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December 1980 Daily Egyptian 1980

12-9-1980 The aiD ly Egyptian, December 09, 1980 Daily Egyptian Staff

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Southern Illinois Unin:rsity lh ThP ·\ssociatfod J>r"" Tht• speaker of lran·s ~Mrharnent saorl Monday the l nJted States harl come "much closer · to rne..tmg demands for relea~e of lht• American hostal(f•S .:Jnd he lhmks the !J ~;:~nth-Hld cns1s "will be ~H

Hashem• HafsanJani tokl a ne""" conierence 1n Tehran tht• latt•st 1· S response to Iran" four condltmn.-. flJr release ol the .;2 hosldges ht•ld for 13 moolhs ·has come rnoch doser '" "olnng tt:e problem · · "11 tht• l'mted States mt"eb our demands. and 1: seems th<~t ; II tht·y want to. the problem -'Ill tw settl•-d." hl' "'lid "In th<> past tht> l'nit£.; States ~li's ptt>d our d.-mands on I·• pnnc1plf' hut th1s time i' has I_· takt·n rnore dear steps tn ~Xt'<'utmg them · · !{.:Jfsanjani also ruled out a !urther study of the rnatter bv the :\laJIIs. the !raman . -~ parh:.rnf'nt. saymg "We ·.he \lajhs • have g1ven our fmal opm•on about the i:05tages · Ills comments represent ~ht· most pos1trve indicatiOn to datt• that a solullon to the hostaPe 1mpasse m1ght be m the works Bt·hzad 'l;abav1. htc•ad al :he Iraman commission stud) mg the hostage Issue. said Sunda\ the l' S pos1t11>n delivered Thursdav by .\lgenan d1plomats was rnorP fa,orable to Iran "There is httll' tha~ IS un l'lear. · · Raf!'partment SJJO*esman .John Trattner declined to commment on the statement and said the Carter administration was still wa!ting to hear officially from Iran System ofteu no aid to poor Rafsan.Jaoi ;;aid the first L:.s rep!~· was vague in addressmg the demands adopted by the Bv :\like Anton st.onldn·t be mtegrated With :\lajhs on :'\ov. 2. but t!.ere were staff Writer Poverty In Jaclcson County St-rvlces for the poor's other few ":lanswt."red questions m From public aid to general financ1al and counseling the latf'St resp.. mse. assistance. from public lost in a serifl needs "The l'mted States han• housing to medicai care. the [~ "It does.1·t mean that moved forward in executing our --.'T-he-sy-·s-t-em_t_ha_t -the_y_a_r_e--look--in_g_a_t_a_pe_rso_nas a whole soc1al service system hasn't because they nel!d ca!.h demands and the rights that we tx>en the solution to poverty in involved in produces vic- person or as a whole family.·· assistance that we should clo have claimed." he said. Jackson County timiza'.JOn. But it is not b~· Lee Deckelnick, a countv an m-depth study of the The four condJtions are return "ln Jackson Countv in 1980. design," he said. • mental health counselor. mental and .•ocial problems of the wealth of the late Shah what you have is simply that Social workers point to four said. "Somebody gives them that they might be suffenng :\~ohammad Reza Pahlavi and the services haven't been general areas where the food stamps. Somebody ebe from ... he sa1d h1s family. unfreezing Iranian able to catch up with the system works against the pro\·ides them with medical Belleure added that he 1s assets in l'.S banks. dropping need ... Pat Gunter. SllT·C poor: care. If they have a problem aware of the cntic1sms. but pendJng l' S lawsuits agatnst instructor in social and Public: ,\id: The state with a child. they have to go that there is noth1ng the Iran and a pledge not to in­ communitv serv1ces and government's fragmentation to another department. A IDP A can do at>out 1t. terfere m \raman affairs. former Jackson County social of the Illinois Department of person m1ght have to go to "We have been accused of Informed sources said the worker. said. Public Aid from tl:~ rest of five different agencies to get not serving the poor the way latest l- S. respon.."E' contamed Herman Lantz Slt:·C the state's social sen·ice all h1s needs fulfilled." we should... Belletire sa1d no obJection to the non­ professor of sociology. said a~encies. oftentimes loses the However. :\like Belletlre, "But the department has mterference pledge and un­ that the complexity of the poor in a maze of government administrator for the Illinois never been purported to be a freezing the assets. and offered welfare svstem often loses bureaucran·. sa~· some social Department of Pubhc Aid. counseling agency or a social aid m fighting the legal claims the people. it serves in a maze workers. · · said that the financia! aid service agency. That's fine against Iran and help in locating some of tllfi! shah's of red taoe. ··!~jobody is responsible for prov1ded by the department ICootinued on Pa~te ll!l fortune ..~candidates file petitions for city courtcil election

Bv Tonv Gordon student m history. announced at had more than the required 30 city attorney to prepare a sian w'rtter a press conference Monday that signatures of voters registered challenge to the law setting the Three candidates for the he would seP.k his first term on m Carbondale and that she legal drinking age in lllinois at Carbondale Citv Council-two therouncil Jones· and Watkins· expt>eted no challenge to the 21. He said the law was passed incumbents and aSlt: ·C student positions on the council are the pelltions over home-rule provisions m the challenger-filed petitions onlv two to be contested m 1981 Jones wa,; i1rst elected to the state constitution without the Mondav at the cih· clerk's office Citv Clerk Janet \'aught said council m 1969 and IS running required two-th1rds of the to ha\·e their names placed on a primary electiOn scheduled for a fourth term. w~. tkms is legislature voting to approve. the ballot th1s sprin~ for fo'eb. 24 will not be held running m his fi:-st campaign Coulter also sa1d he supports Councilmen .-\rchte Jones and unless fiw or more candJdates for the council. hanng been a "quality library s:·stem for Charles Watkins will ap· file nominating petitions before appointed to Iii! an unexpired the city ... and that he believf's parently nm to rt>t::un their the ::Jec. 15 deadline Tht> term m 197S any city tax increases proposed seats on the counc1l. although gen ... ral election \\ill be held to pay for library Im­ (;us savs if studt>nts ,·ote in tht> neither has rnaJe a formal Apnl 7 .·\t tht• pres,. t·nnlt:r<'nee provements should be put cit\ o>l~ction like thev did for announcement \aught q1d all three can· :\londa\·. Coulter said that if he bdore the \'Oters m a th~ir o;enate. the student can­ :\latt Coulter. graduate didates· ·..,etitions filed Monday 1s elecied he would direct the referendum didate ma~· \\ind up in the bole. Polisl1 military warns against r-News Roundup,-- lrn11. /rut/ fJOiltlfl oil t'PIIIPrs 'tJnrest" getti11g ottt of ltand Bt:IHt'T. I.Rbanon '.-\P' Iran and Iraq daimf.'d the~ hammered each other's oil centers :\Iunday and a wamtng wa~ sounded m Tehran of an attt•mpt to O\ erthrow the Jslam1r WAID> A. W. Poland .\P · nt•w,; fr,;rn Poland and askt>d revoluttonary reg1me of .-\yatollah Ruhollah Khomem1 Poland's 'lrm~ r.t'wsp3pt•r the \ . !lin :\Ia r~ to pro!f•ct War eommunaques sa1d tht• o1l rf:'ftrur.~ complex of Iran·~ warned ~londay of rnountmg ·Poland. rnv cnuntrv .. ThP concern m the Po:tsh m1htarv .-\rm' mav mtervene an Poland pope was spe'akmg to in ark the bdeaguered clly of Abadan was on f1re from Jraq1 art11le~ that "social unrest" wa;., ~Ntmg But Poland's mdcpendent Ft•ast of tht' Jmrnaculatf:' bombardment <~nd hehcoptt'r ra1ds Iraq's main Persian (;uif out of hand i thts Sovtt·! bloc labor movemt•nt. focus of much Conct>pt1on ml termmal of ~-ao also was reported ablaze fron !raman countrv Tht' ;_,ovtet l'mo:J ana <;~ :\loscow·s concern. demed Arn1d continuing rt'porL~ that attacks on the 78th dav of thE' war hard-fine Warsaw Patt So,·tf:'t and t-:ast German Sov1et troops on Poland·~ "The people of Iran- must know that a dangt>rous coup d'etat members leveled new charges reports of new labor unrest and borders were potsed fo• an 1s in process to dt>stroy th1s reg1mt'. · · sa1d parliament member that "countE'rrevolutionarv there were no reports of new 1ntt>rvent:on. Poland's 0'-':1 .\It :\gila :\lohammad at a parliamentary sessiOn He calle-d on groups" werE' t'ndangering stnkes armv ind1catt>d 11 could he the pt-ople-. army an~ !awmakers to close ranks. His remark.' communist rule in Poland The Warsaw daily newspaper preparing for a crackdown The were broadcast by Teh•an Radio and monitored tn lje1rut In Washhgton. st-mor Carter ZvttE' Warszaw\ accused offtc1al army newspaper sa1d administration offteaals ~aad \\'estern news - medta of "the soldiers of the Polish .Uif"IIPI!lt•t.w. 1/ousr RPpublit'tlll post military prE>paratao,..o; had "unleashmg a hystencal Peopl':''s army share amuety contmUE'd m mort' tha.· J!' Sonet campaign" allegmg there ''·dS and concern" at:out W.-\SHI:'\GTO:'Ii 'AP , __ House Republicans elt'cted Hep and Warsaw•• Pact rii•·tsaons danger of So\·tet mterven.10n "prolongation of social unrest tn Hobert H :\IJchel of Jllinots as thear leader m the nt>xt TIJt>y said C S milttarv l'Um· And in :'oladrid at the :l'l-nation our countn .. Congress and Hep Trent Loti of :'ohssissippi to the :\o ., manders in Europt> had bt>en f~uropt>an Security Conference. Tht> pa-per warned that leade-rsh1p poo;ttwn advised of the potentia; of war Poland's Deputy ForE-ign :\f­ "attempts to paralyze the ialrs :'ol1mster :O.Ianan authorities undermtne tht> House Democrats. m~>anwhde. re-elected their current !~/;s~a~ !ur~f:~t b~,' i~st Dobros1elsk1 called reports of a deft•ns1ve svstem and lt>arl to leaders. House Speaker Thomas P 0':\eill of :'olassachusetts troops. possible Soviet mterventwn l'haos and 'anarchy .. and ~laJOnty Leader Jim Wright of Texas. The leadership. m The army nt-wspapt>r Zl'imen. "basE-less .. and "verv harmful" Tht' offiC!<~: Sonet n.-ws turn. appointed Rep. Thomas Foley. D-Wash . as Democrattc Wolnosci hmted Poland's arm\· to Poland - agt'nc:-• Tess chargt>d that wh1p may be forced to mtern•ne to In Washmgton. the While "counterren,lutwnary groups·· :\amed as ch1ef deputy wh1p was Rep Bill Alexander. D­ restore order m a ::a at 1on House sa1d -,urdav milltarv m Poland's new mdept>ndent Ark Ht- succeeds Hep Dan Hostenkowsk;. D-Ill. who is ex­ gripped by polittcal and preparatiOns for a possib:~ it du .. unt1ons wt're leading the pt'l'tr-d to bt> the next cha1rman of the- W;,y~ and ~leans t'COOOmic problems that haw Sovtet mterver.twn "appt>ar to ec.untrv toward "further Committee a:armed the Sfwiet-lE'd Warsaw have bt>en cornpletL-l .. dPstahil1zat10n. toward tht' Pact and triggE-red fears an Pope John Paul II sa1d he wa;., a~ji!•avat1on of the poltttcal Western capitals that the Red worned about "vt'rv alarrmm!'' ,!;-ugj!lf' ..

GE~E\'A. Ill. :\Pi -The Kane Count·; State's Attornev·s office dropped criminal charges :O.Ionday- agamst an Ilhnoas Department of Corrections assistant \'·arden acused of bem11 involvf>rl in a car theft nng that reportedly opt'rated m Kant· Reagan ponders 11ew cabinet C1unt\· in 1977 and 1978 Charges of theft. conspiracy theft and theft of a motor vehicle were dropped against Jerry D Gilmore. 30 a·1 WASHINGTO~ · .-\P • Gen Ha1g Cntlctsm of the ft•rrner line to hf.'come- defense assistant warden at the correctional fadlitv in Centralia Alexander M Ha1g Jr ·s ~.-\TO commander came 'rom secretar•. o:ould be shifted to chances to be secretar• of state liberals who criticized his roles State 1f 'Re'l.gan does not offer Gilmore was one of 10 pt'OPie, mcluding former Statev1l!e seem to be fading as konald in the Watergate scandal and the Job to Haig or Shuitz. Warden Marvin Reed. who was charged in a series of June Reagan looks at the prospt>ct of the \'1etnam War. and from Putting Weinberger at State uxlictments. starting his presidency with a conservati\·es who distrust h1s would make Donald Humsfeld. Reed is accused of acting as the lia1son between customers rehash of Watergate. the !mks to former Secretary of a defense secretary in the Ford in tiJt> Kane County area and a Chicago car ttuef who allegedly scandal that cost Fichard :'\1xon State Henry Kissinger administration. a lea-1ing stole cars on order. his job, sources !'aid ~tonday. One transition source said contender for the same position. "Tbe question is whether or Monday that "it was virtually one source said. DPt·i... ion postponPfl on t·ortl lolJils not they are willing to start out all over for Haig" and that a ~ source said Walter B. Wriston. chairman of Citicorp. t'leir administration b\· de-cision was likeh soon WASHI:'IIGTON :~PI - Agriculture Secretary Bob bringing .n u... old stuff from ..-liminating him from con­ the nation's second-largest Watel'gate back into 11 ... satd tention for the job. bank. had been dropped from Bergland sard Monday he has postponed a dec1siPa on wi~tiJt>r to call in loans made to corn producers und·•r the gove:-n­ ()lle source close to the Reagan Concern in the Reagan camp consideration to be secretan· of tnmsition effort who asked not about Haig has revived interest the treasury. a post that· he ment's grain resen.-<:! program. to be identified. in !'illwn's treasury secretary. seemed to have the inside track Congress rt>eently amended ihe law so til.~ secretary of tlaig, who as White House George Shultz. who was seen as on last week. agri·~ulture has more leeway in deciding wheth•!r to call in the c~ ol staff played a central a leadmg candidate to head the Conflict"f-interest questions loans. lt was this new provision th.itt Bergland u:.ffi m role m the final days of ;'~;neon's State Department until late last that arose from Wriston's $2.::; deferring the call acthm for corn. presidency, was citl'd last w!'f'k month when he withdrew from million in stock holdings at .. Market prices for corn. while strong. have shown somt: by sources as Reagan ·s !ead1Pj consideration. Citicorp became an In­ weakness m rec.. nt days ... Bergland sa1d. "I am deferring a choice to be secretarv of state Sources also said !'iixon's surmountablE' obstacle ~o has call for repayment of corn resen·e loans m order to gtve the However. strong· politicai budget director. Caspar heading the Treasury De~rt­ markfl additional time to send a clear sil!nal opp.JSition then built agamst Weinberger. who appt>ars an ment. the source said ~~ ~ ~ ~ Is looking ••. FOR THREE NEW CHAIRPEOPLEI


Coordinating all of the Coordinate a well bal­ Great opportunities in - advertising for all of the anced travel program programmin and public -- :tt~···••.!•••• lf.. lb. .,.. !••········~i- HOT 1t - activities SPC presents. ranging from one day relations. -- : JUMBO 1t IIHAM & 0&51! - Managing promotions and weekend trips to Develop, organize. and - IIOSCAR MEYER! >tcxLES,CHIPP • - committee. more extended trips dur­ promote a curiculum of - : ALL BEEF • • ! - ing breaks. mini course5, workshops --/ • FRANK $1.49 • - seminars for ; ! : Develops and coordi­ and the com­ - : PICKLE : ,.,.•••••••••* - nates a variety of recrea­ pus community. -- : CHIPS ,. - ... .. - tional activities Great experience and -- LADIES PLAY - benefits ore il"cluded...... : 99c : FREEl -- --· VIDEO GAMES - For mora Information and applications - FINE STEREO - Deadline: Wad. 5 p.m. - -- Call SPCat 536-3393 or stop by our oHica on the third /iilllll Ilit I i111 I i 1111 II pi I\~ floor of the Student Canter I Most think directory useful Simon battles 2 rivals despite errors, senators say

8~· Rand~ Roguski Somt- senators satd listmg.<; tn Staff Writt>r the directory are maccurate for powerful position :\lost students think the new because students did not want student dtreetorv ts useful thetr correct hstmgs published. ih Kart>n (;uno also supports tax •ncenttves for desptte rnany maccurate r ch~~::Oa:i~ dc\~en ~~-"! ~~~~~ businesses dresses c1nd telephone numbers. the dtrecton. satd thts vear·s l. S Rep. Paul Simon '" ballot vote and mist win a accordmg to several student dtrectory shl'luld encourage lockl'd in another close race­ majority of the 243-rnember Hull satd the vote ts scheduled senators students to keep corrf!Ct m­ for Tuesda\·. but becausP i!"s this time. as l candidate for House Democrattc caucus St>nators sav most students formatwn on record nex~ vear. chairman of the powerful House Simon claims he has enough the last matter on the agt>nda. are unconcern~d wtth Prrors tn · ·J tion "t feel that the ·tnac­ Budget Committee commitments from othrr he said the House mav not \ ote the directorY and thtnk tht> curactes anv fault of the The Illinois Democrat. who rt.>presentatives to win. but until Wl'dnesday · h<.ok. the ftrsi ~·ver publtshed h~ puh!tcation ttself."' Johnson was electl.'d by a narrow margin SlUOent ;:!0\ernrnPnt at S[("-( IS Obev and Jones also claim to "'It"s gomg to t_p a rt>ai d<•~e 'atd last m'lnth to a fourth term as have majority support. race.·· Hull satd a ;.tf•p r..-., arrJ futun· rhrPc Jr,rtn~on <,atd rnore ex!er.sive repr,.sentative of tie 24th Obev. a five-term I ~ ) i : t • .' p•Jbltc!tv f0r the next d1rector. CongressiOnal D1~trtct. is congressman. is reportedly the If S1mon wins he w1ll t>e th•· {Jrt.''·'- (,,trr ..,·,; '.l.,t :"'",f!,. ~''>'Jld :rwn·ase accuracv. She challengmg two senior most liberal of the three can­ th1rd Illinois lt>gt~lutnr t<· 'c,·t!.•· 'om st-nators to begm workmg on the Dand Obey. D-Wis . and Rep congrt>SSman. is runung as a the Reagan ,_,:·r.lnts."Jl!Or platnt-d rhat th~: phon~: mHt;hers 1~:-1c dtrecton now .Jamf'S Jones. D Okla The chair fiscal t·onservative. Simon. who Rep. :\lelvtn Pr•cf' a ]Jt·Jrlo(·rat are vff. hut the\ ~aJrl 11 s ··;here could ha•·e been more ts being vacated by Rep. Robert is known as a labor-oriented from East St Lou1~ ch<~trs the som<-thing they cari ltve wttr, · pubhctty for lht~ dtrectory. but Gaar io. D·Conn. "·ho IS liberal. is billing himself as a House Arml'd Sf'r. ;ces l'om· Roland Ketm. as,..nctate ""' dtdn·r have the manpower·· :-etirmg. '"compromise·· candidate. nuttee. and Rt>publican St>n dtrector for reCf>rds and Johnson satd ··If we can make A legislator must serve three Simon·s press a1de. Steve Charles Pern -..til head the rf"f'(istratton. satd manv of the thts mto a contmumg proJect. I terms on the Budget Committee Hull. sa1d S1mon has turned Foreign Relaiwns Con:mtltee ltsi ngs m the directory are thrnk tt could be a money­ before runnmg for chairman fiscallv conservative hecause of Rep. Daniel Rostenkowskt. a maccurate bE-caus<> students makmg busmess · The post is usually given on a his work on the Budget Com­ Chtcago Democrc~t. 1s the have not given their correct Greg Stowe. west-side senioritv basis. but all three mittee. He favors a balanced favorite to win the chair of the addresses and telephone senator. satd. ··Evervone candida-tes have served three budget. even if domestic House Ways and :\leans numbers to the Office of Ad­ thought it was gn•at. A Jot of terms and have equal seniority programs have to be cut. He Committee. missions and Records. wh1l:: students have seen the direc­ provided the information for the tones other universities have directorv. and they think this one is really Keirn sap. White said protesters at the people-an insurance company quite a few in." Keirn said Organization budget. State Rep ..John White. D­ rally also prayed to the school and bank cwned or operated oy Aibany. who is heading the board members "for justice in school board members. the protest as well as a bc:>ycott of our school system." school board building and three Albany businesses. said 1.500 "'This soap deal just brought shopping centen~. blacks were involv~ in the many. many other injustices to About 450 people marched on Publi5hed datly m lhe Journalism muustratton or any department "' march. Reporters at the scene. a ilead." said White. who added !he lruversll>· he expected about 500 people. school headquarters 1-'riday and Egyptu.n Laboratory. except however. said about 500 people Saturday. S1.mday. Lmverstt~· Edttonal and busmess offtee 15 including teachers and with the Davis child leading the took part march. vat·ations artd hohdays by Southern loca t erl 1 n Com m umca I tons that students. to attend Monday Blllldu!g. ~orth Wmg. Phone 336- The incident sparked the llhnms lmversitv. Com protest occurrf'd Oct. 8. when night's school board meeting. "This thing has been blown munt,,ations Bwldm:;. "c:o.rbondale. 3:!11 Vernon A Stone hscal officer Blacks have several Subscnpllon rates are S\9 50 po'r teacher Jean Po.Y.Zier allegedly completely out of proportion." nt. IUWI. Seeondriass postage patd year oc Sill for sox months m demands. he said. and "most ti!tnoL~ had 7-year-old Sophia Davis school superintendent Paul at Carbondar or S2S for SIX mCXJths Ia all level of teacher and parent. but drtergent fo1 writing a note the soap to the child... :e n::i~ec:i':l:!:~ts .f~t!;~~ foreign countnes containing obscene language. The teacher received a two­ a politician got a hold ot:.this and ~either Ooughtery County day suspension. but protesters has blown it skv huzh.

