Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC December 1980 Daily Egyptian 1980 12-9-1980 The aiD ly Egyptian, December 09, 1980 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_December1980 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, December 09, 1980." (Dec 1980). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1980 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in December 1980 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Iran leader expects en£1 Vaily ~gyptian to captivity Southern Illinois Unin:rsity lh ThP ·\ssociatfod J>r"" Tht• speaker of lran·s ~Mrharnent saorl Monday the l nJted States harl come "much closer · to rne..tmg demands for relea~e of lht• American hostal(f•S .:Jnd he lhmks the !J ~;:~nth-Hld cns1s "will be ~H Hashem• HafsanJani tokl a ne""" conierence 1n Tehran tht• latt•st 1· S response to Iran" four condltmn.-. flJr release ol the .;2 hosldges ht•ld for 13 moolhs ·has come rnoch doser '" "olnng tt:e problem · · "11 tht• l'mted States mt"eb our demands. and 1: seems th<~t ; II tht·y want to. the problem -'Ill tw settl•-d." hl' "'lid "In th<> past tht> l'nit£.; States ~li's <HTt>ptt>d our d.-mands on I·• pnnc1plf' hut th1s time i' has I_· takt·n rnore dear steps tn ~Xt'<'utmg them · · !{.:Jfsanjani also ruled out a !urther study of the rnatter bv the :\laJIIs. the !raman . -~ parh:.rnf'nt. saymg "We ·.he \lajhs • have g1ven our fmal opm•on about the i:05tages · Ills comments represent ~ht· most pos1trve indicatiOn to datt• that a solullon to the hostaPe 1mpasse m1ght be m the works Bt·hzad 'l;abav1. htc•ad al :he Iraman commission stud) mg the hostage Issue. said Sunda\ the l' S pos1t11>n delivered Thursdav by .\lgenan d1plomats was rnorP fa,orable to Iran "There is httll' tha~ IS un l'lear. · · Raf!'<lnjam sa1d. "Tht• comrmssmn IS study1ng thl' ~-....-.- ........... ._._.., -~ .... llteee Heather. :?. 8oth live wll.b Ram-·s ;..odler-Hea&her•; ~~d~':;~r~~~~ ~ilit~~~"! -~,......;; ........,... ................ Dt>partment SJJO*esman .John Trattner declined to commment on the statement and said the Carter administration was still wa!ting to hear officially from Iran System ofteu no aid to poor Rafsan.Jaoi ;;aid the first L:.s rep!~· was vague in addressmg the demands adopted by the Bv :\like Anton st.onldn·t be mtegrated With :\lajhs on :'\ov. 2. but t!.ere were staff Writer Poverty In Jaclcson County St-rvlces for the poor's other few ":lanswt."red questions m From public aid to general financ1al and counseling the latf'St resp.. mse. assistance. from public lost in a serifl needs "The l'mted States han• housing to medicai care. the [~ "It does.1·t mean that moved forward in executing our --.'T-he-sy-·s-t-em_t_ha_t -the_y_a_r_e--look--in_g_a_t_a_pe_rso_nas a whole soc1al service system hasn't because they nel!d ca!.h demands and the rights that we tx>en the solution to poverty in involved in produces vic- person or as a whole family.·· assistance that we should clo have claimed." he said. Jackson County timiza'.JOn. But it is not b~· Lee Deckelnick, a countv an m-depth study of the The four condJtions are return "ln Jackson Countv in 1980. design," he said. • mental health counselor. mental and .•ocial problems of the wealth of the late Shah what you have is simply that Social workers point to four said. "Somebody gives them that they might be suffenng :\~ohammad Reza Pahlavi and the services haven't been general areas where the food stamps. Somebody ebe from ... he sa1d h1s family. unfreezing Iranian able to catch up with the system works against the pro\·ides them with medical Belleure added that he 1s assets in l'.S banks. dropping need ... Pat Gunter. SllT·C poor: care. If they have a problem aware of the cntic1sms. but pendJng l' S lawsuits agatnst instructor in social and Public: ,\id: The state with a child. they have to go that there is noth1ng the Iran and a pledge not to in­ communitv serv1ces and government's fragmentation to another department. A IDP A can do at>out 1t. terfere m \raman affairs. former Jackson County social of the Illinois Department of person m1ght have to go to "We have been accused of Informed sources said the worker. said. Public Aid from tl:~ rest of five different agencies to get not serving the poor the way latest l- S. respon.."E' contamed Herman Lantz Slt:·C the state's social sen·ice all h1s needs fulfilled." we should... Belletire sa1d no obJection to the non­ professor of sociology. said a~encies. oftentimes loses the However. :\like Belletlre, "But the department has mterference pledge and un­ that the complexity of the poor in a maze of government administrator for the Illinois never been purported to be a freezing the assets. and offered welfare svstem often loses bureaucran·. sa~· some social Department of Pubhc Aid. counseling agency or a social aid m fighting the legal claims the people. it serves in a maze workers. · · said that the financia! aid service agency. That's fine against Iran and help in locating some of tllfi! shah's of red taoe. ··!