''M B T ’PBliiM BUN DATLT CIRCULATION THE WEATHER. ~OF THE EVENING HTERAT.H tor the month of July, 1926. Unsettled tonight; Thursday partly cloudy and slighGy cooler. 4,872


Black Steals Detective’s Re­ Country Wants to Know How 14 YEAR OLD BOY ( Kn Klox Candidate in Ne­ TO BE A MILLIONAIRE.' CathoGc Indians Fight for volver and Kills Him in Long He W3 Be Head of New York, Aug. 11.— Milton braska Ahead in Prima- L. Kraus, 14-year-old high Possession of Churches; KIDDIE CAMPAIGN school- sophomore, expects soon ^ ries— Results of Voting in Police Station— Escapes Prohibition Service; Other to be a multi-millionaire. Word to that effect has been received Expect Farther Bloodshed MEETS WITH FAVOR Bnt Recaptured. from attorneys in San Francisco Varions States. Questions. who are now able to prove the as Trouble Grows. claim to the fortune of Milton’s greatTuncle, Leopold Weisberger, New York, Aug. 11.— Detective Washington, Aug. 11.— ^Vital na­ who died 38 years ago in Aus­ Columbus, Ohio, Aug. 11.— The Mexico City, Aug. 11.— Almost Win End Week from Today; John Singer was shot and killed in tional prohibition problems await tralia, leaving no children. drys put over two big winners In 100 persons were killed in fighting police headquarters here early to­ the attention of General Lincoln C. Ohio’s primary, returns from al­ for possession of churches in the most half of the state’s 8,649 pre­ Another Word Picture of day and Gene Pearce, Negro,, his Andrews, dry chief, who is schedul­ states of Michoacan, Jalisco and cincts showed today. slayer was captured three hours ed to land today from abroad, Gadalajara, in connection with the Myers Cooper of Cincinnati, pres­ later. GERMANY SULLEN; Needy Youngster. where he negotiated a new anti- dispute between the Catholic ident of the Ohio Council of Pearce, a giant Negro was arrest­ smuggling agreement with the Brit­ church and the government of Churches, won the Republican ed by Singer on a charge of auto­ ish government. “ I love this place because I can mobile theft. Singer took him to AGAINST REPUBLIC Mexico, delayed reports indicated nomination for governor. sleep nights,” was the astonishing Of chief Interest Is a decision by today. Senator Frank B. Willis walked police headquarters and was mak­ off with the Republican nomination statement made by a youngster at ing an entry in a record hook when Andrews as to how long he will re­ Forty Catholics, including sever­ for United States Senator. the KIwanians’ Hebron camp recent­ the captive snatched the detective’s main at the head of the prohibition al priests, were killed in Zaguayon Pomerene Wins. ly. revolver from its holster and emp­ service- That Seems to Be Sentiment Michocan, alone, according to Leo- In the Democratic senatorial "Can’t you sleep nights at tied it into the body of his captor. Andrews submitted his resigna­ poldo Ruiz Gizernos, archbishop of race, ex-Senator Atlee Pomerene, home?” he was asked. Then he escaped. tion to Secretary of the Treasury Michoacan, who arrived in the capi­ an acknowledged wet, defeated “ Not very good with five of my Beaten Unconscious. Mellon the day before he left for Today on Anniversary; tal this morning with a tale of har­ Judge Florence Allen, a dry and an brothers in the bed with me.” Hundreds of policemen searched England, but was prevailed upon to rowing experiences. exponent of the World Court. The boy was telling an untruth, the city for the Negro. Pearce Everybody around Plymouth, "Vt., knows Aunt Sarah Pollard, and Presi­ let the matter rest until after his Seventeen of this number the was located by Patrolman John European junket. But Does Not Want Kaiser archbishop said, were cold blooded Pomerene’s victory forecast a bit- you say. Not at all. It was even dent Coolidge wouldn’t think of going home without calling on her. White and after a desperate fight Political Pressure executions perpetrated by the sol­ worse than that. It was a single Left to right, the President, Aunt Sarah, Mrs. Coolidge, Mrs. Fred Poll­ bed and the boys were lying in It as was subdued by other policemen Friends of Andrews said that diers after victory had been con­ one piles cordwood and the bed was armed with night sticks. The Ne­ ard; back row, Frank and Park Pollard, Aunt Sarah’s sons. strong political pressure would be Berlin, Aug. 11.— Part of the ceded. in a basement. gro was unconscious vi^en taken to exerted on the general to keep him German nation— numerically inde­ Indians Excited. Do you think that boy needed a the police headquarters. at the helm of the dry machine at terminable but indicated by the rfe- The Indians throughout Michoa- Singer is the third New York po­ least until after the fall elections. c ^ were in a highly inflamatory vacation and a bed by himself if cent plebiscite result— Is today only for two weeks? lice officer to be slain by crimin­ How Andrews will react to political state and the archbishop said that Will ^Tiger* Save France? celebrating the seventh anniversary Many Such Cases. als in the past three days and the influence, a factor that h^ unsuc­ further blood was almost inevi­ These pictures could be multi­ sixth victim of the year. He had cessfully sought to eliminate from of the signing of the republican table. He said he was forced to flee because the authorities tried to ar­ plied. They are only given to give been on the force since 1908 and prohibition enforcement, is proble­ constitution. The other part of the rest him, notwithstanding the fact one an idea of what really is hap­ was considered one of the most effi­ His ^^Claws^^ Still Sharp matical. Whether he will agree to nation stands by sullenly, blaming cient detectives. remain on the Job for political pur­ that he had done his utmost to I- i pening In Manchester rright now. all the ills of the present day and calm the Catholics. Help the Youngsters. First in Hlstorj*. poses is another interesting ques­ The slaying is the first to take tion. all changes from the glory of the American officials have just re­ It is to help these youngsters By .MILTON BRONNER, ^ roar. In an open letter to President ceived confirmation of the report whose parents are really unable to place in police headquarters, ac­ Other Activities empire on the republicans. cording to police annals. Coolidge he scathed the debt nego­ Other activities on the program that between fifty and sixty have help them because of circumstances Paris, Aug. 11.— The Tiger of tiations and excoriated America’s Germany Divided been killed in the struggle for the that a campaign is now on to raise Louis Kuku, owner of the auto­ awaiting Andrews are the follow­ It Is necessary for the sake of France has unsheathed his claws post-war attitude. ing: possession of the three churches of at least $1,000 to make the Hebron mobile Pearce is alleged to have proper understanding of the Ger­ Guadalajara. again. So all of Fraiice, his enemies 1. Confer with the Comptroller camp a permanent one. The cam­ stolen, was a witness to the shoot­ man nation to point out that those The situation in Jalisco is repre­ and his friends, is wondering; what General J. R. McCarl to explain Atlee Pomerene Senator Willis paign will end a week from today. ing. Old “ Father Victory” is on the next? What has the old Tiger got who are not joining in the celebra­ sented as grave although actual The Kiwanians have pledged Singer, his coat off, stood at a warpath once more. up his sleeve? large payments of prohibition tion are by no means all Monarch­ fighting appears to have ceased. ter wet-dry battle in Ohio at the $1,000; another thousand was desk, according to Kuku. Pearce Georges Cleinenceau, who led « * • funds to A. Bruce Bielaski, who ists or black Reactionaries. Ger­ In Michoacan November election. raised by plays and other means asked for a drink. France to victory against the Ger­ This abrupt political resurrec­ testified in a New York court that many is simply divided Into a right The situation in Michoacan is Gov. Vic Donahey won the Dem­ and one more thousand is asked “ Go ahead. Help yourself,” mans, will be 85 on Sept. 28. He tion of Clemenceau Is one of the he received $1,000 a month as and a left. All that Is left is identi­ electric, Archbishop Cizernos de­ ocratic nomination for governor, from the public. Singer replied. The Negro walked retired five years ago. T l» politi­ most amazing developments in Andrews’ special representative. fied with the republic. All that is clared, and he predicted that there beating his nearest opponent, form­ With a population of about 23,- to a water cooler, drank a glass of cians whom he had thunder-struck French political history. It con­ 2. Calling of a meeting of prohi­ right, however, doesn’t want Kals- may be continued outbrealcs there er Secretary of Agriculture A. P. 000 it should be easy to raise that water and then slyly took the pis­ to silence in his hey day believed tains, in particular, food for bition administrators in September erism back— certainly not Wilhelm. due to the religious fervor that has Sandies, six to one. amount within days but It wllf tol from Singer’s holster, as he that he was "through.” thought for Premier Poincare. Not which may mark completion of his The right is considerably an­ been aroused among the Indians, Willis Ahead. never be raised if one waits for walked past him. Kuku cried out, Poincare, his arch enemy, now so long ago, I asked the Tiger his dry reorganization launched in noyed that President Hindenhurg who are determined not to permit Returns from 3,856 precincts "George” to do it. A dollar or warning Singer. premier of France, believed it. opinion of Poincare: April. 1925. with the entire Cabinet attended the government to take possession celebrations at noon-day in the gave Senator Willis a four to one two isn’t much these days and what W’atches Tragedy. Poincare talked softly to the Unit­ “ Poincare is a ‘damphule,’ ” , he 3. Placing in effect the new anti- of their churches. lead over C. O. Hlldebrandt, of better investment could there be "Don’t do that!” Singer ex­ ed States iU>out the war debts and said bluntly in idiomatic English smuggling regulations written into Reichstag, and later the president The heavy casualties ware inspected the Reichswehr guard of Wilmington, Ohio, the., runner-up. than to make Manchester’s future claimed. Kuku ran for safety and spoke of ratifying the debt settle­ that he has used very little since the agreement with Great Britain. caused by the federal troops ap­ honor in front of the Reichstag, Willis had 82,467; Hildebrandt citizens healthier? then watched the rest of the trag­ ments. he left America more than 50 years \ pearing to, take cbntrol of the 20,833 and Charles Dick, Akron, edy through a door. The Negro Sets France Thinking. ago. while huge crowds gathered and churches and turn them over to Always Charitable. sang "Deutschland Uher Alies.” 17,526. One can only judge the future pointed the pistol at Singer and And then, out of his almost for­ municipal committees. The congre­ Pomerene’s followers hailed his started firing. Five of the shots gotten lair, came the Tiger with a New Flag gations at first refused to leave by the past and Manchester’s past (Continued on Page S.j NEW BRITAIN CHIEF Like a piece of biting irony three to two lead over Miss Allen in campaigns of every kind have missed but the sixth hit the detec­ the churches, and then attacked as a victory. Allen headquarters comes the announcement that the the troops will whatever weaponi always been one hundred per cent tive In the neck, killing him in­ new flag decree, restoring the im­ had no comment to make this plus so. there is no reason to be­ stantly. In the confusion, Pearce MODERN VIKINGS ELECTED TREASURER they had at hand. There was bit­ morning but had not yet conceded LOVE LANE GAS STATION perial emblem with only slight ter mob fighting with the populace lieve that this will be an exception. escaped. changes, has become effective to­ defeat. Send or bring contributions to Hundreds of extra policemen ARE PICKED UP using clubs and stones against the On the face of returns from 3,- day. It was this decree which cost Lewis P. Sipe of the Home Bank were detailed to the search for the bayonets of the .“oldiers. The s.el- 788 precincts, Pomerene had a 14,- IS ROBBED OF SUPPUES New Haven, Aug. 11.— W. C. ex-Chancelior Luther his post. and Trust Co. and they will be ac­ Negro and taxicab drivers from all ALMOST STARVED diers were foiccd to resort to fiv.ng 000 plurality. His total was 44,136 Bavaria flatly refused to join the knowledged In The Evening Herald. parts of the city offered their ser­ Hart, chief of police at New Brit­ into the mobs before they could while Miss Allen’s was 30,738. republican celebration today and is No sum will be considered too vices. Boston, Aug. 10.— ^Vikings of old ain, was today elected treasurer-of disperse them, and then the dis­ Between $100 and $125 Worth fl:^ng its own flag of blue and persals were only temporary and small. never had a more perilous voyage the State Police Association at the white, rather than the republican IN, ALABA3IA. than we,” said Captain Gerhard of Accessories Taken—^Police there have been recurring fights Birmingham, Ala., Aug. 11.— Remember the campaign will end annual meeting hre, succeeding flag. culminating in the pitched battle a week from today. There is no Folgero, of Bergen, Norway, Have Valuable Clues. Hugo L. Black, Birmingham at­ aboard his replica of Lief Erick­ George M. Beach, of Waterbury, at Zaguayo last Sunday. torney, appeared almost a certainty reason to wait. Try to be among CONGRESSMEN ABROAD Details Meagre the first to help along this m ost! son’s sailing ship, which was tied Police today are investigating a retired, who was made an honorary to succeed Oscar W. Underwood In member of the association today. BYRD MAY SUPERVISE The reports of fighting in Guade- worthy cause. up to a local wharf today. robbery which occurred last night the from Ala­ TO STUDY EUROPE During the 6,400 . mile voyage, at the Love Lane filling station! Other officers, all re-elected, were lajara are meagre, but there are In- bama on the basis of meagre re­ Folgero’s ship was locked between which is now owned by Earl Camp­ Garrett J. Farrell, of Hartford, N.Y.TOPARISFUGHT dica*:oi;.s that the siluation there turns this morning from the Ala­ OUR APPLE CROP giant Icebergs; harrassed by hurri­ bell. Supplies valued at between president; Philip T. Smith, of New is far from settled and there 1s bama Democratic primary elec­ canes; blown hundreds of miles off $11)0 and $125 are missing and the Haven, vice-president, and J. J. what amounts to guerilla warfare tions. Washington, Aug. 11.— ^The the course; and those aboard faced break is believed to have been made Landrigan, of Meriden, secretary. Mineola, N. Y., Aug. 11.-—Com­ In progress, with the religious zea­ The race for governor appeared American Congress intends to know thirst and almost starvation. between 10 o’clock last night and 6 The executive committee chosen mander Richard E. Byrd, Polar lots determined to defend their to lie between Colonel Bibb LESS THAN IN *25 Europe a little better before the “ Four times,” said the captain, o’clock this morning. today consists of the officers, and flight aviator, has accepted an In- churches. Graves of Montgomery and Lieu­ Conditions In Jaliscp are far summer ends. "we gave ourselves up for lost. I Automobile tires, tubes and other Joseph McLean, of Waterbury, and .vitation to become chairman of the tenant Governor Charles McDowell Wakefield, Mass., Aug. 10.— The W’ith debt problems rising to gathered my men about me and J. J. Brennan, of Stamford. flight committee • which will have from normal, but it is reported that who were running neck and neck, accessories were stolen in addition the fighting there has ceased, at condition of the New England ap­ haunt American good will abroad, told them we had done everything to candy, cigars and cigarettes. Three high members of the as­ jurisdiction over, the huge Sikor­ McDowell having steadily wiped ple crop is 69.8 per cent, of nor­ with world markets to supply and possible. T he. icebergs were on sociation who died during the past sky biplane which Is to start on least temporarily. out a substantial lead held by Footprints were found which are The government took a step to­ mal and forecast a crop of 1,995,- with "tips” to be gained from Eut, every side. It was all up to the its flight to Paris about August 25. believed to be the tracks left by the! ward solving the growing econo­ Graves in the early returns last 000 barrels, compared with 2,064,- ropean practices. Congress is send­ “ Big Man” (God) and we were «____ _ McArthur, of Willimantlc, and In a'telegram to Colonel N. E. thieves. Another Important clue mic discomfort being caused by the night. 000 barrels harvested last year and ing an unusually large delegation convinced that it was all over, with Bradley of Danbury. Superinten­ Hartney from his vacation in Wal­ Kluxers’ Candidate. the five year average of 1,600,000. was left by the thieves but the na­ dent Beach, of Waterbury, and tham, Mass., Commander Byrd ex­ decline of the value of silver when of sightseers across the Atlantic us. We prayed. We would be loos­ ture of this is withheld as it is of L. B. Musgrove, endorsed by the V. A. Saunders and C. D. Stev­ ened from the ice floes but again Chief Heffernan, of Stamford, were pressed pleasure at being invited the secretary of treasury appointed national officers of the Ku Klux during the recess a checkup reveal­ vital importance in solving the case. a commission, to study the problem. ens, federal statisticians, made ed today. The Congressional visit­ the bergs would close in on us, retired during the year. to serve. Klan, was trailing in the.senatorial this report today, adding that Mas­ threatening to crush our little ship. It is believed the thieves, came by “ Have long, been a proponent of It is hoped that a way will be found race and it was apparent the bulk ors go abroad for the purposp of automobile. such a flight,” he wired. “ I believe to rf store the value of silver to a sachusetts, with a prospective crop gathering first-hand information to Finally we got out. Sixty n^jles off of the Klan strength had refused to of 775,000 barrels had a good lead An arrest is expected shortly. ybur chances are more than excel­ parity with gold. be used either in debate or in your Graves light we were, picked follow the lead of the national of- over the other New England states. up by the cutter. Red Wip^. We lent.” Lay Catholic organizations con­ flcers and had voted almost solidly During the past month, the drafting legislation. BORAH IS AGAINST Commander Byrd indicated he tinued to circularize the federal dls- Mellon the Leader. were In a pretty tough position. We Cor Black, who also made a play statisticians said, the New England had four potatori? aboard, a bite was ready to come to New York at tr’ ct, urging a more active boycott The vanguard of this European OFFICIALS ARE PROBING of unsympathetic shopkeepers and for Klan support. potato prospects, in most cases, of salt fish and three gallons of BRANT BEACH TR.4GEDY. A DEBT SETTLEMENT any time' to assume his duties. Graves also seemed to be the materially Improved over their Invasion incidentally was led by a water.” ' > Other members of the committee merchants. Cabinet-member, Secretary of the Flooded with Cabl^rams recipient of a substantial Klan backward condition a month ago. After resting here the modern Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 11.— Thor­ are Majoi^ Reed Chambers, H. Clay vote. The present outlook is for 42,501,- Treasury Andrew W. Mellon, who Vikings— Folgero and his crew of Ferguson and W. C. Ruxton. The Mexican Catholic Episcopal* 000 bushels, a little below the five is now in Italy and enroute to both ough investigations into the tragedy Washington, Aug. 11.— Georges Tills committee, acting in con­ is flooded with cablegrams from three men— will sail to the Ses- that claimed eleven lives at Brant IN NEBRASKA. year average but comparing favor­ France and England. When and quicentennlal exposition at Phila­ Clemenceau’s letter to President junction with the National Aero­ Catholic leaders throughout the Omaha, Neb., Aug. 11.— The ably with last year’s New England if Mellon informs Congress in the Beach were launched today by Medi­ Coolidge on the French debt has nautical Association. will supervise world bidding the-Mexican believ­ delphia and later will take the ship cal Examiners Long . and Danser nomination of Gov. Adam McMul­ crop of 42,795,000 bushels. future about European conditions, to Chicago and leave it there as a , . sharpened the Irreconcilables’ axe the physical conditions of -the ers stand firm. len, Republican gubernatorial can­ he will find a considerable number permanent memorial to Erickson. and by Sheriff Tyler of Erie County, for the battle in the Senate this flight. The Catholic archbishop of Bal­ didate, who ran on a "bone-dry” CALL NEW HEARING of Senators and Representatives Dr. Long declared that everyone in winter to reject the Mellon-Beren- timore wired Archbishop Mora.v authority in the vicinity of Brant platform with the endorsement of IN DEMPSEY CASE. just as fully Informed. ANSWERS BANDIT’S APPEAL. ger agreement. del Rio as follows: Beach who has any jurisdiction over the Ku Klux Klan, was regarded Before the summer ends, it is Baltimore,. Md., Aug. 11.— Her­ This became Increasingly mani­ NEWPORT IS EXCITED "Greetings: There' can be n« that section will be summoned to compromise. Sound reasoning in as virtually certain today as re­ New York, Aug. 11.— ^The boxing estimated, a score of Senators and bert R. O’Conor, state’s attorney, fest today following a reply to make a statement about the trage­ international law has demonstrated turns from the 20 counties unre­ commission and license committee Congressmen will have visited Eu­ today filed an answer in City Court Clemenceau by Senator Borah, R., dy. Two life guards are supposed OYER REPORTED THFFTS that property owned by church or­ ported up to midnight, continued will consider the application of rope. The largest single group— to Richard Reese Whittemore’s ap­ la.,) chairman of the foreign re­ to be on duty at all times while ganizations should be protected by to pile up his totals. The unofficial Jack Dempsey, heavyweight cham­ three Senators and four Representa­ peal for a writ of habegs corpus by lations committee. Borah who is there are bathers in the water, ac­ spending some time in Boise before the government of the place where count today gave McMullen a lead pion, for a license to fight Gene tives— will visit the Interparliamen­ which he hopes to prevent his hang­ cording to Dr. Long. Etna Tim­ a speaking tour to several cities, is Newport, R. I.. Aug. 11.— Socie­ the head of the church resides. My St more than 20,000 over Fred G. Tunney at a special meeting which tary Union sessions in Geneva ing Friday for the murder of a merman, a sister of two of the vic­ an opponent of the debt settle­ ty was up in arms today when re­ heart is bleeding for the faithful.” Johnson, runner-up. has been called for 10.30 Thursday starting August 25. Enroute and prison guard. tims, told Dr. Long she has lived in ment. ports spread that a band of jewelry Communications were also rer Former Governor Charles Bryan, morning, George E. Brower, com­ homeward bound, the delegation There is no evidence of law vio­ that section all her life and had “ The cancellatlonlsts make a robbers was at work here. ceived from Santiago, Montcvldo, vice presidential candidate on the mission member, informed the In­ will visit France and England and lation in Whittemore’s trial to war­ Harry Eyler. 49, chauffeur of Democratic ticket in 1924, was un­ never seen a life guard on duty. sorry mistake in basing their con­ Ecuador, England and lay bodieg ternational News Service today. may even venture into Italy. rant granting of the writ, said Clarence W. Dolan, wealthy sum­ opposed for the Democratic nomi­ Sheriff Frank W. Tyler announc­ tention with attacks upon the in many other countries. "It Is within the power of any O’Conor. mer. resident from , nation. member of the /lommission to call a ed that he will put his department course and conduct of the United BANDITS BUSY. Hearing on the writ was set be­ at the disposal of the Investigators States,” said Borah. was .found lying on the sidewalk of MILLION DOLLAR THEFT special meeting when business war­ fore Judge Stanton this afternoon. "Clemenceau’s letter Is replete Bowery street, beaten up and all Philadelphia, Aug. 11.— ^Thr** KTTXWD m GUN DUEL. rants It,” said Brower. “ Tex” and that any Information uncovered Stamford, Conn., Aug. 11.— Post In event the writ is denied, G. L. with ugly insinuations and false his money and jewelry gone. men were under arrest here, tht^- New York, Aug. 11.— Michael Rickard has been notified to be would be turned over to the district His condition was serious, it MacDonald, address unknown, died Road hold-up men were active Pendleton, counsel for the "Candy attorney so that the guilty parties charges.” others were held in Baltimore and present.” was stated at Newport hospital. in Harlem hospital today an hour again this morning. Edwin Horan, Kid," announced he would\ask Borah said America went into another was sought today by polics Rickard said that as the special conld be brought to justice. The attack on Eyler followed the in connection with an alleged con­ after he was shot down in a pistol 41 Oak avenue, Milford, Is the lat­ Louis D.. Braudels, aasociate justice the war and came out with no de­ meeting had been summoned, it report, that persisted today, in spiracy through which it is said duel with Patrolman John P. Cook, est victim, having be».m held up at of the Federal Supireme Court, for sire for territory and with no spirit was probable that Dempsey would the point of a gun by three men a stay of execution. Braudels is of destruction. The Versailles spite of denials, that Mrs. Cornelius $1,000,000 worth of radio supplies whom he seriously wounded. The have to abandon bis plans to leave SUNK BY TORPEDO. Vanderbilt had discovered at her have been obtained In various duel followed a hold-up of a chain and robbed of $25 in cash, his in Chatham, Mass.,.and Pendleton Treaty, ho added, was based upon for his training camp at Saratoga villa, "The Breakers.” a valuable grocery store on upper Fifth ave­ automobile license and sopae pri­ said he was prepared to go there vengeance and distribution of ter­ C i^ 6S * tonight. Kiel, dermany, - Aug. 11.— The piece of jewelry missing. Rueben Shector, 55, and khl nue, the Bronx, In which MacDon­ vate papers. it necessary. ritory. Clemenceau was largely in­ Horan, driving a truck load of Danish sailing vessel “ Sigrid” was strumental in drafting that treaty. Detectives were still here look­ sons, Benjamin, 30, and A. S. Sh*e- ald is alleged to hare wounded thf BANDITS GET 92S.000. ing for the $5,000 cluster diamond tor, 33, the men arrested here, will itore manager, John Hutchinson. castings up Noroton Hill, stopped JEALOUSY CAUSES MURDBR* sunk today by a torpedo, fired by “I feel that every dollar we con­ Woodmere, N. Y., Aug. 11.— at the top to look at his engine. New York, AUg.' 11.