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Otnngrt51linnal Jtcnrd. PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION otnngrt51linnal Jtcnrd. PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION. SENATE. Mr. CHAMBER AIN. I desire to state that my colleague [Mr. McNABY] is unayoidably detained for a few days. He will ~foNDAY, December 3, 191'7. be here the latter part of the week. The fir t Monday of December being the day prescribed by the The VICE PRESIDENT. Sixty-eight Senators have answered Constitution of the United States for the annual meeting of to the roll call. _There is a constitutional quorum of the Senate Congress, the second session of the Sixty-fifth Congress com­ of the United States present. ' menced this day. LIST OF SENATORS. The Senate assembled in its Chamber at the Capitol. The list of Senators by States is as follows : The VICE PRESIDENT (THOMAS R. MARsHALL, of Indiana) Alabama-John H. Bankhead and Oscar W. Underwood. called the Senate to order at 12 o'clock noon. Arizona-Henry F . Ashurst and Marcus A. Smith. The Chaplain, Rev. Forrest J. Prettyman, D. D., offered the Arkansas-Joseph T. Robinson and William F. Kirby. following prayer: California-James D. Phelan and Hiram W. Johnson. Ali:nighty God, we worship Thee. We know no sovereign will Colorado-Charles S. Thomas and John F. Shafroth. but Thine. Thy law is supreme in our lives and in our land. Connecticut--Frank B. Brandegee and George P. McLean. 'Ve have come together facing the mightiest task that .has ever Delaware-Willard Saulsbury and Josiah 0. Wolcott. confronted any generation of men. As we stand in the light Florida-Duncan U. Fletcher and Park Trammell. of Thy Word we thank Thee for the assurance that we have Georgia-Hoke Smith and Thomas W. Hardwick. taken our place upon Thy side. Idaho-William ·E. Borah and James H. Brady. We pray Thy blessing upon all in authority in our land, that Illinois-Jas. Hamilton Lewis and Lawrence Y. Sherman. they may have a supreme passion for our highest ideals of Indiana-James E . Watson and Harry S. New. national life. We pray Thy blessing upon all the people, that I01va-Albert B. Cummins and William S. Kenyon. they may have a vision splendid of the task that Thou hast Kansas-William H. Thompson and Charles Curtis. committed to us, and that they may count it a glad surrender Kentucky-Ollie M. James and J. C. W. Beckham. of anxthing, a price not too high to pay for the establishment Louisiana-Joseph E . Ransdell and Robert F. Broussard. of the end that Thou hast in view- peace among men and the Maine-Bert 1\I. Fernald and Frederick Hale. brotherhood of nations. We ask for Christ's sake. Amen. Ma·ryland-Jobn Walter Smith and Joseph I . France. Massachusetts-Henry CALLING OF THE ROLJ:.. Cabot Lodge and John W. Weeks. Michigan-William Alden Smith and Charles E. Townsend. The VICE PRESIDENT. Senators, the day designated by Minnesota-Knute Nelson and Frank B. Kellogg. the Constitution of the United States and the hour adopted by Mississippi-John Sharp Williams and James K. Vardaman. custom for the convening of the Congress of the United States .Missouri-William J. Stone and James A. Reed. having arrived, the Secretary will call the roll of tll'e duly .Montana-Henry L. Myers and Thomas J . Walsh. elected, qualified, and acting Senators of the United States Nebrllska-Gilbert M. Hitchcock and George W. Norris. for the purpose of determining whether a quorum of the Senate Nevada-Francis G. Newlands and Key P ittman. is present. New Hampshire-Jacob H . Gallinger and Henry F . Hollis. The Secretary called the roll, and the following Senators an­ New Jersey- WUliam Hughes and Joseph-S. Freylinghuysen~ swered to their names : New MeX'ico--Albert B. Fall and Andrieus A. Jones. Ashurst Gallinger New Smith, Ariz. Bankhead Goff Newlands Smith, Ga. New York-James W. Wadsworth, jr., and William M. Calder. Beckham Gore Norris Smith, Md. • N m-·th