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Zeitschrift/Journal: Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt

Jahr/Year: 1994

Band/Volume: 137

Autor(en)/Author(s): Kozur Heinz

Artikel/Article: The Correlation of the Zechstein with the Marine Standard 85-103 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

JJA[H][R[E[U)C[H] [D[E[R G[EOL([J)(GH5C[H][EN [E[u)N[D[E5AN5lrALlr G.... LJb. Geol. B.-A. I 155NOOI6-?800 II Band13? II HeftI II 5.85-103 II Wien,Juni1994 I

The Correlation of the Zechstein with the Marine Standard*)


1 Text-Figure and 7 Tables

Perm Zechstein Biostratigraphie Korrelation

Contents Zusammenfassung 85 Abstract ...... 86 1. Introduction ...... 86 2. Short Discussions of the Extent and Correlation of the Stages in the Upper s.str. (Tethyan Scale) and Upper Permian s.1. (Cis-Uralian Scale) 86 3. Short Evaluation of the Stratigraphy in those Sequences Outside the Germanic Basin that Can Be Well Correlated with the Zechstein 89 4. Correlation of the Zechstein 94 Acknowledgements 101 References ...... 102

Die Korrelation des Zechstein mit dem marinen Standard Zusammenfassung Der untere Zl kann mit Hilfe von Conodonten und Ostracoden gut mit dem Dzhulfian (nicht basales Dzhulfian) korreliert werden. Sporomorphen und die Lage der paläomagnetischen IIlawarra-Umpolung weit unterhalb des Zechstein zeigen einen ähnlich späten Beginn des Zechstein an. Der oberste Zechstein, zeitlich äquivalent mit der unteren "Übergangs-Folge" (unterer Bröckelschiefer) sensu SEIDEL(1965), hat eine Sporomorphen-Assoziation der Triquitriles proratus A.-Z. geliefert, die auch aus dem White Sandstone Member der obersten Chhidru-Formation (oberstes Dzhulfian oder basales Changxingian) der Salt Range bekannt ist. Das Einsetzen von T. proratus BALMEund anderer für diese Zone charakteristischer Sporomorphen ist eine wichtige stratigraphische Marke für das oberste Dzhulfian in dem riesigen Gebiet von Australien über China, die Salt Range, den Irak bis zum Germanischen Becken. Sowohl in Südchina als auch in der Salt Range kann dieses wichtige palynostratigraphische Niveau mit marinen Faunen korreliert werden. Die P/T-Grenze liegt nahe der Obergrenze des Tonigen Sandstein-Members der Nordhausen-Formation (siehe Fußnote 4) und in zeitlich äquivalen- ten Niveaus innerhalb des tieferen Teils des Unteren Buntsandsteins, und damit beträchtlich oberhalb der Zechstein/-Grenze des Germanischen Beckens. Die Lundbladispora obsoleta - Lunatisporites noviaulensis A.-Z. kann von Thüringen (Toniges Sandstein-Member) bis Polen (Otynisporiles-Schluffstein) nachgewiesen werden, und die gleiche Sporomorphen-Assoziation findet sich auch im unteren Tesero-Oolith der Profile Tesero und Sass de Putia in den Südalpen, wo diese Zone mit Hilfe von Conodonten, Foraminiferen, Ostracoden und Brachiopoden in das Obere Changxingian eingestuft werden kann. Eine ähnliche Assoziation (" Taeniaesporites"-Assemblage sensu BALME,1970) kann auch in der höheren Otoceras boreale-Zone von Grönland nachgewiesen werden. Der Umfang der oberpermischen tethyalen Stufen in ihren Stratotypen, die Korrelation dertethyalen und borealen (Cis-Ural) oberpermischen Stufen und einige stratigraphische Probleme in jenen marinen Einheiten, die mit Teilen des Zechstein korreliert werden können, werden kurz diskutiert. Alle diese Probleme haben beträchtlichen Einfluß auf die Korrelation des Zechstein mit dem marinen Standard.

*) This paper was accepted in 1987 for publication in the Symposium Volume "Zechstein 1987" in the Zbl. Geol. Paläont, 1991 (4). By a mistake of the editors SCHRÖDERet al. this paper was, however, not printed and the manuscript could not be found for longer time. In 1992 Prof. SCHRÖDERfound the manuscript. Because in the 1987 version of the manuscript the largest part, in some areas the whole Bröckelschiefer was correlated with uppermost Zechstein in the central Basin (see also KOZUR,1989), the lithostratigraphic subdivision and correlation in the Germanic Basin had not to be changed after the German Stratigraphic Subcommission Perm/Trias had placed the Bröckelschiefer in the Zechstein. Therefore only the new data of the marine scale (rejection of Abadehian as a junior synonym of the ) and some newer literature references have been added to the otherwise unchanged original manuscript. * *) Author's address: Dr. sc. HEINZKOWR, Institut für Geologie und Paläontologie, Universität Innsbruck, Innrain 52, A-6020 Innsbruck.

85 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

Abstract The lower Zl can bewell correlatedby conodontsand ostracodswith the Dzhulfian(not earliest Dzhulfian).Sporomorphsand the position of t.he paleomagneticIllawarra Rev~.rsalwell below the baseof the Zechsteinalso indicate a late begi~ning of the Zechstein.The uppermost Zechs.te.m, time-equivalentof the lower "Ubergangs-Folge"(lower Bröckelschiefer)sensuSEIDEL(1965) hasYieldedthe sporomorphassociationof the TnQUllnles proralus A.Z., presentalso in the topmost Dzhulfian(or basalChangxingian)White SandstoneMember(uppermost Chhidru Formation)of the Salt Range.Thefirst appearanceof T. proralus BALMEand other speciesof this Zoneis an important markerfor the uppermost Dzhulfianin the hugearea from Australia through China,the Salt Range,Iraq to the GermanicBasin. Both in South Chinaand in the Salt Rangethis Important level In the sporomorphstratigraphycan becorrelatedwith marinefaunas. The PIT boundary lies clearly abovethe Zechstein/Buntsandsteinboundary,near the top of the ClayeySandstoneMember of the Nordhausen Formation (see footnote 4) within the lower part of the Lower Buntsandsteinof the GermanicBasin. The Lundbladispora obsolela - Lunatispon,tes noviaulensis A.Z., recognizablefrom Thuringia (ClayeySandstoneMember)to Poland(Dlynisporiles Siltstone), can be found with the samespecies composition in the lowerTeseroOoliteof theTeseroandSassdePutiasectionsinthe SouthernAIpstogetherwith conodonts,foraminifers, ostracods and brachiopodsof LateChangxingianage.A very similar association("Taeniaesporiles" assemblagesensu BALME,1970) can befound In the upper Dloceras boreale Zoneof Greenland. Theextentof LatePermianTethyanStagesin their stratotypes,their correlations aswell asthe correlation of the Cis-UralianLatePermianStages are briefly discussed.Somestratigraphic problems in those marinesuccessionsthat can becorrelatedwith parts of the Zechsteinare discussedas well. Thesestratigraphic problemshaveconsiderableinfluenceon the correlations of the Zechsteinwith the marinescale.

1. Introduction The palynologically (VISSCHER, 1971) and paleontolo- gically/palynologically (KOZUR, 1974a,b, 1977, 1980a, The Zechstein is still today mostly correlated with the 1985, 1988a,b, 1989) documented view about the young Kazanian s.l. (often including the Ufimian) and Tatarian, age of the Zechstein within the Permian scale was later whereas the is regarded as Lower Permian supported by magnetostratigraphic correlations (WIEGANK (e.g. JORDAN& KERKMANN,1970; HAUBOLD, 1973; HAUBOLD & MENNING, 1984; MENNING, 1986). These paleomagnetic & KATZUNG, 1975; and many international time-strati- data and the newest biostratigraphic data (KOZUR, 1985, graphic correlation schemata). Partly the lower Zechstein 1988a,b and present paper) show that the Zechstein cor- was even included into the . responds only to the uppermost Tatarian and to the gap Only VISSCHER (1971, 1974) and KOZUR (1974a, 1977, between the Tatarian and Vetlugian in the Cis-Uralian/ 1980a) placed the Zechstein into the Tatarian. In the direct Russian Platform standard. In places, even the lowermost correlation with the only reliable Upper Permian scale, the Vetlugian can be correlated with the Zechstein, e.g. the 2 Tethyan scale ), even a still younger age, Dzhulfian and Lower Volcanic Beds and the Inter-volcanic Beds in the Lower Changxingian or maximally Upper Capitanian to Ural, where TUZHIKOVA(1985) has found rich sporomorph Dorashamian (Changxingian) was determined for the associations with dominating Lueckisporites virkkiae, norm A Zechstein by KOZUR(1974a, 1977, 1980a, 1985). Already in in the lower part and with dominating L. virkkiae, norm B (= L. KOZUR (1974a), where the Zechstein Limestone (Z1 ) was cf. parvus) and norm C (Guttutapollenites sp.) in the upper part still placed into the Upper Capitanian, a Lower Dzhulfian of this interval. In the Tethyan scale the Zechstein corres- age was not excluded for this level. According to our pre- ponds to the Dzhulfian and Lower Changxingian (see sent-day knowledge about the age of the Tatarian, this tables 5, 6 and chapter IV). correlation by KOZUR (1974a and later papers) corres- The present paper is based on paleontological and paly- ponds to an Upper Tatarian to post- Tatarian or even to a nological investigations by the author in the Zechstein of largely post- Tatarian age of the Zechstein (see below). Middle Europe (in Poland together with the late Dr. Fu- However, this view about a biostratigraphically proven GLEWICZ)and in the Permian of the Southern Alps, Sicily, very short time-interval ofthe Zechstein (about Upper Per- Greece, Hungary, Transcaucasia, Central and NW Iran mian of the three-fold subdivision) was largely rejected (together with Prof. MOSTLER, Innsbruck), Salt Range, (DDR-Fachbereichsstandard, 1980). South China (together with Prof. WANG, Cheng-Yuan, The view about an Ufimian to Tatarian age of the Zech- Nanjing), Cis-Ural/Russian Platform (together with Dr. E.V. stein is regarding the Ufimian and Kazanian part unsub- MOVSHOVICH,Rostov), Texas, New Mexico, Arizona. This stantiated and only based on the traditional assignment: comprehensive work (many paleontological data have Rotliegend = Lower Permian and Zechstein = Upper Per- been already published) was necessary, because those mian S.1. (two-fold subdivision = Ufimian to Tatarian). But sequences outside the Germanic Basin that can be well as shown by KOZUR(e.g. 1980 a), the Rotliegend compris- correlated with the Zechstein or a part of it, are themselves es the uppermost Carboniferous, Lower and Middle Per- often disputed in their ages. Even in the case of correct mian, in some places (e.g. Richelsdorf Mts, eastern mar- correlations with these sequences "evidences" for all gin of Harz Mts, NW-German-Polish Basin) even the lower ages between the Ufimian (inclusively) and the top of the part of the Tethyan Late Permian. The uppermost Rot- Permian could be found for the Zechstein. liegend Chelichnus duncani tetrapod footprint Zone belongs according to KOZUR (in press a) to the Late Permian s.str. (Tethyan Upper Permian in the three-fold subdivision of the Permian System). Therefore, the base of the Zechstein 2. Short Discussions must be still younger. of the Extent and Correlation of the Stages 2) The continental Tatarian is by far more difficult to correlate with in the Upper Permian s.str. (Tethyan Scale) the international marine scale than the Zechstein. Therefore and Upper Permian s.1. (Cis-Uralian Scale) the correlation of the Zechstein with the Cis-Uralian scale is useless for the age determination öf the Zechstein and only The stratotype of the Dzhulfian Stage (SCHENCK et aI., interesting for the age determination of the Tatarian. For this reason the correlation of the Zechstein with the Cis-Uralian 1941) lies at the left bank of the Araks river in the section scale is mostly omitted in the papers by KozuR. Dorasham 11-1 near Dzhulfa (Transcaucasia). The lower

86 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

boundary of the Dzhulfian lies there at the base of the Ara- al (1989) placed the Araxilevis Beds again into the Dzhulfian. xilevis Beds and coincides about with the base of the Clarki- The top of the Dzhulfian is universally defined by the base na leveni Zone (KOZUR, 1973, 1980). Later changes of this of the Phisoniles Iriangulus Zone (see table 1) that coincides boundary to the top of the Araxilevis Beds (KOTLJAR et aI., with the appearance of Clarkina subcarinala (SWEET). 1984) cannot be accepted, because the Araxilevis Beds The stratotype of the Dorashamian (ROSTOVCEV & Az- have a typical Dzhulfian fauna and the absence of Dzhulf- RERJAN, 1971, biostratigraphic extent see table 1) is the ian ammonoids has facial reasons. Now also KOTLJAR et section Dorasham 11-3,about 1.2 km SW of the Dzhulfian

Table 1. Upper Permian ammonoid, conodont and fusulinid zonations.

