SEVENTEENTH YEAR Woodbridge, N. J., Friday Afternoon, January 21, 1927 PRICE THREE CENTS BUSINESS BIRTHS MYSTERY HEARING ON BOUTS — DRUNK DRIVER (January 11, Francis James Floerseh, Fight fans of Woodbridge and' '~\'A'i >lain street, son of Mr. and Mrs. I vicinity will be treated .to a snappy' MEN WILL (Peter Floersch. SHROUDS 1927 BUDGET (card of boxing at St. James Audito-I HURT IN CRASH January 14. Angel Martinez, 81 jrium tonight, when the smoker and! New street, son of and Mrs. I boxing show of Woo&bridge Post 87,! BANQUET AT Angel Martinez. SHOOTING MONDAY j American Legion, will be staged, pro- WITH TROLLEY Port Reading ceeds to go to the "Second A. E. F." January 9, William Andrew Both, Paris Convention' fund. Blair road, son o£ Mr. and Mrs. OF^APTAIN AFTERNOON The card as announced tonight in-1 IS FINED $200 Peter Both. chides the following bouts: I January 12, Elisa. Scutti, The '• Joe LaG-ray, of Anihcy, r.\ Tr:*imy Members and Friends of Camps, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B.Bob-Haired Woman of Forty, I Copies of Ordinance, Show- Carteret Resident Pro- Scutti Salley, formerly of Avenel, C rou-.uis. Members Are Invited to Who Admits Firing Rifle, ing Proposed Revenues, Vincent Delio, of Jersey. City, vs. : nounced Unfit to Drive by Hopelawn Mickey Summers,-.of Newark, (j First Annual Dinner Meet-! January 14, Michael Bomly, Lee Serene Under Cross-Quiz; Appropriations and Taroundsx . Dr. B. W. Hoagiand, Who avenue, son of Mr. and Mrs. John •iliekey Jones, of Perth Amboy. vs. ing, January 26th. ; Bomly. Husband, 27, Is Nervous. Total May be had at Town Eddie Marks, of Perth Amboy, (i Takes Seven Stitches in lselin Hall. rounds. January 10. Betty Marie White, Larry Clements, of Hopelawn. vs. Man's Scalp. TO ELECT "OFFICERS 1-Iardin;; avenue, daughter of Mr. andVICTIM nTHOSPITAL Young- Combo, of Carteret, 4 rounds. Mrs. Roy White. Carolina Joe, of Carteret, " vs. Keasbey APPROVED BY STATE Modesto Ardoner, of Perth Amboy. WEEPSJfTCQURT Effort Will be Made to "Pep January 7, Alex Deak, Dahl ave- Pair Held in County Jail j : Referee, MeGuire, South Amboy. Up" Organization Which uue-son ~of Mr- and Ml-s- Alex Deak- Claim They're Married But Most Important Piece of 1927 License Revoked for Two Has Been Lagging During Have "Forgotten" When, j Legislation by Township; Seventh Anillia! Years by Judge Vogel, Winter Months- School Savings Where, and by Whom. Committee dhows Econo- When He Hears of Previ- Some day a great novelist will put mies of Administration. ous Offense Against Same . Wednesday night the first, an- | Total $1,102.40 Scout Meeting j nual banquet ot the Woodbridge aside his cane and scats, don a coarse sweater, flannel shirt, and a pair of Statute. Businessmen's Association will be A public hearing on the proposed soiled denim overalls, and hire out Township budget and tax ordinance Shows Progress! held at the Rendezvous, on Si.' . for Past Weekj as a deckhand on one of the coal for 1927, which was introduced and William Balogh, 2 8 years old, mar- ] barges that ply between Port Read- 1 George avenue, near Freeman street. ] g py passed first reading on January 10th, Alonzo B. McDowell was re-elected ried, a painter of 121 Longfellow ! i N Y •will "be held next Monday afternoon Woodbridge. The event will also be Educulional Savings scored a new! ing, New York, Boston, and other president ~ at""the"seventt""Annual street' Carterel_, paid $200 and had marked by the election of officers for ;high water mark, last week, when a.[POiats on the New England Coast.) at 3:30. The budget, which will effect a Meeting of the Raritan Council, his license revoked for two years, as 1927. Everyone of the sixty mem-j jvery sizeable saving to the taxpayers, Scouis of America, held Tuesday>the result of a "co»ison between his hers who joined in 1926 is expected.the «ight Township Schools in which!, rank with to Mark Twain's tales j so far as money for local purposes I eVenin in the Presbyterian Chapel ^mobile, and a Public Service to be present. Manager Rabstein of;the Woodbridge National Bank is j of the Mississippi sidewheelers, a }is concerned, has been officially ac- tale Perth Amboy and at which Dr.,trolley car >on Rahway avenue, be-, the Rendezvous and his chef have; operatins,. tne svstem. Port Reading i filled; with the hardships, the cepted and approved by Commission- of promised to prepare a delicious meal., * . " ' . .poverty, the profligacy, and the pro- er of Municipal Accounts Darby, at Fritz Abegg presided. Delegates tween Green and Neilsoa street, at te 0>cl0cli Music will be furnished by the dusky 1 again won first place with 10 a pel fanlty of life on a^ar'ge Trenton, according to a statement by were present from Woodbridge. ^ ; last night. "Rendezvous Syncopators", who have: cent of its pupils as depositors, and; Aflfl } cue for the Township Treasurer Gardner on it had not been for the accident, Wednesday. Township, Carteret, South Amboy achieved popularity as*.radio or-, $259 77 as total for the week. The'plot from ,an i3rclLnt%vnfch hap! Balogrh might have "gotten" away The ordinance provides that there and Perth Amboy, including scout chestra over Station W N J _; record is as follows: 259.77 j pened aboard the coal dust 'stained it. As it happened, however,, The annual meeting of the Busi- Port Reading .. * 9.^y ,7 deck, . . s oi. th.. e Barge Elizabeth, out of shall be raised (exclusive of fran- leaders, council members and various nessmen's Association was to have No. 1 .... 238.21 chise and gross receipts taxes') the hG was Dadl so that he 185.19 , Perth, and made fast to the bulkhead CHARLES committeemen. It was a remarkable y been held at the Town Hall last No. 11 ...... : sum of $264,043.00, to meet Town- ta be taken to police headquarters. 157.08 ! of the Port Reading- docks. meeting and had a great spirit all Tuesday evening. Only nine mem- Avenel - |_ At five-thirty last Tuesday night,. Exclusive 'picture of the great ship appropriations for 19 2 7. in the patrol-ambulance. bers were present, however, the rest St. James 132.48 1 through. After an invocation by the | just as early winter dusk deepened film comedian now in tragic The 1926 total to be raised by- At headquarters, Desk Sergeant having been kept away by other ap- High School 76.41 into night, Evelyn Hewitt, 40, bob-! taxes was $311.514.S6. This means,Rev. Dr. A. W. Atchley of the First 41.01 ; role, snapped on Filth avenue, Ba st ,. v^dllinane called in Dr. B. W. Hoag- pointments, and the fact that the Sewaren : • haired, hard faced, with the resigned j Wednesday afternoon. that the 19 figure is a reduction "meeting had not been announced in Eighth Grade _._ 12.25 : f dinner was in order lAud wh0 took ^j; stitches in ttee calm of a coastwise schooner that has of $47,471.86 from the ta\- budget bj a time. I been battered by the gales of the1 of 1926. ,„,. , ., ' committee of man>s nead, cut by windshield glass, An informal meeting was held, j $1,102.40 Seven Seas until fit for nothing else This saving was effected through ladies under the direction of Mrs. K was then that both the sergeant however, at which the suggestion. SUMMARY shot a man. '! BRANDISHED careful pruning of every appropria- i< ritz ABegg. and Dr Hoagland noted the strong was made to combine the annual School A tfcendaiice Deposits P. C. jtion down to the In his opening remarks, Dr. Abegg odor of liquor on the" man's breath. Old Rifle ! lowest minimun. gave a brief history of the council meeting and election of officers with Port Reading ... 3 99 399 100; and handling of interest amounts in Balogh, after having been "sewed 105 S9i The man wass Irvins Post, also from its inception, stating how the p", was examined for drunkenness a banquet. Mr. Rabstein, of the Sewaren _ 118 THREE KNIVES, such a way that the tax-payer will old Perth Amboy council enlarged its Rendezvous, offered his establish- St. James' 365 154 42 forty years of age. captain of the not be burdened by any undue charge .territory and became the Perth Am- who wrote upon a ment as the place for a meeting, and Avenel _ 383 159 42 barge James Walker, who. according! for interest to be paid by property boy District Council and still fur- 542 247 4« to the woman came aboard and forcedj Jan. 20, 1927. agreed to serve a dinner at a -very No. 11 SHE STATES holders against whom improvements- ther enlargement has resulted in the1 reasonable price. No. 1 ...._- 592 198 33 his way into the scant deck house of have been billed. "Wm. ' Balogh was unfit to present council which now goes by, drive a ear due to alcohol." Thomas Racina, Murray Saltzman,' : the barge. She used a 32-ealibrel It must also be remembered that the name of Raritan Council. The! (Signed) B. W, Hoagland. • and Maxwell Logan were appointed TOTALS ...... 2 39 9 1262 59, single shot rifle, loaded with a re-! Man Thus Armed and His present administration, during | business of the evening included a Banquet Committee, and tickets volver bullet The shot entered h««! . ... . -• —- —-~T— - Investigation of Balogh's license ,report of the treasurer by William card shwed tnat he vas driving his- were ordered printed. To date fifty Cf'hln0 chin, and lodged to leeward of his! Tried to Kidnap tickets have been sold. The hour Otntting starboard ear. ' I Pullen of the Perth Amboy Trust own ear k commercial vehicle, Ii- was originally set at 6:30, but has Costumes Feature Motorcycle Officer Carl Sundquist Fellow Boarder, Mrs. In- been changed to seven-thirty, as called to the scene of the shooting E. most places of business are open un- of Club Comedy arftested Evelyn and her husband' selberg Says. Co.; camp committee til six o'clock. , Charles- Hewitt, a tal,, husky I cumulated interest charges 1 ll 1B a uuu luttetu il1 JUL1CB The association, which was started One of the many atraetions to be r_ young seaman of twe-n- nisui, ' i , hanging fire \ o£ Honor activities mm Dy tJae operaior oi toe with considerable enthusiasm last oftered to the public tonight, and to-1 •"seven summers. [headquarters, when the Inselberg's,; ' and scout ad- Service trolley at'nine o'clock before 0 Recorder Y°Sel mis corningi . summer, lagged somewhat during the morrow nUht, when the eomedy t. Post was rushed to t)ie Perth ! ^ Port Reading road, don't call up! _. late fall and winter months, due to .'that's That" is staged at the High .- Hospital in the police ana demand police protection from: CoiOnia Community in police court this XX a "Tern ^ T- 1 ---"*• *» t~~l-\ _rvi i»_r-\Tn.'T'_"_^_rs*-*T*_'-__r_,i*c; ; ^ ,[ At one o'clock this mfrning, thej phone rang. 'Desk' Sergeant""Culli-j .. _ _.._. nane picked up the receiver. An ex-! ing will be the starting point for a dances performed by girls attired in 'T..t , . t Bux t -peopl - e wh- o —fol - cited voice said "Quic, k —the for 1927 are of the : s renewal of the co-operative spirit bizarre maSque costume, in striking ! ri + ., , whether in lowly barges lice they're trying to break in P. McAndrews, president; W. HT u towerm w TT - Qfnnt "P.vApnHvo WoTKcift w T nmi • He did not deny his guilt, and which marked the founding of the coiors and designs \? , §' indiam.mers, are a ^tbe door " ! sl ace se JoseHancock,n ^ first vice president; Mrs. cowed a aaHfthfmSrTfem.oT " even admitted to Judge Vogel that organization. ; The following girls will participate J°" \r ;f ^ey would not fol-! <^w, hold on a mimite." said the' .P, P- McAndrews, second vice, ™^, " ti°l Im s was n B the sea Post eou neH 01 1 and included the \ second onenie, navmg Plans for a "Woodhridge Week'- the Teller number- i ,-, - > according to'Ser—aut ''Who is ' this' Who is President; C. H. Davis, secretary; D. . f " ^ m Tel r 6ceiv D-^ • r. - - mrrmnr nmprnvw fnr TIPV! Vear and previously been fined during Judge will be discussed Wednesday night.! g*e £jng™ ' Wilhelmina'^ . «? 'rom the hospital this tmng to brefkin the door?' ^ financial sec " " ma«™0 1 ">"-"— Oon ls on the r a Sa-Daviswe11, financial secretarv; Arthur L J oojeciives tor next year ana ^ drivta" whfle- Though as yet indefinite,, these plans Schienner Eiva Nelson, Eda David. I ' °ad to recovery. : \ „ miT111^ iaw "All y . treasurer, A ! ter -- • a challenge to continue the work al- »nie> s time, ror unvuta wniie- include entertainment features, spe- EveJvn Schoonover', Bessie Duff, Myr- Womim ist?nniffl«l ' .„ t_ Xbt ?,n ,. " I The trustees are: J. : ready accomplished. During the," runk. cial window displays, prizes to cus- Ue "Howard, Bess Baker, Dorothy! On Wednesday " mornin- Evelvn ;TT c vei n evening the scout leaders and mem-! . The recorder imposed a fine oi tomers, souvenirs, and other factors. Ternune.Elsie Schrimpf, Carolyn B. -—" "---' '• - ="_- ' > ttle Inselber,-S agaIn... 1 ,,.1,: nis *.r411 1_->_n_r! -fn o KQTTDV n«riav- , _^ . •_ ., -•- i

JGrace Stephenson, ' Margaret Wand, \ lock-up, was "ar"raigned° bSe Jud"e Township Garage and, after picking 'composed of Mrs. Hickson, chairman; ^ommntee wmen resuuea m me IOI- Yo,u^ ^^shoul»d hav.„,e. ^.^thought , „of. tha^t. Avenel 'Ruth, McCann and Helen McCann | Vogel in police court " ^ ! ^ Officer R. Simons on, drove to the Mrs._ Livingstone. Helen' Tuttle, J. £™f '^Lrf w'tlected fo r ^tlMt^Tf "ear in ttat Toll^ - There will be a special matinee f or-•• With h&r,. Charles Hewitt," her I^elberg's store, located a couple of Davis and William H. Hancock. °P|™ PresidentSdent , A. B. McDowell-; tion,«on,"" Said the judge. "Under th" e children at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon, j husband, nervous, fidgety ill at ease', blocks-east of the White Church. j Serving on the civic committee, 1.9i/ • isidentResidents Joh, An. BM. . KregerMCtioweu, o,f Jaw, • that is the leas&t fine I can it se u n in the school auditorium. A nominal, under the crisp cross examination of' Mr. and Mrs. Inselberg met them are: William J. Byrne, chairman; C.' Vf^Z^lo* &\ W Thorn, of P° P° you.' admission fee will be charged. [the recorder. Evelyn Hewitt told at the doof of the grocery. evn, . pd ,—,„» Davis, FranE. Corbettk M. Patterson. The hous, Mre. Horncom,- Carteret„„„"„_„<,. an°^d Marshall B. Magee, of Balogh wiU also have to pay tl The firemen held their monthly-' 1 6 HSh e hafd, been getting supper readyreadv:! MrsMrs:'Tns^er. Inselberg:. : "A^soonAs so^ ,."^ Zf^. * ^ndea; Jack Drake, chair- «™'^ *«*"»•- ^ Homnaissioner. Phy—n s fee of $25 for meeting fire drill on Monday evening.. to tto 11CJ Edward Schieberg • and Carl Kalquist; and treasurer, | This was the first fire drill under the ; on th gaiieV stove, when the thump-! saw us telephone_.-.:.....they sneaked/'. .William H. Pullen. Members of the leadership of the new chief, Anthony; Valentine Dance £**%>«£ e "As usual." rejoined one of the of-; ""The"retiring president J B Tif- Executive Board are: Fritz Abegg, IS©|I0 uCOUlS A A Oalaida. At tlie meeting-, Barney- fleers a little wearily. , faUy; received a unanimous vote of' - - Anderson, A. E. Hall, H. L. ! Hal1 H w Fisher c H Dt-evich chairman for the Firemen's The annual Valentine Dance of the^'£n^ keroaerieTamn™ ,h Nevertheless, they searched the'thanks and appreciation for his ef- - - - ' - - ^alauist, party, gave a report which was most:Sodality of St. James Church, ™°°&-'l ltvan« 4,? »mT if -ighborhood for signs of the, forts in. behalf of the elub during:M^ Margaretten, E. J. aicCormick, %,an bne sain ¥Mnl Rehearse for • enthusiastically accepted. The party (bridge, always an enjoyable -"~ '; had never" . seen"*"' • boarders.. . [1926. is for the men and their families and! will be held on February 16th, in the, . Inselberg told her trouble toj Ul'. Muckenfuss.'Dr. Chas. W. Naulty, will be held at the firehouse on Sat-1 auditorium of St. James school, Am- lold Hun to "Git! . I Jr., W. H. Pullen, and John J. urday evening,, JanuaJanuaryy 29. Mr.'boyy avenue,, Woodbridgeg . The hall;. She told him,, sshee saidsaid, to "gitgit "i ; leporiei. „ Headquarters Official .'Quinn of Perth Amboy; Ernest H. .Big Rally Drevich is most ably assistei d by the; will be especially decorated for the! But he refused to' git. He Vas': One of them had three knives. iBoynton, John M. Kreger, Arthur L. &ne sald following committee who are work-1 occasion by the young ladies of the"; drunk, she said, and there was a \ - Will Address j Gardner, of Woodbridge Township; The Iselin Girl Scouts of Gotten ing hard to jmake the affair a sue-j society. O'Brien's orchestra has; wild light in his eyes. She picked! Howard w Thorn and William S. Mnndav FVP - Thorn and William S. Eaglet, Troop No. l, of Iselin, held cess: Anthony Galaida, J . "Utassytl , j beeb n engaged fof r thth e eveningi . ' Spe-"S; j up a rifleifl , "an"d d pushed it into his'porter' . "What'kind of knives?"' i""«U«*y A've Calderhead of Carteret; and Mar- their regular meeting on last Moit- Pat Donato, Joe Stern, George Fox,,'cial surprise features are being stomach", meanwhile ordering him i "Kitchen knives," answered Mrs. „ .. , : ' T .„, jsh'all E. Magee of South Amboy. ; aay. The business meeting was again Henry Luskie, John Larsen, Joe planned. j in salty terms to get ashore and stay; Inselberg. "That long .