
THE PARISH PAPER St. Mary the Virgin, Payhembury

Vol 51 No 12 June 2019 FOPS Presents Payhembury Primary School’s

SUMMER FAIR SATURDAY,15 JUNE 12 – 3 PM In the Village Hall & School Field 12.30 Children’s Bake Off Competition 1.15 Dog Show BAR - HOT FOOD – RAFFLE – GAMES – STALLS – TOMBOLAS – WELLY WANGING – NERF GUN ALLEY FREE ENTRY

THIS MONTH’S EDITOR: Victoria Lincoln 07967 313035

NEXT MONTH’S EDITOR: Kate Duggan 07968 369159 ADVERTISING: Ceri Deane 01884 277321 EDITORIAL EMAIL ADDRESS [email protected] ADVERTISING EMAIL ADDRESS [email protected]

Rectory notes You may have seen this delightful item of news in May. A Manchester restaurant wrote in a Tweet, “To the customer who accidently got given a bottle of Chateau le Pin Pomeroi 2001, which is £4,500 on our menu, last night – hope you enjoyed your evening! To the member of staff who accidentally gave it away, chin up! One-off mistakes happen and we love you anyway“. The customer had ordered a bottle costing a mere £260 and didn’t realise at the time what they had been given. The staff member responsible was naturally mortified. Most of us could think of many better things on which to spend £260, let alone £4,500. But what is so uplifting about the story is the free-handed response of the manager. The restaurant founder, Mr Beckett, said that the staff member involved was “brilliant, and we know she is brilliant,” and gave his unqualified support. “Forgiveness is the way we stop our human community from unraveling,” Archbish- op Desmond Tutu wrote. He would know, as South Africa’s spiritual leader during its emergence from apartheid. Someone else who knew how to forgive, until she tragically died in May after a short illness, was Rachel Held Evans, a 37-year old New York Times columnist and au- thor. She was a voice and a hero for marginalized people in the US church, and sadly routinely received hate mail from more conservatively minded folk. About the church she wrote, “The church is God saying: 'I'm throwing a banquet, and all these mismatched, messed-up people are invited. Here, have some wine.” God pours out his wine for us with abundance. He gives us the £4,500 bottle, and more, for free – more extravagant and lavish than we can imagine, and transform- ing our understanding of the cup of wine we sip modestly at Holy Communion. God is the restaurant manager and the generous staff member rolled into one. About all of us he says, “brilliant, and we know she/he is brilliant,” regardless of what we have done. Thank you, Mr Beckett. That £4,500 may have turned out to be excellent value for money in marketing Hawksmoor Restaurants. You have also given us a humourous glimpse into the beauty of forgiveness. Rev David Carrington

Team Vicar of Escot, and Payhembury The Rectory, Station Road, Feniton 01404 850905

Church Wardens: Mrs Babs Leach, Slade View, Payhembury (841409) Mr Gareth Stephens, Ashcombe, Payhembury (849130) Sexton: Mr Jim Kimber, 1 Barrow Road, Payhembury (841320)

Contact details for church wardens in Escot or Feniton Feniton: David Lanning or Cara Sanders(850262) Escot: Judy Davis (812739)



SUNDAY 2ND JUNE SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Church Time Service Escot 6.00 pm Evensong (DC) Feniton 9.45 am Storytime (DB/AS/VS) 11.00 am Parish Communion (DC) Payhembury 11.00 am Morning Worship (MAC)

SUNDAY 9TH JUNE PENTECOST Church Time Service Escot 9.00 am Parish Communion (DC) Feniton 11.00 am Morning Worship (AM) 2.15 pm Prayer Walk and 3.00 pm Picnic Payhembury 10.30 am Café (DC & DB)

SUNDAY 16TH JUNE TRINITY SUNDAY Church Time Service Escot 9.00 am Matins (TP) Feniton 11.00 am Parish Communion (DC) 6.00 pm Worship & Praise Payhembury 9.15 am Parish Communion (DC)

SUNDAY 23RD JUNE FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY Church Time Service Feniton 11.00 am Parish Communion (DC) Payhembury 9.15 am All ages service (DC)

SUNDAY 30TH JUNE SECOND SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY Church Time Service Escot 10.00 am Joint Parish Communion (DC)

SUNDAY 7TH JULY THIRD SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY Church Time Service Escot 6.00 pm Outdoor Evening Worship (DC) Feniton 11.00 am Parish Communion (DC) 2.00 pm Storytime at Funday (DB/AS/VS) Payhembury 11.00 am Morning Worship (OT)

William Garvey, furniture designers & makers, of Upton, are delighted to sponsor Payhembury Parish Paper


Church Soup Lunch Ladies’ Night Out!

