the word itself; these are: the preposition /-. the abbreviated numeral the *'-. passive prefix di-, the pronominal suffixes, -leu, -mu, and and the -tya, particles -lali, -kah, -nah, -tati. The preposition di is distinguished from the passive prefix di- by the absence of the hyphen. viii INTRODUCTION.

References to the Grammar.

Words which are followed by numerals in parentheses are re- " " ferred to in the Practical Malay Grammar in the paragraphs of which the numbers are given, where in every case some Further explanation of such words will be found. By this means the Voca- bulary becomes to some extent an index to the Grammar, and in regard to the use of certain words the student is enabled to obtain a large amount of information which could not possibly be looked for in a Vocabulary.

Root Words and their Derivatives.

In the Malay language a very large number of words are derived from root words by the addition of prefixes or suffixes. Sometimes several prefixes and suffixes are attached to the same word, and there is so much variety in their use that it would be extremely cumbersome to insert all such derived words in alphabetical order as separate words. The plan which is followed in this vocabulary is that which has been adopted in all Malay dictionaries, namely to put all derived words under the head of the roots from which they are derived. Some prefixes and suffixes are only used to form nouns, and others are used with verbs. The former are : Prefix p, which denotes the agent. Prefix p and suffix an, forming abstract nouns from verbs. Prefix per and suffix an, forming verbal nouns from verbs. Prefix k and suffix an, forming nouns from adjectives and nouns Suffix an forming nouns from verbs, and usually expressing the thing which is affected by the action.

The verbal forms are : Prefix ber, which forms present participles with intransitive verbs. Prefix ter, which forms past participles. Prefix di-, which forms the passive voice. Prefix m, used with transitive verbs.

Suffixes kan and i, which form transitive verbs. In this vocabulary the derivatives will be found in the follow- ing order: (1) compound words and phrases formed with the simple root in combination with other words; (2) the verbal derivatives; (3) derived nouns. Only those derivatives are given which are in ordinary use; the fact that any particular derived form is not found in the vocabulary must not be taken as an indication that it cannot be used. In the case of words which are essentially verbs or can be used as verbs in the root form, the derivative formed with the prefix b<>r or ///. as the case may be, is given immediately after the root. Where the prefix ber is thus given it may be taken to indicate that the verb is in- INTRODUCTION. ix

is that the verb is transitive in the transitive, and where the prefix m ; latter case one of the suffixes Jean or i is sometimes given to show which of these forms is most commonly used; in some cases either may be used. Some roots may be used either transitively or intran- derivatives with ber and are both sitively, in which case the m given. It must be understood that the prefix m can always be used with deri- vative verbs formed with the suffix Jean or i; this being the case it has not been thought necessary to give the derivative formed with m as a distinct form of the word. In derived words formed with the prefixes ber, ter, per, di- and Jc, the first syllable of the root undergoes no change, and the word can therefore usually be discovered without any difficulty, but with the form. refer- prefixes m and p the root in many cases changes its A ence to the following list of changes will usually enable the student to decide what the root is : If the root commences with

I, m, n, or r, it undergoes no change ; b, the prefix becomes mm or pin, as buka, mmbuJca; p, the prefix becomes mm, or pm, and the initial p of the root is elided, as putus, mmutus; d or /, the prefix becomes mn or pn, as dapat, mndapat; t or cli, the prefix becomes mn or pn and the initial t or cli of the root is elided, as tarcih, mnaroJi; g or li or a vowel, the prefix becomes mrg or prg, as gali, mrggali ; Jc is Jc, the prefix become mrg or prg and the initial of the root elided, as Jcararg, mrgararg ; s and sometimes ch, the prefix becomes mry or pry and the initial s or cJi of the root is elided, as suroh, mryuroli. The chief difficulty in discovering the root arises when the root commences with p, t, or Jc, from the fact that when the initial letter has been elided there is no means of knowing what that letter may have been; thus the root of m,mutus might be either mutus or putus, and that of mnaroh and mrgararg might be either naroh or taroli, or kararg or ararg respectively. When in doubt the student must look for both forms. Thus with derivatives commencing with mry, the root should first be sought for under the more common letter s and then under cli, those commencing with mn should be looked for first under t and then under n, those commencing mm under p or m, and those commencing mrg under Jc or under the vowel which follows the mrg. Similarly of course with derivatives formed with p in its various forms.

Words of Foreign Origin. The Malays have a remarkable aptitude for adopting foreign words, which in most cases become assimilated to the Malay style of pronunciation, the spelling being sometimes changed to suit the new x INTRODUCTION.

pronunciation. It is important that the student should know the source from which such foreign words have come, in order that he may be able to discriminate between synonymous words and decide which should be used in conversation with the various nationalities ly whom Malay is spoken. Thus one would not hesitate to use words of Chinese origin in speaking with the Baba Chinese, or to use Javanese words in conversation with persons who come from the Dutch Indies, whereas one should avoid words of Arabic or Persian origin except when speaking with educated Malays. It should be remembered, however, that some foreign words have become so thoroughly incor- porated in the language as to be well understood by all, as for instance such words as waktii, 'umor, smoa, burni, fikir, fakat, etc. A large number of English, Portuguese and Dutch words, however, though well understood in the Settlements, are practically unknown to native*. living in the interior, so that it is necessary to exercise some disere- tion in the use of such words.

Spelling: of Foreign WorJs.

Malay lexicographers have usually romanized words of foreign origin in harmony with the spelling of the language from which such words are derived rather than with the way in which they are pro- nounced by Malays. This plan of having a different system for roman- izing foreign words causes great confusion in a vocabulary and has been avoided as far as possible in this work. Such words will be found spelt phonetically according to the Malay pronunciation. Thus Sanskrit and Arabic words which are pronounced by Malays with the short vowel sound are so spelt in this vocabulary, whereas most lexi- cographers who use c for the short vowel have spelt such words with a, i, or u, as tanira, nixcJwya. and pusaka, which are here spelt in Ira. nschaya and psaka. The former arrangement, though perhaps scienti- fically correct, presents such unnecessary difficulties to the unsophistic- ated mind that a consistent system of phonetic spelling appears pre- ferable. Again it may be more accurate to write kalimat shahadu/. but as the Malays always say klimah shah a flat, it would be misleading to spell otherwise.

Accent in Root Words.

In order that one may pronounce correctly, it is just as important to know on which syllable the stress should be laid as it is to have every word spelt phonetically. A novel feature of this vocabulary is that the stress on each word is shown by means of an accent, in the same way as is done in Webster's Dictionary. It will be noticed that in root words the accent usually falls on the penultimate. When the vowel of the penultimate is short, however, the accent very fre- quently falls on the last syllable. In some two-syllable words there is an almost equal stress on the two syllables, and in such cases the INTRODUCTION. xi accent depends a great deal upon the position of the word in the sen- tence. For instance when the words tiarg, lurun or tahan come at the end of a sentence the accent falls on the last syllable, but when placed elsewhere in the sentence there is some uncertainty as to the accent, though it generally seems to be on the penultimate. Words of Arabic- origin are often accentuated by the Malays in a manner different from the Arabs. In this vocabulary no attempt has been made to indicate the original Arabic pronunciation; the aim has been to accentuate every word in the way in which it is ordinarily pronounced by Malays in the colloquial language.

Accent in Derivatives.

Many authorities on the Malay language have maintained that in derivatives the accent moves forward on the addition of a suffix from the penultimate of the root to the penultimate of the derived word. The Dutch scholar van der Wall was the first to controvert this theory, which is also opposed by the grammarian Gerth van Wijk, and is undoubtedly incorrect. As a rule the accent in derivatives remains on the same syllable on which it stood in the root, the principal excep- tions being words ending in arg, in which the accent falls on the penul- timate of the derivative on the addition of the suffix an. Those who wish to see the arguments on both sides of this question will find it " fully discussed in a paper on The Evohition of Malay Spelling," in No. 36 of the Journal of the Straits Branch of the Eoyal Asiatic Society, published as a separated paper by the Methodist Publishing House. In regard to the division of the syllables it will be found that on the addition of a suffix commencing with a vowel the final consonant of the root is carried forward to commence the new syllable. The Malays invariably divide the syllables in this way, each syllable being begun with a consonant wherever it is possible. The same thing is done when a prefix ending in a consonant comes before a root com- mencing with a vowel, as m-tya-k-n from mig and aim. Synonyms.

Another special feature of this vocabulary is that synonyms or words of cognate meaning and sometimes those of exactly opposite meaning, are referred to in the case of a very large proportion of the words. This is intended to open up a very wide field of study to those who wish to make a careful comparison of the precise meanings of Malay words, and who desire to be #ble to discriminate between words of nearly similar meaning. The advanced student is strongly re- commended to make such words a special study. Xll INTRODUCTION. ABBREVIATIONS.

A. D. Ma!ay=English Vocabulary.

a'daig, m-rga'daiy, to lie in wait for, lie in ambush. a'bad that which has no (Ar.), a'das ma'nis, aniseed. an eternal see end, future; a'das cummin. azal. p-das' , 'a'dat (Ar.), custom, habit. a-bah-a'bah (Jav.), harness. ku'rarg 'adai, uncouth, rude. a' ban?, elder brother. a'dek, younger brother or sister. a'ban-ta'ra see (Sk.), herald; a'dek ber-a'dek, to be brothers bntara. and sisters. a'bok, see habol: 'a'dil (Ar.), just, fair. a'bu, ashes. k'a'di-lan, justice. a'chaig, messenger, envoy. a-din'da, younger brother or sister (polite form of ad(k). a'chap, plunged deeply into a'di-pa'ti (Sk.), a Javanese title. water, or (a weapon) into the body. a'di-ra'ja, di-ra'ja (Sk.)i, a Ma'lay title. a'char (Pers.), pickles. a'do-hi', alas. a'cheh, a kind of leech; Acheen. a'don, to maVb a'chi (Eng.), axle. m-rga'don, knead, dough. a'chu, m-rga'clm, to threaten, a'du, ber-a'du, to sleep (court brandish, feint, pretend. language). a'chu-an, mould, matrix, plan, per-a'dn-an (124), bed, bed- model. room, sleeping place (court a'chum, nt-ti/a'cJium, to stir up language). hatred, irritate. a'du, m-rga'du, -tan, to cause a a'da (45, 50-54), to exist, be, be fight, a contest or a dispute, present, take place. make a complaint. ada-kan, to bring into exis- prrj-a'du-an (124), complaint, tence, cause, make, invent, accusation. produce. 'a'fi-at (Ar.), good health. k'a'da'an, existence, condition, a'fi-un also characteristics. (Ar.), opium; apian. a'da-tya, a word used to empha- a'gak, to guess, conjecture, esti- size the close of a sentence. mate. Cf. gamak. a' a da-pun (133), punctuation a-ga'ma (Sk.), a religion. Also word. pronounced igama and a'dab (Ar.), politeness, courtesy. 11 gam a. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

a-ga'ma Is' lam, the Moham- 'a'kal (Ar.), understanding, in- medan religion. telligence, reason; the mind. 'a'kal bu'di, a'gar, in order that, so that. intelligence. ber'a'kal (114), intelligent, in- a'tjar ja'igan, lest. tellectual, sensible. a-gar-a'gar, a seaweed and the a'kan in jelly made therefrom. (45, 148, 150), to, for, order to, shall, will. a'gas, sandfly. ta'a'kan, will not, it cannot be a Sn (Jav.), great, in certain that. phrases, as: a'ka-nim' of the ti'arg a'goirj, mainmast. (Ar.), persons of a had usual- Trinity (X.); plural (Ar., first), Sunday ; iiknum. ly ha'ri aliad; see hart. a'kar, root, a generic term for a'hal, ah'lu (Ar.), people. plants. See also ali'lu 'n-nu'jum, astrologers. climbing banir, jargkar, tunjarg. ah'li (Ar.), familiar with, accus- tomed to. akh'bar (Ar. plural of khabar), news, a newspaper. ah'mak (Ar.), foolish, stupid. a'khir the the ah'wal, or ih'wal (Ar.), plural (Ar.), end, last; last, final. of hal, q.v. a'khir-rya, the end of it, at last. Vib (Ar.), disgrace, shame; disgraceful, despicable. a'khi-rat (Ar.), the future life, r a"ib-kan, to despise. eternity. dun'in a'khi-rat, in this world -ro'pa, Europe; also Iropah. 4 and the next, for all time. a-ja"ib (Ar.), wonder, marvel; wonderful, marvelous. ak-sa'ra (Sk.), a letter (of the alphabet). See huruf. a'jak, m-rga'jak, to persuade, in- cite, invite, urge a person to a'ku (6, 7), I, me. accompany one= (B.) ajat. m-rga'ku, -i (103), to confess, undertake a'jal (Ar.), destiny, term of life. avow, guarantee, to do a thing. a'jar, m-tya'jar, -kan, -4, to teach, p-tya'ku-an, confession, creed chastise, preach (X.). (X.). b-la'jar (98), to learn. p-la'ja-ran (124)), lesson, the a-la-baig'ka (Port.), crowbar. thing taught. a'lah, to lose in a conflict, suffer p-rga'jar (121), a teacher, defeat; also kalah (B.). preacher (X.). a'lah-kan, to defeat, subdue. p-rga'ja-ran (124), instruction, doctrine. 'a-la'i-hi' (Ar.), unto him. to learn a'ji, m-rga'ji (103), read, 'a' lam (Ar.), the universe, the to read, especially the Koran. world. a'jok, m-rga'jok, to mimic, ridi- 'a'lam bar-zakh', Hades, the cule. abode of departed spirits. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

"a-la'mat (Ar.), sign, token, al-ma'ri (Port.), an almeirah, mark, emblem, symbol, ad- wardrobe. dress of a letter. Al-ma'seh (Ar.), ilie Messiah,

a I a rj>;, transverse, across. Christ. a-lu'njan, bar, sand bank at the al'pa (Sk.), neglect. Also 1'pa. mouth of a river. al'pa-kan, to neglect. pa'laty, cross bar, transverse a'lu, m-rga'lu-kan and m-tya-lu- beam. Of. malarg. rga'-lu-kan, to go to meet or a'larg, usually a-larg-a'larg, k-pa'- receive a person. lanj or a'laig k-pdlarg, in- a'lu a for significant, of slight extent (Jav.), pestle husking rice antan. or degree, of no account. ; usually a'larg-kah, is it a small thing? a'lun, large waves, a swell; see an emphatic interrogation, ombak and g1oinba.rg. as ba'ik, would it a'laig-kah a-lun-a'lun (Jav.), courtyard, not be good? open space before a house. a'lap, -in-nja'lap, to gather fruit Usually Jilaman. 1>\ with a knife on cutting a'lur, a channel, groove, water- the end of a pole. Cf. 70- course. lole. a lu-ran, canal, ditch. a'las that which is placed (164), al'wat (Ar.), aloes-wood; usual- under anything, lining, ly gharu. foundation. a'mah, a Chinese nurse. ii'his-knn, to line, put some- thing under. 'a'mal (Ar.), deed, action; good works, meritorious action. a'lat, apparatus, instruments, a'man equipment, weapons. Cf. (Ar.), peace, security.

' a - a n a t Ar. perl-okas. m ( ) , trustworthy ; a leh, ber-a'leh, to change one's fidelity, trust, trustee. Some- position, move (intrans.). times pronounced umanat. n'leh-kan, to remove, shift. a-ma'nat-kan, to entrust.

a-li-a'li, a sling. Cf. Isirg. a'maig, m-rga' nravg , to threaten. Cf. and 41 li-hah (Ar.), gods; plural of ugot gertak. ilali. a-ma'rah, anger; see marah. "a'lim (Ar.), learned, scholarly, a-mas', gold; see 'mas. well informed. a'mat, very. a'lir, m-tga'Ur, to flow (as water). m-iiga-ntat-a'ma-ti, to give attention watch al-ke sah (Ar.) (133), punctu- special to, ation word. very closely. am the and lower Al-ku'dus (Ar.), the holy. 'bang;, upper of a door frame. Cf. Eoli' Al-ku'dus, the Holy beams Ghost. jnary. Al'lah (Ar.), God. 'am 'bar (Ar. 'anbar], amber. MAI.AY-KMrUSH VOCABULARY.

to own.' am'bil, m-rgam'bil (55), to tak'e, iinn-)in-iija"i, possess, fetch. a-nai-a'nai, the white ant; see = ant'bil a'rgin nia'kan a'rgin, smut put fli. to go for an airing or plea- a'nak, the smaller part of sure excursion. child, a thing, the young of animal?- am'bil lia'ti to m-iy o'rarg, gain and affections. plants. people's a'nak A'dam, children of am'bin, a scarf or band for se- Adam, the human ran-. curing burdens carried on a-nak-a'na-kan, a doll. the back. a'nak arg'kat, adopted child. chicken. am-ho'i. oh! exclamation of as- a'nak a' yam, a'nak a small stream. tonishment. a'yer, a'nak hi'ni, family. to rebound. am'bol, m-rgam'bol, a'nak boty'su, youngest child. Cf. anjal. a'nak Wall, the dependants of am-boig-am'bong:, a plant, the a Malay chief. for a'nak descendants. pith of which is used chu'chu, lamp wicks. a'nak dam, virgin. a'nak oarsman, rower. ambun, see 'mbun. da'yorg, a'nak km'bar, twins. faith- a'min (Ar.), amen; true, a'nak kun'cln, key. ful. a'nak la-ki-la'ki, boy. the uvula. a'mir (Ar.), chief, commander. a'nak li'dali, a'nak mu'rid, a pupil. a'mok, m-rga'mok, a frenzied as- a'nak neg'ri, native of a coun- sault; to attack furiously, " run amuck." try. a'nak pa'nah, arrow. four am'pat, or 'm'-pat (29-35), a'nak pi-a'tu, orphan. b-las' fourteen. sailors. am'pat ', a'nak p-ra'hu, boatmen,

. or am'pat per-s-gi' am'pat per- a'nak p-rem'pu-an, girl. sa'gi, square. a'nak ra'ja, prince. am'pat pu'loh, forty. a'nak ro da, spokes of a wheel. 1 k'am'pat, all four. a'nak sati-da'ra, nephew, niece - s-per-am'pat, a quarter. a'nak su'lorg, first-born. yarg k'am'pat, the fourth. a'nak su'rgai, tributary stream. a'nak of a ladder. am'pu, m-rgam'-pu, to hold in targ'ga, steps a'nak tin, the hands, govern, rule over, step-child. a'nak turf only child. support, sustain. gal, a'nak ya'tim, an orphan. -kan, -i, am'pun, m-rgam'-pun, ber-a'nak, to have children, bear- to for- pardon, forgiveness: children. give, pardon. ber-a'nak-kan (117), to bring k'a in' forgiveness. pit-nan, forth, to beget. native- am-pu n/a, to possess, own. per-a'na-kan, native, born. pu'rya (12, 14. 15, 21), the pos- infant. sessive particle. ka'nak-ka'nak, MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. a-nak-n'da, a-nan'da,, child, (po- jw'l-ok a'njin, a storm cloud. lite form of an a/i). a'njin-kan, to dry in the air. -a-nam or 'nam', six. For aig'ka (Sk.), a figure, arithmeti- derived forms see ampai. cal symbol. -ananas, see nanas. arcj'ka du'a, the figure two, sign of an'bi-a (Ar.), prophets; plural reduplication. of nabi. aig-ka'ra (Sk.), perverse, vio- an'chak. a plate or basket of lent. boo in to which offerings aig-ka'sa (Sk.), the sky, the = tbe spirits are placed (B.) heavens. lancJiak. arg'kat, m-iyaiy'l-at, -kan (55,

. to out Jin-tun' iin'rliak, put 63), to lift up, raise. offerings. lU'/'kat a'nal', to adopt a chilch -in dam. in-Kjan'darn (Pers.), to a'nak aig'kat, adopted child. dress arrange (hair) ; fringe. ber-aty'kat, to depart. an 'dan?, torch of dry coco-nut aiy'ka-tan, expedition, fleet of leaves. ships, caravan. maiy'kat, to die (court lan- an-de'ka (Jav.), you, pronoun guage). >f tbe 2nd person, used in parg'katj stage, platform, tierj addressing superiors. rank, position. aneka, see anika. aig'kau or 'ng'kau (6, 8, 10), medi- a-rgan-a'igan, thoughts, thou, tbee, you. tations, unsatisfied desires. aig'kop, tweezers, small pincers. a-tgan-a'ipan lia'ti, conscience aig'kut, m-iyaiy'kut, to fetch and (X.). carry, carry piece by piece. anj'gal, light, buoyant, high in aig'sa (Sk.), goose. tbe water (of a ship). an-ia'ya (Sk.), see aig'gok, m-tgatg'yok, to nod or tyranny; bow the head. anyaya. a-ni'ka of various aig'gor, the grape vine. (Sk.), sorts, all kinds of; also aneka. anj-go'ta (Sk.), a member, limb, an'jal, to resist )>art of the body. nt-if/an'jal, pene- tration, resist or throw back ^n^'grek, orchid. a weapon, cause to rebound. a'igin, wind. Cf. anibot. ' i/in, see ambit. , dog. rJia'kap a'tyin, empty talk. a raised hall or veran- di a'ia* a'igin, windward, west- cabins in the of a tern lands, dah, poop si

p-irjan'jur, one who precedes, a a'pa gu'na, wliat i> the use? guide. a-pa-ka-'ld, when. if a'pa-lah, prithee, you |>li';i.-<-, an'sur, ber-an'sur, to progress. a'pa ma'chain (19). what kind! ber-an'sur-an'sur, gradual ly. of? an'tan, pestle of a mortar. s-bab' a'pa , why? whatever. an-ta'ra (Sk.), between, anumg; ba-rarg-a'pa, ti-dak it is never an interval of time or space. a'pa, nothing, mind. p-rgan-ta'ra, a go-between, me- several : how- diator (X.). b-b-ra'pa, some, ever much s-man-ta'ra, while, whilst, dar- (144). how how ing. b-ra'pa, much, many.. however much or many (in- an-te'ro the (Port.), whole, all, definite number). entire. s-b-ra'fia, as many as. as ninda an-tinj-an tin<, ear-drops. as. b-ta'pa, how? why? an 't- las or at'las (Ar.), satin. k-iia'pa, why? to an'tok, m-rgan'tok (103), nt->ya'pa, why? doze, sleep. si-a'pa (18, 19), who? whoever. an'tok, ber-an'tok, to collide, ba'raty si-a'pa, to do something: strike against. p-rga'pa-lean, to a ba'tu ter-an'tok. stumbling jjerson. block (X.). a'pam (Tarn.), a thin cake made- with flour. a'nu, a certain (person or place). si-a'nu, Mr. so-and-so. a'pi, fire. the name for a-nu'g-rah (Sk.), favour, grace, a-pi-a'pi, generic several kinds of trees. the gift of superior to an in- ba'ra embers. ferior. Sometimes nugralia. a'pi, fireworks. a-nu'g-rah-kan (149), to give bu'rga a'pi, sparks, volcano. (to inferiors), bestow a fa- gu'notg a'pi, vour. lea' pal a'pi, steamship. ka'ifu a'pi, firewood. a'n/am, m-iya'iyam, to plait, in- k-re'ta a'pi, locomotive engine,. terlace (as basket work). railway. Cf. slampet. p-ri'ok a'pi, bomb. an-ya'ya (Sk.), tyranny, perse- di-ma'kan a'pi, consumed by cution, oppression. fire. an-ya'ya-kan, to op- persecute, a'pil (Eng.), appeal. press, injure. a'pit, m-vga'pit, to press, nip^ a'n/ut, drifting; see haryut. squeeze. a'pa (18, 19), what? ber-a'pit, close together, in a-pa-a'pa, whatever. pairs. a-pa-bi'la, when. p-rga'pit, a pinch of anything; a'pa fa'sal, why? (as snuff). MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

a-sa' f a'pi-Ian, a press for printing, or sa , one; see satu. or for extracting the juice of da'lani s-pu'loh a-sa', one in sugar-cane, etc. ten, a tithe. a'sa-kan, to make one. a'pi-un, opium; see afiun. unite, a'poig, driftwood; to drift. a'sa (Sk.), hope. Also see asal. pu'tus a'sa, hopeless. a'ra, trees of the genus fig. a'sah, to 'A'rab (Ar.), Arabic, Arabian. m-rga'sah, grind, whet, sharpen. Cf. kilir. a'rah, towards, in the direction ba'tu a'sah, whetstone. of. a'sak, m-rga'sak, to fill tightly a'rak (Ar.), spirituous liquors, a ram arrack. (as bag), in, press (as in a crowd). a'rak, ler-a'rak, to march in pro- a'sal cession. (Ar.), origin. a'sal-u'sul, descent, origin, gen- per-a'ra-kan, state carriage, ealogy. processional car, procession. a'sal, that also a'sal- a'raig, charcoal. if, provided ; kan, and sometimes asa. a'raig ba'tu, coal. a'sal ja'rgan, lest. a'ratg di mu'ka, disgrace. b-narg' a'rarg, chalk line. a'sam, acid, sour; also masam. ka'yu a'raiy, ebony. li'mau a'sam, the lime fruit. 'a' rash (Ar.), throne (of God); a'sap, smoke. also 'arsli. 'a'shik (Ar.), in love, enamour- a'rif well-in- (Ar.), intelligent, ed; love, passion. formed, cultured. a'sin salt, saline; also ar'ki-an (adj.), (133), then, thereupon. masin. Also arakian. a'sin?, separate, apart, distinct, a'ror^, m-iya'roiy, to wade, fofd foreign, private. a river, cross a sea or strait. o'rarg a'sirg, a stranger. *arsh' (Ar.), throne (of God). neg'ri a'sirg, a foreign country. ar'ta see lierta. (Sk.), property; a'sirg-kan, to separate, set ar'ti or er'ti (Sk.), meaning, apart. signification. a'soh, m-rga'soh, to nurse, take that is to ar'ti-iya, say. care of children. m-iyer'ti (103), to understand, p-iya'soli, a nurse. comprehend. a'su, in the m-ryer'ti-kan, to explain, give dog, expression gi'gi canine teeth. the meaning. a'su, p-rger'ti-an, understanding, in- a'sut, m-rga'sui, to incite, stir up, sense. tellect, intelligence, instigate: (B.) vsut, q.v. a'rus, current, tide; see haru*. a'su-tan, instigate. ar'wah (Ar. plural of roh), the a'tap, thatch, usually of palm spirits of the dead, feasts in leaves : hence any roof cover-

1 honour of the dead. ins . 8 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

a' tap gn'tirg, a tile roof. a'yer, water, liquid, juice. a'yer aiy'gor, wine. a'tas, on (27), above, over, a'yer a'pi, strong acids. against (150). a'yer ball' , a flood, inundation. cli a'tas a'tgin, windward, west- b-ku', a'yer ba'tu, ice. ern lands. a'yer a'yer di'deli, whey. a'tau or. (Sk. ataiva), a'yer gu'la, molasses, sirup. rice water. a tla-mat (Ar.), greatness, pow- a'yer kan'ji, gruel, k-ras', spirituous er; great, mighty. a'yer liquors. a'yer ma'du, honey. at' las (Ar.), satin. a'yer man'di, bathing water. to a'tur, m-nja'tur, -kan, arrange, a'yer 'mas' , gilding. put in order. a'yer ma'ta, tears. a' iu-ran (125), arrangement. a'yer ma' war, rose water. mi'num, drinking water. a'um, m-rga'um, roar (as a tiger). a'yer a'yer mu'ka, complexion, ex- a'ur, several kinds of bam- large pression of the face. boos. a'yer pa'saiy, flood tide. a'wak, thou, you. a'yer sm-bali'yarg, water for religious ablutions. aVal (Ar.), first; commence- tide. a'yer su-rut' , ebb ment, beginning. a'yer ta'war, fresh water. a'wan, cloud. a'yer teh', tea. a Vat (Penang), why. a'yer ter'jun, waterfall. to ease oneself; a'yah, father. Usually bapa. bn-anj' a'yer, see buarg. a'yali-n' da-, father (polite ma'ta form). a'yer, spring. ta'nali a'yer, one's native land. a'yak, m-rga'ya'k, to sift. to rock, a'ya-kan, a sieve. a'yun, ber-a'yun, swing, oscillate. a'yam, a generic name for fowls. a'yu-nan, a rocking cradle, a' b-lan'da, a turkey. yam swing. a'yam hu'tan, jungle fowl. a'zal (Ar.), that which had no a'ya in i'telc, poultry. an eternal past. a'yam jan'tan, cock. beginning, Cf. abad. a'yam km-bi'ri, a capon. a'yam mu-ti-a'ra, guinea fowl. 'a'zi-mat (Ar.), charm, spell, a'yam sa'borg, a fighting cock. amulet. Also targkal. a'nak a'yam, chicken. aom-ba'la a'yam, one who tends B poultry. layer bu'lu a'yam, latteen sail. bab' (Ar.), chapter. a ya-pan, food, eatables (court ba'ba, foreigners born in Malaya, language). especially Chinese. a'yat (Ar.), verse of the Koran, ba'bi, pig. or of the Bible (X.). ba'bi hu'tan, wild pig. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

iji'la ba'bi, epilepsy. a'lla ba'ik? (B.) are you well? be careful. ba'cha, ntin-ba'cha, to read. ja'ga ba-ik-ba'ik, kha'bar ba'ik, lit., good news, a ba'charg, the horse mango. reply to salutation; see Telia- ba'dak, the rhinoceros. bar. wm-ba'i-ki to mend. ha dam (Pers.), the almond. (103), k-ba'i-kan, goodness. ba'dan (Ar.), the human body. Cf. tuboli. bait' (Ar.), house, in certain phrases, as: ba'gai, kind, sort. ba-i'tu- 'Hah, the house of God. hfr-ba-gai-ba'gai (115), pl- Bai'tn 'l-mu-ka'dis, Jerusalem. ba'fjai, ba-gai-ba'gai, of various kinds. ba'ja, manure. to manure. s-lxi'ijui, the same kind, even nnn-ba'ja, MS. like. ba'ja (Sk.), steel. see Ixn/ainifina, bgintana. //->/' ba'ja, steel. ba'gan, (Penang) landing stage ; ba'jak, plough. Cf. trggala. sec parg1t(ffdn\ ma'ta ba'jak, ploughshare. handle. ba'ghal (Ar.), mule. targ'kai ba'jak, plough ba'gi, to, for, towards; (Penang) ba'ji, wedge. = to give, cause kasi. ba'jik, only found in its deriva- tive: bagitu, see bg it-it. k-ba'ji-kan, virtiie, good deeds, ba'gus, beautiful, fine, nice. welfare, advantage. bah', flood, inundation. Cf. ba'ju, coat, jacket. Cf. jubali. sbdk. bn'JH da' la in, underwear, vest. radiant heat. ba'hang, ba'jn ran'iai, coat of mail. bah'kan, yea, moreover. ba'ju zi'rali, coat of mail. sleeve. bah't-ra (Sk.), state barge; ark ta'iyan ba'ju, (X.). ba'ka, origin, birth, breeding. ba'hu, shoulder. ba'ka (Ar.), eternal, imperish- able, as opposed to fana, bah'wa (Sk.) (138). a punctu- perishable. Cf. kkal. ation word ; see bhawa. ba'kar, inm-ba'kar, -kan, to bah'ya or ba'hi-a (Sk.), danger, burn, roast. Cf. liargus. peril. Also ma'ra balt'ya. Im'kdr b-f-'i'. to make iron hot. bai-du'ri (Sk.), certain precious frr-ba'kar, burnt. cat's etc. stones, opals, eyes, ba'kau, mangrove. Cf. manikfini. ba'ki (Ar.), surplus, remainder, in ba'ik, good, well; (B.) good cash balance. health. ba-ik-ba'ik. be careful. ba'koig, lily. ' bak'sis ...... (Pers.), ba'ik. bti ik , both and present. ba'ik-lali. all right. bak'ti (Sk.), loyalty, loyal ser- ba'ik pa' ma, handsome. vice, devotion. 10 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

ber-bak'ti, devout, loyal. ba'lut, mm-ba'lut, to wrap, ban- k-bak'ti-an, loyalty, devotion. dage. Cf. barut and bbat. ba'kul, basket. Cf. kranjary, bam'bu, the bamboo; see bnloli gar ing and raga. and aur. ba-la" (Ar.), trouble, affliction, ba'mi (Cliiu.), Chinese vermi- calamity; also bla'. celli with meat and vege- tables. ba'la (Sk.), soldiers, an army. ba'la in t-ra, an army. ban'chi, poll-tax, census. ba'lai, a hall, the roof resting on ban'dar (Pers.), a seaport town, pillars, and not enclosed by shah-ban'dar, harbour-master. walls; a police station (Pe- ban-dar'sah (Ar.), a village and Perak). nang mosque; see mandarsah. Cf. or ba'lai a ba'lai-rorg' ru'arg, surau, and msjid. king's hall of assembly. ban'ditg, a match, counterpart, ba'lak (D.), a beam, baulk. peer, compeer; to compare; ba'laig, a long-necked bottle. also bandirgkan. of as ba'lar, whiteness the skin, ba'igat, quick, rapid, hurried. of albino. an Cf. chpat, Ikas, dras, lajic ba'las, mm-ba'las, -kan, to send and pantos. to a a reply, recompense (good or ba'rgat-kan, hurry person,, or work. evil), return, revenge, re- ward. ba'igau, heron. ba'las dn'dam, to revenge one- bar^'kai, carcase, corpse. Cf- self. ma i/at. ba'las sn'rai, to answer a letter. to rise ba'la-san and pm-ba'la-san, re- baig'kit, ber-barg'kit, (to> a or as ward, requital, revenge. standing posture dust), rise from the dead ba'lau, a timber tree. (X.). bai'di (Hind.), iron pail. barg'kit-kati, to raise up, rouse see bludu. baldu, up.

k-ba n resurrection X . . ba'lek, ber-ba'lek, to turn (163), n/'ki-ta , ( ) the return; (B.) on contrary. bai^'ku (Port.), a bench, stool. Cf. kmbali, baig'sa (Sk.), a race, nation,, ba'lek sa'kit, relapse. people, caste, good breeding. ba'lek, pu'tar shuffling, prevari- of birth, no- cation. ber-batg'sa, good ble. ba'lek-kan, to turn round or shed. upside down, upset. baig'sal, baty'xnl kit' da, stal)le. ba'ligh (Ar.), adult, at the age of puberty; also 'a'kal ba'- bai^'sat, vagabond, tramp, pau- ligh. per. ba'lu, widow, widower; usually baig-sa'wan (Sk.), noble, of janda. Cf. bujarg. good birth. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. II

si, flute, flagiolet. o'raiy ba'tyak, the people, the- populace, a crowd. ba'rgun, to arise, awake. Cf. * s-ba'njak, so as jaga and sdar. many, many. k-ba'n/a-kan, the the ba'igun-kan, to arouse, erect, majority, build. major part; common, ordi- nary. ba'vgu-nan, building, erection. father. ba-igun-ba'tgu-nan, tower. ba'pa, Cf. ayah, ba'pa sau-da'ra, uncle. ba'ni (Ar.), sons, people; see bni. ba'pa ti'ri, step father. ba'ni-an (Hind.), a Hindu tra- mak' ba'pa or i'bu ba'pa, pa- der. rents. ba'ni-an, a shirt. bap'tis and bap'ti-san, baptism. (X.). ba'nir, projections at the base of to certain trees which extend bap'tis-kan, baptize (X.). ba'ra and ba'ra a' live to the ground like buttresses. pi, embers, coals. ban 'jar, a row, series. Cf. deret. ba'rah, abcess, ulcer, tumour. ban tah ber-ban'tah, to (149), Cf. pkorg, bistil and jrairat. dispute, argue, quarrel. ba'rafg, things, goods, personal per-bari ta-lian , dispute, quar- property, baggage. Also rel. barary-baraig. ban'tai, mat to -ban'tai, slaugh- ba'ra ig a'pa (20), whatever, beat ter; severely. anything. ban'tai, pillow, cushion. ba'ra rg bi'la, whenever. ti'kar ban'tai, bedding (of a ba'ra tg di ma'na, wherever. native). ba'raig-ka'U, perhaps. ba'raty k-ma'na, whithersoever. ban'tirg, mnt-ban'tiiy, -kan, to ba'ra tg si-a'pa (20), whoever, beat together, dash down; to beat as clothes on a stone in anyone. ba'raig s-sn-a'tu, whatever. washing them : to toss about whatever. in bed as in delirium. ba'raty yatg' , s-ba'raig, any, anything. ban'tirg k-pa'la, to rack one's brains. ba'rat, west. ba'rat south-west. ban'tirg tu'larg, to exert one- da'ya, self. ba'rat la'ut, north-west. s-sat' ba'rat, altogether astray. ban'tu, mm-ban'tu, to help, aid, ba'rifg, ber-ba'ritg, to lie down. assist. Cf. tolorg. ba'ritg-kan, to lay down. ban 'tun, nun-ban' tun, to tear up ba'ris, a line or row, a line of by the roots, pull up, pull hence drill : vowel out. Cf. cliabot. soldiers, points. ban'tut, abortive. ba'ris di a'tas, the Arabic vowel = ba'iyak, much, many, very; sign fatliali a. quantity (36, Note). ba'ri* di ba'n-ah, the Arabic - ba'ryak o'rarg, many people. vowel sign kn.frith i. 12 MALA Y-KX GLISH VOCABUL A i; V .

ba'n'ft di ha'dn-pan, the Arabic ba'tin, a title of Malay chiefs. dlanintah = u. ba'tin (Ar.), concealed, inward, ba'ris ma'ti, or tan'da ma'ti, esoteric, as opposed to tlahir, the sign jazm, q. v. outward. ba'rus, ka'pur ba'rus, camphor. ba'tok, cough. Ixt'tok ba'rut, mm-ba'rut, a bandage or l,--rii(/', coiiMimption. bodice worn by native chil- ba'tok m'lctk, \vliooping cough. dren to a wound. ; bandage ba'tu, stone, rock, milestone, and hence a mile. bar-zakh' and 'a'lani bar-zakli', bain flint. Hades, the place of departed a'pi, ba'in a'*ah, whetstone. spirits. ba'tu ba'tfi, brick. ba'sah, wet, moist. ba'tu b-rn'ni, loadstone. ba'sali ku'yup, wringing wet. ba'tu b-si' , granite, or any hard ba'sali-kan, to wet. rock. Cf. bat it ubin. l-a'iu ba'sa-han, bathing cloth. ba'tu da'rhity, the weight of a ba"sat bed (B.) (Chin.) bug. steelyard. stone roller for ba'si, mouldy, stale. ba'tu !/i'li>U, a stuff. ba'soh, mm-ba'soh, -kan, to grinding curry ba'tu k- la, the crown of the wash. pa' head, the cranium. ba'ta and ba'tu a brick. ba'ta, ba'tu ka'raig, coral, coral reef. millstone. ba'tal (Ar.), futile, ineffectual. ba'ln ki'sa-ran, ba'tal-lfan, to bring to nought. ba'tu k-li'kir, gravel. Ixi'tn k-ri'sek, gravel, finer than ba'targ, trunk or stem (of trees the above. and plants) : numeral coeffi- ba'tu li'eliin, pebbles. cient of long cylindrical ob- ba'tu M-la'ka, flooring tiles. jects (83, 84). Cf. batu nihin and batu ba'ta ty a'yer, watercourse, main ubin. stream of a district. ba'in ni'hin, flooring tiles. ba'targ hi' doty, the bridge of bn'tu ter-an'tok, the nose. stumbling block (X.). ba'taty ka'yu, trunk of a tree. bn'tu u'bin, flooring tiles; (in ba'ta irj le'liir, the neck. Singapore) granite. Cf. ba-ta'ra (Sk.), a title given to rubin. Hindu btara. gods. Usually ba'tu u'ji, touchstone. ba'tas, ridges, banks round wet a'rattj ba'tn, coal.

rice fields, hence boundaries; ii'i/t-r hn'hi. ice.

< also bataftan. IKI/I' ha'tu, lithography. Uii'ht Ixi'hi, loaf sugar. ba'tek (Jav.), l-a'in ba'tek, cot- ba'tu, the second mate of ion or hand jn'ni prints painted a vessel. cloths. ni'nin/i ba'tu, a brick house.

ba'til, a small metal bowl or tii'kfiifj ba'tu, mason, brick- drinking cup. layer. MALAY-KXGLISH VOCABULARY. ban', odour, smell, fragrance. b-dak', a cosmetic made of rice ban' bu'sok, a bad smell. flour, toilet powder. ' ber-ban' a , having smell, odor- b-da'ki, to powder. ous. b-dal', to beat violently with a ban-bau'an (130), incense, per- stick; to eat to excess. Cf. fumes. gasak. ba'tir, mixed, in dis- confused, b-d-bah' order. (Pers.), ill-omened, ac- cursed, wretched. cliam'pur ba'ur, in confusion. b-diT, firearms. ba'wa, mm-ba'iva (55), to con- o'bat b-dil', vey, carry, take, bring. gunpowder. ' ba'ica off. ka'in di'ri, to take oneself b-doi^;', b-donj , swaddling ba'wa i'man, to embrace the clothes. Cf. larnpin. faith, become a Moham- be'a, cowrie shells; taxes, cus- medan. toms. ba'ica ja'lan, to lead the way. be'bas, Cf. ba'wa to run with. free, having liberty. la'ri, away merdheka. ba'ica ma'sok, to take in, in- to set liberate. troduce. be'bas-kan, free, k-be'ba-san, liberty, freedom. ba'wa mu'lut, to talk scandal, be'cha gossip. (Chin.), jinrikisha. ba'wa per'gi, to take away. be'chak, puddle, muddy or ba'wah, below, under. swampy place. de'ri from below. ba'wah, be'da or be'za (Sk.), difference,

. di ba'wali, below. distinction. . di ba'wali Ma- a'iyin, leeward, be'da-kan, to distinguish, dis- layan lands. criminate. k-ba'wah, to the lower side. behkan, see bahkan. f, onon. be'la, human sacrifice, suttee; ba'yam, spinach. vengeance. ba'yan, a kind of parroquet. tun' tut be'la, to seek vengeance. ba'yan?, shadow, image. be'lek, mm-be'lek, to look closely. to ba'yar, inin-ba'i/ar, pay. be'lok, to luff, tack (in sailing). ba'yar rii'at, to pay a vow. be' lot, treachery; to be a traitor. ba'ya-ran, a payment. pm-be'lot, a traitor. b-hal , ignorant, stupid. Cf. see bodoh. beig'kaig, bergkok. bent. b-han'. burden, load. beig'kok, crooked, berg'karg beiy'kok., zig-zag. b-bat', to wrap round, bind or confused round with cloth, etc. Cf. be'igonf bi'igoig, balnt and band. (of the mind), disconcerted,, b-b-ra'pa, some, a certain quan- stupid. stockade. Cf. tity; however much (144) ; ben'teig, fort, see a pa. k idnt. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

be'rak, to ease oneself; see buarg b-ha'gi, mm-b-lia'gi, -kan (149), ayer. a division, share, part; to beranda, see branda. share, divide. b-ha'gi-an, a share. be'raig, furious, wild with rage. b-ha-gi'a (Sk.), good fortune, ber-ha'la, an idol. blessing ; blessed, happy; also ni'mah ber-ha'la, a heathen berbhagia. temple. b-ha'na (Sk.), sound of voices, see beriigin, brirgin. noise. ber'kas, a faggot, a bundle of b-ha'ra (Sk.), a measure of things tied together. weight. toer'kat (Ar.), blessing, benedic- to' lab b-ha'ra, ballast. tion, good influence. b-ha'ru (161), new, recent; new- bcr-ka'ti, to bless. ly, lately, just, then and not Tier'kek, snipe. till then. Hindu Ber'ma (Sk.), the god b-ha'sa (Sk.), language, good also brahma. Brahma; manners, politeness. ber'man (Sk.), a brahmin; also bit'di b-ha'sa, tact and polite- brahman. ness. ja'lan b-ha'sa, idiom. ber-naqg:', to swim; see rnarg. ju'ru b-ha'sa, interpreter. to see T>er-ni-a'ga, trade; bniaga. ku'raty b-ha'sa, impolite. berok, see brok. bhatra, see bahtra. to see 1>er-o'leh, possess, own; b-ha'wa (138) (Sk.), a punctua- oleh. tion word, generally intro- T>er'seh, clean. Cf. suchi. ducing a quotation. Also ber'seli-kan, to clean. baliwa. see bah- ber'sin, sneezing; to sneeze. b-ha'ya (Sk.), danger; i/a. be'san, ber-be'san, related by bi-a'dab dis- marriage of their children. (Pers.), rude, respectful. be'sok, to-morrow; see esolc. bi'ak, prolific, fertile. -be'ta (Hind.), slave, servant. bi'ar, -kan, to Used as a pronoun of the 1st allow, permit; sometimes used almost in the person by royalty. sense of although (let it be), T>-gi-ma'na (144), how, in what as, biar lambat pun jadi way? juga, though it be a long ib-gin'da (Sk.), a title given to time it will do. and and used kings princes, bi-ar-bi'ar, intestinal worms. as a pronoun of the 2nd or bi-a'sa (Sk.), accustomed, ex- 3rd person. perienced, intimate, usual. so, like this. "b-gi'ni, thus, bi-a'sa-lcan di'ri, to accustom b-gi tu, thus, so, like that. oneself, practise. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 15

a numeral co-

al coefficient of sails, mats, bi-nn'sa-kan , to destroy. etc. (84) bi-na'taig, animal. bi'du-an and bi-du-an'da, body biig'kis, a gift, a present sent guard, royal messenger. with a letter. an or block of tin. bi'dur, ingot bi'ngonj, confused, disconcerted, ibi'jak (Sk.), learned, clever, stupid. fluent of skilful; (B.) bi'ni, wife. Cf. istri. speech. a'nak bi'ni, wife and family. be bi-jak-sa'na (Sk.), intelligent, !><', -bi'ni, to have a wife, skilful, discreet. married (of the man). ber-bi'ni-lfan, to take to wife. bi'jeh, tin ore. 16 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. bin tartf, star; also a decoration. b-ku', congealed, coagulated, fro- bin'targ ber-a'sap, comet. zen. comet. b-ku' ice. bin'taig ber-e'kor, a'ijt'r , Cf. ayer bain. bin'tatg ber-i'dar, planet. b-la" (Ar.), affliction, calamity. or ba'- bin'tatg p-tatg' bin'tatg misfortune; also ba-la". rat, Venus as an evening to star. b-la', inm-b-la', nurture, .-up- port, children. < 'L bin'tatg ti'mor or bin'targ ba'bi, bring up Venus as a morning star. plihara. b-la'chan, a of dried bin-ta'igor, the name of a tree; composition fish and used to sea- see bntargor. prawns sou curries. bin'ti (Ar.), daughter of. b-la'chu, unbleached calico. bio (B.) (Chin.), temple. b-lah', to cleave, bi-o'la (Port.), violin. mm-b-lah', split, divide, cut in two length- bi'ras, brother-in-law or sister- wise. in-law. s-b-lah' or sb'lah, one side of bi-ri-bi'ri Cf. (Hind.), sheep. that which is divided, hence domba and kambirg. one side of anything. blue. bi'ru, sb'lalt ka'nan, the right side. ha'ru bi'ru, confusion, disorder. sb'lah ki'ri, the left side. bi'sa, poison; poisonous, painful. sb'lah ma'ta, one eye. sb'lah this side. bi'sa (Jav.), able, capable, can. si'ni, Often = the other side. ;i.-: bi'sek, ber-bi'sek, to whisper. sb'lah gn'noig, the other side bi'siig, chattering, or any un- of the mountain. noise of that kind. pleasant sb'lah in-tyb'lah or k-du'a &- lah' sides. Bis'nu (Sk.), the Hindu god , both Vishnu. sb'lah-kan, to lay aside, sepa- rate. bi'su, dumb. Cf. klu. b-la'jar, to learn; see ajar. bi'sul, a boil, abcess. Cf. jravat and barah. b-la'ka, altogether. entirely. quite. b-kal , supplies for a journey, b-la'kan?, the back, the poster- especially food, provisions. ior: behind, hereafter, after- or left b-kas', mark impression wards. vessel by any body or action ; b-la'ka-rgi and b-la'kaiy-kau, to in which is con- anything turn one's back on. tained. b-la'lai, the trunk of an ele- b-kas' lea' ki, footprint. phant, the proboscis of in- b-kas' ta'igan, handwriting, sig- sects. nature. b-kas' tu'boh, that which has b-la'laig, grasshoppers, locii.-t.- and crickets. touched the body, clothes presented as a token of affec- B-lan'da, Dutch; a corruption tion. of Hollander; also wolanda- MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 17

or ', piebald, variegated; spot- a bandage; to encircle (as ted, striped. a snake). b-la rga, an earthenware pot used b-lu'du (Port.), velvet; also for cooking. pronounced bal'du. b-lan'ja, expenses, cost of any- b-Iu'kar, underwood, jungle cut thing, allowance to meet ex- down and grown up again', penses, hence salary. scrub. Of. hutan and rimba. to b-hin'ja-kan, expend. b-Iu'larg, untanned or raw hides; b-lan-ta'ra, wild, waste places, callus, callosity of the skin.

as : b-lum' (72), not yet: this word liu'lun h-lan-ta'ra, the jungle. sometimes has onlv the force rim'ba the wilds of b-lan-ta'ra, of a simple negative. the forest. b-lum' kah'win, unmarried. b-ltini' b-Ias' (30). a word which fonn.s la'gi, not _yet. the numerals from eleven to b-l>nn' ma'sak, unripe or insuffi- nineteen, similar to the Eng- ciently cooked. lish "teen." b-lum' per nali, never yet. s-b-lum', before (conj.). b-las', pity, sympatrn;, compas- sion. b-Iunj'gu, fetters, shackles. b-ld*'kan, to arouse sympathy b-lut', eel. or to have pity on. b-nam', ter-b-nam' , sunken, de- network of b-lat', rattans laced pressed, partly buried. used with together, fishing b-naig', thread. stakes: hence fishing stakes b-nairj' a'raig, chalk line. or fish traps. b-nar', true, right, just, good. b-la'tok, woodpecker. *-b-nar'->ya, truly, verily. b-la'yer, to sail; see layer. b-nar'kan, to confirm, autho- b-le'rarg, brimstone, sulphur. lise, approve, justify. li-b-na ran , accuracy, truth, b-le'tir, to babble, chatter; sec Mir. verification, righteousness. a b-na'ra, washerman ; usually b-li', to buy, purchase. dobi. jn'nl })-}{', to trade, buy and sell. b-na'sa, ruin; see binasa. that which the /iin-h-li', buys, b-na targ, animal; see binatanj. pru-e or the buvei. bn-cha'na (Sk.), trouble, injury, b-li an, a timber tree. harm. b-li kat, the shoulder blade. bn'chi, miH-bn'chi, to hate. the axe. b-Ii'on?, large Malay bn'da, a thing, an article or ob- Of. and l-a/>ak palil. ject, especially valuables. n'njin water- 1 pu'iiiy b-li'onj, In )-' la bn'ilii, property, especial- spout. ly household property. ;b-lit', a coil, a turn; a necklace nta'ta bn'da, jewellery. 18 M4.LAY-KNGi.18H VOCABULARY.

bn-da-ha'ra (Sk.), the title of ficient of rings, fishhooks,, the highest official in a Malay etc. State, originally meaning b-nu'a, a large region or country,. treasurer. continent. per-bn-da-ha'ra'an, treasury. o'raig b-nu'a, aborigines. bn-da-ha'ri of- (Sk.), treasury bo'chor, leaky. ficers. nt n' lut bo'chor, tell-tale, blab.. fields bn'darg. (either irrigated bo'doh, foolish, stupid. Of- or dry). Cf. hiima, lada-rg bbal. and saii-ali. k-bo'do-han, stupidity. bn-de'ra (Port.), flag. boek (B.) (Chin.), stocking. ti-arg' bn-de'ra, flagstaff. bo'hoig, false, untrue; a lie or bn'dul, the beams on which the falsehood. Cf. dusta. walls of a native house rest. pm-bo'horg, a liar. bn'dul threshold. piritu, bo'kor, a metal basin. b-neh', seed, grain. bo'la (Port.), a ball, billiards,. Big-ga'la, Bengal. football.