*: indicat-, On Monday evening, January 24th,. .| A„ speMrcia l feautre o____f the _evening's!postpone _ ^ua^uii_d Qani d the practice, for the Benyi and Carl Nier. |there. Then, Evelyn Hewitt said, he!ing the size of a blade about twelve!the local l counciil of the Knights ofjprogram were threth e shorhortt speechespeechess RRa ]iy begab n ^^This^ xwu^Rallvy WIiJwil.l mtakee i raised his hands. , j inches, with, her hands. (Columbus will meet at the clubhouse ;by Mr. Thorn of Carteret, H. A. J place at Rahway in the Elks' buiW- Many Candidates Avenel C. E* ! "I was afraid he was going to grab: "My boy, Israel," she went on,{to listen to an address by'Fred. V., Tkppen of Woodbridge, and M. B-ing on January 28 1927 at 7-30 P me,=._" " fihflshe snirsaidt , "And I pulled the; "bit him on the wrist, till he dropped I Milan, special agent from headquar-' Magee of south Amboy, who brought, jyj The'girls practiced'their'knats trigger." to Receive First and 'one of them." ters of the order at New Haven.! greetings from their respective com.-'and bandages, but only* the signal "And where was your husband atj to Stage Play "Do you kaiow the men?" she wasConn The distinguished visitor, |munities to the Annual Meeting. The team was appointed, the remaining Second Degree, K, of C. ; the time all this happened?" asked i.asked. who has won. a reputation as, a speak-, climax of the evening's program was teams, will be appointed and tried I the court. | 'Do I know them? Sure, I know er of extraordinary talent and force, a stirring address by Dr. George J. • during: the next meeting. will speak on important views of the A special meeting of Middlesex I Charles Hewitt, tall awkward ,and[thein. They board here. They come Fisher, Director of the National Meld The te&JQ consists of February 3rd* j confusedfd , fumblinfbli g with his belt, j homhome drunkdrunk,, anand startestarted carryincarryingg- K. of C. organization of the present Council No. 857, Knights of Colum- 1 bus, will be held Sunday afternoon rose to his feet. 'one of the boarders downstairs day, touching upon timely topics, whose theme was "The World The Avenel Christian Endeavor! "I was for'ard, coiling some rope'while he was asleep just like and matters of current interest. runner, Dorothy Shohfi; writer, An- at the Columbian Club, Amboy ave- Which the Boy of Today Lives." na Ciccone. The Purple Pansy nue, and Main street, Woodbridge, Society will present a play called,'near the towing bit." he said. !.•...•...• kidnapping.. . Then they.. , .trie . d. to get In closing-, Dr. Fisher presented to Troop of Colonia invit6d the Isellit I back into the store, and we wouldn't President A B. McDowell a charter Troop to their meeti lace t ^ The first let them in. When they saw us tele- Avenel Congregation, for the Raritan Council for 1927. tlie rajjy practiCe having i phone, .....they, sneaked." It was the- largest meeting in Tlie .ats baye aseended fJ_ i The cast follows: ihappened, was when Evelyn put lierj After some "scientific research" of Sons of Jacob, to the history of the Boy Scouts of Iowg. L£Uy of the Valley Patrol, U Miss' Philipena Popoyer j head out of the window, and she! the neighborhood, the three "bad Build Synagogue I in the history of the Boy Scouts of ^V^ ~n&t£e Violet," 3% rartyy —Dorothy ElUsonj said: 'I just shot a man.'" '.'• . imen", who proved quite harmless, meet- MissEose Ralelgl1 Ma Ameriea m this territory and is _the iTlSf was adjoined ^ith the nsual Railway Hospital Fund ~, _ .;,Vl - , "'i?se Place Forgotten jafter all, were found. They were starting point for a greater develop- evejlijig song , Helen Tuttlej Judge Vogel then proceeded to Carl Anderson, 20, a presser; Eddie After five years of inactivity, the. ment of Scoiiiing activities and .troop " ! Deacon Dubbs Arvid Winquist i question the couple regarding their McKnight, 21, and Joe Belanger. I congregation of the Sons of Jacob, organization. A card party was held at the home Amos Colemim _._.A1 Henderson j marriage. They, replied, alternately, i They told the cops they were friends, j of Avenel. have reorganized and are 1 i Testimonial Dinner ^f 4 of Mrs. B. W. Hoagland, president MiBs Emily Dale : . ; that they had 'been married "about'and though only two were intoxi- going to. hold regular meetings. of the Sewaren and Woodbridge; Katherine Christman] a year and a half", but upon being' cated, they all three agreed to go to Plans are being made to complete the Mrs. Distrow Hostess Tendered Mayor an J \ chapter of the hospital auxiliary, for; Rawdon crawley Andrew Lockie asked where . the ceremony took •! jail together. i building, of the Synagogue. At last ! to Bridge Club Guests the benefit of the Railway Hospital, Trlxie. Marion Baigrie: place, they replied that "they didn't Judge Vogel suspended sentence night's meeting, $14.0.00 was pledged Township Officals on Wednesday afternoon. • iMajor McNutt :_._Erlton Pomeroy,know". They maintained, however,ion the defendants this morning, members toward the temple build- The guests were: Mrs. P. F. An-1Deuteronomy 4~. Gerald Adalonithat the cefemonv had been per-; hearing a statement bv Max Insel-^ng fund. Mrs. George Disbrow entertained: ness, Mrs J. J. lavmgood Mrs. W. Yennie yensen _ _...... BeSS Baker formed by a justice of the peace, (berg, who appeared against them, to The present members of the Con- members and guestst of hei bridge M wmiam A_ K was tenderea Osborn Mrs. Conner and Miss Daisy Mrs. WmW . Krugg is coachingg the To the court'courts question as to i telelll the court thaat theheyy owed foforr gregatum Sons of Jacob are: Barney. olabTu^^rf^f^^- t Rush, of Sewaren; Mrs. n u The society has been fo-r- whether there were any witnesses, j boarS, which, had nothing to do with rOrevichOrevich,, temporary chairman; HerHer- .f :,„„X^ the press by the management of the Rush of Sewaren; ctMrt s WoiiiamH . l ;T. .„.„„•h i„t ««.h . bf-»*«»J«l* f vh ,,-hJ , . „_ ..•_,;_. „,,.,.. Mj b ^S ___',_.._, _ --d^ th- i t ith Orevich temporarn , temporary chamy asecretarysecretary H ;; .score, received a linen luncheon <5«~St^"< WXSOT «iL tn~ Prall, Miss.Laura Cutter, Mrs. wil-\tunate in' securing "The Cantando they replied in the negative. Neither;the case in man n sterster evening; ; h T Shll WV elotheloth , MrsMrs . HuneHunerr received the j$ec~, liam Danner, Mrs. Cunningham, Mrs. Male Quartette," for the event. Miss aid they know where the marriage! —-— i""""" -1"-v» """" -""""<"•»-^"-^-" / ""•• i • _•_. _ „•,„„ /.I-IAP-50 onfT1. An excellent meal was served at & Konrad ^ ^ onnrifla 11+ t rad Stern, Mrs. J- C. Williams'iMariorl, |M.aruiOriee ChapChapmanT , pianiste,-wil• • • -.„,l also. i certificat-..-.e - had disappeared to. • . Georger Fox, Sidney Fox, Chas, Stern, prize, a cut glas cneese ana Dle .iw>™-3t,i»_.'- i cracker dish. The consolation prize ?»Die ,• aecoraxeaecoratea wixn ternlerc s ana Mrs. Tisdall, Mrs. W. K. Franklin,!| rendender r "speciapeciail selectionsselections. "I put it in a sa,fe place.' said the Kelly Will Probated josepr btern, r±a. rox, jate semes- QT,a~ flowers. Specially prepared Miss Euth Slugg" and Mrs. Fred Sell, tn Mrs ktl meii-Bi woman, "but I don't know where it I singer, David Grossman, Abe Neiss. ^"^ ™ and- place cards added a distinctive of Rah way. Move to Woodbridge was." •"'•.. . „ of I Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hixson attend- 1 ed tlie slxtn touch, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kennedy have] Mrs. Hewitt said she had not been' Woodbridge/ : who died January 5,! annual banquet of the Epworth League Will , In • a brief after dinner speech,. $1,500 Wanted lor moved from Perth Amboy, and are j married previously, and that she had was probated by Surrogate Charles Atlantic Terra Company, at Dana Mayor Ryan thaaked Mr. Rabstein, now residing at 361 Rahway avenue,!never seen Post before in all herjForman. at New.Brunswick yesterday,Hall, Perth Amboy on_..Tuesday even- ln V alentme ! owner of the Rendezvous, for the Iselin Fire Company Woodbridge. : born days. | morning. Two daughters, Mary J. S- [Courtesy aceorded him and the other ^— I She pleaded "not guilty" to a-.Kelly and Rose A. Kelly, are named The Epworth League of.the Meth-; officials, and expressed the wish thai Equipment ia 1927; One Pound of Bine .Ribbon j charge of. atrocious assault with in-! as executrices. Arvld Winquist was the dinner odist chureh held a social Tuesday)Ms enterprise would meet with stie- produces as much energy as 11% j tent'-to kill, claiming that she had] The executrices receive a property guest Of Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown, of uight at the home of Miss Ethel Val- cess. The fire commissioners of District j pounds of chicken or 4 pounds of shot Post in self-defense. at Second street and Amboy avenue, Newark, formerh' of Avenel. entine, in Tisdale place. No. 11, of Iselin, held a budget meet-1 beefsteak or 2 % pounds of ham or The woman, was committed to the,Woodbridge and the residuary estate.' Mrs. Chas. Siessel aVnd Mrs. M. Dill It was decided to hold a Valentine ing in the fire house on Harding ave-j 13 pounds of peas. You owe it to county jail, awaiting the; action of^BecLuestd of $200 each are made to spent Tuesday in New York, social on. Tuesday night, February German-American Dance • nue, Tuesday night. A blanket ap-,your family to serve the best butter the grand Jury, arid her twenty-seven j the following- children; Michael, Wil-f Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Siessel were en- 15, at the home of the president, propriation of $1,500 was decided:—Blue Ribbon! year old husband is likewise de-jliam and Martin Kelly, of Wood-jtertained by friends at a theatre . Erie Straight, in'EImwood ave- A grand dance will he given hy the . upon to cover the upkeep of the ap-! — tained there; as a material witness. I bridge, Margaret (Jerity, of Wood- party given in honor of Mrs. Siessel's nue. German-American Benefit Club of paratus and new equipment lor the! Mrs. Joseph E. Corbett will euter- (bridge, and Edward Kelly, pf Eliza- birthday, Saturday evening in New- Arrangements are in charge of the AVenel; at the Hungarian Club Souse present truck. . - tain the Tuesday Bridge and Lunch- Miss L. Rustling of Rutherford, jbeth. The sum of $300 Is set aside ark." social committee, Miss,Ruth Augas-JRemsen avenue, Avenel • toinorro-w The electorate will also be asked eon group of the Colonia Community was the overnight guest of Mr. auditor a monument for the family plot Richard Siessel is again attending- tine, chairman. A ton of coal was night. Music will be by the Elizas to approve purchase of a pulmotor Club next Tuesday. Mrs. R. A. Lance, in Sti Jatnes cemetery. sehoQl after two weeks' illness. donated the church coal fund. betta orchestra. Page 2. THE WOODBRIDGE LEADER, FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1927

routes would relieve the counties ot the maintenance' costs of the second- STATEWIDE ary roads as was originally advo- Chevrolet Body The Cave of the Winds in Winter cated. The report further dwells up- A MAN WHO CAN on the necessity of spreading the con- Let me be known as a man whcr can- SturdUy Built NET WORK OF struction over a period of years, bas- As a man who is eager to try! i ing its experience in the construction O. LAWRENCE The strength and sturdiness built and maintenance as well as the op- HAWTHORNE I may not finish what I began, HIGHWAYS eration of the present State Highwaj. But the spirit of do-it-or-die into the Chevrolet, closed car bodies System as a reason for this conclu- Will take me far in whatever game i was strikinglv proved recently when sion. , 5,000 pounds of steel frames fell five "The Commission," the report con- I chance to play in pursuit of fame. : floors from the roof of the Great tinues, "is probably in a better posi- .Western Freight Depot in Minneapo- tion than any other agency of the . Us, Minnesota, to the top of a Chevro- Total ol 1915 Miles of State Let me be ready for any test, I iet Sedan. The body of the car was State to appraise existing and prob-i Any problem that duty shall bring. Highways to be Built able future traffic conditions, and itl j uninjured. would, therefore, seem that there i I may not win, though I do my best, j The radiator, was smashed in one of 2,200 Mile Maximum should be left with them the author-i But defeat has a less bitter sting i place and the springs of the car ity to construct the routes at such j j broken, while the body was not even 0. K.'d by Legislature. time and in such manner as the con-1 For him who knows that men do succeed , scratched. The steel frames, fifty ditions from time to time require.1 feet long-, twenty-five feet wide and The Commission puts this argument i Whose hearts are true to a noble creed- ten feet in height, were being hoisted HUGE PROGRAM forward with much hesitation but it j to the top of the building by a der- is obvious that this authority must] Let me be willing to fight my way rick when a strong blast of wind rest somewhere." ', To the goal I have chosen to gain. "lipped the mass of steel downward CoYers 12 Years of Construc- , with several tons of ibricks. The path may prove to be hard each day | Large crowds assembled at the tion, Connects Interstate And my efforts may seem all in vain, scene of the accident were strongly Bridges, and Provides for Two Men Buried But I shall know what it means to feel , impressed with the strength of the- The ceaseless nirge of a great ideal. , Chevrolet body. Had any one been Big Traffic Increase. in the car at the time, they would as Kile Caves in Let me so live-that the world will see have escaped uninjured, experts said. TRENTON, Jan. 20. — Prevented Another car standing a few feet away by prohibitive costs from including In the record I'm leaving behind, , was brushed by one of the steel gird- ail the projects urged upon it, the at Keasbey Plant No sign of fear or despondency, . ers and completely demolished, its State Highway Commission has sent Aj But high courage of heart and of mind. i whole side being torn off. to the • Legislature a plan for 1915 j .Jefferson Motors, Inc., of Perth miles of roads for a State Highway One in Hospital, Painfully In- V Consistent with a progressive plan, Amboy, are Chevrolet dealers for this System. The projects which were ? Let me be known as a man who can! , district. eiiminated, the Commission points jured, Other Only Slightly out would represent at least $150,- Hurt. James Quish Es- 000,000.00. Even though it is stated that "the recommendations of the capes Without a Scratch. —Iselie— Commission represent a- very drastic m effort toward economy", the building Joseph Pofrovieh, 48, of Crow's' ! Mrs. C. Davis of Harding avenue, of all the roads which are regarded Mill road and a fellow workman) I went to Brooklyn, for a few days to as necessary will require the use of whose name was not learned, were j , attend the funeral of her brother. State funds to the amount of about painfully injured by falling; brick | ! V A.i Janke.'..••arid: son, Wesley,. Of $170,000,000 over a period of twelve last Saturday, when a kiln :of the] j Harding avenue, spent Sunday at the 1 home of his::Brother, R. Jaske^ of years. Raritan plant of the National. Fire j : The Boaz-d declares that it can i Proofiing Company, collapsed, sud- JMaspeth, L,^I.'\.- - : . v :: ; carry out all or a portion of its re- denly. The men were dismantling j Mrs. ThomasTMePermott and son, port in accordance with the desires .Central Press Photo the old kiln, when it caved in with- I Thomas, ;: Jr.,: ol;. ]Harding avenue, B«mtiw»«. . . !werei Perth' A-mboy'visitors onThurs-. of the Legislature ins providing the out warning, burying them beneath r : ; necessary funds. The report was While Niagara Falls still remains the honeymoon Mecca of the debris. ' ~"~ ~~ . , ; n 'f -iday-afternSbnV-V:'•'••'•;. . • -''-'•" made under the provisions of a reso- i in summertime it is rapidly acquiring fame as a winter Fofrovich was taken to the Perth j Mrs. John Bryan, £r., is visiting! ' Miss Hari-ietta, Fuchs of Oak Tree lution passed by the last session of taurist city because of the remarkable ice scenery about the cataracts. Amboy City Hospital with deep lac-i 0AK TREE her daughter, Mrs. Dumick, of roact^ was: ran Elizabeth visitor last the Legislature, and. it asserts that erations in his head and face and a[ Bloomfield. ' V V*. ; [Saturday.: ;i:-;, H:.:V ,-•: : -r Th6 photo shows a striking view of the Cave of the Winds with its r The school election is drawing j An entertainment was held re- "should the Legislature, now that all magic ice covering. The great icicles, weighing tons, sparkle with bruised back.,'The other workman NEWSLETTER the facts are before it, be of the was cut about the head and face by [near and great interest is being cently in the: home of Miss' Margaret iairy-like radiance in every color of the rainbow when struck by the shown in this section. The candidates i Janice of; Harding avenue. The-- opinion that the cost of the proposed | falling brick. A third man, James (By Correspondent) : winter sun. * . are: • (guests w^re" • Miss Helen Mason, system in its entirety is prohibitive 1 Quish, was thrown from the ladder Owing to illness, yaur correspond- the Commission is prepared to under- | alongside the kiln and hurled against James Kirkpatrick, of Oak Tree-t Howard HS»schiia, Edward : Tous- ent- was unable to express apprecia- Edward Meeker, of Lindenau; wil-fsaini and Julius Riehheimer. - take the construction of any part of 4., * •-» u ''a s™a11 shan1Y and.escaped injury. -| tjon to those who so generously re- 'tiie pl'Ograpi." 