


between the Italian Foreign Ministry and Ital- Condor's solid fuel and steerable nozzle sys- ian companies doing business in Argentina, tem in its Capricornio launcher development one of which took part in the Condor-2 mis- program. sile project and benefitted from Iraqi loans International Defense Review, 11/92, p. 1062 made by Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL) (3386). Atlanta. ARGENTINA WITH Alan Friedman, , 4/21/93, p. 1 12/92 (2994). Meetings are held at the Argentine Foreign 4/19/93 Ministry between the U.S. and Spanish Am- Argentina is taken off the German "H" list of bassadors and the Argentine foreign and sensitive export control, a category it once ARGENTINA WITH MTCR defense ministers to negotiate an agreement fell into because of its failure to ratify the on the shipment of recyclable parts from the Treaty of Tlatelolco, its lack of a govern- 3/93 Condor-2 missile to for peaceful pur- ment agency instituting sensitive export con- The U.S. State Department confirms that poses such as launches with the trol and its development of missile projects. MTCR member nations are assisting Argen- Spanish Institute for Aerospace Technology. The new status recognizes Argentina's tina in the disposal of the Condor 2 project's J. Olomo y Losada, ABC (), 1/7/93, p. 24; in JPRS-TND-93-002, 1/15/93, p. 13 (2932). nuclear, chemical and missile nonprolifera- remaining elements. tion policy. Nathaniel C. Nash, Times, 3/7/93, p. 10 2/8/93 Embassy of Argentine Republic Press Communique, (3195). Jon B. Wolfsthal, Arms Control Today, 4/ 4/21/93 (2935). 93, p. 24 (3195). Fourteen engines and 30 fuselages from the Condor-2 are scheduled to be shipped to 3/11/93 Spain from Puerto Belgrado, Argentina, at Argentina is invited to join the MTCR. ARGENTINA WITH Argentine expense aboard the Bahia San Blas Embassy of Argentine Republic Press Communique, transport to an undisclosed port, pos- 4/21/93 (2935). MTCR Closing Press Release, 3/ 4/93 11/93 (2576). sibly the Rota air and naval base. The mis- It is reported that some Argentinean Con- sile parts were transported from Cordoba, dor 2 related components were discovered Argentina, at a slow rate of travel to assure that no frictional movement or violent shocks in Iraq by the U.N. Special Commission. ARGENTINA WITH SPAIN Nathaniel C. Nash, New York Times, 3/7/93, p. 10 would cause overheating in the engines' seal- (3195). Jon B. Wolfsthal, Arms Control Today, 4/ ant, in a secret operation under the command 93, p. 24 (3195). 9/92 Spanish technicians reportedly visit the Con- of General Sciola. J. Olomo y Losada, ABC (Madrid), 1/7/93, p. 24; dor 2 missile trials and construction installa- in JPRS-TND-93-002, 1/15/93, p. 13 (2932). tion at Falda del Carmen, Argentina in order ARGENTINA WITH ITALY to acquire technology for the Spanish space 3/4/93 4/20/93 program. The visit includes a tour of work- Argentinean Defense Minister Erman An Argentinean magistrate in shops and discussions about fuel, ballistic Gonzales claims that the Condor-2 missile asks his Italian counterparts in to as- trials, metallurgy, electronics/control, com- parts sent to Spain were shipped to analyze sist in the investigation of the relationship posite materials and navigation/guidance "whether they can be used for peaceful pur- systems. Spain is interested in using

144 The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 Missile Developments ARGENTINA-AUSTRALIA Ghali of the weapon's existence and appeals Condor-2 . In compliance with an poses," but could not confirm that any of to him to demand an official explanation from earlier agreement, Argentina sent Condor 2 the parts had been re-shipped to the U.S. Armenia. missile components to the U.S. via Spain. Gonzales says that the entire shipment was Snark (Yerevan), 12/2/92; in JPRS-TND-92-047, Todman notes that the U.S. received all of 12/18/92, p. 28 (3248). Azerinform (Baku), 12/4/ "duly controlled by Spanish experts" the components with the exception of the 92; in JPRS-TND-92-047, 12/18/92, p. 28 (3248). present at the time of loading. "intelligent warhead" which was never sent Turan (Baku) 12/17/92; in JPRS-TND-92-048, 12/ Telam (Buenos Aires), 3/4/93; in JPRS-TND-93- 23/92, p. 19 (3248). 008, 3/2/93, P. 19 (2967). to Spain. The ambassador also outlines the possibilities for the destruction of the Falda 12/92 Early 1993 de Carmen facility, where sufficient infra- Azerbaijan fires a new type of from Reports surface that Condor's guidance sys- structure is still present to renew the Con- launchers near Mingechaur which explodes tem was sent to Spain's National Institute of dor-2 project. Jose Julia claims that the in Askeranskiy Rayon; experts conclude, Aerospace Technology in 1991. project is now the sole responsibility of the after examination of metallic fragments, that United Press International, 4/1/93; in Executive National Space Activities Commission and the rocket belongs to the "S-200 unguided Service 4/2/93 (2881). that the Condor-2 never had a computerized missile group" used for air targets. The S- . However, there are reports 200 is 9.9 m long and 1.5 m wide. that the Condor's guidance system was sent Yerevan (Yerevan), 12/17/92; in FBIS-SOV- ARGENTINA WITH SYRIA to Spain's National Institute of Aerospace 92-244, 12/18/92, pp. 79-80 (2985). technology in 1991. 11/92 La Prensa (Buenos Aires), 3/6/93, p. 4; in JPRS- 12/7/92 Syria and Argentina sign a secret five year TND-93-008, 3/22/93, pp. 19-20 (2880). United Interior Minister of Azerbaijan Iskender scientific agreement whereby state run or- Press International, 4/1/93; in Executive News Service 4/2/93 (2881). Khamidov declares that he is keeping an eye ganizations in both countries will exchange on what is occurring in Armenia and offers "their respective expertise" in scientific and disincentives for the use of military force with technical fields; the protocol specifically the threat of "weapons of revenge," reaf- mentions cooperation in the area of "nuclear firming that Azerbaijan possesses nuclear energy," but Syria will likely pursue access ARMENIA weapons and the necessary means for "its to Argentina's Condor 2 solid fuel ballistic transportation" to Armenian territory. missile program. Khamidov refuses to clarify what amount Mednews, 1/11/92, p. 6 (2905). and type of weapons Azerbaijan has. INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS Turan (Baku), 12/7/92; in FBIS-SOV-92-236, 12/ 8/92, p. 49 (2934). ARGENTINA WITH UNITED STATES 12/92 2/93 The Armenian President's advisor on secu- Armenia declares that Azerbaijan has ob- 2/13/93 rity Eduard Simonyants refutes the claim that tained supplies for its 200 km range S-200 The U.S. signs a memorandum of under- Armenia would use retaliatory weapons, call- Volga (SA-5 'Gammon') air defense missile, standing that will allow Argentina to pur- ing it an annoying misunderstanding and which have been modified for use as a bal- chase U.S. advanced computer equipment, political provocation, and states, "Armenia listic missile against civilian and military tar- nuclear technology, and aeronautical guid- does not plan to manufacture or use nuclear gets in Nagorno-Karabakh. ance systems. Argentina in turn agrees to a weapons." Paul Beaver, Jane's Defence Weekly, 2/6/93, p. 15 series of export controls over technology (), 12/4/92; in JPRS-TND-92-047, (3120). that it has bought from the U.S. or devel- 12/18/92, p. 28 (2988). oped indigenously. The event marks the first time that the U.S. has influenced a Latin American country to agree to limit its exports ARMENIA WITH AZERBAIJAN of nuclear, missile, chemical and biological AUSTRALIA warfare technology. 12/92 Nathaniel C. Nash, New York Times, 2/13/93, p. 4 An Azeri National Security Ministry (2879). Embassy of Argentine Republic Press official states that Armenia is developing a Communique, 4/21/93 (2935). "punishment weapon" by loading radioac- AUSTRALIA WITH PRC 3/1/93 tive wastes from the Armenian nuclear During a closed door meeting with power station in bombs and artil- 12/21/92 lery missiles. The U.N. permanent repre- Argentinean Air Force Chief Jose Julia, U.S. An accident occurs during China Great sentative of Azerbaijan Gasan Gasanov Ambassador to Argentina Terrence Todman Wall's Long March 2E launch of Australia's inquires about the "missing parts" to the informs the U.N. Secretary General Butros-

The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 145 Missile Developments

Optus B2 satellite from Xichang Launch Fa- Shou Che states that they concluded their cility. The cause of the failure centers around investigation and had determined that the AZERBAIJAN a problem that occurred approximately 45 launcher was not at fault. seconds after the launch, when a small flash Tim Furniss, International, 2/3/93, p. 20 appeared around the nose cone of the rocket. (3237). Peter B. de Selding, Space News, 3/8/93, pp. 3, 21 (3237). Daniel J. Marcus, Space News, 1/4/93, pp. 4, 20 AZERBAIJAN WITH ARMENIA (3236). Tim Furniss, Flight International, 2/3/93, p. 20 (3237). 12/92 AUSTRALIA WITH UNITED STATES Azerbaijan fires a new type of rocket from 12/30/92 launchers near Mingechaur which explodes Emery Wilson, spokesman for the U.S. firm 12/92 in Askeranskiy Rayon; Experts conclude, Hughes Space and Communications Co., The U.S. State Department approves 15 ex- after examination of metallic fragments that announces that ten Hughes personnel will port licenses to sell launch vehicle informa- the rocket belongs to the "S-200 unguided travel to the PRC to investigate a 12/21/92 tion to Australia, Italy and Spain. Subse- missile group" used for air targets. The S- accident involving the Australian Optus B2 quent reports indicate that the unexpected 200 is 9.9 m long and 1.5 m wide. launch aboard China Great Wall's Long approval of the licenses "provoked a storm Yerevan Radio (Yerevan), 12/17/92; in FBIS-SOV- March 2E rocket. Hughes is the builder of of criticism" from Defense Transportation 92-244, 12/18/92, pp. 79-80 (2985). the Optus B2. Chinese officials believe the and Commerce departments. The State De- rocket was not responsible for the explosion, partment stood by its original decision in a 12/7/92 noting that the launch vehicle performed nor- White House Meeting, where senior admin- Interior Minister of Azerbaijan Iskender mally. Aboard the satellite was a solid pro- istration officials failed to agree on whether Khamidov declares that he is keeping an eye pellant motor to place the satellite into an to uphold or revoke the licenses. President on what is occurring in Armenia and offers elliptical transfer orbit and a motor utilizing Bush will make the final decision.The licenses disincentives for the use of military force with four liquid fuel tanks, that would have moved are of concern to Southern Launch Service, the threat of "weapons of revenge," reaf- the satellite into a final circular orbit. Ac- a government supported consortium of three firming that Azerbaijan possesses nuclear cording to U.S. and European sources, the Australian companies that want to build a weapons and the necessary means for "its accident was caused when the Chinese built launch vehicle, able to put a 16,000 lbs pay- transportation" to Armenian territory. nose cone shroud covering the satellite shat- load into low Earth orbit. The consortium Khamidov refuses to clarify what amount tered when the rocket was reaching super- chose Lockheed Corporation, Calabasas, and type of weapons Azerbaijan has. sonic velocity. data show that the California as the "technical review author- Turan (Baku), 12/7/92; in FBIS-SOV-92-236, 12/ rocket's second stage booster performed ity" for a feasibility study funded by British 8/92, p. 49 (2934). better than expected, possibly resulting from Aerospace, Australia. British Aerospace, a lighter load because of a loss of compo- one of the consortium members, is receiving 2/93 nents or accidental ignition of fuel. A total financial support from the Australian gov- Armenia declares that Azerbaijan has ob- of four search teams consisting of Chinese, ernment, the South Australian state govern- tained supplies for its 200 km range S-200 Hughes and U.S. government personnel will ment and domestic and foreign industry. Volga (SA-5 'Gammon') air defense missile, investigate the debris found. Hughes will Lockheed's license request to do the work which has been modified for use as a ballis- replace the Optus B2 and deliver it to orbit was approved after a one year delay as was tic missile against civilian and military tar- within 18 months. a request by Thiokol Corporation, Ogden, gets in Nagorno-Karabakh. Daniel J. Marcus, Space News, 1/4/93, pp. 4, 20 Paul Beaver, Jane's Defence Weekly, 2/6/93, p. 15 Utah to provide solid rocket motor data. (3120). (3236). Paul Proctor, Aviation Week & Space Andrew Lawler, Space News, 1/11/93, pp. 4, 21 Technology, 1/11/93, pp. 60, 63 (3236). Craig (3131). Covault, Aviation Week & Space Technology, 1/18/ 93, p. 28 (3236). 12/23/92 3/3/93 The U.S. State Department approves 18 li- BELARUS Hughes Corporate Vice President Donald censes to U.S. companies to cooperate with Cromer comments that the investigation Australian, Italian, Russian and Spanish in- of the 12/21/93 Optus B2 accident has nar- dustry in building and launching . Andrew Lawler, Space News, 1/11/93, pp. 1, 20 INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS rowed the causes to three possibilities: two (3220). centering on the satellite and one on the PRC's Long March 2E launcher. Vice Presi- 1/6/93 dent of China Great Wall Industry Chen Belarusian Foreign Minister Petr Kravchanko

146 The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 Missile Developments BELARUS-

sition to non-nuclear status to be achieved states, "Nuclear tactical weapons have been tinational, rapid deployment, anti-missile in two years instead of the originally planned completely withdrawn from Belarus. Hav- force and a Pentagon proposed Global Pro- seven years. The transition will be consid- ing become a member of the START I Agree- tection Center, for detecting and tracking ered complete when the 72 strategic missiles ment and the Protocol, the Republic missile launches. It would be built and oper- stationed on Belarusian territory are trans- has committed itself to withdraw strategic ated by participating nations and designed ferred to for destruction and all arms within seven years; although, this may along the lines of the U.S.-Canadian early Belarusian servicemen serving in other So- happen sooner." warning center in Cheyenne Mountain, Colo- viet republics have returned home. Public Belinform (Minsk), 1/6/93; in FBIS-SOV-93-006, rado. After 2000 the force would include opinion in Belarus is in favor of the transi- p. 33 (2893). planned U.S. space and ground based inter- tion to a non-nuclear status. ceptors. Officials from NATO, , Egypt, 2/4/93 Reuter (Kiev), 12/26/92; in Executive News Service, Japan, South Korea, and Australia have been 12/17/92 (2977). Belarus' parliament ratifies the START I briefed about the proposal. Talks continue Treaty, the Lisbon Protocol, the NPT, and a through 1/93. 1/93 Russo-Belarusian agreement on the deploy- George Leopold and Barbara Opall, Defense News, According to Russian Federation Minister ment of Russian strategic assets in Belarus 1/11/93, pp. 1, 28 (3044). of Defense, Pavel Grachev, Belarus has rati- and Belarus Foreign Minister Petr fied all agreements on nuclear weapons and Kravchenko claims that the parliamentary rati- 1/21/93 all that remains is to schedule their removal fication shows Belarus' "balanced and civi- During a summit meeting, Belarus, from Belarusian territory and destruction. lized character," and its desire to be a peace- Kazakhstan, Russia, and again fail Andrey Naryshev and Oleg Falichev, Krasnaya ful, neutral and nuclear free state in the cen- to agree on the transfer of all ex-Soviet Zvezda (Moscow), 1/23/93, p. 1; in FBIS-SOV-93- ter of Europe. The 81 single warhead SS-25 nuclear weapons to Russia. Russian de- 015, 1/26/93, pp. 12-13 (3291). road-mobile ICBMs in Belarus are to be sent mands for control over nuclear warheads, to Russia before 1995. The U.S. Clinton ad- ballistic missiles, nuclear weapons on stra- ministration has promised to reward Belarus tegic bombers, early warning systems, anti- BOSNIA for ratifying START I. missiles and anti-aircraft systems were re- Belinform (Minsk), 2/4/93; in FBIS-SOV-93-023, buffed by Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. 2/5/93, p. 50 (3385). Leonid Tratsevskiy, Itar-Tass Douglas Clarke, RFE/RL Research Report, 1/18/ (Moscow), 2/4/93; in FBIS-SOV-93-023, 2/5/93, 93, p. 5 (2898). Interfax (Moscow), 1/22/93; in p. 50 (3385). Dunbar Lockwood, Arms Control FBIS-SOV-93-013, p. 12 (3290). Andrey Naryshev INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS Today, 3/93, pp. 20, 24 (3461). and Oleg Falichev, Krasnaya Zvezda (Moscow), 1/ 23/93, p. 1; in FBIS-SOV-93-015, 1/26/93, pp. 3/93 12-13 (3291). Umit Enginsoy and George 3/93 Bosnian-Serb forces use Soviet-made Frog- Missile bases near Maloritsa, Brest Oblast Leopold, Defense News, 1/25/93, pp. 3, 27 (3254). Mednews, 1/25/93, pp. 5-6. 7 battlefield rockets in their bombardments. are being converted to civilian uses. Zoran Kusovac, Jane's Defense Weekly, 1/16/93, p. Radio Minsk Network, 3/29/93, FBIS-SOV-93-059, 18 (3200). 3/30/93, p. 68 (3425). BELARUS WITH RUSSIA

BELARUS WITH MULTI-COUNTRY GROUP 11/92 A schedule for the withdrawal of strategic BRAZIL 10-11/92 nuclear weapons from Belarusian territory According to Pentagon sources, details of a to Russia is drawn up and approved in ac- U.S. administration officials' proposed three cordance with a directive by Belarusian Su- phase plan for protection against limited mis- preme Soviet Chairman Stanislav INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS sile strikes were presented to Russia, Ukraine, Shushkevich in which 81 ICBMs will be with- and Belarus. drawn over two years; eight missile 10/92 Phase one calls for the U.S. to provide will leave Belarus in 1993, and another eight Since 10/92, Brazil's Alcantara launching allies with early warning information from in 1994. Belarus intends to be nuclear free base has experienced budgetary and other Defense Support Program . Phase by 12/30/94. difficulties. According to base director Lieu- two calls for technological cooperation be- Valeriy Kovalev, Krasnaya Zvezda (Moscow), 11/7/ 92, p. 2; in JPRS-TND-92-043, 11/18/92, pp. 22- tenant Deucir Lima, "We have re- tween the U.S. and former Soviet states. The 23 (2976). ceived only money for maintenance." A second phase will also include sharing of move is underway to privatize the facility. some expertise and critical components. 12/16/92 James Brooke,New York Times,8/2/93, p. A6 (2963). Phase three includes preparation of a mul- The parliament of Belarus calls for the tran-

The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 147 Missile Developments


A. Dory, Voz do Brasil (Brasilia), 3/15/93; in 2/93 from Composite Technologia, Avibras, Nuclear Nonproliferation Network News, 5/25/93 Brazilian Ministry of Aeronautics spokes- Electronica Professional and Embraer took (2939). Interfax (Moscow), 4/12/93; in FBIS-SOV- man Air Brigadier Ajax Barros de Melo says the initiative to create AIAB with the goal of 93-069, 4/13/93, p. 14 (3147). Anastasiya Romashkevich, Kommersant-Daily (Moscow), 4/ that more than 100 Brazilian companies are promoting their products and of coordinat- 14/93, p. 10; in JPRS-TND-93-012, 5/4/93, p. 10 assisting in the construction of the 42 ton, 4 ing joint participation in international and (3183). stage Satellite Launch Vehicle (VLS), capable national trade shows. The AIAB board of of launching a 440 lb payload into a 435-mile directors elected the chairman and CEO of orbit. Melo claims that the program still Tecnasa, Luiz Moreira, as the first president. needs a reliable rocket guidance system. The Michael A. Dornheim, Aviation Week & Space CUBA Ministry of Aeronautics is heading the de- Technology, 7/21/93, p. 13 (2970). velopment of the VLS and its launch base in Alcantara, Brazil. Leonard David, Space News, 2/15/93, p. 6 (2971). BRAZIL WITH RUSSIA INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS 3/93 10/92 The former director of the Brazilian Aero- Brazil's largest financial investment govern- 6/93 space Technical Center (CTA) Brigadier ment corporation (FINEP) requests to buy Jane's Intelligence Review estimates Cuba's Hugo Piva comments on Brazil's Satellite Russian solid fuel rocket motors and meets missile capability as consisting of numerous Launch Vehicle (VLS) program stating that with Russian enterprises interested in rocket multiple rocket launchers, an unspecified the project "was not for the sole purpose of motor technical cooperation or the establish- number of Frog-5 rocket launchers and SSC- developing a ," and maintains ment of joint firms. 2A surface-to-surface missiles. Jane's also that "We [Brazil] developed everything--pro- Anastasiya Romashkevich, Kommersant-Daily states that there is an anti-aircraft missile (Moscow), 4/14/93, p. 10; in JPRS-TND-93-012, to defend , which would be pellants, special materials, space technology, 5/4/93, p. 10 (3183). calculus methods--from scratch." Piva also comprised of 36 batteries with SA-3, SA-6, SA-7, SA-9 and SA-13 missiles. insists that no technology was transferred 4/12/93 to Iraq or Libya. Adrian J. English, Jane's Intelligence Review, 6/ Sergey Glazyev, Russian Foreign Economic 93, p. 278 (2968). Veja (Sao Paulo), 3/10/93, pp. 7, 9; in JPRS-TND- 93-008, 3/22/93, pp. 20-23 (2991). Relations Minister, begins a trip to Brazil, Paraguay and possibly Uruguay during 4/2/93 which he will sign an agreement on trade Brazil launches the VS-40 rocket from its and economic cooperation with Brazil, which, CZECH REPUBLIC Alcantara air base in a successful step in the according to experts in the Russian Foreign developmental program of the Satellite Economic Relations Ministry, could include Launch Vehicle (VLS), a 19 m high, 50 ton, missile technology, telecommunications and aircraft building contracts. Glazyev is part four stage, solid propellant rocket, which INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS uses strap on boosters. The VS-40 comprises of a 22 member Russian delegation which will meet with ministers from the Brazilian the third and fourth stages of the VLS; the 12/31/92 foreign office, science and technology, in- third stage, the S40TM, having a thrust of The Czech and Slovak Federal Republic dustry and commerce and the armed forces 191 kN, a burn time of 58 seconds, a length disolve their union and form two seperate chief of staff, and will sign an aerospace of 5.4 m, and weighing 5,700 kg and the fourth nations; they restructure and divide their agreement. Another goal of the trip is to stage, the S44, having a thrust of 30.8 kN, a armed forces and defense equipment includ- conclude contracts for the sale of dual use burn time of 73 seconds, a length of 1.8 m, ing 150 Frog-7 launchers, 477 anti-tank mis- space technology and items produced by and weighing 990 kg. The VS-40 travelled sile launchers, and 14 battlefield ballistic mis- the Russian military industrial complex. The for 24 minutes to an altitude of 1268 km, land- sile launchers. Russian delegation will also try to establish ing 1,920 km away from its launch point. The Paul Beaver, Jane's Defence Weekly, 1/30/93, p. 9 first and second stages of the rocket consist stricter controls over these exports. Since (2942). of five S43 motors based on the Sonda 4 10/92, Brazil has been negotiating with Rus- rocket. sia for the purchase of missile manufactur- 4/93 Flight International, 4/14/93, p. 16 (2990). ing technology. Brazil is reportedly inter- It is reported that the Czech Republic has ested in cooperating with Russia on space one surface-to-surface missile regiment in its 6/93 technology development, specifically on in- army. Roughly 200 Brazilian companies have ertia control of missile carriers. Jane's Defence Weekly, 4/24/93, p. 15 (3186). formed the Aerospace Industries Associa- tion of Brazil (AIAB). Leading officials

148 The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 Missile Developments COCOM-EGYPT

"...there are some restrictions that cannot be dio are another attempt to deceive the world COCOM eliminated because of the requirements of public. They note that the Serb and Muslim the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons, forces are so close together on the Gradacac missiles, and missile technology." battlefront that there is no need to use long Izvestia (Moscow), 11/26/92, p. 5; in JPRS-TND- range Scud missiles. 92-046, 12/11/92, p. 22 (3324). INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS Tanjug (), 12/28/92; in JPRS-TND-93- 001, 1/7/93, p. 10 (3191). 11/23-24/93 COCOM holds a meeting with ex-Soviet bloc countries at which new guidelines for high COMMONWEALTH OF technology exports with potential military INDEPENDENT STATES EGYPT applications to former Pact coun- tries are announced. The new COCOM guidelines will allow export liberalization for microprocessors, computers and other elec- EGYPT WITH INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS tronic equipment, high-tech machine tools, telecommunications optical sensors, naviga- 1/20/93 2/93 tion and avionics and propulsion equipment. Commander in chief of the Joint Armed Central Intelligence Director R. James The new COCOM guidelines also include Forces of Aviation Yevgeniy Woolsey tells the Senate Government Af- provisions for end-use assurances on de- Shaposhnikov states in an interview, "The fairs Committee that North Korea is using mand, on-site inspections, and establishment main purpose of the CIS defense ministers' Egyptian technology to upgrade Scud mis- of a documentation system to track and verify meeting this time [1/21/93 in Minsk] is to fi- siles, but a lack of specialists has forced exports and imports. Chairman of the U.S. nally determine their position on the Strate- North Korea to search for skilled scientists delegation to COCOM Al Larson says the gic Nuclear Forces." overseas in order "to convert missile manu- U.S. offered $11 million to finance technical Vadim Solovyev, Nezavisimaya Gazeta (Moscow), facturing into a competitive export sector." assistance and training to nations wishing 1/21/93, p. 2; in JPRS-TND-93-003, pp. 16-18 David Fulghum, Aviation Week & Space to develop export control procedures. The (2978). Technology, 3/1/93, p. 25 (3222). delegations invited to the COCOM meeting are from the former , Sweden, Switzerland, , Austria, Finland, Ire- CIS WITH EGYPT WITH RUSSIA land, South Korea, the Baltic States and all the nations of the except 1992 1/93 Romania and Bulgaria. According to the German weekly Focus, CIS U.S. intelligence sources confirm that Egypt, Mednews, 11/23/92, p. 4 (3042). Jane's Defence countries supplied an atom bomb which can despite categorical denials by an Egyptian Weekly, 12/5/92, p. 9 (3042). be dropped from an airplane and a "launcher spokesman, has hired Russian scientists to for missiles with nuclear warheads" to Iran work at a factory in Al-Maza near where sometime during 1992. they will help Egypt to upgrade its long range COCOM WITH RUSSIA Rossiyskaya Gazeta (Moscow), 1/27/93, p. 7; in missile capabilities to the point where, by FBIS-SOV-93-017, 1/28/93, p. 6 (2892). 1995, the Egyptians will be able to manufac- 11/92 ture missiles able of striking targets 300 miles At COCOM's Cooperation Forum in , away. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigoriy Charles Fenyvesi, ed., U.S. News & World Report, Berdennikov announces Russia's newly cre- CROATIA 1/11/93, p. 14 (2888). ated internal export control agency, which "...is aimed at preventing the proliferation of 1/28/93 weapons of mass destruction and delivery Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service systems [and] we intend to act in such a of the Russian Federation Yevgeniy CROATIA WITH way that Russia is in no case a source of Primakov announces that U.S. reports on their proliferation." Berdennikov noted that Russian scientists modernizing Egyptian 12/28/93 missiles is not confirmed. the U.S. and European states recognize "a The Serbian I Krajina command de- need to reform the present system," but that Interfax (Moscow), 1/28/93; in JPRS-TND-93-004, nies reports that it has used Scud SSMs in 2/5/93, p. 33 (3464). the battles for Gradacac, and says that re- ports repeatedly broadcast by Croatian Ra-

The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 149 EGYPT-

EGYPT WITH UNITED STATES $100 million with the intent of attacking the southern Turkish coastline. A Turkish daily 2/93 FRANCE had claimed that the newly purchased Egyptian Assistant Minister of Defense French missiles would be able to reach south- General Hosni Suleiman states in an ern Turkish cities, including the port of interview that Egypt has contracted with the Mersina, should Cyprus need to disrupt the United States for missiles in an ef- link between and the occupied ar- INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS fort to strenghthen the . eas. Defense News, 2/15/93, p. 46 (2907). Cyprus (Nicosia), 1/25/93; in JPRS- 2/93 TND-93-004, 2/5/93, P. 18 (3105). Aerospace industries say that the 3, faster and stealthier than the Exocet, may be ready for export within three to five years. FRANCE WITH INDONESIA EUROPEAN COMMUNITY In a U.S. Defense Department report, offi- cials indicate that 121 states possess the 2/12/93 French-designed Exocet missile, the same Indonesian Minister of State for Research missile that was used in the . and Technology B.J. Habibie, responding to INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS Aviation Week & Space Technology, 2/1/93, pp. a French offer, including an Ariane Space 26-72 (3258). Rocket to launch the Palapa B-2 Satellite and 12/21/92 space cooperation with Indonesia, indicates 2/93 EC representatives express their desire to that costs, time, and risks make the offer at- Aerospatiale of France is designing a sec- implement new restrictions on the transfer tractive, but that the government must study ond long range missile called the ASMP-C of dual-use technologies at a 12/21/92 meet- the matter first. France also suggests coop- (a temporary designation). It is a liquid fuel, ing. The new EC export control regulations eration between France's Ariane Space and ramjet propelled, supersonic, conventional are to be adopted 3/31/93. Indonesia's Board of Technical Research and Arms Control Reporter, 3/93, pp. 250.B.5-250.B.6 warhead missile with a range of 400 km de- Application, to launch a small rocket pro- (2984). rived from the medium range nuclear ASMP duced by the National Aviation and Space missile. The missile is equipped with an IR Institution (Lapan) free of charge. seeker, similar to that of the Trigat anti-tank Radio Republik Indonesia Network (), 2/ weapon, which enables it to pick out selected 13/93 (3024); in JPRS-TND-93-006, 3/5/93 FINLAND targets within several meters. Its warhead (3024). may be a derivative of the AS30L laser guided weapon design, developed to pen- etrate concrete at supersonic speeds. FRANCE WITH OMAN INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS Aerospatiale predicts the missile will be de- veloped in three years by a joint venture with 1/93 1/26/93 either Matra or Thomson CSF. Matra is cur- Thomson-CSF of France is to export its A press release from the Finnish government rently working on the Apache B, or "Super NG air defense system to Oman. lists the various recommendations made in a Apache," cruise missile, which is derived Jane's Defence Weekly, 2/13/93, pp. 43-44 (3138). task force report on improving Finnish ex- from the Apache anti-ship missile and is a port control legislation and administration. saturation weapon similar to the U.S. Toma- Among these recommendations is the es- hawk. The Apache project could comple- FRANCE WITH RUSSIA tablishment of an Export Control Unit in the ment the ASMP-C, but conflict may arise Ministry of Trade and Industry to license with Aerospatiale as that company is already 11/17/92 exports relating to the COCOM regime, the a subcontractor on Apache. The Russian Central Institute of Aviation MTCR, and the Australian Group. Interavia/Aerospace World, 2/93, p. 46 (3317). Motors and France's ONERA successfully Government of Finland, Press Release, 1/26/93, flight test a hydrogen fuelled axisymmetric pp. 1-4 (3397). scramjet from atop a surface-to-air missile in FRANCE WITH GREECE Kazakhstan, reaching a peak altitude of 82,020 ft, transitioning from subsonic to su- 1/25/93 personic combustion between Mach 5 and Spokesman for Greek Cyprus Andreas Mach 5.5. The scramjet is manufactured Mavrommatis denies allegations that Greek by Soyuz Design Bureau with an inlet di- Cyprus has purchased French missiles worth FRANCE-GERMANY ameter of 8.9 inches and a total length of first deputy director general of the Ukrainian 1/29/93 47.2 inches. This test is similar to a Russian Space Agency, and including officials from Paul Muenstermann, Vice President of the test in 1991, but the current test involved an NPO Yushoye, Ukraine's largest space orga- German Federal Intelligence Service (BND), improved engine and rocket control that ex- nization and the manufacturer of the Zenit gives a lecture in which he expresses con- tended the supersonic combustion burning launcher, visit Matra Marconi's French and cern that the 10 Third World countries which period to 15 seconds from 5 seconds. British space centers where they sign a wide the BND identifies as possessing weapons Aviation Week & Space Technology, 12/7/92, p. 19 ranging agreement to cooperate on satellite of mass destruction might also have the (2959). communications programs for Ukraine. means to deliver them, saying, "This means Matra Marconi will supply the payload and that as soon as tomorrow the security of our 12/7/92 ground station technology and Ukraine will country and of Europe may be immediately France's Societe Europeen de Propulsion provide the launch vehicle and parts of the threatened." He also confirms that one of (SEP) signs 31 contracts worth $10 million aircraft. the areas that the BND will now focus on is dollars with Russian space companies con- Space News, 2/22/93, p. 13 (3165). the illegal transfer of technology. cerning liquid-fueled rocket propulsion and Sueddeutsche Zeitung (Munich), 1/30/93, p. 1; in composite materials. SEP also signs con- JPRS-TND-93-005, 2/12/93, p. 30 (3106). tracts with Russia on hypersonic technol- ogy in a joint civil-military program concern- GERMANY 1/29/93 ing reusable space planes and will work with Germany's Leybold AG spokesman Dr. Moscow Aviation under a general coopera- Heidsieck states that Leybold AG has stiff- tion accord. In addition SEP and ened its policy for supplying dual-use mate- Energomash conclude a contract for joint rials saying, "According to our new guide- studies on hardware purchases. INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS lines, we absolutely do not export when we Space News, 12/7/92, p. 15 (3029). know, or have grounds for knowing, that our 12/15/92 products will be misused by the consumer German Defense Minister Volker Ruehe an- or end user for the development and pro- FRANCE WITH nounces the cancellation of several devel- duction of nuclear weapons or their delivery opment programs including a battery opera- systems." 1/93 tions center for Hawk and Patriot missiles, Juergen Salz, VDI Nachrichten (Duesseldorf), 1/ France's defense industry awaits finalization and terminally guided munitions for the 29/93, p. 5; in JPRS-TND-93-010, 4/16/93, p. 57 of a sale of three air defense to Saudi Multiple Launch Rocket System; the cuts (3395). Arabia. France is hoping to maintain a con- do not affect the Taktische siderable share in a Middle Eastern arms Luftverteidigungssystem (TLVS) air defense GERMANY WITH ARGENTINA market that, since the , has become missile. The cuts come as part of increasingly dominated by the U.S. Bundeswehrplan 94, a long range plan to Jane's Defence Weekly, 2/13/93, pp. 43-44 (3138). adapt to the new strategic environment. The 4/19/93 plan allows for a crisis reaction force includ- Argentina is taken off the German "H" list of ing 12 batteries of Hawk and Patriot medium sensitive export control, a category it once FRANCE WITH SYRIA range ABMs and one battery of Roland fell into because of its failure to ratify the short range ABMs. A new German tactical Treaty of Tlatelolco, its lack of a govern- 11/92 air defense system, probably from the French ment agency instituting sensitive export con- Syria's Scientific Research Council (CERS) SAMP/T family, will replace the Hawk mis- trol and its development of missile projects. sends a delegation to France and Germany sile; the Luftwaffe is to acquire 36 launchers The new status recognizes Argentina's to purchase dual-use technology including and 2000 missiles by the year 2000. The nuclear, chemical and missile nonprolifera- electronic goods and "connectors," which Luftwaffe will also have 3 Patriot squadrons tion policy. can be used in ballistic missile separation. and 2 Hawk squadrons as well as reconnais- Embassy of Argentine Republic Press Mednews, 12/7/92, p. 5 (3444). sance elements. Manufacture of the CL-289 Communique, 4/21/93 (2935). and Brevel reconnaissance drone is to be discontinued after delivery of the first pro- FRANCE WITH UKRAINE duction batch. GERMANY WITH IRAN Giovanni de Briganti, Defense News, 12/21/93, pp. 2/5/93 3, 21 (3114). Heinz Schulte, Jane's Defence Weekly, 12/92 1/2/93, p. 4 (3114). Heinz Schulte, Jane's Defence A delegation headed by Valeri Shmarnov, the Weekly, 1/9/93, p. 6 (3114). According to U.S., French and German offi- cials, Germany has become Iran's most im- portant trading partner, particularly in ad- Missile Developments GERMANY

Patriot missiles. Originally, Germany planned vanced technology; companies that formerly sends a delegation to France and Germany to give Israel a Patriot PAC-1 battery from its exported sensitive technologies to Iraq have to purchase dual-use technology including own arsenal, but following the discovery of simply shifted supply to Iran. German Eco- electronic goods and "connectors," which the first generation Patriot's inability to in- nomics Ministry figures predict that for 1992 can be used in ballistic missile separation. tercept surface-to-surface missiles, Germany Germany's high technology exports to Iran Mednews, 12/7/92, p. 5 (3444). agreed to finance the delivery of an upgraded will double from 1991's $1.8 billion. Patriot battery. Mednews, 12/21/92, p. 1 (3107). 11/92 Yedi'ot Aharonot (Tel Aviv), 10/6/92, p. 8; in JPRS- TND-92-037, 10/9/92, p. 13 (2846). The German government decides to stop 1992 further sales of dual-use technology to the Germany adopts a new export control law Syrian Scientific Research Center (CERS), requiring companies to seek licenses for GERMANY WITH NORTH KOREA which has been identified as the chief orga- equipment if they "have reason to believe" nizer of the Syrian chemical and biological it will be used for Iranian military endeavors. 3/93 weapons program and as a major procurer The "catch-all" clause applies to all equip- German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) for its nuclear and ballistic missile programs. ment regardless of technological level, and reports that North Korea commissioned three Syrian sources claim that Germany sent let- is strongly opposed by German companies. international shipping companies to trans- ters to all major German research centers cau- Mednews, 12/21/92, p. 1 (3107). port special metals acquired on Berlin's grey tioning them against such sales, and Syria market for the production of missile launch protests the decision calling it "political hy- 3/93 pads. pocrisy." Germany's air force unveils its reorganiza- Mednews, 1/11/93, p. 4 (3108). Focus (Munich), 3/22/93, p. 15; in FBIS-WEU- tion plan, which will include four air divi- 93-053, 3/22/93, p. 6 (3016). sions to become both offensive and defen- 12/14/92 sive wings, by equipping them with Patriot Italian and German officials in Augusta, Sic- and Hawk surface-to-air missiles, fighter GERMANY WITH RUSSIA ily detain and search the Estonian ship bombers, and air-defense aircraft. The air Waalhaven for Scud missile components force intends to implement the plan by 1995. 8/92 allegedly enroute to Syria and North Ko- Flight International, 4/28/93, p. 13 (3039). Germany and Russia begin joint testing to rea. Although the ship left , where develop hypersonic technology in the fields the cargo was loaded two days earlier (12/ of scramjet air-breathing engines, aerother- 12/92), enroute for Lebanon, the ultimate GERMANY WITH IRAQ modynamics, and materials in order to prove destinations of the alleged Scud technol- its technological viability. The joint program ogy are believed to be Syria and North Ko- 3/93 is part of the hypersonic technology pro- rea. (Syria's Scud-C manufacturing pro- The State Prosecutor's office in Muenster, gram started by the German Ministry of Re- gram has been launched in cooperation with Germany, brings charges against Dietrich search Technology, involving DASA sub- North Korea.) Germany alerted Italian offi- Hinze and Peter M. Huetten, former business sidiary MTU in Munich and TSAGI Aero- cials, the Estonian owners, and the Dutch managers of the now defunct H & H dynamic Research Institute in Shukovskiy. firm leasing the ship, that Germany had Metalform GmbH, for violating foreign ex- BMFT Hypersonicc Technology Project Support received reports that the cargo was suspect. port laws by supplying Iraq from 1988 to 1990 Team, IAG-Bmbh Dept. TRT; in JPRS-EST-93-011, The Estoninan owners and the Dutch firm with 27,436 individual parts for Scud-B mis- 3/12/93, pp. 6-7 (3342). Flug Revue (Stuttgart), direcrted the ship's captain to anchor in siles and a "range of machinery for the pro- 1/93, p. 77; in JPRS-EST-93-009, 2/24/93, P. 1 (3342). Augusta for inspection. The parts in ques- duction of rockets," all valued at 46 tion, including German machine tools, could million German marks. 11/92 extend the range of Scud missiles. Accord- DPA (Hamburg), 3/24/93; in FBIS-WEU-93-055, ing to German spokesman Norbert Schaefer 3/24/93, p. 14 (2919). Kayser-Threde of Munich signs contracts for the launch of two German-built on 12/30/92, "The German government has microsatellites on Russian Cyclone rockets intelligence information about procurement efforts for the Syrian missile program in GERMANY WITH ISRAEL in 1993. Space News, 11/23/92, p. 12 (2870). Western countries," and that illegal ex- ports could be among the cargo from 10/92 several Western European countries. The Within the next five months, Germany will GERMANY WITH SYRIA supply Israel with a battery of upgraded 11/92 Syria's Scientific Research Council (CERS)

152 The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 Missile Developments GERMANY-INDIA vessel is allowed to proceed to Beirut after 27 containers are off-loaded in Augusta. INDIA Washington Times, 12/25/92, p. A2 (3443). Reuter, GREECE 12/30/92; in Executive News Service, 12/20/92 (3443). ADN (Berlin), 1/16/93; in JPRS-TND-93- 003, 1/27/93, pp. 27-28 (3357). BNS (), 1/ 22/93; in JPRS-TND-93-004, 2/5/93, P. 42 (2895). INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS GREECE WITH FRANCE 1/93 9/16-21/92 The Estonian Foreign Ministry releases a 1/25/93 Indian Scientists from the Defence Research statement citing the Syracuse County (Italy) Spokesman for Greek Cyprus, Andreas and Development Organization (DRDO) court, which ruled that the Estonian freighter Mavrommatis, denies allegations that Greek conduct a successful test of the indigenous Waalhaven was carrying only non-military Cyprus has purchased French missiles worth pilotless target aircraft (PTA), the industrial equipment. Earlier reports indicated $100 million with the intent of attacking the "Lakshya," at the interim test range near that the Waalhaven cargo was suspected of southern Turkish coastline. A Turkish daily Chandipur, Orissa. including Scud missile components such as had claimed that the newly purchased Hindu (Madras); in Asian Recorder, 10/28/92, p. German machine tools. French missiles would be able to reach south- 22676 (3411). ETA News Release (Tallinn), 1/13/93; in FBIS-SOV- ern Turkish cities, including the port of 93-010, 1/15/93, pp. 70-71 (3387). Mersina, should Cyprus need to disrupt the 10/92 link between Turkey and the occupied ar- India's air force is establishing the organiza- eas. tional structures required to support the GERMANY WITH TAIWAN Cyprus News Agency (Nicosia), 1/25/93; in JPRS- missile system. The integration of TND-93-004, 2/5/93, P. 18 (3105). the MRBM will require increased commit- 1/28/93 ments in the areas of maintenance, logisti- The German government approves the sale cal, and tactical combat support. REECE WITH NITED TATES to Taiwan of Patriot and Ram (rolling airframe G U S Indian Express (), 10/7/92, pp. 1, 10; in JPRS- missile) systems/components, which is used TND-92-039, p. 9 (2852). exclusively for defensive purposes and 2/93 manufactured under a U.S./German joint ven- U.S. officials are still negotiating the sale of 10/92 ture with the German group DASA. The nine Multiple Launch Rocket Systems Instrumentation Limited, an Indian firm, de- German companies Diehl, Bodenseewerk (MLRS) to Greece. Saudi Arabia originally velops eight defense item prototypes includ- Geraetetechnik and Telefunken ordered the U.S. MLRS, but declined to buy ing a slow relay valve for the , Trishul Systemtechnik. The group operates in the them noting that it could not afford the pur- and missiles. The firm's director says U.S. and supplies propulsion and guidance chase. that they received domestic orders for these technology to the U.S. for Patriot missiles. Jane's Defense Weekly, 2/13/93, pp. 35-36 (3038). items worth about 2.5 crore rupees (about DDP (Berlin), 2/13/93; in JPRS-TND-93-008, 3/ $750 million), and secured orders from CIS 22/93, p. 53 (3492). DPA (Hamburg), 2/13/93; in and Gulf countries for nuclear and industrial JPRS-TND-93-008, 3/22/93, p. 53 (3492). Reuter (Bonn), 2/13/93; in Executive News Service, 2/15/ projects. 93 (3492). HONG KONG All India (Delhi), 10/04/92; in JPRS-TND-92-037, 10/09/92, p. 10 (3090).

