
Last Updated: 2/20/2012


Publications are numbered in chronological order. Research subfields and special interests are grouped by category, according to item number.

20th-Century Spanish Literature: item nos. 1-7, 9, 10, 12, 17, 19, 20, 22-24, 27-29, 33, 36, 37, 39, 43-48, 51, 54, 57-65

18th-Century Spanish Literature: item nos. 11, 25, 34, 41, 42, 49, 50, 53, 55, 56, 62, 66, 70

19th-Century Spanish Literature: item nos. 26, 32, 38, 68

18th-Century : item nos. 8, 35, 40, 52, 53

20th-Century French Literature: item nos. 3, 4, 16, 45

Comparative Literature (English, Russian, German): item nos. 2, 11, 13, 2l, 34

Aesthetics of the Grotesque: item. nos. 7, 14, 18, 25, 26, 30, 31, 32, 38, 4l

Golden Age Spanish Literature: item nos. 30, 31


1╤1963: La novelÆstica de Camilo JosÄ Cela. : Gredos, 1978: 238 pp. Second ed., 197l. Third ed.

2╤1967: Unamuno: An Existential View of Self and Society. Madison: Univ. Wisconsin Press, 299 pp.

3╤1968: The Surrealist Mode in Spanish Literature. Ann Arbor: Univ. Michigan Press, 242 pp.

4╤1972: Los surrealistas espaûoles. Madrid: Taurus, 323 pp. (Expanded version of The Surrealist Mode )

5╤1978: La novelÆstica de Camilo JosÄ Cela. Madrid: Gredos, 329 pp. (Expanded, third edition.)

6╤1981: Literature and Inner Exile. Authoritarian , 1939-1975. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 197 pp. Translated as Literatura y exilio interior. Madrid: Taurus, 1981.

7╤ 1995: The Age of Minerva. Volume One: Counter-Rational Reason in Eighteenth-Century Thought. Volume Two: Cognitive Discontinuities in the Eighteenth Century: From Body to Mind in Biology and Art Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 411pp, 382pp.

8╤2009: The Grotesque Aesthetic in Spanish Literature, from the Golden Age to . Newark, Delaware: Juan de la Cuesta, 300pp. MONOGRAPHS

9╤1968: "The Grotesque in Valle-Inclçn: A Monograph." In Ramùn del Valle- Inclçn. Ed. A. Zahareas. New York: Las AmÄricas: 493-539.

10╤1976: "The Voices in Candide's Garden, 1755-1759: A Methodology for Voltaire's Correspondence." In Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 148 (1976): 37-113.


11╤1969: Documents of the Spanish Vanguard. Chapel Hill: Univ. North Carolina Press, 451 pp.


12╤1957: "Zunzunegui y la nueva moral espaûola." Cuadernos Americanos 16 (Enero-Febrero 1957): 217-234.

13╤1960: "Picturesque Beauty in Spain and England: Aesthetic Rapports Between Jovellanos and Gilpin." Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 19(1960):167-74.

14╤1961: "BenjamÆn JarnÄs: Aspects of the Dehumanized ." PMLA 76 (196l): 247-53. Reprinted as "BenjamÆn JarnÄs: Aspectos de la novela deshumanizada." La novela lÆrica. Ed. D. Villanueva. Madrid: Alianza, 1983: II: 225-39.

15╤1961: "Unamuno, Gorky, and the Cain Myth: Toward a Theory of Personality." Hispanic Review 29 (1961): 3l0-23.

16╤1961: "La prosa de Solana: EstÄtica de lo grotesco." Papeles de Son Armadans. 65 (Agosto 1961): 165-80.

17╤1961: "DalÆ: El pintor como novelista.: Cuadernos Americanos 20 (Julio-Agosto 1961): 281-94.

18╤1962: "Verlaine and Machado: The Aesthetic Role of Time." 16 (1962): 261-65.

19╤1962: "Primitivismo y vagabundaje en la obra de Cela." Insula 16 no. 170 (1962):14.

20╤1963: " and the Grotesque." Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 22 (1963):209-16.

21╤1964: "Introduction." Camilo JosÄ Cela, Journey to the Alcarria. Translated by Frances M. Lùpez-Morillas. Madison: Univ. Wisconsin Press, 1964: vii-xix.

22╤1964: "Futurism in Spain." Criticism 6 (1964): 201-11.

23╤1964: "Nietzsche in Spain: 1890-1910." PMLA 79 (1964): 80-96.