1 Ham Drake, of Stelton; Wm. Sorg, of MT- and Mrs. J. H. Boehme, I* the Hudson Tunnel, and to poin with port continues, however, that it the | The accident happened shortly be-' sponded to the appeal for a- poor Oak Tree; Van Horn, of Stelton; and Middlesex avenue, recently*'attended« Attached to its own report tho, the Belleville Turnpike. ; Legislature is prepared to furnish; fore noon. Quish was in the act of family at Christmas time 1 tn Theodore Bggleson, of Piscataway- e funeral of Mrs; S. Boehme of Commission sent to the Legislature: "Referring to improvements which 'the funds for an even more elaborate j burning off the old kiln bands and;. M Marian Hoa-land is substi- the survey on the project which it; j , , *,. u -M -D A system of highways, the Commission; the several laborers were wkinr, . . ^l1. \ ,1 , town. •••• '•- " •"••••• ' .New-York. --^.. '; . '; 7: :f;Y ':":/'^:\ + + (tmg m Slsth Gradn e f th e nOak .•-'-'.••• :' .."••''.' j Era,nk Mdsear^Ili and Carl BrinK- had made by Major W. G. Sloan, the were advocated but which the Board .^j be pIea*ed to ^-operate in the; beside the kiln when the side walls ^ h 7 ° v ee sci1001 jt , , st j sxi V:. marii.irecently; motored/ io^ Kew. "forilt State Highway Engineer. The Sloan feel might not be financed now, the development of the plan." igave way. , - ; liOSt tO tflrd tlOft on a;business trip! ;r:;;-\; '--•-•;;..';•.-: survey called for 1881 miles of roads report states "among the projects! Tlm rpqni,,tin)1 nf thP T^,,vJ Superintendent Ferdinand Hall' James Bidmead, Sr., was a Plain- out of a total of 2200 miles which presented by the representatives ot^ }"%reso^ V —r .-••' .. . On Wediiesday, Carl Brinknian: the resolution of the Legislature set the counties and municipalities at ~_" " eccradanT svstem of roads in 1a steady blast of the factory whistles! John Griffith, of Oak Tree road, ! Mr. and Mrs. Paul: Clayton,'enter- went. to Atlantic Highlands ;on ;\ a up as a maximum. As the result of their conferences with the Commis-. " ,4, -, . . , ' i to get every available man to un-1 has applied for a position on the potaine- d the Friday Card.Club at her business trip;;; ' ; ^ , -/' a ul lul ! ihome in Burnett street. High score! The Iselin. Boy Scouts held: their;. hearings with county representatives sion and which the Commission has ^ uam-c mm <.ucu imiiuiututc >n™' ti-,a ,-n-i,,».n/i r'm««Wni ,„„ i™ fforcni.Me nof f RovitoRaritann . TmimsiiiTownshipn . : : granted by the Highway Commission., not been able to include in the rec- Uvas won by Lester Weiler arid.Mrs. regular meeting:., in the Jselin Fij*a Minnie Bud Harrison, who heads Jane Bernard. The consolation prize House oiiv/i.lSiQndiy evening ^t.:.5: an additional 34 miles has been add- : to the scene and sent in a- call; her our show "The Hollywood Scan- went to Mrs. Pomeroy. Delicious re- 'o'clock. >• : ;v •: .'•...•• ."...-... -.•.••-...: ed to the original survey with the . „ ., , ,, . for the city hospital ambulance. ] dais" writes us she will be. playing concurrence of Major Sloan. ; r^sst&K: rss =»- -»-"™=-* freshments were: served by the host-': leading from Cape May to Raritan u,nlf ^^ and should be Doctors William MeCormiek and' the Eastern circuit in about four This 34 miles is made up as fol-_Bay; the Delaware River Drive, lead- ^tru^| ^nd^maintalned^with Edward Hanson administered first; weeks. Minnie Bud is the wife ol Iselin Gi^ls* Club lows: Eight miles, through carrying ing from Trenton along the Delaware State funds, eliminating the distinc- aid to the injured. j Ed Rust, well known burlesaue man. a State route to Milford, instead oi River to Port Jervis; Elect New Officers J j Their daughter, Edna Rust, is now Birthday Dinner Dingman's Ferry, Sussex County. around Asbury Park and contiguous Th s la headline!- in their show.- This is shore resorts; and other congested Struck by Auto .The members of the H? /G-. L. C. Two miles, for a North and South ™utes to 24 >• ~-.~~.» ~j <*«...., Miss Rush's first season on tile road. Mr. and Mrs.;. Chas. Siessel enter- Route along the Hudson River to area.1 CUBs i11n1 thlltCe metropolitalUCLlupuilL^Un Uiaun,districtl . . , , , . ., held- their..iiriitial. meeting at the, — • About a year ago, the" Rush's pur- tained at dinner in honor of. Mrs.home -of Miss Harrietta cFuchs,:. of connect up the ferries from the tun- uch as the 'Paterson-Newark Park.-sections designated as metropolitan James-Lockie, of Rahway avenue, chased the old Kelley home on New r nel plaza in Jersey City to Four- way; the Hudson River Shore Road, terminal routes to connection with Siessel's . birthdaj , on guriday.: Mrs.OakSTree road. -Tlie election-of of- was struck by an automobile on j Dover road, And they are having it K. Oppmann, Mrs.Emma Cavanaugh, ficers: resulted as -follows: president, teenth street in Hoboken, and also to from Bayonjie to Fort Lee: and the Rahivar avenue, late Tuesday after- remodeled . • ^ and two daughtefs.Z'Katherins} and connect Newark avenue, in Jersey more northerly of the Harrison n n 1 3 su ering fro n Miss Hkrrietta Fu'ehs^ secretary, Misa areas Florence, Mr. and , Mrs. Chas. Opp- City. Five miles, to include the pres- Routes. Essex County. For the lat- - °°o H Pi ! f f ? -,H Miss Jewel Nolan, of Rahway, was : Margaret Janice;./, treas.urerj; Miss ; by jured shoulder, bruises and shock. |a week-find visitor it the Hess farm: mann and sons, Edward arid Chas., ent Route No. 11 in the new system ter. a, substitute is included in theJ The report which, is signed 1 Esther Burns';- •assistant treasurer, ion New Dover road. Jr. ' •••-•--..-. •:- -.- :- •••••'• •"-•-•••' -.::-•••• ^ from Newark to Paterson, and for arecommendations which it is believed General Hugh h. Scott as Chairman, MiGld from Livingston, Essex County, to The route north of the White of counties and municipalities, 'and holiday liquor is not instantaneous Jersey City, being a part of JPark Horse Pike which is referred to obligation is expressed for the coi-n effect. It should at least spare us avenue route through Newark. One would cross Burlington County to operation of these officials in the dis-until after March 15, or how can we and one-half miles, for a viaduct at Manahawkin, Ocean ^County, instead cussion of the problems involved, pay . our income taxes?—Brooklyn Eagle. .'.•'-.•• Insuring C@mf©rt in the 4Keamy, Hudson County, to connect of connecting with Route No. at The elimination of the distinction with Route No. 1 Extension, from Barnegat, in Ocean County. The re- between primary- and secondary SULPHUR CLEAIS Square House Also Has Its Strong Points A PIMPLY SKIM

Apply Sulphur as Told When Your Skin Breaks Out

Any breaking out of the skin on face, neck, arms or bod}r is overcome quick- est by applying Mentho-Sulphur. The pimples seem to dry right up and go away, declares a noted skin specialist, i Nothing has ever been found to take ) the place of sulphur as a pimple re- j mover. It is harmless and inexpensive. J Just ask any druggist for a small jar of Rowles Mentho-Sulphur

NOSE CLOGGED FROM A GOLD OR CATARRH Apply Cream in Nostrils To Open Up Air Passages. Ah! What relief! Your clogged nostrils open right up, the air passages of your head are clear and you can. breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffl- '"»;vTx,w«c^~t,, ing, mucous discharge, head&che, dry- THE MUSKOGEE—DESIGN NO. 316 ness—no struggling for breath at sight, your cold or catarrh is gone. iNTEREfTG the afternoon of life ohe economically built, it lacks much of the Don't stay stuffed-up! Get a-small finds most appealing, the home which is ornamentation of the average bungalow while | bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this conveniently arranged, possesses all the it offers all of the advantages of the cottage. fragrant, antiseptic cream in your nos- essentials to comfort and has fewest stairs to With open porch, vestibule, living room, din- trils, let it penetrate through every air add to the trials of the day. ing room, three bedrooms, passage of the head; poothe and heal This is one of the chief reasons bath, kitchen and a conven- the swollen, inflamed mucous membrane, THE WAUBAY—DESIGN A653 giving you instant relief. Ely's Cream for the popularity of the ient little breakfast room, Balin is just what every cold and 'atarrb. bungalow and the one-story every room being well lighted, QUARE houses may not rank, archi- ing""room is large, the kitchen more than the sufferer has been seeking. It's just cottage. In the case of the it is a charming home despite tecturally, among the elite in home usual in dimensions and equipment with, splendid. former there is, of course, its plainness^ It is built of designs, but a feature which carries attached breakfast nook, pantry and an always the poasibility of pleas- brick. considerable appeal to many prospective ample refrigerator inset. Off the rear hall ing architectural departures This is one of the little builders is their adaptability for economical is a convenient lavatory. , which may add tremendously homes that may be built at construction and utilization of the interior On the second floor are three well lighted to its beauty and attractive- surprisingly low cost, if .the space. No type sleeping rooms, a ness. The cottage is more de- Economy wall;is used in its of home affords small sewing mure. construction. This wall was . more uniform or room and bath. In either,, however, the es- devised .especially for one- better lighted ECK All are reached' HEAT STOPS PI sentials may lie enjoyed. Size story buildings and has been' rooms with un- by ' an L-shaped may depend upon the family proved by standard teats to be marred walls and hallway. Over the requirements and design upon amply s,trong| for every de- ceilings and con- extended break- the taste of the individual but mand. It has won much favor veniently placed fast room is a comfort may be assured from in the South" where heavy and ample closets. railed-in open the very nature of the struc- "walls are not necessary, from The briefest study porch which with, Rheumatism, lumbago, neuritis, back- ture. Save to the basement climatic reasons, yet, strange* 3f the accompany- very little expense ache, stiff neck, sore muscles, strains, sprains,'aching joints. When you are the stairway is missing. Room as it may sefjm; it has also ing floor plan will might be convert- arrangements may be so com- been used for-more than 50 stress this fact. ed into a sleeping suffering so you can hardly get around, ! just try Red Eepper Rub. pactly made that there is step- years in frigidlCanada. Here is a home porch. It is in Nothing has such concentrated, pene- saving at every hand. And The Econoniy, wait is a sin- equivalent to a every respect a trating heat as red 'peppers, _and when with it all the maximum of heat penetrates right down into pain gle course of brick, four inches center hall type. complete home. and congestion relief comes at once. cheerfulness may be provided in thickness, strengthened at The attractive entrance provides a vestibule. Built of common brick this home would Just as soon as you apply Red Pep- by careful placing of the win- intervals withv 8 by 8-inch The stairway leads from the living room, not cost, under average conditions, to exceed per Rub you feel the' tingling heat In dows. pilasters. This wall has proved inclosed «ave for the lower landing. A living 5 per cent more than the same' house built three minutes the sore spot is warmed through and through and the torture is These types of home will its worth by more than half a room of 'Rightful size, well lighted and sup- of wood. It would last twice as long. It gone. always exert strong appeal to century of service * without plied v- '- an open fireplace, has at the rear would save its owner money annually in re- Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made from many. The type shown here failure in any! respect,- and a che-- fai sun room of ample size. The din-: pair bills. It would be cheaper to heat. red peppers, costs little at any drug is really a sort of composite may be relied upbn. It should Tbe Common Brick Manufacturers' Awo<»atioii, Cleveland, Ohio, can furnish complete drawinro for this design. .Leaflet store. Get a jar at once. Be sure to on brick construction sent ^ij>on request. . get the genuine, with the name Rowles plan of both. Designed to be be furred before plastering. on every package. Th« Common Brisk Manufacturers' Association, . , emh futnir* templet* drawing* Sot Ola 4«sisn. Leaflet brick isonctruction sent upon request. • .". THE WOODBRIDGE LEADER, FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1327 Pagre- 3 ' -i| Delightful Card Novel Decollete Party at St. James Benefits College LIVING AND LOVING LB f BY F&RBNCE SMITH VIMCEMT and that i1 A delightful card party was lield [last Saturday afternoon by the Mid Lady! Lady! of interest to Women ! dlesex Chapter of Georgian Cour; VER the dinner cups the family fell to discussing a young woman College in St. James' ' auditorium O had recently joined the circle of its friends. As was fitting for the man Twenty-three tables of bridge, pin- of the house, husband expressed his opinion first. ochle, fan-tan, euchre, five hundred and vrhist were in play. A liner, "She's a. good sport!" he declared. "Full of pep; able to take a joke handkerchief edged -with filet lace as well as to"make one. I like her!" •was awarded as a prize to each table. "So do I!" Wife was in enthusiastic agreement. "She is so genuine. Those making high scores were: I've seldom met any on© with less pretence and more poise than she has. All White Is Always Distinctive for Evening Apparel Somehow she gives the impression of stability without stolidity—so often . Bridge, Miss Katheriae Cannon, the two qualities are Inseparable. I am sure she is going to wear -vrelh" Mrs. Frank Ducsgaii, Miss Kathryn Auntie, listening in, gave a brisk; little nod of encouragement. G-undrum, Miss Dorothy Galbraith, "She will!" she observed. "She is a real lady!" Mrs. W. H./Pfeiffer, MJrs. Ralph E., Mrs. , Mrs. At this remark both husband and wife turned aside to hide smiles. John J. Scully, Miss Ruth E. Erb, Auntie was SO quaint! She didn't seem to realize at all that "Lady," Mrs. Thomas Major, Miss Laura along with the terms "Nice"' and "G-enteel," had become almost aa extinct Brodhead-, Mrs. William Coughlin. as the dodo. Then amazement/pricked the bubble of their humor. When of late had Auntie expressed such imquali&ed approval of one oX their ac- Mrs. W. O'Connor, Mrs. George R. v s Delaney. quaintances? " * sr_ "A lady?" exclaimed the wife. "Why, Auntie, how can you call her Five hundred, Mrs. James White, that? She smokes cigarettes!" Miss Helen Galvin, Mrs. Richard "I dare say!" Auntie spoke calmly, but a flush mantled her cheek, Grace, Mrs. P. J. Rj'an. "Youiv friend uses slang, too. I overheard her. Nevertheless, she is a Fan-tan, Mrs. J. Campion. lady!" Pinochle, Mrs. Hugh Gallagher. "What is a lady, Auntie? Tell us. Just what did thia young lady do Euchre, Miss Alice Sandall. that makes yon confer upon her this distinction?" Whist, Mrs. J. H. Concannon a-nd Mrs! "M. P. Dunigan. * * * * Mrs. Harold Van Syckle and Miss "When I was a girl there Trere three outward and obvious signs of a lady. She never hurried. She never waited upon herself if she could get Anne Dungaix were in charge of the any one to wait upon her. She never talked about money. You are laugh- entertainment and refreshments. ing! I wonder. If you were to take this three-detailed definition literally it would deserve being dumped into the ash heap with all the other mid- Congregational Victorian things that are obsolete. But when you give it the modern in- terpretation it is not so inapplicable to today's girl. Even in this bustling Women Meet age a woman of fine sensibilities is seldom flustered in manner or hasty in judgment, nor so harried that she ignores reasonable demands made upon at Mrs, Harned's hertime and attention. Neither is she so steeped in independence that she refuses or does not graciously accept and acknowledge a service rendered The Ladies' . Association of the her; nor does she determine values by the dollar mark. Outward appea'r- ongregational church held their ances may have undergone a change, but now, just as in that long ago, it weekty"nieeting at the home of Mrs. is simplicity of soul, friendliness of spirit, an absence of egoism in think- W.. L. Harned, in Green street, on ing', that characterizes the lady." Tuesday afternoon. Three barrels of -supplies were packed for shipment to a mission school in "Virginia. The Easter sale will be held April 9, at the home of By MME. WSBETH Mrs. Harned. NOVEL decollettage is featured The association will meet at the A in this evening frock of cream home of Mrs. Frederick Spencer in .satin. The tight fitting bodice is cut Grove, avenue, next Tuesday. low in the back, but modified "by a THAT are the chances of social These two organizations hare been strap effect. * . ' life for the young men and conducting a survey in this part of Tiie skirt ls untrimmed and cut women' in the small towns of the the country, its objective being some- M* -' IT * * IT thing new in the annals of both.. It luJSS Harriet rOX circular. The only trimming on the country? Well, there is the church bodice is a and the dance hall; But in the is the building ol a joint Y. W.