El sirventès en la poesia catalana dels segles XIV-XV: un catàleg Albert Tomàs Monsó Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
[email protected] https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1475-3973 Received 10/04/2018; accepted 08/06/2018 DOI: https://doi.org/10.7203/MCLM.5.12285 The sirventes in fourteenth- and fifteenth-century Catalan poetry: a catalogue Abstract The sirventes of the troubadour era has been broadly studied, but there are not overall explanations concerning the evolution of the sirventes genre in the Catalan-speaking lands of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. This paper propounds a catalogue of sirventesos concerning its historical development, the troubadour models, rhetorical and grammatical treatises, and genre assignment in rubrics.Our catalogue contains thirty-one Catalan sirventesos, including twenty-eight extant items and three items lost. In some cases the literary motifs of the sirventes cross boundaries in a process of poetic hybridization with other moral genres which borrow out themes, images and rhetorical strategies from the sirventes. In order to reflect this complexity, our catalogue also includes an annex with twenty-seven texts that are not properly sirventesos but, due to their idiosyncrasy, can be placed in the periphery of the genre. Keywords Medieval Catalan poetry; sirventes; war poetry; moral poetry; maldit; troubadour poetry; rhetorical and grammatical treatises; literary genres; catalogue. Magnificat Cultura i Literatura Medievals 5, 2018, 71-114. http://ojs.uv.es/index.php/MCLM ISSN 2386-8295 72 Tomàs, ‘El sirventès en la poesia catalana dels segles XIV-XV’ resum A diferència del que s’esdevé amb el sirventès trobadoresc, manquen aproximacions de conjunt que expliquin la continuïtat d’aquest gènere durant els segles XIV-XV als territoris de parla catalana.