Brg-ga'li, a Bengalee. bo'leh, able, can, may, could.. oleh. b-igis', cruel; cruelty. might. See big'kak, a swelling; swollen. bo'lu (Port.), sponge cake; also- buah hulu. big.ka'roig, a kind of lizard. bom' (Eng. and D.). a boonu big'ku-aig, the screw-pine, from the or shafts of a car- the leaves of which kajangs pole riage. are made, see kajarg; also fire-en- mtykuarg. bom'ba (Port.), pump, gine, syringe. b'ni or ba'ni (Ar.), sons. a doc- b'ni Is'ra'el, the children of bo'mo or bo'mor, native J Israel. tor. Cf. dukun and doktor..

bon da, mother : a bn-ia'ga (Sk.), trade, commerce; (polite style) from i-bu-n'da. to trade: also mniaga and contraction 1 berniaga. bons'kar, mm-borg'kar, to pull (as an anchor). bn'taitf, mm-bn'farc/, to spread up boig'kar sa'iih, to weigh anchor.. out, lay out (as a mat or bent cloth). Cf. hampar. boig'kok, hunchbacked, (as-- an old man). bn-ta'igor, the name of several timber trees. boig'su, youngest child, la>l

born ; also anak borgsu. bn'tar, in its derivative: s-bn'tar, a moment, an instant. bo'peqf, pockmarked. bor' drill. bn-ta'ra (Sk.), herald, an officer (D.). auger, of court. bo'rong;, wliolesale, outright, en' bn'tok, curved; numeral coef- masse. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 19 bo'ros, extravagant, prodigal. b-rat', heavy, difficult, important; (36, bo'ta (Sk.), a goblin, demon. weight Xote). b-rat'kan di a'tas o'rarg, to lay bo'tak, or un- bald, premature the responsibility on a per- natural baldness owing to son. disease. Cf. gondol. b-ri', mm-b-ri', -kan (78, 149), bo 'to I bottle. (Eur.), to give, grant, concede, al- bo'ya (Port.), a buoy. low, permit. b-ri' ha'ti, to b-ra'hi, sexual passion. encourage. b-ri' i'rgaf, to remind, caution. B-rah'ma, the Hindu Brah- god b-ri' i-sha'rat, to make a sign. berma. ma; usually b-ri' i'zin, to give permission or B-rah'man (Sk.), a Brahmin; leave. usually berman. b-ri' ja'wab, to answer. b-ri' ma' to feed. brai, see chrai-brai. kan, b-ri' ma'sok, to let in. b-ran'dah (Port.), verandah. b-ri'- pin'jam, to lend. b-ra'igan, arsenic. b-ri' sak'si, to witness, testify. b-ra'igan, chestnut. b-ri' sa-lam', to salute. b-ri' to tell. b-ra'tyan ba'bi, oak. ia'liu, inform, b-ri' ta'kot, to frighten. b-ra'ni, brave, daring, coura- pm-b-ri'an, a gift, present. geous; to dare tp, have the the tree. courage to. b-ri'igin, waringin ba'tu b-ra'ni, loadstone. b-rin'jal (Port.), the egg-plant = b-si' b-ra'ni, magnet. iron/, q. v. b-ra'ni-kan to make di'ri, bold, b-ri'ta, news, information = encourage oneself. werta. b-ra'pa, how much? how many? b-rok', an , often trained also used as a contraction for to gather coconuts. bbrapa; see apa. b-ro'ti, a lath. b-ra'pa ba'njak, how many. b-ra'pa her'ga, how much b-ru'an?, a bear. ? (price) b-ru'ga, a'yam b-ru'ga, jungle b-ra'pa Tca'li, how often. fowl. b-ra'pa la' ma, how long. B-ru'nai, a State in N. Borneo, b-ra'pa pu'loh, how many tens. whence the whole island is s-b-ra'pa, as much as, as many so as. named. b-rus' (Eng.), brush. b-ras', husked rice. Cf. padi and b-sar', big, large; size (36, b-ras' ber'teh, rice roasted in Note).

the husk. lia'ri b-sar' , festival, holiday. b-ras' ku'tyit, rice stained with ha'ti b-sar', proud. saffron. o'raiy b-sar', chief, headman. b-ras' pu'luf, glutinous rice. fu'on b-sar', the senior in office. 20 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

b-sar'kan, to enlarge, exalt, buah-bu'a-han (130), fruits. magnify. bu'ai, to rock, swing (as a cra- k-b-sa'ran, grandeur, greatness. dle). Cf. ayun. pa'kai-an k-b-sa'ran, uniform. bit-ai'an, a cradle, hammock. b-ser'ta, together with ; see serta. bu-arg', mm-bu-ary', -kan, to b-si', iron. throw away, get rid of, b-si' ba'ja, steel. waste. b-si' b-ra'ni, magnet. bu-ary' arichak, to put out of- b-si' ku'da, a horseshoe. ferings to the spirits; see fia'tu b-si', granite. anchak. ta'lii rust. b-si', bu-ary' a'yer, and bu-aiy' a'yer blacksmith. tu'kary b-si', b-sar', to ease oneself. bs-ta'ri (Sk.), polite, accom- bu-ary' a'yer da'rah, dysentery. plished, well-bred. bu-aty' a'yer k-chil', to urinate bi'ni, to one's b-ta'pa, how; see apa. bu-arg' put away wife. b-ta'ra a title to (Sk.), given to blow one's Hindu bu-ary' i'ryus, gods. nose. b-ti'na (87), female (of ani- bu-ary' un'di, to cast lots. mals). bu-arg' wary', to waste money. diar- b-tiig', sandbank. Cf. tbiry. sa'kit bu-aiy'-bu-ary' a'yer, rhoea. b-tis', the lower leg. f b-tis bu'ah and jan'tory ~b-tis', bu'as, wild, fierce, ferocious (of the calf of the leg. animals). Cf. liar. b-tul', correct, true, accurate, bu'at, ber-bu'at (116), mm-bu'at straight, erect, real, genuine. (100), to do, make, cause. Cf. lurus. bu-at-bu'at, to pretend. lia'ti b-tul' hon- (B.), sincere, bu'at re'tyan, frivolous. est. bu'a-tan, manufacture. to b-tul'kan, straighten, repair. bu'a-tan Ai-ro'pa, European bu'ah, fruit; numeral coefficient make. action. of houses, ships, towns, etc. per-bu'a-tan, deed, act, (83, 84). bu-a'ya, crocodile. bu'ah b-tis', the calf of the leg. bu'boh, mm-bu'boh, to put, place, bu'ah cha'tur, chessmen. lay. Cf. Itak and taroh. bu'ah lia'ti-lcu, my treasure, a term of endearment. bu'bok, wood-maggots, weevils. bu'ah see bolu. hu'lii, bu'bol, mm-bu'bol, to make or bu'ah pa'la, nutmeg. mend nets. bu'ah piry'gary, the kidneys. see bu'ah p-lir',ihe testes. buboig, burnbory. bu'ah tim-ba'ryan, weights. bu'bor, gruel, broth. a'nak bu'ah, the dependents of bu'bu, a of rattan. a Malay chief. fish-trap ber-bu'ah, to bear fruit. bu'dak, child, boy or girl. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 21 bu'di (Sk.). wisdom, prudence. bu'lan, the moon; a month. bu'di bi-cha'ra, wise discretion. bu'lan da'targ and bu'lan d- bu'di b-ha'sa, tact and polite- pan', next month. ness. bu'lan d-liu'lu, and bu'lan la'lu, 'a' kal bu'di, intelligence. last month. ber-lni'di, wise, prudent. bu'lan g-lap', when the moon is invisible. bu-di'man (Sk.), wise. bu'lan per-na'ma, full moon. bu'eh, foam, froth. scum, bu'lan tim'bul, new moon.

' A race inhabit- Bu'gis, Malayan bu'lan t-raig' , moonlight. the island of Celebes. ing bu'lan?, mm-bu'laig, to wrap or bu'jarg, unmarried, single, a ba- wind anything round with chelor or widower. Of. jan- cloth. Cf. bbat and balut. da. bu'lat, round, spherical, cylindri- cal. bu'jok, 1'nm-bii'jok, to coax, en- tice, persuade: also pujok. bu-lat-bu'lat, entirely. d'tyan s-bu-lat-bu'lat ha'ti, with the bu'jor, lengthwise, long: way, the whole heart. as opposed to lintairj, trans- bu-li-bu'li, a small, versely. long-necked bottle. Cf. balary. buk, see buku. bu'loh, bamboo, of many kinds. to un- bu'ka, mm-bu'ka, open, Cf. aur and bambu. cover. bu'loh ba'rgsi, the Malay flute. bu'kn ja'lan, to lay out a road. bu'loh p-rin'du, a?olian pipe. bu'kn ka'in, to take off clothes. bu'lu, feathers, wool, hair bu'ka k-dai', to set up a shop. down, of the Cf. rambut and bu'ka la'yer, unfurl sails. body. roma. bu'ka pu-a'sa, to break off or bu'lu cease fasting. k-nitr/', eyebrows. bu'lu the on a bu'ka rah'si-a, to reveal a se- lan'ilak, quills ; when removed cret. porcupine off from the animal they are bu'ka to' pi, to raise or take I an' dak. one's hat. called du'ri bu'lu nia'ia, ter-bu'ka (110), opened. eyelashes. biClu ro'ma, hairs on the hu- bu'kan (69, 70), not, is not. are man body. not. bu'lu tnfkok, the mane (of a bu-kan -bu'ka n, non-existent, of horse). no account. la'yer bu'lu a'yam, the Malay bu'kit, a hill. Cf. chargkat. latteen sail. ka'ki bu'kit, the foot of a hill. u'lat bu'lu, hairy caterpillar. o'raiy bu'kit, wild tribes. bum'borg, the ridge of a roof, of the bu'ku, joints (as fingers), a roof: usually bum-bo'rgan, knots in wood, lumps. sometimes bubory and bu- bu'ku (Eng.), a book. Also boiyan. buk. tu'laiy bum'borg, ridge pole. 22 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

" bu'mi (Sk.), the earth, the lian'tu pm-bu'ru, the spectre ground. huntsman." bun'dar, round; a ring or circle bu'rut, hernia, rupture. drawn with a pen. bu'sar, a bow, an arc of a circle, bu'rga, flower; also ornamental an instrument for cleaning designs. raw cotton. Cf. pariah, bu'rga a' sparks, fireworks. pi, bu'sok (163), putrid, rotten, d&r bu'rya chrg'Jceh, cloves. composed, bad smelling, foul. also bu'nga Tca'rarg, sponge; ban bu'sok, a bad smelL lumut kararg. na'ma bu'solf, a bad reputation. bu'rga pa'la, mace. bu'sut, ant-hill. bu'rga warg', interest on money. bu'ta, blind. bu'igar, in the phrase: buia-tu'li, blind and deaf, bu'ali bu'rga-ran, first-fruits. hence used of doing things buig'kus, a parcel, bundle. blindly or recklessly. burg'kus-lcan, to wrap up. bu'ta (Sk.), an evil spirit, de>- to mur- bu'noh, mm-bu'noli, kill, mon; also bota. der. bu'taig (Eng.), button. pm-bu'noli, murderer. a small per-bu'no-Jian (124), place of bu'tir, grain, particle; execution. numeral coefficient of gems pm-bu'no-han (124), murder. (83, 84). smaller bun'tiig, pregnant. Cf. hamil. bu'yoig, a water jar, than tmpayan, q. v. bun tut, the posterior, the but- tocks, the end, the tail, the last. Cf. pantat and purg- Ch

cha'bai (Sk.), the chili, capsi- bu'iyi, noise. sound, cum; also lada China. bu'ryi su'rat, the contents of a of a letter. cha'baig, main branch tree, bifurcation forked. Cf. ber-bu'ryi, to sound, make a ; noise. dalwn and chararg. bn-nji-bu'nji-an, music. cha'bok (Pers.), a whip. bu ri-tan, stern of a ship. cha'bol, licentious ; outrageous behaviour. bu'rok (163), rotten, worn out, decayed, bad (of vegetable cha'bot, mn-cha'bot (146), to substances and manufac- puli out, pull up, uproot, ex- tured Cf. liaus. articles). tract, draw a weapon (cf. bu'roig, bird. Inn us)', in Perak chabot on bu'rorg lian'tu, owl. means also the royalty bu'roty on'ta, ostrich. tin. Cf. bantun. bu'ru, mm-bu'ru, to hunt, chase. cha'chak, to thrust into the pm-bu'ru, hunter. ground (as a pole). MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 23 cha char, small pox. chaig'kok, mn-cliaiy'lcolc, to cha'char a'yer, chicken pox. graft. Cf. tut. ta'ixun cha'char, to vaccinate. chan'tek, pretty. cha'chat, blemish, stain, spot, chap', a seal, stamp; to print; defect. Cf. clila. also chapkan and chitak. cha'chiig, a wonn= (B.) tachirg. chap' ba'tu, lithography.

chah'ya (Sk.), light, luminosity. tu'kaiy chap', printer. Cf. sinar. cha'pai, mn-cha'pai, to seize, ber-chah'ya, luminous; to take hold of. shine. cha'pe (Jav.), weary; usually cha"ir, thin (of fluids), liquid; pnat. as to thick, opposed pleat, cha'pek, halting, limping. Cf. glutinous. tempaiy and pencharg. cha'kap, ber-cha'kap, to speak; cha'ra (Sk.), manner, style, cus- (sometimes) to profess one's tom. ability to do a thing, be cap- cha'ra Chi'na, in Chinese stylo. able of. Cf. tutor. cha'rarg, a small branch, twig. per-cha'ka-pan, speech, oration, Cf. cJtabaig and dalian. phrase. cha'rek, mn-cha'rek, -kan, to cha'kar, to scratch (as a bird). tear, rend. Cf. koyak. cham', cli am'ban, to recognize, cha'ri, mn-cha'ri (Sk.) (14G). observe, take note of. to seek, look for. cham pak, -kan, mn-cham'pak, cha'ri 'a'kal, to devise means. to throw, throw down, throw cha'ri ma'kan, to get a living. Cf. bnaiy and limpas. away. pn-cha'ri-an, livelihood. see champiig, chompaiy. cha'rut, wn-clia'rut, to use ob- cham'pur, mn-cham'pur, -kan scene language. to (149), mix, mingle. chat' (Chin.), paint. chain' in confusion. pur ba'ur, tu'kary chat', painter. chamti, see climti. cha'tur (Sk.), the game of chess j cha'nai, to polish (metals). also main gajah, q.v. The used are called cha'narg, a gong. pieces raja, mntri, gajaU, kuda, tir, and

ch-la'na, trowsers: usually sluar. cho'ki or chu'ki, the Malay game of also ch-lek', open (of the eyes). draughts; dam, q.v. ch-lek'kan ma'ta, to open the cho'kin (Chin.), bathing cloth.. eyes. Cf. basahan.

ch-lop', mn-cli-lop' , to dip into, chok'mar, a battle axe or club. soak, steep, dye. chom'paig, in the phrase: to scald, immerse in hot ch-lor', choni pa rg-ch a mpiry, ragged. water or oil. chon'd-roig and chon'dongt- ch-lor' a'yam, to dip a fowl in slanting, out of the perpen- hot water before plucking it. dicular. Cf. meriig, serget Cf. kotor and ch-mar', dirty. and serorg. najis. chon'dorg ma-ia-lia'ri, when the chm'bul, a small box. sun is low.

chm-bu'ru, jealousy. chotg'kak, pride; proud. Cf- c/i >n-btt'ru-an, jealous. somborg. cowrie shells; also a ch-mer'laig, glittering. chorg'kak, game played with shells on chm-pa'ka (Sk.). a tree with a board 18 holes. sweet-scented flowers. containing choig'po a cook. chm'p-dak, a fruit similar to (Chin.), the jack-fruit, but smaller. chon'toh, pattern, sample. ch'm-.ti (Tarn.), a whip. Cf. chon'teig, to smear, daub. chabok. cho'rak, the colour or pattern of chncharg, see chin chary. a print or sarorg. chn-chu'rut, the musk rat. cho'reig, streaked, striped, stain- ed. chn-da'na (Sk.), sandalwood. cho'ron?, a pipe, lamp chimney. chn-da'wan, mushroom, fungus. ch-pat', quick, quickly. Cf. ba- ch-rgan?' and ier-ch-rgarg' , amaz- rgat, clras, Ikas, laju. ed, astonished. ch-pi'au a Cf. chig-ka'dok, grasshopper. (Port.), hat, cap. to/>i and soiykok. chi^'keh, the clove tree. bu'irja chrg'keh, cloves. ch-rai', ber-clt-rai' (149), to part from, separate from. chrg'kon?, sunken (of the eyes). ch -ra i'-b-ra i', scattered. chig'k-ram, earnest money. ber-ch-rai' d'igan bi'ni, di- chig'k-rek, a ciicket. vorced. cho'ba, mn-cho'ba, to try, at- ch-rai'kan, to separate, detach. also used in tempt; giving ch-re'wet, importunate. orders in the same way ;i> " ch-ri'ta (Sk.), a tale, story. Cf. the English word plea- chertra. (157). cho'ba i, to tempt. ch-rok', corner of a room, pji-cho'ba'aH, temptation. hidden place. M ALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

ch-ru'tu (Tarn.), cigar. chu'rah, nin-diu'rah, to pour out, chtra ='chrita and chertra. spill. Cf. turn pah and luatg. cht'ri (Hind.), an awning. chu'ram, r fine steep, precipitous, slop- chu-a'cha, clear sk} , weath- (as the side of a hill). er. ing chu'ri, mn-cliu'ri, to steal. chu hit, to pinch. chu-ri-chu'ri, secretly, stealth- chu'chi, to clean. Cf. suchi. ily. chu'choh, to kindle, set fire to. pn-chu'ri, a thief.

chu'chok, to stab, pierce, poke, chu'ti (Hind.), leave of absence. push in, push through. Cf. tikam. D chu'chok a' tap, to stitch ataps with rattan. chu'chok sarg'gol, hairpin. da'chiig, a steelyard. ba'tu da'chitg, the weight of a chu'chor, to flow, trickle (as steelyard. water, tears, etc.). da da, the the chest. chu'chu, grandchild. breast, tarn' to beat the a'tiak chu'chu, descendants. par da' da, breast. chu'ka (Sk.), vinegar. chu'kai, tax. da'deh (Sk.), curdled milk. da' chu'kai k-pa'la, poll tax. a'yer deli, whey. chu'kai pin'tu, house assess- da'du (Port.), dice, ment. da'erah, see da'irah.

rhtutf'kil gi'gi, tooth-pick, da'hak, phlegm. chu'pak, a measure of capacity. da ham, see dham. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 27 da'han, the smaller branches of dam' (D.), the game of draughts. a tree. Cf. chabatg, chararg, Cf. choki. rantiirj, and chatcaig. da'mai, peace, concord. Cf. sjah- da' hi, the forehead. tra and sntausa. ber-da'mai, at peace. dah'shat (Ar.), terrified; terri- da'mai-kan and ber-da'mai-kan ble; terror. t to reconcile. b-ri' dah'shat, to cause terror. pacify, pe r-da' m ai-an, reconcil iation, dried also ikan da"in?, fish; krirg. atonement (X.); da' i rah (Ar. circuit), district, da mar, resin: hence a torch. neighbourhood. Cf. jajdhan. da' mar ba'tu, common resin. da' mar a timber tree. da'kap, ber-da'kap and mn-da'- la'ui, da'mar ma'ta a fine kap, to embrace. Cf. plok. ku'chirg, kind of resin. da'ki, dirt on the skin. damdam, see dmdam. da'ki, usually in the form mn- dam'par, ter-dam'par, aground,

ba'ju da'lam, vest, undercloth- pn-da'pa-tan , earnings. ing. da'pur, cooking place, kitchen,

da'girg da'rah, blood relation- mn-d'a'u'a and d'a'wa-kan, to ship. prosecute. ma'bok da'rah, faint through da'wai, wire. Cf. kawat. loss of blood. da'wat (Ar.), ink. Cf. tinta. bu-arg' a'yer da'rah, dysentery. tm'pat da'tvat, inkpot. da'rat, dry land, land as opposed resource. to water. da'ya (Sk.), means, also in a plan ; bad sense,. bcr-ja'lan da'rat, to go by land trick, or inland. stratagem. ti'pu da'ya, trickery, deceit. na'ik k-da'rat, or tn'run da'rat, da' i/a u-pa'ya, resources, mr;m> to land, disembark. of doing things. mn-da'rat, to go inland. per-da'ya-kan, to deceive, dupe.. dar'jat (Ar.), rank. outwit. darji, see derji. da'ya, in its derivatives: la' rat southwest. da'taig (62), to come. Cf. mari da'ya, s-la'taii south-southwest. and sampai. da'ya, bu'lan da'targ, next month. Da'yak, the inhabitants of the yarg a'kan da'targ, future. interior of Borneo. ber-da'targ sm'bali, to come and da'yaig, a girl, a maid-servant address a superior. at court : used as a form of da'ta-rgi, to attack. address in speaking to a girl. da'targ-kan, to bring to pass, da'yoig, an oar. bring about, cause. a'nah da'i/oiy, oarsman, rower^ k-da'ta-rgan, arrival, coming; ber-da'i/org, to row. use an oar. attacked (by sickness, etc.). d'bar, ber-d'bar. to palpitate, level rata. da'tar, flat, ; usually beat (of the heart). da'tok or da'to', grandfather; d-dak', l)ran (of rice). a title of Malay chiefs. This d-bu', dust ; see Ibu and word is used by Chinese to = denote their gods Chinese dekar, see dikar. Tcorg. den'derv:, dried meat. da'tok ne'nek, ancestors. de'ret, a row, series. Cf. dau'lat (Ar.), power, state, ma- ber-de'rct, in a row.

hail ! jesty ; der-ha'ka (Sk.), rebellion, trea- dau'lat tu'an-ku, your majesty. son : to rebel : also muder- da'un, a leaf, blade of grass. liaka. da'un ka'yu, the leaf of a tree. der-ham' (Ar. dirl-ain}. a small

da'un teli' , tea-leaves. silver coin. da'un the lobe of the t-li'rga, de'ri or da'ri (27), from (usual- ear. ly of places). d'a'wa (Ar.), a prosecution, Inw- dc'rl n'/tis. from above, above- df'ri Jin''trail, from below. sujt. Ti-'na d'a'wa, to be prosecuted. dc'ri da'ldiii, from within. MAl,\Y-i;_\GLlSH VOCABULARY.

dc'ri-lidi' , al)out, concerning. d-h u'hi de'ri-pa'da, before 'If'ri In'ar, from outside. (prep.}.

df/ii whence? n < in' ma'na, ti d-/in 'I it, wait a moment. from dc'ri-jM'da, (of persons), sa'bar d-hu'lu, please be patient. on account of (150), owing z'ntan d-hu'lu, olden times. to than (140), (89, 90); d-lm'hi-i, to precede, go before. li.i'ik ilr'i or I'bch i-pa'da ba'ik d-hu'lu-kan, to prefer, put first. dc'ri-pa'da, better than. di- (105), a particle prefixed to

d'ryan s'o'rarg di'ri, alone. d-pan', in front of; see liadap. ti-a'da, witliout. d'rgan d-ras', rapid, swift. Cf. laju^. ber-ch-rai' to d'ryan, separate pantas, Ikas and bargat. from. d-ri'ta, mn-d-ri'ta (Sk.), to with- ser'ta d'rgan, together with. stand, bear, endure. Cf_ d rgar, m-n'rgar, (102f), to hear, talian. listen. ti-a'da ter-d-ri'ta, unendurable^ d'rgar-kan, to listen to. unbearable. k-d'tya-ran, it was heard (im- d-ru', mn-d-rii' , to roar (as the- pers.). noise of waves or voices). p-n'rga-ran, the sense of hear- d-rum', mn-d-rum', to kneel (of ing. elephants and camels). malice. drg ki, envy, d-rum'kan, to cause to kneel. m-na'roh dry'ki, to bear malice. ds'tar (Pers.), turban, head- to snore. drg'kur, ber-dry'kur, cloth. ' to d-igorg', ber-d-rgorg' , buzz, two. the usual de- hum. du'a, (For rived forms see ampat). Cf.. dull-wit- d'rgu or du'rgu, stupid, pasary and ganda. bodoli. ted ; usually du-a-du'a, both. du'a twice. do"a (Ar.), prayer. ka'li, du'a la' double ba'clia do"a, to read or repeat pis, (as cloth). two or three. prayers. du'a-ti'ga, ber-du'a and in~ min'ta do"a, to pray. ber-du-a-du'a, ber-do"a, to pray. pairs. do"a-kan, to pray for. du'a-kan, to make two. pn-du'a, second, duplicate. do'bi (Hind, dhobi). a waslier- man, Cf. bnara. du'dok, to sit down, sit, remain,. dwell. do'dol, a kind of sweetmeats. du'dok ber-si'la, to sit with legs one dok'tor (Eur.), a doctor, crossed like a tailor. who western medi- practises du'dok d'ryan, to be married to.. cine. Cf. bomo and dukun. si'la du'dok, please be seated. dorn'ba (Pers.), a sheep. Cf. du'do-ki, to sit on, inhabit. kambiiy and biri-biri. du'dok-kan, to seat (a person). a'nak- dom'ba, a lamb. k-dii'do-kan, seat, place of" a'nah dom'ba Al'lali, the Lamb abode. of God (X.). du'ga, mn-du'ya, to find out the do'sa (Sk.)-, a crime, an offence; depth, sound, probe, fathom. sin. ba'tu du'ga, sounding lead. Cf. ber-do'sa, to commit an offence, prnrn. be guilty of a crime or sin; 'ta'li du'ga, lead-line. sinfiil. du'it (D.), a copper coin; in dosin, see dusin. Singapore = J cent, in Pe- - = d'pa, a fathom. naig 1 cent. 32 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. du'ka (Sk.), grief, sorrow, sad- sak'si dus'ta, a false witu ness; also du-ka-chi'ta. du'sun, a village; the country as ber-du'ka and ber-du-ka-chi'ta, opposed to the town. to be sad, grieve. du korg, inn-du'koiy, to carry a person or a child, usually on the back or hip, sometimes in eh'wal, see lineal. the arms. e'ja, to spell ; see lieja. du'ku, the name of a fruit. * e'jek, m-iye'jelc, to tease. du'kun, a native midwife. doctor, ekh'las (Ar.), sincerity; sincere; bomo. Cf. dokior, bidan and also ikhlas. du a salver or larg, tray, usually ek-Ii si-a (Gr.), the church, the than the of wood; smaller church universal (X.). Cf. talam. perhimponan and (jreja. dulapan, see dlapan. e'kor (84), tail; numerical coef- ficient of animals. du'li (Sk.), dust; a form of ad- c'kor ma'ta, the corner of the dress to kings, as du'li b-gin'- da, du'li yaig di-per-tu'an, eye. comet. your or his majesty; see jun- bin'taiy ber-c'Jcor, e'la (Port), an ell, a yard. dun'ia (Ar.), the inhabited e'lak, m-rge'lak, to dodge, avoid world. a blow, evade an order. Iter'ta dun'ia, worldly goods. 'elmu, see 'ilmu. i'si dun'ia, the inhabitants of e'lok, beautiful, handsome, pleas- the earth. ant, excellent. naf'su dun'ia, worldly lusts. k'e'lo-kan, beauty, excellence. per-i' da-ran dun'ia, a cycle, pe- riod of time. e'nak (Jav.), pleasant, nice, to dun'ia a'khi-rat, in this world agreeable the senses; and the next, for all time. usually sdap. see du'igu, stupid; see drgu. eiggan, 'ig-gan. erg's il (D.), hinges. du'pa (Sk.), incense. Cf. starggi. e'rei^;, lateral, on the side. du'ri, a thorn, spine. e're-njan rumali, the side of a du'ri Ian' dale, porcupines' quills. house. Cf. bulu landak. bi'lek e're-trjan, a side room. ber-du'ri, thorny. also du'ri-an, the name of a fruit. E-ro'pah, Europe; Airopah. the durian. erti, see arti. du'sin (Eng. and D.), dozen; e'rut, twisted, crooked. also lusin. e'sok, to-morrow; also besok. the next dus'ta (Sk.), false, mendacious, k'c'so-kan lia'ri-rya, untrue; (B.) jus'ta. day. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 33

f-dlu'li-kan, to care for, take trouble about.

fa ''a I or fi'MI (Ar.), act, deed, fer'dlu (Ar. apportioned), . .re- action, conduct, behaviour. ligious duty; usually pro- fa-ham' (Ar.), understanding, nounced per'lu, q.v.

: with knowledge acquainted ; feriiggi, see frirggi. often pronounced p-ham'. fham, see faliam. sa'lali fa-liam', misunderstood. see m-fa-hatn', to be informed fihak, pihak. about, know, understand. fi'il, see fa'al.

fa'i'dah (Ar.), profit, advantage, fi'kir, ber-fi'kir (Ar.), to think, benefit: also fa'edah. ponder, meditate. ber-fa'i'dah, useful, advanta- fi'kir-kan, to reflect upon. geous. fi'ki-ran, thoughts, ideas, opin- ions. fa' jar (Ar.), dawn. Cf. dim- It an. fi-ra'sat (Ar.), the art of phy- also 'il'mu fa'kat (Ar.), to confer; deliber- siognomy; fi-ra'- sat. ate, agree; also muafakat, and pakat. iir'daus (Ar.), Paradise, the s-fa'kat, in agreement, in collu- Garden of Eden. sion. tlr'man (Ar.), decree, command to be in ber-fa'kat, agreement. of God or of a . fa'kir (Ar.), a religious mendi- b-fir'man, to decree, command, cant, beggar; poor. say (of God or a sultan). falsu, see pahu. fit'nah (Ar.), calumny, slander. ia'na (Ar.), mortal, perishable, ft'nah-kan, to calumniate. as to transitory: opposed f-ri'n?'gi (Ar.), European. baka, imperishable. 'Far'si (Ar.), a Persian; also G Parsi. ga'dai, pawn, mortgage. fa sal (Ar.), chapter, section; pa'jak ga'dai, pawnbroker's about, concerning, with re- farm or monopoly. gard to. i'bus ga'dai, to redeem a a' pa fa'sal, why? pledge, take out of pawn. to pawn. fa'sik (Ar.), immoral, depraved, ga'dai-kan, mortgage, wicked. ga'diig, elephant's tusk; ivory; also the ribs of a boat. fat hah (Ar.), the vowel point to a see bar is. corresponding ; ga'doh, disturbance, uproar, also fa'ti-hah' (Ar.), the first chapter noise; per-ga'do-han. of the Ivoran. ga'gah, strong, powerful; force, Cf. kuat. f-dlu'li (Ar.), to trouble oneself, strength. to force. Cf. concern oneself, care about; ya'ga-hi, compel, usually pronounced p-du'li. paksa. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. ga'gak, a crow, raven. ga'mis (Ar. qamis), shirt, vest. ga'gap, to stammer, stutter. ga'm-lan (Jav.), a Javanese band. gah', fame, renown, glory; also mgah, q.v. gam'paig (Jav.), easy: usually or mudah. ga-ha'ru or g-ha'ru, aloeswood. snary Cf. alwat. a'naif gam'parg, illegitimate- child. ga'jah (Sk.), an elephant. ga'nas, violent- ber-ma'in ga'jah = ber-ma'in fierce, ferocious, cha'tur, to play chess; see gan'chu, a hook. chat in: gan'da, fold, in the expressions i ga'ji (Eur.), wages, salary. Cf. s-pu'loh gan'da, ten-fold. 11 pah . s-ra'-tus gan'da, a hundred- o'ranj ga'ji, a hired man, ser- fold. vant. s-ka'li gan'da, or gan'da, two- ma'l-an ga'ji, to receive wages fold.' or a salary. du'a l-a'li gan'da, twice as much ga-la-ga'la, pitch vised for caulk- again. manifold. ing boats. ber-gali'da-gari'da, wheat: ai?o ga'lah, a long thin pole such as gan'dom (Pers.). is used on native boats for irigu. poling or mooring them. ang;, ber-gaiy'gaig, to wann? oneself at a fire. Cf. ga'lak, fierce, savage. diatrj. to warm or ga'lak-kan, to stir up (as flame mrg-garg'garg, dry" over a fire. or passion), excite. ga'laig, mrg-ga'larg, to prop up, gaig'gu, impatient, importunate,, meddlesome; to- shore up; also kalarg. interfering, be in a hurry. ga'li, mrg-ga'li, to dig. gan'ja, the Indian hemp, from- prg-fia'li, spade; pick-axe. which an intoxicating ga'li-an, a mine, also k-li'an. drug is made. ga'mak, miy-ga'mak, to draw a " " a or liner in- dagger or sword partly out gan'jal, wedge serted in frames or of the sheath, so as to threat- bearings- to them the- en an adversary. tighten up; spaces used with type to> 'mak at a ga'mak, ga-mak-qa ; separate the words. guess, approximately. gan'jil, odd, uneven (of num- a musical instrument. gam'baqg;, bers). Cf. gnap, even. gam'bar, a picture, portrait, pic- gan'tang;, a measure of capacity toral representation. (see end of Grammar). tu'lis to draw a gam'bar, pic- gan'ti, substitute, successor; in- ture. place of, instead of. gam'bir, the name of a plant, bcr-gan-ti-gan'ti, in turn, suc- gambier. cessively. Cf. gilii: MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 35

gan'ti-kan, to succeed, take tlie run over by the wheels of a place of a person. carriage. Cf. gilirg. gan'ton?, ber-gan'toig, to hang, ge'leig, mtg-ge'lerg, to shake the suspend; to rely upon. head. to gan'torg-kan, hang up. ger'baig, the gate of a fortress, ga'iyut, hard, not mealy after town or castle; also pin'tu cooking (of had potatoes). ger'barg. ga'ram. salt. ger'baig, mrg-ger'barg, to let down the hair in tin' pat ga'ram, salt cellar. disorder. to cure. ga'ra-mi, salt, ge'rek, mtg-ge'rek, to bore, drill. ga'raig, fierce, savage, furious. pig-ge'rek, a drill. Cf. ganas. ger-ga'ji (Sk.), saw. ga'rau, loud, deep, hoarse (of ger-ga'si, a fabulous race of sounds). giants. a fork. gar'fu (Port.), ger'ham, a double tooth, molar; gar'ham, see gerliam. cf. gigi. tn'larg ger'ham , jaw bone. ga'ring, a basket slung on the hack. gerhana, see graliana. coarse ga'ris, a scratch, score, groove, ger'sek, sand, gravel. Also incised mark = goris. kersek. to make a miy-ga'ris, score, ger'tak, mrg-ger'tak, to stamp, scratch. strike with the feet (as a ga'rok, mig-ga'rok, to scratch, person urging on a horse), scrape. strike weapons together in order to ptg-ga'rok, scraper, rake, curry- intimidate ; hence to comb. threaten. ger'tak to the teeth. ga'rut, a scratch. Cf. garis. gi'gi, grind Also kertak gigi. ga'sak, mrg-ga'sak, to beat, strike with a stick. Cf. ge'sek, mnj-ge'sek, to rub, cause Mai. friction (usually of rough things). Cf. gesel, gesir and ga'siig, a child's top. gosok. ma'in ga'siry, to play tops. ge'sek bi-o'Ja, to play the fiddle. ga'tal, itchy, itching; the itch; lg-ge'sek, the fiddle bow. also lascivious. ge'sel, mig-ge'sel, to rub to- ga'yoig, a ladle made out of a gether. coco-nut shell. Cf. chebok, ge'sir, mig-ge'sir, to rub between no handle. which has the palms of the hands. barn. Cf. g-doig', storehouse, g-gak\ in the phrase : gudaty. g-gak' gm-pi'ta, a loud con- fused noise. ge'lek, mrg-ge'lek, to roll with a roller or rolling pin; to be 36 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

,g-gat', a bookworm; the larva of g-larg' ka'ki, anklets. the moth which destroys g-larg' ta'rgan, bracelets. clothing. g-lap', dark, obscure. Cf. klam. to va- gha"ib (Ar.), disappear, g-lap' gu-li'ta, pitch dark. nish. bu'Jan g-lap', the time when g-ha'ra, a'nak g-ha'ra, legitimate the moon is invisible. children. ma-ta-ma'ta g-lap', detective.

gha'rib (Ar.), foreign, strange. g-lar', mrg-g-lar', to confer a title or surname. g-ha'ru, aloes-wood. ber-g-lar', having a title or sur- clarified beef used gi' f ghee, fat, name. natives of India; also mi- by g-la'ran, surname, title. n/ak sapi. g-las' (Eur.), drinking glass. gi'gi, a tooth. Cf. gerliam. g-l-gar', floor joists. gi'gi a'su, canine teeth. gi'gi s-ri', the front teeth. g-li', ticklish, excitable, unable to cha'bot gi'gi, to draw a tooth. control oneself. churg'Tcil gi'gi, tooth-pick. g-lin'chir, mrg-g-lin'chir, to slip, gi'git, mrg-gi'git, to bite. slide.

gi'la, mad, insane, idiotic. glitar, see gltar. gi'la ba'bi, epilepsy. g-Io'joh, greedy, gluttonous. gi'laig, gi'larg-g-mi'larg, shining, g-Iok', a vessel for water with a glittering. Cf. Jcilcct. narrow neck.

to. roll (be- gi'liig, mrg-gi'lirg, g-lo'rah (Ar.), stormy, troubled. tween rollers as in a roller g-Iom'baig, large waves, break- mill), roll up (as sails), ers. Cf. ombak and alun. grind (as with curry stone to and roller). Cf. gelek and g-l'tar, mrg-g-l'tar, tremble. Cf. guliwg. gmntar. stone for ba'tu gi'lirg, grinding g-lu'niai, miy-g-lu'marg, to curry stuff. wallow in mud; smeared with lumor and gi'Iir (115), alternation, change, mud. Cf. turn, relieving guard. kubarg. in suc- ber-gi'lir, alternately, g-mal', a bundle of sticks, sheaf in turn. Cf. cession, ganti. of grain. gi'li-ran, turn, change of guard. g-ma'la, mythical jewels sup- a ii\e = gin'tiig, roofing gntirg. posed to have magic proper- g-lak', in the phrase: ties. Also kmala. ter-ta'wa to laugh g-lak' g-lak', g-mar', pleased, glad, joyful; uproariously. joy. g-lam', the name of a tree, the ler-g-mar', to rejoice. bark of which is used for k-g-ma'ran, that which gives canlking boats. pleasure; enjoyment, rejoic-

', bracelet, anklet. ing. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 37 gm-ba'la, shepherd; see gombala. gn'tiig, a roofing tile. gm-be'ra, excited, excitement. a'tap gn'tirg, a tile roof. see gmilarg, gilatg. goa' (B.) (Chin.) (10), I, me. gmntar, see gntar. go'a and go'ha, a cave. gm'pa, shaking, quaking, especi- go'choh, mrg-go'choh, to strike of ally earthquakes. with the fist. Cf. tumbok. bu'mi, gm'pa earthquake. ber-go'choh, fighting with the gm'par, tumult, uproar, riot. fists, boxing. gm-pi'ta (Sk.), loud, roaring go'lek, ber-go'lek, to turn or roll (of : in the noises) usually backwards and forwards (as : phrase a fowl on a spit, or a boa't or g-gap' gm-pi'ta g-gak' gm- rolling). Cf. gulirg, gilirg a loud confused noise. pi'ia, and geld-. g-mok', fat, corpulent, stout; go'lek-kan, to roll or turn any- fertile (of soil). Cf. tam- thing backwards and for- bon. wards. g-m-rn'cheig, clattering, clank- go'lok (Penang), a chopping = ing. knife pararg. gmtar, see giar. gom-ba'la (Sk.), a shepherd, see gmuroh, yuroli. herdsman; a pastor (X.). g-nap', complete, entire, consum- gom-ba'la a'yam, one who tends

. mated, even (of numbers). poultry. Cf. ganjil, odd. gom-ba'la-kan , to herd, tend

s-g-nap' . the whole, all. animals. s-g-nap' dun'ia, the whole gon'chaig, mig-gon'charg, -ban, world. to shake with more or less s-g-nap' lia'ri, the whole day. rapidity or violence. Cf . x-ri'lt y-nap', exactly a thou- sand. ber-gon'chan/, trembling, shak- to ' g-na'pi, accom- "* complete, ing (intrans.). plish, consummate. gon'dah, uneasy, anxious. gn'daig, a long cylindrical shap- pa'saig gon'dah, neap tide. ed drum: also gndratg. gon'dok, goitre. gn'd-raig, a large drum; see gn- datg. gondol, bald, bare-headed, bare of leaves bare of gig'gam, the closed hand, fist. (of trees), Cf. s-grg'gam, a handful. vegetation (as hills). boiak. gtg'ga-man, the grasp. goig', a gn'ta (Sk.), a bell; usually 1o- gong. goig'goig, mrg-gorg'gorg, to in the mouth a gn'tar and g-mn'tar, to tremble, carry '(as especially with fear; also dog). g'tar and g-m'tar. goni, see a.uni. 38 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

go'poh, haste, hurry; hasty. Cf. g'tah, the gum winch exudes batyat. from trees, birdlimr. rubber. go-poh-go'poll, hastily. g'tah per'clia, gutta ]>Mvha. g'tah go'riig, to fry in fat, broil, grill. kam-bo'ja, gamboge. Cf. rnda-rg. g'tar, to tremble; usually gn'tar or sometimes go'ris, a scratch, score, groove; g-mn'iar, g- m'tar. incised mark = garis. go'sok, miy-go'sok (86), to rub gu'ber-nur (Eur.), governor; also with the idea of cleaning or pmrentah. polishing. Cf. gesek. gu'darg, a warehouse, !?tore, Cf. go'yaig, ber-go'yaiy, to shake, shop. gdoir). swing to and fro as the gu'gur, to fall (of small light branches of a oscillate. also tree, things) ; sometimes with Cf. goncliarg. the idea of a premature or go'i/arg-kan and mrg-go'yarg, to unnatural fall, as of falling shake (trans.)., agitate. stars, fruit falling from a hair from the a g-ra-ha'na (Sk.), eclipse; also tree, head, etc. Cf. gcrhana. premature birth, luroh. g-rak', ber-g~rak' f to move, stir gu'gur a'nak-rya, to miscarry. (iidrans.). gu'gur-kan, to cause to fall in moved. tcr-g-rak', the manner described above. ter-g-rak' lia'ii-rya, his heart was moved. gu'la (Sk.), sugar. Cf. tbit. ba'iu, g-rak'lean, to move, put in mo- gu'la sugar candy. tion. gu'la hi'tam, brown sugar. M-la'ka, made g-rak' kan k-pa'la, to nod the gu'la sugar from the coco-nut tree; head. Cf. gelenj. sometimes gu'ln lii'lant. g-ram', anger; angry. Cf. ma- gu'la pa'ftir, granulated or rali and gusar. moist sugar. g-ra'igan, pray, prithee (in ques- gu'lai, curry. Cf. lank. tions). Cf. kira-rya. gu-li'ga (Sk.), the bezoar stone. g-re'ba (Ar. qirbat), water-skin. gu'lirg, ber-gu'lirg, to roll : usual- g-re'ja (Port.), a church build- ly to roll along as a wheel; ing. to roll oneself on the ground. Cf. goleTc, gilitg and gelek. g-riifc', ill, sick (court langu- nng-fin'lhg and gu'liw-kan, to age). Cf. sakit. roil anything along. g-ri'sek, miy-g-ri'sek, to make a f gu-li'ta, dark ; usually g-lap gu- rustling or crackling li'ta, pitch dark. (as silk or tinsel). gu'loig, mry-gu'loiT), to roll up a fabulous g-ru'da (Sk.), bird; (as a mat, sail, sheets iof also gurda. roll in pauer. etc.) ; a made g'ta (Sk.), couch, sofa, bed. this way. Cf. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

3u'mol, ber-gu'mol, to wrestle. one's teacher, learn from. Cf. gusti. gus', in the phrase: xtim pal, a clod, lump (as in s-ka'li gus', all at once; all at dough), clot of blood. Cf. the same time. bukit. gu'sar, angry; to be angry. Cf. bcr-gnnt'pal, clotted, lumpy; marah and gram. to wrestle of (B.) (cor. gu'sa-ri, to be angry at or with. yunwl}. gu'si, the gums. Xii'na (Sk.), use, utility: magic. is use? gus'ti (Pers.), ber-gus'ti, to a' pa- gu'na? what the wrestle. Cf. o'bat gu'na. a charm. gunwl. ber-gu'na, useful. gus'ti (Jav.), lord. fin'nii-kun. to use, make use of. 3un'dek, concubine. H xundol, see gondol. ha'bis (75, 76), finished, com- 3ju'ni (Hind.), a sack made of pleted, exhausted, extinct ; Cf. karorg. jute. utterly, entirely, completely; sack cloth. Cf. ka'in gu'ni, also in this sense s-habis- kadut. habis. Cf. sudali and jlas. Su'noig, a mountain. ha'bis bi-nn'sa, entirely des- nn'noH/ bcr-a'pi, a volcano. troyed. ka'ki gu'noiy, the foot of a It-lum' lia'bix, not yet finished. mountain. su'd'th ha'bis, finished. k-inun'chal; gu'norg, the top of lia'bis-kan, to finish, complete, a mountain. terminate. pig-ha'bi-san, the end, termin- iig, scissors, shears. ation. mn/-f/ini'tirg and gun'tirg-kan, to cut with scissors, shear. hah In r (Pers.), crystal.