— John In^ a German destroyer during maneu­ tribute in tlje way of settlement is bracelet reported "lost” by Mrs. be given a hearing today. Three armed bandits today held up simply feeding the imperialistic Leonard M. Thomas, of New York, Exposure of the alleged TREASURY BALANCE. Three men drove up and asked bangeno, 34, was shot to death to­ vers in the Baltic. the Hewlett-Woodmere National what he was carrying. As he ex­ day and hia bride of four mbiitbs, The crew of the destroyer saved schemes of certaip powers and a summer resident. aey was made by PhiladelpUNt^d** bank here and escaped with cash lending our aid to such wars as are ■Jewelry robbers operated at Nar- tectives who charge that th* loeat Washington, Aug. 11'.— ^Treasury plained, one Jumped out and put a Conpcetta, 30, seriously wounded in the crew of five of the Danish ves­ of an estimated total of between revolver against him while another now being carried on in SjTla,” ragansett Pier, across the bay, last men worked with confedeiUteB I9 balance, Aug. 9:. j^209,090,002.71. what police belleted was a Jealous sel, after making an elfort to'save $20,000 and $30,000. went through bis clothes. shootUx*...... the ship from einkin^ Borah concluded* month. iNew York* >AGETWQt i\ M -il I € i ' ^ . r \ . llANCHBSim’llVBNm HERALD, WEDNESDAY, AUG. U i l m S , ^ i 'i ~j a . V - '.T' St. P a u l...... 13 12% 12% Studebaker . . 55 54% 54% MIXED DANCING Diamond Princess—Movie Star Union Pacific .155% 155% 155% George White **Hoofed** NEW SOCCER CLUB U S Rubber . . 59 58 59 Jarvis Grove I Utah Copper .151% 149% 150 ((Famished by Pntnam & Oo^ U S S teel----- 128% 128% 128% Thursday Eveninsr, Aug. 12 His Way Into Millions ISFO^EDHERE ' 6 Central Row. Hartford, Conn.) Westin’house .69% 69 69 Music by THB VICTORIANS. West. Union .141% 141% 141% Percy Beebe, Proi^pter. New York Aug. 11— He “ Stepped” 4i> ! Bid Ask into a million dollars! literally! | Aetna Cas. & Sur. 790 810 Manchester United to Re­ Aetna L i f e ...... i.665 6 75 KIDDIES REHEARSING That Is to say, he made his feet j Automobile ...... — 300 work for him until he was o ld , \ Conn. G eneral...... 1675 1725 ABOUT TOWN enough to use his head. place Manchester CInh Htfd. Steam Boiler ..675 700 DAILY FOR BIG REVUE Along Broadway the rise of H artford-F ire...... 510 520 A son was born this morning at George White, the “boy producer,” P h oen ix ...... 570 580 Mrs. Howe’s Maternity home to is one of the many Arabian Nights T ravelers------•....1200 1230 A large group of enthusiastic Mr. and Mrs. David Fuller of 1088 tales. youngsters is rehearsing dally at Capitol Avenue Extension, Hart­ It wasn't more than 20 years ago Manchester will have a soccer ' ' A Public Ctllity Stocks. A Conn. Power Co...... 300 310 the State Theater for the State’s ford. that an eager urchin stood back team this faU to take the place of Conn. LP 7% pfd. ..109 112 first kiddle revue, which will be stage in a Bowery burlesque houle the regular Manchester team, _Htfd. E. L. com...... 302 306 staged shortly. Under the direc­ A daughter. Violet • May, was pleading with the manager to he al­ which has been disbanded, if the Htfd. Gas com...... 67 68 tion of Manager Jack Sanson, the born this morning to Mr. and Mrs. lowed to appear on amateur night. plans of the British American club So. N. E. Tel. Co. ..145 152 children are making rapid progress. James Allely of Valley street. The manager explained to him the go through. A meeting was held •Bo. N. E. T. Co. rights V 8 A large number of dances and perils of “ the hook,” and went on SI last night and it was decided that .Manufacturing Stocks. specialties have been arranged for Miss Gertrude Celia, and Miss to say there was no money in it. the club would sponsor the project Am. Hardware...... 81 S3 the revuer Already the youngsters Peggy Lebounty of "Westerly, R. I., "But B'pose they like me, mister! and the name of the new team will American Silver . . . . 25 — are stepping through them without are visiting Miss Catherine Ward S'pose they throw nicklea and be the Manchester United. Acme Wire com...... 12 17 a hitch. The song numbers are of Union street. dimes like I’ve seen 'em do!” the Fred D. Baker was elected presi­ BigeUnv-Htf.l. pfd. ..100 done unusually well. skinny kid went on. “ The kids’ll tell dent of the new club and William Bigclow-Htfd. com. . . 78 82 Special sets and drops will be Mrs. Charles Richmond and son you I can hoof.” Vennart, vice president. Other of­ Bristol B rass...... — 10 used to make the scenic effects out­ Louis, of Foster street, leave to­ The street corner gamins are, ficers are James McCullough, sec­ morrow morning for a two weeks’ Collins Co...... 150 160 standing when the revue is put on. after all, a discriminating audience. retary; William Wiley, financial auto tour of Maine aud Canada. Colt Fire A r m s...... 2 7^ 2S*.^ The affair will be a really big one, There’s nothing to dance for before secretary; David Robinson, treas­ Eagle Lock ...... 95 100 one’s "gang” except glory or ridi­ urer; Thomas Martin, manager, and will give local theatergoers a William Foster of Henry street and Albert Clifford, trainer. Fafnir Bearing...... 85 95 cule, both of which are bestowed Wedding of Mrs. Leah Haxton Barnato, England’s “ diamond prin­ pleasant surprise. has returned to his work in the Or- The personnel of the new team Full’r Br'sh Class A A 52 An announcement will be made with critical candor. cess,” to Carlyle Blackwell, American film actor, was a sensation in Lon­ Hart & Cooley ...... 170 190 ford soap factory after an auto trip has not yet been decided upon but in The Herald shortly concerning to Vermont. He Won the lineup may contain the names don society. She is called one of the richest women in the world. Int. Sil. pii!...... 104 lOS the date upon which the revue will Well, "the hoofing kid” went on, L ’nders Frary & Clark 92 94 of several members of the old Man­ be presented. Mrs. Thomas Fox and son John got his share of nlckles and dimes, chester team. Jewell Bcaine pfd. . . SO and his first view of the footlights. New Brit Mach. pfd.110 of Brooklyn, N. Y., are here for a ROGERS A DIPLOMAT visit with relatives in town. Those were the buck and wing days Kiles Bt. Bd. N. Stock 20 22 and the sidewalks, then as now, HENERAl MOTORS” FIREWORKS North Ci J m M ...... 24 26 TALKS ON FURNITURE . London, Aug. 11.— Will Rogers The regular meeting of Manches­ were the training grounds for fu­ J R Montgo-nery pfd. — 90 mav be a diplomat in disguise after J R Montgomery com. — 85 ter Grange will he held in Tinker ture stars. all. hall this evening at 8 o’clock. Not BO many years later vaude­ Peck, Stow & Wilcox 21 24 • _ BEFORE KIWANIS CLUB CAUSE DIZZY PROFITS TO FLOW The Daily Sketch declares that at Russell Mfg. Co...... 50 .60 ville managers were to pay $1500 a the end of Will Rogers’ first week Mrs. Harry Rylander and chil­ week for those “ stepping feet” . But ; ' ■■■•-Wv Stanley Works com. .8 1 83 Thirty-two members attended in Charles Cochran's Revue, that dren, and Mrs. Lorlnda Northrop, not before they had climbed out of BY RICHARD SPILLANB Smyth Mfg. Co...... 375 400 the KIwanis noonday luncheon to­ Torrington ...... 70 72 Cochran was puzrled as to how mother of Mrs. Rylander, have re­ the cellar cabarets of New York, Noted Financial Authority. much he should pay Rogers. Final­ turned after a several weeks’ visit and a long struggle that began as day at the Hotel Sheridan. C. El­ Vnderwood ...... 56 58 more Watkins was In charge of the Vniou Mfg. Co...... 27 30 ly Cochran sent his manager to in Washington, Conn. an |18-a-week “ straight man” in New York, Aug. 11.— Increase In Rogers with a blank check. program and furnished the speak­ Whitlock Coil Pipe . . — 25 the old “ Morning Glories” bur­ the price of General Motors stocl Rogers took the check and tore Raymond Dowers and George lesque. er, Wilbur M. Philpotts of Grand U. S. Envelops pfd. .106 110 Rapids, Michigan, who represents from $113.25 to $213.75 per shan Bonds. it up, saying;— “ I am having a fine Dougherty left early this morning “roday the "hoofing kid” is good time here and everyone’s being for the Manchester camp at Grand ■for a million dollars. one of the big concerns In that fur­ within a few months wrote nev Htfd. Elec. Lgt. 7's .262 267 niture manufacturing city. mighty good to me. Why should I Lake Stream, Maine, where they Ziegfeld has his "Follies,” Earl East. Conn. Pow. 5’s . 99 Mr. Philpotts gave the members financial history for the New Yorl Conn. L. P. Slfi’s ...108^ 109% take your profits?" plan to spend the balance of the Carroll has his “ Vanities,” the Shu- Stock Exchange. If the Daily Sketch is correct, month. an interesting talk on furniture Conn. L & P 7's . . . .114 116 berts have their "Passions” and and its place in the home. At the this incident ought to help alleviate There have been many othei B'dpt. Hyd. 5’s ...... 104% 106 “ Passing Shows” and George White Georg© White close of his talk Mr. Watkins spent the debt controversy. Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Dart and has his “ Scandals.” spectacular flights in various issuei Miss Beatrice Dart of Flower street fifteen minutes telling the mem­ The First One THB NEW PLAYS bers how the idea of furniture grew but they generally have lnvolve4 LADY ASTOR HOME. are enjoying an automobile tour When '’.bout seven years ago, at on the people, carrying them back relatively small corporations. Thers Boston, Aug. 11.— En route to through the White Mountains. Mfiw York Stocks the age of 27, the "kid producer” The "little old home in the west to the distant past when there was her old home in Virginia with her are 5,161,599 shares of General put on his first "Scandals” every­ m w has a bedroom scene. It hap­ no furniture to speak of. then to daughter. Lady Astor, British Alfred Kunkhe of Washington Motors outstanding. one said, well, he had a little be­ pens in Samuel Shipman’s late»t the time of Queen Anne and other High Low 2 P. M. member of Parliament, passed street, the young man who yester­ ginner’s luck. Instead it was the opus, “ No Mor( Women.” The title Start of the aaost recent Genera! through here today from the sum­ day saved the lives of the grand­ rulers who have given us period At. Gulf. W. I. 40 38% 39'f« foundation of another theatrical is a misnomer. Considering the furniture. Later It became the Motors’ rise wpu credited to huylns mer home of her sister, Mrs. children of Rev. F. P. Bachelor Am Sugar Ref. 73^2 72% 72% fortune. fleshy appetite of the “ big outdoor aim of everybody to furnish their Charles Dana Gibson, wife of the from drowning In the pond at Tal- by W. C. Durant, himself an auto­ Am Toi & Tel.143% 143% 143% Strangely enough for a theatrical and he-man from Wyoming,” it homes to the best of their ability. Anaconda .... 50% 50 50% artist, at Dark Harbor, Maine. cottville, today refused a substan­ man, White’s advice to actors and might he called “ Bring On More mobile manufacturer. Durant tial reward of money from the Both men were given a hearty Am Smelting .139-"'4 137% 138 non-actors alike is “ hang on to your Women.” round of applause for their instruc­ created General Motors, and at va­ Am Loc ...... 105% 105% 105% STRIKE THREATENS. family, stating that his whole aim money and Invest it In what you Shipman’s name has been associ­ was to rescue the little ones and tive talks. rious times controlled it. Am Car F’drv.l0()% 100% 100% Mexico City, Aug. 11.— A gen­ know” . He didn’t always do this. ated with so many stage efforts, sev­ The attendance prize was fur­ Atchison ____142% 142% 142% eral strike will be called through­ his success In saving them was suf­ On paper, at least, he is millioni ficient reward. White figures that he had gambled eral of them eminently profitable, nished by E. J. Holl. It was a box B & O ...... 102% 101% 101% out the State of Morelos on Septem­ away a cool half-million before he that his identity may carry this of cigars and was won by Walter richer from his reputed General Beth .Steel ‘B’ 47% 47% 47% ber 1 unless the arbitration board Motors trading. Mr. and Mrs. George W. House began to learn. It would be easy for vehicle over a few of the hot M. Gorman who immediately passed Butte Superi-or 11% 11% 11% considering wage and working White to gamble. His face shows months. And then, again, it may them around. But the E. I. duPont de Nemours Chili Copper . 34% 34% 34% hours disputes hands down decis­ and sons Norbert and Sherwood, have returned from a tour of the that. When he plunged on his first not. The whole thing is quite too & Co., has profited vastly more— Cons. Gas N Y .ll l 109% 109% ions agreeable to labor, union offi­ show he considered it another gam­ preposterous. SHIPS 2,000 YEARS OLD Ches & Ohio .144 143 143 cials announced today. coast, stops being made at Ply­ and this without participation in mouth, Old Orchard Beach and ble, but it wasn’t. Hard to Swallow TO BE RAISED IN IT.'VLY. Crnc Steel . . . 76% 76% 76% He doesn’t consider the show Rome, Ang. 11.— The ships in the Stock Exchange flurries. Can. Pacific . .164 164 164 other places of interest. We are Introduced to a couple of RUSS FLEET MOVING game gambling now. He says it’s an which Tiberius worshipped in the Erie ...... 34% 33% 33% young gents from the east who, January 1 the duPonts held London, Aug. 11.— The Russian investment if you know what you’re days of ancient Rome are to be re­ Erie 1 s t ...... 44 44 44 Baltic fleet was reported cruising The Misses Evelyn and Catherine turned "woman hater” through 1,330,829 shares of General Mo­ Palmer of Woodbrldge street left doing. But he’s been wise enough to rough experience, have “ gone west" covered from the rocky bottom of tors. This atock was valued on Gen Asphalt . 71% 69 69% off the coast of Esthonia in a dis­ Lake Nemi. Gen E l e c ___ 89% 88% 88% today by automobile for a visit Invest in stocks and bonds and not A divorce, with plenty of sex ap­ the duPont books at $93,158,030 patch from Riga today. M. Kam­ Two galleys, believed to have Gen Mot...... 212 207 207% enev, inspector of the Red army, with their aunt in Searsport, Me. a small part of his fortune has come peal— the very gal that one of them When the Exchange price reached Great Ko. Pfd. 74% 73% 73% was aboard the cruiser Marat, ac­ from those sources. had loved— turns up "out where the been used for religious purposes in $213.75 the other day, the value For a cool evening’s pleasure one Still Hoofing west begun” with a girl of the east the early part of the First Century, was well in excess of $282,000,000. Kennecott Cop 58% 57 57 cording to the dispatch. nearly 2,000 years ago, lie on their tnspira Cop ..25% 25% 25% It was stated that the fleet move­ should take in the popular dances And he’s still a “ hoofer” Anyone side slums in tow% And there is a Only a little more than two years held at the pavilion In Jarvis's Pine can see that. He has the “ hoofer” “ bad man” with a record of many sides some 200 feat below the sur­ ago, General Motors sold below $56 Louis & Nash.135 135 135 ment was connected with the re­ face of the lake. To raise them Marine Pr. .. 31% 31% 31% ported uprising at Kronstadt. Grove every Thursday evening. The build and the" hoofer’’ instinct. He amours who also “ hates women” per share. would be imnosslble, as they would Norfolk West .159% 157% 157% pavilion has been finished very keeps in trim training his choruses. and who avenges himself on the Wall street has not yet recover­ MAY BE WARD. And at this season of the year he little “ slum gal.” There is a meet­ in all probability, fall to pieces, Natl. Lead ..165VS 163 164% cosily and has a gOod floor. Bill and so the government has decided ed from its amazement at reading North Pacific .74% 74 74 lives in a bungalow atop a seashore ing of divorcee and “ bad guy” , fol­ Nyack, N. Y., Aug. 11.— Mem­ Waddell’s Victorians are furnishing to drain off the 315,000,000 cubic an interview on General Motors N Y Central'.136 •■'1 135% 135% bers of the family of Walter S. the same good brand of music as hotel. lowed by the suggestion of an off­ stock attributed to Thomas Coch­ Outside his theater street gamins stage bedroom scene. There is s girl feet of water m the lake, and care­ N\,NH&H45% 44 tg 44’;g Ward, missing son of the baking has been given by them for years. fully remove the ships. ran, partner in J. P. Morgan & Co., Pan Am Pet . 67% 67% 67% magnate, today were to look at the gather between acts and “hoof” from the great mountain passes as he sailed for Europe. Publi­ . 5454% 54% their steps, With < ne eye out for It is expected that many treas­ body of a man found yesterday in DEATH OP who assist'; the bedroom effect with ures will be found, and while the cation of the interview brought on People’s Gas .123% 123% 123% “ cops” and another for the vagrant the Hudson river off the Piermont MRS. EDNA GIL.MAN BOFIRD. a disrobing scene. All of w'hich may water Is out, the bottom will be more furious buying of the gtock. Pierce Arrow . 311i 29% 30 pier. dimes and nickels— ragged and seem good enough hot weather Above, 'WiUlam C. Durant; below, Rep Ir & Steel 60% 60 60 searched for the remains of other The Morgans don’t share their Ward mysteriously dropped from Mrs. Edna Gilman Bofltd of East nimble-fOoted urchins, "stepping” stuff, but is as hard to swallow as craft. Thomas Cochran. opinions oh stock prices very often. R ea d in g...... 96% 95 95% sight early In May and has not been Hartford died yesterday at the their way along the same old trail lukewarm water with the tempera­ Ch R Isl & Pac 59% 58% 58% heard of since. Hartford hospital following an ill­ to the footlights. ture at 93. PROBE G.4MBLING CHARGE ?outh Pacific .106% 106 106% State troopers declared the body ness of six months. Mrs. Boflrd eo. Railway .121% 120 120% Ballston, Spa, N. Y., Aug. 11.— NEAR ENTOMBED m XERS. ed the toll today of a $300,000 fire bore a slight resemblance to Ward. would have been 4^ years old to­ Three men were in jail today and morrow. MILFORD HONORED. YOUNGER SISTER STEALS Salem, Ky., Aug. 11.— JJakifig and a series of explosions which BROTHER-IN-LAW’S LOVE eight others were ordered brought good progress through the night, late yesterday wrecked the South She was horn at the Gilman Milford, Conn., Aug. 11.— Mil­ into court for refusing to respond Baltimore plant of the American homestead in Buckland, and is worke;% sinking a new shaft at the ford is the first New England town San Francisco, Calif., Aug. 11— tc subpoenas in the in the investi­ Zinc & Spar Company mine here Oil Company. widely acquainted in Manchester. to be visited by one of four repli­ gation which Supreme Court Jus­ Though two of the firemen were She was a member of the Rebecca The amazing tale of how a pretty today estimated they were within cas of the Liberty Bell now touring 20-year-old co-ed stole the love of tice Christopher J. Hefferman is five to seven feet from an opening blown across the street by a blast, lodge In East Hartford, and the Or­ the country, the bell arriving here conducting Into alleged gambling none of the injured will die, physi­ der of Eastern Star In Holyoke, her sister's husband was disclosed to the level where five miners this afternoon by express from today after Mrs. Florence Hopkins conditions at Saratoga Springs. have been entombed for six days. cians said. Mass. Her husband died three . Mfs. Katherine Tullldge The investigation was virdered by years ago an'l she has been mak­ had been granted a divorce from Solid rock was struck again, of Milford, member of the woman’s Gov. A- Smith after Peter A. Fin­ ing her home with her brother Ed­ her husband. however, and it may take several executive committee of the Sesqui- Coming home from Pomona Col­ ley, president of the Saratoga Tax­ hours to get past the last remaining ward Gilman who is a mall clerk. Centennial, secured for Milford the Besides her brother Edward she lege, Dora Lynn, the sister, came to payers’ Association had filed barrier to the level, it was said. honor of being the first New Eng­ live with the Hopkins family, Mrs. charges with the governor that The workers have been encouraged leaves another brother, Almeron land town visited, and a public Hopkins said. gambling was wide open at Sara­ by veteran mining men who main­ Sure Relief Gilman, of 43 Wadsworth street, ceremony will be held on the green this town. "Dora was young and pretty,’ toga. tain if the five men were not caught here this evening as the bell is un­ Mrs. Hopkins continued. “My hus­ FOR INDIGESTION The funeral will be held at 2:30 veiled. beneath the mass of mud and rock tomorrow at Lowe’s funeral home band fell in love with her and she HOLD POUR GUNMEN. in the slide-in they would be found I with him. Chicago, Aug. 11.— Four men, on the Boulevard, East Hartford. M.1RTINEAU LEADING. alive. After examining the mine But this knowledge did not con e including the well-known Julian passages they said fresh air was get­ to the wife until she found a diary ( “ Potatoes” ) Kaufman, were ar­ LEAVES NOTE IN SAFE Little Rock, Ark., Aug. 11.— ting to the section where the acci­ HE’S TO KILL HIM8ELP. written by the younger sister, a rested after an automobile chase dent occurred. 6 Bcll-a n s Judge John E. Martineau, oppo­ today in connection with the mur­ Stamford, Conn., Aug. 11.—-Po- nent of Gov. Tom Terral for the document which revealed the Inner- Hot w ater mest workings of her heart. der last night o f Louis H. (“ Big” ) BIG GASOLINE FIRE. lice of this city today are searching Democratic nomination for gover­ Sure Relief the waterfront for trace of the body nor, continued to pile up a heavy Smith, former New York gangster, of Edward Mallory, 28, an employ­ lead over the governor as the JACKIE’S GUARD DYING who was killed as he stood talking Baltimore, Md., Aug. l i . — Six ee of the Modern grocery store of counting of votes in yesterday’s to a friend beside an automobile. firemen injured, more than 330,- Los Angeles, Calif., Aug. 11.— Smith, police believe, was slain in 000 gallons of gasoline destroyed ELL-ANS Glenbrook, who disappeared last Democratic primarj' election pro­ 2S« and 75$ Fbckagaa Everyirfwe night after leaving a note in the gressed today. Joseph Block, 42, special guard of revenge for his supposed part in the and other property damaged mark- safe of the store declaring he was With many rural precincts yet Jackie Coogan, juvenile film star, killing of Isaac Stein and Jules Por­ going to drown himself. unheard from, Martineau had a and his parents, .was momentarily tugese, rival gang leaders. He was Employees when they opened the lead of 7,677 votes in the returns expected to die today from a bullet indicted for the Stein killing but safe this morning discovered the available early today. i which lanced his heart while police was not convicted. following note: i were seeking his assailant, Don Mc- “ I am did. You will find my ASSASSIN INSANE. Crae, Coogans ex-chauffeur, CONGRATULATES GER>L\NY. TONIGHT body at the waterside dock. I am ‘ Skilled surgeons in attendance on ■Washington, Aug. 11.— President going to drown myself.” Washington, Aug. 11.— The at­ the wounded man throughout the Coolidge today sent the following STATE AT 7:00 & 9:00. Mallory’s wife told the police tempt to assassinate President Pan- night, declared that if Block sur­ telegram to General Von Hlnden- her husband left the house about galos, of Greece, bore no political vives it will be a miracle. burg. President of Germany: 1.30 last evening and had not yet significance, a cablegram from As a result of McCraes attack on “ On the anniversary of the birth Priscilla Dean returned. No cause could be as­ Athens to the Greek legation said Block, a special police guard watch­ of the Repuhlio of Germany, I send “ OUTSIDE signed by Mrs. Mallory or the store today in confirming press reports. ed today over the home of Joseph to Your Excellency on behalf of the owners for his absence. The would-be assassin. Minister Coogan, uncle of the famous child government of the United States &'Lon Chaney in Simopoulos declared, was unbal­ actor. Coogan feared McCrae may and in my own name cordial con­ THE L A W ” WOOD LEFT 95,000,000 anced mentally, and wholly irre­ take vengeance upon him. He was gratulations and earnest wishes for Salem, Mass., Aug. 10.— ^The sponsible. instrumental in having the chauf­ the continued prosperity of Ger­ will of the late William M. Wood, General sympathy has been ex- feur discharged recently for drunk­ many.” MATINEE ...... 2:15 founder of the American Woolen i^ressed throughout Greece, and enness. Company, on file here today, dis­ calm prevails, a statement from the PLAYERS ESCAPE DE.YTH. Tom orrow EVENING .7:00 & 9:00 closed the mill magnate left $8,- legation said. PRINCE IN HONOLULU Detroit, Aug. 11.— Sixteen mem­ 000,000 not $10,000,000 as sup­ Honolulu, Aug. 11. — Crown bers of the Detroit baseball club 2—FEATURES—2 posed. TWO FLYERS KILLED. Princa Oustat Adolf and Crown narrowly escaped death today LEWIS ANNA Q. when the Pullman car in which FRANK MAYO Most of the estate, which was Princess Louise today were the STONE- & NILSSON in largely in stocks and bonds, went to Milan, Italy, Aug. 11.— One avi­ guests of Hawailans. The future they were sleeping burst into the Immediate family. There were ator was burned to death and an­ ruler of Sweden and their party will flames at Decatur, 111., according to in “ TOO MUCH MONEY” “LEW TYLER’S WIVES’* three large outside bequests, two other died of a broken skull- when be entertained at various social af­ dispatch received here, ALSO COUNTRY STORE NIGHT of which were to employes and tin their planes collided in mid-air to­ fairs today and later they will The ball players were forced to flee the burning car in their night other to the "Wsst Parish church, day. The planes plunged to the motor over the island. The royal Andover. clothes, the dispatch stated. ground, one of them catching fire. party is scheduled to remain here a FRIDAY & SATURDAY The aviators were Joseph Miller week, when they will proceed to AVIATOR KHiLKD. FIRE IN DARIEN. Japan oi. the Siberia Maru. and Leo Bo. Dayton, Ohio, Aug. 11.— ^Lieu­ F-irfra ADDED Darien,, Conn., Aug. 11.— Fire CiXira ATTRACTION llXlTa of unknown origin broke ont this FORD AIR RACE MOVIE STAR FREED tenant Barksdale, well-known army aviator, was killed shortly after morning in a large barn owned by Los Angeles, Calif.,Aug . 11.— Slgmond Mason, a genei'al contrac­ Bt. Poul, Minn., Aug. 11.— Twen­ Louise Frazenda, widely known mo­ noon today when his plane crashed Capt. Herbert H* Bissell to the ground. tor of this place destroying the ty airplanes competing in the Edsel tion picture star, was granted a WITH A CAST OF MANCHESTER BOYS building and a quantity of valuable Ford reliability tour left th* muni­ divorce today by Judge Walter machinery. Fire companies from cipal airport here beginning at 10 Gates from Noel M. Smith, film di­ in “THE BATTLE OP NIANTIC” Darien and Noroton responded bat a. m., for Des Moines, Iowa, where rector. The decree was granted on DANCING TONIGHT were unable to save the bam or Ita they were scheduled to land during the ground of desertion. The testi­ ALSO ADOLPHE MENJOU in “A Social Celebrity.** contents. the noon hour. mony was brief. Lakeside Casino HOOT GIBSON in “ The Phantom Bullet” The loss is estimated at about The planes came here from Mil­ The suit was filed under the star’s ' ten thousand dollar^ waukee Monday* married name of Louise M. Smitlu Soott Ckiventry*