Monday 10th June Tuesday 18th June 12-2pm 8pm at In the Church The Six Bells

Churchyard Clean-up Parish Paper Deadline: Saturday 22nd June Tuesday 18th June, 4pm 10-12 midday

Payhembury Church Cream Tea With musical interludes by the Payhembury School Choir and Tale Valley Choir Sunday 30th June 3-5pm Village Hall Entrance £5, Children Free

Tea and Bingo Report Coffee Morning Given that this session fell on the first of the month, we had a very good Despite the rain, we had a really good turnout! Thank you to Vivien for calling attendance at the Coffee Morning and Marjorie’s chocolate cake and hosted by Pat and Clive in April. Very Sue’s orange & almond cake went many thanks to them for their warm down very well. hospitality which cheered us all! Unfortunately Marjorie can’t be with us next month, but we’ll soldier on The next Coffee Morning will be held at without her and Glenda is kindly Slade View by kind invitation of Babs helping with picking up the ladies. See and Roger on Wednesday 26th June at you then: the usual time of 11a.m. when once

th again we are assured that a warm Wed 5 June in the Six Bells at welcome will await us. Let us hope for 2.15pm some warm weather too! Any queries or lifts required, phone Sue (841103). If you would like more information about For your diaries: Future meetings will rd th the Coffee Mornings please give me a be 3 July and 6 August ring on 841828. Sue Derbyshire Marjorie W

Mobile Library Wednesday 19th June, 11.25-11.45am, in the Parish Hall Car Park


Ed East's Lamb Dauphinoise and a trio of luscious desserts were on the menu for our annual Volunteers Supper this year and were much enjoyed by everyone. The supper is our opportunity to get together with all our volunteers who work so hard during the year to ensure the success of the shop. We had over 40 sitting down to supper this time and when we counted up later, and included those who sadly weren't able to be there on the evening, we realised we now have 50 volun- teers. Anne, our volunteer coordinator, would kill me if I didn't mention at this point that we are always delighted to have new people on board, please contact her on 841345 to find out more. Many new friendships have been forged and old ones re- kindled at the shop and if you're new to the area it's a great way to feel at home very quickly as well as doing something that benefits the whole community. Huge congratulations are due to Roxy Spiller who came home from the Eu- ropean Tae Kwondo championships clutching Gold, Silver and Bronze medals, what a star! We are delighted that we were able to help in getting her to Croatia. The shop is now full of lovely summery things from ice-creams and lollies to buckets and spades and fishing nets for our younger customers and cans of ready mixed gin and tonic, spicy sausage rolls and fresh strawberries and blueberries just waiting to be taken on a picnic by the grown-ups. Mary Whiting Payhembury Church Electoral Roll

Every 5 years the Electoral Roll needs to be updated. Anyone who is already on it needs to fill in a new application form, whilst for anyone in the village who would like to be on it, this is an ideal opportunity to ask me for a form, including those of you who are regular church attenders. What does this mean? The church’s Electoral Roll is the register of its voting members; it is a list of those qualified to attend and to vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting. To get a form, please email me and I will send an electronic form for you to download and fill in. The completed forms can be sent back to me, or given to Babs Leach, Gareth Stephens or any other member of the PCC. If you don't have access to the internet, feel free to give me a ring and I will send you a paper copy. If you have any questions, please call on 850 356, or email me, [email protected], Tor View, Higher Cheriton,Payhembury. Lesley Elford



Payhembury Summer Fair Saturday 15th June 12-3pm

The Summer Fair is rapidly approaching and we’re really looking forward to seeing you all there! The format is similar to May Day – the Dog Show, Welly Wanging - and we’ve found a fun alternative to the Maypole Dancing …

We are currently fundraising to raise £7,500 to buy 30 new laptops for the school. The laptops will be used across all the 4 classes and so far we’ve raised £4,500. So we’re making great progress but we’ve got a way to go yet. Some of our profits from the Summer Fair will go towards the laptops fund. The Fair, as normally, is manned by volunteers. I know from conversations with many of you, you like to get involved with the school so if you would like to help out on a stall for an hour during the event please do get in touch. We’re planning a Plant Stall and would appreciate all donations towards this, whether this is a couple of courgette plants because all of your seeds grew or something a bit bigger. If you can donate any plants please bring them along with you on the 15th June or we can collect them beforehand. We have space for some external stalls so if you would like to have a stall for yourself or you know of someone else who would want one please let us know beforehand. There is a small charge for having a stall. Finally… we always appreciate any donations for raffle or tombola prizes and if you would like to support us this way we would be very grateful! That’s it for now, Anita Elsom

Bring on the Strawberries....it’s Tennis season!!!