10/18/92 GERMANY WITH TURKEY The flight version of the liquid propulsion HONG KONG WITH PRC second stage of the Polar Satellite Launch 12/14/92 Vehicle (PSLV) undergoes a successful Turkey and Blohm & Voss and Thyssen 3/93 ground test in Mahendragiri, near Rheinmetall of Germany sign a $510 million Hong Kong's Asia Satellite Telecommunica- Kanniyakumari. contract for two Barbaros class (TRACK tions Co. contracts PRC's Great Wall Indus- Network (Delhi), 10/30/92; in IIA) modified Meko 200 frigates armed with try Corporation to launch the AsiaSat 2 sat- JPRS-TND-92-040, p. 13 (3102). NATO Sea Sparrow and Harpoon missiles. ellite using a Long March 2E rocket in the Jane's Defence Weekly, 1/9/93, p. 11 (3452). first quarter of 1995 from the launch site in 12/92 Xichang, China at a cost of $54 million. India's Space Research Organization's (ISRO) Space News, 3/15/93, p. 16 (3189). Liquid Propulsion System Center (LPSC) completes two liquid engine stages required for the PSLV. ISRO receives a second stage

The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 153 Missile Developments

INDIA engine, developed by Machine Tools and 2/7/93 "experimental design work" on air-launched Reconditioners of Hyderabad LPSC. A PSLV The tenth test launch of the Prithvi surface- cruise missiles. fourth stage engine is also delivered to the to-surface missile is successfully carried out David Fulghum, Aviation Week & Space PSLV project team located in Valiamala (near from a mobile launcher. The latest launch Technology, 3/1/93, p. 25 (3222). Thiruvananthanpuram) after it was tested at shows that Prithvi is capable of a 250 km the Mahendragiri liquid engine test facility range with a 500 kg payload, which makes 2/27/93 in Tamil Nadu. Another second stage en- Prithvi an invaluable battlefield support The new Indian budget, which includes an gine constructed by Godrej and Boyce is weapon in its designed use of destroying increase in spending on the space program expected to be delivered soon. enemy command centers and tank forma- from Rs 3.68 billion [$141 million] to Rs 5.7 Hindu (Madras), 12/20/92, p 17; JPRS-TND-93- tions. Two versions of the Prithvi are under billion [$219 million], is announced. Much 006 3/5/93, pp. 11-12 (3431). Hindu (Madras), development. of the increase is for India's communications 12/22/92, p. 4; in JPRS-TND-92-006, 3/5/93, p. Brahma Chellaney, UPI, 2/7/93 (3494). satellite and launching services, which have 12 (3346). Dianamani (Madras), 2/9/93, p. 6; in JPRS-TND- been under U.S. sanctions since India pur- 93-011, 4/23/93, p. 13 (3409). Dianamani chased rocket technology from Russia. (Madras), 2/9/93, p. 6; in JPRS-NEA-93-036, 3/ Reuter (), 2/28/93; in Executive News 12/92 11/93, p. 44 (2999). Asia-Pacific Defence Reporter, Service, 3/1/93 (3100). India's Defence Research and Development 4/93, pp. 23-24 (3101). Organisation (DRDO) conducts successful 3/93 flight tests of the Lakshya airborne target at 2/19/93 Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Scientific Advisor the Chandipur range. An explosion at India's Armament Research to the Defense Minister, states that Indian Flight International, 12/9/92, p. 18 (2943). and Development Establishment (ARDE) scientists at the Defence Research and De- facility at Pune raises questions about safety velopment Organization (DRDO) have had 12/92 standards. The explosion is the newest in a major success in developing the phased ar- The Indian government establishes Antrix, series that has killed or wounded personnel ray crucial for the surface-to-air a space equipment sales and export firm in over the years at both ARDE and the Explo- "Akash" missile. This radar can track over Bangalore, modeled after French space com- sives Research and Development Laboratory. 100 targets at a time, and is critical to India's panies and formed to carry out the expan- The lab authorities are being held respon- integrated guided missile development pro- sion, commercialization, and privatization of sible for breaching safety regulations in fa- gram (IGMDP). Dr. Kalam says that the the Indian space program. vor of speedy development of new arms. "Prithvi" surface-to-surface missile de- Vivek Raghuvanshi, Space News, 12/14/92, p. 25 Both laboratories are conducting work on signed for the Army was ready for produc- (3315). cluster bombs, incendiary bombs and fuel tion, while the Air Force required more test air explosives. firing, and that all three versions of the 12/18/92 United Press International; in Executive News India test-fires the third stage of the Polar Service, 2/19/93 (3179). "Trishul" surface-to-air missile were at an Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) in flight con- advanced stage of development, with the figuration with flex nozzle control. This was 2/93 naval version's sea skimming ability being a the ninth and final in a series of tests con- An Indian Defence Ministry proposal in- "real success." Also being prepared is the ducted at Sriharikota. The propulsion stages cludes an investment of two billion rupees "Akshya", an indigenously developed pi- of the PSLV have been completely qualified to set up large production facilities for the lotless target aircraft (PTA) that the three by the success of these tests. Prithvi missile at Hyderabad factory. Along services want to use for battlefield surveil- Hindu (Madras), 12/22/92, p. 4; in JPRS-TND- with the Prithvi, the production of another lance. 92-006, 3/5/93, p. 12 (3346). quick reaction missile, Trishul, will also be- The Hindu (Madras), 3/2/93, p. 11; in JPRS-TND- 93-012, 5/4/93, p. 16 (3088). gin. Prithvi is now under production in the Early 1993 public sector by Bharat Dynamics LTD. 3/1/93 India tests the Vikram Sarabhai ABR-200 en- Brahma Chellaney, UPI, 2/7/93 (3494). All India gine, an air-breathing, ramjet engine with Radio General Overseas Service (Delhi), 2/9/93; Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, India's top missile possible military applications. The rocket in JPRS-TND-93-006, 3/5/93, p. 12 (3433). Gian scientist, announces that India is develop- Singh, All India Radio General Overseas (Delhi), reached Mach 2.3 in a test involving the fir- ing missiles that can match "the front-line 2/9/93; in JPRS-TND-93-006, 3/5/93, pp. 12-13 technologies of major powers such as the ing of two sub-orbital sounding-rockets from (3494). Sriharikota. The ABR-200 is based on the U.S. and France and that the phased-array principle of the ejector ramjet. 2/93 radar for the Akash medium-range SAM, Brahma Chellaney, UPI, 1/26/93 (3367). Flight Central Intelligence Director R. James which can track 100 targets simultaneously, International, 2/3/93, p. 6 (3092). Woolsey tells the Senate Government Af- has been completed. India has 19 state- fairs Committee that India is conducting owned defense laboratories and 80 private

154 The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 Missile Developments

INDIA institutions involved in missile development. vice at that time. Air Force Mig-21FL and Mig-21M fighters. By the end of 1993, India will introduce the India News, 3/15/93 (2946). Edmond Dantes, Asian Defence Journal, 12/92, Prithvi SSM and the Trishul short-range pp. 28-36 (3246). SAM into its armed forces. 4/93 Brahma Chellaney, UPI (New Delhi), 3/1/93; in India is preparing to conduct another test of Executive News Service, 3/1/93 (3348). Patriot the Agni which will involve an increase in INDIA WITH (Delhi), 3/2/93, p. 6; i FBIS-NES-93-052, p. 57 the missile's range and payload capabilities. 3/6/92 (3392). Vivek Raghuvanshi, Defense News, 4/12/ Asian Defence Journal, 4/93, p. 87 (3408). A Pakistani Foreign Office Spokesman states 93, pp. 4, 29 (3306). that India's development of the 2,500 km range 4/93 3/4/93 Agni missile is counterproductive to improv- The Indian Space Research Organisation The Indian government announces that it ing peace and security in the region and (ISRO) is planning to launch its Polar Satel- will delay the launch of the new Polar Satel- added that Pakistan is "committed" to hold- lite Launch Vehicle (PSLV), an event that lite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) until the second ing talks with India regarding lethal weap- would prove India's ICBM capability, in 6/ half of 1993. The new PSLV employs a four ons including missile technology in order to 93. The launch will include for the first time stage system of alternating liquid and solid reduce threats to the region. He listed five the use of the third stage 60 ton Vikas liquid- fuel strap on boosters and was designed to elements as central to the issue of weapons fuel engine, a product of French-Indian co- put a 1000 kg remote sensing satellite into a of mass destruction: biological, chemical, and operation. 900 km orbit around the poles. India is also nuclear weapons, missile technology and Raj Chengappa, India Today, 4/15/93, p. 346 overall conventional defense forces. In re- developing the Geostationary Launch Ve- (3390). hicle (GSLV), which upon planned comple- sponse to whether Pakistan would like to obtain missile technology, the spokesman tion in 1996 will give India an intercontinen- 4/19/93 states the Pakistan would do everything pos- tal ballistic missile capability. The Rohini, a 95 kg payload sounding rocket UPI (New Delhi), 3/4/93; in Executive News sible to defend itself against any threat. carrying scientific payloads was success- Network (), 6/3/92; in Service, 3/4/93 (3307). fully launched from Sriharikota, India. The JPRS-TND-92-018, 6/10/92, p. 11 (3089). PTV rocket, developed by Italian and German sci- Television Network (Islamabad), 6/3/92; in JPRS- 3/6/93 entists, reached its predetermined altitude TND-92-018, 6/10/92, p. 11 (3089). The Indian Space Research Organization's of 325 km. Chairman of ISRO Professor U.R. (ISRO) liquid propulsion systems center, in Rao was present at the launch. INDIA WITH PRC collaboration with the Regional Research All India Radio Network (Delhi), 4/20/93 (3180). Laboratory at Thiruvanthapuram, develops 11/29/92 a high-pressure aluminum alloy elbow cast- 8/18/93 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) ing for use in the liquid propulsion second India test fires the 8.5 m, single-stage, liq- Chairman U.R. Rao leaves with a nine-mem- stage of the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle uid-fuelled, Prithvi SS-250 SSM. The SS-250 ber team of Indian scientists for a nine-day (PSLV). The castings, used as inlets for fuel has a range of 250 km with a 500 kg warhead. visit to to discuss areas of space and oxidizer in the engine's turbo pump, are Another version of the Prithvi, the SS-150, cooperation with the PRC. made from an alloy of aluminum, silicon and has a range of 40 km to 150 km with a 1000 kg Vivek Raghuvashni, Space News, 12/7/92, p. 23 magnesium, which exhibits a very high spe- warhead. Regarding the choice of liquid over (2995). cific strength and good shock-resistance. solid propellant, former DRDO chief Dr. V.S. 1/93 The Hindu (Madras), 3/6/93, p. 4; in JPRS-TND- Arunchalam explains, "We were looking for 93-013, 5/10/93, p. 9 (3087). a thrust vector control and are using liquid India and the PRC are looking at areas of engines, at least until our solid [engine] cooperation which may entail the launching 3/15/93 thrust vector control is ready." of Indian satellites aboard Chinese boost- India's Defense Minister Sharad Pawar tells W.P.S. Sidhu, India Today, 9/15/93, pp. 84-85 ers. The Indian Space Research Organiza- the Lok Sabha (Lower House of the Parlia- (3309). tion (ISRO) says that the Polar Satellite ment) that the "Prithvi" and "Trishul" mis- Launch Vehicle (PSLV) is slated to make its sile systems are expected to be integrated maiden flight in "the next few months." The into the armed forces inventory during 1993- INDIA WITH ISRAEL PSLV 1 will place an engineering model of 1994. This decision was reached after re- the Indian Remote Sensing satellite into or- peated successful tests proved the high qual- Late 1992 bit. ity of the missile systems. By 1995, India's MALAT of Israel offers to co-develop the Flight International, 1/20/93, p. 24 (3093). "Akash" and "" missiles are expected to Searcher UAV and its secure digital data link be completed, and will likely enter ser- with ADE of India. The offer would also in- volve applying this technology to Indian

The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 155 Missile Developments

INDIA-IRAN offer attractive, but the government must 4/1/93 gram only three years, shifting launch dates study the matter first. France also suggests At a two day seminar on Chinese and Indian from 1995 to 1998. cooperation between France's Ariane Space technology, a senior Indian official says that Hindu (Madras), 2/2/93, p. 6; in JPRS-TND-93- and Indonesia's Board of Technical Research China and India should "merge their tech- 008, 3/22/93, p. 25 (3432). and Application, to launch a small rocket nological strengths" to jointly compete for produced by the National Aviation and Space contracts in the international space market. 4/27/93 Institution (Lapan) free of Charge. Prime Minister P. R. Kumaramanglam com- The Parliamentary Committee for Science and Radio Republik Indonesia Network (Jakarta), 2/ ments that India has a proven capability in Technology is informed that the transfer of 13/93; in JPRS-TND-93-006, 3/5/93 (3024). building advanced satellites and China pos- cryogenic engine technology from Russia sesses fully developed science, technology to India is on schedule, and that the first and launch programs, and that combining launch of the Geo-Stationary Launch Vehicle INDONESIA WITH RUSSIA AND UNITED these capabilities could strengthen the two (GSLV) is slated for 1995-96. STATES All India Radio Network (Delhi), 4/27/93; in FBIS- countries positions in the international space NES-93-080, 4/28/93, p. 68 (2931). market. 4/93 UPI, 4/1/93; in Executive News Service, 4/2/93 Lockheed corporation is invited by Indone- (3168). sia to discuss Lockheed's and Khrunichev INDIA WITH UNITED STATES Enterprises's offer to launch two Indonesian satellites. 12/90 INDIA WITH RUSSIA Jeffrey M. Lenorovitz, Aviation Week & Space India abandons a 1990 deal with Cray corpo- Technology, 4/12/93, pp. 61-62 (3421). 1/93 ration of the U.S. for a supercomputer (No. Indian leaders voice concern over Russian 1205), which was built for the Indian Insti- technology sales to the PRC. In response, tute of Science in Bangalore. The deal was Russian President Boris Yeltsin tells leaders abandoned after waiting for the U.S. Bush IRAN of both countries that Russia wishes to have administration to resolve a two year dispute friendly relations with India and the PRC. over how to guarantee that the computer Yeltsin signs a major Russian-Indian defense would not be used to make missiles or nuclear cooperation contract which calls for tech- weapons. Stuart Auerbach, Washington Post, 3/19/93, p. C1 INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS nology transfers from Russia to India as well (3423). as co-production of weapon systems for do- 10/92 mestic or export use. 1/93 Iran has "already installed" eight Scud-B and Brahma Chellaney, UPI (Delhi), 1/30/93; in The U.S. threatens to make permanent the Silkworm missile "bases" on the island of Executive News Service, 2/1/93 (3293). sanctions imposed on Russia's Glavkosmos Abu Musa in the Straits of Hormuz and plans to stockpile an additional 200 Silkworms and 1/28/93 and India's ISRO for the cryogenic engine approximately 800 Scud-Bs there. Russian President Boris Yeltsin states that deal, as both companies are going ahead with Alsharq Al Awsat; in Mednews, 12/7/92, p. 5 (3445). Russia will follow through with its contract the contract. The Nation (Islamabad), 1/3/93, p. 6; in FBIS- to sell cryogenic rocket technology to India NES-93-022, 2/4/93, pp. 59-60 (3412). 10/92 despite the protests of the U.S. The 1991 Iran is said to have decoded the firing and contract, valued at $200 million, includes the fusing systems of one of two nuclear war- sale of two cryogenic space engines along heads obtained from Kazakhstan. Work is with the technology for their production in INDONESIA believed to be progressing on decoding the India was scheduled to be fulfilled within second warhead. three years. Assad Homayoun, Washington Times, 1/5/93, p. Brahma Chellaney, UPI, 1/28/93; in Executive News F3 (3448). Service, 1/28/93 (3333). Sanjoy Hazarika, New INDONESIA WITH FRANCE York Times, 1/30/93, p. 2 (3333). Vivek Raghuvanshni, Space News, 2/1/93, p. 6 (3333). 12/5/92 2/12/93 The Iraqi News Agency (INA) warns of 2/1/93 Indonesian minister of state for research Iran's weapons buildup and says that it was India's Minister of State for Science and and technology, B.J. Habibie, responding necessary to "observe the size of Iran's ar- Technology, Mr. Kumaramaam states that if to a French offer including an Ariane Space maments and the kind of its [sic] conven- Russia were to stop the cryogenic engine Rocket to launch the Palapa B-2 Satellite tional and non-conventional weapons, par- transfer, it would set back India's space pro- and space cooperation with Indonesia, in- ticularly those related to missile deals and dicates that costs, time, and risks make the

156 The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 Missile Developments

IRAN nuclear arms" that threaten regional secu- 2/93 IRAN WITH ISRAEL rity. The warning follows a Washington in- Central Intelligence Director R. James telligence report that said that Iran is invest- Woolsey tells the Senate Government Af- 1/20/93 ing $2 billion a year in weapons programs fairs Committee that Iran along with Syria Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhaq Rabin claims and Iran could acquire nuclear weapons in and Libya have already deployed cruise mis- in the Knesset that Iran and several other less than eight years. siles with precision guidance and counter- Middle Eastern countries have been devel- UPI (Beirut), 12/5/92; in Executive News Service, measures capable of threatening U.S. naval oping a long range missile that would en- 12/7/92 (3036). forces. Woolsey also tempered this news able Iran to strike Israel and other more dis- by acknowleding that the Iranian missile pro- tant countries. In response to a motion to 12/92 gram has been slowed by shortages of skilled the agenda raised by Efrayim Sne regarding According to official Iranian government personnel, science intensive technology, Iran's development of nuclear arms, Rabin statements to Iran's parliament, the Ministry scarce materials and financing. points out that North Korea gave missile of Heavy Industry started a $2.4 billion pro- David Fulghum, Aviation Week & Space technology to Iran and projects that Iran gram to establish a machine-tool industry in Technology, 3/1/93, p. 25 (3222). would develop long range missiles in the next Iran. The program will be almost entirely five to ten years. He calls for international financed by export credits obtained in the cooperation to stop the proliferation of mis- West. IRAN WITH CIS Mednews, 12/21/92, p. 3 (3455). sile technology and weapons of mass de- struction. 1992 Qol Yisra'el (Jerusalem), 1/20/93; in JPRS-TND- 1/93 According to the German weekly Focus, CIS 93-003, 1/27/93, p. 13 (3190). Iran has set up a procurement agency for countries supplied an atom bomb which can military goods, managed by former diplomat, be dropped from an airplane and a "launcher 2/93 Jamal Haj Esmaili, in without the ap- for missiles with nuclear warheads" to Iran Maj. Gen. Giora Romm, the Israeli defense proval of U.K. authorities. sometime during 1992. attache in Washington, says that Iran is not Alan George, Flight International, 1/20/93, p. 4 Rossiyskaya Gazeta (Moscow), 1/27/93, p. 7; in a conventional threat to Israel, but that the (3453). Press Association (London), 1/20/93; in FBIS-SOV-93-017, 1/28/93, p. 6 (2892). JPRS-TND-93-003, 1/27/93, p. 10 (3453). Iranian nuclear program together with acqui- sition of North Korea's 1,000 km range 1/93 Nodong missile could mean severe problems IRAN WITH GERMANY Iran has committed itself to $50 billion in in the next ten years or less. defense expenditures over the next five Aerospace Daily, 2/8/93, p. 210 (3130). years. By the end of 1992, Iran had an esti- 12/92 mated inventory of 800 Scud missiles and According to U.S., French and German offi- 200 Chinese Silkworm missiles. cials, Germany has become Iran's most im- IRAN WITH LIBYA Assad Homayoun, Washington Times, 1/5/93, p. portant trading partner, particularly in ad- F3 (3448). vanced technology; companies that formerly 4/93 exported sensitive technologies to Iraq have According to Western government officials, 2/93 simply shifted supply to Iran. German Eco- Libya transfers the design of its unsuccess- In a U.S. Defense Department report, offi- nomics Ministry figures predict that for 1992 ful Al-Fatah missile to Iran; although com- cials indicate that between the years 2000 Germany's high technology exports to Iran monly attributed with a range of 500 km, the and 2010, Syria, Iran and the PRC will have will double from 1991's $1.8 billion. Western government officials claim that it cruise missiles with some low-observable or Mednews, 12/21/92, p. 1 (3107). really has a range of 950 km. It is likely that stealth capabilities, and chemical and bio- Iran and Libya are working on a joint ven- logical warheads. 1992 ture to develop or upgrade the Al-Fatah. Aviation Week & Space Technology, 2/1/93, pp. Germany adopts a new export control law Alan George, Flight International, 4/93, p. 4 (3321). 26-72 (3258). requiring companies to seek licenses for equipment if they "have reason to believe" 2/93 it will be used for Iranian military endeavors. IRAN WITH NORTH KOREA Iran's Chemical Industries Group is produc- The "catch-all" clause applies to all equip- ing solid-fuel propellant powders for Iran's ment regardless of technological level, and 12/92 ballistic missile and artillery rocket programs. is strongly opposed by German companies. North Korea and Iran sign a five year, mili- This plant produces TNT, RDX Hexotol B, Mednews, 12/21/92, p. 1 (3107). tary agreement which will take affect in 3/93. Hexotol B4, Hexal, Plastic Explosives (C4) and The agreement is worth billions of dollars Nitrocellulose. Mednews, 3/1/93, p. 1 (3491). and includes the development of new

The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 157 Missile Developments

IRAN missile systems. The agreement also in- North Korea with $500 million to develop a 1/8/93 cludes: North Korean design and manufac- ballistic missile system capable of striking Western diplomatic sources state that the ture of two new missiles; "two workshops" Japan with nuclear and chemical warheads, PRC is buying an unknown number of Mig- constructed in Iran to allow for the mainte- and North Korea is to provide Iran with an 29's from Iran in exchange for Chinese mis- nance and repair of heavy bombers and unknown number of nuclear bombs and sile technology and a nuclear power station. fighter planes; and the joint development of plans for nuclear-weapons-reprocessing The agreement was reached at the end of speed boats that would carry multiple tor- plants. These reports were denied by North 1992. pedo launchers. Korea's Korean Central News Agency. Kyodo (), 1/8/93; in JPRS-TND-93-002, 1/ Amir Tahiri, Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, 12/8/92, p. 3; in U.S. News & World Report, 3/29/93, p. 18 (3021). 15/93, p. 3 (3028). JPRS-TND-92-048, 12/23/92, pp. 6-7 (3442). Reuter (Tokyo), 4/18/93; in JPRS-TND-93-006, 3/ 5/93, pp. 13-14 (3436). Washington Times, 4/19/ IRAN WITH RUSSIA 1/93 13, p. A2 (3021). Iran's Revolutionary Guards Commander 3/1/93 3/28/93 Mohsen Rezai visits Beijing and Iran expresses interest in acquiring Russia's A 21 member team headed by Brigadier Gen- in order to conclude new agreements for S-300V anti-missile system. eral Hossein Mantequei, the Revolutionary ballistic missiles and other weapon systems. Mednews, 3/1/93, pp. 4-5 (3479). Shortly before Rezai's departure, a member Guard commander in charge of 's sur- of the Iranian Parliament announced that face-to-surface missile force, arrives in Pyongyang. The prominence of missile ex- North Korea has asked for a cash payment IRAN WITH SUDAN of $2.4 to $2.7 billion to pay for Scud-B mis- perts in the delegation indicates that it has siles delivered to Iran during the war. come to observe final tests of the Nodong- 9/1-15/92 Mednews, 1/25/93, p. 3 (3454). 1, and to be trained in the missile's operation Iran is believed to have transported surface- and deployment. Opposition group leaders to-surface missiles, among other weaponry 2/93 say that some members of the delegation are to Sudan. These weapons are to be used CIA chief James Woolsey testifies before the to remain in North Korea for at least a month. against rebel troops of the Sudanese U.S. Congress that North Korea is becom- Douglas Jehl, New York Times, 4/8/93, p. A9 (3462). Alan Elsner, Executive News Service, 4/9/ People's Liberation Army. ing the primary supplier of missile programs 93 (3073). Tariq Hasan, Rose Al-Yusuf (Cairo), 10/19/92, p. in Iran and Syria, adding that "North Korea 71; in JPRS-TND-92-040, 10/30/92, p. 19 (2850). apparently has no threshold governing its 4/8/93 sales....It is willing to sell to any country with U.S. officials express concern that Iran is fi- IRAN WITH SYRIA the cash to pay." Although North Korea has nalizing plans to purchase the 600 mile range enough plutonium for a nuclear device, it (960 km) Nodong-1 missile from North Ko- 11/22/92 has yet to develop a ballistic missile capable rea. Syrian Industry Minister Dr. Ahmad Nizam- warhead, but it is believed to be attempting Alan Elsner, Executive News Service, 4/9/93, (3073). al-Din meets with Mohammad Reza to make its Scud-C systems nuclear capable Nematzadeh, his Iranian counterpart, in by 1995. to discuss, among other things, John J. Fialka, Wall Street Journal, 2/25/93, p. IRAN WITH PRC "specifications and calibration" and the es- A10, (3020). tablishment of "projects of joint investment." 1/93 The joint effort to build the North Korean 2/93 Commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guards Scud-C may be one such project. Iran receives "a number of launching pads" Mohsen Rezai visits Beijing and Pyongyang Mednews, 1/11/93, p. 6 (2905). and Scud-C surface-to-surface missiles with in order to conclude new agreements for bal- a range of 500 km as part of a deal Iranian listic missiles and other weapon systems. authorities previously signed with North Ko- Mednews, 1/25/93, p. 3 (3454). IRAN WITH rea. These missiles supplement about 250 Scud-B missiles supplied to Iran before the 1/93 3/1/93 Gulf War. An Iranian delegation visits the PRC to fi- The U.K. Foreign Minister Douglas Hurd Israel Television Network (Jerusalem), 2/9/93; in announces new restricted licensing guide- FBIS-NES-93-026, 2/10/93, p. 47 (2937). nalize the purchase of 10 Hega class fast at- tack missile craft. Negotiations over the Hega lines for exporting dual-use goods and 3/93 sale began in late 1991. While in Beijing, the technologies to Iran. The U.K.'s new crite- Western intelligence sources comment that delegation attempted to purchase a new craft ria for licensing exports are applicable to the North Korea and Iran are engaged in a coop- armed with the Ying Ji anti-ship missile which lists of COCOM munitions and the atomic erative effort in which Iran is providing has a 40 km range. Jane's Defence Weekly, 2/13/93, p. 48 (3076).

158 The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 Missile Developments


Iraq may have been "examining setting up" fired. Subsequent talks also involved the energy lists of the Exports of Goods (Con- the Improved Hawk missile system during a return of improved Hawk missiles. trol) Order 1992. confrontation over the no-fly zone in south- Washington Times, 11/29/92, p. A8 (2918). Export Control News, 2/28/93, p. 10 (3403). ern Iraq. The Iraqi military has been periodi- Financial Times, 3/2/93, p. 8 (3403). Arms Control cally detected turning on Hawk radar in an 1/93 Reporter, 3/93, pp. 250.B.5-250.B.6 (2984). attempt to understand how it works. Iraq According to U.N. officials, 200 unarmed Ira- has promised to return the Hawk missiles qis seize weapons, including four Chinese and launchers to Kuwait in February. made "Silkworm" surface-to-surface missiles, IRAN WITH UNITED STATES Defense News, 2/15/93, pp. 3-4 (3009). stockpiled by the U.N. in Kuwait and take them across the border to Iraq. The move 10/23/92 comes one day after the Iraqis removed an U.S. President George Bush signs a bill man- IRAQ WITH ARGENTINA estimated five batteries of SA-2 "Guideline" dating an embargo of items that previously high altitude and SA-3 "Goa" medium alti- required a validated license for export to Iran. 4/93 tude surface-to-air missiles from the no-fly Export Control News, 11/27/92, p. 3 (2957). It is reported that some Argentinean Con- zone below the 32nd parallel; the missiles dor 2 related components were discovered had been deployed there after the U.S. shot 1/5/93 in Iraq by the U.N. Special Commission. down an Iraqi fighter over the area. Reza Zandian and Charles Reeger are ar- Nathaniel C. Nash, New York Times, 3/7/93, p. 10 Jane's Defence Weekly, 1/16/93, p. 5 (2924). rested in San Diego by the Office of Export (3195). Jon B. Wolfsthal, Arms Control Today, 4/ Enforcement for attempting to ship two IBM 93, p. 24 (3195). 2/93 RISC supercomputers to Iran via France af- Iraq promises to return to Kuwait the Im- ter authorities seized ES-9000 computers val- proved Hawk surface-to-air missiles and ued at $2 million the previous day. Zandian IRAQ WITH GERMANY launcher later in 2/93 and provides a detailed set up companies (Lucash Corporation and list of Hawk launchers, missiles, and . Iran Business Machines) in Irvine, Califor- 3/93 Previously, Iraq included only the Hawk mis- nia for the procurement of computers The State Prosecutor's office in Muenster, siles on the list of items to be returned, de- through a third company that he controlled, Germany, brings charges against Dietrich spite the fact that Kuwait possessed 12 to Computer World (or CEPAT), located in Hinze and Peter M. Huetten, former business 24 Improved Hawk launchers prior to the Argenteuil, France. The two men are indicted managers of the now defunct H & H Iraqi invasion. Kuwait's assistant chief of on 1/22/93. Metalform GmbH, for violating foreign ex- staff for military intelligence Maj. Gen. Saud Mednews, 4/19/93, p. 4 (3487). port laws by supplying Iraq from 1988 to 1990 Al-Shamlan, comments that, "we are going with 27,436 individual parts for Scud-B mis- to get the improved Hawks back, but we do siles and a "range of machinery for the pro- not know their condition, whether they will duction of artillery rockets," all valued at 46 be usable." The return of the Hawks is im- IRAQ million German marks. portant as they currently form the most ad- DPA (Hamburg), 3/24/93; in FBIS-WEU-93-055, vanced component of an Iraqi air defense 3/24/93, p. 14 (2919). arsenal heavily reliant on aging Soviet SA- 2, SA-6 and SA-7 surface-to-air missiles. INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS Defense News, 2/15/93, pp. 3, 4 (3009). IRAQ WITH KUWAIT

1/93 11/28/92 IRAQ WITH RUSSIA Iraqi government ministers want recognition U.N. officials say that Iraq has promised to forfulfilling Iraq's obligations under the Se- return 75 Hawk surface-to-air missiles that it curity Council Gulf War cease-fire resolution. 12/15/92 took from Kuwait during the 1990 invasion; CIA Director Robert Gates states that Iraq is They say that they want a fresh start and the missiles are intact, but Iraq has yet to that it is now time for further negotiation, trying to acquire nuclear technology and account for the launchers and control equip- materials from Russia. but because Iraq has repeatedly been ment. Iraq says that it prepared two caught cheating by U.N. inspectors, the George Lardner Jr. and R. Jeffrey Smith, Washington batteries of the improved Hawk missiles to Post, 12/16/92, p. A6 (3078). world does not believe them. shoot down coalition aircraft during the Gulf Nicholas Phythian, Washington Times, 2/1/93, p. A7 (3211). War, but it is unknown whether any were

1/93 Western intelligence agencies believe that

The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 159 Missile Developments


IRAQ WITH SOUTH regarding Iraq's ballistic missiles may de- 1/25/93 pend on its analysis. The U.N. Security Council decides to con- 1992 AFP (Paris), 10/30/92; in JPRS-TND-92-041, 11/12/ tinue trade sanctions imposed on Iraq at the In a book published in the U.S. titled Profits 92, p. 17 (2917). end of the 1991 Gulf War in 1991, because of War: Inside the Secret U.S.-Israeli Arms the U.N. Special Commission has not fin- 1/23-29/93 Network, the author, Israeli secret service ished destroying or uncovering all of Iraq's A seven person U.N. ballistic weapons team defector Ari Ben-Menashe, claims that dur- ballistic missile, nuclear, chemical and bio- lead by Nikita Smidovich arrives in Iraq in ing the 1980's South Africa's Armscor sup- logical weapons. The U.N. Security Council order to conduct the first missile inspection plied Iraq with artillery and missiles capable president says that "there was no agreement of the year. According to the head of the of carrying nuclear warheads, with the ap- that the necessary conditions existed for a office of the U.N. Special Commis- proval of then Vice-president George Bush modification of the (sanctions) regime." The sion Douglas Englund, the team would look and the endorsement of the CIA. Security Council review, conducted every 60 for Scud missiles similar to the type Iraq fired Arthur Gavshon, Weekly Mail (Johannesburg), 10/ days under ceasefire resolution mandate, 16/92, pp. 1-2; in JPRS-TND-92-039, 10/28/92, at Saudi Arabia and Israel during the Gulf revealed that one key obstacle to lifting the pp. 1-2 (2916). War. Smidovich notes that Iraq is balking at trade embargo is Iraq's unwillingness to al- the U.N. demand for long term monitoring of low long-term weapons monitoring and re- its weapons programs. Four experts remain fusal to submit data on the weapons that IRAQ WITH UNITED KINGDOM to observe a missile research base 12 miles Baghdad possessed in the past. north of Baghdad until a long term monitor- Reuter, 1/25/93, (3079). 11/9/92 ing agreement is reached. Smidovich also Three executives from the British company says that the Iraqis indicated for the first 1/28/93 Matrix Churchill Ltd. are acquitted of selling time that they might provide details on their The Iraqis admit to UNSCOM monitoring to Iraq, between 1989 and 1990, $37 million chemical and biological equipment and ex- team 48 that Iraq had made a deliberate and worth of multi-axis precision milling machines pertise suppliers. false statement to UNSCOM monitoring used for the Iraqi Scud B missile program, Washington Times, 1/30/93, p. A8 (3215). Reuter team 3 with regard to missile launchers. (Baghdad), 1/26/93; in Executive News Service, 1/ for making gas centrifuges in the Iraqi U.S. Mission to the U.N.: Press Release USUN 36- 25/93 (3231). nuclear program, and in the manufacture of (93) (2925). proximity fuses for artillery shells. It is re- 2/12-21/93 vealed that the government, including the 1/25/93 Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), the Patrice Palanque leads the 50th team of U.N. U.N. officials inform the Iraqi government inspectors in Iraq and concentrates on bal- Ministry of Defense and the Foreign Office, that daily inspections by UNSCOM moni- approved the sales despite a U.N. arms em- listic missiles, validating "full and compre- toring team 48 will immediately begin at the hensive" assurances made by the Iraqis in bargo. Ibn al-Haytham research center and will con- Jane's Defence Weekly, 11/21/92, p. 6 (3345). 5/92. tinue indefinitely because of concerns about Reuter, 2/8/93; in Nuclear Nonproliferation missile-related activities at the facility. On 1/ Network News, 2/8/93 (3366). Reuter, 2/9/93; in 26/93, U.N. officials stated that Iraq has Executive News Service, 2/10/93 (3366). IRAQ WITH UNITED NATIONS placed all of its best rocket scientists and engineers at the Ibn al-Haytham research fa- 2/17/93 10/30/92 cility for possible renewal of prohibited work The leader of the 13 member U.N. Special U.N. missile inspection team leader Nikita on long-range missiles. These scientists Commission (UNSCOM) team of ballistic Smidovich says that the team has filled in were "the brains" behind Iraqi efforts before missile experts inspecting Iraq, Patrice "many gaps" about Iraqi weapons capabil- the Gulf War to develop or improve a variant Palanque, says that during an 8 day mission ity following visits to over 50 sites and hours of the Russian-made Scud missile, the Badr in Iraq which began on 2/12/93, the team had of conversation with Iraqi officials; the team 2000 two-stage missile with a range of 625 gathered a great deal of information but was following up on reports that Iraq still miles, and a three-stage rocket capable of refused to give information on materials or had as many as 200 Scud missiles. While orbiting payloads in space. Scientists at the the site [Taji military camp] at which the in- Smidovich refused to say whether any hid- facility appear to be working on propellants, formation was collected. The site was not den missiles were discovered, he did say that guidance systems and other missile compo- on Iraq's list of nuclear, biological, chemical a lot of information had been gathered and nents. UNSCOM 48 left Iraq on 3/24/93. or missile development program sites. Other that the conclusion of some of the issues Jeffrey Smith, Washington Post, 1/27/93, p. A16 inspectors, speaking on condition of ano- (3359). Nizar Hamdoon, U.N. Security Council nymity, state that the information leads Document, 4/6/93 (3369). them to believe that Iraq may be actively

160 The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 Missile Developments IRAQ pursuing its ballistic missile program despite 3/27/93-4/2/93 4/15/92 the terms of the ceasefire agreement ending U.N. Inspector Nikita Smidovich arrives in the Gulf War which require Iraq to disclose Iraq with UNSCOM 54, a team of eight spe- A fourteen member U.N. Special Commission and dismantle weapons of mass destruction. cialists, to check several missile-producing (UNSCOM) team of arms experts led by Igor Iraq reportedly still has 100 to 200 missiles, facilities for prohibited activity and discuss Mitrokhin leaves Iraq after a seven day in- although 151 missiles, including 53 Scuds, an "interim monitoring regime" to monitor spection of Iraqi chemical weapons systems. were destroyed during previous U.N. visits. Iraqi missile plants. Mr. Smidovich indicates Remaining in Iraq are two teams: a team on a Leon Barkho, Reuter, 2/13/93; in Executive News that efforts regarding the new regime are pro- short mission to monitor Iraq's ballistic mis- Service, 2/15/93 (3368). New York Times, 2/13/93, ceeding smoothly, but Iraq is still balking at sile factories and verify that no banned mis- p. 4 (3368). Washington Times, 2/28/93, p. A9 (3012). long term inspections. Although Iraq says it siles are produced, and a resident U.N. has nothing left to declare, U.N. inspectors chemical destruction team that is to dispose 2/22/93 say 200 of Iraq's former arsenal of 890 Scud of Iraq's arsenal of toxic gases. Iraqi forces in the western suburbs of missiles are unaccounted for. He also com- Reuter (Baghdad), 4/15/93; in Executive News Service, 4/16/93 (3007). Baghdad aim anti-aircraft guns at and ments that Iraq has the capability and ac- threaten to shoot down U.N. helicopters car- quired expertise to produce missiles, and that rying ballistic missile inspectors as they at- is why it is important to have long-term moni- IRAQ WITH UNITED STATES tempt to overfly a facility to ensure that no toring activities. According to Smidovich, materials were removed before ground in- the Iraqis still would not disclose their arms 1/93 spectors arrived. U.N. inspectors working supply network nor accept U.N. long-term The U.S. and its coalition partners warn Iraqi in coordination with a U-2 spy plane visited monitoring of their weapons capabilities. Re- President that the SA-2 and three sites suspected of housing intermedi- ferring to Iraq's ballistic missile program, SA-3 anti-aircraft missile batteries positioned ate-range ballistic missiles. Smidovich says, "...they [the Iraqis] admit Michael R. Gordon, New York Times, 2/24/93, pp. themselves that we do not know the full pic- below the 32nd parallel are to be removed by A1, A4 (3365). Los Angeles Times, 2/24/93, p. A6 ture" He mentions the newly established late 1/8/93. The Iraqi anti-aircraft missile (3365). Julia Preston, Washington Post, 2/25/93, Ibn al-Haytham missile center, which is to batteries are there to protect Iraqi aircraft fly- p. A14. Arms Control Today, 3/93, p. 27 (2920). produce missiles, whose ranges fall within ing in the area in defiance of the U.N. no-fly zone. 3/11/93 the ceasefire limitation of 150 km; the moni- toring team goes there specifically, and con- Aviation Week & Space Technology, 1/11/93, p. 26 U.N. joint inspection team UNSCOM 53 ar- (2930). rives in Iraq led by American David Franz ducts a "technical assessment of the work with members comprised of biological, chemi- being done and approach carried over there." 1/17/93 cal, missile and computer specialists. The Dennis Vincent heads a four member team U.S. forces attack an Iraqi military-industrial team conducted short-notice inspections of which remains in Iraq for a several week mis- complex known as Djilah park in the town of the Muthanna Establishment, the sion involving routine and surprise inspec- Za'faraniyah with 40 cruise missiles. of Agriculture and Biology of the Iraqi tions. R. Jeffrey Smith, Washington Post, 1/18/93; in Washington Times, 1/30/93, p. A8 (3215). Leon Executive News Service, 1/19/93 (3361). Atomic Energy Commission, the Salah al-Din Barkho, Reuter, 3/27/93; in Executive News Service, Establishment, the Salam factory at Salman 3/29/93 (3360). Leon Barkho, Reuter, 4/1/93; in 1/21/93 Pak, Al-Kindi company, and the Hakam fac- Executive News Service, 4/2/93 (3207). Reuter 4/ U.S. forces attack an Iraqi ground radar site tory. The team also made an unannounced 2/93; in Executive News Service, 4/2/93 (3208). U.N. Security Council Document, 4/6/93 (3369). in the northern no-fly zone and a senior U.N. visit to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine official states that five plane loads of inspec- at Baghdad University on 3/14/93. 4/2/93 tors will still go to Iraq despite this attack Nizar Hamdoon, U.N. Security Council Document, 4/6/93 (3369). U.N. arms expert Nikita Smidovich charges and one conducted on 1/17/93. Iraqi authorities with lying about the num- Reuter, 1/21/93 (3361). 3/17/93 ber of sites they have for building short- U.N. Security Council sources state that range missiles. According to Smidovich, sanctions against Iraq are expected to con- Iraq has more than the one site, Ibn al- 2/93 tinue after a 3/29/93 public review. The pub- Haytham near Baghdad, which produces Reports surface that the CIA knew that the Brit- lic nature of this sanction review was initi- rockets with a range within the 150 km limit ish company Matrix Churchill Corporation was ated by the U.S. so that the council can lay allowed by the U.N. Smidovich stated that supplying military-related equipment, including out in precise terms what Iraq must do to "There are many other [sites] even if the Ira- machine tools of value to Iraq's nuclear weapons comply with Gulf War resolutions. qis pretend this is the only one." program to Iraq as early as 1987. Anthony Goodman, Reuter, 3/17/93 (3080). AFP, 4/2/93 (2941). R. Jeffrey Smith, Washington Post, 2/15/93, pp. A22- A23 (3490).

