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2-14-1911 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 02-14-1911 Journal Publishing Company

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THIRTY-THIR- D YEAR, Vol. CXXIX. No.45. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1911. D Mail . Month f glarl Ocwkfc I Bjr Carrier. ! null S MonLb.

but tomorrow Mr. McCall will endeav-o- r Mr. Bailey will continue lus speech aid the governor, "and, theerfore, RECIPROCITY PACT to secure an agreement to end BAILEY VIGOROUS tomorrow. TAFT STUDS WITH there need be no danger of a coal QRQSC0 IN NO HURRY general debate at S o'clock and then Mr, Blley is a memher of the com- famine for many, many years. We are operating more mines every year, and to begin the mittee on privileges and elections an-- reading of the bill for coper, silver and Iron are being mined amendment, report, declaring UNFAIR TO the house to remain In coincided with the CHAIVIP QW in greater quantity all the time." session until the measure is passed. S UPPORTER OF that nothing invalidating; Mr. Lort CLARK TO CAPTURE All amendments execpt one or two mer's title to his seat had been de- C IovIk Unit Populutlon of 3.255. veloped by the committee's Investi- Washington, minor ones to the wood pulp schedule Feb. 13. The popula- gations. I tion of to correct errors, Ciovls, N. M., as announced FARMER will be voted down, L ORIMER The Texas senator's refnarks were RECIPROCITY by the census bureau today is 3,!55. JUAREZ for serious amendment would nullify devoted largely to the suAmti ntlotion Ciovls is less than five years old. the negotiations. of his contention that sufficient must be shown $ The test vote number of Votes WEDDING and the general debate have been bought to affect the result MAY DEPRIVE NATIONAL GRANGE that followed " HEAD OF clearly demonstrated CHALLENGES OPPONENTS unless It Is proven that She offteia BOTH WOULD EXTENT YOUTH OF SNUG FORTUNE REVOLUTIONARIES CAMP the serious split that exists among l challenged person- VOICES STRONG PROTEST TO ANSWER ARGUMENTS whose election AGREEMENT TO WORLD THIRTY MILES TO SOUTH the republicans of the house on re- ally participate In the offense. Root, Cummins and Bo ciprocity. It now aopears a ma- Senators Macon, Ga., Feb. IS. Executors of that rah, all opponents o Mr. Lorimer, to Having Duties Re jority of the republicans will vote Texan Claims Illinois Democratic the estate of the late It. K. Lamar, of Objects Senator were each in turn requested to ataml Speaker to Be and Macon, are defending suit of "Rebel" General Held in El Paso against the measure although the as to the up and express their options Lamar Washington in- moved From Agricultural president Is likely to get more support Was Elected by Majority of . Republican President Find for an elKhth Just for Breach of Neutrality the legal soundness of this propr, terest in a from that side than he at first antici- half million dollars on the Products While Manufactur the Honest Men in Spring- tlon. Common Ground in Desire for ground that when young Washington Laws; Declines to Give Bail of pated. Like the "regulars" the "in- Dealing first with the general iv ' surgents" ranks are wedded MIks Lucille Graves Osborne ers Enjoy Protection, also torn wide field Legislature. pect of the case, Senator Rniley en- Free Trade Relations, of New $1,000, open and a majority of them will vote York, several years ago, he did tered upon the consideration of the not obtain the necessary stipu- against the measure. laid consent law Involved., He down ihej lated in the Ijimar will. Juoreal SDecttJ Some of the republicans who spoke fBy Moraine Journal pedal teased Wlr1 l By Morulas Journal gperiul Morning Npectal Hr Mnrolnc lasa Win two propositions: Leased Win) Lamar Washington, a Bt Jourunl t.ontt Win pro- today they saw reciprocity Washington,. ! S. Defense of when youth, Concord, N. II., Feb, IS. The said in the Feb. First, if the officer whose election 'Washington, Feb. IS. Reciprocity was adopted by El Paso, Tex., Feb. 13. Martin agreement the beginning of of his uncle, II. J, Ijimar. posed Canadian reciprocity agreement the end Senator Lorlmer of Illinois, was of- Is challenged personally participated with Canada, with all countries of In consideration CaBlllas, Mexican revolutionary lend- protection. Da- of the lad's "trans- Mr. Martin of South to- In, or encouraged, or sanctioned the in attacked in a letter sent today to fered by Senator' Bailey of Texas, North and South America, and in fact, fer" the uncle paid Ijimar's er, was held In the sum of $1,000 by kota was particularly apprehensive I father. bribery, then his election void with- Colonel W. 11. Secretary of Agriculture James Wilson over on day In a speech so powerful that H with all nations, was" advocated by Washington, of Nash I'nlted States Commissioner Oliver the assault the principles of out reference to the extent of thq vllle. 110,000. by former Governor Baehelder of this protection. was applauded by what was perhaps both President Tuft and Speaker-to- . today In default of which he Is spend- bribery.' When the unrle died his will pro- The republican split I accentuated the largest attendance of members be Champ Clark in addresses at the city, national master of the National , Second. If the officer whose elec- vided young ing his second night In the F.l Phso by the that one of spectators on the floor-- In the opening session of the that Ijmar Washington Grange. The letter la a reply to the fart member that and tion Is challenged, did not personally was to an eighth jail. Arrested Sunday while return- party. Mr. McCall Massachusetts, galleries of the senate chamber in the commercial conference today. receive of an estate communication favoring the agree, of participate in, or encourage, or sanc- of $500,000 providing ing to his command In Mexico, af- congress. Speeches favoring a com-merci- al he obtained his by Secretary Wilson to is directing the debate in favor of the present session of For three tion the bribery, then his election can closer a visit Kl Paso to ment sent Mr. union of aunt's consent to any marriage en- ter to ascertain 9.- measure, another republican, Mr. hours the Texan spoke, and then an North and South Baehelder on February - end aot be void unless it Is shown by suf- gagement he might make. what disposition to make of seventy Dalsell, of , Is directing nounped he would continue his speech America, with fequent reference to Mr. Baehelder nay the agreement ficient evidence that enough votes F.xecutors of the estate have refus- prisoners, he declares he has com- the fight against it. tomorrow. , the future Influence of the Panama is unfair to the farmers of the United were bribed to affect the result ed to turn over any part of prop- mitted no crime and will make no ef- Representative Hill Connecticut, His plea that senator from Il- canal, were made by the secretary the States who "ask for nothing but a of the The first of these propositions was erty to Washington, contending fort to give bond. "Not even it you linois b permitted to his eedt of state, Mr. Knox; James A. Fnrrell, he equare deal equal protection all opened the debate in favor of the bill retain dismissed with the declaration that contrary to cut off my head," were his parting; for was was of so a de president of the Steel married his aunt's wishes. and interests." and the only republican to advo- elaborate nature and there was not a word In the testi- words, Casillits when ho enme to FX dosses it today. by livered with sue!) force and fervor corporation; Senor Calvo, the Costa The letter addressed to Secretary cate He was seconded mony to show that Mr. Lorlmer had Paso made the mistake of bringing Representative New that it Mr. Bailey in the chief Rica minister to the United States; Wilson says in part: Harrison of York plcd had any knowledge of any bribe on his rifle and then tried to take, ;lt and A. Mitchell Pennsyl- place among th defenders of Lori Senor Calderon, Bolivian minister to L "Your attempt to defend the con- Palmer of his behalf. He asserted that the Chi- T back again. He also bad some' rev vania, mer, Just as did the arraingment by the United Stales and Senor Cusaaus, NIFI tinuance of a high tariff for manufact- democrats. Representatives cago Tribune had been compelled formerly ISK olutionary dispatches when he return- Gaineg of West Virginia, Martin of Mr. Root a few days ago establish the the Mexican ambaMsador to uring along with free trade for the through Its attorney to exonerate the country. Nearly 600 ed. Pascual Orosco, Insurrecto com- South Dakota and of Iowa, New York senator In the foremost po this delegates farmers, by claiming it is the workers Kendall accused senator in this respect not- corps mander, the man who gnve Jtuire nil republicans, spoke against recipro- sltion among those who are seeking and almost the entire diplomatic who furnish withstanding an unusual effort to were present. OF the big scare last week Is now 'camp- the farmers with their city. to unseat the llllnoisan. IT. EXPENSE chief simply repeati- connect him with it. ed at Samatayuea, thirty mll south market. You are Mr. Bailey many strik- Champ Clark announced In his ad- ng the pet argument introduced True, the senator said, in the heat loud of Junrex, waiting to give battle to of the manu' LIVESTOCK INTERESTS ing not least of dress amid applause that the test ARE features, the sturtllng of debate some senators had sought vote Navarro and federal reinforcements, faclurers end claiming what Is exactly OPPOSED TO AGREEMENT. which was ths assertion forgery for immediate consideration ot " that to connect Mr. Lorlmer with the al- according to his own announcement to the reverse of actual conditions. Am- the Canadian reciprocity bill had been IT Denver, Colo,, Feb. 13. The had been resorted to to make a case leged wrongful he men who today. "It is on the- - prosperity of transactions but won by the administration. Turning raVEOlEI returned from there the erican National Livestock association against Lorimer. . farmers was sure they would repent of that to President Taft he said, laughingly; Navarro Is supposed to be thirty that the welfare of all other tonight issued a protest against the This, he asserted, been, In con- classes had course. "That's a document in the miles south, coming up ,the railroad, manufacturers, merchants, proposed Canadian reciprocity treaty. nection with the efforts to show that which transportation Interests and factory Mr. Bailey contended that even if president and myself own a partner- although reports in J ua" res are that composed more . The association is of Holstlaw of the Illinois legislature the seven votes of White, Brown, Navarro gone wesf at- workers, depends. : ' ship. But speaklnrf for myself not HITCHCOCK has and will 100 states and sectional had been bribed to vote Mr. Lor- REPLIES TO thnn different for Beckemeyer Link, HoWtlaw and 1 tempt to get Orosco "The sole question before the Am- ' for President Taft or any one else around without organizations In the west. lmer. V erican people Is Broadcrick, were not counted Mr. am for reciprocity not only with MAGAZINE CRITICISM a fight. ' whether we shall have The protest, which la signed by Mr. Bailey boldly charged free that the Lorlmer still had been legally and Canada, but with all South and Ccn. Three more wounded InsurreCtos trade in all farm products and Murdo MacKenzie, president, and T. war on unre- hlgb protection Mr. lorlmer had been properly chosen. tial American republics. have been brought Ho the temporary for manufactured arti- W. Tomllnson, secretary, reads In lenting personal ef- cles. and and said the "Deducting these seven voles from "In fact ,1 am In favor of reciproc- hospital In Kl I'ano Indicating furth- part as follows: fort had been not so much to convict Quotes Figures to Show That "You price of Is Lorimer's 109 would leave-hi- 101 ity with all nations of the earth. My er 'fighting east of Juartei along the know the farm land "This association has stood for years wrong doers as to destroy Mr. Lorl- much In nd deducting these seven votes from principle Is that honest trade never Second Class Mail is Handled river. There are flow thirteen wound- lower in Canada than the for fair and equitable reciprocity trade mer. , . United the. total vote of 2Q2, .would leave hurt any nation yet." ed Insurrectos In the El Paso hospi- Blates. You know that the agreements with other countries In connection - presenta- buys with his 190, of which 101 votes received by "Th'3 last speaker and the next at Enormous Loss For Benefit tal, . Canadian farmer his manufac- whereby all the Interests of this na- tion gf. law features Mr. Bailey gave .... tured articles cheaper because his Lorlmer would constitute a clear ma speaker and I," suld President Taft, Few, Customs Collector A. L, Sharpe and tion (the producer, consumer, the what he said to be the practice of Mr. of Wealthy on foreign goods low- Jority, and he was therefore duly and who followed Clark, "have gotten other Kl Pasitftns have made formal tariff duties are manufacturer and the middle man) the senate in vacating seats, holding er. yet, you legally, elected,. . Insisted . Senator together on one plank of a plutform; application to the American Red And knowing all this, will some or benefits no responsible surrender favors senator for acts of Bailey. ' , we are both rather heavy men and I Cross appointment of Drs. J. would strike down the very moderate system, exchange CBy Morulas Iasrani Special Wrs for th of the tariff In fot corruption Jn his behalf when he hud ' hope It will support us. a great Imi tariff, averaging about 25 per cent He ridiculed tho contention, of his it's Washington, Feb, 13, Uirge prof W. Yard and H. J. Emunuel as Red mutual advantage to.be secured from not been cognizant of them and pleasure to be him in promo- which they now receive without giving opponents that these votes could be with the Its to be accruing to the pub' Cross phpfclans, with the approval other nations. That la our position to the vitiation, of enough votes of trade In one part of world asserted any reduction ' subtracted "from- - Lorlmet!s column tion the t af, th I'nitud States, Mat depart-- ; them the benefited1 rest day. The proposed Canadian treaty to rob him of .majority case or '.In Ushers of mnaaxlnas and .Uuintist In flutleg his in and still he retained in the ute, (Canada,). lie's favor of reclproct ment, to accompany Insurrecto' on manufactured wares. total - kisses being sustained by govern the'. unfairly distributes all" Its burdens on his lack pf acquaintance with the it- In all parts of the world and so the "We can only conclude that you declaring the contrary view wb so ment In the trnnsportutlon of niagn army and relieve the wounded. If the producers of this country and all facta. ,: am I. have been deceived by; the special In- elementary as to render it almost ab- sines as second Class mull mutter appointed In this manner, they will Its benefits on the , middleman and Many of the members of the house "But that does not help to at terests which hove cunningly plotted surd to political authorities in support much existing rates, are made the basis of be given protection from Mexican manufacturers. It .is not real reel stood against the walls while the ad- 1 ward a agreement. General to allay the countrywide clamor for of It. definite a statement issued tonight by post federal bullet.'- procity In the genera) acceptance of dress was in process of delivery, and principles are easy to state. We will sn honest revision of the tariff,-b- "We have the; authorly of the text master General Hitchcock In response 'Juarez is still strongly; guarded, the that term; It Js plain discrimination; Mr. Lorlmer himself was In his seat; all vote for wise measures but when making scapegoat for books and the 'courts for saying that to the attack mu.le by (he maguxln gambling games havo not ben re- the farmer the a specious kind of legislation; another In the course of his speech It comes to determine what measures the sins of the high protection sys- Senator an Illegal 'vote; must be rejected for publishers upon the proposed Increase sumed, and the most exciting thing increase in the tinnecessary and unjust Bailey denounced us a forgery State are wise there's a difference. In an tem. ' - 1 all purposes and that It cunnot be of the postage rate on the advcrtls In the town these days is When the advantages now enjoyed by the manu Senator Holstlaw's name on slip Ucipatlon of his coming to be head of "Do you not know that the steel the considered fof any purpose1 the sen Itig pages of th. large magazines; cavalrymen take their horses to facturers of the cast and other special showing bribe money said to have the great popular brunch of the leg water. ' '' trust sold lust year in Canada more In- ' ator continued.; from one to two cents a pound. interests; truly a step backward been deposited- - islature we have already gotten to than one hundred million pounds of "That Is pot, only the low and the Mr. Hitchcock makes it clear that stead of forward, In the settlement of Senator Ituoti CUmmir.s and Bo- gether on tho most Important mat wire, and that we bought no more logic,, but the rule best calculated' to the proposed new rate "does not af AMERICAN TROOPS TO BR the question. We have waited issue, Mr. ter and hope we can carry It through,'1 .M.O.V from Canada?, Do you not know tariff rah took but Bailey held promote, public morality. It treats a feet newspapers of any kind, nor does ' MASSED BORDER that long for a fair trade agreement with to the point "I have no doubt," added the presl Canada produces practically no wire, dishonest vote as 1f the corrupt leg- It apply to periodicals mailing less Washington, Feb, IS. American Canada and we can well afford to Returning to White, M.. tlulley de- dent, "that us commercial relations duty on islator who cast it were civilly dead than 4,000 pounds of each Ixstie. troops will be massed along the Mex- tnd that with the Canadian wait a little longer until the question nounced him as become wider and the Hague tribu wire abolished we would not import "a of the worst at least in transaction, and In his statement, Mr. Hitchcock ican border opposite Mexlcall which Is right." kind," say- that nal's purpose In preventing war be one pound? settled and "an infamous dog," leaves to be by said in part: has been captured by the Insurrectos on propos the result determined conies better understood, the union of Touching features of the ing he had betrayed and tried to the Votes men." "In advertisements signed by tblr In order to see that the Interests ot "You refer to the advantages to agreement protest comments money of honest all these countries In this hemiaphnre ed the make out of the labor element ty-fo- of the principal mitgnxlnes the United States nre protected and our great milling Interests of the free Mr. Bailey would not admit, as will be an example to the rest of as follows: to. whom he owed his election, "and the and periodicals of country It Is Its neutrality preserved. The war de- admission of Canadian wheat. How Senators Root, Borah and others had world can by In the "By the proposed treaty, the labor yet," he said, "this miserable crea- of what be done an u partment Bliss will this help the farmer? Wheat is on charged, that In. demanding that the purpose said the Increased rate 'will drlvo has instructed (!neral of farmer and ranchman In pro- ture, standing on highways in ternational of maintaining Cal- the free list Is to be taxed, the the and totul exclusion of dishonest votes, he majority of the popular magazines ou commander of the department of but flour ducing a steer receives no protec- the byways Inviting some one to come peuce." 60c per hogs sheep beef really wus giving effect to such voles. of existence nnd with them the enor ifornia, to protect adequately that barrel. Cattle, and tion; of slaughterer re- buy him, Secretary Knox suld the United are to be meat, both the labor the and swears that he knows On the contrary he undertook to turn mous volume of profitable first class part of the frontier. The matter of free, but fresh protection five or six times nothing States believed In better steamship l-- ceives a of of the existence of u jack mall their advertising creates." most concern to American gov and cured, Is to be taxed 1 per the charge upon his antagonists, say communication, railroad the the total cost of slaughter while the pot. You can rest assured If construction "The public should knew that In locality pound. Is this en honest measure In that ing that allegations of taint had been the development of the treasures of this ernment Iho of Mexican consumer gets only p. reduction of one thero had been a 'Jack pot' he would charge Is mad" In face of the (act Is being the Interest of the consumer? Xs this made, against eleven members .of the the Andes and in an the the dam which is built to quarter of a cent a pound, if any. The be In from the beginning." International a part, if not nil, of peri- your idea of a and Just reciprocity Illinois legislature. He flddedt bank, "whleh will keep the commer that the control the waters of the Colorado fair ranchman are shorn of all Then the senator ($. odicals are realising Impe- measure? to the farmer and undertook Subtracting these eleven votes from cial currents flowing in proper tremendous river for the protection oi the Protection miller they might receive under show that been no their profits from paid advertising and meat packer. Free trade to the the benefits there had real a total of 202 we have an unchalleng- direction." the hlnh rial valley of California. Even that the present duty the consumer adduced had, been contained In their cidumns, which tiller of the soil. end that others ed membership of 191:members who quarter will be clcsoly watched to a part of bribed the government ,1s today carrying at "Will it Industry profits only fractional the by of position of BIG sec that the engineering work Is not help the farming away producer. Mr. Bailey virtue their end CHIEFS SHAKE HANDS the extraordinary low of one to remove the slight protection now benefit taken from the undertook to discredit their Integrity were qualified to elect rati Interfered with. present twenty-fiv- e cents a the testimony of Holstlaw, saying cent per pound, and nt a total cont Riven it. and to give high "The senator. Of this 191 members, 98 .WITH WHITE FATHER ' Thorough Investigation it Is an continue on Imported into he not been able remem- of more than nine cents u pound. protection to manufacturing indus- bushel duty wheat that had to would be a majority anw after deduct- nounced at the war department country la removed by the pro ber the In de- "In the fiscal year 1910, over 800,- - tries? Surely you cannot believe for this bank which he had ing every vote against which the sug- shows there nre no groups of armed posed treaty, a duty of fifty cents posited money re- 000,000 pounds of second class matter a moment that the way to encourage but the he sold he had gestion of dishonesty has been, made Washington, Feb. 13. Thunder Mexicans ready to cross from the I retained, which ceived. was carried through the public malls farming Is to open to per barret on flour Lorlmer would have 97 as against Bull, Prairie Chief, Red Bird, Wolf Culled States to Mexico. Nine arm our markets the cost of all the Mr. Bailey still at a loss of $62,000,000 to the govern free admission prod- - Is many times the total asserted Holstlaw's bank 94 votes appolnents. Chief, Sage, Big Rack, and seven oth ed insurgents were captured by the of cheaper farm a of deposit slip for his ment while the returns from third uts." labor employed In making barrel hud been a forgery and "Under those circumstances, no er leaders of the Araphoe and Chey- American patrols near Pelea, N, M flour out of wheat. Where will the in suppor of that theory called at- class matter waH practically and turned over to the United States one could deny that he was entitled to enne tribes called nt the White Mouse on of first MONTANA consumer profit by the proposed tention to the fact that on that slip big and that and marshal there. It Is thought they LEGISLATURE his seat In this senate as a matter of today to shake hands with the was a large treaty with a fifty cents per barrel the man's pame had been Incorrectly fourth class matter there drifted to American side In search OPPOSED TO RECIPROCITY. law, and still less can they deny It as white chief. They were accompanied saving revenue, leaving the postal the Helena, duty on flour? spelled. of of food following minor engage- Mont.. Feb. 13. The reso. a matter of morals, because he had a by Indian Commissioner Valentine. deficit year not unite $H,uO, lutlon entire treaty is tinctured witn "A forgery, sir," he exclaimed, "a object for the ments in that vicinity. Introduced In the house Sat- "The clear majority of the honest men in Their in coming from Okla 000. The great burden of this postal urday equally glaring Inconsistencies, forgery, and that Explains why the - Company A, of the Eighteenth Uni by Representative Storey of other the legislature. Now, let us apply the homa wos to confer with the commls- deficit or second class discriminations and officers of the Holstlaw were lies at the door ted Ktates Infantry has arrived at Gallatin county, which was erroneous- preference and bank rule proposed by the senators from ioner regarding proposed taxation of matter. ly illustrates the methods by which not summoned." Fort Wlngute, V. M., from Whipple, reported as favoring the ratification well Idaho, Iowa and New York and what their lands. 'A printed statement recently is- - of manufacturing trusts and middle Senator Cummins presented the or- " Barracks, Arizona, for- temporary the Canadian reciprocity treaty was the result do we reach? Used by the president of one of the a nourished under the guise or iginal bank deposit slip saying It was duty during the absence of the regu- memorial urging congress to reject men ere "By keeping these eleven men In prlni-lpu- l magazines of New York city between the not In Holstlaw's writing,' Mr.' cavalry garrison. the agreement it was learned today. protecting the difference but this equation they prevented 87 hon ays ot nun one lar country as com- Bailey not accept It, SENATORS WILL BE that the profits cost of labor In this would suying est men from affecting an election over magazine for October, 1910, showed HOUSE In coun- If one slip an- Sl ItlilXTON MAY NOT FIND LIKELY TO PASS pared with the cost other that could be forged 94 honest men, and this makes it plain an Increase over the eorrespnnuing other might be. REEUH-- : OltTU LINK M'CAI.L- BILL TODAY. tries." that they are the gentlemen who are month of li)9 of 0n pec cent on ad W Washington, 13. McCall Entering upon a defense of Mr. Washington, Feb. I 3. -- In the opln-i- n Feb. The ' giving effect to the votes of rascals, vertisements and l.'l per cent on "111 Mr. BaileV an Id h la hithlta of officials th carrying Into effect the Canadian THE DAY IN CONGRESS Lorlmer. because by preserving these eleven REPUBLICAN subscriptions, making a net annual slate department revolutionary l;i reciprocity agreement reached the were as perfect as a woman's. While, votes they prevent an honest ma- for dividends and surplus, based movement Mexico thus roflt a guerilla floor of the today probably those who were assailing him were jority out Its on or copies has degenerated Into mere house and from working will." a circulation iu,miu - 1H be passed before adjournment to- Wnahiiiirton. Feb. 13. Interest engaged In revels he was making his monthly, of $348,!M. warfare, the Insurrectos be- morrow, thnt which ordinarily at home at the Y. M. C. A." "Regarding the iiiamulne business tig hopelessly divided with each FOOL WILL RESULTS .... No Doubt of Political Tenor of own A test vote came soon after the the sessions in the house and The "hounds" of hell, together with generally this gentleman says that would be leader acting on his tached Initiative. house wag called to order. Mr. Mc- senate attracted large attendance or tle rich newspapers, Mr. Bailey IN SUICIDE OF GIRL New State, Declares Gover magazine publishers receive gross In- - Call moved Immediate consideration. and spectators in Dom charged, had entered inm a con- omes as high as $8,0(10,000 In a sin The main concern o the depart members Is Irresponsl- - Tlls was objected tp on the ground hrnnrhes of congress today. In the spiracy to ruin the man. nor Mills in Washington. gle year. Dividends Hmoiinllrrg up- - ment that some of these le elements may Into ways of that It was district of Columbia day house day was signalized by the Mr. Bailey asked Senators Root, Udall, Kas., Feb. 13. Because by roxlmalely to $ 1,000. lioo yearly have fall the mischief led an Infringe- on the calender and that Important opening of debate upon the proposed Cummins and Borah whether they the terms of her father's will, if she been made.' and be Into 1 clti- - . agreed his , It Is ment of the rights of American natter of legislation were pending. reciprocity tariff agreement with Can- with first proposition that married before she was twenty-fiv- e Morning Journal Bureau, From this apparent that the bri- zens which Is explanation of the When the voting began It became ada, which after a close and spirited the participation of a senator In years old she would lose her share of CIS Mtinsey Building, grounds of protest are the personal one J gathering of States troops. "parent that the lines were tightly contest became the order of the busi bery accompanying his election fend- his $50,000 estate, Katherins Haines, Washington, D. C, Fb. IS. titerest of the publishers, and not fnlted gen- - long end of the bound drawn between those favoring and ness for the riav. supplanting the dis ers void his election, All of them eighteen years "h'l committed suicide Governor Mills of New Mexico, who the welfare of advertisers or the the western IT line between California and Ari- - thote opposing the trade agreement. trict of Columbia bill, that, according nodded assent. on a ranch near here today by shoot- Is here In connection with tho consti- ral reading public. As con There was more ceremony In con- riew state, stated today "So far from being H discrimina sona and Mexico, finally corrected, the vote to take to th calendar, wag to have been ing herself through the heart. tution of the - P Is tion, proposed Is a distinct These troops have a double fune- the bill W!ig t97 to 1?0. The bill sidered. nection with the second branch of his that the legislature of New Mexico the rule on step In direction of cimtllzatlon oii. In the first place, tr tne oisor- - he passed, It Is said, by even a No vote on the agreement was presentation of the law bearing republican, which will mean eventu- the case. MINE SCHOOL STUDENTS of pontage rates," eiiy elements south of the line at rer majority. . reached, nor was there any time for a the This proposition was that ally two republican senators. " only governor, Various protests were registered to- - tempt to work any harm to the con Tody ioi republicans voted against vote fixed. the corruption of enough votes ON STRIKE FOR HOLIDAY "Of course," said ihe "l to a candidate, who was unaware say who re. (lay against the proposed Increase or struction of the dyke which la to gov- '"imedilite consideration. - This num- - In the senate the attraction was rob am not prepared to will of majority of New rates on second class mull matter. ern the waters of the Colorado riv- show p. decided diminution In Senator Bailey, who made a speech ot the corruption, a celve the honor of representing votes cast, could void his United senate, er, the American troops may be sent Ihe finAj fllxty-thrc- e repub- - in support of Senator Lorlmer of Illi the render Golden. Feb, 13. Three hun- Mexico In the States roll call, Colo., Parly OrganUcil. to guard the property. "ransvoted considera- When adjournment wus reached election dred State School of but It is quite certain that they will Women's for Immediate nois. students of the H, A conven only be done with tion. was made Mr, In turn Mr. Root, Mr. Cummins, Mines today because be republicans. President Taft Is very Pierre, !., Feb, 13. This would the announcement that went on strike house Mexican government. tomorrow. and Mr. Borah were asked to stand refused to grant popular In our section of the country tion of women held in the state consent of the Bailey would continue President Alderson Is neu- , birth-da- y re- - oday took first steps toward the or The second to euacuite the " . T 0 fevor Immaillata nrtnfllfAiaa Senator Curtis preceded Senator up and make reply. Mr. Root' at a holiday In honor of Lincoln's and every Indication points to his rt nega- ganization a "woman's parly." trality laws In a manner tlo and 19 lead- - against the resolu- first answered bluntly In the and "wrinkled" the twelve stu- nomination for this office In 1912." tti against. Democratic Bailey, speaking political not yet to In- r,say senators by tive but Messrs. Cummins and Borah dents, who to Join the Coal, according to Governor Mills, The organizers will seek that has occurred the there will be hut air or aeven tion for the election of refusal In, not only B preferment accorded them under the surrectos, This Involves the V"''S nenlnat ih .,.i,ii. - h. kill direct vote of the people. gave assent. Later Mr. Root said he demonstration. "Wrinkling" Is Is one of the greatest sources of wealth would consider the matter more thor- process victim and of New Mexico, "Our coal fields are onstltutlon of the state without prevention of the organization on f"ln their side. , Both houses will be In session of stripping the' reply Inter. greater those any other state" waiting for the full voting privileges. American soli of hostile expeditions n time for ft vote was set todny, oughly and giving him a mud bath. than of THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1911.