Sv.te .. Serie Stasel AIIIlonoidZone FU8Ulinid A. Z. Conodont Zone Sub.t.g. bor•• l t.thv.l

Trias. Scythian Bratunanian (}ph, co...",. Ophiceras ti".tiCUJII I. isarcica

G Hypophicerall H. PlJrVUS a changxinflflnSIl n 9 Otocllra. Rotodi.coceras e bors.ls alliatiCI.M/ t Clarkina i Pleuronodocerae Palaeofusulins changxinflflnsis a lRIIPinpnse sinensis Hindeodull n ------lstidentatus Changxingian Otoceras Tapashsni tes concaVU41 chaotisnensis - ---~------0 ? Paratirolit. HSlIBtlni 0 r Shsvyrev. shevyrevi Palaeofusulina Cl IIrkina a .ini.~ subcarinat~ 8 Ozhulfites spinollUs N.nI

Vediocerall Cycl Iol obus vsntropliUIWII Clarkina genozone Codonofus itdl. orientalis A.Z. schub&rtelloides- Araxocsra. Reichelins latunr ..dia Dzhulfian c. leveni ArBxi leviel) B.d. 1 Herrillina Codonofueiella divergen~ kHBngsiana Clarl

87 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

stratotype. In general, it is regarded as a time-equivalent Zone is here discriminated for this assemblage (type loca- of the Changxingian. But the Chinese authors (e.g. ZHAO et lity: Meishan section, cephalopod fauna described by aI., 1981) correlated the Dorashamian only with the Lower WANG, 1984 for the Hypophiceras fauna). Changxingian. Detailed investigations of conodonts both The only "Triassic" elements of the H. changxingense Zone in South China (WANG & WANG, 1979; ZHAO et aI., 1981; are Otoceras and Hypophiceras. The latter one is a Permian own unpublished material) and in Transcaucasia, NW and xenodiscid, whereas Otoceras is the last representative of Centrallran (KoZUR, MOSTLER& RAHIMI-YAZD, 1975; KOZUR the Upper Permian Otoceratacea. Moreover, the determi- et aI., 1978; and further rich own unpublished material) nation of Otoceras? sp. is doubtful and DAGIS& DAGIS(1987) have shown that the view of the Chinese authors is cor- denied that Otoceras is present in the Transitional Beds s.str. rect. Therefore the Dorashamian can be preserved as in- They regarded the Transitional Beds s.str., like BANDOet al. dependent Substage of the Changxingian (Tables 1, 7). (1980) and KOZUR (1980b) as topmost Changxingian in Equivalents of the Upper Changxingian are present in the agreement with the original definition of this Stage by lowermost Karabagljar Formation of the whole Dorasha- ZHAO et al. (1978, see above). However, DAGIS & DAGIS mian type area (Pleuronodoceras occidentale Zone sensu ZA- (1987) placed by this the Transitional Beds below the CHAROV& PAVLOV,1986). They contain the Hindeodus latiden- Otoceras concavum Zone, because they assumed a Triassic tatus conodont fauna that can be correlated with the upper age for this Zone. But the upper Transitional Beds ("mixed" Changxingian and at least with the lower Transitional Beds bed 2) contain according to ZHANG (1984, 1987) Hindeodus and with the lower Otoceras woodwardi Zone (see table 7). Be- parvus. Despite the fact that the only figured specimen may cause of the correct correlation of these beds with the be also a juvenile form of an advanced H. latidentatus, the Otoceras woodwardi Zone, they were placed mostly into the presence of the H. parvus Zone is seemingly proven by this Triassic, despite of their exclusively Permian Upper specimen, because also advanced specimens of H. latiden- Changxingian fauna. However, now also ZACHAROV& PAV- tatus are restricted to the H. parvus A.Z. Therefore at least the LOV (1986) placed these beds with ammonoids into the upper part of "mixed" bed 2 cannot be older than upper Permian, as KOZUR (1972 and later papers) did by cono- Otoceras woodwardi Zone, where H. parvus and advanced H. donts. latidentatus appeared. The Otoceras woodwardi Zone is, In South China, in the type area of the Changxingian however, younger than the O. concavum Zone. The conodont Stage, the Dzhulfian is generally equated with the Wu- fauna of the lower O. woodwardi Zone with H. latidentatus (with- chiaping Limestone below the Changxing Limestone (e.g. out advanced forms) corresponds to the conodont fauna ZHAO et aI., 1981). But on the base of the conodont fauna of the Upper Changxingian. Therefore the lower O. woodwar- (compare conodont ranges in the Upper Maokou and Wu- di Zone and the still older O. concavum Zone can be corre- chiaping Formation, given by ZHANG et aI., 1984 with the lated with the Changxingian. This correlation is also sup- conodont data in Table 1 of the present paper) the lower ported by sporomorphs (see Chapter III: Southern Alps). 60 m of the Wuchiaping Limestone are older than the type Only the upper Otoceras woodwardiZone, from where Ophiceras Dzhulfian. has been reported, may be somewhat younger than the The overlying Changxing Limestone was regarded by "mixed" bed 2 of the Transitional Beds. FURNISH& GLENISTER(1970) as the type of the Changxing- The Upper Permian s.1. (Ufimian, Kazanian, Tatarian) of ian (stratotype: Meishan section of Changxing county, the Cis-Uralian/Russian Platform standard has a totally here used biostratigraphic extent see in Table 1). The up- different extent than the Tethyan Upper Permian s.str. This per boundary of the Changxingian and therefore the PIT Upper Permian s.1. consists in the type areas of its Stages boundary is not yet definitely defined. ZHAO et al. (1978) mostly of continental beds. Only in the Kazanian a wide- included in their precise biostratigraphic original defini- spread marine transgression came from the Boreal Per- tion of the Changxingian an unnamed ammonoid Zone in- mian sea. The correlation of this Upper Permian S.1. both to the Changxingian. ZHAO et al. (1981) placed these beds with the marine Middle and Upper Permian S.str. of the Te- into the basal Triassic on the base of some doubtful, badly thyan scale and with the Zechstein is therefore very dif- preserved specimens of Otoceras? sp., despite the fact that ficult. Also the correlation with sporomorphs is difficult, the macro- and microfauna as a whole is typical Late because the Upper Permian s.1. even on the Russian Plat- Permian, e.g. with Permian brachiopods, last representa- form belongs to the margin of the Angaride floral province tives of Pseudotirolites and Pseudogastrioceras (last goniatite) whereas the Zechstein belongs to the Euramerian floral and the Permian Hindeodus latidentatus conodont fauna. Only province and the Permian of the Tethys belongs to the in the uppermost Transitional Beds the H. parvus A.Z. may Cathaysian, Euramerian or northern margin of the Gond- be present that has transitional character between Per- wanide floral provinces. mian and Triassic conodont faunas. The Ufimian has marine equivalents in Novaja Zemlja, SHENG et al. 1984) united the Transitional Beds with the where the ammonoid genera Daubichites, Sverdrupites and AI- immediately overlying beds of the Claraia wangi Zone to the tudoceras have been found (STEPANOV,1984). This ammon- Transitional Beds S.1.with mixed Permian-Triassic faunas. oid fauna can be correlated with the of the south- But the dominating Triassic elements of the "mixed" fau- western U.S.A. According to EFREMOV(1956) the verte- nas, e.g. Claraia wangi (PATTE), Ophiceras spp., and Isarcicella brates of the Ufimian indicate a correlation with the tetra- isarcica (HUCKRIEDE)have been derived exclusively from the pod faunas of the San Angelo and Flowerpot Formations Triassic Claraia wangi Zone that was not included into the of latest Leonardian age. The Ufimian sporomorphs with Transitional Beds by KOZUR (1980b), YIN (1985) and DAGIS typical representatives of Hamiapollenites likewise indicate a & DAGIS(1987). correlation with the Flowerpot Formation. Therefore part The Transitional Beds s.str. consist of "mixed" layers 1 of the Ufimian can be correlated with the Tethyan upper- and 2, without the Claraia wangi-bearing "mixed" layer 3. most Early Permian (latest Leonardian s.str. = latest Chih- "Mixed" layer 1 has an undoubtedly Permian macro- and sian s.l.) and part of the Ufimian corresponds to the basal microfauna. Rather "mixed" layer 2 is disputed concerning Middle Permian (Roadian). In any case, the Ufimian is by its Permian or Triassic age. According to the occurrence of far older than the Tethyan Upper Permian s.str. and the Hypophiceras in these beds, the Hypophiceras changxingense Zechstein.

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Even the Tatarian belongs partly to the Middle Permian. Capitanian Stage, this Abadehian is in reality Lower The lilawarra Reversallies about at the base of the Sucho- Dzhulfian, whereas most of the type Abadehian is a time- na Formation. In the other hand, it lies within the Capita- equivalent of the Capitanian) and Dzhulfian. Only for the nian of southwestern U.S.A. Therefore the lower Tatarian basal part of the Val Gardena Sandstone Fm. a latest Capi- belongs to the Capitanian (Tethyan Middle Permian). This tanian age was not excluded. This is not in agreement with magnetostratigraphic correlation is supported by palyno- the paleomagnetic and palynologic data. logical data and the evaluation of the conchostracan fau- According to DACHROTH(1976) the lower part of the Val nas (KOZUR, 1988a,b, 1989). These data indicate that the Gardena Sandstone Fm. in the Dolomites belongs to the Severodvina Formation (lower part of upper Tatarian) is inversely magnetized Kiaman Interval. This part must be pre-Dzhulfian. Equivalents of the Dzhulfian may be only therefore older than Late Capitanian. This is in good present in the Vjatka Formation of the uppermost Tatarian. agreement with the sporomorph association with Corisac- Only these beds or part of them may correspond to the ciles sp. ex gr. alulas VENKATACHALA& KAR from the basal Val lower Zechstein. Gardena Sandstone Fm. in the Bletterbach/Butterloch At the very base of the Vetluga (lowermost part of section, because this sporomorph group is unknown the Vochma Formation) in some places sporomorphs of above the to lower Capitanian. A Late Dzhulfian the Upper Changxingian are known. The Lower Chang- age of the upper Val Gardena Sandstone Fm. of this sec- xingian and at least parts of the Dzhulfian seem to be mis- tion (P crenulala - P microcorpus association sensu CONTI et sing on the Russian Platform (gap between the Tatarian al. (1986) cannot be confirmed. This association that is Vjatka Formation and the Vetluga Group). Where this gap characterized by the joint occurrence of L. virkkiae POTONIE is shorter or missing (in parts of the Ural) all post- Tatarian & KLAUS and many other Late Permian species with the Permian beds have been placed erroneously into the Middle Permian Giganlosporiles spp. is surely older than the Triassic (TUZHIKOVA,1985, see chapter 1.). basal Zechstein, were Giganlosporiles is already missing. However, the Zechstein begins somewhat above the base of the Dzhulfian. Giganlosporiles is also missing in the middle Parvikirkbya Iransila ostracod A.Z. that contains in the Bükk 3. Short Evaluation of the Stratigraphy Mountains Araxilevis inlermedia (ABICH) = Puslula ? buekkensis in those Sequences SCHRETER, a guide form of the Lower Dzhulfian Araxilevis Outside the Germanic Basin Beds of the Dzhulfian type area. Thus, the P crenulala - P that Can Be Well Correlated microcorpus association of the upper Val Gardena Sand- with the Zechstein stone Fm. of the Bletterbach-Butterloch section is either basal Dzhulfian or uppermost Capitanian. Also the Late Dzhulfian to Changxingian age of the lower In the eastern part of the Southern Alps the largest part Bellerophon Limestone Formation and the (Late) Chang- of the Val Gardena Sandstone Formation belongs to the xingian age of the upper Bellerophon Limestone Fm. in the Middle Permian (KAHLER, 1974; KOZUR 1977; HOLUB & Bletterbach-Butterloch section cannot be confirmed. KOZUR, 1981), indicated by intercalations of fusulinid- Even the evidences for a Changxingian age of the upper- bearing limestones of Roadian, Wordian and Capitanian most Bellerophon Limestone Fm. in this section (CONTI et ages. In the marginal parts of the basin3), to which belong aI., 1986) are very weak. The small foraminifer genus Robu- also the Dolomites, the Val Gardena Sandstone Fm. re- loides is not restricted to the Changxingian, but it occurs places more and more the Bellerophon Limestone Forma- even in the pre-Dzhulfian Hachik Beds in the Transcauca- tion and ranges therefore far into the Upper Permian. It sian Dzhulfian type area. Palaeofusulina sinensis SHENG, begins there, in turn, later and later and it is represented which would indicate Late Changxingian age was not mostly by continental beds with some marine intercala- figured and even the generic assignment was doubtful tions (ASSERETOet al. in LOGAN& HILLS, 1973; KOZUR, 1977; (CONTI et aI., 1986). Palaeofusulina was also reported from HOLUB & KOZUR, 1981). other sections in the Bellerophon Fm., but never figured. In contrast to this view about a Middle to Late Permian The only figured specimen has been derived from the over- age of the Val Gardena Sandstone Fm., HAUBaLD (1973) lying Tesero Oolite (PASINI, 1984). Even this species is a and HAUBaLD & KATZUNG (1975) placed the Val Gardena very doubtful Palaeofusulina. It is so small that it could be- Sandstone Fm. just in the marginal parts of the basin as a long only to the" Palaeofusulina" simplex group that begins in whole into the Lower Permian "Upper Autunian". The te- the Dzhulfian upper Wuchiaping Limestone of South Chi- trapod footprints from the Bletterbach section, on which na below the type Changxingian. This species was also this age determination has been based, belong to the Up- reported from the uppermost Bellerophon Limestone Fm. per Permian s.str. HAUBOLD'Sview about the correlation of of the Sass de Putia section. It does not belong to Pa- the Bletterbach fauna with the Autunian was partly fol- laeofusulina, but to Nanlingella and it is a long-ranging species lowed by CONTI et al. (1977). Only in CONTI et al. (1986) the (Dzhulfian to Lower Changxingian). Even real Palaeofusulina Late Permian age of most of the Val Gardena Sandstone are already present in undoubtedly Dzhulfian beds (e.g. Fm. in the marginal part of the South Alpine Permian basin Hydra, Greece, together with Dzhulfian conodont index was again accepted, but now, in turn, too young ages were species, NESTELL& WARDLAW, 1987). attributed to this sequence. The entire Val Gardena Sand- In the Dolomites, the fusulinid genus Nankingella is do- stone Fm. of the Bletterbach-Butterloch section was minating in the uppermost Bellerophon Limestone Fm., placed intö the Abadehian (in the sense of a post- mostly represented by N. cf. quasihuanensis SHENGthat is re- stricted to the Dzhulfian in South China (RUI, 1979; VAO et 3) What is here named as basin, is in reality the southern shelf of aI., 1980). Also COdonofusiella, Nanlingella simplex (SHENG & the Dinaric branch of the Permian Southern Tethys that reached CHANG), Reichelina and Slaffella are present, but rare. In the until the eastern Southern Alps. Remnants of the marginal parts more basinal facies (Carnian Alps, Italy and Bükk Mts, of this pelagic Southern Tethys are known in Slovenia ("clastic Trog kofel beds", olistostrome units with the pelagic Lower Per- Hungary) Codonofusiella and Slaffella are common in the up- mian "Ganda/el/a" s/avenica fauna, see RAMOVS, 1982). per Bellerophon Limestone Fm. These genera are com-