Carolina---:Furnifold M . Simmons and Lee S. Overman. Borah Gronna Overman Smith, Mich. North Dakota-Porter J . McCumber and Asle .r. Gronna. Brady Hale Owen Smith, S. C. Brandegee Hardwick Page Smoot Ohio- Atlee Pomerene and Warren G. Harding. Calder Hitchcock Penrose Sterling Oklahoma-Thomas P. Gore and Robert L. Owen. Chamberlain Hollis Pittman Stone Oregon--George E . Chamberlain. Colt James . Pomerene Sutherland Culberson Johnson, S. Dak. Ransdell Swanson- Pe7J,nsylvania-Boies Penrose and Philander C. Knox. Cummins Kellogg Reed Tillman Rhode Island-LeBaron B. Colt and Peter G. Gerry. Curtis Kirby Robinson Trammell South Carolina-Be-njamin R. Tillman and Ellison D. Smith. Dillingham La Follette Saulsbury Underwood Fernald Lodge Sha:fJ:oth Vardaman South Dakota-Thomas Sterling and Edwin S. Johnson. Fletcher McLean Sheppard Wadsworth Tennessee-John K. Shields and Kenneth D. 1\fcKellar. France Martin Shields Warren Te:.vas-Charles A. Culberson and Morris Sheppard. Frelinghuysen Nelson Simmons Williams Utah-Reed Smoot and William H . King. 1\Ir. SMITH of Michigan. I desire to announce the unavoid­ Vermont-William P. Dillingham and Carroll S. Page. able absence of my colleague [Mr. TowNsEND] on account of Virginia-Thomas S. Martin and Claude A. Swanson. sickness in his family. Wa-shington--Wesley L. Jones and Miles Poindexter. l\1r. HOLLIS. I was requested to announce that the Senator West Virginia-Nathan Goff and Howard Sutherland. from Montana [Mr. WALSH] is absent because of illness: Wisconsin--Robert 1\1. La Follette. I also desire to announce that the senior Senator from Illinois Wyoming-Francis E. Warren and John B. Kendrick. [Mr. LEwis] is detained on important public business. Mr. SAULSBURY. I regret to announce that my colleague NOTIFICATION TO THE HOUSE. [:Mr. WoLCOTT] is too ill to attend the session of the Senate Mr. MARTIN submitted the following resolution ( S. Res. to-day. ' 152), which was read, considered by unanimous consent, and Mr. SHAFROTH. I desire to announce the unavoidable ab­ agreed to : sence of my colleague [Mr. THOMAs ] on account of illness. Resolved, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives Mr. SHIELDS. I wish to announce the absence of my col­ that a quorum of the -Senate is assembled and that the Senate is ready league [Mr. McKELLAB] on account of illness. to proceed to business. Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. I desire to announce the unavoid­ NOTIFICATION TO THE PRESIDENT. able absence of my colleague [Mr. HuGHEs] on account of Mr. MARTIN submitted the following resolution (S. Res. illness. 153), which was read, considered by unanimous consent, and J.\,Ir. ASHURST. I have been requested to announce that the agreed to. Senator from Montana [Mr. MYERS], the Senator from Wash­ ResoLved, That a committee consisting of two Senators be appointed to ington [Mr. PoiNDEXTER], the Senato:c from Kansas [Mr. THoMP­ joill. such a committee as may be appointed by the House of Representa­ tives to wait upon the President of the United States and inform him soN], and the Senator from Utah [l\fr. KING] are necessarily that a quorum of each House is assembled and that Congress is ready t o absent from the Senate because of official business. ;receive any communication he may be pleased to make. l 2 CONGRESSIONAL R;EOO:J1D-HOUSE. DECEl\IBER 3, The VICE PRESIDENT appointed as the committee Mr. ALABAMA. S. Hubert Deiit, j"r. ' William B. 01iver. MARTIN and 1\Ir. GALLINGER. Henry B. SteagalL Edwa:ru B. Almon. HOUR OF DAILY MEETING. Fred L. Blackmon. George Huddleston. J. Thomas Heflin. William B. Bankhead. ~RTIN Mr. submitted the following resolution {S. Res. ARIZONA. 