ll- - rnce nnd with economy of human life, and property, be yielded. GRIEF IN sTORE FOR riavilla agreed to the armistice and The Navajo Blankets, Curios announced he would send Maximo KophIck to Puerto Corte to represent mm post. him. A Teguciaalpa Is idx days-Journe- REAL M wv.u.nrs CAMINO Tiiiii OF from this port, it presumably I'Imcc Alhuqurrqit DENIZENS Our of Ilia Show in will lie a week or more before the VMS Cor. St. (ioltl Ate, llilnl anl conference begins. North 4th Street to Be Made the Nn one here expects (tosales to hold AFFA out long In opposition to Honilla's Finest Highway in the Southwest. II claim to the presidency. MM ap- Kvery native in Puerto CorteK pear to be a -- P.oiiilliasta" and every Watch the Property Values Advance in That Section The Futrelle Furniture Co. foreigner here a Honilla sympathli'-r- . delayed In agreeing to GROCERY CO. Wholesale noil ltcu.ll Dealer in SEATTLE DETERMINED When Daviila The $10,000 appropriated for the completing of theCamino an armistice the report was circulated to positively assures the it - CLEAN-U- dilatory P.eal. from Snn'n Fe AlbuiUeriie. HKMTiitr, itn;s. ri:i'irrs. v.i:s ami mi:uv- .ON GENERAL P here that he was employing highway along North Fourth 1 stoi. building of that scenic street 1 N (a IN IIOI'NK - Impression In 600D THINGS TO EAT II II tMSIII.' tactic to ireati- the city, and directly through the new Paris Addition, the Interior that Honilla was suing for to this St-i- Heiall Catalogue compare our trU-- Hllli the largo more building lots, perfectly for "isf '! from in- where for three days beautiful mall older lwuu'. jieace. Letters received the water, are offered for sale at from Special Grand Jury to Consider Davllla's ad- level, rich soil and good terior towns stated that $." Am-iii- only cash, balance $:, 500-.i(I- Sc-on- 1 8 i N. M. $S5 to $00 per lot. In payment of 2 S, SI. W. Coal AlliiHiirriiii', Cases of Those Who Live Big herents were winning recruits to their by Ignorant natives per month. cause informing cabbage, young Vice; Gamblers and Touts that the present revolution really was New Hermuda invasion, being part of and tender, per 11 Kc, an American The owner has ordered these prices bo positively advanc- Flee to Canada, n, over country and plot tn turn the New Bermuda Onions, '.he February 16th. If ou have $10 to tie up two to for- ed Thursday, ltd rich undeveloped resource kind, 3 'i'.te opportunity. You eigner. sweet for of these lots, don't overlook the will Hjr Morning Jtiurnal HprrUI Leased Wlrel double your money and the investment is as safe as a sav- Navajo Blankets Again The soldiers under General I"e Potatoes, per 100 Seattle, Wuah., Feb. 14. It was Colorado ing bank. Christmas appeared to be an orderly lbs lmo Just rccelvcdj itollirr large shipment of Xavjn I n announced today that a grand Jury outfit. They ar clothed better than jr win-le- about 4 tllan rug, they arc ull flr-- t iinlli kmmK would be called at once to Investi- the government troops, the majority Fresh Kansas Ranch F.rrs, retail IH to $21, lint lo axy and 3 liy 7 fwt: Ihc kind that usually nl police of them wearing a sort of uniform per dox 25o rmwrxicATK with of 1 $15.1)11. gate the administration of the iwcte them quickly have nimkcil llicm 2.50 unil Cnine made of cheap blue. Strange to say, HHJHVIXti 1U'.AL FSTATK department under Chlei Charles They are Imported Swiss Cheese, Just early for cliolce loilom.. many of them wear shoes. DFALF.liS: Wnppenstein. William J. Hums, the armed with high powr-- rifles und received, per lb 50o gather'ng evi- euch man carries inn rounds of mu- & BENNETT'S detective, has been Pimento Cheese, glass Jura, Hunsaker Thaxton, dence for three month. ni unltlon. 20o J. M. Moore ltenlty Co., w. t'.xtiiaij avi-:- each Co., m Wnppenstein, who previously Porterfleld had J. Rorradolle, been removed from office as chief of Cilnced Nuts, something new Seattle, and dainty, per lb 75c H. Dunbar. detective In Cincinnati and ONE BULLET BRINGS Dexter & McClughnn, a police here Sat- resigned chief of New Matzos, Just received, W. P. Metcalf, reKl-nieti- ls Is re- against Mexico, lint also the with the Hlxth and urday to escape removal. He per lb I A. Fleischer, of any of lhi Insnrrecio who iVI' ciiVHlry at Mnxntlnn. The puted to he wealthy. W. II. McMilllon, nr driven mrn II"' line by the (jiinlii't Hiierrcro tranapnrted thexe Hums, after a brief sur- DEATHTOTWO Potato Chips, per lb SSo Felipe fiurule. Mexican government troop and seek troops to Miin.ni)lllo, where thj vey of the Vice district of Seattle sev- D. K. B. Seller re- ago, It opin- to return to Mt-ilc- to renew their went Into tbe city and are eral months gave as his campaign against tin- - government. ported to hav Impressed scores of ion that the police rake off was prob- men, tlclnn them with ropes anil ably :t0(,(llia a year. Mis estimate IN OUR BAKERY 1)lt( TO a warship, was much lower of other ItrAOIl'TIOMSTH i:d drattRliiK them hoard the than l..t Revolver Shot After Passing DEPARTMENT iti:M:AHr; amihicax iowman where they wire held In confinement Investigators. Mexican, Few. IS. The good offi- until the Kim plunk whs lifted. Prosecuting Attorney John F. Mur- Through Head of Suicide kinds of ce of th Ameiicun customs officer phy announced today that he would We have all Mortally Wounds Man Stand- will be no shift that at Calexlco accompanied by a threat .MIMT.VHV VINS T UK go before Superior Judge Allen to- Fancy Layer and Small Cakes, confident there TIl will not depart for the capital un- In report the matter to Washington, l AtJAIXKT "lti:lll-XK- morrow and asked that he convene n ing Him, he SIX MEN PERISH IN Behind suitable for partte and large vote tomorrow has been prevented pitched battle loility be- Mexico lJCity, Feb. 13. Military grand Jury on Friday. The members til after the tween th Insurgent under l.eyva trains, modeled after those used by of the vice syndicate, which gatherings, or for a dinner oi token and Barthohl, nnd a bund "f Ameri- the Kussliina In the campaign against Is alleged to have governed Seattle (Or Moralng Joarnal Uneelal IhhI Wlrel lunch. We have special for can cowboys bent on "cleaning out the Japanese, are being prepared for for eleven months, will not be permit- Denver, Colo., Feb. 13, What will SON OF AMBASSADOR today. v SHIPWRECK the reluis." use attains! the rebel In Chihuahua. ted to leave town. probably prove tn be one of the mot be- ROGERS The Insurgent arrested Fldon Knur cars lined with tempered steels The clean up of the city was remarkable cases of Involuntary mur- 1'ATTV KIIF.I.I.S REID TO WED MISS Itrsgg, guperlntcndont of one of the nnd containing seventy-tw- o loop holes gun last night. Among the disor- der occurred here today when Arthur California-Mexica- n I.iind mid Cuttle some of which will necommodiite derly houses raided was one owned Knowles, a bartender, wa fatally SIIILLKU UK'KS company raw-he- nnd the cowboy cnni'm are about to be put In com- by a wealthy politician who strongly wounded by a bullet which penetrated i Racine, Wis., Feb. 13. Mrs. J. Tal- Gasoline Schooner Turns Tu- KISSHN A XI) en- gathered to rush the bull ring where mission, It became known today. supported Mayor dill in the recall hi brain after having passed through bot Rogers today announced the, Ivuurri-H- have tn In ousting gagement daughter, Miss Helen rtle Off Mouth of Columbia the leader their The cars are being constructed campaign which resulted the heart of William McCrary, once a , MAffltOOXS of her hendqunrteii liberate the Amer-Icii- n. They will be tn 111 m. The gambler and men who city. Miles P.odgers to Mr. Ogden Mill and factories here. scut wealthy saloonkeeper of this River; Captain and Five Sai- (lenetal Navarro for a practical dem- live off the earnings of fallen women MeCrary entered the saloon of hi 1..WKH C.MvF.S Reld of New York city, the son of Held. llrHKB wn grrealed heeiniKe he onstration. These portable forts have have fled to Vancouver and San brother, John McCrary, at Twentieth Ambassador and Mrs. Whltelaw lors Drowned, thiit the Insurgent give up the wooden exterior of ordinary cars Francisco. and Curtis streets, and turning his Mrs. Rogers comes from an old teer on wbhh lie hnd discovered the except that they are palnti d like hack to the bartender, fired a bullet Wisconsin family and is a graduate of was Coffee Cake Day college. years entile company', brand. He checker boards so the port hole are Into hi own brain. The bullet en- This is Barnard For several By Moral ag Journal Special Leaned Wirt) to the ring and there held the she was Mrs. Reid's secretary. tHken hull hard to distinguish. Hetween tered the right temple, passed through Hot ltollh and Iti-ca- nt II a.m. Portland, Ore., Feb. 13. The gaso- In In- NICARAGUA LOSES March. rliotter. The cowboys gathered walls of wood gild sleel are four and out at the buck and entered the The wedding will be in line schooner Oshkosh was wrecked belligerent mood Inimedltitely niter ches of wind. head of Knuwle at the right temple, on the south spit of the Columbia of predicament, tijln-ag- a learning their chief's A telegram from I.tuiue from lodging agulnst the buck of the skull. TIRED OF DODGING POLICE river today. Six of the ten men com- hut the custom officer advised them Biihl it detachment of his forces McCrary died on the wuy to the prising the crew were lost. Her-thol- to wiilt, and then actit word to d had been aetit to attack a for- county hospital and Knokleg will die. FUGITIVE SURRENDERS The schooner turned turtle In tli he liberate Itrugg or MIIIIS say. that mut midable group of rebels who are IR attending physicians mouth of the Columbia. The captain the at lit? depart merit would I e noil-fle- again menacing Coyiime, fifty miles was saved. giv- west, which until recently bus been OMAHA GIRL MUSICIAN JAFFA'S Colfax. Wash., Feb. IS. A man George May, the engineer, was sav- Herthnld freed Bragg, but the iH'i iipled by federals hut now Is eith- ing th name of Horatio B. St. ed. Captain Thomas Lathan, and five hart the steer for supper er undefended or garrisoned by fl Three Soldiers Killed; Arsenal IN surrendered to Sheriff Carter of crew were DISAPPEARS BERLIN PIIOXKS, 31 -- 32. the drowned. small force. The rebels were said to Containing Large Stores of of thia county today. According to The Oshkosh galled from Tillamook Leva an J- llerthold were la nny. he under the - leadership of Anselnio the sheriff. St. Joseph says that his Saturday morning for Vmpqua. The wIipii they thing hut nn iirnliible nmnd Milium ami to he strongly elitreuihed Powder and Weapons Blows Omaha, Neb., Feb. 13. According name is Horatio B. Moses and that lie schooner ran into a terrific gale and tht Mexlriin aoW 111 w by of New learned tndnv Dint (lie canyon of Tlburelo, here they to Information contained In a cable- is sought the authorities wa driven Into the mouth of the (11er for 'fed- Up in Managua. to charges of em- they luid been witrhlhK were awaiting the arrival of the gram received today by her fam- York to answer and enpsized by a hugo wave. twenty hmirpi here SOUGHT GUIDANCE $3,500. The four while their erals. It Is thought to be the same ily, Margaret Danim, Omaha bezzlement aggregating to Miss the to named Healls and men were wnltlim In the trrnchea bn ml which wag dislodged a few diivs musician, disappearance man is said have !V Special whoae sudden Hol- LOS ANGELES BANDIT In buttle, wern not federuK itiso from hills of 1. Mulato. Murnln Journal Lud Wlr1 Hess, CBS Broadway, and the ennii' the a flurry In , tn Berlin last week caused New-York- of Thia bund 111 dis- Maniiguu, Nicaragua, l'eb. 13. In land galleries, 500 Fifth avenue, but bond lnurieiit. ileiieral Navarro is reported 'the American colony In that city, will SHOOTS CAR CONDUCTOR buttle with some way, nt present unknown, nn ex as the alleged victims of the Which narrowly nilnned patches from Chihuahua today to return to Omaha at once, sailing from FROM HEAVEN a reenn-nolterln- s plosion morning In the embezzlements. He said he was tired their cninriiden In iirmi, whh have advanced to Lucerno, n short occurred thl Germany probably some lime next which reported thiit ammunition barracks situated not far of dodging detectives. pitrty distance beyond Ahunmda. week. I.os Angeles, Cal., Feb. 13.- A In th( lelnltv the palace of president. This there werii nu federals from the masked man leaped on a Seventh Mxlfa'l, ,wns followed by a series of explosions, if I'M, 1ST IOH CANADIAN PACIFIC street car tonight near the end of the IMHWS which killed three sentinels. NATIONAL EDUCATORS Pious Member' of New York SI.HVICI'. A AINST M AOLltO line at Rampart street nnd shot tti' l The structure In which the supplies DIVIDEND DECLARED TWl Vi: TIKIt KAMI Sdl.lHI.HS Puelda, Mex., Feb. 1 3. More than MEET IN to Stick conductor, 11. O. Johnson. He began ; i were housed caught fire nnd for sev- Legislature Resolves ViiiKiti; fiiiiM AiirA "nO I n ii i in from the Sleirns near the firing Immediately nfter hnanlinl! DoiikIiis, l'eb. 13. With ev- eral hours binned furiously, further Ari., historic town of Saeapoastla, in l ived With Shepard After Siege of the car and when Johnson fell wound- ery resource to tiihk, the explosions following In rapid succes- Montreal, Feb. 13. The directors bent the here vcstcrdiiy to offer their services 13, all ed leaped off ngain without attempt- In- sion. Pan Francisco, Feb. Alter of Canadian Pacific railway today IUhk uoveriimeiit of Mexico is now to the government. They report many Prayer. the ing to rob. Johnson was lilt in the It Is estimated that T.000 and preparations to hold the coming con- declared a dividend of 2 per cent on tent tin crushing the rebels In more same region willing to lines left kidney, emerging 'from from the 10,000,000 cartridges were destroyed. vention of the National Kducntlonal preferred stock for the six months the bullet take up anus In defense of the coun- his right side. All the artillery, many ririe and a association In Pan Francisco had been By Morning Journal Bprelul Leased Wire ending December 31 last, and 2 Ai'cordliiK to lellnbln ndvlce try II are reipilred. A detail of patrolmen nnd detec- tlielr Hcrvlees large called off on account of the determi- 13. per on common stock for the hrught here tonight from Mexico amount of ammunition were Albany, X. Y Feb. That the cent up to Indians in this dlsliiit have ren- of Santa Fe railway to vali- ending 31, or tives searched for the bandit t'lty, the federal force now In Chi saved. nation the conference last Wednesday quarter December at dered good service to the government Log Angeles, that com- democratic 7 per per midnight 'without success. huiihutt or on their way thither. Troops worked energetically In re- date ticketa at tiie rate of cent annum from on tnii ti v oi rusloiis. They are Among tonight hy to discuss the election of a I'nited 3 1 moving supplies build- pany removed the obstacle revenue and per cent, per annum iiiimluT more I linn .' 000 llier.. the from the Publisher Reciprocity. the best soldiers which the republic announcing tickets would he was called In the hope from on proceed from other Favor It I ing adjoining the ammunition bar- that States senator interests From now on titld decisive I Milwaukee, Wis., Feb. 13. Tin in nl licil In tt long and depi raie racks. Later the fire had burned validated et Snn Francisco only. Assemblyman Harold J. Fried- extraneous assets. Doth dividends are uiiilur,. will be aiw'l iirouud the Max- that Milwaukee Publishers' association, slruuglc with the empire under bod- The Information was given out here payable April 1 next. tity of f'hltviiiilmii. Large biuida of Itself out, a search disclosed the man of Xew York, one of the insur- comprising daily newspapers liere imilian. prob- hy Assistant Oeneral Trarflo Manager The surplus from operation for the the rebels ni'e nporied to have conern ies of three of the sentinels who today resolu- Hlssell on authority of a despatch gents, would announce that he was half year ending December 31, was unanimously adopted In the vicinity, apparently with ably were killed by the explosion. by co- tnited F. Sheehiin, 1 tion favoring the ratification TI I.Ft.H Wll IVSTItl MI NTS Numerous been cur- front W. J. Hlark, Kenernl traffic man- ready to vote for William $10,233,4 1. the Idea o i ei u pi in lug lluil In rumors have was indi- ngress of the proposed reclpiniit!' ilt' fXITI lti:i HV IVsl lt(ii:TS. rent here respecting; cause of ager of the line with ofrices at Chi- the organisation candidate, r event that ean strike nnd the the agree me-.i- Stab the uriwn Tcrreon, Mex., Feb, 13. cago. cated In copies of alleged affidavits between the I'nited - Teli'groph explosion In some quarters there Xotcd Surgeon Dies Suddenly. defeat N'mario before tbe relivforce- and father, Henry C, and Cnnr.da. lnstrutnents In the Mevleaii Central Is ii suspicion It may re- The despatch states that In response hy Friedman and his Maryvllle, Mo., Feb. 13. Dr. Kdvvin nienls srrlve. The liiht iriotgle l that have Mutlon at I a Maiu hua, eighty miles to request from all the commercial Friedman, received here today by Powell, aged 7 years, a noted surgeon expected lotnoi row lit Ha in a Isabel sulted from criminal Intent. Souvenirs grandest. Gem today. south of city, were stolen by bodies city the Santa Fe ha Assemblyman Caviller of New York. of Civil war, and in charge of I ) .1 this five Kstrndn said this evening: of this the li Mt ii lull ueiir il I'resldent were armed liisurrei ton today alter they "I do not think the explosion was decided to confine sales of N. K. A. This affidavit recites efforts clinical surgery at flush college, Chi- tinttle Shee-ha- n, Nine people show. Gem. One occurred there vote for di-'- had overpowered the agent. No efforl of a plot, we are Inves- excursion tickets to Sun Francisco, made to induce him to cago, for twenty years, of heart , Miguel tlanldo, the remit hut arv when Captain was to to validate such especially by Thru. F. Rush Tam- today. i made rob the safe or cnsli tigating." and that the proposal disease here comnmnilliig " dragoons, enlllrd repre- El Paso to be holy city, they ar ill Utter. Im- tickets at points other than San Fran- many leader of the district he out of t'hihunhuti to ret ke the town Several leading men have been starting a macaroni factory. Alb- lurmiiliiK passengers report a band cisco has been cancelled. sents; On the day before the confer- Naii ii, Heyes, conimitiiilliig prisoned. They include Dr. Kudolfo YOUNG ROBERT TAFT TO uquerque is working Its noodle (fac- in Jose 100 hud no- ence, says Rush visited him, Mar-tlne- of reditu n active in the vicinity of Esplnoso, foreign The educational association Freldman the rebels, whs slain. ( olonel i former minister of tory). We are to have new railrnmls, d dis- continues: IN rel'if'O-ceiiieiii- Malicbini. Troops have been his two brothers, Kmillo Es- tified the San Francisco committee and the affidavit PRACTICE LAW OHIO brought up lor affair, -- ocean to ocean It will pa" patched o If were validated at Deponent thereupon told Mr. Rush boulevard; re- the town. plnoso and Oeneral Adane Fsplnnso, that the tickets In tli the federals and the liisurrei tos Of to Mr. front of the Gem's new theater, Felix Pedro Zelaya, former minister of mot than one point the collection that he was prepared vole for out, tired. - fun factory. That happens. Come Castello, Colonel the inenibefstrln- fee of $2 on each Sheehnn and that he had arranged Columbus, O,, Feb. 13. Specula- A courier Chihuahua who ar- ROOSEVELT TALKS WITH finance, llildehrandn boosters, from ticket would he Impossible and the to a statement at the conference rived here lodiiy also brought Infor- Jose Santos Itamliir.. Luciano Oomeg, make tion a to whether Robert Taft, sen ENGLISH PRI7F FIGHTER Oeneral TUvas. association would forfeit Its revenue. called for the following morning In of Intends to practice mation that Orc-fcu- ' father was not and Fernando the president WAXTKl). , of Dix Hal-leiji- which the views Governor In completion of killed In the fierce fighting at i, Ohio, nt the his Competent saleslady and bookkeep- IN would indicate the heal policy to be law school was tot reported. Seventy wounded LITTLE CHANGE term nt Harvard er. Singer Sewing Machine Co., SIS': New 1.1. pursued would b" to break the dead- A tc.lctahi, the courier said. were York, Feb. iivven Mornn. started today. letter from him was S. Second street. TO DENVER DEADLOCK lock elect Sheehan," Mc-Ke- brought Inin Chihuahua from the the Knnlish llwhtwelglit ihaniptott and received by Supreme Court Clerk pliBlllxt. IE Later, according to the affidavit. for a copy of regu- and Theodore Itnrinevelt asking the battle at Hiu ieiidii de San Luletuo. conferred with others and Ueinliti iney one regiment of sh ooli hands in tiie dinlntr ear of n Friedman lations concerning the bar examina- New York Denver, Colo., Feb. 13 The absence talked with hU father in New York, wixaliy. now on the way from ii Central train which tion. ot of legislature to- over long distance telephone and to ('liilHinhiia Uele illlluu'ked brought tbein here from Michigan to- LOSEOFFICE leu members the the day cut some of the In to continue Voting for Ed- day. dovrn totals decided LITTLE GIRL VICTIM OF Moran picked out the colonel nmong the balloting today for Vtilted State ward M. Phenard. In hi ays !. party which entered the dining No material change from Mr. Friedman affidavit BY TRAMP ca' be CRUEL ASSAULT I.iht night. When a friend who not- Friday's ballot resulted, however. The he "was very much perturhed Hon-di(3See- ins con- Disrovr.ns presence SucrjMtf of Revolution in ballet: i cause of his obligation to hi xotkd AmiKMisT ed Moran' approached Mr. a iiKRCi i,osis. If Democrat Speer, 27; Adams, IK: stituent as opposed to his obligation oruK ixm tioosevelt end him he would Con-feiefr- ce ti It ap- - Taylorville. Hi.. Feb. 13. Attack- After so many failed, like to meet FugllHh lightweight Assured; ward. r; O'Donnell, 4; Taylor, 2; to Mr. Rush and In thla extremity others QUALITY the ed assaulted by a tramp, k Martin, 2; Mnupln, 1; Thomas, I; ! pealed to hlg Creator for Divine guid and while remained for Dr. Charles F. the colonel Immediately turned away Mty Avoid Further returning to home school himself a Shafroth, 1. ance and the answer came to him that her from of Lo Angeles, If i nut the tinntity but from bis companions ami walked over this afternoon, thirteen year old sufferer dread disease to Moran' Bloodshed, Republican Valle, 14; Oottdy, ; he should not support Mr. Sheehan. from the table. Grace New, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. to discover a specific posi- ti inherent tjuaiily of For they exchanged Waterman, S; Dawson. 1; McCreery, The affidavit of the elder Freidman that sniiie lime Henry New, living here, Is In tively fights 2; Northctlt. 1; Roof, 1. purports to give the substance of this near cure Tuberculosis. reminiscences of and fighters. a condition tonight. This specific destroys the tu- ICQTTS EMULSION IV Morning Journal Hpuclal I Wlrel Absent, 10. Total vote of assem- telephone conversation, the rawer ten. serious The new quickly spread and tn bercle bacilli. It I then simply HcIm-I- Hum llavilon Town. Puerto Cortex, Honduras,"'Feb. S, bly. 100. Ing the assemblyman he would dis- a it to perform half an hour u mob of matter of making the most of that enables its Cnpe Fell. 13. A via . Feb. 13. With Necessary to choice, 51. own If he changed to SheeTtnn. Infuriated llavtleii, lUvtl, him pntlenl's remaining vitality, to in- en-tl- tonight farmers, friends of the New family r.LjSku. It s the tine reme- muricr who lin returned from Troti, Manuel Honilla In control of the Assemblyman Friedman permanent recovery. report const of Honduras, the he had made such an affi- were searching for the tramp. sure dy imivcrsjlly Known that OiiantnlnUi bus been com ninth DOUBLE SHOW: NINE PEOPLE admitted Hubert O. Knight, of Florence, and pletely by are prepared to carry the said portion cf the al- At midnight no trace of the assail- hurtled the revolutionist. i ... davit but that Kansas, write a follows: "1" usclI of its ability t Into and to advance YArt.w which was at ant has been found. because to Alt'T setting rile tn the (own the the Interior UN IUUAT. leged copy stated he May, 1910, I began Tubercleclde rev upon Tegucigalpa, capital, in the dlAUt to vote Mr. Shee- tjuivkly restore lost strength, olnlliinltH withdrew to Fort the one time ready for treatment Tubercu At the peace negotiations Initiated position on the Country Need Another Mncolu. for Vsl. with arm" and supplies. event GEM. han was false. Ilia the end of three month Ijhad en- increase weight, and vitalize t I O., 13. C.enernl Jean Cillcs in lu-t- camped by the Fulled State fall. senatorshlp unchanged, ho added, Mansfield. Feb. Another tirely recovered from disease." As It appears Lincoln as need the the nerve centers. at Trou. Kvery man here without the situation stand and will remain the same. the of the country Full particulars concernjing I consul-'e- fight at Celhn two weeks ago In Resides big musical comedy was (lie exception under arm. Tbe j the the substance of an address together wltlt testi- There Is vitality In every which won a sweep-lu- g cast Oem today nnd tonight th x.Mhnny Situation t'nchnncr1. Pe- nr raring fur several refugees, the revolutionists at the delivered here tonight by Judge monial from other whV have victory was in- York, Feb. 13 The focus of drop of the decisive battle big feature act of the Sheerie will New ter C.rossctip of Chicago. been cured by the treatment, will Lincoln ii Politician. of the war. troduce many new and novel instru- the senatorial situation will return He was the principal speaker nt a requesX. Ad- easy g be mulled free upon Denver, Colo., Feb.! 13. Former It was no matter to 't the ments. The bugle, the lady trap tomorrow to Albany with no surface celebration held In memory of a dress Emulsion Governor lilt-har- Yn ten of llllnol two fides to agree to an armistice. drummer, the asnphone, violins and Indication that nny fi rces contrib- meeting here In 1S5S In which for Scoti's addressed the member of the Colo- Honilla encouraged by victories at numerous other happenings. Till af- uting toward a change have been ac- (he first time, Lincoln was nnmed for Tuberclecide Comparfiy rado legislature today on Abraham first appeared Btixioiis to press his ternoon Is china and sliced aonvetilr tive. AIX DRUGGISTS the presidency of the I'nited States 70.1 Intcrnatloiuil Hank Blill-- '- Lincoln a a but when shown same lie dlsctisneil Lincoln the matinee. The Oem ha the strongest (lovernor Dix will return to Albany I,on Angeles, California. politician, result nilght be obtain d by confer- - show of the senson. On ee It. tomoirovv. Charles F. Murphy Is so ladles' fashionable mutlnee, Gem.