'tor, thunder; usually guroJi. ha'bok, dust. Cf. Ibu and dbu.

r X" rau, ber-gu'rau, to jest. Cf. Hab'shi (Ar.), Ab} ssinian, s'uulir and jnaka. Ethiopian. ^urda, see gnula. ha'bu, ashes; see abu.. ^u-rin'dam (Tarn.), rhyming had' (Ar.), limit, boundary; un- proverbs. til. Cf. ismpadan and prenj Sju'roh, thunder, also similar loud noises. Cf. (junior, ha'dap, m-ty-lia'dap, -i, to face, like g-mu'roli, thundering, stand before or in the pre- thunder. sence of, interview a person. Xu'ru (Sk.), a teacher, school- Jia'dap-kan, to bring or place master, clergyman (X.). before a person, introduce. It a' and di be- Cf. /iigajftr, nndita and da-pan ha'da-pan, in in padr\. fore, front of, presence of contracted to bcr-nn'ru k-jia'da, to have as ; d-pan' (B.). 40 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

ba'ris di ka'da-pan or ba'ris d- de'ri-hal', about, concern the vowel corres- pan', sign ha' la, direction, course. ponding to o and u : see barix. ha'lal (Ar.), lawful. legitimat. . ha di-ah offer- (Ar.), presented, allowable; as opposed to ha- ed; a gift, present. Cf. tnn- ram, unlawful. brian and anugrah. ha'lal-kan, to permit, di-clare ha'dith or ha'dis (Ar.), the Mo- lawful. hammedan traditions. halaman, see hlaman. ha'dlir or ha'lir (Ar.), present, ha'lau, miq-ha'lau, -lean, to drive- arrived; prepared, ready. away. ha'dlir-kan, to bring or place ha'li-a, ginger. before a person, introduce = ha-li-lin'tar, a stroke of hadaplcan. light- also / ha'dl-rat A lord- ning, thunderbolt; ( r.), presence; Uniar. ship, majesty. i ha-li pan or li'pan, a hafatl (Ar.), to learn by heart. large centipede; see hUpan. Also liapal. haluan, see hluan. hai' (132), an interjection; oh! ha'Ius, fine, thin, delicate, refin- hai'bat or he'bat (Ar.), dread, ed. Cf. nip-is and /<'/"* awe; terrible, awe-inspiring. Cf. dahshat. hal'wa (Ar.), sweets, pastry. confectionery. hai ran or he'ran (Ar.) (148), astonished: to wonder; won- ham ba, slave; used as a pronoun of the 1st derful. Cf. 'aja'ib. person in address- Cf. ha'jat (Ar.), need, necessity; the ing superiors. sahya. wants of nature. ham'ba Al'lah, a poor wreu-!i. ham'ba a servant- ber-ha'jat, needing, requiring; ra'ja, king's or retainers. to require. iu'an ham'ba, sir; used as a. ha'ji (Ar.), a pilgrim, one who pronoun of the 2nd person in has made the pilgrimage to Mecca. addressing superiors. per-ham'ba-kan, to enslave. na'ik ha'ji, to perform the pil- per-ham'ba-lcan di'ri, to submit become a haji. grimage, oneself. ' haj rat, see hijrat. n i per-liam baan, slaver}', servi- hak' (Ar.), truth, right; due, tude. claim; just, true. Cf. bnar. ham'bat, mnj-ham''bat > to pur- am'bil hak' to ' o'rarg /'> sue, chase. Cf. kjar and usurp another's rights. itsir. ti-a'da d'rgan /taA-'-n/o, unjustly. ham'bat ha'ti o'ratg, to seek to* ha'kim (Ar.), a judge. win people's affections. hai' (Ar.), state, condition, cir- ham'bur, mrg-ham'bur, -kan, to- cumstance. scatter (as rice, pearls^ Jial' ih'wal, circumstances and money, etc., at festivals an-i conditions. ceremonies). Cf. iabur. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. ha' mi! (Ar.), pregnant. Cf. h an tarn, see lintam. buntirg, han'tar, mrg-han'tar, -kan, to. ham pa, see hmpa. convey, escort; also to send in charge of another. CL ham 'par, mrg-liam'par, -i, -ban. batva, and kirim. to spread out (as mats, car- irliy ter-han'tar, laid stretch- pets, grain, etc.). Cf. bn- down, ed out on a bed or on the targ. as a sick or ham'pa-ran, a carpet. ground, sleeping or a ham'pa-ran ba'tu, pavement. person corpse. han'tu, a evil ham 'pas, refuse, residue. ghost; spirits sup- to haunt certain liam'pas sa'gu, sago refuse. posed pla- ces. Cf. jin and 'ifrit. ham' pi r, mrg-liam'pir, near, bu'rorg liantu, the owl. nearly, almost; to approach, ja'ri han'tu, the middle finger. draw near. Cf. dkat. ha'n/a, but. ham'pi-ri, to draw near to, ap- only, merely, except, Cf. chuma, mlainkan and sa- proach a thing. haja. ham zah (Ar.), an orthographi- | a ran- cal used to introduce a ha'n/ir, fishy smell; fetid,

sign, j cid. syllable commencing with a to drift vowel. ha'iytit, ber-lia'iyut, r float on the water. han'chur, mrg-lian'cUur, -lean, to o'rarg lia'njut, a vagabond. crush, reduce to powder, dis- hapal, see liafatl. solve in liquids, decompose; to also metaphorically of the ha'pus, mrg-ha'pus, obliterate,. heart. Cf. rmok. efface, rub out, wash out. han'dai, companion, comrade, hara, see hitru-hara. friend. Cf. taulan, sahabat ha'ram (Ar.), forbidden, prohi- and kawan. bited, unlawful; sacred, hal- Jian'dai tan' I an, friends and lowed. Cf. lialal. companions. ha'ram -kan, to prohibit, de- handak, see hndak. clare illegal. = con- hatg' (Penang), thou, you arg- ha'rap (148), hope, trust, kau. fidence; to hope, trust. ha'rap-kan, to trust in, rely ha'n?at, hot (fire heat) : also of upon. anger. Cf. panas. ha'rgat-kan, to heat. k-ha'ra-pan, disappointed. to ha'igus, to burn, be burnt, con- har'dek, nug-har'dek, reprove,, sumed or scorched. Cf. ba- scold. Cf. trgkirg. kar,. which means to apply ha'ri (8k.), day of 2 hours. Cf. heat to, without necessarily siarg. b-sar' consuming, as in heating ha'ri , festival, holiday. iron. ha'ri hi/' Ian, date. Hi a' iy us-kan, to burn up, con- ha'ri hu'jan. a rainy day or sume. rainy weather. 42 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

ha'ri ki-a'niat, the day of judg- profits, re-venue; to have 2 ment. result or outcome. ha'ri ra'ya, festival. lia'sil-kan, to produce, achieve, di-ni-hii'ri, early dawn. accomplish. <>'m)k ha'ri, tomorrow. has'ta (Sk.). a cubit. i'ni ha'ri, today. ha'ta (133), a punctuation word. ina-ia-l\a'ri, the sun. = ha'ti, the the heart as the jxt'gi ha'ri pa'gi, morning. liver; = seat of the j>-1aiy' ha'ri p-taty', after- passions (the noon. organ which circulates the blood is the a-ha-ri-ha'ri, daily, every day. jantoiy) ; fig., 3-ha-H-ha'ri-an, all centre of things. day long. ' ha'ti b-sar' s-pan'jary ha'ri, all day long. , proud. ha'ti hot fiyah lia'ri, midday. -pa'nas, temper. ha'ti clear conscience. lia'ri a'liad, or lia'ri mirg'go, pu'teh, a Sunday. am'bil ha'ti, to win the affec- lia'ri ix'niii, or lia'ri sa'tu, Mon- tions. conscience day. a-rgan-a'ryan lia'ti, Jia'ri x-la'sa, or lia'ri du'a, (X.). b-ri' to in- Tuesday. ha'ti, encourage, ha'ri r'bu, or ha'ri ti'qa, Wed- dulge. bu'ah a nesday. ha'ti-ku, my treasure, term of endearment. ha't;i kha'ini#, or ha'ri 'm'pat, with Thursday. d'tyan s-bu-lat-bu'lat ha'ti, lia'ri j'ma-at' or ha'ri li'ma, one's whole heart. hu'lit the of the stom- Friday. ha'ti. pit hfi'ri *ab'tu. or ha'ri a-nam', ach. malevolence. Saturday. i'ri ha'ti, spite, k-rliil' Itii'ti, spiteful, having a ha-ri'mau or h-ri'mau, a tiger. a person. ha-ri'niau a' bar, a large wild grudge against k-ras' hard hearted. eat. ha'ti, wa'ta ha'ti, spiritual percep- hn-ri'man tla'lian, tree leopard. tion. ha'rom, fragrant, sweet-smell- jxi'tinx ha'ti, angry. a sweet smell. Cf. ing; .^a' kit ha'ti, offended, angry ica rr/i. with a person. ha'ru, mrg-lia'ru, to stir, disturb, su'salt ha'ti. sad, troubled. trouble agitate, ; especially ta'irnr lia'ti. discouraged. of demoniacal possession. pcr-ha'ti-kan, to take to heart, confusion, disorder. ha-ru-bi'ru, pay attention to, examine ha'rus, necessary, obligatory, closely. proper; it behoves, ought, ha'us, thirst: thirsty; worn out should. Cf. pat ut. by friction or rust (of me- lurolc. ha'rus, stream, current, the tals). C'f. dhaga and of water. movement ha'\va (Ar.), air, atmosphere, udara. ha'sil (Ar.), outcome, product, climate. Cf. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. lha'\va (Ar.), love, passion, de- per-lii'a-san, ornamentation, at- sire; usually brahi. tire, trappings. ha'u-a carnal desires. naf'su, hi 'bur, m rg-hi'bur, -kan, to com-. fiayat (Ar.). life, vitality, the fort, console. vital spark. Cf. hidop. piy-hi'bur, a person or thing s-la'oi a'da while I which gives consolation or liay'at, yet j live. solace; the Comforter (X.). Icr-ha'yat, having life. prg-lii'bu-ran, comfort, consol- ation. he' (132), an interjection; oh! he bat, see liaibat. hi'daig, miy-hi'darg, to serve food. fie'ja (Ar.), mrg-lie'ja, spelling, lii-da'tyan, courses (at a meal). orthography ; to spell; also ma'kan s-hi-da'rgan, to eat of eja. the same course, eat together. he'la, niry-lte'la, -lean, to drag, hi'doig, snout. Cf. mun- draw. Cf. tarek and seret. nose, choig. tie'lak, rmg-he'lak, to dodge, ba'taty hi'doiy, the bridge of also dak. evade; the nose. he'lak-kan, to ward off, parry. lo'barg hi'dorg, nostrils. liemat, see him mat. hi'dop, alive, living; fresb, as hen'ti or hn'ti, chiefly found in opposed to dried, preserved its derivatives: or canned; to live, have life. bcr-hcn'ti. to stop, stay, cease, Cf. liayat. rest: brenii rnti. (B.) and lii'dop pu'la, restored to life. ii-a'da ber-lien'ti, incessantly. d'ryan hi'dop-iya, alive. ber-hcn'li-kan to rest 1'lali, i kan It idop, fresh fish; as op- after fatigue. posed to ikan krivg, dried jx-r-hen'ti-an, rest, resting fish. place. la'gi lii'dop, still alive. herdek, see liardek. s-u'mor hi'dop, all one's life. su'su fresh milk as lier'ga (Sk.), value, price. hi'dop, op- to tinned milk. hrr'ga ma'ti, fixed price. posed In' and to lier'ga nin' rail, a low price. do-pi hi'dop-kan, pre- serve a restore b-ra'pa lier'ga? what price? person's life, life. la' roll lier'ga, to fix the price. means of liveli- ber-hcr'ga or b-her'ga, valuable. k-hi'do-pan, hood. lier'ta (Sk.), property, goods. hi'jau, green. her' fa bn'da, valuables, goods and chattels. hij'rat (Ar.) (1G6), the Hegira, the Mohammedan era. Also Jicr'ia dnn'ia, worldly goods. haj rat. lii'as, brr-ln'as, ornamented, de- hi-ka'yat (Ar.), corated; (B.) brias and n'os. narrative, story, history. Cf. chertra. in iii-ln'as and lii'a-si, to adorn, ornament, decorate, fit out, hik mat (Ar.), wisdom, know-? prepare. ledge, science, medicine; MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

hence supernatural power, s-hinj'ga, until, as far a-

magic. such an extent that . per-hiirj'ga'an, hi'laig, lost; to be lost, disap- limit, boundary,

frontier: . contracted to pear, die. p- hi'laiy-kan, to cause to disap- rerg'yan. pear; obliterate, destroy. hiig'gap, to alight or perch upon, Jc-hi-la'iyan (128), having in- anything, as birds or insects. curred loss, deprived of, hin'tai, miy-hin'tai, -kan, to spy.. bereft of; as o'rarg k-hi-la'- peep at; see iniai. rgan pi'sau, a man who has' lost his knife. hiri, see iri. hi'lir, mrg-hi'lir, the lower hi'ris, mty-ln'ris, to slice, cut reaches of a river; to go fine, hash.

down stream, descend a river ; hi'sab (Ar.), counting, caleula- as opposed to mudek, to go . tion; usually liitoit/. stream. Cf. liulu. up hi'sab-kan, to count, reckon. him'mat or he'mat (Ar.), pur- ter-hi'sab-kan, capable of en-

pose, intention ; diligence, umeration. care; aspiration. ti-a'da ter-hi'sab-kan ba'tyak-

. innumerable. him'pon, ber-him'pon, to assem- tya, ble, gather together. Cf. hi 'sap, mry-hi'sap, to suck, draw leumpol and krumun. into the mouth or nostrils.. to him'pon-kan, bring together, hi'sap clian'du and lii'sap ma'~ collect, cause to assemble. dat, to smoke opium. per-liim'po-nan, an assemblage, hi'sap ro'kok, to smoke the assembly, congregation, native cigarette. church in a looal sense (X.). hi'tam, black. hi'na (Sk.), low, base, mean, hi' tarn ma'nis, brown. despicable; lowly. hi'tonf, mrg-hi'torg, -kan, to . hi'na di'na, the poor and lowly, count, reckon, calculate. Cf _ the common people. bilaiy. . hi'na-kan, to despise, disdain, humiliate. h-lai' or lai' (84), numeral co- hi'na-kan di'ri, to abase or efficient of thin or flat ob- humiliate oneself. jects. Jc-hi'na'an, degradation, igno- s-h-lai' ker'ias, a sheet of paper. miny. s-h-lai' s-pirg'gan/, with only the clothes one has on. hinai, see //"//'. ba'ju s-h-lai', one coat. Hin'di, usually neg'ri Hin'di, in front of India, Hindustan. h-la'man, courtyard a palace or Other building-. Hin'du, o'rarg Hin'dn, a Hindu; (Penang) a Tamil. hlaix, see lanj. hifg'ga, until, as far as: limit. h-li pan or li'pan, a large cen- Cf. sampai and had. tipede. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

h-Iu'an, the front or front part o'raty ho'ba-tan, a sorcerer. of especially of Ian anything, Ho- da, Dutch; usually BlaA- boats. da. to hm'bus, miy-hm'bus, blow, ho'nar, disgrace, insult. breathe out with the mouth ; hor-lo'ji (Port, and D.), a clock, also used of the wind. Cf. watch; usually jam. Hop. h or 'mat (Ar.), res- liin'bus-kan, to blow away. reverence,

- : hm'bu-san, bellows. . pect. b-ri' hor'mat, to pay respect, to fim'pa, empty; empty husks of honour. rice. Cf. and skam. kosoty hor-ma'ti, to honour, with respect. liin'pa ta'iyan->ya, empty hrimau, see harimau. hands. hsta, see liasta. pa'di lim'pa or lim'pa, husks of rice in which the grain has hu'a (Ar.), he; used in the Lei- never formed. dekker version of the Bible as a translation of Jehovah. Jim 'pas, mty-hm'pas, ~k'an, to throw or dash down. Cf. hu-ba'ya, entirely. cliampdk. liu-ba'ya-liu-ba'ya, above all hm'p-du, gall, bile. things.

hu'borg, , 'hn'dak, desire, wish; to wish, ber-liu'borg united, joined; the union of fami- intend ; an auxiliary verb ex- as well as pressing the future (45). lies, villages, etc., of . Cf. man. tangible things. Cf 5am- hn'dak-lah, before a boiy. placed and verb to express the imper- mty-hu'bonj hu'bory-kan, to ative. join, unite. Ikri hn'bo-iyan, lengthening piece, dak-kan , to desire a thing. of a book. k-hn'dak or ka-han'dak (126), hyphen; sequel will, desire, wish. hu'darg or u'darg, prawn,

ber-ka-han'dak, to desire, wish, shrimp. . : want. liu'darg ga'lah, lobster. k-hn-da'ki or ka-han-da'ki, to bu'rorg ra'ja hu'darg, the king- desire. fisher. Tin'dap, miy-hn'dap, to crouch. hu'jan, rain. hail. 'uH Ti-niig', clear, pure, transparent Jiu'jan ba'tu, rain. (of liquids and of the heart). liu'jan l-bat', heavy man rain is com- Cf. jerneh. Jiu'jan tu'run, ing. hn tarn, to strike; also throw, rain sun- hantam. hu'jan pa'nas, during shine. hnti, see henti. liu'jan rin-tek-rin'tek, light hn-ti'mun, cucumber; see timun. rain, drizzle. "ho bat, usually ho'ba-tan, sorcery, lia'ri hu'jan, a rainy day, or made. Cf. obat. rainy weather. 46 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

hu'ja-ni, to rain upon. o'rarg hu'lu, people of the in- terior. hu'jat, mnj-hu'jat, blasphemy, libel to evil calum- prg-hu'lu, a chieftain, headman. ; speak of, piy-hu'lu the head- niate, libel, blaspheme. kam'poiy, man of a village. hu'jong;, end, extremity. pnj-hu'lu Tca'wal, the comman- hu'jonj ta'nah, cape, point of der of a guard. land, peninsula. pnj-hu'lu ms'jid, the headmara hu-ka'ma (Ar.), learned men. of a mosque. hu'kum (Ar.), judgment, sen- hu-lu-ba'latg, commander of a; tence; decree, laAv, com- body of soldiers, officer. mand; rule, jurisdiction. hu'ma, cultivated land, dry rice- hu'kum is'lam, the laws of Is- = fields ladarg; as opposed to- lam. satcah, wet rice fields. Cf. hu'kum 'a'dil, rule. yaty just bndarg, which is applied botln b-ri' hu'kum, to give an order. to dry and irrigated fields. hu'kum di a'tas ja'toh-kan \ ber-hu'ma, to cultivate such to o'rarg, condemn. fields. k'na hu'kum, to suffer punish- per-hu'ma'an, cultivated land,, ment. the crops raised. pu'tus-kan hu'kum, to pro- hun (Chin.), an inch; also a? nounce sentence. measure of weight. s-pu'loh hu'kum Al'lali, the to draw ai Ten Commandments (X.). hu'nus, mrg-hu'nus, from its un- hu'kum-kan, to judge, sentence, weapon sheath, also chabot. punish. sheath; hu'ku-man, punishment, hur', hnr'kan, to indulge. hu uncooked lam, vegetables hu'ruf (Ar.), letters of the al- with eaten curry. phabet. hulat, see n.lol. hu-ru-ha'ra, disorder, distur- bance, tumult, riot. hu'lor, mrg-liu'lor, -lean, to ex- tend, stretch out, hold out hu'tan, jungle, forest, wild un- low- cultivated Cf. blu- (as the hand) ; pay out, country. er away (as ropes). Cf. kar and rimba. unjok. hu'tan b-lan-ta'm, wild jungle. hu'tan forest or hu'lu, the head, the upper part riin'ba, pri- meval or source of a thing, the hilt jungle. a' fowl. of a sword or dagger, the yam hu'tan, jungle ba'bi hu'tan, wild upper reaches of a river, the pig. wild men of the- interior of a country. Cf. o'rarg hu'tan, Tcpala, udek and hilir. jungle. wild banana. hu'lu lia'ti, the pit of the stom- pi'sarg hu'tan, ach. hu'tai^, debt, loan; owing, due. hu'lu k-ris', the hilt of a kris. ba'i/er hu'targ, to pay a debt. dhulu or dahulu, see dhulu. b-ri' hu'tan/, to lend, loan. MALAY-EXGLISH VOCABULARY. 4T

in debt. da-ran ber-liu'taiy, per-i' dun'ia, a cycle,, pi-hu'targ, credit. period of time. id'dah (Ar., number), the num- ber of days or fixed time thsit I a woman may not marrr after divorce or the deatli of her i'a, he, she, it, they; also dia. husband. i'a'i'tu (17), that, that one; idhin, see izin. that is to say, namely. 'if rit (Ar.), demon, evil spirit. i'a'i'ni (17), this, this one. Cf. jin and hantu. 'i-ba'dat (Ar.), worship, adora- i'gal, m-Hji'gal, to spread the tail. tion, piety, devotion. Cf. as peacocks and turkeys. smbahyaiy. igama, see ayama. *i-ba'rat (Ar.), metaphor, figure; i'gau, to talk in (nr\ explanation, interpretation. m-tyi'gau, Cf. Idas. sleep, have bad dreams. am'bil to use a meta- ih'wal 'i-ba'rat, (Ar.), plural of lial, q.v. phor. i'jok, the coarse fibre of the a- ib'lis (Ar.), the devil, Satan. borg (sugar palm), used for Cf. sliaitan. making rope. ib'ni, ib'nu or bin' (Ar.), son; i'kal, wavy (of hair). Cf. Ire- usually anak. two. i'bol, a kind of palm tree. i'kan, fish. i'Jcan b-la'larg, fish. 'Ib-ra'ni (Ar.), Hebrew. flying i'kan k-rity', dried fish. Cf. i'bu, mother. Cf. mak and in- da'irg. dok. i'kan lum-ba-lum'ba, porpoise- i'bu hen. a'yam, i'kan pa' us, whale. i'bu ba'pa, parents. i'kan to!dak, sword-fish'. i'bu ja'ri, thumb. i'kan yu' , shark. i'bu lea' toe. lei, great nja-ira-tya' u~a i'kan, more dead s-i'bu s-ba'pa, of the same than alive. father and mother. i'kat, m-tyi'kat, ~kan, a bundle: i'dah, bridal present. to tie, fasten. Cf. berka*. i'dam, mrg-i'dam, to long for (of i'kat pirg'garg, belt. pregnant women). i'kat p-ri'fji, the masonry with wliidi a well is lined. i'dap, chronic disease. i'kat ru'ina/i, to build a house i'dar, ber-i'dar, to revolve, go (of brick or masonry). round in a circle. Cf. pusirg. i'ka-tan, fastenings. biritaiy ber-i'dar, a planet. ikh'las (Ar.), sincere;, i'dar-kan or per-i'da r-kan, to sincerity; also ekhlas. pass or send round, especially of food. ikh'ti-ar (Ar.). choice, decision,,

, per-i' da-ran, revolution. opinion. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. ik'rar (Ar.), fixed, settled. Of. in d-ra (Sk.), the name of a krar. Hindu deity. the i kiit, m-rgi'kut, to follow, imi- k'in'd-ra'an, heaven of In- dra. This word is tate, obey. Cf. turut. often con- fused ber-i-kut-i'kvt, in succession. with kndara'an, q.v. i'lah a (Ar.), God, god. , noise, clamour.

I -la hi God. (Ar.), divine; my m-rgi'rgat, to remember, II ham (Ar.), divine inspiration. think, pay attention, heed. il'ham-kan, to impart divine i'lytit-i'rgat, take care, be cau- tious. inspiration. b-ri' i'rgai, to remind, caution. "il'mii (Ar.), knowledge, scholar- i'rgat-mm, to remind a person. ship, science. i'ga-ian, attention, thoughts. ber-il'mu, learned, scholarly. ter-i'rgat, remembered. i mam (Ar.), priest. per-i'nja-ian, a reminder, me- i'mam b-sar', high priest (X.). mento. i man (Ar.), belief, faith, creed, Iifc'g-ris (Eur.), English. religion ; the Mohammedan i'rgln to covet. Cf. faith. (148), desire, rindu. ba'tva i'man, to embrace the k'i'nji-nan, desires, longings. faith, become a Moham- medan. Itg'lan, neg'ri Irq'lan, England. mucus im'pit, m-rgim'pit, to press, , from the nose. squeeze. Cf. apit, than, tin- i'lym, to blow one's deli. nose.

1'nai, henna, a red dye. i'ni (16), this, these. i'ni I'narg, nurse; also i-narg'da ha'ri, today. i'ni this at (court language). Cf. asoli. ju'ga, very thing; this very time, just now. Sn-che", a title equivalent to the a'Jcu i'ni, I (emphatic). English Mr.; also 'n-clie" s-ka'ranj i'ni, just now. and die'. si'ni and di si'ni, here, in'chi (Eng.), an inch. in'jak, m-ir/in'jak, to tread on. im- In'dah, beautiful, attractive, Cf. pijak and irek. portant, valuable, precious ; in'jil (Ar.), Gospel, the Xew also in-dali-in'dali. Testament. in'dali-kan, to value, pay atten- in'jin (Eng.), engine, machine. tion to, care about. Cf. jntra and psawat. Jn'dok and in'dorg, mother; in'saf (Ar.), justice, equity, fair- chiefly used in the phrases : ness. Cf. 'adil. in'dok ma'du, honeycomb. in'san in'dok mu-ti-a'ra, mother of (Ar.), man, mankind; usually manusia. pearl. in'dok su'i-ra, cocoon of the in'sha' Al'lah (Ar.), please God, silk-worm. God willing; also insha'/fah. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 49

in'tai, m-njin'tai, -lean, t> spy, Is-kan dar (Ar.), Alexander. watch into peep at, for, peep ; Is lam (Ar.), Mohammedan. also lilntai. a-ga'ma Is'lam, the Moham- in tan, diamond. medan religion. ma'sok to become a i'par, brother-in-law, sister-in- Is'lam, Mo- law. hammedan. is' to make a a the the lam-lean, person i'poh, upas tree; poison Mohammedan. made from that and other see ithnain. trees for poisoning darts. isnin, is-ta'na also as- i-rauat (Ar.), the will or de- (Sk.), palace; c-rees of God. tana. incense "I'rak (Ar.), Mesopotamia. is-taig'gi (Sk.), ; usually starggi. i'rek, m-nji'rek, to stamp on, is-ti-'a'dat custom. thresh by trampling on. (Ar.), Cf. injak and pijak. is-ti-me'wa, especially. re-kan, floor. IIHJ-I threshing is-tiig'gar (Port.), matchlock. ,

: i'ri malevolence. i'ri, lia'ti, spite, is-tin'ja (Ar.), ablutions after i'riig, m-nji'rlnj, to accompany, evacuation. escort. Cf. hantar. is't-ri (Sk.), wife (more respect- i'rirg, i'ri-rgan, side, see ereiy. ful than bini). to have a be I-ro'pah, Europe = Airopah. bcr-is't-ri, wife, married. Tsa (Ar.), Jesus. bcr-is't-ri-kan, to take to wife, ''i'sha one of the (Ar., evening), marry a woman. lima icaktii, or five periods i'tek, duck. of prayer; also sm-bah'yarg a' yam i'tek, poultry. 'i'sha. ith'nain, is'nin or s-nin' (Ar., i-sha'rat (Ar.), a signal, sign. second), Monday; usually Cf. tanda. lia'ri is'nin. i-slia' rat-kan , and b-ri' i-sha'- i'tu those. rat, to make a sign. Cf. (16), that, lambai. si'tu and di si'tu, there. i'zin :i'si, contents. (Ar. idhin), permission, leave. i'*i dun' la, the inhabitants of to leave or the world, the whole world. b-ri' i'zin, give per- mission. i'si kali'win, dowry. to ask or i'si ki'tab, contents of a book, min'ta i'zin, leave, i'si neg'ri, inhabitants of a city. permission. i'si p-rot', intestines. i'si ru' mail, family, household. to 'bcr-i'si, containing; to contain. ja'bat, mn-ja'bat, touch, grasp, Cf. muat. lay hold of. to the -i'si-kan and m-rgi'si, to fill, ber-ja'bat ta'tyan, grasp load. hand or to shake hands. 50 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. ja'di, mn-ja'di, to come into exis- ja Ian (49), road, path. way.. tence, be born, become, hap- method; means; to walk. pen, take place, come to pass, move forward, go on. be sufficient or satisfactory. ja'lan b-ha'sa, idiom.

. ja'di-kan, to create, cause. ja'lan ra'ya, main road. k-ja'di-an, creation, birth. ba'wa ja'lan, to lead the way. ja-di-ja'di-an, a supernatural bu'ka ja'lan, to lay out a road. being. di fiyah ja'lan, in the middle of the road: during a jour- ja'ga (Sk.), to be awake, watch, " nev. guard, take care. Cf. ba- cross road-. rgun, sdar and turggu. sem'panj ja'lan, all the ja'ga ba-ik-ba'ik, be careful. s-pan'jarg ja'lan, way. ber- to travel, a o'raig ja'ga, a watchman. ja'lan, walk, go journey. ja'goig, maize, Indian corn. ber-ja'lan da'rat, to go over- hell. jia-han nam \(Ar.),n Cf. land. nraka. ber-ja'lan d-hu'lu, to go ahead.. ber-ja-lan-ja'lan, to walk about. ja-hat', wicked, evil, bad, vicious. ber-ja'lan ka'ki, to go on foot. bu'at ja-hat', to commit forni- to traverse. cation; also zina. ja'la-ni (99), ja'lan-kan (99), to cause to Tcu'da ja-hat' , a vicious horse. walk, set in motion. si-ja-hat', the evil one, the to start an devil. ja'lan-kan in'jin, engine. ja-hat'kan, to defame. ja'lan-kan ku'da, to walk a k-ja-ha'tan, wickedness. horse. ja'hil (Ar.), ignorant; usually ja'lan-kan p-ker'ja'an, to ma- bbal and bodoh. nage a business. ja'hit, mn-ja'liit, to sew. per-ja'la-nan, a journey, voy- Jahudi, see Yahudi. age. ja'laiK, wild, Cf. liar. ja'ja, mn-ja'ja, to hawk goods for runaway. - ker'bau a buff- sale, sell on the streets, ped- ja'larg, runaway alo. dle. p-rem'pu-an ja'laiy, a loose ja'jah, only found in its deriv- woman. ative : ja'lar, mn-ja'lar, to crawl, creep ja'ja-han, district, division of (as snakes, etc.) ; to a country. Cf. da'irah. creep, climb (as plants). Cf. ra~ Ja'kun, a hill tribe of the Malay yap. Peninsula. jalma, see jlma. ja'la, casting net. ja'lur, a small canoe, a dug-out. ja-la-ja'la, trellis work. Cf. sagur. te'bar ja'la, to throw a casting of different colours. net. ja'lur, stripes mn-ja'la, to fish with a casting jam' (Pers.), a clock or watch i net. an hour. MALAY-EXGLISH VOCABULARY. 51 ja'mah, mn-ja'mali, to touch. min'ta jan'ji, to request the ful- filment of a jam'ban, a latrine. promise. o'bah-kan jan'ji, to break one's jam'barg, a flower pot; usually promises. jam-ba'rgan. Cf. pasu. sam'pai-kan jan'ji, to perform jam'bu (Sk.), the generic name one's promises. of a number of fruits. ber-jan'ji, to promise, make an jam'bu bi'ji, the guava. agreement. jam-bu'a, the pomelo. per-jan'ji-an, an agreement, contract. jam'bul, tuft of hair or feathers. male of ja'min (Hind.), bail, security. jan'tan (87), (usually Cf. laki-laki. o'rarg ja'min, one who stands animals). bail. jan 'ton*, the heart (anatomi- jam'pi (Sk.), magic formula. cally), cf. hati; also that which resembles the of ja'mu, mn-jafmu, a guest; to shape as : entertain at a feast. the heart, the calf of the per-ja'mu-an, a feast. jan'torg b-tis', leg. jan'da, man or widow, widower; the knob at the woman from his or jan'torg pl'sarg, separated end of the banana blossom. her consort. Cf. balu and the castor oil bujarg. ja'rak, plant. mi'ryak ja'rak, castor oil. ja'igan (73), do not, lest. distance s-pa'ya ja'rgan, lest; also a'gar ja'rak, interval, between ja'rgan. two objects. Cf. jararg. ja'rgan-kan, far from, not only, ja'rak-kan, to place at inter- not merely. vals. jaig'gal, awkward, unsuitable, ja'raig, seldom, rare, scarce, at badly arranged, not sound- wide intervals, far apart. ing right, discordant. Cf. ja'rarg-kan, to space out, place cliarggorg. at wide or wider intervals. beard. = jaig'got, ja'ri, the fingers, a measure the jarg'ka, fixed quantity or mea- width of a finger. surement. ja'ri han'tu, the middle finger. the toes. jaig'kar, rootlets hanging down ja'ri ka'ki, the little fin- from the branches of banyan ja'ri k-lirg'kirg, and other trees. Cf. akar, ger. ma'nis, the third finger. banir and tunjarg. ja'ri ja'ri t-lun'jok, the first finger. jarg'kit, mn-jarg'kit and ber- i'bu ja'ri, the thumb. ja ty'kit, infectious: to a spread, be catching or infec- ja'rin?, a large fishing net. for tious (of a disease or con- trammel, a net catching birds or animals. flagration). Cf. rayap. jan'ji, promise, agreement, con- ja'rom, a needle. tract. ja'rom cliu'cliok, bodkin. 52 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

lo'baty ja'rom, the eye of a to persons of mixed Indian needle. and Malay blood. Ja'wi, the charac- ja'sa (Sk.), useful service, credit hu'ruf Malay ter. for services rendered, merit. ber-bu'at ja'sa, to do meri- ja'ya (Sk.), victory. torious service. j -baig', a large shield. ber-o'leh ja'sa, to get credit for j-bat' musk, civet. good work. (Ar.), mu'sarg j-bat', the civet cat. ja'ti (Sk.), true, real; usually jel' (Eng.), prison, gaol. Cf. btul or surggoh. pnjara. Tca'yu ja'ti. teak. see o'rarg M-la'yu ja'ti, a real jeram, jram. Malay. jeraiK, see jrarg. ja'toh, to fall, become bankrupt. jerat, see jrat. For other words fall meaning jerawat, see jrawat. see Grammar 163. jer'jak, thin rods to which ataps ja'toh sa'kit, to fall ifi. are tied. to let fall, drop. ja'toli-kan, = ja'ioJi-kan Jiu'lcum di a'tas jer'ki (B.) rzki, q.v. o'rarg, to condemn. jer'mal, fishing stakes. Cf. blat. Jaudi, see Yahudi. Jer'man (Eng.), German ja'uh, distant, far, afar; dis- jer'neh, clear, transparent (of also tance. liquids) ; metaphorical- Cf. ja-uh-ja'uh, a long way off, far ly, sincere, upright. apart. linirg. ja'uh ma'lam, far into the jerok, see jrok. late at night, night. jerumat, see jrumat. de'ri from afar, far off. ja'iih, jerumus, see jrumus. ja'uli-kan. to remove to a dis- j-han'nam (Ar.), hell. Cf. tance, avert. nralca. jau-ha'ri (Pers.), a jeweller. Jib'ra'il (Ar.), Gabriel. Ja'wa, ta'nali Ja'- Java; usually jijak, see jjak. wa. = ji'jit, ji'jit-kan (B.), to tease a re- ja'wab (Ar.), mn-ja'wab, ejck. ply, an answer; to answer. ji'ka, if, in case, supposing that, Cf. sdhut. provided that; also jikalau ja'wat and ja'wa-ian, office, pot, and kalau. duty, employment. ji-ka lau (141-144), if, in case, Ja'wi, an Arabic derivative of supposing that, provided Jawa, meaning Javanese, and that. hence Malayan. ji-ka'lau ki'ra-nja, if perchance. - Ja'wi p-kan' Ja'wi per-a'na- j\-ka'lau s-ka'li-pun, even if. kan, of Malay blood, applied ji-l-a'Jau ti-a'da, unless. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 53 ji'lat, mn-ji'lat, to lick, lap (as a jm-ba'tan, a bridge, pier, wharf. or as dog, flames). jm'lah (Ar.), total, sum; also ji-lid' (Ar., leather), binding; jum'lah. volume. jm'lali-kan, to add up. ji'mat, careful, thrifty. j'mor, mn-j'mor, -lean, to dry in ji'mat (Ar.), a corruption of the sun. Cf. arginkan. 'azimat, q.v. jm'pot, mn-jm'pot, -kan, to in- an vite jin' (Ar.), a spirit: usually ; also to hold between the evil spirit, demon. Cf. lian- finger and thumb. Cf. sila. iu and 'ifrit. jm'po-tan, invitation. Cf. ji'nak, tame, docile, domesticated, o'rarg jm'po-tan, guest. bold, familiar. jamu. ji'nak-kan, to tame, render do- j-mu', satiated, satisfied, wearied, cile. nauseated. Cf. knryarg and jin'tan, caraway seed. pitas. tan aniseed. jin' ma'nis, j-na'ka, joke, pun; facetious. ji'wa (Sk.), the soul. Cf. Cf. gurau and sindir. smargat. j-naig', the side posts of a door j'jak, ber-j'jak, footsteps, foot- or window, or of the frame to prints: step, tread, just of a screen or partition. Cf . touch with the end. Cf. ambarg. jrijaJc. tu'top j-narg', the upper post of j-las' (Ar.), settled, arranged a screen or partition. accounts or other busi- (as jn-de'la (Port.), window; also Cf. sudah and habis. ness). j-ne'la. Cf. tirgkap. j-las'kan, to settle, arrange. jig'kal, the span as a measure of j-la'tatg, the nettle. length. jlid, see jilid. j-nis' (Ar.), sort, kind, species. jl'ma (Sk.), incarnation. Cf. macliam and bagai. mn-jl'ma, to be incarnate, take ber-j-nis'-j-nis' (115), all sorts. a human or other form. j-igok', mn-j-rgok', to look with j-lu'jur, basting, loose sewing. the head protruding. j-Iu'ton?, a large tree which a machin- yields rubber. jn't-ra (Sk.), wheel, ery, an engine. Cf. psawat j'ma'ah (Ar.), a society, com- and injin. pany. Cf. korgsi. bcr-jn't-ra, having wheels or j'ma'at' or ju'ma'at' (Ar., as- machinery, revolving. sembly), Friday, the day of jo'doh, mate, fellow. congregation. pair, couple, Cf. km bar, and jori. ha'ri j'ma'at', Friday. pasarg a jo'doh-kan, to mate. s-j'ma'nt' , week. = en- j'man (B.), time, epoch, age jo'gan (Pers.), a standard, zantan. sign. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

sell. jo'get, dance, dancing. Cf. tari. ju'al, mn-ju'al, -kan f to en- Jo'hor, the name of a country at ber-ju'al (100), selling, the south end of the Malay gaged in the sale of. Peninsula. ber-ju'al-b-li', buying and sell- ing. jo'Iok, mn-jo'lok, to gather fruit to off a tree by means of a long ju'arg, ber-ju'arg, fight (of and pole. elephants dragons). a outer Jon?', a junk. ju'bah (Ar.), tunic, long garment worn by Arabs, and to rise at joig'kit, mn-jo-rg'kit, on occa- one by Malays special end, tip up. sions. jong'kok, ber-jory'kok, to squat, ju'di (Sk.), gambling. sit on one's haunches. ma'in ju'di, to gamble. jo'ri (Hind.), a pair (used of ju'ga (144, 162), likewise, just, horses Cf. only). pasarg. also nevertheless, merely ; for betel jo'roig, tray nut. jua. J-pun', Japan, Japanese. ba'ik ju'ga, pretty good, just as well. j-ram', rapids in a river. b-gi'tu ju'ga, just like that. the fibrous j-ra'mi, straw, hay, dm'ki-an ju'ga, just in that of certain fruits. parts way. j-rang', mn-j-rarg', -kan, to heat i'ni ju'ga, just now. over a fire. Cf. diarg and sa'ma ju'ga, this very thing, paiggarg. just the same. j-rat', mn-j-rat', -kan, a noose or ju'Iaig, mn-ju'larg, to raise up snare; to snare. Cf. rachek. above the head, bear aloft in the astride on j-ra'wat, pimples on the face. hands; carry the toss as a Cf. bisuL shoulders, ( bull). j-rit', mn-j-rit', to scream, cry ju'liiK, squint; cross-eyed. out as in fear (of men and certain animals). ju'lor, mn-ju'lor, to stretch out, put out, extend (the limbs, j-rok' (Jav.), generic name for tongue, etc.). Cf. unjor. oranges, limes, etc.; usually I i man. Also a preserve or juma'at, see jma'at. made from these pickle j u ml ah, see jmlah. fruits. jum'pa, ber-jum'pa, to meet, j-ru'mat, darning. come across a person. Cf. j-ru'mus, prostrate, flat on one's 1inu. face. Cf. tiarap. ju'igor, snout, beak (of some fallen flat on one's ter-j-ru'mus, animals and birds). Cf. face. muncliorg. see jua, juga. jun'joig, mn-jun'jonj, to carry ju-ak-ju'ak, body-guard. on the head, place on the MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 55

in of head token submission, k'a'tas, on to, upwards. hence : k-da'lam, into. jun'joiy du'li, lit., to put the k-ma'na, whither, where? dust of a king's feet on one's k-ma'ri, hither. head, to do obeisance. k-pa'da (149), to (usually of jun'joiy ti'tah, to obey a king's persons). command. k-sa'na, thither, there. jun'jo-igan, the to whom person k'a'bah (Ar.), the name of the one does obeisance, lord; sanctuary in the great mos- used in of Malay writings at the at Mohammed. quo Mecca, temple Mecca; the temple at Jeru- jun'tai, ber-jun'tai, hanging salem. down the loosely (of legs, kabar, see kliabar. clothes, etc.). ka'bol (Ar.), assenting, content; ju'ru, a skilled workman, au ex- to assent, accept, agree. pert; in the following ex- ka'bol-kan, to approve a thing. pressions : ka'boig, a measure of for ju'ru b-ha'sa, an interpreter. length cloth: a of white cot- ju'ru ba'iu, second mate on a length ton material, folded and laid vessel . on the shoulder as a ju'ru kun'chi, turnkey, stew- sign of Cf. kadut. ard. mourning. ju'ru ma'sak, a cook. per-ka'bo-iyan, mourning. ju'ru inu'di, steersman, quar- ka'bon?, the sugar palm. ter-master. ka'bot, mist, obscurity; obscure, Saviour ju'ru s-la'mat, (X.). dim, dark. Cf. kabur. iu' Us, a ju'ru clerk, secretary. k-lairi ka'bot,, pitch dark. pn-ju'ru, a corner, angle. ka'bu-ka'bu, the cotton tree a brief interval of time. ju'rus, which produces kapok. s-ju'rus la'ma-tya, for a mo- dim or of the ment. ka'bur, (of light r ej csight). Cf. kabot. ius'ta (B.), false, untrue = dusta. ka'bus, indistinct, dimly seen. ju'ta (Sk.) (33), a million. ka'cha (Sk.), glass (the material one of the 30 juz' (Ar.). portions of that name). Cf. chermin into which the Koran is and glas. divided. ka'chak, smart, neat, dapper. K ka'chaig, beans, peas. kn'cliarg ben'de, "lady's fin- fc, a prefixed used in the forming gers." ordinal numbers (34), and ka'cliairj go'rirg, roasted pea certain derived nouns (126- nuts. 128). kn'chaty ka'yu, the Indian dall. k- (27, 149),. to (usually of ka'cltarg pa'raiy, a very large places). bean. 56 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

ka'cliarg parijarg, the long na- i'si kah'win, dowry paid to the tive bean. father of a bride. lea' diary pen'dek, French beans. kali'win-kan, to give in mar- ka'charg ta'nali, pea nuts. riage. ka"il, to- ka'chau, m-rga'cliau, confused; m-rga"il, fishing line; fish with a line. to confuse, disturb, stir, put ma'ta fish-hook. into disorder, perplex. Cf. ka"il, ham and kochak. ta'H ka"il, fishing-line. a fisherman uses ter-ka'chau, disturbed, dis- p-rga"il, (who the arranged. line). ka"in, textile fabric: ka'chip, scissors used for cutting cloth, any a the up betel nut. cloth, especially Malay sarorg, q.v. ka'daig. usually ter-ka'darg or " " lea"in ba'ju, saroig and coat,, l~a' darg-ka' darg , sometimes. one's clothing. ka'dar (Ar.), quantity, measure, ka"in ba'sa-han, bathing cloth. proportion, extent, amount. ka"in ba'tek, Javanese cotton Also kdar. prints. d'rgan ka'dar-nja, proportion- ka"in b-la'chu, unbleached ately. calico. s-ka'dar, in proportion to, to ka"in bu'rok, rags. the extent of. lea"in gu'ni, sackcloth. Cf~ kaditt. ka'dli (Ar.), judge, magistrate, ka"in ha' his, fine material. marriage registrar ; usually hakim. lea"in kha'sah, a fine linen cloth, muslin. ka'dut, a material of a more open ka"in ka'dut, a coarse material texture than kain guni, used used for mourning by Chi- in Chinese, and mourning by nese. for sails. Cf. guni and ka- ka 'in ka'fan, shroud. rorg. ka"in ka'sar, coarse material, ka'fan (Ar.), shroud; usually lea"in k'ma'san, material woven- ka'in Also ka'fan. kapan. or embroidered with gold. and to en- ka'fan-kan ka'fa-ni, ka"in sakh'lat, woollen cloth. a for " shroud, wrap body lea"in s-h-lai', one sarong." burial. ka"in s-ka'yu, a roll of cloth. ka ti-lah (Ar.), caravan. lea"in su't-ra, silk. bu'ka lea"in, to undress. Cf~ ka'fir (Ar.), unbeliever, infidel. targgal. kah (56-GO), an interrogative kais', to scratch (as a fowl). suffix. ka"it, w-rga"it, a hook; to hook^ kahandak (126), see hndak. ka'jari?, mats made by stitching; kah wah (Ar.), coffee; usually together the leaves of the- kopi. se -row-pine, and used to afford kah'win, ber-kah'win, marriage; shelter from rain on boats,, to marry. Cf. nikah. carts, etc. Cf. biykuarg. .M A I. AY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 57

ka'kak, elder sister: sometimes kal'dai, ass, donkey. elder which is usual- brother, ka'li, a time or occasion. ly abarg. Cf. adek and tachi. ba'raiy-ka'li, perhaps. see kakanda, kkanda. b-ra'pa ka'li, how often. ka-ka-tu'a, cockatoo: pincers. k-du'a ka'h-n/a, the second time. ka'ki, foot, leg, base, pedestal. s-ka'li, "once also see skali-kali. ka'ki bu'kit, the foot of a hill. ; s-ka'li all at all at ka'ki di'an, candlestick. gvs', once, the same time. ka'ki gu'norg, the foot of a mountain. s-ka-li-ka'li, altogether, entire- ly; sometimes abbreviated to ka'ki la'rgit, the horizon. skalt ka'ki -iem'bok, foundations of a meaning, quite, very wall. (98, 94). s-ka'li (144), even. bi-na'tatg ber-ka'ki am'pat, pun' s-ka'li-an, see sklian. quadruped. b-kas' ka'ki, foot print. ka'lis, impervious (to water). ja'lan ka'ki, to go on foot. kalimah, see klimali. ina'ta ka'ki, the ankles. ka'lot, ka'lot-kan (B.), to re- ta'pak ka'ki, sole of the foot. buke, reprove. ka'ku, stiff, unbending. kam'biiK, goat. ka'la in the (Sk.), time; usually kam'birg bi-ri-bi'ri, sheep. Cf. phrases given below. Cf. domba. wakiu, masa, zman and kali. kam'birg ran'dok, he-goat. a'da ka'la, sometimes. kambli, see kmbli. a' pa ka'la, when. Cf. apabila. d-hu'lu ka'la, formerly, in kam-bo'ja (Sk.), the name of olden times. a tree with sweet scented s-di'a ka'la, always, usually. flowers. g'tah kam-bo'ja, gamboge. ka'la, a generic name for scor- pions. kam'bus, ter-kam'bus, stopped Tca'la jrg'kiig, the common up, choked. variety. kam'guan (B.) (Chin.), satis- to ka'lah (B.), to lose in a conflict, fied, willing ; assent, agree. suffer defeat = alali. Cf. in- ka'mi (7), we, us (excluding the natg. person or persons spoken to). ka'lam (Ar.), a pen. Cf. kita. ka'latg, ru-rga'larg, to prop up kam'poh, double, in duplicate; a on a as a woven in half (as ship beach) ; also sarorg galarg. widths, which must be sewn, = together. ka'lau (141, 142) ji'ka and /t- as- ka'lau, if. kam'poig, ber-kam'porg , to ka-lau-ka'lau, perchance, per- semble; an assembly of haps, on the chance that, in houses, a village, quarter or case that. ward in a town, the grounds MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

round a house. Cf. himpon kaig'korg, the name of a vege- and dusun. table. katn''porg-kan, to collect, cause kan'ii, meal or flour boiled to to assemble. the consistency of porridge. ka Cf. bubiir and mu (6), you (usually plural) ; suji. when used as a possessive a'yer kan'ji, gruel. pronoun often contracted to kap, the hood of a buggy. -mu (13). ka'pak, axe. Cf. bliorg. ka'mus (Ar.), dictionary. ka'pal (Tarn.), ship, vessel. Cf. small ka-nak-ka'nak, infant, prahu. child. lea' pal a'pi, steamship. ka'nan, right; as opposed to kiri, ka'pal la'yer, sailing ship. left. ka'pal p-raiy', warship. na'ik sb'lali ka'nan, the right side. ka'pal, to board a ship from a boat. fa'rgan Ica'nan, the right hand. = in' run ka'pal, to go on board a kan'chil, mouse deer plandok. ship from a pier or wharf. kan'chirg, a button, bolt, bar to see fasten a door. kapan, kafan. ka'pan kan'darg, an enclosure for (Jav.), when; usually cattle, Mia. stall, sheepfold, stable. Cf. be r-ka' bargsal. ka'par, pa-ran, spread out in disorder, scattered. kan'dar, m-rgan'dar, to carry to scatter. things on the two ends of a ka'par-kan, pole. ka'pas, raw cotton. Cf. kapok I a' an, kan'dar, carrying stick. and kabu-kabu. kan das and ter-kan'das, a- ka'pi, a block, pulley. stranded. Cf. dam- ground, ka'pi-tan (Port), captain. Cf. par. naklwda. kan'dil (Ar.), lantern, lamp. ka'pok, raw cotton. Cf. kapas Cf. pliia and targlorg. and kabu-kabu. kan'doig, m-rgan'dorg, to carry ka'pur, lime; mortar, plaster. in the bosom; conceive, bear ka'pur ba'rus, camphor. children. Cf. kendorg. ka'pur b-lan'da, chalk, crayons. kan-du'ri a feast held (Pers.), ka'pur lii' tain, Portland ce- annually at which prayers ment, for the dead are hence said; ka'pur ma'ii, slaked lime. feast. Cf. any jamu. ka'pur to-hor', quick-lime. kan?' and k-kaig', a horse's bit. sa'pn ka'pur, to whitewash. Cf. lagam. Cf. lalur. ta'li bridle. katy', ka'ram, destruction, especially