-Y. M. ' white rose posed on the opinion of a group of young people J building and activities- for mixed ! lett si1Ouider. who discussed this question recently groups. Wholesome recreation, for Miss Harriet Fox, of Church street, in two Long Island towns, the dance boys and girls' together will be one entertained a number of friends last hall acquaintance is too risky and of its major activities. Saturday night. Games and dancing he church too limited and denomina-' "New relationships" between men were enjoyed. Refreshments were tional. , and women have been created both served. within and without the home within Kj MME. USBETH The thud model (lett) is, shell ha\e the planing in contesting Th guests were: Misses Dorothy the last few years," says Miss Cor- LL white is distinctive for any pink. The material is crepe made colors. • - Leonard, Marguerite Price, Doris The defendant had just pleaded bett in explaining the proposed ex- A time of. the day or period of the into a particularly girlish evening! . • Mundy, Dorothy Buckley, Charlotte periment. "Those changes involve year. But is especially so when worn guilty to murdering his wife and was wrap with ruffles aud shirrings of). "Charleston knickers" made of Howard, Elizabeth Wilson, Josephine before the bar to be sentenced. perplexities for boys and girls and for formal evening affairs. This year taffeta. It is the perfect evening crepe de chine or satin are finished and Helen Kolb, Harriet, Emily and young men and women that did not it has been very popular. "Have you anything to say as to wrap for the filmy dancing frock and IW ith a deep' band of elastic which Gladys Fox; Messrs. Orea Gerns, why the sentence of the Court should exist' before. Both sexes, we find Pictured above (right) it is shown is worn by Alyce Mills. covers the knee. Dance dresses have John Edgar, Fred Brown, William not "be passed upon you?" asked the want to have an opportunity to meet in a pure white shawl worn as an a pair to match as no petticoats are and Robert MeKeown. Horace Deter, Judge and have good times together as well evening wrap. The shawl is a heavy Robert Grimley, Andrew Tilton, of as study problems common to them. STYLE worn. "Nothing, Your Honor," said the Bilk with a three foot fringe. It is Woodbridge, and Herbert Hollovell, prisoner quietly, "except that my wife both." worn over a filmy chiffon gown. , The leather motor coats worn by of TottenviUe. always referred to the comic strips Another version of all white for English women this year are lined Short skirts, low backs and no sleeves characterize many dance as the 'funnies.' " Indian Princess Bies _ evening (center) is a Lelong model with fleece and beautified with a "The Court considers that justifi- of white georgette crepe. It is deep hem and collar of plaited frocks. The picture frocks are also t Mercedes, An Indian princess, Mrs. Mary popular and they emphasize the in- able homicide; turn the prisoner Robinson Eager, daughter, of Chief trimmed with . crystals and pearls. leather. Sometimes they are made Catholic Daughters loose and call the next case." The sash is of white georgette. in two color leathers while other dividuality of the owner. i Chee-Chu-Pm-Quay, died recently on j the bank of the Des Plaines river Hold Card Party "Why don't you call me a donkey 'aged, between 90 and 100 years, and have done with it? You've hint- j Her father was cnief of the'Potto- —CLASSIFIED— ] Court Mercedes, Catholic Daugh- ed at it long enough," said the hen- Iwatamies, Chippewas and Ottawa^ ! ters of America, held a card party pecked husband. I and saved the family of John Kinzie, and dance last night at the Colum- WORK WANTED '•ft wouldn't be quite true," Mrs. j Chicago's pioneer white family, after I bian Club. Many prizes were award- Meek replied. ithe Fort Dearborn massacre, High School Girl, 17, seeks aStur-jed and refreshments served. Music "I suppose not. I haven't ears BY MRS. MABV MO13TOK day and Sunday work. Call or write, I was furnished by Barry and Foley'si long enough for that animal,"' he care of Leader Office, 104 Main; orchestra, tQ News Jottings of Women i rp*°~ d. sarcastically. Mrs. J. - A. Shorlolc raises •wrater Waffles make a delicious dish for Wear them also when you do sweep- street, Woodbridge. j' Tiie committee in charge included: "Oh, yes, you have," she returned, '—— lMrs. John Einhorn, chairman; Mrs. sweetly. "You don't need longer lilies for commercial use in Cali- either breakfast, luncheon or Sun- F Ing or other roug^work. fornia. She has ten acres of aquatic Slav tea While waffles should not; HOUSEWORK WANTED ! Fred Witheridge. Mrs. E. J. Flanigan, ears." WANTED—Part time housework • Mrs. Henry'Neder, Mrs. James Dona- "What do I need, then?" :ardens. e ot me lav ix* T.«I~" M,vj - . jby woman. Inquire at Leader Office, hue, Miss Marie Dunigan and Miss "Two more legs and a better Elizabeth Sulzer of Wlnterbur, was baked they are a pleas- i inches high with hot mashed pota-j - phone .Woodbridge 159. Catherine Romond. roice."" are ol recently awarded the H.ousseau prize ant .... _ of the "University of Zurich, Switzer- land, for writing-a better thesis on main dish of a light meal or as row, deep indentation. Mix a table- spoon of grated cheese with a little Exclusive romance languages than any of her sert for a heartier one. salt and 937—A ft»N masculine competitors. SYTUD enough paprika to color it noon Dress of Grapefruit or Fruit Cup ' quite red and fill each cone with this Satin Char- Bliss Mildred Coi-bett Waffles • . mixture. Sprinkle more cheese over "Practical" Fashions - meuse, trim- Miss Mildred Corbett of the Na- In a nation-wide competition tile the cones and place in a hot oven med with con- THIS TeWEEK'a or SCoffe RECIPEe S XCLUSIVE Practical Fashions are presented to our trasting- mats- tional Y. W. C. A. headquarters in essay on the League%of Nations sub- until cheese melts and covers the read-ers this month in a new illustrative form as will riaL Requires New York, is one of those actively mitted by Miss Ruth B. Bacon, Rad- sldes ol cones for size 16, interested in solving the problems cliffe senior, was declared best. Waffles—Two cups flour, three. E be immediately recognized. We think the new stylev three yds. of teaspoons baking powder; one tea- 40-in. material. of the young people in these towns. of drawings will give an even clearer idea than formerly of For each ad- She and her associates are co-operat- Mrs. Edgar Stillman Kelley of Ox- spoon salt, two tablespoons sugar, fOur"cup¥'cranbberies add ditional size the attractiveness, style and utility of the patterns as well add one-quar- ins? with the Y. M. C. A. to work it ford, O., is president of the National one and one-eighth ^cup milk two ^ ^ boiliJlg water; • boii fOr| ter yd. Sizes out. Federation of Music Clubs. eggs, one-half cup vegetaD oi . twentv minutes; add two cups heated as of the wide selection. An increased number oi styles is 14 Co 20. Sift flour before measurmg M« - minutes, and pour shown in order to give some garment for every member FLOODS CAUSED IT and stir dry ingredients, add milk. * 'custard cups (wet with cold of the family and for all occasions. In the accompanying gradually, then beaten yolks and or partly fill, jelly glasses. To Food Sale Tomorrows SALISBURY, Ma.—Ben Cox, who selection are, afternoon and evening dresses and tailored lives northwest of Salisbury trav- cooking oil, and beat well. ^Lastly .^^ uii.u mo,ds QUt onto leaves of, e ; costumes as well as a dress for a school girl and one for a eled six miles to come to town. He on (£|?gMll head lettuce arranged on a large The Builders' Society of the Meth- a few hours and had to cup equals two tablespoons it is easy child. There is also an afternoon frock especially designed odist church will hold a food sale travel 85 miles to reach home again. to divide or increase this recipe. Any j Shampoo for the stout or portly woman. All in all a varied selec- tomorrow afternoon in the church Because of heavy floods, during his left-over batter can be used the nexti To m&ke a home prepared soap| tion of styles each splendidly adapted to its purpose ana parlors. visit he was forced to approach his farm from another direction. day for muffiins by adding a little take a cake of. soap pre_j of the latest and most desirable designs for the home baking powder sifted with enough . . two ferred fm lmh washiQ? cut it in dressmaker. corn-meal, graham flour or white and lftce -n a pint fruit 1ar Fill flour to make of proper consistency. • the jar over half fuH with water_ | ...T^^tr^^^c screw on the top and shake until itj 924—Afternoon Frock of satin or crepe, trimmed wttS silver beading or embroidery Requires for size 42, five St&GkSTIOlVS forms a foamy latber. Let it stand yds. of 40-in. material. For each additional size add "A Happy Combination" JJace for a while, shaking every now and one-quarter yd. Sizes 42 to 48. ." , . , • ..... then. Add more water as the soap When lace is to be shirred a little; ftens. As the sham- 929—Afternoon Dress with kimono effect sleeves thiokens and so made of crepe, trimmed with braid or lace. you will find that-much time is saved; is used more wateT snollid be Requires for size 16, two and one-half yds. and the work is much neater by pull- added to the jar A cake of tMs di. 40-in. material. For each additional size add Good Food ing the top thread of the lace and luted s0 wiu jast seYeral months one-quarter yd. Sizes 14 to 20. making it of the desired fullness, i - , , , I The lace can then be measured the USE COTTON THREAD 92S—Tailored dreSB of crepe: or sa.tln Prompt Service same length as the material to be with inverted pleats in front of skirt Mend kid gloves with cotton part. Requires for size 36, three and. sewed. read instead of silk because one-half yds. 40-in. materral. For each Saved Hands silk cuts the leather. Use a additional size add one-auarter yd. Cheap canvas gloves are very use- fine needle and the buttonhole Sizes 34 to 42. ful in the kitchen. Wear them when ' stitch. Gloves mended by this you make cornmeal mush to save your ' stitch will not pull out. hands from the splashing meal. mige Delicatessen PHONE 84-J. A penny for three tries!" —But oh, the den of wild things in The darkness of her eyes! Telephone Woodbridge 821. BY CHACLES -HANSOM "The Terror of Death," by John "The Gipsy Girl,*.' by Ralph Hodgson Keats W. Z. BARRETT, D, D. S. ERE are passion and beauty B. B. SMITH, D. D. S. H deftly mingled. There is magic | When I have fears that I may cease • in most of this English poet's work. j to be ! Gerity Building I, Before my pen has gleaned my * ' OFFICE HOURS He has published three or four deli- i teeming brain, cate volumes filled with lovely lyrics. MONDAY, 10 A. M.—7 P. M.; WEDNESDAY, 10 A. M.—8 P. M.; i Before high-pil'd books, in char- FRIDAY, 10 A. M.—8 P. M. His moods are many; his fancy is ex- ;§, act'ry ', quisite;; he is always the meticulous r* Hold like rich garners the lull-1 93 Main Street, Woodbridgre, N.^J. craftsman. ripened grain; Main office : 115 Albany St., New Brunswick, N. J. "Come, try your skill, kind gentle- 928—Tailored Costume made of taffeta, trimmed with men, When I behoid, upon the night's j metal ornament or embroidery. Requires for size 36, starred face, four yds. S6- or 48 in. material. Por each additional A penny for three tries'." size add one-quarter yd. Sizes 34 to 42. Some threw and lost, some threw and Huge cloudy symbols of a high romance, • .. 932—Child's Dress of"crepe or satin. Requires for size i, won 933 — School Gir "B two and one-quarter yds. 40<-in. material. For each addi- A ten-a-penny prize. And think that I may never live to Dress mada >l tional size add one-quarter yd. Sizes 2 to 6. "Only the Best is Good Enough" trace heavy silk or cloth. She was a tawny gipsy girl, Requires , for siza 925—TaUored Afternoon Dress of crepa satin or Heht Their shadows, with the magic 10, two and one- weight cloth- -Collar and other trimmings mada of con- A girl of twenty years; hand of chance; half yds. « - im- trasting material. Requires for aize 36 three and one-half I liked her for the lumps of gold material. yda. 49-in. materiaJ OJ; thjea yds. of 54-in. material. For f*HE best is the cheapest in the long run. ! Stz«s S to 1*- each additional nzc add one-quarter yd. Sizes, 14 to 43. That jingled from her ears; And when I feel, fair creature of an Good health demands nourishing, high hour! grade foods—the beat there are,, I lited the flaring yellow scarf That I may never look upon thee "PRACTICAL." PATTERN ORDER COUPON Bound loose about her throat, ndltor: ||fE CARRY only the purest and best I liked her showy purple gown. more, Enclo»ed »Iea»e find twenty-five eenta, toeetbar irtth tw» esnts And flas'hing velvet coat. Never have relish in the fairy for raaillnc, tor which please wnd nu> the f»UowIn« "Practical groceries. power Pattornn: Of unreflecting love—then ' in the Style Number ,....;.. gt*e- A man came up, too loose of tongue, abore And said no good to her; Please-. .'Tint Name She did not blush as Saxons do', Name Street and Number. Or turn upon the cur; . Of the wide world I stand alone, and BLAUM, the GROCER ! think 9ZS H more than one BftUora (s desired, aacloro K «mt* plus post- She fawned and whined, "Sweet Till love and fame lo nothingness do tar gentlemen, sink. j ace ««* pattern. ' . Page 4 THE WOODBRIDGE LEADER, FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1927

, 7:45 P. M. — Evening Service;1 G PERMITS 1926 THE WALLS OF MODERN JERICHO in charge of the young people of the' THE . WOODBRIDGE LEADER church. ; Est. Monday, S P. M.—The Brecken-' Mo. Issued Cost Fees " \ Published Every Friday by ' ••idgf> Chapter ol" the Westminister Jan. 19 $ 48,700.00 $ 111.00 THE, WOODBRIDGE PRINTER Y, INC. xuild meets at home of Mrs. Maxwell Feb. 4 14,650.00 34.00 At 104 Main Street, Woodbridge, N. J. jOgan. Maple avenue. Miss Jessup, Mar. 60 143,150.00 336.00 Eatered at the Post Office at WoodbritJge, N. j., as Second Class Mail Mattel 'f the H. S. faculty whose parents Apr. 51 182,350.00 400.00 rei'fi missionaries in Syria will speak May 37 73,600.00 385.00 m the country and Us people. Junei 55 98,665.00 2G2.00 Wednesday, 2:30 P. it.—The La- 42 80,075.00 202.00 WGODBRIDGE -159 dies' Society will hold their tea. 74 164,575.00 400.00 Wednesday, S P. M. - Weekly , 22 7fl,S47.00 174.00 Price : _ $1.50 per year 22 48,050.00 126.00 Prayer Service. 31 170,47-5.00 335.00 Last Wednesday evening-, the Rev. C2 121,900.00 26S.0O Kepublication of neTfs.and editorial matter in these eol- J. M. Cornelisc-n of Pendleton, Ore- uinns is permitted prodded credit is given to The Wood- gon, gave an interesting discussion Year: 444499 ?1,233,037.00 $2,833.00 bridge Leader. on his -work among the Umatilla In- dians in Oregon. His inspiring- ad- ., „, Correspondence from readers, expressing opinions on dress told of his difficulties in mast-' "*" ? topics of interest are.invited, but no anonymous letters will be published. 1 erins the language without a text pmE c^^ ^ splendid T ,- -A-., •„,,,., condition;'bargain at S200. E. Car- Woodbridge, N. J., Friday Afternoon, January 21, 1927 Ladies' Aid will hold their regular ter., 1124 Mesquile.—Ad in a Corpus Wednesday Afternoon Tea at 3:30 Christi paper. with Mrs. Arthur Hunt, on Nelson- ' 1 The Leader is publishcrd in the spirit of public service. Il street- I Ijusty Language.—Lady — '"Isn't that it owes to the community a fair, unbiased presentation of the news, Saturday evening, January 2Sth, it wonderful how a single policeman with favor toward no/re, and jnstice towaidl all. its editorials 'Will always is Sunday School Night at the Parish can dam the flow of traffic?" House. Open bowling night and Boy —• "Y,es, grannie; but you give encouragement to honest and progressive persoaa, parties, or games lor all ages. Refreshments should hear the bus drivers."—L.on- causes, but w*1 expose and denounce dishonesty, hypocrisy and will be served. don Tatler. injustice.