rela-ti- - and more intimate and friendly I other pl.u is fi.r deposit, with r mic-i- s nshlp of mutual advantage on equal POSTAL that el tilicatcs ot deposit be sent I terms between Canada and thy Vnit-e- d SAVINGS the remitters. States." At luibcls Pa., a Cermau miner' As tn the fortification of the canal, wanted to deposit ll.lnu and Notice to the Public! sorely grl, ved v.'.-- Mr. Roosevelt urged vigorously It the postmaster: that copp! accept but He would folly not to IVrtify pre- SYSTEM lieu. said and BIIIS he would keep the thr ll.iliHi until dicted that the efforts of some "fool- the government would aon-p- t it fur The Fashion Cafe, now located at 21 1 South Second St., ish persons' against the plan would sore Keeping. toieuu priests are i be ineffective. among thr depositorsin reported, who) will be closed beginning Wednesday, February 15th, to Mr. paid a to expressed much sutlMa- tli n with the Roosevelt tribute SUCCESSFUL I new system. reopen ed Lincoln c.s repub- at 122 West Central Avenue, at a date to be the founder of the "liu-liiei- -s is stoadilv growing ami party "i-- s progressive as lican a party, there is much favorable discussion of later. niutiirg a party the aviation meets at Houston of dynamics, not a partv of the new system by citizens here." ts DESGHLER IS nnd San Antonio, Texas, and Chatta- statics." the postmaster at Leads IDT nooga. TOTAL DEPOSITS IN Tciin. The aviators claim that D. N. COMBS, Proprietor. . Koscu gave the commission to a tilympi.,. Wash., reports an increase POSSE TRAILS SLAYER 48 OFFICES of business each day. and Inquiries Houston newspaper man, who pro- $60,000 from people throughout moted that stte. the Houston meet and it was OF CALIFORNIA RANCHERS who want to deposit their savings with AFRAID OF MABEE paid to th: Houston man. I'ncle Sam. Beats British System; Believed At Huinford. an Italian was so pleased MONTEZUMA GROCERY Allurns, Cat., Feb. 13. The only with Ins first deposit that AND LIQUOR COMPANY WESTERN LEAGUERS Year Will Show later In the day lo had a number of First Depos I , word so far received from the posse lllii i'i .11 li ft' i.t.i ... 4,...... Vi ' Copper and Third Big Blacksmith Believes That ARRANGE SCHEDULE which set out from here yesterday to its of Over $700,000; Hitch - n,hlu,lK hi" r,,r"i,i'--'- j iiaino,i trail thp murderers of four wealthy ui iiieiii. unmoor ot '.'""Hi IniMirtHl I, Oklahoma Farmer Should sheep men at Little High Rock can- cock Asks More Money, them then made deposits themselves. Mini Domes! Ui,KU Meiiu ij if I.mva Pure Ollne OH. The postmaster holesale ami Hotall Liquor. Agent St. Joe. Mo.. Feb. 13. Alter yon, Is that meat was found hung in at Provo, ftah, has for Kan Anlimlo Uni Always been banking svs- - lYesli, Look After His Training and a strips to explaining the new lrloe Hight. Cull, Phono or Send for Solicitor. Phono 1029. adopting schedule for tho coming smoke, Indian fashion, near tcm to Ituhlie sclu ol imollsv with Wait. season and making a few changes in the seene of the crime. Some of the Mornlngr Journal Puroau. splendd results. tho rules. Western league club owners pursuers thought from this that the 613 Munsey ltulldlng, The postmaster at Ashtabula. o who have been in session here for slayers were Indians, but others point- Washington. 1). C, Feb. 12. i reports receiving one remittance of two days adjourned tonight. The ed out that many frontiersmen have That the new postal savings bunk 100 from Pa.vncsvlllo, ., which he Montezuma Simon Doshier, the big blacksmith, had to (Mie woman deposi- Trust Companv season will open April 21 close learned to cure meat in this way. It system is return. is scheduled to meet lloy Mil bee and an assured success is shown tor, he 1100 who 8. is expected by reports, deposited and ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO October Each team will make the tomorrow the Indian by tho reports of the iivst month': nnnounred her deposit- the Oklahoma farmer, in a wrestling - Intention if - circuit four nnd will trailer with the posse will have fnl- match at the Klkg- theater, Friday times the series (iterations, sav officials of the post ing Jlftli monthly until ,her account Capital and Surplus, consist of but three games. One of lowed their quarry far enough to reached the limit allowed by A $100,000 night, February 17, isn't n bit afraid department. Forty-eigh- t offices law. adopted protects determine whether or not they ore man who wanted, to deposit 1500 t skill or strength which the ru'es clubs which were employed to inaugurate the new- INTEREST ALLOWED ON SAVINGS of the the lose white men. once declined to split It up in S lull DEPOSITS I players to the major leagues eith- system. The total deposits plow boy believed to possess. at these monthly deposits re- er by or sale. The rule prevents postollices during the month of and went away The statement mado recently Ma- draft Jan fusing to deposit tiny unless he hf any club in league buy- nary amount to approxlmntt ly $B0,0On could he was hopeful that Dcschler other the from COLORADO LEGISLATURE deposit till of it. lice that ing these players if they fail to or an average ot M.25H n office. If ... would prove a good man as a wrestler, make average is good until the club that sold FIGHTS CONSERVATION this maintained throughout Oak and Maple Polished Flooring brought nothing further from them me year, the annuel deposits nt the has the ha- - an opportunity to get a "Maybe had them io,i.v-eigi- u oiiiccs win amount to con blacksmith than terse: buck. DEMOCRATS SEIZED will beat me and then again siderably more than J. on. rum. Builders Supplies Mabce A Denver, Feb. 13. upper A gratifying 1n maybe he won't." waiver ruler preventing clubs Colo.. The fact connection with from selling players to clubs outside bouse of Colorado legislature to- these deposits, It is hel'eved. Is that Roth men are training hard for the the Albuquerque Lumber Co., N. of the league until they had offered day adopted a memorial asking the the greater part of them came from 423 1st St match and there will be no chance for persons of foreign binn, many them to clubs in the league, was nationul congress to defeat the Weeks and a crack after the match either H'om those who usually scud their "WITH CHILLS that adopted. bill pending In sen- man was out of condition. the Fnited States money abroad safekeeping. Thc waiver price was set $750. ate. The bill provides for the The at Weeks deposits received during ,lan unv The rule governing scoring was chang- purchase of Appalachian forest nary, it is said, are larger and central bank plan will have sorts of information and arguments thc than those show. RACE RESULTS ed. Hereafter nil official scorers will reserve but thp provision giving the ot the Hritlsh postal savings system little which tho majority udmlttod the on The next congress will could not have to leep track of tho runs bat- federal control of all water within the average, for tho most success' View With Alarm Possibility end March understand without the aid ful year of of 4, 1913. The Slxtv of their wives. Is Its history, puis. third congress will Numerous substitutes At Tampa. ted in. Tho adoption of an official the reservation is the feature that Htllleio-llk- e II the necessary appropriations Sensational Recruits Who not hold a session until Iiccember, for the pin were nhovvn. Tampn, 13. bPlI was left with President O'Neill, opposed. It is claimed the pass, 1 most Fla., Feb. Form upsets that were available, would establish pos 1913. It would not be possible for thc remarkable being a comb, lie stated tonight that he would not nge of the bill would forever deprive til savings tomorrow 5 HO like arrangement worn characterized the running of today's bank'4 In Will Jeopardize Success of that body to legislate on currency, If to be inside "West announce his choice for several days. the states of the west of of additional cities and towns the hut Intend d to grasp card nt the Tampa track, only control of th. It did at all, before 1114. II' the bousj and release water for Irrigation purposes. ! nin u stiitement was its grip upon the hair at the will ot one pronounced favorite winning. Th mis Presidential Campaign, is not vv rested from the of . made by Postmaster (lenenil Hitch- control the the wearer. I nrortunutely new victory of Rone McGee Love Xevv Aeroplane llex-onl- this and cock In view of the reports received democrats by that time, it may well device while it succeeded in gripping Watches, both heavily played, offset Rlieims. Feb. 13. The aviator ilium r mi in iit! concerning the first month's opera happen there will lie nothing done In tho hair of Its exhibitor refused to inn 1 some of the losses sustained by the Uuson today made a new record for tion of the postal savings system. The Morning Journal liurenu. the way of a central bunking plan release it with the result that the hat public. speed In a monoplane with a passen- reports are regarded as demons! rut 613 Munsey Hulldin, J then. .Moreover, there is tho large In which It was being demonstrated UIMNUtuNbm log new system First race, 6 furlongs: Crenel won; ger. He flew 100 kilometers (about that the already has Wiiidilnstnn, 1. Keb. 11. possibility that the democrats In tho hud to bo cut from Its wearer'B heud. passed the experimental state. t, Charlotte Hamilton, second; Donation, sixty-tw- o miles) at the Aerdome in Ketil iiiipiclieindon Is by many next elections will gain control of That tho long hatpin evil is a real The ct rtlllcate-of-depus- lt lelt the ' third. Time, 1:06 ' one hour and one minute. plan senate. one, however, wus shown by the hun- FEBRUARY which is an innovation la the trans democrats In WushinRton over thc dreds of complaining letters which Second race, 5 furlongs: Drncoola 24 action ol postal savings business, is Altogether, the Indications are clear Renntorlnl nre shup-Inj- r thu aldermen had received, one won; Okolona, second; F.illy Bodo-tney- er situations thut banking cur- from llackenscbinhU Defeats Culler. shown to be admirably adapted, to its that comprehensive and a plumber caused considerable, mer- 1 Hacken-schml- up n .third. Time, :05 Chicago, Feb. 13. George purpose. in number of states where rency reform bus years to wait, unless riment. "A big, In view of fut female put her Third race. Hunt Club, 5 furlongs: tonight got the first fall the successful operation the democrats have elected lelslii-tiifis- . It bo the passage of a temporary hatpin into my In subway." of the new system, (Icn- - neck the Friend Vigil won; Claiborne, second; from Charles Cutler, with a toe and Postmaster emergency measure. Thus, the exist- said the writer, "and the blooil run Admirers of Grizzled Old War-hor- se erai Hitchcock has recommended to This npi chensloti, in tho ciise Tanbark, third. Time, 1:12 body hold in ne hour and three min- ing emergency currency law, when it for ten minutes, She Just lnughed congress the impropriation of $1, of the denioiriits of the Fourth race, 5 furlongs: Love utes and four seconds. He won the Will gnu, Olio, to immediately expires, might be revived for tem- and when I didn't like it she v.'nnted Unite to Do Him be available. nnd not the ieuctlonniy VHi'lety, Watches won; J. 11. Swanncr, second; second fall with a toe hold in 10:20. for the extension the postal pi rary purposes. to have mo put off." Two other men i savings to point: They It appeared, Allow Waltz, third. Time, 1:32 Americus and Fred Reall wrestled Honor in New Willard Hotel system to a considerably number of readies this fear that however, saved him from If men who in cases uuch an Inglorious fate, Fifth race, 6 1- furlongs: Rose one hour without a fall and the postollices, the patrons of which arc the several are ;rcnt Northern Train Wrecked. Motlee won; Easy Life, Cry at Brilliant Banquet, clamoring for the new banks. . seeking senatorial nonius firo suc Wenutcheo, Wash., Feb. 13. flreat second; match was called a draw. Already hp According to Baby, third. Time, 1:12 has received urgent re cessful In ailiicvlnij their umbltions, Northern train No. 4 ensthound was Samuel W. Allerton, riients mm all over the country for tile democratic putty may pay the wrecked evening, tn'.lca tha millionaire farmer and former Sixth race, mile and a furlong: international Rowling. the establishment of postal this ti.'tt.n Morning Journal Buroau, banks, fiddler In lUlli by losing the presi- i f tehee, Colum- mem pack"-- Is now Woodstone won; Vanen, second; Billy St. Paul, Minn.. Feb. 13. What is efpecially in the larger offices. The cast Wenn nenr the there nothing so 61'4 Munsey Building,, dency. bia Pullman, third. Time, 2:03 snid to by a win Id's tournament rec- only thing to prevent tho extension Is river. Tho wires are down and fur us the packing Industry Is con- Washington, These tile whose nnibl-tlon- s, A cerned, ! f- -r ord as made tonight by George l. C, Feb. II. J thu necessary money, which ho thinks tire men no detulls hnvo ben received. in the pr Increased A reception congress now grant, in n way, regard- persons; ' em- At Jacksonville. Vandertunk and Henry Martin of St. In honor of Joseph (. niav hi the face senatorial ate number of tire reported industrial ecoiioinv or ucn splendid ed by ployment of efflch , ,. Kin-nelo- - Cannon, marking the completion of returns. progressive democrats here in rlously injured, none killed. hlcli Jacksonville, Fla., Feb. 13. n. Paul in the two men event of tin- In- but bis seventeenth term in eongrqss and ,.e.uesis ior literature n tho new Washington as holng for has aroused so much "controversy the winner of tho second race, ternational bowling tournament. system are being dannerous tho rounding out of his career as received at the post the future Pincers of the democratic La Grlppo Coughs atneo Attorney Urondeis Injected It as was the only successful favorite lit Their score putting them In . first offlec department from n great many fin hjHtie in upeftker of the house of representa- party. IVUlluni F. Mieehan, of New Strain nnd weaken the system and the railway rule hearings. Moncrh-- this Afternoon and the. lay- place was 130X, It being four phis senoni teachers und "Interpreters The savings thut result from the tives, will be given on evening of York; Jnmeg Smith, Ji , of Xevv Jer- if not checked may develop Into pner-monii- i, ers kept most of the money. Prlnoc-lik- c higher than the record made by tho tnroujhout the country. Many let- simplification of opcrutluns and thu Friday, 24, , rp- - sey; Watson T. No danger when Fol- took the fourth and feature event. Schmalcr brothers, Madison, Wis., at February ters asking information are beimr Clurcnca and John of this elimination of waste hove been cur- It will he wholly and ceiveu i nun people In cities Hot hav- MeGraw ns well us William 12. Chil- ey's Honey und Tar Is taken prompt- ried in In tho first race Silas Crump fell tho Detroit tournament lust year. ing further this business than in his colleagues, who havo the arrange- banks whi seem anxious to pa- ton In West Virginia; ZJdvvard Hunley ly. It ia a reliable family modlclne nny other, In th0 opinion of tho vet- while rounding the turn into the homo Ahlsacker and Jacobson of Minne- tronize the new system. ments in hand, propose to make It one of Ohio. for all coughs and colds, nnd acta eran stockmun. "I used to ship llvo stretch and Jockey (loos sustained a apolis made the second highest with The reports show a in- most general nnd The of iiUciuns, espe- quickly nnd effectively In ensea of cattle to New York." he says by way broken collarbone. 1137, putting them in second place. of tho notable functions In the creasing interest in the new banks, attention in history Washington. cially of democrats who tire anxious croup. HetuBe substitutes. J. it. of illustration, "and they had to be First race, 4 fourlongs: Terrible Prosperity, of St. Paul, went into of The entire top especially among torclgners. und fed on way. Bet-tie- twice the Even the floor of the New Willard hotel, Includ- many Instances are reported to have the m nati rlal contents d O'Rtelly Co. then Boy won; u Itartrlilge, second; second place in the five men event by where shrinkage was sixty to seventy pounds ing great priests who are pastors of foreign in various Htiite:?, so us to Kustmun, third. Time, :49 rolling 2721. the banquet and ball- Ian the on each nninml or two per cent on ths rooms el- yinig.) congregations tire exhibiting n Bti eiiKtheu tile party In u Second race, (! furlongs: Kinncll has been reserved, nnd an national net weight of tho beef. Now the lively Interest and making many In Whoe-Im- n aborate luncheon will be served. sense, is especially dlicctcd to pucker pays freight on only sixty-fiv- e won; Old Boy. second; Emma Stuart, onirics ti hmit the methods the .ISLAND of- rf At thu time per cent of weight as third. Time, 1:14 Not only will congress and all. system. In Iowa reports show many and wimo ilflnil the a result of S ETH LOW ficialdom in paying to $1 the situations in other states aic not tho use of refrigerator cRr and of Third race, 7 furlongs: Ella Bry-so- n PRESIDES unite tribute deposits ol ouch, us well as offer. "Fnclo Joe" but friends in other walks of sums running into the thousands, being ov, rif olvcd. methods for utilising all won; Attentive, second; Special As a of-th- great of lifo will be given opportunity to Instances have occurred where per Thinking dcnn crats, who under- result Improvements Brew, third. Time, 1:27. MAYSQON CEASE in the way of labor-savin- g machinery greet him. The country ut large will sons have wanted to open accounts stand that the outcome oi the elec- Fourth race, mile: I'rlnceliko win; for w they n packing plant cost millions of dol- b,; well represented at gathering others lu hom have mi In tion of November S was rlmurlly a White Wool, second; Kl Toro, third. T HARMONY FEAST the terest usually children. Much Inter- lars where, once it could bo built for which will eclipse a rebuke to ccitain manifestations In $150,000, Time, 1:40 5. similar tribute of est, it is stated, has been aroused but the result has been the five years ago. llio republican piu ty, nnd H was Introduction vust race, 5 2 Multiline among sciiool children, and many thut of economics which Fifth furlongs: not u won; Strike Out, second; Sylvcstris, "l.'nclo Joe,'' who will be seventy cards for small savings have been veto of confidence In the demo 10 EXIST have been of benefit to all tho peopla live years old on May 7, lias never bcu,jht or small accounts opened by emtio party, ate wm-iylu- over thc of the country as they have enublod third. Time, 1:07 tu All New Re- been In better form than now. He is lays and girls who want to "lav up iiuestlon whether the deniocruts in this business be conducted on a Sixth race, mile and seventy yards: Factions of York a nest egg." narrow margin." this respect tlto youngest old man in congress by congress are going to b( able to make ciy In Ppes Nostra won; Abrasion, second; Postmasters generally report offers he holds, tho packing interests have publicans Unite For First largo odds. The hard campaign good, and they tiro also worrying The Whip, third. Time, 1:45 of sums In excess of the legal limit Proposal Mado to Join Site o been pioneers in a movement which Time through which he passed last year, In by hundreds of people who wish to over what will be done by tho demo- ninny oilier Industries are only begin- Since Turbulent Sara- deposits. cratic legislatures In I'tales, espe At l'.nieryvllle. which CannonlKin wus the. Issue, up make This seems to be the the Old New York to Long Island ning to adopt. parently did not in rase at nearly every office where a cially by thc newly elected ones in Oakland, Cal Feb. 13. Kalelgh V. toga Convention, affect him the least. Since the social season opened hank has been established. stales f refill ly captured from the re or Mainland by Filling East on Wealthy New Yorkers with snortlriff T. won tlu Abraham Lincoln handicap Postmaster Hitchcock he has attended dinners nightly, made Ccneral has publicans. They rialize that If the proclivities are soon to have an op- at Emeryville today. Coppertown was been advl-c- d of an amusing experi- River, IBjr Morning SpM'lal speech speech, (he democrats have to go Into the next North portunity to enjoy in surroundings of favorite but made a dismal showing. Journal Leased Wire after danced with ence nt one of th- - new postal savings New 13. I Pl11' ciimpulgn with the republicans point luxurious exclusiveness encounters s York, Feb. For the first debutantes, 'v,'r n,'r" f" as a hanks in the northwest. Shortly Jockey Class wt-- reinstated by the alter , between professional exponents since, con- fid-ll- for any duty falling to bis lot the bank opened a weather-beate- n lag to the lection to the senate of of the stewards. time the fight at tho state Mpnrlnl to Results: guru fanner, after a careful survey of such men as Slicehan, ami mlth, and CnrrMpondrnce to Mnrnlnf Journal flslle art witness which It has been 3 vention at toga last September, all All he knows ubout the prospective the First race, furlongs, 2 year In- Now York, Feb. 4. ns necessary for them heretofore to factions of tile republican party in reception is hp was to hold postollicc building, outside ami Manley, anil Watson, the democrats Manhattan olds: Florence Roberts won; Minstra, that asked side, as far as he was permit ted to fin individual island may noon crass Journey to Nevada or cither points re New York state gathered tonight In jthe date ot February It will be are sure to bo handii unped. from Uroadway. by second; Idum, third.- - Time, ;4.'l i. go, cautiously approached the deposit to exist. Whether, however. It Is to mote The plan harmony. The occasion was the "I'ncle Jor's Night." There will be Let it be supposed that Hlmhan which is to be accomplished In Second race, 6 furlongs: In- window and asked: bneomu a part of thft main continent this twenty-fift- h dinner of Re little else going on in Washington comes to the, :.'enate lioin .evv l ork, It Is by cludes tho organisation of a spotting clement won; Quality Street, second; annual the "Is this here the place where the from which now aepaniled public chili of New York city in that particular night. Put It not government takes savings and pays Hm it Itoin New .IciHcy, Watson from the Hudson river, or to Join Long Is club to which only men of wealth and Twilight Queen, third. Time, 1:20. does cominemorulioli ot the one l,mean He interest in 'cm 7" West Virginlii, and 'l.-in- y Ohio, land irom which the I'.ast river now social standing vvlll be admitted. Third race, twenty yards: hundred bis farewell. has ulready ii'om mile and and second anniversary of llio birth come back." "It Is," replied the clerk. What "ill be the effect on the tariff partH It, Is highly conjectured. .Some Nothing so vulgar ns a print) fight, of Boiaapter won; II., ;; "Well, nu- - gov- - course, will be to Endymlon of Abraham i,incoln. kin yer lit see the revision the domoiciits talk nboul, or yearn ago Thomas A. Kdison pl'opob- permuted occur third. Time, J:4S ernment's guarantee tliet the money ed the cibollshmciit of tho Mast river within the sacred precincts of th William Haines, Jr., newly elect ed appointed ill New Mex- vv III, t will be III,. , vv ben the ili'lii 2-- Postmasters will be sale and yer can pet It buck .f, ft by rilling it In from 11.11 Clato to thu club's uuarters but there Is nothing of republican i chairman tho state ico and Arizona: rnh l'. Holley lit whenever yt r w ant II crats neck to deal with the mllroad Uwltery. Now In view of the lack of ii tho New York law to prevent box Fourth race, 7 furlongs: Raleigh P. led in T). committee, who the fight Hang. X. A!.: Klla (!. Clarke fit Flor- He was (old the government's and col jii'i'Hllon problems which are huge ing bouts of uny specified number of won; A ruse, second; Ayame, third. docking tipneo lor Transatlantic. against Colonel Roosevelt at Saratoga ence, Arl!!.; Wick-enbur- g, pledge of guaranty of postal savings up , '.' oiinils Is not Time, John Witheiiny nt looming for These Ilnerc in the Hudson, the scheme has where thc contest a pub. deposits was In law, nnd was as- t - fin Is was seated nt the right of the former Ariz.; Frederick W. Smith nt the arc iiue.-nii.n- it,- dcinoomtic progres been revived again In connection with lie a r and it safe to predict thai Fifth race, yards: sured money would per- mile and seventy and Into d that his be I tho Were of the those who entertain the select mem P-'t- president entered an Williams, Alii!. sives arc mklug, and lie unsworn are latter stream. either e won; fectly safe If deposited there In the Massa, second; Flora Riley, conversation several times dur- t. liking. rivers abolished. It Is pointed nut. It bers nf th" sporting "400" will have poiitofliee. Helm liintly, he lished not theii wise, third. Time, 1:53 ing dinner.' Would bo possible to build docks of no rensmi to complain on the of the out from his pocket, bill by bill. MOO purses Many Sixth race, nillo and seventy yards: Scth Low, president of club, SECOND TERM FOR TAFT almost unlimited length across tho the offered. prominent the and held on to it until his certificate! city, society men ure accomp Hog,, won; Special Delivery, second; presided. on as southern find of the instead of themselves He had his list speak AS OF wits picpiircd. He then let tils nion-'- Is present In lished pugilistic they, Incentive, 1:54 SOLUTION PROBLEMS go slowly CUHRENGr REFORM placing thrin as done at anmleurs nnd third. Time. ers, Colonel Koosevcit, tne Itev. Dr. reluctantly and walked New York's two main rivers whose as well as ihe prolcssional, will par- - Seventh G Zoroas- nway, days he race, furlongs: Frank W. (Iiinsuulus, president of tin Three later returned, makes it impossible to tlclpalu lu tho bouts are to be ter presented bis eel lllleiile, asked narrowness that won; Eddie Mott, second; Miss Armour Institute at Chicago, who de- for his Klvu sufficient length. The adop- pulled off. The whole undertaking Is lb st tr! Feb. 3. "Keep npin-.- v, got it. nnd went nway. them l'lenlr, third. Time, 1:20 5. Lincoln oration; Ju'lgi!' i President ll plan would Involve to be managed in a wny ns to livered the Aft'-- another three days he re tion of nu h the such Kmeiy Spier of the United States cir Taft In llie chair for another term ON THE SHELF filling in ol nearly eight square liillcM attract us Utile ullcnUon as ookslbln end we will the. problems turned ntrnln, went through almost unrein Meeting Intended. cuit court of (leorglii, and Oeorge Von havn all fhe same formu'a nnd again deposited now occupl-- d by water, find the ex Irom th outside public, nnd tho first solved, so (Vr ns legislation can solve of rome fiUii,(ill,iiuii. most Hlrlngent Juarez, Feb. 13. It was officially L. Meyer, secretary of the navy, who his vino nnd rculved tl crilll.-ale- penditure f The and rule of lln club would, be announced by management of th represented Tuft. lliem," declared Former Congress- Tills was fcpciteil several times at vnlun ot the made land how will "fleporters not admitted." the President ever, exceed the eosl of the un jockey nt. tho Lloyd C. Henry L. Stimson man J. Adam I!' lie it .Mimics.. In at of three days. Finally tho fur club Juares today that Cliscoin, ch-r- go the Lincoln day banquet of .Mi- asked blin why he acted In that dertaking, und incidentally would While New York's Zoo bus Just meeting now Timothy L. were among the Belief No Finan- - g in progress at Terra.ns anil Woodruff way. is was: General That far to aolvo tin- problem isl two laughing hyenas, whose tem pres- ddlesex club here tonight. replv Park would bo extended to April 1, the republican leaders wiu wee "Well, I'm kinder skeerv ,' these of congested population, which, It il pers had become us soured us thoso and "I um for tho reciprocal arrange- cial Legislation of Importance 12,- - run every day In the week malt- ent, (leiicrnl Frederick I. Cant, 1. here hunks, nnd I was Jest Ir, In' this sliuiated, will leach a total of of professional humorists ure reputed ing seven racing days. TVo stakes S. A., Ccneral Thomas II. Parry, 1'. ment with Canada whether Minnesota new one ler see if It was like 000,000 bv 1! .10. Knglncers who havo to be, so (hut It bucumo necessary to fjiIiI. them Will Be Attended to Until Ses- have been rearranged so that the H. A., and Admirnt K. H. C. Lent, also likes it or not," he fellers thut fails and keeps yer been consulted declare the enterprise put them to death, the loss la to bo absolute aciiul-sltlo- n, derby and Oaks will lie run on the were guests. money," sion of 1914, to bo perfectly practical and more than made good by the At posiul savings I. ly by neeits ot lust day of meeting. The toast was drunk to the presi- Lincoln Hay at Albany. another auk In demanded thi future which the Museum of Natural the the west n aged In city. Certainly the Idea Is a tre- speci- before Albany, X. Y., Feb. 1.1. A memo- farmer walked the History has Just made, of three dent of .the Pulled States Just one day and plumped down Jfi.fidf) n conception and may bo a or an- mendous mens what is claimed tu be the d tile Introduction of Secretary of the rial observance the birthday ft Morning liurcfiu, Ic I'ast Draw. lump for deposit. When Informed Journal great factor In the trail problems i .1 ii.-- aiilmiil In existence. Thin ts sent to niversary Lincoln was - i i $101) Kansas, City, Mo.. Feb. 13. Willie Navy Meyer, who had been the of I'rctidciit thai in- in, ,re IIi could be re- 613 Munsey llulldlng, which are now pcri-lcxin- New York. tln Alrliau , kupl, first reported by ilbbs r and Tommy banquet lis a representative of th? held lu the senate champer tonight. ceived from tny depositor In any one Washington, "., Feb. III. Kltt nicy an. I Afi'lcun explorers up !. other llxon of Memphis, featherweights, president. The (lettHbuig address of the mar- month be gathered his pile and N., linanclul I, gl; latloii of Impor- That the eves, to say nothing of the but long hell'-ve- to be a myth. The walked awav, expressing li ( st Indigna- fought ten fast rounds to a draw here A telegram was read In which he tyred president was lend. tance need ,e expected from congress other features of mere man, may soon popular description of the animal tion, us well as I i tonight. expressed regret (it not being able to A . a be rare In this city ul least from rhows that It has n head Ice gi- i'h- - pnM I I lies--l- earlier than t!HI. This seems long mado Mires, muster general hluks over m raffe, a Ii fore,iiarters a. This wns the third meeting between attend, the meeting. Storm PriMralcs eases extreme lime to wall, but It can readily be tiie deadly hatpin which ici and like Illustrate the views controversy raged of horse, and :i 1. l'l; und a Hie Cob-ne- l was tho last Chicago, Feb. 13. Asle,t nnd ruin w much has late le's like fighters. Th : b.ittlo was fast and tioisevcit of the H. postal mvlngs bunk and demonstrated thil there is no likeli- . s now probable. While such a xclu-a- The specimens now on evening, began by storm over the middle slat'-- Impeded th- possibilities bo- - seems their 'Med with sliiBglug. Little visible spuaker of the lie ."hi Indifale of the hood of congress tloging anything Joy by them, so Unit group may to In In money result will be balled with nil tied with the damage was done man. saying he regarded the movement telegraph and telephone communica- bunks gathering which fore that. Probably It will not come in- In a setting to look us either I members of the sterner sex. It will owe placed nat elect senators by popular vote as u tion tonight. Tb storm was accom- now is entirely withdrawn rum ir-- i that noon. illation. lis achievement to the women them- ural as jiotiible. Thesi rare troph- genuine, progressive policy. panied by n thick f' !(. It Is clear Die report of the mono- - selves, ns wns evidenced this Week In ies were secured by the Congo expe- PROMofERSEEKTSHARE The postnuister ;.t A Mont , Is a genuine, progressive prin- It extended (is north us Minne- vvlll be strangest hearings vvjilch financed for Ihe musuem by "It far writes that 7.', per ecu! of his pillions laty eoniitilsston not nude to one of tho dition J, re--- , Morgan, OF AVIATORS EARNINGS ciple," he said, "but to take nw'ay the apolis Hnd west to oniiihu. lu south- went to make nosils of ftrger sums eoni...ress this session. It la now ever took place In the iililermanlc Plcrpont John U. Uockefel-le- r nutlonal control ov r tin; election of ern Illinois the rainfall was heavy. than the law penults. The same ts ognlncd that It would be physically chamber of the city hull. more and a number of other million- ex- were senators is retrogressive. I object to true at Clone, Alls'... where many lini.iHHl.le for the ci uimlHSitm to get than three hours the city fathers aires- Kfforts made to securo devices living specimen, wus by which n retrogressive prin- (.client I Lean Dead. lOngllsb. Austrian, (Ionium, Mexican together on a plan for a r vision of amined all sorts of safety a but this l'l I'aso, Texas, Feb. 13. Suit Was pbns I In- - one " Mil,, PI. end SttfilWI- depositors have vleil caleubiPM to take the sling from th ns unlmal is of tho "eld Intcr-"atlon- al ciple Is tagged to a progressive on Faltlmore, Feb. llrigiidlcr the banking luwa and frama a bill und here today against the with Amerlrni-- in patronage nt lengthy hatpin, llepresentutlves nf wildest as well ns one of the rarest agreement," Peter Jr., H. A. (re- their It congress. now Avlntors' nssi elation by Max "1 hall the reciprocity tienerul Iary, lh new hunk. send to No report la one hundred nnd sixteen women's know n aud only three w hite men have liosen, on contract for ll.H.'.O. Rosen said Mr. itoosevelt, "because it repre- tired), died at his liotiin here tonight, The report from Rutherford, .V. J expected until next aesslon. The clubs appeared against the hatpin ever sen a living ukopi so far us is 71 will hlleres the money W du him for pro- - sents an effort to bring about a closer oifed years. . shows the receipts "f ninny minis from democrats then control the houne, and gave llio municipal law mukcrs ull knovrn. THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOUfWAL." TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1911.