24╤1965: "The Structure of Personality in Unamuno." Studies in Honor of M. J. Benardete. Eds. Langnas and Sholod. New York: Las AmÄricas, 1965: 177-92.

25╤1967: "Moral Psychology in Unamuno." Unamuno: Creator and Creation. Eds. J. Barcia and M. A. Zeitlin. Berkeley: Univ. California Press, 1967: 72- 90. Reprinted in . Ed. A. Sçnchez Barbudo. Madrid: Taurus, 1974: 181-200.

26╤1968: "Impressionism and Spanish Literature. Symposium on Literary Impressionism." Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature 17(1968): 46- 53.

27╤1968: "Grotesque Portraits in Torres Villarroel." Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 45(1968): 16-37.

28╤1968: "BÄcquer and the Romantic Grotesque." PMLA 83 (1968): 312-31.

29╤1969: "Two More Spanish Surrealists." Books Abroad 43 (1969): 189-93.

30╤1970: "The Disguises of Protest: Contemporary ." Michigan Quarterly Review 10 (1970): 38-48.

31╤1970: "The Surrealist Metaphor in Juan Larrea." Symposium 24 (1970): 330-39. Reprinted as "La metçfora surrealista en Juan Larrea." El surrealismo. Ed. V. G. de la Concha. Madrid: Taurus, 1982: 201-10.

32╤1971: "Graciçn and the Moral Grotesque." Hispanic Review 39 (1971): 30-48.

33╤1971: "Grotesque Elements in the Pastoral Novel." Homenaje a W. L. Fichter. Eds. A. D. Kossoff and J. Amor y Vçzquez. Valencia: Castalia, 1971: 319-28.

34╤1972: "Espronceda and the Romantic Grotesque." Studies in 11 (1972): 94-112.

35╤1973: "The Poetics of Social Awareness in the Generation of 1936." La Generaciùn de 1936. Eds. D. Testa and J. Ferrçn. London: Tçmesis, 1973: 109- 23.

36╤1974: "Benjamin Franklin and Torres Villarroel: Social Consciousness in Two Autobiographies." Eighteenth-Century Studies 7 (1974): 321-42.

37╤1974: "Voltaire and Spain: The Meaning of Don PÅdre." Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 117 (1974): 153-78.

38╤1974: "La psicologÆa moral en Unamuno." Miguel de Unamuno. Ed. A. Sçnchez Barbudo. Madrid: Taurus, 1974: 181-200.

39╤1974: "Fictive History in Gironella." Journal of Spanish Studies: Twentieth Century 2 (1974): 77-94.

40╤1975: "Larra's Nightmare." Revista Hispçnica Moderna 38 (1974-75): 153- 66.

41╤1975: "Le roman de l'ambigƒitÄ historique." Les Äcrivains et la Guerre d'Espagne. Ed. M. Hanrez. Paris: PanthÄon Presse, 1975: 157-63.

42╤1976: "Exomorphism: Cultural Bias and the French Image of Spain from the War of Succession to the Age of Voltaire." Eighteenth-Century Studies. 9 (1976):375-89.

43╤1976: "Concepts of the Grotesque Before Goya." Eighteenth-Century Culture. Vol. 5. Ed. R. Rosbottom. Madison: Univ. Wisconsin Press, 1976: 185-201.

44╤1976: "Capricho/Caprichoso: A Glossary of Eighteenth-Century Usages." Hispanic Review 44 (1976): 239-55.

45╤1976: "The Politics of Obscenity in San Camilo 1936." Anales de la Novela de Posguerra l (1976): 25-63.

46╤1977: "El surrealismo espaûol como modalidad." Surrealismo / surrealismos. LatinoamÄrica y Espaûa. Ed. P. G. Earle and G. Gullùn. Philadelphia: Univ. Pennsylvania Press, 1977: 109-17. Reprinted in El surrealismo. Ed. V. G. de la Concha. Madrid: Taurus, 1982: 95-103.

47╤1978: "The Term Surrealism and its Philological Imperative." Romanic Review 68 (1978):90-102.

48╤1978: "La lectura del "Vagabundaje' de Cela en la Äpoca posfranquista." Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos 337-338 (Julio-Agosto 1978): 61-80.

49╤1981: "Descent and Castration in the Poetry of Aleixandre." . A Critical Appraisal. Ed. S. DaydÆ-Tolson. Ypsilanti: Bilingual Press/Editorial Bilingƒe, 1981: 104-21. Reprint of Chapter Three, The Surrealist Mode in Spanish Literature [1968]).

50╤1983: "Dictatorship and Literature: The Model of ." Ideologies & Literature. 4 (1983): 238-55.

