
Year 9 Knowledge Organisers Year 9 Religious Studies: Sept-Nov. Relationship and Key knowledge: Things I need to be able to do Key Skills in this unit Key Term Definition 1. I can explain what Christians and Buddhists believe about Identifying key reasons: e.g. A legal union between two people marriage (pg. 87). two types of Contraception The legal ending or termination of a are Condom and the Implant. 2. I can explain what Christians and Buddhists believe about marriage divorce (pg. 88). Heterosexual People who are sexually attracted to Explaining: e.g. Buddhist view of people of the opposite sex 3. I can explain what Christians and Buddhists think about Marriage is it is not special as Homosexual People who are sexually attracted to re-marriage (pg. 88). there is no God. Christians people of the same sex believe Marriage is Holy as it has 4. I can explain what Christians and Buddhists believe about Contraception prevents conception taking place (e.g. been blessed by God. sex before marriage and sex outside of marriage (pg. 85). the pill; condoms) Evaluation: Some agree that 5. I can explain what Christians and Buddhists believe about Nuclear Families where live with their Adultery is wrong because… contraception / family planning (pg. 86) children. E.g. mum, dad, 2 kids. Some disagree that Adultery is 6. I can explain what Christians and Buddhists believe about Extended Families where parents, children and always wrong because… homosexuality (pg. 84). family grand-parents all live together 7. I can explain different types of families and also explain I think that…. what Christians and Buddhists believe about the purpose of Gender Inequality between men and women in Key Quotes family life (pg. 90). inequality society. E.g. Equal Pay “You shall not commit adultery”. “the body is a temple of the Holy Spirit” 8. I can explain what Christians and Buddhists believe about Listen to your who gave you life. Vows promises that people make to each “A man.. Is united with his and they the role of parents and children (pg. 89. other when they get married become one flesh” 9. I can explain what Christians and Buddhists believe about Adultery Cheating or having an “Go forth and Multiply” “Flee from Sexual immorality” the roles of men and women in the family and wider society “The Middle way, not too much or too (pg. 91). Sanctity of that marriage is a special gift from God little”. marriage “ your as loved the church.” “Do not lie with a man as you would with a woman” Year 9 Religious Studies: Dec-Feb Crime and Punishment Key Knowledge: Things I need to be able to do

1. I can explain what is meant by `crime`, give examples of different Key Term Definition Key Skills in this unit Identifying key reasons: e.g. kinds of crimes and explain reasons why people might commit crimes two types of Crime are Murder and (pg. 132 – 133) Crime An action that breaks the law of the Stealing. land. E.g. Theft, Murder 2. I can explain different Christian and Buddhist beliefs about how criminals should be treated (including ideas of forgiveness, love / Punishment consequence for breaking the law of the Explaining: e.g. Retribution is the loving-, non-violence / ahimsa and revenge) (pg. 138 and pg. land best form of punishment as it gives 136). Deterrence An aim of punishment. To deter or `put justice to the victim which echo's the people off` criminal acts. Christian quote “Eye for an Eye”. 3. I can explain different reasons why criminals are punished including: Retribution An aim of punishment. revenge on a revenge / retribution; protection; justice; deterrence; reformation (pg. Evaluation: Some agree that Oscar 135). criminal by making them suffer Pistorius should receive the death 4. I can explain Christian and Buddhist beliefs about the different Reformation An aim of punishment. change a penalty.” criminal into a better person. reasons for punishing criminals (e.g. do Christians agree with punishing criminals to get revenge? reformation?) (pg. 134 – 135) Prison A secure building where serious criminal Some disagree that Oscar Pistorius should receive the death penalty.” offenders are kept 5. I can explain different ways of punishing criminals including: Corporal To punish an offender by causing them I think that…. corporal punishment (e.g. physical beating); capital punishment Punishment physical pain e.g. whipping (death penalty); prison; community service (pg. 137). Capital The death penalty, for serious crimes. 6. I can explain Christian and Buddhist beliefs about the different ways Punishment Key Quotes “Do not kill”. “So not Steal”. of punishing criminals (e.g. what would Christians or Buddhists think Community punishing offenders by making them do “you are to take Life of life, Eye for an about corporal or capital punishment?). (pg. 136 – 137) Service unpaid work in the community eye. ” 7. I can use the key Christian ideas of SAS (sanctity of life; agape; Hate crime Intentionally causing harm to a person “Suffering produces perseverance stewardship) and MASK (metta / loving-kindness; ahimsa / non- and character.” who belongs to a particular group violence; suffering; kamma) in a discussion of crime and punishment. SAS Sanctity of life, Agape, Stewardship, “Spare the Rod hate the .” “Forgive those who sin against us”. 8. I can evaluate with quotes and form logical chains, whether Capital MASK Metta, Ahimsa, Suffering, Kamma “Skilful and Unskilful actions”. punishment should be used as a form of justice. 1st Precept: Harm no living thing. 9. I can evaluate with quotes and form logical chains whether marriage is not necessary in todays society. Year 9 Religious Studies: Mar-May Key Knowledge: Things I need to be able to do 1. I can explain the reasons why countries go to war (including greed, self- Peace and Conflict defence, retaliation and religious belief). (pg. 122 ) 2. I can give examples of wars from history and today (World War 1, World Key Term Definition Key Skills in this unit War 2, Vietnam, the Gulf War and the war against ISIS). War Conflict or hostility between countries Identifying key reasons: e.g. 3. I can explain arguments and evidence that Christians would give about resulting in destruction the main reasons for going to was war using SAS (sanctity of life, agape, stewardship). (pg. 120, 122 ) Peace A state of harmony or non-violence is Greed and self defence. 