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A TASTE OF CARBONDALE'S BESt • • Don lnvlt" you to try our clellclous Lunch Special -.::~t::~Y Slice of o.. p Pan Pl:ua 536-3321 STUDENT CENTER ancl small soft clrlnlc $1.50 11am-2pm 611 S ILLINOIS 549-7111 Daily Eg~cptian. Dec:ember 9. t980. Page 3 -91ewpoint--­ Ronnie 's election brings upswing of cowboys lh Uan Sitarz siudrnt "ritf'r Well folks gt•t nut y<>Ur old,l\·i(un,;and dust off thost• hz;trd skm booL"' Swell \our head up a bit to lit that ll~gallon hat and gt•t rt•ad~ for High :\onn Yup It's cowboy time agam in tht•se here l' -mted States Yt>S'm It's time to go back to thost• days of yestt>r.ear when mt•n was men and women was In tht• kitcht>n Yessir When Ronnie and that old 211-mule team g~:ts to Washmgton vou can bE-t ,·our bottom dollar thmgs are gonna be diff~:rent · By golly · The streets are gonna be full of :\lavericks and :\lustangs and Pintos again V.e got Wilhe and Waylon leading the way­ back to Luckenbach. Texas We got do-si-{!c instead of chs-co We even got John Travolta to comb his hair and put on sone real clothes. Shucks. Who needs hussies likP Jane Fonda and Gloria what ·s-her­ name when you can get real ladies-like Dale Evans and :\!iss Kitty Yessiree ---~etrers------We got the Lone Ranger We got the Old Ranger. We got Billy the Kid. We got the Cisco Kid We gc•t urban cowboys. V.e got suburban cowboys. We . What's that. mister' Law and Order" Why don't letter writers try You can bet vour boots we ·11 have law ~ nd order. We 'II clean this countrv up nght proper We'll have more hand gullS than you can shake a stick at Why. you won't even be able to sptt on Main Street anvmore. SALT" . being considerate of others? Why. sure That's what old Pamthkes to get a lick off a every ont·e in a whtle I ha\·e fmally been compelled substance and realism To tht> We havt" good and bad. black :-.ucle~·r·• to wnte a lt>tter to this latter I address: and white. posttave and .v Cod' That's what families w.ed to bt· newspaper-a result of readmg \\'h\· do \'OU lead-hearted and negative. hot and cold. the sh' t>olluted" the many letters I've seen brain:bo::~ people write th~ and the bolo. the woman and tht· Well. en•r. now and :1ga1n l n saturday mghts down at tht> throughout the five semesters I letters" To have us mild­ man. And I think that Witho\,t Longbrant·h · have attendt.-1 SIL'. I look for· mannered folks take vour oneyoujustcan'teven kno'>' ::w Mtdt•ast" ward to readinq these letters disputes and frustrations· into other exists. To me it's simplP That ·s somewht•res around \'trgmia. ain't it" dailv. not becawe thev contain mind? Communacating but for a lot of us SUJ.>posedl~ derogatory viewpoinLs are like Soviel·l· S non-agresston pact" any" literary VC'.i~1e, more as educated people. we stiil can't Huh'' :\on-agress10n" What's he' about. Ronnie" someone glued to a TV set no transmitting a disease. On the combine them together during matter how silly the ;>rogram. contrary. letters which our search for "pt>ace of mind · · Through these letters I have reasonable. informative and Instead. I thmk we'rt> too hus\· read repeated bickerings and intelligently based have loolung at ourselves. and this ceaseless arguments cQn­ favorable characteristics and selfishness ts right now How to keep from beiag c_erning bicycles. parking can be communicable also. destroying this once beautiful tickets. male chauvinism. Let's face it. all of us. and I planet a trendy, 'in' person feminism, homosexuals. must stress. evel'\' last one of politicians. Halloween bashes US, has our ups and downs. I All I can do is be consideratE' and trashes. punk rockt-rl' and happen to realize. however. that of mv fellow humans. and If 8~ \'icki Woodard new wave mockers, and even there are those who un­ they happen to be in tht> nast' Studt>nt Writt"r fiddlers fortunately experience the category. well. adios am1~o It seems to me that our society places too much emphasis on rn~h~~l!r:r=~s~hair downs more than others. It But instead of pouting about rr:' remg one of the ··m" people We are constatnly bombarded The overall list of these drains my veins when I read of own setbacks. what I do as bel: with ads and commercials telling us what to wear. eat or do to gnevances can probably equal meager complamts and then out a healthy laugh bt-cau~t' I be considt>red trendv the bulk of the l'niversity's see handicapped folk stri,·ing in have found the iormt>r htghJ, We!l. I for onf' am SICk and tired of all ttus cultural bureaucratic files. Some of thetr pursuits when some of unrt>warding. As a result. 1r: t~'' propaga.,da Whaten•r happened to onginality in this coun­ these lt>tler.:: can be vel'\' well them can't t"\'en scratch tht>ir perfect hell. thanks to ffi\ "'·'~ tn·: Th•:re are still some of us around who l.:tke pnde 111 remg rt>asoned and educaiional noses. idea of God. mv feet are on tht' dJfferent However. there are those that In perspectivt>. thts world WE' ground -(;ary' Wt>rnt>r. junior. So. here is a caosule gwde for thrn.e who strtve to be tht> are infernally ignorant in inhabit is a world of opposites Political !\cie-nct outcasts of the "in" crowd Clothes· :-.ever. under any circumstances. be cali~ht in a p<>'r of destgner Jeans. This is a sure stgn of a trendy person. If you Retaining students kills r1zotivation ever recei\'e a pair of designer jeans as a gift-remove the labt>l Last month I read several and we fatl tht>m mmistration rather than on thP Also. nev<>r wear cowboy boots. hats or other \\'estern gear articles in the Southern Education is the onl\' sei'\'Jce child. I am not goinl{ to say that unless vou are actuallv on a horse at a ranch Illinoisan con(.erning retention Food - . provided to consumers that policies in Southern Illinois holds the consumer responsible !'ducation is not impnrtant :\t•ver purchase or consumt> Perner water. This is the schooh.. I was astounded bv the fl'r fatlure Our present school bE-cause it is. and as ;, nt>wly ultimate dnnk of the "In·· person. If you art> ever at a party high rett>ntion rate of first graie policies expect us to fatl graduated educator. I feel that that serves Perner waler~xit Immewr drink dt"<:affematt>d coffee unless you are hanng What was even more shockin!l: how to teach and conscien:tous teacht•rs who breakfast With RobE-rt Young was that the dectsion was made I fet>l that teachers should be emphasize the importai!Ct" of Recreation. before the end of lht> first tramed to use mdivJdualized the child and his indiv;arly development of humar.tty as a unless "" is on petitive grading with other whole by me-::tmg tht> decision seems pr~>maturP since Musi(. students. The teaching methods educational, phy.:ical. and Beware of punk rock-it is disgustingly trendy these days. If these children have several should be gearec1 to each hindering factors facing them. psychological needs ,..f each 'lm·one ever asks what vou thtnk of punk rockers. stmply reply student which aid in the oer­ that you have a perfectiy good rocking chair at home Often. it is the child's first st~~~~~i~~v!~J' f!~~:n9~ not time awav from home. the child sonal development of e:lch child improve a student's ability to as an individual. ~~i!;o~lear of the Moral Majority-it is the "in" religious is insecure llecause of a new achteve. In fact. thev most environment, and the child is likely cause the student to fail group of today. If you are ever confronted by anyone from the uncertam of what expectations Our future as a nation and as :\!oral :\lajority. polit(:l\· reply that you are just a Lapse more because we have ht>lped to human bt-mgs depends on the are reqmred of him by the create an atmosDhere of faalure Lutht>ran who minds her own business. school svstem. educational development of our Politics· and have destrove1 their children. We need to develop a On the· subject of "flunking" it motivation to lParn. Without Tht• bE-st wav n· ,ou are a libE-ral Democrat who voted for Jimmy Carter. motivation. student:. cannot takes longer to process in­ achieve. vironment with a lot of Personalities: fol'!llation. we ao; educators It seems t!1at our educational :-.iever admit to caring who shot J.R. This is a dead giveaway motivation to learn rather than becomt> impatient. -\nd rather system has goals that have an envi.'onmenl of failure and for bt'mg an "in .. person. If anyone ~ver asks what you think of than use new ma~erials or become somewhat warped inferioritv.-EIIe-n K. {'ook. I-:" .ng Uti. cutely reply that you'll try it in your tank the next teaching methods. wt just say because o:· the emphasis bt-ing graduatt> stude-nt. Ele-me-ntary time you fill up. that the student cannot learr placed Ol' educational ad- Education ---~etters------­ DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau

~HAt! 'OJ ~ f(IOJN7HSIAOI­ I'Jol 10 a»tMrr All! Marine Corps is providing Ac75 CF 7PM5flf C¥l valuable service to students

I would like to respond to the applicants but in a universih· such !troup would he thP recent Jette!. submittPd by env1ronment? I would also point Coalition Agarnst RPgistration \\ rlham P. F rsher concerning out that the other sen·ices are and Draft 'CARD • hrs behef that ~larines should recruiting on campus and are ~~~::r recruiting rn the Student an established part of life here !'lio. :\lr Frsl>er. rt •~ not an at Slli. Pasy task to attain a college In answer to vour first degree-It wasn't meant to he question. Mr. Fisher. the :\Jr. Fisher. vou then asked However. !he :\I.tnne Corps :\Iarine Corps has been how students could be does provide a \'lable <'areer recruiting at sn; for several "properly motivated'' in their option. and we don't twrst any academic pursuits if they were years. The Ofricer Selection arms to make students join our Officers visit SIL: three days presented with the "u'lreasoning force" of the program. The :\Iarine Corps Ma:ine Corps. I believe that if stnves to be honest witll each every school m'...nth and locate interested individual. and the their testing !acihties in the choice to join the :\Iarine Corps Student Center because it is a students can't muster the rs made by the studPnt and no convenient area in which to nece.rt \'.Osmon. Leaders Class program. where Student Center that provide Battalion Commanftr. Sfomper else are we to find qualified distractions to students. One t'idelis Society 2 parking fine articles misleading

!'Oews articles in both the decision t Donow vs. SIU Board Daily Egyptian and the illegally Withheld funds • ~etters--­ of Trustees!. both of which state We were disappointed that the Southern Illinoisan regarding that this kind of withholding the parking fine case (Feldman court did not agree with us that practice is not pro ded f(\r by appropriate relief in this in· law. Viet Studies Center vs. Southern Illinois Board of S!3nce was to prevent the lmvers1ty from withholding th~ Trustees) are quite misleading. Although the judge denied the Both articles state that the suit funds but nothing that hap­ plaintiffs motion for a tem­ pened on Wednesdav. Dec. 3. lacks proper funding filed in the Jackson County porary n!'.. training ord~r. he in bears in anv wav on the sub­ Crrcuit Court has been no way dismissed the sLbstance stantive issUes in- this case. We rfismissed by Judge William of the complaint. He in'>tructed On Dec. 3 'hl' Officl' of In· \'tetnamese CoJlt.>CtiOn Sll: Green. That is not the case. the plaintiff to amend his 1-lve every confidence that the ternational Education received Press 15 not interested tn court will concur. We hope also a phone call from the Embass~· publishing the English· The relief sought by the that Jn the future the :!.,Japa~;W:'i~~~ plaintiff was to prevent the =~a~ .:Sa!~ ~e~ lleW!OJIIlpers will have reporters ~tnaw~S,!~i~=- t:mversity form withholding withheld funds. The amended fifth~plomat trainee to receive While••• r=t~ S:e~ instruction in the 'Vietnamese Education Director Klasek bas money from staff salaries m complaint would also have to been supportive. the Viet payment of what the t:niversity specify each plaintiff who avoiding some of the inac­ language next academic year curacies and improper prior to being posted in their Studies Center has no budget aiiPged were del:nquent wished to recover the withheld Hanoi embassv. Pl'Ople have wondered whether parking fines. The complaint. money. There are li such assumptions that both news articles last week contained.- But the Vietnamese courses the higher admrmstration of filed by plaintiff. cited th>? State people who must be named on have been taught as overload Sll' is more eager to seek nth the suit to insure that they HerMrt S. Donow. president. Salarv and Annuitv With.'>olding courses. since the interest in rankmg in. say. Japane~e Act and a 197~ Appellate Court recover dama~es (i.e. the Cfl'T \'ietnamese studles seems to be studles or Chinese studJes than way down in the priority list to stav :--;o 1 rn \'ietnamese :\lorris Libran·. which houses a StudieS. Poor feather in our Christmas doesn't run on batteries preculus colleetion. 1s not even l"rriverslty's cap' -Dinli-Hoa interested in applying for a Sguyen. director. >Ceater for grant to add to that superb \"ietnamf'Se Studies While I was home for letting him tinker with a piece Christmas and why we Thanksgiving vacation. I got a of plastic and batteries, give celebrate Dec. 25 every year. glimpse of TV and some of the him a ball glo11e, a pair of ice Epilepsy doesn 't stop working horrors it brinp. I am simply skates or E·ven a book. Any of If you are still determined to appalled by the number of little hand out gifts this Christmas. I n.edicat1on is administered. electronic games that are being the latter items are going to be Mike Antor.'s attitude t,•ward have a few suggestions for you· epilepsy. which he reveaJ:: m :\lr. could not hold a full­ shoved into the face of the much more beneficial for the How about preJXlring a meal for child's proper physical and the article "Welfare hfer m time job because he could not American consumer this someone less fortunate in your afford the mPdical care and holiday gift-buying season. mental growth. the Daily Egypllan. Wed­ communitv who would be nesdav. Dec. 3. is similar to that medication necessary to treat I saw electronic football, his condition. not because the In addition. I am enraged by tha•tkful for one balanced meal of the general populace in of soccer. baseball. hockey. tennis the way our society treats Dostoevsky's novt>' "The Idiot .. condition in and of itseU and a multitude of other devices Christmas. To most it means this winter or by shoveling the that are claimed by their snow off the drivewav that Mr. Anton stated that "when It's time that people who have Santa Clause, Frosty the belongs to the elderly lady next manufacturer to be like playin~ Snowman. Mastercharae. a car accident resulted in a r:ase a pen·erted. unenlightened the real sport. To that I say BS. door or by sending the United of epilepsy ... holding a regular attitude toward epilepsy. such In mv opinion, any parent elves. Rudolf the Red-no5ed Way 100 shares af t:nion Car· job lwas) impossible'' and as Mr. Anton. step out of their who gives their child. an el~­ Reindeer and a gian~ mass of bide stock ... a seizure would and see that people who have negligent of the youth's actual colored lights in every living loseitforhim." Now really. :\lr. epilepsy are not crippled by the needs. Instead of corroding the room. Mavbe we should start :\tike Wallis, !lophomon, :\d­ Anton. epilepsy does not disease but bv the attitude that kid's mind and physique by thinking about what makes up ministrative Science prevent a person from holding a others have "toward it.-Linda good full-time job. and se1zures D. Sich..llson. English Depart­ co not occur when the proper ment Cooking popcorn smells obnoxious This letter concerns our most state. I have happily ingested recent addition to the Student more than a mild dosage. but Center cafeteria ·s menu. the against the aroma that it EOIT()IIIAl POliCY . , .... gene

    to,,.,. edt tO<...... , be submoHed by o-.~thorsh•p cannot be mode wtlt rtOI be published. popcorn since. in a drunken Hoevel. junior. f'inance Daily Egyptiar.. December 9. 1980. Page 5

    I .I r----couPoN----- tf~ & 9c?t: I H '\1~<., f) II<., ~ New rail plans may cost less &"Ca«4 PRfSfNTS Hv Mrlodv Cooll project were analyzed-plans eliminating and reducing some ven nice blessing on tht' sian Writer for the Pleasant H11l Road construction materials and figu-res.·· He also presented the $50FF Alternatives to current plans overpass where it crosses lJ .S changing the location of the latest cost est1mate of Permanent Wa11e~ for Carbondale's railroad 51 and plans for the U.S 51St. overpass so that it will cross the $73.599.724 for _ the . total $20FF relocation project could save Spur overpass near railroad track "Y" with one relocation project. mcludmg the Hairsty!es more than S3 million in con­ Carbondale Mobile Home Park bridge instead of two two overpasses. depot W,._n you P'•seonf '"''' coupon struction costs. Ron Dahman. Changes suggested for Pleasant Depending on whi_ch alternative relocation and ra1lroad track 1.111 Jl 80 representative of Zurheide­ Hill Road included substituting is chosen. savmgs on the tie pression &2"'..!~2.------~..!;_::;..! Herrmann Inc.. design con­ certain construction materials origina! S13 million project The railroad relocation sultants. told members of the and changing the road's slope estimate could run as high as t3 project has been undt-r con­ Carbondale railroad relocation l'pdated right~f-way needs for million. Dahman sa1d sideration since the early l9i0s steering romm1ttee last week. property will also eliminate the Eldon Gosnell. railrudd to eliminate traffic problems Dahman presented alter­ need to purchase several relocation project director. said and the potential hindrance of natives developed by residential structures alQng the that the alternatlvPs can emergency vehicles by trams representatives from the construction area. Dahman probably be refined to the point blocking road crossmg~ consulting Firm. the c1ty. the said that with these changes. as where a staff recommendation \onstructlor. of the new ra1lroad state and Illinois Ct>ntral Gulf much as $575.300 can be saved. can be made to the City Council depot c>n the t'ast side of IllinOis Railroad. throu~h a process or from 20 to 22 percent of the w1thm a week. A\·enue between fo:lm and called "value engineering." total project cost of almO!'t $3 Also presented at the meeting Chern• street~ began !his fall St>veral lower-i.'ost alternative m1llion. was an audit of tht> total_rroject The. railroad relocatiOn methods. des1~ned to ach1t>ve Three alternatives are bemg expenditures as of Apr1 30 by project is 95 percent federally the same functions as higher considered for modifym!ll the the Illinois D€'partment of funded The remammg 5 per­ cost. )D'IIo·er valut> mt'lhods. were original l" S 51 O\"t'rpass Transportation Dick Sumley. t•ent w1ll t·omt' from fund~ developed proJect. These mclude railroad relocation umt fiscal prov1tied by the city. the state. Two parts of the rt>location eliminating sidewalk plans. officer. said the audit "cast a Sll" .(" and llhnms CE'ntral <;ull Quarantine lifted in Mzlrpltysboro, At'a

    8~ Dran ,\thans recorded onlv three cases of Public Health Lab m l·ar­ all speculatiun .. siarr Writf'r rabid animals. So far th1s vear. bondale. sa1d onh· about half of Wood predicted that the The three-week-long rabies 38 cases have been reported and the cases are actually reported number of cases wtll decline quarantine in Murphysboro and about ten other cases were not and that nobodv reallv knows next war He sa1d the number Ava has been lifted. but \'1ck1 includE'd in the total because for sure how certam -animals of eases IS usually 10 dlret•t Ashley. Jackson County am mal people who reported potentially l"Ontract the virus and how long proportion to gram crop ~~~ control warden. 1s "still keepmg rabid ammals ··rook care of the the\· carr,. it. production 5:10p.m. SHOW an eve on the sJtuallon ... problem them:.elves and buriE'd H€' !>aid bats transmit the ""When thert•"s a h1gh y1eld. WIIKDA \'S J:IO 7:15 t:lO "l-hopt' 1t will k1ll 1tself off 11." Ashlt.-y sa1d. d1seast• to skunks. the major there are all sorts of little •••••••••• over the wmter ... Ashlr\· sa1d When a rabid skunk-one of earrie:-s. who can infect other ammals running around .. GOLDIE PRIV,\Tf. JRI When askE'd 1f the quarantine the 34 found th1s vear- was ammals for up to one year When the gram y1eld is high like HAWN<~§ RENJAHI~ ~ could be 1!'T'post'd agam after d1scovered near a \:iaduct on before exhibiting symptoms 11 was in 1979. the skunk being lifted last week. Ashlry l-Ith St m :\lurphysboro three lhemselves. Where do the bats population goes up and so does sa1d. "lfs hdrd to say 1f th1s 1s weeks a~o;o. the county 1mposed get the virus~ "'God only the number of rabies cases. he the end Rab1es has no season " a quarantine on all pets and knows."" Wood said "'"!'he varus sa1d TilE' number of reported cases livestock. The quarantine was might just hang around in caYes "could doublr next vear ... she lifted last week. and they just remft>et them­ The occurance of rab1es said "It's a 50-50 chance .. Le-onard Wood. an assistant selves. There have been very throughout the state has also In 1979 Jackson County microbiologist at the Illinois few controlled studir.:s. This is increased. according to Ashley In all of 1979 there were 231 !:.\'~~9] reported cases in Illinois. But in R A!fl j Dill :J Parents set free in Laetrile case only the first nme months of 19110 there were 389 (.-iJi.d~ ~-fa .~all.4'i} PLY\I!H"TH. \lass 1APJ - or apricot pib; or bitt.. r almonds the- court session. ~ ...... ,...... ,. .... , .... Tlw psn-nL'fii or Chad «.i~ who thar ts not available in most Alter fleeing Massachusetts "Pf'Oplt> havt' known about Fled _Ma.ssachusel!s to get statt-S. in J'"••uary 1979. the Greens took rabies smce the ~l1ddle :\gt'!'. ... Laetnk for thetr lt>ukem1a "We are sorrv for anv affront Chad to Tijuana. Mexico. where Wood comrnentE'd "look at stnckt•n son surrendered to th1s eouri... :lo-\ ear-old he underwent treatment that mythology-like Dracula. If he Bib IIRE!Yl!.~ !'.londay and were found ~mllv (1erald (;reen told the judge bites vou. ,-ou become one of 2:10PM Show n.M included Laetrile. He died ...... y. 2:10 7:• 9:00 of contt·ropt The Judge tht>n set ""We had not mtended to shortlv before h1s fourth bir­ them'· · tht>m fr!'<'. ~<~ymg they had delihNatelv flout the court's thdav~ ~llff£>rPd t•nough authontv "· The federal government has Chao du>d at agE- :1 m October "l agree with that."" added banned interstate shipment l'f 19i1!. aftt•r th£> fa mil\· had fled to r, :\lexieo 01ana Green. Laetrile on grounds that it ·'The court accepts the1r eontains cvanide and has not "Th1s cour! drot's not makt> apology." Keatmg sa1d. He been proven to be of any light of the1r affront... sa1d found the couple guiltv of therapt-utic \·alue But ad· Supenor Court Judge l'"rancls crimmal contempt bu: deelined \·ocates insist it can be of use in W. Keatmg "But anv furtht>r to 1m pose a nne or jail sentence. punishment w ;JU)d certainlv be treatm!ll cancer. and federallv unfair.. · The state was represented by sponsort d tests are under wav Ass1stant Attorney General on cancer patients in an effort to Th~ Greens. who havt' no Jonathan Brant. who obtained resolve the eontrcversv other children. gave themselves the original )rder in 1978 up at the Piymouth County Chad was buriE'd ir. ilastings. requiring the Greens to treat ~eb .. home of D1ana":; mother. Courthouse. the same building the child with conventional where they were found in civil therapy. Betty Barton. ..~=~~!~!;~~~~=:::~::!!!!!!!~!!!~ contempt Feb. 7. 1979. They had "There is no doubt in m\· been under court order to have mind that if the Greens had a certified hematologist treat remained in Massachusetts. Chad with conventional Chad would be alive and well chemotherapy. but not Laetrile, today and about to celebrate his a chemical derived from peach fifth birthday.'· Brant said after .-.---......