: to some- kaig'kaig, tcr-kaiy'karg, strad- shipwreck founder ; dling, wide apart (of the times used as an imprecation. legs). Cf. dam par and kandas. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 59

karana, see kern a. ka'se-lii, to love. ka'se-lian, ka'raig, coral reef, coral rock; pity, compassion. Cf. tin-bearing rock. sayarg. ka-se-ha'ni and Win ka'rarg, coral, coral rock. ka-se-han'kan, to have or bu'rga ka'rarg, sponge. Cf. lu- pity mercy upon mut. a person. p-iga'se-lian, affection. ka'rarg, m-rga'rarg, to arrange, k-ka'seh-ku (126), beloved, set in order flowers in my (as my friend. a bouquet) : to compose (of ka'si the of the written compositions). (in colloquial to ka-ra'rgan, A written composi- Settlements), give;= (Pe- Cf. kaseli. tion, the setting of jewels, a nang) bagi. wreath or nosegay of flowers. ka'sim (Ar.), mutilated, cas- p-tga'rarg, an author. trated. Cf. kmbiri. ka-rar' (Ar.), settled, fixed, es- k as 'rah (Ar.), the vowel sign tablished. corresponding to i; see baris. ka'rat, rust. Cf. l)si. kas-tu'ri (Sk.), musk. Cf. jbat. ber-ka'rat, rusty. ka'sut, shoes. Cf. spatu. ka'rib near relation- (Ar.), (of ka'ta (149), ber-ka'ta, to say, ship). speak. Cf. cliakap, bilarg ka'roig, a rough sack, usually and tutor. of matting or other coarse ka'ta-rya, he said; saying. material. Cf. guni. s-ka'ia, assenting, concurring. karunia, see kurnia. x-pa'iali ka'ta, one word. ka'ia-kan, to say or tell a thing. ka'rut, m-rga'rut, to talk non- per-ka'ia'an, a word, sentence. sense. ka'tak, frog. Cf. kodok. ka'sad (Ar.), intention, purpose. ka'tak bull Also ksad. b-toig', frog. ka'tak pu'ru, toad. ka'sap, rough to the touch. ka'tek, a'yam ka'tek, bantam ka'sar, coarse, rough, rude, im- fowl. polite. = ka'ti, a measure of weight 1 J roof, timbers. ka'sau, Ibs. ka'sau jan'ian, purlins. ka'tib scribe. ka'sau b-ti'na, rafters. (Ar.), ka'ti bedstead. Cf. ka'seh (148), love, affection, I, impat- and favour: to love; (in the col- tidor, pntas peraduan. loquial of the Settlements) ka'toig, a sea turtle. to give (79). ka'top, m-iya'top, to shut, close. ba'las ka'seh, to return a fa- Cf. intop. vour. kau', an abbreviation of tnin'ia ka'seh, to ask a favour. thou; t-ri'ma ka'seh- (160), to thank. aigkau. Cf. slmkur. kau J u (B.), mean, stingy. 60 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. kaul' (Ar.), word, sentence, say- ba'targ ka'yu, the trunk of a- ing. tree. bu'ah the fruit of a tree. kaum' (Ar.), a people, race, ka'yu, da'un the leaves of a tribe, nation. Cf. barysa. ka'yu, tree. kaum' k-lur'ga, household, fa- mily, all one's relations. leu' lit ka'yu, bark. a tree. kaus' po'lion ka'yu, ( Ar., shoes), in the phrase : see Ic-ba'wali leans', an honorific kbajikan, bajik. title of princes, having refer- k-bal', rendered invulnerable (by ence to the ancient custom of magic). the placing head beneath a k-bas', to shake in order to re- feet in token of sub- king's move dust or dirt. Cf. gon- mission. Cf. junjorg. cliarg. cauldron. ka'wah, k-ba'ya (Pers.), a jacket worn women. ka'vval, guard, watch. Cf. jaga. by pry-liulu Tca'wal, the comman- kbiri, see kmbiri. der of a guard. k-bun', garden, plantation, or- to watch. ber-ka'wal, keep chard. ka'wan, comrade, companion ; tu'karg k-bun', gardener. herd, flock, company. Cf. ber-k-bun', to be a planter. tman, handai, taulan and k-chap', m-rg-cliap', to taste. sahabat. k-cha'pi (Sk.), a lyre, harp. k'a'wat, wire; Cf. telegram. k-che'wa, dawai. injury, disappoint- ment. kawin, see Jcahwin. k-chil'. small, little: sometimes ka'ya, rich. pronounced k-chi", o'raig ka'ya, a title of Malay k-chil' dc-ri-pa'da, smaller than. chiefs. k-chil' ha'ti, spiteful, having a k-ka'ya'an, riches. grudge against a person. a'nak k-chil', an infant. ka-ya'igan (Jav.), the heaven de'ri k-chil', from childhood. of Hindu mythology; see tu'an k-chil', junior in offiee r yarg. Cf. shorga and indra. master's son. ka'yap, a skin disease. k-chu'ak (Chin.), cockroach. ka'yoh, m-rga'yoh, a paddle; to Cf. Upas. paddle a boat. k-chu-a'li, especially, particular- p-rga'yoh, a paddle. ly. Cf. istimeica. a a nu- ka'yu, wood, tree, log; k-chup', a kiss. Cf. chium. merical coefficient of rolls of k-chut', wrinkled, shrivelled. Cf. cloth or other material (83). kdut and krut. ka'yu a'pi, firewood. ka'yu a'rarg, ebony. k-dai', shop. Cf. gudarg. ka'yu ma'nis, cinnamon. bu'ka k-dai'] to set up a shop. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 61

' a lcr-k-dai' , to keep shop. riage, circumcision or a to o'ranj ber-k-dai', shopkeeper. funeral) ; murder by com- mand of a execute. k-dal', a skin disease causing raja, white patches on the hands p-ker'ja'an, work, occupation, action and feet, sometimes described as a form of leprosy. Of. ker'liig, m-rger'lirg, to look out kusta. of the corners of the eyes, a k-daig', m-ty-daty', to stretch out give sidelong glance. (the hands). ker'na (Sk. karana) (140), be- to. Cf. k-dar' and ka'dar (Ar.), quan- cause, for, owing sbab. tity, measure, proportion, ex- tent, amount. ker'sek, coarse sand; also krisek. d'tyan k-dar'-rya, proportion- Cf. pasir. ately. ker'tak, kcr'tak gi'gi, to grind in to s-k-dar', proportion to, the teeth. the extent of. ker'tas (Ar.), paper. k-dut', a wrinkle, crease. Cf. ker'tas km-barg' and ker'tas kchut SLTidkrut. lap', blotting paper. ke'chek, persuasive, coaxing, im- ke'sah (Ar.), tale, story, nar- portunate. rative. ke'chi (Eng., ketch), a small al-ke'sah (133), a punctuation sailing vessel. word. ke'ju (Port.), cheese. kha'bar (Ar.) (155, 159), news, a ke'laig, a pair of rollers, hence tidings, information, know- roller mill for sugar, tapioca, ledge of fact. Cf. brita and etc. iccrta. ke'Iek, to carry under the arm. kha'bar a'rgin, unreliable in- formation, false rumours. ke'long, fishing-stakes; see also kha'bar news. Uat. ba'ik, good a'pa kha'bar, what is the news? ken'doig, to carry m-ryen'dory, the usual Malay salutation, in a fold of one's clothes. the reply to which is, khabar Cf. kandorg. baik. ke'peig, a small coin. su'rat kha'bar, newspaper. Cf. ker'bau, buffalo. akhbar. ti-a'da kha'bar a'kan di'ri-n/a, ker'chut, reed grass. in a state of unconsciousness. ker'ja (Sk.), work, employment, kha'bar-kan, to relate, narrate, festivities. business, inform. Cf. bri tahu. to work, be in b-ker'ja, engaged kha'dim attend- business or in festivities. (Ar.), servant, ant. ker'ja-kan, to carry out, accom- kha-la'si sailor. plish, execute; to hold fes- (Pers.), tivities or perform cere- kha-la'yak (Ar. khala'ik), cre- monies for a person (as mar- atures, created things. 62 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. kha-li'fah (Ar.), successor, ca- khur'ma (Pers.), dates. liph. khutbah (Ar.), discourse, ser- kha'lik (Ar.), creator. mon read in mosques on Friday. kha'mir (Ar.), yeast, leaven; fermented, leavened. ki-a mat (Ar.), resurrection; usually kha'mis (Ar., fifth), Thursday; kbargkitan. lia'ri ki-a' mat, the resurrection usually Jiari khamis. day. khanduri, see kanduri. ki'an, thus, so, found chiefly in kha-ran'da, see kranda. its derivatives : kha'sah, Jca'in kha'sali, muslin. ar'ki-an (133). then. thus. kha'si-at (Ar.), virtue, energy, dm'ki-an, k-la'ki-an moreover. power to produce certain re- (133), s-ki'an, so much, so many. sults (as drugs, etc.) ; (B) k'si-at, advantage. ki'as (Ar.), comparison, analogy, Cf. 'iba- khat' (Ar.), handwriting; also syllogism, example. rat. bkas targan. a khawatir, see khuatir. ki'bar, to flutter in the air (as flag). kha tarn (Ar.), end; finished,, to to and ended, concluded. ki'bas, m-rgi'bas, swing fro Cf. kha'tam-kan, to finish, conclude (trans.). goyaiy. ki'bas, a two-bladed (of persons who have just da'yorg learned to read the Koran) -. paddle. kib'Iah (Ar., facing, opposite kha'tan ( Ar. ) , circumcision ; the direction in which usually sunat. to), Mohammedans face when Tcha'tan-kan, to circumcise. praying. kha tib (Ar.), preacher, the per- son who reads the khutbah ki'chu, m-iqi'cliu, to deceive, cheat: in a mosque. usually tipu. left-handed. kha-za'nah (Ar. Jchizanat), ki'dal, treasure house. ki'jan?, a small deer. Cf. .kan- and rusa. khe'mah (Ar.), tent, taber- chil, plandok

nacle. : ki'kir, a file, rasp stingy, mean. khi-a'nat (Ar.), treachery, per- ki'kis, m-rgi'kis, to scraj>. fidy. scratch. Cf. garok and ///- khid'mat (Ar.), service. ris. khi'laf (Ar.), contradiction, ki'lat, lightning; brilliancy; glit- error, mistake. Of. silap. tering, shining. Cf. pfir and khizanat, see khazanah. gilarg. an- khu-a'tir (Ar. khawatir}. ki'lau, ki-lftii-ka'lau-an, glitter- anxious xiety, apprehension, ing, brilliant, reflecting light. thought; also kuatir. IT. MA LAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

ki'lir, to sharpen. Cf. a*ah. k-jam', m-rg-jam', to close the also kim'kha (Pers.), damask. eyes; pjain. a the of ki'pas, a fan. k-jap', wink, blinking the eyes. Cf. klip, ki'ra, m-rgi'ra, to reckon, calcu- s-k-jap', an instant. late, guess, think, suppose. k'jar, in-tg'jar, to chase. Cf. hitorg- and bilaig. pursue, Cf. hambat. ki-ra-ki'ra, accounts, calcula- tions; about, nearly, more or k-ji', base, vile, mean, despicable. less. Cf. Ibeh-kura-rg. Cf. hina. ~ki'ra-iya, pray, prithee (in k-ji'kan, to despise, slight. or prayers requests) ; per- k-jot', to be startled, start. chance, in the phrase jika- ter-k-jot', startled. lau kira-rya, if perchance; k-jotkan, to startle, arouse also s-kira-rya. from sleep. kir'bat see (Ar.), water-skin; k-kal', durable, permanent, con- greba. tinual, eternal. Cf. baka ki'ri, left, as opposed to Italian, and lama. right. k-Jcal'kan, to perpetuate. sb'lah the left side. ki'ri, k-kan'da, elder brother or sister ki'ri, the left hand. ta'rgan (polite form of kakak). -i. to ki'rim, m-rgi'rim, -kan, k-karg' and kaig', a horse's bit, send not (things persons). Cf. 1 again, Cf. hantar. ta'li k-karg', bridle. ki'ri-man, the thing sent. kkaseh, see kaseli. su'rat ki'ri-man, a letter. kisah, see kesah. k-la'bu, grey. k-Ia'dak, dregs, sediment. ki'sar, m-rgi'sar, to turn, cause to revolve horizontally, as a k-la'di, the yam; also u'bi k-la'dL millstone. Cf. putar and Cf. kle'dek. pusirg. k-Ia'hi, ber-k-la'hi, to fight, quar- ba'tu. ki'sa-ran, a millstone. rel. Cf. gilirg. per-k-la'lii-an, quarrel, fight. ber-ki'sar, to revolve. k-lak', a participle expressing trellis-work. ki-si-ki'si, the future tense, sometimes k is' mat (Ar.), fate. used in conjunction with kis mis (Pers.), raisins. akan, q.v. k-Ia'ki-an a ki'ta ((>), we, us (including the (133), punctuation: word: see kian. person or persons spoken to). Cf. kami. k-lam', dark; darkness. Cf. ki'tab (Ar.). a book, especially gtap. k-lam' ka'bot, thick darkness. religious works. thick i'si ki'tab, contents of a book. fog. Cf. daftar. k-lam bu, mosquito net. 64 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

= the k-la'pa (Jav.) Malay lyiur, ', nfff'ri K-lmf (Sk.), the coco-nut tree. eastern coast of British In-

a'i/cr k-la'pa, the milk of the dia. coco-nut. K-lity' is'lant, a Mahommedan l>u'all k-la'pa, a coco-nut. Tamil.

. of i'si k-la'pa, the meat or nutty o'ranf K-linf tlie natives that part of the coco-nut. part of India, especially the po'lion k-la'pa, the coco-nut Telugus and Tamils. tree. k-lirg'kin? and ja'ri k-lity'kinj, sa'lut the husk of the k-la'pa, the little finger. coco-nut. k-linj'kirg ka'ki, the little toe. san'tan k-la'pa, the juice ex- k-lin'toig, a hawker. tracted from the nutty part. k-lip', ler-k-lii/,^to blink the k-la'si (Pers. klialaslii}, sailor. eyes. Cf. kjam and kjap. k-lat', acid. k-lip'-k-lip', firefly. k-la'tu (B.), to rap on the head s-k-lip' uta'ta, the twinkling of with the knuckle of the fore an eye. finger. k-Ii'ru, deception, error, mistake, muddled. k-la'war, a bat. Cf. leluarg. misconception ; k-Ie'dek, the sweet potato; this k-1-ka'tu, flying ants. is considered a very inferior kl-ma'rin and k-ma'rin, yester- root as an article of food by day. Cf. s- mala in. the who therefore natives, kl-ma'rin d-liu'lu, the day be- use this word as an oppro- fore yesterday. brious epithet; as in the k-I-ma'yar, the phosphorescent phrase loyar kledek, a second- centipede. rate lawyer. to k-loh', a sigh ; sigh. k-Ieh', to see. m-rg-1oli', k-loh' k-sali', mental agitation. k-Ie'waig, a short, heavy sword. k-lom'pok, a group of persons. a mine = k-li'an, galian. Cf. tumpok. k-li'kir, la' in k-li'kir, gravel. k-Io'pak, a sheath, the lid of the Cf. kersek. eye, sheath of buds. k-li'Hig, round about, around. k-lo'pak ma'ta, eyelid. a- ler-k-li'linj, surrounding, k-lu', dumb, speechless; also lisu. round. k-lu'aig, a very large bat, the k-li'li-rgi, to surround, encir- vampire. cle, go round. Cf. kporg. kluar, see luar. k-lim', hem, seam. k-lu-ar'ga, see khirga. k-li'mah (Ar.), word, speech, k-Iu'boig, ler-k-lu'boiy, to en- saying, sentence. cover with a k-li'mah sha-lia'dat, the Mo- velop, up (as hammedan profession of cloth). faith. k-lu'piig, a scab. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 65 k-lur'ga (Sk.), relationship, re- km'b-li, baize, rough woollen lated to, a relative. material such as blankets aro kaum' k-lur'ga, relations, fa- made of. mily. km-bo'ja (Sk.), the name of a k-ma'la, mythical jewels sup- tree with sweet-scented ilow- to have posed magic qua- ers : also kamboja. lities; usually gmala. km'borg, to swollen. = swell; k-man'tin (B.), bride prgantin km'di-an, afterwards. prempuan. km'di-an de-ri-pa'da, after k-ma'rau, dry, without water. (prep.}. Cf. Ipas. mu'sim k-ma'rau, the dry sea- km'di-an de-ri-pa'da i'tu, after son. that. k-ma'rin, yesterday; see klma- k-me'ja (Port.), shirt. rin.

' k'mn-iyan, benzoin, used as in- k-mas', ber-k-mas' , to pack up, cense by the Malays. stow away. km'pas, a hard-wood tree. Ic-mas'Tcan, to pack things up. km'pis, deflated, collapsed (as a km-ba'Ii, again, over again, back bicycle tyre). again; to return. Cf. balek rudder. and pularg. k-mu'di, km-ba'li k^rali'mat Al'lah, to ju-ru-mu'di, steersman, quar- die. ter-master. km-ba'li-kan, to restore, give k-mun'chak, top. apex, summit back, return. (of masts, roofs, hills, etc.). to km-barg', ber-km-barg'', spread, k-mu'nirg, a tree with wood spread out, expand, open (as similar to boxwood, heaving liquids in absorbent material, sweet-scented flowers. a sponge when soaked in dry k'na, m-rg'na (77), to hit a water, or a flower from the mark, get, incur, as in the bud). following phrases : ker'tas km-barg', blotting paper. k'na dn'da, to be fined. km-barg'kan, to spread out (as k'na fit'nah, to be slandered. a bird spreads its wings). k'na liu'jan, to get wet in the km'bar, ber-km'bar, twins; in rain. in pairs, triplets. k'na hu'kum, to get punished. a'nak twins. km'bar, k'na lu'ka, to get a wound. ta'li km'bar a threefold ii'ga> k'na ma'lu. to be disgraced. cord. k'na pu'kol, to get beaten. km-ba'ri, to with or pair against k'na rit'gi, to incur loss. (in single combat). k'na sa'kit, to fall sick. to wan- km-ba'ra, m-rgm-ba'ra, k'na sek'sa, to get punished. der about. k'na ti'kam, to be stabbed. km-bi'ri and k-bi'ri, mutilated, k'na-kan, to apply, put on (as castrated. Cf. kasim. clothes, plasters or anything a'yam km-bi'ri, a capon. externally applied) . 66 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

to k-na!' (62), in-iy-ml' , -i, kn'taig, potato. know a person, be acquainted kn'tut, to break wind. with, recognise. Cf. tatiu. ko'bis, cabbage. k-na' Ian, an acquaintance, a person with whom one is ac- ko'chak, ber-ko'chak, to be in a quainted. state of agitation (of fluids satis- or of the mind). Cf. kaehau. k-nan , ber-k-nan', pleased, fied, satisfactory, agreeable. ko'chek, pocket. to per-k-mn'kan, satisfy, please ko'di, a score. (a person). ko'dok, a frog, a toad. Cf. to call k-natg', fti-rg-narg', -lean, katak. to mind, recall, remember. ko'doig, maimed. Cf. irgat. kok', a yoke. k-na'pa, why? see apa. ko'koh, firm, steady. kn-chaig', stretched tight, stiff. Cf. -trek, ko'Iam (Sk.), lake, pond. Cf. a'rgin kn-charg', a stiff breeze. danau and tasek. to urinate. kn'chiig, ko'lek, the Malay canoe, propel- kn dak, a concubine, paramour. led by paddles and sails and one or more men. kn-da'ra, m-rgn-da'ra, -i, to ride carrying on a horse or other animal. kom'ha, bu'ronj kom'ba (B.), Cf. naik and turggarg. dove. kn-da'ra'an, mount, riding ko'meig, undeveloped, dwarfed. horse or other animal. Of- ten misspelt k'indra'an; see kom'pa-ni, the old East India indra. Company, hence the local Government in the Straits. kn'di (Sk.), a small earthenware jar for carrying water in. koig'si (Chin.), a society, as- Cf. kndiri, see diri. sociation, company. jma'ah and skutu. kn'dur, slack (of ropes, etc.). kn'dur-kan, to slack up, lower ko'nun, it is said, it is reported; away (ropes). probably, possibly. see kanduri. knduri, ko'pek, to pull off, pick off in k-niig', the brow. fragments. bu'lu the k-nirg' , eyebrows. ko'pi, coffee. k-ni'sah (Ar.), church, syna- ko-pi'ah, cap. Cf. clipiau and gogue ; usually greja. soiykok. kn-iyarg', .satiated, satisfied with ko'r'an' the the food. Cf. jmu and puas. (Ar.), Koran, sacred book of the Moham- kn-ryarg'kan, to satiate. medans. kn'tal, thick, glutinous (of to kor'ban fluids) ; as opposed cha'ir, (Ar.), offering, sacrifice, q.v. Cf. pkat. victim. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 67 ko'rek, m-igo'rek, to scrape, sa'kit k-pa'la, headache, scratch or with a dig sharp kpalarg, see alary. instrument. Cf. gerek. k-pa'ya, lu'ah k-pa'ya, the pa- hollow. Cf. iko'song, empty, paya fruit. HI hut i and roiyga. famish- k-pi-a'lu, in the phrase: p-rot' ko'sorg, starving, d-inam' ed. k-pi-a'lu, continued fever. ru'mali ko'sory, an uninhabited house. k-piig', a piece; numerical co- ta' nali ko'sorg, uncultivated efficient of thin flat things land. (84). Cf. krat. to ko'sorg-kan, empty. k-pit', m-vg-pit', to carry under Iko'ta (Sk.), a fort, fortress, forti- the arm. fied town. Cf. kubu and k-pi'tiig, a kind of crab. benterg. k-pok', a box made of thin ko'tak, or di- compartments material such as cardboard; visions in a box or drawer. a rice bin. *a HI 'pan ko'tak, a small Chinese k-poig', , to boat with lockers in the stern. m-rg-porg' surround, encompass, besiege. Cf. Iko'tor, Cf. chmar. dirty, filthy. klilirg. ko'tor-kan, to dirty, soil. f k-pul , ber-k-pul-k-pul' , in clouds to fco'yak, m-rgo'yak, -kan, tear, (as smoke). rend. Cf. charek. k-ra', a long-tailed monkey. = iko'yan* a measure of capacity k-ra'bu, ear ornaments of the 40 see end of Gram- pikuls; shape of buttons. Cf. an- mar. tity-antirg. .ko'yok (B.) (Chin.), plaster k-rah', m-ty-rah', -kan, to muster, (medicinal). send orders for levies to pre- k-pada, see k-. pare or assemble for an ex- pedition. k-pak', wing. Cf. sayap. k-rak', the burnt crust which ad- Jc-pa'Ia (Sk.), head, chief, head- heres to the pot or pan when man, top. Cf. hulu. slightly overcooked. ci'rgin, scatter-brained. k-pa'la k-rak' nafsi, rice which adheres head- k-pa'la kam'porg, village to the after man. pot boiling. k-ram', mrg-rairi , to brood (of k-f:n'la sn'rat, the heading of a letter. hens). k-ra'mat marvel, k-jia'la s it's u, cream. (Ar.), prodigy; of veneration; Ifin'tug k-pa'la, to rack one's worthy especi- or re- brains. aly tombs of saints markable trees, or la'tu k-pa'la, the crown of the persons, to head, the cranium. other natural objects, which votive are chn'kai k-pa'la, poll-tax. offerings made. f k-pa'la, giddiness. 68 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. k-ran', a small wasp. k-re'ta ta'rek, hand cart. na'ik k-re'ta, to ride in a car- k-ra'na, see Jcerna. riage. k-ran'da (Sk.), coffin; also lory. k-ri'au, to scream (Peiiang). k-raig', a shell fish, cockles. k-riiK', dry. k-ra'ni, clerk. ba'tok k-rirg', consumption. k-ran'jang;, a large basket, crate. i'kan k-rirg', dried fish. Cf. Cf. bakul. da'irg. dried k-ran'ji, a timber tree. k-k-ri'igan, up. k-ris', the or k-rap', often, frequently: also Malay dagger e creese. Jc-rap ka'li. hu'lu k-ris', the hilt of a kris. k-rar' and ka'rar (Ar), settled, hu'nus k-ris', to draw the kris established. fixed, from the sheath. diffi- k-ras', hard, stiff, severe, ma'ta k-ris', the blade of a kris> cult. sa'rorg k-ris', the sheath of a k-ras' ha'ti, hard hearted. kris. k-ras' obstinate. Ic-pa'la, krisek, see kersek. k-ras' pren'tah-rya, he rules with k-ri'tiig, curly (of hair). Cf-. severity. ' k-ras' a wind. ikal. a'rgin , strong a'yer k-ras', spirituous liquors. k-ris'ten (Eur.), Christian. bu'ah k-ras'. the candle-nut. k-rig'ga, a very large red ant. hard. pu'kol k-ras', to strike k-roh', muddy, thick, dirty (of k-ra'si, to force, compel. Cf. liquids or colours). gagahi. k-ras' kan, to increase the sever- k-ron'choig, bangles with tink- bells attached. ity or intensity of a thing. ling k-k-ra'san, hardness, compul- k-roi^'koig, the throat, wind- sion. pipe. Cf. lehir. to cut k-rat', m-rg-rat', -kan, cut, k-ro'saig, brooch. Cf. off, amputate. prggal. k-ru'mun, ber-k-ru'mun, to as- s-k-rat', a a part. piece, semble, come together,, k-ra'tan, a piece cut off. swarm, throig. Cf. himpon- k-ra'waig, open work such as and kumpol. crochet or lace. carving, krusi, see kursi. k-re'ta (Port.), carriage, cart. k-rut', ber-k-rut', wrinkled. Cf.. k-re'ta a' pi, railway, tram. kchut and kdut. : k-re'ta Horg-korg', jinrikisha. k-sad' and ka'sad (Ar.), inten- k-re'ta a bicycle. le'rcirj, tion, aim, object, purpose^ bullock cart. k-re'ta Im'bu, Cf. kahandak. k-re'ta pos', mail cart. ksah, see kloh. k-re'ta se'iva, a hackney car- k'si-at (B.), advantage: see riage, gharry. k-re'ta som'boig, express train. siat. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

Jcs-tu'ri (Sk.), musk; see kas- ku'ak, m-rgu'ak, to low, bellow iuri. (of cattle). k-su'ma (Sk.), a flower. ku-a'Ia, the mouth of a river k-ta'geh, craving (e.g. for where it enters the sea or opium). flows into another river. a crab. fc-tam', Cf. kpitirg. ku-a'Ii, a cooking pot or pan, of k-tam', a small knife with which iron or earthenware. Cf. rice is harvested; a carpen- prick. ter's plane. ku-a'sa (Sk.), power, strength, the Indian almond k-ta'paig, authority, attorney. Cf. tree. kitat. k-tat', tight fitting. Cf. loiy- b-ri' ku-a'sa, to empower, au- gar. thorise. ma'lia ku-a'sa, "k-ta'wa, to laugh ; see tertawa. almighty. su'rat ku-a'sa, power of attor- k-tr (Sk.) (33), one hundred thousand. ney. ku-at' "k-ti'ak, armpit. (Ar.), strength, force, power; strorg. Cf. kuasa. k-ti'ka (Sk.), time, period, mo- ku-at'kan, to strengthen. ment; also kutika. k-ku-a'tan, strength. k-ti'ka. a favourable yaiy ba'ik, kuatir, see khuaiir. time. ku'baig, ber-ku'barg, a wallow; pa'da k-ti'ka i'iu, at that time. to wallow. s-k-ti'ka la'ma-rya, a moment, a short time. ku'bu, a ramjiart, parapet, earth- work, stockade, fort. Cf. k-tiig', the leg below the calf. bentem kota. to and m-rg-tirg', hamstring. -i ii x ku'bur k-tok', m-ry-tok' (146), to knock, (Ar.), tomb, sepulchre. ku'bur-kan, to bury, inter. Cf. rap. Cf. tpok. tanam. ber-k-tok', to cackle. p-ku'bu-ran, cemetery, burial p--rg-tok', a knocker, mallet, ground. gavel. ku'chai (Chin.), k-to'poig, helmet. garlic. ku'chiig, cat. k-tul', a lump, a loaf. ku'chirg blan'da, rabbit. rice cooked in an en- k-tu'pat, ku'rhirg hu'tan, wild cat. of velope palm leaf. a'nak ku'chirg, kitten. ku' of (13), possessive pronoun ku'chup, a kiss ; also lechup. Cf. the first person; also used as chium. an abbreviation of aku when ku'da, a horse; the trusses sup- immediately a preceding porting a roof; one of the verb of which it is the sub- pieces in the game of chess; ject. see chat in: ku-ah/, gravy, sauce. ku'da ja-hat', a vicious horse. 70 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

to CI. ///- Tcu'da k-cliil' , pony. ku'li-ti, skin, flay. ku-da-ku'da, tressles. pas. Tcu'da p-na'kot, a timid horse. ku'lom, to suck or move about in stable. barg'sal ku'da, tlie mouth (as lozenges m- horse shoes. b-si' ku'da, sweetmeats). na'ik ku'da, to ride on horse : ku'Iop (Ar.), foreskin; 1111- back. circumcised. pa'kai-an ku'da, harness. Kul /.um (Ar.), in the phrase: turg'garg ku'da, to ride on la'ut the Red Sea. horseback. Kul'zum, ku'man, a small parasitic insect. ku'dis, mange. kum'baig, a beetle, humble bee. kudoig, see kodorg. ku'mis (Jav.), moustache. Cf. ku'd-rat (Ar.), might., power; misai. generally used of God. Of. ku'mor, ber-ku'mor, to rinse the- kuasa. mouth. ku'dus (Ar.), holy. Cf. al- to- kudus. kum'pol, m-rgum'pol, -lean, gather collect. Cf. ku'dus-kan, to consecrate. together, himpon and kruinun. ku-eh', cakes, confectionery, pud- bcr-kum'pol, to assemble, meet,. dings. convene.

a s s e b 1 kui' (B.) (Chin.), to kneel. per-kum'po-lan , m y r

with , crowd. ku-is , to kick aside, move the foot. kun'chi (Sk.), lock, key. kun'chi ku'jut, m-rgu'jut, to strangle. marg'ga, padlock. a'nak kun'chi, key. ku'ki cook. Cf. masak. (Eng.), i'bu kun'chi, lock. ku'koh, firm, steady. ju-ru-Tcun'chi, steward. ku'koh-kan, to fortify. lo'barg kun'chi, keyhole. ku'kok, the crowing of a cock. ter-kun'chi, locked. ber-iku'kok, to crow, kun'chi-kan, to lock. ku'ku, finger-nail, toe-nail, claw, kun'chop, shut up, folded up. hoof. not yet opened (of flower.- ku'kus, to steam. and buds). Cf. kmbai;i. ku'lai, hanging loose like a bro- kun'dai, chignon, the hair of the- ken arm. head -twisted into a knob at the back. ku'lat, mushroom, fungus. Cf. chndawan, ku'niig, yellow. ku'li, labourer, cooly. kun'iyit, saffron. b-ras' rice stained with ku'li po' (B.), female servant. kun'njit, saffron. ku'lit, skin, leather, bark, shell.

in the form : : ku'lit ka'yu, the bark of a tree. onf, ku'lit ma'nis, cinnamon, s-kun'n/oiy-kun'njo>y, suddenly^ ku'lit t-lor' ', eggshell. unexpectedly. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 71 kun'tau (Chin.), boxing. ku'rap, ringworm. kun'tum or ku'tum, a bud; kurban, see korban. numerical coefficient of flow- kurma, see khurma. ers (84). kur'ni-a (Sk.) (149), favour, kunun, see konun. grace, a gift from God or a ku'paig, a measure of weight for king. Cf. anugrah, gold; (Penang) a coin =10 kur'ni-a-kan, to give (as a king cents. or God). ku'paig, a kind of shellfish, a ku'roig, m-iyu'rorg,'a,n enclosure,

bivalve. enclosed place, cabin, prison ; to ku'pas, m-rgu'pas, to peel, skin enclose, imprison. a Cf. (fruits or animals). Cf. kii-ro'rgan, prison, cage. kit Jit. sargkar. see ku'pirg (Jav.), ear; usually t- kursaig, krosarg. lirga. kur'si or k-ru'si (Ar.), a chair, ku-pu-ku'pu, butterfly. throne. Cf. takhta. ku'ra, the spleen. ku'rus, thin, lean. d-main' intermittent ku'ra, ku'sa (Sk.), a goad. fever. ku'sin (Chin.), plant louse, tortoise. ku-ra-ku'ra, aphis. ku-ra-ku'ra ka'ki, the instep. kus'ta (Sk.), leprosy. kur'an, see kor'an. ku'sut, tangled, in disorder, in ku'rarg (3.9, 90), less, lacking, confusion. insufficient. kutika, see ktika. .ku'rarg 'a'dat, ill-mannered, to rude. ku'tip, m-rgu'.tip, pick up, gather up. ku'rarg a'jar, ill-mannered, rude. ku'tok, m-rgu'tok, -kan, -4, a to curse. Tcu'rarg 'a'kal, stupid, idiotic. curse; Tcu'rarg ba'ik, inferior, bad. kutom, see kiintom. ku'rarg b-ha'sa, impolite. ku'tu, a louse. unaccustomed. ku'rarg bi-a'sa, ku'tu an'jirg, a flea. ku'rarg hor'mat, disrespectful. . ku'tu bu'sok, a bed-bug. ku'rarg ja'ga, careless. ku'tu a tick. ' Im'bu, too not Tcu'rarg ku-at' } weak, ku'yop, ba'sah ku'yop, wringing

. . strong enough. wet. ku'rarg per-cha'ya, suspicious. ku'rarg p-rek'sa, I don't know. ku'rarg ta'jam, blunt. la'ba (Sk.), gain, profit. s-ku-rarg-ku'rarg, at least. la-ba-la'ba, ku'rarg-kan, to reduce, di- spider. minish. la'boh, m -Ia' ball, -kan, to haig k-ku~ra'rgan, lacking, in want down, let down (as clothes, of nets, ; want, deficiency. curtains, anchors, etc.). 72 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

ber-la'boh, to anchor. m-la'in-lean, but, on the con- la'bo-han, anchorage. trary, on the other hand. Cf. la'bu, pumpkin, gourd. hanja. ler-la'in-an, diverse, differing la'hur, in its derivative : from. rations, supplies serv- p-la'bur, ahead ed out. la'jak, go forward, push = (as a boat). la'chi (D.), a drawer (B.), la'ju, rapid, (as took. moving swiftly boats, carriages, etc.). Cf. la 'da, pepper. dras. la da me'rah, red pepper, cayen- la'ki, husband. ne pepper. Cf. chdbai. la ki bi'ni, husband and wife. la'da pu'teh, white pepper. la-ki-la'ki (87), male, mascu- la'da chi'na, the chili, red pep- = line (B.) dlaki. Cf. jan- Cf. chabai. per. tan. cultivated la'daig, fields, dry ber-la'ki, having a husband rice fields, as to sa- opposed married (of women). Cf. and wah, q.v. bndaiy ber-la'ki-kan, to marry, be mar- hum a. ried to (of women). to strike la'ga, ber-la'ga, collide, lak'sa (Sk.) (33), ten thousand, bodies, as together (of large j lak-sa-ma na (Sk.), admiral. animals fighting). lak-sa'na (Sk.), like, resembling. la'gam, a horse's bit. Cf. karg. la'ku, ber-la'ku, action, conduct, la'gi (40, 89), more, still, yet, style, manner of doing a again. to thing ; take place, happen, la'gi lii'dop, still alive. occur, pass current, sell la'gi s-ka'li, once more. readily. a'pa la'gi, what else, how much s-la'ku i'ni, in this manner, the more. thus. b-lum' la'gi, not yet. la'ku-kan, to bring to pass, exe- b-ra'pa la'gi, how many more. cute, carry out. s-la'gi, as long as, while. la'ku-kan di'ri, to behave one- s-di'kit la'gi, a little more. self, comport oneself, act. tune, la'gu, k-la'ku-an, behaviour, action. lah' an suffix (3 b), expletive la'lai, a state of semi-conscious- which is usually joined to ness ; hence, listless, careless, the verb or some emphatic negligent. word in a sentence. ter-la'lai, in a semi-conscious la'hir (Ar. tla'hir), visible, out- state. exoteric as to ward, ; opposed la'lai-kan, to neglect, dis- batin, inward. regard. lai, numeral coefficient of thin or la'laig, a very coarse grass. flat objects; also lilai. la'lu la'larg, to pass and repass. la'in, other, different; exclusive la'lat, the common house-fly. of; difference. ta'lii la'lat, moles, freckles. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 73 la'Iu, to pass, be past; past, ago, lam'pin, swaddling-clothes; also after that, then (138). kain lam pin. la'lu la'larg, to pass and repass. lam'poig, light, bulky for its a'da ti'ga ha'ri la'lu, three days weight (of wood). ago. lam pu (Eng.), Ix'r-ja'lan la'lu, to pass by. lamp. Cf.plita. la pu'kol ti'ga la'lu,, past three mun, in case, in the event of, o'clock. if. s-la'lu, always. la'mun ja'rgan, for fear that, ta'hun la'lu, last year. lest. ter-la'lu, very, extremely. 1'a'nat (Ar.), curse, imprecation, la'lu-i, to pass by a thing, go damnation. Cf. sumpah and past, overlook, disregard. Jcutok. la'ma, long (of time), length of I'a'nat-kan, to curse. time, duration, old, former, lan'char, rapid, fluent (especial- ancient. Cf. tua. ly of speech). Cf. paseh. la-ma-la' la'ma ma, k-la'ma'an, ba'cha lan'char, to read fluently. after some time, finally. lan'chorg, false, counterfeit, la'ma su'dali, a long time ago.

. bi'ni la'ma, a former wife. lan'dak, the porcupine. bu'lu the of the b-ra'pa la'ma, how long ? lan'dak, quills when removed pa'kai-an la'ma, old clothes. porcupine ; 3-la'ma, as long as, while. from the animal they are s-la-ma-la'ma-rya, for ever. known as duri landak. s-ta'hun la'ma-rya, for a year, lan'das, in its derived form: a year's duration. lan'da-san, an anvil. to lam'bai, m-lam'bai, -lean, laig', a generic name for birds of wave. the hawk tribe. lam'bai-kan ta'rgan, to make a la'rgau, a large horsefly. Cf. sign by waving the hand. pikat. Cf. isharat. hel- . Iai'gai, iurq'garg larg'garg, lam 'bat, slow, tardy, dilatory, ter-skelter, head over heels. late, too late. Cf. lergah laig'gar, m-larg'gar, to attack, and iewat. assail, assault, contend lam'bat-kan, to retard. against, violate a command, lam'boig, side, flank. Cf. lawan. to toss in latn'botg, m-lam'l)org, lairj'gar 'a'dat, to violate a cus- the air, bound up and down. tom. lamin, see plamin. larg'gar b-ha'sa, to transgress the rules of etiquette. lam'pau, m-lam'pau, exceeding, the lanj'gar hu'kum, to violate beyond, excessive; to exceed, law. go beyond. cosmetics ler-lam'pau, excessively, too la'igir, m-la'jgir, -i, much, very=(B.) ter-lam- used in bathing; to use such in pon. cosmetics bathing. 74 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULAUY. la' (git, the sky, heavens. la'pah, to flay. la-n/it-la'-tgit, the roof ceiling, Japan, see dlapan. of the mouth. Ia'pai>j, broad, ka'ki la'rgit, the horizon. extensive, spaci- ous, wide. Cf. lebar and Iai kah, a m-lan/'kah, -i, pace, luas. a step; 'to step, step over. la'par, ber-la'par, hunger; to he- laig'kan (B.) (Chin.)., open hungry. round the chimche". space Tc-la' pa-ran , famine. laigkap, see Irgkap. n Ia'pe (B.) (Chin.), balcony lat^'sat, the name of an edible open to the sky. fruit. la'pis, fold, layer (81). door latg'si, curtains, portiere. ba'jit du'a la'pis, two mat>. worn one over the other. Iain's on?, outright, for good and = piu'ta fit' seven doors- all ; also sometimes lalu, joh la'pis. or in succession. especially in Penang and gates Perak. la'pok, mould, mildew. lan'jur, t-lan'jur, lengthy, pro- la'raig, m-la'raty, -lean, to forbid, tracted; (B.) tlariju, during, prohibit, Cf. tgah and pan- while. taiy. ka'ta su'dah t-lan'jur, "the la-ra'iyan, contraband, tluit murder's out." which is tabooed or prohibit- ed. Ian jut, long (of lime or of a story), of loig duration, pro- la'ras, barrel of a gun. tracted. Cf. lama and pan- la'rat, m-la'rat, to spread, ex- janj. tend; to drift (of clouds., lan'jui-kan, to prolong. ships when their anchors- lan'tai. floor, also the laths drag, etc.). of the (usually niborg paim) Ta'rek, to turn on a lathe. of which make their, Malays p-la'rek, lathe. floors. la'ri, ber-la'ri, to run, run awayr pa'pan lan'tai, floor boards. flee, escape. lan'tak, m-lan'tak, to drive in, ba'ira la'ri, to run away with. ram. la'ri-kan, to cause to run, run p-lan'tak, ramrod. away with, run off with r lan'tas then : (Jav.), thereupon, kidnap. = lalu. Malay . p~la'ri, fugitive, runaway. lan'tek, m-lan'tek, to install, in- p-la'ri-an, escape. and vest, inaugurate (princes lash'kar (Pers.), soldier, army; high officials). sailor. Cf. soldado and kha- la'iyak, m-la'tyak, to trample, lasi. down. tread la'ta (Sk;). m-la'ta, to creep. lap', lap' lean, to absorb. crawl (of plants and an- ker'tas. lap', blotting paper. imals). MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

la'tah, a nervous affection, the la'zat (Ar.), pleasure, delight,. symptoms of which are some- enjoyment (of a sensual to the effects of what similar kind) ; pleasant to the senses, hypnotism. la'zim (Ar.), indispensable; la"uk, the food which is eaten hence, in common use, com- with rice whether meat, fish mon; also kla'ziman. or vegetables. I'bah, bee. la"ut, the sea. sa'rarg I' bah, hone}'-comb, a bee's nest. la" tit a'pi, hell. ba'rat la"ut, north-west. l-bai', a mosque attendant. ti'nior la"ut, north-east I -bam', discoloured, as the result nt-la"ut, to go out to sea (as of a bruise.

