

After WWII: • US and Allies liberate Western Europe and West Germany and bring freedom and democracy. • Soviets liberate Eastern Europe and east Germany and put them under Soviet communist control.

Cold War (1945-1990): period of intense tension and rivalry between US and

CONTAINMENT: US foreign policy of stopping the spread of


US gives economic and military aid to nations US gives $13 billion in aid to rebuild Western to resist the spread of communism Europe after the destruction of WWII

1947: US gives and $400 Stop the spread of communism by rebuilding million to suppress communist rebellions Western Europe

NATO: mutual defense agreement between : Soviet Union and Eastern US and nine Western European countries Europe alliance

Division of Germany after WWII:

BERLIN BLOCKADE: June 1948 Soviets cut off access to Berlin from the Allies

“Berlin Airlift:” US airlifts supplies into West Berlin for almost a year

May 1949 – Soviets give in and lift blockade

(August 1961, )

JAPAN: • US forces led by General Douglas MacArthur occupy Japan from 1945-1952 • Established a democratic government and rebuilt the economy • Japan becomes strong ally to the

CHINA • 1945-1949: Civil War rages in China between Communists and Nationalists • US gives $2 billion in aid to Chiang Kai-shek and the Nationalists to defend themselves against and the Communists • 1949: Mao and the Communists take control of China • The most populated country in the world becomes communist • US refuses to recognize Communist China until 1978

KOREAN WAR: 1950-1953

• Causes: Korea is divided at the 38th parallel o North Korea = Communist o South Korea = Democratic

• 1950: North Korea invades South Korea • United Nations sends 400,000 troops to defend South Korea • 90% of UN troops are American • United Nations shows ability to act for peace

Truman vs. MacArthur • General MacArthur leads UN Troops • Pushes North Koreans all the way to the Chinese border • Calls for “all-out war” against China (wants to drop 30-50 atomic bombs on China) • President Truman calls for a “limited war” • Goal: contain communism and keep the North Koreans north of the 38th parallel • General MacArthur criticizes President Truman and the war plans • Who is in charge of military policy? à President (Commander-in-chief) NOT the generals • Truman fires MacArthur for insubordination

RESULTS OF o 1953: armistice is signed, ending hostilities o 38th parallel remains as the border dividing North Korea and South Korea o Communism is contained o Policy of is questioned o US lost 54,000 soldiers, more than 100,000 wounded o Cost $15 billion to stop spread of communism o US willing to use force to contain communism

Eisenhower’s Presidency (1953-1960): I Like

ž , 1957: Expanded to promise military and financial aid to nations fighting communism in the • 60% of world’s oil reserves are in the Middle East • US/USSR battle for control

ž Massive Retaliation • New foreign policy proposed by Secretary of State • US will use an all-out nuclear attack if necessary against Soviet aggression • Military emphasis shifts to nuclear weapons

: US builds up its nuclear weapons

SPACE RACE: competition

USSR launches Sputnik, first satellite into space – begins the . US feels it is falling behind

Space race leads to an increased emphasis on math and science education in the United States

The Second : Many in the United States took an active role seeking out potential Communist threats

o Taft-Hartley Act 1947 o Anti-union legislation passed by Republican Congress over Truman’s veto o Required union leaders to take oaths that they are not communists

o HUAC: House Unamerican Activities Committee o Alger Hiss o Hollywood Ten o The Rosenbergs

MCCARTHYISM “I hold in my hand a list of 205 names that were known Communists in the State Department” – Senator Joseph McCarthy

ž Spread the idea that the US government was full of communists ž Made reckless accusations with no evidence ž Led to mass panic, hysteria ž Ruined many reputations ž Loss of civil liberties ž He never exposed a single spy or secret American communist ž Discredited when he turns his attack on the US Army

EISENHOWER PROSPERITY Postwar economic boom: shortage of consumer goods during the war and forced saving led to great demand for goods (cars, houses, clothing, appliances, televisions)

ž Baby Boomers & Suburbia: Post WWII population explosion ž Growth of suburbs (ex. Levittown) ž Middle class conformity ž Dependence on the car ž Women resume their role as wife, mother, housekeeper

ž Interstate Highway Act 1956 o 41,000 miles of interstate highway is built • “eliminate unsafe roads, inefficient routes, traffic jams and all of the other things that got in the way of “speedy, safe transcontinental travel.” • At the same time, highway advocates argued, “in case of atomic attack on our key cities, the road net [would] permit quick evacuation of target areas.”

ž Growth of the Sunbelt: Americans move from Northeast to California, Texas and Florida seeking a better life

Eisenhower’s Farewell Address: Growing defense spending and the arms industry was a potential threat (military industrial complex)