    Old Style Night Drafts 25c Pitchers $1.25 •••• PIIIZISI F-turlng: Hats, T-shlrts, 6pacb,lteerslg-. SLI~ .CHANCE Fr- Drlnlcs, Fr­ - tf:'i:,.the... and Hangartpa..... NOI1ADS

    Pagl' 6. Dally Egypt1an. December 9, 19110

    L Full sabbatical pay may be restored

    fh .-\lan Sc:ullev· of Trustees \'Oted to <'Ut pay for taken bv iacultv to conduct on durrng the Februar:· th~· Board of Trustees for a vote. Staff Writ•r · sabballcals from srx months to research. stud\' or other work meetmg. he sard he added A resolutron askmg the 41, months to match the length related to then.: positiOn at Sll' "This resolutron reallv The sabbatical proposal list.s Fa<'ulty Senatt' to support a of the term C Currentlv. fa<'ultv rnt>mbers amounts to a referendum of the four reasons to return to the su­ proposal to restore a full six The proposal says that the can take a .i• ,-month sabbatrcal Senatl' on whether !hev favor month length The first n>.a.'>On months· pay for fal:ulty sab­ reduced pay was approved at full pay. or up to srx months the srx-rnonth sabhatacal.·· cited rs that !\-!alone imphcitly ballcals will be presented at its despite a written assurance of at half pay. he sard Kleanau sard promrsed the change ro meeting Tuesday. according to former \'ice PresJdent for Tht> proposal wh1ch wrll ht' If both resolutions pass. thev semesters would not aHect :\larvm Klemau. president of Academic Affairs Willis :\Ialone presentt>d to the Fat'ulty Senate lA 111 thl'n ht' prespnted to ..\ctmg sabbatrcal pay Facultv Senate to former Facultv Senate Tuesdav mcludes reasons for \'rce Prt>SJdent for ..\cademr<' Senmdlv. the resolution l:ntii 1975. facult\' members chairman Thomas Paee that ehanguig back to the six-month Affarrs John Guvon. Klemau con tendo; that having six months could recen·e full pay for a srx· "any change in the academrc pard sabbati(·al. Klemau sard sard The proposal would also to do research -.oo.Jd give month sabbatical. but after calendar should in no wav If thrs proposal rs approvt>O. a nt>ed tht> support of Sll' .(' facultv members a better Sit: -C' changed from a svstem of d1sadvantagt' faculty rner.i­ sec<"Jnd proposal hstmg methods Presrdent Albert Somat and chance to ··complete that given three-month-long quarters to bers.·· nf 'mplemPntar.g the new Chan<'ellor Kenneth Sha" task m an acceptable manner · · 4'o-month semesters. the Board Kleinau said sabballcals are sabbatkal policy wrll ht' \•>tl.'d before at 1.\0U!d ht' presented to 1Continuf'd oo Pag• tel Ice storm slams Plains r~~$~~2~0~~0~~~~~~~A~ Bv Th• :\ssociall'd PrPss ~~- ~ ~ : ~ mlo 'An Jce storm blam•:d frr at As the icP ~tnrrn movPrl ar lJ<- ...... <:1: 1\1 lt'ast seven deaths caused a north-central Kansas on Sun· :A'~ )~~·~~~ ·~~ ~ "demolition derby" on the htgh­ dav. Or> lie .Pess. 33, of i' .-..-- wa,·s :\londav and left Ha-lstead was kiled when hi:. 1 thousands without e•ectncitv rn carsk•ddedontheicyp<~•emcnt !\ Cash Rebate ft( subfreezing weather from of lnterstate70east oi Goodland ~·l :\ oklahoma to :\linr.esola. and rolled over '' ~ The snow and frt'ezmg rain In :1-linnesota's :1-hnneapohs ' On Any Used Cars Purchased During " that moved across the Plains and St. Paul. the snow and ~ n 0\'t'r the weekend formed a freezing rain brought traffic to l\~ The Month of December ft( giaze uf ice an inch th1ck that a stop and caused scores of 1\ tore down power lines and made minor accidents. described bv ~ drrving impossible in many one sheriffs dispatcher as a areas "demolition derbv... ~ YEAR MODEL 1 Trucks Jackknifed into dit· "E\·erythmg -came to a ~ J.( ches and stalled cars were screeching halt about 5·30 N 1Cf18 Buick Regal Dark Red ~ abandoned. Cars literallv slid p m ... said an information lcrTB Toyota Corolla White ~ out of drivewavs with the officer with the :\hnnesota Wht·•e slighest push. · Department of Transportation. ~ 1976 AMC Pacer Schools were closed and Temperatures hovered below ~ 1Cf16 Honda Accord Blue "' several interstate highways freezing at night in the ~ 1Cf18 Toyota Corolla Green l\ were impassable Oklahoma Panhandle, where Honda Civic Dark Red ~ :\lost of Nebraska was a traffic also was stopped. The 1 1980 winter wonderland :\londay roof of a shoppmg center f.t 1977 T-Bird Black morning with icicles glistening collapsed during a rainstorm in ~ 1Cf18 Buick Le Sabre Dark Red ~ in the sun and manv roads slick Norman. Ooodmg some stores i;. lcrT9 AMC Concord Ton as skating rinks. Power was out The Iowa Highway Patrol '!'j\ dy m a dozen communities in a line said road conditions throughout 7\~.· 1Cf18 Honda Accord Burgun !' from Panama to Dunbar. the northwestern part of the 1978 T-Bird Gold 't\ Two ~ebraska teen-agers state were 'terrible" and scores 1Cf19 AMC Concord Blue ~ were killed at Waterloo on 1 of cars and trucks were in ~ 1 rna Chevrolet Chevette Bronze 'X' Saturday night when their car ditches or stranded on uphill Tan ~ went out of control on t:.S. 275, grades. Scores of schools were 1980 Plymouth Horizon officials sa1d. One-vehicle cJoaed in central and western M J975 Pi11mouth Volient Blue accidents on slick roads in Otoe. Iowa. Interstate 80 west from ~ 1977 .Mercury Bobcar GOh6 Lincoln and Hall counties Des Moines was shut down late ~ 1'17B Opel Silver Sunda\· each claimed three Sunday and Interstate .29. n-7 Camero z28 Black ~ hves. A truck driver was killed d~-scnbed as "100 percent tee- 1...,, 8 Red 2\ :\londay when his rig skidded covered." was closed for a time "' 1Cf19 Ford Fiesta ·~· out of control on Interstate eo m because of accidents. l\ 1978 Honda Blue ~ 1975 Toyott> :orolla Brown ~ Christmas onera set tt 1Cf19 Pontiac Grand Prix GBr;ewe~ t\ 1Cf16 Ford Bronco The traditional Christmas r Theresa Stich-Randall is the ~ b d Red ~ opera "Ama. hi and the Night producer-director of the 1979 Fire ir Red i Visitors" wtll be presP:tted by presentation. Daniel 1\tellado ~ 1980 Renault le Car f.t the :\larjorie Lawr!nce Opera will conduct the linivders~y l\ lcrT9 Opel Silver t\ Theater at s p.m. Friday at Symphony Orchestra an t e ~ cn Opel Ye 11 ow ~ Shrvock Auditorium. Tickets dance repertoire gr01:p of Tom 1 9 k h k Green are· $5, 54 and S3 and can be lntravita will perform 1979 S Y ow Black • purchased at tbe Student Center arrangements choreographed ~ 1979 Jeep CJ7 ~ Central Ticket. ·.Offtce. A $1 by lntravita. l\ 1cn9 Jeep CJS Brown n discount is available for ~ Ford Pinto Brown ~ students and senior citizens. The "Ahmal" l.'ast includes: 19771979 Jeep CJS Black The one-act opera. written by Rita Sand as Ahmal: Christine Gian-Carlo Menotti. tells the Gillespte as the mother: John N 1980 Chevrolet Citation Brown ~ storv of a crippled shepherd boy Kazee as King Kaspar: Er.: '1\ 1977 Buick Regal White 1 who- meets the three lung.. who McClusky as King :\lelcb:or: ~ Red are following the shinm!l star Ren Hester as Kmg Balthazar. 1980 Buick Rega 1 f.t Jeadinl! th ..~ '"l t~f' .,,by Jesus. Jeff ;\Ialone as the page. 1978 Pontiac Grand Prix Tan l\ ~ 1977 Olds Red f.t ';:'\ 1977 Cadillac Bronze !\ SLICE OF PIZZA ~ 1978 Monte Carlo Dark Red H n ~~~ ~C Spirit ~~::: ~ DINNER SALAD AND 1\ 1Cf19 Monte Carlo White 1\ A SMALL SOFT DRINK ~ 1978 Trans Am Gold fit "\ 1Cf16 Honda Civic Yellow 1\ FOR LUNCH. ~ 1979 Buick Regal Blue ~ • $2.09 ~ No Reasonable OHer Refused ~ (;;;::t, For Lunch

    By l.iz Griffin eight dancers is funded bv "I danced for about 25 to 30 dancing lessons at the age of taking dancing lessons now h1..1t S&aff Wri&er grants. donations and student years as a performer and I love seven He began bv lt>armng tap isn't. sa1d. "It's like usin~ :• The man who loved to dance tuition to h1s dance studio. watching them, but I t>njoy dancing from !\lildred. Hall. a ~neil You nave to keep 11 and made a L'areer for himself "At 38 years old. I don't dance choreographing and directing teacher who traveled from sharpened" in the big ctty came home 1 before an audience 1 just as much. I enjoy it. but the small town to small town. Apparently. the dancers· 1-'riday 11ight. temporarily. anymore," Conte said an hour older I get the harder tl 1s to showing children dance penc1ls were sharpened Fnda, And Lou Conte. a Du Quoin before the performance :1t the maintain that vitality 1 for techniques. mghl during their performanc(· native and once a student at Student Centf'r Ballroom,;. "I do dancing I." Ht> opened his own dance of "A Concert of Amencan Sill.(' in zoology and business. warm-ups. but I don t dance He said he has li\·ed all over studio for children when he wa~ Dance." brought h1s dance troupe with a:~ymore. By 1age 1 40 you hang the world. from Tehran to :\ew a senior in h1gh school He at­ " Cdrbondale 11 was realh htm The Hubbard Strt't't Dance up your shoes." York tributes his professional start m good. You can feel thrn sta~e to the audience.'· he sa 1d actin• m the Chicago area .. by dance class that I had wandt>red com~-.any before an audience. wherr the word ·gypsy· comes Conte said he ~ust kt"('p h1, the Chicago Tnbune. was Conte said there are other in." he said of the days when he into. I staved and watched her muscles supple to Of'monstrat•· formed b\ the 38-\·ear-old aspects of the art of toured as a performer rather dance .. She convmced him that movements to h1s advant'Pd choreograp-her in 1977 -The non­ professional dance which at­ than as an artistic director. he could make a career of ~e~~~rs studerts and troupt• profit performmg trou!'f' of tract his mterest these days Conte said he took h1s firs~ dant'in~ So he forsook zoology. although he says he "Ynu teach that dance IS a does have some f1sh m an personal art and that you ha''' Sphinx Clrtb indrtcts 16 men1bers aquanum at home personal_ comml'ntcation wah His first large part was when the aud1ence... he explatnNl 8\ Karron Clarro Dtane Johnson. jumor in speech development and sexuality he danced at the age of 21 in. "When I chort>Ograph. 1 ehoost· Staff Writt'r communication; Keith Ko\·arik. !\larhn is earning her doctorate "How to Sut'ceed in Busmes." what the dancers are capahiE· .,1 The Sphinx Club has inducted st>nior m speech com­ in education. and 1s attending W1thout Really Trying:· a do1~g and what they likt- to wnrk 16 new members-12 un· mumcation. Beth Bigham. sn.:-e on a graduate dean's Broadwav musical that toured on fellowship for a vear mostlv on the East dergraduates. two ~otraduate senior m biological sc1ence: "( don't teach them how ! 1 , students and two honoran­ Gloria Shidler. senwr tn and \\'est Coasts~ Later. Cor.te dance how I fp••i woold tour with the national members-motlonally •. · · he said 1 outstandtnF campus con­ 1n agribusiness economics: Bruce Z1mmerman and company of "Cabaret... study thmk peoplE' work better on hn·~ tributions Julie St John. sentor in Roberta Dodd. were reco!'(ntzed under the Joffrev Ballet thev feel." The club .•he oldest honoran recrt-ation. Graduate students for their outslandmg con­ teachers m :'liew York and tour sOme say you can nP\ n soctety to recogmzt> a student-~ Rtchard Ruffmi and Chorsie tribution to the l'nt\·ersilv and for 1:: months in Europe w1th an return home a~a1n involvement in campus aL'­ :\larhn wl're also mducted mlo the extra timE' spent· with tr.<..-rna110nal Jazz dance en­ "As much as I love cnrnnu: the cluh Rufflm. who received studPnts Dodd is the offic1al ~mble The Lou Conte Dance ti\ihes as well as his or her home. my lifestyle 1s defm 1t•·h outstandinF scnolarship. has h1s undergraduate de~otree m d1rector for the Offtce of Stud1o. opened 1n 19i3 in u,·ban now I think 1f vou want'" inducted over I.IMIO members human dewloprnent from Rock Studt•nt llt>velopment and Chtcago. has ~otro\l n mto one dance. you ha•:e to leave a srr~ •• :. since 1ts format ton tn 1939 All of \'alley Colle~e tn RO(•kford. 1s a Zunmerman 1s thE' l'm\·er.;itv with a student pop!!latJOn of 500. town becaust> ~·ou can't do tho-• the inductees. except the research asststant tn human Pro!'(rams official coordmator lorte. Yho sa.d he should bP thmgs there .. honoran memhers. will he mcludt>d m ··who's \\ho m AmPrican Cnlleg!'~ · The Sphinx f'lub mductt•es fnr fall semt>ster 1980 are a~ follows Donna 1\urtz. JUOJor tn history. RPdney Sharp. Jumor tn F:nghsh . .-\lJ,·n Doh~on jumor on ~!X'I'li "t'lfart·. L1r.da Schne1der. JUntor m pt>ht1cal &'lt·nce. L~ !t· Ptson. Junwr in aceounnng. Darvl 'vrnan. 1981-82 FINANCIAL AID INFORMATIO JUmor m plant and s~.l>nce


    A. ltll-12 ACT/Family Financial Statement (ACT/FFS)

    1. ACT/FFS applications are NOW available.

    2. You should u .. the ACT/FFS application form to apply for the Basic Grant.

    l. SIUC must receive the results of your 1tl1-12 need analysis from ACI before you can be considered for Campu.Bcnecl Aid or participate In the Student Worlc Program.

    4. Marie question 74A to both apply for Basic Grant and to have SIUC receive the results of your needs analysis. You must Include the ACI proc.uing t.e and enter SIUC's school code which Is 11144.

    5. The ACT /FFS application MUST NOT IE SUBMITTED UNTIL AnER JANUAR'f'" 1, 1U1 since actual1.. Income data Is neceuary to complete the ACT form correctly.

    6. ACT /FFS application. should be complete4 and malle4 In the Mil-addressed 8IW8Iope IEFOIIE APRIL 1, ltl1 to_,.. lint priority proc... 1 ... for C.mpu. Bo~ Altl. Applications malle4 after April 1, 1911 will 1te proceuecl on funds-available basis. a

    I. 1911-12 Illinois State Scholarship Commlulon Monetary Award (ISSC)

    1. ISSC applications are NOW available.

    2. All undergraduate Illinois residents shoultl apply.

    3. The 1911-12 ISSC Monetary Award application can 1te submltte4 now since actual 1t7t Income data and estimate 1tll Income data complete the application. are nec:euary to

    NOll: You should obtain these appllcatfa.. before you return home for Christmas break. n-applications are NOW available at the Office of Student Worlc and Financial Aulstance, Woody Hall, Wing I, Third Floor. 453-4334

    Paid lor by the Office of Student Work and Finonclo/ Assistance Student Center Auditorium Co--.e by the SIU School of MMicl- •"" the Gtwtl-to Students learn printmaking l\DAMSRIJ3 from visiting art profe~eor HAIR SHAPING 8\· Kart'n Clart' sian Wrilt>r FOR THE GUYS...... $1.50 A group of about 50 art Blowdry. Shampoo. Conditione.­ students probably won't soon (coupon wolld thru Dec, forget the week they spent with Lloyd :\Ienard. who was par­ ticipating in ''Tht> Print Shop· Visitmg Printmakers in Production" workshop last wt>ek BEGIN A PROFESSIONAL CAREER AND EARN A MASTErS ''It's het>n a verv intt>nse and DEGREE AT THE SAME TIME STARTING NEXT SEMISTIR long WPek.·· said :\Ienard. a short. stockv man of 45. ''Fif­ The Groduore Pubhc Serv•ce lnrernshtp Program offers lt>t'n studt>nts. out of the 50. have on opporruntty to s•moltane:>usly beg•n o professional career been bert' from 8 a.m to 2 a.m in slate government and earn a graduote degree or Songamon 1 t>very day l since :\londay :· he State University tn Spr.r.g'ield llltnots. GSPIIntOJrns a•f• explained last f-'ridav ploced wtth o srote og~ncy for 2J.m::mths. :\lt>nard is currt>nlly a visiting artist at the l'nl\·erisitv of WHAT GSPI HAS TO OFFER Wisconsm at :\ladison. He is also an '!ssociatt' professor in art at t!lt> t.:niversih· of South Full luition waiver Dakota at Vermillion for the I Ia!> nine \'ears. His visit to Sll" · Monthly slipend($400 during ocodemic year. $800 during C was funded bv the llhnois Arts summer months) Council. th"e l'ni\'t'rsi'•.· :\luseum and the School of Ar .. Modest allowance for professtonol !ravel The students. working in­ tently on the process of makmg five plates used in the printing Excellent placement history ~~:d a ca~f~ti~~~r b~~tat~~r; enthusiasm for their work For more information on the GSPI Program. call Songamon couldn't be rna kE'd. The ob­ Stote Untversity toll-free or 1-800-252-8533. Extension 6158. jective of tl1<. wet>k-Jong workshop was tu create a print. as a group. from beginning to Staff photo by Brian ltowt' end so that the students can see Lloyd :\Ienard, a!l!lochte professor of art at tht> t:niv•nitv of South how he works and present SIU-C Dakota, and Jane Ro.Jinson. junior in printmaking, inspect a print r-c~~,...... -..~~r~ with their final project, said that has just comt' off tht> prt>ss. :\lf'nard. a ,·isiting artist at thf' :\Ienard. l'nh·•rsi~~· of Wisconsin at :\ladison. was at sn· last Wt>f'k for an ASIA FOOD A veteran printmaker of 20 Art Departmt>nt workshop. ~=- .u~~ v£-ars. :\Ienard ~aid it would the backround of the print. The bug-infested pie m the ordinanlv take him three Inlaid atop the rug is a map of weeks~ight hours a day. In­ sky is what happens to food tf 1t ~r: t{PECIALTIES ~ Illinois. with Carbondale circled is forgotten f:•r other more cluding Saturdays-to do the in blue ink. And in the center of work the students were ac­ presstng matters. such as ttoe drawing. a bug-infested creating more art. and the field complishing in one week. While slice of lemon meringue pie Specializing in Menard could only produce six of "asses and elbows" \~ floats above a fit>ld of "asses prints a day. the students. in a represents the students hard at and elbows." and a portrait of work rubbing the plates. he coll.lnorative effort. were :.\Ienard "in jest " wearing his jJroducmg 40 or 50. he said. said- with elbows in motion ana ~Oriental apron and a McVm!ald's sack bottoms wiggling with the ef­ Tht: }rint :.\Ienard created for upon his head, is p1ctured at the the wo•·kshop at sru-c is his fort. bottom. "11lat's all I want to see," he Groceries personai impression of a print Around the borders of the rug, added. shop. :.\Ienard bases the topics M"'ol.lrrl has placed cupcakes A late-starter. Menard We now have Mississippi GulfSeafood J of his prints on h1s personal and other snack foods. received his bachelor's degree interests and each one tells a However. savs the curious in art from the l'mversity of stor\·. The print that the 50 SJlT­ Hours:Monduy-Saturday ~ observer. what does all this "'ebraska at Omaha m 196.'i /) 10 am-8 pm !).( C art students ,.ere working on mean? when he was 'l:1 vears old HP ~ is an example of his working Menard said the vivid returned to school in !967 and {{~. 125 N. Washington .. 411:~1 philosophy depiction centers around the ptcked up his teachmg cer· One of the art students idea that artists never have tificate and then taught art and [0]~~--- 549-1512 ~~111 working on the project called time to ea.~. commenting that he physical education to mer.tallv ~Ienard's print a "comical bought $i.l worth of Kentucky disturbed children at tht' statement" about life in a print Fried Chicken to feed the :'oiebraska State Hospital fr;r two shop. hungry bunch. vears. He then mt•ved to The print did indeed meet that "Artist's are p:-utably the Dubuque. Iowa, and tau~oth! art Your Front End Can objecti\·e. Menard said he is worst eaters." h~ said. "I eat at a high school for four years. rascinat~d With Persian rugs. quickly so I can get back and and a Persian ruJ! dominates create more art." l('ontinuf'd on Pa~f' 101 Save You Fuel Improperly aligned front wheels con increase your cor's fuel use by .3 miles per gallon. according to the Automotive The American Tap Parts Association. RED LIPS ~------~------· Hap~~!!our !FRONT END ALIGNMENT! KISS MY BLU 35C Drafts ONLY (mosrcars} 65. JACK DANIELS I $13.95 I 754 Speed ralls I ! $1.75 Pitchers I Adjust comber, castor. and toe-in I I Check condition of front end suspensior I On Special • This coupon Is I All Day & Night i good thru 9/23/10 ~ CROWN ROYAL ------let Vic Koenig help you save & MIXER t1s:a~IJ QINDA.L IIO!aiiS PAJrTS Ill iiSICif 75(; Keep thor Great GM Feeltr·~ wtfh GNI Ports Also: 7-11 SPECIAL i ~ VICKOENIG L- ....., ~ :.... ! 7PM-11PM QUARTER BEERS CD ~:~~'{(.·:0~: rJ ~: CHEVROLET ::'30:S~;! 65 SPEEDRAILS 1040 E. Main 997-5470/529-1000

