SHOP IN Watch WOODBRIDGE ODBRIDGE LEADER AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF WOODBRIDGE TOWNSHIP Woodbridge Grow SEVENTEENTH YEAR Woodbridge, N. J., Friday Afternoon, January 21, 1927 PRICE THREE CENTS BUSINESS BIRTHS MYSTERY HEARING ON BOUTS — DRUNK DRIVER (January 11, Francis James Floerseh, Fight fans of Woodbridge and' '~\'A'i >lain street, son of Mr. and Mrs. I vicinity will be treated .to a snappy' MEN WILL (Peter Floersch. SHROUDS 1927 BUDGET (card of boxing at St. James Audito-I HURT IN CRASH January 14. Angel Martinez, 81 jrium tonight, when the smoker and! New street, son of ~i.lv. and Mrs. I boxing show of Woo&bridge Post 87,! BANQUET AT Angel Martinez. SHOOTING MONDAY j American Legion, will be staged, pro- WITH TROLLEY Port Reading ceeds to go to the "Second A. E. F." January 9, William Andrew Both, Paris Convention' fund. Blair road, son o£ Mr. and Mrs. OF^APTAIN AFTERNOON The card as announced tonight in-1 IS FINED $200 Peter Both. chides the following bouts: I January 12, Elisa. Scutti, The '• Joe LaG-ray, of Anihcy, r.\ Tr:*imy Members and Friends of Camps, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B.Bob-Haired Woman of Forty, I Copies of Ordinance, Show- Carteret Resident Pro- Scutti Salley, formerly of Avenel, C rou-.uis. Members Are Invited to Who Admits Firing Rifle, ing Proposed Revenues, Vincent Delio, of Jersey. City, vs. : nounced Unfit to Drive by Hopelawn Mickey Summers,-.of Newark, (j First Annual Dinner Meet-! January 14, Michael Bomly, Lee Serene Under Cross-Quiz; Appropriations and Taroundsx . Dr. B. W. Hoagiand, Who avenue, son of Mr. and Mrs. John •iliekey Jones, of Perth Amboy. vs. ing, January 26th. ; Bomly. Husband, 27, Is Nervous. Total May be had at Town Eddie Marks, of Perth Amboy, (i Takes Seven Stitches in lselin Hall. rounds. January 10. Betty Marie White, Larry Clements, of Hopelawn. vs. Man's Scalp. TO ELECT "OFFICERS 1-Iardin;; avenue, daughter of Mr. andVICTIM nTHOSPITAL Young- Combo, of Carteret, 4 rounds. Mrs. Roy White. Carolina Joe, of Carteret, " vs. Keasbey APPROVED BY STATE Modesto Ardoner, of Perth Amboy. WEEPSJfTCQURT Effort Will be Made to "Pep January 7, Alex Deak, Dahl ave- Pair Held in County Jail j : Referee, MeGuire, South Amboy. Up" Organization Which uue-son ~of Mr- and Ml-s- Alex Deak- Claim They're Married But Most Important Piece of 1927 License Revoked for Two Has Been Lagging During Have "Forgotten" When, j Legislation by Township; Seventh Anillia! Years by Judge Vogel, Winter Months- School Savings Where, and by Whom. Committee dhows Econo- When He Hears of Previ- Some day a great novelist will put mies of Administration. ous Offense Against Same . Wednesday night the first, an- | Total $1,102.40 Scout Meeting j nual banquet ot the Woodbridge aside his cane and scats, don a coarse sweater, flannel shirt, and a pair of Statute. Businessmen's Association will be A public hearing on the proposed soiled denim overalls, and hire out Township budget and tax ordinance Shows Progress! held at the Rendezvous, on Si.' . for Past Weekj as a deckhand on one of the coal for 1927, which was introduced and William Balogh, 2 8 years old, mar- ] barges that ply between Port Read- 1 George avenue, near Freeman street. ] g py passed first reading on January 10th, Alonzo B. McDowell was re-elected ried, a painter of 121 Longfellow ! i N Y •will "be held next Monday afternoon Woodbridge. The event will also be Educulional Savings scored a new! ing, New York, Boston, and other president ~ at""the"seventt""Annual street' Carterel_, paid $200 and had marked by the election of officers for ;high water mark, last week, when a.[POiats on the New England Coast.) at 3:30. The budget, which will effect a Meeting of the Raritan Council, his license revoked for two years, as 1927. Everyone of the sixty mem-j jvery sizeable saving to the taxpayers, Scouis of America, held Tuesday>the result of a "co»ison between his hers who joined in 1926 is expected.the «ight Township Schools in which!, rank with to Mark Twain's tales j so far as money for local purposes I eVenin in the Presbyterian Chapel ^mobile, and a Public Service to be present. Manager Rabstein of;the Woodbridge National Bank is j of the Mississippi sidewheelers, a }is concerned, has been officially ac- tale Perth Amboy and at which Dr.,trolley car >on Rahway avenue, be-, the Rendezvous and his chef have; operatins,. tne svstem. Port Reading i filled; with the hardships, the cepted and approved by Commission- of promised to prepare a delicious meal., * . " ' . .poverty, the profligacy, and the pro- er of