

SENATE. Iozca.-A.liJert R. ··mnmin.· and William S. Kenyon. 1-lan. as.- and Arthur Capper. ~Io~DA.Y, December 5, 19~1. lteutucky.-A. nwsley Stanley and Richard P. Ernst. Louisiana.-Joseph E. Ran ·dell and· Edwin S. Broussard. The fir. t Monuay in December being the day prescribeu l)y the Maine.-Bert ~1. Fernald and Frederick Hale. Constitution of the for the annual meeting of Con- .Jfaryland.-Jo~eph I. l•'rance and OYington E. Weller. gress, the second ession of the Sixty- eventh Congress com- Jlassaehusetts.-Henry Cabot Lotlge and David L \Valsh. menced this day. Michiga11.-Charles E. Townsend and Truman H. XewiJerry. 'l'he Senate as.-embled in its Chamber at the Capitol. Jlinnesota.-Knute Nelson and Frank B. Kellogg. Tile VIUB PUESIDENT (CAL\IX CooLIDGE, of Massachusetts) M-ississippi.-John Sharp Wnliams and . called the Sem1te to order ut 12 o'clo<.:k noon. Missmwi.-James A. Reed and Selden P. Spencer. J>RAYER. !llontana.-Henry L. :Myers anu 'l'homas J. w·alsh. The Chaplain. Rev . .T . •J. ::\fuir, D. D., offeretl the following .Yebmska.-Gilbert l\f. Hitchcock and George W. :\'orris. prayer: Nerad.a.-Key Pittman and Tasker L. Oddie. l\-ew Ha.mp.'511'ire.-George H. l\Ioses au

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committee, having passed the House; and it will be reported pared with the total actual expenditures for 1921, of $2,032,- to-morrow to the Senate and offered at the proper time in con­ 285,962.30. It will also be noted that the total estimated re­ nection with Senate bill 2135, already on the calendar. ceipts for 1922 are in approximate balance with the total esti­ RECESS. mated expenditures, including reduction in the principal of the public debt, an,d that the total estimated receipts for 1923 are l\Ir. LODGE. In order to give an opportunity for the com­ within approximately $150,000,000 of a balance with the total mittee of the two Houses to notify the President that Congress estimated expenditures of that year. Such a discrepancy is un­ has assembled and is ready to receive a communication from avoidable, when authorizations of expenditure are being enacted him, I move that the Senate take a recess until 3 o'clock. during the process of budget closing, but ways are pro\ided for The motion was agreed to; and (at 12 o'clock and 10 minutes relati,ely easy adjustment, without added taxation. p. m.) the Senate took a recess until 3 o'clock p. m., at which For the purpose of providing a portion of the funds neces­ hour it reassembled. sary to balance_the budget for 1923, in which the estimated ex­ NOTIFICATION TO THE PRESIDENT. penditures exceed the estimated receipts by the sum of approxi­ l\lr. LODGE and Mr. HITCHCOCK appeared, and mately $150,000,000, I recommend the following legislation in Mr. LODGE said: connection with the naval appropriation bill for 1923, which Mr. President, the com'mittee appointed by the Senate have would result in the eventual automatic release of $100,000,000 the honor to report that in conjunction with the committee now held in the naval supply account of the Navy Department: appointed by the Bouse they have seen the President of the "Hereafter, until the naval supply account shall have been United States and that in reply to their announcement that the reduced to a maximum sum of $150,000,000, which shall not Congress is organized and ready for business, he informed them therc.after be exceeded, one-half of all reimbursements other­ that he will communicate with the Congress to-morrow, that he wise due to the naval supply account, whether from current will come to the House of Representatives at half past 12 and issues or from sales, shall be covered into the Treasury as mis­ there deliver his message. cellaneous receipts, and only one-half shall be credited to the naval supply account." MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. With continued pressure for economy in all departments and 1\Ir. Ove1·hue, the enrolling clerk of the House of Repre­ the passage of such legislation, the balancing of total receipts sentatives, appeared and delivered the following message: and tok'll expenditures for the fiscal years 1922 and 1923 should l\ir. President, I am direcred by the House of Representatives be accomplished. to inform the Senate that a quorum of the House of Represent­ I also transmit herewith the report of the Director of the atives has assembled and that the House is ready for busi­ Bureau of the Budget on the budget of the United States and ness. the operations of the Bureau of t~ Budget. Also, that a committee of three were appointed by the Speaker The details of the budget are shown in the accompanying state­ on the part of the House of Representatives to join with the ments. and may be briefly summarized as follows : committee on the part of the Senate to wait on the President BUDGET S'C'MMARY. of the United States and to notify him that a quorum of the Ez:clusi1:e of postal 1·ev.enues ana postal ewpendit1u·es paid from postal two Houses has assembled and that Congress is ready to 'receive revetwes. any communication that he may be pleased to make, and that Mr. 1\IoNDELL, Mr. MADDE "",and Mr. GARRETT of Tennesssee were 1923, cstimated.j 192:!, estimated. 1921, actual. appointed as the committee on the part of the House. Further, that the House has agreed to a concurrent resolu­ Total receipts...... $3, 338, 182, 750 $3, 943, 453, 663 S5, 624, 932, 900.91 tion (H. Con. Res. 32) authorizing the two Houses of Congress Total expenditures. includmg to a ·semble in the Hall of the House of RepTesentatives on reduction in principal of pub- I Tuesday, the 6th day of December, 1921, at 12 o'clock and 30 lie debt ...... _.... _...... _ 3, 505, 754, 7'17 3, 967,922,366 5, 538, 040, 689. 30 minutes in the afternoon for the purpose of 1·eceiving such Excess of expenditures. __ • ___ ... 167, 571,977 21,468, 703 1.. ···--·-········· communication as the President of the United States shall be Excess of receipts ...... ·--·--·· ·-·· --- ...... -.-... 86,892,271.61 plea ed to make to them, in which it requests the concur.rence of the Senate. \V .ARREN G. HARDING. [Several messages in writing from the President of the United THE WHITE HousE, December 5, 1921. State were transmitted to the Senate by Mr. Latta, one of his • THE ALTERNATIVE BUDGET. secretaries.] The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following JOINT MEETING OF THE TWO HOUSES. message from the President of the United States, which was The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following read and ordered to be printed, and, with the accompanying .concurrent resolution of the House of Representatives (H. Con. papers, referred to the Committee on Appropriations: Re . 32), which was read: To the Cong1·ess ot the United States: R esolved by the House of ReP1·esentatwes (the .Senate concurring), That the two Houses of Congress assemble in the Hall of the House I submit herewith the alternative budget for the service of of Representatives on Tuesday, the 6th day of December, 1921, at the fiscal year ending June 30, 1923, as required by section ~05 12.30 o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of receiving such com­ of the budget and accounting act. 1921. munications as the President of the United States shall be please