51╤1984: "Cultural Norms in the Spain of Soler (1729-1783)." Ideas and Letters in Eighteenth-Century Spain. Ed. P. Goldman. Special number of Modern Language Studies 14: 2 (Spring 1984): 10-35.

52╤1984: "Goya's Teratology and the Critique of Reason.." Eighteenth- Century Studies. 18 (1984): 35-56.

53╤1984: "Autophagous Spain and the European Other." . 67 (1984): 28-35.

54╤1984: "Polymorphosis in Sade." Symposium. 38 (1984): 3-12.

55╤1985: "Toward a Concept of Literary Relations: Spain and France in the 18th Century." Neohelicon. Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum. Budapest: AkadÄmiai Kiadù: 12: 2 (1985): 149-70.

56╤1985: "Exolalia and Dictatorship: The Tongues of Hispanic Exile." Fascismo y experiencia literaria: Reflexiones para una recanonizaciùn. Ed. H. Vidal. Minneapolis: Institute for the Study of Ideology and Literature, 1985: 222-52.

57╤1986: "Cadalso and the Epistemology of Madness." Studies for I. L. McClelland. Ed. D. Gies. Dieciocho 9: 1-2 (1986): 174-87.

58╤1986: "Dream Cognition and the Spanish Enlightenment: Judging Torres Villarroel." MLN 101 (March 1986): 270-97.

59╤1986: "The Vanguard Infrastructure of 'Poema doble del lago Eden.'" Hispania 69 (1986): 770-78.

60╤1986: " Exile Studies: Sum-Up and Theory." Spanish Literature of Exile. Ed. Janet PÄrez and Genaro PÄrez. Monographic Review/Revista Monogrçfica. Special ssue 2(1986): 216-22.

61╤1987: "Philosophy as Performance: the Anti-Orteganists." JosÄ Ortega y Gasset. Proceedings of the Espectador Universal. International Interdisciplinary Conference, Hofstra University. Ed. Nora de Marval-McNair. New York: Greenwood Press, 1987: 51-56.

62╤1988: "Three Shadows on the Early Aesthetic of Lorca." "Cuando yo me muera . . ." Essays in Memory of Federico GarcÆa Lorca. Ed. C. Brian Morris. Lanham, New York, London: University Press of America, 1988: 25-40.

63╤1988: "La lirosofÆa, entre poesÆa pura y deshumanizaciùn." Ojçncano. Revista de literatura espaûola (Chapel Hill). 1(octubre 1988): 23-36.

64╤1989: ╥Purifying Poetry: The Ineffable and the Dehumanized.╙ Studies in Honor of Bruce W. Wardropper. Ed. Dian Fox et al. Newark, Delaware: Juan de la Cuesta, 1989: 163-79.

65╤1989: "Self-Images in the Mirror of Otherness." Iberian Identity. Essays on the Nature of Identity in Portugal and Spain. Ed Richard Herr & John H. R. Polt. Berkeley: Univ. of California Institute of International Studies, 1989: 156-80.

66╤1989: ╥El surrealismo de Cela: Pisando la dudosa luz del dÆa y Mrs. Caldwell habla con su hijo.╙ Insula n£m. 518-519, 45(1989): 40-42.

67╤ 1995: ╥La cultura postfranquista, 1975-1990: La continuidad dentro de la descontinuidad.╙ In Del franquismo a la posmodernidad. Cultura espaûola 1975- 1990, ed. JosÄ B. Monleùn. Madrid: Alkal, 1995: 21-39.

68╤ 1996: ╥└Luces sin Ilustraciùn? Las voces ╟imaginaciùn/fantasÆa╚ como testigos lÄxicos.╙ Francisco La Rubia Prado y Jes£s Torrecilla (directores). Razùn, tradiciùn y modernidad: re-visiùn de la Ilustraciùn espaûola. Madrid: Tecnos, 1996: 133-92.

69╤ 1997: ╥La imagen visual en la obra de C.J.C: Cela y la pintura.╙ El Extramundi y Papeles de Iria Flavia. N£m. 12, Invierno: 305-56.