89 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

Table2. ~~~ Range chart of ostracods, conodonts, holothurian sclerites and conchostracans in the Zechstein and lower part of Buntsandstein. The used lithostratigraphic subdivision of the Zechstein in the NW German - Polish Basin and for the Z1-Z4 also in the Thuringian Basin are primarily based on RICHTER-BERNBURG(1955), REICHENBACH(1970) and KÄDING(1978a,b). OS = Otynosporites Siltstone; LO B = Lower Oolitic Beds; CS M = Clayey Sandstone Member; LW M = Lower "Wechsellagerung" Member; Trans. Mb!. = Transitional Member; B.F. = Bernburg Formation; Z.-L. = Zechsteinletten. mon in the Dzhulfian, but absent or very rare in the Chang- has really its main occurrence. But in the Bükk Mts Gome/i- xingian of the Asiatic Tethys. cania is present already in the Parvikirkbya fue/oepi ostracod Only the uppermost 1.5 m of the Bellerophon Limestone Zone that can be well correlated with the Upper Dzhulfian Fm. in the Sass de Putia section could belong to the basal (KOZUR, 1985). On the other hand, this genus was never Changxingian. These beds contain Gome/icaniathat was for reported from beds younger than the lowermost Chang- a long time regarded as brachiopod index genus for the xingian. Therefore the Gome/icania beds of Sass de Putia Phisonites triangu/us Zone of the basal Changxingian, where should not be younger than earliest Changxingian, but a it A. B

I I , C) I .p f '1"'4 8 7 I 1 I ..--4 3 0 I I 1 0 6 1 0 I J.i -- CD - 1 ID 1 CD E-I I I I • 5 ,g. .- ID -- + 4 2 1 -+ ~ + +

a 1 b

)-/-/-/1 4 5

Text-Figure 1. Diachronous boundary between the Bellerophon Limestone Formation and the basal Werfen Group (Tesero Oolite) in the Southern Alps. Lithostratigraphic subdivision and range of brachiopods after NERI, PASINI& POSENATO(1986) for the Tesero section (A) and after BROGLIOLORIGAet al. (1986) for the Sass de Putia section (B). Range of the other fossils after the present author. Lithology: 1 = a) marly, b) intraclastic limestone; 2 = a) oolitic, b) peloid limestone; 3 = bioclastic limestone, a) with algae, foraminifers, b) with ostracods, microgastropods, bivalves; 4 = marly dolomite; 5 = marl; 6 = silty marl. Range of fossils (fossil distribution above beds A 14 and B 59 not shown): 1 = Permian foraminifers; 2 = Permian algae; 3 = Hindeodus latidentatus (KOZUR,MOSTLER& RAHIMI-YAZD); 4 = Theelia dzhulfaensis MOSTLER& RAHIMI-YAZD; 5 = Ombonia; 6 = Crurithyris; 7 = Spinomarginifera; 8 = Araxathyris; 9 = Comelicania; 10 = Janiceps. xxx = Upper Changxingian sporomorph association (L. obsoleta - L. noviaufensis AL), dominated by spores of marine fungi. Among the land-derived sporomorphs the following species are characteristic = "Anaplanisporites" stipulatus JANS., Apicufatisporites lanjouwii JANS., Kraeuselisporiles apicufatus JANS., Lundbladispora obsolela BALME,partly still attached to each other in tetrahedral tetrads, Klausipol/enites schaubergeri (POT. & KLAUS)JANS., Lunati- sporites noviaulensis (LESCHIK) SCHEUR., Protohaploxypinus samoilovichii (JNS.) HART, Striatoabieites richteri (KLAUS) WILSON, Tessel/aesphaera tessel/ata FOSTERetc., megaspores = Otynisporites eotriassicus FUGL. +++ = Upper Dzhulfian sporomorph association. Beside rare spores of marine fungi the following species are characteristic = Nuskoisporitesdufhuntyi POT. & KLAUS,Alisporites spp., Falcisporites zapfei (POT. & KLAUS) LESCHIK,Klausipol/enites schaubergeri (POT. & KLAUS)JANS., Lueckisporites virkkiae POT.& KLAUS,rare, Lunatisporites noviaulensis (LESCHIK)SCHEUR. Scale: 1 cm = 0.5 m.

90 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

Zechetein-Buntsandstein boundarv (general Iv) Zechst ..in Buntsandstein - NW Gsrman-Polish Basin (WAGNER. 1987. FUGL .. 1980) I OS r. Zl Z2 Z3 ZII ------Z5 Zb Z7 Subpolitic Beds LO B-

Upper= Lower upperlcs Mise M LW M Thuringian Baein (SEIDEL. 195b) Zl Z2 Z3 Z4 most Trans. Mbr. Z.-L. Nordhausen Formation B.F.-

1 Acratia ? acuata (JONES) 2 Bairdia lsbae KRöMMELBEIN 3 Bairdia plebeia REUSS • II Bairdia pOMmsriana KRöMMELBEIN 8' . 5 Bairdiacypris jonesiana (KIRKBY) 9•• b "Ba.elerella" 8UiilVisIVANOV 10•• 7 Callicythsrs mazursnsis (STYK) 11•••• 8 Ciilllicvthsre n. sp. aff. mazurensis (STYK) 12++ 9 Cavsllina sub.longata (GEINITZ) 13•• • ++ 10 Cooperuna aff. rostrateformis (SHEVZDV) 14•• 11 Cryptobairdia ampla (REUSS) 15•• • 12 Cryptobairdia hisingeri (MONSTER) 16•• • 13 Cryptobairdia knOpfsri (IVANOV) 17•• 111 Cryptobairdia IllUcroniiltiil(REUSS) 18•• • 15 Ooreoobl iquelliilpUlchra KNOPFER 19•• • ++ 16 Europermiana longillsi.a (KRöMMELBEIN) 20•• 17 Europermiana wieksnsis KNOPF ER 21•• 18 F.biillicypris piilrya(KOTCHETKOVA) 22•• 19 Haworthina ? patria IVANOV 23++ 20 Haworthina ? regul.ris (RICHTER) 24•• 21 H•• ldi. d.hlgrueni KRöMMELBEIN 25•• 22 Healdi. incieurelloidee KNOPFER 2b++ 23 Heladi.nella ? richteriana (JONES & KIRKBY) 27•• 211 Hungarella ogmoconchslloidss (KNOPFER) 28•• 25 "Kell"ttella" kotschetkovae IVANOV 29++ 2b Kirkbya psrmiana JONES 30•• 27 Hicrocheilinella nuciformis (JONES) 31•• 28 Hicrocheilin"ll. pUsilla (KRöMMELBEIN) 32•• 29 Honoceratina ? paryule KOTCHETKOVA 33++ 30 N".ocsratina suprapsrmiana (JORDAN) 34•• 31 Parabsrounella SP. 35 •• 32 Polycops SP. 3b •• 33 Roundyell. lsbaensis KRöMMELBEIN 37•• 34 Tri.ssocypris cf. prisca KOZUR 38++ 35 Vallumoceratina psrmiana (KRöMMELBEIN) 39•• 3b Vallumocsratina rugensis KNOPFER 40++ 37 Haylandella seitzi KRöMMELBEIN 111++ 38 Clarkinabitteri (KOZUR) 1" 39 CI.rkina rosenkrantzi (BENDER & STOPPEL) 2" 110 Herrillin. divergens (BENDER & STOPPEL) 3•• III Step.novites inflatus (BENDER & STOPPEL) 4•• 112 Achistrum sP. 42•• 43 Eocaudin. sp. 43 •• 1111 Thllelia dzhulfasnsis MOSTLER & RAHIMI-YAZD 44•• 45 ArabBllit". ? capricornu (SEIDEL) 45" 4b Arabsllitss eudoxu. (SZANIAWSKI) 4b++ 47 Oslollitss falcatus (SEIDEL) 47•• + 48 Eunicites biconvexue (SEIDEL) 118•• • 49 Eunicit"s magnidentatus (SEIDEL) 49•• • 50 Eunicitss spinosus (SEIDEL) 50•• • 51 Staurocsph.lites compres.us (SZANIAWSKI) 51•• • 52 P.la"oli",nadia sp. aff. cishycranic. NOVOZHILDV 52••• 53 F.lsisca sotriassica eotri.ssic. KOZUR & SEIDEL 53 ••••• 54 Eusstheri. gutt. gutta LJUTKEVICH 54•••••••••••• • ••• *++++ 55 Faleieca sotria •• ica postera KOZUR & SEIDEL 55++ •••• 5b Eu"stheria jBkutica (NDVOZHILOV) Sb ••••• 57 Eusstheria gutta oertlii KOZUR 57- .... '" ••••••••• 58 Falsieciiln. 81'3. aff. varchojanics (MOLIN) 58+•• 59 Holinesthsria a"ideli KOZUR 59 ••••••••• bO Vertexia tiiluricornis tiiluricornisLJUTKEVICH 60••••+++++ bl Vsrtsxia tauricornie transits KOZUR & SEIDEL b1' . ++ ••• b2 Liograpta (Hagnissth.J ? ..slangensis (MARLI!:RE) b2' - ••..• b3 Liograpta (HagnissthsriaJ ? lsrichi (MARLIi'!RE) 63 ...•.. 64 Cornia germari (BEYRICH) 64+•••• 65 POlygrapta rybinllkensis (NOVOZHILOV) 65••

