SENATE November 17 Made an Officer and Was Given Men to the Chief Clerk Called the Roll, and Command
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16078 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE November 17 made an officer and was given men to The Chief Clerk called the roll, and command. We did not ask for quarter, SENATE the following Senators answered to nor did we give much. At that time, their names: WEDNESDAY, NovEMBER 17,1954 if we violated a rule, if we violated a Abel Fulbright Malone military concept, there was prompt re .. Anderson George Mansfield tribution. There was no time to do <Legislative day of Wednesday, Novem Barrett Gillette Martin ber 10, 1954) Bennett Goldwater McClellan anything about it. Those were the days Bridges Green Monroney when a sergeant came up from the ranks Brown Hayden Mundt The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m., on Burke because he ought to be a sergeant, be the expiration of the recess. Hendrickson Murray · cause men respected him for his power Bush Hennings Neely The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown Byrd Hickenlooper Pastore or understanding of personality, not be Capehart Hill Payne cause he had passed an examination Harris, D. D., offered the following Carlson Holland Potter prayer: Case Hruska Purtell somewhere. Chavez Humphrey Robertson The report of the select committee 0 Thou Father of our spirits who Clements Ives Russell cites testimony that General Zwicker hearest prayer, to whom all flesh shall Cooper Jackson Saltonstall come, breathe upon our agitated hearts, Cotton · Jenner Schoeppel used the expression "You s. o. b." with Crippa Johnson, Colo. Smith, Maine reference to Senator McCARTHY-and I we beseech Thee, the benediction of Thy Daniel, S. C. Johnson, Tex. Smith, N. J. do not think, Mr. President, from the holy calm. Lift the burdens of drab Daniel, Tex. Johnston, S. C. Sparkman duties and change stern statutes into Dirksen Kefauver Stennis context, that he meant Senate Office Douglas Kilgore Symington Building. glad songs. Soothe the anxieties of our Duff Knowland Thye There is other evidence in the report batHed spirits, so that with the shield Dworshak Kuchel Watkins of Thy peace and the sword of Thy truth Eastland Langer Welker that General Zwicker was "antagonistic" Ellender Lehman Wiley to the junior Senator from Wisconsin . we may face whatever tests this day may Ervin Lennon Williams long in advance of the hearings to bring, free and fearless. Kindle on the Ferguson Long Young which he was called. The select com altar of our hearts a flame of devotion Flanders Magnuson mittee does not, however, find this to freedom's cause in all the world that Mr. SALTONSTALL. I announce "reprehensible." Its only criticism is shall consume in its white heat every that the Senator from Vermont [Mr. against Senator McCARTHY. grosser passion. And may our democ AIKEN] is absent on official business. On the basis of the select committee's racy, confessing its failures and purged The Senator from Ohio [Mr. BRICKER] own findings, there is no constitutional of its failings, be more and more an in is absent by leave of the Senate. warrant whatsoever for censure of the spiring and emancipating power for The junior Senator from Maryland junior Senator from Wisconsin, who worid security and stability amid . the [Mr. BEALL], the senior Senator from has violated no law or rule of the Senate, crucial conflict now raging in its mad Maryland [Mr. BuTLER], the Senator and who certainly has not been guilty fury around the world. We ask it in the from Oregon [Mr. CORDON], the Senator or charged with being guilty of dis name of the Prince of Peace. Amen. from Colorado [Mr. MILLIKIN], and the orderly behavior. junior Senator from Wisconsin [Mr. Mc MOVE TO TABLE CARTHY] are necessarily absent. Mr. President, if an· agreement can ·THE JOURNAL Mr. CLEMENTS. I announce that be had with the majority leader that the On request of Mr. THYE, and by unan .. the Senator from Delaware [Mr. FREAR] Senate might meet on Saturday morn.. imous consent, the reading of the Jour .. is absent on official business. ing next, at that time, whenever the nal of the proceedings of Tuesday, No The Senator from Oklahoma [Mr. senior Senator from Nevada can obtain vember 16, 1954, was dispensed with. KERR] is necessarily absent. the floor, he will move to table Senate The Senator from Tennessee [Mr. Resolution 301. If it is not possible to GoRE] and the Senator from Florida [Mr. reach an agreement to have the Senate SMATHERS] are absent by leave of the ALEXANDER HAMILTON BICENTEN Senate on official business. meet on Saturday morning, then at any NIAL COMMISSION time on Friday when the senior Senator The Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. from Nevada can obtain the floor, he The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair KENNEDY] is absent by leave of the Sen will move to table Senate Resolution 