PROMPT SERVICE Last Saturday's blizzard, swooping down upon the Jersey Coast on the wings of an icy gale, again tested the Township road department's capacity for service. ' - The department proved itself equal to the occasion. It came through in a pinch. It delivered the goods. While the tailend of the snow storm was still raging, the Township gar-j age had -already mobilized its force agamst the crystal legions! Received of Jack Frost. , j Motors were tuned up, exhaust clouds rolled over the New 1927 Spring Line drifts, Conimitteeman Grausam, chairman of the road commit- tee, George Blum, foreman, Skipper Mawbey of the plough, had their heads together. BUCILLA The snow stopped falling, but kept drifting in whispering white ripples. The lights of the Township garage blazed bright- Embroidery Package ly over the snow as the night went on. When church time came, 'and the wintry sun shone on the Outfits scene, the snow had been ploughed and swept to the center of all important streets and roads of the Township, leaving a path Beautiful and Attractive to Every on either side for. motor cars and busses. Citizens were not Woman Who Does Hand slow to notice and appreciate. . Enibvoidjery Work AN OLD FASHIONED WINTER? DR. FRANK CRANE SAYS If variety is the spice of life, then the Weather Man is CITY LIFE NOT SO ROSY! Ghurch News certainly doing his bit to season the season's menu. iURING the past year, according- to a report made by the; He has given us a taste of everything in his bag of tricks. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Department of Agriculture, there has been a decrease in I "Where QcJity Rules There has been Florida weather, when overcoats were irksome, ltiie farm Phone. 142 annd Granddad changed from hi&"heayy heavies" Ta7k7o Population of the United States of nearly half a mil-j The Christian Science Society ol E8-160 SmittSt i lion. iSewaren is a branch of The Mother B. V. D.'s. ; TTr , -> ,T ,, xi J. 2,-j.r 1 J- J- -e Thp xrt*av hpfnrp rVifit is dprrpased 182 000 Church, The First Chureh of Christ, We ve had cold spells that sent the mercury almost out of i ine yeai oeioze "idt «u io^,vuu. Scientist, in Boston, Mass. sight, froze radiators, milk, and caused the coal dealer to rub! The population of the country as a whole is increasing, Services are held in the church on Ms hands with glee. j that of the rural districts is decreasing. j West avenue, every Sunday morning J We've had sleet storms that coated every twig, fence, and j The definite trend is away from the farm to the city. at eleven o'clock. Subject of the lesson-Sermon for next Sunday: Blade of grass with glittering ice. j A cable from Paris tells the same story. The population of the country districts of France continues {"Lite." We've had snow that brought delight to the youngster who, ., nA _„_„,„ „, lilH ,.,,UflLi v u__ ux x.xauw ___ TesUmony meetings on Wednesday got a sleigh for Christmas. to flow to the large cities in spite of all efforts of the govern- evenings at eight o'clock. The read- And spring, with its crocuses, robins, and violets, is -still ^e^ stem it. | ing room is open on Thursday after- two months away, provided she arrives on schedule, March The general census, just taken, shews a declining popula-! noons from three to five. Here ai! THEATRE 21st. tion in all rural areas there except those adjacent to large in-'.authorized publications may b- read, borrowed or purchased. THIS TOPSY-TURVY WORLD dustiial centers. You are invited to attend thes( Matinee 2:30 Daily • Evening 7 and 9 O'clock To those who measure success in dollars and cents, it will In American the automobil,_. e an,. d the movie, f have ,bee, nf the• services and use the Eeading Room NEVER ANY ADVANCE IN PRICES , , X, , T,r J n • • 4. -a two biff elements in accelenatmg this movement irom the taim- Avenel Presbyterian Church Il to the city. be interesting to hear that Madame Curie, co-inventor ttf 1 ™ "'s^wmwiu 6 1 In olden times entertainment was found in country affairs; Mr. J. Gregory. Pastor TODAY and TOMORROW— radium, receives an annual salary of $1,500 a yeai . 3 P. M. — Sunday School at. -tlK- Adolphe Menjou, boudoir villain of the films, receives AveneL School t ;•>" Sunday. S130,000.00 per annum. This fact was recently disclosed in a now trlPs to the f^ are substituted. -4:15 P. M --Junior Christian EJI- John Gilbert in 1 . | The automobile, making quick runs to the city after sup- M.—Christian Endeavor "Bardely* The Magnificent" do not let us sympathize with Madame Curie, uj P«r for movies and other eutertammeut possible, has i gi™ de?vor. John Gilbert, great star of the screen, here achieves new tri- men,bW Steinmetz, the wi*arf-mvrator ot e.ectncity, ^r-'^^^J^ ^^ * °"* iV? M. - *eSuto E«ni,,s umphs in a part just built for him. You'll adore Mm as. the great fused ia $85,000. increase in salary, because "he didn't need it." m its. biigntest aspect. . • services. fighter, greater lover, in this epic of romance and intrigue, rebellion ST. JAMES CHUKC'H Madame Curie, with her $1,500 per, lives a far richer life They.see the city relaxed. They see it m the role of play- and daredevil adventure. than the debonair and suave Adolphe, or any other film favor- h°y- And they llke "• . 7:30 A. M.—Mass. Ko-Ko Song Car Tune "Pack Up Your Troubles" fte with a princely salary. I The mOTies> sho™ m™^' jross-roiads village pictue 9:00 A. M.—Mass. 10:30 A. M.—Mass. Newlywed Comedy "Snookum's Merry Christmas" And so can anyone of us. For the priceless treasures of Me in the big city as one oi adventure, fine clothes and quick Sunday School after the nine . the mind and the spirit, are far more accessible to the poor than wealth. nu,lua, a, SUNDAY—Jan. 23—Big Double Feature— earthly dross, and the grosser pleasures and luxuries of life. larks to listen to before dawn. | METHODTST EPISCOPAL to the rich, whose minds are often blunted by the pursuit of TherHowevere is ,n tho hae dust-filledy to pitch,, nsardine-cao mules ,no currsubwayy ans dan nod thmeadoe higwh j,o>clock M Rev. Melnor H. Senior, Pastor NEXT! cost of living in the city are left out, of the picture. 10 A. M.—Sunday School. Richard Talmadge in "The farm is where they work; the city is where they 11 A. M. — Morning Sermon;; Warren G. Harding, loved by the people for his kindliness! )t Topic: "Trust." I snd good mat'ure, became involved (fortunately for him after p y' "THE BROADWAY GALLANT" mThis idea abetted by the auto and movie has its effect inj^J^ ^S^TJST'1 ^ Leaping, hurdling, jumping, bounding-, bouncing, resilient his death) in the oil scandal. leading young people on the farms to choose the city when they j 7:45 P. M. — Evening Sermon: Richard Talmadge, the rubber ball comedian, in his fastest SIIOTV— Ty Cobb, Speaker, and other idols of baseball fandom, Topic: "Sympathy.1" a perfect blend of comedy, melodrama- and bm-lesque. were besmirched by charges of dishonest deals. grow Up. Saturday, (tomorrow^ 2 P. If.— — and — It has plajred a large oart in the trend to%vard urban life,Builders" Society food sale in church Charley Chaplin, beloved of young and old, has had. his arlOTS character dragged through the mire. which has been noted in recent years. j*> - Home cooked goodies. • Viola Dana in All of which goes to show that even the great and near TRINTII EPISCOPAL JIGGS OF THE MARINES "BRED IN OLD KENTUCKY" great, even those most beloved of the public, are but human, Rev. J. Benjamin Myers, Rector. and no one knows just what secrets lurk unseen behind the Jiggs of the marines is dead. 8 A. M.—Celebration of Holy Eu- I The -entire marine brigade stood stiffly at attention while charist. Also Screen Snapshots dignified exterior of our popular men and women. 10 A. M.—Chureh School. Nor are these revelations of human weakness confined to; Captain Rome led the exercises and the body of Jiggs was be- 11 A. M. — Morning Prayer and eelebrities of our day. jing lowered to the grave. A marine flag covered the coffin of Sermon by the Rev. Cannon. Charles MONDAY and TUESDAY—Jan. 24 and 25— F. Lewis, of Trenton. Pvupert Hughes' Book on George Washington, (always Sergeant Major Jiggs. 4 P. M.—Evensong, and confirma- •viewed with reverence as a national Moses, aloof and flawless] No more will Jiggs wink his approval as the troops swing- tion instruction. "THE TEMPTRESS" Monday, S P. M.—St. Margaret's on the top of Sinai,) reveals, the great American's amours,! on parade. Jiggs has heard "taps." ITnit meets at home of Miss Laura WITH profa°hity, and petty vices which bring him right down to ourj Sergeant-Major Jiggs was a dog. Brodhead, on Upper Green street. Tuesday, 9 A. M.— (Conversion oJ" ©wn level, very human, and with all the fnailties that that word! He traveled more than a hundred thousand miles with the St. Paul), Celebration of Holy Eu- Greta Garbo and Antonio Moreno Marines—in air, by land—on water. Because he was brave charist. implies. Thursday, g P. M.—Choir practice! Ibanez at his very best! A brilliant and romantic story. Benjamin Franklin, too, had a purple past, as recent ex-j-he won his stripes—and commission, iat church. Mermaid Comedy "Hold Your Hat" Pathe News piorations through contemporary letters and confidential docu-j The civilian may laugh—but not the Marines. Wherein WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY—Jan. 26 and 27— ments of France's gay court revealed. He loved the ladies, old j Jiggs is concerned. They know the bravery, endurance, loyalty CONGREttAMONJ IJ Ben did, even after he hiad reached what should have been the land; resourcefulness of dogs^—and of Jiggs in particular. Big Double Feature TCnv.. VVm. V. D. Strong. Pastor age of discretion. But—if you must laugh—or sneer make sure there are 0:4-5 A. M.—Sunday School. The name of Woodrow Wilson, a lonely, grand, pathetic no Marines about. fl A. M.—Morning Worship. Laura La Plante and Pat O'Malley in 7 P. M.—Intermediate and Senior figure of the great war tragedy, was the center of whispered Christian Endeavors meet. 7:45 P. M.—Evening Worship. scandal in Washington. | In protecting our interests in Nicaragua, it behooves us toy. "THE MIDNIGHT SUN" Monday, 8 P. M.—Alpha Phi So-, The gorgeous, glittering drama of a grand duke and a dancing There was a time when the great could fool the public in-jalso to look after our pi*inciples.—Norfolk Virginian-Pilot. rority meets at home of Mrs. A. G. to believing that they were made of superior clay. But democ- Brown, on Main street. — and — Tuesday, 2:30 P. M.—L-adi^s' As- racy has torn away the veil of illusionment. In this day of feminine bandits, there's no better protection sociation meets at home- of Mrs. And the strange irony of life is this: that the man whothan a tame mouse in your pocket.—Austin American. Frederick A. Spencer, Grove avenue. Jack Pickford in "Exit Smiling" Wednesday, 8 P. M. — Weekly! lives a flawless, or almost flawless life, is usually the butt of bible discussion. • hatred and sneers, even as Christ was in His day. To illustrate the man's uncanny popularity, it is discov- April 9—Ladies' Association -will | Also a Universal Comedy hold an Easter sale at tJie homo of ered that more votes were cast for Vare in five Philadelphia Mrs. W. L. Harned on Green street. The height of irony is t© give father a billfold for Christ- precincts than there were registered voters.—Detroit News FRI. and Sat.—Jan. 28 and 29—Big Double Feature— mas.—Ei Paso Times. PRESBYTERIAN If a man owns an automobile it doesn't prove that he has Rev. Ijeroy Y. Dfllener. Minister Norma Shearer in "Upstage" Modern woman's fondest wish is to be weighed and found money. It only proves that he had money.—El Paso Times. I 10 A. M.—Sabbath School. — and — wanting.—Arkansas Gazette. 11 A. M.—Morning Service; Topic: 'Jesus' 'Love for Sinners." It brings a little comfort to reflect that the ten-men gun is] 3:30 P. M.—Junior Christian En- Shirley Mason and Johnny Harron in Our big cities aren't shooting- too many people. They're still too heavy for handy use by bootlegger and hijiacker gangs, j 6:45 P. B^-7-Senior Christian En-! Ko Ko Song "Mother Pin a Rue On Me" Just shooting the wrong people.—El Paso Times. '—Boston Herald. Jdeavor. "" j "ROSE OF THE TENEMENTS" THE WOODBRIDGE LEADER, FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1927 Ifage

Phones ;Sfaow EXCLUSIVE PICTURES OF ROCKEFELLER Two Millions MOVING IN Rapid Growth in Motors "at LIMELIGHT REAL FUlt the Auto Show NEW YORK—Agents Macabee and Veitenheium* grasped, tiietr revolvers and searchlights and searched the That Northern New Jersey'during t j Newark's most brilliant Auto IShow is now in progress in the 11th basements of J. L. Prouty's Sons, far 1926 has had a rapid development I dealers, for a burglar. Under the •along industrial and business lines, j ! Armory. With the huge drill-shed as well as a large' increase in its, floor filled with upwards of 150 cars light, a fur on the table g-ot up aad population, was clearly shown by the' and action exhibits, of a total value walked away. It was Blackfe, the continued demand for telephone serv-j nearing- $2,000,000, and a color, .managements pet raccoon, who Tiad ice during the year. According to j | body and finish variety unprece- accidentally stumbled on the burg- a statement issued by G.'W. McRea, i nented, the show has had no peer lar alarm. General Manager of the New. York ! in its nineteen predecessors. Telephone Company, new telephone j In appearance it surpasses any of WINS IX WOJh CMMB buildings have been erected and! the previous expositions, with a salon BRUSSELS, Belgium — With. many additions made to the plant- in i lefleet that is the most pleasant ever order to meet this demand. | ! achieved by Manager Claude E. Hol- t h e 'r m ometer 7s. standing- at £ de- The extent of Northern New Jer-I jgate and his aides. sey's increasing use of the telephone! I The show is studded with action grees below zero, is shown by the fact that today an j j exhibits, on pedestals or in the form Ida Degrange for average of 1,618,300 calls are nan-1 i of stripped chassis, brought Irom the the fifth time died daily, as compared with 1,485,-.! New York Auto Show at the close of j won the hill 000 a year ago, an increase of more! /that national exposition Saturday night. Never before did the Newark! climbing contest than 9 % during the past 12 months. against a field Seven new central offices were display present so varied and thor- completed and placed in service dur- ough an opportunity - to acquire composed of both ing 1926 and switchboard additions I familiarity with the most esoteric French, and Bel- •were made in twenty-three other cen- (inner mysteries of the American gian women, tral offices. I motor. held at Brussels. Pour new buildings "were com- As for color, a profusion and va- riety utterly without parallel indi- She has been' pleted during the year. These are awarded the in- located in New Brunswick, South cates that the 1927 highways will Orange, Englewood and Rutherford, have a kaleidoscopic pattern un- ternational med- IDA, •while additions to two existing build- dreamed of by the motorists of the al for the event.' ings in Paterson and Belleville were sombre 'black and red days of a few made. To equip these buildings has A particular feature of the 1927 Ixwt ?fo Time.—He was born ia involved the installation of new early life in Franklin county.—Co- switchboards, the extension of under- Newarlfs'how is the heavy matinee lumbus (S. C.) paper. ground subways and pole lines, also First and only photos ever taken of John D. Rockefeller in his private room in "The Casements," ' attendance, resultant from the stead- necessary enlargements to cable and tily increasing appeal of the motor •wire plant. his home at Ormond Beach, Fla. On the left, Mr. Rockefeller is shown reading. After his game of ! car to the feminine sex. Hundreds In addition to the above, the erec- golf, he has luncheon and then retires to his private room to read and conduct business affairs. On ' visit the afternoon, daily where . scores did a few years back. Basile s tion of four other new buildings has the right, he is shown peering out of the window to see whether his car is ready for trie afternoon 1 seen started. These will be located drive. "..,-.•• Orchestra supplies music at both at- ' ternoon and evening exhibits, and Cold in Jersey City, Paterson, Perth Am- Tsoy and Lakewood respectively, : : : exhibitors, awake to the new trend. Before another day •while two extensions are being made three or four pieces of broken flower New York Tranquillity.—Prospec- are equipping their displays with the John S. Fisher, above, succeed- Oversize Flower Pots pot over to keep the soil from clos- "; same standard of salesmanship as in ing Gifford Pinchot as governor A cold may be stopped in 24 hoursi to existing buildings. tive Guest—"Is this a quiet room? the fever checked, the bowels opened, Further evidence of growth is fur- Hinder Plant Growth ing it. the ven of Pennsylvania on Jan. 18, a;oes nished by the number of telephones Landlady — "Sure, an' it'* that \ « *nS- the entire system toned. The way & Allow enough, space between the can hear thim blasting feri -RTOAT, ESTATE TRANSFERS into office with inaugural ceremon- HILL'S—a. way so efficient that we in use in the territory. There are Say Flori-Culturists quiet ye KJB>AiJ ies for which the legislature ap- paid $1,000,000 for it. Don't rely on today 447,061 telephones as com- top of the soil and the top of the pot < n rna,.fmont_>nnnSB ^^ ,,„„„ „ I to keep the water from running over, an apartment-house next door." — propriated $30,000. ! lesser help, and don't delay. Get the pared with 409,294 a year ago, show- Llfe Reed & Hargen Co. to William H, quick, complete results that HILL'S ing a gain of 3 7,7 67 or over 9%- Soil conditions become bad fothre top to the floor. Take the plants - Reed Where center line road from Miss Nfary Fisher, daughter of house plants if the pot is too large, i from the pot and look at the roots Oak Tree to Mount Pleasant inter- is bringing millions. This building program has made 1 f Oak T Pennsylvania's incoming gover- possible installation of telephone floriculturists insist. The soil be- if you suspect them of being too dry, d Rithn Township HELL'S Ciucara-BromMe-Qainine comes sour, the pot holds too much too . wet, or infested with •believed to ^ °!f! nor, will be hostess at many social Be sure you Bet HILL'S, In thered bo x service without delay in. practically brQU twht ot omillio Me bn 7eaV a s old,' sects line lands Ritchman water, an~d'the~roots"do~not~get the Plants are easily removed from pots '"??***?• » >"y stone-, Raritan. events in the executive mansion. with portrait, At all druggists—3Oc all portions of the territory. 1 t t Raritan nn4,ratiT_ Pealtv Co to require- • d_ i amount± o_ »f air_ _- . Plant-r\i J.-s . may, bhiyr placinnldpinog thee forefingef nrofintrprr ana nr\d seconaonnnrdi ,^""-uttceir li n barL Prflnn«?f>n Traffic. oleeK a er Hulda S. Ekstrom, et als. be given larger pots as they grow, [ finger of the right hand about the; P P - I rancisco. — Battle Pttgs of the Pen.—Gene Tunney grv plant and inverting the pot. Jf the j 27, section D. map Red Top Heights, says he has a great affection for liter- should be to a pot i 19,000.00 24,500.00 24,500.00 General ... 500.00 400.00 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE: 531.81 Adopted Feb. 18, 1924, a» Blue Prints Tracings (.Round or Square, Ijocust, Building Dept. Fees _ 4,000.00, 4,500.00 2,837.00 TOTAL Amended Feb. 9, 1925, Feb. 8, Cedar or Chestnut 11,400.00 10,000.00 11,104.69! 1926 and Dec. 17, 1926. Plumbing & Health Dept. Fees 2,500.00 2.000.00 R Estimates Furnished Recorder's Fines , 4,000.00 4,000.00 3,494.36 . OADS—Subdivided as follows: Be it ordained by the Township Com- Franchise Taxes 54,410.69 mittee of the Township of Wood- GIVE US 55,000.00 50,000.00 Salary :...;...„ „_ 4,000.00 4,000.00 3,920.00 bridge. County of Middlesex: Gross Receipt Tax _ 10,000.00 10,000.00 9,919.22 Repairs ...... — 50,000.00 50,000.00 47,971.29 1. An Ordinance entitled "An 283 Madison Avenue A CALL Interest & Costs 20,000.00 25,000.00 35,424.04 Equipment, Maintenance & . Ordinance to Create Garbage Collec- Water Bond Revenue ..... 3,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 Operation .. 10,000.00 4,500.00 PERTH AMBOY Miscellaneous Licenses 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,445.25 7.651.63 tion Districts" adopted Feb. 18. 1924 and amended February 9. 192 5 989 State Street Poll Taxes 1,200.00 1,200.60 1,158.00 TOTAL 64,000.00 58,500.00 Trust Surplus — :. _ 1,500.00 10,,000.00 10,000.00 59,542.92 an(} February 8, 1926 and Decem- MATTREK, NEW JERSEY ber 17. 1926, Is hereby amended to Official Tax Searches . 1,500.00 i;50o.oo l,8S3i.25 j Sewer Maintenance .. 3,000.00 2,800.00 Phone 1963 Interest on Improvements Due Stre'et Signs ...., — 2^000.00 1.726.64 include in section 3, subdivision F Telephone P. A. 1313 2,000.00 which subdivision creates District to current Division from Contingent __ .. . 12,000.00 11,000.00 Capital Account _ - 78,000.00 jKeasby Water _._..'.'$3,000.00 10,881.77 NO_ g s0 that said subdivision shall : Interest on Assessments due 65,000.00 j Estimated Revenue 3,000.09 hereafter include the following terri- Bus Tax (5% on Gross Re-. tory in addition to that set out in ceipts) _ -~. 