91 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

Table 3. Range chart of sporomorphs in the Zechstein and lower part of Buntsandstein. . .. sporadic occurrence * * * corrmon to dominant 000 <10 % xxx 30 50 % +++ rare 12l12l1Zl 10 - 50 % ••• >50 % Abbreviations see Table 2. late Dzhulfian age cannot be excluded. Sporomorphs from or into the uppermost "Midian" and lower Dzhulfian (JA- the immediately underlying marly layer indicate a Dzhul- PANESE WORKING GROUP in Permophiles, 12, 1987). fian age (Text-Fig. 1). Conodont studies by the present author and the evalu- The boundary between the Bellerophon Limestone Fm. ation of the distribution of the other faunal elements publ- and the basal Werfen Group (Tesero Oolite horizon) is ished by the PAKISTANI-JAPANESE RESEARCH GROUP clearly diachronous (see Text-Fig. 1). Toward the deeper (1985) indicate a Dzhulfian age for the Chhidru Fm., but its part of the basin the lowermost Tesero Oolite Horizon is uppermost part (White Sandstone Member) could reach replaced by the facies of the Bellerophon Limestone, up to the basal Changxingian (see Table 7). whereas its upper part is replaced by the fine-bedded or The overlying Kathwai Member of the Mianwali Forma- laminated marls of the Mazzin Member, so that the Mazzin tion was for a long time regarded as Lower Triassic, be- Member finally rests directly on the Bellerophon Lime- cause its ammonoid fauna was correlated with the stone Fm. in the deeper parts of the basin, e.g., in San Ophicerasfaunas. WATERHOUSE(1972,1976), in turn, placed Antonio (BRANDNERet aI., 1986). Therefore the top of the the entire Kathwai Member into the Late Permian. GRANT Bellerophon Limestone Fm. cannot be regarded anymore (1970) and GRANT & COOPER (in LOGAN & HILLS, 1973) as synchronous level and as PIT boundary, as already placed the lower part of the Dolomite Unit (lower Kathwai pointed out by KOZUR(1972,1974 a, 1989), who placed the Member) on the basis of brachiopods into the Late Perm- PIT boundary within the lowermost Werfen beds (first ap- ian, in the latter paper into the Changxingian. KOZUR pearance of the genus Isarcicella), a view that was for the (1972, 1974b, 1978) placed the Lower Dolomite Unit into first time also taken into consideration by other authors the latest Permian, because the conodont fauna indicates during the Brescia Symposium (1986). for this part a correlation with the Otoceras woodwardi zone, The lateral replacement of the Tesero Oolite by the Bell- placed into the Permian by KOZUR (1972 and later papers). erophon Limestone Fm. (below) and by the Mazzin Mem- The careful investigations of the PAKISTANI-JAPANESE ber (above) is shown in Text-Fig. 1. About 1.7 m above the RESEARCH GROUP (1985) have shown that even fusuli- top of the Bellerophon Limestone Fm. in the Tesero sec- nids (Reichelina sp.) are present in the lower Dolomite Unit. tion and 0.5 m above the top of this Formation in the Sass In the basal beds of the Dolomite Unit Comelicania was de Putia section a rich conodont fauna with H. latidentatus found (DICKINS, Permophiles, 1987). These beds cannot and Stepanovites begins that indicates Late Changxingian be younger than basal Changxingian. age (below the Transitional Beds, see chapter 2 and Table In Greenland the Foldvik Creek Group was placed in the 1). In the Tesero section the Late Changxingian age of this last years into the Kungurian-Ufimian (WATERHOUSE,1972, horizon is additionally supported by Changxingian bra- 1976), into the (Wordian-Capitanian, e.g. chiopods (see Text-Fig. 1). In both sections the Upper SWEET,1976) or into the Dzhulfian (NASSICHUKet aI., 1965). Changxingian fauna is accompanied by a rich sporo- The age of the rich brachiopod fauna is disputed, but the morph association of the Lundbladispora obsoleta - Lunati- ammonoid and conodont faunas yielded important data sporites noviaulensis A.Z. (see also explanation to Text-Fig. 1) for the correlation. Godthaabites kullingi FREBOLDfrom the up- that can be well correlated by numerous common species per Foldvik Creek Group indicates an Early Dzhulfian age with the Taeniaesporites association (BALME, 1970) of the up- for this part of the Formation, because the only occurrence per Otoceras beds of Eastern Greenland. Like there, spores of the genus Godthaabites outside Greenland is in the Lower of marine fungi are very common also in the Southern Alps Dzhulfian of Transcaucasia and Iran (ZACHAROV, 1983). beside the land-derived sporomorphs. Even the fungi Clarkina rosenkrantzi (BENDER& STOPPEL)s.str., present in the themselves have been found in the Sass de Putia section. entire Foldvik Creek Group with exception of its upper- Lundbladispora obsoleta, often still attached in tetrahedrons, most part, indicates a Dzhulfian age. An earliest Chang- and other spores of Iycopodid origin are most frequent xingian age for the uppermost FÖldvik Creek Group above among the land-derived sporomorphs. the occurrence of C. rosenkrantzi cannot be excluded. In the Salt Range, the Chhidru Formation was named by The overlying Otoceras beds are mostly placed into the FURNISH & GLENISTER(1970) Chhidruan Stage and it was Triassic. According to DAGIS & DAGIS (1987) equivalents of regarded to be younger than the Araksian (Dzhulfian) and the O. concavum Zone are missing in Greenland (gap) and older than the Changxingian. On the other hand, many only the O. boreale Zone is present. The sporomorph associ- other authors (e.g. WATERHOUSE,1972, 1976; LEVEN, 1975; ation of the upper O. boreale Zone of Greenland belongs to KOTLJARet aI., 1984) regarded the whole Chhidru Fm. as the L. obsoleta - L. noviaulensis A.Z. (= "Taeniaesporites" associ- older than Dzhulfian. KOZUR(1978) placed the Chhidru Fm. ation sensu BALME, 1979) that is also present in the lower into the uppermost Abadehian. This part of the Abadehian Tesero Horizon of the Southern Alps, where it can be dated corresponds to the Lower Dzhulfian according to the new- by conodonts, ostracods and brachiopods as Late er data about the age of the Abadehian (GLENISTERet aI., Changxingian (see above). Also in Greenland this Upper 1992; KOZUR, 1992a,b,c, 1993) and Dzhulfian; the largest Changxingian conodont fauna is present (SWEET, 1976). In part of the Abadehian corresponds to the Capitanian. The the lower O. boreale Zone the Protohaploxypinus association PAKISTANI-JAPANESE RESEARCH GROUP (1985) re- sensu BALME (1979) is present that is according to BALME garded the Chhidru Fm. as Dzhulfian as well. The majority (1979) nearer related to Zechstein sporomorph associ- of the Titular Members of the SC PS places the Chhidruan ations than to any Lower Triassic sporomorph association into the "Midian" (stratigraphic extent see Table 7) and all over the world. This view is confirmed by the discovery lowermost Dzhulfian (DICKINS, in Permophiles, 12, 1987) ofthe sporomorphs association ofthe T proratusA.Z., in the

92 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at Zechstein-Buntsandatein boundary (generally) Zechstein Buntsandstein - NW Gorman-PoliBh BaBin (WAGNER. 1987. FUGL .• 1980) I OS I Zl Z2 Z3 Z'I ------Z5 Z6 Z7 Suboolitic Beds LO B - Upper= Lowsr uppe~lcs Mlsc M LW M Thuringian BaBin (SEIDEL. 1956) Zl Z2 Z3 Z'I most Trans. Mbr. Z.-L. Nordhaueen Forma~ion B. F.-

Spores (total) DODOOOOOOO_ ... ~ __ XXXXXXXXX XXXX)(XX Monooaccate Dollen (total) DOODODDOODDOOOO~~x~x~x_ 0000 0000000 BioBccato pollen Ctotal) •••••••••••••••••••••• xxxxx xxxxxxx 1 Lunatisporites lobdacus (KLAUS) CONTI et al. 1+++'" 2 Perisoccue granulatuB KLAUS 2 . 3 Potonieisporites novicus BHARADWAJ 3 . 'I CruotoesporiteB globosUB LESCHIK 'I . 5 Lobiisporites granulatus LESCHIK 5+++++++++ 6 Striatoabieites microcorpus (SCHAAR.) n. comb. 6'" . 7 Vittatina costabilis WILSON 7' . 8 Vittatina hiltonenoio CHALONER & CLARKE 8 . 9 NUskoisporites dulhuntyi POTONI~ & KLAUS 9 . 10 Vestigisporites minutuo CLARKE 10+++++++++" . 11 Lueckisporites c~. parVUB KLAUS (= norm Be) 11 ...... ••••••••••• 12 Florinites BP. 12 . 13 Limitisporites delasaucei (POT. & KLAUS) SCH. 13+++++++++++++++ . 1'1 "Limitisporiteo" moersensis (GREBE) KLAUS 1'1 ++ ••...... 15 Lueckisporiteo virkkiBe POTONI~ & KLAUS 15••••••••••••• +++++ . 16 Protohaploxypinue chBloneri CLARKE 16 . 17 GuttulsPDllenites BD. 17 +++++++++ 18 ParBvesicBspora oplandens (LESCHIKI KLAUS 18 +++++ . 19 PUnc ta t i spor i tos BOD. 19 ++++++.** •••••• ++++ 20 Falcioporiteo zapfei (POTONI~ & KLAUS) LESCHIK 20+++++++++++++++++ . 21 KlauDipollonites Bchaubsrgsri (POT. & K.) JANS.21* •••••••••••••• ***** •• ** ••• 22 Lunatisporitss noviaulsnsis (LESCHIK) SCHEUR. 22.~ ++ +++ ••••••••• ~ ...- ••••••• 23 Platvsaccus pspilionis POTONI~ & KLAUS 23++++++++++++++++++ ••••••••• * ••• +++~ .. 24 Protohaploxypinus samoilovichii (JAMS.) HART 24.~ ++++ ••••••••• •••• ...+++... 25 Strotersporitos richteri (KLAUS) WILSON 25+++++++++++ •••••••••••••••• •••• 26 Cycsdopit~s follicularis WILSON & WEBSTER 26 +++ •••••••••••• •••• *** •••• 27 Vi troi 9Por i tElD BIJI. 27. - .. ~. ++++++++ ... ++++ +++++++ 28 Iraqispora labrota SINGH 28 . 29 KrseuDslisporitBB SP. 29- .+++ 30 Cordaitina OP. 30+++++ 31 .Playfordiaspora SP. 31+++++ 32 Potonieisporitos SD. 32+++++ 33 Vostigisporiteo sp. 33+++++ 3'1 Circumstriatitss brsvitaeniatus van der LAAR 3'1..... 35 Protohsploxypinus jacobii (JANSONIUS) HART 35+++++ 36 GnstacBBBPollenites SP. 36+++++ 37 Triqui tri taG proratue SALME 37+++++ 38 Oeltoid.pora nigrans (NAUHOVA) n. comb. 38+++++ •••• 39 Brevitril"tes cf. h..nnellyi FOSTER 39+++++ ++++ 40 R ..waniepora minuta (SINGH) n. comb. '10..... •••• '11 NUskoioporites minutus n. BP. '11+++++ ++++ '12 Lunat. cf. transversundatus (JAN.) CONTI e~ al. '12+++++ •••• '13 Lunst. BP. aff. p~llucidus (GOUBIN) HELBY '13 . _ ... '1'1Oenaoisporitas plsyfordi (BALME) DETTMANN '1'1 . ++++ +++ •••• 45 "Anaplaniaporitao" otipulatus JANSONIUS 45 •••• '16 ArBucariacites BP. '16'" . +++++++ Q7 ConcavissJlllispori tBB grUJIfLIluB FOSTER '17" .. '18 Osnsoisporites Bp. aff. nejburgii (SCHULZ) BALME '18", . 49 Endosporitss cf. pspillatuo JANSONIUS '19'.'. 50 Endoeporit~s Bp. eensu BALME. 1979 50++++ 51 Lundblsdispora ep. aff. brevicula BALME 51++++ 52 Cruatsssporit •• Jsnsonii n. Bp. 52•••• 53 Falcisporitee stabilis BALME 53'" • 5'1 Striatoabieitss duiveni (JANSONIUS) HART Sq .... 55 Striatopodocarpitss rugosus (JANSONIUS) HART 55++++ 56 Kraeuselisporit ..s apiculatuo JANSONIUS 56 •••• ••••••• 57 Lundblsdispora obsoleta BALME 57 •••• ••••••• 58 Lunstisporites pellucidus (GOUBIN) HENELLY 58' ••••••• 59 Osmundilllcit~s BP. 59 ...•..• 60 Osnsoisporitas nejburgii (SCHULZ) BALME 60 . 61 Endosporitss papillatuo JANSONIUS 61++ ••••• 62 KraBUselisporitss punctatus JANSONIUS 62 ••..... 63 Lundbladispora braviculs BALME 63+++++++ 6'1 Lundblsdispora willmotti BALME 64 ••••••• 65 Lunatisporit ..s hexagonalis (JANSONIUS) n. comb. 65+++++++ 66 Echitril"t"s BP. 66+++++ 67 Otynisporiteo BP. 67+++++ 68 HUghesiGPoritao simplax FUGLEWICZ 68•••• 69 Triongulatisporites reticulatus FUGLEWICZ 69,' .. 70 Otynisporites ..otriassicuB FUGLEWICZ 70•••• ••••••• 71 Otynisporit~. tub~rculatus FUGLEWICZ 71 •••• ..•_*.- 72 Tril ..itao vulgaria FUGLEWICZ 72 •••• a._... _ 73 Talchirella permotriassica (FUGLEWICZ) n. comb. 73+++++++