lil ii '. w ' x WHERE THE PEOPLE GO rx Big Special for Today at 9 a. m. V;

clSENSATIONAL 50 pieces Seco Silk (just like Suesine) 27 inches wide, over 50 shades to select from. This silk originally. worth 47V2C yard. For this special morning sale, yard 27c The Goldlemi IFMe Pest Goods Co

T" railroad between here anil Farming-ton- . liere the worst road encountered, with tract and forest reserves In Sandoval will appear before the. club and ronal.lurahle heavy gand.. From Uuld-- i County, an average of about fifty This Will Slop Your COMMERCIAL CLUB - deia.ll plan of Far'rn'ng'tnn they . went .. to . . Han Railroad Construction the the i noiith miles to the south, and the miscel- Cough in a Hurry boosters In thti preliminary atop to- Actonlo criming into Tljeraa freight an average of about securing canyon at laneous ward lh mutietary bucking I.a TIJera and thence to this 175 miles. In addition to this there for thp railroad project, realized to city, a ride which no County Bare IJ r KlakU Tkla Cangh after durin m San Juan From would also .be , a. haul of about 1,800 TO TALK one, Ut Syrup at PUMP be of the most Important ever nerlotia hataclea were encounterd tons of bullion from Durungo to A- hron.'he.l In thin lly. other Important and aml.l acenery, which for beauty lbuquerque, destination El Paso, the muttern will oltui he hroiiKht forwanl, la prohahly unaurpnase.l In New Mex- - A Financial Standpoint full distance of 225 miles. This rscipe makes a pint of better the-- buy InelpdlliM nterprixtt .f Uev. H. 4!. Wl-TV- i 1 . . cough syrup than you could ready i i , . i This southbound freight would pmtor lj U,tv bcnjitlfiilirs made for $2.50. A tew doe usually Tolhfrt. of the CoiiKreKiitlunul irip," BalrJ,t'rrioBl amount to about 3,000 tons every day, conquer most obstinate cough-st- ops a; the ME thureh, anrl a committee of that de- SrJI.fi v4trda.v..nnij 'with ta'df equul to about L'OO car loads and even whooping cough quickly. cam-pHl- of ate of probable Ton- remedy nomination who will condui t a n dnzHi' infle Vif the 'road fixed It Conservative Report Estim Cost and which woiild be equivalent to at least Simple as it Is. no better cut be had at any price. for th ailvei'tlnln of Alliuqtier- - woulU lie an eaay and attractive day'a by Col. D. K. B. After' six trains a day, Including Sundays. one pint of granulated Btigar I : nage Compiled Sellers Four Months Mix iue a henlih and himlnena remuirces, trip for automohlllnta.'' ' Northbound traffic. with V!i plat of warm water, and stir TONIGHT ' through t li p medium of the church Colonel Seller ' went In 20 Ago Decidedly 2,500 tons; Albuquerque for 2 minutes. Put 254 ounces of Plne lila' Reconnaissance Several Years Interesting Powder, to (fifty cents worth) In a pint bottle; throiiKhout the mat, pri- horae-powe- r. Ilupmohlle and Mr.) Cox Porter for Durango. add the Sugar Syrup. It has s N. then a, marily to eoinhnt the rnviiRea of In hla Maxwell car. Thla trip la now Now When Line From Farmi ngton, M., or Durango, Colo., Canned goods, 2,500 tons; Albu- pleasant taste and lasts a family long a teaspoonful every out, effectively amoiiK the made much easier on account of the querque to Porter for Durango. time. Take to Albuquerque is Again Being Agitated. , , two or three hours. Committee Will; Complete Data church memhera. splendid road Improvement done at Miscellaneous, 20.000 tons; El You can feel thla take hold of a cough The K.iod roada conimittp will- he mouth of Tljeraa canyon by the Pason to Porter for Durango. In a way that means business. Has the effect, Draces up the appe- by Visiting Well of Local Mar- aide t. report with great atittafactlon county supervision 8. 8c(an- - Hides and pelts, 12,000 tons; va- good tonic tinder of figures, gathered tite and is slightly laxative, too, which that th county hiia appropriated alx piece Detailed faces' and what is known as Salt river; thence on rious points to Porter for Durango. A handy remedy for hoarse- After- ulnl. Formerly the worat of road Is helpful. ket Gandener ;This thouaind dollara for the hiilhllntf of In thla section, this stretch has been by Col. D. K. ,B. Sellers, some four a water grade down on the south Live stock, 500 cars: various points, ness bronchitis, asthma and all throat . 200 cars; and lung troubles. noon. V.. the ('amino Heal north to the Sando made smooth, evenly graded and so years ago for an eastern syndicate, side of Salt river to where It Joins Fruit and grain, various The effect of pine on the membranes county connecting1 points. Is the most val- val line wllh the feasible that the motorists Sunday which was that time considering with the Jemez river, and thence Is well known. Pinex ap- - at' ,: Hay, 250 points. uable concentrated compound of Nor- road to Hniila Fe and that thla went through on high gear. cars: various I the construction of a line from along the Jemez river to the Rlo wegian white pine extract, and rich proprlatlon will secure four thousand Earnings. In gulalcol end ell the natural healing FARMINGTON RAILROAD dollar more from the territory: also, 1 Sedentary habits, lack of outdoor .N M to Grande; thence across the latter river Take the foregoing and applying pine elements Other preparation will rates-no- , not work In iM formula. that the new road dlatrlct system has oiccrctsc, ''Insufficient mastication of Albuquerque pr JicrnallUo. are exceed-- . to the town of Bernalillo on the line of the , Iq foree for similar fiyrup ALSO BE - Thl Pinex and Sugar recipe . WILL DISCUSSED - uvor, won- :, been tiiauMiirnted. The committea eonatipatton, a torpia 'lugly lmcrcHtiii. at, this time. when tho the Atchison,' Topeka "& Hanta ' Fe traffic on other roads, the following has attained great popiriaftty-through-- I'1T wlllch has been Hmking after the ftnn ay' are int moat common. maUer iTiHjruitin ;th - line, eighteen miles of the results are found;v.i, nut the United States and Canada. It causes of stomach troublea. Correct ,(,,, railroad, north .,',.., hss often been Imitated, though never county platting will be able to report nuuin wawnlng) tip it th resnll.of city of Albuquerque, N.'M. ' " Southbound gross' freight earnings, successfully, your i s " Congr plan Brm in p In habits and take Chamberlain'! :Bc..jy,ltleii;pn of Coal and ooite. 71$,00-ton- for K A guaranty of t'fiational to considerable rotes the worlc. ,you the part,, the t The undeveloped' 'resources 'alnnff absolute aatlsfaetlos, Stomach and Tablet and Htiles at 13.3.1,: .... or money promptly refunded, goes with', ' most of which Is now being done 'by Halo by people v, Farminglon and southern such a line almost beyond com- $1,25".25). Will will soon be well again. For 'are '; ' thl recipe.'' Ynilr- druggist ha Pinex, Healthscekers Likely , , Lumber, 103,000 tous for, 6Q miles Purveyor" Zimmerman hnd hla assist Colorado,; , & puting. "Ultun'iinous coal enough to or will get It for vou.. not, aend all dealer. ,,,,.t. " : If ' at' " ants in the vicinity of Alameda. According to Colonel ije)lci's',.'prvll; supply the entire country for a cen- $1.25. $128,750.,' 'i The Plncx Co..Ft. Wayae, lad. t.a Also Come Before Tonight's .''.' JTiibjs nilnary uqd Investlgittlons,, tury. Anr supply i Miscellaneous. 76.01)0, tons 17? DEATHS AND FUNERALS; aurve)( the fnexhaustablu of ' " Gathering. inot. lmipj Wi;ij typnage, whJch''8,,j"oa.d, lignite fued,' or steam coal. Immense at $5.00. $380,000. f. Motive power1. of jtlila.cnaraiitur Jould a.'curd w:oult. tracts of flfto merchantabb:). pinfe siiw Bullion. l.KOO.toits for 225 miles at and '.reltlng atoclc' - . 'i " 2.75. $4,950. , .., . , ;, , .. , . $746,000. , v ,. SCENIC TRIP IN THE Mr.' Alex Knapp.' '. he thg ygal, shipped,., from, tho, coking '.Umber. Thttusandrf of 'cattle.pahe)) ' ' y- Fruit and grain; tons for 200 General ' V) .' Tiu', ji'jjiiW .mewing' of "Com- After suffering for many yeara from coal region in aoutpwesiern coioratto. land horses. Twenty mlllUin pounds '" at $50 oar; $I0,odo.' , ', . $5,(109,680; , ,, ; ; a complication of diseases, Alex to the mlujnSr'.'flfKtrlcts rif soutjiern of fruit now raised ; annually In the rtjiles TolaV mercial uh to be held lonlaht will Mr. .. , . Mexico; Arizona' tho rejmblic' Juan-valley- tojis Northbound. , ,, l - Ivuripp, wife of Policeman Kuapp, died Sew and ,San Ten thousand "' tn- - one of ihe most Important Powder, 2,500 tons' for 223 miles Deafness Cured wit yesterday home, SOU of Mexico, for smelting and mining of alfalfa..: Ten thousand, acres, of at Cannot lie ' S afternoon at her ; t -- .: ; organized rjliib, every ptlrposcg.' t'' 1 knoWii $17.60, $44,000. hold by the and 2 West Central avenue. Mrs. Kuapp , win fact jUrmlng. lands now In cultivation,, And by local application, as they cannot r, Canned, goods, 2,,50Q tong, for 225 rltlscn who l Interested in Greater had been a helpless Invalid for almost that no co'klng cost 'is found lh'quan ienough avatlablo water, for the. culti- reach t lie diseased portion of the In sect a miles at $7.40, $18,500. is l twenty-fiv- e year, having been suf- titles thesel latter Ions, nd at vation of, 4,00,000 acres more..- ear. There only one way. to curs Alhiuiuerqua 'Invited, to Im present, a Miscellaneous, 20,000 Ultra- the' present tfnit most of It used in I was a resident, for quite a num- for '200 deafnebs, and that Is by constitutional In. ferer from locomotor ataxia. Mrs. $80,0110. nml tak h rt Ihn dlscittwlons. loc'n'lltfeW'is miles at $4.00, I fifty-seve- theAe brought at a heavy New remedies..; by aa, Automobile, Enthusiasts Circle Kriitpp was n year old and ber of years of northwestnrn ' Deafness caused Firstly mill foiumoNtly will come up exptMiae fronfAVeat Ala- Hides and pelts, 12.000 tuns for 60 Is survived by Mr. Knapp and two Virginia and Mexico and southeastern Colorado, inflamed condition of (ho mucous linr the report of Ihn iCommcrclul club and Believe May bama and from the mines east of the have ridden range for a radius of tulles at $1.10, $13.20(1. lug of the Tube. Ran,e Route datiKlitera, Mrs. Kllen Phillips and the Live, Eustachian' Whca committee wlilrh visited tln Irrigation continental divide In the El Mora, Col- 100 mile lu that section and am stock, 500 cars lor 200 mllea thla tubo Is Inflamed you have a rum- Mrs. K Npears of this city. Deceased $50 car,'$25,000. Wells In the, Mlmlrs valley itrouuil Be Made Popular Pleasure orado district! The, cost of burning thoroughly familiar with the contour at bling sound or Imperfect hearing, and . oi a patient and cheerful sufferer Hay. 250 200 Engineer l'eb r Cameron of coke Is estimated to be about $2 per of the entire country In question, and , curs for miles, $50 when It 1 entirely closed, Deafness Tour, and bote her chins with the resigna- $12,500. tho Albuquerque Foundry company ton. can compile a report from accurate car. I the result, and unless the Inflam- will tion of, a true Christian woman, Mr. Total, $1,968,150. who went uti the Pcmlng trip, The report hnide by Colonel .Sellers, data 1 know to be available can- mation can be and Knapp will have the aynipat'hy' of hi that passenger oiie taken out thl tube report to tliu luli formally bin com- telling of the resources and the prob- not help but Interest those who arc For earnings, day restored to Its normal condition, Kiinillit many friends In hla Borrow and Ills way, plete data on Hi.' pumping proposition That tliu tiiouulitliiH caul of able cost of construction, together Inclined to give their attention to the train each averaging 120 pas- heuring will he destroyed forever; this city oner splendid f,,r greatest comfort will be that through sengers per ut 2 secured In the Mlmhre valley; h ii Id futilities with the estimated tonnage which building of a railroad. train tents per mile, nine enses out of ten i.re caused by In- niitomohlle plei.Kiire all tho years of his wife's suffering, he $394,200. msk this report complete It will seekers and that would he obtained along the. new line. I spent some four months, In 1!HM, Catarrh, which It" nothing but an In- lip as easy they dis- never neglected an opportunity to The average earnings per clude stnllstlcs to secured thin N an scenic trip have Is given herewith: gathering the data used In a report Per mile flamed condition of the mucous sur- th( piir.xcelleiK e, Is show kindness and consideration and annum from mall for ' li'. iioon when the hit' coinmiUc.' will covered route tho rurauant to our conversation of 1 ctnnpilcd ut that time fqr some oth- similar roads faces. 1). to do everything within his power to are $150. no not 1o the market garden of Joint enthusiastic conviction of Colonel about a week ago, I have gone, over er parties, a copy of which you will about and from express Wc will give One BKKlHt her to bear her affliction. The $100. Hundred Dollar Mii.iii, near i.lil Albuquerque, uiul In- K. It. Hellers and I. H. Cox who on tho copies of rny rcp.rt of coking coal herewith find attached. about for any case of Deafness (caused by funeral will he held this afternoon at Total (.i-on- Faming vestigate, hi pumping i n tit. The com- - Sunday clrcumnat laated the main lands, poeslhle route I am to say I pre- for Bond. by 2 :10 Arch-dea.u- railroad from also frank am catarrh) that cannot be cured I faml-llc- from the family home. Freight $1,968,130 miller will go out between 1:30 nirt M.uae of he Hiinilins with their s Albuquerque, N. M to Mancos, Colo., pared to verify all of these ffcnires, as Hall Catarrh Cure. Send for cir- W. K. Warren, of Kt, John's Passenger ; . ; . 394,2111) 2 OH n'l'Uk iwJ any other InWi.idvJ In nutotiiobllea. The tutirlHts a smal bit. flfti . nii) si west well lis all of the other statements I culars' 'free. FplaertpaJ church will conduct the ser- fi Mall 33,000 person r Invited 4o he there.- . Uuiiiil lalrly aKd roaiU alnioal nil tlm of (Mid (wfclcli fcniij jjcrinlt have jiuid.c, should you wish to have ,.. ,K. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, U. .urR0. " Tins pumping plan - coining rapid way believe that with a III lie vices. Interment will be In Fnlrvlew ilt.f Express. , '. 22,000 by end road cemetery. of atii PJItet Uhriitfth jnlii iei.la me do' so." Sold Druggists, 75c. It Into f.tvnr now it n mean of improvement thla route will become a of aolitfii'tistm 'ftUli rt)' Salt' ltke It must be remembered, as stated Take Hall's Family Fills tor consti- , 'J'otal $2,417,350 the lilo Grande valley, verv popular one. City. before, figures wer compiled pation, . , these A s Hern-alill- liberal allowance for KeteiMI ilt'lm-u- Iiiiiii umde plans The parly went from here to Carhw IUuiui, Am will be noted upon In 1904. Since then the.'Denver & operating expenses bo 70 per to InstHll ileinoiiKlnitin pumps, north clKhteeii miles up tha river, and Carlos, the nineteen year old son the town of purango practically lies Klo; flrando- railroad ha been built would cent of the ' gross earnings or $1,692,145. The Livestock and mouth of Albuquerque and Intlmit-tloi- theme to the picttiresnue old lllana of Mr. and Mrs, 1'awiinl Kruno, who In a "pocket" with the only outlet to Into from Durango down Market. , II On a bond issue of $3,000,000 at 5 made hv the el." tile it and of l.iis I'allt.is, ten miles east of t Jti resldii In the Hamlin mountain east the outh near the Animas river, oth- the Animas valley.' whim has aided n per cent the following surplus would , . Chicago power oiiii!ifty arc to the cllcct that river at the foot of the noilhern es- of Albuitier.ue. died of pneumonia erwise It, la entirely surrounded by a more or lesa In developing that sec-'tlo- Livestock. - still show:. Chicago, they will with Ho- farm- carpment of the rimae, Thence they Sunday night. The body was brought eiv tiiyti range t or mtiuiitatua 'ex of the country, and I believe that Feb. 13. Cattle Becclpls. Gross earnings, $2,4 7,350. 30,000; ers In tu.ilvliig (he UPtpInu stcm n went through the Tejon I'n oi-- to t' town and the funeral will be held tremely difficult to cross with a rail- - my 'report foultl now be greatly Ini- - market steady. Beeves, $5.0(1 Operating expenj.es, $1,692,145. mi', ets. , j . llaiian by a Mood hard road, part of at 10 o'clock this morning from the road proved upon. i6.80; Texas steers $4.155.60; west- ) Net earnings, $725,105, ern Meiflu: lillltltlt it and 1I.1H of which ;oes through a narrow, wind-In- n Church of Ran Felipe, with Interment It has been absolutely proven the 1 also observe two extremely fa- steers, $4.40(fr5.70; sharkers and , Interest On bonds, $250,000. who In city. Sunday canyon for miles. In Santa Barbara cemetery. same veins of coal vorable town site locations which feeders. $3.85ft5.80; cows heif- arrived the several 1'ioin bituminous that Surplus, $475,105. and after reciinuolicriiMt a route for a new lliiaan they went on to tlohleti, liiulinK underlies the Durango section also un- could be acquired at a nominal price, ers. $2. 6585.75. ' JI.gg...'-?.-ri. ' ui'--t ...... J Lj.- U - ili lloil Hogs l l4 UJ.L1 1 Mrs. Ilalde llNell. derlies the .Mancos territory, although and which, from- their geographical onstl Cost. p.eeeipts. 60,000; market Mr. llattlo llysell, slxty-elrh- t years very little development work has been location, would becoma shipping cen- These figures are actual estimates 20c lower. Light, $7.!5S7.45; mixed. jold, died at the home of her daugh done. It Is generally admitted the ters for tho most productive sections made by a competent engineer: J6.95Ci7.35; heavy, $8.80 7.3(1; ter, .Mrs. J, It. Cosarove. Sr., 321 West Parango, or southwestern Colorado, tributary to this proposed line. Graduation and masonarv, $1 . rough. $6.8006.95;- good to choice, foul avenue, yesterday afternoon, fol- bituminous coal fields consist of only Yours very truly, 420.000. heavy, $6.95 7.30; pigs, $7.23 07.60; If You lowing an Illness of only four days about 15,000 acres, and owing to this D. K. B. SKLLEKS." Bridge superstructloii. $252,600. hulk of sales. $7.15 4117.35. Knew Two twenty-fiv- e J with pneumonia. Three week ago small area of bituminous or coking hundred and Sheep Receipts. 20.000; market Mrs. Cosgrove lost a son, Joseph, coal land, the lands are held at ex- F.siiuiate of Traffic ami K.arniiig of miles of main track and eleven miles steady. Native, $2.50 W 4.40; western. whoHo death a severe tremely hlijh figures, while the same I'roixiscil Italh-oa- from Ma neon, of siding at $9,627.50 per mile, $2 -- $2.50 & 4.40; yearlings, $4.60(9 5.51); r resulted from 272,090. How Good attack of pneumonia, and her husband character of coal lands can he bought Colo., to Albuquerque, X. M. lambs, native $4.25 01 6.25; western, Bight way Is now III with pneumonia, having In the Manco section for a mere tri- Conservative estimate of the ton- of and real estate, $4.50S 6.25. been attacked with the disease only a fle, not us coal lands, hut as grazing nage, of coal, coke, lumber and mis- $100,000 Y lands held government home- cellaneous merchandise tjtat would " iliort time artr tjie deiith of the boy. under Kansas City Livestock. now, stead patents granted some ten or fif- be shipped over thla line. It Is believed hf Tif.vrr, that Mr. Kansas City, Feb. IS.- - He- - a rc the ect, cr! litis teen years ago, and which are ex- Southbound traffic, tons per year: Cattle jCoygi otfl Is oit tit danger iantl will re ceipts. 15,000, Including 300 southerns; of empt from contest. . Coal anil Coke. pi" cover. r market steady to steers. hr - -- - Bituminous coal also underlies Cananea. . 100,000 weak. Native n.i.i. Mr, llysell, who died yesterday, that $5.40 6. 60 territory between Mancos and the Ij Naco 40,000 southern steers, $5.00 whs a resident of Albuquerque for 6.00; na- Plata river, and thence on down the Douglas 135,000 UHBY southern cow. $S.60fi4.75; thirty years wa one of the pioneer and ii tive cowg and heifers, $3.25 6.00; Post settler here. She wa born In Mason Ia f'lala for a distance of from ten F.I Paso. ,....210.000 F. to twelve mile to the New Mexico Pecos Valley point 100,000 stockers and feeder $4.fl0fr5.80; bull City, W. Va., emigrated to Ohio, and $4.00 5.25: calvea, $4.508.2S; west-e- nKitV:-f- Uy-iic- hue, where coal becomes of a Albuquerque .130,000 later came to New Mexico. Mrs. 1 the ' nature, and as we go steers. $5.00q5 6,25; western cow, wa the mother of thirteen chil- JJ.00-5.J- south to the San. Juan river, the very Total. ? 15,000 . - t dren, alt of whom are dead with the JXu4cluta,'-t2,()0- 14 Toastics finest lignite Is :.Hog , 0; market 'r- or fuel coal found, Lumber. .exception f - t'osgrovo of thla 10 to 20c lowef, Bulk ofSaicg, J7.20 ';. city. veins between slat varying from alx Cananea. . 12.000 to fourteen feet In thickness. Naco. . 3,000 Sunny f?7.35: heavy, $7.I57.30 packer Tho funeral will occur from Bor- Monday Jaundry .sw you would, at l.ii-- t. An easy grade could be established Douglas. . 14,000 and butchers. 17.20 (ii.js: iignt, ti) der's chapel at 9:311 o'clock Wednes- ...... 'cm from tho town of Mancos to where the K Paso 36,000 soap contains ''a wonderful 7.40 'J day morning and Interment will he in dirt-start- 15,000; Denver & Klo Orande railroad crosses Pecos Valley points... 28,000 er which' saves Sheep Itecelpt, market The food i ina.lc of I'nlrvlew cemetery. half 4.50; lambs, - the La valley, near coal Albuquerque 10,000 steady. Muttons. $3,75 9 rip. wliln- Cosgrove will sympa Plata the crii, The have the mining town of Porter, thence on a the rubbing. ,The, soap itself $5.25(?fff 10; fed wether and year- c.Mil.e.l, wMfvtcii.tl, rolled and thy of tho community In their doulde toasted. water grade down the Ia Plata river, Total. .103.000 docs most of the work you lings, $4.20SB.35; fed western wes, affliction. which Is a well settled farming sec- Miscellaneous. $3.75 4.25. Is assist It wrt'tl .llr.Ht from tion, as well as coal field, to where It Cananea. . 8,000 merely it. Your poor . i.-- - (lie pa. Lime with New Judge Advocate t.ciicri.l. Joins the San Juan river; thence east Naco. , , . 2.000 back will riiciiinoula Follow a Coltl or milk, and sugar If tic. Washington. Feb. 13. Colonel appreciate the dif- circ.1 along the north side of Ihe San Juan Douglas . 12.000 nut never follow the use of Foley' 11. will be ference once. Knoch Crowder tomorrow river through tho town of Farmlngton Kt Paso . 18.000 at Honey and Tar,. '.which check the A come Judge general of the Stock-wel- l. fe&ttiS.UiN.M breakfast fatorlt.'! advocate and the famous S'an Juan fruit belt Pecos Valley points. . 12.000 Sunny Monday cough and expels tho void. M. aw brigadier gen- will 'do its unity with the rank of and farming section to opposite where Albuquerque . 24.000 Hannibal, Mo., ays: "It beats eral. llvwlll succeed Colonel fieorge the l.arg canyon comes Into the Salt Intermediate points...... (,000 best work in anv kind nf all the remedies I ever used. I con- II. on account It.tvls, who will retire Juan river, crossing the San Juan water hot, cold, tracted a bad cold anrl cough and wa of having reached the statutory age of rher Just north of this canyon and Total 77,000 hard or threatened with pneumonia. One "The Memory Lingers sixty-fou- r year. following up the east side of the can-o- n of this total tonnage of nearly one soft. All waters look alike to bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar com- The new head of the law depart, In a siiuthastorly direction to the million tons, the coal and coke would Sunny Monday. pletely cured me." No opiate, Jut a meiit of the army was born In Missouri p of the divide,: thence across to the ha hauled from Mancos, or the head household medicine. J. I'l'Mllii) (.'cti'lil it reliable Cuiiljiaiiy. I.ld., li;mlc t'ri'vk, M h. April II, 1859, and was graduated llio Puerco;..., thence down the Klo of the l.a Plata valley, to Albuquer- Co. front the military academy In June, Piier.o for a short distance; thence que, a distance of 225 miles. THE N. about K. FAIRBANK COMPANY : . . over a small divide to the head r of The lumber from the large timber CHICAGO Learn to Uance-KIf- k"! School. : sTHE ALBUQULRQUE MORNING' JOURNAL, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14. 1911.