The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 161 Missile Developments


siles, Germany agreed to finance the deliv- senior officials visit the PRC's satellite con- ery of an upgraded Patriot battery. trol center in Xian. Chinese hosts express ISRAEL Yedi'ot Aharonot (Tel Aviv), 10/6/92, p. 8; in JPRS- interest in cooperating with Israel to launch TND-92-037, 10/9/92, p. 13 (2846). Israeli scientific and communications satel- lites. Space News, 1/18/93, p. 11 (2896). INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS ISRAEL WITH INDIA 1/93 1992 Late 1992 Pentagon officials confirm that former De- Cost overruns in the Arrow anti-ballistic mis- MALAT of Israel offers to co-develop the fense Secretary Richard B. Cheney received sile project contributed as a large factor in Searcher UAV and its secure digital data link intelligence briefings indicating that Israel Irael Aircraft Industries' (IAI) reported losses with ADE of India. The offer would also passed Patriot guidance and propulsion of $40 million for 1992. The future of the involve applying this technology to this technology to China in return for M-series Arrow project will be determined in 1993. technology to Mig-21FL ballistic missile information, including the M- Neal Sandler, Jane's Defence Weekly, 2/6/93, pp. and Mig-21M fighters. 9 and M-11 missiles. It is possible that Israel 29-30 (3119). Jane's Defence Weekly, 2/13/93, p. Edmond Dantes, Asian Defence Journal, 12/92, may have passed Patriot technology to 18 (3119). pp. 28-36 (3246). China through the Arrow missile defense program. 1993 David A. Fulghum, Aviation Week & Space IAI will launch the Offeq 3 intelligence satel- ISRAEL WITH IRAN Technology, 2/1/93, pp. 26-27 (3260). lite using a Shavit booster, which is capable 1/20/93 of putting satellites into low orbit. Other Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhaq Rabin claims 1/5/93 sources claim that the Offeq satellite will be in the Knesset that Iran and several other CIA Director Robert Gates confirms that the test launched in late 1993. The first two Offeq Middle Eastern countries have been devel- Chinese obtained Patriot anti-missile tech- satellites were launched by Shavits. oping a long range missile that would en- nology, but would not confirm media reports Flight International, 2/24/93, p. 22 (3124). Aluf able Iran to strike Israel and other more dis- that Israel gave that technology to China. Ben, Ha'aretz (Tel Aviv), 2/5/93, p. A6; in FBIS- tant countries. In response to a motion to After sending investigators to Israel to check NES-93-025, 2/9/93, p. 40 (3124). the agenda raised by Efrayim Sne regarding out an earlier report, a 4/92 State Department 3/15/93 Iran's development of nuclear arms, Rabin report stated that there was no corroborat- Emmanuel Gill, president of the Israeli de- points out that North Korea gave missile ing evidence that Israel had transferred Pa- fense firm Elbit, announces that Elbit has technology to Iran and projects that Iran triot missile technology to China. Gates now purchased 33% of Silver Arrow, the Israeli would develop long range missiles in the next says that there are "disagrements on the private unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) de- five to ten years. He calls for international question" of whether or not that report un- veloper, and reveals that a prototype UAV cooperation to stop the proliferation of mis- derestimated contradictory intelligence. for use with ground forces will be unveiled sile technology and weapons of mass de- When the State Department report was re- at the Paris Air Show in 6/93. Silver Arrow struction. leased, Bush administration officials said that Qol Yisra'el (Jerusalem), 1/20/93; in JPRS-TND- they had closed the matter to avoid harming has been developing a UAV for surveillance 93-003, 1/27/93, p. 13 (3190). and other missions. the peace process. Drora Perl, DAVAR (Tel Aviv), 1/6/93, p. 2; in FBIS- Flight International, 3/31/93, p. 17 (3123). 2/93 NES-93-003, 1/6/93, p. 31, (3077). Israel Foreign Maj. Gen. Giora Romm, the Israeli defense Affairs, 2/26/93, p. 6 (3026). attache in Washington, says that Iran is not ISRAEL WITH GERMANY a conventional threat to Israel, but that the 2/7/93 Iranian nuclear program together with acqui- During a visit to Israel by seven PRC scien- 10/92 sition of North Korea's 1,000 km range tists, Israeli Science and Technology Minis- Within the next five months Germany will Nodong missile could mean severe problems ter Shim'on Shetrit and the head of the PRC supply Israel with a battery of upgraded in the next ten years or less. delegation Vice Minister of the State Science Patriot missiles. Originally Germany Aerospace Daily, 2/8/93, p. 210 (3130). and Technology Commission Li Xiaoshi are planned to give Israel a Patriot PAC-1 bat- scheduled to sign a cooperative agreement tery from its own arsenal, but following the on civilian applications of space technolo- discovery of the first generation Patriot's ISRAEL WITH PRC gies. inability to intercept surface-to-surface mis- Qol Yisra'el (Jerusalem), 2/7/93; in FBIS-NES-93- 12/92 025, 2/9/93, p. 40 (3125). Israel's President Hayim Herzog and other

162 The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 Missile Developments ISRAEL

ISRAEL WITH RUSSIA 12/3/92 which will allow the theater commander to The SDI administration announces its inten- augment communications and surveillance 3/93 tion to establish contacts with the Israeli capabilities. TSAM is intended to replace Israel's Elbit corporation is integrating Rus- Ministry of Defense to conduct technical the Patriot missile after 2000. sian air-defense radar systems with the Is- studies on approaches for the boost phase Joseph Lovece, Defense Week, 2/1/93, p. 13 (3045). raeli Barak point-defense missile for poten- interception of ballistic missiles. The admin- tial sale to Eastern Europe and South-East istration believes that Israel possesses 1/14/93 Asia. Eastern Europe's vast Russian air-de- unique experience with wartime missile de- The U.S. Army program manager of the U.S.- fense systems could be a potential market fense and the operation of RPVs. Israeli Arrow anti-ballistic missile project for the Barak missile integrated with the ra- Aluf Ben, Ha'aretz (Tel Aviv), 12/24/93, p. B3; in Michael Holtcamp claims that electrical ad- dars of the ZSU-23-4 self-propelled gun or JPRS-NEA-93-016, 2/3/93, p. 13 (3118). justments incorporated into the missile were the SA-8 Gecko self propelled surface-to-air the key to the success of the Arrow's fourth 12/92 missile system. Elbit, which is evaluating and final test flight. Holtcamp said that the An Israeli Ministry of Defense team holds the suitability of the different radars, sees Arrow could now move on to the Arrow Con- meetings for several weeks in the U.S. lob- Barak's vertical launch as a worthwhile im- tinuation Experiments (ACES). bying for support for a U.S.-Israeli surface- provement over the Russian missiles. Defense Daily, 1/22/93, p. 105 (3375). Flight International, 3/10/93, p. 16 (3084). to-air missile defense development project to be conducted within the SDI program. The 2/9/93 team proposes a study to assess the use of At a budget presentation to , RPVs to attack surface-to-surface missiles Maj. Gen. O'Neill, acting director of SDIO, ISRAEL WITH SINGAPORE during boost phase when they are still mov- says that the joint U.S.-Israeli Boost Phase 2/93 ing slowly. The RPV project in Israel has a Intercept (BPI) project will need an estimated Singapore reveals the existence of the Re- budget of $6 million, and is considered as $140 million in funding through 1994. The public of Singapore Air Force's 128th Squad- important to national security as the Arrow U.S. and Israeli governments are to meet ron which operates from Tengah Air Base ATBM project. Advocates of the concept some time in 1993 to sign a $5.7 million con- utilizing Israel's IAI Scout UAV systems and say that it would allow less wartime damage tract to explore BPI approaches; funding for a more advanced UAV, possibly the IAI Im- to Israel, and fits well with Israel's doctrine the study will come from both countries. of engaging the enemy on his own territory. Barbara Opall, Defense News, 2/22/93, pp. 3, 20 pact. (3129). Jane's Defence Weekly, 2/13/93, p. 23 (3257). Potential enemies may fear having inter- cepted missile warheads explode over their own territory and this may deter the use of 2/16/93 A senior Israeli military official says that the ISRAEL WITH UNITED STATES unconventional warheads. Israeli Aircraft Industries has experience in RPVs, and BPI program would continue even without Raphael, another Israeli firm, has experience U.S. funding. 11/23/92 Barbara Opall, Defense News, 2/22/93, pp. 3, 20 At a three day meeting, U.S. and Israeli offi- in infrared guided missiles. (3129). Aluf Ben, Ha'aretz (Tel Aviv), 12/24/92, p. B3; in cials decide to establish working groups to JPRS-NEA-93-016, 2/3/93, p. 13 (3118). assist Israel in incorporating U.S. technolo- 2/18/93 gies such as enhanced computer process- 1/93 An SDIO spokesman says that the U.S. Air ing, , and advanced materi- A U.S. Army spokesman says that the Army Force and joint U.S.-Israeli BPI programs als and manufacturing parts and processes Advanced Systems Office proposes evalu- were unrelated to the Raptor Talon program into Israeli production. The meeting also ating the Israeli Arrow theater defense mis- managed by Lawrence Livermore National addresses U.S. concern over Israeli technol- sile and the Theater High Altitude Area De- Laboratory. The Israeli BPI effort is also ogy transfer policies. U.S. sources say that fense (THAAD) system as candidates for unrelated to the $479 million joint U.S.-Is- export licensing to Israel will be dependent the Theater Surface-to-Air Missile (TSAM) raeli Arrow project, which is designed to at- upon Israel's adherence to multinational arms system, an "upper tier" weapons system tack Scud-type missiles during reentry phase. control agreements such as the MTCR and Barbara Opall, Defense News, 2/22/93, pp. 3, 20 meant to intercept ballistic missiles shortly (3129). CWC; the U.S. must be convinced that Is- after they reenter the atmosphere. Accord- rael will no longer export sensitive technolo- ing to the U.S. Army's recent Science and 2/28/93 gies to the PRC, South Africa, and several Technology Master Plan, TSAM will be a The fifth test firing of the U.S.-Israeli Ar- Central and South American nations. medium and high altitude defense system Barbara Opall, Defense News, 11/30/92, pp. 3, 21 (3127). for defending corps size or larger bodies of troops and will also be able to launch short duration, low cost satellites on demand,

The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 163 Missile Developments

ISRAEL-ITALY row missile is conducted from a ship in the U.S. and Israeli sources claim will come into warhead presents less of a challenge than Mediterranean Sea to evaluate the solid fuel conflict with U.S. missile technology export the radome, because a warhead prototype rocket motor and guidance system. The mis- controls such as those outlined in the has already been flight tested. An Israeli sile, traveling nine times the speed of sound, MTCR. The increased cooperation will not official claims that the warhead could be comes within 40 m of its target, another Ar- mean more aid, but rather technology shar- tested on the second Arrow-2 test in the row reentering the atmosphere. The test al- ing and cooperative projects such as the summer of 1993. lowed for the evaluation of a series of engi- Arrow ATBM. U.S. congressional investi- Barbara Opall, Defense News, 4/12/93, pp. 1, 28 neering changes intended to correct guid- gators point out contradictions between the (3377). ance, tracking, and overheating complica- Arrow project and the U.S. policy of safe- tions which caused test failures in the past. guarding missile technology. A classified 5/9/93 This successful evaluation opens the door General Accounting Office investigation of U.S. and Israeli officials hold semiannual high for additional testing to begin on the Arrow these contradictions is scheduled for release level talks over two days in order to con- Continuation Experiments (ACES) missile in the summer of 1993. sider how to address MTCR restrictions with twice the capability in height and range, George Leopold and Barbara Opall, Defense News, while improving U.S.-Israeli strategic coop- and designed to intercept Scud-type mis- 4/12/93, pp. 1, 28 (3128). eration and technology sharing. George Leopold and Barbara Opall, Defense News, siles, cruise missiles and aircraft using a dual 4/12/93, pp. 1, 28 (3128). infrared seeker for high altitudes and a radio 3/30/93 frequency seeker for low-flying, air breath- A Pentagon official states that the Penta- ing systems accompanied by heavy coun- gon and the State Department are consider- termeasures. ing special exemptions for Israel or chang- Alan Ben-'Ami, Qol Yisra'el (Jerusalem), 2/28/93; ing Israel's MTCR status, both of which ITALY in FBIS-NES-93-038, 3/1/93, p. 40 (3374). would aid U.S. technology sharing with Is- Aerospace Daily, 3/2/93, p. 336 (3374). Barbara rael. The official also says that Israel would Opall and Sharone Parnes, Defense News, 3/8/93, have to abandon its past practices of unau- p. 6 (3370). SDI Monitor, 3/12/93, pp. 62-63 (3389). Neal Sandler, The Jerusalem Report, 3/ thorized sales and transfers of U.S. technol- INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS 25/93, pp. 36-37 (3388). ogy in order to qualify for U.S. exemptions. George Leopold and Barbara Opall, Defense News, 3/93 3/93 4/12/93, pp. 1, 28 (3128). In an interview with Defense News, chair- At a meeting in Washington with Israeli prime man of Italy's House Defense Committee 3/31/93 minister , President Clinton Gastone Savio acknowledges that Italy Maj. Gen. Giora Rom, Israeli defense attache declines to commit U.S. funds to the Israeli needs to consider new anti-ballistic missiles to Washington, claims that Israel would like project for the development of a UAV that and ballistic missile defense with the emer- to become a full MTCR member, but refuses fires anti-ballistic missiles; the Israelis will gence of regional conflict as a significant continue the project on their own. The Is- to give details. George Leopold and Barbara Opall, Defense News, threat. Savio continues: " We need to carry raeli project calls for a large, long endurance 4/12/93, pp. 1, 28 (3128). out some strategic evaluation to set up in- UAV equipped with infrared sensors that dustrial consortia in order to evaluate new would loiter in enemy territory and attack 4/8/93 defense and deterrence needs that are com- launching Scuds with heat seeking missiles. Dore Gold, a policy analyst for the Tel Aviv- pletely different from what they were before At the same meeting, Rabin requests a di- based Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies, 1989." rect link between Israel and the U.S. Space states that MTCR standards would allow the Giovanni de Briganti and Alessandro Politi, Defense Command at Cheyenne Mountain AB in transfer of sensitive technologies to Israel if News, 3/8/93, p. 30 (3167). Colorado, and successfully broaches the the U.S. made Israel a full ally. subject of allowing Israel greater access to George Leopold and Barbara Opall, Defense News, 4/93 raw information obtained from U.S. satellites 4/12/93, pp. 1, 28 (3128). Pier Giuliano Lasagni, Fiat Avio's director of operating over such countries as Iran and space programs, claims that the Italian Iraq. 4/8/93 company's space division, which is devel- Flight International, 4/7/93, p. 6 (3122). Michael Holtcamp, Arrow program manager oping liquid oxygen turbopumps for the for the U.S. Global Protection Against Lim- Ariane rocket's Vulcan engine, had $28 mil- 3/15/93 ited Strikes (GPALS) office states that dur- lion in sales in 1992. He states that he wants At a meeting in Washington with Israeli ing the next several months U.S. and Israeli to use the company's experience with Ariane Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, President officials will step up their campaign to lessen turbopumps to expand the business inter- Clinton states that the U.S. and Israel are to technological risks associated with Arrow's nationally. improve strategic cooperation, which many components, including the dual-mode Robina Riccitiello, Space News, 3/29/93, p. 8 seeker. He also said that the Arrow (3313).

164 The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 Missile Developments

ITALY-JAPAN In an effort to avoid heavy dependence on Loral Vought, Italy has decided to develop engine by the Japan National Space Devel- ITALY WITH ARGENTINA most of the rocket's technology indigenously opment Agency (NASDA) is manually shut Andrew Lawler, Space News, 1/11/93, pp. 4, 21 down after 21.5 seconds of a planned 50 sec- 4/20/93 (3131). ond test due to a hydrogen gas leak. Ac- An Argentinean magistrate in Buenos Aires cording to officials, inspection reveals a 12/15/93 asks his Italian counterparts in Rome to as- faulty pressure sensor installation in the Italian magistrate Michele Aiello orders the sist in the investigation of the relationship engine's hydrogen turbopump. Italian Space Agency (ASI) to pay $57 mil- between the Italian Foreign Ministry and Ital- Aviation Week & Space Technology, 12/7/92, p. 19 lion to the University of Rome for its joint ian companies doing business in Argentina, (2857). Scout program with the American company one of which took part in the Condor-2 mis- Loral Vought Systems. The Italian govern- 12/21/92 sile project and benefitted from Iraqi loans ment approved $60 million in funding to the Officials with Japan's Ministry of Interna- made by Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL) University of Rome, which planned to spend tional Trade and Industry (MITI) say that Atlanta. Alan Friedman, Financial Times, 4/21/93, p. 1 much of the money on U.S. technology. on 1/20/93 Japan will begin to enforce con- (2994). However, ASI favored an all-Italian launcher, trols aimed at stopping exports of dual-use and wanted to stop the funding. materials including 200 items in the weap- Robina Riccitiello, Space News, 1/18/93, pp. 3, 21 ons, atomic energy, and industrial fields. (3404). ITALY WITH MULTI-COUNTRY GROUP Japanese export controls vis a vis North Korea have been in line with COCOM regu- 12/23/92 lations. 1993 The U.S. State Department approves 18 li- Alenia Spazio of Italy plans to increase pro- Kyodo (Tokyo), 12/21/92; in JPRS-ND-93-002,1/ censes to U.S. companies to cooperate with 15/93, p. 4 (3173). Mednews, 1/11/93, p. 4 (3173). duction of stainless steel alloy liquid fuel Australian, Italian, Russian and Spanish in- tanks for Ariane-4 rocket boosters in 1994 to dustry in building and launching rockets. 1/93 30-32 annually; 26 were produced in 1992. Andrew Lawler, Space News, 1/11/93, pp. 1, 20 Japan plans to build a facility worth $160 The Ariane-4 uses up to 4 tanks. (3220). million dollars to test fighter and missile en- Space News, 3/15/93, p. 12 (3104). gines in order to develop Japanese high per- formance powerplants for indigenous mili- tary and civilian aircraft. ITALY WITH UNITED STATES JAPAN Flight International, 1/15/93, p. 3 (3027).

12/92 2/23/93 The U.S. State Department approves 15 ex- The Japanese National Space Development port licenses to sell launch vehicle informa- INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS Agency (NASDA) successfully conducts a tion to Italy, Spain and Australia. Subse- 10 second "captive burn" firing test of the quent reports indicate that the unexpected 11/17/92 LE-7 designated 303A engine. The engine approval of the licenses "provoked a storm is connected to an H-2 rocket first stage fit- of criticism" from Defense Transportation A senior official of the Japanese Ministry of Trade and Industry (MITI) says that Japan ted with a 38 meter dummy launcher at the and Commerce departments. The State De- Yoshinobo launch pad in Tanegashima partment stood by its original decision in a is studying the control of materials useful in the production of weapons of mass destruc- Space center. This test followed four suc- White House Meeting, where senior admin- cessful 350 second test firings of the engine istration officials failed to agree on whether tion and that the Japanese plan calls for a ban on exports of materials capable of being between 12/17/92 and 2/2/93. Officials plan to uphold or revoke the licenses.The li- to follow the test with a 20 second test firing censes are of concern to Italy, which is de- used for military purposes to nations pursu- ing weapons of mass destruction, or coun- to examine the interaction between the main veloping the Scout 2 launcher with the as- stage and the vehicles super cooled liquid- sistance of Loral Vought Systems (formerly tries involved in regional conflicts. This type of "catch all" regulatory ban is the sort en- oxygen and liquid-hydrogen LE-7 engine. LTV Aerospace and Defense), Dallas, the de- Another 350 second test is scheduled for 3/ veloper of the Scout rocket. BPD Difesa e forced in the U.S., Britain and Germany. Kyodo (Tokyo), 11/17/92; in JPRS-TND-92-044, 5/93 under a fully stacked launcher. Spazio, Colleferro, Italy, was to build solid 11/24/92, pp. 9-10 (2921). Peter B. de Selding, Space News, 2/22/93, p. 3 boosters to be attached to the Scout rocket. (3422). Space News, 3/1/93, p. 2 (3023). Aviation Since the license was requested , however, Week & Space Technology, 3/1/93, p. 20 (3422). 11/27/92 Tim Furniss, Flight International, 4/10/93, p. 19 the Italian Space Agency has reconsidered. The second test firing of the modified LE-7 (3422).

The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 165 Missile Developments

JAPAN-KAZAKHSTAN ing the liquid fuel remaining from its inter- 3/11/93 4/93 continental ballistic missiles scrapped in At a Rome conference, Satoshi Shoji, deputy Fuji Heavy Industries is under contract with compliance with the START-2 treaty. In 4/ director for contracts at Japan's National the Japanese Defense Agency's Technical 93, Japan plans to send a group of special- Space Development Agency (NASDA), says Research and Development Institute to de- ists to Russia to determine the means of de- that H-2 test launches are scheduled in 2/94, velop three UAVs. One of the UAVs is a stroying the fuel. 8/94 and 2/95. The 2/94 launch will carry turbojet powered delta wing reconnaissance Itar-Tass (Moscow), 3/9/93; in FBIS-SOV-93-045, Japan's Orbital Reentry Experiment, a small UAV for air launch from Japan Air Self De- 3/10/93, p. 16 (3242). capsule developed as part of NASDA's re- fense Force F-4EJs and F-15Js, which has a search on a future space plane called "Hope." maximum speed of Mach 0.9 and a range of After the last test, the rocket is to be trans- several hundred kilometers. The new Fuji JAPAN WITH UNITED KINGDOM ferred to Japan's Rocket System Corp., a com- UAV is much smaller than the BQM-34AJ mercial consortium of 75 companies, which Firebee target drone built by Fuji under li- 3/93 has already received engineers from NASDA cense from the U.S. firm Teledyne Ryan. The United Kingdom's Royal Ordnance to help with the H-2's commercial develop- Flight International, 4/14/93, pp. 21-27 (3133). rocket motors division completes a contract ment. with Kawasaki Heavy Industries, transfer- Space News, 3/22/93, p. 10 (3172). ring technology to assist JAPAN WITH MULTI-COUNTRY GROUP Kawasaki's guided missile research and de- 3/24/93 velopment. A Japanese Ministry of Trade and Industry 3/15/93 Armed Forces Journal International, 3/93, p. 19 (3230). (MITI) official says that the Center for Infor- Japanese officials from the Ministry of In- mation on Strategic Technology, a subsid- ternational Trade and Industry (MITI) say iary of MITI, is studying the creation of a that they are considering sharing "arms ex- JAPAN WITH UNITED STATES dual-use database to be introduced in 1993, port control know-how" including controls based on "open sources as well as informa- on materials and machine tools with 10 Asian 4/22/93 tion supplied by the U.S. government," to nations, including Indonesia, Malaysia, Pentagon officials say that Japan, which is pinpoint final users of sensitive Japanese Thailand, Singapore, and South Korea, as discussing its options with U.S. military of- technologies that may have been illegally an incentive for them to sign international ficials to counter the North Korean nuclear transferred by a third nation. The Informa- agreements aimed at curbing the prolifera- threat, could rely on U.S. Navy for bal- tion Access Center, a private company based tion of weapons of mass destructions. in Tokyo, Japan, is to begin a similar service Kyodo (Tokyo), 3/16/93; in JPRS-TND-93-009, 3/ listic missile protection or may arm its Aegis in 4/93. The Japanese government hopes to 29/93, p. 11 (3261). destroyers with ballistic missile interceptors. use both databases to control the spread of Japan is currently buying Aegis combat sys- dual-use technologies. tems and upgrading the Aegis radars to track George Leopold and Naoki Usui, Defense News, 3/ JAPAN WITH NORTH KOREA and target theater ballistic missiles. The 29/93, pp. 4, 37 (2913). Aegis contract prohibits the Japanese from 12/17/92 upgrading, refitting, or reverse-engineering 3/25/93 Japan's Defense Agency, in a report pre- the Aegis technology themselves. Japan's Security Export Control Committee sented to the Japanese cabinet's Security Inside the Pentagon, 4/22/93, p. 14 (3343). presents a report to the Japanese Ministry Council, identifies North Korea's reported of International Trade and Industry (MITI) development of a long range missile capable giving recommendations and raising con- of striking western Japan and North Korea's cerns about the export of items with military suspected nuclear weapons program as se- applications that should be controlled, but curity concerns; an analysis by the Japa- KAZAKHSTAN do not fall under COCOM. The committee nese Foreign Ministry echoes these con- recommends that tougher controls are cerns. needed than that in the U.S., U.K. and Ger- Kyodo (Tokyo), 12/17/92; in JPRS-TND-92-048, many under the "know" standard, in which 12/23/92, p. 2 (2914). a company is required to obtain official ap- KAZAKHSTAN WITH MULTI-COUNTRY proval of exports if the exporter knows that GROUP the material may be used for military pur- JAPAN WITH RUSSIA poses. 12/92 Robert Thomson, Financial Times, 3/26/93, p. 4 3/9/93 CIS joint forces conduct anti-missile tests at (3262). Arms Control Reporter, 3/93, pp. 250.B.%- the Emba test range in West Kazakhstan. 250.B.6 (2984). Japan is planning to assist Russia in destroy- Reportedly, targets which simulated ballis-

166 The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 Missile Developments KAZAKHSTAN-KUWAIT tic and cruise missiles were destroyed "with Russia's deputy commander of the Russian an accuracy several times greater than that Military Space Force General B. G. Kalinichev KUWAIT of missiles used by the allied forces during criticizes the Kazakh government for a lack the Persian Gulf war." of monetary support of Baikonur, noting that Dmitriy Gutenev, Pravda (Moscow), 12/15/92, p. last year, Russia's Ministry of Defense had 4; in FBIS-SOV-92-243, p. 56 (2875). paid one billion rubles to Baikonur KUWAIT WITH IRAQ Cosmodrome. Russian officials have dis- 1/21/93 cussed the possibility of transferring all 11/28/92 During a summit meeting, Belarus, space launches from Baikonur to Plesetsk. U.N. officials say that Iraq has promised to Kazakhstan Russia, and Ukraine again fail However, Russia has no manned vehicle or return 75 Hawk surface-to-air missiles that it to agree on the transfer of all ex-Soviet heavy Proton facilities at the Plesetsk launch took from Kuwait during the 1990 invasion; nuclear weapons to Russia. Russia's de- site. mands for control over nuclear warheads, Craig Covault, Aviation Week & Space Technology, the missiles are intact, but Iraq has yet to ballistic missiles, nuclear weapons on stra- 2/1/93, pp. 57-59 (3414). account for the launchers and control equip- tegic bombers, early warning systems, anti- ment. Iraq says that it prepared two batter- missiles and anti-aircraft systems were re- 4/13/93 ies of the improved Hawk missiles to shoot buffed by Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine. Russian President Boris Yeltsin requests a down coalition aircraft during the Gulf War, Kazakhstan supports the supreme command meeting with Kazakh President Nursultan but it is unknown whether any were fired. of the United Forces of the CIS, which main- Nazarbayev in order to discuss problems re- Subsequent talks also involved the return tains that the term "nuclear forces" include lated to the Baikonur Cosmodrome Space of improved Hawk missiles. military formations, installations, and main- Complex at a bilateral meeting in 5/93. Presi- Washington Times, 11/29/92, p. A8 (2918). tenance units which have strategic nuclear dent Yeltsin wishes to increase cooperation weapons in their arsenals. between Russia and Kazakhstan to include 1/93 Douglas Clarke, RFE/RL Research Report, 1/18/ the maintenance and use of the Baikonur According to U.N. officials, 200 unarmed Ira- 93, p. 5 (2898). Andrey Naryshev and Oleg Cosmodrome. qis seize weapons, including four Chinese Falichev, Krasnaya Zvezda (Moscow), 1/23/93, p. Roman Zadunaiskiy, ITAR-TASS (Moscow), 4/9/93; made "Silkworm" surface-to-surface missiles, 1; in FBIS-SOV-93-015, 1/26/93, pp. 12-13 in FBIS-SOV-93-069, 4/13/93, pp. 14-15 (3058). (3291). Umit Enginsoy and George Leopold, stockpiled by the U.N. in Kuwait and take Igor Romanov, Rossiyskiye Vesti (Moscow), 4/14/ Defense News, 1/25/93, pp. 3, 27 (3254). Mednews, them across the border to Iraq. The move 93, p. 7; in FBIS-SOV-93-072 4/16/93, p. 16 1/25/93, pp. 5-6; Interfax (Moscow), 1/22/93; in (3058). comes one day after the Iraqis removed an FBIS-SOV-93-013, p. 12 (3290). estimated five batteries of SA-2 "Guideline" high altitude and SA-3 "Goa" medium alti- 3/93 tude surface-to-air missiles from the no-fly KAZAKHSTAN WITH UKRAINE Kazakhstan announces its 1993 defense bud- zone below the 32nd parallel; the missiles get totalling R69,326,367,000. This sum in- had been deployed there after the U.S. shot cludes R25,523,427,000 and R423,587,000 re- 11/17/92 Ukraine's Zenit medium-lift booster is suc- down an Iraqi fighter over the area. spectively allocated to the CIS Strategic Jane's Defence Weekly, 1/16/93, p. 5 (2924). Forces and Baikonur space center. cessfully launched from the Baikonur Arms Control Reporter, 6/25/93 (3383). Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan, placing an early- 2/93 warning satellite into orbit for the CIS mili- Iraq promises to return to Kuwait the im- tary, after a number of unsuccessful proved Hawk surface-to-air missiles and KAZAKHSTAN WITH RUSSIA launches from 1990-1992. launcher later in 2/92 and provides a de- Tim Furniss, Spaceflight, 12/2/92, p. 22 (2987). tailed list of Hawk launchers, missiles, and 1/93 3/93 radars. Previously, Iraq included only the Kazakhstan proposes that a bilateral exami- Hawk missiles on the list of items to be re- nation be conducted with Russia regarding Ukrainian officials are seeking an agreement to use the Baikonur space center in turned, despite the fact that Kuwait pos- the procedure for destruction of nuclear sessed 12 to 24 improved Hawk launchers weapons on Kazakh territory. Kazakhstan. Reuter (Kiev), 3/10/93; in Executive News Service, prior to the Iraqi invasion. Kuwait's assis- Andrey Naryshev and Oleg Falichev, Krasnaya 3/11/93, p. 36 (3247). tant chief of staff for military intelligence, Zvezda (Moscow), 1/23/93, p. 1; in FBIS-SOV-93- 015, 1/26/93, pp. 12-13 (3291). Maj. Gen. Saud Al-Shamlan, comments


The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 167 Missile Developments

KUWAIT-MTCR that, "we are going to get the improved Hawks back, but we do not know their con- wait." Sheikh Sabah did not specify the num- dition, whether they will be usable." The ber of missiles sent. LIBYA Asian Recorder, 2/19/93, p. 22935 (2911). return of the Hawks is important as they cur- rently form the most advanced component 4/93 of an Iraqi air defense arsenal heavily reliant Kuwait is to receive Patriot missiles from the on aging Soviet SA-2, SA-6 and SA-7 sur- U.S. in the latter half of 1993 as part of a LIBYA WITH IRAN face-to-air missiles. defense build up reported to be worth $15 Defense News, 2/15/93, pp. 3, 4 (3009). billion by the year 2000. Kuwait will report- 4/93 edly spend $2.5 billion on Patriot missile bat- According to Western government officials, teries and an unreported number of Hawk air Libya transfers the design of its unsuccess- KUWAIT WITH RUSSIA defense missiles. ful Al-Fatah missile to Iran; although com- Statesman (New Delhi); in Asian Recorder, 4/23/ monly attributed with a range of 500 km, the 2/9/93 93, p. 23086 (2928). Western government officials claim that it Maj. Gen. Al-Shamlan, assistant chief of staff really has a range of 950 km. It is likely that for Kuwaiti military intelligence, states that Iran and Libya are working on a joint ven- Kuwait is interested in buying Russian air ture to develop or upgrade the Al-Fatah. defense and ground systems. Kuwait had LATVIA Alan George, Flight International, 4/93, p. 4 (3321). Russian SA-6 and SA-8 air defense systems before the war with Iraq. Philip Finnegan, Defense News, 2/22/93, p. 6 LIBYA WITH RUSSIA AND UKRAINE (3143). LATVIA WITH RUSSIA 4/13/93 Ukrainian Foreign Ministry spokesman Yuri UWAIT WITH NITED TATES 3/93 K U S Sergeyev announces that Ukraine seized 80 The last contingent of Russian forces de- tons of ammonium perchlorate bound for parts the Latvian Banga missile unit camp 1/12/93 Libya. The cargo, seized in the port of located in Ventspils Rayon, leaving behind Raytheon announces its $327 million con- Ilyichovsk, was to be shipped by the Rus- tanks of poisonous missile fuel. According tract to supply five Patriot fire units and 210 sian company Paveks to Varna, Bulgaria. to chief ecologist at Ventspils rayon Karklina, missiles to Kuwait by mid-1995. Raytheon From Bulgaria the shipment was to be re- there were 90 tons of "millazh fuel" and 180 may also supply an integrated Patriot/Hawk exported to Libya. Western embassy au- tons of "Samin fuel" at the Banga camp as of air defense system of six Raytheon Hawk thorities alerted the Ukrainian government 11/92. anti-aircraft batteries, plus missiles pending of the shipment. Radio Network, 3/26/93; in FBIS-SOV-93- the review of batteries returned by Iraq after Reuter, 4/13/93 (3255). Washington Post, 4/14/ 059, 3/30/93, p. 84 (3201). the Gulf War. 93, p. A29 (3255). Izvestiya (Moscow), 4/16/93, p. Aviation Week & Space Technology, 1/18/93, p. 21 15; in JPRS-TND-93-011, 4/23/93, pp. 23-24 (3244). Flight International, 1/20/93, pp. 4-5 3/93 (3255). (3244). The Latvian Bureau for Monitoring the With- drawal of Troops, operating under the 1/93 Latvian Council of Ministers, is to present a The U.S. moves Patriot SAMs back into Ku- list of objects not needed by Latvia to the MISSILE TECHNOLOGY wait in response to concerns over the possi- North Western Group of Forces of the Rus- bility of an Iraqi missile attack in retaliation sian Federation, including strategic missile CONTROL REGIME for coalition air raids on Iraqi installations. structures and silos. After the Russians dis- There remains some doubt as to whether all mantle the structures, the land will be re- of Iraq's ballistic missiles have been de- stored and returned to the Latvian govern- stroyed despite the efforts of U.N. inspec- ment. INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS tors. Radio Vilnius Network (Vilnius), 3/26/93; in FBIS- Duncan Lennox, Jane's Defence Weekly, 2/19/93, SOV-93-059, 3/30/93, p. 84 (3391). Krasnaya 1/7/93 p. 78 (2926). Zvezda (Moscow), 3/30/93, p. 2; in FBIS-SOV-93- 060, 3/31/93, P. 87 (3391). MTCR members issue a joint statement con- 1/19/93 cerning the implementation of the Guidelines, Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al- which had been revised in 6/92 at the Ahmed Al-Jabar Al-Sabah says, in response MTCR meeting to extend to the transfer of to the shipping of U.S. Patriot missiles to missile related equipment and technolo- Kuwait, that "We asked for that [Patriots] gies which may contribute to delivery because we have to save our people in Ku- 168 The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 Missile Developments

MTCR-NORTH KOREA systems of weapons of mass destruction. 4/21/93 (2935). MTCR Closing Press Release, 3/ lars and includes the development of new Japanese Embassy Press Release, 1/7/93 (3259). 11/93 (2576). missile systems. The agreement also in- cludes: North Korean design and manufac- 3/8/93-3/11/93 ture of two new missiles; "two workshops" MTCR members meet in Canberra, Australia constructed in Iran to allow for the mainte- where Iceland is accepted as the 23rd part- NORTH KOREA nance and repair of its heavy bombers and ner, and Argentina and Hungary submit ap- fighter planes; and the joint development of plications and are guaranteed future mem- speed boats that would carry multiple tor- bership. At the meeting it is noted that many pedo launchers. countries outside the Regime are still abid- INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS Amir Tahiri, Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, 12/8/92, p. ing by its guidelines, and members make an 3; in JPRS-TND-92-048, 12/23/92, pp. 6-7 appeal to other countries to follow suit. Sev- 5/4/93 (3442). eral areas of concern are outlined including German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) the weakness of export controls in states analysts say that North Korea has "both the 1/93 emerging from the former Soviet Union, the capability and the will" to wage chemical Iran's Revolutionary Guards Commander failure of key suppliers to join the Regime, warfare and could use 800 km range Scud Mohsen Rezai visits Beijing and Pyongyang and the growing sophistication of the pro- missiles as a delivery system. in order to conclude new agreements for duction capabilities of many potential sup- Focus (Munich), 3/26/93, p. 13; in JPRS-TND-93- ballistic missiles and other weapon systems. pliers who also remain outside the MTCR. 012, 5/4/93, p. 4, (3017). Shortly before Rezai's departure, a member Partners agree to meet in Switzerland in 11/ of the Iranian Parliament announced that 93. NORTH KOREA WITH EGYPT North Korea has asked for a cash payment The Disarmament Bulletin, Summer 93, p. 5 of $2.4 to $2.7 billion to pay for Scud-B mis- (3192). Pacific Research, 5/93, p. 20 (3192). 2/93 siles delivered to Iran during the war. Central Intelligence Director R. James Mednews, 1/25/93, p. 3 (3454). 6/29/93-7/2/93 Woolsey tells the Senate Government Af- The 22 members of the MTCR meet in Oslo, fairs Committee that North Korea is using 2/93 where they agree to keep the 1987 Egyptian technology to upgrade Scud mis- CIA chief James Woolsey testifies before the MTCR guidelines for Sensitive Missile-re- siles, but a lack of specialists has forced U.S. Congress that North Korea is becom- lated Transfers as an essential mechanism North Korea to search for skilled scientists ing the primary supplier of missile programs for the nonproliferation of missiles able to overseas in order "to convert missile manu- in Iran and Syria, adding that "North Korea carry nuclear weapons, but extend the scope facturing into a competitive export sector." apparently has no threshold governing its of the Regime to include missiles that can David Fulghum, Aviation Week & Space sales... It is willing to sell to any country deliver chemical or biological weapons. New Technology, 3/1/93, p. 25 (3222). with the cash to pay." Although North Ko- members Greece, Portugal, and Switzerland rea has enough plutonium for a nuclear de- attend for the first time. vice, it has yet to develop a ballistic missile Government of Norway, Royal Ministry of Foreign NORTH KOREA WITH GERMANY capable warhead, but it is believed to be at- Affairs, Press Release, 11/3/93 (3109). tempting to make its Scud-C systems nuclear 3/93 capable by 1995. The German Federal Intelligence Service John J. Fialka, Wall Street Journal, 2/25/93, p. MTCR WITH ARGENTINA (BND) reports that North Korea commis- A10, (3020). sioned three international shipping compa- 3/93 nies to transport special metals acquired on 2/93 The U.S. State Department confirms that Berlin's grey market for the production of Iran receives "a number of launching pads" MTCR member nations are assisting Argen- missile launch pads. and Scud-C surface-to-surface missiles with tina in the disposal of the Condor 2 project's Focus (Munich), 3/22/93, p. 15; in FBIS-WEU- a range of 500 km as part of a deal that Ira- remaining elements. 93-053, 3/22/93, p. 6 (3016). nian authorities previously signed with Nathaniel C. Nash, New York Times, 3/7/93, p. 10 North Korea. These missiles supplement (3195). Jon B. Wolfsthal, Arms Control Today, 4/ about 250 Scud-B missiles supplied to Iran 93, p. 24 (3195). NORTH KOREA WITH IRAN before the Gulf War. Israel Television Network (Jerusalem), 2/9/93; in 3/11/93 12/92 FBIS-NES-93-026, 2/10/93, p. 47 (2937). Argentina is invited to join the MTCR. North Korea and Iran sign a five year, mili- Embassy of Argentine Republic Press Communique, tary agreement which will take affect in 3/93. 3/28/93 The agreement is worth billions of dol- A 21 member team headed by Brigadier