93 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

uppermost Zechstein that is very similar to the Protohaploxy- sponds to the P Z4 e and an also there unnamed interval pinus association of the lower Otoceras beds of Greenland. (see table 4). In the Calvörde Block the Z6 anhydrite is still well deve- loped just below the anhydrite-bearing Bröckelschiefer. The lower part of this Bröckelschiefer that begins in the 4. Correlation of the Zechstein upper part of the cycle 1 sensu SEIDEL (1969) should cor- respond to the Z7 (see Table 4). This cycle clearly ends at The lower boundary of the Zechstein is placed at the the base of the Basis Sandstone of the upper Bröckel- base of the first marine bed in the basinal facies. The lower schiefer sensu BRÜNING(1986). But we should notice here part of the Zechstein Conglomerate is often non-marine, that SEIDEL(1965) placed these beds into the upper 5-6 m because fluviatile conglomerates have been often united of the "undeutlich geflaserte Folge" of the lower Bröckel- with the marine clastic basal sediments of the Zechstein. schiefer. These beds correspond to the lower part of cycle The lithostratigraphic subdivision and correlation of the 2 sensu SEIDEL(1969). In the upper meter of these beds the Z,-Z4 are since RICHTER-BERNBURG(1955) well establish- 0.1 - 0.2 m thick gray-green Bröckelschieferbank sensu ed. Problems still exist with the subdivision of the Zs -Z7 SEIDEL(1965) can be recognized in large parts of Germany and with the Zechstein-Buntsandstein boundary. This (SEIDEL, 1965; BRÜNING, 1986). Until this horizon the sab- boundary is in its present (1987) use diachronous between kha conditions continued in the more basinal parts of the the central parts of the basin and the more marginal basin. Perhaps this horizon corresponds to the last saline parts4). The subdivision and correlation from the Zs to the cycle in the very centre of the basin (P Z4 e) in the Zuber basal Buntsandstein is shown in table 4. facies of Poland, still above equivalents of the Z7 The Zs (REICHENBACH,1963, 1970) was later subdivided (= P Z4d, see WAGNER, 1987). by KÄDING (1978 a,b) into the Zs (Ohre Formation) and Z6' At the base of the upper Bröckelschiefer sensu SEIDEL but the upper boundary of the Z6 was not used uniformly in (1965) that corresponds to the base of the upper part of these two papers. KÄDING(1978a) placed the top of the Z6 cycle 2 sensu SEIDEL (1969) a very characteristic horizon below the Lower Bröckelschiefer, KÄDING(1978 b) placed it can be traced in the entire Germanic Basin (with exception below the Basis Sandstone of the Upper Bröckelschiefer. of the coarse-clastic marginal parts). This horizon is BRÜNING (1986) followed KÄDING (1978a) and he regarded characterized by a mm-fine, very dense flaser-bedding all beds below the Gray-green Boundary Bank (sensu that indicates the end of the sabkha conditions also in the SEIDEL, 1965) and above the Z4 as Zs + Z6' But between the central parts of the Germanic Basin, because there the top of the Z4 and the base of the Gray-green Boundary first fresh-water sediments begin that are unknown in the Bank only one cycle can be observed. This can be proven Upper Zechstein (including the lower Bröckelschiefer sen- in the Calvörde Block, where the Gray-green Boundary su SEIDEL, 1965). Immediately above these beds the first Bank (0.5 m brown and gray siltstones and anhydrite) can conchostracans have been found (KOZUR & SEIDEL, 1983 be recognized just above the Ohre (Zs) Halite. Therefore a,b) that can only exist underfresh-water or slightly brack- the Gray-green Boundary Bank is not situated above the ish conditions. This very densely flaser-bedded horizon Z6' but it corresponds to the base of the Z6 (or perhaps marks the base of the Buntsandstein (Baltic Formation) in even partly to the recessive top of the Zs). In Thuringia western Poland (WAGNER, 1987) and this Zechstein/Bunt- beside the Gray-green Boundary Bank seemingly the low- sandstein boundary is here accepted as a natural and er part of the cycle 1 of the basal Bröckelschiefer (sensu seemingly in the whole basin (with exception of the coarse SEIDEL, 1969) belongs to the Z6' These beds are character- clastic marginal parts) synchronous boundary (Table 4). ized by the occurrence of dolomite nodules. But no clear The Zechstein can be well correlated by conodonts, separation from the Z7 is possible in Thuringia so that ostracods and sporomorphs with several marine and part- there the uppermost Zechstein beds should be rather de- ly also with continental sequences in many areas outside signated as Z6/7. According to BEST(in KLARE& SCHRÖDER, the Germanic Basin, e.g. in the Southern Alps, Hungary, 1987) the Z6 is named as Friesland Formation ("Serie"), the Transcaucasia, NW- and Central Iran, in the Salt Range Z7 as Mölln Fm. Above the latter Formation still a further and in Greenland. But as mentioned in chapter 1, the stra- Zechstein cycle is present (unnamed). In the Polish subdi- tigraphic subdivision and above all the correlation with the vision the Zs corresponds to the P Z4 b, the Z6 to the P Z4 c, Late Permian stages are in these areas often disputed. the Z7 to the P Z4 d, the unnamed uppermost cycle corre- Therefore the stratigraphic problems of these areas as well as the biostratigraphic extent of the Late Permian Stages have been discussed in chapters 2 and 3. The biostrati- 4) Meanwhile also the German Stratigraphic Subcommission graphic extent of the Late Permian Stages as used in the PermITrias has decided (1. 5. 1992 in Aschersleben, written re- present paper is shown in Table 1. In Tables 6 and 7 the marks Prof. ROSENFELD,Münster) that the Bröckelschiefer as time-equivalent of the Zechstein in the central part of the Ger- most important European and Asiatic Middle and Upper manic Basin must be placed into the Zechstein. However, as Permian sequences, including the stratotypes of the Late pointed out by KOZUR(1989) only in some areas the whole Permian Stages are correlated with each other and with Bröckelschiefer belongs to the Zechstein. In other areas, e.g. the Tethyan, Cis-Uralian/Russian Platform and world in Thuringia, the upper Bröckelschiefer, consisting mainly of fresh-water lake and fluviatile deposits, is younger than the standards. Zechstein in the central Basin (see Table 4). A similar view was Without these stratigraphic investigations outside the expressed by BEST(in KLARE& SCHRÖDER,1987). Because the Germanic Basin even correct correlations of certain strati- Bröckelschiefer is not more placed into the Nordhausen For- graphic units of these areas with the Zechstein could lead mation, this term was abandoned and replaced by the Calvör- de Fm. However, in the type section of the Nordhausen Fm. in to quite contrary chronostratigraphic datings of the Nordhausen, the beds placed into the Bröckelschiefer are ac- Zechstein. The stratigraphic correlation of the uppermost cording to their conchostracan fauna with many spined vertex- Zechstein, for instance, is in the moment decisively influ- iids in reality the upper red part of the Sandy Claystone Mem- enced by the stratigraphic position of the White Sand- ber of the Nordhausen Fm. that are only facially similar to the Bröckelschiefer. Therefore it was not necessary to replace the stone Member of the uppermost Chhidru Formation (see term Nordhausen Fm. chapter 3) that belongs to the same sporomorph zone as

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Table4. Correlationof the lithostratigraphic units nearthe Zechstein/BuntsandsteinBoundaryfrom the Thuringian Basinuntil westernPoland. Verticaldistancesare not time- or thickness-related,gapsnot indicated. N.F.= NordhausenFormation;upperZ.L. = uppermostZechsteinleIten.

Thuringian Basin SE margin of Harz Mts. Subhercyne Basin/Calvörde Polish Basin present (SEIDEL. 1965. 1969). KOZUR & (RADZINSKI. 1967) BaBin (SCHUlZE. 1969. (WAGNER. 1987. paper SEIDEL. 1983 c) REICHENBACH. 1963. 1970) FOOL .• 1980)

Sandy ClaYBtone Mbr. (N. F.) 45-55 m lower Claystone 00 ß2 B Sub-Ool itic N lowsr Sand.tone- Zone 00 ßl a BedB 0 20-43 m Claystone Interbed= B I B r Clayey Sandstone Member ding with oolitic 1 15-20 m Graubank U t Otynispor. U d (NordhauBen Formation) bed. Zone with oolite N i Siltstone. N h B horizon 00 a T c oolites T a U S S u c 9-14 m reddish-brown 18 m upper part N 35-40 m A F A B B y claystone/siltstons. T N a N e U c. sandstone flaser: first (BiltBtone wi th S SandBtone-Claystone Zone D r D n NB conchoBtracan-bearing Bandstone flaser. A S m Sub-Oo Iitic S T r 3 freBh-water depoBits in the lower part N T a Beds T F S ö B D E t E m. A c c 5-10 m reddiBh-brown U horizon with very S horizon with I i I N k y claystone/siltstone. N denBe flaser- T very dense N a N D e c mm-dsnse sdst. flaser T B bedding) E flaser-bedding n S 1 1 S r I 1 T s e 5-6 m reddish-brown A ö 5 m middls part N E c Biltstone. msdium- to N c (siltstone. part= ------I h 2 coarse-grained sdst. D k 1y coarse sdBt.) 10 m PZ4e N i S e BröckelBchieter R ------e c 3-7 m reddish-brown T 1 e Z f y clayst. with anhydrite E B w PZ4d 7 e 1 I c 10 m lower "art a - r e 2-5 m red siltstone. N h 0.25-0.5 m anhydrite Z 1 Z Z with sandstone flaser. i (predominantly E E 6/7 1 dolomite nodules e 2 m brown Biltstone C F PZ4c C Z f Z H m H 6 Z u 0.1-0.5 m Gray-green e Gray-green E Z 0.5 m brown and gray S S Z e p Boundary Bank r Boundary Bank C e siltBtone and anhydrite T T E c " H c E E- C h p 5-8 m S h 0.3-3 m "ink halite I I H s r reddish-brown. baBal T s N N S t m. reddish-green siltBto= claystone) E t. o •3 m anhYdr .• Biltst. PZ4b Z T e nes. anhydrite/gypsum I 5 E i Z. nodulsB. partly N 5 5 m sil tstone. partly I nL. sandBtone.flaBer with sandstone flaser N - /IAller Salinar Z Z4 Aller Salinar Z/I Aller Halite PZ4a Z4 the uppermost Zechstein. The present day opinions about The only larger discrepancy exists regarding the base of the age of this lithostratigraphic unit vary among the Titu- the Lueckisporites cf. parvus A.Z. ( = sporomorph association lar Members of the Subcommission on Permian Stratigra- with dominating norm Be among the Lueckisporites palyno- phy between pre-Dzhulfian Late Permian (e.g. KOTLJAR), demes). In the Plattendolomite quarry Oberrhon (southern basal Dzhulfian (e.g. DICKINS), Early Dzhulfian (e.g. KATO) Thuringia) this zone is well documented in the claystones and uppermost Dzhulfian or basal Changxingian (KOZUR). immediately above the Plattendolomite. VISSCHER(in Ko- In the following, only the chronostratigraphic correlation ZUR, 1978) recognized dominating L. virkkiae, norm B of the basal and uppermost Zechstein will be discussed to among the Lueckisporites palynodemes. Later investigations show the stratigraphic range of this lithostratigraphic unit. of further samples from this level in the locality Oberrohn The more detailed correlation of the lithostratigraphic by the present author confirmed these data. DVBOVA-JA- units within the Zechstein with the sporomorph zonation CHOWICZet al. (1984), in turn, stated that still in the P Z4 a and the marine standard is shown in Table 5. The range of (= Z4) L. virkkiae, norm Ac prevails and only in the P Z4 b to the sporomorph zones within the lithostratigraphic units P Z4 d (Z5 to Z7) L. virkkiae, norm Be dominates. WAGNER of the Zechstein is rather well established. (1987) stated that no sporomorphs are known from the