fal," entered and won in the prlie uy N D I A N contest conducted uie rittsourg NUKE TO THEMES Male Chorus In 1909; a Japanese WILL TRIP song cycle. "Sayonara." Just issued: . a song cycle voices entit- Sixty Years the Standard led "The Morning of the Year," about INSPIRATION to be published; and in MSS. much S GARDEN chamber music, several orchestral 11 compositions, songs and piano music, and the score of the present graud Our Political Postoffice OF (Ml opera. TODAY FASHION CAFE WILL OPEN FEBRUARY 22 CREAM Composer Now Here! Whose Pumping Station at Old Town to " Music Wilt Bg Rendered lave (Xniilw Will Move III Itrwtau Be Looked at This Afternoon BSBDB at rant Tomorrow from South Sccojul John Wanamakcr was Recital Ranks Among Grea- Street to Central Avenue. by Club Members and Cit- Pass Living Artists, of izens. . A postmaster general, Senator Boies Penrose is chairman test Musical - The mank patrons the Fashion straight, honest. Cream of Tartar cafe, 211 South Second street, will be Baking of the great Postoff ice Committee of the United States compelled to eat elsewhere for one Powder. Made from Grapes. A treat is in store for society and solid week, which will work quite a All aboard for Mann's garden at Makes better, more healthful food. Senate. Thomas H. Carter, senator from Montana the music lovers of Albuquerque In hardship on the hundreds who have 1:39 this afternoon. , He at Uie corner I the musical recital which will le known no other eating station , since of Central avenue and Second street has served many years on that committee. No three 1 given under the direction of Mrs. the establishment of the business. promptly at 1:30, pile Into one of the Cold without deception the two Dave Combs, proprietor of the Fash-Io- big automobiles waiting there and men in the United States arc better versed in postof fice .Robert Smart within nut necks. announces that the Second street start on "Seeing Mann's Model Pump- ALUM-M- O : NO LIME PHOSPHATE affairs and needs than these. On February 9, 1911 The peculiar interest which at cafe will cease to exist tonight as ing Station," trip. Those who made taches to tills recital is the fact that far as the serving of meals Is con- the boosting trip to Demlng to look Senate Committee, with Cad-man.- " cerned. Tomorrow the work will be over pumping there are the Postoff ice under the leader- it will bo "An Evening the situation ! food Nothing but compositions o' gin of moving the cafe to the old St. especially urge dto go to Mann's this MAIm mast therefore act aa poison." ship of Senators Penrose and Carter reported favor- Charles Wakefield Cadman will be Elmo stand on West central avenue. afternoon. Hut all those who are in Prof. MrnMH, Tth (aiwm'rjh The cafe will be reopened at the new In irrigation by pumping. Senate rendered and by those who are for- terested ably, to the for action the postofficc appro- tunate enough to be familiar. with the stand vith an elaborate course dinner, whether they went to Demlng or not. on George Washington's birthday, tho priation bill containing a provision, put in without compositions of this young genius, are cordially Imited to Join the party. Peed label. nothing more can be desired. Furth- February 22. Dav Combs and the The trip is to be made under the au- Buy no baking powdsr unlsmo alllowhig .public hearing or even consideration, but er than this, the composer htmserf, Fashion cafe Is a combination hard spices of the Commercial club, but any stage of the game and who Is at present in Albuquerque. has to boat at one does not need to be a member the ahowa It to space greater fa- label bo made under political pressure from the White House, that to play several of his own with the larger and of that organization to go along. The consented place. It is .compositions accompanying cilities at the new certain trip Is for the cltlxcns generally and front Cream of Tartar. increases the otagc rate !on magazines and icriodicals besides will enjoy greater , that the Fashion .the singers. . . Mann's (arden and pumping station. popularity than ever before. In of Old Town, will be , ,.. to such an extent that it practically absorbs all the All of this delightful music Is new the heart to Albuquerque and several of the se- handed over to the visitors. Mr. profits of the publishing business' of .the country and lections will be done for the first Mann will demonstrate how the public. -- COMPLETE pumps work and how many gallons of makes the further production of popular priced' maga- time. in . . WILLI summer Institutes. The New Mexico road system w ho has addressed n lotf Although still unrr thirty year's of water they can haul to the surface In Normal university has announced that ter to the members of the Los'Angr- - zines Impossible. It imposes a tax that is confiscatory, "g Mr. Cadmnn has made a nam sixty aeconds and will tell everything It summer school wilt open Juno ( es Wholesale and Credit Men's asso for himself not only In the east hut In bout farming and truck gardening and close July 29, running eight ciation setting forth tils reasons for disagreeing Mr. notwithstanding within the year Senator Boies Penrose ndon and Paris In which places he that he knows. And Mr. Mann has weeks with Dr. Frank II. 11. Roberta, with Call. BY APRIL FIRST In speaking of his views on the ias introduced someming entirely farmed In Old Town for a good many conductor, and Mrs. Logos of ttaton said, Carter-Week- s, Interstate commerce laws, Mr. I'.ryns referring to the bill: "These are American In the way of music. Tak years and what he doesn't know about and Mrs. Cobb of Ijis Vegas, assist- the business Isn't worth knowing. said: some of the big features of the bill. The whole intent ing the plaintive themes of several ing. Every effort will be made to 'Mr. Call Is quoted as saying that 01 the Indian tribes among whtrtn h make the Institute work this summer the Interstate commerce law Is a Joke, is to systematize and to modernize the entire postal sys- has lived he has put these to music Nnai I oucnes being rut on more Interesting and Instructive than not only to him but to all other peo- and In a musical sense has scientific PHONY CAUSES ever. Mr, Clark's letter on the subject ple of the world. 1 ran't quite agree tem. It is idle to take up such questions as apportioning ally elaborated upon them In a series Handsome,: New Postoffice Is as follows: with him and I believe that the ship- aongs. Some of these IE Omtlemen The time is approach- pers the men who actually come In of beautiful the cost for carrying second class mail the ; Thorough to,Be of Its opera matter or be, sungr at recital. Tests Made ing when It will bo necessary to make contact with tho law and will this tions will boar me out In the statement musicians, , Mr. ; arrangements with conductors and In- proper compensation of railroads for transporting the Today amongst all Equipment. that no matter what tiro law does or Cadman Is looked upon In the east MUCH LAUGHTER structors for your summer Inxtltutea. mails how it is administered it Is anything until we shall have established business methods and In Europe as one of America's In making such arrangements we urge but a Joke. Personally I have found composers, this that you will try to fix the date of be- - in postoffice affairs by a foremost ranking in The federal building Is rapidly as It a much to be respected enactment of the whole respect with such men as McDowell, glnlng for the institute so as to close and the commission, which controls it. sumlng the similitude of a place of fairly - ' Victor Herbert and Nevln. on ons of the following dates: June a body of men trying to deal postal system." human Is a hive In Wakefield was habitation. It of Fun and Frolic Has Free Hand 10, July 1. July 2D. August 12, August with an enormous question involving Charles Cadman dustry these days and lit In 1881 but there exists 26, or September 2. The reason for the coinmerolal welfare of, the entire "The commission unanimously recommended the born in Johnstown. Pa., tie now In Crystal Theater Last Night country. a of Pittsburg doubt the minds of the at our trying to fix the closing dates in has been resident most skeptical hut that the of "In speaking of and In an effort to of the projected bill. I have since he was six years of age. He month New Act is Introduced, this way Is that we may avoid too passage Personally been April will find magnificent new When many show how the law had Increased the comes from a musical ancestry on hi the closing dates and the prepara- frleght through structure occupied from basement to too many rates very much interested in all the details and of course am mother's side, his great grandfather tion of sets of uucntlons. Its operation, Mr. Cull made a number top floor. Last year we had closing having built the first pipe organ west Laughter and mirth rodo rough eleven dates of statements of facts, but he did nut heartily in favor of .the 'changes to be made." Senator J. Ilowatt,' mechanical Inspector necessitating elcvoh different sets of give Ho, went bock to the of the Allegheny mountains, besides shod over the audiences which packed them all. ' from 'the office of the supervising questions. We believe that any coun time of railway freight War of - - Carter said last, March, "But I must forget further being a composer of sacred music. the. architect In St. Louis, is In the city the Crystal theater last night, all the ty In the territory. can hold Its Insti 11187, quoting the rates In erract dur- Young Cadman showed an aptitude fun being caused by "Phony Phono, ,' now to make a final teat of 'the heat tute so as to close on ono of the fore ing that year, which, in comparison j1:-- of details. The bill was cordially music an early age, with pursuit approved by for at but ing, system, lighting enwlpment and a new act Introduced by Ricknrda and going dates. Please us with to those In effect now, are lower. He no ability until he was thlr write like-Vwi- marked I)e "Winter, the clever vaudeville ar neglected, however, to mention the Postmaster General .Meyer and his assistants ic the elevator' which Is in running or reference to this matter Indicating any 11f, and teen, when he had his first music les' now playing popular rates in Just before and Just ' der. The testing of the plumbing fix lists, at the objection which you muy have to the effect ;.haV;thi 1 1 composed pieces of war; Had done so, approval of Postmaster General! itch sons ahd several playhouse.' . after the rate he tures. the automatic' vault protection plan. . i. j ,. ' the popular-romanti- c type. He stud 'Thony Phone" Is a tangled the Impression conveyed By htm, that cock.' .It ailed of passage during the last Congress, service and the electric clock system The - Please keep In mind thut this de Ed mix-u- p freight rates were lower during that led piano for a short time with and If anyone can unravel it partment printed eon- - - will be made later. has forms for present would have - ing- to lack! of time for its proper consideration, but win L. Walker, and harmony and before it ends, that person Is a won period thun nt :.The government sends testing in tracts with liiHtucturs and conductors been upset. . , composition with Leo Ochmler, both der, So many comical situations occur I liaye 'reintroduced the bill . which designated struments for these tests of equipment which' we shafl be glad to forward "The period ha spoke of was at th of Pittsburg, but aside from this during the sketch that the auditors promptly upon' ' request. ! sixty-fir- st Which hav been examined bd Hufftclent time of war between the Santa Senate, 6227,, secpnd session, congress. The which did' not .cover a period and in roar of laugh proved by' the bureau' standards nt are kept a continual number of! hlunks :'wlll lie" orVgrdod and other lines lead, of more than four years he Is prac- ter. The act is clover In plot, well put California, Committee on Postoffices and Postroads will "favor--- , Washington. It Is hardly. necessary to so a to enable you. to mako contracts lug Into Southern Just after ' tically self taught. He prepared him together and contains many new und the Hanta Ke had begun operations say apparntus Is ah- - in triplicate. Wo are planning also ably rqwrt the' bill to the Senate, 'and it should be for en organ position when scv that the testing original Btunta und gags, which are into this territory. In order to securo self soiutely accurate. the preparation of other blanks for bc-jie- some of business of this country, session.' ve entcen yeurs of age and from occu- ' funny and at the same time refined. the enacted 'into law before the.cjpsc of the. I A corps Is use in tho Institute as, for Instance, pying a position In a suburban church of workmen placing the Itlckxrds und Do Winter do the sketch the 8nnta Fo engaged In a rate war, the only thing will increase mall boxes and other office fixtures registration blanks to bo filled out by quoting the uhmird rates of eighty that that efficiency, he worked his way toward, several in a pleading and high cIhns manner, coun- and furniture In the spacious, work each fcachcr and filed with tho cents per hundred pounds on some they rtvl-trati- . , but the is city where he which demonstrates that hto ty that after expense of installation absorbed it churches room and the lobby is being prcpar superintendent from which commodities. It is true Hint this ratu occupies one of throe of the leading of many years' standing. ho can reg- In will result in such economics in the administration of ed for the marble which has been blanks furnish the Is Ipwcr than the one at present church positions in Pittsburgh In Tonight and tomorrow tho "Phony required. It simply a shipped quarries in east. ular institute information effect but wus "war time'' the department an4 service as long wipe 1903 composed music a from the the Phone" will hold the board at the copy nothing more. upline out he th for The throughout build- Knclosed find another of tho rata and comic opera, collaborating with ' bis furniture the Crystal. The next attraction will bo eighth grade "Mr. Call quoted this rate but lis the deficiency in oj)erating. Under it the department ing Is of the most expensive materi- examination circular Avery II. llasslcr of Indian Dunlevy and Williams, a noted com- concerning eighth grado cxuniiriatloiiH, neglected one thing, lie did not .librettist al and make accords well with before will be able with' almost unerring certainty to' deter- spoils, two years later finished and edy team. They will mako their bow Please muke, arrangements in accord auoto the rates in effect Just and the beautiful finish of woodwork. war. Th year a romantic comic opera upon a Cu tho to Crystul putrons Thursday. ance with rucommcndutlous nmdo and Just alter the rate mine the actual cost of each service performed, thereby . Supervising E. W. Roberta . mo war um mw Hun- subject. operas were nev Architect previous to i;r ban These said yesterday now therein. dred pounds wi's $4.70. while the year reaching a sound basis for legislation, such as is neither produced are yet In MSS. In that the work'was Yours very respectfully, cr and being pushed with all possible speed following was $t.00. That Is tho real JS06 Mr. Cudman turned his atten J. 10, CliAUK, period of available nor obtainable under the present system. and Unless something unforeseen oo- - BAR ASSOCIATION TO rate in effect during tho composition songs Public In spoken by Mr. Call ami It is tion toward the of eurs building will bo ready for Territorial hiuorlnl"ndoiit years of type suc- the struction. higher than the one in "I deeply sympathize with the tarncst desire of the and ballad of the bettor und occupancy by latter part of next soniculmt ceeded In finding a ready market for the now, which is $3.00 per hundred month. I quoted ap department officials to get rid of the deficiency his work with eastern publishers dur- Va.TluatliMi Work. pounds. The rates have they A ply to Ircighl und other ing the nevt three years. At the same TAKE HAND The county school superintendent Ilrttt class all cltiN.tcx are figured on the same IishIs. are fated to encounter each year, but I submit, that the collaborating of Sandoval county la going alt over time while with Nellie "I believe 1 am right In saying, with BUY YOUR SEEDS t to fust real movement toward that end must begin wilh Richmond Ebcrhart oi' Pittsburg ho county with a physician assist he above figures to hear me out, that, (who furnished most of the verses In having the school children vacci- Instcud of the Interstate commerce to l the substitution of a pilem, te business or- for his vocal and choral works) he Lawyers Adopt Resolution nated. This move Is thought law increasing frloght rates through became Interested in the music of the sell timed and may savo many chil- Its operations It has materially assist- ganization for the existing antiquated system which In reducing some a per cent American India 11 through the rthnol RIGHT AT HOM E Which Organiza dren from getting the dreaded disease ed them Authorizes 1 8 H S 1911. rests-upo- a few sections of law enacted in "1835, sup- oglsts, Alice C. Fletcher and Francis of smallpox. between the years of und Lu. Flesche of Washington. Mr, Cud-ma- n tioti to Endorse a Candidate plemented by statutory fragments added from time to ' during 1907 and 1 908 foresaw the Treaniry. Public Office. IN lime since that year. the possibilities In the use of Indian for Territoriallr Treasurer M. A. Micro BROKE HALF themes for vocal composition and or- You Can Get Them Cheaper and has received the following sums for "John Wanamakcr said recently. With Mr. chestral work and to acquit e a deep- tho treasury: From W. II. Merchant knowledge to Have Your Choice From tho A resolution to the effect that the treasurer of Hddy county, $1,381.60; er of his subject and as Hitchcock's suggestion, however, there will be no gen- obtain the atmosphere of the native Pcrnalillo County liar association, from Jumes A. Dalrd, treasurer of Best Stock Procurable Any organization, may endorse a can V. spent entire summer of an Otero county, $.151.17: from Dr. T. thanus he the for public office when three county, eral agreement. The magazines are siipjwrtcd, not by 1909 upon the Omaha and Wlnnepeg where. illdate Watson, treasurer of Lincoln of the vote of the member 1'lsli reservations with his friend La fourths $1125.77. and from (lame and the price paid for the magazine by the readers, but xhlp is cHHt favorable to such action. V. unnte, js. Flesche, son of Joseph ' Warden Thomas i.i. Chief of the While everybody Is talking about was adopted at a well attended meet by In Omahas. Hu composed his the advertisers. a sense magazines are private has "buying at home,'" about this season Ing of the legnl lights of the city and American IndiHn Saw living Seoul. "our Song" the of the year Is a good time to remem- county held In the Commorient club concerns. But they have a public function to perform, year were up Captain Fred Fcrnoff of the New before, and these taken ber that there Is nt. better way of lHt night. Although It Is not so un-unt- Mexico mounted police lias returned Ts with avidity by the great artists, ll buying to get right an educational function. To tax t'.ic advertisements, seeds than them Hinted In tho resolution, the Inference from tho southern part of the terrl his reputation as h succesftYul here In Albuquerque. You can. get Is candidates for public office, to contained in oiice that tory where ho went on business, ('hp tax the quality of the educational matter adapler of Indian themes was at them 'at prices 25 to 40 per- cent who do not secure the endorsement recognized by public. In t'aln Fornoff was In Kl Paso and its pages; for the advertisements enable the publishers the Febru under those of eastern houses and can Of the HNHoclation will not Ik: In al aeroplane "ma ary he public ofThls Juares and saw the made the result be absolutely sure that they are seeds together good standing wilh tho law efficiency of tho to pay high prices for literature and educational articles. work with Indian music, originating grow, neuvers" to tent tho that will yers. flying In scout work. American '. Indian Music Talk E. W. seed catalogue machine The price paid for a magazine does not pay for the hit Fee's annual The resolution was adopted ns a "These were Intensely Interesting. which has been given before many of for 1911 has Just been Issued and if part of amendments to the constitu- - Mr. suggestion said the captain, "and were observed printing and the paper.- It Hitchcock's musical literary you has a complete va- -' the famous and clubs doubt that he tion and by a large number of peojle. it of America. was and riety to from a look, nt It. should become part of the President's plan would This recital select take Tile captain did not huve the pleas Is given in conjunction with Paul It Is Instructive, that catalogue and in loss of much still ure of seeing any real lignung oe- - mean that the public would suffer the K. Harper, tenor, and s divided into Mr. Fee's seeds live right up to the OFFICIA L MOTES ttvcoli tho UiMurrcctos and the federal educational material that the publishers would be unable two parts, the first devoted to the an- catalogue. troops. alysis of Indian music and Illustrated It Is no longer necessary foV gar- to buy. We ' friend of Jioncst (politics, of urge every by songs In the vermicular and with deners to send to Chicago or Phila- Bystander That's something economical government and a free press to telegraph the exhibition and description of na- delphia ore New York for seeds and novelty In the way of an automobile. sec- pay two or three prices. Mr, Fee THE CAPITAL COMMERG Seems to ba mad 8 In two laparatt or write an immediate protest to their Senators and tive musical instruments, and the Pi- gets them direct from the growers parts. ' ond part consisting of songs and a Representatives at Washington. ''r ano pieces founded upon Indian and there Is no middleman to be Tha Copper It ain't ntaia that way. themes. ' cared for In the barcain. The stock The nuy that owns It just, ran lata Mr. Cadman gave his Indian enter- Is as good as can be secured any- JOKE, SAYS BYRNE trolley ear. success in Paris where Mr. Fee hasn't been !i thB Building and Loan Association tainment with great years and London during the summer of seed business seven for nothing and his guarantee means something. Amends Articles of Incorpora- 1910 great Interest , In and aroused His Is subject of aburlgnal music in supply of seeds tremendous, tion; Now Is Time to Arrange the such beet and and The Curtis Publishing Company and musical circles otf these seeds as radish Assistant Santa Fe Passenger scientific vegetables being piled up In two European cities. Hla present other for Summer Institute Work. huge hundred pound sacks, while Traffic Manager Disagrees work besides his concertlzlng l de- flower seeds are also purchased In voted to the completion 01 an Indian Attorney on The Saturday Evening Post large quantities to take care of the (Sportal l)lnMlrn la Ik Morslst 4onrsi.il With Prominent AtLCa grand opera book of which Is fur- the rapidly growing city and territorial Ko, M Feb. 13. An nished by Mr. La Flesche Mrs. Santa S. Freight Rate Matter. and trade of this enterprising house. If to of Incor- Is organist amendment the articles TRUE Ebcrhart. Mr. Cadman you' haven't one of those seed cata- poration of tho Mutual llulldlng and TheLadies' Home Journal of the East Liberty Presbyterian one, logues, better lift for spring It Loan association of Santa Fe were CorreapiiBMr to Mnralng Joarsal f VM of Pitts- (special church and music critic the coming. Fee will mall yon one or filed In the ofMce of Secretary Jaffa burg Dispatch. ' I.s Angeles, Cut., Feb. 10. T': hand you one If you ask for It. today Increasing the stock of the as- ago r.y Philadelphia, Pennsylvania As to his compositions. He has statement made a few days MM, wanakW sociation to $&HO,000, from 1,0110 S Joseph Call, a prominent attorney of ? tar wftsi published some seventy piano pieces Onion sets. shares at $200 to 26,000 shares at ranging from the first to the fourth Kprlng rye. $200 par value. The office of the as l,s Angeles, to the effect that trans freight rstes have been and fifth grade, with much material I.rllii-- e seed. is at 13 taughlln building continental sociation by operation or tlio Inter- - for practical teaching purposes; some Herri. agent. raised the Iladlsli und ft. J. Crlchton Is named as commerce law, and tnst that forty or 'fifty songs and ballads; part wed. stste Cabbage law, is nothing more or less than a songs for male and female voices. 43 varieties of '.durational .Mailers. In eves come in . toko the of all alio ii.val ii'Dn n rn i l..ii.llt.i,iB Bill I'til. 'NH'Wt N'SS, Superintendent J. K. Clark Is send contact with It, lias been challenged J lin and piano pieces, a published can- - Catalogue for free. ing out letters to tho county school (,v John J. Hyrne, ssslstant passenger tan entitled "The Vision of fir Utuu- - K. W. FEE. upetintenduntx on the mutter of: traffic manager of the Buiita l rail- - THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1911.