301. appoints the Senator from New York ate because of illness. [Mr. IVES], the Senator from South Da .. The Senator from Oregon [Mr. MoRSE] kota [Mr. MuNDT], the Senator from is necessarily absent. RECESS TO 11 A.M. TOMORROW Virginia [Mr. BYRD], and the Senator The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. CoT Mr. KNOWLAND. Mr. President, from Missouri [Mr. HENNINGS] as mem .. TON in the chair) . A quorum is present. pursuant to the prior announcement, I bers on the part of the Senate of the Routine business is now in order. now move that the Senate stand in recess Alexander Hamilton Bicentennial Com until 11 o'clock tomorrow morning. mission, created by Public Law 601 of The motion was agreed to; and <at 5 the 83d Congress, approved August 20, COMMUNIST DOCTRINE OF WORLD o'clock and 54 minutes p. m.) the Senate 1954. REVOLUTION took a recess anti! tomorrow, Wednesday, Mr. WILEY. Mr. President, for the November 17, 1954, at 11 o'clock a. m. ORDER FOR TRANSACTION OF past 8 years a major portion of our leg .. ROUTINE BUSINESS islative endeavors have been focused Mr. THYE. Mr. President, I ask upon meeting the single, all-embracing NOMINATIONS unanimous consent that immediately challenge of world communism and Executive nominations received by the following the quorum call there may be world revolution. In these august cham.. Senate November 16 (legislative day of the customary morning hour for the bers and throughout the breadth and November 10), 1954: transaction of routine business, under width of our free world, we have heard UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGES the usual 2-minute limitation on debates concerning the true nature and Edward J. Devitt, of Minnesota, to be speeches. extent of the Communist global menace. United States district judge for the district The VICE PRESIDENT. Without We have heard arguments concerning of Minnesota, vice Matthew M. Joyce, retired. objection, it is so ·ordered. the meaning of Leninism, of Stalinism, William E. Miller, of Tennessee, to be of Malenkov-Marxism-arguments con.. United States district judge for the middle cerning the meaning of such funda .. district of Tennessee, to fill a new position. CALL OF THE ROLL mental terms as "peace," "coexistence," IN THE NAVY "'imperialism," ''Marxian-socialism,'' Rear Adm. Frederic S. Withington, United Mr. THYE. Mr. President, I suggest and, finally, "world revolution.'' States Navy, to be Chief of the Bureau of the absence of a quorum. The actual meaning of these funda .. Ordnance in the Department of the Navy for The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secre.. mental concepts, as employed by the a term of 4 years. tary will call the roll. West and _as employed by the forces of ) ..... :.; -... 1954 CONGRESSIONAL-RECORD- SENATE 16079 . -world ·communism, are· as different as work being done by those splendid serv limlted to any shigle house of prayer or ·any the respective philosophies of a totali ice schools and am proud of the type of single denomination. Almost from the start, tarian and of a free society. Based on training they give our future military he was to be called upon to work for a still greater cause and a still more numerous our understanding of these principles of leaders. Consequently, I regretted to community. world communism and world revolution, hear Edward R. Murrow criticize those Year by year his opportunities grew and his we have endeavored to formulate our service schools in his broadcast last night capacity for meeting them increased. Espe policies. The preservation of our Amer because of their refusal to let the cadets cially when he was named Chaplain of the ican heritage, no less than the very sur and midshipmen argue in intercollegiate Senate in 1942, his activities assumed a uni;. Vival of our entire free world, depends debate the admission of Red China to the versal importance. He moved into new fields upon the correctness of our understand United Nations. also when he began to contribute his Spires of the Spirit column to the Sunday Star in ing. We cannot afford to err in our Mr. Murrow knows, of course, that the 1947. His books of essays and poems coin analysis of world communism and world hands of Red China, a deliberate aggres cidentally have added to the reach of his revolution. sor in Korea, are dripping with the· blood mind, his heart, and his hands. Therefore, in my capacity as chairman of American boys and for that reason What the future holds for Dr. Harris should of the Senate Foreign Relations Com Henry Cabot Lodge, the appointee and be a reasonable facsimile of what the past mittee, I have been preparing, in coop spokesman in the United Nations of the has held. His friends, Joining to thank him eration with numerous experts to whom President, has consistently opposed the for the services already rendered, ·wish for him a long and fruitful continuance of the I shall refer, a detailed outline, based admission of Red China.