    Daily Egyptian. Decf'!llber 9. ~980. Page 9 Devoted collector finds joy in Cracker Jack t~alllt CH_ICAGO I AP 1 ·· Wht>n "II makes my collection of -IIKl capped by a 1 IS II to the vault 15 grnwmg ·· sa1d :'I Irs Joyce :'\om• nf the coupons ha;.. bt•t>n Barnet Joyce entered the largE'. prtzt's look puny." sa1d :\1;-s Whent'\'er :'llrs Jovce 1/avcls "Tht•re as a lot of nostalgia turnt>d m yPt. hut any \' DamP luggagP :'lh most ,-aluahlt• Item '' a hE' g1wn away m a rlrawm~: sa1d she felt hke Alice in "'Wp all love f'rackt'r Jad. rrwtal horst'·drawn rnl'at Tht- Cracker J;H'k plant tur::- \\on1erland. my thrt't' childrt>n g1ve me tht• prtzt's in rht· h;lX J'rn not taking "agon of tht' type that rnadt• 1)11! 41~1 rnalhon paekagt-s a ,.,..11' Arrayed bt'fore her was a prtzes thev find in their c'lxes ·· a cham'P sorneonr wall stral dt>i1veraes iH \t>ars ago rr·~ Each da~ on J4 packao,:mli collection of 10.000 different :'llrs joyce has ht-t•n a th('m ai 1 Jt-aw rhem bt•hmd... \lorth about S:Jiio. and rn~· whnlf' lanes. "'"l chffen•nt tny; .tr•· pnzes that havt' bE>t>n put m Crackt>r .Jaek prtze fan for 111 o.;hf' sa1d collection rs valut•d at about mserted by hand and t>IPt'lr<>n 11 boxes of the confecttonary smn• yt>ars and ":ts among sen•ral "'Thl'rt' arf' prnbahly only :!5 $10.01)(1.. t•yt>s ~can each box to st•P !ht·> the company mtroduced the collectors recentlv tn\"lted bv rt al enthusaa•.tK collt>ctnrs of Actuallv. Cracker Jack·~ contaan a PriZf' Tn pro\ ~rk sales gimmick in 1912 the company for a n•un10ri ("rackt•r .Jack pnzt>s. but tht• fad pr11·atP eoilect10n of rare prazt·~ mort' vant-ty. :!o> rnrll1nn tm, "' is on)~ d drop an thl' b11ckt>t a par!Kular ser ... s art' rotatt·c~ "'The cost of thl' pnles toclay .1nd ehan~Ptl each ,.l'ar Full sabbatical pay may be restored as about equal to the ingrt>dients "Wr ha n• a da'duct's the meoualitv bet\n•f'n en·ryth;ng. thf' product rs same pnzl' 1n a g1ven art·a smce the longt>r sabbatical and most importantly. rt>crurt bent>fits offered· to fa.cultv who caught m the anflatwn In lh£· saad :\Is Rt'f'dqulst "'f'ral'kt·r would produce bE-tter research. bt'tter facultv are appoantt>d for a full yeiu and old days a 2-ouncP package cost Jack as may he mort• .-\rrwr" .H~ this would give the l·ni\"erslty A third re:.l!.On hsted in thl' thost' undt'r a nlnt'·rnonth a mckt>l •;uw a I 13-ouncl' than apple pit' It's part .,f ., more national and international proposal for getting the six· contract package 1s 20 cents... . famous bast>ball song. at's an tl11· recognition, give tht' faculty month paid sabbatical 1s that a Cracker Jack's latest pnzt's d1ctaonary. it's an thE· •·ro member a better chance of longt>r sabbatlt·al Will Improve The qut>stton of t•xtending the are cars - not a toy. but fin• l'ydope~ia "' getting more govt>rnment the morale of the facult~· sabbatacat pay first surfact>d at :'llazda compact cars. F1vl' Sht> recalls a lt>tter th•· funding and lead to furtht>r "(')earlv. tnen. tht' mstltution lhl' Septt>rnbt"·r mt>f'ting of the coupons redeemable for cars company recei\"l'd from a sen: 11! research on difft>rr.1t levels 1s hkelv • to be thl' major Faculty SenatE' A maJor reason h.we been placed in Crackt>r a ht>artbroken motht-r ThE> proposal contmut>s that if rec1p1t>ni of benefits assoc1ated nted then for supportin!Z thl' Jal'k boxes since Jan I :\ ""Ht> asked 1f we eould repla< , a longer sabbatical rt'sults m with the longer leavt'... the rl'lurr1 to a s1x-month sabbatical compa•w spokt>sman sa1d the a plastic d1arnond rang that .,, .,, more national and mtt'rna!ional proposal says. was that the money to pay for c~<~ncl'S nf finding one of the lost when h1s mother's handL.,_ recognition for tht> t "niversit.· Fmally. the proposal arguE's thl' addittonal 1 1 _.-month lt>a\·l' coupons is 'lbout one in 3-l was stole,_.. sa1cl :-,y, thP University will tht'n ha\·e that by giving a full six-month was alrt>ady availahle malhon HE>edqUisl Stud~nts )(•urn uM r------•( CLIP & S.-\ \.E >------·1 of printmukin~ 1 1980 Fall Semester Final from \-·i!-•itin~ artist u·onlinut'd from Pa~l' 9l I Examination Schedule Information A frit>nd talked him into gomg Thf' examination schf'dulf' atlt>mpts lo a\·md examtnataon con­ to graduatt' school. he sa ad. and I 2 (lllf' crPdit hour courses ordrnarih· wall havt> thear t>xar, fhcL• by provadmg st>paratt> Pxamanatlon ~nods for Tuesday­ anataons dunn~ the last rt>gularly scheduled class Pf>rlod pr.or ht' enten.-d the l~mvt-rsll'. of I Thursday lectu~ claSSf'S Somf' qul'Stlon m1ght dt>velop for to ttl-> formal final t>xammallon wE'I'k Illinois when he was :w. earr;. :g which answprs can be provar!Pd at th1s tamf' a ma.~tl'r"s degrl't' I 3 1lthPr Classf'5 · nct'pl thost> lor 1 rrt'dll • I ClaSSf'S that met>! lon!!Pr than onf' hour on Tuf>Sdall and .\Ienard sa1d ht> has bet>n I Thursday. such as four credll hour clas..'r of the hours f-'or ex onl~ a Tuesda~· Thursday lt>Cture Sf>Quencf' Tuco .. Uf'£ .6. lw tht' rich lnd1an eulture m the I amplt>. a class mf't.'tm~ from 11 00 to 12·50 on Tuesday and 12:50-~:50 p.m. Iiakotas lhs other mteresL". Thursday would hold ats t>xamanataon at 8 00 p m . Monday. 8 o·dock class~ whach use onlv a TuPSdav-Thursdav lct>mber 15 Thas apphes also to non·lt>Cture ty~ courses sequenee· •·rt.. l)f'('. "· ID.Ii'-1:: io a.m · · rl'Ct'i\'l' artistic attention xam1nallon ~riod For example. 3:35 to I Tuf'Sday-Thursday claSSf'S have tht>ar exam1nat1on at 8 00 p m . U.'f' only a Tuf'Sday-Thursda)' )('('lure S('(Juenee· Tu• .. [).. e. 16. rrogs and toads are a Thursday. Dt>Ct>mber 18 7:S..t:50 a.m. dnm1nant theme m has pnnts I 9 o'clock classeS"whach USf' only a Tuf'Sday·Thursday lf'Cturco and hf' afft•l·twnatl'h calls I 2 ClaSSf'S should plan to hold thear final t>xaoinahon in thear St'QUf'ncf'· Thu., ()cor.IA,I2:50-Z:50p.m. h1mself "tlw Frog \I an·... even regular!)' scheduled class rooms. Till' space scheduling section 9·35 to 10 50 o'clock Tuesdav-Thursdav clas.' OffacP of Adma.:.Sions and Rt>Cord.' will forward to dPpart­ 18: III-I~: 10 a.m. · · h;and radao ·handlt> ·· ments mformatton l"f'latJve to the Jocat•on for examanataons 10 o'clock classf'S ~ 10 o'clock classl'S whach use onl~· a .\ff'nard dt'votl'S almost all of I for those clas..'xaminataons an tllf'1r 'J'uesday-Thursriay lecture~- :v~ ..... 1~. 15. 7:~t:50 a.m. h1s time to art and has two I rt'glllarly scheduled rooms because of a space conflict ThiS 10 o'clock claSSf'S winch USf' only a Tuf'Sday·Thursday lec!urt' career interests-teaching and wall be donf' suffacaently m advance of the fanal examination St'QUf'nCf' Thu.. 0..... Ill. 10: ID-IZ: IOa.m. days to prondf.> suificit>nt notare for all furthering his creative abilitil'S. I II o'clock classes exdaot It o'clock or It ·oo to 12: t5 classes ''To be an artist. you have to wh1ch use a Tues y-Thursday lt>Cture S('(Juenre Wf'd .. I Thf' fol!ow1ng pmnt.s a~ also pertinent to the fanal examination go to the studio from the time schedule n..... li. 7:54t-9:50a.m. you get up in the morning to thl' I II o'clock classes wluch use only a Tuf'Sday-Thursday II'Cturt' time you're tired. Mv ideal is to I Stl>dents who find thev have more than three t>xaminations Sf>Quence and classes whtch mf'et II 00 to 12 15 a m Tuf'Sdav be a teacher. hut m~ blg I un me day may pettllm. and students who have two examanations Thursday ~on .. f)f'('. 15,11:00..10:00 P.:\1. . 12 o'clock classes except 12 o"dock or 12 35 to t. 50 classes amibition is to somPdav makP I seht"''uled at one tlmf' should ~titian the1r academ1c dt>an for art and not teach at ali .. .oppru-.II "'t.o•k•· an examanataon dunn!! tht• mak... up .. xammahom WhiCh use only a Tuf'Sda)'·Thursday !t>Ctu~ S('(JUencf' Tu• . 0..... 11. 5:S..7:58 p.m. Ht> said he enjoys and thrrws pl'nod on the last day Provision for such a make-upexammation 12 o'clock classes whach liSt' only a Tuesday-Thursday l«turl" on working with people from ~raod does not mean that students may decrde to miss the schf'duled exam1nat1on ttme and expect to make it up dunng S('(JueRCP 3nd classes which mf't.'tl2·35 to 1:5() o'clock Tut'Sda\· other schools Iff' has mer DH'. !has make-up ~nod Th1s pt"riod JS to be used onl)' for studen~ Thursday •·ri .. 19, 12:S..2:50 p.m. · "'some of tht' warrnt">t peopll' w·hose petitions have bf't.'n approvf'd by their dean I o'clock classes exct>pt I o'clock classes whach use onlv a here at Sll'·C .. ht> added Tue!lday-Thm;day 1ectlJno sequenr-t' :vlcn. llft. IS. 12:SO.Z:i'i8 p.m. I lie sa1d that Jearn1ng 2 Students who must miss a final euminatioa may not I o'clock classes wh1ch use onl)' a Tut'Sday-Thursda)' !f'CIUI"f' workshops arP a nt"Cessan part takt> an examination before the time scheduled for the class S('(Juenee· Fri .. 0..... 19.3:18-5:18 p.m. of coU~t' ufe and should bE- held f'Xamanatlon. Information relative to the propel" grade to be 2 o'clock classes Thf'pt 2 o'clock or 2:00-3:15 classf'S wh1ch <'Venrwhere gJVell students who l1ll!IS a final examination and a~ not anvolved use only a Tuf'Sda)'· ursday lectu~ S('(Juenc:e: Tlla.. 0..... 111. 3:lt-5:10p.m. ·'They're r tht' art students 2 o'clock clas.'l'S wh1ch use only a Tuf'Sday·Thursday l«ture gomg to be hred. but thev·re :~ ~~t::~~~== :!::~=~nro~~~~ro w~~::t>!~~ the mstructJonal staff at the tame they l"f'Ceive the final grade St'QUf'nre and classes w·hich mf't.'t 2·00 to 3:15pm Tuf'sdav- gmng to reme;nber thts ...• he hstmg for the record1ng of grades Thursday· Wed .. 0f't'. 17,3: lt-5: Ill p.m. . sa1d. 1 Classes w1th a spec~al exam tlmf' 3 o'clock classes ~3 o'clock or 335 to 4:50 classes whach GSA 110 Tue .. n ..... t&J:t•S:IOp.m. use only a Tuesday-Thursday lectu~ sequence: Wf'd .• ~- t7. GSA 115 Thu .. o ..... tlli:~9:50a.m. IZ:50-Z:50 p.m. GSA202 TUP .. f)f't'.l63:t•S:IOp.m. J o'clock classes wh1ch use only a Tuf'Sday-Thursday IKture GSA. B 220. C'iA. B. C 221 Wed .. 0..... 17 to: t•t~: 10 a.m. St'QUf'RCf' and classes winch met>t 3:35 to 4:50 p.m. Tuesdav· GSB 103 •·ri.. Uf't'. II 7:S..t:58 a.m. Thurda)' Thu .. 0..... Ill. 8:00.11:011 P.~. • GSB 202 Wed .. Uf't'. 17 S:lilt-7:50 p.m. 4 o'clock classes· Fri.• 0..... 11. S:lilt-1:51 p.m. GSB :t05 t"ri .. Uf't'. 19 7:S..9:50a.m. '*~·1f.a­ GSC 101 Tue.. Df't'. IU: ... IO:OOP.~. _ :~•ghl t:lassf':> wh1ch met dunng tht> farst ~raod, 5·45 or6 uo to GSIJ 101. 117. IIR. 119. 120 :vlon .• f)f'('. 15 10: 1._12: 10 a.m. : :'' p ~ • on !\:Iunday and Wednt'Sday naghts ~on .. iJH" IS. "" ~ .. GSD 11Ji. 112.113 Tue.. De~. IIIO:I .. IZ:tta.m. .J.:;o...:~p.m. Accountmg 210,221.222.321.322 :vlon .. 0..... 153: tt-5: 10 p.m. N1ght classes which mf't.'t dunng the farst P"riod 15:45 or ll\AGA AccountlRJJ .65 Tue .. UH".IIl:t•s·top.m. fi uo lo 7 25 p m • on Tuesda~ and Thursday naghls Thu .. nrc. Adrmrustrallve Scai!TICes 208-Sf'ct. 4-15 Tue.. l)f'('. t&l: 1•s: lD p.m. Ill. S:lilt-7:50p.m. Museum Shop AdrmmstratJveSclences 304-Sect 1.2Thu .. Uf't'. Ill 7:S..~::.O a.m. Night classes w'uch mf't.'t during the second period t7 45 to Admmistratlve Scaences 481 :vlon .. u..... IS 18: IlHZ: 10 a.m. 9·00 or 9:15 p.m I or. Monday and Wednesday rughts. Wf'd .. NORTH FANER HALL Center for Basac Skills 110 :\ton .. u ..... IS 3: t•s: 10 p.m. 0.....17.8:00-IO:OOP.:vl Center for BaSIC Sit ails 120 w·ed .. DH'. 1718: I ..IZ: 10 a.m. M-f 1.._. SUN l:Jf-4 Center for BasacSki!i~ 130 Tue .. n ..... 11 ID:ID-IZ: to a.m. . Night c~sses whK'h mf't.'~ during the second period •7:35 to Center for Basac Skalls 140 Wed .. n..... 11 5:~7:50 p.m. 9 00 or 9: b P m. 1 on Tuf'Sday and Thursday rughts: Tue .. OH. Chemistry222A Mon .. 0.....153:1t-5:10p.m. lii!I:OO-IO:OOP.~. l "'"'~>'!'" · Scat'nl't' lfl4 Thu .. llrr. IX l: 11._:.: 10 p.m. :'tiaght classes which mf't.'t only on Mondavs: ~on .. 0..... IS. Compulf.>r S<·, .. :10'~ Wrd .. lire. r; o:;;(.,'I::.O a.m. 5 '~ 7 ' 50 p.m. • Cunirulum. Instruction and Media 315 :\I on .. n..... 15 3: t•s: 10 p.m. Naght classes which mf't.'t only on Tuf'Sdays. Tue., n ..... 11. Electroruc Dilta Procl'SSmg 217 Wed .. n ..... 17 to: ID-tZ: to a.m. !1:00-to:oo P.,.. Finance27t·Sect. 2.3.4 Wf'd .. 1Jf't'.l15:50-7:58p.m. 17 ~~~~~:S~\~hich mf't.'t only on Wednesdays Wed .. n..... ~i!':':~~~:o..;,~~ 2 and 4 :.:::: ~!~: :~~~:~~:::::: . :"'~ht claSSf'S which mf't.'t onl)' <1n Thursdays Thu .. n..... tll. ~athemahcsiiOA.B.I11: 114; 116: IIi. ~=~; Tuco .. llf't'.l6lll lt>-12Jvam !1: ur ycassl'S:Fri.. O.....I9,5:~i:58;o.m. School of Tt>Chmcal Carf't.'rs 105!'1 Tuco .. u ..... 16 10: ID-IZ: 10 a.m. · tak:up examinations for students whose ~llllons have been ZooiOit)' 118 Thu., Df'r. lll7:~9:50a.m. appro\ed by thearacadt>mac deans •·ri.. ()f'(' .. t!l.ll:~to:oo P '!. r------·< CLIP & Si\ \.E)~------~ Grottp lteeds Httmttn Rights Day

    fh Uf'an ,\than!> Human Rr!!hts Dav t•rountnt-s that ~ll:!'wd thf• pad siaff \\'ritt'r Amnest\ InternatiOnal- still do not ah1dl• b\ 1r. ~h .. s;11d SAio.i:;WICH, SALAD. & SOFT DRINK Wt'dnesdav mav not Sf'f'm hkl' Which ha;. nParly I!J.Illlll Epro sa1d Huma'n H1ghr, I Ia\ S1.91 an~·thm!! sjJt>cJa·l th1s WPek. rnPmbers and H:J.oon nm· IS a St't·ondan act1nt' nt .\! uniPss ynu·rp swPatmg to fm1sh tnbutors ·<·st1rnates th<.~t H.t"MI but added that· ·an~ ptOJt'et th"' Sundays. all the pasta you con eat two ll'rm papt•rs Bur tor tht• pohtit•al pnsont>rs han• hPt•n ht•lps dl•;nt1011 tP ihe m Carhondalt>·s small chapter of "It rnakt>s pt•nplt' n"r"·•· tteor Tf•rnatJOnal oh~pn·ann· of .-\1 has helpt-d fret' two Y.h<:~t's gomg on and trtl'S '" c;!ll "pnso~Prs of consciOus .. sine!' artentwn to thE' fact that pt•oplt· its inceptiOn two yPars al-(o and can do somt>thmg about · hurnar: -r{4ctivities-- ts now workmg on another nghts nolatwns' .. lf'lter~wrrtrng earnpargn to fret> AI \londav·s C!lv Council ~------, En~o~llsh l>•··nl t;r~al Hooks a Korean ll'adl'r who was rrwPtmg. \laj.·or Hans F1schPr !'lull. m<>t'lln!>! 7!! p rn. \\ sl'nll'nct'd to death in Stop· recogmzed Human Rrght;; ll;n I CJJut}AarOc Flltch<'ll t;allf'rv 1 Tues., Wed., Thurs. ~,-~-;.J. "lrna~t·s from "'"' ;\lt'XI·t·n. · Coordinator :l.largarf't f:pro ctpiPS "are an tdeal tor all t·xhlbll. 111 am-~ p m. Faner said Human H•ghts Day cornrnumtll'S and natwns .. "orth (;aiJ .. n commemorates thl' 31st an­ .-\mneslv lntt•rnatlonal "lma!!esofCnal."<•xh•b•t. tua m -1 m,·ersary of the sigmng or tht> membtors .i·JIJ ha\'P a tablt> spJ IS EXOTIC GIRLS! p m .. ~·aner ~nuth l;au.. n· l'nitt'd :\allons Declaration of up m the Studt•nt !'t>ntt•r I All s!ar show featuring 5 llllnms Funera I lllrt'ctors. nll't'tmg. Human Rights :l.lany of thP Wt'dnesday H :IIH I :Ill a m . Studt>!,, ( 't>nll'r I exot1c dancers in continuous .-\ud1tonum \\ umf'n A!!ltm. mPt•hn!!. 9 a m -2 I shows from 9:1Xlpm till closing. p m . Ballroom B Sculpture garden to be built ll•·ntal hY!!•"n•• dam·e. K·ll p m . 8~ l'nivt'rsity :'ltt'ws St'rvict!' Grego!')· Piercl'all. a landscape I BRING THIS AD IN ON Ballroom B Ground has been broken near archttect ;,t Purdue l mvt'rsrt~·. SPI' tran•l and rl'ert'atJOn I TUES~AY-GET IN FOR $1.00 the University :lolust>:Hn. in was supported hy a grant from rnt~tmg. f).H p m . Baliroom A (;Sr s,·hnol of :'lh·d•e•n•·. ldm. Faner Hall. for a sculpture the Illmois Arts rounc1I 6 :m-11 Ju p m . Studt·nl l't'ntE'r garden that will combine Gt'rald :'ltordland. dtrl'ctor of I Sunday Night---...,. .-\ud1tnrmm contemporary art with area the :l.tilwaukl't' Art Centt'r. "111 I Amateur Night s ... ·kgdm mun ('lub. tllt"<'llng. 7 flora help museum starr rrwmtlt'rs p m . Ht•na•ssanet' Hoom The museum sculpture develop the sculpture garden I $2S to each girl entrant 5100 to the gtrl winner. Facult~ St·natP. m<•f'tln!(. 1 :w.:; garden will feature several and acqUire sculptures for 1t 1 Spectal Attraction· Wet T-Shtrt Contest p m :'>!ISSI"-"IPPI Hunm newly acquirt'd and soon-to-tit' "We think thts can hecornt· :O.tudt•nl .-\d\·ISury .-\ssr>o'1a110n ______SSO.OO First Prize. SlS.OO Runner-up. , acquired sculptures as well as one of thl' most enjoy a bit> areas mt-etmg. 8·10 p m :\lt"-•Hss1pp• I O..-n lpm-.._,.. cim Brallle descriotions of the art· rnunitv... · Studt•nl Prout Ft'd~rat1on. ; :If•· works thert>. Thf' site is what Garden landscapmg will hf' lli':«J p m . Kaskaskia !{nom ust'd to be the back vard of plannt'd during the next st-H•ral ~~ ~ .-\na:tda :'>larga. mt"t"llng. Ill a m . former Slli President. Delvte months and de\·eloprnt>nl will nn :== p.m . Sangamon RllOm. something like man bites dog. A this guy casually walks in. nods = p 25. OFF I ChriStian Sc1ence OrganiZation. prisoner at police headquarters a 'hello' and walks O\l'r mto a ,<=> = mt>et1ng. 4 p m . Sangamon tried an escape and wound up in side room wherE.' the furnan• koum the press room. is." Studt·nt C't•ntrr Board. mre11ng. Police said Robert :lohchum. :~ ALL SANDWICHES ~ 5: 1>7 p.m .. Wabash ltoom. Out in the hall was 250-pound 22. awaiting hearing Monday Alpha Kappa Psi. mt't'llng. II a m ~ a Theodore Sadowski. a sheriff's ~ 30 p.m . Corinth Room on criminal trespassing and deputy. He was out of breath \.-\l'P. mE'E'tmg. 11311 am ·I p.m. traffic charges, fled from a after chasing and looking for :~ thru Dec. 19, 1980 ~ Tm\ Hoom crowded courtroom. Michum. :'>luslE-m Stud .. nt rhsoctat1on. He ran down four flights of ~ ~ mE'E'tmg. II :10 a.m ~4 p m. A•·· stairs to the press room where Sadowski, 60. was led to ~ Good only at Carbondale store c.: 11\"IIV Hnom A three reporters were \loorking. where the prisoner was h1ding = ~ 1\TF.· meehng. 12 15-12:45 p.m . "\\ e heard screams and a He and other offieers ap· E Under new Open 5:30om-8pm ~ .-\ctl\'lty Room B commotion that sounded like it prehended Michurn and look ~ management 7 days a week ~ Sha-..·n.... :\lountatn~er Club. was coming from the stair­ him to the central detention .nE'E'tmg. 7·!1 p.m .. .-\cUv1ty Room -~Jl.9J! _Q!)..Y ~(1 ~)J O!Jj!JQ_Q_~..Q!)_QQ_Q_Q_QJ;_?..QL_~ B way," said Stephen P. Pollak of lockup. llSIJ. mt•<'llnJ!. 2·4 p m . Al"tl\'lly Rourr. R !;E'rman !'lub. ffil't'tln!(. to am . .-h'tl\lt\· ROom(' B.-\1' f:xl'l'UIIH Comm1ttee. ml'E'tlllg. J·Jif-5.30 p m . .-\ctl\'lty Roum C TUESDAY MASSACRE starring THE LIVE EARL JIVE- LIVE! and the beautiful and talented BEVERLY HILLS Challenge the Champs 25c Drafts * MEN'S TEAM BEER CHUG * WOMEN S BEER CHUG $1.25 pitchers * DANCE CONTEST All Day-All Night J 15 S ILL TRIVIA CONTEST NO COVER 529 3217 ~1·~ ROCK & ROLL ALL WEEK AT -l\1 ::J

