
Wisconsin Law Prohibits UW-Whitewater Resources on the Basis IMPACT of Student organization for LGBT and allies http://orgs.uww.edu/impact/ In 1982, Wisconsin became the first state Mary Beth Mackin to recognize sexual orientation as a Assistant Dean of Student Life prohibited basis for discrimination. The 262-472-1533 Wisconsin State Statutes cite more than 11 [email protected] separate statutes prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation along AA/EO Eric Barber with the prohibition on the basis of 262-472-1072 race, ethnicity, , , and http://www.uww.edu/adminaffairs/hr/ religion. These laws cover such areas as aaeo/index.html public schools, the UW System, veteran’s housing and state employment, among Off-Campus Resources others, and certain statutes mandate and National Hotline equal opportunity as a right in housing, 1-888-843-4564 Chancellor’s Task Force on LGBT Issues education and state employment. www.glnh.org For example, Wisconsin Statute 36.12 specifically prohibits discrimination or GLAAD-Gay and Lesbian Alliance Challenging against UW students, staff or Against www..org faculty on the basis of sexual orientation. PFLAG-Parents, Families and Friends of and DID YOU KNOW: and Gays • Sexual “orientation” is a better term http://community.pflag.org than sexual “preference?” Triangle Foundation • Coming-out is a process of self- 1-877-787-4264 identification and disclosures that begins Victim Advocate in early teens? www.tri.org • Coming-out includes first professional disclosures in one’s early thirties? • Coming-out is a different experience for everyone? Many regard it as the single most important “life event.”


A Resource Guide for Faculty and Staff UW-Whitewater makes respect Suggestions for a caring and for others a priority inclusive community

he Strategic Plan includes the dopt a department resolution • Consider the incorporation of LGBT* following assumptions: on sexual orientation scholarship into department courses. that acknowledges the T “Goal 4.1 (a) Foster a learning Adepartment’s determination to • Project positive images of LGBT* environment in which the well-being work against the discrimination against persons and an accepting of every individual is valued, service to LGBT* in the university. (You may obtain department attitude in the posters, one another is encouraged, freedom an example of such a resolution from the pamphlets, handouts and forms in of expression is not compromised, and Chancellor’s Task Force on LGBT Issues). and from the department. civility is affirmed.” • Discuss the dangers and opportunities • Be clear allies of LGBT* rights in class “Goal 4.1 (c) Develop swift, sensitive, that confront students and faculty/ discussions, committee work and and appropriate responses to public staff who are “out” as LGBT*. university discourses. acts of disrespect or discrimination toward any member of the University • Discuss the validity and importance Contact the Chancellor’s Task Force community.” of LGBT* scholarship and research on LGBT Issues (Eric Barber at 472-1072 with department promotion, tenure, or Kim Simes at 472-1939) for members “Goal 4.2 An intellectual climate that reappointment and merit committees. of the committee who can act as reflects the of the campus consultants for or to speak to your community and a shared commitment • Be aware of how issues such as department about LGBT issues. to achieving a global vision.” parental leave, sick leave and bereavement may affect LGBT* “Goal 4.2(a) Integrate diversity issues faculty and staff and be flexible in and a global perspective throughout helping such families. the instructional and non -instructional student programs.” • Discuss the possible ramifications of a colleague “.”