The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 169 Missile Developments


General Hossein Mantequei, the Revolution- NORTH KOREA WITH MULTI-COUNTRY North Korea and Russian threats to suspend ary Guard commander in charge of Tehran's GROUP diplomatic relations if demands not to em- surface-to-surface missile force, arrives in ploy Russian technicians were not met. Pyongyang. The prominence of missile ex- 4/3/93 Washington Post, 2/17/93, p. A2 (3074). perts in the delegation indicates that it has North Korea denies reports in the western come to observe final tests of the Nodong- press, with a direct reference being made to 2/24/93 1, and to be trained in the missile's use. Op- the Japanese paper "Sankei Shimbun," that Yuriy Bessarabov, a leading expert of Unique position group leaders say that some mem- it was exporting nuclear warhead capable Defense Enterprise, says that low wages bers of the delegation are to remain in North missiles to Middle Eastern countries, and were responsible for the attempt by 60 sci- Korea for at least a month. dismissed these reports as a propaganda entists from the machine design bureau in Douglas Jehl, New York Times, 4/8/93, p. A9 plot of the U.S. Miass, Chelyabinsk region to fly to North (3462). Alan Elsner, Executive News Service, 4/9/ KCNA (Pyongyang), 4/3/93; in FBIS-EAS-93-063, Korea to train personnel for North Korean 93 (3073). p. 28 (3015). strategic arms development programs. Most of the scientists were strategic missile ex- 3/93 perts which may indicate that North Korea Western intelligence sources comment that NORTH KOREA WITH RUSSIA is seeking assistance in designing a warhead North Korea and Iran are engaged in a coop- and delivery system for a nuclear device. erative effort in which Iran is providing North 10/92 Larry Niksch, a Congressional Research Ser- Korea with $500 million to develop a ballistic A group of sixty Russian engineers, plan- vice Asian specialist, says that it is possible missile system capable of striking Japan with ning to fly to North Korea to help with the that North Korea has developed a nuclear nuclear and chemical warheads, and North modernization of ballistic missiles, is inter- bomb but does not yet have a warhead. Korea is to provide Iran with an unknown cepted by the Russian police. The engineers Michael Breen, Washington Times, 2/19/93, p. A1, number of nuclear bombs and plans for were from the Makeyev Design Bureau in A6 (3116). Evgeniy Tkachenko, Itar-Tass nuclear-weapons-reprocessing plants. (Moscow), 2/24/93; in FBIS-SOV-93-035, 2/24/ Miass, which is responsible for submarine- These reports were denied by North Korea's 93 pp. 11-12 (3116). launched ballistic missiles and Scud tactical Korean Central News Agency. U.S. News & World Report, 3/29/93, p. 18 (3021). missiles. The recruiting agent was a Rus- 4/93 Reuter (Tokyo), 4/18/93; in JPRS-TND-93-006, 3/ sian posing as a government official, but was Thirty-six Russian nuclear scientists, who 5/93, pp. 13-14 (3436). Washington Times, 4/19/ actually in the employ of the North Korean had all been working on the same top secret 13, p. A2 (3021). embassy. project, are arrested at Khabarovsk airport Steven Zaloga, Armed Forces Journal, 4/93, p. 9 while trying to fly to North Korea. It has 4/8/93 (3341). been speculated that some "authoritive" fig- U.S. officials express concern that Iran is fi- ures in the Russian leadership may have 11/92 nalizing plans to purchase the 600 mile range acted as intermediaries between the scien- Russia releases a top secret document (spe- (960 km) Nodong-1 missile from North Ko- tists and the North Koreans. rea. cial file no. P147, Point 75) of the CPSU Cen- M. Maksimovskaya, Ostankino Television (Moscow), Alan Elsner, Executive News Service, 4/9/93, (3073). tral Committee Politburo Session of 2/6/89, 4/2/93; in FBIS-SOV-93-064, pp. 27-28 (3337). which states that "most recently, reports have begun to be actively circulated in the NORTH KOREA WITH JAPAN U.S. on the DPRK's creation of a chemical NORTH KOREA WITH SYRIA warfare potential, using missiles manufac- 12/17/92 tured under license from us as delivery sys- 2/93 Japan's Defense Agency, in a report pre- tems (and) it has emerged from information CIA chief James Woolsey testifies before sented to the Japanese cabinet's Security from our embassy in Pyongyang that this the U.S. Congress that North Korea is be- Council, identifies North Korea's reported report is not without foundation." coming the primary supplier of missile pro- development of a long range missile capable Izvestia (Moscow), 11/21/92, p. 7; in JPRS-TND- grams in Iran and Syria, adding that "North of striking western Japan and North Korea's 92-045, 12/7/92, pp. 17-18 (3334). Korea apparently has no threshold govern- suspected nuclear weapons program as se- ing its sales...It is willing to sell to any coun- curity concerns; an analysis by the Japa- 1/93 try with the cash to pay." Although North nese Foreign Ministry echoes these con- North Korea gives assurances to Russian Korea has enough plutonium for a nuclear cerns. Deputy Foreign Minister Georgy Kunadze device, it has yet to develop a ballistic Kyodo (Tokyo), 12/17/92; in JPRS-TND-92-048, that it will not employ Russian missile and missile capable warhead, but is believed 12/23/92, p. 2 (2914). nuclear scientists and engineers. The North to be attempting to make its Scud-C Korean decision followed U.N. pressure to inspect suspected nuclear waste sites in

170 The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 Missile Developments

NORTH KOREA-PRC the required degree of accuracy." The U.S. systems nuclear capable by 1995. PAKISTAN WITH INDIA says that if the allegations are substantiated, John J. Fialka, Wall Street Journal, 2/25/93, p. economic sanctions will be imposed on the A10 (3020). 3/6/93 PRC for breaking previous agreements. A Pakistani Foreign Office Spokesman states Anwar Igbal, UPI, 12/5/92; in Executive News Service, 12/7/92 (2940). The News (Islamabad), that India's development of the 2,500 km range 12/6/92, p. 4; in JPRS-TND-92-047, 12/18/92, p. Agni missile is counterproductive to improv- 17 (2938). OMAN ing peace and security in the region and added that Pakistan is "committed" to hold- 1/93 ing talks with India regarding lethal weap- U.S. intelligence reports indicate that recently ons including missile technology in order to the PRC delivered at least 12 M-11 missiles OMAN WITH FRANCE reduce threats to the region. He listed five to Pakistan. China admitted to the sale of "a elements as central to the issue of weapons small number" of M-11 missiles to Pakistan 1/93 of mass destruction: biological, chemical, and in 1991, but claims that they had not yet been Thomson-CSF of France is to export its nuclear weapons, missile technology and supplied. Crotale NG air defense system to Oman. overall conventional defense forces. In re- Hindustan Times (Delhi) and Jane's Intelligence Jane's Defence Weekly, 2/13/93, pp. 43-44 sponse to whether Pakistan would like to Review (London); in Asian Recorder, 1/29/93, pp. 22880-22881 (3407). (3138). obtain missile technology, the spokesman states the Pakistan would do everything pos- 4/93 sible to defend itself against any threat. U.S. intelligence sources confirm that the Radio Pakistan Network (Islamabad), 6/3/92; in JPRS-TND-92-018, 6/10/92, p. 11 (3089). PTV PRC, defying the Missile Technology Con- PAKISTAN Television Network (Islamabad), 6/3/92; in JPRS- trol Regime by which it agreed to abide, sold TND-92-018, 6/10/92, p. 11 (3089). M-11 missiles to Pakistan and key missile components to Iran. PAKISTAN WITH PRC Lally Weymouth, Washington Post, 4/12/93, p. A19 (3239). INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS 12/6/92 12/92 Responding to a report alleging that Paki- Mir Hazar Khan Bijarani, Pakistan's Minister stan had purchased Chinese missiles, Paki- for Defense Production, observes that Paki- stani Defense Minister Glaus Ali Shah com- PRC stan is capable of manufacturing everything ments that he is in no position to challenge for its defense, including nuclear missiles, the report. Shah minimized the significance and has nothing to fear from Indian missiles. of these reports by noting that India has more Jang (), 12/16/92, pp. 5, 8; in JPRS-TND- sophisticated atomic missiles and has been INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS 92-048, 12/23/92, pp. 12-13 (3181). developing atomic missiles for the last few years. He adds that Pakistan has the full right 10/92 1/93 to defend its borders. The Chinese Defense Ministry plans to set Sikander Zaman, chairman of the Space and The Nation (Islamabad), 12/7/92, p. 12; in JPRS- up a new office to handle armament transac- TND-92-047, 12/18/92, P. 16 (3137). Upper Atmosphere Research Commission tions. Apart from coordinating exports and (SUPARCO), announces that tests of the imports of armaments, another responsibil- 12/92 laboratory model of Pakistan's second satel- ity of the office will be to assure interna- The former chief of staff of the Pakistan Army lite have been completed, and that it will be tional agencies that the PRC abides by such General Mirza Aslam Beg, responding to a launched in early 1994. He claims that the agreements as the MTCR and the NPT. Los Angeles Times report that two dozen satellite was designed without outside help, South China Morning Post (Hong Kong), 10/2/92, and that an engineering model and then a M-1 Chinese missiles were off-loaded at p. 13; in JPRS-TND-92-037, 10/9/92, p. 1 (2849). flight model would follow. Zaman says that , Pakistan, states, "As regards the SUPARCO will establish an aerospace insti- M-11 missile system that Pakistan is acquir- 10/29/92 tute by the end of 1993; SUPARCO's primary ing from China, it is covered within the six- Chinese Foreign Minister Qian Qichen objective is the manufacture of rockets so nation agreement on Missile Technology states the PRC's three principles regarding that Pakistan can launch its own satellites. control to which China is a signatory. The arms exports to the Middle East: "The first Jang (Karachi), 1/9/93, p. 1; in JPRS-NEA-93- missile has a range of less than 300 km and principle is that this will increase the 034, 3/9/93, p. 14 (3145). is not capable of carrying a nuclear war- legitimate self-defensive capability of the head. It is neither designed for it nor has

The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 171 Missile Developments

PRC countries that receive the weapons; the sec- to the Third World. 3/3/93 ond is that these weapons should not David Fulghum, Aviation Week & Space Hughes Corporate Vice President Donald threaten the peace, security, and stability of Technology, 3/1/93, p. 25 (3222). Cromer comments that the investigation of the regions concerned; and the third prin- the 12/21/93 Optus B2 accident has narrowed ciple is that they should not be used in the the causes to three possibilities: two center- internal affairs of other countries' or against PRC WITH AUSTRALIA ing on the satellite and one on the China's their sovereignty." Long March 2E launcher. Vice President of Mena (Cairo), 10/29/92; in FBIS-CHI-92-210, 10/ 12/21/92 China Great Wall Industry Chen Shou Che 29/92, pp. 15-16 (3263). An accident occurs during China Great Wall's states that they concluded their investiga- Long March 2E launch of Australia's Optus tion and had determined that the launcher 1/93 B2 satellite from Xichang Launch Facility. was not at fault. The PRC is developing new classes of ships The cause of the failure centers around a Tim Furniss, Flight International, 2/3/93, p. 20 that will include surface-to-surface missiles problem that occurred approximately 45 sec- (3237). Peter B. de Selding, Space News, 3/8/93, and electronic warfare capabilities that will onds after the launch, when a small flash pp. 3, 21 (3237). allow the ships to be effective farther out at appeared around the nose cone of the rocket. sea. The ships include the Jiangwei class Daniel J. Marcus, Space News, 1/4/93, pp. 4, 20 , the Luha class destroyer, and a much (3236). Tim Furniss, Flight International, 2/3/93, PRC WITH HONG KONG improved version of the older Luda class de- p. 20 (3237). stroyer 3/93 12/30/92 Nicholas D. Kristof, New York Times, 1/11/93, pp. Hong Kong's Asia Satellite Telecommunica- A1, A4 (3238). Emery Wilson spokesman for the U.S. firm tions Co. contracts PRC's Great Wall Indus- Hughes Space and Communications Co., try Corporation to launch the AsiaSat 2 sat- 1/93 announces that ten Hughes personnel will ellite using a Long March 2E rocket in the According to a U.S. government official, travel to the PRC to investigate a 12/21/92 first quarter of 1995 from the launch site in there is no doubt that the PRC has a pro- accident involving the Australian Optus B2 Xichang, China at a cost of $54 million. gram integrating Patriot technology in weap- launch aboard China Great Wall's Long Space News, 3/15/93, p. 16 (3189). ons such as the Russian designed SA-10 March 2E rocket. Hughes is the builder of and SA-12 missiles. The PRC is also using the Optus B2. Chinese officials believe the this Patriot technology to develop a defense rocket was not responsible for the explosion, PRC WITH INDIA against the Patriot defense system. The PRC noting that the launch vehicle performed is expected to offer the modified missiles for normally. Aboard the satellite was a solid 11/29/92 sale to customers such as Iran as anti-tacti- propellant motor to place the satellite into Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) cal ballistic missiles that have a defense pen- an elliptical transfer orbit and a motor utiliz- Chairman U.R. Rao leaves with a nine-mem- etration capability against the Patriot. ing four liquid fuel tanks, that would have ber team of Indian scientists for a nine-day David A. Fulghum, Aviation Week & Space moved the satellite into a final circular orbit. visit to Beijing to discuss areas of space Technology, 1/18/93, pp. 20-21 (3223). According to U.S. and European sources, cooperation with the PRC. the accident was caused when the Chinese Vivek Raghuvanshi, Space News, 12/7/92, p. 23 2/93 built nose cone shroud covering the satel- (2995). In a U.S. Defense Department report, offi- lite shattered when the rocket was reaching cials indicate that between the years 2000 supersonic velocity. Telemetry data show 1/93 and 2010, Syria, Iran and the PRC will have that the rocket's second stage booster per- India and the PRC are looking at areas of cruise missiles with some low-observable or formed better than expected, possibly result- cooperation which may entail the launching stealth capabilities, and chemical and bio- ing from a lighter load because of loss of of Indian satellites aboard Chinese boost- logical warheads. components or accidental ignition of fuel. ers. The Indian Space Research Organiza- Aviation Week & Space Technology, 2/1/93, pp. tion (ISRO) says that the Polar Satellite 26-72 (3258). A total of four search teams consisting of Chinese, Hughes and U.S. government per- Launch Vehicle (PSLV) is slated to make its 2/93 sonnel will investigate the debris found. maiden flight in "the next few months." The Central Intelligence Director R. James Hughes will replace the Optus B2 and de- PSLV 1 will place an engineering model of Woolsey tells the Senate Government Af- liver it to orbit within 18 months. the Indian Remote Sensing satellite into or- fairs Committee that the PRC has intensified Daniel J. Marcus, Space News, 1/4/93, pp. 4, 20 bit. (3236). Paul Proctor, Aviation Week & Space Flight International, 1/20/93, p. 24 (3093). the U.S.'s concern over technologies such Technology, 1/11/93, pp. 60, 63 (3236). Craig as modern aircraft, SAMs, and nuclear Covault, Aviation Week & Space Technology, 1/18/ power as it develops them and exports them 93, p. 28 (3236).

172 The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 Missile Developments PRC

4/1/93 launch Israeli scientific and communications PRC WITH PAKISTAN At a two day seminar on Chinese and Indian satellites. technology, a senior Indian official says that Space News, 1/18/93, p. 11 (2896). 12/6/92 China and India should "merge their tech- Responding to a report alleging that Paki- nological strengths" to jointly compete for 1/93 stan had purchased Chinese missiles, Paki- contracts in the international space market. Pentagon officials confirm that former De- stani Defense Minister Glaus Ali Shah com- Prime Minister P. R. Kumaramanglam com- fense Secretary Richard B. Cheney received ments that he is in no position to challenge ments that India has a proven capability in intelligence briefings indicating that Israel the report. Shah minimized the significance building advanced satellites and China pos- passed Patriot guidance and propulsion of these reports noting that India already sesses fully developed science, technology technology to China in return for M-series has more sophisticated atomic missiles and and launch programs, and that combining ballistic missile information, including the M- has been developing atomic missiles for the these capabilities could strengthen the two 9 and M-11 missiles. It is possible that Israel last few years; he adds that Pakistan has the countries positions in the international space may have passed Patriot technology to full right to defend its borders. market. China through the Arrow missile defense The Nation (Islamabad), 12/7/92, p. 12; in JPRS- UPI, 4/1/93; in Executive News Service, 4/2/93 program. TND-92-047, 12/18/92, P. 16 (3137). (3168). David A. Fulghum, Aviation Week & Space Technology, 2/1/93, pp. 26-27 (3260). 12/92 The former chief of staff of the Pakistan Army PRC WITH IRAN 1/5/93 General Mirza Aslam Beg, responding to a CIA Director Robert Gates confirms that the Los Angeles Times report that 24 M-11 Chi- 1/8/93 Chinese obtained Patriot anti-missile tech- nese missiles were off-loaded at Karachi, Western diplomatic sources state that the nology, but would not confirm media reports Pakistan, states, "As regards the M-11 mis- PRC is buying an unknown number of Mig- that Israel gave that technology to China. sile system that Pakistan is acquiring from 29's from Iran in exchange for Chinese mis- After sending investigators to Israel to check China, it is covered within the six-nation sile technology and a nuclear power station. out an earlier report, a 4/92 State Department agreement on Missile Technology control Kyodo (Tokyo), 1/8/93; in JPRS-TND-93-002, 1/ report states that it could not find corrobo- to which China is a signatory. The missile 15/93, p. 3 (3028). rating evidence that Israel had transferred has a range of less than 300 km and is not Patriot Missile technology to China. Gates capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. It is 1/93 now says that there are "disagreements on neither designed for it nor has the required Iran's Revolutionary Guards Commander the question" of whether or not that report degree of accuracy." The U.S. says that if Mohsen Rezai visits Beijing and Pyongyang underestimated contradictory intelligence. the allegations are substantiated, economic in order to conclude new agreements for When the State Department report was re- sanctions will be imposed on the PRC for ballistic missiles and other weapon systems. leased, Bush administration officials said that breaking previous agreements. Mednews, 1/25/93, p. 3 (3454). they closed the matter to avoid harming the Jim Mann, Los Angeles Times, 12/4/92, pp. A1, Middle East peace process. A18 (3316). Anwar Igbal, UPI, 12/5/92; in 1/93 Drora Perl, DAVAR (Tel Aviv), 1/6/93, p. 2; in FBIS- Executive News Service, 12/7/92 (2940). The News An Iranian delegation visits the PRC to fi- NES-93-003, 1/6/93, p. 31, (3077). Israel Foreign (Islamabad), 12/6/92, p. 4; in JPRS-TND-92-047, nalize the purchase of 10 Hega class fast at- Affairs, 2/26/93, p. 6 (3026). 12/18/92, p. 17 (2938). tack craft which deploy missiles. Negotia- tions over the Hega sale began in late 1991. 2/7/93 1/93 While in Beijing, the delegation attempted During a visit to Israel by seven PRC scien- U.S. intelligence reports indicate that recently to purchase a new craft armed with the Ying tists, Israeli Science and Technology Minis- the PRC delivered at least 12 M-11 missiles Ji anti-ship missile which has a 40 km range. ter Shim'on Shetrit and the head of the PRC to Pakistan. China admitted to the sale of "a Jane's Defence Weekly, 2/13/93, p. 48 (3076). delegation Vice Minister of the State Science small number" of M-11 missiles to Pakistan and Technology Commission Li Xiaoshi are in 1991, but claims that they had not yet been scheduled to sign a cooperative agreement supplied. PRC WITH ISRAEL on civilian applications of space technolo- Hindustan Times (Delhi) and Jane's Intelligence Review (London); in Asian Recorder, 1/29/93, pp. gies. 22880-22881 (3407). 12/92 Qol Yisra'el (Jerusalem), 2/7/93; in FBIS-NES-93- 025, 2/9/93, p. 40 (3125). Israel's President Hayim Herzog and other 4/93 senior officials visit the PRC's satellite con- U.S. intelligence sources confirm that the trol center in Xian. The Chinese hosts ex- PRC, defying the Missile Technology Con- press interest in cooperating with Israel to trol Regime by which it agreed to abide, sold M-11 missiles to Pakistan and key

The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 173 Missile Developments

PRC missile components to Iran. antisubmarine warfare weapons from for- Russia's newest surface-to-air missile sys- Lally Weymouth, Washington Post, 4/12/93, p. A19 merly top secret Russian defense enterprises tem, which is similar to the U.S. Patriot, as (3239). and design bureaus through unofficial chan- well as submarines and satellite equipment. nels as well as by hiring hundreds of techni- Yomimuri Shinbun, 12/29/92; in Vasiliy Golovnin, cal experts. Russian Federation Vice Premier Itar-Tass, 12/29/92 (3155). (3238). PRC WITH RUSSIA A. Shokhin admits that this activity is wide spread, and notes that Moscow has sug- 10/92 1/93 gested to Beijing that they keep each other The Chairman of the Russian Federation U.S. officials express their concern that informed of such unofficial transfers of tech- China's purchase of advanced missile guid- Committee for Defense Sectors of Industry nology. Viktor Glukhikh states that Russia will de- ance technology, rocket engines, and other Vladimir Skosyrev, Izvestiya (Moscow), 12/4/92, p. military hardware from Russia will enable 4; in FBIS-SOV-92-234, 12/4/92, pp. 13-14 liver to the PRC antimissile systems and air- China to develop new weapons for export to (3428). craft. Rossiyskaya Gazeta (Moscow), 1/26/93, p. 3; in Third World countries. The U.S. is also con- JPRS-TND-93-004, 2/5/93, p. 36 (3468). cerned about discussions between Russia 12/3/92 and China for the joint production of tactical Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Li Jianying dismisses as "exaggerated" a U.S. 2/93 missiles and other weapons systems in U.S. intelligence is "certain" that China has China, one of these being the S-300 SAM. media report alleging that the PRC is recruit- ing technical experts and importing cruise purchased from Russia significant compo- Michael R. Gordon, New York Times, 10/18/92, pp. nents of long range missiles containing tech- 1, 14 (3318). missile production technology and anti-sub- marine warfare (ASW) systems from Russia. nology that China have been unable to de- 11/92 The U.S. media quoted an expert from the velop on its own. Rowland Evans and Robert Novak, Washington Post, A Russian "secret enterprise" working with U.S. administration as claiming that envoys 2/12/93, p. A27 (3162). composite materials negotiates a $100,000 from the Chinese military industrial complex contract with the PRC to supply satellite are working in Russia for missile production 3/3/93 components, with $20,000 of the payment and technical training purposes. It is reported that China has purchased at made in currency and the rest in consumer Pavel Spirin, Itar-Tass (Moscow), 12/3/92; in FBIS- least 100 S-300 air defense systems from SOV-92-234, 12/4/92, p. 14 (3238). goods. Russia plans to increase the amount Russia, which are now being installed. The of weapons delivered to the PRC by 1994 to 12/18/92 Chinese military is also attempting to acquire $2 billion, thereby repaying its debts to the Russian hardware such as an AWACS early PRC. Russia and China sign documents, state- ments, and memorandums of understanding warning system and additional sophisticated Komsomolskaya Pravda, 12/4/92, p. 3; in FBIS- missile systems. SOV-92-241, 12/15/92, pp. 13-15 (3067). in relation to military and technological co- South China Morning Post, 3/3/93; in Stephen operation, space exploration, and nuclear Foye, RFE/RL News Briefs, 3/1/93, p. 4 (3151). 12/92 energy development. Russian President The PRC is discussing procurement of the Boris Yeltsin stated that the agreements will DAN UAV, designed for use as an aerial tar- allow China to buy "the most sophisticated PRC WITH SYRIA get, surveillance platform, and cruise missile armaments and weapons." China is await- from the Kazan-based Sokol OKB design ing delivery of the Russian S-300 Air-De- 10/92 bureau. The DAN UAV comprises an op- fense System. According to CIA Director Robert Gates, tional pneumatic ground rail launcher, Pavel Spirin, Itar-Tass (Moscow), 12/3/92; in FBIS- Syria "appears to be seeking assistance from ground loader vehicle, automatic pre-flight SOV-92-234, 12/4/92, p. 14 (3238). Lena H. Sun, Washington Post, 12/19/92, pp. A1, A16 (3330). China and Western firms for an improved check unit, engine starter, a fuelling truck, capability with chemical and biological war- mobile electric generator, and three vehicles 12/29/92 heads." serving as flight control and telemetry data It is reported that several hundred special- Arms Control Today, 10/92, pp. 44-45 (3401). relay and receiving stations. Edmond Dantes, Asian Defense Journal, 12/92, ists from the former Soviet Union are work- pp. 28-36 (3246). ing in Chinese military plants increasing the accuracy of Chinese missiles. Chinese mis- PRC WITH UNITED STATES 12/92 sions are also engaged in the transfer of tech- Aides within the Bush Administration nology from Russia regarding cruise missile 11/92 state that the PRC is attempting to acquire development, anti-submarine equipment and The PRC signs a contract with Garrett En- defense technology for guidance systems, missile and nuclear test procedures. gines, a U.S. company, to purchase a turn- cruise missile production and testing of China has expressed an interest in buying key factory for the production of advanced turbo-fans, which could be used in cruise

174 The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 Missile Developments

PRC-RUSSIA missiles. Sources in Washington believe that gines containing special digital control tech- the PRC is purchasing equipment in the U.S. nologies identified on the U.S. Commerce POLAND and Europe for a new project to build a stra- Control List did in fact require an export li- tegic cruise missile. cense. There is opposition to the sale in the Mednews, 11/23/92, p. 5 (2997). Defense Department and the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency; one Defense INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS 12/4/92 Department official said, "The engines have U.S. national security officials meet to dis- definite missile applications, and China's 5/93 cuss the proposed sale of a Cray record on imprudent foreign missile sales is A group of experts from the Polish Military supercomputer to the PRC. Export officials legendary." and commerce officials favor the sale, while Export Control News, 1/28/93, pp. 15-16 (3171). Technical Academy discover Soviet missile Pentagon officials say that the containers, missile fuels, and missile stor- supercomputer could be used for the PRC's 2/1/93 age facilities at abandoned Soviet clandes- nuclear weapons and missiles development. A U.S. analyst comments on a classified Pen- tine complexes on Polish territory. On the Bill Gertz, Washington Times, 12/5/92, p. A3 (3233). tagon report indicating that China, Iran and former Soviet base in Borne-Sulimowo, Pol- Jim Mann, Los Angeles Time, 12/5/92, p. A16 Syria all have aggressive programs to de- ish experts find two tanks of "Semina rocket (3233). velop cruise missiles that possess stealth fuel," 2,000 tanks with 30,000-50,000 liter capabilities, can carry chemical and biologi- capacities filled with fuels and oil, and nearby 1/93 in the forest "a store for nuclear weapons The U.S. has added booster units as well as cal weapons, and can be operational by the year 2000. Although these countries have has been discovered together with intercon- an engine system to the top stage of Chi- tinental missile launchers." At Kluczew, nese rockets which are launching U.S. satel- indigenous programs, they are also pursu- ing avenues of joint cooperation. The re- Poland, missile transport containers are lites into orbit. The PRC has already launched found. three of nine satellites to be launched under port states that China is of particular con- cern as it intends to build a nuclear warhead TVP Second Program Network (Warsaw), 4/26/93; an agreement between the two countries. in JPRS-TND-93-012, 5/4/93, p. 36 (3188). Manki Ponomarev, Krasnaya Zvezda (Moscow), 1/ for its cruise missiles. China's development 19/93, p. 3; in FBIS-SOV-93-012, p. 24 (3476). of a weapon that "no existing anti-missile system will be able to stop" sparks intense 1/5/93 debate among military planners. CIA Director Robert Gates confirms that the UPI (Washington); in Executive News Service, 2/1/ RUSSIA Chinese obtained Patriot anti-missile tech- 93 (3319). nology, but would not confirm media reports that Israel gave that technology to China. 4/93 After sending investigators to Israel to check U.S. State Department official Frank Wisner INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS out an earlier report, a 4/92 State Department encourages the Clinton administration to sell report stated that it could not find corrobo- the Cray M92 supercomputer, and cruise 9/92 rating evidence that Israel had transferred missile engines to China despite opposition According to U.S. intelligence, SS-18 and SS- Patriot Missile technology to China. Gates from U.S. intelligence, Pentagon, and the 24 production has most likely ceased and no now says that there are "disagreements on Arms Control and Disarmament Agency Russian ballistic missile submarines are be- the question" of whether or not that report (ACDA). Opposition to the sales is based ing constructed. However, Russia contin- underestimated contradictory intelligence. on the argument that the Cray M92, a ues to produce single-warhead SS-25s, has When the State Department report was re- supercomputer ostensibly used for "weather begun the process of retrofitting its Typhoon leased, Bush administration officials said that prediction," could be used for the develop- submarines with the next generation SS-N- they closed the matter to avoid harming the ment of China's nuclear program, and that 20 SLBM, and is replacing SS-18 mod-4 Middle East peace process. China might later transfer the computer or ICBMs with more accurate models. Drora Perl, DAVAR (Tel Aviv), 1/6/93, p. 2 in FBIS- its services to Iran. Arms Control Today, 12/92, p. 12 (3281). NES-93-003, 1/6/93, p. 31, (3077). Israel Foreign Mednews, 2/8.93, p. 4 (2996). Affairs, 2/26/93, p. 6 (3026). 10/23/92 Russia creates an organization called 1/28/93 Motoravifond to coordinate research and de- The U.S. Commerce Department reports that velopment of rocket engines for foreign it is reversing its judgement on the proposed sales. sale of U.S. manufactured Allied-Signal air- Wall Street Journal, 11/11/92, p. A10 (3332). craft engines to China, stating that the trans- fer of manufacturing technology and en-

The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 175 Missile Developments


11/92 develop and modernize further, and which pose the construction of a complex for Russia's first deputy designer general of the ones we will eliminate..." Russia's Rezhitsa launching commercial satellites at the Lavochkin Association of Khimki, Alexander Red Banner Guards' Division, commanded Plesetsk Cosmodrome. A. Rodin, reveals that the Russian govern- by A. Gribov, is equipped with Reuter, 12/17/92; in Executive News Service, 12/ ment approved of the sale of SS-18 missiles "hundreds" of MR UR-100 missiles, which 17/92 (3469). as space launch vehicles and issued a de- will be replaced by RS-12M Topols (SS-25s) cree in October for the creation of a private based on mobile launchers. 12/1/92 company to sell the missile. Rodin further Yuriy Mamchur and Aleksandr Dolinin, Krasnaya The Press Group of the Russian Pacific Fleet states "We are going to take these missiles Zvezda (Moscow), 11/14/92, p. 1; in JPRS-TND- Commander denies that the Pacific Fleet has and convert them...we plan to do this by early 92-044, 11/24/92, pp. 25-26 (3323). a ballistic missile and that the missiles test 1995. I imagine there are about 300 SS-18 fired from the cruiser "Chervona Ukraina" missiles available--far too many for launcher 11/4/92 and the two nuclear submarines were anti- use. I suppose that those not used will be The Supreme Soviet ratifies START with a ship missiles. In fact, the anti-ship missiles destroyed." Russia's NPO vote of 157-1, with 26 abstentions. How- tested had been in the navy's armament for a Machinostroyenia of Moscow intends to ever, various members of parliament complain long time. use the SS-19 as a space launch vehicle, and about the expense of dismantling strategic Krasnaya Zvezda (Moscow), 12/1/92, p. 1; in FBIS- the Lavochkin Association is planning to weapons, raise concerns about the U.S. ad- SOV-92-234, 12/4/92, p. 1 (3033). launch a 1.5 ton recoverable capsule to an vantage in missile defense research and in- orbit of 518 km (322 mi). dicate that START II will face much stiffer 12/2/92 Space News, 11/23/92, p. 4, p. 24 (3035). opposition. According to NPO Lavochkin's chief tech- Dunbar Lockwood, Arms Control Today, 11/92, pp. nologist Yevgeni Antonov, the agency will 11/92 26, 31-32 (3274). seek western customers to use decommis- Russia's Central Specialized Design Bureau sioned SS-20's for launching of microgravity (TsSKB) is developing the "Rus" rocket, 11/24/92 experiments. The Russian government has which will be built by KB Photon of Samara The Missile Artillery Administration of the granted permission to use 15-20 of these for the Russian Space Agency. Rus, based Russian Pacific Fleet reports that their Pa- missiles to place payloads into orbit. on the R-7, will have a new on-board com- cific Fleet successfully tested a new ballistic Lon Rains, Space News, 12/7/92, p. 2 (2878). puter-assisted guidance system and will missile with "joint missile firings," from the combine three Soyuz stages with one of three cruiser "Chervona Ukraina" and two nuclear 12/9/92 interchangeable fairings, depending upon its submarines. The head of the Missile Artil- A Russian nuclear Yankee I submarine off payload. The new rocket will be able to lift lery Administration of the Russian Pacific the coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula 500-800 kg and is expected to serve Russia's Fleet, Captain Gennadiy Antonov, states that launches a RSM-25 missile (range 3,000 km), future Mir 2 space station beginning in 1996 "such accuracy in missile firing in the Pa- known in the West as the SS-N-6 "Serb," for or 1997 from the Plesetsk launch facility. A cific Fleet has been maintained over a the purpose of conducting medical experi- booster unit, developed by Lavochkin Sci- lengthy period of time...In spite of the nu- ments in order to develop super-pure inter- ence and Production Association will enable merous difficulties, the operational readiness feron. The nuclear warhead of the missile Rus to perform medium and high altitude of the main strike forces of the fleet is steadily was removed and replaced with a "Meduza" orbit missions reliably. The "Rus" rocket increasing". module in which 900 kg of scientific and tech- Itar-Tass (Moscow), 11/24/92; in JPRS-TND-92- nical appliances were placed. During the will be developed without Ukrainian partici- 045, 12/7/92, p. 21 (3033). pation. launch, the module separated from the rocket carrier at 130 km and proceeded to an alti- Space News, 11/23/92, p. 2 (2891). Space Update, 11/29/92 1/93, p. 58 (2872). Krasnaya Zvezda (Moscow), 3/ tude of 1,000 km. 27/93, p. 4; in FBIS-SOV-93-062, 4/2/93, p. 32 It is reported that the Russian government ITAR-TASS (Moscow), 12/11/92; in FBIS-SOV-92- (3048). B. Konovalov, Izvestiya (Moscow), 3/24/ has given permission for the use of SS-18 240, 12/14/92, pp. 9-10 (3327). RFE/RL Research 93, p. 5; in JPRS-USP-93-002, 5/18/93, p. 6 missiles as launch vehicles to place commer- Report, No. 50, 12/18/92, pp. 66-67 (3327). (3473). cial payloads into orbit. Within the former Soviet Union there were 308 missile silos 12/20/92 11/92 containing SS-18 ICBM's, of which 154 silos Russia's Security Ministry announces that Russian Federation First Deputy Defense must be destroyed according to the terms of 64 missile technicians were barred from leav- Minister Andrey Kokoshin visits the START I; the missiles themselves are not ing the country. Russian authorities also Rezhitsa Red Banner Guards' Division of the affected. detained scientists attempting to leave the Strategic Rocket forces and declares, "We RFE/RL Research Report, 12/11/92, pp. 59-60 country on 10/15/92 and 11/5/92. are standing on the threshold of major deci- (3160). KBS-1 Radio Network, 12/21/92; in JPRS-TND- sions with regard to precisely which sys- 93-001, 1/7/93, p. 6, (3056). tems we will adopt, which ones we will 12/92 The Russian Defense Ministry plans to pro-

176 The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 Missile Developments RUSSIA

12/29/92 failed to operate, but that the missile casing while Russian leaders strongly support the Russian Supreme Soviet members meet to seals did not break and there was no fuel establishing of export controls, the entice- discuss negotiations with the U.S. concern- leak. ment of profits, and personnel and funding ing the export of rocket technology and dual problems have slowed government efforts use know-how. A member of the parliamen- Izvestia (Moscow), 1/20/93, pp. 1, 5; in JPRS-TND- to enact controls to prevent the prolifera- tary Committee for International Affairs and 93-004, pp. 38-40 (3328). tion of weapons and technologies to other Foreign Economic Relations Sergey countries. Mikhailov notes that over 80 provisions in 1/11/93 R. Jeffrey Smith, Washington Post, 2/25/93, p. 18 U.S. legislation restrict trade with Russia. Russian President Boris Yeltsin issues order (3481). David Fulghum, Aviation Week & Space Technology, 3/1/93, p. 25 (3222). Interfax (Moscow), 12/31/92; in JPRS-TND-93- N 20-RP that approves a governmental list 001, 1/7/93, pp. 19-20 (3477). of equipment, materials, and technologies, used in the manufacture of missiles, whose 2/93 12/29/92 export is regulated and requires a license. Russia's Chairman of Oberonexport, Major Russian President Boris Yeltsin signs a di- The list includes rocket systems and ballis- General Sergey Karaoglanov, states that "we rective that will place strict controls on Rus- tic missiles capable of carrying warheads are prepared to supply weapons to any coun- sian exports of dual-use equipment, materi- weighing over 500 kg and travelling a range try in the Near and Middle East if there is a als, and the know-how used for nuclear pur- of 300 km. The order is followed by Decree government decision to that effect." Russia poses, all of which will be listed and broken No 70 of the Council of Ministers-Govern- will be displaying a number of weapons sys- down into eight major sections. Russia's new ment of the Russian Federation on 1/27/93 tems at the international arms exhibition "Idex lists on export controls include N/C machine by V. Chernomyrdin declaring that the Ex- '93" in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, tools and software; dimensions control sys- port Control Commission jointly with the beginning 2/14/93, to include: the S-300 or tems and devices; high-precision linear and Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Tor, S-300 PMU, S-300 V air defense sys- angular measuring devices; vacuum and elec- the State Customs Committee will control tems; the Tochka-U tactical missile system tric arc melting and foundry furnaces; high Russian exports of such items. with a range of 120 km and a circular error power presses; resistant devices with rel- Interfax (Moscow), 1/14/93; in FBIS-SOV-93-015, probable (CEP) of 50 m; the Msta-S preci- evant software; heavy-duty aluminum; and 1/21/93, p. 45 (3474). Paul Beaver, Jane's Defence sion weapons system with detection station beryllium. Weekly, 3/6/93, pp. 29-30 (3338). Rossiyskiye Vesti and 152 mm Krasnopol laser-guided shell; (Moscow), 3/17/93, p. 3; in JPRS-TND-93-011, 4/ Interfax, (Moscow), 12/30/92; in JPRS-TND-93- 23/93, pp. 17-18 (3466). and the Smerch multiple rocket system. 002, 1/15/93, pp. 20-21 (3057). Viktor Litovkin, Izvestia (Moscow), 2/9/93, pp. 1, 5; in FBIS-SOV-93-027, pp. 6-8 (3331). 1/93 2/93 Russia is offering for export both the 9K38 The Russian Government confirms the list 2/93 Igla man-portable air defense missile, also of military hardware, which a recent execu- The Russian Defense Equipment Export known as the SA-16 Gimlet, at a price of tive directive places under strict licensed Agency, VO Oboronexport, is marketing the $21,000 for the basic gripstock/launcher and control as it relates to production, export, "Tochka-U," an upgraded SS-21 single stage $60,000 for each individual missile and the and import. missile with a range of up to 120 km (due to a Kommersant (Moscow), 2/1-7/93, p. 24; in JPRS- K25 Drasnopol 152-mm laser-guided projec- TND-93-010, 4/16/93, pp. 38-40 (3267). new rocket motor) carrying a 430 kg conven- tile at a base price of $75,000 per round, with tional warhead, and a CEP of 76 meters. There the associated laser designator system at 2/93 are additional improvements such as an ad- $60,000. Central Intelligence Director R. James vanced electronics kit and an upgraded fire Steven Zaloga, Armed Forces Journal, 1/93, p. 17 Woolsey tells the Senate Government Af- control system within the launch vehicle. (2894). fairs Committee that Russia and Ukraine are With proper training, crews can reload the showing a "willingness to sell" MTCR pro- system's single rail within 25 minutes of fir- 1/93 ing. In the past, SS-21s have been sold to Russia explains that the rumored missile hibited technology, and that the dual-use technologies used in space launch vehicles Libya and Syria. explosion at a secret plant at Krasnoyarsk- Mednews, 3/1/93, p. 6 (3149). 35 in Siberia did not occur. An investiga- are a "real problem" as they represent one of a few areas where Russia and Ukraine can tion revealed that the temperature control 3/93 systems in the special freight cars, carrying successfully compete with the West. Woolsey also states that Russia still has to Production of the liquid-propellant rocket eight missiles for dismantlement, to include engines for the Energiya-Buran system will the draining off of the liquid fuel heptyl, establish an effective system for regulating exports of military equipment and technolo- be transferred from Omsk's "Polet" Aero- gies related to the development of nuclear, space Association to the "Energomash" chemical and biological weapons and that Plant near Moscow. The Omsk "Polet"