nr tv hut thi lalnily thouuht out. be p:itiiiii.'l and enlarged. I'.ipilil once gotten him into Confederate Qe fllSaqucraat she docs all Mie can to save voiced (oiiAictlon i( Im naturally liiubl ami easily fright- By him from falling Into any other hands WtiNhiiik'ton, it re.'id before ened and It is not likely to enter a I tha morning journal Ci'ort!e Second than tier own. After holding him un- co!Htrei! . 111. i.oiiiiiiiirilly while there U enmity. riddla til his information would be worthless I olos The Boy Scout Movement; (orrieui .f yw Mth) The 115 yiiira that hnve pa nr. Jealousy nod dhiiloii. Th various s to his commander. General Sro ridan w.f nice Wushlncloii Kvp to hit country coiuiounit le of the fount;' are bound Mi-J- t llillio Hardy bis her prisoner 1 go, but bis captivity ban JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. the ivoriderful creel of political win toy, tbi r by Invisible und, perhaps un- IMItoihil aim ntations. durimr .lie (Apolugiiea to Hie Kvc.'ilns Anthem.) conceived for his" eApthr n feeling Origin and Aims J.im emhrined In the farewell adilresn recognized, but yet strong bonds, and It's n, a. UArrnEnnoM rrtai Cheer up! Chc'cr tp! The tide has rather foreign to tho 1'ieUl of war ami JiWK ft. W.Ai K M.naflut IMIl'W Iih In no mmilli- -t point the the prosperity of each Is the pros- has discovered that a Confederate of- m DANA JOHNSON Killt'f turned. Of b'llvi-rnm- - nnd to ficer is the accepted of W. A. KEI KIitn Cllf 4lt.if (ruth the Jut ti,otel perity of ull I.nrtlty fealty Once more th n shines bright, suitor tho L McQueen A. KATES AdYrttilng Mut If W.iwhliiKtKii were her, he Would the county cannot lie loeulied, for the A New Siibsi rlbi r . s iiinied up. woman hs seek to win in spite of By Dr. E. Gray President night! political enmity. Uut if there is any Moplv extitly the prlii'lplen to prosperity of Kingston Is the pros He boldly tame last Wwlm tUarwMlaltta, fame reciprocity of feeling between these University of New Mexico C. J. AMir.nstlX. the rt:iiwrerou Inimvatlon now being perity of Jlillsboro, the prosperity of cast two It is strictly ' to lUrqwII BalUliaa. Chicago M. When i vcnlng shadows their tmburdinnted prnmotcil In various Mules, In thin Itillsboni is the prosperity of Ijikc shroud, their patriotism, for it Is not long be- lulm Kpr.. 1Uti ii me fureweli iidtlrtCH. iinliinnton Valley, the prosp'M ity of Chloride and Vpoh Another day. fore lieutenant C.alesworth Is the K A I III N. Ml I.I.IOAM, temporary victor I rm Hw. w .r. him n pnrngniph which neem to refer Fairvlew and the prve;erlty of t'ti- - That New Subscriber walked right in, and the Woman he sixty to pay! loves his prisoner of war, a rebel- evinced at to taught enormous precisely to filch dextructlvo program Ulllo and ba raloiu.is Is the pros With nuts In view of the interest be the advantages wrorMctiM Ik. lious prisoner locked up by his or-de- in Katr4 u aiur Albuquerque in the lb y of discipline, of self refpect, re- BoMoffle l N M- andM M uh th:it or tiic Aritona toiiKtitutlon perity of Kngle and Cutter, utnl so on present in of Albituriu, No more the cu-d- i drawer yawns In because she will not give her mt Uunfran of kUrch I. lilt. movement, follow hi st.it -- spect for their seniors, und maker. K:iy hr: round the circle. vain. parole. The tangle would be bad Scout the also of incut eoiiceriiliig the Inception and kindness of heart. TMK MOKNINU JOtllMAI. M THE 'All I'omliliuitloiiM und itiwoelatloiiii. The There's money In the till.' enough at that but when the lady's mining Interests cause activity alms of the original organization, 5. Added to the principles I Ainvd uri'i Hi.H AJf or fcr.w We've sixty cents in good old rash, accepted Confederate lover turns out above under whatever plaitclblo character, In the agricultural enterprises, and whU-- i h now extended throughout is included great m i roimMi thk rmsriri.M III. to have a yellow below n described the prin- mkio. - Against ell future streak and hits Or 1UK BKI'I BI.K'AW rAHT Al l. 1MB with the renl di'Hlun to direct, rontrnl. the catti- Interests aid the" connncr- - get the civilized world, and is regarded ciple that every boy should try p, Mttiioim or thb RE-I- the belt in order to his rival out ami riir eotint'-rmt- , by competent obf'erver.s as one of the perform some kind act to somebody rir,HI HA VARTf WMM AAI or nwc the regular delib- elsl imlustrlcR, ami so back again. Hut loudly of the way, the case of Lieutenant MH let us not too boast. greatest movements towards interna- else every day. RK.IIT. eration and action of the roiiNtltuted Kveryotie help the other, utid the new we sixty cents, Oalcsivorth looks black. How tho That have tional peace that has ever been Speaking at a dinner givui in i.,,n. authorltlrH, The paper may hear of It, snarl is untangled must be left to UifM rtrraUitloii taaa Bf paM lire dextructlvo to the fun- Irrigation systems will help them all trust known, may not be untimely. don a few weeks ago, the founder or mmw money the discovery of Mr. Parrish's read-er- a, la Jw Mule. Tt nlf la tim damental principle of our political gyn. every will do his Iwst to And bear our hence. boy Scout movement started the Hoy Scouts movement, Mntaw ImuwI la lb ymr. if Inr.on J who will find that veteran story The Cencral dr tern, and of tendency, about three jears to be exact. In Sir Hubert Haden-Povvcl- l, made tl!(, tr fatal further the propresJt of Ills own com Nu save colli, teller at his best In this tale of a strug- m let iin rather that January, 1!os on tin- publication of following statement, among term or nw RimoMi "They nerve to organize fai tlon, to munity nnd endeavor to coun- gle he knows so well, of charac- others, tta'lr. by mill on month aid the To jlnglu In the drawer, and a vvritCn by Ccinral with regard to the objects of the If It ters whom Is so .'imply handbook by ornr. on month If jlvo an urtiflclal and extruordlnury ty In its forward march, ho will, in a For it Is good to have mi hand. he able to de entitled, "Scouting for l!i. pict In all strength force, to put In the place of the larger way, be helping atatc. In case there conns no more. their native and Hoys." This book was written with "What we aim at is putting "Th Moraine Jnnraftl ba WUr rlf the Our chivalry. char- aUlloa run thaa to atmr t n will of the nation the will of government Is one of represented the object of beta fitting existing or- acter Into boys. There nre three steis ilwr puixr la Nw IM.xlc." 1 b Aawlota NUT. 11TTI.K rain, what? ganizations In Kngland, such as "The in the Scout movement: First often a Nmatl enter-prNn- commit-nltie- a of a, but urtful mid unit nnd it Is In the small Kmer-so- n Kpapf MrMtorjr, The versatile Colonel Ralph Hoys' Hrigade," "The Church Lads' we make the boysj back woodsmen; amrr t i.,.. - ..... minority of the 'com in unity, thy Is planted will Twitchell that seed which T'lK INSI'KKIJiTOS take is the author of what I'rigade,' ,.t', and was a develop- we want to make them manly men Ai.Diair.Bqia kew mexico . Is to be und to make the public lulnjlnlxlra-ilo- n product state control, and It Is only Juarez in ii mt tin sold a mighty Interesting con- ment of (lie idea that the training of ami wo find the boys turn out litiln to n tribution the forthcoming Febru- All the mirror of the by proprei-sio- in these eomnuiultlcs army scouts might be made adapta- men in no time. this tends to. THAT IJAII.Iti AI to Furmlugton, ary number of tho Km-ploy- tiii: ok caksov. mid luconKruotm projects Santa Fe ble to boys. wards development of character. The of faction that the larger body can progress. l magazine forsooth, no Idle Jest. which will be out Hut In addition to the adoption of second step Is th,. teaching of sotni New mther than the organ of t'oiiHlMtent Many of people In on expect-ei- The Masonic fraternity in the the older states the fifteenth. As may he l the "Scouting for Hoys'" plan by the handicraft, s:o that the boys will nut Mexico tin tho approval of the public and whuliftoiiio pluns, dlncntcd liy consider New Mexico, by Its past rec- TUK TAMMANY TIC Kit, It hns from the colonel It is historical existing organizations' a ery large be without skill when they groW to been observed, never get sufficiently and graphic, Albuquerque Is feat- any In its tiiterptiso In not only saving' fommoil couiiHels und modified bv ord of lack of harmony, a unfit for nnd number of boys, not beloirging to manhood. One or our great aims Is discouraged to los,. Its appetite. ured in the limelight. The many ad- ()V took up idea also, so that to get the hoy to learn n trade. home of the great frontiersman. mutual InterektM. statehood. J,et Hlertn county show them the Our the mirers of New .Mexico's crack histor- the separate organization known as third Idea is that id public service, "However combination or Hsocla-tloii- Is Kit Canton, for fnt mo generation, that this untrue, and by harmonious FOK MIS, l,ol)CK to go back on ical writer will await the appearanco "The Hoy Scouts" was formed in or- of tlnlii'f something without exporting I. lit In founding till the mi me spot a of the ubove tl.Kci Ipt ion may piogieMH within Hit own holders set an the obi fashioned system of electing der to control and direct the move- reward for It. We have among tlm now mlil tuiMwer Cnlted States senators would ecem ment. Scouts men, home ror tin' aged it ml Infirm, ami then popular ends, example to be followed by others, that Kansas City Life Insurance Co. t ambulance coast guard.;, they likely. liku bant! Ingratitude. The it in of the-- original organiza- firemen, missionaries to go among the iiit'n who, ikt Carson, linv borne are In the course f time will gain us the respect and udmira-tlo- n Makes Large Investments tion Is: sick, nml many similar duties in Ouy ind things, to becomo potent eiiKlnes, of rest of the burden nnil the heal of tho the the nation. IT MICHT V.K broken gently to 1. To give the boys a healthy and which they can make themselves use- hy which eunnliiK, un- la any vyho of- in Valley. In founding ft ftrcnt empire In the nmbltiouH und "Sierra county rich beyond meas- Hubbell convert ha an Pecos attractive pastime for outdoors and ful. They re: id T aid nt public fane-lion- s fice wasp In 111 lullll of HlJIIwhlllU. principled men will be enabled to mib- - ure In mineral wealth, her agricultural seeking derby that Indoors, such a really appeals to o'f all kinds, form guards at Hubbell men do not reach territorial ut same develops processions, do Th Cnrwm home,, transformed into vert th power of the peopln nnil to binds are of goodly size and rich them and the time ambulance work, ami Office. O. J. Durund. state manager of the In them the spirit of manliness and In emergencies they make themselves stirring UNiirp for thunmflvt' the reltm of earth, nnd her grazing lands are still V a museum of relic of the Kansas (ity Life Insurance company, good citizenship. useful in nil manner of ways. Nu- Kovernment.'' day when Onraon wu In hi prime, capable of aupportlng stock. With SO FA It THKUK has been no an- returned to Albuquerque, last night 2. To direct the iraiHce ot ele- merous acts of heroism have been Thug Hal-ling- er will be of rare historical vnluo imtl does tho nplrlt of (leorKC the Intlux of capital, which will surely nouncement that the Hon. K. A. from a month's Inspection trip of the mentary buck vvondsmauship and performed by Scouts. These Include, bus Joined the Progressive scotitcraft, which appeals to every- saving life at sen, Moppim; runaway most effective In kucptnx Rrecn the WufhinKton return to us from dim come If the proper conditions uro ac- branch agencies of his company In League. body; to give character training, horses, risking life In putting oii diiyu iiol-em- New Mexico. of our heKlnnliiK, tn give n corded, In no reason why . He was accompanied memory of the hardy old wont whose there she illness, self reliance, sense of fires, etc. Military training is wurnltig by Col, Fred w. Fleming, vice presi- not deed of heroism lire nntioiiHlly uKaliiHt the encronch-men- u should not prosper In proportion to THH DKAH PKOPLK may per- duty, honor, pluck, thrilt and self put at the front of our wn pome dent, from Kansas City,- who haa su- ftiul to whom the New Mexico of those who regard our Amer the enterprise and spirit of her popu- chance utilize of their, hoard In sacrifice. are teaching hoyg to be gocl citizen:-:- ; thu postal savings bank by paying pervision of the investments: of tho 3. movement Is not Intended the main hope Is to boys ow- - A ican coiiPtltutlon ns outmown. our lation. The make Into of today debt. postage on Knnnas City Life, nnd loans were ap- men, t extra their magazines. to be a military organization, nor to give them a sense of honor rorm of a failure, and let us get together proved amounting to $84,000 during Tho Kit ('union monument will bf "Therefore, all dues It Itscff to any one form and 11 feeling nf loyalty." would the month. confine mibstltute (after the Arlitonii and from VJCR pmOSlDKNT (be- - clti-zet- one of th mont historian lly tntereitlng refr.iln unjust ami undue Kemlrlck An application for a loan of $30, of religion; it appeals equally to all It will bo Interesting to ihi- lun) n new ) : Very, plnoc nti the continent nntl ono of wlicinu of deHtructlve criticism and work for the prosperity fore the Sphinx "Very taciturn, 000 on the Hanger-Anderso- n irrigated classes, all creeds and all conditions of the territory to know that tbe But wait tint 11 Interstate Com- of 2,200 Ar-tes- Without "Thanks Pndges." N'pw Mexico' chief "ottrartlon for poaklbllulK a gruve menace to free of our home county, keep in mind the the farm acres, located near dhtinctlon. which is awarded to merce Commission gets a. whack at on the east side of the Pecos 4. Its aim Is to develop good cit- those who especially assist In the toiirUtd; net In tho of omc of eoiiHtilutlomil government. nphorlum that 'What benefits one, midst you," river, was granted and also a loan oi' izenship and healthy citizens. This movement Is the "Swastika," which Is J1O.000 to the tnort benutlfut Heenery of th benefits all, ami what Injure one, the First linptltt church of Is done by men who are Interested in described In the Hritish reports of A1X AltOAItl) IXlt I'AH.MIXUTON. Artcsla, Other loans In the Pecos t 11 THU STANOAIIO Oil may have buys, acting sympathetically Willi organization Hoiky in Dim nl region ami a locnllty Injure all.' valley closed were on the as expressing the. brought a libel suit to demonstrate alfalfa farms them at the time when they require following vvbh: of romantic Intercut to every patri- ''Such Is the policy of 11 is paper." aggregating $44,000, Air. IJurand has "May the four winds, An Interview wild the gentleinen that a corporation, though described been influential In Interesting the a helping hand, when they require to from die four corners of the vvorlJ, otic American,,' a "soulless," bu intelligent development, who arrived Suiitlny from Bun Juan is not without sensibil- management of the Kansas City Life aided in blow prosperity on you." To reduce tho death rate from ities. in New Mexico Investments during the iiounty Indicate that If she Ret T.ITAXIa. IIAHl.r.Yt'OltX. can't cerebri) spinal meningitis two-thir- past two years. He secured a loan of railroad to Albuquerque company i miy other is tho promise made for the new THOSK nANVJLT.H investigations $&,000 from bis for the Avoid It, piiMH not hy It, turn from wuy, Knrmlnston proposei to have not put 1'ncle Joe Cannon In Masons of lloswell laM spring and build serum discovered by the :t.iKI0 HI way; the class, tlti ap- also for the Y. M. C. A. of TO It mid 1'iihh u KiyM Vrexldeiit Tnft otto herself. It annenrs that the l.oiimer hut they Paso. hy anK. Rockefeller Institute for medical re- pear to These latter Investments of iommerce hate;' put a little smudge on 111 rcfrreiii'e to tllil HplirkllliK .corktiill t'armliiRtoii booeters have not put the the Kansas City company In New Established ISDO Albuaueraue. V M search, If the claims for thin dis- the electorate'. Mexico constitute a practical demon- which Kivi'th ItN col, ii lii tho thin proposition up to Albuquerque, ' - OATITAL- AS1 SCHriTS, 1 2041.000 00 r that covery prove true, modern science stration of the lu'creaslnir' confidence . Officers ami Director; Mtrillllieri ullli-H- Hue W ho itlislulim they (I. i not depend on Albuquerque' StiKNTISTH ar,, figuring that lb!; of outside capital In the certain fu- Will It K ii ii have won ii signal victory SOLOMON LTJNA. W. S. STRICKLE It H. fc. tclilpla-t1on- , Is the new Col. Fleming MErtarfS nvoldn ii (litnueroiid lid to build It. Atlantic ocean making encroach- ture of state. Vlce-Fre- h;m Pra!dnt s. and aver' a national scourge which ment that will in the course of ages Is olio of the prominent and wealthy Cashier Aat. Caaiur Hityg tho prefKient. AppnrentlS Olio thing Is certain, ft J. C. HALDRIDO II. M. DOUGHERTY city that carried off annually many thousands submerge New' York. liilladelphta business men of Kansas City who ritA.'iK A HUHHBfl hn nan reullucd y of IiiIiiib an In every big H. W KELLY A M. the fiillm the to bo tho mctrnnulla of New will hav,j It revenge many takes active Interest BLACKWELL WM. Mr.INTOFH of little victims and whose very name then for project of development. He Hint n mnn imtHt drink JuhI Mexico and one of progres- slights, western tho most Is a synonym for terror In homes crtui Is president of the Trans Mississippi to Mhow thut he citn drink nnd Ret off sive In the Houthwptit congress, pres- can't huvo it Kocke-fellc- r Commercial first vice where children abound. If the IT It A THICK con- CASAVERA CREAM with It. We ugref ltll tho prmhlenl put over her that way by town WIM.IlK Interesting ident of the National Irrigation the foundation I responsible for a to look up In gress ami Is pretty 1'amlllar with gen- Hygienic, proper y the old files some of Grcaseless, Cleansing, 50c a jar. thut tho only to rewlHt the of in'.er-mounta- few more such discoveries It la pos- the statement made nt varloua and eral conditions throughout the bkindlHhmetitM of old John lliirleyeorn If Karmliigton country. He Is a firm be- Is going to build that sible all will be sundry times by the "reform" school that after there a few ' in great of the Pecos Im to keep hint tit n rmpectuhle dis- alltoad, we .MlNt on building superintendent about his newly liever the future The Williams Drug Company It too. floral wreaths from the people on the valley. Kvcniiiu pleuKe copy. It adopted leiuhr, Don Francisco. 117 V. Central. I'.luo Front, tance. pnpfr tneiiim as much or mor to this liipt Mr. Duraud Is very enthusiastic resting place of the Individual cap- Ity as It ibics to Hi u ut on over the big project of Missouri rin and now A NNi H'NCKM KNT' A MAAIII.r. I'.Vlt'll. who sells us the kerosene. TUB of Cov. italists to cMubliah the largcRt ult'alla hut we huvr actually let the San Juan hV In valley, ' Stuhbs that desires to make Kan- ranch In America the and I ANTHRACITE - American Hlock, ? boosteiH In sas enterprise he said: 11 II f t ut us to the rccouiioisance a mmlel commonwealth has nat- relative to this Lump (iperutlim a priviile mint apinr-- That little congressional coup In re Ar- J cerruio yw 1 "The Only Good It won't do to urally nrnm-e- the indignation of "The farm Is eight miles trom II TlljTn fi grow-In- a let any ulfalla sprout Mii.u hood Gallup Lump" ntly hiiHii't much the best of gard to postage make It look as if Itrlstovv, Murdoch nnd as if tcsla on the cast side of the Pecos, Mt Mil IUIIIR VV, under our feet. others of beautiful ,'ou KINDLINGS ttwet-- t potatoes In tho 1'econ Valley. gentlemen a lon'T, they had n comprising a stretch certain 'hud few not already made It 8 long "Not a Coal n Albuquerque must Ret blmy. country about mile and ciiBfi nt Cheap rrlc" It has JllM been deliionxlrateil that 11 Those sharp, two-edge- d model! 1 11-- - t knives out for some ' from In miles wide. has "Hut the Heat Coal at IV.r Price." fellows hitvc certainly a fine eight-Inc- h Hum can lilic all his ttotk thine utnl bland of onr leading lnnelt-rnkc- Ve will already three artesian BlUCK . . LIME . . OOKK m rve MISsol'IU Mecms now to be con- i'VoO deep all ot which have least make Mi an ucre off of to lay ant a route Tor the wells, feet at the the back the magazines to win. Their fronted hy problem of building a a ntrong flow of water. Four addi- line before they even the jt.iccliarinc tuH tlown In thai coun bleak it to constituency represents an enormous new capltol and no less by the ques- tional wells will be stink nml the sev- ,h,u - (I ar,. to furnish an try. t'otuiiarliiK tills result with ihei"" "'"' to build a lull- public Heiitlinenl in this country and tion to where to locale it. If left en wells certain Only ' I .....1 I., ,1,1.. 1 :. ... of water nt all seasons of those stores that advertise really value your patronage...... ,,,,n , i, iimu ii e to the plebiscite, on the theory that abundance profits of other eroiM, there hcciuh to j, are iqug it will be a daring admlnlMratlon that the year. It cost the owners $7u0n in meet them way the longest polo knocks the persim- be tcuMilt In the claim of a nneet po- half we shall have attempt to "hand them" nnv thing. to bore each well. When completed, mum: wmu'mmmawmmt&ait' mon, St. l.ouls might get It. locally as the Hunger-A- tato elithiitdaMt who ban xhlppi'tl to be up ami (b.lni; and il"inili.r, our this farm, known Jilt nderson proposition, will have loud, hustling elothes, body a tin Hint the entile IVcoh Valley That ii new sucker opens his eyes CIFKoiU) liNCIloT says we have uearlv 2,fi0o acres in one aolld GROSS, KELLY & CO. floods because, are gone, of Hy May I next there will will olic da be u grand and mIoi'Ioiis In the light of tills old world every the forests alfalfa. ( Incorporated ) . t mi; l'lti;si;T IHTV. but some of us think they nre due bo Mill acres in growing alfalfa, and ii ml Illustrious mveet potato patch. Is exempli- - be de- consecutive liiliuilc again to tains. However, science speaks the balance of the tract will 1 it is estimated "Now Is tho to 111 tile case of the New HaVcIl through veloped during t'Jll. Wholesale 1 time" paraphrase the astronomer and now yield oi' alfalfa will Merchants, and Deal- OI!t.M.l(i UTIOs. we know that the annual the well known sentence of the type- policeman who tried to Interfere In that floods are due to com- ho from IS, 000 to is, 000 tons, which ets or to we produc- ers in Hides, Wool and Pelts The lute licoigi; Washington s well writer tyro,- "for all good men d frcfliinan snow ball battle. siiiispots wall Tor the at present prices and cost of and ultimate Word. ought to make a yearly profit of reeognl.ed by the people of this coun- true to come to aid tion Navajo Blankets, the of the Mute" from $7.1,00(1 to $100,000. 11 Is cer- Tiuon Nuls, Deans, Chili, Potatoes and try a having liccii a gentleman of Vhe Sierra County "Advocate," the TUK Al.lU'gb'KHQl K HU'SU is tainly a splendid addition to the com- of our new state. Other Nat.ve Products conslileruble wiiloni itnd 'ftireHlftht. lending newspaper received Willi skepticism hy litis-we- n mercial resources In one of the rich- the geuerally In the. valleys Uegister-Trlbun- e. Condition will b however, to it says: "The at Eaat Laa Vegaa, N. M.j It surprising, find est mining fields or the wem, w hich of the itlo Craiide and Pecos are Houci Albuquerque, N. M.; Tucumcarl, Second Fid dtp. of the Albuquerque season of N. M.; N. M.; Logan. (lint he looked as far ahead as the consistently opposed the adoption of good for this Pace. N. M., and Trinidad, Colo. Journal remark that he 'blushes for vear had I am sure New Mexico drufiing oi the the ronstilullon of he a the the constitution, ha seen light, find lloswell with It 'thousand majority will Witness Its greatest .development mute of Arliona. In Koine of tho now that the constitution has been for a rtimsoaked constitution.' It is during l'JH." . , of the Father or His Country ratified, puper very Wisely llttlb difficult to think of an Albu- this urges s School. querque blush, may such Leurn .to dance-Kirk'- iiunled i the Kl I'ako Herald, we find everybody to .hut theru he ,et togelher, to bury the 4 a thing. As In 0 Take to that majority llos- masquerade. ut that lublngton, with alngulur clarity, hatchet nnd drop thy hammer In the well it was simply a Justification or Attend the big prlae At Your 14. Finger's End lonsnv tie attempt to Introduce into well, and boost the nulling develop- Biy .remark week before the election Colombo hall. Tuesday, l'ch. our government measures which ment of. New Mexico' treasure house. S Pain rill, thai a thousand in lloswell would w take ii little Jamaica in theirs, M Is ould arm ' artful ami enlcrprHim The "Advocate"' say; then also a proof that 'compared to state- STORE iniiioilio V with a fijrmhhihl weapon' "In the puM there has been much Swjv Take v hood nothing matters." '' Them ciodil lie mi better example of nil criticism, without any good sug- ' I I wb.il be di scnlico than the radical re- gestion of remedy; too much destruc- TUK S I Hi NTifi N K S T or the county schools having call for Judges rought to be engrafted tion and not enough construction. The announced h's conversion to the cause or Huhbell-ism- , on a new it.ite. The i;i I'aso paper - majority of the territory have seen the query naturallv- arises If he tiuotes our Inst pi evident as follow: lit (rt approve the constitution nnd cxpeetH to qualify as an expert on the "Toward the preservation of your tateliood Heenis pruhablo .".t an early Head-Of- number of school visit ttf $5 a To f w , whack hich can lie made itt the government, and the permanency ol date. Thuri-rmv- let all accept the rate "t ten a day for fl days in the jour pt'CM'iii happy stale, It In rcqlll-Mle- , inevitable, and let those who honestly a Headache chiiol year, or hovY- many school not only that you steadily ills- - objected to the constitution and atur Nothing i desks al J 10 eucb will Upholster one Better than ; ' eioiu"iinnce irregular opposltlonit to dlly fought Its adoption before election private office chair. There ure va- Anti-Pai- rious other eqilally Interesting prob- it Icdgcd authority, but also and at the polls, rccognlfcc their de- Dr. Miles' n Pills lems which tn puxxle tax- that you resist with cure the spirit get used the feat and together, waving aside They Civ Relief without payers In the good tM day or (lie of innovation upon its principles, how- After-Effec- 1 all petty and peraotial and political Btd regime which Mr. Stroup suppos-- d ever speeloii the prcti xt. iMiferences. and work houhler to to have been instrumental In re- "for four year'! I w.t subject Letters, Invoices, CABINETS "One method ef may b,. (,) forming. assault shoulder for the Interests of Sierra to almost constant lie a.1,Khc. At effitt. In the fot ini of the tonatilu-tloti- , count v. 1 vva limes so severe unfitted Among the Magazines. Bills, Catalogues, iilleiiitloii which will Impair 0e "Let each Individual refrain from for work. Thnutgli the advice ol Sizes to Suit energy of Mem, to f i it-- it i was persuaded to try thu mid thus knocking' any other person or Inter etc., as filed in Miles' Anti-Pai- n " what i annul be dimtly over, est within onr border, for even the Dr. Pill and llamlult 1'arrlsir latest story, "Love Every Business the bns been 1 have thrown met selfish should see that by so do result that I'lider deal with the romantic entirely eradicated my yitenv ' side of war. "llenieitibcr thai facility In rhnnfp'H lug one Is Injuring his own Interests. the civil It will be pub those coiitttnmin liradachfs that lished this spring by A. c. Mcciurg SEND FOR REPRESENTATIVE TO TALK IT OVER lipoM-- s p ! pet mil change, from to the Whatever benefita one benefit all, folliivved a hard ami continuous Co., Chicago, The hero, Hubert endless variety of hypothecs nml and whatever Injure one, Injure all, mental strain."--- T.. Oalesworth, Is scout vtho Ktitell, u meet hi Mrs. Cbooslt After considering it, It ts hy Vorklng Act. C. & N. W. Ky., Karly, la. match In a girl who Is a Lithgow Manufacturing Stationery Co. opinion." In harmony nnd with southern Vv decided to change my mind and All rebel every Inch. In Not the iiittrame of a twentieth the least possible discord, that capital Fof S'by Drugalata. In fact. their t - first mcitlng la mor, than his take" century opponent of the recall, tnl will be encouraged to Invest within 25 0o, 25 Ctnta. she Albuquerque, THE NEW MEXICO HOUSE mm. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, led. niatih for the lady take him prison-r- , Salesman (absently) Th Mchnnge Until e and referendum of (he .vromii i our liiiuminrloit and local IntcroM will but, quixotically t.tMugh, having department Is throe alle oter. THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1911..