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P Z4 d. May be that the data presented by DYBOVA-JACHO- Hungarella aff. ogmoconchelloides (KNÜPFER)occurs in the up- WICZet al. (1984) have to be generally lowered one cycle. In per P transita A.Z. (Dzhulfian). Roundyella lebaensis KRÖMMEL- this case, also in Poland the L. cf. parvus A.Z .. would be BEINoccurs in the Late Dzhulfian P fuelopi Zone, but with a present already in the Z4 that is not far away from the data different subspecies. As a whole, the ostracods indicate a by VISSCHERand the present author. Dzhulfian, but not earliest Dzhulfian age for the basal The correlation of the L. cf. parvus A.Z. with the marine Zechstein. standard is not yet well established, but because the over- With regard to the Cis-Uralian standard, the magneto- lying T. proratus AL begins in the uppermost Dzhulfian, an stratigraphic data indicate that the base of the Zechstein Late Dzhulfian age for the L. cf. parvus A.Z. is probable. cannot be older than the upper part of Late Tatarian, be- The lower Z1 can be well correlated with the standard cause the IIlawarra Reversallies on one side considerably scale by conodonts, ostracods and sporomorphs. Merrilli- below the base of the Zechstein (DACHROTH, 1976; WIE- na divergens (BENDER & STOPPEL), the most characteristic GANK& MENNING, 1984; MENNING, 1986), on the other side it conodont species of the Zechstein Limestone, is known is situated about at the base of the Suchona Formation from unit 5 (Codonofusiella kwangsiana Zone) and the Araxilevis near the Early/Late Tatarian boundary (STROKet aI., 1984). Beds (basal unit 6) of Centrallran (both lower Dzhulfian) as The same results yielded paleontological/palynological well as from the upper Hachik Formation (Codonofusiella correlations. The Severodvina Formation of the lower Late Zone) and the overlying Araxilevis Beds of NW Iran and Tatarian can be well correlated by conchostracans with Transcaucasia (Lower Dzhulfian in the type area; KOZUR, the lower Kövag6szöllös Formation of the Mecsek Moun- MOSTLER& RAHIMI-YAZD, 1975; KOZUR, 1978; KOZUR et aI., tains (KOZUR, 1985, 1988a,b) that has, in turn, a sporo- 1978; IRANIAN-JAPANESE RESEARCH GROUP, 1981). morph association with Gigantosporites. This association is From the Cordilleran miogeosyncline of western North a little older than the basal Zechstein (already without Gi- America WARDLAW& COLLISON(1986) reported the joint oc- gantosporites, but see footnote 5). The sporomorph associ- currence of M. divergens and "Neogondolella" bitteri (KOZUR) in ation of the Zechstein without Gigantosporites follows in the their zone 7 that they placed near the Wordian-Capitanian Mecsek Mountains immediately above this association. boundary. CLARK & BEHNKEN(1979), in turn, regarded even The base of the Zechstein must be therefore younger than beds with Clarkina? wilcoxi (CLARK & BEHNKEN)(and M. prae- the Severodvina Formation. It can be only situated within divergens KOZUR & MOSTLER) below zone 7 of WARDLAW & the uppermost Tatarian Vjatka Formation, if the Zechstein COLLISON (1986) as post-Capitanian. With regard to the is not as a whole post- Tatarian, what cannot be quite ex- ammonoid- and fusulinid controlled Upper Permian cono- cluded (KOZUR, 1985). dont ranges of the Asiatic Tethys, the M. divergens - C. bitteri With regard to the North American standard, the cono- fauna of western North America belongs probably also to dont fauna of the Zechstein Limestone (Table 2) is younger the Lower Dzhulfian. than the conodont fauna of the uppermost Capitanian in The other conodont species of the Z1 (listed in Table 2) its Western Texas type area, where still the Mesogondolella have a longer range (mostly Upper Capitanian to Middle postserrata group is dominating. Because the uppermost Dzhulfian). Clarkina bitteri (KOZUR) was determined as Neo- Lamar Limestone of the type Capitanian belongs already gondolella aff. idahoensis by SWIFT & ALDRIDGE (1986). As a to the basal Dzhulfian (KOZUR, 1992a,b,c, 1993) the base whole, the conodonts indicate a Dzhulfian age for the Z1 of the Zechstein must be somewhat younger than the base (see Tables 1 and 2). ofthe Dzhulfian s.l .. The conodont correlation of the Zechstein Limestone is The richest sporomorph association from the upper- confirmed by other fossils. The sporomorph association most Zechstein was found by FUGLEWICZ & KOZUR (in of the Z1 to lower Z3 (see Table 3) can be well correlated prep.) in the borehole Otyn IG-1 (western Poland) in 2 hori- with the association 113by BARASAs-STUHL (1981) of the zons 8 m and 21.5 m below the base of the Baltic Forma- Mecsek Mountains (southern Hungary) and with the L. no- tion (base of Buntsandstein). This association (present viaulensis - P splendens and Sch. maximus - P splendens associ- species see Table 3 under Z7 ) is clearly younger than the ations sensu CONTI et al. (1986) from the upper Bellero- sporomorph association of the P Z4 c that contains ac- phon Limestone of the Southern Alps. Most characteristic cording to DYBOVA-JACHOWICZet al. (1984) still the associ- for these typical Upper Permian sporomorph associations ation with dominating L. virkkiae, norm Bc (= L. cf. parvus), with rich occurrence of L. virkkiae POTONIE& KLAUS is the missing in the uppermost Zechstein sporomorph associ- absence of Gigantosporites spp., still common in the Upper ation of the borehole Otyn IG-1. The former view of DYBO- Capitanian5). VA-JACHOWICZet al. (1984) that the association with do- Direct correlation of the ostracod faunas (see Table 2) minating L. virkkiae, norm Bc ranges up to the P Z4 d was are rather difficult, because only very few species of the corrected by WAGNER (1987), who pointed out that no Zechstein Limestone can be found in the Tethyan Late Per- sporomorphs were known so far from the P Z4 d and P Z4 e. mian that belong even partly to other subspecies. Accord- Just from this interval the sporomorph association of the ing to KOZUR (1985) Bairdia plebeia REUSS occurs from the Otyn IG-1 borehole has been derived. For the lower hori- middle P transita A.Z. to the lower P fueloepiZone (Dzhulfian). zon, 21.5. m below the top of the Zechstein, cannot be excluded that it corresponds to the upper P Z4 c (upper 5) However, it has been taken into consideration that both in the Z6); the upper horizon 8 m below the top of the Zechstein Southern Alps and in the Mecsek Mts the Upper Permian belongs to the Z7 . . sporomorph associations contain up to 10 % Gondwanide As shown in Table 4, the interval from the P Z4 d to the top elements. May be that also Gigantosporites is a southern element, missing in the Germanic Basin. In this case, the associations of the Zechstein in western Poland can be correlated with with dominating L. virkkiae norm Ab and Gigantosporites of the the Bröckelschiefer on the Calvörde Block and with the Southern Alps and the Mecsek Mts could have the same age as lower (but not lowest) Bröckelschiefer sensu SEIDEL(1965) the association with dominating L. virkkiae norm Ab, but without in Thuringia. Gigantosporites in the Germanic Basin. However, in the Mecsek Mts the latter association lies above the Gigantosporites-bearing The sporomorph association in the uppermost Zech- association. stein of the borehole Otyn IG-1 is placed into the T. proratus

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Table 5. Correlation of the Middle Used time-ecale Sporomorph Ae8emblage Zonee Germanic Baein Ci a-Urall European Rotliegend to basal (propoeed etandard) Rue8. Platt. Buntsandstein lithostratigra- phic units with the Permian time-scale, the Euramerian Lundbladispora obsolsta - Clayey Sande tone Permian sporomorph zona- tion and the Cis-Uralian upper Lunati.poritas novi~la~i. Me1aber and time- Standard. equivalente ba eal Ve tlUgB Upper Bröckel= Gr oup Changxingian echiefer and A.Z. (see Table 5). As U U.e-eqi valente shown in Table 3, it is p J distinguished from the P lower Triqui tri taB proratus ------Lower underlying sporomorph s Z 7 Bröckel= association of the Zech- r stein (L. cf. parvus A.Z. schiefer and L. virkkiae A.z., see Z 6 Table 5) e.g. by the first P ~ e.1. appearance of T. prora- e II4 LuackisporH.s cf. Z 5 tus BALMEand /./abrata r ".rvu. SINGH as well as by III Z 4 the considerably higher i percentages of spores and monosaccate pol- a Z ;5 len. But almost all n Dzhultian guide-forms of the Late II;5 Luscki.porH •• virkki •• Z 2 Permian pollen are still , present, even if some of Z t these forms are very rare. The overlying spo- romorph association of 112 L. virkkia.-Giganto.po= the L. obso/eta - L. noviau- rit •• hall.tatt~is \ Up per /ensis A.Z. is distinguish- Ta tartan ed by the common to dominant occurrence M Capitanian Lo wer of Lundbtadispora obso/eta i lIt and other cavate trilete L. virkkia.- Ta tarian spores of Iycopodid ori- d Corl •• ccH •• gin (see Table 3). d Wordian Kazanian The T. proratus A.z. of 1 the uppermost Zech- e Roadian L. virkki •• -Cori.accitll. stein can be well corre- Cruci •• ccit •• lated with the T. proratus A.Z. of the White Sand- L L. virkki •• -Corieaccitll.- stone Member (upper- most Chhidru Forma- 0 CrucisilCci t•• -HMliapolllln. Uf imian tion) of the Salt Range w Lsonardian •. 8tr. (BALME,1970) and even e Ku n&urian with the P/ayfordiaspora r crenu/ata Zone of east- Ar tinekian ern Australia (FOSTER, p 1982), where likewise T. proratus appears. This e Sakurian species has a huge re- r RoUiegend gional distribution from ..AseeUan e.etr. Ae eelian South China to Australia ,e.l. and across the Salt ~ L Range to Middle Eur- C GzhsUan ope. T. proratus has evolv- krrrnmmTI Gz heUan ed in the Cathaysian floral province, where the genus Triquitrites is present in the specimens into the basal Lower Triassic (OUYANG,1986). entire Permian and the immediate forerunner of T. proratus is The White Sandstone Member is latest Dzhulfian or ear- known. T. proratus begins in South China in well dated mari- liest Changxingian in age (see chapter 3). The same age ne sequences in the Upper Dzhulfian, has it main occur- can be assumed for the T. proratus A.Z. of the Germanic rence in the Changxingian and reaches upward with a few Basin.