The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 177 Missile Developments RUSSIA

Aerospace Association has already reduced for coastal defense will be available in 1995. Network (Moscow), 3/25/93; in FBIS-SOV-93-056, its production of military items as part of the Flight International, 3/3/93, p. 18 (3335). 3/25/93, p. 43 (3139). Itar-Tass (Moscow), 3/25/ 93; in FBIS-SOV-93-057, 3/26/93, p. 61 (3141). conversion effort. Finished products of the A. Shiryayev and S. Teplov, Russian Television "Energomash" Plant will need to be trans- 3/4/93 (Moscow) 3/25/93; in FBIS-SOV-93-058, 3/29/93, ported 2,000 km to the Omsk test rig for test- The Emergency Medical Treatment Center p. 86 (3141). Itar-Tass (Moscow), 3/26/93; in FBIS- ing. of the Russian Health Ministry reports that SOV-93-057, 3/26/93, p. 61 (3141). Aleksey Shiryayev, Ostankino Television First Channel L. Mutovkin and V. Parshin, Russian Television there was an explosion at Okhta's Network (Moscow), 3/26/93; in FBIS-SOV-93-059, Network (Moscow), 3/1/93; in FBIS-SOV-93-042, "Plastpolimer" chemical plant in St. Peters- 3/30/93, p. 57 (3144). Jeffrey M. Lenorovitz, 3/5/93, p. 36 (3062). burg which is a closed enterprise that pro- Aviation Week & Space Technology, 4/12/93, pp. duces rocket fuel. 61-62 (3421). 3/93 Moskovskiy Komsomolets (Moscow), 3/4/93, p. 1; Col. V. P. Bogomolov, senior officer of the in FBIS-SOV-93-043, 3/8/93, p. 54 (3203). 4/93 combat training administration of the Strate- The Raduga design bureau has developed a gic Missile Forces, states that not every regi- 3/11/92 new tactical version of the RKV-500 (AS-15 ment needs training equipment. They can Part of the nucleus of Russia's new navy will Kent) cruise missile called the KH-68S3. save, he adds, money by rotating soldiers to be the nuclear powered missile cruiser Petr Steven Zaloga, Armed Forces Journal, 4/93, p. 17 one test site. Bogomolov calls a test launch Velikiy (Peter the Great), which will be (3341). during combat training the "crowning equipped with modern weapons, sophisti- achievement of a regiment's tactical train- cated control systems and radar facilities, 4/93 ing." He says that there has never been an and an anti-ballistic missile (ABM) system. Soldiers of the Moscow military district air accidental launch out of more than 50 The Petr Velikiy has been under construc- defense were caught after stealing 650 mi- launches at the test range [name and loca- tion for seven years. Early progress on the crocircuit cards from missile complexes tion of range not given]. The minister of construction was carried out swiftly al- which contain gold and platinum worth 20 defense determines when a test launch is to though the past two years have seen very million rubles. One of the thieves, identified occur. little work because of financial constraints. as "Captain B," admitted ten other thefts of Russian Television and Dubl Networks (Moscow), Krasnaya Zvezda (Moscow), 3/11/93, p. 2; in FBIS- microcircuit cards. 3/6/93; in FBIS-SOV-93-048, 3/15/93, p. 62 SOV-93-048, 3/15/93, pp. 62-64 (3052). Valeriy Litvinenko, Itar-Tass (Moscow), 4/7/93; in (3300). FBIS-SOV-93-066, p. 38 (3146). 3/25/93 3/93 Russia's experimental Start-1 rocket, con- 4/93 Russia's Kolomna KB Machine Building of- verted from the SS-25 ('Topol') ballistic mis- The U.S. is concerned that while Russia has fers launch services using the Geo-Physical sile, was launched from Plesetsk carrying a eliminated more missile systems than it is rocket system "sphere," which utilizes 260 kg dummy satellite into an orbit with a developing, it is attempting to improve sur- equipment from eliminated SS-23 missiles. In 966 km apogee and a 695 km perigee and an face ballistic missiles and will likely intro- addition to the launch services, Kolomna orbital inclination of 75.8 degrees. The duce three new mobile missiles, silo-based offers launchings for cooperative research rocket, which can actually carry up to a one SS-25s, and a new missile to improve the programs, and proportional development ton payload, was built by the Votkinsk ma- Typhoon submarine-launched SS-20 within and series production of system compo- chine building works in Udmurtia. The con- the next decade. nents. version and modernization of the SS-25 mis- Vincent Kiernan, Space News, 4/26/93, p. 17 (3304). Defense Daily, 4/27/93, p. 146 (3302). Tekhnika I Vooruzheniye (Moscow), 3/93, pp. 46- sile into the Start-1 rocket fully meet the con- 47; in JPRS-UMA-93-015, 5/11/93, p. 75 (3308). ditions of the START-II Treaty, and will earn 4/15/93 3/93 commercial profit. Oleg Mikhaylovich Approximately 100 chief designers and di- The Russian design bureau Zvezda offers Yegorov, the deputy chief of technical test- rectors of Russia's defense industries meet for sale an air-launched version of the Kh- ing, says that the SS-25 missile had to be at the Russian Defense Industries Commit- 35 anti-ship missile, which resembles the reworked with an extra stage to provide suf- tee and state their desire to reform the arms U.S. Harpoon missile and is believed to be ficient power to launch a satellite into orbit. export system to increase direct commercial a development of the SS-N-25. The missile In 3/93 Russia intends to launch five satel- arms exports in excess of state orders and has an inertial guidance system with ac- lites from the Plesetsk and Baikonur aero- inter-governmental agreements. Deputy tive-radar homing, a maximum engagement space fields. chairman of the Russian Defense Industry Interfax (Moscow), 3/2/93; in FBIS-SOV-93-040, range of 130 km, and is capable of sea- 3/3/93, pp. 34-35 (3142). Russian Television and Committee Gennadiy Yampolskiy notes that skimming at a height of between 3-5 m. Dubl Networks, 3/6/93; in FBIS-SOV-93-048, 3/ interest in Russian made arms had increased The Kh-35 is still in development and will 15/93, pp. 67-68 (3142). Russian Television since the arms show in Abu Dhabi and be available in 1993-94 for approximately states, "Arab and Asian countries are will- $1 million per missile.A ground-based self- ing to buy from us such arms as air-defense propelled system and a fixed-site variant

178 The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 Missile Developments

RUSSIA missiles...The buyers are capricious and viet republics have returned home. Public Russia on space technology development, want us to work with them on an individual opinion in Belarus is in favor of the transi- specifically on inertia control of missile car- basis." tion to a non-nuclear status. riers. Alla Glebova, Kommersant-Daily (Moscow), 4/16/ Reuter (Kiev), 12/26/92; in Executive News Service, A. Dory, Voz do Brasil (Brasilia), 3/15/93; in 93, p. 10; in FBIS-SOV-93-0075, 4/21/93, pp. 35- 12/17/92 (2977). Nuclear Nonproliferation Network News, 5/25/93 36 (3292). (2939). Interfax (Moscow), 4/12/93; in FBIS-SOV- 1/93 93-069, 4/13/93, p. 14 (3147). Anastasiya 4/29/93 Romashkevich, Kommersant-Daily (Moscow), 4/ According to Russian Federation Minister 14/93, p. 10; in JPRS-TND-93-012, 5/4/93, p. 10 The Russian Parliament passes a law mak- of Defense, Pavel Grachev, Belarus has rati- (3183). ing it illegal to export materials, components fied all agreements on nuclear weapons and or services that can be used to build weap- all that remains is to schedule their removal ons of mass destruction and the missile de- from Belarusian territory and destruction. RUSSIA WITH COCOM livery systems for those weapons. Andrey Naryshev and Oleg Falichev, Krasnaya John Lepingwell, RFE/RL News Briefs, 4/26/93, p. Zvezda (Moscow), 1/23/93, p. 1; in FBIS-SOV-93- 7 (3159). 015, 1/26/93, pp. 12-13 (3291). 11/92 At COCOM's Cooperation Forum in Paris, 7/21/93 Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigoriy Berdennikov announces Russia's newly cre- The Chairman of the Russian Federation Su- RUSSIA WITH BRAZIL preme Soviet, R.I. Khasbulatov signs a de- ated internal export control agency, which cree on the ratification of international trea- 10/92 "...is aimed at preventing the proliferation of ties and agreements regarding the control of Brazil's largest financial investment govern- weapons of mass destruction and delivery missile technology, which calls for hearings ment corporation (FINEP) requests to buy systems [and] we intend to act in such a to discuss the conditions under which the Russian solid fuel rocket motors and meets way that Russia is in no case a source of Russian Federation shall join the Missile with Russian enterprises interested in rocket their proliferation." Berdennikov noted that Technology Control Regime (MTCR). motor technical cooperation or the establish- the U.S. and European states recognize "a R.I. Khasbulatov, Vedenostyi Verkovnogo Sovyeta, ment of joint firms. need to reform the present system," but that No. 32, 8/12/93, p. 2171 (3350). Anastasiya Romashkevich, Kommersant-Daily "...there are some restrictions that cannot be (Moscow), 4/14/93, p. 10; in JPRS-TND-93-012, eliminated because of the requirements of 5/4/93, p. 10 (3183). the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons, RUSSIA WITH BELARUS missiles, and missile technology." 4/12/93 Izvestia (Moscow), 11/26/92, p. 5; in JPRS-TND- 11/92 Sergey Glazyev, Russian Foreign Economic 92-046, 12/11/92, p. 22 (3324). A schedule for the withdrawal of strategic Relations Minister, begins a trip to Brazil, nuclear weapons from Belarusian territory Paraguay and possibly Uruguay during to Russia is drawn up and approved in ac- which he will sign an agreement on trade RUSSIA WITH EGYPT cordance with a directive by Belarusian Su- and economic cooperation with Brazil, preme Soviet Chairman Stanislav which, according to experts in the Russian 1/93 Shushkevich in which 81 ICBMs will be with- Foreign Economic Relations Ministry, could U.S. intelligence sources confirm that Egypt, drawn over two years, eight missile brigades include missile technology, telecommuni- despite categorical denials by an Egyptian will leave Belarus in 1993, and another eight cations and aircraft building contracts. spokesman, has hired Russian scientists to in 1994. Belarus intends to be nuclear free Glazyev is part of a 22 member Russian del- work at a factory in Al-Maza near Cairo where by 12/30/94. egation which will meet with ministers from they will help Egypt to upgrade its long range Valeriy Kovalev, Krasnaya Zvezda (Moscow), 11/7/ the Brazilian foreign office, science and tech- missile capabilities. The Egyptians have to 92, p. 2; in JPRS-TND-92-044, 11/18/92, pp. 22- nology, industry and commerce and the be able to manufacture missiles able of strik- 23 (2976). armed forces chief of staff, and will sign an ing targets 300 miles away, by 1995. aerospace agreement. Another goal of the Charles Fenyvesi, ed., U.S. News & World Report, 12/16/92 trip is to conclude contracts for the sale of 1/11/93, p. 14 (2888). The parliament of Belarus calls for the tran- dual use space technology and items pro- 1/28/93 sition to non-nuclear status to be achieved duced by the Russian military industrial Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service in two years instead of the originally planned complex. The Russian delegation will also of the Russian Federation, Yevgeniy seven years. The transition will be consid- try to establish stricter controls over these Primakov announces that U.S. reports on ered complete when the 72 strategic missiles exports. Since 10/92, Brazil has been negoti- Russian scientists modernizing Egyptian stationed on Belarusian territory are trans- ating with Russia for the purchase of mis- missiles not confirmed. ferred to Russia for destruction and all sile manufacturing technology. Brazil is Belarusian servicemen serving in other So- Interfax (Moscow), 1/28/93; in JPRS-TND-93-004, reportedly interested in cooperating with 2/5/93, p. 33 (3464).

The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 179 Missile Developments


RUSSIA WITH FRANCE Research Technology, involving DASA sub- Hindu (Madras), 2/2/93, p. 6; in JPRS-TND-93- sidiary MTU in Munich and TSAGI Aero- 008, 3/22/93, p. 25 (3432). 11/17/92 dynamic Research Institute in Shukovskiy. 4/27/93 Russia's Central Institute of Aviation Mo- Flug Revue (Stuttgart), 1/93, p. 77; in JPRS-EST- The Parliamentary Committee for Science and tors (CIAM) in association with France's 93-009, 2/24/93, P. 1 (3342). JPRS-EST-93-011, 3/12/93, pp. 6-7 (3342). Technology is informed that the transfer of ONERA aerospace research agency success- cryogenic engine technology from Russia fully flight tests a hydrogen fuelled 11/92 to India is on schedule, and that the first axisymmetric scramjet from atop a surface- Kayser-Threde of Munich signs contracts launch of the Geo-Stationary Launch Vehicle to-air missile in Priozersk, Kazakhstan, reach- for the launch of two German-built (GSLV) is slated for 1995-96. ing a peak altitude of 82,020 ft transitioning microsatellites on Russian Cyclone rockets All India Radio Network (Delhi), 4/27/93; in FBIS- from subsonic to supersonic combustion be- in 1993. NES-93-080, 4/28/93, p. 68 (2931). tween Mach 5 and Mach 5.5. The scramjet Space News, 11/23/92, p. 12 (2870). is manufactured by Soyuz Design Bureau with an inlet diameter of 8.9 inches and a RUSSIA WITH INDONESIA AND UNITED total length of 47.2 inches. The fueled RUSSIA WITH INDIA STATES scramjet was launched on top of a surface- air missile which was modified by the Fakel 1/93 4/93 Moscow Design Bureau to carry the engine. Indian leaders voice concern over Russian Lockheed corporation is invited by Indone- France contributed $200,000 for the test technology sales to the PRC. In response, sia to discuss Lockheed's and Khrunichev flight, but did not provide any hardware or Russian President Boris Yeltsin tells leaders Enterprises's offer to launch two Indonesian participate in any prelaunch ground tests of of both countries that Russia wishes to have satellites. the test apparatus. friendly relations with India and the PRC. Jeffrey M. Lenorovitz, Aviation Week & Space Aviation Week & Space Technology, 12/7/92, p. 19 Yeltsin signs a major Russian-Indian defense Technology, 4/12/93, pp. 61-62 (3421). (2959). Stanley W. Kandebo, Aviation Week & Space Technology, 12/14/92, pp. 70-73 (3415). Interavia/ cooperation contract which calls for tech- Aerospace World, 1/93, p. 58 (3415). nology transfers from Russia to India as well as co-production of weapon systems for do- RUSSIA WITH IRAN 12/7/92 mestic or export use. France's Societe Europeen de Propulsion Brahma Chellaney, UPI (Delhi), 1/30/93; in 3/1/93 (SEP), signs 31 contracts worth $10 million Executive News Service, 2/1/93 (3293). Iran expresses interest in acquiring Russia's dollars with Russian space companies con- S-300 V anti-missile system. cerning liquid-fueled rocket propulsion and 1/28/93 Mednews, 3/1/93, pp. 4-5 (3479). composite materials. SEP also signs con- Russian President Boris Yeltsin states that tracts with Russia on hypersonic technol- Russia will follow through with its contract ogy in a joint civil-military program concern- to sell cryogenic rocket technology to India RUSSIA WITH IRAQ ing reusable space planes and will work with despite the protests of the U.S. The 1991 Moscow Aviation under a general coopera- contract, valued at $200 million, includes the 12/15/92 tion accord. In addition SEP and sale of two cryogenic space engines along CIA Director Robert Gates states that Iraq is Energomash conclude a contract for joint with the technology for their production in trying to acquire nuclear technology and studies on hardware purchases. India was scheduled to be fulfilled within materials from Russia. Space News, 12/7/92, p. 15 (3029). three years. George Lardner Jr. and R. Jeffrey Smith, Washington Brahma Chellaney, UPI, 1/28/93; in Executive News Post, 12/16/92, p. A6 (3078). Service, 1/28/93 (3333). Sanjoy Hazarika, New York Times, 1/30/93, p. 2 (3333). Vivek RUSSIA WITH GERMANY Raghuvanshni, Space News, 2/1/93, p. 6 (3333). RUSSIA WITH ISRAEL 2/1/93 8/92 3/93 Germany and Russia begin joint testing to India's Minister of State for Science and Technology, Mr. Kumaramangalam states Israel's Elbit corporation is integrating Rus- develop hypersonic technology in the fields sian air-defense radar systems with the Is- of scramjet air-breathing engines, aerother- that if Russia were to stop the cryogenic en- gine transfer, it would set back India's space raeli Barak point-defense missile for poten- modynamics, and materials in order to prove tial sale to Eastern Europe and South-East its technological viability. The joint program program only three years, shifting launch dates from 1995 to 1998. Asia. Eastern Europe's vast Russian air- is part of the hypersonic technology pro- defense systems could be a potential gram started by the German Ministry of

180 The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 Missile Developments

RUSSIA market for the Barak missile integrated with Nazarbayev in order to discuss problems re- ern embassy authorities alerted the Ukrai- the radars of the ZSU-23-4 self-propelled gun lated to the Baikonur Cosmodrome Space nian government of the shipment. or the SA-8 Gecko self propelled surface-to- Complex at a bilateral meeting in 5/93. Presi- Reuter, 4/13/93 (3255). Washington Post, 4/14/ air missile system. Elbit, which is evaluating dent Yeltsin wishes to increase cooperation 93, p. A29 (3255). Izvestiya (Moscow), 4/16/93, p. 15; in JPRS-TND-93-011, 4/23/93, pp. 23-24 the suitability of the different radars, sees between Russia and Kazakhstan to include (3255). Barak's vertical launch as a worthwhile im- the maintenance and use of the Baikonur provement over the Russian missiles. Cosmodrome. Flight International, 3/10/93, p. 16 (3084). Roman Zadunaiskiy, ITAR-TASS (Moscow), 4/9/93; RUSSIA WITH MULTI-COUNTRY GROUP in FBIS-SOV-93-069, 4/13/93, pp. 14-15 (3058). Igor Romanov, Rossiyskiye Vesti (Moscow), 4/14/ 93, p. 7; in FBIS-SOV-93-072 4/16/93, p. 16 10-11/92 RUSSIA WITH JAPAN (3058). Daniel Green, Financial Times, 4/15/93, According to Pentagon sources, details of a p. 8 (3305). U.S. administration officials' proposed three 3/9/93 phase plan for protection against limited mis- Japan is planning to assist Russia in destroy- sile strikes were presented to Russia, Ukraine, RUSSIA WITH KUWAIT ing the liquid fuel remaining from its inter- and Belarus. Phase one calls for the U.S. to continental ballistic missiles, which were provide allies with early warning information scrapped in compliance with the START-2 2/9/93 from Defense Support Program satellites. treaty. In 4/93, Japan plans to send a group Maj. Gen. Al-Shamlan, assistant chief of staff Phase two calls for technological coopera- of specialists to Russia to determine the for Kuwaiti military intelligence, states that tion between the U.S. and former Soviet means of destroying the fuel. Kuwait is interested in buying Russian air states. The second phase will also include Itar-Tass (Moscow), 3/9/93; in FBIS-SOV-93-045, defense and ground systems. Kuwait had 3/10/93, p. 16 (3242). sharing of some expertise and critical com- Russian SA-6 and SA-8 air defense systems ponents. Phase three includes preparation before the war with Iraq. of a multinational, rapid deployment, anti- Philip Finnegan, Defense News, 2/22/93, p. 6 RUSSIA WITH KAZAKHSTAN (3143). missile force and a Pentagon proposed Glo- bal Protection Center, for detecting and 1/93 tracking missile launches. It would be built Kazakhstan proposes that a bilateral exami- RUSSIA WITH LATVIA and operated by participating nations and nation be conducted with Russia regarding designed along the lines of the U.S.-Cana- the procedure for destruction of nuclear 3/93 dian early warning center in Cheyenne Moun- weapons on Kazakh territory. The last of contingent Russian forces de- tain, Colorado. Pentagon sources say that Andrey Naryshev and Oleg Falichev, Krasnaya part the Latvian Banga missile unit camp lo- the multinational force could consist of im- Zvezda (Moscow), 1/23/93, p. 1; in FBIS-SOV-93- cated in Ventspils rayon, leaving behind provements to Russia's S-300 missile defense 015, 1/26/93, pp. 12-13 (3291). tanks of poisonous missile fuel. According system, upgraded U.S. Patriot missiles, the to chief ecologist at Ventspils rayon Karklina, Theater High Altitude Area Defense system 1/93 and other planned U.S. and allied anti-mis- Russia's deputy commander of the Russian there were 90 tons of "millazh fuel" and 180 tons of "Samin fuel" at the Banga camp as of sile systems. After 2000 the force would in- Military Space Force General B. G. Kalinichev clude planned U.S. space and ground based criticizes the Kazakh government for a lack 11/92. Radio Riga Network, 3/26/93; in FBIS-SOV-93- interceptors. Officials from NATO, Israel, of monetary support of Baikonur, noting that 059, 3/30/93, p. 84 (3201). Egypt, Japan, South Korea, and Australia last year, Russia's Ministry of Defense had have been briefed about the proposal. Talks paid one billion rubles to the Baikonur continue through 1/93. cosmodrome. Russian officials have dis- RUSSIA WITH LIBYA AND UKRAINE George Leopold and Barbara Opall, Defense News, cussed the possibility of transferring all 1/11/93, pp. 1, 28 (3044). space launches from Baikonur to Plesetsk. 4/13/93 However, Russia has no manned vehicle or Ukrainian Foreign Ministry spokesman Yuri 11/4/92 heavy Proton facilities at the Plesetsk launch Sergeyev announces that Ukraine seized 80 Despite ratifying the START treaty, the Rus- site. tons of ammonium perchlorate. The cargo, sian Supreme Soviet refuses to exchange Craig Covault, Aviation Week & Space Technology, instruments of ratification until the three 2/1/93, pp. 57-59 (3414). seized in the port of Ilyichovsk, was to be shipped by the Russian company Paveks to other former Soviet republics with nuclear weapons on their soil accede (as non- 4/13/93 Varna, Bulgaria. From Bulgaria the ship- ment was to be re-exported to Libya. West- nuclear-weapons states) to the nuclear Non- Russian President Boris Yeltsin requests a proliferation Treaty, and agree to START meeting with Kazakh President Nursultan implementation measures. Dunbar Lockwood, Arms Control Today, 11/92, pp. 26, 31-32 (3274).

The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 181 Missile Developments


11/16/92 notes that "Ukraine must retain administra- 1/93 The Inmarsat Organization announces that tive control." North Korea gives assurances to Russian it has selected the Russian Proton launch Douglas Clarke, RFE/RL Research Report, 1/18/ Deputy Foreign Minister Georgy Kunadze vehicle to launch the Inmarsat 3 satellite, in 93, p. 5 (2898). Interfax (Moscow), 1/22/93; in that it will not employ Russian missile and FBIS-SOV-93-013, p. 12 (3290). Andrey Naryshev 1995, at a price of $36 million. The Russian and Oleg Falichev, Krasnaya Zvezda (Moscow), 1/ nuclear scientists and engineers. The North launch of the Inmarsat 3 satellite from 23/93, p. 1; in FBIS-SOV-93-015, 1/26/93, pp. Korean decision followed U.N. pressure to Kazakhstan's Cosmodrome launch site will 12-13 (3291). Umit Enginsoy and George inspect suspected nuclear waste sites in require minor modifications. Leopold, Defense News, 1/25/93, pp. 3, 27 (3254). North Korea and Russian threats to suspend Mednews, 1/25/93, pp. 5-6 (3289). Space News, 11/16/92, pp. 3, 29 (3031). diplomatic relations if demands not to em- 4/93 ploy Russian technicians were not met. 1/15/93 Washington Post, 2/17/93, p. A2 (3074). Russia's head of the committee on defense Russian Agency Chief, Yuri Koptev an- plants and industry, Viktor Glukhikh states nounces that Russia won a contract to 2/24/93 that relations with defense plants are being launch an Inmarsat-3 U.S. satellite (produced Yuriy Bessarabov, a leading expert of Unique restored in the successor states of the former by General Electric) into orbit with a Proton Defense Enterprise, says that low wages Soviet Union. A group of committee staffers Rocket. Koptev also says that Russia could were responsible for the attempt by 60 sci- recently met in Ukraine where they reached provide the facilities for some of Inmarsat's entists from the machine design bureau in an agreement on interaction in the produc- 16 annual launches which would then "[give] Miass, Chelyabinsk region to fly to North tion of helicopters, civil aircraft, motor-mak- us a stable annual income of $200-220 mil- Korea to train personnel for North Korean ing, and some new developments. lion." strategic arms development programs. Most Guy Chazan, UPI, (Moscow), 4/1/93; in Executive Mikhail Shevtsov, ITAR-TASS, (Moscow), 1/15/93; of the scientists were strategic missile ex- News Service 4/2/93, (3047). in FBIS-SOV-93-012, 1/21/93, p. 4, (3053). perts which may indicate that North Korea is seeking assistance in designing a warhead 1/21/93 RUSSIA WITH NORTH KOREA and delivery system for a nuclear device. During a summit meeting, Belarus, Larry Niksch, a Congressional Research Ser- Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine again fail, 10/92 vice Asian specialist, says that it is possible to agree on the transfer of all ex-Soviet A group of sixty Russian engineers, plan- that North Korea has developed a nuclear nuclear weapons to Russia. Russian de- ning to fly to North Korea to help with the bomb but does not yet have a warhead. mands for control over nuclear warheads, modernization of ballistic missiles, is inter- Michael Breen, Washington Times, 2/19/93, p. A1, ballistic missiles, nuclear weapons on stra- cepted by the Russian police. The engineers A6 (3116). Evgeniy Tkachenko, Itar-Tass tegic bombers, early warning systems, anti- (Moscow), 2/24/93; in FBIS-SOV-93-035, pp. 11- were from the Makeyev Design Bureau in 12 (3116). missiles and anti-aircraft systems were re- Miass, which is responsible for submarine- buffed by Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine. launched ballistic missiles and Scud tactical 4/93 Ukraine insists that only nuclear missiles missiles. The recruiting agent was a Rus- Thirty-six Russian nuclear scientists, who should be considered strategic nuclear sian posing as a government official, but was had all been working on the same top secret forces and agrees to transfer the 176 strate- actually in the employ of the North Korean project, are arrested at Khabarovsk airport gic nuclear missiles on its soil to Russia, but embassy. while trying to fly to North Korea. It has demands security assurances from both Steven Zaloga, Armed Forces Journal, 4/93, p. 9 (3341). been speculated that some "authoritive" fig- Russia and the U.S., and $1.5 billion to dis- ures in the Russian leadership may have mantle its missiles. According to U.S. 11/92 acted as intermediaries between the scien- sources, Ukraine rejects security guarantees Russia releases a top secret document (spe- tists and the North Koreans. offered by the U.S. and Russia in exchange cial file no. P147, Point 75) of the CPSU Cen- M. Maksimovskaya, Ostankino Television (Moscow), for relinquishing its nuclear weapons. tral Committee Politburo Session of 2/6/89, 4/2/93; in FBIS-SOV-93-064, pp. 27-28 (3337). Ukraine now demands Russian promises not which states that "most recently, reports to cut off energy supplies or resort to other have begun to be actively circulated in the forms of economic coercion. Russian De- RUSSIA WITH PRC U.S. on the DPRK's creation of a chemical fense Minister Pavel Grachev asserts that warfare potential, using missiles manufac- all nuclear forces are subordinate to him. The tured under license from us as delivery sys- 10/92 Ukrainian First Deputy Defense Minister tems (and) it has emerged from information U.S. officials express their concern that from our embassy in Pyongyang that this China's purchase of advanced missile guid- report is not without foundation." Izvestia (Moscow), 11/21/92, p. 7; in JPRS-TND- 92-045, 12/7/92, pp. 17-18 (3334).

182 The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 Missile Developments

RUSSIA ance technology, rocket engines, and other other informed of such unofficial transfers Committee for Defense Sectors of Industry military hardware from Russia will enable of technology. Viktor Glukhikh states that Russia will de- China to develop new weapons for export to Vladimir Skosyrev, Izvestiya (Moscow), 12/4/92, p. liver to the PRC antimissile systems and air- Third World countries. The U.S. is also con- 4; in FBIS-SOV-92-234, 12/4/92, pp. 13-14 craft. (3428). cerned about discussions between Russia Rossiyskaya Gazeta (Moscow), 1/26/93, p. 3; in JPRS-TND-93-004, 2/5/93, p. 36 (3468). and China for the joint production of tactical 12/3/92 missiles and other weapons systems in Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Li 2/93 China, one of these being the S-300 SAM. Jianying dismisses as "exaggerated" a U.S. Michael R. Gordon, New York Times, 10/18/92, pp. U.S. intelligence is "certain" that China has 1, 14 (3318). media report alleging that the PRC is recruit- purchased from Russia significant compo- ing technical experts and importing cruise nents of long range missiles containing tech- 11/92 missile production technology and anti-sub- nology that China have been unable to de- A Russian "secret enterprise" working with marine warfare (ASW) systems from Russia. velop on its own. composite materials negotiates a $100,000 The U.S. media quoted an expert from the Rowland Evans and Robert Novak, Washington Post, contract with the PRC to supply satellite U.S. administration as claiming that envoys 2/12/93, p. A27 (3162). components, with $20,000 of the payment from the Chinese military industrial complex made in currency and the rest in consumer are working in Russia for missile production 3/3/93 goods. Russia plans to increase the amount and technical training purposes. It is reported that China has purchased at of weapons delivered to the PRC by 1994 to Pavel Spirin, Itar-Tass (Moscow), 12/3/92; in FBIS- least 100 S-300 air defense systems from SOV-92-234, 12/4/92, p. 14 (3238). $2 billion, thereby repaying its debts to the Russia, which are now being installed. The Chinese military is also attempting to acquire PRC. 12/18/92 Komsomolskaya Pravda, 12/4/92, p. 3; in FBIS- Russian hardware such as an AWACS early SOV-92-241, 12/15/92, pp. 13-15 (3067). Russia and China sign documents, state- warning system and additional sophisticated ments, and memorandums of understanding missile systems. 12/92 in relation to military and technological co- South China Morning Post, 3/3/93; in Stephen The PRC is discussing procurement of the operation, space exploration, and nuclear Foye, RFE/RL News Briefs, 3/1/93, p. 4 (3151). DAN UAV, designed for use as an aerial tar- energy development. Russian President get, surveillance platform, and cruise missile Boris Yeltsin stated that the agreements will from the Kazan-based Sokol OKB design allow China to buy "the most sophisticated RUSSIA WITH SPAIN bureau. The DAN UAV comprises an op- armaments and weapons." China is await- tional pneumatic ground rail launcher, ing delivery of the Russian S-300 Air-De- 1/19/93 ground loader vehicle, automatic pre-flight fense System. Talks between Russia and Spain on disar- check unit, engine starter, a fuelling truck, Pavel Spirin, Itar-Tass (Moscow), 12/3/92; in FBIS- mament matters conclude; the countries dis- SOV-92-234, 12/4/92, p. 14 (3238). Lena H. Sun, cuss START-2, a ban on chemical weapons, mobile electric generator, and three vehicles Washington Post, 12/19/92, pp. A1, A16 (3330). serving as flight control and telemetry data nonproliferation of weapons of mass de- struction, and future cooperation between relay and receiving stations. 12/29/92 the two nations. Grigory Berdennikov, Rus- Edmond Dantes, Asian Defense Journal, 12/92, It is reported that several hundred special- pp. 28-36 (3246). sian Deputy Foreign Minister, states that ists from the former Soviet Union are work- Russia and Spain have similar views on dis- ing in Chinese military plants increasing the 12/92 armament problems and a ban on nuclear accuracy of Chinese missiles. Chinese mis- Aides within the Bush Administration state testing. sions are also engaged in the transfer of tech- that the PRC is attempting to acquire defense Vladimir Shekhovtsov, Itar-Tass (Moscow), 1/19/ technology for guidance systems, cruise nology from Russia regarding cruise missile 93; in JPRS-TND-93-003, 1/27/93, p. 18 (3178). missile production and testing of antisub- development, anti-submarine equipment and marine warfare weapons from formerly top missile and nuclear test procedures. China secret Russian defense enterprises and de- has expressed an interest in buying Russia's RUSSIA WITH SOUTH AFRICA sign bureaus through unofficial channels newest surface-to-air missile system, which as well as by hiring hundreds of technical is similar to the U.S. Patriot, as well as sub- 12/92 experts. Russian Federation Vice Premier marines and satellite equipment. The Russian Scientific and Technological Yomimuri Shinbun, 12/29/92; in Vasiliy Golovnin, Center offers, to launch to nine South Afri- A. Shokhin admits that this activity is Itar-Tass, 12/29/92 (3155). wide spread, and notes that Moscow has (3238). can satellites into orbit using converted SS- suggested to Beijing that they keep each 20 ICBMs. The launches could be from a 1/93 site near Murmansk in Russia or in South The Chairman of the Russian Federation Africa using a Russian launch ramp. The price for the launchings, which remains

The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 183 Missile Developments

RUSSIA negotiable, is approximately 25 million Rand. RUSSIA WITH TAJIKISTAN on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Brian Pottinger and Charles Perkins, Sunday Times Nezavisimaya Gazeta (Moscow), 3/25/92, pp. 1-2; (Johannesburg), 12/27/92, p. 1; in JPRS-TND-93- 3/93 in FBIS-SOV-92-059, 3/26/92, pp. 4-7 (3132). 002, 1/15/93, p. 1 (3196). Reuter, 12/28/92; in An anonymous source within the command Executive News Service, 12/28/92 (3196). Space 11/4/92 News, 1/4/93, p. 2 (3196). SAPA (Johannesburg), of the 201 Russian Army division claims that The Council of Defense Ministers of the CIS, 1/21/93; in JPRS-TND-93-003, 1/27/93, p. 1 Russia will give Tajikistan six rocket launch- at a meeting in Bishkek, examines a draft (3196). ers as part of a Russian agreement to help agreement on strategic forces within the create a Tajikistan national armed force. The former Soviet Union, but it is neither initialed same source declares that Tajik servicemen by the Ukrainian delegation nor signed by RUSSIA WITH SOUTH KOREA cannot effectively handle the equipment that the Russian representatives. Ukraine's de- they have been given. sire for financial compensation for the nuclear 10/92 Iterfax (Moscow), 3/28/93; in FBIS-SOV-93-058, In a report to the National Defense Commit- 3/29/93, p. 14 (3198). warheads, and the controversy over the tee, the South Korean Defense Ministry says ownership status of the weapons in ques- it is considering the small scale purchase of tion has lead tothe current impasse. Russian weapons to include SA-6, SA-8, and RUSSIA WITH UKRAINE Anatoliy Dokuchayev, Krasnaya SA-16 missiles for testing and evaluation and Zvezda (Moscow), 11/18/92, p. 1; in JPRS-TND- 92-044, 11/24/92, pp. 20-21 (2975). for tactical development and acquisition of 2/12/92 key technology through the exchange of Zhivitsa, the acting Chief 11/10/92 expert personnel. Such exchanges would of the Ukrainian Main Staff, explains that Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk states make possible the introduction of advanced supplies to support Strategic Rocket Force that Ukraine could not afford to transfer the weapons technology that the U.S. is reluc- (SRF) divisions at Russian facilities have strategic missiles on its territory to Russia tant to transfer, but may obstruct military co- been stopped; supplies to the "without recompense," as it had done with operation with the U.S. The South Koreans Khmelnitskaya and Pervomayskaya divi- the former Soviet tactical weapons on its ter- are also considering cooperative arrange- sions have been stopped in response. There ritory. ments with Russia including an exchange of is concern that this will lead to a degrada- RFE/RL, 11/20/92, p. 47 (2874). expert personnel. These purchases and ar- tion of maintenance and safety which may rangements are intended to provide greater result in a major ecological disaster. Ten regi- 12/23/92 assessment of North Korean capabilities. ments of the Khmelnitskaya division and four Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk states North Korean arsenals are made up of pre- regiments of the Pervomayskaya division that the 130 Russian-built SS-19 missiles on dominately Russian-made weaponry. contain a total of 140 SS-19 missiles (which Ukrainian soil would require Russian assis- UPI, 10/15/92; in Executive News Service, 10/15/ use the liquid fuel heptyl nonsymmetrical tance to dismantle, but, "if the situation ag- 92 (2980). The Military & Security Notes, Vol. 1, dimethylhydrazine), a highly toxic gravates," the 46 SS-24 solid-fuel missiles in No. 43, 10/30/92, (2980). neuroparalytic, carcinogenic, asphyxiating Ukraine, which were built at Pervomaysk, 12/15/92 substance similar to combat toxins. A single Ukraine, would be dismantled by Ukrainians. The Russian Federation Defense Ministry missile launch contaminates a 5 km radius Interfax, 12/24/92; in FBIS-SOV-92-249, 12/28/ when the first stage, containing about 700 92, pp. 29-30 (3273). Doug Clarke, RFE/RL, 12/ reports that discussions between Russia and 28/92, p. 12 (3271). South Korea concerning the sale of Grad mul- kg of unused fuel, falls to earth. The danger tiple rocket systems and "S-300-M-TOR" air of environmental catastrophe prevents the 1/13/93 defense installations as part of a larger arms firing of the missiles at the Kamchatka mis- Viktor Glukhigh, Russia's Chairman of the sale are underway. sile range in the Pacific. The disintegration Defense Branches of Industry, and Viktor Russian Television Network (Moscow), 12/15/92; of the Soviet Union broke up the SRF Antonov, Ukraine's Minister for Machine in FBIS-SOV-92-242, 12/16/92, p. 18 (3161). supply system which included procedures Building, the Military-Industrial Complex, for handling the fuel. Heptyl has never and Conversion, sign several agreements of 6/93 been destroyed, nor is there a safe means of cooperation in conversion and defense pro- The Russian arms manufacturer, Almaz, storing it. Dismantling missiles under duction, which is to include missile construc- signs a letter of intent with South Korean START and the Bush-Yeltsin peace initia- tion. firm Samsung for the joint production of the tives will be affected by the lack of reserve RFE/RL Research Report, 1/11/93, pp. 5-6 (3156). S-300 anti-missile system. Russia will prob- containers for the fuel; less than 100 heptyl ably sell a complete S-300 anti-missile sys- transport containers exist in the CIS. 2/93 tem to South Korea. Kazakhstan has about 100 SS-18 missiles A wide variety of weapons including mis- Space News, 3/1/93, p. 2 (3023). which hold twice as much heptyl as the SS-19. There are 308 SS-18s deployed