~jobody is responsible for prov1ded by the department ICootinued on Pa~te ll!l fortune ..~candidates file petitions for city courtcil election Bv Tonv Gordon student m history. announced at had more than the required 30 city attorney to prepare a sian w'rtter a press conference Monday that signatures of voters registered challenge to the law setting the Three candidates for the he would seP.k his first term on m Carbondale and that she legal drinking age in lllinois at Carbondale Citv Council-two therouncil Jones· and Watkins· expt>eted no challenge to the 21. He said the law was passed incumbents and aSlt: ·C student positions on the council are the pelltions over home-rule provisions m the challenger-filed petitions onlv two to be contested m 1981 Jones wa,; i1rst elected to the state constitution without the Mondav at the cih· clerk's office Citv Clerk Janet \'aught said council m 1969 and IS running required two-th1rds of the to ha\·e their names placed on a primary electiOn scheduled for a fourth term. w~. tkms is legislature voting to approve. the ballot th1s sprin~ for fo'eb. 24 will not be held running m his fi:-st campaign Coulter also sa1d he supports Councilmen .-\rchte Jones and unless fiw or more candJdates for the council. hanng been a "quality library s:·stem for Charles Watkins will ap· file nominating petitions before appointed to Iii! an unexpired the city ... and that he believf's parently nm to rt>t::un their the ::Jec. 15 deadline Tht> term m 197S any city tax increases proposed seats on the counc1l. although gen ... ral election \\ill be held to pay for library Im­ (;us savs if studt>nts ,·ote in tht> neither has rnaJe a formal Apnl 7 .·\t tht• pres,. t·nnlt:r<'nee provements should be put cit\ o>l~ction like thev did for announcement \aught q1d all three can· :\londa\·. Coulter said that if he bdore the \'Oters m a th~ir o;enate. the student can­ :\latt Coulter. graduate didates· ·..,etitions filed Monday 1s elecied he would direct the referendum didate ma~· \\ind up in the bole. Polisl1 military warns against r-News Roundup,-- lrn11. /rut/ fJOiltlfl oil t'PIIIPrs 'tJnrest" getti11g ottt of ltand Bt:IHt'T. I.Rbanon '.-\P' Iran and Iraq daimf.'d the~ hammered each other's oil centers :\Iunday and a wamtng wa~ sounded m Tehran of an attt•mpt to O\ erthrow the Jslam1r WAID> A. W. Poland .\P · nt•w,; fr,;rn Poland and askt>d revoluttonary reg1me of .-\yatollah Ruhollah Khomem1 Poland's 'lrm~ r.t'wsp3pt•r the \ . !lin :\Ia r~ to pro!f•ct War eommunaques sa1d tht• o1l rf:'ftrur.~ complex of Iran·~ warned ~londay of rnountmg ·Poland. rnv cnuntrv .. ThP concern m the Po:tsh m1htarv .-\rm' mav mtervene an Poland pope was spe'akmg to in ark the bdeaguered clly of Abadan was on f1re from Jraq1 art11le~ that "social unrest" wa;., ~Ntmg But Poland's mdcpendent Ft•ast of tht' Jmrnaculatf:' bombardment <~nd hehcoptt'r ra1ds Iraq's main Persian (;uif out of hand i thts Sovtt·! bloc labor movemt•nt. focus of much Conct>pt1on ml termmal of ~-ao also was reported ablaze fron !raman countrv Tht' ;_,ovtet l'mo:J ana <;~ :\loscow·s concern. demed Arn1d continuing rt'porL~ that attacks on the 78th dav of thE' war hard-fine Warsaw Patt So,·tf:'t and t-:ast German Sov1et troops on Poland·~ "The people of Iran- must know that a dangt>rous coup d'etat members leveled new charges reports of new labor unrest and borders were potsed fo• an 1s in process to dt>stroy th1s reg1mt'. · · sa1d parliament member that "countE'rrevolutionarv there were no reports of new 1ntt>rvent:on. Poland's 0'-':1 .\It :\gila :\lohammad at a parliamentary sessiOn He calle-d on groups" werE' t'ndangering stnkes armv ind1catt>d 11 could he the pt-ople-. army an~ !awmakers to close ranks. His remark.' communist rule in Poland The Warsaw daily newspaper preparing for a crackdown The were broadcast by Teh•an Radio and monitored tn lje1rut In Washhgton.
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