iRAlD BROADWAY CLUBS. Broadway. Today’s raids wer,e J^w York, Aug. 11.—Pour the third In a series. Brdkdway clubs were raided by po­ :______' . J Here Is The Amazing Life History Of “ The Tiger” Told In Pictures lice-today and five men arrested. The Rajdiug officers seized a large quan- tltyjof liquor in the raids, they re- McGovern Granite CoJ Oorled. CEMETERY MEMORIALS < City police, cooperated with pro­ Represented hy ]1866**18%^ivc4<^ hibition enforcement officers, and I in Conneeiiciit,. ^ C. \V. HAUTENSTBIM ' |tn«irryin^ a a ' continued a crusade to “ dry up” 47 Renton St. Telephone 1821 I American. G. Fox & Co., he. Hartford store Closed Wednesday Afternoons Until Sept. 1st. #

TSTB-Electel to S om . Sept,28, chamber ofiepu.bes Versutles wim 1841, at F(^e the '♦riiera heviwn. aidt- WilMA Utd- Lloydr Now In Progress son ofadocbr naxne of *Ti^er'* which she has been enmeshed since In all the world there is no fig­ years. ^And finally, in the fall of WILL TIGER SAVE he left the halm? It sounds absurd ure like this. Simplicity is the key­ 191,7, when the ,^var was- going — and yet, since his letter to Presi­ note of his life. badly and there was much defeat­ dent Coolidge, you hear men August Sale FRANCE? CLAWS SHARP When you visit him In his little ist talk, Clemenceau became pre­ speaking of it. fiat in the Rue Franklin, In the mier. It is impossible to guess from a Passy district of taris, you wait in (Continued from page 1.) conversation with the old Tiger a room filled with pictures of To all pleas for peace he replied himself. He seems quite unruffled. Greek antiquities until you are only: “ .t^oincare knows everything but When you ask him for opinion ushered into his study. There, at a “ Je fais la guerre— I make his eyes twinkle, under their bushy war.” of Furs understands nothing.” hbrseshoe-shaped writing table, a Then, as I asked him about one brows, ani ha says: i gray skull cap on his head and He scrapped generals that were of Poincare's ipredecessors in the "The first 75 years are the hard­ gray silk, gloves on his hands, sits no good. He made Foch generalis­ premiership, ho remarked: est. After that you acquire a phil­ old "leather Victory.” simo of the allied armies. He tour­ osophy.” torts. "I smoked the 13 down to mer. He returned to France just ed the front lines constantly. He "Briand knows nothing, but un­ A Peasant's Ckittage. the last end. Then I quit and I after the Franco-Prussian war, in derstands everything.” By his own rule, Clemenceau won the affectionate name of shoijld at least have that, in -full It you visit him at his tiny cot­ have not smoked since.” 1870, drawing those troubled years “ Father Victoiy.” And after the Simple Arithmetic. tage in St. Vincent-sur-Jard, in his His food is cooked for hinl by an inextinguishable hatred of Ger­ Not long ago the editor of a measure. The things that the man armistice he negotiated the Treaty has been and done!— teacher, doc­ native Vendee, you find a place the old housekeepers he maintains many. of Versailles with Lloyd George leading Paris newspaper wrote to more modest than the ordinary in his two homes, and .are always a number of leading statesmen tor, orator, soldier, agitator, editor, A Tiger for 5Q Years. and Woodrow Wilson— negotiated playwright, cabinet member, pre­ peasant's cottage. Clemenceau glee­ sensed by his valet,-«.he faithful In 1876 he was elected to the asking what they thought of the fully tells you that. it costs him so cannily that Lloyd George re­ mier, even writer of a movie film. Albert, who went to America with Chamber of Deputies, ' where his marked, “ Every time I see xhe old government then in power. Clem- only a few hundred francs a year. him. Eight o’clock at night sees enceau's repiy consisted solely^ in If republics were not notoriously virulent speeches won him the man he has shed another year and ungrateful he would have been Besides, it Is too distant for bores Clemenceau in bed; 4 a. m. sees nickname that has clung to him the foiiowing equation, scribbled to pursue him. gained another claw.” president of France as well. But him up. If in Paris, he gets busy ever since— “ The Tiger.” He gave one rule of writing con­ on a piece of paper: with his books. If in the Vendee he “ 0 plus 0 plus 0 plus 0 equals 0.” in 1921 ^ te r laying down the reins His daily life is rigidly regulat­ Defeated for parliament in 1893 duct which might be framed in Later he characterized the Her- of government, he sought this last ed. His meals are of the simplest. takes long rambles- by the sea­ — he was accused of being pro- most magazine and newspaper of­ He drinks coftee and wine very shore. English at a time when Franco- riot government as “ a ministry of honor and was defeated. * • * fices. Clemenceau was at the lime poor relations.” Refused to Sulk. sparingly, and never smokes. He Britisli relations were ver^ bad— editor of “ Justice.” M. Mandel, in * * * But he acquired his philosophy. tells how he “ broke off” on tobac­ Consider the man's extraordi­ he became an editor, and for , nine aftev years to be his right' hand ■^'hat eiemenceau may be think­ He did not sulk. He withdrew into co. He was formerly an inveterate nary life. Born Sept. 28, 1841, in years fought for. the demoCTatic man, was making his debut as a ing and planning just now is the solitude of his library to read smoker, but one day he decided to Fesle, the son of a doctor, he first cause. In 1903 he was elected to writer for the paper. Clemenceau known only to himself. What the and .write quietly, emerging ' only quit'. He laid on his bureau a box studied medicine, and in fact took the senate, and three yars later be­ was giving him counsel: future may hold for him is equally twice— once, several years ago, to containing 25 and said he would his doctor’s degree and sttled down came premier of France for the "To write is easy— short phrases problematical. Will "Father Vic­ tour America in an effort to. .win smoke just 13, to test his will pow­ to a physician's practice. But in first time. In 1908 he established — a verb, a subject, an attribute.” tory,” by a stiange trick of fate, liberal financial terms for France, er. 1866 he moved to America to study the Franco-British entente. He remained silent for a mo­ prove at last to be the one man and again this month when he “ Of course, you smoked them social conditions, settling in Con­ He resigned in 1909, returned to ment. Than he added: “ If you wish all.?’’ says a friend. who can lead Prance out of the fi­ wrote his open letter to President necticut and even marrying an the Chamber of Deputies, and was to add an adjective, you come to nancial and diplomatic tangle in Coolidge. “ Of course, I did not,” he re- American girl. Miss Mary Plum­ a prominent figure there for see me first.” DESCENDANT OF CONFDCIDS HEBRON When Death Won Samuel A. Hilding left Sunday night for Brooklyn, N. Y., to at­ ELS UNITED STATES TO tend the funeral of his brother-in- law, John T. Davis who died very suddenly. Mrs. Della Porter Who has been FOLLOW ‘OPEN DOOR’ POLICY spending a week with her brother in Waterbury came out to her old home here for an afternoon recent­ For N'ea service and the Herald *-bcr, oil, motor cars and tobacco ly taking a picnic dinner with other Hsiang Hsi K'ung. leading Chinese are seen everywhere. There is an friends in the hickory grove on the educator and foreign relations ex­ ever-growing importation of Am­ Porter farm. pert, has outlined the conditions erican foodstuffs. Last year 23,- Miss Clarissa Lord has returned that actually confront China today 000.000 bags of American flour from a few days spent at Marlbor­ A direct descendant of Confucius, were sold in China. ough Lake as the guest o^ Miss he is dean of the Chinese branch of Modern Ideas Dorothy Andrews at the cottage of her parents. Oberlin college and is in America So this period of unrest in China now as his country’s represent­ must be gone through just as the Mrs. Edward Smith has returned ative to the Sesquicentennial expo­ mariner finds the waters of the f-'n i St. Joseph’s Hospital in Wil- sition at Philadelphia. rea more easily stirred up as he limantic where she was called dur­ ing the operation for tonsil trouble approaches the harbor. Because on her son. BY HSIANG HSI RUNG China is going through a change Cliincse Foreign Relations Com­ of ideas and these modern ideas A meeting of the committee of mission are more quickly assimilated by the Congregational Church was some than by others, we find the I held at the home of Frank Ray­ Much of the so-called informa­ mond Monday evening to decide on tion given out as to conditions in present unrest. Hence, in China today we have matters relating to the re-decorat­ China is mere propaganda. Some Hsiang Hsi K ’ung ing of the church. The members Louis Fink, veteran racing driver, was leading the field as he rounded of it is issued to meet the urge of people who grasp modern ider.s quickly and are eager for change. r : the church committee are Ed­ the turn into the finish stretch at the Langhbrne, Pa., track. But death the American public for “ news” ward Smith, Lucius Robinson, Mrs. and a good deal of misinformation On the other hand, there are those . The missionaries scattered outstripped him. The car skidded, crumpled and overturned. Fink’s to whom new ideas come slowly throughout China through their Prank Raymond, Mrs. E. T. Smith, race was over. is given in this way. There is no de­ Mrs. 'William O. Seyms, Mrs. Ed- nying that we have unrest, troubles and who deprecate sudden educational, medical and philan­ The Newest Models changes. For this reason some thropic labors, the American re­ — ,-d A "'vm ond. The church has and war in China just as has been voted to unite with Gilead during the case with other nations when clashing of opinions is inevitable. presentatives in the Y. M. C. A. Politically, different leaders and Y. W. C. A. and such an in­ the time v/hen the renovating of Way’s in Gilead. New York, on Tuesday and Wed­ for 1926-27 Seasons At the people have broken away from the Interior is goin- which will old to new conditions. have differing ideas as to what stitution as the great Peking A meeting of the town school nesday of this week. Union Medical College established necessitate the closing of the church committee was held at the town Also there has been a good deal is best for the country. Some be­ for that period. Enoch Crandall who underwent Greatly Lower Prices of unrest in China which is. after lieve in more democratic prin­ by Mr. Ro~kefelIer, have made the clerk’s office Monday evening and Mrs. Albert W. Hilding and her a petition was drawn up for presen­ the amputation of his right leg to all, not as bad as reported. This ciples for the people; others, that name and charitable influence of the knee a few weeks ago is con­ America widely known and felt children are spending a few days tation to the State Board of Edu­ can be shown by an analysis of the people must be guided. Some valescing at his boarding place with Now Than Later throughout China. in Hartford with Mr. and Mrs. Les­ cation protesting against the re­ commercial conditions. From the hold that the need of the country lie Ward. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Miner. The offshoots in China of such moval of Charles M. Larcomb from returns of the Chinese customs, we is the centralization of power; Mrs. John Hilding who is ill -with Though Mr, Crandall is comfort­ note that both imports and exports others, that the provinces should American educational institutions the supervisorship of the schools, G. Fox & Co. during the past 59 years h'ave-sold a chronic trouble shows very little of Lebanon, retaining the towns of able in the main he suffers from are greater than ever before. This be given complete autonomy. as Yale with a Yale-in-Hunan, Ob- severe pain and other unpleasant thousands of fur coats in this city and vicinity and erlin-Shansi, Harvard, Princeton, improvement these warm days. Franklin, Scotland and Sprague is emphatically true of American These various political factions Mrs. E. M. Cummings and Mrs. sensations in the leg which was re­ do not know of a single dissatisfied customer. This commerce. Grinnell, and the University of and being removed from Lebanon are naturally desirous of success. Winthrop Porter and children moved. He declares that he can is a distinguished record and should receive the American structural steel, lum- It is Inevitable, therefore, that Pennsylvania are widely dissemin­ and Columbia. Chairman Robert E. were recent guests at the home of Foote was instructed to carry the hardly believe that the member is thoughtful consideration of every woman who they should call upon their mili­ ating the best American spirit and gone, so persistent are these sen­ cnTture. Mrs. Kneeland Jones in Bolton. petition to the state board in Hart­ plans the purchase of a fur coat, this season. We tary friends for assistance. This in­ Mrs. E. A. Raymond and daugh­ ford. Every member of the town sations. duces the military leaders to form There have been official repre­ have assembled a particularlt choice selection of ter, Ruth, and Mrs. F. H. Raymond school committee signed the peti­ Schools of the town will open the habit of interfering with poli­ sentatives of the United States in attended the meeting of the Ladies’ fine fur coats for this year. ’ China, siich as Mr. Charles R tion. The chairman, the secretary September 7, closing June 15, tical affairs. Aid in Winchester at their last and all members feel that the town The modern statesman who has Crane, the Tate Dr. Paul Reinsch, 1927, according to the school cal­ gathering. has been used unjustly in this mat­ endar submitted by the supervisor. been responsible for this condition Mr. Julean Arnold and Mr. Silas Carleton H. Jones pitched for Strawn who have been wholly de­ ter. The matter of a school dental The force of teachers remains the Hudson Seal Coats, is the late President Yuan Shih the Glastonbury team in a league clinic also came up for considera­ Kai. Himself ignorant of the true sirous of helping China. same as last year with the excep­ game played with Ivoryton Sunday tion and was commented favorably tion of Gilead Hill where Miss Ruth ^295 to $395 to ?495‘ meaning of Democracy, and desir- However, many times they have afternoon, in which the latter team upon. It was voted to advertise for ‘ous only of becoming a dictator, he been unable to make an effective Ellis will teach. Miss Pamelia was victorious in a score of 4-3. bids in the matter of high school Brousseau will teach in Amston in Sealine Coats, $159.50 to $195.00 used both money and influence use of their friendliness and sym­ The American Legion held its transportation, bids to be sealed and with the military leaders who were pathy because of the weakness of place of Miss Alice Whitney who district meeting in the town hall. time for receiving to close at noon has a position in Maine. Mrs. Nel­ his proteges. That really started American diplomatic policy in Refreshments were served after the August 18. The salary paid by the Natural Squirrel Coats. . the interference with political af­ China. Therefore, America’s offi­ lie Jones Skinner will teach in the business meeting. town to Miss Margaret Danehy, Jp;;es Street School, taught by Miss fairs on the part of the militarists. cial influence may be described by Mrs. A. W. Hilding and Mrs. W. school nurse, was raised $50. $395 to $450 to $550 the Chinese phrase “ empty words.” Ellen Jones last year. Miss Jones I Christian and Autocrat O. Seyms attended the meeting of The Rev. J. H. Fitzgerald was will attend the' 'Vyillimantic State ( Formerly the great American the Fair Association held at C. D. Cocoa Squirrel Coats, $375 to $475 I Even among the military leaders statesman, John Hay, enunciated called to his parish in Bay Ridge, Normal School this coming year. i however, there are two distinct tho famous doctrine of the “Open i! types. Some, like Marshall Feng Door in China.” If the UniteS Natural Mink Coats, Yu Hsiang, the well-known Chris­ States will follow up this policy tian, are desirous of helping for­ vigorously. It will not only be a $975 to $1250 to $1695 ward Democracy. Others, like Mar­ biessiag to China but wyi b'e help­ salis Chang Tso Lin and Wu Pei ing to Insure the peace’ and safe­ Jap Mink Coats, $395 to $495 to $675 Fu, are more autocratic. ty of the world. In bringing about the present For Sale I situation, I am sorry to say foreign Leopard Coats, $525 to $550 nations are not wholly without CAR BARX SLAYERS A few exceptionally nice 1925 and 1926 USED CHEVROLETS blame. With some, it Is a matter KEPT IN DEATH HOUSE, Caracul Coats, $175 to $295 to $395 of business. China disturbed and at prices that will surely interest you. unquiet is a good market for guns Boston, Aug,' 11.— Contrary to Persian Lamb Coats, $395 to $550 Brambach and ammunition. Many have made expectations, John ; J. Devereaug, 1926 Chevrolet Roadster, fully equipped. fortunes In this way. Left-over John J. McLaughlin and Edward J. military supplies from Europe, Heinlein, convicted slgyers of an 1926 Chevrolet Coach, used as demonstrator. Pony Coats, $175 to $195 to $295 ^ The world’s best small i I stuff for which there Is no, mar- aged Waltham carbarn watchman, I ket elsewhere, can be dumped In 1925 Chevrolet Coach, small mileagrc. grand piano. Known the! were kept In the death' hbuse at Raccoon'Coats, $275 to $295 to $350 I China at a handsome profit. With state's prison today and were not 1925 Chevrolet Coupe, excellent condition. ^ world over. Not a cheap j others, it Is policy that China brought to Supreme Court when Beaver Coats, $495 to $525 grand, but finest quality atj should be kept tied down and Attorney Prank Juggins' began ar­ weak. guments for a writ of habeas corpus' 1924 Studebaker Light Six Touring. Civet Cat Coats, $225 to $250 a low price. Results o f : We people in China believe that on the ground of the alleged insan­ 103 years of piano building, i the United States is our sincere ity of Devereaux. 1925 Hudson Coach. friend. She was not only the first Electrocution of;th e inen. If it nation to return the Boxer Indem­ takes place at all, will not coine un­ 1922 Ford Coupe. Convenient Terms. nity funis, -sUpulating that they til Friday as a hearing on a motion 1924 Chevrolet Sedan. Charge purchases made during August should be used for the education of for a new trial has been set by Cuinese students but, by calling Judge Frederick Fosdlck of Middle­ will appear on. October, bill rendered Novem- the Washington Conference to con­ sex county Superior Court for to­ oer 1st and will be held in cold storage free KEMPS sider the outstanding questions morrow morning. Jug;gii(s based W. R. Tinker Jr of charge until called for. with China and .giving China a his Plea for a-new -trlil; on the **Everything Mnsical” square deal, won the confidence ground of newly discovered evi­ 130 Center Street and gratitude 6f the Chinese na­ dence of tlfe mental condition of Phone 1000 tion. Devereaux. . > ' PAGE FOUR^ 'MANCHESTER'EVENING HERALD, WEDNESDAY, AUG. 11, 192«,

wa make little doubt what bla de­ 'IN |RamIff0^ cision would be. Siemsfik THE PRIZE RING AND THE BAA, W A S H Sttenins Hi’i'ald The lawyers have triumphed. PUBUSRHID BT TH B HERALD PRINTING CO. The horny hands of the ring hare lE T T E D S dropped to the canvas, every moth­ New York, Aug. 11.— Summer NATURE Founded by El wood S. Ela By Charles P. Stewart Oct. 1. 1881 er’s son of them, and the judge Is is, perhaps, no time to hunt gyp­ Washington, Aug. 11.— The Sen­ sies. For the gypsy trail leads By ARTHUR N, PACK. Every Evenins Except Sundays and counting them out. A la’wyer, President, American Nature Assn. Holidays. ate committee investigation of the wherever, roads wind. Entered at the Post Office at Man* with no other weapon than a legal alien property custodian’s office And to locate these nomadic peo­ '^Damsel-flies are those slender- Chester as Second Class Mall Matter. tome, has won the world’s pugilistic may turn up, astonishing discrepan­ ple in any particuldr pdrt of Man­ cies in the records. At least. Sena­ bodied, long-winged insects, built SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Mall championship. The fight is over. hattan is not easy, . for even as six dollars a year; sixty centa a tor William E. Borah and his fel­ these words are written they may somewhat alo^ig the lines of drag­ month for shorter perloda You might have known that low committeemen believe that it be up and away to some new sec­ on-flies, and in common vrith them By carrier, eighteen centr a week. when the manly art became a mil* will. tion or out upon the open road. sometimes called "DevITs darning- Single copies, throe centa The alien property custodian's needles.” Large boys, who ought to SPECIAL ADVEUTJSINO REPRE­ lion-dollar industry they couldn’t The first blast of chill wind is records never have had a thorough know better, tre fond of telling the SENTATIVE: Hanillton-D# Llsser. lay oft it much longer. The temp­ almost certain to blow them ^back Inc. 25 West 4Sd Street. New York overhauling and their volume is again, however. For, by some para­ smaller ones, when these efficient and 612 North Michigan Avenue, tation was too much. tremendous. insects are seen skimming over the Chicago. dox of nature, these folk who pur­ Back in the day when John L. If there has been graft, as Borah sue the air and sky so zealously in old swimming-hole, that they will The Manchester Evening Herald Is expects to show, it’s quite on the sew up little boys’ ears. “ Snake- * on sale In .New York City at Schults's Sullivan and Jake Kilrain mauled pleasant weather, invariably drift News Stand. Sixth Avenue end 42nd ^ards that It was on a record scale, back to the congestion of squalid doctors” also'then are called under Street and 42nd Street entrance of one another, ^ghting was illegal. for the sums the custodian has the pretended notion that they ad­ Grand Central Station. river-front neighborhoods in winter But they did fight, and the folk handled have been comparable to time. minister to the ills of those . rep­ “ International News Service has the tiles. They are also .supposed to exclusive rights to use for republics- who took that mysterious train the hoards in the United States The signal of their return Is the tion ln#iny form all news dispatches treasury. appearance of colorful palmistry sting horses. credited to It or not otherwise credtt- from New Orleans to Mr. Rich’s “ Millions” Is Borah’s rough es­ As a matter of fact, however, eped In this phper. It Is also exclusively signs in windows about town, and, entlfed to use for repuhileation all farm in Mississippi to see It will timate of the amount he believes particularly the flashing colors of the adults of both dragon flies and the local or undated news published tell you that there wasn’t a single stuck to somebody’s finjsers. For rugs and shawls hung as curtains damsel-flies are perfectly harmless heroin." legal advice alone $3,000,000 ap­ except to other insects. In the adult, lawyer in the ring that day. on old empty store wlndfiws of low­ pears to have been spent. This may er Fourth street, just'off the water. flying state they feed on various All is changed now. If you have flying insects, and many tribes of Only Four More Days To Secure A WEDNESD.AY, AUli. 11, 1926. or may not have been too much but Borah thinks it was. > , people give them the name “ mos­ ' o I. ® a c * priHf inferred it isn’t legal to fight now, Whatever the origin of the gyp­ someone has misled you. It is sy— a mystery argued by many quito-hawk.” Ex-(iu8todian Thomas W. Miller Whittall Rug At Sale Prices positively legal, only, as we said from George Barrow to Konrad .AX O F F E R . and ex-Attorney General Harry M. Bercovici— the New York brand l\’c have a deal of admiration for before, they are using books instead Daugherty probably will have to hails from the Balkan countries bear the brunt of things when the the sheer ability and cleverness of of knuckles. and settles alongside of the peoples * Discontinued Patterns. Lawyers are trying to work out investigators really get down to of the Balkan lands. And this, gen­ the New A'ork World— and a lively cases. some kind of a case whereby Mr. erally speaking,'is a territory ram­ recollection of one or two occa­ Both are under Indictment in bling about the East Side from We still have some good pAttei'ns and colors in all grades of Whittall sions when that great newspaper’s Dempsey, one of the old-style fight­ New York in connection with one Eighth to Fourth streets and from of the custodian’s turnover’s, but Rugs at these special prices. Next Monday all Whittall rugs will go back tendency to cut away and do polit­ ers, can take his sesqui-centcnnlal Avenue A to the East River. exercise against a young soldier that was just a single transaction. No peoples who come to Ameri­ to regular prices. These regular prices will be in effect throughout the ical stunts on its own hook led to Borah expects to dig into thous­ can shores retain more of the. in­ • irtNiirtffTh' somewhat embarrassing situations, (and a good one) named Gene Tun- ands. eradicable customs of the home­ country for the next six months, so this is your last opportunity this year Devil’s Darning Needle. for the World. ney, a very much smoked up Even if the explanations are all land. Their kinsmen settle down. to save 20% and still get the finest Wilton rugs made. satisfactory there will have to be The World It was who, out of a article. The gypsy nsver. Most damsel-flies lay their eggs a great many of them. What is more— they deal in In­ clear sky, nominated Herbert Hoo­ Mr. Kearns insists that Mr. on the surface of the water, and cantations, love potions, herbs and they lay a- great many. When these ver for President, as a Democrat, in Dempsey keep his hands in his Borah doesn’t like the idea of an strange cure^. They “ cast spells,” Anglo Persian Wiltons Anglo Kirman Wiltons pockets unless he fish forth many alien property custodian’s office, hatch, the tiny larva grows to be a 1920. That nomination looked incant curses, treat old women for comparatively heavy bodied insect, anyway. rheumatism. They read fortunes $132.50 9x12 ft. s iz e ...... $106. like a stroke of genius. It scared drachmae to ease the hurts occa­ exceedingly well fitted to capture Whittall Anglo Persian Wiltons He doesn’t consider It right to with cards, chart the head and $122.00 9x 101/2 ft. size ....$97.50 the Republican party as nothing sioned by the recent Dempsey- seize private property even in time other insects, or any small fishes. are considered the country's finest study palms; they reveal secrets ■ A curious modifications of the rugs. $22.50 36x63 in. s iz e ...... $18. has scared it since the day when Kearns divorce. A few hundred of war, and, with billions of our for defeating enemies and winning thousand for alimony— that’s all own invested abroad now, he ven­ lower lip is fitted with hooks with $14.25 27x54 in. s iz e ...... $11.40 Bryan was nominated in 1S96. And loves. They have the “ evil eye.” which they can- seize and hold their Mr. Kearns would like from the tures the guess that, the next time These, of course, are obvious $150.00 9x12 ft. s iz e ...... $120. how near the World came to get­ we get into one, we’ll wish we prey. The damsel-fly larvae them­ court today. transplantations from the home­ selves are so very abundant that $138.00 8VixlOV2 ft. size. .$110.40 ting away with it, history and me­ hadn’t set such a precedent. land. For the superstitious ones in Teprac Wiltons And that isn’t all. A brunet At any rate, he says the pelted they form an important source of $54.00 4^x7V^ ft. size . . . .$43.20 moirs of future years alone can tell. theU* Balkan lands believe quite food for fishes and*other aquatic named Wills declares he is really property ought to be returned, now firmly that spells are being cast $25.00 36x63 in. s iz e ___ . . . .$20. $105.00 9x12 ft. s iz e ...... $84. But in the end it was a terrible vertebrates. the one Mr. Dempsey should take the war’s over, and he adds most and the evil spirits are hounding $16.00 27x54 in. s iz e ...... $12.80 $96.50 8^ x 101/2 ft. size .. .$77.20 flop— after Hoover at last told the emphatically that the custodian them. They call in the gypsies and his exercise with, and he goes back $14.50 36x36 in. s iz e ...... $11.60 $17.75 36x63 in. s iz e ...... $14.20 waiting nation that he wasn’t a and his friends ought not to have — whiff!! away they go. EB $10.75 22Vi(x36 in. size ...... $8.60 $11.25 27x54 in. s iz e ...... $9.00 Democrat, never had been a Demo­ into the files to try to prove there’s gobbled any of it up— if they did America means prosperity for — while it was in the government’s crat and couldn’t see any prospect a Santa Claus, and pleads that the the women, and they insist upon court hear him. possession. staying. Nowhere can such prices that he ever would be a Democrat. be received for the mere casting of 9x12 ft. Jacquard Wiltons of Standard make, regularly $87.50 ...... $69. It was a terrible flop for the World It’ll be fine pretty soon. All Such an office as the alien prop­ a fortune. Society women drive erty ’ custodian’s does, of course, Wiosoever exalteth himself shall 9x12 ft. Axminster rugs, regularly $35.00 ...... '...... $28.75 and it made a terrible flop out of the prize fights will be free. But down to the docks in limousini:s lend itself to manipulation, if the be abaserl; and he that humblcth they’ll be held in the appellate and pay u«o, five or ten dolla'i'.’. for himself shall be exalted. — Luke poor Jimmy Cox. The dice didn’t man in charge cares to manipulate the ro-td L'g of a palm. Hundreds courts. 1 4 rll. roll right for the 'W’orld. it- , , are made v.-ithin a week. The sums It isn’ t bound by such iron clad I think half the troubles for T Now the World, perhaps with the .seem fabul.ius to the Romany which men go slouching in prayer HITCHING WAGONS TO STABS. rules, as, for Instance, Is the treas­ maids, And so they choose to stay. memory of the Hoover tragedy in to God are caused by their intol­ A year ago the name of C. C. ury department. That is to aay, it To the musicians, America is a THURSDAY MORNING mind, is hedging just the least little has charge of vast properties of erable pride. Many of our cares Pyle was unknown outside the pre­ crock of gold. Cabarets, cafes, lio- mite when it trots out Owen D. more or less proolematical value tcls and conrort halls have greeted are but a morbid way of looking at our privileges. We let our bless­ SPECIAL Young, nominally acting as second­ cincts of Champaign, HI. He was and in order to permit of their ad­ the gypsy players with'crowds and the manager of another man’s ministration a certain amount of showers of money. ings get moldy and then call them er for Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, curses.— Beecher. theater property, the possessor of a latitude has to be allowed whereas And the baiter of brides is al­ Small Slat Back Rockers, suita­ who nominates Y’oung for United the treasury has just so much ways a mtiry sport; the groom’s ble for porch or sewing chair. pretty good job and little else— money and must account for every EVIDENT. States senator. mother and bride’s father wran­ Woven cane seat, sturdy construc­ If it hadn’t been for the Hoover unless it was a good deal of shrewd­ cent of it. gling over the price for the girl for Doctor: "Wliat sort of night did ness. Then too, the treasury money be­ weeks or for months Major Mopper spend? tion. These go on sale Thursday experience we’d bet a sugar cookie longs to the whole country and if Mrs. Mopper: He seemed a little Today the good Mr. Pyle Is own­ Also they eat native food, from morning at 9:00 A. M. Only one that the World would be frankly there’s much misuse of it, there’s native dishes, with* native table peevish doctor, he asked for water to a customer. nominating Young for President, as er of a fortune and of a name that bound to be a howl sooner or later. manners. They are the most “ un­ several times. The alien property custodian’s a perfectly wonderful compromise is well known from coast to coast. spoiled” of any of the foreigners. Doctor: H’m, still delirious, ap­ As a theater manager he was ob­ holdings are nobody’s in particular, — GILBERT SWAN. parently.— Opinion, London. between the Smithites and the Mc- and the only people to howl about $ Adooites, instead of so caglly pre­ scure; as manager of Red Grange them are the enemy aliens they 1.87 paring the way for such a boom he is famous. were taken away from— to whose howls nobody pays any attention. later, by using the Senate sugges­ Pyle is fortunate in that he worked in the same city where Even in the New York case no­ tion as a stalking horse. body was interested in the enemy It .is to be suspected, however, Grange went to college. Having aliens. that the trouble with any sort of a met and become good friends with Tv«o oharpe there was that Mil­ the famous footballer, it was fairly ler. backed by Daugherty, had re­ WATKI NS BROTHERS. In c . Young candidacy will turn out to turned some of their, property to easy for one of his persuasiveness he much the same as the trouble them— for a consideration. The Oh, let’s pretend we’re' loafing We grown-ups sit and watch a fuen'itube. floor coverings, pianos, phonographs. with the Hoover candidacy. It to get Red to sign on the dotted aliens were included In the accusa­ ’round most any sandy beacb, while. Perhaps we lend a hand, will be much more popular with line. tion, too— for taking it, and. as where fun for all the little folk is but why the youngster seems so And now Mr. Pyle has undertak­ charged, paying the consideration. much within their reach. Like lit­ thrilled, we seldom understand. the New A'ork World and a small if But Borah thinks the aliens al­ en the management of the activities tle ants they work away, with He works to beat the dickens, yet select group of Democratic yearners so ought to have- a fair shake. It scoop and such in hand, abullding it’s work that he calls fun. ’Tis than it will with Owen D. Young, of Suzanne Lenglen, who is to ten­ ought to be at least as good as an little, tunnels and sandhouses in the just a rugged sand-house, still he’s oil or a slush fund investigation. If the World succeeds in getting nis what Red Grange is to football. sand. proud when it is done. The prediction is here freely offer­ A youngster takes no set-backs, The answer? Well, a young­ that gentleman to run on a Demo­ M.fIvING HASTE. ster’s mind is starting on its way. ed that he will not meet with the when he’s at that sort of play. He cratic ticket either for senator, gov­ Husband— I hope you will hurry plans to build a certain thing and It’s teaching him that real hard ernor of New A’ork or President of same^success that he has had with with your dressing, or we shall be works at It all day. A wave may work can mix right in with play. OPERATORS’ UCENSES C0NSTRU(JI0N RECORDS the United States we will buy the Grange. But the prediction is late for the opera. wash and tear things down. The By sticking to the sand-house task ( T O M child may sigh— but then, he sim- there’s one fine thought it brings: editor of the World an eight cent also offered that he will make Wife— Hurry? Why, what else money. Mr. Pyle is not nicknam­ have I been doing for the last two ply makes the best of it, and builds Don’t let the little upsets put the SUSPENDED FOR YEAR SHAHERED LAST MONTH c i^ r with a Manchester wrapper on hours!— Kasper, Stockholm. lit up again. Ihalt on doing things. S I M S it and pay the parcels postage on ed "Cash and Carry” for nothing. The gent has the Midas touch. Washington, Aug. 11.—:A11 rec­ it to Park Row. / The weekly list of operators SAYS ords for volume of construction in If this editorial is uninteresting, It’s Funny She Can’t Get Anything Done Without Being Bossed whose licenses to drive automobiles the United States were shattered AVHIT>LAN. it at Icr.st has a moral. It is this: In Connecticut have been suspend­ It this Isn’t hot enough for you, in July. Never before was so much you know 'where you can go. There is a movement on foot in If you wish to succeed, hitch your ed for one year for driving while money expended In a single month finder the influence of. liquor was for labor, materials and other ele­ New A'ork, sponsored by the Au­ wagon to a star. given out today at the state motor One^tbing wrong with the United ments entering into building costs, thors Club, looking to the Section vehicle department a« a part of the States'is the Atlantic Ocean isn’t ascordlng to statistics compiled by of an heroic statue of Walt Whit­ 5IAWKISH MARTYR. effort to reduce this highwa3( men­ as wide as the Pacific. the Associated General Contractors man. It appears to be the result, We never did like heroics, par­ ace. There are twenty-one names of America. bn the list. Two were Connecticut Peggy Joyce says she isn’t en­ The volume of construction, if not of pique, at least of disap­ ticularly the synthetic kind. So it /N operators convicted .In other states. gaged. Doesn’t sound plausible. handled last month was well above pointment that the. jurors have per­ was no wonder that we gagged a Two cases were appealed. The that recorded for August, 1925, sistently refused to admit Whitman bit and ran for the rail when a department statement advised peo­ Farmers threaten to make Uncle when the previous “ peak” , was Philadelphia forger asked to be ple to notify the department or the Sam a man without any country. * reached. The index on construction to the Hall of Fame of New York operations, based on the 1913 av-; University. One of the points con­ sent to the electric chair for the police in case they should see any of the suspended drivers operating Get a legible laundry mark. erage, shows a jump from the; sidered al the site of the statue is benefit of humanity. motor vehicles. Laundry marks make fine clues. March level of 120 points to the Battery Park. The man was 26 years old, an Andrew Bobrovski, New Britain. present position of 229. This Is the greatest increase within a four- If the outcome of the exclusion inveterate criminal. He was reared b ! J. Burgey. Hartford. All things come too late to the Daniel R. Cantlin, White Plains, fellow who waits, month period ever recorded. of Whitman from the Hall of Fame in a reform school. Since his The construction work under N. Y. way last month furnished a total 4‘ should really be the placing of an childhood he had not spent more Roy C. Church,-Kartford. Save your self-respect and you than five months at a time out of save all. per cent, greater than that shown adequate statue of the “ good grey John M. Combes, Darien. in June. T o e f’ at that particular place, it prison or a reform Institution. His ^ Fred Coutu, Cromwell. ' Exercise removes fat. Yet, some The total volume of construc­ will strike a good many persons as history was one of neglect, bad ■ Wm. Guerin, Stamford, tion performed during the first i George W. Harwood, Meriden. women have 'double chins. a fine piece of posthumous luck for company, idleness, lack of training. seven months of 1925 was 4 per. !. Edward Henderson, New Brltfiin: cent, greater than the amount re­ him; for it is not the easiest thing So he tald the court that he . John F. Hoey, West Haven. A stitch in time on a bathing suit saves a reputation. gistered during the corresponding in the world to imagine the spirit J)f would be better off dead; that he Walter T. Mahoney, South Man­ period last year. This^fact assumes Whitman having a particularly good never could he anything but a chester. . added significance, it is stated, Steve Mazalin, Fairfield. Rouge is popular because lack crook; that he was a menace to so­ of sleep doesn’t ruin rouge. when consideration is given to the time in the curiously assembled Frank McKenna, Shelton. trend of operations earlier In the: group making up the roster »f the ciety and that he would like to die John Q. O’Connor, Hartford. This Is a fine strawberry season, year. Until the end of April, opera­ Hall of Fame, where some utter for society’s benefit. Of course he Peter Pogorely, Hartford. tions lagged behind the figures set Frank Sanford, TerryVille. say the dry cleaners. nobodles are enshrined and where knew that such a sentence never at corresDonding stages in 1925. Charles Silva, South Norwalk. It • was in May that the present could be passed or he never would People ■who go away for a va­ many very important somebodies .1 Frank Stewart, , Pa. phenominal spurt started. will never be. have made the sacrificial gesture. John Terry, Hartford. cation don’t always get one. Whitman is so much better There ^Iways has and' always • Raymond Tracy, Hartford. Twenty years ago today we rtfi Arthur E. Westcott, Lewlsboro, If "Vesuvius does erupt Mussolini to see autos, not to dodge autos. known In Europe than any other will be crime. It seems to be one will be jeslpus. N. Y. American poet, living or past, and of the Inevitables— like death, tax­ so much better known there, rela­ es, and “ Abie’s Irish Rose.” There Better quit drinking. Next ses­ s ■ sion of congress will be asked to tively, than he is in America, and was a time when some men had to abolish all the poorhonses. h'.s school, moreover, is sb much steal tit starve. But that time has more of the whole wide world than passed. \^No man today has a bid Caught a shark off the Florida 11 13 national, that the Battery at for our sympathy simply because he coast, maybe before it landed. is a criminal. New York, where America always I Dug an oii well 7000 feet deep in Safe seems to be extending its band to Mexico. If they go any deeper Milk THEN WHAT? visiting Europe, is a singularly fit­ they’ll strike French francs. ^ F o o d Englishman— You need have This Is the feast day of Saints ting place for a memorial to this Tiburtius and Susanna, both mar­ For/n/onf^ no fear of bears. Sambo. They are All we need to keep cool with one outstanding New York poet. extinct in this country. tyrs who suffered death for thelt invalidt, Coolidge is a summer camp. ThmAftd If Whitman could be consulted as Sambo— Yess, bosh, but some belief. Today is the birthday of Gifford No Cooking;, day I might run into one kida sud­ Moved a 700-pound, clock in Lon- to a preference between this honor den-like dat didn’t know he was Plnchot, Carrie Jacobs. B.oud.and forAUAeer. i don. Lots of time on their TKeHan^Vi and a niche in the Hall of Fai^e eztlnc’.— ^Langport Heridd. Robert InxersolU . % P A G E FIVES MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, WEDNESDAY, AUG. 11, 1926.