    Datly Egypt1an. December 9. !!IIIII. Pagl.' II -Campus Briefs- I'IIUVISION IDEAS WANTEDI

    ACROS<; 52 Hetghtened Tfl£VISION AND MOTlON PICTIJRf :'\ick Pappis. evangelist for :\Jar~.natha :\linistries. will Spt'<~k at PRODUCTION COMPANIES ARE 1 Cnosen 54 ----toe Monday·s Puzzle Solved 6 Sanctton 58 Constantly i p.m Tuesday through Sunday at the :\Jaranatha Christian SEARCHING FOR NEW IDEAS IF 10 Drrzzle 59 Wold o• Center. 71;; S. l'niversity His topi" will be "How to Live a \'IC· YOU HAVE AN IDEA OR FORMAT WHICH COULD BE USED FOR IHE 14- ple•us 61 Unworldly "'' St MOM tonous Life ... lit> will also spt>ak Sunda) 1t 10::10 <> m 15 Empty 62 Portton l L 0 UN I T 'f VISION OR MOTION PICTURES 16 Narrat•ve 63 ~eloir The Evaluation Editor. 2< 'The Dove I ILANTIED maJors. ,\pplications are availablt> from :\liPnre :\lmmto. Career So 2 words DOWN I T • I 0 E • T E Cr-tlve Entertainment Plannmg and Plact>ment Center. Woody Hall B~l9 There ls a Feb 24 E"tmcr 1 Super•at•ve A " z E 1 • Sy•tem•. 26 Nova Scoroa ~dtn~ NDMf DEFT I deadline on applications 1033 Boulevard. Ctty 2 Erudttton •1!111!!-.;';.e:!~F.o-l:o:f.E;.,!I!~•t::•~•:t;•~•;.. Suite S.3. 27 Trackman 3 Farst Olvm~ ' N T 11t 0 D u C l The Carbondale branch of the Amencan Assoc1ation of Weat Hollywood. Callfamlo. 31 Ooeratt'th and Grand ...... 33 Garmpnts c can 13 Pohsll anew 40 Ani :\vi' .. Carbondale. Jn:\nn Jung!'rs. st"cond ,-lc!' president for 35 ~r Loncoln 5 Oehr•um - 2 l Gormand,ze 42 Laborer 38 Ponce de -- 6 Hall sawbuck 23 Woe word 43 Bo•er s tutor mpmi:Jt>rshlp for the Illinois :\At·w. Will speak. followed b,y a white 39 Share 7 Cfltebrtt~ :?S Hellion 44 Blaz"" elephant auctwn ~AHMED'S 40 Swoll 8 Mosrem lead- 27 Season 46 Mots! FANTASTIC 41 Tttlor- er 28 Entreaty 47 Gam@ bards Iota Ph1 Theta. sernce and soc1al fraternity. will spon.o;or a 42 W lndoes vol FALAFIL 9 Sosron do 29 Uproar 48 O•plomar eanned goods drt\'e for the needy from 9 a m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday cano 2 words 30 Rerect 49 Subtect FACTORY 43 Tormenr 10 Noted Com 34 weapon SO Stnger and Thursday rn the StutJent Center 441\101 man) mun1st 35 Actor - 53 Completed )-'acuity and students of tne Departmenl of Speech Pathology and \\ . (G;.'ih"..;1iili) ~ 45 St - Rtver 11 - -La LaJd 55 Gtrls name 47 .,Scram' Mancha 36 Pear 56 State Aud1ology recently parttcipated rn the national Convention of the IT ALlAN BEEF 2 words 12 Moslem reltg· 37 Sword 57 Levy Amt>rican Speech-Languagt• Heanng Association held in Detroit. _ :· FRIES & A COKE 51 Scan ooos college 39 TV program 60 Generalton ParticipanL~ a! the meeting ht·ard reports on the latest develop­ '7"--r.;---r:;--r.;--r....., ments !n research on dtsorders of human speech. language and . ht•arino; Ike Brackett. professor of speech pathology and \: ----'~:.~---·2.Sc OFF ALL audtoiOj!'' at sll:-c_ was made a h•llnw of the association. SANOWOCHfS :;·,-f. WI THIS AD James W. Fox was recently appomted as social studies librarian . MIN. PVII(HA~I H.ll at :\Jorris Library. replacmg the late John Clifford, 1-'ox served as ~· ---HC)u;;---- assistant social studies librarian for over five \'ears. He serves on '' . · ,, 10:30-3 AM the )-'acuity Senate. has taught in th(' l'mvers;ty Honors program 901 S. Illinois and has given many lectures on research methods and use of SH-tS11 CARRY OUTS hbranes

    4S7-2721 ALL BEER j=\ ICE w· COLD wall& Walnut Carlton,.ola EAS_TGATE LIQUOR MART THE WINE STORE }fi~f"in~ plane found in Lake Mi•·hi~an Budltveiser KING OF BEERS• :\JJCHIGA~ CITY. Ind. 1 AP • The Michigan City Airport - Debris from a Beechcraft control tower said it lost contact Kingair airplane possibly with the twm-engine private carrymg as many as five people plane at about 10 p.m. Sunday. was found todav m Lake four hours after it took off from :\lichigan near :'\ew Buffalo. O'Hare International Airport in :\Jich .. the Coast Guard said Chicago. e'$3.89 12 pak cons 1st Oasis ()LYMPJA ... __ .....,_ -··· ~ 'ru.v•PI4 $ 3-~ l~pokcan•,t""'~ or ' ~··~Y!!...( WIED;;~;N I ~.:~,=- 6 pok NR bottles $1.39 ' Girelli Lambrusco 6 cans ~ABC ~ KEGMAN SAYS: OLY KEGGERS I Gal. Throw-aways $19.50 Call me - 457-2721 AST DRIVE UP WIN

    Pa~·· 1:!. Dally F.gyptian. December 9. 19110 .•. ~ void.self-:rlefeating behavior Eve's .1' Is advice given at workshop Apple HAIItSHAPING ...... t7 .st By Susan :\flll~r long period of time are hard to stringent. says Geiger with alowstyle ...... ne... Stud•nt Writf'r learn not to do.·· said Geiger. "People try to change one Colcw.... Sll wet Mt...... up Dragons that stand in the wav "The person might view these self-defeating behavior and get of goals and success. such a's behaviors as a part of their very rambunchous and try to ''1#,/abtA.o 'Ad,"...H'-(~r~ · time. ability and competitors. lifestyle. personality and self. change all of thetr self­ 54·-2133 can make life a challenge. when really th~y are only defeatmg behaviors. and that's But fighting yourself. in behaviors that can be done just too much After three or addition to these other away with.·· four days trying very \'aliantly problems. can make you feel Geiger says that breaking to change. they get frustrated instead that life has conquered away from self-defeating and give up.'" sa1d Geiger. "I vou. behaviors can be hard unless try to get people to zero m on · Recently the Counseling another behavior is adopted to one behavior and feel successful Center held a workshop to help ~~~~~!r the self-defeating in one area." students understand and learn When changing a behavior. it to cope with self-defeating "I likf' !~· get people to think is important to be specific about behaviOrs. Steve Geiger. about what i\md of skills or that beha\·ior and th,. situations Fine Selection of Gift Books facilitator for the workshop and other behavion: .1 person must in wlitch it occurs Ge1ger sa1d For Christmas an intern at the Counseling acquire:· said Geiger. "I thrnk that when people are val':ue Center. defines self-defeating that to do away wilth a self­ about the behavior thev w1sh to 123 S. ILL 549-5122 ... behavior as "a behavior that defeating beha\·ior you need a change. they usualiy don't has some short-term reward but self-affi:rning kind of behavil>r. change. has a long-term detrimental An example would be replacing Making the goals to stringent ·~~·--~~,~·a.•a.~ effect in the per;on·s life.·· Self· exercise as a behavior fr,r can also be a setup for fat lure to defeating behaviors might overeating." change. says Geiger. "Instead ·,cr-,~! ' include smoking. drinking. Geiger also stresses un­ of telling yourself that you will overeating. gambling. derstanding the reasons why a never watch TV again. you procrastination. shyness. or person is defeatin~ himself. should limit vourself to the best even watching too much TV Recognizing or makmg note of hour. the on~ that gives you the ~ relvu:dma4 ~~c«J. -; Learning to defeat self-defeat the feelings and thot.:ghts ex­ most pleasure ... ts not easy. says Geiger perienced uuring i! self­ And one final caution A self· uUIIt lntlially the behavior might defeating act might be one way defeating behavior mtght be a !lifo /wnt . serve as a short-term reward. to do this. he suggests. habit that has taken \'ears to >'Uch as relief from pressure for Two pitfalls to watch out for learn and can take jusi as long putting off a term paper. but when overcoming self-defeat !c unlearn. There are no tm· after a while these behaviors are trying to change all self­ mediate solutions or specific No~on'~$~ ~ rn1ght becomf' habtts defeating behaviors at one time methods, just approaches. says "Things that are done over a and rnakin~ the goals too Geiger VJ Off Italian Chains Large selections of Fine S~ynergy to begin training program Quality Australian Opals lh ('oll••n :\toor• outreach worker. said a Synergy's emerger :y ser siarr Writer supervisor will be available to vices include 24-hour cnsi;. · Natural Black Opals ...... $250-$1.()()(} · Synergy. a non-profit soc1al volunteers at all ttmes during mtervention. a go-out team Triplet Opals...... $150-$500 ~E'rVJce agency that provides on-the-job trainmg ( \\"hich is availablE' through the emt>rgency st>rVICE'5. com· During trainmg. volunteers Sit'.(" psychology department Heartshape Triplets...... $150-$225 rnumty programs and coun· will play roles in crisis White Coober Ped~L ...... $170-$350 selmg. will begm a new traimng Situations so that thev will be and Counseling Center and the prG;;ram for volunteers next able to identifv with ciients and Jackson Countv Communitv st•me,ter. develop skilis for handling ~!ental Healit Center;_ Ltnda Barton. t>mergency crises. emergency food at.:l housing. serv1ce coordinator. said the 12- Synergy often handles drug information and referrals week traming program will rt>lationship. tension. drug and to area services. ;m·lude on-the-job experience. alcohol problems. Barton said. Community programs offer rnlt• playing and discussions on Rape information is available education reiat<>d to Synergy communication. listening and at Synergy. Kirby said ... Even services and a ... self­ t>rnpathlztng skills used to thou2h there is a ral)t' education awareness program which alleviate crises. committe<> in C:!rbuncale. we're discusses physical J~'i mental :\o prior quahficatwn:; are still taught •;.·hat to dt-. ·· health. nect>ssarv; howt>ver. .n­ dinduals -must be interviewed by Synergy before Jan 24. Bond set in marijuana case Although most of the ALTO:-.i tAPl-~Bond was set date. volunteers are students. Barton A suppressed indictment also sa1d. ··we·re not ever looking at Sl million Monday for two persons indicted in connection accuses z,·Jstra of k1lhng a stnctlv fm- studt>nts. We're just police informant and another lookmg for people who want to with an international drug­ smuggling ring known as ··The man by sabotaging thetr air­ work in a social service craft to prevent exposure of the agency .. Company." Pleading innocent to nar­ group's tllegal activities. \' olunteers will be required to Last week. another defen· work eight to \4 lklurs a week cotics charges were Marvin J. Zvlstra. a Fort Lauderdale, dant. James C. Dugan of during training. Barton said. Bethalto. also pleaded mnocent :\lost of the training will consist Fia .. airplane broker. and Ligia Viana-Salzedo. whose family to drug smuggling charges in or the practical experience of connection with the ring. which providing information and allegedly controls much of the marijuana production m authorities say grossed more counseling by phone and than 55.') million. Dugan is being through walk-in calls. Barton Colombia. U.S. District Judge William held at the St. Clair Count\' Jail sat d. in lieu of Sl million bond.- Terri Beatty set Feb. 9 as the trial

