Otnngrtssi-Nnal Jrrnrd

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Otnngrtssi-Nnal Jrrnrd . , .otnngrtssi-nnal Jrrnrd. PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE SIXTY -SEVENTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION. SENATE. Iozca.-A.liJert R. ··mnmin.· and William S. Kenyon. 1-lan. as.-Charles Curtis and Arthur Capper. ~Io~DA.Y, December 5, 19~1. lteutucky.-A. nwsley Stanley and Richard P. Ernst. Louisiana.-Joseph E. Ran ·dell and· Edwin S. Broussard. The fir. t Monuay in December being the day prescribeu l)y the Maine.-Bert ~1. Fernald and Frederick Hale. Constitution of the United States for the annual meeting of Con- .Jfaryland.-Jo~eph I. l•'rance and OYington E. Weller. gress, the second ession of the Sixty- eventh Congress com- Jlassaehusetts.-Henry Cabot Lotlge and David L \Valsh. menced this day. Michiga11.-Charles E. Townsend and Truman H. XewiJerry. 'l'he Senate as.-embled in its Chamber at the Capitol. Jlinnesota.-Knute Nelson and Frank B. Kellogg. Tile VIUB PUESIDENT (CAL\IX CooLIDGE, of Massachusetts) M-ississippi.-John Sharp Wnliams and Pat Harrison. called the Sem1te to order ut 12 o'clo<.:k noon. Missmwi.-James A. Reed and Selden P. Spencer. J>RAYER. !llontana.-Henry L. :Myers anu 'l'homas J. w·alsh. The Chaplain. Rev . .T . •J. ::\fuir, D. D., offeretl the following .Yebmska.-Gilbert l\f. Hitchcock and George W. :\'orris. prayer: Nerad.a.-Key Pittman and Tasker L. Oddie. l\-ew Ha.mp.'511'ire.-George H. l\Ioses au<l Henry W. Keye:'. Our gra<::iuu~ Father, we bless 'l'hee for the care Thou llUst Neu: .Jersey.-Joseph s. Frelinghuysen and Walter E. ELlge. lla<l over us, for all the merc~es realized and for the good prom- Xe1c Mexico.-Andrieus A. Jones and Holm 0. Bursuru. i ·eu. ",.e humbly beseech Thee this rnoming, as the duties of a Xcw J'ork.-Jame · \V. Wadsworth, jr., and \Villiam M. Unlder. regular session are pre~<sing , Jhat great '-visdom and large under- North Ca1·oH1w.-F. M. Simmons and LeeS. 0Yerman. ~=;tan<liug of llie problems may be had, und by the guidance of North Daiwta.-Porter J. McCumber and Edwin F. Ladd. 'l'bine own overruling direction tllat the best results for the Ohio.-Atlee Pomerene and Frank B. Willis. countl'y and the world shall be realized. We humbly ask, in the Oklulwma.-Robert L. Owen and J. W. Harreld. twme of Jesus Christ our Lord., Amen. Oregon.-Cllarles L. McNary and Robert N. Stanfielll. CALI, oF THJ.; noLL. Pennsylvan<fa.-Boies Penrose and William E. Crow. ~Ir. LODGE. :\Ir. President. I make the pni.n.t.Jlf..no $10l'Um-.-··-- __ ~llodeJslan~.-LeBn_ron B. Col~ and Peter G. <?errr. Tl1 VICE PRESIDEN'l,1 '.fh s . ta.1 ·· .·1·a· .. tl• i'll' -- ··u ·. ,.· :''·o ·uth Carolllla.-Elhson D. Smtth and Nathumel B. D1al. ~ • • _e • eel~ .Y ;' . _cw • · · e ro ' • outh Dalcota.-Thomas Sterling and Peter Norbeck. that 1t may be ascertamed that a .conshtuti?nal number .of. .Sen- Tennessee.-.Jolm K. Shields and Kenneth ~IcKellar. ators are p:esent for the tra!1sactwn of busmes.·. _. Te.ras.-Charles A. Culberson and Morris Sheppard. The .readmg clerk (John C. Crot~ett) cuBed the I'o-ll, _and the Utalt.-Reed Smoot and William H. King. followmg Senators answered to their uarues :_ Vermont.-\Yiiliam P. Dillingham and Carrolls. Page. t!~~st ~!i~~~r ~~~~:tber !~~ffi~fe ~!~~:::!~;~la~~ste~ sr:a;o~:S ~~dd ~~:~r:OY~1~xter. Broussard Frelinghny en McKinley Smoot Trest Virginia.-Howard Sutherland and Da-ris Elkins. Bursum Gerry McLean Spencer TVi-sconsin.-Robert l\1. La Follette and Irvine L. Lenroot. 8:~teir fi~~~s ~~~~;ry ~~~~~and 1ryoming.-Francis E. Wanen and John B. Kendrick. Car;lwav Harris Myers Rwanson Crow · Harrison ~elson Townsend NOTIFICATION TO THE HOUSE: CuliJer' on lleflin !\'icholson 'l'rammell Mr. LODGE )::llhmitted the following resolution ( S. He~. 179), Cummins Hitchcock ~or!Jeck Wadsworth Curtis .Jones, Wa!"h. Overman Walsh, ;\lont. which was read by tlle _<U;sistant Secretary (Henry nl. Rose), Djal Kellogg l'age Warren consi<lered by unanimous consent, and agreeu to: Dillingham Kendrick Penrose Watson, Ga. Resolved, That the Hecretary inform t.he Ilouse of Rrpres<'ntaiivcs. duPont Keyes Phipps Watson, Ind. that a quorum of t.be Senate is a sembled, and that the , 'enate is reatly Edge King Poindexter Weller to proceed to bu:::iness. E!kil1s Ladd Reed Willis Eru ·t La Follette Robinson ~O'l'lFICATION TO THE PR~SIDE ' T. )fr. 'URTIS. I was requested to announce the absence of Mr. LODGE submitted the following resolution ( S. Re:-:. 