WTIC Travelers tnsnrance Co., AIR. Hartford, Conn. 467. The Flint-Bruce Co.’s S p. m. sapolls— Mid-week church services. WQHP (170) D«troU— Concert. 1 "WOS (441) Jefferson City, Mo.— WREO (288) Lnnaing. Mich.— ' Gov. Sam A. Baker. WQJ (447) Chicago— Orchestra •WTIC— 475.9 METERS Dinner hour; orgnn; sports: trio. Program for Wednesday W’GN (303) Chicago— MarltSts: (4 hours). WMAQ (447) Chicago— Variety. Eastorn Standard Time baseball; nutlchl. KFI (467) Dos Angeles— Varie­ 5:30 p. m.— Dinner Concert— I | il W 62 (338) Springfield, Mass.— Heimberger's Good Ship Bond Variety. ty. KFI (467) Los Angeles— Varie­ in Germany— WWJ (363) Detroit— Concert. “ Poet and Peasant” Overture, SEMI ANNUAL SALE WRNY (375) New Yorlt— ty. WTIC (476) Hartford, Conn.— Suppe. Sports: commerce; theater: musi­ Minuet. Beethoven. Dance orchestra. cal. Excerpts from "Martha” Flo- o r Thirty-five Years we have furnished none the less proud of the fact that we have pro­ WGY (379) Schenectady, N. T. KGW (491) Portland— Concert. tow. WEAP (492) New York— Light vided Fui’niture of Quality at moderate prices for — variety. German Song, Von Dltters- homes of distinctive character—the kind that opera, “ Dr. Alcontaro,” To WSCH t\’TAM (389) Cleteland—Con- dorf. many thousands of typical homes of the kind that (26«), WTAG (268). WJAR (806). win admiration and favorable comment from cert. Cradle Song. Rager. F WCAE (461).WCAP (469), WEEI WKRC (432) Cincinnati— Or- Hungarian Dances, Brahms. passers-by throughout city and subui’bs—we are have made Hartford famous as the City of Homes. (476), K8D (845). chesira. Calm as the Night. P''' -'. CNRO (435) Ottawa, Ont. — WOO (526) Philadelphia — Prise Song from “ The Master- Children's half hour; markets. Studio; orchestra. singers,” Wagner. WMAQ (447) Chicago— Organ; WHO (526) Des Moines— Quar­ German Folk Songs. tet; instrumental. orchestra. 6:30 p. m.— News Items, Baseball 10 P. M. scores. Agricultural an Police More Insistently Than Ever We WJZ (455) Now York— Concert. WRVA (256) Richmond, Va.— WEAF ( 492) New York— Syna reports. 7:30 p. m.— Bill Jones Capitol gogue ®®^''‘‘^* v ^ ^ A G ^ ^ ( 545? °^ V *A H T (n 6) Richmond Hill, N. Theater Orchestra. To WOR (319). Y.— Variety. WJAR (36), WCAP (469). WEKI 7:50 p. m.— "Golf”— Jack Stalt, KOA (322) Denver, Colo.— In­ Pro. ' (476). strumental; studio. WCX (517) Detroit— Orchestra. 8 p. m.— The Travelers Jongleurs Urge: Examine and Compare KNX (337) Los Angeles— Varie­ and the Unknown Trouba­ 7 p. m. dour” in a visit to New Bri­ WGHP (27) Detrolt-^Varlety. ty. . KFAB (341) T incol-'. —Re­ tain, Connecticut. We urge this simply because, if you depend lar price” alone, but examine the Furniture care­ WHAD (275) Milwaukee— Mar­ quest night. Troubadour— kets; organ. KGO (3«1) nalvland, Calif.— Flirtation, Mayer-Helmund. entirely upon figures and printed statements re­ fully, and then COMPARE PRESENT PRICES. WCAU (278) Philadelphia— Scores: stocks; weather. The Jongleurs— Never have we been quite so proud of the Quartet: piano. KTHS (375) Hot Springs, Ark. Sunset Meditation, Biggs. garding savings on Furniture, you might have rea­ WLIB (33) Chicago— Variety. Sports: Instrumental solos; orches­ Softly, Unawares, Llncke. son to regret it later. For we are sure that you Furniture in this Store and in our great warehouse. KDKA (309) Pittsburgh— Chil­ tra. Troubadour— dren's hour; markets. KHJ (405) Los Angeles— Varie­ The Old Refrain. Kreisler. cannot buy Furniture equal in quality and beauty Never so distinctive in character, never so exclu­ WDAF (366) Kansas City— ty. Passing By, Fisher. sive in design; never so advantageously purchased. “ School of the Air. WCCO (416) St. Paul-Minneapo- The Jongleurs— anywhere at lower prices than in this Store. It is WRNY (375) New York—Varie-; iig_Muslcal. Whispering Hope, Hawthorne. very necessary to COMPARE the Furniture itself Genuine pleasure and LASTING SATISFACTION ty; concert. WLW (405) Cincinnati— Or- Troubadour— WLIT (395) Philadelphia— Stu­ chestra; soloists. The Bell Man, Cecil Forsythe. —the wood, construction, design, finish. Do not assured to every purchaser of Flint-Bruce Furni- dio program. . KPO (428) San Francisco— Or­ The Jongleurs— tui’e. WSB (428) Atlanta— Household chestra. Ballet ''•••■- from Franz Schu­ decide upon statements as to “reduction” or “regu­ message. KFI (467) Los Angeles -Trio'; bert's Rosamunde— Part I. WQJ (477) Chicago— Concert. detective stories. Troubadour— , : OUR DEFERRED PAYMENT PLAN WJZ (455) New York— Im­ WEAF (492) New York -Or- The Old Road, John Prindle perial Imps: Philharmonic concert chestra. S<(ott. IS THE MOST LOGICAL, PRACTICAL AND DIGNIFIED OF ALL BUDGETING PLANS. ASK ANY SALESMAN ABOUT IT. WEAF (492) New York— Saxo­ WHO (526) Des Moines— Or­ The Jongleurs— ' 'f . phone Octette.. To VTCSH (256), chestra. Kutztown Reel, Nearing. WJAR (306).,WGR (319). WSAI 11 P. M. Tender Question, Felix. (326), WCAE (461), WEEI (476), WSM (283) Nashville— Orches­ Troubadour— WOO (508). WCAP (469). tra. For You Alone, Geehl. W JR*(517) Detroit— Orchestra. KNX (337) Los Angeles—Vari- \The Jongleurs— ■WHO (526) Des Moines— Sym­ Trail of Dreams (Waltz, ^^CNRW (384) Winnipeg. Man.— phony orchestra. Klages. 8 P. .M. Studio. ^ Troubadour— WBBM (226) Chicago— Travel- WTAM (389) Cleveland— Or­ The Enchanted Glade, Lois cgue. chestra. Parker. WGHP (270) Detroit—Variety. KHJ (405) Los Angeles— \arl- 9 p. m.— The Colt Park Municipal WCAU (278) Philadelphia— Mu­ ety. ^ Dance Orchestra. sical variety. WLW (422) Cincinnati— Or­ 9:30 p. m.— Emil Heimh-- WSM (283) Nashville— Concert. chestra. Hotel Bond Dance Orchestra. WGN (303) Chicago— Classical KPO (428) San Francisco—At- 10 p. m.— News, Weather. concert. I water-Kent Hour. KDKA (309) Pittsburgh— Con­ KFI (467) Los Angeles—;-Musi- a cert. cal variety. SUZANNE'S HOPE DWINDLES WAHG (316) Richmond Hill, N. KGW (491) Portland, Ore.— Y.— Studio; quartet. Concert. New Y*ork, Aug. 11.— Mile. Len­ Fireside Chair, Solid KOA (323) Denver— Stocks; WJR (517) Detroit— Organ. glen’s hope of meeting some of the Solid- Mahogany Tea Mahogany carved feet, hair concert. 12 P. M- leading amateur players on her WBZ (333) Springfield, Mass.— WBBM (226) Chicago—"The professional tour of America is un­ Wagon, large drawer and filling, sunfast covering. Orchestra. Nutty Club.” likely of fulfillment, according to automatic leaf supports. Reduced from $60.00 to CFCA (356) Toronto— Musical. KNX (337) Los Angeles—Cour­ a statement made today by Jones Reduced from $37.00 to $45.00. tesy program. WJJD (370) Mooseheart, 111.— W. Mersereau, president of the ,$28.75. Music by children. WKRC (422) Cincinnati— Or­ United States Lawn Tennis Asso­ WTAM (389) Cleveland— Novel­ chestra. ciation. Making it clear that he ty (3 hours). WSB (428) Atlanta— Orchestra. was- speaking unofficially, Mer­ From a great display of Living Room Furniture, we call particular attention to the WLIT (395) Philadelphia— En­ KPO (428) San Francisco— sereau stated that it was not the 3-Piece Suite illustrated- Our $600.00 Suites are not better tailored—and ar.- niaiie b / tertainers. , , Studio. custom of the association to grant the same mechanics. This suite covered with a fine quality o f Jacquard all over, choico CNRO (435) Ottawa— Musical KFI (467) Los Angeles— Tenor. sanctions to amateurs for exhibi­ variety. WJR (517) Detroit— Jesters. tion matches with professionals. of colors. Regular Price $315.00. Sale Price $248.00—or in fine quality of Mohair all over, WOS (441) Jefferson City, Mo. 1 P. M. reverse cushions in wool tapestry, reduced to $339.00. Single pieces at proportionate CNRV (291) Vancouver. B. C.— ,—Markets. reductions. KFNF (461) Shenandoah— Con­ Dance music. cert. KNX (337) Los Angeles—Or­ WMAQ (447) Chicago— Lec­ chestra. ture; trio. WDAF (336) Kansas City— Fro­ Used Cars WCAE (461) Pittsburgh— Dance lic. KHJ (405) Los Angeles— Dance music. All in good condition. Prices WTIC (476) Hartford, Conn.— music. LINOLEUM Variety. KPO (428) San Francisco— Or­ right. Cash or Terms. Room Size Rugs chestra. "WEAF (492) New York— Trou­ 1924 Overland Coupe. badours. To WLIB (303), V(GR 8-SX10-6 Axminster rugs, reg. price Good grade inlaid, reg. price gl.TS. (319)), WSM (326), WWJ (353), 1924 Chevrolet Touring...... -...... $ 1 . 4 9 WCCO (416). WCAP MORE SWI>DIERS FAIL 1921 Ford Sedan. $32.50 WEEI (476). w oe (484), WOO Sslt price ...... Medium grade Inlaid, reg. price Our exhibition of all (508), KSD (545). 1921 Ford Coupe. Calais, France, Aug. 11.— Still •3 35. q e : hair filled, custom built Up­ WCX (517) Detroit— Symphony another pair of champion swim­ 36 inch Gate Leg Table, 9x13 Axminster rugs, reg. price Sale price ...... «pX.C7t9 1920 Overland Touring. holstered Furniture, is at­ orchestra. mers have failed in their attempt correct Windsor turnings, WHO (525)' Des Moines— Or­ to conquer the English Channel. 1920 Ford Touring. •60 00 $47.50 Best grade Inlaid, reg, price »3.50. tracting unusual attention. 8 legs. Imitation Mahogany chestra. Madame Jane Sion, French w.o- Sale price ...... The “ Elsie DeWolf’’ Daven­ 9 P. M. man swimming ace, and Omer Per- or Antique Maple. Re­ S', ...... $2.95 port, Wustrated is reduced WBBM 326) Chicago— "Har­ rault, the French-Canadian star, duced from $22.50 to 8-3x10-6 Velvet rvigs, reg. price from $195.00 to $145.00, or mony Time.” were forced to abandon their ef­ Pickett Motor Sales $15.75. WRVA (256) Richmond, Va.— fort at about 3 o’clock this morn-1 •63A0. $50.00 with down cushion $198.00. Hawaiian trio: hymns and sacred 22-24 Maple Street [cowt WOLl ing. A high wind and/rain contri­ Sale price ...... music. buted materially to the defeat. Open Evenings. CEDAR CHESTS WOHB 266) Clearwater, F l a .- 9x13 Velvet rugs, reg. price 666.00. Every Alaska Cork Lined Vocal and instrumental. 36 in. best cedar, reg. price 613.50. WGHP (270) Detroit— Ensem­ iiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii $52.00 Refrigerator reduced. Prices S'...... $10.75 ble; soloists. price ...... WORD (275) Chicago— Musical; now the lowest of the entire 40 In. best cedar, reg. price glSDO. Bible lecture. WSM (283) Nashville— ^Ensem­ 8-3x10-6 WUton rugs, reg. price year. You can now buy the S'...... $13.75 ble. .100,00. $85.00 40 in. Walnut finish, reg. price WBZ (833) Springfield, Mass.— best at about the usual price INSURANCE Sale price £rp«c...... $18.50 Studio. I ..... I WWJ (353) Detroit— Orchestra. of the cheapest. KGO (361) Oakland, Calif.— 9x13 WUton rugs, reg. price Concert. I The Best Guardian of | .IMOO. WDAF (366) Kansas City.— $115.00 Popular music. Bale price ...... ' DRAPERIES WLIT (395) Philadelphia— Or­ Life and Property | chestra. 9x13 WUton rugs, reg. price Ruffled Grenadine, re;-, price 63.35 WHAS (400) Louisville— Health ...... $ 1 - 4 9 talk: orchestra. .10.00. $132.50 WCCO (416) St. Paul-Mlnne- Sale price ...... ‘ 4 foot 6 inch Mahogany Rxifned dotted Grenadine, re^ 9x13 Maaland rugs, reg. price price 63,35. C 'l 4 0 and Gum Table, clean cut* Sale price ...... Largest assortment of tunungs, unusually good 150.00. $36.00 Cogs-well Chairs we have Tranafllet with aUk fringe. r « . finish. Reduced from $35.00 BbIb PricB •••••a**' price 64.00. $2.95 ever offered— all reduced— to $24.00. A Sale price ...... some as low as $22.50. Fire and Liability taia rugs, reg. price 2 inch post nationally ad­ Colonial net with sUk TrlMCjT^. Others up to $145.00. •MOO. $22.50 vertised steel bed. Has been price 67.50. $4.95 Bale prlca ...... Sale price ...... Insurance our leader between season at AU 0ununer ru$B to close out at Cretonnea 35c. to 61.50, sale 18c. $11.75. Sale Price, full size to 75c. or single, $6.98. \ Draperies from 85% to 60% dla- Elsau’s Folly RICH ARD g : r i c h AU Kleamax ruga to close out \count. halt-prlea. \ To sacrifice future independ­ $25.00 Mattresses a r e Odd lot of drapery and fabrics at half-price. ence for the satisfaction of B«0diiic» Soatk Manchesto^ AU Wber and Wool ruga to close present wants is to be guilty $19.75. $18.00 Mattresses •ut half-prlea. ^ of th* folly of Esau — who are $12.75. $12.00 Mat­ sold his birthright for a mess of pottage. 0 tresses are $8.45. The Life Income Plan works the other way. In return fo re little self denial now, it asauret Insure Your Valuables independence later. ^ Fluted post, solid Mahog­ Cuertmteea you $100 monthly A BOX IN A GOOD SAFE DEPOSIT VAULT when disabled. $I(K) monthly New England made, full any 4 poster bed, made es­ for life at age 60 and $10,000 ISTHB size Wihdsor Chair. Was The Flint-Bruce Co. pecially for us. Has never insurance up to age 60^ Aisk i low priced at $6.75, but at been sold for less than for booklet. BEST AND CHEAPEST INSURANCE. $3.95, the Sale Price, is H A R T F em . Selling Grood Furniture For 35 Years at Ha r t f o r d . $75.00, Sale Price $55.00. close to the cost of manu­ Others as low as $25.00. Connecticut General facturing. Life Insurance Company The Manchester Trust Co. 103 Asylum St. and 150 Trumbull St.

FAYETTE R GLARKEv A g t ■ »-’- 9 1 iO Depot Sq. > TeU 292 diiiUiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiiiuiiiiiiiuuiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHUiituiiimiittiiiiiuiiuiiuiiiik •^ *. -, .1- •* ;7 - v V - » v ., . . • ..V

T :f, - ■’■ •<■

MAKCHESTER"EVEOTNG?HERALDrWEDNESDAY, AUG. 11, 1926. PAGE SIX' ,»«*1."'- ■ — ■’ .^-v-.< Kj-'i-.—.;?■ • - ‘ ,t ►■>. ■..•■■■'

^~iru-LrLfu-LTLnri.rirj~Ln.ru--ir i-» ---"* * * Change in Rates I POE’S STORIES: TlSie Black Cat!,^ > ^ Sketches by Redner, Synopsis by Brauchei^ For Herald Clashed Advertising r On and after June 1, 1926, the following rates for A Classified Advertising will be in effect: All For Sale, To Rent, Lost, Found and similar advertising on Classified Page: First insertion, 10 cents a line (6 words to line). Minimum Charge 30 Cents. Repeat insertions (running every day), 5 cents a line. THESE PRICES ARE FOR CASH WITH COPY. 4,1 An additional charge of 25 cents will be made for advertisements charged and billed.