A huge thank you is due to Jane and Jason Wood for running the Payhembury Tennis club. Over the years they have faithfully weeded and maintained the court as well as encouraging an annual membership with club nights and even provid- ing coaching which has been appreciated by many of the young people in the village.

We are now taking on the baton (racket) and hope to keep the club thriving and maintain this fantastic facility we have in Payhembury. We need you!

Membership fees remain unchanged; Family £30, Couple £20 Individual £15 Junior (16yrs or under) £10 Senior (65yrs or older) £10 Student £10 Club nights; from 7pm every Friday Maybe you would like to be on the committee? Court booking; we are in the process of going live with online booking as well as online payments and membership through the LTA so watch this space. Check out www.payhemburytennis.weebly.com we’re also on Facebook Contact Ryan and Izzy Eaton 07957590880, [email protected]


LIFE SUPPORT REFRESHER Monday 17th June 7pm Parish Hall

This will be a chance to refresh your CPR skills and use of our defibrillator. Everybody is welcome especially the VETS volunteers.

If you have never attended a resuscitation demonstration come along and learn how to save a life.

Tim Cox 01404 850005

REDEVELOPMENT of the buildings surrounding SLADE BARTON

Venue: Small Room Village Hall - 13th June 2019 @ 4.30pm to 7pm

There will a chance to meet the architect, discuss his ideas and see what benefits the development would have for the future of village. This is a pre-planning application consultation.

FOUND - Clint is a really friend- A big community welcome to ly young man who has been Ben and Vikki who have come found straying in from Newton St Cyres near the Payhembury Crediton and moved into Lan- area. If you gaton House, Lower Tale. know him please contact Cats Protection on 01404 45241.

The Parish Magazine is created and delivered thanks to a number of volunteers behind the scenes, and we very much hope to welcome a further editor into the fold to help share the workload—could this be you? Our team of editors will be on hand to coach and show you the ropes, it’s very easy once you know how, we promise!

If you’d like to find out more please get in touch with us either by phone (see back page) or email [email protected]

Do you have an event to publicise, or news to share? Email: [email protected]


Paul’s Nature Notes for April/May

In early April our Long-tailed Tits had fledged and were be- ing introduced to the feeders. By the end of the month chiff- chaffs had arrived in force and swallows were making an ap- pearance. Blackbirds, however, were not so lucky, as four hatchlings only lasted two days before perishing. Two of them were neatly laid out on the bridge over the stream. As we go to print swifts have returned – summer is on the way! It has been a good year for the Dark-edged Bee-flies. The proboscis is truly awesome, although there is noth- ing to fear. With the warmer weather butterflies made their welcome return: Brimstone, Holly Blue, Green- veined White, Orange Tip, Peacock and mating Speckled Woods. The hot weather over the Easter period produced the most dramatic change in the bees, which simply seemed to go into overdrive. As the supers were filling up with honey so fast, extra ones were quickly added in the hope that this will prevent swarming. Will this be a good honey year? We attended the official opening of the new footpath to Colestocks and the planting of two new landmark trees. Afterwards I spoke to the county tree expert, as I want something new for the bog garden, and he recom- mended a Tupelo tree (Nyssa sylvatica or Black Gum). It is a slow grower but should love the location. In spring it produces blossoms that the bees really love, and in the autumn it puts on a truly magnificent display of colours. I can’t wait! Here is a date for your diary – Sunday 16 June sees four gardens in the village opening for Devon Hospicecare - this is such a great charity to support. Entrance tickets should be purchased at the village hall. Much has changed in the garden at Moorside in the past two years, so do come and see what we have done. There is a new rose border full of the best scented English roses, the slate path has been extended at both ends and a lot of work has been done in the bog garden. There are also new perennial beds, including one for shade loving plants and the productive vegetable area has been extended. I am also hoping to have some plants for sale together with plenty of bamboo canes at very reasonable prices with all pro- ceeds going to Hospicecare. There may even be some honey available. Finally, I am hoping to put on another display of live moths.