    Daily Egyptian Oecember 9. 1980. Page 13 LI'Xl'RY H'R="ISHUl T\\P KARCO NEED A COMPUTER? bt.•droom hnust~. i!ood (-~1rhonllalt· 'Daily ~ypt~an lr•:altun. lt·ast' siarts .Janu;.ry I Karsten Auto Recycling Compare the Apple II to the absolutely no pets. Call 'm ~~~b Corp. 2 77 Thl' Oa1ly Jo:gyptian cannot bt­ Radio Shock TRS-80 VERY :\ICE TWO Bedroom t•spon'illlt> for mort> than ono.> day s Guaranteed (' A.R B ( 1 '\ D A L r-: . T H R t: E ncorn.•.. :~ JOst•rtJOn ~rh·• .. rtlst"rs arE" The Apple II ~e:'~:::i,·~J f·'~~·~t:~d-~r:~~~err:~o1~ BEIJROtl:\1, 1 mdt> :-o;orlh a•r ·psponsll'>ll' for rhl'l'klng tht>1r Recycled Auto Parts e,s twice as last !18iH229 or 6114-5575 af!Pr 6-II~~Ba;f; c-ondLtJOnt"d. !(as furc-t'd heal td\ t•rtJ!'-t'mE~nt for ttrror!tl. t~rrors not Foreogn • Domes toe ht• fau t of tho.> a;(; Sl':\1:\IEH 2 457 0411 457 6319 full baths. 2 kttcht'ns $6.'o0 month. hl'droom housP $2'o!!l monlh :>~!> :::~r"' ~~h .t~,~~~~~~~~~r!;jtl~~ ll,~:l~f •has 2 graphics modes uuhlles mclud!'d ('all B<>b. aftPr 1:>20 ·P:l2HO;~ 1111 b .. tnr,· 12-0U noon for •has sound 5 oopm 5-19.1!1!14 li4135l:!a;-; ·:• nt:t.... llat•nn m rhf' nf""\l ria~·~ l~"iut• I'P TO fi rooms a' mlablt' lor grn"p Real Estate •needs no SJOO box to e,. Rt:t-;D :\PART:\IE:>oTS t:F ''la•"fit'd Information Ratf'~ pond memory FICir::-.;cy w1th all ut1hlles patd ~.. ~':,ifal,t~o~~~-~" to ·~~~~~~~·~ 1 •nt· I,'' (n t'f·nts J.Wf u.orC'! BY OW'\~:R THH!o:t: B!'droom. $160 mtm!h ('lost' to campus Call tn!fllnHHI1 $1 ;n l', b"ths. carp,•tt>d. drapes and MAKE US PROVE ITIII Stan 549·171"' 415-1Ba72 ~ Rf:DH00:\1. 2 bath, clost" to Tut' Jla ... ~~ ~-,•nt.., pt•r "ord. JWT bhnds. 2 ''"''PS and a rt'fngprator, radtant hf'at. a1r·cond1 twnl'd. full IWNOtS COMPUTER MAin l',~~puJin•n por~~;,ms tar~;::;~! "thrt"t.' ur l- ,aur P.a\ :-. H cPnt~ p~r bas..rnpnt. br1<·~ and aluminum 1urn1!\it'd $-lf1 :i!97 4 "·" ••· I. Corner Pt.ze ~;,; 4Z:I~Bb7 ~~.t,rd pt'r f.l\ sw-h I m, f:o,.t of ""oH , •• , Jo Ike Bu,ck Fl\t' thn. ~Jnt' ll~n~ 7 n·Pt:-. ~wr ~~~~~io~,.~~9 .~~P~~13~ery good SIX RF:ORil0:\1. TWO Bath. sem1 "'ord. pt•r rid' · 21fi5:\d71 furmsht'd. 'JO pets. close to cam Tt•n rhru :\mt•h""t-'11 I ,~,y~ ti l"t•nt:-. r_;;q~~\~~at]a.,JI' lmm~~~ir~~ ~ pt·r \\nrd r·t•r M~l~ L,\RGE t'Ol'H BEDR00:\1. 1 Tu t•nt\ or :\lftrt' I )•t\' .-.. ,.t1 nt:-. pt·r baths. trt-11'' el I !WI Squart' f£'£'1 A T T E :-; T1 o :\ C o :\I P t· T E R \\or~~ pt~r fl !~ · Outdoor dE"Ck. cPntral a1r. loH•I,· SCIE'\CE ~laJors 'l,ueltm<' 15110 DESOTO T'.\'0 BEDR00:\1 yard. dm•l'tly adja('t>nt 1:!2181Ad71 <"~>mputer termmal and modem carpet. natural ~as, f1replare ,,,.a,Jablt" January I !'wples onh 1:- \\ord \linimnm 0'\E BEI>R00:\1 HOl'SE nn~ to ~.~I'S~~~n;r.;"t'a~Jr;-~sr~ ;~" Call-l:i7 ·8924 aftl'r 4pm h42112l:!b7'~ 1 1 1 4112Ag77 '11< ~~ i~t·~ '!tr' !-'.'~~~·t·'IJ:rih~~ ~ Ht~t·~ t'·r~ ~ ~ ~e~~~e s;'d~!ch:~ 1~ol~~ g1~~nr~~~;rh NICE APART\Jt::\T 1:\ ~-oR Rt:'\T THREE: l:!<•drnom :~~·t:~; !~::-:~~~~ll~~ \~~.~~~·rl~n}~::r~·l~~ 11 Nt~~~~-.~ acre. bv owner Sl!J.9UO -1;;; -77=---:J CUl':\THY :\r:AH l'obdpn SJ7'o bnck hornt• 2 baths. :urnJSh<•d t; - ~16.'>.-\<177 ~89:!-·14!118 blocks from l'ampu' S-1211 p•·r ht· .11. ,JddJtH·-n~tl ch~.Jr~t· of $1 no to month. mc-P ,-,rw 1 H42tl6H.If\ STERE I:!Y 11\\ '\Jo:R t"Ol'R bt-droom B42:>7Bb77 p.tpt•n\ ork homt· wtth h~semt•nt. ~ ear \ l,l:o-"'lllt>d ;..:\IJ SPM'!Ol-~ ~~IH.! m ~tch,ifH't' t''-L't'pf lnr thn't' mag~" '·:~~·~r r.::; ~ -m8 :r~~ aEPAIR thrl'l'·bt"droom house In :'olur HTOWlf' \\ 1fh t· ... f.thhsht•d ('r~'tllf Complt'te deta>ls. ~5: ·11%-1 :1 .-\d ; Audio Hospital 54•-1495 42 2 7 ph~sboro S:t~J p<>r mnnt~.~~~,~-tf~~~ orros~ f1 ")m tt--te tro1n stot,on .\ft'RPIIYSHtlf{O n·R:o.;JSUED Jo:t"~"ll'IE'\I''i $140 t'urnisht".-n. Pets OK. Pr1ct'd to ~II lmmt'dtatt'l~ · : 618· m1le west nn Old 13 One for SI-lO a !979 HO'\lH ACCORD. 6-U ;r;:;J .j()59Ae74 Service On Most month. OIM.' for $16.'> a month (,JuJel ~:~/~~~~:r. ulihttes. S.'li.M~~~~~~';; ·\utomat1c. -\•r. II5Uil mdi'S. SJIH·r. mdtvulual or l"Oupll'. ~;,7 ~)IIBa $:'>9!15 457 26-11 or 5-19-1218 ask f~ 12xfiO TWO BEDRU0:\1. OICt' and Mal~r lrancls 74 (']Pan and Ot'wh· t·arpeted. un CARHo'\IJAI.t:. S W 3 B!'druom S.:ott 4109.-\a. 3 SPfCIAL furmsht'd. baspment Close to Sll' 89 Sl'RLEASE SPRI:>;G SDifo:sn:R and shopp1';1Gas and central a1r. a~rs~~:':i~ra~l~~f?a'~kn-457~4 TDK DCtO effiCienl'\' apartment Wllh Utthlti'S B·I021AP71 pa1d $175 -month. Luc:atl'd bt>hmd t<;~~:\W~~ ;f~~r J'' -1'J:~!/-;· 2 Padle -- R('('reat10n f'enter "-19-CWI7 or 5-19- 12x5.1 STATES:\!..\=" 2 bt'drooms. 0387 424-!Ba'T.' new furnacl' and wall'r heater Mobile Homes Good locat1on Bus sernl'e lo 549-1501 Fl'R:>;ISH~:D En"ICIE:\('Y 1 t'ampus S.1600 5-19-Rr.2 41~5Ae76 APART:\IE;IOT. Carbondale SJ:IiGLES. O:>;E BEDROO~f $1:>5 ReducPd rent for ltght pl'r month. furn>~hed. a1r­ 12lt:r; EFFICJt::-.cY APART· management of 5 room house l'Ond1t1oned. ,..ater. heat. trash :O.IE'\T St\;le :'olobtle Hame. 2 !Y77 )1:\Thl''\ PlC~t·p E:o:cellenl bpdrooms · P:uellent cond1tion. ~~t~ ~~~· ~~'t-~~~~;~~r ;:r ~~~~~':/'- \il,.~~ ~=~~te"J,naclla ~~~ 5 We buy used stereo equ;pr._.t Louts. :\lo. 63116 -425.1Ba;~ Dt-t:ember arid Januarv 3 milt'S ~~~~~:;,~~~ 1 onA~:~~~~·mil~ pf;~ ~~~ ~~~r~!~~ ,:;.;r.o~ ·~~w~~ Good condition or F:ast on -.;....,.. 13 Sorr>·. :-;o Pets 91G-6706aftl'r5 31>pm 4214Aa•3 5550 or 5:.'9-1604 If no answ.. r. call ONE B~:DROOM APAHTMf::\T. :>-1!1-6612. 5-19-Jil(l'! • B341261k79 again after 6pm 4175Ae77 needinq repair next to l"ampus. plenty of room for 1964 FORD f'.-\IRI.A:-;fo: 6 cylllr udio Hoepltai ,.,... ,! two. sundt'ck. furnished. S23U ~!ILL A FEW Ll'ft. one c.-lese to Miscellaneous f•rOM f-ro- tr.ift ...... , monthlv Avatlable Jan. 15th. -157- campus 2-3 bedrooms. mce con­ ft'~ g.J:n~~~~~n. good 4r;'.:J'J.':-;4 5056 • -1255Ba77 dttlon 529-+H BJO.j(IBcll:.! IH'Y .-\~D Sfo:tt used furmture Cameras 'li!CE o;o.;E Bfo:DR00:\1. :! rooms. ~l'IET CUL'~TRY SETTI:>;G, t,~3~r~~~~7rif.iderWeb. S:At~m SI!IO month. 41-1 S Graham. next lo Large Jot. t,..o bedroom furntshl'd ltl'C Bu1ldtng. -157·7263. B-1279Ba77 TYPEWRITERS. SCYI ELEC· r:~~ ~~~~ttyA~::.'t~b~~x J~::ruu~~ TRll'S. new and used. Irwin 1 SI!KI a month ;;.19·5277. before Tvpewriter Exchange. 1101 North ROYAL RENTALS llam and afler-lpm ,..eekdays ~~~ ~:!;'il5.~ft{r ~pinR~~~· ·104-!Bl"74 4Z71Aa74 ~I:Jr~:' f-~~pe'B2~~~7~t· EFFICIENCY APT ... 5135 mo HJ<65 TW~I BEDROO:'ol Tratler. 1976 GRA:IiD PRIX. a.Jr. P S .. P.B. MISS KITTY'S. GOOD. used 2 BEDROOM MOBILE HOM<:S woodl'd lot. ne-tr campus A:'ol-FM 8 track. new tires. 56.00ol furmture. low pnces. RR 149. REGNTl Y REMODELE.1 Available I ecembt>r 21 Cat! 549- miles. excellent condJtlon Call f!'4· Hurst IL. =" Bush Ave. Beds. 63116or lani ord -15i-7639. 412-18c77 4956. Murphysboro. IL -4278Aai5 mattresses. sofas. d1nette sets. Musical $145 ma dressers. desk. much. much more. All L0CA liONS FURNISHED rree delivery up 25 miles. 4053Af85 & AIR COND.. WATER & ~a~.~~~~~'e;;:U~ ~n';';'.:.·fi~~ -----· g~~:e1i,R~iod~~~s~~~~; ,:~a) per month. no pets allowl'd. ;;.!9- TRASH PICKUP FURNISHED Parts & Services ~wer. $150 new. S90 or offer. Tim tr.!72 or -l.'i7·2-"l3 B-1093Bl'76 ~~~;~atig~i, ... Rr~~!bl~·~~~ 57-4909 or 457-7T:.s. Keep ~7;~~~;2 NO PETS ;;.19-67!11. 4119AI71 NOW RENTING f"ORD TRACTOR SERIES 600. One KING Alto Saxophone. Used 4 457-4422 FOR FOREIGN CAR PARTS Hay wamn. hand d bicycle. apartment clcse to dose to cam­ TRAIU:R. SEOXDED. CWSE For Service: Ont' war ohi-$1.j() Onginally $215 pus. l'all bt>tween 4 and 5. 529-HJ82 529-1642 81>"7·:1i121 4193Ari3 Apartments or 5-19-6880. B4116Bdii' ~va~~~le J;;~:t. ~~l1a~:2-1~rd. LEATHER COWBO'i BOOTS. Size -IIJ.IBc7i BEAl~TitTL 4 BEDROOM, 2 bath 10 lad11~s. 8 mens. Good condition. VERY :>;ICELY FVR:IiiSHED 2 on 5 acres with wood heat. $350.00 PERFECI FOR SI~GLE Person will negotiate pnce. Call-153--1791 Bedroom. Air. Car!!!ted, Water. plus deposit. 687-3336 -1131Bbi1 Carpeted. furntshed, atr con· 4200AI71 NuPets. 529-1735or4:>i-4954 d1tloned Stngle lraller. :>;atural TUNI-UP SPI' tAL 2172Ba71 LA:\1RS. GRAI:>; FED. Mur­ TWO BEDROO:'ol HOL'SE. par- 15 V-8 $32.95 Wa~er ?!l~~ ~1~e ~ c~r:;ec~ phy~boro l'a!l 687-3034 after ~;~~~mished. 1 mde sm'M~~i:! .... 6-cylincler $28.95 a.oopm B427iAI7i Call now ;;.19-7653. 41-158c77 •-cylinda< $26.95 LARGE FOl'R BEDROOM house SAVE ~IO~EY I~ th1s three Jndud.s ~- pc:Nnls, ard ccndensar Electronics ~~ ~;rnysboro S3i'5 pe~ ~Bn~~ bedroom. 1', baths. carpeted. a1r All other porn extra. 7 1 l'ondttlon•.';ISHED. ~1011 OY&HAUUD ~~~c.c~;r;·,~r Prl~~e~~~~~~fw ~~ ~~~Ius ullhttes. Clean~fr..~i Sl-10 00 !YIOO!hlv. Also 8lt-IO Tratler. 76:>3 -ll-17Bc77 U.S. nPI CARS USED ALBUM $75 oo. -1 m1J..S south on Old 51. water furmshe-:1 :-.o children or TRAILt:R FOR RE~T Close to 2 barrel carburaton S3S SEWER 0:-iE BEDROOM. 3 pets. ;;.19-1782 -1210Bb73 l'ampus $160.00 munthlv w1th one • borrell corburafors S.O rooms. Sl!IO per month Pay bn free month. Caii5-19-I&O;i -12.';-18c77 SALE :>;ICE UOl'SE f"•)R Rent. three Float and choke pull ofh e!ftra. :~":!~r ~~:£~~ ~~~i.~ Ca Front disc brakes $39.95 10 FOR $10.00 5 bl'drooms. bat~ and a half 12llflll ·, >\'0 OR Three bt'drooms. B40i8Ba72 Res1dt>n!lal an·a: fam1lv or two furmshed. l'arpell'd. am·hored. DAVIS AUTO CINTIR ~Jrle. $-1110 monthly. waier pa1d underpum!'d. large pool Sorry ="o (WITH THIS COUPON ONLY) :-¥ICE. ROOMY O:>;E-bedruom Rt. 51 Cedar Creek aparlment fort. e or two perso1'15. s:Jl.betWPen noon and ~~liJg~ti ~~~nor Pet>. Pholll' m:~l-:f<''¥-f Mt-3675 THE MUSIC BOX furnished. carpetl'd. all electnc. ONE BEDR00!\1 HOL"SE for rent. :li!CE. CLEA:>;, iWO Bedroom. 126 S. Illinois 54•-5612 ~~es~~;.ac~fl~9-~~lab!~ 1~~~¥ furmsht•d. ="o Pets or Children. toc .. ou from the trofn •totianJ :;.~tt'~~li!r.References fJ~~.! 2 -15i·Zl!•~ nr ~57·5550 B4264lk77 - 9. (!18!.1, BRIGHT.! I' 10' 12' WIDE l.o ROOM :'of-\ TES :'IIEEDED to AGGRt:SSIVE tndtvtduals who , PREGNANT? harl' met' thrt'l' broroom houSP 1 call BIRTHRIGHT liS. & UP 'lose to campus Avatlablf' ~tf~f:'v':l~ ~~fl'~:~~ant~rJT ~~~ Free pregnancy testing Quiet -"'Y _,__.,... January. 549-5266. 4152&-77 Chnslmas SE"ason to I.-ad to full­ & confidential assistance. s .... ._ _, onOict n. time employment for those wbo ' f'f:~\lALE ROOM~ATE WA~TED ------quahh Bas .. salary plus sab 549-279... ~ bt'droom trailer Warrl'n Road Ft-::1-IALE ROO:\IMAH: W.-\N· stantta1 nmstmas bonus baS<'"d on N4-2330 t$!11{}-month plus 'o utthtlt'S Call Tt:D Sl'ntor or grad student M-Th 2-r T-. W. P 2-S let t-1 · 457 7883 aftt'r 5. kf'ep trymf :;8Be7 prpfprrt'd C1rcle Park Manor. f~~~~~t·?·~~~ ~~·.~yr~·;,~ y;~,ai,: S:\IALL St:ITARLE FOR om• 1 2 SIU8 011 monthly. call549- t:Z~ Be7a 10 :10 :-.ton ·FI'I or 28.~224 da,·s. JWrson Availablt> afl.-r fmal< $75 6 ask fnr Jack LPwts -ltY~I'7~ ~~oalt>r furntshl'd On~ mtlt> to RD0:\1 TO RE:;Jet: THREE Bt:LJR00!\1 hou~ campus. nPar !\.I all R A R T t: ~ I> E R S A -. tJ 549·4J~2fi9 Bci '>-19-t-1.'\7 416-1Rt>74 $116 00 monthly. onP.thtrd utthttes. WAITRf:SSf:s Imm<'rltatt> 7 •, mtlf'll from campus. -157 ~BP7i PAPER..'>. IJISSt:RTATIO:>;S, A~D ,·rwo R0'':•1:\IATES :-;G ...\ji{ CO~DITIt>velopmpnt l't•nt .. r. s.·hn11Re<; TPehntl·al ('ar .. Prs. anttl'IJ''I"' SISGLES OR COl'PLES. 2 ~-E::'o!A'.i.E R00~1~\lA TE :-.iEEDE-D 42 SEWING for Sprtng St'ml'ster Four :~l'h'!~~n~ora ;:ds~:~~;o~dtt tr::nt;~~ :...-~~~ S~lllKI-~-(;-t-f:::\IA.LE -r'~r ALTERATIONS ~~~~~nJr ••~~~t'd. ~~~~·r;ur~~~~~d ~ff~:~rtment Lt'llo~t~~~ 1 mt'Chamcs Th<'St' woll be full-11m~ FASHION DESIGNING 11 I thrt'l" bedroom. furn1shed. tratll'r \ po$tll<>ns. wtlh runtral·t lt>ngth ;:;::r~or l!~h ';::r;:':':l r:~~: ~-----·-· ·--·------· ·:·- ct•ntral a1r. ~~o·asher-dn·t"r cablE' 1 ~t:fo:D R00!\1:\IATE TO share fine CALL EVELYN Sorn. So Pels 549-6612 or 549<10112 •• oo plus ~f.'~;~~~~s ur,:~d P~':l\r'!: r~~~~- . B4t:I8Bc9o 'large housE' nPar town. 21 or over ~~,t;~,':~tu~~ ~:~f~s-05~ i SJblt> fnr to,achtnJ>! all SP!(mPnl• of il,1h-month ~us utiltttl's. own 42!>ZBP7f> ' ht"a!1n~ and ~11r rondlfJonl~.ll 549-7443 ttlx50 Pfo:TS OK Solar porch. 4 l"Urnt·ulum WIth other pos..;,1 ba· 1 : 2 R00:\1:-.tATt:S WA~TU>. i tl'at·hmg asstgnm•·nts wolhm lh<· .\H< •RTI< ''·Fl~EST \IEDICAL fmnt-rt>ar bt'drooms Bath and 0 • A~~r:/abte t~"'.;.'ber tfle~l73~~ underptnnPd. cable. bus 0 L'.Ht•. lmmr-doat<• appoonlm!'nls Rt"asonabll' 549-5.'>55 42:18Bc74 iftEA:-< -ROOMY. 2b;d~;;;-~ ~~~~~~~~o~·ab~gp::dr3't~~~;:s\ I ~-=~:."~at~ P,f.!~~!~t ~,.;'~;~uJ~, ~.~~~~ Vlt'W, 549-3544 . _ . 4249fit>7JI ~r:;n"~'~.~~~~ ~'-~~~-:~ ~~a,~~.:f:~, ItFucC::I"'r.~WJ~~~~ ~~.~~ 't;:.• ~'"' ~rPa~~~~~l~ :.~~k ~~~~rr\~.~t~~. 1 ~ ','~~ ! 4167BP77 (;,\i{i)~:~ -PAitK tTR~tsm;D l j EXPEH.n:-.n~tJ TYI'IST ~-~~H. bPdruom apartmPnt t·Pm:i,, afl t•r ~ Jo H -lot:~~ i referred. St35 month utthtt.., _ _ _ . _· _ _ __ _~i4~Be75 I ~~~r~~~~~/·~t;d ad~ dn~Jta~~~~~ d~.: t!'nurP Salan ts t·omml'nsural.- fl Tlllt EXPEHn:-.< f:ll Ft1f{ I n~4-r~;~~~f~nmn~~7' :\1.-\Lt: R00:\1:-.tAn: :-;a;J>t:lJ for ' ,p.. ~ldl or normal children an:- : 9-5948. 4202Be ,4 Spr1ng s.-ml'stl'r SC.R5 plus un<'l j~·~u~~hf~ca1i~::r/s ::r:~·y~t~g~f Rooms i----. ·------· thtrd utlllltt's. own room .,.,.all t·¥:xt~~'iho1~r;'ir:\/~t~Jcalton .. 1• ~1-:w ru·o BEI>RO. OM apartmmt Street ~uads Call 549-7U'l~ after )Jr~~~c~h~~ t~~ ~:!';12rl'~~" t~," -l2-ll!l::~7 : cross from campus--goOd rates 4pm 4289Be77 E HoUts ~lerr11t. Ass1s1ant (Jt>an • 'all-549-4988. Avatlablt' Jan I S.:hool o( T!'chnocal Careers. ~~~~ S Pregnancy Assistance t 4196Bt'74 Duplexes Wall St . Southern tllmut' Center ---~--- ,~eo:-oOROOMMATE !'iEEDIW ~~,:J;,~~·\t ~k~1ar~i't'!~a,~ea~ ~r l'ABI.E TV .\ I.L utthlt.-s patd. Jo sharE' mce 3 bt'droom tratlt'r Pregnant-Need Help? matd sprvtct'. $53 65 pt>r week I ~~~r~;~~ actton-equal op~i;:~~~ per month plus Kmg's Inn Motel 54~JBdllf>(' 1::: utili~:is~~ Call S2t-2441 on:tct:- SECRETARY full-tom<' 24 Hr. Service INICE FOt:R- BEDROOM house. Rt'l'l'pllum,t- parHtml'. '"· .. nmgs i'~':~~~i~u}~trli~~~gs~~ ~~~~ Mobile Homt Lois ~~1.-~l'l.~~~~.... ~e~~t-~~J,~:t:l~n I option of fl't'l' summt'l' hvmg. call 1 B4U.><'71 I 549-6!145. 4185Bei-1 WANTED LI.VE IS CA:o.tF.LoT t:s'T ATI-:s 'I liEU' Y.A~Tt:ll WAITR~:SSb. FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED ~:t i:::rt'(~~v~~glo~~72m:,n~~ IJa-s. full or part·ttmt• :\lust b .. i ,1\atlablP .. , .. r brt>aks Appl~ tn, I ~~~,o~::O~:: ~W !:~•lites mmimum. 529-1436 22.118L741 ('oJ~S WA:IiTf:D Sth. .,r cntns ' r{.!,~~~ran~"P uf the R~~t,!l [ OFF CAMPUS DOR:o.t room · 41838e74 FREE RE:"11611 !UI~J~-7:! avatlablt'. Ft>male. Very nt>ar GARDE:>.; PARK. Ffo:!l.tALE Y.A-.Tt:IJ TIH: CHALf:T dan-\ Ra~~t~ ;~~·J!ts~~u~~~~~· i t't'rs Tul'Sda,, \\t>dnf>Sda~. and ~a~~~~ aftt'r 5pm. ~~'B~--2 RoommatE' net'ded to sub-lease 1 I -.;rt:n A Plac·<' to ltv.; nvt-r 42 tmmt'dtatelv !litce furrusht'd two ffs7. 45•·5i49. or 549-2718 , - ·----·-·--· ·--- 8304281.1!'..!(' ' ~~u~y i~in-1l:m Tel~~~~·~\ Chrtstmas Hrl'ak Call Jtm. '>2!f. WE WILL HELP you move into ~~apartment. eau ~rl-1~-ra ------·------Y:lml. <"H•nmg, ~z-;2F7:\ our E"Conomical rooms Wtth CARBO~ DALE SO~THE!t:;T WORKERS FoR'. Y.,.\:";T~:[l FOL'R ISSl ES of cooktng prtvilt'd~t's Just off t'EMALE ROOMMATE. SPRING :1-IOBILE HomE' Park. Closp to SprtnR St"ml'st!'l' !'P•·ntngs \ semester. Wallstreet Quads, own Sll: 457·211i-l. B4216BL77 a\atlable for Pt>t·r Luuns!'lo. r!. ~~~~a~ep~t:~b~~ ~~7"; \r._;\);'~~ ::!:!'')·'::~~: ~r'!~ka '="&: room, $500. pt'r semt'sler. l• Poslltons tn S~ct•f SupporltYP nt"•t >t"mt'sler. t'lt"xtt>le terms. FROST MOBILEml.\1•: Park. s.-rvict"S Jnterestt'd p..rson must ha~t' tro veal'!l bound for sc~ool utthties. great roommates 457- Electric-hookuj), shadt'd. verv ~~!~-;:.~n';-1~:~hl~/e m~t3~ 2664. 4219Be74 pick up an apphcat1on ~t ~pe..·tal :~}·.~rn~~,!"i.;~ ~~~ ··opy ('~~;;t~ ~~:~ :~.qwet. No 4 ~~:f~ Support St'rVICt'S. C.Jt>. Wood~ I FEMALE ROOM:o.!ATE. SPRING 4 ilall B-l241lC7~ i SALVAGE Roommates Semester. 4 bedroom apt S! I cor .. 5. r ,..,,-. ~ nlus '• utilities. Ask for Mary 529- Oon~t ..,_ .. A~~·o• ·~., 1938. 4236Be74 SERVICES ROO:\UIATt; \\ o\:"'TED 3 Ano' m..,•~ ..,,• HELP WANTED K ARSTIN AUTO Ht:DIWO:o.t houSE'. Slt5 month plus i( • · OFFERED FEMALE SPRING RECYCLING CORP On.- Thtrd Elt'Ctnctty. Crab Or­ SE!I.IESTER-Summer ophon. ehard off tJ DK 19 549-3713 ~4 1"4,...... f ; iir1 ( 1.)' ~ ,. !Cl •• Share 2 bt'droom apartmmt. Qutt't : ~- . ~ j • 3012Bt'i7 ~~rn~:~~-S1~~~~nt~~~ wrca•n-•--.. Nina - dudt's radtator hl'at 'I ou pay 1 z ..I.NAIIT? , LOST r~tl~~~fab~'J~nml~fnt~~~iB~~~- Confidential counseling on ROO:OIMATE WANTED TO share LUST Wlltfo. HnJ:~<·" 1 .... _ bt>tween f'ant•r and La-..s•m trailt>r. S90 per month plus z ... n:!\tALE ROOM:o.!ATE. SPRI:"'G uUhlles. 549-4540aftE"r Spm. Ht-...ard'''' o>-I!Hi.'o-17 ~:::!7l;7~ sl'mt'ster. own bfllroom 10 2 .a....­ 4Zl8Bt'77 bt>droom apt.. bealltiful wood ~ ROOMMATE WANTED fOR Co­ Hu,_n S.•ua''"f Senrocft .t53-SIOI r~~~io~e~i~c:o~t'!-,;~;~r~fnCt'~. t'd house. Solid. roomy house. SlOO Student WeUnest lfMOurc.n Centef' s1r. 50 month plus •., utthties. ANNOUNCEMENTS cfu per month plus utilities. f>4.ti:~e Amy 457·6176 alter 5:00pmUBe7 74 TYPING f:XPERIE: or ft'male 1 sprinll wuh r,arsk ~~t: Foo! .~f~~,i~~~':ii TYPING: PAPERS. THESES. REWARD ~~e$.~~n. 503 W ~~~ immechately: K1mberly S:en Resumes. etc. Guaranteed work $.75 per page Ptck up ar,td ...... _._.... _.._... dt'liVE'ry. 54~. __21RJEn f'EMALE WANTED. OWN room. 7 FEMALE TO SHARE, 2 bedroom _._ ...... ~ minutes by car to campus. Fur· apartment. 2 blocks from campus...... _., 01 sophomore approved,. Sll5 a ~t~~i!:. ~:!ig;nd"~~m~~~- _....__ ...... Y.._&.,_.. _ __ .... _ ~~8:~- u~i~f:usr ~~~tfZ mooth. fHl Asb. Call Vu:lu~~ ~ializing in solar.. Model home ~all 457-0294. Avairable now through May 81. 4089Be72 Y:c~Jspl~yS9~~~~esJgn ~et'':.i~::· ...... _.,..., -•tl-•tel -·-· ••-In 2 BEDROOM TRAILER. Spring Homebuildt'rs' As.sociat~fj9BE72C ~ C.fl(t111....UU ~::ate~!!}!/, ha~:!n =:.~ ~ij~:r~ ~g'=~J:~~ Collect ...... _.. 4547 4282Be74 ~~~~~s ''• utiliti~~2a~~~ w -'1 C.O.D. to J ... llrldl ...... IMM.S­ MALE ROOMMATE NEEDED to r:c,E.:A~~;~E~h }u~.;:!f. I._.,.IIe.ll .lftS share b1g 3 bt'droom trader 'NJth I rireplli~. gr~at location. 2 blocks C~ther person. Locatt'd tn ~~mpus and llhnoJs .Mfa~!f7 t-:dgewood Estares nut to WE'RE Cl\'1:-.iG THE sludt'nts a sw1mmmg pool. $100 per month break-:\lugsho:s: Your Southern plus •, utilities. trash ptckup and WOMAN FOR 3-BEDROOM lllillillS Computer Portrait Com water patd. Available anyltme. house 606 Smder. Clean .mature. thts month or next Gary "~i~e?t studious. Sll5 plus utJhttes 5-19- rr~~~~~~~~ ~~r~~~~~~c :~~ 062'7 4272Be77 t':.:: ~ro·~~el52~~~:~~ ~~~~: ONE ROOMMATE WANTED ror FEMALE. GRADUATE. NON· Very mce J bl'droom tratler. t:mversitv Mall. 1 All otht'rs 10 S:\!OKER roommate nt't'ded percent offw1th tlus ad • ~l!N.Ji2 ~=-~f{;r 5~: F•repla%f,o~Js unmt'diately. Call 529·1324 1n e~·enmgs. Rent $97.00 plus~~~~~~ NEEU A PAPER TYPED• IBM St'lt'ctric Fast and accurate. BEAUTIFUL SPACIOUS HOUSE Reasonab\e rates 549-2258. 30571.':80 in Qutet Area atr condJ!Jomng. FEMALE ROOMMATE NE~DED ANTIQUES ~ini~t:s ta~!r ~=·· ~;~J~':. ~f~~ftt~m~s~m~~~~-~~~ :-oiEED HELP WITH . Holiday Don. • 4108Bt'77 Apt. 549-1334. 4247Be77 ~:~~~':verc::.eJ~ re~~g;: 457-8657. 1071E80 ANTIQl'E CHRfSTMAS GIFTS · ROOMMATE WANTED gold pocketwatcht's. crank fEMALE TO SHARE 3 bedroom AVAILABLE January I. Own BECOME A BARTENDER phonograph. woodt'n-wheelt'd apartment spring semestt'r. Cl05e room SllO.per month One·third farm wagon. oak rockers. ~'b.~~~~ ~~~cer~~:!llls~ kerosene lainps. clocks. 687 1o campus. per month. 54~~e7J ~~~~%s. Completely fu~~~~ ~ ~i-:· ~ Dirt} Om. "s School orBartendmg. 549-30:11' B3049E81 Dally Egyptian. December 9, 1980. Page 15 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Economists say Reagan faces tough ti111e CHICAGO ( AP !President· practices of the Federal policies that the Reagan ad· deregulation. SPARE TIME I:'IICO!\IE at home elect Ronald Reagan's ad· Reserve Board. ministration adopts. However. Sprinkel also and at school. :H9-5.l9 after 5 0 "For 'he first time m yt>ars I 4JRR!\17t cautioned that prospects for !:::~~~~i~t~~~s i~~:;l acn~ ~;[i of·:~ ~r:~t~~~o;:s ;::!~ am optimistic that policies w11l economic r!'Coverv could dim ':>e required to meet challenges deal to the bumbling that be adopted which will even· qui,·kly if puhhc support wanes !~at could determine the future com·erted a modest recessiOn tuall\· lift the malaisl' of once the l'OSt of adJustmt'nt RtpESNEEDED economic growth of the nation. into !he steepest slide in our stagflation and restore the lost becomps "painfully clear ... three prominent Chicago modern history." said Irving luster to our economy," said Sl·hwt>1ger sa1d the ne-w ad· economists predicted Monday. S" h wei g e r. marketing Sprinkel. executive \'ice WA!'ITED RIDE TO Carbondale mmistrahon faces the dilemma from Sparta. :\tonda\·s and Walter Fackler. a t:niversitv professor and faculty colleague president and economist for of trymg to halanl'l' increast>d W!'dnesda\·s nl":r Harris Trust & Savings Bank defense spendmg with tax and pay ~as +l3-;xn6 4r. 4073 professor in the graduate school While all thrt>e - mcluding "But President-elect Reagan deficit reducllon while working of business. said. "1981 doesn't hank economist Ben·l W fact's an economic me~3 on lowering inflation And. he J look like a bed of roses. But Sprinkel - welcomed PoliCII's While viewing the coming added this cave:.t RIDERS WANTED neither does it look like a articulated thus far bv the m· year as a holdir.g pattern for ") believe a measure of disaster area.·· coming admimstration. they economic rec::IVf'ry and growth. success. a small measurt>. ts The three, who delivered their also \'iewed unemploymt>nt and Sprinkel said Reagan's cam· possiblt> and probable ne~t year forecasts for the 20th con- inflation as malingering paign promises carried hopes FI:'IIALS WEEK ··sTt-DE:'IIT m mft!tmg the array of ob­ secutive vear at the annual problems and cautioned against for a long-term solution. He Jectives," he concluded "We Trans1t" tu·kl"ts :\o••• on ~ate to Bt.Siness ·Forecast Luncheon quick-fix solutions Chtca~o and suburbs. Runs datly pointed specifically to proposed should remember. howe\·er. durtng ·•nals Departs Wt'd . sponsored by the llniversity of And, while differing on tht> decreased government spen­ that _:'olurphy's Law usually Thurs. t rt. ~pm • Sat I tam Chicago. were unanimous in prospect of the economy slip­ ding and regulation. major tax rules m Washmgton. There i:> no returns Frt. Sat. Sun. Jan lfi. 17. placing much of the blame for ping back mto a reces..~ion. they cuts. a caulionarv mm1etarv 18 S:J9 75 round tr1p. '$-II 75 after assurance that the bumbling Dec. 15' Ticket sales dallv al the current economic malaise said a continuation of the policy by the Fed. a'bandonmerit mept1tude and mtscalculations "Plaza Records" 606 S llluiots with Presider;t Carter. the present recovery could depend of the "vestiges" of wage-and­ of this past year in Washington 52!H862 B4l.J6Pi7 Congress and the monetary on the public's confidence in thE' price control and energy will not be repeated." PPrc.l· lfll.l"!' ."iol"iet 1'11fJpliP!e lmr Farm Bureau may vote to end embargo