2,000,.00 DEBT & INTEREST—Subdivided said subdivision: as follows: Beginning at a point in the center FOR OVER line of Oak Tree Road where the TOTAL ANTICIPATED MISCEL- Sinking Fund LANEOUS REVENUE 269,200.00 137,200.00 150,712.31 67S.00 678.00 678.00 same is intersected by the center -Hansen& Jensen ! BONDS: ,- • • . line of Auth Avenue and from said MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES NOT ANTICIPATED: beginning point running (1) north- ZOO YEARS General Contractors Telephone Tolls . 1.25 ; Funding . •_' _ 3,0'flO.OO 3,000.00 3,000.00 erly along the center line of Auth Refund Collectors Bond _ — 55.50 i Township Share New lmprove- Avenue to a point where the same is haarlem oil has been a world- All Kinds. Sale of Gasoline —__: -__ 7.92 ' ments _....; 13,500.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 intersected by the centw line of wide remedy for kidney, liver and GRADING. Refund N. Y. Telephone Co. 13.75 Almshouse ...._ , 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Dow Aiimue; thence (2) northeast- .bladdet disorders, rheumatism, SEWERING. •Care Poor—Bor. of Carteret . 260.20 Fords Paving (King George's erly along the center line of Dow Kent of Auditorium 60.00 Road) ...... ; 9,000.00 9,000.00 Avenue to a point where the same lumbago and uric acid conditions. CARTING OF Sale of Police Patrol 20.00 Public Improvements Bonds 8,000.00 4,000.00 is intersected by the center line of EXCAVATING. Kefund P. S. Electric Co. _. 22.25 Hunt Street; thence (3) westerly Refund Elgin Street Sweeper Co. 22.07 TOTAL 25,500.00 22,000.00 26,000.00 along the center line of Hunt street 569 Cornell Street Claims—Traveler's Ins. Co. 53.43 INTEREST ON: to a point where the same is inter- Perth Amboy Bus and Taxi Receipts ...: 379.64 sected by the center line of Middle- Checks redeposited -. - 10.27 Bonds . ; _._ 100,000.00 20,000.00 114,296.25 sex Avenue; thence (4) southerly 1 Current Loans (Tax Arrears along the center line of Middlesex correct internal troubles, stimulate vital TOTAL REVENUE ,-._. 269,200.00 137,200:00 151,618.59 Notes) _ 12,500.00 14,000.00 Avenue to a point where the same is organs. Three sizes. All d ruggists. Insist 23,409.34 intersected by the center line of Tax Anticipation Notes .. 4,000.00 5,000.00 cm the original genuine COLD MEDAL. AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAXES: Interest Deficiency ; .... 102,730.00 4,024.24 Pershing Avenue; thence (5) wester- Estimated proportion to be 98,525.00 98,525.00 ly along the center line of Pershing levied on—Railroad property TOTAL . iAvenue to a point where the samel George Aimer and Other Property '. 264,043.00 311,514.86 219,230.00 137,525.00 240,254.5 I would be intersected by the easterly1 Discount on Taxes Paid in advance 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,852 79! line of a subdivided tract of land Total proposed tax levy ... 264,043.00 311,514.86 Railroad Tax Deficiency 15,392.69 15,392 69 known as Ansonia Manor if the same R. A. HIRNER Lumber Co. Library Fund ; 2,500.00' were produced southerly; thencp EXPERT EMBALMER Dealers in Total Anticipated Revenue _... 533,243.00 448,714.86 548,696.33 Emergency Notes—1926: _H 18,995.00 28,113.50 28.113 50 northerly along the easterly line of Police Safety Lights 1,870.00 Ansonia Manor to the northeast. AND New and Second Hand APPROPRIATIONS Salaries-Committee ... 1,750.00 corner of the same; thence (6) west- FUNERAL DIRECTOR Appropriated Appropriated Expended in Snow Removal _ 8,500.00 erly along tne northerly line of said The only fully equipped and up- Ansonia Manor and a subdivided- LUMBER for 1297 in 1926 1926 Washouts aye rain, 1 to-date Undertaking Establish- GENERAL TOWNSHIP PURPOSES: etc. 6,875.00 tract of land belonging to Radio As- ment in town. Phone Railway 1085 Subdivided as follows: sociates, Inc., to the northwest cor-, OUR MOTTO Avenel Street Salaries, exclusive of other $18,995.00 ner of said tract belonging to Radio; Associates, Inc., thence (7) souther-j "Pair Treatment to All" AVENEL, NEW JERSEY departments ——.— ..... 10,400.00 6,000.00 5,700.00 Reserve for Bills not presented in Sup- ly along the westerly line of «*" Printing, Advertising _5,"000.00 plies .-:- -- ;. 4,000.00 5,000.00 3,471.26 1926 .; 5,000.00 4,478.11 tract 500 feet to another line of said General ••- . 5,000.00 4,500.00 4,245.84 Overexpenditures in 1924 various tract; thence (8) westerly along the departments :_ 414.51 414.51 line Of said tract 322.66 feet to the 19,400.00 15,500.00 13,417.10 Overexpenditures in 1925: westerly line of said tract; thence TOTAL • Roads-Salaries _-. .. , 1,897.93 1,897.93 (9) Southerly along the westerly WE SERVE MEMORIAL BUILDING MAIN- Roads-Repairs _._: :.._;_.._ 1,303.75 1,303.75 line of said tract to the center line TENANCB 6,000.00 -5,500.00 5,442.21 Roads-Maintenance' & Operation 5,982.23 5,982.23 of Oak Tree Road; thence (10) Discount on Taxes easterly along the center line of ASSESSMENT ~~& COLLECTION 82.25 82.25 WE DELIVER OF TAXES: Oak Tree Road to a point where the Salaries 12,000.00 12,000.00 11,490.17 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS _-:.__.$533,243.00 $448,714.86 $548,696.33 same is intersected by the westerly- G-eneral 4,500.00 4,000.00L 3,937.3£ line of another tract of land owned 2. This budget shall also constitute the Tax Ordinance and shall take by Radio Associates, Inc.,; thence CASTLE'S'ICE CREAM effect as provided by law. ; (11) southerly along the westerly TOTAL - 16,500.00 16,000.00 15,427.56 Introduced January 10th., 1927. line of said tract to a point in the PUREST BECAUSE HEATHIZED POLICE—Sudbivided as follows: center line of Lincoln Highway; Salaries . —- .76,000.0-0 63,000,00 61,860.70 Passedjirst reading January 10th.., 1927. thence (12) easterly along ttie center PHONE YOUR ORDER Equipment, Maintenance &<•'-. Advertised January 14th. and 21st., 1927, with notice of hearing Jan- line of Lincoln Highway; to a point Operation -— —- — 2,506.00 1,500.00 1,461.85 uary 24th., 1927. •where the same is intersected by the • General . - ~~ 6,000.00 4\000,.00 3,835-70 B. J. DUNIGAN, center line of Oak Tree Road; thenep Woodbridge Confectionery Pension Fund - ••— S.040.00 2,525.00 2,474.43 Township Clerk. (13) northwesterly along the center line off OaOkk TreTee RoaRad to the point Largest Assortment of Flavors in Towo TOTAL - -••- 87,540.00 71,025.00 69,632.68 Notice is hereby given that the Township Committee will hold a meet- or placp of beginning. ing at the Memorial Municipal Building, Woodbridge, on January 24, 1927, j Introduced and passed

the sovereign -will and dignity of with the drug whenever they ask for though to what extent and degree; mankind. Instincts, which as a civil- it. Who is this man, anyway, and I was Unable to conjecture, DINNER STORIES ized race we claim to have defeated how does he come to be here." j "Good heavens," I burst out. and outlived, in these unhappy peop-' "He is an extremely clever doctor, "How can you sit there calmly talk- 'What's tlie matter with Grumble pie reasserted their ancient dominion. IJbelieve,"' said Patience lightly, ing of this harrar, knowing that youj and his wife? I hear there is talk They were no longer creatures of "But he made a mistake years ago are the cause of it—that you are |o j separation ' "He's a fundaiuen- divine discourse, looking before and —something to do with an operation, helping to supply thousands of per-i . " ,, , t ntl after" but beings urged merely by Fni»told that he used to drink heav- sons with the drug that is killing »list ana sue s a moaennsi, anu primitive cravings. Uilyy andd once, when he was verv them?" ji, g^gs ™ * *-"-« ™£I™ ™ I M'EASEDBy CENTRAL PRES5 ASSOCIATION- As though to gire point and em- drunk, a man was brought to ^liirn She shrugged her shoulders. witl1 a He was so • so interested in church doctrines." phasis to this impression, a cat ™i-i damaged eyetha. t he removed "How am I responsible?" «»m., (Continued from last week) "Mina," she rasped, "why are. you toward the young man, I snatched (dered among the addicts, long, !ean, J"u asked. "I believe in people doing | church. He thinks it takes skillets, the box from his hand and threw it. th brilliant eyes, licking at|^f and the OHAPTBli THIRTY-TWO talking to this man? I won't have and wi as they choose. If they want to I pots and pans, flour and such things out of the window. ' (grains of the poison when and where!™?1 of his "So," he said, "Alex has found jit. Every one is false and hateful. ruined him, until he take drugs, let. them do so. They 1 to get a meal, while she is just as I detest you all. The effect of my hasty action was'the'they might be found—a horrid spec-!"";spec-i - harm only themselves, and inciden-' sure that it doesn't take anything Ms way here. We have been looking- And suddenly, without a word of!appalling. The young man rushed tacle. but almost comely in compart-; ; Center. The Center saw tally they put money, lots of money, j but a can opener." for him," and, bending over th'e uueiiJ.^, Minium, a, ivuiu ui, appalling. me young man ru&ueu ">ur. ""•• «•""»«»• -«*—..• -- ——i'"" ' worth writhing man, he applied the stetho- warning, she-struck me violently in I to the. window in a frantic endeavoi; son with the human wretches from ^°ver™y useful headquarters, you know." ~mto our Packets?" scope to his heart and lungs. the face. to see where it had fallen. The! whom it had acquired the habit. "Is that why'he sets as butler?" "I see," I said. "Thats' the rea- "Mose," said the boss of the night Then he turned to me. I realized that all these people others looked at me with horror, as; CHAPTER THIRTY-FOUR 1 inquired. , son, is it?" shift", "you haven't been late to work "You have been priviliged to' "wit-t_- were under the same dreadful influ- j though I had committed a sacrilege. . ., , jua^i,, ici/iicu ^ o-u^w, oun I could not keep from „., . since you moved. Where do you live as the wretched Alexis and was. ! j t two "Partly," replied Patience, "and my voice ness," he said in French, "a most x dont ans*er. They mere- Money, why there's no end to it." ;W-wouldnt speak to me. "He is," y are you „ elIea eitl r ."and you havereplie beend priviligeDoctor d tKuntzo , j ,,(|i^lihoe ^tcried^, an"n,ffd inn anotheinofherfnr in!- wass at once an uujetnobject. UoXf "•"»«"irrestibl«e :P. th« p t=aloo remain onr tion walthek; dimng ly take two kinds of poison instead "Money," I intersected, "made out J "But, madam, you will have to ba r ness a person under the influence „ „„ „„ oj one >• jO £ £j,e m.isery and weakness of hu- identified before I * can cash this I struc,:nak thd esprun youtgh ats lighmy tthroat a blow. «^ *—vainl« v hous^ e Z^^nVe^llfand the great steel fence whicthhe Thr e coolookel and adt natura her iln way in which for yon," said the paying repeated overdoses of cocaine, a co- ag could with the palm of my hand trayed without disguise or I llavs alj a amazement. ma"Inf nature.I didn'"t make it, some one else check eaine-maniac, in fact, near ,the final, eacn m some cnaraciensuc waernesj oae , ,^% ., y _„,.„mentioned* _+_ol f^-nA. AI nwViir- anyh siie alluded to these horrors deprived would. Besides, think of the excite-. teller. stage." "Oh, I just hate to do it, and "You will see the others present George, would be dreadfully angry," ly," he continued, looking" at me with she replied, blushing furiously, "but a malevolent smile.' "In fact, you I had a hideous scene with -the worn- Center and his associates. I knew tiently. I have a love letter which describes will get to" know them quite well in an, Mina. Most of the patients, af- nnw that she was one of them,' (To be Continued Next Week) me fully, if you would care to see it." the "course of the next few days. ter regarding me with suspicion as . : _—_ ,—, Meanwhile, I will have Alex removed. a heathen stranger, were by that . Please note that you are free to go time trying continually to make of about as you please in this wing of me their proselyte. The woman i the house, and downstairs you will Mina'was especially zealous and on] find a sitting room and a dining this occasion exerted herself for; NUMBER TWENTY-ONE room. I-do not think it will be nec- hours in an attempt to persuade me ] PUBLIC SERVICE essary to introduce you to any of to take the drug, pursuing me fran-' your fellow guests. Their names are -ically with argument and entreaty, i of little consequence, and you will passing from an infinitely grotesque j find that they are prepared to dis- cajolery to shrill menace and foul; pense with the formality of an intro- j abuse. My refusal to be one of them; iuction." seerrfed to irritate these poor.wrecks,j He turned and left the room, and either because in their more lucidt a few moments later two Japanese moments some of them, I think, real-i attendants entered, bearing a stretch- j izied how far removed their state was! er. They lifted Alexis, who had re- from that of the normal idvididual, [ lapsed again into a. state of coma, or from a kind of missionary frenzy, and laid him without ceremony upon induced by their disease. it. One of them turned to me and My only talisman during these two. said: dreadful days was my memory of Pa- "Breakfast is in large room down- tience, to whom* my thoughts were j stairs. First turn to right." j frequently directed. The spell of [ her smile and the riddle of 'her. in- •When they had gone I made shift j consequent spirit were remembex.ed to dress. I noted with satisfaction j in a mood which made me look back that I had been provided with shav-l on our long journey in the open car ing materials, and with these I r'e-j with strange feelings difficult to de- moved a three days' growth of beard j fine. . on my lips and chin, trying as best I coujd to keep my mind from dwell- It was on the morning of thp ing on the horrors which I had just third day that a note was brought •witnessed. to me when I woke. f In about ten minutes I left myj bedroom and, following the direc-i Dear Mr. Quexter, (it ran) UBLIC SERVICE does more Through its commercial offices it fionof the servant, soon found my-] Will you give me the pleasure of Pthan sell gas for u:~ in New sells at reasonable prices and under self downstairs and in a fair-sized j lunching with me today and after- Jersey homes; it proviJ.cs service accommodating terms, gas appli- room, white like the rest of thej wards taking a walk on the moun- house, and very plainly furnished, tainside. The view from the top of that insures the most efficient ana! ances, tested in its own laboratories, with a marble-topped table and sev- the Gierschner Alp is very beautiful. economical use of gas as a ftfel for which can be depended npon to eral haTd chairs. On the table was a I will '. trust to your honor not to evervone who asks for such service. perform their work satisfactorily. pot of coffee, a roll of bread and make any attempt to 'escape. several cups. I poured out a cup \ Patience Smith. In addition, it maintains a corps of of coffee, but on- tasting it found it expert workmen who are at the call •was cold. I read through the note twice un- I looked in vain for a means of j. decided at first what course to pur- of its great army of customers at acquainting the servants with thisi sue. Was I to be subjected to an- any time to see that ranges, heaters fact, but seeing none, was ooliged to < other appeal? I could hardly think and all other gas-using devices are make shift with what I found.! so, since there was nothing further adjusted to give the best service There was a strange, close smell in; the Center could wish to know. I of which they are capable" and so the room, due to the fact that thej "For God's sake," I cried, "are you all mad?" eould not, moreover, believe that Pa- windows had not been open for some, tience voul'd". again lend herself to lessen the burden of the housewife. considerable time, as I soon proved, ilated doing it, for it was like strik-or any regard for appearance, his plans. . ' . for they resisted all my efforts to un- inga woman, but I could not bear \ Others eyed him covertly, their nos- I was not long in making up my latctch them. ; to' be mauled by these wretches.; trils twitching for the drug, but mind. And what I had endured the Having tmadr e ini meal, I resolved They were such wrecks of humanity making the most pitiable efforts to prospect of even a brief escape fromj to continue by explorations'--•'•-- , Qpen- that I felt at once desperately sorry. had lain prostrate on the divan at the inferno in which I was impris- ing out of the dining room was a for them, but full of irrepressible i wait his pleasure. The couple who oned was too cordially, welcome to salon or living room, r pushed disgust, I the far end of the room stirred from be refused. .' ' .- ; open the door and entered. i This' __3nscene had been witnessed j their coma, the man rising and corn- "Mademoiselle waits answer," said There were some dozen to twenty with complet-—r e indifference b-y. the!liJin&g ,„„„*.„.sleepily, forwar™ d a- little uncer- .the Japanese servant -who had persons present. Some were chat- other persons in the room, except for; tainly, and pausing, dazed and ir- brought the missive. tering freely as I arrived, but they a young girl who rushed forward! reSolute when he had taken some' I took a pencil and scribbled on >ieasea talking the moment they and kneeling down, bent over the tw0 or three paces the back of the note: «a.Tight sight of me and looked at me man whom I had been obliged to Meanwhile, Doctor Kuntz was dis- with suspicion. There were several stretch on the floor. tributing from the small coffer which Dear Miss Smith, men, but the women were In a major- "Rudolf," she cried, "you're hurt. he carried a number of little packets I shall- be delighted to lunch with ity. One of the men must have been He has killed you. How could he besimilar to that which I had thrown you and to take a walk upon the fifty or possibly older. He had a so cruel." out of the window a moment before. conditions you state. sallow, lined face, covered with deep He rose, however, and, pushing The demeanor of the patients await- R. W. Quexter. Improvements callously aside, came towards wrinkles. Another was a. mere lad, her ing or receiving them was for all me slowly, while the young woman, I handed this to-the'servant, and! possessed of a hacking cough which thstilel on her knees, began to sob mad- shook his thin frame, cruelly from of a keeper; when each had he departed, returning afterwards time to time. His eyes shone bril- ^reS^ExPeS8ano?^r Jta^il—d a share! he or she, a, thewith breakfast. It was the first oc- Expecting another attack I »««"»^ f + T ' TA V fnrfiv»k casion upon which a meal had been liantly, and his general aspect was !,- i-A fo^i,im off j,,,f to m,r|case might be, would glance furtively brought to me in my own room, with feverish in the extreme. ;go t ready to fend him off, but to myj'.round and hurry off to a corner of the exception of dinner on the first Of the women two were quite amazement he suddenlv fell on hisi . ... „ ie night I was glad to think that I young, one well past her vouth, and knees before me and looking up ati« ™om or. to some distance from might owe this privilege to Patience, a fourth of middle aee. They were me with an expression indescribably itlie others, in order that they might ake 1011 and I hoped it would never again be none of them fully dressed, but wore abject began to profess himself in-ij f P" °* the powder unms- necessary to join the other inmates j HEVKOLET soiled, wraps or loose gowns. Two of coherently but with pitiable urgency ""-bed. boon 1 was lett alone, iac- of this dreadful place. "" j tiiem had not even troubled to do up as my servant and slave. . im = the doctor-butler. their hair. The men were unshaven "See," he said, "everything I have] "You vile wretch," I. exclaimed; At one o'clock a servant knocked' in Chevrolet History and they all had an air of slovenly is yours. There is nothing I will noti "you are killing these people." on the door and requested me to ac- disorder. Another thing they most give you. I will give you my treas-j He smiled and shrugged his company him. TVe walked down the of them had in common, except a ure." he said, "if only you will be shoulders as he snapped down thecorridor, through the padded door couple, man and woman, who lay in-. kind to me." , lid of the coffer. which I had noticed two days pre- Marvelous beauty, luxury and style! A r»-LH- nnrvn si fln-r.n at the far end of: "F.or heaven's sake, .man," I said I "They signed their own death war- cool room ACAirCleaaer host of improvements that raise' to an the room; they were restless in their; roughly, "get up and pull yourself: rant long before they came into my. where" £ found ^ aTOiting me. She A COU Filter even higher level the Chevrolet standard movements: none of them was still [ together." hands," he replied. They are all wa-g dressed Terv si lv in a tweed of quality! And, in addition, amazingly for a moment,, but walked nervously On this he suddenly scrambled to confirmed addicts and all hopeless.' coat and * on her head New Coincidental Lock to and-fro, or had some physical his feet and darted^to a corner of j They would be dead in forty-eight hat with a blue king- Combination Ignition and Steering lock reduced prices! That's why the Most twitch which they were quite unable the room, where he began pulling j hours if I did not give them the drug, feather. N«wX)aco Colors Beautiful Chevrolet is everywhere re- to control. furtively at a loose board. With i Look'." "Well, Robert?" she said, as I ap- New Gasoline Gauge garded as the greatest sensationrin Amer- My sudden, entry produced, as I shaking fingers he succeeded after aj x looked and saw that every mem- proached her. "I hope time has* not NetfVRadiator ica's greatest industry! liave said, something- Uke a sensation, moment^in prying it up, and slipping u f th company was already en-; beei" tod" heaw on vo'ur hands"since New Bodies by Fisher and the strange company, with the his hand underneath, he withdrew a „„„._/• 5r, aTmffHnion value the equal of which has never before ThpiwtnfH 7'^ f cident or- deliberate malice, Doctor black misery tlfese last two days." of the women—tli: e younger, a hag- New and Improved Transmission been offered by any maker of quality gard blonde— she shrank up close to tn Thh»e objecm t of his adoration I saw ,Kunt z had locked the door on leav-j For a moment she seemed to be New Brake and Clutch Pedal Closure automobiles! Come in! Special showing Tter neighbor, a middle-aged woman, he opened with box which, ing the r0om, and, as the windows surprised into a vivid sympathy.] •who, to judge from the appearance lingers, ^ barred, there was no means of Then she shrugged her shoulders. ' Freventragexctinlvedraftottfloarofcar alb this week.