184 The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 Missile Developments

RUSSIA siles are offered for sale by an alledged Rus- in 1994. The development of this missile is ceed those of U.S. missiles used during at- sian company at the Universal Ukrainian-Si- believed to be part of a larger effort to com- tacks on Baghdad. Army General Pavel berian Commodity Exchange (UUSE) in plete programs adopted within the former Grachev states, at the Abu Dhabi interna- Kharkov, Ukraine. A total of $2 billion worth Soviet Union's unified state military indus- tional arms exhibition, that weapons sales of goods was on display including 12 launch trial complex. will only occur with the nations that are not pads for OTR-300 tactical missiles for Kuranty, (Moscow), 4/8/93, p. 2; in FBIS-SOV-93- potential enemies. He adds that weapons $350,000, C-300B [ed. note: S-300V translit- 067, 4/9/93, p. 62 (3050). sales will bring in tremendous income, and eration from Russian] mobile rocket air de- keep the general designers and the directors fense systems (comparable to the Patriot) 4/5/93 of defense industry enterprises inside Rus- for $65,000, and Tunguska rocket air defense Russia's delegation head to START talks with sia. systems also for $65,000. The director of the Ukraine Yuriy Dubinin states that Russia has Valentine Rudenko, Krasnaya Zvezda (Moscow), 2/ UUSE, Evgeny Blinov, states that the weap- conveyed to Ukraine proposals including 12/93, p. 3; in FBIS-SOV-93-029, 2/16/93, pp. 11-12 (3296). Philip Finnegan, Defense News, 2/ ons are being supplied by a Russian com- the transfer of all nuclear weapons located in Ukraine to Russian jurisdiction, and the 22/93, p. 6 (3143). Asian Defence Journal, 3/93, pany whose name he would not disclose, p. 102 (3295). Viktor Glukhin, Delove Lyudi but Gennady Shikunov, deputy head of arms removal and transport of all Ukraine's war- (Moscow), 4/93, pp. 22-23; in FBIS-SOV-93-098, sales at the Russian Foreign Economic Rela- heads to Russia. 5/24/93, pp. 39-40 (3484). Ostankino Television Viktor Zamyatin, Komersant-Daily (Moscow), 4/6/ First Channel Network (Moscow); in FBIS-SOV- tions Ministry, disputes that claim stating 93, p. 9; in JPRS-TND-93-010, 4/16/93, pp. 30- 93-067, 4/9/93, p. 20 (3068). that he suspects that the weapons come from 31 (3250). army stocks inherited by Ukraine after the 4/93 Soviet Union disintegrated. The UAE is evaluating a Russian alternative Interfax (Moscow), 2/4/93; in FBIS-SOV-93-022, RUSSIA WITH UNITED ARAB EMIRATES to the Patriot. 2/4/93, pp. 38-39 (3320). V. Povoloshiy, Philip Finnegan, Defense News, 4/12/93, pp. 10, Komsomolskaya Pravda (Moscow), 2/5/93, p. 1; 12 (2902). in FBIS-SOV-93-024, 2/8/93, pp. 32-33 (3320). 2/92 Mary Mycio, Los Angeles Times, 2/6/93, p. A8 A senior Russian Ministry official states that (3320). the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is close to purchasing either the S-300 or S-300 V air RUSSIA WITH UNITED STATES 2/3/93 defense system, which would be integrated Russia and Ukraine adjourn a first round of into existing communications and radar as- 9/21/92 talks addressing START I issues by drafting sets. The UAE will spend more than $700 At a meeting of the U.N. General Assembly three undisclosed agreements that address million on air defense systems between 1992- in New York, U.S. President George Bush and dismantling schedules, verification proce- 1995. Russian Defense Minister General Russian President Boris Yeltsin reaffirm their dures, and costs. Pavel Grachev, says that Russia and the UAE intention to create a global protection sys- Dunbar Lockwood, Arms Control Today, 3/93, pp. tem. The system which was announced on 20, 24 (3461). have signed a "protocol of understanding" in which Russia will "positively consider the 6/92, includes sharing early warning data, curbing ballistic missile proliferation, and 3/93 defense needs of the United Arab Emirates." finding avenues for technological coopera- Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk states Jane's Defense Weekly, 2/13/93, pp. 46-47, (3041). tion. The U.S. and Russian teams, coordi- that Ukraine had suggested to Russia that 2/17/93 nated by Bush assistant Dennis Ross and an agreement be signed whereby Russia Russia successfully demonstrates, for the Russian deputy foreign minister Georgi would have the right to carry out technical first time outside Russia, the S-300 PMU-1 Mamedov, separate into three teams that are and other supervision of 130 of the strategic (SA-10) against four targets at the Interna- meeting regularly. The teams will focus on a missiles in Ukraine. Kravchuk adds that the tional Arms Exhibition at Abu Dhabi, global protection system, technological co- other 46 missiles in Ukraine were staffed by UAE. Russia is displaying for sale 370 operation, and nonproliferation. The non- Ukrainian specialists in conjunction with weapon systems including the S-300 PMU- proliferation team from the U.S. will be led their Russian counterparts. Boris Grishchenko, Interfax (Moscow), 3/11/93; in 1, the S-300 V, the Tochka-U, the Konkurs, by the Arms Control and Disarmament FBIS-SOV-93-047, 3/12/93, p. 1 (3277). the Metis, the Tor, the Krasnopol, and the Agency. Smerch, and also offers maintenance ser- George Leopold, Barbara Opall, Defense News, 4/93 vices and personnel training. Russia's 11/23/92, pp. 3, 20 (3059). Reports state that Russia's Moscow Thermo- Oboronexport Association acts as the 10/92 Engineering and Ukraine's Dnepropetrovsk middleman for deals. The S-300 and A technology cooperation panel, led by the "Yuzhnoye" Science and Production Asso- Tochka-U receive "particular" interest from SDIO director for technology, U.S. Air ciation are developing a new multi-purpose potential customers because in test-firings, Force Colonel Peter Warden, meets with ICBM, which will be ready for flight tests they both demonstrate abilities that far ex- Russian officials in New York. At the mid-

The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 185 Missile Developments


October meeting of this technology work- sibility of using Russian anti-ballistic mis- will eliminate each nation's heavy land based ing group, Russian officials submit "a fairly sile systems in regional conflicts. ICBM's, all other land-based multiple war- comprehensive list of topics" for future col- Michael Evens, Washington Times, 12/8/92, p. 8 head missiles by 2003, and bring down the laboration including early warning systems, (2922). total number of warheads on each side to effectiveness of interceptors, and the sur- between 3,000 and 3,500. In addition to spe- vivability of satellites when under attack. 12/16/92 cific concessions recently negotiated in U.S. experts want information about Russian Russian Space Agency chief Yuri Koptev Geneva include: allowing Russia to retain radar and satellite data, particularly the rate tells U.S. negotiators that if Russia is pre- some of its 154 land-based SS-18 missile si- of false alarms generated by the systems. vented from entering the commercial launch los after filling the silos with approximately 5 They are also interested in the integration of market, Russia will sell its rocket technology meters of concrete so that they can not be the Russian warning system, and to what to nations like Iraq. used for smaller missiles; and allowing Rus- Andrew Lawler, 1/4/93, Space News, pp. 1, 20 extent the systems suffers from the many (3480). sia to retain its SS-19 six warhead missile af- ground-based radar sites that were lost with ter its reduction to a single warhead missile. the break up of the Soviet Union. 12/17/92 Dan Oberdorfer, Washington Post, 12/30/92, pp. A1, A12 (3054). Ann Devroy, Washington Post, George Leopold, Barbara Opall, Defense News, Russian Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin 11/23/92, pp. 3, 20 (3059). 12/31/92, pp. A1, A22 (3054). Ann Devroy, announces decree number 2349 which per- Washington Post, 1/4/93, pp. A1, A18 (3054). 11/18-21/92 mits the Khrunichev factory to sign a deal A U.S. interagency team, which included the with Motorola Corporation to launch three 1/93 Director of Strategic Defense, Space and Veri- commercial communications satellites. The U.S. threatens to make permanent the Reuter, 12/17/92; in Executive News Service, 12/ fication Policy Doug Graham as the Penta- sanctions imposed on Russia's Glavkosmos 17/92 (3469). Daniel J. Marcus and Peter B. de and India's ISRO for the cryogenic engine gon representative, meets with its Russian Selding, Space News, 1/18/93, pp. 3, 21 (3478). counterparts as part of the group tasked with deal, as both companies are going ahead with defining a "global protection system" and 12/23/92 the contract. The Nation (Islamabad), 1/3/93, p. 6; in FBIS- working out "remaining ambiguities." The The U.S. State Department and Russian NES-93-022, 2/4/93, pp. 59-60 (3412). meetings take place at U.N. offices in New Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin approve York. a joint venture between Lockheed Missiles 1/93 George Leopold, Barbara Opall, Defense News, & Space Co. and Khrunichev Enterprise, The U.S. Strategic Defense Initiative Orga- 11/23/92, pp. 3, 20 (3059). called Lockheed-Khrunichev International, nization (SDIO) is quietly funding the newly to commercially launch the Proton 1. The 12/92 established Defense Technology Institute in State Department approves these export li- New Mexico to foster scientific collabora- Director of the SDIO Henry Cooper reveals censes for U.S. companies to participate in that since 6/92, cooperation between the U.S. tion between the U.S. and Russia. The insti- this joint venture. Subsequent reports indi- tute may promote collaboration in neutral and Russia on missile defense entails shar- cate that the Defense, Transportation, and ing SDIO technology such as GPALS. High particle beam technology. Commerce Departments are trying to have Space News, 1/18/93, p. 2 (3429). level U.S.-Russian working parties have been the licenses revoked. Department officials touring U.S. and Russian weapons plants. will try to resolve the disagreement between 1/93 Russia may benefit from U.S. early warning Sate and the other Departments, but a source A Russian delegation, headed by Sergey sites such as Fylingdales, U.K. "close to the discussions: said the decision Chubakhin, and a U.S. delegation headed by The Sunday Telegraph, 12/13/92 (2899). is likely to be made by President Bush. Robert Einhorn, conduct talks aimed at the 12/7/92 Jeffrey M. Lenorovitz, Aviation Week & Space formation of a bilateraL memorandum to re- Technology, 1/4/93, pp. 24-25 (3480). Andrew solve disputes related to the export of mis- Director of the U.S. Strategic Defense Initia- Lawler, 1/4/93, Space News, p. 20 (3480). Andrew tive Organization (SDIO) Henry Cooper says Lawler, 1/4/93, Space News, pp. 1, 20 (3480). sile technology, and to establish controls that the Russians are showing great interest Andrew Lawler, Space News, 1/11/93, pp. 1, 20 over those exports. First deputy chief of the in the proposed American global ballistic (3220). Daniel J. Marcus and Peter B. de Selding, Russian Federation Ministry of Foreign Eco- Space News, 1/18/93, pp. 3, 21 (3478). missile defense system, which could be use- nomic Relations Export Strategy and Sup- port Department Andrey Kushnirenk state ful in protecting Moscow from neighbors 12/30/92 such as Ukraine, and that he envisions the that consultations between the U.S. and U.S. President Bush goes on a trip to the Russia produced an agreement of coopera- Russians and Americans sharing command Black Sea city of Sochi where he and Rus- and control, and that there is the pos- tion "not to assist the proliferation" of mis- sian President Boris Yeltsin are to sign the sile technologies. The U.S. desires that Rus- START II Arms Reduction Treaty which sia accept a "black list" of countries which

186 The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 Missile Developments

RUSSIA-SAUDI ARABIA will be subject to restrictions on the sale of some of which will probably be launched by 4/93 missile technology. India, Brazil, and Egypt Russian rockets. Gerald Musarra, senior advisor for space are on this list. The U.S. threatens to extend Moscow Radio Service, 3/4/93; in FBIS-SOV-93- policy at the White House Office of Science sanctions over several firms including 042, 3/5/93, p. 5 (3150). and Technology Policy, states that the Glavkosmos, if Russia does not accept a Clinton administration understands that modification to its cryogenic engine contract 3/4/93 Russia is going to enter the international with India as well as the "black list." Under Secretary of Defense for Policy-des- commercial launch market, and that the U.S. Andrey Borodin, Interfax (Moscow), 1/15/93; in ignate Frank G. Wisner tells the Senate and Russia could produce a commercial FBIS-SOV-93-012, 1/21/93, pp. 3-4 (3413). Armed Services Committee that the U.S. is launch agreement later the year which would Sergey Yakovlev, Rossiyskiye Vesti (Moscow), 3/3/ trying to get Russia to cancel its planned involve launching U.S. satellites on Russian 93, p. 2; in FBIS-SOV-93-041, 3/4/93, pp. 10-11 sale of cryogenic engines to India The sale (3299). vehicles. Western companies are worried could jeopardize the joint venture between about being undercut by Russian prices, but 2/93 Lockheed and Khrunichev to market the Pro- Musarra believes that an agreement would Russia and the U.S. have a list of technolo- ton launch vehicle. address such concerns as quantity restric- Aerospace Daily, 3/5/93, p. 363 (3280). gies to jointly pursue, including propulsion, tions and prices. Defense Daily, 4/27/93, p. 143 (3314). sensor equipment, solid state lasers, neutral 3/93 particle beams, simulation and modeling, and U.S. and Russian negotiators meet to dis- exchanging information on lethality and sur- 4/3/93-4/4/93 cuss Russia's compliance with the MTCR, a At the Vancouver Summit, Russian President vivability. major consideration in U.S.-Russian commer- SDI Monitor, 2/12/93, pp. 41-42 (3483). Boris Yeltsin and U.S. President Bill Clinton cial launch cooperation, but little progress agree on several space related matters, to 2/93 is made. Russia's willingness to strictly ad- include the establishment of a high-level The director of the Science and Technology here to the MTCR is viewed by the U.S. as commission to plan U.S.-Russian space and directorate of SDIO Dwight Dustin states critical to any agreement with Russia on the energy cooperation and a U.S. proposal for that his department hired 200 Russian re- commercial launch market. The U.S. wants a talks to take place in 5/93 on the subject of searchers at Moscow's Kurchatov Institute, commercial agreement with Russia that is of Russian entry into the commercial launch Lebedev Institute, General Physics Institute similar to the agreement the U.S. signed with market. and Institute of Spectroscopy and St. China in 1987, in order to allow Russia into Space News, 4/12/93, pp. 1, 20 (3055). Petersburg's Ioffe Institute. The SDIO the commercial launch market. U.S. concerns hirings will allow the researchers to continue over any future agreement with Russia in- 4/27/93 their work which they started for the U.S.SR clude: enforcement of an effective means of Russia's Salyut Design Bureau and Inmarsat including work in optics, sensing, silicon price controls for each launch, impact on the sign a contract to launch Inmarsat-3, a mainly carbide, and lasers. U.S. launch industry, and, as stated by a U.S. U.S. built satellite. The U.S. promised to grant SDI Monitor, 2/26/93, pp. 52-53 (3465). administration official, "the real question is an export license, which includes technologi- whether the Russians will agree to techno- cal information safeguards for the satellite. 2/3/93 logical safeguards and ballistic missile pro- Leyla Boulton, Financial Times, 4/28/93, p. 5 Lawrence K. Gershwin, CIA Officer for Stra- liferation control." (3251). tegic Programs, testifies that in the next de- Andrew Lawler, Space News, 4/5/93, pp. 4, 20 (3049). cade Russia is expected to deploy three mis- siles: a road mobile, single warhead SS-25, a 4/93 SAUDI ARABIA silo based SS-25 and a follow on to the Ty- A private U.S. group called Sea Launch In- phoon submarine launched missile. Cur- vestors is seeking the rights to use deacti- rently, Russia has 10,000 nuclear warheads, vated Russian submarine-launched ballistic and by year 2003 will have reduced this to missiles for commercial floating sea launch 2,000 to 2,500 warheads, which is below the services and microgravity missions in con- SAUDI ARABIA WITH FRANCE START II limit of 3,500 warheads. junction with the Russian developer, Aerospace Daily, 2/4/93, p. 195 (3157). Makeyev Design Office of Mechanical En- 1/93 gineering. Sea Launch Investors will work France's defense industry awaits finalization 3/4/93 of a sale of three air defense frigates to Russia announces that it will build a new with the Ramcon Association for Conver- sion of Sea-based Ballistic Missiles which Saudi Arabia. France is hoping to maintain complex at the Plesetsk Cosmodrome for a considerable share in the Middle East- launching U.S. commercial communications was formed by Russian naval officers. Jeffery M. Lenorovitz, Aviation Week & Space satellites on Russian rockets. The U.S. will Technology, 4/19/93, p. 22-23 (3298). launch about 70 satellites into low orbit,

The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 187 Missile Developments

SAUDI ARABIA-SOUTH AFRICA ern arms market that, since the Gulf War, has pected to contain upgrades from first and become increasingly dominated by the U.S. second generation software and signal pro- Jane's Defence Weekly, 2/13/93, pp. 43-44 (3138). cessing hardware. SOUTH AFRICA Defense News, 3/1/93, p. 17 (3439). Mednews, 3/ 1/93, p. 6 (2886). SAUDI ARABIA WITH SWITZERLAND INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS 1/93 Oerlikon-Buhrle of Switzerland wins a $675.5 SERBIA 11/92 million contract to supply Saudi Arabia with The South African government announces over 100 GDF-002/005 twin 35mm cannons, its intention to promulgate a bill restricting associated Skyguard fire-control radars. Five the build-up of "weapons of mass destruc- percent of the funding covers an option to SERBIA WITH CROATIA tion" in South Africa. An interdepartmental purchase the ADATS surface-to-air missile committee has been appointed to draft the system. 12/28/93 bill, which is expected to be deliberated in Aviation Week & Space Technology, 1/18/93, p. 21 The Serbian I Krajina Corps command de- parliament in 1993. (3244). Flight International, 1/20/93, pp. 4-5 nies reports that it has used Scud SSMs in Engineering News (Johannesburg), 10/24/92, p. (3244). 3; in JPRS-TND-92-044, 11/24/92, p. 3 (2965). the battles for Gradacac, and says that re- ports repeatedly broadcast by Croatian Ra- 11/92 SAUDI ARABIA WITH UNITED STATES dio are another attempt to deceive the world South Africa begins to use domestically up- public. They note that the Serb and Muslim graded Thomson-CSF Crotale missile units 12/23/92 forces are so close together on the Gradacac in a vehicle mounted version called the Cac- The U.S. Army Missile Command awards a battlefront that there is no need to use long tus. The original four-round Crotale launcher $1.03 billion contract to Raytheon's Missile range Scud missiles. and E(S) band radar acquisition units have Tanjug (Belgrade), 12/28/92; in JPRS-TND-93- System Division for 13 Patriot fire units and 001, 1/7/93, p. 10 (3191). been put in containers deisgned for mobile 761 PAC-2 missiles which will be delivered systems. The original missile unit's radar, to Saudi Arabia in a year and a half delivery equipped with Thomson components has cycle beginning in 1995. Initially, Raytheon been supplemented by the Reutech Radar will receive $515 million of the $1.03 billion SINGAPORE Systems planar array, which facilitates funding, but follow on sales of additional sidelobe suppression and high angle cover- Patriot fire units, test systems, firing range, age. Synertech, the modified launcher's and other support equipment could boost prime contractor, claims that the systems the final total to over $1.2 billion. Addition- availability is at 98%, which is an improve- ally, Raytheon anticipates concluding a sepa- SINGAPORE WITH ISRAEL ment over the original Cactus. rate agreement with Saudi Arabia to provide International Defense Review, 6/93, p. 476 (3194). training on the U.S. Patriot missile system. 2/93 Raytheon is already working on a previous Singapore reveals the existence of the Re- Late 1992 1990 order of eight U.S. Patriot fire units and public of Singapore Air Force's 128th Squad- South Africa test fires the Kentron devel- 300 missiles to be delivered to Saudi Arabia ron which operates from Tengah Air Base oped SAHV-3 high velocity, RF/laser from the U.S. beginning in 1993. utilizing Israel's IAI Scout UAV system and command guided missile from an unmodi- Aviation Week & Space Technology, 1/4/93, p. 25, a more advanced UAV, possibly the IAI Im- fied Cactus launcher, for the first time. The (3046). Patriot (Delhi); in Asian Recorder, 1/22/ pact. miss distance is characterized as "very 93, p. 22874 (2884). Defense Electronics, 3/93, Jane's Defence Weekly, 2/13/93, p. 23 (3257). pp. 23-24 (2886). good." The missile did not carry a fuse or warhead during its developmental testing, 2/16/93 and has a peak lateral acceleration of 40 G Raytheon and Saudi Arabia announce that and 1200 m/s peak velocity. The SAHV-3 Saudi Arabia is to purchase a $500 million has a weight of 123 kg giving it a residual package that will include technical assis- velocity of 500 m/s at 12 km, supposedly tance, training, logistics support, spares, and higher than its competitors. The SAAF may modifications for its Patriot and Hawk air not get the missile until 1996 due to funding defense systems. The package is also ex- restraints. A four-round towed variant of Crotale firing the SAHV-IR missile (an

188 The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 Missile Developments SOUTH AFRICA

SAHV-3 derivative with dual infrared hom- 5/18/93 Center offers to launch nine South African ing and ) is under devel- South African Finance Minister Derek Keys satellites into orbit using converted SS-20 opment by Synertech and Kentron. proposes draft legislation before parliament ICBMs. The launches could be from a site International Defense Review, 6/93, p. 476 (3194). that would ban the manufacture of biologi- near Murmansk in Russia or in South Africa cal and nuclear weapons, and would ensure using a Russian launch ramp. The price for 3/18/93 compliance with international treaties and the launchings, which remains negotiable, South African Foreign Minister Pik Botha conventions governing exports and controls is approximately 25 mission Rand. claims that South Africa is seeking private of nuclear and biological weapons, and dual Brian Pottinger and Charles Perkins, Sunday Times U.S. or European investment and technical use components and chemicals that could (Johannesburg), 12/27/92, p. 1; in JPRS-TND-93- aid for its Arniston missile, which is capable 002, 1/15/93, p. 1 (3196). Reuter, 12/28/92; in be used for the manufacture or delivery of Executive News Service, 12/28/92 (3196). Space of carrying nuclear or commercial payloads, nuclear and biological weapons. News, 1/4/93, p. 2 (3196). SAPA (Johannesburg), and is based in part on the Israeli Jericho 2, a Reuter, 5/18/93; in Nuclear Non-Proliferation News, 1/21/93; in JPRS-TND-93-003, 1/27/93, p. 1 missile that South Africa helped test. 5/19/93 (3185). Jane's Defence Weekly, 5/29/93, (3196). R. Jeffrey Smith, Washington Post, 3/19/93, p. A48 p. 7 (3185). (3311). 6/30/93 SOUTH AFRICA WITH TAIWAN 3/24/93 South African Atomic Energy Corporation South African Foreign Minister Pik Botha 1/93 Chief Executive Waldo Strumpf comments declares that his country and the state owned During a visit to South Africa, the Taiwan- in an interview on how one of South Africa's firm Denel have abandoned the development ese Navy displays several of its upgraded six nuclear devices could be delivered: of a space launch vehicle, apparently for both ships, including the Kai Yang, which is a Wu "Theoretically, this device could have been political and economic reasons. Botha as- Chin II class destroyer that utilizes Israeli fired from an aircraft or a missile, but it was serts that his declaration should allay inter- Elbit Naval Tactical Command and Control fortunately never the strategy." In the same national suspicions that South Africa is work- system and carries five Hsiung Feng anti- interview, South African Foreign Minister Pik ing on advanced weapons systems and ship missiles. Also displayed is the Te Yang, Botha states, "We would very much like to should clear the way for international coop- a Wu Chin III class destroyer with Signaal be a member of the [MTCR] controlling eration and South African membership into DA 08 surveillance radar and octuple body...be part of the club, then they will have the MTCR. ASROC launcher and 10 box launchers for additional assurance that sales, transfers of Reuter, 6/30/93; in Executive News Service, 6/30/ 93 (2935). General Dynamics SM1-MR Standard Mis- this technology to governments who are sile SAMs, which are controlled by a Signaal hostile towards them, will not take place." STIR tracking and illumination radar fire con- SABC TV 1 Network (Johannesburg), 3/24/93; in trol director. JPRS-TND-93-009, 3/29/93, pp. 5-8 (2998). SOUTH AFRICA WITH IRAQ Jane's Defence Weekly, 1/16/93, p. 24 (3174). 4/23/93 1992 The test of a Somchem rocket motor at the In a book published in the U.S. titled Profits SOUTH AFRICA WITH UNITED STATES Hangklip test site is delayed due to poor of War: Inside the Secret U.S.-Israeli Arms weather conditions. The test, which is part Network, the author, Israeli secret service Late 1992 of a plan to launch a 500 kg satellite into defector Ari Ben-Menashe, claims that dur- The U.S. threatens South Africa with puni- orbit, is rescheduled for 4/26/93. ing the 1980's South Africa's Armscor sup- tive measures if the South African-Russian Anita Allen, Saturday Star (Johannesburg), 4/24/ plied Iraq with artillery and missiles capable satellite launch deal proceeds. The threat is 93; in JPRS-TND-93-012, 5/4/93, p. 2 (2871). of carrying nuclear warheads, with the ap- part of an attempt to stem the proliferation proval of then Vice-president George Bush 5/93 of missiles and missile technology. and the endorsement of the CIA. Brian Pottinger and Charles Perkins, Sunday Times It is reported that officials at South Africa's Arthur Gavshon, Weekly Mail (Johannesburg), 10/ Armscor studied the feasibility of a missile (Johannesburg), 12/27/92, p. 1; in JPRS-TND-93- 16/92, pp. 1-2; in JPRS-TND-92-039, 10/28/92, 002, 1/15/93, p. 1 (3196). Reuter, 12/28/92; in delivery system for South African nuclear pp. 1-2 (2916). Executive News Service, 12/28/92 (3196). Space weapons, but it was not pursued further as News, 1/4/93, p. 2 (3196). SAPA (Johannesburg), it was determined that the additional deter- 1/21/93; in JPRS-TND-93-003, 1/27/93, p. 1 rence afforded by such a system would be SOUTH AFRICA WITH RUSSIA limited in terms of South Africa's nuclear strategy. 12/92 Mark Hibbs, Nuclear Fuel, 5/10/93, pp. 1-6 (3182). The Russian Scientific and Technological

The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 189 Missile Developments (3196). SOUTH KOREA-SPAIN

Condor 2 missile trials and construction in- Early 1993 stallation at Falda del Carmen, Argentina in Reports surface that Condor's guidance sys- SOUTH KOREA order to acquire technology for the Spanish tem was sent to Spain's National Institute of space program; the visit includes a tour of Aerospace Technology in 1991. workshops and discussions about fuel, bal- United Press International, 4/1/93; in Executive listic trials, metallurgy, electronics/control, News Service 4/2/93 (2881). SOUTH KOREA WITH RUSSIA composite materials, and navigation/guid- ance systems. Spain is interested in using 10/92 Condor's solid fuel and steerable nozzle sys- SPAIN WITH RUSSIA In a report to the National Defense Commit- tem in its Capricornio launcher development tee, the South Korean Defense Ministry says program. 1/19/93 it is considering the small scale purchase of International Defense Review, 11/92, p. 1062 Talks between Russia and Spain on disar- Russian weapons to include SA-6, SA-8, and (3386). mament matters conclude; the countries dis- SA-16 missiles for testing and evaluation and cuss START-2, a ban on chemical weapons, for tactical development and acquisition of 12/92 nonproliferation of weapons of mass de- key technology through the exchange of Meetings are held at the Argentine Foreign struction, and future cooperation between expert personnel. Such exchanges would Ministry between the U.S. and Spanish Am- the two nations. Grigory Berdennikov, Rus- make possible the introduction of advanced bassadors and the Argentine foreign and sian Deputy Foreign Minister, states that weapons technology that the U.S. is reluc- defense ministers to negotiate an agreement Russia and Spain have similar views on dis- tant to transfer, but may obstruct military co- on the shipment of recyclable parts from the armament problems and a ban on nuclear operation with the U.S. Condor-2 missile to Spain for peaceful pur- testing. UPI, 10/15/92; in Executive News Service, 10/15/ poses such as satellite launches with the Vladimir Shekhovtsov, Itar-Tass (Moscow), 1/19/ 92 (2980). The Military & Security Notes, Vol. 1, Spanish Institute for Aerospace Technology. 93; in JPRS-TND-93-003, 1/27/93, p. 18 (3178). No. 43, 10/30/92, (2980). J. Olomo y Losada, ABC (Madrid), 1/7/93, p. 24; in JPRS-TND-93-002, 1/15/93, p. 13 (2932). 12/15/92 SPAIN WITH UNITED STATES The Russian Federation Defense Ministry 2/8/93 reports that discussions between Russia and Fourteen engines and 30 fuselages from the 12/92 South Korea concerning the sale of Grad mul- Condor-2 are scheduled to be shipped to The U.S. State Department approves 15 ex- tiple rocket systems and "S-300-M-TOR" air Spain from Puerto Belgrado, Argentina, at port licenses to sell launch vehicle informa- defense installations as part of a larger arms Argentine expense aboard the Bahia San Blas tion to Spain, Italy and Australia. Subse- sale are underway. transport ship to an undisclosed port, pos- quent reports indicate that the unexpected Russian Television Network (Moscow), 12/15/92; sibly the Rota air and naval base. The mis- approval of the licenses "provoked a storm in FBIS-SOV-92-242, 12/16/92, p. 18 (3161). sile parts were transported from Cordoba, of criticism" from Defense Transportation Argentina, at a slow rate of travel to assure and Commerce departments. The State De- 6/93 that no frictional movement or violent shocks partment stood by its original decision in a The Russian arms manufacturer, Almaz, would cause overheating in the engines' seal- White House Meeting, where senior admin- signs a letter of intent with South Korean ant, in a secret operation under the command istration officials failed to agree on whether firm Samsung for the joint production of the of Sciola. to uphold or revoke the licenses. President S-300 anti-missile system. Russia will prob- J. Olomo y Losada, ABC (Madrid), 1/7/93, p. 24; Bush will make the final decision. The li- ably sell a complete S-300 anti-missile sys- in JPRS-TND-93-002, 1/15/93, p. 13 (2932). censes are of concern to the Instituto tem to South Korea. Nacional Technica Aerospatiale (INTA) Space News, 3/1/93, p. 2 (3023). 3/4/93 Argentinean Defense Minister Erman which is interested in purchasing U.S. Gonzales claims that the Condor-2 missile equipment for their Capricornio launcher. parts sent to Spain were shipped to analyze INTA has initiated for $30 million effort to SPAIN "whether they can be used for peaceful pur- begin construction of this small three stage poses," but could not confirm that any of rocket powered by solid and liquid fuel rock- the parts had been re-shipped to the U.S. ets and capable of placing 220 lbs into low Gonzales says that the entire shipment was Earth orbit. Spain will be assisted by an uni- "duly controlled by Spanish experts" dentified U.S. company whose license re- SPAIN WITH ARGENTINA present at the time of loading. quest was opposed by U.S. defense officials Telam (Buenos Aires), 3/4/93; in JPRS-TND-93- concerned about the possible military appli- 9/92 008, 3/2/93, P. 19 (2967). cability of the project despite Capricornio Spanish technicians reportedly visit the

190 The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 Missile Developments

SPAIN-SYRIA 5CFG tester, which was designed to test the program director Ricardo Dorado's statement 2/93 rocket's ignition by releasing a weak charge in 1992 that the rocket's "sole purpose" is to In a U.S. Defense Department report, offi- to the rocket's igniter. The tester was installed place a small satellite into orbit. cials indicate that between the years 2000 without its power blocking equipment and Andrew Lawler, Space News, 1/11/93, pp. 4, 21 and 2010, Syria, Iran and the PRC will have the rocket igniter received sufficient charge (3131). Andrew Lawler, Space News, 1/11/93, pp. cruise missiles with some low-observable or 1, 20 (3220). to set the rocket off. stealth capabilities, and chemical and bio- Peter B. de Selding, Space News, 3/8/93, p. logical warheads. 5 (3103). Aviation Week & Space Technology, 2/1/93, pp. 26-72 (3258). SUDAN


SUDAN WITH IRAN 11/92 Syria and Argentina sign a secret five year 9/1-15/92 SWITZERLAND WITH SAUDI ARABIA scientific agreement whereby state run re- Iran is believed to have transported surface- search organizations in both countries will to-surface missiles, among other weaponry 1/93 exchange "their respective expertise" in sci- to Sudan. These weapons are to be used Oerlikon-Buhrle of Switzerland wins a $675.5 entific and technical fields; the protocol spe- against rebel troops of the Sudanese million contract to supply Saudi Arabia with cifically mentions cooperation in the area of People's Liberation Army. over 100 GDF-002/005 twin 35mm cannons, "nuclear energy," and Syria will likely pur- Tariq Hasan, Rose Al-Yusuf (Cairo), 10/19/92, p. associated Skyguard fire-control radars. Five sue access to Argentina's Condor-2 solid fuel 71; in JPRS-TND-92-040, 10/30/92, p. 19 (2850). percent of the funding covers an option to ballistic missile program that Iraq had par- purchase the ADATS surface-to-air missile tially funded during the mid 1980s. system. Mednews, 1/11/93, p. 6 (2905). Aviation Week & Space Technology, 1/18/93, p. 21 SWEDEN (3244). Flight International, 1/20/93, pp. 4-5 (3244). SYRIA WITH FRANCE

11/92 Syria's Scientific Research Council, CERS, INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS SYRIA sends a delegation to France and Germany 2/93 to purchase dual-use technology including Swedish Defense Minister Anders Bjoerck electronic goods and "connectors," which addresses the preservation of the Swedish can be used in ballistic missile separation. Mednews, 12/7/92, p. 5 (3444). missile industry despite Europe's overcapac- INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS ity in this area. He says that it is important to maintain Sweden's missile industry because 11/92 SYRIA WITH GERMANY of its high quality and competitiveness, can- In response to an inquiry about the purpose cellation would have a negative effect on of Scud missiles purchased by Syria from 11/92 the defense industry, once abandoned the North Korea, President Hafez Assad says, Syria's Scientific Research Council, CERS, missile industry would be difficult to rebuild, "...We have had missiles for the past 20 years. sends a delegation to France and Germany and because of the importance of Sweden's Since we are in a state of war, why shouldn't to purchase dual-use technology including self-sufficiency. we have them?" When asked whether Syria electronic goods and "connectors," which Theresa Hitchins, Defense News, 2/8/93, p. 54 is attempting to develop capabilities similar (3113). to those of Israel, President Assad reiter- can be used in ballistic missile separation. ated that Syria is doing nothing that it hasn't Mednews, 12/7/92, p. 5 (3444). 2/27/93 been doing for the last 20 years. Assad also 11/92 An accident at a Swedish launch site kills a calls for the elimination of all weapons of The German government decides to stop technician and damatges two buildings. A mass destruction in Syria and Israel. one-stage Orion sounding rocket, undergo- Time, 11/30/92, p. 49 (2877). further sales of dual-use technology to the ing testing at the Swedish Space Center be- Syrian Scientific Research Center (SSRC aka fore its scheduled launch the next day, is CERS), which has been identified as the chief ignited by the U.S.-made Alinco model 101- organizer of the Syrian chemical and

The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 191 Missile Developments

SYRIA-TAIWAN biological weapons program and as a major ETA News Release (Tallinn), 1/13/93; in FBIS-SOV- frame missile) systems/components, which procurer for its nuclear and ballistic missile 93-010, 1/15/93, pp. 70-71 (3387). are used exclusively for defensive purposes programs. Syrian sources claim that Germany and manufactured under a U.S./German joint sent letters to all major German research cen- venture with the German Group DASA. Ger- ters cautioning them against such sales, and SYRIA WITH IRAN man companies involved are Diehl, Syria protests the decision calling it "politi- Bodenseewerk Geraetetechnik and cal hypocrisy." 11/22/92 Telefunken Systemtechnik. The group op- Mednews, 1/11/93, p. 4 (3108). Syrian Industry Minister Dr. Ahmad Nizam- erates in the U.S. and supplies propulsion al-Din met with Mohammad Reza and guidance technology to the U.S. for Pa- 12/14/92 Nematzadeh, his Iranian counterpart, in triot missiles. Italian and German officials in Augusta, Sic- Damascus to discuss, among other things, DDP (Berlin), 2/13/93; in JPRS-TND-93-008, 3/ ily detain and search the Estonian ship "specifications and calibration" and the es- 22/93, p. 53 (3492). DPA (Hamburg), 2/13/93; in Waalhaven for Scud missile components al- tablishment of "projects of joint investment." JPRS-TND-93-008, 3/22/93, p. 53 (3492). Reuter The joint effort to build the North Korean (Bonn), 2/13/93; in Executive News Service, 2/15/ legedly enroute to Syria and North Korea. 93 (3492). Although the ship left Hamburg, where the Scud-C may be one such project. cargo was loaded two days earlier (12/12/ Mednews, 1/11/93, p. 6 (2905). 92), enroute for Lebanon, the ultimate desti- TAIWAN WITH SOUTH AFRICA nations of the alleged Scud technology are SYRIA WITH NORTH KOREA believed to be Syria and North Korea. (Syria's 1/93 Scud-C manufacturing program has been During a visit to South Africa, the Taiwan- 2/93 launched in cooperation with North Korea.) ese Navy displays several of its upgraded CIA chief James Woolsey testifies before the Germany alerted Italian officials, the Esto- ships, including the Kai Yang, which is a Wu U.S. Congress that North Korea is becom- nian owners, and the Dutch firm leasing the Chin II class destroyer that utilizes Israeli ing the primary supplier of missile programs ship, that Germany had received reports that Elbit Naval Tactical Command and Control in Iran and Syria, adding that "North Korea the cargo was suspect. The Estoninan own- systems and carries five Hsiung Feng anti- apparently has no threshold governing its ers and the Dutch firm direcrted the ship's ship missiles. Also displayed is the Te Yang, sales...It is willing to sell to any country with captain to anchor in Augusta for inspection. a Wu Chin III class destroyer with Signaal the cash to pay." The parts in question, including German DA 08 surveillance radar and octuple machine tools, could extend the range of John J. Fialka, Wall Street Journal, 2/25/93, p. A10,(3020). ASROC launcher and 10 box launchers for Scud missiles. According to German spokes- General Dynamics SM1-MR Standard Mis- man Norbert Schaefer on 12/30/92, "The Ger- sile SAMs, which are controlled by a Signaal man government has intelligence informa- SYRIA WITH PRC STIR tracking and illumination radar fire con- tion about procurement efforts for the Syr- trol director. ian missile program in Western countries," 10/92 Jane's Defence Weekly, 1/16/93, p. 24 (3174). and that illegal exports could be among the According to CIA Director Robert Gates, cargo from several Western European coun- Syria "appears to be seeking assistance from tries. The vessel is allowed to proceed to China and Western firms for an improved TAIWAN WITH UNITED STATES Beirut after 27 containers are off-loaded in capability with chemical and biological war- Augusta. heads." 12/23/92-1/93 Washington Times, 12/25/92, p. A2 (3443). Reuter, Raytheon is negotiating with Taiwan for ap- 12/30/92; in Executive News Service, 12/20/92 Arms Control Today, 10/92, pp. 44-45 (3401). (3443). ADN (Berlin), 1/16/93; in JPRS-TND-93- proximately $1.2 billion in Patriot fire units 003, 1/27/93, pp. 27-28 (3357). BNS (Tallinn), 1/ and missiles. 22/93; in JPRS-TND-93-004, 2/5/93, P. 42 (2895). Aviation Week & Space Technology, 1/4/93, p. 25 (3046). Aviation Week & Space Technology, 1/18/ 1/93 TAIWAN 93, p. 21 (3244). Flight International, 1/20/93, pp. 4-5 (3244). The Estonian Foreign Ministry releases a statement citing the Syracuse County (Italy) 1/93 court, which ruled that the Estonian freighter The U.S. government states that the U.S. TAIWAN WITH GERMANY Waalhaven was carrying only non-military manufacturer Raytheon will assist in upgrad- industrial equipment. Earlier reports indicated 1/28/93 ing Taiwan's air defense systems, but de- that the Waalhaven cargo was suspected of nies that the assistance includes the Patriot including Scud missile components such as The German government approves the sale to Taiwan of Patriot and Ram (rolling air- SAM system. German machine tools. Flight International, 1/20/93, p. 6 (3175).