    CHICAGO cAP I ~ The of grain to the Soviet t:nion Jan chairman of the Tentative reasons. I Jllinois Farm Bureau will 4 because of the Russian in­ Resolutions Committee. The resolution that will be ~ ~ decide this week whether to vasion of Afghanistan. :\!any predicted that the delegates considered by the delegates stick to 1ts opposition of the farmers objected. saying it hurt would vote to support an im calls for a law limiting em­ So\iet grain embargo despite a onh· American farmers and mediate end to the embarg{J bargoes to times of national report that the embargo is tha·t the Russians would get the Steele sa•d he hoped to find emergency declared bv ® hurting the Russians grain elsewhere. out more Jbout the evidenc~ Congress, or in time of war The Harold Steele. president of A tentative Farm Bureau change hi•, mind and support law would n-quire an embargo ~~ the fo'arm Bureau. said :\londav resolution calling for an im· the emba:·go. to affect all goods and services. that Sen. Charles Percv. R-Ill~. mediate end to this embargo. White !.aid the Farm BurPau nol just farm products. and it ~ SAY ~ n>lurned from thl' Soviet l"nion and limits on futurP embargoes. also could change its position on would be accompamed by an and told him the Russians wE're probably will come up for a vote the emnargo after this week's mcrease of at least i5 percent in net able to purchase from 'lther Tue.:dav. vote if Stetie and the delegates ~~~Ill ~u!rport loans except GOODBYE nations all of the li million Steele suggested that because belie\·ed there were l!:ood ~ ~ metric tons of grain Withheld by of continued Russian CARBONDALE 1 thE' l'nited States aggression and Percy's reJXrt ,.. Steel!' said he would mt>et that the embargo was hurting w1th Percy next month tr• the Soviets. the 466 delegates See you at the party ' diSCUSS Percv's evidence that might modify their position. the embargo has reduced Soviet He said they might prefer that "L'::/STROGANOFF feed grain supplies and President-elect Ronald Reagan 2[~\ \ with salad & garlic bread disrupted meat production. be able to select the option he causing the Soviets internal felt would deal most effectively problems. with the Russians. ~A~- w .. President Carter cut off sales However. John White. "=-"~=--=~ Special this lc RTA ma.. v face shutdou·n Murdole for Breokfost. Lunch. Dinner ~57-4313 CHICAGo tAPl - Gov no hope"' that a legislative James R. Thompson predicts agreement for transportation that Re([ional Transportation funding could be worked out in Authority buses and trains may the current lamE' duck session. ,.. LOCKE'S RIB CRIB~ quit running this spring. af· or in Januarv. recting a half·mlllion com­ He also criticized legislators SERVING muters. if the General Assembly does not provide a ~~'!=~~~~~aB~~ long-term transportation taxes" or license plate fees to money package soon. help support public tran· REAL HICKORY He said at a news conference sportation. Monday that the RT A would run S~tOKEDBBQ short of cash "somewhere in ''lcan'tseeany support in the March to May" and it would be government communitJ. the "the RTA's moment of no political community. the Mon-fhurs Fri. & Sat. return. affecting 500,0000 business commumty or the 11AM-tPM 11AM-11PM people" in the six-county press community to raise the Ch1cago area. gas. cigarette. liquor or license The governor said con­ plate fees to prevent buses from 312 South Wall Street sultations with legislative stopping in the Chicago area." Carbondale leaders convinced him "there is said Thompson.

    ~~ American Association of University D.E. ~ Classifieds ••sTORM'' Professors Meeting -plus- Tuesday, December 9 40C Drafts 12Noon Troy Room. Student Center ancl 90~ Speedralls Spealcer will be Scott Bennett. President of Illinois Conference 213 E. Main A.A.U.P. Everyone Welcome

    Pa!ft' 111. Datly Egyp11an. December 9. 1980 c~ BAKED MACARONI --~ &CHEESE $2.75

    Tues. & Wed Special or the 51 Aorport

    AMore Beautiful And Confident You With Electrolysis. ~~:~.::,;~~o.::f~=::~ Et«:~rotvs-• ,,.., !kaff photo by Melllllle Bell 'lr. ny should bt>ware Tim Fischer, senior in terminator." Fisher is part of a class that had to commercial graphics-design. and his "Ex- build and market Plectric fly swatll"rs. 549·0319 Carbondale

    Waiter, a fly is in my soup! "Need a Doctor?" Sir, use this electric stvatter (Chiropractic) CHIROPRACTIC th l>un Athans She estimated its retatl value at c;.n be matched to anv h~me Staff Wrill"r a hefty S349.99. furnishings. Two pieci!S of wood IN FORMA liON It's extremt>ly difiicult to The principle is simple. she nailed together at a 9C.klegree said. An innocent fly enters the angle. the "Silencer" is covered BUREAU ::~:~~et ~eJi~odu~ta:~ettod1~~ Buzz Inn. a small hold lobby with indoor Christmas lights •~ntor mat•or 'ertlsers have marketed bottle complete with a front desk. old .. for added beautv" and at­ •Referral, cutters. in-egg scramblers and chair. hotel clerk and register. tracts flies into the path of its •E merge· ~ ~e';) ·Chipmunk'' Christmas and is attracted to the register smacking hand with a ..tlbums. But could they market by tiny desk lamps. l;n­ "guaranteed" scratch-and-sniH Per'jonol Con-::.ultat.or~ ! AT NO OBUGA TION 1 ~hat 200 begimng advertising fortunately for the fly. the surface. •tudents are being asked to register is a "cleverly disguised AYO!Ioble market-an electric fly swat­ Haberstroh said. amid the '1om 5pm Mon Fro 'lam 12pm Sor mousetrap." day-long craziness of the event. ter~ "When the fly goes to sign :'\icknamed the .. electnc in." Waytz said with pride. "the that the asstgnment. worth a professor." Jack Haberstroh, register slams shut." third of each student's final CALl 549·6313 I \lSitmg protessor in :he Scl>ool grade, has two serious pur­ Many or the other swatters poses. nf Journalism. has required were just strange modifications ~ ')' "'•·r -..H<.Of..•d { ...,,. >V' ~· •, ~·---~;o•J• that his students throughout the of electric power tools. Some "Education literature says years manufacture, package, had gloves, targets ( "to test that if we can get students in­ and mark~t such gadgets as vour skill'') and rubber hands volved in something with all . Dia!,:,.~::!~e~.. UMBf~ <'IE'ctric' saltshakers. electric rotating on power drills or their senses they will learn ~' (.I SA(,._ P4.JN G~ V';t.-4¥ (HI~QF-RA( r1·~ 1 1 electric mixers that apparently better. And advertising ~ ~-~ !~k s.~~rn;; d!~o:;~t[~ slapped unsuspecting insect literature suggests we should r,r ~~- '· \ ~~ ~-;~,:~~~~ ~: ~~;.~e!~?~\~~s,;~~··· ·~ ~. th1s year's products, electric fly victims into submission. Others know everything we can about a '..... I 04 HfADA(~fS G~NfQ,OUSNfSS& tp~)iQ•• >~atters. at the Studt>nt Center included .. sonic ravs," electric product before cr~ating ad­ vertising for it." he said. PRIVATE & GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE PA .-\udJtorium last week as the screens that zapped flies in mid­ FOR CHIROPRACTIC CARE. final !"'irt of their semester flight. and a laughing. electric 0 proJect. monkey that lured bugs with in:·!rv..:S~iJ: ~11 °~~~tr a:een~~~~ Part of Haberstroh's six-part ''decoy flies" and then he said. "but thev know assignment called for students squashed the pests between his everything there is to know to build a working model if crashing cymbals. about the product because they poss1ble. "Doesn't have to Tom Haskell. inventor of have to build the damn thing. work." the assignment read. "Smack and Vac." engineered "Educators are enthusiastic ·r;ut it's gotta look like it a fly swatter which was at­ about educating th~ right side of :\liGHT work." He also said to tached to the end or a car the brain-the log·.cal side. But make a swatter that would vacuum cleaner that would there is relativf'lv little at· retail for less than S3. suck up the carcass of the dead tention paid to the left side-the One of the : •• in the five­ fly. This is especially useful for creati\·e side... Haberstroh hour-long series of fty swatter "those hard-to-touch bugs that satd. "The right side is good for dPmonstrations was a con­ crawl in from outside," he said. preparing a dictionary. but it traption called the "Buzz Inn" The $18.95 model of Debbie will never write a book. or a wh1ch cost its creator. Ruth Bittner's "Silencer" comes in song ... or the advertising copy Waytz. more that S60 to build. three woodj;!rain patterns so it for an electric fly swatter."


    ~tudents who do not advance regtster for Sprmg 1001 by December 12. must watt

    unttl January 1-l- 16. Students who re~tster on January 19 or after wtll be assessea

    a $Ia late re~tslration fee.

    December Statements of Account will be maitoo to Home Address. Future state­ ments wt!l be mailed to mailing address. All students must maintain an accurate mathng and home address to which the Statements of Acco~nt can be mailed. Fill out Address Correction fo'orm at Admissions and Records.

    Daily Egyptian. December 9, 1980, Page 17 S..Ystem often of little help to poor Concern ~rowin~ over Soviet troop buildup around Poland t('ontinuf'd from Pa~l' ll "It's discrimination followed. and that an ap­ for publiC dPbate as to a~ainst poor people ... Young plicants' rq~hts to appeal WASHl:\GTO:'\ 'r\P' - l S Thert' had ht•l'n a not1.:!'ahlt• wht•ther or not we should do 11 sa1d. Pubhc oppos1tion often demals of are not made concern about possible Smwt atrnospherP d rPiief arnnn~ that way. but we JUSt don't turns mto pohueal opposltton. clear to them mtpn·entwn Ill Poland has nst•n semor arlrmnistratwn offtctals have the rPSOurct'S to be a full he addt'd ..\n attornev with the Land agatn bl.'cause rnilttar~ aftp; pohttcal lPadPrs of tht' soc1al st>r\'ll'e a~ency .. ··Let ·s face 11. politl..:tans ~o of Lmcoln !:ega: Ass1stanct• preparations have contmUt·d Warsaw !'act ISSU!'d il SomP sonal workPrs m tht• aftt'r votes ... ht satd. "And Foundation m Carb,,ndale sml·e last week's Warsaw Paet statPrnPnt 111 :\lnsnm on Fnda' countv bt>hPve that the ID­ they· re not gom~ to do says that ·s why h1s ~roup is surnrmt mt'f'lmg That staternPn! appt·an•d in P.-\ ·~posit ton 1s typtcal of how anythmg to lost> those volt's tak1ng the program mto --w,. have detected rnihtan gl\'f' the Polish cornrnumsl gon•mnlt'r.! al!ennt's Vlt'W (l"s the Interest m tht>ir own court pn·par:.ttlons m more than :io lt'adt>rshtp more t1mt• to tht• pt)()r pohttcal cart't'r that's puttmg In a das,. actwn swt hied in Sll\'11.'1 and Warsaw Pal'! dt•rnnnstrate that thP\ can cnn!rol mternal unrest "·Jth(oUI Savs (;untt•r ":\lam oi tht• them in that :ntuat1on ... O(·tnht•r 1n :· ~ !Jtstnct Court rii\"ISIOOS 0\'Pr thP pas! week." rmlltan muscle from thp So\"IPI public a!(t•nclt's \"IPW tht• p.>or \lf'dJcall'arf': Accordm~ to m Spnnght'ld. attorneys for onp .;pnJOr Carter ad- l"mon and othf'r East Europt'illl and tht• nt•ed f~•r ser..-Jn•s as the IDPA. there art• onlY twn L<1nd nt Lmcoln arg~·e that llllllls!rntists m'"kson (ountv lht• township program m :\londa' ~tatP~ ~ut Jntei!Jgenet• n·pnr:, hkt• :'ilYlll!( vou'rt' alwa~s who will takt• :\lt>dJcare:s n·ntral and southern llhnms :\h-anwhilP. the Pentagon ordt•rt'd t.1p L S mtlttan flowing mto Wastungton mPr ~ntn!-( to han• 11 Tht>y :'t't'm w grt•kPnd mack tt dPar th;tt tw ,;1\ 111g t! tht>rt' ar•· po,>r IDP:\ dOt"sn 't h;n t• a hst 01 n,•mstered b\ tht• st;;tP so lht• mtpn;;Jfl<";ttton of Sovwr :.Jnd ;::..·nplt• ou.t th<'n·. tt ·,_ bt>cau.,,. dodo~ "ho take :\lt>d;rare that thP stat"e can then st•t th(•Jr toes lwcause of th;• P"tentwl oi war m Ea,.tern W:.J. saw !'an rnilttan aciJ\'11\ tht•v rP ,;alisflt•d "''lh ht•m!( pat ll'nts ,, 11 1s unal:>lt to m;mdator~ gUJdehnt•s for th · on all sJdt·s of !'oiand hacl rt-ft•r 1nqt:.nng gret•n-card program Europt• Pentagon offinab• thai 'Ail\ stn•sst>d. however. that tht•n• CO!lllllU!'d SJnC(' tht• :\loscm' Bt'llt•tin· :.n:r<'t'' th.-r•· holders to a spenftc doctor "From nur t•xpt•nenl't'. and Wlllll! and. 1f What IS ll'ft. say some .tr•· mall\ c•>n.<•lrlt•rnwns ll'ft the t•xpent•nct· of the 111 Wt•sll'rn Gerrn''-' t•rt·d wht·n tht• sunal \•orkPr::-. IS that of­ program. a great many 1f not qut>,otwn oi whPtht•r I!O\"t'rn tentimt•s the poor needmg all of the townshiPS fa1l to Health News ... nwnt t•lftctt'ntly st'rvf"' the med1cal care go untr!'atro compl~ with due pron•ss of p.>nr conws up "It would !x• ntcP if. out of a tht• law 111 anv number of ·1 Jne of the ancient (;rt't'ks st>r.:"it' of so.:1al respons1b1hty. wavs ... Phil :\lilsk. d1rt>Clor of Your Aching Back Means oncp satd that 5 thev !doctors 1 would do 1t ... !...and of Lmcoln. satd mt>asured h,· how- well it Deckelnick said of the That You Are Important treats tts poor ... hP sa1d. "I countv·s doctors and dentists. However. Earl B Sum· BY DR. WHITE don· t tht nk the welfarE' "But "you reallv can't blame mPrs. superv1sor of :\lur­ Doctor of Chiropractic s\·stem has answered that them With thP system set up physboro Townshtp's program. defended local Each Day on overage of yawing in a fatigued state Hut I wouldn 'I want to sav tf the wav it is 6'/• million Americans ore will cause a person to "wince" "Thev lose moneY on supervision of the program. we ha\·e taken care of our laid up with o new status or double over to ovoid what :\ledicare cases unless" the'>· Hl' said that putting it into poor or not. .. symbol. the they feel will be a rib Public Housing: If you'rt> do a tremendous volume." he state hands would bring boclcoche. out of pLce oro muscle 5005m. poor and look1ng at one of said. "So they just don't want about the same red !apt> Jackson County's 370 family to be hassled with it. What characteristic of the IDPA. You hove to~ Sometimes the tight-ness in you're telling them in effed realize that in the bock or the hips or legs public housing Units as a way "I've always got a reason of bf'ating high rents and high is. accept the green card and IYU1V ways your will grow with stres!f> or pres- when I denv -;omeone ... backache at- . . ·, !f>ure. and wrve as sOtT·ething security deposits. you face a get 6iJ to 75 percent of what Sur.1mers said: ··1 sav we can vou could get from a cash loeb ore there- ,. ' of o distreu signal. warning wa:t1ng hst of from nine take care of people better on customer. suit of stress- of o backache to come. n•onths to two ,·ears. the tOVI·nship level. .. Whtle officials ''t the ··1n the end, though."' fulliving. You cannot ovoid stressful One way to Dr. W ite nnponsibilities of this modern Jackson County Housing Decke\nick adds. "ifs going One Jackson County legal to be the poor person who's stove off that day life we live. But you con Authority admit that bwlding assistance lawyer who attock is to reduce the ner- seek significant core of bock- public housmg for all the the victim." requested anonymity. needy is unrealistic. public General Assistance: The disagreed. saying that there vous stress in your life. ache problems and condition and possibly eveu political township General Assistance are discrepencies in the way Once you hove hod o stress the body to their prevention. opposition to recent publi<' program in Illinois is sup· in which mles are applit'd. backache yC'U can count on And if you do suffer bock- housing propc:;als make posed to be the place to go and that it comes from a type it to ,..occur again and again. ache. you owe it to your- shortening the waiting list an when you're poor and have no of anti-poor feeling by just as surely as the sun will self to seek competent Chira- uphill battle. other place to go. township administrators. rise each day. proctic core. Tvler You.1g. assistant It is the answer for people If left untr-.:ied iflo •90C· director of the· housing who don't get public aid or "I think a lot of township OJronce will become that pre­ Do you ha- • q.,..tlon? authorit~·. suspects that other types of aid. Often it officials are not willing to dictable. Write or call ••• pubhc opposition to two ~ervf's as a lifesa,·er for admit there are poor people Of CXIUIW. we belielle Chir~ J>eQple who can't get. or arP in their township.'' the at­ Dr. Roy S. White tJroposed projects-one for 25 proctic has proven itself as un1ts in :\furphysboro and waiting to get. on some other tornev said. "Thev're em­ a premium response to the another for an unspecified kmd of assistance program. barraSsed by it. They trmk C/0 Carbondale backache problem. number ol units in Car­ But critics of the svstem that the poor people should Chiropractic Clinic The warning s•gns of stress bondale---1s the reason both charge that the rules that work. But not everybody can 103 S. Washington backache ore reasonable :;·oJects still haven't been determine who receives work and that doesn't mean Carbondale, II •2901 simple to note. Frequently. butlt assistance are often not they should starve." ,.11)457-1127