4. I can explain arguments and evidence that Buddhists would give about Violence When a person or country uses physical war using and MASK (metta – loving-kindness, ahimsa – non-violence, aggression against another Explaining: e.g. A just war must suffering and kamma). (pg. 120, 122 ) Forgiveness Letting go of negative emotions towards have a Chance of Success. You cannot send Soldiers to certain death. 5. I can explain the Just War Theory using the criteria or rules for a `just war` and give examples of wars that could be classed as `just wars` (pg. 124) a person who has done you wrong Secondly you cannot target innocent Reconciliation Restoring a relationship between two civilians. This is because they cannot 6. I can explain what is meant by a `Holy War`, gives examples of holy wars people or countries who have been in fight back. and explain the views that Christians and Buddhists have towards holy war. conflict with each other (pg. 125 ) Retaliation Reacting violently or getting revenge Evaluation: Some agree that weapons of mass destruction should 7. I can explain the meaning of the term `pacifism` and give religious beliefs be banned. and teachings that influence Christians and Buddhists to be pacifists. (pg. Just War A criteria that needs to be completed for 126 ) Some disagree that that weapons of theory a war to be legal and moral. 8. I can explain arguments against pacifism including reasons why violent mass destruction should be banned. Holy War A war fought for religious reasons often protest might be better. (pg. 121 ) for a spiritual reward. I think that…. 9. I can explain what is meant by the terms peace, justice, forgiveness and Crusades An example of a Holy War. Christians reconciliation and link these concepts to a discussion about peace and conflict. (pg. 120 ) and Muslims fighting over the Holy Key Quotes Land. “the love of money is the root of all 10. I can explain what weapons of mass destruction are - including nuclear, Terrorism Using violence against innocent people evil” chemical and biological weapons – and explain Christian and Buddhist attitudes towards them. (pg. 123 ) for a political or religious motive “Do not repay evil with Evil.” “Turn the other Cheek”. Weapons of Weapons that cause mass death and 11. I can explain what terrorism is with examples and explain Christian and “Blessed are the Peacemakers”. Buddhist attitudes towards it. (pg. 121). Mass destruction. E.g. nuclear, Biological and Ahimsa “non violence”. Destruction Chemical. “Buddhism “We should not seek 12. I can explain how religious people and organisations (such as Christian revenge on those who have Aid and Caritas) have helped victims of war and why they think this is Martin Luther A civil rights campaigner who fought for important. (pg. 127 ) King peace. committed crimes against us” Year 9 Religious Studies: Jun-Jul Key Knowledge: Things I need to be able to do Life Issues 1. I can explain scientific views and religious views about the origins of the universe, including Christian and Buddhist beliefs (pg. 96)

Key Term Definition Key Skills in this unit 2. I can explain why Christians and Buddhists value the world and believe they Sanctity of life life is sacred or special to God. only God Identifying key reasons: e.g. have a duty to protect it (including religious teachings about stewardship and can give and take life away. two types of fossil fuel is Coal and dominion, metta and ahimsa) (pg. 97) Agape show `love for your neighbour Oil. 3. I can explain scientific and religious view about the origins of human life Stewardship humans are caretakers of God`s earth & (including evolution, creation. (pg. 100) Explaining: e.g. Christians believe look after it (`Rule over every thing`). the World was created by God as an 4. I can explain how humans use and abuse the natural environment, Metta Buddhists believe in showing love and expression of love. A contrasting view including the use of natural resources and pollution (pg. 98) Kindness is the scientific Big Bang theory. Ahimsa Non-Violence. `I will not harm any living 5. I can explain how humans use and abuse animals, including animal experimentation and the use of animals for food (pg.99) st Evaluation: Some agree we should thing – The 1 Precept). not experiment on Animals because… Evolution The earth and animals evolved naturally 6. I can explain what Christians and Buddhists might say about these issues over many years. Some disagree we should not (pg. 98 and pg. 99) experiment on Animals because… Natural Trees, Oil, Coal and Gas that are found 7. I can explain arguments for and against the taking of human life through resources naturally on the Earth. I think that…. the issues of abortion and euthanasia (pg. 101 and pg. 102) Pollution Toxins that destroy the air and 8. I can use the concepts of the sanctity of life and the quality of life in my atmosphere. Cause Acid rain damage discussions (pg. 101 and pg. 102) Key Quotes Ozone layer cause global warming. “God said, Let there be light”. Global The heating up of the earth`s 9. I can use the key ethical teachings of SAS (sanctity of life, agape, “God Blessed them and said be stewardship) and MASK (metta, ahimsa, suffering, kamma) in my answers warming atmosphere. Some believe due to fruitful in number”. burning fossil fuels. “Rule over … every living creature” 10. I can explain Christian and Buddhist beliefs about death and the afterlife and also show how these might influence people today (pg. 103) Animal testing medicines or cosmetics on “The Earth is the Lord and everything experimentation animals to make sure they are safe in it” 11. I can explain the Christian views of heaven, hell, resurrection, eternal life “God create man in his own image”. and judgement (pg. 103) Abortion The deliberate termination (ending) of “Before I formed you in the Womb the life of an unborn child Knew you.” 12. I can explain the Buddhist views of rebirth, kamma, samsara and Nibbana Euthanasia deliberate ending of a person`s life to The Eight-Fold Path “the Right (pg. 103) end suffering Action”