Returning next day to ll^ scene of ^ e fire, the TO RENT Pluto recovered, but the ill deed of the eat’s^ma^er imp of the per­ The very night that master was aniazqd to find a crowd there. Lo<^ing FOR SALE verse, drove him on, until was his undoing. At first the master was j^evsd over Pluto was hanged, the into the cause of their curiosity, he was terrified to one> day, impelled by a master and his wife had TO RENT—5 room flat, all im­ the evident dislike the creature displayed. ~^i$. finatly discover, on the wall which had been left standing FOR SALE— Household spirit stronger than him­ to flee their home which fit 1S9 Eldridge street.____ provements. Inquire at 67 Summer St. gave place to irritation. Then tha spirit pf peryersd* just above his bed. ^ e figure of a gigantic cat. a noose ness, “ primitive impulse of the human heart," as the self, he hanged .^e cat was swallowed up by about its neck, as though graven in bas-relief! FOR SALE—Good horse. suitable FOR RENT—Two excellent office to a tree in the garden. Inquire rooms over Post Office. May be rent­ master called it. overthrew him. . . ' •______(Continued) for driving or peddling. ed singly, $20. per month or to­ y Thomas Smith, Lake street. gether. $36. per month. Apply at the FOR S^LE—5 tube '■tromberg Manchester Trust Co. Carison radio. A and B wet batteries FOR RENT—Completely refinlshed Cheap if taken at once. 1-a 'vest five room bungalow on West Side. For AUTOMOBILES street. Call after .t p. m particulars phone 671. JAIL PRINCE GEORGE FOR SALE—Velle Roadster. Per­ “■ FOR SALE—Victrola. FOR RENT—Six room tenement, all fect condition, $125. Call at 118 Glen- walnut, including 50 ru\“ ^ © 1 9 2 6 reasonable. Telephone 1-34. Mrs. Bur Improvements. Adults preferred. In­ wood street or 35 Haynes street. FOR SOAP BOX TALK \' quire at 13 Wadsworth street. BY n e t t . ______FOR SALE—Late i:2 i Essex, disk wheels, also 1921 Essex roadster. SERVICE FOR S\LE—Seasoned hard wood, TO RENT—Five room tenement, Rome, Aug. ll.-T-Prince George stove length. S7.50 per two b °^ e bj^d gas and hot air furnace. Seven min­ Telephone 621. of SO cu. ft. H. G. Bidwell. lo4 Union utes from mills, $25. 30 Essex street. of Jugi-SJavia, who before the 'war Telephone 1278-13 or 1400. MISCELLANEOUS publicly expressed a, desire to hark T O M S IM S street. ______of her avoirdupois. his knuckles on the jaw "of the Em­ ST.IRT HERE TODAY FOR SVLE—Stock of groceries and FOR RENT—Centennial apartment, Sewing machines repaired, needles When she weighed on the sca-es at new section of nine, two room apart­ peror of Austria-Hupgary, today Is (The names and addresses o! fixtures. S. DiPumpo, 136 So. Maln.^ ments to be open Sept. 1st. Steam and parts for all makes of machines. tlio drug store she got her penny’s New rad second hand machines for virtually a prisoner In an isolated all perrons In this story arc ficti­ worth. In fact, she get as much f o r s a l e —Pure apple cider vine­ heated, janitor service, gas range, re­ ^ ' - -M frigerator, In-a-door bed. furnished. sale, hemstitching 10c per yard. Sing­ castle at S'zeregad,' .far, from any tious. Any gifts for them such \ N N V '' weighing for one penny as many of gar 2.5c a gallon at mill. We buy er Sewl g Machine Company. Tel. cigars, pipes, chewing or fariv cider apples, start grinding Make reservations now. Call Man 149-4. center of civillEation, -and constant­ her friends did for' three. So aha next week. Call 'JTO-5. H. Silversteln. Chester Construction Company. 2100 ly watched by guards .to prevent any smoidng ’ tobacco, hats (size was exuberant. or telephone 782-2. WANTED—Highest prices paid for contact with the outalde-WQrld,^ ac­ seven) or any little thing you A model hopped from behind the FOR S.\LE— Dining room set. oak. have which you would lilie ’to FOR RENT—In Greenacres, 5 room rags, metals, paper, magazines, etc. cording to reports received ‘ here. great fan and trickled down tha nine-piece; rug. library table, sewing Also buy and sell used furniture, ‘ send them, should be mailed di­ machine, music cabinet. box. gas second floor flat available Aug. 16th. Chas, l«ssner. 28 Oak street. Phone. When Crown Prince of Serbia aisle, a wisp of beauty. Her slim J plate, gas water heater. Mrs. Smith. Telephone 820. rectly to the author.) young body -was ^orned in a silky = 2116. in'1809, George was forcisd to’ re­ PEARL HANDLE married S9 Main street. Call or phone 1903-3 linquish his rights in favor pf his scrap of mosquitor netting dyed pale g after 7 p. m^______FOR RENT—Brand new home of I will pay the highest' prices for JIMPSON .WEED in the quiunt six rooms, never been occupied, and younger brother, Alexander, after I -X blue. g ready for immediate occupancy. Will rags, papers and all kinds of metals: little vJIlcge of OMBOMY, OHIO, ..... Petite red shoes squeezed her a FOR SALE—Kindling wood, $1.50 a also buy all kinds of poultry and old a dispute with the Austr^h mili­ load. Phone 400. J. W. Hale Company. lease, rent reasonable. For further cars for junk. M. H. Lessner Jr., tele­ because she loved him. ' corns. Upon her hairci^t she wore a g particulars call Arthur A. Kn^fla. tary attache at Belgrade. During PEARL’S father objects to the saucy green lid resembling a dla* g call 782-2, 875 Main street. phone 982-4. i "" f o r s a l e — Winter cabbage and the, dispute the cro.wn prince shooting point. PET ECTIVE couraged frying pan. a celery plrnts for sale at Station TO RENT—4 room tenement, ail I pay highest cash prices for your struck the Austrian .representative OVMSHOE and HIS WIFE also “Oh:” exclaimed our Peefl, 1 Burnside Avenue Greenhouse, East rags, magazines, bundled paper and a lusty blow, andJollowed It with take an active part in trying to Hartford. remodeled. Walnut street. near junk of all kinds. Phone 849-2. I will must have that.” So she purchased S Cheney mills, $20.00. Inquire 1 Wal­ calL J. Elsenberg. his famous remark, that he wished break ijp the lovely dream. Over­ ' -L N s . N the outfit. She purchased It and a nut street. Tel. 576. he could hand the Austrian Em­ coming all, h’owever, PEARL many more.. REAL ESTATE TO RENT—Four room flat first and Legal Notice peror the same treatment. and JI»n* gaily tour a country Hours later she left the store all second floor, all modern Improve­ The hot-headed young heir to known as T H E UNITED tuckered out. Sho was happy. Sh’o ST.ATES on their honejinoon. ments with garags. Inquire 36 Clin­ the throne then called together, the II 'NS was broke, but her “Tiandbag held FOR SALE—Building lots on Nig­ ton street. AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD The first eight chapters of the ger Hill, Bolton, within 8 minutes at Manchester, within and for the officers of his regiment and in -! hundreds of new dresses. from Packard’s Drug store, right on TO RENT—Furnished room at S5 district of Manchester on the 10th. story are not very good. But day of August, A. D., 1926. formed them that it was high time from tho ninth chapter onward, State road. Near the "Rainbow . Birch street. Telephone 1153. Alone in tho big city, our Pearl Priced to enable you to own your Present WILLIAM S. HYDE. Esq.. they put a stop to Austrian inso­ it’s a Imockont. own home. Why pay rent? ^ e Stuart FOR RENT--Furnished room at 183 Judge. lence. As a result the King was busied herself about the room In tho Estate of Thomas A. ^Crockett late NOW GO AHEAD J Wasley. 827 Main street. Telephone Center street. Call after 5 o'clock. obliged to take a hand in' the affair. Pennsyltucky Hotel. The new l ‘42S. ______of Manchester In said district, de­ c h a p t e r IX dresses amused her for a while. FOR RENT—Six room fl-1, with ceased. Forced to Resign* Upon application of the Administra­ e t us consume a few cf our Then she thought of Jimp, Poor FOR SALE OR RENT—Modern all modern Improvements, and The crown prince was forced to Jimp. Where was her Jimp at? Was eight room house, all conveniences, gqrage, first floor. Call 106 Hamlin tor for an order of sale of real estate ■goldeh moments in recalling the belonging to said Estate as per ap­ resign his rights, and immediately L he still at the aquarium? TVas ha two car garage . Located on Strick­ street. left on a pleasure tour which con­ . condusifin of the previous chap­ land street. In fine residential sec­ plication on file. ter, and Jimp’s sad plight with the seals? Or had they placed ^ tion. For information call Manches­ TO RENT—Several flve and six ORDERED:—That the said applica­ tinued until the war broke out in tion be heard and determined at the Here, right before the eyes of his him In the turtle tank? ' ter 1100 or 418. room modern rents in two family 1914. He felt that Serbia’s dec­ Really, she should do something J houses. Apply Edward J. Holl. 865 Probate office in Manchester 'on the new wife, he was being mistaken for FOR S.ALE—Cash or property, the Main street. Teh 560. 14th. day of August, A. D., 192'6. at 9 laration of war against Austria was a fish tiT'-ns to escape from the about her husband. But ho-w could i three best farms this section of Con­ o’clock in forenoon, and the Court justification of his action against she? ’rhoughtless, as usual, she had ^ directs said administrator to give aquarium. necticut can offer: No. 1 a fruit and TO RENT—4 room tenements on 23 the Austrian attache,' and returned "This Is outrageous,” said Jimp. spent all their money on clothes. dairy farm with not yearly income of and 25 Eldridge street. Inquire at 216 public notice to all persons interest­ ibout $10,000. No.2 fruit farm with net Oak street after 5:30. Telephone 1376. ed in said estate to appear if they see home expecting to have his rights '‘Permit me to pass. I-am a visitor Sho thought for fully thirty sec­ yearlv income of about $10,000. No. 3 cause and be heard thereon by.pub­ returned. here at the aquarium and not one of onds. It made her heart ache. It fruit'farm, netting this season more FOR RENT—Three room tenement, lishing a copy of this order once in Nothing of the kind happened your blasted old minnows.” made her head ache, the thinking than $10,000. We will prove these on Bralnard street, gas. llghta water some newspaper having a circulation The aquarium guard examined did. figures are correct. For more par­ etc. Aaron Johnson. 62 Lindan street. in said probate district, and by post­ however, and the prince joined the ticulars, see P. D. Comollo, real estate ing a copy of this order on the public army, fighting with distinction and Jimp closeU'. Then, looking him The phone rang 472 different times. and mortgages. 13 Oak street. FOR REN,—Tenement on Bralnard signpost in said Manchester 4 days being wounded in action. After straight in the eye. he spoke. ’’Who Eat it wasn't Jimp. It was only ; street, near Main. All modern Im­ before the said day of hearing and re­ New York bootleggers wanting to V turn make to the Court. the war he coUld not forget his loss says you are not a flsli?” FOR SALE—West Side—Single flve provements. Apply Albert Harrison, “I say he isn’t a fish,” snapped know if-she necdc'd a few gallons for room strictly modern Incl^uding steam corner Myrtle and Linden streets or WILLIAM S. HYDE of the thrdn'e, and fdllowlng numer­ heat, a bargain at $5,000. small the janitor of .fohnson Block. Judge. ous wordy fights with his brother, Pearl. dinner. . '. H-S-11-26. “And .w,ho are you?” questioned amount of cash, Wallace D, Robb, the King, he turned tp Socialism. Driven to^ desperation, she had an 853 Main street. FOR RENT—Four room tenement. the guard. idea. The cailendar on the wall said Improvements, read.v July 15th.. Cot­ Recently he took ,to addressing "I. am his wife, Pearl,” answered FOR SALE—Bissell street. Tour tage street. Apply E. J.. Holl's office. street crowds,- and army, rdglments. ’Thursday.” Quickly, Pearl snatched Pearl. off two -leaves, making the calendar familv. strictly modem including gss, BOLTON making inflammatory speeches of a income $1056. Price for quick sale. FOR RENT—Single room, Johnson ‘‘You mean to say he married read ‘-’Saturdaj’.” $8700. with $1,000 cash. Wallace D. Block. Main street. Aaron Johnson, 62 rep.ublican character. Fearing that you?” Robb. 853 Main street. Linden street. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lawton en­ these sentiments in a former, crown ITer idea was to take a bath. Per­ “Yes, he married me.” haps it would refresh her so she tertained over the week end at prince would encourage the at­ "Then,” said the guard, “ that Here.ivc hav.e a photograph'of Mrs. Deiectiae GiimsAoe. FOR S.\LE—East Center, Manches­ FOR RENT—Four room flat on their newly built bungalow situat­ could think clearly. ter Green—Six room single strictly first floor, with all improvements and tempted overthrow of the monarchy proves he’s a fish.” She doesn’t take any part in this chapter. But it’s an Disrobing, she stood admiring her modern with 2 car garage a bargain garago. new house, at 16** Oak street, ed on Bolton Hill in honor of their Alexander had the Red prince ar­ Loudly prqtesting his innocence. for quick sale. Wallace D. Robb, 853 also three room flat, with garage. In­ awfallij nice photograph of Mrs. Gum. supple grace before the mirror. son, Edwin. Their guests were Syl­ rested. Jimp was' torn from the arms of his Main street. quire 164 Oak street. TeL 616-5. waving at people. Then, humming a little tune, she via Mather, Ruth Ludlow, Jack And so today he rests alone un­ bride and thrown into the tank with Mrs. Weed Is buying tons and tons entered the bath room and closed the FOR S.ALE—Hemlock street—Two FOR RENT—Three room apart­ Bitter, all of Hartford. der heavy guard because he resent­ the seals. of delightful little frocks.” ' ‘Have you ever tried the 'Gigantic ment in Purnell Building, largo rooms Tent & Awning Co?’ ” asked the cop. door. familv ten room strictly modern in­ The selectmen held their month­ ed the attitude of a representative Heart-broken, Pearl left the aquar­ Now she would have to do It. She ■The noise of the water filling the cluding 2 car garage and extra build­ all conveniences, reasonable lent. Ap­ She ivas' through with New whose feet were too large for his ply to O. E. Keith. In care of Keith ly meeting last evening and trans­ of a country which his own govern­ ium. couldn’t go back on the folks at tub drowned soft footsteps in the ing lot. Price $7,000 for all. Wallace shoes. . ■ - ■ D. Robb. 833 Main street. Furniture Co. acted the usual business. ment later-fought' oh the field of home. But how would she buy tons hall. Someone entered her room. Mrs. Frederick Taylor and daugh­ and tons of frocks? “ Sixteen frocks As the words left his ruddy lips TO RENT—Several small rents at battle. ' Pearl’, gaily chasing the soap about FOR S.ALE— bargain—Two fami­ ter Dorothy are visiting in Wis- make one pound. . . / ’ She began to Pearl kicked him in the eye and fled ly ten room on School street, strictly $2:1 per month. Apply to Edward J quietly down the street. the bath tub, was startled to hear modern including furnace heat. Price Holl. Orford Bldg. TeL 660. borough, Mass. figure. for quick sale $650) with $600 ..ash. J. W. Sumner made a business She had only about $900,000 with W'allace D. Robb. 853 Main street. FOR RENT—Two large front office The scene -was exhilarating. Nude, rooms. In Purnell Building, singly or trip to Rockville Tuesday. ANDOVER her. Oh, if the paper had only said dresses. Dresses are much cheaper Nude, Nude. Nude & Nude’s fashion FOR SALE—.An elegant home, most together. Apply to G. B. Keith, In Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hart and shows always distracted' thou^nds desirable location, modern improve­ care of Keith Furniture Company. tw'o children are visiting at Mrs. R. Miss Esther Jones arrived home than frocks. ments. a real bargain. Please'call or from New Jersey ' Saturday night. Take a dress that would sell for of women. phone for further information. W. F. TO RENT—Midland apartments, K. Jones. Practically perfectly formed and Lewis. 11 Vine street, Tel. 1322-2. three rooms, steam heated. Janitor Mixed dancing at “ The Rainbow” Miss Jones has been taking care of York, through forever. . The cruel around fifteen smackers and call it a informed models would apiiear sud service, refrigerator, gas range fur­ a private patient a t. a sanitarium city had taken her only husband frock and you can get fifty smackers nished. rent $38 per month. Call tomorrow evening. General ad­ denly from behind a huge fan. Each FOR S.ALE—Cambridge street, nice Manchesier Construction Co.. 2100. mission 50c.— adv. run by Mrs. Ida Goddard Clark. from her side. for it. and every one were adorned in crea large flat, li rooms, has steam heat, Anyway, she was glad the Ome­ oak floors, two car garage, and lot is or teletihone 782-2. Mrs. Clark was a foriner resident She ■would take the subway and go tions. , the bolt on the bath room door click. 200 feet deep. A real home and In­ of Andover. - ’ to Brooklyn. So $he took the sub­ omy Struggle hadn’t said “pattern Some of these crkiUons were chic, Springing cut of the tub, she tried FOR BENT—Five-room tenement dresses.” They cost even more than vestment, 'Price is right. For further on Durfint street, modern, rent $’S Miss -Laura Hills of Gilead and way for Brooklyn, but it carried her Some were exquisite. Many were de the door. It was locked from the particulars see Arthur A, Knofla Tel. tier-muiii h. Call Manchester con- Herbert Porter of Springfield were to TJmos Sq-jare. frocks. Hghtful. And all were marvelous. ^ outside. She was a prisoner. 782-2. 875 Main street. structl'‘Ti Co„ 8100. or teliphone You take a dress that would sell Among the audience most of the Her first impulse was to scream. 782-2. S'i6 Main street, over Manebes- guests of Miss Essie Frink Saturday “Oh, well,” .reasoned she, as she for around thirty smackers. Y'ou FOR SALE—Washington street— ter Plumbli g and Supply store. evening. leaned against tha Timas building fashionables of New Y-ork squatted But that would never do. If she beautiful six room heme, fireplace, re­ have only one like it, or, if J'ou have upon their chairs, spellbound. screamed, someone might hear her. ception hall, plenty of closets, wash­ A large number, attended the and cpnvcrced 'v\-lth Al, the news a few dozen you get out only., one at FOR RENT'—Tenement of four nice open' air service hpid by the Chris­ dealer, there, “ I might as well see Mrs. Joyncs was there. Her hus Wrenching the towel rack from room. largo living room, oak floors rooms on Keeney Court. Apply to a time—then you call it a “pattern band had made a fortune selling the wall, she pried at the door. It and trim, 2 car garage. Small amount Manchester. Public Market. tian Endeavor society at the Times the'cltj’. alone.'i dress” and it sells for gangs of cash. Terms. Arthur A, Knofla. TeL nickel-plated can openers for wed gavo a little. Pearl threw her farm or Almada Lo^ge. Sunday eve­ vVPerhaps,” suggested Al, "j-ou smackers^ being even more valuable ding presents. So Mrs. Joyncs cer­ 782-2. 875 Slain. FOR RENT—Two desirable office Painting and Decorating. would enjoy reading a paper from weight against it. rooms. Apply to Mr. Padrove, Man­ ning. Miss Nathalie Newton had than a frock. tainly was there. Tho door burst open. Pearl fell FOR SALE—Just off Main street, chester Public Market. Phone. 10. Paper Hanging. charge of”the meeting. A short song Omeomy, Ohio? I have a nice fresh “No sooner suggested than con­ new six room bungalow, 2 car garage Another notable among these into her. room. Luckily, there were service was held, after which Miss one.” sidered,” was our Pearl’s motto. So a few more paragraphs to the chap­ in cellar, oak floors and trim, fire­ TO RENT—Five room flat William Oanvas Ceilings a Specialty. Seating herself on the curb with present was Mrs. Isaac Fitzpatrick, place. silver light fixtures. Make me Newton told the children two she headed for Fifth Avenue, so KanehL Telephone 1776. a fire. plug to Ipan back against. of the Isaac Fltzpatrlclis. Mrs. Ike’s ter. an offer. Call Arthur A. Knofla. TeL stories. A duet was sung by the called because the prices on things The room was empty, deserted ex­ 7S2-2, 875 Main. Pearl'- brought forth her chewing have been raised five times. husband had made his millions bj’ TO RENT—5 room flat all modern R. E. Morton Misses Catherine Newton and-Alice keeping quiet about how he mads his cept for Pearl in person and nothing Improvements. Second floor at 11 gum. Selecting a large piece which It'was Pearl’s Erst time on Fifth else. But her clothes ■were gone. FOR SALE—Holl street — dandy Ford street near Center. A. Ktrsch- 54 Russell St. Phone 303-5 Yoemans. ’The children at the Lodge she had found under a table at At­ Avenue. "I’ll consult with a cop ' millions. new 10 room flat. Well built and i sleper, IS Ford street sang several camp songs, and the ; So she certainly was there. The Someone had stolen every stitch, place you’d be proud to own. Price lantic City, she prepared to read. reasoned she. Pearl knew the police even the sheets off the bed. right, small amount down. Terms. meeting ■was closed vrlth & hymn Her’ eye caught the following on force at home and he was a nice fel­ lady was in a fine humor. All of WANTED her chins were extremely happy. So there stood Pearl, our Pearl. Arthur A. Knofla. TeL 782-2. 875 Main sorvicCe the society page: - low, Slie was alone In th'e T>lg citjk penni­ street. Mr. and Mrs., R., D. Webster of “Mr. - and Mrs. Jimpspn "Wc "Where should I flo my shop­ ■ Every one of her’300 pounds radi­ HELP WASTED Pitkin Street and ated Joy, supreme. ' Only that day less, hungrj', disgusted and disrobed. South -Mahehester were visitbrs in (Pearl- Handle) are spending part of ping?” asked Pearl of a rotund cop (To Be Continued) MORTGAGES Branch store managers wanted for who stood in the middle of-the street she had realized ‘the great advantage tire stores in various Connecticut and Elwood Street town Sunday. ' i thelrlhOreyYnoon In New ITork where Wo can invest your money in nrst New York cities, salary $42 weekly; E. H. Frink and son o|.South class mortgages. If you need a mort- also commission on sales: total com­ Manchester visited In’tdwn Sunday gage call us. Tel. 782-2. Arthur A. pensation should be at least $50 per We offer a fine corner lot, 91 feet week; experience unnecessary: $1,000 on Pitkin street and 238 feet on morning. . ]Cnofl.a, 875 Main. The Grange picnic will be held at turned from their trip of several Walter S. Blllngs, has gone to Rock­ cash security required. For full par­ Elwood street. Sidewalks, sewers, ville to visit his grandparents, Mr. ticulars call at 64 Maplo avenue, gas, water, all in. This is an ideal Ocean Beach on Saturday, Ailguat Mr. and Mr-s. Ward Talliot at­ days’ stay In "Vermont last Monday TO RENT Hartford. I4thi Cars will leave the ppit; offlee tended a family reunion at Elling­ night. • and Mrs. Grant, for a few dtys. site for a nice home. WAPPING .A Gardner coupe coming fron at one o’clock. Those-ijot desiring a ton,’ Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs. John A. Collins and FOR RENT—On or after August WANTED—To buy a horse (about ^600 cash, balance easy terms, 1400 lbs.) and wagon. Call 2116 or shore dinner will take Individual Mrs. :WHllam Smith Is very ill at family motored to Crescent Beach Rockville failed to make the tun ISth.. five room flat, with all modern buys a brand new six room sing:le, at Oakland and collided with an Improvements. Apply at 110 Ridge apply at 28 Oak street. basket lunches. - the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mrs. Winnlfred Smith Is visiting last ouuuay Sunday lUl for theLUC iiaj. day — —---- ,— ------J _ close to Center street. The hdiise street. WANTED—Two gentlemen to room Mr. and Mrs. Davidson-of Atlan­ Charles Fredericks. at the home of her parents. Mr. and Walter Sharp of East Hartford,; iron road scraper or drag, whlcn has oak floors, white enamel trim, Mrs. Franklin Poster of Foster brother of Arthur Sharp of, thlsi had been left by the side of th€ FOR RENT—Nice large room for and board at 169 Main street. French doors, etc., gas. sewers, ta University, Georgia,.will; attend Mrs. Ellen Jon9s and family male occupant in private home. De­ the Christian Endeavor meeting spent Tuesday in Wlllimantic. street* place, died at his home with heart road recently. The right front WANTED—Gardens to plow, ashes water, all connected. Price Is only - ■ wheel and running board were bad­ sirable location.-27 Winter street. Sunday evening and wllUglve a talk H, E. Frink and 8ons of Reading, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Stoughton disease. He has been sick for a removed, will buy old bens or poultry. $6650. ly shattered. The driver, a Man­ D. W. Barnes, Oakland Flat, Station on Atlanta University and the-work Mass., are visiting relatives in and Mrs. Erwin F. Stoughton and long time. He was 37 years old. FOR KENT—Three room tenement, New two-family flat on Summer chester man, was not Injured. all improvements, with or without 46, Rockville trolley line. Phone 84-4. carried on there. Several neighbor­ town. two daughters, Elizabeth and Mar­ Stanley Billings, oldest son of garage. Inquire 134 Oakland street, street, ail modern and on a large ing societies have'been" Invited to jory, spent the night last Saturday telephone 261-12. WANTED — tAwn mowers for lot, small amount of cash down, sh'arpeplng or rspalrs, phonographs visit the Andover spcletyon Sunday at South Coventry lake as the reasonable tqrms. TO RENT—Five room tenement, all repaired, electric cleaners. Irons stc. e-Tening, and a cordial invitation la. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond put in order, clock r^alrtng, key We have a few* building lots on Stop • at. the Waranoke Restau- Improvements. Inquire at 10 Center extended to anyone who would like Burnham. , fitting. Bralthwalte, 160 Center street. sale at $500 each, with sewer, water ;rant for. the best dinner, you have street. to hear these talks. Mrs. Bunci, of Mr. and Mrs. Lucius V. Platt re and gas available. You cannot do ever had.— Adv. WANTED—General office work or Atlanta .UnI’versity,. wlll alsU 'be. The Farm Is Calling TO RENT—Six room modern tene­ cashier. Consider any other werk. much better'for price. ment on Hamlin street with oppor- present. Mrs. R. K. 'JOnes of Bolton tunitv of buying some furniture rea­ Telephone 965-13. P. O. Box 178, If you are interested In owning sonable. Adults preferred. Call 436-4. South Manchester. a house or a lot, and you should be will have charge of the music. ' ' Equip Your Home With Y o u for yourself or 'amlly, call on us. Edward Nicollni of Hartford was TO RENT—New flve room flat, WANTED—Fluff rugs made to order from- your old carpets, write W e always have a complete list of a visitor in town Sunday. Copper Leader and Would you care to settle down on a peaceful little farm, just vacant Sept, first. Inquire 270 Oak St. for particulars. C. Schulse, 5 Chamber- Guests-’ Of'Mrs. EUeu Jones'on lain street, Rockville, Conn. property. G. Schreiber & Sons five miles away? 1 have just what you have been looking.for, FOR RENT—Sept. 1st. nearly new Don’t fprget to see the shore lo'.a Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gutter five room flat, all Improvements, ex­ ■WANTED—Have you the ability to Crocker of Mapehester and Mrs. in Boltdn. on State Road, a 3,e-acre farm, about 10 acres clear, cellent condition, $38.. Phone 1648. at Bolton Lake— Lake View— they Will give a lifetime of serv­ hold a $50 per week position Only are selling fast. Addle Ellis and sons ot Routh has 1500 feet along State.Road, 9-room house, garage, bara, men of good personality and ambition ice. We would be glad t() esti­ I FOR RENT—Single house, all im­ need apply. Write Box T, The Herald, Coventry. General Contractors hen-house for about lOO hens, 68 young fruit trees .find 25 old provements, telephone 1507, Inquire Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lewis and or telephone-Hartford 8-0166. mate your needs in this line. fruit trees. An ideal chicken farm. Price right, reasonable Frank Damato, 24 Homestead street. spa spcQt Sunday as the . guests ot terms can be made. If. interested In property, SEE ME— * TO RENT—3 room apartment on FOUND Mr. Lewis’ cousin, Fred -box, of BoUden 'ot "Better BaUt Homes" Main street. Furnished and heated. Providence,'R.'I. Telephone '1($65*2. Joseph C. Wilson All conveniences. Apply Box X, South FOUND—A better way of kattlng a koiiert J. Smith Frances Fredericks -retu rppd? from good photograph of the children. A Plumbing in All its Brimehes. Mrs. John F*iShe^Rn. .1 Herald office. the Clark. Sisters hosipt^al.'td 'Wllli- photograph made in your home baa a 1009 MAIN STREET. Service of the Best Kind. 11 Knigh^iiitre«t. , ; ; . .. , ■ FOR BENT—Six room tenement, 19 charm unequalled by those made olae- Real EsUte [nsnraace m'antie Saturday, after'l^pivin'g her Foater street. Completely refinlshed. -where. Leon-Fallot, •7 Ridge street tbuili removed* - ' ' Shop: ■ 285‘Woot Conter Street Phone 641 28 SiMnice St. Inquire li Foster street TeL 117-1. Telephone Bwamahlp Ilclnti* .

tSii MANCHESTER EVENING HERALJg, WEDNESDAY, AUG. 11, 1926. r PAGE SEVEN I Firemen’s Night And Band Concert Here DETROIT TAKES 3D eiAHIS CUMB IIP, HARirORD COLORED STARS Local Sport NORTH AND SOIITH MEET ON DIAMOND GAME FROM YANKS B E iT m ; THE CUBS PLAY HERE ON THURSDAY Chatter I AT 6:15 CONCERT PRECEDES DANCE r Cleveland Loses to the Sena­ Cardinals Trim Braves as Shamrocks Face Another WATCHING The band concert and games tp- nlght featuring Firemen’s Night at tors— Browns and AA- the West Side playgrounds should Top-Nolch Attraction at| THE SCOREBOARD draw a big crowd. The games Reds Lose to ^^.Horseshoe Pitching Title Both Dqmrtments to Present and band concerts are proving even Community Grounds. LEAGUE STANDINGS. ^ letics Win Theirs. more popular this year than last. Pirates Beal Robins. Strongest Lineups Thu Eastern League. The games are always Interesting W. L. Pet. and well worth watching. The concerts are always of high order, Evening — Horseshoe Shiunrocks Colored Stars Providence ...... 71 43 .623 TIGERS a, TANKS 8 GIANTS 2, CUBS 0 Bridgeport ...... 66 46 .589 and have never failed to please the Miuitelli. U ,...... r. WilHs. ss New H aven...... 65 46 ,5S6 Detroit, Aug, 11.— Detroit mad* crowds. Baseball teams represent­ New York, Aug. 11. — Frisch’s Sixteen teams will begin Friday Team 1, Pat Murphy, James Fo­ Tournament to Be Held. Kellar. 2b \ ...... Hufibes, Ih Springfield ...... 5S 52 .527 it three out of four from the Yan­ ing both the North and South Ends homer featured as ’Virgil Barnes evening a schedule of games to de­ garty, Brownell, ss . v ...... Harris. 2h Hartford ...... 54 57 .486 kees by winning the final game of will line up for battle. Other bested Charley Root of the Cubs cide the horseshoe pitching tour­ Team 2, Moses Taggart, Tom Gmflf. o f ...... A ...... McTnloe, If the series, a aeven-lnnnlng affair, sports such as volley ball, horse­ nament of Manchester at the West Smith. Albany ...... 52 58 .473 in a brilliant two to nothing duel, NORTH END Brennan, S b ...... Tones, rfWaterhury ...... 4 2 69 .378 by a score of five to three. Masush’s shoe pitching and tennis will also the Giants gaining a clear title to Side playgrounds Friday. The sche­ Team 3, David Hadden, John SOUTH END Eellar, ss. Bolin, c. McL.anghlin. lb .... Hickman, 8b Pittsfield ...... 35 72, .327 homer was th* big noise. be on the schedule. Colt’s band, fourth place. Barnes yielded only dule, as mapped out by the local Hewitt. Keeney, 2b. Bldwell. p. Genovese, r f ...... AVeaver, c National League. Detroit ■vthlch has given satisfaction In the fou r hits. playground directors, calls for Team 4, Jim Taylor, William AB. R. K. PO. A. E. Cervinl, If. Cotter, p. Kelly, e ...... ,T. TVilUs, cf W. L. Pet. past, should not fail to please. New Y ork matches from now on until Septem­ Mr ore. Xeun, Ih ...... 8 0 1 5 0 0 Clemson, c. Smith, 2b. Prentice, p ...... Strons, p Pittsburgh ...... 61 44 .581 M.anush, ' f ...... 4 1 8 S 0 0 AB. R. H. PO. A. E. ber 27. The 41nal round will be Team 5, 'William Leggett, R, Kothergill. If ...... 4 0 1 2 0 0 Where, oh, where are the Junior Frisoh, Sb ...... 4 1 2 0 1 0 played after the last match on the Lamprecht. Coleman, lb. Glenney, ss. St. L o u is ...... 60 49 .550 Young, rf ...... 3 0 0 6 0 0 McGonlgal, p. Manager Clemson today an­ Cincinnati ...... 60 51 .641 Jteilm.ann. r f . i . .. ,4 2 3 0 0 0 baseball teams gone? Where Is Jackson, ss ...... 4 0 1 2 '3 0 schedule. Team 6, A. Francis, A. Oates. Lashlnski, 3b. Oehringer, 2b ...... 4 2 1 S 2 0 Gibson, 8b. Kid Smith, If. nounced that the Shamrocks will New Y o r k ...... 57 51 .528 iVHourkc. 3b ...... 0 1 8 1 1 the glory that was Rome? Last G. K elly, 2b ...... 4 0 1 2 7 0 Included In the teams entered Team 7, Mike Suhle, P. Vesco. tackle the Hartford Colored Stars Tobb. XXX ...... » . .l 0 1 0 0 0 year there were at least < dozen Tyson, if ...... 3 1 1 0 0 0 may be found some of the best Team 8, Hugh McIntyre, James 'Campbell, rf. McCormick, cf. Chicago ...... 56 52 .518 Terry, lb ...... 3 0 2 IS 1 0 Smith, cf. at the Community grounds tomor­ Brooklyn ...... 52 58 .473 Tavener, ss ...... 2 0 1 1 2 0 junior teams vlelng with each other Mueller, cf ...... 2 0 1 1 0 0 horseshoe pitching talent In town. Thompson. 5Ionfic, rf. row In a twilight game. Sunday Woodall, c ...... 1 0 1 S 1 0 Qiiish, lb. Boston ...... 44 63 .411 W ingo, X ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 for supremacy. In both ends of McMullen, e ...... 2 0 0 1 0 0 One of the teams, composed of Team 9, Sam Nelson, To be an­ \ the speedy Wlcos of Springfield are Meusel, i ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Philadelphia ...... 41 63 .394 Passler. o ...... 1 0 0 1 0 0 the town there were Junior twilight Oakes and Francis, has taken the nounced. billed to exhibit their wares here. W ells, p ...... 1 0 0 0 1 0 Florence, c ...... 0 0 0 2 0 (V honors at the East Sids playground North meets South again tonight .American Le.aguc. leagues. Many a battle royal was Barnes, p ...... 2 0 0 0 2 0 Team 10, Henry Lange, William It certainly looks as If the Sham­ nine. X X ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 staged between the Arrows and tournaments for the part two Shields. \ This time in a different competi­ rocks are determined to give the W. L. Pet. D.auss. p ...... 2 0 1 0 0 0 29 2 8 27 14 0 weeks, defeating 11 of the 12 Team 11, George Hybbard, Bert tion. The firemen of both depart­ New Y’o r k ...... 71 39 .646 North Ends over North, and be­ Chlcairo fans the best attractions possible. 30 5 12 21 7 1 tween the “ Battling” Orioles and teams in the league. Moseley. ments will clash on the baseball Cleveland ...... 63 50 .558 New A’ork AB. R. H. PO. A. E. I..ast Sunday the crack Taftville the “ Roaring” Tigers over South. Adams, 2b ...... 4 0 0 2 6 0 Following Is the schedule: Team 12, Chris Nelson, Frank diamond at the West Side as a part nine came here and the game re­ riilladclphl.i...... 59 52 .532 AH. R. H. PO. A, E. Combs, cf ...... 3 1 1 8 0 0 What’s the matter this year? Are Heathcote, rf ...... 4 0 0 2 0 0 Tlie Scheilule. Topping. of Lhe Rec Firemen’s night. sulted in a cl.assy exhibition and Detroit ...... 58 55 .513 Stephenson, If ...... 4 0 2 1 1 0 Koenig, s s ...... 4 1 1 4 2 0 all these teams dead? Friday. Aug. 14: 1 vs. 2, 3 vs. 5, Team 13, Herbert Alley, John 'ihe whole business is to be a big better still, the Shamrocks emerged Chicago ...... 56 56 .600 Gehrig, lb ...... 8 0 1 6 0 0 Wilson, cf ...... 8 0 1 1 0 0 Urimni, lb ...... 3 0 0 8 0 0 4 vs 6. 'Tvs, 8, 2 vs. e, 4 vs. 5, 1 vs. Roth. affair for all four hose companies victorious. Now comes the colored W ashington...... 54 54 .500 Ruth. If ...... 8 0 1 1 0 0 8, 7 vs. 6. There Is nothing like the fighting Frelgau, 8b ...... 4 0 0 1 0 0 Team 14, Albert Clifford, George In the south end have been prac­ boys and it can be mentioned right St. L o u is ...... 47 63 .427 I’ asohal. rf ...... 3 0 1 8 0 0 Cooney, ss ...... 2 0 0 5 4 0 Monday, August 16: 9 vs. 10, I.azzeri, 2b ...... 3 1 3 2 8 0 spirit manifest In the kid’s games Smith. ticing, secretly or otherwise, fot here that the Hartford team always Boston ...... 35 74 .321 Pug.an. Sb ...... 8 0 1 1 2 0 Gonzales, c ...... 2 0 1 4 0 0 11 vs. 13. 12 vs. 14, 15 vs. 16. 10 Team 15, Harry McCormick, Jack to keep the baseball fever alive. J. K elly, X ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 two months. It Is the third of the draws n record crowd wherever it GA>IES TODAY. Severeid, 0 ...... 2 0 0 1 0 0 vs. 11, 12 vs. 13. 9 vs. 16. 14 vs. 15. Stevenson. Shocker, p ...... 3 0 0 0 0 0 Last year large crowds often turned I*. Scott. XXX ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 big nights which are being conduct­ \ goes. The queer tactics of the col­ En.stcm lioaguo. Hartnett, c ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Friday, August 20: 1 vs. 3, 2 vs. Team 16, Ralph Russell, Charles Sb.awkey, p ...... 0 0 0 0 1 0 out to watch the juniors battle and ed during the summer by the Rec­ ored lads and the classy exhibition Hartford at Providence (2) Root, p ...... 2 0 0 0 1 0 8, 6 vs. 6, 4 vs. 7, 1 vs. 7, 2 vs, 6. Griffith. reation Centers at the West Side of ball they put up stamp them as Springfield at Pittsfield. argue through a game. There was Tolson, X X ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 27 8 9 21 8 0 Milstead, p ...... 0 0 0 0 1 0 3-vs. 4, 6 vs. 8. Tournament Rules and promises to be the biggest of a stellar attraction. Albany at New Haven. Score by Innlngsi never a game but w’hat there was Monday, August 23: 9 vo. 11, 10 Games to start at 6:15. Detroit ...... 000 200 8— 8 at least a halt dozen scraps; not Osborn, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 all. The Hartford lads have shown Waterbury at Bridgeport. New York ...... 002 100 0— 8 v.s. 16, 18 vs. 14, 12 vs. 13, 9 vs. Each team will meet two oppos­ fights, just baseball arguments. Of 30 0 4 24 IS 0 All competition, with the excep­ here many times before and have National league. (Called end of 7th allow teams to 15. 10 vs. 14. 11 vs. 12. 13 vs. 16. ing teams each evening. tion of the baseball game, wijl be catch trains.) course no one means to say that Score by Innings: always filled the bill to satisfac­ St. Louis at Boston. New York ...... 000 001 lOx— 2 F.Id-ay, August 27, 1 vs. 5, 2 Scores must be handed to scorer tion. Tomorrow should be no ex­ fighting is what makes the game confined to members of the South Chicago at New York. vs. 7. 4 vs. 8, 3 vs. 6, 2 vs. 5, 6 vs. on grounds or in the Rec. Manchester department. The base­ ception. With “ Cannon Ball"’ Cincinnati at Philadelphia. SENATORS 4, INDI-ANS 1 worth while, but it is the red PIRATES 10, ROBINS 2 S, 1 vs. 4, 3vs.7. Games may be cancelled 24 Strong firing them up to the plat­ blooded, fighting spirit of never- ball game will bring together tha Others not scheduled. Monday, August 30: 9 vs. 13, 10 hours In advance by notifying both pick of both the south and north ter for the visitors the Shamrocks Cleveland. Aug. 11.— Cleveland say-die that puts life into the sport. members of opposing teams. Can­ .American I^eaguc. Brooklyn, Aug. 11.— Brooklyn vs. 15. 12 vs. 16, 11 vs. 14. 10 vs. end departments and promises to will have plenty of opposition but passed up an opportunity to gain And this spirit is never so well 13. 14 vs. 16. 9 vs. 13, 11 vs. 15. cellations should be made because Detroit at St. Louis. committed eight errors and went to be a struggle from start to finish. the same may be said vice versa. Chicago at Cleveland. ground by losing to Reuther of the shown as among the kids. piecOk like a 1909 phonograph in F'.idr.y, September 3: I v«. 9, 2 of vacations or sickness only. Joe Prentice is slated to pitch for Senators, four to one. Joe Harris vs. 10, 3 vs. 11, 4 vs. 12, 1 vs. 10, Number of games to be played, 3 Both teams have been boasting of New York at Washington. losing to the Pirates ten to two for their prowess for some time and the Shamrocks and he hurls a Others not scheduled. led the attack on Levsen with three Local fans are anxiously await­ their ninth straight defeat. Babe 2 vs. 9. 3 vs. 12, 4vs.ll. against each team. wicked style of speed. tonight will bring the showdown. YESTERDAY'.S RESULTS. hits. ing the time when the Sons of Italy Herman batted 1,000 for the sec­ Monday, September 6: 1 vs. 13, Total number of games won will , The Colored Stars have won 21 Washington count in the final score. Either Bidwell or Cotter will do the Easleru I,ieague. and Bristol New Departures hook ond successive day, clouting a hom­ 2 vs. 14, 3 vs. 15, 4 vs. 16, 1 vs. games and lost 5 games this sea- AB. R. H. lO . A. E. up again. It is rumored that 14. 2 vs. 1.3, 3 vs. 16,4 vs. 13. Playing dates may be changed hurling for the south while Bill Springfield 6, Providence 1 (1st) McNeely, If ...... 4 0 1 3 0 0 er and three singles. eon. They claim the New England there may be a game this week, but Friday, September 10: 1 vs. 11, later to hasten completion of sche­ McGonlgal has been selected to Providence 2. Springfield 1 (2d) S. Harris, '2b ...... 5 0 1 8 1 0 Pittsburgh work on the mound for the oppos­ colored title. This season the New Waterhury 10, Bridgeport 6. Rlop. rf ...... 4 0 1 8 0 0 this could not be ascertained. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. 2 vs. 12, 3 vs. 9. 4 vs. 10. 1 vs. 12, dule. Myer, ss ...... ing team. Haven Colored Giants have been Other teams not scheduled. .. 4 0 0 1 4 1 Carey, c f ...... 6 1 3 2 0 0 2 vs. 11, 2 ys. 10, 4 vs. 9. Entry fee. 25 cents. defeated 2 to 1 while the Crescents Goslin, of ...... 4 1 1 1 1 0 Waner, rf ...... 3 2 2 2 0 0 Monday, Septoinber 13: 1 vs. 15, Prizes, two loving cups. The rest of the evening will be National I./oaguc. ,1. Harris, lb ...... 4 1 3 13 0 0 Cuyler, If ...... 6 0 1 3 0 0 given over to a horseshoe pitching •were forced to bite the dust 5 to 4 New York 2, Chicago 0. Blupge. Sb ...... 1 1 0 1 8 0 Traynor, 3b ...... 6 0 0 1 3 0 2 vs. 16, 3 vs. 13, 4 vs. 14, 1 vs. in ten innings last Sunday. Tat p. 0 ...... 4 1 1 . « 2 0 DEMPSEY MAY GET tournament in which the four com­ St. Louis 8, Boston 1. ri Grantham, l b ...... 6 1 0 12 1 0 16 , 2 vs. 13, 3 vs. 14, 4 vs. 15. LEADING LEAGUE HITTERS. Ruether, p ...... 4 0 1 0 0 Rhyne, ss ...... 5 1 1 1 3 0 panies of the south end will partici­ Pittsburgh 10, Brooklyn 2. Friday. September 17: 5 vs. 9. 6 8GH.\LK’S 14TH YE.\R Rawlings, 2b ...... 3 2 2 8 3 0 vs. 10, 7 vs. 11. 8 vs. 12. 5 vs. 10, National League. pate. The rules of the tournament Philadelphia 10, Cincinnati 8. 34 4 9 s j 13 1 Smith, c ...... 4 2 8 2 0 0 Cleveland, Aug. 11.— R ay 6 vs. 11, 7 vs. 12, 8 vs 9. Pet. call for only six teams, who will go American Ix'ague. Cleveland HIS L I C « TODAY Meadows, p ...... 6 1 1 1 2 0 ficbalk. Chicago White Sox catch­ AB R. H. PO. A. P. Monday, September 20: 5 vs. 13, Bressler, Reds ...... 353 through about four rounds to de­ er, will celebrate his fourteenth an­ Detroit 5, New A’crk 3 (Called .Tamloson, If ...... 0 0 (t 0 0 44 10 IS 27 12 0 Herman, Dodgers ...... 347 cide the championship. I’ hle. zz ...... 1 0 0 0 0 9 16 vs. 14, 7 vs. 15. 8 vs. 16. 5 vs. niversary as A big league catcher end 7th for New Y'ork to catch Brooklyn 14. 6 vs. 15. 7 vs. 16, 8 vs. 13. Traynor, Pirates...... 345 Colt's Armory banjJ of Hartford McNulty, If ...... 0 0 0 1 0 0 Fighters to Make Another AB. R, H. PO. A. E. here this afternoon by catching the train.) Spurgeon, 2b ...... 4 0 0 D 4 0 Friday, September 24: 5 vs. 11, Williams, P h llie s...... 344 will give a concert from 8 o’clock O Maranvllle, 2b .. . . . 4 0 0 1 3 1 opening game of the White Sox-In- .Washington 4, Cleveland 1. Spe.aker. cf ...... 3 1 1 0 0 Jacobson, cf ...... 4 1 2 3 0 2 6 vs. 12, 7 vs. 9. 8 vs. 10, 5 vs. 12. Grantham, P ira tes...... 342 until 10 after which there will be Philadelphia 4, Chicago 3 (11) Burns, lb ...... 4 0 0 Kt 3 0 Herman, l b ...... 4 1 4 10 3 0 Leader a year ago today; Horns- flian series. J. Sowell, ss ...... 4 0 2 2 3 0 Pilgrimage to Boxing 6 V9. 9, 7 vs. 10, 8 vs. 11. dancing in the Rec auditorium. Un­ On the morning of Aug. 11. St. Louis 6, Boston 4. Cox. rf ...... 4 0 1 2 0 0 by, Cardinas, .402. Summa. rf ...... 2 0 1 4 0 0 Felix. I f ...... 3 0 0 3 0 1 Monday, September 27: 5 vs. 15, like the other special nights at the 1912, Schalk reported to the White l,ee. rf ...... 2 0 1 1 0 0 Fournier, szi ... 6 vs. 16, 7 vs. 13, 8 vs. 14. 5 vs. 16, •American League. 2 . . . 1 0 0 0 0 0 playground, there will be no Box front the Milwaukee American FINAL M ATCHES L. Sewell, c ...... 3 0 0 1 0 Marriott, Sb ...... 4 0 1 n 3 1 Pet. Elchrodt. zzz ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Board and Are Hopeful. ____0 2 2 6 vs. 13, 7 vs. 14, 8 vs. 15. Charleston contest. Association team. Since joining the New A'ork, Aug. 11.— Final in­ «) Butler, ss ...... 0 0 5 Final Round Fothergill, Tigers . .^ ...... 402 I.utzke, 3b ...... 1 0 0 1 0 O Noil, c ...... i 0 0 i 1 1 The fire department has request­ Box, Schalk has caught some of the spection of the American Davis Knode, E ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 The final round will bring to­ Manush, Tigers ...... 376 Cup squad will be undertaken this Standaert, zz ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 ed that all fires be held over until game’s greatest pitchers and parti­ Padgett, 3b ...... 0 0 0 0 0 1 By DAVIS J. WALSH. Williams, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 gether the following teams but the Ruth, Y an kees...... 370 the contests have been decided. cipated in more than 1.700 cham- afternoon at Forest Hills, Long Is­ Levsen, p .. 2 0 1 2 3 0 McWeeny, p ...... 1 0 0 2 1 0 date has not yet been set: 1 vs. 6, Goslin, Senators...... 367 lonship games in the American land with two doubles matches on New York, Aug. 11.— Serene in W itt, s ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 29 1 6 2T 16 1 McGraw, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 vs. S. 5 vs. 7, 2 vs. 4, 9 vs. 14, Meusel. Y’ankees ...... 365 A committee in Chicago is rais­ Eeague. the program. The best of these will Score by Innings: the belief that what should h.ave 11 vs. 16. 13 vs. 15, 10 vs. 12. Leader a year ago today: Speak- bring the Hichards-Willlams team Hargreaves, Cj_.. .. 1 0 0 0 0 0 ing $275,000 for a five-year scien­ W ashington 010 000 003— 4 been done yesterday will be dulv Following are the teams: er, Indians, .395. tific study of human behavior. against Tilden and Johnston for the Cleveland ...... 000 000 001— 1 accomplished today, Tex Rickard 32 2 8 x26 16 8 third time this week, the former and Jack Dempsey will make an­ Score by Innings: BROAVNS 6, RED SOX 4 Pittsburgh ...... 020 111 104— 10 BATTERY WORK pair having scored impressively in other pilgrimage to the Flatirow B rooklyn ...... 200 000 000— 2 the first two meetings. St. Louis. Aug. 11.— Ken Wil­ building this morning for Demp­ Authorized ‘^Willard” Service liams’ sixteenth homer of the sea­ sey’s elusive license and what they PHILLIES 10, REDS 8 Station. EDERLES LE.AVE, son enabled the Browns to down the understand to be a definite engage­ Philadelphia, Aug. 11.— Sliding Gris Nez. France, .Au. 11.— Ger­ Red Sox, six to four. ment with Col. John J. Phelan. The merrily down the greased pole, Cin­ Carbon Burning. trude Ederle, channel swimming St. I.ouis latter may deny this but, after cinnati bowed to the Phillies, ten i champion, accompanied by her AB. R, H. PO. A. E. what happened yesterday, he can Auto Electrical Work. Ripe, c f ...... ___ 4 1 o 3 0 1 to eight. The Reds now are only a i Electrical Appliances Repaired. father and sister, departed for Sislor, lb ...... ___ 4 1 i s 0 0 deny the day of the week and it game and a half In front of the on- O 2 <* Cailais this morning. They plan Williams, If , , , ___ 4 0 0 will be quite all right with me. rushing Giants. Free Crankcase Service. to start for Stuttgart, Germany, at Miller, rf ...... ___ 4 1 *1 1 0 0 The boys must have their joke Jve always houfift McManus, 2b . .. ___ 3 1 i S o 0 Philadelphia S.30 this evening. Hargrave, c ... ___ 4 0 1 4 i 0 and I, for one, will laugh just as AB. R, H. PO. AaE. j o h n ' b a u s o l a Lillian Cannon, the Baltimore Herber. s s ...... ___ 3 0 0 4 5 0 soon as I can get around to It. Sand, ss ...... 4 4 3 1 4 0 swimmer, said today she would Hebert son. 3h .. ___ 3 0 0 2 3 1 To Proe name it Gallo'.v.ay, ss ...... 2 0 0 3 0 0 But he seemed to forget that St. Loala Welch, XX ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Wills was and has been the only A a R. H. PO. A. E. bears is associated with the Perkins, xxxx ...... 1 0 1 0 0 Southworth, rf . . . . 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 official challenger here since the Blades, I f ...... highest standards of integrity Dvkcs, ss ...... 0 0 0 1 0 0 Firpo bout. Tunney never got a .. . 3 1 1 1 0 0 Grove, p ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Hornsby, 2b ...... 3 1 2 a 5 0 and workmanship. Hauser, x - ...... 1 0 0 ' 0 0 0 challenge across but did even bet­ Botlomiey, lb .. .. . 3 0 1 IS 1 0 Quinn, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 ter than that. He lined up the Bell. 3b ...... 4 1 2 1 0 0 Douthlt, cf .. . 3 0 i 1 0 0 W ith reasonable care, die De Barbee, xxx ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 champion personally. 2 Pate, p ...... «> 0 0 0 1 0 O’Farrell, c ...... 3 0 1 0 0 Luxe Sedan serves its owners -—- — Phelan’s next Irreconcilable Thevenow, ss ...... 3 0 1 3 8 0 for years, frequently delivers 41 4 8 33 11 0 statement was that Dempsey Rhem, p ...... 8 0 0 0 6 0 CklcaKo couldn’t be allowed to sign such a mileage running well into six 8 9 20 AB. R. H. PO. A. E. contract here because he was an_ 29 27 0 figures, and on the resale market Mostn. c f ___ 1 1 3 0 0 Boston Hunnefield, ss ...... 6 1 3 1 4 0 unlicensed boxer. In do doing, the AB. a H. PO. A. K. brings prices that strikingly re­ Sheelv. lb ...... 4 1 1 11 1 0 colonel overlooked the fact that Smith, c f ...... 4 0 2 1 ' 0 0 flect the solid value Dodge Kalk. If ...... 6 0 1 3 0 0 Harry Greb only asked for a li­ Bancroft, ss ...... 3 0 0 4 4 0 Barrett, rf ...... 4 0 1 4 0 0 W elsh, rf . . . 4 0 0 2 1 0 Brothers have built into it. Kamm. 3b ...... 4 0 1 2 1 0 cense a few hours before his flgbt H igh, ?b ...... S 0 1 1 3 0 Morehart. 2b ...... 5 0 1 2 4 1 "With Tiger Flowers. By that time, Brown, If . . . 4 0 0 5 0 0 Grabowskt. a •■•••• s 0 1 6 1 0 Cooney, lb ...... 8 0 0 7 1 0 Dollar for dollar's w o r th o f Greb had signed a contract by W ilson, B ...... 0 0 0 Harris, zzz ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 some weeks, had finished his train­ .. . 1 0 0 genuine automobilel Thomas, p ...... 3 0 1 1 0 0 Gautreau, 8b .. . 4 0 8 8 3 0 C'ollins, X ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 ing and hacl just been weighed in Slemer,. c ...... 1 1 6 1 0 Connaliy, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 under the official inspection of the Goldsmith, p . . . 8 0 0 0 3 0 M ogrldge, p .V.. Thurston, zz ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 commission. o 0 0 0 0 0 0 Add to this his rambling dlssor- DcLuxe Sedan * • $1166 41 a 11 S3 11 1 88 1 6 87 10 ’ 0 Score by Innings: tation on the fact that any challen­ Standard Sedan . . $080 riiiladelphia ...... 000 000 012 01— 4 ger’s name on the Dempsey con­ HAGEN CHALLENGED Coupe . . , . . $025.50 Chicago ...... 200, 000 001 00— 3 tract would do, thus creating • pre­ London, Aug. 10..— by Touiing Car . s . $874 cedent for any and -.all unwilling Walter Hagen’s eriticisoi of Bri­ LAST NIGHT’S FIGHTS. champions of the future, and his tish golfers, (3eorge Duncan, noted Delivered. At New York: Frankie Fink, summoning of Harry Wills in order English professional, announced to­ featherweight, defeated to establish the fact that Wills al­ day that he was repeating his chal­ Harry London, New York, eight ready had been taken care of by lenge to the Anierican to play a rounds. that Indiana contract, and you 72-hole match la the United States PIIHPS At Atlanta: Tiger Flowers, mid \ have tha colonel at his worst. Ho, for a aide bet of IS,500.’ dleweigbt champion, beat Battling of course, was the goat for the en­ Dunqan added that he preferred McReady, Negro boxer, when the tire proceedings but, even so. It to pla^ the match in September at H. A. STEPHENS latter foaled him in the third didn’t seem necessary to lira the the lamoua Pine 'Valley course, P! A. R O .O I L C O.. OF N.V 2 S ' BroaU'ywa | \ Ckur. Center and Knox Streets So. Manchester round. ^ part byblaaUng, Boar Clomoaton< N. J. ‘ rS’T A W V MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, .WEDNESDAY, AUG. 11, 1926...... I ------■


