F·O~R.Heritage Tite Exile Cuban Terrorjsls.", :1; '¡~T ~ ~ ~ '!~
... - ..-....... ,..,. ... _ ...., ...."\..,.-\.. ·r ~ ...... -.~'''''I.-.''''.-. .... ~.- ~_r·_-- ...- ...- _.,.,... .,¿- .. -..r~.,-~~ ~.p- .,J-..¡-~r,.-~ r'"""~"""~c'\."'"'\,~.r.,...... ""-,,,,,,~ -"'--.I'"\~--.-""--'':'"_-'',"'1-~-''''-''''' ~-'" ~,-.' --....... ~ --..,,-.,-....-...-J-..,.-.,.r.. -_-."......,...,. .... ...r , .~~": ¡ , . ' ~( .\ ......t ... , ~, 0,"" . ll, Columl1ists EditoriaIs. (::) ., UTLOOK / UNDAY, N VE M ER 7, 19·7 6 4 s o n • • • el , • = e tiAlíolli •.........--.· ~'(Jn.·ijtH 1 ..'" I ' .• , '.: ., ) ""- . __.__... _ , ~~ ~ 'j . \ . .... _-- '/ I ... ..."-' ". " . :.i ,~:;.' <',", '.' ", . f·O~r.Heritage Tite Exile Cuban Terrorjsls.", :1; '¡~t ~ ~ ~_'!~:. 'oo.....· • _rM>$· '1 :~ '. í\ ,~ .;', By George Crile UI • ~ . ,~ 1T 18 ALL but certain that Cuban exile tcrrorists were plosive into á bo~lowed~ut copy of "Brltlsb at tbc Gate" J re'SlJODslble for tbe bomblng of an Air Cubana plane when it blew up ID hls hands. ~t---. --,¡~ IISt month and the resultlng death of tbe 73 aboard. I-n· Crespo, believlng bimself dylng, was ruslied to· tbe •. ""., .' ·:t _ '-~~',#;':4:)'/~ ~,,~,,;;,_.: ,;.",~, ~'; : other exil~~~l~ted In the assa~slnation . 1 hospital shoutlng "Viva Cuba Libre." Tbe police. un· ",,~mt<PJii''!:~--'Á'' .. n'~ two montbs ago~or~llean Foreign Mlnister Oro nerved, shackled Crespo to bis bed. Tbe Mlaml papers if: I&.!!!I0 Leteller. ese were sliJililY [wo lñcldeots ln an. ldentlfled bim and bis partner in the venture, Humberto tI epidemlc oC bombings, kiJUnp and kldnapplngs carrled .'.. '" ; Lopei Jr.; as members of tbe Natlonal Cuban lJberatlon ~ ~ ~ out by antt-Castro exUes based in Miamt over tbe past 1 , Froot, aoewly Cormed antl·Castro terrorlst g¡·oup. But , , ',' tbree years. Tbe frequency and rutblessness oC these ato :: wby ,tbls group bad lormed, exacUy wbo Its membel1l . tacks have reached the point 'Nhere tbe pOSsibility must' '.
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