- disclosing a white powder. _ I made; were f the company of these "i have nothing to do with that." New Universal Joint Seal - of • her raddled cheeks, had recently escaping ronk New; Hardware Sbeen weeping. taive it, realizing what peopiej and I was forced to witness she said lightly. "Let's go into the ne spi ang DacK like a j rking of the drug upon a com- other room. I'm hungry and lunch- New Running Board* "Who is he, Mina?" she said nervous dog essm 1X t0 nls the WO —with These Amazing „„,, „,.,.,-„„„, Pf §' chest, j pany Df men andwome n -who ap- eon is ready for us." Soarsely. "He is not one of us; he's Jm oul a stranger." " » - . I pea-red to have been selected \es- She turned and led the way into 1 s mine.; i njr ith a view of illustrating a small sunny room, where by the Tie COACH $ Price Reductions! There was a clamor of voices be- j cannot give it to pecp! ya w y , y fiind me, and turning I saw that a you. humaall thne naturfolly ean isd capablvileneses wheof nwhic thhe seopetn fo windor twow. stooWed wer a etabl sooe nelegantl discussy- group of men who had for a moment ( liftprf 595 COUPE - - SEDAN- - LAHDAU - ceased their conversation were again.1 ,,, ,. -ut, . ,_ • will" is destroyed and all restraints. ing an excellent meal, could stop him he took a pinch . | S was Patience who next referred Former Pri^ JS45 Former Prlc» $735 Former Price S7SS , among" themselves. One of them, a arG removed It The SPORT $171 e Touring Car $ J* rt g* , _ young man with long hair and . a|hls left tl]umfe ralsed }t to hig no;.e So far as I could judge, the effect to my sufferings. ILET 715 or Roadster 9*iO (Chmi Sowing tie, was expounding s«! - . "f the drug was, by removing all "Robert," she said, "isn"t it just Only) aild sniffied ta stho u h Re were t k Pric* faida&sbill . tiro system of philosophy which the;incr &nuff ^Tit'rol. and destroying all sense of a little unfair to speak to me as you i proportion or decency in the victim, did a, moment ago? I have had Far- « Tmck others were vividly contesting. -.All j -- ^v-pe ntin»rl a Tinn da o-hnwn ti-,^ m m«=o t - - -• •«rere talking at once with an amaz- *" ,° ,™ ^ + ," ™,. •„""* ,ito give full rein to their.natural im- nothing at all to do with your treat-j tip rapidity and assurance. . Jea^i int-eieist^n the discovery ofipulses and propensities. I can only ment these last two days. That was} oon tire* now atuuSacd on Ail Pric** f. o. b. Flint, Mi«lu I had little leisure,, however, tOjr" , .7 .® ana^weratv e lookingreed ; record that its effect upon the indi- the Center. He wishes you to suffer observe them, or to catch the drift, e _e! , un® e 7Tni . ^ x sevoxisij S ^|viduals that I saw varied according what he calls 'inconvenience for in- af their discourse, for I was sudden-1 *' *- ?f noticed about all,to thelr Tariaus characters and tern- terrention.' " . 0I tnem s tile ly aware of the Woman, Mina, who m . w lcl ^tJ e continual manner, peraments. While some became "Inconvenience," I protested hotly. ftad come towards me and was look- over ^ ? ? 5' Passed their tongue •rea tless and voluble, vivaciously "is that how he describes being shut fiig closely into my face with an ex-; aclan peir lips, _which were dry and quarreiing like clowns in a circus on Up with a lot of madmen for two Bression of wry distaste. !"" /\, Jheir nostrils too were ^0 real provocation; others were op- whole days?" drv "Why can't you leave use alone?" i and hard and of a bloodless pal- pressed with vague terrors which "That's not at all polite," she re- JEFFERSON MOTORS, Ine, lor sne said, in the same rustling whisp- > as though all life had departed they aousht restlessly to evade or fell ; monstrated. "These people are'our er which I had noted before in ""oni them. Une or two of these inertly under the dominion of a black guests. This, you know, is a home 160 New Brunswick Avenue Alexis. "This is no place for creatures now got to their feet and! depression. I should also mention for drug addicts—a very reputable strangers." '•'•:. ; taking no turther notice of me, tlia(- from illusions of sight, sense or house, I assure you, subject to gov- I looked at her in compassion' stumbled towards the young man hearing, accordins to the natural eminent inspection once a quarter, PERTH AMBOY rather than disgust, apflftlled by her wwh the powder and began to be- propensities or the degree of: their all quite aboveboard and entirely taunted eyes and a certain "dreadful seeoh him for a share of the drug, intoxication. - • j free from criticism." • ': TELEPHONE IS iadecision that lurked in them even One of them seized the young man it was not, however, the details.' >"Patience, how can you be so! OPEN EVENINGS aa she so insolently addressed- me. iand I saw that th«r& would probably the specific actions and utterances of heartless? You must know that! "Madam," I began, but at that in- be a. scuffle. theaft people, which affected me so Doctor Kuntz isn't making the slight-' stant the young girl, her companion, For God's sake," I cried. "Are much as the general spectacle they ©at effort to cure this poor wretches. I jaterposed-rapidly between UB. - jyou all mad?" and, taking a' step'afjovded of a complete breakdown of On the contrary, he supplies them AT THE WOODBRIDGE LEADER, FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1927 Pane 1

Remember This Quartet? Well, One of 'Em Is Back |Fords Quintet Accurate Foul SPOCTSDONE Beats Lyceums Shooting Won By Xorman B. Brown (Copyright-. O. P. A.) HE reinstatement of Germany as a member of the International Lawn by 10 pt. Margin for Woodbridge T Tennis Association is of more than passing interest and significance to The fa£t Fords quintet won by 10 The fast Somerville High .Svar, but it presages Five bowed to the Barton :i\«%mie a more interesting season in international net play for the simple reason . points over the Lyceums of New that it places a formidable contender for Davis Cup honors in the field. j Brunswick last Friday. The score Basketeers^ qf "Woodbridge ai il>e Germany was in the Davis Cup play before the TTM—fourteen yeais was 31-21: local court last Friday afteniuun. to ag0 and had begun to loom as a formidable factor when the world con- 'Fords the tune of 26-23. Both team* .-r flict ended international play. G F. Tl. nine baskets, but better foul Hlmul- The last appearance in this country of a German challenge team was Regan, f. ... 3 tng Dy the locals accounted IVi tlie in the early days of 1914, when Otto Krenzer and Otto Praitzhein came to [Glochau, f. the U s" to engage in the elimination matches. They met the Australian JGilsdorf, c. 2 three point margin of victor. team at "Pittsburg that year. Unfortunately for he Germans the Antipo- Handerhan, 2 The score: dean team included Norman Brookes and Wilding, two of the old masters Levine, g. ... 2 Woodfoi-idge of the ~ame The Berlin pair was trounced in five sets by the two wizards, ... 1 G !•' TL but the sting of this defeat was lessend in a measure when the same couple 10 11 3liEdgar, f „- 2 'I * 0 defeated America in the challenge round. . . . I/yceum Fuller ton, f. — 2 Little was heard from the German tennis courts until last summer, G F Tl 'Ricbards, f 4 S when Howard Kinsey and Vincent Richards invaded that country and.,were Harkins. f. . g Kelson, c, 3 5 as startled as the rest of the tennis world when Dr. Heinz Landmann de- Zinivich, f. . Y Mulllns, g. 0 2 feated both of them in hand fashion. Takach,.f. ._. 01 Gems, g 1 3 , Lund, g. _ 0 2 Landmann, of course, will be included in the Davis Cup team that will Duffy, c. 5 0 represent Germany when the elimination matches geg t under wayy. Ger- White, g Brown, g.' 0 many's play in the European zone games will give some indication of its The j Dunham, g. real strength. Suttcra, g...... 9 8 26 "Hundred Sokolowski, Somerville thousand G P. TL Dollar 3 21 Newell, f., c. — Oil Ceramics Drop "MOVIN' ON' Johnson, f. 2 0 4 ZACH'S TONSILS CENSORED Latowet, f. 3 7 LEFTY liEIFIEliD, twenty-four Frederickson, c. 0 2 Three Games years after his entry into baseball, 0 4 KANSAS CITY, Jan. 20. — Zack 0 0 is still hard at it—and will be coach Wheat, Brooklyn outfielder for eight- KahjT, g.°l of the Detroit Tigers pitchers next 1 1 5 to Copper Works season. een years, was "doing nicely' today alter having his tonsils removed at 5 23 The Woodbridge Ceramic pin He started a hospital here.' The operation was Referee—Stokes. for the Pitts- stars dropped three games to Raritan Wheat's first step in getting in shape burg Pirates for for the 1927 season, when he will Copper and Federal Terra Cotta won eight years — play with the Philadelphia Athletics. No Sunday Ball for , three from Post Office 2 in the In- 1905 to 1912 — and won the rep 1ECOGNIZE the foil mpn in the Camden, Rules Court dustrial Bowling League last Monday of being one of R gioup abo'i e.' 1'IOD«ID1> >ou do. Our girls have made a great deal night. the greatest left- They formed the famous old $100,- of Progress in the matter "of calling j CAMDEN, N. J., Jan. 20.—Camdea a The score: handers in the 000 infield of the Athletics, back in Barry, Eddie Collins and Stuffy Me-again—aMe-'again—at least part of the time. spade a- spade, but we notice the {is forbidden to stage Sunday base- Copper Works game. the halcyon days prior to 1915. Left Innis. -Now Collins is back with | Lower photo shows him as he is to- dyed rabbit fur coat iis stilstilll generallgenerallyy balballl games, in an opinion handed 160 147 to right they are Frank Baker, Jack Connie Mack, to play second base' | referrereferred tto bby tthh e owner as bbeaver - down by , N Eiely - ~ ISO 158 178 Then, after a ette or sealine.—Ohio State Journal. Court. the New Jersey Supreme Jago _ 131t 1901 few month's with Lampart 167 149 164 166 the Chicago Cubs Shuback _ • 164 158 and later-the At- Hall of Fame Mallet 185 189 lanta and San Fords Fire Eaters Motor Boat Francisco teams, 827 820 839 he dropped out Woodbridge Ceramics of the game — Win 5 th Straigh Show Opens Witzel 138 145 147 only to be lured Lew _ 189 154 150 back to the semi- Neilsen 137 203 182 The Fords firemen's fast five won Woodbridge Township yacht- The advantage of pro ranks in St. its fourth straight victory at the ing and motor boat enthusiasts Mesick _ - 158 178 172 Louis. Gloff 124 139 -127 Fords school last Tuesday, defeatih0 will take in the twenty-second But his repu- the Acme quintet,, of Somerville, 31 annual Motor Boat Show, which 746 S19 778 tation as a brainy two more cylinders to 27. The Daub-Lund machine led opens at the Grand Central hurler failed to Palace, today. The National AFTER TUNNEY'S SCALP? j die" out with "his" departure from the'at the end of the first half 20 to 12 4g ! big show, Lee Fbtil: calling him back but was outscored in the second Association of Engine and Boat The 4*cylinder Speed Wagon will carry TAMPA, Fla., Jan. 20.—Paolino in 1918 to coach the Brown hurlers. stanza during which the visitoi Manufacturers', sponsors of the Tlocudua of Spam, European heavy-- Even the failure of Fohl at SUg spiendid defense work/held national show for twenty-two your load, rapidly, surely, economically? weight champion, arrived here today Louis and Boston (whither Lefty; , \ , .. . ., years, held its meeting and ban- from Havana. He is on the way to went with Lee) failed to' dim Lei-|tne home team to three field §oal this has been proved time and time again New York, where he meet Knute field's fame as a coach. • • [Regan and Hansen were the high quet in the Hotel Commodore in the millions of satisfactory miles which yesterday evening. Hansen, Danish heavyweight, Febru- New he has a better chance than: scorers for the Fords team while ary 7. ever to show his stuff with the'snowden starred for the vanquished these Speed Wagons have gone. : Other events scheduled for : ; Tiger pitehers —always an uncertain; team. The score: the week are: Unite-d States But, thanks to the development of the 6- Secretary Mellon thinks the public and faltering factor in the Tiger; Fords Power Squadrons, in Grand should finance a United States $l'00,-.™abeup. ! (>. F. Tl.. ; Central Palace, tomorrow; Wa- cylinder Speed Wagons, many truck oper- 000,000 rum plant with the under-; • iGlochau, f. ! : 2 15 terway League of America, in ators have turned to the added nimbleness standing that it is to get none of the! A good many people seem to think, Hansen, f. ... 3 2 8 the Palace, Monday; Regatta product. The Secretary is a better '• the political plum tree grows better Gilsdorf, c. ... Circuit Riders' Club, convention and smoothness that a 6-cylinder motor financier than psychologist. — New after grafting.—Norfolk Virginian-; Handerhan, g. and banquet, in the Commodore, affords. York Evening World. Pilot. I-Hegan, g Tuesday; American Power Boat 10 11 -31 i Association and Yachting Asso- A 'phone call will bring interesting evi- Four-Times Champs L southland Somerville ciation of America, in the Pal- G. F. Tl. Edwin ace, Friday of next week. dence as to the performance and economy i Snowden, f. .___ _.... 3 3 of the Speed Wagon, both sixes and fours. -.•*'• Seek Fifth Title for Carolina I M. Totin, f 0 6 Wido /% j Schwarz, c 1 0 Joe Dundee Will ' Bach, c. ,.. 0 2 JTSPJEED WAGON CHASSIS PRICES - jMoulton, g. „.._.. 3 0 Meet Ace Hudkins jWhitford, g. .. _ 1 0 A twelve-round bout between Joe l $1240 8 11 27! Dundee, Baltimore welterweight, and Referee—Charley Brownmiller. I Ace Hudkins of Nebraska, who lias FREDERICK H. HICKS, lac. deserted the lightweight ranks, was | By NORMAN E. BROWN closed yesterday as an attraction for Phone P. A. 1178 Madison Square Garden on February 319 Madison Ave. Pertti Aniboy, 5?. 3. dominating EDWIN WIDE, J25, it was announced by Matchmaker Game Wardens Swedish runner I Jess McMahon. ECAUSE he defeated Paavo Nur- to Try for Prize B nii, " Finland's wonder runner, when "it couldn't be done.'' To the game warden credited with Because, in defeating the Flying —Bowling— the most notable achievement in; Finn Wide also won a victory over conservation work in the year end-; himself. He had lost two races to Parish House Bowling scores this ing November.30, next, the New Jer-; Nurmi previously mainly because he weekr sey Fish and Game Conservation felt that Nurmi was invincible- { torch's Team 160 League will present a gold watch,! Because, when victory came he'S;£"ger 16G 132 128 131 145 suitably engraved, as material proof' made it doubly impressive by defeat-1 132 of the appreciation of the organized p twice in one afternoon- 142 - 147 ing aavo Yard en 103 98 100 sportsmen of the State. i,500-metre event and a mile race. 121 Only the regular salaried wardens,.jan Berlin 157 139 of whom there are thirty-five on the Because he hopes to meet Nurmi 696 647 658 staff of the State Fish and Game again in Stockholm, Sweden, next Commission, will be eligible. It is Waiting's Team pla.uned to present the award at the summer and believes that the wdrld's Warr 145 173 annual dinner of the league, which ^ for the mile run will fall that Leeson _ 122 ordinarily is held in December.and Harned 139 I is usually attended by from 400 to And because he (Wide) is now in A. Koyen 149 500 hunters and anglers from all ' the United States, mainly to study Walling 153 over the State, including representar- school methods, as the schoolmaster tives of affiliated county and locan >tllat ne ls> Dut incidentally to match 708 703 676 associations of sportsmen, of which his speed against American runners there are more than forty. jln- one or two meets. In announcing the plan the league] ' Telephone 43 wilstatel stio that necessarilt the committee'y be bases ddecisio on then ]< Collegiate Court number of arrests made by wardens.! New York Candy Kitchen THE PERTH AMBOY j While the capture of violators un- Scores This. Week questionably has its effect in deter- ring others from taking a. chance on Yale 28, Seton Hall, 26. Home Made GAS-LIGHT COMPANY I breaking the laws and therefore is, Syracuse 37, St. Lawrence 24. By Central Press | while Billj Vinstoij, sub-centei and in a large sense, conservation work, Wesleyan 43, Trinity 15. Candies and Ice Cream 206 SMITH STREET, PERTH AMB0Y CH4.PEL HILL N. C, Jan. 20.— 'forward, -will hkelj plaj the pivot tne outstanding achievement of a Yale 24, Seton Hall 19. What'chance has the University of i position. Morris, guard, and Sides, year may besomething entirely dif- Colgate 64, Clarkson Tech. 23. Orders Delivered Promptly North Carolina of'annexing a fifth forward, are the other experienced ,-terent. As an instance of a case thatthat, Poly Evening 30. Southern Conference basketball title? j men who will makake strong bids I oorr ,, undoubtedly would be considered'byy! Yale Junior Varsity 42, Brooklyn That question is receiving a good I regular berths. Sides started-sixteen jtfle committee, the league cites the Canisius 23, Alfred 22. 66 MAIN STREET Heating and Cooking Appliances deal of attention m Southern basket-|of the varsity games last season, but recent action of a game warden who,j W. and J. 34, Carnegie Tech 21. a£ter ball a =; another case season hissed his letter when he failed to a- long and hard battlete,, ,put j -'Mount-St.-'Mary's 22, Gettsyburg "gets under way. |imake the AtlantiAtlati c tritripp . ;,puput what might have developed intointo, 21. Rand Automatic and Storage Water Heaters The "Tar Heels' have won four of I. The outstanding new men on this 29, Bucknell 19. the Southern titles in the last five year's squad are Sharpe, Perkins, Ohio Wesleyan 33, Cincinnati 28. time," _ Detroit City Colleg-e 35, Toledo TJ. HOLOHAN BROS. years It would seem nothing short)and Harvell, from last year's scrubs; "that there should be some special; 22. New Process Gas Ranges 'of miraculous that they could hope j Satterfield ~a;nd Rufus Hackney, of by the sportsmen of the AUTO ACCESSORIES to win again. But fans said the [last year's freshmen outfit; and achievement of the 34, Mount Union 33. same thing last year, and the Tar j Price, from the 1925 first year squad Muncie Normal 38, Wabash 37 TIRES AND TUBES Heels won just the same. ! who was out of college last year. force and we have finally North Bakota, TJ. 28, South Dakota to puTit Tn the fo™ of thte Considering the material on hand, j The team also has a new coach,! annual award ' IT. 2626. it must be admitted that the team j Jim Ashmore, who is also head base-j L Creighton 36, Drake 32. VULCANIZING faces a. super task in .trying to re-j ball mentor as well as assistant in I MFTS "NO SMOKING" BAN De .Paul 21, Valparaiso 20. Con-Oen-Rit Radiant Logs tain the crown this year. For thejfootball. Coach Ashmore has hadj Augsburg 28, McAlster,21. HARTFORD BATTERIES 1927 season finds Carolina greatly,wide experience in tutoring basket-; WEST POINT N Y Bri^ Gen Laurence 29, Oshkosh Normal 17 FOR AUTO A5f» RADIO Illinois Wesieyan 32, Eureka 23. Odorless—Efficient—Inexpeasfa weakened by the loss of last year's j ball. -He started basketball, along Merch B Stewart commandant of Mississippi 2 6, Tulane 23. veterans. Gone are virtually all the \ with other sports, while a student at the ~TJ". S. Military Academy, has lifted stars who have played on the cham-.the University of Illinois. Since then the "no smpMn ban at West Point, BATTERY CHARGING -pionshij m, *p quints-. .j . ., innry *. . 'j h,e, has coache, d .basketball" ,',., as . wel~~~,l as :i —No"w th""*e- ^»«^i-fcadetsi a-ari ce ijr51.ijuj.tLcpermittedu i-tou Economic expert who says the cost The nucleus for the 1927 team IS other sports at a number of institu- smoke within the buildings of the of your house should not exceed CAR WASHBVG composed of two lettermen. BUM tions, including University of Iowa, academy and will be relieved of thei 'twiw-the amount of voUr assured iT- AMBOY AVE. A?fl> SECOND Hackney, mentioned on several All- James Milliken Tjmverszty, Umver- \ embarrassment of having to tell their nuai income thus puts over a fine bit Telephone 143 Perth Amboy Southern selections last year, will sity of Colorado, and Depauw Um- feminine visitors that they have no of .propaganda for some tent aSd probably hold his old guard post, versitv...... Cigarettes to offer them. • awning' companv.—Arkansas Gazette WOODBRIDGE, N. J.