192 The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 Missile Developments


that Russia will give Tajikistan six rocket tubes, technical maintenance units, and rear 2/93 launchers as part of a Russian agreement to services. He quotes estimates [source not The U.S. State Department gives Raytheon help create a Tajikistan national armed force. given] that the maintenance of strategic mis- permission to provide guidance systems and The same source declares that Tajik service- sile troops accounts for about 8% of technology to help Taiwan manufacture men cannot effectively handle the equipment Ukraine's military budget. He says there are weapons similar to the Patriot missile. The that they have been given. logistical problems in the provision of equip- missiles are to enter service in 1995 and the Interfax (Moscow), 3/28/93; in FBIS-SOV-93-058, ment and spare instruments for launchers project will cost about $1 billion. 3/29/93, p. 14 (3198). and combat control and communication sys- Washington Times, 3/3/93, p. A2 (2923). tems, but that measures have been taken re- cently to deal with these problems. 2/9-10/93 Valentyn Vitkovskyy, Molod Ukrayini (Kiev), 12/17/ Raytheon and Taiwanese officials meet in TURKEY 92, p. 3; in FBIS-SOV-92-248, 12/24/92, pp. 28- Washington to discuss the $1.3 billion Modi- 29 (3154). fied Air Defense System (MADS) joint project which will replace Taiwan's the Nike 12/92 Senior Russian military officers state that air defence system with the Patriot. TURKEY WITH GERMANY Raytheon is to provide seven fire units com- Ukraine is attempting to break launch codes prising missile forebodies, radars, engage- for the 1,650 nuclear warheads located in 12/14/92 Ukraine, especially the 500 air-launched ment control stations, training, and techni- Turkey and Blohm & Voss and Thyssen cal assistance. Taiwan will produce the rear cruise missiles and nuclear gravity bombs. Rheinmetall of Germany sign a $510 million The Russians calculate that Ukraine will need section, warhead, propulsion, and control contract for two Barbaros class (TRACK sections under a separate Raytheon-Taiwan- six months to a year to decipher the codes. IIA) modified Meko 200 frigates armed with Time, 12/28/92, p. 11 (3285). ese $120 million technical support package. NATO Sea Sparrow and Harpoon missiles. Barbara Opall and David Silverberg, Defense News, Jane's Defence Weekly, 1/9/93, p. 11 (3452). 2/22/93, pp. 1, 21 (3241). David Hughes, Aviation 12/11/92 Week & Space Technology, 3/1/93, p. 61 (3241). Unidentified sources say that it is unlikely that Ukrainian lawmakers will act on the START Treaty or the NPT in 1992 due to UKRAINE Ukrainian nationalist legislators who WANT TAJIKISTAN to retain the nuclear warheads on Ukrainian soil until the West agrees to provide secu- rity assurances and large-scale economic aid. INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS A U.S. package of incentives for Ukraine to give up nuclear weapons includes three main INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS 11/92 elements: economic aid, funds for disman- tling nuclear weapons and destroying mis- 2/93 Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister Ivan sile silos as required by START, and giving Tajik Prime Minister Abdulmalik Bezhan denies allegations that Ukraine is Ukraine a share of the funds acquired by the Abdullodzhanov states that Tajikistan will creating its own launch codes for nuclear U.S. sale of enriched uranium. not sell weapons abroad and that defense weapons deployed in Ukraine. Bezhan notes that long-range missiles can be trans- George Leopold, Defense News, 12/14/92, p. 3 industries will not produce more weapons (2979). than are needed for national defense. Cur- ferred outside Ukraine for immediate destruc- rently, the Leninabad region specializes in tion, but not for storage, and that both boost- 12/17/92 the production of missiles, rocket fuel, and ers and warheads must be destroyed simul- Ukraine's deputy chief of the Operative De- small arms. taneously. partment of the Defense Ministry Ivan Interfax (Moscow), 2/1/93; in FBIS-SOV-93-020, Interfax (Moscow), 11/25/92; in JPRS-TND-92- 046, 12/11/92, p. 24 (3276). Gnidenko declares, during a meeting of the 2/2/93, p. 51 (2873). representatives of the General Staff and mili- 12/92 tary attaches of several foreign embassies Lt. Gen. Volodymyr Oleksiyovych to Ukraine, that the strategic nuclear mis- TAJIKISTAN WITH RUSSIA Mykhtyuk, commander of the 43rd Missile siles based on Ukrainian territory have been taken off alert. 3/93 Army, states that missile troops on Ukrai- nian territory consist of combat units out- Interfax (Moscow), 12/17/92; in FBIS-SOV-92-244, An anonymous source within the command 12/18/92, P. 64 (2973). of the 201st Russian Army division claims fitted with ICBMs in vertical launch

The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 193 Missile Developments


12/22/92 1/28/93 2/18/93 People's deputy Colonel Valeriy Izmalkov Weapons worth $2 billion are reportedly put Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk admits writes that Ukrainian bombers are not up for sale at the Universal Ukrainian-Sibe- to problems with the technical maintenance equipped to carry strategic nuclear missile rian Exchange in Kharkov. It is suspected of nuclear missiles located in Ukraine, but warheads and that Ukraine has no technol- that Russian secret service agents are denies that these safety lapses could lead to ogy to reprocess the oxidizer in Ukraine's posiung as arms merchants in order to iden- "another Chernobyl" as reported in the Rus- liquid fuel missiles. He also states that tify potential intermediaries in illegal arms sian press. Kravchuk stated that Ukraine Ukraine does not possess the technologies exports. As of 2/15/93 no buyers had come believed that Russia also had an interest in necessary to destroy solid fuel launch ve- forward. seeing that the 176 ICBMs based in Ukraine hicles. Igor Sutyagin and Alla Glebova, Kommersant are safe. Ukrainian defense ministry officials, Valeriy Izmalkov, Holos Ukrayiny (Kiev), 12/22/ (Moscow), 2/15/93, pp. 1-3; in FBIS-SOV-93-031, including the commander of the missiles in 2/18/93, pp. 1-3 (3283). 92, p. 7; in JPRS-TND-93-002, 1/15/93, p. 25 question, Major General Mykola Filatov, ac- (3284). 2/93 knowledge that defects in 16 SS-24 missiles 1/93 Central Intelligence Director R. James at the Pervomaisk rocket base in southern Ukrainian government officials estimate an Woolsey tells the Senate Government Af- Ukraine were discovered by Russian inspec- aggregate cost of $1.5 billion for destroying fairs Committee that Russia and Ukraine are tors. A Ukrainian military department missile silos, scrapping ICBM boosters, dis- showing a "willingness to sell" MTCR pro- spokesman confirmed that the schedule for posing of toxic rocket fuel and shipping hibited technology, and that the dual use servicing the missiles had not been followed nuclear warheads back to Russia. technologies used in space launch vehicles and that faults were discovered in 19 of the John-Thor Dahlburg and Mary Mycio, Los Angeles are a "real problem" as they represent one of missiles during checks. Times, 1/8/93, p. A4 (3253). Rostislav Khotin, Reuter, 2/18/93; in Executive News a few areas where Russia and Ukraine can Service, 2/19/93 (3339). Russian Television Network successfully compete with the West. (Moscow), 2/18/93; in FBIS-SOV-93-032, p. 9 1/11/93 Woolsey also states that Russia still has to (3340). Radio Rossii Network (Moscow), 2/20/93; Ukrainian Deputy Minister of Foreign Af- establish an effective system for regulating in FBIS-SOV-93-035, p. 1 (3339). Radio Ukraine World Service (Kiev), 2/24/93; in JPRS-TND-93- fairs Boris Tarasyuk rejects rumors that exports of military equipment and technolo- Ukraine is preparing its own codes for con- 006, 3/5/93, p. 31 (3352). Martina Melmerich gies related to the development of nuclear, and Olaf Ihlau, Der Spiegel (Hamburg), 3/1/93, trolling strategic nuclear missiles. Tarasyuk chemical, and biological weapons and that pp. 151-153; in FBIS-SOV-93-040, pp. 1-3 claims, however, that the president of while Russian leaders strongly support es- (3349). Chrystia Freeland, Financial Times, 3/5/ 93, p. 3 (3349). Ukraine has the power to block the launch tablishing of export controls, the enticement of missiles. of profits and personnel and funding prob- Programma Radio Odin Network (Moscow), 1/11/ 3/93 93; in FBIS SOV-93-008, 1/13/93, pp. 6-7 (3287). lems have slowed government efforts to en- The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine passes act controls to prevent the proliferation of a resolution to ensure observance of the in- 1/20/93 weapons and technologies to other coun- ternational obligations of Ukraine concern- The Kiev Branch of the Ukrainian Officers' tries. ing the nonproliferation of weapons of mass Union proposes (1) separation of the mis- R. Jeffrey Smith, Washington Post, 2/25/93, p. 18 (3481). David Fulghum, Aviation Week & Space destruction and their delivery systems by siles stationed in the Ukraine from their Mos- Technology, 3/1/93, p. 25 (3222). import and export control measures over cow-controlled command and launching arms, military hardware, certain raw materi- systems, and the dismantlement of the 2/16/93 als, equipment, and technologies which can launching, aiming and targeting equipment Chief of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry Cen- be used in weapon construction and other be from Russian-controlled central com- ter for the Administrative Command and types of military and special equipment. The mand, (2) the conclusion of an agreement Control of Strategic Nuclear Forces Lieuten- resolution calls for a new technical export with Russia on monitoring and destroying ant General Aleksey [Konstantin] Kryzhko committee at the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian-made missiles, and (3) "the elimi- admits that the level of readiness of 16 of Ukraine which will prepare documents for nation of combat surveillance" and prepara- Ukraine's SS-24 missile silos is low and that the export control commission and check the tion for destruction of the Ukrainian-made another three are beyond repair, which he fulfillment of adopted decisions. missiles. The officers' Union stated that the blames on Russia's refusal to do silo mainte- Ukrayinske Radio First Program Network (Kiev), Ukrainian president's theoretical ability to nance. 3/12/93; in JPRS-TND-93-008, 3/22/93, p. 51 (2974). block the rocket launching mechanisms was Interfax (Moscow), 2/17/93; in FBIS-SOV-93-030, limited due to time constraints and cost. p. 1 (3340). Viktor Litovkin, Izvestia (Moscow), 2/ Samostiyna Ukrayina (Kiev), 1/20/93, p. 3; in FBIS- 19/93, p. 2; in FBIS-SOV-93-035, 2/24/93, pp. 1- 4/93 SOV-93-023, 2/5/93, p. 44 (3272). 2 (3351). Ukrainian Environment Minister Yuriy Konstenko states that specialists maintain that Ukraine is capable of prohibiting the

194 The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 Missile Developments

UKRAINE launch of nuclear missiles from its territory. UKRAINE WITH LIBYA AND RUSSIA nuclear weapons to Russia. Russia's de- Konstenko headed a working group of depu- mands for control over nuclear warheads, ties addressing questions associated with 4/13/93 ballistic missiles, nuclear weapons on stra- Ukraine's ratification of the START II Treaty Ukrainian Foreign Ministry spokesman Yuri tegic bombers, early warning systems, anti- and its assumption of non-nuclear status. Sergeyev announces that Ukraine seized 80 missiles and anti-aircraft systems were re- Nezavisimaya Gazeta (Moscow), 4/27/93, p. 3; in tons of ammonium perchlorate bound for buffed by Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine. FBIS-SOV-93-080, 4/28/93, pp. 51-53 (3252). Libya. The cargo, seized in the port of Ukraine insists that only nuclear missiles Ilyichovsk, was to be shipped by the Rus- should be considered strategic nuclear 4/10/93 sian company Paveks to Varna, Bulgaria. forces and agrees to transfer the 176 strate- Ukrainian Defense Minister Konstantin From Bulgaria the shipment was to be re- gic nuclear missiles on its soil to Russia, but Morozov tells the fourth congress of the exported to Libya. Western embassy au- demands security assurances from both Ukrainian Union of Armed Forces Officers thorities alerted the Ukrainian government Russia and the U.S., and $1.5 billion to dis- that the Defense Ministry has decided to of the shipment. mantle its missiles. According to U.S. administer the Ukrainian loyalty oath to the Reuter, 4/13/93 (3255). Washington Post, 4/14/ sources, Ukraine rejects security guarantees personnel of the 43rd Missile Army, which 93, p. A29 (3255). Izvestiya (Moscow), 4/16/93, p. offered by the U.S. and Russia in exchange is part of the strategic nuclear forces sta- 15; in JPRS-TND-93-011, 4/23/93, pp. 23-24 (3255). for relinquishing its nuclear weapons. tioned in Ukraine. He states that the deci- Ukraine now demands Russian promises not sion is based on the Ukrainian President's to cut off energy supplies or resort to other decree putting the strategic forces stationed forms of economic coercion. Russian De- UKRAINE WITH MULTI-COUNTRY GROUP on Ukrainian territory under Ukrainian au- fense Minister Pavel Grachev asserts that thority. Morozov says that over 70% of the all nuclear forces are subordinate to him. The army's personnel are Ukrainians who have 10-11/92 According to Pentagon sources, details of a Ukrainian First Deputy Defense Minister repeatedly asked the Defense Ministry for notes that "Ukraine must retain administra- permission to take the oath. He invites all U.S. administration officials' proposed three phase plan for protection against limited mis- tive control." soldiers unwilling to take the oath to leave Douglas Clarke, RFE/RL Research Report, 1/18/ the service. The U.S. views the Ukrainian sile strikes were presented to Russia, Ukraine, 93, p. 5 (2898). Interfax (Moscow), 1/22/93; in move as a challenge to world opinion. and Belarus. FBIS-SOV-93-013, p. 12 (3290). Andrey Naryshev Russian Television Network (Moscow), 4/11/93 and Phase one calls for the U.S. to provide allies and Oleg Falichev, Krasnaya Zvezda (Moscow), 1/ Interfax (Moscow), 4/10/93; in FBIS-SOV-93-068, with early warning information from Defense 23/93, p. 1; in FBIS-SOV-93-015, 1/26/93, pp. 4/12/93, pp. 47-48 (3166). 12-13 (3291). Umit Enginsoy and George Support Program satellites. Phase two calls Leopold, Defense News, 1/25/93, pp. 3, 27 (3254). for technological cooperation between the Mednews, 1/25/93, pp. 5-6 (3289). U.S. and former Soviet states. The second UKRAINE WITH KAZAKHSTAN phase will also include sharing of some ex- 2/93 pertise and critical components. Phase three Specialists of the Strategic Missile Forces 11/17/92 includes preparation of a multinational, rapid Main Staff reinspect the safety of the nuclear Ukraine's Zenit medium-lift booster is suc- deployment, anti-missile force and a Penta- systems in the missile division stationed in cessfully launched from the Baikonur gon proposed Global Protection Center, for the city of Pervomaysk Nikolayev Oblast, Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan, placing an early- detecting and tracking missile launches. It Ukraine and find 16 SS-24 missile launchers, warning satellite into orbit for the CIS mili- would be built and operated by participat- on alert status, that had overrun scheduled tary, after a number of unsuccessful ing nations and designed along the lines of inspection and maintenance by eight to 10 launches from 1990-1992. the U.S.-Canadian early warning center in months. At 20 launchpads in the vicinity of Tim Furniss, Spaceflight, 12/2/92, p. 22 (2987). Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado. After 2000 Pervomaysk the defense and protection sys- the force would include planned U.S. space tems have been defective for two months, 3/93 and ground based interceptors. Officials and 26 nuclear warheads had their schedule Ukrainian officials are seeking an agreement from NATO, Israel, Egypt, Japan, South Ko- for additional technical servicing violated on to use the Baikonur space center in rea, and Australia have been briefed about the nose sections of missiles systems on alert Kazakhstan. Reuter (Kiev), 3/10/93; in Executive News Service, the proposal. Talks continue through 1/93. status. However, Major General Nikitin 3/11/93, p. 36 (3247). George Leopold and Barbara Opall, Defense News, states that after long negotiations with the 1/11/93, pp. 1, 28 (3044). Ukrainian Defense Ministry, it has recently been possible to partially restore supervi- 1/21/93 sion of the operation of missile systems by During a summit meeting, Belarus, the plants and chief designers which pro- Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine again fail duced them. to agree on the transfer of all ex-Soviet Izvestiya (Moscow), 2/16/93, p. 4; in FBIS-SOV-

The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 195 Missile Developments


93-029, 2/16/93, pp. 1-2 (3256). Viktor Litovkin, initiatives will be affected by the lack of re- duction, which is to include missile construc- Izvestiya (Moscow), 2/16/93, p. 4; in FBIS-SOV- serve containers for the fuel; less than 100 tion. 93-029, pp. 1-2 (3256). heptyl transport containers exist in the CIS. RFE/RL Research Report, 1/11/93, pp. 5-6 (3156). Kazakhstan has about 100 SS-18 missiles 2/5/93 2/93 A delegation headed by Valeri Shmarnov, the which hold twice as much heptyl as the SS- 19. There are 308 SS-18s deployed on the A wide variety of weapons including mis- first deputy director general of the Ukrainian siles are offered for sale by an alleged Rus- Space Agency, and including officials from territory of the former Soviet Union. Nezavisimaya Gazeta (Moscow), 3/25/92, pp. 1-2; sian company at the Universal Ukrainian-Si- NPO Yushoye, Ukraine's largest space orga- in FBIS-SOV-92-059, 3/26/92, pp. 4-7 (3132). berian Commodity Exchange (UU.S.E) in nization and the manufacturer of the Zenit Kharkov, Ukraine. A total of $2 billion of launcher, visit Matra Marconi's French and 11/4/92 goods was on display including 12 launch British space centers where they sign a wide The Council of Defense Ministers of the CIS, pads for OTR-300 tactical missiles for ranging agreement to cooperate on satellite at a meeting in Bishkek, examines a draft $350,000, C-300B [sic S-300V?] mobile rocket communications programs for Ukraine. agreement on strategic forces within the air defense systems (comparable to the Pa- Matra Marconi will supply the payload and former Soviet Union, but it is neither initialed triot) for $65,000, and Tunguska rocket air ground station technology and Ukraine will by the Ukrainian delegation nor signed by defense systems also for $65,000. The di- provide the launch vehicle and parts of the the Russian representatives. Ukraine's de- rector of the UU.S.E, Evgeny Blinov, states aircraft. sire for financial compensation for the nuclear that the weapons are being supplied by a Space News, 2/22/93, p. 13 (3165). warheads, and the controversy over the Russian company whose name he would not ownership status of the weapons in ques- disclose, but Gennady Shikunov, deputy tion has lead to the current impasse. head of arms sales at the Russian Foreign UKRAINE WITH RUSSIA Lieutenant Colonel Anatoliy Dokuchayev, Krasnaya Economic Relations Ministry, disputes that Zvezda (Moscow), 11/18/92, p. 1; in JPRS-TND- claim stating that he suspects that the weap- 2/12/92 92-044, 11/24/92, pp. 20-21 (2975). ons come from army stocks inherited by Lieutenant General Zhivitsa, the acting Chief Ukraine after the Soviet Union disintegrated. of the Ukrainian Main Staff, explains that 11/10/92 Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk states Interfax (Moscow), 2/4/93; in FBIS-SOV-93-022, supplies to support Strategic Rocket Force 2/4/93, pp. 38-39 (3320). V. Povoloshiy, (SRF) divisions at Russian facilities have that Ukraine could not afford to transfer the Komsomolskaya Pravda (Moscow), 2/5/93, p. 1; been stopped; supplies to the strategic missiles on its territory to Russia in FBIS-SOV-93-024, 2/8/93, pp. 32-33 (3320). "without recompense," as it had done with Mary Mycio, Los Angeles Times, 2/6/93, p. A8 Khmelnitskaya and Pervomayskaya divi- (3320). sions have been stopped in response. There the former Soviet tactical weapons on its ter- is concern that this will lead to a degrada- ritory. RFE/RL, 11/20/92, p. 47 (2874). 2/3/93 tion of maintenance and safety which may Russia and Ukraine adjourn a first round of result in a major ecological disaster. Ten regi- 12/23/92 talks addressing START I issues by drafting ments of the Khmelnitskaya division and 4 Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk states three undisclosed agreements that address regiments of the Pervomayskaya division that the 130 Russian-built SS-19 missiles on dismantling schedules, verification proce- contain a total of 140 SS-19 missiles (which Ukrainian soil would require Russian assis- dures, and costs. use the liquid fuel heptyl nonsymmetrical tance to dismantle, but, "if the situation ag- Dunbar Lockwood, Arms Control Today, 3/93, pp. dimethylhydrazine), a highly toxic 20, 24 (3461). gravates," the 46 SS-24 solid-fuel missiles in neuroparalytic, carcinogenic, asphyxiating Ukraine, which were built at Pervomaysk, substance similar to combat toxins. A single 3/93 Ukraine, would be dismantled by Ukrainians. Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk states missile launch contaminates a 5 km radius Interfax, 12/24/92; in FBIS-SOV-92-249, 12/28/ when the first stage, containing about 700 92, pp. 29-30 (3273). Doug Clarke, RFE/RL, 12/ that Ukraine had suggested to Russia that kg of unused fuel, falls to earth. The danger 28/92, p. 12 (3271). an agreement be signed whereby Russia of environmental catastrophe prevents the would have the right to carry out technical firing of the missiles at the Kamchatka mis- 1/13/93 and other supervision of 130 of the strategic sile range in the Pacific. The disintegration Viktor Glukhigh, Russia's Chairman of the missiles in Ukraine. Kravchuk adds that the of the Soviet Union broke up the SRF sup- Defense Branches of Industry, and Viktor other 46 missiles in Ukraine were staffed by ply system which included procedures for Antonov, Ukraine's Minister for Machine Ukrainian specialists in conjunction with the handling of the fuel. Heptyl has never Building, the Military-Industrial Complex, their Russian counterparts. been destroyed, nor is there a safe means of and Conversion, sign several agreements of Boris Grishchenko, Interfax (Moscow), 3/11/93; in storing it. Dismantling missiles under cooperation on conversion and defense pro- FBIS-SOV-93-047, 3/12/93, p. 1 (3277). START and the Bush-Yeltsin peace

196 The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 Missile Developments


4/93 defense system, which would be integrated UNITED ARAB EMIRATES WITH UNITED Reports state that Russia's Moscow Thermo- into existing communications and radar as- STATES Engineering and Ukraine's Dnepropetrovsk sets. The UAE will spend more than $700 "Yuzhnoye" Science and Production Asso- million on air defense systems between 1992- 4/93 ciation are developing a new multi-purpose 1995. Russian Defense Minister General The United Arab Emirates is considering the ICBM, which will be ready for flight tests in Pavel Grachev, says that Russia and the UAE purchase of the Patriot air defense system 1994. The development of this missile is have signed a "protocol of understanding" from the U.S. in reaction to the proliferation believed to be part of a larger effort to com- in which Russia will "positively consider the of ballistic missiles in the region. There are plete programs adopted within the former defense needs of the United Arab Emirates." indications that the "decision has been put Soviet Union's unified state military indus- Jane's Defense Weekly, 2/13/93, pp. 46-47, (3041). off for about three years." trial complex. Philip Finnegan, Defense News, 4/12/93, pp. 10, Kuranty, (Moscow), 4/8/93, p. 2; in FBIS-SOV-93- 2/17/93 12 (2902). 067, 4/9/93, p. 62 (3050). Russia successfully demonstrates, for the first time outside Russia, the S-300 PMU-1 4/5/93 (SA-10) against four targets at the Interna- Russia's delegation head to the START talks tional Arms Exhibition at Abu Dhabi, UAE. UNITED KINGDOM with Ukraine Yuriy Dubinin states that Rus- Russia is displaying for sale 370 weapon sia has conveyed to Ukraine proposals in- systems including the S-300 PMU-1, the S- cluding the transfer of all nuclear weapons 300V, the Tochka-U, the Konkurs, the Metis, located in Ukraine to Russian jurisdiction, the Tor, the Krasnopol, and the Smerch, and INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS and the removal and transport of all also offers maintenance services and per- Ukraine's warheads to Russia. sonnel training. Russia's Oboronexport As- 12/92 Viktor Zamyatin, Komersant-Daily (Moscow), 4/6/ sociation acts as the middleman for deals. 93, p. 9; in JPRS-TND-93-010, 4/16/93, pp. 30- The U.K. is considering strategic defenses, The S-300 and Tochka-U receive "particu- 31 (3250). and to this end is comparing ship-based lar" interest from potential customers be- weapons based on the Super Seawolf and cause in test-firings, they both demonstrate the "off-the-shelf" Patriot system. UKRAINE WITH UNITED STATES abilities that far exceed those of U.S. mis- The Sunday Telegraph, 12/13/92 (2899). siles used during attacks on Baghdad. Army 12/92 General Pavel Grachev states, at the Abu 3/3/93 U.S. President Bush sends a letter to Ukrai- Dhabi international arms exhibition, that The Crown Prosecution Service of the nian President Leonid Kravchuk offering $175 weapons sales will only occur with nations United Kingdom announces that former De- million to assist in the dismantling of nuclear that are not potential enemies. He adds that fence Minister Mr. Alan Clark will not be warheads and storage of nuclear weapon weapons sales will bring in tremendous in- prosecuted over evidence he gave during materials currently in Ukraine, if Ukraine rati- come, and keep the general designers and the Matrix-Churchill trial in 11/92. The trial fies the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and the directors of defense industry enterprises collapsed because the police had been "un- agrees to be a non-nuclear weapons state inside Russia. able to establish which of the inconsistent under a protocol to the START I Treaty. statements made by Mr. Clark was not true." Dan Oberdorfer, Washington Post, 12/10/92, p. A12 Valentine Rudenko, Krasnaya Zvezda (Moscow), 2/ Richard Donkin and Ralph Atkins, Financial Times, (3286). 12/93, p. 3; in FBIS-SOV-93-029, 2/16/93, pp. 3/4/93, p. 7 (3111). 11-12 (3296). Philip Finnegan, Defense News, 2/ 22/93, p. 6 (3143) Asian Defence Journal, 3/93, p. 102 (3295). Ostankino Television First Channel 4/93 Network (Moscow); in FBIS-SOV-93-067, 4/9/93, The U.K.'s Ministry of Defence decides to p. 20 (3068). Viktor Glukhin, Delove Lyudi cut back the Trident nuclear weapons sys- UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (Moscow), 4/93, pp. 22-23; in FBIS-SOV-93-098, 5/24/93, pp. 39-40 (3484). tem, each submarine of which is to carry 16 missiles with a total of 192 warheads rather 4/93 than 512. Each missile will carry only three warheads rather than eight. Defense minis- UNITED ARAB EMIRATES WITH RUSSIA The UAE is evaluating a Russian alternative to the Patriot. ters may arm the Trident with single war- head weapons, in an effort to adapt the Tri- 2/92 Philip Finnegan, Defense News, 4/12/93, pp. 10, 12 (2902). dent to a "sub-strategic role." One area A senior Russian Ministry official states that where the Trident might be deployed in a the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is close to sub-strategic role would be the Middle purchasing either the S-300 or S-300 V air

The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 197 Missile Developments


East, where the submarine could serve to UNITED KINGDOM WITH UKRAINE siles inside and outside the atmosphere. deter countries from using Scud missiles. Barbara Starr, Jane's Defence Weekly, 11/21/92, p. Colin Brown, Independent, 4/15/93 (3399). 2/5/93 13 (2910). A delegation headed by Valeri Shmarnov, the 10/6/92 first deputy director general of the Ukrainian President Bush signs the FY93 foreign aid UNITED KINGDOM WITH IRAN Space Agency, and including officials from appropriations bill into law (PL 102-391), NPO Yushoye, Ukraine's largest space orga- which adds a section to the Foreign Assis- 3/1/93 nization and the manufacturer of the Zenit tance Act on "Nuclear Non-Proliferation The U.K. Foreign Minister Douglas Hurd launcher, visit Matra Marconi's French and Policy in ." Among other things, announces new restricted licensing guide- British space centers where they sign a wide that requires that the President report to lines for exporting dual-use goods and tech- ranging agreement to cooperate on satellite Congress within six months on: ballistic mis- nologies to Iran. The U.K.'s new criteria for communications programs for Ukraine. sile programs in China, India, and Pakistan, licensing exports are applicable to the lists Matra Marconi will supply the payload and to include whether they possess nuclear ex- of COCOM munitions and the atomic energy ground station technology and Ukraine will plosive devices or the components to make lists of the Export of Goods (Control) Order provide the launch vehicle and parts of the one; the status of their programs, including 1992. aircraft. Export Control News, 2/28/93, p. 10 (3403). Space News, 2/22/93, p. 13 (3165). foreign assistance, foreign sales of missiles Financial Times, 3/2/93, p. 8 (3403). Arms Control and missile components and the U.S. re- Reporter, 3/93, pp. 250.B.5-250.B.6 (2984). sponse to those sales; and whether these countries have agreed to and are adhering UNITED KINGDOM WITH UNITED STATES to peaceful nuclear cooperation agreements. UNITED KINGDOM WITH IRAQ 12/92 The bill also allocates $417 million in eco- Director of the SDIO Henry Cooper visits nomic aid to former Soviet Republics, eligi- 11/9/92 bility for which will be linked to the estab- Three executives from the British company London to reassure Britain and other NATO allies regarding U.S.-Russian cooperation on lishment of "responsible policies and prac- Matrix Churchill Ltd. are acquitted of selling tices regarding the nonproliferation of to Iraq, between 1989 and 1990, $37 million missile defense. As part of participation in GPALS, Russia may benefit from U.S. early nuclear and other weapons." worth of multi-axis precision milling machines Arms Sale Monitor, 1/15/93, pp. 1-2 (2927). used for the Iraqi Scud B missile program, warning sites such as Fylingdales, U.K. Ac- for making gas centrifuges in the Iraqi cording to an unnamed British source, Brit- 10/23/92 nuclear program, and in the manufacture of ain may "pull the plug" on Fylingdales if the President Bush signs the 1993 Defense Au- proximity fuses for artillery shells. It is re- U.S. proves too generous with strategic in- thorization Bill. According to House Report vealed that the government, including the formation there. Britain fears that U.S.-Rus- 102-966, section 1331 of the DoD authoriza- Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), the sian GPALS cooperation will make their Tri- tion bill requires that the Secretary of De- Ministry of Defense and the Foreign Office, dent missile force obsolete. fense, the Secretary of State and the director The Sunday Telegraph, 12/13/92 (2899). approved the sales despite a U.N. arms em- of the CIA submit a report to Congress which bargo. includes an assessment of threats to regional Jane's Defence Weekly, 11/21/92, p. 6 (3345). U.S. allies from the proliferation of long-range UNITED STATES missiles and weapons of mass destruction. Mednews, 12/21/92, p. 1 (3107). Arms Sales UNITED KINGDOM WITH JAPAN Monitor, 1/15/93, p. 3 (3202). House Report 102- 966; in Arms Sales Monitor, 1/93 (2901).

3/93 INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS 1/93 The United Kingdom's Royal Ordnance A competition will be held to determine rocket motors division completes a contract 9/24/92 whether the U.S. will acquire the Patriot with Kawasaki Heavy Industries, transfer- The SDIO conducts concept tests for the multi-mode missile or the Extended range in- ring thrust vectoring technology to assist Lightweight Exoatmospheric Projectile terceptor (ERINT). This decision is based Kawasaki's guided missile research and de- (LEAP) using a Terrier missile with a on an Arm,y operational effectiveness analy- velopment. mock-up of the LEAP shroud, fired from the sis that determined that it is too expensive Armed Forces Journal International, 3/93, p. 19 U.S.S Richmond K. Turner. This is part of an to develop both systems. The winner of the (3230). SDIO plan to upgrade the Aegis combat competition will be incorporated into an up- system to be able to destroy ballistic mis- graded Patriot surface-to-air missile system

198 The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 Missile Developments

UNITED STATES in the "lower tier of the U.S. active defense to Bush if the dispute is not resolved. naval arms control. theater missile defense architecture." Ac- Andrew Lawler, Space News, 1/11/93, pp. 1, 20 Robert Holzer and George Leopold, Defense News, cording to program managers, one of the (3220). 2/8/93, p. 38 (3344). competition's most important technical is- sues will be the lethality of the Patriot and 2/93 2/9/93 ERINT missiles against theater missile U.S. Army officials are beginning an esti- The Clinton administration cuts funding for threats. mated $2 billion Patriot upgrade and test pro- the Theater Missile Defense Boost Phase Jeffrey M. Lenorovitz, Aviation Week & Space gram aimed at concerns over the missile's Intercept (BPI) project, which was to destroy Technology, 1/11/93, pp. 22-23 (3209). George performance during the Gulf War. Acting Scud-type missiles in their vulnerable 90 sec- Leopold and Barbara Opall, Defense News, 2/8/ director for theater missile defense programs ond post launch phase. U.S. and Israeli ex- 93, pp. 4, 52 (3221). at the U.S. Army Missile Defense Command perts believe that to defend against cluster/ in Huntsville, Alabama, Alan Sherer notes subdividing chemical, biological or nuclear 1/7/93 that in accordance with an increased empha- warheads, the delivery vehicle must be de- The State Department announces that U.S. sis on the ability to document and verify the stroyed in the early boost phase. At a bud- export controls have been revised to cover Patriot improvements and test results, Scud- get presentation to the Pentagon, SDIO act- items useful in the production of ballistic mis- like targets would carry instruments used to ing director Maj. Gen. O'Neill claims that SDI siles designed to deliver chemical and bio- collect telemetry data in order to verify flight programs such as Patriot PAC-3 and THAAD logical warheads. The guideline revision is paths, and sensors in order to ascertain dam- that attack single warhead missiles high in pursuant to a 6/92 MTCR decision to con- age. Sherer states that improvements to the their terminal phase would quickly be satu- trol missiles capable of carrying payloads PAC-2 include a radar shroud around the rated by missiles that release unconventional more than 300 km rather than payloads of back of the Patriot's fire control radar and warheads earlier in their trajectory. He claims 500 kg and over. In evaluation of applica- missile and fuse upgrades, while PAC-3 im- that robust funding for BPI must begin by tions for Annex items, the U.S. will consider: provements entail entire system upgrades. 1994, and implores the Pentagon to recon- capabilities and objectives of the missile and George Leopold and Barbara Opall, Defense News, sider the funding decision. He estimates that space programs of the recipient state; sig- 2/8/93, pp. 4, 52 (3221). an Air Force BPI plan, involving an airborne nificance of the transfer in terms of the po- laser, would cost $29 million in 1994 and $379 tential development of delivery systems 2/2/93 million through 1999. (other than by manned aircraft) for weapons U.S. Secretary of Defense Les Aspin tells Barbara Opall, Defense News, 2/22/93, pp. 3, 20 of mass destruction; assessment of the end armed forces officials that they must cut $10.8 (3129). use of the transfers, including the relevant billion from their 1994 budget including $2.5 assurances; and the applicability of relevant billion from the Strategic Defense Initiative 2/9/93 multilateral agreements. Organization (SDIO). The $1.8 billion Patriot A budget report by acting Strategic De- Export Control News, 1/28/93, pp. 2-3 (3136). PAC-3 missile system may be canceled and, fense Initiative Organization (SDIO) direc- according to SDIO program documents, the tor Major General Malcolm O'Neill states 1/8/93 CORPSAM air defense missile system is that the SDIO budget will be cut by $2.5. At a White House National Security Coun- being shelved. billion in 1994, part of $10 billion in cuts cil meeting, the U.S. State Department re- Robert Holzer, Neil Munro, & Vago Muradian, from the 1994-1999 budgets. Theater High mains committed to its decision allowing U.S. Defense News, 2/8/93, pp. 1, 50 (2859). Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system companies to share space launch technol- and Theater Missile Ground Based Radar de- ogy information with foreign firms. 2/3/93 ployments will be delayed from 2000 until Lack of consensus during a White House A report entitled "A New Case for Naval 2001. Prototypes for the theater missile de- National Security Council meeting caused Arms Control," by Naval Postgraduate fense system will proceed, although deploy- by fears of Defense, Transportation, and School professor James Tritten, urges the ment, once planned for 1996, in now unspeci- Commerce department officials that the U.S. Navy to endorse arms control. Despite fied. The planned budget cuts sea-based spread of missile technology will hurt the the lack of U.S. Navy interest in naval arms theater defense spending from $473 million U.S. domestic launch business, means that control, the proliferation of advanced naval to $200 million, delaying deployment of 15 of 18 licenses granted by the U.S. State arms such as anti-ship cruise missiles "Scud-busting" capabilities aboard Aegis Department to companies desiring to coop- "eventually will force the Navy to embrace ships. Additionally, the budget eliminates erate with foreign industry in building and some form of naval arms control." U.S. offi- plans to deploy ground based interceptor launching rockets will likely be referred to cials said that U.S. President Bush's deci- prototypes at a national missile defense President Bush for a final decision. The re- sion in 9/91 to withdraw tactical nuclear site at Grand Forks, North Dakota. An air maining three licenses, proposed ventures bombs, missiles, and torpedoes from U.S. launched anti-Scud missile for destroy- between U.S. companies and Krunichev En- Navy ships has withered the impetus for ing Scuds in boost phase, and other terprises of Moscow may also be referred

The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 199 Missile Developments

UNITED STATES boost phase projects, such as the the previous Strategic Defense Based Theater Warning/Attack Assessment, Hypervelocity Missile, will not be funded in Initiative." which is part of the Follow-on Early Warn- 1994. Among the other programs feeling the Washington Times, 3/24/93, p. A2 (2864). ing System (FEWS), $214.8 million; and Chey- budget cuts are: PAC-3 Patriot missiles, Army enne Mountain Complex Theater Warning/ Corps Surface-to-Air missile, Brilliant 3/25/93 Attack Assessment (FEWS), $141.8 million. Pebbles interceptor program, Brilliant Eyes Lieutenant Colonel Jean Freitas, a spokes- Procurement requests are: (Army) Patriot space based sensor program, neutral particle man for the Strategic Defense Initiative Or- missile, $40.6 million, Patriot modifications, beam, miniature seeker technology integra- ganization (SDIO), confirms that the Little $18.5 million, (Navy) Standard missile, $215 tion, and the hypervelocity gun program. David anti-missile device, developed by million, Standard missile modifications, $14.5, Barbara Opall, Defense News, 2/15/93, p. 6 (3043). Sandia Laboratories in Albuquerque, New and Hawk missile modifications, $2.1 million. Mexico, is part of an SDIO study to be com- Joseph Lovece, Defence Week, 4/19/93, pp. 5 3/11/93 pleted in the summer of 1993 to strike Scud- (2861). Colonel Frederick Kilgore, U.S. Army man- like missiles in their initial boost phase. Little ager of the Theater High Altitude Area De- David, which could weigh less than 100 4/93 fense (THAAD) program, says that changes pounds and reach altitudes of 10,000 ft, is The U.S. Navy plans to field a modified Stan- are needed in the design of the THAAD sys- designed to blend into mountainous, tropi- dard missile as a laser fire missile interceptor tem so that Scud-like missiles could be inter- cal or desert terrain and could be airdropped by 1996 or 1997, and is also beginning to cepted just within or above the earth's atmo- or prepositioned by special operations develop a long range interceptor, which will sphere. Paul Lynch, deputy program man- forces. likely be a THAAD variant or Standard mis- ager for THAAD, says that problems with Barbara Opall, Defense News, 3/29/93, pp. 3, 37 sile with a lightweight exoatmospheric pro- integrating and packaging system compo- (2908). jectile to be fielded by 2000. According to nents and difficulties with the excessive the U.S. Navy's intelligence director Rear weight of the flight termination system 3/30/93 Edward Sheafer, a finite number of prompted the redesign in which the Army U.S. Defense Secretary Les Aspin tells the Aegis cruisers, positioned along the U.S. chose a larger missile rather than develop a House Armed Services Committee that the coast and armed with ballistic missile inter- new termination system. The flight termina- defense budget recognizes the increasing ceptors will be able to protect the entire U.S. tion system allows the missile to self-destruct threat posed by North Korea, Iraq and Iran's from a "modest raid of incoming ICBMs." on command. capacity to deliver nuclear and other weap- The Navy's Theater Missile Defense (TMD) ons of mass destruction, but does not pro- is meant to compliment, not replace, the Barbara Opall, Defense News, 3/22/93, pp. 3, 28 vide for defenses against Scud-type missile, Army's Theater High Altitude Area Defense (2909). or for U.S. defense against such attacks. (THAAD). Washington Post, 4/5/93, p. A21 (2863). Stephen C. Le Suer, Inside the Pentagon, 4/8/93, 3/15/93 pp. 25-26 (2900). Inside the Pentagon, 4/22/93, The U.S. government plans to spend $75 4/93 pp. 14-15 (2883). million in 1993 and requested $150 million U.S. President Bill Clinton releases his 1994 for the War Breaker program, which, accord- plan for missile defense in which ground- 4/22/93 ing to executive director of War Breaker based defensive weapons are given much The U.S. House of Representatives intro- Chuck Herber, is an effort to use satellites higher priority for missile defense. Although duces a bill requiring the President to con- and sensors to locate mobile targets in war- the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization firm that China met conditions which include, time. (SDIO) will receive the same funding as in terminating shipments of missiles to Syria, Vincent Kiernan, Defense News, 3/15/93, p. 28 1993, Space-based interceptors will become Iran, or Pakistan, before extending China's (2860). part of SDIO's technology. most favored nation (MFN) trading status Andrew Lawler, Defense News, 4/5/93, p. 16 (2882). in 7/93. 3/23/93 James R Asker, Aviation Week & Space Technology, Washington Times, 4/23/93, p. A4 (3064). Pentagon scientists test anti-missile sensors 4/12/93, p. 63 (3358). in space above Florida. Assistant director of sensor technology at the Ballistic Missile 4/93 UNITED STATES WITH ARGENTINA Defense Organization (BMDO), William The Pentagon's new 1994 armed forces bud- Frederick says that the $12.3 million test get requests for research and development 1/93 was a "major step" toward improvement of related to SDIO programs include: (Navy) Argentina completes delivery of most of the the aim of land-based missiles, like the Standard Missile Improvements $63 million; components of the Condor 2 missile project Patriot, and that it "marks...the change of (Air Force) Distant Early Warning Radar, to U.S. officials in Spain where the metal the ballistic missile defense program from $23.6 million; Ballistic Missile Early Warn- rocket parts are crushed to preclude future ing System, $600,000; Improved Space

200 The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 Missile Developments

UNITED STATES use. Two years earlier President Carlos head" which was never sent to Spain. The UNITED STATES WITH INDIA Menem promised to dismantle the Condor ambassador also outlines the possibilities project. The 14 completed rocket engines for the destruction of the Falda de Carmen 12/90 and solid propellant are likely to be sent to facility, where there is sufficient infrastruc- India abandons a 1990 deal with Cray Cor- the U.S. to be destroyed. Both Argentina ture still present to renew the Condor-2 poration of the U.S. for a supercomputer (No. and the U.S. acknowledge that the computer project. Jose Julia claims that the project is 1205), which was built for the Indian Insti- guidance systems are missing. An Argen- now the sole responsibility of the National tute of Science in Bangalore. The deal was tine official states, "We cannot account for Space Activities Commission and that the abandoned after waiting for the U.S. Bush several of these. We've handed over 98 per- Condor-2 never had a computerized guid- administration to resolve a two year dispute cent of the Condor, and this is the last part, ance system. However, there are reports that over how to guarantee that the computer but we just don't know what happened to the Condor's guidance system was sent to would not be used to make missiles or nuclear them. I don't think we are talking of the pos- Spain's National Institute of Aerospace tech- weapons. sibility that they left the country." nology in 1991. Stuart Auerbach, Washington Post, 3/19/93, p. C1 Nathaniel C. Nash, New York Times, 3/7/93, p. 10 La Prensa (Buenos Aires), 3/6/93, p. 4; in JPRS- (3423). (3195). Jon B. Wolfsthal, Arms Control Today, 4/ TND-93-008, 3/22/93, pp. 19-20 (2880). United 93, p. 24 (3195). Press International, 4/1/93; in Executive News 1/93 Service 4/2/93 (2881). The U.S. threatens to make permanent the 2/13/93 sanctions imposed on Russia's Glavkosmos The U.S. signs a memorandum of under- and India's ISRO for the cryogenic engine standing that will allow Argentina to pur- UNITED STATES WITH AUSTRALIA deal, as both companies are going ahead with chase U.S. advanced computer equipment, the contract. nuclear technology, and aeronautical guid- 12/23/92 The Nation (Islamabad), 1/3/93, p. 6; in FBIS- ance systems. Argentina in turn agrees to a The U.S. State Department approves 18 li- NES-93-022, 2/4/93, pp. 59-60 (3412). series of export controls over technology censes to U.S. companies to cooperate with that it has bought from the U.S. or devel- Australian, Italian, Russian and Spanish in- oped indigenously. The event marks the first dustry in building and launching rockets. UNITED STATES WITH INDONESIA time that the U.S. has influenced a Latin Andrew Lawler, Space News, 1/11/93, pp. 1, 20 American country to agree to limit its exports (3220). 4/93 of nuclear, missile, chemical and biological Lockheed corporation is invited by Indone- warfare technology. sia to discuss Lockheed's and Khrunichev Nathaniel C. Nash, New York Times, 2/13/93, p. 4 UNITED STATES WITH EGYPT Enterprises's offer to launch two Indonesian (2879). Embassy of Argentine Republic Press satellites. Communique, 4/21/93 (2935). 2/93 Jeffrey M. Lenorovitz, Aviation Week & Space Egyptian Assistant Minister of Defense Technology, 4/12/93, pp. 61-62 (3421). 2/28/93 Major General Hosni Suleiman states in an The Argentine daily newspaper Clarin re- interview that Egypt has contracted with the ports that the U.S. has informed Argentina United States for Harpoon missiles in an ef- UNITED STATES WITH IRAN that parts of the Condor-2 missile have yet fort to strengthen the Egyptian Navy. to be received. Argentinean officials deny Defense News, 2/15/93, p. 46 (2907). 10/23/92 that any parts are missing, claiming that the U.S. President George Bush signs a bill man- remaining pieces were not dismantled be- dating an embargo on items that previously cause they are intended to be used in a civil- UNITED STATES WITH GREECE required a validated license for export to Iran. ian project. Export Control News, 11/27/92, p. 3 (2957). Reuter, 2/28/93; in Executive News Service, 3/1/93 2/93 (2992). U.S. officials are still negotiating the sale of 1/5/93 nine Multiple Launch Rocket Systems Reza Zandian and Charles Reeger are ar- 3/1/93 (MLRS) to Greece. Saudi Arabia originally rested in San Diego by the Office of Export During a closed door meeting with ordered the U.S. MLRS, but declined to buy Enforcement for attempting to ship two IBM Argentinean Air Force Chief Jose Julia, U.S. them noting that it could not afford the pur- RISC supercomputers to Iran via France af- Ambassador to Argentina Terrence Todman chase. ter authorities seized ES-9000 computers inquires about the "missing parts" to the Jane's Defense Weekly, 2/13/93, pp. 35-36 (3038). valued at $2 million the previous day. Condor-2 missiles. Todman notes that ev- Zandian set up companies (Lucash Corpo- erything requested to date was in the U.S. ration and Iran Business Machines) in with the exception of the "intelligent war-