70╤ 1998: ╥Fortunata╒s Dream: Freud and the Unconscious in Galdùs.╙ Anales Galdosianos 33(1998): 13-100.71╤ 2003: "Spain in the Thought of Anderson- Imbert." Studies in Honor of Enrique Anderson Imbert. Ed. Nancy A. Hall and Lanin A. Gyurko. Newark, Delaware: Juan de la Cuesta: 71-89.72╤ 2003: "Dream Cognition in the West European Context." The Dream and the Enlightenment. Le rÉve et les lumiÅres. Ed. Bernard Dieterle & Manfred Engel. Paris: HonorÄ Champion, 53-69.73╤ 2004: "The Phantom Presence of Jews in Eighteenth-Century Spain." A Celebration of Brooklyn . Ed. Filer et al. Newark, Delaware: Juan de la Cuesta: 95-116.


73╤1967: "Camilo JosÄ Cela." Encyclopedia of World Literature in the 20th Century. Ed. W. B. Fleischmann. New York: Frederick Ungar, 1967: I: 214- 15. Updated in 1981.

74╤1969: "BenjamÆn JarnÄs." Encyclopedia of World Literature in the 20th Century. Ed. W. B. Fleischmann. New York: Frederick Ungar, 1969: II: 174-75. Updated in 1981.

75╤1984: "Le surrÄalisme: Diffusion outre-mer, AmÄrique hispanique." Les avant- gardes littÄraires au XXÅme siÅcle. Ed. J. Weisgerber. Budapest: AkadÄmiai Kiadù, 1984: 465-70.

76╤1984: "Le surrÄalisme: PÄriple autour de l'Europe, Espagne." Les avant-gardes littÄraires au XXÅme siÅcle. Ed. J. Weisgerber. Budapest: AkadÄmiai Kiadù, 1984: 427-36.

77╤1984: "Echos futuristes: Espagne." Les avant-gardes littÄraires au XXÅme siÅcle. Ed. J. Weisgerber. Budapest: AkadÄmiai Kiadù, 1984: 200-03.


78╤1968: "Cadalso's Cartas marruecas. Ed. N. Glendinning and L. Depuis." Bulletin of Hispanic Studies. 45 (1968): 142-49.

79╤1971: "Henry Kamen. The War of the Succession in Spain, 1700-1715." Bulletin of Hispanic Studies. 48 (1971): 71-75.

80╤1972: "Surrealism and Cinema: J. H. Matthews' Surrealism and Film." Diacritics (Winter 1972): 54-59.

81╤1973: "The Poetry of Social Protest. J. Lechner's El compromiso social en la poesÆa espaûola contemporçnea." Hispanic Review 41 (1973): 79-87.

82╤1975: "C. B. Morris' Surrealism and Spain." MLN 90 (1975): 288-96.


1╤1962: "O. Prjevalinski. El sistema estÄtico de C. J. Cela." Hispanic Review 30 (1962): 62-64.

2╤1964: "A. Zamora Vicente. C. J. Cela. Acercamiento a un escritor." Hispanic Review 32 (1964): 172-74.

3╤1968: "W. KrÜmer. Zur Weltanschauung, Çsthetik und Poetik des Neoklassizismus und der Romantik in Spanien." Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 46 (1969): 254-55.

4╤1969: "R. Alberti. Roma, peligro para caminantes." Books Abroad (April 1969).

5╤1969: "A. Debicki. Estudios sobre poesÆa espaûola contemporçnea." Books Abroad. (April 1969).

6╤1969: "F. Baeza Linares. Al otro lado de la maûana." Books Abroad (April 1969).

7╤1970: "D. W. Foster. Forms of the in the Work of C. J. Cela." Symposium 24 (1970): 81-83.

8╤1970: "H. F. Schulte. The Spanish Press, 1492-1966." Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 47 (1970)

9╤1972: "E. Jareûo. Samaniego: Fçbulas." Hispanic Review 40 (1972): 346-49.

10╤1972: "M. de Unamuno. Diario Æntimo." Books Abroad (January 1972).

11╤1972: "V. Aleixandre. PoesÆa superrealista." Books Abroad (July 1972).

12╤1972: "M. Nozick. Miguel de Unamuno." Books Abroad. (October 1972).

13╤1972: "Two Concordances: E. Ruiz-Fornells. A Concordance to the Poetry of BÄcquer." Computers and the Humanities 6 (1972): 295-97.

14╤1973: "R. Sebold. El rapto de la mente." Hispanic Review. 4l (1973): 106-09.

15╤1974: "R. Buckley and J. Crispin, eds. Los vanguardistas espaûoles." Books Abroad (August 1974).

16╤1974: "M. and E. ValdÄs, eds. An Unamuno Source Books." Books Abroad. (November 1974).

18╤1974: "D. L. Shaw. A Literary . The Nineteenth Century." Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 5l (1974): 299-301.