' river 1 fish). bi'ru l-bam , black and blue. la"u-tan, the ocean. l-bat', thick, dense, heavy (as- la' wan, ber-la'ii-ttn, adversary, foliage, insects or rain). Cf. rival; to contend, strive, rendaiy. Cf. compete. laiygar. 1'beh (89), more, more than; sur- Dt-la'u'an, to oppose, resist, plus. Cf. lagi. withstand t o ; opposed , I'beli d-liu'lu, previously. against. I'beh ku'rairj, more or less. Cf. la'wat, m-la'icat, to visit. leira-fara. at the most. la s-l-beli-l'beli-rya, yak (Ar.), worthy, fit, proper. ter-1'leh (93, 94), most, very. la'yan, m-la'yan, -i, to serve, l'b<-li-l:an, to make more of,. wait upon, minister to. aggrandize, consider of more p-la'yan, a servant. importance. k-1'be-lian, excess, superiority. la'yaig, m-la'yanj, to soar, hover. 1-bu', dust. Cf. dbu and habok. . la-yarg-la'yarg, a kite. ber-ma'in la-yanj-la'yarg, to fly 1-bur', m-l-bur', to melt or fuse a kite. metals, smelt. bu'rory la-yatg-la'yarg, a swal- Is -1-bu'ran, abyss, chasm. low. le'bar, wide, broad; breadth (36 r m-rgan'jory la-yary-la'yarg, to !Xote). Cf. lapaig and hias. throw a kite in the air. up le'cheh, protracted, slow, linger- su'rat, a ex- la'yarg-kan poetic ing. pression for sending a letter. le'chek, m-le'clu'l-, to crush by a la'yer, a sail. grinding motion, under the bu'ka la'yer, to set a sail. foot or in a vessel. i'kat to furl sail. la'yer, le'hir, neck, throat (external). b-la'yer (98), to sail, set .-ail, Cf. Jcroigkoni. start on a voyage. ba'taig le'hir, the neck. to sail la'ycr-l-nn. (a vessel). cli-l-ei-' le'hir, to throttle. p-ia'ye-ran, voyage. p-lol-' le'hir, to embrace. fade. to cut the throat. la'yu, withered ; to wither, po'torg le'hir, 76 MALAY-KNGLISH VOCABULARY.

le'ka, dawdliig. li'at, tough, plastic, supple. le'kor, a word which may be ta'nah li'at, clay. used to form the numerals li chin, smooth, slippery. ba'tu from twenty-one to twenty- li'cliin, pebbles. nine. Cf. bias. li'dah, the tongue; pronuncia- du'a le'Tcor, twenty-two. tion. s-le'kor, twenty-one. li'dah a'pi, flames. a'nak li'dah, the uvula. le'la, a swivel-gun. sell pa' li'daht eloquent. le'leh, m-le'leli, to flow, run (as pi'tali li'dah, eloquent. liquids). Cf. Unary andaZtr. li'dal (Port.), a thimble; also le'loig (Port.), auction. didal. to sell auction. le'lorg-kan, by li'di, the midrib of a leaf of the lem'bak, m-lem'bak, overflow- coco-nut palm. ing; to overflow. li'hat, m-li'hat, (149), to look, Cf. lem'pah, m-lem'pah, abounding, see, perceive. pandarg, tergok and abundant, plentiful ; t o nampak. abound. li'ha-ti, to look at, view. k-li-ha'tan, it was seen, there h' in' pali-kan, to give liberally, lavish. was seen (impers.). the sense of Ic-leni'pa-lian, abundance. prg-li'ha-tan, sight ; a vision, a thing seen. lem'par, m-lem'par, to throw, H'lin, wax; a candle. fling. Cf. lontar. ii'lit, m-li'lii, to twine, entwine le'na, deep, sound (of sleep). (as a creeper). Cf. blit. Cf. Hap and ryadar. li'ma, live. (For derived forms le'igah, to m-le'rgah, indolent; see am pat). Cf. lambat. loiter, delay. li'ma ivak'tu, the five stated of see leig'koig, m-lerg'korg, to encircle, periods prayers ; waktu. surround. pig lima, see ptglima.

I i 'niau, the name for letg'kar, m-le-rg'Tcar, a coil (of generic or coil. limes and similar rope a snake) ; to oranges, fruits. Cf. jrok. le'raig, s-le'rarg, in one width (of ll'mau b-sar' and li'mau jam- sarorgs) as opposed to Jcam- bu'a, the pumelo. poli, q.v. li'mau ma'nis, the orange. le'reig, kre'ta le'rerg, a bicycle. li'mau ni'pis, the lime. le'tir, b-le'tir, to chatter. babble, li'naig, ber-U'naiy, flowing; to le'wat (Jav.), past =lalu; too flow (of tears). Cf. leleh late. and a lir. a li'aig, hole; usually lobarg. Hn'doTg, m-lin'dory, -lean, to li'ar, wild (of animals) as op- shelter, cover, screen, pro- posed to tame; cf. buas, tect. which means wild in the ber-lin'dorrj, sheltered, shelter- sense of ferocious. ing oneself. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

per-lin'do-iyan, shelter, that I'lah, labour, exertion, exhaus- which affords a covering; tion, fatigue ; weary, exhaust- privy, latrine. ed, tired. Cf. Iteli and pnaL ber-hen'ti-kan to rest lin'taiR, m-lin'targ, across, trans- I'lali, after verse; to go across, traverse, fatigue. ber-l'lah, to exert oneself. pass over. Cf. linias and bujor. Map', deep, sound (of sleep). lin'tary pu'katy, higgledy-pig- Cf. njadar and lena. gledy. ti'dor l-lap', to sleep heavily. cross-bar. Cf. ka'yu lin'targ, I'mah, weak, powerless, deficient palarg. of strength. Cf. Iteh. to lin'tas, m-lin'tas, pass through, I'mah Im'bot, gentle, rnild r cross, penetrate (through a meek. tract of country, or of wea- k-l'ma-han, weakness, debility. pons through the body) . Cf . 1-mak , suet, animal fat. Cf. lintarg. miryak. li'or, saliva. a'yer li'or, I-ma'ri, wardrobe = almari. = li'pan, a large centipede hlipan, I-mas', smothered, suffocated. li cockroach. pas, ma'ti l-mas', to die of suffo a fold to li'pat, m-li'pat, ; fold, cation or drowning. double, turn down. Cf. l-mas'Tcan, to smother, suffo- lapis. cate. li'pat lu'tut, to bend the knees. Im-ba'ga, form, bodily shape, the folded. ber-li'pat, material as distinguished li to J.T- -j. 1 put, m-li'put, encompass, from the spiritual. cover. 1m a a ' 'bah, 1 valley, depression. l-kak, l-kak-l-kok , full of cavi- Im'bap, moist, damp. ties, uneven, undulating. Im'bar, a thread. l-kap', m-l-kap', to adhere (of strand, flat surfaces). Im'bek, soft, flabby, yielding to- the touch. Cf. Inibot. 1-kas', quick, rapid; quickly, im- mediately. Cf. bargat, dras, 1m 'bine, a spear, lighter than laju and pantas. the tombak. Cf. sligi. l-kas'kan, to hasten, expedite. Im'bot, soft, pliant, gentle, ten- 1-kat', m-l-kat' (149), to stick, der. Cf. Imbek. adhere to be fixed ; upon (of I'mah Im'bot, gentle, mild-, the eyes). meek. to cause to l-kat'Tcan, adhere, Im'bot-kan, to soften, appease. affix. Cf. Jena and tampal. Im'bu, the ox. Cf. sapi. 1-kok', dent, indentation, hollow, Im'bu b-ti'na, cow. dented, cavity ; depressed, Im'bu jan'tan, bull. stove in. a'nak Im'bu, calf. l-kak-l-kok', full of cavities, uneven, undulating. Im'poh, paralyzed. Cf. tepok. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

In'dir, slimy; slime, phlegm, lom'pat, m-lom'pai, to jump, mucus. leap, spring, bound. to on. J'fgan, the arm. Cf. targan. loi'pa-ti, jump to lig'kap, equipped, fitted out, lon'chat, nt-lon'cliat, jump (as supplied or furnished with a fish), hop (as birds). necessary outfit. lorg', coffin. s-lrg'kap, a complete outfit. loig'gar, loose, slack, loose fit- ber-lrg'kap, to prepare oneself, ting. hold oneself in readiness. loig'gok, a Cf. torn- lig'kap-kan, to fit out, equip, heap, pile. . prepare. pole- I'-hg-ka'pan, equipment, expe- loig'kaig, drain, sewer. dition, fleet. lon'tar, m-lon'tar, -lean, to throw, a for li^-ki'arg:, barn,- granary fling. Cf. 1cm par. rice. lo'roig, a street, lane, alley. Cf. to stick = Ikat. lig'kat (B.), jalan. an semi- Irg'koig, arch, dome, losin, see dusin. circle. lotar, see lontar. In-iyap', to disappear, vanish. lo'teig In-iyap'Jcan, to cause to disap- (Chin.), upper story; up- stairs. Cf. pear, make away with. tirglcat. a kind of In'taig, t-ln'targ, lying on the lo'toi^, monkey. back. lo'yar (Eng.), lawyer. In'tur, pliable, flexible. I pa, see alpa. lo'ba (Sk.), coveteousness, cupid- 1-pas', free, disengaged, let loose, ity. Cf. tm'a. released, acquitted, exempt; Chinese radish. lo'bak, after, on the conclusion or of event. lo'baig, a hole. Cf. lia-rg. expiration some Cf. lo'baty hi'dorg, the nostrils. luchut. lo'barg ja'rom, the eye of a l-pas' fle-ri-pa'da Im'targ, fre6 needle. from debt. lo'barg kun'chi, keyhole. 1-pns' ma'kan, after eating. one ber-lo'barg, perforated, having 1-pa.s'* $a'tu sa'tu, thing holes in it. after another. after three lobok, see lubok. l-pas' ti'ga lia'ri, days. lo'cheig (Chin.), a bell. Cf. s'o'rarg l-pas' s'o'rarg, one after f/nta. another. loh' slate; also loh. (Ar.), papan ber-1-pas'-, to escape. lo'kan, a shell-fish. l-pas'kan, to set free, deliver, let lo'kek, mean, stingy. release, go. lc-l-pa'san, deliverance. 'lom'boig, a surface mine, placer = mine. 1-siig' (B.), a sling ali~ali. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 79

', a mortar in which rice lu'ka-kan, to wound. is pounded in order to re- lu'kah, a fish trap in the form move the husk. Cf. antan. of a basket. l-tak', >n-l-t

1-teh', weak, feeble, infirm, lan- In mat, pulverised. Cf. luloh guid. Cf. I mah. and serbok.

1-top', ni-l-top' (103), to explode, lnm'ba, ber-lum'ba, to compete, detonate. vie with, race. Cf. lawan. htni'ba ku'da, horse race. lu' (Chin.) (10), you; used only in addressing Chinese. lu'mor, smeared, daubed. lu'ar, out, outside, external. lumpoh, see Impoh. de'ri from outside. lu'ar, lum'pur, mud. Cf. bechak. ill lii'fir, outside. lu mu t, moss, mould, fungus, k-lu'ar, to the exterior, out; to seaweed. go come out, issue (49, out, lu'mut 146). ka'rarg, sponge. k-lu'ar-kan, to send out, put lu'nas, keel. forth out, put (as fruit), luiggu, see blurggu. expel, publish (books). lunjur, see urijur. k-lu'a-ri, to go out to meet. Jean to k-lu'a-mn, extraneous, foreign, lu'pa, m-hi'pa, (148), alien. forget. to from. lu'as, extensive, vast, spacious. Input, escape, slip away CLlucliut. Cf. lebar and laparg. to lu'as-kan, extend, enlarge. lu'roh, to fair (of dead leaves, k-lu'a-san, wide extent, range, ripe fruit, hair, etc.). Cf. latitude, freedom. lu'bok, a pool, a deep place in a s-luroh, see sluroh.. river or in the sea; also lu'rus, straight, true, sincere. lobok. Cf. btul.' lu'chut, dis- escaped, liberated, In'rus-kan, to straighten. engaged, unfastened. lu'sa, the day after to-morrow. lu'dah, bcr-lu'dah, saliva, spittle; Cf. Mat. to spit. lutar, = Jii'da-hi, to spit at, spit upon. loniar, q.V. p-lu'da-han, spittoon. lu tut. the knee.

wound wounded. In' tut,, to bend the knee. lu'ka, ;' li'pat k'na lu'ka, to receive a wound. bvr-hi'tut, to kneel. Cf. Hut. 80 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

M ma-ha-li'gai (Tarn.), palace; also maligai. ma"af (Ar.), pardon, forgive- ma hap, to forgive, see ma'af. ness. Also pronounced ma- ma'hir (Ar.), skilful, hap. Cf. ampun. expert. mah-ka mah A court mirita ma"af, to ask pardon. ( r.), of jus- tribunal. ma"af-kan, to pardon, forgive. tice, mai dan (Ar., arena), battlefield. ma'bok, intoxicated, stupified, drunk. ma in, ber-ma'in, to play, amuse ma'bok da'rah, faint through oneself, jest; to play musical instruments loss of blood. ; game, amuse- ma'bok la'ut, sea-sick. ment. .ma'in cha'tur, to play chess. ma'cham, kind, sort, method, ma'in ga'sirg, to play manner. Cf. bagai and tops. ma'in gi'la, to play the fool. jnls. ma'in to ma'cham-ma'cham, of various ju'di, gamble. ma'in ma'ia, to make at a kinds, all sorts. eyes a' ma'cham what person. pa (18, 19), ma'in kind of? su'lirg, to play the flute. ma'in wa'yarg, to act in a play. ma'dam (Eur.), a lady. per-ma'i-nan, a game, sport,. ma'dat, opium prepared for entertainment. Cf. and smoking. apiun ma'j-lis' (Ar.), session, audience,. chandu. assembly, council, lii'sap ma'dat, to smoke opium. ma ju (Jav.), to go forward, pro- madh'hab (Ar.), sect; usually gress. maz'hab. ma'jus (Ar.), magian, fire wor- ma'du (Sk.), honey. shipper. ma'du, a'yer honey. mak', mother; also. ibu. . in'dok ma'du, honey-comb. mak'-ba'pa, parents. tnaf-hum' (Ar.), understood; male' muda, and mak' sail- usually mfaham. da'ra, aunt. mak' magh'rib (Ar.), the sun-setting, ti'ri, step-mother. the West; usually barat. ma ka (133), a punctuation, word. ma ha (Sk.), great, in the follow- ing expressions: ma'kam (Ar.), a grave. ma'ha b-sar', very great. ma'kan, m-ma'kan, to eat, con- ma'ha ku-a'sa, almighty. sume, corrode, absorb. ma'ha mu-li'a, most excellent. ma'kan a'rgin, to go for an air- ma'ha mu'rah, most gracious. ing or pleasure excursion." a ma'ha-ra'ja, great prince. ma'kan chan'du, to take opium,, ma'ha most iirg'gi, high. smoke opium. ma-hal', dear, high priced, diffi- ma'kan da'lam, to penetrate cult to obtain. (as rust, acids or sharp- -her'ga ma-hal', a high price. things). MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 81

ma'kan ga'ji, to receive a sa- ma'lam s-ka'rarg, ma'lam i'ni lary, work for wages. or ma'lam da'targ, to-night. ma' kati hale' o'rarg, to rob a ma'lam ia'di, last night. of his late at person rights, do an ja'uh ma'lam, night. ,. injustice. s-ma'lam, last night. ma'kan mi'num, to eat and si-arg' ma'lam, day and night. drink. t'rgah ma'lam, midnight. ma'kan na'si, to take a meal. ber-ma'lam, to pass the night. ma'kan breakfast. pa'gi, ma'larg, unfortunate, wretched. ma'lean ra'chvn, to take poison, uritorg yarg ma'larg, bad for- be poisoned. tune. ma'kan ro'kok, to smoke the o'rarg ma'larg, a wretched fel- native cigarette. low. ma'kan to eat to- s-lii-da'rgan, k-ma'la-rgan, misfortune. gether. ma las, lazy, idle. ma'kan su-ap', to take a bribe. ma'kan sum'pah, to break one's Malayu, see Mlatjit. oneself. oath, perjure ma-li'gai (Tarn.), palace; usual- b-ri' ma'kan, to feed. ly istana. cha'ri ma'kan, to get a living. m'a'lim (Ar.), teacher, instruc- di-ina'kan a'pl, consumed by tor, mate on a fire. pilot, guide, ship. ha'bis ma'kan, after eating. ma'ka-nan, food. ma'lu, shame, disgrace; ashamed, bashful, modest. makh'Iok (Ar.), creature, cre- b-ri' ma'lu, to cause shame or ated being. Cf. jadi. disgrace to a person. ma'ki, abuse, m-ma'ki, scolding, k'na ma'lu, to be disgraced. ; to abuse, revile, vituperation k-ma'lu-an, shame, disgrace ; call names. Cf. nista. the private parts. ma'kin (95), more, the more. m'a'lum (Ar.), known, notorious. Cf. and margkin mitykin. b-ri' m'a'lum, to make known. ma'kin . . ma'kin . . the more . . , m'a'lum-kan, to inform, make the more. . known. Cf. bri tahu. s-ma'kin, by so much the more. ma'mah, to chew, masticate. Cf. ma-ko'ta crown. (Sk.), kulom. mak'sud (Ar.), aim, object, pur- ma'mak, uncle, aunt. pose; sense, meaning. Cf. hndak and man. ma-man'da, a polite form of mamak. ma' lam, night; the Malays reck- on the day to begin at 6 p.m., mam'bary;, certain supernatural so the to the night belongs beings, spirits. following da.y, and therefore mam'pus, dead: usually matt. malam ahad is Saturday night, not Sunday night. m'a'mur (Ar.), populous, thick-. ma' lam ha'ri, night time. ly inhabited. 82 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. m'a'na (Ar.), sense, meaning, manj'sa (Sk.), prey. a signification; (B.) para- j ma-ni'kam = (Tarn.), precious ble, kias. Cf . arti. allegory stones, rubies, carbuncles. ma na (18, 19), where? which? ma'nis, sweet, gentle, soft, ami- also an abbreviation of (as able. how? bgimana) hi' tarn ma'nis, brown. ma'na bo'lek, how it is pos- ja'ri ma'nis, the fourth finger. sible? ka'yu ma'nis cinnamon. ma'na su'ka, whichever you ku'lit ma'nis, cinnamon. like. li'mau ma'nis, orange. ba'raiy di ma'na, wherever. ma'ni-san, sweets, sweetmeats. . ba'rary k-ma'na, whithersoever. man ja, to b-gi-ma'na, how ? in what way ? man'ja-kan, spoilt; de-ri-ma'na, whence? spoil, indulge (a person). di ma'na, where? man'sukh (Ar.), abrogated, di ma-na-ma'na, everywhere. annulled. whither? k-ma'na, ma-nu-si a (Sk.), mankind, man - ma'na, which man ? o'raty as distinguished from other ma'na-kan, an abbreviation of beings, the human race. Cf. akan, how will? bgimana orarg. how can? how could? ma'ra (Sk.), injury, harm, mis- man-dar'sah (Ar. madrasah, fortune. a school), village mosque; ma'ra bah'ya or mer-bah'ya, koran school ; also bandarsali. danger, peril. Cf. surau. ma'rah and a-ma'rah, anger; man'di, to take a bath. bathe, angry. Cf. murka, gusar man'di, water. a'yer bathing and gram. tm'pat man'di, bathroom. mar 'hum the the de- maridi-kan, to bathe a person, (Ar.), late, ceased (usually of kings). give a person a bath. come man'dul, barren. ma'ri, hither, come, here; (Penang) to come. Cf. da- man'dur (Port.), an overseer. targ and sampai. ma-nek-ma'nek, beads. k-ma'ri, hither. maqg'ga, the mango. markah, see merkah. kun'chi marg'ga, a padlock. mar mur (Ar.), marble. Cf. maig'gis, the mangusteen. pualam. maig'kat, dead; to die (of kings 'mas', gold. and princes). 'mas' kah'win, dowry. = 'mas' lan'chorg, spurious gold. maigkin makin, q.v. 'mas' u'rai, gold dust. bowl, basin. Cf. maig'kok, cup, a'yer 'mas', gilding. chawan and bokor. ker'tas 'mas', gold leaf. mai^'ku-bu'mi, prime minister. 'ma'si, to bribe. Cf. mntri and parrjku. k'ma'san, gilt- MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 83

ka'in k'nia'san, material em- ma'sok Kris' ten, to become a broidered or woven with gold. Christian. ma'sok mu'lut, to in- ma sa, usually ma'sa-kan, how interrupt, terfere. can it be ? how could it be ? ma'sok ta'tyan, to interfere. ma'sa (Sk.), time, period, epoch. ba'wa ma'sok, to take in, intro- Cf. and zman. waktu duce. termasa, see termasa. bri' ma'sok, to let in, admit. ma-sa'i'lah (Ar.), question, pro- ma-ta-ha'ri ma'sok, sunset, the blem. West. to cause to ma'sak, ripe, cooked; to cook ma'sok-kan, put in, enter. (80). smelt. Cf. tanak. ma'sok-kan da'lam to b-1um' ma'sak, unripe. pn-ja'ra, in ju-ru-ma'sak, cook. put prison. sour also asam. ma'sam, acid, ; ma'ta, eye; the edge of a knife. imi'sam frown- mu'ka, scowling, ma'ta a'rgin, the main points ing, long-faced, sour. of the compass. ma'ta of water. ma'seh, still. Cf. lagi. a'ycr, spring ma'ta maseh, see almaseh. ba'jak, ploughshare. ma'ta bn'da, jewellery. masehi, see msihi. ma'ta da'chiiy, the scale of a mash'ghul (Ar.), troubled, dis- steelyard. turbed in mind, sad. ma-ta-ha'ri, the sun. nta-ta-Jta' i i ma'sok, sunset. imash-hur' (Ar.), well-known, ma-ta-ha'ri. ter'bit, sunrise. celebrated, famous. ma'ta ntfixli-lnir'kan, to make known, lia'ti, spiritual percep- tion. publish, divulge. ma'ta i'kan, wart. mash'rik the sunrising, (Ar.), ma'ta ka"il, fishhook. The East: usually timor. ma'ta ka'in, the darker pattern mash-wa'rat ber-mash- (Ar.), on a saroig forming a ver- wa'rat, to consult, deliberate ; tical bar of colour. consultation. ma'ta ka'ki, ankle. ma'si, still, yet; usually maseh. ma'ta ka'yu, a knot in timber. saline also ma'ta k-ris', the blade of a kris. ma'sin, salt, (adj.) ', ma'ta n*in. Cf. garam. ku'chirg, catseye (a : an edible fruit. ma-siig-ma'sirg, each, every. stone) ma'ta the of a Cf. lu'ka, opening tlap. wound. Ma'sir (Ar.), Egypt, ma-ta-ma'ta, policeman. ' mas lid usually a detective. (Ar.), mosque; ma-ta-ma'ta g-lap' , msjid. ma'ta p-do'man, the divisions

.ma'sok, m-ma'sok (49), to enter, j on the compass card. go in. penetrate. ma'ta pi'sau, the blade or edge rtta'sok Is'lam, to become a Mo- of a knife. hammedan. ma'ta su'su, nipple. 84 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

a'nak ma'ta, pupil of the eye. mat'ros (D.), sailor. ('!'. pralui.. a'yer ma'ta, tears. mau' (45), to wish, desire; al>"> bi'bir ma'ta, the eyelids. as an auxiliary verb, will. bi'ji ma'ta, eyeballs. shall, would, should. Cf.. bn'lu ma'ta, eyelashes. In/dak.

cher'min ma'ta, spectacles. man,',, .mau' . ., either, .or. . ch-lek' ma'ta, to open the eyes. in tin' la' man', whether willing e'kor ma'ta, the corners of the or not, -nolen* ro/r//.v. eyes. a'pa man' ! what do you want- ma'ta, to close the k-jam' eyes. maut' (Ar.), death. Cf. mati. the k-lo'pak ma'ta, eyelids. 'a' lam maut', hades: also 'alam a * ma'in ma'ta, to make eyes at barzakh. person. ma' war (Pers.), rose. p-jam' ma'ta, to close the eyes. a'yer ma' war, rose water. pu'teh ma'ta, disappointed. rose. b/i'n/ii a'l/cr nni'irnr, the s-ma-ta-ma'ta, altogether, en- " ma' was, the orang utang." tirely. of flowers on- sb'lah ma'ta, one eye. ma'yai^f, a cluster of trees. Cf. s-k-lip' ma'ta, the twinkling palm Iclopak. = an eye. may as ma was, q.v. ma'ta, in one's tn'tary right ma'yat (Ar.), corpse, dead body

. eyes. (of human beings). Cf r ma-ta-ha ri, the sun; see mata. batykai. ma'ti, dead; to die; a fixture, ma'yoqg;, a Malay theatrical per- fixed. Cf. mampus. formance. Cf. wayaxj. ma'ti di-bu'noh, assassinated, maz'mur (Ar.), a psalm; see executed. zabur. ma'ti died of starvation. la'par, maz'hab, sect: also nnnlliliab. ma'ti l-mas' , suffocated, drown- to bleat and ed. 'm'bek, (of sheep goats). ma'ti pu'chok, impotent. to be a'rgin ma'ti, the wind has died 'm'boh, willing, agree. away. 'm-boli-m'bo-han, although. ba'ris ma'ti, see baris. 'm'bun, dew. g-ran' ma'ti, freehold. me dan, see maidan. her'ga ma'ti, fixed price. me'ga (Sk.), clouds. i'l-at ma'ti, to tie with a knot me'ja (Port.), a table. that will not slip. ja'ga me'ja, to wait at table. ja'ri ma'ti, the middle finger. ta'roh to the table. ma-ta-ha'ri ma'ti, the West. me'ja, lay mem' Ah-.. o'rarg ma'ti, a corpse. (Eng.), madam, Cf. s-pa'roh ma'ti, half dead. lady. nonja. tan'da ma'ti, see bari*. me'mang:, already, in the same- ma'ti-kimilar things. = egg. mi'ka, thou, thee aiyJcau. inr'rnli red. fu'a, deep mil' (Eng.), mile. ku'da me'rali, a bay horse. mi'lek (Ar.), property, posses- merak, see mrak. sions. mer'bau, a timber tree. nti'h'-ki, to ])ossess. acquire. mim'bar the mer'bok, a small turtle dove. (Ar. minbar), pul- pit in a mosque. mer'chun, fire crackers, lire- mim'pi, a dream; also (B.) m- works. Cf. pias. nimpi. mer-d-he ka freed from (Jav.), ber-mim'pi, to dream.

s I a ve free. ry, manumitted, minarah, see mnarah. Cf. lebas. m '*E'go (Port, domingo, lord), mer'du sweet (Sk.). soft, gentle, hari mirggo, the Lord's day, Cf. mani*. (of sounds). Sunday. Hence miiygo has mer-gas-tu'a (Sk. marga sa iwa), come to mean a week. Cf. wild animals. ah ad. mir^kin the more = me'reng, slanting, oblique. Cf. (B.), more,

i' makin, re ig, cliondroty and seroty. q.v. mi 'nit (Eng.), minute. mer kah (Port.), the marks on a min'ta, m-min'ta &, to lead line, a soldier's badges (86 157), ask for also of rank. request, ; pinta. min' la ft' man, to seek for peace. mer kah, fine cracks in very por- min'la to ask for for- celain. Hiii'fHiii, giveness. (Sk.), dove = mer-pa'ti pigeon, HI in' fa di'ri, to excuse oneself, (B.) buroiy komba. Cf. take leave. Cf. motion. fknkur and jirryfint. pnnai. ni in' fa do"a, to pray. merbaik. min'ta jan'ji, to request the mer-ta'bat (Ar.), high position, fulfilment of a promise. rank, station. Cf. pargJcat. in in' ia ka'sdi, to ask a favour. -mer-tu'a (B.), father-in-law, iniii'fii ni(i"af, to beg pardon. mother-in-law = mntua. in in' in pin'jam, to borrow. for mesal, see mWia'L min'ta s'd-kah', to beg, ask alms. me'wah, abundant. Cf. Jem pah. /ji'r-min'fa'an, request, prayer. J,--iiic'iri(-hfin, abundance. mi'num, m-nii'nuin, to drink. m-f-ham (Ar. to niiifJiiim}, a'l/cr nii'nuin, drinking water. understand : sei- fan, beverage. mi'n/ak, oil. grease (animal or mhaf, vegetable). Cf. linak. 86 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

mi'n/ak ba'bi, lard. k-in-Ha'rgan, victory. mi'ryak bau-bau'an, perfumed m-nan'tu, son-in-law, daughter- ointment. in-law. mineral oil. mi'tyak gas', m-na'rah (Ar.), a tower, minar- castor oil. mi'ryak ja'rak, et. coco-nut oil. mi'ryak k-la'pa, mn-di'kai, water melon. mi'ryak sa'pi, beef fat. reed mi'ryak ta'nali, mineral oil. inn-d-roig', grass, sedge. mi'tyak tor', tar. m-tgah', ter-m-rgah'-m-rgali', pan- mi'rya-ki, to oil, anoint. ting. mi'sai, moustache. Cf. kumis. m-r^a'pa, why; see apa. a kind of lizard - misjid, see msjid. a'rong:, brykarorg. miski, see mslei. j ku-aqj, the screw pint-; see mis'kin Cf. (Ar.), poor. papa. biykuanj. mi'thal resemblance, si- (Ar.), mniaga, to trade: see niaga. milarity ; simile, metaphor, = mn-je'la (B.), window jndc la. also mesal. type; pronounced = m-nim'pi (B.), dream inim pi. m-j-Iis', pretty. mn'tah, unripe, uncooked, raw.. m-j-lis', assembly; see majlis. Cf. muda. m-la"i-kat (Ar.), angel. mn-te'ga (Port.), butter. see '///'. mlainkan, mn't-ri (Sk.), minister, states- of the in the M-la'ka, a tree with edible fruit; man ; one pieces the town of Malacca. game of chess : see cliatur. ba'tu M-la'ka, flooring tiles. per-da'na mn't-ri, prime minis- gu'la M-la'ka, coco-nut sugar. ter. M-la'yu Malay. mn-tu'a, father-in-law, mother- b-ha'sa M-la'yu, the Malay in-law = (B.) mcrtiia. language. mo'dal (Tarn.), invested funds,, ta'nah Malaya. M-la'yu, capital. Cf. pokok. mm'p-lai (Tarn.), bridegroom; motion, see polion. sometimes bride. Cf. prgan- mo'Iek, lovt-iy. tin. beautiful, moiyet, see muntyit. m-na', in the phrases : mo'roig, d'-rgan ti-a'da s-m-na'm-na' , melancholy, gloomy. without cause. mo'yaig, great-grandfather, an- ti-a'da t-per-m-na"i, incalcul- cestor. Cf. nenek. able. Cf. kira. ne'nek mo'yarg, ancestors. mnafik, see munafik. 'm'pang;, to bar, stop, check, danu to 'mpat. see ampat. m-narg', victorious ; win, gain a the victory. Cf. alah. 'm-pek (B.) (Chin.), uncle; fathers- ni-narg'kan, to cause to win. form of address to give the victory to. and other elderly person-. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 87

mu-'a'laf , green rice roasted and (Ar.), proselyte, con- crushed. vert.

'm'pok, mealy, soft (of cooked mu'at, to contain. Cf. isi. vegetables), tender (of mu'afckan, and m-mu'at, to flesh) . stow (cargo), put things into a cart or Cf. isi. 'mpuiya, see ampunja. box, ship. mu'a-tan, cargo, load. m-rak', a peacock. mu'da, young, immature, unripe; m-ran'ti, a common timber tree. pale (of colours). Cf. ran- m-ri'am, a cannon; ordnance. Uh. still m-ri'ka, persons, people (only la'gi mu'da, young. me'rah red. used in writings). mu'da, pale a m-ri'ka i'tu, they, them. o'rarg mu'da, youth. Cf. m-ri'iyu (Port.), police inspec- mu'dah, easy. snanj. tor. pan'darg mu'dah, to slight, make light of. mshwarat, see masliwarat. mii'dah-kan, to esteem lightly, m-si'hi and ma'se-hi' (Ar.), despise. Christian, of or belonging to mu-dah-mii'da-han, perchance, the Messiah; also Krisien. if possible. m-si'hi, Christians. o'rary mu'dek, to ascend a river, go up ta'nkh m-si'hi and ta'hun ni- 11 . stream ; also dek. Cf hilir of the Christ- si hi, the year and hulu. ian era, A. D. mudi, see kmudi. ms'jid also msgit. (Ar.), mosque; oh that! Cf. surau and mandarsah. mu-ga-mu'ga (Jav.), would that! ms'ki notwith- (Port.), although, won- also m'u-ji'zat (Ar.), miracle, standing ; mski-pun. der. Cf. swygoh. mu'ka, face. mstahil, see mustahil. mu'ka a'yer, the surface of the ms'ti, must. Cf. psti. water. mu'ka ma'nis, a pleasant ex- mt'rai, seal, stamp. Cf. chap. of face. mt'rai-Tcan, to seal, stamp. pression mu' Tea ma'sam, scowling, frown- mu an abbreviation of the (13), ing, long faced. 2nd kamu; personal pronoun . mu-Tca-m u'ka , hypocritical when affixed to a noun it has mu'ka pa'pan, impertinent. the force of a pro- possessive mu'ka su'rat, a page of a book. noun. mu'ka t-bal', shameless, brazen- mu-a-fa'kat, ber-mu-a-fa'kat faced. in- (Ar.), agreement; to agree, a'rarg di mu'ka, disgrace, unite, consult together. Cf. sult. fakat, which is generally used a'yer mu'ka, complexion. ' ?/ asa. in a bad .sense. cher'ni in m ka . looking-gl 88 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

di mu'Tca, in the fore part (of a mun'iyit and mu'iyit, monkey. ship). mun'shi (Ar., author), a teacher di mu'ka in, in front of the pin' of languages. Cf. y urn. door, at the door. mun'tah, m-mun'tali, -lean, vo- mu kah, paramour: adultery. mit; to vomit. ber-mu'kah, to commit adul- m if rah, bene- tery. generous, liberal, volent; mu'kim (Ar.), a district. Cf. cheap. liber- desa. k-mu'ra-han, generosity, ality. mu la (Sk.), beginning, origin, cause. mu'rai, the magpie-robin. mu-la-mu'la, at first, first of mu'rid (Ar.), pupil, scholar, dis- all. ciple. ber-mu'la and s-ber-mu'la mur'ka (Sk.), angry; wrath (133), punctuation words. (of kings or of God). Cf. as at as s-mu'la, first, before, marali. over again. mur'ka'i, to be angry with. m u-la"i, to begin. murorg, see marorg. -per-mu'la'an, beginning, com- mencement. mur tad (Ar.), apostate, pervert, Cf. mu-li a (Sk.); g!6rious, illustri- renegade. mu'alaf. ous, honorable, magnificent. mu'sarg, a species of civet cat. m u-li'a-kan, to honour, glorify. mn'sarrj j-bat', polecat, civet k->nu-li'a'an, glory, splendour. cat. mu'lut, mouth. mush'kil (Ar.), difficult. tnii'lnt bo'chor, tell-tale, blab. mif sim season of the year, foul-mouthed. (Ar.), mu'lut Tfo'tor, monsoon. mu'lut ma'nis, smooth tongued, Htu'xitn bu'ah, the fruit season. plausible. mil'sim di'ryin, the cold season. ba'wa mu'lut, to talk scandal, mu'sim hu'jan, the rainy sea- gossip. son. bi'bir mu'lut, the lips. mu'sini Ic-ma'rau, the dry sea- mu'lut, to the iya'iya-kan open son. mouth. mu'sim pa'nas, the hot season. mu 'min (Ar.), believer. Cf. of one's iman. mu'soh, enemy country, common enemy, as opposed o'rarg mu"min, the faithful. to stru, a personal enemy. mu-na'fik (Ar.), hypocrite; hy- m us I i -hat (Ar.), arrangement, pocritical. Cf. pura-pura. stiatagem, trick. mun'choig, prominent, project- mus-ta'id (Ar.), prepared, ing (of the nose, lips, etc.) ; ready. snout. Cf. jurgor. mus-ta hil (Ar.), impossible. mun'kir (Ar.), to disavow, dis- a own, renounce, retract, deny. mu-ti-a'ra, pearl. a' fowl. Cf. sargJcal. yam mu-ti-a'ra, guinea MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 89

in' ilnl- ntu-ti-a'ra, mother-of- iw'ik patg'kai. to rise in rank. pearl. na'ik it-ra'lni, to go on board a vessel. Tnu'tu, the decree of purity of na'ik to become gold. ra'ja, king. ' na'ik- NY//-V. to become a wit- inns' 8~pu'loh nni'hi. pure gold. ness. N na'ik ht-run, to go up and down (as a road in hilly country). to na'hi (Ar.). a prophet. iid'i-ki, mount upon, get up on, climb on to. na-bi'ah (Ar.), prophetess. na'ik-k(tn, to raise, elevate, na'bu-at (Ar.), prophecy; pro- cause to ascend. nnl)uni. Cf. ntibi. perly k-na'i-kan, that on which one l'r-na'bn-at, to prophesy. mounts, a horse, elephant, na'di (8k.). the pulse. carriage or ship.

na'fas (Ar.), breath, respiration. na'jis (Ar.), ceremonially un- her-na'fiix, having breath or clean. life. Cf. Hjdini. na'j'is-kan, to defile. na-fi'ri (Pers.), trumpet. nak', abbreviation of Jindak. naf kah (Ar.), expenses, cost of na'kal, naughty. living. na-kho'da (Pers.), the captain naf su (Ar.), desire, appetite, of a ship. Cf. kapitan. passion. 'nam, see ana in. ha'im ntif'xn. sensual desires. na'ma (8k.), name. nnf'sii dit'iii-fi, worldly desires na'ma bu'sok, a bad or lust>. reputation. na'inn i/at;/ ba'ik, a good repu- na'ga (Sk.), dragon, fabulous tation. serpent. ber-na'ma, named, called. = nah'(132), there; also to/j. ter-na'ma, famous. nn'ma'i, to a name na hu (Ar.), grammar. name, give to, call. na'ik, to come go up, up, ascend, k-na'ina'an, renowned. rise, mount. Cf. daki. nam'pak, to appear, be visible; na'ik da' rat, to go ashore. also tampak. Cf. liliat and iia'ik h/i'/i. to perform the pil- grimage to Mecca. rnpa. iin'ik her' (/a, to rise in price. na'nah, ]>us. matter. iia'ik to on board a ka'jxil, go na'nas, pineapple. ship from a boat. Cf. iurun. narg'ka, the jack fruit. Cf. t m' lie I'-rc'ia, to ride in a carri- age. mi' ik kii'iln. to mount a horse]* nan'ti, tn-nan'H, to wait; used on horsel)ac-k. colloquially as an auxiliary .iia'ik mni'/i-lai, to be a bride- verb to express the future groom. (4.%48). 90 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

nan' ii d-hu'lu, wait a bit. n'emat, see n'iinat. m-nan'ti-nan'ti, to keep wait- nen'da, polite form of nenek. ing. ne'nek, grandfather, nan'ti-kan, to await, wait for. grand- mother. Cf. datok. nar-was'tu, spikenard. ne'nek mo'yarg, ancestors. na'sar (Ar.), vulture; usually da'tok ne'nek, ancestors. burorg nasar. nesan, see nishan. boiled rice. bras na'si, Cf. and iga'iga and ter-iya'rga, open (of padi. the mouth or a door). k-rak' na'si, the burnt crust rga'rga-kan mu'lut, to open the left in the pot after cooking mouth. rice. iga'um, m-rga'wn, to roar (of ma'kan na'si, to take a meal, tigers) . lit., to eat rice. 'ig-chek (B.) (Chin.), uncle: a na'sib lot in (Ar.), fate, destiny, form of address to fatlu-r- life. and other elderly persons. na'si-hat ad- (Ar,), exhortation, 'ig'gan, to object, refuse, be un- admonition. vice, willing. na'si-hat'kan, to advise, exhort, rg'gan-kan, to refuse or ivjn-t admonish. a thing. nas'khah manu- (Ar. nuskhah), 'nf'gan?. the hornbill or rhino- script. ceros bird. nas-ra'ni (Ar.), Christian, es- igilu, see njilu. Roman Catholic. pecially see Cf. srani. , argkan. ' (B.), elder brother. na'wong:, shade, shadow, shelter; "' father-in-law. also Cf. (B.), na'org. bayarg. ' na'wo-rgi, to overshadow, shel- (B.), grandfather. ter. 'ig-ku' (B.), mother's brother.

'nche', see inche'. HJ-ri'. to shiver, shudder: TIT- 'ndah, see indah. rible, horrible. and in-ni- 'ndap, see hndap. ni-a'ga, bcr-ni-a'ga a'ga (Sk.), to trade; also- neg'ri (Sk.), country, state, ter- bniaga. ritory, city, town. Cf. fa- per-ni-a'ga'an, trade, commerce. nah, bnua and bandar. ni'at (Ar.), intention, purpose,. neg'ri a'sirg, a foreign country. resolution, vow. neg'ri o'rarg, a country other to a vow. than one's own. ba'yer ni'at, pay ber-ni'at, to intend, make a .re- a'nak neg'ri, native of a place. solution or vow. i'si neg'ri, inhabitants of a town : or country. ni'bon?, a palm, the wood of k-pa'la neg'ri, the capital of a which is very hard and dura- j country. ble. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. ni'kah (Ar.), marriage; to n-ra'ka (Sk.), hell. Cf. ;7iw- marry. Cf. kahwin. nam. ni'kah-kan, to unite in mar- ns-cha'ya (Sk.) (138), certain- riage. ly. Cf. iniu. ni'la (Sk.), indigo. 'n'tah, it is doubtful, it is un- ni'Iai, m-ni'lai, -kan, valuation; known, I don't know. to value. 'n'tah. .a' tau. ., whether, .or. , to ni'lam (Tarn.), the sapphire. 'n'tak, bump. see nabuat. n'i'mat (Ar.), favour, benefit, nubuat,

grace ; pleasure, enjoyment, nugraha, see anugrah. delicacies. nu'jum (Ar., stars), astrology; ni'pah, a palm-like plant which also 'ilmu 'n-nujum. grows in marshy land. ah'lu 'n-nu'jum, astrologers. ni'pis, thin (as opposed to t-bal', nuk'tah (Ar.), vowel points, dia- thick). Cf. tipis and halus. critical marks. Cf. baris. ni'ra, the sap of the coco-nut nur' (Ar.), light. palm, which becomes tuak nu'ri, paroquet. by fermentation. lya (13, 24), his, hers, its. nischaya, see nschaya. lya'dar, deep, profound (of ni'shan (Pers.), gravestone, sleep). Cf. llap. monument; also nesan. iyah', go away ! be gone ! to go- m-nis f in- nis'ta, ta, -lean, abuse, away. to vective; abuse, insult. ryah'kan, to send away, drive n-la'yan (Sk.), fisherman. away. to blaze. nntiasa, see sntiasa. lya'la, rn-rya'la, flame ; ber-rya'la, flaming, blazing. no'bat or nau hat (Ar.), a large nja 'la-kan, to cause to blaze drum used only by reigning up. Cf. gdlak. princes. in lya'man, health ; healthy," good see nuktali. noktah, health. Cf. sihat. nom'bor (Eng.), number. lya'mok, mosquito. nona, see norya. lya'iyi, m-nja'nji, to sing. bu'ah no'na, the custard apple. rya'nji-an, song. no'iya, married woman, Mrs. lyaViig, loud, shrill (of sounds). su-a'ra a loud (in the Straits used only of yarg rya'rirg, Chinese women; in the voice = to raise Dutch Indies, njonja mar- nja'rirg-kan su-a'ra, ried woman, whether Euro- the voice. pean or Chinese, and nona = lya'ris, almost, nearly. Cf. liam- a young unmarried woman). pir. n-ra'cha (Sk.), a balance, scales. lya'ta, plain, evident, clear, ma- Cf. dachirg and timbarg. nifest. Cf. traiy. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.


o oig'kos (D.), expenses; usually o'bah, to change, alter (intrans.). blanjn. Cf. alch and tukar. on'ta, camel. o'bah-kan and to m-rgo'bah, bu'rorg on'ta, ostrich. change, make different, alter. o'pau (B.) (Chin. IO-JMU), o'bali-kan jan'ji, to break a purse. promise. a in- o'bat, medicine. o'raig (84, 154), person, dividual, man, people, per- o'bat b-dil', gunpowder. sons. Cf. manusia, whicli o'bat gu'na, charm, magic. Cf. means man as hobatan and xj'/n'r. distinguished from other l'-tlai' o'bat, dispensary. beings. o'raty a' nil, a certain man. tit'katy o'bat, apothecary, drug- o'raiy a'xiiy, a gist. stranger. the the o'ba-ti, to cure. o'ratg ba'ryak, people, ])opulace, a crowd. o'doh, ugly. o'raty b-nu'a, aborigines. o'fis (Eng.), office. Cf. gvdarg. h-sar' headman. o'raiy , chief, ogot, see ugot, o'raiy bu'kit, wild tribes. o lah. manner, way. o'raiy da'gatg, a foreigner. s'o'lah and s'o-lah-o'lali, as if. a lam, royal household. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. o'rarg du'sun, a man from the hired-man. country. ba'ryak o'rarg, many persons. o'rarg ga'ji, a hired man, ser- bu'kan ba-rarg-ba' rarg o'rarg, no- vant. ordinary man, a remarkable o'rarg gi'la, lunatic. person. o'rarg liu'lu, people of the in- lier'id o'rarg, another person's terior. property. o'rarg lin'tan, wild man of the ka'ta u'raig. it is said. Cf. ko- jungle, uncouth fellow. nun. o'rarg Is' lam, a Mohammedan. neg'ri o'rarg, a country other o'rarg ja'ga, a watchman. than one's own. o'rarg ja'min, one who stands s 'o'rarg, a person, someone. ' bail. s 'o'rarg a'kan o'rarg, with one- o'rarg ka'fir, unbelievers (non- another. Mohammedans), a term of s'o'rarg di'ri, alone. opprobrium. s' o'rarg du'a, one or two per- o'rarg ka'ya, rich man; a title sons. of Malay chiefs. s'o'rarg I' pas s'o'rarg, one after n'rtng k-ba'rya-kan, the com- another. mon people, the majority. s'o'rarg s'o'rarg, one at a time.. o'rarg Krix'lcii. Christians. ba'rarg s'o'rarg, whoever. ku'lit dark- o'rarg hi'tam, o'tak, brain. skinned races. o'tak tu'larg, marrow. o'rarg la'ut, sea-faring men, a o'to (B.) (Chin, io-to'}, binder tribe of Malays. for children. o'rarg War, wild tribes. o'rarg ma'na, which man ? who? , ier-o'yorg-o'yorg, swaying,, o'rarg nia'ti, a corpse. Cf. staggering. mayat. o'rarg mu'da, young man, youth. o'rarg niu'min, the faithful, pa', father. Cf. bapa and ayah~ believers. pa'chai, species used on bodies- a short o'rarg pen' dele, person. when buried. o'rarg pu'teli, white-skinned slave. races, Europeans. pa'chai, o'rarg sa'kai, an aboriginal tribe pa'chat, the small jungle leech. of the Peninsula. Malay pa'chu, in-nia'cliu, a spur, goad;, sa'lah, convict, o'rarg prisoner. to spur on, urge on. o'rarg s-kam'porg, neighbours. pa'da, sufficient, satisfactory. Cf.. o'rarg S-ra'ni, Eurasian. Cf. chulcop. m-ma'da'i, to suffice. o'rarg t'rgali, middle-man, mediator. pa'da, at, on, to, according to. o'rarg tu'a, old man. father, deri-pada, see den. of parents. k-pa'da, to (usually per- o'rarg -u'pa-lian, day labourer, sons). 94 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

pa dam, extinguished, put out pa'jak (D.), contract, monopoly, " " fire to con- (of and anger). farm ; farm, take a pa'dam-kan, to extinguish. tract. chan'du. farm. pa'dan, proper, fit, adapted, suit- pa'jak opium ed to. Of. patut and layak. pa'jak ga'dai, pawnbroker's farm. pa'daig, a plain, open country, pa'kai, >n->ita'kai, to as distinguished from jungle. -lean, use, make use of, wear, put on, be pa'di, the rice plant; rice in the clothed. Cf . Icna. husk. Cf . bras and nasi. pa'kai-an, clothes. pa'di la'darg, rice grown in dry pa'kai-an ku'da, harness fields. pa'kai, -ni-nia'kal, to caulk. pa'di sa'wah, rice grown in irri- gated fields. pa'kan, the woof in weaving. Cf. tum'bok pa'di, to pound rice in loiysin. a mortar to remove the husk. pa'kau (Chin.), a card game. pa'd-ri a used of (Port.), priest, pa'kat (Ar. fakat}, to confer, the Protestant as well clergy consult with, consult to- as of the Roman Catholics. gether, plot, come to an Cf. and guru pndita. agreement; see fakat. paduka, see pduka. pak'sa, favourable (of wind or pa'edah, see fa'idah. opportunities). pa'gar, fence, hedge, palisade, pak'sa, m-mak'sa (Sk.), to com- stockade, wall, enclosure. pel, force. Cf. gagdh. pa'gar bu'lan, a halo round the pa'ku, a nail, spike. moon. pa'ku s-k-rup', screw. pa'gar-lean, to fence in, enclose. pal', in the phrases: also ha'ri. pa'gi, morning ; pa'gi bu-a-rg' pal', to tack. pa-gi-pa'gi, early morning. ber-pal-pal', tacking, beating to ma'lean pa'gi, breakfast. windward. pa'gut, m-ma'gut, to peck, bite pa'la (Sk., fruit), the nutmeg (of birds and snakes). Cf. tree. patolc. bu'ah pa'la, the nutmeg. mace. pa' ha, thigh. bu'rcia pa'la, parg'Tcal pa'ha, the hip. pa'laig, cross-bar, transverse see Cf. pa-ha'la (Sk.), reward, recom- beam; alarg. linia-rg. pense. Cf. balas. pa'las, a generic name for fan paham, see faham. palms. pa'Hig (Jav.), very, exceedingly, pa'hat, m-ma'hat, -lean, chisel ; to most (used with adjectives to chisel, carve. form the superlative degree). pa'hit, bitter. pa' ling, ber-pa'lirg, to turn the pah-la'wan (Pers.), hero, cham- head or the whole body. pion; courageous. pa'lirg-kan, to turn (trans.). MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 95 pa'lis, m-ina'lis, to turn the head. pan'char, m-man'char, to shoot out, spurt out (as pa'lit, m-ma'lit, to smear, daub. liquids, rays of light, etc.). Cf. a liateh. pal'kah (naut.). ptobchur pa'lorg, trough, manger; also pan'chiig, m-man'chirg (Jav.), to fish with the line = /Hi'lo-iyan. ; Malay kail. pal'su (Port.), false, spurious. pan'choig, the extremity of a pa'lu, m-ma'lu, to strike, beat to cut off the end also of garment; ( with a stick) ; used of anything, cut off the head. striking certain musical in- struments, and of the chas- CLprggal. tening of God. Cf. gasak pan'chur, to spurt out horizon- and bdal. tally or downwards. Cf. panchar. pa'man, uncle ; a form of address pan'cliu-ran , gutter, water-pipe, to elderly men. eaves' trough. Cf. saluran. pa'nah, in-ma'nah, a bow (the pan'chut, to spurt upwards (of weapon of that name) ; to liquids). shoot with the bow. Cf.