Payhembury Weather www.payhembury-weather.co.uk Rainfall: April was wetter than average with 30 mm falling on 5 April. May has been fairly dry so far with not much rain in the forecast so the seeds in the garden are beginning to need watering. Temperatures: For April it was warmer than average but there have been some cold nights at the beginning of May which have been close to record lows. Luckily the tender plants seem to have just survived. Weather elsewhere: Cyclone Fani hit the eastern coast of India and Bangladesh at the beginning of May killing several people but the improved warning systems now in place meant many people were evacuated from the area in advance of the Cy- clone’s arrival saving many lives. Quebec and Ontario have experienced severe flooding from the rivers with snow melt and heavy rain and by 29 April, 2019, around 9,500 people had evacuated their homes.

Payhembury Monthly Temperatures degC Apr/May 19 1960-90 Measured Warmer or colder (2 weeks) Climate Averages than average? Max Temp 12.1/15.0 14.7/15.4 Warmer

Min Temp 4.1/6.8 4.5/2.9 Warmer/Cooler Current weather Mean Temp 8.1/11.1 9.6/9.2 Warmer/Cooler in Payhembury Temp Range 8.0/8.4 10.2/12.5 and a forecast can be viewed on the website above. Highest Max 21.5/27 24.6/18.4 20 Apr 19 Lowest Min -4.5/-1.5 -2.7/-1.4 6 May 19 Lowest Max 2.5/8 8.8/12.3 14 Apr 19 Roger Saunders

Highest Min 11/15 11.2/7.6 23 Apr 19 Like me on Face- Payhembury Rainfall mm Date of max book and follow Apr 19 56 78 5 Apr 19 me on twitter at @sat_metman May 19 28 18 8 May 19 2 weeks

Open Gardens in Payhembury on behalf of Hospiscare Sunday 16th June 2019, 2.00pm till 5.30pm

Come and visit a marvellous selection of gardens includ- ing a variety of plants, roses, hanging baskets, pots, water features including a bog garden, bee hives, trees, fruit and vegetable areas, a train layout, a sum- merhouse, greenhouses and a lane of flowers.

Details of the gardens, maps, refreshments and admission at Payhembury Village Hall

All gardens within easy walking distance of the Parish Hall Admission £5 including all gardens


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Fitness Classes at Feniton Village Hall Amanda Snuggs LTCL 2019 timetable (Music Ed)

Mon 10am FABS Gentle exercise (seated or standing) Mon FitSteps Latin/ballroom dance Electronic Keyboard Tuition 6.30pm based fitness Electronic Organ Tuition Tue Zumba International rhythms Beginners Welcome 9.30am Toning with weights Tel: 01404 850605 Wed 10am Zumba Gentler dance based www.amandasnuggs.com Gold fitness Wed Zumba International rhythms 6.30pm Toning with weights Thu Zumba International rhythms 6.30pm Toning with weights Fri 9.30am FitSteps Latin/ballroom dance based fitness

All welcome! Please call or email before first class.

Deborah 07986 173481 [email protected]


Thank you to all who entered the May competition.

The winner is Ian Thomas. He got all 13 correct and a certificate is on its way. *Well done Ian* The answers are:

Fresh place for ships to pull in: Newport Woolly knitted garment that has an open front: Cardigan What can grow on food which is left too long out of the fridge: Mold Where big white bird can swim: Swansea Fresh place to cross the river: Newbridge An Exeter railway station: St Davids A prickly water source: Hollywell Hillside tree: Mountain Ash How Her Majesty crosses the water: Queensferry Big animal’s protuberance without the first letter: Usk Where river crossing finishes: Bridgend Hit or added: Bangor Entrance to the drinking counter: Barmouth

The next puzzle requires you to find the names of famous people. The clue reveals the surname but please also add the first name. The first two are done as examples.