attributed to an imperial Chinese ver- look into the trouble, only to find that YORK PLANS dict ind m t to a new whim of fash-Io- n. their sns will not be taken hue. For many years New York wo- Most of the expelled boss are ti! In H men have worn In the form of puffs, town, their parents refusing or fail- transformations and the like hair ing to send them money to come horn Imported from China. The supply on. An arrest was made yesterday ns TO SUPPRESS THE lias been small, however, and the a result of a fire at the Institute night price high. But rlnce word has come before last, the boy who is now being from Hong Kong recently that queues held at the county Jail being suspect- were no longer to be worn no less ed of buying gasoline at a store near MlM WantsToday SEA BREEZES than two thousand out of New York's th institute on the evening of the twenty-fiv- e hundred Chinese have fire. The fire was started with gaso- sacrificed their hirsute adornments. line, but being in the old, wooden bar- The queues have not been sacrificed racks building where the boys' trunks for nothing, however, since every are stored, wag hurriedly put out by CHANGING ARCHITECTURE shorn owner has receiver from seven the cadet fire department, even the to twenty hair-dresse- wanting to save TO MAKE CITY WINDLESS dollars from "Insurrectos" this LOANS for the hair from which he was se- building and their own property. FERSONALJPROPERTY HELP.WANTED Male STORAGE BUSINESS CHANCES llers ted. For the making up of puffs, The cause now given for their dis- TO LOAN J""VIO.Htanu. Orsana, WANTED Pianos, household good a. $1.26 WUIll) curls, and other adornments of the satisfaction, by the cadets, is that the On rnraltura, Htm. WANTED. Man and wifo to work f Kit Inserts claaalfled Wafuna and other Cbatttla; alaa an Balartaa and cook on large ranch of etc., stored safely at reasonable ads. In !6 leading papers In the Skyscrapers May Prevent feminine unsur- Imposing of guard duty on them has Ktcalpta, aa Itiw aa out as head Chinese hair is and WarelMUM llt.M and cltv. Apply room 18 N. T. ArmlJo rates. Advances made. Plume (40. U. H. Send for list. Ths Dak Ad- passed cele- been too stringent. had been re- aa high aa 1150 0. Lomi ara quickly mada Ths Security and as a result the shorn It private. una BldU. Phone. 825. Warehouse and Improve vertising Agency, 432 8. Main St.. Lea Well as Cause Aerial Mael- - and airkllr Tima rountn to ment Co. rooms 3 4, stials hav reaped a golden harvest ported that they were to hav no more glfaa. Uoiida to ramaln In orrteea. and Angeles, or 12 Cieary St., Kan Fran- una rear jnur Urant Cen- from the women whose heads their social functions, this year, but to pnaaaaaloo. Oar rntaa ara raaauaabla. Call block, Third street and cisco. trroms, Say Experts; Record borrowing. HELP WANTED Female tral avenue. decorating-M- show was wrong. and aa IM bafora Hiaamahlp transformed queues are now that this statement all nana of world. of Chink Hair. W. Wlllson, super- tlrkcta to and from lha Transfer urder Colonel James the tUM HOIBFJIOI.D LOAN COMrANf, WANTKD Experienced waitress for intendent, last night allowed the of- Brno a and , Ori.at FOR SALE Real Estate Ula, lunch counter and dining-roo- PROFESSIONAL CARDS ficers to conduct a at gym- PR1VATJS OKFlCftfa, Is becoming almost a daily dance the OPEN aVBNiNOB. work: must be young and of good ap- spertnl CormiHiDilrncc to Morning Jnrnul nasium. Waal t'aalral Ataaaa. habit In New York, according to the Mtti pearance. Wages, $30 a month, board PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS New York, Feb. 11. A remarkable official report of the coroners of the and room. Address, Arcade Itvstuur- - ' The Annual business meeting of the NOW 13 THE OPPOUTCNITY of Investigation is soon to benln here for city. Last year there were 185 or ifoinln is reported at 51 cents ant, Gallup, N. M. NKl.L F. Christian church lust night showed your life to buy lots In the SWELL SIIAHI' something more than one for every clean. Public Stenographer. the purpose of suppressing the wind that in the past fiscal year $3,695.08 WANTKD nirl for general house- WKST-KN- for the mere payment of second day thoroughout tho year, Chicago Wool Market. Itoom 5, N. T. Dldg. and making New York windless, or had been collected for all purposes. work. Apply 1230 West Ave, 5 the month. These lots will double ArmlJo AktVistticrh wnol Vnlllea nt Ijindillt Central 717. as nearly so as possible. There are Sundays and holidays Included. The The membership Increased 25 per 8r Mrs. O. H. McLandreKs. In price Phone killings, has as having recovered much of when New Mexico becomes a few titles which this city is willing to great majority of these or rent toe year me average reported state. Iturg, in and at noieu at the opening oi WANTKD Ijidy salesman in Central Ask Mr. il5 W. Oold MILS. strug-rI- c, 108 to be exact, were by shooting and the decline KOIU'UT SMAU'I concede to Chicago without a Sunday school was 246. ItH-n- avenue Avenue, tendance at' Ua ...... Hun aulea stiil m'leea do store. Address, with refer. Vocal but there is no desire here to in this respect it Is doubtful If the by ence, N. Culture, not seem to be at ail affected those H.,Jnurnal office. l most lawless mining camp that ever con- 723 North SI reel. compete with the western metropolis abroad, and wltnout ilouut tne WA .NTKD- - A ho II se keep er" for family existed could a equal to very for the appellation of "Windy City" show record sumers can purchase many kinds of two. Inqire 10H So. Arno. of metropolis. The increase NO SNAP IN TRADE aa low values as have which the . latter bears. Father that the of wool nt ruled ATTORNEYS in the number of fatal shootings during the past two months. WANTKD Oencral servant, family Knickerbocker prefers to have his un- of FOR SALK We have another bar- which was "4 greater than during the There was sold in the bright three. Mrs. D. M. Ferguson, R. W. D. Bit YAN bailiwick known as the "Windless 165.000 91 5 gain In modern brick preceding year a demand washed fleeces pounds, and North Sixth street. Attorney-at-La- City," and accordingly attempt are has caused 123,700 pounds of the semi brluht house for $2400 ut $25 per month; for more stringent restriction of the WANTKD Saleslady and bookkeeper; Offlo. In First National Hank Build- belnK mitde here to suppress the BOSTON wools. Contrary to some eastern no deposit except first month pay- ing. N, M carrying of firearms. While must be competent. Apply Singer Albuquerque, wind. For many years New York has sale and Ntntenients. our local pullers have ment; gnod small site dairy for sale carrying of concealed weaqons is of wools, ns sewing .Machine company. 218 l S had certain locations known for their the been free sellers their Second, cheap. JOHX W. WILSOX now an offense punishable by fine the amouiit reported each month Atturncy-at-La- blustering air currents. Perhaps the average and improsonment, It Is difficult to since the fibre became of WANTKD Nurse maid. Apply 708 Rooms Cromwell most generally known at present Is fully proves that fuel, and for Sletl.rtiMAN DKXTF.lt. Bid. enforce the law bo long as anybody Wool Market Strong Statistical- length Copper avenue. 310 Uect Central. 414. 1457. Office 1171 on the south side of Madison Square the week under review there were riione Re. Phone Phone Is permitted to buy or sell these death w aa i iu rompetent girl for gen where the Flallron bulldlns ly but Actual Conditions Show sales of 2S3.700 pounds, thug it Is (jIiX)HUF. dealing instruments at will. A eral house work; good wages. Ap 8. KI.OCK is located. Previous to Its ersctlon, noted that the interest the manufac- Attorney. bill is soon to be Intro- stock ply mornings. Mrs. A. K. llunlng, FOR SALK 8 acres; been the Rales had shunned this locality that Dullness, According to Boston turers, take in this continues hns ittl Rooma Stern Block. was by low build- duced In the legislature ntempts In former seasons. Hulling Castle. under cultivation and Is in good which surrounded special urging of Albuquerque, Ag tn get at the difficulty by making it Commercial Bulletin, Without any the shape. I'rlse $550, Porterfleld Co.. American ings differing little in height. a pnrt of dealers, still Surety Honda. a crime to sell firearms .o any per- sales on the the 21 W. Oold. result experts declared that skyscra- there was a movement In the terri- GJiimWAN pers were responsible eddying son unless he can show a permit quite "dentists for the .Statistically tory fleeces that foots mi near MAN or woman wanted for FOR SALE Small ranch, close In; opinion to be from the police department. In the Boston wool mnr pounds, and lust, but by no Uh currents. This seemed ket is unquestionably strong, says a million work at home paying to $3.00 modern Improvement!, See owner, order to obtain such a permit It the means least Item noted, Is the $2.00 vindicated when the erection of an Huston commercial Hulletln. I'pnn the per day, with opportunity to advance. 508 West Central. Dental Surgeon. enormous building In part would be necessary for the would-b- e snles of 270,800 pounds of scoured the lower this proposition the whole trade Is week's Spare time can be used. Work not Rooms I'arnett Uulldlng. Phoa gun-carri- to register his name and wool, nnd In this transactions FOR SALE 15 acre ranch, alt lev- of the city previously occupied by agreed: but In print of fact the sta- grea.se words the buyers were difficult and requires no experience. 744. Appointments mad by mall. only address with the police authorities tistical position in manifestly far from the eled and a bargain for $1400. Por- structures of medium height looking for were the fleeces having a Universal House, 352 Wabush Ave., gales and to convince them that It wns ne representing the actual condition of terfleld Co., SIC W. Cold. brought about which made the market, although staple that could be profitably u'ed Chicago. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS cessary to go armed. There and the market 50-f- those about the Klatlron seem like for him by the combing machines. FOR RALE Four t. lots; out- was an average seven deaths daily this week has been fully as active as are not zephyrs. Of late, however, the prob- of during any of those Immediately pre While tho manufacturers WANTED buildings nnd house, nil stocked, In with wool, is no Salesmen Agents ADA M. lem has assumed a different angle. due to violence New York last ceding and perhaps more so in some overstocked there cheap If sold nt once. 1318 P. High St. CIIKYWILUFH. M. I). ac- In the movement of - Times Square in of year including wounds assaults or lines of the trade, notably In South special activity FOTypewrterTjl jTTTiurxOuit' Practice limited- to Diseases of the center the any class of stock, and this means FOR HALE New modern city some years been gusty cidents. The causes ranged all the American wools, there has been no Southwestern agent, 404 N. Oregon Women and Obstetrics, Consulta- has for a that the local consumers buy in a con- cottage, on new car line, $1800 spot. was on way from falling rocks and earth to particular snap to the trade, and If us St., El Paso, Tex. Agents wanted In tions: ft to 10 a. m., 1 to J:30 p. m. It surrounded three servative way and of such wool Torter-flel- d there has been any In $100 cash, $25 per month. ft 1 9 sides by skyscrapers while the fourth kicks from horses. The latter cause advance this will fill present requirements. all principal towns of New Mexico West Oold Ave. Phone 342. was responsible for fourteen deaths market In prices on the latter wools and Arizona. Co.. 216 W. Oold ave. side was occupied by low buildings. It has undoubtedly been because of "All Wool" Killing. A. U. 8HORTKL, M. D y during year while automobiles er 6 With the completion of the fifteen-stor- the the strength in primary markets, Cloth sold In the goods trade hrro-aft- FOR SALE room bungalow with Practice Limited to sixty-tw- o ns a Hotel Hector last month, how- killed showing that caused by other than American de- and labelled "all wool," must be WANTED Positions sleeping porch, cement front porch, Tuberculosis. ever, filling this gap, has come a clam homicidal agent the horse Is far out- mand. Indeed 100 per cent wool, according lava fire place, hard wood floors, Hours; 18 to 1$. book-cas- WANTED Position as bookkeeper In and closet, Rooms M-I- O unknown for years. As a result ex- classed In New York by his newer Possibly trading would have been to a recent ruling of Supreme Court built china Piste Nst'l. WanV Htfl. competitor. more extensive had it not been for Justice Krlanger. The ruling came and stenographer, by man expert furnace; strictly modern. 715 East perts now hold that not the height by Gold. SOLOMON Ij, BtntTOX, M. li. the exodus of the wodl manufacturers about through a test case started In both lines. X. M., care Journal. Physician Burgeoa of a building, but Its relative height to Washington, although Boston was & Hons, clothijig and Isaac Hamburger FOR SALE 10 acre ranch Suite 9, to adjacent structures is the chief The loaning of over half a million hardly left unguarded on ac of Baltimore, who re- WANTED Position by housekeeper Harnett Bide. that manufacturers 6 acres alfalfa, orch- wind factor. At Madison Square and dollars in small sums during 1910 count, while Judging from the num to Nathan Woolf of New York In gentleman's home, or elderly balance turned ard, fair Improvement, farm tools and ARTHUR E. WALKER downtown, Rkyscrapers were built without security and in many cases ber or wool dealers who were In at a consignment of cloth marked "all couple; experience. J. E , this office. nmong .low buildings with resultant even from the tendance nt the Washington convert' wool" nnd yet composed, It was al- nil go. Porterfleld Co., 218 W. Gold. Fire Tnsnrnnce, Secretary MataaJ without references Change pules. In Times Square the Hector borrowers, and with a total loss of tlon the opportunity to do business leged, of shoddy end cotton. Woolf WANTKD of position by Ilulldlog Association. Phone ftlS. enroute was not lacking. Yet not & to compel expert H1TH completed surrounding chain of only a little over $3,000, hardly more sued Hamburger rious German chemist; five years' Wert IVntral Avenue. the withstanding Washington's attrac- them to receive the goods, and set up experience In factory, and laboratory. FOR SALE Miscellaneous wind one-ha- lf one per cent, goes skyscrapers and the ceased. than of tions during the past week, New York as a defence that a "trade custom or Hermann Hchmledel, Chemist, U, V. at argued all to show average cf honesty eyes prac- Notice it that that the has been the focus of all in the long standing standardly the LI!0-.1- Holland, Mich. HALF, Ulcyclo, organ needed wind In among tho-- poorest of the wool trade; mid it will undoubtedly wool' goods which 'VI "- FOIt .nnd E Is the residents tice In marking 'all household Cull morn BALDRIDG New York Is to make Its building uni- city is higher than among some of continue to be for some weeks to were really composed in parts of oth- furniture. WANTED Miscellaneous Ings. 1119 S. Arno. Lumber company. form In height. At any rate It Is a more prosperous fellows. In the come. er Ingredients." Prominent manufac- their Prospects done novel theory and one which investi- opinion of the officers of the free loan and Prices. turers told In court of the harm SKNDYTiTTufHi FOR SALK Camp wagon , complete Paints, Glass, Cement, Roof- The past week on street by the prae-tlce- s mny a potent In is a the has to New York reputation Hox 341; best work nnd bent camp 813 W. Mttrblo Ave. gation make factor association. The association not been dissimilar to most of the certain houses which drove outfit. ing and Builder's supplies. devel- organization of prices. future municipal architectural philanthropic formed for preceding ones In that It has been trade from this city. FOR HALF One 68 II. P. holler, 65 opment. the purpose of loaning small amounts "spotty," is, some goodn WANTKD Dressmaking. Mil that dealers have Justice Eiiungir ruled that Elsie II. P. engine, BOO feet 2 and S Inch to In dire apparently had a fair week's business, wool'' there lor, 211 N. 14th at. Phone 843. families that are need were not "all whenever pipe; my Interest In Southwestern Oil through sickness, loss of employment while others have done very little. was anything in them other than WANTED Clean cotton ruga at 2V40 Chinese queues are now being worn up to find & Gas company, consisting; of $1,024.. or causes. No Interest Is Those who have closed a fair wool. He Instructed the Jury a pound at the Journal Office. by New York society women and as a similar amount of business stnte to disregard 25, due April 6 tn rash and stock on Hudson Signs chnrged no Is that the for the defendant and $3500 for result one of the most rapid as well and security required. trading has been fairly well diversi- to custom." WANTKD To loun $2500 to at option hold by said company on drill the plea as "trade 8 per on improved as surprising transfers of hair which In many cases loans were made to fied. cent city real ing machinery. Jos, P. Hrlnklcy, not long In estate. No commission. Address 1 tills city has ever seen Is taking persons who had been Ohio Fleeces. Stylish horses and buggies fur- Oolden, N. M. consequently could There has been a somewhat (i. Hox 208. place. Queues which a week ago the city and who wider nished on short notice by W. L. Wall Paper even as to movement reported In Ohio fin. cos WANTED To buy a second bund in FOR SALK Cook stuve, draft horses, might have been adorning celestial not furnish references Trimble & Co., 113 North Second total number of this week, medium grades showirg up cnbatnr, must bo a bargain. Mc- - farm machinery, gasoline engine, backs In Chinatown can now be view- character. The well, firm nt unchanged prices. street. Thono 3. harness, wugons, buggy, tents, Jersey loans made during the year amounted and Spaddeu, 1403 H. Tlroadway. ed on the, heads of the feminine lead- In the finer fleeces, two sales of XX cow, burrows, collie pupa, 1403 H. HUDSON Fourth "400" occupying boxes nt to 19, .100 Involving the sum of $524,-17(- 1. are reported, one of 30.000 generous prizes, lots of WANTED Your fire Insurance. Por Hroudway. ers of the washed Fine music, " 218 the opera. The pigtails, as they were Out of this great total all but and the other of 10,000 each at 31 fun, mask ball. Colombo hall, Feb. 14. terfleld Co.. W. Gold. FOR HALF Fine $400 upright for Pioturt Street is top -- commonly known, are worn by their $3,399 as repaid. In most of these cents, which undoubtedly the a WANTED A gentle horse to him for $125 If at once. 61B W. tnd olr In 34 horsee taken possessors a manner some- cases the officers report that the fai- the market. delaines cents We board and care lor light delivery. Apply Ward's store. ave. new in appears to be the top of the trading care guaranteed. W. I Fruit Framei Copper practiced lure to make payment was due to The belt of WANTKD To buy driving All' Avi what different from that market at the moment for washed, Trlmbla A Co., 1H North Second St horse, FOR SALK Cheap, cook stove, heat- or to death and 1- by their former owners, and the fact continued sickness and 27fi27 cents for unwashed, ply Highland livery. ing stove, refrigerator, bicycle and has hardly been an instance in that these queues are now decorating there one sain of 50,000 pounds of the for- Learn to dunce Kirk's School. hand wagon for street stand. St. the heads of society leaders Is to be which an attempt has been made to mer being reported nt 34 and another FOR RENT -- Miscellaneous of 10,000 price, while Claire hotel. defraud the association. at the Fame A good time for everybody, mask FRENCH FEMALE lines totalling 25,000 pounds of un- Foil SUS'ewtoiis"(r mixed aTful" I'd carnival, Colombo hall, Feb. 14. FOIt URNT Warehouse, apply C. A j KEEP OUT THE AIR, , washed went at 27ffi 27 cents. . . hoy. 613 K. Coal. That Father Knickerbocker Is not Hawks, Telephone 812. fa and millet iHpiLLQ. In the medium Ohio fleeces, there A ft iThc housewife in "puN'mj down" her infallible was shown this week In a Want Ads Get Results K.fi, Cm aim i li fir for fftirnuMn MMftwtmft. have been a very 'fair movement at Jf.urnal FOR KENT Office room In Grant RNQWH TO per- NmH FAIL "f" 8.wlr St.il. fruits, sees to it that the cans are case that Involved a question of the fair prices, three-eight- s blood going block. Apply D. A. MacPherson FOR SALE Livestock, Poultry rVtlon (JuamiiiiH-f- tit Mm-- Hpftiutlw), Bout prvut4 (it $l.00,r hox. Will wud ihcnio trial, In r tir fectly t, and coats her jellies weight of to 29 4i' 30 cents, principally Maniyle coal delivered the fire at at the Journal office. hn rcllcM. Kit. It jmu 4um Mart COMPANY faftv ttbrau 4otill with paraffin to keep out the air, other- department of the city. When the lower figure, one choice line of 30,000 THE WM.FARR wui wwi wrjerg to tfH) FOR BALK Kggs hatching, White UNIT! O MtDlCAL CO , mo ft wise the fruit juices would ferment. coal was weighed on the official scales pounds, being reported at the higher Wholesale end retail dealers It for 74, Unoftarva lines Leghorn and Plymouth Rock; also, Exactly the same principle is employed of department figures show- figure, while two other totalling fresh and Salt Meat!. Hauiage JFUMBING the the 70,000 pounds going at the lower hogs the Rouen duck eggs, five cents each. 413 !iy The N.KFairbank Company in mar- over ipeclalty. For cattle and UH plumb- ed an apparent shortage of a ton price. A three-eight- s cloth- t I.KT furnish estimates on The line of blrrest mf'-- nrlces are oaln W. Atlantic, keting their cooking fat, Cottolene. In each consignment as compared ing Ohio, Involving 20,000 pounds wn ing nnd sewer connections. Morgan SANTA FE TIME TABLE" Cottolene pail has a unique cover pressed weights supplied by coal 25 cents. quarter blood, A Di'timmond. V, M. Morgan, phone FOGS Fort' HATCHING R. with the the sold nt In pen 1, $2.00 on by special machines and scaled, mak- company. The department officials the ruling market is undoubtedly nr.H .I.U. Dnmimonil. i.lmnej S74. Rhode Inland Iteds; air-tig- 1- per Hi; pen 2, $i.ro per in. j. u. ing the can absolutely ht and keep- 27 cents, although one good sized Immediately Jumped to the conclu- Skinner. Phone 1568. Fgga deliver ing the contents sweet and fresh as the sion was being attempted line said to include about 100.000 FOR RENT that a fraud pounds of Ohio choice quarter is re- Rooms ed. lay the Cottolene was made. wa-gen- s. and arrested the drivers of the 28 cents. SALK l''gs, "from finest With Cottolene the housewife can be ported at For the The officials of the coal com- A number of sales of fine unwash- FOll RENT Sai, Itary and modem chickens In town, Huff Leghorns fissured that she is getting a cooking pany refused to admit this explana- ed have been made In lines ranging rooms Rio OranJe, (19 W. Central, nd Rhode Island Reds, $1.00 per 15 tat, pure, fresh, wholesome. tion, however, and insisted upon from 10,000 to 25,000 pounds, and I'OU KENT Very large well furnish- eggs; IT shipped. Jl.IiO per IB eggs. further tests. These showed a con- for this grade 21 cents Is quot- ed steam heated rooms, electric J. W. Allen. 1028, N. 8th St., Albu- ed as the prevailing price. Hesldes querque, N. M (In Effect January 17, 1911.) tinuation of the same discrepancies, light, suitable for three gentlemen. UKM HOl this, the demand for lower and mis- FOR SALK Kgge for hatching. White Ml Arrive iK'parl fcHMMI but an examination of the city scales lots been very steady 723 N. Second St. No. 1. Cal. Kxpresa . , 7:45p cellaneous has Leghorn and Rhode Island Red, 8:30p revealed the fact that they were during the week, and we hear of sales Ft) It 11KNT furnished rooms, sin- No. 3, Cal, Limited . . , 1 1:05a 11:25a 160,-00- $1,00 per setting. Also, fresh ranch As this is the first case In of low quarter totalling about 0 gle or en suite; everything modern. No. 7. Mex. & Cal. Fx. 10:551) 11:40 eggs. Ada which Father Knickerbocker has been pounds at prices ranging from 23 703 W. Silver. Miss nilluricK, tils wsi Nu. 9. Cal. Fust Mail. ,ll:50p 12:45a In attempt to practice f?i 2 5 cents, and several smaller lines Hold avenue, city. MAIOY'S detected an -' of common Foil HUNT Hooms for light hotiso- i:sriioii) weighing, ho was not place of seedy and bnrry, and HATCH FA It LY White Leghorns, No. 2. Tourist Kx. , , , , S:55p short and braid wool, of from 10,000 to keeping; modern. Westminster. 4:20p tinder arrest, but the conl wagon heavy layers, silver cup winners No. 4. Chi. Ltd 6:350 8:05p 25,000 pounds each Hire reported at N'T Newly mod-c- m were promptly released and it Foil HE. furnished Albuquerque fair. Kggs, $l.r0 and No. 8. Eastern Kx :5&r 7;25p drivers vnrving prices. In some Instances as A room, private entranc e, laugh was on wivxi.n. electric $2.50 pjer 15; 90 per cent fertility, No. 10. Overland Kx. . . was admitted that the high aa 2223 cents. In addition to nnd hnth. 219 fllxth f!t., next 8:00a :25u llsht flaby good cockerels. i :i the dignified old gentleman who this we hear of a small lot of Canada Thut'ij door to Kilts' club. Phone 14 31. chicks. Few l'o Trains 10,-00- 0 what people say of our Cream No. 800. Club - typifies the majesty of the metro-poll- s. low combing amounting to some Vandersluls. Phono 634. I". O. l!ox Mex. Fx 12:20 House Giant .swra- HKNT Uirge, furnished front ' N 1 pounds at around 23 cents, un- Dread, it's unsurpassed for Its nu Foil No. S K piMq pass.. - T gns Tips, .$.40 room (two beds). Hultablo 21. 8:30- washed. tritious quality, Its cxquisltu flavor, for No. 810. Kan. City A Chi 6:06a Michigan and Indiana Fleeces. Its purity, while lis superior uniform couple or two gentlemen, close In. No. 810. Kim. City Chi. 6:36p Club J louse Sinn II Aspnin- - Michigan fleeces hns ft Demand for it u food Is Phono 342. FOR RENT Dwellings Tips, can. 35 during week, the quality makes that itoNwell nml Amarlllo, bus HAVE been moderate the thoroughly rellablo. FOU KENT Furnished rooms for No.81 1. Poena Val. t 33 CADETS call being principally for the medium Fx.. 2:3 housekeeping. 001 W, Cen- Nu, 812. Albu. Kx Club House Wlmto Aspiini- - grades, for which the market holds Unlit FOR HKNT New adobe house. on U:25h three-eighth- s tral. M. gus, large cans...... AO steady. Considerable PIONEER BAKE IA mll0 north of Old Town. F. P. JOHNSON, Agents has changd hands this week nt about Zlckort, Hox , City. 28 cents, one line of some Bo, 000 (We have cheaper grades for BEEN E XPELLED TO EXCHANGE. n rooms, pounds Jielng Included In the trans- 207 South First Street FOR It K NT Cot t kcb, ! t I FOR SALE those that want them.) actions at this price. While several furnished or unfurnished. Apply lots are reported. Ten FINK LAND Joining Hereford, Texas, W. V, Futrelle. Denver Hotel $110(1 To settlo an estate two other smaller subject to Irrigation, to exchange Chili House Japanese Crnh thousand pounds half blood clothing Every HKNT Furnished modern well built, three rooniB each, A or Vcman for sheep. Will pay cash difference. FOll Meat also cold at 24 cents. line house, 205 N. VV li Iter. ' coal and kiis nuiMes. hot and cold I half-bloo- d !ox 14. Hereford, Texas. Boy on Suspicion of some DO, 000 pounds of Indiana AiHiut UHi Addren Arrested wonderful ' house; water, electric llchts, soma furniture, 4 Council Sanitary Knit, rtoi. .10 Is reported at about 2fl centsi MARVELWhirlinoSprey FOll ItKNT New lot 62x150, on corner. Having Attempted to Set Fire Ciillrorniu. 'jr mn Taalanl Krrma. FOR RENT Rooms with Board modern, with runifej J22.DO month, VOeS-Vittv-N.- ; IKIliO frnme, bath, A movement In California Is V Inquire. 23 W. Fruit Ave. ai.., fair HlKhhinds, In; easy tprnuH to Military Institute Building also 35,000 twelve months be- close noted. ROOM and board, first class, 211 FOll HKNT modern apart- 4 r ing reported at 16 cents grease, $2100 room frame, modern; ai i row drnnrlut fir II. Wa. WL 'JT . North Hlh St. Phone 843. ment, convenient, neat nnd clean, bent; Rood With Gasoline. or estimated at f.O cents clean, while If lia cannot iui'PiT water outbuildlliKS Blind no m -- Iioard; no n lot of 20,000 pounds of spring Cal- - a i u v e .. ...ul FOR HKNT Nice room with $R per month; no children; sick. and 'fruit trees, lot 100x142. other, hut atnn ilmp f'f (ION H,"( ltliiitrt1 hunk .aWtl. It I private Tiimlly. Ho. Fdllh st. Phone l"1"' frama near shops, Morning full I 111 well built, terms, Imperial rnrreaptmilanra to Jonrnnll as well Talnable Ui larti-- a. M . . FOIMtENT Two houses $10 esy Women as JIIVJ-- WHO IS 44 r.M- - - - $101)0. noswcll, N. M., Feb. 12. A total of men are made miser-abb- ! a..Mr- MONEY TO LOAN eiich; one house $(1. Hee J, bun.. A. J. Maloy low, corner lot; easy thirty-thre- e been expelled kidney M. 115 W. Oold. terms. cadets have TO by and AHD HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD, v Sollle, REST $3.000,, a.Mio 6 room brick, modern, the New Mexico Military Insti- trouble. Dr. 1ia MONKY TO LOAN $1,500, from bladder Man. Wmaiow'n 8ikitiiimo Hvacr brrn good limn-Ttoo- $4,000. A, Wontoya, 108 8. Third. ANT RTAOB 50xiti0, outbuildings; near c t 214 CENTRAL AVE.' tute thus far as a result of the recent BLAME Kilmer's Hw t. for ovr t HIXTV VKAKSby MILLION of DAIfr MAIL KERVICR will probably be the great kidney remedy, MOTIIKKM fur III"' CHII.OKKN WIIII.K For tba fatnoua Hot Bprln of linn. mutiny; there prornp'ly fKHr-KC- ""DANClNGSCHOOLS and TliHTIIINtJ, wllh HtlCCKt. Is N. M. Leava Albuituerqua P. 1MONKY 1X LOAN, more, although officers believe re nrimgisin any SOHTHNB Ihe .UMH Jemea, the neve. ji in cent HOOTIIKA tn- - rim.K. O. every at 6 a. m. Ticket, FlltK IXSirilANCK ; CI'KKH WINDCOf.IC, ami S HCHoolj (,f mortnuK they have found most of the mischief and dollar sixes. You may have a Al.l.AVSall PAIN KIRK Dani'liix teaching 0T - t HIAgklKI' A. It l sold at Viilo Urea., North First sample, by free, la rnnnly f'.r ah. every and evening. Ho- - A. Phone 72. milkers. Home of the fathers of the bottle mail also u.hitrly harnilraa. lie nt ami a.lc fur toi'i. afternoon Kt. IJAVINtl tlAHCIA. proprietor and FLF.ISCHEH ' Thursday, Hiitiiiilny, 9 expelled cadets, prominent men of pamphlet .lling all about it. Address WiiKluw a HHuthlnK Svnip." ami lake Wilt rials Tuesday, mall contractor. I. O. Ho 44, 1101 III Koulh Fourth Street New Mexico and Texas, have come to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Illngbamloti, N, y, kluO, J weuly lilittula twill. to 12 li, 111, H. Arno, I'bona 4)74. Neil Ut Now Mafiaaa THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1911.