180). the Senator from Oklahoma [!llr. HARRELD]. on account of ill­ which was read, considered by unanimous consent, ·and agreed nes.. I wi h this announcement to stand for the day. to: :\Ir. HEFLIN. I wish to state that my colleague [l\1r. t :'\DER­ R eso l,;ed, That a committee consisting of two Senators'" be appuinteti, wooD] is absent by reason of the death of his mother. to join such committee as may be appointed by the House of Rrprc­ sentatives, to walt upon the President of the United States and inform ::\Ir. DIAL. I desire to announce that my colleague [1\Ir. him that a quorum of each House is assembled, and that Congress is '!IHTH] is unavoidably detained. ready to receive any communication be may be pleased to make. l\Ir. GERRY. I wish to annotmce that the Senator from Ohio The VICE PRESIDENT aPt1ointe<l as the committ('e :\Jr. [11·Ir. PoMERENE] and the SeJ,)ator from New Mexico [Mr. JoNEs] LODGE and Mr. HITCHCOCK. are a.b::;ent on official business. HOL"'R OF D.llLY MEETI~G. The VICE PRESIDE~T. Seventy-one Senators haYing an­ s"·ered to tlleir nameR, a quorum is present. Mr. LODGE submitted the following resolution (S. Re ~ . 181). which was read, considered by unanimous consent, mHl agreed LIS'£ OF SENATORS. to: Tlle list of Seuators by States is as follows: Resol~:ed, That the hour of daily meeting o! th~ Senate !Jc 1:! o\:lock A.labama.-Oscar W. Underwood and J. Thomas Heflin. meridian until otherwise ordered. A.rizona.-Henry. F. Ashurst and Ralph H. Cameron. , ADJLTSTMENT OF FOREIGN LOANS. Arkansas.-Jo ·eph T. ltobinson anu Thaddeus H. Caraway. Mr. LODGE. :i\Ir. President-- CaU{o·rnia.-Hiram W. Johnson anu Samuel·M. Shortridge. Mr. PENROSE. \Vill the Senator yield to tue for a mo­ Oolorado.-Lawrence C. Phipps and Samuel D. Nicholson. ment? Connecticut.-Frank B. Brandegee and George P. McLean. -Mr. LODGE. Certainly. - Delau.:are.-L. Heisler Ball and T. Coleman du Pont. l\Ir. PE~"'ROSE. I uesire io state that after to-morrow and F'loricla.-Duncan U. Fletcher and Park Trammell. the message of the President hns been heai·d I shall hope to (Jcorgia.-William J. Harris and Tbomus E. Watson. succeed in having the bill relating to the so-called funding of Idalw.-\Villiam E. Borah and Frank R. Gooding. the foreign debt made the unfinished business of the Senate. lllinois.-Medill :McCormick and William B. McKinley. The Committee on Finance will meet to-morrow morning and India11a.-James 11~. w ·n tson and· Harry S. New. consider House bill 8762 upon that subject, whi<.'ll is before the 3 · ....,jj ,. 4 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. DECEJ.\IIBER 5, committee, having passed the House; and it will be reported pared with the total actual expenditures for 1921, of $2,032,- to-morrow to the Senate and offered at the proper time in con­ 285,962.30. It will also be noted that the total estimated re­ nection with Senate bill 2135, already on the calendar. ceipts for 1922 are in approximate balance with the total esti­ RECESS. mated expenditures, including reduction in the principal of the public debt, an,d that the total estimated receipts for 1923 are l\Ir. LODGE. In order to give an opportunity for the com­ within approximately $150,000,000 of a balance with the total mittee of the two Houses to notify the President that Congress estimated expenditures of that year. Such a discrepancy is un­ has assembled and is ready to receive a communication from avoidable, when authorizations of expenditure are being enacted him, I move that the Senate take a recess until 3 o'clock. during the process of budget closing, but ways are pro\ided for The motion was agreed to; and (at 12 o'clock and 10 minutes relati,ely easy adjustment, without added taxation. p. m.) the Senate took a recess until 3 o'clock p. m., at which For the purpose of providing a portion of the funds neces­ hour it reassembled. sary to balance_the budget for 1923, in which the estimated ex­ NOTIFICATION TO THE PRESIDENT. penditures exceed the estimated receipts by the sum of approxi­ l\lr. LODGE and Mr. HITCHCOCK appeared, and mately $150,000,000, I recommend the following legislation in Mr. LODGE said: connection with the naval appropriation bill for 1923, which Mr. President, the com'mittee appointed by the Senate have would result in the eventual automatic release of $100,000,000 the honor to report that in conjunction with the committee now held in the naval supply account of the Navy Department: appointed by the Bouse they have seen the President of the "Hereafter, until the naval supply account shall have been United States and that in reply to their announcement that the reduced to a maximum sum of $150,000,000, which shall not Congress is organized and ready for business, he informed them therc.after be exceeded, one-half of all reimbursements other­ that he will communicate with the Congress to-morrow, that he wise due to the naval supply account, whether from current will come to the House of Representatives at half past 12 and issues or from sales, shall be covered into the Treasury as mis­ there deliver his message.
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