Holy place on rise = (Winston) Churchill What you go through into fields = (Bill) Gates Male goose minus hesitation but plus US greeting = He walked on the moon with a limb that’s powerful = Sounds as though she should have been taking a break away rather than singing jazz = He made good cars when crossing the stream = Sounds like she can make you better - through radioactivity, that is = Russian revolutionary who became popular after a short Leonard = PM who worked on traditional Devon roofs = A Greek philosopher who expressed surprise at a piece of crockery (one name only) = She sounds as though she spent darkness in a high wind = Sounds like he enjoys a boating holiday when not on the US stage =

Please send your entries to me by June 14th at [email protected] or by post to: Pear Tree Cottage, Lower Tale, Payhembury, Honiton, EX143HL. Certificate for the winner and a separate competition for those 16 years of age or younger. No need to answer all – try some and send to me.



The University of the Third Age Learn, Laugh, Live’

The monthly meeting of the Honiton U3A will be at The Beehive on Wednesday 19th June when they welcome their speaker – Mr John Smith and the title of his talk is ‘The Roman Army – Facts, Finds & Fiction’.

John is a Military historian and a ‘Living History Archaeologist’, he will describe the role and equipment of the Roman army that arrived in Honiton around AD46. This will be a fascinating subject for all our local history enthusiasts.

Venue: The Beehive, Dowell Street, Honiton Doors open 1.30pm for a 2pm start Members Free and Visitors are welcome (Suggested donation of £2.00)

For more information ring: 01404 598008 OR visit our Website: http://u3asites.org.uk/honiton

In our May meeting from the Devon Freewheelers Organisation, we learnt a lot of interesting things about the delivery of vital body parts across Devon and Cornwall, and sometimes further afield, by dedi- cated and fast-moving volunteers on a motorbike. It is an exciting but unpaid job, with caution needed, and some risk of accidents....please look out for motorbikes. they may be carrying an organ, blood or tissue specimens for your nearest and dearest.

Tuesday 11th June at 7.30 pm at Hall

Nathalie Andrews will talk about her life in dressmaking and design, with a focus on vintage clothing. If you would be interested in coming along and seeing what goes on at the modern WI, you would be very welcome. Please contact... Julie on 841189

Broadhembury Memorial Hall Film Night Showing Mary Poppins Returns

Friday 7th June Doors open 7pm Film start 7:30pm Saturday 8th June Doors open 2:30pm Film start 3pm

£5.00 per adult, £3.00 per child, Under 3’s free from Broadhembury Post Office £6.00 per adult, £4.00 per child on the door (All proceeds will go to the Memorial Hall, Charity Number 1156178) Bar and Raffle.

If you have any queries concerning this event or would like to suggest a film please contact us using the following email address broadhemburymemorial- [email protected] or like us on Facebook.


Payhembury Parish Council After the recent local elections there have been a few changes of people on Payhembury Parish Council. Many, many thanks for all their hard work to the retiring Councillors – Keith Williams (Chairman), Mark Disney, Bill Eaton and Mary Lorimer. Welcome (or welcome back) to the Parish Councillors for the next 4 years - Tim Cox (Chairman), Rob Leach (Vice- Chairman), Eva Ingleson, Ryan Eaton, David Silver, Clare Kimber and Phil Chamberlain. The Parish Council have a number of projects planned for the coming year – the 2 larger ones being an overhaul of the playing fields and equipment and the provision of a bus shel- ter for the schoolchildren of Tale. The Parish Council would welcome your input and ideas for these, and any other, projects. If you are interested in anything the Parish Council are doing, want to get involved or want information, please contact the Parish Council - [email protected] - or to find out more visit the Parish Council website at http://www.payhemburyparishcouncil.org.uk Dawn Chamberlain, Parish Clerk

Devon County Council’s response to Ash tree dieback It is estimated that a million Ash trees will be lost across Devon in the next 10 years due to the Chalara Ash dieback (ADB) fungus. This will have a huge impact on the Devon land- scape and have a suite of practical responses to try to offset this massive loss of trees. One of these is the 3:2:1 tree replacement policy (3 trees for every mature Ash tree removed, 2 trees for every semi-mature tree removed and 1 tree for every small tree removed). As part of this policy there are also trees available to plant in the wider landscape, via the Devon Ash Dieback Resilience Forum (DADBRF) project and The Wood- land Trust (through their free trees for schools and communities project). The Parish Council are looking for suggestions for potential locations within the parish where some of these replacement native trees could be planted. If you have any sugges- tions please can you let the Parish Council know via [email protected]. The Council will collate the ideas ready for the planting season in the autumn. Further information on ADB can be found at https://new.devon.gov.uk/environment/ash- dieback Dawn Chamberlain, Parish Clerk