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It is interesting that the association of the T. proratus A.Z. first floral immigrants from formerly sharply sep- (and the contemporaneous P. erenulata Zone of Australia) is arated floral provinces reached the central parts known in the huge area from Australia to the Germanic Ba- of other floral provinces (e.g. the Euramerian sin always from beds that lie below a sharp, climatically Playfordiaspora erenulata reached Australia, where- controlled lithologic change. More precisely, this change as before this species penetrated the Gondwa- lies in the upper part of the very short time-interval of the T. nide province not further south than to its north- proratus AZ. This sporomorph zone is always situated in the ern margin, e.g. in the Salt Range and North Af- uppermost part of sediments of "Permian type", already rica; the Gondwanide Iraquispora labrata reached somewhat transitional to sediments of "Lower Triassic the whole Euramerian and Cathaysian floral type" and in the basal part of sediments of "Lower Triassic provinces; the Cathaysian Triquitrites proratus type", still somewhat transitional to sediments of "Per- reached Australia, the Salt Range and the Ger- mian type", if in the latter sediments any sporomorphs are manic Basin). present: Bowen Basin (Australia): Uppermost part of Bara- In this connection is interesting that allover laba Coal Measures and lowermost part of Rewan Forma- the world the T. proratus AZ. and its time-equi- tion; Salt Range: Uppermost part of Chhidru Formation valents (see above) are overlain by beds with (the basal part of the Kathwai Member has not yet yielded predominant cavate trilete spores of Iycopodid sporomorphs); Germanic Basin: Uppermost part of the origin (L. obsoleta - L. noviaulensis AL), quite in- Zechstein (just those parts of the Zechstein in the central dependent from the Permian floral provinces. basin that are placed into the basal Buntsandstein -lower This Upper Changxingian sporomorph associ- Bröckelschiefer - in the marginal parts of the basin), the ation was found by the present author in the upper Bröckelschiefer has not yet yielded sporomorphs; Clayey Sandstone Member of Thuringia, in the Ural/Russian Platform: in places in the basal Vetluga lower Claystone-Sandstone Interbedding up to Group above a gap; Greenland: In the lower Otoeeras-bear- the ooß 1 on the SE margin of Harz Mts, in the ing beds above a gap. "Graubank Zone" of the Subhercyne Basin and The T. proratus AZ. and time equivalents (P. crenulata Zone by FUGLEWICZ& KOZUR (in prep.) in the Otyni- of FOSTER,1982, upper P. meishanensis - M. gigantea and Y. sporites Siltstone of the boreholes Otyn IG-1 and radiata - Gardenasporites spp. assemblage of OUYANG,1986) Gorz6w-Wielkopolski IG-1. lies always somewhat before an important break in the Only above this association sporomorphs ap- flora and fauna. Moreover, during the T. proratus A.Z. and the pear that are restricted to the (Early) Triassic, following L. obsoleta- L. noviaulensis AZ. shallow-marine de- like Lundbladispora wilmotti BALMEand Lunatisporites posits are world-wide marked by mass occurrences of pellueidus (GOUBIN)HELBYs.str. (see Table 3). marine fungi and their spores that are in this time generally The Late Changxingian age of the L. obsoleta- by far more frequent than land-derived sporomorphs. L. noviaulensis A.Z. can be well proven in the These mass occurrences of marine fungi and their spores Southern Alps, where this association (with the indicate most probably a time of reduced influx of sun- same species as in the Germanic Basin) occurs light on the earth surface because of the presence of together with the Upper Changxingian cono- aerosols. Such aerosols could originate both from a cos- dont H. latidentatus (H. parvus is not yet present mic impact or an extraordinary strong volcanism. The lat- there !) and Changxingian brachiopods, ostra- ter cause is more probable, because the time interval of cods (see Text-Fig. 1). The same sporomorph mass occurrences of marine fungi and their spores in shal- association occurs also in the upper O. boreale low-marine deposits corresponds to the uppermost Zone of Greenland, thus indicating a Late Dzhulfian and Changxingian, a time interval of at least Changxingian age of the O. boreale Zone that is severa1100.000 years that requires the repeated origina- also shown by the conodont fauna of the O. tion of rather dense aerosols during this time interval. The boreale Zone in Greenland (SWEET,1986) and in maximum activity of the Siberian trap volcanism coin- the lower half of the Perigondwanian O. woodwardi cides with this time interval (KOZUR,1989). Zone (KOZUR,1980c; BANDOet aI., 1980; BHATT& The above mentioned strong world-wide climatic ARORA,1984). Q) changes during the Changxingian are clearly related to the The Late Changxingian age of the L. obsoleta- eCl. rather long-lasting event that created the aerosols (higher L. noviaulensis A.Z. indicates that the PIT bound- ::> UJ albedo, self-strengthening effects). World-wide (but over ary lies well above the Zechstein/Buntsandstein c:: very large distances different) and sharp climatic changes boundary near the top of the Clayey Sandstone in a short interval that have also caused sharp lithofacial Member of Thuringia (KOZUR, 1984, lecture to changes in continental and shallow-marine sediments, re- the 27th Intern. Geol. Congr.; KOZUR,1986, 1987, duced input of sun-light, mass occurrences of marine fun- and in KLARE& SCHRÖDER,1987). But it must be gi in shallow-marine environments could finally lead to a pointed out that this PIT boundary corresponds collapse of the shallow marine and continental ecosys- to the PIT boundary at the top of the Changxing- tems that may be finally triggered or strengthened in its ian (including the Transitional Beds s.str. = H. effects by any high energy event (peak in the volcanic ac- ehangxingense Zone, see chapter 2) and not at the tivity, impact of a cosmic body) or by an anoxic event time-diachronic base of the Otoeeras faunas that (HALLAM, pers. comm.) in the basal Triassic. The interac- lies within the Changxingian. ECKE(in KLARE& tion of these conditions during the Changxingian is seem- SCHRÖDER,1987) came to an almost identical ingly the cause for the big turnover in the fauna in the PIT boundary in the Germanic Basin at the top time-interval from the uppermost Dzhulfian to basal of the "Graubankbereich" , but it is not clear, Triassic. which PIT boundary he used and what is the The species composition of the T. proratus AL indicates base of his correlations. Compared with the the beginning of a world-wide more uniform flora after the Cis-Uralian standard, ECKEplaced the top of the strong Permian floral provincialism. Just in this time the "Graubankbereich" at the top of the Tatarian,

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but the uppermost Tatarian is not younger than Early cia), from the Changxingian stratotype and other Chinese sections (Prof. Dzhulfian (see chapter 2). The Lower and Middle Dzhulfian WANG, Chen-Yuan, Nanjing), from Turkey (Prof. O. KAYA, Izmir), from Araksian, in turn, he placed below the Zechstein. The" Tae- Crete island (Dr. J. KRAHL,München) and for conodont material from the Salt Range (Prof. W.C. SWEET,Columbus). niaesporites association" (BALME, 1979) of Greenland, well I am grateful to Prof. U. ROSENFELD,Münster, for critical reading of the correlable with the sporomorphs of the "Grau bank- manuscript. bereich", he placed into the upper part of the Lower Bunt- sandstein in his nejburgii-fimbriatus phase. This sporomorph association, in turn, is well correlable with the basal References Olenekian sporomorph associations in many parts of the world and also the Conchostracans of this stratigraphic Full reference lists are published by KOZUR (1978, 1980a). Papers, quoted there, are only listed, if mentioned in the present interval indicate a correlation with the basal Olenekian (= paper. Lower Jakutian) as pointed out by KOZUR& SEIDEL(1983 b). This level is 6 ammonoid zones younger than the O. boreale BALME, B.E. (1979): Palynology of Permian-Triassic boundary be- zone, from where the "Taeniaesporites association" of Green- ds at Kap Stosch, East Greenland. - Medd. Gronl., 200(6), 37 land has been derived (see BALME, 1979). The top of the pp. Kobenhavn. BANDO, Y., BHATT, O.K., GUPTA, V.J., HAYASHI,SH., KOZUR, H., NA- Chhidruan is placed by ECKE in the middle part of the KAZAWA,K. & WANG, Zhi-Hao (1980): Some remarks on the con- Zechstein, despite of the fact that the topmost Chhidru odont zonation and stratigraphy of the Permian. - Rec. Res. Formation (T. proratus A.Z., even with Lundbladispora obsoleta Geol., 8,1-53, Delhi. BALME) can be only correlated with the uppermost Zech- BARABAs-STUHL, A. (1981): Microflora of the Permian and Lower stein sporomorph association. Triassic sediments of the Mecsek Mountains (south Hungary).- Seemingly ECKE has recognized the Permian character Acta Geol. Acad. Sci. Hungar., 24(1), 49-97, Budapest. of the sporomorph association of the "Graubankbereich" , BHATT, O.K. & ARORA, R.K. (1984): Oloeeras bed of Himalaya and in this we are in full agreement. The indicated "correla- Permian-Triassic boundary - Assessment and elucidation with conodont data. - J. Geol. Soc. India, 25(11), 720-727, Bangla- tions" by ECKE seem to show only an arrangement of the dore. Upper Permian (or assumed Upper Permian - large parts BOGOSLOVSKAJA,M.F. et al. (1980): Objasnitelnaja zapiska k strati- of the Tatarian are Middle Permian) stages of the Cis-Ura- graficheskoj skale permskich otlozhenij oblasti Tetis. - 50 pp., lian and world standard beside the Zechstein and lower Leningrad. part of Lower Buntsandstein, but not a fossil-proven cor- BRANDNER, R., DONOFRIO, D. A., KRAINER, K., MOSTLER, H., NA- relation. ZAROV, M. A., RESCH, w., STINGL, W. & WEISSERT, H. (1986): Ev- The correlation of the Zechstein and lowermost Bunt- ents at the Permian-Triassic boundary in the Southern and sandstein with the marine scale shows that the Zechstein Northern Alps. - Abstracts, Brescia Field Conference, 15-16, Brescia. was deposited in a very short time interval (Dzhulfian, BROGLIO LORIGA, C., FONTANA,D., MASSARI, F., NERI, C., PASINI, M. above the basal Dzhulfian to basal Changxingian). Its & POSENATO,R. (1986): The Upper Permian sequence and the duration was therefore not longer than one Tethyan Stage, PIT boundary in the Sass de Putia Mt. (Dolomites). - Field a time-interval of 3 ammonoid and conodont zones and of Guide-Book, Brescia Field Conference, 73-90, Pavia. one fusulinid zone (see Table 1). This could correspond to BRÜNING, U. (1986): Stratigraphie und Lithofazies des Unteren a time-interval of about 1 my as estimated by RICHTER- Buntsandsteins in Südniedersachsen und Nordhessen. - Geol. BERNBURG(in KLARE& SCHRÖDER,1987), at least the Zech- Jb., A 90,3-125, Hannover. stein was not longer than 3 my. BRÜNING, U. (1986): Die Zechstein/Buntsandstein-Grenze in Niedersachsen und Hessen - Schwermineraluntersuchungen als Beitrag zur Geologie des Bröckelschiefers. - Geol. Jb. Hessen, 116,23-44, Wiesbaden.

CASSINIS, G. (ed.) (1988): Proceedings of the Field Conference on: Acknowledgements Permian and Permian-Triassic boundary in the South-Alpine segment of the western Tethys, and additional regional reports. I thank the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for financial support of - Mem. Soc. Geol. Italiana, 34, 366 pp., Roma. my studies in Texas, New Mexico, Greece, Sicily and the Cis Urals. CLARK, D.L. & BEHNKEN, F.H. (1979): Evolution and taxonomy of For beautiful excursions and excellent guidance to the famous Trans- caucasian, Cis-Uralian, South Chinese and Texas type sections of the the North American Upper Permian Neogondolella serrala complex. Permian Stages and to important sections in the Permian of the Southern - J. Paleont., 53(2), 263-275, Lawrence. Alps, Sicily, Greece, Turkey, Bolivia, Mexico, Arizona, New Mexico, east- CONTI, M.A., FONTANA,D., MARIOTTI, N., MASSARI, F., NERI, C., NI- ern Siberia and Japan I thank very much all my friends and colleagues, COSIA, U., PASSINI, M. & PITTAU, D. (1986): The Bletterbach-But- especially Prof. G. CASSINIS,Pavia, Prof. Dr. CATALANOand fellow workers, terloch section (Val Gardena Sandstone and Bellerophon For- Palermo, Prof. B.1. CHUVASHOV,Jekaterinburg, Prof. DING, Hui, Taiyuan, mation). - Field Guide-Book, Brescia Field Conference, Prof. Dr. B.F. GLENISTER,Iowa City, Prof. Dr. N. IMOTOand Prof. Dr. Y. 91-110, Pavia. NOGAMI,Kyoto, Prof. Dr. O. KAYA,Bornova-Izmir, Dr. A.1. KHANCHUKand Dr. Y.D. ZACHAROV,Vladivostok, Prof. G.V. KOTLJAR,St. Petersburg, Prof. DACHROTH, W. (1986): Gesteinsmagnetische Marken im Perm Dr. D.V. LE MONE, EI Paso, Dr. S. LUCAS,Albuquerque, Dr. A. MAVRIDIS, Mitteleuropas. - Geol. Jb., E 10, 71 pp., Hannover. Athen, Dr. D. MERINO,La Paz, Dr. M. MORALES,Flagstaff, Prof. Dr. M.K. DAGIS, A.S. & DAGIS, A.A. (1987): Biostratigrafia drevnejshich ot- NESTELL,Arlington, Prof. WANG, Chen-yuan, Nanjing. lozhenij triasa i granica paleozoja i mezozoja. - Geol. Geofiz., I am very grateful to Prof. G. SEIDEL,Jena, for his help and especially 1987(1). 19-29, Novosibirsk. for numerous very important excursions to key sections of the Thuring- DYBOVA-JACHOWICZ, S., ORLOWSKA-ZWOLINSKA, T. & WAGNER, R. ian Buntsandstein and Zechstein and for his outstanding explanations of (1984): PermianlTriassic boundary in the Polish depositional the lithostratigraphy and correlation of the Zechstein and Buntsandstein basin (Iitho- and palynostratigraphical results). - 27. Int. Geol. of Thuringia. Congr., Abstracts, 1, sect. 01-03, 37, Moskva. Many colleagues have sent me important material from Permian key- sections in Europe and Asia. I am very grateful for this important help. Fachbereichsstandard (1980): Stratigraphische Skala der DDR. - Especially gratefull am for rich material from the uppermost Zechstein Perm, 18 pp., Berlin, Minist. Geologie. and Buntsandstein of western Poland (late Dr. FUGLEWICZ),from the FOSTER, C.B. (1982): Spore-pollen assemblages of the Bowen Cis-Ural, Russian Platform and Pamir (Dr. E.V. MOVSHOVICH,Rostov, and Basin, Queensland (Australia): Their relationship to the Per- the late Profs. S.V. MEJENand V.E. RUZHENCEV),from NW- and Central mian- Triassic boundary. - Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol., 36, Iran, Himalaya (Prof. H . MOSTLER,Innsbruck, Prof. WATERHOUSE,St. Lu- 165-183, Amsterdam.