\ t. V.- w •*-•-. Page THE WOODBRIDGE LEADER, FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1927

wife and children over the weekend. Iselin Public Library From Nicaragua Nelson Kvist and Mis Laura Kvist "IMAGINARY Governor' Donahey, of Ohio ; ' Avenel Personals visited Mi's. J. B. Peterson, on Man- Asks Donations for hattan avenue, Sunday. Books for Its Shelves Mrs. L. Kayser and daughter.' Mr. and Mrs. John Everett of MOVIE" SHOWS Seen as Presidential Timber Eleanor, spent the week-end, with RIdgewood, and son, Jack, spent th& The Iselin free public library is her mother, Mrs. Siebert, at Wood-, week-end, with Mr.' and Mrs. Julius haven, L. I. > Jager. By CHAKIJES V. STEWART gaining in popularity with the resi- Mrs s Du WOMAN'S PART (Exclusive Central Press Dispatch to The leader) dents of Iselin. , Although -a. con- ' Mrs. Q. Crede, on Monday visited) - - Boyce was a New York WASHINGTON, Jan. 20.—GOT. A. cr&tie nominee in 1928 will be a dark siderable number of books were re- her mother, who is ill in Bay Ridge, visitor, Friday. ceived from the state librarian, only Long Island. - j Mrs. S. B. MeKee, of Jersey City, IN HISTORY Victor Donahey of Ohio now is defin-; *£* £&£%*& ™g% £,•££ one hook can be issued to each pat- Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Aimer, enter-1 vlsHe H^Bak? itely a Democratic presidential pos- ron at present as there are not suf- tained at cards, Sunday afternoon: I J %j«o "T> -p i Young attended sibility. . ficient books to go around. Mr. and. Mrs. S. Butter, and children, I ?? ^ f: o i Examples of Fair Sex Who HIS is a Donahey-ite diagnosis. me asLern alart Party, at the T It's just given for whatever it The library association "would be Mr. and Mrs. L. Butter and children,} ^ s CluPb in Woodbridge, Won Fame Cited, From! again, that he isn't a candidate. But niay be worth. Smith, Ritchie, Reed very grateful to receive donations of Jacob Butter and Frank books from any persons who have Tuesday evening. Mrs.'Barth. won if he's drafted—- •.and McAdoo pluggers say it's allj Prizes were awarded to S. Butter, high score. Eve to Dr. Anna Shaw, at oh, well, ot ! any books which they have read and highest in pinochle; in fan-tan, wrong. would be willing to turn over to the Avenel Meeting. course, and all Nobody "calls Vic brilliant or looks Prank Wranitz, Eva Butter, Steven CAKD OK! TBAXKS that sort of stuff. library. Butter and Mrs. Geo. Aimer won In other words, at him for flights of eloquence. It while n o b o d y is claimed for him that he's a rugged, high scores. [ Mrs. George Aimer, of Avenel, de- PATRIOTICTROGRAM doubts the abso- substantial type;, that he has sound Mr, and Mrs. 3. Sivetits were visi-; sires to thank her many friends, who lute sincerity of common sense; that he can talk Rosary Card tors in. New York Sunda.y. j remembered her during, ,her illness. Miss Rustling, of Rutherford, his denial that he btiaight from the shoulder, if with- Mrs. Mary Bistery, of Minna ave-|in the St Elizabeth Hospital, Eliza- wants the nomin- out any fancy figures of speech! nue, has been confined in St. Vincent beth.. ation, Beit h er th it he's befen a good governor and Party Jan, 31. Hospital, Newark, for the past two Especially the Avenel Rosary So- Presents Unique Historical thdt he was a good state auditor for weeks ciety for their beautiful Christmas does anybody a long time before that. ; Narrative Before Woman's doubt for a min- The first card party and dance of u ute that he has They call, hi, m . "Honest „Vic. " i the season to be held under th© an- L,,,. Mdw ?i*« . —tee S'S':^ ur.f.iSiJ-;tTS, Club of Avenel. his fingers e e CSm crossed. Davey"Jl*, wh°£o' helpe^l n dfS°llT to launct^^h of the Rosary Society of St. A large number of members and ~Zl James Church, will be held on Mon- Not being a Donahey boom, "how fond the votersjd J eTening> 'January 3lst., at the community guests of the Woman's candidate, Vic a-re of referring to a politician as St- . Jame- s Auditorium• - - - , Ambo• -' y ave- 'honest' if he gives them a reasoa- Club gathered in the auditorium of couldn't launch his own boom, .,„„ nue, near Main street, Woodbridge. give everyone a good time. |Mrg_ g ^^ Mrg; Herman Wul Thomas E. Dye, Ohio Democratic able excuse, It almost suggests that Avenel Publie School, Wednesday Proceeds will go toward the school Mr. and Mrs. Prank Cannon and kitsch, Mrs. Frank Riemer, Mr. and night for an enjoyable evening of chairman, could come down to Wash- honest politicians ^are^ scarce. fund. Mr. and Mrs. T'. Cannon ,spent Sun- '«""*"" •>"•* launch it for him, and he „ . , .. „ ' Alejandro Cesar, new minister Mrs. John Sivetits, Mrs. Florian entertainment given by Miss L. Rust- T'S easier to write of Democratic to the' United States of the Nica- day with Mr. and Mrs. H. Dietz. Wranits, Mrs. Waryn, Mrs. Fries, Golden Grabbing.—Dyer—"I un- Mrs. ffm. Krug, chairman of the Miss Julia Fufus, of New York; Mrs. ling on "Dominant Women in Dem- i than of Republican presidential derstand Wyld has at last struck pay ragtian Conservative government, ocracy's Evolution," an "imaginary possibilities. Anybody can be a Music Committee of the Woman's-;Llna'Hollub, of Brooklyn; Mr. Stool, 1T P to last election Atlee Pomerene Democratic possibility. Nobody can dirt." .. . arrives and arranges consultation Club of Avenel and her committee;of Brooklyn; Mrs. Keller, Miss Kath- movie" on prominent women of his- was Ohio's Democratic favorite be a. Republican one unless and -un- Ryer—"Yes; he has produced a with President Coolidge on the met at the home of Mrs. D. P. De erine Hughes, Mrs. E. Moran, Mr. tory. • son, but his failure to beat til the present probability gets out of successful sex drama." — Saturday tense situation in Nicaragua. » Young, on Manhattan avenue to dis- Jandrisowitz, Mr. and Mrs. Schlen- This "picture" was a resume of B. Willis for the Senate snuffed him the way. Evening Post. cuss ffurthe r planl s fof r tthh e coming ner, Mrs. Julia- Kohut, Mrs. Joseph •woman's history from the time of out. minstrel. Keisser, Mrs. Koriitas, Mrs. Eliza- Eve, to ancient Greece and Hy-patia, Now the field's clear for Vic, so j Desirable Spot.—Asker — "What Forms at the left.—Church t Ah M Pk M A He-Man's Job.- -'''I want you to j happened to that valet of yours? Geo Fox was a visitor at Arling- beth Ahmer, Mrs. Frank Laysa, Mrs. the first woman to ascend the legis- far as Ohio's concerned. understand," said Young Spender, j Teller—"I fired him for removing notice in Iowa paper—"We are study- ton, N. J. ' 'Salay, and Mrs. F. Hacker. lative platform. POSitiOn d06S he faCe fr m ing sin now in every way, and it is • Max Brettschneider of Brooklyn, elsewhere.!L\l.°?? ° rthat UStWg money^hard^ork^ a spot from one of my suits." Then the story led to Spain and "Why, I thought it was left to you Asker—"But isn't he supposed to very enjoyable and interesting. You,j visited his sister, Mrs. H, Abrams, English, in. Wooden Shoes.—Bump. Queen Isabella, who gave her jewels Notably Gov. of New will get a different view of sin than lover the week-end, The bell don't make.—Sign, over a. York, GOT\ Albert C. Ritchie " f by your rich uncle!l " do that?" to finance Columbus' trip of discover- y "So it was; but I had to work to Teller—"Yes, but this was a 10- you ever had before. Come!" — I Harry Abrams who is working in rooming-house door-bell button in a Maryland, Senator Jim Reed, et fi-y. to the New World. thf>orf>ticai?v'gf it away from the lawyers."— spot"—The Open Road. Boston. Transcript. * Pennsylvania at present, visited his Pennsylvania Dutch city. In the Seventeenth Century, Ann Missouri and—at theoretically ad£eg, Home Journa} Hutchison, "the Mother of Women's —William G. Clubs"—how she gathered a few In- dian women together and while they IC'S boosters size up their candi-j sewed, she read to them, sowing the V dates's rivals thus: I peed, which ventually produced the Al Smith—too wet; a Tammany-! Ouch! Lumbago Pain! Women's Clubs of today, a service ' ite; sure to be slaughtered by the for which her memory was honored K. K. K. by the Commonwealth of Massachu- j Albert C. Ritchie—of only state- Rub Backache Away setts, through a bronze monument. I wide appeal; too wet, also. Something New in Then Miss Rustling threw on the ! Jim Reed—has antagonized nearly "imaginary screen," brief portrayals 'everybody; too vitriolic, about 100 Instant Relief with a small of women of the scriptures, one from per cent. I trial bottle of old the Old and one from the New Testa- I William G. McAdoo—too dry; too "St. Jacobs Oil." ment, Eve, mother of the race, and K. K. K.; his boom's busted, any- the Virgin Mary, Rafael's picture, j way. "The Sistine Madonna," illustrating I * * * . Kidneys cause Backache? No! BARGAIN the mother and the woman. OW hearken to his friend's estim-j They have no nerves, therefore can To Joan of Arc, the story went, M ate of Donahey: > \ not cause pain. Listen! Your back- how she fought and saved France. i A compromise Democratic csndi-j ache is caused by lumbago, sciatica Mrs. Wm. Baker sang the "Mar- date is indicated for 192 8. Viej or a strain, and the quickest relief is seillaise" accompanied by Mcs. S. l would be an all-'round compromise,! soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil." Greenhalgh, on the piano, in honor j His geography's all right—east-i Rub it right on your painful back, of France's patron saint. and instantly the soreness, stiffness [era or western, as you please. j and lameness disappears. Don't stay SALES Then came women of the Eight- : He's a vote getter—just entering! eenth Century—Molly Pitcher, called ; on his third term as Democratic gov-j crippled 1 Get a small trial bottle of so because she carried water to the i ernor of a usually strongly Repub- "St. Jacobs Oil" from your druggist soldiers at the battle of Monrnouth. | lican state. and limber up. A moment after it is Betsy Ross—Designer and maker No K. K. K. can find fault applied you'll wonder what became of Of the first Stars and Stripes. The him as an "anti"; no "anti" can the backache or lumbago pain. . Ihidienee rose and saluted the flag, Rub old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" him as a K. K. K. whenever you have sciatica, neuralgia, known as a dry, he never rheumatism or sprains, as it is abso- lutely harmless and doesn't burn the skis. In the Nineteenth Century —]g •Madam Curie, French woman scien-i tlst, co-discoverer of radium. Her out-: standing reply to President Coolidge: ! "I accept this gift that I may be of, Men's and Boys' service to mankind.' [ During the Next Lady Astor, shrewd, magnetic • member of British Parliament, yet fond of home and children; her!' greatest ambition being to "puncture i Sheeplined Coats Four Weeks You the tire of snobbery." j In closing, Miss Rustling paid, - Men's Heavy Olive Drab Moleskin. Made in a double tribute to "the most esteemed woman breasted model, 35 inch length. Has a good quality of America" Dr. Anna Shaw, who has ' been spoken of as a woman with "a \ clipped sheepskin lining and 51/2 inch beaverized sheep- may Subscribe great sense, of humor, the mind of; skin collar. The coat has four leather tip pockets, sewed a statesman, the command of a gen-j on buttons with loops and all-around belt. . era', and the heart of a woman." •' Mrs. Wm. Baker sang Schubert's j Sizes 40 to 46. Big value. "Serenade" and "Imp of Dreams," Each : to the Leader accompanied by Mrs. S. Greenhalgh. 8:95 Mrs. H. Abrams presided at the| business session. It was announced that the music committee would be- gin rehearsals of the minstrel next week. Mrs. M. Prarie and Mrs. Brennan "were formally accepted as members. (Regular Price $1.50 per Year) A resolution of gratitude was ten- dered to the Industrial and Welfare New Style Hats Chairman, Mrs. L. B. Van Slyke, for Soft Hats—Derbies securing so capable a lecturer as Miss L. Rustling. RUTGERS BOARD VOTES TO ANNEX STATE PHARMACY SCHOOL! For the Benefit of The Board of Trustees of Rutgers University have voted to make the New Jersey College of Pharmacy, lo- cated at Newark- a part of the State University. Negotiations toward this Our Readers end have been conducted between the two institutions for the past several years, and it is expected that the ac- tion of the Rutgers trustees will This is the time of the year for bargain sales. The Leader has meet with the approval of the rep- resentatives of the Pharmacy Col- ....'..-•»a^. lege. - ' • Ft' fc'_Jfc£> decided to give its many readers an opportunity of saving ONE According to present plans, a. spe- cial committee of trustees will exer- THIRD of the cost of a subscription during the next four weeks. cise a general oversight over the col- lege and promote its interests. The ONE DOLLAR, (the price of a few good cigars,) will give you the college will continue its present lo- cation and will have its separate faculty, but-Rutgers'University .•will important news of the Township, PLUS a score of NEW, interest- confer degrees upon Its graduates and the Pharmacy College will have ing illustrated features, full of human and practical value, for fifty- the same status as other schools and We don't know'of any variety that you want that we colleges of the university. The New haven't got. Jersey College of Pharmacy was in- Silk Lined Soft Hats two weeks. This offer is made to give our constant readers a chance corporated on August 14, 1894. It has graduated 876 students and now has an attendance of 270, which is to RENEW their subscription at a saving, and also to INDUCE NEW expected to increase to 400 next year. Latest Style Silk Lined Derbies &*) AA The institution has excellent stand- readers to subscribe. Drop in at the office, or pin a dollar bill to ing among the pharmaceutical col- leges of the United States and is a member of the American Association STETSON HATS ;.. ___ $8.00 the coupon below, mail it, and save half a dollar. Do it Now! of Colleges of Pharmacy. Its acquisition by Rutgers will give the State University six distinct colleges, Arts and Sciences, Engineer- ing, Agriculture, Education, the New Jersey College for Women, and the Overcoats Pharmacy College. President John M. Thomas, com- LAST CALL menting upon the action of the trus- If you want the latest style and are fussy about pat- tees, declared that he considered the tern, don't consider buying these O'Coats. But if you are Woodbridge Leader, Date movement a distinct step forward in looking for a mighty good all wool knockabout O'Coat, the development of the State Univer- Woodbridge, N. J. Subscribe sity. you ought to give these the'qnce over at ...., • . .. .. Enclosed find One Dollar for subscription for one year, Towjado's Tra«k.—"How did your house look after it had been ran- CWe DOUBLE I ending—™ _ sacked by those burglars?" asked the ISSUE neighbors. My Name is "It looked, as if my husband had REDEEM GREEN been looking for something he had me STAMPS My Address is _ Save mislaid." replipd the wife. GREEN STAMPS SATURDAY GOOD ONLY UNTIL SATURDAY, FEB. 19th, 1927 British fpvi-- •* have found that the milk "••'• •' may be increased by the us-' <\ artificial light, The Money! Herald says. It also has a, marked effect upon the crop of wild oats.— El Paso Herald.