cooocccooooooooocooo DR. CH. CONNER SCOUTS ANNEX FINE ADDRESSES 1 GEO. W.HICKOX COMPANY PHYSICIAN AND 6CRGEO!l IT new hhuco's noNFrn jewelers . OSTEOPATH If X WATCH INSPECTORS EOK KANTA I E A.M COAST USZM AH Acute and Cronto Diseases Treated. 2 FINK WATCH KEPAUtlNU AND ENGRAVING Office: Mcrn Building, octraer Foortn BOY'S BAND UNIVERSITY New Arrivals Mid I THE AKCI1 t HUNT. US SOUTH 8ECOND STREET itml Central aenu. --v. ooocxxwoooocxocx We are now getting in our Spring Goods and have al- TH. 28S Tel. II ready placed on sale all the latest things in French & Lowber Learnard and Llndemann's Veterans Tell Younger Genera CRESCENT HARDWARE CO. Boys Of- Funeral Directors Band No. 2 Makes tion of Personal Relations Knox Hats Boy 6tor, Range, House Furnishing Hoods, Cutlery Tools, Iron Ftp, fer to Affiliate With the With Abraham Lincoln and We Derbies in all new Veiea ml Fitting. Plumbing. Heating, Tin anil Copper Work, Embalmers have the and Soft Hats the shapes and Scouts; Eluogize lit WEST CENTRAL AVENUE PHONE SI. Lad Assistant Character, and colors. OOlt ftTII AND CENTRAL. Office Phone 5fl $3.00 and $5.00 An affiliation of the Toy Scouts of The privilege of hearing the char Albuquerque and the Learnard and acter of Abraham Lincoln eulogized Wallace Hesseldon Llndemana Hoys' band N'o. 2 la the by men who came into personal con New Line of Shirts General Contractor. notices for week. lateat suggestion and one that will tact with the great war president was figures and workmanship coast Monday, Rodey doubtless meet with instant approval. that enjoyed by the students of the In addition to the new Cluett and Monarch brand we show Wa guarantee (or your money 10:55, hall, nor addresses on Lincoln, by Gov. The proposition la set forth in the University of New Mexico and visitors than any other contracting firm In following open sent to Boy a very attractive lot of Eagle Shirts Stover and Col. Johnson. Mon-da- y, letter the at th assembly, hour yesterday morn Albuquerque. Offlca at the Superior Scouts yesterday: Planter MM. Phona I7T. t p. m., lecture by Miss ing at Rodey hall. The speakers were $1.25 to $3.00 Heinz Pa morn on 'The Advantage "To the Boy Scouts: The Learnard Governor B. 8. Stover, patriotic in and Lindemann Boys' Band No. 2, of of a Vocational Training." Mu-1- c structor of G. K. Warren Post G. A Standard Plumbing Albuquerque, of twenty-fou- r - it Heating and a reading by Miss Ron consisting R.,- Colonel Edward Johnson, patriotic boys, ranging In ages from S to Spring Suits COM PANT to precede. Friday, 1:J0, lec- 1, Instructor for the department of New Dill wishes to Boy Scouts IS W. Central Areas ture by Dr. McQueen Oray nt affiliate with the Mexico, O. A. R.; add the Rev, Thos. Both Men's and Boys' are also being rapidly unpacked the I'nlversliy. on "The Life to meet with them and to furnish Harwood, national chaplain of the rrompt and carcfal AuwUoi to aju military con and Timea of Louis XIV." without charge such and G. A. R. . and placed on sale. Our prices are always reasonable. Orders. cert music as would be appropriate, Mr, Pickles TELEPHONE IL Stover's address Included many The boys' band wants to quotations from Lincoln's great con- with Boy E. W. the Scouts and make it the temporaries, such as Grant and Stan- ALBUQUERQUE FOUNDRY Allen, vice president and dl best organitatlon country. tnd rector of the Union In the ton and others, with many extracts 3 for National Bank at (Signed) OTIS WOOD, Secretary. FoMtorln, O., owner from the speeches and writings of the The Central MACHINE WORKI also the of FRED REYNOLDS. Mgr. large twggy manufacturing concern president. Colonel Johnson related Ave. F. K. ELLIS, Teacher. most graphically his own personal Im- SIMON Clothier In Ohio, STERN with Mrs. Allen, la spending it la not known as yet what action 5 cents Iron and Bras Casting. Machinery a month or ao In thia city. Several pressions of Lincoln gained through Repairs. tha Hoy Scouts will In the mat years previous Mr. and Mrs) Allen take personal Intercourse and told many spent ter of affiliating. It Is a unique op Interesting anecdotes coming In the Compare with any NEW MEXICO two wlntera here and will be re W W w w W these AtnrQCEnocK. portunity, however, the acouts w w '?rW w w w 9 W W memhered by local people. and range of his own personal experience should not overlook a good bft- - which were deeply ' others. A suit wag filed In the district court - .. interesting ana HARDWOOD LUMBERS FOR FINISH AND CACINET LAUNDRY which In a new way .Illuminated the yesterday by Attorney W. C Iteucock TO CTRB A COLD IV OXK IAY character the martyred WORK-CL- representing Mrs. Llssle U. Take LAXATIVK BHOMO Quinine of emanci EAR AND SEASONED Drown pator. Ills appeal coming gen asking a divorce from husband, Tablets. Druggists refund money If to the her more ' patriotism WHITE Edward Ilrown, alleging abandon It falls to cure. K. W. OROVBS eration for of the signature Is box. kind that obtained in the days of wr.r WAGON! ment, The couple were married In on each 25c. SUPERIOR LUMBER AND MILL CO. City, was most eloquent. The address' of Canon Colo., October 17, 1901 Chaplain and hav no children. Harwood dealt chiofly wltlj c the proposed plan to build, as a monu Ward's Oet a transfer ond go to the Com ment to Lincoln, a "Lincoln Way' Store menial club meeting tonight. Ilea from Washington to the battlefield of nil about .pumping In the Mlmhres Gettysburg. AM the addraaaA) wer Homtr H. Ward, Mgr. Try a Journal Want Ad; Results valley; the FarmlngUm-Albuqucrqu- e Inspiring and listened to with, the HOME REALTY COMPANY railroad and a few other things of In closest attention. Pr. McQueen Gray 114 S. Third Street Frank Ackcrman, Mgr. terest to every 115 Marble Ave., Phone 206 citisen of Albuquerque president of the university, mode an FOR SALE Two new houses on 11th and 12th Streets. Tour own Rev. Dr. S. A. Bright, auperlnten eloquent little talk to the students Im- terms. dent of missions for the Methodist pressing upon them the privilege they 17 -- acre ranch, near city, well Improved, only 1800 Kplscopnl church In New Mexico, re enjoyed in listening to men who had turned hint night from Santa Fe, Accused of Violating Neutrality an opportunity to do noble deeds for OUR MILK AND CREAM where he has been attending the quar by their country in time of OJre, ajeed. Law Attempting to Cross statement in vour paper of la Produced and Ilaudlcd Under the Strictest Sanitary Conditions of terly conference of the church. II. B. Steward, of the loa! G. A, The Modern Dairying. Ming Teresa Mcftilllvrny of Alexan Into Mexico From United It. post, was also present with the February 8, 1911, that the Rluewater drin, Canada, Is visiting her sister, speakers. Development company has expended Attention! States, Blue-wat- er The Matthew Dairy & Supply Mrs. Itnrry P. Owen, of this city. one-ha- lf million dollars In the Co. Irrigation project In the Blue, Hie Zcarlng ranch will be rilOXB 420. 1700 NORTH fOCHTU STREET. 8 Musical Kheerle at Gem. water valley is difficult to understand divided into small tracts. The C. M. CHAUTAUQUA PLAN 4 United States Marshal For by the people living here, and we be surveyors arc now at work, und aker hue returned from Lus Cruets, lieve, cannot be substantiated. Fol Mne print of subdivision will where he looked after the arraignment lowing we give you a description of lw ready in a few days. This VALENTINE DANCE of nine alleged 'tnsurrectos, beiora the work that has been done, and all Is an exceptionally fine piece CHARLES ILFELD CO. the United Atatea commissioner on a MAY ASSIST can see that it' falls several hundred of land, largely In alfalfa and charge of violating the neutrality law thousand dollars short of a half mil convenient to the city. Tha men were arrested last week lion FOR TONIGHT while attempting to cross Into. Mexico The of the Water Users' PRICES Wholesalers from Pelea, Jiew Mexico. They were first under of Everything association built the dam fifty dol-la- rs heavily provided Pastor Has Scheme to Widen Front to two hundred all armed and well contract In the Bluewater Canon In per acre. Liberal terms. LAS VEGAS SANTA ROSA ALBUQUERQUE with ammunition, : evidently and In; Scopo of Campaign. Bring 1885 for the Bluewater Land and Ir your Interest to see this tended to assist prosc.o In shooting a to of It's to rigation company. It was built If yau want few acres In the few soldiers, once across 35 German Unity Lodge to Enter fedral when Healthseekers to New Mex earth, was 800 feet long and feet country. Una. .., . t ,: In- - WHOLESALE GROCER the j. ro high, at a cost of about $6,000, tain Their Friends jnd Ac: Mr. Foraker received. word. yestur ico in Time, eluding cost of spillway. In 104, af- HUNSAKER & THAXT0N, L. B. Mills day men been Putney llcrnallllo Holler that the had bound ter standing nine years, the dam was - Odil Murage and quafhtances a Costume ' AGENTS ESTABLISHED 1873. l'rults at' over to the grand Jury. In the sum of destroyed by ft flood running , over . 201 WEST GOLD AVE. Ball in Colombo Hall, $200 each.-- FalllBg: to furnish ball, While the plan of Rev, R, B, Tol the top of the dam, the spillways be- - the nine were remanded to Jail In Las bert, pastor of the local Congregation Ing too small to carry the vast amount CfUCeS. , .. ., ..', si church, and a church committee of water. One-thir- d of the dam re- The. penalty, for. 'Vlolutlng the neu.- - to bring In a splendid rlass of health- - was by the Colombo hull wljl l crowded with mained intact, 'and used trallly law Is Imprisonment seekers to this, section includes at merry Unncers ; tonlKhti the occasion a fine and present company as a part' of their Strong Brothers of from one three years , In present only the sending of letters to or ma- being the big continue bull to be given day to dam, which was built similar This Shop Is Alive prison. .... ,., pastors of Congregational churches In by the' German Unity lodijo.') Ilub 'T., it.: terial In the same place. This last 600 population' centers lot the east, It of 1807-0- 8, Undertakers and Embalmera. orala arrangemcnta have been made dam was built In the winter Prompt A piece of 'flannel dampened with will be considerably.' broadened In standing until Septem- servlca day or night. for thy, affair und the various com- remained With New Me- Telephone, No. 78. Rea., 101. Chamberlain's Llntmen. and bound to scope as It becomes more adequately owing to large crev- mittee! hnve worked long and faith- ber 6, 1909, when Strong lllk,, Copper and Beuoni the affected parts la superior to any financed. Not only Is it planned ulti settling of dam. fully to make It a aiu'cess. Hand ices caused by the the plaster. When troubled with lame mately to nend out letters of this was unable to withstand the pres- some i r Ilea will be presented to the It rchandise in back or pains In side or chest kind-C- gome ,0.000 churches but later was de best dressed ladles ond gentlemen; to the sure of the heavy flood, and give It ft trial and you are certain to on a scneme win. be taken up rigor- stroyed. The Bluewutar Development la tha avast tnat rue eaoelt aol the most comically dressed persons und be more pleased with the ously to put lecturers on the Chautau rr.l yuiir moinlni bapar, to those appear In than company drove a tunnel through the Every Section lihuua tha POITAI. TEl.lCtlHaPtllal. who most original prompt relief which It affords. Sold qua circuits who will tell the great make-up- s. bluff a distance of about Ml., amn your nam aud adilr.aa Maskers will be required sandstone by all dealers. advantages of the new state for those rAi-r-- an4 lb. I'apar will ba d.llt.r.4 by a to lift 'their dominos at the door upon tUU reel, at a cosi ui noi u ,ir NuTli' MuMaw Tk lauae at who wunt to make their fortunes 000. The main canal is tne cnannei entering the hall nnd admission rights while' retrieving their health. As an are reserved by the management. It Of the Bluewater creek, the other Tha abuva reward will tie Mid advertising stunt for New Mexico this In use being built by Laces (ba na canals are and lor arraal and coaTlotlua ot aur-y- is some time since a masquerade ball UMBER COMPAN that lan Is one of the most Interesting and company. We have no oauiht at.alliif aoplaa of Ike has happened In Albuquerque and the the former Miirnlnc journal from Ike goaf promising yet proposed. figures as to the cost of surveying, vara uf ml... rlh.r. members of Unity lodge hope to show expects Embroideries JOUKNAL, , For the present, Mr. Tolbert we feel fOBUIHINa guests to- mannlmr. etc.. but confident al their a real good time to some 75,000 people through night. reach that it is not more than a half mil Laces and eiiibroklerlea form HOPES TO B E of the first BOO letters. the medium lion dollars. an Important, part for ; spring 4 I When names are secured such per-tso- open to conviction, but "we Stein -- Bloch When child is l.i rtangir wo- We are her a as are Interested will be "follow and summer , dresses. .Very LOCAL NEWS OF INTEREST man will llfu to protect It. are from Joplin." risk her ed up" and the bureau of Immigration W. O, persuasive prima mark No great act of heroism or life (Signed) Henry F. Brock.' or risk of will assist by sending the proper gen- collection Is necessary to protect a child from Chapman. E. II. Dewey, Executive of lacea. and embroi- One 'More. Pump JnstalJdd and or special NewMextco literature - Neilson. Fcn-eees- eral Committee. Secretary, J. F. deries. A visit croup, Cllve Chamlierlaln'a Cough 'A a to this section, I". i I '! i to guch persons . On the very low es- Clothes Washington. Feb. 13. Remedy all danger Is nvolded. n Lxpectea .lyipsi ot whether New Mexico and is water 'five per cent of replies to pneu- to buy or look, i an Fair Tuesday For sale by all dealers. timate of Tou are probably aware that and Wednesday: From Will Be letters, enough persons will be reach- cold, education In Itself, warmer In cast portion Wednesday,' . Indundation monia always, results from a ed to make it well worth the expense. you of a cold result- Arixnna Tues-da- v Irishman' love, Oeni today. but never heard and West T xns Fair Pumped Out Today, The movement promises to become a and Wednesday. ing In pneumonia when Chamber- Charlea MeConnell has assumed most Important auxiliary to the im- lain's Cough Remedy was used. Why Wash Goods for Spring and Summer management of the llittner restnurant migration bureau publicity campaign take the risk when this remedy may Dr. Sliartrach: Kya, Noee, pump rr. Throat corner of Fourth and Central, and will Another flvn Inch electric and will aim to bring to New Mexico be had for a trifle? For sale by all That as Installed Are serve the best 26 cent meal In town, on the flooded grounds a splendid class of cltlienshlp which dealers, I CI. Tucker, of Ijis Cruces, was the American Lumber company only strengthen the churches are here. Gray is the pre- also short orders. will not .. , Fascinating nrnotin the arrlvala yesterday, plant yesterday and officials of the but will build up towns and develop WANTED. company Mrs. J, It. Mayo has returned from China and sliver matinee. Clem. said ..yesterday that they resources. The eminently practical Saleslady and bookkeeper; must be In Uds section yon will flud dominating color. It will a nmnllf, stay In 1 Anxeles. hoped to have practically all the flood part of the plan Is the aim to reach competent. Singei Sewing aiacnine pond out but who beautiful fubrlcs that are the There will be u reunlnr meeting of ATTENTION BOY from the broken log pumped persons who need the climate Co., 21SVi S. Second. SCOUTS soma time today. bo factory able to , perfection of manufac- the Order of Ow tonight nt II o'clock. The are financially and physically r textile was left high and comparatively dry advantage the climate and the Liquor Co., (corner tla-- pay you to sec Y. A. ttlrd. elvll engineer of take of Consolidated ture; will arouse your them. Scout nlll rcHirt at Armory Hall esterday aud the energies of the great opportunities of .New ar- Vegua, la in the city for a short stay, business First and Copper) have made keenest appreciation and will ibis afternoon at 4 and turn over rash company were devoted chiefly to get- - Mexico at t,he same time. rangements with the city council and Attorney F.ll.tworth Ingalls re- McUcIh warrant all your hiu front sale of to the wvretary. ng the water out of the sash and The plan has excited great Interest chairman of the republican central enthusiasm. turned from a huslness trip to Fl JOHN IlOltlt ADAII.F, Director. oor factory where the Job is the most among all classes of boosters and supply their family Many of llicnt are exclusive SUITS I'iiho. committee to $18 to $35 Ifricult and where the damage will there Is no doubt that It will he ac- trade as usual. Goods 1n any quan- with us. W. Sllver-chtn- a today. 1. Tvreli. minim: man or Uland. souvenirs kely be greatest. General Manager tively taken up bv other churches. tity delivered free. Phone 138. anhed yeNterdny for a week's stay Wnde said yesterday that It was Im- - In the city. nihle to form yet any estimate of 5 n.-- P. Twin Cylinder Indian Mo Silk Cotton K. II. Itiinhworth of the government he damage, done by the break in the and MAIL ORDERS evee. historToTdI torcycle; A- -l condition; only run service In San Mateo, Is In th,. city for at bad a brief slay. a short time; can be at a bar Mixtures How tn cure a cold Is a question In gain. 1403 South Broadway. Attorney Hurg re- PROMPTLY FILLED John Itarou has which many now. Many new materials, color- turned from a are Interested Just brief business visit to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has BLUEIVATEH The best saddle horses to be had ings and designs are shown this IPiinth ISend, lnd. In city W. L. Trimble's, 111 won Its great reputation and Im- the are at season for the first time. We There will be u regular meeting or TODAY ONLY mense sale by cure North Becond street; phona 8. . Its remarkable have on display complete as- Triple Link FSebecca Lodge No, 10. of cold. H can always be depended a Tuesday evening. February Hth. All RAM-'- . upon. If ytta need a carpenter, telephone sortment and they have already iltUK.T ItKMOVAL For sale by all dealers. pnone E. L. WASHBURN visitors are invited. That Half. Million Uesswiden: an. created a flurry of Interest. CO. C I, r. A It A NO'. SAM'. Of Statement There will be a regular business Get a bear steak or roast at Tay your poll tax now. Now Is the time to select when Albuquerque, N. M. or . . i: vr ;oors, Was Expended Considered meeting the W. C, T, V. this after- m:nv to the Hue lit new and complete. noon nt the Mrs. K. Farr's Meat Market today. Resi- - residence of i Too High Estimate by Eight handsome prises. Big prize 3So aoc a yard. Vaughn, on South Arno St. Priced from to Fashion Cafe - masquerade, coiomuo nan Tom K. llurke. of the F.ureka Hose WANTKII. dents of Valley, Nurse maid. Apply 708 Copper Manufacturing company, of Chicago, 312 Soulli Second Siiwt The Poll Tax for 1911 is now wm In tlie city a short tlmo yesterday avenue. the miekt of P. F. Mr. In a recent account of action taken Mcfanna. ST. VALENTINE'S due and payable at Central llurKe Is well known to many local TEA. by the residents of the Bluewater val- FERGUSON TTio ladles' Aid society or the lead building Knlghti or Columbus, having been one ley seeking to recover the us of School up stairs. Grace s Avenue McthodlM church will give of the principal degree offii-er- at the Valentine tea, home rooking sale water rights held by the B!jewater Hermann, Clerk, Board of Edu- llnie Albuquerque limit-lute- d and eaeaAND.e.e Council Mas Development company. It was roughly eight year ego. lit the wrlors this afternoon rroin S:UU to 3:30, Delicious refresh, stated that something like half a mil- cation. incuts will be served. All friends are lion dollars hud been spent on the Invited. , dam and other parte of the Irrigation system. That this .estimate was C0LLISTER Aztec Fuel Company The last bear meat of season much too high Is stated by the com- FOR RENT mittee clt-Ise- HAS representing the Bluewater Two front store rooms In Com. at Farr's Meat Market today. In the following letter received ALBUQUERQUE'S DRY FOR SALE by Morning men ial Club building March 1. GOOD i. the Journal: CLEAN GALLUP EGG COAL, PER TON - $6.50 - Inqalre of Secretary. GOODS Try Bluewater. N. M., Feb. 11, 1811. SHOP. 1'IIOXK sat .., ., HltsT AM) t.KAMTi: a Journal Want Ad, Results Editor Albuquerque Morning Journal: