
Name: ______Period: ___

Truman’s Presidency and the of the 1950’s

The Cold Begins The After 2 ended in 1945 because of the dropping After World War 2, much of faced famine. George of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it C. Marshall proposed that massive be given to

initiated an with the . The Soviet countries of war-torn Europe to rebuild their economies. Union and the began fighting because of Marshall believed this aid would create strong European different ideologies (beliefs). The United States has a allies and trading partners with the United States. capitali st economy and the Soviet Union is Communist. The US and Soviet Union’s relationship became strained Questions:

because each other was a threat to security. 1. What was Europe facing after World War 2?

Questions: ______1. Where were the atomic bombs dropped? 2. What did George C. Marshall propose? ______Which of the following was a long-term effect of ______

2. What did the atomic bomb initiate between the Soviet the Marshall Plan? ______A. The formation of NATO Union & the United States? ______B. An ongoing arms race between the 3. What did Marshall believe this aid would create? 3. Why were the US & Soviet Union fighting? United States & Soviet Union ______C. The construction of the ______Origins of U.S. Policy D. An increase in trade between the 4. Why did their relationship become strained? United States and Europe American leaders responded to the Soviet domination of by developing a policy of containment. ______Under this policy, they did not attempt to overturn The where it already existed, but they resolved to When Communist rebels threatened and Stalin prevent it from spreading further. Two examples of pressured , Truman decided to offer these countries containment are the and the Marshall aid. He felt it was important not to make the same Plan. mistake as the appeasers in Munich who failed to stand up Questions: to Hitler in 1938. 1. What policy did American leaders develop? Questions: ______1. What two locations did Communist rebels threaten? Who is the man in the picture? 2. Under containment, what did they try to prevent ______from spreading? ______2. What did Truman offer Greece and Turkey? What two locations were given aid with the 3. What are two examples of containment? ______Truman Doctrine? ______Truman’s Presidency and the Red Scare of the 1950’s The House Un-American Activities Committee 1. What was the main goal of the United States’ Julius and Ethel Rosenberg containment policy during the mid-twentieth Following World War 2 , Americans feared a possible In 1950, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were charged with Communist menace inside the United States. Many century? selling national secrets to the Soviet Union about making Americans were accused of “un-American” actions on little A. To become more technologically the atomic bomb. The Rosenberg’s were found guilty and evidence. Congress decided to conduct its own loyalty advanced than the Soviet Union executed for spying. Like the Sacco and Vanzetti case in B. To prevent the spread of communism checks through the House Un American Activities around the world the 1920s, many Americans doubted the Rosenberg’s guilt. Committee. It questioned actors, directors, writers, and C. To prevent during the Questions: former members of the were height of the “blacklisted” and lost their jobs. D. To support the establishment of the 1. What was Julius and Ethel Rosenberg charged with? Questions: in Eastern Europe ______1. What did many Americans fear after World War 2? ______2. McCarthyism was an anti-communist effort ______that mostly - 2. What was the result of their case? A. Promoted democracy through the use of 2. What did Congress create to conduct their own loyalty military force in Europe ______B. Deported Russian immigrants from the checks? ______United States 3. What case in the 1920s is this similar to? 3. Who did they question? C. Minimized the Soviet Union’s ______international political influence ______D. Fueled a Red Scare through unsupported Venona Papers Senator Joseph McCarthy accusations of communism In 1997, the released the Venona ______Papers. This was a secret effort by the United States to Senator Joseph McCarthy shocked Americans by claiming 3. What was confirmed by the publication of the gather and decode messages sent in the 940s by Soviet that he knew the names of hundreds of Communists who Venona Papers? had infiltrated the U.S. State Department and other A. Thousands of American citizens who military intelligence agents. The Venona Papers revealed

government agencies. Like the Red Scare of the 1920’s, believed in Communism were jailed or that people were in fact helping the Soviet Union. They deported revealed the identities of several Americans who had spied McCarthy’s allegations created fears of a Communist conspiracy. B. The reputations of many people were for the Soviet Union, including Julius Rosenberg. ruined by false accusations of disloyalty Questions: Questions: C. Some Americans in government and 1. What did the National Security Agency release in 1997? 1. Who shocked Americans? industry had in fact been helping the Soviet Union ______D. Organized groups of Communists had been responsible for violent 2. What was it a secret effort to do?

2. What did McCarthy claim he knew? ______4. The term McCarthyism is sometimes used to ______describe - ______A. Removing members of Congress for abuses of ______power 3. What did the Venona Papers reveal?