Bus Shelter for the wet students of Tale The Parish Council have been asked to help with the provision of a bus shelter in Tale so that students waiting for the school bus can keep dry and avoid having to stand on a muddy bank, in particular during the winter months. If anyone, especially the students affected, have any thoughts, ideas or suggestions about the size or style for the bus shelter, please contact either Katherine Allen (01884 277898) in Tale or the Parish Council ([email protected]). Also if anyone knows who owns the land that the students currently wait on, please could you let us know. Dawn Chamberlain, Parish Clerk

Payhembury Parish Neighbourhood Plan The referendum on the Payhembury Parish Neighbourhood plan took place on Thursday 2nd May, when parishioners were asked “Do you want District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Payhembury to help it decide planning applications in the neigh- bourhood area?”. 82% of those that voted in the referendum voted in favour of East Devon District Council using the plan when considering planning applications in Payhembury Parish. Many thanks to all those who voted and also a big thank you to all those involved with the creation of the Neighbourhood plan over the recent few years. The Neighbourhood plan can be viewed on the Parish Council website – www.payhemburyparishcouncil.org.uk.


Lets not get too carried away, we have managed to play two games, neither on our natural habitat of grass and as a direct result we have twice been defeated……….well maybe not quite a direct result! If the weather gods are kind to us then we shall play twice on grass next week, here’s hoping. First up we visited the Cully Codgers, a deceptive name for a team that always seems to closely resemble the Cullompton CC league XI, certainly not much sign of any real old codgers. Cully posted a gettable 87- 9 with wickets for Will Wood (very unhappy that his Dad dropped a catch to deny him a hat trick but best not to mention this if you bump in to him), Ben Peters, Si Kittow, Tony Quick and Steve Clegg. In response the Millers were always slightly behind the rate and closed on 67-4 with Steve Post making 18 not out and Ben Peters 14, so a defeat by 20 runs. We then trundled into Exeter to Play the Sunsets at County Hall and this time fell short by 19 runs, with Sunsets posting 116-5 (Wickets for Riley Burgess, two for Jason Wood and one for Will Wood) and Millers response 97-7 with Mark Hammett unbeaten on 25. Coming up we head up the M5 to Nynehead and then host the Brans- combe Ravens on Friday……a home game at last! On Friday 31st we entertain The Talaton Inn and bar will be open for all our wonderful social Mem- bers…..but you will need to pay your subs. See you on the pitch Jon

Open The Book We have been exploring stories from the New Testament this term, starting with a visual scene on Lake Galilee with two fishing boats (make from chairs draped with material). We acted out the calling of Jesus' special friends, fishermen like Peter, who after a miraculous catch of tonnes of fish decide to follow Jesus and become 'fishers of men'. It is lovely how so many children want to join us in our acts and dress up as characters in the story, pulling in a net full of fish. Next time we will be exploring the story of 'down through the roof', so watch out village hall committee, hopefully we won't leave a hole in the roof! This story reveals the amazing courage of the friends of the paralysed man who stopped at nothing to get him to see Jesus (yes, quite literally pulling apart the roof and low- ering him down!) The children enjoy the visual short stories and the songs full of action we do afterwards. Many thanks to the open the book team: Ann, Val and Graham, Cara, Mary, Vicky, Amy and Nicola. New volunteers always welcome - we have some fun together!


Broadhembury and District Gardening Club

Our May meeting was well attended and Sarah Chesters was, once again, an engaging and knowledgeable speaker. We’ve all come away with lots of ideas of plants to provide interest in autumn and winter. Plant Sale The weather was extremely kind to us for our annual plant sale on May 11th. We had a large number of plants for sale and it was very well attended with lots of plants going to new homes. A very big thank you to all who helped in any way; from growing plants, selling on the day, providing refreshment, moving tables and all the other jobs which helped to make the sale so successful. The funds raised go towards paying for our monthly speakers, and we look forward to inviting more fantastic speakers to our club. June Meeting Our next meeting will take place on Wednesday June 5th at 7.30pm in Broadhembury Memorial Hall. Brian Carlsson will be talking to us about Fuch- sias. New members and visitors are always most welcome to come and enjoy excel- lent speakers, tea and cake, a superb raffle and the company of other garden- ers. Visitors usually £2, annual membership £10. Mandy Persey

Val Jones and Payhembury Paper

This month we got the sad news that Val is finally hanging up her “printing” boots and retiring.

Val tells me that she started printing the Payhembury Paper when Betty Johns was the editor and their trusty duplicating machine broke down. She thinks this was over 35 years ago, so Val has been a part of the team longer than any of us.

There have been panics and crises over the years – last minute additions, front page photos which wouldn’t work, copy sent late and I’m sure a whole lot more – but Val has always been there sorting it out for us and making sure the paper was out on time. What would we have done without her?

Val has been working for some years with Nick Walker, of Nick Walker printing based in Kingsbridge, so the handover will be seamless and we welcome Nick to the team.

We wish Val the very best for the future and hope she enjoys a well earned rest. I’m sure Misty, her beloved horse, will be happy to see more of her!

Thank you Val, we will miss you.

Sue Derbyshire


Definitive Map Review – Closing date for Evidence forms 13th June 2019

Back on 13th March Tom Green, from Devon County Council, gave a presenta- tion on the public rights of way in Payhembury parish. The meeting was very at- tended with many people keen to help identify the location of previous, existing and possibly forgotten public rights of way, with many people having evidence of where these are or were. Tom asked everyone to submit any evidence or other information they had about the location of these public right of ways via User Evi- dence forms and Landowner Evidence forms. The time for submitting these forms is drawing to a close – the final date for Tom to receive them is 13th June 2019. Copies of these forms can be downloaded from The Definitive Map Review sec- tion of the DCC website - https://www.devon.gov.uk/prow/the-definitive-map/ definitive-map-review/ . Forms should be completed and returned to Tom Green at DCC either by post to Devon County Council Public Rights of Way Section, County Hall, Topsham Road, Exeter, Devon. EX2 4QD or via email to thom- [email protected] . The website also has a link to a PDF describing the Definitive Map Process.

The forms can also be downloaded from the Parish Council website - www.payhemburyparishcouncil.org.uk - together with a copy of the slides from the presentation on the Definitive Map Review process on 13th March 2019 and a map of the current footpaths recorded for Payhembury parish. If you have any information about Payhembury’s public rights of way, please sub- mit your forms as soon as possible. Dawn Chamberlain, Parish Clerk

West Hill Festival of Crafts and Flowers

A Festival of local crafts, art and flowers. “Creation” will be a celebration of crea- tivity, craftsmanship and artistry in the West Hill community.

Featuring crafts of all types, there will be displays of needlework and embroidery, quilting and painting, and displays by the West Hill Art Group and West Hill Pri- mary School. Refreshments will be available including light lunches each day.

Opening times 10 to 4 Friday 21st June; 10 to 4 Saturday 22nd June; 12 to 4 Sunday 23rd June. St Michael’s Church, Bendarroch Road, West Hill, East Devon or see www.stmichaelatwesthill.weebly.com

Visit the parish website for all the latest local information: www.payhembury.org.uk


Save the date Saturday July 13th Party in the Park with Payhembury’s Got Talent

Keep your eyes out for entry forms coming soon on the village hall website and in the shop. Your chance to enter yourself and share your amazing talent with everyone watching.

We have some great bookings for live music throughout the day and into the evening guaranteed to get you on your feet and dance the night away. More will be revealed as the date gets closer.

Plan that amazing picnic to have while listening to the tunes and have some amazing fruit cocktails in the sunshine. Some choice foods and ice cream will be available too.

Stay tuned to the village hall website and the newsletter for all the latest news Can't wait to see you all. Maria Banham


This production is open to both adults and children. The casting will be split into two parts a ‘Senior Cast’ and a ‘Junior Cast’. The ‘Senior Cast’ is open to all adults and school students who are in year 9 and above in September 2019. The ‘Junior Cast’ is open to all children who are in school years 3 to 8 in September 2019. Each cast will have its own Introductory Workshop. The Senior Cast Workshop will be held on Saturday 6th July from 10.30am and 3.30pm in the Talaton Parish Hall (Registration and Light Re- freshments from 10.00am). The registration fee (to cover hall hire) is Adults £2, Students £1. The Junior Cast Workshop will be held on Saturday 7th September from 2.00pm to 4.00pm in St Mary’s Church . Parents are welcome to either bring their children and leave them for the first 90 minutes or remain in the church to watch the activities. All parents must attend this workshop from 3.30pm, when full details of the whole project will be given and Parental Consent Forms issued. Both Workshops are open to all interested participants without any further expected commitment. Full project details, including casting, the rehearsal sched- ule and performance dates will be given at the end of the workshop. Rehearsals will begin in September for performances that will be given in St Mary’s Church Whimple in early 2020.

The Creative Team for this project will be Choreographer: Emily Thornhill; Musical Director: Emma Palmer; Stage Director: Tom Samson.



Non urgent police contact 101 Honiton Hospital 01404 540540 (Minor Injury Unit 8am-10pm) RD&E Hospital Exeter 01392 411611 VETS (Village Emergency Telephone System) 01404 565605

Your Parish Council Meetings held 2nd Wed of alternate months (starting January) 7.30pm in the Parish Hall Robert Leach (Vice Chairman) 01404 841408 Tim Cox (Chairman) 01404 850005 Eva Ingleson 07792 627802 Ryan Eaton David Silver Claire Kimber Phil Chamberlain 01404 841773 Dawn Chamberlain, Parish Clerk 01404 841773 email: [email protected]

Useful numbers at the County Council (all 0345) General Enquiries 155 1015 Registrars 155 1002 Roads and Transport 155 1004 Libraries 155 1001 Disability Information 155 1005 Children/Families 155 1013 Bus passes 01392 383 688

Emergencies Social Care 0345 600 0388 Highways 01392 383329 Animal Welfare, Petrol, Explosives 01392 499499

Useful numbers at the District Council (all 01395) www.eastdevon.go.uk Switchboard 516551 (including planning matters) Council Tax/Benefits 517446 (including elderly, disabled, vulnerable) Environmental Health 517456 (including dogs and pest control) Missed Bins/Recycling 571515 Car Park Fines 571780

County Councillor Ian Chubb 01297 35468 District Councillor Philip Skinner 01404 822855


Please contact Hazel Pike on [email protected] or 841465 for details and to book. (Please telephone before 7pm)

PAYHEMBURY PROVISIONS Opening hours and contact details

Monday to Friday 8am to 7pm Saturday 8am to 1pm Sunday 8am to 12pm Tel: 01404 841856 or [email protected]



Tea and Bingo, The Six Bells, 2:15pm Wed 5th Broadhembury & District Gardening Club, Broadhembury Hall, 7:30pm Fri 7th & Broadhembury Memorial Hall Film Showing (see page 11 for details) Sat 8th Sun 9th Pentecost Prayer Walk & Picnic, start at Spar 2:15pm end at Feniton Court Mon 10th Soup Lunch, Church, 12-2pm Tues 11th WI Meeting, Broadhembury Hall, 7:30pm Pre-planning application review meeting, Parish Hall, 4:30-7pm Thurs 13th Definitive Map Review Evidence Forms Submission Deadline Fri 14th Wordplay entries deadline Sat 15th Summer Fair, 12-3pm Sun 16th Open Gardens, Begin at Parish Hall, 2-5:30pm Mon 17th Life Support Refresher, Parish Hall, 7pm Deadline for Parish Paper Entries, 4pm Tues 18th Ladies Night Out, The Six Bells, 8pm Mobile Library, Parish Hall Car Park, 11.25-11.45am Wed 19th U3A, The Beehive Centre, Honiton. 1:30pm Sat 22nd Churchyard Clean-Up, 10-12 midday Fri 21st- West Hill Festival of Crafts and Flowers (see page 15 for details) Sun 23rd Wed 26th Coffee Morning, Slade View, 11am Sun 30th Cream Tea with musical interludes, Parish Hall, 3-5pm

Church Flowers 1st & 8th Mrs J Cocker 15th & 22nd Mrs J Scarle 29th (& July 6th) Mrs M Curran

REGULAR WEEKLY ACTIVITIES HELD IN THE PARISH HALL MONDAY Apple Pips 9.30-11.30am TUESDAY musicseeds 9.15-10.15am Pilates 6.00-7.00pm WEDNESDAY Pilates 9.15-10.15 & Men’s 10.30-11.30am Short Mat Bowling 7.30-10.00pm THURSDAY Pilates 9.30-10.30am

Editorial Team: Christine Thair (841322), Kate Duggan (07968 369159), Victoria Lincoln (07967 313035), & YOU?! Contact us to find out how to join our team of editors!

Payhembury Village Website: www.payhembury.org.uk 18