The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 201 Missile Developments


Irvine, California for the procurement of com- to assist Israel in incorporating U.S. tech- Aluf Ben, Ha'aretz (Tel Aviv), 12/24/93, p. B3; in puters through a third company that he con- nologies such as enhanced computer pro- JPRS-NEA-93-016, 2/3/93, p. 13 (3118). trolled, Computer World (or CEPAT), located cessing, missile guidance, and advanced ma- in Argenteuil, France. The two men are in- terials and manufacturing parts and pro- 1/93 dicted on 1/22/93. cesses into Israeli production. The meeting A U.S. Army spokesman says that the Army Mednews, 4/19/93, p. 4 (3487). also addresses U.S. concern over Israeli tech- Advanced Systems Office proposes evalu- nology transfer policies. U.S. sources say ating the Israeli Arrow theater defense mis- that export licensing to Israel will be depen- sile and the Theater High Altitude Area De- UNITED STATES WITH IRAQ dent upon Israel's adherence to multinational fense (THAAD) system as candidates for arms control agreements such as the MTCR the Theater Surface-to-Air Missile (TSAM) 1/93 and CWC; the U.S. must be convinced that system, an "upper tier" weapons system The U.S. and its coalition partners warn Iraqi Israel will no longer export sensitive tech- meant to intercept ballistic missiles shortly President Saddam Hussein that the SA-2 and nologies to the PRC, South Africa, and sev- after they reenter the atmosphere. Accord- SA-3 anti-aircraft missile batteries positioned eral Central and South American nations. ing to the U.S. Army's recent Science and below the 32nd parallel are to be removed by Barbara Opall, Defense News, 11/30/92, pp. 3, 21 Technology Master Plan, TSAM will be a late 1/8/93. The Iraqi anti-aircraft missile (3127). medium and high altitude defense system batteries are there to protect Iraqi aircraft fly- for defending corps size or larger bodies of ing in the area in defiance of the U.N. no-fly 12/92 troops and will also be able to launch short zone. An Israeli Ministry of Defense team holds duration, low cost satellites on demand, Aviation Week & Space Technology, 1/11/93, p. 26 meetings for several weeks in the U.S. lob- which will allow the theater commander to (2930). bying for support for a U.S.-Israeli surface- augment communications and surveillance to-air missile defense development project capabilities. TSAM is intended to replace 1/17/93 to be conducted within the SDI program. The the Patriot missile after 2000. U.S. forces attack an Iraqi military-industrial team proposes a study to assess the use of Joseph Lovece, Defense Week, 2/1/93, p. 13 (3045). complex known as Djilah park in the town of RPVs to attack surface-to-surface missiles Za'faraniyah with 40 cruise missiles. during boost phase when they are still mov- 1/5/93 R. Jeffrey Smith, Washington Post, 1/18/93; in ing slowly. The RPV project in Israel has a CIA Director Robert Gates confirms that the Executive News Service, 1/19/93 (3361). budget of $6 million, and is considered as Chinese obtained Patriot anti-missile tech- important to national security as the Arrow nology, but would not confirm media reports 1/21/93 ATBM project. Advocates of the concept that Israel gave that technology to China. U.S. forces attack an Iraqi ground radar site say that it would allow less wartime damage After sending investigators to Israel to check in the northern no-fly zone and a senior U.N. to Israel, and fits well with Israel's doctrine out an earlier report, a 4/92 State Department official states that five plane loads of inspec- of engaging the enemy on his own territory. report stated that there was no corroborat- tors will still go to Iraq despite this attack Potential enemies may fear having inter- ing evidence that Israel had transferred Pa- and one conducted on 1/17/93. cepted missile warheads explode over their triot missile technology to China. Gates now Reuter, 1/21/93 (3361). own territory and this may deter the use of says that there are "disagrements on the question" of whether or not that report un- 2/93 unconventional warheads. Israeli Aircraft derestimated contradictory intelligence. Reports surface that the CIA knew that the Industries has experience in RPVs, and When the State Department report was re- British company Matrix Churchill Corpora- Raphael, a state-run military complex, has leased, Bush administration officials said that tion was supplying military-related equip- experience in infrared guided missiles. they had closed the matter to avoid harming ment, including machine tools of value to Aluf Ben, Ha'aretz (Tel Aviv), 12/24/92, p. B3; in JPRS-NEA-93-016, 2/3/93, p. 13 (3118). the Middle East peace process. Iraq's nuclear weapons program to Iraq as Drora Perl, DAVAR (Tel Aviv), 1/6/93, p. 2; in FBIS- early as 1987. 12/3/92 NES-93-003, 1/6/93, p. 31, (3077). Israel Foreign R. Jeffrey Smith, Washington Post, 2/15/93, pp. The SDI administration announces its inten- Affairs, 2/26/93, p. 6 (3026). A22-A23 (3490). tion to establish contacts with the Israeli Ministry of Defense to conduct technical 1/14/93 studies on approaches for the boost phase The U.S. Army program manager of the UNITED STATES WITH ISRAEL interception of ballistic missiles. The admin- U.S.-Israeli Arrow anti-ballistic missile istration believes that Israel possesses project Michael Holtcamp claims that elec- 11/23/92 trical adjustments incorporated into the At a three day meeting, U.S. and Israeli offi- unique experience with wartime missile de- fense and the operation of RPVs. missile were the key to the success of cials decide to establish working groups the Arrow's fourth and final test flight.

202 The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 Missile Developments


Holtcamp said that the Arrow could now and range, and designed to intercept Scud- 3/30/93 move on to the Arrow Continuation Experi- type missiles, cruise missiles and aircraft A Pentagon official states that the Penta- ments (ACES). using a dual infrared seeker for high altitudes gon and the State Department are consider- Defense Daily, 1/22/93, p. 105 (3375). and a radio frequency seeker for low-flying, ing special exemptions for Israel or chang- air breathing systems accompanied by ing Israel's MTCR status, both of which 2/9/93 heavy countermeasures. would aid U.S. technology sharing with Is- At a budget presentation to the Pentagon, Alan Ben-'Ami, Qol Yisra'el (Jerusalem), 2/28/93; rael. The official also says that Israel would Maj. Gen. O'Neill, acting director of SDIO, in FBIS-NES-93-038, 3/1/93, p. 40 (3374). have to abandon its past practices of unau- says that the joint U.S.-Israeli Boost Phase Aerospace Daily, 3/2/93, p. 336 (3374). Barbara Opall and Sharone Parnes, Defense News, 3/8/93, thorized sales and transfers of U.S. technol- Intercept (BPI) project will need an estimated p. 6 (3370). SDI Monitor, 3/12/93, pp. 62-63 ogy in order to qualify for U.S. exemptions. $140 million in funding through 1994. The (3389). Neal Sandler, The Jerusalem Report, 3/ George Leopold and Barbara Opall, Defense News, U.S. and Israeli governments are to meet 25/93, pp. 36-37 (3388). 4/12/93, pp. 1, 28 (3128). some time in 1993 to sign a $5.7 million con- tract to explore BPI approaches; funding for 3/93 3/31/93 the study will come from both countries. At a meeting in Washington with Israeli Prime Maj. Gen. Giora Rom, Israeli defense attache Barbara Opall, Defense News, 2/22/93, pp. 3, 20 Minister Yitzhak Rabin, President Clinton to Washington, claims that Israel would like (3129). declines to commit U.S. funds to the Israeli to become a full MTCR member, but refuses project for the development of a UAV that to give details. 2/16/93 fires anti-ballistic missiles; the Israelis will George Leopold and Barbara Opall, Defense News, A senior Israeli military official says that the continue the project on their own. The Is- 4/12/93, pp. 1, 28 (3128). BPI program would continue even without raeli project calls for a large, long endurance U.S. funding. UAV equipped with infrared sensors that 4/8/93 Barbara Opall, Defense News, 2/22/93, pp. 3, 20 would loiter in enemy territory and attack Dore Gold, a policy analyst for the Tel Aviv- (3129). launching Scuds with heat seeking missiles. based Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies, At the same meeting, Rabin requests a di- states that MTCR standards would allow the 2/18/93 transfer of sensitive technologies to Israel if An SDIO spokesman says that the U.S. Air rect link between Israel and the U.S. Space Command at Cheyenne Mountain AB in the U.S. made Israel a full ally. Force and joint U.S.-Israeli BPI programs George Leopold and Barbara Opall, Defense News, were unrelated to the Raptor Talon program Colorado, and successfully broaches the 4/12/93, pp. 1, 28 (3128). managed by Lawrence Livermore National subject of allowing Israel greater access to Laboratory. The Israeli BPI effort is also raw information obtained from U.S. satellites 4/8/93 unrelated to the $479 million joint U.S.-Is- operating over such countries as Iran and Michael Holtcamp, Arrow program manager raeli Arrow project, which is designed to at- Iraq. for the U.S. Global Protection Against Lim- Flight International, 4/7/93, p. 6 (3122). tack Scud-type missiles during reentry phase. ited Strikes (GPALS) office states that dur- Barbara Opall, Defense News, 2/22/93, pp. 3, 20 ing the next several months U.S. and Israeli (3129). 3/15/93 officials will step up their campaign to lessen At a meeting in Washington with Israeli Prime technological risks associated with Arrow's 2/28/93 Minister Yitzhak Rabin, President Clinton components, including the dual-mode The fifth test firing of the U.S.-Israeli Arrow states that the U.S. and Israel are to improve seeker. He also said that the Arrow warhead missile is conducted from a ship in the Medi- strategic cooperation, which many U.S. and presents less of a challenge than the radome, terranean Sea to evaluate the solid fuel Israeli sources claim will come into conflict because a warhead prototype has already rocket motor and guidance system. The mis- with U.S. missile technology export controls been flight tested. An Israeli official claims sile, traveling nine times the speed of sound, such as those outlined in the MTCR. The that the warhead could be tested on the sec- comes within 40 m of its target, another Ar- increased cooperation will not mean more ond Arrow-2 test in the summer of 1993. row reentering the atmosphere. The test al- aid, but rather technology sharing and co- Barbara Opall, Defense News, 4/12/93, pp. 1, 28 lowed for the evaluation of a series of engi- operative projects such as the Arrow (3377). neering changes intended to correct guid- ATBM. U.S. congressional investigators ance, tracking, and overheating complica- have pointed out contradictions between the 5/9/93 tions which caused test failures in the Arrow project and the U.S. policy of safe- Semiannual high level talks over two days past. This successful evaluation opens the guarding missile technology; a classified are to consider how to address MTCR re- door for additional testing to begin on the General Accounting Office investigating strictions while improving U.S.-Israeli stra- Arrow Continuation Experiments (ACES) these contradictions is scheduled for release tegic cooperation and technology sharing. missile with twice the capability in height in the summer of 1993. George Leopold and Barbara Opall, Defense News, George Leopold and Barbara Opall, Defense News, 4/12/93, pp. 1, 28 (3128). 4/12/93, pp. 1, 28 (3128).

The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 203 Missile Developments

UNITED STATES WITH ITALY UNITED STATES WITH JAPAN 4/93 Kuwait is to receive Patriot missiles from the 12/92 4/22/93 U.S. in the latter half of 1993 as part of a The U.S. State Department approves 15 ex- Pentagon officials say that Japan, which is defense build up reported to be worth $15 port licenses to sell launch vehicle informa- discussing its options with U.S. military of- billion by the year 2000. Kuwait will report- tion to Italy, Spain and Australia. Subse- ficials to counter the North Korean nuclear edly spend $2.5 billion on Patriot missile bat- quent reports indicate that the unexpected threat, could rely on U.S. Navy ships for bal- teries and an unreported number of Hawk air approval of the licenses "provoked a storm listic missile protection or may arm its Aegis defense missiles. of criticism" from Defense Transportation destroyers with ballistic missile interceptors. Statesman (New Delhi); in Asian Recorder, 4/23/ and Commerce departments. The State De- Japan is currently buying Aegis combat sys- 93, p. 23086 (2928). partment stood by its original decision in a tems and upgrading the Aegis radars to track White House Meeting, where senior admin- and target theater ballistic missiles. The UNITED STATES WITH MULTI-COUNTRY istration officials failed to agree on whether Aegis contract prohibits the Japanese from to uphold or revoke the licenses.The li- upgrading, refitting, or reverse-engineering GROUP censes are of concern to Italy, which is de- the Aegis technology themselves. veloping the Scout 2 launcher with the as- Inside the Pentagon, 4/22/93, p. 14 (3343). 11/20/92 sistance of Loral Vought Systems (formerly During a meeting of the G-7 on international LTV Aerospace and Defense), Dallas, the de- trade controls held in Bonn, Germany, mem- veloper of the Scout rocket. BPD Difesa e UNITED STATES WITH KUWAIT ber nations reject U.S. proposals to deny Spazio, Colleferro, Italy, was to build solid exports of all internationally controlled dual- boosters to be attached to the Scout rocket. 1/12/93 use items to Iran. The U.S. proposal calls for Since the license was requested , however, Raytheon announces its $327 million con- the implementation of a multilateral presump- the Italian Space Agency has reconsidered. tract to supply five Patriot fire units and 210 tion of denial policy for all items contained In an effort to avoid heavy dependence on missiles to Kuwait by mid-1995. Raytheon in the lists of COCOM, MTCR Equipment Loral Vought, Italy has decided to develop may also supply an integrated Patriot/Hawk and Technology Annex, Australia Group most of the rocket's technology indigenously air defense system of six Raytheon Hawk lists of CBW precursors and processing Andrew Lawler, Space News, 1/11/93, pp. 4, 21 anti-aircraft batteries, plus missiles pending equipment and NSG dual-use materials. (3131). the review of batteries returned by Iraq after Export Control News, 11/27/92, p. 3 (2957). the Gulf War. 12/15/93 Aviation Week & Space Technology, 1/18/93, p. 21 12/92 Italian magistrate Michele Aiello orders the (3244). Flight International, 1/20/93, pp. 4-5 The U.S. State Department approves 15 ex- Italian Space Agency (ASI) to pay $57 mil- (3244). port licenses to sell launch vehicle informa- lion to the University of Rome for its joint tion to Spain, Italy and Australia. Subse- Scout program with the American company 1/93 quent reports indicate that the unexpected Loral Vought Systems. The Italian govern- The U.S. moves Patriot SAMs back into Ku- approval of the licenses "provoked a storm ment approved $60 million in funding to the wait in response to concerns over the possi- of criticism" from Defense Transportation University of Rome, which planned to spend bility of an Iraqi missile attack in retaliation and Commerce departments. The State De- much of the money on U.S. technology. for coalition air raids on Iraqi installations. partment stood by its original decision in a However, ASI favored an all-Italian launcher, There remains some doubt as to whether all White House Meeting, where senior admin- and wanted to stop the funding. of Iraq's ballistic missiles have been de- istration officials failed to agree on whether Robina Riccitiello, Space News, 1/18/93, pp. 3, 21 stroyed despite the efforts of U.N. inspec- to uphold or revoke the licenses. President (3404). tors. Bush will make the final decision. The li- Duncan Lennox, Jane's Defence Weekly, 2/19/93, censes are of concern to the Instituto p. 78 (2926). 12/23/92 Nacional Technica Aerospatiale (INTA) The U.S. State Department approved 18 li- which is interested in purchasing U.S. equip- censes to U.S. companies to cooperate with 1/19/93 Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al- ment for their Capricornio launcher. INTA Australian, Italian, Russian and Spanish in- has initiated for $30 million effort to begin dustry in building and launching rockets. Ahmed Al-Jabar Al-Sabah says, in response to the shipping of U.S. Patriot missiles to construction of this small three stage rocket Andrew Lawler, Space News, 1/11/93, pp. 1, 20 powered by solid and liquid fuel rockets and (3220). Kuwait, that "We asked for that [Patriots] because we have to save our people in Ku- capable of placing 220 lbs into low Earth or- wait." Sheikh Sabah did not specify the num- bit. Spain will be assisted by an unidentified ber of missiles sent. U.S. company whose license request Asian Recorder, 2/19/93, p. 22935 (2911).

204 The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 Missile Developments

UNITED STATES was opposed by U.S. defense officials con- State Department report states that it could develop cruise missiles that possess stealth cerned about the possible military applica- not find corroborating evidence that Israel capabilities, can carry chemical and biologi- bility of the project despite Capricornio pro- had transferred Patriot Missile technology cal weapons, and can be operational by the gram director Ricardo Dorado's statement in to China. Gates now says that there are "dis- year 2000. Although these countries have 1992 that the rocket's "sole purpose" is to agreements on the question" of whether or indigenous programs, they are also pursu- place a small satellite into orbit. not that report underestimated contradictory ing avenues of joint cooperation. The re- Andrew Lawler, Space News, 1/11/93, pp. 4, 21 intelligence. When the State Department port states that China is of particular con- (3131). Andrew Lawler, Space News, 1/11/93, pp. report was released, Bush administration cern as it intends to build a nuclear warhead 1, 20 (3220). officials said that they closed the matter to for its cruise missiles. China's development avoid harming the Middle East peace pro- of a weapon that "no existing anti-missile cess. system will be able to stop" sparks intense UNITED STATES WITH PRC Drora Perl, DAVAR (Tel Aviv), 1/6/93, p. 2; debate among military planners. in FBIS-NES-93-003, 1/6/93, p. 31, (3077). UPI (Washington); in Executive News Ser- 11/92 Israel Foreign Affairs, 2/26/93, p. 6 (3026). vice, 2/1/93 (3319). The PRC signs a contract with Garrett En- gines, a U.S. company, to purchase a turn- 1/28/93 4/93 key factory for the production of advanced The U.S. Commerce Department reports that U.S. State Department official Frank Wisner turbo-fans, which could be used in cruise it is reversing its judgement on the proposed encourages the Clinton administration to sell missiles. Sources in Washington believe that sale of U.S. manufactured Allied-Signal air- the Cray M92 supercomputer, and cruise the PRC is purchasing equipment in the U.S. craft engines to China, stating that the trans- missile engines to China despite opposition and Europe for a new project to build a stra- fer of manufacturing technology and en- from U.S. intelligence, Pentagon, and the tegic cruise missile. Mednews, 11/23/92, p. 5 (2997). gines containing special digital control tech- Arms Control and Disarmament Agency nologies identified on the U.S. Commerce (ACDA). Opposition to the sales is based 12/4/92 Control List did in fact require an export li- on the argument that the Cray M92, a U.S. national security officials meet to dis- cense. There is opposition to the sale in the supercomputer ostensibly used for "weather cuss the proposed sale of a Cray Defense Department and the Arms Control prediction," could be used for the develop- supercomputer to the PRC. Export officials and Disarmament Agency; one Defense ment of China's nuclear program, and that and commerce officials favor the sale, while Department official said, "The engines have China might later transfer the computer or Pentagon officials oppose the sale on definite missile applications, and China's its services to Iran. grounds that the supercomputer could be record on imprudent foreign missile sales is Mednews, 2/8.93, p. 4 (2996). used for research on the PRC's nuclear weap- legendary." ons and missiles. Export Control News, 1/28/93, pp. 15-16 (3171). Bill Gertz, Washington Times, 12/5/92, p. A3 (3233). UNITED STATES WITH RUSSIA Jim Mann, Los Angeles Times, 12/5/92, p. A16 2/93 (3233). The U.S. Office of Export Enforcement, Bu- 9/21/92 reau of Export Administration, U.S. Depart- At a meeting of the U.N. General Assembly 1/93 ment of Commerce issues charging letters in New York, U.S. President George Bush and The U.S. has added booster units as well as against Peter Burger, Helling KG of Hamburg Russian President Boris Yeltsin re affirm an engine system to the top stage of Chi- and International Business Connections of their intention to create a global protection nese rockets which are launching U.S. satel- Luxembourg in a conspiracy to acquire 60 system. The system which was an- lites into orbit. The PRC has already launched U.S. origin Tektronix work stations in Ma- nounced on 6/92, includes sharing early three of nine satellites to be launched under laysia for reexport and to acquire a Proquip warning data, curbing ballistic missile pro- an agreement between the two countries. rigid disk certifier and Tektronix color graphic liferation, and finding avenues for techno- Manki Ponomarev, Krasnaya Zvezda (Moscow), 1/ work station from the U.S. to Hong Kong 19/93, p. 3; in FBIS-SOV-93-012, p. 24 (3476). logical cooperation. The U.S. and Russian and the certifier to Malaysia; the items were teams, coordinated by Bush assistant Den- to eventually be directed to an end-user in 1/5/93 nis Ross and Russian deputy foreign min- the PRC. ister Georgi Mamedov, separate into three CIA Director Robert Gates confirms that Federal Register, 4/9/93, pp. 18368-18374 (3424). the Chinese obtained Patriot anti-missile teams that are meeting regularly. The teams will focus on a global protection system, technology, but would not confirm media 2/1/93 technological cooperation, and nonprolifera- reports that Israel gave that technology to A U.S. analyst comments on a classified Pen- tion. The nonproliferation team from China. After sending investigators to Is- tagon report indicating that China, Iran and rael to check out an earlier report, a 4/92 Syria all have aggressive programs to

The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 205 Missile Developments

UNITED STATES the U.S. will be led by the Arms Control and tiative Organization (SDIO) Henry Cooper 12/30/92 Disarmament Agency. says that the Russians are showing great U.S. President Bush goes on a trip to the George Leopold, Barbara Opall, Defense News, interest in the proposed American global bal- Black Sea city of Sochi where he and Rus- 11/23/92, pp. 3, 20 (3059). listic missile defense system, which could sian President Boris Yeltsin are to sign the be useful in protecting Moscow from neigh- START II Arms Reduction Treaty which will 10/92 bors such as Ukraine, and that he envisions eliminate each nation's heavy land based A technology cooperation panel, led by the the Russians and Americans sharing com- ICBM's, all other land-based multiple war- SDIO director for technology, U.S. Air Force mand and control. head missiles by 2003, and bring down the Colonel Peter Warden, meets with Russian Michael Evens, Washington Times, 12/8/92, p. 8 total number of warheads on each side to officials in New York. At the mid-October (2922). between 3,000 and 3,500. In addition to spe- meeting of this technology working group, cific concessions recently negotiated in Russian officials submit "a fairly comprehen- 12/16/92 Geneva include: allowing Russia to retain sive list of topics" for future collaboration Russian Space Agency chief Yuri Koptev some of its 154 land-based SS-18 missile si- including early warning systems, effective- tells U.S. negotiators that if Russia is pre- los after filling the silos with approximately 5 ness of interceptors, and the survivability vented from entering the commercial launch meters of concrete so that they can not be of satellites when under attack. U.S. experts market, Russia will sell its rocket technology used for smaller missiles; and allowing Rus- want information about Russian radar and to nations like Iraq. sia to retain its SS-19 six warhead missile af- satellite data, particularly the rate of false Andrew Lawler, 1/4/93, Space News, pp. 1, 20 (3480). ter its reduction to a single warhead missile. alarms generated by the systems. They are Dan Oberdorfer, Washington Post, 12/30/92, pp. also interested in the integration of the Rus- A1, A12 (3054). Ann Devroy, Washington Post, 12/17/92 sian warning system, and to what extent the 12/31/92, pp. A1, A22 (3054). Ann Devroy, Russian Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin Washington Post, 1/4/93, pp. A1, A18 (3054). systems suffers from the many ground- gives permission (decree number 2349) to based radar sites that were lost with the break the Khrunichev factory to sign a deal with Early 1993 up of the Soviet Union. Motorola Corporation to launch three com- U.S. and Russian negotiators meet to dis- George Leopold, Barbara Opall, Defense News, 11/23/92, pp. 3, 20 (3059). mercial communications satellites. cuss Russia's compliance with the MTCR Reuter, 12/17/92; in Executive News Service, 12/ agreement, a major consideration in U.S.- 17/92 (3469). Daniel J. Marcus and Peter B. de Russian commercial launch cooperation, but 11/18-21/92 Selding, Space News, 1/18/93, pp. 3, 21 (3478). A U.S. interagency team, which included the little progress is made. Russia's willingness Director of Strategic Defense, Space and Veri- 12/23/92 to strictly adhere to the MTCR is viewed by fication Policy Doug Graham as the Penta- The U.S. State Department and Russian the U.S. as critical to any agreement with gon representative, meets with their Russian Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin approve Russia on the commercial launch market. The counterparts as part of the group tasked with a joint venture between Lockheed Missiles U.S. wants a commercial agreement with defining a "global protection system" and & Space Co. and Khrunichev Enterprise, Russia that is similar to the agreement the working out "remaining ambiguities." The called Lockheed-Khrunichev International, U.S. signed with China in 1987, in order to meetings take place at U.N. offices in New to commercially launch the Proton 1. The allow Russia into the commercial launch York. State Department approves these export li- market. U.S. concerns over any future agree- George Leopold, Barbara Opall, Defense News, censes for U.S. companies to participate in ment with Russia include: enforcement of an 11/23/92, pp. 3, 20 (3059). this joint venture. Subsequent reports indi- affective means of price controls for each cate that the Defense, Transportation, and launch, impact on the U.S. launch industry, 12/92 and, as stated by a U.S. administration offi- Director of the SDIO Henry Cooper reveals Commerce Departments are trying to have the licenses revoked. Department officials cial, "the real question is whether the Rus- that since 6/92, cooperation between the U.S. sians will agree to technological safeguards and Russia on missile defense entails shar- will try to resolve the disagreement between Sate and the other Departments, but a source and [ballistic missile proliferation control]." ing SDIO technology such as GPALS. High Andrew Lawler, Space News, 4/5/93, pp. 4, 20 level U.S.-Russian working parties have been "close to the discussions: said the decision (3049). touring U.S. and Russian weapons plants. is likely to be made by President Bush. Jeffrey M. Lenorovitz, Aviation Week & Space 1/93 Russia may benefit from U.S. early warning Technology, 1/4/93, pp. 24-25 (3480). Andrew sites such as Fylingdales, U.K. Lawler, 1/4/93, Space News, p. 20 (3480). Andrew A Russian delegation, headed by Sergey The Sunday Telegraph, 12/13/92 (2899). Lawler, 1/4/93, Space News, pp. 1, 20 (3480). Chubakhin, and a U.S. delegation headed by Andrew Lawler, Space News, 1/11/93, pp. 1, 20 Robert Einhorn, conduct talks aimed at the 12/7/92 (3220). Daniel J. Marcus and Peter B. de Selding, formation of a bilateral memorandum to re- Space News, 1/18/93, pp. 3, 21 (3478). Director of the U.S. Strategic Defense Ini- solve disputes related to the export of

206 The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 Missile Developments UNITED STATES missile technology, and to establish controls 2/3/93 ence and Technology Policy, states that the over those exports. First deputy chief of the Lawrence K. Gershwin, CIA Officer for Stra- Clinton administration understands that Russian Federation Ministry of Foreign Eco- tegic Programs, testifies that in the next de- Russia is going to enter the international nomic Relations Export Strategy and Sup- cade Russia is expected to deploy three mis- commercial launch market, and that the U.S. port Department Andrey Kushnirenk stated siles: a road mobile, single warhead SS-25, a and Russia could produce a commercial that consultations between the U.S. and silo based SS-25 and a follow on to the Ty- launch agreement later this year which would Russia produced an agreement of coopera- phoon submarine launched missile. Cur- involve launching U.S. satellites on Russian tion "not to assist the proliferation" of mis- rently, Russia has 10,000 nuclear warheads, vehicles. Western companies are worried sile technologies. The U.S. desires that Rus- and by the year 2003 will have reduced this about being undercut by Russian prices, but sia accept a "black list" of countries which to 2,000 to 2,500 warheads, which is below Musarra believes that an agreement would will be subject to restrictions on the sale of the START II limit of 3,500 warheads. address such concerns as quantity restric- missile technology. India, Brazil, and Egypt Aerospace Daily, 2/4/93, p. 195 (3157). tions and prices. are on this list. The U.S. threatens to extend Defense Daily, 4/27/93, p. 143 (3314). sanctions over several firms including 3/4/93 Glavkosmos, if Russia does not accept a Russia announces that it will build a new 4/3/93-4/4/93 modification to its cryogenic engine contract complex at the Plesetsk Cosmodrome for At the Vancouver Summit, Russian President with India as well as the "black list." launching U.S. commercial communications Boris Yeltsin and U.S. President Bill Clinton Andrey Borodin, Interfax (Moscow), 1/15/93; in satellites on Russian rockets. The U.S. will agree on several space related matters, to FBIS-SOV-93-012, 1/21/93, pp. 3-4 (3413). launch about 70 satellites into low orbit, some include establishment of a high-level com- Sergey Yakovlev, Rossiyskiye Vesti (Moscow), 3/3/ of which will probably be launched by Rus- mission to plan U.S.-Russian space and en- 93, p. 2; in FBIS-SOV-93-041, 3/4/93, pp. 10-11 (3299). sian rockets. ergy cooperation and a U.S. proposal for Moscow Radio Service, 3/4/93; in FBIS-SOV-93- talks to take place in 5/93 on the subject of 042, 3/5/93, p. 5 (3150). 1/93 Russian entry into the commercial launch The U.S. Strategic Defense Initiative Orga- market. 3/4/93 Space News, 4/12/93, pp. 1, 20 (3055). nization (SDIO) is quietly funding the newly Under Secretary of Defense for Policy-des- established Defense Technology Institute in ignate Frank G. Wisner tells the Senate 4/27/93 New Mexico to foster scientific collabora- Armed Services Committee that the U.S. is Russia's Salyut Design Bureau and Inmarsat tion between the U.S. and Russia. The insti- trying to get Russia to cancel its planned sign a contract to launch Inmarsat-3, a mainly tute may promote collaboration in neutral sale of cryogenic engines to India. The sale U.S. built satellite. The U.S. promised to grant particle beam technology. could jeopardize the joint venture between an export license, which includes technologi- Space News, 1/18/93, p. 2 (3429). Lockheed and Khrunichev to market the Pro- cal information safeguards for the satellite. 2/93 ton launch vehicle. Leyla Boulton, Financial Times, 4/28/93, p. 5 Aerospace Daily, 3/5/93, p. 363 (3280). Russia and the U.S. have a list of technolo- (3251). gies to jointly pursue, including propulsion, 4/93 sensor equipment, solid state lasers, neutral A private U.S. group called Sea Launch In- UNITED STATES WITH RUSSIA AND particle beams, simulation and modeling, and vestors is seeking the rights to use deacti- UKRAINE exchanging information on lethality and sur- vated Russian submarine-launched ballistic vivability. missiles for commercial floating sea launch SDI Monitor, 2/12/93, pp. 41-42 (3483). 10-11/92 services and microgravity missions in con- According to Pentagon sources, details of a 2/93 junction with the Russian developer, U.S. administration officials' proposed three The director of the Science and Technology Makeyev Design Office of Mechanical En- phase plan for protection against limited mis- directorate of SDIO Dwight Dustin states gineering. Sea Launch Investors will work sile strikes were presented to Russia, Ukraine, that his department hired 200 Russian re- with the Ramcon Association for Conver- and Belarus. searchers at Moscow's Kurchatov Institute, sion of Sea-based Ballistic Missiles which Phase one calls for the U.S. to provide Lebedev Institute, General Physics Institute was formed by Russian naval officers. allies with early warning information from Jeffrey M. Lenorovitz, Aviation Week & Space and Institute of Spectroscopy and St. Technology, 4/19/93, p. 22-23 (3298). Defense Support Program satellites. Phase Petersburg's Ioffe Institute. The SDIO two calls for technological cooperation hirings will allow the researchers to continue 4/93 between the U.S. and former Soviet states. their work which they started for the USSR Gerald Musarra, senior advisor for space The second phase will also include sharing including work in optics, sensing, silicon policy at the White House Office of Sci- of some expertise and critical components. carbide, and lasers. Phase three includes preparation of a mul- SDI Monitor, 2/26/93, pp. 52-53 (3465).

The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 207 Missile Developments

UNITED STATES tinational, rapid deployment, anti-missile tance, training, logistics support, spares, and program director Ricardo Dorado's statement force and a Pentagon proposed Global Pro- modifications for its Patriot and Hawk air in 1992 that the rocket's "sole purpose" is to tection Center, for detecting and tracking defense systems. The package is also ex- place a small satellite into orbit. missile launches. It would be built and oper- pected to contain upgrades from first and Andrew Lawler, Space News, 1/11/93, pp. 4, 21 ated by participating nations and designed second generation software and signal pro- (3131). Andrew Lawler, Space News, 1/11/93, pp. 1, 20 (3220). along the lines of the U.S.-Canadian early cessing hardware. warning center in Cheyenne Mountain, Colo- Defense News, 3/1/93, p. 17 (3439). Mednews, 3/ rado. Pentagon sources say that the multi- 1/93, p. 6 (2886). UNITED STATES WITH TAIWAN national force could consist of improvements to Russia's S-300 missile defense system, up- 12/23/92-1/93 graded U.S. Patriot missiles, the Theater High UNITED STATES WITH SOUTH AFRICA Raytheon is negotiating directly with Tai- Altitude Area Defense system and other wan for approximately $1.2 billion in Patriot planned U.S. and allied anti-missile systems. Late 1992 fire units and missiles. After 2000 the force would include planned The U.S. threatens South Africa with puni- tive measures if the South African-Russian Aviation Week & Space Technology, 1/4/93, p. 25 U.S. space and ground based interceptors. (3046). Aviation Week & Space Technology, 1/18/ Officials from NATO, Israel, Egypt, Japan, satellite launch deal proceeds. The threat is 93, p. 21 (3244). Flight International, 1/20/93, South Korea, and Australia have been part of an attempt to stem the proliferation pp. 4-5 (3244). briefed about the proposal. Talks continue of missiles and missile technology. through 1/93. SAPA (Johannesburg), 1/21/93; in JPRS-TND-93- 1/93 003, 1/27/93, p. 1 (3196). Brian Pottinger and The U.S. government states that the U.S. George Leopold and Barbara Opall, Defense News, Charles Perkins, Sunday Times (Johannesburg), 1/11/93, pp. 1, 28 (3044). 12/27/92, p. 1; in JPRS-TND-93-002, 1/15/93, p. manufacturer Raytheon will assist in upgrad- 1 (3196). Reuter, 12/28/92; in Executive News ing Taiwan's air defense systems, but de- Service, 12/28/92 (3196). Space News, 1/4/93, p. nies that the assistance includes the Patriot UNITED STATES WITH SAUDI ARABIA 2 (3196). SAM system. Flight International, 1/20/93, p. 6 (3175). 12/23/92 The U.S. Army Missile Command awards a UNITED STATES WITH SPAIN 2/93 $1.03 billion contract to Raytheon's Missile The U.S. State Department gives Raytheon System Division for 13 Patriot fire units and 12/92 permission to provide guidance systems and 761 PAC-2 missiles which will be delivered The U.S. State Department approves 15 ex- technology to help Taiwan manufacture to the Saudi Arabia in a year and a half deliv- port licenses to sell launch vehicle informa- weapons similar to the Patriot missile. The ery cycle beginning in 1995. Initially, tion to Spain, Italy and Australia. Subse- missiles are to enter service in 1995 and the Raytheon will receive $515 million of the $1.03 quent reports indicate that the unexpected project will cost about $1 billion. billion funding, but follow on sales of addi- approval of the licenses "provoked a storm Washington Times, 3/3/93, p. A2 (2923). tional Patriot fire units, test systems, firing of criticism" from Defense Transportation range, and other support equipment could and Commerce departments. The State De- 2/9-10/93 boost the final total to over $1.2 billion. partment stood by its original decision in a Raytheon and Taiwanese officials meet in Additionally, Raytheon anticipates conclud- White House Meeting, where senior admin- Washington to discuss the $1.3 billion Modi- ing a separate agreement with Saudi Arabia istration officials failed to agree on whether fied Air Defense System (MADS) joint to provide training on the U.S. Patriot mis- to uphold or revoke the licenses. President project which will replace Taiwan's Nike air sile system. Raytheon is already working Bush will make the final decision. The li- defense system with the Patriot. Raytheon on a previous 1990 order of eight U.S. Pa- censes are of concern to the Instituto is to provide seven fire units comprised of triot fire units and 300 missiles to be deliv- Nacional Technica Aerospatiale (INTA) missile forebodies, radars, engagement con- ered to Saudi Arabia from the U.S. begin- which is interested in purchasing U.S. equip- trol stations, training and technical assis- ning in 1993. ment for their Capricornio launcher. INTA tance. Taiwan will produce the rear section, Aviation Week & Space Technology, 1/4/93, p. 25, has initiated for $30 million effort to begin warhead, propulsion, and control sections (3046). Patriot (Delhi); in Asian Recorder, 1/22/ construction of this small three stage rocket under a separate Raytheon-Taiwanese $120 93, p. 22874 (2884). Defense Electronics, 3/93, powered by solid and liquid fuel rockets million technical support package. pp. 23-24 (2886). and capable of placing 220 lbs into low Earth Barbara Opall and David Silverberg, Defense News, orbit. Spain will be assisted by an unidenti- 2/22/93, pp. 1, 21 (3241). David Hughes, Aviation 2/16/93 Week & Space Technology, 3/1/93, p. 61 (3241). fied U.S. company whose license request Raytheon and Saudi Arabia announce that was opposed by U.S. defense officials con- Saudi Arabia is to purchase a $500 million cerned about the possible military applica- package that will include technical assis- bility of the project despite Capricornio

208 The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 Missile Developments


UNITED STATES WITH UKRAINE WESTERN EUROPEAN 12/92 UNION U.S. President Bush sends a letter to Ukrai- nian President Leonid Kravchuk offering $175 million to assist in the dismantling of nuclear INTERNAL DEVELOPMENTS warheads and storage of nuclear weapon materials currently in Ukraine if Ukraine rati- 11/92 fies the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and A report by WEU members indicates that agrees to be a non-nuclear weapons state Europe must examine missile defenses, al- under a protocol to the START I Treaty. though members do not want to weaken Dan Oberdorfer, Washington Post, 12/10/92, p. A12 (3286). nuclear deterrence or abandon the ABM Treaty, which most agree will require modifi cation for limited global defense. UNITED STATES WITH UNITED ARAB SDI Monitor, 4/23/93, pp. 93-94 (3303). EMIRATES 4/20/93-4/21/93 The WEU holds a symposium at which Eu- 4/93 ropean industry proposes to develop its own The United Arab Emirates is considering the ATBM instead of joining the U.S.-Russian purchase of the Patriot air defense system Global Protection Against Limited Strikes from the U.S. in reaction to the proliferation (GPALS) system. The European ATBM of ballistic missiles in the region. There are would be derived from the Aster medium indications that the "decision has been put off for about three years." range air defense missile, which was devel- Philip Finnegan, Defense News, 4/12/93, pp. 10, oped by France and Italy, and would have 12 (2902). long range ground-based radars able to track incoming missiles and one or two satellites capable of detecting missile launches. UNITED STATES WITH UNITED KINGDOM Military Space, 4/19/93, p. 1 (3112). Reuter (Rome), 4/20/93; in Executive News Service, 4/22/ 12/92 93 (3112). Defense News, 4/24/93, pp. 3, 29 (3112). Director of the SDIO Henry Cooper visits London to reassure Britain and other NATO allies regarding U.S.-Russian cooperation on missile defense. As part of participation in GPALS, Russia may benefit from U.S. early warning sites such as Fylingdales, U.K. Ac- cording to an unnamed British source, Brit- ain may "pull the plug" on Fylingdales if the U.S. proves too generous with strategic in formation there. Britain fears that U.S.-Rus- sian GPALS cooperation will make their Tri- dent missile force obsolete. The Sunday Telegraph, 12/13/92 (2899).

The Nonproliferation Review/Winter 1994 209