l> itfa r. pan'dai (146), skilful, expert, clever; a skilled workman. a'nak pa'nali, arrow. Cf. bijak. pa'nas, heat, warmth, sunshine; . pan'dai b-si', blacksmith ; usual- hot, wann (of temperature ly tukarg bsi. or anger, but not hot of k-pan'dai-an, skill, proficiency, spices, which is pdas}. Cf. ability. haryat. pan dak, see pen-dele* pa'nas lia'ti, anger. hot the Cf. pa'nas t-rck', extremely (of \ pan'dan, screw-pine. the weather). bigkuarg. Jiu'jan pa'nas, rain during sun- pan'daig, m-man'darg (149), to shine. look, look at, behold, gaze at. Hiii'sim pa'nas, the hot season. Cf. Hhai and tergok. it-am' prickly heat. pa'nas, pan'daiy mu'dah, to look down pa'nau, a disease causing large on.

white patches on the skin. p-man-da' rgan , sight, view. see pan'cha (Sk.), five, in the ex- pandita, pndita. pressions pan^eran, see prgeran. pan'cha-in'd-ra, the five senses. panj;gal, se prygal. pan'cha-per-sa'da, bathing pa- vilion. panj'ganj, roasted; to roast. Cf. and pan'cna-wer'na, variegated. diaiy jrarg. paig'gil, m-marg'gil, to call, send pan'chaig, a peg, a stake driven for, call invite. in to tie a boat to, a pile. by name,

Cf. fjalali. , a stage, platform. 96 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

ru'mak parg'gorg, a house built pan'tas, agile, nimble, sin.irL on poles. quick. basal end of a paig'kal, the thing, pan'tat, the base, lower or hinder as trunk of a the the tree, part of a thing; the buttocks, haft of a weapon, etc. Cf. purggorg and bu-nf.nl. the bridge of parg'kal hi'dorg, pan'tun, rhyming verses of four the nose. lines. Cf. gurinduni JUKI .-- the parg'kal pa'ha, hip. loka. parg'ka-lan, landing place. ber-pan'tnn, to improvise 01 re- parg'kat, stage, platform, tier; cite pantuns. rank, position; see argkat. pa'pa in want, neces- the to (Sk.), poor, parg'ku, m-marg'lcu, lap; sitous. Cf. miskttt carry on the lap or bosom, or to hold pa'pan, plank, board. in the arms ; supreme chessboai.'l. authority, govern in place of pa'pan cha'tur, another. pa'pan clio'ki, a draughtboard lan'tai, floor boards. parg'ku-an, the lap or bosom. pa'pan loh' a slate. marg'ku bu'mi, prime minister. pa'pan , mu'ka pa'pan, impudent. paiglima, see prglima. ru'mak pa'pan, a house built of paig'sa, sections of certain fruits, planks. as oranges, durians, etc. pa'ra, shelf. pan'jarg (36, Note), long ; length (both of time and distance). pa'rah, severe (of wounds). Cf. Ianjut and lama, pa'rarg, m-ma'rarg, a chopping forbear- pan'janf ha'ti, patient, knife; to cut with such a ing. knife or a sword. Cf. tla-k. pan'jarg li'dali, talkative, gar- i'kan pa'rarg, a very bony fislt rulous. shaped like a sword. of pan'jaiy pen'dek. unequal yu' pa'rarg, the saw-fish. lengths. pa'ras, the face, countenance. s-pan'jarg lia'ri, all day long. pa'rau, hoarse. Cf. s-pan'jarg ja'lan, all the way. garnn. pan'jarg-kan, to lengthen, pro- pa'ri, the skate and similar fish- long. pa'rit, a trench, ditch, channel. to climb, pan'jat, m-man'jat, paroh, see sparoli. climb up. Cf. nail; and pa'roh, beak, bill (of birds). CL daki. pagut and patok. pan-ji-pan'ji, banner. Cf. tiuy- Parsi, see Farsi. gul pa-ru-pa'ru, the lungs. pan'tai, shore, beach, bank (of pa'rut, a scar. Cf. biltir. the sea or of a river) . to pan'taig, m-man'targ, -kan, pro- pa'rut, rasp, grate. pa'ru-tan, a rasp: a board ont hibited, tabooed ; to prohibit, which coco-nut is abstain from. Cf. lararg and grated. tgah. pa'sak, a spike, wooden peg. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 97

see pasal, /">,,/. pa'tah p-raty', to break (of a line of battle). pa'sarg, iii-iiuisaiy, to fit to- pa'tah sa'yap, to break a gether, set. fix, fasten, adjust wing. pa'tah to break a bone. as in putting up machinery, tu'larg, s-pa'tah ka'ta, one word. harnessing horses, setting traps, etc.); to set fire to, pa'teh (Jav.), a title given to light a fire, discharge fire- prime ministers. arms; flood tide. Cf. rakit pa'tek, slave; I, me (used in ad- and susun. dressing a king). Cf. ham- jiti'xanj a' pi, to light a fire. ba. b-dil', to fire a shot. jHi'*ai

pa'sar (Pers.), market. Cf. pa'tut, right, proper, fit, suitable, pkan. adapted; ought (^5). Cf. liarus. pa'seh (Ar. fasih), eloquent, in pa'tut d'ryan, adapted to. Cf. speech. Cf. piidh. padan. sand. Cf. kersek. pa 'sir, pa'tut-kan, to adapt, harmonize.

in its derivative : pa'sok, pa'us, i'Tcan pa' us, the whale. pn'so-kan, a troop, company or pa'ut, ber-pa'nt, to hold fast, pull of regiment soldiers. hard. the handcuffs. pa'song, stocks, pa'waig, medicine-man, sorcerer, Cf. blutggu. guide, pilot. rn'mali pa'soiy, lock-up, police pa'ya, marsh, swamp, bog. station. Cf. balai. pa'yah, difficult, heavy, severe see pasti, psii. (as work or sickness). pa'su, earthenware bowl, basin, pa'yar, m-nia'yar, to cruise. flower-pot. Cf. margkok and pa'yoii:, umbrella. jambarg. pa'yorg ker'tas, a Chinese um- brella. pa'tah, in -ma' tali, -kan, to break, in break across, snaj) (as long, p'chah, m-m'chah, to break brittle things). Cf. pcliali pieces, fracture, shatter, and putus. break up; to break up or tnli a of pa' />(>;/' garg, to "break disperse (of body troops " one's back (carrying heavy or a crowd). Cf. jmtali and burdens, e.g., a child). putus. 98 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCAIU I, uiv.

p' cli ah Jcli a' bar, the news spread. per-cha'ya (Sk.). to trust. Cf. iiinin ami p-chat', ni-m-Hiat', to depose, de- li(im/i. throne, reduce from a higher per-rha'ya'i, to trust (a per- to a lower rank. son), have faith in.

fcr-p-chat' , deposed. Tt+per-cha'ya'an, trustworthy. p-darg', sword. per'chek, to sprinkle: see rebels cha'bot to i>-daty' , draw a perchuma, see dm nm. sword. per-da'na, in the phrase : Tin- mis p-darg', to draw a sword. ' 1 per-da'na nnt't-ii, miui>- scabhard. prime sa'rorg p-darg , ter. p-das', pungent, hot. per'du, trunk of a tree, stem of p-da'ti (Jav.), cart, waggon. Cf. a plant. kreta. per'gam, the large wood pigeon. p-deh', to be sore pain; smart, per'gi (49), to go, go away, de- a wound or the (as heart). part. Cf. jalan. Cf. bisa. per'gi ba'iek, there and back, to* p-do'man (Jav.), compass. and fro. ma'ta p-do'man, the divisions ba'wa per'yi, to take away. on the compass card. p-ni 'gi-an, departu re. see p-du'ka (Sk., shoes), a title of peristewa, perstua. Malay princes. Cf. leans. per-ka'kas, tools, utensils, in- struments. Cf. alat. p-du'li (Ar. fadluli), to care, per-ka'kas k-ra'ja'

perman, see firman. phala, see paliala. per-ma'ta (Sk.), precious stone, pi-a'la (Pers.), drinking cup. jewel. Cf. inanikam. Cf. chawan. set with b-per-ma'ta, jewelled, pi-aig'gaig, a stink bug. precious stones. Cf. tatali. pi-a'ra (B.), to take care of, a keep per-mi'si (!>.), permission, (as animals), nurture, bring = permit. up (as children) pliJwra, per'nah, ever. q.v. b-lum' never yet, never. per'nah, pi-a'tu, orphan; also anak piatu. never. ti-a'da per'nah, Cf. yatim. per-na'ma (Sk.), full (of the = ; pi'chak pichek, q.v. moon).

| pi'chek, narrow, confined, limit- bu'lan per-na'ma, full moon. ed. Cf. smpit. persagi, see sgi. pi 'chit, m -mi' chit, to pinch, nip. per-s-tua' (Sk.), in the phrase, pi'hak, side, quarter, flank, party. s-lca'li per-x-Ma, it happened, once upon a time. pihutaig, see 'hutanj. to tread per-ta'ma (:}4) (Sk.), first; also pi'jak, m-mi'jak, on, on. Cf. yaig pertama. stamp injak, irek, and per-ta'ma-ta'ma, firstly, first laiyak. of all, in the first place. pi'jat, a bed-bug; also Tcutu bu- Cf. milla. sok. court ladies. per-wa'ra (Pers.), pi'kat, a horse-fly. per-wi'ra (Sk.), heroic. pi'kat, m-mi'lfat, to catch birds with birdlime. pes'ta (Port.), festival. a a bird see p-mi'kat, decoy bird; petah, pitah. catcher. pe'tak, compartment, division pikir, see fiJcir. (in ships, houses or rows of to on the houses) flower beds or simi- pi'kul, m-mi'kul, carry shoulders or back a measure lar divisions in nurseries. ; of weight =133 Ibs. p-gaig', m-m-ga-rg', to hold, take pi'Ieh, m-mi'leh, to choose, select, hold of, grasp, keep, control. = elect. (B.) pegarg. Cf. pant. pi'le-han, chosen, elect. p-garg' 'a dot, to observe a cus- tom. pi' lu, moved, affected, troubled, p-garg' k-mn'di, to steer. agitated. Cf. rawan. hold autho- p-garg' p-rcn'tah, to pirn 'pin, m-mim'pin, to hold or rity. lead by the hand, guide, lead. held or p-ga'rgan. that which is p-mim'pin, a guide. task, vo- controlled, charge, pi'naig, m-mi-Haiy, the betel-nut cation, office. palm : to ask in marriage, p-ga'wai, officer, official. make an offer of marriage. 100 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY .

Pi' pu'lau nary, Penang. pi'pis, m-nii'pis, to bray or grind on a as Cf. pin'dah, ber-/>ht,'dak, to move stone, spices. from one place to another, migrate, move house. Cf. pi'pit, a generic name for birds aleh'. of the sparrow tribe. pin'dah-kon, to remove a thing, = pirasat firasat, q.v. transport, transplant, trans- saucer late. pi'riqg;, plate, (smaller than pirggan), piig'gan, a large plate, a dish. pi'sarg, banana, plantain. Cf. piriiy. pi sati, knife. piig'gaig, the waist. pi'sau chu'kor, razor. bu'ah pirg'gaiy, the kidneys. pi'sau li'pat, a knife. . pocket i'kat pirg'gaiy, belt, girdle. pi'sau ra"ut, a small knife used piig'gir (Jav.), border, edge, for cleaning rattans. shore. Cf. tpi. ma'ta pi'sau, the edge or blade pi rj^it, confined, secluded (of of a knife. women). pi'ta (Port), ribbon, tape. pin 'jam, m-min'jam (149), to pi'tah, usually pi'tah li'dah, elo- borrow, or lend. quent. Cf. paseli. b-ri' pin'jam, to lend. pi'tam, giddiness, fit. min'ta pin'jam, to borrow. swoon, Cf. pergsan. pin'jam-ban, to lend (a thing). pi'tis, a very small native coin pin'ta, m-min'ta, to request, ask; of tin or see minta. copper. pi'ut, great-great grandchild. pin'tal, m-min'tal, to twist, spin thread. Cf. rahat. p-jam', m-m-jam', to close (of the eyes) ; also Tcjam. pin tar (Jav.), clever. p-kak', deaf; also tuli. pin tas, m-min'tas, to make a see short cut, cut across. Cf. p-kakas, perkakas. rntas. p-kan', a market; a town. Cf. pin'tu, door, gate. pasar. pin'tu ger'bavg, the gate of a p-kat', thick, glutinous (of = fort or city. fluids) kntal. Cf. cha'ir. pin'tu pa!gar, gate of a fence. m-m-kek' to p-kek', , shriek (of bn'dol pin'tu, threshold. animals). chu'kai pin'tu, house assess- p-ker'ti (Sk.), nature, ment. disposi- tion, character, conduct. Cf. j-narg' pin'tu, door posts. pratyai and tabi'at. p-nuig'gu pin'tu, door-keeper. p-konj', the largest ulcers. pi'pa (Port.), a barrel. plahan, see perlahan. pi'peh, flat, smooth. p-la'min and p-la' mi-nan , ihe pi 'pi, the cheeks. bridal bed, or sleeping place IIALA1- -ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 101

set -apart for a newly married p'l-pah', the branch of a palm- couple. tree. p-Ian'-p-lan', slowly; see -per- p-lu'ru (Port.), bullet. p-nat' (146), tired, weary. Cf. p-la'na, saddle. Cf. sela. llah and Iteh. p-lan'dok, the mouse-deer = kan- pn'dirg, a belt buckle. r/til. (T. rum and kijanj. pn-di'ta (Sk.), scholar, learned p-la'rgi, rainbow. man; (in Neth. India) pro- testant Cf. 'alirn. p-lan'tiig, ter-p-lan'tiig, stretch- clergyman. ed out, sprawling. Cf. jru- p-iga'nan (Jav. ), cakes, confec- III UK. tionery. Cf. k-uelt. see plbagai, bagai. p-rifan tin (Jav.), bride, bride- = p-le'chok, ter-p-le'cliok, sprain- groom (B.) kmaniin. Cf. ed, strained. mmplai. p-lek', strange, uncommon. p-ige'ran (Jav.), a title of prin- ces of ic'iik. p-le'kat, a certain kind of sarorg high made in British India. pig'gal, m-mrg'gal, -kan, to cut cut am- p-li-ha'ra, mm-li-lia'ra-kan (Sk.), off, through, sever, putate. Cf. krat. to take care of, protect, keep (86), preserve, nourish, pig-ga'wa (Sk.), military officer, maintain, bring up (as chil- court official. = Cf. dren) (B.) piara, q.v. prg-hu'lu, chief; see hulu. bla. pr^-ka'Ian, landing-place; s^e 1<'r-/)-!i-lia'ra, kept, preserved. pargkal. p-li'pis, the temples. prg-li'ma, a military officer. p-lir', the male organs of gener- p-niig', dixxy, giddy. Cf. pusiry. ation. p-ni'ti (Port.), pin. IVrs. lam p-li'ta | ), lamp. Cf. pit. pn-ja'ra (Sk.), prison, gaol. Cf. pa'dam p-li'ta, to put out a lamp. jel. ter-pn-ja'ra, imprisoned. pa'saiy p-li'ta, to light a lamp. pn-ja'ra-kan, to imprison. p-lm'pap, a hand's breadth. Cf. pn-ju'rit (Jav.), robber, thief. jrgknl. pn-ju'ru, a corner, an angle. p-Ioh', biT-p-loh', sweat, per- Cf. sempary. spiration; to perspire. full. p-lok', m-m-lok', to embrace, p-noh', x-*ak', brimful. hug. Cf. dakap. /i-noli' to fill up, make full. p-lok' le'liir, to embrace. p-no'hi, Cf. w;' and m mil. ber-p-lok' tu'boh, to fold the arms. the raised in pn'tas, platform f

' s-p-m-lok' , a measure for girth native houses on which they of trees, about 5| feet. pit and sleep. Cf. katil. 102 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

p-iyu', sea-turtle. Cf. katotg. p-raig', bf.r-p-ranj' , war. battle: to be at war. po'-ho' (Chin.), peppermint. fight, sa-bil' p-rarg' ', holy war (against po'hon, tree; origin, beginning. unbelievers). a tree. ' po'hon ka'yu, i'kat p-rarg' , to form a line of po'hon, m-mo'lion. -kan, to re- battle. quest, ask for, beg, beseech. ka'pal p-rary', warship. nw'hon, ber-mo'hon, to ask pa'tah p-rarg' and p'chah p- leave to go, excuse oneself, rarg', to break (of a line of take leave. battle), break the ranks. po'kok, plant, tree; origin, p-ra'igai, character, disposition,

source; capital, principal. nature. Cf. jtki-i-ti and tabi'ut. Cf. modal, p-rarg'gu (Jav.), a suit (of storm cloud. po'kok a'rgin. clothes), set (of dishes, etc.). so-and-so = po'lan, (Ar. fulan), p-raig'kap, trap. < T. jmt and also nun; si-polan. erkap. po'lis (Eng.), police. p-ran'jat, in its derivative: starred. (T. kjut. po'lonj, a kind of evil spirit, ter-p-ran'jat, demon. Cf. hantu and jin. p-ra'wan, a young girl, virgin. Cf. dara. pon'dok, hut, small house, shed. ni-ni-ri>k'xa to Cf. bargsal. p-rek'sa, (Sk.), examine, investigate, in- poig'kis, an open basket for quire; inquiry, investigation. carrying earth. Cf. slidek and siasat. see pontianak, puntiandk. Tcu'rarg p-rek'sa, I don't know. an armlet. pon'toh, p-re'man (Eng.), civilian, free from Government service. pos' (Eng.), post, mail.

woman : pp'tonj, m-mo'torg, to cut, cut p-rem'pu-an, feminine, female Cf. btina. off, deduct; to kill animals (87). for food. Cf. krat and sm- p-rem'pu-an jan'da, a widow. bleh. d'nak p-rrni'pit-on, a girl. = po'torg le'Jiir, to cut the throat. p-rei^'gan, boundary perhirg-

/ml', condition, circum- to /,-//" p-sok'kan, make a Iiole in a stances. thing, puncture. to fi-riknii, describe, explain. pstaka, see pustdka. p-ri'gi, a well. ps'ti (Jav.), certain, sure, of i'f.-at the masonry with p-ri'ui. course = Malay tntu. \vliicli a well is lined. p'ta, map, plan, delineation, p-rin*', stinking. sketch. priiggi, sir fnnjgi. p-ta'lin?, a hardwood tree. p-ri'ok, cooking pot (of earthen- p-taig', also ware or metal). Cf. kunli afternoon; ptaiy hari. and blaiga. fire /i-ri'ok a'pi, bombshell. p-tas', crackers. Cf. mer- chun. p-ri'sai, a shield. to p-ro'sok, tcr-p-ro'sok, to fall p-tek', nt-m-tfk', pluck (as through, fall into a hole. flowers, fruits, etc.) ; to strike the strings of a p-rot', the abdomen, intestines harp. (stomach, bowels or womb). p-ti'. (Tarn.), box. Cf. kpok. famish- iron safe. ji-rot' ko'xHiu, starving, }>-1i' b-$i', ed. p-tir', a peel of thunder. Cf. i'xi the intestines. />-iot', guroh and kilat. a sounding lead. p-rum' (Kur.), ptra, see putra. Cf. duyn. p-t-ra'na, a ceremonial seat or p-sa', the beam on which the throne used by princes. cloth is rolled in weaving. p't-ri, solder. p-sa'ka (Sk.), inheritance, heir- p-t-rum', loom; also ptuaka. cartridge. l>-xn-

: colours and in clothes or pots and pan- ) pu'chat, pale (of ]unctuivd, perforated. the complexion). 104 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

a pu'chok, shoot, sprout ; numer- speaking of indefinite num- ical coefficient of letters and bers this word is used ;i- firearms (84). we say "dozens" or "scoi du'a pu'choig, the purp'.e heron. pu'loh, twenty. s-pu'loh, ten. pu'ja (8k.), to perform religious da lam x-im'loh *a'tu, one in ceremonies (only lined of ten, a tithe. Hindu rites). pu'lut, glutinous rice; also ///./.<. pu'ji, m-mu'ji (Sk.), praise, com- pnlut. mendation; to praise, laud, glorify. pun', also, and, even. Cf. dan. a'da pu'ji-an, words of praise or pun (133), a punctuation^ commendation. word. ms'ki pu-ji-pu''ji-an , the complimen- pun, although. tary introduction to a Malay s-ka'li pun (144), even. letter. s'o'rarg pun ti-ada, no one. surg'goh pun (144), although. pu'jok, m-mu'jok, to coax, entice, persuade: also bujok. pu'nai, green pigeons. the pu'kat, m-mu'lcat, a seine net;, to pun'cha, corner of a clotlt fish with the seine net. or garment, end of a rope.. Cf. panchoig. pu'kol, m-mu'~kol, to strike, hit,

of summit ;. beat, knock ; also used the pun'chak, top, point, Tcmuncliak. hours in reckoning time. Cf . usually bdal. palu, gasalc, pun-di-pun'di, purse, morn- v-kii:.. pu'kol b-ra'pa (37), what time puig'gah, m-murg'yali, to un- is it? load, discharge cargo. pu'kol du'a, two o'clock. an owl. pu'kol ka'wat, to telegraph. puig'gok, the back or hind pu'la, again, moreover, in addi- puig'goig, part of a the back of a tion, over again. thing, knife, the buttocks. Cf. pu'laig (49), to return, go back buntut and pan tat. to the place a person or thing came from, go home. pu'igut, m-mu'rgut, to pick upr Cf. balek and kmbali. take up, gather, glean. to collect taxes- pu'laiy-kan, to return, send pu'rgut cliu'lcai, back, restore. pun'tau (B.) (Chin.), dust pan. pu'Ias, m-mu'las, to wring, twist. pun-ti-a'nak, a kind of evil pu-la'san, an edible fruit, simi- spirit. lar to the rambutan. pun'toig, a half-burnt log or pu'lau, an island. stick, the stump of a cigar. pu'leh, recovered, restored, re- pu'iya (12, 14, 15, 24), the po- established. sessive particle. Cf. om- pu'loh, a numeral which forms puiya. the of multiples ten; in pu'pu, a degree of relationship. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

sau-da'ra first cousins. s-pu'pu, pu'tirg b-li'org, water-spout. sau-da'ra dn'a second J>II'/HI, pu't-ra (88) (Sk.), son (of a cousins. king), prince. pu'pus, bereft. pu't-ri (88) (Sk.), daughter (of to a blast of pu'put, blow, make a king), princess. air. Cf. hmbtts and Hop. pu'tus, in-iu u'tus, -kan, broken pu'pu-tan, bellows. by tension (as ropes), broken in pu-ra-pu'ra, pretence, pre- oft, discontinued, ceased, tending, feigning, sham, finished, ended; to break by- hypocritical. tension, end, conclude. pu'ru, sore, ulcer. Cf. bisul and pu'tus a'sa, without hope, in barah. despair. L'd'lak pu'ru, a toad. pu'tus bi-cha'ra, to end a con- sultation to a de- pusaka, see psaka. by coming cision. pu'sar, to cause to revolve hori- putus harap = putus asa. zontally. pit' tits liu'kum, to pass judg- pu'sa-ran a'ryin, whirlwind. ment, pronounce sentence. pu'sat, the navel; the centre of pu'tus tya'ira, to die. a thing. ti-a'da ber-k-pu'tn-tan, without to pu'sirg, ber-pu'suy, revolve, interruption, without ceas- turn round Cf. (inintns.). ing, without end. idar. pu'yoh, quail. pu'sirg Tc-pa'la, giddy, confused. Cf. pnirg and birgoiy. R pu'sirg-kan, to cause to revolve. pus-ta'ka (Sk.), a book of ra'ayat, see r'at/at. charms or magic formulae. ra'ba, ni-ra'ba, to feel, touch, pu'tar, m-mu'tar. to turn, cause fumble, grope. to revolve. Cf. kisar and rab'bi (Ar.), my Lord, Lord. pusirg. ra'bek (B.), to tear, rend. pu'tar ba'lek, fickle, vacillat- ra'bit, frayed, torn at the edge. ing, capricious. ra'bok, tinder, touchwood. pu'ta-ran, windlass, capstan. on a pu'teh, white. ra'boig, ridge pieces tap roofs. pu'teh ma'ta, disappointed. t-lor' ra'bu, lia'ri ra'bu, pu'teh , the white of an Wednesday rbu. egg- lia'ti pu'teh, a clear conscience. ra'bun, !-ra'[>i'u) ;[od 106 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULAK Y.

itt-ru"<-li. to towards ra"eh, draw m'ja ira'li, eagle. oneself: to cut with a sickle ra'ja, a king's servants or a knife with the edge or retainers. one. Cf. towards ra'ut. rna-ha.-ra'ja, a great king, a ra'ga, a roughly made basket; Malay title. the Malay football. Cf. ber-ra'ja (114), having a kiig, a kranja-nj. governed by king. to or make se'pak ra'ga, to play the Malay m'ja-kan, proclaim game of football. a person king. k-ra'ja'an, kingdom. ra'gam, kinds, varieties (especi- ber-k-ra'ja'an, reigning, having ally of colours and sounds) ; a kingdom. whim, caprice. industrious. Cf. m-ra'gam, to be capricious. ra'jin, diligent, usaha. ra'gi, leaven, yeast. Cf. khamir. ra'jok, m-ra'jok, sullen, surly, ra'han*, the jaw. sulky; to be sulky, be ill- hi'larg ra'harg, jawbone. tempered. ra hat, a machine for spinning ra-k'ah' (Ar.), prostration, thread. Cf. pintal. genuflexion; the series of ra'him womb. (Ar.), Cf. prot. postures used by the Moham- medans in ra him (Ar.), merciful, pitiful, prayer. Cf. murah. compassionate. ra'kit, a raft: to fit together in rah man (Ar.), ar-rah-man, The an orderly arrangement. Merciful. Cf. pasaiy and susun. rah mat (Ar.), mercy, compas- rakna, see ratna. favour. sion, pity; grace, rak'sa, mercury, quicksilver. Cf. kaseh. rak-sa'sa (Sk.), a kind of evil rah'si-a secret; a secret; (Sk.), spirit, a giant. Cf. gerga-si. sometimes pronounced ruh- ra'mah, intimate. sia. Cf. smbuni. familiar, ber-ra'mah-ra'ma-han, having bu'ka rah'si-a, to reveal a se- or intimate rela- cret. friendly tions. ta'roli rah'si-a and sim'pan rah'si-a, to keep a secret. ra'mai, crowded, numerous, ra to knead, ra'ja (Sk.), king, prince; one of mas, m-ra'mas, the pieces in the game of ram'hai, an edible fruit. chess; see chatur. ram'bot, the hair of the head, the heir to the ra'ja mu'da, the mane of horses. Cf. bulu throne. and roma. ra'ja p-rem'pu-an, queen. Cf. ram hu- tan, an edible fruit. permaisuri. Cf. a'nak ra'ja, prince. pulnsan. the bn'roiy ra'ja liu'tJarg, king- ram'dlan (Ar.), Moham- fisher. medan fasting month. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 107 ra'mi, the Indian flax. ra'poh, fragile, brittle. ram'pas, m-mm'pas, to pillage, ras' (Hind.), reins. loot. Cf. plunder, rompak ra'sa, m-ra'sa and samon. (Sk.), feeling, sensation, taste; to feel, ram'pa-san, pillage, booty. taste. ra'mu, m-ra'mu, to collect ma- ra'sa ha'ti, the feelings. terials. ra'sa-tya, it seems, it appears. materials for build- ra'mu-an, s-ra'sa, as if. ings, etc. ra'sa'i, to feel, experience, un- m-rari to cut ran'choig, 'cliorg , dergo, endure, suffer. to a a 1- point (as pen). per-ra'sa'an, the feelings, pei ran'dok, kam'biig ran'dok, a ceptions. r hair} he-goat. ra'si (Sk.), s-ra'si, suitable, well m to also 'raig', -ig-ra irf , groan; adapted. /* ran/. ra'sok, m-ra'sok, to attack, pos- raig'ka, skeleton, framework. sess (of evil spirits). Cf. raig'kak, m -ran)' leak, crawl on liaru. hands and feet (as children). ra'sok, floor beams, on which the ran'jarg, a bed, large joists rest. Cf. glgar. ran iau. a ealtroj), pointed stakes ra sul (Ar.), apostle. so placed as to impede an ra'ta a chariot. enemy. (Sk.), ran'tai, a chain. ra'ta, flat, level, even; all over, Cf. datar. fin'jn ran'tai, coat of mail. Cf. everywhere. zirah. clia'ri m'ta, to search every- where. ran'tau, a reach in a river, a m'ma on the same leve]. stretch of coast line. ra'ta, ra'ta-kan, to make flat or t-lok' ran' tan, the sinuosities of level, smooth. a river or coast. ni-niii' fa H. to coast. ra'tap, in-ra'tap, to wail. rat'na ran'tiig, leafless twigs. Cf. cha- (Sk.), jewel, princess; sometimes rakna. rarg. ra'tu ra'num, overripe. (Jav.), king, prince. hundred. ra"on?, in->ti''org, to groan, howl, ra'tus, du'a hundred. roar (as in pain). Cf. kloh, ni'tnx, two s- one hundred. and 'ranj. ra'tus, ber-ra'tux-ra'tufi, hundreds. ra'pat, in -m'pat, close to, in con- tact with, touching: to he ra"ut, m-ra"ut, to whittle, cut near or in contact. Cf. rrg- with a small knife (with the garg. edge away from the body). ra'pat-kan, to put close to- Cf. m'eli: gether, join. ra"n-tan. rattan: usually rotan. ra'pek, tn-ra'pck, to talk non- ra'wan, emotion, rapture; moved. sense. Cf. pilu. 108 MALAY-EXGLISH VOCABULARY. ra'wi historian. (Ar.), re'mah, crumbs, the fragun-iii- of food that ra'ya, great; in such phrases asi remain on tin- table or floor after hn'ri ra'ya, festival. eating- and are thrown i'ti-itn ra'ya, whale. Cf. pans, away; as- to which i> tin- ja'lan ra'ya, .high road, main opposed sisa, road. food left over and saved lor others to eat or for a future- ra'yap, to m-ra'yap, crawl, creep occasion. insects to (of and plants) ; thick spread (as a disease). Cf. ren'daig, leafy, having Cf. Ibal. jalar, rargkak and jarykit foliage. r'a'yat (Ar.), subjects, the com- re'igan, light (in weight), easy r mon people; soldiers of the unimportant, slight (of pain or rank and file. sickness). bu'at re'rgan, frivolous. r'ba, felled timber. re'tyan-l-an, to alleviate, light- r-bab' the native violin. (Ar.), en; to make light of. Cf. biola. re'igek, in-re'rgek, to tease.. r'bah, to fall (of the human worry. Cf. turn-' body, trees, etc.) reig'kas, short, abbreviated (es- banj. pecially of narratives). CL

a- ii r'ban, a fowl-house. / dek and scrgl-ul. to abbreviate. r-ba'na, a native drum which is rerg'kas-kan, struck with the hand. Cf. r-ganj', stretched tight (as: ropes). Cf. rnianj. to make r-boig', edible bamboo shoots. r-garg'Tean, stretch, tight. r-bot' t m-r-bot', -kan, to snatch, ri'a, joy; also xit'kn ri'ii. seize, take by violence. ri-ai^-ri'aqg;, the cicada. r'bus, boiled; to boil. Cf. didcli. ri'as (B.), ber-ri'as, ri'ax-lcnn, r'chek, m-r'chek, sprinkled, spat- to- adorned, ornamented ;

: to also tered; sprinkle; p- decorate; a corruption of r'cJiek or Cf. per'chek. rnjis ber-hi'as; see liia-s. and siram. ri'ba, m-ri'ba, the lap; to hold r'da, to diminish. abate, on the lap; nurse. Cf.p>'i- r-dop', cloudy, overcast, obscured. k-n. ri'ba'an, the re'al (Port.), dollar; usually lap. ri'ba interest. firggit. (Ar.), usury, ri'bot, a of wind or re'di, a hammock-litter, used by tempest thunder. Chinese women at Malacca. ri'bot tu'run, a storm came up. re'dla (Ar.), satisfied, content, ri'bu, thousand. Cf. knan and sudi. willing. dii'ii ri'hii. two thousand. re'ja, snips or scraps of paper or x-ri'lni. a thousand. cloth. bei'-ii'b it-ri'b u, thousands. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 109 rimau, tiger; see liarimau. rn'dam, m-ni'dam, -kan, to soak, wet immersion in water. rim'ba, primeval forest. Cf. hu~ by tun and blnkar. rn'daig, m-rn'danj, to fry, bake. ri in' hn-r-noiT}' , gaze, look cut as to produce plaintive intently at. sounds when exposed to the wind. rn'tak, m-ni'tak, to jerk, tug (as a dog on a chain). Cf. rirgan, see rergan. sntak. riig'git, dollar. rn-ta'ka, a swivel-gun. rin'tek, small spots, speckles. rn'taig, to rin-tek-rin'tek, light m-rn'targ, -kan, stretch out rain, drizzle. (as ropes, nets, tc.). Cf. rgarg. ri'oh, a loud noise; loud, also rioh rndali. rn'tas, m-rn'tas, to cut a path through jungle = (Perak) ri-wa'yat (Ar.), story, narra- rntis. tive. Cf. hikayat and clirita. rntis, see rntas. r-jam' (Ar.), to stone, execute by stoning. ro'boh, to fall (of large bodies, = as houses, Cf. run- rj'ki (B.), subsistence, food etc.). toh and rbah. rzki; also jerki. ro'boli-kan, to pull down (as T-long', a measure of area=l-J buildings). Cf. rombak. acre. ro'da (Port.), wheel. Cf. jntra r-mak', preferable. and lererg. r-mok', in-r-mok', -kan, to crush, a'nak ro'da, spokes. break to pieces. Cf. han- birg'kai ro'da, the felloes. fliur. gan-tary-gan'taiy ro'da, the rm-pah-rm'pah, spices. hub. r-nang;', ber-r-narg' and ber-narg', gigi roda = ana7c roda. to swim. ro'gol, m-ro'gol, rape; to rape. rn-cha'na an essay, nar- (Sk.), roh' (Ar.), the spirit, soul, life. rative. Cf. a r wah and sma-iyat. rn-cha'na-kan, to narrate. Roll' Al-kn'dux, the Holy Spirit. rn'dah, low (in elevation), hum- Roh' Al'lah, the Spirit of God ble. Cf. hina. (believed by the Mohamme- floli rndali, see rioh. dans to be Jesus). rn'dah-kan, to abase, humiliate. hrr-roli' = bcnyawa, having life. 110 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

ro-ha'ni, spiritual. ru'arg, space, open space: es- the of ro'kok, the native cigarette. Cf. pecially bilge boats, the chrutu. and space between the ro'- posts on which the Malay lii'sap ro'kok and ma'kati houses are built. kok, to smoke tobacco. a'yer ru'arg, bilge water. ro'ma (Sk.), the hair of the = ba'lai ru'atg, hn'ltii-rnn/'. a body, as opposed to rambot king's hall of assembly. the' hair of the head. Cf. tint'ba ru'arg, to bale out liilgc bulu. uater. bu'lu ro'ma, the hair on the ru'as, the between the human body. length of bamboo or = joints supir ro'man (B.) ronta, q.v. cane, or between the joints of to rom'bak, m-rom'bak, destroy, the arms and legs. down. Cf. demolish, pull ru bin, ha' In nt'hui, nooriim- roboh and runtoli. tiles; see batn and ///

: fine cracks in r'tak, cracked por- ru'mah pa'sotg, a police station. celain. ru'mah tdty'ga, home, house- = r'ti (H.). moaning aril, q.v. hold. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. Ill

i'si ru'mah, family, household. s'a-kan-a'kan, as if, as it were. ser'ba ru'mah, furniture. s-ba'gai, the same kind, even like. rum'bai, fringe, tassel. as, s-ba-ik-ba'ik-iya, just as well. rum'bi-a, the sago palm. Cf. s-barg'sa, of the same race. sagu. s-ba'iyak, so many, as many, as rum' pun, a tuft (of grass), much. clump (of bamboo). s-ba'pa, having the same father. rum'put, grass. s-ba'rarg, any, anything. num. runt' /nit k-rirg' , hay. s-ba'targ (84), a, one; coeff. of trees and cylindrical rundir^, see ronden/. objects. run'toh, to fall (of large objects s-b-gi-ma'na, as, just as. such as houses and moun- s-b-lia'gi, a part. Cf. rob oft. tains). s-bi'ji (84), a one; num. coeff.

run'toli-h-iui , to demolish, pull of small objects. down Cf. rom- (masonry). s-bi'lah, (84), a, one; num.. bak. coeff. of knives. ru'pa (Sk.), appearance, shape, s-bi'lary, each, every. form. s-b-lah' or sb'lali, one side, the ru'pa-iya, apparently, it seems, other side of, beyond. it appears. Cf. na-mpak. s-b-las', eleven. s-ru'pa, similar, like. s-b-lit' (83), one turn or coil. of. s-b-lum' ta 'ru'pa (B.), not capable , before (conj.). ru-pi'ah, the Dutch florin or s-b-nar'-nja, truly, verily. s-bn'tar, a moment, an instant. guilder; the Indian rupee. s-bn'tok (83), a, one; num. ru-pi'ah B-I an' da, guilder. coeff. of rings. ru-pi'ah Brg-ga'la, rupee. s-bo-leh-bo'leh, to the best of ru'sa, deer, stag. Cf. kijarg and one's ability. plandok. s-b-ra'pa, as much as, as many ru'sok, the side. Cf. lamboig. as. tit' Jang ru'sok, the ribs. s-b-sar', as large a>. x-l>u'ah num.. rz'ki (Ar.), nourishment, food. (84), a, one; Cf. makaii. coeff. of houses, ships. townsr etc. s-bu'lan, a month. s-bit-lat-bu'lat, the whole, all. s-, an abbreviated form of asa s-hit'lir (83), a, one; num..

or satu, one, a ; one and the coeff. of small round objects.. same, the same, similar. s-chu'kop, sufficient. When used as a numeral, s- s-dikit, see sdiki!. is usually followed by one of s'e'kor (84), a, one; num. coeff.. a number of words of animals. large " known as numeral coeffi- s-fa'kal, in agreement, in collu- " " " cients or classifiers (83, sion. 84). s-g-nap', the whole, all. 112 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

x-lHi-bit-lni'liix, completely, ut- coeff. of folds or thicknesses terly. of a thing. x-ha-ri-ha'ri, daily, every day. s-le'kor. twenty one (in dales). x-lui'rux-tya, properly, neces- *-lnj'kui>, a complete outfit. sarily. x-lu'roli, all, the whole. s-ltiiff'fja, until, as far as. s-nta'kin, sp much the more. ~<-/i-l a i' (84), a, one: num coeff. x-iini'lit. last night. of thin flat objects. x-niii-fii-iiHi'fti, altogether. x'i'bit of the *-ni-u

xW tln'ni-a, the whole world. out cause . x-jd'lan, the same road. x-ntii'la, as before, over again. x-ja'uk, as far as. s-neg'ri, belong to the same

.x-j' maat. a week. city. x-ju'rnx fa'mn-rya, for a mo- s'o-lah-o'lali, as if. ment. ff'o'rarg, a person, someone. -x-/,y/7t, once; entirely, quite, .vV/ym/ r/'/.v;// .s'o'mtjr, with one very (92, 94). another. 1 alone. x-kn'li (jus , all at once. s'o'rarg di'ri, x-ka'li pun (144), even. so'ran) dua, one or two men. it-knia'poiy, of the same village. xo'miy 1-po.s' s'o'rarg, one after -x-ka'pur (83), a, one; num. another. coeff. of quids of betel nut. s'o'rarg sa-lm'ja, alone. x-ka'ta, agreeing. s'o'rarg s'o'ranj, one at a time. s-ka'yn (83), a, one; num. s-pakat, see s-fakat. coeff. of rolls of cloth. s-pan'jaiy ha'ri, the whole day. .x-l,--dnr', in proportion to, to K-pan'ja-ty ja'lan, all the way. the extent of. s-paroh, see sparoh. x-ki'an, so much, so many. s-pa'Miy, a pair. 1,-n' f one word. H-ki'm-nja, ]3erchance. s-/>fi'!fili

wi'hu. a thousand. ta'li sa'bot, rope made of such -s-ru'ns (83), a length between fibre. joints. sab'tu (Ar.), the Sabbath, Sa- s-ru'pa, similar, like. turday; also hari sabtn, an instant. s-sa"at, sa'dap, m-rya'dap, to draw the a mouthful. s-su-ap' , sap from the palm tree for s-su-a'tu, some, any. making toddy. Cf. tuak. s-su'ku, a quarter. p-iya'dap, a toddy-maker. to. s-ta'hu, cognizant, privy sadar, see sdar. s-tary'ga (84), a, one; num. sal' rank. Cf. coeff. of houses. (Ar.), row, line, baris. s-ta'ra, of the same rank. ber-saf. in line, in battle 8-t'lali, after that, when. array. a tret? red berries s-t'iyalt, a half. sa'ga, bearing which are used in s-iu'ju, with the same purpose. weighing gold. sa"at (Ar.), moment, instant. see Cf. bntar. sagi, sgi. s-sa"at, an instant. sa'gu, sago, the flour made from the rumbia or sago palm, sa'ban (Jav.), sa'ban lia'ri, every and from tapioca. day. sa'gu rn'dary, pearl sago. sa'bar (Ar.), patience; patient, ham'pas sa'gu, sago refuse. long-suffering. sa'gur, a dug-out. Cf. sa'bar be jalur. d-liu'lu, please pa- sah tient. (Ar.), true, authentic, valid, legalised, right, correct. sa'bas well done! (Pers.), good! sa-ha'bat com- that will do! (Ar.), friend, panion; also sobat. Cf. sab'da, ber-sab'da, command, or- handai, kawan and taulan. der; to order, gay, speak (of ber-sa-ha'bat, friendly; to be kings and prophets). Cf. friends. titali. per-sa-lia'ba-tan, fellowship. a sickle. sa'bit, sa-ha'ja, only, merely; also saja. sa'bok, a girdle. Cf. pirygary. ft', clnana and haiya. sa'hib sa'bon (Port.), soap. (Ar.), master, owner; usually tuan. sa'boig, m-rya'bory, to fly at one another sa-hi'bu 'l-ln-ka'yat, the author (as fighting cocks) ; of a to flash story. (as lightning) ; to to re- conduct a cock-fight. sa'hut, m-rya'hut, answer, Cf. sa'borr/-m-rya'boiy, flashing or ply. jawab. about. clashing sah'ya (Sk.) (6, 7), slave, ser- a of a'yam sa'bo-rgan, fighting vant ; used as a pronoun cock. the 1st person when address- sa'bot, fibrous material, such as ing a superior, and amongst the husk of the coco-nut or Europeans almost exclusive- the stem of the banana. ly. Cf. ltamba.i 114 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. sa'id, see sayyid. sak'si-kan, to bear witness to a thing or person. sa"ing;, ber-sa'i'ry, together, going testi- or working in company. k-sak'si-an, evidence, mony; also ktrargan. sa"is (Ar.), groom, coachman. sak'ti (Sk.), supernatural power; saja, see sahaja. possessed of supernatural sa'ji, dish, course, prepared food. power. Cf. hidaty. k-sak'ti-an, supernatural power. tu'dorg sa'ji, a dish cover. Cf. hikmat, to food. ber-sa'ji, prepare sa'ku (Port.), a bag, pocket, a sa'ji-an, prepared food, sack. Cf. karorg and pundi. course. sa'lah, fault, error, mistake; followers, ab- sa'kai, servants; wrong, erroneous, guilty. tribes of the original Malay Cf. silap. Peninsula. Cf. r'ayat, smarg, sa'lah d'tyar, misunderstood, and bnua. jakun misapprehension. sa'kai, contrary, foul (of the sa'lah fa-ham', misunderstood, misconstrued. Avind). sa'lah sa'tu and sa'lah s'o'rarg, sakh'lat (Pers.), woollen cloth; one of them, one of the two. also saklat. sa'lah u'rat, a sprain. sa'kit, ill, sick; sore, painful; a'pa sa'lah, what is the matter? illness, disease. Cf. grirg o'rarg sa'lah, a convict. and lisa. For list of diseases ser'ba sa'lah, entirely wrong. see Appendix. ber-sa'lah, guilty. sa'kit gi'gi, toothache. sa'la-hi, to find fault with. sa'kit hati, offended, angry sa'lah-kan, to parry a blow. with a person. k-sa'la-han, offence, crime. sa'kit k-pa'la, headache. ber-sa'la-han, in error, differing sa'kit pa'yali, seriously ill. from, on the contrary. sa'kit stomach ache. p-rot', sa'lai, m-rya'lai, to smoke over a sa'kit ill. trok', seriously fire. ba'lek sa'kit, relapse. sa'lak, m-rya'lak , to bark (as a ja'toh sa'kit, and k'na sa'kit, to fall ill. dog). sa'ki-ti, to cause pain, afflict. sa-lam' (Ar.), peace; greeting, Cf. seksa. salutation. p-rya'kit, illness, disease. b-ri' sa-lam', to salute, greet. as-sa-lam' a-la'i-kum (159), sak-sa'ma (Sk.), patience, ac- be with curacy. peace you. sa'laig, m-iya'larg, to execute by sak'si (Sk.), a witness. down from the sak'si dus'ta, false witness. stabbing shoulder to the heart with a na'ik sak'si, to bear witness, kris. ber-sak'si, to bear witness, give evidence. salasa, see thalatha. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABDLAEY. 115 sa'leh (Ar.), pious, godly. sa'man (Eng.), summons; to o'mnj sa'leh, a saint. summon, prosecute. sa lib (Ar.). a cross. sa'mar, m-nja'mar, to conceal, sa'lib-kan, to crucify. disguise, change one's form or also samar- sa lin, m-nja'lin, to change one appearance; kan din. Cf. thing for another (as jlma. to clothes) ; copy, transcribe, sam'bal, condiments eaten with translate. Cf. tiru and ter- curry and rice. Cf. hulam. jinah. sam'bar, m-n/qm'bar, to pounce ter-sa'lin, transcribed, copied, on and carry off (as birds of translated. prey), seize; also sembar. bcr-sa'lin, to one's change Cf. rampas. bear children. clothes, sam'bil a change of (139), while, whilst, as, pcr-sa'li-nan, when. clothes (as a gift from a to king). sam'boig, m-njam'boty, join, unite, append. Cf. huborg. saiiu, see tlialju. sam-bo'iyan, lengthening piece, xa'lut, 'bcr-sa'lut, envelope, wrap- sequel of a book. envel- hyph?n; per ; wrapped, covered, sam'bot, m-njam'l>ot, to receive oped. Cf. balut. in the hands, receive a :sa'Iu-ran, eaves-trough, gutter. guest, welcome. Cf. trima. Cf. alur and panchur. sa'mon, m-iya'mon, to rob, es- :>a'ma the (91), same, : (Sk.) pecially highway robbery to like, with; equal, resembling; take by force. Cf. rbotf the Baba Chinese use sama sambar, ram pas, and rompak. in of akan between a place p-rya'mon, a robber. transitive verb and the direct sam'pah, rubbish, refuse, dirt, object (150). sam'pai to arrive, reach, -sa'ma ba'iyak, the same quan- (62 &), come to, come: until; suffici- tity. ent. Cf. datarg and hirgga. sa'm a b-sar' , the same size. Tc-kaV for ever. sa'ma d'ryan, the same as. sam'pai , 'u'mor, of full age. sa'ma ju'ga, just the same. sam'pai to a'ma ma-nu-si'a, fellowmen. sam'pai-kan, convey to, sa'ma ra'ta, on the same level. bring about, accomplish, per- sa-ma-sa'ma and ber-sa-ma-sa' - form. to perform ma, together. sam'pai-kan jan'ji, one's sa'ma sn-di'ri-rya, among them- promises. selves. sam'pak, a ferrule. sa'ma i'rgdh, exactly in the sam'pan (Chin.), a small boat. middle. sam'pan ko'tak, the Chinese ti-a'da sa'ma-rya, he has no boat with lockers in the equal. stern. sa'mak, m-nja'malc, to tan lea- sam'pan pan'jaiy, a long Malay ther. boat carrying mast and sail. 116 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

sam'pan pu'kat, a fishing boat saig'kar, sarg'ka-ran, a cage '(as- carrying- a seine net. for birds). tam'baiy, a ferry boat. sam'pan saig'kot, to stick, catch, hold sam'par, epidemic, plague. fast. held sam'seig, a ruffian. ter-sarg'lcot, caught, fast. san'tan, the juice extracted from sa'na, there ; also di sana. the of the coco- sa'na si'ni, here and there, on nutty part all sides. nut. Cf. klapa. de'ri sa'na, thence, from there. san tap. to eat or drink, or clicu k-sa'na, thither. betel-nut (court languai:' ).