Municipal Accounts Darby, at Fritz Abegg presided. Delegates tween Green and Neilsoa street, at te 0>cl0cli Music will be furnished by the dusky 1 again won first place with 10 a pel fanlty of life on a^ar'ge Trenton, according to a statement by were present from Woodbridge. ^ ; last night. "Rendezvous Syncopators", who have: cent of its pupils as depositors, and; Aflfl } cue for the Township Treasurer Gardner on it had not been for the accident, Wednesday. Township, Carteret, South Amboy achieved popularity as*.radio or-, $259 77 as total for the week. The'plot from ,an i3rclLnt%vnfch hap! Balogrh might have "gotten" away The ordinance provides that there and Perth Amboy, including scout chestra over Station W N J _; record is as follows: 259.77 j pened aboard the coal dust 'stained it. As it happened, however,, The annual meeting of the Busi- Port Reading .. * 9.^y ,7 deck, . s oi. th.. e Barge Elizabeth, out of shall be raised (exclusive of fran- leaders, council members and various nessmen's Association was to have No. 1 .... 238.21 chise and gross receipts taxes') the hG was Dadl so that he 185.19 , Perth, and made fast to the bulkhead CHARLES committeemen. It was a remarkable y been held at the Town Hall last No. 11 ........: sum of $264,043.00, to meet Town- ta be taken to police headquarters. 157.08 ! of the Port Reading- docks. meeting and had a great spirit all Tuesday evening. Only nine mem- Avenel - |_ At five-thirty last Tuesday night,. Exclusive 'picture of the great ship appropriations for 19 2 7. in the patrol-ambulance. bers were present, however, the rest St. James 132.48 1 through. After an invocation by the | just as early winter dusk deepened film comedian now in tragic The 1926 total to be raised by- At headquarters, Desk Sergeant having been kept away by other ap- High School 76.41 into night, Evelyn Hewitt, 40, bob-! taxes was $311.514.S6. This means,Rev. Dr. A. W. Atchley of the First 41.01 ; role, snapped on Filth avenue, Ba st ,. v^dllinane called in Dr. B. W. Hoag- pointments, and the fact that the Sewaren : • haired, hard faced, with the resigned j Wednesday afternoon. that the 19 figure is a reduction "meeting had not been announced in Eighth Grade _._ 12.25 : f dinner was in order lAud wh0 took ^j; stitches in ttee calm of a coastwise schooner that has of $47,471.86 from the ta\- budget bj a time. I been battered by the gales of the1 of 1926. ,„,. , ., ' committee of man>s nead, cut by windshield glass, An informal meeting was held, j $1,102.40 Seven Seas until fit for nothing else This saving was effected through ladies under the direction of Mrs. K was then that both the sergeant however, at which the suggestion. SUMMARY shot a man. '! BRANDISHED careful pruning of every appropria- i< ritz ABegg. and Dr Hoagland noted the strong was made to combine the annual School A tfcendaiice Deposits P. C. jtion down to the In his opening remarks, Dr. Abegg odor of liquor on the" man's breath. Old Rifle ! lowest minimun. gave a brief history of the council meeting and election of officers with Port Reading ... 3 99 399 100; and handling of interest amounts in Balogh, after having been "sewed 105 S9i The man wass Irvins Post, also from its inception, stating how the p", was examined for drunkenness a banquet. Mr. Rabstein, of the Sewaren _ 118 THREE KNIVES, such a way that the tax-payer will old Perth Amboy council enlarged its Rendezvous, offered his establish- St. James' 365 154 42 forty years of age. captain of the not be burdened by any undue charge .territory and became the Perth Am- who wrote upon a ment as the place for a meeting, and Avenel _ 383 159 42 barge James Walker, who. according! for interest to be paid by property boy District Council and still fur- 542 247 4« to the woman came aboard and forcedj Jan. 20, 1927. agreed to serve a dinner at a -very No. 11 SHE STATES holders against whom improvements- ther enlargement has resulted in the1 reasonable price. No. 1 ...._- 592 198 33 his way into the scant deck house of have been billed. "Wm. ' Balogh was unfit to present council which now goes by, drive a ear due to alcohol." Thomas Racina, Murray Saltzman,' : the barge. She used a 32-ealibrel It must also be remembered that the name of Raritan Council. The! (Signed) B. W, Hoagland. • and Maxwell Logan were appointed TOTALS ..................2 39 9 1262 59, single shot rifle, loaded with a re-! Man Thus Armed and His present administration, during | business of the evening included a Banquet Committee, and tickets volver bullet The shot entered h««! .
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