use barking at each other like this. I’m sorry I did It. We’re only hurt­ r<£)i926 ing each other, talking this way—" D ^^EIG H B Q R S ’ WIVES “ 1 don’t care. I'm not going to THE BEAUTY DOCTOR Ert^StilYlJN, aixmor.of the yeLLQW STUB let It pass this time. I’ve tolerated too much already, and I’m through." B Y NINON. ■t-! V - 1 ^ BEGIN HERE TOOAX "Why don’t you use some common ABROAD 1 . JOH:; and FAV ROLBURN sense?” g buy a home when Ihelr baby Rirl '■i: "Go to Nell Orme for your com­ By ALLENG SUMNER. . N - '-5 . . “Then what Is It? Is she so ter­ 1 NOEL and VERA BOVD, Monte Carlo, we will now return to ribly fascinating that you can’t re­ Our room with muraled ceiling, g whose marriage is strictly 1 2 n NNSi \v\ sist her?” Freezing contempt was my favorite theme: How much a Romeo and Juliet balcony and a S “ modem.” does it cost? vista of palm trees, white Villa, and i PAT and .MARIAN FORBES, In her voice, and It fanned John’s 3 V- smoldering anger to a blaze. Nor am I altogether to blame for the cathedral, cost Pretzel-for- s who' have three children and .y' this crass bent. Each mail brings short and her protege 90 cents each § whose domestic life is unhappy "Yea she la.” he said with a sneer. “A good deal more fascinating than a letter containing this classic line: per night, Including the polishing m because of Pat’s roving ten- “And for heavens’ sake tell us E dcncics. Previous ciiapters told many women that 1 know.” of three pairs of shoes each per what it’s costing! Can we possi­ night— when you .go to Europe, = iiow: "All right. I’m glad you told mo. ^ ilolin was fascinated on meet- But I’m through now,” and she bly make it by next year?” Imogene, take three pairs of walk­ i ing .NELL OR.ME, of whom Pat turned abruptly away from him. ing shoes for a summer— you can’t = FORBES hints that she is hav- One learns from bitter experi­ buy anything but high heels here. Something In the gesture—Ita ence only. Travelers who had s ing trouble with her husband, finality-troubled him. Quickly he Returning to such lofty subjects done Italy told us In Paris that we g When Fay took JUDITH, the asked. "Through? What do you as prices— hero is a little tip for P would find things “ever so much s baby, to Wasliington to visit her mean. Fay?” nothing. 'W'hen you’re in Europe, s parents. John “ ran around" a cheaper in Italy.” don’t get smart and try to econo­ "Just what 1 said." Her voice was We learned, however, that these E good aeal, mostly with Pat calm; she was facing him squarely. mize. Herring-for-short and I did same travelers were blithely pay­ = Forbes. "I’m going to leave you.” this. For instance, the desk clerk p When Fay returned, gossip ing their good 425 francs per day at our Nice hotel assured us that = had retailed some of ids doings, "But Fay”—he was shocked, as If for room and breakfast whereas our room was fiO francs each per someone had suddenly thrown cold = and sharp quarrels between liim we. in the shadow of the bedizened night. said nothing, but left water In his face—"you can’t mean = and Fay followed, one of which Eiffel Tower, were spending some­ our baggage and went shopfing for W \ drove liim “ out on a tear." Fay, tha't. You can't, you know." -V- 0002020101000200000201010001000223480101000201010223530102235323 thing like 15 francs each-^it was other rooms, finding any number of learning lie had been out again "Can’t? Why not, pray? What’s -N-5 45 cents then— for the same neces­ equally palatial ones for 60 francs I wUh other women, threatened to prevent me?" sities. total, or 30 each. to leave liim if it was repeated.- "Why,” he struggled lamely on, Our advice to all young men and The next morning wo asked for She fears John will got Into “there’s Judith. What’s to become trouble, but John thinks slje is women who -would “ go east, young our bill, about to depart. "tt’e of her? Fay, you're not serious. 1 man, go east,” is— stay in France learned that "each” meant “both” beginning to dislike him. He shouldn't have spoken as I did, but becomes aware that people are c and live on nothing. For -when in French-style English. \Ve swal­ you made me mad.” N you leave France you begin to lowed our “ pride” and tarried. talking about him, and NAT "What’s to become of Judith? GR.VHAM, his partner, blames Then, venj dcUhcratch], she smacked him full in the face. spend money— oh, you’ll be able to And yet again—dinner at the Why, I’ll take her with me, of stand it— maybe two dollars for a hotel was 25 ffancs. While stroll­ the loss of a client on the "dam­ course. I'm going to take her home, aged reputation” he charges room. But when one has been ac­ ing we had seen any number of 15 gether In a common cause, and so It been meeting Nell Orme at Vera where there’ll be someone besides John was bringing the firm. customed to spending 30 cents, the franc menus. We tried one. We was not surprising that she should Boyd’s?” mj-self who cares for her.” I Vera Boyd invites him to tea tell Fay Milburn that she had come change comes with diflacultv. couldn’t' decipher ^he bill of fare, "I mean you don’t know what “ You can’t do that. You have no and overcomes his objections by upon John and Nell' Orme in Vera’s 2 Nor does it wait for Italy! In so ordered lobster Americaine. you’re talking about when you say business saj'lng I don’t care for her. a holding out a “ surprise” for him. house and had evidently interrupted you have very few rights. You have Avignon, for instance, quaint little It proved to be cold lobster with She’s my child as much as yours. I It is a real surprise, for there he them In a tender scene. It was not as many as anyone else—as I do." O' town on the rushing Rhone which mayonnaise. We asked to have finds Nell Orme. Both are aston­ surprising at all; she believed she “Suppose you stick to the subject. won’t let you take her away." you read about In your Caesar one broiled. They broiled the cold ished to see each other and real- owed It to Fay. You're not a good liar, John,” she "Suppose you try to stop me." pony, we paid $1.50. Recall, how­ boiled one and the bill was for ^ I iie it is one of Vera’s old tricks, To Marian's credit It should be said scornfully. Fay’s voice had never sounded like ever, that your quoted hotel price both processes done to the one lit­ ^ she being noted for a fondness said that she bore John no grudge, His face went red. "Thank you this before. It was low, but Into It in Europe is but the third of it, tle lobster, 60 francs. E for promoting “ affairs.” He re- nor did she harbor any against Nell for that, at least,” he said. . bad crept a quality like steel. CONDITION— Veins too prominent on the upper surface of the dearie This year the conventional p solves not to go again, but he Orme; but she was very fond of Fay Fay turned away from him, un­ "Suppoeo you try to stop me," she S hand. ten per cent, for service is twelve One enters Italy at Vintemllle, g does, and this time he madly —almost to the point of adoration — repeated. "Go to a court and see if able for the moment to speak. The DIAGNOSIS— "While not serious in Itself, this indicates a certain or fifteen everywhere, and the cute the customs border line. As at = takes Nell in his arras and kisses and she could not sit back and see you can prevent me from taking my g her. A few minutes later the hopelessness of It all, she thought, little government stamps costing Cherbourg, they marked the bags this blow struck at her friend with­ own child-after I tell the reason.” fault in circulation and detracts from the beauty of the hand. It is = door opens and Marian Forbes to stand here fighting with the man this and that litter the bills on all without opening. A dollar dinner out doing something. Nor was she easily corrected. = walks in to find him holding her she loved better than anything else "I’ll get a lawryer," he told her. four corners. in the restaurant buffet, then on to quite strong enough to resist, when In the world. And yet when people "I’ll get the best that money can TREATMENT— Hold the hand up, then with the other han^ mas­ And, though you pay your 15 per Genoa, eight hours away. g hands. the opportunity arose, sharing her you loved Insisted on hurting you hire, and I’ll prevent you. If I don’t sage downward from the knuckles to the wrist with Arm even strokes. cent, for service, a leering line of One leaves feather bed comfort^ i NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY own misery with someone else. what were you to do? No, she actually prevent you, I can tie j‘ou some trillion million servants line behind In France, also its garish would go through with it If It cost up and delay you so that you’ll get If the hands are very thin, as they are apt to be in these cases, dip the s (The name, nnd .Itnatlona In this Fay felt the world slipping away fingers in cocoa butter or any rich, tissue-building cream. This exercise up with 'outstretched grimy palms striped wall paper, and enters the M atory are fletitioua.) from her when Marian told her, her everything In the world that was mighty tired of it." laml of garlanded colored porce- dear to her. is also excellent for the general contour of the hand. as you leave. 1 CH.\PTER XLIII though outwardly she managed to "Oh, now you’re being a baby, and They found a few hard nuts to lalne wash bowls, fleas and biting preserve her usual calm. Nell Ormel So she faced him agraln. *T told B ■jt/f'ARLA.N seemed startled. “ Ex- you’re crj'lng because you’re being crack, including the w. k. Pansy files, yellow wall paper, Roman The one woman she feared more you some time ago,” she remarked punished. The trouble with you, ^ J.Tx me—where’s Vera?” Her tiled floors, and prices a third than all others. What had Marian quietly, “ that I was not going to con­ John, is that you’ve always had your Herring Pretzel and the author, g face had flamed rosy red. LYA DE PUTTI ACCEPTED who had just counted their pence higher. > seen? What did she know of the tinue to put up with these tricks of own way and you’ve never let any­ But naught to complain of— P It wjLS Nell Orme wko first re- affair? Had they been meeting often? yours—and I'm not.” after a debacle in Paris including ”" covered her presence of mind. She body’s feelings Interfere with your palatial room, three meals a day, hCLvlng a good time. 'When I mar­ AS NEW AMERICAN VAMP, the purchase of cloisonne lorgnet disengaged her hands' from John's Marian did not know. She had Ha said nothing. “Do you hear for $2.50 each. I seen them hqjding each other’s me?” she asked, ried you I gave up everything. 1 guaranteed to make one resemble g and said, "Oh, hello, Marian. Vera's Mrs. Monkey-Monk Gohoofis the On to the coliseum and forum!' p gone for a walk. Come in and have hands and they had looked consider­ John shrugged his shoulders. "All forgot every man that I knew. But ably embarrassed when she came In right. Hurry up and get the lecture you—why you seem to think I’m g a cup of tea.” She went composedly Styles lnfor which film Lothar Mendes was p about pouring a cup for Marian, on them. Of course, she always had over with." terrible because I resented being 'New York, Aug. 9. neglected while you gallivanted "vamps,” which have undergone brought from Europe. gone right In Vera’s house without Anger flamed Into Fay’s dark p As for John, he was undergoing ringing. Vera had always Insisted around with a lot of wild friends. Our New Vamp p the emotions a man must feel who eyes. »“That’s It!” she cried, “ You little change since Theda Bara did on it. She hoped Fay wouldn't think "And now you've got Nell Orme. her fade-out, may now be an­ Ard since this makes three sirens D Q 1 = has been caught with his hand In an-- think you can go out and carry on straight running, with more as she was being catty or vindictive In and escape with a lecture so you can Oh. I’ve seen It coming, and I wasn't nounced as officially altered. = • other's pocket. He felt that’ some telling her, but her conscience simply fast as she can finish, it seems now g explanation must be due Marian, but go out and do the same thing over entirely surprised when Marian Lya de Putti, who gave the sex- ia W d wouldn't let her rest unless she did. ] assured that the movie fans must E could think of none that didn’t sound again. I suppose If you committed a Forbes told me what she Had seen. \ prepare to accept her as the latest p asinine. “How's *Pat?” he asked, After Marian left Fay moved murder you’d expect to get your And now I'm going to leave you to g trying to appear casual, and Marian around the house In a daze. She wrists slapped.” your Nell—and to the others.” thing in vamps. g answered In a peculiar tone, “Oh, neglected her work and spent most "To hear you talk,” John replied “I tell you you have no business to Miss de Putti speaks little Eng­ G a x l l f e a l i g fine." of the afternoon holding Judith and slowl5’, "one would think I had com­ talk like that. There’s nothing be­ lish. She has with her at all times ^In quantity in order to have the = Well, he reflected, he’d certainly fighting against the feeling of self- mitted a murder and was In the habit tween me and Nell Orme." an interpreter. Miss Greta Rauch. By DR. HUGH S. CUM>IING necessary supply of energy for his pity that had come on her and the g put his foot In It this time. What of commuting them." Fay made no answer, but stood During the filming of pictures the Surgeon General, U. S. Public work. tears that kept springing In her = would Marian think, married to Pat, “And to hear 3'ou talk one would there looking at him, and her eyes director’s orders and discussions Health Service. One meat course a day is per­ eyes. Well, she told herself, she had s whoso indiscretions and numerous think you had done absolutely noth­ expressed a disbelief that infuriated are translated to her. decided on her course long ago, and haps as much animal food as the E affairs were comm’pn gossip? Marian ing. Do you think I am going to sit him almost beyond his endurance. You can’t trust your Instincts average body should have. The ef­ p sat down rather hesitantly, and John she was going through with it; it quletlj’ by forever while j'ou go out But Fay’s temper was out of con­ with regard to the amount or kind would never do to back out It she fect of fish and eggs is practically g was inwardly raging because he and carry on outrageously with j'our trol, too, although hers was a still, of food you eat. wanted to retain her self-respect. cold fury. A sound came from the the same as that of meat, and they s could see that she had pronounced women?” There is more danger in Ameri­ may be classed as animal food. g sentence on him and Nell, When John came home that eve­ "There are two things about that next room, shattering the quiet that ning he saw a look In her eyes that had fallen on them. It was Judith, H ousehold ca from over-eating than there is Meats leave -wastes in the body that s ‘‘John?’’ Nell was offering him a sentence that I don't like,” he told from under-sating, despite the pre­ must be thrown off. So an exces­ told him she knew, nnd embarrass­ her. "One Is your reference to carry­ and she had evidently stumbled and g cup. But his refusal was almost valence of the reducing fad. More sive amount of meat taken into the ment and guilt left him wordless, ing on. The other is the way you fallen, for she let loose an explosive Suggestions p rude. "No, thanks. ' Better be on men break down from over-eating body throws a heavy amount of - “ Well?’’ Fay said finally. say women, I have no women—not little cry. P m%- way. Give my apologies to Fay turned her eyes away from after the age of 40 than break work on the eliminative organs. ^ p Vera,’’ and he reached for his hat. "Well what?’’ He was pretending In the sense that you Imply." “Then what Is Nell Orme? She John, emd started for Judith, and her down from over-work. This excessive activity of the or- I \ . . . Ignorance. contemptuous disregard of him was The United States Public Health gans does not make for good' Isn’t a little girl, you know." CEESECLOTH p Marian Forbes, because of her ex- “John"—Fay was white-lipped— "But It’s hardly respectful to more maddening than words. Service wants you to remember health. "don't pretend you don't know. Don’t John said slowly, "Faj', I won’t g perience with the irresponsible, speak of her as a -woman—not In the that In order to attain and main­ Vital VltiinMnes. p shameless Pat. had grown to be dis- lie. I know all about you and your tone j'ou use." stand for this sort of treatment. Do Cheesecloth wrung out in cold tain good health, you must eat Most people do not eat enough] g trustful of all men. In her eyes latest woman.” Fay made an Impatient gesture. you hear me?” water and wrapped around a head good food. p they -were the unfair sex, a lying, “Look here, Fay, you have no "Married men don’t arrange clan­ She turned again. "You and your of lettuce will keep it fresh for 48 Sounds Easy. vegetables. If possible, at least ■ = cheating crew, deserving to bo pun- right to talk like that—” destine meetings with other men’s women.'” she cried. hours. You must eat the right kind of three green vegetables should be • E Ished. In her own case, she stuck to “I believe," he said hoarsely, "that eaten every day. "Vegetables fur­ “ It seems that I have very few wives to talk about the weather, you food and have a balanced ration. p Pat only because of the children. know.” you’re nasty minded. Fay." COTTAGE CHEESE You must cultivate good eating nish food elements which are es­ rights around here." ” Marian was not vindictive, nor "I didn’t arrange them," he said Instantly her face flamed. She habits. sential to the body and, in addition p was she a great hand at meddling In “I don’t know what you’re talking qulcklj', and then stopped. took two slow steps toward him, and Thick sour cream is the best thin­ You must not over-eat. Avoid they furnish bulk, ■which is im­ E other people's affairs. But she be- about.” “Of course,” she observed scorn­ then very deliberately she sn;^cked ning Ingredient to use when pre­ too much meat and too many portant. him full In the face. p lieved In a sisterhood of women, be­ “ Don’t you? Do you mean to fully. paring cottage cheese for imme­ sweets. Vitamines are vital to life. Since lieved that something held them to- stand there and deny that you’ve “Now, look here. Fay, there’s no (To Be Continued) “ Natur.al Vamp" diate serving. You must have plenty of milk vitamines sometimes are destroyed and plenty of vegetables. by cooking, some raw food should Lya do Putti PORCELAIN Observe these rules and you will form a part of the dally diet. avoid malnutrition and will have Fruits, lettuce and celery are bridges that span the ocean and tie A little ammonia in the scrubbing taken a most Important step to­ the morning.” I said. “ Joan, Mr. ful touch to several major German among the important raw foods us to the rest of the world. They water will make the porcelain lin­ ward the avoidance of preventable Hathaway suggests that we visit Horae Page Editorials films, can be looked to as the style which should be eaten. Fruit in. are the League of Nations of play. ing of the refrigerator bright and disease. Mr. Elkins’ office in the morning setter. It was a film, “ Yariety, particular should form a large part I H E R O W N Who can measure the value of a sweet. Food supplies all the energy and notify them that we will expect now flashing its extraordinary common taste In sports among the needed for carrying on the bodily of the diet. Fruits help to prevent a settlement on the seventeenth, Nation at Play is quality across the American cir­ constipation, preserve the teeth nations of the earth? activities; it supplies the materials which is a day after tomorrow.” cuits that sent the American Pimento and supply valuable mineral salts Summer sun, fresh air, crowds of for the growth and repair of the ■ This seemed to suggest but one I Nation at Peace Z eu ts scurrying to Germany with to the bodj'. • ^ A Y ’ happy people watching or taking body; it contains substances which thing to Joan Meredith. dotted lines to sign on. Keep pimento fresh by placing in by Olive Roberts Barton. part in a fair fight! The four horse­ a fruit jar and keeping covered with regulate the organs so that each Fancy foods and highly season­ GIRL o f 3 0 0 / 1 )1 “ Tlien you are coming home with The advance guard of fllmdom men of the apocalypse may tie up cold water. one does its share. This adequate ed ones are not necessarily un- me, Judy, as my companion and had seen Miss de Putti’s work in healthful, but plain food usually A NEW JOB their steeds. and proper functioning (institutes business manager!” she exclaimed Europe. What she gives the scree" furnishes more nourishment, and is Behold the 15-page sports supple­ PAINTED FLTINITURE good health. enthusiastically. in “ Variety” Is a study from which cheaper. Just then Joan came back on the ment! Is all America plajdng? It Is! BOULIX>N CUBES Lowers Resistance. “ If you want me, dear,” I said is happily missing any note of the You should understand that pon-li from tt-lephoping and we I’laying hard because It is working Many cooks substitute two or Wipe painted furniture with a “I'll try to be your companion, if diabolical as injected in vampire sickness does not necessarily fol­ could say no more. hard. The harder it plays the hard­ three bouillon cubes for soup stock, damp cloth before applying polish. that is what they call them, for a roles of other vintage. Flesh is low undernourishment or poor er It works, and vice versa. There in making mushroom soup. But do not use this treatment on She immediately asked Jerry If while, but not your business mana­ there and that much discussed food. It is more important, how­ walnut or mahogany. hewctuld hook us passage on the ger. I don’t know anything about is no better barometer for gauging “sex-appeal,” but without the arti­ ever, that you understand that if next steamer early in the morning. a country’s moral status than the CHAMOIS CLOTH business. And I don’t think I had ficial adornments to which the your body is undernourished, your BLOOD STAINS Foil e i i G E C M “ Of course, I will do that. Miss better • > home with you tonight, manner and magnitude of Its sports. The high polish of the piano will American public has become accus­ resistance to bacteria is lowered Meredith, if you think you will for your step-father is probably Also there is no surer Indicator of benefit most from dry rubbing with and you extend an open Invitation Apply Zemo, the Antiseptic tomed. Fine feathers are subordin­ Blood stains should - be washed want it. but honestly if I were you very angry with me.” the health of its industries. a piece of chamois cloth. ated to simple biological attrac­ out first with cold water and white to disease. Liquid—Easy to Use I would wait until I knew some­ I had not told Joan anything Sport knows no class— the grand­ The foods the body needs to sup­ tion, and so a tough hurdle on soap. Hot water sets them, if ap­ thing about the settlement of the about Miss Cleaver and I did not In­ stand of a baseball field is the ply heat and energy are the ani­ TVhen applied as directed Zemo effec­ the way to greater sincerity is plied at first, though boiling will estate.” tend to unless it became absolutely greatest fraternity house in the mal fats, the vegetable oils and tive^ removes Eczema, quickly stops Crystal Tree achieved. remove last traces of stain, after Joan looked annoyed. I imagined necessarj". But I knew that Mr. Rob- world. The chief economic value of such starchy foods as potatoes, itching, and heals skin troubles, also Simply as Possible the first washing in cold water. It was the first time in her life that i iiison had probably been hunting any sport Is the leveling of class bread, rice, beans and certain other Sores, Bums. 'Wounds and Chafim. It Study of her German film penetrates, cleanses and soothes. Zemo a man in the same, station , , as , her- I nie all day. and if he found me at barriers: it is the common ground, very important substances known self in life had not .st.irted imme- , ijonse there would be ructions. the camp-meeting of good fellow­ showed particularly how much can as vitamines. IS a dean, dependable and inetqteiave be achieved with comparatively antiseptic Uquid, that is espmaHy diately at her command to make “ I don’t see why you can’t come ship. Brain work does not call for her wishes come true. little facial contortion. Y'et, with a more food than does physical la­ a d ^ e d for clay time use because it does home with me even If he is angry,” The ancient Greeks believed that minimum of “registration,” the KODAK FILMS not show. Ask your druggist for a small I hastened to explain. pouted Joan. physical development was essential bor. The man who is laboring hard “ You see, Joan, ,M r. Hathaway story is told. size GOc or large bottle “I would rather not tonight, to mental perfection. The fact is Developed in our own studio. physically needs nourishing foods seems to think it rather strange Some weeks have passed since dear.” I declined. “You see, Mamie obvious. As for the influence of out­ that you Iiave not had anything said the carmined finger-nails and al­ does not know where I am and I door sports on the moral stamina Our work is of the best grade to you by anyone,' not even your luring make-up drew groups of will have to. make some arrange­ of a people there can be no dispute. and our prices are the lowest. stepfather, about the final settling curious ones about the Paramount ments with her before I can come The poisons of passion disappear ot your estate. You know you prob­ Astoria plant where Griffith was 'WILLIAMS' to you.” under the sky. 'Who can hate for All prints up to postcard size ably have many millions of dollars making “The Sorrows of Satan.” long in the open? Jealousy loses its In many different securities and And. despite the more gawdy type printed for edge, disappointment turns to hope, real estate holdings and It will take of habiliment in which she ap­ we learn to endure our troubles. ROOT BEER a long while to get these all in TOMORROW: The Maternal In- peared, observers were quick to proper shape. Have you seen Mr. stinct. Besides, there is the wholesome­ note that histrionically Miss de extract Plkins lately?" ness of fair competition. Sport de­ Putti continued to work In a mood 5c Each ‘Some’ ■way I have a faint recol­ velops our sense of fair play— jus­ as close' to restraint as she was al­ MAKES YOUR HOME MADE ROOT BEER tice reigns supreme on a ball field, lowed, considering the nature of lection that Joslah Elkns Is very MAKE COOL DRINKS SRARKUNO * REFRCSHINO • DELICIOUS 111,” 'interrupted Jerry, “ and that at a tournament. It plays no politics. the story. The theme c* “ a’Vrlety” Brawn against brawn, brain against was extremely simple and as old as ■mt MOST POPULAR SUMMER, i his son has taken over as much of DRINK FOR YOUNB AHP OLD. ? his business as possible. This may Save all fruit Juices and use them brain, skill against skill— the best Sampson and Delilah. man to xvln! More recently she has gone to possibly account for Miss Mere­ for flavoring your summer drinks. HMinitams30nlBlsoCA ^ dith’s not hearing about her busi­ Cherry or strawberry juice are par­ Olympic games, open golf tourna­ This decorative bit from Paris la the Cosmopolitan Studio here to ELITE STUDIO ness.” ticularly desirable Instead of plain ments, international tennis matches. set in white crystal and has green appear in the' Richard KAne pro- y yiU find this All got ta fljToli or 8i^a& boat »cei^ swimming contest|s. ax9 tinted leavge, ^ ^ductloa “The Duke ot Ladles," 983 Main Street — Room 10. * ■V MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, WEDNESDAY,'AUG. U, 1928. m s t m f i r , ------i • ) -n ’.r GAS BUGGIES or HEM AND AMY—Hem Isn’t Afraid ^nAPffiB FANNY saMP SENSE AMD n oNSI By Frank Beck^ KNEW THE ,MAGNATE AND MONEY , I CANT HELP IT, CAN OH. NO ! HE'S WELL! YOU IF TMJS y iE F S .T -WEREhtr FOR NEWSPAPERS'0 •STILL MISSING. NO I IF THOSE‘^UMB COPSi ( I'VE NOT CUT OF HIM PLEASE UP. J’LL CO M a D.) BUMPING INTO H GET,HOLD OF [CLUE TO WHEREABOUTS INSIST ON USING THE C yOONE THE CITY. I WB W AN T THAT,. MA..NI WAS STOCKHOLDERS, V What wa need is not more lec­ THIS BEFORE LONG? •OF ALEC SMART OR ABSENCE OF AN HONEST) /NOTKiNG 6UE55 HES KNOW WHEN MERE a g a in ABOUrj tures, but more comfortable seats ID TAKE A STROLl? NOW SEE WHAT A, ^VANISHED dividends: m a n AS AN EXCUSE / ail DAY DETAINED AT GET OUR MONEY t h e p a y m e n t s AND WALK A for audiences, m ess y o u h a v e ^ lOLlCE CLING TO FOR NOT BEING ABLE y f BUT RUN THF CFFICu. BACK FROM THE ON YOUR CAR. HE, LITTLE PAT OFF US IN. BUT'YOUj '^ABSCONDlNG THEORY. TO CATCH THE REAL BACK AND HE'S USUALLY PETRIFIED GAS CO. GAVE YOU ONE THOSE DETECTIVES A woman doesn’t care whether WOULD MIX UPy STOCKHOLDERS THIEVES?--HEY, AMY! FORTH d HOME Bi' IF HE WON'T MORE DAY. rV E HANGING her doctor knows anything about WITH BIG ''THREATEN COURT ANSWER THAT /^NSWERING, NOW. TELL US, THE DONE NOTHING- AROUND medicine or not, if he’s "sweet” DEALS. ACTION. PRESIDENT DOOR-BELL, AND AND& ,COURTS. WILL.’ and sympathizes with her, when BUT LIE. LIE, UE! OUT OF PETRIFIED GAS REMEMBER I'M ^THATSI I'M SICK OF rr. t h e r e . she's sick and tells her she needs UNDER SURVEILLANCE. NOT HOME. i/^/'pHONE., RIGHT, an operation. [ARABELLA! \ "Do you understand this build­ ing-loan scheme?” "Sure, they build you a house and you pay so 9 much a month. By the time you are thoroughly dissatisfied with the 7 ^ ' place it's yours.”