' k-sa'na k-rna'ri, hither and san' tap si'reli, to chew betel-nut. in all directions. thither, sa'pa, m-iya'pa, to address, speak: sa'nak (Jav.), near relatives. to. sa'nak blood rela- sau-da'ra, sa'pi, the ox; usually Int'lm. tions. mi'n/ak sa'pi, beef fat. CM'. r/L sa'nat (Ar.), year. sa'pu, m-nja'pu (86 d), to sweep^ san'daig, m-njan'daty, to carry brush; rub lightly. Cf. go- a thing slung over the shoul- sok. ' 1 der with a strap or sash. sa'pu chat , to paint. sa'pu lea' to whitewash.. san'dar, m-iyan'dar, -i, to prop pur, Cf. labur. up, support. handkerchief. ber-san'dar, to lean, lean sa'pu ta'rgan, a broom. against, recline. p-rya'pu, to cover sa'igat, very, exceedingly. Cf. sa'put, m-iya'put, (aff a mat. clouds on a hill top). k-sa' inten- 'rya-tan , immensity, sa'rai^, a nest. sity. sa'raiy la-ba-la'ba, a spider'- saig'gol, chignon, a knot of hair web. twisted up at the back of the sa'raiy I'bali, a bee's nest. head. Cf. kundai. sa'rarg ma'du, honeycomb. chu'chok the native sarg'kol, sa'rat, full, heavily loaded. hair pin. sa'ri, ti'tnalt sa'ri, zinc. satg'gop, to guarantee or profess sa'ron?, sheath, scabbard, c-a.-f.. to be able to do a thing, be cover; especially the skirt competent. which is worn both by meit saig'ka (Sk.), a conjecture, sup- and women. Cf. kain.

idea ; to think, ima- position, sa'rory ban'tal, pillow case. Cf . fikir. gine, suppose. sa'rorg ja'ri, finger-stall, thim- swy'ka-kan, to imagine a ble. thing, suppose. sa'rorg ka'ki, socks, stockings. saig'kal, tn-ii/aiy'.kal, -i, io deny, sa'rorg k-ris', the sheath of the- disavow, disown. Cf. mwi- Malay dagger. ' kir. sa'roiy p-da>y' , scabbard. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 117

sa'roiy su'rat, an envelope. ka'seli sa'yaig, love and sympa*- xa'ronj ta'tyan, glove. thy. l-ti'hi or saroiy, sa'rorg, simply sa'yap, wing. Cf. Icpak. the Malay skirt worn both sa'yu, sadness. l>v men and women; also leain. sa'yup, hardly perceptible (of sight or sound). sa'sa-ran, a target. sa'yiir, vegetables, herbs. sas-t-ra'wan (Sk.), astrologer. x/itr-s

Ica'sut se'ret, slippers. ber-sg'ra, to be quick, make haste. ser'kap, a hencoop, a basket of to the same shape used to catch sg'm-kan, hasten, expedite. fish. shah' (Pers.), emperor, king. se'roig, oblique, slanting. Of. sha-ha'dat (Ar.), confession of tnerengr 8erget and cliondronj. faith. Jc-li'mah the Mo- ser'ta, with, together with; sha-ha'dat, hammedan of (139) when, as. Cf. drgan profession and sama. faith. ser'ta d'rgan, together with. shah-ban'dar, harbour-master. ser'ta-mer'ta, immediately. sha'hid (Ar.), a witness, martyr. b-ser'ta (98), with, accom- sha'ir' (Ar.), barley. panying. ser'ta'i (99), to accompany. sha"ir (Ar.), a poem, poetry. to unite. ser'ta-kan, shai'tan (Ar.), Satan, the devil; ser'wa (Sk. sarva), all, in the a demon. Cf. iblis.

: Tulian serwa sklian phrase shak' (Ar.), doubt, suspicion, 'alam, Lord of the whole mistrust. Cf. wasaiyka. universe ; usually mispro- nounced sru. Cf. serba. sha'rat (Ar.), rule, regulation; con- setan, see shaiian. condition, stipulation ; tract, agreement. se'wa, m-rye'wa, rent, hire; to sha'ri'at (Ar.), law, divine law, let, hire. statute. se'iva ka'pal, passage money on a ship. shekh' (Ar.), a chief. se'wa ru'mah, the rent of a sher'bat (Ar.), lemonade. house. heaven. Cf. la- k-re'ia se'wa, hackney carriage. shor'ga (Sk.), indra and Jcayargan. s-ga'la (Sk.), all; sometimes n/it, used merely to indicate the shu'kor (Ar.), thanksgiving, plural number (82). Cf. praise. Cf. kaseh and puji. smoa and sklian. si, a particle placed before proper averse to. s-gan', reluctant, names, nouns and adjectives, p-ry-gan', a sluggard. somewhat in the same way as s-gar', refreshed, revived. the word Mr. in English, as s-gi' or sa'gi, in its derivative : in the following phrases: Ali. per-s-gi'. sided, having sides or si-A'li, Mr. faces. si-a'nu, Mr. so and so. who? am'pat per-s-gi', square. si-a'pa? tri- whoever. ti'ga per-s-gi' , three sided, ba'raig si-a'pa, angular. si bory'kok, Mr. hunchback. si pn-chu'ri, Mr. thief. sg'ra (Sk.), speed, haste: quick, quickly. Cf. Ikas and ba- si-a'-si-a', in vain, useless, futile, rgat. of no avail. Cf. chuma. 120 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. si'al, unlucky, inauspicious, ill- si'kap, figure, posture, attitude. omened. Cf. clilaka. si'kat, a comb, a harrow : a bunch si-a man?, the gibbon. (of bananas). Cf. sisir. hair comb. si-atg', daylight, day as opposed si'kat ram'bot, a to in the = night; early, early si'kit, a little sdikii, q.v. morning. si'ku, the elbow: angle. *i-ni(]' ha'ri, daylight, day as ber-si'la to sit with opposed to night. si'la, (158), the crossed under one; si-arg' ma' lam, day and night. legs to invite a person to sit si~aiy'-si-arg' , very early. down ; to invite; also silakan. si-ap', ber-si-ap', prepared, made si'la du'dok, please sit down. ready ; to be ready or prepar- si'la ma'sok, please come in. ed, especially of food, clothes, du'dok ber-si'la, to sit cross- etc. Cf. sdia. legged. si-ap'kan, to prepare, make per-si'la-kan, to invite. ready. si- la-si 'lah (Ar. silsilah), gene^ si-a'sat (Ar.), punishment, tor- alogy. ture ; to investigate, examine. si-a'sat-kan, to torture, make a si'lap (Ar. khilaf), a mistake, searching examination. error, over-sight. ma'ta, of hand. siau' (B.) (Chin.), to digest. si'lap sleight a si'bok busy, busily engaged (of sim'pai, circle, ring, hoop. a number of persons at sim'pan, m-ryim'pan (86 c), to also seboTc. work) ; keep, preserve, take care of, si-da-si'da, a title of certain save. Cf. pliliara and taroh. officers at court, a eunuch. sim'pol, a knot. si'daig, assembly, society, com- slii'.'pol hi'dop, sim'pol pu'leh, pany; also sidarg jma'dh. running knot, bow. Cf. jma'ah and korgsL sim'pol ma'ti, a knot that will not si'dek, m-ryi'dek, to examine slip. a carefully; usually slidek. ter-sn-ryum' sim'pol, slight smile. siet-siet' (B.) (Chin.), false, deceptive, hypocritical. si'nar, m-ryi'nar, a sunbeam, a of to shine. Cf. si'fat (Ar.), quality, condition, ray light; attribute, character, nature; chahya. also pronounced sipat. sin'dir, m-njin'dir, to mock, jeer, si'gai, a bamboo with the bran- rail at. Cf. olok. ches cut to the of a length si'iga (Sk.), a lion. span to form a ladder. siig'gah, to call in at a place, si'hat (Ar.), good health; heal- visit, stay temporarily. thy, well. Cf. ryaman and siuman. siig-ga-sa'na (Sk.), throne. Cf. iaklita. si-hir' (Ar.), magic; also 'U sihir. Cf. obai. sirgit, see serget. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 121 siig'kap, m-njiiy'kap, to turn si'sip, m-nji'sip, to insert, slip back, draw aside (as a cur- in, thrust in. Cf. slit. tain). si'sir (Jav.), a comb = Malay siig'kek (Chin.), a Chinese coo- Sikat. a recent ly; immigrant. si'ti (Ar.), a lady, Mrs.; used as siig'siig, m-ryirg'sirg, to turn up, a title of ladies of position. turn back, tuck the up (as si'tu and di si'tu, there. Cf. trowsers or the sleeves of a sana. Cf. coat). sirgkap. de'ri si'tu, thence. si'ni, here; also di sini. Ic-si'tu, thither. xti'iin ]icre and si'ni, there, si'ul, ber-si'ul, to whistle. everywhere. si-u man, conscious, in posses- de'ri si'ni, from here, hence. sion of one's mental facul- si'pai a soldier, (Pers. sipalii}, ties, recovered from a faint- Cf. soldado and Iosh- sepoy. ing fit. Cf. sihat. kar. s-jah't-ra (Sk.), peace, tranquil- si pat, sre v //'/. ity. Cf. sntausa and damai. univalve shellfish. si'put, shell, s-ja'rah (Ar.), genealogy, chro- annals. si'pu, icr-si-pu-si'pu, bashful, nicles, confused. s-juk', cold, cool. Cf. dirgin. k'na to catch a chill. si ram, m-nji'ram, to sprinkle, s-julc', water Cf. (as flowers). per- s-ka'Ii, very; see kali. ch ck and rtijis. s-kam', the husks of bcr-si'rain, to bathe (court lan- chaff, padi. Cf. guage). hmpa. s-ka'raig, now. si'reh, betel-pepper, a creeper, the leaves of which are chew- s-ka'ranj i'ni, just now. ma'lam ed with betel-nut. Cf. pi- s-ka'rarg, to-night.

naig. s-kat', in-nj-kat' f to barricade. xi'reh s-ka'pur, one chew of s-k-Ii'an all. Cf. sgala and betel-nut. smoa. ina'kan si'reh, to chew betel- nut. s-ko'i, millet. si'rip, fin. s-ko'lah (Port.), school. x-ko'lah a-ga'ma, Sunda}7- si'sa (Sk.), remainder, remains school (X.). of a repast; see re mail. Cf. ~baki. s-k-rup' (Eng.), screw; also pa'- ku si'sek, the scales of a fish or s-k-rup'. snake. s-ku'chi (D.), a small sailing si'xi'k p-njn', tortoise-shell. boat. si'si, the side; at the side, noar s-ku'tu, associate, member of a by; usually di si*i. society. 122 MALAY-ENGLTSH VOCABULARY.

ber-s-ku'tu, to be associated s-li'mut, a blanket or other bed with. covering. per-s-ku'iu-an, association, so- s-U'mnt-kan, to cover with a ciety. Cf. jma'ah and konj- cloth. si. s-lin'dorg, ~bcr-s-lirid.org, to take s-Ia', empty space, space, room. shelter. ti-a'da ber-s-la', there was no s-li'seh, to be room. ber-s-U'seh, differ, at variance, quarrel. s-la'daig, the wild ox. per-s-li'se-han , dispute, quarrel. to dive s-lam', m-ry-lam' , dive, s-li'sek, m-iy-U'sfik, to hunt for for. vermin in hair, to preen. s-la'mat (Ar.), health; safety, s-lit', inserted, slipped or pushed security; salvation (X.). in between two surfaces. s-la'mat ja'lan (159), go in s-lok', m-ry-lol-', to insert hand peace (the usual Malay or finger. salutation). s-Io'ka verses of s-la'mat tirq'gal, abide in peace. (Sk.). poetry, Ju'ru S-la'mat, Saviour (X.). couplets. Cf. pantwi aivT s-la'mat-kan, to save, preserve gurindam. from danger. s-I-sai', m-ry-l-sai', -kan, to de- s-Iam'pit, a plait, plaiting. Cf. cide, settle, adjust. aryam. s-1's-tna, catarrh, a cold in the s-laig', interval of time or space. head. Cf. and antara. jaraTc s-lu'ar trowsers. Cf. ' (Ar.), to brand. s-lar', m-ry-lar' , clilana. s-Ia'sa, lia'ri s-la'sa, Tuesday = s-Iu'boig, m-iy-lu'boirj, to cover thalatha. up. envelop. s-la'sar, verandah. s-lu'daig, the sheath which covers- s-Ia'seh mint. (Sk.), basil, the blossom on palms. s-lat', strait, channel: the town s-lum'bar, a splinter. of Singapore. s-lu'pat, cuticle, thin membra- s-la'tan, the South. nous covering. slbi, see sulbi. s-lu'roh, the whole, all (of su- s-len'daig, a worn over garment measure). one shoulder wo- perficial by Malay s-lu'roh the whole men. neq'ri, city or country. s-le'ra, appetite. s-lu'roli in'Tjoli , all over one'.s^ sleraig, see lerary. body. s-li'dek, 'del , to examine to seed in m-ry-li s-mai', in-iy'mai , sow also sideJc. Cf. carefully; a nursery, from which the preksa. seedlings are afterwards to- s-li'gi, a javelin. Cf. tonibak be planted out. and Imbirg. s-mai'an. a nursery for plants. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 123

s-ma'ja, only =saliaja. a'yer sm-bah'yary, water for re- ablutions. s-mak', a thicket, underwood, ligious bushes. Cf. blukar. ber-sm-bah'yaiy, to worship. s-mam'bu, Malacca cane. sm'bap, dropsy, dropsical swell- s-maig', aboriginal tribes of the ing. Malay Peninsula. Cf. sakai sm'b-leh, m-njm'b-leli, to kilt and bnua. for food by cutting the throat with reli- s-ma'rgat, the soul, life, the (usually to sacri- spirit of life, consciousness. gious ceremonies) ; fice. Cf. Cf. ryaiva and roll, potorg. hi'laty s-nm'rgat, to lose con- sm'b-Iit, constipation. sciousness. sm-bi'lan, nine. (For derived s-maig'ka, water-melon. forms see ampat). s-man-ta'ra, while, during. Cf. sm-bi lu, a splinter of bamboo antara. used as a knife. to s-mat', m-nj-mai' , stitch, sm'boh, m-rym'boli, -lean, healed, fasten together with rattan recovered from sickness or or of or thin pieces wood wounds; to heal, cure. bamboo. sm-bo'yan, an alarm signal. s-ma yam, to sit in state (of sm-bu'iyi, to hide, conceal. Cf. kings). ralisia. sm bah, m-iym'bali, to worship, ter-sm-bu'ryi, hidden. do homage to, make obeis- sm'bur, m-rym'lmr, to squirt outr ance; to speak to a superior. spirt out. Cf. smbahyarg. s-mer'bak, to pervade, be dif- sm'bali su'jud, to worship or do fused (of odours). homage by prostrating one- self. s-mis'ta (Sk.), all, the whole, in

: smista the ber-da'taiy sni'bah, to come and the phrase 'alam, whole universe. address a superior. Ici'rim sm'bah, to send a mes- s-mn'jak, since. of submission to a sage king. s-mo'a (Sk.), all. Cf. sgala and su'rat sm'baJi, a letter of sub- sklian. mission. sm-pa'dan, boundary. per-sm'bah-kan, to make a sm'pat, leisure, time or oppor- present to a superior, to tunity or ability to do a make an offering to God. per-sm'ba-han, a present to a thing. narrow. Cf. superior, an offering or sacri- sm'pit, piclicli. fice to God. Cf. korban. sm'poa" (Chin.), abacus. sm-bah'yan?, worship, religi- sm-pur'na (Sk.), perfect, com-

: ous ceremonies ; to worship plete. derived from smbali, to wor- sm-pur'na-kan, to perfect, com- ship, and Yarg, God, q.v. plete. 124 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. s-mu', deceit., cheating. sn-iyap', quiet, still, silent. r s-mut', an ant. sn-iyum', usually ter-sn-iyum , smiling; to smile. s-naig' ( 146 ), ease, contentment ; ter-sn-tyum' sim'pol, easy, contented, satisfied, smiling comfortable. Cf. niudah. quietly. x-iitoy'kan, to set at rest, set at sn'tak, m-njn'ial-, to tug, jerk, ease. snatch away. Cf. rntak.

k-s-na'rgan, ease, complacence, sn-tau'sa (Sk.), security, safety, serenity. peace. Cf. sjahtra. a fire- s-na'paig (D.), gun, rifle, sn-ti-a'sa (Sk.), always, con- arms. tinually, incessantly; also sn'da, ber-sn'da, a joke, a jest; snntiasa. Cf. slalu. to jest. Cf. gurau and sn'toh, m-ryritoh, to come in jnaka. contact with, touch. Cf. ja- mah. sn-da'wa (Sk.), saltpeter. s-no'noh, sn'di (Sk.), the joints or sinews seemly, becoming. of the human body. so'dok, m-njo'doTc, to scoop up, shovel. sn-di'ri (22-24), self; see diri. )>-)yo'dok, a shovel. sn'dok, = (B.) sendob. spoon sohbat. see sahabat, Of. sudu. so'ja (B.), to worship, do ho- to show the teeth. s-igai', mage by a movement of the s-iga'ja, on purpose, intention- hands with the palms to- = ally. gether (of men only srnbah of s-rgal', rheumatism. women). so'kotg, a prop, shore. Cf. ka- s'igat, m-ry'rgat, the sting of an laiy. insect; to sting. ^ sol-da'do soldier. Cf. p-iy'iyat, a wasp. (Port.), lashkar. s-igau', nasal sounds, speaking Cf. through the nose. som'bon?, proud, arrogant. chorykak. sig'kaig, bar, cross-bar (of a soig'kok, cap. Cf. Jcopiah and door). rh /nan. sig-sa'ra (Sk.), suffering, pain, so'pak, a skin disease causing agony, torture. Cf. seksa. white patches on the hands stg-sa'ra-kan, to torture. and feet. s-ni', fine, thin, slender, thread- so'pan, polite, courteous, respect- like. Cf. halus. ful ; politeness. snin, see ithnain. so'rak, ber-so'rak, shouts of tri- sn-ja-ka'la (Sk.), eventide. umph or acclamation, war shout. sn-ja ta, weapons, arms. Cf. cry; to alat. so're (Jav.), afternoon = Ma 1 ay ber-sn-ja'ta, armed. ptai'j. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 125

a , m-ryo'rorg, to push along, s-ra'ni, Eurasian: corruption: shove. of nasrani, q.v. so'toh (An), house-top, the flat s-ra'si, suitable, well adapted; roof of a house. see rasi. so'toig, cuttlefish. s-ra'ya, and.

' s-pak', m-iy-pak' , a slap; to slap. s-rek', intimidated by pain. s-pai', sappan wood. s-ri' (Sk.), splendour, brightness^ s-pa'roh (Jav.), half, one half; magnificence. s-ri' the front teeth. a part, a portion, some. Cf. gi'gi , irgah. s-ri-ga'la (Sk.), jackal. half finished. s-pa'roh ha'bis, s-rin'dit, the love-bird. y-lia'roli ma' ii, half dead. s-ro'ja (Sk.), the lotus. s-pat', a small fish. sru, see serwa. s-pa'tu boot. Cf. (Port.), shoe, and io kasut. s-ru', m-ry-ru' ber-s-ru', call out, cry out. s-pa'ya in order that, so that. s-ru'nai (Pers.), a kind of s-pa'ya ja'rgan, lest. clarionet, giving a very shrill s-per'ti, like, as, such as, as if. sound. d'rgan s-per'ti-rya, hecomingly, s-sah', m-ry-sah', to whip, flog befittingly. a or ' (with whip rattan). to s-pit', m-ry-pit' , nip, pinch. s-sak', tight, pinched, confined^ ma'kan to eat with s-pit' , chop- hard want. C\ = pressed by sticks (B.) makan sumpit. pichek and smpit. to s-poh', m-ry-poli' , temper steel, s-sak' da'da, asthma. colour in gold by dipping p-noh' s-sak' , chock-full. turmeric. s-sal', m-iy-sal' , remorse; to re~ s-pu'i-s-pu'i, light, gentle (of gret, repent. Cf. taitbat. the error:, wind). s-sat', m-ry-sat' , astray, in s-rah', m-ty-rah', -Inn, to hand to stray, wander.' err, go- over, deliver, intrust. astray. Cf. han/itt. s-rah'kan di'ri, to yield, sur- s-sat' ba'rat, altogether astray. render. s-sat'kan, to cause to err. incense. s-rai', lemon grass. s-taig'gi, s-ti'a (Sk.), fidelity, loyalty. s-ram'bi, a porch. Cf. bakti. the tremulous s-ram', feeling o'bah-kan s-ti'a, to break faith. cold or fear. produced by sum' pali s-ti'a, to swear loyalty. a s-ram'panf, large fish-spear. s-ti-a'wan (Sk.), faithful, loyal. to as- s-raq?', m-nj-rauj' , attack, s-to'ri (D. and Eng.), a fuss, sail, storm (cities or coun- much ado. tries). Cf. larijaar. ba'iyak s-to'ri, to make a. long

', head boatman. tale. 126 MALAY-ENGLISH \7 OCABULARY.

.stra, see sutra. sub-ha'na-hu (Ar.), to Him be

in the : praise ; usually phrase s-t-ri'ka (Port.), to iron. . I llali subhanahu wa ia'ala, s-t-rop' (D.), syrup. God, to Him be praise, and be He exalted. .s-t-ru' (Sk.), adversary, personal one of the enemy, as opposed to musoh, su'boh (Ar.), dawn; the enemy of one's country. hours of prayer. ber-s-t-ru', hostile, unfriendly. su'bur, healthy, luxuriant (of per-s-t-ru'an, enmity, animo- plants and sometimes of sity. human beings). su'chi, Cf. su'al (Ar.), a question. Cf. tan/a, clean, pure, holy. Tend us and berseJi. su'al ja'wab, interpellation, chuchi, catechism. su'clii-kan, to clean, cleanse, ber-su'al ja'wab, to catechize. purify. Tc-su'chi-an, purity. ;su-am', lukewarm, tepid. sudagar, see saudagar. su-a'mi (Sk.), husband (more su'dah (41, 74-76), done, finish- than Cf. respectful laid}. ed, completed; an auxiliary istri. verb indicating past time ber-su-a'mi, to have a husband, (45-48) ; enough, sufficient, be married (of women). that will do. Cf. liabis and ber-su-a'mi-lean, to marry a jlas. husband. su'dah chu'Jcop, that is enough. su-ap', a mouthful, a bite (of su'dah lia'bis, finished. bribe. su'dah it is lost. food) ; a lii'larg, su'dah a time b-ri' su-ap', to give a bribe. la'ma, long ago. it is al- ma'Jean su-ap', to receive a su'dah ma'lam, night bribe. rea1v. su'dah it is old. su-ap' lean, to feed by month- tu'a, fuls. su'dah t'a'da, it is gone or dis- appeared. .su-a'ra (Sk.), the voice. b-lum' su'dah, not yet finished. su-a'ra yarg nja'rirg, a loud la' ma su'dah, a long time ago, voice. finished a long time. rya'rirg-kan su-a'ra, to raise the su'dah-kan, to terminate, bring voice. to an end. ber-su-a'ra, to utter a sound. l--su' da-han , end, conclusion. su-a'sa (Sk.), an alloy of gold ti-a'da ber-Jc-su' da-han, without and copper. end. unending. Cf. putus. see w.udara. su-a'tu, a, one; also satu and s-. sudara, s-su-a'tu, something, anything. su'di, to be satisfied, agree, be s-ga'la s-su-a'tu, everything. willing. Cf . Jcnan and redla. whatever. ba'rarg s-su-a'tu, su'du, a spoon. Cf. sndok. su'ban?, ear ornaments. Cf. an- su'gi, ber-su'gi, to brush the teeth. tirg. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 127 su'ji, in-nju'ji, to embroider. su'Iu, a spy. su'ji (Sk.), meal, grain. sum'bat, m-ryitm'bat, a plug, su'jud (Ar.), to prostrate oneself, cork, stopper; to plug, stop how down with the face to up. Cf. tumpat. the earth in (as prayer). sum'bin?, a notch (as in the su'ka (Sk.), pleasure, joy; to re- edge of a knife). joice, be glad, enjoy, like, bi'bir sum'Mrg, harelip. wish. Cf. gmar. sumboh, see smboh. xn-ka-c'lii'ta, joy, gladness. sum'bu, lampwick. xii'lca lia'ti. pleasure. sum ber-sum 1 ber-su'ka and ber-su-ka-su'ka, 'pah, 'pah , an oath, a curse to curse. Cf. to rejoice, enjoy oneself. ; swear, kutok I'andt. *u'ka-knn, to please, satisfy. and k'na sum' to be cursed. k-xii'ka'an, enjoyment, pleasure, pah, desires, wishes. ma'lean sum'pah } . to perjure oneself. su'kar, difficult, not easy, irk- some, arduous. Cf. susah. sum pit and sum'pi-tan, tlie k-su.'ka-ran, trouble, affliction. blow pipe. su kat, m-tyu'Tfdt, to measure sum'pit, a small bag of plaited (capacity). Cf. ukor. mrgkuarg leaves. su'ka-fan. a measure. sum'pit (B.), chopsticks, see su ku a fourth (35), quarter, spit. part ; a tribe, branch of a su'nat (Ar., tradition), m-ryu'- family. nat, -kan. circumcision; to x-su'ku, a quarter. circumcise. Cf. khatan. ti'ga su'ku, three-quarters. a su'kun, the bread fruit. sun'dal, prostitute. per-suri da-Ian, fornication. su'Ia (Sk.), a sharp stake on which formerly criminals su'igai, a river. were impaled; to impale; a'nak su'njai, a stream. also sulakan. suig'goh, true, real, genuine. sul'bi the the (Ar.), backbone; Cf. bnar-, btul, and sah.

loins. x-x i u g' go/i -nja, truly. su! di, bn'ali sul'di, Adam's ap- surg'goh pun, although. Cf. ple. mski. in ear- su linj, a flute, flageolet. ber-surg'goh-surg'goh, nest, with all one's su lit, hidden, secret. Cf. rahsia might. and sinbuni. siuy'goh-kan, to verify, sub- stantiate, corroborate. su'loh, ni-n/u'loli, a torch; to show a light with a torch. suig'kor, m-ryurg'kor, to bend, bow down. Cf. tundok. su'loig, first-born, eldest child; bowed down. also anak sulorg. Cf. borgsu. tcr-surg'kor, sul'tan (Ar.), sultan, supreme surg'kop, m-ryurg'kop, to cover ruler. with a vessel. 128 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. suig'saig, backwards, upside su'sah, trouble, annoyance, wor- distress an- down. ry, ; troublesome, noying, vexatious, difficult. su'igut, ber-su'rgut, to grumble, murmur. Cf. sukar. sn'sah-kan, to trouble, annoy, flowers or ornaments sun'tiig, worry. worn in the hair or behind k-su'sa-han, annoyance, afflic- the ear. tion, distress. sun'tok, complete (of time). su'su, the breasts ; milk. su'iyi (Sk.), solitary, lonely, de- a'yer su'su, milk. solate, uninhabited, unfre- k-pa'la su'su, cream. quented, quiet, private. ma'ta su'su, nipple. su'su'i, to milk nurse. su'rah (Ar.), a chapter of the give to, Koran. su'sun, in-iyu'sun, to arrange in fit su'rat, a writing, letter, book, regular order, together,, Cf. rakil. handwriting. Cf. tulis. pile up. su'rat hu'targ, a bill. su'sur, m-nju'sur, edge, margin: su'rat kha'bar, a newspaper. to go along the edge of any- su'rat ki'ri-man, a letter. thing, sail along the coast. certificate. su'rat Jc-t-ra'rgan, su'sut, to diminish, shrink. su'rat ku-a'sa, a power of attor- su't-ra (Sk.), silk. ney. b-narg' su't-ra, silk thread. su'rat written per-jan'ji-an, in'dok su't-ra, the cocoon of the- agreement. silk worm. su'rat ta'lak, a letter of divorce. su'rat wa'si-at, a will. ba'las su'rat, to answer a letter. of a ta', not: a contraction from Hdak bu'ryi su'rat, the contents letter. (63-73). the of ta'a'da or t'a'da, is not, are not Tc-pa'la su'rat, heading = tiada. a letter. ta'a'kan or t'a'lean, will not, it mu'Jca su'rat, a page of a book. cannot be that . ter-su'rat, written. ta'ba'ik, not good, bad. su'rau, a village mosque or pray- ta'bo'leh, cannot, impossible. er house. Cf. mandarsah. ta'da'pat, does not succeedr to com- su'roh, m-nju'roh, order, cannot. ' niand. Cf. hvkum and psan. but ta'da'jxit ti-a'da, it cannot su'roh-kan, to order, send a be, it must. person. ta'gu'na, useless. and p-su'roh, a mes- p-ryu'roh ta'ja'di, it did not come to puss. senger. it will not do. Cf. utus. su'ro-han, an envoy. it is not seen. ; 'ta'nani'pak, suroig, see sororg. ta'sa'ma, not the same, unlike. ta'u'fmli. not never su'rut, ebb tide; also ayer surut. necessary, mind. Cf. pasarg.. MALAY-EXGLISH VOCABULARY. 129 ta'a'Ia the (Ar.), exalted; in ma' lam ta'di, last night. phrase: Allah ta'ala, God, taf'sir (Ar.), a exalted be He! commentary (es- pecially on the Koran). ta'alok, see t'nlok. ta'gar, thunder.

1 ta bal (A i . ). drum. Cf. gndraiy ta'geh, craving; usually ktageh. and rim mi. tah, an = ta'bal-kan. to announce by the interrogative particle kah. beating of a drum. ta-han', m-na-han', -kan, to bear, ta'bek, greeting, salutation endure, withstand. (159). Cf. salam. I n -/inn' da'rah, to stanch blood. ta'bi'at ( Ar. ), nature, disposi- tii-lnin' naf'sn, to restrain one's tion, character. Cf. pkcrti desires. and pratyai. ter-ta-han', restrained, endured. ta'bib (Ar.), doctor. Cf. duknn ta'hi, excrement, refuse. doktor. and ia'hi b-*i' , rust. ta'bir, curtain. Cf. tirai. ta'hi ger-ga'ai. sawdust. ia'lii ia'lat, moles, freckles. t'a'bir (Ar. ). explanation, inter- ta'hi t-U'rga, earwax. pretation. ta'hil, a measure of see I'li'liir-kiin, to explain, give the weight; end of Grammar. meaning of. ta'hu to ta'bo-han, hornet = tbiian. (62), know, understand, be accustomed. Cf. I- mil. a of bamboo used ta'boiu, length ta'hu 'a'dat, to know how to be- to contain fluids. have, be polite. ta'bur, m-na'bur, scatter, sow (as fti'lin bcr-ka-ta-ka'ta, to lie able seed). Cf. hambur. to speak (of children). shot. /i-iKi'linr, a sower; small ta'hu dtt'dok, to be able to sit Ix'r-ln'bn-rnn, scattered, dis- up (of children). persed. b-ri' ta'hu, to make known, in- ark of the cove- form. Cf. khabar. ta'but ( Ar.), the nant. s-ta'hu, cognisant, privy to. I xi-ti'pa ta'hu, who knows, ta'chi (B.) (Chin.), elder sister; don't know. usually kakak. k-la'lni-i (102 /) (126), to worm = ta'ching(B.), chaclii/;/. know a thing, be aware of. ta'dah, m-na'dah, to catch or k-ta'liu-nn. known, that which hold in the open hands, or in is known. to ex- a vessel (as liquids) ; bcr-k-ta'lnt-fin, known, being leiid the hands in such an known. learn- attitude, as in prayer. Cf. lfj-lnj-ta'lin-an, to have know- ta'di, just now, just, a moment ledge, know. ago. lately. Cf. bhani. ta ta'di pa'gi, this morning. hun, year. 130 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

ta'kun l-ha'ru, the New Year. tak sir (D.), to estimate, vain--. ta'hun da'targ, next year. tak'sir (Ar.), negligent. ta'hun d-hu'ln, last year. tak'wim alma- ta'hun la'lu, last year. (Ar.), calendar, nac. ta'hun M-si'hi, the year of the Christian era, A. D. ta'lak (Ar.). divorce. Cf. chraL ber-ta-hun-ta'hun, for years, su'rat ta'lak, a bill of divorce. year after year. ta'Iam, a large metal tray. Cf- s-ta'hun la'ma-iya, for a year. dulaiy. m-na'hun, to stay a year in a ta'li, string, cord, rope. place. ta'H b-sar', rope. tai'ko = (B.) (Chin.), leprosy ta'H b-si', wire rope. Jcusta. ta'li du'ga, sounding line. ta'jak, m-na'jalt, a heavy cutting ta'li Tca"il, fishing line. instrument with a long han- ta'li Icarg', reins. dle used for cutting down ta'li ka'wat, wire rope. the weeds in an irrigated rice ta'li km'bar ti'ga, a threefold

field ; to cut down weeds with cord. this instrument. ta'li li'u'lit, a strap, leather ta'.iam, sharp (of cutting instru- thong. ta'li le'hir, necklace. ments and of the intellect). ta'li Tcu'rary ta'jam, blunt. Cf. pirg'gaiy, waist-belt, gir- dle. Cf. salot. tumpol. ta'li the intestines. ta'jam-lean, to sharpen. Cf. p-rot' , asah. ta'li p-rum', sounding line. ta'li pu'sat, umbelical cord. ta'ji, the artificial spur used with ta'li ra'mi, string made of fighting cocks. rami, q.v. t'a'jub (Ar.), astonished. Cf. ta'li sa"uh, cable. 'aja'ib. ta'li t-ma'li, the cordage or rig- tak'dir (Ar.), ordained, decreed; ging of a ship. the will or decrees of God. lery'kar ta'li, to coil a rope. tak'dir-Tcan, to decree, appoint, t'a'lok (Ar.), dependent upon,, predestinate. subject to: a dependency, a State which is subject to> takh'ta (Ar.), throne. Cf. sirg- another. gasana. t'a'lolc-kan, to subjugate. ta'kok, a notch. ta-m'a' (Ar.), covetousness, ava- fear loba. ta'kot, ; afraid, frightened ; rice; to covet. Cf. to be fear. Cf. dah- afraid, ta man, garden, flower garden. shat and kjot. Cf. Tebun. b-ri' to ta'kot, frighten. tamasha, see tennasa. ta'ko-ti, to fear a person. ta'mat (Ar.), end. conclusion. p-na'lfot, a coward; shy (of horses). tam'bah, bcr-tam'bah (115), to- Tc-ta'lto-tan, afraid; fear, alann. increase (in size or number)- MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 131

tarn' ball-lean, to add, augment, tam-pu'i, a tree with an edible increase; also tambahi. fruit. tam'ba-han, and tam'ba-han ta'nah, the ground, soil, land, in addition. pu'la, moreover, a country. Cf. bumi. ta'nah tam'bak, in-nam'bak, to pile up a'yer, one's native land. ta'nah or fill in earth, as in making Ja'wa, the island of Java. embankments or filling in swamps. ta'nah ko'sorg, uncultivated land. tam'barg, fare, passage money ta'nah li'at, clay. on a ship or boat; to carry ta'nah ma'ti, fallow ground. passengers. ta'nah M-la'yu, Malaya. sam'pan tam'barg, a ferry-boat. ta'nah pa'ya, swampy land. tarn 'bat, nt-nam'bat, to fas- tie, ta'nah ra'ta, level country. tie animals and ten, up (as hu'jonj ta'nah, peninsula, pro- Cf. ikat. boats). montory. Cf. tanjorg. tam'bi (Tarn.), a form of ad- mi'iyak ta'nah, mineral oil. dress to Tamils; a messen- trarg' ta'nah, dawn. ger; a Tamil. tu'an ta'nah, landlord. ta'nak, to cook. tam'bon, fat, fleshy, corpulent. m-na'nak, boil, Cf. gmok. Cf. rbus and masak. ju'ru ta'nak, a cook. tam'pak, to appear, be visible; ta'nak (B.) (Chin.), a carpet. also nampak. Cf. liliat. to ta'nam'pak, invisible, it does ta'nam, m-na'nam, plant', not appear, it is not seen. bury. ta'nam cha'cliar, to vaccinate. tam'pal, m-nam'pal, a patch, tan 'da, a mark, token. Cf. label, something stuck on; to sign, isharat and 'alamat. patch, stick on, paste on. tan'da the Cf. Ikrit. ma'ti, orthographi- cal sign jazrn; see baris. tarn 'par, in-nam'par, to slap, tan'da ta'rgan, signature. strike with the open hand. tan'da-kan. to signify, indicate, Cf. spak. betoken. tam'pi, ni-nam')ri, to winnow per-tan'da, an executioner. with the tyiru, q.v. tan'dak, ber-tan'dak, to dance. Cf. tari. tam'pi I, to go forward, advance, a bunch of such progress. Cf. ma jit. tan'dan, fruit, as tarn'pi I -hi n, to cause to ad- bananas, coco-nuts, grapes, vance, move forward. etc. tan'dil headman of coo- tam'pok, the cup or short stalk (Tarn.), lies. at the point where fruits are a horn. Cf. chuta. broken off the stem ; the or- tan'dok, to namentation on the top of a tan'du, m-nan'dii; a litter; in sedan chair or cap (gotglcole) or on the ends carry a of a pillow. litter. Cf. usorg. 132 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

the the arm. Cf. ta'igan, hand, and ta'ii/i-si, to Irgan. \vcep for a person or thing. t

see tapi, tta/ii. it is placed is doubled. to ta'pis, m-na'pis, strain, filter. ta'tah, to mount, set (as precious a a filter. tn'/ii-foin, strainer, stones). Cf. permata. tar' and tar' tar. mi'iyak (Eng.), ta'tal, a shaving of wood. ta'ra, of level, equal height; ta'targ, m-na'targ, to carry on or equality (of height rank). the palms of the hands. Cf. x- In' VI. of the same rank. tadah. to hew ta'rah, ni-nn'nih, rough tatkala, see ttkala. timber. t'a'tlim (Ar.), respect, honour, ta'rek, m-no'i-ck, to pull, draw, reverence. drag. Of. htla and seret. tau'bat Ar. ( ) , repentance, amend- In'fck n' in, a lucifer match, also ment of life ; also tobat. -Cf . kort'k apt. ssat. ln'fi'h- iiti'fiix. to draw a hivatli. b<'r-tan'bat, to repent. ta'ri, in-tin' ri. to dance. Cf. tau'chaig (Chin.), a queue. joget. tau 'fan (Ar.), typhoon, storm; ta'rikh (Ar.) (16G), date, era, also tofan. epoch. bean ta'rikh hij' rail, the Hegira, the tau'gek (B.) (Chin.), Mohammedan era. sprouts. ta'rik M-si'Jii, the Christian tau'ke (Chin.), head of a house era. or business, employer. ta'riig, tusk (of rodents and tau' Ian, companion, comrade, pigs). Cf. gadiiy. friend. Cf. handai, kawan ta'roh, in -tin' roll (86 c], to placa, and sahabat. bv. put, put away, keep, lay tau'rit and tau'rat (Ar.), the. Cf. bnboh, Itak and siin/jftn. law of Moses, the Old Testa- fa' ro/i her' ga, to fix a price. ment, the Pentateuch. m-na'roh dn'dam, to harbour tau'yu (B.) (Chin.), bean oil. revenge, bear malice. see tertaica. in-tin' roh i/if/'ki, to bear malice. tawa,

ber-lfi' roh . to bet. wager. ta'wan, ni-na'wan, -i, to capture,, p-ta'roh, a trust, a thing en- make prisoner (in war or of trusted to a person. robbers). Cf. tatgkap. li'r-ta'iran, made pri- ta'rok, a bud, sprout, young captured, soner. siioot. ta'wa-nan, made prisoner, a tar'pal (Eng.), tarpaulin. captive. tas'bih ( Ar.), a rosary. ta'war, tasteless, insipid, fresh inland sea. Cf. ta'sek, lake, (of water) : an antidote for da nan and kola nt. poisons; to bargain, offer a the tash'did (Ar.). an orthogra- lower price, beat down phical sign which indicate- price. that the letter over winch ta'irar ha'ii. discouraged. 134 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

fa' war i'poh, an antidote for tern bak, m-nem'bak, to shoot the Malay dart poison. with firearms, fire a gun. a'yer to,' war, fresh water (as Cf. Mil. to salt). opposed tem'bok, a wall. Cf. dindirg. meal used in t-poiy' ta'icar, ka'ki tem'bok, foundation. Malay magic. Cf. alas. p-na'war, an antidote, cure or tern 'pan?, lame, limping. Cf. specific for a disease. /x'lirhaiy and chapek. t-bal', thick, as opposed to nipis, tem'po intermis- thin. (Port.), time, sion, respite; in the time of, m u'ka t-bal', shameless, brazen- the time that. Cf. faced. during wakiu. to down t-baig', m-n-banj', cut ten?', (Chin.), a Chinese lamp. trees, fell. Cf. ibas. teig'kah, see tirgkah. t-bas', m-n-bas', to cut down un- ten?'gek, to derwood. Cf. tbarg. perch (as birds), squat. t'birg, a high bank of a river. te'igok, nt-ne'njok, to look at t-bok', m-n-bok', to bore a hole, Cf. lihat and pandarg. perforate. ten 'tan?, a native shop window, t-bu', sugar-cane. Cf. gula. hinged at the top and bot- t'bu-an, a hornet. tom. t'bus, m-n'bus, to redeem, buy te'pok, paralysis of the legs. Cf. back, ransom. lutpoh. p-n'bus, Redeemer (X.). ter'baig, to fly. t'bu-san, ransom. .*/'/. ter'baiy, grapnel. t-doh', calm, tranquil; sheltered ter'baty-kan, to send flying (of from sun or to abate the wind; wind) ; to fly away with (of storms). (as birds of prey). t-doig', the generic name for ter'bit, to arise, come up, spring cobras. up. Cf. naik. nni-ta-lia'ri ter'bit, the sun te'bar, m-ne'bar, to scatter; to rises. throw a casting net ; see jaia. ter'j-mah' (Ar.), to translate; teh' (Chin.), tea. a Iso ter'j-mak'kan. a'yer teh', tea (the beverage). da"un teli', tea (the prepared ter'jun, in-ner'jun, to plunge leaves). down, leap down. to cast down, drop te-ko' (B.) (Chin.), kettle. ter'jun-kan, a thing down. te-koan' (B.) (Chin.), tea-pot. a'i/er ter'jun, waterfall. see tilek. telek, ter'kam, to attack violently, te'lor, lisping, inarticulate rush at, spring at (as wild speech. Cf. pel at. animals). MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 135 ter'kas (Pers.). quiver. thal'ju (Ar.), snow. n ter-ma'sa (Pers. tamasha), fes- tia (B.) (Chin.), a hall. tivities, rejoicings; to make ti-a'da (63-71), is not, are not; merry, rejoice. a contraction of tidak ado, to for- used ter'pa, m-ner'pa, spring (64) ; as an auxiliary ward, spring at. Cf. ter- verb (45). kam. ti-a'da a'da, there is not, there does not exist. ter-ta'wa, to laugh. ti-a'da cannot. tcr-ta'n-a-kan, to laugh at bo'leh, unable, fi-

per-ti'dak-lean,, to make notliing tim'baig, m-nini'/^in/. to of, make light of, depreciate. ponder, contemplate, think, meditate. Cf. ti'dor, hcr-ti'doi; sleep, slumber; fikir. tini-ba'rgan, scales. ('I', ni-n- to sleep. ' i-ha. ti'dor to 1-lap' , deep sleep ; sleep bu'ah ii tim-ba' rga . weigh is. heavily. Cf. lyadar. ter-ti'dor, asleep. tim'bol, m-nim'bol, to float, come to the surface of ti'ga, three. (For derived forms up the rise the see a in pat). water, (as sun). spring up (as plants). (T. see tiara tiharap, p. terbit. ti'kam, m-ni'kani, to stab, pierce, tim'bon, m-nim'bon, to lieap up,. Cf. chuclioTc. prick. pile up. ti'kar, mat. tim'bo-nan, a heap. ti'kar ban'tal, bedding (of a tim'bus, m-nim'bus, to fill in r native). fill up (a hole or well). Cf. sbu. ti'kus, rat, mouse. ti'lam, a mattress. ti'mon, cucumber; also Imiimon* the east. ti'lek, in-ni'lek, to look carefully, ti'mor, East; ti'mor la"ut, north-east. observe; to practise divina- bin'tanj ti'mor. Venus a- a tion, prognosticate ; also star. telek. Cf. tnorg. morning tim'pa, m-nim'jM, to fall cn tim (B.) (Chin.), to cook in a r strike double boiler. by falling. tim 'pas, dead low water. ti'mah, tin and other similar metals. Cf. tin. tin (Eng.), tin plate. .Cf. timuli^ ti'mali In' tain, lead. tin das, m-niridnx. to crush au ti'mah pu'teli, tin. insect. ti'mah sa'ri, zinc. tin'deh, m-nin'deh, to lay a bi'jeh ti'mali, alluvial tin ore. weight on, press by laying ti'maig, m-ni'marg, to brandish something on. Cf. apii, im- in the air, toss up in the air pel and Mean. (as or children). weapons tin'dek, m-nin'dck, to pierce the a name, nick- ti-ma'njan, pet ears (for earrings). name; a pet, a plaything. tiig'gal, to remain, stay; dwell, ba- tim ha, ni-nim'ba, a bucket, live. Cf. diam.