19╤1975: "D. W. Foster. Unamuno and the Novel as Expressionistic Conceit." Books Abroad (January 1975),

20╤1975: "C. B. Morris. Surrealism and Spain." Romanic Review 66 (1975): 320-22.

21╤l976: "B. B. Aponte. La obra crÆtica de Ricardo Gullùn." World Literature Today (Winter 1977).

22╤1977: "M. de Gracia Ifach, ed. Miguel Hernçndez." World Literature Today (Winter 1977).

23╤1977: "D. PÄrez-Minik. Facciùn espaûola surrealista de Tenerife." World Literature Today (Winter 1977).

24╤1977: "O. Ranum, ed. National Consciousness, History, and Political Culture in Early Modern Europe." Eighteenth-Century Studies 10 (1976-77): 273-75.

25╤1977: "E. Said. Beginnings: Intention and Method." Eighteenth-Century Studies l0(1976-77): 282-83.

26╤1977: "P. H. Fernçndez. BibliografÆa crÆtica de M. de Unamuno." World Literature Today (Summer 1977).

27╤1979: "P. Silver. Ortega as Phenomenologist." World Literature Today (Spring 1979).

28╤1979: "E. Stanton. The Tragic Myth: Lorca and Cante Jondo." World Literature Today(Autumn 1979).

29╤1979: "J. L. Barrio-Garay. JosÄ GutiÄrrez Solana: Paintings and Writings." Hispania 62 (1979): 732-33.

30╤1980: ". The Complete Poems. Ed. W. G. Holzberger." World Literature Today (Autumn 1980).

31╤1981: "R. Grass and W. Risley, eds. Waiting For Pegasus: Studies of the Presence of and Decadence in Hispanic Letters." Hispania 64 (1981): 474╤5.

32╤1982: "J. Brown and J. H. Elliott. A Palace for a King: The Buen Retiro and the Court of Philip IV." Hispania 65 (1982): 141-42.

33╤1984: "B. J. Feijoo. Obras completas, vol. I; and J. MelÄndez ValdÄs. Obras en verso." Eighteenth-Century Studies 17 (1984): 387-88.

34╤1987: "Nelson Orringer. Unamuno y los protestantes liberales (1912). Sobre las fuentes del "Sentimiento trçgico de la vida". Madrid: Gredos, 1985. Hispanic Review 55(1987), 247-49.

35╤"Andrew Debicki. Poetry of Discovery. The Spanish Generation of 1956-71. Louisville: Univ. of Kentucky, 1982:84-6.

36╤1988: ╙Rafael Osuna. Las revistas espaûolas entre dos dictaduras: 1931- 1939. Valencia: Pretextos, 1986. Hispania 71(1988): 549-50.

37╤1990: Michael Ugarte. Shifting Ground: Exile Literature. Durham: Duke Univ. Press, 1989. Romance Quarterly

38╤1990: Janet PÄrez & Stephen Miller, eds. Critical Studies on Gonzalo Torrente Ballester. Boulder: Society of Spanish & Spanish-American Studies, 1989. Modern Fiction Studies. (Winter 1990):

39╤ 1991: Tino Villanueva. Tres poetas de posguerra: Celaya, Gonzçlez y Caballero Bonald. London: TamesisHispçnicos, 1988. Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispçnicos 15(1991): 367-68..

40╤ 1991: Geoffrey Barrow. The Satiric Vision of Blas de Otero. Columbia, Mo.: Univ. Missouri Press, 1988. Revista Canadiense de Estudios 15(1991):344- 46.

41╤ 1991: Salvador JimÄnez Fajardo and John C. Wilcox, eds. After the War: Essays on Recent Spanish Poetry. Boulder: Society of Spanish & Spanish-American Studies, 1988. Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispçnicos 15(1991): 354-56.

42╤Pedro Provencio. PoÄticas espaûolas contemporçneas. La generaciùn del 50. Madrid: Hiperiùn, 1988. Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispçnicos 15(1991): 366.

43╤ 1991: Virginia Dawson. Nature╒s Enigma. The Problem of the Polyp in the Letters of Bonnet, Trembley and RÄaumur. . Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1987. Eighteenth-Century Studies 24(1991): 516-18.

44╤ 1992: Ivy L. McClelland. Ideological Hesitancy in Spain, 1700-1750. Liverpool: Liverpool Univ. Press, 1991.Hispanic Review 60(1992): 489-91.

45- 1996: Alan Hoyle. Cela. La familia de Pascual Duarte. London: Grant & Cutler, 1994. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 1996.