154), which was read, considered by unanimous consent, and Carl Hayden. agreed to : .ARKA.NSAS. Resolvea, That the hour of daily meeting of the Senate be 12 o'clock Thaddeus H. Caraway. Otis Wingo. meridian until otherwise ordered. William A. Oldfield. Samuel M. Taylor. DEA.TH OF SENATOR PAUL 0. RUSTING. John N. Tillman. William S. Goodwin. Mr. LA FOLLETTE. Mr. President, with great personal sOT­ CALIFORNIA. ~ow, shared, I am certain, by the Members of this body, it be­ Clarence F. Lea. Charles H. Randall. John E. Raker. · Henry Z. Osborne. -comes my sad duty to formally announce the death of my late John I. Nolan. William Kettper. ..colleague, Senator P A.UL 0. BusTING. He died in Wisconsin Denver S. Church. under tr~gic circumstances, without precedent and parallel, I COLORADO. believe, in the history of this bony. Charles B. Timberlake. Edward Keating. The present time and occasion do not admit of a suitable testi­ CON~lilCTICU'.r. monial to my late colleague, but hereafter and during the present Augustine Lonergan. John Q. Tilson. session I shall ask the Senate to set apart a day when appropriate Richard P. Freeman. James r. Glyun. tribute may be paid to his memory. DELAWARE. l\fr. President, I send the following resolutions to the desk and Albert F. Polk. ask for their adoption. FLORIDA. - The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secretary will read the reso- Herbert J. Drane. Frank Clark. GEORGIA.• lutions. Jaml:'s W. Overstreet. ·Gordon Lee. The resolutions {S. Res. 155) were read, considered by unani­ Frank Park. Charles H. Brand. mous consent, and unanimously agreed to, as follows: Charles R. Crisp. Carl Vinson. William C. Adamson. William W. Larsen. Resolvea, That the Senate bas heard with profound sorrow of the James W. Wise. death of the Hon. PAUL 0. HosTING, late a Senator from the State of IDAHO. Wisconsin. Resolvea.:.. That the Secretary communicate these resolutions to the Addison T. Smith. Burton L. French. House of .Kepresentatives and transmit a copy thereof to the family ILLINOIS. of the deceased. Martin B. Madden. Ctifi'ord Ireland. Mr. LA FOLLETTE. Mr. President, as a further mark of William W, Wilson.
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    Butler University Digital Commons @ Butler University Butler Alumnal Quarterly University Special Collections 1926 Butler Alumnal Quarterly (1926) Butler University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.butler.edu/bualumnalquarterly Part of the Other History Commons Recommended Citation Butler University, "Butler Alumnal Quarterly (1926)" (1926). Butler Alumnal Quarterly. 14. https://digitalcommons.butler.edu/bualumnalquarterly/14 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Special Collections at Digital Commons @ Butler University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Butler Alumnal Quarterly by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Butler University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE BUTLER ALUMNAL QUARTERLY yjr ^'{ APRIL, 1926 INDIANAPOLIS Entered as second-class matter March 26, 1912, at the post office at Indianapolis, Ind., under the Act of March 3, 1879. CONTENTS The Beginnings of Butler College Lee Burns The Founders op Butler College Demarchus C. Brown Founders^ Day Dinner Talks Journalism at Butler College H. E. Birdsong The Modern College Professor Arthur G. Long The Divine Right of Alumni Monticello George A. Schumacher The Duffer's Hope—A poem Clarence L. Goodwin College News Harlan 0. Page From the City Office Athletics Recent College Affiliation Honored Students A Loved Landmark Moores' Lincoln Collection Butler Publications ''Butler Day" in Chicago Women's League Alumni Scholarships Commencement Class Reunions Butler DRIFT Personal Mention Marriages Births Deaths Notice Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from Lyrasis IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/butleralumnalqua15butl BU I LER ALUMNAL QUARTERLY Vol. XV APRIL, 1926 No. 1 THE BEGINNINGS OF BUTI.ER COLLEGE By Lee Burns A characteristic of the American people has been their con- stant interest in the cause of education.
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