ler; to draw water with a -V.' s-hi'niat tiiy'galt good-bye( 1 . bale out a boat. bucket, m-niiy'gal, to die. tim'ba to draw water. a'yer, tiiy'gal-kan, to leave, abandon,, tim'ba to bale out ru'arg, bilge omit, neglect. water. p-nirg'ga! and *-p-nirg'aal, de- tim'bal, to balance. parture, on or after the de- ber-tim'ba-lan, balancing. parture. MALAY^ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 137 tiig'gi, high, tall: height. ti tah, m-ni'tali, -lean, order, com- tirg'gi-kan, to raise up, exalt, mand, word (of a king) : to- elevate. say, order, command (of a Cf. sabda. tiig'kah, behaviour, conduct; also king). to a tirgkah laku. Cf. pkerti and jun'jorg ti'tali, obey king'- laku. command. ti'tek, in-ni'tek, a a tinj'kap, window (of native drop, spot,. a dot to fall in houses). Cf. jndela. ; drops. ti'tek-kan, to pour out liquid tiig'kat, a ; numeral coef- stage by drops. ficient of the stories of a ti'ti, m-ni'ti. to walk along a house or decks of a ship. narrow path or the trunk or Cf. loterg. bough of a tree. tin'ju, to strike with ber-tin'ju, ti'ti-an, a foot bridge formed of the Cf. fist; boxing. tumbok the trunk of a tree. and gocholi. tiwas, see tewas. tin'ta (Port.), ink. Cf. dawat. t'ka-t-ki', riddle, enigma. ti-op', ber-ti-op' , to blow (of the t-kak', the gullet. wind or mouth). Cf. hmbus a'nak t-kak', the uvula. and puput. t-kan', to ti-op'kan, to blow a thing m-n-kan', -kan, press, down with the (with the month). press (as hand). Cf. impet, apit and thin to ti'pis, (as opposed tbal, tindeh. thick). Cf. halus and nipis. t-k-bur (Ar.), pride. ti'pu, m-ni'pu, deceit, fraud; to t-kek', the large house lizard, deceive, cheat. the gecko. Cf. chichak. ti'pu da'ya, deception, trickery, t-ku'kur, wild Cf. }>u- swindling. pigeon. nai and merpati. p-ni'pu, an impostor, cheat, swindler. t-kun', perseverance, persistence. Cf. usalia and raj in. tir', the castle in the game of t-la'dan, model; also- chess; see cliator. example, tula dan. ti'rai (Tarn.), a curtain. Cf. t-la'ga (Sk.), a small lake, pond, tabir. well. Cf. kola in. ti'rai k-lam'bu, a mosquito net; t'lah, an verb indicat- usually klanibn. auxiliary ing the past tense, but only an = ti'ram, oyster. used in writings su dali.

after that . ti'ri, in the phrases : s-t'lah, when, an'ok ti'ri, stepchild. tla'hir (Ar.), visible, manifoi. ba'pa ti'ri, stepfather. outward, exoteric: as op- mak' ti'ri, stepmother. posed to batin, inward, q.v. ti'ru, m-ni'ni, to imitate, copy. tla'lim (Ar.), tyrannical: ty- Cf. salin. ranny. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

t-lan', tti-n-lan', to swallow. tm-ba'kau (Port.), tobacco. t-lan'jaig, naked, nude; also tm-be'kar, potsherds, broken hcr-t-laii'jarg. crockery. t-lan'ju (B.), while. tm-be'raig, the shrouds. t-lan jur, in the phrase: tm'b-laig, addled (of eggs). ka'la su'dali t-lan' "the jur, tm-bo'lok, the crop of a bird. murder is out." Cf. anjur, tm'bus, perforated, pierced. Cf. i-li'iga, the ear; the handle of psok. a Cf. kupiiy. cup. tm-bu'su, a timber tree. da" un t-U'rga, the external ear. a office in a lo'bary t-U'rga, the orifice of the t-mig'goqg, high ear. Malay State. pa'saig t-li'rya, to listen. tin 'pa, m-nm'pa, to forge. t'l-kan, ber-t'l-kan, to lean on (a tm'pat (135), place, locality; stick or other support). space, room. Ini'/xit dn'irat, inkstand. t'lok, bay, gulf. tin' du'dok, seat, chair. f'lok ran'tau, the sea-board, the pat I in' k-di-a'man, place of coast of a country. pat abode. t-lor', egg. tm'pat man'di, bathroom. t-lor' a fowl's a'yam, egg. tm'pat si'reh, betel-nut tray. t-lor' a'sin, preserved eggs. tm'pat ti'dor, bed. i'kan. fish-roe. t-lor' spawn, b-ri' tm'pat, to make room. ku'lit t-lor', eggshell. ' a earthenware 1 of an tm-pa'yan, large me'rah t-lor , the yoke jar, larger than a buyorg. egg- of an a loud pn'teh t-lor', the white tm'pek, cry. so'rak, loud usual- egg. tm'pek cries, of soldiers bcr-t-lor', to lay an egg. ly fighting. tm-pe'lei, a box on the ear. t-lun'jok and ja'ri t-lun'jok, the forefinger. Cf. tunjolc. tm-pi'as, driven rain, spray,

t-lut', ber-t-lut', to kneel, kneel tm-pi'nis, a timber tree. down. Cf. lutut. tm'p-lak, m-nm p-lale, to con- vince of a t-m'a' (Ar.), covetousness, ava- fault, reproach. Cf. rice; to covet. Cf. loba. tyui: to strike t man, companion, comrade. Cf. tm'poh, m-nm'poh, as- taulan and kawan. against, dash against, sault, storm (as waves strik- 1' man -katt, to accompany. ing anything, or an army (Sk.), brass, copper. tm-ba'ga attacking). tm-ba'ga ku'nirg, brass. tm-pu'a, the weaver bird. Ini-ba'f/a inc'rah, copper. of a of coco-nut . tn\-ba'ga su-a'sa, an alloy tm-pu'ron?, piece shell the skull. copper and gold. ; hence, MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 139 t-mu', ber-i-mu', to meet, come tnf'kok, the back of the neck. together. Cf. jitmpa. Cf. lehir. per-t-mu'kan, to join together,' bu'lu ttg'kok, mane.'' unite. tnj-ko'rak, the skull, cranium. t-naig', smooth, calm the (of tig'ku, a title of princes; also surface of water). turyku. tn'daig, m-nn'darg, to kick back- tvg-si' (B.) (Chin.), a large wards a kick with (as horse), spoon. the sole of the foot. Cf. t-noig', ber-t-norg', to practise sepak and trajaig. divination. Cf. tilek. t-iga'dah, m-n-iga'dah, to look con- up to the sky. tn'taig, opposite to, facing; cerning, in regard to. t'igah (35), the middle; half; tn'targ ma'ta, right in one's whilst, during. Cf. sparoli. eyes. I' njah du'a, one and a half. in-nn'taig, to face, look directly I'lfjnh lia'ri, mid-day. at. t'rgah ja'lan, in the middle of ber-tn-ia'rgan d'rgan, opposite the road; a during journey. to. t' iijnh Hia'knn, in the middle of tn't-ra also a meal. (Sk. tantra), army; bala tntra. J'ii/u/i ina'lam, midnight. fii/ali na'ik, when the sun is tn'tu (138), certain, sure. Cf. half way up, 9 a.m. ii.vchaya and psti. I'lt/filt ti'ga, two and a half. tcr-tn'tu, settled, decided.

I' ill is ii/f In-run' , when the sun tn'tu-kan, to decide, determine, half way down, 3 p.m. settle. i<'kan, submerge. to'hor, shallow. Cf. chetek. tig'kar, bcr-trg'kar, to dispute, ka'pur to'hor, slaked lime. wrangle, quarrel. Cf. ban- = tokek tkek, q.v. tali. to'ko (B.) (Chin.), a shop. tig'kiig, nt-nHj'kit(/, to rebuke, reprove, scold. Cf. tgur to'kok, m-no'kok, to add, increase and Jtardek. by addition. 140 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. to'koig, A small island, a rock in k and tndarg. the sea. t-raig', clear, plain, bright (of to'lak, in-no'lak, to push away, light). Cf. lyata. push back, repulse, reject. t-raig' ta'nali, dawn. Of. sororg. liii'laii l-nrrt/', moonlight. to'lak b-ha'ra, ballast. t-raiy'kan, to make clear, ex- to'leh, m-no'leh, to look at one plain, prove, illuminate. side, look back. t-ras', the heart of timber, the hard wood at the centre oi a to'loig, m-no'lorg, to help, assist. Cf, bantu. tree. p-no'lorg, assistant, helper. t-ra'tai, the lotus. advocate. p-no'lorg bi-clia'ra, t-ra'tak, shed. Cf. pondok. to'lo-rgan and per-to'lo-rgan, as : assistance. t-rek', strong, excessive, i'kat t-rek', to tie tightly. totn'bak, a Of. spear. linbiiy. pa'nas t-rek', excessive heat. a a tom'pok, heap, group (of t-ren'dak, a conical sun hat. persons), clump (of trees). t-ren'dnk lam' pit, a lamp shade. ton'da, m-non'da, to tow (a ship t-ri'ak, ber-t-ri'ak, to shout, cry or boat). out, scream. Cf. sru. toq?', cask, barrel, tub, pail. tri'gu (Port.), wheat. Cf. (/un- toig'kaig, a barge, lighter. do in. toig'kat, a staff, stick, walking t-ri'ma, ni-n-ri'ma, to receive, stick, prop. accept, take. Cf. sambo I. torg'kat k-ti'ak, crutches. t-ri'ma ka'seh, tliankyou (160). to-pe'kong; (B.) (Chin.), an idol. t-ri'pan?, bee-he de mer. edible sea to'pi (Hind.), a hat, especially slug. sun hats. Cf. chpiau. t-rok', severe (of illness or hard

bu'ka to take off one's . to'pi, work ) hat. t-rom'pah, wooden sandals, clog<. t-pat', exactly. Cf. ii. ba'rat due west. t-pat' , t-rom'pet (Eng.), bugle, cornet. rim. Cf. t'pi, edge, border, pirg- t-roig', the egg-plant, brinjal. gir. t-ro'poq?, telescope, field gla.-- t'pok, m-n'pok, to pat, strike with t-ru'na (Sk.), young man, ycutli. the palm of the hand. Cf. t-rus', through, tarn par and ktok. through, straight straight, in a direct line. t'pok da'da, to beat the breast. t-rufi' t-ninf. Frankly, openlv- t'pok ta'ri, to dance and clap t-nix' to in a direct the hands. ja'lan , go line. t-poig', flour. t-ni'si, to traverse, pass throiurli- t-ra'jaig, to kick dowmv.-mls t-m'.an, a canal as a short cut with the sole of the foot. Cf. between two rivers or two MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 141

readies of the same river. tu'an-ham'ba, sir (in writings). tit!an in office. t-ru'si, sulphuric acid, sulphate k-chil', junior tu'an ru'mali, landlord of a of copper. house. t-tak', iit'ii-tak', -kan, to chop, iu'on ta'nah, landlord. I lack, give a cutting blow tu'an-kii, my lord (used in ad- with a knife or sword. Cf. dressing princes). para iff. yarg di-per-tu'an, his majesty. t- tarn cloth or kerchief 'pan, a bcr-tu'on-lean, to serve a person, worn on the left shoulder at take a person as one's master. ceremonies. tu-aig', m-nu-arg', to pour, pour t-tap', firm, steady, fixed, set- out. Cf. cliurah. tled (in mind or in a place), tu'ba, a plant the root of which permanent. Cf. tgoh. is used to stupify fish in a t-tap'kan, to strengthen, con- river in order to catch them. firm, settle. tu'bir, a pit, hollow, deep place 1-ta'pi, but, nevertheless; also iii the sea. tapi. tu'boh, the body. Cf. badan. t-tas', to break open from within b-kas' tu'boh, that which has (as an egg when the chicken touched the body, clothes is hatched). presented as a token of affec- tt-ka la at the time (Sk.), when, tion. when. ber-p-lok' tu'boh, to fold the lu'a, old (of age or of manufac- arms. co- tured articles) ; deep (of tu'doh, m-nu'doli, to accuse, lours). bring a charge against. Cf. IK'CI ti'ii'ila, old and young. d'awa. me' rail tu'a, deep red. tu'do-han, accusation. >/ ni i;/ tu'a, old people; parents. tu'doig, m-nu'dorg, to cover with tu'ah, good fortune, prosperity. a cloth, veil or other object. Cf. untoiy. Cf. and slimut. ber-tu'ah, fortunate, lucky. tuiop tn'doiy k-pa'la, head-covering. tu'ai, m-nu'ai, to reap, cut padi tu'doig mu'l'tt, veil. with a small knife called tu'dorg sa'ji, dish cover. . pn Hal. Cf. ktaiii. tu'do-ryan, a lid or cover. tu'ak, the fermented juice of the tu'gal, a dibble. coconut palm. Tu'han, the Lord. Cf. tu-a'la (Port.), towel. God, Allah. tu-a'larg, a swarm of bees. k-tii'Jia-nan, divinity. tu'am, hot fomentation. tu'joh, seven. (For derived tu'an, master, owner; Mr., sir; forms see ampat). you (6). in' fin b-sar', the head of a firm, tu'ju, iu-nii'ju (149), to aim, senior in office. aim at, go in the direction of. 142 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

= s-tu'ju, with the same aim or tu'len (Jav.), real, genuine purpose, in accord with, in Malay surggoh and btul. keeping with. tu'li, deaf. Cf. pkak and bula. tu'karg, workman, artisan. Of. tu'lis, m-nu'lis, to write, drau. juru. delineate. Cf. surat and ka- tu'karg a'yer, water carrier. rarg. tu'karg ba'tu, mason, brick- tu'lis f/am'bar, to draw a pic- layer. ture. tu'karg b-si', blacksmith. tu'lis m-nu'lis, writing, clerical tu'karg chap', printer. work. tu'karg chat', painter. ju'ru tu'lis, secretary, clerk. tu'karg chu'Tcor, barber. tu'li-san, writing, handwriting. tu'karg ja'hit, tailor. tu'karg ka'sut, shoemaker. tu'lus, sincere, honest, straight- forward; also tulus ekhlfi*. tu'karg ka'yu, carpenter. tu'lus sincere. tu'karg Tc-bun', gardener. ha'ti, tu'karg 'mas', goldsmith. tu'ma, a louse. tu'karg o'bat, apothecary, drug- turn 'ban?, to fall (of trees). Cf. gist. rbah and robolt. tu'karg p-ri'ok b-la'rga, potter. tum'boh, ber-tum'boli, to tu'karg ro'ti, baker. grow, Cf. tu- tu'karg s-pa'tu, shoemaker. spring up, sprout. nas. tu'karg warg', cashier. tum'boh-tuin'bo-han, in bu'rorg tu'karg, nightjar. plants tu'kar, m-nu'kar, to change one general. k-tum'bo-han, small-pox. Cf. for another, exchange, thing chachar. barter. Cf. ganti and obah. to strike tu'kar warg', to change money. tum'bok, in-num'bok, with the end of a or tukol bsi. pole tu'kol, a hammer ; also with the fist; to pound in a Cf. pukol. mortar. Cf. tinju and go- tu-la'dan, Cf. model, example. clioli. chontori. tnni'bok la' da, the smallest tu'lah misfortune as the (Ar.), kind of Malay dagger. result of a curse, calamity. /n/ii'bok pa'di, to husk rice by tu'larg, bone. pounding in a mortar. backbone. tu'larg b-la'karg, tu'mit, the heel. tu'latg k-rirg', shin bone. tum'pah, m-ntim'pah, -kan, to- tu'larg mu'da, cartilage. Cf. crturah. spill, pour out. tu'larg p-ra'hu, ribs of a boat. tu'larg ru'sok, ribs. tum'parv;, nt-tium'parg, to lodger as ban'tirg tu'larg, to exert one- sojourn, live temporarily self. in an inn or on board ship. o'tak tu'larg, marrow. tum'panj-kan, to board a per- or on a vessel. tu'lat, three days hence. Cf . son in a house lusa. ru'inah tum-pa'rgan, an inn. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 143

tum'pas, in-num'pas, to exter- show. Cf. unjoK'. minate. t-lun'jok, the forefinger. tum'pat, to stop up, plug. Cf. tun'jonf, water-lily. sumbat. tun'tut, m-nun'tut, to seek for,, tum'pol, blunt. Cf. tajam. pursue, search after (especial- tum'pu, m-num'pu, to press, ly knowledge, vengeance,, etc.). Cf. chari. push (as with the feet). tun'tut be' la, to seek vengeance. tu'nai, and iu'nai, cash, warg' tun'tut 'il'mu, to search for ready money. knowledge. betroth, tu'naig, ber-tu'narg, to tu'nu, to burn. tu-na'rgan, betrothed, fiance. tu'pai, squirrel. tu'nas, ber-tu'nas, a sprout; to tu'run, m-trit'nin, to descend (46 sprout. 6), go down; to be descended tun'da, to see ton da. tow; from to a ; come up (of storm tun'dok, m-nun'dok, to bow the of wind or rain). head or body, make a bow, tu'run lea'pal, to go on board a bend down. Cf. surgkor. ship from a pier or wharf. tuig'gal, solitary, sole, only, Cf. nail: unique. tu'run It-da' rat or tu'run da'mt, a'nak turg'gal, only child. to land, disembark. tuig'gaig, in-nurg'garg, to ride tu'run t-mu'run, in successive (on horseback). Cf. kndara. generations. turg'garg larg'garg, head over hu'jan man in-run', rain is heels, headlong. is coming. na'ik tit-run', to and tuig'gu, m-nuig'gu, -i, to watch, go up down a road in guard, wait. Cf. jaga and (as hilly nanti. country) . to let down, lower. p-nurg'gu, a watchman. tu'run-kan, k-tu'ru-nan, p-nurg'gu pin'tu, a porter, gate- generation, genea- descendants. keeper. logy, war- p-nurg'gu pn-ja'ra, prison tu'rus, post, pillar. der. tu'rut, m-nu'rut, to follow, suc- tuig'gul, a banner, flag. Cf. ceed, imitate, obev, conform panji and bndera. to. Cf. ikut. tuig'gul, the stump of a tree. tu'rut p-ren'tah, to obey. m-nu'rut, to, as, like. tung'ku = tuan-ku, a title of prin- according one after an- ces. ber-tu-rut-tu'rut, other, successively. tun'jaig, roots such as those of to the mangrove, which shoot tut', propagate by binding out from the stem. Cf. earth round a branch and thus it to root. akar, banir and jargkar. causing cut off tun'jok, in-nun'jol-, -kan. to tu'toh, m-nu'ioli, to lop, point, point out, indicate, branches of a tree. 144 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. tu'top. in-nu'top, -kan, to cover, u'jar, to say, speak. close up, shut up. Cf. lea- u'ji, m-tyu'ji, to test, examine, and top tndorg. assay (as metals). tu'top y'-mm/', the upper post Ixi'lu u'ji, touchstone. of a screen or partition. u'kir, nt-H/n'kir, to tu'top ti-a-rg', wall-plate. engrave, ca rve. tu'to-pan, a cover. lu'tor, ber-tu'tor, to speak, talk. u'kop, to perfume with incense. Cf. kata and chakap. u'kor, m-iyu'kor, to measure u (length). Cf. sukat. ka'iju u'kor, rule, measure. u-ap' or wap', steam, vapour. 'u-la'ma(Ar. ), learned men ; plu- ubah, see obqh. ral of 'alim. u ban, grey hair; grey (of the u'lan?, ni-nju'larg, -i, to repeat, hair). go or do repeatedly. ai'bi, tuberous root, especial- any ii-lti' tyan, repetition; the cho- the ly potato. rus of a song (X.). n'bi bvg-ga'la, potato. u'lar, snake. n'bi ka'yu, tapioca. serpent, u'lar a fabulous n'bi k-la'di, the yam. na'ga, dragon, serpent. u bin and ba'tu u'bin, flooring tiles; (in Singapore) granite. u'lat, maggot, wonn. u'la.t bx'lu. liain7 caterpillar. n-bim-u'biin, the crown of the head, the opening between ulu, see hulu. the of the skull in parts u-maig-u'mang:, a hermit crab, young children, the fontanel. u mat (Ar.), people, nation. u-bur-u'bur, jellyfish. um'bi, taproot. Cf. akar. u chap, m-rgu'cliap, to say, utter, pronounce (as prayers, inn but, the soft edible heart at thanksgivings, etc.). Cf. the top of a palm tree. shot. 'u'mor (Ar.), lifetime, age, hu- u'daig, prawn, shrimp; also length of life. - daiy, q.v. .Junior hi'dop, all one's life. the u-da'ra, air, atmosphere, um-pa'nia and u-pa'ma (Sk.), Cf. hawa. sky. like, resembling. u'dek, upper waters of a river, nm-pa'ma-iya, for instance. of Cf. interior a country. s'um-pa'ina, like, similar to. hnlu and liilir. um-pa'ma-kan, to compare, in u'dek, to ascend a river, go liken. upstream. per-um-pa'maan, proverb, pa- ufti, see upti. rable. see ugama, agama. um pan, bait for a fishing line or u'got, m-iyu'yot, to threaten. a trap. MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 145

means um pat, tit-igum'pai, to slander, da'ya u-pa'ya, resources, abuse, revile. of doing things. flower of cer- um'pil, in-nfuni'pil, to raise or u'peh, the sheath move by means of a lever. tain palms, used to make buckets, etc. un-daig-un'daig, laws, regu- lations. up'ti (Sk.), tribute. to un'dan, a pelican. u'rai, m-iyu'rai, untie, undo, Cf. buka. un'di, lot. open. 'in a ft' u'rai, gold dust. bu-aig' un'di, to cast lots. u rap, in-rgu'rap, to rub with oil un'dor, to retire, go back, retreat. or cosmetics. un'dor-kau, to withdraw, draw back. u'rat, nerve, vein, muscle, sinew. u'rat da'rah, vein. uig'gas, bird; also otggas. u'rat pn'ieh, nerve. uig'gun, a slow burning log; to sa'lah u'rat, sprain. smoulder. u'ri, the afterbirth. uig'ku, a title of Malay chiefs. u'rut, m-tgu'nit, to rub with the Cf. turgku. hands. u'rgu, purple. u'sah, need, necessity; to be un'jok, -kan, to hold m-rgvn'jok, necessary. Cf. wajib. out anything in the hand, ta' u'sah, there is no need, never tnn- show to a person. Ci. mind. and li.ul.or. jok u'sah -kan, not merely* instead to hold out un'jok-kan ta'rgan, of. the hand. u'sa-ha (Sk.), diligence, continu- un'jur and stretched b-lun'jur, ed effort. Cf. rajin. out the Cf. (of legs). julo,-. bcr-u'sa-lia, diligent. un'toig, profit, benefit, fortune, u'sa-lia'kan di'ri, to be indus- dostiny. trious, be diligent.

mi' to Hi Itti'ik, good frotune. u'sek, m-nin'xck, to annoy, vex, un'toirj ja-hat' and un'toiy ia'- plague, worry. bad fortune. lairj, u'si-a (Sk.). age, length of life. un'tut, elephantiasis. Cf. umor.

u'pah, pay, wages. Cf. gaji. u'sir, m-rg-u'xir, to pursue, chase. o'ratg u'pa-han, hired man. Cf. hantbat and k-jar.

u'pam, ni-Kjii' jHini to polish, u'soqg;, in-ign'sotg, to carry on burnish. Cf. cliiinni. a pole or litter or stretcher. tcr-u' fxun , polished. Cf. tandu.

upama, .-c-c inn IHI m a. usul, see asal. = u'pas (.lav.), the ///xz.v tree, and u'sut (B.), to incite asut. the made therefrom. poison u-ta'ma (Sk.), excellent, best; u-pa'ya (8k.), means, resources. also temtama. 146 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY.

' iu'nai, ready money. c:ish. u-ta'ra (Sk.), the North. bu-arg' warg', to waste money. u-tar-u tar, a small round shield. bu'rga warg', interest of money. skein numerical co- u'tas, a coil, ; cha'ri warg', to earn money. efficient of necklaces, etc. wa'igi (Jav.), sweet smelling, mechanic. u'tas, an artisan, fragrant. Cf. harom. ut'tau (B.) (Chin.), a flat iron, war^'kan;, a Chinese junk. ironing box. Cf. strika. wap, see uap. n't us, m-rgu'tus, to send an em- wa'rin (Eng.), a warrant for bassy. arrest. u'tu-san, ambassador, envoy. wa'rith and wa'ris (Ar.), heir, w inheritor. wa-saig'ka (Sk.), doubts, un- wa'fat (Ar.), dead; usually certainty, anxiety, perplexity. mail. also wa'seh, piles, hemorrhoids; of wah' (132), an exclamation bawasir. astonishment or disgust. \va si-at (Ar.), will, testament; wa'hi (Ar.), revelation, vision; also surat wasiat. also wahyu. was'was (Ar.), evil suggestion, wa'jah (Ar.), face. temptation. wa'jib (Ar.), necessary, indis- wa'yaig, a theatrical perform- Cf. pensable, obligatory. ance. usah. ma'in wa'yarg, to act in a be- theatre. vva'kaf (Ar.), endowment, ru'niak wa'yary, a theatre. quest (for religious pur- mi- poses) . wa'zir (Ar.), vizier, prime nister. Cf. mntri. wa'kil (Ar.), agent, representa- tive, manager, attorney. wer'na (Sk.), colour, at wak'tu (Ar.), time, period; wer'ta (Sk.), news, information, Cf. Icha- the time when, while. report. Cf. brita and tempo. bar. U'ma walc'tu, the five stated wer'ta-Tcan, to report, inform su- hours of prayer, namely, of. boh, dloha, asar, maghrib Wolanda, see Blanda. and 'islia. wrirgin = brirgin, q.v. wa'lau (Ar.), even if, although. wa'li (Ar.), governor. in the native cur- ', money; = rency 1 wary 10 duit. ya' (59), yes; oh (132) (chiefly warg' 'mas', gold money. used in addressing the deity wary' ker'tas, paper money, notes. and superiors). MALAY-EXGLISH VOCABULAK 2 . 147 ya'a'ni (Ar.), that is to say, that yu'ran, subscription, collection. is. Cf. ia'itu.

Ya-hu'di (Ar.), Jew, Jewish; also Jahudi and Jaudi. za'bur(Ar.), the book of Psalms, .ya'kin convic- (Ar.), certainty, also Jcitab zabur. Cf. maz- tion, earnestness, eagerness, mur. zeal. /ai tun (Ar.), the olive. ya'kut (Pers.), jacinths, rubies, za'kat the Mohammedan and some other precious (Ar.), stones. poor rate. za'man yam-tu'an, a corruption of yarg (Ar.), time, epoch, age; also z-man and Of. di-pertuan; see yarg. jman. Tcala, masa and waktu. yarg' found as a (Jav.), God; za'man ber-za'man, for succes- derivative in the words: sive generations. the heaven of Hin- ka-ya'rgan, za'man d-lm'lu, in olden times. du mythology. Cf. shorya za'man s-ka'rarg, the present and indra. time. sm-bali'yarg, worship; see sm- a'khir za'man, the last time, bahyaig. the end of the ages. yavg' (20, 21) (136, 137), who, /am'rud (Pers.), an emerald. what, which; (34) used to form the ordinal numbers; zat' (Ar. dhat), substance, es- sence. and (92, 93) the superlative zat' Al'lah, the divine essence degree of adjectives. or nature. yarg' di-per-tu'an, his majesty. yanj' ma'lia mu-li'a, his high- zi'na, ber-zi'na. adultery, for- ness, his excellency. nication; to commit adul- ya'tim (Ar.), orphaned; orphan: tery. also anak yatim. Cf. piatu. zi'rah (Pers.), and ba'ju zi'rah coat of mail. yaum' (Ar.). day. zm'rud an emerald. yo-gi'a (Sk.), in the phrase: (Pers.), s-yo-gi'a-tya, it is seemly. zu'fa (Ar.), hyssop.


The Numerals.

<)ne. xatn, s-. Twenty-two, dua puloh dua or Two. flint. dua lekor. Three, tiga. Thirty, tiga puloh. Four, ant pat. Thirty-one, tiga puloh satu. Five. lima. One hundred, s-ratu*. Six. timim. One hundred and one, s-ratus Sou'ii. tujoh. satu. Eight, dlajmn. One hundred and ten, s-ratus s- Xine, smbilan. puloh. Ten. s-puloli. One hundred and twenty, s-ratus Eleven, *-blas. dua puloh. Twelve, dua Was. One thousand, s-ribu. Thirteen, tigfi bias. Ten thousand, x-lakxu. "Twenty, dua puloh. One hundred thousand, s-kti. Twenty-one, dua puloh satu or s- One million, s-juta. lek'or. Colours.

Blaek. hi lam. Pink, me rah mitda. Blue. biru. Purple, uiyu. Brown, hi tarn ma nix. Red, merali, me rah fna. Chestnut, penny. \Vhite, puteh. '

Acc-ounts, kira-kira. Book, buku.

Air. to, j ni or, arginkan. Bottle, botol Almeirah, almari. Box, pti. Basin, nwrgkok, bokor. Broom, ptyapu. Basket, bakul. Brush, brus. Bath-room, tin pat mandi. Bucket (dipper), tiniba. Bed. tin pat tidor. Bundle, butykus. Bed-room, bilck tidor. Button, kanchiiy. Bell, locheiy. Ciindle. Ill in, dian. Belt, ikat piiynatg. Candlestick, kaki hi in. Bill, xurat liiiffii;/. ( \-iling, largit-lan/it. Blanket, sliinut. Chair, kursi, krusi. 150

Charcoal, ararg kayit. Letter, surat. Chicks (sun-blinds), bidai. Light a lamp, to, pasarg lampu. Clean, berseh. Lock, kunchi. Clean, to, chuclii. Lock, to, kunchikan. Clock, jam. Long chair, kursi panjarg. Cloth, kain. Mat, tikar. Clothes, pakaian. Matches, korek api, machis. Coat, baju. Mattress, tilam. Comb, sikat rambot. Measure, to (length), ukor. Cotton (thread), bnarg. Measure, to (capacity), sukat. Cup, margkok. Medicine, obat. Cupboard, almari. Mirror, chermin muka. Curtain (mosquito), klambu. Mosquito, tyamok. Curtain (window), tirai. Mosquito net, klambu. Dish, pirggan. Xail, paku. Door, pintu. Needle, jarom. Drain, lorykarg. Newspaper, surat khabar^ Drawer, lachi. Oil, miryak. Dry in the air, to, aiyirikan. Padlock, kunchi margga.. Dry in the sun, to, jmor. Paper, kertas. ' Dust, habok. Pail, torg, baldi. Dust, to, sapu habok. Pay, to, bayer. Eat, to, makan. Picture, gambar. Envelope, sarorg surat. PilloAv, bantal. Extinguish, to, padam. Pillow case, sarorg baniaL Family, isi rurnah, kaum khirga. Pin, pniti. Firewood, Icayu api. Plate, pirirg. Flannel, Icain panas. Pocket, kocliek. Flannel shirt, kmeja panas. Saucer, pirirg. Floor, lantai. Scissors, guntirg. Flower pot, pasu buiga. Screw, paku skrup. Fold, to, lipat. Sew, to, jahit. Food, makanan. Sheet, slimut. Fork, garfii. Shirt, kmeja. Glass, glas. Shoes, kasut, spatn. Hammer, pmukol, piytok. Singlet, baju dalam. Handkerchief, sapu targan. Soap, sabon. Hat, topi. Socks, sarorg kaki. Ink, tinta, dawat. Sofa, kauchi. Iron, to, strika, trika. Spectacles, chermin mata. Kerosine, miryak tanah. Sponge, span, himut karan}. Key. anak kuncJii. Spoon, sndok, sudu. Kitchen, da pur. Stairs, targga. Knife, pisau. Starch, kanji. Lamp, lampu, pliia. Stockings, saroty kaki. Lamp glass, chororg. Sweep, to, sapu, gosok. Lamp wick, sumbu. U'able, meja. APPENDIX. 151

Table-cloth, Tcain meja. Vest, baju dalam. Table, to la}' the, taroh meja. Wages, gaji. Table, to wait at, jaga meja. Wall (partition), dindirg. Tailor (Chinese), tukarg jaliit. Wall (outside), temboJc. Tailor (Indian), dirzi, derji. Wash, to, chuchi, basoh. Teapot, tinpat teh. Washerman, dhobi. Thimble, didal Wash-tub, torg kayu. Thread, bnarg. Watch, jam Jcchil. Tooth-pick, korek gigi. Weigh, to, timbarg. Towel, tuala. White ant, smut puteh, anai-anai, Tray, dularg. Wick, sumbu. Trousers, sluar. Window, jndela. Umbrella, payorg. Write, to, tulis.

Foods and Cookery.

Almond, badam, Tctaparg. Egg, tlor. Bake, to, parggaty. Fish, ikan. Bamboo shoots, rborg. Flour, tporg. Banana, pisaiy. Fowl, ayam. Beans, Tcacliarg. Fruit, buah. Beef, dagirg Imbu. Fry, to, gorirg. Boil, to, rbits. Ghee, miryak sapi, gi. Bread, roti. Ginger, halia. Bread fruit, sukun. Goose, a-rgsa. Brinjal, trorg. Gravy, Tcuah. Butter, mntega. Guava, jambu biji. Cabbage, Jcobis. Heart, jantorg. Cake, Jcueh. Honey, ayer madu, gula Ibali. Capon, ayam kmbiri. Ice, ayer batu. Cayenne pepper, lada merali. Ice cream, ais Jcrim. Charcoal, ararg kayu. Indian corn, jagorg. Cheese, keju. Jack fruit, naigka. Chicken, ayam Jcchil . Kitchen, dapur. Chop, to, chincharg. Langsat, largsat. Chutney, chatni. Lard, miryak babi. Coco-nut, klapa, njiur. Leg, Jioki. Coffee, Tcopi. Lemonade, ayer . Corn (Indian), jagorg, Lime, limau asam, Umau nipis Crab, Jetam, kpitirg. Liver, hati. Cucumber, titnon. Lobster, hudarg galah. Curry, gulai, Jean. Maize, jagorg. Custard apple, buaJi nona. Malacca syrup, gula liitam, gula Dates, Tfliurma. Malaka. Duck, itek. Mango, matyga. Duku, dnku. Mangosteen, marggis. Durian, durian. Marrow, otak tularg. 152 APPENDIX.

Meat, tlagity. Hice (in the husk), padi. Milk. nutiii. Kiee (husked), bras. Mushroom, chndairnn. Kice (cooked), nasi. Mustard, ssawi. Konst. to. Mutton, dagiiy kambiirj. Sago, sag u. Onion, baieatg. Salad, salada. Orange, limau manis. Salt, garam. Oven, dapur. Sauce, sos, Tcuali. Ox tail, ekor htibu. Sour-sop, durian blanda. Ox tongue, Hdah Imbu. Spices, rmpah-rmpak. Oysters, tiram. Spinach, bat/am. Papaya, buah btek, kpaya. Squash. Itibu me rah. Peas, kacharg. Sugar, gula. Pepper, lada. Sweet potato, kledek. Pickles, achar. Syrup, ayer gula. Pigeon, merpati, komba. Tail, ekor. Pine-apple, naiuis. Tea, teh. Plantain, pisaiy. Tea (infused), 'ayer teh. Pork, dagiiy babi. Tea leaves, da tin teh. Porridge, suji. Teapot, tmpat teh. Potato, ubi. Toast, roti paigganj. Prawns, hudaiy. Tough, kras. Pudding, kueh. Turkey, a yam blanda. Pulasan, pulasan. Turtle, piyu. Pumpkin, Inbn tnerah. A'egetahles, sayur. Raisins, Tfismis. A'inegar, chuka. Kambai, rambai. Water, drinking, ayer minum. Eambutan, rambutan. Yam, kladi.

Horses and Carriages.

Bit. higam, katy. Lame, temparg. Bran, ddak, bust. Lamp, plita, lampu. Broom, ptyapu. Mane, bulu trgkok. Brush, bras. Mare, kuda btina. Candle, lilin. Matches, korek api. Carriage, kreta. Medicine, obat. Comh, sikat, sisir. Oil, miryak. Cushion, tilam. Paddy, padi. Drive, to, pgaig ras. Pail, ton/ bsi, baldi. Floor, lantai. Pair (of horses), jori. (Irani, kachaty kuda. Pony, kuda kchil. Groom, sais. Reins, ras. Harness, pakaian kuda. Ride, to, turggaiy kuda. Hoof, kulcu. Rub, to, gosok. Horse, kuda. Saddle, plana, sela. Kick, to, tndarg. Shaft, bom. APPENDIX. 153

l,.i kuda, spatu kuda. Vicious?, jahat. .Sponge, span, luniut karaig. Walk a horse, jalankan kuda. Stable, baigsal kuda. Wheel, roda. Sweep, to, sapn. Whip, cliabok. Swelling, bigkak. Wound, luka. Traces, jut.

The Human Body.

Abdomen, prat. Instep, kura-kura kaki. Ankle, ntata kaki. Joints, smli. Ann, hgan. Kidney, buah pitggarg. Armpit, ktiak. Knee, lutut. Artery, unit darah. Knuckles, buku jari. Hack, blakaiy. Leg, kaki, btis. Beard, jaiggot. Lip, bibir. Blood.

Kycball, hiji niata. Shin, tulan/ 1,-rlnj. Eyebrow, bulu knit;./. Shoulder, baliu. Eyelash, bulu wain. Shoulder blade, blikat. Eyelid, klopfik niata. Side, rusok. Kace. ti/i/L-ii. Skin, kiilit. Finger, jari. Skull, tigkorak. Finger nail, kuku jari. Sole (of the foot), tapak kaki. Flesh, daffirg. Spittle, ayer Hot: Foot, kdkl. Tears, ayer- niata. Forehead, dali i. Thigh, paha. s, yus. Throat (windpipe), krotgk.org. Hair (of the body), biilu roma. Toe, jari kaki. Hair (of the head), ranibot. Tongue, lidali. Hand, ttiti/un. Tooth, f/igi. Head, k/Hila. Uvula, auak lidali. Heart, jantonj. Vein, -nrat darah. Heel, tu in it. Waist, f/irggaig. 154 APPENDIX.


Abortion, buarg anal'. Fever, dmam. Abscess, barah. Fever and ague, dmam kura. Ague, dmam Jcura. Fever, continued, dmam kpialu. Amenorrhoea, berhenti darah. Flatulence, snddwa. Anaemia, kurarg darah. Fracture of bone, patah tularg. Asthma, ssak dada, lla. Freckles, tahi lalat. Atrophy, kurus krirg. Gonorrhoea, sakit knchirg. Baldness, botak, gondoL Gravel, batu-batuan. Beri-beri, sakit lumpoh, sbar. Harelip, bibir sumbirg. Bleeding, Tcluar darah. Headache, sakit kpala. Blindness, buta. Hemorrhage, Tcluar darah. Boil, bisul. Hemorrhoids, Imwasir, waseh* Bronchitis, ssak dada, lla. Hiccough, sdu. Bruise, Ibam. Humpbacked, borgkok. Bubo, margga, klnjaran. Hydrocele, borot. Burn, terbakar. Impotence, mati puchok. Calculus, batu-bahian. Indigestion, makanan ta'hajam. Cancer, puru. Inflammation, brgkak. Cataract, bular. Insanity, gila. Catarrh, slsmah. Insomnia, ta'boleh tidor. Cholera, muntah berak. Intermittent fever, dmam kura. Cold, slsmah. Itch, k-udis. Colic, mulas, ehika. Jaundice, mmbarg. Constipation, smblit. Leprosy, kusta, pnjakit jaliat. Consumption, batok krirg. Leuchorrhcea, puteh-pntehan. Convulsion, sawan. Lockjaw, kaku. Cough", batok. Lumbago, srgal pirgga/;/. Cramps, mulas. Malaria, dmam. Deafness, pkak. tuli. Mange, kutU*. Debility, klmahan. Mania, gila. Diabetes, knchirg manis. Measles, cham/Hik. Diarrhoea, buarg-buarg ayer. Menses, datarg bnlnn. Diphtheria, sriawan. Miscarriage, gugor anvk. Dislocation, plechok. Moles, tahi lalat. Dropsy, smbap. Mumps, brgok. Dumb, bisu, klu. Nausea, loya. Dysentery, buarg ayer darah. Nerve, urat puteh. Dysmenorrhcea, srggugot. Ophthalmia, sakit muta. Dyspepsia, pryakit ta'hajam. Palpitation, dbar. Elephantiasis, untut. Palsy, tepok. Epidemic, sampar. Paralysis, tepok. Epilepsy, gita babi. Phthisis, batok krinj. Evacuate, to (the bowels), buarg Piles, bawasir, waseh. ayer, berak. Pleurisy', tika m -t ikam . Extracting teeth, chabot gigi. Pox, small, chachar, ktumbohan. APPENDIX. 155

Prickly heat, uam panas. Syphilis, sakit prempuan. Bheumatism, srgal, suleh. Toothache, sakit gigi. Ringworm, kurap. Tumour, bisul ta'bermata. Scrofula, tmbole-tmboJs. Ulcer, pkoty. Scurvy, saratan. Urine, ayer knchirg. Semen, mni. Vaccination, tanam chachar. Small-pox, cliacliar, ktumbohan. Varicose veins, urat terkluar. Sores, tokak. Vomiting, muntah. Sprain, salah urat. Whooping cough, batok salak. Stomach-ache, sakit prot. Worms, chachirg. Sunstroke, panah mata-hari. Wounds, luka.

Timbers in Local Use.

Ballow, balait. Meranti, mranti. Bilian, blian. Mirabau, merbau. Bintangor, bntargor. Russock, rsak. ( 'ainphor, kapiir. Sandalwood, chndana. Chingai, chrgai. Sappan wood, sparg. Uamar laut, damar laut. Selangan batu, slargan batu. Bai'oo, darv-daru. Selangan kacha, slargan kaclia. Ebony, l-ayu ctrarg. Seraya, sraya. Iron-wood, blian. Tampinis, tmpinis. Kamuning, kmnnirg. Teak, jati. Kranji, kranji. Tembusu, tmbusu. IMangrove, bakau, api-api.

Nautical Terms.

Aground, terkandas. Cabin, kurory. Ahead, di mitka. Calm, argin idoli. Anchor, sauh. Cape, tanjorg. Anchor, to, berlaboh. Capstan, putaran.

Anchorage, labohan. I Captain, kaptan, kapitan. Astern, di blakarg. Captain (native), nakhoda. Awning, chtri. Chart, pta. Back water, to, lais. Clear, trarg. Bale out, to, timba ayer. Cloudy, rdop. Ballast, tolak bliara. Collide, to, larggar. Barge, torykatg. Compass, pdoman. Bay. ilok. Current, harus. Bilge water, ayer ruaty. Dark, glap. Boat, sampan, bot. Deck, dck. Bow. hluan. Deep, dalam. Buoy, boya. Drift, to, liaiyut. 156 APPENDIX.

Ebb, ayer surut. Rock, batu. Fathom, dpa. Jiope, tali. Float, to, timbol. Rudder, kmudi. Flood tide, ayer pasaig. Sail, layer. Fog, kabot. Sailing ship, kapal layer. Foul, tcrsatgkot. Sailor, khalaw, anah- prahu. Founder, to, karam. Sand, paxir. Galley, dapur. Sand-bank, btirg. Halyards, signal, tali bndera. Sea, laut. Hard over, chkar. Sea-sick, mabok laut. Hatch, palkah. Shallow, toll or, chetek. Hawser, tali bsar. Shark, ikan yu. Heave up, to (windlass), obis. Ship. ka/)oL Heave up, to (anchor), borgkar Shore, pantai, darat. muli. Shrouds, tmberarg. Heave the lead, to, buarg duga or Sink, to, trgglam. prum. Slack away chain, to, aria ranlai. Heeling over, serget. Slack tide, ayer tnarg. Helm, kmudi. Smokestack, cliorory. High water, pasarg pnoli. Splice, to, sambo tg. Hurricane, taufan. Starboard, kanan. Island, pulau. Steady helm, tgar kmudi. Knot, simpol. Steam, uap. Land, darat. Steamer, kapal api. Lead line, tali duga or tali prum. Steer, pgatg kmudi. Leaky, bochor. Stern, buritan. Leeward, di bawah argin. Storm, ribot. Lighter, torgkarg. Strait, slat. Lighthouse, rumah api. Supercargo, chinchu. Lightning, kilat. Surf, pchahan ombak. Lights, lainpu, plita. Swell, alun. Log, patent, topdal Tacking, berpal-pal. Lower awav, to, aria. Tank, tanki. Make fast, to, ikat. Tarpaulin, tarpal. Mast, tiarg. Thunder, guroh. Mate, m'alim. Tow, to. tonda. Mist, kabot. Twine, tali kchil. Mud, himpur. Vessel (European), kapal. Oar, dayorg. Vessel (native), prahu. Port. ////. Waterspout, putirg bliorg. Pump, bomba. Wave, ombak, glombarg. Quartermaster, juru-mudi. Wind, argin. Raft, rakit. Windlass, putaran. Rain, hujan. Windward, di titax an/in. Bain, heavy, hujan Ibat. Wire rope, tali h*i, tali kawat. Rain, light, hujan rintek-rinick. Wire, dawai. Rigging, tali-tmali. APPENDIX. 157

The Countries of the World.

Abyssinia, negri Habshi. Hindustan, negri Hindi. Acheen, negri Acheh. Holland, negri Blanda. Amboyna, pulau Am bun. India, negri Hindi. America, negri Merikan. Italy, negri I tali. Arabia, negri 'Arab. Japan, negri Jpmi. Australia, negri Strelia. Java, tanah Jawa. Batavia, Btaivi. Macassar, Mrgkasar. Bengal, negri Brggala. Malacca, Mlaka. Bombay, Bonibai. Malaya, tanah Mlayu. Borneo, Brunai. Xew Guinea, Papua. Burmah, negri Berma. Persia, negri Farsi. Celebes, Slebes. Portugal, negri Portugis. Ceylon, Selon. Russia, negri Riisia. China, negri China. Siam, negri Siam. EgA'pt, negri Mafir. Singapore, Singapuro and Slat. England, negri Irggris or Irglan. Spain, negri Spanjol. Europe, negri Airopah. Sumatra, Pulau Percha. France, negri Fransis. Syria, negri Shnin. Germany, negri Jerman. Turkey, negri Turki. Greece, negri Grik.

The Points of the Compass.

Xortb, vtara. South, slatan. North-east, Urn or laut. South-west, barat daya. East, timor. West, barat. South-east, trggara. North-west, barat laut.