The people furnish the fuel but ri) never get a job helping to run the political machine.

Hint to prospective brides; Dish­ es have to be washed about a thou­ IIIIUU ll M f'l sand times a year. im, by HmntfMin Ntwtpipct SwvMt et92S BY NCA SERVICE. INE ■ ___ "Hey, look at this bug in my AVhcn two youiiR people Ret their SKIPPY Bv Percy Crosby beer?” . ’SS M etesa O B M I heads together— they may be danc­ ‘‘That’s, a ladybug.” ing. ^ "Gad, what good eyes you have.” I don't THlNfCWC'o OOGHTER s w ip c So m a n y Appter-CCTJ Highway robbery: Building dirt A PUZZLE A DAY highways. YHROIU b a c k TMC WORMY#, How to Keep Friends. O n e r . BK.AIXAGRAM Miss Mary Jackson had a beau, Time limit,, 6 nii r.:;rs 2 Chris Taylor was his name; To see Miss Mary, don’t you know. Most every night he came. But now, 'tls rather sad to state. Poor Mary’s lost her Chris; He hasn’t been around of late To see his little Miss, □ She loaned him money! A hashslinger at Casey’s place Was liked by all the bunch; A smile was always on his face. He set- a dandy lunch. He did a thriving business, too. Which made old Casey smile; o. But now his customers are few. They’ve been so quite awhile. After examining the figures He loaned them money! Shown In the diagram, close your eyes. With a pencil attempt to put So listen, friends, and hear me a dot in each one of them as your say. $ALE$MAN SAM Distance Means Nothing to Sam by Swan hand sweeps around the group. This word or two to you; If you’d keep friends you make Start with a different figure for ChTSOV ’ - RT LAST lOHPin feff A -rrcKET ib VOHW -THEY SELL 'E n f o f ? ONLY each attempt and record your re­ each day WE'LL GET OOTOF HEfTlE. sults. First trial ...... ; second And have them always true. PoO O N iA' 1 m D E fffb v r GoT FTiO TbK Hom e RitHT AUJAH trial’ ...... ; third tr ia l...... ; No matter who or what they be CEfrfAiNLH PiRE EXPfeN^JlUE HEflE fourth trial ...... ; fifth trial (That really cuts no Ice) OF THE- YOU ROBBER ! ' ...... sixth t r ia l...... "Toil’ll lose but few, undoubtedly. MOLOK "&H Name each of the Illustrated fig­ If you'll take this advice; TVINC,- Don't lend them money! ures by its one most descriptive omTc> ANPiOft name. 1.....; 2 ...... ; 3 ...... ; \ 4 ...... : 5 ...... : 6 ...... When a man can support two S R 05 children he has 10. When a man SUWO, What two numbers totaling 27, 0 give the greatest possible product? can support 10 children he has 60ZZ AMD Brainngram answer: two. FiHPibLS 1. Mabel Wlllebrandt is an as­ P^KftlVlE sistant attorney-general in the A London correspondent reports tH United States Department of Jus­ that the beard is "coming in PAVOSOM, - Yas tice. again.” Here’s something mascu­ ^2. Her salary Is $7,500 a year. line that women can’t wear. ^ 3. William Howard Taft is chief justice. Americanism; When in doubt, 4. He was appointed in 1021. step on it. 5. Adding the proper vowels to 4s: "LVRWNDLLHLMS" you get Oli­ First Manchester Butcher: ^ ^ 1 ver Wendell Holmes, a justice in “ Come on, Ed, hurry and wrap up our Supreme Court since 1902. Mrs. Brown's ribs." JB IMS »> HE* stnvKC. Second Butcher: "All right, Har­ Re crawled out to the back yard ry, as soon as I have sawed off fence Mrs. Smith’s leg. and weighed Mrs. PRECKi.ES AND HiS FRIENDS An Insult! by Blosser To shoot a howling cat. Jones’ liver.” — ^ Dne shot, and kitty ceased to howl, AEY7WECS VOIVADDVA BV 7hX.UK A /WIMUTE VkllLUE T AAD A 'S NlCkEUTMAT V'KNOW VWMAVi/1 That's' all there is to that. The worst panics, like the worst TWNK VPO MUST vHpy, troubles, never come. VJAN7A VOO BoRRO'JJtO OF AIM ? VOO G U yO W T BE YOU, KAiovM v o o u ed; vaaaddva BE TVJINS ' TVIINS? A miss is as good as she wants 00 IT FOR? HUH “2 1 JUST TOLD p m i COMa so DUMB.'.' LITTLE JOE to be. WM TAAT-l-I I’M'WINS T-I-AW — ?? Oh, well, it's just as hard to live NORlNfr iSM'r where nothing’s unlawful as it is c MUSlCjWHEN You’Re to live where nothing’s lawful. IN A HAlAfAOCK-— Folks with plenty of brass don’t need muc’u gold.

The youngster swiped some shingles and % Nobody knew what for. But, anyway, when pop came home, They say he got one more.

The batter never played good ball. In fact, he was a chump. He couldn’t knock the old pill out, But always knocked the ump. y ii •M BY NCA IKNWCC. mC.‘ Of course she wished to be In style, And really look quite dashin’. WASHINGTON TUBBS U Suitcase Simpson by Fontaine Fox That’s ■why she had her long hair bobbed; by Crane © N eA The real short-cut to fashion. S it4 c e . H E WEHT I ti r o HiS H e v ! B 0 6 1KCG 6 ,'"SwiTdAac'* -T^-TAj-BCHS. I CtfS «io VBv YHitlKS vep. Y k HONOR OF •EUMVlN’ SIMPGOH (vlHo HAS T h e i.ARi«E8T iH THE GAUAMVfV T-RETTY COO'D vovp Oe OFF YHer wevvi •pepTM P.09E, EH? VAJELL, VJINS/ ! WHOLE t o w n s h ip ) h a s HAD ALMOST MoAC WORK -set VA CATCH TINTED CUT-UPS -Tner .POST ‘THAH h e c a r e d Tb ATTEKD TO. Cut Out the Pieces, Paste Them Together Correctly, Color the Sketch, and Fill in the .Missing Word. o ...... By HAL COCHRAN

j^aaaassBsaffsag " X i :


•^owT SHcerfy 1 EURREMOeR.'/ / * VVvi/l 1 •-

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It hops around from spot to sipot, And tumbles over, like as not. \ i The fu n n y ------^ nV^q-n’'oitaa BY wea acavica. wc.\ Lives ’long the road. And seeds the water when it’s hot. (Cayyriglit. titt, by T»>a S«n SyadieiH, iff’ I TTAi ■ \ WEDNESDAY, AUG. 11, 1926. PAGE TEN

CENTER ST. PROGRESSING. EMERGENCY DOCTORS MAY TRY TO ORGANIZE I THOUSANDS OF TROUT DISABLED WAR VETS Good progress is being made In ABOUT TOWN Drs. N. A. Burr and Howard the construction ot the new high­ Boyd will be on duty for emer­ A ROTARY CLUB HERE way on Center street. This week gency calls tomorrow after­ FOR NEARBY STREAMS Thursday Morning the laying ot the concrete between noon. GOING TO NIANTIC Memorial Lodge, Knights ot Manchester may have another the Volley rails was begun. The Pythias will meet this evening in Manchester Fish and Game luncheon club. Members of the start was made at the Junction of the Balch & Brown hall. The rank Club Stocked Several Brooks Hartford Rotary Club are consider­ Center and Olcott streets, and the ot page will be conferred on a class Miss Lillian Ayer, of South Cov­ work has progressed nearly as far entry, underwent a tonsllitis opera­ Yesterday— More to Come. ing starting a movement here to ot candidates. Several Manchester Ex-Ser­ organize a local Rotary club. Sev­ as McKee street. A large force of tion at the Memorial hospital yes­ men is being employed, and the terday. Through the efforts of the eral years ago Hartford Rotarians Friday will be the last day on and Kiwanians came to town and work la being rushed as much as 50c Specials Manchester Fish and Game Club, vice Men Among Those which voters may register for the began movements to start clubs possible. A steam shovel has be­ coming primaries. The registrars A son was born at the Memorial nearby streams are richer by sever­ gun the work of digging out the hospital this morning to Mr. and al thousand young trout today. here. Local men finally decided up­ will be in session at the Hall of Bound fo r Camp Schulze. on a Kiwanis club. Dr. D. C. Y. south side of the highway prepa­ These Specials Will Sell Fast At 50c. Records Friday for this purpose, Mrs. Raymond Bartley of Rock­ They arrived, 14 large cans of them, at Senkbell’s tire shop on Moore, a member at that time of ratory to laying the concrete base from noon until nine o’clock In the ville. Oak street yesterday morning and the Hartford Kiwanians, was influ­ for the asphalt. evening. Last Friday the registrars ential in this respect. Come Early—Don’t Be Disappointed. The British American club will several members of the club were When the disabled .\merican had a very dull day, few people call­ waiting to distribute them. They The success of the Kiwanis club' hold another outing at John Hand’s veterans of the World War go to locally has brought Hartford Ro­ ed. Most of the new voters register were placed in Tucker’s, Steel’s, Stop at the Waranoke Restau­ Store Closes At Noon. cottage'at Coventry lake on Satur­ Nisntic for their annual two weeks’ tarians to believe that another at the time they are made. How­ Skongamong, Black Ledge and encampment Saturday, it is ex­ ever, the sessions are held accord­ day. Members will meet at the luncheon club could be successfully rant for the best dinner you have Ash brooks. If you are a good stu­ pected that at least seven of the ing to law and it gives any who club rooms at 12:30. Transporta­ organized in Manchester. They be­ ever had.— Adv. tion will be provided. dent of local geography you will veterans will bo Manchester ex- have neglected to register an op­ know Just where these brooks are lieve that competition between the service men. Indications were to­ two clubs would stimulate the In­ 25c Lonsdale portunity to do so. located. day that David M:Cann. School St.. Lester Wolcott of Washington The trout received yesterday Paul Cleary, Newman St., Paul Mc­ terest in both. Sheeting 2 h2 yds. William T. Maloney of 21 West street has returned from his vaca­ were from 1 1-2 to 3 inches in Donald, North School street. .Toe •1 i # street paid a fine of $2.00 without tion which was spent with relatives length and while they will not be Madden, Maple street, and John Mr. Businessman— Our Business­ 36 Inches wide. A very good quality sheeting. To­ costs in the police court this morn­ in Patchogue, L. I. large enough to catch next spring Breen, John Con: ors, both of the men’s Luncheon is par excellent ing for driving his auto without I they should furnish good sport the North End, and William Drysdale and offers you the best menu you morrow morning only at 2 1-2 yards for 50c. lights. He was arrested last night Memorial Temple, Pythian Sis­ following season. Another shipment of Cottage street will attend the could wish for. Just call and find by Sergeant John Crockett at Main ters, will hold their regular meet­ of trout for stocking Steel's and camp from Manchester. Others are cut. Waranoke Restaurant.— Adv. and Delmont streets. Creamery brooks may arrive almost expected to go. ing tomorrow evening In Orange $1.25 and $1.49 MUSLIN BONNETS...... hall. Plans will be completed for any day. Camp Schulz', as It will be 50c ' Pasquale Inturrl, who gave his The Manchester Fish and Game named in honor of Brigadier Gen­ Sizes 13 ^nd 15. Dainty bonnets in plain white, some art the picnic which is to be held at Club is not a restrictive organiza­ age as 22 and his occupation as a Maple Grove, Rockville, in combi­ eral Edward Sc’nulze. of the C. K. trimmed with ribbon. tion but on the other hand it aims c«t. barber, residence Hartford, and nation with Damon Temple of that G., will be dedicated at 2 p. m. MASON SUPPLIES to provide improved facilities for Sunday.'Camp Director Aubrey L. Rose Dante, age 21, also of that city. A roast beef dinner will be city, made application yesterday for hunting and fishing for all, within Maduo'ck will con.-Juct the cere 35c SUMMER VESTS, 2 f o r ...... served at the grove. Mrs. Mark the limits of the law. An effort is LIME 50c a marriage license. According to Holmes is chairman of the com­ mony. You’re not planning to spend Women’s light weight summer vests with bodice and built now being made to secure some Similar to the encampment of the law, they will have to wait five mittee In charge. another Fall and Winter with up shoulders. All sizes. days before it Is issued. pond fish, bass and pickerel for 1925 the vetorams will pitch their CEMENT replenishing some of the nearby own tents. Senator Frederick A. the same wall paper on your Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Loomis of lakes and the club officers have re­ Beckwith of Niantic will place the rooms that has been there for 29c FRANCONIA PILLOW CASES, 2 for .... i The Jolly Twelve whist club held North Elm street are motoring to ceived notice that they have been PLASTER 50c an outing at Momauguln last Sun- tent floors. The camp site will he Good, heavy quality cotton. Sizes 42x36 and 45x36 inches. places of Interest through New allotted 100 pheasants which are located on the same field where several years past, are you? \ day. 7 Englamd and New York state for to be liberated In the woods in Company G. and the Howitzer BRICK We believe you would be bet­ their vacation. and about. Manchester. Company, local, units in the 169ih Tourists traveling through Man­ ter satisfied with your house REMNANTS, each ...... 50c Infantry, camped last month, but FLUE LINING In the assortment you will find short lengths of ginghams, chester are finding fault with the Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. McCann will be stationed cla..er to the Nian- and yourself if you renewed it. signs at the Center. Yesterday by of Henry street left yesterday for tic River. Let us show you the latest in cottons, voiles, cretonnes, scrim, etc. Values in the lot up to actual count, eight parties headed a stay at Old Orchard Beach, Me. . Following Is the official camp DAMPERS $1.00. for Providence stopped to find out COUNTRY STORE, 2 BIG roiiilue: First call, 7:30 a. m.; rc- wallpapers. just how to proceed, and this hap­ The shoemakers of this town, or ■<'01116 7:45; hn.akfaft, S; roll caP TILE We will also do the work if pens every day with autolsts going at least most of them, will get to­ FILMS, STATE PROGRAM 9:30; dinner 12:30; sick calls, you want us to. But— NOW WHITNEY’S RIPPLEBRAND STATIONERY 50c to Wllllmantic and Providence who 2:45 and 5; roll call 5:45; retreat A gold, deckle edge stationery which comes in white only. gether Thursday morning and go is the time to have it done. are unfamiliar with the *oute. The to Savin Rock for a day’s outing G; supper 6:15; tatoo 10; call to A Full Line. 24 sheets and 24 envelopes in a box. 75c value. sign near the grass plot is too far and their shops will be closed all quarters 10:45; taps 11. off to be seen by east bound traffic, day. Plenty of Entertainment To Give us your ord :r. 25c TOOTH BRUSH AND TUBE OF although for people going west they morrow Night— “ Too Much Dte.ATll OF TOOTH PASTE ...... 50c are all right. The matter has been William Ford, of 12 Cottage Money” and “ Le w Tyler’s MARY LOUISE WETHERKLL. We deliver the goods. John I. Olson Your choice of Pebecco, Pepsodent, Kolynos, Ipanna or called to the attention of the street, sustained a badly Injured Wives” Tonight. Squibb’s tooth paste. Chamber of Commerce. ankle Monday when he fell on the Mrs. Mary Louise Wetherell, for­ Painting and Decorating ' way home from work at the mills. 2 CANS OF JOHNSON’S BABY POWDER and Lewis stone and Anna Q. Nils­ merly of this town, died yesterday Contractor. James T. Caverly of the U. S. S. at the home of her daughter, Mrs. 1 CAKE OF LACO CASTILE SOAP ...... son nearly staged «, regular 50c “ Texas” is visiting at the home of Jack Hayes has removed from John Porter, 670 Farmington ave­ G. E. r i s & Son 699 Main St. Johnson Block On sale for three hours only. screen strike at First National’s his uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Lattlng Center street to his new home on nue, Hartford. She was the wife South Manchester. New York studios. They are 2 Main Street Phone 50 Caverly of William street. Edmund street. of Captain Arthur J. Wetherell and seen in the featured roles in was born in Norwich, June 26, 69c WINDOW SCREENS...... 50c If there were any shooting stars "Too Much Money,’’* which comes ls48, the daughter of Halsey M. Size 24x33 Inches— adjustable to 33 inches. Thursday to the State theater tomorrow. last evening they were not visible and Louise Hammond Bidwell. Her They start out as a wealthy cou­ morning only at 50c. in Manchester. The skies were over­ INJURES HER BACK cliildren were all born at the home­ cast and not even fixed stars could ple. but before the picture gets stead on Wetherell street. be seen. However, the shooting very far they have no money. Anna Mrs. Wetherell is survived by .six- is doing her own work in a little 79c and 99c WASTE BASKETS . . . 50c stars had an effect on the radio. IN FALL IN MILLS daughters and two sons. They Repairing M ade Easy Metal waste baskets in plain colors or decorated. Limited Even nearby stations came in blur­ Bronx fiat and Stone is working as are: Mrs. Homer Sperry of a janitor. There is a lot of com­ number to sell. red and full of static, as any of the W'orcester, Mas.s., iUrs. Porter, JIrs. The big, clean sheets of Sheet- edy for the pair -which both enjoy local radio fans can tell you. When the heel ot one of her Frank Ingraham and James Wetli- rock form partitions or ne-w doing. erell of Manchester, W’illiam Weth­ shoes came off, Miss Elizabeth Gor­ But— when Stone and Nilsson Mrs. Frederick H. Harv'ey and chil­ erell of Suflicld, Mrs. Clarence •walls w ithout mussing up -your don, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack walked onto the set while the pic­ '‘Self-Serve” Specials dren have returned from a w'eek's Gordon of Winter street, fell on the Tryon of New Haven and the Misses house. Even the sawing can be visit .in Boston and nearby places ture was being filmed a large sized Mabel and Florence Wetherell of stairs at the Throwing Mill of Che­ custard pie was reposing on the done outside the rooms. of interest. They ■vt'ere guests of ney Brothers on Monday and sus­ Hartford. SUN-MAID SEEDLESS RAISINS, C A / * Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Urqhuart, kitchen table. Funeral services will be held to­ tained a severe injury to her back. “Say, Mr. Dillon,” exclaimed The wall is finished so quickly 5 packages...... formerly of Manchester. An X ray picture disclosed the morrow afternoon at 2:30 at her Stone,' “ You don’t think we are daughter’s home, 670 Farmington 15 ounce package. fact that no bones were broken but going to Start throwing pies here, and neatly you’ll scarcely realize Ruth, three-year-old daughter of avenue. Rev. George W. Re.v- the Injury is painful and it is ex­ do you? I don’t mind handling Mr. and Mrs. Russell Strickland, nolds of West Hartford, formerly it’s being done. Call us for pected that Miss Gorden will be pickled herrings and juggling ash of Charter Oak street, is in the of Manchester, will officiate and confined to her home for a week or complete information. Memorial hospital. cans, but if you. expect me to use burial will be in the East cemetery. BALLANTINE’S MALT WITH HOPS, can . . . 50c more. my f^ce as a custard pie re­ Light or dark. Mrs. Mary Weircbicki. of North She -was going down the stairs at ceiver” — FUNERAL OF noon on Monday and had reached “ Wcl, I won’t throw them, so street, underwent a major opera­ l^LRS. CATHERINE F. BRENNAN. SHEETROCK tion yesterday at the local hospital. half way when the heel on one of don’t yon worry,” said Miss Nilsson The FIREPROOF WALLBOARD SUNBEAM PEPITOLIVES, 2 jars ...... who had just come in time to hear 50c her shoes fell off. Miss Gordon The funeral of Mrs. Catherine F. 8 1-2 ounce jar. part-.of Stone's conversation. “ This A daughter was born to Mr. and slipped on the stairs and tried to Brennan was held from her late is high comedy, not slap-stick. Mrs. Max Schaller, of 53 Walker save herself from a fall by putting home this morning at 8.30 and at stre*li Monday her hands out behind her. She Dillon, who had not had a chance The Manchester Lumber Company SKAT, 6 cans ...... to get a word in edgewise, held up St. James’s church at 9 o'clock. ,..50c came down hard on the stairs and Rev. J. P. Timmins celebrated the South Manchester, Conn. New, large can. ^ had to be carried to an automobile Dr. T. D. Weldon returned to­ his hands. mass and burial was in the St. outside the mill and taken to a doc­ “ Listen, that's only for atmo­ day from a -week’s vacation at James’s cemetery. Crescent Beach. tor. sphere,” he shouted, and the LUX SOAP, 7 bars ...... ,50c threatened -war was over. "W hew !” At the offertory Mrs. Clairo Bren­ Toilet form. said Dillon, “ I’m sure glad I don’t nan sang “ O Salutaris” and James have to ask them to throw that Breen of Rockville sang “ Face to Face.” The bearers were Daniel ARMOUR’S CORNED BEEF, 2 cans ...... pie.” 50c The second feature is Frank J. Sheehan. Michael Foley, John Mayo in "Lew Tyler’s Wives.” Downing, Philip Shaw, John Arienti What a Picture! What a Theme! and Edward Held. I FOR SALE Don't miss it. Also the famous Country Store, with a lot more Mr. Businessman— Our Business­ “Health Market” Specials Quality Feeds at Lowest Prices. Phone us your g presents than ever. men’s Luncheon is par excellent Be sure and see the performance and offers yon the best menu yon order. Free delivery. could wish fo.". Just call and find 3 Rousing Hot Friday and Saturday for we have 1 LB. PORK CHOPS 2 LBS. BEEF LIVER out. Waranoke Restaurant.— Adv. 4 Bran ...... Captain Herbert H. Bissell In “ The 1 LB. HAMBURG 1 LB. BACON Oats $l«$a Battle of Niantic” with a cast of STEAK Scratch Feed ...... $2.65-$2.80 Manchester boys. Also there is a All for Lay or Bust M ash ...... $3.50 double feature bill. For today the ARTESIAN WELLS All for State theater presents for the last Weather Spedals Lay or Bust Growing F e e d ...... $3.50 times Priscilla Dean and Lon Cha­ Drilled Any Diameter— Lay or Bust Intermediate Feed ...... $3.20 ney in “ Outside the Law.” Any Depth Any Place Just to keep things lively this week, I offer these 50c 50c Stock Feed ...... $2.1a-$2.25 three remarkable furniture values. All other kinds as low in proportion. NAME STATE CONVENTION Charles F. Volkert POULTRY WIRE Couldn’t do it regularly and this offer holds only Blast Hole Drilling until Saturday night. 1 LB. LAMB STEW STERUNG STEAK 4 ft. high, 150 ft. lo n g ...... $4.75 DELEGATES ON AUGUST 27 1 LB. SAT SAGE MEAT 5 ft. high, 150 ft. lon g ...... $5.75 Test Drilling for Foundation Water Systems All for 2 Pounds 6 ft. high, 150 ft. lo n g ...... $6.75 Pumps for All Purposes. Roofing Paper, $2.00 roll up to $3.25. Republican Caucus to Name Delegates Also to Congres­ HIGHLAND PARK P. 0. 50c 50c sional, Senatorial and Coun­ Tel. 1375-5. MANCHESTER CREEN STORE ty Conventions. At the Republican state conven­ W. Harry England. Phone 74. tion, which will be held at Foot Guard hall, Hartford, on Monday and Tuesday, September 13 and 14, the state oflicers. Including the governor, will be nominated. r SOUTH MR NCHCSTER ‘ CONN The town caucuses for the elec­ tion of delegates to this convention will be held on Friday, August 27. They are held in every town in the state on the same evening. Thursday Morning Manchester Is entitled to four delegates to the state convention. At the caucus here delegates will be elected not only to the state con­ B E D , SPRING AND MATTRESS, e iQ SPECIAL vention but to the congressional, AFTER the senatorial and county conven­ Only ...... : V FRADINS tions. a Summer’s Day Full size metal bed in Brown or Oxidized finish. Na­ Men’s B. V. D. Union Suits, 1 Q William S. Hyde Is chairman of tional Spring and White Cotton Mattress, all for only the Republican town committee and A hot, stifling summer day all sizes, 34 to 46 regular...... he Is authorized to issue the call for leaves its mark on beauty. $19. the caucus. You should employ the serv­ 4-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE, Spedal lorThursdayMorning Boys* Topkis Union Suits, f t O r * The Democratic state convention ices of a reputable beauty par­ $149 regular 75-cent value...... C for the nomination of state officers in American W aln u t...... will be held September 15 and 16 lor to restore your original Union Suits, nainsook, sizes at Music Hall, New Haven. The freshness and loveliness. 2 to 12. Regular 59c ....; town caucus for the nomination of 8-PC. DINING ROOM SUITE, $ J J Q Overalls of blue denim, Boys’ Allen A Light Weight Ribbed Closed Thursday after­ Union Suits, regular $ 1 ...... I 7 C delegates to this convention will be in American Walnut ...... ; • ^ sizes 6 to 12. Regular 50c held on Monday, August 30. noons during July and i You must see these suites to appreciate their real^ Rompers and Dresses, sizes V August. value. 2 to 6. Regular T 9 c ...... SCHOONER hnSSING. Hats and Bonnets. Regular t to $1.00 \ Rome, Aug. 11.— ^Anxiety was Ladies* Union Suits, knitted, \ expressed today regarcyjig the fate State small sizes only. Regular of the schooner, Linx, built for the 59c ...... ' Arthur L. Hultmeui Eastern Yacht Club, of Boston, Beauty Parlor William Ostrinsky Silk and Fibre Hose, per­ fect, sizes 8 1-2 to 10 1-2, which with a crew of nine sailed Phone I94I-2. 27 Oak Street So. Manchester Next door to Manchester Trust Co. from Lussln-Plccolo for Boston popular shades ...... • early in July. She was last heard 755 Main St. So. Manchester from on July 80, State Theater Building. I