    ll*'ll _wmr fHJrflon Hobt:-t Stalls. \

    Those students who were previously denied payment of a Basic Grant because they had received four full yean should contact the Student Work ·~?1":'Thl:£ " person lltnK. .. and Financial Aulstance Office In to dlscuu a fifth year Basic Grant Award with their financial aid counselor. \\c~~:n ...... out·~ ...rg.u; (... ~ .. Tho. students who did not apply for a Basic Grant this academic year (lti0- • Abortion 11) becau.. they had received four full yean should apply as soon as • Band-Aid Surgery ...... Balle Gram application tom. are available In the Office of Student (tu~ st..,hz.toonl Worlc and Financial Aulstance. • State lic.,sea • Member National Abortion Federation c ~ ~ Paid for by ttt. Office of Student Work and Financial Aulstance. ! TOU FllfE 1-100-6112-)121 ~~~~~------~~~------~~~------~~SWFA SWFA SWFA SWFA SWFA Netters contintie climb against EIU Tu·o Saluki gridders named 8\' Dav• Kan• :'\ancy would have been/laying victor1es in the A flight to Valley all-academic team St'lff Wrltn in A flight, it coul have Saturday while losing to Ell''s Coach Paul Blair looked at possibly given us 10 or 12 more top player. Janet Haberkorn Sophomore running back Jeff average and a long return of 58 the players on the Saluki wins overall." The multi-talented athletes Ware and senior offensive yards. He also tied Vic Harrison badminton roster and evaluated If Little would have been used from the SIU-C field hockey and tackle :.\lark Mielock have been for most receptions with 10 their performanct> last as the No. 1 plaver in the A volleyball teams are back. also. named to the 24-player 1980 Ware was also the team's third­ Saturday against perennial singles flight. the :'io. 3 player in Ellen Massey and Renee Skr­ Missouri Vallev C'onff'rence all­ best rusher. gaining 330 yards in national power Eastern Illinois the B and C flights would have zypchak. who W!'re hitting field academic football team. 83 attempts. scoring four touch­ The Salukis had lost. 41-13. but been moved down to the next hockey balls until just before Nine Drake Bulldogs downs that was almost twice the lower flight, while the :"o 4 Thanksgiving break. teamed up dominated the selections which number of mah:hes thev had {>layer in D flight would {>lay in for a 15-11. 15-4 C flight doubles included five West Texas State Mielock was named to the won last year agains-t the Junior varsity competition. If win over EIFs Javne players and three from :-.;ew Associated Press :0.1\'C second Panthers. Little can provide that added Augustine and Diana Biggs. Mexico State and Indiana State team offense and earned an One could tell Blair '"as ex­ spark when she comes back and two from Tulsa honorable mention on the cited about the progress his next semester. Blair's en­ ~h;~~inv~~~y~:~l C~~/!~re ~~!~ Ware led the Salukis in l'mted Press International team had shown against its thusiasm is understandable. part of winning doubles team;. kickoff returns with a 23-yard MVC offensiVe team. upstate rival, but he tried to "Dinah Devers. (No. 3 in A Another field hockey player. suppress it a little because he singles l, beat their No. 3 Kim Andrews, was also in A Florida State eyes No. 1 spot envisioned even greater player." Blair said. "She flight singles at Ell~. possibilities. would've beaten their No. 4. 5 "Some of these people have Southern Cal's upset of have some help to become a "We had 36 single!; matches. and 6 players. A lot of it's only been in four pro~tices ... second-ranked Notre Dame serious challenger for :'lio. 1. and and out of those, wt: had 11 :spe.:uialiun, Lut I'm c;ure in her Blair said, "but ae the q~ason took place in Los Angeles. but Southern Cal gave us a big matches that went to three case she would've doi'Je quite a goes on. their best shots will the impact was felt 2.500 miles push ... games," Blair said. "That bit better in B flight. start cominll." Away. Florida State. ranked third shows we've become much "Even without Nancv. I'm Blair seems confident ~hat "This place exploded." said last week. stayed in the chase more competitive, but also that really happy with the way we're once Little recovers fror!! her Florida State quarterback R1ck for the national championship we're not quite coming through playing as well as we are. If foot problem and the recent Stockstill. who watched the by rallying to beat Florida 17-13 when we need to." they all keep improving. we'll newcomers get in the groove, telecast of Southern Cal's 20-3 on a pair of second half touch­ The 12 Salukis competing in be very competitive as the year the Salukis no longer w: i be in vh.tory Saturday m the do""-n passes from Stockstill to the four singles nights. (three in goes on. not to mention next awe of teams like EIV. Tallahassee. Fla.. apartment Hardis Johnson. The Seminoles. .:ach flight l, may have been year." "I think we may be even with building that houses the to-1. figure to move up a notch slightly rearranged if freshman There have been some them or be beating them by the Seminoles. "We knew we had to to :-.;o 2 in this week's rankmlls :'\ancy L.ttle had not been players with more time to end of the season." Blair said. iiii...... sidelined with a foot injury. improve than others, according "EIU's not as strong as last Little. from Calgary. Alberta. to Blair. Ginny Morris played year, but they have a lot of Canada. has the potential to be two years ago as a freshman. tradition and a lot of pride. We sn:-C's top player. according to but traveled to Guam last lost some of the matches Blair season. She's back this year. mentally before we walked out "We talked about it on the and her absence hasn't shown in onto the court. It's always in the way back." Blair said. "If ber play. She picked up two backs of our players' minds. Cardinals, Padres su"ing big deal

    DALLAS ~AP1-The St. Loms Fingers and Tenace both earned run averaged in the 1980 Cardinals acquired relief ace were important cogs in the season. His career record IS tot­ Roklhe Fingers and catcher­ three straight world cham­ tot with 244 saves. the most first baseman Gene Tenace piOnships won by the Oakland among active major leaguers from San D1ego Monday in an A's from 1972-74. In 1976, U,e Tenace, also 34, batted .222 COMPLETE HOME AND OFFICE tl-player trade. with the Padres first vear of basehall's free­ with 17 home runs and 50 runs obtaining seven players, in­ agent "reentry draft, both signed batted in. CLEANING SERVICE cludmg four pitchers. with the Padres. Kennedy was one of the most In addition to Fingers and Fingers. 34, had an 11-9 sought-after players on the ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAY Tenace. St. Louis received record with 23 saves and a 2.80 Cardinals' roster. ,R._~ lefthanded pitcher Bob Shirley .: .- . SHOPPING AND and a minor league t~layer to be l .: . .. !.., ENTERTAINING- named later. Cage team to be tested In exchange. San Diego '" "' . ~- LEAVE YOUR CLEANING acquired catchers Terry ~ •;' TOUS. Kennedv and Steve Swisher. •KITCHENS • CARPET SHAMPOOING mfie!der Mike P11illips and by Evansvill~ Northerrt pitchers John t;;·rea. John •BATHROOMS • TIU AND WOOD FLOORS Littlefield. AI Olmstead and n tankers Center Rod Camp totaled 48 points and 26 rebounds against Memphis State and Siena Heights. But he fouled out against Tulane cContlnuf'd from Page 201 and Charleston, amassing just 12 points and six rebounds. The newcomers the coach After starting off averaging 11 points per game, senior tor.•ard referred to are Colombian Charles Moore had just two points against Charleston. And Car­ Carlos Henao and freestylers bondale native Johnny Fayne, expected before the season to Larrv Woolev and John average in double figures. had scored just two points before Fischer. all freShmen. tallying eight Saturday. Henao and Fischer teamed Such spottiness would speli"Death in the Valley"-the Missouri with veterans Pat LootlV and Valley Conference. that is. Fortunately. the MVC schedule doesn't Pablo Restrepo to win the 400 begin until January. soSlt:-C can afford inconsistency now. . freestyle relay in a meet and Maybe the Salukis will discover consistency against EvansVllle Horton Pool record of 3:08.4. and :'liorthem Illinois. One thing is for sure: If Slli-C can put its Both freshman turned in total game together against both teams and win. one ca1 safely say lifetime best swims. the Salukis have improved. Henao. Conrado Porta and Roger Vcn Jouanne won the 300 backstroke relay in 2:37.1. a school and meet record. Wooley haa a lifetime best of 59 9 in his leg of the 300 breaststroke relay. two seconds better than his best high school ~(I®a)~ time when shaved and rested. He teamed with Restrepo and \ I :\lark Pollard to win in 2:59.6. 'W~CBal[t)~ \ SIU-C's other win was in the \ 400 medley relay. The team of TONIGHT­ mumb&l­ Restrepo, Von Jouanne, Porta anoere­ and Looby won in a meet and qulremenca team relays record of 3:27.4. Gus Papelis Divers Rick Theobald and freshman Johnny Consemiu teamed to take second in the Jazz Fusion diving competition in both the s lu EMPLOYEES one- and three-meter com­ petition. HAPPY HOUR SPECIALS DAILY CREDIT UNION 3-7p.m. "They did a really good job." 1217 West Main St Steele said. "Johnny impressed Pinball and Vid_eo Gomes Carbondale. Ill. 62901 a lot of coaches there and has (618) 457·3595 given us a good one-two punch. 6 1 1 S. tltinois ~--~-~- He just needs to improve his consistency." Daily Eg:;p\::tn. Decembt'l' 9. 1981;. Pagt: 19 Dual opener awaits inconsistent grapplers

    Bv Rick Klatt the one ingredient Wt' have dual-meet st'ason right around Stall Wrl~r nnallv got a hold of is that we're the corner. Long said Sll'-C' 1s m Question. If you were the really putting great effort into PXCPilent physical and m£>ntal Saluki wrestling coach. how the mdividual matches ... !'!iape and is ready for what's would vou describe vour team's Record-wtse. lettermen Gus ahead. comb(ned individual match Kallat and Eric Jones seem tr "We've had enough com­ won-loss record of 86-75~ have put the greatest efforts petition so that we can dt'ter­ Coach Linn Long doesn't need into their matches. Kallal's 16-5 mine what directions we want to to ponder the quer:· too long record is the best on the team go with our personal habits and before findtng his answt'r. and Jones· 15-4 record is st'cond. execution ... Long sa1d. "Like I inconsistent at times However. mspite of their said at the beginning of the "We're not totalh· ln­ records. th£> two have not been season. we'll be in everv meet. .. constslent across the board ... 1mmune to mconsister.t per­ F"or the most part. the Saluk1s Long said. "buts! stil'ks its head formance. will be wrestling in tht' same up quite often." "Both lost one-point decisions weight classes thiy've com­ Thl' Salukis. who open their to the t>ventual champion." peted in during the first month. dual-meet season at 2 A5 p m Long sa1d in reference to the Only in the 118-pound class wtll Wednesda\· at the Arena lllmois Invitational. "Thev there be a need to have anv kind aga1nst :\i1ssouri·St Louis. weren't that alPrl and readv o"r of competition to determine who made strides toward o\·er· mtense. I gupss it d1dn't mean w1ll repr~<"nt Sll:..(' commg their def1ciency last that much to them at tht' time ... Long saul that Keith Abney Frida,· and Saturda\· at the Alertness has t>een slow m 15-6 rE.'cord so far 1. Dan Illinois lnvlla!lonal. · coming to the Salukis. Long :\larhanka li-71. Jern· In Champaign. Sll'-C won 2'2 sa1d The Saluk1 coach said thP Richards li·8 1 and Luis Solarte of 42 matches and had three wrestlPrs havt' a tendt'nC\' of not t-1-8 1 ·•·ill vie for the 118·pound wrestlers place tn their bemg ready to wrestle until position. At the 190 and respective we1ght clas!'t'!>. midway mto the second period hea\·yweight classes. :\lark "We had a pretty g•:.od two "They're still having trouble Hedstrom ·. 8-71 and Dale Shea days up there." Long sa1d in the first period ... Long said 14-31 have agreed to alternate "And I think we have. for the "They just don't wake up until between the two classes most part, gained a very im· the middle of the second and by throughout the dual season portant ingredient in that we then. sometimes. it mav be too The remainder of the Saluki battle for the entire individual late. They've got to iearn to lineun will be Tim Dillick ~~~· match. ever; match. warm-up two things befort' a at 126~ :\lal·k Harpster IR-i' at "We still· make occass10nal match-their bodit's and their 13-1. at 1-12 wtll be Da\·e Holler tactical and strategic m1stakes heads" •~51: at 150 will be Kallai. and falter on exo>Cution of However. all 1s not grim for Jones will be at 158 and Dan Starr photo by ~lt'lanit' Bell techmque ... he continued. "out the Salukis. With the start of tht' Hemmer 13-81 will be at 190

    Hod !"amp moH~ to .... ard the baskt't and past Siena Ht'ight.s' Bruce ..... art dunng thl' Salukis' 91-77 win O\'t'r tht' Saints. ('amp SCOI"t'd 26 Lad}· tankers remain lltlclefeated; pmnt' and had 11 rl'bounds in that gamt'. .. freshmen qllali/)· for national meet

    Bv ~lichelle Schwen& Debbie Htker, another fresh­ 3:58.8. The third relay team to From the sian Writer man. finisht:'d second in the qualify was the BOO-yard Women's swimming coach !reestyle with a freestyle of Larsen, Ratcliffe. Tim Hill said before the season time of 10:40.4. which pleased Brown and D1ane Poludniak Press Box started that the freshmen on his the coach. with a time of 7:43.6 team held the key to the season. "Debbie turned in an out­ Larsen won the 100-vard Sntll Stahml'r The season is three weeks old standing performance. ''Hill butterfly with a time of ·56.78 and the t<>am seems headed said. "Her time was better than and also led off the 400-yard toward Hill's goal of making the both the pool and state reccrd." individual medley with a 1:00.4 nationals. Divers Tracey Terrell and The team time for that race was SIU-C's record is 6-0 following Julia Warner passed up the 4:12.92. Aces, Northern Rlinois a win over Western Illinois Western meet, but senior Penny Friday and a victory at the The 300-yard butterfly relay Hoffman placed fourth in the team placed first and set a new Illinois State relays Satur­ one-meter diving with 210.30 day.The Salukis have won nine meet record with a time of true tests for cagers points. Patti Newman. a junior. 2:54.37. The 400-medley relay straight dual meets over last placed fifth in one-meter diving season and this season. team bettered the old SIU -C Has the Saluki basketball team improved since last year~ with 191.70. mark of 4:05.85 by swimming The freshmen played a big Hill said the team didn't win While a final verdict won't be in for awhile. the team and its fans part in the 88-62 win over the the 400 in a time of 3:58.8. should recetve some indication of the team's progress in this the meet as easily as he had The meet was closer than it Westerwinds. Freshman Barb expected, but he suspected the week's games against Evansville and Northern Illinois. Larsen won the appears to have bt en. ac­ Although the Salukis are 3-1. a sign that the team is better than six-hour trip to ~Iacomb took cording to Hill, because the freestvle with a time of 10:13.4 more out of the team than had last year's. two of the three victories have beton ragged per­ and alSo qualified for the AlA W final standings were deter­ formances against outmanned. second-rate competition. Only Sll'­ been anticipated. mined by the final race. nationals with that time. The The Salukis were seeded 20 c·s opening win. a 6~67 upset over Memphis State at the :\tid-South national qualifying time is points behind top-seeded "The meet went right down to Classic. was truly impressive 10· 2-1. Larsen set a state. scho?l Wisconsin going into the Illinoio; ~~ iast relay," Hill said. "We If the Salukis can rekindle the intensity of the ltemphb game. and pool record in the 51}-meter State relays. but won eight c! could have won the meet befort• they have a shot at defeating El·ansville and :'\orthern Illinois. If butterfly with a time of 26.0. the 13 relavs at the meet to beat that by changing the lineup in a not. the Aces and Husk1es will munch on Sll' -C for bre:tkfast. lunch Pam Ratcliffe. a freshman the Badgers by 10 points. couple of races. but we were and d1nner frorn Carbondale. qualified for Three of the sn.; -C relay trying to make national times. Both teams probably are as good as ~lemphis State and. with the the national meet in the 100- teams qualified for the "I was pleased with our exceptiOn of Wichtta State and Bradley. match up to the Salukis' meter ir.dividual medlev with a nationals. Barb Jansen. Rat­ performance because we didn't ~lissouri \'alley Conference opponents. Evansville is one of the time of 59.94 and qualified also cliffe. Larsen and La· ra Brown ~wim up to our expectations on favontes to win the :\hdwestern Cities Conference. and :'l;orthern in the 50-meter breaststroke swam the 200-~·ar...a medley Friday night," he added. "The llhno1s has been p1cked for second in the :\lid-Amencan Con­ with a time of 3i.O. Both were relay in a time of 1:51 to qualify competition was a lot keener ference. state. school and p-.ol records. for the nationals. That time also." Evansvtlle. a it>-65 victor over the Salukis in 1979. IS 3-0 -lfter The Salukis set a broke the old mark by eight The Salukis will face some Saturda~··s 83·59 win o\·er Indiana State. The Aces have a lot of ano pool r~ora m the wv-meter seconds. keen competition in the form of good player; returning from last year's 18-10 team. and :t!so have breaststroke with a time of The same foursome qualified Auburn University this added a highly-touted recruit in 6-11 freshman Kenny Pe:-ry. 2:52.2. but missed qualifying for for nationals in the 400-yard weekend in the SIU-C Shave :'l;orthern Illinois has lost to Iowa th1s year. 61-47. but the game the nationals by .4 seconds. metiley relay with a time of Meet. was close until the last few minutes. With -147 to go. the Husktes trailed only -411-41. ":'liorthern is a fine ballclub ... Lute Olson. coach of the Newcomers impress at swim meet nationally-ranked Hawkeyes. said after the game. ''They're certamly go1ng to be a tough team to beat. .. Bv Rod Smith went home to jolly old England records in the process. The Hus ... Jes defeated Sll'-C. 78-63. last season m DeKalb. Allen sj,ort.s Editor to compete in hi!' co;.tntry's "I think we had some out­ Rayhorn. a 6-9 center who scored 30 points m that game. is back Men's swimming Coach Bob national championships. standing times from our along with starters Ray Rhone. Shawn Thrower and Terry Green. Steele thought that with a little Despite the loss of three key newcomers." Steele said. "Our veterans did their usual steady ( lbvJOusly. both Evans' tile and ~n; will prov1de sterner tests help from other teams. his tankers. the Salukis took third than Srena Herghl!> ;.nd Charleston. Then agam. there JS a feeling squad could wm the Illinois in the relays. 24 points behind job. but it's good to see the new State Helavs title for the ninth Iowa. relays champion for the kids come along and push some that th .. N!lukrs are lhe ktnd of team that play!' at the level of its other swimmers ahead of them com(J(·tlllon time in 14 'vears. second straight year. and H But seniur sprinter Brian p;,tnts behind another Big Ten "To compete on a national .-\gamst the two best tl'am~ it has playl'd. Sfl:-c has turned in its Tvdd and breaststroker Anders school. Wisconsin. The credible level. we need them." Steele bt·st performanc!'s .-\ithuugh the Salukis lost to Tulane by 14. the :-.;'orling spent the weekend m performance can be annbuted said of the freshmen. "Thev can fm;l! ~core was deceptJ\'e. But agam!'l :-;iena Ht>ight.~ and the Heath Service infirma.-v to fine efforts bv freshmen as make a difference on" our w1th food poisoning. Standout the Salukis won- four of the 11 team." • ('ontinut'd on Pa)!l' t!l 1 distance swimmer Dave Parker events. setting three meet 1('ontinut'd on Pag~ ~'0 I f'agl' ~·o lJa•IY Eg~pl!<:". December 9. 1980