3. What happened in the 1920’s that was similar to this? B. Investigating civil service employees for ______corruption ______C. Using illegal means to obtain evidence in ______criminal trials 4. Did McCarthy have a lot of evidence? D. Accusing people of subversive actions 4. Who was spying for the Soviet Union? without sufficient evidence ______Name: ______Period: ___

Truman’s Presidency and the Red Scare of the 1950’s

The Cold War Begins The Marshall Plan After World War 2 ended in 1945 because of the dropping After World War 2, much of Europe faced famine. George of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it C. Marshall proposed that massive aid be given to

initiated an arms race with the Soviet Union. The Soviet countries of war-torn Europe to rebuild their economies. Union and the United States began fighting because of Marshall believed this aid would create strong European different ideologies (beliefs). The United States has a allies and trading partners with the United States. capitali st economy and the Soviet Union is Communist. The US and Soviet Union’s relationship became strained Questions:

because each other was a threat to security. 1. What was Europe facing after World War 2?

Questions: ______1. Where were the atomic bombs dropped? 2. What did George C. Marshall propose? ______Which of the following was a long-term effect of ______

2. What did the atomic bomb initiate between the Soviet the Marshall Plan? ______A. The formation of NATO Union & the United States? ______B. An ongoing arms race between the 3. What did Marshall believe this aid would create? 3. Why were the US & Soviet Union fighting? United States & Soviet Union ______C. The construction of the Berlin Wall ______Origins of U.S. Containment Policy D. An increase in trade between the 4. Why did their relationship become strained? United States and Europe American leaders responded to the Soviet domination of Eastern Europe by developing a policy of containment. ______Under this policy, they did not attempt to overturn The Truman Doctrine Communism where it already existed, but they resolved to When Communist rebels threatened Greece and Stalin prevent it from spreading further. Two examples of pressured Turkey, Truman decided to offer these countries containment are the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall military aid. He felt it was important not to make the same Plan. mistake as the appeasers in Munich who failed to stand up Questions: to Hitler in 1938. 1. What policy did American leaders develop? Questions: ______1. What two locations did Communist rebels threaten? Who is the man in the picture? 2. Under containment, what did they try to prevent ______What two locations were given aid with the from spreading? ______2. What did Truman offer Greece and Turkey? Truman Doctrine? GREECE AND TURKEY 3. What are two examples of containment? ______Truman’s Presidency and the Red Scare of the 1950’s The House Un-American Activities Committee 1. What was the main goal of the United States’ Julius and Ethel Rosenberg containment policy during the mid-twentieth Following World War 2 , Americans feared a possible In 1950, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were charged with Communist menace inside the United States. Many century? selling national secrets to the Soviet Union about making Americans were accused of “un-American” actions on little A. To become more technologically the atomic bomb. The Rosenberg’s were found guilty and evidence. Congress decided to conduct its own loyalty advanced than the Soviet Union executed for spying. Like the Sacco and Vanzetti case in B. To prevent the spread of communism checks through the House Un American Activities around the world the 1920s, many Americans doubted the Rosenberg’s guilt. Committee. It questioned actors, directors, writers, and C. To prevent nuclear warfare during the Questions: former members of the Communist Party were height of the Cold War “blacklisted” and lost their jobs. D. To support the establishment of the 1. What was Julius and Ethel Rosenberg charged with? Questions: Warsaw Pact in Eastern Europe ______1. What did many Americans fear after World War 2? ______2. McCarthyism was an anti-communist effort ______that mostly - 2. What was the result of their case? A. Promoted democracy through the use of 2. What did Congress create to conduct their own loyalty military force in Europe ______B. Deported Russian immigrants from the checks? ______United States 3. What case in the 1920s is this similar to? 3. Who did they question? C. Minimized the Soviet Union’s ______international political influence ______D. Fueled a Red Scare through unsupported Venona Papers Senator Joseph McCarthy accusations of communism In 1997, the National Security Agency released the Venona ______Papers. This was a secret effort by the United States to Senator Joseph McCarthy shocked Americans by claiming 3. What was confirmed by the publication of that he knew the names of hundreds of Communists who the Venona Papers? gather and decode messages sent in the 940s by Soviet had infiltrated the U.S. State Department and other A. Thousands of American citizens who military intelligence agents. The Venona Papers revealed government agencies. Like the Red Scare of the 1920’s, believed in Communism were jailed or that people were in fact helping the Soviet Union. They McCarthy’s allegations created fears of a Communist deported revealed the identities of several Americans who had spied

conspiracy. B. The reputations of many people were for the Soviet Union, including Julius Rosenberg. ruined by false accusations of disloyalty Questions: Questions: C. Some Americans in government and industry had in fact been helping the 1. What did the National Security Agency release in 1997? 1. Who shocked Americans? Soviet Union ______D. Organized groups of Communists had been responsible for violent terrorism 2. What was it a secret effort to do?

2. What did McCarthy claim he knew? ______4. The term McCarthyism is sometimes used to ______describe - ______A. Removing members of Congress for abuses of ______power 3. What did the Venona Papers reveal?

3. What happened in the 1920’s that was similar to this? B. Investigating civil service employees for ______corruption ______C. Using illegal means to obtain evidence in ______criminal trials 4. Did McCarthy have a lot of evidence? D. Accusing people of subversive actions 4. Who was spying for the Soviet Union? without sufficient evidence ______