101 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

FUGLEWICZ, R. (1980): Stratigraphy and palaeogeography of Low- KOZUR, H. (1984a): The Middle and Upper Permian ostracode zo- er Triassic in Poland on the basis of megaspores. - Acta Geol. nation of the Bükk Mts., northern Hungary, and the problem of Pol., 30(4), 417-470, Warszawa. the Permian-Triassic boundary. - 27. Int. Geol. Congr., Ab- FURNISH,W.M. & GLENISTER,B.P. (1970): Permian ammonoid eye/o- stracts, 1, sect. 01-03, 92, Moskva. lobus from the Salt Range, West Pakistan. - In: KUMMEL, B. & KOZUR, H. (1984b): The stage subdivision of the Permian system TEICHERT, C.: Stratigraphic boundary problems: Permian and and the correlation of the continental Rotliegend facies with the Triassic of West Pakistan, 153-175, Kansas. marine Permian stages. - 27. Int. Geol. Congr., Abstracts, 1, sect. 01-03, 93-94, Moskva. GLENISTER, B.F., BOYD, D.W., FURNISH, W.M., GRANT, R.E., HARRIS, KOZUR, H. (1985): Biostratigraphic evaluation ofthe Upper Paleo- M.T., KOZUR, H., LAMBERT, L.L., NASSICHUK,w.w., NEWELL, N.D., zoic conodonts, ostracods and holothurian sclerites of the PRAY, L.C., SPINOSA, C., WARDLAW, B.R., WILDE, G.L. & YANCEY, Bükk Mts. Part II: Upper Paleozoic Ostracoda. - Acta Geol. T.E. (1992): The Guadalupian. Proposed international standard Hungar., 28(3-4), 225-256, Budapest. for a Middle Permian Series. - Intern. Geol. Rev., 34(9), KOZUR, H. (1986a): Boundaries, subdivision and correlation of the 857-888, Silver Spring-Welwyn. marine and continental Permian. - Abstracts, Brescia Field GRANT, R.E. (1970): Brachiopods from Permian-Triassic boundary Conference, 29-31, Brescia. beds and age of Chhidru Formation. - In: KUMMEL, B. & TEI- KOZUR, H. (1986b): The problem of the Permian-Triassic bounda- CHERT, C.: Stratigraphic boundary problems: Permian and ry. - Abstracts, Brescia Field Conference, 32-35, Brescia. Triassic of West Pakistan. -117-151, Kansas. KOZUR, H. (1987): Stratigraphisch wichtige Fossilfunde in der HOLUB, V. & KOZUR, H. (1981): Die Korrelation des Rotliegenden Werfen-Gruppe des Balaton-Hochlandes (vorläufige Mittei- Europas. - Geol. Paläont., Mitt. Innsbruck, 11 (5), 195-242, lung). - Geol. Paläont. Mitt. Innsbruck, 14(7), 157-167, Inns- Innsbruck. bruck. KOZUR, H. (1988a): The age of the Central European Rotliegendes. IRANIAN-JAPANESE RESEARCH GROUP (1981): The Permian - Z. geol. Wiss., 16(9),907-915, Berlin. and the Lower Triassic systems in Abadeh region, centrallran.- KOZUR, H. (1988 b): The Permian of Hungary .. - Z. geol. Wiss., Mem. Fac. Sei., Kyoto Univ., Sero Geol. Min., 47(2), 61-133, 16(11/12),1107-1115, Berlin. Kyoto. KOZUR, H. (1989): The Permian-Triassic boundary in marine and KÄDING, K. (1978a): Die Grenze Zechstein/Buntsandstein in Hes- continental sediments. - Zbl. Geol. Paläont., 1988(11/12), sen, Nordbayern und Baden-Württemberg. - Jber. Mitt. oberrh. 1245-1277, Stuttgart. geol. Ver., N.F. 60, 233-252, Stuttgart. KOZUR, H. (1992a): Late Permian Tethyan conodonts from West KÄDING, K. (1978b): Stratigraphische Gliederung des Zechsteins Texas and their significance for world-wide correlation of the im Werra-Fulda-Becken. - Geol. Jb. Hessen, 106, 123-130, Guadalupian-Dzhulfian boundary. - Geol. Paläont. Mitt. Inns- Wiesbaden. bruck, 18, 179-186, Innsbruck. KLARE, B. & SCHRÖDER, B. (eds.): Int. Symposium Zechstein 87, KOZUR, H. (1992b): Dzhulfian and Early Changxingian (Late Per- Abstracts/Posters, 1-152, Bochum. mian) Tethyan conodonts from the Glass Mountains, West KOTLJAR,G. v., ZAKHAROV,Y.D., KOCZYRKEVICZ,B.V., KROPATCHEVA, Texas. - N. Jb. Geol. Paläont., Abh., 187(1),99-114, Stuttgart. G.S., ROSTOVCEV,K.O., CHEDIJA, 1.0., VUKS, G.P. & GUSEVA,E.A. KOZUR, H. (1992c): Boundaries an Stage subdivision of the Mid- (1984): Pozdnepermskie etap evoljucii organicheskogo mira. Permian (Guadalupian Series) in the light of micropaleontologi- Dzhulfinskij i dorashamskij jarusy SSSR. - 200 pp., Leningrad cal data. - Intern. Geol. Rev., 34(9), 907-932, Silver Spring- ("NAUKA"). Welwyn. KOTLJAR,G. v., ZAKHAROV,Y.D., KROPATCHEVA,G.S., PRONINA, G.P., KOZUR, H. (1993): Boundaries and subdivision of the Permian Sy- CHEDIJA, 1.0., BURAGO,V.1.(1989): Pozdnepermskie etap evolju- stem. - Occ. Publ. ESRI, N.S., 9 B, 139-154, Columbia. cii organicheskogo mira. Midijskij jarus SSSR. -185 pp., Lenin- KOZUR, H., LEVEN, E.J., LOZOVSKIJ, V.R. & PJATAKOVA,M.V. (1978): grad ("NAUKA") Raschlenenie po konodontam pogranichnych sloev permi i tria- KOZUR, H. (1972): Vorläufige Mitteilung zur Parallelisierung der sa Zakavkazja. - Bjul MOIP, otd. geol., 53(5),15-24, Moskva. germanischen und tethyalen Trias sowie einige Bemerkungen KOZUR, H., MOSTLER, H. & RAHIMI-YAZD, A. (1975): Beiträge zur zur Stufen- und Unterstufengliederung der Trias. - Mitt. Ges. Mikrofauna permotriadischer Schichtfolgen. TeilII: Neue Cono- Geol. Bergbaustud., 21,363-412, Innsbruck. donten aus dem Oberperm und der basalen Trias von Nord- und KOZUR, H. (1974a): Zur Altersstellung des Zechsteinkalkes (ca 1) Zentraliran. - Geol. Paläont. Mitt. Innsbruck, 5(3), 1-23, Inns- innerhalb der "tethyalen" Permgliederung. - Freiberger bruck. Forsch.-H., C 298, 45-50, Leipzig. KOZUR, H. & SEIDEL, G. (1983a): Revision der Conchostracen-Fau- KOZUR, H. (1974b): Probleme der Triasgliederung und Parallelisie- nen des unteren und mittleren Buntsandsteins. Teil I. . - Z. geol. rung der germanischen und tethyalen Trias. Teil I: Abgrenzung Wiss., 11(3),289-417, Berlin. und Gliederung der Trias. - Freiberger Forsch.-H., C 298, KOZUR, H. & SEIDEL, G. (1983b): Die Biostratigraphie des unteren 139-197, Leipzig. und mittleren Buntsandsteins unter besonderer Berücksichti- KOZUR, H. (1977): Beiträge zur Stratigraphie des Perms. Teil I. Pro- gung der Conchostracen .. - Z. geol. Wiss., 11(4), 429-464, bleme der Abgrenzung und Gliederung des Perms. - Freiberger Berlin. Forsch.-H., C 319,79-121, Leipzig. KOZUR, H. & SEIDEL, G. (1983c): Zur Ausbildung und grobkerami- KOZUR, H. (1978): Beiträge zur Stratigraphie des Perms. TeilII: Die schen Nutzung des unteren sowie mittleren Buntsandsteins im Conodontenchronologie des Perms. - Freiberger Forsch.-H., C SW- Teil der DDR .. - Wiss. Zeitsehr. Hochseh. Architektur Bau- 334,85-161, Leipzig. wesen Weimar, 29(3/4), 323-328, Weimar. KOZUR, H. (1980a): Beiträge zur Stratigraphie des Perms. Teil III LEVEN, E.J. (1975): Jarusnaja shkala permskich otlozhenij Tetisa. (2): Zur Korrelation der überwiegend kontinentalen Ablagerun- - Bjul. MOIP, 50(1),5-21, Moskva. gen des obersten Karbons und Perms von Mittel- und Westeu- LOGAN, A. & HILLS, L.V. (eds.) (1973): The Permian and Triassic sy- ropa. - Freiberger Forsch.-H., C 348, 69-172, Leipzig. stems and their mutual boundary. - Canadian Soc. petrol. KOZUR, H. (1980b): Faunenänderungen nahe der Perm/Trias- und Geol., Mem., 2, 766 pp., Alberta. Trias/Jura-Grenze und ihre möglichen Ursachen. Teil II. - Frei- berger Forsch.-H., C 357,111-134, Leipzig. MENNING, M. (1986): Die Dauerdes Zechsteins aus magnetostrati- KOZUR, H. (1980c): The main events in the Upper Permian and graphischer Sicht. - Z. geol. Wiss., 14(4), 395-404, Berlin. Triassic conodont evolution and its bearing to the Upper Per- mian and Triassic stratigraphy. - Riv. Ital. Paleont. Strat., NERI, C. et al. (1986): The Permian/Triassic boundary and the Early 85(3-4),741-766, Milano. Scythian sequence - Tesero section, Dolomites. - Field Gui- KOZUR, H. (1980d): Die Korrelation des Rotliegenden und Zech- de-Book, Brescia Field Conference, 123-128, Brescia. steins von Mittel- und Westeuropa mit der marinen Standard- NASSICHUK, w.w., FURNISH, W.M. & GLENISTER, B.F. (1965): The gliederung. - Geol. Paläont. Mitt. Innsbruck, 9(10), 353-371, Permian ammonoids of Arctic Canada. - Geol. Surv. Canada, Innsbruck. Bull., 131,56 pp., Ottawa.

102 ©Geol. Bundesanstalt, Wien; download unter www.geologie.ac.at

NESTELL, M.K. & WARDLAW, B.R. (1987): Upper Permian cono- TUZHIKOVA,v.1. (1985): Miospory i stratigrafija opornych razrezov donts from Hydra, Greece. - J. Paleont., 61 (4), 758-772, Law- triasa Urala. Nizhnij trias, pogranichnaja verchnaja perm. - 231 rence. pp., Sverdlovsk.

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